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IM-09-A49-SOP For Mechanical Handling of Materials

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L&T Construction, Water & Effluent Treatment IC

SOP For Mechanical Handling of Materials

Document No: IM-09-A49 Revision No: 05 Date: 18/09/2018 Page 1 of 57


In addition to training and education, applying general safety principles—such as proper

work practices, equipment, and controls—can help reduce workplace accidents involving the
moving, handling, and storing of materials. Whether moving materials manually or
mechanically, employees should know and understand the potential hazards associated with
the task at hand and how to control their workplaces to minimize the danger. Because
numerous injuries can result from improperly handling and storing materials, workmen
should also be aware of accidents that may result from the unsafe or improper handling of
equipment as well as from improper work practices. In addition, workmen should be able to
recognize the methods for eliminating—or at least minimizing—the occurrence of such
accidents. Employers and employees should examine their workplaces to detect any unsafe
or unhealthful conditions, practices, or equipment and take corrective action.

In this procedure, various safe techniques of handling materials mechanically are explained.

What precautions should workmen take when moving materials mechanically?

Using mechanical equipment to move and store materials increases the potential for
employee injuries. Workmen must be aware of both manual handling safety concerns and
safe equipment operating techniques. Employees should avoid overloading equipment when
moving materials mechanically by letting the weight, size, and shape of the material being
moved dictate the type of equipment used. All materials handling equipment has rated
capacities that determine the maximum weight the equipment can safely handle and the
conditions under which it can handle that weight. Employers must ensure that the
equipment-rated capacity is displayed on each piece of equipment and is not exceeded
except for load testing.

Although workmen may be knowledgeable about powered equipment, they should take
precautions when stacking and storing material. When picking up items with a powered
industrial truck, workmen must do the following:
Center the load on the forks as close to the mast as possible to minimize the potential
for the truck tipping or the load falling,
Avoid overloading a lift truck because it impairs control and causes tipping over,
Do not place extra weight on the rear of a counterbalanced forklift to allow an overload,
Adjust the load to the lowest position when traveling,
Follow the truck manufacturer’s operational requirements, and
Pile and cross-tier all stacked loads correctly when possible.
Wire Rope:

Requirements of wire rope

A wire rope shall

Possess sufficient strength to take the maximum load that may be applied.

We are committed to achieve the “Zero Harm” across the sites of WET IC.”

EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

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L&T Construction, Water & Effluent Treatment IC
SOP For Mechanical Handling of Materials
Document No: IM-09-A49 Revision No: 05 Date: 18/09/2018 Page 2 of 57

Withstand repeated bending without failure of wires from fatigue.

Resist abrasion.
Withstand distortion and crushing.
Resist rotation.
Resist corrosion.
The following table illustrates how the design and construction of the rope can be varied to
give the best characteristics for specific service requirements:
Wire rope Service Requirements Wire rope Design Characteristics
Strength: The wire rope shall have sufficient Strength depends on size and grade and type
strength to support the load plus the necessary of core.
factor of safety

Flexibility or Resistance to Bending Fatigue: Strands containing larger number of smaller

The wire rope shall have the ability to bend over wires shall have greater the resistance to
small sheaves or wind onto relatively small bending fatigue.
drums without the wires breaking due to Lang lay has greater fatigue resistance to wear
bending fatigue. than regular lay.
Preforming increases resistance to bending
Resistance to Abrasion: the wire rope is Larger outer wires in the strand shall be able to
subjected to wear or abrasion as it passes withstand abrasive wear.
through operating sheaves under high pressure Lang lay has greater resistance to wear than
or comes in contact with stationary objects. regular lay.
Resistance to Crushing: Some wire ropes Independent Wire Rope Core (IWRC) provides
distort or flatten when they are forced to operate greater support for strands under heavy bearing
under heavy pressure in grooves that do not pressure.
provide ample support or on drums where
multiple lay winding occurs.
Resistance to Rotation: A wire rope may Wire ropes of non-rotating construction are
rotate as the load is applied. This could be recommended.
undesirable for load control and might lead to Regular lay provides greater stability than Lang
rapid deterioration of the wire rope. lay.
Wire rope with an IWRC twists less than those
with fibre cores.
Resistance to Corrosion: Wire rope may Galvanized or stainless steel wire offers
corrode if in contact with corrosive elements or excellent protection against corrosion. Special
it may rust when exposed to atmospheric lubricants can inhibit the development of rust.
conditions over a long period of time.
Construction of wire rope

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EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

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L&T Construction, Water & Effluent Treatment IC
SOP For Mechanical Handling of Materials
Document No: IM-09-A49 Revision No: 05 Date: 18/09/2018 Page 3 of 57

6x19 Fibre Core

8x19 Fibre Core

6x19 IWRC

A wire rope shall consist of many individual wires laid into a number of strands, which
are in turn laid around a centre core.A wire rope shall be described as explained below:
“100 m, 13 mm diameter, 6X25 Filler, Preformed, Improved Plow Steel Wire, IWRC, Lang
The meaning of each term is as follows:
100 m - Length of wire is ordered or recorded in feet
3 mm Diameter - Nominal Diameter of the rope
6 x 25 Filler - 6 Number of strands and 25 number of wires in
each strand
Preformed - A type of process assuring that each stand of the
rope is preformed to the helical to the helical shape
it will in the finished rope
Improved Plow Steel - Grade of used to make wires
IWRC - Independent Wire Rope Core (Steel Core)
Lang Lay - Indicates the direction of the strands and the
wires in the strands

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EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

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L&T Construction, Water & Effluent Treatment IC
SOP For Mechanical Handling of Materials
Document No: IM-09-A49 Revision No: 05 Date: 18/09/2018 Page 4 of 57

Arrangements of the wires in the strands of wire rope (shown in the above sketch) are
classified into the following four types:
Ordinary: This type of arrangement consists of wires of same diameter.
Seale: In this arrangement larger wires are used on the outside of the strand to resist
abrasion and smaller wires are inside the strand to provide flexibility.
Warrington: In this arrangement the alternate wires are large and small to combine flexibility
with resistance to abrasion.
Filler: In filler arrangement very small wire fill in the valleys between the outer wire and inner
rows of wires to provide good abrasion resistance and fatigue resistance.
i. The term rope lay signifies the direction of rotation of the wires and the strands in the
rope Rotation is either to right (clockwise) or left (anticlockwise). A rope lay is the length
along the rope in which one strand makes a complete revolution around the rope.
ii. The result is that the wire crown runs approximately parallel to the longitudinal axis of the
rope. These ropes are stable, have good resistance to kinking and twisting and are easy
to handle. They are also able to withstand considerable crushing and distortion due to the
short length of exposed wires.
iii. In regular lay ropes the wires in the strands are laid in one direction while the strands in
the rope are laid in the other direction.

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EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

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SOP For Mechanical Handling of Materials
Document No: IM-09-A49 Revision No: 05 Date: 18/09/2018 Page 5 of 57

iv. In lang lay ropes the wires in the strands and the strands in the ropes are laid in the same
direction. The outer wires run diagonally across the rope and are exposed for longer
lengths than in the Regular Lay Rope. With the outer wires presenting greater wearing
surfaces, Lang Lay Ropes have greater resistance to abrasion. They are also more
flexible and possess greater resistance to fatigue. They are more liable to kinking and
untwisting and are not capable of withstanding the same abuse from distortion and

v. Lang Lay Ropes shall have both ends

permanently fastened to prevent untwisting and as
such they should not be recommended for use on
single part hoistlines nor should they be used with
swivel end terminals.
vi. Alternate Lay ropes have 3 strands made with
Right Lay and 3 with Left Lay. The 6 strands are then
positioned in the finished rope so that right and left lay
strands are formed alternatively.
vii. Herringbone or Twin Strand have a
combination of right-hand laid and left-hand laid
strands. They usually consist of two pairs of the right-
hand laid strands (Lang Lay) and two single left laid strands (Regular Lay). The two
single left laid strands are separated by the pairs of right-hand strands. This
arrangement gives some of the stability of a Regular Lay Rope while retaining a good
portion of the bending characteristics of Lang Lay.

We are committed to achieve the “Zero Harm” across the sites of WET IC.”

EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

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L&T Construction, Water & Effluent Treatment IC
SOP For Mechanical Handling of Materials
Document No: IM-09-A49 Revision No: 05 Date: 18/09/2018 Page 6 of 57

The wires and strands in preformed rope are shaped in the manufacturing process to fit their
position in the finished rope. This removes the tendency of the wires and strands to
As a result:
1. They can be cut without seizing.
2. Broken rope ends do not untwist.
3. They are free from liveliness and
twisting tendencies which makes
installation and handling easier.
4. They are less likely to kink or foul.
5. They have increased resistance to
bending fatigue.
6. Each strand carries an equal share
of the load.
7. They cause less wear on sheaves
and drums.
8. Individual broken wires do not jut
out from the rope when broken.
They lie flat with the broken ends
only slightly separated. For this reason, preformed rope requires very careful inspection

We are committed to achieve the “Zero Harm” across the sites of WET IC.”

EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use © L&T Construction. All rights reserved
L&T Construction, Water & Effluent Treatment IC
SOP For Mechanical Handling of Materials
Document No: IM-09-A49 Revision No: 05 Date: 18/09/2018 Page 7 of 57

The core forms the heart of the rope and is the component around which the main rope
strands are laid. The core supports the strands and is intended to keep them from jamming
against or contacting each other under normal loads, which may result in internal abrasion.
The core may take one of several forms, depending on the conditions under which the rope
will be used.

Fibre Cores
Fibre cores are adequate for many types of service by providing
maximum flexibility and elasticity to the wire rope. While generally made
of hard fibres, usually sisal and occasionally manila, they may also be
manufactured from man-made fibres such as polypropylene or nylon.
These synthetic cores are less susceptible to compacting,
especially under moist conditions and are impervious to many acids.
A fibre core rope shall not be used in situations where it could be
exposed to temperatures at which fibre cores would be damaged. Rope
having an independent wire rope or wire strand core or other
temperature damage resistant core must be used.
Fibre core ropes shall not be used when multi-layer winding is used since they are
susceptible to crushing.

Steel Cores

Independent Wire Rope Armored Core

Steel Strand Core

Steel Cores increase the resistance of wire rope to abuse as they do not yield to the
compressive action of the outer strands as do fibre cores. This tends to preserve the
circular cross-section of the rope when it is crushed by over-winding or when it is bent
around small sheaves and drums while heavily loaded. They also prevent the strands
from bridging (bearing forcibly against each other) which can result in fatigue failure.\

We are committed to achieve the “Zero Harm” across the sites of WET IC.”

EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

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L&T Construction, Water & Effluent Treatment IC
SOP For Mechanical Handling of Materials
Document No: IM-09-A49 Revision No: 05 Date: 18/09/2018 Page 8 of 57

Wire cores stretch less and add to the strength of ropes but they are less resilient
than fibre core types and are less resistant to shock loads.

Factor of Safety
Factor of Safety of wire rope is defined as the ratio between Ultimate Strength of the rope
and Safe Working Load.
Factor of Safety = Breaking Strength / Safe Working Load
Minimum acceptable factor of safety for rigging ropes is 6
Minimum factor of safety for the ropes used for carrying personnel is 10

Safe Working Load (SWL)

SWL of a wire rope is derived by dividing Breaking Strenth of the rope with the Factor of
Safety. Breaking Strength is usually specified by the manufacturer.
Safe Working Load = Breaking Strength / Factor of Safety
Because of the difficulty in remembering the safe working loads of the common wire ropes,
the following thumb rule may be used to calculate SWL in Tonnes.

SWL = 8 x (Rope diameter in inch)2 Tonnes


SWL of ½ inch diameter wire rope = 8 x ½ x ½ Tonnes

= 2 Tonnes
SWL of 3/4 in diameter wire rope = 8 x ¾ x ¾ Tonnes
= 4.5 Tonnes

Inspection of Wire Rope

A wire rope on continuous service shall be observed during normal operation and visually
inspected on a weekly basis. A complete and thorough inspection of all ropes in use shall
be inspected at least once a month.
A wire rope which has been idle for a period of one month or more shall be given a
thorough inspection before put back into service.
A wire rope shall be tested before taking into use and examined by government
authorized competent person at least once a year.

We are committed to achieve the “Zero Harm” across the sites of WET IC.”

EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

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L&T Construction, Water & Effluent Treatment IC
SOP For Mechanical Handling of Materials
Document No: IM-09-A49 Revision No: 05 Date: 18/09/2018 Page 9 of 57

Broken Wires
The following are the minimum criteria for replacing a
wire rope:

a. In running ropes if ,

i. 3 or more broken wires in one strand in one lay

ii. 6 or more broken wires in one lay
iii. more than 10% of total wires in any length of 8
diameters of the wire rope

b. In pendants or standing ropes, there are three or

more broken wires in one rope lay.

c. In any rope there are one or more

broken wires near an attached
fitting. Wire breaks of this type
should be a cause for replacement
of the rope or renewal of the
attachment to eliminate the locally
fatigued area. Six to eight feet
should be cropped off the rope
below the socket.

d. In running ropes there is any evidence of wire

breaks in the valleys between strands. Breaks in
valleys between strands indicate an abnormal
condition, possibly fatigue or breakage of other
wires not readily visible. More than one of these
valley breaks in one rope lay should be a cause
for replacement.

We are committed to achieve the “Zero Harm” across the sites of WET IC.”

EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

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L&T Construction, Water & Effluent Treatment IC
SOP For Mechanical Handling of Materials
Document No: IM-09-A49 Revision No: 05 Date: 18/09/2018 Page 10 of 57


If reduction in wire diameter is more than 1/3 of the original diameter due to wear and
abrasion then the rope should be replaced.

Bird Cage
Bird Cage is caused by sudden release of tension
and resultant rebound of rope from overload
condition. The affected strands and wires will not
return to their original position. The wire should be
replaced if the defect Bird Cage is found on a wire

Core Protrusion
Core protrusion is the result of
torsional unbalance created by
shock loading. Core protrusion
should be the cause for
replacing the wire rope.

The defect Kink is caused by improper handling and uncoiling of
wire rope. The rope should be replaced if kink is found.

If corrosion is noticed in the form pitting / discoloration of the rope
should be replaced.

Other Defects
Rope shall be replaced if any of the following defects are found:
Damaged or inadequate Splicing
Damaged end connections
Crashed, flattened or jammed strands
Elongation of wire rope beyond limit specified by manufacturer
Lubrication of wire rope
The lubrication applied at manufacturing stage shall be adequate for initial storage, but it
should be supplemented at regular intervals as recommended by the manufacturer.

We are committed to achieve the “Zero Harm” across the sites of WET IC.”

EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use © L&T Construction. All rights reserved
L&T Construction, Water & Effluent Treatment IC
SOP For Mechanical Handling of Materials
Document No: IM-09-A49 Revision No: 05 Date: 18/09/2018 Page 11 of 57

A wire rope, which is not lubricated, will deteriorate due to Corrosion, Pitting, Wear etc.

The above sketch illustrates various Preferred Method of

arrangements for lubrication wire passing wire rope
ropes. Of these, Oil Bath through Oil Bath. Oil
arrangement is more preferred as oil penetrates the rope as
penetrates the rope as the opens up the opens up over
over sheave
Storage of wire rope
Ropes should be stored in coils or on
reels in a clean, dry place indoors. If
outdoor storage is necessary then
their surfaces should be covered to
prevent the ingress of moisture or
matter injurious to the rope. If
lengthy storage is required it is good
practice to periodically examine the ropes and lubricate them as necessary.
The rope should be kept away from heat and steam and must never be allowed to rest for
lengthy periods of time on concrete or ash floors. The lime, sulphur and ash can cause
corrosion pits.

Wire Rope End Fittings

Swaged Socket

Wire rope end fittings with Swaged Socket provide an efficiency of 100%. These fittings are
made by compressing a steel sleeve over the rope with hydraulic press.
Careful inspection of the wires leading into these socketed terminals is more important. On
visual inspection, one broken wire is sufficient to cause it to be condemned.

We are committed to achieve the “Zero Harm” across the sites of WET IC.”

EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use © L&T Construction. All rights reserved
L&T Construction, Water & Effluent Treatment IC
SOP For Mechanical Handling of Materials
Document No: IM-09-A49 Revision No: 05 Date: 18/09/2018 Page 12 of 57

Wedge Socket

Wedge Sockets are among the simplest devices for anchoring a wire rope for any purpose.
They are intended for "on the job" attachment and for quick rope replacement. The efficiency
of a wedge socket is 70% of the strength of the rope. The dead or short end of the wire rope
should be looped back and secured to itself by a clip as shown in the above sketch.

Mechanical Splice

Eye with mechanical splice

has strength of 90% of the
breaking strength of the
wire rope.
Mechanical Sleeve –
Flemish Eye

Flemish Eye has strength of 90% of the

breaking strength of the wire rope.

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EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

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L&T Construction, Water & Effluent Treatment IC
SOP For Mechanical Handling of Materials
Document No: IM-09-A49 Revision No: 05 Date: 18/09/2018 Page 13 of 57

Eyes with U-Clips

The most common method used to make an eye is with U-Bolt and Saddle type or of the
Double integral saddle and bolt type. These terminations have the advantage of allowing
thorough examination and ease of field installation.
Eyes with cable clips will develop approximately 80% of the rope strength. U-Bolt clips
should have the U-Bolt section on the dead or short end of the rope and the saddle on the
live or long end of the rope. The wrong application (U-Bolt on live instead of dead end) of
even one clip can reduce the efficiency of the connection to 40%.

The following are the five steps explaining process of

making an eye on wire rope using U-Clips:
Apply the first clip one base width from the dead end
of the wire rope. Tighten the nuts.
Apply the second clip adjacent to the thimble, but
don't tighten the nuts.
Apply all the other clips, leaving equal space
between each.

Installation of U-Clips

Diameter in Inches Minumm Number of Clips

1/8 – 7/16 2

½ - 5/8 3

¾ - 7/8 4

1 5

1 1/8 – 1¼ 6

1 3/8 - 1 ½ 7

For maximum holding power they should be installed 6-7diameters apart. Take up the rope
slack by applying tension to the eye and cable and tighten all the nuts evenly on all the clips
to the recommended torque.

After the rope has been in operation for an hour or so, all nuts on the clip bolts will have to
be retightened, and they should be checked for tightness at frequent intervals thereafter.

We are committed to achieve the “Zero Harm” across the sites of WET IC.”

EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use © L&T Construction. All rights reserved
L&T Construction, Water & Effluent Treatment IC
SOP For Mechanical Handling of Materials
Document No: IM-09-A49 Revision No: 05 Date: 18/09/2018 Page 14 of 57

This is necessary because the rope will stretch slightly, causing a reduction in diameter
which will slacken the clips.

Double saddle clips

The number of U-bolts and the distance between two clamps shall conform to the above

Installation of U-Clips

Diameter in Inches Minimum Number of Clips

3/16 - 7/16 2

½-¾ 3

7/8 4

1 - 1 1/8 5

Double saddle clips or Fist Grip clips, shown in the above sketch, are preferable to the U-
Bolt clips. It is impossible to install them incorrectly and they cause less damage to the rope.
Efficiency of Various End fittings
Type of end fitting Efficiency
Swaged Socket 100% of the wire rope strength
Wedge Socket 70% of the wire rope strength
Mechanical Splice 90% of the wire rope strength
Mechanical Sleeve 90% of the wire rope strength
Eyes with U-clips 80% of the wire rope strength

Calculation of Safe Working Load of Hitches

Tension on Slings
Tension on slings shall be calculated from the following formulae:

Tension on Slings = (W x H) / (L x N)

W Weight of the Load to be lifted

L Length of the Sling
N Number of Legs in the hitch

We are committed to achieve the “Zero Harm” across the sites of WET IC.”

EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

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L&T Construction, Water & Effluent Treatment IC
SOP For Mechanical Handling of Materials
Document No: IM-09-A49 Revision No: 05 Date: 18/09/2018 Page 15 of 57

Single Vertical Hitch

SWL of Single Vertical Hitch shown in the above sketch shall be
the same embossed on the sling itself. Otherwise, it can be
derived by dividing the Breaking Strength with the Factor of
Safety, 6.

SWL = Breaking of the Sling / Factor of Safety

Two Leg Bridle Hitch

Safe Working Load (SWL) of Two Leg Bridle Hitch shown in the above sketch shall be
calculated using the following formula:

SWL = (SWL of single vertical Hitch) X (H/L) X (N)

= (SWL of single vertical Hitch) X (H/L) X 2

Note: When Sling legs are of not equal length the smallest H/L ratio should be taken for

Three & Four Leg Bridle Hitch

Safe Working Load (SWL) of Three Leg and

Four Leg Bridle Hitches shall be calculated as
explained in the above sketches.

SWL = (SWL of single vertical Hitch) X

(H/L) X (N)
= (SWL of single vertical Hitch) X
(H/L) X (2)

We are committed to achieve the “Zero Harm” across the sites of WET IC.”

EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use © L&T Construction. All rights reserved
L&T Construction, Water & Effluent Treatment IC
SOP For Mechanical Handling of Materials
Document No: IM-09-A49 Revision No: 05 Date: 18/09/2018 Page 16 of 57

Note: In case of Bridle Hitches having number of legs more than two, the length of the legs
cannot be ideally equal to that of each other. So the load may be carried by the two shorter
legs when other legs are balancing the load. Hence it is always safe to N as 2 though the
actual N is more than two.
Single Basket Hitch

SWL = (SWL of single vertical Hitch) X (H/L) X (N)

= (SWL of single vertical Hitch) X (H/L) X (2)

Double Basket Hitch

SWL = (SWL of single vertical Hitch) X (H/L) X (N)

= (SWL of single vertical Hitch) X (H/L) X (4)

Single Choker Hitch

SWL = (SWL of single vertical

Hitch) X (A/B) X (N)

= (SWL of single vertical Hitch) X (A/B) X (1)

Note: When Choker angle is greater than 450 A/B can be taken as ¾

Double Choker Hitch

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EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use © L&T Construction. All rights reserved
L&T Construction, Water & Effluent Treatment IC
SOP For Mechanical Handling of Materials
Document No: IM-09-A49 Revision No: 05 Date: 18/09/2018 Page 17 of 57

SWL = (SWL of single vertical Hitch) X (H/L) X (A/B) X (N)

= (SWL of single vertical Hitch) X (H/L) X (A/B) X (2)

Note: When Choker angle is greater than 450 A/B can be taken as ¾.

Fibre Ropes
Safe Working Load
Safe Working Load (SWL) of fibre rope can be calculated from the following formulae:

SWL = Breaking Strength / Factor of Safety

Breaking Strength can be taken as specified by the manufacturer and Factor of Safety can
be taken as 6.
The following table can be referred for finding Breaking Strength of Polypropylene Ropes:

Polypropylene Polypropylene Rope

Three Strand Eight Strand

Rope Diameter Breaking Strength Rope Diameter Breaking Strength
(mm) (kgf) (mm) (kgf)
12 2210

18 4810 12 2210

24 8130 24 8130

30 12220 36 16930

32 13500

36 16930

The following thumb rules may be used, if tables are not available, for calculating the Safe
Working Load of new Fibre Ropes:
a. Nylon Rope:

i. Change the rope diameter into eighths of an inch

ii. Square the numerator and multiply by 60

We are committed to achieve the “Zero Harm” across the sites of WET IC.”

EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use © L&T Construction. All rights reserved
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SOP For Mechanical Handling of Materials
Document No: IM-09-A49 Revision No: 05 Date: 18/09/2018 Page 18 of 57

iii. Example: ½ in nylon rope = 4/8 inch diameter

SWL = 4 x 4 x 60 lb
= 960 lb

b. Polypropylene Rope:

i. Change the rope diameter into eighths of an inch

ii. Square the numerator and multiply by 40
iii. Example: ½ in polypropylene rope = 4/8 inch diameter

SWL = 4 x 4 x 40 lb
= 640 lb
Note: 1 lb to kg = 0.454 kg
Characteristics of Polypropylene & Nylon ropes
Characteristics Nylon Rope PP Rope
Strength Nylon ropes are the strongest amongst all PP ropes are less stronger
the fiber ropes. than Nylon ropes

Resistance to Nylon rope retains it physical properties Polypropylene rope is

temperature almost to its melting point. unsuitable for hot
Resistance to Nylon rope absorbs moisture and loses PP rope does not loose
weather/ rot approximately 10% of its strength when it is strength when it is wet, but
wet. it degrades in sunlight. PP
The full strength is regained when the rope rope is immune to attack by
dries out. rot and mildew.
Nylon rope is not degraded by rot and
mildew, but good storage conditions away
from heat and protected from sunlight are
Resistance to Nylon is highly resistant to alkalis, but rapidly PP rope is highly resistant
Chemicals attacked by most acids, paints, etc. to attack by acids and
(alkalis and alkalis.
a. Manufacturer’s instruction on use and maintenace of winch shall be strictly followed.
b. Only authorized person shall operate the winch.
c. Winch shall not be overloaded. Safe Working load shall be clearly mentioned on the
d. Winch shall be installed on a level and strong ground and anchored securely.

We are committed to achieve the “Zero Harm” across the sites of WET IC.”

EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

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L&T Construction, Water & Effluent Treatment IC
SOP For Mechanical Handling of Materials
Document No: IM-09-A49 Revision No: 05 Date: 18/09/2018 Page 19 of 57

e. Number of layers of wire rope winding on the Drum shall be such that the bottom
layers do not get crushed. Generally more than three layers are not recommended.
f. Wire rope termination at the drum shall be secure and at least three dead turns wire
rope shall remain on the drum always.
g. The mechanical brake with a pawl engaging with the gear of the rope drum shall be
kept in tact.
h. All electrically powered wiches shall be equipped with an effective magnetic release
brake, which will be
automatically applied to hold
the wire rope when the
machine is in 'stop' position.
i. If wire rope way is on the
ground level, it shall be
barricaded to prevent persons
crossing over the same. If
required proper cross over
arrangement shall be provided.
And adqeuate number of
pulleys shall be provided so
that the wire rope does not fall
on the ground.
j. The pulleys of wire rope shall
be anchored securely so as to
take up the load being handled.
k. Wire rope shall be lubricaded at
least once in week.
l. Rotating and moving parts of
the winch shall be guarded.
m. Electrically operated winch
shall be provided with proper
n. Winch shall be inspected on
weely basis by the P&M Engineer.
o. In addition to the weekly inspection, winch shall be inspected by competent person
once in 12 months. Also, it shall be inspected by the competent when it undergoes
major alteration or change.
p. Drums should have adequate power and operational characteristics to perform all
hoisting, holding and lowering functions when operated under all conditions and
configurations as recommended and approved by the manufacturer.
q. Drums should be provided with suitable clutching or power engaging devices that
facilitate immediate starting and stopping of the drum motion.
r. Drums should be provided with self-setting brakes that are capable of supporting all
rated loads with recommended reeving.
s. The brakes and clutches are provided with adjustments to compensate for wear and
maintain adequate force in springs where used.

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t. The drums have sufficient rope capacity with recommended rope size and reeving to
perform all hoisting and lowering functions under recommended and actual service
conditions. In addition, all hoist drums should be provided with adequate means to
ensure even spooling of the rope on the drum.

Lay of the wire rope shall match details given in the above figure. For example, Left lay wire
rope shall be used on overwound Right to Left drum. Wrong winding will cause slip of turns.
At least two or three full wraps of rope remain on the drum in all service conditions.
The drum end of the rope should be anchored by a clamp, securely attached to the drums
with an arrangement approved by the manufacturer.
The drums should be provided with rims and flange guards of size sufficient to prevent the
rope from jumping off the drum.
Grooved drums should have the correct groove pitch for the diameter of the rope. The depth
of the groove must also be correct for the diameter of the rope.

For grooved For smooth

Drums Drums

2 x Rope Diameter 2 x Rope Diameter or

or 2” whichever 2 ½” whichever
greater greater

The flanges on grooved drums should project either twice the rope diameter, or 2 inches
beyond the last layer of rope, whichever of the two is greater.

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The flanges on ungrooved drums should project either twice the rope diameter, or 2½ inches
beyond the last layer of rope, whichever of the two is the greater.

The fleet angle for grooved drums should lie between ½ 0 and l ½ 0 for smooth drums it
should not be more than 20 for grooved drums. If the fleet angle is not within the said limit,
winding on the drum shall not be uniform.
Whenever possible, a drum should be designed to hold all the rope on one smooth, even
layer. Two and sometimes three layers are permitted, but more than three layers may cause
crushing of the rope on the bottom layer as well as at the end of any layer where pinching
To be certain that the rope spools evenly on the drum, either use a spooling device or keep
the fleet angle to within the correct limits and keep tension on the rope at all times.
Approximately 10% of the working load is recommended.
It is often necessary to know the approximate spooling capacity of a given drum or reel for a
particular rope diameter. The following method can be used to make this calculation:

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2” on grooved Drum Capacity Factor

drum Rope Diameter in
2½“ th d ¼ 4.160
5/16 2.670
3/8 1.860
7/16 1.370
½ 1.050
9/16 0.828
5/8 0.672
¾ 0.465
7/8 0.342
1 0.262
1¼ 0.167
1½ 0.116

1. Add the diameter of the drum (B) to the depth of the flange (A).
2. Multiply this sum by the depth of flange (A).
3. Multiply the result by the distance between the drum flanges (C).
4. Then multiply this result by the factor (F) listed in the above table opposite the size of
rope to be installed.

Drum spooling Capacity = (B+A) xAxCxF, where A, B and C are in inches.

For example, if the diameter of the drum is 18 inches, the depth of the flange is 2 inches and
the distance between drum flanges is 24 inches, the drum's capacity for a 3/4 inch rope is:

Spooling Capacity = (18+2) 2x24x0.465 = 446 feet.

Use of grooved drums is more preferable than smooth drums as the grooves furnish better
support for the rope than do flat surfaces, and more uniform winding results in less abrasive
wear on the rope.

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In properly matched
ropes and sheaves the
rope should be
supported by the
sheave over an arc of

Size of the wire rope and contour of the groove of the sheave shall match such that the rope
is supported by the sheave over an arc of 1200 - 1500 as shown the above sketch.
Otherwise, bigger ropes will be crushed and the smaller ropes will be flattened as they pass
over the sheeave.

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Depth of the groove on the sheave shall be 1.5times the rope diameter.
Bearing of the sheave shall be lubricated.
Surface of the groove shall be perfectly smooth.
Cable guides shall be installed to prevent rope coming out of the sheave groove.

Misalignment of Sheaves

Misalignment between the pulleys shall be avoided as, it causes rapid wear on the sheave
and the rope.
The following points shall be considered while inspecting a sheave
1. Wear, Chips and Cracks on Flange
2. Wear on sheave grooves
3. Woble, Lubrication and ease of rotation in the bearing
4. Size of the groove in relation to the wire rope
5. Trueness of the sheave with the shaft etc.

Determination of Load on Sheave

The selection of Sheave Blocks and their reeving for a particular application involves not only
consideration of the working load, connections, sheaves, pins and other structural details,
but also the mechanical advantage required. Both the size of the block, the rope size and the
number of sheaves per block should be determined in relationship to the load to be lifted and
the pull which can be applied to the lead line.
In Multi Sheave Block lead line pull is multiplied to lift the load, thus gaining a mechanical
advantage. Since it is a machine, it is not 100% efficient because of friction. As soon as the
load being hoisted begins to move, part of the applied force to the lead line is lost in
overcoming the friction of turning the sheave and bending the rope. Hence, the lead line pull
must be increased to make up for this friction loss in the tackle. This relationship is called the
efficiency and is usually expressed in terms of percent. For a greater number of sheaves and
parts of line, the mechanical advantage is greater, but the friction loss is also greater and the
Friction losses on well maintained sheaves are approximately
1) 10% for each sheave plain bore sheave blocks,
2) 5% for each sheave having bronze-bushings, and
3) 3% for sheaves having roller bearings.

