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Hill Publishing Co.,


Air compressors , Intercooler for Allis Ammonia as fluid for boilers. 693
Explanatory Note. Chalmers. * 808 Ammonia, Boiling of. F. E. Matthews • 432
Illustrated articles are marked with an asterisk Air computer, Cox's compressed. * 580 Ammonia compressor indicator cards. F.
Air -cushion experience, C. T. Porter. 669 E. Matthews . * 77 , * 154 , * 211
(*). Book notices are marked with a dagger Air - Fan -blower design. 669 , 710 Ammonia lose quality ? Does. 104
(+ ). Cross references to a particular initial Air flowing through circular orifices in Ammonia loss in ice plant. ( Q. & A. ) 3 !!
word generally refer to any cognate work be. thin plates and under small differences Anaconda Co. , Big induction motors for. 561
ginning in the same way. Thus, a refer. of pressure, Measurement of. R. J. Analogue , Combustion. J. A. Caldwell . 176
Durley: 42 " Analysis and Softening of Boiler Feed
ence from " Feed water" to " Heater " would ap. Air gas. S. A. Moss. 686 Water.” E. and F. Wehrenfennig . †711
ply equally to " Heating . ” The cross references Air in condensers . 59 Analysis, Heating value of fuel from re
are intended to condense the matter and assist Air in oil burning, Use of. 495 sults of proximate. * 624
Air, Locating pipe break by pumping. * 702 Anchoring court-house high -pressure main. *3
the reader, but are not to be regarded as com Air colliery locomotives, Compressed 764 And still it ran . C. L. Johnson et al.
pletely inclusive, exclusive or conclusive. So, if Air plants , Cost of leakage in compressed. 779 * 696 , * 794 , * 795 , 796
Air -pump , Borsig -Oechelhaeuser .. . * 280 , * 353 Anderson feed water heater. * 37
there were a reference from " Engine" to " Pis . Anderson's marine thrust-bearing.
Air pump, etc. , Koerting engine. * 593 , 31e
ton," and if the searcher failed to find the * 658 , +749 Angle valve . See “ Valve .”
sought- for article under the latter entry, be Air pumps , Condenser. Franz Koester . * 44 Arch , Fire-brick . * 479
should not regard it as useless to turn back Air, Starting large gas engines by com Arches, Boiler. *309, 368 , * 435 , * 495 ,
pressed. * 248 * 565 , * 639 , * 636
and look through all the " Engine" entries, or Air supply , Heat loss by excessive . 141 “ Arithmetic, Machine Shop." Colvin and
others that the topic may suggest, as he would Air to compressor , Supplying ; pipe ex Cheney
posed to sun . F. Rattek Armature, Direct-current dynamo. į193
* 245 492
have done had there been no cross reference. Air ? Waste of fuel or. 700 Armature, Putting on direct-driven gene
All articles relating to a given topic do not Alarm , Novel automatic. J. G. Sheridan. * 107 rator .H. L. Strong. * 330
necessarily appear under the same entries. Us Alarm, Shreffler indicator and overhead. * 318 " Armatures, Continuous Current."" C.
ers of the index should bear in mind further Alberger condensers, Commonwealth Elec. Kinzbrunner. 4649
Co.'s . * 723 Armatures, Rewinding ; windings and in
that more regard is frequently paid to the ac. Alcobol as fuel. 508 sulation ; holding while working ; dry.
tual contents of an article than to the precise Alcohol as fuel . S. A. Moss. 737 ovenhoop
; blocks shaft ; unsoldering
Alcohol engine, Comparative tests of. 703
leads; forforstarting wire ; coil.
title under which it appeared.
Alcohol engine, The. 575 winding frame; finishing ends of
Alcohol in small engines . 558 drum armature ; balancing ; testing for
Alcohol preferred , Amiable. Otto King. 630 grounds, etc. Norman G. Meade.
Alcohol, Safety of. 797
PAGE * 282 , * 420
293 Alexander, J. H. Elementary Electrical Armour Institute , New machinery at. 184
Abel oil tester. Arnold , L. L. Perplexing problems solved.
Abrey's rope-drive mechanism . * 100 Engineering. +386 110
Alinement of shafting; S. E. 796 —Thump, Chronic ; what caused it . 351 ,
Acceptance of engines. S. H. Bunnell. 201 Allen boiler. C. T. Porter. * 217
Accident, Fly -Wheel. See “ Wheel .' 494 , 630
Accident, Peculiar - Loose follower bolt. Allen, Horatio . 468 , 470 , 471 - Following up sales . 432 , 493
Allen , J. R. " Heating and Ventilation." +649 --Emery on commutators. 434 , 503
Wm. Yates, E. S. H. 876 , 195
Allis-Chalmers air compressors, Intercool . Rear arches, vibrating mains, burning
Accumulators, Pressure of hydraulic. ( Q. 519
er for. * 808 oil . * 495
& A. ) Allis-Chalmers blowing engines, Recent . Ash handling at N. Y, Central plants. 134
Acetylene gas. S. A. Moss. 736
665 , 671 Ash-handling plant, L. I. Cy.
Acid in water . W. H. Booth . 286 * 338, * 199
Allis -Chalmers Club. 260 Ish percentages , Heating value and . * 624
Acidity of vapors, Correcting * 404
Allis - Chalmers Co. and Parsons turbines. 692 Ashes, Mode of removing .399
Acidity, Oil test for. A. H. Gill . 223
Allis -Chalmers Co. - Heavy casting - Roll- Ascherslebener- Oechelhaeuser engine. +358
Acme bulb gage -glass gasket * 579
Acme gas-power- plant trial. 07 ing-mill-engine work. 561 , * 774 Atkinson , Jas. Gas engines as applied to
* 807
“ Allis -Chalmers Engines at Home and electric driving . +100
Acton atmosphere relief valve . Abroad. " 1194 Atlanta exposition. C. T. Porter 730
Adams, A. D. Electric Transmision of Wa Allis-Chalmers engines , Test of Inter Atomizer, Parker cylinder oil. * 120
ter Power .' 7817 borough. * 115 “ Automatic,” Blunders using term . 484 ,
Adiabatic expansion, Levin on. S. A.
Alis-Chalmers gas-engine-driven units. 728
Moss. 343, 439 630, *632, 361 , 782 , 789
Allis -Chalmers high duty, pumping engine, Automatic mechanisms, especially as re
Adiabatics in refrigerating plant. * 77, * 164 *911 Test of St. Louis Water Works. ' 299, 380 lated to boiler feed . W. E, Crane .
Ados carbonic -acid -gas recorder. * 883 Allis - Chalmers pumping engine , Nash 793 , 795
“ Adriatic ," Engines of the . 471
ville's . 737 Automobile patented in 1788. * 535
“ Adulteration " and leakage currents . 263
* 810 Allis-Chalmers 6-stage motor-driven cen Automobile used for house lighting. 159
Advance feed - water purifier. trifugal pumps. * 642 Auxiliary engines , Power consumed by. 629
Advertisements , it pays to read. H. Jahn 506 Allis sawmill engines at Centennial . 468 Auxiliary power , Electricity as . 584
ke. Auxiliaries , Economical use H. F.
Alloy for turbine blades, New . 778 of.
Advice, Electrical. Bohunk. 20
" Alternating-Current Machinery. " Wm . Schmidt . 23 )
Aetna gage cock. * 54
• 405 Estey. Auxiliaries, Electrically driven vs. steam
Agitation of gaseous mixture, Mechanical Alternating currents - Catechism . * 164 , operated 62
Air . See also “ Draft ." Auxiliaries, Power required by. F. Foster 772
* 291 , * 350 , * 404 , * 553 , * 742
Air arrangement , Test of plant with Fed " Alternating Currents. Alfred Hay. +450 Auxiliaries , Steam - plant ; steam- vs. power
den's hot . * 91 " Alternating Currents, Practical.” C. F. driving 449 , 575
Air by heating , Increasing pressure of con Smith . 163
fined. ( Q. & A.) 519 Alternator. See also " Parallel" and
Air , Carbureted . S. A. Moss. 736 B
" Electricity. "
Air chambers on pumps . S. R. 245
Altitude upon combustion, Effect of. C. Babbitt, Bearings and . J. R. H. . 108
Air compression , Compound. L. I. Wight. .18
M. Palmer . * 527 C. Lee. 302
man . 780 Babbitt metal .
Aluminum , Soldering. * 228
Air compressor and riveter, Allen's high American Boiler Manufacurers' , Asso . 692 Babbitt, Scraper for. F. W. Cerny . 791
speed . C. T. Porter. 218 * 448
American chain -grate stoker. Babbitt steam packing. Fibrous. * 581
Air compressor lubrication. 9 American dead-weight gage tester . * 515 Babbitting eccentric -strap. W. O. 0. Orr. * 106
Air compressor, National Steam Pump .58
American Institute, Exhibiting at . C. T. Babcock & Wilcox boilers , L. I. Cy. *204 , * 338
Co.'s. Porter . * 215 Babcock & Wilcox boilers at North Ander
John J. Smith 178 American Institute of Social Service . 629, 772 son , Tests of. 91
Bury Compressor Co. * 178 American Mfg. Co. , Failure of transmis . Babcock & Wilcox boilers , Commonwealth
Air compressor test - C . & G. W. Ry. sion pulley at mill of . 250 Elec. Co.'s. * 720
shops . John Howatt. 13
American Mfg. Co.'s. water-proof trans Back pressure, Loss of power from in
Ingersoll-Rand Co. 301 mission rope. 254 creased. ( Q. & A. ) 126
Air compressors for Panama, Portable American multiplex Aue cleaner . * 187 Back-pressure valve , Weighting and dis.
Rand. 84 American Ship Windlass Co.'s. stoker . * 804 mantling . * 670 , 792
Air compressors, Gerald Stoney on recent American Soc. Mech . Eng. sce " Engi. Baker, A. H. " Graphic Methods of En
advances in turbine ; Allis-Chalmers neers. " gine Design."
Co. and Parsons blowers. 699
American Woolen Co.'s . engines. 781 Baker's proposed fly -wheel construction . * 172
Balance pulleys, How to. J. R. H. * 118 Blower design, Conditions of fan . 669, 710 -Feed -water inlet ; top feeds. Q. T.
Balanced -draft furnace. Embury McLean. * 512 Blower engine on shipboard , Repairing. * 681 Howard . 693
Balancing armatures. * 421 Blower, Repairing Sturtevant. J. R. Haw. * 570 Leroy Baker and Student, 783
Balancing gas engines. 732 Blower used with Sharp grate. * 122. -Feed -water regulator. Max Kurth. * 30
Balancing of Oechelhaeuser engine . * 278 ,. * 358 Blower, Wilson duplex positive. *55 Hensey & Gough .. 504
Balancing turbine end - thrust - London's Blowers and draft. 428 -Feeder, “ Red Star" sight-feed boiler.
patent . .691 Blowing down boilers . L. L. Arnold. * 170 compound. Lake Erie Co.'s. * 710
Ball'Engine Co.'s quarter- century. 314 Blowing engines , Gas. H. Freyn . * 231 -Feeding boiler compounds. *159, *336, * 443
Baltimore Power Co.'s turbine results. * 738 Blowing engines, Recent Allis -Chalmers ; -Feeding experiments -- Scientific point
Base , Raising dynamo to replace. * 293 improving plant efficiency . 665, 671 of view . M. G. Stolp , X. Y. Z., R. I.
Battery and booster, Installing storage. Blunders, Engineering. W. H. Wakeman. H. Heck , G. P. Pearce, F. N. Cerny,
H. L. Strong. * 476 * 484 , 782 , 789 R. T. S., A. Charter. * 168 , 180 , * 306
Battery cells in series or parallel, Switch R. T. Strohm. 630 -Furnace
-Furn records, 'combu
Continuous; automatic . 700
ing. ( Q. & A. ) * 519 A. J. A. * 632 aces and stion Weste rn
Battery connection problem , Storage. E. S. Boehm , Wm . H. Any safe Ay.wheels ? 377 coals . R. P. Holbrook . * 364
Lincoln , F. F. Redding, H. C. Milnes, -Fly -wheel wrecks ; safety -device fal . ( Nearness of boiler to fire; exposure
H. L. Strong. 245 , +370 lacies. 625 , 782 of bare tubes ; economy ; generating
Battery dimensions, Storage. ( Q. & A. ) 320 hydrogen from naphtha etc.) P. Van
Battle of the giants. A. Heaton. 688
BOILER . Brock. 697
Baxter , Jr. , Wm. " Practical Talks on -Fusible plugs in upright boilers. 519
Electricity : 1321 See also “ Furnace ," etc. -Gas burners should be placed under
-The hydraulic elevator . 769 --American Boiler Mfrs . ' Asso.-Col . boiler , Where. ( Q. & A.) * 60
Beam, Blocking hanger with I.. * 500 Meier on uniform specifications; B. -Gas-engine exhaust , Raising steam with. 641
E. C. Stafford on vanadium as steel -Gas firing for steam boilers.
BEARING . alloy ; H. J. Hartley on recent Cramp -Gas under steam boilers, Natural ; tests
--Babbitt, Bearings and - Small bearings; boilers. 692 of burners and Cook , Heine and Ca.
softness of metal; cast-iron " brasses --Babcock & Wilcox boilers , Tribune hall boilers. J. M. Whitham . 24
Civil War experience. J. R. H. * 108 building's . 550 Goss water - tube boiler. * 811
(Hard metal bearings .) C. Lee. 802 Blow - off circulating pipes . M. De -Halifax tramway plant-Feeding, clean
-Babbitt, Scraper for . F. W. Cerny. * 791 Weese , B. 0. Eyeler, G. A. Janicke, ing, safety -valve and pump practice;
Boiler setting, Bearing in. * 504 , 668, * 634, 698 H. W. Walker, C. H. T., Fred Chap explosions and gage -glass indications,
- Box -boring machine, Double connecting ell , H. E. Fisher , P. H. Bullock . etc. P. A. Freeman . 597
rod . C. T. Porter. 666 * 173 , * 312 , 368 -Header, Draining a. * 172 , * 311
-Brass to cure knock , Shortening crank. * 701 --Blowing down boilers ; mud deposits. -Header, Flexible connection of. * 426
-Brasses , Brackets, shelves and boring L. L. Arnold . * 170 Horizontal return -tubular boiler, Lay.
jigs for . W. D. Chamberlin . * 276 -Boiler management for young engineers, out of. Henry Mellon . * 786
--Connecting rod of Dock engine , Bearing Hints on - Filling, raising steam , cut --Horse -power, Boiler. ( Q. & A.) 451
at piston end of. *818 ting, in , foaming, shutting down etc. -Horse-power charts , Boiler. N. A. Carle. * 674
-Crankshaft -box causes knock . 694 C. E. Parry . 213 -" Horse -power of boiler. 630 , 790
-Engine bearing improvements . C. T. -Braces , Cahall vertical boiler. ( Q. & A. ) * 60
-Horse -power table, Boiler. Supplement
Porter , * 269 -Bracing boiler heads. ( Q. & A. ) * 385 to Feb. number.
-Heated generator bearings-Catechism of --Bracing, Criticism of boiler. C. F. -House construction , Drafts in boiler.
electricity . 40 Smith . * 112 W. H. Booth , 147
-Keying up crank-pins and wrist-pins; en -Bracing heads of horizontal return -tub ( Heating boiler rooms:) P. H. Bul
gine lubrication , etc. W. H. Wake ular boilers-A table . * 687, 801 lock . 438
man , D. Brodera . * 71 , * 372 -Brackets from rolled shapes, Boiler. -Inspection , Boiler. M. J. Conlon. 32
-Knock ' of brasses in gas engine, Curing ; C. W. J. * 246 --Inspection in British Columbia , Boiler. 101
suggestion for connecting-rod end -Capacity for heating water. 816 -Interior Dept's Heine boiler plant . * 536
with spring to take up wear . Amos
* 27
-Cleaners, Tube and flue . Joints, Double zigzag. ( Q. & A.). 60
Price , Jr. * 54 , * 55 , * 122, * 187 , * 317 , * 516 , * 708 -Lancashire boiler, Long. Lancashire. 784
Chas. New. 210 -Cleaning vertical tubes; blower connec -Lap, joints; “ lung disease ." * 171 , 239 , 374
-Crosshead and main bearings. H. J. 371 tion . S. J. Smith . * 465 --Leak ? What causes tubes to . Alfred
-Motors, Care of direct -current. 336 -Commonwealth Elec. Co.'s. Babcock & * 720
Hall et al . 172 , 247 , 367 , 572 , 698
-Thrust -bearing , Anderson's marine. 319 Wilcox boilers. -Long Island City power - station Bab.
-Turbine bearing, Interior of. * 735 -Contents, Figuring boiler. E. L. Griggs. 371 cock & Wilcox equipment. * 204 , * 338
Behrend on high speed, B. A. 260 -Corrosion and other faults , Boiler ; pit -“ Lung disease.” Bill Jones, Chas. New ,
Bell , Louis. " Electrical Power Transmis . ting ; explosion ; acid in water ; in Amos Price . * 171, 239 , 374
sion . ' 4321 crusted gage opening; feed pipe at -Marine fire-box crown -bars too close
Belt , Extra blower , etc. Wm . Kavanagh . 140 , 306 bottom ; safety-valve outlet plugged ; to crown -sheet. E. C. Wills. * 112
Belt man , Flagging. F. W. Harris. 246 dangerous blow -off arrangements ; --Mowry improved boiler. * 188
Belt operation , Question in - Running off . strengthening dome ; selling boilers by -Multi -water - level boiler , Van Ooster
R. T. Strohm et al . * 695 , * 796 weight; useless stays ; bad riveting; wyck. * 382
Belt , Peculiar marks on wall near. * 108 scalding steam from damp empty boil . -Murray boilers ; header ; special boiler
Belt responsible for dynamo noises. 81 er with safety valve closed ; burned for Bost. & Mont .; pressing curves of
* 257 plates ; plate thickness ; cork in pres . bent sheets . * 476
Belt-shifter, Parmiter.
Belt trouble, Odd Air inside of belt sure gage; defects and stupidity ; in -N . Y. Central power stations ; B. & W.
causes pound. J. N. M. * 498 spection ; keys of blow - off cocks, etc. boilers. * 131
Belt-wheel. See “ Wheel," " Pulley." W. H. Booth . 285 -Parker boiler with attached economizer . * 56
Belts changed places while running. Topsy -Corrosion ; grooving ; strengthening ring - Pipe-coil boiler. J. E. Noble. * 394 , 639
Turvy. * 106 for manhole. W. H. Booth . Chas. H. Jones . 570
C. Lee . * 302 -Crack ? What caused this boiler to . Sam . 244 --- Pipe, Dangerous steam ; large and small
Belts with the grain, Run. 160 Calvin B. Ross . 436 boiler . W. H. Wakeman . * 266 , * 367 , 501 , 566
Belted pulleys, Distance between. ( Q. & ( Hydrostatic testing.) P. Van Brock . 564 --Pitch of steam main ; don't connect
A. ) 258 -Crown -sheets, One cause of burnt ; low blow-off pipes in series ; wnter in pipe
Belting experiments, Bird's ; load pres. water emergency ; experiments of L. overloads safety valve ; steam diverted
sure .
406 E. Fletcher of Manchester. E. C. from pump, etc. J. G. Sheridan . 609
Belting, Horse- power of . Supplement to Wills ; J. W. Brecknell , J. F. Nagle . -Plates Brittleness of mild steel ; con
Feb. number . 114 , 343, * 499 stituents ; failures ; grooving, crack
Belting - Running engines together. J. E. -Draft, Advantages of mechanical. 562 ing, etc. C. E. Stromeyer . 776
H. * 376 --- Efficiency of boiler and enoine. 650 -Plug is placed , Where'fusible. ( Q. &
Bement , A. Boiler tests . 90 --Efficiencies, Steam boiler-Test results A.) 258
--Sampling of coal and classification of and new forms of construction ; tests - Porter at Centennial , C. 1.-Judging
analytical data . 518 by A. Bement; tests by Lafayette boilers. 470
-Testing of coal. 741 University students of Union Trac -Porter's reminiscences, C. T .-- Allen
-Smoke suppression with particular ref. tion Co.'s Babcock & Wilcox boilers boiler at American Institute ; super
erence to steam boilers. * 744 at North Anderson ; Stirling boilers heating; testing; evaporation from
Bending machine, Pedrick & Smith pipe. * 120 at Sheffield with Fedden's hot -air ar. tank ; heat lost by brick- work radia.
" Bennington ” , and Naval Engineers, The. 86 rangement with hollow grate -bars and tion ; sediment deposits; use of salt
Bessemer steel and brittleness . 776 induced draft . J. B. C. Kershaw . * 89 water; size of drum ; cracked header ;
Best , Do'your. Wm . Westerfield . 333 Explode, Claims that oil caused tube future of inclined tube boiler with
Birney, E. H. New method of measuring to . F. D. Hogg. 178 independent circulation in each tube,
* 275 -Explosions and license laws , Boiler. 252 etc. * 215
water in pump tests . -Pressures , Allowable boiler. W. H.
Bit, Drilling large hole with small. P. A. ---Explosion at Guttenberg roller mill,
Leavitt. * 112 Peculiar effects of boiler . * 117 Booth . 554
Blades , Steam , Steam turbines with mil . -Explosion at Providence, Franklin Ma - Pump to boilers of unequal pressure ,
lions of . 801 , 560 , 375 , 696 , 785 chine Co.'s boiler . * 82 Connecting R. M. Orr . * 500
Blast furnace. See “ Furnace,” " Gas," -Explosion, Australian - Hydraulic test -Questions, Prize - Diameter and safety ;
insufficient . 22 bracing ; power developed using me
" Engine,” etc.
“ Block ” stations with gas engine drive, ( British Columbian inspection . ) 101 tered water heated by exhaust steam ;
Electrical. A. Gradenwitz . 249 -Explosion causes. W. H. Booth . 285 evaporation with a certain coal ; ar
Blow , Effect of. Mosley and Bacon . 359 --Explosion expected ; removing gage . 464 ranging feed and blow -off pipes.
Blow , Force of a . D. B. Dixon . 628 --Explosion in Jackson planing mill, Boil 362 , " 633 , 782
Herbert Culpan . 695 er . 251 -Return - tubular boilers. C. T. Porter 732
Blow -off circulating pipes. M. DeWeese, --Explosion of a low- pressure boiler. W. -Safety valves. W. H. Wakeman * 485
B. 0. Eyeler , G. A. Janicke, H. W. W. Manning . 169 -Sawmill plant - Engine bearing support.
Walker, G. H. T. , Fred Chapell, H. -Explosion of vertical Alue boiler. Edw. ed by ' boiler ; feed -pump driven by
E. Fisher , P H. Bullock . * 173 , * 312 , 368 Balbach . * 176 crosshead - Is it dangerous. H. G.
Blow -off pipe, Arranging. 362 , 634 , 782 --Explosion , St. Louis Transit Co.'s. 415 Boutell , et al . * 504 , 568 , * 634 , 699
816 -Explosions, A few boiler. 33 Scale , water, corrosion and pitting etc.
Blow-off -pipe connection. Circulating. -Explosions a month , Number of. A. H. Gill. 9. * 84
Blow -off pipe, Hinge joints for. * 465 124
Blow -off pipes. H. Jahnke . * 571 - Explosions in England as compared --Setting. Point in - Arches, creeping, an .
A. H. Hale . # 703 with U. S. 184 gle -irons , water line, burning. R. M.
Blow -off pipes independently connected . 610 -Export mistakes . 445 , 574 Orr , E. S. Hawkins, C. H. T. , W. D. ,
* 635 . * 565 , * 639 , * 435 - Faults in first- class plant. C. W. Dunlap. * 110 C. B. Risley , L. L. Arnold , 0. C.
Blow -off pipes, etc.
Blow -off practice. W. H. Wakeman . * 551 --Feed regulators ; effect on superheating793
. , Woolson . * 309, 368, * 435 , * 495 , 565 , * 639 .
* 580 W. E. Crane. 795 638 *
Blow - off valve , Huxley . 797
Blow -offs, Dangerous. W. H. Booth . 286 , 287 -Feed regulators, Weaknesses in . W. E. -Setting , Prize contest for boiler.
Blower belt , Extra , etc. Wm . Kavanagh . 140 , 806 Crane. 107 -Ship's boilers connected with shore. 394


Smoke prevention ; steam jets ; burning Brush holder, Scrubbing. D. Brodera . * 373 Charts, Logarithmic . E. G. Robinson . * 415
oil , etc. J. B. C. Kershaw et al. Brush trouble Electrical breakdowns. 95 Chattanooga meeting A. S. M. E. * 359
141 , 443, 495 , 635 Brush troubles. John Howatt. 336 Chattanooga & Tennessee River Power Co. 361
--Smoke suppression ; soft-coal ' furnace. Brushes, Sandpapering. Bohunk . 30 Cheaper power . E. N. Percy . 093
A. Bement. * 744 Brushes, Sand-papering commutator . Ben Chemistry , Engine -room . A. H. Gill . 9, 84 , * 145
-Springfield . O., power plant at. * 459 ny. 173 * 222 , 300, 331 , 407 , 493 ,
" Star water-tube boiler. Granger Co's. * 806 Brushes, Use of graphite. 624 F. R. Wadleigh . 377
-Steam -boiler troubles on shipboard Bubb interchangeable compression-hub pul Wm . Scott Taggart. 434
Wasting away ; bulging; collecting ley. * 121 Chemistry of combustion. S. A. Moss. 619, 685
sediment; cracking; mud drum connec Buckets , Steam turbines with millions of. 801 Chester Traction Co.'s fly -wheel explosion . * 250
tion ; " Nashville's " boilers; restricted Buckeye 2 -stroke-cycle gas engine. * 576 Chicago Edison Co. - Commonwealth Co.'s
circulation ; value of galvanizing tubes, Buffalo Forge Co.'s gas-cleaning fans. * 809 station . * 715
etc. Horace See. .627 Buffalo tandem -compound engine. * 449 Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co.'s portable
-Steam boilers, Notes on-- Material and Buhne Co.'s fibrous babbitt packing. * 581 electric drill and tube expander. * 709
strength shell ; “ breathing ". or
of Building , The new Engineering. *51 Chimney. See also " Stack .'
change of form ; types of shell joints ; Buildings , Gas -producer opportunities in . 641 Chimney, British reinforced -concrete. 353 , 638
riveting ; hardening effect in punching Bunnell , S. H. Suggestions for erecting Chimney , Colwell Lead Co.'s - Quick re
etc.; fire cracks ; arrangement ot engineers. 289 building.. 735
seams; tubes ; braces ; loop brace ; --Cylinder dimensions and engine econ Chimney , Failure of concrete . * 690, 705
domes and drums ; use of cast- iron fit omy . 437, 503 Chimney, Felling large German. Alfred
tings for blow -off, etc.; specifying -Adjusting Rites inertia governor. * 653 Gradenwitz. * 14
plate thickness ; water pockets in Bureau of Labor, Information desired by . 179 Chimney on Niagara power station . 180
branch pipes , etc. R. L. Kennett. * 147 , * 227 Burned -out motor coil , Eliminating, etc. 140, 306 Chimneys and draft. 427
-Steam Boilers, their History and Devel Burner , Branch natural gas. * 583 Chimneys, Concrete. 164 , 425
opment. H. H. P. Powles. +63 Burner tests, Natural gas. J. M. Whit. Chimneys, Cost of. 219
-Sun, Boiler heated by. 693 ham . 26 Chimneys, Large steel . 247
-Systematic method of starting up and Burners should be placed under boiler, Chimneys, Support of Commonwealth
shutting down boilers ; feed and blow Where gas . (Q. & A. ) * 60 Elec.'s * 722
off connections , etc. W. H. Wake Burnt crown sheets, One cause of. E. Churchill, W. W. Preventing condenser
inan . * 550 C. Wills , J. W. Brecknell , J. F. Nagle . electrolysis. 598
-Test , Loss by leakage during test. 816 114 , 343 , * 499 Cincinnati ' Traction Co.'s coal-handling
-Tube expander, Portable drill and. * 709 Burnt plates. W. H. Booth . 286 plant. * 780
- Tubes and " flues' Distinction . 630 Burrows steam trap . 710 Circle diameters and circular segments,
- Tubes, Experiment showing difference Burt Ventilator. * 255 Curve for determining relation be
in temperatures. C , T. Porter 729 Burton , F. G. “Commercial Management. " 163 tween A. V. Youens.
-Tubes, Improved circulation in closed
end of boiler. H. F. Schmidt . * 106
Bury Compressor Co.
Question of ac
* 178
Circle , Geometry of the. C. J. Mason.
Circuits, Elementary lecture on electrical .
- Turbine loads and unequal pressures. 778 " Business opportunities." 381 , * 695 * 143 , 498
Vacuum in a steam boiler. W. H. Byllesby & Co., H. M. 16 Circular segments , Areas of. ( Q. & A.) 126
Wakeman . * 791 By -pass , Advantage of. W. H. Wakeman. *8 Circulation in closed end of boiler tubes,
-l'alve, Cracked check ; feed -pipe noise . By -pass, Improving pumping engine with. * 302 Improved . H. F. Schmidt. * 106
L. L. Arnold . 111 City plant is run , How one . * 700
--libration , Bad case of boiler . Blank С Civil Service examination . (Q. & A. ) 60
Mining Co. +436 Clamp for starting binding wire. * 420
L. L. Arnold , J. J. Hoppes, Wm. Cahall boiler braces. ( Q. & A.) 60 Clamp, Repairing rod with. * 680
Chiddick, Adolph Crome. 495 , * 502 Cahall boiler tests , Natural-gas fired. 25 Clamped boiler joint, Price's. Chas. New . 239
Walton steam generator. * 257 Cahillernor
, R. . E. Adjusting Rites inertia gov For connection see Lung
-Washing boilers . H. H. Jahnke. * 158 * 653 Classification of engines. " 484 , disease ."
630 , * 632 , 361 ,
Water and steam space . ( Q. & A. ) * 585 Calibration of indicator springs. R. S. 782 , 789
-Water - back for steam boilers. R. B. Streeter . * 601 Claudel, J. " Handbook of Mathematics .” 1711
Fulton. * 376 Callihan, Will I. Getting experience . 170, 173 Cleaner, American multiplex flue . * 187
-Water leg , Safe working pressure on . 192 Calorimeter, How to make and use coal. Cleaner , Gronvold boiler flue . * 55
Bolt , Backing out broken . D. Brodera . * 373 J. F. Boughton. * 524, 694 Cleaner, Improved operating device for
Bolt broken by small nut. 540 Calumet & Hecla, Engine for. C. T. Por. Dean boiler tube. * 317
Bolt, Tap improvised from. Engineer. * 107 ter . 668 Cleaner, Liberty standard turbine. * 54 1
Bolt-threading machine. C. T. Porter . 666 Cam -shaft motion and locomotive. * 393 Cleaner, New head for Lagonda " Wein
Bolts loose in cylinders, Follower . 371 , 375 , 495 “ Cams and the Principles of their Con land " tube . * 122
Bonnet, Repairing broken. Practical . * 369 struction ." Geo. Jepson . * 126 Cleaner, “ Rotatap " boiler- tube. W. B.
“ Bookkeeping by machinery.” E. W. Cams, Gas engine . F. E. Junge. * 75 Pierce Co.'s. * 708
Thompson . 4649 Cambered piston rods, Amos Price, Jr. * 791 Cleaner ,
Sterling hand-operated boiler
Booster, Installing. H. L. Strong. * 475 Cambria Co.'s engines. C. T. Porter tube . Zilliox Green Co.'s. * 516
Booth , W , H. Boiler corrosion . *7 544 , 602 , 669 Cleaning. Blast- furnace gas. H. Freyn. 232
Point in boiler -house construction , 147 , 438 Campbell gas-power - plant trial . 97 L. L. Brewer. 766
Beiler corrosion and other faults. 285 Carbonic -acid -gas recorder, Ados . " 383 629
-Condenser construction , 491 Carbonic -acid generator. A. H. Gill . * 84 Cleaning condenser and absorber tubes of
Allowable boiler pressures. 554 Carbureted air . S. A. Moss 736 ice machines. W. E. Crane. 775
-Smoke prevention in London. 567 Carbureter to enrich producer gas. 386 Cleaning vertical boiler tubes. S. J.
" Water Softening and Treatment.” +584 Card index , Ingenious. A. M. Orr . * 245 Smith . * 465
-Heat exchange in steam turbines. 615 Card , Indicator. See " Indicator." Cleaning -- Washing boilers. H. Jahnke . * 158
Boring jigs for brasses. * 277 Cards, indexes and fles . * 102 Cleansing fans for furnace gas , Buffalo. * 809
Boring- machine reminiscences. C. T. Care of an engine. W. H. Wakeman . * 71 , * 372 Clerk , Dugald, on gas turbines.
Porter . 665 Care of direct -current motors. J. Howatt. 366 Clicking pistons . * 108 , * 241 , 247 , 375 , 497 ,
Borsig - Oechelhaeuser engine: F. E. Carle, N. A. , Engine-horse -power charts . 567 , * 569
Junge . * 278, * 353 * 17, * 76 Clock wound by temperature changes. 693
Boston exposition. C. T. Porter. 730 --Stack draft. * 166 , 315 , 434 Clutch-operating mechanism , Ryder's. * 57
Boston Herald plant is not inspected. * 552 - Fly -wheels for single-cylinder engines . * 295 Coal and Classification of analytical data,
Boston & Montana , Boiler for . * 476 Strength of wire rope. * 362
Sampling of. A. Bement . 518
Boughton, J. P. How to make an use -Wrought-iron pipe columns. * 409 Coal and gas producer practice. 225 , 683
coal calorimeter., * 524 , 694 -Size of live-steam mains. * 472 Coal , Boiler evaporation with specified . 362, 634
Box . See “ Bearing." -Dimensions of stacks . * 545 Coal calorimeter, How to make and use .
Braces, Boiler ; loop brace . R. L. Ken --Capacity of duplex feed pumps.
Boiler horse power.
* 617 J. F. Boughton . * 524 , 694
nett , * 227 * 674 Coal cars upside down, Turning. 324
Braces, Cahall vertical boiler. ( Q. & A. ) * 60 -Graphical calculation of feed- water heat Coal , coal gas , producer gas, etc. S. A.
Bracing boiler heads. ( Q. & A.) * 585 ers . * 738 Moss . 685
Bracing, Criticism of boiler. C. F. Smith . * 112 Carman , A. P. Resistance of tubes. 769 Coal consumption in New York. 114
Bracing heads of horizontal return -tubular “ Carmania ,” Concerning the . 53 , 508 Coal furnace, Smokeless soft . A. Bement .
boilers--A table . * 687 , 801 Carnegie Steel Co. 561 , * 774 Coal handling and storage by Common
Bracing, Question on boiler. 362 , * 633 Carpenter, R. C. Centrifugal- fan data . 592 wealth Elec .; saving small coal . * 720 , * 726
Brackets for engine parts , Wall . * 276 Carpenter's test of Skinner engine. * 423 Coal handling at N. Y. Central plants . * 132
Brackets from rolled shapes, Boiler. C. Carr steam pump governor . * 517, 584 Coal handling at Springfield plant. • 460
W. J. * 246 Carrier , Location of universal. ( Q. & A. ) * 61 Coal-handling plant. Cincinnati Traction
Bragg, Death of Chas. 587 Cash pressure reducing and regulating Co.'s . * 780
Brakes ? Should turbines have . F. valve . * 642 Coal-handling plant, Long Island Cy. * 338 , * 199
Thomas. 631 , 695 Carter , W. A. Victoria Falls. * 607 Coal-handling faults in a first-class plant.
Branch natural - gas burner. * 583 Cassier , Death of Louis. 521 C. W. Dunlap . * 110
Brass smixture expanding like gun metal . 313 Casting by Allis-Chalmers Co. , Heavy. 561 , * 774 Coal in heaps, Deterioration of. 277
Brasse . See “ Bearing . " Castings, Getting gun -metal. C. T. Porter 161 Coal mixed as fuel, Peat and . 179
Brazil, “ Table " engine exhibited by . 470 Castings, Pinholes in brass . 247 Coal production and exportation . 237
*Brazing and Soldering.” J. F. Hobart. †711 Catalog and data files. C. L. Hubbard . * 102 Coal smokelessly, Difficulty of burning
Breakdowns of electrical machinery, British Catechism of electricity. 40 , * 80 , * 164 , * 291. soft 119
insurance company report on . * 94 * 350 ,' * 404 , * 553 , * 742 Coal Testing of . 1. Bement. 741
Brecknell, J. W. Low -water emergency . Benny. 173 Coals, Burning Illinois and lowa . * 564 , 697
343 , * 499 Caulking with tin -foil. Wm . Kavanagh . * 292 Coals , Comparative value of. R. P. King . 481
Brewer , L. L. Power gases. 766 Cellar , Draining. J. E. Noble . * 442 Coals, Composition of. F. R. Wadleigh . 37
Brick work, Fire . * 479 Cement chimneys, Large. 638 A. H. Gill. 495
Brick -work radiation , Heat lost by . 218 Cement, packing with iron . L. L. Arnold . 170 Coals , Heating value of. * 624
Bristol , W. H. Thermo-electric pyrometer. * 360 Centennial, Experiences at . C. T. Porter . Coals in gas producers, Soft, 781
British Columbia Boiler inspection in . 101 * 468 , 540 Coals . Indiana ; suggested furnace . R. P.
British exports of power machinery . 690 Central stations vs. isolated plants . 100 King. * 163
Brittieness of mild steel, Centrifugal force in hydraulic turbine. * 753 W. H. Booth, 567
* Brookes' Twentieth Century Machine Chamberlin , W. D. Power house conven . Coals , Investigation of Illinois. 343
Shop Practice." 4649 iences. * 276 Coals . Tests of gas -making. 6
Brooklyn Rapid Transit - Turbine space --Power -houses wrecked by San Fran . Coaling station in Philippines. 96
economy . 300 cisco earthquake. 487 Cock , Aetna gage . 54
Brooks, Morgan , on paralleling alterna . Chart. See also “ Diagram ," " Curve." Cockerill blast-furnace -gas power data . * 231
801 Charts for horse power. etc. N. A. Carle
tors .
Brown engine , Running side -shaft.
Coils — Rewinding. Norman G. Meade.
E. * 17 . * 76 , 167, 315 , 434. * 294 . * 363 . * 410 * 282, +420
L. Griggs. * 310 473, * 546 , * 618 , * 675 , * 739 Coke and coke-oven gas . 685
Crosshead, Improved Koerting. * 751
767 -Tubes, Corrosion in condenser ; condens-
ers at L. I. Cy.; precautions against Crosshead driving feed pump. * 504 ,
L. L. Brewer . 568 , * 634 , 698
-oven gases.
Coke -oven yields. F. R. Wadleigh . 378 , 1321
493 --Tubes 119 , * 206 , 210
Crosshead -shoe adjustments ; scraping, etc. 371
“Coke Ovens, United -Otto System of By. olysisice
electrof . machines , Cleaning con-
ngctpre 775 H. J.
Produ . ssure of tubes . * 359 , 314 , 769
146 -Tubes , SizesW.of E.conCrane
denser, . . ( Q. & A. )
denser 61 Crosshead, Screwing pump piston -rods into. * 368
Cold test of oils , -Turbine -plant condenser outlet and inlet- Crosshead shoes Aying off, Prevents .
* 241
ar, ia ingersi * 369
pipes too near together ; sluice valves John Baker . 785
Col HoldUniv dashty-,pot-rod.
Evening technical Crosshead too low ; a pound .
between exhaust and condensers cause Crossley gas-power -plant trial.
778 Crown -bars too close to crown - sheet . E. C.
cour ses at . damag e.
Column , Lunkenheimer " Vigilant” safety -Turb ine results in . Baltimore , Actual . * 735 * 112
* 121 -Vacuum , Henry Davy on intermittent. Wills .
wates ,r .Wrought-iron pipe, N. A. Carle . * 409
678 Crown -sheets, One cause of burnt. E. C.
Column -Vacuum pump, Mullan vertical wet. * 186 Wills, J. W. Brecknell , J. F. Nagle.
Colvin and Cheny . " Machine Shop Arith 1193 -Water , Condensing steam with little . 114 , 343 , * 499

meti c ." d 735 -Wat

? Haswe does he lose his circulat-
How ll.
Cumberland rail mills wheel explosion .
Colwell Lea Co.'s Chimney - Quick re 172 , 377
* 177
buildi n . analogue . J. A. Caldwell . ing. P. A. Leavitt . 307 Cunarders, Turbines of new . 53 , 508*, 166
467, , * 598
Combus 176
J. H. Stephens. 291
Combustion , Boiler furnaces and Western -Wheeler condenser at Los Angeles. * 65
coals ; temperature and efficiency , etc. * 564 Conductance - Elementary lectures. * 143 Current curves-Catechism of electricity., * 291
498 672
R. P. Holbrook , 697 it n, Johns
ConduJoh Mayoille
B. -Manv . sectional pipe. * 446 Curtis marine turbine , Test of. 16
Peter Van Brock . Curtis turbine at Oshkosh , Test of.
Combustion , Effect of altitude upon. C. * 527 Connecting -rod -box boring machine, Double 665 Curtis turbineat St. Louis -Auxiliaries . 772
M. Palmer . 443, 495 , 635 C. T. Porter . Curtis turbine
for low pressure , Instanation
* 701 * 150, 253 , * 299 , 483
Com tion
bustio Fuells
n ,, Fue . and. S. A. Moss . Connecting -rod -box, Taking up:
Connecting-rod -box wear, Spring to take * 27 Curtisof. turbines, at Pt. Morris and
619 , 685 , 736 * 131
471 up . Amos Price , Jr. 240 Yonke rs.
on rate and economy .
Combusticia Chas. New . Curtis turbines , Commonwealth Elect .
“ Commer l Management of Engineering +63 Connecting rod of Dock engine, Bearing at Co.'s ; a test . * 722 , * 430
F. G. Burton . * 813
Commissi ons, Dr. Raymond on engineers ' . piston end of , * 486 Curtis turbines , Los Angeles Edison's . * 69
wealth tric s ine 587 Connecting-rod strap, Wreck by breaking . Curtis turbines, Potomac Co.'s. 219
Common Elec Co.' turb sta Consular report nof automatic
Germa Curtis & Waterhouse's exhaust -operated
* 715 , * 430 189 * 386
tion . 315 stoker .
Commutator bars, Burned . 340 Contents of a boiler . E. L. Griggs. 371
* 23
Curve . p:See also “ Chart ,” “ Diagram ."
Commutator bars, Burned . E. H. Lane . Controller , Automatic mult -stage turbine . Curve for circle diameters and segments. * 663
173 * 186
Commutator brushes , Sandpapering. * 421 Conveyor, Lucas flexible trough . 24 Curves — Catechism of elec . * 164 , * 291,
* 350
* 655
Commutator end , Finishing. Cook boiler tests, Natural- gas fired. 325 Curves of force and rotative effect.
Commutator insulation , Damaged . ( Q. & 650 Cook , Death of Geo . C. 494 Cut-off, " Automatic" and " variable ”?; dan .
Coolers, gerous attempt to lengthen .
A. )ator quill , Trouble with.
Cooling , Sweating.
Compressor.jacket; intercooling .
* 18
484 , 630 , 361 , * 632 , 782 , 789
ator troubles. John Howatt.
Commutato Cut- off , Engine economy. as affected by
ca ; accridetrou
Commut ntalbles
met-hod ting
Treaof ingd goo
getthar mi d Coolin Wightma
L.gI.Nue rnberg nand
. other gas engines uncqual . Thos. Hall .
* 391
Cylinders , pistons , stuffing boxes , ex Cut-off limitations of slide valve. * 712
surface ; fats and filing . L. L. Ar 238 haust valves ; Pawlikowsky -Goerlitz ex etc. ,
haust-valve cooling method; tempera Cut -off moves vertically , piston , 784
utator -truing
Commnold. device , Home -made. 639 tures ; piping; exhaust mufflers; pumps, horizontally . 470
* 73 ,
* 34 *, 416 , ** 156
532 Cut-off , Sick els trip.
Cut-off with single -eccentric, Limit of
0.rsOrr . mentary * 492 etc. F. E. Junge . * 632 , 782
utators L. ure
Emery on . lect
,, Ele L. on.
Arnold . 434 Cool ing
ing Reic henbach engi
rs ense ne.
rs automatic. 361 ,
Cool towe , Cond and . F. Fos Cutter , " Exacto ” packing gage and . * 234
503 * 769 440
( Sandpaper . ) LeRoy Baker . 30 ter . towers , Natural Cylinder, Allowance for reboring.
ors, Sanding; Bohunk . 1193 Cooling and forced draft. Cylinder and piston wear in large hori
ent Thos . D. West . 48 , 52
L. H. Edwards . * 765
“ Compet Life , The . 181 , 166 Franz Koester . 192 zontal engines. .353
Composite Cylinder g -Oechelhaeuser engine.
Compou nd prime mover
air compre
ssion . L. I. Wight . Copper ball pyrometer.n
Copper pipes , Corrosio of.
(Q. & A. ) 610
, Borsi
Cylinder cover, Securing_broken . * 682
* 18 h 286
Cylinder dimensions, etc. Peter Van Brock
W. H. Boot .
man. nd fared in service , How . “ Green 371
Cork in See
gage .also " Engine .' and S. H. Bunnell. 437 , 503
* 469 of
un . nd * 710 Corliss engine at the Centennial. Cylinder head , Temporary repair
Compou ' feeder , “ Red Star" sight -feed. Corliss & Nightingale engine, Old. * 251 * 335
* 159 814 cracked . * 706
Compound , Feeding boiler . H. Jahnke. * 336 Correspondence, Teaching, H.by:
Cylinder , Jacobson bushed gas-engine .
J. G. Sheridan . * 443 Corrossion
Corro ion , inBoiler.
cylind ers
W., Oil. " H.
Booth .
Spurri er* .7 , *285
403 Cylinder lubrication . See also " Lubrica
T. nd-
Compou H. C. wound dynamo, Experience * 149 tion .” lubricator, Home-made ,
Corrosion of iron - Engine -room chemistry. 610 85 Cylinder * 336 , 639
ion of pipesnsers
of conde by , sea
Electr olytic
water . , 119 , Cylinder, Nuernberg gas engine ; influence
Com wit
pou nd. -wound dynamos operating in * 228 of high initial " temperatures on gas
ng. * 210 , 598 engine cylinders . F. E. Junge .
* 35
Compou -wou lel nd lati
, Regu dynamos ; voltage regu 509 224
Cost of operation of blast - furnace -gas Cylinder oil, Bad effect of.
* 231 * 120
iatio n . * 743 Costspow er steam
for H. sFreyn.
plant. engine , turbines and gas Cylinder oil atomizer , Parker
Compounding ng alternators , Over. 650 691
Cylinder -Piston projecting over ports.
Compoundi an engine. ( Q. & A. ) 731
engines , Comparative operating.
Compresse air. See also " Air. " Costs of condensers for different vacua . * 769 C. erT.
Cylind , Rep airering
Port . cracked . John Baker . 572
ssed Air. Change in .
Compresso 4322 101 R. W. 496
Costs of fuel, Comparative.
Compre rr, Air. See " Air . " Costs of small electric light plant, Detail Cylinder,
Cyli nder, Repa iringg crac
cracked pum
pump.. Royal 636
Compresso indicator cards , Ammonia . Jordan , Mich .
* 265 *
* 77 , * 154 , * 211 er esiz
Cylind . e mistated . C. T. Porter .
Computator, Milne's equivalent evapora
nseed Halph
Cotto r,en's testingfor.
Secur . A.
332 , 407
* 317 500 Cylinder - temperature tests , Koerting en * 662
tion , * 580 Jam on
ies . * 672 gine , 503
Computer, Cox's compressed -air. er
Coup , G. B. Slide -valve mode . l
• 457 ders, , Worn T. H
Concrete chimney , Failure of. * 690,
164 , 705
425 Covering of exhaust piping , Heavy . Cylin
Cylinder Gummypump.
deposit in . C. H. Gar
• 580 28
Conc floorseys.
ete chimn with “ Voltax, " Treating . 806 Cox' s comp ress ed -air comp uter .
Crack ? What ca " sed this boiler to . 244 , 436 , 564 . , Oil corrosion in .
Concrete foundations, Iron -clad . C. B. 227
lick H. Spurrier . * 403
Cracks , Fire . R. L. Kennett .
* 372
Ross, 274 , 287 , 291 Cracked cylinders , Repairing. 496 , * 572 , * 636
“Concr te, , Notes
Concre Reinfo . d .” F. D. Warren .
onrce 149 Cracking of boiler plates . 692
15 Cramp boilers, Some recent. ** 810 * 803
Cond ensation
Concrete stackin turbines;
, Big, superheating. 615 , 629
steel and. Crandall
Cran e servi ce anic
mech , Comm lubrialth
al onwe cator . Elec . Co's. 720 D. & J. torsion meter . 732
Dalby , W. E. , on balancing gas engines .
107 Damper regulator attachment. Wm . Kav
Crane. W. E. Boiler feed regulators: * 523 * 140
-Setting valves of Rice -Sargent engine. * 306
-Cleaning condenser and absorber tubes 773 ( Pat. .by Spencer Regulator Co. )
rs Dam pers at L. 1. City .
boile r,ense .
Testing. C. T. Porter. 21.6 of ice machines.
--Automatic mechanisms, especially as 793
re , 795 Dangerous ? Is this plant . H. G. Boutell * 504
-Auxiliaries, Economy with . H. F.
lated to boiler feed . C. B. Ross .
230 * 634
Schm idtalth
. --Effect of feed- water regulators on super J. W. Power ; Benny . 698
- Comm onwe Electric Co.'s Alberger 795, 793 C. E. Jurasher. 91
* 723 k brass. to cure knock , Shortening.
Cranheating * 701
and Worthington condensers . s pract ice
-Condenser , Effect of adding a. 485
Crank lead ? Should high or low -pressure. 125 Dash erou
Dang -pot expe dien ts,. A.L. L. Arnold . 111
* 666
Condensers for steam engines and tur Dani el Brod
era . tment. W. H. Wake. * 510 Dash.pot for Porter-Allen governor.
bines - Best vacuum ; costs ; power re Crankk - pin box
Cran mech anisadjus
m , Ram sey. Dash-pot peculiarities . W. H. Wakeman . * 612
quired for auxiliaries . Frank Foster . * 769
. gKin
bleirin ks .
Crank pin , Unhardened , C. T. Porter .* 72 , * 372
732 Dashh -pots
Das -pot trou
- Repa brok en bonnet ; hold
-Cond ensers - Types and application * 369
Jet ; 30,000 sq ft . surface condenser ; man ,
ing collar. * 104
pumps ; motor -driven r. C. T. Porter. * 271 .

Dashs-pots , Repa iring comb.inatKinks .

steam -driven
" wet" air and centrifugal pumps ; na
Crankk -pin lubricato
Cran pins , Putting in and taking out . Davi ' Co.'s Hochfeldt worn ion valve . * 707
tural and forced -draft cooling towers ; 313
894 Day, Chas. H. Producer gas and gas pro
Worthington condenser outfit for tur D. J. Hays. 92
Crank - shaft box causes knock .
bine . Franz Koester . * 44 , 52
Crank - shaft deflections. *
F. E. Junge .278 , * 353 cent.er , Tramming fly -wheel to* 327
Deadducers lo
, * 589
-Construction , Condenser ; Prof. Weigh cate . * 317
491 669
ton's tests etc. W. H. Booth ,
* 789 “ Creole ," Twin -turbine steamer . 291 Dean tube -cleaner operating device . * 447, * 725
-Exhaust pipe, Scale in pump. 694 Creosoerte to kill spats , Feeding . Dean Bros.' pumps.
-Fish cooked in condenser tubes . Crock
Critic and Wheel
, The
engineering.. “ Manag
ement of 574 Degen, Test of pump designed by Julius. ** 536 688
-Lubricators . Condensers on sight- feed * 409 Department of Interior, Plant of.
* 139 +711 Deposit in cylinders , Gúmmy. C. H. Gar
-N . Y. Central power station .
- Oil condenser . A. H. Gill. * 146 ker -Wheeller
CrocElectrica direcry
Machine t ."connected direct .
809 lick . g engineer's oversight .
Designin Piper .
180 current dynamos , Small . +515 249
-Oil in feed water . Crocker -Wheeler variable speed motor . Deutz suct ion -gas - plant tests. e
-Surface - condenser tubes in plants using Crompton & Co.'s application of gas 400 De e
Wild , F. P.phas Poly induction
salt or contaminated -water circulation , engines to electric driving.
• * 747
motors .
Preservation of ; electrolysis . W. W. Cross - compound engine . C. T. Porter. * 729


Diagram . See also “ Indicator, " " Chart," Edgar, Death of Wm . II . 124 “ Electrician's Handy Book.” T. O'Con
“ Curve .' Edison Co., Plant of the Los Angeles. * 67 or Sloane. 162
Edison , Reminiscence of. C. T. Porter . 667 ---Electrolytic corrosion of condenser tubes;
Diagram for circle diameters and seg . Edwards, L , H. Cylinder and piston wear. * 765 stray currents at L. I. City ; experi
ments . * 663 Efficiencies, Steam boiler. J. B. C. Ker . ments; prevention . W. W. Churchill. 698
Diagram of mill engine, Load. 107 shaw , * 89 --- Electrolysis at L. I. City., Precautions
Diagrams for Barsig-Oechdhaeuser en Efficient ? Why is not the steam turbine against condenser. 119 , * 210
gine - Port opening, distribution of more . R. M. Neilson . 83 , 143 -Engineering, Elementary Electrical . J.
layers within cylinder, gas pump and Eggleston , D. C. Cost of power . * 483 H. Alexander . 1386
air pump, etc. * 280 , * 357 Ekert valve disks and Franz
: 709 - Experiences and suggestions-- Lamps mis
Diagrams for inertia fly -wheel governor. 655 Electra steam turbine. * 344 placed, increased voltage expands wires
Diagrams for 3-phase power calculations, and short circuits ; combining signaling
Simple . Alfred Still . * 152
Diagrams, Furnace gas -power cost. * 236
and lighting systems; insulating two
Diagrams, Koerting engine. * 393 , * 658 , * 75 ] ELECTRICITY . wires placed under one staple ; unbal
anced 3 - wire system . E. S. Lincoln. * 762
Diagrams, Manufacturers ' . G. W. Mal -- Experiences in electric plants. H. L.
colm . 702 -“ Adulteration " and leakage currents . 253
Strong - Meddling with a switch ; con
C. Stuart Kinney . * 600 Advice, Electrical - Rules for prospective nections of compound -wound dynamos ;
Diagrams, N. A. Carle's. * 17 , * 76 , * 167 , dynamo men- Switchboard practice ; operating generator as motor, etc. * 140
315 , 434 , * 294 , * 363 , * 410, * 473, * 546, and out ; trimmin g breakers; Field insulation ;
sanding in commutators
cutting coils with broken
and brushes ; equalizing drop temporarily .
*618, *675, * 739 E. H.
Diagrams, Superheating surface. R. shutting down ; straightening reversed Lane . 369
Ewald . * 304 machines etc. Bohunk . 29 694
-“ Aernating -Current Machinery ." Wm .
--- Fish supply , Electric power and.
Diameters and segments , Curve for circle . * 663 Gas engines applied to electric driving.
Diamond Match Co.'s electric driving. 386 Estey. 762 Jas . Atkinson . • 400
Die, Emergency tap and. Engineer . * 107 " Alternating Currents ." Alfred Hay. 450 Generator drive , Electric . 801
Diesel engine test . G. P. Hutchins. * 607 “ Ilternating Currents, Practical." C. F. -Generators, Shunt and compound -wound. 445
Dietz high -pressure automatic lubricator. * 185 Smith . +63 -Halifax tramway plant. P. A. Free
Dilemma, intelligence conquers . * 600 , 702 Ilternators, Engineer's part in parallel . man . 597
Dilunma, Solving unusual. E. H. Lane . 369 ing. * 467
Hydro - electric development, Gt . North
Diluting - Turbine fallacy . R. M. Neil Alternators. Paralleling . 801 , 387 ern Power Co.'s. 651
son . 143 Alternators , Paralleling - Koerting en
-Inductors and telephone, Torsion -meter. * 803
Dining room , Commonwealth Elec.'s em gine. 751
- Interior Dept.'s Ridgway machines . * 536
ployees '. * 727 - Armature, Putting on direct-driven gen. -Lamp Heat liberated in incandescent. 387
Dirty motors. John Howatt. 336 erator * 330 650
--Lamps per h.p. of engine .
Discouraging experience, A. 526 - Ammeter readings, Inconsistent. ( Q. & ---Lamps, Rating of arc. ( Q. & A.) 431
Disk inertia causes governor trouble . 542 A. ) 387
Disk , “ Perfect " valve . McCrea & Co.'s * 710
Armature leads loosening, ( Q. & A.) 585 ---Lectures on electrical engineering, Ele
Disks for high temperatures, Ekert valve. 709 " Irmatures , Continuous Current." C. mentary .
Fundamental principles. * 88
Distance measurement with triangles. * 258 Kinzbrunner . 7649
Distillation , Oil. ed . H. Gill. * 145 - duxiliaries, Electrically driven vs. steam Electrical circuits; conductance . 143 , 498
The electromagnet. * 220 , * 297
Dixon , D. B. Force of a blow . 626 , 695 operated. 52
298 , 365
Dixon , Walter E. Steam -pipe lines. * 426 - Battery and booster, Installing storage; Data for proportioning magnets.
H. L. Strong : The solenoid . 364
Dock internal-combustion engine. * 812 ruining rheostat. * 475
Domes , Boiler . W. H. Boot , 286
Direct-current dynamo; induced electro .
h -Battery dimensions, Storage . ( Q. & A. ) 320 motive force . * 398
Donkin , B. “ Gas Oil and Air Engines." 386 ** Block ” stations with gas engine drive , armature and
Dowson plant at. Walthanstow . 225 Electrical A. Gradenwitz , 249 Direct-current-dynamo • 492
Draft, Admiral Melville on forced . 156 dy), Electricity and human . ( Q. &
Drait and smoke prevention . 1+1, 443 , 387 Direct.current-dynamo field magnet;
4. and 6 -pole-dynamo weights. * 557
495 , 635 Breakdowns of electrical machinery Field -magnet excitation ; wire sizes ,
Draft - Chimneys, steam jets , fans. 427 British insurance company report .. * 94
spaces , etc. * 622 , 671
Draft -- Effect of altitude on combustion . * 527 Brushes when starting dynamo, Position Regulation of direct-current dynamos. * 763
Draft for boilers, Advantages of mechanical. 562 of . ( Q. & A. ) 387
-Light plant, Installation and maintenance
Draft furnace, Balanced . Embury M'Lean. * 512 -Brushes, Use of graphite. 624
of a small electric , Jordan , Mich. * 263
" Draft, Mechanical." J. H.Kinealy. * 450 Catechism of electricity . Heating in H. L.
Draft. Stack : diagram . N. A. Carle. * 166, * 545 direct - current generators . 40 --Lighting connections problem .
Strong, W. A. Graham , W. H. Farns
(Meaning of " draft. " ) 315 Noise in direct current dynamos ; op worth , F. W. Hudson , F. W. Reed .
Wm . Kent. 434 eration . * 80 * 372 , . 496
Drafts -- Boiler -house construction . 147, 438 Principles of single -phase alternating -Lighting with windmill and air com
Draining. See also “ Piping .' currents ; sine and other curves. * 164 12
Draining a header. R. Manly Orr. * 172 ( Sand -papering brushes.) Benny. 173 pressor.
Rockdale , L. A. C. and Observer. * 311 Impressed electromotive force, induct. Long Island City power station . * 199 ,
* 338 , 550 , 598
Draining cellar or pit. J. E. Noble. * 442 ance, reactance , impedance, etc. * 291
* 691 Power curves , power factors, capac . - Los Angeles Edison Electric plant; ex
Draining turbines , Peache's method of . citers ; motors on switch cells, etc. 07
* Drawing. Advanced Mechanical.” A. P. ity , condensers. * 350
404 " Management of Electrical Machinery."
Jamison . +63 Polyphase alternating currents . 1711
Drawing, Erroneous - Projection of piston . Alternating current generators . 553 Crocker and Wheeler.
Drawing. Laying out piping on .
* 377 -- Motor as a generator , Induction . ( Q. &
Management of alternating.current gen . .1 . ) 320
Drawings, Filing. C. T. Porter. erators; excitation ; over -compounding; -Motor coil, Eliminating burned - out, etc.
Drawings, etc. , Humors in checking. 504 , * 569 starting; stopping ; paralleling ; syn . Wm . Kavanagh. 140, 306
Dredge, Death of James 652 chronizing, closing of switches, etc. * 742
Motor connections - Intelligence conquers
Drill and tube expander , Portable electric. --Central stations vs. isolated plants. Al dilemma ; manufacturers ' diagrams. C.
Chicago Pneumatic Tool Coi's * 709 bert Yost. 100 * 600, 702
Drilling large hole with small bit. P. A. -China, Electric plants in. 142 , 194 S. Kinney.
--Motor connections , Problem in ; colored
Leavitt. * 112 Commonwealth Elec . Co.'s generators, indicating lamps, etc.; switch wanted .
Drilling machine, Connecting-rod-box . 665 switching apparatus , electrical kitchen , E. S. Lincoln , et al . 499 , * 568 , * 637 , 694
Drip . See " Piping." etc. * 725
Drive, Electric generator. 801 -Commutator bars , Burned . 315 --Motor, Cranky. C. S. Kenney .
Drive , Rope . See " Rope." J. W. Hinchcliff. * 566
-Commutator insulation , Damaged . ( Q. & 650 Motor, Crocker -Wheeler variable- speed. *515
Druin experience, Boiler. C , T. Porter . 219 A. )
Drving out induction motor. * 747 Commutator -truing device, Home-made. * 639 Motor driving planer, Sparking of. W.
T. Garlitz , et al . 500 , 570, 681
Drying out wet electrical machines. 539 Commutators, Emery and sandpaper on. 434 .
Duffy , Death of Thomas E. 261 503 -Motor, Field -winding loss of a . (Q. &
Dunbar's balanced expansion joint . * 190 -Commutators - Treating hard mica ; acci 1. ) .248
Dunham medium.capacity steam trap . * 514 dental method of getting good surface ; Motor for starting large gas engines.
Dunham radiator trap . * 254 flats and filing. L. L. Arnold . 238 -Motor installation , Unusual - Joslyn Mfg. 684
Durley , R. J. Air flow measurement . 42 _ “ Designs for small Dynamos and Mo. Co.'s auxiliary power.
Dynamiting stack. C. E. Sanborn . * 366 tors . ' C. P. Poole . † 711 Motor operation with motors of alternat.
Dynamo. See “ Electricity , " etc. -Diagrams for three-phase power calcula ing -current commutator type , Multi
tions, Simple. Alfred Still , * 152 unit system of - General Electric for
-Direct-current voltage regulation . 509 Milwaukee . * 254
--Dynamo and motor , Difference between . 816 Motor, Westinghouse multi -speed .
E - Motor etc. , Discouraging experience
-Dynamo -electrical machinery, Rewinding. 526
Norman G. Jeade . * 282 with .
Earthquake, Power houses wrecked by San -Dynamo-electric machinery, Repairing -Motors , Care of direct- current - Dirt,
Francisco . W. D. Chamberlin . 487 Holdng armatures while working: dry. dampness, oil; bearings ; commutator,
Eccentric Corliss engines, Setting valves on ing oven ; brake on wire reel ; blocks brush and armature troubles; weak
double . 559 for armature shaft; unsoldering arma field ; overload, etc. John Howatt. 336
ture leads ; hoop clamp for starting --Motors for rolling-mill drive. 508
Eccentric lubricator. C. T. Porter . * 271
Eccentric of Skinner engine, Shifting. * 42 + binding wire ; coil winding frame ; --Motors of portable drill and tube ex
Eccentric rod , Why he lengthened . panders. Chicago Pneumatic Tool
finishing ends of drum armature ; fin . * 709
Xovice . 178 ishing commutator end ; balancing arma Co.'s.
Eccentric strap , Babbitting. W. 0. Orr. * 106 ture : testing for grounds ; form for -Motors of Washoe smelter, Big induction . 561
Eccentric -rodrack ; bracket for straps. * 276 field coils ; guide for wire ; wire con
Eccentrics of Fleming engines. * 329, * 591 nector ; terminals for field coils; fasten Motors, Practical points on polyphase in
Eccentrics, Valve setting with two . 816 ing last turn : taping. Norman G. duction - Rotating field ; stator wind .

Eckliff , Chas. H., Death of. 815 Meade . 420 ings ; testing for field symmetry: dry.
** Eclipse" combination valve, Hochfeldt. * 707 -Dynamo to replace base , Raising. * 293 ing out; operation and speed control.
1 P. De Wilde. * 747
Economics, Power plant. H. G. Stott . 166, 181 -Dynamo s operating in parallel , Regulat.
ing compoun New York Central power stations . * 131
Economizer, Economy of the. ( Q. & A. ) 126 d-wound. * 228
Economizer, Parker boiler with attached . * 56 -Dynamos, Parallel operation of ; effect Potomac Electric Power Co.'s plant. 219
-Power , Statistics of electric . 12
Economizer for Interborough . 527 of decreasing speed : division of load ;
Economizers , The use of. 444 , 562 , 575 adjusting voltage, etc. 641 “ Power Transmission , Electrical. " Louis
Economy and " foot- loose" factor. 640 , 785 - Dynamos, Small Crocker -Wheeler direct Bell . 1321
Economy, Combustion rate and. 471 connected direct- current. • 809 -“ Practical Talks on Electricity ." Wm .
Economy, Cylinder dimensions and en . --Dynamos, Starting direct and alternating Baxter , Jr. 7321
gine. 437 , 503 current . ( Q. & 1. ) 320 -Problem , Easy - Opposing dynamo in
Economs with auxiliaries . H. F. Schmidt. 230 - Electric Cable Co.'s " Voltax. " 806 lamp circuit . G. W. Malcolm . .788

- Puzzlers, Electrical -Lead becoming , un -Condensers ; best vacuum ; costs ; power --Gas engines, Four - stroke operation by 118
soldered ; connection in parallel ; short . for auxiliaries . Frank Foster . * 769 two -stroke.
circuiting through series windings and -Connecting-rod strap, Wreck by break Gas engines in Europe , Design, con.
equalizer; motor connections ; booster ing. * 486 struction and application of large. F.
generators driven backward ; binding. -Corliss engine, Faulty. L. B. Lent. * 506 E. Junge. Nuernberg engine- Frame;
screw resting on wire insulation ; Corliss engine , Features of the-Valves ; cylinders; temperature considerations
rheostat cooling -water evaporates, flat valve ; valve gears; dash pots; affecting cylinder, design ; jackets ;
causing burning ; preventing grounds wrist plates ; double wrist plate ; dis pistons ; articulated piping for cooling
when testing ; care in oiling ; cloth pensing with wrist plate ; inertia or water ; piston rods; ' stuffing boxes;
* 34
defective insulator. E. S. Lincoln. * 334 shaft governor etc. W. H. Wake . Schwabe stuffing boxes, etc. method
man . * 611 Valves ; Pawlikowsky -Goerlitz
-Questions, Prize -- Power developed by -Corliss engine ; freak indicator cards of cooling exhaust valve ; Nuernberg
motor as connected ; where to look for methods ; combined inlet and exhaust
trouble when dynamo fails to generate Still it ran . C. L. Johnson , et al.
current ; fuses in junction box burn * 694, * 794 , 795 , 796 valves ; valve closure springs ; vary .
out; short circuit . 362, 634 , 782 -Corliss-engine run " under ?" May a . J. ing tension ; valve gear ; trip gear of
-Railway units , Milwaukee Northern's I. Baker. 694 gas valve; regulation. * 73
Allis -Chalmers gas-engine-driven, 728 H. G. Boutell . 789 Cooling; exhaust mufflers ; pumps ; lu.
-Resistance -connection problem. E. S. -Corliss engine, Setting of a ; indicator brication , test by Prof. Riedler with
generator and blast furnace gas. * 156
Lincoln's. 695 , * 784 cards. C. R. McGahey. * 790
-Reversed polarity in large generators , -Corliss & Nightingale engine owned by Starting large engines ; compressed .248
Correcting. H. R. Mason . * 677 Horace Greeley . * 251 air method ; electric motor .
Jas . K. Miner. 797 -Costs for steam engines, turbines and Borsig -Oechelhaeuser engine- De
- Rolling mills , Electrical driving of. gas engines, Comparative operating. 691 sign; balancing; shaft deflection and
688, 508, 601 , 639 -Country engine, The ; wood in crank torsion ; scavenging; receiver capa.
-Single -phase supply from 3-phase bus case . Eccentric. 494 city ; diagrams of port opening , distri .
bars . ( Q. & A. ) 451 --Cut-off moves vertically, piston and bution of layers within cylinder, gas
-South America, G. E. equipments for. main rod horizontally. Lancashire. 784 pump and air pump ; engine cylinder;
477 , 587 -Cylinder and piston wear in large hori. pistons; automatic suction and dis .
-Springfield , Plant at ; switchboard etc. * 457 zontal engines ; plea for change in de. charge-valve of pump; governor ac
-Storage battery connection problem. E. sign . L. H. Edwards. * 765 tion ; test with coke-oven gas --- Aschers
E. S. Lincoln et al . 245 , * 370 -Cylinder dimensions and engine econ lebener -Oechelhaeuser engine , etc.
Peter Van Brock and S. H. * 278 , * 353
-Switch cells, Operating motors on. ' * 71 omy.
-Switch ing batteries in series or paral Bunnell . 437 , 503 The Reichenbach engine-- Frame;cy.
lel. * 519 --Dangerous? Is this plant. * 504, 568, *634, 698 linder ; removing pistons; cooling ;
-Test of Interborough engines , Official. * 115 - " Design, Graphic Methods of.' A. H. Howald -Schwabe stuffing box ; govern
224 462 ing, etc. * 415
Baker .
-Ticonderoga Pulp and Paper Co. Characteristics of exposive mixture ;
-Transformer ratios , Alternating- cur - Diesel engine test. G. P. Hutchins . * 607
rent . ( Q. & A. ) 585 -Double -eccentric Corliss engines , Setting diagram of range of explosiveness for
-Transmission of Water Power, Eectric. valves on . E. H. Lane . 559 various gases ; location of igniters ; ef.
A. D. Adams. 1817 --Eccentric advance , Effect on slide valve fect of size of combustion space and
-Troubles , Instructive -- Finding loose of increasing . ( Q. & A. ) 585 engine speed ; Gueldner's views ; Pe
connection ; drying wet coils ; connec -Eccentric rod on Harris-Corliss, Length treano's mixing apparatus; experimen
tions for machine that heated ; repair. ening. 173 tal agitation of mixture with fan ;
ing burned commutator bars. Ε . Η. -Economy as effected by unequal cut-off. Reichenbach mixing and regulating
539 * 391 valves. * 460
Lane . Thos. Hall.
-Victoria falls as source of power. * 607 -Efficiency of boiler and engine . 650 Reichenbach engine ; indicator dia.
( Q. & A. ) -Efficiencies in small engines using super grams ; valves and valve -gear ; water
-Volts per commutator bar. 193
pump etc , * 529
-“ Wattless" current and power . 509 519 heated steam , Remarkable . R. E. Ma
“ Wiring a House . Herbert Pratt . 1711 thot . * 396 Koerting double-acting two-stroke-cy.
_" Wiring Diagrams and Switchboards, --Erecting engineers, Sugestions for cle engine ; Lackawanna plant ; air
Electric ." Newton Harrison. † 584 Setting templets; foundations; as and gas pumps , mixing ; scavenging ;
Elevator air-cushion test in N. Y. 365 sembling; starting ; indicating; adjust valve diagrams; Premier engine ; tests
Elevator plant in Trinity Building, Tests ing governor ; acceptance , etc. S. H. of temperatures at inner wall of
of : discussion of plunger type, etc. 42 ll
Bunne .
engines— " Steam trap." Dixie .
289 Koerting cylinder ; piston
Gutehoffnungshütte's cooling
Koerting en
(Recrudescent question ; Electric or --Fan 757
gine , etc. * 593 , 658
hydraulic, etc. ), 53 -Fleming piston -valve engines, Setting Koerting, etc. - Type of power
valves of. Thos. Hall. * 327
Elevat or, The hydraulic--Water-balance ; -Fleming 4-valve engines, Setting valves plant ; gas engines in European iron
determining the gear; balanced valve ; 589 works ; 2 or 4 -stroke ; Klein -Koerting
equal pressure arrangement. Wm. of. Thos. Hall .
Baxter, Jr. * 759 -Fly-wheel wrecks ; safety-device falla engine ; improved gas pump ; Hoer
Ellipse, Circumference of. ( Q. & A. ) 451 cies . 625 , 782 biger type suction and pressure valves ;
Ellis adjustable wrench . * 446 -Fly.wheels for single -cylinder steam en. * 295 inlet-valve gear ; improved crosshead ;
Emergency engineering - Using ship's gines. N. A. Carle . driving alternators in parallel ; fluctua.
tions ; Bonte-Nürnberg's remarks, etc. * 749
boilers . 394 ---Gas and gasoline engines, Jacobson
Emergency regulation by machinist. Bushed cylinder, valve gear , igniter, -Gas engines in rolling mills. 508
32 , 173 , 174 , 304 , 306 etc. * 706
-Gas engines, Producer gas for. 687
Emery on commutators. L. L. Arnold . 434 , 503 -Gas and steam -engine combination, Sug -Gas engines, Richardson oil pump for.
Employees' advantages, Commonwealth gested. A. Spencer. 697 Sight Feed Oil Pump Co.'s * 708
Elec. Co.'s. * 726 -Gas , Carbureter " to enrich producer. 386 -Gas engines, Trial of three Tangye ; ex.
" End slap" in Corliss exhaust valves. * 110 -Gas engine. See also " Gas.” plosion records; producer-testing me.
ENGINE. --Gas engine abroad , The. 419 thods. R. E. Mathot . * 287
-Gas engine and an inspector. * 552
See also " Indicator" . " Valve," " Wheel,”; -Gas engines, W. D. Hamilton on. 24
“ Crosshead ,” “ Bearing ,” “ Piston ,' -Gas engine , Buckeye 2- stroke cycle. * 576
Gas engines, etc.-Comparative opera.
" Governor ,' " Dash pot," " Locomo --Gas- engine cam shaft--Old motion in ting costs. 691
tive," etc. new dress. * 393 -Gas for gas engines ; blast- furnace gas .
-Alcohol engine, The. 575 -Gas-engine drive, Electrical" block " sta S. A. Moss . 737 , 736
-Alcohol in small engines. 558 with ;A. Deutz
tions etc. suction -gas-plant -Gas for power and fuel , Producer ; pro
-" Allis -Chalmers Engines at Home and tests , Gradenwitz . 249
ducer types; plant efficiencies, etc.
Abroad ." * 194 -Gas -engine -driven electric - railway units, J. I. Wile. 683
--Auxiliary engines, Economy with . H. Milwaukee Northern's Allis -Chalmers. 728 -- " Gas, Gasolene and Oil Engines. ”
F. Schmidt . 230 -Gas - engine economics ; combination with Gardner D. Hiscox . 162
-Auxiliary engines, Power consumed by . 629 steam turbine. H. G. Stott. 166 , 181 -Gas, gasolene and steam engine fuel
-Back pressure, Loss of power from in -Gas-engine economy , Neglected point costs . 101
creased . ( Q. & A. ) 120 in - Stratification of charge; igniter - “ Gas, Oil and Air Engines." B. Don.
-Ball Engine Co.'s quarter - century . 514 location . Geo . Miller. 657 kin . 1386
-Battle of giants. A. Heaton. 533 -Gas -engine evidence , Weber . 548
-Gas- engine ignition spark , Glass - ball -Gas- power plants, Blast furnace ; power
- Blowing engines , Recent A His -Chalmers. and costs; gas blowing engines, etc.
665 , 671 window to watch . 581 * 231
H. Freyn .
- Blunders in use of terms; “ Corliss ,". --Gas-engine industry in Great Britain . 51 -Gas-producer plants, Scotch trials of
" automatic ," " high -speed slide-valve," -- Gas-engine jackets freezing, To prevent. 91 suction --Acme, Campbell, Crossley ,
" average pressure," " real horse-pow -Gas-engine knock , curing. Amos Price, National and Tangye engines. 97
er , " variable cut-off," etc.; danger. Jr. * 27 -Gas producers for power -- Tables of
ous attempt to lengthen cut-off ; effect --Gas -engine, Koerting 4 - stroke -cycle. * 384 efficiencies of various engines with
of adding a condenser ; cylinder-drip -Gas-engine opportunities in buildings ; pressure and suction plants; compari.
pipe, etc. W. H. Wakeman . * 484 , 361 , 789 tests at Kilmarnock on raising steam sons of steam and gas power plant ,
R. T. Strohm . 630 with gas.engine exhaust. 641 at London and Guernsey ; tests with
-Blunders in terms-- Prize questions. Gas engine, Packing a. Royal Wolfe . 239 Wilson bituminous producer and 250
* 632, 361 , 782 -Gas -engine-plant test at Algona , Ia . , h.p. Stockport engine ; American prac
-Bolts loose in cylinders. 371 , 375 , 495 Fairbanks -Morse producer. 348 tice , etc. J. J. Wile. 225
-Brown engine, Running side- shaft -Gas-engine powering, Rational methods Gas vs. steam in Gt . Britain . 154
e of. S. A. Moss. 412 Gases, Power. L. L. Brewer . 766
threadin g to make
blocks ; replacingup well;
valve pick latch -Gas-engines situation - Gas producers, -Gasolene and alcohol - Comparative
spring temporarily with elastic “ cheap " machinery ; gas vs. steam , tests . 703
band ; set screw fastening governor etc. 252 , 380 -Gasolene consumed by engines . 816
arm loosens; disconnecting engine; -Gas-engine — 2 and
typesdouble 4 -stroke-cycle : -Gasolene--Dock internal.combustion en
starting and stopping. E. L. Griggs. * 310 single and -acting; exhaust gine . * 812
-Buffalo tandem compound engine . * 449 valves ; Oechelhaeuser : Koerting ; Vogt --Gasolene-engine brake tests -- Logarith
-Care of engine, Taking--Keying crank patents, etc. J. F. King. 745 mic charts. * 415
and wrist-pins ; lubrication , cylinder -Gas engines applied to electric driving -Gasolene engine. Horse-power of auto
oil etc. W. H. Wakeman . * 71 -Diagrams; methods of governing; mobile. (Q. & A. ) 387
D. Brodera . * 372 effect of inertia ; positions of cranks , -Gasolene -engine starter, Parlor-match . 493
-Casting,ry 105 ton engine. 561 etc .; elastic coupling , etc. Jas . At 596
-Chemist oom
, Engine.r . A. H. Gill . 400 -Gasolene engine , 1600 -h.p. marine .
kinson . Gasolene - motor car used for house
732 159
9 , * 84 , * 145 , * 222 , 300 , 331 , 407 , 493
377 , 434
-Gas engines , Balancing, lighting.
( Discussion. ) -Gas engines, Beardmore's 1000 -h.p. 333 -Halifax tramway plant . P. A. Freeman . 597
Compound fared in service , How .
Greenun , 371 -Gas engines for Boston elevated . 84 --Horse -power charts. N. A. Carle . * 17 , * 78
Howard engine . The . * 593
-Compounding engine, ( QQ . & A. ) 650 --Gas engines for Olean St. Ry. 367


- Improvements , Engine - Dashpot re -Ramsey crank mechanism . * 510 Europürige.
Europe, Large gas engines in . F. E.
pairs, etc. * 369 -Reciprocating engines, Running turbines * 34 , * 73 , * 156 , * 248, * 278 , 353,
Indicator and overhead alarm, Shreffler. * 318 with ; Scranton and Philadelphia * 415 , * 460 , *529, * 593 , * 638 , * 749
-Indicator cards as expert and engineer plants, etc. * 150 , 253 , * 299, 483 Evaporation - Boiler -horse -power. charts, * 674
set engine. * 501 , * 635 -Regulation of valves, Emergency - Loss Evaporation computator Milne's equiva
Interborough engines, Official test of. * 115 of rocking lever key. G. P. Pearce, lent . * 317
-Interior Dept.'s Ridgway-engine plant. *536 et al . 32 , 173, 174 , 304 , 306 Evaporation from tank -Testing Allen
Knock , Locating a . W. ' A. Dow. 694 -Reversing cross-compound 'engines. ( Q. boiler. * 218
Knock was cured , How bad piston & A. ) 125 Evaporation table. Supplement to Feb.
Planing off crank brass. J. V. N. ( Should high or low pressure crank number.
Cheney . * 701 lead ? ) Daniel Brodera . 304 Evaporation test, Oil. A. H. Gill . 223
- Knocks, Locating. P. Pound . 246 ---Rice -Sargent engine, Setting valves of. Ewald , R. Superheating surface required . * 304
-Leak steam ? Does this engine. E. H. W. E. Crane. * 523 " Exacto " packing gage and cutter. * 254
Kirchner . 111 --Rolling -mill engine, Continuous diagram Examination for engineer.carpenter . 667
--Line up simple engine, To. 227 from Allis-Chalmers. Cason & Barrett. *304 Examinations, Civil Service . ( Q. & A. ) 60
Lunatic's engine- Not a rotary. Jim -Rolling -mill engine for Carnegie Steel Excitation, Field -magnet . * 622 , * 671
mic . * 792 Co., Monster Allis-Chalmers ; 105 -ton Excitation of alternators-Catechism. * 742
McIntosh & Seymour engines. Am. casting: 561 , * 774 Exhaust directly into boiler , Putting. 240
Woolen Co.'s. 781 -Rotary, Future engine . 253 Exhaust head , Hoppes cast- iron. * 319
- “ Manhattan " type engine, Edwin Rey. -Runaway accounted for ; knock -off block Exhaust heating system . G. A. Janicke. * 703
nolds and. 298 dropped off. H. F. Schmidt. 178 Exhaust mufflers . F. E. Junge. 157
- Mill engine, Load diagram of. C. J. Running engines together. J. E. H. * 376 Exhaust steam , Value of . ( O. & A. ) 193
Mason . 107 -Russell engine in Jordan lighting plant. * 265 Exhaust valves, Cooling gas engine. * 73
- " Modern Engines and Power genera. San Francisco earthquake wreckage. * 487 Exhausting through rooi - Predmption
tion . Rankin Kennedy . † 194 -Skinner engine , Economy test of . * 423 squelched . E. E. Davis. 28
Momentum - engine humbug, The. 118, 704 -Springfield, O., Engine room at . * 457 5409
Exhibition, Centennial. C. T. Porter. *468 , .70
-Murray engine piston ; pumping engine -Steam engine, Development of the. 88 Expander, Portable electric tube
with speed regulation by pressure. * 476 --Steam -engine- economy improvement sug. Expansion joint , Dunbar's balanced . * 190
-Ocean race - Governor, rod and blow gestion - Combining with gas engine . Expansion joints . W. E. Dixon . * 426
ing engine repairs ; plugging steam A. Spencer. 697 Expansion , Levin on adiabatic. S. A.
ports ; piston rod ; clamping cylinder --Stop, Locke automatic engine. * 643 Moss. 243 , 439
cover , etc. J. R. Mackay. * 679 --Stops , Fly -wheel accidents and engine ; Expansion trap , Komo . * 808
-Oil engines in Palestine - Pumping. 606 governor trouble ; position of cams. Expansion trap won't do, Where .
-Oil engines, Injecting water into. 540 C. F. Zimmermann . 241 * 177, 374 , 375
--Oil separation in combination engine -Sturtevant vertical engine forced oiling Expansions in a cylinder, Number of. 451
and turbine plant ; reheating interme. system . * 123 Experience , How to get . J. E. Benson . 170
diate -exhaust system with flue gases. -Throttle , Running on the. * 507 Will I. Callihan . 173
640 , 792 ---- Thump, Chronic ; piston striking cylin Experiences, Useful electrical. E. S.
-Oiling system , Improved engine, Wm . der-head ; various other troubles. L. Lincoln . * 762
Kavanagh , * 293 L. Arnold. 351 Experiments. Stolp's scientific . * 168 , 180, * 306
--Patents , Two interesting old - Marine ( Another bad knock . ) H. Skaton . 494 Explosion, Boiler . See " Boiler. "
engine ; automobile . * 534 , 574 J. E. S. Dakers. 630 Explosion , Fly -wheel . See " Wheel."
--Piston rings , Clicking. l'alve, McDonough balanced oscillat Explosion and explosives. S. A. Moss. 621
* 105, * 241 , * 247, 375, 497 , 567 , * 569 ing . * 516 Explosion records , Tangye engine. R. E.
--Porter's reminiscences, C. T. Getting -- Valve troubles, Corliss. H. J. 503
* 287
governer castings ; engine for wire * 396 9
cloth loom , etc. 161
-Wolf semi-portable compound . Explosions,gasAir-compres
Explosive sor.
in pistons. R. W. 699
Engineer and the expert, The. *501 , * 635
Engine at American Institute ; super Engineer applicant, Questions to. 500 Gus 1. Janicke. 797
heating; feed -pump waste ; indicator Engineer- carpenter wanted . 677 Explosiveness of gases, Range of. * 461
diagrams; verdict of judges ; equaliz. Engineer, Consolation for factory. R. I. Export mistakes. 445 , 574
ing action ; silencing knock on cen Blakney . 28 Exports of power machinery , American
ters. * 215 690
Various improvements ;
Engineer, " Graft" experience with Go and British .
sizes and vernment . 729 Exposition at Milan . 102
speeds. * 267 Engineer, How to become an . J. E. Exposition at New York , Permanent in .
Business arrangements ; Edgar Thomp Benson , 170 ternational. 118
son engine. 346 Will I. Callihan. 173 Exposition , Jamestown . • 758
Judging at Centennial ; Allis sawmill Engineer in the Navy. C. W. Rae. 86 629 , 772
Exposition of safety devices.
engines; large Corliss; Porter engine Engineer, Tiny, the. J. E. Noble . 563 Exposition-- P. R. R.'s " Locomotive
equal in output; fire engines; Cana. Engineer's discouraging experience , An. 526 Tests . " 4259
dian engine containing good features Engineer's license, Getting: E. L. Griggs. 465 Exposition, St. Louis - Gas producer tests. 42
of others ; " table' engine exhibited by Engineer's oversight, Designing. Piper. 786 -Appreciative resolution for P. R. R. 49
Brazil: Sickels' trip cut-off; Horatio Engineer's part in paralleling alternators. * 467 Expositions, Atlanta and Boston , C. T.
Allen and engines of the " Adriatic ." * 468 Engineers, American Order of Steam . 434 Porter . 730
Regulating valve for Edgar Thompson Engineers, A. S. Mechanical- Fall Meet
mill's blowing engines; rolling -mill ing . 41 F
engine for Albany & Rensselaer I. & --Meetings in New York . 260
* 329 Facing Jenkins valve seats, Rig for . * 507
S Co.; steam receivers ; engine for --Chattanooga meeting . Facing machine, Vut , C. T. Porter . 665 , 669
Laclede rolling mill ; broken gearing; Engineers and graft . 508
governor trouble ; inertia of disks on Factory Engineer , Consolation for. R. I.
Engineers, Canadian Asso. of Stationary. 584 28
rocker shait : engine for Gautier steel Engineers, I. U. S. - Annual convention . 713 Blakney.
works; 900 -revolution engine; water Engineers, N. A. S.-- Philadelphia commit Fallacies, Some turbine. R. M. Neilson , 143 , 440
260 John F. Wentworth . 301
in cylinder ; fly- wheel key driven into tee .
shaft ; governor spindle sticks ; fly . --- Prize- contest questions . 361 , * 632 , 782 Falling body - Force of blow . 626 , 695
Fan, Agitation of gas with . * 464
wheel construction ; low boiler pres. --West Virginia State convention . 260
sure ; large engine for Cambria Co.; -Ia . , Ill . , Mich ., N. Y. , Inc., Ky . Fan-blower design , Conditions of . 669 , 710
cylinder support; John Fritz ' fly conventions. 452 Fan data , Centrifugal . R. C. Carpenter. 592
wheel. * 540 , 602 -Ohio , Wis., Mass. conventions . * 521 Fan engines " Steam trap ." Dixie. 757
Fans and draft. 428
Cambria Co.'s engine; business ar -Pawtucket No. 2 outing ; Mass . con 767
rangements with Southwark works ; vention . * 586 Fans, Cleaning gases with .
patent expert's treachery . 602 -Philadelphia convention. * 644 Fans for furnace gas , Buffalo cleansing. * 809
Dash pot' for governor ; engines for -Terre Haute boiler - setting contest. 797 Faults in first-class plant. C. W. Dunlap. * 110
* 91
Phila . arc lights ; warning against Engineers of Greater New York , United . 801 Fedden's hot-air arrangement.
high -speed engines; 1000 engines for Engineers, Suggestions for erecting . 289 Feed connections, Boiler. W. H. Wake .
* 531
Edison ; Calumet & Hecla : stuffing Engineers who do their best . 333 man .
box followers ; Otis Steel Works' en : Engineers' Benevolent Asso . convention , Feed -pipe arrangements. W. H. Booth . 286

gine ; indicator cards ; Cambria Co .; Marine. 191 Feed -pipe connections, Question on . 362 , 634 , 782
air cushions, etc. * 665 Engineers' commissions , Dr. Raymond on. 587 Feed water . See also " Water ," " Heater . "
Post-otñce engine; size of cylinder ; Engineers' license laws . See License." Feed water inlet in boilers ; top feeds .
steam pipe connected to exhaust: graft ; Engineers' societies, Membership of me Q. T. Howard .
Leroy Baker and Student. 783
Willimantic Linen Co.'s engines; chanical . 8
cross -compound for Cheney Bros.; At Engineers' wages in N. Y. Cy . 800 Feed -water regulators on superheating.
Efiect of . W. E. Crane. 795 , 793
lanta exposition ; Boston exposition ; "Engineering and Allied Trades, Henley's Feeder , “ Red Star" sight- feed boiler-com
piston -cone bases meeting in middle ; Encyclopedia of Practical. 1711 * 710
Engineering Building . The new . *5) pound feeder . Lake Erie Co.'s .
fathe -tail- stock adjustability ; thumps; 574 Feeding boiler compound . H. Jahnke. * 159
Russell & Erwin's engine ; projection Engineering critic , The. T. G. Sheridan , * 336
of piston over admission ports; error Engineering. Elementary lectures on elec
trical . * 88 , * 297 , * 364 , T. H. C. * 443
in changing drawing ; B. F. Avery & * 143 , 498. * 220 ,
Son's engine; crank pin not hardened ; * 398 , * 402 . *57. *622 , * 671 , * 763 Feeding experiments , Boiler ; scientific
* 729 Engineering, Originality in. T. H. Rear . viewpoint. * 168 , 180 , 306
quick replacement, etc. Fellow Craftsmen's convention . * 651
-Porter - Allen engines, Otis Steel Works ' don . * 240
-Fly -wheel explosion . * 798 “ Engineering . Pocket - book of Mechanical Fernald , R. FL. Government producer
tests . 42
-Pounding and other engine troubles. C. M. Sames. $ 126
Wm . Westerfield , 785 Engineering reminiscences.. C. T. Porter Fernandez, T. Engineer's part in
paralleling alternators. • 467
-Pump gave out ? What if.* 368 . * 442 , 495 160 , 180 , * 215 , * 267 , 346 , * 468 , * 540 , 602 ,
-Pumping engine, Nashville's Allis-Chal * 665 . * 729 , * 798 Field-coil form ; terminals ; fastening last
737 “ Engineering, Text Book of. " W. R. turn ; taping, etc. * 422
mers . 369
-Pumping -engine records . 587 King. 1817 Field - coil trouble . E. H. Lane.
-Pumping engine, Test of St. Louis England, Boiler explosions in. 184 Field magnets-- Elementary lectures.
Equal-pressure arrangement - hydraulic * 557 , * 622 , * 671
Water Works Allis -Chalmers high
duty . 299 , 380 elevators. * 762 Field of polyphase induction motors, Rotat:
Questions. Prize -- Limit of automatic Erecting_engineers , Suggestions for. S. ing: stator windings ; testing for field
governor . II . Bunnell. 289 symmetry , drying out, etc. F. P. De
cut-off with single eccentric * 747
speed increase ; pressures in cylinder; Erie railroad, Electricity on . 460 Wilde .
361 , * 632 , 782 Errors . Steam -plant-practice. J. G. Sheri Files , Catalog and data . C. L. Hubbard . * 102
expansions. dan . 609 Filing commutators . L. L. Arnold . 238
-Racing, Preventing ; governor device .
Filing drawings, C. T. Porter. 605
J. E. Bates . 242 Estey . Wm . “ Alternating-Current Machin .
ery . " +62 Filings, Iccumulated Governor trouble .
-Rack , brackets and boring-jigs for en . * 916 Kinks. * 32
W. D. Chamberlin . * 276 Eurema Y-valve.
gine parts .

a lubricator.
Filling, Rex E. G. C. * 698 Furnaces , Branch gas burner for boiler. * 583 Gases not from coal - Natural, blast- fur
Filter oil . * 446 Furnaces - Fire -brick work . * 479 nace , oil , refuse, acetylene, carbureted
Filtering system for turbine bearings at Fuses burning out, Cause of. 362 , 634 air ; gas for engines . S. A. Moss. 736
Long Island City, Oil.
Fire-box crown -bars too close to crown
* 206 Gases, Raising steam with waste furnace . 671
G Gases, Range of explosiveness of various;
sheet . E. C. Wills. * 112 handling explosive mixture. F. E.
Fire -brick work. * 479 Junge. * 460
Fire cracks . 227 " Gadfly ,” . Torpedo- boat destroyer. 748 Gases, Reheating stdam with flue . 640 , 792
Fire engines at Centennial, Judging. 470 Gage and cutter, “ Exacto " packing. * 254 Gases , Smoke and furnace . J. B. C.
Fire test . 1. H. Gill. * 54 Kershaw . 141
222 Gage cock, Aetna.
Fires due to electricity , 192 Gage-glass break , Helical. H. Spurrier . * 173 “ Gases, Standard Reduction Factors for."
* Firemen , Practical Guide for ." W. H. V. J. MacIntire. 439 H. B. MacFarland . 4711
Wakeman .
1518 Gage-glass gasket, Acme bulb. * 579 Gasket, Acme bulb gage -glass . * 579
Firing during ocean race . 679 Gage -glass gland , Hicks ball -bearing: * 807 Gasket destroyed pump alinement, Piece
Fish in pump valve . 111 Gage-glass indications, Explosions and . 598 of . 105
Fiski supply, Electric power and . T. F. Gage glasses, Erratic ; gage-glass piped for Gasket, Improved laminated. H. C. Roent
Wrigley. 694 flushing. J. R. H. * 571 gen's. * 120
Fisk street , Chicago , turbine station. * 715 , * 430 Gage graduations and pressure , Relation E. J. D. * 374
Flagging belt man . F. W. Harris. 246 between water. (Q. & A. ) 451 Gasket , Smooth -On corrugated steel. * 120
Flange dimensions. C. B. Ross . 630 Gage, Plant without steam . * 504 , 568 , * 634 , 69S Gaskets Cutting ; stub for handling. J. B.
Flange joints , Caring for. W. H. Wake Gage tester, American dead -weight. * 515 Wirtemburg. * 28
man .
*8 Gage - Vigilant safety water column. * 121 S. R. 178
Flange joints, Packing . J. B. Wirtem Gages misused, Wheel. C. T. Porter. 468 Gaskets, Protecting rubber. 698
burg . * 28 , 178 Gages, Obstructed . W. H. Booth . 286 Gasolene engine. See also “ Engine.”
Flange union, Kewanee, Western Tube Gages, Practical suggestions as to water Gasolene locomotive . 388
Co's. * 810 Safety , arrangement, futed glasses, Gasolene. S. A. Moss. 737
Flanged joints, Packing. C. R. McGahey . * 556 water columns, self-closing valves, Gasolene turbine, Continuous-combustion. 486
Flash test of oil. E. S. Hawkins.
test cocks , etc. * 549 Gate - operating mechanism . Hydraulic- tur
Fleming engine economy ; unequal *cut
222 , * 434
. Gallons of water , Weights etc. of. 230, 258 bine. * 755
off . Galvanizing boiler tubes . Horace See. * 628 * 760
Fleming * 391 Gear, Determining - Hydraulic elevators.
engines, Setting valves of . Garlick, Jr. , Death of Charles, 388
Gear of. ,'(Q.etc.& A. )
train, Leve * Valv * 258
Thomas Hall, Garlitz, W. T. Sparking. 500, 570 , 631 Gear, valve . Seerage e
Fletcher's experiments , Lavington E. * 327 , * 589
343 , * 499 Gas analysis - Combustion analogue. J. A. Gears partly submerged in water , Operat
Floats , Trap. R. T. Strohm . * 347 , 438 Caldwell. 176 ing. A. C. Mather . 439
Floors with “ Voltax ," Treating concrete . 806 Gas, Available power and cost of opera Gearing broken by rolling -mill engine ;
Flower & Co.'s “ Rex" oil filter, * 446 tion of power station from blast fur. making miter gears run noiselessly.
Flue cleaner . See “ Cleaner." nace--Cockerill data ; gas blowing -en C. T. Porter. 541
" Flues ," Distinction of boiler " tubes " gines ; gas cleaning ; engines ; water ; General Elec. equipments for South
and . 630 oii and grease ; wages and salaries ; America. 477, 587
Fly and the fly - wheel, The. 159 fuel; cost diagrams, etc. H. Freyn . * 231 Generator . See " Electricity .”
Fly -wheel. See “ Wheel." Gas, Buffalo cleansing fans for furnace. * 809 Geological Survey , Reclamation service. 103
Foaming, Boiler. C. E. Parry . 214 Gas burner, Branch natural. * 583 Geological Survey - Water wheels , coals,
Followers , Experience with piston -rod Gas burners should be placed under peat. 781
stuffing-box. C. T. Porter 668 boiler , Where. * 60 Geometry of the circle. C. J. Mason . *5
Following up sales. L. L. Arnold . 432 " Gas, Catechism on Producer.” S. S. Gilbert & Co.'s bulb gasket . * 579
Enal Mills . Wyer. † 711
factor , The. 493 Gill, Augustus H. Engine -room chemistry .
" Foot- loose" 640 Gas, Cleansing blast- furnace. 629 9 , * 84 , * 145 , * 222 , 300 , 331 , 407
E. H. Lane. 785 Gas engine . See also " Engine.". ( Discussion . ) 377 , 434 , 493
Force of a blow . D. B. Dixon. Gas explosion , N. Y. Edison's boiler fur. * 807
Forces on inclined planes. Chas . er. 695
Kuder626, 246 nace . 60
Gland, Hicks ball-bearing.
Forebay racks. Glass , Gage. See “ Gage."
266 Gas firing for steam boilers. Globe, How sun " cooled ” brass. 285
Forethought pays, A little . H. R. C. Gas for power and fuel, Producer ; pro . * 56
Leigh . ducer types ; plant efficiencies , etc. Golden tilting steam trap .
Forms, Coil-winding. .569 Goodrich , W. F. “ Refuse disposal and
* 420 , * 422 J. I. Wile. 683
Power Production ." +62
Foster , Frank. Condensers for engines Gas governors , Oil instead of glycerine Goss water - tube boiler . * 811
and turbines. * 769
for. W. S Meinzer. 696
graphite as lubricant.
Goss' tests ofmethods, 758
Foundation , L. I. Cy ., * 339 Gas in pistons, Explosive. R. W. 699 Governing Gas-engine. Jas .
Foundations, Iron -clad conCoal-tower.
crete . C. B. Gus 1. Janicke. 797 Atkinson . * 400
Ross. Gas-making coals, Tests of. 6
Foundations - Suggestions for erecting * 372 Governing Reichenbach gas engine.
Gas plants. Trials of producer -- Rules ; * 417, *464 , *531
engineers. measuring coal; trial ofthree Tangye Governing - Running engines together ,
Four- stroke operation by two -stroke gas plants, etc. R. E. Mathot. * 287 J. E. H. * 376
engines. 118 Gas -producer evidence, Weber Co.s. 548
Government engineer, “Graft" experience
Fourn ess and Ashworth patents, Gas producer, Harvey suction -pressure. * 802 with . 729
Old .
* 534 , 574 Gas producer, Huttinger -Peterson suction . * 582 Government fuel investigations, Report
Frame, Coil -winding. 420 " Gas Producer , Morgan Continuous.' +126 on . 272
Franklin Machine Co.'s boiler explosion . Gas producer, Nagel suction . * 256 Governor action , Borsig-Oechelhaeuser. * 356
Freeman , P. A. Halifax tramway plant . * 82
Gas-producer plants, Scotch trials of Governor. Adjusting the Rites inertia.
Freezing . To prevent jacket water. 91 Acme , Campbell, Crossley , Industrial Cahill and Bunnell. * 653
Freyn, H. Available power and cost of Engineering, National and Tangye Governor adjustment; variable cut- off. 485
operation of power station for waste plants . 97 Governor adjustment. S. H. Bunnell . 290
gases from a blast-furnace- gas plant. * 231 Gas-producer tests, Government. R. H. Governor , Automatic multi - stage turbine .
Friction , C. H. Wingfield on turbine. Fernald . 42 H. F. Schmidt. * 23
Friction testing of oil. 684 Gas producers and engines, Waiting op * 517 , 584
Frictional loses in turbines. * 223 434
, Governor , Carr steam pump .
R. M. Neil portunity for. 641
Governor castings, Getting. C. T. Porter., 161
son .
* 83 , 143 Gas producers, Beardmore & Co.'s Duff. 649 Governor causes clicking ? See “ Piston ."
Friedenshütte, Cleaning gas in the . Gas
producers, , Development in - Hall Governor , Dash pot for Porter -Allen . * 666
Fritz ' fly - wheel , John . 767 Brown's and Towns'. * 10
* 544 Governor for Locke engine stop . * 643
Fuel, Comparative costs of. Gas producers, Efficiency of soft coals Governor, Grant's combined inertia and
Fuel compos ition . Wadleigh and 101
Gill . and peat in -- Geol. Survey tests . 781 centrifugal. * 811
Gas producers for power -- Tables of effi Governor of large hydraulic turbine. * 757
Fuel economizers . 377, 493 ciencies of engines with pressure and * 617
Governor on Corliss engine, Shaft .
Fuel from results of proximate analysis, suction plants ; composition of gases ; Governor - Safety -device fallacies . 625 , 782
Heating value of. H. Le H. Smith . Dowson plant at Walthanstow ; com Governor speed , Calculating. 361 , 632
Fuel investigations, Report on Gove * 624 parative tests of steam and pressure
ment. rn Governor spindle stuck . C. T. Porter. * 543
gas power plants at Guernsey; tests Governor. Study of inertia fly -wheel.
272 of Wilson bituminous producer; Tay .
Fuel, Sulphur in liquid. H. A. Swanton . * 653
Fuels combustion
and . S. A. Moss.
lor producer; U. S. Geological Survey Governor trouble ; disk inertia . C. T.
test ; scrubbing; automatic regulating Porter . 542
Fuels and Structural Materials , National
619, 685 , 736 receiver ; American practice ; coal, etc. Governor trouble ; position of stop cams. 241
Advisory Board on .
J. I. Wile . 225 Governor trouble - Accumulated filings .
Fulton and the steamb 274
oat. Gas producers - Gas engine situation . 252 , 380 Kinks. * 32
Fulton monument , The Robert . 574 , * 534 Gas producers, Producer gas and. C. H.
704 Governor trouble ; racing. J. E. Bates . 242
Furnace . See also “ Boiler," etc. Day . 92
Governor with spring, Curing faulty. E.
Furnace , Balanced - draft. Gas producers. Thwaite's apparatus for G. Carlson . 505
M'Lean . Embury maintaining suction in . * 478 * 679
Furnace, Finding temperature of ( Q. & * 512 Gas pumps , Koerting engine. * 593, * 658 , * 750 Governors and repair. Marine -engine.
Governors -- " Automatic " cut -off etc.
A. ) Gas recorder, Ados carbonic -acid . * 383 * 632 , 361, 484 , 630 , 782 , 789
Furnace for Indiana coals , King's sug 258 Gas tables, Power . S. A. Moss . 412 Governors of Fleming engines . 328, * 590
gested . Gas turbine, The. 314 Governorsrs
, Oil instead of glycerine for gas . 696
W. H. Booth .
* 163 Gas turbine, The question of the. R. M. “Governo , Shaft. Trunks and Hou
Furnace gas, Blast . 567 Neilson . 11 , 175 sum . 849
S. A. Moss. 736
Furnace gas , Buffalo cleansing fans for . H. F. Schmidt, 12 Grade , Power to draw load up . 712
Furnace gas, Cleaning blast . 232 , 766 , * 809
629 Gas turbines, Notes on . 732, 744 Gradenwitz , Alfred . Felling a large chim ;
Furnace -gas-driven engines in Europe . Gas under steam boilers, Natural. J. M. ney .
749 Whitham . 24 -Electrical " block " stations with gas en
Furnace -gas- power plants . H. Freyn . * 231 Gas , Wood fuel for engine. 61
Furnace gases. L. L. Brewer . gine drive . 249
Gases, A. Witz on producer. 578 Graft . 508
Furnace records, Continuous automatic , 768
J. A. Caldwell. Gases and their treatment, Charactics of Graft experience. C. T. Porter. 729
700 some power - Blast- furnace gases : * 806
Furnace, Smokeless soft-coal. A. Bemont. Granger Co.'s “ Star " water - tube boiler.
Furnaces and combustion , Boiler ; West cleaning : scrubbers; Friedenshütte ; Grant's inertia and centrifugal governor . * 811
ern coals ; Dutch -oven furnace; tem fans and injectors; Theisen centri . " Granhic Methods of Engine Design ." I.
fugal cleanser ; coke-oven gases ; pro H. Baker . 462
perature and efficiency , etc. R. P. ducer gas ; Mond gas ; suction pro 210
Holbrook . L. L. Brewer.
Graphite adulteration , Detection of .
* 564 ducer. 766 Graphite as lubricant - Goss' tests . 758
( Nearness of fire , exposure of bare Gases-Cemistry and physics. S. A. Moss. 619 Graphite. Lubrication with fake. 609
tubes, economy, supplying hydrogen, Gases , Coal, coke -oven , air , water and Grate , Salamander cradle dumping. * 308
etc. ) Peter Van Brock . 697 producer S. A. Moss. 685 * 122
Grate , Sharp shaking and dumping .


Grates, Commonwealth Elec.'s Babcock & Heating value of fuel from results of Indicator cards ? What caused these.
Wilcox chain. * 720 proximate analysis. H. Le H. Smith. * 624 Rolla Mundy. * 504
Graves, W. D. Shall we patent our in Heating water, Boiler capacity for . 816 F. W. Cerney . * 696
vention ? 394 Heaton, A. Battle of the giants . 533
Gravitation etc., Harnessing. 381 , * 695
Adolph Crome. * 788
Heine boiler test , Natural gas fired . 25 E.W. 794
Gravity and grease . 275 Helium , Boiling point of liquid. 33
Grease cup , Luett & Garner automatic . * 448
Indicator diagram device for test of Inter
Grease cup , The Philadelphia. " Hendricks' Commercial Register." 1649 borough engines, Continous. * 116
* 121 " Henley's Encyclopedia of Practical En Indicator diagram from rolling-millen
Great Northern Power Co. 651 gineering and Allied Trades." Cason & Barrett.
Greeley, Corliss engine owned by. * 251
† 711 gine, Continuous. * 304
Herschmann , A. J. Tests of elevator plant Indicator diagram , Puzzling. J. G.
Greenaway special oil separator . * 319 in Trinity building . 42 , 53 * 694
Greenaway steam trap. * 450 Schwab.
Hewes & Phillips, C. T. Porter and . 346 E. W. * 795
Greene, Tweed & Co.--" Exacto " packing Hicks ball-bearing gland . * 807 Indicator diagram , Tangye engine; explo
gage and cutter . * 254 Highland and Agricultural Society's suc
Griggs, E. L. Getting a license. sion records. * 287
l'oints on Hancock inspirator. tion gas-produce r trials. 97 , 287 Indicator diagrams of gas and air pumps
* 773 Hill, J. S. Interior Dept.'s plant . * 536
of Borsig -Oechelhaeuser engines. * 280, * 357
Grinder, Home-made valve - seat . * 507 Hiscox, Gardner D. " Gas , Gasolene and Indicator diagrams, Porter- Allen . * 215
Gronvold boiler fue cleaner . * 55 Oil Engines . "
Grooving of boiler plates. 775
162 Indicator diagrams, Reichenbach engine . * 529
Grooving of boilers . W. H. Booth , *7
Hobart, H. M. “ Steam Turbine Engineer. “ Indicator Handbook ." C. N. Pickworth . +386
ing. " +817 Indicator --- Improved Victor reducing
Gueldner, Views of. 463 Hobart, J. F. " Brazing and soldering." # 711
Guernsey, Steam and gas plants at . wheel. * 185
226 Hochfeldt " Eclipse" combination valve. * 707 Indicator-Load diagram of mill engine. 107
Guide for winding, Wire. * 422
Hoerbiger -type valves for gas engines. * 751 Indicator- piston and pencil, Inertia of .
Gumming test . A II . Gill. Hoisting, L. I. Cy ., Coal and ash . 338 , * 199 Thos. Hall. • 482
Gummy deposit in cylinders. C. H. Gar Hoisting, Rope for . ( Q. & A. ) * 650 Indicator, Porter's book on Richards. 270
lick . 28 Holbrook , R. B. Furnaces and combustion .
Gun -metal castings, Getting. C. T. Porter, 161 Indicator springs, Calibration of. R. S.
Gutehotfnungshütte's Koerting engine. 564, 697 Streeter . .601
* 660 Holbrook , R. H. Boiler -setting contest. 797 Indicator , Tabor . C. T. Porter . 543
Gutienberg roller mill boiler explosion . * 117 Holyoke Power Co.'s water -turbine tests. 781 508
Indicators and graft .
Hopper, Gas-producer -charging . * 582 Inductance explained . 292
Hoppes cast-iron exhaust head . * 319 Induction motors, Polyphase . F. P. De
Н Horse power. See " Power, " etc. Wilde. * 747
Hot - ait arrangement , Fedden's. * 91 Industrial Gas Co.'s suction - pressure pro .
Halifax electric -tramway plant, Notes on Houston Lighting and Power Co. 629 ducer. .802
operation of .. P. A. Freeman. 597 Howald -Schwabe stuffing box. * 419 Inertia of indicator-piston and pencil. * 482
Hall, Thos. Setting Fleming engine Howard engine, The. * 583 Information gratis. 182
valves. * 327 , * 589 Howatt, John . Air compressor test. * 13 , 301 Ingersoll-Sergeant air- compressor test .
Engine economy and unequal cut-off . Care of direct -current motors. 336
* 391
Hubbard, C. L. Piping plans for Onon John Howatt and Ingersoll - Rand Co.
Inertia of indicator-piston and pencil. * 482 * 13 , 301
Halphen's test for cottonseed oil . 332 , 407 daga county court house, ] Injector, Feeding boiler solvent with . * 443
Hammer blow , Effect of a. 359 , 626 , 695 - Catalog and data files. * 102 Injector fixing : Old Timer . 247
Hancock inspirator , Points on . E. L. --- Power for refrigeration . 772 Injector from scientific point of view .
Griggs. * 773 Humors. “ Yorkshire ." 504 , * 569 * 168 , 180, * 306
Hutchins, G. P. Test of Diesel engine. * 607
M. G. Stolp et al.
Handles on gaskets . 28 , 178 Injector operatio n. ( Q.c . & F. )
A.O'Leary 385
Hanger, Securing countershaft . A. S. -Suitability of lubricants. 673 Injector, The automati . • 478
Jamieson. * 500 Huttinger-Peterson suction gas producer . * 582
Injectors. Cleaning gases with steam . 767
Hangers at court-house, Spring pipe . Huxley blow -off valve. * 580
Inspected , Boston Herald plant is not. * 552
Hangers , Serviceable pipe. Bayard . * 109 Hydraulic accumlators, Pressure exerted Inspection , Boiler. M. J. Conlon . 39
F. H. Searight. * 309 by ( Q. & A. ) 519 Inspection , Boiler. W. H. Booth . 287
Ilangers etc. , Bridle pipe. 426 Hydraulic -apparatus bids, Roosevelt power Inspection in British Columbia. Boiler. 101
llannam , Death of E T. 652 plant. 103 Inspirator, Points on Hancock . E. L.
llardening effect of punching and shear. Hydraulic boiler test insufficient . 22 , 101 Griggs. * 773
ing . 227 Hydraulic elevator, The. Wm . Baxter , Ir. * 759 Insulation , Cold - storage. F. E. Matthews . * 538
Ilarding, W. J. , and momentum engine . 704 Hydraulic Oil Storage & Distrib. Co.'s Insulation - Electrical puzzlers. E. S.
Hardness, Water. A. H. Gill. 9 , * 84 Snell oil-handling system . * 579 Lincoln . 334
Harnessed heat units . Dixie . * 695 Hydro - electric development, A large . 651 Insulation Rewinding electrical machin
Harrison , Newton . “ Electric Wiring Dia Hydrogen to furnace, Supplying. 697 * 282 , +420
ery .
grams and Switchboards. " Hydrometer, Oil . * 146
1584 Insurance information desired , Working.
Harvey suction-pressure gas producer. * 802 men's . 179
Hawkins, E. S. Angle -valves, duplicate 1 Insurance report on electrical break
manuscripts, etc. * 367, 501 , 566 downs, British .
Practical suggestions as to water gages. * 549 l -beam , Power transmission through . W. Intelligence conquers dilemma. C. S.
Hay , Jlfred . “ Alternating Currents . 1450 F. Morgan. * 175 Kinney. * 600 , 702
He wants to know . Lancashire. 784 Ice . See also “ Refrigerating .". Interborough engines, Official test of. * 115
Head for Weinland tube cleaner , New . * 122 Ice cream , Cost of fuel to freeze . ( Q. Intercooler for Allis-Chalmers air com
Header connection , Flexible ; supporting . * 426 & J. ) 320 * 808
pressors .
Header , Cracked boiler . C. T. Porter . 219 Ice , Heat to melt. ( Q. & A.) 650 Intercoo . L. I. Wightman . * 18
Header , Draining a . R. Manly Orr. * 172 Ice machines, Cleaning condenser and ab Interior ling
Dept.'s plant. J. S. Hill. * 536
Rockdale, L , A. C. and Observer . * 311 sorber tubes of. W. E. Crane. 775 International Correspondence Schools' an
* 476 814
Header, Murray boiler. Ice plant, Ammonia loss in . ( Q. & A.) 519 niversary . 713
Heat exchange in turbines . W. H. Booth . 615 Ideals in industrial engineering , H. F. International U. S. E. convention .W. D.
Heat from iron pipes, Loss of. 94 Porter on realization of. Invention ? Shall we patent our .
Heat into work by adiabatic expansion , Idle sheave friction . G. F. Willis . 272 Graves. 394
Conversion of Levin and Moss . Idler pulley for right-angled turn , Where " Inventions ” —To the small investor. 381 , * 695
243 , * 439 * 61 Inventor of the steamboat. 574 , * 534
to locate. ( Q. & . A. 381 , * 695
Heat lost by radiation through brickwork. 218 Igniter gear , Buckeye gas -engine . * 578 Investor, To nthe small.
Heat of combustion . S, A. Moss . Igniter, Jacobson gas-engine. * 706 Iron , Corrosio and pitting of . Α. Η.
Igniter-point location . Geo . Miller. 657 Gill . 85
620 , 685 , 736
Heat of combustion of gases. 749
413 Igniters and location . F. E. Junge. 461 , * 531 Iron works, Gas engines in European. * 364
Heat to melt ice . ( O. & A. ) 650 Illinois' dinner menu , University of. * 323 Irons, Magnet; qualities, etc. * 221 , * 297 ,
Heat treatment of steel-- Brittleness . Ulumination and combustion . 622 , 685 Isolated plants, Central stations vs. 100
Heat units , Harnessed . Dixie. * 693 Illuminating Engineer, The. 4322
Heater , Inderson feed -water. * 37 Impact - Force of a blow . 359 , 626 , 695
Heater con nec tions,sur
Faulty . A Subscriber . * 700 Impedance explained 292
Heat , Hea
er tin gof face
live -steam . Inclined plan es, Forc. es on. Chas. Kud . J
IQ . & .1 . ) 387 erer . 246
Heater, Make -shift feed -water . 699 Index cards; catalog and data files. C. L. 399
Jack , Convenient screw .
For connection see “ Dangerous. " Hubbard . * 102 Jack , Raising dynamo with improvised . * 293
Heater, Sims open feed -water. * 447 Index for volume XXV . 52 Jacket cooling Compound air compres .
Heater , Suggestions for a feed - water . Index . Ingenious card . A. M. Orr . * 245 sion . * 18
M. J. Conlon . * 239 Indexing drawings, C. T. Porter . 605 Jacket , Nuernberg engine cylinder and . * 35, 156
Heater Water too hot for pump . N. Indiana coals . -R . P. King: 163. 567 Tackets , Steam . P. A. Freeman . 598
Levering. * 169 Indianapolis Building Inspection Bulletin . ' † 126 Jackson , Miss., Pully failure at . * 706
Heater , ' 8000 -h . P. Nat'l Pipe Bending Indicating - Suggestions for erecting eng Jacobson gas and gasolene engines.
Co.'s. * 806 ineers. 290 Jahnke, H. Washing boilers; feeding com . * 158
Heaters , Advantages of open feed-water. Indicator and overhead alarm , Shreffler pound.
I. C. Jones. 562 , 575 engine. * 318 -Blow -off pipes . * 571 , 5703
Heaters , Graphical calculation of feed Indicator card ; marks for valves. Practi Jamestown exposition . * 758
water . N, A. Carle . * 738 cal . * 567 Jamison , A. P. “ Advanced Mechanical +63
Heaters . Installing open . C. B. Ross. 791 Indicator cards — A leak ? E. H. Kirchner. * 111 Drawing."
Heaters, Intermediate (Q. & A. ) 320 Indicator cards, Ammonia compressor . Janicke, G. A. Pump trouble . * 573 . 631 ,
* Heating and Ventilation .” J. R. Allen . 1649 * 77 , 154, " 211 698 , " 701
Heating boiler - feed water by exhaust Indicator cards , Freak-And still it ran . -Exhaust heating system . * 703
steam . C. B. Ross . 555 C. L. Johnson , C. J. Mason, E. W. , -Explosive gas in piston. 797
Heating boiler rooms . P. H. Bullock. 438 K. G. Smith , H. L. Strong, J. I. Japan, Largest power station in . 337
Heating effects on gas engine cylinders . 35 Baker, Frank Avis, LeRoy Baker. Teffrey coal-handling plant. * 780
Heating exhaust with flue gases. 640, 692 * 696 , * 794, 795, 794 Jenkins back -pressure valve, etc. , Weight
Ilating feed water, Coal saved by . ing and dismantling * 670 , 793
Indicator cards as the expert and the en * 507
( Q. & A. ) 585 gineer set engine . T. H. Reardon . Tenkins valve seats , Facing.
* 126
Heating in direct current generators . 40 * 501, * 635 Tepson , Geo . " Cams." 430
Heating , Live steam for feed - water ; reg. Indicator cards of Otis Steel Works Jersey City, Engineers' licenses in .
ulators. 107 Porter- Allen engine . * 668 Tigs for brasses, Boring . * 277
Heating plant, Interior Dept.'s steam. * 536 Indicator cards of Porter's cross - com Johns-Manville sectional pipe conduit.
* 703 .730 Toint , Dunbar's balanced expansion . * 190
Hea tingg syst
Heatin em . Pipaus
system , G.M.A.Jan
, Exh ingt.. icke. .
T. Conlon * 242
pound .
Indicator cards -- Running on the throt. Joint, High -pressure flange . Wm . Kav .
* 292
J. E. Noble. G. W. Richardson . * 505 tle. • 507 anagh * 176
low .
system , Returns from . G. Rahm Indicator cards - Setting of a Corliss en Toint in fly -wheel, Open .
* 810
788 gine. C. R. McGahey. * 790 Joint :- Kewance flange union.
PAGE 609
-Graphite and neat kerosene, Flake.
Joint, Lap; butt- strap ;. "lung disease . " Lap joint. See “ Joint.” ' * 277 -Graphite as lubricant - Goss' tests. 758
Bill Jones, Chas. New, Amos Price . Lathe - Boring jigs for brasses . * 581 -Gravity sight-feed lubricator. P. D.
* 171 , 239, 374 Latshaw steel pulley . Phillips. * 409
Joints , Caring for flange. W. H. *8 LayoutLicense
Laws, . See engineer's
- Designing " License.” oversight. 786 -Grease cup, Luett & Garner automatic. * 448
Wakeman . -Grease cup, The Philadelphia . * 121
Joints, Efficiency of double. Zigzag. 60 Lea -Degen 2 -stage centrifugal pump, Test * 688 -Gum stops pump, steam piston . 105
Joints, Expansion and swing. W. E. of.
224 -Lubricator, " Cranky. J. M. Robinson. 434
Lead, Packing with melted . 503
Dixon . 426
* 465 Leak steam ? Does this engine. E. H. Le Roy Baker .
pipe,these 700
Joints for
Joints leak blow -off do * 111 R. Wilson.
? Why pipe. Puz . Kirchner. -Lubricator, Dietz high-pressure automa
792 Leak ? What causes the tubes to. Alfred * 185
zled. 172 , 247 , 367, 572 , 698 tic .
Making flange_C
Joints, McCarthy utting
ball -and -socketgaskets,
pipe. a . * 814 LeakHall et al
? Why do. these pipe joints. Puzzled. 792 -Lubricator , Home-made cylinder, J. G.
* 336
170 Sheridan.
scraper , etc. , J. B. Wirtemburg. * 28, 178 Leak with red lead, Stopping. 816 G, W. F. 639
Joints on belt wheels, Location of rim. Leakage, Heat loss by boiler. -Lubricator Home -made double-duty
John Baker. * 244 Leakage in compressed -air plants, Cost of. 779
pump. J. , G. Sheridan . * 702
Leakage test of Interborough boilers . * 116
Joints, Packing flanged. C. R. McGahey. * 556 --Lubricator improvement. Wm. J. Tay.
Joints, Types of shell. R. L. Kennett. Lectures on electrical engineering, Ele lor's. * 56
* 147, 227 * 88 , ** 492,
143 , *498 , **220, chest . * 399
mentary .
*398, 557, 622 , **297
671, , *364
* 763, . -Lubricator improved for steam
Joints with cement and red lead , Packing.
Jones, J. C. Steam -plant auxiliaries .
562, 575 Lee , D. S. Steam -pipe experiences. 610 tors c,
-Lubrica , Eccentri cross-bead-pin * 271
* 306 and crank-pin . C. T. Porter.
Jones slide-valve models. * 55 Lent, L. B. Faulty Corliss engine. - Machine tool lubrication, C. T. Por.
* 263 Leow Victor pipe-threading machine. * 255 665
Jordan Electric Light & Heating Co. 188 ter .
Joslyn Mfg. Co.'s motor installations. d ors
684 Letter His third. toAmos
Letter, addresse Price, .Jr.
composit * 26, 240 -Motors , Care of direct -current. 336
Josse and momentum engine . Prof. 704
796 Oil and grease costs, Gas-engine. * 23 +
Josselyn, B. S. Actual turbine results. * 733 Leveling , shafting. S. E. -Oil filtering and circulation for turbines
Junge, Franz E. Large gas engines in Levin, A. M. Conversion of heat by 43 * 206
243 , * 9 at L. I. City.
Europe. * 34 , * 73 , * 156, * 248, * 278, *853,
* 415 , * 460 , * 529, * 593, * 658, * 749 adiabati
c expansion . # 54 127
y standard turbin e cleaner. Ou for winter use .
License, Getting, a. E. L. Griggs. 465 -Oils and other lubricants ; stills; conden.
к License law , Ohio . S. H. White . 375 ser ; petroleum products ; testing; Say
A. J. Wortman . 440 bolt viscosimeter; specific gravity ;
Kafer, Death of John Christian. 325 252 hydrometer ; cold test; fash - point ;
License laws, Engineers'.
Kavanagh , Wm . Burned-out coil ; extra License leglislation , N. A. S. E. conimit. Pensky -Martens' closed tester ; fire
blower belt ; damper regulator attach tee on .
644 test; gumming test; acidity , test ; test
ment . * 140, * 306 430 for animal and vegetable , in mineral
Practical kinks. * 292 " Life , The Jersey
Licensesin CompeteCity,
nt. Engineers'.
Thos. D. West. 1193 oils ; oil thickener or oil pulp; evapor
Kelvin & James White , Ltd.'s torsion Light plant, Jordan electric. * 263 ation test ; friction test; Thurston's
meter . * 803 Lighting. See also " Electricity."
machine ; testing of burning oils ; N.
1194 Lighting-connections problem. H. L. Y. State tester ; animal and vegetable
Kennedy, Rankin . “Modern Engines " etc.
Kennett sent to 815 , 641 Strong, W. A. Graham , W. H. Farns oils ; specific gravity ;. Valenta and
prison , J. B.
Kennett , R. L. Notes on 'steam boilers. * 147, * 227 worth , F. W. Hudson , F. W. Reed . Maumené tests; Halphen's test for
Kent , Wm. Draft . 434 * 372 , * 496 cottonseed oil ; considerations in select
Kerosene as fuel. S. A. Moss. 737 Lighting, Gasolene motor car used for ing oils ; requirements , etc. Α . Η .
159 Gill. *145 , * 222 , 300, 331 , 407
Kershaw, J. B. C. Steam boiler efficien * 89
562 -Oiling system - Halifax tramway -plant. 597
cies . Lightning strikes a stack .
-Smoke prevention in the modern power Lincoln , E. S. Storage -battery problem . -Oiling system , Improved engine. Wm .
245 , * 370 * 293
station . Kavanagh
141 , 443, 495 , 635
170 * 334 -Oili ng system. , Sturtevant forced . * 123
Kettle bottom with iron cement, Packing. * 810 --Electrical puzzlers. -Pulley bushing, Oil grooves in Bubb. ** 121
Kewanee flange union. - Motor- connection problem . -Sight-feed glasses, Oil-daubed . H. Spur
Key driven into shaft, Fly-wheel. 543 499, * 568 , * 637, 694 782
Key lost ; emergency regulation . G. P. -Problem in resistance connections . rier.
-Suitability of lubricants. G. P. Hut
Pearce et al . 32 , 173 , 174 , 304 , 306 695 , * 784 673
Keys, Blow -off cock, 287 - Electrical experiences and sug . * 762 chins. * 186
Keys, Drilling. P. A. Leavitt. * 112 gestions . Lucas flexible trough conveyor. 558
Keys , Holding slippery. “ Greenun . " 371 Lindmueller, Edw . Mowry improved Lucke and alcohol engines, C. E. 12, 175
* 810 * 188 Lucke's experiments, C. E.
Keys & Son's feed-water purifier. W. H.
boiler .
227 Luett & Garner grease cup.
* 448
Keying up crank and wrist pins . * 71 , * 372
Line up simple engine, To. * 572 Lugs from rolled shapes. . C. W. J. * 246
Wakeman , D. Brodera. Liners in piston rings. J. R. H. * 792
Keyways, Mistake in laying off. * 569
Liquid -measuring apparatus . G. B. Wil Lunatic, Engine made by. Jimmie.
Kimberley & Clark Paper Co. * 607 * 360 " Lung disease . Bill Jones, Chas. New,
Kinealy , J. H. “ Mechanical Draft."
R. Amos Price . * 171 , 239 , 374
† 450 Little things that may be helpful. * 500 584
King, Jonas F. Gas-engine types. 745 M. Orr.
mill engine . C. J.
Lunkenh eimer outing.
" Vigilant" safety water
King, R. P. Indiana coals; suggested fur. Load diagram of * 121
nace . * 163 , 567 Mason . 107 column.
A. " Lusitania ," The . 508 , 467 , 598
--Comparative value of coals. 481 Load on Corliss engine , Adjusting .
King, W. Ř . " Text Book of Engineering." 7817 Novice. * 768
KinghornPractical. multiplexWm.
disk Kavanag
valve. h . * 316 Load on direct current dynamos-Lecture. M
Kinks, * 292 Load, Sudden increase of turbine. 631 , 695
Kinney, C. S. Motor-connection dilemma. Loads , Trouble in distributing turbine . 778 McCarthy bail-and- socket pipe unions. * 814
* 643 * 710
* 600, 702 Locke automatic engine stop. McCrea & Co.'s “ Perfect valve disk.
Kinzbrunner , C. Continuous Current Ar. Lockport, Ill . , power development . 210
McDonough balanced oscillating , valve. * 516
matur es . † 649 Locomotive, Gasolene. MacFarland, H. B. “ Standard Reduction
Kitchen , Electric-Commonwealth turbine in measuring. 504 4711
station. * 727 ( Laying, Mistake
Locomotive off keyways .) H. R. C. Factors for Gases .' # 556
* 750 * 569 McGahey, C. R. Packing, flanged joints. * 790
Klein -Koertin g engine . Leigh . Setting of a Corliss engine.
Knock, See also " Pound," etc. “ Locomot ive Tests and Exhibits ." P. R. † 259 McGregor's oscillating windmill. * 123
Knock, Curing gas engine. Amos Price, R. McIntosh & Seymour engines, Large. 781
Jr. * 27 Locomotives, Compressed -air ater
colliery. 619 Mackay , J. R. Ocean race as viewed
Knock, Engine . L. L. Arnold . 351 Locomotives , Russian_superhe for. from below .
* 679
( Another . ) H. Skaton . 494 Logarithmic charts. E. G. Robinson . • 415 * 512
M'Lean , Embury. Balanced draft furnace.
J. E. S. Dakers. 630 London compared , Steam and gas plants 225 Machine Design ." Smith
"“ Machine and Marx. 1 450
694 Shop Arithmetic.” Colvin and
Knock, Locating a . W. A. Dow. 178 Londaton. , Smoke prevention in. W. H. $ 193
Knock -off
Knock on centers, Silencinoff.
block dropped g . C. T. Por Booth . 567 Cheney .
" Machine Shop Construction, Equipme nt
ter . * 216 * 338 ,. 550 , 598 , 119
* 199, station
Long Island City power and Management rigo
." . 0. E. Per . 1193
Knock was cured , How bad . J. V. N. 652 “ Machine Shop Practice , Brookes Twen
Che,ney , * 701 Lord , Death of Geo. W. 1649
Knocks Engine. C. T. Porter. 730 , 731 , 732 Los Angeles. Edison Co. , Plant of the. * 67 tieth Century." 665 , 606
365 Machine tools , Ć. T. Porter's
Knocks, Locating. P. Pound . 246 Los Angeles, 15.000-kw . plant for. 690
Knocking, etc., Engine . Wm . Wester London's balancing of turbine end-thrust. * 691 Machinery, Exports of power.
gency G. P.
Machinist and the emer .
field . 785 Low -pressure steam turbine, Installation Pearce .
32 , 174
713 * 150 , 253 , * 299 , 483
Kobbe , Death of Philip F. of. A. Morvan .
Low - water emergency . J. W. Brecknell . 343 304
Koerting double -acting 2 - stroke -cycl e en
* 593 , * 658 , * 749 J. F. Nagle .
* 499 L. L. Arnold . 306
gine. engine . Jonas F. King.
Koerting 745 , 746 686 A Texas Nut-Splitter.
* 384
Lowe water-gas process. Machinist's and engineer's idea . Pipe .
Koerting 4 -stroke-cycle gas engine. LUBRICATION . * 573 , 630, 698 , * 703
Koester, Franz . Electra steam turbine, * 344 87
* 808 See also " Oil. " Machinists , Warrant.
Komo expansion trap . Magnets, Field- Elementary lectures .
-Air compressor lubrication . * 557 , * 622 , * 671
-Air - compressor lubrication , Compound. * 21
* 120 Magnets -- Rotating field of polyplase in
L Atomizer, Parker cylinder -oil. duction motor; stator windings; test
Labor , Information desired by Bureau of. 179 --Boring-machine lubrication . C. T. Por * 747
666 ing, for field symmetry , etc.
Lackawanna Steel Works ' Koerting en 593 , 749
-Commonwealth Elec.'s turbine- oiling sys Magnetism ; electromagnet ; magnetic qual.
gines . * 725 ties of different grades of iron and
Lagonda automatic - cut -off valve. * 514 tem .
- Crandell mechanical lubricator . Nat'l steel ; data for proportioning magnets ;
Lagonda “Weinland " cleaner, New head * 810 the solenoid ; induced electromotive
* 122 Sewing Machine Co.'s.
for . -Cylinder oil , Bad effect of. 224 force , etc. * 88 , * 220, * 297 , **343
364, , * 399
Lake Erie Co.'s boiler-compound feeder. * 710 28 Manchester Steam Users' Asso.
Lamartine Peat, Light & Power Co. 374 -Cylinders, Gummy deposit in. * 499 , 776
-Engine bearings ; cylinder oil ; separa " Manhattan " type engine, Edwin Reynolds
lem .Indicati
Lamps, 499 , *ion
ng--Motor -connect 568,prob
* 637 , 694 tors , W. H. Wakema .
etc. n * 73
* 698 and .
* 762 -Filling a lubricator. E. G. C. * 791
Lamps misplaced , short-circuit results. -Gas- engine lubrication , European . F. E. Manhole cover falls in boiler ; vacuum .
* 791
engine , r. Incan
Lamps per h.p. ofcondense "
descent . 650
224 156 cuum .
" Lamps. 16 -h.p . Jun ge . Manholes — The needle's eye .
Lane , E. H. Instructive troubles. 539 --Gas -engine lubricator, Richardson force
feed . Sight Feed Oil Pump Co.'s . * 708 Mansfield , O. , Fly -wheel wreck at .
-Setting valves on double -eccentric 439
* 379 , 495 , 626 , 782
559 -Gears in water ? Grease for
Corliss engines.


