The Effects of Interactive Word Walls On English Language Learner
The Effects of Interactive Word Walls On English Language Learner
The Effects of Interactive Word Walls On English Language Learner
Catherine University
Recommended Citation
Curtis, Jessica A.. (2018). The Effects of Interactive Word Walls on English Language Learners’ Academic
Vocabulary Acquisition. Retrieved from Sophia, the St. Catherine University repository website:
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Jessica Curtis
The purpose of this study was to determine if the implementation of interactive word walls
influenced student academic vocabulary acquisition and the academic achievement of students in
a tenth-grade biology unit with a focus on English Language Learners (ELL). This study took
place in a midsized suburban high school in a midwestern state with 64 tenth-grade biology
students. A mixed methods research approach was employed that included analysis of pre- and
post-tests, weekly formative assessments (quick writes), observation tallies of student word wall
usage, student feedback, and a reflective teacher journal. The data showed that the interactive
word wall was effective in helping students gain a stronger understanding of content-specific
vocabulary. Both ELL and non-ELL students’ academic vocabulary increased, however ELL
students and traditionally low performing students benefited from the use of the word wall the
most. It is recommended that implementation of interactive word walls be used in high school
science settings.
It is not uncommon for students in science classes to feel overwhelmed by all the new
vocabulary they encounter and wonder why it feels like they are learning a new language. The
sheer amount of content specific vocabulary in science courses can make science classrooms a
daunting place for anyone. Throw in all of the other challenges students face, such as not
speaking English as a first language, and learning science can seem like an insurmountable
challenge. Content specific vocabulary, also known as academic vocabulary, is simply one
component of learning and it is intertwined within larger, more complex concepts students
Educators have observed that students who are also an English Language Learner (ELL)
struggle to meet their potential despite working hard. Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment
(MCA) scores support these teacher observations; 2007 MCA data shows 54.2 percent of all
students in Minnesota either meet or exceed the science standards compared to only 7 percent of
Minnesota’s ELL student population (MN Department of Education, 2017). Despite districts
implementing afterschool and summer programs, there is a need to make changes to better
support students’ understanding of science. This has led to educators focusing on the question of
how teachers can help students to get a stronger, more confident grasp on the academic
Language and vocabulary are crucial to literacy and academic success for all students
(Biemiller, 2006; Nagy & Townsend, 2012); and while academic vocabulary is crucial for all
students, it is especially crucial for the academic success of ELL students (Shanahan & Beck,
2006; Snow, 2009). Studies have shown that increasing the academic vocabulary proficiency of
ELL students increases their understanding of content concepts (Kieffer, Lesaux, Rivera, &
Francis, 2009). In particular, the large amount of complex academic vocabulary associated with
science is the cause of considerable challenges to the academic learning of science concepts for
ELL students (Shanahan & Beck, 2006; Snow & Uccelli, 2009).
Research has shown that visual cues (Yates, Curthral, & Rose, 2011) and the pairing of
ELL and native English speakers for cooperative work, which encourages student talk and the
use of academic vocabulary, are successful in increasing student learning (Zarifi & Taghavi,
2016). Interactive word walls provide word rich environments that incorporate both visual cues
and cooperative work resulting in benefits to all learners by increasing their understanding and
application of vocabulary (Harmon, Wood, Hedrick, Vintinner, & Willeford, 2009; Vintinner,
Harmon, Wood & Stover, 2015). Research shows that interactive word walls are an effective
strategy for increasing the academic vocabulary, and thus overall academic achievement, for
both native English speaker and ELL students (Jackson & Ash, 2012; Southerland, 2011; Zarifi
building on prior knowledge. If there is a gap between prior knowledge and the new content
being learned, an individual will not be able to make the needed connections to learn the new
material. ELL students have a gap between their prior academic vocabulary knowledge and the
academic content language taught in school which causes a barrier to their learning.