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Load Calculation for lifting a load weighing 6000 kg using a plain bore four part line sheave
block is calculated as follows:

When Load is
A,B,C & D 4 Part lines
Load at A = 6000/4

F1 = 10% of A
P = Load in each
rope Load at B = A + F1

P = Load/ Parts of F2 = 10% of B

Load at C = B + F2
= 6000/4
F3 = 10% of C
= 1500 kg
Load at D = C + F2

F4 = 10% of D
kg kg
Load at E = D + F4

Effect of Mechanical Advantage Determination of Sheave Loads

Load at A = 1500 kg
Load at B = 1500+ 10% of 1500 (friction @ sheave 1) = 1650 kg
Load at C = 1650 kg + 10% of 1650 (friction @ sheave 2) = 1815 kg
Load at D = 1815 kg + 10% of 1815 (friction @ sheave 3) = 1996 kg
Load at E = 1996 kg + 10% of 1996 (friction @ sheave 4) = 2196 kg
= Lead Line Load


There are two types of shackles commonly used in rigging. They are Bow Shackle and D-
Shackle. The above sketch illustrates the shackles with different pins.

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When shackles are inspected highlighted points in the above sketch shall be considered.

Shackle Pins shall not be replaced by a bolt.

A shackle shall never be loaded at an angle. As

shown in the above sketch packings shall be used
to avoid this.

Screw Pin shackle shall not be used if Pin can roll and get unscrewed.

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Shackles shall never be loaded above their

lifting capacity, which is embossed on the
shackle by the manufacturer.
Shackles shall be made of forged alloy steel
Eye bolt and ring bolts shall be made of forged
alloy steel and provided with shoulders or
Shoulderless eyebolt shall used only for vertical
loading and not for angular loading.
The tapped hole for screwed eye bolts shall
have a depth of 1.5 times the diameter of the

The load on the eye bolt shall be applied to plane of eye as shown in the above sketch.
The point of a hook shall never be inserted in an eye bolt. Shackle shall be used as shown in
the above sketch.

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Hook of correct capacity shall be used as per the job requirement.

Hook shall be provided with Hook-latch to prevent slings coming out during lifting operation.
While inspecting hooks the areas indicated in the above sketch shall be checked.
Eccentric load on hooks shall be avoided, as it decreases the capacity of the hook. Axis of
the hook shall be in line with the line of lift

Erection and dismantling
Procedures specified by the manufacturers shall be followed during erection and dismantling
of lifting and hoisting machinery at site, particularly with reference to correct assembly and
the sequence of the operations by identification of different parts and components which
make assembly.
The erection and dismantling operation shall be carried out under the supervision of a
competent person.
The erection crew shall wear safety helmets and where necessary, safety harness with
double lanyard.
When a crane is used at different times with
jibs of different lengths, particulars of the
lengths and the appropriate safe working
loads shall be plainly marked in a
prominent place on the crane.
Boom shall be provided with Boom Angle
Indicator if electronic display is not provided
in the Operator Cabin.
Crane shall not be loaded beyond the Safe
Working Load and for this purpose either
Load Chart showing the safe working loads
at different radii of the boom shall be
displayed or an automatic safe load
indicator, which takes into account both the
radii of the boom (jib) and the weights of
the load being lifted, with both visible and
audible warnings shall be provided in operator’s cabin.

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Automatic Device for cutting off power to hoisting and derricking motions, when the safe
working load is exceeded, shall be provided. Automatic Device for cutting off power to all
motions, when the boom exceeds safe angle
Limit Switch Alarms shall be provided to
warn the Operator when safe hoisting limit
and safe boom angle limits are reached.
A standard code of hand signals shall be
adopted in controlling the movements of the
crane and both the Operator and the
Signaller shall be thoroughly familiar with the
Signaller shall be wearing florescent jacket
and have a whistle.
The operator shall respond to signals only
from the appointed signaller but shall obey
“Stop Signal” at any time no matter who
gives it. The following are the standards
signals given in pictorial form.

Before lifting, the load shall be checked to ensure that it is secure.
When handling loads near to maximum safe working load, crane motions shall be operated
with extra care. The load shall initially be lifted just clear of the supporting surface and
brought to rest, while the slings, balance of the load, etc are checked before proceeding
Proper care shall be exercised by the driver, at all times to avoid shock or side loadings on
the jib (boom).
The slinger or other persons shall stand well clear of the load and shall not walk, crawl or
stand under the suspended load,
It is essential that the correct numbers of hoist-rope
falls are reeved in accordance with the crane load

The ends of the rope shall be properly secured.

Where wedge sockets are fitted, they must be of
the correct size and the tail of the rope shall extend
sufficiently through the wedge for it to be folded on

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itself and secured with a bulldog grip as shown above.

Only ropes of non-rotating construction shall be used as hoist-rope.
The winding on the rope shall be uniform.
Before lifting operations commence, the hook shall be lowered to the required lowest point to
ensure that at least two dead coils remain on the drum, and to the highest point to check that
the drum capacity will not be exceeded

Hook of correct capacity shall be used as per the job
Hook shall be provided with Hook-latch to prevent
slings coming out during lifting operation.

Mobile Cranes

Crane shall not be loaded beyond the Safe

Over Hoist Limit switch
Working Load and for this purpose either
Load Chart showing the safe working loads
at different radii of the boom shall be
displayed or an automatic safe load
indicator, which takes into account both the
radii of the boom (jib) and the weights of the Hook Latch
load being lifted, with both visible and
audible warnings shall be provided in
operator’s cabin.
Automatic Device for cutting off power to
hoisting and derricking motions, when the Boom Angle Indicator
safe working load is exceeded, shall be
Boom shall be provided with Boom Angle
Indicator if electronic display is not provided
in the Operator Cabin.
Automatic Device for cutting off power to all
motions, when the boom exceeds safe
angle limit.
Limit Switch Alarms shall be provided to Boom Limit Switch
warn the Operator when safe hoisting limit
and safe boom angle limits are reached.

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Hook shall be provided with hook latch.

The mobile cranes shall be, fitted with suitable horn, headlights, side lamps, rear and
stoplights and flashing directional indicators.
If soil load bearing capacity is less, Sal Wood Sleepers or Metal Plates shall be used while
handling crawler-mounted cranes.
There shall not be oil leakage in the hydraulic mechanism
Outriggers shall be fully extended during lifting operation and the base of the hydraulic jacks
packed with sleepers if the load bearing capacity of the ground is not adequate.
While traveling up a gradient, the load shall be derricked out and when traveling down a
gradient, the load shall be derricked into the minimum radius, and this position shall be
corrected on reaching level ground. Cranes shall not move down the hill with the engine off
or with the engine out of gear.
On cranes with cantilever type jib, while traveling without load, the jib (boom) shall be
lowered to a horizontal position.
The pneumatic tyres shall be maintained at the correct pressure at all times.
During operation of the tyred crane, air brakes shall be put in “ON” position.

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Unequal Tyre Pressure

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Stability of Mobile Cranes

Cranes shall be so operated as not to be liable to over-turning particularly the following
By taking load in excess of the safe working load
By rapid deceleration of motion by severe application of brake
By braking too hard in order to arrest descending load
By sudden release of a heavy load
By pulling loads from the sides
By operating the crane without
sufficient counter-weight
By positioning the crane at a W1 Weight of the Load
steep slope
Mobile Crane Load Ratings (Load
W2 Weight of the Boom
Chart Value) is governed by one W1

of the two modes of failures: W3


Structural Capacity of Boom or

Stability (Tipping) L
The rated load or chart value, at a
particular radius is based on a
percentage of the load that will cause failure of the crane either tipping or structural failure.
As per ANSI B-30.5 standard, the percentage or tipping factors of safety, is stipulated are
75% for Crawler Crane and 85% for the crane on outriggers.
Tipping load is the hook load at a specified radius about a line called the Tipping Fulcrum,
which causes the crane to tip. A crane will tip when the overturning moment (moment of the
load and boom about the tipping fulcrum) becomes close to the crane resisting moment
(moment of the machine weight about the tipping fulcrum).