Janufacturers' diagrams. G. W. Mal. Veilson, R. M. The question of the gas Packing , Buhne fibrous babbitt steam >

colm . 702 , * 600 turbine. 11, 12 , 175 packing . * 581

Manuscript, etc. Duplicate. -Why the steam turbine is not more effi.
* 83
Packing, " Double Service" high -pressure
* 54
501 , 566 , 368, 311 , 438 , 507 cient. hydraulic. D. S. Paterson Co.'s
Marco diagonal packing: * 516 -Some turbine fallacies. 143 , 301 , 440 Packing flange joints ; cutting gaskets
Marine , See also " Ship ," “ Turbine," New , Chas . See “ Lung disease." scraper ; durability . J. B. Wirtem
" Steamboat," etc. New York Central R. R., The steam -elec burg . * 28 , 178
Marine-engine patent of 18th century. * 534 tric power stations of. * 131 Packing flanged joints. C. R. McGahey . * 556
Marine Engineers’ Benevolent Asso . con . New York City , Engineers' wages in. 800 Packing for high temperatures , Ekert. 709
vention . 191 New York , Permanent international ex Packing gage and cutter , " Exacto ." 254 *
Marks , Don't depend on the. Practical. * 567 118 Packing , How a man cut. Amos Price ,
position at. Jr. * 27
Marks on engine-room wall, Peculiar . A. * 108
New York Safety Steam Power Co.'s Dock * 812 Chas . New. 240
G. Fulton . internal-combustion engine.
Mason , Chas. J. A bit of geometry . *5 New York State oil tester . * 223 Packing joints with iron cement and red
Mason , H. R. Correcting reversed polar Niagara power station , Chimney on. 180 lead . L. L. Arnold . 170
ity . * 677, 797 Nichtheroy, Electric transmission at. 587 Packing , Marlo diagonal . Mechanical
Mason wrench . * 808 • 516
Nickel production statistics. 119 Rubber Co.'s .
* 642
Massachusetts State convention . 521 , 586 Noble, J. E. Pipe-coil boiler, * 394 , 570, 639 Packing , Monarch metallic ring.
Master mechanic , Tales of a. 224 , 464 Noise in direct current dynamos . 80 Packing pump plunger. Practical. * 369
Match gasolene-engine starter, Parlor. 493 North Anderson, Tests of boilers at. 91 Packing-rings, Experience with . * 373, * 499, * 572
" Mathematics, Handbook of." ' J. Claudel. 4711 North Beach power-house ,wreckage. 487 Packing with melted lead . 224
Mathot, R. É. Producer-gas -plant trials. * 287 Notice , etc., Printers' strike. 52 , 182 Packing wrongly placed , Grain of. * 702
-Remarkable efficiencies in small en Nouguier , M. , and voltage regulation , 509 Packings, Steam -- Water -power man's
gines using superheated steam . * 396 Nozzles for measuring water, Discharge. * 275 troubles. J. W. Homer. 790
Matthews , F. E. Experiences in a refri Nuernberg gas engine. F. E. Junge. "Palmer
Painting, Spring.” Dixon Crucible Co. † 322
gerating plant. * 34 , * 73, * 156, * 248, * 278, * 415 , C. M. Effect of altitude upon
* 77, * 154, * 211 , * 273, * 431 , * 538 Nut , Bolt broken by small. 540 combustion . * 527
-Refrigerating problems answered. 104 Nut, Emergency loosening of.
Panama, Portable air compressors for. 84
Maumené oil- test. 32 , 173 , 174 , 304 , 306 Paraffines . S. A. Moss.
Meade, Norman G. Rewinding electrical Nut- facing machine. C. T. Porter. 665 , 669 Parallel operation of dynamos . 641
machinery . * 282 Nut , Mark on piston - rod jam. * 500 Parallel , Regulating compound-wound
-Repairing dynamo-electric machin Nut off, Turning a. 224 dynamos in . * 228
* 420 801 , 387
ery . Paralleling alternators.
Mean effective pressure . Supplement to 0 Paralleling alternators - Catechism . .743
Feb. number. Paralleling alternators, Engineer's part in .
Meaningless term , A. C. H. Brown. 440 Oechelhaeuser gas engines . * 278 , * 333 , 745 , 746 W. T. Fernandez. * 467
Measurement with triangles, Distance. (Q. Ohio Blower Co.'s “ Swartwout" separators . Paralleling alternators - Koerting engine . 751
& A. ) * 258 * 316 , * 709 Parker boiler with attached economizer . * 56
Measuring apparatus , Liquid . G. B. Wil. Ohio license law . S. H. White. 375 Parker cylinder-oil atomizer . * 120
COX . * 360 A. J. Wortman . 440 Parmiter belt - shifter . * 257
Measuring method in pump tests, Water; * 275 Ohio Soc. M. E. & S. Eng. 815 Parry , C. E. Hints on boiler management . 213
Mechanical Engineers . See " Engineers.' Ohio State convention . * 52 ) Parsons. See also “ Westinghouse.
“ Mechanical Index, " Donnell- Colvin Co.'s. 1322 Oil. See also " Lubrication ." Parsons turbine features, New - Balanc
Mellon , Henry . Boiler layout. * 786 Oil burning. L. L. Arnold . 495 * 691
ing end-thrust ; draining.
Mercury column, Spencer patent. * 140 , * 306 Oil-burning, turbine torpedo-boat destroy. Passport , Traveling without. C. T. Porter. 160
Merrick , William H. 603 , 606 , 667 , 729 er . 748 Patent examiners and pay, To increase. 776
Meter, D. & J. torsion. * 803 Oil caused_boiler tube to burst , Claims Patent expert's treachery , C. T. Porter. 604
Mica , Treating hard . L. L. Arnold . 238 that. F. D. Hogg . 178 Patent our invention ? Shall we. W. D.
Mill, Flour - Foot-loose factor . 785 , 640 Oil corrosion in cylinders. H. Spurrier. * 403 Graves . 394
Miller, George. Neglected point in gas Oil - daubed sight-feed glasses. H. Spur. Patents , Two interesting _old . * 534 , 574
engine economy . 657 rier . 782 Patrick , Death of Wm . J. 191
* 446 Paterson Co.'s packing, D. S. * 54
Milne's equivalent evaporation computa Oil filter, Rex .
tor . * 317 Oil filtering and circulating for turbines Paulding . C. P. “ Transmission of Heat
Milwaukee Northern Ry.'s plant. 728 at Long Island City. * 206 through Cold -storage Insulation .' +62
s, Explosiv e; Petreano 's mixing Oil from exhaust steam , Separation of. Pawlikowsky Goerlitz method of cooling. * 73
apparatus ; mechanical agitation of 247 4649
C. B. Ross . Peabody C. H. “ Valve -Gears .'
mixture ; Reichenbach's mixing valve ; Oil fuel on " Gwin ," Abandoning oil . 703 Peache's method of draining turbines . * 691
Koerting engine. Oil fuel , Sulpher in . 230 Pearl Mfg . Co.'s Dietz lubricator. * 785
* 460 , * 529, * 593 , * 658, * 749 Oil- fuel tables, C. C. Moore & Co.'s. 162 Peat and coal mixed as fuel . 179
Oil fuel used at Houston . 629 Peat composition . F. R. Wadleigh . Α . Η.
Model illustrating water hammer, Stro. * 776 Oil , Fuel value of crude. 486 Gill . 377 , 493
meyer's. * 672 Oil gas ; fuel oils . S. A. Moss. 736 781
Model, Slide-valve. G. B. Couper. producer s
Models, Jones slide -valve. * 55 Oil-handling system , Snell . * 759 plant.gasSuccessf
Peat for
Peat ul. . C. A. Beebe . 374
Molding column bases, by piece work. 468 Oil in feed water . 180 , 432 , 493 Pedrick & Smith pipe-bending machine. * 120
Momentum -engine humbug . The. 118 , 704 Oil in refrigerating plant.
• 431 Pember . Suggestion for Mr. C. J. Mason . 107
.642 Pennsylvania N. Y. & L. I. , Power station
Monarch metallic ring packing.
Mond gas. 768
Oil instead of glycerine for gas governors. 696 of. * 199 , * 338 , 550 , 598 , 119
L., L. Brewer . W. S. Meinzer.
Monument. The Robert Fulton . 704 Oil pump for gas engines, Richardson . Pennsylvania R. R. " Locomotive Tests." + 259
462 Sight Feed Oil Pump Co.'s * 708 Pensky -Martens flash -point tester. * 222
“ Moody's Manual of Securities." * 457
Moore at Centennial, James . 468 Oil separation in combination engine and People's Light, Heat & Power Co. .710
Moore & Co. , C. C. - Oil- fuel tables, etc. +62 turbine plant. 640, 792 " Perfect" valve disk , The .
Details of pipe support. * 309 Oil separator did not work, Why. * 700 Perrigo , 0. E. “ Modern Machine Shop
* 377 * 319 +193
-Method of laying out piping.. Oil separator, Greenaway special. 758
Construction ,” etc. 463
" Morgan Continuous Gas Producer." 1126 Oil tanks in S. F. fire. Petreano's mixing apparatus.
Vorrin , Death of Thomas F. 652 Oils and other lubricants ; stills : conden Petroleum and products. S. A. Moss. 737
* 753 Petroleum products. A. H. Gill. * 145
Morris Co.'s 10.000-h.p. turbine, I. P. ser ; petroleum products; testing ; Say. * 644
Moss, S. A. Gas-engine powering . 412 bolt viscosimeter; specific gravity ; Philadelphia convention , N.A.S.E. * 121
-Fuels and combustion . 619 , 685 , 736 hydrometer; cold test; flash -point; Philadelphia grease cun , The.
Motion in new dress, Old . W. Osborne . * 393 Pensky -Martens closed tester ; fire Philadelphia Rapid Transit's engine-tur 253
Motor. See also “ Electricity,” “ Engine,” test ; gumming test ; acidity test; test bine experiment . 96
etc. for animal and vegetable in animal Philippines, Coaling station in .
Motors, Wave, wind , solár, etc. 693 oils ; oil thickener or oil pulp ; Phillips, P. D. Gravity sight- feed lubrica
• 409
Nouse in a motor. 94 evaporation test; friction test ; Thurs: tor .
Mowry improved boiler. * 188 ton's machine ; testing of burning Phosphorus, Steel brittleness due to.
Mud deposits . L. L. Arnold . * 170 oils ; N. Y. State tester ; animal and Pickworth . C. N. “ Indicator Handbook ." 468
Mud -drum connection . Horace See. * 628 vegetable oils ; specfic gravity ; Valenta Piece-work . Molder's. C. T. Porter.* 317. * 708
Mufflers , Exhaust . F. E. Junge. 157 and Maumené tests ; Halphen's test Pierce Co.'s tube cleaners .
479 Pile driver - Force of blow . 626 . 695
Muttling tanks. for cottonseed oil ; different kinds of
Nullan vertical wet vacuum pump . * 186 oil ; selection ; test requirements , etc. Pin , Crank . See " Crank ."
Multiplying by 0.7854 , Short cut in . 500 A. H. Gill * 145 , * 222. 300 , 331 , 407
Oiling system , Commonwealth Elec.'s tur. PIPING .
Nundy's indicator cards, Mr. * 725 See also “ Tube."
* 504 , * 696 , * 788 , 794 bine .
Murray Iron Works, Visit to. 476 O'Leary , F. The automatic injector. * 478
--Accident at Paterson Edison . 5
Olefines. S. A. Moss . • 404
Onondaga countv court house , Piping -Acidity of vapors, Correcting .
plans for . C. L. Hubbard . #1 -Air compressor pipe, Exposed. F. Rat
182 tek .
Nagel suction gas producer. * 256 Open shop , The, John A. Hill. - Bending machine, Pedrick & Smith
697 Operating troubles and remedies. Wm . * 120
Naphtha , Generating hydrogen from . pip .
" Nashville," Boilers of gunboat. * 628 Kavanagh . * 140 -Blow e-off circulating pipes. M. De
Nason, C. W. , Death of. 815 ( Pat . by Spencer Regulator Co. ) * 306 Weese , B. 0. Eveler, G. A. Janicke ,
National Advisory Board on Fuels and " Operator," Turbine stop valve and . * 137
H. W. Walker, C. H. T. , Fred Chap
Structural Materials. 274 Originality in engineering. T. H. Rear ell. Henry E. Fisher , Peter H. Bul.
National A. S. E. See “ Engineers ." don . * 240 * 173 , 312, * 368
lock .
National Association of Cotton Manufac Orr , R. M. Boiler setting. * 309 , 368 , * 435 , -- Blow off pipe connection , Circulating. 818
turers . 533 495. * 565 , * 639 . * 636 * 465
* 383 -Things that may be helpful. * 500 -Blow -off pine , Hinge joints for . * 571
National Equip . Co.'s gas burner. * 393 -Blow off nines. H. Jahnke . .703
National gas - power-plant trial . 97 Osborne. W. Old motion in new dress. A. H. Hale .
National Pipe Bending Co.'s heater. Otis Co.'s mill , Slight accident at . 2.96
* 806 - Blow - off pipes, etc.
National Rolling Mill's fly -wheel accident. 322 Otis Steel mills . Fly - wheel wreck at . * 798 - Boiler. Pipe - coil . J. E.* 636 , * 565 , ** 639, * 435
Noble . Chas .
National Sewing Machine Co.'s lubricator . * 810 Otis Steel Work's engines . C. T. Porter . 668 * 394 . 639 , 570
* 420 HL. Jones .
National Steam Pump Co.'s air compress . Oven for drying armatures , etc. --Break ' in submerged pipe, Locating .
or . * 58 , * 178 • 702
* 646 Jimmie .
National Supplymen's Asso. at Phila. 96
P -By -pass . Advantage of ; shutting stop
Naval in Philippines .
station stop valves at night; drip pipe ar
Navy , engineer in the . C. W. Rae . 86 Pacific Electric Co.'s fire. 51
Xeedle's eye, The. 52 Pacific Light & Power Co. 365 rangement: caring for flange joints.
Neff & Co., Specialties of G, W. * 54 , * 55 Packed pump stuffing box . Water . * 372 W. H. Wakeman .
Negro engineers and firemen , Number of. 154 Packing a gas engine. Royal Wolfe . 239 -Cast iron boiler fittings; water pockets. 228

PAGE er . 177
-Clamp, Repairing pipe with . * 399 Piston of Koerting engine. * 661 Pounding
Power , pumps. Smelt
calculations, Diagrams for 3 - phase . * 152
-Columns, Wrought --iron pipe. N. A. Piston packing wrongly arranged, Pump. * 702 Power charts, Boiler horse. N. A. Carle. * 674
Carle. * 409 Piston , Reichenbach engine ; cooling ; re Power charts, Engine horse. N. A. Carle.
* 416 , * 532 * 17 , 76
-Commonwealth Elec. Co.'s turbine sta moving.
tion. * 722 Piston-ring clicking, Remedying - Sheath Power , Cheaper . E. N. Percy . 693
ing with tin . G. M. Barber. * 569
-Compressed -air leakage, Cost of. 779
* 108 Power consumed by auxiliary engines . 629
* 483
-Condenser inlet and outlet too close ; Piston rings click . A. E. Boyer. Power , Cost of . D. C. Eggleston .
J. M. Barber . * 241 * 350
sluice valves between turbines and Power curves, power factors. * 231
condensers cause damage . 778 (Due to governor ?) J. S. Gross. 247
Power from blast furnaces. H. Freyn .
--Conduit, Johns-Manville underground R. W. Johnson. Power -house conveniences . W. D. Cham
* 446 E. H. Lewis. 497 , 567 * 276
sectional Piston rings, Experience , with - Making; berlin . 487
-Coupling , Die made from pipe. En eccentricity ; device for filing ends;
Power houses wrecked at San Francisco .
Power , New source of. 441
gineer * 107 T. Trolsen.
* 373 816
-Draining a header. * 172 , * 311 form of opening. J. R. H. * 499 Power of water supply, Horse.
* 691 Power of wire - rope drive, Horse . 578
-Draining turbines, Pipes for. C. B. Risley . * 572
Cylinder ; ( Liners. ) J. R. H. Power plant. See also " Plant,' etc. >

-Drip , pipe with one valve,

globe valve betwe boiler and safety Piston rings of square packing, Pump. 464 485
en * 500 Power, " Real" horse.
valve . 485 Piston- rod jam nut , Mark on. Power required by auxiliaries . F. Foster. 772
- Exhaust pipe. Scale in . Edw. Balbach . * 789 Piston rod , Repairing bent. C. W. Dun Power required for refrigeration . C. L.
* 241 772
--Exhausting through roof - Presumption lap Hubbardon
squelched. Davis.
E. E.Arranging. 28 Piston rod fitted with stud, Repriring. *682
* 791
Power stati , Incidental visit to. F.
-Feed and blow -off, 362, 634 , 782 Piston rods, Cambered. Amos Price, Jr. 631 , 695
Piston rods, Wall rack for. * 276 Thomas .
-Feed pipe, Boiler; plug in safety - valve Piston speed table . Supplement to Feb. POWER — Subscripttion agents . 314 , 641 , 815
outlet ; dangerous blow -off arrange Power supplemen , Horse .
ments , etc. W. H. Booth . 286 , 287 number . Power through an I -beam , Fu.cy horse .
--Feed -pipe noise. L. L. Arnold. 111 Piston strikes cylinder-head ; chronic * 175
351 W. F. Morgan . 712
-Feed -water inlet. 693 , 783 thump . Power to draw load up gradu
-Feeding boiler compound . H. Jahnke. * 158 Piston wear in large horizontal engines ; Power , “ Wattless ." 509 , 519
-Flange dimensions. C. B. Ross. 630 Plea for change in design. L. H. * 765 Power , What gives a standard horse . 94
Edwards. 412
-Gage glass piped for fushing ; Pumping * 571 Pistons and rods, Nuernberg gas engine ; Powering , Gas-engine. S. A. Moss. +63
sewage . J. R. H. Powles, H. H. P. Steam Boilers .
-- Hangers, Serviceable pipe. Bayard . * 109 cooling water piping; method of re # 157 Practical man , Aids to. J. G. Sheridan. * 399
* 39 ,
(Support installed by C. C. Moore moving, etc. F. E. Junge . * 354 rt g
Pratt, Herbe . " Wirin a House ." 1711
& Co. ) F. H. Searight. * 309 Pistons , Borsig -Oechelhaeuser engine. 289 , 534
94 Pistons, Explosive gas in . R. W. 699 Pratt Institute free library. 596, 768
- Heat from iron pipes, Loss of. mier gas
-Heating system , Exhaust. G. A. Janicke. * 703 Gus A. Janicke.
Press licine
, Hydraueng , eam through finger.
- Str 464
Pitting, Boiler . W. H. Booth. 477
-Heating system , Piping expansion ; nends Pitting of iron -- Engine-room chemistry. Pressing curves of bent sheets .
of wall coils
E , Noble, G., etc.
W. Richards Conlo
M. J. on . *,242
J.. * 505 Planes, Forces on inclined . Chas . Kud
arrangement, Equal-hydraulic * 762
246 elevators .
-Heating system, Returns from . G. erer . “ Pressure, Average." W. H. Wakeman. 484
Planes, Scraping true. C. T. Porter . * 267
Rahmlow. 788 Pressure discussion , Equal- Refrigerating
-Joint, Dunbar's balanced expansion . * 190 Planer, Sparking of motor driving. W. T. * 211
Garlitz et al . 500 , 570, 631 plant.
- Joint, High-pressure flange ; caulking Planer , Taking cross- wind out of large. Pressure in closed vessel , Water ( Q. &
with tin - foil . Wm . Kavanagh , * 292
603 , 666
-Joints leak ? Why do these. Puzzled . 792 C. T. Porter. A. )
Kewanee flange union . Western Tube Planers, Smith & Coventry's. C. T. Pressure of tubes , Collap sing. * 359 , 314 , 769
water leg , Safe working
Co.'s . * 810 Porter. Pressure 192
--Laying out piping on drawing, Method Planimeter , Hatchet . Amos Price , Jr. * 26 ( Q. & A. ) C. T. Porter . 604
of, employed by C. C. Moore & Co. Plant - An engineer's discouraging exper 526 Pr essure -pla
Pressure, te patent
Pumping .
engine speed regulated
F. H. Searight. * 377 ience , 476
444 , 562 , 575
-Le , Rings to stop steam - main.
ak * 335 Plant auxiliaries, Steam .
Plant, Commonwealth Elec . Co.'s turbine. by . records - Pumping-engine im
* 814 Pressure * 303
ball-and-socket pipe unions. * 715 , * 430 provements
-N. Y. l power stations . * 138
H. G. Boutell. * 504 Pressure tables,. Mean effective. Supple
-Ononondaga county court house , Syr. Plant dangerous ? Is this. 568 ment to Feb. number .
acuse, N. Y., Piping, plans for - An C. B. Ross. * 755
* 634 Pressure tests , Hydraulic - turbine .
choring, spring standards and hang T. W. Power ; Benny. 698 Allowable boiler . w H.
ers; drip piping, etc. C. L. Hubbard. *1 C. E. Thrasher. Pressures , 534
- Packing Aange joints. J. B. Wirtem Plant economics, Power. H. G. Stott . 166 , 181 Pressu resh, . Gas-engine. S. A. Moss.
Boot 412
* 28 , 178 Plant , Faults in first - class. C. W. Dun .
* 556
* 110 Pressures in cylinder , Questions36on .
1 , 632 , 782
- Packing flanged joints. Plantlap:
is run , How one city . A Sub 28
-- Piping - Machinist's and engineer's * 700 Presumption squelched . E. E. Davis.
ideas - Screwed or fanged ? Pipe. * 573
scriber .
Plant , Jordan , Mich . , Small lighting. * 263 Price , Amos . “ Lung disease .' 374 , * 171 , 239
( Sizes. ) Peter Bullock . Price , Jr., Amos. Hatchet planimeter ;
698 Plant - Largest Japanese power station. 337
C. E. Thrasher. curing gas engine knock ; cutting pack
Alfred H. Hale. * 703 Plant - Long Island City power station. ing ; spri ng to take up wear of rod
* 199 , *338 , 550 , 598 * 26 , 240
-Pistons, Articulated pipe connections for * 38 , 157 Plant, Modern central-station - Los An.
cooling Nuernberg engine. boxes . * 791
geles Edison .
.67 -Cambered piston rods . 52 , 182
-Pump discharge obstructed by rust. 494
Plant of Interior Dept. J. S. Hill. * 530
Printe rs ' strike.
-Pump, separator and heater piping , Plant, Potomac Electric Power Co.'s. 219 Prize con test for boiler setting . 797
* 700 361
-Pump trouble, Power . * 573 , 631 , 698 , * 701 Plant practice, Errors in steam. J. G. Prize contest questions, N. A. S. E. * 632
-Pumps in duplicate , Piping feed . W. Sheridan . A. J. A. 782
D. Butt . * 374 Plant, Refrigerating. See “ Refrigerat W. H. Wakeman . G. W. Malcolm . * 788
lem electrical
- Radiation from a steam pipe. ( Q. & A. ) 125 ing," " Ice. * 457
Problem ,, Easy
Lighting conn. ections . H. L.
Plant . Springfield , O. , People's. * 372 , * 496
--Springfield , O. , Heavy exhaust covering * 457 Plant - The " foot-loose" factor . 840, 785 m , ngMoto
Proble . nection . E. S. Lin
et ral-con
at ; piping layout. 639 Plants, Central stations vs. isolated . Al
-Sprinkler , Home-made. G. W. F. bert Yost .
coln .
499 , * 568 , * 637 , 694
E. 'S.
-Starting up and shutting down boilers; Plants , Experiences in electric . H. L , Problem , Resistance -connection . 695 , 784
fred and blow- off connections . W. 149
H. Wakeman . * 550 Strong . Lincoln . * 784
Plants , N. Y. Central's steam - electric . * 131 Malcol
G. ,W.Storage m .
-Steam main , Pitch of ; don't connect • 267 Problem -battery . E. S. Lincoln ,
blow -off pipes in series; water in pipe Plate for scraping true plane, Face.
Plate thickness ; 286 245 , * 370
burning. W. H. Booth .
overloads safety valve ; steam diverted 495 Problems, Refrigerating . Busch and Mat .
from pump , etc. J. G. Sheridan . 609 Plates with oil, Heating . • 486
Platt Iron Wks . , Engine wreck at . thews .
Problems solved , Some perplexing.
-Steam mains. Determining size of live. * 472 Plug in safety -valve outlet . 286 L. L. 110
N. A. Carle . Plug is placed. Where fusible . ( O. & A. ) 258
Steam pipe connected to exhaust . Arnold .
in upright boilers , Fusible . ( Q. Producer See “ Gas,” etc.
C. T. Porter. 729 Plugs 519 Prony -brake lever , Length of. ( O. & A.) 451
Steam pipe , Dangerous ; angle valves or & A. ) rdon . # 501
pipe bends ? W. H. Wakeman , E. S. Plunger elevator discussion . 42. 53 Prophet without honor . T. H. Rea 635
Hawkins. * 266 , * 367 , 501 , 566 Pneumatic riveter , Allen's . C. T. Porter . H. D. Jackson .
Providence, Boiler explosion at .
* 82
-Steam -pipe experience - Corrosion of " Pocket - Book of Mechanical Engineer ing +63
copper by sea water ; water hammer ; ing ," Sames '.
Pullen , W. W. F. “ Steam Engineer ."
Poetry - Sales agent's view. 251 See also “ Belt,” “ Wheel."
susp ensi on , etc. D. S. Lee. 610
Polarity, Correcting reversed . Pulley at mill of American Mfg . Co. ,
H. R.
--- Steam - pipe lines, Facts about - Expan * 877 Failure of transmission ,
pansion joints; hangers ; swing joint; Mason . 797 Pullov. Bubb interchangeable compression.
supporting header; flexible connection . Tas . K. Miner. 3n
W. E. Dixon . * 426 Polarity , Correcting reversed . Bohunk . hub . 422
118 , 704 Pulley , Factor of safety for.
-Stea m pipe, tanks with spiral coils, sep: Poleforc ia , Pulley' failure at Jackson, Miss. 322
arator , pump, engineers it safe ? Polyphase alternating currents—Catechism Pulley for right-angled turn, Where to
* 404 . * 553 , * 742 * 61
T. Q. , C. B. Ross, E. S. H. Polyphase induction motors . F. P. De locate idler . (O. & A. )
* 368 , * 442 , 495 * 581
-Threads , Accidents from defective pipe.
* 747 Pulley , Latshaw steel ,
272 Wilde .
Poole , C. P. “Designs for Small Dyna Pullev.sim joints. Location of John
* 244
-Threading machine. Leow Victor pipe. * 255 +711
- Trap won't do , Where expansion . mos and Motors .” .740
Pulley .
s— Belt-opera tion question ; running
* 177 , 374 , 375 Pnole's formula , Heater chart from . * 695 , * 796
436 , 495 , * 502 Port Morris power station . * 131 offs.
-Vibration , Boiler. Porter, C. T. Engineering reminiscences . Pullev , Distance between belted . ( Q. &
-Waste -pipe trap kink. Kinks. * 29
160 , 180 , * 215 , * 267 , 346, * 468 , * 540
-Water -back connection , Improved . * 701 602 , * 665 , " 729. * 709 A ). How to halance. J. R. H.
Pulleys * 113
Water hammer . Model for illustrating . * 776
C. T. Porter . 160 Pulp . Oil . A. H. Gill.
Wrench to pipe, Applying monkey . * 336 Portugal . Getting out of . 729
ion 270 Post -office engine. C. T. Porter . 219
Pis ton acc ele rat . C. T. Porter . Potomac Electric Power Co.'s plant PUMP.
Piston cone hases meeting in middle ; 311 ,. 368 . 439
See also " Auxiliaries. "
niston projecting over admission ports . Potter Separator Co. et al . 566 245
507 , 501. Air chambers on pumps. S. R.
C. T. Porter. 730
Piston. Making temporary pump. John Pound . See also " Knock," etc. Boilers of unequal pressure, Connecting * 500
* 569 Pounding and other engine troubles . pump to . R. M. Orr .
Baker. 785
476 Wm . Westerfield .
Piston , Murray engine .
--Borsig -Oechelhaeuser engine gas and -Turbine or reciprocating pump, Choos Resistance-connection problem . E. S. Lin .
* 280, * 355 ing. 773 coln .
air pumps ; diagrams, etc. 695 , 784
-Capacity, Feed -pump. ( Q. & A. ) 650 --Turbine pumping station at Toronto. 549 G. W. Malcolm . * 784
--Centrifugal pumpi circulating water --Turbo -pumping station , Toronto high Resistance of tubes to collapse. 769
lost. 177 pressure ; Worthington -type pumps of Resistance strip , Adjustable. * 764
J. H. Stephens. * 507 McDougal make. 281 Resistance , Table of electrical. * 88
Centrifugal pump, Test of Lea- Degen -Vaccuum pump, Mullan vertical wet . * 186 Returns from heating system. G. Rahm
2 - stage. 688 -Valve lift too small ; fish in valve ; low . 788
--Centrifugal-pump tests, Univ . of Wis. 388 stuffing -box trouble. L.
L. Arnold . 110 Reversed machines, Righting. Bohunk. 30
---Centrifugal-pump. trouble and remedy ; -Valves , Setting duplex -pump. L. C. * 793 Reversed polarity, Correcting. H. R.
remodeled stuffing box . S. S. Mur -Water pump, Reichenbach engine. * 532 Mason . * 677
dock . * 372 -What if pump gave out ? * 368 , * 442 , 495 Jas . K. Miner. 797
- Centrifugal pumps, Allis -Chalmers 6 -Windmills, Pumping with . 693 Reversing cross -compound engines. ( Q. &
stage motor-driven. * 642 Punching, Hardening effect of. 227 A. ) 125, 304
-- Centrifugal pumps, Efficiency of. 641 Purifier, Advance feed-water. Keys & Rewinding dynamo electrical machinery.
--- Circulating pump of Los Angeles Son's. * 810 Norma U. Weade n .
* 282 , * 420
Edison , Centrifugal; Edwards air Purifier, Scalded in a . 91 Rex oil filter . * 446
pump ; Worthington hot-well pump. * 68 Puzzlers, Electrical . E. S. Lincoln . * 334 Reynolds, Anecdote of Edwin . 299
-Common wealth Elec . Co.'s pumps Pyrometer, Bristol's thermo-electric . * 360 Rice- Sargent engine, Setting valves of. * 523
Alberger condenser ; oil ; Dean Bros. ' Pyrometer, Copper ball. ( Q. & A. ) 192 Richardson force - feed gas - engine lub
boiler-feed ; Webber centrifugal fire. * 724 Pyrometer incident. C. T. Porter . 218 ricator. * 708
Riedler, A. Development and importance
denser pum
- Condriven ps - air
" wet -drivcentrifu
Steamand or .,
en ; motgal of steam turbine.
Q 575 , 696,
560 , Prof.
Riedler and Koerting engine, 785 , 801
etc.; electrical VS, steam driving * 594 , * 659
* 44 , 52 Riedler's test of Nuernberg engine. * 158
Franz Koester . * 44 , 52 Questions, N. A. S. E. prize contest. 361 Ring, Piston . See “ Piston ."
- Circulating pumps , Gas engine. F. E. A. J. A. * 632 Ring for boiler manhole, Stren gthening.
157 W. H. Wakeman . 782 W. H. Booth .
Junge. 500 *7
-Cylinder prevents full stroke , Worn . Questions to engineer applicant. Rings in turbine thrust block damaged . 779
1. H. 503 Rings to stop steam -main leak . * 335
--Cylinders, Oil corrosion in . H. Spur R Rites inertia governor, Idjusting the. * 653
403 Riveter , Allen's. C. T. Porter . 219
rier . Race as vit wed from below , Ocean . J. R. Riveting . See also “ Joint ."
--Dean Bros.' duplex steam pump. Mackay. * 679
-Engine alterations Successful pumping; Racing, One way to prevent. J. E. Bates. 242
Riveting, Bad. W. I. Booth . 286
putting on by-pass ; pressure records Rack for valve stemis , etc. , Wall . * 276
Riveting -- Types of shell joints ; harden
* 302 ing effect in punching and shearing ;
before and after. 'sC. W.
Allis -Chalmers Racks, Forebay. 266
--Engine, Radiation from a steam pipe. ( Q. & A. ) fire cracks , tubes, etc. R. L. Kennett .
737 125
pumping. Radiator trap , Dunham . * 254 * 147 , 227
-Engine records, Pumping. 587
Radiators, Steam used by. ( Q. & A.) 61
Robertson's improved " Victor " reducing
--Engine, Test of St. Louis Water wheel . * 185
Rae, Report of Engineer-in - Chief. 86 Robinson , E. G.
Works' Allis -Chalmers high -duty Logarithmic
pumping. 299 , 380 Rail mills, Electrically driven , 639 , 601 Rod . See also “ Connect ing,” charts.
“ Piston , " 9
* 415

-Exhaust -operated pump. Curtis & Railway, L. I. Cy ., Cable coal. * 338 , * 199 “ Eccentric ."
* 386 Railway units, Gas -engine-driven electr ic. 728 Rod with pipe and clamp, Repairing.
Waterhouse's. * 680
-Fairbanks . Morse pumping outfit of Ramsey crank mechanism , . * 510 Roentgen's improved laminated gasket.
lighting plant at Jordan, Mich . * 263 Rand air compressors for Panama. 84
* 120, * 374
W. Dun
A. C. Raymond, R. W. Engineers' commis Rolling-mill drive .
-Faulty arrangement, sions. 587 508
lap. * 110
Reading room , Commonwealth Elec.'s em Rolling -mill engine, Continuous diagram
--Feed pump driven by *504
, 568, * 634, 698 ployees'. * 728
from . * 304
Rolling -mill engines, C. T. Porter's . *541, 602 ,
-Feed pump , Size of boiler . 816 Reboring cylinder, Allowance for. 440
*668, ' * 798
C. T. Porter. * 215 “ Receeprocatin ' mon , The.” 408 , 507 Rolling mills, Electrical
-Feed pump waste. Receiver, Automatic regulating gas . 226 driving of. 688 ,
-Feed pumps, Capacity of duplex boiler ; * 617 Receivers, Steam . C. T. Porter. 541 , 544 601 , 639
diagram . V. A. Carle . Roosevelt power plant bids . 103
--For ce pump, Small . J. E. Noble. • 394 Reclamation service, Geological Survey. 103 Rope drive, Horse -power of wire .
611 Records, Continuous automatic furnace . 578
-Formula for pump sizes. J. A. Caldwell. 700 Rope-drive mechanism , Abrey's. * 190
-Fuel efficiency of pumping -engine plant. Rope fallacies , Transmission ; reverse
( O. & A. ) 387 Recorder. Ados carbonic-acid -gas. * 383 bending : tighteners ; idler friction,
698 Red lead, Stopping pump leak with, L. G. F. Willis.
- Gaskets. Protecting rubber. K. G. Smith L. Arnold. 170 272
--Governor, Carr -pump.
steam pum * 517 , 584 Rope for hoisting. ( Q. & A. ) * 650
-Hal ifax tram way - plant p practice . 597 “ Red Star" boiler.compound feeder. * 710 Rope transmission through I -beam. * 175
- Improvements - Screwing piston -rods in . Reducing and regulating valve , Cash Rope, Strength of wire . N. A. Carle . * 362
pressure . * 642
to crosshead ; packing plunger . Prac * 185 Rope, Water -proof transmission . Ameri .
tical .
* 368 Reducing wheel, Improvement in Victor.
L. Co.'s.
can, Mfg. 254
-Interior Dept.'s pump room .
* 537 Reel. Brake on wire. * 420
Rosenthal, W. " Slide-Rules."
Refrigerating. See also “ Ice. " separator. † 126
-Koerting engine air and gas pumps. Ross, C. B. Steam 29
* 593 , * 658 , * 749 Refrigerating plant, Experiences in a -Iron -clad concrete foundations. * 372
. 786 Indicato
boiling rofcard theory; plant;
oil in F. Heating feed water by exhaust steam.
--Leak stopped lead . way
with redblocks
error--Pump 170 ammoni a, etc. E.
-Flange dimensions.
-Long Island City power station - Vacu Matthews. *77 , * 154, * 211, * 273, * 431 , * 538 - Is this plant dangerous ? 568
um and circulating pumps ; oil- cir Refrigerating problems- What coils should ( For remainder of discussion see
* 206 be frosted ; scarcity of ammonia ; back
culating pumps. pressure improving efficiency ; does am " Dangerous ." )
Murray Iron Works pumping engine ; Max Busch , -Installing open heaters. 791
476 monia lose quality ? etc. “ Rotatap " boiler-tube cleaner.
speed regulation by pressure, 177 F. E. Matthews. 104 * 708
- Mysterious pounding. Smelter. * 185 Refrigeration - Cost of fuel to freeze ice Rotating field - Polyphase induction
-Oil pump, Dietz. 320
motors. *747
-Oil pump for gas engines , Richardson . cream . ( Q. & A. ) Rothenbucher's new valve. * 183
Sight Feed Oil Pump Co.'s. * 708 Refrigeration – Engine knock ; sweating Rowe feed -water regulator. * 384
--Pick up water , Failure of pump to . coolers. 494 , 630 Rules , Boiler management .
Refrigeration , Power required for. C. L. C. E. Parry . 213
( Q. ur
& A. )
Hubbard . 772 * Rules, Mannheim and Multiplex Slide. "
-Pipe obstructed by rust, Discharge. 494 L. W. Rosenthal.
700 Refrigeration— " Transmission of Heat 1126
Piping, Faulty pump: A Subscriber . through Cold -Storage Insulation ." C. Run under ? May a Corliss engine . 694 , 789
- Piping feed -pumps in duplicate. W. * 374 462 Runaway 'accounted for. H. F. Schmidt . 178
D. Butt . P. Paulding. Russell, Edw . Turbine-station troubles. 778
- Piston , Making temporary . John “ Refuse Disposal and Power Production ." Rusting experiments, Nail . A. H. Gill . 85
* 569 W , F. Goodrich . * 62
Baker . Refuse, Gas from . S. A. Moss . 736
-Piston rings of square packing ; Stream
goes through finger. 464 Regulating compound -wound dynamos op. * 228 s
--- Power consumed by air , feed and cir. erating in parallel.
629 Regulating valve, C. T. Porter's. * 540
culating pumps. Regulating valve , Reichenbach . * 464 Safe arrangement ? Is this a. J. Q. * 368
-Power pump. Trouble with , G. A. Jan 509 Calvin B. Ross , * 442
icke , H. D. Jackson , Wm . Chiddeck , Regulation , Direct-current voltage.
C. E. Thrasher , D. T. Bedford . Regulation of direct -current dynamos. * 763 E. S. H. 495
* 573 , 631 , 698 , * 701 Regulation of Koerting engines. * 593 , * 658 , * 719 Safety -device fallacies. W. H. Boehm. 625 , 782
Regulation of Nuernberg gas engin . * 75 Safety devices, Exposition of. 629 , 772
--Problem -- Series of columns ; will pump
lift water ? T. H. Reardon . * 240 Regulator attachment, Damper. eWm . Safety valve. See “ Valve. "
470 Kavanagh. * 140 St. Louis Cordage Co.'s plant, Trans
-Pump blunders . C. T. Porter. * 306 mission through I-beam at. * 175
-Repairing cracked pump cylinder . R. ( Pst. by Spencer Regulator Co. )
496 Regulator . Boiler feed -water. Max Kurth . * 30 St. Louis Transit Co.'s boiler explosion. 415
W. 504 St. Louis Water Works ' high -duty pump
--Repairing cracked cylinder. Royal Hensey & Gough .
* 636 Regulator , Rowe feed -water. * 384 ing engine; Test of. 299 , 380
* 789 Regulators , Feed -water . W. E. Crane . Salamander cradle dumping grate. * 318
-Schene in exhaust
-Scale ctady pipe.gton
, Worthin . Balbach
Edwturbine .
plant 107 , 703 , 795 Sales agent's view . (Poetry . ) 251
367 Regulators, Oil instead of glycerine for Sales. Following up . L. L. Arnold . 432
for. * 571 gas. 696 Enal Mills. 493
-- Sewage , Pumping : gage glasses . 451 Reheating steam with_flue gases . 640 , 792 Salt - filled boiler . C. T. Porter . 219
Size of pump. (O. & A.) * 415 , Sames, C. M. “ Pocket -Book of Mechanical
-Steam diverted from feed pump. 610 Reichenbach engine. F. E. Junge.
-Tests , New method of measuring water * 460 , * 529 Engineering." +126
* 273 Release - gear peculiarity . W. H. Wake Sampling of coal . A. Bement. 518
in pump. E. H. Birney .
--Trouble, Puma - Piston packing wrongly man . 613 San Francisco earthquake wreckage, etc.
arranged - Double -duty lubricator . J. Reminiscences, Engineering. C. T. Porter. * 487 , 758
* 702 160, 180 , * 215 , " 267 , 346 . * 468 . * 540 . Sanborn, C. E. Dynamiting stack . * 366
G. Sheridan . 602 , * 665 , * 729. * 798 Sanding commutators and brushes. Bo
-Trouble. Remedy for feed -pump - Water * 169 race . * 679 hunk . 30
too hot. N. Devering . Repair jobs in ocean * 335 Sandpaper for commutators. 434 , 503
Troubles and remedies - Gum stops Repair jobs, Quick . T. G. Sheridan . 173
piston when drain - cock is closed ; Repairing cracked cylinders. 496 , * 572 , * 636 Sandpapering commutator brushes. Benny .
piece of old gasket destrovs aline . Repairing dynamo-electric machinery . Nor. Sargent & Lundy - Commonwealth turbine
105 man G. Meade. * 420 station. * 727 , 430
ment ; scale about valves . J. H.


Sawmill engines at Centennial , Allis . 468 Smith , tsC. F. " Practical Alternating Cur Steam receivers. C. T. Porter . 541 , 544
Sawmill plant-Is it dangerous ? * 504 , 568 , ren ." 763 Steam , Reheating exhaust . 640 , 792
* 634 , 698 Smith , H. Le H. Heating, value of fuel Steam scalding - Dangerous practice . 91
Saybolt viscosimeter. * 146 from results of proximate analysis. * 624 Steam , Separation of oil from exhaust .
Scale , Boiler . A. H. Gill 9 , * 84 Smith of Smith & Coventry, Mr. 540 C. B. Ross . 247
Scale causes pump valve trouble . J. H. 105 Smith , S. J. Cleaning vertical boiler tubes. * 465 Steam separator. See " Separator."

Scale in exhaust pipe. Edw. Balbach . * 789 Smoke, Indianapolis Building Bulletin on. 4126 Steam, Scalding effect of low -pressure. 286
Scavenging, Borsig -Oechelhaeuser engine. Smoke nuisance in England . 114 Steam trap.
See also “ Trap."
* 279, * 353 Smoke prevention in the modern power “ Steam trap , A.” Dixie . 757
Scavenging of Koerting engine . * 593 , * 658, * 749 station .J. B. C. Kershaw. 141
Schieren building . Tablet on. 776 (Smoke prevention and fuel combus Steam turbine. See " Turbine.”
Schmidt, Henry F. The question of the tion . ) R. Cederblom . 443
Steam, Value of Exhaust. ( Q. & A. ) 193
gas turbine. 12 , 175 (Burning oil . ) L. L. Arnold . 493
Steam , Weight and heat of. (Q. & A. ) 585
-Automatic multi-stage turbine governor, * 23 R. T. Strohm . 635
Steam Work by adiabatic expansion.
- Improved circulation in closed end of Smoke prevention ; Indiana coals ; furnace. 243 , * 439
boiler tubes. * 106 R. P. King . * 163
Steamboat, Inventor of the. 574, ** 534
A runaway accounted for. 178 ( Smoke prevention in London. ) Steel , Brittleness of mild ; constituents ,
- Most economical use of auxilaries . 230 W. H. Booth . 567 heat treatment , etc. C. E. Stro
Schwabe stuffing box . The . * 39, * 419 Smoke suppression with particular refer. meyer . 776
Scientific point of view , From a purély. ence to steam boilers . A. Bement. Steel , Vanadium . 190
M. G. Stolp, X , Y , Z. , R. I. H. Heck, Smokelessly , Difficulty of burning soft Steel , Vanadium in. B. E. C. Stafford . 692
G , P. Pearce , F. N. Cerny, R. T. S., coal. 119
Sterling hand -operated boiler-tube cleaner. * 516
A. Charter . * 168, 180, * 306 Smooth -On corrugated steel gasket . * 120 Stevens, T. Steam Turbine Engineer
Scranton, Low -pressure turbine installa Snake blows whistle. 333 ing. " 1817
tion near . * 150, 253 , * 299, 483 Snell oil- handling system . * 579 Stewart, R. Collapsing pressure of
Scraper for babbitt. F. W. Cerny. * 791 Snow and Nolan . " Ventilation of Build tubes .
* 28 * 359 , 314 , 769
Scrapers for packed joints, handholes, etc. +267 ings." 7649 Still, Alfred. Diagrams for 3-phase power
Scraping true planes. C.' T. Porter. Social Service, American Institute of. calculations. * 152
Screw jack, Convenient . * 399 629, 772
Scrubbers and washers, Gas . “ Still it ran . * 696 , * 794 , 795 , 796
767, 232 Sodium compounds-Engine room chem Stills, Oil--Engine room chemistry. 145
Scrubbing -brush holder. D. Brodera . * 873 istry . 9 * 84
Stirling boilers with Fedden's hot air ar.
Sea . See “ Ship ,” “Marine," etc. Soldering aluminum . 780
rangement. * 91
218 " Soldering, Brazing and .” J. F. Hobart. 1711 Stockport engine , Producer tests with .
Sediment deposit, C. T. Porter. * 627 * 364
See , Horace. Steam -boiler troubles . Solenoid, The--Elementary lectures. Stoker, American chain -grate , * 449
Segments , Areas of circular,. ( Q. & A.and 125 Stoker , Consular report of German auto
Segments , Curve for circle diameters 663 Solvent . See “ Compound ." matic. 189
Segregation in steel. South America, Electrical equipment in . Stoker , Taylor gravity under- feed . * 804
Separation in combination engine and tur. 477 , 587 Stoker water-back connection, Improved. * 701
bine plant, Oil. 640 , 792 Southern Pacific's free technical school . 682 Stokers at Halifax, Underfed.
Separation of oil from exhaust steam. 597
Southwark Works experience. C. T. Stokers , Commonwealth Elec.'s Babcock
C. B. Ross. Porter . 602 , * 665, * 729 & Wilcox. * 720
Separator and superheater, Internal, J. E. * 238
Sparking be remedied ? Can this . W. T. Stokers, Mechanical; steam jet ; smoke
N. , Potter Separator Co. et al. Garlitz et al . 500 , 670 , 631 prevention. 141 , 443 , 495 , 635
438 , 311 , 507, 368, 501 , 566 Sparking-- Burned commutator bars . 315 Stokers, N. Y. Central's Roney. * 134
Separator did not work, Why oil. * 700
Specific gravity of oils. * 146, 331 Stokers , Tests of. Whitham and Hol
* 319
Separator, Greenaway special oil. Specifications, Uniform boiler . 692 brook . 564 , 697
Separator, The home-made steam . C. B. 260 Stop , Engine - Mansfield wreck . * 379 ,
Ross . 29 , 498 Speed , B. A. Behrend on high.
( Necessities ; history. ) P. Van Brock. 436
Speed control of induction motors. * 747 493 , 626 , 782
Speed table, Piston. Supplement to Feb. Stop , Locke automatic engine * 643
Separator, etc. —Is arrangement safe ? number.
* 368 , * 442 , 495 Spencer Regulator Co.'s mercury column . Stops Fly-whee
F. le accidents and engine. 241
Separators ; oil in water. 180 , 432 , 493 * 306 , * 140 Stolp , M. G. Scientific point of view.
Separators, Swartwout steam. * 316 , * 709 Spinning mill , Electrical connections in . * 95
* 168, 180, *306
Setting duplex-pump valves. L. C. * 793 Spring to take up wear of rod boxes , Cor Storage battery. See “ Battery,” " etc.
Setting Fleming engineengine. * 327 , * 589 rugated . Amos Price , Jr. * 27 Stott on power plant economies . 166 , 181
Setting of a Corliss C. R. Mc Chas . New. 240 Stoves, Hot -blast. H. Freyn . * 231
Gahey . 790
* 309 Spring pipe standards and hangers. *4 Straight- Line formula , Heater chart from * 739
Setting, Point in boiler. R. M. Orr. * Springs , Calibration of indicator . 601 Strap wrecks engine, Breaking rod . * 486
E. S. Hawkins, C. H. T., W. D., Springs, Gas engine valve closure. Stratification of gas - engine charge . 657
C. B. Risley , L. L. Arnold , O. C. Springfield, O., Power plant at. * 437 Straw fuel , leaky tubes. 172 , 247 , 367 ,
Woolson . 368 , * 435 , ** 495 , * 565 , * 639 , * 636 Sprinkler, Handy. G. W , F. 639 572 , 698
797 Sprinkling pot, Man with the. Stream --- Power to move solids .
Setting, Prize contest for boiler. 674
Sewage, Pumping; gage glasses. * 571 Spursier, Harry. Oil corrosion in cylin Streeter , R. S. Indicator- spring calibra
Shaft deflection, Hydraulic-turbine . * 755 ders . 403 tion. * 601
Shaft deflections, Crank . F. E. Junge. * 581
* 278, * 353 Squires. unlimited steam trap. Strike notice, Printers '. 52 , 182
" Squirril-cage" induction motors. Strohm , R. T. The steam trap . * 347 , * 438
Shaft governor. See "Governor.” Stack . See also “ Chimney." -Engineering blunders. 630, 789
Shaft, Straightening sprung. ( Q. & A. ) 387 Stack draft : N. A. Carle. * 166 , 315 , 434 Smoke prevention, etc. 635
Shaft -torsion meter, D. & J. * 803 Stack, Hight of break in. ( Q. & A. )
Shafting, Alinement of. S. " E. 796
* 519
Question in belt operation . * 695 , +796
Stack , Lighting strikes a . Stromeyer, C. E. Model illustrating water
Shafting, Horse -power of. Supplement to Stack with novel features, at Butte, Big hainmer . * 776
Feb. number. steel and concrete . 15 -Brittleness of mild steel . 776
Sharp shaking and dumping grate . * 122 Stack wrecked with dynamite. C. E. San . Strong, H. L. Experiences in electric
Shawinigan Falls, Large turbine at. 753 born . * 366 plants. * 149
Shearing, Hardening effect of. 227 Stacks, Dimensions of. N. A. Carle. * 545 -Putting on direct-driven.generator arm
* 276 Standard boiler specifications. 692 ature . * 330
Shelf for bearing brasses.
Sheridan , J. G. Repair jobs, etc. *335, 639 Standard Candy Co.'s engine-wheel acci. --Lighting connections problem . * 372 , * 496
-Aids to practical man. * 399 dent . 797
-Installing storage battery and booster * 475
-Errors in steam -plant practice . 609 Standard for court-house main, Spring. 4 Stud , Corroded . Harry Spurrier. * 403
" Star " water - tube boiler . * 806 Studs ; stripped threads; quick repair.
-Pump troubles ; double-duty lubri Studs to hold crosshead shoes on .
cator . * 702 Starting direct and alternating-current dy. * 241
Ship race viewed from below . * 679 namos .( Q. & A. ) 320 Stuffing -box gland ; stripped threads ; re
Ship story— “ Steam trap.” Dixie . 757 Starting dynamos--Catechism of electric pair. 335
ity . 81 * 419
Ship's boilers connected with shore. 394 Stuffing box, Howald -Schwabe.
troubles. * 627 Starting large gas engines. F. E. Junge. * 248 Stuffing -box packing, Fibrous babbitt . 581
Ships ' - boiler
Ships Horace See.
Cunarders' turbines. 53 , 508 , 467 , 598 Starting up boilers. W. H. Wakeman . * 350 Stuffing box, Remodeling pump. * 572
Shipboard , Turbines on. R. M. Neilson . Stuffing -box trouble , Pump. L. L. Arnold . 111
Station , Power. See also “ Plant," etc.
143 , 440 Stuffing -box troubles, J. W. Homer . 790
Stations with gas engine drive, Electrical Stuffing boxes, Schwabe and Nuernberg * 39
John F. Wentworth . 301
" block ." A. Graden witz . 249 Sturtevant blower, Repairing. J. R. Haw. * 570
Shoes on , Keeping crosshead. John Baker . * 241
Sturtevant Co. and blower design . 669
open. - John A. Hill . 182 Stationary. Engineers. See " Engineers.”
Short The
Shop, circuiting Electricalbreakdowns. 94 Stator windings - Polyphase induction mo . Sturtevant forced oiling system . * 133
Short-circuiting notes. E. S. Lincoln . 762 tors . Subscription agents, Fraudulent. 314 641 , 815
Staub , C. L. Business opportunities. 381 , Suction equalizer, Thwaite's gas- producer. * 475
Shreffer engine indicator and overhead * 693
alarm . * 318 Stays, Make -weight boiler. Suction gas-producer. See also " Gas."
Shutting down boilers. W. H. Wake
Steam . See also " Superheat, " “ Piping,"
man . * 550 Sulphur in liquid fuel. 230
445 etc.
Shunt and compound - wound generators. Sulzer-Steiner, Death of Heinrich . 521
Sickles trip. cut-off. 470 Steam and water of different tempera Sun's heat for power , Utilizing. 693
Sight- feed glasses, Oil -daubed. 782 tures , Mixing. 816 Superheat and steam consumption - West
Sight Feed Oil Pump Co.'s lubricators. 708 Steam applied to lifting weight , Heat in . inghouse- Parsons turbine efficiency
Signs—Flagging belt man . F. W. Harris. 246 ( Q. & A. ) 320 test . 296 , 404
ng systems, Combining Steam economy, New record in . 299 , 380 Superheat in turbines. W. H. Booth . 617
Signal and, lighti 762
system L. I. Cy: power station . * 210 “ Steam Engineering." W. W. F. Pullen . 163 Superheated steam , Economy of. 629
Simplon Tunnel exposition. 102 Steam escaped past valve casing. M. J. Superheated steam , Remarkable efficiencies
Sims open feed -water heater. * 447 Conlon . 31 in small engines using. R. E. Mathot. 396
Sine curves, etc. - Catechism . * 164 , * 291 Steam generator, Walton . * 237 Superheater for locomotives, Russian . 619
Sine table , How to make a . * 49 Steam , Heating feed water by exhaust . Superheater , Internal separator and.
* 443 C. B. Ross. 555 J. E. N. , Potter Separator Co. et
Sink for boiler solvent, Utilizing: * 423 Steam , Heating feed water with live ; al . * 238 , 438 , 311 , 507 ,
Skinner engine , Economy test of.
" Slide -Rules . Mannheim and Multiplex .” 107 368 , 501 , 566
L. W. Rosenthal . 1126 Steam jets and draft. 428 , 443 , 495 , 635 Superheating at Commonwealth Elec. sta
Steam mains. Determining size of live . tion . * 720
Slide - valve. See “ Valve," etc. N. A. Carle . * 472 Superheating coils at N. Y. Central
plant. * 134
Sloane , T. O'Conor. “ Electrician's Handy +62
Steam -plant auxiliaries ; steam- vs. power .
444 , 562
Book . ' driving . Superheating, Effect of feed -water regula
Smith, Albert W. “ Machine Design ." † 450 T. C. Jones. 375 tors on . W. E. Crane. 795 , 793
Superheating exhaust with flue gasses. 640 , 792
Superheating surface diagrams. R. Ewald. * 304
Tighteners, Transmission rope. G. F. -Cramps experimenting with turbine. 464
Willis . 272 -Cunarders , Turbines of.
Superheating with Allen boiler. C. T. Time effect on steel . 778 -Curtis marine turbine, Test52 of
, 508,
. 467 , 598
Porter. * 215 Tin- foil , Caulking threads with. * 292 Curtis turbine at Oshkosh, Test of. 672
Supplement, Horse-power. 119 Tiny , the engineer. J. E. Noble, 563 --Curtis turbine at N. Y. Central power 16
Support, Pipe hangers and . * 109, * 309 Tool for scraping true plane, * 267 stations; turbine- dynamo exciters, etc.
Supporting court - house pipes. Tools , C. T. Porter's machine. 665 , 606 -Curtis turbines, Los Angeles Edison's. * 13 1
* 69
Swanton , Study of inertia fly-wheel. Toronto high-pressure turbo-pumping sta
Swartwout cast - iron exhaust head .
* 633
* 517 tion . 281
- Development and importance of steam
Swartwout steam separators. turbine. A. Riedler .
Sweating coolers. * 316 , * 709 Torpedo -boat destroyer, Oil -burning, tur. H. P. Moorrees. 560, 575
494 bine. 748 R. Hellmer. 696
Sweet. John E. “ Things That Are Usu Torpedo-boat, New German. 575 ( Steam turbines with millions of 785
ally Wrong." 4584 Torsion meter, D. & J. * 803 blades .)
Switch cells , Operating motors on .
Switch , Meddling with a. H. L. Strong. * 71 Towers , L. I. Cy., Coal and ash. *338, * 199 -Economics; combination with gas 801
149 Towne, Death of Frederick T. 261 gine . H. G. Stott . en .
Switch wanted-Motor- connection prob Trade- Export mistakes . 445 , 574 166 , 181
-Efficient, Why the steam turbine is not
lem . 499, * 568 , * 637, 694 Trade in power machinery, Foreign . 690 more . R. M, Neilson.
Switches, Closing of - Catechism . 744 Tramming fly -wheel to locate dead center. - Electra steam turbine. Franz Koester. * 83
Switchhboar d advice. Bohunk . 29 * 327 , * 389 -Fallacies --Marine use ; dia
meter ; an *
board at : Springfield , 0 . * 459 Tramway plant , Operation of Halifax elec gular velocity ; diluting scheme; econ .
Switchboard , Remote- control-N. Y. Cen tric . 597 naval vessels ,
tral plants . omy on etc.
Switching apparatus, Commonwealth Elec. * 131 . “ Transmission
of Heat
Insulation ."
rough Co
ththrough ld
John F. Wentworth .
R. M.
143 , 440
Co.'s. * 726 ing. 162 -Features, New Parsons turbine- Lou 301
Switching battery cells in series or paral " Trap , A steam ." Dixie.
757 don's patent for balancing , end-thrust ;
lei. * 519 Trap , Dunham medium capacity steam . * 514 Peache's method of draining:
Synchronizing alternators , Connections Trap , Dunham radiator. 254 -Friction , Turbine . C. H. Wingfield. * 691
for .
* 743 experience, Steam ; following up
Trapsales. -Governor, Automatic multi -stage tur 684
Syracuse, Piping plans for court-house 432 bine. H. F. Schmi dt.
at . Trap , Golden tilting steam. -Heat exchange in steam turbines ; con * 23
* 56
Trap, Greenaway steam . * 450 densation ; gust admission ; superheat.
T Trap , Home-made steam . Bayard . * 31 W. H. Booth ,
Trap kink , Waste -pipe. Kinks. * 29 -Incidental visit; sudden increase of 615
** Table" engine exhibited by Brazil . 470 Trap , Komo expansion . * 808 load ; slackened speed ; should turbines
Table , How to make a sine. * 49 Trap , Squires unlimited steam. * 581 have brakes ? F. Thomas.
Tables of mean pressure , piston speed, Trap, The Burrows steam . * 710
E. C. Morgan . 631
horse- power, evaporationand belting. Trap , The steam- Simple float; compound -Long Island City, Westinghouse tur. 695
leverage ; balanced valves ; graded bines at ; oil- circulating pumps ,
TabletSuppl Schiertoen Feb.
on ement buildi ng. r .
* 776 valves; rotary valve; bucket trap; ex - Low pressure nchr Scranton , Installa * 201, * 207
Tangye, Death of Sir Richard . 713 pansion, double -diaphragm , differen tion of Curtis turbine for ; running
Tangye producers and engines, Trials of. tial and water -column controls . R. T. turbines in connection with recipro
97 , * 287 Strohm . * 347 cating engines ; Philadelphia plant .
Tap and die, Emergency. Engineer. * 107 A. , A. Griffing. Iron Co. 438
Tap, Csing copper wire with. * 399 Trap Vesuvius self -cleaning steam . * 55 -Oil separation in combinatio* n150, 253,
engin * 299, 483
e and
Taping a field coil. * 422 Trap won't do , Where an expansion . turbine plant; reheating intermediate
Tar from gas, Eradicating. 684 F. F. Redding . * 177 exhaust with flue gases .
Taylor gravity under- feed stoker, * 804 Peter H. Bullock. 374 -Parsons turbines, Allis - Chalmers 640, 792
Taylor producer, Test of. 225 M. J. Conlon. 375 and .
Tavlor's' lubricator improvement , Wm . J. * 56 Trenton Malleable Iron Co.'s producer. * 582 -Potomac Co.'s Curtis turbines . 692
Telegraph wires underground. 162 Triangle , Area of oblique. ( Q. & A. ) 451 -Power of turbine on ship . Finding . 219
Telephone, Torsion -meter inductors and . * 803 Triangles, Distance measurement with . -Pumping station , Toronto high -pressure 422
Temperature, furnace efficiency, etc. * 564, 697 ( Q. & A. ) * 258 turbo ; Westinghouse - Parsons turbines.
Temperat ure of furnace, Finding. ( Q. & Trimont Mfg. Co.'s fire. 44 Receep rocati 281
A. ) -“ n ' mon, The."
258 Trinity Building elevator plant tests, 42 , 53 -Results , Actual turbine; Baltimore Pow-408 , 507
Temperature tests , Koerting engine cyl. Trip , gear of Nuernberg gas valve. * 75 er Co.'s experience ; condition, per :
inder. Tripler, Death of Chas. E. 521
* 662 formance , etc.; appearance of bead .
Templets for erecting engines, Setting. 289 Troubles, Instructive power -house . E. H. ing and bearing. B. S. Josselyn.
Tennessee river improvement . T. E. Mur Lane. 539 -Siam , Curtis steam turbine in . * 733
503 379
Terminal s for field coils.
361 Troubles, Some engineering. J. H. 5639 -Space economy --Brooklyn Rapid Trans.
Terre Haute prize boiler -setting contest .
* 422 Truing commutators, Home -made rig for. it .
Trunks and Housum . “ Shaft Govern 300
Test insufficient, Hydraulic boiler.
ors." 1649 -“ Steam Turbine Engineering. " Stevens
22 , 101 and Hobart .
Test of Interborough engines, Official. * 115 Tube cleaner. See also “ Cleaner." -Stesmer " Creole," Twin -turbine. 1817
Test of Nuernberg engine , Riedler's . * 158
-Steamers, Japanese turbine.
* Tests and Exhibits, Locomotive." P. 769
R. R. Tube expander , Portable electric. Chicago -Superheated steam , Economy of. 629
Tests . Boiler efficiency. J. B. C. Ker.
1259 Pneumatic Tool Co.'s. * 709 --Torpedo -boat destroyer “ Gadfly," Oil
Tube practice, Boiler. R. L. Kennett. 227 burning , turbine- driven . 748
shaw . * 89 --Torsion meter , D. & J.
Tube sheets to leak ? What causes the . * 803
Tests , Feed-water . A. H. Gill . S6
Alfred Hall , F. Devlin , C. B. Ross , - Troubles, Some turbine -station-Units
Tests , Gas -producer. R. E. Mathot . * 287
Tests . Government producer. R. H.
T. W. Holloway , W. Hargreaves, sharing railway loads ; pressures ;
J. A. McKay. 172 , caused
247 , 367, 372 , 698 speeds ; condensing plant trouble :
Fernald . 42 Tube burst , aim oil boiler . 178 sluice valves between exhaust and
Tests, Hydraulic-turbine pressure . * 755 “ Tubes" and " flues ,' Boiler . R. T. condensers ; damage to rings in thrust
Tests of gas-producer plants, Scotch. 97
Strohm . 630 block , etc. Edw . Russell. 778
Tests of tubes
Tests of , Collapsing
500 - k.w .
. Westinghouse* 359 , 314 , 769
- Parsons $ . J. " Turbinia ," The .
Tubes, Cleaning vertical boiler. -Westinghouse - Parsons turbine, Effici.
Smith , * 465
Teststurbine, Efficiency.
, Producer and engine. 295 , 404 Tubes, Collapsing pressure of. R. T. ency tests of 500 -k.w , * 295 , 404
223 , 683 Stewart . * 359 , 314 -Westinghouse turbines for Detroit mun.
Tester, American dead - weight gage. * 515 icipality .
Tubes, Experiment showing difference in 237
Testing exhibited engine and boiler. C. T. temperature in boiler . C. T. Porter. 729
Porter * 215 Tubes, Galvanizing boiler . Horace See . * 628 TURBINE , WATER .
Testing and testers , Oil . A. H. Gill . * 146 ,
Tubes . Improved circulation in closed end
* 222 , 300, 331 , 407 of boiler. H. F. Schmidt * 106 --Hydraulic turbine_with volutecasing,
Wm . Scott Taggart. 434
10,000 -h.p. - I. P. Morris Co.'s at
Testing for field symmetry . * 747 Tubes in plants using, salt , or contamin .
Shawinigan Falls . W. M. White. * 753
Testing for grounds. 422 ated-water circulation, Preservation of -Hydraulic turbines - Upward thrust . 617
surface -condenser ; L. I. Cy. plant.
Testing . of
Testing P. Vanon.Brock.
coal, A. Bement 741
119 , * 210 , 598 - “ Modern Turbine Practice and Water.
Theisen gas cleaners. Tubes' of ice machines, Cleaning condenser Power Plants. J. W. Thurso. 162
232 , 767 and absorber . W. E. Crane. 775 -Water - wheel tests. Turbine. Holyoke
Thickener, Oil . A. H. Gill . 222
Tubes to collapse, Resistence of. Carman Power Co.'s. U. S. Geol . Survey . 781
* Things That Are Usually Wrong." John and Carr . 769 Turning and boring machine . C. T.
E. Sweet . 1584 Porter . 666
Thomas Furnace Co.'s new blowing en TURBINE , GAS AND GASOLENE . Tuyeres of Harvey gas producers. • 802
. 671
Thompson, E. W. “ Bookkeeping by Ma Gas turbine, The. 314
chinery ." 1649 -Gas turbine, Notes on . 732 , 744
Thorpe, J. c . 100,000-k.w. steam-turbine -Gas turbine, The question of the. R. M. Unbalanced 3 -wire system.
station . * 715 Neilson . 11 , 175 E. S. Lin
Threading -- Emergency tap and die. * 107
H. F. Schmidt. 12 coln , * 762
Threading machine, Leow Victor pipe. * 255 “ Under ?" May la Corliss engine run .
-Internal continuous- combustion turbine. 486
. power calculations , Diagrams * 152
694 , 789
Union , Kewanee flange. Western Tube
Three-wire system , Unbalanced. * 762 TURBINE , STEAM . Co.'s . * 810
- Battle of giants. A. Heaton . 533 Union Traction Co.'s boilers , Tests of. 91
Throttle. See also “ Valve." - Blades, New alloy for turbine . 778 Unions, McCarthy ball - and- socket pipe. *814
Throttle, Running on the. W. J. T. * 507 -Centrifugal force in vanes . ( O. & A. ) 451 Unique Mfg. Co.'s “ Monarch " packing. * 642
Throttle wheel , Comfortable. E. Kitburn . * 441 -Commonwealth Elec. Co. , of Chicago's , United Engineers of Greater New York . 800
Thrust-bearing. Anderson's marine . 319 100,000 -k.w . turbine station ; Curtis “ United -Otto System of By - Product Coke
779 turbines. J. C. Thorpe. * 715 Ovens. " 4321
Thrust block damaged , Rings in turbine. United Rys . of S. F. wreckage. • 487
Thump and what caused it, Chronic . L. L. -Commonwealth Elec. Co.'s 5,000 -k.w .
Arnold . * 430 United States Steel Corp.'s Gary plant. 536
351, 494, 630 Curtis turbine , Test of a . Unsoldering armnture leads.
Thurso , J. W. " Modern Turbine Practice --Condenser plant for turbine, Worthing. 420
and Water -Power Plants ." $ 62 ton . * 48
Thurston's lubricant tester . * 223 , 434 -Condenser for turbines ; best vacuum ; V
Thwait's gas.producer, suction equalizer. 478 costs, etc. Frank Foster . * 769
'Ticonderoga Pulp and Paper Co.'s pow -Costs , Comparative operating --Tur . " Vacuum business ." Afraid of. 224
er development. 224 bines, etc. Vacuum for turbines and engines, Best. * 769
Vacuum , Henry Davey on intermittent.
Vacuum ' in steam boiler. W. Wakeman .
* 791
--Setting valves of tandem compound en
* 501 , * 685
Waterevaporation table. Supplement to
gine. T. H. Reardon. number
Vacuum on steam consumption, Entect of -Setting valves on double-eccentric Cor. Water gage.
-Westinghouse.Parsons turbine etfici liss engines. E. H. Lane. 559 See " Gage."
ency tests. * 296 ---Setting with two eccentrics , Valve . 818
Valenta oil - test. 331 -Slide valve, Cut- off limitations of. ( Q. Water gas .S. A. Moss. 686
Water hammer . D. S. Lee. 611
& A. ) * 712
VALVE. Slide-valve model. G. B. Couper. * 672 Water hammer ; expansion - trap trouble .
-Slide - valve models, Jones. * 55 * 177, 374 , 375
See also
or, ” etc.
“ Cock," " Engine,” “ Govern Sluice valves between turbines and con
densers cause damage. 779
Waterhammer, Stromeyer's model for il * 776
-Spring -lever-operated valve- gear, Old . 251
Water hardness , scale , sodium com .
-Action atmospheric relief valve . * 807 pounds , corrosion of iron, feed-water
" Adriatic's" engines, Conical valves -Sieam escaped past casing. M. J. Con 31 tests etc. A. H. Gill . 9 , * 84
for . 471 * 137
-Air compressor , Valves of National -Stop valve and " operator," Turbine. Water heater. See " Heater."
* 58 , * 178 - Throttle , Running on the . W. T. J. * 307
Steam Pump Co.'s. Throttle valve , Brick in . 224
--Angle valves or pipe bends ? * 266 , * 367, -Throttle valve, Contrary . Ernest . 441 Water ? How does he lose his circulating
501 , 566 P. A. Leavitt . 177
H. H. Jordan. 635
-Back -pressure valve, Weighting and dis -Throttle wheel, Comfortable. * 441 J. H. Stephens. * 507
mantling Jenkins. W. H. Wakeman . * 670 * 450 Water injected into crude oil engines . 540
(Weighting device . ) H. S. T. * 792 -Trap valve, Greenaway steam .
— Trap valves , etc. , Balanced , graded and Water leg, Safe working pressure on .
* 580 ( Q. & A.) 192
- Blow -off valve, Huxley. rotary . * 348 , * 438 * 275
- Brown engine experience- Making - “ Valve -Gears for Steam Engines. " Water -measurement method in pump tests.
valve pick up well ; threading blocks; C. H. Peabody . 1649 Water of different temperatures , Mixing
cut-off arm adjustment, etc. E. L. steam and . 816
Griggs . * 310 -Valve lift too small, Pump ; fish in Water, Oil in feed . 180 , 432 , 493
* 578 valve ; boiler check valves cracking ; Water power development for Ticonderoga
-Buckeye gas -engine valve gear. dash -pot expedients. L. L. Arnold . 110
-Buyers' mistakes; following up sales. 432 Co. 224
-Water column, Valve of “ Vigilant" “ Water Power, Electric Transmission of."
-By-pass, Advantage of ; shutting, stop
valves at night safety. * 121
, etc. W. H. Wake. 274 A. D. Adams. † 817
man . *8 -Wheel, Applying lever to valve.
--Y - valve, Eurema. Water power - Gt. Northern Power Co. 651
Western Tube Co.'s . * 316
-Cam - shaft motion and locomotive. * 393 Water -power man's troubles. J. W. Hom.
Van Brock, Peter . Steam separator . 436 , 498
-Corliss valve troubles . J. H , -Review of Bunnell . 437 , 503 er ,
-Corliss valvespeculiarities,
and gears ;etc.
flat W.
valve; -What caused this boiler to crack ? 564 Water pressure in closed vessel. ( Q. &
wrist-plate H. -Boiler furnaces and combustion . 697 A.) 320
Wakeman . * 611
Van Osterwyck boiler. * 382 Water -proof transmission rope. 234
--Corliss valves, Faulty. L. B. Lent . * 500 Vanadium in steel . B. E. C. Stafford . 692 Water purifier, Advance feed. Keys & J. .810
-Cut-off and engine economy, Unequal. * 391 Vanadium steel . 190 Son's .
-Cut - off , “ Automatic " and " variable " ; Water regulator , Boiler feed. Max Kurth . * 30
dangerous attempt to lengthen . 484 , "" Ventilati
Ventilation , Heating and” . J. R. Allen. 1649
Hensey & Gough . 504
on of Buildings." Snow and * 384
630, 361 , * 632 , 782 , 789 Nolan . † 649 Water regulator , Rowe feed.
-Cut-off moves vertically , main -valve rod Ventilator, Burt. * 255 Water regulators, Feed. W. E. Crane .
horizontally . 784 * 55 107 , 793 , 795
470 Vesuvius self-cleaning steam trap. Water required for furnace -gas plant . * 231
-off, Sickels' trip.
-Cutt-off Vibration, Bad case of boiler. Blank Min
--Cu with single eccentric , Limit of. ing Co. * 436 Water - Scientific boiler feeding experi.
automatic . 361 , * 632 , 782 menis . M. G. Stolp , et al. * 168, 180 , * 306
-Dash -pot trouble . Kinks. 32 L. L. Arnold , J. J. Hoppes , Wm .
495 , 502
" Water Softening and Treatment." W.
--Disk , “ Perfect. McCrea & Co.'s . 710 Chiddeck , Adolph Crome. H. Booth . 1584
Victor reducing wheel, Improved . 185 *
Disk s for high temp erat ures , Eker t . 709
supply , , Horse
Water turbine power of. 816
---Economy, Valves and ; drop valves. 179 Victor pipe- threading machine, Leow . * 255 Water 10,000 - h.p . W. M. White . 753
* 761
Victoria falls as source of power. W. A.
-Elevator, Balanced valve for hydraulic. Carter . * 607 Water, Weight of gallon of salt. ( Q.
- " End slap" in Corliss exhaust valves . Victoria falls, Power of. 486 & A. )
A. Reader . * 110 * 121 Water, Weight of Standard gallon of . 230
* 111
Vigilant safety water column . 781
-Exthust valve gear . E. H. Kirchner. " 146 Water-wheel tests, Turbine.
Viscosimeter, Saybolt. Water with live steam , Heating ; feed -wat
--Exhaust valves, etc.---Gas -engine types. 746 Visit to power station , Incidental . F.
er regulators . W. E. Crane . 107
-Gas-engine exhaust valves, Pawlikow Thomas. 631 , 695
sky -Goerlitz and Nuernberg methods 622
Vogt gas-engine patents. 746 Watt memorial, James. 509 519
of cooling ; combined inlet and ex 193 " Wattless " current and power.
haust valves ; valve closure springs ; Volts per commutator bar. ( Q. & A. ) Wave motors . E. N. Percy . 693
Voltage regulation , Direct - current. 509
Webber centrifugal fire Motor
varying tension ; valve gear ; cams ; " Voltax.” Electric Cable Co.'s. 806 pump ,
* 73 * 726
regulation. F. E. Junge. driven .
-Gate valves, Repairing: W. H. Wiake Weber gas-engine evidence -- table, etc. 548
* 681
man. * 400 W Wedges in steam ports, Putting.
Globe -valve seat in place, Holding.
Softening ,of Boiler Feed - water . ' , and
* 369
--Governors, Inertia fly -wheel. * 653 1711
-Hochfeldt “ Eclipse " combination re 377 , 493 * 558
Wadleigh , F. R. Fuel composition . Weights, 4. and 6 -pole dynamo.
* 235
lief and back -pressure valve . John Wage costs, Blast-furnace -gas plant. Weighting back-pressure valves. * 670 , +792
Davis Co.'s . * 707 Wages in N. Y. Cy., Engineers '. 800 Weighton's condenser tests , Prof. 491
-Improvements, Engine- valve . C. T. Wakeman , W. H. Advantage of a by Weinland tube cleaner , New head for. * 122
Porter . * 269 pass ; caring for flange joints. *8 Well power pump, Trouble with .
-Jacobson gas -engine, valves and gear . * 706 ---Packing flange joints. (Discussed .) * 28, * 178 * 573 , 631 , 698 , " 701
-Care of engine ; key adjustments, lubri Wells driving electric plant, Artesian. 162
-Key, Loss of rocking-lever; emergency32 , 174 West , Thos . D. “ The Competent Life."
regulation . G. P. Pearce . cation, etc. * 71 , * 372 1193
A. Morvan . 173 --Blowing down boilers. (Discussed by 'Ar. Westerfield , Wm . Do your best. 333
304 * 170 Western Tube Co.'s " Eurema Y - valve . * 316
L. L. Arnold . nold . )
A Texas Nut-Splitter . 306 A dangerous steam pipe. *266 , *367, 501, 566 Westinghouse engines and dynamos,
* 316 * 400 * 457
- Kinghorn multiplex disk valve. -Repairing gate valves. Sprin
gfiel , 0.
Koerting engine valves and diagrams. -Engineering blunders. * 484 , 630, 789 Westinghouse d gas engines for ry . service . 367
* 593 , * 658 , * 749 Westinghouse multi-speed motor. * 254
-Duplicate manuscripts etc.
-Koerting 4 -stroke -cycle engine valve . * 385 501, 566, 368 , 311, 438 , 307 Westinghouse-Parsons turbine , Efficiency
-Lagonda automatic -cut-off valve. * 514 - " Practical Guide for Firemen ." +518 tests of 500 -kw . * 295 , 404
--Lap and lead of large engine valves. Starting and shutting down boilers. * 550 Westinghouse - Parsons turbines for Toronto
387 Some features of the Corliss engine. * 611 281
( O. & A. ) pumping.
-Locke automatic engine stop - Main and Prize - contest questions. 361, * 632 , 782 Westinghouse - Parsons turbines in Balti .
643 733
electric -control valves. -Weighting and dismantling Jenkins back more .
McDonough balanced oscillating valve . * 516 pressure valve . * 670 , +792 Westinghouse turbines for Detroit munici
* 367 237
Marks , Don't depend on the. -Classifications of engines. 789 , 782 pality . * 201
-Oil-feed check valve , Richardson . 708 Vacuum in a steam boiler. 791 Westinghouse turbo -generators at L. I. Cy .
-Pump, Automatic suction- and dis. Wall , Peculiar marks on . A. G. Fulton . * 108 Wheel, A reporter and a fly .. 296
charge- valve of Borsig -Oechelhaeuser. * 356 Wall rack and brackets . * 276 Wheel accident , National Rolling Mill's
--Pump valves, Setting duplex. L. C. * 793 225 322
Walthanstow , Dowson plant at. * 257
fly ..
Wheel accident , Penn -Wyoming fly 193
-Rack for valve stems, Wall . * 276 Walton steam generator.
-Reducing and regulating valve, Cash Warned too late . Dixie . * 695 Wheel accidents and engine stops, Fly ..
standard pressure. * 642 C. J. Zimmermann . 241
--Regulating valve , C. T. Porter's . * 540
Warnings as to subscription agents.314 , 641 , 815 Wheel accidents, Engine - Whittaker Iron
--Reichenbach engine valves and valve Warren , Benj. H., Death of. 815 Wks.'; Standard Candy Co.'s. 797
gear -- Dismounting ; balancing ; short , Warren , F. D. “ Reinforced Concrete." 649 Wheel arm , Repairing fly . Walter Bixby . * 699
* 529 232 , 760 Wheel bored too small , Fly .. 468
strong springs , etc. Washers , Gas. Wheel breakage at East Pittsburg , Fly ..
-Reichenbach mixing and regulating Water -back connection , Improved . A. G. 58
valves . * 464 * 701 Wheel, Comfortable throttle . E. Kil
Knight. * 441
-Rothenbucher's new valve. * 185 Water -back for steam boilers . R. B. Ful burn .
Safety valve , Globe valve between ton . * 376 Wheel construction , Fly .. C. T. Porter . * 543
boiler and ; size of safety valve. * 485 Water balance - The hydraulic elevator. * 759 Wheel construction, Proposed fly ..; links ;
816 belt -wheel bolts . L. L. Willard . * 172
-Safety -valve outlet plugged ; danger of Water , Boiler capacity for heating .
closed valve of empty boiler. W. H. Water by exhaust steam , Heating. C. B. Wheel dangerous ? Is this fly --- Open
Booth . 286 Ross. 555 joint . R. V. Patterson . * 176
Safety.valve overloaded by water. 610 Water circulation , Preservation of surface Wheel explosion at Muncie , Fly. 467
-Safety -valve practice at Halifax. 597 condenser tubes in plants using salt or Wheel explosion, Chester Traction Co.'s
fiv-. * 250
--Seats , Inexpensive rig for facing Jen contaminated ; electrolysis. 598 119 , * 210
kins valve. J. V. N. Cheney . * 307 Water column , Lunkenheimer " Vigilant" Wheel - Failure of transmission pulley . 250
* 550 * 121 Wheel. Improved Victor reducing. 185
-Self-closing valves for gages. safety .
-Setting of a Corliss engine. * 790 Water column. To find pressure of . 96 Wheel independently . Casting half of belt. 291
610 * 544
-Setting valves of Fleming piston - valve Water , Corrosion of copper by sea . Wheel. John Fritz ' fly.. 543
and 4- valve engines . Thos. Hall . Water , Croton ; sediment deposit; salt wat. Wheel key driven into shaft, Fly-.
* 327 , " 589 er . C. T. Porter. 218 Wheel - Pulley failure at Jackson , Miss . 322
* 176
--Setting valves of Rice Sargent engine. 523
Water emergency , Low , J. W. Brecknell . 343
• 499
Wheel. Repairing a belt. John Baker.
W. E. Crane . J. F. Nagle . Wheel, The fly and the fly ..


Wheel to locate dead center , Tramming Wilmington , Del . , Turbine plant for . 484 Worth the money: T. F. S. 500
fly , * 327, * 589 Wilson duplex positive blower . * 55 Worthington condenser plant for turbine. 48
Wheel, Wooden Ay .. 741 Wilson producer, Tests of. 226 Worthington condensers. Commonwealth
Wheel wreck at Mansfield , O. , Fly : Winding dynamo- electrical
machinery , Elec. Co.'s. "723
*379, 495, 626 Norman G. Meade . * 282 , * 420 Wrench, Ellis adjustable. 446
Chas. M. Heminvay. 782 Winding field magnets . * 557 , * 622, *671 , * 763 Wrench , Mason . * 808
Wheel wreck at Otis Steel mills , Fly.; Windings, Stator -- Polyphase induction Wrench to pipe, Applying monkey. .836
projection of segment; Porter -Allen motors. * 747 Wrist-pin adjustment. * 72 , +372
engines. .798 Windluss, Power of. ( Q. & A. ) * 258 Wrist-plate peculiarities. W. H. Wake
Wheel wrecks, Fly ; safety -device falla Windmill, Electric lighting by . 12 man . * 612
cies . W. H. Boehm . 625 , 782 Windmill, Oscillating . Chas. McGregor's. * 123 Writing same article for two papers .
Wheels ? Are there any safe fly --Wood Windmills for power. E. N. Percy . 693 368 , 438 , 507 , 501 , 566
rims. S. J. Smith . 172 Wire cloth, Making. C. T. Porter . 162 Wyer, S. S. “ Catechism on Producer
Wm . H. Boehm . 377 Wire rope, Strength of. N. A. Carle . * 362 Gas ." 1711
Wheels for single -cylinder steam engines, Wire sizes and spaces, Tables of magnet. Washing boilers. H. Jahnke . * 158
Fly .; diagram for designing . N. A. * 624, * 671 Washington , 19,000-k.w . power house in. 219
Carle. * 295 Wire -- Windings and insulation ; unsolder Washoe smelter, Big induction motors for. 561
Wheels , Location of rim joints on belt. ing armature leads; brake on wire Waste -pipe trap kink. Kinks. 29
John Baker , reel; hoop for starting binding wire ; “ Water, Analysis and Softening of Boiler
Wheeler " Mullan " wet vacuum pump. * 186 guide for winding ; wire connector, Feed ." É. and F. Wehren fennig . 1711
White , Ltd. , Kelvin & Jas. Torsion me . etc. Norman G. Meade. * 282 , 420
ter . * 803 Wires, Comparison of round and square . 712
762 Y
White, W. M. 10,000- h.p. hydraulic tur Wires under one staple , Insulating.
bine with volute casing. * 753 " Wiring a House . " Herbert Pratt. 1711
Whitham . J. M. Natural gas under steam " Wiring Diagrams and Switchboards, Elec Yonkers power house . * 131
boilers. 24 tric . " 4584 Yorkshire Elec. Power Co. station auxil .
-Tests of stokers . ( Reference. ) 564 , 697 Wiring problem for lighting. * 372 , • 496 iaries . 772
* 321 Yost Albert. Central stations vs. isolated
Whittaker Iron W'ks '. engine-wheel acci 797
Wisconsin State convention .
* 396 plants. 100
dent . Witz on engine efficiencies, Prof.
* 396 Youens A. V. Curve for circle diameters
Wightman, L. I. Compound air com * 18
Wolf semi-portable compound engine. and segments . * 863
pression . Wood rims for fly -wheels . 172 , 377
Wilcox, G. B. Liquid-measuring appara . Wooden Ay -wheel. 741
tus . * 360 Z
Work, by adialntic expan sion , Conversion ,
Wile. J. 1. Gas producers for power, 225 , 272 of heat into . S. A. Moss , A. M.
Willis , G. F. Transmission -rope'fallacies. Levin . 243 , 439 Zilliox Green Co.'s tube cleaner. * 516


Starting at the boiler nozzles the steam pumps. Continuing from M a short dis
POWER is carried through 5-inch leads to an
8- inch header runing in front of the
tance the pipe separates into two branches,
as shown. One of these connects through
DEVOTED TO THE GENERATION AND boilers and passing into and across the a 6x9-inch pressure-reducing valve with
TRANSMISSION OF POWER . engine-room, ending in a deep pocket the large heaters which warm the air for
for catching the condensation, which is the ventilation of the court-house, and
JANUARY, 1906. driven along with the steam ( see Figs. I the other connects in a similar manner
and 2 ) , Supplies to the various engines with the 8-inch direct-heating main
Piping Plans for the Onondaga are taken from the top of the main and through a 5x8-inch reducing valve. The
County Court- House, Syra the steam is passed through vertical reducing valves in each case are provided
separators before entering the cylinders. with by-pass and cut-out valves, so that
cuse , New York .
Starting again at the boilers, a 7-inch repairs can be made at any time without
BY CHAS. L. HUBBARD. branch is taken off from the 8 -inch header seriously affecting the operation of the
between the two batteries, and carried system .
The high- pressure and exhaust piping across the front of the engine- room and The exhaust piping in the boiler- and
of the power and heating plant in the new into the tunnel leading to the court-house. engine-rooms is clearly illustrated in Figs.
Onondaga County court -house at Syra- A 7- inch cross -connection is made be- 1 , 2 and 5. The branches from the differ
cuse, N. Y., has some features of interest tween this pipe and the end of the 8-inch ent engines pass through covered trenches
not found in the ordinary layout. Among
these may be mentioned the elimination
of all ceiling vibration in the boiler- and
engine-rooms, which might be received 2%

from the high-speed engine connections

through pipe hangers and supports ; the

method of allowing for expansion with

out the use of slip-joints ; pipe anchors

and supports for the long runs of heavy
piping through the tunnel connecting the
power-house with the court-house ; dupli
100 K , W. 18 %
No. 1

% Drain
% Drain
Anc Anchor h or !
hor Rod Soc Rod sº

8 Exhin 6 se'm
17 Exkutt Support No.7

+ 6 st
in st

Riser 26 " Exh . 8 ' Esb. U...1



34 Exh .
E" xhaust

2. Steam 1 1


to Pumps

4 ° Beam H. No 2 | 75 K , W.
K. 4W

3. Boiler 1 No. 3 No. 2



7High Pressure No. 71



Boilers Boilers Steam Exbaust Pipe To Court House




Exh. 4' Pump Suetion Oil


Bal. Valve Separator 5 ° Beam

Pump Gov'r
Receit ' Tarik
Foteam paramanandayya 10 " Exhaust
tutul Anebor
lo Wr't Crop - 24 Drain in Pipes in Tunnel to Flange
Sleere , O spilt TileCold
02 %
Feed supported oa Hangers
2. - 4 " To Sewer every 12
Surface B.p.
究 F. W. Heater Main 3 Return Anchor to Flange
B.O Tank Trap Drid from F. W. Heater Porer , N.Y.
B.O. Pipe in Split Tile

cate supply mains to the engines, and spe- supply main to the engines, so that steam beneath the floor and connect with a 10
cial arrangements for heating with either can be taken through either branch in case inch main which rises to the ceiling near
exhaust or live steam , or with a combina- of a sudden breakdown or necessary re- the center of the engine-room. Here it
tion of the two. The power plant equip- pairs in the other line. By means of suit- branches, one line passing to the left
ment, which is located in the basement of ably located stop-valves in the mains, through the boiler-room and outboard by
the jail building across the street fromsteam can be taken from either battery of way of the brick chimney flue, that portion
the court-house, consists of two batteries
boilers, or from both together, and may within the Aue being of light cast - iron, in
of Heine water-tube boilers, of 300 horse-
be passed to the engines and court-house order to resist the corrosive action of the
power each ; a 300 -horse -power Gouberteither through the 8-inch main or the 7- furnace gases. The pipe is carried to a
vertical feed -water heater ; two 772x47x6-
inch branch, or through both together. point about three-fourths the height of the
inch duplex boiler feed-pumps ; one 35- Passing on to the court-house basement, chimney, where it ends with a bend which
kilowatt, one 75-kilowatt, and two 100- ' Fig. 6 , the 7-inch main, after leaving the throws the steam toward the center of
kilowatt generators, driven by direct-con- tunnel, is provided with a pocket for the flue at an angle of about 30 degrees
nected Straight-Line simple non-condens- catching the condensation which is formed from the vertical; no exhaust head is used.
ing engines. In the court-house basement, during the passage of the steam through The steam is made as dry as possible be
about 250 feet distant from the boilers, the tunnel. The pocket and its drip-pipe fore entering the vertical portion of the
are three elevator pumps and a Westing- are shown more plainly in Fig. 7. At the pipe by passing it through a separator
house air compressor driven by high -pres- point marked M, Fig. 6, a 5-inch branch is made up of standard fittings of such form
sure steam . taken off for supplying the elevator as to change the direction of flow abruptly
2 POWER January, 1906.
as the pipe enters the base of the stack. A

Ancho r

back-pressure valve is placed in the pipe

for maintaining a slight pressure when

the exhaust is used for heating. A 5-inch

C5" hannel
branch is taken off just inside the back
pressure valve and connected with the

feed-water heater which forms a “ dead

end, ” except for a liberal air-vent which
is relied upon to produce a sufficient cir


culation of steam within the heater.

The heater is designed especially for

E8" xh'sts
summer use when exhausting outboard,


S"8 t'm

as practically all of the exhaust steam will

be used for heating purposes at other Ivo

times, and the condensation pumped back




to the boilers. The drain from the feed

water heater is trapped to the sewer


Engine Drip
through the blow - off tank. A second 10

inch branch is taken from the top of the


E". sb
riser in the engine-room and carried S' team


through the tunnel to the court-house,



where it connects with both the l - inch



line leading to the main heaters, and De

with the 8 -inch supply to the direct heating

' rip



system. Valves are provided so that the

exhaust may be turned into either or both

JOSIY 1863 01

of these systems, as desired. Oil separa

tors are provided in both the 10 -inch

E' xh


lo. ligh

branch in the engine-room , and the 6 - inch

pump exhaust in the court-house.
All pipe throughout is of wrought iron ;


E.o" zh
the high-pressure work is extra heavy and

"8 ain


the exhaust piping is standard weight.

E" xh 4

Expansion is cared for by means of sweep


bends, and swivel joints at the ends of

the 7-inch and 10-inch mains as they leave


the tunnel in the court-house basement.
No. ine

S" team

Anchors are provided at the point C in the


8 -inch high-pressure main in the engine

" eturn
room ; at A , near the mouth of tunnel

( see detail , Fig. 9 ) , and at B in the tunnel

just beyond the reverse bends (see detail,
Fig. 10) . In addition to the sweep bends


and swivel joints, expansion strains are



eased by making all pipe cuttings shorter





than the measured lengths in the ratio of




34 inch for each 100 feet in length, when


cold, and making up the pipe under such


to p

a tensile strain as this shortage will pro






duce. When steam is turned into a sys




tem of piping made up in this manner



H'. igh


the expansion produced will relieve the


initial strain and cause the pipe to be in

" eed

a practically normal condition when under



pressure, instead of being under a tensile



strain and internal pressure both at the


2" apor




same time, as would be the case if this





method of erection were not employed.



" yd

Flanged fittings of standard weight are


used on all high-pressure piping larger


than 3-inch, and on smaller pipes at such


intervals that they may be disconnected

without breaking the fittings. The pipe
3' ''Returu


is screwed into the flange until the end


projects slightly, the projecting end being

peened over and the whole face of the

to r

flange finished in a lathe. High-pressure




joints are made up with gaskets, each


consisting of corrugated copper between


two layers of “ ebonite” sheet packing, NBino

adig kaval X1,6
each 1-32 inch thick.

Owing to the fact that the rooms di

January, 1906. POWER 3
Space over Pipe for
Electric Cables
5 Steam
6 Exhaust 24
3 "

F1x" Drip
Drip throu :
27-Curtis Trap
" Drip
"Drip RIli" Drip ** Drip i Drip

FIG. 7 FIG . S

Westinghouse Air




No.5 Top Coun





, alve



Red, Valve

H 16.30 o

TTH No.3

I No.3
O 9 " -6 - Exhaust



Supported ou


No. 5 Hangers DO CNOM

1 Drir
16.30 Automatio

OH Drip i Drip2 %

6 - Steam

LT 1x



Pipes in Split Tile under Floor ,


X rip

To Water Liue Trap


From Main Heater Return Traps - Drip
5 Boam H

Water Line Trap Gate V.

Drip Cocks Check V 2%
in Trench tlo.Tretien Drip Cock
in Treuch
++ Trap to 3 Main Return 1 % at Floor
Trap to Sewer through No. 274 Curtis Trap
TIA- 3 to Receiving Power, N , Y.
Tank in Boiler


rectly over the boiler- and engine-rooms up of pipe and fittings, resting upon the
are used for offices and other purposes, it floor, as shown. The steam main is car
became necessary to devise special means ried by a cast- iron saddle clamped to the
for supporting the mains in such manner cross pipe between the vertical standards.
as to avoid the transmission of vibration Any lateral movement of the main due
to the ceiling above. Two general meth- to expansion is taken up by the spring of
ods of support are employed. The first, the standards. Fig. 12 shows a spring
Wrt , Iron
shown in Fig. 11, is used in the engine- support having a single standard. This
room. This consists of a support made is used in two cases in the engine- room

뒤 1
t n X3
Wr . Iro X' "

Section on C - C
O Wrt, Iron Strap

t n
Wr . Iro X "X3"


a |
Exhaust Ε els High Pressure

Power , N.Y.

Power . W.Y.

POWER January, 1906 .
Wrt , Iron Strap Strap
where the other form could not be con
veniently employed .
Spring hangers, instead of standards,
are used in the boiler -room ; the general
patterns of these are shown in Figs. 13
and 14. The former is employed where
C Cast Iron

there is considerable space between the

pipe main and the ceiling. Experience
has shown that spring hangers, after a
time, are liable to give way, so that in
designing a hanger of this form it is nec
essary to provide a safety device for sup
porting the pipe in case the springs fail.
This is accomplished in the design shown 2% Extra
Heavy Pipe
in Fig. 13 by providing two check-nuts
upon the side-rods. If the springs should
give way, the yoke would simply drop

C.I. Saddle
С 5:24
Bedded in Concrete

FIG . II .
Porrer , NY


slightly and be supported upon the check- was employed because exhaust steam will

nuts. Fig. 14 shows a form used where often be used in these heaters at a pressure
the main is carried close to the ceiling. so low that an ordinary trap could not
| Сар The safety device in this case is a dupli- raise the water of condensation to the
cate hanger without springs and located so level of the receiving tank. By using a
that the cross-rod and pipe-roll just clear
the pipe. In case the spring hanger should
give way, the main would simply settle
slightly and be caught and held by the
reserve hanger. Through the tunnel,
where vibration is not objectionable, the
pipes are supported as shown in Fig. 15.
The jail building above the boiler- and
engine- rooms is warmed by water which | Yoke
is heated by exhaust steam. The heater Check Nut
is shown near the main stairway in Fig. 1,
and consists of a wrought-iron storage
tank, containing a brass heating coil con
nected with the exhaust main. The con
densation from this heater is trapped to
a receiving tank which will be mentioned
All returns from the direct and indirect
heating systems in the court -house are
tapped into a vented receiver placed in the
boiler - room . This tank is connected with Yoke
the two return pumps, and also with a
Legg automatic pump regulator which
11 starts and stops the pumps as the water
line in the tank rises above or falls below
11 a given point. The two pumps are dupli
cates, either being of sufficient capacity to
13 do the entire work in emergency. The
11 main returns from the direct-heating sys


Cap tem in the court-house are sealed by the

Spring ' 'Steel Wire
use of a Curtis water-line trap raised
16 Coils to fit Inside about 36 inches above the floor. By this
Pipe arrangement all return drips connect with
the mains under water, and there is no

opportunity for steam to " back up " from

one to the other and cause water hammer,
as is often the case with “ dry" or un
sealed returns .
The condensation from the main indi
TITUTTPower , ... rect heaters is trapped into the 3-inch Power , NY .
return to the receiving tank by means of
FIG . 12. SPRING STANDARD FOR MAINS . Bundy return traps. This arrangement FIG . 13 SPRING HANGER IN BOILER- ROOM .
January, 1906. POWER 5

eturn trap with a high-pressure connec-

temperature of the building is controlled A Bit of Geometry.
tion, the water can easily be raised and automatically by means of thermostats 1
discharged into the tank , regardless of located in the various rooms and arranged BY CHAS. J. MASON .
the pressure in the heaters. to shut off or turn on the radiators, S

The drainage of the system is accom- may be required to maintain the desired Mr. Naylor's problem relating to seg
plished partly by traps and partly by temperature of 70 degrees. ments and diameters of circles, which ap
means of the Holly gravity return system. Fresh air for ventilation is supplied by peared in a recent issue of Power, leads
The latter method is used for draining a special “ cone ” fan, 12 feet in diameter, to a still further consideration of the
the high-pressure mains and the steam taking air from an open inner court. The subject in general, which may be of use
separators in the boiler- and engine-rooms. air is first passed through a tempering to some of your readers.
I Beam Clamp steam coil and partially warmed ; it is then To the reader who has no knowledge of
drawn through a fine spray of water for geometry , the terms “ chords," " arcs,”
removing all dust and soot, then through “ segments,” etc., as applied to isolated
a second heater for bringing the tempera- problems which frequently appear in the
ture up to the desired point, which is from mechanical papers of the day, are some
C 68 to 70 degrees. From the fan the air is
discharged into two large uptakes which
what foreign , and although he may have
learned something from such problems,
Auer, N.Y. extend the full height of the building. yet he feels there is something wanting ;
From these it is tapped off at each floor that his eagerness to learn has not been
into concealed ducts at the ceiling of the entirely satisfied.
various corridors and delivered to the Of course it would not be possible in
various rooms through special grilles in the space that could be afforded such an
The high -pressure drips in the court- house the cornice. article as this to cover the subject in its
basement are trapped to the receiving tank.
All exhaust drips on lines beyond the oil Given A B and C E.
AC Chord of Arc ABO.
separators are trapped to the receiver; A B Chord of Half Arc , Required DF .
C BR Tersed Sine.
all others, which contain oil, are dripped B
to the sewer through special traps having m

large discharge outlets.

The method of dripping the elevator A

pump connections, which is shown in Fig.

8, is worthy of attention, also. As these E
B k
A 1
pumps run intermittently, provision must
be made for keepng both steam and ex d
haust connections free at all times, wheth
er the valves are open or closed. This is
accomplished by placing all valves in a FIG . 1 D

short horizontal length of pipe next to the FIG. 2 FIG . 3

pump and dripping the vertical portion of

the connection outside of the valves. All 5 с D
gate-valves throughout the system have adb Segment.
a dbc Setor.
bronze seats, and these are renewable in H

the larger sizes. Valves 4 inches in diam

eter and larger are of the yoke pattern
with rising spindles. All valves 7 inches
in diameter and larger in the high -pressure
system are of the by -pass pattern . FIG . 4 FIG . 5
Poroer, Y.r.
In connection with the foregoing it may A BIT OF GEOMETRY .
be of interest to some readers to know
something of the heating and ventilating
Systems employed in the main court : The discharge ventilation is through entirety, for it is both broad and deep ; but
wall registers placed near the floor. Some we can touch upon that part of it that will
of these registers are connected by gal- aid the reader in a better understanding
vanized ducts with two exhaust fans of what he reads.
placed in the basement, and the rest with Everyone knows what a circle looks like,
two similar fans in the attic. All four of but comparatively few can express in
the exhaust fans discharge through the words what it is. Probably they have
roof of the building. The fans are driven never asked the question , nor did they
by electric motors supplied with current think anything further about it. It is
Puer , 1 from the power plant. The various large just some simple things like this that
dampers in the air- ways, and frequently- sometimes prove the greatest sticklers to
used steam valves about the main heaters, us, and cause us to wonder how easily we
are operated by compressed air from a can be beaten . Ask the average engineer
house building. These are independent of central switchboard . if he can figure out the horse-power of his
each other. Heating is accomplished engine, and he will answer yes ; but ask
throughout the building by means of di- At the Edison Company's plant at Pat- him if he knows why the factors in the
rect radiators located in wall recesses un erson , N. J., December 4, a staybolt of formula which he uses for the calculation
der the windows and concealed by metal an expansion joint on a new 12- inch steam are placed as they are, and whence they
grille work . The radiators are supplied main failed, and the joint blew out. The came, and he will answer no . In other
with steam at low pressure, which may driver of a truck was knocked from his words, he considers it sufficient only to
be either exhaust from the engines, or seat and killed by a section of the pipe learn the formula and its application , but
live steam at a reduced pressure . The which was blown through the wall . as for the derivation of the formula he
6 POWER January, 1906.

had thought nothing at all about it. So and this product, by the constant .40426 ; which is entirely satisfactory in other re
far, so good ; but he had not gone as far the result obtained will be the area of the spects, is the following :
as he could easily have without extra segment nearly. The following example In Fig. 5 A B is the diameter, C D the
trouble, which would have been more shows the operation of the rule. Stating chord of the arc, G H the distance the
than compensated for by the thorough the rule as a formula, we have : chord is from the diameter, and EF the
mastery of the subject, which he would c mean length of the figure ACD B.
attain . Ctet X VS X .40426. Knowing the area of the whole circle,
A circle is a plane figure bounded by a consider the zone ACD B as a right fig
curved line called the circumference , Suppose the chord of the segment A B is ure, whose length is E F and height HG ;
28 feet, the chord of half the arc AB is
every point in which is equidistant from 15 feet, and the versed sine B R is 6 feet. by subtracting the area of this figure from
a point within it called the center. Fig. I half of the area of the whole circle, the
illustrates the definitions given herewith . What is the area of segment A B C ? area of the remaining part, the segment ,
The diameter of the circle is a straight Operation :
will be found . This rule will be found to
line passing through the center and ter- 28 + 15 + 15 X 6 X .40426 116.427 give results as close as is required for
minated at each end by the circumference. 3 practical work.
The radius is a straight line from the square feet nearly .
center to any point on the circumference . Suppose it is required to find the chord Tests of Gas -making Coals .
All radii are equal and each is equal to DF of the arc ( from which , in turn, the
half the diameter. The value of a coal as regards the quan
area of segment can be found ), having
An arc is any part of the circumference the distance A B and CE given, Fig. 3 : tity and quality of its yield of gas and by
of a circle, and a right line joining the Denoting the length of the chord by C, products cannot be determined by chem
extremities of an arc is called chord. and the distance CE from the center by ical examination, but only by its practical
A segment of a circle is any part diameter
A , and )theby distance
bounded by an arc and its chord , and a
AB (which is the carbonization under conditions similar to
D. the length of the chord is those existing in gas-works. The erection
sector is any part of a circle bounded by determined by the formula : of an experimental plant at the Berlin
an arc and its two radii . municipal gas - works has enabled the au
A semicircle is half a circle, and a C = VD ? 4A2 thor to examine various kinds of coal ,
quadrant is quarter of a circle. Example : and the results of the greater part of his
To illustrate the foregoing definitions Find C , when D = 48 inches and A = 10 tests over three years are published in
and some not yet mentioned, the reader inches. tabular form . The experimental plant
is referred to Fig. I , in which, differs from the works' plant only in re
Acb is an arc of the circle ACED. C = N482 — 4 X 102 = V2304 400 =
spect of capacity, and is employed for de
Ab is a chord of that arc. W 1904 43.63" answer . termining, with each kind of coal, the
BA is termed the initial radius. The foregoing rules are not as easily amount of heat, the weight of charge,
B C is termed the secondary radius. applicable to boiler problems as those and the time of burning off required to
e D d ' is a segment, and which follow, but illustrate the principles give the most satisfactory carbonizing re
ABb is a sector. involved. sults . The most suitable working con
ADE is a semicircle, and The reader will probably see the rela- ditions having been ascertained, they were
CBE is a quadrant. tion between this problem and that of the carried out, as far as was practicable , on
Aed E is a zone. boiler when similar distances are given, a large manufacturing scale, with the re
B g , secant of arc Acb.
, to ultimately find the area of the segment sult that the make of gas per ton of coal
b k , sine of arc Acb . or part to be braced . Having the diameter carbonized was increased to 11,489 cubic
Bk or mb is the cosine of arc Acb. given , AB in Fig. 3, and the distance feet in 1902 from 10,951 cubic feet in the
Ag tangent of arc Acb. CE, the height of the segment or versed previous year, when the experimental in
C Bb is termed the complement, and sine can easily be found and the former stallation had not come into use. The re
b B E the supplement of the arc A cb. rule applied , as has been shown . As A B sults of tests of sixty-eight different
A k is the versed sine of the arc Acb . is 48 inches and C E 10 inches , the height kinds of coal ( thirty- seven of which were
Cs is the cotangent of the arc Acb. of the segment is of English origin ) were submitted. In
Bs is the cosecant of the arc. 48 " 10" = 14 each case the chemical composition and
m C is the conversed sine of the arc. 2
the yield of products of carbonization were
That part of the circle with which In Fig. 4, another method of finding the given . , The purified gas obtained was ex
steam engineers sometimes have to deal, area of a segment is illustrated . amined for illuminating and calorific
and which Mr. Naylor's problem recalls, Here is shown a circle with a sector power, specific gravity, and the amount of
is the segment. It is applied to the steam a cb , of which the shaded part is the seg- carbon dioxid and sulphur it contained .
boiler, inasmuch as that portion of the ment. The formula is : Area of whole
It was found that, if English coals be
ends of the horizontal tubular type which angle a bco not carbonized at comparatively low tem
has to be braced is a segment. Finding circle X = area of the sector ; peratures, there is difficulty with tar stop
360 °
the area of a segment, which is the area page, To completely carbonize English
to be braced , and to which the conven and the area of the sector minus the area
tional rules relating to stays are applied, of the triangle abc = the area of the coals, at least five hours should be allowed
segment a db. The number of degrees in for burning off, and the charge of coal in
plays an important part in a modern each retort should never exceed a certain
steam engineer's examination , so the fol the sector can be found by applying a pro- weight. With Westphalian coals, both the
lowing formulas and illustrations are pre tractor, or by using a pair of dividers. amount of heat and the weight of charge
sented with a view to helping those who Another rule in existence is as follows :
may be greater, and thus the working ca
may have but a vague idea of how to go area of segments = 4h ? x \d -.608 pacity of the settings is increased . On
about the work. Vh the other hand, the amount of ash was
To find the area of a segment, when the where h height of segment or versed generally found to be greater in West
chords of the arc and the half arc and the sine, and d diameter of circle. phalian than in English coals. This di
versed sine are given , as in Fig. 2 : This rule is applicable to boiler work minishes the yield of gas and the value of
To the chord of the whole arc, add the because of the data which would be given the coke obtained. — Journal fur Gas
chord of the half arc and 13 of it more ; in practical cases. beleuchtung, Munich : Institute of Civil
multiply this given sum by the versed sine The simplest rule that can be used, and Engineers Abstracts.
January, 1906 . POWER 7

Boiler Corrosion. sive increments, because it was realized that to expand by the furnace heat and the
grooving was caused by lack of elasticity. vertical web could not follow the expansion,
The shorter the breadth of plane unsup- owing to its being kept cool by water. There
Amos Price suggested some time ago ported the sharper was the bending of the was an effort to tear the web, which re
that I might have given some further in- plate and similarly the stress on the plate sulted in such tension as to produce hair
formation in regard to boiler corrosion. was greater with thick than with thin cracks, which developed into deep fissures,
In the present article I have endeavored to plates, though it took time to teach the and these in time extended right down the
do so by presenting aa few of the familiar causes of grooving. Systematic inspecting, web, as shown. These effects only occurred
defects found in shell boilers. If not a with the defects of many boilers all brougit over the furnaces. Farther back the differ
to one focus, soon began to show how cer- ence between the expansion of the plate and
tain defects always accompanied certain that of the rings did not exist and the rear
methods of construction and the grooving hoops remained good.
of end plates opposite to gussets was one In Fig. 2 it will be observed that no part
of these repeated coincidences which placed next to the fire is more than a single thick
cause and effect in their true relations. ress of plate removed from water contact.
Short grooves often became developed at Hence the success of this point, which
the edge of the end of the angle-iron upon made the furnace tube of the Lancashire
the end plate and everywhere that the plate boiler as strong as the shell. The grooving
could be stressed severely these lines of troubles with the flat end plate led some
corrosion were found to form. Similarly, makers to employ cambered ends, but there
though perhaps to a less extent, they would was always the structural difficulty of mak
develop in the root of the angle- iron, and ing a good job of the exact shaping of the
flue tube to the curvatures of the end plate
and the cambered end was for aa time aban
Pureer, ... doned, to be lately revived in the shape of
FIG . I. a strong heavy pressed plate, on which the
flanges for the furnace attachment are
class of boiler much used in America, the pressed out of the solid plate to fit square
illustrations will at least serve to point ended furnace tubes, which therefore are as
out principles. I have endeavored to show
easily put in as though the plate were
what I wish to convey by a sort of iso flat. The full extent of the end plate is
metric perspective which I have found use Power , W.Y.
FIG . 2.
now available to take up the movements of
ſul in conveying explanations. In Fig. 1 cxpansion, and it is hoped thereby to avoid
is shown what was at one time the usual it was along the root that this fault so all grooving effects.
method of attaching the furnace tubes of often appeared as a narrow line. It would Observations on many boilers showed
a shell boiler to the front end plate. Ow also show itself along the bend of the that boilers otherwise unaffected showed
ing to the greater expansion, combined flanges of the furnace seams, as in Fig . 2. corrosion in the form of isolated fittings
with the arching up of the furnace crown, In locomotive boilers, lap - riveted and ricar the feed entry. The cause of this ap
there was produced upon the boiler end therefore not truly circular in cross-section, pears to lie with the nascent gases occluded
plate a severe pressure by the rim of the the steam pressure is always tending to from the feed-water. These only attacked
attaching angle-iron . The result of this produce the true circle, so that there is the parts adjacent to the feed inlet, after
pressure and bending was to bend the end bending of the plates over the edge of each which the gas escaped into the steam space
plate at the junction of the angle-iron , and other, and the plate inside the boiler would and got away. This serves to show the ac
there was movement every time the fur grcove along the edge of the other plate ; tivity of gases in the nascent state and
nace door was opened, because this ad- several boiler explosions were traced to this points the moral of a hot feed supply.
mitted volumes of air to cool the furnaces Sometimes it has been thought desirable
and cause them to contract.. The end plate to strengthen a boiler shell by riveting in
of the boiler was thus constantly "breath

ing ” in and out, perhaps only an eighth


of an inch, or it may have been more or


less . No matter how much , it was suffi


A -В

cient to produce considerable fiber stress


in the plate surface and probably pro


Pureer, Nr .
duced fine hair- line fissures.

Power , N.Y.
Fig. I shows how the surface was eaten FIG. 3.

away along the edge of the angle-iron and FIG. 4.

ultimately a deep groove was formed, cause . Shells made of single plates with
which completely penetrated the plates. the line of rivets above water do not fail a ring round the large manhole, as in Fig.
Sometimes the corroded groove was wide ; this way, but the fact that grooving will 4 , where A-B is the longitudinal line of
at other times it would hardlly ap- occur under water may at least serve to the boiler. It was often not possible to get
pear on the surface as more than a line, point out that the plate is under a stress a whole ring into the boiler, for there was
even though it penetrated deeply. " At riore severe than ordinary calculation only the manhole to put it through ; so the
points opposite the lower ends of the would show. ring had to be made in halves, and the cut
gusset end stays it was frequently to be In Fig. 3 is a sketch of what was often was made in the circumferential direction
roticed that the grooving was very much found to occur when furnace plate rings of the boiler, for the strength was only
more severe. At one time the rivets at were joined by means of aa hoop of I needed along the line A -B . In one case,
taching the angle-irons of the gusset stays iron before the flange seam of Fig. 2 be- and only one, I found that in place of halv
to the end plate extended as closely as pos- came universal. Here the vertical rib of ing a ring on the line C-D , it was halved
sible to the rim of furnace end rivets. The the I ring was in water and the horizontal along the line A-B, and was worse than
distance was then made 4/2 inches, 6 part was attached to the heated furnace useless. This shows how important it is to
inches, 7, 9 and finally, 10 inches in succes- plates. This part of the I ring was made put no reliance on the work of the boiler
8 POWER January, 1906.

maker apart from mere execution. The Advantage of a By -Pass - Caring for out of the packed joints and there is dan
ring in question was well put in, but had Flange Joints. ger of blowing out the packing, because
the fatal defect of being of no use. pressure accumulates in the pipe before
The estimation of the remaining strength BY W. H. WAKEMAN, the flanges are thoroughly heated .
and safety of a boiler is the most difficult To overcome this objection, a by - pass
problem . If the seams of rivets are not A 10-inch header, into which five boil- of / 2 -inch pipe was put in , as shown in
touched and only the body of the plate is ers discharge their steam , is located in my Figs . I and 2. As the header is io , and
rusted, it is always possible to corrode the boiler -room . This header, also the 6- and the supply pipe is 6 inches, there was am
plates away to the extent by which the riv- 8 -inch pipes which take steam from it, are ple room in the Alange to locate this pipe
eted seam is less strong than solid plate, fitted with flange joints, packed and bolted as shown , where it would get dry steam .
and it will be found that the appearance of in the usual way. It discharges into a 6 -inch ell in such a
the inside of a boiler may become quite ter- These lines are supplied with valves for way that steam from it does not strike on
rifying before it can be said to be really controlling the steam supply located in the the opposite side of a pipe, but blows di
weakened by corrosion. engine- room , where they can be reached rectly through the pipe where it is wanted .
Worse than internal corrosion is exter- easily. Between them and the boilers This by-pass valve is opened before
nal corrosion , such as occurs along the there are many flange joints as above steam is wanted through the 6 -inch valve,
areas resting on brick seatings. There was mentioned, and in order to avoid leaving and as there are drips enough in the lines
a time when a brick seating wall was given them under pressure during the night. which are not shown, to take more than
an arc of contact of from 18 inches to 30 when the plant is shut down , a stop valve the 1/2 -inch pipe can supply, the flanges are
inches or more with the boiler. To - day, in each line near the header is closed. well heated before pressure is raised ;
theoretically, the line of contact is from This leaves the header under pressure, therefore, no leaks are in evidence and

Power, X. r.


three inches down to zero, for many seat but water cannot accumulate here, be- there is practically no danger of blowing
ing blocks have narrow faces, and these are cause there are five drip pipes in it, one out the gaskets.
rounded so that the boiler touches only in of which is shown in Fig. 1. These drips Some engineers consider that shutting
a line and the fullest inspection is possible. discharge into the boilers below the water stop valves at night is dangerous prac
Where the external flues are damp a line, therefore no water is lost in this way. tice, because turning steam into a cold
boiler will waste rapidly along the seatings One of the stop valves is shown in plan pipe causes violent water hammer, unless
and it is also a curious fact that inside a in Fig. 2. It is in a 6-inch pipe ; therefore, done very cautiously, and there is always
boiler the plates over the line of seating unless it is opened very slowly, taking about danger of letting it go too fast ; but this
walls will often become pitted. fifteen minutes for the operation , water runs by-pass makes it safe. Now, which is the
The shell boiler, as now made, has been best plan , to leave pressure on these
very generally freed from stresses due to joints all night in order to keep them
structural causes . Corrosion still occurs , warm , trapping out water as its presence
but it is that due to bad water. The causes would cool the flanges and make joints
of grooving have been minimized. Groov leak , or to shut off the steam , leaving
ing, of course, was always less in a boiler them to cool, after which they must be
where the water was free from acid. Some heated in the morning ? .
times grooving would stop if the water was This by-pass might have been connected
rendered alkaline, or alkalinity would re into the drip pipe in Fig 1 , but that would
duce its severity. All depended upon the have reduced the pressure at this point,
extent of the stress put upon the plate. preventing the water from going back to
Thick plates would be worse than thin
plates, as may easily be understood, but
when a groove had gone to some depth the
plate had been thinned but the thinning did
not extend over the breadth of the plate and
possibly the stress along the grooving line
18 the boilers , as intended. Of course, water
could not accumulate in the header, as it
would go out at the by-pass, but dry steam
could not be secured as wanted.
In some plants such connections are al
ways made in the easiest way possible,
would actually be made more severe. without regard to the results that are sure
to follow, but this is poor policy. When
The membership of the American So a ratchet drill was used to bore the two
ciety of Mechanical Engineers, on Jan holes necessary in this case, the tempera
uary 1 , 1905, was 2,780 ; the membership ture of the room was 122 degrees Fahr. ,
of the Institution of Mechanical Engi but the job was done in the best manner
Power, Y.
neers, of England, on March 1 , 1905 , was possible , without regard to the time re
3,977. FIG . 2 . BY - PASSED GATE VALVE . quired or to the heat of the room .
January, 1906 . POWER 9

It will be noted that in Fig. I the 6 -inch Engine Room Chemistry .

pipe is tapped into the center of the 10
inch header fange ; therefore, water can BY AUGUSTUS H , GILL, PH.D.
not pass out of the header with the steam. ( Copyright 1908 by The All Publishing Co. )
Fig. 3 shows another method in which an
eccentric flange is used, thus bringing the Remedies for Hard Water.-As to boiler unless cold, of fixing carbonic acid ; caus
bottom of the 6- inch pipe on a level with compounds, J. M. Boon expresses the tic soda or lime ( lime water ) is required
the lower part of the header, so that water opinion that “ the only compound to put for this. It transforms the sulphates into
can run into this pipe, keeping the header into a boiler is pure water. " carbonates, changing what would be a
drained without regard to the drip pipes. It has been estimated that the actual hard crystalline adherent scale of gypsum
Which plan is best ? cost due to waste of fuel, repairs, etc., by into powdery calcium carbonate, which is
I am inclined to favor Fig. 1 , because hard water and boiler scale, is about $750
easily blown out. The precipitation of
year for each locomotive in the United these carbonates has a tendency to clarify
it prevents water resulting from priming, per
States . While in the case of stationary the water if it contains clay or mud, but
or excessive condensation, from going to
boilers no figures are available, it may be not to the extent to which a more floccu
the supply pipe readily, giving it time to
pass down the drip pipes. said in a general way that the life of the
lent precipitate does. It neutralizes acids
as does caustic soda, with the liberation ,
boiler would be increased threefold by the
use of soft water, to say nothing of the however, of carbonic acid. It is often
Air -Compressor Lubrication . gain accruing from continuous service. used in connection with lime water to
Mines and Minerals recently contained Almost everything under the sun' has soften hard water, its object being to pre
an article on " Ignitions and Explosions in been proposed for the removal of boiler cipitate the excess of lime used.
scale and softening of water, including Calcium bicarbonate + sodium carbonate =
Air Compressors, ” in which, speaking of potato
lubrication , it says : parings, molasses and tan bark. The Call 2 ( CO3 ) 2 + Na2CO3
" Excess of lubrication, in addition to last two act by virtue of the acids which sodium bicarbonate + calcium carbonate.
waste, means increased accumulation of they contain, the one acetic and the other 2 NaHCO3 + CaCO3
combustible matter, increased lodgment of tannic. These may act on the scale pre This on being boiled gives sodium car
dust and increased danger of accident. cipitated, but they corrode the shell of the
boiler. bonate and carbonic acid :
Just as little lubricant should be used as Sodium bicarbonate sodium carbonate +
possible. While the proper place for the treat
2 NaHCO3 Na 2CO3 +
" Two lubricants are in general use on ment of water is outside the boiler, yet
many prefer, on account of convenience , water + carbonic acid .
air- compressor cylinders , a mixture of H0 + CO2
lack of room , or other causes, to soften
soap and water, and cylinder-oil. Either the wat in the
can be made to do the work . The mixtur er boiler itself, and it is aa Calcium sulphate + sodium carbonate =
e CaSO4 + Na 2003
of soap and water has inferior lubricating question of the most suitable compound calcium carbonate + sodium sulphate.
to employ. A proper substance is one that
properties and must be used in quantities. CaCO3 + Na2804
precipitates the salts which make water
One case of explosion is reported where Sulphuric acid + sodium carbonate =
soap and water was used almost exclu hard in a powdery or flocculent condition , H2804 Na2CO3
so that they can be easily blown out. It +
sively. A test of the deposit found in this
receiver after this explosion showed that should not be acid , nor yield up acid on sodium sulphate + carbonic acid + water.
treatment. It should be cheap and easily Na 2804 + (H2C03C02 + H20
it readily itignited
This depos was two s thick. Fahr.
at 400 The applied. Salts of sodium and calcium (or The use of too much caustic soda or
mixture of soap and water was also tested lime ) fulfil all these conditions and are lime is said to cause a muddiness in the
in a laboratory. Upon being evaporated usually employed. Let us now see the gage glasses and to produce foaming.
down to a 'black, semi-solid mass'it ignited action of some of the various compounds Sodium aluminate made by fusing soda
at 500 degrees Fahr. In addition to this proposed . ash and alumina together may, for prac
Caustic soda and caustic lime ( lime tical purposes, be regarded as acting like
soit - soap lubricant there had been used
water ) combine with the carbonic acid caustic soda. In addition to the advan
some oil having a burning point of about contained in the water in combination as
400 degrees Fahr. The principal combus- bicarbonates , and as this acid holds the tagesoneenumerated
the for caustic
that aluminum hydratesoda, it has
is thrown
tible ingredient in the deposit was coal calcium and magnesium carbonates in down as
dust. This case is sufficient to show that solution they are precipitated . Anothe a light flocculent precipitate .
r which possesses to a marked degree the
the use of soap and water is not a sure action is to combine with any acid in the property of clarifying waters ; hence it
preventive of accident . In fact, it goes water - sulphuric from mines, carbonic, should carry down not only the car
further and shows that soap and water tannic or humic acid from swampy waters. bonates of lime and magnesia but organic
may not be as good as oil, for the tests lime water + carbonic acid matter such as humic acid , tannic acid ,
showed that it burned readily when dry, CaO2H 2 + CO2
clay, mud, sand, etc. , in such a condition
and inasmuch as more of it would have to calcium carbonate + water.
CaCO3 + H20
that they could be easily removed by
be used than of oil , the deposit of dust blowing off.
would be correspondingly greater. Nev Caustic soda + tannic acid
NaOH + HC14Hy09 = Sodium aluminate + calcium bicarbonatet
ertheless, soap and water may be used to sodium tannate + water Na 2Al204 + CaH2CO3 ) 2
good advantage and provision should be NaC14H30 , + H20 water =
made for its introduction into the cylinder Soda ash or sodium carbonate acts on 2 H 20 =
when necessary. ” the bicarbonates of lime or magnesia, sodium carbonate + aluminum hydrate +
forming bicarbonate of soda, which is de Na2CO3 2 A10 H : +
The Scientific American says : “ When composed by the temperatures in the boiler calcium carbonate .
someone shall have designed a plant that into carbonic acid and sodium carbonate. CaCO3
can furnish satisfactory gas to its engines, Unless magnesium chlorid be present, de Sodium Fluoride. - When sodium Alu
no matter what quality of coal is offered composing as has been shown into the oride is added to water containing cal
for its consumption, the gas-producer en oxid, carbonate of soda has no power, cium bicarbonate the water is rendered
gine will become the great prime mover 1 For a list of these, some 170 in all , see soft, calcium fluoride and sodium bicar
Davis ' “ Steam Boiler Incrustation and Cor
of the world ." rosion ," page 72 . bonate being formed .
10 POWER January, 1906.

Calcium bicarbonate + sodium fluoride = nacle shells , chalk and coral being mainly Development in Gas Producers.
CaH 2 (CO3) 2 + 2 NaF
composed of it. The table below, from
sodium bicarbonate + calcium fuoride . Lewes, shows the analysis of boiler in The accompanying engravings illustrate
Fluorspar crustations from their different sources. two types of improved power- gas pro
2 NaHCO3 + CaF2 ducers which have been designed by Brit
River. Brackish . Sea.
A similar interchange takes place with Calcium carbonate .. 75.8 43.6 1.0 ish engineers, for the descriptions of
Calcium sulphate.. 37 34.8 85.5
calcium sulphate or the corresponding Magnesium hydrate . 2.6 4.3 3.4 which we are indebted to The Mechan
Salt .. 0.4 0.6 2.8
ical Engineer, London.
magnesium compounds. Calcium fluoride Sand ........ 7.7 7.5 1.1

is precipitated as a powder and is about Oxids iron and alumina . 3.0 34 0.3 The apparatus shown in Fig. 3 was
Organic matter .. 3.6 1.6
twice as soluble in water as calcium car- Moisture ... trace designed by William Towns to produce
3.2 4.2

bonate, one part dissolving in about 26,000 100.0 100.0 100.0

power gas by burning bituminous coal
parts of water, whereas 50,000 parts are with an insufficient supply of air and en
required to dissolve the carbonate. So- The next table shows the composition riching and purifying the crude gases thus
dium fluoride is claimed to attack neither of some boiler scales, together with the distilled by passing them through a bed of
valve metal nor iron, nor to cause foam waters from which they were formed . incandescent non-bituminous carbonaceous
ing and to take up oil .
Trisodium Phosphate.-This is usually
made by adding caustic soda to the or (1)
dinary phosphate of soda and is mildly
alkaline in character . By its use, as has
been noted in the case of sodium alum B
inate, the waters are both softened and
clarified . The lime and magnesia com
pounds are changed into phosphates which
are insoluble, thus taken out of solution ,
and are flocculent precipitates which drag KK K K2 K2K
K K:
down any substance in suspension, as clay,
mud or precipitated calcium carbonate.
In this condition the sludge is readily
blown out.
The chemical action taking place is
Calcium sulphate + sodium phosphate =

2 CaSO4 + 2 Na : P04 =

sodium sulphate + calcium phosphate.

+ QA A
2 Na 2804 OA 3 P208
Similar reactions take place with the bi
carbonate and magnesium compounds.
Boiler scales differ naturally according
to the waters from which they are
formed : from fresh water they may or In the United States, shipments of an- material, such as coke. Referring to the
may not contain a quantity of calcium sul- thracite coal from eastern producing re- engraving, the producer is indicated by P
phate, from sea water it is the chief in- gions during October last totaled 5,205,694 and the purifying and enriching chamber
crusting agent, while from brackish waters tons, as against 5,131,542 tons for the same by C ; coal is fed to the producer through

Constituents . No. 1 . No. 2 . NO. 3 . No. 4 .

Gas Outlet

Essential composition . Scale . Water. Scale. Water. Scale. Water . Scale. Water.

Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) . 44.25 8.30 55.65 14.78 13.06

Anhydrite (CaSO, ) .... 49.98 31.96
Calcium sulphate (2 Caso , 1,0 ) .. 50.75 29.73 74 07 19.2
Magnesium hydrate ... 1.19 3.83 7.11 A

Chemical Composition .
Lime ( CaO).. 44.38 45.0 36.43 4.60 44.32 15.5 38.80 15.23
Magnesia (Mgo ) . .82 8.5 2.64 .9 4.90 6.8 5.96 3.7
Ferric oxid and alumina .. 2.24 1.67 2.10 .80 0.1
Silica (S102)........ .47 .88 trace 65
Water given off above 1200 . 3.68 3.04 2.31 1.14 ke
Insoluble matter . .48 5.65 2.46
Carbonic acid (CO, ). 19.25 3.66 24 48 9.63
Sulphuric anhydrid (503) . 28.22 21.9 45.21 4.0 18.76 8.9 43.65 12.3
Lime ... 22.5 trace 6.3 В
Magnesia deposited on boiling . 1.9 0.0 3.9
Chlorin . 29.3 9.1 S

Water expressed in parts per 100,000 . Power, 1.1,

Scale expressed in per cent . FIG. 3. TOWNS' GAS PRODUCER.
the scale contains large percentages of month in 1904, and 3,925,642 tons in 1903. fed to the secondary chamber through a
both. The reason for the absence of cal During the first ten months of 1905 similar similar hopper. An air injector, I, de
cium carbonate in sea water scale is shipments aggregated 50,593,504 tons, and livers an air blast to the blower B and the
found in the fact that the marine animals were over 3,000,000 tons in excess of cor- air pipe A , the latter delivering the air
take out calcium carbonate for the ma responding movements in 1904, but more under the grate bars, G, in the coke cham
terial of their shells-oyster, mussel , bar than 400,000 tons below those of 1903. ber, on the opposite side of the chamber
January, 1905. POWER II

from the passage through which the crude water . The steam is led or exhausted proportionately large surface presented to
gases enter from the producer so as to among the tubes , and the condensing the steam , readily and effectually absorbs
prevent the combustion of these gases. A water, being projected in minute sprays the heat of the steam surrounding it, and
steam connection S is also provided , so against the faces of the upper ends of the a smaller volume of water is required for
that both steam and air may be supplied tubes, gravitates into them , and passing the condensation of a given volume of
to the blower B. through them condenses the surrounding steam than is necessary with the ordinary
The bed of coke in the chamber C is ig- steam ; the water of condensation gravi- methods of condensation in jet or surface
nited and then rendered incandescent by tates to the lower end of the vessel, whence condensers.
the air blast . As the coke becomes ex- it is exhausted by a pump, and forced back " The head necessary for the injection of
hausted for purification purposes it is into the boiler or otherwise applied as the condensing water may be obtained
pushed down into the producer and fur- may be required. either gravitationally or by means of a
ther utilized as fuel along with the bitu- " In this manner a small volume of con- pump. In land service a sufficient head
minous coal . densing water in minute globules, within can be obtained in most towns and cities
The producer shown in Figs. 1 and 2 the small metal tubes , on account of the from the reservoirs of potable water. "
was designed by Mr. E. Hall - Brown and
its special feature is the passing of the un
fixed hydrocarbon gases through the fire a The Question of the Gas Turbine.
second time so as to fix them . The pro
ducer is provided with two sets of opposed
rocking grates, G, G, and the ordinary The success of the steam turbine has were allowed to pass into a turbine, say,
dumping hopper, H. Air or air and steam , led many engineers to expect success with of the Parsons type, the blades of the
to support combustion , is supplied below turbines impelled by gaseous products of turbine, even if they could be water
the grate by pipes, A and S. combustion . A gas engine using coal gas cooled sufficiently to stand the heat ( which
A pipe B fitted with a steam or air jet or producer gas, and having no recipro- is doubtful in the case of some of them ),
nozzle , extends from the interior of the cating parts, would be a very desirable would absorb such a quantity of heat
producer at its upper portion to branch prime mover if it had an efficiency equal energy from the gas as to leave compara
pipes, C, C , fitted with stop valves, and to that of existing gas engines of equal tively little for conversion into useful
leading to casings, D, D, extending along power. There are, however, formidable power. The expansion of the hot gases
two sides of the producer at about the difficulties in the way of producing such in divergent nozzles and the mixing of
grate level. The flow of steam or air a machine. With any gas engine, recip- them with a cooler fluid have been pro
from the jet nozzle ) draws off the vola- rocating or turbine, compression is neces- posed , with a view to reducing the tem
tile hydrocarbon gases from the upper sary in order to obtain a good efficiency ; perature of the gases before they reach
portion of the producer, and these gases and in reciprocating gas engines it has the turbine proper.
pass by the pipes, B, C, C, to the casings, been found ( as was to be expected from In De Laval steam turbines, the steam ,
D, D. From the casings a series of pas- theoretical considerations ) that the greater before coming into contact with the tur
sages lead the gases back into the pro- the compression , the greater the efficiency bine wheel, is expanded in divergent
ducer. The passages are arranged at va- until practical developments ( such as pre nozzles from the initial pressure-say, 200
rious levels so that the gases may be ad- ignition ) come in to prevent higher com- pounds per square inch - to approximately
mitted either at the level of, or above, or pression . Now the higher the compres- the exhaust pressure, which may be that
below the grate. Chambers K are formed sion, the more important is it to have of the atmosphere or of a good condenser.
in three of the walls of the producer, the efficient compression . A rotary compres This expansion is done - and done very
chambers in two opposite side walls com- sor which will be efficient for high pres- satisfactorily--in a single stage in diver
municating by passages K2 with the in- sures is therefore necessary before an gent nozzles which convert the available
terior of the producer at a level suitable efficient wholly -rotary gas engine can be heat energy (minus small losses due to
for the final discharge of the fixed gases produced. Now, we do not seem to have friction, etc. ) into kinetic energy. The
which pass off by an opening K3. As at present a satisfactory and efficient ro- steam issues with a very high velocity and
there is a considerable number of the pas- tary compressor which can deliver air at, a comparatively low temperature from
sages for ingress of the unfixed and egress say, 100 pounds per square inch . Turbine the nozzles and entering the turbine
of the fixed gases, strong local action is compressors, such as made by C. A. Par- buckets, drives the wheel. If we were to
prevented and the unfixed gases enter and sons & Co., in England, have much to be expand gaseous products of combustion in
the fixed gases leave the fuel bed uniform said for them , but unfortunately they do divergent nozzles the same as is done
ly throughout and in all directions. not seem to be efficient for high pres- with steam in De Laval steam turbines,
sures . we could with a suitable choice of work
Condensing Steam with Little Water. The heat losses in a gas turbine de- ing conditions obtain a temperature at the
mand serious consideration . Steam en- outlet ends of the nozzles such as a tur
“ Note on a Method of Condensing Steam tering a steam turbine, even with a fairly bine wheel could stand. Our knowledge
by Using Moderate Quanities of Water" high superheat, has a temperature very of the expansion of elastic fluids, other
is the subject of a paper presented by much below that existing in a gas-engine than steam , in divergent nozzles for use
Charles Haynes Haswell before the In- combustion chamber. Water -jacketing or with turbine wheels is, however, almost
stitution of Civil Engineers. The author other means are adopted in a reciprocat- nil ; and experiments must be made be
states : ing gas engine to keep the cylinder and fore we can say with confidence whether
“ An elongated cylindrical metallic ves- other parts from getting overheated ; and as good results may be expected with
sel or condenser, set in an inclined posi- a certain amount of heat is thus lost which gaseous products of combustion as can
tion , is filled with light copper, bronze or otherwise would have been converted into be obtained with steam .
lead tubes of small diameter, say 14 inch, useful work. The gas, however, taken as The mixture of the hot gaseous prod
disposed similarly to the tubes of an or- a whole, is not brought into very intimate ucts of combustion with water before use
dinary surface - condenser, but placed as contact with the artificially cooled parts. in a turbine would allow of the tempera
closely together as practicable, the length If, however, a mass of intensely hot gas, ture being very much reduced. Unless,
of the tubes being proportional to their such as usually exists in the center of an however, the ratio of water to gas were
diameter and to the difference of tempera- Otto engine combustion chamber just after very high, the temperature of the resultant
ture between the steam and the condensing the beginning of the expansion stroke, mixture would still be too great for it to
12 POWER January, 1906.

be suitable for use in a turbine unless that while the temperature of the gas as sorbed by the jacket water, which would
divergent nozzles were employed to re- measured by Dr. Lucke's method is higher render it worthless.
duce the temperature still further before than in piston expansion , the heat energy The question of a mixed turbine— that
the mixture was allowed to come into converted into the mechanical form is the is, one in which the gas is mixed with
contact with the rotating vanes. same in both cases. If this be true — and steam - presents rather a better future
If the proportion of added water to there is reason to believe it is — then , in than Mr. Neilson is inclined to accord to
products of combustion were great, then further agreement with Mr. Neilson's it ; it is difficult to agree with him in the
the fluid would be very much like super- views, the success or failure of the gas statement that even with the admixture
heated steam, which always contains, in turbine is almost solely dependent upon of steam it would be impossible to get
practical steam-engine work, a certain the design of an efficient high-pressure sufficiently low temperatures. Certainly,
amount of air. The turbine could then rotary compressor, though the possibility if sufficient steam were mixed with the
be built like any of the common forms of of a simple and successful explosive gas- products of combustion , the temperature
steam turbine, and a condenser could be engine cycle must not be overlooked. could be brought sufficiently low for use
employed. The non- condensable gases Another point which has been over- even in a reaction turbine, and surely in a
would have to be removed by an air looked in Mr. Neilson's discussion is the turbine with one stage and giving com
pump ; and the power to drive this air fact that in a gas turbine all the heat of plete expansion in the nozzles. Further,
pump, which might be very considerable, combustion of the fuel passes through the since there is an initial gain of about 20
would have to be taken into considera- turbine, thus making about 20 per cent. per cent. over the steam turbine, for the
tion . more heat available than in the steam reason already stated , there seems to be
The gas-turbine problem is an interest- turbine, since even in the best of boilers no reason to resort to condensation. Even
ing subject to all engineers and a fascinat- the heat carried up the stack by the prod- though a large proportion of steam were
ing one to many . Numerous inventive ucts of combustion will amount to at least added, the proportion of non-condensable
minds are engaged on the question, at- this figure ; there is, moreover, the saving gases would still be so great that the size
tempting to overcome the formidable ob- which would result due to smaller radia- of the air pump and the considerable
stacl in the way of ' success ; and a few tion and condensation losses. Of course, power required to drive it would leave
more years may — only the very optimistic the gas engine has these same advantages ; little, if any, commercial gain . What
will say more than “ may ” -- present us but, on the other hand, it is impossible to would be better, and probably give nearly
with a successful gas turbine. expand down to much below about 50 as good, if not better, results, would be to
pounds per square inch, whereas in the pass the exhaust from the turbine through
gas turbine it is possible to expand down an atmospheric condenser in which the
Commentary on Mr. Neilson's Article. to practically the pressure of the atmos- feed- water for the turbine could be
BY HENRY F. SCHMIDT. phere. Hence, for a given initial pres- brought to a temperature corresponding to
sure, the temperature range, and conse- the pressure at which it was worked, and
In agreement with the foregoing article quently the efficiency, of the gas turbine in the same manner the air and the fuel ,
by Mr. R. M. Nelson, it must be admitted should be considerably higher than that of if it were liquid or gaseous, could be pre
that our knowledge of the laws governing the gas engine. It will be evident, how- heated, thus utilizing a large part of the
the free expansion of perfect gases is ever, that this will not apply to the gas heat in the exhaust and giving a corre
rather limited, though it cannot be said turbine in which water vapor is mixed sponding gain in the efficiency. A turbine
that it is nil. There have been several with the products of combustion to keep based on this principle is even now not
quite complete experiments made on this the temperature down to that which is ad- out of reach, and a certain large company
subject by one or two of the manufactur- missible in the turbine, for in this case building steam turbines and working along
ers of steam turbines, to which may be the latent heat of evaporation of the water these lines claims to have obtained results
added those of Dr. C. E. Lucke, made with will be lost, materially reducing the ap- which compare favorably with the per
De Laval nozzles , though all these experi parent advantages. formance of the best steam turbines—and
ments were made with the gases at com this with a machine which the builders
In regard to the high temperatures, it
paratively low temperatures. Dr. Lucke's may be said that without the addition of have brought to practically a commercial
experiments seem to show that the tem water vapor to the products of combus- footing.
perature drop when the gas is expanded tion, it is doubtful whether, even with a
in a turbine nozzle is only a small fraction De Laval turbine wheel and complete ex The American Shipbuilder states that
of the drop were the gas expanded behind pansion down to atmospheric pressure in the Canadian steamer " Arctic, ” which is
a piston in an engine between the same the nozzles, it would be possible to get a making an extended voyage toward the
pressures. He was therefore led to the
material that would be capable of with North Pole, is provided with a novel elec
conclusion that the expansion was not standing the erosion of the issuing gases tric - light installation . Since fuel cannot
adiabatic, and that since it would be im at so high a temperature. Even with an be obtained for the generation of steam ,
possible to utilize the heat energy of the initial pressure of, say, 200 pounds per and as the ship will have to spend many
gas which would be available if the ex square inch, and an initial temperature of months in darkness, it was decided to in
pansion had been adiabatic, it would be 2,400 degrees Fahr. , the temperature of stall an air - compressor plant operated by
impossible to construct a gas turbine
the exhaust, with expansion down to at a windmill. The compressed air is used
which would have a reasonable commer mosphere, would still be about 850 de to drive the generators , which in turn fur
cial efficiency. He did not say, however, grees Fahr., which is higher than the rish current for charging the storage bat
that a gas turbine in which the gas was blades of a single wheel , running at the teries used for lighting the vessel .
mixture practical
cooled toof asteam not work. by
wouldtemperature the speed it would have to have, could with
stand . It is evident that the Parsons , or More than 10 per cent. of the power
inalthough the apparent temperature drop
the nozzle when a gas is employed does reaction, type of turbine, owing to the ex used in cotton, worsted, woolen and silk
not correspond to adiabatic expansion in pansion taking place within the moving mills in this country is supplied through
a cylinder, there are mathematical con blades, as well as the guide-blades ( or electric motors.
siderations which point to a possibility nozzles, as they may be rightfully called ) ,
that the expansion of a gas in a divergent could not be built to work as a pure gas The amount of water-power utilized
'nozzle is actually very nearly adiabatic, turbine, and if it were possible by water- in the world for the creation of electric
except for the disturbances of the friction jacketing to keep the parts sufficiently energy is estimated to be 1,500,000 horse
of the gas on the walls of the nozzle , and cool , practically all the heat would be ab power .
January, 1905 . POWER 13

An Air- Compressor Test. and keep the air pressure constant. While it still retained its high temperature , the
the speed is increasing the steam cylinders efficiencies given would be the real effi
are supplying energy to the heavy fly- ciencies. There are two ways in which
There is such a scarcity of material wheel, as well asto the air cylinders. This this correction can be made . The high
extra energy will not be shown on the and low -pressure cards can be combined
showing actual results of tests of air com cards taken on the air cylinders, but will and an isothermal compression curve at
pressors in service that this brief sum- be shown onthesteam cards. Hence, the 60 degrees can be plotted, beside the com
marization of a test made by the writer, apparent efficiencyobtained from the indi- pression curve of the indicator cards.
and V. E. Goodwin , may be of interest.
The test was made at the Chicago & Great cator
When cards taken isat decreasing
the speed this time will
the be low. Such a curve applied to the high -pressure
reverse card is shown by the inner dotted line AD
Western Railway shops at Oelwein, Iowa. of Fig. 4. The area between this curve
The compressor tested was of the well is, of course, true .
By taking the average efficiency as ob- and the true compression curve represents
known compound two-stage type, manu
tained from a good many sets of cards the extra power which must be supplied
factured by the Ingersoll-Sergeant Drill taken at regular intervals, the above diffi- and which reduces the ultimate efficiency.
Company, rated at 150 horse -power, when culty was overcome and a result very Another method is to consider the me
operating under 125 pounds steam pres. closely approximating the correct value chanical equivalent of the heat units which
sure, compressing the air to 90 pounds. It
operates all air tools and appliances such
as are usually found in a well-equipped
railroad shop. The sizes of the cylinders
are as follows :
High-pressure steam cylinder, 14 inches
diameter. Awer, N.Y.
Low-pressure stea cylinder, 26 inches FIG. I. FIG. 3 .
diameter .
was obtained . The efficiencies given in the must be given up by the air in order to
Low -pressure air cylinder, 22/4 inches third column of the table are those ob reduce its temperature to 60 degrees. In
diameter. tained by comparison of the indicator cards this instance, an average of 495 cubic
High-pressure air cylinder, 1474 inches
diameter. directly, and the cubic feet of free air feet of free air per minute were reduced
delivered per minute is given as air at the 181 60 = 121 degrees Fahr. The
Length of stroke, 16 inches. inlet temperature of 10 degrees Fahr.
The speed of the compressor was gov specific heat of air at constant volume
erned automatically, so as to keep the air The steam consumption per indicated being .1689, the B. t. u. given out per
pressure in the receiver as near 90 pounds horse-power hour was found to be 66 minute were
pounds . This is excessive and an inspec- 495 X 121
as possible. of a card of the high-pressure steam x .1689 817, or 19.2 horse
In testing the compressor for efficiency, tion
cylind er will show the cause. Fig. 3 12.38 7
indicator cards of all cylinders were taken shows such a card for a total load of power.
simultaneously at 15-minute intervals for 91.1 indicated horse-power. At this load This reduces the average efficiency from
aperiod of several hours. Below indicated
is given the low-pressure card only 19.9 efficiency
72.1 per cent. to 48 per cent. The cooling
a table of the data obtained from these horse-power, leaving 71.2 horse-power to
cards, which is of interest in that it shows be developed in the high-pressure cylin Heat absorbed
how the load on an air compressor used Heat of compression = 50 per cent .
der. The average total indicated load of
for this class of work varies in short inter- 81.7 horse-power was distributed with the The efficiency of the cylinder jacket for
vals of time. high-pressure cylinder carrying 64.2 horse cooling may be readily determined from
AIR - COMPRESSOR TEST TABLE . power, the low-pressure cylinder carry the indicator cards. Thus, referring to

18.6 36.6 75.4 44.5 91 166 304
45.6 34.3 75.3 42 90 159 287
75.4 54.5 72.5 65 89 167
70.8 87 174 624 Power , N.Y. Power , N )
91.9 65.0 77.5
68.8 49.0 71.3 58.5 92 180 400 FIG . 2. FIG . 4.
86.2 61.3 71.31 73 88 182 498
98.4 69.6 70.9 83 88 186 567
4.4 61.0 72.4 73 90 184 498 ing only 17.5 horse -power. With a proper Fig. 4, A B represents the adiabatic com
63 90 185 431
70.9 52.3
80 190 547
distribution of the load between the two pression curve. Hence the area ABD
89.1 73.5 80
101.6 74.5 73.4 100 70 175 684 cylinders, the steam consumption could be represents the total heat generated in the
107.0 72.0 67.3 96 70 168 656
126.8 87.0 68.7 104 87 180 711 reduced high -pressure cylinder, while the area
In Fig. I and Fig. 2 are shown typical A B C represents the heat abstracted by
38.7 44.5 76.0 64.5 86 192 372
cards of the high-pressure air cylinder. the jacket. Then ,
52.2 37.0 71.0 46 94 185
Fig. I is an average card , while Fig. 2 area ABC
shows a card taken with the pressure in jacket-cooling efficiency area ABD
the receiver reduced to 70 pounds .
81.7 58.4 72.1 71.5 87 181 495 In making calculations on compressors During the test this averaged about 30
it is usual to consider the final tempera per cent., showing that the jacket was of
The efficiency of an air compressor ture of the air as 60 degrees. It will fall considerable use in keeping the air cool .
which has such a variable speed cannot, of to whatever temperature the surrounding As the cooling water flowed at a constant
course, be obtained by taking one or two atmosphere is, anyway, and for unity that rate through the jackets and intercooler,
sets of cards. Suppose a sudden drain is taken at 60 degrees. This, of course, when the compressor was operating at
were to come on the air receiver, lowering will give a lower efficiency than those high speeds the cooling efficiency was
its pressure. The compressor immediately given in the table. If the air could be lower and the final temperature higher
begins to speed up to supply the demand used directly from the compressor while than for lower speeds .
14 POWER January, 1906.
Felling a Large Chimney.

At the works of A. Koppel, Ltd., of

Bochum, Germany, a large chimney had
recently to be felled, as a junction track
was to be reconstructed. The preparatory
work consisted in withdrawing part of the
masonry from the base and replacing it
by wood struts on the eastern side be
tween the railway dam and the junction
track, where the chimney was to drop.
The masonry in the base was withdrawn
stepwise and replaced by wood struts,
while large amounts of readily combusti
ble matter, especially straw, were heaped
up within the base.
Fig. 2 shows how, the combustible mat
ter being lighted, the chimney is turning
slowly eastward, breaking into three parts
on its way down, as shown in Fig. 3. In


Fig. 4 are shown the debris of the turned

over chimney.
The work was performed without any
disturbance or irregularity, and lasted
somewhat less than two seconds from the
instant the chimney began turning over.
The chimney dropped accurately in the
direction calculated. -American Machinist.

The engineer at the Marquette County

Gas, Light & Traction Company's power
house, Negaunee, Mich ., was killed re
cently by contact with a live wire on the
switchboard. He was hunting trouble in
the lighting system and accidentally
touched the wire with his hand.