Other (MKO) can help to bridge the gap between a student's prior knowledge and content being
learned. Vygotsky (1986) discussed the importance of language in the development of cognitive
thought. He suggests that to fully engage in cognitive thought one needs to develop strong
language skills. The pairing of an MKO and an ELL student during cooperative work, as well as
will help to bridge learning gaps related to academic vocabulary. Thus, the use of an interactive
word wall targeting academic vocabulary helps to bridge the gap between prior knowledge and
The purpose of this action research study is to explore interactive word walls as a strategy
to help ELL students learn academic vocabulary, while also aiming to benefit the non-ELL
students. The research will strive to answer the following question: What effects does the
implementation of interactive word walls have on student vocabulary acquisition and academic
Learners? To answer this question, all students in a general biology course created and used an
interactive world wall during an eight-week unit of study. The research took place in a 10th-
grade general biology class in a traditional public high school setting. Student success was
analyzed in subgroups with a focus on ELL students. The other subgroups analyzed consisted of
It is important to specifically improve the educational experience for students that do not
speak English as their home language because, if they do not qualify for ELL service, they are
easily overlooked and not always given the support they need. Despite many ELL students
speaking fluent conversational English, many still struggle with their academic vocabulary and
academic language which affects classroom performance and learning. All students deserve a
quality education and a positive school experience. Ensuring educators have the best tools to
help struggling students is important because a student’s experiences during their 12 years in the
Review of Literature
The number of English language learners (ELLs) in the United States has risen over the
past 50 years (Minnesota Department of Education, 2017). This, paired with the low academic
achievement of ELL students in the mainstream high school setting, has made the question of
how best to serve ELL students in the general education classroom a critical one (Minnesota
Department of Education, 2017). There are many different strategies specific to ELL students
instructors can use within their lessons. Knowing which strategies are the most effective is a
challenge. Teachers may find themselves asking, ‘What are effective ELL strategies that
important because quality teaching increases learning in the classroom and better prepares all
This literature review will explore the role of content specific academic vocabulary in
student success with an emphasis on ELL students and examine interactive word walls as a
teaching strategy. Literature has shown that academic language is one of the essential
components to success for ELL students’ academic achievement (Kieffer et al., 2009).
Academic Vocabulary
There are many factors that hinder the teaching/learning of science in general, and
biology teaching/learning specifically, but the importance of academic vocabulary stands out as
one of the most difficult. Studies have shown that high school general biology courses involved
the learning of more vocabulary than first-year foreign language courses (Groves, 1995; Yager,
1983). Through the analysis of textbooks, Thonney found that within a biology course students
are expected to know between 1694 to 1899 new terms per course with an estimate of 2.42-2.96
new terms per full page of text (Thonney, 2016). This was more than all the other subjects
examined with the exception of first-year Spanish and French classes. According to Snow
(2010), the impact of academic vocabulary on student learning is amplified in biology because
the vocabulary is layered, with new terms referring to new concepts and the understanding of the
new vocabulary dependent on the students’ prior knowledge of science vocabulary (Thonney,
considerable challenges to the learning of biology concepts for ELL students (Shanahan & Beck,
Academic vocabulary in general has more nouns and complex abstract words that are not
commonly used in everyday conversational English (Nagy & Townsend, 2012). Academic
vocabulary, otherwise known as cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP), takes longer
skills (BICS), with a lag of five to seven years (Collier, 1989; Cummins, 1981). New research
suggests it takes five to 10 years for emergent bilinguals to achieve linguistic skills equivalent to
their monolingual peers (Collier & Thomas, 2002). ELL students that received instruction in
their home language for two to three years took four to seven years to achieve CALP fluency
while ELL students who did not receive any instruction in their home language took seven to 10
years (Collier & Thomas, 2002). Research by Levin and Shohamy (2008) found that it may take
even longer for ELL speakers to achieve native speakers’ level of CALP skills, and that this level
of achievement could take as long as 11 years. The research on the CALP-BICS gap
demonstrates that classrooms have students that may sound like fluent, native speakers during
conversations yet, due to their unapparent deficiency in CALP skills, their struggles with school
Language and vocabulary are key to literacy, reading comprehension, and academic
success (Biemiller, 2006; Nagy & Townsend, 2012). Kieffer et al. (2009) completed a meta-
analysis and found a connection between academic vocabulary and academic science
achievement of ELL students. High achievement was associated with high academic language
proficiency. When students increase their academic language, they gain a better understanding
Importance of visual cues. A traditional word wall is a visual tool used to post
academic vocabulary on the wall of a classroom (Jackson & Narvaez, 2013; Jackson, Trepp, &
Cox, 2011; Jackson, Wise, Zurbuchen, & Gardner, 2017). An interactive word wall is a
traditional word wall that groups words based on relationships to one another forming a graphic
organizer, word map, or diagram (Jackson et al., 2011; Yates et al., 2011). Grouping the words
helps students to make connections between words increasing academic language acquisition
(Jackson et al., 2011; Yates et al., 2011). Word walls can take many forms and can include
images, (e.g., drawings and photographs), as added visual cues (Jackson et al., 2011). They can
include real items, also called realia, when items are available and appropriate to display
(Jackson & Narvaez, 2013; Jackson et al., 2011). Examples of realia on a word wall related to
physical properties of insulation included a styrofoam cup, ceramic mug, wooden spoon, and
plastic spoon (Jackson & Narvaez, 2013). Literature has also shown that interactive word walls
implemented within the general education classroom are an effective strategy for increasing
content specific academic vocabulary (Harmon et al., 2009; Jackson & Ash, 2012; Southerland,
2011; Vintinner et al., 2015; Yates et al., 2011) and are an effective teaching tool because they
act as scaffolding that includes, but is not limited to, visual cues and authentic interactions of
Importance of interacting with word walls. Interactive word walls provide word rich
environments that benefit not just ELLs but all learners by increasing students’ understanding
and application of vocabulary (Harmon et al., 2009; Jackson, 2014; Vintinner et al., 2015; Yates
et al., 2011). The interactive aspect of word walls is essential in creating a word rich
environment that lends itself to increased cooperative learning and authentic use of vocabulary.
