Evaluation of A Remanufacturing For Lithium Ion Batteries From Electric Cars
Evaluation of A Remanufacturing For Lithium Ion Batteries From Electric Cars
Evaluation of A Remanufacturing For Lithium Ion Batteries From Electric Cars
intermountable designed battery packs enable the replacement of circular economy to minimize waste, reduce system risks and
defective or outdated battery cells, allow additional cost savings and optimize resource yields [5]. An efficient circular economy
a prolongation of life time. This paper discusses opportunities for can help to improve the cost structures of LIBs and electric
future remanufacturing value chains of electric cars and their battery
cars respectively. However, diverse challenges have to be
components and how to address their potentials with elaborate
designs. Based on a brief overview of implemented remanufacturing solved to ideally combine all post-first-life possibilities. In
structures in different industries, opportunities of transferability are particular, the design phase of the batteries is already crucial
evaluated. In addition to an analysis of current and upcoming for their subsequent suitability in post-first-life applications
challenges, promising perspectives for a sustainable electric car [6]. Furthermore, the processes for the disassembly and
circular economy enabled by design for remanufacturing are remanufacturing define the cost structures significantly and
deduced. Two mathematical models describe the feasibility of
need to be optimized for a universal process [7]. The Chair of
pursuing a circular economy of lithium ion batteries and evaluate
remanufacturing in terms of sustainability and economic efficiency. Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components (PEM)
Taking into consideration not only labor and material cost but also and the Laboratory of Machine Tools and Production
capital costs for equipment and factory facilities to support the Engineering (WZL) at the RWTH Aachen University, focus
remanufacturing process, cost benefit analysis prognosticate that a on an integrated product and production development process.
remanufacturing battery can be produced more cost-efficiently. The One of the declared overall research targets is to reduce the
ecological benefits were calculated on a broad database from
battery cost to less than 100 €/kWh on pack level. This paper
different research projects which focus on the recycling, the second
use and the assembly of lithium ion batteries. The results of this determines the feasibility of engaging in a circular economy
calculations show a significant improvement by remanufacturing in for the EV LIB market with the focus on a battery
all relevant factors especially in the consumption of resources and remanufacturing in the context of this Integrative Product and
greenhouse warming potential. Exemplarily suitable design Process Development (IPPD) to reduce the production costs.
guidelines for future remanufacturing lithium ion batteries, which
consider modularity, interfaces and disassembly, are used to illustrate II. BACKGROUND
the findings. For one guideline, potential cost improvements were
calculated and upcoming challenges are pointed out. A. LIB in EV
The LIB technology is emerging as one of the optimum
Keywords—Circular economy, electric mobility, lithium ion solutions for the middle-term future in energy storage of an
batteries, remanufacturing.
EV. Typically, actual traction batteries consist of plurality of
I. INTRODUCTION single battery cells. As visualized schematically in Fig. 1,
these cells are first combined to a battery module and then
I N the past years, electric vehicles (EVs) have been
generating interest from the automobile, technology
industry and the public alike [1]. The growing market will lead
these modules are assembled to a battery pack which is then
integrated in the vehicles power train. Such battery solutions
are highly cost-intensive not only due to the high material cost
to the emergence of end-of-first-life batteries and has initiated but also due to the various requirements, the long individual
the debate for the best strategies for this secondary market [2]. development process and the production costs [8]. Especially
Due to the degenerative nature of lithium-ion batteries (LIB), the safety features of the product must be fulfilled, to meet all
an end-of-first-life battery is deemed unsuitable to meet EV the different standards and to guarantee a safe production
standards when the available capacity reaches 80% [3]. process under high voltage [8]. It would be desirable to further
reduce the production costs of LIB packs, to make the battery
Achim Kampker, Heiner H. Heimes, Mathias Ordung, Christoph technologies available for a broad user range by affordable
Lienemann and Ansgar Hollah are with the Chair of Production Engineering prices and to maximize the efficiency in battery production for
of E-Mobility Components, Steinbachstraße 19, Aachen, 52074 Germany
(corresponding author: Christoph Lienemann, phone: +49 241 8027809; fax:
all parties participating in the value chain. In this regard, it is
+49 241 80 22293; e-mail: C.Lienemann@pem.rwth-aachen.de). still uncertain if and how the different Re-X (recycling,