The Manufacturers' Record, of Balti

more, has removed its editorial and busi
ness offices from its long -time location, at
North and Lexington streets , to the Mer
chants' National Bank Building, Water
street, Baltimore, where it occupies the
January, 1905. POWER 15

A Big Stack with Novel Features. ing upward 25 feet to form the beginning a height of 275 feet was reached ; from
of the steel framework which supports the that point to the top thirty uprights were
Recently there was completed at the concrete walls of the stack. This frame- used. These vertical sections were lapped
Butte, Mont., reduction works a large steel work was extended , as the work of con- 2 feet at joints.
and concrete stack , 352 feet 7 inches high , creting went forward, to the top of the The upright bars are held in position by
which possesses unique features. For the stack, the number of uprights used being horizontal sections riveted to them, after
sub- base the ground, a natural washed- reduced by 20 each succeeding 10 feet until the manner of steel-construction practice,
and on the outside of the frame, from base
to top, ixi-inch T-iron rings were wired
to the horizontal bars. For the first 21 feet
the rings were laid one foot apart, and
from thence to the top three feet apart.
The concrete was molded around this
steel structure by means of sectional molds,
each 372 feet high . Two sets of molds
were used on the inside, to complete the
circle, and two on the outside, forming in
ner and outer rings, between which was
dumped the concrete as fast as it was ele
vated in buckets for the purpose. The con
crete was thoroughly tamped all around the
steel for the first 21 feet in height, the wail
being 18 inches thick up to this point. There
are two 8x17- foot inlets to this section of
the stack, ore on each side.
Above the 18-inch wall to the height of
1011/2 feet above the base the stack is built
with a double shell, the outer shell being 9
inches thick and the inner shell 5 inches,
with aa 4-inch air- space between the shells,
air being admitted through portholes at the
bottom of the outer shell. Beyond 1017/2
feet the outer shell is carried to the top
with a thickness of 7 inches, being offset
2 inches, leaving the top of the air- space
open all around on the inside of the stack.
The principal dimensions of the stack
are : Surface area of the foundation, 10 ,
FIG. 3. THE CHIMNEY FALLING, 000 square feet; area of concrete base, 1,806
sand deposit, was excavated for a depth of
7 feet, and in this excavation a box was
built of cast- iron plates, the box being 100
feet square and 3 feet deep. Into this box
was poured molten slag, in combination
with layers of steel-wire rope, chain and
T-rails, and seventy tons of scrap-iron and
steel refuse, the whole making a solid block
of the dimensions given. There are six of
these slag blocks, each 3 feet high, each
block being stepped in from the outer edges
of the one below it 3 1-3 feet, thus forming
a pyramidal foundation 18 feet deep and
66 2-3 feet square on the top. The weight
of the sub -base is 12,800 tons.
The foundation of the stack is 422 feet
square, 5 feet high at the sides and 874
feet high in the center, the top being shaped
like the frustum of a pyramid. It consists
of a block of Portland cement, sand and
crushed slag, stiffened by four layers of
114x1 /4 -inch T-iron, two layers being par
allel to opposite sides of the block and two
extending diagonally. This block was built
up around 500 bars of 19/4x1 /4 - inch T-steel,
the bars having been vertically set in the
concrete in a circle corresponding to the
size of the base of the stack . These bars
were bent outwardly at their lower ends,
forming a structure resembling the roots of
a tree , the upper ends of the bars project FIG . 4. THE CHIMNEY FELLED.
16 POWER January, 1906 .
square feet ; outside diameter of stack at Rheostatic non - inductive , including all 9 x 7 running at 360 revolutions per min
auxiliaries, which include a steam
base, 21 feet ; outside diameter of upper driven exciter, but do not include boiler ute.
feed pump.
shell , 19 feet 2 inches ; inside diameter at Commercial run , average real kw., 262.7— In this plant there are also installed
31.7 lbs. steam per kw.-h. : three tandem - compound condensing Rus
base, 18 feet ; inside diameter at top, 18 Including all auxiliaries, including boiler
feet; height of slag above surface, 11 feet ; feed pump . sell engines belted to three alternators.
height of concrete base, 874 feet ; height of The above results are corrected for step- The boiler house is equipped with three
stack, 333 1-3 feet ; total height of stack bearing overflow and condenser leakage. 345 horse -power Stirling water-tube
above surface, 352 feet 7 inches ; elevation After applying corrections for conden boilers.
of top of stack above sea level, 5,791.3 feet. ser leakage, step-bearing overflow, quality
There were used in the construction of of steam, initial steam pressure, and
the stack 60 tons of T- steel , 1,500 barrels of vacuum ( 2-inch absolute back pressure ) , The quality of the steam was obtained
Utah Portland cement and 1,400 tons of the following results were obtained : by the employment of a Carpenter throt
sand. The weight of the stack is as fol- Half load , 250 kw. - 24.29 lbs . steam per tling calorimeter, installed between the
kw . - h .:
lows : Slag foundation, 12,800 tons ; con- Rheostatic non -inductive. throttle valve and the turbine. Ther
Full load, 499 kw .-20.54 lbs. steam per
mometers were inserted in the turbine ex
crete base, 1,000 tons ; chimney, 1,475 tons. kw . - h .:

This is believed to be the largest and high- Overload , 22.2 % , 611 kw . – 20.19 lbs. steam haust, in the circulating water, inlet and
est concrete chimney in the world. per kw..h . ': outlet, in hot well and in heater. The steam
Rheostatic non - inductive. gage was placed at the inlet of the turbine
For the above description we are indebted Commercial run , average real kw . , 262.7—
to Mr. A. J. Hill , of Anaconda, Mont. 23.89 lbs. steam per kw.-h. between the throttle and the turbine. A
Commercial run , non - condensing, average real barometer was employed and the vacuum
kilowatts, 226.5-58.00 lbs. steam per
read by both mercury column and gage.
Interesting Test of a Curtis Steam The coal consumption during the commer The thermometers were all calibrated for
cial run was 5.43 pounds per kilowatt-hour .
Turbine. Evaporation per pound of coal, 6.23 pounds .
freezing and boiling point. The barometer
The coal analysis is as follows : was of the aneroid type, calibrated and
Moisture . 1.71 %
We have received from H. M. Bylles Volatile combustible matter 30.51 % carefully compared with the barometer of
by & Co. , engineers, Chicago, Ill., the Fixed
Ash .
carbon 57.13 % the United States Weather Bureau, of
10.65 %
following interesting economy test of a Chicago .
500 -kilowatt Curtis steam turbine installed Total ..... . 100.00 %
All platform scales for weighing the
Volatile sulphur . . 1.90 %
in the Oshkosh , Wis., Gas Light Com Ash sulphur .. .14 % water and coal were carefully calibrated
pany's plant. The test was made after with a 50 -pound standard government
2.04 %
the turbine had been in commercial oper Heat value, 12,647 British thermal units, weight. The steam gages were all care
ation about four months, and it is be- determined by Parr calorimeter. fully tested with a Crosby dead- weight
lieved that all the runs made were of DESCRIPTION OF PLANT. tester. The electrical readings were made
sufficient duration to make the results con by 15 -minute ammeter and voltmeter read
sistent and to eliminate the probability of The turbine is what is known as the ings, indicating wattmeter readings and
radical errors. Particular attention is standard two-stage Curtis turbine manu an hourly recording integrating Thompson
called to the twelve-hour commercial run , factured by the General Electric Company wattmeter. All the electrical instruments
the results of which are of value inas and has a capacity of 500 kilowatts, the were carefully calibrated
the Chicago
much as during this run the turbine was generator being three-phase 60-cycle, 2,300 laboratory of the Generalin Electric Com
volts. This turbine is connected to a
operating on the regular station load at pany .
a very poor load factor. standard 2,000 - square- foot Worthington The non-inductive loads were obtained
As ' the final results of this afford the surface condenser ; the circulating water artificially by the emersion of three sheets
greatest interest, they are given first, as is supplied by an 8-inch Worthington cen- of metal in the Fox River, which runs by
follows : trifugal pump driven by a 6 x 6 George the power house. Each sheet of metal was
Half load, 250 kw.-25.99 lbs. steam per
Blake engine direct- coupled ; the dry- connected with the engine-room by a rope
kw.-h. :
Average barometer . 29.40 in.
vacuum pump is a Worthington 6 x 10 x and pulley, so that each pole could be
26.79 in. 12 ; the hot-well pump is a 1 / 2 -inch two readily manipulated
vacuum .
initial steam pressure..150.00 lb. stage Worthington centrifugal pump di- electrical instrumentsbyin the
orderreader of the
to keep the
Average quality of steam .. 98.20 %
Full load , " 499 kw . - 22.64 lbs . steam per rect-connected to a General Electric 2 load at a certain point and balanced. The
kw.-h. :
Average barometer . 28.97 in . kilowatt three-phase motor. water meter employed in the non - condens
Average vacuum . 26.40 in .
Average initial steam pressure . 141.75 lb. The step-bearing is of the latest water ing run was of the Worthington hot-water
quality of steam .
Average 22.2 % , 611 kw .-- 22.28 lbs. steam
98.20 % cooled type, water being furnished to this type and calibrated before installation .
per kw .-h .: step by one of two Worthington double The run designated as commercial run
Average barometer . 29.01 in .
Average vacuum . 26.40 in . acting pumps 4/2 x 1/2 x 4 ; these pumps was a twelve-hour run beginning at 10:30
Average initial steam pressure . 142.20 lb. furnish water at a pressure of approxi- A. M., and ending at 10:30 P. M. During
Average quality of steam . 98.20 %
Commercial run , average real kw ., 262.7- mately 300 pounds and are connected in this run, nothing was operated except the
26.34 lbs. steam per kw. - h.:
Average barometer ... 29.24 in . multiple with a water accumulator to fur steam turbine and the load varied from a
Average vacuum . 26.29 in.
Average initial steam pressure.146.00 lb. nish water for the step in case the pumps minimum of 144 real kilowatts average for
Average quality of steam ....... 98.20 %
give out. The top oil bearing is furnished one hour to a maximum of 352 real kilo
The above results are corrected for step- with oil by a gravity oil system, the oil watts for an average of one hour. Aver
bearing overflow and condenser leakage.
The one - half, full and 122.2 % loads are
tank being supplied by two 2 x 1/4 x 274 age power factor during run 77.77 % ;
rheostatic and non -inductive and measured at
the switchboard . Blake double- acting pumps. The circu minimum power factor 62.4 % , and maxi
Half load , 250 kw.-29.23 lbs . steam per
kw . - h .:
lating water is obtained from the Fox mum power factor 86.8 % .
Rheostatic non- inductive, including all River , which runs past the plant at a dis
auxiliaries , which include a steam RUNS .
driven exciter, but do not include boller tance of seventy-five feet. The level of the
feed pump.
Full load , 499 kw . - 24.78 lbs . steam per river remains practically constant the year The first run designated as above as
kw.ch , :
Rheostatic ' non - inductive, including all
around. The excitation was obtained half-load rheostatic non - inductive, 250
auxiliaries, which include a steam- from a 20 kilowatt direct -current Gen- kilowatts , was made February 23, 1905.
driven exciter, but do not include boiler
feed pump. eral Electric 125 - volt generator direct- and had a duration of four hours from
Overload , 22.2 % . 611 kw . -23.69 lbs . steam connected to a General Electric marine set 1:15 P. M. until 5:15 P. M.
per kw .- h :

32 RP,
5 .M





Revolutions per Minute


Length of Stroke
Power, N.Y.
.- ower
.17 ee
January, 1906. POWER 17

The result at half load stated in the a closed heater and carefully weighed. Starting with 100 pounds gage pressure
first group of results, included an addi- All the condensation of the steam con- on the upper vertical line read across to
tion for excitation current of 34.8 amperes sumed by the turbine was pumped from the left to " 74 cut-off," then down to 12
at 125 volts. The exciter was driven by the hot well to the weighing barrels and inch " diameter of cylinder," then across to
steam , but as the excitation would ordi- dumped into a receiving tank. the right to 18- inch " length of stroke,"
narily be obtained by motor generator, it It will be noted that the barometer was then upward to 150 “ revolutions per min
was assumed that the excitation was 5.72 comparatively low, being not far from ute," then across to the left to the middle
kilowatts, allowing an efficiency of 76% twenty-nine inches during the test. The vertical line and read 82.5 indicated horse
for the motor generator and static vacuum was not as good as it should have power as a result .
transformers. This kilowattage was mul- been , owing to the bad condition of the If the mean effective pressure is known,
tiplied by the amount of steam taken by dry-vacuum pump. The temperature of as when it is obtained from an indicator
1 the turbine per kilowatt-hour at this load the exhaust of the turbine running con- diagram, the first quadrant of the chart is
and this result divided by the total load densing was about 105 degrees Fahr.; the omitted and the calculation commences
in kilowatts gave the quantity of steam circulating water inlet about 35 degrees with the “mean effective pressure" line and
chargeable to the turbine for excitation . Fahr., and discharge about 62 degrees continues as directed above.
The run designated as full load was Fahr. The pressure was not carried quite EXAMPLE : To find the horse - power for
made under similar conditions as that des- to 150 pounds , which is the regular work- the same engine operating condensing :
igrated as half load. The result for full ing pressure of the station , for the reason Starting with 100 pounds gage pressure
load , as given in the first group of results, that the safety valves were set very close and reading across to “ 7/4 cut-off," find
was corrected for excitation in the same to this limit and it was feared that they 53.5 pounds "mean effective pressure" on
manner. The overload and commercial might blow and seriously burn the oper- the “ non - condensing mean effective pres
runs were similarly corrected. The over- ators engaged in weighing the water sure ” line. Follow downward and paral
load run lasted for one hour and one- nearby . lel to the diagonals to the " condensing
half and was made on March 28 as a con- The plant will soon be operated with a mean effective pressure" line, find 65.5
tination of the four -hour full -load run, notor -driven exciter, but at the time of the “ mean effective pressure, " then continue
and the commercial run was made on Feb- test it was not installed and the test was vertically to 12-inch " diameter of cylin
TU TX 24 and lasted for a period of twelve therefore made with a steam driven exciter. der” across to 18 - inch “ length of stroke,”
hours . In giving the first set of results, the up to 150 “ revolutions per minute," and
The third group of readings, as noted, turbine was charged with the full excita- across , and read 101 indicated horse
were corrected for step-bearing over- flow tion current used by the turbine generator power on the vertical line as a result.
and condenser leakage, like all the other and the switchboard rheostat for the EXAMPLE : Assume that the boiler
readings, and for quality of steam, steam reason that these results were regarded as pressure is limited to 80 pounds gage
pressure, vacuum and exciter, but in this commercial runs. The steam equivalent of pressure and 125 indicated horse-power is
instance the exciter correction neglected this excitation was obtained by dividing desired operating at about 74 cut-off non
the amount of excitation consumed in the the kilowatts thus obtained by seventy -six, condensing at 200 revolutions per minute.
switchboard rheostat. as this was regarded as the combined ef- Starting with 80 pounds gage pressure,
n -condensing
The run designated as non ficiency of the motor generators and read across to "94 cut- off ” and call this
lasted for a period of three hours and the transformers that would regularly be em- point A , then read from 125 indicated
steam consumption was determined by a ployed. In the third set or final corrected horse - power to 200 “ revolutions per min
Worthington hot-water meter.. results, the actual watts consumed in the ute " and call this point B, then drop down
CORRECTIONS. field only were charged to the turbine. vertically from A and B. A horizontal
In making corrections for moisture a line through the intersection of the ver
constant was used equal to double the tical line from A and any " diameter of
Horse-Power Chart. cylinder " will intersect the vertical line
percentage of moisture in the steam as in through B at a point which will determine
dicated by the throttling calorimeter. The BY N. A. CARLE.
the proper “ length of stroke" for these
moisture in the steam was about one and
eight - tenths per cent., so that a correction
a To find the horse-power of an engine conditions. In this example start down
of three and six - tenths per cent. was ap- the mean effective pressure, diameter, ward from A and B together and it will
plied . The correction for variation in in- stroke and number of revolutions per be found that a horizontal line through
itial steam pressure was made on the minute must be known . the intersection of the vertical line
basis of one and one-half per cent. in- The mean effective pressure may be cal- through A with 13- inch “diameter of cyl
crease in steam consumption for every five culated approximately from the initial inder” will meet the intersection of 22 - inch

pounds below 150 pounds initial pressure. pressure and point of cut -off. " length of stroke " with the vertical line
The steam consumpton was reduced to The accompanying chart enables one to through B, so that a 13 -inchx22 - inch en

what it would have been at two- inch ab- find the mean effective pressure for a gine will be the correct size.
17 ee

solute back pressure and a variation of given initial pressure and point of cut- off If a 14- inch “ diameter of cylinder" is a
steam consumption of one and one- fourth and the horse- power which would be stock size, the change in cut-off can read
pounds per kilowatt-hour per inch of developed under these conditions with an ily be determined by reading across to the
vacuum was allowed . engine of given size and speed ; or to find left from the intersection of 22 - inch
The leakage factor was determined be- what size of engine would be required to “ length of stroke " and the vertical line
fore and after each test by circulating the develop a given horse -power at a given through B to 14-inch " diameter of cylin
water through the condenser under full pressure, point of cut-off and speed ; or der, " and then up to the intersection of
vacuum and by measuring the leakage in how fast a given engine must be run, or
the hot well. These results were averaged at what point it would have to cut off this line with 80 pounds gage pressure,
and the average correction applied . The
to develop a given horse-power. giving a result slightly more than 1-5
overflow of the step -bearing into the con- EXAMPLE : To find the horse -power of a cut-off.
denser hot well was determined in a sim- 12- inch diameter 18 -inch -stroke engine, op- Familiarity with the chart will suggest
ilar manner. erating non-condensing, at 100 pounds many other applications and enable the
The condensation of all the steam con- boiler pressure, 14 cut-off, running 150 user to read off the factor sought almost
sumed by the auxiliaries was collected in revolutions per minute : at a glance.
18 POWER January, 1906 .

Compound Air Compression . end of the stroke, practically none of the

cylinder wall is exposed except on the in
BY LUCIUS I. WIGHTMAN . take side of the piston ; if the head is
jacketed, it alone exerts any cooling in
It is well known that the heating of air here is not elsewhere wasted in whole or fluence. Furthermore, throughout the
produces an increase in its volume, what- part. After long experience, bitter alike stroke only the outside layer of the air
ever the source of the heat. The heat pro- to makers and users , modern practice in can be in contact with the cold surface
duced in a cylinder by compression acts compressor design recognizes only two and, air being a poor conductor of heat,
to expand the air in that cylinder, what- practical methods of removing the heat of none of the heat from the interior of the
ever the speed or rate of compression. In compression ; jacket cooling and intercool- air volume is dissipated in the cooling
effect this is equivalent to an increase in ing. These will be considered in order. water.
the volume of air to be compressed and Cylinder jacketing is advisable and
delivered. This in turn calls for an increase even essential for keeping the metal of the
in the power, to compress this apparently working parts at a low temperature, pre
added volume of air ; or, to put it differ 61 Lbs. venting the caking of lubricant upon the
ently, the heat of compression, in increas cylinder walls, and other evils of a hot
machine. But it cannot of itself be con

Speed 86 R.P.M.
Adi sidered as an adequate solution of the
Vol.Ed. , 87
her problem of cooling during compression .
Is However, in constructions involving the
use of a piston inlet tube and valve, not
only the barrels, but the heads and dis
charge valves are chilled ; and the piston
and tube themselves are kept relatively
cold. The air enters through a cold pass
13.5 Lbs , Abs, Atmos . 14.7 Lbs. Abs.
age, is in contact on all sides with cold
metal, and the maximum effects obtainable
from jacketing alone are secured.
0.0 Lbs ,Abs. Intercooling. - If, at each of several
Power , N.} . points in the stroke the piston should be
FIG. I. INDICATOR CARD FROM SINGLE- STAGE COMPRESSOR . stopped for a moment and the air, already
partially compressed and heated, be with
ing the volume of air, makes it necessary Jacket Cooling .--A brief consideration drawn long enough to be cooled by some
to carry the air to a higher mean effective of the conditions will show that jacketed external means to its initial temperature
pressure in the cylinder, in order to secure barrel cooling alone can be only a partial and then returned to the cylinder to be
finally the required volume of air at the and very unsatisfactory solution of the further compressed, it is evident that a
required pressure after its temperature problem of removing the heat developed fairly uniform temperature could be main
has fallen to that of the surrounding at L , P.Cyl. 11.P.Cyl .
mosphere, requiring, therefore, an excess Mum
of power. A consideration of these facts
suggests that if some means be provided
M.E.P. 15,71 M.E.P. 43.4
for removing the heat of compression as Atmos,

fast as it is produced , there will be an im Speed 100 R.P.M.

Atmos .

portant reduction in the power required to Vol. Eff . 96

raise a given weight or volume of air to a
given pressure .
When air is compressed in a cylinder 85 Lbs.i

without the removal or escape of any of


the heat produced , the compression is



known as " adiabatic.” When compression


is carried on in such a way that heat is

removed as fast as produced , the compres
sion is “ isothermal.” In the first case the
air delivered under pressure will be at the
23 Lbs.
high terminal temperature corresponding
to that pressure. In the second, the com
pressed air will have the same tempera 14.4 Lbs . Abs. Atmos. 14.7 Lbs. Abs .
ture at which it entered the cylinder. 90- -
Adiabatic compression is the kind which 0.0 Lbs. Abs .
Power , N.Y.
all pneumatic engineers seek to avoid,
while isothermal compression is the im FIG. 2 . INDICATOR CARD FROM TWO - STAGE COMPRESSOR 6- A .
possible ideal. The actual results secured
in the best compressors are intermediate by compression. With the piston at the tained in the air volume throughout the
between these, but nearer to the adiabatic. beginning of its stroke, the maximum cold range of pressures from initial to ter
Other things being equal, the economy cylinder surface is exposed and the cylin- minal. The result would be in effect
of an air compressor depends on the pro- der is filled with air at its lowest pressure nearly that of isothermal compression.
and temperature. As the piston advances, Evidently mechanical considerations for
portion of the heat of compression which
is removed as developed. Compressor pressure and temperature increase, while bid in practice such repeated starting and
efficiency, therefore, may be said to de- the effective area of cooling surface stopping of the piston ; but the same re
pend upon the effectiveness of the cooling diminishes ; and when the maximum pres- sults may be secured by carrying on the
devices adopted, provided what is gained sure and těmperature are attained near the process of compression in several cyliu
January, 1905. POWER

ders, in the first of which a certain low In a compound air compressor, correctly been made. It remains to discuss in detail
pressure is reached and the air at this designed, the cylinder ratios are such that some of the more important and specific
pressure discharged through a cooling de- the final temperature and total mean effec- advantages arising from stage compres
vice to a second cylinder ; there it is com- tive pressure are respectively the same in sion.
pressed to a still higher pressure and is all cylinders, and all pistons are, therefore, Reduced Power. – The accompanying
discharged through another cooler to a equally loaded. The air compressed in the table ( 1 ) gives the theoretical percentage
third cylinder for further compression ; first cylinder to a pressure determined by of work lost in the heat of compression
and so on , until the required terminal the cylinder ratios is discharged through in one, two and four stages, at various
pressure is secured. Such a process, de- the outlet valves to an intercooler, where pressures. In these figures no account is
veloped to a practical working basis, is it is split up into thin streams passing over taken of jacket cooling, for the reasons
the method of compression in multi -stage cold surfaces. The best practice provides already stated ; nor is any allowance made
cylinders which has become practically a nest of tubes through which cold water for certain inevitable mechanical losses.
standard in air - compressor work for the circulates, and over and between which the Taking a specific example, the saving by
higher pressues . stream of air passes, complete breaking -up compounding strikingly appears. Assume
Multi-Stage Compression . - Theoretical- and subdivision of the stream being that compressed air is to be delivered at
ly, there is a gain in compound compres- secured by baffle plates and the tubes a pressure of 100 pounds, and a rate equiv
themselves. A properly designed inter- alent to 100 final effective horse-power.
cooler having sufficient cooling area for Referring to the table, in the second col
the volume of air may reduce the tem- umn the theoretical percentage of lost
M.E.P. 47.2 perature of the air compressed in the first work in one-stage compression is given at
cylinder to at least outgoing water tem- 38 per cent. ; but, because there is bound
Atmos .
perature. From the intercooler this air, to be some radiation of heat , this value
Speed 108 R.P.M.
entering the second cylinder cold , is com- will not be found in practice and 30 per
pressed to a higher pressure and again cent, may be assumed as a good practical
L.P.Cyl. reaches a temperature nearly the same as value for the loss under average condi
that attained in the first cylinder. In two- tions . On this basis it is found, in the
stage machines this air will be discharged present case, that to deliver 100 horse



M.E.P. 15,7
One Stage. Two Stage. Four Stage.
Power , N.Y.
VOL.Eif , 93.8

Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of


FIG. 3. CARDS FROM COMPRESSOR 9 - A . Work lost in work lost in work lost in work lost in work lost in work lost in
terms of terms of terms of terms of terms of terms of
Isothermal Adiabatic Isothermal Adiabatic Isothermal Adiabatic
sion , whatever the pressure. But with low Compression . Compression . Compression . Compression. Compression. Compression.
pressures the saving is so small as to be
offset by the greater expense and compli 60 .. 30 . 23 . 13.38 11.8 4.65 4.45
cation involved in several cylinders and 80 . 34 . 25.26 15.12 13.12 5.04 4.80
100 . 38 . 27.58 17.10 14.62 8.00 7.41
the losses unavoidable in the operation of 200 52.35 34.40 23.20 18.88 9.01 8.27
400 . 68.60 40,75 29.70 22.90 12.40 11.04
added parts. After extended experience, 600 83.75 44.60 32.65 24.60 16.06 13.10
makers of air compressors have fixed upon 800
90 .
70 pounds gage pressure as the maximum 1200 106.15 51.60 40.00 28.60 17.45 14.85
1400 . 108 . 52 . 41.60 29.4 17.70 15.00
terminal pressure which can be most econ 1600 . 110 . 63.3 42.90 30.0 18.40 15.04
omically obtained in a single cylinder; and 1800
54 ,
19.12 16.05
for pressures from 75 pounds up, they
have adopted compound compression in
H.P.Cyl. directly to the receiver without further power in compressed air at 100 pounds
cooling, unless conditions are such as topressure by one- stage compression, the
render advisable the use of an aftercooler. compressor will require 130 indicated
M.E.P. 40.5 In three- stage machines the second cylin- horse-power, ignoring mechanical losses.
der is known as the intermediate, from Looking now at column 4 of the table, the
which the air passes to the second inter- percentage of loss in two-stage compres
Atmoe . cooler to undergo a second reduction of sion at this pressure is found to be 17.1
Speed 76 R.P.M. temperature, and thence enter the third per cent., which is very close to the value
cylinder for final compression to required which will be found in practice. Apply
L.P.Cyl. pressure . ing this value, it is evident that to deliver
It is evident that multi- stage compres the equivalent of 100 effective horse
sion is in effect identical with the theoreti- power in air at 100 pounds pressure by
M.E.P. 18.35 Atmoe . cal process suggested above, in which the two- stage compression , about 117 indi
Vol.Eff . 89.1
compressing piston was stopped and the cated horse - power will be required. In
Mean Suction Press . .696 Atmos,
air cooled at intervals during the stroke. this case, as between single and two - stage
The maximum cooling effect, and therefore compression, we have a direct saving in
89.3 favor of the latter of 13 indicated horse
saving, is secured by making the intercool power
Power , NY. or 10 per cent. Considering the
ers of ample proportions and providing compression of the same volume to the
FIG . 4. for the splitting up of the air stream into
same pressure in four stages, the percent
two, three and four stages , the number of thin sheets exposed to cooling action . age of loss is seen to be 8 per cent . from
stages increasing with the pressure . At The discussion thus far has dealt with column 6 , implying an applied power of
high altitudes, however , with large vol the theory of compound air compression , 108 indicated horse- power. In this case
umes and expensive fuel, this dividing the conditions encountered, and the means the saving, as compared to single - stage
line may come at a lower pressure. It adopted in the best practice for meeting compression, is 24 horse- power, or 18/2 per
is elastic and depends somewhat on the these conditions. General statements of cent. From these gains something must
conditions. the gains secured by compounding have be allowed for the friction of extra me
20 POWER January, 1906.

chanical parts and of the air through ad- bility to breakage, and securing free lu- der. In single-stage compression the clear
ditional sets of ports, valves, coolers, etc.
brication and a noticeable improvement in ance pressure is the working pressure ; in
More especially is this true when the ma- the way of smooth, easy operation of the compound compression the clearance pres
chine belongs to that class of machines machine. These are all facts which con- sure in each cylinder is the terminal pres
termed " compound ” by courtesy, attrac- tribute to continuous and satisfactory ser- sure in that cylinder. But this terminal
tive in price through frugal designing, in vice, with the least possible adjustment pressure in the intake cylinder is low
H.P.Cyl. and attention . As a matter of fact, com- usually not over 25 pounds per square
pounding the air cylinders transfers so inch when the final working pressure is
much of the load from the later to the 100 pounds. The volumetric efficiency of
M.E.P. 34
earlier part of the stroke that the maxi- compound - compression cylinders is higher
mum terminal strain on bearings is re- for this reason , the clearance in the ljw
Atmos . duced fully 45 per cent. over that in pressure cylinder only being in question .
Speed 80 R.P.M.
single - stage compression ; in the above Another element conducive to high vol
case, the reduction would be from 3,140 umetric efficiency in compound compres
" ton -minutes” to 1,727 - obviously a much sion is the fact that the terminal pres
easier proposition mechanically. Visled sures, and consequently the terminal, tem
by this point, it has been common to re peratures, are lower than in single -stage
M.E.P. 17.6 Aumos , duce the weight and size of bearings ac- cylinders. The cylinder walls and , more
cordingly - a mistake which will be evi- particularly, the heads, together with the
Vol. Elr. 88.8 dent when it is remembered that the stop valves and ports which may be in them ,
Alunos .
page of circulating water in the cooler at are therefore kept much cooler and the
88,3 - once raises the load on the low -pressure entering air is not heated so much by
100 piston ; while aa broken or damaged outlet contact with these parts. A third element
Power , ...
valve on the high - pressure cylinder may entering into the question of efficiency is
FIG. 5 .
U.P.Cyl. the reduced leakage through valves and
which small coolers, insufficient valve past piston and rods, with the incidental
ME.P. 18.2 loss of power. It is evident that the
area , the use of a hot discharge port for
the air intake, small ports, etc., are all higher the pressure the greater the liabil
antagonistic to economy. ity to leakage ; and the small range of
Authentic and repeated tests show that Atmos
pressures in multi- stage cylinders reduces
this loss .
such machines may actually require 10 to Speed 90 R.P.M.
15 per cent. more power per cubic foot Dryer Air . - One of the greatest diffi
L.P.Cyl. culties hitherto encountered in air- power
of air really delivered than some well de
signed simple single -cylinder types. No transmission has been the freezing of the
moisture in the air, in the pipe line or at
more cylinders are required for the com
pound than for the simple machine, in the exhaust ports of the air motors. One
M.E.P. 24
duplex constructions. Yet here, too, the Atmos . of the great advantages of the sub -divi
economy expected is only realized from sion of compression into several stages
high- class designs ,' generously propor Atmos
lies in the opportunity it affords for cool
tioned, and fitted with large coolers and ing the compressed air at intermediate
65.9- .
the other essential refinements of good 83,7 stages to a temperature at which its mois
practice . 100
Power , NY.
ture will be precipitated . Of course prac
Reduced Strains.-- When compression is FIG. 6.
tically all of this condensation occurs in
carried on in a single cylinder, the differ the inter- and aftercoolers ; and herein
ence between the pressures at the begin- at any moment throw the same load on all appears a necessity for a design which
ning and at the end of the stroke is the parts as in a single- cylinder machine. H.P.Cyl.
total difference between initial and ter Improved Steam Economy. — The more
minal pressures, entailing a great variation equable distribution of the load through
M.E.P. 29.7
in strains on the driving mechanism and out the stroke in compound compression ,
the structure of the machine. The great- just noted, also aids in securing a higher
est strains come near the end of the stroke economy in steam consumption at the Atmos
and are almost instantly relieved when the lower end of a "straight-line" machine ;
inlet valves open . Thus the terminal for it makes possible an earlier cut-off in Speed 86 R.P.M.
strain on a 20 - inch cylinder having 314 the steam cylinders and a consequently
square inches area , at 100 pounds pres- L.P.Cyl,
greater steam expansion with its attendant
sure will be 31.400 pounds, or nearly 16 saving, late cut-offs not being so neces
tons. At 100 revolutions this strain is re- sary to prevent “dead -centering.” Multi
peated 200 times per minute and demands stage compression with effective inter ME.P. 19.3 Atmos

a very rugged construction. This is a con- coolers between stages also permits a
dition not conducive to easy operation in higher piston speed, in itself a factor in Vol. Ef.86.5
any but the most massively proportioned steam economy in reducing the leakages
coinpressors and condensation in the steam end. 87.3
In compound compression , on the other Higher l'olumetric Efficiency. - The air 100
Puurer , ali
hand, the difference between initial and remaining in the clearance space at the FIG . 7
terminal pressures in each cylinder is but end of the stroke must be expanded on
a fraction of the total range of pressure. the return stroke to atmospheric pressure will pass the air at low velocity with full
The pressures, furthermore, are partially before free air can enter through the inlet opportunity for cooling on the water tubes.
balarced in the several cylinders. The valves. Evidently the higher the pressure The moisture in suspension is withdrawn
working strains on valves and other parts in the clearance space, the greater will through the drain pipe. It is needless to
are consequently greatly diminished, re- be the expanded volume, and the lower say that unless some provision is made
sulting in a greatly reduced wear and lia- will be the intake efficiency of the cylin- for arresting and withdrawing the con
January, 1906. POWER 21

densed water from the intercooler, the discharge must be properly considered and substantiation in fact. For this reason the
value of the latter as an air-dryer is lost ; provided for. Some of these defects which
following test is reported. For obvious
for the moisture is carried over into the reasons the names of the makers of the
may offset compression economy have been
compression cylinders, producing cutting noted at intervals throughout the preced- compressors in question are withheld. It
and leakage and working out into the ing discussion. But their importance mer- may be stated here, however, that the ma
pipe line. Aftercoolers are in some in- its a repetition of them here : A weak chines are standard types of American
stances as important as intercoolers in structure and insufficient bearings ( based builders of established reputation at home
removing moisture. on a mistaken idea of reduced strains ), and abroad ; the two manufacturers have
Better Lubrication . - If air be com H.P.Cyl. been distinguished by the terms “ Maker
pressed in a single cylinder from atmos A " and " Maker B.” The object of the tests
pheric pressure and temperature of 60 M.E.P. 20.06
was primarily to ascertain the comparative
degrees Fahr. to a final pressure of 100 economies of compound compressors of
pounds, the maximum temperature at average type and simple machines of the
tained may be 484 degrees Fahr. . This Atmos . highest grade, more especially under prac
temperature is manifestly destructive to Speed 80 R.P.M.
tical conditions of continuous use.
common lubricants, and oils of ordinary To make the tests fair and representa
quality are burned into a solid, gritty, coke tive, compressors in actual service were
like or gummy substance, which gives the selected, and those tested have been in
. very reverse of proper lubrication. This operation for from two to fourteen years
deposit, moreover, collecting in ports and M.E.P. 23,62
Atmos. under average working conditions and
valves may so obstruct and clog them as average attendance. But the results
Vol.Efr . 84.6
to cause leakage and throw an added load Mean Suction Press. 2.08 Atmos . showed up the compounds in such an un
on the compressor. 83.6 favorable light , that it was determined to
If, however, this same volume of air 85.5
continue the investigation, to include com
be compressed in the first cylinder to a Power , 2.7. pounds of the same grade of workmanship
pressure of 25 pounds, the highest tem FIG. 8. and the same make as the simple machine
perature which can be reached is only tested. However, no old compressors of
233 degrees -- a heat which will not destroy with no provision for unexpected contin
the lubricating qualities of good oils such gencies, resulting in excessive friction this type were available, so new machines
as should be used in compressor work. losses ; multiplicity of wearing parts, ab were tested at the builder's shops, just
This air, passing through the intercooler, sorbing a large portion of the power theo before shipment. The conditions in all
will be brought back to about the original retically saved ; heated and restricted air tests were made as nearly identical as pos
temperature of 60 degrees and compressed, passages, inefficient valves, neglect of sible and the results show in a striking
in a two-stage compressor, from 25 to 100 proper jacket and head cooling ; small and manner the effect of correct design and
pounds in the second cylinder. Here the ineffective intercoolers; poor workman- workmanship on compressor efficiency.
maximum temperature attained will be ship, resulting in leakage losses. The thing which appeals to the buyer is
but little, if any, in excess of that in the Not only may the enumerated defects the economy of the machine he purchases
L.P.Cyl. H.P.Cyl.
first cylinder, since the heat of compres
sion is a function of the number of com
pressions, and is almost wholly indepen M.E.P. 40.46
M.E.P. 18.35 Atmos .
dent of the initial pressure. In multi
stage compressors, therefore, the condi Speed 76 R.P.M. Atmos ,
tions of temperature are evidently most Vol. Eff. 89.1
conducive to thorough lubrication of pis
ton and valves, tending toward durability
of working parts, with long life and high
efficiency of the machine .
The advantages of compound air com 75 Lbs .

pression have gradually forced themselves



upon the attention of pneumatic engineers.


Not many years ago, when pressures were

lower, the majority of compressors were
single - stage machines. But with the grow
ing tendency toward higher pressures, and 31 Lbs ,
an understanding of needed economies,
compound compressors came into greater
prominence ; and of late much the larger
percentage of installations have been ma
Atmos . 14.7 Lbs.Abs . 14.8 Lbs. Abe
chines of this style.
But it will not do to reason that any 100- .

compound compressor is necessarily more 0.0 Lbs. Abs.

economical than a high -class simple ma Poker, N.Y.

FIG. 9.
chine, for such is not the case. On the con
trary, only compounds of the highest class largely offset the saving by compression —the saving he will secure by its use. In
are advantageous from an economical in stages, but it is a fact that compounds an air compressor, two distinct efficiencies
standpoint. The gains depend not simply now on the market may require more pow- are to be considered : the volumetric effi
upon stage compression and effective cool er per cubic foot of air compressed than ciency, or ratio of actual to theoretical air
ing, but also upon correct design through- well-designed, high -class, simple compres- capacity; and the compression efficiency,
out the machine and a consistent attention sors of equivalent capacity. This latter or ratio of actual power required to the
to every detail. Every condition which statement embodies so great an apparent theoretical. To facilitate comparison in
may possibly affect the air from intake to engineering heresy as to demand a strong the present case, the several values from
POWER January, 1906.

the preceding report are here grouped 3.44 per cent. in single -stage machines. of 7.84 per cent. over these defective com
and averaged : COMPRESSION EFFICIENCIES. pounds, while comparison of the two
VOLUMETRIC EFFICIENCIES. " Maker A ,” two -stage - 91.25, 92, 92 and two-stage types shows an average advan
" Maker A , ” two -stage - 96 , 96.4, 92.6 and 93 per cent.; average, 92.06 . tage of 16.92 per cent. in favor of " Maker
93.8 per cent. ; average, 94.7 . " Maker ," single - stage -- 82, 82, 82.1 , 84.5 A's” high - class machines, correctly de
" Maker A , " single -stage - 87, 89.1, 87.4, 91 and 84.3 per cent.; average, 82.98. signed and properly proportioned for the
and 86.5 per cent.; average, 88.2 . " Maker B ," two - stage -- 80.9, 81.8, 70.5, duty .
“ Maker B ,” two -stage – 89.1, 88.8 , 74.8, 75.5 and 67 per cent. ; average , 75.14. Compression efficiencies for " Maker A's"
86.5 and 84.6 per cent.; average, 84.76. The high - grade compounds waste but single-stage machines, in the last line of
TABLE 2 . SINGLE - STAGE AIR COMPRESSORS— “ MAKER A." the table, are referred to perfect two-stage
compression , simply for ready comparison
with the compound machines. It is to
Machine No.... 1A . 2A. 3A . 48 . 5A .
be noted that the efficiency of these com
Diameter air cylinder, inches .. 26 26 26 26 26
pressors compared to perfect one -stage
Diameter steam cylinder, inches . 24 24 24 24 24 compression is also given, as follows : 93,
Stroke , inches .... 30 30 30 30 30
Speed , R. P. M ... 88 80 84 60 80 92.8, 93.2, 98.4 and 98.2 per cent.; average,
Mean net area - air cylinder . 519.8 519.8 519.8 519.8 519.8 95.12 . This means that on the average
Air cylinder displacement. 1,590 1,4 15 1,518 1,080 1,445
Free air shown by L. P. card .. 1,383 1,285 1,324 973 1,250 these machines depart less than 5 per cent.
Volumetric eficiency , % .. 87 89.1 87.4 91 86.5
Receiver pressure .. 61 60 61 92.5 95 from theoretically perfect performance in
Horse- power , air cylinder .. 201.5 185 192 171 223.5 their type. Such efficiencies indicate a re
Air horse- power per 100 cu . ft . free air.. 14.51 14.4 14.5 17.6 17.86
Computed horse -power per 100 cu . ft. adiabatic comp. 13.5 13.35 13.5 17.3 17.52 markable refinement in design and work
93 92.8 93.2 98.4 98.2
Efficiency compared with perfect one-stage comp., 11.9 11.8 11.9 manship and exemplify the importance of
14.83 15.05
Computed horse-power per 100 cu . ft. perfect two-stage comp. 82 82
Eficiency compared with perfect two-stage comp. , % .... Fig. 1 Fig . 1
82.1 84.5 84.3 the care bestowed upon what are usually
Indicator Card
considered minor details.
It here appears that the high - grade two- 7.94 per cent. of the theoretical power re The term " compound " or " two- stage" .
stage compressors of “ Maker A ” suffer an quired ; the single- stage machines of the as applied to air compressors should prop
average loss in capacity of only 5.3 per cent. same grade lose 17.02 per cent. ; while the erly stand for superior economy. The
of the theoretical; the high -grade single- ordinary two-stage compressors of " Maker buyer of a compound rightfully expects a
by its use . The tests, foregoing
stage machines lose on the average only B ” waste 24.86 per cent of the power saving
taken without prejudice from average ma
11.8 per cent. of the theoretical capacity ; applied to them .
chines in ordinary practice, indicate how
TABLE 3 . TWO - STAGE AIR COMPRESSORS— " MAKER A." even reputable builders, acting no doubt
in all good faith , may furnish a com
Machine No .... 6A . 7A . 8A . 9A .
pressor which may prove a veritable “ gold
brick” in the hands of the trusting pur
Diameter L. P. air cylinder, inches .. 20 20 15 26 chaser . Poor practice may prove the un
Diameter H. P. air cylinder, inches.. 13 13 10 16
Diameter steam cylinder , inches.
Stroke , inches ........
18 18 14 24 doing of the best theory. That compressor
18 18 14 24
Speed , R. P. M ........ 100 80 155 108 only is a commercial and economical suc
Mean net area L. P. air cylinder.. 308 308 171.33 515 cess which embodies a sound theory in a
Mean net area H. P. air cylinder.. 132.46 132.46 78.54 198.43
L. P. cylinder displacement ..... 042 513 430 1,545 mechanical structure correctly designed,
Frée air shown by L. P. card...... 616 495 398
Volumetric efficiency, % ....... 96 96.4 92.6 1,448
93.8 built by skilled and careful workmen, and
Intercooler pressure ....... 23 23 22 25
Receiver pressure.... 85 82 90 90 so simple as to be readily • understood;
Horse -power L. P. air cylinder... 35 28 106 handled and maintained by mechanics of
Horse- power H. P. air cylinder . 52.25 40.1 35.8 122.8
Total air horse -power ..... 96.25 75.1 03.8 228.8 average intelligence.
Air horse- power per 100 cu . ft. free air.. 15.6 15.15 16 15.82
Computed horse -power per 100 cu . ft . two-stage comp. 14.22 13.92 14.71 14.7
Eficiency compared with perfect two-stage comp ., % 91.25 92 92 93
Indicator Cards......... Fig . 2 Fig . 3 Hydraulic Test for Boilers Insuf
while the ordinary two-stage compressors The striking feature of this is the enor
of “ Maker B ” lose an average of 15.24 mous waste in the compounds of “ Maker
per cent. of their theoretical air displace-
The following was recently published
B , ” due to defects such as have been brief in The Science and Art
High -grade workmanship and cor- of Mining :
ment. ly suggested. These losses have more
boiler A in use in New South Wales
rect design , therefore, effect in these in- than offset the advantages of compound
stances an average saving in air capacity ing. Even the single - stage machines of stood a hydraulic test without showing
of 9.94 per cent. in the two-stage types and “ Maker A ” show an average superiority any defect, and within three days col
lapsed along the top of the Aue - for
TABLE 4 . TWO- STAGE AIR COMPRESSORS— " MAKER B. " tunately it came down over the crown of
the fire - box almost simultaneously . The
Machino No.... 1B . 2B . 3B . 4B , 50 two concussions counteracted each other,
and the boiler was not moved six feet.
Diameter L. P. air cylinder, inches ... 28
17 ,
26 On examining the torn plates after the ex
Diameter H. P. air cylinder, inches .. 172
Diameter steam cylinder, inches . 28 28 28 28 24 plosion , they were found to be their full
Stroke , inches ... 30 30 30 30 30
Speed , R , P. M ... 76 80 90 86 80 thickness ( 1/2 - inch ), no corrosion was
Mean net area L. P. air cylinder. 611.9 611.9 611.9
Moan net area H. P , air cylinder, 231.9 231.9 231.9
visible, but the iron was distinctly lami
L. P. cylinder displacement. 1.618 1,700 1,915 1.830 1,465 nated like the leaves of a book , and was
Froe air shown by L. P. card . 1,440 1,510 1,430 1,580 1,240
Volumetric efficiency, % ....... 89.1 88.8 74.8 86.5 84.6 visibly perished when seen across the torn
Intercooler pressure ... 31 28 50 34
Receiver pressure . 75 64 68 58 55 section. This boiler was twenty years old ,
Horse- power L. P. air cylinder... 129 130.8 200 154 151 and its explosion proves the uselessness of
108 95.4 67.5 89.5 57.5
Horse -power H. P. air cylinder,
Total air horse - power.. 237
208.5 a hydraulic test by itself, and the danger
air horse -power per 100 cu . ft . free air .. 16.82
Computed horse -power per 100 cu . ft. two-stage comp . 13.3 12.28 12.7 11.62 11.27 of running an old boiler forever. The
Eficiency compared with perfect two-stage comp., % . 80.9 81.8 70.5 75.5 67
hammer would have shown the rotten
Indicator Cards ... Fig . 4 Fig. 5 Fig . 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8
Fig. 9 state of the plates.
January, 1906 . POWER 23

An Automatic Multi-Stage Turbine Governor . since there is quite a large volume of

steam in the shell of the various stages
BY HENRY F. SCHMIDT. which will expand down to the condenser
pressure and do a considerable amount of
The governing of multi- stage turbines nozzle opening shuts one nozzle, etc. This work after the governor has acted. Hence,
of the impulse type, such as the Curtis, method is, however, inconvenient, since if the turbine is so constructed that it con
Rateau, etc. , has long occupied the minds the entire load of moving all the rings, the tains any considerable volume of steam ,
of those interested in these turbines, and number of which will correspond to the the areas in the various stages should be
up to the present there are three general number of stages in the turbine, will come decreased at the same time the first stage
ways of accomplishing the variation of on the governor, which must necessarily nozzles are closed, in such a manner that
steam supply in accordance with the load. be of a very powerful design, and it is the weight of steam passing through the
The first method, that used by Rateau, also necessary to employ a mechanism turbine shall be the same at all points.
is to simply throttle the steam , thus cut- similar to that used on water wheels, such Then , for two reasons, the area of the
ting down the supply as well as the pres- as the Denis used by Rateau. Such rozzles in all the stages should be varied
sure, which, of course, means a loss of mechanisms are sluggish in their action at the same time, but not necessarily in
energy, since the reduction of pressure and result in less close regulation than is the same proportion, for at light load the
means a smaller temperature range and obtainable in other types. steam may change its condition so that a
consequently a lower efficiency at part load To overcome these difficulties the writer larger or smaller area is needed in the
than at full or overload. has devised a new type of governor, which later stages than would be obtained by
The second is that used by Curtis, is shown diagrammatically in the accom- decreasing all the stages in the same pro
Schultz and others, in which the reduc- panying illustrations, and which is based portion, which is the only manner in
tion of energy supplied is obtained by upon the following primary considerations which a governor controlling all the
closing one or more nozzles, thus reducing of steam turbine governing. stages could be constructed.
the area for the flow of steam , but, at the First, in order to have a uniform effi- These considerations led the writer to
same time, allowing the steam to work
with the same degree of expansion at full
as at part load, and, consequently, equal
efficiencies at all loads. However, in the S

Curtis turbine, the area of the nozzles is

changed only in the first stage to meet the
change of load. The area, or, what is the
same thing, the number of nozzles of the B
second, third and fourth stages, except in M
a few machines in which the later stages E
are also controlled by the governor, re O

mains constant throughout all changes of N

load, and, as a result, the pressure in the zl
latter stages in which the area of the noz Controller
zles remains unchanged , will decrease,
since the area at part load will be larger
than is required to pass the steam which V

is now admitted through the smaller num

ber of nozzles open in the first stage. The
result of this reduction of pressure in the
latter stages is that not any of the nozzles Valve Power , N.P.
are operating at their designed pressures,
and, as is shown by the experiments of AUTOMATIC MULTI -STAGE TURBINE GOVERNOR .
Stodola, under these circumstances there ciency at all loads, it is necessary that the the adoption of the method of the accom
is a serious loss of energy at the mouth expansion ratio in the turbine remain con- panying drawing, which represents it as
of the nozzles because of steam shock. The stant ; that is, the temperature range must applied to one of the nozzles of a large
latter nozzles, moreover, do not give the be constant . Curtis turbine.
steam the velocity that it should have and, Second, the nozzles in each stage must In this figure the part marked " valve "
therefore, most of the work is, at part be operated between the specific pressures is located entirely within the turbine shell,
load, performed by the first stage wheels, for which they were designed, in order and directly over the nozzle which it con
the others, revolving in a partial vacuum , that the issuing jet will have the velocity trols and the " controller " is located out
acting at a very light load, as a drag suitable to the bucket angles of the wheels side of the turbine. This is used only for
rather than performing any actual work. of its stage. That is, a nozzle designed the control of the stages other than the
The third method, of which that of to operate between , say, fifty and twenty first, which is controlled by the governor
Schultz may be taken as an example, is pounds per square inch absolute, must be proper, its only object being to maintain
like that just described , except that in this operated between those pressures and will the pressure in each stage practically con
case the number of nozzles in all the show considerable loss of efficiency from stant. Its operation is as follows :
stages is varied to suit the load , the main steam shock even if the back pressure is The openings B and N are connected
governor doing all the work of regula lowered only a pound or two. by a small pipe and the openings M and O
tion. The method of changing the num Third, for instantaneous governing for are connected to the shell of the stage in
ber of nozzles in action is by turning rings change of load, it is absolutely necessary which the pressure is to be controlled, and
in front of each ring of nozzles, each that a change in the energy delivered to in which the valve is located , and the
movable ring having a number of holes in the turbine shall determine the immediate main steam line respectively.
it equal to the number of nozzles, but each output of the turbine. This evidently can- Now assume that the pressure in the
hole of a different length, so that turning not be accomplished by the Curtis method shell has been low and the valve G resting
the ring around the distance equal to one of only closing the first stage nozzles, on its seat 2. In this case the pressure of
24 POWER January, 1906 .

the atmosphere on top of the diaphragm Natural Gas Under Steam Boilers. * These tests showed an advantage in
H would be greater than that of the shell capacity in favor of the " white " Alame in
pressure on its under side, and hence the the furnaces at 4 ounces gas pressure at
small auxiliary valve P would cover the The writer has investigated several of the burners, but no advance in economy.
port. Now if the shell pressure were to the gas burners upon the market, and Kind of fame .. White . Blue.
Test with 6 oz. gas pressure at
increase, the valve P would be raised and concludes that there is but little difference burners . No. 794. NO. 797 .
high pressure steam admitted to the space between them from an efficiency stand- No. of 250 horse - power Cook boil
ors tested . 6 6

under the piston D, the valve G would be

) point. Steam gage pressure , lbe ..
Draft under boiler dampers , in .
raised from its seat, allowing steam to The following boiler tests, made sepa Gas pressure at the meter, oz ... 16.5 19.1
flow through the nozzle V , and the pres- rately with ten Gwynn and ten Kirkwood Gas temperature , Fahr .. 44.3 42
Chimney temperature, Fahr .. 478 511
sure in the shell would be slightly de- burners, supplying a 250 -horse -power Cook Feed -water temperature, Fahr ..
Cubic ft . of gas used . 222,320
144 151
creased . The reverse action, when the water-tube boiler, having a " dog-house" 185,218
Cubic ft. of gas at 4 oz. and 60 °
Fahr.... .241,516 205,424
pressure in the shell becomes too small , furnace , the burners being placed in the Water evaporated in the boilers,
that is, when too many nozzles are open front and at a level slightly above the etc ...
Equivalent Water evaporated
.165,365 152,600

to satisfy the first stage nozzle conditions, furnace doors, the furnace having an im from and at 212 Fahr. , lbs . , 184,167 168,333
is easily evident, since then the atmos- perfect " check -wall” in each case, and Boiler horse -power made by six
250 horse -power boilers .... 1,779.4 1,626,4
pheric pressure would close the auxiliary the burners being operated by experts in Boiler horse - power made per
boiler .. 296.6 271.1
valve and then the spring S would close each case, show that the question of Cubic ft. of gas used under ac
the valve G. The opening and closing of burners may be eliminated : tual gas meter pressures and
temperatures per boiler
valves will always be such by this ar- Test number ..
Kind of burner .
..Gwynn , Kirkwood .
791 horse-power per hour.
Cubic ft . of gas at 4 oz. pressure
41.6 37.9

rangement that the pressure will remain Duration of tests in hrs .. 8 8 and 60 Fahr. per boiler horse
Barometer, lbs ... 14.25 14.25 power per hour.... 45.2 42.1
nearly constant. The function of the Boiler gage pressure , Ibs . 126.5 122.0 Wide
hand-wheel and screw is to adjust the Draft under damper, ins.. 0.24 0.13 Opening of gas-burner lids.... ..Throttled .Open .
Gas pressure at burners , oz ... 3.84 4.50 No. of 6- in . Kirkwood burners
action of the valve to the desired pressure. Gas temp. at burners , Fahr . 45 used ...... 60 60
Chimney temperature , Fahr ... 557 573
It will now be evident that this form of Feed -water temperature, Fahr.. 33.0 33.6 Again, these tests showed a capacity
governor would exactly meet the condi Cubic ft. of gas used .. .95,551 94,388
Cubic ft. of gas at 60 Fahr, and advantage in the use of the white flame,
tions which were given for a perfect multi- 4 oz. pressure . .98,348 97,420
Water pumped and evaporated , but in this case at the sacrifice of economy.
stage governor , and since the pressure in lbs . . 70,240 70,030 Tests were then made with the gas at a
Botler horse-power , rated.. 250 250
all the stages is kept constant, the energy Boiler horse -power developed .. 254.5 253.7 burner pressure of 8 ounces, with the
which is transmitted to the moving wheels Actual cubic it . of gas per boiler
following results :
horse -power . 46.8 46.4
will be directly proportional to the load in- Cubic ft. of gas at 4 oz. pressure ,
60 Fahr. and 14.25 lbs . baro. Kind of flame.... White . Blue .
dicated by the first stage governor, since meter per boiler horse-power 48.3 48.0 Tests with 8 oz. burner pressure No. 795
No. of 260 horse-power Cook boil
No. 796
the weight of steam passing all points of BLUE VS. STRAW - COLORED FLAMES . ers used .... 6
Steam gage pressure , Ibe . 128 128
the turbine at any instant is the same. It The writer has always been led to be Draft under boiler damper , ins . 0.51 0.54
may be said , however, in conclusion, that lieve that a blue flame meant the burning Gas pressure at the meters , oz.. 19.8 18.9
Gas temperature, Fahr .. 42 43.3
the application of this principle to an ac- of carbonic oxid into carbonic acid gas, Chimney temperature, Fahr 502 508
Feed -water temperature , Fahr .. 157 184
tual turbine would no doubt be radically although some authors define it as repre Cubic ft . of gas per meter... .183,600 176,510
different in construction, and, further, the senting the burning of hydrogen into Cubic ft. of gas at 4 oz . pressure
and 60 Fahr . . 203,044 194,004
number of valves which would be required water. Whichever is denoted by the blue Water evaporated , lbs . .143,864 131,570
Equivalent water from and at
in a large turbine would be prohibitive, flame, no flame of any color is formed at 212 Fahr., lbs..... 158,596 141,319
and for that reason the adoption of " group a temperature below about 1,000 degrees Boiler horse -power made . 1,532.2 1,365.4
Boiler horse-power per boiler ... 255.4 227.6
governing" would doubtless have to be Fahrenheit. Cubic ft. of gas used under ac
tual gas meter pressures and
resorted to ; that is, to have one of these The writer conducted tests on six of the temperatures per boiler
" controllers " horse - power per hr . 40.0 43.1
group of nozzles,
a aforesaid 250 - horse -power Cook boilers Cubic ft . of gas at 4 oz . pressure
which would give very good approxima- with such a blue flame in the combustion and 60 Fahr. per boiler horse
power per hr ......... 44.2 47.2
tion to the desired results . Aside from its chamber, and also complementary tests Opening of gas -burner lids ...... Throttled .
Wide .
high cost of construction the full system upon them with a straw- white flame, with No. of 6- in . Kirkwood burners
would be desirable, and there is no other the following results : actually used by the 6 boilers 42 46

objection to its use, which would doubt Kind of flame.

Test with 4- oz . gas pressure at
White , Blue .
These 8 - ounce burner pressure tests
less give results far superior to those ob burners . No. 793 No. 798 showed an advantage in both economy
No. of 250 horse-power Couk boilers
tained by present methods, and could be tested 6 6 and in capacity in favor of the white
Steam gage pressure , lbs .. 112 88
applied to a turbine having any number of Draft under boiler damper , ins .. 0.42 0.52
Pressure at the meter registering
stages. the gas used , oz........ 18.9 19.8 Summarizing these six tests in two sets,
Gas temperature , Fahr. 46 42 we find :
Chimney gases , Fahr . 436 503
Feed -water temperature , Fahr .. 172 178 Kind of flame .. White . Blue .
In a recent lecture on “ The Economy Cubic ft . of gas used at meter pres No. of 250 horse -power Cook boil.
gure ..... ers used .. 6
of Power Production ,” according to the Cubic ft. of gas used at 4 oz. pres
167,420 147,310 6
Average gas pressure at ourner ,
Engineering Times, the lecturer, W. D. sure and 60 Fahr .. .182,255 162,210 0 Ꮓ .. 6 6

the Water evaporated , lbs .141,566 123,314 Cubic ft . of gas used when re
Hamilton, consulting engineer for Equivalent water evaporated from duced to 4 oz . and 60 ° Fahr..626,815 661,638
and at 212 Fahr. , lbs .. 153,400 132,311 Equivalent water evaporated
Glasgow Corporation sewage scheme, Boiler horse - power made by six from and at 212 Fahr., lbe...496,163 441,963
made the statement that gas - engine mak 250 horse- power boilers.. 1,482.1 1,278.4 Average boiler horse - power
Boiler horse- power made per 250 made 1,597.7 1,423.2
ers have made great progress and there is horse - power boiler..... 247 213.1 Horse -power macie per 250 hoise
Cubic ft . of gas used under actual power boiler... 266.3 237.2
a good field for such engines up to 100 gas meter pressures and tem Cubic ft. of gas reduced to 4 oz.
peratures per boiler horse. pressure and 60 Fahr. used
horse- power, but the lecturer did not power .. 37.7 38,4 per boiler horse- power per
Cubic ft . of ras at 4 oz . pressure hour.. 43.6 43.8
think there is anything like the field that and 60 Fahr. per boiler horse. Kind of burners .. ..Kirkw'd . Kirkw'd .
power ........ 41.0 41.0 Open
Throttled . Wid
is generally claimed for gas engines. Wide Burner lids ...... e.
Openings of gas -burner lids.......Throttled.Open.
No. of 6 - in . Kirkwood burners used The six tests, when thus consolidated
The Portland ( Ore. ) General Electric by the six boilers , ...., 60 60
in two tests, show that the economy is
Company uses a great deal of sawdust as * Presented at the New York meeting (De- the same with each , and that the capacity
fuel . cember, 1905 ) of the American Society of Me.
chanical Engineers. is greatest with the white flame.
January, 1906. POWER 25

Accordingly, the remaining tests by the Equivalent water from and possibility with any boiler when burning
at 212° Fahr. , Ibu ......... 82,171 89,076
writer, and named herein, were made with Boiler horse - power made ... 340.2 260 coal .
Cubic ft. of metered natural
the straw- white flame. gas used per hr. per boil. To produce a boiler horse-power
TEST OF SIX 250 -HORSE - POWER COOK BOILERS. er horse -power ....... 42 26 34
966 X 34.5 = 33,327 B. t. u .
The following tests were made under The last test was made with gas at a must be absorbed by the water in the
the most careful conditions upon the high pressure, varying from 7 to 30 boiler. Assume that, on an average, nat
boilers previously referred to and equipped ounces, and the average pressure is not ural gas has 1,100 B. t. u. per cubic foot.
with Kirkwood burners. They were con- stated. Then, if the gas is burned at 100 per cent.
ducted after several weeks had been con BURNER TESTS . efficiency,
sumed in " check -wall ” duration tests. 33,327 divided by 1,000 = 30.3 cubic feet
Mr. Daniel Ashworth has contributed of gas must be used per horse-power per
Test number..... 799 812
Duration , hrs.. 16 9 the following results of tests made by him hour. Yet tests are sometimes reported
Barometer, Ibs .. 14.3 14.25 with various gas burners on a 2 - flue hori
Boller gage pressure , lbs .. 120.1 132.7 where from only 17.4 to 19.8 cubic feet
Draft in front of damper, in .. 0.18 0.20 zontal boiler :
Gas pressure at meter , oz ... 16.6 18.0
Gas Pressure Cu. ft . of Nat . Gas per
were used per hour per boiler horse
Gas pressure at burners , oz.... 6.9 6.4 No. at Burners. Name of Burner. hr . per Boiler H.P. power.
Temperature of air.. 40 69
Fire room .... in oz. Made .
Natural gas..
1 0.76 Hoffmann 58.0 Assuming 75 per cent. to be the best
2 0.76 Hoffmann 59.7
Feed -water . 161.2 185
3 0.34 Reno 67.0 efficiency obtainable with natural gas un
Chimney ... 521 494
Gas metered , cubic Il .. 1,101,350 641,420 5
der boilers ( and this is very difficult ),
Equivalent gas at 60 ° Fahr. and 6 1.10 Bailey 47.0 then
under 4 oz . pressure with
14.7 lbs . barometer ......... 1,179 666 555,617 POSSIBLE EFFICIENCY WITH NATURAL GAS . 30.3 divided by 0.75 = 40.4 cubic feet
Water evaporated , lbs... 818,700 435,625
Equivalent water from and at of gas , at normal barometer and tempera
212° Fahr. , Ibs ..... 906,301 467,948 The foregoing constitute all of the tures, which must be used per hour per
Boiler horse -power made .
Cubic it. of gas, actual, per 1,641.8 1,507.0 natural - gas tests that the writer has made, boiler horse- power.
boiler horse - power per hr.. 41.92 39.92 as well as all available and reasonable
Cubic ft. of gas at 4 oz. and 60 ° VALUE OF NATURAL-GAS PRODUCTS .
Fahr. Jer boiler horse tests made by others, although there are
power per hr. 44.9 40 96
Boiler eficiency , per cent...... 72.7 many tests published by burner people The August 7, 1905, Press Bulletin, No.
which are wholly impossible. 192, of the United States Geological Sur
TEST OF A 200 - HORSE - POWER HEINE SAFETY The tests here given show that it is vey, shows that the value of the present
not possible to get better efficiency with . natural -gas production of nineteen States
natural gas than with coal , and prove and Territories of this Union , exclusive
The improvement shown in the last test rather that the best coal efficiencies can- of the natural gas produced in Canada
upon this Heine boiler is largely due to rot be obtained with gas. That is due to and consumed in the States, was $38,496,
Heating surface .. ...2,032 sq . ft. 760 in 1904.
Shell ..42 inches x 21 feet 632 inches In making this figure , Pennsylvania
Tubes . 116_372 inches x 18 feet 0 inches
Number of natural- gas burners in use . 6 stands first with a product valued at
Test made Jan. 7 , '05 Oct. 21 , '04 Sept. 6 , '05
Kind of gas burners used . Kirkwood Kline type Kirkwood $ 18,139,914 ; West Virginia is second , with
10 10 10
Duration of test, hrs .
Test made by ... G. I. Bouton . Bouton . Whitham
a product valued at $ 8,114,249 ; Ohio is
Test number ....
third at $5,315,564 ; Indiana fourth at
Steam gage pressure , lbs .. 145.8
Draft in front of dam por, in .. 0.14 0.18 0.34 $ 4,342,409, while other States and Terri
Gas pressure as metor, inside of mercury . 1.93 2.35 1.81
28 54 28.63 28 99 tories make up the balance.
Barometer inside of mercury .
Temperature of external air, Fahr . 25.3 56.1 69 The natural- gas production , per the
Temperature of fire room , Fabr... 72.8 74.1 78
Temperature of feed -water , Fahr .. 40.9 61.1 74 reports of the director of the Geological
450 465
Temperature of escaping gases , Fahr 386
58.8 70 79.8
Survey, has been valued at
Temperature of natural gasat meter, Fahr . 73,720 92,200 105,400
Cubic ft . of natural gas used ... 104,521 $ 18,792,725 in 1890 $ 15,296,813 in 1898
Cubic ft. of natural gas reduced to 60 Fahr, and 29.92 -in . baron .
Cubic feet of natural gas at 32 Fahr. and 29.92- inch barometer . 71,199 88,604 98,904 15,500,084 in 1891 20,074,873 in 1899
Calorific value of the natural gas per cubic ft. in B.t.u. referred
to : 29.92- inch barometer 32 degrees Fahr .. 1,102
14,800,714 in 1892 23,698,674 in 1900
29.92- inch barometer 60 degrees Fahr 0.50 0.53 0.33 14,343,250 in 1893 27,066,077 in 1901
Moisture in the steam , part of 1 per cent.. 62,665 74,922
Feed -water pumped to boiler , pounds 43,800 13,954,400 in 30,867,863 in 1902
Feed - water evaporated , pounds ... 43,581 62,323 74,672 1894
Equivalent feed -water evaporated from and at 212 ° Fahr ., ibs ...
Evaporation measured in boiler horse -power per hour..
13,006,650 in 1895 35,815,360 in 1903
Rating of boiler, horse-power.. 200 200 200 13,002,512 in 1896 38,496,760 in 1904
Cubic feet of natural gas used per hour per boiler horse - power 13,826,422 in 1897
developed with gas at : 40.68 38.33
29.92- inch barometer and 32° Fahr .. 45.97
29.92 - inch barometer and 60 ° Fahr .. 40.51
This shows an increasing production
Combined burner and furnace eficiency , per cent. and value as new fields are opened. Nat
the use of an under and preheated air the large volume of “ air for dilution ” ural - gas companies believe these values
feed supplemental to the air supply ordi- which must be supplied with gas burners. are very much underestimated.
narily carried in through the burners. On the Cook boiler test, No. 799, the COMPOSITION OF NATURAL GAS.
Orsat showed :
The composition of natural gas varies
CAHALL BOILER AT MANSFIELD, OH10. 7.8 per cent. of CO2. somewhat with the locality, as is shown
8.05 per cent. of oxygen . in the 1903 report of Mr. F. H. Oliphant
Mr. J. Roland Brown contributes the 0.00 per cent. of CO.
following tests made with six Merrill to the director of the United States Geo
84.15 per cent. of nitrogen . logical Survey in a paper entitled “ The
burners, the boiler having 3,021 square
Production of Natural Gas. "
feet of heating surface : 100.00 per cent. total .
7 10
The heating values of natural gas per
Duration , hre ..
Date of test. Mch . 2 , '03. Mch.5 , '03 . cubic foot, in said report, vary from 1,037
Boiler gage presure, bus 95
for the composition of the products of to 1,287, being referred to 32 degrees
Draft in front of damper, ins.
Gag pressure , oz .... 4.8 7 to 30 combustion at the boiler damper when Fahrenheit and 29.92 inches barometer.
Barometer and gas tempera 72.7 per cent. of the heating value of the Supplemental to the analysis of the
tures are not given ....
Feed water temperature, de
46 5 53.3 gas was absorbed by the boilers for evap- West Virginia gas, as given in said re
greog Fahr .
Chimney ... 406
oration . port, are the following made for the
Cubic ft. of gay used .. writer. These tests relate to gas from
Water evaporated , lbs 67,865 74,168 Such a poor analysis is almost an im
26 POWER January, 1906.
nine wells in Lewis county, W. Va., three Correspondence and Discussion .
miles north of Weston, and used on the Correspondence upon topics of interest relating to power is especially solicited, and
Cook boiler tests given herewith. * accepted contributions are paid for. Forms close on the fifteenth of the month , and as it
Sample No... 1 2 3
0.15 0.50
takes time to make engravings, contributors are requested to get copy to us early in the
Illuminants .. 0.45
Carbonic oxid . 0.00 0.00 0.15 month, especially when it refers to matter in the preceding issue.
Hydrogen . 0.20 0.30 0.25
Marsh gas.. 81.05 83.20 83.40
Ethane 17.60 15.55 15.40
Carbonic acid . 0.00 0.90 0 00
His Third Letter. As a rule, when I am at home on vaca
Oxygen .
Nitrogen .
In my letter anent the hatchet planim- tion, there is a rush of orders in the shop,
British heat units in or a scarcity of men. It's the same old
cubic ft . of gas at filº
eter, on page 490, I neglected to state that
Fahr. and 14.7 lbs.bar the center of gravity of the surface is the story over again, i. e., “ to get up early to
ometer available for
useful effect. ..........
1,030 1,020 1,026 point from which the radius ( length of get breakfast early to get to the shop
Also the following analysis of a mix- planimeter ) must be struck when the area early ," etc. Just after our usual greeting
ture of natural gas from the fields in the of an irregular figure is being determined. on my return last summer, my father
The chord of the circle between the asked me to take the first car to Newville
three States supplying Pittsburg, Pa.,
made in September, 1905, for the writer, hatchet lines, when multiplied by the in the morning, and see what was the mat
may be of some interest : length of the planimeter, equals the area ter with the small twin-cylinder gas en
Illuminants . 1.6 per cent of the surface. The center of gravity of gine that he had shipped there a few
Carbonic oxid . 1.8
Traced to the Right
Hydrogen . 0.3
Marsh gas. 81.9
Ethane . 13.2 H
Carbonic acid . 0.0
Oxygen ... 0.4
Nitrogen .... 0.8
2.93 sq in ,
100.0 per cent.
Heat units per cubic ft. at 60 ° Fahr.
and 29.92 in . barometer ............. 1,098 B. t. u .
Traced to the Left
[ The paper contains also a description Center of Gravity
of an apparatus and method for testing
meters of large capacity by Mr. George Power,, 2 . F.
W. Barnes, chief engineer of the Equit- ·
able Meter Company .] 3.1 sq.in.
( 1 ) There is but little advantage pos
sessed by one burner over another. an indicator card , for instance, is found weeks before. The purchaser reported
( 2) As good economy is made with a by cutting it out, then balancing on the that the only trouble with the engine was
blue as with a white or straw flame, and point of a pin . that it had a habit of knocking occasion
no better . Since writing the letter referred to ally, sometimes diurnally, then noctur
( 3 ) Greater capacity may be made with above, I have improved my planimeter, nally, and for periods of from a few min
a straw - white than with a blue flame. and Fig. I shows a specimen of its work, utes to an hour or so. I immediately
( 4) An efficiency as high as from 72 to which I believe will compare favorably made a mental hold -up of everything that
75 per cent in the use of gas is seldom with that of any instrument. Fig. 2 knocked while running, from lumber
obtained under the most expert condi- shows two views, top and side, of my last wagons to locomotives. From an analysis
tions. design . The hatchet is made of steel, with of the “ swag," I concluded that there are
( 5 ) The “ air for dilution ” is greater a lever with which to adjust the hatchet but two causes for the " pound ” that is
with gas than with coal, so that possible edge. The opposite end of the beam is sup- frequently heard coming from some of
coal efficiencies are impossible with gas.
( 6 ) Don't expect, in good commercial
practice, to get a boiler horse-power on
Side View
less than from 43 to 45 cubic feet of nat
ural gas, the same being referred to 60 a
Tracer Hatchet
degrees Fahr. , and 4 ounces pressure
above a barometer of 29.92 inches. Trace the figure by moving the block * a " with the hand

( 7 ) Fuel costs are the same under best

conditions with natural gas at 10 cents
per 1,000 cubic feet and semi - bituminous
coal at $2.87 per 2,240 pounds . O
This is based on 3.5 pounds of wet coal +
being used per boiler horse-power per Lever to adjust Hatchet
hour, or 45 cubic feet of natural gas . Power, N.Y.

( 8) Expressed otherwise, a long ton of FIG. 2 . AMOS PRICE, JR.'S, HATCHET PLANIMETER.
semi- bituminous coal is the equivalent of
28,700 cubic feet of natural gas, while a ported as shown in the illustration . The the various journals in engines, viz., an
short ton of such coal is the commercial hatchet lines are made visible by putting unnecessary amount of lost motion, either
equivalent of 25,625 cubic feet. carbon paper, face up, under the paper diametrical or longitudinal .
( 9 ) As compared with hand firing with that the hatchet travels on. I may say Right here it should be stated that the
coal in a plant of 1,500 boiler horse- power that if one does not care to adjust the axles of a loaded lumber -wagon vibrate
output, coal being $2 per 2,240 pounds- hatchet to dead accuracy, he may assume,freely between their shoulders in the hubs
considering labor saving by the use of without appreciable error, a length for of the wheels when the latter are revolv
gas-natural gas should sell for about 10 the beam . For instance, if a 10-inch in- ing, a condition that practically eliminates
cents per 1,000 cubic feet. strument gives the area of a 2- inch circle endwise friction of journals. With the
* See also Vols. IA and 2 of W. Va . Geol .
to be 3.22, consider the length of beam to wagon standing on a plane and level sur
Survey. equal 3.1416 = 3.22 for other surfaces. face, about 5 per cent of the weight of the
January, 1906. POWER 27

load would be required to shake the axles was shut down . collar at each impulse and cause the
The crank-case covers
endwise in the wheels. It seemed to me were then removed, and while the pin- pound. Why was it that the engine did
that the lost motion in crank-pin boxes, brasses were apparently adjusted O. K., not pound continuously ?
for instance, whether endwise or diamet too much had been faced off one end of After luncheon my father came out to
one pair, allowing more play than was see how I was getting on with the job.
necessary. The bottom brass was re After approving what I had done, he
versed, as shown in Fig. 3, which is some- espied the "engineer” cutting gaskets for
what exaggerated, and the knock was the crank-case covers, as in Fig. 4, then
remarked, sotto voce, “ That is one of the
prizest pumpkins that I ever saw. He
should have cut strips off the end of the
roll and doweled the corners together ."
I copy his sketch and show it at a. Con
tinuing, he said : “ Too many young men
cut holes in the middle of their lives,
Liners which have to be bridged, or they fall
through and let their friends or the pub
lic pick them up. " His idea was, that
everything intrusted to our care should
be used wisely and economically, but not
I niggardly. He has this notice posted in
the shop : “ Don't load a tin gun with

Hinged Joint
Power , NY .


rical, would occur practically at the same

instant, making it difficult to distinguish bronze
one from the other. It seemed, too, that,
owing to the difference of the rigidity of
the parts to resist side or end thrust, it
is probable that a comparatively slight end
blow would set up as much vibration as a
heavier side stroke, making an equal
amount of noise, even if the side and end
impacts were simultaneous. Hower , ...

On my arrival at the plant in question , FIG. 5. A ROD END.

Put Powdered Soapstone on

one Side to Prevent its
Sticking on Both Sides .

Corrugated Spring
to hold Caps on,

Hinged Joint

Power , ..Y.

Power, NY


I found the engine running and making knocked out. It is probable, too, that the dynamite, nor go down a 40- foot ladder
more fuss than a lazy man trying to do cylinder and shaft were not in as perfect to save a shingle nail.”
nothing. I tried to think advantageously line as they should have been , which The top ends of the connecting rods of
of the situation till noon, when the engine would tend to throw the box against the some engines are made as in Fig. 5. The
28 POWER January, 1906.

eccentric is actuated by the tension of a oxid of iron ; 46.94 per cent. of silica, night, requiring two engineers by day and
clock spring, and closes the bronze boxes magnesia and other earthy substances, and one by night, and I have come to the con
on the piston pin automatically, as they 2.26 per cent. of carbon. Every analysis clusion that the squeaky Corliss of yore,
wear. It seems to me that that method is that has been made of a similar deposit with its leaky condenser and soap -house
too rigid ; won't open if the pin heats ; has shown the presence of the oils and addition, would make a small side-show
and I beg to suggest that both caps be minerals mentioned in varying propor- compared to an up-to-date Puget Sound
held with a spring, as in Fig. 6. Of course tions . sawmill installation . R. I. BLAKNEY.
the tension of the spring should be some- The oxid of iron is accounted for by Seattle, Wash.
what in excess of the inertia and friction the wear of the cylinders and pistons, and
of the parts and “ suction ” of the piston. the rust from the inside of steam pipes ; Useful Hints for Making Joints.
Amos Price, JR. the silica, magnesia and other earthy sub
Youngstown, O. stances are carried over with the steam The article by Mr. Wakeman in the
from the boilers and deposited in the cyl- November issue, on flange joints, is good,
Presumption Squelched. inders in the following manner : When but I would suggest a few points which
the boilers " prime” they carry over a
Not so very long ago the writer was small quantity of water which holds in
called to a somewhat isolated section of suspension the silica, magnesia and earthy
the country to install a small, steam substances previously mentioned. These
driven electrical plant. In doing the
substances, coming in contact with the
work , the conditions being favorable, the

cylinder walls covered with a viscous oil,
exhaust from the engine was piped down
are cemented together by the oil and car
through the engine-room floor, and thence ried by the piston into the " clearance
horizontally, allowing the exhaust pipe to space," and the deposit thus formed may
overhang a small stream. After the work find its way to and between the expansion
was completed I overheard certain local rings. lf a sample of this deposit is placed
" engineers" discuss the merits and de on a red-hot shovel and the oil burned Power , X. X.
merits of leaving the exhaust where I had from it, the residue will be silica, magne
placed it. They unanimously agreed that sia and iron. The oil referred to does not FIG. I. SHOWING STUB FOR HANDLING.
I was " all right" when it came to install contain any substances that, of itself, can
ing electrical machinery, but that I knew furm any such deposit. It is true, how he has omitted. In cutting a gasket, it
nothing about steam machinery, or I ever, that a low-grade oil containing ani will be found very convenient to leave a
would not have left the exhaust in that mal matter may decompose and leave a small piece on one side to hold it in place
position . deposit, which, to some extent, resembles with thumb and finger while inserting the
In a day or twothe owner ofthe plant thesample submitted,but,should it be bolts, especially if the pipe is hot,orleak
came to me and asked if the engine would placed on a red -hot shovel it will be en age occurs from the boilers. See Fig. 1 .
not operate more economically, if the ex tirely destroyed by the heat. This deposit It does not waste any packing, because the
haust pipe went out through the roof. I is usualy found where the stream from corners that are left after cutting the gas
told him very emphatically that it would whence the water supply for the boilers is
ket out may be utilized.
not. In the course of three or four weeks drawn is subject to sudden rises. The Mr. Wakeman speaks of using a car
I had occasion to visit the same place organic matter incident to such conditions
again, and, much to my surprise, I saw causes the boilers to " prime” and carry Puuer, N.Y.
that the exhaust pipe had been changed to over in suspension the earthy substances. FIG. 2. SCRAPER FOR PACKED JOINTS .
extend through the roof. Upon inquiry I The remedy will be found in the fre
was informed that the plant was operating quent cleaning of the boilers, and if it is penter's chisel to scrape joints, which is
with one-third less coal , while thus ex impossible to prevent priming entirely you very well, but I think it better to make
hausting through the roof, than before. should use during those periods of
Paris, Tenn . E. E. DAVIS. a chisel from a piece of 1/2 -inch hexagon
priming as small a quantity of cylinder- steel, 15 inches long, as in Fig. 2 . The
oil as possible . Chas. H. GARLICK. steel is drawn out under the hammer very
Gummy Deposit in Cylinders. Pittsburg, Pa . thin and slightly bent at the end. It
The following letter and my reply to it should be tempered to a light blue and
may be of interest : Consolation for the Factory Engineer. ground the same as a carpenter's chisel.
It is a very effective tool for scraping all
" We enclose a sample of gummy de In a recent issue of PoweR there was a kinds of joints .
posit taken from the expansion rings of a letter which referred to the hardships of a
triple-expansion, low-pressure pump which factory engineer. Time was when I would Power , NY .
had become clogged. We have been have sympathized with the writer of that
using only a well-known brand of high letter, for I remember when , fifteen years FIG. 3. SCRAPER FOR HANDHOLES , ETC.
grade cylinder -oil on this pump and would ago, I had charge of a woolen -mill plant
like to have you investigate the matter, where, in addition to my regular duties, IAnother kind of scraper that I have
with a view to explaining the cause of this found to be useful, especially in the boiler
had to walk twice a day to the tank-house
deposit. Is it not possible that there was
and stir up soap. What with keeping the room for handholes and manholes, which
glue in the oil , which formed this gummy soap about right and maintaining 27 belong to the flange family, is made like
substance ? " Fig. 3, of 58 -inch steel, tempered .
inches vacuum in an old , leaky condenser,
Now a word about the durability of the
It is not unusual for deposits of this there was no danger of my losing my ap many kinds of packing in use. First, I
kind to be found in the cylinders of slow petite for want of exercise, and I thought will say that " one man's opinion does not
running engines and pumps where high- my lot hard enough . I now have charge make a packing any more than one swal
grade oils are used. An analysis of this of a plant in which there are nineteen low makes a summer." I had a sample
deposit showed that it contained 30.80 per steam engines, of various dimensions, to of a well -known packing sent me on trial
cent. of petroleum oil , with a small quan- look after daily, with their twelve boilers , and it happened that just then I had a
tity of saponifiable oil ; 20 per cent of pumps, etc. The plant runs day and steam - fitter working for me, who was said
January, 1906. POWER 29

to be Ai . I gave him some of the pack- the steam, but after a few minutes' opera- Finally, when one stops to consider the
ing that night, to try on two 5-inch flange tion the water in the -sink refused to run many different types of steam separators
joints. In the morning, sure enough, the off. A 44 -inch hose with 30 pounds water on the market, the designs of the same
having been worked out by students of
joints leaked badly. Of course, the pack- pressure was run down the pipe to force such
ing was condemned. I also thought less out any obstruction. As long as the hose questions, and the small cost, con
of the packing owing to the steam - fitter's was in operation the sink worked splen- sidering the many advantages to be ob
reputation as a mechanic. Soon after I didly, but when the hose was removed the tained therefrom, it appears to be a waste
had some joints to make, and I gave the pipe instantly clogged. The suggestion of time and expense for anybody to build
packing another trial. Those joints have was made that the trouble was due to air up such a " home-made” machine, which
never leaked since. Now, here is the being trapped between the two traps in does not embody even all the fundamental
point: This packing had a lead insertion, the waste pipe. A small hole the size of principles for which such a machineE. is
and the steam - fitter did not see that the a pin was made, and the sink immediately intended. Calvin B. Ross, M.
kinks were all out before cutting the gas- emptied and worked O. K. ever afterward . Springfield, 0.
ket ; also, before putting the joint together. Bridgeport, Conn. KINKS.
So, as Mr. Wakeman says, there are a Electrical Advice .
number of good packings on the market, The Steam Separator.
but a good joint depends on the man who A short time ago we hired a new dy
made it. One other point which should Almost every issue of Power contains namo man and the victim was an en
never be forgotten is to follow up the an article on “ A Home-made Separator," gineer of about 18 years experience in
nuts the first time the pipe is cold . If usually built of pipe and fittings. The small electric plants, mostly office build
this is neglected, the best packing in the writer has often wondered whether the ings at 110 volts. We, of course, thought
world will give out in a very short time. authors of such articles fully realize the we would have no trouble in breaking
Seymour, Conn. J. B. WIRTEMBURG. varied functions of such machines . him in , but we came very near breaking
It is folly to assert that separators of up the plant in doing it. Our place has
A Kink in Waste -Pipe Traps . such design can effectively eliminate the four 550-volt machines and thirty dis
In some cases, tributing panels. On each one of the
water from the steam.
During alterations at a factory where a however, and to a certain extent this may feeder panels is aa knife switch, an am
friend worked it became necessary to tear be possible, but in general a different de meter, a circuit-breaker and a lightning
down an old sink and its pipe connections, sign must be resorted to. arrester of the magnetic blow-out type.
for the purpose of installing a new sink. To make a steam separator efficient. They generally blow-up, however, when
Owing to the alterations in the locality volume is one of the necessary requisites. a heavy charge hits them . The circuit
of the boiler feeder, it was destined that Such volume cannot be obtained by the breaker is an automatic magnetic blow
this sink should perform double duty. use of pipe fittings, arranged, as for exr out affair which was made before they
The boiler- feed facilities consisted of a ample, in Mr. Miles' article on "Anothe learned how. The machine panels have
feed-pump, an ordinary injector and an Home-made Separator," in November aa circuit-breaker which is negative, a volt
exhaust injector. The feeding was done Power, page 692. Of course this is an un meter connection, a rheostat, an ammeter,
by the exhaust injector. At times, owing usual case of separation, his pipe being tive.
and twoWeknife switches, positive and nega
have one voltmeter which
to the variation of the load, the flow of exceptionally small, but still it serves as an
exhaust steam was
not constant, thus illustration. shows the bus-bar voltage and one which
In order to efficiently sep can be connected to either machine by
arate the water from the steam provision inserting a plug in the machine panel to
must be made for reducing the velocity of be cut in . The positive side of the ma
Where Sinall Hole was Made said steam, thereby causing it to deposit chine voltmeter is connected to the posi
all particles of water carried in suspen tive bus and the negative to the negative
Lead sion, passing out as practically dry steam .
of the machine. By this it is not possible
Another, and in some cases just as im to forget to put in the equalizer switch
portant a feature, is the receiver capacity which is at the machine. This 110 - volt
Iron Pipe Trap thus afforded, providing, near the engine, man wanted to use 110 - volt methods in
a storage of reserve energy which may be dealing with 550-volt work. The first
Puwer, N.Y.
needed instantly should the engine at any night he worked, I broke him in on the
A KINK IN WASTE - PIPE TRAPS. moment be called upon to carry a heavy feeder board, but when he would want to
causing the injector to break or overflow load. Still another advantage of receiver cut out a feeder panel he would insist on
for a minute or so, and then regain its capacity is the even flow of steam to the pulling the knife switch instead of the
fluctuations of pressure, as is circuit-breaker, which should be the way
normal condition. This breaking caused engine; no the
a good deal of slop on the engine-room sometimes case with low-speed engines to do it .
floor, so it was proposed to put both injec- not provided with a receiver . I finally let him pull a switch with 500
tors together and place the sink under · The effective working area inside a sep amperes on it and he was wise to that
them to catch the overflow . The waste arator, especially where the path of the part of the game after that, although he
pipe from the sink was connected to a steam is directed, should be at least two said that was the way he had always
pipe that received the drips from the or three times the area of the port, thus done with 110 - volt work. After showing
engines, pumps, heater, etc. The waste- eliminating all possibility of friction. him for about 3 days how to cut in
pipe was provided with the usual trap Numerous methods of entrainment of a machine, I turned him loose on his first
under the sink. After everything was the condensate are employed, the most ef- one. After waiting about 10 minutes for
piped up, it was found that the steam pres- ficient being troughs partly filled with him to get in , I walked up to the board to
sure in the main drip-pipe forced the water . see what the trouble was and he had got
water out of the trap under the sink, The possibility is that in such a case as ten his machine up to 500 volts and was
thereby breaking the seal and allowing Mr. Miles describes, judging from the working his other three down to 500
the steam to back up into the engine- small size of the steam pipe, a high de- volts so he could go in. I finally per
room . In order to overcome this, the trap gree of separation is not essential, but in suaded him not to bother the bus volt
in the lead pipe was augmented by a trap a great many, in fact most all cases , this age, but raise his machine up to them and
placed in the iron pipe below it. This ar- feature of efficient separation should be go in , which he did . I then told him to
rangement was successful in holding back one of the points of deepest consideration. signal the oiler which machine he was
30 POWER January, 1906.

to cut out, and as the oiler started to close every three feet on this cable, have a cool . If you will feel of all terminals on
the throttle, work the load off with the lug clamped and soldered and one on the the machine just after a run, you will
rheostat and then pull the circuit-breaker. feeder also. The best way to " jump" these probably find some of them hot. This is
As soon as he gave the signal, he made together is by means of a Alexible cable oftentimes caused by poor connections
a break for the knife switches and started and a tapering end . Have the holes in which will send the current out through
to pull them out with 2,000 amperes on the lugs tapered also, and one turn of a the equalizer to the board through another
them. This called for a lecture on the nut on the lug on the end of the flexi- machine. This may explain to some one
advisability of using a circuit- breaker to ble cable lug will insure good contact. why a machine will run alone all right,
break a 550 - volt circuit. Then put in a switch on the extra panel and but when put in with another it will not
After repeating the above for about 3 the rough breaker can be cut out by a take its load right.
days in succession, I made out the follow- knife switch and trimmed up without in- Shunt field connections also have a habit
ing rules for prospective dynamo men to terrupting the service on that particular of working loose. It is better to spend
paste in their hats. To cut in : First, put feeder. a few minutes each day looking at such
in the equalizer switch ; second, put in the In sanding a commutator we use things than to have a shut down during
circuit-breaker ; third, put the voltmeter a hard-wood block turned to the radius the heavy pull and possibly a reversal of
plug in the machine panel to be cut in ; of the commutator. It is not so wide as the machine. In case of a machine be
fourth , turn the field switch to the point the commutator and about 10 inches long. coming reversed and you have another one
marked " On" ; fifth, turn the rheostat in the We put about 12 sheets of No. I sand- running, you can straighten it out by
direction indicated by the arrows on its paper on the block and use a lever about putting in the equalizer and the positive
face and when the machine voltage is the 36 inches long, made out of 2x4 oak, to switch, if the equalizer is positive ; if it
same as the bus voltage, put the main persuade the paper to do business. In is negative, put in the negative switch.
knife switches in and then adjust the ordinary sanding it will take about 6 or This will cause a part of the other
load on the machine with the rheostat . 7 sheets. Put a little oil on the last sheet machines current to flow through the ser
To cut a machine out: First, give the used and the dust collected will put a ies oils of the reversed machine and it will
oiler the signal which one is to go out ; nice gloss on the commutator. After build up right. You will always find the
second, as he closes throttle work the sanding, the machine should be blowed main circuit-breaker and equalizer of op
load off by the rheostat ; third, when the out and wiped. A small air compressor posite polarity or at least they should be.
ammeter gets down nearly to zero pull is a nice thing to have. About 30 pounds In conclusion, I might say ; treat every
the circuit-breaker ; fourth, pull the posi- pressure is about right, as anything over wire around the place as a live one. Do
tive switch ; fifth, pull the negative switch, that will destroy the insulation and will not get tired and lean up against an iron
and 6th , pull the equalizer switch . In our fill it full of dust. A fiber nozzle should stairway or railing and get hold of a
plant, the house lights are connected on be used on the air hose, as the price of switch or rheostat wheel , as they are
the positive side to either bus bars or it will be saved several times over the generally loaded . 550 volts has no respect
to the equalizer by a two-throw switch first time the dynamo man forgets to pull for gray hairs earned in the service, no
and on the negative side, to the nega- his equalizer switch out . matter whether it be 20 years or 20 days .
tive side of each machine or ground by After a commutator, the brushes should The man who is slow is not always the
a five -point switch . If the lights are on be sandpapered . This is best done by us- most cool - headed or the quick man the
the machine to be cut out, it will be neces- ing a strip of sandpaper just as wide as most excitable . First know what you are
sary to transfer them to some other the brush and about 10 inches long. going to do and then do it quick.
machine. We do not carry them on the Always pull the paper in the direction of Kansas City, Mo. BOHUNK .
ground point, because when the main rotation , as a back and forth motion will
breakers go out ( which are negative ) , put round corners on the heel and toe of
the house lights go out also and that is the brush . The machine should be wiped Boiler Feed -Water Regulator.
the time we need the light most, for when up after this is done. A good flat paint
you interrupt a 1,200 -ampere current at brush is a handy thing to use to clean The accompanying sketch shows an

550 volts, there is generally something grease and dirt from the back of the arrangement designed to keep the normal
water level in a boiler constant. In addi
doing in the engine-room. In case the brushes in places which cannot be reached tion to the usual shut-off valve a valve V
main breakers go out, cut out about four with the hand. After the machine is
fifths of your feeder panels and then go in cleaned, it should be tested with a volt fitted with a lever and counterweight is
with your largest machine, and follow as meter for grounds . In our case, we sim- provided, and is controlled by the action
soon after as possible with another one, ply put the voltmeter plug in the machine of a membrane M. When the membrane
for as soon as the power is on the lines panel ; in any case have the positive side is pressed upward the valve V is opened,
every motorman will begin to make up connected to the positive bus and the allowing water to feed into the boiler.
lost time and it will probably be 10 or negative side to the machine to be tested . When the upward pressure on the mem
15 minutes before you can take up all the If the voltmeter shows a swing of not brane is removed the valve is closed by the
feeder panels. counterweight.
over 25 volts and then goes back to zero,
The action is effected in the following
These old magnetic blow-out breakers it is all right, as a little static discharge manner : A standpipe 1 inch in diameter is
will get very rough on the secondary con- will cause the 25-volt swing on the meter.
tacts ofter going out several times with a In shutting a machine down, there mounted on the boiler, projecting into it
to the normal water level . The end of the
heavy current and will have to be should be no window or door left open
trimmed ; that is, filed up. The main close to the commutator, especially at pipe inside the boiler is protected by a
special tube, as indicated in the sketch.
breakers should be trimmed and cleaned night, as a cool draught will have a tenAttached to the stand-pipe are two water
, from each of which a 14 - inch pipe
as soon as the machine is down. Very dency to cause unequal contraction of the jacks
rough contacts or an accumulation of commutator, thereby causing high bars runs to the membrane M, one above and
small copper pieces have been the cause of which will call for a job of turning, al the other below it. The pipes and the
a great many burned -up breakers and pos- though much has been said of taking water jacks are filled with water. When
sibly a few machines. The breakers on them down with a file or sandpaper. the water in the boiler rises above normal
the feeders should also be trimmed at the Frequent inspections will apply to a dy- level it enters the stand- pipe, produces a
first sign of roughness. There should be namo as well as to the engine. For ex- pressure in the same which balances the
an extra panel and a heavy cable running ample, you may find your equalizer switch membrane. When the water drops below
the full length of the feeder board . About hot and the positive switch on the board normal level steam enters the stand-pipe,
January, 1906. POWER 31

exerts its full pressure on the water jacks, As will be noticed , we adopted the ex down the trouble in an engine which has
from whence the pressure is transferred pansion type, using a 17 4 - inch copper tube, suddenly become a steam consumer will he
upon the membrane. In addition to that 33 inches long, from A to B , mounted in realize just what this means.
pressure the weight of the water column H a suitable cast- iron frame forming the I was responsible for the running of a
must be taken into account, from which, body of the trap. I think most engineers small power plant, which consisted of an
however, is to be deducted Hj. would understand the working of this trap 80 horse-power, horizontal, return tubular
It is obvious that the water level can vary on examination of the drawing, but for boiler and a 50 horse-power high- speed au
those who prefer to be enlightened , I will tomatic cut-off engine, having a solid pis
give an explanation . ton valve. The engine had not been re
The water passes through the copper paired, nor had any attention been given
tube, down through the chamber C, prim to it for years, except to open and close
S ary and secondary valves D and E, and the throttle when necessary. It got so that
out through the drain pipe F. As long as it would not develop more than 40 horse
there is nothing but warm water coming power, and then it was mighty hard work
through the course is not impeded, but to keep up the pressure. On examination
when the water is slackening up, and is the piston rings and piston valve were
accompanied by a little steam, the copper found to be badly worn and accordingly I
tube begins to expand, and acting on the insisted on having a new set of rings and
lever G, which has its fulcrum at H, the a new valve. It was necessary to remove
valve stem K is forced outward , lifting its the piston valve casing, in order to bore it
Feed Water
seat L off the three-winged secondary and fit a new valve. Having satisfied my
valve E ;, hence, valve E will be forced on self that the ring and valve were all right,
its seat by the force of the water and I put them back .
Normal Water Level steam, thus leaving only the small primary With the new parts the engine ran nice
ly, firing was a very easy matter and the
valve D open for the water to escape
through. If this opening proves large writer, with others, was congratulating
himself on the result, when about a week
enough for the free passage of the water
faster than the steam condenses, then live later the “ stoke” reported that the boiler
Poreer, NY was firing harder and harder. It was
steam will start through and at once cause time to put on the lights and 20 horse
BOILER FEED - WATER REGULATOR . the maximum expansion of the copper power was thrown on. This caused the
but a fraction of an inch . Similar instal tube, throwing the valve D against its
steam pressure to drop from 90 to 60
lations have given excellent satisfaction, seat, thus closing both valves. Then, as pounds with a clean , clear, coal fire and a
the steam condenses and the water alls
and, as regards economical coal consump the trap and copper pipe, cooling off the good draft, whereas the day before it
tion, have rendered a good account of latter causes it to contract and open both was an easy matter to run power and lights
themselves . Max KURTH . by firing slack. Ten minutes before regu
valves, as shown in the drawing.
Claremont, N. H. BAYARD lar quitting time we actually had to shut
Alameda, Cal .
down , for the engine was not nearly up to
A Home-made Steam Trap. speed.
Steam Escaped in Odd Manner. Now to find the cause of the trouble.
The steam header over our battery of
boilers was the cause of a lot of trouble It is often exceedingly hard to convince All sorts of suggestions were made, and
because its condensation was not properly the average stationary engineer as to the while they were making suggestions I was
taken care of. The engineer suggested large amount of steam that will pass thinking of where the steam was going. A
buying a steam trap, but the management through a long and extremely narrow thought struck me to try the exhaust side
objected, being " pinched for cash ." passage. By a narrow passage I mean a of the valve for tightness. The engine ex


Inlet 14 Copper Tube

f F
F fo

Hwer, NY.

finally got permission to make one. Of passage between two parallel plates which hausted into a heating system , where a
course, this cost money, but it doesn't are separated from each other by about pressure of about five pounds was carried .
seem like spending money to pay it out in .002 of an inch. He knows from his form- Between the engine and the heating header
wages. The engineer inveigled me into er experience as stoker, perhaps, what a was a valve to keep the steam from the
" scheming" on a trap with him. The pro large amount of steam he can push through engine at night, and , looking into the steam
duct of our combined thoughts is herein an ordinary one- inch valve, but not until chest, I slowly opened this valve, when I
illustrated he has had a similar experience in hunting felt a rush of hot vapor strike my face. I
32 POWER January, 1906.

could not see where it came from . I tried and would not run up to speed . Upon considerable load, thus saving the full load
several times, when it dawned on me that looking over the engine I noticed that the from being thrown on the other generator,
it could only come from between the valve- valve on the head end was not closing ; which would probably have overloaded
sing seat and the seat on the cylinder. this was caused by the dash -pot not drop- and thrown open the automatic switches
In putting the valve casing back after re- ping clear down and holding the valve and shut off all the power.
boring it for the new valve I placed a slightly open, admitting steam to the
paper packing .002 inch thick ( with front side of the piston on the return New York City.
graphite ) between the casing and the cyl- stroke. Upon making a slight adjust
inder and the paper had gradually wasted ment of the dash-pot to facilitate closing Boiler Inspection .
away, allowing the steam to by-pass into the trouble disappeared. I suppose the en
the exhaust. So I removed the valve cas- gineer had been making adjustments one I would like to say a few words on the
ing, took off what remained of the paper after the other until he did not know need of careful boiler inspection . From
packing and put a very thin copper pack- what he had done. My advice to young time to time I have seen letters on the sub

ing on . In the morning, when we started, thing in such cases is to mark every- ject, but in no case have I seen a method
as it was before adjusting, so that advanced by which the boiler would get
it ran as nicely as a well- regulated watch .
I could hardly believe it, but I am positive if necessary all parts onmay be replaced in a good and thorough inspection . I will
that at least one-third of the steam was their original conditi , and, above all say right here that the workshop where
going into the exhaust through this long, things,to go slow in making any changes. the boiler is made is the place for the in
narrow opening . M. J. CONLON . Bridgeport , Conn .KINKS. spection to begin . An inspector, or some
Lawrence, Mass. reliable, competent person, should inspect
A Peculiar Governor Trouble . The Machinist and The Emergency . each sheet to see that the stamp of the
maker is on it, and if the boiler is for a
The other day there came to my notice certain duty, that the proper materials are
ingAngoverno r ing
interest case came
recently of a to
my operat
notice. an incident which may be of interest to put into it. Records should be made and
The engine was one of the type where the your readers, it being an illustration of the kept and the stamp of sheets and heads
should not be obliterated , but should be
governor acts directly on the valve gear, value
In aofmodera tee-sized
presenc of mind.
power house one of plainly seen after the boiler is completed .
which consisted of a set of tappets which cross - compound
The inspe ctor
, or person in charge of the
connected wth a set of toes carried on a the 1,000 -horse -power
Corliss horizontal engines, which was di- construction , should visit the plant as often
sliding rbar
governo acted n by the
drive eccentric
on these rectly connected to a generator and run- as necessary to keep up with the work.
toes,. forc-
ing them down or allowin them to rise, ning in parallel, suddenly started pounding The holes should be punched smaller than
and hammering as though it were going to the rivet, then reamed out true and the use
as conditi ing demand
increasons the catch,
ed , and doingg pieces. The engineer rushed for the throt- of drift -pins should not be allowed. The
by soreducin
tle and was on the point of shutting down inspector should see that the boiler is built
altering the cut-off. The rod from the when a machinist , who was working on the in a workmanlike manner, or condemn the
governor extended down to within about next engine, rushed up and said, " Don't work completely . When the construction
a foot of the toes, when it was made shut down ; you'll throw too big a load on of the boiler is complete, the boiler should
square and passed down through a pocket the other and raise Cain ,” and before the be subjected to a hydrostatic test of from
or sleeve to steady it. engineer could speak he jumped to the 1/4 to 1/2 times the pressure that is to be
high-pressure cylinder, and quickly taking allowed on it ; then, after the boiler is empty
Spindle a wrench out of his pocket, shortened the and dry, a careful internal inspection
reach rod to the head- end inlet-valve, so should be made to ascertain whether every
Filings that it did not open to admit steam. The portion of the boiler is intact and in proper
in here
noise instantly ceased, and the governor shape. A report of all this should be for
fell a little, but quickly picked up as the warded to the purchaser , together with the
other generator took over a portion of the stamps and all data of the boiler.
load . The machinist then went over to the On its arrival where it is to be used it
touer, NY low-pressure side, and turning the right should be again examined and all data
and left -hand nut on the governor rod, checked up to see whether the boiler has
A PECULIAR GOVERNOR TROUBLE ; SHOWING lengthened it, causing the valve to close been ruptured in shipment. It should be
early, thus increasing the initial pressure properly set and inspected , both inside and
When I got there the engine was racing and throwing more work on the low- out, at regular intervals. By inspection, I
badly most of the time, and at other times pressure side .
At the same time he yelled do not mean to stand on the outside and
would not run up to speed. The engineer , to the astonished engineer to start up an- look in through the manhole, but to go
who was a young beginner , said he did into it and examine every portion of its in
other engine.
In about five minutes another generator terior surface, as well as the outside. If
not know what caused the trouble, as he was running and took up the load from this were done with all boilers we would
had not made any alterations or adjust
ments in a long time. We looked the gov- the first engine, which was now shut down. have fewer boiler explosions.
ernor over and took off the plate on the The machinist then explained to the en- As to locomotive boilers, they are harder
front of the pocket, to find it full of filings gineer that the cause of the trouble was to keep up than any other class and are the
or chips. Then the engineer suddenly re- the key which holds the rocking lever on most difficult to inspect. In my opinion
membered that he had filed off a set screw the head - end exhaust valve . This had there are fewer locomotive boilers thor
the night before , which accounted for the fallen out, leaving the exhaust valve closed oughly inspected than any other kind, while
filings, and, as the sleeve was made with and thus trapping the contained steam and the number of explosions seems to grow.
a recess at the top to facilitate oiling, it causing the rumpus . He had seen the They are difficult to prepare for inspection ,
made quite a nice little pocket to catch the cause of the trouble at a glance, and so because in most of them it is necessary to
filings, which, of course, made the work- cut off the steam admission , making remove the dome caps and dry pipes,
the engine single- acting on the high -pres- which is always a difficult job. Steam
ing of the governor erratic.
On another occasion I was called to see sure side. By regulating the low-pressure boiler insurance companies have more trou
what was the matter with a Corliss en- cylinder to approximately balance this new ble in getting the locomotive boiler in
gine that suddenly developed a bad pound condition , he made the engine still carry a sliape for inspection than any other, and
January, 1906 . POWER 33

they cost more by a lot to inspect, and are forced to the utmost for a year, if the ratus, wiring for lighting and power ). 2 .
are generally the worst risks. deterioration is 25 per cent., or more, the Experience in handling electrical appa
Some people say they hardly think there inspector should recommend the purchase ratus ( rated on application ).
could be a standard fixed for boilers used of a new boiler properly proportioned, or Branch 3, Heating. Subjects-1 . Prac
for stationary purposes, and I may add for he could reduce the pressure carried, or tical questions ( covering heating by hot
any purpose, for that matter, especially cancel the policy and let the manager reap water and exhaust or live steam ) . 2. Ex
when we think and picture the ill- fated the benefits of rapid deterioration. There perience in handling heating plants ( rated
gunboat Bennington. One per cent. reduc- is no satisfactory way of establishing a on application ).
tion for deterioration for boilers that have standard percentage of deterioration. In Branch 4, Refrigeration. Subjects-1.
had careful handling might do, but there fact, it would be impossible to do so for Practical questions ( covering systems of
are thousands that deteriorate at the rate a boiler for any purpose. Deterioration de refrigeration and operation of necessary
of 50 per cent. in two years, as I have pends on a number of conditions, such as apparatus ) . 2. Experience in handling re
known to be a fact. This is not in disfavor location , setting, care and management, frigerating apparatus ( rated on applica
of continuous inspection , however, for right etc. , and there is but one course to pursue tion ) .
here is where the inspector's duty comes in. and that is leave it to the inspector to de- Branch 5, Gas and Gasolene Engines.
He should inspect those having charge of termine what pressure should be carried. I Subjects—1 . Practical questions ( covering
the boilers as well as the boilers. see no reason why a boiler cannot have operation of gas and gasolene engines ) . 2.
There is one steam-boiler insurance com- continuous inspection, if desired, and I Experience in handling gas and gasolene
pany which undertakes steam-boiler inspec- should advocate it. I hope to see the day engines ( rated on application ).
tion , and comes pretty near doing it. First, when all boilers will get such inspection . Branch 6, Hydraulics. Subjects- 1 .
you tell them your needs in the boiler line. Lawrence, Mass. M. J. Conlon . Practical questions ( covering operation of
They draw up your specifications, copies of water turbines and water wheels ) . 2. Ex
which are sent to the different firms. The Engineers' Examinations Announced. perience
lowest bidder gets the contract; a copy of
in handling turbines and water
wheels ( rated on application ) .
the specifications is retained and another The United States Civil Service Com
Applicants should at once apply to the
copy sent to the insurance inspector. He mission announces an examination on United States Civil Service Commission,
is instructed to look after the material spe- January 10, 1906, to secure eligibles from Washington, D. C., for application Form
cified, and the construction, to see that the which to make certification to fill the 1093 In applying for this examination
boiler is built according to specifications. vacancies mentioned below, and vacancies the title " Engineer, Indian Service, Janu
Each visit is recorded and reported. When as they may occur in the Indian Service ary 10, 1906 , ” should be used in the appli
the boiler is completed, it is tested and cation.
in engineering positions :
stamped with the test ; all records are sent Engineer, $600 per annum , Puyallup,
to the purchaser and the insurance com Wash., as the result of examination in A Few Boiler Explosions.
pany on its arrival at its destination . There branch 3, with the exception that the
it is again checked up and the inspection second subject will be amended to cover November 13, at Dubuque, Iowa, the
is continuous all along, until the boiler is “Experience in handling steam-heating owner and engineer of a flour mill were
fit only for the scrap pile, as long as the plant and knowledge of plumbing .” killed by the explosion of the boiler.
insurance is kept up. Engineer, with knowledge of steam dup- November 16, near Beavertown, Mich.,
A complete record is kept at all times, for lex pumps, engines, ice plant, laundry ma- four men were injured, one fatally, by
the insurance company has its money up chinery, steam boilers, etc. , at $ 900 per the explosion of a sawmill boiler.
and you need not fear that they will not annum, Colorado River Agency, Ariz . , to November 20, at Jeanerette, La ., a boiler
keep up with the boiler's actual physical be examined in branches i and 4. exploded on Hope plantation , belonging
conditions. Their inspectors do nothing Engineer, at $ 840 per annum, at Grand to the State, doing considerable damage
but inspect boilers. Junction , Colo., to be examined in branch to the boiler-house.
It has been said that many boilers ex 1. The duties of the position require the November 20, at Groveton, Tex ., a saw
plode and many lives are lost through em operation of an acetylene gas engine. mill boiler exploded . An employee was
ployers hiring cheap labor, and in most Owing to the widely varying conditions killed, three others badly hurt and the
cases the blame is put on the boiler-maker. in the various schools and agencies of the mill was wrecked .
No doubt a number of explosions are due Indian Service, general engineering ex- December 8, at a quarry at Marion, O.,
to cheap, unskilled labor, but there are, too, aminations will be given under the follow one man was instantly killed and two
a number that can be blamed to faulty ing separate branches. The ratings in each others were fatally injured by the explo
workmanship, bad material and ignorant, branch will be determined separately, and sion of a boiler.
careless boiler-makers. Some of them ap if more than one branch is taken the December 6 , at Belfast, Ga . , a machine
pear to be very conscientious, but when ratings will be combined into a general shop boiler explosion badly damaged the
they drive drift-pins and tear the fiber, average . In each case " practical ques- boiler -house and injured an employee.
they rivet right along as though everything tions” count 60 per cent. and " experience" December 8, at Leavenworth , Kan., a
was in first-class shape. 40 per cent. 125-horse- power boiler exploded and did
You will find cheap, ignorant and care Salaries, $ 480 to $ 1,000 per annum . The great damage to the penitentiary power
less labor among boiler-makers and they majority of the appointments, however, plant.
should come in for their share of the are made at salaries of $720, $ 840, and December 14, at Kingston , N. Y., a
blame. They certainly need good watch $ 900 per annum . Age limit, 20 years or boiler in a tannery exploded and was
ing. over on the date of the examination . thrown 300 feet over the top of a five
When a man a stock boiler without Branch 1, Steam Engineering. Subjects story building, falling through the roof of
any record of its material, or anything that -1 . Practical questions ( covering installa- another building, which was badly dam
would identify it, how does he know it tion, repair and operation of boilers and aged. The engineer at the tannery was
is all right ? In many instances I have steam engines , and pumps ). 2. Experience seriously scalded .
seen the inspector have anything but in handling steam engines and boilers and
smooth sailing while inspecting work in pumps ( rated on application ) . The boiling point of liquid helium is
some of the most reputable boiler shops. Branch 2, Electrical Engineering. Sub- given as below —271 degrees Cent., or
Day after day he finds defects. jects- 1 . Practical questions ( covering only 2.7 degrees Cent. above the absolute
As to boilers which are too small and generators and motors, switchboard appa- zero of temperature.
34 POWER January, 1906.

Design , Construction and Application of Large Gas far has never led to permanent sucess in
gas - engine manufacture.
Engines in Europe — III. After the failure of the bayonet frame,
BY FRANZ ERICH JUNGE. the manufacturers proceeded to adopt
frames running from the main bearings.
STANDARD CONSTRUCTIONS.-- THE NUERN crank or what is called in Germany the on each side to the extreme ends of the
BERG ENGINE. " bayonet frame,” which is so successfully cylinders with cylinders set down between
We have already considered how it is used up to largest sizes in American the girders. The idea was that the sys
possible, by a better utilization of cylinder steam -engine practice. After a short peri- tem should form one rigid and continuous
volume and reciprocating and revolving od of experimenting it was, however, mass to receive all counteracting forces.
masses, to obtain satisfactory designs of abandoned, as with the high piston pres- and to form a true and common base for
large gas engines, and how to meet the re- sures used in gas engines the single crank the various parts mounted thereon.
quirements of balance and turning effort bearing proved inadequate for the hard There are some builders who still em
without having to use extra heavy Aly
wheels. It has also been shown that for
engines of the four-stroke-cycle type the

tandem combination of double-acting cyl
inders is not only the best, but the only
practical arrangement to be adopted in

modern practice, if floor space does not
enter as one of the limiting conditions of
design .
From the accompanying drawings it
will be seen that builders of the Nürn o
berg engine comply with such funda
mental requirements , and, as a matter of
fact, they deserve the credit of having -4500 -1700

courageously taken the lead in abandoning

the old familiar principles of motor de 2970 980

sign at a time when there was still a gen

eral tendency among gas-engine builders
to regard this class of prime movers as

something beyond the realm of ordinary

machine practice . The Nürnberg engine

embodies principles of design which , for

the greater part, can be regarded as stand

15 -
ard and typical of future construction .

It may be mentioned that the largest

single -acting four-stroke - cycle engine built
by the firm in the course of development
had an output of 600 horse -power , the
diameter of cylinder being 1,300 milli -6600
meters ( 51 3/16 inches ) , the maximum
piston pressure 270,000 kilograms ( 595,000
pounds ), and the weight of fly -wheel, for

a coefficient of regulation of 1/80, 130


The Frame. - Beginning with the frame,


it is known that, with the exception of



engines having pistons arranged to work

in opposite directions, which will be dis
cussed later, it is impossible wholly to
balance the various kinetic forces due to

the inertia of reciprocating and revolving


masses and the centrifugal forces and

couples resulting from the combination of
both , which, through their axial and Center Line of
transverse components, produce shaking Valve Actuating Shaft Dimensions in Millimetery Power , NY,
and rocking effects and resultant vibra FIG . I2. DOUBLE - ACTING NUERNBERG GAS ENGINE.
tions. Stiffness of frame is the first re
quirement to prevent rocking of the sys- service, especially as the pressure acting ploy this type, but it has now been almost
tem, which, when improperly designed, thereon is almost doubled , acting as it entirely discarded on the Continent. The
necessitates heavy foundations and strong does on a lever arm of a length equivalent requirement of stiffness and rigidity of
holding- down bolts, and will never give to the distance between the center line of frame cannot be met by such construc
complete satisfaction . the piston and that of the crank bearing, tion. It is quite impossible to prevent long
The construction of frames for large There are some firms in this country who, frames from bending even while in the
gas engines has undergone three distinct nevertheless, have adopted this practice in workshop, partly because of their own
variations. In the earlier types of simplex their latest types. It will be of interest weight, partly from the process of manu
engines the builders tried to use the Cor- to watch the results of this apparent neg facture, while they may be completely
liss beam type of frame with an overhung lect of Continental experience, which so twisted out of shape when erected in the
January, 1906. POWER 35

power house by tightening the holding- trial will not yet enable one to arrive at it has been the practice, heretofore, to cast
down bolts on an uneven foundation. Long definite conclusions. the cylinder and jackets separately. The
double beams or girder frames are supe- The Cylinder. For calculating the cylinder then assumes the simple form of
rior to the Corliss type of frame, in that working dimensions of an engine, a mean a thin shell which is sometimes pro
the piston pressure can act equally on two pressure of 70 pounds per square inch vided with external ribs for strength ,
crank bearings, each of which has to be is generally assumed, though in the Nürn- and is fitted in the breech end of the
computed as receiving half of such pres- berg engine mean pressures of 100 pounds jacket so as to allow for free expansion
sure ; yet they are heavy with an accu- have been recorded, even with lean power in the axial direction . That such ex
mulation of weight where it is least de- gases . The maximum gas pressure em pansion cannot be neglected, especially
sired, and are difficult and costly to man- ployed in modern engines, and that which in long-stroke engines, may be seen from
ufacture. They are unsatisfactory as to the metal surrounding the combustion the accompanying table. Assuming the
stiffness, while the distribution of metal space must be able to resist, may be put medium jacket temperature to be 20 de
impairs the accessibility of parts. down as 450 pounds per square inch. grees Cent., and that of the cylinder 100
A third solution of the problem under With a sufficiently high factor of safety degrees Cent., there exists a difference in
discussion is offered by the Nürnberg en- or sufficiently low initial material stress temperature of 80 degrees Cent., and we
gines, as shown in Fig. 12. this will give satisfactory results in all
The cast- iron have :
frame consists of the two main -bearing normal cases and for all fuels. Abnormal For cylinder length of 20 30 40 60 80 ins .
supports with the crank -case formed be conditions, as , for instance, the develop An axial expansion of 0 018 0.026 0.035 0.052 0.07 in .
tween and used as a receptacle for the lu- ment of a momentary explosive wave Besides facilitating expansion, this cyl
bricant, a guide bed for the crosshead and generating excessive pressure, need not inder construction offers the advantage of
a circular fange to which is bolted the be taken into account with the present permitting the choice of especially suitable
cylinder by a large number of bolts. The regular and clean form of combustion material for the cylinder proper ; more
frame rests on the foundation throughout chamber evolved in the design of double- over, its reboring becomes easy and the
its entire length and accessibility to the acting engines. The combustion chamber casting of the jacket is simplified. For
crosshead is secured by cutting down the is usually a cylindrical extension of the large work the fundamental requirements
upper edges of the side walls, while cylinder and of the same bore, though in of stiffness and location of valves makes
strength and fairly central distribution of the latest types an annular space is pre- the casting of the cylinder and the jacket
forces are obtained by connecting the cyl- ferred . in one piece advisable . When wide water
inder flange and the main bearings by The internal pressure generated in the spaces are provided, the system having a
heavy tie - rods at a considerable distance cylinder produces tension on the walls in symmetrical form, it is practicable to con .

above the horizontal central plane. This the axial direction as well as transversely. trol the expansion without weakening the
frame forms an absolutely rigid mass, This may be easily analyzed by properly construction, by separating the cylinder
which can be handled with facility in the applying the empirical formulas used for and the jacket or splitting the latter per
shop and allows of complete workman- computation of steam-cylinder thickness, ipherally, which is often done. Yet we
ship, adjustment and finish before trans- provided the wall thickness is only a small find a considerable number of makers
portation . fraction of the bore, so that the whole using jackets consisting wholly or partly
The guide bed and the face of the cross -section may be regarded as sub- of sheet-iron and these, up to the present
fiange to which is bolted the cylinder are jected to equal tension. In large gas en- time , seem to give satisfaction.
machined on the boring mill without gines, with necessarily thicker walls, this Recent investigations made to determine
change of position, so that the vertical assumption does not hold true, as there is the influence of high initial temperatures
plane of the flange must be absolutely true a greater stress exerted by internal pres- on the breech end of gas-engine cylinders
with the crosshead guides. The main sure in the inner cylindrical layers than by means of careful mathematical analysis
pressure being directed toward the lower in the outer layers, which difference in which, with certain limitations, can be ap
stress increases with wall thickness ; for plied also to the wall system in general,
guide, there are only two ledges provided this reason , as well as on account of the
to keep the crosshead in a true path. The have brought out the following results :
weight of the cylinders and their acces difficulty of getting dense castings and ef- 1. For a given range of temperature the
fective cooling, the wall thickness must strains in the metal resulting from the dif
sories is taken up by base plates, to which not exceed certain limits. The critical ference in temperature of the two sides of
they are fastened so as to allow free ex condition will be reached when the va- a single wall are independent of the thick
pansion longitudinally, or parallel to the
rious material stresses exercised upon the ness of the wall. They depend entirely on
center line of the engine. The expansion,
however, is very slight, because the effi system by heating strains, cooling strains the product of the coefficient of expansion
cient cooling of the cylinders and the pis
and active gas forces are coincident in time X the modulus of elasticity. With curved
and direction. This the designer must try surfaces the radius of the curve is impor
tons keeps down the average internal tem to avoid rather by logical consideration tant, conditions being most favorable
perature below that of modern steam en than by mathematical analysis, which of- when its length is maximum.
gines working with superheat. fers only very limited means by which to 2. The strains resulting from unequal
In Dr. Lucke's " Gas -Engine Design” we form a reliable basis for useful calcula- heating of the breech end , or from the
find only a short chapter treating of the ef tion . Even assuming dense castings of average temperature differences of the
fect of the various kinetic forces on frames uniforni composition and distribution of single walls, depend to a large extent on
in general , with no reference to the variety metal, an exact calculation of wall thick- the elastic qualities of the whole System,
of constructive types existing. It is hoped ness is impossible, for the simple reason all strains-especially those caused by
that the second edition of the work will that there are too many considerations in- simple compression and tension forces act
contain a more exhaustive discussion of volved, as, for example, side stresses due ing in the axial direction-being reduced
this important part which, in the design of to load caused by screwing up nuts on when elasticity is increased.
large gas engines, is deserving of most flange bolts , partial reduction of axial ma- 3. The strains mentioned in the preced
careful consideration . It would also be of terial stresses due to the water jacket and ing paragraph are directly proportional to
great value to have some reliable data on connecting webs supporting the cylinder the thickness of the walls, the stresses due
the behavior of the Corliss frame in gas- walls, the influence of temperature fall on to axial forces following a square and
engine practice, though, very likely, the a single wall , etc. those due to bending a linear equation.
short time available for observation and In single -acting engines of medium size The thickness of the walls must , there
36 POWER January, 1906 .

fore, be reduced to the minimum compat- ample, cast-iron and cast-steel, having ap- From the foregoing it is evident there
ible with other requirements. proximately the same coefficient of expan- are, besides the uncontrollable cooling
4. Internal ribs and tubular connections sion, the sum of all stresses is directly strains in the casting, three different
are apt to diminish considerably the elas- proportional to the modulus of elasticity. causes producing strains in the wall sys
tic qualities of the system . They must, Hence by making a cylinder, or part of it, tem, namely, the difference between the
therefore, be designed so as to be able to from cast-steel instead of cast-iron, the temperature of the cylinder wall and that
yield to stresses tending to deformation. factor of safety is not considerably in- of the jacket ; the difference between the
5. For two different materials, as, for ex- creased. temperature of the inner and outer layers

, .Y.






Power , N.Y.



of the wall of the cylinder barrel proper ;

the internal pressure produced by combus
tion within the cylinder. The effect of
the first cause is to produce a tension
stress acting in the longitudinal direction
in the jacket, and a compression stress of

equal magnitude, acting parallel to the

first, in the cylinder barrel. The end
Alanges and all pockets or lugs connecting
the cylinder and jacket barrels are , from
the same cause, subjected to a bending
stress, the bending moment in each part
being equal to the product of the propor
tion of the force acting in the direction
of the cylinder axis x half the height of

the flange. In other words, the bending


moment is directly proportional to the
height of the flange. Its influence on the


cylinder walls is so small that it may be



neglected. The effect of the second cause ,


which cannot be reduced by careful de

927 sign, is that there are produced tension
stresses in the inner cylindrical layers
and compression stresses in the outer
ones, which may lead to excessive ma
terial strains when the difference in tem
perature exceeds certain limits. The ten
sion stresses produced by the combined
second and third causes in the walls of
the inner cylinder are partly compensated
by the compression stresses produced by
the first cause. This is about all that can
be said with certainty about heat relations
in cylinder walls in general. To draw
any other conclusions is mere guess work.
January, 1906. POWER 37

The chapter on cylinders in Dr. Lucke's light of the foregoing considerations. The
work, previously referred to, gives a very cylinder casting is secured to the circular
good discussion of the various methods flange of the main frame by means of a
and formulæ for the computation of wall large number of stud bolts set into solid

thickness, to which engineers are referred metal and located as closely together as

, .Y.
for further information. possible without interfering with the use
The writer will now proceed to study of a wrench in setting up the nuts. The
the cylinder of the Nürnberg engine in the cylinder casting is provided with a ver
tical annular flange which fits into the
O9LZ circular opening of the flange on the bed
frame and insures perfect alinement be
tween the axis of the cylinder and the
guides. This is clearly shown in the
longitudinal section , Fig. 13.
Fig. 14 is a cross-sectional view of a

0%! cylinder and shows the symmetrical form

of the cylinder and jacket casting, with

the large water space between the inner


and outer walls. The axial stresses are


transmitted equally to the cylinder and
jacket walls, the bending stresses in the

end walls being kept within reasonable

limits , as the stresses due to the expansion

of heated parts, though acting on a long




Poroer, Nr.





0991 lever arm, may be determined beforehand.

Large spaces and walls of uniform thick
ness facilitate coring, prevent cooling
strains and give dense castings. Several

holes are provided for inspection and the

removal of sediment. The flow of water
is so directed that circulation is quickest
on the hottest parts, and the formation of
air pockets is therefore avoided. Four
valve pockets with curved walls form pas
sages for the inlet and exhaust valves at
the top and bottom of the cylinder ends
and connect the cylinder and the jacket
together at four points, while two lugs on
the sides of each end strengthen the wall
system in the horizontal plane. Four
more lugs, symmetrically distributed,
serve for connection around the middle of
the cylinder, being located in a plane ver
tical to the cylinder axis. See Fig. 15.
The jacket wall serves to carry parts of
the mechanism , the valve boxes, the sec
ondary shaft, etc. Its weight is supported

HT by wide lugs resting on tubular frame

plates parallel to the cylinder axis. In the
latest types these supports have been aban
doned, so that the cylinder forms an ab
38 POW January , 1906 .
solutely symmetrical casting, being sup- compression stress greater than the in- engine are reinoved to afford access to
ported only by the end Aanges. Better ternal initial gas pressure, the heads may the corresponding valves. The same op
access to the exhaust valves is therefore be considered as flat circular plates loaded eration is practicable with the back heads
secured. The arrangement of core and in the middle and supported at the edges. of the cylinder by setting the crank on
inspection holes, as well as the connec- For water -cooled heads, the moment of the opposite ( inner ) dead center. Fig. 19
tions for water circulation , may be studied inertia of the critical cross -section must indicates the facility with which the pis
tons are removed by disconnecting the
connecting- rod from the piston-rod and
taking out the latter with the front head,
whilst the rods theinselves are discon
nected at the center in order to liberate

R 400



Floor Line


Power, NY.



from the accompanying drawings, Figs. 13 be determined and from this the moment the back piston . All inspection work can
to 16, without further description . Lu- of resistance found. The hole through thus be done by simply sliding the parts
brication will be treated in a later part. which the piston rod passes may be neg- on the piston-rod, which serves to support
Cylinder Heads.-In horizontal engines lected in the calculation, as its connecting them, and without having to remove the
having vertical valves arranged on the wall can be regarded as equivalent sup- crosshead from its guides. Similarly,
top and bottom of the cylinder ends, as is port, and thus both walls may be treated the distance piece connecting the two cyl
the practice in almost all modern engines as solid flat plates connected by a circular inders and containing the intermediate
of German make, the front and back open- web at the edges. piston -rod guide allows inspection of in
ings are closed by water-cooled heads Accessibility of Parts . — The construc- ner parts through a large side opening,
flanged to the jacket and provided with tion of the Nürnberg engine is especially where, however, it is suitably strength
piston- rod stuffing -boxes. The general ar- noteworthy for the arrangement of parts ened by a heavy tie- rod .
rangement is almost identical with steam- with a view to the easy dismantling of The construction here shown makes it
engine practice, with the difference that the heaviest pieces. Accessibility of cyl- possible to get access to the inlet and ex
the heads have to resist higher tempera- inders, pistons and valves is secured by haust valves and piston- rings by simply

Power, N.Y.


tures and pressures in gas engines and arrangements shown in Figs. 18 and 19. emoving the cylinder heads without hav
must be designed accordingly. The crosshead proper, made of nickel ing to take off the valve cage and cross
Cylinder heads are subjected to the uni- steel, is so formed as to allow the piston- head and dismantle the valve-gear. This
formly distributed internal pressure which rod, resting on two rings , to be slid is a decided advantage, since the exhaust
has been assumed to be 450 pounds per through, when the front or crank end of valve, even when properly cooled , is the
squarc inch as a maximum . Since the the cylinder is to be examined. Fig. 18 most delicate mechanism in a large gas
ground joint, to be tight, must be under a shows how the front heads of a tandem engine ; impurities, dross and tarry prod
January, 1906 . POWER 39

ucts settle on the valve seats and the inner may be seen from Fig. 21, with the dif- does not favor the settling of sediment,
faces of the valve disks, and these must ference that the packing rings are elastic notwithstanding the high temperature ) , a
be removed from time to time to keep the so as to require no separate springs. In number of inspection holes should be pro
valves from sticking. The feature of sup- addition there is an external packing ef- vided, preferably in the side wall to avoid
porting the weight of the pistons entirely fected by babbitted cast-iron rings, which the weakening of the head and the burn
on guides is also an important step ahead may be tightened by cone-shaped collars, ing of the handhole plate bolts. The head
in large gas -engine work, where the pis- as shown at the right in the drawing. It ends may be computed as flat plates fixed
tons are water - cooled and horizontal con- will be shown later that in most engines at the edges and uniformly loaded at the
struction is practically imperative. stuffing -boxes do not assist appreciably in maximum gas pressure. The influence of
Stuffing -Boxes . — The construction of guiding and carrying the piston-rod and the rib support is better neglected, as the
stuffing - boxes has reached a degree of piston, the weight of these being supported expansion of the ribs due to heating in
perfection which eliminates almost all of entirely by guide beds outside the cyl-troduces uncontrollable side stresses
the various troubles that were formerly inder as already described. which tend to detract from their support
experienced in double-acting engines and Pistons and Rods.—The design of pis- ing qualities.

Ala M 向。

Power, M.


which, as a matter of fact, have for some tons for larger double-acting gas engines For experimental work it is good prac
time seriously hampered progress. involves more careful consideration, ow- tice to make the piston head weaker than
A type of stuffing -box which is almost ing to the higher temperatures and pres- the cylinder head, so that excessive pres
in universal use in Germany is that of sures occurring in the working cycle, than sures will not damage the main structure.
Schwabe, illustrated in Fig. 20, which the design of steam -engine pistons. On The diametral piston clearance in large
is reproduced from Güldner's “Design the other hand, in double-acting gas en- double-acting gas engines can, with the
and Construction of Internal- Combustion gines the piston is simpler in design than employment of water-cooled cylinders and
Engines.” The stuffing -box proper is in single -acting engines, as the side thrust pistons, be exactly predetermined, and is
water- jacketed and is contained in a
due to gas pressure, inertia, weight of made from three to five millimeters (0.118
special casing which is provided with a metal and water, etc., is taken up by ex- to 0.2 inch ) . The construction is no
flange for bolting to the cylinder head. ternal guides, allowing adjustment to longer a matter of trial as with uncooled,
There are eight collars, in which are compensate for wear. single-acting piston -barrels, which require
formed chambers, each containing a cast- With the exception of double-acting careful and expensive treatment and show
iron packing ring cut in three pieces and two- stroke-cycle engines having exhaust individual peculiarities depending on the
pressed inward by springs so as to bear ports, the alternate opening and closing of rib system, wall thickness material, etc.,
which at the ends of the stroke governs and varying with temperature.
011 Iniet the length of the piston barrel, the dimen
sions of pistons depend entirely on condi
tions of stiffness and weight. The piston
must be light to keep down the total
ka taining
Collars Como
10les for Packirg Ringe Riliniating
weight of the reciprocating masses and
Lubrication strong enough to resist the gas pressure
and temperature effects externally and
water pressure acting internally. Its
-98 406 245 -
length must be sufficient to allow for a
number of grooves, usually five, to re
Winter Outlet
ceive piston-rings, which in modern en
Perer, W.Y. gines have no other duty to perform than
FIG . 20 . SCHWABE STUFFING - BOX . packing
The requirement of stiffness is best met Power , N.Y.
on the rod . The front end of the box is by internal ribs, the thickness of which, as FIG. 21 . NUERNBERG STUFFING - BOX .
built somewhat on the lines of steam -en well as that of the walls, has to be kept
gine practice. Lubrication is facilitated by down to obtain light weight and high ra Piston -rods are mostly so turned in the
holes in the middle of the box, to which diation. To allow for inspection of the shop that the weight of the pistons and
oil is pumped under pressure. Some firms piston interior and the removal of mud water will bend them into straight lines
place a check valve in the oil passage to and sediment ( the latter being of minor when mounted in the engines so that
prevent Aashing of the oil. importance, as the rapid movement of the there is no increase in friction between
The stuffing - box of the Nürnberg en- piston and water—the mean piston speed the piston barrels and the cylinder walls
gine is constructed on a similar plan, as being from 800 to 850 feet per minute- due to the sagging of the rods.
40 POWER January, 1906 .