This occurs as students refer to the wall within breakout sessions and any number of class
activities (Vintinner et al., 2015). According to research by Jackson and Ash (2012), when
interactive word walls were used in an authentic, engaging manner there was an increase in high
stakes test scores for all students, including ELL students. Harmon et al. (2009) found similar
positive effects of interactive word walls on student learning. Their research was completed over
a six-week period with 44 seventh graders. They found that the students receiving instruction
with an interactive word wall, “demonstrated a sustained higher level of understanding of the
word meanings and were able to successfully apply them to the meaningful prompts” (Harmon et
There are endless variations and opportunities for creative interactions with word
walls. Yates et al. (2011) examined word wall use within a rural public middle school. The
entire 8th-grade teaching staff implemented interactive word walls in their classrooms while
simultaneously creating a multi-content word wall in the hallway. After this intervention was
implemented, all eighth-grade students achieved proficiency in all of the state-tested content
areas. Additionally, science scores increased by a staggering 17.8 percent (Yates et al.,
2011). The middle school went from not meeting Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) before word
result of their research, Yates et al. (2011) recommended interactive word walls be used in
Jackson (2013) conducted in-depth research with 115 sixth grade students to determine
the effectiveness of interactive word walls as a teaching strategy. They found that when
interactive word walls were used, “the percent of students passing is expected to increase by 25
percent and the mean test scores are predicted to increase by 12.56 points” (Jackson, 2013, p.
22). As a result of the implementation of interactive word walls, students qualifying for 504,
ELL, or special education services benefited to the same degree as the general education students
(Jackson, 2013).
It is important that students participate in the creation of a word wall. Jackson et al.,
(2017) stated,
Interactive word walls are planned by teachers but constructed by students. As students
create interactive word walls, the process enables them to build on prior knowledge, have
multiple encounters with new academic vocabulary, and connect learning to inquiry
During the creation stage, Vintinner et al., (2015) suggested that having the students create word
cards with images and allowing them to decide how to group the vocabulary into relationships
After students have helped to create a word wall, it is imperative they continue
interacting with it (Harmon et al., 2009; Vintinner et al., 2015). For word walls to be most
effective, they need to be more than a reference (Vintinner et al., 2015). Research shows that
student interaction with word walls needs to be authentic and allow for repetitive use of
academic vocabulary words through writing, speaking, discussing, and listening (Fránquiz &
Salinas, 2013; Vintinner at al., 2015). According to Zarifi and Taghavi (2016), cooperative
learning increased the learning of ELL students. They completed an 8-week research study with
50 English as a foreign language (EFL) students. In the study, half of the students learned
grammar through cooperative learning and the other half through traditional methods. The
results of their study showed the students in the cooperative learning group achieved
significantly higher scores on their exams (Zarifi & Taghavi, 2016). Using cooperative learning
to interact with academic vocabulary on an interactive word wall is beneficial to ELL students as
it provides them opportunities to listen and speak in an authentic way (Fránquiz & Salinas, 2013;
Current research suggests that increasing academic vocabulary and language proficiency
with the help of interactive word walls can increase ELL students’ academic achievement
(Jackson & Ash, 2012; Southerland, 2011; Zarifi & Taghavi, 2016). Word walls increase
academic vocabulary and language proficiency through student interactions with the wall. These
interactions include the creation and maintenance of the wall, utilizing visual cues that include
connections between words, cooperative learning that encourages student talk, and authentic use
of the vocabulary (Jackson & Ash, 2012; Southerland, 2011; Zarifi & Taghavi, 2016).
at the elementary level and some research at the middle school level. However, there is a gap in
the literature as very little research has been conducted related to the effectiveness of interactive
word walls in grades 9-12, specifically within mainstream biology courses. Additionally, very
little quantitative research has been conducted related to the effectiveness of interactive word
The literature has overwhelmingly supported the idea that understanding academic
vocabulary is crucial to the academic success of all students, but is especially crucial for the
success of ELL students (Kieffer et al., 2009). Research shows that interactive word walls are an
effective strategy for increasing students’ understanding of academic vocabulary and thus the
overall academic achievement of both native English speakers and ELLs (Harmon et al., 2009;
Jackson & Ash, 2012; Southerland, 2011; Vintinner at al., 2015; Yates et al., 2011).