Over turning moment about Tipping Fulcrum = Crane resisting moment about Tipping

W2 X B + W1 X L = W3 X C
W1 X L = W3 X C - W2 X B

Tipping Load, W 1 = (W 3 X C - W 2 X B) / L
In case of truck mounted crane,
For a particular radius, W 1 should not be greater than (85/100) (W 3 X C + W 2 X B) / L

In case of truck crawler crane,

For a particular radius, W 1 should not be greater than (75/100) (W 3 X C + W 2 X B) / L Units

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Note: If the outriggers are not extended to the full length, then the tipping load reduces

Illustration of Tipping Fulcrum

Side Tipping Line


Front Tipping Line

Front Tipping Line

Tipping Fulcrum

Tipping Fulcrum for Crawler Tipping Fulcrum for Truck

Mounted Cranes Mounted Cranes

Tower Cranes
Base foundation for the tower crane shall be
designed by the competent design engineer
considering soil bearing capacity of the
Adequate clearance shall be maintained
between moving and rotating structures of the
crane and fixed objects to allow the passage of
employees without harm.
When a tower crane is erected and its height
extended within a structure or building the
climbing operation shall be carried out in
accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions. All climbing frames, ladders,
locking devices and machinery shall be
correctly installed, adjusted and kept in good
working order. At the end of the erection
operation, wedges securing the tower shall be
driven and secured.

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In case of mobile tower cranes, their movement shall be preferably on a level track, if there
has to be a gradient in the track this shall be within the permissible limits as specified by the
The rails shall be clear of obstruction/wedges/anchor pins and all the controls shall be in
neutral before starting.
Cranes mounted on rail tracks shall be equipped with limit switches limiting the travel of the
crane on the track and stops or buffers at each end of the tracks.
Buffers shall be provided at both ends of travel of the trolley.
Limit Switch shall be provided to warn the operator when the hook reaches the upper hoist
While operating, on no account the motion shall be reversed until the crane comes to stop,
unless the crane has been designed so.
Jerking or snatching of the load shall be avoided.
The slewing lock shall never be engaged except during climbing or lowering of the tower.
In the event of high wind all the operations shall be suspended, the crane immobilized, hook
block hoisted to the highest position and the trolley moved closer to the tower. The same
instructions shall be followed when the crane is switched off or out of service.
Since the stability of the jibs relies on balance, the boom shall never be overloaded.
Central ballast at the base of the tower increases the stability by lowering the Centre of
Gravity and the weight of the ballast is directly proportional to the height of the mast.
A tower crane of height above the free standing height shall be secured to astructure at
regular intervals.
Movement on the boom shall be balanced by a counter weight placed on a separate boom or
at the base.
All the power connection shall be switched off before attending any electrical maintenance
Rigging Practices
Lifting equipment and Slings shall not be overloaded.
Erection shall be carried out during daylight.
Cranes shall be placed at safe distances as mentioned below from overhead electrical lines:
11 kV and below 1.40m
Above 11 and below 33 kV 3.60m
Above 33 and below 132 kV 4.70m
Above 132 and below 275kV 5.70m
Above 275 and below 400 kV 6.50m

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All rigging hardware below the boom point

shall be counted as part of the load to be
S shall be greater than L in hitch as shown
in the above sketch

It shall be noted that the shortest sling leg carries more load.

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Slings shall be protected from sharp ends and corners on load to be lifted by the use of
suitable packing.

It shall be ensured that bending is not permitted near any splice or attached fitting as
explained in the above sketch.

Wire rope shall never be wrapped around a hook.

Bow shackles shall be used to accommodate more slings as shown above.

Load shall be blocked before the slings are unhooked as shown above.

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The rigger shall stay away from when the slings under load are released.
Tag line shall be used to control the movement of the load being handled.
No person shall work under the suspended load.
Rigger shall stay away from the front tyres of Hydra crane and hold the load using a tagline
while carrying load.

Site transportation Procedure

Overturning on slopes and rough ground and at the edges of excavations,
embankments etc;
Travelling when a high-lift skip is in its raised position;
Incidents where a pedestrian is run over by the front wheels of the dumper;
Driver thrown from vehicle while travelling over rough ground;
Driver error due to lack of experience and training, eg accidental operation of controls.
Ensure traffic routes used by site dumpers are safe:
Maintain the routes to minimise potholes, ruts, debris and other obstructions.
Avoid slopes, including slopes across the direction of travel. If slopes cannot be
avoided, check with the vehicle supplier that the dumper can negotiate the slopes
Dumper overturns often occur due to a combination of slope and rough ground, so
manufacturer’s guidance on the capability of a vehicle to negotiate a slope should be
reduced where rough ground must be negotiated. Speed should be kept to a
minimum on rough ground.
Where traffic routes pass close to the edge of an excavation, embankment or other
drop, make sure that the edge of the roadway is supported where necessary and
provide a suitable barrier to prevent vehicles running off the roadway.
Position stop blocks a safe distance from the edges of excavations, pits, spoil heaps
etc to prevent dumpers falling during tipping.
The stability of high-lift skip dumpers is greatly reduced when the skip is in the
elevated position. At locations where such dumpers need to have their skips raised,
eg to tip into a waste container, ensure that the ground is substantially flat, level and
free from debris.
Keep pedestrians and site vehicles such as dumpers apart. Wherever possible,
provide pedestrian-only routes. If it is necessary for traffic and pedestrians to share
the same route, provide a segregated walkway alongside the vehicle route.
Ensure that dumpers are not loaded to a level that would prevent the driver from
safely seeing the route ahead.
Vehicle safety


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Managers should ensure that all site vehicles are capable of safely performing the tasks
they are expected to undertake. They should consider:

Size and capacity – a dumper that is too small is likely to be overloaded, increasing the risks
of overturning and reducing its ability to stop safely. A dumper that is bigger than necessary
will be more difficult to manoeuvre safely and may have less vision from the driver’s position.
Stability – choose dumpers that are sufficiently stable in all of the site conditions. If you need
to use narrow track or high-lift dumpers, assess their stability carefully. Consider the use of
alternative types (such as tracked dumpers) in locations with significant slopes or poor

Driver protection

Drivers need protection from the risks associated with dumpers rolling over and from being
hit by falling materials. Roll-over protective structures (ROPS) and seat restraints (eg seat
belts) should be fitted to all dumpers having a seated operator.

The correct use of the seat restraint is an essential part of the ROPS protection system and
is designed to hold the driver in position when the vehicle tips over. A ROPS bar on its own
will not adequately protect the driver in the event of a roll-over. Drivers will instinctively try to
jump clear of the vehicle as it tips, but often this is only partially successful and they suffer
serious injuries from being trapped by the vehicle as it comes to rest. It is safer to be held by
the seat restraint within the area protected by the ROPS.


Managers should:

Ensure that all vehicles are properly maintained and safe to operate;
Undertake regular maintenance and vehicle checks in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations;
operate an effective system for reporting, and taking any required action on, any
defects that occur.
Maintain a vehicle log that records these checks, maintenance and repairs.
Ensure that all vehicles are securely immobilised whenever the site is unoccupied.

Safe driving practices

Drivers have a key role to play in ensuring the safe use of site dumpers. Drivers should

Read the manufacturer’s instruction book before operating an unfamiliar vehicle;

Understand the differences in performance when loaded and unloaded, particularly
relating to braking and stability on slopes;
Know the different handling and braking characteristics of the vehicle in wet

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Check tyres, brakes etc. to ensure dumpers are safe to use at the start of the working
Wear appropriate protective equipment, E.g.: ear defenders, high-visibility jacket etc;
Use seat belts where ROPS are fitted;
Check that nobody is at risk of injury before moving off, particularly in the area
obscured by the skip when going forward, and behind the vehicle when reversing;
Keep to designated vehicle routes and follow site rules and safe systems of work;
Drive at appropriate speeds for site conditions;
Follow directions given by traffic signs and signalers;
Load only on level ground with the parking brake applied;
Get off the dumper when it is being loaded and ensure that the skip is not overloaded;
Check that loads are evenly distributed and that they do not obscure visibility from the
driving position;
Stop, select neutral gear and apply the parking brake when the machine is tipping into
excavations while stationary;
Use proper towing pins with jump-out restraints (not bent pieces of reinforcement bar);
Apply the parking brake, switch off the engine and remove the key when leaving the
driver’s seat.
Drivers need to take extra care when moving on sloping ground and particularly if the
ground is rough or uneven. Avoid slopes that exceed the vehicle’s capability.