Some firms, such as the Körtings, have * Catechism of Electricity . - XI. off thoroughly, then started up for a five
not taken up the practice, not on account minute run under normal conditions, the
of being afraid that the long pistons are HEATING IN DIRECT - CURRENT GENERATORS . heat will not have sufficient time to spread
too heavy to be wholly supported by ex and the defective part may more readily be
ternal guides, but because they maintain 218. Can a generator operate without located if the various parts be tested with
that the bending of the rod introduces un heating ? the hand as soon as the machine is shut
controllable stresses in addition to those No, in all dynamo -electric machines heat down .
produced by heat. As a matter of fact, is developed, but in varying degrees. The 223. Which is the most common cause
the upper cylindrical layers of the rod, conductors are heated by carrying current of abnormal heating in a generator ?
when it is bent, suffer compression and the iron cores of the magnets and armature An overload due either to actually push
the lower ones elongation, and these op are heated by the variation in magnetic ing the machine beyond its rated capacity,
posite stresses produce axial material lines of force, and the bearings are heated or to short-circuited armature coils, com
stresses in addition to those exerted by by friction. The armature core and pole mutator bars or field coils, is the com
the working gas pressure. Another diffi faces are also heated by " eddy ” currents monest cause. Usually, in the case of an
culty arises from the fact that it is hardly generated in them. Those parts which are overload on the machine, there is sparking
possible, and for reasons of economy not heated directly are often heated indi as well as heating, so that the combination
never practised, to turn the rod accord rectly by conduction from those portions of these symptoms furnishes a clue to the
ing to the true theoretical curve, which is of the machine in which heat is developed. cause of the heating. By following the di
identical with the elastic line. Ordinarily What are the allowable tempera
219. rections previously given for correcting
the rod is turned in three sections, which tures of the various parts of a direct-current sparking that is due to overload, or short
when bent under the weight of the piston generator operating continuously under full circuited coils or bars, the cause of the
cannot, theoretically, lie in the ideal rod load conditions ? abnormal heating will also be removed.
axis. The rod is therefore mostly de The temperature of either the field mag 224. How may heat developed by the
formed, the two outer sections showing a net coils or the armature winding should brushes be detected and remedied ?
deviation from the true center line equal not exceed 50 degrees Centigrade above The hand affords the readiest means of
to the distance between the straight line the temperature of the surounding air, as judging roughly the temperature of the
and the elastic line, which distance is a determined by measurements of their re brushes, but it is better to use a thermom
constant for any given angle of deforma spective resistances. The temperature of eter held against the brushes and protected
tion. This, together with the well-known the commutator or brushes, as measured from the surrounding air by a wad of
tendency of thick piston-rods to curve by a thermometer, should not exceed 55 waste . It may be possible to reduce the
when exposed to unequal heating, makes degrees Centigrade above the temperature heating sufficiently by shortening the dis
the value of the practice of making the of the surrounding air. The temperature of tance between the brush- holders and the
the bearings, as measured by a thermom commutator, thereby diminishing the
rod curved rather problematical. eter, should not exceed 40 degrees Centi
The drawings showing the longitudinal length of brush through which the cur
section of the Nürnberg engine illustrate grade above the temperature of the sur rent must pass, and consequently lowering
rounding air.
well the construction of modern gas- en the resistance offered by the brush. Other
220. Why were these particular tem means for lowering the brush resistance
gine pistons and how they are secured to perature limits chosen ?
hollow piston- rods. In the engine under In order that the insulation of the ma and, therefore, the brush temperature, con
discussion the piston is secured in posi- chine may not be impaired , and thatthe sist in using a greater number of brushes
tion by internal keys and pressed against and brush -holders in each stud , reinforc
iron in the armature core may not dete
a cone- shaped collar by a nut, which in ing the brushes with strips of copper or
turn is secured against turning. The con riorate by overheating. copper gauze, and in improving the con
struction for conducting cooling waterthe
to 221. Is there a convenient method of as nections between the brush -holders and
and from the piston is apt to weaken certaining whether or not a machine is de the brushes.
veloping too high a temperature ? 225 . Under what conditions will the
connection between the pistons and the Ordinarily, the condition of a machine
rod somewhat. commutator attain an abnormally high
with regard to heating can be estimated temperature, and what remedies should be
The design of piston-rings does not in roughly by touching the accessible parts
volve anything new over steam-engine If the hand
applied ?
with the back of the hand .
If the commutator be allowed to become
practice ; the proportions and mode of can comfortably be held on a certain part very dry, or the pressure of the brushes on
manufacture may be learned from any of of the machine for several seconds , the
the commutator be too great, both brushes
the works on machine design. The same temperature of that part may roughly be
and commutator will attain a high tem
holds true for piston-rods and crossheads, said to lie within the limits previously perature. The application of a few drops
which are designed precisely as for steam given . The back of the hand is better
of oil to the surface of the commutator
engines, the only variation in construction than the palm for estimating the tempera in the former case, and the adjustment of
being in the provision for feeding water ture, because it is more sensitive to heat .
the brush -holder springs in the latter case,
through the crosshead and rod to the pis. Experience will soon enable one to be as previously described in connection with
ton, while a difference in the computation come adept in this manner of testing for sparkling, will remedy these defects.
is introduced in the determination of the abnormal temperatures, but the fact must 226. Explain how moisture in the field
maximum stresses by combining the in not be forgotten that the smoothness of
the surface touched has considerable to do coils or armature coils of a generator
ertia and gas- pressure curves for the tends to raise their temperature, and how
with the result obtained , as does also the
proper weight, speeds, combination of cyl it may be detected ,
character of the material of which the part
inders and phases of the cycle. In design Moisture, being a conductor of elec
ing the connecting-rods one must take intoundergoing test is composed .
222. Why is it often difficult to locate tricity, though a poor one, reduces the in
consideration the influence of the maxi in a generator the heated part which is sulation between the convolutions of the
mum gas pressure, producing tension and the source of the trouble ? windings and ultimately breaks it down
conipression ; that of the inertia of the Because the heat developed spreads rap and short-circuits the windings. This
rod, introducing bending stresses in the idly over the machine, owing to the heat trouble may sometimes be detected by the
rod, and the mutual relations of these conductivity of the iron portions. If, steam heat that arises from the coils when
however, the machine be allowed to cool carying their normal current, by their de
January, 1906. POWER 41

creased insulation resistance as determined may result in the bearings on a generator the armature revolving until it is com
by measurement, and by the additional becoming induly heated ? paratively cool, even if the speed of rota
power required to run the generator with- If the bearings are not in line with each tion is very slow.
out load . other the armature shaft will bind and
227. How may moisture in the field will require considerable power to turn it
coils or armature coils of a generator be in the bearings. If it be kept in motion The American Society of Mechanical
removed ? the bearings will become very hot. If the Engineers.
Preferably by passing a moderate cur- machine be equipped with self-alining
rent, beginning with about one- fourth the bearings, however, they will rarely be The Fall meeting of the American So
normal current, through the coils, until found to heat from this cause. Again , if ciety of Mechanical Engineers brought to
the heat developed by the current dries out a heavy load is being carried by a belted gether the largest attendance in the
the moisture somewhat, and increasing the generator, the pull on the belt will cause history of the society, the registered
current gradually until the insulation re- the armature shaft to press heavily badges running well over thirteen hun
sistances of the coils attain their normal against that side of the pulley bearing to- dred . On account of the inadequacy of
values. Another method , not so easily ap- ward the engine, and this will cause the the Society's house at 12 West Thirty-first
plied , however, consists in baking the ar- pulley -bearing to become much warmer street, the professional sessions, with the
mature or field coils in an oven until the than the bearing at the commutator end of exception of that of Wednesday forenoon,
normal insulation resistance is obtained. the generator. If the temperature thus were held in the commodious hall of the
228. Can the magnet poles and arma- caused becomes so great that the hand New York Edison Company's building at
lure cores be prevented from overheating cannot be held comfortably on the pulley 44 West Twenty-seventh street, which
by eddy currents developed in them ? bearing, either the load must be reduced, was generously tendered for the purpose.
Yes , to a great extent, by building up the the pulley replaced by a larger one, or the The Wednesday forenoon session was
iron composing these parts with laminæ tension on the belt reduced . Again , if held on board of the new Hamburg
or thin sheets of metal, instead of making American Line steamer “ Amerika."
there is not sufficient end play, either the
them solid . All armature cores and most shoulder or the pulley hub on the arma- The address of President John R. Free
pole faces are so constructed, otherwise ture shaft is liable to press constantly man, delivered on Tuesday evening, dealt
eddy- currents would be developed in them against one of the bearings while the ma- with “ The Protection from Fire of Mill
which would raise the temperature of the chine is in operation , and thus raise its Property ." Wednesday morning's session
cores and indirectly the temperature of the temperature. Still again, after a machine was devoted to the annual business meet
windings on them. Heating from this has been in operation a long while its bear ing, the hearing of council and committee
cause may be distinguished from that due ings naturally become worn, and as the reports, etc. The annual election resulted
to a short- circuited armature coil by the wear is generally greatest on one side, the in the choice of the following :
fact that eddy- currents do not cause armature is brought nearer to the pole President, Frederick W. Taylor, Phila
sparking, whereas a short -circuit always faces on that side of the machine than else- delphia ; vice -presidents, W. M. McFar
produces sparking, as previously stated. where. On account of the shorter air land, Pittsburg, E. N. Trump, Syracuse,
Moreover, the windings will be uniformly space thus formed in the magnetic circuit and R. C. McKinney, New York ; mana
heated , whereas with a short-circuited ar- between the field poles and the armature, gers, Walter Laidlaw, Cincinnati, F. G.
mature coil the excessive heating will be there is a greater magnetic attraction of Tallman , Cleveland , and F. M. Prescott,
localized in one · particular place. The the armature toward the poles 011 that Milwaukee ; treasurer, W. H. Wiley,
core, furthermore, will be considerably side of the machine. The pull thus ex New York ; secretary, Frederick R. Hut
ton, New York .
warmer after a run than the coils on it , if erted is similar to that caused by the belt
eddy - currents are causing the trouble. The on a heavily-loaded generator, except that The one professional paper considered
on Wednesday was that by J. M. Whitham
temperatures for this comparison should it acts on both bearings, and the bearings
be taken with thermometers, as the hand are liable to become heated on account of on the “ Use of Natural Gas Under Boil
is not sufficiently sensitive to allow for the the localized friction . This trouble can , ers,” which will be found on page 25 of
this issue.
difference in conductivities of the insula- however, be remedied by rebabbitting the
bearings, thus bringing the armature per On Wednesday the members and guests
tion on the wire and that of the bare were taken by special train to the Henry
metal of the core. fectly central within the pole - face circle
R. Worthington hydraulic works at Har
229 . State the usual cause responsible and equalizing the magnetic attraction rison , N. J., where luncheon was served
for hot bearings on a generator. over its surface.
Poor lubrication, due to absence of oil 231. In case the bearings of a generator and the shops inspected . On Wednesday
or to faulty piling apparatus , or a poor become very warm while the machine is in evening Professor R. W. Wood of the
grade of oil . Before starting up a ma- operation , what temporary remedy may be Johns Hopkins University lectured on the
chine, and throughout its operation , a applied to prevent shutting down ? “ Photography of Invisible Phenomena."
close watch should be kept on the oil sup- Under the conditions mentioned , the ap- Thursday forenoon was devoted almost
ply to see that the oil reservoir is well filled, plication of ice or cold water is permis- entirely to a discussion of “ Bearings, ” a
that the oiling rings on the shaft are sible. It is very important , however, that number of short papers having been
working properly, and that the oil pass- in applying this remedy the water be not solicited from experts in different lines of
ages do not leak or become filled with for allowed to reach the commutator, arma. work . This innovation resulted in the
eign matter so as to prevent oil from pass- ture, or field-magnet coils, on account of contribution of much practical informa
ing freely through them. It is advisable the danger of the water short- circuiting tion, so practical , in fact, that the com
to filter the oil , if there is any doubt as to or grounding them . In many extreme ment of the president was that all that it
its being clean . If dirt, either present in cases of heated bearings the course just lacked was something from the point of
the oil or deposited from an outside mentioned is preferable to the other ex- view of the physicist. The subject and its
source , works its way into the bearings, it treme, namely, that of shutting down the treatment are worth more space and at.
will cause the bearing surfaces to become machine and keeping the armature station- tention than we can give it in this issue,
toughened, and the increased friction be- ary, as in the latter case the metal of the and we shall review the discussion later.
tween the shaft and bearings will cause shaft and bearings is liable to " seize " and It occupied the whole forenoon , with the
heating. make it very difficult afterward to rotate exception of a few minutes devoted , at
230. Are there any unusual causes that the armature . It is much better to keep the end of the session, to the presentation
+2 POWER January, 1906.

and discussion of a paper on “ Reinforced laken, of course, to keep the cylinders ab- by the secretary, Mr. Hutton , who ex
Concrete Applied to Modern Shop Con- solutely free from water. plained that the paper had been prepared
struction .” Thursday afternoon the New In the discussion · which followed the with a realization of the fact that the pop
York School of Automobile Engineers presentation of Prof. Fernald's paper, Mr. pet type of valve is indispensable in gas
tendered a reception, and in the even- F. E. Junge pointed out that the chief dif- engine construction, and that with auto
ing the usual reception was held at ficulty in using fuels such as peat and lig- matically- opened inlet valves there is a
Sherry's. nite is that a great deal of tar is produced, very appreciable lag in the opening of the
Friday morning's session opened with ard stated that he had perfected a pro- valve after the suction stroke begins, while
the presentation of Mr. R. J. Durley's pa- ducer furnace which eliminated this trou even with mechanically -opened valves
per on “ The measurement of Air Flowing ble by combining the Dowson and Siemens there is a slight lag in the flow of the
into the Atmosphere through Circular processes. In the upper part of the pro- charge owing to its own inertia . The ob
Orifices in Thin Plates and Under Small ducer the Siemens process is used and in ject of the tests described in the paper
Differences of Pressure.” The paper de- the lower part the Dowson process . With was to analyze these effects. The charac
scribed very completely a series of experi- lignite, or brown coal of 9,180 B. t . u . per ter of the paper makes abstracting impos
ments made under the author's supervision pound, he had obtained a horse-power per sible , and as the author's conclusions were
at McGill University with a view to as- pound of fuel. He also stated that the not stated, it is impracticable at this late
certaining the laws governing the flow of gas producer furnished an excellent means hour to give them here. The paper was
air through circular orifices in thin plates of getting rid of city refuse. By mixing a discussed very briefly by Messrs. Hill,
and at low heads. The author's conclu- small proportion of powdered lignite with Morse and Parker. Mr. Hill said that
sions were that such discharges may be the garbage and sewage it was practicable the arrangement of valve illustrated in the
expressed by the formula : to utilize it as fuel in a gas producer and paper was not in accord with good prac
to get a brake horse - power from about tice in gas - engine design and thought
0.6299 C d
ve T = pounds per second,
four powds of fuel. there must be some error in the engrav


d = diameter of orifice,
i= difference between the pressure in- No. of
Name of sample . Carbonic Oxygen , i Carbonic Hydro- Marsh Nitro
side the orifice and that outside, expressed test . acid , C02, 02 . oxid , Co. gen , H2. gas, (H. gen , N2 .
in inches of water,
2 Alabama No. 2 .. 8.16 10 16.65 7.20 5.64 62.24
T= absolute Fahrenheit temperature of 15 Colorado No. 1 . 10.11 .55 17.38 11.05 5.00 55.90
a6 Illinois No. 3 .. 10.53 15 15.31 8.35 4.46 61.19
the air, assumed to remain constant .
The value of the constant C was found a9 Illinois No. 4 .. 9.72 12 15.12 9.98 6.00 59.06
a14 Indiana No. 1 9.89 .25 14.10 9.56 6.08 60.13
to decrease with increase in the diameter al3 Indiana No. 2 . 11.80 .07 11.46 10.60 6.10 59.97
of the orifice and to increase with increase 1 Indian Territory No. 1 .. 8.25 11 19.39 7.69 4.92 59.65
Indian Territory No. 4 .. 24 17.64 10.43 6.30 58.10
of the head, up to a 2 -inch orifice ; beyond 20
22 lowa No. 2 ...
10.06 17 12.57 9.53 7.67 60.00
two inches diameter of orifice, the con
24 Kansas No. 5 .. 10.27 13 12.40 9.05 7.42 60.73
stant decreases as the head increases . al2 Kentucky No. 3 . 10.87 .29 12.45 10.92 6.52 58.95
a7 Missouri No. 2 .. 12.07 20 10.53 7.63 6.33 63.23
The next paper was one by Prof. R. H.
Fernaid on “ Results of the Preliminary a5 Montana No. 1 9.04 36 18.67 8.00 4.84 59.10
alo North Dakota No. 2 . 8.69 23 20.90 14.33 4.85 51.02
Producer Gas Tests by the U. S. Geo al1 Texas No. 1 .... 11.10 22 14.43 10.54 7.48 56.22
logical Survey Coal Testing Plant at St. 18 Texas No. 2 .. 9.60 20 18.22 9.63 4.81 57.53
Louis.” The equipment used in making 3 West Virginia No. 1 . 10.50 .10 14.34 2.81 5.56 66.69
4 West Virginia No. 4 .. 10.16 .24 15.82 11.16 3.74 58.88
the tests comprised two Taylor pressure
23 West Virginia No. 7 .. 9.62 08 12.75 10.31 6.76 60.48
gas producers, a 250 -horse -power three 19 West Virginia No. 8 .. 10.33 22 11.93 9.45 6.40 61.67
cylinder vertical single -acting Westing 21 West Virginia No. 9.. 8.90 .33 14.77 1 9.52 6.65 59.83

house gas engine and a 175 -kilowatt 17

West Virginia No. 9 .. 10.40 . 20
West Virginia No. 12 .. 10.34
direct-current Westinghouse dynamo belt 16 Wyoming No. 2... 10.21 .59 15.46 10.79 5.52 57.43
driven by the engine. The two producers a Gas producer hopper leaked during these tests .
were operated alternately so as to keep the
test going continuously and still be able to Mr. Albert A. Carey commended the ing ; such an arrangement would not give
make periodical examinations of the pro- paper and expressed the hope that the sufficient valve opening . Mr. Parker
ducer. The tests extended over a period government tests might include tests of stated that he had found by experiment
of two months ending with the closure of gases of very low calorific value and mix- that higher economy was obtainable from
the Exposition and were resumed later ing devices for use with such gases. He large gas -engines by reducing the charge
and continued , with one intermission , up had found it very difficult to get a thor- below the full quantity possible and pro
to date. It is impracticable to give here ough mixture of air and very lean gases portioning the compression space so as to
a summary of the complete results with any of the mixing apparatus thus obtain the desired compression with such
obtained thus far, owing to the extensive far produced . a charge.
character of the work, but the accompany Mr. S. S. Wyer expressed the opinion Mr. A. J. Herschmann's paper on
ing tables give а brief summary of that gas producer tests should be carried " Tests of the Elevator Plant in the Trin
twenty-four of the principal tests. out according to a definite code, such as ity Building," which was next presented .
The experience gained during these the A. S. M. E. code for testing steam aroused a lively discussion . Mr. Reginald
tests showed that neither a purifier nor an boilers, and Mr. F. R. Hutton , secretary P. Bolton stated that the tests described
economizer is required in order to use bi- of the Society, made a motion that a com- in the paper could not have been made
tuminous coal . At the beginning both mittee be appointed to prepare an appro- with due regard for accuracy ; none of the
were installed , but it was found that even priate code for such tests ; the motion was figures checked with any other figures ,
with coals carrying as high as five to eight carried . and there were too many errors to allow
per cent. of sulphur, the gas could be A paper by Dr. Charles E. Lucke, on one to feel any confidence in any of the
taken directly to the engine instead of “ The Pressure Drop Through Poppet recorded results. The boiler evaporation
through the purifier ; great care was Valves,” was next presented in abstract figures , especially those for the 350-horse
January, 1906. POWER 43

power Babcock & Wilcox boiler, were all than he had ever been able to obtain or to of from 900 to 1,600 feet per minute, ac
wrong, and he thought a great deal of get guaranteed by a manufacturer. He cording to the extent and character of the
coal had not been accounted for. also pointed out that the claims for in failure of parts, and with the counterbal
Mr. Thomas E. Brown thought Mr. herent safety made by advocates of ance cables intact.
Bolton's criticisms a little too severe. The plunger elevators were not necessarily Mr. Bolton stated, in reply to a question
COAL PER HOUR , POUNDS . DUCED (62° F., 14.7 lbs. pressure ) .
From Per lb. con Per lb. equiv
Consumed in Equivalent used alent used by
by producer Per pound. stand . From sumed in
producer. Per ard stand producer

plant . producer. plant

cubic gas per ard
Name of sample.
foot pound gas per 1

Dura of of dry hour
No, of tion 1 Coal Coal Com - Coal Com
Com- Coal
Dry bus Dry Com Coal
Dry Com- stand- coal per
Dry Dry
test . in as as bus as bus . ard con- brake as bus- as bus.
hours fired coal tible . fired coal tible. fired .
tible . gas. sumed horse Gired
coal . tible. fired coal tible .
in pro- power
ducer .
2 43.00 Alabama No. 2 . 310.5 299.0 280.0 341.4 328.7 306.8 12,865 13,365 14,820 149.2 9,000 11,420 18,050 58.1 60.4 64.5 52.955.0 58.9
15 30.00 Colorado No. 1 . 364.4 290.7 269.3 428.4 341.7 316.6 9,767 12,245 13,210 149.0 7,860 9,700 15,343 42.152.8 57.0 35.8 44.9 48.5
a6 30.00 Illinois No. 3 .. 350.0 323.3 289.3 386.0 356.7 319.2 12,046 13,041 14,560 154.8 8,330 11,460 17,412 49.8 53.9 60.2 45.148.8 54.5
a9 30.00 Mlinois No. 4 . 350.0 306.3 274.1 398.2 348.5 311.9 11,237 ' 12,834 14,344 151.5 8,840 11,620 17,881 51.1 58.4 65.3 44.9 51.4 57.4
al4 29.67 Indiana No. 1 394.5 349.3 309.5 434.6 384.8 341.0 11,534 13,037 14,720 153.7 7,730 11,480 17,560 44.5 50.3 56.7 40.4 45.6 51.5
a13 7.00 Indiana No. 2 . 300.0 274.0 244.8 338.0 312.0 278.8 11,822 12,953 14,500 159.3 10,140 11,750 17,450 58.2 63.6 71.3 51.6 55.9 62.6
361.0 344.0 312.0 392.7 374.0 339.3
1 31.00 Indian Territory No. 1 12,787 13,455 14,800 159.2 8,620 12,350 18,613 51.6 54. 1 59.4 47.4 49.9 54.6
20 22.67 Indian Territory No. 4 278.0 253.2 207.8 312.5 284.6 233.6 10,364 11.392 13,890 161.1 9,980 10.750 15,680 56.4 61.9 75.5 50.2 55.1 67.1
22 13.33 Iowa No. 2 .. 362.5 302.5 227.5 408.4 340.7 256.2 8,735 10,489 13,950 160.2 9,300 12,130 17,570 48.5 58.177.2 43.0 51.6 68.5
24 13.00 Kansas No. 5 .... 307.8 294.3 259.8 338.4 323.6 285.7 ' 12,836 13,421 15,200 167.2 10,500 13,130 18,490 60.1 62.8 71.2 54.6 57.2 64.8
a12 30.00 Kentucky No. 3 .. 370.0 343.3 310.0 410.8 381.2 344.2 12,283 13,226 14,650 155.9 8,610 12,540 18,943 51.2 55.1 61.1 46.2 49.7 55.0
a7 4.33 Missouri No.2.. 346.5 306.0 255.0 384.5 339.6 283.0 10,505 11,882 14,280 140.0 8,820 11,560 19,300 55.7 63.0 75.7 50.2 56.8 68.2
a5 22.33 Montana No. 1 ... 456.5 404.5 355.8 506.8 449.1 395.0 10,575 11,934 13,580 160.8 6,580 11,340 16,540 36.2 40.9 46.5 32.6 36.8 41.9
al0 30.00 North Dakota No. 2 . 460.0 278.0 249.0 510.0 308.0 275.8 6,802 11,255 12,600 188.5 7,830 13,770 11,550 25.2 41.5 37.5 41.9
all 21.67 Texas No.1.. 590.0 393.0 332.0 660.0 439.5 371.3 7,267 10,928 12,945 169.7 7,260 12,230 16,800 28.4 42.7 50.6 25.5 38.2 45.3
18 19.33 Texas No. 2.. 468.0 310.3 276.2 519.5 344.4 306.67,348 11,086 12,450 156.2 8,060 10,570 16,009 34.2 51.6 57.9 30.8
3 24.00 West Virginia No. 1 . 287.5 283.0 265.5 320.6 315.6 296.1 14,166 14,396 15,350 144.4 9,260 11,130 18,150 63.2 64.1 68.4 56.6 57.5 61.3
9.00 West Virginia No. 4 ... 233.0 229.0 208.0 262.8 258,2 234.5 13,918 14,202 15,600 143.2 11,610 11,320 18,560 79.6 81.2 89.2 70.671.9 79.2
23 22.67 West Virginia No. 7 ... 264,9 256.9 239.1 299.2 290.2 270.1 14,283 14,720 15,800 154.2 13,140 14,380 21,850 82.5 85.1 91.4 73.0 75.3 80.9
19 21.00 West Virginia No. 8... 328.6 320.1 301.1 364.7 355.1 334.1 14,168 14,558 15,470 155.1 9,070 12,340 18,690 56.9 58.4 62.0 51.352.6 55.9
21 24.00 West Virginia No. 9 ... 250.0 244.5 227.0284.8 278.5 258.6 14,224 14,548 15,650 160.5 11,380 11,860 17,330 69.3 70.9 76.3 60.9 62.2 67.0
17 6.33 West Virginia No. 9 ... 300.0 292.0 274.9 328.9 320.1 301.4 14,195 ) 14,580 15,500 151.0 8,150 10,060 15,770 52.6 54.0 57.4 48.0 49.3 52.3
a8 30.00 West Virginia No. 12.. 270.0 266.1 248.7 304.9 300.5 280.9 14,614 14,825 15,860 142.5 10,150 11,500 18,957 70.2 71.2 76.2 62.1 63.2 67.5
6 30.00 Wyoming No. 2... 403.3 365.3 281.6 459.8 416.5 321.1 9,650 10,656 13.820 151.0 6,168 9,516 14,923 37.0 40.9 35.846.5
a Gas producer hopper leaked during these tests.


Pounds of coal consumed in producer per hour per horse -power. Equivalent pounds of coal used by producer plant per hour per
horse -power .
Per electrical Per electrical Per brake * horse - Per brake * horse

Per electrical Per electrical Per brake * horse Per brake * horse

horse - power horse - power power available horse - power power available
horse - power
power developed availa power developed

availabl e for out developed at for outside ble for out for outside

side purposes . switchboard . purposes . at engine . side purp developed

oses. ! switchboard .
at at engine .
purposes .
Coal Dr Com- Coal Com- Coal Com- Coal Com- Coal Com- Coal Com- Coal Com- Coal Com
| y bus Dry bus as Dry bus RS Dry bus as Dry bus as Dry bus as Dry bus 28 Dry bus
firas as
ed . coal. tible. fired. coal. tible . fired . coal. tible ) tired . coal . tible . ' fired . coal. tible . fired . coal. tible . fired , coal. tible . fired . coal . tible

2 1.61 1.55 1.45 1.55 1.49 1.40 1.37 1.32 1.23 1.32 1.27 1.19 1.77 1.71 1.59 1.71 1.64 1.53 1.51 1.45 1.35 145 1.40 1.30
15 1.95 1.56 1.45 1.82 1.45 1.35 1.66 1.32 1.23 1.55 1.23 1.14 2.30 1.83 1.70 2.14 1.71 1.58 1.95 1.56 1.44 1.82 1.45 1.34
1.82 , 1.68 1.50 1.75 1.62 1.45 1.54 1.43 1.28 1.49 1.38 1.23 2.01 1.85 1.66 1.93 1.79 1.60 1.70 1.58 1.41 1.64 1.52 1.36
ag 1.85 1.62 1.45 1.76 1.55 1.38 1.57 1.37 1.23 1.50 1.31 1.17 2.11 1.84 1.65 2.01 1.76 1.57 1.79 1.56 1.40 1.71 1.50 1.34
al4 2.10 1.86 1.64 1.97 1.75 1.55 1.78 1.58 1.40 1.68 1.49 1.32 2.31 2.04 1.81 2.17 1.93 1.71 1.96 1.74 1.54 1.85 1.64 1.45
a13 1.57 1.43 1.28 , 1.49 1.36 1.22 1.33 1.22 1.09 1.27 1.16 1.03 1.77 1.63 1.46 1.68 1.55 1.39 1.52 1.39 1.24 1.43 1.32 1.18
1 1.84 1.76 1.59 1.77 1.69 1.53 1.57 1.50 1.36 1.50 1.43 1.30 2.00 1.91 1.73 1.92 1.83 1.66 1.71 1.62 1.47 1.64 1.56 , 1.41
20 1.48 1.35 1.10 1.39 1.27 1.04 1.26 1.15 .94 1.18 1.08 1.43 1.17 1.41 1.29 1.06 1.33 1.21 1.00
.89 1.66 1.51 1.24 1.57
22 1.94 1.62 1.22 1.84 1.53 1.15 1.65 1.38 1.04 1.56 1.30 .98 2.19 1.83 1.37 2.07 1.73 1.30 1.86 1.55 1.17 1.76 1.47 1.10
24 1.60 1.53 1.35 1.54 1.47 1.30 1.36 1.30 1.51 1.31 . 1.25 1.10 1.76 1.68 1.49 1.69 1.62 1.43 1.50 1.43 1.261 1.44 1.37 1.21
al2 1.95 1.81 1.63 1.85 1.71 1.55 1.66 1.54 1.39 1.57 1.46 1.32 2.16 2.01 1.81 2.05 1.91 1.72 1.84 1.71 1.54 1.75 1.62 1.46
a7 1.87 1.65 1.37 1.74 1.54 1.28 1.59 1.40' 1.17 1.48 1.31 1.09 2.07, 1.83 1.52 1.94 1.71 1.43 1.76 1.55 1.30 , 1.65 1.45 1.21

a5 2.39 2.12 1.86 2.29 2.03 1.78 2.03 1.80 1.58 1.95 1.72 1.52 2.65 2.35 2.07 2.54 2.25 1.98 2.26 2.00 1.76 2.16 1.91 1.68
a10 3.67 2.22 1.99 3.42 2.071 1.86 3.13 1.89 1.69 2.91 1.76 1.58 4.07 2.46 2.20 3.80 2.29 2.05 3.47 2.09 1.88 3.23 1.95 1.74
all 3.16 2.10 1.78 2.98 1.99 1.68 2.68 1.79 1.51 2.54 1.69 1.43 3.53 2.35 1.99 3.34 2.22 1.88 3.00 2.20 1.69 2.83 1.99 1.60
18 2.47 1.64 1.46 2.33 1.54 1.37 2.10 1.39 1.24 1.98 1.31 1.17 2.74 1.82 1.62 2.58 1.71 1.52 2.33 1.55 1.38 2.20 1.46 1.30
3 1.51 1.49 1.40 1.43 1.41 1.33 1.29 1.27 1.19 1.22 1.20 1.13 1.69 1.66 1.56 1.60 1.57 1.48 1.43 1.41 1.33 1.36 1.34 1.26
4 1.23 1.21 1.10 1.17. 1.15 1.04 1.05 1.03 .94 .99 .98 .89 1.39 1.36 1.24 1.32 1.29 1.17 1.18 1.16 1.05 1.12 1.10 1.00
23 1.411 1.37 1.27 1.33 1.29 1.20 1.20 1.16 1.08 1.13 1.10 1.02 1.59 1.55 1.44 1.50 1.46 1.36 1.35 1.31 1.22 1.28 1.24 1.15
19 1.73 1.68 1.58 1.64 1.60 1.51 1.47 1.43 1.35 1.40 1.36 1.28 1.92 1.87 1.76 1.82 1.78 1.67 1.63 1.59 1.49 1.55 1.51 1.42
21 1.32 1.29 1.20 1.26 1.23 1.14 1.18 ' 1.10 1.02 1.07 1.04 .97 1.51 1.47 1.37 1.43 1.40 1.30 1.28 1.25 1.16 1.21 ! 1.19 1.10
17 1.60 1.56 1.47 1.49 1.46 1.37 1.36 1.33 1.25 1.27 1.24 1.16 1.76 1.71 1.61 1.64 1.59 1.50 1.49 1.46 1.37 1.39 1.35 1.27
a8 1.35 1.33 1.24 1.20 1.11 1.15 1.13 1.59 1.57 1.53 1.50 1.40 1.35 1.34 1.25 1.30 1.28 1.20
18 | 2:18 1.38 1:52 2:06 1:32 1:40 1:36 1.68 1:30 1.76 1.54 1.09 2.49 2:23 1:74 2:33 2:59 7:60 2.11 1.92 1.48 1.94 1.76 1.36

a Gas producer hopper leaked during these tests . * Based on an assumed efficiency of 85% for generator and belt.

paper contained some discrepancies, per- well founded, and showed that the condi- from Mr. J. E. Johnson, Jr. , that the
haps, but it was not so far out as Mr. tions in the Trinity Building plant were weight of the car and its load is not sus
Bolton seemed to think. The figure of 42 such that if the mechanism controlling the tained by the plunger but by the counter
pounds of steam per hour per horse- rate of downward speed gave way, the car weight cables ; the plunger hangs from the
power for the elevator pump was better could descend and strike bottom at a rate ar and the compression stress on its ma
44 POWER January, 1906.
terial is that due to a portion of its own Condensers — Types and Application .
weight only.
Mr. Johnson pointed out that if the BY FRANZ KOESTER .
plunger does not sustain the load, the
system is dependent on the integrity of the The economy of a prime mover, either fore called a wet air- pump, while in the
overhead cables for its safety, just like a turbine or reciprocating engine, is case of the dry jet condenser an air-pump
any other system. He had noticed that greater the less the resistance against extracts the air and uncondensed vapor
when a car is a considerable distance which it exhausts. To . exhaust into the only and is therefore called a dry air
above the cylinder, the plunger sways atmosphere means a minimum back pres- pump, while the condensed steam and in
sidewise an inch or so, and thought this sure of 14.7 pounds per square inch, rep- jected water are extracted by a hot-water
might lead to disastrous results in time.resenting atmospheric pressure at sea pump, or in a simpler and more common
Mr. Mathews replied that this swaying level. To avoid this it becomes necessary way by a fall pipe, The duty of the air
was a pendulum effect and never exceed to create a vacuum at the exhaust ports pump is to withdraw all the air and un
ed the elastic limit of the material. He of the prime mover, the benefit of which condensed vapor collected in the condenser
also replied rather vigorously, but in gen- is, as stated, a lower steam consumption , chamber after condensation, and which
eral terms, to Mr. Bolton's criticism of
the paper .
resulting in turn in a lower coal consump- comes in with the injected water and the
tion . In order to obtain and maintain a make-up, and through leaks in the con
The final paper of the convention was vacuum, i. e., a pressure below the bar. denser apparatus, exhaust pipe and engine
one by Mr. H. F. J. Porter entitled " The ometric reading, commonly taken at 30 and is carried along with the steam . The
Realization of Ideals in Industrial En- inches of mercury, sufficient heat must be condenser apparatus is more efficient the
gineering, ” in which the author pointed abstracted from the exhaust to condense less the amount of cooling water supplied
out the advantages to be derived from the steam , which is generally done by in- and the less the amount of air and un
improvements in the physical and mental
condition of employees in manufacturing
Air condensed vapor to be withdrawn per
unit of steam condensed, which naturally
establishments. His argument was illus results in smaller pumps. In this con
trated by numerous lantern slides show nection it must be noted that much less
ing reading rooms, “ rest ” rooms, lava Water vapor should be drawn out than air, as
tories, recreation rooms, etc., of various the withdrawal of steam by a pump does
representative industrial corporations,
not in any way create a vacuum, unless
such as the National Cash Register Com the air -pump be of abnormal size. There
pany, the General Electric Company, the
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Steam fore, all vapor should be as completely
Company, and J. H. Williams & Co. condensed as possible before leaving the
vacuum chamber. To do this the pipe
connections of the cooling water and the
Gas Firing for Steam Boilers. exhaust steam may be so arranged with
iespect to the condenser chamber as to be
In a recent issue of the Mechanical come a part of the vessel itself in which
World , C. W. Bildt states that for firing the air is to be collected and cooled , to
a steam boiler satisfactorily with gas a
which the air -pump connection is to be
combustion chamber must be provided
between the gas producer and boiler directly made. The location of the in
jecting water inlet above that for steam
large enough for enabling the flame to Waste
Water forces the mixture of vapor and air to
attain the requisite temperature before rise countercurrent to the spray of the
meeting the cool boiler surfaces. The con
clusions drawn from the author's obser
injecting water, thus more completely
condensing the rising vapor and reducing
vations, which have been quite extensive, the amount drawn off by the air-pump.
are that, owing to the liability of air leak Puwer, N.Y. This is known as the dry jet counter
ing in through the brickwork setting of FIG . I.
current condenser and is generally
boilers, it is better to case the brickwork used in ordinary power-plant equipments,
jecting water directly into the steam, as in
with plates, or, better still, with double the
plating, between which the air supply is jet condenser, or conducting the steam as it requires a smaller amount of cooling
over surfaces cooled by water, as in the water and smaller capacity in the air
then led to the producer, and is warmed surface condenser. The colder the water pump. Fig. I represents diagrammatically
by the heat radiated outward. The gas
conduits should also be perfectly tight and and the greater the amount per unit of this type of condenser, the construction of
well covered. A better quality of gas re- steam, the more rapid and complete the which is accomplished in many different
sults from blowing the producer with steam condensation, thus causing a higher vac styles by the various manufacturers.
than with air, whatever the fuel. Drier fuel uum and vice versa . The amount of the By discharging the injection water and
needs a greater depth on the grate than cooling water required depends upon its condensed steam together with the air and
that containing more moisture. Gas fir- temperature, as well as that of the exhaust uncondensed vapor to the fall pipe, or wet
ing offers many and great advantages over steam and the type of condenser. air-pump, as the case may be, we obtain
other plans. The jet condenser is much used in con the wet jet parrallel current condenser di
nection with the stationary reciprocating agrammatically shown in Fig. 2. It does
A fire at the plant of the Trimont Manu- engine, while the surface condenser is not matter if the injection water flows
facturing Company, Boston, on the morn- much more advantageously used with tur countercurrent to that of the stream, as in
ing of December 6 , caused a damage bines , the reasons for which will be seen Fig. 2, or if the water flows parrallel with
of $ 50,000. The fire started , it is said, later. The former type may be classified the steam. It is a parallel current con

from an overheated boiler in the drop- as either a " wet ” or a " dry ” condenser. denser as long as the air and uncondensed
forge room in the annex and spread to vapor flow parallel with the waste water
Ir: the case of the former, an air pump ex-
the four- story brick building adjoining. tracts the condensed steam, and injected and does not require aa dry air-pump.
Two boilers exploded, but no one was in- water, together with the air and uncon- Should the injection water flow counter
jured. The plant had to shut down . der sed vapor and the air-pump is there- current to the steam it will be readily seen
January, 1906. POWER 45





46 POWER January, 1906 .

that the coldest water comes in contact contains substances unsuitable for feed- far outweighed by the additional capacity
with the coldest steam , i. e., with steam in water. In cases where the condensed of auxiliary apparatus required . It is
its last stage of condensation , thus assur- steam can be utilized, the surface con- quite different in the case of the steam
ing a more complete condensation and at denser should be adopted and is of espe- turbine, where a far greater number of
the same time requiring aa smaller amount cial advantage with the steam turbine, as expansions are used and a marked im
of injection water. In order to discharge the exhaust of the latter is oil-free. Fur- provement in this type has been shown
the air from the chamber of the parallel thermore , the wider range of vacuum in Air
condenser as fast as it collects, a certain connection with a turbine is of greater B

velocity of the discharge water is neces benefit than with a reciprocating engine, Steam
sary and this is generally accomplished by where a vacuum greater than 26 inches
contracting the lower part of the con- would not prove profitable. Practice has
denser chamber . This type of condenser , frequently shown that for every inch of
as well as the former, may be constructed vacuum greater than 26 inches a possible
as a barometric , or syphon condenser, or economy up to 5 per cent, may be ob
it may be operated with a wet air-pump ; tained with a steam turbine, and it will
sometimes , as is common on the continent therefore be seen that the surface conden Water

of Europe, being driven direct from the ser in modern power plants is of much
main engine. The Sulzer engine is noted greater importance than was the case pre
for this method of connection . Another vious to the adoption of the steam turbine.
but similar type is shown in Fig. 3, and it THE SURFACE CONDENSER.

This type may be sub - classified into the

open or closed surface condenser. The
former consists of a number of pipes sub Power , Y.Y.

merged in an open bath of water, but is FIG. 3 .

now obsolete in modern power- plant de

sign , although still found in mills and since the adoption of the steam turbine in
power plant practice.
therefore does not come within the scope
To maintain a high vacuum a condenser
of this article. Another type of open sur
face condenser is known as a cooling
of considerable size is necessary, since a
tower and will also be treated under this large amount of circulating water is re
quired. For example, in maintaining a
chapter. In sub-classifying the closed sur vacuum of 28 inches, taking the barom -
face condenser we obtain the counter- and
etric reading at 30 inches, the circulating
parallel-current types. In both cases the
condensation takes place in a closed cham
ber, as the name suggests , and generally
in such a way that the steam passes
around a number of tubes cooled by water
circulating in them . If the water flows in B
a direction opposite to that of the steam to
be condensed , as diagrammatically in Power , N.Y.

dicated in Fig. 4, it is known as the coun

tercurrent type and is the most favorable
and efficient system, as the coolest circu FIG. 4 .
lating water absorbs the heat from the
coolest steam in the latter part of the con- water at 70 degrees Fahr., and the dis
densation , thus requiring a smaller amount charge water at 85 degrees, some 70
of condensing water and smaller pumps , pounds of circulating water per pound of
etc. , finally reducing the total cost of op- steam are necessary.
Hower, Y.Y. } eration . The parallel -current condenser is The surface condenser consists of a
FIG. 2. so arranged that the steam and circu- large number of tubes , the surface of
lating water flow in the same direction as which gives the area by which the con
is reported that good results have been ob illustrated in Fig. 5, and it is difficult to denser is rated, four square feet of cooling
tained with this design . This is neither a ciiscover any advantage in this system A
parallel flow nor a countercurrent conden over that of the countercurrent type. In E

ser , although it has its dry vacuum pump. both cases besides the circulating water
pump, a hot-well pump and a so- called B
The air is drawn away at A , a point be
low that where the condensation takes dry air-pump are required . The steam
place. Any attempt at making a dry air enters at A and the circulating water at B
pump connection at B is useless, as the and discharges at C. The condensed
entering steam would prevent the collec steam may be collected at D , where fre Puwer , N.Y.
tion of air and the net result would be the quently a special collecting chamber (hot D
removal of steam only , which would not well ) is arranged. At E the air may be
increase the vacuum . FIG. 5 .
withdrawn. The location of these pipe
The jet condenser is usually applied to connections varies with the different makes
a reciprocating engine, as the condensed surface per kilowatt of turbine capacity
exhaust steamtocontains
of condensers. being generally supplied. This is the prac
be necessary remove oil , which
before it would
it could be A vacuum better than 26 inches with the tice under common conditions. In trop
again used as boiler feed, and it is there- barometric reading at 30 is usually not ical climates the surface must be increased
considered advisable in the case of a re- as the temperature of the cooling water is
fore generally thrown away, together with
the injection water, which latter generally ciprocating engire, as the advantage is greater.
January, 1906. POWER 47




WE ary
48 PO Janu , 1906 .

It is of the greatest importance to re- case of a short circuit, the bus-bar system water after it has passed through the con
duce the leakage in the condenser to a being arranged similarly to the live- steam denser ; otherwise the temperature of the
minimum, and with this object in view piping, the defective part may be more water reaches such a point that it would
flanges between the turbine and condenser easily cut out than is the case with steam- not be worth while to bring it in contact
should be avoided as much as possible driven auxiliaries . The advantages of the with the steam to be condensed . For this
Exhaust Inlet

Circulating Water

O Discharge
Surface Condenser

Vacuum Pump Suction

Air Pipe

Air Cobler

Hot Well

Suction Vent
Cooler Drain Hot Well Pump) Rotative Dry Vacuum Pump
Check Valve

Peroer, NY
Circulating Pump Sealing Water for
Stuffing Boxes


Turbine Hot Well Pump


and the condenser placed as close to the motor -drive are also noticeable in the re- purpose the water is discharged from a
turbine as is practicable. duced space required, the cleanliness, easy high wooden structure and sprayed in fine
Fig. 6 illustrates a complete Worthing- starting, etc. particles exposed to the atmosphere, a
ton condenser outfit for turbine work. COOLING TOWERS . system similar to that used in aa salt work .
Even if the turbine is of the horizontal The location of the power plant often As this type of cooler is not enclosed, it
type the best practice is probably to place limits the amount of cooling water avail- becomes a menace to the surrounding lo
the condenser directly beneath the turbine. cality, on account of the wind carrying
The connecting flanges may be easily away much spray. Furthermore, the open
sealed by liquid, while in other cases the collecting basin at the base of the structure
flanges may be sealed by shellac, varnish, must often be cleaned ; the same may also
etc., both having proven satisfactory. Pro be said in regard to the cooling ponds,
vision must be made for direct atmospheric which are in reality open surface conden
exhaust in case of emergency, which is ac sers . Another disadvantage of the latter
complished by placing an automatically is the enormous ground space required .
operated relief valve in the exhaust line These are reasons why they are to-day so
near the turbine. little used in connection with power
Modern power-plant practice in Amer plants .
ica tends toward the adoption of motor The type of cooler most used to-day is
driven circulating hot-well and dry vac A the closed cooling tower, either of the cyl
uum pumps. This system has for many indrical or rectangular form ; the former
years been most successfully used in Eu always of iron or steel plate construction, is
rope, especially on the continent. It will niore used in America than in any other
be easily seen that the operation of pumps country, while the latter, usually of wood ,
from the main bus bars, fed by the main is found on the continent of Europe, where
generator, where approximately 15 pounds the cooling tower is most generally used
of steam per indicated horse-power-hour
are required, is much more economical in connection with power plants. In cer
tain cases these rectangular cooling towers
than using a steam-driven pump, a noto B
are constructed of iron , re-enforced con
riously good steam' consumer producing crete or brick, an example of the latter be
an indicated horse-power-hour for, say, 60
Power, W.Y. ing those in connection with the St. Louis
to 70 pounds of steam. This additional cost FIG. 7.
greatly outweighs the transmission loss Exposition power plant. The disadvan
between main units and motors. The able and, therefore, one is forced to use tages of the wooden type are that it does
inanufacture of motors is to-day of such the same condensing water over and over not generally last longer than ten years
a high grade that it is almost unnecessary again. 'This, of course, can be done only and requires a greater ground space than
10 bother with breakdown units. And in by reducing the temperature of the cooling the cylindrical iron type. In both types
January, 1906. POWER 49

fans may be applied at the side of the How to Make a Sine Table .
tower to force a draught of air into the
cooler, thus reducing both the height and A subscriber writes, “ Will you please where that figure came from originally,
the necessary plan area. Practice has
solve this problem ? From A to B is 600 and if we know, won't we tell him so he
proven that for each hundred pounds of feet ; the angle between the inclined line can understand it ?
exhaust steam from 1.2 to 1.5 square feet and the horizontal is 48 degrees; how Now we are going to tell this man how
are required with the iron cylindrical type, deep is it from B to D ? ( See Fig. 2. ) to make a table of sines ; first, because we
while with the rectangular wooden struct I have seen somewhere that the value of hate to be stumped, and second, because
ure from 1.5 to 3.0 square feet are re- the sine of 48 degrees is 0.743. I do not we appreciate and commend that investi
quired. The latter type is, of course, con gating bent which is satisfied to take
siderably cheaper than the former. The nothing for granted, but wants to dig
height of the natural-draught wooden everything out of the solid rock.
tower is generally about 75 feet, while the There are two propositions which we
iron tower may have a height of some must ask him to accept, or admit ; as to
hundred feet, or even more. А include a demonstration of all of them
Fig . 7 represents diagrammatically a would carry us beyond the bounds of the
natural- draught cooling tower. It will be available space, and probably of his own
seen that the discharged water of the jet patience :
condenser enters the cooling tower at A First, that the circumference of a circle
and is connected to a system of troughs is 3.1415926+ times as long as the dia
running longitudinally through the tower meter.
Second, that the square of the hypote
where the water is evenly distributed over
the entire area . The water overflows, nuse, or longest side of a right- angle tri
falling onto a system of a great number of с angle, is equal to the sum of the squares
of the two other sides ; i.e. , that the area
boards, which divide it into fine spray
A , Fig. 1 , is equal to the sum of the areas
that falls past the rising cooling air, finally B and C.
being collected in the basin , whence it is Huer , N.Y. In a right- angle triangle the side oppo
drawn off at B and used again in the FIG. I. site either of the acute angles is the sine
condenser. Each manufacturer has his know how to get the 0.743. Will you of that angle, and the shorter side contig
individual ideas in regard to the interior uous to that angle is its cosine. In Fig. 3
please figure it out and explain it so I can
grate systems, which in some cases are understand it, and do not use algebra. B A is the sine and 0 A the cosine of the
made of iron. Overflows are provided at I want to get the water pressure on a angle x. Read the “ Simple Talk ” on page
the troughs, as well as at the collecting pump at A."
784 of the December issue.
basin, for drawing off the greater bulk of The entire circle is divided into 360 de
We explained that the sine as given in grees . In Fig. 3 the arc Be, included be
oil. The distributing troughs should be the usual tables of natural sines, etc.,
located somewhat lower than the con B
tween the radii of the angle, is 30 degrees.
In Fig. 4 it is i degree, and the sine is so
denser discharge, else additional power
will be required to lift the water. To nearly like the arc that we cannot draw
them so that they will show separately.
overcome this it is frequently found neces Each degree is divided into 60 minutes.
sary to lower the entire cooling tower into The arc of one minute, which would make
d pit, so that water flows by gravity, in the angle one- sixtieth that in Fig. 4, would
which case additional space is required

around the entire tower in order to give



a free circulation of air. Similar to the

temperature of the circulating water in the di

surface condenser is the temperature of

the atmosphere of the cooling tower. In
this respect a fan may easily regulate the
supply of air. This may not only facili
tate the cooling of the water, but will also Power , 2.8. D
Cosine A
Power , X.Y.
materially reduce the size of the tower, as FIG . 2. FIG. 3 .
already pointed out.
which he could find in any of the en- be so nearly like its sine that it is suf
gineers' better- class reference books, is the ficiently accurate, for any ordinary pur
The advisory committee of the Louisi length of the line B D if the line AB pose, to assume its length as that of the
ana Purchase Exposition has presented to were 1 , and that all that he had to do sine.
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company an was to multiply the given length of A B If the radius O B in Fig. 3 were i inch ,
engrossed resolution of appreciation of by the sine of the given angle to get the the diameter of the circle which it would
the action of the Pennsylvania Railroad length of B D for any other length. He describe would be 2 inches, and the length
system in " conceiving, planning and exe B
cuting" the interesting locomotive tests
Peer, 1.1. A
which were conducted at St. Louis in 1904.
FIG . 4
In its preamble, the committee pointed
out that the railroad system had greatly replies that he knew all that before. of each minute of arc would be, since the
furthered the cause of science by making What he wants to know is where the 0.743 circumference is 3.1415926 times the diam
possible these tests by providing the plant , comes from . Everybody tells him to get eter ,
instruments and men to carry them on, at it out of a table, but he will have no such 3.1415926 X 2
great expense , and by the publication of ready - made method . He supposes that = 0.0002908882 in .
360 X 60
the data in comprehensive detail. there is somebody on earth who knows Then , unless we want to go to a greater
50 POWER January, 1906.

degree of accuracy, and divide the circum- be similar, and the angle at C is the same The operation can be shortened by
ference still finer, as by dividing each min- as that at 0 ; that is, it is the angle x. mathematical methods, the explanation of
ute into sixty seconds, we can assume the CE which would involve the use of the ob
sine of one minute to be 0.0002908882. CB is therefore the cosine of x, and
jectionable algebra.
Since this is one side of a right- angle CB It is not necessary to continue the pro
triangle, the hypotenuse of which is the OB is obviously the sine of y, cess above 30 degrees, for above that
radius 1, the square of the other side will CE point the
be the square of 1 , which is i minus the so that = cos . x X sin. y. (3)
Ос sin. ( 30° + y ) = cos. y - sin . ( 30 ° — y )
square of 0.0002908882, which is АВ and the
0.0002908882 X 0.0002908882 = Substituting these values for 0С and
cos. (30° + y ) = cos. ( 30° — y ) - sin . y .
0.00000008461594489924. СЕ
in formula ( 1 ) we have, and the table can be continued by simple
Subtracting this from 1 we get OC
subtraction of the values already found
1.00000000000000000000 sin. ( x + y ) = sin. x X cos. y + up to 45 degrees, when the sine and cosine
0.00000008461591489924 cos, X X sin . y. (4) become equal, and after which the sine is
0.99999991538405510076 We have found a value for the sine and equal to the cosine of the difference be
the square root of which is cosine of 1 minute. Let us say x = I and tween the given angle and 90 degrees, and
0.9999999577 , y = 1. vice versa , and the table can be used up
Then the sine of x + y would be the side-down as described in the “ Simple
which is, therefore , the cosine of i degree. sine of 1 + 1 = 2 minutes. Talks " of the December issue.
In Fig. 5 A B is the sine of angle x to
Using the values of the sine and cosine, The values can be verified from time to
the radius O B, and CD is the sine of as above determined , in formula ( 4 ) we time when it is possible to determine the
x + y to the radius O C. have ratio of the sides to each other, or to the
Reducing them both to a radius of sin . ( x + y ) = ( sin. x X cos. y ) + hypotenuse by other means, as, for in
unity, by dividing each by its radius, we stance, for 30 degrees, where it is obvious
have ( cos. x X sin. y ) .
that the sine is one -half of the radius. A
AB ( 0.0002908882 X 0.9999999577 ) +
sin. x = and sin. y = CD number of other such chances will be
OB OC (0.9999999577 X 0.0002908882) = available to one who understands trigo
Since it is easily seen that CD = AB + 0.0005817764 = sin. 2 min. nometry.
CE, we may write this Knowing the sine of 2 minutes, and A correspondent of Engineering, of
sin. (x + y) =
AB + CE thus one of the sides of a right-angle London, submits a formula which may be
OC expressed by the folowing rule :
or, what is the same thing and will allow Multiply the angle by 17.4 and from the
us to consider the quantities separately, product subtract the cube of one-tenth of
the angle multiplied by 0.81.
AB +
sin. (x + y ) = (1 ) In the case of your 48 degrees, for ex
OC ос E
B ample.
It does not alter the value of a fraction 48 X 17.4 = 835.2
to multiply both the numerator and the 4.8 X 4.8 X 4.8 = 110.592
denominator by the same quantity. Let 835.2 110.592 = 724.61.
us multiply the numerator and denomina Of course, the decimal point comes be
tor of the first of the above terms by B O. fore the 7 ; the real value is 0.7431448, so
AB AB X BO AB BO that the figure given by the formula is
ос OCX BO BOOC about 27/2 per cent. too small . The fol
lowing shows how nearly the results of
Since the order of the factors makes no D А
Power , N.Y. the formula accord with the table. ( Be
difference, we have taken the liberty also to yond 80 degrees the error increases
transpose them into the form at the right FIG. 5.
rapidly ) :
of the equal mark. It will readily be seen
that the BO would cancel out in either triangle, the hypotenuse of which is 1 , Sin . by Sin . by Error Error
Angles Table Formula
case, and that the final statement is equal you could find the cosine by the square
AB method illustrated in Fig. 2 ; but it can deg .
oc ' be shown from Fig. 5, in the same way 5 87.1 86.8 0.8 1 in 286
20 342.0 341.5 0.5 1 in 684
that we have demonstrated the formula 40 642.8 644.2 1.4 1 in 460
AB 3.1 1 in 280
But is the sine of x, for the sines, that 60 866.0 869.1
80 984.8 977.3 7.5 1 in 131
BO cos. ( x + y ) = ( cos. x X cos. y )
and is the cosine of y,
0С ( sin. x X sin. y ) .
The convention of the National Asso
AB We must leave you to dig this out in ciation of Cement Users will be trans
so that = sin. x X cos . y. (2)
OC order to keep the explanation within ferred from Milwaukee, Wis., to Colum
bounds. bus, O., owing to the Exposition Building
Now, let us multiply in the same way
both the numerator and denominator of The cosine of 2 minutes can then be
at Milwaukee having been destroyed by
found by calling both x and y 1 minute, fire recently. As 10,000 square feet of
the other terms, in formula ( 1 ) , and substituting the known values of the sine floor space is required for the exhibits, it
we get and cosine of this angle in the formula, was no easy matter to secure adequate
and performing the operation . quarters. The Ohio governor's inaugural
Х Knowing, then, the sine and cosine for ball will be held January 8th , and the
OC OCXCB CB OC 2 minutes, we can find them for 3 minutes dates of the convention have been set for
Now, notice that each of the lines by calling x 2 and y 1 , and so on for all the 10th to the 13th, inclusive, so as not to
which make the little triangle CEB is the different angles, increasing x by i interfere with the State's exercises. The
perpendicular to one of the lines of the minute each time, and making y continu- exhibits of machinery, etc., will be un
triangle BO A. The triangles must then ously equal to 1 minute usually large this year.
January, 1906 . POWER 51

The New Engineering Building. the gift of Mr. Andrew Carnegie, who also furnish office accommodation for a
also presented a new home to the Engi- large and continually increasing number of
The work of construction of the new neers' Club, which was illustrated and de- societies which have engineering or some
Engineering Building, which is to be the scribed in November Power, and which is other department of science as their prin
home of the American Institute of Elec- situated on Fortieth street, directly back cipal object. The building will likewise
trical Engineers, the American Society of of the new Engineering Building. As a contain business offices for the holding
Mechanical Engineers and the American result of the public competition instituted corporation , which was incorporated in
Institute of Mining Engineers, was re- by the joint committee of the societies May, 1904 , under the style of “ United
cently commenced . This building will be named, for the selection of architects, the Engineering Society.”
located on Thirty-ninth street, between committee appointed Messrs. Hale & A feature of the new building will be
a large auditorium on the first floor, above
the street. This apartment will accom
modate 1,000 persons, and the seats are
to be arranged on a grade conforming to
the best modern practice in theaters. The
auditorium floor will be reached from a
great central rotunda on the street floor
by generous stairways. On the floor
above will be two assembly rooms, occu
pying the principal portion of the area.
On the floor above this a number of small
lecture halls are to be provided, and the
two upper floors will be used for the libra
ries of the various societies. It is the
purpose to so administer each library that
by bringing them together there shall be
created a working and reference library
of the highest possible value and com
pleteness. The entire top floor will be
devoted to reading and reference rooms,
working alcoves, rooms for photographic
reproduction, drawing and the like, and
the roof will be constructed to secure the
best illumination . The floor below the
reading - room floor will be given over to
the book stacks.
The committee contemplates finishing
the building on all four sides, and not
merely on the front, in order that its
monumental character may be seen from
every point of view. There will be a
driveway all around the building.
This brief description of what prom
ises to be a magnificent structure is taken
from the recently- issued report of the
joint committee.

Gas- Engine Industry in Great

Britain .
The Mechanical World recently con
tained an epitome of a lecture by A. B.
Roxburgh, of the National Gas Engine
Company, Limited, in which it was stated
that about one -fourth of all the gas made in
Great Britain is employed in driving gas
Buell engines. The lecturer estimated that in
the United Kingdom alone there are man
ufactured at least 200 gas engines per
week. Averaging them at the very low
size of ten brake horse-power each would
give a weekly production of 2,000 brake
Fifth and Sixth avenues, New York, the Rogers, and Henry G. Morse, associate, horse-power. It was deemed likely, how
site having a frontage of 125 feet and a architects for the three engineering so ever, that the actual amount is double
depth of 100 feet. The building law of cieties. that figure.
New York city requires that a building The plans for the new Engineering
shall occupy only 85 per cent of the lot Building , which is shown in perspective A forest fire, the origin of which is not
area, and advantage is taken of this re-in the accompanying illustration, embody known at this writing, destroyed the Pa
quirement to have space on all sides of conveniences not only for the three foun- cific Electric Company's power-house and
the new building, which will be 115x90 der soceties, but also for such other or- car barns on Mount Lowe, near Los
feet. ganizations as may be invited to partici- Angeles, Cal . , December 9. The loss is
It will be recalled that this building is pate in the benefits, as associates. It will estimated at from $ 150,000 to $ 250,000.
52 POWER January, 1906.

Notice . as though these substances were in aa quiet

tank and at liberty to sort themselves out
It now seems probable that the com- and assume their respective levels. As a
positors of this city will strike on Janu- matter of fact, the steam comes into a con
TRANSMISSION OF POWER . ary 1, 1906 , for eight hours' work with denser with a elocity compared to which
Issued Monthly by the nine hours' pay, and the perpetuation of the cyclone would be as a summer breeze,
the closed shop. and one might as well figure upon dust
Hill Publishing Company
505 Pearl Street, New York .
Since we started our own plant seven settling in an eighty -mile wind as upon
years ago, the wages of printers in “ma- the air settling out of the steam by gravity
Also published at 6 Bouverie St. , London , E. C.
chine offices" have been increased four in such a swirl. This ' air goes where it
Correspondence suitable for the columns of POWER solicited times and those in non-machine offices is carried by the current and will be
and paid for. Name and address of correspondents must be
given - not necessarily for publication . five times, raising the pay from 30 cents found where the steam left it when it
Copy forch unge in advertisements must be in our hands not per hour to 39 cents. This new demand, condensed, or where its velocity carried
later than the 5th of each folowing
appearing on the first of themonth to insure change in the issue iſ granted, would raise the pay to 44 cents it after the steam shrunk into about one
month .
Do not send money in an unregistered letter . We cannot be per hour - nearly 50 per cent. twenty - five- thousandth of its volume.
responsible for such remittances as may fail to reach us . Use We believe that the closed shop, with
check , post office or express order, or register your letter .
Pay no money to solicitors or agents unless they can show
all its restrictions, is doing more to injure Electrically - Driven versus Steam
letters of authorization from this office.
all American industries and the men em Operated Auxiliaries.
Address all communications and remittances, and make ployed in them than any other one thing.
draſls, chechs and money orders payable to POWER , 505
Pearl Street, New York ,
We are opposed to it on principle and Franz Koester, in an article on page
shall resist it.
Subscription price $2 per year, in advance, to any post We ask our readers and advertisers to
44, makes a statement, which, while we
office in North America or the possessions of the United allow it to appear under his signature, we
States. $ 3 per year to any other country . be a little lenient with us for delays or do not like to allow to go unchallenged .
other - shortcomings in this paper for a “Modern power-plant practice
POWER PUBLISHING CO ., LTD ., 6 Bouverie St. , Lon- short time after January 1. We will do ica,” he says, “ tends toward the inadoption
don, E.O., will serve all subscriptions in Europe and the
British possessions in the Eastern Hemisphere . Price our best to make these delays and short- of motor-driven, circulating, hot-well and
10 Shillings in Great Britain, 12 Shillings for Europe and comings as few and as small as possible. dry vacuum pumps” ; and he goes on to
the colonies.
HILL PUBLISHING COMPANY, demonstrate the lesser steam cost of their
Entered at New York Post Office as mail najter of the John A. Hill, Prezident. operation.
second class.
Our observation is that the tendency of
Cable address , PowPUB, " N. Y.
Lieber's and ABC Codes .
Index for Volume XXV. some years ago in this direction, induced
by the academic consideration that power
The index for Power for 1905 is now for the purpose could be generated in the
During 1905 POWER printed and circulated
291,600 copies an average of 24,300 per ready and will be sent without charge main engine, and electrically applied with
issue. Of this issue of Power 28,000 copies to any subscriber requesting it. Indispen- the consumption of less steam than would
are printed . No papers sent free regularly ; sable to those who bind the paper, it is be used with the inefficient steam motors
no returns from news companies ; no back ordinarily attached to auxiliaries, has been
numbers beyond the current year.
also of value to those who simply file or
clip it. The index for last year occupies checked by the practical demonstration
about 18 pages and contains nearly 3,500 that when the heat voided in the exhaust
Contents. PAGE
items, and a glance through it indicates of these auxiliaries can be returned to the
Piping Plans for the Onondaga County
Court-House, Syracuse, N. 1 something of the amount of matter which system in the feed- water, their use re

A Bit of Geometry . 5 has been furnished for two dollars, and sults in the burning of less coal than
Boiler Corrosion .
8 the thoroughness with which the field has would the use of the electrically - driven
Advantage of a By- Pass ..
Engine - Room Chemistry . 9 been covered. auxiliaries ; and that in all of the recent
Development in Gas Producers .
The Question of the Gas Turbine . 11
Only to-day we have received a letter large stations the use of electrically
Commentary on Mr. Neilson's Article . 12 from a subscriber , who thought enough of driven auxiliaries has been resorted to
An Air-Compressor Test . 13
Felling of a Large Chimney . 14 Power to index the last volume himself, only when some other consideration than
A Big Stack with Novel Features . 15 not knowing that an index could be had steam efficiency, such as the need of high
Interesting Test of a Curtis Steam Tur for the asking. We want to make this in-
bine . 16 speed for a centrifugal hot-well pump, is
Horse - Power Chart . 17 involved. The best engine converts but aa
Compound Air Compression . 18 vitation so prominent and positive and
An Automatic Multi - Stage Turbine Gover- forceful that it shall escape nobody who fraction of the heat in the steam which is
nor .. 23
Natural Gas Under Steam Boilers . 24 has any use for an index. furnished to it into energy. The rest is
Correspondence and Discussion : His Third voided in the exhaust, and less heat is
Letter....Presumption Squelched ... taken out of the system when more steam
Gummy Deposit in Cylinders .... Con The Needle's Eye.
solation for the Factory Engineer.. is passed through an inefficient pump, but
Useful Hints for Making Joints .
A Kink Separator....
in Waste-PipeElectrical
Traps.... The returned to the boiler in the feed, than
Steam Ad Our friend, The Locomotive, had a lot
vice . ... Boiler Feed Water Regulator. when less steam is partially used in a
A Home -Made Steam Trap .. of fun with us in its last issue, because more efficient system and thrown away.
Steam Escaped in Odd Manner . A the type made us say that a real engineer Of course, this supposes feed-water at
Peculiar Governor Trouble.... The Ma
chinist and the Emergency ... Boiler should know the tortuous way through a
Inspection ..... 26-33 á temperature sufficiently low to benefit by
Engineers' Examinations Announced. 34 9x11-, instead of a 9x14- inch, manhole.
Design , Construction and Application of We suppose that even a starched and
the auxiliary exhaust under a practicable
Large Gas Engines in Europe -- III.. 35 back pressure. If the exhaust can be
Catechism of Electricity - XI . 40 ironed graduate of the Naval Academy heated with heat which would otherwise
Theneers ..
Society of Mechanical Engi 42 could fall through a 10x16. go to waste, there can be no increase in
Condensers - Types and Application . 44
How to Make a Sine Table 50 efficiency by taking steam from the boiler
The New Engineering Building . 51
Editorials .. 52-53 Air in Condensers. to heat it, even through an auxiliary en
New Things for the Power Plant . 54-58 gine, but this involves the use of econ
Society Notes .. 59-60
Personals . 60 It is not uncommon to see and hear omizers, and that , as Kipling says, “ is an
Inquiries. 62 arguments upon the design of condensers, other story ," and one upon which, as
Book Reviews .
Business Items . 63
New Catalogues . 65 heating systems, etc., predicated upon the practice shows, designers are very much
New Equipment .. 65 difference in the weight of air and steam, divided .
January, 1906. POWER 53

It is an old story now, as engineering blades are provided in the vacuum ends lowed to operate without being equipped
progress in this rushing period goes, that of the two low-pressure turbines. with whatever safeguards are at all practi
the electrically-driven auxiliary in cen- The horse-power of either vessel is 21 ,- cal ; they also know that a few dollars
tral stations and other power plants has 000 ; that is to say, the reciprocating en- one way or the other in the annual cost
been tried and found wanting-in avail- gines of the "Caronia ” would stand at of operating an elevator plant are insigni
able heat . As we pointed out several that rating and the “Carmania ,” having a ficant in comparison with considerations
years ago, there is not the slightest diffi- similar outfit of boilers, will have the of safety, reliability of service and space
culty in driving power-plant pumps, fans, same power, if the turbine engines are occupied. So what is the use of spending
exciters, stokers, etc. , by means of electric equally efficient. The "Caronia " on her valuable time in more or less acrimonious
motors, so far as the mere operation is trial trip made the measured mile at the argument over these points ? One speaker
concerned . It is not because the electric rate of about 20 knots, and the "Car- declared that it is possible, under certain
motor is not well adapted to that class of mania " at 20.5 knots. The " Caronia" conditions of disarrangement for a
work that it has not been universally maintained an average speed of 19.62 plunger elevator car to descend to the
adopted, but chiefly because the boiler knots for twelve hours , and the " Car bottom of the well out of control and
feed-water must be heated, and in order mania " 19.5 knots on a continuous run of strike bottom at the rate of 1,600 feet per
to do this properly the heaters can utilize six hours. ininute ; if this is true , it is criminal to
about all the exhaust steam that is avail- The engineering force report the per- operate such machines without equipping
able in a modern plant containing con formance of the turbines as extremely them with every possible safety device.
densing main engines and steam - driven satisfactory. There was no trouble from Of course, we do not pretend to say either
auxiliaries. Another point against motor vibration , no evidences of interference in that the statement is true, or that the ele .
drive is that in the event of complete fail the blades, no occasion to shut down , on vators under discussion are not equipped
ure of the supply of current, the auxil- account of the engines, and , although the with safeties ; we are considering the mat
iaries would be “ killed ” and the boiler passage was a fairly rough one, and the ter purely in the abstract. The point we
plant rendered inoperative ; but that is propellers were thrown out of water, the wish to make is that these questions are
scarcely worth consideration , because no only evidence of racing was shown on the not appropriate meat for A. S. M. E. pa
complete failure ever lasts more than a speed indicator. Figures as to the com pers and discussions ; the municipal
few moments in modern plants, and, more- parative weights of the two styles of en Building Department is the proper tri
over, there would always be installed an gine are as yet unavailable . There ap bunal.
equipment of emergency steam-operated pears to be little, if any, saving in floor The discussion under review also con
boiler-feeding apparatus. The heating of space, for the engine-room is well filled tained references to the relative efficiencies
the feed-water is the determining factor with the turbines and their accessories, of electric and hydraulic elevators which
in the problem . We wish to lay special but they set low in the vessel, and there is served no profitable purpose . We all
stress upon this phase of the question in headroom to spare .
know, and have known for several years,
view of frequent statements to the effect The two great express steamers which that a properly designed electric elevator
that the motor-driven auxiliary has been the Cunard company has upon the ways
is necessarily more efficient as to power
proved no earthly good-a dismal failure, will be fitted with quadruple screws, tur under variable loads than an equally well
and so on . Such statements , without bine driven , and are expected to make designed hydraulic plant, because the elec
proper modification, are unfair and con 25 knots. We understand that work upon
tric power consumption varies roughly
vey a false impression . these is going forward, and that they are with the load, whereas a hydraulic ma
expected to be put into commission next chine takes a cylinder -full of water every
year, but that the details of the turbine
The Turbine on the Sea. time the car ascends , regardless of the
and propeller equipment are awaiting, to load. It is also evident that an electric
The arrival at Sandy Hook on Decem some extent, the results of the compara
tive trial of the " Caronia " and “ Carmania." outfit occupies less space than a corre
ber 10 of the turbine -propelled Cunard sponding hydraulic plant. On the other
Liner “ Carmania,” after a successful voy The Recrudescent Elevator Question. hand, no one questions that for very high
age, marks an epoch in marine engineer speeds, smoothness of running and posi
ing. Although not the first vessel to cross The old question as to the relative tiveness of control the hydraulic type is
with turbines, she is the first of the large merits of different elevator systems broke the superior. Discussion of any of these
liners upon which the new form of en out afresh at the recent meeting of the points is, therefore, a mere waste of time.
gine has been tried, and her performance American Society of Mechanical Engi- The necessity for choice between the two
is being watched with extreme interest . neers, the “ provocation ” being a paper classes of apparatus exists only in cases
In order to test out the turbine prop- purporting to give the results of perform- lying within the narrow limits of practice
osition in a thoroughly practicable way, ance tests of a plant of plunger elevators. where the admitted fields of the two
the Cunard company built two steamers, The paper and a large portion of the re- merge, and each case coming within this
the " Caronja " and the “ Carmania,” of the sultant discussion savored strongly of zone must be decided from an analysis of
same size and upon the same model , the garden variety of commercial argu- its own peculiar conditions ; tomes of
similarly equipped, so far as boilers are ment, the author and one or two con academic discussion would not develop
concerned, and with the same reservation tributors to the discussion being obvious- any hard - and - fast rules on which aa choice
of space for the engines. Each vessel is ly determined to make out an impregna- could be infallibly based.
675 feet in length over all , 72.5 feet in ble case for the plunger type of machine,
breadth, 32 feet draft, and 52 feet in depth while the "opposition " seemed equally The courses at the night school of the
to the shelter deck. determined that no statement even remote- Twenty - third Street M. C. A., of New
The “ Caronia ” was fitted with quad ly favorable to that type should pass with York city, include algebra and geometry,
ruple-expansion reciprocating engines of out combat. This sort of thing is, of electricity, steam engineering, mechanical
the usual type, working at 90 revolutions course, out of place in the proceedings of drawing, and plan drawing and estimating.
upon twin screws ; the " Carmania," with a representative engineering body, ethical- Formerly engineering classes met twice
three Parson's turbines, the high pressure ly and otherwise, even if it were not whol- a week, but for this winter, acting on the
working upon a central screw, and ex- ly unnecessary. advice of a number of engineers, the meet
hausting into a low pressure on either All engineers who deserve the name ings have been changed to one a week
side, working upon side propellers, all know that no machinery involving in its The association issues a booklet telling
running at 180 revolutions. Reversing operation any danger to life should be al- all about these classes.
54 POWER January, 1906.

straight tubes, either this special coupling

New Things for the Power Plant. is used , or one having standard pipe
threads, the latter being furnished unless
The Aetna Gage Cock . terials possessing excellent qualities for otherwise ordered.
expansion and lubrication. The gland Fig. I shows the freely - swinging arm
Herewith is shown the Aetna gage cock, pressure is thus made to positively effect head attached to the turbine to be used in
one of the specialties of Geo. W. the take-up necessary to bring the sliding connection with straight tubes. Where
Neff & Co., 42 Broadway, New York. wedge into proper operating contact. It is tubes are bent a universal coupling is in
This is a simple apparatus, suitable for claimed for this product that it has all the terposed between the shaft and the freely
high-pressure service. It is of the ball- advantages of metallic packing, while of
valve type, as shown, and it is pointed out fering every convenience of fibrous pack
that having two seats doubles the life of ing.
Liberty Standard Turbine Cleaner.
One of the chief features of the latest
type of the Liberty standard turbine
cleaner is the improved “ thrust bearing"
Closed ө which has been designed to take care of
Power , N.Y.
the forward and rearward thrusts of the
revolving part of the device. In the ear
lier types of turbine cleaners ball bearings
the cock and insures a tight valve . The were used, which answered very well for
parts are interchangeable. The bodies and removing light scale, but which were not
scats are made of phosphor bronze, the equal to some of the heavier work im
balls of brass, and the lever of the best posed upon the tool .
quality steam metal . The action of the
The body of the Liberty standard tur FIG . 2. CLEANER HEAD WITH UNIVERSAL
valve is positive. Reference to the cut bine cleaner is made in one casting and
will make apparent the ease with which COUPLING .
within the casing is a spider which fornis
the seats and balls can be replaced by sim a bearing box containing a journal for swinging arm head, thus permitting the
ply unscrewing and removing the plug the shaft. Reference to Fig. I will show machine to work equally well in either
at the bottom . the form of construction . In one arm of straight or curved tubes. These heads are
the spider is an oiling chamber closed at used primarily for light scale ; for heavy
“Double Service " High -Pressure one end , while the other end is provided scale, special cutting heads are furnished
Hydraulic Packing. with a ball valve through which oil is to meet special conditions, one of which ,
supplied to the bearings . The revolving Fig. 2, is shown attached to the universal
The accompanying illustration shows part, or turbine wheel, is screwed onto the coupling.
the make-up of a packing which is stated rear end of the shaft, so that its weight This is the well -known type of Liberty
to have proven so successful under hy- has a tendency to balance the weight of head , such as has been used for a number
draulic pressure as high as 10,000 pounds, the cutting tool at the other end of the of years on the various types of machines
that the D. S. Paterson Company, of shaft . The vanes of the revolving part manufactured by the Liberty Manufactur
Philadelphia, is making a specialty of it. are cut by a patented process, and are fin- ing Company, of Pittsburg. Pa. The first
It is known as style No. 3 and may be ished perfectly smooth to insure the high- machine of this type that was built was
briefly described as follows : First, there est efficiency. Both forward and rear- put in service in one of the large steel
is a casing of " special" hydraulic tucks A
made in the form of an inverted U, the
distinctive feature of this part being that

Poreer , N.Y.
ward thrusts of the revolving part are plants in Pittsburg, where it ran contin
it is made in one piece, this design having taken up by frictionless fibrous material uously night and day for several months,
been adopted in the expectation that it will which runs in contact with metal washers. and the only repair made during that
prevent disintegration under pressure. Back of the turbine wheel is placed the time was the replacing of the bushing.
Within the embrasure of the inverted U is stationary part, or nozzle piece, admitting The elimination of the ball bearings and
a sliding wedge B of anti - friction metal, the water to the vanes or blades . This thrust washers in the new standard Lib
so placed as to come into contact with the nozzle piece is screwed into the shell and erty cleaner will be fully appreciated by
wearing surfaces . Corresponding to this locked in place by screwing in the hose those who are familiar with such mat
wedge and resting on it is another wedge coupling, as shown in the cut. The hose ters .
C, formed of hydraulic tucks, the space coupling on the 3 /4 -inch machine, when The Liberty cleaner is very simple in
between the latter and the arch of the used in bent tubes, is attached directly to construction, the cost of replacing the
casing being provided with a cushion of the hose, so as to make the machine as parts is very slight, and the turbine is so
flax packing D, both of these latter ma- short as possible. On machines for built that any workman can repiace the
January, 1906. POWER 55

worn parts, it being impossible to put the the valve is the least likely part to be- in motion. The parts are easily assembled
machine together in other than the right come foul. or dissembled and repairs, when needed,
way, and no adjustment being required. The incoming water is received in a may be made with ordinary tools.
copper gravity bucket, situated in the These blowers may be driven by belt,
Slide- Valve Models. dome of the trap, Fig. I. The bucket is steam, gas or electrical power, the material
so balanced that when nearly full it up- of which they are constructed being select
A attractive set of cardboard engine- sets, and the water is thus delivered sud- ed to meet the requisites of the purpose
valve models has been put on the market denly and in considerable quantities for for which they are to be used . As may
by T. & T. G. Jones, Manchester, England, the action of the valve. The outlet is
be gathered from reference to the cuts, a
for whom McLaughlin Brothers, of Phil closed by the ball F , Fig. 2, which is held
adelphia, are the American agents. The in position by the pressure ; when the
simple D-valve model is illustrated here bucket discharges, the float rises sudden
with, but the engraving cannot do full ly, pulling the ball from its seat by means
justice to the model , which is printed in Forward
of the lever and clutch H, Fig. 2. As
SHORT D. SLIDE VALVE soon as it is released the ball falls to the
A. Opas te Steam Stemming X
lever below, leaving the outlet open. This
B. Steam Port fully open B Espanding
c . Closes to Steam action of the bucket also serves to keep
Exhausting ODD
D. Opens to Exhaust 8 Cushioning
E. Cices EDH all sediment in suspension , and while in
Stroke rd

that condition it is being constantly blown


Stes Exhaus Stesen DE out of the trap, making it unnecessary to
clean out the trap.
Discrans of Work ,
forForwardStroke When discharging water the valve is
her Line always wide open ; this and the fact that
Van Line
the ball reseats in aa different position each
Power , N.Y.
Poker , N.Y.
colors so as to facilitate the identification blower of this type, having less metallic
of the different parts and passages. The and air friction, will require less power to
cylinder, piston, valve chambers and ports operate, and it runs at a much slower
are printed on a piece of heavy cardboard, speed than a fan blower. It is claimed to
to which is slidably attached a strip of a
cardboard on which the valve is printed ;
this strip has also printed on it a double
arrow which points to a valve diagram
on the large cardboard and indicates the
relation between the diagram and the posi
tion of the valve. These little models Power , NY
are made up in sets covering all modifica FIG . 2. VESUVIUS STEAM TRAP.

tions of the slide form of valve. Larger

sizes of the these models will be ready for time makes it less likely for the ball or its
distribution in a short time. seat, made of phosphor bronze, to cut
or wear in grooves. The higher the pres
The Vesuvius Self -Cleaning Steam sure the more intermittent and forcible Power , N.Y.

the discharge, which therefore washes the FIG. 2. WILSON DUPLEX POSITIVE BLOWER .
ball and seat the more efficiently. The be the only duplex positive blower on the
Herewith are shown sectional views of forcible discharge also has a tendency to
market. The makers are the Wilson Posi
the Vesuvius self-cleaning steam trap and bring the condensation forward, and, con tive Blower Company, 59 Prospect street,
of the outlet valve of the same. Re- sequently, the trap shows an exceptionally Brooklyn, N. Y.
garding the main features of the trap, dry steam table. The parts, which are
attention is particularly called to the interchangeable , are made of non -corro The Gronvold Boiler Flue Cleaner.
large valve outlet and the fact that the sive metals. The Vesuvius trap is one
valve opens wide at each discharge. A of the specialties manufactured by Geo. The principle of the Gronvold steam
valve that merely opens a crack will W. Neff & Co., 42 Broadway, New York boiler Aue cleaner, a device for cleaning
City .

The Wilson Duplex Positive Blower.

Herewith is illustrated a novel device
known as the “Wilson duplex positive
blower . ” Not only is it designed for use
as a blower, but by certain suitable varia
tions of construction it may be used as an
exhauster, force pump, vacuum pump, cir
culating pump, rotary engine, water motor,
meter and conveyor . As a blower, it is
adapted for positive-blast or suction pur
Power .
poses. It is extremely simple in construc tuker , ...

tion, having but one shaft, with neither

naturally catch scale and dirt ; but the springs, valves, gears, countershaft nor
passage of water through the Vesuvius receiver, and it is very compact, requiring the tubes in high -pressure boilers, is shown
valve is said to be so much more rapid comparatively little floor space. It may herewith. It is very simple in construc
than in any other part of the system that be run in either direction, and is concentric tion and is installed permanently in the
56 POWER January, 1906.

boiler wall, the holes in the pendant jet- Parker Boiler with Attached Econo- the unevaporated water discharged from
pipes facing the fues. By simply opening mizer. the lower elements, flows along the dia
the valve shown , steam is forced into the phragm into the lower chamber and en
tubes and the soot is easily blown in the In the accompanying engraving is shown ters the lower elements, where it is evapo
direction of the natural draft. The device a Parker boiler with an economizer at- rated. When the feed is shut off the up
may be used as often as desired while the tached. The feature of this boiler, it will per element is supplied from the drum.
boiler is in operation, and the engine does be remembered, is its peculiar method of In this way the gases come in contact with
not have to be stopped to clean the Aues. handling the circulation. The tubes are the coolest surface just before leaving,
It requires no opening of doors, so this arranged to form continuous passages, and are reduced to the lowest practicable
arrangement saves loss of heat, as well as
loss of time, Furthermore, the operation
tends to intensify the draft, and there is
no danger of dust or ashes being blown
into the boiler - room . One-third of the
flues can be cleaned at a time, no matter ANYARAN RAYZ

how many the boiler contains, and it only AN ATLAVE

takes about a minute to clean all the flues. SCALE

This device has been placed on the mar S - ANDLE

ket by the E. A. Burgess Estate, C. A.

Bradley, manager, New Haven, Conn. NON

Golden Tilting Steam Trap.

The accompanying drawing illustrates
the Golden high- and low-pressure tilting
steam trap, a distinctive feature of which
is that there are no working parts, such
as valves, floats and buckets, inside the
trap. On the contrary, all the working
parts, which are of bronze, are on the out
side and are easily removed. The valve,
also made of bronze, is what is known as
the auxiliary operating type. A compen
sating roller-bearing in the balance weight
avoids jar. No wrenches are required, all PARKER BOILER WITH ATTACHED ECONOMIZER .
that is necessary being to tighten up trun
nion nuts by hand. The trap has a full termed elements, leading downward from temperature. The Parker Boiler Com
area and discharges quickly. the water chamber, with direct upcasts pany, Pennsylvania Building, Philadelphia,
The proper amount of condensation en- from the bottom ends to the steam cham- Pa., are the manufacturers.
tering through the feed trunnion and pass- ber. A non- return valve at the top of
ing into the receiver will cause the same each element prevents reversal of the An Improvement in Lubricators.
to tilt. As it does so it opens the auxiliary flow . As the water passes downward
valve, allowing the pressure to act on the through the element, more and more of it Among recent inventions which have
piston, which in turn opens the main valve, is converted into steam, the purpose of the been brought to our attention is one, "an
allowing the water in the receiver to dis- designer being that when the boiler is improvement in lubricators," for which
William J. Taylor, of Kansas City, Mo.,
bas received a patent. Its object is to pro
vide means for charging a lubricator with
oil without allowing it to run empty, and
without interrupting its operation while
being so charged . The idea will be read
ily comprehended by referring to the ac
companying illustration, which shows the
invention as applied to an ordinary lubri

cator, from which the oil is fed by the

pressure of water supplied by condensa
tion of steam .

When water can be seen in the sight

Power, W.Y.
tube a on the side of the top reservoir the
lubricator can be charged in the follow
charge through the outlet in the trunnion. working at its normal capacity all the ing manner : . First, close the cut-out 6
The balance weight on the lever causes water shall have been evaporated before between the reservoirs and detach the
the receiver to tilt back to its filling posi- leaving the lower tube. lower reservoir by unscrewing. Then
tion, which releases the auxiliary valve and In the boiler as here shown, the opera- einpty it of water by opening the stop
allows the main valve to close. tion is divided into two stages : the heat- cock at the bottom . Next, having closed
This device is manufactured by the ing of the water and the conversion of this stop-cock, fill the reservoir with oil,
Golden - Anderson Valve Specialty Com- the heated water into steam. The feed- connect it up again , and open the cut
pany, of Pittsburg, Pa. water is introduced, as shown by the en- out. The water in the top reservoir will
graving, into the top junction box at the pass up into the top chamber through the
It is stated that the blast furnaces of rear end and passes forward and back- tube d, out of which it will emerge into
this country have an annual capacity of ward through the four upper tubes before the upper end of the top reservoir, com
28,635,000 tons. entering the drum. There it mingles with pleting the operation without having in
January, 1906. POWER 57

terfered with the regular function of the is provided with radial arms or a disk-like wheel H and its hub in excess of the
lubricator in the least. head E, carrying pinions F, which mesh speed of the shaft and sleeve. This will
The upper end of the oil pipe d being with an external gear on the hub of a cause the wheel H to move to the right
located above the water inlet, or lower wheel G, which is mounted to turn loose- and release the pulley from contact with
end of the water pipe e, the oil will not ly on the shaft. The pinions also mesh the fixed clutch.
pass through the water and will be deliv with an internal gear in a wheel H, the
ered uncontaminated by dirt or iron-rust. hub of which is elongated and internally The Anderson Feed-Water Heater.
As long as any oil remains in the top screw-threaded to intermesh with the ex- These heaters are constructed of a
reservoir, the reservoir can be filled , as ternal screw-threads of the sleeve D. The series of elements, one of which is shown
will be seen, without affecting the feeding wheels G and H are both grooved to re- in Fig. 1. They may be connected to form


Power , X.Y.


ceive brake- bands to control their move H

ments .
When it is desired to clutch the pulley
C to the shaft, the brake-band is tightened
Power . N. r.
on the wheel H to retard or stop the
wheel, and as the shaft and sleeve will a heater of almost any capacity by short
then be turned faster than the wheel and screwed nipples or by push nipples as is
LUBRICATOR IMPROVEMENT. its hub, the intermeshing screw-threads done by the makers. A series of ele
will cause the wheel and hub to be moved ments so connected is shown in Fig. 2
of oil therefrom. Therefore, after the to the left and force the pulley into tight and is placed in a cylindrical case whose
regulating valve f has been once set to engagement with the fixed clutch B, and diameter is slightly larger than the dia
feed a given amount of oil, it need not be when the pressure of the brake-band is
closed or changed, and the feed of oil is released the parts will turn together and
not likely to be altered, as the fresh oil the drum remained locked as long as may
fed into the top reservoir will naturally be desired.
be warmed, in passing, to the temperature To release the pulley from its clutched
of the oil already contained in the reser- position , the brake-band is tightened on
voir. the other wheel G, causing it to run slow
ly or stop, and through the medium of
Clutch -Operating Mechanism. the pinions to increase the speed of the
Frank A. Ryder, of Scottdale, Pa., re
cently acquired a patent for an ingenious meter of the elements, thus forming the
clutch -operating mechanism, the principle complete heater. Ordinarily the water is
of which is illustrated herewith. Mounted passed through the elements and the
on a shaft A , which may be either a con steam or other hot gas is circulated out
tinuously rotating or an intermittently side. When water which would form
rotating shaft, are a fixed clutch B, a scale or which contains other objection
movable pulley, or drum , C, and a sleeve able matter is used, the water is passed
D, the last-named being locked to the outside and the steam inside the elements .
shaft and externally screw - threaded The scale formed can then be easily re
moved from the exterior.
throughout the greater portion of its
length. At its enlarged end this sleeve FIG . I ELEMENT If the capacity of the heater is large,
58 POWE January , 1906 .
the multiplication of the elements may the crosshead by being driven in on a ment secures the valve in such a way that
result in an abnormally long cylinder, in taper and secured with a heavy taper it is impossible for it to work loose or for
which case the heater may be made up of pin, thus doing away with any possibility any part to get into the air cylinder.
a number of parallel sections and the of the rod backing out. The lower cross- The discharge valves, Fig. 3, are made
steam and water passages divided. head guide is provided with a bridge at of steel cups, which are extremely light
This form of heater is recommended either end, which keeps it flooded with and strong, and are held in place, like the
not only for use in the exhaust pipes of oil at all times . The connecting- rod is suction valves, by heavy brass guards and
steam engines, but in the exhaust of gas provided with accurate adjusting devices
engines, and also for heating the water at both the crosshead and crank ends, so
in hot-water heating systems. The mak- placed that the rod will at all times main
ers are the Anderson -McCutchen Com- tain the same length regardless of how
pany, Peekskill, N. Y. far the brasses are set up. The friction
has been brought down to a minimum in
National Steam Pump Company's the steam chest by placing here a bal
New Air -Compressor. anced valve of simple construction, shown
in Fig. 1 .
To keep pace with the ever increasing In the air valves, the most vital parts of
demand for an air-compressor suitable for the whole machine, will be found a de

bufu ប ឋ g FIG . 3 .
Power , N.Y.
springs. The valve seats are of tough
aluminum bronze, which is especially
adapted to such work . The air-cylinder
is completely water-jacketed on both
heads and sides , which insures as perfect
cooling of the air as is possible by this
means, and cools the valves so that they
are not liable to stick or clog up on
account of oil baking on them.
This machine appears to be the outcome
of an honest and intelligent attempt to
Power, N.I.
FIG . I. NATIONAL STEAM PUMP COMPANY'S AIR- COMPRESSOR . meet the requirements of moderate sized
manufacturing plants.
all the ordinary services which such a parture from old methods . The suction
machine can be made to perform , the valve, Fig. 2, is made from a solid piece The latest plans of the Philadelphia
National Steam Pump Company, of Upper of steel , and is held to a seat of aluminum Rapid Transit system provide for a turbo
Sandusky, Ohio, has designed and placed bronze by a heavy brass guard and spring. generátor station of 50,000 kilowatts ulti
The whole valve is self - contained and mate capacity.


Power , Y.Y.



lipon the market the compressor here il

lustrated .
The reciprocating parts of the engine
are designed to give a maximum of screwed into the inner wall of the air A Aly -wheel at the plant of the West
strength and rigidity of alinement, and cylinder. It is, however, further secured inghouse Electric & Manufacturing Com
are put together in a way that is meeting by aa steel cup which is concentric with the pany, at East Pittsburg, broke recently,
with the approval of the most exacting valve plug and held to place by a heavy but, it was reported, the damage was not
engineers. The piston - rod is secured in set screw and jamb-nut. This arrange very serious.
January, 1906 . POWER 59

Society Notes.. with a sumptuous collation at the Sterling I. B. of S. F., was held December 3 at
Hotel. Grand Central Palace, New York. The
The annual entertainment and ball of Yonkers Association, No. 28, N. A. S. spacious hall was filled to its capacity,
Brooklyn Association, No. 8, N. A. S. E., E., of Yonkers, N. Y., gave its third an there being large delegations present from
will take place at the Imperial, Fulton nual entertainment and informal dance the different engineers' organizations in
street, Brooklyn, Wednesday evening, Friday evening, November 24, at Holly- the greater city. The event was by far
February 14. wood Inn . The entertainers were Herbert the “ best ever.”An entertaining vaude
At the meeting of Robert Fulton As- Self, Youna the juggler, Frank J. Corbett, ville program was given by : Youna, the
sociation , No. 28, N. A. S. E. , of Chicago, I Lloyd Wilson, John Forsman , C. South oriental juggler ; De Vean Sisters, artistic
Ill . , Saturday, December 2, Mr. A. G. ard Thompson, Willian Murray, John W. vocalists and dancers ; Eccentric Firemen's
Alexander lectured on
" The Sargent Armour and Henry Frantzen. These pro own Drum, Fife and Bugle Corps ; James
Steam Meter." vided a was heartily J. Brady, Irish tenor; the “ Bunch ” in a
program which
Hoboken Association, No. 5, N. A. S. enjoyed, as was the dance which followed. potpourri of songs, recitations and cho
The Steam Engineers' Club of New
ruses. The American projectoscope pre
E., of Hoboken , N. J., will hold its an sented a series of lively moving pictures .
nual entertainment and ball at Quartette York held a " smoker ” Saturday evening,
After the performance,
December 2, at which there was a large dulged dancing was in
Hall, January 6. This association always in. This organization has opened
gives its patrons an exceptionally pleasant attendance. The entertainment was ex
a school of instruction at 193 Bowery,
time. ceptionally good and was contributed by
to which every interested person is in
The associations of the N. A. S. E. in the following : Robert Nolan, pianist ; vited.
Manhattan and the Bronx will combine to Joseph McKenna in " coon " songs ; Pro
fessor Neuman , the mysterious mind Tuesday, November 21 , before the
hold their annual entertainment and recep reader ; John Forsman , eccentric dancer ;
tion at the Grand Central Palace January Modern Science Club of Brooklyn, N. Y. ,
the Musical Russells, in an artistic rendi Mr. C. M. Riker gave an illustrated
3ist next . In response to many requests, lecture on " The Study of the Thompson
tion of selections from different operas,
it has been decided to give the ever -popu
lar “Minstrel Show .” The entire “ Bunch," together with popular medleys ; John W. Ryan Balancing Coil.” December 5 Mr.
Armour, in songs, recitations and stories. Wilson Van Buren , editor of Engineers’
with several additions, will be on the job ."
Events of a similar character will be given List, lectured on “ Evaporative Tests of
The annual entertainment and recep by the club at short intervals during the Boilers." The lecture was fully illus
tion of Universal Craftsmen Council of season , trated, and was replete with interesting
Engineers, Metropolitan District , was held The tenth anniversary of Quaker City figures. December 12, Mr. Charles Gris
at the Amsterdam Opera House, New Association , No. 1 , N. A. S. E. , of Phila- wold lectured on “ The Dynamo and
York, Friday evening, December 15, and delphia , was celebrated by an elaborate Motor from an Engineer's Standpoint."
was a fine success . The vaudeville enter banquet at Mannerchor Hall, November Mr. Griswold's talk was most interesting
tainment was much better than the aver 18. Speeches were made by the following and instructive, as all of his data was
age . Dancing followed the entertainment. well-known engineers : James Gillespie, gathered from practical experience. No
The different committees are to be com E. C. Fox, G. F. Duemler, Ole Hanson, vember 28 one of the old - fashioned
John Coe, William McLaughlin , John M. “ smokers” was held, the “ Bunch ” being
The annual ball of Brooklyn ( N. Y. ) Lukens, Clifford P. Williams, Franklin in evidence as entertainers. The " smoker"
Union , I. U. S. E., local No. 56, took Moore, Enoch Corless , and E. Caldwell . opened with a talk on “100 Per Cent . In
place Saturday evening, December 9, at Letters of regret were read from the Na- struments or Nothing," by Mr. Myron G
the Brooklyn Labor Lyceum . In spite tional and State officers, who were unable Stolp, of Chicago. Mr. Charles Hart.
o the inclemency of the weather, the to attend. The social came to a happy the newly- elected president of the club, is
hall was well filled , and the occasion was close by the singing of " Auld Lang Syne," determined to make these Tuesday nights
voted a great success, thanks to the ef- and the anniversary was rated to be the most interesting. The annual entertain
forts of the committees and floor man- best ever held . ment and ball will take place January 17
agers . The music was furnished by Pro The Marine Engineers' Beneficial As- next at the Imperial , and a good time is
fessor Fuellhardt and the decorations by sociation , No. 33, held its annual enter- guaranteed.
Dedreux. tainment and reception in the Lexington Protective Association, No. 23, N. A. S.
The Provincial Association of Station- Opera House, New York, Wednesday E., of New York, held a " smoker” Satur
ary Engineers, of Montreal, Can ., listened evening, December 6. It was the largest day evening, December 9, at which many
to a lecture, November 30, by Prof. M. in point of attendance and the best social prominent personages in engineering cir
C. Huyett, on the subject of " Coal, Com- event in the history of this popular or- cles attended, among others. The “ Bunch”
bustion , Cost of Power, and Smokeless ganization. Many prominent engineers made the evening merry with music,
Furnaces.” Mr. Huyett handled his sub- and supplymen were present. A first songs, recitals, etc. Following was the
ject in a masterful manner and greatly class vaudeville entertainment was given program : Herbert Self, march songs ;
interested his 300 hearers. At the previous by the following : Linder's Orchestra ; John Tracey, songs of the day ; Thomas
e lucational meeting of this association Youna, the oriental juggler ; Rene Augrey, Murtagh, recitals ; Joseph McKenna.
Charles G. Keddie, of Power, gave an in- prima donna ; Foster and Foster, vocal " coon " songs ; selections by No. 23's
structive and entertaining talk on " Our and instrumental performers and quartette, comprising Lloyd Wilson ,
Labor Laws and How We Got Them .” comedians ; Cook and Sylvia , singers and Frank J. Corbett, William Redmond and
Members of Trenton Association , No. 4. dancers ; “ Elite" Musical Four, harmonica Charles Winant; William Murray, popu
N. A. S. E. , of New Jersey, had a very experts ; Paul Barnes. monologist; the lar songs ; John W. Armour, songs and
pleasant meeting Saturday, December 9. " Bunch , ” in old and new songs . The stories . Henry Frantzen was the accom
Speeches were made by Mayor-elect Fred- American projectoscope, directed by panist. The entertainment was inter
erick Gnichtel, Charles Urshell, John A. Thomas H. Kelly, displayed a series of spersed with speeches by M. D. Nagle,
Knesler, H. C. Welch , William A. Hebb up -to - date moving pictures. Dancing Charles W. Martin, Jr., and Thomas
and H. G. McConnaughy. William T. closed a most enjoyable evening. Frolson. During the evening President
Wheeler was at his best in stories and The long-anticipated grand compliment- Frolsen called to the platform William
recitations, and put everybody in good ary entertainment and reception by Eccen- Redmond and Henry Frantzen , who are
humor. The evening's fun came to a close tric Association of Firemen , Local No. 56. honorary members of No. 23, and pre
60 POWER January, 1906.

sented each a handsome gold watch-fob. Inquiries. so that it discharges against the floor of
Refreshments of all kinds were served. the ash-pit. This can be done when you
The next social of this association will Questions are not answered unless they are
of general interest and are accompanied by can afford to take the grates out alto
be a “ ladies' night," and will occur in the the name and address of the inquirer. gether ; that is, when the supply of gas is
near future. so sure that you do not have to count upon
The annual supper and entertainment of As to Civil Service Examinations. Q.- going back to coal. The flame impinging
Eccentric Engineers, Local No. 120, In How can I keep informed as to State and upon the floor diffuses and passes back
dustrial Workers of the World, was held municipal civil service examinations for ward under the boiler, as though it came
at Beethoven Hall, New York, Saturday, engineers? Also, how can one get detailed from a grate.
November 25. It was a success beyond information regarding the same ?
A. DOLPHIN. Braces in Cahall Vertical Boilers. Q.
the expectations of the committee. Fully How is the Cahall vertical boiler braced ?
Jamaica, N. Y.
six hundred persons partook of the sub " THROTTLE.”
A.-The dates of New York city exani
stantial dinner, previous to which Ed A.-In the Cahall vertical boiler, as ordi
ward J. Hanley delivered an address of inations for municipal positions are pub
welcome. After dinner the following lished in the Evening Telegram , the Daily narily made, with the annular upper drum ,
program was introduced by Charles W. News, the Brooklyn Eagle, Brooklyn Cit
Martin, Jr., of Jenkins Brothers : Herbert izen and the City Record. Information can
Self, of Crandall Packing Company, be had by addressing Harry Berlinger, sec
songs ; Thomas J. Murtagh, songs ; Will- 'retary of the Civil Service Commission, 61
iam Murray, popular songs ; F. V. Austin, Elm street, New York City. The chief ex
of Austin, Nason & Company, violin solos, aminer for New York State is Charles S.
accompanied by John J. Duffy ; John L. Fowler, who may be addressed at the State
Wilson , of Swan & Finch Company, bari- Capitol at Albany. Examinations are also
Pureer , X. Y.
tone solo ; Frank J. Corbett, of Ashton held by the United States Civil Service
Valve Company, tenor solo ; John W. Commission for engineering positions un
Armour, of Power,recitations andofcomic der the federal government,and F.M.Hig- gases passing out through the center,
monologue. At the conclusion the gins, who may be addressed at Washing- there is no need for braces in the upper
program , Chairman Hanley introduced ton, is the chief examiner. drum, as the middle tube sufficiently sup
Charles O. Sherman, of Chicago, General Where Gas Burners Should Be Placed ports the sheets. The lower drum is
president of the I. W. W., who forcibly Under Boiler. Q.-Will you please advise braced with through braces'running from
and clearly set forth the position of the me as to the most economical position for the bulged lower head to the tube sheet,
organization . Other remarks were made gas burners under a boiler. I submit a as indicated in the drawing herewith. In
the boiler as made for use with furnace
by Daniel DeLeon, editor of Daily People; sketch showing how I placed the burners
Wilson Van Buren , editor of Engineers' under the first of a nest of eight boilers, gases this is reversed, the annular drum
List, and William Keough, president of but I am not sure that it is the best ar being below.
Local 120. The committee in charge de rangement after all . A. J. SLOSSER . Efficiency of Double Zigzag Joints. .
serve great credit for the excellent judg East Sharon, Pa. -What is the efficiency of a double zig
ment shown in preparing the program A.-Modern practice favors one or two zag riveted butt-joint having two cover
and for the successful manner in which large burners in the front of the furnace plates ? The tensile strength of plate,
it was carried out.
rather than a multiplicity of small burners which is 34 inch thick, is 58,000 pounds.
at the side. The difficulty is that the burner The drain of the rivet holes is 15-16 inch ;
Personal. shooting backward impinges a violent Aame the shearing strength of the rivets is 40,
upon the bridge wall or at the portion of 000 pounds, and their pitch is 4 % 8 inches.
Mr. F. E. Junge, the well-known engi- the boiler immediately over it,leaving a ARTHUR R. MUTTON .
neer and
ducer work,expert in gas - engine
has established andatpro
offices 150 large surface of the front sheet inoperative. A. - With 34 - inch plate of 58,000 pounds
Nassau street, New York , and is already This is got over by arching the bridge wall tensile strength , having butt-joint, with
engaged with important consulting work.
Mr. C. W. Sexton has resigned as
superintendent of the Jesup Manufactur
ing Company, of Jesup, Ga., to become

superintendent of the Waycross (Ga. ) -72 "
Electric Light & Power Company's light
ing and ice plants.
Mr. Robert P. King has terminated his
connection with the smoke prevention de Fire Chamber
partment of the City of Indianapolis, and Gas 0000000000-0000000000-000000000
Air Chamber Pipe
will resume the practice of consulting and -9-6 "
erecting engineer with the firm of Bross Floor- Line
Porer , W.Y.
man & King, at their offices in the WHERE GAS BURNERS WERE PLACED UNDER BOILER .

Lemcke Building, Indianapolis .

forward and shooting the flame under that inside and outside cover plates double
A peculiar and fatal accident occurred arch, so that it reverberates toward the riveted ( zigzag) , with 15-16 inch rivet
recently at the Thirty-ninth street station front of the boiler and then passes along the holes pitched 4.125 inches, we must as
of the New York Edison Company. The bottom and out, becoming sufficiently cool sume that each cover plate is of proper
furnace of a boiler which had been heavily before it arrives at the back head not to burn thickness to substantially sustain the load,
banked had evidently been acting as a gas off the tube ends and cause trouble with the and it should be noted that each plate
producer, and the gas, accumulated in the tube sheet. This involves, of course, some should be not less than 11-16 inch , while
back connection and combustion chambers trouble with the brick arches, but they last careful designers often use the full thick
from a too tightly closed damper, was moderately well , if well constructed. An- ness of the shell plate on the inside cover.
ignited when the boiler was started up. other way is to turn the burner downward You state the shearing strength of the
January, 1906 . POWER 61

rivets is 40,000 pounds per square inch, but indicated in the drawing, and the vertical tance is secured between the pulleys. If
as in this case the rivets are in double pulley runs with the sun. A. CHARTER. the belt is not over 8 inches wide, and other
shear — that is, would have to be sheared in Hornbeak, Tenn. conditions are not too severe, a universal
two places should the joint fail, we must A. — The rule for locating an idler for carrier located as shown in Fig. 2 would
then take a higher value in the computa- carrying the loop of a belt, or rather the answer . Otherwise a more rigid construc
tion. American and English authorities tion , as indicated in Fig. 3, would be re
conditions to be met to insure its success.
agree on allowing 1.75 the value of single fulperformance, may be stated thus : The quired .
shear, and it is one of the valuable fea
tures of a butt-joint double cover that Sizes of Condenser Tubes. Q.-What
an increase in the shearing strength of are the sizes of the tubes of 250-, 2,500
the rivet is obtained without increase to and 10,000 -horse -power surface con
the rivet hole. Assuming, then, a value Floor densers ? “ THROTTLE.”

of 70,000 pounds per square inch rivet A .--- Three - quarter- inch tube is gener
strength , and under above conditions, we ally used in condensers of all sizes.
Steam Used by Radiators. Q.-How
.75 X 58000 X 4.125 = can I determine the amount of steam re
A = 179437.5 lbs. West East
quired for common pipe radiators located
.75 X 58000 X 4.125 .9375 = Power, 2.V. in a building 200 feet from the boiler
B = 138656.25 lbs. room ? C. N. CRADDOCK .
15-16" = area .6902 X 2 X 70000 = FIG . I. WHERE TO LOCATE AN IDLER PULLEY.
Mt. Vernon, Ill.
CE 96628. lbs. A.-The steam used by a radiator de
C axis of an idle pulley to carry a loop of a pends upon the number of cubic feet of
C iš the lowest, hence A belt must be perpendicular with the plane air it has to heat an hour, and the range
-532 per cent. joint. in which the loop lies. If the designing is of temperature through which it has to
Were the rivet holes 1 1-16 inches, then well done any good millwright can erect it, raise it. This involves exposure, circula
values would change as follows:
View Looking East or West
.75 X 58000 X 3.0625 =
B = 133218 lb.
I 1-16" = area .8866 " X 2 X 70000 lb. = Power, N.Y.
C = 124124.
And = .69 per cent. joint.

Where to Locate an Idler Pulley for a

Right-Angle Turn. Q.- What is the rule
for locating the position of idlers in the ac
companying sketch ? ( Fig. 1. ) The top of
the horizontal shaft runs to the north, as
and no after -adjustment is required to tion, outside and inside temperatures, the
make the belt run properly. The belt will efficiency of the heating surface, and so
not be injured and will run in either direc- many other things that no general rule is
tion. applicable .
Specifically, in your case the carriers

niust be so located that an adequate dis- The Montezuma Copper Company, of


Nacozari, Sonora, Mexico, uses wood fuel
to generate gas for the ten gas engines
which operate their electrical plant. The
fuel consists mostly of an inferior scrubby
oak. A little “mesquite ” is used, and an
other species of oak, locally called " black "
oak .

| 27 %


Footing Piece




74' 17% * Y.P.

240 y



14.50" 12 Friction


Recriser from Engine
56 " x 1 %
5% " : 7% " Y.P. Friction
' 2ey



1941 359

Footing Piece

Puter ,M. Y ..


62 POWER January, 1906 .

Book Reviews. Motor ; Switchboard and Station Appli- these principles being regarded as equally
ances ; Special Switchboard Apparatus; applicable to the art of refrigeration. They
"Gas, Gasolene and Oil Engines.” ( Fif Lightning Arresters. Graphical or geo- are presented in convenient form, together
teenth edition . ) By Gardner D. His metric methods have been adopted wher- with additional data required for modern
ever possible, and a large variety of ex- practice. Refrigeration processes are at
cox. The Norman W. Henley Publish
ing Company, New York. 440 pages, amples and numerical illustrations has tracting a great deal of attention, so this
572x9. Cloth. 351 illustrations. Price
been used. The work contains no mathe- little work is very timely. Furthermore,
$2.50. matics beyond the simplest trigonometry, it cannot fail to be very helpful. It is con
and the descriptions, explanations and cise and clear, yet comprehensive.
The author of this well- known book proofs aresimple Electrician's
and clear. Altogether, “ Handy Book.” By T. O'Con
has lost none of his old-time ability as an it looks to be a very helpful work .
assimilator of other men's data and ideas. or Sloane. The Norman W. Henley
Moody's Manual of Railroad and Cor Publishing Company, New York, 1905 .
True, he was a little late in discovering
some of these, but now that he has them poration Securities for 1905. 2,600 761 pages, including index, 434x672.
7x9 inch pages . $ 10. The Moody Pub Leather . 610 illustrations. Price, $3.50.
he has used them to advantage. And the lishing Company, 35 Nassau street, New
material is pretty good, too ; the reviewer York.
This, as its title suggests, is a practical
is convinced of this, because he wrote a reference book and covers the entire field
good deal of it himself about six years The new edition of "Moody's Manual of electricity. Not only will the student,
ago, and it appeared in POWER. Mr. of Railroad and Corporation Securities” the practical worker and the every-day
Hiscox's memory, however, is away be- is so comprehensive and complete that the working electrician find it useful, but the
hind his compilatory genius; or perhaps book is very superior in every department . advanced electrical engineer will also re
it is the wide diversity of the sources of There are ten sections to the volume and ceive great benefit from its perusal and
his material which makes it impossible for each section has been prepared by its own study. It contains 41 chapters, embodying
him to remember just what they are in special experts, who have made it their the most modern practice, and takes the
detail . entire work to make the book complete student by gradual process from the begin
However, the book contains a consid and up to date. Besides giving in full ning of the science to the most advanced
erable quantity of descriptive matter, such information as the investor in the stages. It shows the utmost painstaking
which makes it worth while for occasional stocks or bonds of a corporation needs, in its compilation , and the reputation of the
reference, but it could scarcely be recom there is in this volume much that is of author is alone sufficient to recommend it.
mended as a vade -mecum for a real gas- use to those who may have any kind of
engine designer. business relations with corporations whose “Modern Turbine Practice and Water
stock is quoted, and in this one volume is Power Plants." By John Wolf Thurso.
“ Refuse Disposal and Power Production . ” D. Van Nostrand Company, New York,
By W. Francis Goodrich . E. P. Dut combined the information of this char
acter which can otherwise be obtained 1905. 2447-61 pages, 6x9. Cloth. Il
ton & Co., New York . 384 pages, 834 * only by consulting a number of different lustrated. Price $ 4 net.
6. Cloth .Illustrated . $ 5.00 net.
volumes costing in the aggregate much As stated in the preface, the object of
This is an interesting and timely treat more and, of course, not nearly so con- this work is to give such information in
ment of a vital subject, in which the au- venient. regard to modern turbines and their proper
thor sets forth comprehensively the per 9 installation as is necessary to the hydraulic
formances of refuse-destroying systems in “Graphic Methods of Engine Design." By engineer in designing a water-power plant,
vogue the world over, making critical Arthur H. Baker. The Technical Pub
and no attempt has been made to treat on
comparisons which indicate sound en lishing Company, Ltd., Manchester and the design of turbines, to do which satis
gineering knowledge and a genuine ac London . Second edition . 210
factorily would require a very large vol
quaintance with refuse destructors gen 5x774 Cloth . Illustrated . Price, 35 .
6d, net. ume. The work is divided into two parts.
erally. The author naturally places sani the first treating of modern turbine prac
tation in the forefront as the primary ob- This book is intended for young me
tice, and the second of water-power plants.
ject of the refuse destructor, but at the chanics and junior draftsmen to convey, There is also an appendix . In an intro
among other things, an idea of the sort of duction are given the “ nomenclature and
same time special attention has been de-
voted to the modern developments in mathematical knowledge that is required symbols for hydraulic -power engineering."
power production and utilization. As a in designing engines on correct principles. There is a chapter on turbine practice in
record of the progress which has been aThe workofcontains
number easy constructions for use of
clear explanations in Europe and another on turbine practice in
made in this direction during the past few America . In the latter the writer shows
years, enhanced by the inclusion of data, the drawing office. Many of them were the deficiencies of present practice and
tests and actual working results, this devised by the author, and nearly all have
work will prove of especial value and been used by him in practice. He points points out the direction in which improve
ment may be sought. As the author has
helpfulness, especially to those interested out the intimate relation that exists be
in municipal matters.
tween the science of engineering and the designed turbines in both Europe and
America, and has been connected with
exact principles of what is called "theo
“ Alternating Current Machinery." By water - power developments aggregating
William Esty. American School of retical" mechanics. The work is excep
Correspondence at American Institute
tionally free from confusing statements, nearly 200,000 horse -power, in an engineer
ing capacity, lie is exceptionally well
and should prove very useful .
of Technology, Chicago, 1905. 412 equipped to treat of the subject . On ac
pages, 972x61/2. Half morocco. Illus- “ The Transmission of Heat Through Cold count of the growing importance of the
trated. $3.75. Storage Insulation .” By Charles P. steam turbine and its close relation to the
This work has been prepared with the Paulding. D. Van Nostrand Company, hydraulic turbine, a chapter on this subject
New York, 1905. 41 pages , 574x778. has been included. In the appendix is aa
special object of giving the beginner and
Cloth . Illustrated.
Price $1 net.
the so-called practical electrician a work paper by Mr. Allan V. Garratt on the speed
ing knowledge of alternating current ap- This work is designed as a manual for regulation of turbines driven by water
paratus. It is divided into nine chapters, engineers. It is a compilation of formulas, power .
under the following captions : The Alter- principles and data relating to insulation
nator ; Commercial Types of Alternators ; of every kind . It is based upon the laws Charles C. Moore & Co. , Incorporated,
Synchronous Motors ; The Transformer; and experiments given by the French phys- the well-known San Francisco engineers,
The Rotary Converter ; The Induction icist, Péclet, in his “ Traité de la Chaleur," have caused to be published in pamphlet
January, 1906 . POWER 63

of the principles of the art, as well as

form a series of tables and curves “ On the clerically employed cannot fail to be in
Economy of Steam Power Plants Using some acquaintance with the principles structed and interested by a study of this
Oil Fuel. ” Readers of Power will recall of descriptive geometry. The text is con- book.
with interest that we published last year cise and suggests such lines of thought
some of these and other tables and as will render the illustrations, which Business Items.
curves, by the courtesy of the engineers, are numerous, self- explanatory. Theory
and it will further interest them to know and practice are deftly combined, and to The New York Belting & Packing Company.
those who are interested in mechanical 91 and 93 Chambers street, New York , N. Y ..
that the tables named can be obtained
has just gotten out a very striking and at
in one publication, with suitable text ref- drawing the work should prove helpful. tractive poster representing the “ Seeing New
erences and description, the whole being " Steam Engineering.” By W. W. F. York " automobile passing its salesrooms. It
reprinted from the Journal of Electricity, Pullen. Second edition. The Scientific is handsomely printed in colors, and anyone
Power and Gas in a 24 - page pamplilet, 9 : 4 can have it on application.
Publishing Company, Manchester, Eng The Williams Gauge Company has recently
X124, with two inserts. 454 pages, 6x81/2. Cloth . Illustrated opened two new offices - at 610 Tremont
“ Steam Boilers, Their History and De Price 4s. net. Building, Boston , which is conducted by A. S.
Uhler ; at 810 Continental Trust Building .
velopment. ” By H. H. P. Powles. This is a " treatise on boilers , steam , gas Denver, Col. , which is in the hands of R. B.
Archibald Constable & Co. , Limited 2nd oil engines, and supplementary machin Pratt. The Williams Gauge Company has
London ; J. B. Lippincott Company, ery, with instructions for carrying out now fourteen branch offices located through
Philadelphia, 1905. 336 pages, including mnumerous simple experiments adapted for out the country.
index, and 15 pages of plates, 734x10 /2. the use of elementary students in technical Charles A. Olson , who for several years has
been superintendent of the flanged fitting de
Cloth . Illustrated. schools and science classes." The work partment of ( rane ( 'ompany, Chicago , has
contains more than 450 illustrations and a
This is one of the most interesting and number been promoted to the newly created position of
of graduated examples. It should general superintendent of that company. Mr.
most clearly written works on this sub prove a very helpful work for junior stu- Olson was formerly superintendent of the St.
ject that has come to hand. It is as at Petersburg, Russia , plant of the Societe
g en
tract ively got up as a romantic novel and dents or those who are takin an elem Anonyme Westinghouse.
as certainly holds the interest from begin- tary course, containing, as it does, the H. A. Bubb, formerly with the Williamsport
principal experimental work, together
ning to end. It treats, as its title implies, the with Clutch & Pulley Company, Williamsport, Pa..
requisite descriptive matter, worked-out has organized the H. A. Bubb Pulley Com
of steam boilers from the earliest times pany, Williamsport, Pa ., and has a new inter
down to the time when several useful examples and home-work problems requir changeable compression hub pulley , which he
ed in such study. The work is carefully is introducing among his friends in the trade.
types had become persistent, so that they indexed . The company will also manufacture a full
are called standard ; and although it was
line of transmission appliances.
impossible to include every variety of boiler " Practical Alternating Currents and Al The Witherbee Igniter Company has re
in a work of this kind , it leaves little to ternating Current Testing. ” By Charles moved its office and factory to its new build
be desired in a general way . As far as F. Smith . The Scientific Publishing ing, 541 West Forty - third street, New York ,
possible a characteristic example of each Company, Manchester, Eng. 437 + V N. Y The new factory building is five
type, odd and ordinary, is described and Cloth . Illustrated. stories high , and will give the company space
pages, 5728/2. enough to turn out 1,000 batteries per week
illustrated, beginning with Hero's engine Price 6s. net for its automobile business, and at the same
and boiler, without which no work of this This work deals in an elementary and time allow it to build its larger batteries for
character would be complete. The prin- practical manner with the principles of al stationary work.
cipal features of the development of the ternating currents and alternating current The Jeffrey Manufacturing Company , Co
lumbus, O. , has recently established a New
boiler are brought out, without dwelling machinery. It is designed not only for use England branch , with offices in the Oliver
upon the details of construction, except by students in technical schools, but also Building, at 141 Milk street , Boston , Mass.
where it is necessary for following out the for young engineers engaged in handling H. C. Freeman , for many years with the home
development. The work includes general or testing alternating -current machinery. office at Columbus, is the engineer in charge.
Catalogues, prices and specifications covering
remarks on boiler -making, performances , The book will also appeal to a wide range the Jeffrey complete line, can be had by ad
deterioration, causes of corrosion, and of readers who wish to gain some prac dressing this office .
failures generally . Locomotive and mo- tical insight into alternating -current work The Under - Feed Stoker Company of Amer
tor-car boilers come in for a share of at- ing. The use of the higher mathematics ica , Marquette Building. Chicago, Ill ., an
tention , and the work concludes with an has been avoided, except in the final chap- nounces that on November 10 it closed an or
der with the Allis - Chalmers Company for
appendix, a list of books on steam engines ter on curve analysis. The experiments, twenty Jones stokers, to be placed under fire
and boilers, and a number of plates show- diagrams , etc. , have been carefully selected. 658 horse - power Edgemoor boilers in its West
ing different designs, to assist in follow- It is thoroughly up -to - date. Allis plant. It also received , early in Decem
ing out the evolution of the boiler. The ber, an order from the same company for the
illustrations are numerous and include “ The Commercial Management of Engi- equipment of a 200 horse-power Corliss water
neering Works.” By Francis G. Bur- tube boiler with Jones stokers .
half - tone views and diagrams. Altogether ton . Second edition . The Scientific The Westinghouse Machine Company, East
it is a good work to have in the library. Publishing Company, Manchester, Eng. Pittsburg , Pa ., is sending out a booklet con
taining a list of the users of Westinghouse .
" Advanced Mechanical Drawing." By 432 pages, 5 % 2x872. Cloth. Illustrated Parsons steam turbines, showing the number
Alpha Pierce Jamison . John Wiley & by Forms and Tables . Price 12s . 64. and rated kilowatt capacity of units , together
Sons , New York : Chapman & Hall, net . with the aggregated rated brake horse -power
of turbines installed when present orders are
Limited , London, 1905. 174 pages, 6x9. In preparing this edition consideration completed , as follows : Number of turbines,
Cloth . Illustrated. has been given to many discussions and 195 ; kilowatts ( rated ) , 126,520 ; aggregate
This is a text -book for engineering stu- treatises which have been published during rated brake horse -power , 339,280 .
dents, and is the second part of a work the last few years on eng ng manage- C. S. Powell, general agent of the Westing
adapted by the author, who, as assistant ment and engineering cost accounts. The house Electric & Manufacturing Company,
who has for some time occupied offices at 11
professor of mechanical drawing at Pur- work is, however, a comprehensive treat Pine street , New York , N. Y. , has removed
due University, has compiled a series of ment of what the author has found to be to the offices of the company on the nine
" progressive notes ” on graphic represent- the best approved method of organizing teenth floor of the Trinity Building, 111
ation. The work is purely elementary and conducting a business. Some Eng- Broadway. The Westinghouse Electric &
Manufacturing Company, in addition to its
and is preliminary to the subject of de- lish and American methods are compared, offices in the Hanover Building at 11 Pine
signing. It is offered to students and and the deductions reflect credit upon the street, occupies the entire nineteenth floor of
draftsmen who have a working knowledge American “ business doctors. " Persons the Trinity Building .
64 POW January, 1906.
The Birdsboro Steel Foundry & Machine waukee, for the complete electrical and power & Supply Company has obtained in its long
Company, Birdsboro , Pa . , reports being ex- equipment. This consists of a 60 - cycle Bul- and careful study of water and scale it is
ceedingly busy. Among other orders recently lock alternating-current generator, normal ca- willing to impart for the asking, and it trusts
secured is a contract to supply a large part of pacity 150 kilowatts, direct connected to a that all our readers will take advantage of
the machinery for the new 250- ton mixer Reynolds-Corliss cross-compound heavy-duty this offer and make inquiries. The company
which the Republic Iron & Steel Company is engine ; an exciter unit, jet condenser, switch- says that the United States boiler compound
installing at Youngstown, O. During the past boards, sub-station apparatus, and equipment has helped others, and is sure that it will
two weeks the company has booked orders for 100 arc lamps connected in series. A help you. Its offices are at 104 Broad street ,
for the following sizes of the Wagner cold feature of this installation will be its com- Boston , Mass . The company has sent us a
saws : One 50-inch, four 40 -inch , four 26-inch, pactness, as provision has been made for the very handsome calendar for the New Year.
six 18 - inch and one 14 -inch. future enlargement of the plant, when the On each leaf there is a fine half- tone engrav.
The Curtis & Curtis Company, Bridgeport, growth of the city demands it, by an exten- ing, many of them being reproductions of
Conn . , manufacturer of pipe cutting and sion of the existing building and the addition famous paintings. As the calendar has been
threading machinery, has just opened a large of another generating unit. rather expensive to get up, they do not feel
store at 60 Centre street, New York, N. Y. , The Missouri River Power Transmission like sending it out indiscriminately, but will
where a full line of its pipe cutting and Company, operating in the vicinity of Helena, be glad to send a copy to anyone sending them
threading machines will be on exhibition and Mont . , has begun the erection of a steam tur 10 cents in stamps to cover cost of postage ,
can be seen in operation. H. H. Walker will bine power plant to operate as a reserve to
be in charge, and would be pleased to receive its present water-power plant. A large part Some idea of the magnitude of the siness
calls from anyone interested in this class of of the output of the Missouri River system is handled at the plant of the Westinghouse
machinery , and will demonstrate the many transmitted to the city of Butte and the Ana- Electric & Manufacturing Company can be
advantages possessed by this make of ma- conda district mining properties , and the ser- formed when it is stated that during the
chines . vice has grown to such an extent as to war- month of October, 1905 , the shipment of elec
rant the erection of a reserve plant as a pro- trical apparatus from this factory, exclusive
Adam Cook's Sons, 313 West street, New
York, N. Y., the only makers of Albany grease, tection against serious fluctuations in the of a large number of local freight and express
available water- power. Turbines of the West- orders, amounted to approximately 17,000,000
are in receipt of a letter from J. D. Bray inghouse- Parsons type will be installed, the pounds, consisting of over 5,000 individual con
man, Jr. , engineer for J. H. Webster's Sons,
Philadelphia , Pa., who writes : " I received the initial equipment consisting of two units of signments. Among the more interesting re
2,000 kilowatts capacity each. The genera cent shipments was one to the Hawaiian Elec
Albany grease cup and samples of your Al tric Company, Honolulu, consisting of a 1,200
bany grease, and placed the same on the tors will be of the revolving field type, and
completely enclosed , with forced venilation. kilowatt alternating- current generator and
crank-pin of my engine July 5, and it is not three 500- kilowatt oil transformers, with the
half empty yet. I used 2 -ounce cups of half The misfortune which compelled the Fair necessary auxiliary apparatus. This material
cylinder oil and machine oil before to keep banks Company, Baltimore, Md. , to maintain
the cup cool, but your Albany grease and is intended for its power station at Kauia
its interests under a temporary handicap in Island , the most northern of the Hawaiian
Albany grease cups are cleaner, and I will common with others who were made sufferers group . The shipment went direct from New
hereafter use your Albany grease and cups all by the conflagration that occurred in Balti York on the S. S. “ Arizonian ," and is the sec
over my mill. "
more on February 7, 1904 , was rendered ex ond of a series of similar shipments.
C. Dunham Company, Marshalltown,
A. treme in its case by a disastrous fire which
again involved its stock and records on Feb
That the feed- water regulator has become
Iowa, reports that its sales on the various a necessity in modern boiler plants is demon
styles and types of Dunham steam traps are ruary 17 , 1905 . As that unusual circum
strated by the recent sales reported by the
increasing at the rapid rate of nearly 100 stance gained for it during the period of its Williams Gauge Company .
per cent. each month. It attributes this to the difficulties every needed consideration which Within the last
four weeks it has sold equipment for 12,500
publicity given them by concerns who have the indulgence of its friends could offer, it
used these traps and learned their many ad H.-P. to the Great Northern Paper Company,
takes special pleasure, while making grateful
vantages. Some of the largest heating and acknowledgment of its obligations, in the an 5,000 H.-P. to the National Tube Company,
power plant contractors in the United States, nouncement to them at this time of its re 4,500 H.-P. to the Lehigh Valley Railroad,
2,000 H.-P. to the New York Central Railroad ,
as well as over 125 State and government in stored and improved facilities in the new
This company 2,500 H.-P. to the Holyoke Street Railway,
stitutions, have adopted them. building at Lombard , Light and Water streets.
maintains a corps of engineers capable of de 4,000 H.-P. to the Pressed Steel Car Company,
Because of the fact that the Westinghouse 2,000 H.-P. to the Buffalo & Susquehanna
signing new plants or correcting defective Electric & Manufacturing Company makes the Coal & Coke Company, 2,500 H.-P. to the B.
ones, which is at the service of its customers.
largest units required for the production and Altman Company, etc. , etc. The entire equip
The Oswego Boiler Works at Oswego, N. Y., transmission of electricity, comparatively few ment furnished by the Williams Gauge Com
has been purchased by New York parties un people know that in the same works at East pany to date will aggregate 4,100,000 H.-P.
derstood to be associated with the A. D. Pittsburg are manufactured also the smallest In some instances these regulators have been
Granger Company , the machinery house at 95 units, to meet the needs of printing establish- in use for upward of six years, without notice
Liberty street , New York , N. Y. , with branches ments and similar lines of industry. There able cost of repairs. Its makers claim that it
at Philadelphia and Pittsburg. The plant, have very recently been closed three contracts, will pay for itself from two to three times
which occupies about twenty acres on the aggregating in the neighborhood of 400 mo- annually in fuel saved and increased boiler
lake front , was established some twelve years tors, and the company is in position to under- efficiency.
ago, and it is expected will be placed in active take the equipment of printing establishments The Hollingsworth & Vose Company , West
operation at once. Steel -plate work in all from the smallest to the largest machines re Groton , Mass ., has recently bought from the
branches, including boilers, tanks and stacks, quired in this industry. This company has B. F. Sturtevant Company, Boston, Mass. , a
The new company will
will be manufactured . perfected a new line of three-phase core- type large standard staggered pipe economizer,
be known the Oswego Boiler & Engine
as transformers for 60 -cycle circuits. One of with induced-draft apparatus, for its boilers.
Company , with the main office at Oswego, these transformers may be used where three The economizer will be used entirely for feed
N. Y. phase transformation is to be made, instead of water heating. The Singer Manufacturing
Frederick Goetze, 725 East 141st street, two or three of the single- phase type. Company, Eizabethport, N. J., has just placed
New York , N. Y. , manufacturer of copper The Journal du Havre of November 9 de- with the B. F. Sturtevant Company an order
gaskets, has received several recent testi- votes two and a half columns to a description for one of its staggered pipe economizers. The
monials regarding this gasket. The Great of the new shops of the Franco -American St. Denis Boulevard car barns of the Mon
Lakes Engineering Works, Detroit, Mich . , has Bundy Company, for the manufacture and the treal Street Railroad Company are being
sent a duplicate order for gaskets, after giv- exploitation in France of the inventions con- equipped by the B. F. Sturtevant Company
ing them a thorough trial. A. C. Smith & trolled by the A. A. Griffing Iron Company. with two complete heating apparatus and an
Co. , Newburg, N. Y. , say they have given There had been a formal opening of the induced - draft apparatus for the boiler plant.
such satisfaction they have laid in a stock of establishment on the preceding day, at which Mechanical- draft apparatus manufactured by
sizes from 212 to 9 inches. Mr. Goetze has many distinguished members of the engineer- the B. F. Sturtevant Company is to be in
furnished all the gaskets for the new power ing and industrial world were present , in- stalled by the Appleton Woolen Mills, Reeds
plant of the Union Electric Light & Power cluding the vice -president of the Chamber of burg, Wis.; Lancaster Cotton Mills , Lancas
Company , St. Louis, Mo. Among other users Deputies, the consul of the United States at ter, S. C. ; Lukens Iron & Steel Company ,
are Nicholson File Company , Allis -Chalmers Havre , engineers from Milan , Berlin , Zurich , Coatesville , Pa ., and Arnold Print Works,
Company , Cincinnati Traction Company , Buf- Marseilles, Lille, Havre, Reims, Rethel, Cha- North Adams, Mass. The well - known soap
falo Forge Company, Carbondale Manufactur- lons- sur- Saone Saint Etienne, etc. D. J. manufacturers , James T. & W. S. Pyle , Edge
ing Company, A. Van Vechten & Co. , Marine Lewis , engineer of the A. A. Griffing Iron water, Bergen County, N. J. , are installing in
Iron Works. Company, of Jersey City, who has spent con- their boiler plant complete induced - draft
The city of Alpena , Mich. , which recently siderable time at Havre , in connection with equipment , furnished by the B. F. Sturtevant
voted an issue of bonds to defray the cost of the building of the shops, was also present. Company.
a municipal lighting plant, has contracted The life of a boiler interests engineers more The York Manufacturing Company, York,
with the Allis - Chalmers Company, of Mil- or less, and the knowledge that the Eagle Oil Pa . , reports receiving contracts for ice and
January, 1906. POWER 65

Jacobson Machine Manufacturing Company, Buffalo Steam Pump Company , Buffalo ,

refrigerating machinery from the following
concerns : Rocky Mount Ice & Fuel Company, Warren , Pa . Bulletin " A ," illustrating the N. Y. Catalogue No. 87. This is in two sec
Rocky Mount , N. C.; Obio & Pittsburg Milk Jacobson gas and gasolene engines for gaso- tions -- Section No. 1 describing steam and
Company, Pittsburg, Pa .; W. E. Osteen , Den- lene, natural gas , manufactured and producer power pumps of all types, and giving complete
mark , S. C.; People's Ice & Fuel Company, gas. 7x10, pp . 7 , paper. price lists ; Section No. 2 is devoted to cen .
Phoenix, Ariz.; Home Ice Factory, Mobile, The Reversible Tube Cleaner Company, 24 trifugal and turbine pumps, and contains
Ala. ; Welaka Ice Company, Welaka, Fla .; 26 Southbridge street , Worcester, Mass. Cata- tests, states the characteristics of centrifugal
Crystal Ice Company, Las Vegas, N. M.; logue of the Criss -Cross boiler tube cleaner pumps, where they should be used, etc. It
Snider Bros. , Huntington , W. Va .; Empire for fire , water - tube and sectional boilers. Illus also gives details of construction, and is full
State Engineering Company , for Heermance trated . 314x6 , pp. 8 , paper. of useful information . 6x7 42 , pp. 130, paper.
Storage & Refrigerating Company, New York , B. F. Sturtevant Company, Boston, Mass. The Lagonda Manufacturing Company,
N. Y.; Polar Ware Ice & Fuel Company , St. Bulletin No. 75, entitled " Mechanical Draft : Springfield, O. Catalogue " C ," describing the
Louis, Mo. ; Minneapolis Milk Company, Min What It Is, What It Does." This is interest- different types of tube cleaners made by this
neapolis, Minn.; J. J. Wensley, Wharton , ing and contains illustrations of a number of company, including turbine machines, two
Texas ; Du Quoin Ice & Cold Storage Com installations. 342x612, pp. 11, paper. types of power cleaners, reseating machine,
pany, Du Quoin, ill . ; Geo. M. Oyster, Wash c. Lee Cook Manufacturing Company, damper regulator, tube cutters, also a new
ington, D. C.; Merchants Ice & Cold Storage Louisville, Ky . Catalogue of metallic pack- type of turbine cleaner. Illustrations show
Company , Los Angeles, Cal . ; Schwarzschild & ing of all descriptions for steam and air for ing the different machines at work in different
Sulzberger, Chicago, Ill. ; Ward-Corby Com reciprocating and turbine engines. Illus types of boilers are given. The company will
pany , Cambridge, Mass.; Mt. Pleasant Ice
trated. 6x9, pp. 30, paper. be pleased to correspond with anyone inter
Company, Mt. Pleasant, Pa.; P. P. Keller, ested in its line of work.
Asbury Park, N. J.; A. Booth & Co. , St. Paul, American Steam Gauge & Valve Manufac
Minn. ; Agar Cross & Co., New York, for ship- turing Company, 208-220 Camden street, Bos- Allis -Chalmers Company, Milwaukee , Wis.
ton, Mass. Circular illustrating and describ- Catalogue No. 127, “Sampling Plants and
ment to Buenos Aires, S. A.; Frederick Probst,
New York, for shipment to Mexico. ing the American - Thompson improved indi- Equipment." This contains very complete de
cator with new improved detent motion . scription of ore-sampling machinery, Illus
Frank L. Patterson & Co. , 28 Cortlandt
street, New York, N. Y. , report recent ship- E. F. Houghton & Co. , Third & Somerset trated by half- tone engravings, line drawings
ments of the Patterson - Berryman feed -water streets, Philadelphia, Pa . Catalogue describ and sectional views. 8x1042 , pp. 54, paper.
heaters to the following concerns : F. F. ing the " March " steam trap, and showing the Bulletin No. 1405, illustrating and describing
Grabam, Baltimore, Md . ; Florida White principal methods for applying the trap, as portable rock -crushing plants. Bulletin No.
1406, on forged steel balls for ball mills. Bul
Pressed Brick Company, Jacksonville, Fla.; well as a few to avoid. 5x7142 , pp. 32, paper. letin No. 1407, illustrating and describing the
Murray, Starr & Murray, Newark, N. J.; Le Otis Elevator Company, New York. Cata Bennetts pouring spoon.
vor & New, Gloversville, N. Y.; Continental logue describing, in general , elevating machin
Oil & Cotton Company, Abilene, Texas ; Fed ery and apparatus manufactured by this com Ingersoll -Rand Company, 11 Broadway,
eral Granite Brick Company, Sayre, Pa. ; Hor New York . Catalogue No. 73 , entitled “ Water
pany . This is well printed and contains a
rocks Desk Company, Herkimer, N. Y.; Na. Lifted by Compressed Air ." This contains
number of half - tone illustrations . 8x9 , pp.
tional Stone Company , Louisville, Neb. ; quite a lot of useful information, although it
62 , paper .
Pearce Manufacturing Company , Latrobe, Pa .; is only intended to convey a general idea of
Linderman Manufacturing Company, Muske The Triumph Ice Machine Company, Cin the possibilities of compressed air for pump
gon, Mich .; Standard Soap Company, Berkley, cinnati , 0 . Bulletin descriptive of ice- water ing water and to outline the general condi
plants and ice-machines. Illustrated. 6x9 , tions to be met. The Poble and Saunders air
Cal .; Kirkland Canning Company, Kirkland,
N. Y.; National Electric Signalling Company, pp . 15, paper. The company will be pleased lift systems are described, and illustrations
Marshfield Station , Mass. ; Shenandoah Knit to send copy to anyone interested in refriger of air- lift plants are shown . There is also
ting Mills, Shenandoah , Neb.; Blumenstock & ating machinery on request. a question blank, which can be filled out and
Reid, Cleveland, O.; T. J. Hansen, Fitzgerald, Warren Webster & Co. , Camden , N. J. sent to the company, which will gladly make
Ga .; Women's Hospital , New York city ; J. G. Pamphlet describing briefly the Webster spe- suggestions as to the requirements of any
& T. Robinson, Gloversville, N. Y.; Willard cialties, including feed -water heaters and particular case. 6x9, pp . 95 , paper.
Tobacco Company, Hartsville, N. Y.; Chur- chemical purifiers, separators for steam and
chill & Alden, Campobello , Mass. ; Ocean Grove oil, vacuum governors, sight glasses, etc. II
Association , Ocean Grove, N. J .; Salamanca lustrated . 4x9, pp. 16, paper.
Furniture Works, Sa'lamanca , N. Y.; Proctor The Under -Feed Stoker Company of Amer
New Equipment.
Furniture Company, Knoxville, Tenn. ica , Marquette Building, Chicago , Ill. Pocket
edition catalogue of the Jones stoker. Illus- Windham, O. , is to have a new electric
trated. 419x9 , pp. 23 , paper. Also pamphlet light plant.
New Catalogues. entitled “ Specifications." This contains views The city of Leitchfield, Ky., may install
of buildings in which the Jones stoker is in- water - works .
stalled . Fire destroyed the water- works plant at
Ajax Iron Works, Corry, Pa. Circular il
Crosby Steam Gage & Valve Company, Bos Lewistown, Ill .
lustrating and describing new Ajax tandem ton, Mass . Booklet describing the Crosby
cylinder gas and gasolene engines. The plant of the Munson Heater Company,
new indicator. This contains examples of the Connellsville, Pa. , will be doubled .
B. F. Sturtevant Company, Hyde Park , freedom of piston movement, being reproduc Zenor & Meek will establish an electric
Mass. Bulletin 125, describing vertical en tions of the original test cards of a variety of light plant at Grand Junction, Iowa.
gines, Class V55. Illustrated . 644x9, pp. 8, springs . A picture of James Watt is on the
paper . cover . 442x7, paper. The Shasta Power Company has been
granted a franchise at Redding, Cal.
Jeffrey Manufacturing Company, Columbus , National Electric Company, Milwaukee,
0. Catalogue No. 20, describing coal-handling Wis. Bulletin No. 359, illustrating and de- A factory and boiler -house will be erected
machinery for mines. Illustrated . 6x9, pp. scribing polyphase induction motors. 7x10, for F. Bergner & Co. , Baltimore, Md.
142, paper . pp. 8. Bulletin No. 363, Illustrating and de- The American Shovel & Stamping Company
Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company, scribing stationary and portable motor-driven will build a rolling mill at Lorain , 0.
9-15 Murray street, New York. Catalogue de- air compressors for continuous and intermit The W. M. Pattison Supply Company, Cleve
scribing portable electric hoists. Illustrated. tent service. 7x10, pp. 8. land , O. , will erect a $ 25,000 warehouse.
6x9, pp. 8, paper . Economic Engineering & Construction Com The Western Gas Engine Manufacturing
National Electric Company , Milwaukee, Wis. pany, 1126 Monadnock Block, Chicago, Ill . Company will erect a plant in East Oakland,
Bulletin No. 360, illustrating and describing 1905 Catalogue, showing construction, opera- Cal .
water-wheel type alternating-current genera- tion and application of the Sharp shaking and The Robbins-Myers Company, Springfield ,
tors. 7x10, pp. 12. dumping grate and steam blower to boiler fur 0., is building an addition to its electrical
Northern Electrical Manufacturing Com- naces and kilns . A table of the approximate
pany, Madison, Wis. Leaflet No. 148, showing composition and calorific value of principal
The University of Wisconsin , at Madison ,
some applications of Northern motor drive in bituminous coals is also given. 6x9, paper.
is to build a new $ 250,000 heating and power
hoisting work. 342x642, pp. 4 .
Fishkill Landing Machine Company, Fish plant .
Ingersoll- Rand Company, 11 Broadway , kill - on - the -Hudson , N. Y. Catalogue describ
New York . Pamphlet, Form 355, describing The New Orleans ( La . ) Cold Storage Com
ing the various styles of Corliss engines built pany will erect a four - story addition to its
compressed air displacement pumps. Illus by this company . This is well illustrated and
trated. 342x512 , pp. 18, paper. contains valuable information for those in
Crocker -Wheeler Company, Ampere, N. J. charge of steam plants. A list of references The Ticonderoga ( N. Y. ) Electric Light &
Bulletin No. 61 (superseding No. 46 ) , describ- is also given. 7x10 , pp . 40 , paper . The com Power Company will build a large steam
ing belt- type direct - current machines, large pany will be glad to send a copy to engineers plant .

sizes. Illustrated. 742X8, pp. 12. and other interested upon application . A large cold - storage plant is being erected
66 POWER January , 1906 .
for the Seipp Brewery Company , Des Moines, WANTED — Engineer for power station ,
Miscellaneous .
Iowa . with experience in central-station work, Cor
liss condensing engines , etc. ; must have high Advertisements under this head are in
The Torrington ( Conn. ) Manufacturing est references as to ability ; give full particu serted for 50 cents per line. About six words
Company has let contract for a new boiler lars as to experience and salary expected. Ad- make a line.
dress Box 87, POWER .
house. WANTED -Patented specialties of merit to
WANTED-A first - class engineer for sta- manufacture and market. Power Specialty
The Detroit ( Mich. ) Graphite Manufac
tionary engine; one capable of handling en- Co. , 513 Washington st . , Detroit, Mich .
turing Company is to erect a new five -story gine and directing fireman ; we operate about WANTED - 50 H.- P..second -hand Hornsby
factory. 400 H.-P., and use generator and electric cur il price.
rent for about 125 H.-P.want
, Akroydobest
a thoroughly name engine ;Address
must beBox
in 77,
good POWER.
condition ;
It is reported that the Salida ( Colo. ) Light, competent man. Address Box 83, POWER.
Power & Utility Company will erect an $85 , WANTED -- First- class engineer to take
est references from prominent manufacturers.
000 plant . charge of power plant, containing up- to -date Write for Inventors' Hand Book . Shepherd &
The City Council of Granite Falls, Minn . , is compound condensing engines, boilers, electri- Parker, 512 Dietz Building, Washington , D. C.
cal generators and motors ; works situated in IF INTERESTED in up - to - date water tube
considering the enlargement of the electric central Massachusetts ; state age, experience boilers , investigate the meritsof those manu
light plant. and compensation expected . Box 76 , POWER. afctured by the East End Boiler Works, De
The Maryland Hospital for Insane, Spring WE are constantly adding to our force, and troit, Mich. See their advertisement on page
field , Md. , will have plans prepared for a invite applications from machinists, toolmak 98 .
ers, die sinkers, drop forgers, erectors and pat- ENGINEERS, ELECTRICIANS, FIREMEN ,
power-house. tern makers, also lathe, screw -machine and MACHINISTS , ETC .--Send for new 52-page
bench hands ; in applying , please state age, pamphet containing questions asked by Exam
The Dearborn Drug & Chemical Works , Chi experience and wages wanted. Locomobile | ining Board of Engineers ; sent free. Geo . A.
cago, Ill. , will erect a warehouse, to cost over Company of America, Bridgeport, Conn . Zeller Book Co. , 15 S. 4th st., St. Louis, Mo.
$ 50,000. ENGINEERS AND FIREMEN — Send 10
The city council of Fremont, Neb., has de Situations Wanted. cents in stamps for a 40-page pamphlet con
taining a list of questions asked by an exam
cided to buy a new set of boilers for the light Advertisements under this head are in. ining board of engineers. Address the Strom .
and water plant. serted for 25 cents per line. About six words berg Publishing Co., 2703 Cass ave., St. Louis,
make a line. Mo.
The Wolverton Motor Works Company , of PATENTS- H . W. T. JENNER , patent at.
Grand Rapids, Mich . , is seeking a site in HEATING ENGINEER , 15 years' experience torney and mechanical expert, 608 F st . ,
in heating and power -plant installation , wishes Washington , D. C. Establishtd 1833 . I make
Bridgeport, Conn. position with reliable company . Address
an examination free of charge , and report if
The citizens of Watongo, Okla. Ter. , have " Heating Engineer,” 6115 Drexel ave. , Chi ait patent can be had and exactly Member
how much
cago, M. will cost. Send for circular . of
voted in favor of issuing $6,000 bonds for an
electric light plant. CHIEF ENGINEER 5,000 H.-P. power sta Patent Law Association .
tion , cross- compound condensing, desires ENGINEERS — Why have dirty lubricator
B. L. Williams, of Shelbyville, Ind. , has or change ; satisfaction guaranteed in any size feed - glasses, when you can get a liquid for
ganized a $ 100,000 company to build a glass or kind of plant ; A1 references ; first - class 25c. , that will last you a year, with full di .
license . Box 85 , POWER . rections. Try it. You will smile when you see
factory in Evansville. it work . Satisfaction given , or money re
POSITION WANTED as engineer or fire turned. Address Geo. W. Edwards, 124 E. N.
The Cleveland Worsted Mills have let con man (West coast preferred ) , by a young man , Water st . , Neewah , Wis.
tract for a power- house and manufacturing 25 years of age , with fair education, studious
and good moral habits ; about 3 years' experi: ENGINEERS ,' AND
building at Ravenna, 0.
ence in engineering ; special recommendations Send for free 64 - page booklet of Tulley's
from two parties ; a single man . Address
“ John L. Bridgeman , Bridgeport, Wash .," care " Landbook on Engineering," or send $ 3.50
Special Notices. POWER. for copy of the book , and if it is not satisfac
tory we will refund your money . 906 pages,
BY an American engineer and electrician ; 400 illustrations 17,000 copies sold in four
Help Wanted. understands running and repairing steam en
gines, pumps, gas engines, water turbines, gas
years .
Revised up - to -date fifth edition just
Henry J. Tulley & Co., 1042 Wain
Advertisements under this head re in
and ice -making machinery, electric light and wright Building, St. Louis, Mo.
serted for 50 cents per line. About six words power plants ; never uses tobacco nor intoxi
make a line. cating beverages, and can furnish best of
For Sale .
WANTED - Competent tracers . Murray references from every firm he has worked for ;
Iron Works Co., Burlington, Iowa. all letters answered . Address Box 84 , POWER . Aivertisements under this head are in
WANTED— A selling engineer , graduate ENGINEER —Ten years' experience with en- i serted for 50 cents per line. About six words
gines, boilers, pumps and direct-current elec make a line.
preferred , steam and electric power plants, tric generators and motors ; one year's experi- FOR SALE-The U. S. A. patents of the
for N. Y. State trade ; give experience and sal
ary expected . Box 86 , Power. ence with machine tools ; can also do steam- most up - to-date water - softening plant. These
fitting - warrts position where competency, i plants are in most successful operation in
WANTED Representatives for Sweet's
willingness and economy will be appreciated ; ; England, and full technical assistance would
separators in Den ver , San Francisco and New married ; 36 years old : strictly sober ; em- be given to the purchaser of the patents. Ap
Orleans. The Direct Separator Company, W. ployed as chief engineer in small plant ; offers ply to Box_999, Power Offices, 6, Bouverie st. ,
H. Thomas, Secretary , Syracuse, N. Y. Al references. Box 81 , POWER. Fleet st. , London, England .

Alphabetical Index to Advertisers.