This research was conducted in a suburban high school with 940 students in a
Midwestern state. In the school 5.57% of the students received free and reduced lunch. The
research included 64 students between the ages of 15 and 17 in a 10th-grade biology course
consisting of three sections. All three sections had the same instructor and curriculum. Of the 64
students included in the study, 83% were white/non-Hispanic, 8% were Hispanic, 3% were
Asian/Pacific Islander, 5% were Black, and 1.6% identified with two or more ethnicities. ELL
students made up 9.4% of the research participants, speaking Spanish, Vietnamese, and Amharic
as their first languages. The research was conducted during an eight-week human anatomy and
physiology unit.
After data for all 64 students was collected, 24 students were randomly selected for data
analysis. Six students from each of the following subgroups were analyzed: historically high
students, and ELL students. The subgroup size was limited by the total number of ELL students
(n=6) in the course. For each subgroup, all the students’ names from that subgroup were put in a
box and 6 names were randomly drawn. Though only 6 students from each subgroup were
selected for data analysis, word wall strategies were implemented in the same way for all
students in the class, ensuring the action research was fair and equal for all students. The
students included in the study did not have to do anything above and beyond the other students
since all aspects of the study, including data collection tools, were part of the regular class
Data Collection
To get a baseline for comparison, students took a pre-test before the start of the unit
(Appendix A). The pre-test was identical to the post-test given at the end of the unit. The pre-
and post-tests were used to measure students’ learning during the unit and to help determine
Student feedback was collected to help understand student perceptions related to the
vocabulary. Student feedback also provided information related to students’ confidence in using
implementation of the word wall and its interactive strategies during the unit (Appendix B), and
the at the end of the unit (Appendix C). Feedback from the end of unit included two extra
questions specific to word walls. Data from both student feedback forms helped to determine
what role students believed word walls played in their learning of content-specific academic
implementation techniques.
Implementation of the interactive word wall began the first day of the eight-week human
anatomy unit and continued throughout the entire unit. All classroom strategies used during the
creation of the interactive word wall, as well as ongoing interactions with the word wall
throughout the unit, were completed with students as a normal aspect of the class. The class
created the word wall together as academic vocabulary was introduced. This process became a
part of learning the vocabulary. While taking into consideration the meaning and relationships
of the words, the class gave input as to where the words should be placed on the word
wall. Students also included visuals, such as drawings or pictures, to enhance visual connection
For the first three sets of words included on the word wall, the teacher provided a list of
the words to be included and students worked within informal cooperative groups to come up
with suggestions for word placement and visual enhancements (e.g., drawings or
diagrams). Once the class agreed upon a plan, students were encouraged to volunteer to add to
the wall in various ways. Students who excelled in drawing volunteered to draw pictures, others
printed out images, some students wrote words on papers, others cut out the various paper
Once the students had gained an understanding of what interactive word walls were and
how they worked, the teacher stopped providing the list of vocabulary words to be included on
the word wall. The students were then responsible for creating the list of words that would be
added to the word wall. Guidance was provided when necessary, however. For example, when
students included too many words not connected to the learning topic, or if students missed a key
vocabulary word, the teacher intervened. One adjustment occurred after the second week of the
study. This adjustment included formalization of the cooperative teams during use of the
interactive word wall by assigning groups of three to four. Once each cooperative group came
up with a list of words to include on the wall, the class came together as a whole, combining lists
and agreeing on one final version. This same process was used for decisions related to the
grouping and placement of words as well as the visuals that were included on the word
wall. Once a set of words were added to the word wall, students referred back to the wall as
needed during labs, animal dissections, classroom activities, and formative assessments.
Formative assessments, called quick writes, were completed four times throughout the
research study for a total of four quick writes (Appendix D). In each quick write, students were
given a list of four academic vocabulary words and were asked to define or explain the given
words to the best of their ability. The four words were randomly chosen, and only represented a
few of the total words added to the word wall from the week. The quick write data provided
information related to students’ understanding of academic language over the course of the
unit. The quick writes were completed by the students after the words had been learned in class
An observation tally of student word wall usage was completed once a week for 10
minutes during class. This was done to determine whether students utilized the word wall
independently during class to help them remember academic vocabulary. To allow the
teacher/researcher to meet the needs of all students during class, the observation was completed
Lastly, a reflective teacher journal (Appendix E) was kept to document students’ daily
struggles and successes related to academic vocabulary. The teacher journal included photos
documenting the evolution of the word wall. This journal allowed the teacher to reflect on the
process of creating and implementing the interactive word wall. Teacher reflection was
completed on a bi-weekly basis throughout the research study and helped to determine whether
Analysis of Data
To best answer the question, “What effects does the implementation of interactive word
walls have on student vocabulary acquisition and academic achievement of students in a tenth-
grade biology unit with a focus on English Language Learners?”, a mixed methods research
approach was used that included both primary and secondary data sources. Pre- and post-tests,
quick writes, observation tallies, and student feedback were used as primary data
sources. Student feedback, reflective teacher journal, and photographs of the word wall were
used as secondary data sources. The methods of data analysis will be described in the first
To analyze the pre and post-tests, the tests were corrected and each test was given a total
score. Each student had two scores, one for their pre-test and one for their post-test. Numeric
comparisons between the students’ pre- and post-test scores were used to help answer the
research question.