SBH shoring

SBH Shoring provides a means to undertake pipeline work safely and efficiently. The safe
operating procedures covers the loading, unloading, assembly and operation of SBH

Lifting, handling, pulling, dragging:

Handling should be carried out as close to the ground as possible.

Lifting tools& tackles must be chosen to suit the weight being handled and must be
tested by competent person approved by state govt.
To prevent the accidental detachment of the load use only load hooks with safety
The load must be slung in such a way that the shoring is kept in a horizontal
position and swinging during handling is reduced to a minimum.
The Shoring must be lowered onto level and firm ground.
Do not stand within the pivoting range of the excavator or crane or beneath
suspended loads.
A load operator must stand to the front of the excavator and be in eye contact with
the machine operator.

Heavy components-keep clear and do not place yourself underneath while lifting is

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in progress.
Avoid getting hands or fingers in between components, especially when lowering
the second panel into place.
Take care when lifting spindle assembly components as they are heavy-use sound
lifting techniques to avoid damage to backs and keeps hands and fingers clear.
Measure to reduce hazards:

All the mandatory PPEs must be used by all the workmen.

The Safety of persons on site must be enhanced with the aid of signs, cones,
warning tapes and/or safety staff specially deployed on site for this purpose.
The risk of instability as consequence of wind loads when setting up or using
shoring must be considered.
The shoring must be secured against accidental impacts and setup in an area of
sufficient size and on firm ground.
Care must be taken to look out for and avoid contact with overhead cables when
handling, installing and removing shoring and PTW against overhead HT/LT lines
shall be issued.
The transporting has to be carried out next to the soil and unneeded pendulum
movement have to be avoided.
It is forbidden to enter the swivel range of the lifting tools and to stay under floating
Tag lines must be used.
When the ground is sloping or uneven, the shoring should be setup, is possible, at
right angles to the slope.

Reason for taking parts of service:

Before use, all shoring components must be checked for their correct function. Reason for
taking parts out of service include:
Missing parts, such as pins and safety clips.
Broken parts, such as spindles, pins and spindle extensions.
Severely worn or deformed parts or panels with holes.
Faulty parts must be replaced or repaired. Only original replacement parts from the
manufacturer may be used.

Limitations and guidelines:

The SBH shoring system is certified to operate at maximum loads for different
If the operator is unsure of the loads likely to be encountered at a specific site,
professional engineering advice should be sought to determine this.
Typical site conditions which affect lateral earth pressures/soil friction(loads)are:
1) Depth of excavation
2) Soil types

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EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

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3) Ground water levels

4) Surcharges-for example;

One or either side of a trench may have ground adjacent which slopes down to the
Building or other structures close to the trench.
Traffic close to the trench.
Differential surcharges-where the extra loading is on one side of the trench only.
Other elements which affect load capacity:
The width at which the shoring is being used.
Spindle angles-although spindle assemblies are designed so that while being
installed or withdrawn shoring panels can be moved independently of each other,
care should be taken to ensure that spindle assemblies remain at, or near,
horizontal when shoring is in its working position. This ensures that the rated load
capacities can be achieved and will avoid damage to spindle components. Spindle
angles must be limited to no more than 8 degrees from the horizontal.
If spindle assemblies are not horizontal when loaded, bowing may occur in the
assembly, which weakens load capacity and could bend or even break spindles.

Shoring Width guidelines:

Shoring width is determined by either the outside diameter (OD) of the pipe or the OD
of the excavator bucket being used.
Allow 150mm to 300mm clearance each side of the pipe bell.
Inside shoring width should be a minimum of 300mm to 400mm wider than the
excavator bucket.


A 4 point lifting chain, 2.5m minimum leg length, is required to safely unload, assemble and
operate the system. If wide assemblies are being used, longer chains are required, up to
approximately 3.5m for assemblies 3.0m to 3.3 wide.

The lifting chain must be approximately rated to lift and handle assemblies weighing up to
3.7 tones.

Personal protective Equipment Required:

Safety Shoes
Safety Helmet
Hand gloves

Tools Recommended:

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EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

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4point lifting chains, 2.5m minimum leg length with locking hooks-rated & certified, podger
bar to turn spindle assemblies, heavy hammer, and large shackles.


Care should be taken in all unloading to keep people clear and to ensure no-one is beneath
the items during the lifting process
Note: Assembly instruction has to be made site specific in IM-09-ASOP format

Handling of slide rails plates

For the transportation of slide rails plates, the use of a 1-fold and a 2-fold chain is
recommended. The 1-fold chain is fixed to an appropriate attachment point of the excavator
shovel. The length of the chain has to be chosen that way, that the ring of the 2-fold chain is
located underneath the shovel in any position of the shovel. This allows an easy and safe
turning of the shoring plate into the required direction without expecting the plate jerkily
knocking over. When turning the plate, the excavator must not be moved.

Place the base plate into the pre-excavated trench, push in and secure with the boom
of the first excavator. The preassembled slide rail frame is picked up by the second
excavator, which must have an appropriate lift, swung over the shoring plate into the pre-
excavated trench, mounted into the outer guidance and pushed in .At this stage the trench
must not be entered. Mount the second shoring plate in the outer guidance of the slide rail
and lower up to the trench bottom.

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Align parallel and over the diagonal rectangular the two shoring plates by means of
spacers / assembly helps.

Now the second pre-assembled slide rail frame is guided over two plate guidance and
pushed into the soil. Push in slide rails and plates and align if required. Fill in and compact
the excavation between shoring and soil!
The upper limit pins must now be repositioned– as illustrated. The rolling strut pair
can now be moved on the slide rails and thus allows the function of the Rolling Strut Shoring.
By positioning the limit pin into the upper hole, an unintentional slipping of the rolling strut is
avoided during the lowering of the shoring.

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Excavate about another 50 cm and push in by turns slide rails, rolling struts and
shoring plates. It has to be paid attention that the plates do not project the slide rails below,
that all components are pushed in by about the same lift and that the rolling strut is
positioned as much as possible in the middle of the slide rail frame.

To protect the shoring plates and ensure a long life cycle we recommend the use of
protection rails. The single shoring components have to be pushed in and not battered.

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When the top edge of the externally guided plate reaches the top ground surface, the
system can be extended if required by using a top plate or by mounting another base
plate in the inner guidance of the slide rail.
When using top plates it has to be made sure that they will be connected with the base
plates by means of pins.
Lower the inner guided plate down to the excavation bottom.
The lowering step-by-step, whereupon slide rails, rolling struts and inner plates are
pushed down, is repeated until reaching the final trench bottom.
The top edge of the shoring must overtop the surrounding terrain by at least 5 cm!

Installation of extension rail

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XII-extension slide rail frame 2-pin for extension rail

For trench depths greater than the length of the base rail, extension rails have to be
used. The extension rail frame does not have the A-position.
Put the pre-assembled extension rail frame with the connector guide onto the base rail
frame and connect or join by fixing and turning the fastening pin.
The further installation up to the trench bottom is effected as described before.
Only now, the rolling strut is positioned to the required strut clearance height. By
repositioning or re-fastening of the lower limit pin, an inadvertently sliding of the rolling
strut is avoided during the pipe laying.
The installation of further shoring bays is effected as described before - with the
installation of the shoring plates in the outer guidance.
The plate distance has to be checked for every new shoring bay.


At the beginning of the re-installation, remove the lower limit pins at the rolling strut.
o According to compacting possibilities, fill in max. 50 cm backfill.
Lift the shoring components by the filled height. Finally compact the backfill.
Repeat this procedure as described until the shoring can be lifted out of the trench in
consideration of the safety instructions.
Use the designated lifting eyes only for lifting the shoring components.
We advise expressly, that it forbidden to enter the danger area during the installation
and also during the reinstallation.