Adkins , Young & Allen Co .. .110 Blake Mfg. Co. , The Geo. F..160 Davis Regulator Co. , G. M .... 108 Gardner Governor & Exhaust
Ajax Iron Works . 142 Blake Steam Pump Co. , W. H. 93 Dawson & Co. , A. L .. ..114 Head Co. , The . ..116
Alberger Condenser Co. 94 Bloomsburg & Co., H. 100 Dean Bros., St'm Pump Wks . 93 Garlock Packing Co .. ..125
Allan & Son , A ... 144 Bonar & Co. , Inc., James 118 Dearborn Drug & Chemical General Electric Co .. 157
Allis - Chalmers Co .. 159 Bonner & Co. , Wm . T. 236 Works ... ..131 General Specialty Co .. 137
American Chemical Co. 133 Bowers Rubber Co .. 124 De Laval Steam Turbine Co.149 Goetze , Frederick . ..128
American School of Corre- Brandt, Randolph . 126 De La Vergne Machine Co ... 142 Golden -Anderson Valve Spe
spondence .... 115 Bubb Pulley Co. , H. A. 119 D'Este Co. , Julian . . 106 cialty Co .... .115
American Diesel Engine Co .. 73 Buckeye Engine Co., The . .149 Detroit Leather Specialty Co.12864 Goubert Mfg . Co. ..88 and 96
American Engine Co. 148 Buffalo Forge Co. ..153 Detroit Lubricator Co. Goulds Mig . Co. 93
American Injector Co. 103 Bulkley , Henry W. 93 Detroit Separator Co. 96 Green Engineering Co. 85
American Mig. Co .. 71 Bullard Automatic Wrench Co. 95 Direct Separator Co ...97 and 116 Green Fuel Economizer Co ... 90
American & British Mfg . Co..153 Burt Mfg. Co., The... , 77 Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph ..... 118 Greene, Tweed & Co..88 and 127
American Pulley Co ... 134 Drake & Co. , Frederick J .. ..114 Greenwald Co. , I. & E. ..130
American Spiral Pipe Wks ...112 Calumet Supply Co . , .. 105 Dunham Co. , C. A. 101 Griffing Iron Co. , A. A. .. 78
American Steam Gauge & Carey Mfg. Co., Philip..3d Cover
Valve Mfg . Co .. 73 Central Station Improvement Hall Mfg. Co ... .118
American Steam Packing Co..126 Co ... .114
Eagle Oil & Supply Co .... 67 Hammond Iron Works . 109
East End Boiler Works . 98
American Steel Foundries . 128 Chandler & Taylor Co. 147 .110 Hancock Inspirator Co. 104
American Stoker Co .. 84 Eastwood Wire Mfg . Co. Harbison -Walker Refractories
Chapman Valve Mfg. Co. .110
Economic Engineering & Con Co ...... 67
American Water Softener Co.173 Chesterton & Co. , A. w..2d Cover
Ashcroft Mfg . Co .. 104 struction Co... 83 Ilarris Oil Co., A. W 86
Chuse Engine & Mfg. Co.....146 Edge Moor Iron Co. .100
Ashton Valve Co .. 114 Clark & Co., A. C. ... 130 Harris Steam Engine Co. , Wm.
Audel & Co., Theo . 114 Empire State Engineering Co. 73 .152
Cleveland Tube Cleaning Co. .137 Erie Mfg . & Supply Co. 147 Harrisburg Foundry Ma
Austin Separator Co. Cling - Surface Co .. .132
Erie Stamping & Mfg . Co .. 118
Coldwell -Wilcox Co ... ..110 chine Works . ..147
Babcock & Wilcox Co. 98 Commercial Electric Co. ... 141 Harrison Safety Boiler Works. 69
Ball & Wood Co. 145 Consolidated Engine Stop Co.141 Fairbanks, Morse & Co .. 92 Hayden & Derby Mfg . Co. .104
Ball Engine Co. 148 Ferguson Co., The .. .128 Teine Safety Boiler Co.. 128
Consolidated Safety Valve Co.104 Filer & Stowell Co. , The 148 Hercules Float Works . 136
Baragwanath & Son , Wm . 94 Cook's Sons, Adam . 87
Bard Union Co .. Fisher Governor Co. , 93 Hewes & Phillips Iron Works . 151
106 Cooper Co. , C. & G. 146
Fishkill Landing Machine Co.147 Hoffman , Geo . W ..136
Barnes Co., W. F. & John . 130 Crandall Packing Co. .126
Bass Foundry & Machine Co.146 Crane Co ... 111 Fitchburg Steam Engine Co..152 Homestead Valve Mfg . Co. ..110
Bates Machine Co. 1.50 Crosby Steam Gage & Valve Flinn , Richard J .. 100 Ilooven , Owens, Rentschler Co.149
Baum Separator & Mach . Co. 97 Co. , 112 Flower & Co .. Walter L. .118 Iloppes Mfg . Co .. 91
Beggs & Co., James .. 128 Curtis & Curtis Co. , The . ..105
Foos Gas Engine Co .. .142 Huyette Co. , The Paul B 92
Berry Engineering Co. 106 Foster Engineering Co. 10.5
Birdsboro Steel Fdry. & Ma France Packing Co... .128 Ide & Sons, A. L .... 150
chine Co .. 134 Dart Mfg . Co. , E. M. 112 Franklin Boiler Works Co. 99 Indicator Instruction Co. 79
Bird - Archer Co .. 130 Davis Co. , John .. 106 Fulton Iron Works . .150 Ingersoll -Rand Co .... 79

The boiler-room contains at present well has been drilled 50 feet deep which
rated at 500 horse- supplies ample water for cooling pur
eight Stirling boilers
power each, but it has been found practi- poses, and a smaller well has been
cable to crowd the boilers to double their drilled which supplies boiler feed-water ;
rated capacity, so that their normal ability the water from the large well was found
is considerably above the rating. The to be so impregnated with sulphuric acid
FEBRUARY , 1906. working pressure is 200 pounds per gas as to be unfit for boiler feeding, but
square inch. The boilers are disposed in the smaller one, not far distant, supplies
A Modern Central-Station Plant. two parallel rows, facing each other, and an excellent, soft water which leaves no
the arrangement is such that there is scale and very little mud. Water is taken
The " No. 3 ” steam-operated station of ample room all around each row of boil- from the large well by a centrifugal pump,
The Edison Electric Company of Los ers and overhead. Directly above the direct-driven by a three-phase induction
Angeles, Cal., is probably the most boilers and extending the full length of motor, and delivered to twin tanks
modern and best-designed plant in the the room are two rows of windows ; each situated outside the building and twenty
far West. To begin with, the building, window can be opened and closed from feet above the ground. The well pump is
which is 100 X 160 feet, ground plan, is the boiler-room floor. The results are controlled by a float switch so that it
a steel structure surrounded with concrete that the room is splendidly ventilated runs only when the level in the tanks falls

0 0



10 + 5

Well for
Boiler Feed

= 32-80

Purcer, N.Y.
and provided with outer walls of hard- and remarkably well lighted ; there is not below a predetermined point, due to
burned brick The only wood used in a dark corner anywhere in the boiler- evaporation and waste. The delivery
the building is that contained in the door room . pipes from these tanks extend to general
and window frames. Everything else The fuel question is an extremely simple water supply pipes and to the trans
throughout the building is absolutely fire- cne, oil cars being run in on the com- former room, where the water is used to
proof, so far as inflammability is con- pany's siding and dumped into a storage cool the transformers. From here it is
cerned. The engine-room is separated reservoir holding 200,000 gallons, whence piped to the condenser cooling-water
from the boiler - room by a concrete wall the oil is pumped into a tank which system.
reinforced with steel I -beams running the feeds by gravity to the oil pump in the The boilers are fed by duplex outside
full length of the building ; the trans- boiler - room ; the oil pressure on the burn- packed Dean steam pumps, to which hot
former -room is similarly separated from ers is maintained at about 25 pounds. water is delivered by gravity from the
the engine-room . At one end of the boiler- room a 12 - inch heater, which receives its water supply
68 POWER February, 1906 .

from a tank supplied from the condens- diameters are 17 and 14 feet. The outline first stage. The exhaust passes from each
er hot-well and replenished as needed by a of the chimney cross-section is irregular turbine to an individual Wheeler con
small pump drawing from the smaller of in form from the base to a height of about denser through a short passageway and an

the two drilled wells. The boiler- feed 30 feet, as shown in Fig. 1 ; above this
pumps raise the water to a main header point its outline is circular.
just above them, and this header delivers As reference to Figs. I and 2 will in
it to two sub-headers, extending along dicate, no elbows are used in the steam
the rear tops of the boilers ; from the pipe lines, except where it was impossible
sub-headers, individual feed pipes lead to to use long bends, and the latter are in
the boilers. The regulating valves in the serted in all stretches of pipe of consid
feed pipes are operated froʻn the floor, at erable length. The boilers all deliver to
the front of the boilers, through a system a main header in the engine-room, from
of shafting and gears. The handles con- which two Curtis turbines take steam .

tele !


Power , N. ,


trolling the flue dampers are located along- which is supplied to the header with 125 Edwards air pump delivers the condensa
side the valve-operating wheels. degrees of superheat, the boilers being tion to a pipe through which it flows by
Where the feed-water pipes enter the equipped with Stirling superheating coils. gravity to the hot well. In the hot-well
boilers, goose-neck bends are inserted to All pipe joints are flanged, even in pipes pit is a Worthington low-pressure duplex
take care of expansion and also to keep as small as 2 inches diameter. pump which raises the hot water to the
the check valves covered with water so The engine-room contains two Curtis tank from which it flows to the heater by


that if the checks should leak slightly, the four -stage turbines , each surmounted by a gravity . The hot-well pump is controlled
steam cannot get back into the main feed- 2,000 - kilowatt General Electric alternator. by a float switch so as to keep the level
pipes and cause water -hammer . The turbines take steam through electri- practically constant in the tank. In fact,
The chimney is of concrete, 155 feetcally-operated poppet valves distributed the entire water-handling system is auto
high and of 10 feet bore ; the outer around the circumference just above the matic, the hot-well pump, boiler- feed
February, 1906. POWER

asphalt-paper and formed in the concrete

floor. The motor-control wiring from the
bench board to the switches is installed
in iron conduits .
The high-tension bus-bars, which re
ceive current from the transformers at
15,000 and 30,000 volts, are located in
the transformer - room , which is 24 feet
wide and extends the full length of the
building on the side opposite the boiler
room . The bus-bars are sealed up in
concrete compartments, and the motor
operated switches controlling them are
located in concrete cells immediately
above the bus-bars. These switches, as
well as those in the 2,300 -volt leads, are
controlled by automatic time- limit relays
of the bellows type, no fuses or ordinary
circuit-breakers being employed in any
circuit of more than 220 volts potential.
The transformers are of the water
cooled, oil-insulated type, of General Elec
tric make. Single -phase apparatus is
used, and each transformer is of 1,000
pumps, heater inlet valve and replenish
ing pump at the well all being controlled
automatically in response to variations in
the demand by the turbines upon the boil
ers and the loss by external evaporation
and leakage of the boiler water.
The circulating pumps are of the cen
trifugal type, driven by three-phase induc
tion motors. The circulating water flows
by gravity from the cooling tower reser
voir to the pumps, which force it through
the condensers and up through vertical
discharge pipes to an iron fume built in
the wall between the boiler- room and
the engine-room . This iron flume delivers
into a wooden flume which carries the
water back to the cooling tower. The
cooling water supply is replenished from
the tanks supplied by the centrifugal pump
at the larger of the two wells, already de
The generators are three-phase 60
cycle machines, delivering current at
2,300 volts to the switchboard. They are
excited by two 50 -kilowatt multipolar
dynamos, driven by Westinghouse high
speed vertical tandem compound engines,
of the marine type ( see Fig. 5 ) .
The output of the generators is con
trolled by a switchboard of the relay or
remote-control type, located on a gallery
at the end of the engine- room, as indicated
in Fig. 6. All of the main switches are
operated by motors ( see Fig. 7 ) con
trolled from the bench of the operating
switchboard and supplied with direct
current from the exciter dynamos. The
2,300 - volt switches in the generator and
transformer leads are located immediately
beneath the operating gallery, the high
tension switches being in an entirely
separate room. The 2,300 - volt bus-bars
are mounted in concrete cells and all
cables between these and the generators
and transformers are heavily insulated
and drawn through ducts lined with FIG . 6. BIRD'S -EYE VIEW OF TURBINE AND SWITCHBOARD.
70 POWER February , 1906 .

Double Exciter Bus
duind 111111
Rheo .

forza Rheo.
Alternator No Flow Switch in
Field Wien Pipoto open Maebington
Switch through Relay
Governor Switch
wodooon Machine Panel

Turbo Alternator
poe ၃၃၀
at B 8 |2000 75042300 V. 2 - 50 K.W. Marine Sets
to H0 V. 125 Volts 400 Amp .
१-२0 Space for 1 - 75 K.W. addition

woa OU

Turbine Alternators with Auxiliaries

2 Installed Space for 5

75 H.P. Cir, Water

30 H.P. Air Pump
To start with

है Generator

& Item 13
Item 8 Double 2300 V. Bus F.H. Switch
8 Installed


ab10000 დაპე)
2100 K.W. Trans. Banks
3 (W.C. 50-700 89.000 30000 -2300)

2300 V. to 15 or 30000 V. by Change Over Switch

2 Installed Space for 16000 K.W.

Item 2 F.H.

Double 15000 V.
PU11 RUT2Emergency
Iten 1 Bus
i F.H.Switches 711 Emergency
14 Total

LA ။ Item : F.H.

Outgoing 15000 V. Circuits 4000 K.W. each

15000 Item 4
2100 K.W. Tie -over Volts



.-00 ‫הי‬

Double 30000 V.

Item 3
F.H. Switches 8

Item 1 8 Total

Item 2
iiiiii + i



Item 3


Double Outgoing 30000 V. Transm . (Santa Monica )

Space for Double 60000 V. Bus with Oil Switches

Poner , Y.
February, 1906 POWER 71

kilowatts capacity. A bank of three We are indebted to Messrs. B. F. Pear- engines throughout these United States
transformers is connected between the son and 0. Hilleary, of the Los Angeles who seem to believe that the only time an
generator bus-bars and the 15,000 -volt company, for the data and illustrative engine can be clean is during the first
bus-bars ; and another bank between the material herein presented. week that it is used. They believe that it
generator bus-bars and the 30,000 - volt must of necessity grow more dirty and,
bus- bars . The remaining transformers Taking Care of an Engine . of course, more noisy every week that it
are provided with double sets of high is used, until it is absolutely filthy with
tension leads which may be connected to dust, rust, dregs of oil burnt on to the
give either 15,000 or 30,000 volts, the Where an engine is added to a large bright work, pieces of dirty waste, etc.
control being carried to the operating plant in charge of a competent chief engi This is all wrong, for although an en
switchboard , of course. Fig. 7 shows the
neer, it is superfluous to give directions gine soon loses some of the freshness
general scheme of station connections. concerning its care and management, but it has when first turned out from the
The outgoing high-tension cables pass many engines do not go to such places. shops of a first-class engine builder, still
from the switches through ducts in the They are sold to men who own or operate it may be kept quiet, clean and bright for
floor and the south wall of the building, small mills or shops that are frequently years if it is placed in charge of a man
emerging from the vertical ducts at about located far from centers of industry. Such who will take care of it.
the height of the cross-arms on the poles plants are sometimes cared for by compe I have seen many engines, in both large
in the street The poles are of steel ; tent engineers, but a man who can have a and small plants, in filthy condition, but
the line extends from the station to dis- good situation in a city plant is seldom have never found a man in charge of such
tributing sub- stations in the residence and willing to give up privileges and opportu an engine who did not have a plausible
business districts and to the beach sys- nities that he enjoys there and go to a excuse for it . Sometimes such men re
tem .
small village, or perhaps to an isolated hearse these excuses until they really be
The station is designed to take care mill , and work for the wages offered in lieve them to be valid, and in many cases
eventually of the incoming 75,000 - volt such places. they spend enough time in telling of them
transmission lines from the Kern river I am firmly convinced that it would pay to keep their engines clean.
plant now well under way, located about the owners to hire first -class engineers One cause for this is that they are al
16 miles from Bakersfield , which will have and pay them sufficient to prevent dissatis ways waiting for the time to come when
a capacity of 25,000 kilowatts. This line faction, but themenwho are directly in they can spend two or three days in giving
willbe 118 miles long, and it is expected terested think otherwise ; consequently time
to use steel towers 60 feet high and 700 they must get along with the best availa
the outfit a thorough cleansing, but that
never comes. Engineers who keep
feet apart to carry the line-wires. The ble talent, pay repai bills that are
r parti ally their engines clean are not watching for
such chances, but are doing something
along that line every day, hence their ma
chines always look neat.
There are many causes for noisy steam
engines, but a great majority of the
knocks and pounds that are so much in
evidence are due to lost motion in some
form. The subject of pounding in steam
engines cannot be treated in article like
this, as it is of sufficient importance to
occupy one or two chapters exclusively ;
but directions concerning the proper way
to key up an engine will be given , as it is
one of the principal things to be done in
caring for a machine of this kind, and is
only imperfectly understood by many who
have had charge of engines for years.
When an engine is new, it is not good
policy to adjust the parts to the closest
possible fit during the first week that it is
run, as the bearings are still compara
tively rough ; the rubbing parts touch
each other in places only, and are much
more liable to heat than after they have
FIG. 8 . OPERATING MOTORS ON TOP OF SWITCH CELLS . been used for a few days . On this ac
wires will be either No. 0000 copper or or wholly unnecessary, and suffer loss count, a
until the full load parts
wearing shouldarenotperfectly
be put ad
Vo. 000000 aluminum, supported on through depreciation of machinery that justed to their places.
special high -tension insulators 16 inches advances about three times as fast as it This is especially true of the crank -pin ,
in diameter . ought to. This is not laid down as a rule for it must be remembered that this bears
The station described in this article is to which there are no exceptions , as the the strain due to turning all other bear
remarkable for the smallness of the writer fully appreciates the efforts of ings in the plant, except the wrist-pin.
operating force required. One fireman those men who keep their plants in good When both boxes and the pin are worn
takes care of the boiler -room, one man repair under adverse circumstances . I smooth there will be lost motion at this
looks out for the generating equipment, have no sympathy whatever for men who point, but it must not be tolerated indefi
one switchboard operator is sufficient dur- botch miscellaneous repair work and do nitely.
ing the ordinary period of ordinary loads ; not even know when an engine needs re- There are several kinds of connecting
an extra man goes on duty in time to pairs, to say nothing of doing the work rods in use at the present time ; conse
help out wherever he is needed from the themselves , or having it done by others in quently there are a variety of ways for
time the peak load begins to show until a workmanlike manner .
it subsides . taking up lost motion in crank-pin boxes,
There are many men in charge of small which might be described in detail , but
72 POWER February, 1906 .

only one will be presented in full at this strike the key a blow with a soft copper down as far as it will go, then force it
time, in order to illustrate the principle hammer, or one made of babbitt metal , as back until he guessed that the boxes do not
involved. before mentioned, and then test the box. bind, tighten the set-screw, and the nut,
Fig. I illustrates the crank connection If it is still loose, drive the key a trifle if one is used, and start up his engine ;
on one of my engines, which was selected further and test the box again. An expert but this plan is not recommended for gen
because it contains features of interest . can tell when the box begins to bind, al- eral use. If any reader has tried it and
A heavy strap passes around the crank- though it is not held fast, and then it is found it satisfactory in his case, there is
pin boxes, and laps onto the connecting- time to stop. The key should be driven no objection, but the foregoing plan is
rod, where it is held from spreading by a back far enough to prevent all binding on safer and better in nearly all cases.
bolt with the nut on the under side. This the crank-pin, and care taken to tighten The same care should be taken when
answers the purpose for which a cotter is the set-screw, also the nut, before starting keying up the wrist-pin, but it is often
used on some engines. A broad key is the engine. More than one accident has considered of less importance. If the
used to draw this strap and thus take up resulted from forgetting to do this. boxes move sidewise when force is applied,
as in the case of the crank -pin, there is
practically no danger of heating ; but if
the wrist-pin does heat, it is less liable to
be discovered, because the whole cross
head may be heated by conduction from
the cylinder. . Many wrist-pins are loos
ened by this carelessness, owing to the
motion of the connecting-rod, which is
illustrated in Fig. 3, in which full lines
denote the position of the rod when the
crank -pin is in its highest position, and the
dotted lines when it is in its lowest posi
tion . This reversal of direction of strain
on the wrist-pin loosens it more quickly
than would a steady strain in one direc
The valve-gear of a Corliss engine con
tains bearings similar to those described ;
therefore, lost motion should be taken up
in the same way. When removing lost
motion from the eccentric- straps of an
Power , N.Y.
engine, the end of the eccentric- rod should
be disconnected from the rocker and the
any lost motion due to wear. A set- screw An engine is occasionally found on which straps given at least one-half revolution ,
holds this key in place. the crank -pin boxes fill all the space be- in order to prove that they do not bind on
When necessary to adjust the crank -pin tween the head of the pin and the face of on the ecentric at any point.
boxes, loosen the set- screw and the nut on the crank, but they are scarce . In such a It seems hardly necessary to say that
the under side of the strap. Take a scale,
or anything else convenient for this pur
pose, that is about one-eighth of an inch
thick, lay it on the strap against the face
of the key and draw a line on the key, as
shown . This line makes it possible to put
the key back into its original position if
it is desired to do so.
The point which puzzles the young en
gineer, and seems to bother some of the
older ones, is to tell when the key has
been driven far enough to take up lost
motion and still not enough to cause heat
To illustrate this point Fig. 2 is intro
duced. It is a side view of the crank and Pureer, X. X.
connecting-rod. It will be noticed that
the box is not wide enough to fill the case, if the engineer holds a finger partly while an engine is running, the bearings
whole space between the face of the crank on one of the boxes and partly on the should be closely watched, in order to pre
and the head of the pin, although the va head of the pin, while an assistant admits vent excessive heating.
cant space is exaggerated in order to steam to each end of the cylinder alter- If there is any time when more atten
make the matter plain . nately, he can quickly tell if there is lost tion should be given to this matter than
By using a short lever, made of hard motion , and the key should be driven until at others, it is immediately after the bear
wood to prevent scratching the bright it is very nearly all taken out. ings have been adjusted to take out lost
parts, the box can be moved over against In the case of an old engine, the crank- motion . They should be watched con
the head of the pin , and by striking it with pin may not be perfectly round ; therefore, stantly until they have run long enough
a copper hammer or a piece of soft babbitt care must be taken to place the pin so to insure coolness, notwithstanding the
it can be moved back against the face of that the larger part of it will be parallel precautions above advised , to avoid getting
the crank. So long as this operation can to the connecting-rod. If the boxes do them too tight.
be repeated the box does not bind on the not bind then, they will not at any other Where a plant is large enough to require
pin . part of the revolution. the undivided attention of the engineer,
Having followed the above directions, An engineer will sometimes drive a key he should feel of all bearings at stated
February, 1906 POWER 73

times to ascertain their condition , and Design, Construction and Application of Large Gas
where he has other matters in his charge,
nothing should prevent him from coming Engines in Europe — IV.
to the engine-room regularly and fre
quently, for the purpose of knowing the BY FRANZ ERICH JUNGE.
condition of the engine and other machin
ery there. Failure to do this has caused l'alves.-For large gas engines mechan- with long pistons, cannot, of course, profit
many shut-downs, costing hundreds of
ically operated, vertical cone- seated poppet by such practice. With them a reduction
valves must be used. Water cooling of of the stress at the opening would be very
Every engine should be equipped with heads , stems and seats is essential for ex- desirable. However, no satisfactory com
a lubricator that will deliver oil drop by haust valves and advisable for inlet valves. bination of this kind is yet on the market.
drop into the steam pipe, so that every To obtain proper stiffness and effective The employment of a small auxiliary
part touched by steam will be well lubri cooling, the valve head or crown is best valve opening ahead of the main exhaust
cated. One or two drops of good cylinder
oil are much better than ten of an inferior given a form approaching a hemisphere, valve so as to relieve the pressure on the
grade, when both are used an equal
while the under side is heavily ribbed from iatter, cannot be recommended as good
the hollow valve stem outward. The practice.
length of time . The former may cost more
thickness of the valve disk is calculated by Cooling of the exhaust valves deserves
than twice as much as the latter, when
considering it as a flat plate uniformly the most careful consideration of the
considered by the gallon, but is much
less expensive by the day. loaded by the maximum gas pressure and designer. In most cases the introduction
supported at the edges. of cooling water is so arranged that water
At my request, an engineer in charge of Exhaust-valve stems when properly is fed to the stem by a flexible rubber
another plant made a test to determine the guided are subjected merely to compres- tube and flows up to the disk in an annu
comparative value of two kinds of cylin sion and have to be computed as resisting lar space between outer and inner concen
der -oil. He reported that two drops per
minute of one are equal to nine of the
--at the moment of opening - a gas pres- · tric tubes, whence it returns through the
sure of four atmospheres, as a maximum, inner tube and is discharged through an
other, when used under the same condi acting on the disk. For exhaust-valve other flexible connection . This arrange
tions. The former I have used exclusive ment cannot be called an elegant solution
ly, for about ten years, on one engine, with 230 230-204
satisfactory results. This oil cleaves to 200 of the problem nor is it satisfactory. One
flexible connection can be eliminated and
the steam-heated surfaces, preventing them the device simplified by conducting water
from rusting between Saturday night and up through a hollow stem to the valve
Monday morning. The piston of this en disk whence it is discharged into the ex
gine is taken apart once each year and haust through an opening on the lower
thoroughly cleaned , but the amount of 20
or outer side of the disk, but this also has
sediment resulting from the use of cylin certain disadvantages.
der-oil is insignificant. A separator in A system which has found favor with
the exhaust-pipe removes all of it, render
several German builders is that invented
ing the steam pure enough to re - enter the
boilers after it is condensed, leaving no by Pawlikowsky- Gorlitz and illustrated by
Fig. 22. This contains no flexible or
trace of grease on the tubes and shell.
On account of these desirable results I swinging connections whatever. Water is
decline to try different kinds of oil at the
conveyed to the valve head through the
request of traveling salesmen. This does fixed tube a , which extends upward to a
not mean that such trials have not been point just beneath the top plate of the
valve crown . The water discharged here
made in the past, for they have, but it is
not necessary to be continually experiment Outlet flows back through the annular space be
tween the valve stem and the inner water
ing along this line.
Sometimes water collects in the cylinder Water "inlet Lo l'are tube. The fillet connecting the crown and
of an engine, although it may have been the stem is made so large that the dis
thoroughly drained when the engine was Power, ...
charge of the water does not interfere with
the valve lift. Güldner, as well as other
started . In that case the drip- cocks should FIG . 22 . PAWLIKOWSKY METHOD OF COOLING
be opened, provided there are any to open , designers, has adopted this system in his
as soon as the engineer hears a clicking 100-horse -power engine, which is at pres
stems excess diameter is desirable to al ent the most economical prime mover on
noise in the cylinder.
the market, showing a thermal efficiency
Corliss engines are seldom or never fit low of reboring ; at the same time, bet on indicated horse - power of 42.7 per cent.
ted with these devices, because the exhaust ter lubrication and cooling are thereby ef
valves are low enough to drain the cylin- fected, as more heat is conducted to the and on brake horse - power of 34.2 per cent.
der at every stroke . circulating water. To reduce the stress Coming back to the Nürnberg engine,
If any unusual noise is heard, the engi- on the valve stem at the moment of open- Fig. 23 shows the cooling and lubrication
neer should at once investigate it, and if ing, exhaust valves are sometimes bal- of exhaust valves as arranged in older
its cause is not readily discovered, it may anced . The best way to relieve the valve, types. A flexible tube, a, conveys water to
be good policy to shut down, for the more however, in single -acting engines up to 100 an irner concentric tube through which it
complete examination of the parts may horse-power or so, is to provide auxiliary flows up to the valve head ; thence it re
show a dangerous defect. It is well to be exhaust ports which are uncovered by the turns through the valve stem , emerging at
on the safe side. piston at the end of the stroke, thus re- the opening b into the jacket of the valve
Careful attention to the above -mentioned lieving the exhaust valve of end pressure. cage , from which it is discharged by way
details will result in satisfactory service, The valve has then to open only against of the fixed pipe c. Fig. 24 shows a later
because the engine will always be ready atmospheric pressure and is brought in model which possesses the advantage over
for use when wanted, cost of repairs will contact with comparatively cool gases, the the first that the valve and seat can be
not be excessive, and the machine will hot high pressure gases being removed at removed without having to disconnect the
prove durable, provided it was well de- the auxiliary port. exhaust pipe, which is flanged to an outer
signed and constructed . Double -acting engines, unless provided cage. The arrangement of oil grooves for
74 POWER February, 1906 .

the lubrication of the stem guide can also can be removed without having to dis- Huence of linkage, which can only be
be studied from this drawing. mount the exhaust pipe. guessed at.
A still better device has been adopted in Combined Inlet and Exhaust Valves.- As far as mathematical analysis can
the latest types ; this was shown last month The idea of simplifying the valve me- contribute to the satisfactory solution of
in the drawings of the longitudinal and chanism and at the same time reducing the valve problem, designers are referred
transverse sections of the 2000 -horse -pow- its critical temperature by combining the to those chapters of Dr. Lucke's book
which treat of this subject with special
care . Furthermore, the writer deems it 1
linnecessary to dwell at length on the
various relations of valve lift, gas ve
locity and piston speed, or on the de
tails of computing the dimensions of
valve disks, stems, seats, etc., as there is
in these features no divergence between
European and American practice so far
as the latter is represented in the hand- .
book mentioned. It may be said, how
ever, that in modern practice valve springs

are only used for closing the valves pro

per and not for bringing the mechanism
back to its original position. This is

left to separate springs, or better, to the


positive action of cams or eccentrics.

A good device for reducing the size

of the exhaust valve by increasing its

tension in proportion to the increase of
cylinder suction pressure is shown in Fig.

Power , W.Y.


er engine. No flexible or swinging con- inlet and exhaust valves is not bad in
nections are used. The water enters the itself. However, scores of patents have
stem from an inner fixed water box, been taken out and a number of devices
whence it flows up to the valve crown , re- tried in actual practice without success.
turning through the bore of the stem Although the combination does away
and emerging by way of slits in the up with half of the valves and there are
per part of the stem into the outer valve
cage . This, with good workmanship, only inder two valvestoperhighdouble-acting
exposed cyl.
initial tempera
which is essential for successful opera
tion to all parts in gas engines — is a very tures, yet each of these is a very delicate
good arrangement. The discharge of the and complex organism, costly to manu
exhaust is conducted between water facture and difficult to keep in order .
cooled surfaces and the bearings which Inventors will find it more profitable to B

-280 devote their energy to other problems

yet awaiting solution , such as the over
loading of gas engines, starting under
load, reversing, etc., the valve proposi
tion being now quite within the realm
of practicability .
Valve closure springs are of the
helical type, of cylindrical form and
made of steel wire . Their function is to
close the valve after it has been opened
620 by the actuating mechanism . In deter
190 mining the force necessary to close the
valve it is not possible to take into account
Power , W.Y. accurately all of the resistances involved
in the problem, as there are : ( 1 ) Suction
pressure in the cylinder, varying from Puer , Y.
FIG. 24. LATER VUERNBERG METHOD OF COOL 0.4 to 0.8 kilogram per square centimeter FIG. 25 . EXHAUST VALVE GIVING VARYING
( 5.7 to 11.4 pounds per square inch ) of
guide the stem and at the same time effective valve surface in engines work- 25. The exhaust valve is controlled by
serve as packing boxes are protected ing with quantity regulation ; ( 2 ) stem two "wiper" cams, B and C, arranged to
from influx of heat by wide water friction , and ( 3 ) valve inertia. The first work with the usual rolling contact and
spaces . However, as has been mentioned factor is the only one susceptible of exact varying lever ratios so as to decrease the
already, it is of importance that the valve determination, while the second and power necessary to start the valve from
cage, containing the valve and its seat, third are subject to errors due to the in- its seat . The cam C is operated by a
February, 1906 POWER 75

rod from the eccentric E which is keyed large gas engines which will have large or ideal . Though the differences may
on the valve-gear shaft F , so that the wearing surfaces, give smooth valve be hardly noticeable to the eye and are
motion of the valve has a positive rela- lift with a minimum of actuating force often thought quite negligible, yet care
tion to that of the engine piston. Only and at the same time eliminate heavy ful mathematical analysis and practical
a part of the travel of the eccentric Eleverages and reduce the play in the experience have shown that even the
is used to operate the valve, the remain- linkage system. Thereby, adjustments slightest deviation of the actual from the
ing or “ backward " part of the travel being hitherto left to the erector are avoided, theoretical cam curve may prove detri
utilized to increase the tension of the the designer being alone responsible for mental to the whole system.
valve-closing spring during the suction the working of the valve mechanism. Under the conditions outlined the only
stroke of the piston. The maximum The good results obtained with the valve- fairly satisfactory solution of the prob
compression of the exhaust spring takes gear of the Nürnberg engine furnish a lem thus far attained is that given by a
place at about the end of the suction very strong argument in favor of eccen- combination of cams and rolling -sur
stroke. trics . face levers, and even then a deficiency
By this arrangement the exhaust valve In the present state of our knowledge, in the workshop treatment may ruin the
is relieved of part of the pressure of the however, it is not possible to make a most elaborately-calculated gear. It is
closing spring at the moment it begins definite statement as to the superiority likely that the builders of two -stroke
to rise, the tension of this spring re- of one mechanism over the other. The cycle engines will gradually evolve a
maining constant at its minimum value fact is that cams, if properly designed , new gear system which will better meet
the whole of the time the valve is lifted. can also, with the interposition of rolling the severe conditions limiting the suc
It is possible to give the valve spring surfaces, be made to run smoothly and cessful operation of large inlet valves at
sufficient tension to prevent the valve without excessive wear on four-stroke high speed.
being unseated by excessive vacuum in cycle engines. They are easily exchange- Valve Actuating Shaft.-- There is noth
the cylinder. The idea underlying this able and allow of quick adjustment, ing much to say about this part of the
construction is good but the device as which is of advantage in experimental mechanism but what is known from
shown is defective in that the part A of work. In two-stroke-cycle engines of the steam-engine practice. Conditions differ
the valve- controlling mechanism rests in so far as the load on the secondary
on a firm foundation while the other shaft is subject to considerable variation
parts are mounted on the engine, which within the course of a single cycle. When
is subject to vibration . Another draw the exhaust valve is opened the turning
back is the necessity for disconnecting moment reaches its maximum value, and
the ground connection as well as the ex this moment is reversed at the instant of
haust pipe before being able to remove valve closure. This reversal introduces a
the exhaust valve and its seat. change of direction of contact between the
Valve Gear.—The question now arises a teeth of the transmitting gear, the vari
whether the old cam and roller me ation occurring, of course, once every two
chanism is to be further employed in revolutions and disturbing the quiet work
large gas engines, or whether the eccen ing of the governor. This is practically
tric is more desirable for future practice. unavoidable with the present construction
Cams are cheaper and easier to manu of exhaust valves, so that it becomes
iacture and can be made to give a sud necessary to mount a fly -wheel on the sec
den and large valve lift without re Puwer, W.Y. ondary or valve-actuating shaft which
quiring the interposition of a complex will reduce the fluctuations in rotary tor
transmission gear. On the other hand, FIG . 26 . TRIP GEAR OF NUERN BERG GAS
que to a certain extent . Another way out
they are noisy, have small bearing sur VALVE .
of the difficulty is to drive the governor
faces and are therefore subject to con directly from the main shaft or from a
siderable wear . By using large cams Körting type, conditions are very dif- shaft geared to the main shaft but not
these difficulties can be avoided to a ferent and usually more complex, be- used to actuate the valves. Both of the
certain extent and smooth running as- cause the inlet valve has to be opened latter methods are better than the first
sured, but when the circumferential within a very small fraction of the named and will be treated in detail in the
speed approaches one meter per second. stroke, corresponding to a time interval discussion of other types of engine.
the transmitting forces acting on long of a few hundredths of a second . In Regulation is effected in the Nürnberg
lever arms, greater stresses between the such engines the employment of cams in engine by retarding the opening of the gas
roller and cam are at once introduced. the ordinary combination with rollers and valve with decreasing load while the cut
Eccentrics have been used in smaller gaslevers must necessarily prove a failure. off remains constant under all conditions
engines for a long time without showing The forces acting on the gear rod are de- of load. The opening of the air-inlet
any advantages over cams. On the con- pendent on the speed, or rather on the valve being constant and that of the gas
trary they are costly to manufacture and acceleration and retardation of the mass valve variable as to the time when it takes
allow only a limited utilization of their of the gear , and reach such excessive place, air alone is first admitted and more
rotary motion unless the travel be made values in large engines that, with the or less gas is afterward admitted in pro
very large ; altogether about 15 per cent . valve-closure spring as used in modern portion to the work to be developed. Fig.
of the entire phase may be utilized. practice, the cams, shaft bearings and 26 shows the original construction of gov
For large work conditions are some- gear wheels are subjected to abnormal erning apparatus. The gas valve is con
what different and the cost of manufac- wear, so that fracture of the mechanism nected to a wiper-cam lever a and is open
ture is not of so much importance. is likely to occur, even when the best ed through the lever b by means of the lip
Steam - engine practice has shown that materials are used. on the arm b' until the latter is pushed
eccentrics are quite reliable and though Though it is quite within the bounds off the end of the valve lever by the roller
the conditions in that field are somewhat of theory to design cams for any given c, whereupon the valve is closed by its
better owing to smaller valve lift, lower motion which, on paper, will lift the spring and damped by the dash-pot f. The
initial pressure at the moment of opening valve safely and by the desired cam curve, governor acts through rocker-arm e and
and shorter duration of inlet-valve open- the trouble is that the actual cam curve roller g on the curved pallet d, the posi
ing, yet it is possible, by the interposition which can be produced with machine tion of which determines the valve open
of rolling surfaces, to build eccentrics for tools is far different from the theoretical ing according to the load on the engine.
76 POWER February , 1906 .

Horse-Power Chart. off, running at 70 revolutions per minute ? 10 the line of starting, where the horse
From " 120 " under “ gage pressure” fol- power is seen to be just above 700.
The chart published as a supplement low the line horizontally to the left to its At what point would a 20X36 -in. engine
to the January issue included cylinders up intersection with the diagonal marked running at 80 revolutions per minute, non
to only 18 inches in diameter. The pres- “1/8 cut-off.” From this intersection drop condensing, cut off when developing 250

ent chart includes those from 16 to 36 vertically and then parallel with the short horse-power with 100 pounds initial ?










Cut our


Pressu Buisuǝpuoo



PO z







inches. Full directions for its use, with diagonals, finding the M. E. P. to be about From 250 horse-power run horizontally
examples, will be found on page 17 of 67 pounds. From this point drop vertical- to the right to the intersection of the 250
the January issue. A couple of examples ly to the intersection of this line with the horse -power line with the diagonal for
will suffice here : What is the horse- diagonal for a 28 - inch cylinder, horizontal- 80 revolutions ; hence drop to the inter
power of a condensing engine 28x48, with ly to the diagonal for a 48 -inch stroke, ver- section of a vertical passing through that
120 pounds initial pressure, one -fifth cut- tically to 70 revolutions, and horizontally point with the diagonal for a 36 -inch
February, 1906. POWER 77

stroke, then horizontally to 20-inch diam- of which with the vertical comes just piston was just starting from the crank
eter, then vertically to the horizontal for about at the diagonal for one - quarter end of the cylinder, steam was admitted
100 pounds gage pressure, the intersection cut-off. and the pressure at once rose to a, the
board then being in such a position that
the pencil point P traveled over the line
Experiences in a Refrigerating Plant. da in the direction indicated by the arrow.
The reason this line is so nearly vertical
is because the piston stops at the end of
the stroke. You may have heard that
“ What puts my nerves on the quiver,” around gasket joints or anything like that. before, but here is a picture of it, 'caught
said Jo to Mr. Superton , who had just If you are dead stuck on seeing some- with the goods,' so to speak. When the
come in to indicate the refrigerating ma- thing along that line, it may be that I pressure gets up to a the piston
begins to
chine, “ is the way you upper-crust engi- will be able to accommodate you, but I'll travel toward the head end of the cylinder,
neers seem to be able to stick your gaze have to start you off with a little pre
and, the pencil being practically stationary,
through a condenser pipe, a compressor liminary spiel on indicating in general
cylinder, or any other old thing that gets Give me that pencil. because there can't be much change in
in line with your spies, and see all the “ This drawing ( Fig. 1 ) is only a dia pressure in the cylinder so long as the ad
stunts that are doing business inside. You grammatic representation of a steam mission valves are wide open, it traces the
know, I've got a hunch that you must cylinder and elementary -indicating device horizontal line ab. At b the steam supply
from the boiler is cut off and the pressure
drops, as the piston and the card travel
с b
forward, and the pencil point traces the
Head Crank
line bc, after which the exhaust valves
release the steam within the cylinder end
Р and the pencil traces the line cd during the
return stroke. If the head - end valve is
opened and the crank -end valve closed, the
F diagram marked 'Head ' will be drawn ."

Open Closed

Crank End
a Card


эс Porcer, A.Y.


Pwer XY .


have a pair of diamond - pointed X - ray and you mustn't expect to find the valves “ Strikes me your indicator rig would
blinks especially designed for iron and and other details just as they are in your give a card about as big as a door . "
ammonia . Oh , yes ! 'wisest thing you've machine. The cylinder is supposed to have “ Yes, that's the reason I prefer the one
said . ' I am getting so I can get on the the usual indicator pipe connections and I have here in the case. An indicator of
job, when I hear anyone coming, and valves, the valve on the head being closed the other kind , big enough for an engine
stick one end of a monkey wrench in and the one on the crank end open , as with a forty - inch stroke , would take a
my ear and the other on the machine though prepared to take a crank -end card . forty -inch card and be a little unhandy
valve bonnets , and look uncommonly wise. The little vertical cylinder I is supposed to carry around . The principle is the
And sometimes I can emit a fairly lucky to be the barrel of an indicator in which same so long as the relative motions are
guess as to whether the noise I hear comes works a little piston held down by a spring . the same, whether the pencil travels a
from ammonia blowing around the The end of the piston -rod carries a pen- foot or an inch, or whether the paper
piston - rings, or one of the B. W's. popping cil point P so that as the pressure rises travels a foot in a longitudinal direction
off ; but I miss it once in awhile at that. and falls in the crank end of the cylinder. or an inch in a circular direction . The
But, say, I'm giving you that on the ninty, the little piston rises and falls, and pro- principal difficulties to be overcome in the
though , and I wouldn't want you to get vided the board which carries the paper indicator are the effects of the momentum
tippy about it to any one of the inflated card C is stationary , the pencil will trace of the moving parts and friction , and for
Lilliputian intellects we've got going to a vertical line. But the board don't stay ordinary purposes the errors due to these
seed around here. But that ain't it ! The still. It is connected to the piston by the factors are practically eliminated. In the
bluff ain't the stuff, even when it does frame F so that the card is made to travel modern indicator the weight of the mov
stick pat. I'd like to be able to do some- in exact unison with the piston . The ing parts is made so small that it has little
thing more than look wise to a bunch of position of the pencil point up and down, effect, except for very high speeds , and
four Alushers —I'd like to be able to land and the position of the pencil from right the friction load of an indicator is a very
my glims on some diabatics or some to left indicates the position which the small per cent of the total power available
isothermalines or some of those wise- piston happens to occupy at the same in- in the little engine' which it is.
sounding stunts.” The line formed by all of the points
stant . “ The arrangement of the diagrammatic
“I guess you mean adiabatics and iso- during the time a complete revolution of indicator and cylinder, as I have drawn it
thermals. Well , they are not always so the engine crank - shaft is being made would here, is unfortunate in that the crank end
invisible as they might be, although you appear something like the diagram here, indicator diagram lies toward the head
must not expect to see them sticking out which I have marked 'crank. ' When the end of the cylinder, whereas, in order to
78 POWER February , 1906.

follow out the various actions taking place uncompleted part of the diagram in a very no matter which indicator valve is open ;:
during the various parts of the stroke, it light line. Similarly the part of the head- but it don't make any difference what the
would have been easier had the diagram end diagram da bx, completed between the relative position is, so long as you figure
time admission occurs at d and the time pressures
occupied the position held by the one in per cent. of stroke. We can:
marked 'Head .' This, however, would the piston occupies the position shown in get the ends of the diagrams to line up.
have involved the complication in me the sketch at x , is indicated by a heavy by assuming that the piston head has no
chanical design necessary to make the line, while the uncompleted part thickness. This drawing ( Fig. 3 ) repre
board carrying the indicator card travel x c d is sents the conditions which exist in a com
in the opposite directionto that of the indicated by a light line. As the piston pressor instead of a steam engine. The
piston. A much more rational idea of the continues its travel toward the crank-end line ab represents the piston, in which
action taking place within the cylinder of the stroke, the ends x x' of the heavy case x , and r", the two points where the
can be gained from a sketch which does black lines which indicate how far the line cuts the diagram , will represent the
not attempt to show the means by which successive operations have progressed in pressure in the head and the crank ends
the diagrams are taken, but simply the the two ends of the cylinder will move in of the cylinder, respectively. Similarly

Position of

Head Crank Head Crank


relation of the various parts of these the direction indicated by the short ar-
FIG. 4.

( drawing Fig. 4) , if you draw a line

Power , M. Y.

cards to the position occupied by the pis rows . Are you commencing to get so you vertically through any double indicator
ton and the pressures within the cylinder. can see through the cylinder walls a little, diagram, the points ' x and x' will repre
This, for example ( drawing Fig. 2) , Jo ?" sent the pressures on the two sides of the
might do the work. In this case the head " Yep, a little, but I guess it must be piston, in case it is traveling from right
end card is drawn in the head end of the that the exhaust steam or something, to left, and x" and x '' represent the corre
cylinder and it is seen at a glance that makes it kinder foggy. All the indicator sponding pressures on the two sides of
cut- off has just ocurred at b and expan the piston, in case it is traveling from left
cards I ever saw had the toe-end of one
sion along the line b c is in progress, and
has already progressed as far as x. At old shoe coming up under the worn -off to right. Incidentally, if you want to
c the exhaust valve of the engine opens
heel of the other old shoe and you've got know the resultant pressure on the piston.
at any part of the stroke, whether it is a
them sorter pulled apart.”
and the pressure drops to that of the at “ I see ; that's on account of the thick- piston of a steam engine evolving power,
mosphere plus friction, or in case the en or a piston of an ammonia compressor
gine is running condensing, to that of the ness of the piston. That's so the point of absorbing power, all that is necessary is
condenser." release c will come just before the piston
" But what's the other end of the cylin- to subtract the smallerpressure from
reaches the end of stroke, as indicated by larger the
one. The reminder will be the
der doing all this time? " resultant force exerted in the direction
“ That's just what I was coming to. in which the larger of the two forces is .

We'll say this is the first revolution made acting. But you are waiting to see the
by the engine. In other words, the cards

isothermals and adiabatics, and before I


began to be traced from the time steam


show you any I will have to tell you what




was admitted to the cylinder. ' We'll say


they are, so that you will know them :


steam was admitted to the crank end first.


when you see them.

The point of admission is indicated on 8 "When steam expands behind a piston
the crank-end diagram by d, just as the a
it approximates what is known as isother
piston is on the point of reversing its 13

3 inal expansion, in which the tempera


direction of travel . The pressure rises at 11

once to the boiler pressure l' or at least up

to boiler pressure less the friction of the 13

steam piping and engine valves . Steam

continues to be admitted to d', at which 6
point cut- off occurs ; expansion goes to 54
c' at which point release takes place ; and Z
the exhaust steam is expelled from the 11 3
cylinder during the whole of the return &
stroke. 33
That portion of the diagram d', b', a', Power, A. ,

c ', x', completed from the time the steam FIG. 5.

is first admitted to the crank-end of the the dotted - in piston at the crank end. The ture remains constant throughout the
cylinder at d up to the time the piston cards came squarely on top of one another various changes of pressure. When
occupies the position of r' shown in the in practice , because the indicator card the temperature continues the same, the
sketch , is drawn in a very heavy, and the travels through exactly the same distance , pressure varies inversely as the volume;
February, 1906. POWER 79

that is, in expanding to twice its volume concerned, but since it represents the ex- which is what is known as the equation
steam loses half of its original pressure. pansion line of a steam engine indicator of the isothermal curve in which all
Suppose, for example, we say that the en- diagram , we would define the point of cut- pressures pr and volumes v are measured
gine is cutting off at x ( Fig. 5 ) , at which
off at a as being at 20 per cent. of the from the absolute vacuum line and the
point the volume v is 3 and the pressure stroke (v ) and 95 pounds gage pressure clearance line, respectively ."
p is 11. It don't make any difference ( P ) and taking the product of the volume " But why do you always want to meas
whether the volume is three inches, three 20 and the absolute pressure 110 = 2200 , ure your pressures from the absolute
feet or three cubic feet, so long as all the and dividing it by twenty -five, thirty, vacuum line ? I've never heard of any
1 fifty, etc., we would get as results the one getting there up till yet ; and I never
pressures corresponding to twenty -five, heard of any kind of a pump that anyone
Isoth 'v'

thirty, fifty, etc., per cents. of the stroke, claimed would do it but once : One con

PI denser salesman told me his pump and


condenser was good for fifty - six inches at

our altitude and that it would do it so

easy you wouldn't know the pump was

workin ' !"
1p.v8 Pi
p v,

" Well, I've never seen that beat yet.


We have to figure from absolute vacuum ,


because that is the actual beginning of

pressure. If we did not use absolute
pressures the law of perfect gases
wouldn't hold true the way it is now ex
pressed because doubling the gage pres
sure does not halve the volume.
" Mathematical expressions for the ac
tion of gases under pressure, such as p v
= pi Vi, vary with the physical propor
tions of the gas. As a matter of fact, the
Atmospheric Line
equation of the isothermal is an exact ex
pression for the performance of a perfect
Vacuum Line
Power, N.Y. gas under pressure, and as neither steam
FIG . 6 . nor any other substance for that matter
volumes are figured in the same units. and a curve platted from these values will is a perfect gas, the law never does ex.
When the piston has traveled to g the vol- be an exact duplicate of the correspond- actly hold true. Since a great deal more
ume will be doubled and equal to six and ing one in Fig. 5. You understand ex of the variation of the actual steam ex
the pressure will be halved or five and a actly how the various values of pressure pansion line from the theoretical, isother
half. At x the product of the pressure corresponding to the assumed values of mal curve is due to mechanical conditions
II and the volume 3=33. At y the pro- volume, or per cent. stroke, is obtained ; in the engine than to the variation of the
duct of the pressure 5 %, and the volume 6 that is, by multiplying one pressure by properties of steam from those of a per
fect gas, the isothermal is almost always
also = 33 and, in fact, the product of any

used for comparison with the actual ex

pressure and corresponding volume taken
anywhere on the theoretical expansion

line will be 33. Likewise, if cut-off occurs



at a where the pressure is 13 and the cor


responding volume is 8, the pressure at

any other part of the stroke is found by
dividing the product of 13 and 8 by the

number corresponding to the volume. At


b, for example, the volume is 13, and the


pressure at this point will be

13X 8 = 8
" In the same way we find that at c,
where the volume is 26, the pressure =
These values I am using are entirely
abstract and don't mean pounds, feet
or anything, except distances from the
two lines Þ and v. But the isothermal Atmospheric Line
curve which all of the various values
Vacuum Line V
of and v give is exactly the same Power, NY
curve as would have been defined, if we FIG . 7.
stroke, or the
taken per nce
100 dista pcand
cent., hadlengt
as the h of
figured its corresponding volume and dividing by pansion curve. Cylinder condensation
the other assumed pressure, or volume, and re-evaporation are the mechanical
all of the other volumes v out in per cents. as the case may be. The easiest way of conditions improved by the steam engine
of stroke, and had considered all of the
values of p to be the steam pressure in expressing this operation is by which cause the practical to vary most
PV PV widely from the theoretical curve. In en
pounds per square inch absolute. This p11 and Vi =
tering the cylinder the hot dry steam is
v 1 P1
sketch here ( Fig. 6) is just the same as = chilled and condensed by coming in con
Fig. 5 so far as the lines p v a and i are which is the same thing as p v = pi vi
80 POWER February, 1906.
tact with the comparatively cold cylinder are also reversed. During the first part the use of a steam jacket which tends to
walls and the pressure accordingly drops of the expansion stroke the steam is hot- reduce cylinder condensation and subse
below the isothermal, as is indicated by ter than the cylinder walls and the transfer quently keep the steam in its original con
the dotted line in Fig. 6. Toward the end of heat is accordingly from the former to dition of saturation and in the latter case
of the stroke a part of the condensed the latter ; during the first part of the injection of liquid ammonia the evapora
steam re-evaporates and the pressure compression stroke the ammonia is colder tion of which absorbs the superheat and
rises slightly above the isothermal curve, than the cylinder walls and the transfer subsequently tends to maintain saturation
Form 100 . in the gas, both tend to bring their re
ENGINE Kolbier Machine Steam Hour 9 A.N. .No .-- spective lines, expansion and compression,
CONDITIONS.. Date.. Jan. 181, 1906 · Cyl.- into co- incidence with the isothermal.

42 Throttle . ---- Reys... 48 Dia . of Piston-Rod 33

Diam . Cyl. 24.- Stroke End " Under the usual normal running con
Height. ditions where no liquid ammonia is in

Temp . jected into the compressor, the relation

Cor. Height. of the practical to the theoretical lines will

Kind .
be about as I have indicated here in Fig.
Steam - 106.58 H.P.
7. If the compression line drops much
farther away from the adiabatic line, you

N.H.3 - 90.00 H.P.
Scale .
Friction - 15.98 H.P.
Head had better look for a leaky piston or suc

Friction ,
Lbs. tion valve, rather than congratulate your
Area .
2.0250 " Steam Card
self on the economical way your compres
Length .
2.030 2.020 " sor is running.

Av . Height. “ Now , I guess I've talked enough, so if

you will speed the machine up to about
1.H.P. forty-eight revolutions, we will take a few
106.38 Power, ...
Eficiency .
snapshots of what is going on inside."
Figs . 8 and 9 show what the " super " got.
FIG . 8.
as shown by the dotted line. By dropping of heat is accordingly from the latter to
Catechism of Electricity - XII.
below the theoretical curve during the the former. During the last part of the
first part of the stroke and rising above it expansion stroke the cylinder walls are
during the last part of the stroke, the hotter than the steam and transfer of heat
actual expansion curve may be said on an is accordingly from the former to the lat- 232. What may be said regarding noise
average to conform quite closely to the ter ; during the latter part of the com- as indicating defects in direct- current
isothermal and, consequently, tables giv- pression stroke the cylinder walls are dynamos ?
ing the horse-power of engines for dif- colder than the ammonia, and the transfer Undue noise in direct-current machines
ferent points of cut-off are calculated on of heat is accordingly from the latter to usually results from mechanical rather
isothermal expansion. the former. than from electrical defects. The major
In the compression of gases under usual " Since conditions of saturation agree ity of the causes of noise are in parts
conditions, the actual compression-line more nearly with isothermal than adia- that have become loosened, and are rat
approximates more nearly adiabatic than ' batic conditions, the more nearly the tling or knocking. For example, there
than an isothermal line.* working medium , whether it be ammonia may be loose nuts, screws, or binding
“ Fig . 7 shows an ammonia compressor Form 103 .
diagram drawn on top of the same two ENGINE. Kolbier Machine Ammonia Hour. 9 A.M. No.
theoretical lines, adiabatic and isothermal, CONDITIONS 10 Hr. test Date. Jan. 1st. 1906
---- Cyl .--

shown in Figs . 5 and 6. You see, in Fig. 6 Diam . Cyl. 19 - Stroke .. 38. Throttle_ Revs.-- 48 Dia , of Piston - Rod End ...

we looked for the variation of the actual Height . K = 2.6125


Steam = 100.58 H.P.

expansion line from the isothermal line Temp .
N.H. = 90.60 H.P.
which passed through the starting point or Cor . Height. Friction Load 15.98 H.P.

cut -off a. In Fig. 7 we look for the va Kind .

riation of the actual compression line from Number .
the adiabatic line which likewise passes 46321 Ammonia Card
Scale .
through the starting point a, but in this Head Crank

case a will be at the bottom of the curve Friction ,
3.78 " 3.60 OH

instead of the top, because the 'compres Area .

sion' diagram is traced in the opposite Length

direction to the 'expansion' diagram, on Av . Height.

account of the cycle of the compressor M.E.P.
being the reverse of that of the steam en I.H.P.
Power, N.Y.
gine. For the same reason the variation Efficiency .
of the actual from the theoretical curves
The general law of adiabatic expansion and FIG. 9 .
compression is expressed byср the equation ,
ср or steam, remains to saturation, the more posts that rattle while the machine is in
pvc = P , y, co nearly will the actual curve of compres- operation , or the bearin may be worn
in which cp is the specific heat of the gas at con
stant pressure and cv the specific heat of the gas sion or expansion respectively come to the so that the armature shaft runs loosely in
at constant volume , from which it is evident that isothermal . In the steam-engine card
the performance of different gases, even assum them and produces a rattling noise. In
ing their expansion and compression to be adia- cylinder condensation, or supersaturation, the latter case there is a possibility of the
batic, must be expressed by equations having dif
ferent exponents to the v function . tends to cause the expansion line to drop armature being so much out of center as
For ammonia gas below the isothermal . In the ammonia to strike the pole faces.
= 1.298
се .391 compressor card superheating tends to As a rule, undue noise about aa gen
usually taken as 1.3, so that the equation of adia
batic expansion or compression for ammonia = cause the compression line to rise above erator acts as a warning, indicating that
p v 1 :9 =Pir , 1.3 . the isothermal line. In the former case something is wrong. An examination
February, 1906 POWER 81

should therefore be made at the first in- tion partly loose will also produce a sim- should then be given another trial, and if
dication of such a defect lest the trouble ilar sound. it still will not generate, the trouble
progress from bad to worse and entirely OPERATION OF may be attributed to lack of residual
disable the machine. Loosened parts can may be attributed to lack of residual
best be detected by feeling about the 235. Give directions for starting a magnetism . This may be tested by a
generator, or listening while the machine direct-current generator. piece of iron held near the pole-pieces ; if
is running, so as to form an idea as to The generator must first be brought up the residual magnetism is weak or absent,
the location of the cause of the noise to its full speed ; the field circuit should there will be little or no attraction of the
Having located the loosened parts, the then be closed, and the adjustable resist- iron. If the generator is one that has
remedy consists in tightening them, or if ance in this circuit slowly cut out until been running regularly, its residual mag
the trouble be due to worn bearings they there is not more than one- fourth of the netism in some manner has been
should be renewed. If, on account of rheostat left in. If the generator pilot destroyed. This may have resulted from
worn bearings, the armature rubs against lamp does not glow, the brush rocker-arm severe jar, or from the magnetism

the pole faces, the bearings should be put should be shifted back and forth around of another machine located nearby.
in proper condition immediately, lest the commutator, for the brushes may not The remedy for lack of residual mag
mechanical defects be caused on the sur- be exactly in the right position. It is netism consists in connecting the field coils
face of the armature. advisable to move them slowly back and for a few seconds to another direct
233. In what ways may the belt and forth through a large angle, and as soon current generator, or a storage battery,
pulley of a generator be responsible for as the generator pilot lamp becomes and allowing the current to remagnetize
abnormal noises ? yellow the rheostat arm should be moved the field magnet . Care must be taken,
Both the belt and pulley may cause backward slightly, this being kept up until however, to connect the positive pole of
noises by striking against the bearings of the lamp ceases to increase in brilliancy. the separate source of current to that
the machine. This, however, is easily Then the rheostat should be manipulated field terminal of the generator which is
to get the rated voltage . If the machine to be led to the positive
remedied by mounting the pulley a little
farther out on the shaft so as to avoid refuses to pick up, all the connections terminal of the machine.
should be investigated to see that they are 237. In the case of a new direct - current
contact between the offending parts. The clean
belt, if laced or jointed, is liable to cause and tight, after which the operation generator, what possible reasons are
a pounding noise when the lacing or joint of shifting the brushes may be repeated. there in addition to those previously
comes in contact with the pulley. As this If the machine still fails to generate, the given for the failure of the machine to
noise occurs but once during each com
entire resistance in the field rheostat generate current ?
ution of the belt, the cause may should be cut out, and lest there be a poor One possibility is that the direction of
plete be detected from the periodic connection in the outer part of the shunt rotation of the armature may be wrong, or
nature of the sound. The remedy is circuit, the shunt field coils should be it may be that the relation of the field
obvious. An endless belt should always connected directly across the main termi-
nals or leads. If the brushes be then
winding connection with respect to the
polarity of the brushes is not correct. In
be used with electrical machines. It
moved back and forth over the commuta either of these cases, the machine can be
sometimes happens that the belt makes a
squeaking noise, caused by its slipping on tor, the machine will generate, unless made to generate by using an external
the pulley when the machine is heavily there is something radically wrong. If source of current to excite the fields, but
loaded . If the load be reduced, the the dynamo be series -wound, its field may some experimenting may be necessary to
squeaking will cease. In case the load possibly be excited by temporarily short- get the connections right. It may be
cannot be reduced, the tightening of the circuiting the main leads, care being possible to remedy the trouble by reversing
belt may prove beneficial; if this does taken to provide a means of immediately the direction of rotation of the armature,
not remedy matters, a wider pulley and breaking the circuit, or interposing resist- or by reversing the connections of either
wider belt must be substituted for those
ance, as the machine picks up. If this the brushes or the field winding, but not of
in use. precaution is not taken, the armature is both the brushes and the field winding.
liable to be burned out. 238. Illustrate and describe the usual
If the pulley is not perfectly balanced,
it will cause vibrations of the machine 236. If all of the directions just given arrangements of circuits in the armaturos
which will produce noise. This defect fail to cause a direct-current dynamo to of direct-current generators, and give the
may be detected by the fact that the in- produce current , what should next be done ? tosition and number of brushes that
tensity of the vibrations varies consid The machine should be shut down and should be used in each case for proper
given a close examination . First of all , operation.
erably at different speeds. It may be
the brushes should be examined again to The ordinary two-pole machine is
remedied in the same manner as pre
viously explained in connection with see that they are in the proper position shown diagrammatically by Fig. 46. There
relatively to each other ; care should also
Question 217, as to balancing an armature. be taken that the entire contact surface are two brushes or groups of brushes
placed directly opposite, or 180 degrees
It may also be noted here that a poorly of each brush comes in contact with the apart, on the commutator, opposite the
balanced armature will cause vibrations
of the generator, and therefore noise, in commutator.
in many small
This is an important matter spaces between the poles, and from brush
precisely the same way as does a poorly close attention dynamos, and unless given to brush there are two circuits through
may prove troublesome. the armature .
balanced pulley .
All connections being tight, the field wind- In the four-pole winding, shown
234. What parts of a generator are ings should be tested with a magneto-bell diagrammatically in Fig. 47, four brushes
liable to produce a singing noise ? or a battery and electric bell , to see that or brush-groups are employed, which are
Carbon brushes, if not given sufficient there is no open -circuit them . A short- spaced 90 degrees apart. The four brushes
slant from the surface of the commutator, circuit must also be looked for ; this defect or groups form two pairs in which the
or if too hard or gritty, will sing. The would not occur within a coil, except it positive brushes are joined together and
commutator, if sticky or not sufficiently be a partial one, and in such a case the the negative brushes are joined together.
smooth, will cause the brushes to produce machine would not refuse to generate. There are therefore four circuits through
a similar noise. If the plates of a The short-circuit might occur externally, the armature, the current dividing among
laminated field or armature core are loose, in which case it might be visible, or it them as represented by arrows.
or if one of them projects slightly beyond might be due to two or more grounds In the four-pole machine illustrated in
its neighbors, a singing noise will result, which could be detected by testing for this Fig. 48, the armature winding is cross
and a piece of paper or a layer of insula- defect in the usual way. The machine connected so that instead of four brushes
82 POWER February, 1906.
or groups as in Fig. 47, there are two drum-wound armature shown in Fig. 51 , the engine-room, but was detached from
brushes or groups spaced 90 degrees apart, two, four, six, or eight groups of brushes the factory. It was equipped with two
through one of which the entire current may be employed. When two groups are horizontal boilers, one of which was used
generated in the armature passes out and used they are spaced 135 degrees apart, on the night run and was the one which
through the other, returns. As indicated but it is usual to have more than two exploded. It had been in use about six
by the brushes shown dotted, there may groups in this type of machine on account teen years. Besides wrecking the boiler
if desired be four brushes or groups of the great length of commutator that house, as shown, it set fire to the wood.
employed, spaced 90 degrees apart. They would be required in order to provide work of the engine-room, but the fire


Power NY.

S 3
Power VI. Power M. Y ..

FIG. 46. FIG . 47. FIG. 48.

would then be divided into two pairs in sufficient brush - contact surface with two
which the positive brushes would be groups.
joined together, and the negative brushes
also joined together as in Fig. 47. Boiler Explosion at Providence, R.I.
Whether there be two or four brushes or
groups employed, there would be four Through the courtesy of a correspond
circuits through the armature. ent we are enabled to present herewith
In the four-pole winding shown in two views of the disastrous results of





was extinguished without doing much

damage. The factory building was prac
N N tically undamaged . The direct cause of
the explosion was not manifest at the

Power ... Power X. Y.


Poucer, N.Y.
time these particulars reached us. The
FIG. 49 . FIG . 50. FIG . 51 .
engineer had just left the boiler-room
Fig. 49, the armature winding has only a boiler explosion at Providence, R. I., to oil the engine, thereby escaping serious
two paths through it, and two brushes, which occurred at the boiler -house of injury. Fig. I depicts the ruins of the
instead of four paths in parallel as in the the Franklin Machine Company at 11:15 boiler-house, while Fig. 2 shows in a
previous cases. The two brushes are P. M., December 18 last. The boiler measure, in addition to the building
spaced 90 degrees apart, and the armature
winding is of the ring type. Although
the poles are alternately of north and
south polarities, the conductors are ar

ranged so that the current flows in a

single pair of circuits as was the case in
Fig. 46. Since, however, there are twice
as many conductors joined in series here
as there are in Fig. 46, a smaller number
of turns of larger wire may be employed.
As in Fig. 48, four brushes may be used
here if it be desired to obtain greater
brush - commutator contact surface.
A four-pole, drum-wound armature is
represented in Fig. 50. The conductors
are held in slots in the periphery of the
armature core , the end connections on the
nearer head being shown by solid lines
and those across the far end by dotted
lines. There is only one turn per coil
and the winding has only two parallel
paths, as in the preceding case , with two
brushes spaced 90 degrees apart. Four FIG . 1 . SHOWING WRECK OF BOILER - HOUSE .
brushes instead of two may be used . house was one story in height, built of wreckage, the damage done to the ma
In the eight-pole, single-turn, two -path brick with reinforced walls. It adjoined chinery and the remaining boiler.
February, 1906. POWER 83

Why the Steam Turbine Is not more pounds per square inch absolute to 40 Fahr., when expanded down to the same
Efficient. pounds per square inch absolute. Under terminal pressure, is only 45,000 foot
ideal conditions the kinetic energy ob- pounds. The friction and eddies have,
BY R. M. NEILSON . would be 97,000 foot- pounds.
tained therefore, caused a loss of 7,000 foot
Suppose that this kinetic energy is pro- pounds of the energy which is available
It is well known that there is in steam duced in a turbine, but that 20 per cent. for converting into useful work. This is
turbines very little friction of the nature of it is converted back into heat. This for every pound of steam supplied to the
of that which occurs in reciprocating heat is given to the fluid at a constant turbine. Now every pound of steam sup
steam engines. The friction in the bear-pressure of 40 pounds per square inch , or plied to the turbine at 200 pounds pres
a pressure which rises slightly starting sure brings with it 200,000 foot-pounds of
ings of a steam turbine is very small and
can absorb only a very small percentage from 40 pounds. The Auid will have be- energy which is available for conversion
of the power given out by the turbine comewet during the expansion ; it will, in into useful work when the terminal pres
spindle. The loss which in reciprocating fact, be 7 per cent. water, or have a dry- sure is one pound absolute. The loss of
ness fraction of 0.93 . The heat now given available energy through friction and ed
engines is due to initial condensation is
to the Auid will dry it and superheat it, dies is, therefore, 2.7 per cent. This is
absent or almost absent in steam turbines
after these have got heated up and are raising its temperature from 267 degrees the loss for the expansion of the steam
running normally . Leakage past valves Fahr . to about 291 degrees Fahr. The from 200 pounds to 40 pounds. During
which may account for a large consump- exact value depends upon the specific heat the further expansion of the steam more
tion of steam in a reciprocating engine lcss will be incurred and the percentage
cannot be a source of loss in a steam tur B с D loss increases as the lower limit of tem
bine, or at least not in the same manner perature is reached . In this manner a
or to any great extent. A turbine, more considerable fraction of the total available
over, can expand the steam approximately energy of the steam is wasted.
to the pressure in the condenser. A re To those accustomed to read entropy
ciprocating engine of practicable dimen temperature diagrams the matter can be
sions cannot do this, by a long way, and explained shortly and clearly by means of
has to discharge the steam with a large A the accompanying figure. A B represents
L к
amount of available energy not extracted . the heating of feed-water from a pressure
It may be asked, then, why is aa steam of one pound per square inch absolute to
turbine not very much more efficient than a pressure of 200 pounds per square inch
a reciprocating engine ? How is it that absolute. BD represents the generation
with all these disadvantages reciprocating of steam at 200 pounds absolute pressure.
engines can still compete with turbines ? D K represents the isentropic expansion
The explanation is that in a turbine of this steam, and K A the isothermal
there are fluid frictional and eddy losses withdrawal of heat from the fluid to re
which are practically non -existent in re turn the fluid to its original condition at
ciprocating engines. The heat energy of A. The total heat supplied to the fluid is
the steam has to be converted into kinetic represented by the area M ABD H. The
energy before it can be utilized in the tur portion of this which is converted into
bine buckets. In a perfect turbine all this work is represented by the area A B D K
kinetic energy would be utilized to rotate M
and in the case of a turbine all of this at
the turbine spindle. In practice, no matter Pureer. W.Y. one time or another is in the form of
what turbine is employed, a considerable ILLUSTRATING LOSS OF ENERGY BY FRICTION kinetic energy. This is for an ideal ma
portion of the kinetic energy gets convert AND EDDY CURRENTS . chine.
ed back into heat, owing to friction and When there are frictional or other
eddies. It may be possible to reduce the of steam and other conditions ; what we losses which absorb kinetic energy and
amount of this reconversion back to heat ; have assumed is good enough for the ar- convert it into heat, the expansion line
it is impossible to altogether eliminate it. gument. D H is replaced by another line or lines
It may be thought, on a hasty considera- Therefore, for every pound of steam of regular or irregular form . D E F may
supplied to the turbine at 200 pounds represent the expansion line in one pos
tion of the subject, that there is no loss
by this conversion and reconversion by pressure 20 per cent., or 0.2 pounds, is con- sible case, the heat obtained from the
reason of the law of the conservation of verted into steam at 40 pounds pressure, kinetic energy being in this case added
energy. There is, however, a most decided superheated to 291 degrees Fahr. Now , continuously to the steam during expan
loss . There is, in fact, the same kind of we desire to get further work out of the sion. In practice some of this heat will
loss as would occur if we applied a water- steam and the work which we can get escape, but assume that it is all given to
cooled brake to an engine fly-wheel, and out of steam at 40 pounds pressure super the fluid. Then from the area A B D E,
so heated the feed-water for the boiler. heated to 291 degrees Fahr., is not as great which now represents the heat energy.
For every foot-pound of work expended as the work we can get out of the same converted into work, an amount will have
by the engine we should get an equivalent weight of saturated steam at 200 pounds to be deducted equal to the area H DEF.
amount of heat and most of this would pressure. Make the area LCD K equal to the area
go into the water ; but it will be obvious Suppose that our condenser pressure is H D E F. Then the net work given to
to every practical engineer that the pro- one pound absolute, which corresponds to the turbine vanes will be represented by
cess would be decidedly wasteful . a vacuum of 28 inches of mercury when the area A B C L and the ratio of the
In the case of the turbine, it is true that the barometer is at 30. The amount of area L C D K to the area A B D K will
the heat energy converted back from energy obtainable from 0.2 pound of sat- represent the fraction of the available en
kinetic energy and given to the steam is urated steam at 200 pounds pressure when ergy which is lost due to friction or eddies.
equivalent in amount to the heat energy expanded down to one pound absolute is There is of course no reason why D E
given up to produce that kinetic energy. 52,000 foot-pounds, while the amount of should be a straight line ; it is only drawn
It is not, however, of the same value to energy obtainable from 0.2 pound of su- straight in the present case for the sake of
us. Suppose that one pound of saturated perheated steam at a pressure of 40 simplicity. Its nature will depend upon
steam expands in a nozzle from 200 pounds and a temperature of 291 degrees the nature of the turbine.
84 POWER February , 1906 .

This loss in steam turbines is reduced the scratch, leaving sharp edges. These
by superheating the steam and so reducing
Engine -Room Chemistry . should be removed by rotating the tubing
fluid friction. It is also affected by the against the file, otherwise they will cut
construction and arrangement of vanes BY AUGUSTUS H. GILL, PH.D.
the rubber connector or cork like a knife.
and nozzles . We may hope to reduce the Now, with a round file make two holes
loss, but we can never eliminate it. ( Copyright 1905 by The Hill Publishing Co. ) through the cork and fit the thistle tube
into one and the elbow into the other, tak
EXPERIMENTAL ILLUSTRATIONS. ing care that they make a snug fit. In
Portable Air - Compressors for Panama The following experiments will illus- fitting these tubes they should be wrapped
Canal. trate some of the points brought out in with several thicknesses of towel, not held
previous articles regarding hard water and bare in the hand, as they make bad cuts
scale formation. in case of breakage ; they may be wet or
The Panama Canal Commission recently Hard Water.—Prepare artificial hard soaped to help their passage into the cork.
placed an order with the Rand Drill Com water by dissolving calcium carbonate in By means of the rubber connector, attach
pany, nf New York, for two portable air water containing carbonic acid as follows : the two elbows together, and cut off the
compressors which embody some interest Lime water is first made, then carbonic longer one, or delivery tube as it is called,
features. These machines are intended
pneumatic tools in general repair acid passed into it. Slake, with asmall so that when the generator sets on the
amount of water, a piece of lime as big bench the delivery tube will be about 1%8
work in the canal service. It is also ex inch from it. When finished the gen
as a marble, put the white pasty mass into
pected that they will be found of great as a quart bottle, nearly filling it with water ; erator will look like Fig. 3.
sistance in erecting the heavy machinery keep it tightlycorked and shake it from Six or eight bits of marble or limestone
which of necessity will be delivered in sec time to time. The clear liquid is lime as large as marbles are put into the gen
tions along the line of work. water ; to save the trouble of preparation erator, covered with water, and half a
The prime mover is a 16 horse-power a pint may be obtained from aa druggist. teaspoonful of strong muriatic acid is
gasolene engine, mounted on the frame of A generator for carbonic acid may be added from time to time. A brisk bub
a truck. The engine shaft carries at one made of a wide-mouthed bottle of about bling takes place and carbonic acid gas is
end the Ay-wheel and at the other end a half a pint capacity fitted with a good evolved ; this is to be conducted into half
driving gear fitted with a friction clutch. cork ; a thistle or funneltube; a piece of of the lime water, contained either in a
a a
Below and at one side of the engine is 3 / 16 -inch glass tubing a foot long, and a beaker or bottle. A white precipitate of
mounted a small Rand single- stage air piece of connecting rubber tubing 2 inches calcium carbonate results, and this, on
compressor of the usual type, arranged to long to fit over the glass tubing. Soften continued passing of the gas, dissolves.
be driven through the friction clutch. The It is not necessary to wait until it all dis
engine is, of course, started with the fric solves, but after the gas has passed
tion clutch free. The gearing is such as to through the liquid for twenty minutes or
give the compressor a speed of 150 revolu half an hour it may be discontinued, the
tions per minute, at which the displace liquid allowed to settle and the clear solu
ment of the compressing cylinder is 60 cu tion used for the experiments. The chem
bic feet of free air per minute ; air is de istry of what has taken place so far is as.
livered at a pressure of 100 pounds. follows :
While provision is made for connection Calcium carbonate + hydrochloric acid =
with an outside source of water wherever Marble muriatic acid
available, it has also been arranged for the CaCO3 + 2H01
machine to carry its own cooling-water calcium chlorid carbonic acid .
supply. A rectangular open tank holding Ca012 + H2CO3 (H30 + CO2).
about 100 gallons of water is mounted on
Calcium hydrate + carbonic acid
the truck in front of the engine, and a Lime water 1
small pump driven from the engine shaft CaOH2 + CO2
draws water from this tank and circulates calcium carbonate + water .
it through the cylinder jackets of the en Chalk C
gine and compressor. The heated water CaCO3 + H20
flows from the jackets to a perforated pipe Calcium carbonate + carbonic acid +
CaCO3 + CO2 +
above the supply tank ; it is here discharged
through a large number of fine holes and water = calcium bicarbonate
flows downward over a sheet of burlap to H20 CaH 2 (CO3 ) 2
the tank below, being exposed in a thin
sheet to the open air. To show “ temporary” hardness, boil half
An air reservoir 18 inches by 4 feet 6 a test-tube full of the “ clear solution , "
inches is suspended beneath the truck and and note that a white precipitate takes
between the axles . A gasolene tank with CARBONIC- ACID GENERATOR , place, due to the fact that the carbonic
a capacity of about 30 gallons is hung the glass tubing by heating it in the gas or acid is driven off which holds the calcium
from the truck in the rear. The entire alcohol lamp flame, rotating it to heat all carbonate in solution ; this precipitate is
machine runs on steel wheels. The total sides equally, and make a right-angle bend calcium carbonate . This can be proved if
weight of this compressor outfit is 8,500 with an arm 2 inches long at each end desired by filtering off the precipitate, dis
pounds . It has a wheel base 7 feet long, of the tube ; cut off one end 2 inches from solving in hydrochloric acid ( note the bub
with a tread of 5 feet. the bend, so as to get an elbow with 2- inch bling due to carbonic acid ) and treating
arms. The tubing may be cut by making the solution with ammonia and ammonium
It is announced that the Boston Elevated a scratch upon it with a triangular file oxalate, when the characteristic white pre
Railway Company will install two gas- and, holding the tubing in the hands with cipitate of calcium oxalate will take place.
engine stations in order to test practically the thumb nails together and opposite the To show the softening power of lime
the operation of such plants in street rail- scratch , partly pulling and partly bending water, add lime water to some of the
it apart, when it will break squarely at “ clear solution” in a test- tube as long as.
way service.
February, 1906. POWER 85

a precipitate is produced. The precipitate Cal 2 (CO3 ) 2 + 2 NaF EXPERIMENTS ILLUSTRATIVE OF CORROSION

is, as before, calcium carbonate, and is calcium fluoride + sodium bicarbonate . AND PITTING OF IRON .

produced for two reasons : first, because CaF + 2 NaHCO3

1. Effect of Pure Water on Iron out of
the lime water combines with the carbonic Access of Air . - Fill a 250 c.c. flask of the
Softening with sodium aluminate.
acid, making calcium carbonate ; and sec shape shown in Fig. 13, page 340, two
ond, since the carbonic acid which held Calcium bicarbonate + sodium aluminatet thirds full of freshly distilled water, heat
some calcium carbonate in solution is re- OaH 2 (CO3 ) 2 + 2 Na 2A1 204
+ it to boiling and keep it gently boiling for
moved, there is nothing to keep it in solu water sodium carbonate + + thirty to forty- five minutes. Tip it on
tion ; consequently it is precipitated. Lime 2H20 = Na 2008
its side without pouring out the water and
water is extensively used as a water soft calcium carbonate + aluminum hydrate. slide
+ into it two or three bright steel
CaCO3 2A104H 3
ening agent ; caustic soda acts in an ex wire nails which have been carefully
actly similar manner. Keep some of the Softening with sodium stearate. wiped free of any oil or dust ; cork quickly
" softened " water to try its action with Calcium bicarbonate + sodium stearate = with a soft, tight- fitting cork and allow
soap . Call 2 (CO ) 2 + 2 Nast it to stand a few days. If the experiment
To show the softening power of soda calcium stearate + sodium bicarbonate. has been properly performed the nails will
ash, add a pinch of soda ash to some of Ca( St ) 2 2 NaH003:
remain bright
the “ clear solution" previously mentioned, 2. Effect of Pure Water on Iron with
and note the familiar precipitate due to the The preceding experiments deal with Access of Air.-Repeat experiment No. I
reason just given above. hardness due to chalk or calcium car without corking the flask. Note the rapid
To show the softening power of various bonate - limestone hardness—as distin
ity with which the iron is rusted.
" boiler compounds”—trisodium phosphate, guished from that due to calcium sulphate, 3. Effect of Various Salts Contained in
sodium fluoride, sodium aluminate and or gypsum hardness . A hard water con Natural Waters on Iron.-Fill a number
others - obtain small samples from the taining calcium sulphate can be made by of 6-inch test-tubes two-thirds full of the
dealers, dissolve in water and add to the gradually adding half a teaspoonful of following, one tube of each being suffi
“ clear solution” and note the kind of pre- plaster of paris to two tablespoonfuls of cient: The “ clear solution" of calcium bi
cipitate formed. In all the cases up to the water contained in a mortar and grinding carbonate, the solution of gypsum or plas
present the precipitate has been calcium them together to form a thin paste. It ter of paris, these representing hard
carbonate in a powdery shape, which is not is occasionally ground for an hour, put waters ; ordinary well water, distilled water
as efficient a form for removal from water into a bottle with a pint of water and or rain water, or soft waters ; a decoction
as a flocculent or gelatinous form. In the allowed to stand for a day or two with of strong boiled tea or infusion of peat, as
case of the phosphate and aluminate this occasional shaking. The sameexperiments representing peaty waters ; distilled water
kind of a precipitate will be obtained. may be tried with this solution as with with about i gram'
each of common salt,
To show the effect on soap, treat some the solution of bicarbonate of calcium, al- nitre and sal ammoniac, representing pol
of the “ clear solution ” in a test-tube with ready mentioned. luted waters ; and of quick- lime, soda ash,
a solution of soap and note the curdy pre Effect of Boiling.–Note that on boiling caustic soda or potash ( Babbitt's lye - be
cipitate, lime soap, formed ; choose two little or none of the calcium sulphate is careful ) , trisodium phosphate, sodium
test-tubes of practically the same diameter precipitated . If it were possible to heat it aluminate, fluoride, or any boiler com
and put into one 2 inches in depth of the up in a sealed glass tube to 280 degrees pound as representing water softeners or
“ clear solution ” and into the other the Fahr., it would be practically all precipi- boiler compounds. Incline the tubes as
same quantity of the “ softened water." tated . much as possible without spilling the
Add to each of those, soap solution from Effect of Lime Water.-Note that lime water, and slide into them two bright,
a medicine dropper, noting the number of water produces no precipitate in the cal clean steel wire nails as above. Observe
drops in each case until a permanent lather cium sulphate solution, as it did with the and note the action on the nails half an
is produced. The " softened water" will bicarbonate of lime solution . hour, one hour, three hours and five hours
require very much less soap to produce Effects of Soda Ash, Sodium Phosphate, after inserting the nails ; let the tubes
the same lather. Fluoride, Aluminate and Soap .-Note that stand for a few days and note the results,
The equations below indicate what has these are practically the same as with the recording them morning and evening.
taken place in the various experiments : water containing calcium carbonate. If a The results of the experiments made in
solution of magnesium bicarbonate or sul the author's laboratory are shown in the
Temporary hardness.
phate were used, the results would not accompanying table.
Calcium bicarbonate = calcium carbonate+ be essentially different from the lime salts
OaH 2 (CO3) 2 = CaCO3 + * One gram represents a lump twice the size
here used . of a pea .
water + carbonic acid .
+ 002


Calcium bicarbonate + lime water = HARD AND POLLUTED WATERS, AND IN BOILER COMPOUNDS.
CaH 2 ( CO3 ) 2 + 0a0 2H 2
Time . -Condition .
calcium carbonate + water.
2 C.003 + H20 Water Hr. 1 %, Hrs . 3 Hrs . 3 Days . 6 Days .
Softening with soda ash .
1. Lime water .. Pright Bright Bright Bright Bright ,
Calcium bicarbonate +sodium carbonate =
DaH 2 (CO3 ) 2 2. Gypsum water . Slight rust More rust Very slight rust Some rust Consid , rust
+ Na 2 CO 3 Bicarbonate of limewater Bright Bright 40
slight rust Some rust
calcium carbonate + sodium bicarbonate . Less than About
Tap water (Boston )........ Slight rust More rust More rust
No. 2 thaton No. 2
OaCO3 Less than About 2
+ 2 NaHCO3 Distilled water.. Rust spots No. 2 that on No.2
Softening with trisodium phosphate. Peaty water ..... Bright Bright Bright Very slight Very slight
Salt water .. Very slight rust very slight Rust
thaton No. 2
Calcium bicarbonate + trisodium phosphate Bad spots About About 1
Nitre water.. Very slight rusti Slight rust twice No. 2 that on No. 2
30a 12(CO3) 2 + 2 Na 3 P04
Sal ammoniac water .. Slight rust More rust Very slight As No. 2 As No. 2
=calcium phosphate + sodium bicarbonate. Carb . soda water .... Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright
6 NaHCO3 Caustic soda water .. Slight pits
Ca P o + Aluminate soda water ....
( 6

Softening with sodium fluoride. Phosphate soda water ( tri )

Calcium bicarbonate + sodium fluoride =

POWER February, 1906.
Effect of Metals, Coke, Scale, etc. , on cloudiness or precipitate be due to car- was, however, that they should be ordered
the Corrosion of Iron. - Bind together, bybonates, it will clear, leaving that due to at once to the performance of this duty
means of a piece of florists' wire, two chlorids. Chlorids, as already explained, in subordinate capacities, as assistants of
bright, clean steel-wire nails, and with one are corrosive agents and come from rock- the older engineer officers.
end of the wire still attached to them, salt deposits and sea water. Owing to the absence of specific instruc
wind the other end around a small piece Except in the case of the boiling test, tions to that effect in the personnel bill,
of electric arc lamp or dynamo brush car- it may be necessary to boil down or evapo- combined with powerful adverse influences
bon, leaving perhaps 4 inches of wire be- rate the water in a porcelain dish to one- within the Department, for three years
tween them. Put the nails and carbon into half or one - fourth of its original volume. absolutely nothing was done by the
a 250 c.c. beaker or half-pint wide-mouthed If the total amount of lime and mag- younger line officers in acquiring engineer
bottle or tumbler, of clear glass, keeping nesia compounds calculated as carbonate, ing experience, and later, owing to the
them separated, and cover them about 2 sulphate and chlorid , as shown by a large number of ships kept in commission
inches deep with tap water, leaving the chemical analysis of the water, bebe- and the scarcity of officers, but little in
wire exposed. tween 137 and 258 parts per million, the that direction was accomplished.
Repeat this experiment, using instead water may be classed as “ good ” ; if from So long as the older officers of the
of the carbon a lump of soft or hard coal, 258 to 344 parts, the water is only " fair . ” former Engineer Corps remained available
some iron " hammer or forge scale," a ( An analysis of scale has already been for service at sea, supplemented by a new
piece of copper, of brass, a bit of zinc and given on page 406. ) body of warrant officers called warrant
two other nails . machinists, the engineering duty of the
As illustrating pitting, prepare half a The Engineer in the Navy. fleet was properly performed. Credit must
dozen pieces of bright iron or steel about not be withheld also from a few officers
an inch square ; in the center of each of Engineer -in -Chief C. W. Rae of the of the line who by their own personal
these place a bit of hammer or forge scale, United States Navy has the following to exertions perfected themselves in engi
a piece of coal, of electric light carbon, a say in his annual report regarding the neering, and served, or are serving, with
piece of copper, a bit of zinc and a small question of personnel : marked efficiency in most responsible
piece of the same iron . Put them all in PERSONNEL . engineering positions afloat.
an enameled iron hand-basin, into which Again I consider it my imperative duty The older officers of the late Engineer
a stream of tap water as large as a knit to invite the attention of the Department Corps are rapidly disappearing from active
ting needle is constantly flowing, and let
them stand for two weeks. The experi- to the Navy.
in the critical condition of engineering service. In my last annual report I stated
that there were 66 such officers at that
ment as carried on for six days in the That this subject must receive serious time. The number has since been reduced
writer's laboratory showed : With zinc, and immediate attention , the deplorable to 43, and were it not that the services
very little action ; with nails, some action ; accident on board the U. S. S. Benning- of certain retired officers are available,
with coal, about twice the action with the Bureau would already be experiencing
zinc ; with carbon, about four times the ton most forcibly emphasizes.
Five and one- half years ago a momen- great difficulty in finding officers for the
action with zinc ; with copper, about thrice tous step was taken regarding the per- various responsible positions both on
the action with zinc. This shows the pro formance of duty in the Navy. A whole shore and at sea.
tective effect of the zinc and the opposite corps of specialists was virtually abolished, So few officers of the line are taking
action of the coal, copper and arc-light and the duties performed by these special- up engineering seriously that the situa
carbon. ists were transferred to the line . The tion is becoming alarming.
Practically the same results were ob intent of the so-called “ Personnel bill," That the Department must do some
tained in two weeks with the iron squares ;
the instrument by which the Congress thing to relieve this situation, and do
all were more or less rusted by the ex authorized this change, was that all the that something at once, is only too obvious
posure, but the pitting was very marked younger officers of the Engineer Corps, to the most casual observer of present
with the arc-light carbon, the coal, the the corps in quest on, were to perfect conditions. Were the country suddenly
copper and the hammer scale.
themselves in seamanship, gunnery , and plunged in war the Navy would find itself
TESTS TO BE APPLIED TO FEED- WATERS . navigation , and were thereafter to per- in no condition to win battles. As neces
Boiling Test. Boil a test-tube two -fifths form both line and engineering duties in- sary as good marksmanship is the ability
full of the water ; if a white powder or discriminately, and at the same time the to carry our guns to the firing line and
precipitate appears, it indicates bicarbonate younger officers of the line were to perfect to keep them there amidst the havoc
of lime or magnesia. themselves in engineering and thereafter created by modern ordnance, and this will
Soda-Ash Test.-If, after boiling, the likewise perform indiscriminately the joint never be done with amateurs in charge of
water remains clear, add a quantity of duties. The older officers of the Engineer the machinery. That line officers can
sodium carbonate ( soda crystals or soda Corps, although transferred to the line at become good engineers has already been
ash ) half as large as a pea and continue the same time, were for obvious reasons proved, but they must have experience to
boiling. A white precipitate will indicate to continue in the performance of become so, and that experience must be
the presence of gypsum or sulphate of engineering duty only. Thus eventually acquired in subordinate positions . No
lime or possibly magnesium sulphate ( Ep- the line would be wholly composed of young officer out of the Academy but a
som salts ) . officers fitted to perform all duties con-
short time, who would not be given
Alcohol Test.-Add to a fifth of a test- nected with the movement of ships. charge of the deck except under the super
tube full of the water double its volume The younger officers of the Engineer vision of a senior officer, should be placed
of the strongest alcohol obtainable ( 90 per Corps were given two years in which to in charge of the engineer department of a
cent. or over) . A white precipitate shows qualify for these new duties. How well ship, as has been done.
the presence of sulphate of lime ; if slight- they did it the records of the examining Engineering logically belongs to the line,
ly milky, about 250 parts per million are board and the fitness reports on officers and the line should be made to perform
present ; if a “ good ” test, about twice this bear striking testimony. As all midship that duty earnestly.
amount. men at the Academy had been given for In addition to the care and manipula
Silver Nitrate Test.-Add to half a test- years excellent practical instruction in tion of the machinery of ships at sea,
tube full of the water a few drops of sil- engineering, no examination , other than there are other duties which the engineer
ver nitrate. A precipitate indicates chlor- that required for promotion, was demand- must perform and for which he must be
ids and carbonates. Add a few drops of ed of them for qualifying for the perform- fitted ; these duties are the designing, in
chemically pure nitric acid , when if the ance of these joint duties. The intent spection , and superintendence of con
February, 1906. POWER 87

struction of that machinery. The Bureau any one time. This would give a suf- various duties required of them, and have
holds, and it is not alone. in the opinion, ficient number in each fleet to have a earned the right to the consideration of
that the most successful designers of thoroughly competent engineer as chief the Department.
marine machinery are those who have had engineer of each of the larger vessels, and In the opinion of the Bureau the con
charge of it at sea. a sufficient number to enable the com- dition of these officers would be greatly
It therefore considers it most necessary mander-in-chief at all times to have avail- benefited by the following suggested
that in the line of the Navy there should able officers qualified to act in any case in changes, which, where necessary, should
be a certain number of engineering special- which expert engineering knowledge is be presented to the Congress in the form
ists - officers who devote all their time necessary. These officers would have of a bill for its action :
and attention to engineering, for in this among their assistants the younger officers 1. A large increase in the number of
way only can the most competent design- of the line acquiring experience, among warrant machinists . At present there is
ing engineers be obtained . whom would eventually be found those allowed by law an annual increase not to
exceed 20 . The present number is totally
As before stated, the situation is criti- who would take up engineering perma
cal , and something must be done. The nently and become specialists themselves. inadequate for the needs of the service.
Bureau therefore submits the following The Bureau believes that such a plan, These officers are kept almost continually
plan for quickly supplying the Navy with systematically carried out would soon at sea, having but short tours of duty
a body of efficient engineers : furnish the service with a body of com- on shore or leaves in which to visit their
All the younger officers of the line must petent engineers, and would place homes .
be given engineering duty, and must be engineering where it properly belongs, in 2. The establishment by law of " chief "
made to realize the importance of their the line of the Navy. rank. After six years' service warrant
responsibility. This duty must be at first So much has been written in the public machinists to be eligible to promotion to
in a subordinate capacity, and no officer press advocating the establishment of a chief rank, with , but after , ensigns, as is
should be given charge until his record separate corps of engineers, similar to the the case with other warrant officers.
shows his fitness for such duty. The one abolished by the personnel act, that it 3. The right to quarters on board ship
examining board must be strict in its is deemed advisable to state the views of among all warrant officers to be according
examinations for promotion, and before the Bureau upon that question. to rank. Warrant machinists are watch
the board engineering must rank with sea- The Bureau is opposed to the formation standing officers, the only warrant officers
manship, gunnery, and navigation . of a separate corps of engineers in the regularly performing duty at night, which
That in the line there shall be a num- Navy for the following reasons : fact most certainly entitles them to as
ber of engineering specialists, whose duty 1. Engineering, as the means of pro- much consideration in the assignment of
both at sea and on shore shall be engineer- pulsion of ships, logically belongs to the quarters as is shown other officers of their
ing. These officers shall not perform line. grade . On many ships it is the custom
duty at sea after reaching the rank of 2. Marine engineering of to-day de- to place them two in a room, no matter
commander. A careful study of the neces- mands for its votaries as high rank and what their seniority, while the other war
sities of the case has resulted in fixing as great consideration as that of the most rant officers are given rooms individually.
the number of such officers at one in every favored branch of naval science, conse- 4. Warrant machinists to be warrant
ten above the rank of lieutenant, junior quently a corps of such officers would officers of the line. The basis of the entire
grade. These officers shall be recruited require a certain number of positions of argument of the Bureau upon this ques
at the foot of the list of lieutenants — that high rank in order to insure a proper flow tion is that engineering is a function of
is, when ten officers reach the rank of of promotion , and there are not enough the line; therefore its officers, both com
lieutenant below the last engineering such positions of sufficient dignity for high missioned and warrant, should be of the
specialist, the Department shall order an rank to render the formation of such a line.
examination to be held of so many of corps justifiable. 5. Change the titles of the different
those ten who volunteer for it for the 3. The engineer force of a modern, grades as follows , viz : Upon appointment
purpose of selecting one officer to be high -powered ship of war is a large pro- to be called acting machinists ; after war
assigned permanently to engineering duty. portion of the entire crew of such a ranting to be called machinists ; after
In case there are no volunteers, that, by a vessel, and it is contrary to the ethics promotion at the end of six years' service
careful scrutiny of the record and fitness of military discipline that so many of to be called chief machinists. This change
reports , one of the ten be selected for the crew should be under the orders and would make the titles of machinists corre
assignment to engineering duty. direction of two separate and distinct spond to those of boatswains, gunners,
That officers so selected shall be given bodies of officers. and carpenters, the other seagoing war
a course in higher marine engineering for 4. There is a widespread prejudice
a rant ranks. It would also eliminate the
at least one year at some school of en- throughout the service against the forma- word "warrant" from their titles, a neces
gineering of reputation. tion of a separate corps of engineering sity in case they are given commissioned
That any officer of the line may im- specialists, which prejudice can not be rank the same as other warrant officers.
mediately request permanent assignment ignored. RATINGS .
to engineering duty. 5. The controversies and jealousies inci The Bureau respectfully requests that
The final result of the foregoing plan dent to two bodies of officers performing the Department consider the question of
would give a body of engineering special- duties of which the line of demarcation is the ratings of the engineer force, and
ists in the line of the Navy of about the very vague, so happily removed from the recommends the following as a much
following numbers and ranks : service by the amalgamation feature of needed reform :
2 the personnel bill , would be restored. Establish the rating of chief boiler
Captains 7 6. The efficiency of a separate corps maker at the pay of $70 per month , this
Commanders II would be no greater, if as great, as that chief petty officer to be appointed under
Lieutenant- commanders .29 by the proposed plan, based upon the prin- regulations similar to those which now
Lieutenants .33 62 ciple that engineering belongs to the line. obtain for other chief petty officers of the
WARRANT MACHINISTS . engineer force .
82 Another year's experience but confirms Establish the rating of oiler, first class,
Of this number, 62 — the lieutenant- the Bureau's previously expressed views at $45 per month ; and oiler, second class,
commanders and lieutenants - would be concerning this valuable body of officers. at $37 per month, in place of rating of
available for sea duty, say 30 at sea at They have faithfully performed the oiler now existing.
88 POWER February , 1906.

It is considered that these changes in Elementary Lectures on Electrical were trying to find the net forward force,
ratings are not to change the existing but neither of these conditions exist.
Engineering. –1.
complements of vessels, but that in cases The resistivity of a conductor depends
where two boiler makers are allowed, one FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES . on its material, and is usually expressed
shall be a chief petty officer, and also that in ohms per foot of length, the cross
a chief petty officer of this rating be Electric currents are the results of elec- section being circular and one mil in diam
assigned to all vessels of high power. tric pressures, exactly as a flow of water eter. The resistance depends on the re
It is recommended that at least one is the result of hydraulic pressure or sistivity, the cross-section and the length.
fourth the complement of oilers be oilers, “head.” The common expression , " gener- For a given resistivity, the resistance is
first class, and the remainder oilers, second ating electric current,” is therefore in- directly proportional to the length and
class ; also that all oilers now in the ser correct ; it is pressure, not current, that is inversely proportional to the cross-sec
vice be made oilers, second class, eligible generated. tional area. Thus, a piece of copper wire
for promotion to the new rating of oiler, Materials through which electric cur- 10 mils in diameter and 3 feet long will
first class, under the same regulations as rents will pass under suitable conditions have three times the resistance of a piece
now exist. are termed " conductors, " and those which of the same wire i foot long ; and if the
These changes are necessary in order to oppose the passage of electric current to wire were 20 mils in diameter, making the
such an extent that no appreciable cur-
give the men of these special abilities cross -section four times as great, the re
some opportunity for promotion commen rent will pass are called " non -conductors.” sistance of a 3-foot piece would be one
surate with the value of their services. All materials are, however, conductors to fourth as great as that of the 3- foot piece
Of the changes asked for, the establish some extent. The relative ability of ma- 10 mils in diameter. The accompanying
ment of the rating of chief boiler maker is terials to pass an electric current is table gives the resistance per mil - foot ( per
the most urgent. The boiler maker is a termed " conductivity " and the actual abil- foot of round wire one mil in diameter )
skilled mechanic and directs the laying ity is material
a given
ricalof shape of given .”geomet-
its “ conductance of the materials commonly used for round
out of work and has general charge of The
conductors and the resistance per cubic
boiler repairwork on board ship. Under actual opposition of a conductor is called inch of other conducting materials em
" resistance " and the specific or relative
present regulations there is no chance of ployed in the construction of electrical
promotion for men holding this rate, degree unit of of opposition
resistance is “ resistivity.”
is called the " ohm ;"Theit apparatus.
there being but one class for this specialty. is a " derived " unit , the standard of which Resistance
There is thus no special incentive fur Material. Per mil- foot . Per inch cube .
nished for doing good work, men of poor is a column of mercury 106.3 centimeters Soft copper . 9.59 0.0000006277
Hard copper . 10.15 0.0000006641
or mediocre ability receiving the same ( 41.85 inches ) high, of uniform cross Zinc .... 0.0000023000
section throughout its height, the cross Brass , with 35 % zinc .. 0.0000029193
compensation and privileges as those who Soft iron 67.1 0.0000037361
section being such that the mercury Galvanized iron wire . 65 .
are more capable . By the chance of pro- weighs 14.4521 grams ( 0.509782 ounce , Galvanized steel wire . 88.6
motion , increased pay, and the privileges avoirdupois ) and its temperature being 32 Phosphor bronze
Silicon bronze wiro ...
37 .
60 to 240
Cast steel
of chief petty officer a better class of men degrees Fahr. Such a mercury column Mercury
will be attracted for this rating, for which
the proper applicants are seemingly too has a resistance of precisely one ohm. The table is based on 32 degrees tem
few for present needs. - From annual re The unit of electrical pressure is the The resistance of every con
port Bureau of Steam Engineering. " volt ,” pronounced " vohlt.” If an elec ductor excepting carbon increases as the
trical pressure of one volt be applied to a
conductor having a resistance of one ohm,
temperature increases. For example, the
The Development of the Steam a current will flow through the conductor resistance per mil- foot of soft copper at
32 degrees is 9.59 ohms, while at 75 de
Engine. of a strength of one " ampere " ( pronounced grees it is about 12 ohms.
" ahmpair" ). The "ampere” is, therefore, In order for current to flow in a con
A writer in the Mechanical Engineer, the unit of current strength. The relation ductor, the conductor must form a closed
speaking of the development of the steam between these three fundamental units, circuit to the source of electromotive force
engine, says : “Watt's invention was fun- ohm, volt and ampere, is expressed in sim —that is, there cannot be a flow of current
damental ; not a mere detail improvement. ple formula shape, thus: in a conductor which is connected to a
His engine possessed practically all the I=
source of electromotive force at only one
main principles common to modern en ; or R : ; or E =
R I' point. For example, if a piece of wire be
gines . He used steam expansively, jack- in which E represents the pressure , I the connected at one end to a source of elec.
eted his cylinders, had a separate conden- current strength, and R the resistance . tromotive force, as in Fig. 1 , no current
ser and air-pump and controlled the speed Electric pressure is called " electromotive
by his well-known governor. By force, " being the force that causes elec
Electric Source

comparison engineers appear since his day tricity to "move " along a conductor ; elec
to have been asleep , except for short oc tric current was for many years termed
casions. Where, then, have been “ intensity,” and this term is still employed
the improvements during the last 150 by all European scientists excepting the
years ? The answer is : Increased steam English. It is from these two terms that
pressures ; steam used more expansively; the symbols E and I are derived. The re Per..YY
division of the expansion , and variation lation between electromotive force, cur
in temperatures between two or more rent and resistance should be thoroughly Fig. I
cylinders ; greater accuracy with which memorized by the student, and this will will flow in it ; but if the other end be
parts can now be finished ; quicker speeds be easy if one merely exercises a little connected to another point of the source,
at which engines can now be run. : . It analytical power. Electromotive force as in Fig. 2, current will flow in the con
is very difficult to say to what extent causes current to flow through a conduc- ductor in accord with the formula previ
steam pressures will advance in the near tor, while resistance, as its name clearly ously given .
future, but superheating will undoribtedly indicates, opposes the flow. It might seem Electromotive force may be generated
become general. ... To what extent at first thought that the resistance should or produced in three ways : by mechanical
speeds of rotation will increase is also be subtracted from the electromotive force, friction , as in the so -called static machine ;
problematical. The limit, however, has and that would be the case if the two were by chemical reaction, as in the familiar
not been reached . " expressed in the same terms and if we galvanic battery cell ; and by magnetic in
February, 1906 . POWER 89

duction, as in the dynamo- electric ma but nickel is not nearly so susceptible to or the bar is removed beyond its influence ;
chines used in power plants and electric- magnetism as iron and steel ; these latter such a magnet is called an " electromag
lighting stations. In practical engineering metals are used universally in the con- net,” and it is this class that is employed
the inductive method is the one of chief struction of commercial magnets. in the construction of dynamo- electric ma
importance, although the galvanic cell is The magnetic influence of electricity chines. The principles of electromagnets
of incidental interest. upon adjacent masses of iron or steel is will be discussed at length later on.
Electric Source due to a magnetic stress set up at right
angles to the path traversed by the elec
tric current. If the current is passing Steam Boiler Efficiencies.
along a conductor of round cross-section,
such as an ordinary wire, the magnetic BY JOHN B. C. KERSHAW.
stress acts in the circular direction, as in
Wire dicated in Fig. 4 by the dotted lines. The The increased attention which is now
Purer , XI .
strength of this magnetic stress is propor- being given in America and in the United
FIG. 2.
tional to the distance from the center of Kingdom to the efficient working of steam
Magnetic induction is the inducing of boiler plants is leading to the introduction
electromotive force, or difference of po of many methods and devices intended to
tential, by causing a conductor to pass reduce the heat losses and save fuel. The
transversely through the free field of a majority of these are patented. Whether
magnet. The free field of aa magnet is the patents are valid , is aa question which
the space immediately adjacent to the the author does not intend to discuss in
“ poles " or ends of the magnet. For this article.
want of more complete knowledge of the In some cases most striking results have
actual phenomenon, the field of a mag been obtained by comparatively simple
net is said to be occupied by invisible modifications in the furnace construction ,
lines of force streaming from one end or in the system of working. In this ar
of the magnet into space and returning to ticle aa large number of actual boiler test
the other end ; these magnetic lines are results, obtained under working condi
also assumed to pass longitudinally tions, are given to show that undoubted
through the magnet itself, forming a com gains in the evaporative efficiency of the
Puer , 2.7 .
plete circuit, as indicated in Fig. 3. With ordinary steam boiler installation are pos
a magnet of the shape here shown, the FIG. 4.
sible. That there is still plenty of margin
" field" is that space between the two ends left for improvement in the use of coal
the conductor carrying the current which under steam boilers is proved by the con
produces it ; this is crudely indicated in sideration of the following figures : One
the sketch by the distance between ad- pound of good bituminous coal yields 14 ,
jacent " lines of force." Now, if a bar of 500 British thermal units of heat when
iron be held near to the wire, at right burned in a calorimeter. This signifies
angles with it, so as to lie roughly in the that if all this heat could be turned to ac
path of the magnetic lines of force, a count in the steam boiler, 14,500 = 965,
large proportion of the lines will pass or 15 pounds of water could be evaporated

0 through the bar and magnetize its mole-

cules, as indicated in Fig. 5. If the bar is
of hard steel , it will retain most of the
at 212 degrees Fahr. for each pound of
fuel burned.
Now the best results recorded in the
tests herein quoted show an evaporation
of 12.3 pounds of water at 212 degrees
Fahr. per pound of fuel burnt, or an effi
ciency of 12.3115 equals 82 per cent. ; while
average results, with ordinary plant and

Power, W.Y. management, rarely rise above an evapo

FIG 3 ration of 772 pounds of water per pound
or poles which is occupied by the mag of fuel, equal to a boiler efficiency of only
netic lines. There are no actual lines of 50 per cent. It must be remembered , in
magnetism , but the direction of the mag studying these figures, that with a well de
netic stress is such that if a magnet be ( ) signed plant equipped with feed -water
heaters, preliminary air heaters , and every
laid on its side and a piece of cardboard
on which are sprinkled fine iron filings be other device for reducing the heat losses
laid over its poles, the filings will arrange it ought to be possible to turn to useful
themselves in lines about as indicated in account over 90 per cent. of the heat value
the sketch. of the fuel as determined by the calori
meter. That even the best results hitherto
Magnetism is the property of attracting
masses susceptible to magnetic influence . attained are 10 per cent below this 90 per
It is possessed by some iron ores to a cent. efficiency is no reason for saying it is
Power , Y.Y.
slight degree, but in engineering it is al unattainable. Some of the devices de
FIG . 5 . scribed in this article would undoubtedly
ways produced artificially by means of
electricity, which has the peculiar property assist in bringing one nearer to it ; and a
of magnetizing any material which is sus- magnetism imparted to it and become combination of all that is best in boiler
ceptible to such influence, when the ma- what is known as a "permanent magnet . ” and furnace design with wise management
terial is brought in juxtaposition with If, however, the bar is of very soft iron , might possibly enable one, even at present,
the electric current. Iron, steel and nickel it will lose almost all of the magnetism as to attain it.
are the metals which are magnetizable, soon as the flow of current is discontinued But boiler-house working is subject to
90 POWER February, 1906.

the economic law that high efficiencies are unnecessary condensation . Remarkably writer's contention that mechanical stokers
not always allied with economic results good results have been attained in newly are very liable to carry unburned coal into
from the dollar-and-cents standpoint. The designed stations, where the steam pipes the ash -pit, especially when provided with
saving in fuel represented by the increased from the boiler to the engines have been a chain- grate.
efficiency of the plant may be gained at too reduced to the shortest possible length by Turning now to a consideration of re
great a cost, either as interest on capital placing each engine and the group of boil- sults obtained in boiler tests, the following
outlay, or as increased wages for running ers which supplies it with steam exactly examples are given as showing what can
the more complicated plant. This view and opposite one another in their respective be achieved under the best conditions of
argument have undoubtedly tended to keep buildings. This of course eliminates the work with modern boilers provided with
boiler and furnace design in a backward steam - ring form of construction. devices promoting more perfect combus
state and to discourage inventors. “ Coal The heat losses from unburned carbon tion of the fuel than in the ordinary type.
is cheap," the manufacturer says ; " to make in the cinders and ashes from the boiler TESTS EY A. BEMENT ( U. S. A. ) OF Two
black smoke costs me, as a rule, only
plants vary enormously in different plants BOILERS OF THE HORIZONTAL WATER
£ 10 / 10 / 10 per annum , even in the most
and also in the same plant at different TUBE TYPE, GENERATING STEAM AT 175
strictly governed localities, and I prefer to times. The ashes and cinders rom any Pounds PRESSURE , AND USING THE
pay this sum and to burn my fuel waste
boiler plant ought, therefore, to be sys Same Coal.
fully rather than to bother about my boiler
efficiency and run the risk of spending
tematically sampled and tested in order to A. B.
more than I save on my fuel bill.” This find out what percentage of unburned car Lbs. of pure coal burned per hr . 1,765.75 1,446,56
is the usual attitude ; and steam users gen
bon is passing away from the plant. This Lbs. of water evaporated per hr.13,210.34 13,629.24
Lbs. of water evaporated per lb.
erally have fallen into the bad habit of is especially necessary with all forms of of pure coal burned .... 7.47 9.42
Heating power of pure coal B.t.u.
neglecting their boiler plant and of think mechanical stokers. An investigation re per lb .. . 13,633 13,633
cently made by H. Fay and F. Snow of Temperature of feed -water ... 212 212
Temperature of gases , final.. 594 442
ing that whether its efficiency be 50 per
four typical boiler plants in New York* Temperature of gases above air
514 362
cent. or 70 per cent. hardly matters , since supply
showed that from 3 per cent. up to 26 per Temperature of gases above
fuel is after all but a small item in their cent. of unburned coal was found in the steam temperature .. 217 65
total annual cost. What the author at Temperature of gases groalor
various grades into which the ashes and than B .. 152
Temperature of saturated stoam 377
tempts, therefore, to prove is that in most cinders were separated by screening. A Draft over fire , in . of water .
0.38 0.22
boiler plants it would pay to give more at Horse -power... 383 395

tention to tlie scientific side of fuel

large packing house using a mechanical Eficiency , per cent. of heat ab
52.93 66.73
stoker for its boilers yielded the worst re sorbed by boiler ..
combustion . While very high efficien Fuel saving of boiler B uver A ,
per cent... 20.68
cies, of 80 per cent. or 85 per cent. , sults, thus indicating the correctness of the
may be beyond the attainment of or Boiler B differed from Boiler A in be.
dinary plan and ordinary management, * Journal of the American Chemical Society. ing provided with baffles that caused the
May, 1905 .
the margin for improvement is at present
so wide that a 10 per cent. or 15 per cent. Total.
No. Quantity .
economy in fuel and gain in efficiency is
certainly possible without any great ex
1 Date of trial ... April 17 April 18 April 19.
Dendituie upon capital account, or without 2 Duration of trial . 24 Hrs . 24 Hrs . 24 Hrs . 24 Hrs .
any considerable increase in the weekly 3
Weight coal as fired ..
Moisture in coal..
0 %0
wages bill . 5
Total weight dry coal. 135,800 136,300 137,200 409,300
6 Total ash and refuse.. 16,460 16,540 16,640 49,640
7 Per cent , ash and refuse 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4
Test Results and New Forms of Con 8
Total combustible .. 119,340 119,760 120,560 359,660
struction . The theoretical evaporation 9 Dry coal per hour.... 5,650 5,700 5,730 5,690
10 Dry coal per square it . per hour . 14.25 14.40 14.48 14.39
pound of fuel of 15 pounds of
from and at 212 degrees is,
11 Total water to boiler ..
Water actually evaporared .
13 Equivalent from and at 212.. 1,487,000 1,505,000 1,505,000 4,497,700
of course , never realized . Losses by 14 Water per hour corrected .. 51,200 52,000 52,000 51,700
15 62,000 62,800 62,200 62,400
radiation from the furnace, boiler and Equivalent evaporated per hour. 157 158 158 157.8
16 Equivalent per square ft. grate .
17 Average steam pressure .. 137.7 141.5 139.4 139.5
steam pipes often account for 10 per 18 Temperature feed entering boiler .. 88.7 88.5 88.6 88.6
19 Moisture in steam .... .99 % .99 % .99 %
cent. of the heat ; the waste gases carry 20 Horse -power developed ..
1,800 1,820 1,820 1,805
up the chimney from 10 per cent. to 21 Builders ' rated horse -power .. 2,400
22 Per cont. builders' rated horse -power developed .
20 per cent. of the heat generated in the 23
Water evaporated per lb. coal..
Equivalent evaporated per lb. coal
furnace, and another 5 per cent. or more 25 Equivalent evaporated per lb. dry coal . 10.86 10.96 10.89 10.90
is accounted for by the unburnt carbon in 26
Equivalent evaporated per lb, combustible .
Calorific value coal....
the ashes and cinders . These three items 28 Calorific value combustible .. 14,100 14,100 14,100 14 100
29 Efficiency boiler based on coal . 79.1 79.7 81.1 79.6
can thus account for 35 per cent. of the 30 Eficiency boiler based on combustible .. 83.9 84.6 84.3 84.3
31 Economy feed -water heater .. 6.15 6.20 6.23 6.19
heat losses in badly managed plants. 32 Cost per ton of 2,000 lbs .. $1.35 $1.35 $ 1.35 $1.35
Radiation losses have been considerably 33 Cost of coal required to evaporate 1,000 lbs. of water from
and at 2120 $ .0655 $ .0651 $ .0657 $ .0654
reduced in the best designed and managed
boiler plants, and might, without doubt, be
still further curtailed if more thought and No. Quantity April 17. April 18. April 19 . Total .
attention were given to the choice of heat
insulating materials for covering boilers 1 Coal burned , lbs ..... 144,500 145,000 146,000 435,500
and pipes . The use of double walls for 2 Water evaporated from 11.45 ° U... 1,229,700 1,244 400 i 1,244,400 3,717,500
3 Water evaporated por lb. coal... 8.51 8.58 8.52 8.53
boiler settings, as well as that of air in 4 Equivalent evaporated per lb. coal . 10.21 10.30 10.22 10.24
5 Efficiency furnace and boiler . 79.1 79.7 81.1 : 79.6
sulation, is but seldom attempted , though 6 1. H. P. from area curve ... 51,300 48,000 55,000 153,820
this plan has much to recommend it, espe- 7 Thermal efficiency engines. 9.14 8.55 9.65 9.11
8 Total thermal efficiency .. 7.23 6.82 7.82 7.25
cially where a pre -heated supply of air is 9 K. W. H from area curve 29,200 29,500 34,450 93,150
10 K. W. H. from wattmeter .. 33,000 32,200 36,700 101,900
used for the furnaces. In this case, the 11 Error ( W. M. as standard ) .
Efficiency generating units , ratio areas .
11.5 % 8.4 % 6.9 % 9.1 %
double walled spaces can be used as heat 12 87.2 90.0
13 Efficiency generating units , av , instantaneous efficiency 86.1 88.2
ing chambers for this air. Steam pipes 14 Total thermal efficiency .. 6.23 6.08 6.96 6.39

are, as a rule, much too long and lead to

February, 1906. POWER 91

furnace gases to travel three times the hollow grate-bars. Table III gives test of which the exit gases escape. The air
length of the tubes. The gain in efficiency results, which were published by Mr. Fed- can be raised to 350 degrees Fahr. by this
by use of this device was 14 per cent. The den in the London Electrical Review . The method, and the gain in economy and effi
temperature of the furnace gases was re- boilers were of the Stirling five -drum type, ciency is noteworthy. Tests made with
duced to 442 degrees by the second boiler, and the fuel a cheap slack testing only the system on the S. S. Inchkeith showed
as compared with 594 degrees in boiler A. 11,888 British thermal units. an evaporation of 12.72 pounds of water
The fuel used was of poor quality, and TABLE 3 from and at 212 degrees per pound of
its theoretical evaporative power was only Fuel, Shireoaks engine slack.
Calorific value, including 5.2 per cent. coal, equal to a boiler efficiency of 82 per
14.1 pounds of water per pound of fuel. moisture, B.t.u .. 11,886.7 cent. The coal consumption on this ship
Even in the case of Boiler B, the evapora Total coal in eight hours , lbs.. 41,440
Average coal per hour per square it. of was, in fact, reduced to 0.98 pound per
grate , lbs ... 71.9
tive efficiency of the boiler was not very Total ash and clinker per cent .. 7.72 hour per indicated horse-power, which is
high ; but a saving of 20 per cent. in fuel Total water evaporated, lbs ..
Water evaporated per hour, 1b : ..
the lowest figure yet recorded for steam
was obtaind by the simple modification in Watar evaporated per hour per sq. ft of ships over a long voyage.
heating surface, lbs .... 7.14
the design of the boiler furnace. Mr. Be Water evaporated from and at 212 ° Fahr.
per hour, lbs... 51,096
ment asserts, as the results of these trials, Boiler pressure , average , lbs.. 196.8
that bituminous fuel can be burned with Average superheat, Fahr.,degrees.. 89
A Dangerous Practice.
Water per pound of coal . Actual lbs.
high efficiency and without smoke under Factor of equivalent evaporation from
and at 2120 Fahr. , including superheat 1.2196
water-tube boilers, when the furnace is of Average temperature of feed -water, Fahr. 96.2 Another fatal illustration of the danger
adequate proportions and is properly de- Average temperature of flue gases at
480 of entering steam boilers or vessels con
fan , Fahr...
signed, and when the firing is under sci- Average temperature of heated air enter
ing flues, Fahr ... 315 nected thereto for purposes of cleaning
entific control ; this confirms the author's Average co , in flue gases, per cent.. 16.2
without first taking the precaution to see
Average dratt at fan suction , ins .... 2
views on this subject. 84.9 that there is no risk of steam being ac
Efficiency, including superheat, per cent.
Tests MADE BY THE SENIOR ENGINEERING The efficiency of this boiler plant, if the cidentally admitted while men are en
STUDENTS OF LAFAYETTE UNIVERSITY IN figures are correct , is the best yet attained, gaged in the work is afforded in a case
1902, WITH THE GENERATING Plant OF to the writer's knowledge, with boilers of which occurred at the Cheltenham Cor
THE UNION TRACTION COMPANY OF IN any type. A correspondent in the London poration electric-light station recently. A
AT NORTH ANDERSON, IND., U. Electrical Review of April 28, 1905, has man engaged in cleaning a water purifier
S. A. pointed out, however, that the calorific attached to one of the boilers used at the
Babcock & Wilcox boilers, with chain- value of the fuel, 11,888 B. t. u . , has most works entered the vessel without shutting
grate stokers were installed at this sta probably been under -stated, and he gives the blow -off tap which he had opened to
tion, and the nominal horse-power was figures and calculations showing that the empty the vessel, with the result that
over 2,000 , so the station was one of mod calorific value was more probably 12,975 when one of the other boilers was blown
erate size. These tests were very com B. t. u. If this correction be made, the off steam and hot water backed into the
plete, as evidenced by the tabulated figures,
efficiency of the boiler plant at Neepsend purifier and so severely scalded the un
and showed an evaporation of 10.24 pounds would work out to 77.7 per cent. instead of fortunate man that he died a day or two
of water per pound of fuel, with an effi to 84.9 per cent. Nevertheless, taking the ago. During the past twelve months sev
ciency for the boiler plant of 79.6 per cent. correct figures as lying between these two eral cases of fatal scalding have occurred
The fuel again was of poor quality, having extremes, the efficiency is still a strikingly from negligence of this kind, and it would
a calorific value of only 12,500 B. t. u., high one and proves the value of any ar- seem almost impossible to protect ignorant
and the results must be considered good rangement for utilizing the heat of the men against their own stupidity. Rea
for the conditions under which the plant exit gases in heating the air supply to the sonable precaution would prevent these
was working. furnaces. sad occurrences, and it cannot be too
strongly impressed on all boiler attendants
that where a range of boilers is connected
to a common blow - off pipe and one or
more of the boilers are laid off, those in
charge should never open a blow-out tap
without first making sure that the blow
off cocks of the empty boilers are closed ;
and any one entering one boiler in a range
should take care to see that there is no
risk of steam being admitted while he is
inside either through the blow-off tap or
a steam connection. Such precautions
seem so self-evident as to be hardly worth
repeating, but experience shows that they
are too often neglected, and that familiar
ity with risks is apt to breed a contempt
that ends disastrously.-The Mechanical

PLANT EMPLOYING FEDDEN'S HOT - AIR ARRANGEMENT. The freezing of cooling water for the
FEDDEN'S Hot-AIR ARRANGEMENT FOR Use The Ellis & Eaves system of induced jackets of internal combustion engines
WITH HOLLOW GRATE -BARS AND IN- draft is one designed to provide a supply may be guarded against, it is said, by the
DUCED DRAFT. of hot air for the furnace, the waste heat using of a 20 per cent solution of glycer
The plant employing this method of ob- of the escaping gases being utilized 10 in . Its advantage over the usual or
taining a preheated air supply is shown in heat the incoming air. As usually ar- chlorid of calcium solutions is that no
the accompanying photograph, and is in ranged , the fan is placed at the base of deposit forms on the hot cylinder walls
use at Sheffield with an Ellis & Eaves in- the chimney, and the air for the boilers is when the engine is in use.—The Engineer
duced-draft plant, and Bennis stokers with drawn through a series of heaters, by way ing Record.
92 POWER February, 1906 .

Producer Gas and Gas Producers. able and sufficiently cheap gas for power With a moderate amount of steam , the
purposes is burning the coal with an in- combustibles are increased by the addition
BY CHARLES H. DAY. sufficient supply of air furnished by pass- of the hydrogen , the inert nitrogen is de
ing a blast of air and steam through the creased, the calorific power is raised and
At first all attempts to produce gas fire. the temperature of the gas leaving the pro
from coal were made only to get a form The oxygen of the air first enters into ducer is lowered . With too much steam ,
of gas suitable for illuminating purposes, chemical composition with the carbon of the temperature of the fire is lowered to
namely, one high in hydrocarbons. Such the fuel, forming carbon dioxid . This such a point that excessive carbon dioxid
a gas was best made by distilling coal in carbon dioxid, passing up through the is formed.
closed retorts, which made a gas of very incandescent coal , takes up more oxygen Per Cent. by Volume.
Amount of Steam .
high quality, but also very expensive. and is changed into carbon monoxide : Moderate . Excessive .
CO , 5.30 8.90
Mudoch was the first to adopt this scheme C + CO2 + heat = 2CO . CO . ..23.50 16.40
and his gas was, roughly speaking, two- When water in the form of steam is CH , 3.30 2.55
H .. 13.14 18.60
thirds hydrogen, carbon, and hydrocar- mixed with the air blast and comes in con
bons . tact with the burning fuel the hydrogen In the primary combustion of carbon to
Recently, however, there has been a is liberated, and the oxygen unites and carbon monoxid i pound of carbon burns
more carbon monoxid : to 2.33 pounds of carbon monoxid, gen
strong chiefly
about of the gas,
for a cheaper
demandbecause growing in forms C
brought + H2O + heat = H, + CO. erating 4,400 heat units or about 30 per
favor of large gas engines. At first it was To these products must be added the cent. of the total energy of the carbon .
considered impossible for large gas en- volatile matter that is distilled off the top During the secondary combustion, CO to
gines to be operated as economically as of the fuel bed. This consists for most CO2, the 2.33 pounds of CO burn to 3.66
steam engines, solely because of the diffi- part of marsh gas ( CHR ) and hydrogen . pounds of CO2, and liberate 10,101 heat
culty of obtaining a suitable gas that was The other main constituent of the gas is units, or about 70 per cent. If the heat of
not too expensive. the nitrogen of the air first passing up the primary combustion were not utilized,
The numerous advantages of gas as a through the fire. either to impart a higher temperature to
fuel have long been known and all depend At the temperature of about 1,900 de- the gas or to break up the water, only 70
per cent . of the energy of the coal would
to a great extent on the fact that the grees Fahr., the minimum of carbon di
amount of air necessary for combustion oxid is formed when the air is passed over be carried away by the gas.
About three-fifths of this 30 per cent. is
under ordinary circumstances is about glowing carbon ; this, therefore, is theoret
twice that which is theoretically required. ically the best temperature at which to reclaimed in practice by the use of econ
The chief advantages are : work the producer. The percentage of omizers to pre-heat the air-blast. Assum
( 1 ) More complete combustion ; ( 2 ) carbon dioxid will also be less when the ing that i pound of carbon is oxidized
easy control of the air and gas supply and surface of the fire is greater. Other things by the water for every 5 pounds burned,
consequently the combustion ; (3 ) higher which tend toward a greater production the following will take place:
possible temperatures ; (4 ) less heat loss of carbon monoxid are porous fuel and 5 pounds of carbon burned
to CO (4 pounds gasified
up the chimney ; ( 5 ) no loss of fuel a finely - divided and deep bed , although with oxygen of air and 1
pound with oxygen of
through grates ; (6 ) no irregularities of these features must not be carried beyond water ) yields... 22,000 B tu .
firing ; ( 7) greater efficiency in transfer the point where excessive resistance to the 1.5 pounds water (which fur.
nish 1.33 pounds of oxygen
of heat due to higher temperatures ; (8) air -blast occurs. A weaker blast is also to combine with 1 pound
of carbon ) absorb ..... 10,330 B.t.u.
availability of heat of waste gases to pre beneficial because it gives longer contact Gas consisting of 11.66
heat the air. between the fuel and the blast. pounds of C0 , 0.167 pound
of hydrogen , 17.884 pounds
A certain theoretical amount of air is The volatile gases given up by uncar- of nitrogen , heated to 600 ° ,
necessary for any combustion. absorbs... 4.675 B.t.u.
This bonized fuel are also dependent on the Leaving for radiation and
logs... 6,995 B.t..
amount is variable and with direct firing temperature. The percentage of combus
it is hard to regulate. As the air has to tibles, especially carbon monoxid, is Total... .22,000 22,000
come up through the bed of coals, more greater when the temperature of the pro- Charging up all the sensible heat of the
air will be used when the fire is thin and ducer is higher and the gases contain a gas, the radiation , etc. , to the loss account,
composed of large-sized pieces. While greater proportion of the energy of the the gas carries ( 5 X 14,500 ) ( 4,765 +
burning, the coal is apt to break up and coal, although less gas is produced per 7,095 ) = 60,640 heat units and the effi
stop up the air passages ; this is especially unit of carbon. With high temperatures ciency of the transfer is 84 per cent. The
true of bituminous coal. Also, more air the tendency is more toward the produc- heat necessary to generate the steam is
is required to consume the volatile mat- tion of pitch and soot, rather than toward not taken into account, neither is the heat
ter when a fresh charge is put into the tar. Tests of a producer comparing hot lost in burning from 4 to 7 per cent. of
furnace. This greater amount of air is and cold working of the same fuel showed the carbon to CO2. This last item is
needed at a time when the passages a 20 per cent. higher heating value of the partly used to break up more steam and so
through the fire bed are the smallest. gas obtained with the producer hot, while the loss is not as great as it would seem
With gas as a fuel , the air supply may the volume decreased 12 per cent. on first sight. Since one- fifth of the re
be made to agree more closely with the With other conditions constant, the tem- quired oxygen is furnished by the water,
theoretical and is easier to control. This perature of the producer will increase 5.79 pounds less air is necessary, and the
means that the products of combustion with the amount of fuel changed into gas gas contains 4.46 pounds less nitrogen .
are less diluted with inert nitrogen and in aa specified length of time, and this is By the use of a gas producer, fuels that
other gases that retard combustion. Also, dependent on the amount of air supplied. are ordinarily unsuited for the production
as the heat evolved is concentrated into a Increasing the air supply, however, in- of heat , such as lignites, brown coals, tan
smaller volume the temperature of com- creases the rapidity of combustion , in- bark and peat , may be used. The most
bustion is higher and the oxygen of the creases the velocity of the blast through common fuels used in this work are an
air tends to unite more readily with the the fuel bed, decreases the time of contact thracite and bituminous coals.
gas. Because of their reduced quantity of the blast with the fuel, and if the per- Of anthracite coal from 2 to 7 per cent.
the burnt gases take away less heat from centage of carbon dioxide is to be kept is volatile matter. As the amount of
the system . The heat being of a higher low, requires a greater depth of bed. marsh gas in the producer gas corresponds
temperature is more easily transferred to The use of steam with the air-blast, almost exactly to the amount of volatile
the working medium . while it reduces somewhat the temperature matter in the coal gasified, it is safe to as
The method employed to produce a suit- of the fire, is beneficial in many respects . sume that this volatile matter is CH., and
February , 1906. POWER

that all the free hydrogen comes from the CO, 70 per cent of the carbon energy is the gas passes into the scrubber, consist
water vapor . contained in 679 pounds, or 0.70 / 679 -
ing of a number of trays filled with coke
Assume a sample of coal to show the 0.103 per cent. in one pound of gas. Thus over which water is kept continually run
following analysis : Carbon, 83 per cent.; when carbon dioxid is formed and the ning. This operation removes all the dirt,
volatile matter, 7 per cent.; ash, 10 per heat used to break up water, the energy is part of the tarry matter, sulphur, etc., and
cent.; five pounds of carbon burned to used in a very poor way. In special cases, cools the gas . The purifier, usually made
CO2 and 78 pounds to CO ; 80 per cent. of however, where the sensible heat of the up of trays of dry sawdust, finishes the
the oxygen obtained from the atmosphere gas is used and where the conditions for operation of cleaning the gas, which is
and the other 20 per cent. from the steam. good combustion are bad , a hot gas with then led to the holder. When the gas
The following results will be obtained : from 8 to 10 per cent. of CO2 is found to contains much sulphur, oxidized iron fil
Per Cent .
be better than a cold gas low in CO2. ings are mixed with the sawdust to re
Lbs . Cu.Ft. Volume. Energy. Bituminous-coal producer gas differs move it, and prevent the formation of sul
78 pounds burned to from anthracite gas only in that it con- phuric acid in the cylinder of the engine.
CO .. 182.1 2,470.0 31.5 790,000
7 pounds burned to
CO . 25.7 220.5 2.8 tains a higher per cent. of hydrocarbons. The holder acts more as a pressure regu
5 pounds hydrocar
bons distilled ..
Also, when the gas from this coal is lator and inixer than a reservoir, for it
5.0 116.5 1.5 117,500
123 pounds oxygen re cooled much below 300 degrees, these hy is rarely large enough to hold gas to sup
quired , for which drocarbons are apt to condense. ply the engine for any length of time. By
24.6 from H2O liber
erated hydrogen .... 3.0 568.0 7.3 186,000 Assume a coal to contain 70 per cent. means of an automatic connection between
98.4 pounds oxygen
from air liberated carbon , 20 per cent. CH., and 10 per cent. the holder and the main steam supply, the
niti ogen .... .331.0 4,470.0 56.9
ash ; 80 per cent of the required oxygen steam is shut off when the holder is filled.
Tota ) ........ 546,8 7,845.0 100.0 1,093,500 to be obtained from the air, and five The top of the producer is usually jacketed
Energy per pound ofgas .. .2,050 B.t.u. pounds of the carbon to be burned to CO.. to keep it cool , and this jacket water is
Energy per cubic foot of gas .. 139.5 “
Then we would obtain the following re- generally used to supply the water seal of
Energy in coal : sults : the tank.
85 pounds carbon burned to CO ,..1,237,000 B.t.u.
5 pounds of CH . burped to Per Cent . Anthracite or bituminous coal, lignites,
C0 , +4,0 ... 117,500 B.t.u. by B.t.u.

Lbe . Cu.Ft. Volume . Energy . coke, charcoal, peat, tan bark, etc. , may all
Total per 100 lbs ... pounds carbon
.1,354,500 B.t.u. 30.4 657,000 be used in a pressure producer, the design
burned to CO ... ... 151.6 2,054.0
1,093,500 5 pounds carbon
Efficiency 1,354,500
= 0.807, or 80.7 per cent . burned to CO , ... 18.3 167.6 2.3 of which has to fit the conditions of the
20 pounds CH , dis
20.0 466.0 6.9
case . The best results are obtained from
To illustrate the loss due to the forma tilled ..
100 pounds oxygen re
anthracite coal. No. 1 buckwheat is a very
tion of CO2, when none of the heat liber- quired , of which 20 satisfactory coal, and is the one most used
pounds from H2O
ated by the primary combustion is used liberates hydrogen
2.5 474 0
in working producers. This is sometimes
amounting to ....... 7.0 155,000
to break up water vapor, the following 80 pounds oxygen mixed with breeze from coke or coal bins .
table is given of the gases obtained theore from air liberates
The soft coal producer plant is a little
nitrogan amounting
tically when different quantities of the car to ..... .268.0 3,610.0 53.4
more complicated and expensive, both as
bon are burned to CO2. The statement of Total .. .460.4 6,761.6 100.0 1,283,000 regards first cost and operation , and if an
the percentage of energy given to the gas Energy per pound of gas ..... .2.790 B.t.u. thracite coal were not very much more ex
does not take into acount the fact that the Energy per cubic foot... 190
pensive than bituminous, it would un
increase in the percentage of the inert Energy in the coal :
doubtedly not be put in. The following
70 pounds C burned to CO . 1,019,000 B.t.u.
nitrogen reduces the energy efficiency in 20 pounds Ch , burned to Ćo , and 60
table shows what may be expected for
the poorer gases . 1,0 .. 471,000
the analysis , and shows that the gas is of
100 pounds of carbon , gasified with air : Total per 100 pounds .. .1,490,000 B.t.u.
a fairly uniform composition :
Pounds of car. 1,283,000 No ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
bon reduced Eficiency 1,490,000
0.864, or 86.4 per cent. CO , 8.6 8.2 6.0 1.7 4.1 2.5 2.0
to CO ....... 0 5 10 15 25 50 0 .. 0.4 0.8
Per Cent. of CO 34.4 31.5 29.5 26.6 22.7 12.9 CO 17.2 19.4 22.0 29.8 23.7 27.0 27.0

“ Co , 1.6 3.2 4.6 7.6 12.9 Primarily, there are two types of gas H 18.3 16.6 15.0 7.2 8.0 12.0 12.0
" N 65.6 66.9 67.3 68.8 69.7 74.2 producers ; pressure and suction. The CH 2.4 2.8 3.0 1.5 2.2 1.2 2.5
N .. 53.1 52.2 54.0 59.8 62.0 67.3 56.5
Pounds of gas 679 708 737 766 824 969
pressure type occupies more space, but at
Cu . ft. of gas 9,183 9,468 9,769 10,065 10,387 12,189 100.0 100 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Per cent. of the same time permits a greater range in
carbon en
ergy in gas 70.0 66.0 63.0 59.0 52.0 35.0 the quality of the fuel to be gasified . So The suction producer owes its working
B.t.u. percu .
It .......... 109.7 100.5 94.1 85.8 72.0 41.1 far, suction producers have not been very to the vacuum formed by the suction
much developed, except in the smaller
stroke of the gas engine. As no holder is
Taking into account the heat liberated sizes, but manufacturers are gradually put
required, a great saving in first cost and
when 100 pounds of carbon are burned to ting on the market successful suction pro- space is obtained. The gas on leaving the
CO2, and 70 per cent. of this heat is used ducers in sizes of several hundred horse- producer passes through a vaporizer,
to break up water the following results power. However, to-day the general prac- where part of its sensible heat is utilized
are obtained : tice is to use pressure producers for to convert water into steam and to heat
Per Cent.
by plants of a capacity greater than 200 the air. The gas then passes through a
Lbs . Cu.Ft. Volume. horse- power, or where more than one en- scrubber, purifier, etc., and finally to the
100 pounds of carbon to
co , produces ... .366.67 3,153 25.4 gine is working on the same system. engine cylinder. For starting purposes a
70 per cent of 1,450,000 = In a pressure producer the air and small hand-blower is provided and the
1,105.000 ; thig líberates
from water , hydrogen steam are furnished to the bottom of the gas at first is allowed to escape into the
amounting to ... 16.33 3,110 25.1
130.96 pounds oxygen from fire -bed under a pressure of from 2 to 8 air. When the gas has a rich enough
H2O combines with 49.2 inches of water . The blast, which is quality this by-pass is closed and the en
pounds carbon to form
CO ,; 50.8 pounds of car superheated, passes up through the incan- gine started. After this the operation is
bon combine with 135.13
pounds Atmospheric oxy. descent coal, forming gas, as already de- practically automatic.
gen , which liberates nit .
rogen amounting to .....453.00 6,115 49.5 scribed. The gas next passes into the In this type of producer only anthracite
economizer, where it is made to heat coal has been used with any degree of
Total....... 836.00 12,378 100.0
separately the air and the steam. At the success, and, because of the resistance to
From this it is evident that 70 per cent. bottom of the economizer is a water seal , the air blast that it offers, it should not be
of the carbon energy is contained in 836 to prevent the gas in the holder from smaller than pea size. A coal that con
pounds of gas, or 0.70 / 836 = .088 per cent. backing up through the producers and tains more than 10 to 15 per cent of ash
in one pound of gas. Burning carbon to causing explosions . From the economizer tends to choke up the air passages and
94 POWER February, 1906.

obstructs the cleaning of the generatot, Breakdowns of Electrical Machinery. speed, the shunt current is also reduced in
and therefore should not be used unless it
the same proportion, weakening the field
is absolutely unavoidable. Also, a coal and tending to increase the speed. The
that contains very much moisture or more The annual report of Mr. Michael
Longridge, chief engineer of the British two effects nullifying each other, the
than from 5 to 8 per cent. of volatile
matter tends to cohere and to form Engine, Boiler and Electrical Insurance speed remains unaltered, but that the
arches which prevent the proper working Company, contains some instructive de motor may continue to drive its load the
of the plant. Unless special stress is laid scriptions of breakdowns and other trou current must be increased to make up for
bles in electrical machines, together with the reduction of the voltage through the
on purification , the coal should contain as
little tar as possible. Tar tends to clog explanations of their causes and the rem resistance of the faulty contact. Judging
up the pipes and valves, forms a slow edies applied . Those which are likely to from the melting point of the fuse, about
burning mixture, and causes premature be of value to attendants of such ma 100 amperes, the voltage must have been
explosions in the engine cylinder. chinery in the United States are reprinted reduced by about 50 per cent. A loose
contact on a fuse terminal on a motor cir
The gas is very similar in composition herewith.
to that obtained from a pressure producer A four-pole shunt-wound motor of five cuit will produce the same result, and the
and averages about as follows : horse-power, taking current from the melting of fuses attributed to the heat
Carbon dioxid .. 8.0
outer wires of aa three-wire 460 -volt direct- generated by imperfect contacts is in many
Carbon monoxid .
Hydrogen ..
current system having a grounded neutral, cases due partly to the passage of exces
Marsh gas .. 18.5
0.6 blew a fuse just before shutting down one sive currents caused in the way described.
Nitrogen .. 47.0

night. Another fuse was put in, which A shunt-wound 4-horse-power partly
also melted . After much fruitless search enclosed niotor, taking current at 230
for the fault, the cover over the main volts, had broken down, and the inspector
terminal block on the frame of the motor sent to examine it found it at work, but
Loss of Heat from Iron Pipes. was removed, and a mouse's nest and a sparking so much that he asked the
This the title of a paper which was read partly- cremated mouse were found inside. owner to stop it for examination . On
by R. W. Leonard before the Canadian The mouse was lying in such a position taking off the side doors he found it in a
Society of Civil Engineers . It treats of that it must have touched one of the ter- filthy condition, the commutator black
the loss of heat from pipes carrying warm minals and the metal cover simultaneously, and rough, and the brush -holders covered
water. The author made experiments on and thus received a shock of 230 volts, the with oil and dust to such an extent that
1 -inch and 2- inch pipes, black and rusty cover being in contact with the frame, the ends of the brush - holder spindles, nuts
black, or ordinary type ; on 2-inch pipe which was grounded in accordance with and insulating washers were completely
and 28 and 26 gage, or 0.016 inch and 0.018 the insurance rules. The mouse had evi- hidden by the thick coating of dirt. The

inch thick ; on 2-inch lap-welded boiler dently been in the habit of coming home armature also was oily and dirty, and the
tube, and on 1-inch welded galvanized after working hours and going out before flanges of the bushings in the bearishaft
steam pipe. The pipes were filled with the motor started . By coming home early allowing the
worn almost through,
warm water and exposed to air. on the day in question it met its death. an endwise motion of half an inch . Noth
A 2- inch black pipe, 0.154 inch thick, A four-pole shunt-wound motor, rated ing, however, was broken . The inspector
containing 5 pounds of water, had a sur to take 45.5 amperes at 460 volts and run- thoroughly cleaned the commutator and
face of 2.20 square feet, being 3.54 feet ning at 625 revolutions per minute, had without
brush gear, and left the motor running
long. It cooled from 142 to 32 degrees been stopped on account of sparking, ex- sparking. The motor was sus

Fahr., and lost heat at the rate of 124 cessive heating of the armature, and the pended from the ceiling and inaccessible
British thermal units per hour in stili dropping out of the automatic overload without a ladder. Its neglected condition
air at 7 to 10 degrees Fahr. Cooled from circuit -breaker, which was set at 70 am- was no doubt due to its position .
126 to 32 degrees, the loss was 112.6 units peres. Seeing no defect about the machine A completely-enclosed shunt-wound mo
under the same conditions, and 217.3 units externally, the inspector attempted to run tor taking current at 420 volts was used
in an air current of 8 to 12 inches per it, but found that although the speed was for driving an ore-cutting machine in an
second at 5 to 7 degrees Fahr. of tempera- practically normal the current taken was iron ore mine. On receipt of a telegram,
ture, thus showing the extreme import- so excessive that the automatic circuit “Motor stopped, armature firing, ” an in
ance of non-movement. In water at 32 breaker would not stay closed, and finally spector was sent to ascertain the extent of
degrees Fahr., the same pipe lost heat at the fuse, consisting of eight No. 30 S.W.G. the damage. On arrival at the mine he
the rate of 309 units per hour when cooled copper wires, melted . was informed that the attendant, having
from 126 to 32 degrees, and at 269 units Having convinced himself that the mo- seen sparks through the window in the
when cooled only from 116 to 32 degrees. tor could not run , he made a more minute commutator end of the casing, had
In a current of only 1/2 inches per second examination, and finally discovered a bad stopped the motor. On examination , he
of water at 32 degrees, and cooling from contact between the negative supply cable found that the sparks were the result of
116 to 32 degrees , the loss was as high as and the main terminal on the machine, partial short-circuits established between
849 units per hour. Cooled from 142 to due to slackness of the terminal nut. He the radial lugs of the commutator by iron
32 degrees, a 2- inch pipe, only 0.095 inch tightened the nut and started the motor dust, which had been drawn in by the
thick, cooled at the rate of 136.7 units in again, when it ran quite satisfactorily. draft created by the armature. With some
still air of 7 to 10 degrees, of 385 units in The trouble was due to the fact that one iron wire and a pair of bellows borrowed
still water at 32 degrees Fahr., and of
end of the shunt circuit , as well as the from a neighboring cottage, he scraped
1,005 units in a current of 1/2 inches per negative brush lead, was connected to the and blew out the dust. The motor was
second. Thin galvanized pipes lost heat then restarted and worked all right . As
terminal with which the negative supply
at higher rates, and thin - tinned pipes at cable was making faulty contact. Al- the casing of the motor was, as far as
still higher rates.
though at first sight it is not obvious why could be seen, quite air-tight, it seems
a resistance introduced into the main cir- probable that it must have been left off at
The evaporation of 30 pounds of water cuit of a motor should increase the current some time, or that the dust must have
per hour, from a feed -water temperature taken and not affect the speed, yet a little dropped off the attendant's clothes when
of 100 degrees Fahr. , into steam at 70 adjusting the brushes. At the inspector's
consideration will show that it must be so.
pounds gage pressure gives a standard For, whilst the voltage across the arma- suggestion, a canvas cover was fixed over
horse - power. ture is reduced, tending to reduce the the open lugs of the commutator to pre
February, 1906. POWER 95

vent as far as possible the dust getting in This was done, and the sparking and wear this arrangement ; but having ascertained
between them . This has so far proved of the commuator ceased. that there were four bars in parallel, he
successful, and the makers of the motors A six-pole shunt-wound dynamo, giving could not see how the brushes in use could
have decided in future to arrange the 420 amperes at 240 volts when running at short -circuit consecutive coils and allow
commutator lugs of all machines for use 400 revolutions per minute, was reported time for commutation. He therefore
in similar situations so as to form a solid disabled. The inspector found one of the suggested trying new brushes wide enough
face in front of the armature winding. In armature conductors disconnected from to cover four and a half segments on two
another case, an enclosed motor, working the commutator through melting of the of the brush- holders . The alteration be
in a place where hard dry wood was solder. Not being satisfied as to the ing successful, the remaining brushes
sawn , was subject to occasional mild ex- cause, he had the steel wire binder next were altered, and the machine has run sat
plosions. The inspector who examined it to the commutator removed, and then isfactorily since. The reason for setting
attributed them to rapid combustion of found the space inside the conductors be- the brushes to cover only two and a half
fine wood dust ignited by sparks from the tween the end of the armature core and segments has not been ascertained.
brushes. These cases prove the necessity the commutator filled with dirt and solder, A series-wound 8 -horse-power motor,
for cleaning even completely -enclosed mo- some of the pieces being so large that a taking current at 200 volts, and connected
tors periodically. second steel binder had to be stripped off by a coupling on the end of the armature
A completely-enclosed Lundell motor, before they could be got out. In all about shaft to the hoisting motion of a crane,
taking current at 250 volts, broke down . half a pound of solder was removed after broke off its armature shaft at the shoul
When opened, the lower part of the field three hours' work. It is difficult to see der against which the coupling abutted.
coil was found to be saturated with oil how the solder got inside the armature, The shoulder was quite square to the
and partly burnt out. The oil had run except on the supposition that the con- shaft. The fracture started in the square
down from the bearings and accumulated ductors had been laid in their respective corner all round the circumference, and
in the bottom of the casing, which was, slots in the commutator lugs and secured gradually ate its way inward till the sound
as usual, unprovided with a drain. This the steel binders, and that the arma- core became insufficient to bear the stress
is but one of many similar cases which ture had then been placed on end, and upon it. The weakening effect of abrupt
prove the necessity of making provision the connections soldered ; but it is still changes of section and sharp notches in
for draining the casings of all protected more difficult to understand how the ma- shafts is duly appreciated by most makers
and enclosed machines in whatever posi- chine could have run with the commu- of steam engines, but makers of dynamos
tions they are fixed. tator lugs so frequently short-circuited, as and electric motors seem quite indifferent
A four-pole shunt-wound motor, run they must have been, by the loose pieces to it ; yet considering the enormous num
ning at 1,500 revolutions per minute, and of solder coming into contact with them. ber of alternations of stress in a given
taking 127/2 amperes at 230 volts, con A twelve-pole direct-driven dynamo, time on the shafts of these machines one
trolled by a main switch and a starting- giving 1,200 amperes and 235 volts at 160 would think that every possible device
resistance switch fitted with automatic no revolutions per minute, had proved un- would be resorted to to minimize their ef
load and overload release coils, was satisfactory, owing to heating of the com- fect. Considering that these small shafts
broken down . On arrival at the works, mutator and violent sparking. On testingoften make from three to four million
the inspector was informed that the motor between the segments of the commutator it
revolutions per week of 56 hours, it is
could not be started because the fuse wonderful that they live as long as they
was found that four were in parallel , but
melted whenever the main switch was the brushes were covering only two and do.
closed. A glance at the position of the a half. The commutator was 48 inches in A compound-wound six-pole dynamo,
lever of the starting-box showed that the diameter, and there were twelve brush giving 125 amperes at 200 volts when run
resistance was cut out of circuit, so that spindles, each carrying ten carbon brushes ning at 575 revolutions per minute, was
closing the main switch put the motor 0.98 inch wide and 0.59 inch thick. The used for lighting a spinning mill in
armature directly across the supply mains. inspector was told that the brushes on the morning and evening, and for
each spindle, instead of being in line, had charging a storage battery in the
The lever had been fitted with a coil
spring, but it had become SO stiff originally been staggered, each alternate owner's house during daylight. One
from neglect that it had not sufficient brush being a little in advance of its neigh- day on switching the dynamo on to
force to throw the lever back when re bor, so that the brushes then covered the , battery the fuses melted . The in
leased by the no-load coil. It consequent- three segments. This arrangement having spector who attempted to ascertain the
ly remained in the position in which it proved unsatisfactory, new brush holders cause found the polarity of the dynamo
had been left the last time it had been had been supplied with brushes covering field -magnet reversed, so that when
used for cutting out the resistance coils two and a half segments, and finally an switched on to the battery the armature
of the starting-box. A little cleaning and
i drop of oil by the inspector put matters
তেতে )

right. Automatic Battery To Lighting


Switch Circuit
A four- pole 25 - kilowatt dynamo, gen

erating at 240 volts when running at 900


revolutions per minute, was found by the

inspector to be sparking at the brushes

and to have its commutator worn fat at


two diametrically opposed places. The

attendant stated that the machine had
been sparking for some time, and that he
had noticed the flat places, but was unable Fwer, XY
to account for them. The inspector found
signs of heating and imperfect contact at
the points where the armature conductors expert from the makers had come over was in agreement with it, thus short-cir
were attached to the lugs of the flattened and fitted new brushes, again covering cuiting the system . The arrangement of
commutator bars , and advised a thorough two and a half segments only. The in- the connections is indicated by Fig. I ,
cleaning and resoldering of the joints. Spector could not ascertain the reason for which shows that any current Aowing
96 POWER February , 1906 .

from the battery to the dynamo must pass sistance into parallel with the shunt field approximately half a million dollars and
through the series coils in the opposite just before the circuit is broken . This will require two years to complete. A
direction to the current from the dynamo arrangement has also the advantage of large water storage tank having a capacity
to the battery, and therefore would tend first disconnecting everything except the of 50,000 gallons will be located on top of
to reverse the polarity of the field, and did shunt circuit, so that the armature and a nearby hill and a puniping plant pro
reserve it when the ampere- turns in the other parts, which are seldom as well in- vided, to supply it with water from the
Benictigan river, about a mile and a half
To Lighting from the station . This water will be used

Circuit for fire purposes in connection with the


coaling station, or for the use of vessels.