Quick writes were a formative assessment given once a week. Each quick write
consisted of four content-specific vocabulary words randomly selected from the many words
students incorporated on the word wall for that week. Since only a small portion of the academic
vocabulary words added to the word wall were assessed, the quick writes acted as a weekly mini-
check of students’ understanding of the unit’s content vocabulary. The quick writes were coded
using a standardized method (Appendix F). This coding method assigned a point value of zero
through four for each of the four words on the quick write. A score of zero indicated the student
did not attempt to explain the word. A score of one meant they attempted to explain the word,
but their explanation was incorrect. A score of two represented a partially correct answer. A
score of three indicated the answer was correct at a basic level, and a score of four represented an
exemplary explanation demonstrating a deep understanding of the word and its related concepts.
The scores for all four vocabulary words were added up for a total score out of a possible 16
points each week. The total score was recorded weekly for each student. Numeric comparisons
The video observation tally of student word wall usage was also coded using a
standardized method. The ELL subgroup and a randomly selected set of students were observed,
and a tally was recorded of how many times each of the selected students looked at or referenced
the word wall (Appendix G). To randomly select students for observation, all students’ names
(not identified as ELL) were put in a box, and six students were randomly drawn. Numeric
comparison of tallies across the ELL subgroup and the non-ELL subgroup were then made.
qualitative and quantitative Likert Scale questions. The open-ended responses were coded and
categorized based on commonalities. The number and type of categories varied depending on
the nature of the question. If a student response spanned different categories, the response was
divided between the categories. A percent of the number of responses was then tallied for each
student subgroup. The Likert Scale questions included the responses of strongly agree, agree,
disagree, and strongly disagree. Student responses were analyzed using word counts. Each
response within the Likert Scale was tallied and compared to student subgroups. Both categories
and word counts were then compared within the questions and between the pre- and post-unit
The teacher observation journal was used as a secondary data source. Quotes of teacher
observations, statements, and questions from the written portion of the journal were used to
support analysis of the primary data. Within the teacher observation journal, photographs of the
word wall were used to show key developments in the word wall throughout the unit.
All students’ median test scores increased from pre-test to post-test (Figure 1). ELL
students had a median pre-test score of 19 out of 42 (or 45%) correct and demonstrated their gain
in knowledge by increasing their median score on the post-test to 29 out of 42 (or 69%) correct.
The non-ELL students had a median pre-test score of 21 out of 42 (or 50% correct) and a median
Figure 1. Comparison of median pre-test and post-test scores for ELL and non-ELL students.
ELL students increased their performance from pre-test to post-test by 23.8% (Figure 2).
Non-ELL students increased their medial test scores by 28.6% from pre-test to post-test,
resulting in a 4.8% higher gain than the ELL students. This is very minimal considering the
Figure 2. ELL and non-ELL students’ percent increase in median test scores from pre-test to
The results from quick writes one, two, three, and four were broken down into two
student subgroups: ELL students and non-ELL students (Figure 3). ELL students’ showed
success on the quick writes with median scores of 8 to 10 points out of 12 total possible
points. The ELL scores were only slightly lower than the non-ELL students’ whose scores
ranged from 10 to 11 points. ELL students’ median scores on quick writes two, three, and four
only were one point lower than non-ELL students’ median scores. On quick write one ELL
students’ median scores were two points lower than non-ELL students.