International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 10(12) 2016 1929 ISNI:0000000091950263
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Vol:10, No:12, 2016
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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Vol:10, No:12, 2016
The analysis of the different cost types such as material, The short durability and the request for a modern up-to-date
labor but also capital costs for equipment and factory facilities car can be addressed by a continuous update of the car, not
prognosticates that a remanufacturing battery can be produced only by software but also by hardware components. For this,
for around 60% of the initial cost of a new battery [17]. An the design of the car must be able to integrate new or
example pilot process for remanufacturing of LIBs, known as remanufacturing components both in terms of product and
cut-and-paste, has already been developed by Sybesma’s process. The other variant is the remanufacturing of a
Electronics and focuses on comprehensive battery testing, complete EV for a dissimilar application. For example, an
disassembly of post-vehicle-application batteries as well as the electric car produced for private use is remanufactured for a
reassembly of remanufacturing batteries [5]. A similar logistic use with exactly defined requirements which can be
remanufacturing process has been developed earlier just for easily met by the remanufactured car. Therefore, for example
consumer battery cells [18]. the seats could be exchanged with transport racks and the
battery capacity adapted to the needed operating range. Also
III. BUSINESS SITUATION FOR REMANUFACTURING IN for this model an elaborate design with modular interfaces and
ELECTRIC MOBILITY interchangeable components is needed. Especially the battery
For remanufacturing, various business models are pack as the most valuable component of the power train is in
focus of remanufacturing initiatives. Additional cost savings
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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Vol:10, No:12, 2016
PORTER the customer, market, technology, competition and situation in the remanufacturing market currently is
supplier situation must be examined [25]. unincisive. Entry barriers and regulatory boundaries exceed
the achievable profits thus far.
Single Procedure
1 repetition 1. Determination of goals
and scope To specify the benefits of a remanufacturing for LIBs a
2. Determination of possibilities
for action
model for rating the ecological as well as the economical
2 3. Selection of ecological criteria potentials was developed and applied. The method consists of
3 4. Evaluation of criteria weights eleven steps and can be divided into two parts. The first part
by pairwise comparison with a
consistency check according
(Steps 1-4) for weighting the criteria and select the data must
4 to Analytical Hierarchy be executed only once. The second part focuses on the
Process (AHP) assessment of the environmental and economic criteria and
5. Identifying of
5 8 ecological influences must be performed for each assessment.
6. Calculation of ecological The environmental assessment method to evaluate the
6 9 utility per kWh ecological potential follows the requirements described in the
7. Determination of overall
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Vol:10, No:12, 2016
square of the ultimate reserve of this resource. As for a would lead to a higher initial invest but cut be amortized by a
remanufacturing, only a small amount of new resources is higher quantity of batteries. For estimating an optimistic
needed and in this scenario the components, which are not scenario by an automatic disassembly line, the assumptions
able to be remanufactured, are forwarded to a recycling from Table II were used for a capital expenditure budgeting
process, the figure for the ecological impact in this category is calculation and the additional costs for a high automation
slightly low. disassembly line would be 19,44 €/kWh. Furthermore, the
assumption is made, that personnel costs can be reduced to 30
DR fossilEner gy €/kWh by optimization and economization due to the new
2 assembly line. In total, it equals to a costs advantage of 13,06
ADP fossilEner gy €/kWh. The total costs sum up to 119,74 €/kWh. Compared to
fossilEner gy
DR ref the assumed retail price in the scenario the total benefit of
R ref
2 60,26 €/kWh can be achieved by remanufacturing. However,
for an economic success of remanufacturing for LIBs many
challenges must be addressed, to make an automatic
disassembly line profitable. High invest costs combined with
low numbers of batteries cause a long amortization period.
Open Science Index, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:10, No:12, 2016 waset.org/Publication/10006102
Rfossil Energy ≙ “ultimate Reserve” for fossil energy in MJ The complexity and quickly changing designs of the battery
packs demand for a highly flexible technology. High voltage,
DRfossil Energy ≙ “De-accumulation” MJ/year explosion risks and electrolyte fumes are only a few hazards in
disassembling a battery pack.
