Unit 3: Sitcom: My Family Is Coming in One Hour! Scene 1
Unit 3: Sitcom: My Family Is Coming in One Hour! Scene 1
Unit 3: Sitcom: My Family Is Coming in One Hour! Scene 1
1. Bob gives the correct information about 4. After cleaning the counter, Bob the
Cheryl’s . information on his hand.
a. cousin and brother a. could read
b. uncle and nephew b. couldn’t read
c. brother-in-law and nephew c. completed
2. Cheryl and Mrs. Morris the names on 5. At the end, Bob says, “I’ll be in the for
Bob’s hand. a while.”
a. see a. kitchen
b. don’t see b. living room
c. ask about c. bathroom
3. Mrs. Morris asks Bob to clean .
a. the counter
b. his hands
c. the floor