the word wall will be discussed first. The average (mean) student responses to the question:
“How do you feel about learning new biology vocabulary on a scale of one (overwhelmed, low
confidence) to five (Great! Bring it on! High confidence)”, demonstrated a shift in attitude for all
four student subgroups (Figure 4). ELL students’ confidence was affected the most with their
mean scores increasing by 0.9 demonstrating the positive effect of the interactive word
wall. This increase in confidence level was explained by two of the ELL students, “It (the word
wall) helps identify the words we'll need to know” and “The pictures on the wall help me
remember what the words mean, especially the ones I drew.” The low performing students also
increased their confidence level by a mean of 0.5 (Figure 4). The word wall had the least effect
on the confidence of the traditionally average and high performing students. Apart from one
student, the confidence in the traditionally average subgroup did not change throughout the
study. The traditionally high performing students showed a decrease in their confidence by a
mean score of 0.7 (Figure 4). This is not surprising due the high achieving nature of the students
in this subgroup. High performing students are often highly self-critical and frequently voice the
need to improve despite their high level of performance. A traditionally high performing student
Vocabulary makes me feel a bit stressed. I worry about having to remember all the details
and I just want to do good on the test and don’t think I will be ready, but I usually do
Figure 4. Mean (average) student responses to the question: “How do you feel about learning
new biology vocabulary on a scale of one (overwhelmed, low confidence) to five (Great! Bring it
on! High confidence).”
Student responses to the question: “I think my teacher should continue using word walls”,
on a scale from strongly disagrees to strongly agrees, demonstrated that 68.8% of all biology
students in this study either strongly agreed or agreed with the statement (Figure 5). Students
that disagreed or strongly disagreed with the continued practice of word walls made up 14.6% of
all students, while 16.7% of the students remained neutral toward the statement (Figure 5).
Figure 5. Percent of all biology students’ responses to the statement, “I think my teacher should
continue using word walls.”
This same student feedback data was broken down by student subgroup for further
analysis (Figure 6). An overwhelming 100% of ELL students strongly agreed or agreed that
world walls should continue to be used by the teacher. One ELL student suggested, “it (the word
wall) helps identify the words we’ll need to know, and the pictures help me understand the words
better.” Eighty-three point three percent of the traditionally low students agreed or strongly
agreed that the teacher should continue the practice of word walls, only 16.7% of the
traditionally low students responded with neutral feelings, and 0% disagreed or strongly
disagreed that word walls should continue to be used in the classroom. The traditionally average
and high student subgroups showed the largest variation in student opinion toward the word
wall. Fifty percent of the traditionally high performing students supported the continued use of
word walls in class, 16.7% responded neutrally, and 33.3% of the high performing students
disagreed or strongly disagreed with continued use of word walls. Thirty-three percent of
traditionally average performing students agreed or strongly agreed with continued use of word
walls, 50% were neutral on the topic, and 16.7% disagreed or strongly disagreed that the teacher
Figure 6. Percent of student responses to the statement, “I think my teacher should continue
using word walls.”
Student feedback indicated that the visuals and word placements on the interactive word
wall were helpful in allowing students to make connections and see relationships between
words. In response to the statement: “The word wall helps me to see the relationships between
words”, a staggering 100% of ELL students agreed that the word wall helped them make
The video observation tally of student word wall usage provided a wide variation of
results ranging from observations with constant use to observations with zero use of the word
wall (Table 1). The variations depended on the nature of the lesson or activity. Observation
three had the highest word wall use with ELL students accessing the word wall an average of 10
times in a 10-minute time period. Non-ELL students averaged slightly higher at 10.8 times
within the same 10-minute time period. During observation three, students dissected a sheep
heart. Understanding the anatomy of the heart was necessary for students to be able to follow the
dissection directions. Students preferred to look at the word wall to identify vocabulary related
to heart anatomy instead of touching their notebooks/handouts with dirty hands. Observation
one had the second highest recorded observation rate. This observation included an activity
related to the skeletal system. ELL students accessed the word wall an average of 5.2 times in a
10 minute time period and non-ELL students accessed the wall an average of 5.7 times over the
same 10 minutes. Observation five included a review session in the form of a Kahoot! game.
During the 10-minute observation, ELL and non-ELL students all accessed the word wall an
average of four times. During observations two and four, students did not access the word wall
at all within the 10-minute observations. Observation two included a lab where students
measured their own reaction times and in observation four students read an article on the topic of
biomedical engineering. The vocabulary on the word wall was not needed for the completion of
these two lessons and resulted in the students not utilizing the word wall.
Table 1
Average Number of Times Students Accessed/Looked at the Word Wall During a 10-Minute
Observation Period.
Observation One Two Three Four Five
The word wall developed slowly over the course of 8 weeks. Week one did not include
any images and just included 16 vocabulary words grouped by function (Figure 7). Additions
made during week two included six images and 11 vocabulary words. The words continued to
Figure 7. Photograph of the word wall from week one and week two. Week one is located on
the green paper on the left and week two is on the yellow paper on the right.
Additions made during week three included 11 vocabulary words and two images (Figure
8). One of the images added this week was hand drawn by a student and the other was printed
by a student and added to the wall. Week four additions to the word wall included 10 vocabulary
words and one image. Four of the words from this week were represented in the image and four
Figure 8. Photograph of the word wall from week three and week four. Week three is located
on the red paper on the right and week four is on the yellow paper on the left.