Rref ≙ ultimate reserve of reference resource in kg TABLE II
DRref ≙ extraction rate of reference resource in kg/year Category Unit Quantity
Invest for automation € 6 million
Residual value at end of economic life € 3 million
Economic life Years 30
Category Indicator Unit Quantity
Interest rate % 3
Consumption of resources KEA MJ/kWh -224,1
Variable costs €/piece 96
ADP Kg-Sb-eq/kWh -0,001
Fixed costs €/piece 150.000
Greenhouse effect GWP Kg-CO2-eq/kWh -15,58
Sales volume* Pieces 30.000
Eutrophication potential EP kg-PO4-eq/kWh -0,01
Costs €/kWh 19.44
Acidification potential SO2 Kg-So2-eq/kWh -0,09
*Car sales volume based on yearly production capacity of Renault ZOE
Photochemical oxidants POCP Kg-Eth.-eq/kWh -0,007
KEA = accumulated energy expenditures, ADP = abiotic depletion
potential with an antimony equivalent, GWP = Greenhouse warming
potential, EP = eutrophication of ecosystems, SO2 = Acidification potential A. Design for Remanufacturing Principles
with sulfur as reference substance, POCP = Photochemical oxidants with an
ethene equivalent To address the various potentials of remanufacturing for
EVs and batteries, an elaborate holistic design of the
B. Economical Potential of Remanufacturing LIB
components, which considers modularity, interfaces and
The main economic potential for remanufacturing of LIB is disassembly, is required. The design principles are
the retrieval of battery cells and other valuable components exemplarily shown on a LIB pack. Synchronized components
such as housing, cables or electronics. To calculate the of the module, the cell bracing and wiring and housing is the
potential benefits, the costs for the disassembly and first key to a remanufacturing able design. Considering the
reassembly must be evaluated. A potential optimistic reselling workers’ safety (high voltage), the disassembly process is the
price of 180 €/kWh for a remanufacturing battery is assumed main focus for gathering the design requirements. The
based on similar calculations for second-life batteries in changeability of cells must be guaranteed without any danger.
stationary energy storages [3]-[5]. This price also marks the Detachable connectors and wiring of the cells therefore
upper limit for remanufacturing costs. The MNTRC already becomes essential. The housing takes the role of a modular
estimated the costs for a remanufacturing process of LIBs of a interface to insert the cells in a plug system. Ideally also the
Chevrolet Volt with a capacity of 16 kWh [5]. The total costs periphery (sensors, management, cooling) is pluggable and
for remanufacturing was estimated to 2.500 $ (~2250 €) which easy to connect. For this pluggable battery module, potential
equals to costs of 140 €/kWh which results in a benefit of 40 cost improvements were calculated. Here the additional
€/kWh [5]. benefit by the remanufacturing is not yet taken into
Taking a capacity loss to 80% (12.8 kWh) and an exchange consideration and would resolve in an even higher cost
of 10% defect cells (~720 €) into consideration the adjusted potential. Both changes could resolve to a cost reduction of
costs equal around 132,8 €/kWh [35]. Another cost driver are 6% of the initial production costs each [36]. The plug-in
the personal costs (62,5 €/kWh) which are significantly high system and its research needs are visualized in Fig. 4.
and can be reduced by an increased automation [5]. This
International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 10(12) 2016 1933 ISNI:0000000091950263
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International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Vol:10, No:12, 2016
A remanufacturing of LIBs used in electric cars offers
potential for cost savings up to 60 €/kWh in an ideal scenario.
In a functioning circular economy remanufacturing the
batteries can improve the environmental impact in all relevant
sustainability indicators, especially for the consumption of
resources and the reduction of the greenhouse warming
potential. In combination with second use and recycling
activities remanufacturing improves the sustainability and
reduces the production costs significantly. By elaborate
design, which offers standardized interfaces and modularity,
the barriers for remanufacturing a disruptive technology, such
as LIBs, can be addressed and together with business models
and carefully designed processes finally overcome. Due to an
optimized design for remanufacturing further cost savings can
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Vol:10, No:12, 2016
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International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 10(12) 2016 1935 ISNI:0000000091950263