The coaling unit about to be installed
will be built upon a wharf, 250 feet long
and 75 feet wide, set upon clusters of
piles which will be enclosed in concrete,
and the dock of the wharf will be of steel
and concrete. From the outer edge of the
Power , W.Y. wharf a steel and concrete coal bunker
FIG . 2. CORRECTED CONNECTIONS . will be erected, having a capacity of five
tons of coal per running foot. It will be
series exceeded those in the shunt- field sulated as the magnet coils, are not ex- provided with chutes for delivering coal
winding. Fig. 2 shows the alteration sug- posed to the rise in voltage which even upon the deck of vessels or into cars. An
gested by the inspector to prevent a repe- the introduction of the non-inductive re- electrically-operated movable coal- unload
tition of the accident. The inspector was sistance does not entirely prevent. ing tower, constructed of steel, will be
unable to find out how the direction of
A series-wound 30 -horse-power motor, operated on a track extending along the
the current became reversed. It might taking current at 400 volts, had an arma- top of the coal bunker. The conveyors
have happened in many ways — for in ture core carried on a gun-metal spider will have a capacity of from 100 to 150
stance, the automatic switch may have with three arms threaded upon a steel tons of coal per hour. The coal- storage
stuck and failed to fall out on the open- shaft three inches in diameter with a shed will be of steel, with a concrete floor,
ing of the battery main switch, in which feather key and secured against a collar at 450 x 150 feet, and will hold approximately
case the battery would be short-circuited one end and by a nut 1/4 ins. thick and 15,000 tons. The enclosure will be divided
on puttingThe
in automatic
this switchswitch
for 334 ins. over the flats at the other. The by concrete partition walls, so that the
commutator segments were carried on a greatest amount of coal in one pocket will
then, indeed, fall out or the fuse would gun-metal quill having a collar at one end be 600 tons, thus preventing the spread of
melt, but in the meantime the polarity of and a nut at the other in the usual way. fire from spontaneous combustion. Elec
the magnet would have been reversed. The quill was held against a shoulder on tric thermostats will be located at twenty
Again the attendant may have put in the the armature shaft by a nut at the outer foot intervals, and will ring an alarm in
automatic switch by hand, without think- end, and prevented from turning partly by the office of the superintendent should the
ing what he was doing, before starting the the friction of the nut and partly by an temperature of the coal rise above a fixed
dynamo. In fact, so many accidents may iron peg 3/16 inch diameter stuck into a point. All of the conveyors and other ap
occur that it may be taken as an axiom of radial hole in the shaft and projecting paratus for handling the coal will be
good practice that the series windings of 3/16 inch above the surface to engage in electrically operated, and a power house
compound machines should never be in a short keyway cut in the inside of the will be installed adjacent to the coal
circuit with a storage battery. quill. storage building. This unit, as described ,
A compound-wound crane motor was Owing to low insulation, the commuta- will be supplemented from time to time
supplied with current at 500 volts through tor was taken off in order to test the by other units of similar size and type,
a double-pole main switch, a liquid resist- armature conductors, when the peg re- the wharves extending continuously along
ance starting switch, and a controller for ferred to was found partially sheared the bay front. Each wharf will accommo
reversing The shunt winding was con- through, the nut for securing the arma- date a battleship, which can be coaled, to
nected across the mains, so that the shunt ture spider off the screwed part of the the extent of 2,000 tons, in less than half
circuit was broken whenever the main shaft and hanging loose upon the plain a day.
switch was opened, and the insulation part between the end of the screwed thread All of the coal used will be brought
strained , and finally broken down, by the and the commutator quill, and the key- from the Virginia coal fields in tramp
high voltage resulting from the induction way in the spider worn 14 inch wider than steamers, via Suez. The cost is practically
of the shunt winding. It was not possible the key. Both armature and commutator $ 8 a ton at Subig Bay, as against $5 for
to arrange the connections so that the being loose upon the shaft, breakage of the Japanese coal and $5.50 for Australian
shunt circuit might always remain closed end connections and destruction of the in coal . The American coal is, however, of aa
on the motor armature, and some other sulation by rubbing might be expected . considerably higher grade and better
device was necessary to " damp down ” the adapted for use under marine boilers.
inductive effect which the breaking of the Naval Station in the Far East . In conjunction with the coal station, ex
shunt field winding produces. This device tensive marine and repair shops will be
consisted of a non-inductive resistance of built, in which repairs of any kind can be
sufficiently low resistance to prevent a The decision of the government to
dangerous rise in voltage when the circuit maintain a naval base in the Far East has carried out, and small cruisers and gun
through the shunt was broken ; the resist taken concrete form, and J. G. White & boats entirely constructed . Large floating
ance being connected in parallel with the Company, of New York City, will con docks will also be built to accommodate
shunt winding. Sometimes a bank of struct a naval coaling station, complete , the largest vessels in the navy.
lamps is placed permanently in parallel with equipment, at Olongapo, on Subig
with the shunt field, but this arrangement Bay, P. I. The present installation will
is somewhat wasteful . A better plan is to constitute one unit of the six to be built Multiply the height , in feet, of a column
use some special form of main switch ultimately, providing a coal storage of of water by .434, to find the pressure, in
which will throw the non -inductive re- 120,000 tons. The initial unit will cost pounds, of the column .
February, 1906. POWER 97

Trials of Suction Gas-Producer Plants. charge, to exhibitors submitting plants for were submitted for trial . The chief par
trial. No awards were made, and the ticulars of these plants are given in
The report on the trials of suction gas trials were arranged so as to test the Table I.
producer plants undertaken under the plants as nearly as possible under their All the engines, with one exception,
auspices of the Highland and Agricultural ordinary working conditions. were fitted with indicator gear, and pro
Society of Scotland, issued recently, con- It was suggested to intending exhibi- vided with revolution and explosion
tains some rather interesting data. The tors that each firm should submit for counters. The indicators used through
chief object of these trials was to afford trial two complete plants, consisting in out the trials were of the " M'Innes
members of the Society and others an each case of gas producer, scrubber, etc., Dobbie" external-spring special gas-engine
opportunity of becoming better acquainted and gas engine of suitable power. The type. The diagrams obtained were uni
with the combination of the " suction” gas plants were to be of the following capaci- formly good and reliable, and show an
producer and gas engine as a cheap and ties : (a) Capacity 15 brake horse-power, entire freedom from vibration. At the
convenient source of power, and at the to 20 brake horse-power, at full working conclusion of the trials, the indicators
same time to demonstrate that the suc- load. ( b ) Capacity 5 brake horse-power were carefully examined and found to be
tion gas producer is a practical and simple to 8 brake horse-power at full working in perfect condition—the pistons moving
appliance. load . freely, and the parallel motions being
The Society reserved the right to test No restriction whatever was imposed without shake at any of the points.
Scotch anthracite pea coal from Gart


shore Colliery was used throughout the


. mingham


Plants of about 20 Brake Horse-power capacity. trials. This coal cost gs. 3d. per ton de

, td.gyes

- nder

livered in the yard ; it was of good quality,







n, ear



and none of the plants appeared to expe





rience any difficulty in using it satisfac


Exhibitor ... torily. The coal was filled into bags from
a truck, each bag containing approximately
I cwt. Every effort was made to have
the coal thoroughly well mixed, so that
Declared capacity of each plant should be using coal of equal
gas-producer plant, 25 18 24 25 20. quality. Samples of the coal as supplied
B.H.P. 21
Price of gas-producer to each producer were taken, and found
plant, complete £ 94.10s . £ 105 £80 £72 £80 £ 90
to be as nearly as possible of the same
Total weight of plant, calorific value.
cwts. 35 25 35 25 25 28
General description of Previous to the commencement of eaclı
engine ... “ Acme" |" Campbell" " Crossley ” |" Acme" |" National" " Tangye' trial the producers were charged with
Declared brake horse
power of engine 22 18 16 22 20 19 sufficient coal—which was not weighed
Diameter of cylinder, to bring them up to their proper working
10 9 10 10 10
inches ...
Stroke, inches 17 18 17 18 19 condition, and the plants were required
Revolutions per min 200 220 190 to be ready and working steadily for 30
ute, declared 220 200 190
Price of engine, com minutes before the time of starting the
plete £130 £125 £ 110 £ 130 £ 120 £ 131 trials. In each of the power tests the
Weight of engine,
cwts . 60 66 54 60 78 69 time of starting was taken when the pro
Priceof producer plant £ s. ducer was filled with fuel to a prede
and engine,complete 224 10 £ 230 £ 190 £ 202 £ 200 £221 termined level, the ashes and clinker as
Space taken up by
complete plant far as possible having been previously
producer, engine ,
288 225 cleaned out, and the engine working
&c. , sq . ft.... ... 144 225 240 225
steadily at the stated load. At the end
of the test the producer was brought as
Plants of about 8 Brake Horse -power Capacity . nearly as it was possible to judge to the
same condition as to fuel, etc. , as at the
The start, and the fuel consumption determined
National Messrs.
Campbell Engineering Gas Engine Tangyes , from the amount introduced into the pro
Exhibitor... Gas Engine Co., Co., Ltd., ducer during this period.
Co., Hyde , Ashton- Birmingham ,
Halifax . near under -Lyne. At the beginning and end of each test
Manchester. the mass of fuel in each producer was
consolidated as much as possible by work
Declared capacity of gas 8 10 10 12 ing it from the top with a poker, in order
producer plant, B.H.P.
Price of gas-producer plant, to break down any arches that might
£80 £ 60 £ 65 £ 58
completo ... 15 20 17 have formed in the lower part of the
Total weight of plant, cwts ... 25 9)
General description of engine “ Campbell” “ Acme " “ National Tangye " producer.

Declared brake horse-power It is a well-known fact in connection
of engine ... 8 13] 73
Diameter of cylinder, inches.
8. 7 with suction gas -producers that after a
Stroke , inches 15 16
Revolutions per minute, few hours' run clinker forms in the gen
|_declared ... 230 230 220 220 erator, and, unless broken down by bars
£ 75 £80 £ 90
Price of engine, complete £80
29 25 40 40
from the outside, it is apt to cause a hol
Weight of engine, cuts ... low space in the fuel bed. Great care had
Price or producer plant and £ 160 £135 £ 115 £ 148
engine, complete ...
Space taken up by complete
to be exercised in removing the ashes
plant - producer, engine, & c., and any clinker from the back of the
square feet 160 288 225 160 fire, to prevent the main body of the fuel
in the producer from coming down. In
the power and working of each engine upon the exhibitors with regard to the those producers which were provided with
and plant as considered desirable, and size and capacity of the generators. Ten two or more doors on the grate level this
provided space in the show-yard, free of complete plants, exhibited by six firms, difficulty was not so serious.
98 POW February , 1906 .
Any unburnt fuel that was unavoidably the moment of inserting the firewood until quence they stopped running on several
extracted while clinkering was carefully the engine was carrying the same load as occasions owing to defective ignition and
picked out and returned to the producer. during the full-power trial, and this load other causes. So far as could be ascer
In spite of every precaution that could be it was required to sustain for 20 minutes. tained, the stoppages in these two plants
taken it was felt that certain errors of The average time required for this test were not due to any defect in the gas
measurement with regard to fuel con- seemed to be about 15 minutes. A tabu- producer.
sumption were possible , and on that ac- lated list of the times taken by the The plant supplied by Crossley Brothers
count the results should be taken as various plants is given .
did not complete the full-power trial ow
tentative. Two of the plants—the Acme Engine ing to the producer failing to supply gas,
Each plant was required to undergo a Company and the Industrial Engineering and it was compelled to stop at the end
full and half-power trial of not less than -we not sub- of 8.12 hours. This is greatly to be
Company ( large plant)-were
10 hours' duration, also a light-load trial jected to any complete tests. This was regretted, as the plant was doing good
for a period of five hours. It was also no doubt due to the fact that the engines work, and no doubt it could have com
stipulated that not more than two men TABLE 2. TRIALS OF PLANTS ALOUT 20 B. H. P. CAPACITY.
would be allowed to look after and at
Full Load Trial.
tend to each plant ( producer and engine ) . Messrs . The National Messrs .
By making the duration of each power The Campbell
trial 10 hours, it was considered that any
Exhibitor Gas Engine Crossley Bros. , Gas Engine
Co. , Halifax . Manchester, Co. , Ashton Lu . ,
under-Lyne. Birmingham .
error in arriving at an estimate of the Declared B.H.P. at full
fuel consumption would be minimized ; at working load ... 18 16 20 19
Duration of trial , hours 10
the same time, in view of the very small Circumference of brake
8:12 10 10

amount of coal used in the majority of the wheel (effective) feet 17:44 14:49 18:46 17.07
plants, it is necessary to draw attention Load on brake , lbs. 225.0 1970 1950 206.75
Spring balance reading ,
lbs . 240 12.2
to the fact that the fuel consumption ob Effective load on brake, 4.5 11.60
lbs. 2010 1848
tained may be slightly under the true Revs , per minute , inean 1924 1892
. 1930
195 :15
value, though the degree of error cannot Brake horse -power 20.44 15.35 20.57 19.98
Diam . of cylinder , inches 9.5 85 10 10
be large . Stroke, inches 18 20 18 19
Mean effective pressure , .

In the light-load test the coal consump lbs. per sq. in . ... 82 0 73.6 83.7 720
tion was not measured, as the object was Explosions per minute ,
mean 768 86.5 854 864
rather to ascertain the capabilities of the Indicated horse-power 23.73 18.25 25.54 23.45
Mechanical efficiency ,
producers to supply gas to the engines per cent. ... 86.1 84.1 80-6 85.3
when running without any load. All the Total coal used , lbs.... 1900 96 5 * 165.75 1660
plants that were tested completed this Coal per B.H.P.per hour,
lbs. 0.93 0.77 0.80 0.83
light- load trial satisfactorily .
If they desired , exhibitors were allowed Half Load Trial.
to remove any ashes or clinker from the Mess
producers in the course of and at the The Campbell Crossley rs. The National Mes rs.
Exhibitor Gas Engine Bros. , Gas Engine Tangyes,
Ltd. , Co., Ashton- Ltd. ,
Co. , Halifax .
end of the full and of the half load trials. " Mancbester . under-Lyne. Birminghain.
This was done with all the producers ex Duration of trial, hours 10 10 10 10
Circumference of brake
cept the Dowson producers, which were wheel ( effective ), feet ... 17:44 14:49 18:46 17.09
worked by the National Gas Engine Com Load on brake, lbs . 127.25 136.75 1330 1060
pany, and which were not cleaned out till Spring balance reading,
lbs . 24:10 32:50 34.5 1.8 1
Effective load on brake,
the close of the third test. lbs. 103.15 104.25 98.5 1042
At the end of the power and light load Revs . per minute , mear 1961 1980 1903 198.7
Brake horse-power 10-69 9-06 10.48 10.72
trials all the producers were thoroughly Mean effective pressure,
emptied and an examination made for lbs . per sq . in. ... 75 6 778 80-6 779
per minute,
clinker. It was originally intended to Indicated horse-power
53: 1 583 513 49.7
15.12 13.0 14.76 14.59
weigh the ashes and clinker, but unfor Mechanical efficiency, per
cent. 70-7 69.7 71.0 73.5
tunately on account of an accident this Total coal used , lbs....
became impracticable. On the whole, it Coal per B.H.P. per hour,
98 0 87.25 * 100-25 116.0
Ibs. ...
0-92 0.96
was considered that the total amount of 0-95 1.08
clinker formed during the trials was prac Average coal consump
tion per B.H.P. per hour
tically the same in each plant. The on full and half load
amount was very small, and did not trials combined , lbs. ... 0-93 0.86 0-86 0-92
Capacity of producer, per
appear to have any disadvantageous effect declared B. H.P. , cub . ft . 0.232 0.270 0.295 0.124
on the working of any of the plants.
Completed Did not com- Completed Completed
In arriving at an estimate of the coal both trials plete full load full loaù trial both trials
withouta stop trial, owing to without a without a
consumption of the National Gas Engine failure toobtain stop . Stop - stop.
Company's plants, it was felt that owing gas through ped for eight
want of water ininutes dur
to the clinker not having been removed in the pro - ing half load
ducer ; there trial , due to
from the producers at the end of the Remarks on trials
was a plenti- carbon depo
full- and half- load trials a certain amount ful supply at sit on igniting
the main . Loadpoints .
should be added on to the observed con on brake was
relieved during
sumption . This has been done. The half load trial.
The speel was
efficiency of the plants is in no way somewhat un .
der normal dur
detracted from by this. ing full speed
trial .
After the producers had been emptied
and allowed to cool, a further test was * 10lbs. and 71bs. added to observed consumption for presence of clinker at end of
made to ascertain the length of time full and half load trials respectively. Total clinker and ash collected at the end of
the three load trials = 20lbs.
required to get up to full working load ,
starting with the producer empty and had not been properly tested before being pleted the trial satisfactorily but for an
cold . The time occupied was taken from erected in the test shed, and in conse- error of judgment on the part of the
February, 1906. POWER 99

attendant with regard to the manipula- trials without a stop, it is not likely that doubt that they could easily have worked
tion of the plant. the stoppage, on the occasion referred to, quite well for a much longer time.
The small plant exhibited by the Indus- was due to any defect in the producer, The amount of attention which these
trial Engineering Company, after having but rather to a want of proper attention plants require is remarkably small, very
satisfactorily completed the full-power to the working of the engine. There little labor being , necessary for cleaning
trial, was compelled to stop on the half- were momentary stoppages on some of and stoking. Working under ordinary
load trial after running for 8.43 hours. the other plants, mainly caused by engine conditions - not a test- it is not consid
This was attributed to the presence of troubles, and cannot be looked upon in a ered that it would have been necessary to
moisture on the igniting points in the serious light. clean out the ashes and clinker except,
engine, but it was practically impossible With the above -mentioned exceptions, perhaps, at the end of each day's run ;
to arrive at any satisfactory conclusion none of the plants experienced any real this, in any case, is a simple operation,
TABLE 3. TRIALS OF PLANTS OF ABOUT 8 BRAKE -HORSE - POWER CAPACITY. which can be performed in a few minutes,
Full Load Trial. and does not require the presence of a
The Industrial The National special attendant. All the producers were
The Campbell Engineering GasEngineCo., TangyesMessrs .
, Ltd., provided with doors for removing any
Exhibitor EngineCo
GasHalifax ., Co., Hyde ,near Ashton -under
. Manchester. Birmingham . accumulation of ash and clinker.
On the whole, the results of the trials
Declared B.H.P. at
full working load. 8 13.5 8 75 were most satisfactory, and the economy,
Duration of trial,
hours 10 ic 10 10
efficiency, and simplicity of working of the
Circumference of suction gas- producer plant were demon
brake - wheel
(effective ), feet 13:33
14.26 15 19 strated beyond question .
Load on brake , Ibs. 126 1 95.25
On the combined trials at full and
Spring balance
reading, lbs.... 10.90 50 235 11.30
Effective load on half load ( 20 hours altogether ) the aver
brake, lbs . 87.85 843 102 80.75 age coal consumption for all the plants
Revolutions rer
minute , mean 232-5 204.9 219-8 2244 was about one pound of coal per brake
Brake horse - power 8.25 9.72 9.74 8.34
Diameter of cylin horse -power per hour, costing about
der, inches 7 85 7 7
Stroke , inches ... 12 14 15 16 1-20d.--coal at gs. 3d. per ton . This is a
Mean effective pres
sure, lb .. per sq.in. 77.8 83.8 75.8
remarkable result ; it means that an engine
Explosions per developing 20 brake horse -power can be
minute , mean 106.4 ... 972 92.1
Indicated horse run at a cost for fuel of about one penny
power 9.66 11.88 10.86
Mechanical effici per hour.
ency . per cent . 85-4 82-0 76.8 Considering the manifest difficulties in
! Total coal used , lbs . 110.75 110.25 *82.0 1005 arriving at strictly accurate results, no
Coal per B.H.P. per
hour, Ibs . 1.22 1.13 0.84 1.25 attempt has been made to place the
various plants in any order of merit. For
Half Load Trial. the combined trials the coal consump
The Campbell The Industrial The National Messrs. tion for the large engines is practically
Exhibitor... Gas Engine Co. EngineeringCo.Gas Engine Co. Tangyes, Ltd. the same for all plants. The greatest
variation is to be seen in the coal con
Duration of trial ,
hours 10 8.43 10 10 sumption of the small plants - 0.87 pound
Circumference of
brake -wheel (effec to 1.30 pounds per hour per brake horse
tive ), feet 13:33 18:57 14-26 15:19
Load on brake, lbs.. 560 376 630 48:5
power. This was to be expected.
Spring balanceread
ing, lbs. 97 2.0 7.1 4 :1
A rather curious point occurs with
Effective load on regard to the results as obtained from the
brake, Ibs. 16 : 3 35'6 55.9 444
Revolutions per trials of the Campbell Gas Engine Com
minute , mean 2368 2174 20 225.4
Brake horse - power 4.43 4.36 5.36 4.57 pany's plants. The coal consumption per
Mean effective pres brake horse-power per hour is less on the
sure ,lbs. per sq . in . 76.2 76'3 8006
Explosions per half- load than on the full - load trial . This
minute , mean 72-1 627 597
Indicated horse is obviously the opposite from what should

power 6.41 6.97 7.49

Mechanical effici be the case, and it may be due to the fact
ency, per cent. 69.1 76.8 61.0
that the fires in the producers in these
Total coal used , lbs.
Coal per B.H.P. per
41.5 56.75 * 1900 675 two plants were not lighted until the
hour, lbs . 0.94 1.55 0-91 1.48 morning of the first test, whereas the other
Average coal con plants had their producers in working
sumption per order the night previously. This would
B.H.P. per hour
on full and half
load trials com
naturally mean that a quantity of fuel
bined, lbs. 1.12 1.26 0.87 1.30 was expended in heating up the walls of
Capacity of producer the producer. It is also possible that a
per declared
B.H.P., cub. ft. ... 0-282 0.161 0.372 0 212
difference in the degree of " clinkering"
in the two trials might to some extent
Completed . Completed Completed Load on brake account for the discrepancy. No other
full load trial full load trial both trials with - relieved for
without a stop: without a stop.out a stop. Thisminutes on full explanation seems to be available, as all
During the half Did not com- engine, unlike load trial due
load trial the plete half load the rest , was to poor gas ;
load 011 the trial. Uncer - not provided engine did vot the weights of fuel used were very care
Remarks on trials.. brake was re- tain as to cause with water stop. Comple fully checked .
lieved for 2of stoppage. tanks, and ob ted ' half load
minutes, and This is a larger tained its cool- trial without a It would be unjust to draw any in
the engineengine than the ing water direct stop . vidious distinction between the various
few for toa one
seconds enteredoriginally
for the from the main .
replace a pin on trials. plants. Without exception , they are
lignition gear. simple in construction , and every detail
* 6lbs. and 3-5]bs.added to observed consumption for presenceof clinker at end of both in engine and gas-producing plant
full and half, load trials respectively . Total clinker and ash collected at the end of
the three load trials = 121bs, has evidently been carefully considered
on the matter. Considering that this plant difficulty in running for the specified with a view to giving the best results.
completed the full-power and light-load period of 10 hours—in fact, there is no -The Mechanical Engineer, London .
POWER February, 1906 .
Central Stations versus Isolated dynamo, about 11 horse-power, the light- ducted tests, covering a period of thirty
Plants . ing load could be supplied by a dynamo days, we found that we could generate
BY ALBERT YOST. on the premises for about $ 12.30, based on 4,125 kilowatt-hours for $116.53, a month
6 pounds of coal per horse-power-hour ; ly. saving of $ 130.97 over central-station
The question of central- station supply coal at $3 per ton . Adding 100 per cent. service . It is well to state here that the
versus isolated -plant operation is of great to this for cost for lamps, oil , interest , de- plant in question is in an apartment house
importance to engineers. The superior preciation, space occupied , etc., we get of seven stories, containing twenty -eight
economy of central-station service forthe $ 24.60 for the total costs, or a savingof families, situated at 1190 Madison avenue,
average city building of moderate size is $ 24.90 per month over central-station ser New York . In this house light fur is
as yet far from being an established fact. vice - a little over 50 per cent. It is true nished to the tenants free, which means
That a well- designed isolated plant will I have charged no labor against the above that but few lights are ever turned off, so
show a decided economy over central-sta- plant, but surely the addition of a small that the average load is very near the pos
tion service under favorable conditions is would to a 100-horse-power
dynamoinvolve engine plant sible load. The complete list of items of
no additional labor expense. the cost of operating this plant for the
indicated clearly by the fact that during
the past year one of New York's largest According to a representative of the month of September is given below.
and most modern department stores, New York Edison Company, 75 per cent. The plant, in addition to the engine and
which originally contracted for central- of all the new hotels and apartment houses dynamos, contains one 9x14x7x10 com
station service, has installe a private erected
d in Manhattan borough during 1904 pound elevator pump, furnishing water
contracted for centr stati servi
ted for Edison service. This esti for two elevators ; one 6x4x6 house pump
; and several hotels that originally contracundo
al- on ce have mate ubtedly includes a large num and one 6x4x6 boiler- feed pump . The
done likewise.
ber of hotels and apartment houses of cost of operating the plant for the month
Large central power stations , by reason such small size that the installation of an of September, 1905, was as follows :
of their large, highly efficient, direct-con- electric-light plant was altogether out of Coal : 55 tons No. 2 buckwheat at
nected units , favorable locations and eco the question . In an apartment house or $3.10 per ton ...
20 tons pea and dust coal at
$ 175.50
nomical layout , can, of course, manufac hotel where the consumption of energy is Lamps . $ 1.75 per ton . 35.00
ture current at a very much lower cost, at 1,000 kilowatt-hours or more per month, Interest : 5 % on a valuation of
$ 4,000 . 16.00
the switchboard, than any small isolated the conditions are almost always such that Depreciation : 5 % on a valuation of
plant can , but when account is taken of a private plant will pay, even with a coal Cylinder $ oil..
4,000 . 16.00
Machine and dynamo oils .
the cost of distributing this current, the consumption rate as high as 10 pounds per Packing and waste ..
executive expenses and other important horse -power-hour ; and in any hotel or Rental for space occupied .
Water ..
items not found in isolated-plant opera apartment-house plant where the con
Total ....
tion, a well -designed, fairly efficient iso- sumption of coal is 10 pounds per horse $ 286.00
lated plant will show a very considerable power-hour, there is something decidedly The total cost was only $38.50 more
economy over central -station service. The wrong with the engineer, or the plant, or than the central station would have
cost of generating electricity in the larg- both . charged us for light alone. In computing
est central stations is said to be as low In large apartment houses and hotels the costs of the electric-light plant, I have
as 0.26 cent per kilowatt - hour at the the labor cost chargeable to the electric- proceeded as follows : By hourly readings
able, to the but
switchboard; the lowest
writer's rate, inobtain-
knowledge New but is always
light two men aresmall. Frequently
required of our switchboard instruments, known to
in the be correct, for a period of thirty days I
York city is 3 cents per kilowatt-hour. largest plants, and in an installation of found that the average load was 27.5 kilo
This low rate, however, is enjoyed only 750 lights, or less, the labor cost will usu watts, or 36.5 horse-power at the switch
by a few exceptionally large consumers, ally remain unchanged by the addition of board. I have allowed 8 horse-power for
whose requirements are most advantag- generating equipment
eous for central- station service. Consum- Now, when we consideron that
the forpremises. frictional losses in engines and dynamos
six or field excitation, and drop through rheo
ers who, by reason of the peculiar nature seven months of the year the exhaust stats , making altogether 44-5 horse - power
of their business , require much current at steam from dynamo engines can be used charged to the electric-light plant. I have
a time of day or night when the central- for heating in a plant of this kind-even allowed 25 horse -power at the average for
station load is lightest, can probably in during the summer months part of the the elevator pump, 5 horse-power for the
all cases buy electricity cheaper than they exhaust may be used for heating water, house or tank pump, and 5 horse-power
can make it, even though the amount of and hotels and apartment houses are large for the boiler - feed pump . The following
current required be large. It is an un
consumers of hot water—the central- sta table gives the complete data :
disputed fact that for any isolated plant to tion argument appears at still greater dis Total horse-power-hours September
for com
plete plant, month of . 31,875
pay, it must be of such size that the labor advantage. Average horse-power .. 45
cost will be only a small percentage of the Recently my employer was approached Maxi Averamum
ge horse
electr ical horse-power at
-power .. 80
total cost of operation . Local conditions by an agent of the local electric -light com- Electrical horse-power-hours
switchboard . for the 36.5
and the nature of the service will always pany with a proposition to abandon his month . 5,528
determine the minimum size of plant that electric -light plant and substitute street Kilowatt -hours
Average for at
kilowatts month .
the switchboard . 4,125
can be made to pay. In some cases excep- service ; he was quoted a rate of 6 cents Losses in engines and dynamos, in
horse - power . 8
tionally small plants will prove a good per kilowatt - hour . This plant consists of Coal used per horse-power-hour, in
investment. Take, for example, a factory two 9x12 automatic engines, belted to two Cost per ...
pounds kilowatt-hour, in cents ... 4.7
using 100 horse-power for manufacturing 16.5- kilowatt dynamos . The average load The itemized expense for light only
purposes, power being furnished by a Cor- is 27.5 kilowatts and the average daily 4,125 kilowatt-hours — is as follows :
liss engine, and 100 16- candle - power run is five hours, making 4,125 kilowatt
Coal : 4.7 pounds per . horse-power
lamps being required for five hours daily ; hours per month. At the offered rate of hour at $3.10 per ton
$ 52.18
the lighting load will aggregate 825 kilo- 6 cents, the cost for 4,125 kilowatt-hours Lamps .. : 5 % on a valuation of $ 3,000 .
Interest 3.00
watt - hours per month . The cost of this Depreciation .
per month from the central station would 19.00
amount of energy bought from a central evidently be $247.50. Our working force Cylinder
Machine oil.
and dynamo oil . 1.20
station at 6 cents per kilowatt-hour would consists of three men , two engineers and Rental for space occupied . 1.15
be $ 49.50. Assuming that the engine is one fireman , which we could not cut down, Water ....
capable of supplying as much more addi- were we to substitute central-station ser- Total .
$ 116.53
tional power as is needed to drive the vice. By complete and very carefully con- With a demonstrated saving of $ 130.97
February, 1906.

per month it is perhaps needless to say ber of plants were abandoned because Boiler Inspection in British Columbia.
that this plant is still in operation ; their owners found it more profitable to
furthermore, it will probably soon be re- buy electricity from them ; this is seldom We are in receipt of the first, second
placed by a more modern one. As before the case in a plant of 75 horse-power, or and third annual reports of the chief in
stated, we would not have been able to cut over, particularly in a hotel or apartment spector of machinery for British Colum
down our engineering force had we sub- house, except under incorrect conditions. bia, Mr. John Peck. The third report is
stituted central-station service, so I have Many owners of apartment houses in for 1904, during which year 1,102 completo
not charged any labor to the electrical which current is furnished free to the inspections of boilers were made, 266 of
part of the plant. The conditions here tenants abandon their plants, because they these being first inspections.
are about the same as in the average hotel find that giving away current is an ex In his first annual report, treating of the
or apartment plant. In making this test I pensive luxury. When an apartment method by which inspections are made, the
endeavored to get figures as accurate as house is furnished with electricity from inspector writes :
possible, regardless as to whether they the central station, the tenant foots the “ When boilers are being inspected for
favored our plant or the central station, bill, relieving the owner of a certain the first time, careful measurements of all
and I can vouch that the above figures are amount of care and expense. Such aban- parts are taken, the attachments of stays
correct within negligible limits. Had the donments are really equivalent to a raise and braces are carefully noted , and
test been made during the winter months, of rent. In cases as the above the amount sketches are made of the interior con
the economy over central-station service of energy consumed per month will fre struction. The strength of each part is
calculated and the maximum working
would have been at least 15 per cent. quently decrease by from 5 to 30 per cent., pressure fixed. The boiler is then filled
greater by reason of the exhaust steam because tenants will get along with less
with water for the hydrostatic test, which
from the engines being used for heating. light when they must pay for it. As a re
In large apartment houses the condi- sult, the total charges for light used by is applied to one and one-half times the
calculated working pressure. Contrary to
tions are almost always such that a pri- the tenants will sometimes be less than
vate plant will pay ; still, the fact remains the cost of operating a plant ; when this the opinion of the general public, the hy
that owners of a great many new apart is the case the amount of energy con drostatic test is of little value unless con
ment houses contract for central - station sumed is always very materially reduced, ducted by an expert, and is a source of
service every year, and a great many pri- and it is not fair to compare merely the danger if applied by persons who do not
The kilowatt - hours of energy understand the physical properties of the
vate plants have been abandoned during costs.
the past ten years in hotels and apart- should be compared with their respective material which is being tested. There is a
very general idea that if a boiler is iested
ment houses . When a private plant of costs .
to 150 pounds and does not show serious
this kind is abandoned, it is usually due to
bad judgment or ignorance on the part of Comparative Costs of Fuel. leakage, it is perfectly safe for 100 pounds
steam pressure. While this boiler did
either the engineer, who designed and in
stalled the plant, or the operating engi not burst, nor the stays break, during the
We are indebted to the Automatic Gas above test, it does not follow that some
neer; more frequently the former. Among Producer Company, New York, for the of the material may not have been per
the many blunders made by some contract accompanying figures showing the com
ing engineers, for which no excuse can parative costs of fuel per horse-power manently injured , and to such an extent
be offered except ignorance, may be men- year for steam and gas engines under var that when steam pressure at 100 pounds
has been acting upon it for a short time
tioned the following : Engines and dyna- ious conditions of operation and cost per the boiler may explode.
mos too small to do the required work ; unit of fuel. The figures are based on ten “ The press reports many boiler ex
one large unit instead of two smaller working hours per day and 300 working plosions which occur only a few days
ones ; little boiler power ; out of date and days per year, and the range of prices and after the boilers have been tested by
wasteful engines ; a crowded and com- consumption rates are such as to enablewater pressure, and sometimes mentions
plicated arrangement of the units. When one to make very satisfactory compari- that, in order to make sure the boilers
sons .
an electric- light plant is too small, it were safe, twice the working pressure
means that it will be short- lived and at was applied during the test ; and these are
best cannot be operated efficiently. In al
Coal per Cost per Horsepower Year. referred to as ‘mysterious explosions'.
most all plants the load will vary so much Horse - power The only persons to whom boiler ex
Hour . 3lbs. 4 lbs . 5 lbs . 6 lbs . 7 lbs. 8 lbs .
that a single large unit cannot be oper plosions are mysterious are those who do
Coal at
ated as economically as two smaller out $ 2.00 a ton ... $ 9.00 $ 12.00 $ 15.00 $ 18.00 $ 21.00 $ 24.00 not understand the subject. Under cer
fits. Insufficient boiler power is fre 2.50
11.25 15.00 18.75 22.50 21.21 | 30.00
36.00 tain conditions , boilers will explode as
3.00 13.50 18.00 22.50 27.00 31.5
quently the cause of an isolated plant 3.50
15.76 21.00 24.75 31.50 37.00 42.00 surely as the force of gravity attracts a
4.00 18.00 24.00 30.00 36.00 42.0 48.00
being abandoned. Out-of-date engines are 4.50 20.25 27.00 33.75 40.50 47.2 54.00 mass of matter. Both obey natural law,
expensive at any price. A crowded and 5.00 22.50 30.00 37.50 45.00 52.50 60.00
and if the boiler explodes it is because the
complicated arrangement will frequently forces acting upon the material composing
lead to difficulties that will eventually GAS ENGINE .
the structure are in excess of its strength .
cause an isolated plant to be abandoned . Using 20 cu. ft. of illuminating gas per horse-
power hour :
It is only necessary, therefore, to know
The operating engineer must and will find Cost per 1,000 the strength of the material, and the di
cubic feet.... $ 0.75 $ 0.80 $0.85 $ 0.90 $ 0.95 $ 1.00
some way to make things accessible, even Cost per horse rection and magnitude of the forces acting
though he has to smash half the plant, in power year... 45.00 48.00 51.00 54.00 67.00 60.00 upon it.
Using 15 cu. ft. of natural gas per horse -power
order to keep the other half in repair. It hour : " The force generally considered is that
Cost per 1,000
must, however, be said to the credit of cubic feet.... $0.16 $ 0.18 $ 0.20 $ 0.22 $ 0.24 $ 0.25 of the steam pressure and the strength
the operating engineer that he frequently Cost per horse
power year ... 7.20 8.10 9.00 9.90 10.80 11.25
of the material, its ultimate breaking
succeeds in overcoming difficulties and Using producer gas : 14 pounds of coal per strength ; and it is on account of the con
horse- power hour :
correcting the mistakes of the man who Cost of coal per sideration of these conditions only that
installed the plant. ton .... $ 2.00 $ 2.50 $ 3.00 $ 3.50 $ 4.00 $4.50 $ 5.00
Cost per horse
many defects develop and many accidents
Just how many isolated plants have been power yoar .. 3.34 4.17 5.00 5.83 6 67 7.50 8.33 occur. In addition to the force due to
abandoned for the reason just enumer GASOLENE ENGINE . steam pressure, there are the forces which
ated probably no one but the central- sta- Using one pint of gasolene per horse - power
hour :
arise from the sudden or unequal ex
tion people can tell-and they won't. Cost per gallon .$0.08 $ 0.09 $ 0.10 $ 0.11 $ 0.12 $ 0.13 $0.15 pansions and contraction of the different
Cost per horse
What they do tell us is that a large num power year..30.00 33.75 37.50 41.25 45.00 48.75 56.25 parts of the structure ; the stresses due to
102 POWER February, 1906 .

the weight of the boiler upon its supports ; Catalogue and Data Files. small part of the average catalogue is re
the stresses due to flanging and forming ferred to, except on rare occasions, and
of the different parts during construction ; that the really useful portions, when col
the unequal distribution of stresses at The great number and variety of cata- lated, will cover only a single page, or
rivet joints ; and the extra stresses due to logues received by an engineer in the perhaps two or three pages at the most.
plasticity of the structure. Instead of the course of a year makes the matter of filing My condensed file contains this class
strength of the structure being taken as them for easy reference one of considera- of material, cut from catalogues and fold
the ultimate breaking strength of the ma- ble importance. After a great deal of ers and pasted on cards 5x8 inches in size.
terial, it must be taken as the elastic limit experimenting, the writer adopted a file This data generally includes tables of di
of the material, which from a great many consisting of two divisions, one in very mensions, diagrams and any other infor
carefully conducted tests, by various au
thorities, is assumed to be two-fifths of
the ultimate breaking strength ; when the
elastic limit of material is reached, any The " ABC " Horizontal Engine
further addition to the load produces per TABLE OF HORSE POWERS .
manent set. If this takes place in the
stays, they become permanently elongated, SIZE OF ENGINE. STEAM PRESSURE .

and when pressure below that which pro

duces permanent set acts on the structure, 60 ..

15 / 20
12.00 13.71



the flat parts, which were supposed to be 80 .. 16.00
held by these stays, are free to move ;
and this continued movement results in
8 x 10..
100 ...

02 22.85



crystallization of the sheets, and, sooner 125 .. 21.30 24.90 28.45 32 00 35.50 39.10
10 1 42.60

60 .
or later, in the fracture of these at the 16.08 18.76 21.45 24.20 26.80 29.50 32.20

hinging point. 80 .. 21.40 25.00 28.60 32.20 35.70 39.20 42 84

" Take a boiler tested by a person who 10 x 10 .
100 .. 26.80 31.35 35.85 40.40
does not realize the importance of con
125 ..
031 35 35
31.25 36 50 41.75
sidering the elastic limit of the material .
Allow a factor of safety of 4, and assume 60 .. 23.15 27.00 30.90
34.80 38.60 42.50 46.30

that the safe working pressure is 80 12 x 10.. 80 .. 30.90 36.10 41.25 46.50 51.50 56.60 61.75
pounds . The owner thinks it is safe for 100 . 38.60 46.00
100 pounds, and has the hydrostatic test
applied for 150 pounds per square inch. LOW PRESSURE .
The ultimate strength of the material 10 .. 6.86 8.01 9.16 10.30 11.45 12.60 13.72
would be reached when the hydrostatic
pressure was 320 pounds, and it is not
15 . 10.27 11.98 13.70
15.40 11.12.1 18.30 20.55

likely that the boiler would burst until

that pressure had been reached, if it was
16 x 10 ....... 20 .

25 ...



25.10 . 27 33
31.40 34.25
applied gradually and carefully by pump 30 . 20.55 24.00 27.40 30.80 34.25 37.70 41.15
ing up. The elastic limit is two- fifths of
the ultimate breaking strength, and this FIG. I. SPECIMEN CATALOGUE INDEX CARD .
limit would be reached when the test pres
sure was up to 126 pounds, and from that
B. P
on to 150 pounds the material would R
stretch at the weakest part. N

“ When the steam pressure is applied Ik


at 100 pounds, or even at 80 pounds, the

parts of the boiler which originally re
sisted the alteration of shape have been
elongated , and are now of little value ; E S

the strains which should have been taken

by these parts are thrown on to others,
resulting in crystallization , and, sooner or
later, in rupture of the parts on which this 411
L M TJE Tako
extra strain is thrown.
" It will be seen from the above that if
the hydrostatic test is to be of any value,
calculations must first be made, and the
test pressure inust never exceed , or even Size
approach very close to, the elastic limit ;
and during the test the different parts of 8 x 10 5246 1039 1744 14 % 47 21 14 13 24 12 59 33 50 834 254 224 746 33 57 6716
the boiler must be carefully gaged and 10 x 10 5274 1043 1744 1443 47 21 14 13 24 12 59 33 5144 1042 2458 28 1074 33 57 104
measured to see that there is no alteration 57
12 x 10 524 1034 1792 4442 47 21 14 13 24 12 59 33 5142 10 % 2418 26 1244 33
in the shape of the structure."
16 x 10 5276 1176 1774 4444 47 21 14 13 24 12 59 33 5142 1042 2044 2244 142 33 10 %
Puwer, X. X. 4
In order to appropriately celebrate the FIG. 2 . REVERSE SIDE OF CARD IN FIG . I.
completion of the Simplon Tunnel, an in
ternational exposition under royal patron- condensed form for deskuse, and the mation to which frequent reference is
age will be held in Milan from May to other more elaborate and used only for desired. Figs. 1 and 2 show a sample card
November, 1906. It will be the largest reference when the desired information from this file. Fig. I represents the face,
European exposition ever held outside of cannot be found in the condensed file. and Fig. 2 the reverse side of the card.
Paris. It has been my experience that only a This card gives practically all the infor
February, 1906. POWER 103

mation required for determining the ap- frequently used for reference. These are The catalogues are sorted into three
proximate size of engine for any given filed under the sub -headings “ Steam ,” groups of proper sizes for the different
case, and also the necessary data for lay- “ Air, " " Water, " " Mathematical,” etc. cases. For a moderate-sized collection,
ing out the space for it on an engine-room Catalogues are usually procured in dupli those in the first group may be numbered
plant. If more information is required, cate, one for placing in the general, or from 1,000 up ; those in the second group,
the complete catalogue, which is included reference, file, and the other for cutting 2,000 up ; and those in the third group,
in the larger file, can be consulted ; but up and pasting on the cards. 3,000 up. If it is necessary to provide
nine times out of ten, the card will give A file of this kind is easily revised from for a larger number than this, the starting
all the data necessary. My own file con- time to time and kept up to date, as it is or initial numbers may be taken further
tains something over 200 of these cards, only necessary to destroy obsolete cards apart ; that is, 1,000, 3,000 , 5,000, etc.
and is contained in a box 8x10x4 /2 inches and substitute new ones. So far as the The catalogues are numbered in large
in size, which stands upon a corner of my writer knows, this method of filing cata figures in the upper right-hand corner,
desk. Blue guide cards, with the project- logue data is original with himself. and filed numerically in the proper cases,
ing title at the right, are used for the In the larger file, catalogues and pam according to size. A label is placed on
general headings, such as “ Boilers,” “ En the back of each case, giving the highest
gines," “ Fans, ” etc., and are arranged or last number, and the cases are placed
in regular order upon shelves.
A card index is necessary for use in
connection with this file. Cards 3x5 inches
are used for this purpose, although smaller
Er gives ones
nes will suffice in most cases. The card
BALL & WOOD . 1465
ATLAS 1846
Puer. X , Y. Power , X. X.
index is made up in a manner similar to
alphabetically. The sub-headings, such as phlets are filed according to size, irrespect- the card file just described. For example,
" Fire-tube, " "Water-tube,” " Cast-iron ive of subjects. Three different sizes of file under “ Engines" we might have the divi
sectional," etc., are on buff -colored cards, cases of the form shown in Fig. 4 are usu- sions shown in Fig. 3 ; and under the divi
,” are placed one or more
with the projecting title at the center and ally found sufficient to take care of all of sion “ Steammakers,
left. Between these, in their proper the different sizes of catalogues in com- with the file number, names of
places, are filed the individual data cards. mon use. The dimensions best adapted to as shown in Fig. 5. In addition to index
Fig. 3 depicts the arrangement of the this purpose are the 6x9, 8x10 and 10x12 ing the various catalogues according to the
cards in the box, showing some of the inches. The cases used by myself were goods which they advertise, it will en
various guide cards. In the same file, made by the Library Bureau, of light mill hance the convenience of the outfit to
under the heading of “ Data ,” are placed board, with cloth hinges, and have proved make a second index, listing them under
cards giving various formulas, tables, etc., to be very durable. the names of the makers.

Reclamation Service U. S. Geological Survey.

Bids received for hydraulic apparatus for the Roosevelt power plant, Salt river project, Arizona. Schedule showing bids opened Nov. 2, Governor

1905, at Los Angeles, Cal. By W. H. Sanders , 0. H. Ensign, Consulting Engineers. L. C. Hill, Supervising Engineer.



( .o.b.









.)'F( .o.b.







Includes one of item 2, one of 4, one of 5 , three


of R, one of 7, two of 8, two of 10. two of 11 .


+ These eficiencies are the average between

the points named .

Generator wheel .... Item 1 $ 2,780 $ 3,019 $ 4,500 $ 5,200 $ 6,350 $6,784 $ 7,200
Generator wheel governor.. Item 2 1,225 1,183 1,250 2,000 1,025 825 $ 1,200
Generator wheel governor.. Item 2A See bid 1,400 3,000 1 1,200 1,150

Exciter wheel ... Item 3 876 1,293 1,840 2,500 1,800 900 1,360
Item 4 275 650 1 300 285 250 350 $ 400
Exciter wheel governor .. 1
4 ft. gate valve, hydra operation .. Item 5 i 1,400 1,500 1,450 3,300 635 2,000 2,000
A ft. gate valve, mechanical operation ... Item 5 A 1,150 1,350 1,650 3,500 725 1,600 2,000
..Item 6 110 0 325 300 2,500 75 175 175
18 in . gate valves ... Item 7 1 210 450 380 250 185 156 125
18 in . pipe fittings . .Item 8 630 e 403 625 e 360 625
Relief valves . 1
1,400 total 1,090
2 generator wheels .. Item 9 2,780 3,019 ir 2 7,250 10,400 5,200 6,184 e 6,975
2 generator wheel governor . Item 10 1
1,225 1,183 1 2,500 66
1,785 1,025 825 1,200
2 generator wheel governor. Item 10 A 2,835 2,800 2,075 1,200 1,150
4 it. gate valve, hydraulic operation . Item 11 1,400 1,500 1,450 6,500 635 1,900 1,900
4 ft.gate valve, mechanical operation.... Item 11 A 1,150 1 1,350 1,650 6,900 725 1,600 1,900
4 mo8. 7 mos . 4 mos . 4 mos . 5 mos . 120 days 4 mos . 3 mos . 90 days
Time of delivery ... 36,985 lbs . 29,200 lbs . 50,000 lbs . 40,000 lbs. 47,500 lbs .
Weight generator wheel and case .
Weight extra generator wheel and case . 7,742 lbs . 10,600 lbs . 16,000 lbs . 6,000 lbs. 11,000 lbs .
Price items 1 , 3 and 9, 1.0.b ... $ 9,215 $ 10,350 $ 13,590 $ 18,100 $ 18,550 $ 20,052 $21,310
Weight items 1 , 3 and 9.. 118,517 lbs. 98,200 lbs. 165,000 lbs. 126,000 lbs. , 153,500 lbs.
Freight items 1, 3 and 9 to Roosevelt, Ariz.. $ 2,940 $2,450 $ 2,780 $ 3,160 $ 2,560
Cost items 1 , 3 and 9, delivered . 12,155 . 12,800 20,880 21,700 23,870
* Price necessary auxillaries,1.0.b. 9,950 10,931 23,000 10,350 11,056 9.995
† 81 % 79 80 76 78.5
Eficiency generator wheel full gate .. 81
Efficiency generator wheel % gate. † 81 % 76 78 82 80
† 80 % 77 73 70 75
Efficiency generator wheel % gate .
† 81 80 75
Eficiency exciter full gate . † 81 % 76 77 80
Eficiency exciter % gate .. † 80 % 72
Emiciency exciter y gate .
POWER February, 1906.

Correspondence and Discussion . times called permanent gases, because they

do not liquefy, accumulate in the condenser
Correspondence upon topics of interest relating to power is especially solicited , and
accepted contributions are paid for. Forms close on the fifteenth of the month, and as it and, occupying the space that should be
takes time to make engravings, contributorh are requested to get copy to us as early in the open to the ammonia, cut down the cool
month, especially when it refers to matter in the preceding issue. ing surface and thereby cause an abnor
mally high head pressure. These gases
Refrigerating Problems. expansion valve , frost can be carried the should be purged from the system through
full length of any coil and clear back to a pipe or rubber hose, one end of which is
Should not all the 1 /2 -inch pipes of the machine, if desired, at a back pressure connected to the purge valve on the top
a 1,000 -foot expansion coil of a direct- of 25 pounds, because the temperature of of the condenser and the other immersed
compression refrigerating plant be cov saturated gas at 25 pounds presure is 11.5 in a pail of water. If a sharp cracking
ered with ice ? In our plant, on a close degrees Fahr., which is 20.5 degrees Fahr. sound is heard and no bubbles rise to the
day, with the expansion valve more open, below 32 degrees, the freezing point of purge valve
surface of the water when the
only three pipes on the end of the water. That a coil does not frost to the is slowly opened it indicates that the gas
coil are frozen, while on cold days, end under a back pressure of 25 pounds , is voluble in water and is ammonia. If,
with the expansion valve very little open , indicates that either there is an insufficient however, bubbles rise to the surface of
the three pipes nearest the expansion supply of liquid ammonia at the expansion the water the gas is proven to be compar
valve are covered with ice. valve, or that there is an obstruction which atively insoluble and is not ammonia. The
The refrigerating plant is somewhat prevents a sufficient amount of it from gases should be allowed to escape through
small for the work it was designed for, passing the expansion valve. An ob the purge valve into the water until no
and I have to run the engine at 110 revolu- structed expansion valve is indicated by more insoluble gases appear. The water
tions per minute on a hot day and still can't there being little or no change in the sound should be changed every few minutes , to
get back pressure below 25 pounds, while of the passing liquid when the valve is keep it from becoming saturated with the
the condenser pressure runs up as high as opened several turns. Such obstructions ammonia, under which condition it will
210 pounds. I have a surface condenser can often be removed by the sudden open bubble through the water in much the
and use well water with a temperature of ing and closing of the expansion valve. same way as the permanent gases do, and
59 degrees. Will ammonia, on account of Scarcity of liquid at the expansion valve may lead to deception regarding its true
high compression, lose in quality, and if can usually be recognized by an interrupted nature.

So, would I get better results if I should hissing sound, the hissing being caused by There should be liquid ammonia enough
let some of the bad ammonia escape the passage of gas and the interruption by in the liquid receiver at all times, so that
through the air valve on condenser and that of the liquid, maybe due to one of two no gas will pass the expansion valve. The
pump 50 pounds of good ammonia into the things, viz., an insufficient charge of am later condition canconditi
be readily recognized
system ? Is there anything whereby it can monia , or too small a machine. under certain
If there and ons by the tem
be positively told that there is a sufficient is a sufficiently heavy charge of ammonia perature of the liquid line between the re
amount of ammonia in the system ? in the system and the machine is much too ceiver and the expansion valve. It should
Ours is a 5-ton Voss machine. The orig- small, there will be no whistling sound be remembered that the temperature of the
inal charge was 150 pounds, but I put in 50 heard at the expansion valve, but the ma liquid ammonia going to the expansion
more pounds a few months ago. Even with chine not being able to carry away the valve should be approximately that of the
slow speed, 80 revolutions, on a cold day vapors of ammonia as fast as they are cooling water leaving the condensers, and
the condenser pressure does not fall below formed , the back pressure will rise higher that a wide variation in temperature either
120 pounds. The trouble is that on a hot and higher until the extra pressure serves way from that point would indicate an in
to retard the evaporation to such an extent sufficient supply of liquid.
day I can't get the temperature in the cool
that the machine can look after it. It must The condenser coils should be kept clean
ing room as low as it ought to be. and well covered with water at all times
New York, N. Y. Max Busch . also be remembered that as the back pres
sure rises the number of pounds of am and they should also be kept purged free
A refrigerating engineer once said, when monia handled by the machine at a given from permanent gases.
asked how long a direct-expansion coil pressure increases , because of the fact that Since it is not always possible to ac
could be frosted throughout its entire the weight of a cubic foot of gas increases curately diagnose every case of refriger
length , that in his opinion no ice machine directly with the absolute pressure. ating plant malady without actually " see
company had money enough to build a coil While the size of a machine cannot well ing the wheels go 'round,” we have en
long enough that ammonia would not frost be increased, its capacity for doing work deavored to explain the principles under
it to the end . If the temperatures in a may sometimes be increased by improving lying the probable source of trouble, so as
cold-storage room are not low enough and its efficiency. Sometimes low efficiency is to assist the operator to carry out his own
the coils are not frosted to the ends , evi- due to dirt, which acts like an insulating lines of reasoning and draw his own con
dently the first thing to do is to find out material on the condensers and prevents clusions . F. E. MATTHEWS.
New York , N. Y.
why they cannot be made to carry frost the free radiation of heat ; sometimes to
throughout their entire length. The fact insufficient or poorly distributed water on
that a direct-expansion pipe accumulates the condensers , and sometimes to so-called Repairing Worn Dash-Pots.
frost indicates simply that the vapors of permanent gases within the condensation. Among other kinks in repairs there
ammonia passing through it are at a tem- With well-sprinkled coils of ample size comes to mind one which I ran up against
perature sufficiently low to congeal the 210 pounds head pressure is certainly too several years ago. A large, progressive
moisture of the air which comes in contact high for 59-degree water, and the trouble firm , finding their power capacity getting
with it. So long as there is unevaporated is liable to due to any of the three too small to meet their demands upon it,
liquid ammonia in contact with the vapor, causes above mentioned . decided to install another engine to help
the latter is said to be saturated and the Ammonia as ammonia cannot deteriorate out ; their boiler capacity being ample. The
temperatures corresponding to the different in quality, but at high temperatures, and engine was procured and was- well , I was
back pressures can be readily determined according to some authorities, more or less going to say second -hand, but this last
by reference to a table of “ Properties of at moderate temperatures, it does slowly move was the third or fourth time she
Saturated Ammonia . " disassociate into its component gases, hy had been put up in a new location , so it
If there is liquid ammonia enough at the drogen and nitrogen. These gases, some- will be seen that she was an old - timer.
February, 1906.
When the engine arrived it was put up to trouble, either in point of quick action or old trouble appeared. Everything was in
the engineer to do the setting up. He went noiseless working. KINKS . good condition at the water end and the
to work, and got along very well till he Bridgeport, Conn . steam piston did not leak, so I was non
reached the dash-pots, which were badly plussed .
worn . As he could not induce the firm to Belts Changed Places while Running. I had to let the pump run for a long
put in new ones, he was in quite a dilem Power readers will undoubtedly be in time with the drain- cock open. When I
ma, and telephoned to the repair shop for terested in the following novel happen- got time to take the pump apart I found
a man ; I was assigned to the job. ings in connection with the belt -drive in everything O. K. , except at the back end of
These dash-pots were constructed with our establishment : the steam cylinder there was some gummy
solid pistons , which were turned up to a We have a pair of 16x42 -inch Corliss substance between the piston and head. I
discovered that the cylinder oil, which was
nice working fit in the dash -pots. At the engines, running at 80 revolutions per of a very heavy grade, was responsible for
bottom of each pot was a leather check minute. "These operate a 15-foot 30 -inch-
valve which controlled the air cushioning. face fly -wheel, to which is connected an the gummy substance, mixing with the
The base of the pot had a hole drilled in 8-foot receiving pulley with a 30 -inch water. This matter could not work out of
from the side to the center, connecting face. The belt- drive comprises a 30 -inch the cylinder, except by way of the drain
with another hole drilled in the center, as double belt on the fly -wheel and pulley, cock. When the cock was closed, of course ,
shown in the sketch herewith ; the leather with a 15-inch top belt which serves as a it kept the piston from finishing the stroke.
" rider . " One day last year, in a moment, I cleaned the piston and cylinder, got a

Belts Sectioned on AB

Carrier Pulley

Power , M. Y.
check valve seated over the mouth of the
vertical hole. At the side of the pot was
changed position and took the place of
Floor Line


no one knows how, this 15-inch rider belt lighter oil and had no more trouble.
This same pump used to bother me by
the 30 -inch belt next the pulley and fly- slacking up or nearly stopping when
Power, X. .

a regulating screw to control the amount wheel, with the 30 -inch belt changed to a within three inches of the end of the
rider. stroke, at each end. After a thorough
of air drawn in by the plunger. The
plungers were all badly worn , especially on Again, recently, and so quickly that the inspection I found that the water cylin
one side , so that the air leaked out all master mechanic, wh stood beside the der was not in line with the steam
receiving pulley, is unable to say how it cylinder, and this caused the piston to
around them , and they pounded on the
bottom with a terrible thump every time was done, the 15- inch rider belt exchanged bear downward at one end of the
the gear released ; the regulating screws places with the 30-inch double belt, and stroke and upward at the other end. A
were useless - in fact, they were entirely the latter, in getting outside the smaller short time before I had placed a new gas
belt, turned completely over, so that the ket between the water cylinder and the
closed . It appeared to me that the wear
of the pots on one side had probably been pulley surface of the belt faced outwardly. center piece which connects the cylinders.
caused by the plungers not dropping All this occurred without crimping or In my haste to get the pump running again
tearing either belt, and without showing I left a piece of the old gasket on the face
plumb during some previous period of
service, or it may have been caused by a any marks of so radical a change of po of the water cylinder, and that proved to
tight pin in the connection of the rod at sition . Such an occurrence is hardly cred be the solution of the mystery. I cleaned
ible, and had I not seen it I doubt if I the cylinder face, put the parts together
the top of the plunger , thus giving the should have accepted its possibility. The again and the pump ran all right.
plunger a tendency to tip to one side every accompanying illustration shows the belt- One pump in my care refused to furnish
time it was raised by the rock-shaft open Topsy TURVY . water enough for the boiler. Upon ex
drive layout.
ing the valve. We took out the plungers amination, I saw that the valves at the
and turned a groove in each one at the Pump Troubles and Remedies. water end were worn out. I put in some
center ; into these grooves we fitted a pair new valves which I had in stock, but the
of old pumpings, which happened to be of The most puzzling trouble I ever had pump did no better then . I repacked the
suitable size. The rings were opened out with a pump was with a single -cylinder water piston, but to no avail. At last I
so as to be a little larger than the diame boiler feed - pump. I had it repaired some found that there was scale around the
ter of the pot, necessitating their being time ago , and after it had run for a few valve studs and seats , and , the holes in the
slightly pressed together to enter. When inonths I noticed that the steam piston
new valves I had put in being smaller than
we got the springs in and the pots 1/1 would not make a full stroke, but stopped
those in the old valves, the valves did not
justed and put in place we found they about two inches from the cylinder- head.
When I opened the drain-cock the piston properly seat. I removed the scale and
worked like a charm , and, although this would finish the stroke. When the cock got plenty of water after that.
was done several years ago, these saine J. H.
pots are still working and have given no was closed , after a few strokes the same Milwaukee, Wis .
106 POWER February, 1906.

Babbitting an Eccentric-Strap. ing being necessary than on the other half. boilers which might have been successful
After smoothing the babbitt with had modern machine tools existed. The
Not long ago I had a " hurry ” job at scrapers and cutting oil grooves, I ob- real cause of the abandonment of this.
babbitting a large eccentric- strap. The tained a bearing surface in a short while type of boiler lay, however, in the diffi
work had to be done inside of a third of with the device shown in Fig. 3. This culties experienced in closed end tubes
a day, so as not to interfere with the op- consists of a hardwood block, finished from the rapid deposit of scale and over
eration of the plant. The first thing on with a half- round nose, and a handle , the heating. The reason for this was un
the programme was to get ready-a very block being the same width as the annu- doubtedly due to poor circulation, which
important factor when haste is impera- lar ring in the strap. To this were held gave the salts precipitated by the heat a
tive. All arrangements made, I shut down two thin strips, B, by means of a thumb- chance to settle in the tubes, and a conse
the engine, unbolted the eccentric-strap, bolt, T, making a double clamp for hold- quent over-heating followed . Also, when
and between the strap and the sheave, on ing sandpaper fastened strips at P. My but moderately forced , a fair circulation
either side, I fitted a narrow strip of first treatment was with No. 000 sand- of the water leaving a surface exposed to
packing thick enough to make good joint, paper alone ; the second was similar, with the rapid ebullition forced the water out
after allowing for paper liners. Mean- a liberal supply of powdered graphite ; the of the tubes, which also caused the tubes
while four semi- circular irons like that third the same as the second, with a little to be burned , which can be but the result
shown in Fig. 2 had been heated a bright cylinder-oil added ; then I thoroughly of the water leaving a surface exposed to
red, and hot irons were held in each half washed out every particle of grit and the flame. Could the circulation in these
of the strap until the old babbitt melted. other substances with gasolene, and with tubes be improved by a simple, cheap and
applicable device which could be installed
in boilers of this type already in use, as
well as those under construction, it would
find an extensive field of usefulness in
those places where the water contains a
large amount of mud and scale- forming
salts, and where none but inexperienced
attendants can be secured, owing to the
simplicity and the ease with which repairs

' X S'Iron can be made. A number of different

schemes have been proposed to increase
the circulation , but lack of simplicity and
FIG. 2 added cost have prevented them from
coming into general use. The writer hav
ing recently had occasion to discuss a
boiler having horizontal tubes closed at
FIG. 3 one end and naturally condemning their
FIG. ) Power, N.Y.
use on the grounds already given , the
DEVICES USED IN BABBITTING AN ECCENTRIC - STRAP. thought quite naturally suggested itself
that there were undoubtedly some means
I realized that it would be difficult to clean , ordinary drawing paper held in the by which the circulation in these tubes
get babbitt of ordinary pouring tempera- clamp, together with powdered graphite, I
ture to run around the long, narrow could be improved . Now, it will at once
polished the bearing surface. I rubbed on occur to the reader that the portions of
space, there being only room enough for a paste of cylinder -oil and graphite, put those surfaces in which the tubes are
a sheet of metal 3/16 of an inch thick over the strap back on the engine, started it up,
placed are exposed to the heat, and con
the anchor lugs, L, Fig. 1. Accordingly, I 9
and it has been giving perfect service ever scquently the water which is in contact
cut three grooves in each lug, as at G, since . W. O. ORR. with them will be heated and an upward
with a small emery wheel. Then one-half Roanoke, Ala . movement will result. Why not use this
of the strap was heated at a time, while rising stream of water to cause a circula
the sheave was heated by holding the red- Improved Circulation in Closed End tion in the tubes ? This is the idea of the
a blow - torch underneath . When all were plan which the writer is about to propose.
hot irons against the top and sides, and Boiler Tubes.
The accompanying sketch shows one of
hot the half strap was put on, the pack From time to time boilers have been de- the tubes in section , with the circulator in
ing strip inserted, and the strap held in
signed in which horizontal tubes closed at ' position , and is practically self-explaining.
position with hand clamps. The joint
made by the packing strips was covered
with a stiff paste of wheat dough, put on
with a putty knife, dough being superior
to clay or putty, as heat makes it adhere
better. Powdered rosin was blown into
the annular space from either side, and
the babbitt, approaching a dull red heat, Parer , NY .
was poured from both sides at once.
one end were used , a few of which were The rising stream of water is deflected
The first half turned out a perject job,
but the second developed a flaw at F ( Fig. more or less successful, but were never- inwardly by the curved portion of the cir
theless abandoned. The failure of these culator, sweeping away the bubbles of
I ) . Time being limited, repouring was
practically out of the question. As a des- boilers was partly due to an improper dis- steam formed in the tube. A very good
perate measure, I sprinkled some salam- position of the tubes, a poor arrangement and positive circulation is insured with a 1

moniac and powdered rosin on the naked of the water legs , structural weakness and simple, inexpensive device which can be 1

spot, while the strap was still hot, and poor workmanship. The latter is not a applied to boilers of this type already in
poured habbitt in ; to my delight it made fault of the boiler itself and may have operation , as well as to new ones. This
had much to do with the failure of some is certain to well repay the cost of in
a perfect fusion , only a trifle more scrap
February, 1906 . POWER 107

stallation, though some engineers may was the same as on the gland, and nearly plan. A piece of leather is glued on the
argue against it on the ground that the the same size. He planed a slot in the hottom of an inverted bottle which con
circulation in the water leg is interfered coupling, as at c, and pinched it together tains dry, white sand. A wire loop made
with, but it may be said that the rising in the vise to make it fit tight on the stuff- fast to the leather is hooked to one end of
bubbles of steam will always cause the ing-box, and also planed grooves through a lever. A vent -hole is drilled in the
water to circulate in the water legs, while the thread in several places, as at d, and side of the bottle near the bottom, turpen
the tubes have been improved from ineffi- case- hardened it. It scraped enough off tine and camphor being used in the drill
cient and useless appendages to efficient the threads to let the gland go on nicely. ing process, to prevent the breaking of
heating surfaces. HENRY F. SCHMIDT. La Salle, Ill . ENGINEER. the glass. The spout from a squirt-can is
Kingston, Ont.. cut off and inserted through the cork , to
A Suggestion for Mr. Pember. provide a channel small enough for the
An Emergency Tap and Die. sand to run out of the bottle slowly. An
We have an old Corliss engine here I have read the article, " Load Diagram other bottle is placed upright under the in
with a record for breaking wedge bolts in of a Mill Engine, ” by F. H. Pember, in verted bottle, to catch the sand as it runs
the crank-pin box, so I always keep one or November POWER, page 660, with consid
two of these bolts on hand. They are 74- erable interest. I would like to offer one
inch bolts with 16 threads per inch. The suggestion, if I may. That is, I think if
crosshead bolts have never given any the compression shown in the indicator di
trouble until that herein related. The agrams were reduced, a saving in steam
bottom bolt was some shorter than the consumption would result. Particularly is
rest, and as the wedge was raised by con- the excess compression noticeable in the
tinued keying it had very little hold. A full-load diagram , which is further em
short time ago on keying that box the bot- phasized by the late exhaust opening, as
tom bolt stripped the thread, and on ex- shown by the sloping back-pressure line. Power , M.Y.
amination I found that the thread in the In the average day-load diagram this is not NOVEL AUTOMATIC ALARM .
wedge was also so badly mutilated that so pronounced, for reasons which should
the new bolt would not enter. I turned off be clear, and not because of a different out. Divisions are spaced off on the lever
valve adjustment. By moving the eccen-
the part of the old bolt where the thread one-half an inch apart, to allow for the
was stripped , as shown at a in the ac- tric a little further ahead or by any other proper adjustment of the ball weight.
companying sketch, filed three or four means that may be applicable for that par When enough sand has run out of the
grooves in the thread, one of which is ticular type of engine, so that less com upper bottle to lighten it, the opposite end
of the lever makes the necessary contact
with a brass strip attached to one of the
posts in the electrical circuit which oper
ates the bell . JAS. G. SHERIDAN.

Weaknesses in Boiler -feed Regu

lators .

In a recent number of Power there ap

peared a letter, signed " Ananias, " asking
the reason for economy in a boiler from
heating feed-water with live steam. I
wrote a letter, which appeared in October
Power, attempting to show that the nearer
Power, N.Y. the boiler temperature the feed -water en
tered , the more perfect would be the cir
culation within the boiler, and I also
pression results and a quicker exhaust oc showed the importance of undisturbed
curs, a saving, I think, will be realized, circulation. At the end of the letter I sug
even though it may be but small. gested that a reliable boiler- feed regula
Possibly the foregoing ideas may not be tor would work to the same end.
practicable for the engine and conditions Since this letter appeared there have
in question, or perhaps the ideas may re- been a good many boiler- feed regulators
quire to be modified to suit the conditions, brought to my notice, and, as the idea
of which I know nothing, for the article seems to prevail that I have recommended
does not describe the engine. However, I them indiscriminately, which makes it ap
shown at b , and case -hardened the bolt. wish to state that on several occasions I pear that I have said that any boiler - feed
After screwing the doctored bolt back and have put these ideas in practice with most regulator would do the work, I think it
forth in the hole a couple of times the gratifying results. CHAS. J. Mason. is but justice to myself to state a little of
new bolt entered nicely. Scranton , Pa . my experience with these devices . А
A number of years ago I saw a differ boiler- feed regulator is a pretty delicate
ent job done in a somewhat similar man A Novel Automatic Alarm. and responsible proposition. I have never
ner. The stuffing -box gland on the valve had the temerity to attempt to invent one
stem of an engine was too tight a fit, and Among the contrivances for actuating myself, while for forty years I have car
the gland would only screw on a couple ried scars received while experimenting
a bell alarm which have come to my no-
of threads. The chief engineer took a tice, that shown in the accompanying with one for my employer. I have used
pipe coupling, which , as I remember it sketch is as accurate and cheap as it is different types at different times, and I
now, was 27/2 inches in size. The thread novel. It is operated on the hour-glass would like to state what seem to me to
108 POWER February, 1906.
be some of the weaknesses to be avoided be started up. " Now I would very much During the Civil War the scarcity of
by those entering this field . like for some correspondent to give a brass down here in “ Dixie” became a very
A man building a machine should rule by which babbitt can be tested as to serious problem. Church bells were melted
reason that he is not to run the machine its quality and as to whether it is " gen- and run into cannon , and the last percus
himself, but it is to be put in the hands uine babbitt .” According to Haswell, bab- sion caps were made of copper brandy
of those who have not the time, and will bitt metal, for lining, is made of four parts stills. Under these circumstances the rail
not give it the thought that he has de- copper, eight of regulus of antimony and road companies found it difficult to get
voted to it, and that when a machine is ninety-six of tin. The engine-crank must brass to make repairs on their locomotives .
claimed to be automatic, it will not re- have been pretty warm to have melted the In the shops of the Virginia Central Rail
ceive the care and attention of one requir- babbitt, if it was made according to Has- road the master mechanic decided to try
ing manipulation. If there is a valve hay- well's formula. Alas, shades of Babbitt, cast-iron for " brasses” for the driving and
ing a stuffing -box, the valve -stem may be what frauds are committed in thy name ! parallel rods of a locomotive. The result
packed so tightly, or screwed up SO Is there any economy in using inferior al- was so satisfactory that the cast- iron
tightly, as to stop the apparatus some loys on costly engines and machinery. “ brasses” were not removed, but continued
time or other. A valve with the full boiler I wish right here to make a plea for in use after the blockade had been raised
pressure on one side is a very difficult harder material for bearings. There is a and brass was abundant.
thing to make tight with an automatic de With steel shafting, steel cranks, etc. ,
vice ; a small leak means wiredrawing, Cast Box
hard bearings can be used to great advan
and there is no metal nor substance
tage, and while I do not advocate any rad
known that will withstand wiredrawing. ical change in material for bearings, I do
A flat, or a right-angle, seat valve that is think the field of cast-iron might be greatly
automatic will get to leaking, and both the enlarged, and much of the cheap alloy
valve and disk should be made removable. a b palmed off as babbitt can be run out of the
The pipes should be larger, for even pipes market. J. R. H.
with nothing but steam in them are liable Hampton , Va .
to become clogged with dirt or scale from
the pipes or apparatus. Where steam is Babbitt
the actuating medium, there should be Peculiar Marks on Engine-Room Wall.
constant care, as a slight leak may mean
trouble. W. E. CRANE. Power, 3.1
The accompanying view was taken in a
New York, N. Y. friend's engine-rom. The black streak at
theory that the softer metal wears away the top represents a 3 - foot leather belt,
and thus saves the harder shaft. This is which runs close to a whitewashed brick
Bearings and Babbitt. not the case . Soft metal catches particles wall. There is always more or less dust
of grit and imbeds them, thus forming a about this plant and a good deal of it col
Several of your correspondents, who surface somewhat similar to sandpaper. lects on the walls and ceiling.
have written about babbiting crank shafts, This wears away the shaft much faster
have covered the ground for large shafts than would a hard bearing. Soft alloys re
with four -part boxes very fully, but I think quire renewing much more frequently than
something might profitably be added as to harder material, and every time the bear
small bearings with two -part boxes. A ings are renewed there is some danger of
mandrel turned about one per cent. larger getting the parts out of line.
than the shaft is best to pour these bear- I have seen boxes babbitted with metal
ings on, as this allows for the shrinkage so soft that it would not hold up the
in the babbitt and saves scraping. weight of the shaft, but it was mashed out
Reference to the accompanying cut will at the ends until it pressed against the
make my meaning clear. Cooling babbitt shoulders of the revolving shaft, making
metal, when poured in a half- box, becomes it run hot from side pressure. Cast-iron
smaller in diameter from a to b, and if makes a much better bearing in many
poured on the shaft must be filed at a and cases than so-called babbitt metal. We use
b. If poured on a mandrel about one per it with perfect success for high -speed shaft
cent. larger it will not be necessary to ing, small machinery and for engine
scrape or file the bearing. guides, and have never been able to substi
Good clay is much to be preferred to tute anything else with success for steam
putty in preparing the boxes for pouring, valve fans, cylinders and piston- rings.
as putty softens with heat and becomes Old-style, wooden water wheels, 20 feet in
very sticky. The clay should be well diameter, and weighing many tons, have PECULIAR MARKS ON ENGINE - ROOM WALL .
kneaded. The ends of the boxes should be run for years on 5x6-inch cast- iron gud
Recently some curious zigzag marks,
closed with pasteboard or thin pine boards, geons running in half-boxes made of cast plainly visible in the picture, appeared in
cut out to fit the mandrel . The mandrel iron , with no lubricant save the water that
the dust on the wall . How did these
may be rubbed with chalk or thinly coated spilled over them. I know of several old
with white lead, but it should not be oiled , marks get there ? The belt is sometimes
hoisting engines made thirty years ago and
as the oil causes the metal to run and still in use, double-cylinder, single drain, heavily charged with static electricity.
wrinkle, making a poor bearing. A drop with straight links in place of a connecting Oconto, Wis . ALBERT G. FULTON .
of oil in the runway will prevent the metal rod , having six bearings, including the
flying, if there is dampness about, as some- sliding bar in the brake, all made of cast
times happens when the work is outdoors. iron, bored with not a particle of alloy The Piston Rings Click .
One of your correspondents has said that about them , and I am convinced that
he used " genuine babbitt ; ” another says : neither alloy babbitt nor brass would have Herewith is a sketch of part of an en
“ The babbitt melted out and the bearing lasted one-half as long, or given as good gine, which I submit in the hope that it
had to be repoured before the engine could results. will enable some of your readers to help
February, 1906 .
me to discover what makes the piston the cylinder is smooth and straight, and al These hangers were adopted in the erection
rings click. This engine runs at 325 revo- together there does not seem to be any of a 2,000 -foot steam main varying in size
lutions per minute, and sometimes the cause for the trouble. A. E. BOYER . from 6 - inch to 10 -inch pipe. Fig. I rep
rings click for several hours. Then again Philadelphia, Pa. resents the hanger that was used for the
support of pipe that ran on the outside
of the buildings and was supported by
structural steel A- frames about 20 feet
% above the ground. Fig. 2 represents the
hanger used on the pipe running on the
340 %"Port
inside of the buildings and supported, as
shown, by fastening to the top chord of
As Wide Port Counterbore
* from Counterbore the roof truss by means of a wrought-iron
clamp .
Both styles of hangers, as will be no
ticed, are adjustable, which feature has
froven very valuable in many cases. In
1246 one instance I remember that two of our
framed supports settled and thus caused
a pocket to be formed in the line. When
this defect was discovered the pipe was
9 ' Stroke Power, N.Y. quickly brought back into line by simply
THE PISTON RINGS CLICK. adjusting the hanger rod nuts, enough
thread being allowed on each rod for
proper adjustment in such cases. Hangers
for different diameters of pipe are made
by making the radius A to suit that of the

* Bolt

14 *




% Bolts

& Bolt



“ A”

X Bolt
Power, Y.

3 Bolt

it runs so quietly that you cannot hear a Serviceable Pipe Hangers. outside diameter of the pipe. The length
sound. Then all at once the rings will B of the hanger rod can be made any
start to click again. The rings are a neat I enclose herewith sketches of what length to suit the requirements.
fit and do not run over the counterbore ; have proven to be first- class pipe hangers. Alameda , Cal. BAYARD.
IIO POWER February, 1906.
Faults in a First -Class Plant. packing the stuffing boxes, it would be im- steam to escape from the back end first,
possible to get the pump-rods out for re- In other words, the pressure in the front
A short time ago I was invited to inspect placing. Fig. 3 shows the arrangement I bonnet end lags behind the pressure in the
a plant which had been represented as a suggested tc the engineer, so that the pump- back bonnet end. Thus, by the rise and
fine one, well equipped with boilers, pumps, rods could be taken out without removing fall of pressure in the cylinder, together
etc. Well , I must say it was as neat an the pumps from their foundations. with the lagging pressure, the valve is
outfit as I ever saw. The engines were Another bad fault that I found with the caused to have end motion to a greater or
working smoothly, and there was no sign plant is its being so far away from the rail- less degree, according to the end clearance.
of a leak in any of the steam lines ; but the road . Every ton of coal used has to be If, as shown in the accompanying sketch,
plant had three bad faults, two of which drawn by team from the railroad siding to a hole be cut through the center of the
are shown in the accompanying sketches. the boiler-house at a cost of something like front-bonnet end of the valve at B, corre
Fig. I shows a plan of the boiler-room , 30 cents per ton . There is no excuse for sponding to the cored hole in the back
which contains three return tubular boilers, this, for the company has abundant land end, then there will be no lagging of pres
sure and the valve will cease to “ slap ”.
Chicago, Ill .

Several Perplexing Problems Solved.

1 2 3
In a plant I once had charge of there
were two boiler feed - pumps of the Worth
ington outside-packed plunger type, both
duplex. They seemed to be exactly alike,
-B but while one of them would keep up the
А water in the boilers, the other would not.
As they both pumped from the same hot
D well and through the same heater and
Door feed line, it was evident that the trouble
с Power , M. Y. was in the pump.
The peculiar way in which the pumps
were installed made it very difficult to get
two of which are in service continually, near the railroad siding. The company did at the lower deck valves on the back side
using from six to ten tons of coal every not realize this until too late. of the troublesome pump, as they set very
twenty- four hours. All this coal has to be C. W. DUNLAP. close to the boiler setting and the hand
wheeled from outside the building through Depew , N. Y.
holes were almost inaccessible. The valve
the small door at C, which will barely ad seats in the top deck had given trouble for
mit a wheel -barrow . The space between The “ End Slap ” in Corliss Exhaust some time, and, having stripped the
the boiler front at B and the brick wall at Valves . threads in the pump body, had afterwards
D is a little more than 7 feet, which will been shimmed with strips of tin, driven in
not allow for storing more than enough Corliss engines which are provided with and set- bolts drilled and tapped through
fuel to run the plant six or eight hours at cylinder relief valves fastened into the ex- the top cover plates to hold them down .
a time. The two small windows shown at haust back bonnets are sometimes troubled After making a special tap and some new
A are of little or no use for other than with end motion of the exhaust valves, es- seats, we removed the old ones, retapped
L End ta Port Section of Valve * End
Plan of Pamp Pit Berring Bearing
Key Slot
Cored Hole
A Вэ Part-Way
through End
of Valve .

Cored Hole to Connect This Port was Solid Motion End

Cylinder to Relief Valve before Repair and was Power, N. y .
in the Back -Bonnet. Cut Out to allow Steam
Power , M. Y. to get to Motion End.

ventilation . There is, however, plenty of pecially if the valve is not just the proper the holes and fitted the seats . A special
light in the fire- room , as there are several length. This end motion causes a “ slap," socket wrench was then made and the
skylights in the roof. It will be noticed er knock, which is very disagreeable. valve studs in the lower deck removed.
that no allowance was made, in erecting the There are two ways of remedying such These had once been brass , but had been
trouble : First, make the valve the proper replaced by iron ones that only allowed a
ſit by inserting liners between the back bon- lift of 18 inch on some of the valves, and
net and the valve ; second, remove the the mystery of why we did not get enough
cause . water was solved . The springs on these
The cause in the case in mind will be studs were so strong that I could not lift
evident upon examination of an exhaust the brass valves with my fingers from
valve of this style . The valve end fills the above at all and it was only after remov
port at each end, except for oil grooves ing the seat that we ascertained the ex
Power, P. cut in its surface, and a covered hole in the treme amount of lift available.
FIG. 3. back end, which allows access to the cylin- I once had a peculiar trouble with the
building and placing the boilers, for taking der relief valve from the cylinder barrel. feed-pipe on one of my boilers. One morn
out the fues for repairs, etc. This arangement allows the steam pressure ing my night fireman called my attention
Fig. 2 shows how the pumps are ar to reach the back end of the valve before to a strange noise on No. 1 boiler when he
ranged. While easy of access for oiling or it does the front end , and also allows the pumped water into it. It was a kind of
February, 1906 . POWER

hollow roar that gradually changed to a the water would be hotter there, but it drove them into these cored places until the
singing noise as the water reached the sec- could not be much hotter than at the rear cushion was just right.
ond gage-cock. As the load was coming end. I should like to have some of your L, L. ARNOLD.
on, there was no time to investigate the readers' opinions on this point. Clear Water, S. C.
cause, SO we continued to run on until The other day, when I was putting my
about two o'clock in the afternoon , when fire pump through its weekly inspection Does This Engine Leak Steam ?
my day fireman sent for me to look at the under fire pressure, I noted a squirting
check-valve on this boiler, which was situ- noise in one cylinder that sounded very Herewith are three indicator cards taken
ated on top of the boiler close to the elbow much as if one of the valves was gone, from an old-type, upright blowing engine.
where the pipe turned down through the but, as the pump ran very smoothly and I would like to learn from Power readers
shell. This was an ordinary swing check gave the required pressure easily, I was whether this engine leaks steam , or whether
and I found it leaking through a crack not at all certain that this was the cause. the valves can be set differently in order to
that ran from the regrinding plug to the After the trial I went through her and utilize less steam. The engine seems to
top cap. This looked like excessive pres-

found one of the lower deck valves with a
sure in the feed line and I at once procured wedge- shaped piece cut from one side about
a valve to replace it, intending to do the 34 - inch wide and nearly the same deep.
job that night. Before leaving the boiler In feeling around for the cause I found
room I cautioned the fireman that it might the bones of a good-sized fish, some pieces Power, N.V.
blow out, but for him not to lose his head, being three and four inches long, and as FIG I.
but to shut off the feed and the junction sharp as a knife. As there is no strainer take a great deal more steam than is neces
valves in the order given and deaden his on the suction in the forebay, there is no sary. After I took the first card , Fig. 1 ,
fire. About an hour afterward there was mystery in the fact of the fish being there, I rotated the steam eccentric ahead on the
a roar and out went the cap. The fireman but it must have been there quite a while shaft 4 inches ; then I got the second card,
followed instructions to the letter. Send- before the bones were broken up enough to

ing in two extra men to help force the other go through the openings in the valve seat,
three boilers , I cooled off the disabled one and it is also strange that only one valve
and put on the new check-valve. was cut in the process .
As soon as possible we cut in No. I again One day the engineer sent for me to
and the night run was made, but the come at once, and on reaching the engine wer, V.I.
fireman again complained in the morning room I found the hand on the vacuum FIG 2.

of the strange noises at times. I went up gage " dancing a jig ” around 15 inches. Fig. 2. The engine raised the shaft out of
to the new check-valve, but it seemed to The independent condenser is a Deane, and the bearings every time the bottom center
be all right. Then I had the feed-pump the pump has two stuffing-boxes on the was passed, so I shifted both the steam
started and at once the water began to water end with a water seal on the one and exhaust eccentrics back about i inch
ooze out of the threads around the cap. next the cylinder. The packing in this box and changed the cut-off a little on the top
As I could not well spare the boiler it was giving out and all the water had gone
had to go, but the day man was again into the cylinder, which was then getting

told to watch out . About ten o'clock it some air. Directing an oiler to keep pour
blew out again and once more we had ing water into the stuffing -box with some
to fight for steam to keep things going pails, I got a piece of 1/2 -inch pipe and made
while I got on another valve. a connection to a nearby drip on the Puter, N.Y.
When we were once more easy I 'phoned sprinkler system and in this way kept FIG 3
to the city for an extra heavy to come out things going until stopping time, when end . Then I got the card shown in Fig. 3.
by express and decided that we would try some new packing effected a complete cure. The engine runs very nicely this way, but
to carry the night load with three boilers, I saw a letter in the May issue of Power seems to use a lot of steam , as I said be
while I hunted trouble. The trouble was on curing noisy dash - pots . It made me re- fore. It is of the throttling type, has dash
simple enough when found, but the valve call some temporary repairs I have seen . pots on the steam valve and two eccentrics.
we had put on that day had cracked in ex In one case the dash- pot had refused to go Top of Valve
actly the same place as the first one, before down until the valve gear pushed it down,
we cut the boiler out at 6.30 p. m . so the engineer procured some long springs
These boilers were 78 inches in diameter that were used in the weave room , this
and 20 feet long, and the feed- pipe nipple being a cotton -mill plant, and tying one end
screwed through the top shell and into a of the springs to the valve crank with a
sleeve coupling. Into the lower end of this cord, the other end was made fast to the Bottom of Valve
coupling was screwed another nipple with pot body, the springs being pulled out to
an elbow on it, then the feed-pipe was car- the necessary tension and the day's run fin Rocker Arm
ried back over the flues to the rear end and ished without trouble .
turned down. The pipe was steadied by
two clamps from one of the flues and the
In another place the necessary cushion
was given by adjusting some screws in
elbow had stripped off the nipple and holes at the base of the pot, while the To Eccentric
Puwer, XV.
sprung partly to one side, allowing the plunger was released by leather flap valves EXHAUST VALVE GEAR.
water go straight down over the fire. riveted to the bottom of the pot. One of FIG 4 .
This was what caused the noise, but I these Aap valves broke loose one day and The exhaust valves are worked from a
could never exactly understand what burst worked around until some of the ports rocker - arm . A connecting-rod runs to the
the valves . I supposed it was water ham- were uncovered and the way that thing top valve on one side and the stem passes
mer, but have so far been unable to figure slammed was a caution. These pots were out on the other side of the valve, where
exactly how it was produced, or why the below the engine -room floor, bolted to a another crank is fastened , and from here a
shock, or jar, should be harder on the granite bed rock and the cored spaces lead- connecting -rod runs down to the lower
valve when discharging into the front end ing under them to the pots were about 38 valve stem . Fig. 4 shows the exhaust
of the boiler, than it would be when dis- inch high. The engineer took some rags valve gear . E. H. KIRCHNER.
charging into the rear end. Theoretically, and with a hammer and calking tool Mayville, Wis.
112 POWER February, 1906.

Crown - Bars Too Close to Crown- and shaft to pass through, we were obliged first place. The reason for not using a
Sheet. to draw the keys and take these parts out bit large enough to drill it out altogether
separately. The keys had been driven to is that I did not wish to injure the key
Recently I had to put a new fire -box in stay, and after trying everything which seat, either in the hub or the shaft, and I
a marine boiler, in consequence of the had been successfully used on similar reasoned that if the drill did not go per
crown-bars of the old fire -box having been jobs, such as heating the hub, etc., and fectly fair, it would only cut out one side
riveted too closely to the crown -sheet, putting all the strain possible on a 1-inch and leave the other to be chipped out or
leaving only about one inch of water bolt, breaking several, we resorted to the gotten out the best way possible. By en
space between the sheet and bars. This following plan, which proved successful : larging the hole until it would cut through
space filled with scale and caused the sheet - As intimated, each key had been drilled the sides of the key, and by retaining the
to crack between the rivets underneath all and tapped for a 1 -inch bolt, the drill used threaded end, it left us something to get
four crown-bars, which are shown in the being similar to that shown in Fig. 2. I hold of to pull out the pieces with, if it
accompanying illustration. In getting the ground this drill "off center," as shown came in pieces, or the whole key, if it came
that way ; and as it came as I anticipated
it proved my reasoning to be correct.
This same idea comes in handy also in
" spotting " a bearing, or anything that is
babbitted, as the hubs are larger at the
bottom than at the top, thus dovetailing
and keeping the babbitt in place, should
the holding metal expand a little.
Gloucester, Mass. P. A. LEAVITT.

A Criticism of Boiler - Bracing.

It would seem that, with the steam

boiler inspection and insurance companies
now in existence, little is left to be said .
with respect to properly bracing flat sur
faces on boiler-heads unstayed by tubes,
flanges, etc. Upon investigation, however,
I am convinced that the general method
employed to stay the flat surface around
a manhole below the tubes on a horizontal
old fire -box out, I used steam drills to cutin Fig. 3, and drilled the hole larger, in- return tubular boiler head is radically
the stay-bolts and mud-ring loose from creasing the size until the tool cut through wrong, in that the designs for front and
the boiler shell. I raised the boiler suffi- the key and relieved the pressure. Fig. I sistent with each other.
ciently high to allow the fire -box to drop 14
out ; then I cut the heads and stay-bolts -144
out of the old sheet and used it as a tem
plate for a new crown-sheet. In making
the new fire - box I left space enough be 29
tween the crown-bars and crown-sheet to
insure good water circulation. Evidently
the builders of this boiler, who are manu
Power , N.Y.
facturers of standard boilers, were satis FIG. I.
fied that one inch water space under the
shows how the key looked after it was rear heads are not the same, and not con
crown-bars was sufficient, because the
drawn. To be more explicit, my method Herewith are views which explain my
crown-sheet forms an arc at this point.
Inasmuch as the hot shell tends to throw was to grind the drill a little "off center," contentions. Fig. 1 is the front head of a
boiler with a manhole beneath the tubes.
the water upward and away from it, how
ever, it is apparent that one inch is not Fig. 2 is the rear head of the same boiler
with a handhole beneath the tubes. Figs.
sufficient, as there is a great danger of the
3 and 4 are enlarged sections showing the
crown-sheet becoming too hot under the Power , N.Y. surfaces to be braced. The tube-layouts
crown-bars, and such a small water space FIG. 2 .
causes scale to accumulate and burn more being the same on each head, the extent
drill in about 3-32 of an inch, then remove of surface exposed to pressure is of course
readily at these points. the drill and grind it a little more, keeping the same.
E. COOPER WILLS . The bracing recommended by the largest
this up until it assumed the shape indicated.
Bluefield, W. Va. inspection company is as follows : Through
braces with turn -buckles are run from
Drilling a Large Hole With a Small head to head, C to D, each side of the
Bit. Power, N.Y.
manhole. The rear head has also two
FIG . 3.
Having recently dismantled an engine, Although I used a 29-32 -inch bit, yet extra braces, E, which run diagonally to
and having had to resort to a few I was able to drill a 1 /4 -inch hole without the shell, and are securely riveted thereto. 1

“kinks," I thought one of them would in- difficulty, and one who has never tried it The flange around the manhole acts as a
terest Power readers. Fig. I represents will be surprised to learn how a common bridge between the braces C on the front
a key, 14x1 /4 inches, which was originally flat drill can be made to drill a hole head, and so prevents the edge of the
used to key one of the Aly -wheels on the larger than the width of the bit. manhole from bulging outward. It is
shaft. As there was no opening in the You may wonder why I did not save a therefore supposed necessary to have more
wall large enough to allow both fly -wheels lot of time by using a larger bit in the braces on the rear head, as there is no
February, 1906. POWER 113

lange to support the surface between keep it from bulging. The tension on C similar points. In Figs. 5 and 6 the let
braces. is equal to the tension on D, since C and D ters refer to the same parts as in Figs, 1,
This construction appears at first glance are the ends of the same brace, which has 2, 3 and 4 .
to be quite proper, but I will proceed to the same stress throughout. Let P = Fig. 5 is the present defective method
pressure per unit area in boiler. It has I have described, and Fig. 6 is the brac
just been shown, in Figs. I and 2, that ing as I would construct it. Then, since
area A A = area B B. Then P x A A = the through-brace is in equilibrium, FC
P X B B. But P X A A is supported by = FD + FE. But E is secured to C,
2 C. Then 2 D must support an equal and takes some of the stress transmitted
amount, or P X B B. The two braces by C. Therefore, E is a useful brace in
EE are supposed to perform some neces- this construction, and not useless, as
sary function on B B, else why are they proved for the construction in Fig. 5 .
there ? But, if 2 D take care of B B, of I think too much attention is paid to at
what use are 2 E ? There surely is no E,
tension in them . Then, how is the flat D
place adjacent to them kept from bulg D
ing ? I have reasoned it out as follows : A > B
When the pressure is first put on the
A Power. XY.
boiler, the braces E tend to receive a FIG . 6.
stress due to the tendency to bulge of the
Paper , V.Y.
flat surface to which they are fastened. taching the end of braces on the surface to
FIG . I. be stayed, and not enough to the point
find the flaw in it-and it is a large one OOO OO OO at which the other end is fastened. The
ООО securing of the latter end is just as im
and easy to find.
portant as the former, since it must re
sist an equal tension, but this is often
overlooked, since it is the surface to be
Power, XX
stayed which makes the brace necessary ;
FIG . 3 .
consequently, quite often “ any old place "
This, however, would tend to place a does for the other end.
greater pull on C than on D, as E would CURTISS F. SMITH .
tend to relieve D. Therefore, the brace New Haven , Conn.
C D would move forward until the forces
at each end were equal, when it would How to Balance Pulleys.
stop. This movement would of course be It is surprising to note how an other
a small fraction of an inch . It would,
wise capable mechanic goes about th
then, move forward until E was entirely
000 seemingly simple process of balancing pul
B B leys and other revolving parts. I saw a
first- class machinist place an 8- foot sec
tion of line shafting, which had several
Pouer, J.Y. EO pulleys on it , between centers in a lathe,
FIG. 2.
to balance it, after the manner shown in
It is a self-evident fact that in a rod Power , N.Y.
Fig. 1 . Of course, he failed, and the job
under tension, but remaining at rest, the FIG 4.
had to be done by somebody else.
forces acting upon it are in equilibrium ; relieved . This can be proved as follows : Another machinist, who ranked very
also the stresses at any and all sections LetFC = force on C. high , did something even more incon
of the rod are equal, as reaction must FD = force on D. gruous. A countershaft, with three pul
equal action to produce equilibrium or FE = force on E. leys on it, was brought into the shop to
rest with respect to the parts which trans 2 FC = P x A A. be balanced. The man got two V-shaped
mit these stresses. 2 FD = P X B B. biocks, set them level and dropped the
Now, consider the tubes as braces, But AA = B B.
which of course they are. Then each tube Therefore 2 FD = P x A A. ends of the shaft into the grooves, as
shown in Fig. 2. The foreman ordered
sustains the same pressure at each end, Therefore FC = FD . the shaft removed from the V-blocks, but
and therefore braces the same amount of Stress on braces at front head = 2 F C. the man did not take any of the pulleys
flat surface at each end. This means, Stress on braces at rear head = 2 FD +
off the shaft, but tried to balance them all
then, that the amount of surface unbraced 2 FC. But stress on rear head = stress together, so the work had to be done over
by tubes is the same on each head, on front head.
by another workman.
whether this surface consists of a cast E Every engineer would do well to have
iron manhole- plate supported by the C D B
in his tool-box two steel straight-edges,
manhole -flange, which is in turn sup about 15x114x4 inches. These can be
ported by external means on one head, and
plain, flat boiler-steel with a handhole D B let into wood and placed on blocks or
horses which have been leveled especially
plate on the other, or whether both are Pr .

uninterrupted flat surfaces. FIG. 5. for balancing work, as shown in Fig. 3.

With respect to the vertical axes of the ( P X A A = P X B B, and A A = B B. ) Only one pulley should be put on the shaft
heads the surfaces and braces are sym- Therefore 2 FC = 2 FD + 2 FE.
- at a time, as it is impossible to balance
metrical. But FC = FD ( brace in equilibrium ) . more than one pulley at once.
Referring to Figs. 3 and 4, the two Therefore 2 F C = 2 F C + 2 F E. Balancing a very wide pulley, or a drum,
braces C brace the surface beneath the Therefore 2 FE = 0. presents a difficult problem , as it is hard
tubes on the front head, and D and E are Therefore FE = 0 . to find which end is out of balance. I
supposed to be necessary to brace the cor- This proves conclusively that braces for have seen drums three feet long run in
responding surface on the rear head , and equal opposed areas should be fastened at loose bearings very rapidly, while chalk
114 POWER February, 1906.

was held to the shaft to mark the side that it raised the water off of the crown- again, either by opening a throttle valve
which was thrown out of true by centrifu- sheets in both boilers until they were or, possibly, the safety valve ; or by blow
gal force. The heaviest part of the rim above a red heat. This was during the · ing off, or any other means which will
cause a quick commotion in the boiler and
allow the water to come into contact with
the hot sheet. There are hardly any safety

pi valves large enough to relieve the pressure

on the boilers under these circumstances.
Bluefield, W. Va. E. COOPER WILLS.

The Smoke Nuisance in England.

Puwer . W.Y.

FIG I. THE WRONG WAY. The Engineer and Iron Trades Adver
tiser states that in an address to the mem
being shown in this manner, weights were noon hour, when the engines, five in num- bers of the University of Leeds ( Eng. )
added to the opposite side to effect a bal- ber, and the steam hammer were shut Engineering Society, W. H. Casney de
clared that in the United Kingdom last
year 170,000,000 tons of coal was con

sumed . From careful tests, he said it is

found that black smoke contains about two
grains of solid matter per cubic foot of
smoke, and with natural draft 300 cubic
feet of air is required for one pound of
coal ; therefore, during the time a chimney
smokes, nearly 10 per cent of the fuel is
being einitted as free dust. With smoke
of a light brown shade one grain is emit
ted for every seven cubic feet. It may,
Power , N.Y. therefore, be safely asserted that about 2
FIG . 2. ANOTHER WRONG WAY. per cent of the total fuel escapes as dust
and smoke, and this percentage on 170,000,
ance. Theoretically, when a revolving down , and there was more than two 000 gives 3,800,000 tons of dust as thrown
body is in balance, every part is balanced . gages of water in the boiler. There
into the atmosphere during 1904.
In Leeds there are 937 boilers of all
types , with a grate area of 27,140 square
feet. Assuming 20 pounds of coal per
square foot, there is a coal consumption
per day of 10 hours of 2,423 tons . If only
I per cent. of this fuel escapes as dust or
smoke, there is discharged into the air of
Leeds 24 tons a day. This is without tak

FIG. 3.

That is, if any number of sections were


was no mistake about this, for I had the

Power , N.Y.
ing into account forges, foundries, brick
works or domestic chimneys , which will
approximately double the figures. Indeed,
it is safe to say that 300 tons of dust is
discharged into the air every week, with
large volumes of carbonic oxid and sul
phurous gases.
cut through it at right angles to the fireman draw both fires quickly, and we
center, or line of revolution , no matter saw the sheet in one boiler pull down more In a recent issue of the Coal Trade
how closely together, each section should than an inch at one point. Afternotifying Journal figures were given showing that
balance. Of course, this condition is al- the foremen of the different departments the coal consumption in Greater New
niost impossible in practice. J. R. H. not to allow the men to open valves and
York during 1905, according to the best
Hampton , Va . thereby bring about action in the boilers information available, aggregated 9,000,000
which might cause the water to come in
One Cause of Burnt Crown -Sheets. tons of anthracite and 6,500,000 tons of
contact with the crown-sheets, I allowed bituminous coal, or a total of 15,500,000
Constructing engineers often express the boilers to cool gradually. The crown tons. Of this the steam trade, factories,
the belief that if you have more than two sheets in both boilers remained at a red refineries, etc., including gas and electric
gages of water in your boiler there is no heat for some time after the fires were plants, used 3,000,000 tons of bituminous
drawn . I blew the boilers out and had a coal ; elevated and surface railroads used
possibility of burning the crown- sheet ;
but I have on two occasions, with from boiler maker heat the affected spot in the 400,000 tons of anthracite ; hotels, clubs,
two to three gages of water, seen the shell referred to with a charcoal fire, until theaters, factories and institutions used
water forced away from the crown- sheet it settled back into place. I then tested 1,500,000 tons of anthracite . Practically
sufficiently to allow the sheet to become the boilers and found them all right. They no account was taken of locomotive de
red hot. A short time ago my attention have been inspected twice since that time mands.
was called to a battery of two horizontal and passed satisfactorily.
tubular boilers that were being fired with I contend that most boilers explode on Charcoal only should be used for cover
coke. There was a good draft and the fire account of the water being raised off of ing metal during melting. Coal and coke
was carried to within six inches of the the crown -sheet with an intensely hot fire ; contain sulphur and are, therefore, dan
crown-sheet. The heat was so intense then, allowing the water to drop back gerous.
February, 1906. POWER 115

Official Test of Engines, 59th Street and a circulating pump, respectively , sec
o current without altering the
and the main engines. secondary resistance appreciably, while
Power Station , Interborough
Apparatus as required for the test all other instruments having a current
Rapid Transit Co. was installed as follows :-For weighing winding, which were to be used for the
the total feed-water as delivered by the test, were included in the circuit.
In accordance with the terms CO11 supply line, four tanks, mounted in pairs The generator was then run at full
tained in ' the contract between the Allis- upon two twenty -ton scales , with a ca- speed, and the excitation adjusted to
Chalmers Company and the Interborough pacity per pair of 28,000 pounds of water cause full-load current ( 263 amperes ) in
Rapid Transit Company, governing the were used. The delivery from the the armature, which was found to be
construction and operation of the nine weighing tanks was to two reservoir constant. During this period, twenty
double cross compound engines in the tanks connected by equalizers, and then readings of primary and secondary cur
latter's power station at 59th Street and in turn to the boiler feed -pump. For rent were taken simultaneously by means
uth Avenue, New York, the former weighing of drips, leakage, etc., small of telephone communication between the
guaranteed certain operative results un scales and tanks were erected as neces- readers of the Kelvin balance and sec
der specified conditions, in effect as sary . Peabody throttling calorimeters ondary ammeter . From these corrected
follows : were connected to the main line, in close readings, the true ratio of transformation
Each engine was not to require more proximity to the throttle, for use ir was calculated. It can be seen that this
than 12.25 pounds of dry steam per in- case of wet steam . All gages and ther- method of test, which is made under
dicated horse -power per hour, when in- mometers were carefully calibrated and operating conditions, will correct for
dicating 7500 horse-power at 75 revolu- standardized to the satisfaction of both any error due to inductance in the secon
tions per minute, with a vacuum of 26 parties. For the purpose of correcting dary circuit, caused by running the cur
inches at the low pressure cylinders, for changes of level of the water in the rent transformer leads in iron pipes,
and with a steam pressure at the throttle boilers, scales graduated to tenths of an which could not be corrected for in the
of 175 pounds, said rating to include all inch were placed close to each gage glass, original manufacturer's ratio test. This
steam used by the engine or by the and a temporary walkway erected to ia- test was repeated for phases 2 and 3
jackets or reheater. A further mem cilitate readings. Floats indicated the under similar conditions.
orandum agreement formulated by the level of the reservoir tanks, this level The calibrating watts for the four bal
representative engineers of each CORI being maintained a constant. To elim- anced three- phase wattmeters were cal
pany governed in detail the conduct of inate the use of the calorimeters, the culated from the corrected transformer
the test ; this secondary agreement be- steam supply was maintained at a con- ratios , and the meters calibrated and ad
ing necessitated by certain features pe- stant low degree of superheat, one boiler justed by comparison with Weston stand
culiar to the case involving the very es- containing superheater coils and this op- ard wattmeters, the calibration of which
sential point of the original contract . erated as desired. Vacuum was main- will be described later.
The swing of the generator load, aver tained at an average of 20 inches of The meters were connected as follows :
aging approximately 12 per cent. in three mercury . One in the secondary of the current trans
seconds, plus or minus, presented a pro Due allowance was made for all known formers in phases I and 3, respectively,
hibitive impediment to the use of the leakage and drips . and two in that of phase 2, the object of
ordinary engine indicator as a standard Readings were taken at fifteen -minute this method being to show by the read
ior results. ings of the meters in the three phases
Thus the only method prac- intervals, an hourly graphical log being that
ticable was
to obtain the developed maintained . the load was balanced, while the ob
electrical horse-power of the unit and ject of the two meters in a single phase
correct this by engine friction and gen was to furnish a continuous check on the
erator losses as determined by subsid The load on the engine was measured calibration of the.meters . It was found

iary tests,these tests becoming practically electric ally, by means of fout balanced that all meters agreed within their limit
three - phase integrating wattmeters of of precision, and results were therefore
of primary importance, as indicated by re the induction type, connected to current calculated from the average of the read
sults of preliminary trials. The final
decision was to make friction determi and potential transformers, located atings of the four meters, which was taken
true output of the generator in
nations by two methods, hereinafter des the terminals of the alternator, and con- to be the
nected as follows : kilowat t -hours.
ignated and described as the electrical Three current
niethod and the continuous indicator transformers, one in
method , the former to be considered de series with each of the three armature
conductors, and two potential trans LOSSES ( ELECTRICAL METHOD ) .
cisive if checked up to within 10 per
formers, connected from phases i to 2 The combined losses in the unit were
cent. by the latter.
Following is a description of the con and 2 to 3, respectively. were ascertained by driving the generator
duct of the test proper and the subsid As the potential transformers were de- as a synchronous motor with the engine
iary tests , classified as reported by the signed for use under closely defined con- trailing, and measuring the watts input,
engineer in charge of each department ditions, and could therefore be acurately which it can be seen would consist of
of the test . standardized by the makers, their ratio, combined friction and windage, I'R losses
which is 100 to 1 , was assumed to be and iron losses. As this input was too
correct. In the case of the current trans- small to be measured accurately by mean's
formers, however, where the ratio is of the four lead meters, a special meter
The engine designated as No. 8, be- subject to change, due to changed sec with its standard current transformer
ing so situated as to permit unit isola- ondary resistance, it was considered de- was used .
tion from the rest of the plant, was se- sirable to re-check the ratios, which was The unit could not be motorized for
lected as representative of the complete done as follows : periods longer than five minutes because
installation . All steam and water mains The generator was short- circuited of the difficulty in lubricating the
and auxiliary lines in the unit were either with a standard Kelvin ampere balance cylinders, which was not long enough to
entirely cut off from the rest of the in series with the current transformer in give dial reading on the meter ; so the
house or separated by two valves and a phase 1 , while a portable ammeter was meter, during the short run , was read by
bleeder or drip valve between . The unit counting the revolutions of the disk, tim
substituted for the regular switchboard
as thus isolated consisted of seven boil- ammeter in the secondary side, thereby ing it with two chronograph watches
ers , the water ends of a boiler feed -pump securing accurate measurement of the reading to tenths of a second, and the
116 POWER February, 1906.

mean kilowatts figured by the usual cal- on the mandrel D, which has a recipro RESULTS OF FRICTION TRIALS ( ELECTRICAL
ibrating formula. During this period, cating movement in front of the indicator METHOD ) .
the field current was held at that value E, the latter being of regular standard de 1. Volts armature by switchboard meter, 10,510
Volts .
corresponding to full load excitation in sign except for the removal of the drum. 2. Amperes armature by switchboard meter,
order to make the iron losses the same as A strip of paper winding on A from B 119.6 Amps ,
at full load, and was read on a Weston 3. Amps. Field by Weston Standard..202.2 A mps.
passes over the plate F, thus presenting a 4. Kilovolt amperes armature (3) X ( 1) X (2 ) 2170
standard portable ammeter. The arma- flat recording surface. As the back press K. V.A.
5. Power Factor, (6) + (4) .... .... 18.55 %
ture volts and amperes were also read at ure line is traced, the rachet G contacts 6. K. W. Input, 1861 X 100 . . 402.5 K. W.
ten -second intervals in order to obtain with the toothed wheel under the drum 7. 1 R on test, (119.6) : X ( 11) . .4.12 K. W.
8. 1 ° R at full load, (263) X (11) .. .18.92 K. W.
the power factor, which , due to the over- A , causing it to rotate a fixed distance. 9 . Difference between ( 7) + ( 8 ). .14.8 K. W.
.417.3 K. W.
excitation of the field at such small load, This movement defines the distance be 10. Total Losses, (6) + ( 9) .
Resistance of armature at 30 degrees Centi
was low, averaging for the several trials tween successive cards, and can take place grade, .2877 ohms .
The value 417.3 K. W. is therefore added to all
18.5 per cent. , with a leading current. As
at any point of the stroke desired . As the full load output readings, to obtain total load on
the meter used for this test was calibrated
back pressure line is usually straight, no the engine .
at a power factor of 1.0, it was necessaryerror is introduced and the cards present RESULTS OF FRICTION TRIALS ( CONTINUOUS
to check it on low values , and readings the same appearance as if taken singly. INDICATOR METHOD) .
were therefore taken with a leading cur- The operation is automatic and records a Ι . Η . Ρ.
rent at 10 points from 0.1 to 1.0, and a card for each revolution to the extent of 1. With Exciter Current, engine empty, 580.78
2. Without " 432.7
curve plotted, showing the error, which the paper supplied by the drum B.
curve was used to correct all readings
taken on the friction trials. To this cor
rected input, as the armature current was
below full load value, must be added the
difference between the IR losses at the
observed value and that corresponding to
full - load current. From the above, the
output of the generator plus the input to
the generator motorized plus the differ
ence between the l’R loss at motor cur
rent and the same at full load current
equals the total load on the engine in

Kelvin ampere balance used for ratio F

tests, compared with potentiometer and
standard resistance. Ammeter for secon
dary current compared with the current
dynamometer, standardized by means of B
potentiometer and standard resistance.
Current transformer for friction trials
checked by comparison with Kelvin am
pere balance. Standard indicating watt
meters, used for calibrating integrating f
@ G
wattmeters checked by comparison with
Weston laboratory standard voltmeter,

and potentiometer and standard resist

ance. Weston standard portable shunt
and millivoltmeter checked by comparison :D
with potentiometer and standard re Power , N.Y.
was performed by the Electrical Testing
Laboratories, of New York, in all cases, Using this device, two sets of indicator RESULTS OF ENGINE TRIAL .
and in addition, by comparison with the cards were taken on the engine running A summary of the results with
Interborough Rapid Transit Company's empty ; one for a period of two minutes averages is as follows. Test, December
own standards whenever possible , in all with an exciter current of 165 amperes , 6th, 1905 :
of which cases the same agreed within and the other for a period of one and Duration .. 15 hours .
the limits of precision of the instruments one-half minutes without the exciter. Preliminary operatiou ou loau .. 2
tested . Load (Switchboard reading) .... 5079.2 K.. W.
Friction and Electrical losses .. 417.3
LEAKAGE TEST. Total Load ... 5496.5 00


A leakage test of boilers, and boiler feed
Ι . Η . Ρ. 7365.3
R. P. M.
Steam Pressure . 175.28 lbs. (gage )
and steam lines to the engine throttle R. H. Receiver Pressure . 19.1
For this purpose , a continuous indicator were made thirty - six hours subsequent to L H. 19.27
Vacuum . 25.02 in .
was designed by Mr. W. L. Seabrooke of the official engine trial, said test being of Barometer 30.5 in .
42.36 deg. F.
Temp Injection Water .
the Interborough ( see accompanying twenty -four hours' duration. In connec
drawing ) , which instrument solved the tion therewith , water was weighed and
Tenp. R. H. Discharge .
Temp . L. H. Discharge .
Water per hour ... 89.909 lbs .
problem of indicator application to the fed to the boilers by way of the reservoir Weighed Leakage per hour. 512 lbs .
Leakage per hour (leakage test) 1470
engine. Following is a short description ance in theforengine
as made test. Due allow
all known leakage and
Boiler Level Correction per hour
Net water per hour...
87.864 lbs .
(high )
of the device : Correction for Superheat ... .28 %
This consists of two drums A and B drips, and correction made for change in Equivalent dry steam per hour 88.110 lbs.
turning freely on spindles C C, mounted boiler level . Dry steam per K.W.H.(Sw'chb'd) 17.34.
Dry steam per I. H. P. ( Engine) .. 11.96
February, 1906. POWER 117

The tests were under the supervision of will plainly show. The engine- and place of the boiler- setting. The bottom
Mr. Frank N. Waterman, who acted boiler-room building, which was annexed and side were distributed all over the
as referee. The following represented to the south side of the main building, place. I had a separate picture made,
their several companies : was completely demolished, and the main showing the parts of the destroyed boiler,
Interborough Rapid Transit Company, building was - moved fourteen inches off Fig. 2. In it one is enabled to see the
H. G. Stott, Sup't Motive Power ; J. its foundation. The rear boiler head, rear head, with its four remaining flues,
Van Vleck, Mechanical Engineer ; H. W. after taking out the west side of the boiler- and the circumference sheet still hanging
Butler, Principal Assistant Engineer ; room, landed against the cord-wood pile to the head by a few rivets.
Thomas Allsop, Mechanical Engineer,
59th St. Power Station ; C. W. Ricker,
Electrical Superintendent; G. F. Chellis,
Instrument Man ; W. L. Seabrooke and
W. S. Finlay, Assistant Engineers.

Allis-Chalmers Company-A. M. Mat

tice, Chief Engineer ; Samuel Moore, Dis

trict Superintendent of Erection ; T. T.

Hubbard, Eng’r Test ; J. E. Lord, Sales
Representative; C. A. Hoppen and C. J.
Larsen , Construction Department ; A. F.
Rolf and F. Buch, Electrical Dept.

Peculiar Effects of a Boiler Explosion .

November 13th last, at 8.30 o'clock in

the morning, the boiler of the Gutten
berg roller mill, at Guttenberg, Ia.,
exploded with exceptional violence, and,
besides resulting in the death of two men, 3
the accident was attended by peculiar
spectacular features, which merit more
than ordinary mention . So unusual were
the consequences that a correspondent,
Mr. Charles Fuerste, of Guttenberg, has
kindly contributed the following interest FIG. 2. PARTS OF BOILER FOUND AFTER EXPLOSION .
ing account of the resultant damage, to
gether with the accompanying compre- clearly shown in Fig. 1, with only four " This sheet, numbered 1 in the picture,
hensive views. Says Mr. Fuerste : flues hanging to the head. is ripped from the rivet seam almost clear
" The only two persons in the mill at " The front-head, after tearing out the around and straightened out. The plate,
the time were the engineer ( ? ) and the east side of the boiler-room, landed in the No. 2, to the left, as well as under No.
miller, and both were instantly killed, miller's garden across the street, with i , was the top part of the boiler for its
leaving their families in needy circum- four short Aue stubs remaining in the entire length. No. 3 is a triangular piece
out of the bottom , and shows a small
patch which was put on with patch - bolts.
No. 4 is the top of the steam dome. The
braces are all gone. The forward head
and two or three other pieces of the boiler
are not shown . The round ring back of
the rear head represents one of the engine
balance wheels, without hub and spoke
less. The engine and steam pump, which
were at the side and north of the boiler,
were completely demolished. The pump's
center casting was knocked out, and the
steam and water ends, by the curving of
the rods, came together like a horseshoe.”
A newspaper account of this accident
states that the safety valve had failed and
that the owner and helper were trying to
fix it when the explosion occurred . The
mill was built in 1897.

Manufacturers' Catalogues Wanted .


Mr. E. W. Kerr, professor of Experi
mental Engineering, Louisaina State Uni
stances. Whatever caused the explosion head . Otherwise, every tube head was versity, Baton Rouge, La., informs us that
will , therefore , never be learned ; that it straightened out and the tubes were he is building up a file of manufacturers'
was a terrific one for the size of the strewn all around within aa block radius . catalogues and wishes to be supplied with
boiler (4 feet diameter, 10 feet long, and The top of the boiler , which was ripped literature of this character by all makers
containing 48 3 -inch tubes ) the pictures out the entire length , was lying near the of machinery and mechanical appliances.
118 POWER February, 1906.

The Momentum Humbug. resolution, " a mere ephemeral ‘World's

The funny little man by the name of
Fair' which cannot possibly be expected
to pay the cost of its construction, but a
Pole, who believes or affects to believe, permanent and significant enterprise which
after twenty years of proof to the con shall offer such a panoramic registry of
Issued Monthly by the
trary, that he can get more power the world's progress in all directions as
of revolving to make it the object of continual pil
Hill Publishing Company out
he puts

into it, and

fly -wheel
becom grimage from all parts of the world, and a
505 Pearl Street , New York .
ing modesty calls the energy thus perpetual stimulus to inventors, discover
Also published at 6 Bouverie St. , London , E. C.
supposed to be produced, " Poleforcia," is ers, scientific research and all industrial,
Correspondence suitable for the rolumns of Power so’irited still on earth and at it. Sometime ago economic, intellectual and moral progress.”
and paill jor. Name and alress of correspondents must be we received from him a copy of a report We shall be glad to see a check upon
giren-not necessarily for publicution . the search for historical anniversaries as
Copy for change in advertisements must be in our hands not of a trial of the momentum engine at the
later than the 5th of each month to insure change in the issue Alexandra Palace, London, signed by J. occasions for selling pop-corn, eye-glasses
appearing on the first of the foloring month . and gold medals . We do not object to
Edwin Sherman , “M. I. C. E.,” in which it
Do not send money in an unregistereil letter. We mnnot he the catch -penny features which help to
responsible for such remittances as muy fail to reach , l'se was claimed that by using four and one
check, post offire or express order, or register your letter . half indicated horse-power in each of four make the people's holiday, if the exposi
Pay no money to kolicitus or agents unless they can show tion is not subordinated to them in a
letters of authoriza !ion from this otic engines attached to the four fly -wheels,
taken frantic effort to make the concession keep
Address all communications anel remittances , and mahe 43.35 electrical horse-power was
drajls, chechs anel money orders paya'le to POWER, 505 out of the machine . We naturally won the cost of the “ Biggest Show on Earth ”
Pearl Street, New York,
dered how a man who could arrive at this within limits. A smaller exposition which
Subscription price $2 per year , in advance , to any post conclusion and who ingenuously remark could afford to offer such inducements to .
office in North America or the possessions of the United ed in a letter accompanying the report exhibitors as would encourage a really
States. $3 per year to any other country .
that he " employed the Continental stand- representative exploitation of even the na
POWER PUBLISHING CO ., LTD ., 6 Bourerie St., Lon- ard, which is 736 watts to a horse-power," tional industries, would be immeasurably
don, E.C. , will serve all subscriptions in Europe and the and "verified the standard 736 to- day at preferable, and New York, with its large
British possessions in the Eastern Hemisphere. Price
10 Shillings in Great Britain , 12 Shillings for Europe and
the Antwerp electrical power station,” floating population, offers exceptional ad
the colonies. ever became aa Member of the Institute vantages for such an institution . Whether
Entered at New York Post Office as mail matter of the of Civil Engineers, and we promised to its international character could be sus
second class . institute an inquiry into the professional tained upon any adequate scale year after
standing and mental condition of the al year, is questionable . The " Mechanics'
Cable address , " POWPUB, " N. Y.
leged expert. We were saved the trouble Fair " held at Boston every three years,
Lieber's and ABC Codes .
by our London contemporary, The Elec under the auspices of the Massachusetts
trical Review, who found that there was Charitable Mechanics' Association , is a
During 1905 POWER printed and circulated
291,600 copies—an average of 24,300 per no such member on the list of the Insti feature of New England industrial life,
188ue. Of this issue of POWER 26,000 copies but the annual exhibitions of the Ameri
tute of Civil Engineers, and brought out
are printed . No papers sent free regularly ; a letter from Mr. Pole to the effect that can Institute at New York lost in interest
no returns from news companies ; no back year after year and have long been discon
numbers beyond the current year. Professor Sherman is a member of the
Institute of Continental Engineers, an in tinued in favor of the special annual Elec
stitution which the Review suggests “ is trical, Automobile, Sportsmen's and other
Contents. PAGE probably 'made in Shermany' and consists shows. Of course , the proposed exposi
A Modern Central Station Plant . 67 of one member." tion is more ambitious in its character
Taking Care of an Engine .. 71
Design , Construction and Applicat ion of We are reminded of the traveling part than any or all of these, involving the ex
Large Gas Engines in Europe IV .
Horse Power Chart
73 ner of a large concern in a New England penditure of $ 60,000,000 upon grounds and
Experiences in a Refrigerating Plant . 77 manufacturing town, who carried a stack buildings alone.
Catechism of Electricity - XI . 82 of passes entitling him to ride upon most
Boiler Explosion at Providence, R. I.
Why the Steam Turbine is not More Ef of the railroads of the United States, ob- Four-Stroke Operation by Two-Stroke
ficient 83
Engine Room Chemistry 84 tained in reply to requests for an Gas Engines.
The Engineer in the Navy . 86
Elementary Lectures on Electrical Engi exchange of transportation courtesies,
neering : Fundamental Principles .... 88 signed by himself as president of the Mer
Steam Boiler Efficiencies ... 89 One of the most puzzling of the many
Producer Gas and Gas Producers . 92 rimac R. R. & Transportation Company. vagarie s characteristic of gas engines is
Breakdowns of Electrical Machinery 94
When he was finally smoked out it tran
Trials of Suction Gas Producer Plants .. 97
Central Stations versus Isolated Plants . .100 spired that he owned a little launch on the operation by small two-stroke-cycle
Boiler Inspection in British Columbia .... 101 the Merrimac river and called himself the engines on a four-stroke cycle. Some
Catalogue and Data Files .102
Reclamation Service U. S. Geological Sur- “ Merrimac River Rafting & Transporta times this goes on continuously for a con
vey 103
Correspondence and Discussion : Refrig . tion Company." siderable length of time; again it is in
erating Problems....Repairing Worn
Dash -Pots.... Belts Changed Places termittent, the engine running a few min
while Running.... Pump Troubles and
Remedies. . . . Babbitting an Eccentric A Permanent International Exposi utes on its proper cycle and then chang
Strap .... Improved Circulation in ing over to the four- stroke cycle for
Closed - end Tubes ....An Emergency tion at New York . awhile . Upon analysis of the working
Tap and Die .... A Suggestion for Mr.
Pember .... A Novel Automatic Alarm conditions and applying one's knowledge
Weaknesses in Boiler Feed Reg .
ulators .... Bearings_and Babbitt . The Governor and Mayor of the State of elementary principles to the case, the
Peculiar Marks on Engine Room Wall and City of New York have appointed explanation usually develops without dif
The Piston Rings Click . ... Ser
viceable Pipe Hangers.... Faults in a committees to devise plans for the cele- ficulty. It is well known that if the mix
First-Class Plant .... The “ End Slap " bration in 1909 of the tercentenary of the
in Corliss Exhaust Valves.... Several ture of gas and air be too rich it will not
Perplexing Problems Solved .... Does discovery of the Hudson river ; and of explode promptly nor vigorously ; if it
this Engine Leak Steam ....Crown
Bars too Close to Crown - Sheet . the several projects proposed, that of es- could be given time enough for the slow
Drilled a Large Hole With a Small
Bit .... A Criticism of Boiler - Bracing tablishing a permanent international expo- flame propagation incident to over-rich
How To Balance Pulleys .. sition in New York appears to have the mixtures, the charge would burn, of
One Cause of Burnt Crown Sheets. 104-114
Official Test of Interborough Engines .... 115 most favor. Such exposition would be course . It is equally well known that in
Peculiar Effects of a Boiler Explosion ..... 117 opened in 1909 and continued annually all two -stroke-cycle engines the exhaust
Editorials 118-119
New Things for the Power - Plant. 120-123 thereafter, not, in the language of the and inlet ports are open a very small frac
February, 1906. POWER 119

tion of the time occupied by the piston in otherwise readily explainable to electricity the complicated process of combustion
making one stroke, in contradistinction to as a cause is more justifiable in this case with this rapidity.
the four-stroke-cycle engine, in which the than ordinarily, although there are those But this is the average rate. If a bunch
exhaust valve is held open throughout one who “ pooh -pooh ” at this theory and at- of kerosene- soaked waste were thrown
complete stroke and the inlet valve tribute the action to sewage and ordinary into the furnace, a large amount of vola
throughout another. Combining these corrosive characteristics in the circulating tile and combustible matter would be
two simple facts gives the explanation of water. In one case near New York there thrown off immediately. This is some
nearly all cases of four-stroke working by was a difference of about five volts be- what the condition which obtains in the
two-stroke engines. If the engine is well- tween the bay and the condenser, and the combustion of a rich bituminous coal.
governed and runs with a steady load, it tubes suffered badly. The system of the Such fuel contains a large percentage of
may be made to run continuously on a outlying district was changed from con- volatile matter, which is gasified imme
four -stroke cycle by increasing the pro- tinuous to alternating current, and the diately under the action of the intense
portion of gas to air until the mixture corrosive action very largely disappeared. heat. When a large quantity of such coal
becomes so rich that it will not explode It has been attempted to get around this is thrown into the fire at once, gas is
promptly. A charge admitted cold to the action by connecting plates submerged in generated faster than air can be gotten in
cylinder will miss fire, and nearly all of the bay to the piping system of the sta- to mingle with it without reducing the
it will remain in the cylinder for the next tion inside of the condenser, so that the temperature below the point of ignition,
compression stroke , because the exhaust current would enter by the copper cables the mingling process being complicated by
port is open such a short time and the rather than through the condenser, and the presence of the gases of the combus
pressure in the cylinder is so low while this has been more or less successful. The tion already completed .
.it is open ; remaining in the hot cylinder latest method, put into effect at the new This is the reason that a soft-coal fur
during another stroke, the charge becomes Long Island station of the Pennsylvania nace is ' so apt to smoke immediately after
heated and better mixed and fires prompt- Railroad , is the insulation of the con- being fired. In the side-firing method the
ly the next time the igniter operates. denser from everything but the incoming temperature is kept up by adding coal to
Then another charge is taken in cold and water, and the sending of a counter -cur- one side when the other is at its best ; in
does the same thing, and so on, the engine rent through it just sufficient to neutral- the coking method the coal is placed on
missing alternate explosions. This may ize the current entering with the circula- the dead -plate in the front of the fur
continue indefinitely, unless the load var- tion . This involves considerable expense nace, so that the gas distilled from it
ies considerably and the regulation is not and engineering in the installation , one must pass over the full length of the in
very close. In this event, when the engine of the features of the Long Island sta- candescent bed which is maintained by
begins missing alternate explosions, its tion being an enormous porcelain elbow pushing back the coked coal . The more
power being reduced or the load in on the exhaust main . This seems like a gradually the coal is introduced, the more
creased, or both, will cause the speed to bold proposition at first thought, but a perfect the process, and the continuous
decrease and it is quite possible for the porcelainelbow is no more phenomenal a feed of the mechanical stoker has the ad
condition to be so " critical" that the piece of work than a porcelain bath-tub, vantage over the intermittent hand- firing
slower speed will give time for the mix and if it does the work, what is the ex- in this respect. In the down-draft or the
ture to heat and explode regularly, bring- pense beside-well, silver tubes ? This under-feed stoker the gases distilled from
ing the machine back to two-stroke oper- question of condenser-tube corrosion is the incoming fuel must pass through the
ation . In every case of this seemingly one of the live issues around the modern bed of incandescent coke and emerge in
paradoxical sort of operation by station- large power plant to-day, and the man excellent condition to burn , if discharged
ary engines that has come within our who could point out a practicable solution into an atmosphere in which sufficient
observation it has been immediately would win fame and fortune. We suggest heated oxygen is present.
remedied by reducing the proportion of it as a profitable line of investigation , not
gas to air ; in launch and automobile only for professional institutions with Horse-Power Supplement .
motors it can be stopped by reducing the laboratory facilities, but for the man in
speed of the machine, if it be running at the field, who is well-enough equipped to Immediately following page 130 of this
a very high rate of speed under a light attack it intelligently . issue will be found sixteen pages devoted
load and the richness of mixture cannot
to the subject of Horse-power and forming
well be reduced.
a special section of the paper which may
The Difficulty of Burning Soft Coal be removed from the main portion and
Smokelessly . kept separate for convenient reference . It
Corrosion in Condenser Tubes. was our intention to publish this material
Some twenty pounds of air must be put in the form of a separately bound supple
The tubes of the surface condenser ment, for the maximum convenience of
suffer from pitting and corrosion to such into a boiler furnace for each pound of our readers, but the postal regulations
an extent that a naval engineer detailed coal burned, and it takes, in round num concerning supplementary matter made
to investigate the action in the condensers bers, thirteen cubic feet of air to make a this impracticable .
of one of the government vessels reported pound.
that it would be economical to make them A 500 horse -power boiler will burn some
In 1889 the amount of nickel produced
of solid silver, if that would remedy the 1,800 pounds of coal per hour, or thirty did not amount to more than 1,829 tons.
trouble. The action is erratic and little pounds per minute, which means that air Last year's estimate of production is put
understood. Of two condensers apparently must be sent into its furnace, heated to down at no less than 12,000 tons, that for
similarly circumstanced, and built to the the temperature of ignition and mingled 1903 being 9,850 tons, and that for 1902,
same design and of the same material, with the combustible gases so intimately 8.739 tons. Half the nickel placed upon
one will stand up to its work, while the that each atom of carbon or hydrogen the markets is produced by the United
other will go rapidly to pieces. The same may get it quota of oxygen , at the rate of States and Canada, and while the pro
condenser, even, will act differently at dif- something like 130 cubic feet per second. duction of these two countries in 1889 was
ferent times . All sorts of metals and If this air were delivered through a pipe only 409 tons, it now stands 6,000 tons.
alloys have been tried in an effort to find of one square foot section, it would have to The remaining 6,000 tons are made up
one which will resist this action but with- flow at the rate of about a mile and a half thus : England, 2,200 ; Germany, 2,000 ;
out success . a minute, yet with skilful management and France, 1,800 tons.-- The Mechanical
The tendency to refer everything not no difficulty is experienced in conducting Engineer.
120 POWER February, 1906.

New Things for the Power Plant . sistance stud on the movable arm engages
the other end. The various curvatures are
An Improved Laminated Gasket. device.
The lubricator is screwed into obtained by adjusting the arm, which has
the nut- like top of this shank, which is a swing of three-quarters of a circle sup
Herewith is illustrated a new style of provided with an internal thread. For plemented by the movement of a resist 1

laminated gasket recently patented by best results, the oil opening at the bottom ance pin in T- slot on the arm .
Henry C. Roentgen, of Cleveland, O. It of the atomizer should face the coming The device is mounted on a telescopic
is designed especially for use between the steam , although the atomizing edges are stand, which can be raised or lowered to
joints of pipe lines, but is practicable for so disposed about the oil opening that the any suitable height ; when the base is fast
ordinary purposes. It is composed of a oil will be atomized regardless of the di- ened, the upper part swivels . A universal
gasket of thin sheet copper between two rection of the steam. arm or section is furnished for the stand,

Power , N.F.
Power, N.Y.


gaskets of thin composition packing. The After several years' experimentation so that, if so desired, the face plate can
copper is enough larger than the composi- with and use of this atomizer, the inventor be placed in a horizontal position at any
tion to allow the teeth into which its reached the following conclusions: Cylin- height from the floor. Quadrants are
edge is divided by radial cuts to be turnedder oils, as ordinarily used, do not lubri- provided with the machine for i-inch
down alternately to one or the other side, cate all of the surfaces; the amount of pipe with a radius of 6 inches, for 114 -inch
as shown in the engraving. A sheet of surface lubricated is in proportion to the
packing of adequate thickness is thus pre- quantity of oil used and to the degree of
sented to each face of the flange, while atomization obtained ; when atomization
the copper prevents it from being blown is complete, all surfaces exposed to the
out. steam will be lubricated, and maximum
lubrication will be obtained with a mini
The Smooth-On Corrugated Steel mum amount of oil ; it is extremely doubt
Gasket. ful whether, with complete atomization, a
compounded oil is necessary ; when the
The Smooth-On Manufacturing Com- oil is atomized, much less is needed than
pany of Jersey City, New Jersey, ‘are put- is used ; with the atomizer, engines using
ting upon the market a corrugated steel or wet steam are properly lubricated with
iron gasket, coated thinly with a special little oil. The atomizer is made by W. L.
iron cement, which makes a very thin Parker, 632 Grace street, Elgin, Ill.
and strong packing, nearest perhaps to a
ground joint and withal with some de- The Pedrick & Smith Pipe-Bending
gree of flexibility. Joints made with this Machine.
packing are ready for use as soon as com
pleted , can be taken apart at any time, The accompanying engraving illus
and the same gasket used repeatedly.

cheapness of the material of which it is

trates a machine for bending pipe cold.
On account of its durability and the By its use piping of steel, iron, brass,
copper or other material can be bent cold
made , the gasket is low in cost, and be- up to and including two inches in diameter.
ing of material similar to that of the pipe The invention is also adaptable, by means
upon which it is used should not cause of special formers, for bending light
electrolysis. angles, flat or tee- bars . The gearing is
compound, with a ratio of 25 to 1 , thus
Parker Cylinder-Oil Atomizer. providi ng a powerful leverage, and it is pipe with a radius of 9 inches, for 1%
stated that a boy can bend two-inch pipe inch pipe with a radius of 12 inches, and
Herewith is illustrated the principle of for 2 - inch pipe with a radius of 14 inches.
with little effort.
the Parker cylinder-oil atomizer, which Notwithstanding that these four quad
The machine is operated by a hand rants are funished, it is asserted that the
was designed for use either in connection
with an oil pump or other lubricating ap wheel, with four handles, which, by means smaller - size pipe can be readily bent in
pliance. The atomizer is inserted in the of compound gearing, revolves the face the larger- size quadrants very satisfac
steam pipe, as shown, and held in place plate upon which the bending quadrants are torily. This machine is manufactured by
by means of the thread near the top of secured. The pipe is held in the quadrant Pedrick & Smith, Church Lane and P. &
the shank, which forms the body of the at one end by a steel plate, while the re- R. Railway, Germantown, Pa ,
February, 1906. POWER 121

Bubb Interchangeable Compression- they can be built any size desired; also, The Vigilant Safety Water Column.
Hub Pulley . solid or split-iron pulleys can be had, if
preferred. They are manufactured by the The device herewith illustrated is the
Herewith is illustrated the Bubb " com- H. A. Bubb Pulley Company, Williams- " Vigilant" safety water column. It is
pression-hub” pulley, so called because these port, Pa. made by the Lunkenheimer Company, of
pulleys are made with interchangeable Cincinnati. Attached to a boiler, its pur
" compression bushings, ” by the use of The Philadelphia Grease Cup. pose is to automatically sound an alarm
which set- screws and keyways are ren whistle when the water in the boiler ap
dered unnecessary. It is pointed out that In this cup the lubricant is fed out un proaches the low or high safety limit.
if a set-screw breaks, it becomes a der air pressure, instead of by the force Its operation may be followed by re,
nuisance, and that a keyway cut into a of a spring, so that the feeding force may ferring to Fig. 1 : The float C has rigidly
shaft tends to weaken the shaft. Another attached thereto the rod D, which op

feature claimed for this pulley is that erates through a hole in the valve lever


there cannot be unequalled pulling on any
part of the hub, as the strain is equally H
divided by the use of the compression
bushing. Fig. I shows a split wood-rim
pulley with cast-iron arms, a form which
has been designed for lightness and dur THE VIGILANT SAFETY WATER COLUMN .

ability. The arms are of machine-molded E. The stop ), which can be placed in
cast- iron of a peculiar design. Each arm any desired position on the rod D , strikes
is fastened to the rim by three separate PHILADELPHIA the valve lever E, should the water in
lugs which extend into it from a Aange on THE GREASE CUP .

the web, the lugs being held in the rim be kept constant during the entire time the boiler become too high. Referring to
by lateral bolts. It is claimed that this of discharge. The upper part of the cup Fig. 2 it will be seen that as the valve
construction eliminates strains and shrink is threaded externally to screw into the lever E is raised it lifts the valve L
body and to carry a lock-nut not shown. from its seat, allowing the steam from
Inside of the upper part is a floating pis- the connection at the top of the cap to
ton, which is so connected that it moves pass through the seat opening and thence
without friction, turns with the cap and to the whistle.
keeps the grease level without exerting
any pressure thereon other than its own
The grease is delivered through the fun
nel, shown in the bottom of the cup, and
this funnel is perforated in its neck to al E
low the grease surrounding it to enter
through the perforations after the piston
has shut off the feed through the bowl
of the funnel.
After the cup is filled, the cap is

FIG. 2 .
screwed in about a quarter of its length
and this compresses the enclosed air suffi
ciently to feed the lubricant for consid
erable time. A turn of the cap every
day or two will then be sufficient to feed
the grease completely out of the cup, ex
age, at the same time rendering the pulley cept that which is retained by the piston
The same result is accomplished when
exceptionally strong ; in fact, as strong as in the bowl of the funnel. This will feed the water becomes too low in the boiler.
the web-center construction. Fig . 2 shows by gravity until the cup is empty or again When the float fails, the knob K, on the
the special oil grooves which are incorpo- filled. The makers are the Philadelphia rod D, forces the valve E down, which
rated in the bushing. Lubricator & Manufacturing Company, also opens the valve, allowing steam to
Bubb pulleys are listed up to 60 inches 1525 Land Title Building, Philadel . reach the whistle.
in diameter and 16-inch face, although phia, Pa. The columns have gage-cock holes
122 POWER February, 1906 .

tapped on both sides ; consequently, they come by the use of special balls with The clips are designed so as to get a re
can be used as either right or left -hand hardened and ground bushings and cones. latively large amount of cooling surface
patterns by transposing the plugs and as compared with the surface directly ex
cocks. If repairs are necessary, the cap The Sharp Shaking and Dumping posed to the furnace heat, and the makers
B only need be removed, when all the Grate . claim that this makes it easy to keep the
working parts will be exposed and are pieces from attaining excessive tempera
easily accessible. It is not necessary to The accompanying engraving Fig. 1 il- tures, thereby making the grate very long
take down the entire column, or even
to remove the water gage or gage cocks .
But one strong, seamless, copper float
is used . The floats are carefully tested,
and will not collapse under 350 pounds
pressure, it is stated .
The sediment chamber H collects the
dirt, scale, etc. A drain can be provided
in the bottom of the chamber to discharge G
the collected sediment. The columns are
made in various sizes suitable for the dif
ferent types of boilers.