Additions made in week five included six vocabulary words with each word represented on a
hand drawn diagram. Additions made during week six included 13 words all represented on a
hand-drawn diagram (Figure 9). As the unit progressed, the word wall expanded. Each week's
words were created on a separate large sheet of paper and then added to the word wall (Figure
Figure 9. Photograph of the word wall from Week five and week six. Week five is located on
the yellow paper on the right and week six is on the blue paper on the left.
Figure 10. Photograph of the completed word wall at the end of the unit.
Analysis of the reflective teacher journal focused on reflections specific to the successes
and challenges of students. Overall, teacher reflections demonstrated more successes than
challenges and indicated exciting moments when students used the word wall independently
during labs and dissections. One excerpt from the reflective teacher journal stated:
Today the students completed their chicken wing dissection and I observed them
regularly walking over to the word wall to help them answer questions and to understand
questions, but because of the word wall students could figure out the answers without my
help. As a result, students didn’t have to wait for my help and could work more
The reflections also indicated that on three different days many students took pictures of the wall
to access at home to help with completing assignments or studying for the test.
The combination of quantitative and qualitative data tells a story that supports an answer
to the research question. Overall, the interactive word wall had a positive effect on student
vocabulary acquisition and academic achievement of students in a tenth-grade biology unit. This
was evident not only with the general student population but even more so with the ELL
Action Plan
The purpose of this action research study was to explore interactive word walls as a
strategy to help ELL students learn academic vocabulary while also benefiting non-ELL
students. The research strived to answer the following question: What effects does the
implementation of interactive word walls have on student vocabulary acquisition and the
Language Learners? To answer this question, all students in a general biology course created
Increased scores on the post-test when compared to pre-test scores and students’
improved quick write scores were indicative of the positive impact of the interactive word wall
on student achievement. Evidence of this positive impact was supported by positive student
feedback on word walls, observation tallies that showed student use of the word wall as needed,
and positive teacher reflections. The data showed that the interactive word wall was effective in
helping students gain a stronger understanding of content-specific vocabulary. Both ELL and
non-ELL students’ academic vocabulary increased, yet ELL students and traditionally low
performing students benefited from use of the interactive word wall the most. Student feedback
from both the ELL students and the traditionally low performing students indicated they thought
the word wall was helpful and that the teacher should continue using word walls in the
future. The remainder of the students benefited from use of the interactive word walls, but not to
the same degree. Feedback from these students showed that their feelings were neutral toward
the word wall. Despite their ambivalence and mixed feelings, very few displayed a dislike of the
Student feedback indicated that the visuals and word placements on the interactive word
wall were helpful in allowing students to make connections and see relationships between
words. A staggering 100% of ELL students agreed that the word wall helped them make
Independent student use of the word wall was documented through video
analysis. Results of this analysis showed that students independently engaged with the word
wall by accessing the word wall as a resource when it was needed. This benefited the students by
This action research study had limitations. Data analysis was limited by the small
number (n=6) of ELL students in the study as well as student absences. It is recommended that
this study be replicated in a context where the number of ELL students are higher and in which
student absences occur less frequently. In response to this action research, I will continue using
After careful reflection on the student feedback, I will be adjusting implementation of the
interactive word wall. I will attempt to increase student interactions with the word wall using
cooperative learning activities to increase “student talk” in connection with content specific
curriculum. Students will self-assess their academic vocabulary knowledge by looking at the
wall to make a list of the words they know and understand and a list of the words that they still
need to work on. Each week we will have a word wall check-in and students will update and add
to their lists. Lastly, I will start taking pictures of the word wall and posting them on our class
The many successes of this study were accompanied by some difficulties, most of which
stemmed from the difficulty of implementing the interactive word wall within the structure of a
traditional high school setting. The biggest difficulty was having three different sections/classes
creating just one word wall and still engaging all students in the process. Next year I will
continue trying new ideas such as having the three sections rotate between making the large
version of the word wall and making a personalized hand-held version for their science
During data analysis it was observed that ELL students were absent more frequently than
their peers. Not only did the high rates of absences create difficulties in collecting data for this
action research, but also created more barriers for students as they attempted to learn the
academic vocabulary. It would be beneficial for future research to focus on ELL students’
absenteeism and why these increased number of absences may be occurring. There are many
possible causes that should be considered (e.g., family responsibilities, difficulty of the work, if
these students feel less connected to the school culture and community than their non-ELL
peers.) If we understand the reasons why ELL students are frequently absent, we will be better
word walls in a traditional, mainstream classroom at the high school level. Much of the research
has focused on the use of interactive word walls at the elementary level with some studies
conducted at the middle level. Challenges unique to the high school setting require further