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EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

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Standard Box Series 600

Assembly Instruction
Put the base and top plates to one other onto a flat and firm underground with the profiles
to the top. Afterwards put the transformation profile over the profiles and fix with two pins

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EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

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40*290mm each in base and top plate and

secure by means of the clips. Put the spring
spindle holders of the yellow strut in the upper
and of the blue strut in the hole below of the
transformation profile, fix with the pins
40*290mm and secure by means of the clips.
After mounting a ll struts, this plate is connected to
the corresponding lifting/transportation eyes at
the top and cutting edge and then put from the
top onto a plate beneath which is mounted with
transformation profiles and then bolted and secured.
The required A-position is already given by the
slightly longer blue strut, which is fixed in the hole

Place & Adjust Method:

The shoring box is placed in the totally pre-
excavated trench.
The place and adjust method is allowed only if the
following requirements are given:

Temporary steady soil

Outside of the sphere of buildings or

structural plants

Outside of the sphere of circulation spaces

and endangered lines

Settlements can be accepted

A soil is characterized as temporary steady if it does not have considerable collapses in
the time between start of excavation and placing of the shoring

Attach the chains to the four eyes at the transformation profile and place the completely
assembled box by means of lifting tools and appropriate lifting accessories in the entirely
pre-excavated trench. The excavation length has to be limited to the box length. The
opening between shoring and soil has to be filled and compacted

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EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

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Cut & Lower Method

In unsteady soils, the shoring has

to be installed by alternately
pushing in and lowering.
Pre-excavation max. 1.25 m and
not more than one shoring section
length. In principle the pre-
excavation complies with the type
of soil and safety regulations.
Attach the chains to the four eyes
at the
and place
box into the pre-excavated trench, align and push in. Fill the
opening between shoring and soil and compact. The shoring
plates are to be pushed in and not battered. For safety reasons
it is not allowed to push the extension pipes. In t h i s phase the
trench may not be entered. Excavate about further 0.50 m
and alternately push in the plates. The smaller the Steps or
pushes are carried out the better for the shoring. Do not push
more than 0.50 cm the one side and limit the swiveling
angle of the spindles to +/-8°.Repeat this procedure until
reaching the required trench depth. The top edge of the shoring
must overlap the surrounding site by at least 5 cm.

Use of Protection Rail

To protect the shoring plates and ensure long life cycle

protection rails has to be used.

Installation of further shoring section

Once the foregoing shoring section is installed to full depth, it can

be started with the next shoring section.
After the installation of the shoring boxes, the p i p e l a y i n g
can b e s t a r t e d in t h e shored and secured trench

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EHS Department – HQ, WET IC

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After completion of the pipe laying the re-
installation of the shoring c a n b e started.

According to compacting possibilities bring

in about 0.50 m filling material. Lift the
shoring box by t h e filled height. That
followed the compaction of the filling
material. Preferably use the eyes at the
top plates to lift the shoring box. Thereby,
f irst the top plates loosen from the trench
wall and facilitate the lifting. It is not allowed
to lift at the extension pipes Do not enter
the danger zone during the installation and
re-installation. In order to avoid an
overstraining of the shoring plates, do not
lift one sided. Attach lifting accessories at
least at 2 eyes of the particular plate.


On receipt of the Pump Accessories and
Motor shall be reviewed with respect to the
manufactures certificate & the material
specification given in the drawing/
Specification. Joint Inspection report carried
out in the factory premises itself to be
Receipt and Storage:
Prepare the flat compacted area
cleaned from debris and away from water
lagged area for unload the pump materials.
Check the incoming pump materials based on the packing list available with the
vehicle. Find any deviation in the materials in safety wise, inform to the concerned
company and rectify the same.
The Pump Materials are kept in a clean, dry, Well Ventilated Place, free from
vibrations & moisture.

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Motor pedestals, Column pipes and enclosing Pipes handling and stacking to be
done in such a way that the external Painting is not damaged and the edges are not
While unloading the pump materials recommended sling /Belt used for safe
unloading. Higher capacity crane used for lift the materials.
Use wooden slippers in the bottom of the column pipe and motor pedestals. Other
than that the packed materials (Box) unload safely from the vehicle and placed in
the flat compacted area free from debris and water.
Ensure that the material tag always visible in the front side (for box) to better traceability
while shifting.
Shifting of Pump & Accessories
Route survey has to be done well in advance for the Crawler Crane movements.
After verifying with the site engineer the pump materials is to be shifted to
appropriate location according to the site requirement.
Use the appropriate tools and tackles to shift the pump materials.
Pipes shall be placed on the sleepers, so that it is feasible to put clings without multi
Pipe should not be stacked one above the other in the jack well area.
Do not attempt to lift any load alone that is too heavy or too large. While handling the
pipes and weights in the wet atmosphere/rainy season see that the materials are
free from the slush as it may cause slipping.

Erection & Shifting Tools:

Wire Rope slings and D-cycles
Lifting nylon belts
Supporting ISMB Beams
Hydraulic Jacks
Hammering Spanners
pipe wrenches
Air Blower
Buffing Machine (Surface Cleaning purpose)

Installation activities are carried out as per the Erection Drawing Sequence for Vertical
Turbine Pump Assembly
Unpack and inspect all the parts and assemblies carefully to make certain that none of
parts are missing or damaged.

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During this inspection, all parts should be thoroughly cleaned and any burrs
removed by filling.
The pump bowl assembly, including the line shaft coupling is normally shipped
completely assembled.
Both the suction and discharge opening should be inspected for damage and for
intrusion of foreign materials.
Place all parts in an orderly arrangement as per the safe operating procedure.

Latest Technologies to be implemented at Critical Site locations


The state-of-the-art SBH Hydra lifter is designed to enable you to remove even larger
trench shoring plates and slide rails quickly, safely and exceptionally easily. Because
the Hydra lifter is equipped with integrated hydraulic cylinders which can increase the
lifting force to either 50 or 100 tonnes, it is ideal for use with smaller-sized excavators
which then have absolutely no trouble pulling out trench shoring plates

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Press box series

Used for:-
Crossing supply lines, building
next to building, narrow access
and close traffic – these are
typical problems for trench
shoring projects inside the city.
On top, there is the necessity for
noise control and for vibration-free
installation of profiles. Another
aspect of inner-city trench
construction is the challenge to
perform a work free of settling and
the aspect of compacting.

Pipe Grabs
SBH Pipe Grabs are only suitable
for the handling of concrete pipes.
When the pipe is picked up, the
pipe's weight causes the grabber
arm to lock automatically, as the
opening and closing movements of
the grabber arm are controlled by
step switching system. Before you
start the handling of the pipe, you
adjust the grabber arm to the outer
diameter of the pipe. Afterwards,
you put the pipe grab onto the pipe

Pile Chamber series

Pile chambers are the first choice where

supply lines are crossing. This trench shoring
system combines trench shoring plates and
trench sheets. The pile chamber is the
guiding frame for trench sheets and at the
same time it is the upper support. The
excavator can easily push in the trench
sheets before excavation takes place. The
adjustment of the required working width is
effected by means of SBH trench shoring
spindles and extension pipes.

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Manhole box

The Manhole Box is always

used when wider manholes have
to be installed within a working
trench. The trench shoring plate
body is designed as a U-form
and the wings have a thickness
of 0.40 m. Thus, a 0.80 m wide
manhole is formed

Triple Slide Rails

This trench shoring system has

got three guides for the trench
shoring plates. The trench
shoring is very robust and
designed for extreme site
conditions. Nevertheless, the
trench shoring system remains
fast and flexible during the
assembly. Due to the huge
dimensions, strut clearances can
be realized which are not
exceeded by any competitive
trench shoring system

Drag box series

The Drag Box is designed for

trench shoring constructions
outside the city and for stable
soils. It secures only a small
section for the laying of the
pipes. The front ends remain
unshored and have to be sloped
according to soil conditions. The further excavation is effected ahead and the trench
drag box is pulled through the excavated trench into the new working position. Filling
and compacting is done behind the drag box whereas the pipe can be layed under
protection of the trench shoring plates

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Rolling strut Box

The SBH Rolling Strut Box is a trench shoring box which at the same time offers the
advantages of the slide rail shoring. The trench shoring plates are strut and supported
by the well-proven rolling strut successfully used in the slide rail trench shoring for a
long time

Records Retention

Checklist for Lifting Lowering and Carrying IM-09-H55 Till Completion of Project

All applicable Permits to Work IM-14 Till the end of project

Permit to Work for Lifting and Lowering

Operations IM-14-M Till the end of Project

Activity specific Checklists

(Excavation, Tools & Tackle
Inspection, Crane Inspection Check list etc.) Till Completion of Project

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EHS Department – HQ, WET IC © L&T Construction. All rights reserved

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