New Head for the Weinland Tube


The accompanying engraving shows

what its manufacturers, the Lagonda Man
ufacturing Co. , of Springfield , Ohio, are
pleased to call the “ three arm rocker arm
head” which has been designed for use
upon the Weinland turbine tube cleaner.
The arms have cone cutters at the for
ward end and star cutters at the rear,
and are pivotally attached to a spider so
as to be self-adjusting at both ends, and to
accommodate their position to the thick
ness and disposition of the scale. The range
of the cutter is indicated by the dotted FIG . I. SHARP SHAKING AND DUMPING GRATE .
lines, and anywhere within the range
the cutters are borne against the scale by lustrates very clearly the construction of
centrifugal force with sufficient pressure the Sharp shaking and dumping grate made
to remove it, but not sufficient to injure by The Economic Engineering & Con
the tubes. struction Company, Chicago. The grate
This head can be attached to any No. 8 is composed of a number of “ clips” pro
Weinland cleaner already in use, or can vided with fulcrum jaws on the bottom
be furnished with any new machine. Other and mounted in gangs, as indicated in the
types of head are available for special illustration. The clips are strictly inter
service. The turbine is provided, at the changeable and can be removed and re


option of the purchaser, with either ball placed singly without disturbing any other lived. The stub levers, fulcrum jaws,
or thrust bearings, the preference of the parts. The grate is made up in two divi- handles and other fittings are made of
builders being for the ball type, the ob- sions, as usual , so that half of it may be malleable iron and the carrying bars and
jections to which they claim to have over- shaken without disturbing the other half. fulcrum bars are of cast iron. When
February, 1906. POWER 123

screenings, slack or other similar grades of certain oil - tight plates or covers, and the An Oscillating Windmill.
fuel are used, the makers recommend the piston-rod stuffing - box may be adjusted
use of the blower illustrated in Fig. 2. without opening the case. Power is obtained from wind at the cost
of the original investment, the up-keep and
attendance—and the greatest of these is at
tendance. The interest on the original in
vestment is a small item, and the up-keep
is still less , if the attendance is all that
it should be ; but nobody likes to climb
a tower every few days to oil and adjust
gears and bearings, and they are allowed
to squeak and wear and get out of line,
to the impairment of the efficiency and
IT PRESSURE the duration of the apparatus . The main
GAUGE object of Mr. Charles McGregor, of
Nashua, N. H., the inventor of the mill

under consideration, was, therefore, to
produce a mill which could be put out
anywhere and be depended upon to take
care of itself with absolutely no atten
tion. He does this by not only getting
rid of the gears, but by substituting roll
ing for bearing friction on the pump-rod,
as well as on the main shaft.
Instead of putting the available amount
of sail area into a comparatively small
PUMP ) circle at the end of aa shaft which revolves
so fast that it has to be geared down in
order to adapt its power to any ordinary
purpose, Mr. McGregor places an equiv
alent amount of area at the ends of a
The shell of this blower is of heavy sheet
iron and the steam nozzle is of he cast
brass ; it is claimed that the nozzle fills
the shell completely with steam, delivering
the maximum possible quantity of air to
the grate.

Sturtevant Forced Oiling System .

The accompanying illustration shows the
forced lubrication system used upon the
engines of the B. F. Sturtevant Company,
Within the cast - iron base, to which is
bolted the lower part of the frame, a sub
merged oil-pump operated by the crank
shaft draws oil from a reservoir and
forces it through pipes and internal pass
ages in the moving parts to the crank-pin ,
the wrist-pin, and the main bearings.
Twice during each revolution the reversal
stress of these parts, due to the double
acting feature of the engine, so reduces
the pressure that the pump has opportun
ity to force between the surfaces a fresh
film of oil. Centrifugal oil -guards on the
shaft where it passes through the casing,
together with the enclosing frame and the
watershed partition , prevent the escape of
the oil, which is continuously re-pumped
to the bearings .
A function of the watershed partition is
to preclude water from the piston - rod
stuffing -box mixing with the lubricating
oil , and the passage of oil from the en
closing frame to the interior of the cyl
inder. The partition also helps to pro
y ^
tect the parts from dirt and accident . The
parts are accessible by simply removing AN OSCILLATING WINDMILL..
124 POWER February, 1906 .

length considerably greater than the Society Notes. and family of our late member ; and it
diameter of the usual wheel of equal ca is further
pacity, so that the wind pressure exerted Robert Fulton Association, No. 28, N. Resolved , that we extend to the family
upon the equal sail area produces a pro- A. S. E. , of Illinois, listened to a lecture a further token of respect, by spreading
portionately greater turning effort at a on “ A Pound of Coal,” by Past National a copy of these resolutions in full upon
speed which can be safely used for pump- President Charles H. Garlick, of Pitts- the minute book of the Modern Science
ing and the similar purposes to which burg, on Saturday evening, January 20 . Club.
these mills are usually applied. Mr. Garlick handled his subject in a very Charles F. Hart, William Schnurr,
The blades are set pivotally in the able manner, and his efforts were greatly Pres . William Martin,
frames, and are reversed by the action appreciated by the large attendance . Chas. W. Martin , Jr. ,
of a central weight, so connected that Many of the national officers were present . Committee.
should the wind approach a velocity The sixth annual entertainment and
which would be dangerous to the mill, or Reception of the Modern Science Club of
to the pump in motion , the vanes will Brooklyn was held at the Imperial on The annual entertainment and recep
" feather,” or straighten out, against the Wednesday Evening, January 17 . The tion of Hoboken Association No. 5, N. A.
action of the weight, and the mill will, hall was crowded to overflowing, and the S. E., of Hoboken, N. J., took place at
owing to the decreased angle of the vanes, next event of the club will require a
Quartette Club Hall, on Saturday even
run at a safe speed or come to rest. A much larger hall . The entertainment ing, January 6, and the occasion proved to
simple attachment connected to a float was under the direction of Charles W. be the star event yet held by this popular
in the tank, or to a cord or wire leading Martin, Jr., and Jack Armour was the organization. The hall was tastefully
to any convenient point, allows the mill stage manager. At the close of the enter Durkin's decorated, the music furnished by Prof.
orchestra was exceptionally
to be stopped in the same way when there tainment President William Smith called
is no occasion for its use. Simple but good, and in fact every detail which added
to the stage W. T. Wheeler, who was for to the comfort and enjoyment of the large
effective means are resorted to to prevent two years the energetic president of the
icing in the vanes and rolling points. attendance was most satisfactorily carried
organization , and many claim that it was
out. A fine vaudeville programme was
The top arm is overweighted sufficient- through his efforts that the handsome heartily enjoyed .
ly to make the mill stop upon the down home of the club The committee in
was purchased,
stroke of the pump, so that it will President Smith in a short speech pre
charge consisted of Ad. Comens, James
start with the slightest effort. The Durkin , W. Carary, H. Downes and A.
sented to Mr. Wheeler a set of resolu
Roemke. This AssociationCorliss
extra work of lifting the heavier end tions, handsomely engraved and framed, illustrated lecture on the listenedEngine,
to an
of the beam comes when the pump rod is which were accepte a manner betray- by F. R. Low, editor of Power, on Wed
descending and the descent of this extra ing much feeling dandin affectio n for the
weight is available to help out on the Club. Dancing followed the show. The nesday
kinzky evening,
introducedJanuary 10. Julius
the lecture r and Jesz
working stroke. The effect of a brisk floor was managed by George F.Allen, comed those present. W. J. Reynolds spoke
wind is to increase the amplitude of the assisted by W. Schnurr and W. T.
oscillatory motion of the beam, due to of the educational advantage that the
Wheeler. Mr. Chas. M. Hart mechanical
the momentum acquired, increasing the superintendent of the Brooklyn Eagle, ten members of the N. A. S. E. enjoyed, and
stroke of the pump and thus automati- dered his resignation as president of the thanked Mr. Low in behalf of the asso
cally taking on more work as there is Club at the last directors meeting. This ac ciation. A hearty lunch was served, dur
more wind available to perform it. The tion was caused by no diminution of Mr. ing which Jack Armour of Power enter
main shaft is supported upon an arc which Hart's interest in the Club and its work, tained .
rolls backward and forward upon a plate, but by the demands made upon his time The tenth anniversary of Liberty Asso
as the inventor expresses it, “ like a rock- by contemplated extensions in the plant of ciation No. 10, N. A. S. E. , of Jersey City,
ing chair ,” and the pump-rod terminates which he is superintendent. He will be N. J., was celebrated on Tuesday, January
in a yoke against the upper surface of succeeded in the presidency by Mr. Will 9, by an entertainment and reception .
which rolls the crank of the main shaft. iam Smith, who is in charge of the Columbia Hall was well filled when the
There is no sliding friction therefore, Brooklyn Bridge station of the Brooklyn curtain rose. Joe Edmunds, eccentric com
at any point, and no lubrication Rapid Transit Company. The Board edian ; Raltare, magician ; Miss Fannie
nor attention required. The thrust of tendered to Mr. Hart a letter of thanks for Ferris, comedienne ; Charles Lawlor and
the mill is supported by a small chain services already rendered and of regret daughter in descriptive songs ; The Mc
attached to the rear end of the shaft and Kennas in the “ New Janitor ; " Andy
that he cannot fill out the term of the
to a point on the frame. office. On Tuesday evening, December McLeod, the Irish minstrel ; Steel and
The photograph is from a model, one 19, Thomas C. Maxfield of the Empire Murray, comedians, and Breen and Milli
ken, in illustrated songs contributed.
half the size of the practicable mill, which
the writer has seen in successful opera- State Engineering Company lectured on to the entertainment. The stage was
the "Maxfield Engine” to a large attend
under the direction of Joseph Mc
tion at Nashua. ance of this association . On Tuesday Kenna.
Full-sized mills have been running at evening, January 2, James A. Donnelly gramme. Dancing concluded the pro
John J. Reddy was the floor
Amesbury and at Beverly, Mass.,how gave an instructive and interesting talk manager, and was ably assisted by H. D
ever, for more than a year, with entire on " Steam Heating Troubles. " Nelson .
satisfaction to their owners, and these
have weathered the winter gales of the Elmer E. Chambers Council No. 5 ,
At a recent meeting
New England coast without the slightest Science Club, of Brooklynof
, N.theY., Modern
the fol Universal Craftsmen of Engineers, held
trouble. a public installation of officers in the Dor
lowing resolutions were passed : ic room , Terrace Garden , New York, on
A. S. Atkinson , in The Boiler Maker, Whereas it has been the will of the Friday evening, January 12. The follow
says that according to the official report of Almighty to take from us , our most es- ing officers were installed by Worthy Chief
one of the accident insurance companies, teemed associate and brother, Mr. Wm . Whitehead, of Progressive Council No.
there average twenty-five to thirty boiler H. Edgar, be it 12, of Newark, N. J.: William Arm
explosions every month which prove of Resolved, that we, the members of the strong, worthy chief ; J. A. Harris, vice
such importance as to be worthy of official Modern Science Club, do hereby express worthy chief ; L. S. Everson , correspond
record, and a good many others are prob- our most profound regret and offer our ing secretary ; J. Shear, financial secre
ably never reported to this company. heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved widow tary ; Harry Marks, warden ; George Que
February, 1906. POWER
let, treasurer ; M. W. Tripp, chap- Company, 42 Broadway, New York and by the latent heat given, and is seen to
Messrs. will have especial charge of their power equal 6.28 pounds of steam condensed per
lain ; A. Henderson , guard ; hour per 10- foot of length of the pipe.
Chisholm , Tripp and Gibbs, trus- interests .
Since the loss of a 10 -inch pipe is di
Speeches made by
tees. were

Wilson Van Buren , editor of Engineers'

entMr.andGeorge the Jack. rectly proportional to the ratio of its di
engineer of
ameter to that of a 14- inch pipe, the
List, Charles W. Martin , Jr., of Jenkins
Bros., J. H. Stevens and Brother Allen , son, Ala., Hydro - Electric & Steam Power equivalent loss in a 10-inch pipe may be
Company, informs us that he purposes to found by dividing this quantity by 14 and
of Newark Council No. 12. Dinner was
install a 161 2 -kilowatt, 250-volt generator, multiplying by 10.
served in the banquet hall at the conclu in addition to the 55-kilowatt unit already
sion of the installation . installed . The Jackson plant has been run
Areas of Circular Segments. Q :-What
The Steam Engineers' Club, of New all night every night since December 15, is the simplest way of finding the area
York , held a euchre party Thursday even 1904, without any " outages” and without of the segment of a circle, the segment
ing, December 21 , at which there was a having to shut down for a second. Power being 21 inches and the chord, or length
across, 54 inches ? GUS G. MASSER .
large gathering of both ladies and gentle is furnished by a 150-horse- power boiler
men . There were twenty exceptionally and a 125 -horse-power engine, which A. — The simplest way is to use the
fine prizes . An orchestra gave sev were installed by Mr. Brockman in 1904. table of areas of the segments of circles
eral numbers during the evening, and the given in engineers' reference books : Di
enjoyment ended with an informal dance. vide the rise, or height, of the segment by
The third annual smoker and entertain Inquiries . the diameter of the circle to obtain the
ment of Brooklyn Association , No. 41 , N. versed sine. Multiply the area in the
A. S. E. , of Brooklyn, N. Y., was held at Questions are not answered unless they are table corresponding to this versed sine by
their meeting rooms in Arcanum Hall of general interest and are accompanied by
the square of the diameter .
the name and address of the inquirer .
Wednesday, December 20 . It was a great If the diameter is not known, it may
success . An enjoyable entertainment was be found by applying the following : The
given by the “ bunch . " Owing to the big
Radiation from a Steam Pipe . - Q. diameter equals the square of half the
What would be the condensation of steam chord divided by the height, plus the
attendance the rooms were overcrowded,
in a 14- inch pipe per 10 feet of length when
but by untiring efforts the committee of the steam contained in it is at 175 pounds height.
In this case the chord is given as 54
ements able
body . ed
succeed Refres hments every
in making
gage pressure, and the pipe is covered inches and the height 21 inches. Then
served. with a coating which prevents 85 per cent.
of the loss from bare pipes The average 27 X 27 + 21 = 55.71 inches ,
The West Virginia State Convention of temperature of the room is 65 degrees 21

the National Association of Stationary Fahr. Also, what will be the loss in a which is the diameter sought. The versed
Engineers will be held in Huntington, W. 10- inch pipe ? E. L. HOPKINS, JR. sine , then , is
Va ., on February 24. This date is the 21
anniversary of the organization of the A.-The circumference of a 14- inch pipe = .377
is 43.982 inches , so that the surface in a 55.71
Huntington Association and the local com The area given in the table opposite this
mittee are very busy making arrangements 10- foot length is
versed sine is .27095. Multiply this by the
and expect to celebrate the occasion in an 43.982 X 10 X 12 36 65 square feet . square of the diameter and we have
appropriate manner . R. D. Wylie is the 144
.27095 X 55.71 X 55.71 = 840.92 square
chairman and C. Speer the secretary of The loss from a bare steam pipe is inches, which is the area of the segment
the committee of arrangements . given by the following formula, taken indicated .
from Paulding's book, entitled “ Steam in If you are interested to know how these
Personal. Covered and Bare Pipes” : Loss of heat tables of areas of circular segments ar
in B. t. u. per square foot per hour :
Mr. F. E. Matthews, who was for quite (K " X c) + (K X X ") x difference made up youwill find the matter fully ex
a long time associated with the De La plained in Power for July, 1904.
in temperature. Reversing Cross-Compound Engines. Q.
Vergne Machine Company, of New York, In this formula, the letters K, K', c, c ' -Can you reverse a cross -compound en
and whose " Experiences in a Refrigerat and c" are quantities depending on the gine, with the cranks set at 90 degrees ?
ing Plant" have instructed and entertained differe nce temperature, the actual tem
POWER readers for months, has be perature ofin the steam and air, and the At a recent meeting of Minneapolis No. 2,
N. A. S. E. , this question was asked. I,
come manager of the Automatic Refrig- character of the pipe, etc., and are ob with others, maintained that there is no
eration Company, with headquarters at 22 tained from diagrams given in the above
Thames street, New York city. Mr. Mat reason , mechanical or economical , why it
named book. By substituting the proper cannot be done. Others argued that, while
thews entered upon his new duties Janu- quantities for the letters , we have ( .463
ary Ist .
it is possible to reverse the engine, it can
1.83t.) u+. per
( 1 hour 1 ) X 312
X 2.25perX square 5
Mr. Frank Silliman , Jr. , on resigning his B. foot,=the ex- not be run with anywhere near the econ
position as manager of the Scranton terior air having an average temperature omy, with the low -pressure crank leading
Street Railway Company, was presented
the high - pressure crank, as where the op
of 65 degrees Fahr.
a handsome silver service compris posite conditions obtain .
We have previously found that there F. B. MalletT.
ing fifty -nine pieces, to which all his as are 36.65 square feet in 10 feet of length,
so that the total loss in B. t . u . for a A. — The order of precedence of cranks in
sociates and former employes, from the
officials of the company to the car opera 10- foot length of the pipe is 35416.73 cross- compound engines is more a matter
tors, had contributed. The regret at his B. t. u. But since the covering saves 85 of facility in handling than of efficiency.
departure extends to the officials of the per cent. of this loss, only 15 per cent. of The idea is to arrange the crank so that
American Railway Company, the new pro- it is actual loss, and this amounts to the engine can be most easily gotten off of
the center , and started up . In a horizontal
prietors of the system. 5312.51 B. t . u .
Ur. F. H. Munsberg , who for the past The latent heat of steam at 175 pounds engine in which the crank is well balanced .
five years has been acting as chief en- gage pressure is 846.6 B. t . u ., and the this does not make so much difference, and
gineer for the John Stephenson Company condensation in steam equivalent to this customarily the high -pressure crank fol
of Elizabeth , New Jersey , has accepted loss in thermal units may be found by lows, and the low -pressure leads. In the
a position with Edward H. Ludeman & dividing the total loss in thermal units vertical, the low -pressure crank follows
126 POWER February, 1906.

and the high -pressure leads. The engine in ton speed ( you do not give the number tains a large amount of valuable informa
the latter case tends to stop with the lead- of revolutions ) would develop 5.712 horse- tion regarding this rapidly developing in
ing crank in an excellent position, well off power per pound of mean effective pres- dustry. A number of practical considera
the center, but near the beginning of the sure. Putting on 2 pounds back pressure tions in the operation of a producer are
stroke, to take steam and start the engine would reduce the mean effective pressure clearly presented and elaborated, which is
off. If this is made the high -pressure an equal amount and reduce the power de- not always the case in text books , and a
crank , the other crank , which would then veloped large amount of such information makes
be the high-pressure, and that connected 2 X 5.712 = 11.424 horse -power. the book of considerable value as a ref
to the cylinder into which steam would Yes , it is all right to use 4 pounds back erence book . Those who are interested
have to be admitted, would be practically pressure, if it is necessary to make the will appreciate the remarkable tests made
at the end of its stroke, and in no position exhaust usable. by Robt . W. Hunt & Co. on the producers
to take and use steam to advantage. at the plant of the Grand Crossing Tack
The order of precedence of the crank has Book Reviews. Company, showing an average efficiency
very little effect upon the steam distribu of 92 per cent. The catalogue may be had
tion , or efficiency. In a horizontal engine from the main office at Worcester, or
with unbalanced crank, the same considera " A Pocket- Book of Mechanical Engi
neering." By Charles M. Sames. The from the New York office, 40 Exchange
tion may come into play that obtains with Place .
author, 448 Jersey Ave. , Jersey City, N.
the vertical engine. J., 1905. 168 + viji pages, 4x65g . Flex " Cams and the Principles of Their Con
The Economy of the Economizer. Q.- ible leather. Illustrated . Price $ 1.50. struction.” By George Jepson . D. Van
If a boiler receives its feed water at a The engineers' pocket-books, of which Nostrand Company, New York, 1905.
temperature of 56 degrees Fahr., and those of Haswell, Trautwine, Kent, Clark Cloth . 59 pages, 6x9, 2 inserts. Illus
changes it to steam at 132 pounds gage and Supplee are examples, give in con- trated . Price $ 1.50, net.
pressure, and if the addition of an econ densed form the working formulæ, data ,
The author of this work is a well -known
omizer raises the temperature of the feed tables, etc., of the engineering profession .
They are excellent for desk use and can mechanical drawing instructor and has
water to 123 degrees Fahr., what will be used his talent to good advantage, espe
be carried in the pocket upon occasions,
the percentage gained ? but being 1/4 inches thick and weighing cially in the illustrations. As cams have
something like a pound and a half, are as many different shapes as the uses they
A.-The total heat of steam above 32 hardly eligible as constant pocket com- may be put to, Mr. Jepson shows in this
degrees Fahr. at 132 pounds gage pres- panions . book only the more common forms, such
sure may be found from any steam table Much of the material in these volumes is as the frog, face and cylinder cams, etc.,
and is 1,190.7 . This is the number of with the methods of constructing the same.
of occasional value only, while certain
heat units which must be supplied to a
pages are in continual use. The object of Besides a number of carefully prepared
pound of water at 32 degrees Fahr. to Mr. Sames' book, as we take it, is to collate drawings showing the parts and features
turn it into steam at 132 pounds gage
most frequently used rules, formulæ, in detail, the work also contains pictorial
pressure . If we assume that the specific the tables, ctc., into a book so small, or rather views of cam cutting-machines in opera
heat of water at the lower range of tem so thin , that it may without inconvenience tion . To anybody concerned with the
perature is unity, or 1 , it will take 56 - 32 be carried in the pocket. manufacture of machines the work will
= 24 units to heat the water from a tem undoubtedly prove beneficial.
perature of 32 degrees to that of 56, and His table on the properties of saturated
the total heat in the steam at 132 pounds steam, for example, is condensed into a "Mannheim and Multiplex Slide - Rules."
pressure above a feed-water temperature single page ; that of the squares, cubes, By L. W. Rosenthal. Eugene Dietzgen
of 56 is therefore 1,190.7 — 24 = 1,166.7. areas, circumferences, to less than two Company, Chicago, Ill . Heavy paper.
Under the same assumption it will take pages. This results in a book 168 pages 59 pages, 4x7. 6 Illustrations . Price
223 32 = 191 heat units to heat the thick, instead of the 1,100 or 1,200 of the 50 cents .
feed-water from a temperature of 32 de- ordinary pocket -book , and, withal , the
grees to that of 223 degrees , the tempera author has found room to devote especial This little book appears to be an effort
ture of the water flowing from the econ attention to such subjects as reinforced to combine elementary instructions for
omizer, and the total heat in the steam concrete, ball and roller bearings, super- using slide -rules with an exploitation of
above the temperature of the economizer heated steam , temperature -entropy dia- the publishers' instruments, and it is a
water is therefore 1,190.7 191 = 999.7 grams, steam and hydraulic turbines, inter- fairly satisfactory effort, not withstanding
British thermal units. The difference be- ual-combustion engines, high - speed tool the author's slovenly diction and obscure
tween these two total heats, or 1,166.7 steel, grinding and grinding wheels, mod- exposition. The attempt to explain the
999.7 167 heat units, is thus saved ern methods of designing electro -magnets, underlying principles of the slide-rule
in the boiler by having the feed - water at rheostats, transformers, generators, etc. , might liave been omitted, to the great
the high temperature of 223 degrees. If and to the inclusion of the latest obtainable advantage of the uninitiated reader ; the
this number, 167, be divided by the total data on all subjects, among which may be instructions for setting the instrument are
heat in the steam above the feed-water mentioned : Atomic weights, friction, spe excellent and of immeasurably greater
temperature of 56 degrees, or 1,166.7, it cific heat, steam engine economy, locomo- practical value than the preliminary " ex
will give the percentage of heat saved , or tives, train resistance, gas and oil engines, planation .” As a general hand -book, how
ever, this one is incomplete in that
14.314 per cent. pumping machinery, machine design , elec
Loss of Power from Increased Back tric traction, etc. it does not cover the duplex rule .
Pressure. Q.-If an engine is running The new matter thus collected into con
The Department of Building Inspection,
with 2 pounds back pressure on the piston venient reference form renders this work of Indianapolis, Ind. , has issued, in pam
and this is increased to 4 pounds , what and stu
valuable to engineers , draftsmen
phlet form, a bulletin for the use of steam
would be the added loss of power in a users, architects and contractors, treat
20x42 Corliss engine at 100 pounds gage “ The Morgan Continuous Gas Pro- ing of smoke prevention . While the
pressure ? Also, is it good policy to use ducer" is the subject of a recent publica- booklet was issued primarily with the idea
4 pounds back pressure ? tion of the Morgan Construction Com- of attaining, if possible, a higher standard
Mt. Vernon , I11 . C. N. CRADDOCK . pany, of Worcester, Mass. While it should of boiler practice in Indianapolis, it is
A.-A 20 -inch engine at 600 feet of pis- perhaps be classed as a catalogue, it con- none the less interesting and instructive
February, 1906 . POWER 127

for residents of other places to peruse. The Strong, Carlisle & Hammond Co. , 61 There is a wide field of application of mo
Boilers, coal, combustion, furnaces and Frankfort street, Cleveland , Ohio , has re . tor drive in which the conditions are extreme .
ceived an order for forty Squires boiler feed ly severe. This class of service includes
draft are among the topics considered, and, water controllers from the Union Electric &
besides a list of devices approved by the crane and hoisting work, The Northern Elec
Power Co. , St. Louis , Mo. , which makes trical Manufacturing Company , Madison ,
department, the following statement ap eigbty six controllers which this Company has Wisconsin has developed a line of box type
ordered . These equipments are completely en
pears in the bulletin : “ That it is possible motors.
The Robins Conveying Belt Co. , has recent closed and thus dust proof. They are fre
to prevent smoke is a well -assured fact , quently built weather proof. This class of
ly opened an office at 749 Railway Exchange
as we have in this city a considerable motors has an extremely sturdy armature
Building, Chicago, Ill . Mr. C. Kemble Bald.
number of chimneys that are practically win , the chief engineer of the Company is in shaft and liberal bearings, and compact al
smokeless. It is also a fact that it is a charge of this office and is prepared to though accessible arrangement of the motor
handle all inquiries from parties located in parts . Bulletin 32 is descriptive of these
good business proposition to prevent the Middle West . equipments.
smoke, as good combustion reduces the
coal bills. " The bulletin was edited by The Russell Engine Co. , Massillon , Ohio, An unusually attractive little mailing card
has opened an office in the Monadnock combining the artistic and the practical has
R. P. King, M. E. , smoke inspector, of Block , Chicago, with H. S. Walker, Manager . just been published by the De La Vergne Ma
Indianapolis. They have also engaged Mr. W. N. Clifford as chine Company of New York . The card con
salesman with office in the Oliver Building, tains a three page table of properties of sat.
• A contributor to Popular Mechanics Boston . Mr. Clifford was formerly with the urated ammonía gas by Prof. De V. Wood , ex
says that a good oil for winter use is made Shepherd Engineering Company. tended by G. Davidson . The first page bears
by mixing graphite with cylinder oil until If your belts slip the Eagle Oil and Supply a half tone cut of one of the Company's
Co. , 104 Broad street , Boston , Mass ., says that standard horizontal refrigerating machines
of a thick consistency, and then adding their Eagleine holdfast belt dressing will pre and a line cut of a series of bars, the length
kerosene until it flows freely. This oil vent it . They have many testimonials in re of which represent the gross tonnage of re
will not become stiff at 14 degrees below gard to this dressing which say that it will frigerating and ice-making machines of the 43
zero. not gum or cake upon the belts after con largest builders. Unfortunately the Company
tinued use . A booklet with full details and neglects to indicate the names of the machines
Business Items. information will be sent to any one inter represented by the respective bars with a
ested. single exception of the De La Vergne. We
The Jeffrey Manufacturing Co. , Columbus, understand these cards are for general distri
James Bonar & Co. , Inc. , Pittsburg, Pa.
Ohio , has sent us a neat calendar showing have received a contract for the installation
bution so that any one interested in same can
tbeir electric coal cutters and mining locomo obtain a copy of these useful tables upon ad
of three complete automatic Bonar olling
tives. dressing the De La Vergne Machine Company ,
systems for the Mingo Steel Works , of the Foot of East 138th Street, New York, N. Y.
The Ashton Valve Co. , 271 Franklin Street, United States Steel Corporation at Mingo
Boston, Mass. , has issued a neat calendar Junction , Ohio. The systems are applied to Mr. Henry C. Ebert, assistant to the Third
for 1906 , copies of which can be obtained for eight double cross compound vertical blowing Vice President of the Westinghouse Electric
fifteen cents . engines of the Allis, Southwark, and Mesta & Manufacturing Company, Pittsburg, Pa. ,
H. B. Underwood & Co. , 1021 Hamilton types, and three cross compound horizontal has resigned his position to become the Pres.
Street, Philadelphia, have issued a large wall engines of the Buckeye make . ident of the Cincinnati Car Company and Vice
calendar for 1906 ; we understand they will Lippincott indicators are said to be in President of the Ohio Tractions Company. Mr.
send a copy to engineers on application. great demand. Mr. A. C. Lippincott , 50 Co Ebert's connection with the Westinghouse
A pocket compass will be sent to any user lumbia street , Newark , N. J. informs us that Electric & Manufacturing Company dates
of Smooth - On giving his business address, and his company delivered to the Wells, Fargo Ex back about fifteen years. The officers of the
enclosing four cents in stamps to the Smooth press Company in one day shipments for Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing
On Manuafcturing C. , 572 Communipaw Ave. , Alaska, Danish West Indies, Australia, Ha Company gave a dinner in his honor at the
Jersey City, N. J. waii , South Africa, Mexico and Canada . The Hotel Schenley just before he left, and as a
An attractive wall calendar has been sent catalogue of their new high pressure indica token of the esteem in which he had been held
to us by Green , Tweed & Co. , 17 Murray Street, tor is now ready and may be had free by ad during his long association with the Company ,
New York, N. Y. It has all the months in dressing as above. he was presented with a beautful bronze
view on one sheet which makes it handy to electric stand lamp.
Six thousand boilers in the various works
look up future dates.
of the United States Steel Corporation are in An important order recently secured by the
The Morris Machine Works, Baldwinsville, sured and inspected by the Casualty Company
N. Y. hare sent us a calendar for 1906 . It Canadian Westinghouse Company was obtained
contains a very handsome picture in colors of of America , 52 William street, New York , N. from the Vancouver Power Company, of Van
Y. , who have recently had their contract re couver , B. C. This order included a 1500 H.
President Roosevelt on horse back, the horse newed with the Steel Corporation ; this is the
is shown as about to leap a three rail fence. P. , 2200 volt rerolving field engine type gen
F. E. Myers & Bro. , Ashland , Ohio, have largest single boiler inspection and insurance eraotr, which will be direct connected to a
policy ever made. On January first 1906 the Pelton water wheel. A conspicuous departure
issued a large poster and calendar for 1906.
The poster is mainly intended for dealers as Casualty Company of America did not have in the lighting of canals is that of the Wel .
one unpaid claim and have never had a law land canal near St. Catherine, Ontario . Over
it shows the complete line of pumps includ suit in their boiler insurance department.
ing the Bulldozer power pumps and other of 600 A. C. series arc lamps have been pro.
their specialties. For driving a rail mill in one of the plants vided by the Canadian Westinghouse Com
The Golden Key Mining Co. , Hillside , Ariz ., of the Tennessee Coal & Railway Co. , at Bir pany and these have been in operation for the
is installing a power plant to operate its mingham, Ala. , the Mesta Machine Co. , Pitts past few months and have given splendid ser
mining machinery. Contract has been closed burg, Pa ., has furnished a Corliss engine of vice. This installation as a whole redounds
for two Hornsby - Akroyd oil engines, 16 horse the vertical - horizontal compound type, with great credit to the Ontario government, as
power each , built by the De La Vergne Ma the horizontal , high -pressure cylinder 44 in well as to the consulting engineer , Mr. R. J.
chine Company of New York. ches and the vertical, low -pressure cylinder Parks under whose direction the complete
The Garlock Packing Company announces 72 inches in diameter with a mutual stroke plant was installed.
the removal of their Detroit office from 159 of 60 inches . It has a 200,000 pound fly
The A. A. Griffing Iron Company say
Jefferson Avenue to 809 Majestic Building . It wheel and is intended to run at 85 revolu
doubtless many of our readers have exper
will continue under the management of Mr. tions per minute, at which speed it is rated ienced trouble with steam pumps handling
E. C. Adams who will be pleased to receive at 6500 horsepower.
water from heating coils, etc. So long as a
a visit from his many friends. Among the many orders received for Tul steady stream of water is supplied to the
The Robins Conveying Belt Company has ley's “ Handbook on Engineering" published pump, its working will not be interfered with ,
recently opened an office in the Frick Building, by Henry C. Tulley & Co. , St. Louis, Mo. for but if the water supply is spasmodic and in
Pittsburg, Pa . Mr. G. R. Delamater, their termittent , the suction side of the pump will
the month of November we mention the fol
resident engineer, is prepared to receive in . fill with steam , causing it to " run away' and
quiries from the vicinity of Pittsburg relat lowing : American Steel & Wire Co. , Chicago,
Ill ., 25 copies ; Geo. W. Lord & Co. , Phila pound itself to pieces. This performance is
ing to conveying and hoisting machinery. quite likely to occur on any class of heating
delphia, Pa . , 25 copies ; A. A. Griffing Iron
The increasing business of the Westing coils, as the condensation will come through
house Electric & Manufacturing Company Co. , Jersey City, N. J. , 12 copies ; Strong, Car in unequal quantities. The A. A. Grifing
lisle & Hammond , Cleveland , Ohio, 25 copies ;
in the territory covered by their Columbus, Iron Co. , Jersey City, N. J. , report that they
Ohio, office has necessitated their moving Into Engineer Society of Montana, State College, have a solution to offer for all pump troubles
larger quarters ; they are now located in Bozeman , Mont. , 9 copies ; Signal Service such as described, which they will explain to
Room 923 Columbus Savings and Trust Build Corps, War Department, Washington , D. C., any engineer writing them a full report of
Ing. 55 copies . his conditions.
POWER February, 1906 .

At the annual meeting of the Parson Man jacketed , with valves in the heads. The ma of erection and permanent tightness. There are
no gaskets. The staggered pipes completely
ufacturing Co. , 299 Broadway , New York , chine is to operate under 110 lbs . steam pres
break up the gas currents and greatly increase
N. Y. , the following officers were elected : sure and a vacuum of 20 inches ; a very high
the efficiency of the pipe surface. Expansion
H. E. Parson, President ; G. L. Prentiss, Vice steam economy is guaranteed . The air cylind and contraction is free to occur without
President ; H. T. Parson , 2nd Vice- President ; ers will be jacketed on heads and barrels and
straining the joints. Recent orders for engine
H. M. Parson , Chief Engineer ; C. H. Parson , will be fitted with the Piston Inlet air valves.
and dynamo generating sets have been placed
Secretary and Treasury ; S H. Parson Assist The compressor will run at 75 R. P. M. at
with the B. F. Sturtevant Co. , by S. Slat
ant Secretary. The Parson Manufacturing which the piston displacement will be 6060 er & Sons, Inc. , Webster, Mass. ; Charles A.
Company report that the last year has been cubic feet of free air per minute. The air
Stickney Co. , St. Paul , Minn ; United States
exceedingly prosperous and that the business pressure is to be 100 lbs. and the altitude
Hotel , Easton , Pa.; Old Dimonion Steamboat
is continuously increasing A number of
is about 5,500 feet. Co. , New York City, for Old Dominion
large contracts have been recently closed The York Manufacturing Co. , York, Pa. , Steamer " Hamilton '' ; Peter Hauck & Co. ,
with some of the most representative concerns reports the following recent orders for ice and Harrison, N. J.; Alton Paving Bldg. & Fire
in the country. This Company is the manu refrigerating machinery . The Canadian brick Co. , Alton , Ill . The Ingrahamville Dye
facturer of the Parson system of furnace con Breweries, Montreal, Canada. The Hammond Works, Pawtucket, R I. , and the Singleton
struction. They have recently issued a very Packing Co. , Cheyene, Wyo. , Utah. W. H. Worsted Co. , Franklin, Mass. , have just placed
interesting booklet on combustion in general Storage Co. , Salt Lake City , Utah . W. H. orders for their new type Sturtevant en
and Parson system in particular and an in
Craig, Chester, Pa . The Citizens Railway , closed vertical engines, with watershed parti
quiry addressed to their office will bring tion and forced lubrication under 15 pounds
Light & Power Co. , Newport News , Va. Hamlet
anyone interested a copy of the same. Ice Co. , Hamlet N. C. East ennessee Brewing pressure. Sturtevant engines are built in
Progress in friction gearing has kept pace ing Co. , Knoxville, Tenn . Weinacker Ice & Fuel large variety up to 250 horse - power. Entirely
with the rapid progress in high - grade, high Co. , Mobile, Ala . Lord & Taylor, New York , N. new designs are represented by a line of ver
speed machinery until now the designing en Y. The Park Chemical Co. , Emporium, Pa . Kel tical - simple, vertical - compound and horizontal
gineer finds problems in this class of work, ly- Jones Ice & Cold Storage Co., Gulfport, Miss. engines especially designed for direct connec
matters of everyday occurrence. Familiarity Consumers Ice Co. , Greenville , S. C. The tion to generators. The frames are entirely
with the principles governing the most modern Crystal Ice Co. , Bartlesville, 1. T. Barth- enclosed , forced lubrication under about 15
friction transmission devices is a necessary olomay Brewing Co. , Rochester, N. Y. John Ibs. pressure is provided for the bearings
part of the education of the higher classes Ebner Ice Co. , Seymour, Ind . Howell & King, and a watershed partition prevents passage
of operating engineers and machinists as Pittston, Pa . S. W. Cahoun Chicago, Ill. of oil from case to cylinder, and of water
well . " Friction Transmission " is one of the Ensley - Pratt Ice Co. , Ensley , Ala . John from cylinder to case . Rites governors are
clearest and most helpful books that has ever Staunton Brewing Co. Troy, N. Y. Rome Ice used to regulate the speed within 114 per
treated the subject. It is put out by the Mfg. Co. , Rome Ga. Henry Elias Brewing Co. , cent. The rapidly increasing employment of
Rockwood Manufacturing Co. , Indianapolis, New York , N. Y. Morgenthaler Bros. , Phil- mechanical draft as a substitute for chimney
Ind., and though its primary purpose is to adelphia , Pa . Franklin Brewing Co. , New draft is shown by recent orders received by
make clear to designers, owners and operat York , N. Y. Howard & Childs Brewery, New the B. F. Sturtevant Company , from the Phil
ors of machinery the value of their own pat York , N. Y. Enterprise Brewing Co. , Fall adelphia & Reading R. R. Co. , Reading, Pa. ,
ent paper frictions and pulleys , they have, in River, Mass . Consolidated Ice Co. , Pitts- for maximum output of 7,500 H. P.; Ameri
advertising their own product, compiled a burg, Pa . F. C. Lucas , Lock Haven , Pa . can Magnesia & Covering Co. , Plymouth Meet
book of most valuable information, diagrams Henry Claus Brewing Co. , New York N. Y. ing, Pa . , for 900 rated H. P.; Transit Devel
and tables dealing exhaustively with the sub Flower City Brewing Co. , Rochester, N. Y. opment Co. , Brooklyn , N. Y. and the American
ject of friction gearing. The book is sent free , Germania Brewery, Charleston, S. C. Agar Can Co. , Union Factory, Hoopeston , Ill .
upon application, to those whose occupation Cross & Co. , New York, N. Y. Chris . Fegan- The Harbison - Walker Refractories Com
makes it of value to them. span, Newark , N. J. pany , Pittsburg , Pa . , reports the demand for its
The electric light and power equipment in products as very large and constantly in
The American Stoker Company , Erie, Pa . , creasing. Some of the larger contracts on
the Majestic Theatre Building one of the has acquired from the McMyler Manufactur
best and most modern private plants of its ing Company, of Cleveland, Ohio, their chain which it is now shipping or which it has re
kind in Chicago, was built and installed by cently completed are as follows : Brick for
grate stoker business which has been operated complete lining for one blast furnace and four
the Allis-Chalmers Company of Milwaukee under the trade name of the Victor chain
and consists of three generating units com grate stoker. The acquisition includes pat
stoves, pipe connections, boiler settings, etc.,
posed of Reynolds -Corliss engines, of the Re for Midland , Pa . Two blast furnaces and
liance type, direct connected to Bullock di terns , patents, drawings and good will . Mr. eight stoves, pipe connections, boiler settings,
F. Girtanner, the designer of the stoker and
rect current generators. Two of the engines the mechanical engineer under whom it has etc., for Youngstown, Ohio . One blast fur
are 20 " x 26 " producing three hundred horse nace and four stoves, pipe connections, boil
power each ; the third is 16 " x 30 " and of been developed, enters the employ of The er settings , etc. , for Chicago, Ills. For three
American Stoker Company . The Victor stoker complete furnace linings to Sydney , Nova
150 horse - power. The two larger engines has been in successful operation for some
are each connected to a Bullock direct cur Scotia . For one complete furnace lining to
time past in varous parts of the country , For two complete furnace
rent generator of 200 kilowatts capacity , Wharton , N. J.
while the smaller is coupled with a 100 kil notably in Indianapolis , Cleveland and Erie.
linings to Bethlehem , Pa . For two complete
It is said to be a distinct advance on the furnace linings to Buffalo, N. Y. For one
owatt generator of the same make. There are
general line of chain grates, having a rear at complete furnace lining to Detroit, Mich . For
two compensating sets, each consisting of a tachment consisting of clinker breaker and
Bullock 45 kilowatt generator and a 15 kilo one complete furnace lining to Canal Dover,
dumping bars. The special features of this Ohio . For one complete furnace lining to
watt machine. This plant produces a 220 attachment are that the fires can be forced
volt power current and a 110 volt lighting Sharpsville , Pa . For one complete furnace
and the capacity of the boiler increased with lining to Harrisburg, Pa. For complete lin
current, distributed by the three-wire system out any wasting of fuel and positively with
through a seven- panel switchboard. The pow ings for nine stoves to an eastern iron com
out smoke. The commercial development of The above orders call for approxi .
er is used for runnng the elevators, scene the Victor stoker has been somewhat retarded pany .
shifting machinery, compressed air plant, ven mately 17,125,000 brick. Bee Hive Coke
from the fact that the McMyler Manufactur Ovens : 1,700,000 brick for New Mexico.
tilating plant, etc., and furnshes the lighting ing Company , was so extremely busy with
current for all the building and theatre il 1,000,000 brick for the Connellsville Basin
their own special line of ore handling ma Coal & Coke Co. 700,000 brick for the West
lumination. chinery that they could not give the stoker Virginia Coal & Coke Co. 200,000 brick for
American copper mines are famed for the department the attention which it required, the Perry Coke Co. 1,000,000 brick for the
magnitude and completeness of their mining but the aggressive management of The Amer Washington Coal & Coke Co. By product
plants. The Michigan copper country has long ican Stoker Company , combined with the 2,500,000 brick for the Harris
coke Ovens :
held first place in the competition for large mertis of the Victor stoker will undoubted burg District. Also many other orders from
and costly compressed air equipment . But a ly soon make this machine an important fac cement manufacturers , including one for com
recent order placed with the Ingersoll -Rand tor in the field of automatic stoking . Here
plete linings for fifteen rotary kilns for Kan
Company , of New York , shows that the tend after it will be known as the American chain
ency toward centralization of air power in sas and Texas . The company is also exper :
grate stoker . It will be handled by The iencing an exceedingly large demand for Si
large units is working into other fields. The American Stoker Company concurrently with
management of the United Verde Copper lica brick for open hearth steel furnaces, glass
its well -known Underfeed stoker . By the ac furnaces, copper furnaces, etc., and Magnesite
Mine at Jerome , Arizona , has just contracted quisition of this device The American Stoker and Chrome brick from open hearth steel
with the manufacturers mentioned above for Company is thus enabled to offer users of works, copper works, etc. , and also a large
a cross - compound condensing two- stage Cor power, stokers of any type desired. run of carload orders from regular consum
Tiss air compressor which , when installed , will ers for all classes of refractory materials . As
be the largest compressor unit in Arizona The B. F. Sturtevant Co. , Boston , Mass .,
and the Southwest . The order calls for a will install an economizer plant for the New contracts for refractory material are usually
48 - inch stroke machine, with steam cylinders Orleans Sewerage & Water Board. The econ placed considerably in advance of the date of
28 and 52 inches in diameter and air cylinders omizers made by the Sturtevant Company have completion of plants, the Harbison -Walker
4414 and 2624 inches. Steam cylinders are the metal-to -metal pipe joints which insure ea se Refractories Company is in a favorable posi
February, 1906. POWER 129

tion ot judge of the possibilities and prospects

for the future. The very large demand for New Catalogues. New Equipment.
refractory material is an excellent indication
of an active state of business for sometime to The Miller Improved Gas Engine Co. , The Mount Ayr ( Iowa ) Gas Company, pro .
come . Springfield , Ohio . Catalogue describing gas moted by M. E. Springer, of Des Moines, has
A. Allan & Son , 486 Greenwich Street, engine manufactured by this company . II been granted a franchise. A $ 15,000 plant
lustrated , 6x0, paper. will be erected .
New York , N. Y., are sending out a large
folder emphasizing the merits of Allan anti- Buckeye Engine Co. , Salem , Ohio. Booklet The A. George Shultz Company, Milwaukee,
friction metal .It is well printed on coated entitled " The Sun That Never Sets" which Wis. , maker of paper boxes, will erect two
paper and contains half-tone reproductions of describes the electric blue printing machines new buildings, one of which is to be an elec
many pages from their catalogue, making a made by this company . Illustrated , 312x6 , tric power- house .
very attractive piece of advertising literature. The Gould Balance Valve Company has
paper .
The Green Fuel Economizer Co. , Mattea
been incorporated at Des Moines, Iowa , with
National Pipe Bending Co. , New Haven, a capital of $ 45,000. W. F. Gould , W. H.
wan , N. Y. , some time ago began the manu- Conn. Catalogue of the National feed water
facture of fans, blowers and exhausters upon Lane, etc. , incorporators.
heater with details and dimensions, directions Charles J. Wakeman , Hoopeston , Ill. , has
a large scale . This company had always been for erecting, etc. Illustrated , 512X8, pp. 24, been granted a franchise for a gas and elec
a large user of such apparatus. Some re- paper . tric plant. It is purposed to rebuild the elec
cent sales by the Green Fuel Economizer oids Gasolene Engine Works , Lansing, Mich . tric plant and erect a gas plant .
Company , are listed below : Two 310 in . in. Bulletin No. 1 , describing type " A " gasolene The Zionsville ( Ind . ) Water & Electric
duced draft fans to the American District engines for small power, illustrated by half Light Company, recently incorporated , is in
Steam Heating Co. of Minneapolis, Minn .; tone and line engravings. 8x1012, pp. 12, the market for a full equipment for a water
paper . works and electric lighting plant.
280 in , heating and ventilating fan and
Sprague Electric Co. , 527-531 W. 34th St. , The United States Glass Company , Tiffin ,
heater for Kimberly & Clark , Kimberly , Wis. ;
New York . Bulletin No. 224 , describing type 0. , will install an 80 horse -power gas engine,
two ventilating fans for Public School No. 85 , D direct current motors. Tables of ratings,
New York City ; two ventilating fans for the and some time in the future a dynamo for
dimensions, classification are given . Illus electric lighting will be installed.
Farr Alpaca Co. , Holyoke, Mass. ; a forced
trated , 8x1012 , pp. 15, paper. The recently organized Raeford Porer &
draft fan for the Buckeye Engine Co. , Provi Manufacturing Company, of Raeford, N. C. ,
Gilmer Crowell , 292-296 St. ,
dence , R. I .; an induced draft fan and engine Brooklyn , N. Y. Price list of " Crowell" pos which begins with a capital stock of about
for Geo. E. Kunhardt , Lawrence , Mass.; a itive pressure blower or rotary air pump and $ 125,000, will build a large cotton mill .
forced draft fan and engine for Geo. E. Kun rotary compressors or vacuum pumps. II L. E. Myers has formed the Topeka ( Kan . )
hardt , Lawrence , Mass . ; a forced draft fan Edison Company to take over the business of
and engine for the Standard Silk Co. , Phil lustrated , 3x6, pp . 23, paper. the Edison Electric Illuminating Company,
lipsburg , N. J .; a heating and ventilating fan Crocker -Wheeler Company, Ampere, N. J. and will spend $ 200,000 in improving the
for Public School No. 71 , Queens , New York ; Bulletin No. 62 entitled " Electric Hoisting
a forced draft fan for Hind & Harrison , Clark Machinery." This shows a variety of types Farley Osgood, manager of the New Mil
Mills, N. Y.; heater coils for the Gilbert Paper of electric hoists , winches, capstans , etc. and ford ( Conn . ) Power Company, as representa
Co., Jenahsa , Wis.; heater coils for Shea, weights, dimensions and capacities are also tive, purchased some property, which will be
Smith & Co. , Chicago, Ill . ; a planing mill ex given . 714x10 , pp. 8 , paper. converted into a plant for the manufacture of
hauster for the Whiton Machinery Co. , Whit- The Monarch engine stop and speed limit electrical supplies.
onville, Mass, ; a volume blower for the system is treated interestingly as “ blanket The citizens of Lebi, Utah, have asked the
Chandler Planer Co. , Fitchburg, Mass .; insurance " in an attractive four -page circu council to vote for an increase in the capital
two induced draft fans to the Delamar lar just issued by the Consolidated Engine
stock of the Utah County Light & Power Com
Copper Co. , Chrome, N. J.; heater coils Stop Co. , 100 Broadway , N. Y. pany in favor of the city , and $ 100,000 will
for the Saginaw Valley Traction Co. , be used in erecting a new plant.
Allis -Chalmers Co. , Milwaukee, Wis. But
Saginaw , Mich .; an economizer, induced draft
letin No. 1202, illustrating and describing the The Consolidated Street Railway Company,
fan and engine to the Massachusetts Chem
Reliance friction clutch . Bulletin No. 1046, New Haven , Conn ., and other cities, is con
ical Co. , Walpole , Mass . ; two sets of heater describing types " H " and " HI" Bullock mul .
coils and ventilating fans for the Atlas Wire sidering a proposition to centralize the dif- '
Co. , South Bartonville, Ill. ; an induced tipolar motors and generators . Illustrated , ferent divisions and erect a big central power
8x1012 , pp. 28 , paper . Bulletin No. 1047, il station at Thamesville.
draft fan and engine for the Trojan Laundry
lustrating and describing Bullock oil insulated
Co. , Troy, N. Y .; heater coils, ventilating transformers. 8x1012 , pp . 20. Bulletin No. The Inter - Mountain Power Company pro
fans and engine for the Sherman Envelope
1048, describing Bullock alternating current poses to construct in the spring three hydro
Co. , Worcester, Mass . ; an induced draft fan generators, engine types. electric power stations about seventeen miles
and fly -wheel
and engine for the Aragon Mills ; Aragon, Ga. , from Salt Lake City , Utah, at a probable cost
8x1012 , pp. 24 . Catalogue No. 128 of crush
heater coils and economizer for the Reming ing rolls for crushing ores of all descriptions, of $ 500,000. Frank C. Kelsey, Salt Lake, is
ton Martin Co.; Watertown, N. Y.; an in engineer.
rock , coal and salt . Illustrated, 8x1042, pp.
duced draft fan for the Clark thread Co. ,
56 , paper. The New Jersey Combustion Company ,
Newark, N. J .; a mine ventilating fan for the
Minonk Coal Co. , Chicago, Ill . ; a ventilating Crane Co. , Chicago, Ill . Advance Circular capitalized at $ 10,000, has been incorporated
fan for the U. S. Navy Yard, Portsmouth , N. No. 01 ( second edition ) illustrating and at Elizabeth , N. J. , for the purpose of manu
H.; heater coils, ventilating fan and economiz . describing steam and oil separators . Advance facturing furnaces, boilers, etc. The plant
er for the Diana Paper Co. , Harrisville , N. Circular No. 2RV on butterfly hot water rad will be located in Elizabethport. James L.
Y .; a forced draft fan and engine for the iator valves. Advance Circular No. 3PD on Stewart and others incorporators.
Crane perfection easy cutting pipe dies . Ad
American Thread Co. Willimantic , Conn .; A steam railroad running from MacKey's
drying apparatus for Hirsh , Stein & Co. , vance Circular No. 4 SDV, Crane renewable
Ferry to Beaufort, N. C. , will be built for the
Chicago, Ill. ; heating and ventilating apparat- spring disc brass valves. Advance Circular,
combination back pressure and exhaust Virginia & Carolina Coast Railway Company.
us for car barns, Fargo & Moorhead Street No. 5 ,
Advance Circular No. 6 CLJ , This road will extend a total length of ap
Railway Co., Fargo, N. D.; an induced draft relief valves.
fan and economizer for the Imperial Paper illustrating and describing No. 181 E. Crane proximately 120 miles. The contract has been
Co. , Sturgeon Falls , Ont . ; heater coils, venti- lap extra heavy flanged pipe joints with awarded to J. G. White & Co. , 43 Exchange
swivel flanges. Advance Circular , No. 7 FJ ,
Place, New York, who will do all the clearing,
lating fan and economizer for the Saratoga , grading and track - laying work , as well as the
Victory Manufacturing Co. , Victory Mills , flanged pipe joints. Advance circular
building of steel bridges and viaducts.
N. Y .; two complete induced draft fans, en- No. 8 AERV , automatic exhaust relief
gines and economizers for the Traders Paper valve . Advance Circular, No. 9 ( third The Oswego Boiler Works, at Oswego,
Board Co. , Begota , N J .; ventilating ap- edition ) , Craneweld flanged pipe joints. N. Y., has been purchased by New York par
paratus for the Peoples Palace, Salvation Advance Circular No. 11 brackets, hangers, ties understood to be associated with the A.
Army Bldg. , Boston, Mass. Among recent supports , rolls and anchors. Advance Circu D. Granger Company, the machinery house
economizer sales are the following : Western lar No. 12 CST Cranetilt non -return and di at 95 Liberty street, New York , with branches
Electric Co. , New York ; Central Penna . Trac- rect return steam traps. Advance Circular at Philadelphia and Pittsburg. The plant,
ton Co. , Harrisburg, Pa .; N. J. Worsted No. 14 ( first edition ) expansion joints , which occupies about twenty acres on the
Spinning Co. , Garfield , N. J.; Muskegon Post balanced , unbalanced and swivel. Circular lake front , was established some twelve
Office Muskegon , Mich . ; State School of No. 15 ( first edition ) drip pockets . years ago, and it is expected will be placed
Mines , Denver , Co. ; Frost Paper Co. , Norwood , Advance Circular ( first on
editi ) auto in active operation at once. Steel plate work
N. Y .; Knowlton Bros. , Watertown N. Y .; matic and emergenc y valves . Advance in all branches, including boilers, tanks and
seren for the Union Station , Pennsylvania Circular ( first edition ) sediment traps . Ad stacks, will be manufactured . The new com
Railroad, Washington , DC.; Jackson Street vance Circular No. 20 , Crane pipe bends . ANI pany will be known as the Oswego Boiler &
Railroad Light & Power Co. , Jackson , Miss .; these illustrated by half tone engravings and Engine Company , with the main oflice at

Gravesend Pumping Station Brooklyn N. Y. line drawings. Owego , N. Y.

130 POWER February, 1906 .
The Union Bag & Paper Company, of New EXPERT ENGINEER wishes Southern Write for Inventors' Hand Book . Shepherd &
York, will rebuild the pulp mill, recently Agency for Power Plant, Mill, Mine, Electrical Parker , 512 Dietz Building, Washington , D. C.
Machinery. Experienced Erector. Operator IF INTERESTED in up -to-date water tube
burned , at Sandy Hill , N. Y. and tester . To locate at Chattagooga , Tenn. boilers, investigate the merits of those manu
It is said that the American Locomotive Address Sand . M. E. Care POWER. factured by the East End Boiler Works, De
Company will expend $500,000 in improve- YOUNG MAN , 19 , sober and steady , some troit, Mich. See their advertisement on page
ments at its Schenectady plant. experience with engines and boilers, wants sit 118.
uation as oiler or helper in large plant where WOULD like to interest financially party
It is reported that the plant of the Steel- there is an opportunity for advancement , or who can influence sale of a good Boiler Com
ton ( Pa .) Light, Heat & Power Company, re 92 would take charge of small equipment. Box pound . Have formula , and can superintend
, POWER. manufacturing. Address I. Stone, care
cently burned, will be rebuilt soon. ENGINEER strictly high grade, wishes POWER .
The Chehalis ( Wash . ) Fir Door Company change ; position as working chief and super WANTED. —The sales agency for good line
will make extensive improvements to its plant. intendent of repairs desired. Expert with of Steam Engines, air compressors or pumps ,
A new power-house will be erected . modern methods of operation , technical edu or a line of power plant accessories. Middle
cation , New York or vicinity preferred ; or Eastern States preferred . Address Box 96.
highest references. Box 94 , POWER. POWER
SALESMAN - Well versed in steam special ENGINEERS, ELECTRICIANS , FIREMEN ,
Special Notices . ties , etc., long and favorably known in New MACHINISTS , ETC .-- Send for new 52-page
York and vicinity, is prepared to accept a pamphlet containing questions asked by Exam
prominent out - of-town account in this line. ining Board of Engineers ; sent free. Geo . A.
Reference as to ability and financial integrity Zeller Book Co. , 15 S. 4th st . , St. Louis, Mo.
Help Wanted . furnished . Correspondence. Box 95. POWER .
Advertisements under this head are in- ENGINEER .-- Ten years' experience with en cents in stamps for a 40 -page pamphlet con
serted for 50 cents per line . About six words gines, boilers, pumps and direct - current elec taining a list of questions asked by an exam
make a line.
tric generators and motors ; one year's experi ining board of engineers . Address the Strom
ence with machine tools ; can also do steam berg Publishing Co. , 2703 Cass ave . , St. Louis,
WANTED . — Competent tracers . Murray fitting - wants position where competency , Mo.
Iron Works Co. , Burlington , Iowa . willingness and economy will be appreciated ; PATENTS. - H . W. T. JENNER, patent at.
married ; 36 years old ; strictly sober ; em torney and mechanical expert , 608 F st ,
WANTED .-A first-class engineer for sta- ployed as chief engineer in small plant ; offers
tionary engine ; one capable of handling, en. Al references. Box 81 , POWER. Washington , D. C. Established 1833. I make
gine and directing fireman ; we operate about SITUATION wanted as engineer by young an examination free of charge, and report if
400 H.-P., and use generator and electric cur married man . a patent can be had and exactly how much
rent for about 125 H.- P.; want a thoroughly Refrigerating plant preferred. it will cost . Send for circular. Member of
competent man. Address Box 83 , POWER . Experienced in brewing and ` ice plant work Patent Law Association .
with Corliss engines, understands generators
and D. C. work ; just completing the steam elec ENGINEERS. - Why have dirty lubricator
Situations Wanted. tric course with the I. C. S. , and also a stu feed -glasses, when you can get a liquid for
Advertisements under this head are dent in refrigeration_course. Recommenda 25c. that will last You
you awill
year, with full di
tion , Ohio License. Box 88 , POWER . rections . Try it . smile when you
serted for 25 cents per line. About six words see it work . Satisfaction given or money re
make a line. GAS PRODUCERS and engines. Gen turned . Address Geo . W. Edwards , 124 Ě . N.
eral Designer 28 years old , at present Water st . , Neenah , Wis.
SITUATION as oiler or assistant in large with first - class concern , college graduate,
power plant ; 8 years an engineer ; will go highly experienced in designing Gas Produc ENGINEERS, STUDENTS and DRAFTS.
anywhere ; age 24. Box 90. Power. MEN . Send ten cents and get a Chart for
ers, especially suction type un to 400 H.-P. rapidly and easily dividing an indicator card
M. E. , college education, six years' experi. per unit, and producers for bituminous coal , into ordinates without the use of dividers.
ence Hydraulic Machinery, employed at pres- and also experienced in Gas Engines, wishes Printed on Bristol Board 9x11 in . with di .
ent, wants position as travelling engineer or to connect with enterprising concern for posi rections for using. W. B. Robins, 317 Earl
salesman . Box 93 . POWER . tion . Box . 91 , POWER.
ham Terrace, Philadelphia , Pa .
WANTED . - Position as assistant engineer
in electric power plant: five years' experience Miscellaneous. For Sale.
as engineer ; good habits, by man 32 years of
age. Address P. P. Parker, care of POWER. Advertisements under this head are in .
Advertisements under this head are in serted for 50 cents per line. About six words
MAN, with six years' experience as erect
ing engineer, engines and steam turbines, serted for 50 cents per line . About sir 100.ds make a line.
wishes permanent position in New England. make a line . POWER PLANT : new , unused , emergency
Box 89. POWER . power plant for sale at great sacrifice. 60
WANTED —- l'osition as an assistant engineer WANTED. -50 H.-P. second -hand Hornsby. H.-P. Westinghouse Gas Engine, 60 H.-P. Bul .
in large plant where I could become familiar Akroyd oil engine ; must be in good condition ; lock Generator, 714, H.-P. Bullock Motor 120
with electrical work . Age 22, married, five name best price . Box 77 , POWER . Volts . Now installed : will sell separately . C.
years ' experience as a stationary engineer. PATENTS SECURED PROMPTLY. - High Kenyon Company, 718 Atlantic Ave. , Brook
Address, Chas. E. Thrasher, Nevada Iowa. est references from prominent manufacturers. lyn .

Alphabetical Index to Advertisers.

Brandt, Randolph . De Laval Steam Turbine Co.150 Goubert Mfg . Co ... 124 , 130
Adkins, Young & Allen Co. .115 106
Goulds lig. Co ..
Ajax Iron Works . 148 Bubb Pulley Co., II. A. 142 De La Vergne Machine Co ... 149 .124
Alberger Condenser Co. 122 Buckeye Boiler Skimmer Co. , D'Este Co., Julian .129 Green Engineering Co. 84
Allan & Son , A. 147 The 94 Detroit Leather Specialty Co.104 Green Fuel Economizer Co. .127
96 Detroit Lubricator Co. 138 Greene , Tweed & Co. 104
Allen , Joseph .. Buckeye Engine Co., The . 101
Geenwald Co. , I. & E.
Allis -Chalmers Co. 163 Buffalo Steam Pump Co. 123 Detroit Separator Co. 130 152
American School of Corre- Builkley , IIenry W. 122 Direct Separator Co. 128.131 Griffing Iron Co. , A. A. 76
spondence .71 , 79 , 83 Bullard Automatic Wrench Dixon Crucible Co. , Joseph ... 135 Hall Mfg Co.
American Diesel Engine Co ... 149 Co. 133 Drake & Co., Frederick J. 83 136
American Engine Co., 15.5 Burt Mfg. Co. , The . 75 Dunham Co. , C. A. 127 | Hancock Inspirator Co. 110
American Injector Co. , 135 Harbison -Walker Refractories
.69 Co. 65
American Mig . Co .. Eagle Oil & Supply Co. 6.
Calumet Supply Co. 107 Harris Oil Co. , A. W 137
American & British Mfg. Co..151
39 Carey Mfg.Co., Philin . .3d cover Past End Boiler Works. 118 Harris Steam Engine Co. ,
American Pulley Co .. ..1
Casualty Co. of America . 65 Eastwood Wire Mfg . Co. 115 Wm . A. 156
American Spiral Pipe Wks . 109 Central Station Improvement Economic Engineering & Con- Harrisburg Foundry & Ma
American Steam luge & Co. 96 struction Co 87
Valve Mfg . Co .. 71 chine Works. 155
Chandler & Taylor Co. 152 Edge Moor Iron Co. 121
Harrison Safety Boiler Works 67
American Steam Packing Co.107 Chapman Valve Mfg . Co. .116 Empire State Engineering Co.153 Hayden & Derby Mfg . Co .... 110
American Steel Foundries ... 135 Chesterton & Co .. A. 1.2d cover
American Stoker Co .. 85 Erie Mfg . & Supply Co..126,157 Heine Safety Boiler Co .. 120
Chuse Engine & Mfg Co. ..150 Erie Stamping & Mfg. Co .... 136 Ilercules Float Works .
Ashcroft Mfg. Co ... 110 117
Clark & Co .. A. C. 94 Hewes & Phillips Iron Works . 157
Ashton Valve Co. 109
Atlas Engine Works . 162 Cleveland Flue Cleaner Mfg . Fairbanks, Morse & Co .. 120 Hoffman , Geo . W. 135
Co. 94 Ferguson Co .. The.. 130 Homestead Valve Mfg . Co.
Audel & Co., Theo . 83 115
Cleveland Tube Cleaning Co .. 94 Filer & Stowell Co. , The . 151 Hooven , Owens, Rentschler
Austin Separator Co ... 129 Cling - Surface Co. 140 Fisher Governor Co. .121 Co. 156
Automatic Gas Producer Co..147 Coldwell Wilcox Co. 109 Fishkill Landing Machine Co..150 Hoppes Mfg. Co. 130
Commercial Electric Co. 144 Fitchburg Steam Engine Co..153 Huyette Co., The Paul B. 109
Babcock & Wilcox Co. 121 Consolidated Engine Stop Co. 81 Flinn , Richard J 128
Ball & Wood Co ... 159 Consolidated Safety Valve Co.110 Flower & Co .. Walter L. 137 Ide & Sons , A. L ... 153
153 Cook's Sons , Adam .. 136 Foos Gas Engine Co .. 118 Ingersoll -Rand Co.
Ball Engine Co. 115
Baragwanath & Son , Wm . 121 Cooper Co., C. & G 152 Foster Engineering Co. 117 International Correspondence
117 Crandall Packing Co. 102 France Packing Co. 107 Schools
Barnes Co.,n W.
Bard Unio Co F.
.. & John 143 Crane Co. 114 Franklin Boiler Works Co. 118

Bass Foundry & Machine Co. , 152 Crosby Steam Gage & Valre Fulton Iron Works 154
Jacobson Mach . Mfg. Co. 118
Bates Machine Co. 160 Co. 109
Jarris Engineering Co. 84
Baum Separator & Mach . Co.129 Curtis & Curtis Co. , The . ..109 Gardner Governor & Separ- Jefferson Union Co. 117
Berry Engineering Co. 107 ator Co. , The 131 Jeffrey Mfg . Co ... 83
Bird -Archer Co. , 94 121 Garlock Packing Co. 10.5
Dart Mfg . Co., E. M. 158
Blake Jig. Co. , The Geo. F..164 Davis Co., John . 114 General Electric Co.
Keasbey Co., Robt. A. 144
Blake Steam Pump Co. , W. H.122 Davis Regulator Co , G. M. 112 General Specialty Co. 107 Keeler Co., E. 120
Bloomsburg & Co.; H. . 121 Dean Bros .. Steam Pump TV'ks. 124 Goetze , Frederick
Dearborn Drug & Chemical Golden - Anderson Valve Spe Kelley & Son . Benj. F 126
Bonar & Co. , Inc., James . 136 Kennedy Valve Mfg. Co. ..114
Bowers Rubber Co ... 106 IVorks 9.5 cialty Co.. 116
33000 Lbs.

Force, Work and Power.

is that which tends to produce motion. for the lesser pull, so that the product of the two, the
Force Steam exerts force when it presses upon energy involved, will remain the same. In Fig. 3 the
the shell of a boiler; the force of gravity tends to draw pressure acting upon the piston of the steam cylinder
all bodies toward the earth's center and makes these pushes the water piston forward and raises a certain
bodies exert the force which we call weight or pressure amount of water to the tank. The work done in each
upon the surface which opposes their further descent. cylinder is the product of the pressure in that cylinder
Pressure , weight, attraction , repulsion, etc. , are the and the distance through which the piston moves. As
manifestations by which we recognize a force, and these the distance in this case is the same the pressures must
are expressed in pounds. be the same, and the pistons must be of such relative size
that the area of the steam piston multiplied by the steam
or energy is produced by the exertion of pressure per square inch equals the area of the water
Work force through space. A force is of no piston multiplied by the water pressure per square inch ;
use for the production of power unless it can be made to with an allowance for friction.
move something. The pressure of the steam against a In Fig. 4 the pressure of the steam on the piston
piston does no work , produces no energy, until the pushes the crank around against the pull of the belt:
piston commences to move; on the other hand, no steam Here that pressure is the force, and theproduct of that
is consumed. A clock -weight does no work when the force and the space through which the piston moves in a
clock is not running, although it pulls just as hard on the given time is the work done or energy developed in that
cord . It is not the force which gravity exerts upon the time.
weight which endows it with the ability to run the clock.
Gravity pulls it just as hard when it is sitting upon the It takes a larger machine or a greater
floorof the case aswhen it is in its highestposition. The Power .
It force of men to do a given amount
is its ability to exert the force through space that gives of work in a short time than in a long time. A little
it its inherent energy, and this, in the case of the weight, pump will raise a lot of water if you give it time enough .
was put into it by the muscle of the man who wound it A little engine will run a big mill if you gear it down
up . A force may persist forever and cost nothing, but and run the mill slowly. The power of a machine is a
as soon as work begins to be done, as soon as energy is measure of the work which it is able to do in a given
exerted, something begins to be used up. It is the fail- time. It is expressed in foot-pounds per minute, hour
ure to appreciate this distinction between force and work or second , and is the product of the force and the space
that has led many a man on a fruitless chase after gravity through which it is exerted divided by the time occupied
motors and other false gods, whose force they mistake by the movement.
for latent energy. The force being expressed in pounds,
and the space through which it acts in feet, their product, When the steam en
which represents the work or energy, is expressed in Horse- Power. gine came into use
foot- pounds. it was applied to doing work which had previously been
To raise a weight of 2,000 pounds five feet would done by horses. It was estimated that a London draft
require 2,000x5 = 10,000 foot pounds of work or energy. horse could do work continuously at an average rate of
If, as in Fig . 1 , the pull were direct, the force would be 22,000 foot-pounds per minute, and engines were being
equal to the weight and travel as far as the weight. In sold upon that basis when Boulton & Watt came into the
Fig. 2 the weight is supported by two ropes, which would field. Watt raised the rating fifty per cent, and estab
be under a pull of only 1,000 pounds each , so that the lished the present value of the horse-power at 33,000 foot
pull on the horse would be only one- half as much, but pounds per minute. This is equal to
he would have to take up a foot of each of these ropes to
liit the weight a foot; that is , he would have to travel 33.000 X 60 = 1,980,000 foot-pounds.per hour, or
through twice as much space as the weight to make up 33,000+ 60 = 550 foot -pounds per second.
Special Section - POWER, February , 1906.
POWER February , 1906 .

To find the horse -power of an engine , then, we may By a simple transposition of this formula either of
find out how many foot-pounds of work it is doing per the other terms may be found if the horse -power is given,
minute and divide by 33,000 .
It will be just as correct thus : 33000 H. P. 33000 H. P.
and is sometimes easier to find the foot- pounds per hour EP =A
and divide by 1,980,000, or the foot- pounds per second
and divide by 550 ; but ordinarily the minute is the unit 33000 H. P 33000 H. P.
of time used . The work is the product of the average =L = N
force and the distance through which it acts upon the EXAMPLE. —What must be the mean effective pres
piston during the minute. The force is the product of sure in the cylinder of a 12X 30 engine in order that it
the average difference in pressure per square inch on the may develop 61.69 horse-power when running at 90
two sides of the piston, i. e. , the mean effective pres- revolutions per minute ?
sure, * and the area of the piston in square inches, and

the distance through which this force acts is the length H. P.

of the stroke in feet multiplied by the number of working 33000 X 61.69
strokes per minute . 40 lbs. M. E. P.
2.5 X 113.0976 X 180
Let P= the mean effective pressure in and similarly for the others.
lbs. per sq. in. The c" piston speed " or the number
L = the length of the stroke in of feet through which the force is exerted
feet. per minute is the product of the number
A = the area of the piston in sq. ins. of working strokes per minute by the


length of the stroke in feet ; that is, it is


the L N of the formula . We may also

and N = the number of working strokes


per minute, write, then,

2000 2000
Ibs Ibs


5 feet 10 Text

FIG , I. FIG . 2 .

and we have the following easily remembered formula :

H.P. =
33000 PressureX Areax Piston Speed
H. P. =
which may be expressed by the following rule :

To FIND THE HORSE- POWER OF AN ENGINE. Simple non - condensing engines are commonly rated
on 40 pounds of mean effective pressure, and 600 feet
RULE.- Multiply together the mean effectivepressure per minute is sort of a standard piston speed.
per square inch, the length of the stroke in feet, the area
of the piston in square inches and the number of working The area of the piston is the square of its diameter
strokes per minute, and divide by 33,000 . multiplied by 0.7854.
EXAMPLE. —What is the horse-power of a 12x30
engine when running at 90 revolutions per minute with With 40 pounds M. E. P. and 600 feet piston
40 pounds mean effective pressure ? speed the horse -power of a given engine would be
Here P = 40 .
L = 2.5 feet . Р -A LN

A = 12X12X0.7854 = 113.0976 sq. ins. 40 v diam ' x 0.7854 x 600

H. P. = -0.57 D
N = 90X2 = 180 strokes per minute . 33000
PLAN_40X 2.5X113.0976X 180 RULE. -Multiply the square of the diameter by 0.57 the
and - = 61.69 H. P.
33000 33000 product will be the horse -power of the engine at 40 pounds
mean effective pressure and 600 feet piston speed.
* See next chapter.
February, 1906 . POWER

This rule is frequently handy in calculating roughly RULE.— The rated horse-power of a simple non -con
the horse power which an engine ought to handle, but densing engine at ordinary speeds andpressures will be
the user must make allowances if the case does not fit around one-half the square of its diameter.

Ruer, 1.1.
Power , N.L.

FIG . 7 . FIG . 3.

the assumptions upon which the rule is based . As A ten -inch engine when run at ordinary speeds and
these assumptions are very elastic we might make the pressures would thus be good for
formula D
H. P. = 0.5D 10 X 10 + 2 = 50 horse -power,
a twelve-inch
which would be nearly exact for a piston speed of 525
feet with 40 pounds M. E. P. or for a M. E. P. of 35 12 X 12 + 2 = 72 horse-power,
pounds with a piston speed of 600 , or any combination of etc.
mean effectives and piston speeds such that their product The example given in connection with the first rule
would be 21,000 . We may, with these cautions as to its shows aa 12-inch engine giving 61.69 horse -power, but its
use adopt the easily remembered piston speed was only 450 feet.

FIG. 4

Power, N.Y.

A Weight of one pound falling 778 feet, or a weight of 778 pounds falling one foot , would generate suf
ficient heat by impact to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree, Fahrenheit.

One Kilowatt is equal to 1000 + 746 = 1.34 horse -power. Consequently , one kilowatt-hour is equal to
2,654,000 foot pounds.
IV POWER February, 1906.

Mean Effective Pressure.

has been referred to as the “ mean effective any particular ratio of expansion . For four expansions,
ATpressure" is really the average unbalanced pres- for example, the area under the expansion line is 1.3863.
sure. If an engine has 90 pounds pressure on the work- times that under the steam line to whatever scale the dia
ing side and is exhausted into a heating system against a gram is drawn. A table giving the proportion between
back pressure of 10 pounds, the effect, so far as moving these two areas for other ratios of expansion will be found
the piston is concerned , is the same as though the for- in the better class of engineers' reference books under
ward pressure were only 80 pounds with no back pres- the title of “ Hyperbolic Logarithms.”
sure ; so that it is necessary to consider not only the
If we make 0 A equal one pound , and O i one
average or “ mean pressure , but the unbalanced or unit of volume, then ihe area A Bi O will be 1 X1 = 1 ,
“ effective " pressure. This is the pressure referred to and the area B C X i will be 1.3863 ( for four expan
by the P of the formula given in the preceding chapter. sions) . The total area then in these units will be 2.3863,
In Fig. 5 let vertical distances represent pressures, and the length in the same units 4. so that the average
and horizontal distances volume, as in the ordinary indi- height on the scale selected for the expression of one
cator diagram . Let 0 X be the line of absolute zero of pound would be 2.3863 divided by 4 , and this would be
pressure and 0 A the zero of volume. If we start with the average or mean forward pressure.
Аа B D B

FIG. 5

- ounds



FIG. 6


Atmospheric Pressure

Oo 1 3 D
х E Absolute Zero of Pressure Power, A. ) .

the volume A B of steam of a pressure 0 A and expand TO FIND THE MEAN FORWARD PRESSURE PER POUND
it in the usual unjacketed cylinder through the usual
range, the expansion line will follow more or less closely RULE. - Divide i plus the hyperbolic logarithm of the
the curve B C which passes through points so located ratio of the expansion by that ratio , the quotient will be
that the product of the pressure and volume is constant. the mean forwardpressure perpound of initial.
For instance, if the volume is doubled, the pressure will The first column of the accompanying table was cal
be halved, and the line will pass through 6,b which is culated in this way , and gives the mean forward pressure
twice as far from the line of zero volume, but only one per pound of absolute initial pressure, expanded in a
half as far above the line of zero pressure as the point B. cylinder without clearance. When the piston does not
Suppose A B to be the steam line, amd B C the ex pass through the the full length of the cylinder, or more
pansion line of a diagram from a steam engine cylinder. properly
ing steam,does not displace the full volume of the expand
we would have the volumeA B expanding into
The average height of the diagram would be the average the volume 0 X , while the piston moves only through
forward pressure during the stroke on the scale to which the distance o X
X and is displaced only through the volume
it is drawn. Since the area is the average height multi a B by the entering steam. In order to take care of the
plied by the length, the area divided by the length is the clearance, the formula becomes that printed above the
average height, which represents the average pressure. table, and with this formula the remaining columns of the
It is easy to see that with the expansion curve follow- table are calculated. By its use the mean forward press
ing the definite law that we have outlined , the area B Cure of the ideal diagram may be easily calculated for any
X I will be aa definite proportion of the area AB i O for initial pressure, ratio of expansion and clearance.
( Concluded on page X. ]

92 % 65 % 80 %

Porer, N. r .

OF. Fraction
Stroke Stroke
Complete Complete
off.- %
0 %1 1.5
%2 2.5
% %
3 3.5
% %4 4.5
% %5 5.5
% 6.5
%6 % %7 7.5
% %8 8.5
% 9.5
9% 10.5
11% Off.-

1/10 1 .3303
.4271 1/10 .1
1/9 .4715.4757
.111 .4278
4549 1/9 111
1/8 .125 .4132 .3966
.4237 .4338
4657 .489
.478 7
21 .4973
.4938 1/8 .125
1/7 .4518.4565 4213
.143 .4420 .4743.4788
.4655 .4987 5026 .5205
.5062 117 .143
.4866.45 01.4
0.4994.4 939.
.5096 4978
.454 .154.53
.444 7.44
.5169 15
02.4 844
.475 167.3.52
.517 10
.5134 1/6 167
.5217.52 59
.5138 .5405
.5440 848
3116 .188
82.5 517 .5511
5546 .5791.5825.5
.5736 3/16 188
8.53 36.5 376. 5414
88.5 623..544
5656 9.54
.568 7.57 16
.555 6.55 .598
115 .575 2.60
.200.57 09|
.5841 1/5 .20
.5795 5664
.21 .5882 .21
.6154.61 77.6
00.5 6230
931. .624
5959 9
.586 5986
.22 .6128
.6043 .22
.5815.62 48.5
29.6 5913
063. .594
6087 0
.622 .600 .5750
.613 .6345
.23 8.61 66
.6118 .23
162.6184.621 012.2.62604239.6 264
.607 1
.6106.6131.6 .595 2.59 86.6 .629
7.63582719.6 340
.5891 | .6438 6462 .6485 .24
631 2.6 336 .63 59.
74. 639
620 05
9.6258.62 90..65
.64 148
38. 646 .61
1/40.6 480
.605 59| 1/4 25.
.6359. 638
.61 5.6
90. 408
.654 .64
646 .633
8.65 30
.653 512||".
73 .26
623 9.6
.65 670
.642 91
.648 0
4189 .6710 .6757
6728 .6772 .6799
.6812 .27

.6644.6669.6 692.67
.6471. 14.6735.6755
.6363. 520.65
.28 6885
.29 9.67
.664 6819
2.66 36
1.600so .28
.6712.673/10 .660 .677
9.66 639
.7046 .7087
.7125 3/10 .30
.6899.69 0.6805.6 5/16 .313
.721 1.72 26.7
5/16 .313
19.6 830. 241
7096.711 7.71938.
4 .32
1.6914.6 2.70
935. 74.7
6956 099.
.697 7123 .7319
4.70 04.7 021 1/3
.738 9.74.333 .6988
.710 17.7
.7145.71 1.72
.746.3479.7 .7259
1.723 .34
71.7 33.7
183. 298
7178 8.73
6.75 70
.722 71
.7632.76 .36 5.74 .7439
.7482 .36
7543 .731
.756 6.73
632 48
3/8 .753.3759.75
77 3/8 .375
.745 .7752
93 76
.754.38 .7573
4.75 59 .7586 .7670
7662 .38
.39 .7837
.7640.7653.7664.7691.7700 .7708
7824 .39
2/5 1.7853.7874
.40 .76651
.7806.7829.7831 .7691
.7880 215 .40
.438 .8138
7/16 .8115.8127
.8182 7/16 438.
.45 1.8187
.8158.8165.8176 .8130
.8273 .45
1/2 .8622.8629
.50 1.8573
.8484.8492.8503 .8565
.8644.8652.8659.8667 1/2 .50
.55 .8733
.8851 .887 .8937
7 8920
8890 .55
9/16 .8868.8875
.563 1.8882
.8962.8968.8 9000.
.8920 9/16 .503
.9164.9168. 375 .9127.9132
.60 .9112
.9064.9076. .9136
.9150.9155.9 181
.9146 .60
518 .9284.9288
.9194.9201.9206.9210.9 .9224
9249 5/8 .625
.9316.9320. .65 .9335
9323.9327.9 .9300
.9338 .65
February, 1906.

9352.9356.9 359.9363373
2/8 .9399.9402
9430.9433.9 .667
.9442.9444.9 .9411
9392.9396 2/3 .667
11/16 .688 .9460
.9457 1.9502
.9451 .9491..9469. .9 463 1.9517
9494.99472.9 .9478
497.94 475
99 11/16 .688
7h10 .70 .9497
1.9543.9546.9548.9550.9552.9554.9557 7110
.76 .9657
3/4 .9661.9663
.9693.9695.9696.9698 3/4 .76
VI POWER February , 1906 .

Piston Speed .
HE mean effective pressure is the force factor of the stroke of 148 inches would be, when running at 9 revolu
THEenergy ; the space factor is the “ piston speed ,” tions 222 feet , found by dropping the final cipher from
or the number of feet through which the piston moves the valve given for 90 feet . At 8 revolutions it would be
per minute while the force is working upon it. In the 197-333 feet, found by moving the decimal one point to
case of the double-acting steam engine, where the pres- the left in the tabular value for 80 feet.
sure is acting all the time upon one side or the other of When the given number of revolutions contains
the piston , the piston speed , considered in this sense , is more than one figure the values for the units , tens , hun
the same as the actual piston speed, and is represented by dreds, etc. , must be found separately and added together.
2 x stroke X revs. per min . EXAMPLE. - What is the piston speed of an engine
piston speed I 2
having a stroke of 72 inches when running at 46 revo
This being the usual case, and the data usually given lutions per minute ?
being the stroke in inches and the revolutions per minute, First look up the value for 40, then the value for
the table opposite has been prepared for these conditions. 6.as directed above. Their sum will be the value for 46 ;
In a single-acting steam engine, taking steam only once thus
per revolution , or at every second stroke, the “ piston
value for 40 = 480
speed " of the formula on page II would be the product 6 = 72
of the stroke in inches and the revolutions per minute
divided by 12 , or one- half the value given by the table 46 552

for a double- acting engine. For a gas engine this " pis EXAMPLE.- What is the piston speed of an engine
ton speed ” would be the stroke in inches multiplied by having a stroke of 68 inches running at 54 revolutions
the number of explosions per minute and divided by 12. per minute ?
USE OF THE TABLE value for 50 = 566 667
4 45 333
When the given number of revolutions can be found
at the head of the column the piston speed will be found 612.000 ft. per min.
in the column under it opposite the stroke in inches, The only two fractions occurring in the table are 13
and 23 = 33333 + and 66666+ .. They can be carried out
EXAMPLE . —What is the piston speed of an engine to any degree of accuracy desired by adding additional
having a stroke of 38 inches when running at 70 revolu- z's and 6's, making the last 6 a 7. This was done in the
tions per minute ? above value for 50.
Follow the horizontal line opposite 38 to the column
under 70 and find 443-33 feet per minute, the value EXAMPLE . — What is the piston speed of an engine
sought. having a stroke of 62 inches when running at 126 revolu
If the number of revolutions is even hundreds in- tions per minute ?
stead of tens, as given in the table, the values of the value for 100 = 1033.33
table should be multiplied by 10, which may be done by 20 = 206.67
adding a cipher when the tabular value is a whole num 6 63 00 -

ber, or by moving the decimal point one point to the

126 = 1302.00 ft . per min.
right , if it contains a fraction .
EXAMPLE If the number of revolutions has a fraction , simply
. - Whatis the piston speed of an engine reduce it to a decimal and continue as above , shifting the
having a stroke of 8 inches when running at 300 revolu- decimal point in the tabular value one point to the left for
tions per minute ?
each place the decimal figure is to the right.
Opposite 8 and under 30 find 40 , to which add a
ciprer, giving 400 feet per minute. EXAMPLE.- What is the piston speed of an engine
Or takethe same engine running 400 revolutions. having a stroke of 72 inches at 6374 revolutions per
Opposite 8 under 40 find 53.33, which multiplied by 10 minute ?
by moving the decimal point one place to the righ ', 6374563.25.
gives 533-3 , the value sought.
value for 6o. = 720.
If the number of revolutions given is aa unit the tabu
lar value must be divided by 10 by cutting off a cipher 3. = 36.
2 2.4
or pointing off one space if it is a whole number or by 6
.05 -
moving the decimal point one place to the left if there is
a fraction . Thus the piston speed of an engine with a 63 25 = 759.0 ft . per min.

Stroke Stroke
in in
incbes ‫ان‬ inches
10 20 30 10 ( 60 90 10 20 30 70

50 NO

1 167 3.33 5 6
67 8.33 10 1167 13.33 15 103
33 206.67 310 413
33 67
316 020 723
33 20.07 930
2 3.33 6
67 10 13.33 16.67 20 33
23 26.67 30 64 106.67 213.33 320 426
67 33
533 610 116.67 853
33 910
3 6. 10 15 20. 25 30 35 40 15 06 110 220. 330 440 550 610 770 880 990
4 6.67 13.33 20 26.67 33.33 40 67
46 53.33 60 OS 113.33 226.67 340 453
33 5676
67 OSO 793.33 67
906 1020
5 8.33 16.67 25 33.33 67
41 50 33
35 66.67 75 70 116.67 233.33 350 460.67 583
37 700 816.67 933
33 1050
6 10. 20.00 30 40. 50. 60 70 80. 90 72 120. 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1050
7 11.67 23.33 35 46.67 58.33 70 51.67 93.33 105 74 123.33 246.67 370 33
493 6161.67 740 903.3.3 9S6
67 1110
8 13.33 26.67 40 53.33 66
67 80 33
93 106.67 120 76 126.67 253.33 380 506.67 633.33 760) S6
07 33
9 18 30 45 60 75. 90 105 120 135 78 130. 260 390 520 650 TO 910 1040 1170
10 16.67 33 50 66
67 83.33 100 116
67 133.33 150 SO 133.33 266.67 400 533
33 666.67 SOO 933.33 67
1066 1200
11 18.33 36.67 55 73.33 91.67 110 128.33 146.67 165 82 136.67 273.33 410 546.67 683.33 820 956.67 1093
33 1230
12 20 40. 60 80. 100 120 401 160. 180 84 140. 280. 420 560 700 840 980. 1120 1260
13 21.67 43.33 86.67 108.33 130 151.67 173.33 195 86 143.33 286.67 430 573.33 716.67 860 1003.33 1140.67 1290
14 33
23 46.87 70 93.33 116.67 140 163.33 186.67 210 88 146.67 293.33 440 586.67 733.33 880 67
1026 1173.33 1320

15 25 30. 75 100 125. 150 175. 200. 225 90 150. 300. 450 600. 750. 900 1050, 1200 1330
16 26.67 53.33 106.67 133.33 160 186.67 213.33 240 92 153.33 306.67 460 613.33 766.67 920 1073
33 1226.67 1380
17 33
28 56.67 85 113.33 141.67 170 198.33 226.67 255 94 156.67 313.33 470 626.67 783.33 940 1096
67 1253
33 1410
18 30. 60. 120. 150. 180 210. 240 270 96 160. 320 480• 640. SOO 960 1120 1280. 1440
19 67
31 83.33 126.67 158.33 190 221.67 253
33 285 98 163,33 326.67 490 653.33 816.67 980 1143.33 1306
67 1470
20 33 66.67 100 133.33 166.67 200 233.33 266.67 300 100 166.67 333.33 500 666.67 833.33 1000 1166
67 1333.33 1500
22 36.67 73.33 110 67
146 IS3.33 220 256.67 293.33 330 102 170. 340. 510 680. 850. 1020 1190 1360 1330
24 40. 80. 120 160 200 210 280. 320. 360 101 173.33 346.67 520 693.33 866.67 1040 1213.33 67
1386 1560
26 43.33 86
67 130 173.33 67
216 20 303.33 346.67 390 106 176.67 353.33 530 706.67 883.33 1060 1236.67 1413.33 1590
28 46
67 93
33 140 186.67 233.33 240 326.67 373.33 420 105 180 360. 540 720 900. 1080 1260 1440 1620
30 50. 100. 150 200. 230. 300 350. 400. 450 110 183.33 366.67 550 733.33 916.67 1100 1283.33 1466
67 1650
32 5333 100
67 33
213 266.67 320 373.33 426.67 480 112 186.87 373.33 60 746.67 933.33 1120 1306.67 1493
33 1680
34 67
56 113
33 170 226.67 263
33 340 396.67 453.33 510 114 190. 380. 570 760 950 1140 1330 1520 1710
36 60. 120 ISO 240 300. 360 420. 480. 540 116 193.33 386.67 580 773.33 966.67 1160 1353.33 1516
67 1740
38 63
33 126.67 90 253
33 67
316 380 443.33 506.67 570 118 196.67 393.33 590 786.67 983.33 1180 1376.67 1573
33 1770
40 66.67 183.33 200 266.67 333.33 400 466.67 533.33 00 120 200. 400. 600) 800. 1000. 1400 1600 1800
42 70. 140. 210 280. 350. 420 490. 560. 630 122 203.33 406.67 610 13.33
$ 1016.67 1220 1423.33 67
1626 1830
73 146
67 220 293
33 366.67 440 513.33 586.67 660 124 206.67 413
33 20 R26
67 1033.33 1240 1446.67 1653.33 1860
06 76
67 33
153 230 306.67 333
33 460 536.67 613.33 690 126 210. 420. 630 840. 1050. 1260 1470 1680. 1890
48 80 180 +0
2 320. 400. 480 560. 640. 720 128 213,33 426.67 610 853
33 1066.67 1280 1493.33 1706.67 1920
30 33
83 166
67 250 333.33 416.67 500 583.33 666.67 750 130 216.67 433.33 650 866.67 1083.33 1300 1516.67 1733
33 1950
February, 1906.

32 67
86 173
33 260 346.67 433.33 520 606.67 693.33 780 132 220. 410. 660 SSO. 1100 1320 1540 1760 1980
54 90 180 270 360. 450. 540 630. 720. 810 134 223.33 446
67 670 9.3
33 1116.67 1340 1563.33 67
1786 2010
56 33
93 186.67 280 373.33 466.67 560 653.33 746.67 840 226.67 453.33 1133.33
136 680 906
07 1360 1586.67 33
1813 2040
58 96.67 193
33 290 386.67 483.33 580 676.07 33
773 70$ 138 230, 460 690 920 1150. 1380 1610 1840 2070
60 100 200, 300 400 500 600 70. 800.00 900 140 233.33 466
67 700 033
33 67
1166 1400 33
1033 67
1866 2100
VIII POWER February, 1906.

Horse -Power per Pound of Mean Effective Pressure.

OR a given engine running at a given speed effective pressure , and the constant taken at one - half the
FOR piston speed, or with the constant taken at the full piston
area x piston speed = constant speed and one half the mean effective pressure.
33000 EXAMPLE. — An engine 48x84 inches, running at 36.5
H. P. = 11. E. P. X constant. revolutions per minute, has a mean effective pressure in
the head end of 42.7 pounds , and in the crank end of
The annexed table gives these constants, i. l. , the 41.3 pounds , what is the horse-power of each end , and
horse-power per pound of mean effective pressure, of the whole engine ?
directly when the piston speed is in even hundreds of a The “ horse-power constant,” or the horse- power
single figure.. The values for thousands, tens , units, or per pound of mean effective pressure for each end , will
fractional quantities can be found by changing the deci- be one-half that given by the table for both ends, or that
mal point as explained in connection with the previous given by the table for an engine of the given diameter at
table .
one half the piston speed . From the piston - speed table
EXAMPLE. —What horse-power is being developed we find that the piston speed at 36.5 revolutions of the
by a 4 34 X8 engine running at 300 revolutions per minute double -acting engine is 511 feet per minute. The piston
with 40 pounds mean effective pressure ? speed of each would be one-half of this, or
From the table on page VII we see that the piston 511 = 2 = 255.5 ft. per min.
speed is 400 feet per minute.
From the table on pageX I we find that the horse
From the table on page IX we see that an engine 434 power per pound of mean effective pressure for a 48
inches in diameter will develop .2149 horse -power per inch engine at this speed is
pound of mean effective pressure at this piston speed . value for 200 = 10.9673
Then , 66
50 2.74182
H. P. = 40 X.2149 = 8.596.

5 .274182
What horse-power would be developed by an engine 0.5 = .0274182
24 inches in diameter running at 523 feet of piston speed
255.5 = 14.0107202
per minute at 34 pounds M. E. P. ?
Use the table on page XI for the tens and units, H. P. Head end = 14.01 X 42.7 = 598.227
just as before. In the line opposite 24 find the H. P. Crank « 14.01 X 41.3 578.613
value of 500 = 6.8544 H. P. Both ends = 1176.84
20 = .27418
3 .041126
When a portion of the area of the piston is cut off
523 = 7.169706
by a rod , as is usually the case in the crank end, and as
horse-power per pound of mean effective pressure. Then
occurs in the head end of a cylinder tandem to one
H. P. = 7.1697 X 34 = 243.77 . behind it , or with a tail rod, it is essential to accuracy
When the piston speed contains a fraction, its value that an allowance be made for such loss of area. In the
can be found by shifting the decimal point, as in the pre- usual case, that of a cylinder having a rod only in the
vious table, to the left. crank end , the allowance may be made by subtracting
EXAMPLE. — What horse -power would be developed from the horse- power computed as in the first example,
by a 30 -inch engine running at 617.23 feet of piston the horse-power which would be developed by a single
acting engine having a diameter equal to that of the
speed with a mean effective pressure of 47.5 pounds ?
Opposite 30 find the piston rod , and with the mean effective pressure acting in
the crank end .
value of 600 = 12.852
IO . 2142
EXAMPLE - What horse power would be developed
7 . 14994
þy a 24x48 -inch engine with a 438 piston- rod running at
.2 .004284 620 feet piston speed with 46.5 pounds mean effective
pressure in the head end and 47.2 in the crank end ?
.03 =.0006426
617.23 = 13.2210666 From the table the constant for this engine would be
horse-power per pound of mean effective pressure. Then value for 600 = 8.2253
H. P. = 47.5 = X 13.22 627.95 20 = .27417

In the above examples the mean effective pressure

" 620 = 8.49947 horse -power
given is assumed to be the average of both ends , and the per pound of average mean effective pressure .
horse-power as calculated is that of the whole engine. The average mean effective pressure would be
If it is desired to know the horse-power of each end , they 46.5 +47.2
46.85 pounds.
must be calculated separately , each with its own mean 2

cylinder or rod .

cylinder , or rod

Diameter of
Diameter of

inches ,

200 300 500 000 700 Soo 100 200 300 100 SO 700 Soo 000
100 400 000
.0067 .0080 0107! .0428 .004 .0857 1071 .1285 1714
.0013+ .0027 .0054
.0040 .000! 120
.0 02112
1 110
.0003 0126 .02287 .04571 .0080 .0915 1001 1830
.00157 .0031 .0047 .0079 .0004 OTTO .0141 I1+ .1372
.00 .0030 .0055 .0100 .0128 0146 .0164 .02324 .0405 .0007 .0930
1162 1305 1027 18591 2092
.0073 .0001
.0063 0105 .0126 .0140 .0107 .0188 3. 02137 .0487) 0731 .0075 1219 1102 .1706 1950
.00200 .0042
I .00238 .0048 .0071
.0005 .0110 .0143 .0167 .0100 .0214 .02514 .05031 .0754 1006, 1257 1508 .1760 .2202
.00200 .0054 .0081 .0107 .0134 .0161 .0188 0215 .0242 .02592 .0778
.0518 1037 1290. .1555 1814, 2074
.0058. .0086 .0173 .0813 1084, .1355 .1027 1898, 2160
I .00288
0 0115 014 .0202 .0230 0259 .02711 .0542 .2140
.00601 .0090 .0181 .05501 .0825 .IIOO .1370 .1051 1926 .2470
I 301
.00 .0
120 .0151 .021 .0241 .0271 33 .02751 .2201
.00336 .0067 .0168 .0235 .0268 .0302 33 .02915 .0583 .0875 .N106 .1458 17491 .2011 .2624
I 3 .0IOT .013+ .0201
.0060 .0137
0103 .0172 .0206 .0274 .0309 .03085 .0617 .0920 .1234 .1543 .1851 .2100 .2408
.00343 .0240


‫در نم در در در دی‬
.0186 0223, .0260 .0298 0335 28
.031 .0938
.0626 .1251 1504, .1877 .2180 .2815
1 .00372 .0074 .012 0140
Ito .00402 .0080 0161
.0 .0201 .0241 .0281 .0322 .0302 .03258 .0077
.0052 .1303
.1020 1950 .2281 ..2006
.00410 .0082 .0164
.0123 .0205 .0240 .0287 .0328 .0360 .03347 .0669.
1001 1339,
.1073 .2008 .2343 .2678
T .00450 .0090 .0135 .018 .0225 .0270 .0315 .0360 .0405 33 .03437 .1031
.0687 .1375 .1719 .2062 .2400 .2750
.00406 .0093 0140 .0186 .0233 .0280 .0326 .0373 .0410 3% .03574 .0715 .1072 1429,
.1787 .2144 .2502 .2859 -3216
.0098 .0148
.0197 .0246 .0295 .0344 .0393 .0443 310 .03620 .0721 .1080 .1448
.1810 .2172 .25341 28901, -3258
1 .00492
.00535 .0107 .0161 .021 .0268 .0321 .0375 .0428 .0482 41.03808 .0762
11 1523,
1904 .2285 .26661 -3440
-30 27
.00581 16
.01 .0174
.0232 .0349 .0407 .0405 .0523 410 .01001 200I0
.080 . 1600, .2001 .2401 .2801 -3001
.00609 .0122 .0183
.0211 .0305 .0365 .0426 .0487 .0548 4 01050 .0810 215I .1620 .2025 .2430 .2835 32415
.30. 0·
.00028 .0126 .0189
.0251 .0377 .0440 .0503 .0566 .07108 .08.10 .1259 .1079
2090 .2510 .2930 -3358 -3778

ijd .00078 .01361 .0203
.0271 .0339 .0407 .0474 .0542 .0610 .04300 200I.
.0860 .1720 .2119 .2579 .3000 9·3+
17 .00688 .0138 .0206 .0275 .0341 .0413 .0482 .0550 .0619 .01401 1320.
.0880 .1700 .2201 .2641 .3081 .35 211·
10140 .0304 .0437 .0510 .0583 .0656 .04555 .1307
.0911 .1822 .2278 .2733 -3180 3044· 4100·
J .00729 .0202
.00771 I .0154 .0308
.0231 .0386 0403, .0540 .0617 .0694 .01608 .0022 .1382 .1843 .2304 .2705 26
32• 368
.41 476
I .00782 .0156 .0235
.0313 .0391 .0469 .05481 .0626 .0704 .04819 .0040
.14 04 .1928 .2410 .2892 3374· 385
.43 370
.00837 0167 .0335
.0251 .0418 .0502 .0586 .0669 .0753 05036 1007 15m .2014 .2518 .3022 .3525 .40 32
.00859 .0172 .0258
.0314 .0430 .0515 .0601 .0687 .0773 05091 .10 187
152 2030. .2545 .3055 3504• .40 82

.00893 .0179 .0268

.0357 .0447 .0536 .0025 .07.15 .0804 05257 .1077
.15 51 1032,,
2029 .3154 3680· .4206 4731·
2 .00952 .Org .0286
.0381 .0476 .0571 .0666 .0762 .0857 05370 1074 1612, .2686
.21.49 .3223 3760- +298 .4835
21a.OIOI2 .0202 .0304
.0405 .0506 .0607 .0709 .0810 .0911 4 .05484 .2015
.1007 .2194 .2712 3290· 3839· 387.+ .4930
270 01050 .0210 0315
.0420 .0525 .0030 .0735 .0840 .0945 .05656 1131, .1007 .2262 .2828 .3394 3950· .45 25

01074 .0215 .0322

.0430 .0537 .0045 .0752 .0860 .0967 410 .05714 .1714
1143, .2286 .2857 3428· 1000. 713
01139 .0228 .0456
0342 .0509 .0683 .0797 .0911 .1025 5 .05050 190
.1785 .2380 .2975 3570· .4165 .4700 5355
01152 .0230 0461
.0340 .0576 .0001 .0806 .0921 .1036 5! .06251 1250. 1875, .2500 26
.31 3751• 4376 -5626
.0361 .0002 .0843 .0904 1084, .06560 .1968 .2024 .3280 3930• .4592 -5248

- ‫وسيه به ردان اين مه‬

01205 0241 .0723 .1312 .5904
.0252 .0378 .0504 .0630 .0755 .0881 10071 .1133 .06876 .1 0053
.237 .2750 38+3· .4126 .4813 .6188
.0255 .0382
.0509 .0036 .0704 .0891 1018, 1145 .07200 .1440 .2160 .2880 -3000 4320• .5040 5760: .6479
.01342 .0268 .0537
.0403 .0071 .0805 .0940 1074, 1208, .07530 5090
.2 .3012 .3705 4518• 5271· .6724
.60 77

.01371 .02741 .0578

.0411 .0686 .0823 .0000 .1097 .1234 .07860 .157+ .3148 .3934 .4721 5508· -7095
.62 82
.01414 .0283 .0566
.0124 .0707 .0848 .0090 .1131 1273, .08215 1043, .2405 .3286 .4108 .4929 .5751 .0594
.73 72

.01487 .0297 .0440

.0595 .0744 .0892 .1041 .IIO .1339 .08500 .I714 .2570 .3427 .4284 .5141 .5998 .6854 .7711
.01563 .0313 .0025
.0469 .0781 .0938 1094. 250I. .1407 .09297 1859, .2789 .3719 .4048 5578· .6508 -74381 .8367
.01609 .0322 .0483
.0044 .0805 .0905 26
.II .1287 .1448 .10055 .30117
.201 .4022 5028· .0033 .7039 .8044 .9050
.01640 .0328 .0050
.0192 .0820 .0984 .1118 .1312 .1476 .10844 .2160 3253· .4338 .5422 .6506 .7591 .8675 .9760
01719 .0344 .0516
.0688 .0860 .1031 203I. .1375 .1547 11662 .2332 .3499 4005• .5831 .0997 .8163 1.04.93396
.0347 .0694 0868, .10411 .1215 .1388 .1562 .12510 3•
.25 5004• .6255 .7506 1.0008
.8757 1.12 59
.01735 .0521
February, 1906.

.01800 .0360 .0720

.05.10 .0000 1080. 1200. 1440, .1620 .13388 .2678 .4010 5355 .6694 .8033 49
.9371 107
.01866 .0373 .0500
.0710 .0933 II
20 .1306 1493, 1679, .14295 .28591 .4288 5718· .7147 .8577 1.0006 L.14 05
.01883 .0377 0505
.0753 .0041 1130 .1318 1500, .1694 15232 3040• .4570 7616:
.6003 .9139 1.0662 1.3785
1.21 00
01967 .0787
.0500 .0084 1180 .13771 15741, .1770 .16199 .32401 +860 .6480 .8099 .9710) 11330 1.20 70

.02002 .0400 .0801
.0001 1001. 1201 1401 .1602 1802 81 .17195 .5 3991·
3415 .6878
.8598 10317 1.2037 1.37 501
02054 .010 .0010
0821 1027. .1232 1438 .1643 .18.18 J8222 .3041, 5407: -7289 0111 10033 27551 1.45 00

х POWER February, 1906 .

The horse-power uncorrected for the rod would or in a cylinder with a tail rod , and the rod is the same
therefore be diameter in both ends, it is necessary only to subtract the
8.49947 X 46.85 = 398.2001695 11. P. constant for an engine of a diameter equal to that of the
The horse-power lost by the presence of the rod is rod at the full piston speed , from the constant for the
that which would be developed by an engine 436 inches diameter of the cylinder and multiply by the average
diameter at 310 feet of piston speed and at 47.2 pounds mean effective pressure.
When there is a rod in each end , but of different size,
mean effective pressure. each rod should be allowed for separately by multiplying
From the table we find the constant for such an
its constant at half piston speed by the mean effective
engine to be pressure acting in its own end of the cylinder, and sub
for 300 feet.1367
..00456 tracting the products successively from the horse- power
found by multiplying the cylinder constant at full speed
310 .14126
by the average mean effective pressure.
horse-power per pound of mean effective pressure.
(Concluded from page IV .)
The mean effective pressure which would have acted
upon this area is 47.2 pounds. EXAMPLE.— What would be the mean effective
The horse- power to be deducted , therefore, is pressure in an engine having 3 per cent. clearance, with
. 14126 X 47.2 = 6.667472 H. P. an initial pressure of go pounds gage, cutting off at one
quarter stroke, and exhausting at atmospheric pressure ?
Deducting this from the uncorrected horse -power we By the table , the mean pressure per pound of abso
1 lute initial for 3 per cent. clearance and one-quarter cut
off is 0.6148 of the initial pressure . The absolute
initial is 90+ 14.7 = 104.7 lbs. The mean pressure of the
391 5326975 ideal diagram is therefore 104.7x0.6148 = 64.37 pounds.
as the horse - power corrected for the rod. This is the mean effective pressure represented by the
A much more convenient way when a large number diagram A B C D Ein Fig. 6. Since there is 14.7 pounds
of diagrams are to be figured up from the same engine , back pressure above absolute zero , this must be sub
as in making out daily reports or computing the results tracted, giving 64.37–14.7= 49.67 as the mean effective
of a long test , is to correct the constant for the engine by pressure represented by the area A B CFG. If the
subtracting from it the constant of the rod at half the engine were condensing we would subtract the absolute
piston speed, and multiplying this corrected constant by back pressure corresponding with the vacuum , roughly
the average mean effective pressure. Performing the one pound for each two inches of vacuum short of 30
above example in this way , inches, i.e. , one pound for 28 inches, two pounds for 26
constant for cylinder 8 49947 inches, three pounds for 24 inches, etc.
rod .141 26 The precise values may be found in the table of the
Physical Properties of Steam below Atmospheric Press
corrected constant 8.3582 I ure, in Power for April , 1902 .
which multiplied by the average 11. E. P. gives But no engine makes a diagram like A B CFG ;
8.35821 X 46.85 = 391 5821385 11.
H. P. the steam line is apt to fall away, the points of cut- off
by other method 391.5326975 H. P. and release to be rounded, the line of counter pressure to
hang up in places , and the compression takes out consid
difference .049441 erable area . The actual mean effective pressure will be
If the mean effective pressure were the same in both to the mean effective calculated above as the actual dia
ends this method would be perfectly accurate . The in- gram which the engine would make is to the ideal area.
accuracy which it involves, and which is the cause of the This relationship is indicated for three typical cases
above difference, is due to multiplying the rod constant at the foot of page IV by diagrams which give the per
by the average 11. E. P. instead of that in the crank end. centages which the realized area bears to the ideal. If
II. E. P. in crank end 47.2 in the above example we may expect the engine to realize
azerage 11. E. P. 46.85 about 90 per cent . of the ideal area , we may say the
probable Jl. E. P. equals about 49.67 X 0.9 = 44.7 lbs.
difference .35
.14125 X .35 = .049441
The error thus is seen to be the product of the rod
constant and the difference between the average and the RULE . — Multiply the tabular value opposite the given
actual 1. E. P. in the crank end, neither of which factors point of cut-off and in the column of the given clearance
are large enough in the ordinary case to make the error by the absolute initial pressure ; subtract the absolute back
of any considerable magnitude. pressure and muliply by the proportion of the ideal area
probably realized .
The initial pressure means the pressure which gets
When the rod is in both ends of the cylinder, as in into the cylinder, and may be very different from the
the cylinder nearest the guides in a tandem compound, bɔiler pressure, especially with a throttling governor.

cylinder, or rod ,

cylinder or rod,

per Piston
Dianeter of

Diameter jo
inches .

inches .

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 300 400 500 600 700 800
1 100 200 900
19278 3856.
-5783 7711.: .9639
1.7350 5.7142411.4285
1.2218 1.8328
1.4255 23.8000
1.07.10 1.7184
1.0331 6,19030
51 49.52 24;
1.3575 6.43545
IO 23800: .4700 1.4280
1000 2.1420
19010 53.4828
1.0002 34.7000
10 .20239 5248· 2.0992
1.3120 7.1993914.398821.5982
5 !
5501 .82511.1002 1.375334 7.4636414.927322.3910

.27504: 1.050
2.200 2
II .28798 5759: .8639
2.015 9989
0 54.1291
il 30221· 2.1085
1.2049 24.019132.02541
‫سره سمانه‬

II 31476· .6295
1.2590 2.518
2.203 85
1.888 31 33.1394
II 32858· .9857613
2.300 5 9 2.9572 37.2715
12 1.0282
34273 3.0845
1.3709 8.8560017.7121
2.0032 9.1487918,2970
13 40221 1.2066
.80441 1.6088 2.0111 2.8155
2.4133 3.6190 85.3528
131-43370 .8675
1.7350 2.1688 2.60
3.9038 9.7484819.4970
14 .46648 2.3324
.9330 30.1604.
05 10 .2218 50.2773
.50039 1.0008 1.5012 2.0016 3.5027
4.5035 20.734531101741.4690
15 -53548
129 10.6839421.3679

4.87425.483 5|
16 11.00515
17 3.4391 4.1209
6.1904 433.9930
18 -77112 4.6267
6.9401 34.980446.6485

5.1551 0.0143
7.7326 95.9800107.9782
.95200 12.33788
98.7030 72

215.2479 6.2975 0.4402
7.3470 88.7812101.4042
50.7321 73
22 104.2018117.2946
auw N

11.3313 107.1000120.4882
24 109.9758123.7227
11.8999113-38 74
7.4374 4+8 98.7704.112.8873126.9982
14.11091 7727:
12.8710 14.48000
130.3200 78'
1.73503 531
5.2051 118.8291133.6828
13.0614114.92 73/)
16.7932 121.8540137.0804
80100.62 27):
10.0079 93.6009109.3061124.021
40.5304 8121
15.1192 16.00303
16.010318.29 75!
31 32.7915.49.1873'65.5830
98.374014 83:
19.497021.93 41
32 16.79333
18.1427120.7 +53:3
33 51.586468.7818
13.756416.5 07619.2589
2.751 140.8194158.4218
26.2394 18.0142436.0285154.042772.0570
21.591436 36.8612'55.2018
92.1531110.5837 88
20.3239 94.2591113.1109131.9627
24.050927.493030.9303 38.555857.8330
96.3804115.6673134.9452154.2230 90:
39 32 137.9615157.0703177.3799
18.2527 91
40 120.8650141.0099101.1542181.2985
28.000432.0 8.00
4.00091 55 61.753782.3382102.92
10104.6764185.2010 93
February, 1906.

42 63.089184.1188.105.14851
24 21.4794042.958864.438285.9170107.39701
44 43.867965.801887.7358,109.0007131.6036153.5376175.4715107.4055
45 89.5735019608134.3642.156.7535.170.1460201.5403
30.216435.2 20.1442
45.3245 82)!
2885 1455'100.0031182
26.286331.54 36
42.0582 951)
3154 2838180.6101209.0303
43.8601140,35 38.!
28 +7.0000714000

XII POWER February , 1906.

Boiler Horse-Power .
THHEThework of a boiler is to convert water into steam .
steam which it makes, used in a slide valve
boiler-horse-power equal to 34.5 units of evaporation;
that is, that a boiler should be credited with one horse
engine, would develop one amount of power; in a high power for each 34.5 pounds of water it evaporated per
grade compound perhaps four times that amount. The hour from and at 212 .
capacity of a boiler should properly be stated directly in The table upon the opposite page , computed by G.
terms of the number of pounds of steam that it can pro- B. M. Zerr, A.M., Ph.D , gives the equivalent number

duce per hour, but the term horse -power has become so of pounds of water for other feed -water temperatures
firmly attached to the boiler that the boiler horse -power and boiler pressurcs.
must be considered. EXAMPLE . — A battery of boilers evaporate 52,379
At the Centennial Exposition in 1876 the boilers pounds of water per hour from a feed -water temperature
were subjected to a competitive test, and the committee of 170 into steam of 150 pounds gage pressure . Il'hat
of judges agreed that they should be rated a horse -power is its horse -power ?
for each 30 pounds of water evaporated per hour from a The table shows that it takes 31.57 pounds per
temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit into steam of 70 horse -power under the given conditions. The horse
pounds gage pressure .
power is, therefore ,
This first official definition of a boiler horse -power 52379
came to be generally adopted, and was reaffirmed by the = 1659.3 boiler horse- power.

committee on boiler tests of the American Society of ANOTHER EXAMPLE . What will be the water
Mechanical Engineers .
To convert a pound of water at 70 degrees into evaporated by a boiler under 120 pounds gage pressure
steam oi 70 pounds pressure above the atmosphere re when developing 300 horse -power from feed of
degrees ?
quires 1110.17 British thermal units. To evaporate 30 From the table it takes 29.99 pounds per horse
A “would
unit ofrequire
evapor30 X 1110.17
ation = 33,305
” is a pound heat evapo.
ofwater units. power under these conditions. Three hundred horse
rated at the mean atmospheric pressure, 14.7 pounds power, therefore, require
absolute, from feed -water at 212 degrees, the boiling point 300 X 29.99 = 8997 pounds per hour.
at that temperature . This is what is meant by the The Committee also says , " that aa boiler rated at any
evaporation “ from and at 212 degrees ,” to which the stated number of horse- power should be capable of
results obtained under various conditions of pressure and developing that power with easy -firing moderate draft,
feed -water temperature in boiler tests, are reduced for and ord nary fuel, while exhibiting good economy; and ,
comparison. It takes 965.7 B. t. u . to evaporate a further, that the boiler should be capable of devel ping at
pound of water from and at 212 degrees and the equiva- least one - third more than its rated power to meet emer
lent evaporation under other conditions is found by di- gencies at times when the maximum economy is not the
viding the difference between the heat in a pound of the most important object to be attained
water as it comes to the boiler and a pound of steam of It is often necessary to get an idea of the capacity of
the given pressure by this number. For instance ; a a boiler of which we have no test figures, In this case
pound of water at 60 degrees Fahrenheit is shown by we can only judge what the boiler will do by the amount
the table of the Physical Properties of Steam to have of heating surface it has.
28.01 B. t. u . above 32 degrees, while a pound of steam For ordinary conditions a bo ler must evaporate
of 120 pounds, or, say, 135 absolute, has 1188.7. To about 30 pounds of water per horse-power. The evapo
raise a pound of water from 60 degrees therefore to the ration per square foot of heating surface depends upon
boiling point under 135 pounds absolute pressure and the number of pounds of coal burned per hour per square
evaporate it into steam at that pressure would require foot of heating surface and the location of that surface
1188.7—28.1 = 1160.6 with reference to the fire. In a general way under usual
As it takes but 965.7 B. t. u. to evaporate a pound of conditions a horizontal tubular boiler will evaporate about
water from and at 212 , the evaporation of water from 2.5 and a water tube boiler about 3 pounds of water per
feed of 60 degrees in o steam of 135 pounds absolute square foot of heating surface per hour, so that it is com
pressure is equal to the evaporation of mon to rate the horizontal tubular at 30 + 2.5 = 12 and the
H-h 1188.7-28 . I water -tube at 30+ 3 = 10 square feet of heating surface per
= 1.2018 horse power. Vertical tubular boilers are rated also at
965.7 965.7 10 square feet.
times as much from and at 212 degrees .
The horse -power of the Centennial judges amounted A British thermal unit is the amount of heat neces
to 33 , 305 heat units. This would be equal to sary to raise the temperature of a pound of water one
33, 305 + 965.7 = 34:49 Fahrenheit degree at its point of maximum density,
units of evaporation. The committee of the American which is between 39 and 40 degrees. This amount of
Society of Mechanical Engineers therefore made the heat is equivalent to 778 foot- pounds of energy.















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Temperature of feed -water in degrees -- Fahrenheit




POWER February, 1906 .
XIV POWER February, 1906 .

The Horse-Power of Belting .

Calling the number of square feet allowed per horse
IN aa certain
belt wehaveonthetightor
, and on the slack side pulling
a lesser side
op- power A w XI
posing tension . The difference between these tensions H. P. ( 9)
12 X4
is the working force Ftending to pull the driven pulley
around But A being square feet per minute is its of C , which
This working force F multiplied by the velocity Vin is the number of feet one inch in width passing in the
the same time. Therefore 12XA= C , and this formula
feet per minute gives the foot-pounds transmitted per
minute, and this divided by 33,000, the number of foot. is the same as formula 6.
pounds required per minute per horse- power, gives the The square feet per minute per horse - power allowed
horse -power : by the different authorities and deduced from other
FXV assumptions is given in column 3 of the table. They
H. P. ( 1 ) have all been reduced , however, to their equivalent
values for C in column 2 , so that the comparatively
Let F be the total working force ;
simple formulæ ( 6 ) and ( 7 ) may be used.
S the allowable working strain per square inch Other authorities assume an allowable working
of section ;
strain S per square inch of section or s per inch width.
s the allowable working strain per inch width ; The equivalent values of C can be derived by
t the thickness in inches, and formula ( 5 ) :
33000 33000
w the width in inches. C = or C -
S S Xt
and have been inserted in column 2 , which contains,
s = St
and therefore, this constant for all the assumptions. If it is
F = wxs = w XSXt ( 2) desired to work from square feet or allowable working
strains, these values can be found in the table and the
Substituting these values for F in formula ( 1 ) corresponding value of C used in the following rules :
H. P. = (3 )
Horse-power = width X

w XSxtx V W X V
H. P. = (4) RULE. —Multiply the width of the belt in inches by
33000 33000
the velocity in feet per minute, and divide the product by a
constant C selected from the table for the given type or
33000 and its thickness of belt. The quotient will be the horse- power
The denominators of these fractions
required for belts approximately parallel.
equivalent Sxt represent the velocity at which one inch If the belt is in contact with much less than half of
either pulley, multiply the above by the length of belt in
width of belt must run to generate a horse -power.
contact with the smaller pulley ( a , b, c, Fig. 7 ) , and di
denote these values by a constant C , arrived at by prac. vide by half the circumference of the same pulley, both in
tice or otherwise, we have inches. Or,
C = 33000 33000 Multiply the above quotient by the angle of the art of
S S Xt contact ( a in Fig. 7 ) in degrees and divide by 180 .
H. P. = (6)
Width = horse-power X constant
H. P. XC velocity
W =
V (7) RULE— Multiply the given horse - power by a constant
selected from the table for the given type or thickness of belt
Various values for C are given in column 2 of the and divide the product by the velocity in feet per minute.
accompanying table, as recommended by various authori The quotient will be the width required for belts aproxi
ties for different thicknesses and types of belt. mately parallel.
If the belt is in contact with much less than half of
Some authorities allow a given number of square either pulley, multiply the above quotient by one-half the
feet of belt to pass a given point per minute per horse circumference of that pulley,and divide the product by the
power. length of belt in contact with the pulley (a, b, c, Fig. 7 ) ,

The square feet passing per minute equal both in inches. Or,
(8 ) Multiply the above quotient by 180, and divide by the
angle of the art of contact ( a in Fig. 7 )
February, 1906. POWER XV

1 3 1 5 11 3 5
H. P.
Width x Velocity
t 1 A H. P.
Velocity t & 1
Thickness Velocity Sq . Feet Work'g Workg Thickness Velocity Sq. Feet Work's Work'g
Horse Power XC or Type per Inch Passing Strain Strain Horse Power С or Type per Inch Passing Strain Strain
Width of Belt Width per per Min . per Inch per Sq . Width of Belt Width per per Min . per Inch per Sq.
Velocity H’se P'w'r per H.P.Width Inch Velocity H’se P'w'r perH.P. Width Inch
2.750 2,750 33,000 33,000 2.750 2.750 33.000 33,000
33,000 33.000
AS S с Ct AS S Ct

50 22.750
S с St S S
12A St S
S 12 t s 12 t

Dr. Hartig (average Single 412.3 34.4 80

value ), quoted by D. Halliday. Belt Driv- Single Untanned 330 27.5 100
K. Clark's Manual, ing, p . 10 . Double 275 23 120
p . 743 ; Kent's Pock Double Untanned 220 18.3 150
etbook , p . 886 .. 273 Prof. Thurston . Quotea
A. F. Nagle. Trans by Cooper , p . 48. Single 330 27.5 100
actions A. S. M. E., A. F. Nagle. Trans
Vol . VII, p . 579 .. Laced 275 actions A. S. M. E ,
Gen. Morin (minimum Vol . II , p . 92 (from
value) , quoted by Towne ). Riveted 272 22.7 121.31 .
Cooper, p. 302. 275 Gen. Morin (maximum
Kent's Pocketbook, p . value ). Quoted by
877 .... 1/32 549.1 45.8 60.1 275 Cooper, p . 302 . 355
1/12 1,441 120.1 22.9 275 1/12 1,115 92.9 29.6 355
1/10 1,200 100 27.5 1/10 930 77.5 35.5
1/3 960 80 34.4 1/8 750 62.5 44.4
1/6 720 60 45.8 1/8 558 46.5 59.2
1/5 600 50 55 1/3 465 38.8 71
Computed values for 1/32 549.1 45.8 60.1
Computed values for 425 35.5 77.6
S = 275 . ... 480 ! 40 68.8 S = 355 ... 1/4 375 31.3 88.8
3/8 320 26.7 103.1 3/8 248 20.7 133.1
1/16 274.3 22.9 120.3 1/16 213 17.7 155.3
1/2 240 20 137.5 1/2 186 15.5 177.5
578 192 16 171.8 148 12.3 221.9
Haswell's Pocket book . A. F. Nagle. Trans.
p . 441 , Scott Smith . Single 1,000 1 83 33 A. S. M. E. , Vol. VII ,
Kent's Pocketbook , p . p . 579 . Cemented 400
877 . Single 733 61 45 1/12 990 82 5 33.3 400
M. Claudel . Quoted 825 68.8 40
by D. K. Clark's 660 55 50
Manual, p. 746 . Single 1,200 100 27.5 1/6 495 41.3 66.6
Carpenter. Experi 1/5 413 34.4 80
mental Engineering, Computed values for 32 378 31.5 87.5
p . 694.. Single 1,100 91.7 30 S = 400 ... 1/4 330 27.5 100
Scott Smith . Single Cemented 800 66.6 41.3 378 220 18.3 150
Cooper. Use of Belting , 16 189 15.7 175
p . 13 .... 300 165 13.8 200
1/12 1,320 110 25 300 $ 132 11 250
1/10 1,100 91.7 30
1/3 880 1 73.3 37.5 1/12 880 73.3 37.5 450
660 55 50 1/10 733.3 61.1 45
550 45.9 60 1/8 586.6 48.8 56.3
Computed values for 503 42 65.6 1/ 440 36.6 75
S = 300....... * /32
1/4 440 36.6 75 1/5 366.6 30.5 90
Computed values for 1/32 28 98.4
3/8 293.3 24.4 112.5 S = 450 ...
1/10 251.3 21 131.3 293.3 24.4 112.5
1/2 220 18.3 150 3/8 195.5 16.3 168.8
176 14.7 187.5
1/16 167.6 14 196.9
Briggs & Towne. 1/2 146.6 12.2 225
Transactions A. S. M. 51 % 117.3 9.8 281.3
E. , Vol . VII , p. 95 .. Laced
1/32 495 41.3 66.6 1/12 791.4 66 41.7 500
Thomas Box . Quoted 1/10 660 55 50
by Cooper ,p. 119 . 310 528 44 62.5
Unwin . 320 1/6 395.7 33 83.3

Samuel Weber. Quoted 1/3 330 27.5 100

330 Computed values for 301.6 25.1 109.4
by Cooper,p. 19. ... S = 500 ... * /32
1/12 1,200 100 27.5 330 264 22 125
1/10 1,000 83 33 37. 176 14.71 187.5
1/8 800 67 41.3 16 150.8 12.5 218.8
% 600 50 55 1/2 132 11 250
1/5 500 42 66 $ 78 105.6 8 312.5
Computed values for 457 38.1 72.2 Dr. Hartig (maximum
s = 330 .... 400 33 82.5 value) . Quoted by
3/8 267 22 123.8 D. K. Clark's Man
1/16 229 19 144.4 ual, p . 743 ; Kent's
1/2 200 16.7 | 165 Pocketbook , p . 886 . 532
8 160 13.3 206.3 1/12 720.5 60 45.8550
Double Laced 600 50 55 600 50 55
Scott Smith. Double Comented 400 33 83 1/8 480 40 68.8
Haswell's Pocketbook , 1/6 360 30 91.6 )
Double 600 50 55 300 25 110
p . 907... Computed values for 274.6 23 120.2
Carpenter. Experimen S = 550 ....
tal Engineering, p. ila 240 20 137.5
694 ... Double 550 45.8 60 3/8 160 13.4 206.2
Kent's Pocketbook , p. 1/16 137.2 11.4 240.6
877 ... 1 /s2 550 45.8 . 60 1/2 120 10 275
Haswell's Pocketbook , Single 5/ 96 8 343.7
Laced 471.4 39.3 70
p. 441 ..
XVI POWER February, 1906.

The Horse -Power of Shafting.

formula generall used for dete rmining the The strain upon a shaft is proportional to the pro
Ehorse-power which a shaft of a given diameter duct of the two parts into which the shaft is divided by
will safely transmit, or the diameter of shaft necessary to the application of the strain. In Fig. 8 where the load
transmit a given horse-power is is centrally applied , the span is divided into halves and
3 -
AR \ H . P.C. 12 X 42 = 14
H. P. or
C. R If the pulley is located as in Fig. 9, at one quarter of
Where H , P. = horse - power. the span from one bearing center, the product of the parts
d = diameter of shaft in inches. into which the span will be divided will be
R revolutions per minute. 14 x 34 = it
and C = a constant. The load which is brought upon the shaft with this
The constants usually employed are those given by arrangement is to that when the pulley is in the center of
Dr. Thurston as follows : the span as I is to 4
For head shaft carrying main driving pulley or gear When the pulley is only one- eighth of the span dis
wheel next to bearing, the portion of line shaft with main tant from a bearing center the strain becomes to that
receiving pulley , etc. when the pulley is centrally located only as it is to 14 , >

C = 125 for turned iron . as shown in Fig. 10.

( = 75 for cold rolled iron .
For line shafting with hangers 8 feet apart, Land 4 . -4" .
C = 90 for turned iron . **xx ' = "
( = 55 for cold rolled iron
For transmission only , without pulleys , FIG , 8
C = 62.5 for turned iron .
C = 35 for cold rolled iron .
As the resistance of steel to deflection is not materi -0%
ally different from iron, the same constants are used for
steel in the usual case where stiffness rather than tensile
strength is the desideratum . FIG. 9
These formulæ may be expressed by the following
rules :
RULE.— Multiply the cube of the diameter by the revo 46
lutions per minute and divide by the appropriate constant.
FIG . IO Poner, N. r .
EXAMPLE . — Find the horse- power which can be
safely transmitted by a cold rolled iron shaft 276 inches in
diameter running at 300 revolutions per minute used as As the stiffness of the shaft increases as the fourth
line shafting power of its diameter, proportion will stand as between
276 X 216 X 278 X 300 the arrangements shown in Figs. 8 and 9 , for example
= 78 H. P. * : | :: dº : D4
TO FIND THE SIZE OF SHAFT NECESSARY TO TRANSMIT RULE. — Multiply the fourth power of the diameter
A GIVEN HORSE - POWER . required with one arrangement of pulleys by the products of
RULE.— Multiply the horse-power by the appropriate the parts into which the desired arrangement divides the
constant, divide by the revolutions per minute and extract span. Divide by the product of those parts into which the
the cube - root of the quotient. The result will be the diame. one arrangement divides the span and extract the fourth root
ter of the shaft in inches. of the quotient. The result will be the diameter required .
EXAMPLE. - What sized head shaft of turned iron , EXAMPLE. If it takes a 10- inch shaft to carry a
would be required to transmit 650 horse-power at 130 given load with the pulley in the center of the span , what
revolutions per minute ? size would be required with the pulley one- tenth of the
650 X 130 length of the span from one of the bearings ?
d =
3650 = 8.776
125 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 X Tón
3600 7.75 ins.
to which one would use the nearest commercial size. ½ x ½
Pulleys should be placed as close to bearings as Shafts may not deflect more than so of an inch per
is practicable. When they must be placed in the center foot of length with safety and the Pencoyd Iron Works
of a considerable span a larger shaft must be used to se- recommends that “ the deflection on line shafting should
cure the necessary stiffness. be limited to ido of an inch per foot of length .”

an ultimate capacity of 30,000 kilowatts, the main row, three of these being placed
POWER which is sufficient to take care of a much
larger train service than that now oper-
ated. The locations adopted, besides be-
1 and
each of the ten-foot windows. As
in the sectional elevations, Figs.
2, each station is divided longitud
TRANSMISSION OF POWER . ing near the load centers of the electric inally by a brick wall, the boiler room
traction system , assure an unlimited sup- being on one side and the generating
ply of circulating water, and being adja room on the other. The latter extends
MARCH , 1906. cent to navigable waters and existing rail- clear up to the roof, but the boiler room
road tracks, are convenient of access for is surmounted by the coal bunkers. On
The Steam -Electric Power Stations delivery of coal by water or by rail. the north side of the generating room are
At Port Morris the solid rock is suf- three galleries ; the first one in the Port
of the New York Central Railroad. ficiently near the surface to warrant carry- Morris station is occupied by the machine
ing the concrete foundation down to it, shop and some of the offices, the second
The two power stations which are to and at Yonkers a bed of hard sand and contains the operating switchboard and
supply electric current for the operation gravel forms a good bottom for a pile and the third one is occupied entirely by of
of suburban trains on the New York concrete foundation on the particular lo- fices. At Yonkers, the first gallery con
Central & Hudson River Railroad are cation selected. The entire area covered tains the exciters and extends across the
excellent examples of modern engineering by the buildings at Port Morris has been generating room to a gallery on the south
Although embodying no radical depar- excavated, a portion of the rock being side ; the second gallery contains the

19.19 go

DIID 0000


from recognized practice, they removed in making the tunnels for the operating switchboard and the third one
represent the results of progressive ideas circulating water of the condensing sys- the offices and machine shop. Each
and the avoidance of practice which might, tem . The Yonkers power station is built boiler room is also provided with a sys
at first glance, have seemed advisable, entirely on land under water at a point tem of galleries and walk-ways which give
but not upon thorough consideration. The where the main line of the Hudson Di- convenient access to all parts of the pip
chief features of the station equipment vision runs along the bank of the Hudson ing, conveyors, etc.
are water-tube boilers having superhear- River with only a riprapped slope outside Each station contains 16 Babcock &
ing coils five-stage steam turbines of the of the tracks. Wilcox boilers, with provision for an in
latest type, three- phase alternating -cur- Above the foundations the two power crease to 24. The rated working steam
rent generators and a remote-control stations are similar in design. The floors pressure is 185 pounds and the maximum
switchboard . The three plane plan shown are of concrete, the framework of steel, 200 pounds, gage. The boilers are of 625
in Fig. 3 gives an excellent idea of the walls of brick and tile and the roofs rated horse-power each and arranged in
the general arrangement of the equip- are made up of concrete slabs covered
two rows, one on each side of a central fir
with copper, with standing seams. Spe- ing floor. The heating surface per boiler is
The stations will be almost duplicates ; cial attention has been given to the light- 6,250 square feet and the grate surface
one is located at Port Morris, on the Har- ing ; the main floor has a row of eleven 112 square feet, giving 10 square feet of
lem Division, and the other at Yonkers, arched windows on each side, each win- heating surface per rated horse-power and
on the Hudson Division of the road. In dow arch having ten feet span ; the gal- 55.8 square feet per square foot of grate.
each station, provision has been made for lery is lighted by small windows above Each boiler contains a double superheat
132 POWER March , 1906 .
ing coil of 1230 square feet total surface, taken from lighters in a slip at the south piping being arranged on the induction
made up of 2- inch tubes. The steam side of the station and elevated by means plan. Figs. 7 and 8 show the feed- water
will be superheated 200 degrees ( Fahren- of a hoisting tower to a hopper over the piping systems of the two stations. All of
heit ) above the temperature due to the car tracks. From here it follows the the steam-driven auxiliaries are operated
pressure, making the working tempera- course of the car-delivered coal. At non - condensing, of course, in order to get
ture about 581 degrees Fahrenheit. The Yonkers, car coal is taken from the car exhaust steam for the feed -water heaters.
second pass of each boiler is provided with on a trestle and handled as at Port Mor- At Port Morris the piping from the
a soot chute discharging into the ash hop- ris, but the boat coal is delivered on the boiler-room to the generating room is
per below the boiler, and the rear of the opposite side of the station and handled carried through tunnels under the base
setting is connected to an outboard drain by a separate set of crushers and convey- ment floor, while at Yonkers the piping is
to carry off the washing-out water. The ors, the general arrangement of which is carried on the transverse gallery referred
boilers are all equipped with the well the same as that on the railroad side. to at the beginning of this article. As
known Roney strokers . Fig. 4 shows the With the exception of the hoists for un- Fig. 10 indicates, the steam piping plan is
boiler and stoker setting clearly. No loading coal from boats, the coal and ash- very simple. The expansion is taken up
economizers will be used. There are two handling machinery is all driven by elec- in all places by long sweep bends, no
Custodis radial brick stacks, 15 feet 6 tric motors, which range from 772 horse- packed expansion joints being employed.
inches inside diameter and 250 feet high power for the ash-conveyor to 40 horse- The turbines are connected in pairs by
above grates, at each station. They are power for the coal crusher and conveyors. 14-inch loops and each turbine can take
supported on steel columns and a con- The motors are all three-phase induction steam from either of two banks of four


crete and steel staging 40 feet above the machines, operating at 220 volts. boilers each. The steam supply piping
boiler room floor, the main boiler room From the overhead bunkers, coal is dis- for the auxiliaries is led from the cross
alley passing underneath . The chimney charged through cast-iron chutes and dis- connecting bends between adjacent tur
flues are of steel, lined with fire-brick and tributing aprons to the hoppers of the bines. Each turbine free exhaust pipe is
tile, and are designed to give a natural Roney stokers. The ashes fall from the very short and is independent of
draft of not less than 0.7 inch water pres- grates to hoppers below which discharge the exhausts from the auxiliaries ex
sure at the smoke flues of the boilers. into hand push cars of about one ton ca- cept through the heater vents and emer
The method of handling coal is differ- pacity each ; these cars dump into con- gency connections. The boiler feed and
ent at the two stations, owing to the dif- veyor hoppers in the boiler-room base- blow -off piping is of heavy cast iron. The
ferences in the relative positions of rail ment and the ashes are carried up by high - pressure steam piping is of mild steel
and water communications at the two. malleable iron bucket conveyors to stor- throughout, the joints being a modified,
Fig. 5 illustrates the arrangement at Portage bins over the car trestle. reinforced “ Van Stone” pattern and the
Morris and Fig. 6 that at Yonkers. The The entire apparatus of each station is flanges being of rolled steel. The valves
coal car is left on the trestle at the south divided into what might be designated are the split disk pattern , furnished by
side of the boiler room at Port Morris and " unit groups” ; for each generating unit the Best Manufacturing Company ; the
dumps into concrete- lined hoppers which there are four boilers, one boiler feed high pressure valves have semi-steel bodies.
discharge into the hoppers of two coal pump, one feed-water heater and one com- The main cut-off valves of the turbines
crushers. From the crushers it is fed to plete condensing plant. The boiler feed are operated from the floor by means of
an elevating conveyor of the bucket type pumps are of the duplex outside-packed gears and shafting, as shown by Fig . 9 ;
which carries it to a point over the bunk- plunger type, built to handle hot water the operating shaft having a hand-wheel
ers , whence it is distributed by four sus- and capable of supplying eight boilers. on the boiler- room side of the wall as
pended - flight scraper conveyors operating Each pump delivers through a Wain- well as in the generating room .
independently. Coal delivered by boat is wright corrugated tube closed heater, the The generating room will be equipped

March, 1906.











134 POWER March, 1906.
with four Curtis turbines and General and allowing the machine to come to rest 70 degrees Fahr. and barometer at 30
Electric alternators of 5000 kilowatts in the shortest possible time. inches.
rated output ability ; provision has been The condenser is external to the base The condenser auxiliary apparatus is
made for two more units at each station of the turbine. The condensers are of composed of independent units, corre
to be installed when the load conditions
require it. The turbines are five -stage
machines, designed to run at 500 revolu
tions per minute. Each turbine is mount
ed upon a cast- iron base forming an ex
haust chamber in which is provided the
opening to the condenser and one to the
free atmospheric exhaust. The shaft of
the turbine is separate from that of the
generator above it, connection between the
two being made by a coupling, so that the
machine can be readily taken apart.
The shaft rests upon a step bearing con
sisting of two cast-iron blocks between
which water for lubrication is forced un
der a pressure of 800 pounds per square
inch , which is sufficient to raise the mov
ing structure slightly. The piping of the
step-lubricating system is in duplicate, and
is fed by three pressure pumps which
afford ample reserve in any emergency .
In addition to these there are two Fire Brick Lining Here

accumulators , each supplied normally by


a large steam pump. The lubricating pip ni

ing is so arranged that in case of a fall of P

pressure in either side of the system the

other side automatically supplies the re
quired lubrication .
Pou or , N.Y.
The governing will be affected by suc
cessive opening and closing of automatic
valves, operated by water pressure and
controlled by a cam shaft, which de FIG. 4. BOILER AND STOKER ; SHOWING ALSO SUPERHEATING COILS .
liver steam to two sets of nozzles .
For reasons which we have been un- the counter-current surface type and each sponding to the generating and condenser
able to fathom, the makers refuse per- is directly connected to the base of the units. The air-pumps are of the dry
mission to describe this apparatus. The corresponding turbine and contains 17,- vacuum class and Ay-wheel type, with the
turbines will be fitted with two centrifugal 000 square feet of cooling surface. This air and steam cylinders in tandem. The
devices to check any excess of speed. was arrived at by allowing one-sixth of аa pump is double -acting and the steam end

Section showing Coal Conveyor to Crushers

CoalCoveyor Coal Bunker

0 Receiving Hopper

for Boat Coal

1 Ton
Plan of Conveyors in Monitor Automatic
2013" Shovel

Ash Conveyor

Ash Dump Hoppers

Ash Car Track Cross Section
through Tower
showing Ash
Cross Section showing General Arrangement Conveyor
Ash Hoppers Ash Hoppers of Coal and Ash Machinery
I II I II I -16 84 -16-84 II I 1

18'0 " -18-0 " FIG. 5. COAL AND ASH - HANDLING EQUIP

Puwer, N.Y.
After either one of these devices operates, square foot of surface per pound of ex- is equipped with a variable cut- off valve
the next revolution of the machine will haust steam per hour at full load. The gear and guaranteed to show an economy
bring it into engagement with a lever condensers are guaranteed to maintain, of 35 to 40 pounds of steam per hour per
which will trip the main steam valve, cut- under full load, a vacuum of 28 inches horse - power. The cylinder dimensions are
ting off immediately the driving power with cooling water at a temperature of 10 and 24 inches diameter by 18 inches
March, 1906. POWER 135

stroke, and the speed 90 to 100 revolu- tary overload of 100 per cent. The guar- , current that would be taken by the motor.
tions per minute. The hot-well pumps anteed efficiencies are 96 per cent. at full The output of each station will be con
are two- stage turbine machines, direct- load, 93 per cent. at half load and 90 per trolled normally from the switchboard
driven by 72 horse -power direct-current cent. at one-quarter load ; these apply to gallery on one side of the turbine room .
motors at 1200 revolutions per mir. ute. the generator alone, of course. The operating bench -board is in the center
Centrifugal pumps, driven at 250 revolu- Each station will have two turbine- of the gallery and is Aanked by the
tions per minute by Harrisburg engines, dynamo exciter units of 150 kilowatts out- panels carrying apparatus for controlling
are to handle the circulating water. The put ability each and one exciter dynamo the exciters and field connections of the
engine cylinder is 12 x 13 inches and the of the same rating driven by an induction generators. The complete switchboard is
pump is designed to deliver 18,000 gallons motor. The turbines will be Curtis hori- enclosed in a wire-glass booth. At each
per minute against a 20- foot head. Ellip- zontal machines, direct-connected to the end of the operating gallery is a smaller
tic tunnels in the rock under the base- exciters. The machines will run at switchboard from which the station light
ment Aoor are provided for the intake and 1800 revolutions per minute; they will ing and motor circuits are controlled. Fig.
discharge of the circulating water ; these have two commutators each, connected in 12 shows the general scheme of switch
measure 7 feet 4 inches and 9 feet il parallel in order to reduce the current per board connections, which is identical in
inches across the minor and major axes brush and thereby facilitate commuta- both stations. The exciter system, which
of the cross-section. The general arrange- tion, the high speed making this precau- supplies also the arc lights and direct-cur

Distributing Conveyor

Coal Bunker
Coal Bunker For Future Bollers Conveyor
Coal Bunker Coal
Conveyor Cual
Ash Couveyor

Ash Bio

101 Space for Puture Boilers
Sectiou B - B
Boiler Rooth Floor Asb Conveyor

জি বা pdf pdf DXOXO
Boller Rvon Basement

Puuta Section A -A
Longitudinal Section

3 17 1 1 I

Boilers Ash Hoppers

Plank Dikway

Stack Ash Car Track

Coal Bunker Ash Dump
Car Track Hoppers

Plank Walkway

1 I 1 T 1

Prver , N.Y. A


ment of the condensing plant is shown tion advisable . rent motors in the station, is provided with
There will also be a stor-
age battery of 74 cells, having a capacitytwo positive bus-bars and one negative
by Fig. 11 . of 1200 amperes for one hour ; this bat- bus -bar ; the positive side of the light
The alternating-current generators are
6 -pole machines, of the revolving -field ing and motor distribution system is sup
tery will be “ floated" on the exciter bus-
type. They are to deliver three -phase bars and serve as an emergency source of plied from one bus-bar and the positive
currents at 11,000 volts and 25 cycles, exciting current in the event of the dis- terminals of the generator field circuits
operating at 500 revolutions per minute. abling of the exciter dynamo in service. are connected to the other ; the negative
The armatures are star-connected and the The induction motor driving the third ex- returns of both systems are carried to the
neutral points are grounded through in- . citer in each station will have a squirrel- one negative bus -bar.
dividual cast- iron grid resistances the cage rotor and will be started by a spe- The main - circuit switches, operated by
function of which is to limit the ground cial switch which puts the transformer motors which are controlled from the
current , under all conditions, to the windings first in delta and then in star or operating benchboard, are located in
amount necessary to operate the overload Y connection ; the impressed voltage on switchhouses adjacent to the station build
relays of the line switches . The ma- each phase of the motor at starting will ing proper, the cables connecting the
chines are guaranteed to carry full load therefore be about 87 per cent. of the run- switches with the generators being car
for 24 hours with a temperature rise not ning voltage per leg. As the motors will not ried in underground ducts. The equip
exceeding 40 degrees Cent. ( 72 degrees need to be started frequently, this method ment of the two switchhouses is practically
Fahr. ) , 50 per cent. overload for two will not entail any disadvantages ; for fre- similar, in general the chief difference
hours with a rise not exceeding 60 de- quent starting it would be rather objec- being that at Port Morris the lines leav
grees Cent. ( 108 Fahr. ) , and a momen- tionable, on account of the large starting ing the switchhouse are all under ground,
136 POWER March , 1906.
while at Yonkers there are both under
- uopas
ground and aerial lines.