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Appendix A
Pre/Post Unit Test
2. As the cells are pushed from the deeper portion of the epidermis toward the skin surface
4. When you are cold the smooth muscle in your skin contracts, standing your hair up. This is
a. Sweating b. Goosebumps
c. Sleeping d. Ducklumps
7. The blood vessels that supply oxygen to the skin cells are found in the
a. epidermis alone b. epidermis and the dermis
c. muscles alone d. dermis and hypodermis layer
8. Sweat glands
a. are only found in the armpits and groin
b. respond to elevated body temperatures
c. respond to emotional stress
d. both b and c
9. Which of the following is a normal response of your body when you are cold?
a. dermal blood vessels become constricted (goosebumps)
b. sweat glands become inactive
c. skeletal muscles contract involuntarily (shiver)
d. all of the preceding
16. In the stomach, fats are broken down by a dark green enzyme stored by the liver that is
a. pepsin b. saliva c. breaker downer d. bile
18. Bile or bile salts helps the small intestine break down
a. proteins b. fats c. carbohydrates d. sugars
19. Which organ in the digestive tract re-absorbs the fluids (when it fails to do the job the person
experiences bouts of diarrhea)
a. mouth b. stomach c. small intestine d. large intestine or colon
20. In the human heart you find four chambers, two of the chambers are ventricles and two
a. pulmonaries b. atriums c. cardiacs d. systemics
21. Which of the four chambers of the heart pumps oxygenated blood through the whole body?
a. left ventricle b. right ventricle c. vena cava d. aorta
23.What is the system called that removes the metabolic wastes from the system?
a. sweat b. excretory c. urinary d. intestinal
24. A lab technician performs a urine analysis and notes the patient should be tested for
diabetes. What was present in the urine sample?
a. low levels of protein b. crystallized calcium deposits
c. high levels of glucose d. antidiuretic hormones
26. The long fiber that carries the impulses away from the cell body are
a. myelin b. neuron c. axon d. dendrites
28. Why are the lungs made up the many tiny air sacs (alveoli) instead of one large sac?
a. To decrease surface area b. To increase surface area
c. Allows you to breathe faster d. Nobody knows
29. The flap on the top of the larynx that prevents food and water from going down the wrong
pipe is the
a. pyloric valve b. sphincter c. epiglottis d. peristalsis
30.The tube from the mouth to the bronchial tree is called the?
a. esophagus b. urethra c. trachea d. eusteacian
Figure 1
31. When you blow out candles on a birthday cake (exhale), which muscular structure in figure
one relaxes?
32. The soft tissue located in the ends of long bones, and that produce blood cells is called
__________________________ (yellow bone marrow or red bone marrow)
33. Circle your name on the answer sheet for a free point.
34. The epidermal cells are pushed toward the surface, cells then fill with a protein called
__________. (melanin or keratin)
35. _______________ is a pigment produced on the border between the epidermis and the
Put the correct number from column A on the diagram on the test answer sheet for the
following organs!
Column A
37. stomach [Put answers on answer sheet]
38. pancreas
39. large intestine
40. gallbladder
41. liver
42. Esophagus
Appendix B
Student Feedback Questions Prior to Word Wall Use
Vocabulary in Biology
Please answer questions honestly. Your responses will have no effect on my views of you as a
person/student or on your grade in this course and will be confidential.
1)What is your student identifier number? (this will be provided by your teacher)
3) Explain how you feel when we learn new vocabulary words in class.
Appendix C
Student Feedback Questions (Midway and End of Unit)
Please answer questions honestly. Your responses will have no effect on my views of you as a
person/student or on your grade in this course and will be confidential.
1. What is your student identifier number? (this will be provided by your teacher)
3) Explain how you feel when we learn new vocabulary words in class.
7) What could we do to make the word wall better? or How could we improve the use of words
walls in our class?
Appendix D
Quick Write
Name_________________________ Hour________
Here are academic vocabulary words from the week. Write out the meaning or explain
the given words the best you can.
1. Red marrow
2. Ligaments
4. Smooth muscle
Appendix E
Did these word walls seem to work with all of the students?
What successes and challenges did the students have during class today in relation to the word
wall or academic vocabulary?
• Challenges:
• Successes:
Appendix F
Student identifier
Word # 1
Word # 2
Word # 3
Word # 4
Total points
Appendix G
Number of time
student looked
at the word wall
Student Identifier:
Number of time
student looked
at the word wall
Student Identifier:
Number of time
student looked
at the word wall
Student Identifier:
Number of time
student looked
at the word wall
Student Identifier:
Number of time
student looked
at the word wall