Step 3: Ideating and Brainstorming
Step 3: Ideating and Brainstorming
Step 3: Ideating and Brainstorming
Ideation is a process of generating ideas for the solutions to the problems you have identified.
You’ll start with the questions you identified during the Define phase and challenge your team
to think broadly and with an open mind. This is where the true creative thinking happens. The goal
is not to find the best solution, it’s to think of as many solutions as possible, even crazy ones!
You’ll determine which ideas and solutions are the best later during prototyping and testing.
You will likely return to this phase again, after trying out some of your ideas. During the first
ideation round, focus on generating as many broad ideas as possible. As you’ve learned more
about what works and what doesn’t, your subsequent ideation rounds can become more narrow,
although you still want to keep minds open for ideas you had not thought of the first time.
Encourage your team to completely ignore obvious solutions and remind them that risk taking
and divergent thinking are valued—there are no bad ideas. This is also an important time to
harness the power of diversity and different perspectives, especially bringing in people who have
no experience in this area. The brainstorming lecture and worksheet offer additional strategies that
are important for any idea generation method.
There are a number of techniques to push your creative team to think WAY outside of the box.
For instance:
1) Add constraints, such as removing certain options or requiring others. For example, you could
ask the team to generate ideas based on the notion that there are no computers to use. Or, you could
encourage them to think of solutions that would lead to a 10 times improvement rather than a slight
Will you be ideating and prototyping concurrently? If so, how will you move between idea
generation and into prototyping?
3) Mind mapping, which we talked about in the creative thinking section, is another great tool for
ideation and it works well with groups or individually.
Look at the mind mapping activity and decide, will you be using this method?
4) Brainstorming, which we discuss in a separate video, is the ideal method for ideating. See
the attachment that accompanies the brainstorming video.
After you’ve brainstormed or otherwise generated your ideas, you will need to work with your
team to narrow down the list and identify the ones most likely to work, or most intriguing. This is
where you begin to evaluate the viability of each idea.
Voting Method: One simple method for this is to have each team member vote for their favorite,
or top 3 favorites, and explain their rational for their choice.
Story Mapping, which we used during the empathy phase and elsewhere, is great method for
narrowing down your list of ideas. Again, get out your sticky notes and divide a collaborate wall
into quadrants, asking team members to take the ideas they like best or that stand out and place
them into different categories. You can use the recommended categories or create your own:
The Rational Choice, The Most Likely to Delight, The Longshot, or The Most Unexpected. After
this, you may need to use the voting method to narrow ideas further.
In the end, you’ll want to carry forward multiple (usually 2 or 3) of the most promising ideas into
prototyping. Of course, you can prototype more, depending on the complexity of your ideas and
the type of prototypes. If there are too many good ideas to narrow down, select the ones that
represent the most extreme of each general type of idea. Prototyping these will help you determine
which direction is the most promising. You can always return to this phase later, after learning
more through prototyping and then testing.
How many ideas do you need your team to narrow down to?
What will you do to aid this, such as choosing extremes or voting to narrow further, if needed?