20014 Dareg wooy 1911 °

Fig. 13 is the floor plan of the switch
house at Yonkers. In the basement are

located all the high-tension connections,

instrument transformers, cables, manholes,

etc., located in separate fire -proof com

partments corresponding to the several 2014 wooy 10110g
generating units . The barriers and bus

bar compartments are built of reinforced
concrete, vitrified brick and alberene stone,
and completely isolate from each other

the three legs of any feeder circuit until za

S2% teel
they meet at the bells.



All high-tension connections to bus-bars


and oil switches are made by means of



- ap
F* eed
174 -inch copper tubing, flattened at the

joints, and so stiff as to diminish very con



siderably the number of supporting in

sulators necessary for the usual wire con

nections. There are two sets of high


tension bus-bars, each set sub-divided



into two and three sections by means of



" tie " switches.

All low-tension cables and manholes

are in a separate low tension passage
adjacent to the south wall.


On the first floor of the switchhouse

are located all oil switches, divided into

unit groups. To each pair of groups there


corresponds one auxiliary operating



board and one instrument board. On the

latter are mounted the various recording

and all other instruments not directly


necessary for the switchboard operator on

the station gallery to observe. The auxil

iary operating boards, upon throwing

conveniently located transfer switches,

can be used as auxiliary controlling sta

tions in case it is found necessary for any

reason to put out of service temporarily
E6"xtra ed

one or more of the corresponding sections 10

P" ipet


of the main operating board.


The oil switches are of the well-known

General Electric “ H ” type, equipped with

various recent detail improvements. The


disconnecting switches are located in com

P6" ipe


partments at the bottom of the switch


casing, one in each side. For each gen



erator there are one main and two selector JION


switches ; for each feeder, two selector



switches only, connecting to the two re




spective high-tension bus-bars below them.




The generator armature leads, isolated

throughout their whole length from one
another and from the low tension cables,
are brought over to the switchhouse
through underground duct lines ; as are

also all other cables running between the


buildings. Any damage due to short-cir



cuits or burn-outs in any one cable is thus



confined to the cables in the same duct.


P6 lpe

All crossings are made in the duct lines

and many wiring difficulties are thus

avoided, the general arrangement of the



electrical equipment being such that all


high-tension switching apparatus and con


nections are located in the separate switch


house, and control cables are brought over

through the duct runs to the operating
gallery in the power house.
March , 1906 . POWER 137

Two three-phase transformers, each of

C6 heck
200 kilowatts capacity and giving 220 volts

at the secondary terminals, are also locat
ed on the first floor of the switchhouse.
One forms part of the general light and
power equipment and the other is used

exclusively to supply the motor of the
2001 wy 131109 motor-driven exciter set in the turbine

0 61
The second floor has been designed to
provide for the exciter storage battery and


booster rooms, load dispatcher's office,


store room, toilet room, telephone ex
and change and a room for heating and ven


tilating apparatus. Each load dispatcher's


office will be equipped with a record board,

indicating 'which generators, feeders and

sub-station rotaries are in or out of ser


vice, which switches are closed, etc. An



independent telephone system in connec








16" Exh.Valve


14" with Bypass






Hand Rall at uptakes


" " Valve Operators


Walkway in Boller Room



I ipe



Hand Rail

15 ° Or to Suit
Pipe Covering





P4 ipe


Turbine Room


24. s


Boiler Room


eed p





FIG. 9.

P6 ipe

8 G


tion with the record board thus enables


the load despatcher to distribute the sta


tion output conveniently and intelligently.


Provision for fifteen feeders has been


made at the Port Morris and eleven at


the Yonkers power station. · Single -con



ductor cambric-insulated cables are used


for connecting the generators to their oil

P"6 ipe

switches, while multiple-conductor cables


with combined rubber and cambric in

sulation are used for the control and in


All cables passing


strument cables .

through duct lines are lead covered .


For light and power purposes in the


stations, partly three -phase currents at 220



volts line pressure and partly direct cur


rent at 125 volts pressure will be used.

The lamps, excepting the arcs and a rel


atively small number of incandescents, will


be fed normally by alternating current, but

the lighting circuits are arranged at the

switchboard so that they can be thrown on


the exciter bus-bars in an emergency.

The motors, excepting those driving the

For -Return
Valves 11
11 Fig
.9s, ee 0.D.
14 14

"0.D 0.D.
14 0.D.

Throttle -22-64 20-64_

Cross Elevation


Auxiliary Turbine Turbine Turbine Turbine Turbine
6 6No. 4
No. 3
No. 2
No. 1



Valve Support
Roller Suppo
Support -Pwith
ass Boiler Boller As
No.19 16
No. No.13 No.11 No.5 Boiler
No.23 N
" o.21 No.17 No.9 No.7 Boiler

14'04 "

8Automatie Valve
- eturn
-19'1 1 Valve

74'9 "

| -101

Boller Boiler 20
No. No.18 No.16 No.14 No.12 No.10 No.8 No.6 Boiler
12 No.24 Boiler
"Pipe No.92 4
No. No.2


Pressure Plan
. lange
F8"15 .17,18,19,20,21,22,23

. m Pipe
Тер Glass

Auxiliary "1ipe
Plan Pocket
D8" rip
March , 1906 .
March , 1906 . POWER 139

cranes and elevators and a few minor ma The compressor will be driven by a three- used chiefly for cleaning the electrical
chines, will be three-phase induction ma phase induction motor having a wound machinery and apparatus, a few pneumatic
chines. rotor and controlled by an automatic reg- tools will be operated from the mains.
At each station there will be a com ulator. A similar compressor of less ca- The two power houses will be cross









S3 team


Dry um

10 z 24 z 18 Dry Vacuum Pumps

24 Circulating Pump

3 Steam 3 Steam 21 Circulating Pump

11 Bolt

30 " Suction
Du 20'Discharge 2 Steam 10 Vacuum
即: S0 Suction

Pump Section 30 Discharge


Air Cooler


( 10 Yacuum Pump Suetion



Air Pipe to be supported by

discharge Pipe in an approved

manner 2 Priming Connection

O: pening
GolfHotWell Pumpboal !

Exbaust Opening

5000 K.W. Steam 4Discharge * Dlecharge
Center Line of Turbine


To Induction Motor Exciter

To A. C. Light & Power Switchboard
Stade tillegg

To .8n's
國慶 露露 露 కారణం ***

Bis No. 2

Bus No. 1


Main Gen. 01 Switch


Sree pleld-S---Bd.

Gen. No. 2
Gen.Not Gen.o.5 GeuV0.4 Gen.No.3 !!! Gen No.1

To Ammeters in Switch House 4 如

and Turbine Bcom
Price Field Sv. Ba.

Switch House
Starting 000
두 후
Exciter No.3 Exciter No.2 Exciter No. 1


pressed air system for cleaning purposes, pacity, of course, will be installed in each connected, so that in the event of any part
supplied by a two-stage compressor de- switchhouse and driven by a squirrel -cage of the generating equipment in one plant
livering air at 90 to 100 pounds pressure. induction motor. While the air will be being disabled the other one will assist in
140 POWER March, 1900 .

taking up its work. The design of the and should the belt break all of the cupo- water through the pipe E thus exerting a
stations shows special economy in space las would have to be dumped. In order pressure on the diaphragm , the extent of
occupied per unit of power generation, the to be prepared for such an accident an which pressure is determined by the ver
cubic feet per kilowatt of normal output extra belt was made and put in a conven- tical distance between the vessels A and
B. For example, if the vertical distance
between A and B is 20 feet, we will have
Feeder 11'6134
Switched a column of mercury 240 inches high ,
Bus Tie Switch Synchronizer which will exert a pressure at its base of
Unit Unit
SelectorSv .
Unit Unit Unit
90 pounds, in round numbers ; hence the
Generator Unit
No. 6 No. 5 No. 3 No. 2 No. 1 boiler pressure will be opposed by this col
Bus Tie
$w. 19-0- umn, and the pressure in E will be propor
Feeder Bus Tie tionately less as the length of C is in


a Generator Selector 8v . Sw.
creased . If the system were filled with

26-0" *
00 mercury the column in E would almost

balance ( depending on the difference in

the heights of the two ) the column in C.
FIG . 13 . FLOOR PLAN OF SWITCH - HOUSE . The amount of mercury required will
ability being 102 and the area of floor ient place for future use. This belt was
depend upon the height and diameter of
the pipe C ; if it is 20 feet high and 12 inch
space per kilowatt 1.49 square feet. required the other evening and one can
we will need in the neighbor
In conclusion, we desire to acknowledge easily imagine how relieved the moulders in diameter
hood of 47 cubic inches. Usually the
our indebtedness
Electrical Engineer for Edwin
to Mr. the NewB. Katte, felt when belt,
York substitute that that
they sofound woulda height of the pipe C is proportioned so as
heat” was
the " there
not have to be stopped. It took just two
to allow half of the boiler pressure to be
Central & Hudson River Railroad Com-
exerted on the diaphragm , so that the
pany, and his assistants, Messrs. C. minutes to have the new belt in position
Schwartz, E. L. Broome and R. Beeuwkes, and the draft restored on the cupolas. gage G will indicate 100 pounds pressure
for valuable assistance in the preparation One of the most annoying of all minor when the boiler gage indicates 200 pounds.
of the foregoing description. accidents in a steam plant is the bursting The addition of the gage G to a damper
of a damper -regulator diaphragm . Any regulator is important, as it is an excellent
Some Operating Troubles and Their


A motor is employed in driving a line
shaft to which are belted over a dozen
printing presses. Most of them are con
tinuously in operation and should an acci
dent occur to this motor all the presses
would have to remain idle until the motor
could be repaired.
Some time ago this motor burned out a
coil in its armature, and as it would take
over two weeks to get a new coil put in,
instead of doing this the terminals of the т
burned-out coil were cut away from the
commutator bars, taped thoroughly and
turned underneath the adjacent coil con
nections so as to prevent them from being
thrown out by centrifugal force when the A
armature was in motion. The commuta
tor bar which belonged to the burned-out SPECIAL DAMPER REGULATOR ATTACHMENT.
coil was connected to the next bar by
means of a flat strip of copper soldered to engineer who wishes to obviate this can indicator of the condition of the apparatus.
the two bars. This motor is still running do so by following out the plan shown in If this gage is connected as shown, lo
satisfactorily although no further repairs the accompanying sketch. The pot A is cated in some convenient place and " con
to the coil have been attempted or found filled with mercury, and it holds a trifle sulted ” once or twice each day it will fore
necessary. more than enough to fill the pipe C. The stall many an accident to the regulator.
Those who are familiar with foundry mercury is deposited in the pot through Should a leak occur in the system the
cupolas are aware of the loss that would the plug H. The pipe extends downward pressure indicated by the gage will im
be sustained by the foundry should an ac- almost to the bottom of the pot, as shown mediately increase and serve as a warning .
cident occur to the blower when the cupola by the dotted lines, and its upper end is Should the regulator diaphragm burst, the
is in full blast. During the melting pro- tapped into the bottom of a similar pot, B. mercury in the pipe C would be discharged
cess it is necessary to have all the draft The pipe E connects the pot B with the into the pot B and should any of it be
that is required and should this draft be in operating diaphragm of the regulator, as thrown over into E it will fall into the pot
any way impaired or destroyed through shown. The system is filled with water
the breakage of belts, blower, shafting or through the plug F, the vent D being open T whence it can be drawn off through
the cock at the botom. Any damper reg
other apparatus, the cupola would have to during this operation. After the system is
be " dumped ," entailing serious loss of filled with water, the vent is closed and ulator fitted with this mercury column as
illustrated and described will limit the
time and metal. the valve V is opened, permitting steam
Where the writer is employed the blow- to press against the surface of the mercury pressure variation to within one pound,
er that supplies the draft to the cupolas is in the pot A , thus forcing the mercury up and the operating diaphragm will last in
belt-driven by a 40-horse-power motor, the pipe C. The mercury now forces the definitely.
March, 1906 . POWER 141

Smoke Prevention in the Modern tion and high efficiency can only be at maximum attainable under ordinary con
Power Station . tained by means of scientific management ditions of work.
of the boiler plant, and the first step re- Bad brickwork in the boiler setting and
quired is the addition of a chemical engi- . flues is often responsible for low CO,
neer, with special training in fuel and gas tests, since air leaks in through the open
analysis, to the staff of the power station . ings and cracks and dilutes the exit gases .
Although America is the land in which the services of such a man can be ob- Tests of gas samples drawn simultane
water-power developments have reached tained in America for a salary of $130 ously at two or three places in the flue or
their greatest number and magnitude, the per month, and there are but few city setting will reveal this defect if it exists,
proportion of the aggregate power devel power stations in which the savings effect- since there will be a gradually decreasing
oped from water for manufacturing and ed by such an appointment would not pay percentage of CO2 in such samples, from
industrial purposes in the United States is many times over for this addition to the points nearer to the fire to those farther
small, and more than four- fifths of the wages and salaries account. away. Pointing the brickwork is only a
total power required for American indus Having appointed such a man to take palliative for this defect. Casing the boil
try is still generated from coal and other special charge of the boiler plant and pro- ers in glazed brickwork is the best pre
forms of solid or liquid fuel . This fuel vided him with the necessary room and ventative for air leakage, and this plan
is chiefly employed for generating steam apparatus for making the tests ( see Prof. is being adopted at most of the newly
in shell or water-tube boilers, and only a A. H. Gill's articles on " Engine-Room erected stations in Great Britain with ex
very small proportion of the total con Chemistry ” in Power, beginning in the cellent results.
sumption is used for the generation of August, 1905, number ), the next step will The portion of brickwork abutting on
power gas . be to have a series of gas analyses and the iron shell or framework of the boiler
The subject of smoke prevention is, temperature tests made for each separate also requires frequent attention, since the
therefore, one of considerable importance boiler of the steam-raising plant when expansion and contraction of the iron soon
for the American public, for the amount operating under the normal working con- causes openings and cracks at this point.
of fuel consumed in some of the larger ditions. Upon the results of these tests, Weekly or fortnightly inspection by a
power-generating stations in the eastern and of draft tests made at the same time, brick-setter and frequent pointing of any
States is huge, and their capacities for a plan of action for increasing the efficien- cracks furnish the only remedy for this
blackening the skies and buildings cor cy of the plant can be based . defect. Badly designed and badly fitting
respondingly great. That the cheapest and The most usual fault in boiler manage- dampers are other causes of air leakage
dirtiest varieties of bituminous fuels can ment, where the draft is good, is to work and low CO, tests ; while an enormous
be burned upon an industrial scale for with an unnecessarily large excess of air, amount of air sometimes leaks in through
steam-raising purposes, without excessive since in this way smoke production is di- the Aues of boilers that are dampered off
smoke production has, however, been minished, and bad work on the part of the for cleaning or repairs. Any boiler engi
proved both in England and America, and fireman is most easily covered. In the neer, when once he has discovered these
in the present article some account will majority of central electric -light and pow- faults, can work out plans for reducing or
be given of the methods by which this has er installations situated in the midst of stopping entirely the air leakage from
been achieved, and of the principles under- populated districts this plan is purposely these causes.
lying the smokeless combustion of solid adopted, since the expert management re- Having reduced the air leakage to a
and liquid fuel. quired to obtain smokeless combustion minimum , if it is found that the CO, test
That it pays the power producer to with a minimum air supply is lacking, and is still much lower than the 14 per cent.
work with a clean chimney has also been the use of anthracite fuel is too costly desired, the chemist in charge of the boiler
proved. The actual money value of the excepting for those generating stations installation will have to turn his attention
solid carbon passing away from a smoky situated in the anthracite -mining districts. to the draft and air supply of the indi
chimney is no doubt very small, and rare- The heat losses arising from this plan, as vidual boiler furnaces, and seek, by regu
ly exceeds 2 per cent . of the total value shown by the accompanying table, may lation of the exit dampers and the air
of the fuel burned . But smoke is a sign rise to the enormo
nously high figure of 52 grids on the furnace doors, to decrease
of bad conditions of heat generation and per cent. the air flowing through the furnaces until
heat transmission in the furnaces of the the desired percentage of CO, is attained.
boilers, and of general inefficiency of the It is quite probable that long before 14
steam - raising plant. The additional losses per cent. is reached smoke will be pro
due to those causes often bring the total Per cent. of heat of fuel lost duced, and the firemen will threaten to
heat loss up to 15 or 20 per cent of the With Exit Gases at
throw up their posts on account of too
heat in the fuel burned . much interference with them in the per
Per cent .
600 ° F 700 ° F 800 ° F
To work a steam-power plant without CO , formance of their duties. The chemist
smoke-production and with high efficiency engineer will now have an opportunity for
means scientific management of the boiler 5
39.3 45.8
the display of his ability and diplomacy,
plant. This can only be obtained by pay 7 28.3 33.1 37.8 for the real difficulties of his work will
8 29.1 33.2
ing for it in extra salaries. The fuel bill 9
22.3 26.0 29.7
have commenced.
of the modern large power plant, how 10 20.2 23.5 26.9 The hostility of the firemen and the
11 18.5 21.6 24.7
ever, often runs into millions of dollars 12 17.1 19.9 22.8 usual boiler-house staff to any interference
13 15.9 18.6 21.2
per annum , and a 10 per cent. saving on 14 14.8 17.2 19.7
with them in their manner of firing the
the annual expenditure upon fuel, would boilers and regulating the draft can usual
pay the salaries of the staff required for ly be overcome by giving them a monetary
scientific management of the boiler plant Tests made by the present writer at elec- interest in the result obtained . A scale
many times over. Both considerations of tricity - generating stations have more than of bonus payments depending upon the
economy and regard for the health and once shown even less than 5 per cent. of weekly average of the CO, tests is now in
cleanliness of the towns and cities in which CO, in the exit gases from the boiler plant. force in many works with advantageous
the power stations may be situated, there- The first step, having obtained a low results ; in other works, a bonus, based
fore, point to the wisdom of avoiding CO, test, is to discover its cause, and then upon the fuel consumption per kilowatt
smoke- production in the conduct of the to take the necessary steps to remove this hour generated, is paid at the end of each
generating station. and to bring the percentage of CO2 up to month or quarter. Any plan , however, that
As already stated, smokeless combus- 12 or 14 per cent., which represents the interests the firemen in the scientific side
142 POWER March, 1906 .

of boiler working and nianagement is installation placed under his charge, with smokeless combustion with high thermall
effective. The German government is the minimum of expense and of interfer- efficiency of plant. The boiler chemist by
working on right lines when it includes ence with the normal working of the the use of his brains can in most cases.
courses of lectures upon “ Fuel and its plant. solve all the difficulties for himself.
Combustion for Steam-Raising Purposes” Fan draft offers many advantages for With the provision of a refractory - lineď
in its educational curriculum , and applies obtaining the first condition, and also sim- combustion chamber and of a pre -heated
an annual sum for the payment of itiner- plifies the control of the working of the air supply, the attainment of 14 per cent. of
ant lecturers to boiler firemen on the sub- boilers. Where the change is practicable, CO, with a clean chimney top should be
ject. the boiler chemist should, therefore, have possible. If any difficulty is still experi
But the pacification of the firemen and fan draft installed ( with tight brickwork enced, the use of an air or steam jet for
arousal of their interest in his work is it is an open question whether forced or mixing the gases within the combustion
only one portion of the boiler chemist's induced draft is better ) , and should ar- chamber will probably enable the percent
task. The discovery of the defect in the range some system by which the waste age named above to be reached without
boiler plant or setting that causes smoke heat of the exit gases is taken up by the smoke production. One danger must,
production when the air supply is re- incoming air. The hotter the air supplied however, be guarded against. As one re
duced to an equivalent of 8 or 10 per cent. to the furnace of the boiler, the higher will duces the air supply and approaches 14 per
of CO2, thus preventing the attainment of be the combustion chamber temperature cent. of CO2, there is a tendency for car
a high thermal efficiency, is more difficult and the smaller the risk of producing bon monoxid to be formed, due to insuffi
and may entail much testing and many ex- smoke. cient admixture of the hydrocarbon gases.
periments before it is made . As regards the second condition : the and the air. The heat losses due to this.
The conditions existing in each boiler fuel used in the boilers must be submitted failure to form carbon dioxid are much
plant are different, and only general prin- to what is called an approximate analysis, greater than are generally realized by
ciples and customary faults of design can and the size of the combustion chamber boiler chemists, and, therefore, the pres
be discussed within the scope of this ar- must be regulated by the percentage of ence of carbon monoxid must be especially
ticle. The boiler chemist may, however, volatile matter in the fuel burned. tested for daily, and when it is found,
be convinced that with certain alterations, It may be taken as settled, however, steps must be immediately taken to in
which he must discover for himself, a that with all bituminous fuels giving off crease the air supply or to reduce the
thermal efficiency of between 70 and 80 over 25 per cent. of gaseous hydrocarbons thickness of the fire on the grate.
per cent. is attainable with his particular when heated, smokeless combustion is im- The increased heat efficiency of a boiler
boiler installation . His business is, not possible without a refractory or brick-lined when the carbon dioxid is raised from 12:
to rest satisfied until he attains it. chamber in which these gases can mix to 14 per cent. is more than wiped out if
The following balance sheet of heat dis- with the heated air and burn to CO, and 2 per cent. of carbon monoxid be present
tribution in a boiler plant shows the usual H2O before contact with the metal plates as the result of the change. Therefore,
division of heat losses : and tubes of the boiler. In most boilers constant testing for carbon monoxid is .
Heat Units . no brickwork combustion chamber is pro- required when the boilers are being
( 1 ) Losses by radiation ( 10 % ) . 1,350 vided, and the hot gases are brought at worked with a minimum air supply.
( 2 ) Losses in exit gases ( 10% CO2 once into contact with water-cooled plates The writer has said nothing in this ar
at 465 ° Fahr. ) ........ 2,380 and tubes of the boiler. In most boilers ticle upon the vexed question of mechan
( 3 ) Losses in ashes and cinders smoke produced from boiler plants is due ical versus hand firing for steam boilers.
(5 % ) 675 to this defect of the steam -raising plant, When under good and scientific manage
Balance of heat converted into and the boiler chemist's work is, there- ment, he believes the one system of firing
steam .. 9,095 fore, made more difficult by the faulty to be as good as the other. Badly man
work of the original boiler engineers and aged, each system can produce smoke in :
Total heat in British thermal units.. 13,500 builders. dense volumes . The regulation of draft
The heat lost with the exit gases is For fire- tube boilers of the Lancashire is certainly easier with mechanical stokers ,
here or Cornish type, a brick-lined chamber but given a fireman who uses his brains.
constructed behind the bridge with a sup as well as his muscles and hands in the
2,380 = 17.6 per cent. ply of secondary air heated by its pass- performance of his duties, there is little
age through the bridge wall , made inten- choice between the two systems of firing.
of the total heat, and the total heat losses tionally thick and pigeon-holed for this The stoking of steam boilers is, however,
are 32.6 per cent., or nearly one -third of purpose, is the best. For water-tube boil- arduous and tiring work, and when well
the fuel burned. By attacking each item ers, the plan of raising the whole frame- performed is worthy a much higher rate :
of loss in turn and working at it until work of the tubes, and of using the in- of pay than is usually given for this work.
it is reduced in the plant under his charge creased space above the grate and fur One of the reforms needed in dealing with :
to the lowest practicable amount, the boiler nace for the insertion of two brickwork the smoke problem , in the writer's opinion ,
chemist may expect to attain his object. arches which check the ascent of the half is an improvement in the status and pay of
As regards the general principles which burnt gases and cause them to mix and the fireman .
must govern his actions, he must remem- burn before passing among the rows of With a staff of firemen skilled in the
ber that smokeless combustion demands, tubes, has been found to beeffective. The performance of their work and interested
first, an adequate supply of air, preferably whole furnace in this case can be sur in the result obtained with the plant under
heated ; second, a large brick -lined com- rounded by hollow brickwork, and the their charge, and with a boiler chemist
bustion chamber, the size of which must spaces between the walls of this can be working on the lines described in this ar
be varied according to the class of fuel used for heating the primary and the sec ticle , there are few power -house boiler
used ; third , some arrangement for caus- ondary air supply. plants in existence which could not be
ing rapid mixture of the gases given off The scope for skilful design in the vastly improved in their efficiency.
by the burning fuel and the supply of methods for obtaining adequate mixture
heated air. The writer has never yet seen of the furnace gases and the pre -heating Canton has an electric light and power
a boiler installation, as supplied by the of the air supply to a high temperature in plant, which has just obtained a 30-year
boiler maker, which was not deficient in one boiler work is practically unlimited, and monopoly. At Hongkong there is an elec
or more of these respects. The problem almost every plant admits of special treat- tric street railway which is paying well.
for the boiler chemist is to remedy the ment in this respect. Patented appliances There is also an electric light and power
defects which he will no doubt find in the are wholly unnecessary for obtaining plant.
March , 1906. POWER 143

Some Turbine Fallacies. to much exceed the gain. Take a simple It may be asked where the energy goes
case : Suppose that the steam jet has a to that is lost in the diluting scheme. It
BY R. M. NEILSON . velocity of 4,000 feet per second and that produces heat of impact and eddies.
it mixes with an equal weight of diluting These forms of energy may be utilized to
fluid which was previously at rest . The a certain extent if the steam is expanded
Although steam turbines are now much total momentum must remain constant further after leaving the vanes just con
better understood by engineers in general and, therefore, as the moving mass is sidered, but the useful work obtained from
than was the case a few years ago, there doubled, the velocity of the mixture must them will be only a small part of the
are still many prevalent fallacies concern be half that of the original steam jet ; kinetic energy wasted . * Besides, if the
ing them and much ignorance on certain that is , it will be 2,000 feet per second . jet had not been diluted but, instead , the
points in their theory of action. Now two pounds of fluid with a velocity vanes run at a speed less than that called
Turbines were first used for tlie pro
of 2,000 feet per second have only half the for, the steam would have left the wheel
pulsion of ships in Great Britain , where kinetic energy of one pound of fluid with with a considerable velocity which could
they were employed first on the Turbinia, a velocity of 4,000 feet per second, be- have been turned into heat and utilized
which was an experimental vessel built on cause the kinetic energy is proportional to in part in the following expansion.
the lines of a torpedo boat, and then on the square of the velocity. The diluting It is not surprising, therefore, that
the destroyers l'iper and Cobra . These scheme has, therefore, caused the loss of diluting for the purpose mentioned, al
were all very speedy vessels and the lar half the kinetic energy of the steam . If , though often proposed, has never got past
gest, the Cobra , was only 400 tons dis instead of diluting the steam of the jet , the experimental stage . Diluting to re
placement. Hence, an idea arose that the vanes of the turbine had just been duce temperature is a totally different
steam turbines for the propulsion of ships run at half the best speed , the loss caused thing. This has been proposed in the case
were most suitable for small, fast vessels, thereby would not have exceeded 25 per of turbines actuated by hot gaseous pro
especially torpedo craft. cent. of the initial kinetic energy of the ducts of combustion and has much to be
Now , there is no reason why turbines steam . said in its favor.
should be more suitable for small vessels
than for large vessels ; and for torpedo
craft, turbines have the disadvantage that
Elementary Lectures on Electrical Engineering - II .
they have not as yet been got to drive a ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS .
vessel economically at widely - varying
speeds. Turbines would really seem to be If a conductor be connected at both sistance of a series circuit is equal to the
most suitable for large highly-powered ends to the terminals of any source of sum of the resistances of each element of
steamships intended to run always at their electric current , such as a dynamo, as in- the circuit, the conductor which connects
highest speed . dicated in Fig. 1 , it will form a simple the various pieces of apparatus being also
The advantage of having large diam " electrical circuit , ” and current will flow considered an element.
eters in steam turbines is not always un Fig. 3 represents a divided or parallel
derstood. It is often supposed that the Circuit
circuit , each branch containing an ele
large diameter is preferred in order to ment. The joint resistance of a parallel
give the steam a great leverage and so, it Dynamo Porer, M.Y.
or divided circuit is equal to the recipro
is argued, obtain a greater turning effort. FIG . I. SIMPLE CIRCUIT
cals of the sum of the reciprocals of the
The real reason is to allow of a less an resistances of the different branches.
through it in accordance with the ele
gular velocity ; that is, fewer revolutions This sounds complicated, but it is not so
mentary law given last month :
per minute being obtained. No matter E when one has once thoroughly grasped
what be the type of turbine, with aa given - = I. the principle. Conductance is the re
number of stages or wheels or sets of R
ciprocal of resistance, and the former is
moving vanes and a given boiler pressure Here, E = Volts at the terminals of the the ability to conduct a current, as ex
and superheat, if any, and a given con- dynamo . plained in the previous lecture. It is evi
denser vacuum , there is a certain vane R = Ohms of resistance in the conductor, dent that the more paths , side by side,
speed which is best . Now , increase of I Amperes of current flowing. there are the greater the joint con
diameter allows of a given vane speed be- The law expressed by the above formu Main Conductors = 0.1075 Ohm . Total
ing attained with a less angular velocity. la is known as Ohm's law, having been O = 8200Ohms.
Ohms. = 40 Ohms.
x= a + a = Negligible Resistance
Therefore, to keep angular velocities low. discovered by George Simon Ohm, a cele
diameters are made great. brated physicist , for whom the unit of re
Angular velocities are often limited , sistance was named .
notably, in the propulsion of ships. With O = 200 Ohms . = 40 Ohms.

X = 6 Ohms. Line = 1 Ohm .

marine steam turbines of the Parsons type * 모
efficiency and low cost are often sacrificed
to a certain extent in order to get large
diameters and so obtain low angular
velocities to suit the screw propellers.
FIG . 2.
Power, N.Y.


FIG. 3.
Prer , Nr.
It has often been proposed to cause a
steam jet to give up some of its velocity Simple circuits are seldom used in prac- ductance of the system. The flow
to accelerate another fuid and then utilize tice ; either “ series” or “ parallel" circuits of water through piping is almost
the mixture to drive a turbine. Exhaust or combinations of the two, are employed exactly analogous. Thus, if the
steam , water and even mercury have been A series circuit is one composed of two dynamo in Fig. 3 were a pump and
proposed as the diluting Auid . The idea or more elements connected to each other the conducting system were pipes, it is
is that by this device a lower velocity is so that the current passes through them easy to see that the pump would pass more
obtained and that, therefore, a lower vane successively ; this arrangement is indi- water with all six of the branches con
speed can be adopted without loss of effi- cated diagrammatically in Fig 2, where nected up than it would if only one were
ciency. the several elements are represented by connected as in Fig. 1. It is much easier
This is true : but a little scientific con- the small crosses , circles and squares in * See article in February POWER on " Why the
sideration will show that the loss is likely serted in the conductor. The total re- Steam Turbine Is Not More Efficient."
144 POWER March , 1906 .

to analyze a parallel system on the basis peres. The sum of the six currents is total current, and the loss of voltage in
of conductance than resistance, because ( 3.025 + 0.605 + 15.12) X 2 = 37.5 am- that part of the circuit is usually import
the total conductance of such a system is peres, which checks with the previous cal- ant ; the short lengths of conductor be
equal to the sum of the conductances of culation. twen a a' and b b ' carry all of the current
the several branches. Unfortunately, there The distribution may be checked still except that taken by a al but their resist
is no unit of conductance ; it is expressed another way. According to Ohm's law, ance is so small that the loss of voltage
merely as a numerical quantity which is F is negligible and not worth the trouble of
the reciprocal of the resistance in ohms. I, the volts required to force a given calculating it. It frequently happens,
The foregoing principles may be made R however, that a branch circuit is led off
clearer, perhaps, by the aid of numerical current through any circuit or conductor from the main circuit as indicated dia
examples . In Fig. 2, there are four cir- are equal to grammatically in Fig. 5, and is of such
cles , each representing a device of 200 I XR = E . length that its resistance is a matter to be
ohms resistance ; four crosses represent- The resistance of the main conductor in considered . This will be discussed fully
ing 6 ohms each, and three squares repre- Fig. 3 is 0.1075 ohm, and if the current in a later lecture on distribution.
senting 40 ohms each. The conductor is 37.5 amperes, as calculated, the volts Figs. 6 and 7 illustrate the principle of
which connects them in series has a re- " absorbed," so to speak, by the main con- combined series and parallel distribution ;
sistance of 1 ohm ( such a conductor is ductors will be 37.5 X 0.1075 4 volts , the arrangement shown in Fig. 6 being
commonly referred to as a " line" ). The leaving 121 volts to be applied at the term- known as parallel -series connection and
total resistance of this circuit, therefore, inals of the group . The branch a has a that in Fig. 7 as series-parallel connection .
= 945 ohms, and if
is 800 + 24 + 120 + 1 - resistance of 40 ohms , and the current in The distinction between these two combi
the electromotive force at the terminals it will therefore be 121 • 40 = 3.025 nations may be remembered easily by
of the dynamo were 1,890 volts the cur- amperes ; the device o has 200 ohms re- elaborating the terms to " parallel con
rent in the circuit would be 1,890 - 945 = sistance , so that that branch takes 121 ; nection of series groups” and “ series con
2 amperes . a с d e f
nection of parallel groups, " and then
In Fig. 3 there are six branches ; the a b с

resistance of the conductor in each branch

is so small as to be negligible, so that we
b e'
will consider only the resistance of the de Dynamo
Power, N.Y.
vices 0, x and , and that of the main FIG. 4. CUSTOMARY ARRANGEMENT OF PAR- Dynamo
Power, A.Y.

conductors between the group and the ALLEL CONNECTIONS . FIG. 6. PARALLEL- SERIES CONNECTIONS.
dynamo , which is 0.1075 ohm . The con
ductance of each ois 1 + 40 = 0.025 ;
200 = 0.605 ampere ; and the x branches omitting all of the words except " parallel”
take each 121 • 8 = 15.12 amperes . and " series."
that of each ois 1 : 200 = 0.005 , and
These current values check with the results The joint and total resistances of these
are twoof cach
of each, 8 = 0.125
1 : total
x is the . As tliere
conductance of obtained by the other method. groupings are easily obtained by taking
In practice, devices in parallel are very each group of elements separately and
the group is seldom connected exactly as an inspec- then combining the results as though a
( 0.024 + 0.005 + 0.125 ) X 2 = 0.31 ,
and the joint resistance is tion of Fig. 3 might be thought to indi- group were an element. Thus, in Fig. 6 ,
cate ; the more usual arrangement of the if the symbols be taken to represent the
connection is as shown by Fig. 4 . That same resistances as those Fig. 3 , the
= 3.2258 ohms .
is, the wires which connect the various branch a will have 200 + 200 = 400 ohms
devices to the main conductors are not
Since the group of devices is in series all resistance, or a conductance of 0.0025 ; the
grouped together at their ends, as in- branch b will have 8 + 8 == 16 ohms re
with the main conductors, the joint re dicated in Fig. 3, but are carried straight to sistance, or a conductance of 0.0625, and
sistance of the group must be added to
that of the conductors in order to find the the main conductors, as in Fig. 4. At first branch c will have 40 + 40 = 80 ohms
total resistance of the circuit. The lat glance it might seem that the cross-con resistance, or a conductance of 0.0125.
nection at a would take all the current, There are two of a and two of b, so that
ohms, so that ifis the
therefore, 3.2258
electromotive 3.33333
+ 0.1075 =force at being nearer to the dynamo than the the conductance of the entire circuit, ig
others . In fact, however, the resistance of noring the connecting conductors, would
the dynamo terminals were 125 volts, the be 0.005 + 0.125 + 0.025 = 0.155, and the
current flowing in the system would be
125 b
37.5 amperes .
This current would divide between the
different branches in proportion to their Power, X.Y.
respective conductances. Thus, the branch Poroer. XY. FIG. 7 . SERIES - PARALLEL CONNECTIONS
aa has aa conductance of 0.025 and the total FIG. 5. LONG BRANCH FROM PARALLEL MAIN .
conductance of the group is 0.31 ; conse- the main conductors is so small that the joint resistance would be 1 + 0.155 =
quently the current flowing in the branch effect is practically the same as though 6.452 ohms.
In Fig 7, the resistance of the pair of
0.025 the connections were bunched as in Fig. elements a is 100 ohms ; b = 4 ohms ; C
a will be 37.5 X - = 3.025 amperes. 3. Even if the main conductors were of =
13.33 ohms, and d 66.67 ohms, so
0.31 high resistance, the current would divide that the total resistance of all of the
The next two branches have each a con- between the various devices strictly in
accordance with Ohm's law, but the re
groups is 100 + 4 + 13.33 + 66.67 = 184
ductance of 0.005 , so that each takes ohms.
0.005 sistance of each section of main conduc
37.5 X = 0.605 ampere ; and each x tors between the " taps” would have to be
0.31 taken into consideration ; but such a con- In a compressed -air pipe- line there is
branch has a conductance of 0.125 and dition seldom if ever exists in actual no loss of energy by heat radiation ; hence
0.125 practice. the larger the pipe the greater its effi
therefore takes 37.5 X = 15.12 am- The main conductor between the dynamo ciency in conveying the air without reduc
0.31 and the tap or branch a a' carries the ing its final pressure at the drill.
March , 1906. POWER 145

Engine -Room Chemistry . using compressed air, or in the case of the

lighter distillates, mechanical stirrers ; the
oil is allowed to stand to separate the tar
( Copyright 1905 by The Hill Publisbing Company . ) and sulphuric acid, the latter drawn off
and the oil washed with soda solution
and finally with water. The color of oils
These may be conveniently divided into lighter or more volatile portions, such as is removed by the acid treatment fol
three classes,, according to their origin , the naphthas, kerosene, etc., leaving the lowed by sunning, and in the case of the
mineral, animal and vegetable. heavier portions. These latter, in some lubricating oils by filtration through bone
Mineral Oils are, chemically speaking, cases, require no further treatment, form- charcoal after the manner of sugar syrups.
hydrocarbons ; that is, bodies composed of ing the “ reduced oils, ” or they are dis- The accompanying table shows some of
hydrogen and carbon , and as such are the tilled, treated with sulphuric acid, washed the principal products derived from
least liable to change or " gum ” of any with soda and water forming the “ dis- petroleum , together with their proper

of the oils. They are obtained by distilling ties and uses.

tilled oils."

The process of distillation * is effected

in huge vertical of " cheese - box ” stills


( Figs . I and 2 ) 30 feet in diameter and 10

Naphthas Use

feet in height, made of boiler iron and

18 holding about a thousand barrels . Hori
zontal stills ( Figs . 3 and 4 ) 30 feet in

Cymogene 110-100 32 Ice machines


length and 100 feet in diameter, containing Petroleum
Rhigolene.Ether .. 100- 90
90- 80 100-150 Gas machines
65 Anaesthesia

six hundred barrels, are, however, often Gasolen 80- 75 150–190 Oil extraction
employed . These are heated by coal fires Naphtha 76- 70 160-210 Automobiles
Section of Underground Scale of Inches Ligroine. 67- 62 160-225 Stoves
E Benzine . 62- 57 225-300 For turpentine

24 0 24 48 72 98 120

Power , N.Y.

, 3

Burning Oils Use

crude petroleum or rock oil, usually a ‫رد‬

dark-colored, strong-smelling liquid. Sev

Export oil . 57-53 110 Burning (China)
eral theories have been proposed as to .
53-50 120 (England)

Kerosene . 50-47 135-150 (America)
the origin of crude petroleum ; one that Mineral Sperm 39-36 300 (cars and
it was formed from the flowerless plants | boats , lanterns)

- oint
Ground Level

and simple animals at about the same Power , N.Y.
time and in a similar manner as was coal ;

another, that it was produced by the nat FIG. 3. HORIZONTAL STILL. Lubricating Oils
ural distillation of the fat of the fish that
were so abundant just subsequent to the and supplied with superheated steam to
aid in carrying the heavy oil vapors rap No. 4 Eagle spindle oil . 34.4 320
. 10

idly out from the still . The oil vapors 1

Engine oils .
pass into iron coils, forming a condenser 27.9 350
24.9 395
( Fig. 5 ) , where they are condensed to Bayonne engine oil . 23.1 415

*. 388nheit
28.1 500
liquids ; according to the specific gravities Cylinder oils .. 27.5 550
of these liquids or distillates they are 8
26 1 600
classed as gasolene, naphtha, kerosene,

etc. The residue remaining in the large


still is transferred to cylindrical cast Viscosity ,

Lubricating Oils Seconds
iron stills and distilled from soda solution,
yielding finally kerosenes, “mineral sperm ”
CONDOR Brick Scale of laches and the various grades of engine oils, cyl- No.
4 Eagle
1 10
spindle oi)...
72 at 700 Fahr .
Fire Brick 240 24 72 120 inder oils, vaseline and heavy greases. 49
Diameterof Brick Work at Base Lite 33'7 " Engine oile c

Power, Y.Y. 32 104

---14- -148.".- 44
32 220
FIG. 2. CROSS - SECTION OF STILL . Bayonne engine ol . 34 400
Oylinder oils . 50-55 117 at 2120 Fahr.
coal period. Prof. Engler has substanti 126 12'6 12'6
ated this theory by distilling half a ton
of menhaden oil at a pressure of 150 Testing of Mineral Lubricating Oils.
pounds and obtained a product resem The tests which it is feasible to perform
bling crude petroleum, from which a good outside a well-equipped laboratory, are for
46 49 46
illuminating oil was prepared by distilla 94 viscosity, specific gravity, flash -point, fire
Power, NY .
tion .
point, gumming, acidity, for animal and
FIG. 4.
Petroleum is found in many localities, vegetable oils and " oil pulp ," and the
of which those in Pennsylvania , Ohio, The refining process consists in re- " cold test."
Ontario and Russia are the most import moving the odor and tarry matter formed Viscosity is the degree of anti-fluidity
ant. It is obtained by drilling a well simi in the process of distillation and improv- of an oil or its internal friction ; or its
lar to an artesian well until the oil sands ing the color ; this is effected by agitating “ body ” or “ greasiness ," as it is sometimes
are reached - usually at 1800 or 2000 feet the oil in tall tanks with sulphuric acid, expressed. Other things being equal, the
depth-whence the oil gushes for a time, least viscous oil should be chosen, or oth
* The process of distillation consists in erwise stated, the most fluid oil , that
but afterwards requires to be pumped. changing the substance distilled to vapor and
Such a well costs about $ 3,500, and may chilling or condensing this vapor : an ordinary will stay in place and do the work. A
steam boiler is a still, " returns" serve as a
yield a few or several hundred barrels condenser and the " drip " or condensed water, case is on record in which the changing
per day. " distilled water. ” Distillation is a common from a given spindle oil to one slightly
method of separating - hence purifying - 11
Lubricating oils are prepared by dis quids of different boiling points, as alcohol and more viscous caused the stopping of the
tilling off from crude petroleum the water, orthe mixture contained in crude pe- engine, and hence the whole mill, due to
146 POWER March, 1906.

the increase in friction . Within certain ter and 1.3 centimeters deep. This en- Baumé scale, while the animal and vegeta
limits it may be taken as the measure of ables a workman to fill the apparatus to ble oils are spoken of in terms of actual
the value of aa lubricant, particularly the same point every time. This pipette specific gravity ; cottonseed oil has a grav
if the viscosity of the oil under examina- is held by the base piece in a water tank ity of 0.922, which means that the weight
tion be compared with that of other oils 18 centimeters high and 20 centimeters of a quart of cottonseed oil is 0.922 that
which have been found to yield good re- in diameter, also provided with windows of a quart of water. The chief value of
sults in practice. to observe the efflux of the oil . A tin the test is to characterize the oil .
The instruments employed for the de- cup with aa spout, a thermometer, a pipette This is usually effected by means of the
with a rubber bulb, a stop- watch and a
beaker for waste oil complete the outfit.
Having the bath of water prepared at
70 degrees Fahr. and the oil in the tin cup
about 69.5 degrees, the tube is cleaned
out with some of the oil to be tested by
using the plunger sent with the instru
ment. The cork is set air-tight in the
lower outlet tube and the oil poured into
the tube proper until it flows into the
overflow cup.
By stirring with the thermometer, bring
the oil to exactly 70 degrees, remove the
thermometer and with a pipette draw the Power , N.Y.
surplus oil in the overflow cup down be
low the level of the overflow holes . The FIG . 7. HYDROMETER .

temperature still remaining constant, hold hydrometer ; a hydrometer jar is four

the watch in the left hand, draw the cork fifths filled with the oil, a Baumé hydro
with the right and simultaneously start meter set into it and the depth to which
the watch . Towards the end of the run, the instrument sinks in the oil is read on
watch the peep-hole closely through the the scale. See Fig. 7. The reading may
window in the bath and at the first ap- be facilitated by holding a strip of white
termination of viscosity are constructed pearance of space not filled with oil in the paper back of the jar so that the point at
on two different principles, one depend- glass outlet stop the watch . which the lower part of the curve formed
ing upon the time required for a certain Specific Gravity is the weight of a sub by the surface of the oil touches the scale
quantity of oil to flow through a stand- stance compared with the weight of an shows clearly. The temperature of the
ard orifice, as in the Saybolt, Tagliabue, equal volume of water. The specific oil is taken at the same time and in case
Redwood and Engler, and the other upon grayity of iron is 7.8 ; this means that a it be not 60 degrees Fahr. ( 15.5 degrees C. ) ,
the degree to which a disk is hindered in cubic inch of iron weighs 7.8 times as for each 10 degrees Fahr. above 60, ( 5.5
rotating by the viscosity of the oil, as in much as a cubic inch of water. In accur degrees above 15.5 C. ) subtract I degree
the Doolittle apparatus . ate work attention has to be paid to the Baumé from the hydrometer reading. The
The Saybolt apparatus, which may be temperature. In the case of oils, the spe actual specific gravity may be found by
taken as typical of the orifice instruments, cific gravity is expressed in degrees of the the formula :
will be described here. It is made in three Baumé hydrometer scale for liquids lighter 144.3
forms, which may be designated " A , " " B , " than water. This is an arbitrary scale on 134.3 + Bo
and "C.” Apparatus “ A ” is the stand- which water is put at 10 degrees . For
representing the reading on the
ard for testing at 70 degrees Fahr. Atlantic example, a 75-degree naphtha, a 25-degree Bº
Baumé scale. In practice this reduction
red oil, paraffin and other distilled oils ;
“ B ” is used for testing at 70 degrees Fahr. to 60 degrees Fahr. can be done by Tag
liabue's " Manual for Inspectors of Coal
black oils of oº, 15 °, 25° and 30° cold test Oil. "
and other reduced oils up to, but not in
cluding, summer cold test oil. Apparatus It is possible that the Saybolt viscosi
meter cannot be obtained, in which case
“ C ” is used for testing at 212 degrees Fahr. recourse must be had to Engler's or some
reduced, summer, cylinder, filtered cylin
other viscosimeter. Instructions for using
der, XXX valve, 26.5 degrees Baumé and W
the apparatus accompany it.
other heavy oils . The results are reported The Cold Test is made to determine the .
in seconds.
The “ A ” apparatus ( Fig. 6 ) * consists of temperature at which the oil will just flow .
a brass tube about 3 centimeters in diame The importance of this test becomes evi
dent whenever oils are exposed to freez
ter and 8 centimeters long, forming the
ing temperatures, as , for example, on
body of the pipette ; this tube has a ca railroad car axles ; . if the oil be chilled, it
pacity of about 66 cubic centimeters. It
is connected at the bottom with a smaller Power, N.Y. ceases to flow and the bearing becomes
hot. It has happened on the East Prus
tube, having a window in it . This pipette sian railroad that the freezing of the oil
is screwed into a base piece which carries in the axle boxes has stopped the run .
a jet, 1.75 millimeters in diameter ; the ning of trains.
lower part of this piece is expanded at the FIG . 6 . SAYBOLT VISCOSIMETER .
bottom to admit of the insertion of a cork. The apparatus required comprises a
The upper part of the pipette is perfor: lubricating oil,means that the Baumé hy- four-ounce vial ; a thermometer, a quart
ated with a number of small holes lead drometer would sink in the naphtha to the can and a freezing mixture . The four
ing to a gallery 5 centimeters in diame 75th. degree and in the lubricating oil to ounce vial is one- fourth filled with the oil
the 25th . degree, both these liquids being to be examined, and a short and rather
* This, as well as some other tests , are taken cooled to 60 degrees Fahr. The density of heavy thermometer is inserted in it and
fromthe writer's " Short Handbook of Oil Analy .
sis . ' mineral oils is usually designated by the the whole placed in a freezing mixture.
March , 1906. POWER 147

When the oil has become solid throughout It would greatly reduce the velocity of the following statement: “ Always assume
the vial is removed, and the oil allowed tc air currents at every section were provision 56 per cent. for the efficiency of a single a

soften and thoroughly stirred until it will made by small air inlet openings to pro- riveted joint and 70 per cent for a double
run from one end of the bottle to the other. vide the necessary supply to each boiler riveted joint.” As a matter of fact, the
The reading of the thermometer is now through a grating from below. Ventila- writer has frequently found double-riveted
taken by withdrawing it and wiping off tion is often advocated to be downward joints ranging from 60 per cent. to 75
the oil with waste to render the mercury in direction and there appear good rea- per cent., according to their design. In
visible . sons to believe that an air supply should another instance we find the statement
The chilling point is the temperature at be admitted above the level of the boilers, that “ A butt - seam with double strips and
and it is clear that if the grate surface of
which flakes or scales begin to form in the quadruple rows of rivets is little, if any,
liquid, and is determined with similar ap- the boilers is, say, 10 feet per foot of stronger than a double - riveted lap-seam
paratus by cooling the liquid 5 degrees at boiler -house length, such a provision of properly proportioned . ” Such statements
a time. clear opening would be ample, or more are, to say the least, very misleading. It
A freezing mixture for temperatures than ample, for such a grate area, seeing is scarcely necessary to enter into any
above 35 degrees Fahr. consists of cracked that of any grate area never less than half argument to prove that if the butt - joint
ice and water ; between 35 and o degrees is occupied by bar surface and of the re- is only " little, if any, stronger than a
Fahr. use two parts of ice and one part mainder the passage is more or less barred double - riveted lap-joint," engineers would
of salt ; and from 0 to -30 degrees by fuel. Or we may calculate the actual not specify this more expensive joint to
Fahr. use three parts of crystallized cal- air velocity through a given opening on the extent which they do.
cium chlorid and two parts of fine ice or the assumption of 2 tons of coal per hour Before taking up these details, however,
Snow . A still more convenient means is in a double -banked house per 15 feet of let us consider in a more general way
by the use of solid carbonic acid (" car- length, or , say, 5 pounds per foot of length the construction of a good horizontal
bonic acid snow " ) , dissolved in ether or per minute , which may represent approx- tubular boiler. In designing a boiler, the
alcohol, giving 50 degrees Fahr. readily . imately 20 cubic feet of air per second per shell is, of course, the first part to be
foot run of boiler -room . If an entrance considered . This must be of sufficient
velocity of 10 feet per second be permitted , strength to sustain the pressure at which
A Point in Boiler -House Construction . it would be necessary to provide on each it is desired to operate it , but for obvious
side of the boiler - house a series of slots reasons the material should be as thin
2 feet high and 6 inches wide divided by as possible. As the riveted seam reduces
6 - inch pieces ; that is to say, half the wall the strength of the shell very materially,
I once came across an instance of a man space along a strip of wall 2 feet wide. we can readily understand why this should
in charge of a blowing engine, who, find Whatever may be done, intentional provi- have as high an efficiency as possible, and
ing his engine- room somewhat drafty, sion for air should be made and its en- a great deal of study and expensive
boarded up the air inlets and nearly shook trance should not be left to fortuitous experiments have been devoted to this
the building in pieces before he was openings. subject. The tensile strength of the ma
found out and put right. terial must also be high , but, contrary to
How many poor drafts in steam plants Some Notes on Steam Boilers . general belief, there is a limit to this above
may not be somewhat similarly caused ? which it is not advisable to go, for the
Stand at either end of a long boiler -house,
BY R. L. KENNETT . reason that steel of any high tensile
with the doors open, and there will be a strength has a correspondingly low duc
strong current of air flowing in at each tility, and this should always be as high
end . If the boiler -house is one of the TYPES OF SHELL JOINTS .
as possible. For this reason it has been
more modern abominations, this air cur- The most important elements of any found advisable to limit the tensile
rent becomes simply a winnowing force, steam power plant, as to both economy strength to from 50,000 pounds to 62,000
carrying all the fine dust forward, so that of operation and cost of maintenance, pounds per square inch . Boilers are some
excepting at the end boilers of a row there are undoubtedly the boilers and their times built of what is known as “ marine
is all the time a dust-laden breeze travel- various attachments and appliances. The steel,” which has a tensile strength of
ing toward the middle boiler . In a house most refined adjustments of the engine about 65,000 pounds and is considered by
of 20 boilers a little calculation will show valves frequently cannot effect more than those not thoroughly conversant with the
that there may easily be 3000 and 3600 a fraction of the saving in fuel that a subject to be superior to that of lower
cubic feet of air per second required to thorough cleaning and overhauling of the tensile strength , known as “ fange ” and
supply the fires. If all this must come in boilers would produce. Yet in otherwise " fire -box ” steel , but it is really inferior,
at one door opened, say, 15 feet by 15 feet, well-regulated plants the boilers are often owing to its lack of ductility.
the velocity of the air will be 20 to 24 feet entrusted to the care of careless or ignor A boiler in service is constantly chang
per second through the door. One never ant washers, while the engineer devotes ing in size and form , and consequently it
sees a boiler -house where there appears to his time to other matters which he con
have been any real attention paid by the siders more important. There is prob is important that it be made of very
ductile metal. This constant change in
designer to the problem of air entrance. ably no other part of the plant which
There are often louvers in the so-called depreciates more rapidly than a neglected the form of a boiler is called “ breathing"
ventilator roof and these louvers are pri- boiler, and boiler repairs are invariably and this expresses the action very well
marily intended to increase comfort by expensive ; yet there are few engineers indeed . Furthermore every time a boiler
allowing heated air to escape. It is doubt- who personally examine their boilers as is cooled down and fired up, its size, and
fut if they do often act in this way, and often as once a year . to some extent its form , changes. All
it is far more likely that they serve the There are very few elementary books this and much more, makes it imperative
very necessary purpose of admitting air on steam engineering which give the boil- to use a metal high in ductility ; lack of
to the furnaces. One thing is certain , it is ers the attention which they deserve. tensile strength can be compensated by
bad practice to admit air by the end doors, Only very general rules are given for increasing the thickness, but nothing can
for this promotes dust which is raised by determining the safe working pressure, compensate for brittleness, or lack of
the strong and rapid draft and cannot and it is seldom that we find a book ductility.
again settle down, but is carried forward which gives any serious attention to the It is the constant breathing and repeated
to render the boiler -house dirty and the riveted joint. For instance, a well known changes in shape that are responsible for
and widely 11sed book is responsible for a great many boiler explosions, as in time
duty therein disagreeable.
148 POWER March, 1906 .

they are certain to develop any incipient by shearing the rivets at C and D in the cent. On the other hand, if the rivets are
cracks there may be in seams or flanges. butt-joint, while in the lap-joint the set too close, the next section will be
In the lap-joint for instance, when the rivets have only been sheared once at C. reduced too much and the joint made
edges of the plate lap over each other, As experiment has proved that a rivet weaker. The proper method is to propor
as shown in Fig. 1, the form of the shell in double shear is about 85 per cent. tion the joint so as to make the strength
is not a true circle, consequently the stronger than the same rivet in single of the net section of the plate and the
shear, it is evident that putting the rivet
in double shear adds materially to the
Power , N.Y.
strength of a joint, although this is not
the only point in which the butt-joint
FIG . I. LAP-JOINT. excels the lap-joint.
pressure causes them to assume, to some
In computing the efficiency of any riv
extent, the form shown in Fig. 2, and as
eted joint, it is only necessary to consider
the pressure rises and falls, due either to that portion included in one pitch, or in
other words, in one unit of the joint, as
the varying draft of steam by the engine,
the complete joint, regardless of its
length, is composed of a number of these
units and consequently has the same
Power , N.Y. efficiency as any one. Beginning with the
simplest form of joint ; that is, the single
riveted lap -joint, it will be evident by A Power, N.Y.
or to constant cooling down and firing up, referring to Fig. 4 that there are three
the constant bending at the points A A is possibilities of failure. It can fracture FIG. 6. TRIPLE-RIVETED LAP-JOINT.
certain to develop any slight, invisible through the solid plate, as at A , or it can rivet shear as nearly equal as possible.
cracks at these points. The obvious fracture through the net section ; that is, This method of calculating the efficiency
the portion of the plate remaining after of a joint holds good for any form of
the rivet holes have been punched, as at joint, but the number of rivets to be
B, or it can fail by the shearing off of sheared varies, of course. In the double
Power, NY. the rivets. In this case there are two half riveted joint for instance, there are two
rivets, or one rivet to be sheared . The rivers in single shear, as shown in Fig. 5,
efficiency of a joint is equal to the strength where there is one at A and one at B or
remedy is to make a joint which does not of the weakest part divided by the strength C, and a properly designed joint of this
distort the form of the shell from a true of the solid plate . For example , if the
circle. Such a joint is that known as the material is 14 inch thick and has 60,000
" butt-strap” joint, shown in Fig. 3. The pounds tensile strength, and if the pitch is

edges of the plates are butted together 2 inches and the diameter of the rivet
and outside and inside welts are provided. OD
In addition to maintaining the circular
form of the shell, this is a far more OF
efficient joint than the lap-joint. Oc
The most common joints met with are

illustrated in Figs. 4, 5, and 6. The orig
inal joint was the single -riveted lap-joint,
shown in Fig. 4, having a single row of
rivets. The next step was to use two
rows of rivets, as in Fig. 5. This joint is
still used extensively on low - pressure
boilers, but the single -riveted joint is
practically extinct, except for mud drums, Power ,Y. Power, N.Y.
domes and other parts of small diameters. FIG. 5. DOUBLE -RIVETED LAP - JOINT .
Power , Y.
The next step is the triple- riveted joint FIG. 7. ANALYSIS OF BUTT- STRAP JOINT.
shown in Fig. 6. This is, of course, hole 11-16 inch, the strength of the solid
stronger than the double-riveted joint, but plate will be kind has an efficiency of about 70 per cent.
is not sufficient for the modern boiler of 0.25 X 2 X 60,000 = 30,000 pounds. Thus, the pitch being greater, the net
large diameter and high pressure, as ow section is stronger, and owing to the ad
The strength of the net suction =
ing to its comparatively low efficiency, the ditional rivet, the rivet shear is greater
0.25 X ( 2— 1 } ) X 60,000 = 19,688 pounds. and a stronger joint is the result.
shell plates would have to be very heavy
to give the boiler sufficient strength .
Assuming the shearing strength of iron
to beof40,000 pounds perrivet
square inch, BR
We now come to the butt-strap joint the one 11-16-inch
shown in Fig. 7, having four or six, or
even eight, rows of rivets arranged as area of rivet X 40,000 = 14,848 pounds.
shown. It will be noticed that the inside It is evident from these calculations
strap is wider than the outside strap and that in the particular case assumed, the
receives an additional row of rivets, hav- rivet is the weakest and dividing its shear Power, N.Y.
ing double the pitch of the inner rows. It ing strength by the strength of the solid ILLUSTRATING RIVETS IN DOUBLE AND
FIG 8.
will further be noticed that the inner rows plate gives an efficiency of 49.4 per cent.
of rivets are in double shear ; that is, in It is obvious now that if the rivets are
order to show them , they have to be pitched a little closer, or in other words, In the triple- riveted joint shown in Fig.
sheared in two places, while in lap-joints more rivets are put in, the rivet shear 6, the net section is still stronger, there
they only have to be sheared once. The will be increased and a better joint ob- being three rivets to shear. This joint
comparison is illustrated in Fig. 8, which tained. For instance, a patch of 134 incheshas an efficiency of about 75 per cent.
indicates that the plate A has pulled out gives a joint efficiency of about 56.6 per In calculating the butt-strap joint the
March , 1906. POWER 149

same principle is observed, but the rivets be 60 inches in diameter, of 5-16 - inch being opposite to the usual direction, had
are in double shear, which, as previously steel having a tensile strength of 55,000 simply killed the residual field magnetism .
stated, adds about 85 per cent to their pounds per square inch, the allowable I then stopped the machine, raised the
strength . In Fig. 7 , for example, there is working pressure, with single -riveted brushes from the commutator, cut in all
a half rivet at A or B in single shear, and joints, would be 67.6 pounds ; with double- of the resistance of the field rheostat,
all the others, at C D E F and G are in riveted joints, 82.5 pounds ; with triple threw in the main switch, cut out part of
double shear. Assuming the plate to be riveted lap-joints, 87 pounds, and with the resistance of the rheostat, then cut
triple-riveted butt-strap joints, 101 pounds. it all in again and pulled out the switch.
The storage battery was supplying cur.
rent to the bus-bars at this time. When
Experiences in Electric Plants - I.
the generator was tried again, it built up
BY H. L. STRONG . all- right.
As temporarily connected up, the two
During the time at I have bee in machines mentioned could not be operated
O O O charge of electric plants, I have met with in parallel ; and after permanent connec
various experiences, some of which may tions were made, including equalizers, they
be interesting and possibly instructive to did not operate together satisfactorily;
others, as they have sometimes been to when a load came on, No. 1 machine
me. One plant which I tookcharge of would take about all of it. The machines
included two generating sets and a were of the same make, size, type and
storage battery. The generators were di- speed, and the speed variations were
about the same ; therefore , the case
rect-current multi-polar, compound-wound
machines. No. I machine had been in use seemed rather peculiar. Both machines
Power, M. Y. a short time, and No. 2 was installedin had series-field shunts, made of german
silver strip, and I decided that herein
38- inch thick and of 60,000 pounds tensile a hurry and temporarily connected to
strength, the outer pitch to be 6% inches, the switchboard while we were waiting lay the cause of the difficulty.
inner pitch 374 inches, rivet holes 13-16- for the new panel to arrive. The tem
inch and the shearing strength of the porary panel was made of wood, and on
rivets in double shear to be 74,000 pounds it were mounted a voltmeter and an

per square inch, we have the following : ammeter, a double-pole, quick-break main
Solid plate = 6.5 x .375 X 60,000 = 142,260 pounds. switch and two main fuses. No. I ma
Net section at P = (6.5 — .8125 ) X Load
.375 X 60,000
chine was protected by both fuses and a
One rivet in single shear= .5185
= 127,800 pounds. . circuit-breaker. All of the switches on
X 40,000 20,740 pounds. the permanent panels were of the quick
Four rivets in double shear =
break type.

Series ng
.5185 X 74,000 X 4 = 153,556 pounds.

Shunt ng

Total rivet shear = 174,296 pounds. One evening a man who was interested

The net section of the plate is the in the plant and was supposed to have
weakest ; therefore the efficiency of the some knowledge of things electrical, came
joint is in to take a look at things. The switch + Armature

117888=83.7 per cent. board proved very interesting to him, es

The quadruple-riveted butt-joint is not pecially the quick -break switches, the
extensively used, but it is rapidly com operation of which he did not quite un
ing into favor, as the diameter of boilers derstand. I explained them to him, but
and pressures are being increased The he, evidently being like " the man from
efficiency of a well-designed joint of this Missouri,” wanted to be “ showed. ” All Shunt Strip
Poneer, N.Y.
kind is about 93 per cent. Another joint but one of the switches were in use, how CONNECTIONS OF A COMPOUND -WOUND DY
ever . He asked what was on each until
which is used quite extensively is the
double-riveted NAMO .
or triple-riveted lap -joint he got to the main switch of No. 2 ma
with an inside welt or strap. This is chine, and I told him there was nothing I observed that No. I machine would
sometimes called the “ locomotive" joint. on it then, as it was the main switch of increase its voltage a little between no load
A triple-riveted joint of this kind has five the idle machine. Just then I turned away and about one-third load, then hold it
rows of rivets and is shown in Fig. 9. It to look at the meters, and as I did so from there to about half load, beyond
is a very good joint and is almost as there came a flash and the bang and rat- which it was necessary to cut out a little
efficient as the triple-riveted butt-strap tle of circuit-breakers, and total darkness; of the resistance of the field rheostat to
joint and has the advantage of being for even the pilot lamps were connected maintain the voltage with the increased
somewhat cheaper to make. There are no to the bus-bars instead of back of the load. No. 2 acted more like a shunt gen
rivets in double shear, but there is a large main switches, where they should have erator, and would begin to drop the volt
net section at P and six rivets in single been connected. After fumbling around age as soon as load was put on. As an
shear. in the dark for awhile, I got the lights on experiment, I disconnected the series-field
In order to illustrate the importance of again ; thanks to the quickness of the cir- shunt of No. 2, and found that it then in
a well-designed joint, so far as the allow- cuit-breakers, no fuses were blown and creased the voltage, with the load, a little
able pressure on a boiler is concerned, let no damage done. I don't think the in- more than it dropped it with the shunt
us'see what pressure could be carried on terested man will meddle with any more strip connected. From this I reasoned that
the same boiler when supplied with the switches he is not familiar with . by increasing the resistance of the series
different joints, assuming all other parts I expected to find the polarity of No. field shunt of No. 2 machine, it should
to be amply strong. Allowing a factor 2 machine reversed, but when I started show a characteristic curve about like that
of safety of 5, the permissible pressure it up it refused to generate at all. After of No. I. This proved to be true ; for
will be given by the formula : looking all of the connections over again after doubling the resistance of the shunt
Thickness X tenxlle streagth X efficiency of joint x = P. and finding
right, I decidedeverything apparently rush
that the momentary all strip on very
parallel No. nicely.
2, themachines
For the operated in
benefit of
radius of boiler shell

Applying this formula to a boiler to of current through the series winding, those who may not be familiar with the
150 POWER March , 1906 .

series-field shunt as used on compound- both sets and bring No. 2 up to speed by Installation of a Low -Pressure
wound generators, I will endeavor to ex- slowly starting No. 1 , and then compute Steam Turbine .
plain its use and operation. The diagram ' the electrical power required to run No.
on page 149 represents the armature 2. Of course it was necessary to discon
shunt field winding and series winding of nect the meters of No. 2 generator to pre The engineers of the Scranton , Pa. ,
a compound-wound, direct-current gen- vent them from possible injury by swing- street railway system are making prepara
erator, with a series -field shunt strip. It ing the pointers the wrong way. All feed- tions for the installation current
of a 500 -kilo
will be seen that the strip shunts parts of er switches were also pulled out. watt low -pressure direct-
the current from the series winding, hence When No. I set was started, the am- driven unit in the power house located
its name. The portion of the total cur- meter pointer started across the scale like near Providence, a suburb of Scranton . As
rent passing through the shunt strip will a hungry “ dago " going to dinner when the this turbine is to act as the low-pressure
depend on the ratio of its resistance to noon whistle blows, and it didn't stop un stage to the present reciprocating engines,
that of the series field coils. If à genera- til the circuit-breaker went out. But it and thus constitute a novel form of com
tor is designed to overcompound, with the was a "wattless current ; " for the volt- pound engines, such as Power suggested
total current passing through the series meter registered zero. v nat little ten- some time ago, a description of the condi
coils, the overcompounding may be re dency there was for machine No. 2 to tions and of the plan, so far as it has
duced as much as may be desired by ap- move was in the reverse direction to that been worked out, may be of interest.
plying a shunt strip of the proper resis- desired. This latter fact was ascertained The present equipment consists of four
tance and the machine
shunt ; generator if the series operate asarea by
will windings ing making the trials
to facilitate endeavor
start byand“main force simple non -condensing Corliss engines of
completely short-circuited, although it and awkwardness.” Those familiar with the following dimensions and capacities,
would hardly be advisable to attempt to the subject will readily see that the arma run with an initial pressure of 115 pounds
operate it in this way. ture of No. 2 generator formed a short- gage :
After everything was in good running circuit to No. 1 , and the only excitation No. 1 Allis , 42x54 at 97 rev. 1400 rated bp. 1000 kw . 00 66
400 300
No. 2 Dicks'n , 26x48 at 80 "
order in the plant, I made some rough the field got was from the series coils ; as No. 3 Coop er, 26x18 at 80 "
No. 4 30X48 at 97

tests on the generating set for efficiency, the current was reversed in these, the ten
merely taking indicator diagrams at var dency was for the armature to rotate back 2950 2300

ious loads and comparing the horse-power



shown by these with the electrical out


put as computed from the corresponding


readings of the voltmeters and ammeters.

About 450 feet
Injection Water
-About 140 feet

Concrete Flume Overflow

Centrifugal Pump driven by
Motor Shaft Vertical
Boiler Stack
Engine Room Room
Canal to Pump
Canal about 25 ' wide
Con Flu
Small Engine Belt Driven Generators End o cre
te me
from Engines Nos. 2 and 3 f


• No - load diagrams were also taken to de- ward. If the machine had started, it Numbers 1 and 4 are direct- connected .
termine the friction load , the shunt field would have operated as a diffierential the other two belted to their generators .
leads being disconnected at this time. compound motor. The next move was The average out-put of the plant is 1500
No. I set showed very good efficiency, but to cut out the series winding, and then it kilowatts. This means an average
that of No. 2 was not so satisfactory. The was tried with the connections of the load of about two thousand horse-power,
no - load diagrams also showed the friction series winding reversed, but still there while the maximum , though of but short
load of this set to be high, and I was not was no success . This last connection of duration, taxes the plant to its limit.
surprised at this, for the engine was a the series coils converted the machine into It was decided to extend the capacity
Westinghouse standard compound, and a cumulative compound motor. About
of the station by installing the 500 -kilowatt
my experience indicates that the friction this time it was suggested that leads be turbine -driven unit above referred to, run
load of these engines is high . However, run from the storage battery to the shunt
ning it with the exhaust steam of the
the manager and
explanation was wanted
not satisfied
to try with my stat
running field and
winding, through
an ammeter, and the
leavefield rheo
the series reciprocating units, which will continue to
the set by operating the generator as a field connections as they were. This was exhaust at atmospheric pressure, condens
niotor. He said that he did not think it done, and No. 2 started up promptly with ing water being brought from the Lacka
would be necessary to go to the expense No. 1. However, nothing was gained but wanna river, a distance of about 450 feet,
of rigging up a rheostat to be used as a experience, for after making careful com- and with a lift of about 54 feet to the
starting resistance, but we would take the putations, the results showed the friction condenser head, at the mean height of the
valve out of the engine, throw in the load to be higher than that shown by the river .
main switches and circuit-breakers of indicator, which is not to be surprised at The accompanying map shows the
March, 1906 . POWER 151

" xhaust r

Exhaust Head

above Roof


DE Atmosphere

" xhaust

This 30" Exhaust Pipe is Supported 15 '
42 I Beam

ona Foundation in the Basement and

then Connects to the Exhaust Nozzle 8'6 " Elevation
with a Goose Neck , thus
30 " Exhaust .


In ne

to Condenser

Floor Line



Poundation Basement Floor

*Floor Line Floor Line


Exhaust Outlet Overflow

L. ead

from Turbine

Blind Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust



Eng . from

from Engines

Flange Not Eng.No,


" llt





Concrete Foundation for ||

500 K.W.
Turbo Generator Trap in
1 Exhaust Pipe
6126. -3'6 "
Basement Floor Basement Floor

Lead Lined Pipe from here 24 " Concrete Pipe for Injection Water
throughout all of Condenser
to resist Acid Water 1



Covered Concrete Overflow from Hot Well

Barometric Condenser 2' 6 " X 2'6"
above Roof Top Level with Ground
Engine Room Wall

Hot Well
512 80 " Exhaust



Exhaust Steam Exhaust
Injection Water Eng .

Condenser enter Condenser No.2







Goose Neck


See other

31a nd

30 " Round Partition in Hot Well

over which Water flows


to Concrete Overflow


Showing location of Turbine and



Method by which it is supplied with


Exhaust Nozzle about 5'6" long inside

and i'o" wide, shaped thus Steam from the Exhaust Pipes of
the other Engines, without crea :
Foundation for
As will be Connected
to Turbine
ing Back Pressure
500 K.W.
Turbo Generator

Steam Inlet to Turbine

-10'10 " Power, N.Y
Opening for 11 " Pipe
Stepped Bearing 5'7 "
1 10 % "
Edging to keep Blind Flange
Turbine on Foundation


152 POWER March, 1906 .

general arrangement of the plant and its ing the arrival of the turbine which is tion of equal currents in the three con
location relative to the river. The tur- nearing completion at the Schenectady ductors.
bine is located in the north -west corner of shops of the General Electric Company. When the load is non - inductive and .
the station, and the arrangement of the The idea was adopted by and the work is balanced, as would be the case if the
piping, condenser, etc., is shown in plan being carried out under the direction of three phases were each supplying the same
and elevation on page 150. The exhaust- Messrs. Frank Silliman, E. D. Reed and cumber of incandescent lamps, the vector
pipes from the several engines lead into E. A. Wildt. We shall keep our readers diagram is extremely simple, and may be
a common tee, from the top side of which advised of developments as they occur. drawn as in Fig. 1. Here ab , bc and ca
emerges a 30 - inch free outlet to the atmos are the three vectors representing the
phere. There is no back-pressure valve pressures between terminals. They will
upon this outlet, and the engines will con- Simple Diagrams for Three - Phase Ici -10
tinue to exhaust under atmospheric pres Power Calculations.
sure, but when the condenser is on, enough
of the exhaust steam will be drawn BY ALFRED STILL
around through the 30 - inch outlet from
the left- hand end of the tee, to supply the In this article it not proposed to
turbine , the direct supply pipe to which describe the various methods available for те
is 14 inches in diameter. The turbine, measuring the true power of aa three-phase
working this steam between the atmos- circuit ; it is assumed that the conditions
a la
pheric pressure and the 28 inches of of load are known, together with the
vacuum which it is expected to maintain actual values of the various currents and
with the condenser, is estimated to use pressures, and the phase relations between BY
about 38 pounds of steam per kilowatt- them .
hour, or less than 20,000 pounds per hour By the use of vector diagrams, the
Power, m . r .
at its full rated capacity, while the engines, writer hopes to explain in a clear and
aggregating about 3000 horse-power, will, simple manner what is to be understood by FIG . 2.
at 30 pounds per horse -power, exhaust, the real and apparent power of a three
when working at their rated capacity, 90 ,- phase circuit under various conditions as
000 pounds in the same time. There should regards load, such as may be met with form a closed equilateral triangle, which ,
when the direction of the vectors is taken
be steam enough, then, when all four in practice. There is no doubt that the
into account, corresponds to three equal
engines are running, to supply the other majority of electrical engineers have a pressures having a phase angle of 120 de
turbine unit, suggested by the dotted ex- perfectly clear understanding as to what grees between them .
tension. is meant by the power factor of a three
Its generator being connected in parallel phase circuit when the load is balanced ; The three current vectors a la, 61, and
with those of the engine-driven units, but when the currents in the three con- if produced, will meet at the com
the turbine will need no governor. Any ductors are not equal, it is by no means mon point 0, which is the center of the
tendency to overspeed upon its part will tasy to define what is meant by the ap- triangle ; and, if the generator armature
result in attracting to itself an undue pro- farent power, although the real power windings were star connected, the dotted
portion of the load , so that it will auto can easily be measured. vectors oa, ob, and oc would correctly
matically take all of the load that it can Now, the power factor is the ratio of represent the pressures in the three arma
carry and preserve the bus-bar voltage. An the true to the apparent power, and it ture sections.
emergency governor or trip-valve is pro- becomes a matter of some doubt, there- It will be noticed that these pressures,
vided to prevent the acquirement of a being in phase with the corresponding line
dangerous speed in the accidental absence current, fulfil the requirements of a bal
of the restraining influence of the load. anced non - inductive load.
The turbine is to be a 500 -kilowatt two The total power of the three-phase cir
stage Curtis . cuit is three times oc x clc, which may
A canal , about 140 feet in length , con be written
ducts the water from the river to the 3 eI
pump-house whence it is forced to the or BEI
condenser by motor -driven centrifugal
pumps controlled from the station switch where e stands for the pressure between
6 a
neutral point and any one terminal , and
board. The proposed arrangement calls E is the pressure between line wires ,
for two pumps either of which will be
while I represents the amount of any one
capable of supplying all the water re 1b Power, Mr. ' la of the three (equal ) line currents .
quired. The condenser is a Worthington FIG . I.
of the barometric tube type with dry Load Inductive, but Balanced.
vacuum pump. The pump -house, hot-well In Fig. 2, the load is still supposed
and overflow conduit therefrom are of fore, as to what must be understood by to be balanced ; but it is partly inductive,
concrete. A concrete partition in the hot- the power factor of an unbalanced circuit. and the current now lags behind the pres
well seals the tail- pipe, the end section The method adopted by the writer, and sure e by the angle 0 . This diagram ,
of which is of lead on account of the which he believes to be new, consists in therefore, represents the condition of
corrosive action of the river water which obtaining the true power, and an imagin- things in a three-phase circuit of which
is heavily charged with acid from the ary quantity which he calls the " wattless" the load consists entirely of induction
mines. All of the pipe and other metal ' or " idle” power, respectively, from a motors .

surface with which the condensing water couple of measurements made on the dia The total power is
comes into contact are lead lined for the gram. With this data the power factor 3 e X I cos @
same reason, with the exception of the is readily calculated . or

condenser head which is lined with wooden Before describing the construction of V3EX I cos e
staves . the diagrams for the more complex case while the power factor is
At the present writing the masonry and of an unbalanced load, it will be advisable с С
or cos 0.
piping work are all completed and await- to consider briefly the more usual condi CI :
March , 1906. POWER 153

Non -inductive Unbalanced Load. equal the sum of all currents returning It is possible to choose the point o so
In Fig. 3 the diagram has been drawn to the source of supply. that only two measurements and a single
for a non - inductive but unbalanced load. We may now consider the question of multiplication will give the total power of
This condition of things might be pro- an unbalanced but partly inductive load ; the three - phase circuit. This can be done
duced by unequally loading the three bearing in mind that this condition has by drawing ob at right angles to 6 lb, and
phases with incandescent lamps. с oa at right angles to a la. The total power
It will be seen that the current vector I is the sum of the three products
I. is in advance of the pressure vector
oc, while the other two current vectors, oa x the projection of a la on oa
I. and lo, lag behind the corresponding ob x bly on ob
" star " pressure vectors. ос Х " ili on oc
If we draw the star vectors from the
centre 0, and produce them outside the but, since the point o has deliberately
triangle, we have merely to project upon been chosen so as to make the first two
them the current vectors, and then cal products equal to zero, we have for the
culate the power by the expression total power of the three- phase circuit
P = (oa Хx aA) + (ob X 0B ) + (uc x CC ) P = 0c X the projection of cl on oc
which may also be written b = 00X CG.
Pre(aA + 6B + C) 90 ° 90
Power Factor of Unbalanced Load.
where e is the pressure measured between la It is not easy to state exactly what is
the neutral point o and any of the three Power , W.Y. to be understood by the power factor of
terminals ; its value is always EifE is FIG. 4. an unbalanced three - phase load, because
the pressure between line wires, repre although the true power is readily cal
sented by the sides of the pressure triangle still to be fulfilled, namely, that since we culated as already explained — the appar
2-6-c. It should be observed, however, are supposing only three wires to connectent power is no larger quantity which can
that, since the load is non -inductive, there the load to the source of supply , any one be readily calculated as in the case of aa
must be a set of three vectors in phase of the three currents must necessarily be
with the three currents, and it will be equal but opposite to the ( vectorial ) sum
found that if we produce the current of the other two .
vectors inside the triangle they will meet General Problem : Unbalanced Inductive
at a common point o '. Load.
This gives us a new set of equivalent In Fig. 4, the three unequal current vec
star vectors , o'a, o'b and o'c each in phase tors la lo and I., indicate that the
with the corresponding line current ; and load is not balanced. In Fig. 3, the cur
the total power can , therefore, also be rent vectors were also of unequal length,
written but they met at a common point o', thus
showing the load to be non -inductive. The
P= (o'a xa 7.) + (oʻ6x017 ) + (o'cxc7 ) essential difference between Figs. 2, 3 and
All the foregoing diagrams have been 4 is that in the latter diagram if we extend
drawn on the assumption either that the the current vectors backwards, they will
generator armature windings are mesh not meet at a common point, and this · la
connected, or that if star connected, indicates that the load must be partly in Power, N.Y.
rio fourth conductor is brought back ductive. FIG . 5 .
from the load to the neutral point. A diagram such as the one drawn in
The vectorial sum of the three currents Fig. 4 might represent a load consisting
la, lo and 1. must therefore be żero, and, partly of inductive motors on the three single-phase circuit, or a balanced poly
indeed, if the vectors ala, 67, and clo, in phases, and partly of incandescent lamps phase system.
across one or two phases , or unequally The most convenient way of looking
across all three phases. at the problem with a view to determining
The total power might be calculated the extent to which an unbalanced three
from the diagram by drawing the star- phase circuit is inductive, is to consider the
pressure vectors radiating from the centre apparent power as being made up of two
of the triangle, and projecting upon them quantities — the real power and the " watt
the corresponding current vectors in the less” or “ idle ” power, this last being an
manner explained in connection with Fig. imaginary quantity of such a commercial
3. It should , however, be pointed out value as to fulfill the condition.
that any system of three vectors radiating apparent
6 a
from a common point 0, and terminating power = 1 ( real power)' + 'idle' pow'r)':
yla at the vertices a, b and c, of the pressure
the ratio real power_being the power
Power, Y.Y.
triangle, may be used to replace the sides apparent power
of the triangle. The pressures between factor of the unbalanced load.
FIG. 3 .
the line conductors are necessarily equal to
the differences between the pressures Referring to Fig. I , this quantity to
measured outwardly from the common which we have given name of “ idle "
any of the diagrams, are combined to
point o, whatever may be the exact loca power is evidently zero.
gether , they will be found to form a
closed triangle. This particular relation tion of this point, and we may, therefore, In Fig . 2 it is e (Al. + BT. + CI )
between the three currents in the line write, or 3 el sin e
wires is evidently necessary to fulfill the Pressure on phase a = 0a - 00 = ca
condition that the sum of all currents b = 0b - oa = ab In Fig . 3 it is ee ( 1.A + 1.B - 1.c )
leaving the source of supply musi exactly where the minus sign indicates that the
( = 0C - ob = bc
POWER March , 1906 .
wattless current component Toc is leading,
while the other two, la A and 1.B, are Experiences in a Refrigerating Plant.
lagging. [ In this particular case-the load BY F. E. MATTHEWS .
being non- inductive—the length 1. C will
necessarily be equal to Ī A + 1.B, and the
" Vot it is, all dis humbugness ? Dot don't think he knows it all , either. We
“ idle” power will therefore, be zero. ]
In Fig. 4 the equivalent of the " idle " Henglish schlaffkopf, vot you call it, J. hear an awful yell about this clearance
power may be written Pontifax Morgan, schust vakin' up and business and I am gettin ' interested.”
findin ' himself a sleepin ' wieder, and dot " Well, let's see about it," said Mr.
(obxolo) + (oc + IC') - (oa x al.) tam tum tutsch Jo. looking vise at indi. Superton, as he fished a piece of soap
but this quantity may be calculated more cator cards. I dink you bin wieder nut- stone out of Jo's tool-box and began the
easily by means of the construction shown
fisch, die whole Gerschaft , I mean. Vy task of decorating the Kolbiers' well
don't you send in dot lubricator Chimmy scrubbed cement floor with sketches of
in Fig. 5. Here the pressure triangle and after anoder gallon of peer ? Dis iss not indicator cards.
current vectors are exactly similar to those
in Fig. 4 ; the only object in drawing a goot enough for you to drink, say nottin' “ Let's first see what clearance amounts
apout me, and hurry up vunce ; der peer to in a compressor, anyway. Let's say
separate diagram being to avoid a multi
is clear out of my gage glass,-don't you for the sake of argument that we have a
plicity of lines in Fig. 4. see I vill soon burn a crown sheet
Another common point o' has been belted compressor which is producing a
selected, from which the equivalent star vunce ? Vot you dink I am over here for, card like this , ” drawing Fig. I. " All at
chust to see you American Indians once, while the machine is running at full
vectors radiate to the points a, b and c. sleep ?"
It is obtained by producing the current speed, the belt comes off so that there
vectors la and lo until they meet. will be no power supplied to the shaft.
The “ idle ” power can now be calculated The fly- wheel of course has a certain
from two measurements only, and it is amount of energy stored in it which it
equal to proceeds to give up to compress another
D. cylinder -full of gas ; but the fly-wheel en
o'c XI
.TD ergy is so well spent that it does not
Reading the two diagrams Fig. 4 and a
carry compression quite far enough to
5 as if they formed but one, we may, FIG . I. discharge into the condenser. In other
therefore, write :
words, the piston travels slower and
ocx cc Thus announcing himself, Herr Goot- slower as compression progresses, and
power factor =
kopf came in and seated himself leisurely finally comes to a stop at b ( drawing
NocXCT)+ (óc x 7.D ): something
in the Chief's bigchair
unusual was ,transpiring
but discovering Fig.2),
in the about just asthedischargevalveis
to open , due to the pressure which
neighborhood of the chair seat, got up has risen from o to x. If now the piston
Gas Engine versus Steam Engine again just in time to see Whiskers, who turns around and travels in the other
in Great Britain . had been quietly dosing in this self- same direction for a change, we may say that
chair, shoot excitedly under the work the distance b c is all clearance, as the
bench . piston travels towards the crank and the
In a supplement devoted to gas and oil
" Cat schleepin', auch ? I bin schleep- high pressure gas in the head end ex
engines, the Electrical Magazine remarks : in ' myself next . Such a muchness of pands along practically the same line
“We appear now to be approaching the schlafrigkeit !" along which it was compressed, meeting
point when steam as a prime power will Then again seating himself, this time the back pressure line at 0, and it may be
be discarded in favor of gas engines and more composedly, “ Vat you say you doin' , said that the distance clear back to a is
plant. Such a result is not difficult to Jo ? Figurin' out de compressor clear re-expansion As the majority of en
imagine. Great Britain is a great manu- ance , de re- expansion ? And ven you fin '
facturing country, and her factories' de percentages re-expansion den I sup
wheels require power, as do her railways pose you vill say dat same percentage is
and ships. While other nations with the chust so much less . Yes ? Vell, dat is
natural benison of water power are now all right, aber it is chust wrong, pecause
using this in the form of electrical energy it is not so. Und de reason it is not so
for every industrial purpose, she must is pecause it is wrong ; aber here comes
rely on her coal to furnish the same means my very goot friend, Mr, Superton, wieder O

for the same ends. For many decades zureck , und vielleicht he can it besser als a b
these resources have been almost ruth- me explanation . Herr Superton, allow FIG . 2.
lessly sapped and wastefully employed. me vunce to present Mr. Jo Nuttischkeit,
At this moment some millions of horse- de verrucktest engineer dis side of Ho- gineers are at first inclined to look at it ,
power are being let loose from cral and boken , und he iss figurin ' on indicator the percentage of the stroke occupied by
steam , with a minimum of power and a cards, und gettin' such a wrongness in his re-expansion is absolute loss . Let's see
maximum of waste . To reverse this order head ." whether it is or not. Here is the piston
of things, recourse must be had to the " What's the matter now , Jo ?" at b with a charge of gas in the head end
gas engine, combined with the dynamo- " Nuthin ' tall , only this Heine come at the pressure x, and gas in the crank
electric machine. Such intermediate ap- wanderin ' in here to take a keg or two end at the pressure 0 . The piston starts
paratus as water and boilers, with their and happened to catch me looking over to travel towards the crank end, but as
numerous accessories, must now figure no those indicator cards you took last night. the high pressure gas expands from x to
longer in the electric power -house." He sat down on Whiskers and got o the low pressure gas will be compressed
scratched, so to get even he invents the from or to r ?
According to the latest enumeration of rumor that I don't know what I'm talkin ' “ In a theoretically perfect machine in
the negroes in the United States, there about. As a matter of fact, on the ninty, which there is no friction, and all of the
are 10,000 negro engineers and firemen in I don't just understand all about this energy delivered to the fly -wheel during
the South . clearance refrigeration business, but I the first part of the stroke is transmitted
March, 1906. POWER 155

back again during the latter part of expands and gives back, say , five horse- the original stored energy, the compres
stroke, the pressure attained at x? might power, represented by B, to the piston sor will stop."
be as high as that previously existing at which helps to compress the gas in the “ Sehen sie, Jo ? Ve say vunce de, vot
x. Owing to the unavoidable losses of other end of the cylinder. Now how you call him , de mechanical efficiency of
friction, however, this condition can much do you say is the loss due to de- de machine is eighty - five per cents, de
never be realized, and if the piston is to crease ? A great many people figure the friction is fifteen per cents, and de re
travel to the crank end of stroke under bc
percentage of re -expansion or expansion in de cylinders due to clearance
the impulse given by the expanding high the actual loss, but this is wrong . is fife per cents. Also ve say dat ve gif
pressure gas, the pressure on the crank shown by the diagram here ( Fig. 4 ) , the one hundred men each $ 100 to go back
end will have to be reduced to such an one
hundred horse -power of positive to Germany ; about fife of dem miss de
extent that the mean effective pressure on
this end divided by the mean effective work represented in the steam indicator boat and come back , and dey say, “ Ve haf
card is exerted in running the whole ma missed de boats vunce and here iss your
pressure on the other end will equal the chine. Of this amount eighty-five horse- $ 100 back , aber ve haf $ 15 spent alretty
mechanical efficiency of the machine. power of negative work would be used vot cannot be back given .' Now how
Since the gas in the head end starts to up in driving the compressor, which much in per cents do ve loosen ? Fife
expand at b the energy stored in the fly makes a card like k -1 - m - n . But if the per cents of de men come back, so of
wheel can only carry compression and the card in an extreme casé becomes more dose men ve had hoped to sent to Ger
piston to d under the assumption we have like k - 1- m -n '- o, which is equivalent to many ve haf lost fife per cents, aber ve
just made regarding pressures. But if
the head pressure in the crank end be eighty horse- power, there will be another haf not fife per cents of our money lost .
little card, n ' - 11-0, representing five horse Ve haf only fifteen per cents of fife per
power of positive work helping out the cents, or tree - quarter per cents of our
steam engine. In this case the steam en- money lost , because de fife men gafe back
gine card will be almost five horse-power eighty-fife per cents of vat ve gafe dem .”
lighter, or about ninety -five horse - power. “ Then you mean to say that if you have
The more the re -expansion due to clear- a compressor machine of eighty-five per
ance and high head pressure , the more cent. mechanical efficiency and five per
the power returned to the compressor by cent, re -expansion due to clearance, then
the gas. Only the gas actually passing to the actual loss due to clearance will be
b the condenser requires power and that fifteen per cent. of five per cent . , or
FIG . 3. which re-expands gives back practically three- quarters of one per cent. ! How
as much as was given it." about the delay in the opening of the suic
successively reduced the piston will travel " Then you don't think there is any loss tion valves ? They do not open until five
successively further towards the crank at all due to re-expansion ?" per cent of the suction stroke is com
end of the stroke under the impetus “ Yes, there certainly is a loss. If there pleted, so five per cent of the cylinder
from the fly -wheel, as, for example, to were none at all a compressor with tlie the
must be already full of gas at the point
e-t-g, and finally a pressure will be ar discharge valves fastened down would new charge commences to enter .
rived at which will allow the piston to keep on oscillating back and forth for- Don't you call that a loss of five per
travel clear to the end of the stroke, dis ever, if the belt were suddenly thrown off cent?”
placing all of the gas from the crank end as we assumed above. The gas expand- “ We have been talking about two dif
of the cylinder into the condenser. Now ing in one end would compress the gas in ferent losses, Jo," explained Mr. Super
to the point. Where did the power come the other, which would react and com ton . “ We have been trying to make you
from to compress and discharge the gas press the original gas to the original see that there is only three - quarters of
from the crank end of the compressor pressure and so on , forever.” one per cent, actual loss in power due to
cylinder ? Remember, the belt slipped off, clearance under the above conditions.
so that there was no chance for outside Negative Work This is the important consideration, be
Effective Displacement
power to do it.” cause power is what we have to pay our
" And perpetual motion never was very good dollars for. What you are kicking
popular," said Jo, scratching his head. about is an entirely different proposition .
" Ach du liebe Himmel ! Such a dum You are not satisfied because your ma
ness ! And you haf to scratch ofer dot ? k Anmonia Card 80 H.P. chine actually displaces only about ninety
He hass showed you alretty dot de re a


five per cent of the volume actually
expansionin ' of dose gas in, vot you call Positive Work B swept out by the piston. You don't know
Reexpansiun Card 5 H.P.
him , clearance , vas doin ' such a vork how many cubic feet of piston displace
Positive Work
vunce on dose gas in de udder end of de Steam Card 100 H.P. ment you require, but you want a hun
cylinder. It vas chust dis vay mit de ex с dred per cent. of it , not ninety - five. Did
pansionin ' of gas from smaller clear you ever stop to think that ninety -five
ance spaces . It iss not so much loss as per cent. of 1.0526315789 is one, just as
sonie vould say, only vat gas is dis FIG . 4. well as one hundred per cent. of one ?
charged to the condenser has required Probably not, but it is so . Therefore, if
power alretty." " Ja, den ve vould perpetuality motions a certain design of compressor has five
" That's it , or at least it's very nearly haf." per cent. loss in the cylinder filling out
true. It is as though the steam engine “ The reason this cannot take place is due to re -expansion of high pressure
card C here (Fig. 4 ) , which we will say because there is always the element of gases in the clearance spaces, all that is
figures a hundred horse -power, expends friction to be dealt with in every machine necessary to make it do as much work as
fifteen horse - power in running the ma having moving parts. The amount of a compressor which has no loss due to re
chine , and the other eighty -five horse work required to overcome friction in expansion ( they haven't commenced
power in compressing the gas as indi moving the compressor through half a building that kind yet ) is to make the
cated by the compressor card A. After stroke would be deducted from the work volume swept out by the piston , or the
most of the gas is discharged to the con stored every half stroke in the com- apparent displacement, 1.0526315789 times
denser, however, the small amount re pressed gas , and the accumulation of this that of the ideal one."
maining in the clearance spaces re negative energy finally becoming equal to “ But that don't cut out the loss of
156 POWER March , 1906 .

power of fifteen per cent. of five per cent.

that you were talking about.” Design, Construction and Application of Large Gas
" No, that three-quarters of one per Engines in Europe - V .
cent., amounting to one horse-power out
of every 133, is loss. All compressors BY FRANZ ERICH JUNGE .
have more or less loss of this kind, but if
the machine has less clearance, entailing COOLING AND LUBRICATION ,
less loss, it sacrifices some other quality
to obtain it . Cooling. - In large gas engines, all sur- from the city main or be fed from an
faces exposed to the heat of hot gases elevated tank.
“ Compressors can be designed to run
so that the pistons will practically touch must be water cooled . Hence cylinders, In the Nürnberg engine from 2400 to
the cylinder heads, but it is not practi- pistons, piston rod , stuffing boxes, inlet 3200 heat units per brake horse-power
cable to do so because the wide ranges of valves and exhaust valves should be jack- have to be carried off by the cooling
temperature to which the piston rods are eted. Igniters are sufficiently cooled by water. With water entering at 15 degrees
liable to be subjected at different times contact between the supporting barrels Cent. and leaving at 40 degrees, this gives
may produce proportionate contraction or and the water-cooled cylinder wall. Un a water consumption of abou! 30 liters
der such conditions it is sufficient that per brake horse-power hour. When the
expansion sufficient to cause the piston
head to more than just touch.' The key- 33 % of the heat which is generated by water is re-cooled the actual consumption
combustion shall be carried away by the of fresh water can be reduced to from 2 to
ing up of main rods may also tend to
lengthen or shorten the rod in propor cooling water. Assuming a heat con 0.5 liter per hour per brake horse-power,
tion to the wear in the brasses , which sumption of 12,000 heat units per hour this quantity being absorbed by evaporation .
also offers additional argument in favor per brake horse-power, then 4000 heat With a consumption of 30 liters (7.92
of not running too close on clearance. units must be taken up by circulating gallons ) and assuming that the water
water. With water entering at 15 degrees leaves the cylinder jacket at 35 degrees
Then again , sometimes a little liquid is
liable to come chasing along and cause Cent. and leaving at 50 degrees Cent., this Cent., the piston at 40 degrees Cent., the
unusual annoyance by either pushing the will necessitate in the neighborhood of 5.3 valve cage at 45 degrees Cent. ( or at 95,
cylinder head out through the wall or at gallons of fresh water per brake horse- 104, and 113 degrees Fahr., respectively ) ,
least disturbing J. P.'s slumbers." power ; 70% will be used for cooling the then 18 liters (434 gallons ) are required
"Well, if that old Bull John hasn't gone cylinder walls, and 30 % for the pistons for cylinders and stuffing boxes, 8 liters
to sleep again. No need of him takin' a and valves . This, with proper design, ( 2.11 gallons ) for the piston and rods,
hypodermic before goin' to a lecture . " will do for maximum load and for all and 4 liters ( 1.06 gallons ) for the ex
commercial gases, even those having a haust valves and cages. The cooling of
high percentage of hydrogen , it being the circulating water in cooling towers
Forced Draft. borne in mind that excessive cooling im- possesses, besides a reduction in con
pairs the thermal efficiency. Convection sumption, the great advantage that there
“ Forced draft,” said Admiral Melville in circulation or the like, when the water is is eliminated the danger of coating pas
a recent paper, " dates back to Stevens' allowed to boil in the jacket in order to sages and metal surfaces with lime-scales
Rocket, and its first use for marine pur- reduce - by the utilization of the latent and deposits, which by detracting from
poses was by Mr. Robert L. Stevens on heat -- the quantity of water needed per the heat- conducting qualities of the walls
the Hudson River steamers in our own hour per horse-power, cannot be adopted of the cooling system may prove dis
country prior to the Civil War. During for large engines, as overheating and astrous to the working of the engine.
that war Mr. Isherwood built a number burning of the piston and cylinder sur The cooling agent must enter the piston
of gunboats which used forced draft, but faces, as well as premature ignition of the on the lower side and leave on the upper
it had fallen into disuse until about 1882 gases, will result. Separate circulation to avoid the formation of air pockets.
for naval vessels, when it was introduced should be used for the cylinder, the stuff To reduce temperature all around by
into the English navy and still later was ing box, the valve cases and valves, in injecting water into the combustion cham
applied in the merchant service. ber, as is done in smaller engines, such
order to allow independent variation in
In naval machinery forced draft has
the temperature of the respective parts
as the Banki, Priestman, and all alcohol
been of the greatest possible importance, motors, is bad practice for large work.
because it has reduced boiler weights to suit conditions. Thus the combustion Water may, however, be conducted into
probably almost one- half. In the navy chamber may be kept as hot as possible , the exhaust but outside the cylinder, so
the natural limitations as to space and while the cylinder barrel proper must that water vapor cannot take part in the
weight prevent the use of forced draft carry medium temperatures, and pistons combustion process. From temperature
with very much economy of fuel. It is as well as metallic packings be still cooler. diagrams it is possible to calculate ap
obvious that if the rate of combustion is For the outlet piping of all water con- proximately the temperatures existing in
increased from 15 pounds of coal per ducting tubes open or visible overflows various parts of the cylinder at certain
square foot of grate to 40 pounds, there must be arranged to facilitate inspection points of the cycle. Assuming that such
ought to be an attendant increase of heat- of circulation and temperature of water a cycle could be followed without ex
ing surface. In the merchant survice, or streams, which form the only controllable ternal cooling, then there would be the fol
at least in certain classes of vessels in indication for the internal conditions . lowing temperatures inside the cylinder :
that service, it is possible to do this, and The Nürnberg factory even provides ther Inlet valves , 300 degrees Cent.; exhaust
in one of my annual reports I made a mometers for the various discharge water valves, 600 degrees Cent. ; cylinder head,
comparison between the boilers of a mer- pipes, each of which is controlled by chamber degreeswalls
, 400Cent.;
440 degrees upper and
Cent.nearon combustion
chant vessel called the “ Iona" and those valves, while the water flow to all cool
of the “ Baltimore.” In the “ Iona" there 430 degrees Cent, on the lower side ; walls
were 75 feet of heating surface for I ing places may be stopped by closing one near the ends of the stroke, 350 degrees
grate, while in the “ Baltimore" the ratio valve in the main conducting pipe. Cent, and 380 degrees Cent. , respectively
was about 30 to 1 ; but had the “ Balti Pistons, of course , require special in No material, of course, can stand such
more's " boilers been designed with any let and outlet piping as cooling water temperatures for any length of time.
such ratio, their weight would have been must be introduced under a pressure of Effective water cooling reduces the tem
almost double the weight of all the mach from 4 to 5 atmospheres, by a special peratures of the various parts to values
inery of that vessel as actually built. ” pump, while other parts .may take water about as indicated by Fig. 27.
March , 1906. POWER 157

The best practice in feeding water to compared with the advantages gained. Lubrication.—With pistons supported
the piston and rod is to conduct the With direct injection of water spray into by external guides, and with correct cool
water, through flexible or articulated pipe exhaust pipes, the latter are apt to rust. ing, the lubrication of cylinders is no
connections provided with swinging joints Provisions have to be made for draining longer a difficult problem. Reciprocating
and capable of following the to-and-fro the exhaust piping of the condensing sight- feed oil pumps operated from the
motion of the piston, into the crosshead, water, and care must be taken to provide cam-shaft force oil in proper quantities
and, if possible, without change of direc- for free expansion of the heated pipes. to the cylinders, stuffing boxes, exhaust
tion through the rod and piston off to the The pipe connecting the exhaust valve- valve steam guides and governor steps,
discharge main by some sort of overflow . cage and the muffler must, of course, be while drip cups may be used for the var
In some types of Nürnberg engines this water-cooled ; discharge water from the ious other parts.
is done by conveying water into the cylinder-jacket may be used for this pur- In the Nürnberg engines all external
connecting head between the tandem pose. In a later article of this series parts receive their supply of oil from a
drawings showing various pipe connec- large elevated tank, by a circulation or
60 30 30 509
tions of large gas engines as actually in- continuous return system, the lubricant
stalled will serve further to illustrate this fowing through large tubes-avoiding ac
200 ° 150 120 100 paragraph . cumulation of dirt and allowing easy
180 30
90 ° 120 Pumps used for circulating the cool- regulation — to the basement of the engine
ing water or, in two-stroke-cycle engines, room , whence it is raised back to the
2002 202
210 ° 160 ° 120 for the delivery of air and gas, must not tanks by a pump driven from the engine,
4500 450
be driven from the valve-actuating shaft. after having undergone a process, of fil
They are mostly driven from the main tration. The main bearings of the crank
shaft by special gears or other connec- shaft must be lubricated by continuous
tions, or when placed ur: derneath the en- oil feed under pressure, which is the
FIG. 27 .
gine to reduce the floor space, from some only way to secure reliable running of
of the reciprocating parts of the engine. large revolving surfaces subjected to
cylinders where it proceeds to the head and It is, however, becoming more and more heavy loads . For all external parts an
tail ends of the engine without change of customary to operate pumps of all kinds ordinary lubricant may be used, while the
direction , emerging through the cross- by separate motors independent of the en- internal parts, which are exposed to high
heads and the external guides into the gine, as in the case of the air and cir- temperatures, require an oil of high flash
culating pumps of condensing steam en- point .

for ders

discharge pipe.





Fixed pipes with telescopic joints re






quire stuffing -boxes and an air-chamber





Gas Consump Heat Units






on the engine to obviate the knocking of



tion Per Hour.

Per Hour.

that would otherwise be produced by the


reciprocating movement of the piston and In


| Cu . Per
water ; such an arrangement is shown in Cubic Feet
Per i h.P. Power
Fig. 28. Altogether this is inferior to Feet . i.h.p.
the flexible or articulated pipes, yet better 158.3 ; 106 33 ' 58,693 101.0 88.48 8984 18,532 674.2 234.9 280 77.5 | 48.5
arrangements than both may be devised. 357.1 105.8 28 ' III 42.5 807 81,188 100.6 88.48 8152 12,262 1522.6 234.5 557 87.5 69
583.7 106.3 29 ' IV 60.0 1146 105 167 91.5 89.38 1 8214 10,794 2467.8 236.56 871.5 91 76.2
Exhaust mufflers ought to have from 698 106.5 26'50 " VI 68.7 1312 113,854 86.9 89.60 7829 9,921 2956.1 | 236.46 1037 91.5 79
six to eight times the cubical capacity of 755.3 ) 106.1 25 51 " VIII 71.4 1369 118,551 87.290.72 7937 9,675 3213.8 235 1115 92 82.1
776 105.8 25 ' 51 " IX 73.1 1388 118,551 85.5 88.93 7619 9,226 3291.5 | 236.07 1147 92 82.6
the cylinder volume and can be made out 803 105.6 25 ' 20 " V 75.3 1427 120,705 84.687.92 7460 8,976 3417.5 234.87 1186 92 83.1
of old boiler plates . They should be
placed as near the engine as possible, one gines. The writer advocates a plan It is often maintained that excessive
whereby the output of all the various lubrication is the cause of back firing,
pumps is automatically adjusted to the and special draining devices have been
load. For large engines it is desirable to fitted on some engines to allow the sur
make provision to this end, as it is ob- plus oil to be blown off while the engine
viously wasteful to pump the same quan- working. In modern engines all for
tity of cooling-water and lubricating oil eign matter is expelled through the ex
into the engine whether it is running at haust valve on the return stroke of the
full load or at no load. Similarly, it is piston. To facilitate this, the valve seat
better in two- stroke-cycle engines to reg- located slightly below the bottom level
ulate the output of the gas and air de- of the cylinder. However, premature
livery pumps by controlling their speed ignitions caused by excessive lubrication
from the governor of the main engine, in large gas engines are of a harmless
provided they are driven by separate nature, and cannot be compared with
FIG. 28 . motors, than to run them at the same troubles arising from pre-ignition in
speed under all loads and throttle their smaller engines. With double-acting en
muffler serving for both ends of a double- intake or overflow. Regulation can be gines liberal lubrication is the safest prac
acting engine. From the muffler, the made perfect by adding a governor tice. Space limitations do not allow treat
gases are carried off in good -sized under- mechanism acting directly on the inlet ment of this subject as extensively as it
ground channels laid in brick work. Best valve of the engine. deserves. Readers are therefore referred
results will be attained by placing an ex Good views of the Nürnberg valve to special treatises dealing with this prob

haust fan of the “ Sirocco " type, working gears were shown in Figs. 13 to 16, in a pre- lem, among which may be mentioned a
with water injection immediately behind vious article, from which may be learned paper on “ Bearings ” presented at the last
the muffler. This will reduce back pres- any details that have been omitted in the . meeting of the American Society of
sure and noise, and give a clean and con- A stop valve is mounted on Mechanical Engineers, at New York ; this
description .
tinuous exhaust. The extra weight of the upper valve casing so that either contains much valuable information on
water and amount of work required for cylinder can be driven independently of lubrication .
driving the fan is of little importance the other if the necessity arises. All details of large gas engines as
158 POWER March , 1906 .
built by the Nürnberg factory, so far as tween 7540 and 7937 heat units per hour Washing Boilers.
they offer something new over the design per indicated horse-power ; while the
of large steam engines, have now been mechanical efficiency runs up to 83 per BY H. JAHNKE,
dealt with, excepting such mechanisms as cent. ; in some trials not given here it was
igniters, oil pumps, governors, etc., the as high as 92 per cent. Fig. 29 shows dia
design of which is better not undertaken grams taken from Nürnberg engines when I have noticed that there are some ow11
working on generator and blast furnace ers of boilers who are under the impres
by builders of large gas engines; they may
be bought to advantage from firms which gas . sion that it is not necessary to wash out
make a special business of manufacturing In America the large gas engine industry their boilers with a hose; just blow out
such apparatus. has reached a critical phase in its exist- the dirty water and refill with clean water.
In the accompanying table are given the ence owing to the many failures which Again I have noticed some engineers and
results of a test made by Professor Ried- have occurred, though only the minority firemen who do not wash out a boiler until
ler, of Charlottenberg , on a 1200-horse- of cases-for obvious reasons-are brought they are forced to ; that is, until the boiler
power Nürnberg double -acting tandem en to the knowledge of the interested public. starts to foam or show some other bad
gine having cylinders 850 millimeters This is an unfortunate state of affairs. It behavior. I should think that the owner
( 33.46 inches) in diameter and a stroke of it better to eliminate old -fashioned types of a boiler would see that his boiler is
1100 millimeters (43.3 inches ) ; the speed and bad constructions by public criticism washed out regularly and the engineer or
was 106 revolutions per minute and the than to go on advocating them for selfish fireman should take pride in having the
fuel blast furnace gas of a calorific value reasons and placing them on the market, boiler under his care in good condition at
of 31,750 heat units per cubic meter ( 89.90 only to undermine or forfeit the confidence all times.
per cubic foot ). The test mas made in of the purchaser. I have two ways of cleaning boilers : If
September of last year, in the Rombach The diversity of types which have so there are no spare boilers, the plant is shut
Iron Works, Alsace -Lorraine, Germany, abundantly been evolved in a period of down on Saturday night with plenty of
water in the boilers and the steam run
after the engine had been running under experimental and inventive speculation in
variable loads for five weeks without a this country make it impossible to speak down as low as possible before shutting
stop. The results are therefore not the even now , of a condition of stability and down the engine. Then the fire is all
best which it is possible to attain when of standardization of forms in this partic- drawn out, and the boiler is left standing
working under more favorable (shop test ) ular industry. If we inquire for the rea- this way until the next morning. Should
conditions, but they show a performance son thereof the most natural explanation there be any steam then left in the boiler,
that can be absolutely relied upon in presents itself in the abundance of natural it is blown out. Next the top man - hole
actual practice . resources for the generation of power, plate is taken out, cold water is run into
the boiler through the man - hole and the

blow -off cock left partly open . In this

per ams

25 25

way the boiler will cool off slowly and the


20 20
inud will have no chance to bake in the
16 15 tubes and shell. When the water in the
Fuel, Generator Gas
Speed, 136 Revolutions per Minute
10 boiler is cooled off enough, the cold water
is shut off and the blow -off cock opened
wide. When the water is all out of the
boiler the mud is washed out with a hose

under good water pressure. The scale is


scraped out by going into the boiler.


20 -20
Where there are spare boilers, so that a

r.p.m. = 100 15 boiler can be laid off at any time for wash
Fuel, Blast Furnace Gas
ing out, the boiler to be washed is shut off
Speed, 100 Revolutions per Minute from the others in the morning, and what
steam there is left in it is blown into
0 the heater or some other place by means
FIG. 29 . of a bleeder which is tapped into the
steam pipe between the boiler and the stop
There are in the Rombach works al- which has caused the American engineer valve which controls the connection be
together 72,300 horse -power generated to neglect somewhat the study of more tween the boiler and the header. By doing
from blast furnace gas. The plant con- economic methods in this field. The con- this, good use is made of the steam which
tains four engines of 900 horse- power run- servation which reveals itself to the stu- was left in the boiler. When all the steam
ning at 80 revolutions per minute, each dent of power gas engines in the employ- is out, the boiler is left standing this way
driving a blowing engine delivering 800 ment, by the average inventor and de- for a few days, or until the water has
cubic meters of air per minute at a pres- signer, of methods and forms which have cooled off enough so that the mud will not
sure of 0.5 atomsphere; one engine of 2700 absolutely proven unfit for satisfactory bake on to the tubes and shell. When the
horse -power running at 45 to 90 revolu- service in the long run abroad , may be water is run out, the boiler is washed out
tions per minute, and driving a blowing advanced as another argument for the with a hose and good water pressure.
engine delivering 700 cubic meters of air reason of the backward condition of the If a boiler is scaled badly, a good com
per minute at a pressure of from 2 to 2.5 American gas engine. On the continent pound should be used, and enough of it to
atmospheres for the steel smelting plant; the large gas engine industry has suc- keep the boiler in good condition . I have
five gas engines of 1200 horse - power run- ceeded, after some years of experimenting, known of engineers and firemen who have
ning at 107 revolutions per minute, and in reaching a wholesale commercial state used a certain compound which they said
driving electric generators , two being which , with the proper employment of was no good, but upon investigation found
direct-coupled to direct- current dynamos
legitimate and scientific means, can also be they did not use sufficient compound to do
furnishing current at 220 volts for light
attained in this country. any good . Get a compound which suits
and power purposes, while three are The writer hopes later on to take op- the water you are using, use enough of it,
portunity to report to the public the re- and if the boiler is washed out regularly
coupled to three-phase alternating - current
sults attained with Nürnberg engines built the result will be a clean boiler. Some
generators. As is evident from the table,
the average thermal economy remains be in this country . time ago I used to clean boilers every two
March , 1906. POWER 159

weeks, but since I have been using a com- will be washed clean . Of course the top vehicle itself is not required. To this
pound to suit the water I find that cleaning tubes and shell should be washed first end the usual starting handle on the for
every month keeps the boiler in good con- with a hose by going into the boiler ward end of the crank - shaft is made de

dition . through the man-hole on top . Where tachable . ( The engine is located at the

Figs. 1 and 2 show a good way to get front of the car, under the hood . ) A
compound into a boiler. Fig. I applies to small dynamo A in the sketch, is firmly
horizontal feed -water pipes and Fig. 2 to set at any convenient spot on the floor of
CHF the motor stable. Near this are fixed two
Hopper guide rails D, of channel section, on
which the front wheels of the automobile
are run and the brakes are then applied
so that the car cannot move. The engine
HE B, of the vehicle is then connected with

the dynamo by a shaft C, so arranged that


To Boiler
it can be readily placed in position by
From Pump means of special universal joints . The ar
rangement was designed to be especially
useful in small country houses, distant

Pump from a gas or electricity supply. Where

Discharge Pipe not utilized for electric lighting purposes,
the dynamo may be substituted by a
FIG . 1 . FIG . 2 . pump to ensure a good water supply, or
vertical . The feeder is inserted in the dis there is not much room in front of the the motor may be connected up to a
charge pipe of the pump and the compound boiler this arrangement, of course, can woodsaw or other domestic machine.
put into the feeder at night or in the morn- not be used . London Electrical Review .
ing, when the pump is not running, and the When cleaning boilers, the plugs in the
valves A and B are closed. The pipe is connections of the water column should The Fly and the Fly -wheel.
drained by opening the valves C and E and be taken out and a rod run through the A Fly lit on a Fly- wheel and was startled
the compound put into the “ hopper, " pipe to clean out any scale which may be when he found
which is a large size coupling bushed at That the Fly-wheel was mechanically
going round and round .
Hose So he held his legs akimbo, chuckling
airily with glee ,
Union or
" Why, the thing that makes the Fly-wheel
Hose Coupling go is obviously Me!"
Perforated Cap
The Fly he rode the Fly- wheel for a little
hour or so,
FIG . 3 .
And he buzzed in his excitement as he
one end to the size of the discharge pipe, in there. If the lower water column con- murmured, " Watch it go !
as shown . After the compound is put nections are not arranged so that a “ Pray, what other Fly could get a wheel
into the feeder, the valves C and E are rod can be run through, then I would ad a spinning like a top ?
closed and A and B are opened ; when the vise to see that they are made so. “ But if I should leave this Fly-wheel it
pump is started , the compound will work would obviously stop ."
into the boiler. Utilizing a Gasolene Motor -Car for
Most feed-water pipes or boiler feed House Lighting Purposes. The Fly retained tenaciously his airy
pumps have a valve near the pump ; in little notion ,
this case it will only be necessary to put There are many motor-cars which are Till by -and -by he felt himself grow dizzy
in the valve A and use the valve at the with the motion .
kept steadily at work each day, but there
pump instead of the valve B. are a large number of others which lie idle So he tumbled, but he noticed as he lit
Some boilers have a man -hole on top in the stable a much longer time than they
upon the floor,
and a hand- hole in front and rear below are out of it, and it has remained for That the wheel was going, obviously, fas
the tubes, and for some reason , a patch ter than before.
Messrs. Mildé & Co. , of Rue Desreaudes ,
is put over the rear hand -hole ; in such a
case I find the arrangement shown in Fig. D
O little Fly, O naughty Fly, 'tis piteous
3 a good idea. This consists chiefly of a to feel
length of 12 - inch or 34-inch pipe about That your legs are not the motor power
four feet longer than the boiler, with a that spins the awful wheel ;
cap on one end into which some small And it's certainly aa shocking and embar
holes are drilled , as shown in the sketch . rassing surprise

At the other end of this pipe an ell is When a fait like this grows obvious in
put on , to which a hose is attached by Men as well as Flies.-- WALLACE IR
means of a hose- coupling When no WIN , in New York Globe.
hose -coupling is at hand, a nipple can be
screwed into the ell and one part of a Leather belts should not be run against
union screwed on to this. Next , put a the finished grain ; this makes them rougli
nipple into the hose and the other part Puwer, N.Y.
up. Should the belt by mistake be run
of the union on to this nipple, and then DYNAMO DRIVEN BY AUTOMOBILE MOTOR . against the grain, take the belt off, give it
screw the union together. With the hose a coat of beeswax and put it back to run
attached to the pipe, work the pipe for- Paris, to devise an arrangement whereby with the grain. The direction of the grain
ward and back in the boiler through the the engine of a gasolene motor -car may is easily determined by running the finger
hand-hole and the lower tubes and shell be used in a variety of ways when the back and forth over the flesh side.
160 POWER March, 1906.

Engineering Reminiscences. penny piece opened the kingdom of Por

tugal to me quite readily. Getting out,
the process was different. I found that
the steamer on which I had come from
In resuming these reminiscences, I shall ways stood higher than the eaves of his London would not return for a week or
not confine myself altogether to a regular thatched roof. Occasionally a more pre- more after the opening of the Exposition,
sequence of time, but shall take up what- tentious house would appear. These were and I was impatient to get back. A line
ever I remember, sometimes without re- all alike, painted white, full of windows, between Liverpool and Buenos Ayres
gard to its connection and sometimes also very thin from front to back, and looked made Lisbon a port of call and a steamer
without much association with engineer- like waffles set on edge. Never did I see was expected en route to Liverpool in the
ing a tree or a bush about a house to relieve course of three or four days after the
I fancy your readers may be amused the appearance of barrenness. opening ; so I determined to come by that.
with accounts of how I got into England, The railway station on one side of Dub- The morning after the opening I was
and of how I got out of Portugal, after lin was about four miles from the station awakened early by a telegram, informing
the opening of the Oporto Exposition. on the opposite side, from which a short me that the steamer had arrived at Lis
Being anxious to reach London as railway ran to Kingston , a point a little bon during the preceeding night, having
quickly as possible, after a tedious voyage distance south of Dublin, from which the made an unexpectedly quick run across
of twelve days on the old " Africa," I left channel boats crossed to Holyhead. There the south Atlantic, and would sail for
the steamer at Cork, to go through with being no other means of conveyance, I Liverpool that evening. The railroad ran
the mail. The custom house inspectors rode through Dublin in an open van sit- only two trains a day, and my only way
first interested me. On the little boat by ting on the mail bags. At the Kingston to get to Lisbon in time was to take the
which the mail is transferred from the station an empty train stood waiting for vine o'clock train from Oporto. The sta
ship to the shore, two of the representa- the mails. There also the regular passen- tion was on a hill on the opposite side of
tives of the Queen were anxious to know ger train had gone some time before, but the Douro. There was only one bridge
it I had any liquor or tobacco in my trunk. the boat at Kingston was waiting for the across the river, and that was half a mile
They were quite satisfied with my reply mail . I got into a carriage, having or- up the stream from the hotel and from
in the negative. A personal examination dered my trunk put into the baggage van, the station . Oporto boasted no public
they never thought of. Truthful them- but was ordered out by the guard. I conveyance. So I hired a couple of boys
selves, I moralized, they do not suspect showed him my ticket, and was told that to take my trunk down to the river, row
untruth in others . Their next question I would have to see the superintendent. me and it across, and carry it up the hill
was, “ Have you got the price of a glass That official appeared, and told me this to the station. I got off with two minutes
of beer about you ?” I made them happy train was for the mails. It had an empty to spare.
with a half crown , several times their passenger coach . I showed him my ticket On applying at the steamship office in
modest request , and stamping me as an and told him the assurance on which I Lisbon for a passage ticket, I was in
American , free with his money. I pur- had bought it, that I should go through formed by the very gentlemanly English
chased a first class ticket to London , and with the mails. He replied that the pas- clerk that they were forbidden to sell a
received the assurance that I should go senger train had gone , I should have been ticket to anyone without a passport .
through with the mail . I was the only here to take it. Said he was very sorry, " However , " he added , “ this will cause you
passenger on the train of two coaches , but it was impossible . I got mad. My no inconvenience. The United States le
besides the mail van. It was late at trunk stood on the platform . As nobody
gation is on the second block below here.
night . The regular passenger train had would touch it, I took it up and put into I will direct you to it, and you can obtain
gone some hours before . Not being up the open door of the baggage van myself. a passport without any trouble." By the
in the English ways, I did not know how The superinendent ordered two men to way, how did he recognize me as an

I might make myself comfortable, but sat take it out, which they did . I told him American, and how was it that I was
up all night, dozing as I could . I did not of my great anxiety to reach London that always recognized as an American ? I
sleep after two o'clock. In that high lati- afternoon . All the reply he made was, never could explain that puzzle.
tude it was already light enough to see to repeat that he was very sorry, but it On knocking at the door of the legation,
fairly well . was impossible, and I was compelled to it was opened by a colored man , who in
After that hour the railroad ran stand there and see that train move off, formed me that this was a fete day, and
through a farming country all the way to and fool away the whole day in Dublin . the minister was attending a reception at
Dublin . I was amused with the queer Does the reader want to know what the the palace ( this was the first time I ever
shapes of the fields. These were generally matter was ? If he does not know al- heard of a royal reception in the fore
small, and running into sharp corners, re- ready, he is as green as I as. I had not noon ), but if I would call again at three
gardless of convenience in cultivation. given the superintendent two and six o'clock, the passport would be ready for
They were separated always by hedges pence. But I had more yet to learn about me .
So, leaving with him my address, I
and ditches. A ditch was dug some two England and the English , and much more left, to amuse myself as best I could till
feet deep and three or four feet wide, the serious. three o'clock.
dirt was thrown up into a bank to corre- Now for the way I got out of Portugal . On presenting myself at this hour, I was
spond on one side, and on this bank was I went without a passport . Our finan- informed by the same darkey that the min
planted a hedge of hawthorn— " quick- cial partner told me it would be quite un- ister would not give me a passport ; that
set" they commonly called it . These necessary. He himself had just returned he had bid him tell me he knew nothing
hedges were of all ages, from those from Oporto, where he went without a about me ; I might be an American or I
Crown might not : at any rate he was not going
young and well kept to those in all stages passport, and found that half a
of growth and dilapidation. I could have given the custom house inspector on his to certify that I was . I had got into the
passed everywhere from field to field arrival and departure was all he needed. country without a passport, and I would
through breaks in the hedges, sometimes I understood the intimation that if I got a have to get out without one for all him . I
wide ones . passport, the fee of, I believe, a guinea inquired if the minister was at home. “ Yes,
I could not see of what use
they were except for hunters to jump would not be allowed me. So, although I sir," replied the darkey, “ he is at home,
over .Saw occasionally a laborer's cabin , went from London, and could very con- but he will not see you ; he told me to tell
sometimes a group of them . When an veniently have obtained a passport at the you so ," and with that he bowed me out
Irishman came out to sun himself, he al- United States legation , I omitted to do it. and shut the door.
* Copyrighted 1902. On landing at Oporto, the two and six- I went back to the steamship office and
March, 1906 . POWER 161

reported my failure to my friend the clerk. had been cut out of the appropriation bill mental to the great success of my gov
He drew a long whistle. “ Not see you ! by the House of Representatives. ernors, and that I would be crazy to make
What's he here for ? He must be drunk ; The following incident near the close of any such change as you propose.”
that's it, he's drunk.” After a minute's my experience in Harlem would be too He made no reply, and I left him, sup
reflection, he added, “We must see the ridiculous to print except for its conse- posing my statement to have been per
Secretary of State, I am well acquainted quences. One day Mr. Smith sent me fectly satisfactory. What was my amaze
with him, and he will get you out of this word that he would like to see me in his ment when, a few days after, he informed
mess directly. If you will kindly wait till office. When I entered he asked me, me that he had made a contract with a
I have finished my correspondence, which " What do you pay for the castings of brass moulder on Rose street, for casting
will occupy me for about half an hour, I your governor arms and balls ? ” Of our governor arms, " subject to your ap
will take you to his office. You can amuse course he knew perfectly well , as he had proval, sir,” and he asked me to visit the
yourself with this copy of the Times," the bills and the books, but that was his place and see what its facilities were.
handing it to me. way of introducing the subject. I replied, I told him I would go, but that my po
When we reached the office of the Sec- " Forty cents a pound.” He held up both sition on the subject was already well
retary of State, we found the door locked . hands in affected amazement, and ex- known to him. I found the place on a
“ Oh ,” said he, “ I had forgotten, this is claimed, " Forty cents a pound ! Well, little lane, and that the business done in
a saint's day, and the public offices are sir, I can assure you of one thing, no it was making brass castings for plumbers.
closed. We must go to his house. " We more of this company's money is going The proprietor told me he had never made
found the Secretary at home. I was in- to be squandered in that way." I over- gun metal castings, but he could make
troduced and the Englishman told my looked his insulting language and manner , any kind of composition, and I could rely
case , of course in Portuguese. As he pro- and said quietly, “ Are you sure, Mr. on getting them of just the metal I fur
ceeded I saw the official brow darken . I Smith , that you have all the information nished him .
woke up to the enormity of my offense . you need to form a correct judgment in I reported to Mr. Smith that such an
Little kingdom , big dignity. I had de- this matter ? " " I am sure," he replied, arrangement would be ruinous, that his
fied their laws, and corrupted their offi- " what the market price is of copper and plan of furnishing the metal was most un
cial . The case looked serious. The Sec- tin, and that I can get castings made from business- like. " What do you know about
retary in fact found it so serious that he our own metal at a price that will bring business ?" he shouted, with a sneer. " I
did not feel like taking the sole responsi- the cost to not more than 25 cents a know ," said I , “ that if you should propose
bility of its decision , but sent out for two pound ." this plan to any well -informed, practical
others of his majesty's advisers, to consult " This, then , I presume, is all you know man , he would laugh in your face, and
with him . The assembling of this court about the subject,” I said , “ and you tell you if you wanted to ruin your busi
caused a delay of half an hour, during ought to know a great deal more, which ness, this would be as good a way as any
which I had time to conjure up all sorts I will tell you . It is necessary that I can to do it .” He replied, “ That is not the
of visions, including an indefinite immure-
rely upon getting a pure copper and tin question, sir ; the only question is, will
ment in a castle, and a diplomatic corre- alloy, in the proportion known as gun you, or will you not, approve the contract
spondence, while the deuce would be to metal, on account of its strength, its rigid- I have made ?” “ I will not," I replied ,
pay with my business at home. ity and its wearing qualities. The latter and walked out of his office.
Finally the officials sent for arrived. is of especial importance, because the gov- A few days after, I received a note
The instant they entered the room , I was from Mr. Hope, asking me to call on him .
ernor joints are in continual motion under
recognized by one of them . He had ac- the weight of the heavy counterpoise. I called next day, and he told me that
companied the king to the opening of the Experience shows that this purity cannot Mr. Smith had been to see him , with aa
Exposition the day before, which the be relied upon , where it is possible that bitter complaint of my insubordination
pressure of public business, or some game any inferior metal can become mixed and defiance of his authority, which he
or other ,--had prevented the Secretary of with this alloy in even the smallest pro- would not endure ; and he asked me to tell
State from doing. In fact, he had headed portion. This for us, not making our own him what the trouble was about . I told
the procession behind their majesties and castings, must be wholly a matter of con- him substantially as above related. " Is
so had seen the graciousness of the king's fidence.” that all ? " said he. I assured him that it
favor to me. " Another risk must be avoided, that is, was all the trouble that I knew of. Mr.
He spoke a few words to the Secretary of getting bad castings. The castings Hope replied , “I cannot express my
of State, when, presto, everything was must not have the least imperfection. The amazement at his interference with your
changed. The court did not convene ; but time lost, through finding defects that management. That must be absolutely
instead cordial handshaking with the man make it necessary to reject arms after entrusted to you , and he ought to see it .
on whom the beams of royal favor had more or less work has been put on them , He is a rational man and I can easily
shone. would soon wipe out all the little gain show him his error, and that you must
I left my smiling friends with a pass- you look for ; as these castings, at 40 cents take the stand you have done. I don't
port or something just as good, added my a pound, only cost about five dollars a set, think you will have any more trouble . "
twelve pounds sterling to the account of as an average of all the sizes. I did not hear again from Mr. Hope
the ship, and had time before it sailed “ I made aa careful study of this subject for a fortnight, during which time I had
to eat a sumptuous dinner at the hotel. when I commenced the governor manu- no occasion to meet Mr. Smith. Finally
I was in the land of olives, and ate freely facture, about fifteen years ago, and found a letter came from him , telling me that
of the unaccustomed delicacy, in conse- David Francis, who had a small gun I must prepare for the worst ; he had ex
quence of which I lost my dinner before metal foundry on Vestry street, to be just hausted all his efforts on Mr. Smith, and
the ship was well out of the Tagus and the man I wanted. No inferior metal found him absolutely immovable, declar
have never cared much for olives since. ever goes into his place. He enjoyed the ing that I must go, I was of no use there,
I was full of wrath against the United entire confidence of manufacturers. He anyway . Mr Hope said he told him his
States minister, and determined to send has made my governor arms and balls ever conduct was outrageous and suicidal . If
a protest to the State Department as soon since. I have never had a bad casting I went, that I would be the end of the
as I reached Manchester. But there I from him , and always got the pure metal, business. He snapped his fingers at that,
found something else to attend to and and have paid him the same price that saying, " Mr. Goodfellow can make the
dropped it. I read, however, with satis- everybody pays him for small castings. I engines, and I can sell them ; what more
faction, a few months after, that the item consider the security that I have had re- do you want?" He declared that no busi
of the salary of the minister of Portugal specting this metal to have been funda- ness could succeed unless the will of the
162 POWER March , 1956.
president was law . They had several very should therefore be unable to renew our driven by a succession of violent punches,
disagreeable conferences, which Mr. lease , and he gave us six months' notice, these excessive amounts of force at the
Smith always closed by saying, “ Repay that we might have time in which to make commencement of each stroke were ab
me my investment in this company," other arrangements before its expiration. sorbed by the fly-wheel , the velocity of
which he figured at $ 24,000, “ and I'll give Here was a situation. To move and which had to be increased to do it, and
you my stock." He had announced to Mr. establish the business in a new locality at the end of the stroke its velocity had
Hope his determination to call a meeting would require a large expenditure, and to be reduced in the same degree, to sup
of the directors to discharge me, and as we had no money. The natural thing to ply the total failure of the force of the
he had a majority of votes, having some do would be to enlarge our capital . On steam . This involved a variation of
time before given to each of his two sons consultation with several parties, Mr. speed which in ordinary business would
qualifying shares and had them elected Hope found the financial situation at that not be regarded, but which would ruin
members of the board of directors, he held time would not warrant this attempt. The the action of this new loom. In the high
the power in his hands to do it . Civil War had ended between seven and speed of my engine, and the action of
Directly after, I received a copy of a eight years before. Hard times had been the reciprocating Ay -wheel, which com
notice of a regular meeting of the board, generally anticipated after its close, but to pensated the ing itie of the steam
convened strictly according to law . I the surprise of capitalists these did not pressure without affecting the uniformity
could see no ray of light. The night be come. The country continued to be ap- of the speed, he found just what he
fore the meeting, I walked the Third ave- parently prosperous. The best observers needed, and that engine he must have. I
nue bridge half the night. The meeting were, however, convinced that a financial was astonished at the man's penetration .
was called to order by Mr. Smith at the reaction was inevitable, and the longer I was able to get from our landlord and
appointed hour. Mr. Hope was absent. it was delayed the more serious it was purchasers of our tools the necessary ex
Mr. Smith said Mr. Hope had sent word likely to be ; an anticipation that was tension of time, and made the engine for
to him the day before that he might be more than realized in Black Friday in him . It and the loom were each a com
detained, but if so would come up on the
1873, and the collapse of values and years plete success. Mr. Waters told me long
next boat, which ran hourly, and asked of absolute stagnation that followed . after that he never observed a single va
Mr. Smith to wait that time for him . For some time before that eventful day riation from exact uniformity of motion ,
So the meeting was adjourned for an capitalists had felt anxious and there had without which his loom would have had
hour, when Vr. Hope arrived. been a growing timidity and indisposition to be abandoned.
Mr. Smith prefaced the resolutions dis- to invest in any enterprise, however sub- I had one day the pleasure of meeting
charging me from my position as superin- stantial it might be, so there was nothing there the president of the Lancaster mills,
tendent and electing Mr. Goodfellow in for us to do but to wind up our business the only other great industry of Clinton ,
my place, by quite an oration , setting forth and wait for more propitious times, when who had come over expressly to examine
the solemn sense of his Christian duty we might attempt its revival . the running of our engine. Before he left
which left him no alternative, and the ne- In the winter of '72-3 I had a call from he said to me that the engine certainly
cessity of proper subordination in any my friend, J. C. Hoadley, accompanied by presented a remarkable advance in steam
business, if it was to be successful, and the Mr. Charles H. Waters, manager of the engineering
especially aggravated character of my of- Clinton Wire Cloth Company. Mr. Waters I saw there one thing that interested me
fense , and the demoralizing nature of wished to obtain one of our engines. I told greatly. That was , the method of paint
my example. him I was very sorry, but we should not be ing wire cloth . This was carried on in a
He was about to put the question on the able to make one for him . I then explained large tower high enough to enable a
adoption of the resolutions, when Mr. our situation . Our lease would expire in twenty yard length of the " cloth " to be
Hope said, " Before you put this question a month or two, and could not be renewed, suspended in it . This was taken through
to vote, Mr. Smith, I would like to say and we had made arrangements then to a tub of paint, and drawn slowly upward
a word . I have concluded to accept your close our business, had sold all our tools between three successive pairs of rollers,
offer. Here is my certified check for deliverable before that date, were rushing the last pair, of india - rubber, held firmly
$ 24,000 to your order, and I demand from two engines to completion , but absolutely together. By these the paint was squeezed
you the transfer to me of the stock in could not undertake another order. into every corner , both sides were thor
this company standing in your name and " Never mind, ” said he, “ one of your oughly painted , and the surplus paint re
the names of your sons." engines I must have." He then told me moved , so that every mesh was clear, a
When the Smiths were gone ( they left that he was about to introduce a new uniform perfection unattainable by hand
by the next boat ) Mr. Hope and I sat feature in weaving wire cloth . This was painting, and two boys would paint in ten
down to confer on the business of the then woven in various narrow widths, ac minutes as much as a painter could
company. When these matters were con- cording to customers' orders, having a paint in a day. I think this was an inven
cluded , I said to him , “ Mr. Hope, if you selvage on each side. He had satisfied tion by Mr. Waters.
had determined to make this grand proof himself that this latter was unnecessary.
of your confidence in the engine and in The wire, being bent in weaving, had no It is stated that the Pennsylvania Rail
myself, why did you not tell me sooner , tendency to ravel, and he had planned a road is planning to place its telegraph
and save my wife and myself a great deal loom to weave the cloth seven feet in
of distress ? "
lines in underground conduits, starting
width, and slit it up into narrow widths by one from Philadelphia to Lancaster,
“ My dear fellow , " he replied , “ I did not as required . In this loom the shuttle the lines to New York and to Washing
know till this morning that I should be alone would weigh a hundred and tifty
ton being the next to be considered. This
able to do it . That is why I was late.” pounds, besides the great weight of wire
In the autumn of '72, following the it would carry ; it had to be thrown
progressive step, which will do away with
the annual interference by wind and snow ,
above incident, we had a proof of the sa- nearly twelve feet, and he wanted to
is very commendable.
gacity of Mr. Smith in rejecting my plan make as many picks per minute as
for the establishment of works for the any narrow loom could do . In order, The city of Pierre, S. D. , has decided
manufacture of the engines, and taking a to make these throws uniformly, he re to install an incandescent electric -light
five years' lease of an abandoned shanty. quired absolutely uniforin motion. From plant, to be driven by waste water from
The property had changed hands, and we a careful study of slow moving variable artesian wells. It is stated that tests show
received a note from the new owner, say- cut-off engines, he had satisfied himself that this water comes under sufficient
ing that he had purchased the property that none of them could give him the uni- pressure to develop more than enough
with a view to its improvement. He formity of motion he needed. They were power to operate such a plant.
March, 1906.
Indiana Coals. will be noticed that the fire box is roofed tabulated , but four were on bituminous
with fire brick, and that a fire brick com- coal and of these four but one was with
So little is known of our western coals bustion chamber is provided behind the coal mined west of the Allegany moun
and the best methods for their use, that bridge wall. tains .
especial interest will attach to a paper In large plants run continuously or Prof. Wm. Kent wisely abstains from
recently read by Mr. R. P. King, before served by mechanical stokers, it is possible committing himself to any set of furnace
the Indiana Engineering Society upon the to reduce the cost of evaporation to 8 sizes, but gives instead what he calls a
coal of that State. Some seven thousand cents per 1000 pounds or even less. common ruie for horizontal tabular boilers
square miles, or one -fifth the area of the COST PER BRAKE HORSE - POWER. as follows :
State, are underlaid with coal veins of Mills
Ratio Grate to bridge-wall .7 : 1
workable thickness, averaging from three Gas engine and suction producer, best .. 2.7 46
tubes 8 :1
Gas engine and suction . producer , 66

chimney 9 :1
to eleven feet, but attaining in places a guaranteed 4.5
Gas engine Natural gas at 10c. 19 % This is not far from Barrus' practice
thickness of twenty - five feet. The coal efficiency 1.22
Gas engine Illuminating gas. 20 ft. at which is :
is high in volatile matter, sulphur, moist 90c per M .18.0
Anthracite . Bituminous .
ure and ash, making economical combus- Gas engine Fuel gas — 600 B. t . u . 19 %
13.4 Ratio Grate to heating...1:26 1 : 40 or 50
tion exceeding difficult, but is to be had Gas engine Gasolene 1/10 gal. at 12c ... 12.0 66 66
tubes 9 or 10 : 1 6 or 7 : 1
Gas engine Kerosene at 8c . 10.0
on the track at Indianapolis at one dollar Steam per boiler H.P. ( 34.5 lb. ) as Mr. Kent follows his discussion with
per ton as against the following prices for above
the remark, “ The tube area should be made
eastern coals : In regard to the burning of this fuel large enough not to choke the draft and
so lessen the capacity of the boiler. If
made too large the gases are apt to select
the passage of least resistance and escape
from them at a high velocity and a high
It is doubtful if anything so simple as
the foregoing formulas can be broadly ap
plied to different localities and coals. The
boiler at the Park Theatre conforms ap
proximately to Barrus’ bituminous prac
H.P. = 80 H.S. = 990 G. S. = 225
Ratio grate to heating 1:44
tubes .5 : 1
breeching .7 : 1

When running at rating with Pittsburg

coal 320 pounds were burned per hour, or

1 about 14 pounds per square foot of grate.

When burning Indiana coal with this
same boiler, to increase the draft so that
a rate of 25 pounds per square foot per
hour is maintained would be well within
the limits of good practice.
With Indiana coal , 400 pounds of coal
would be required per hour to maintain
the rating, and this would take 16 square
MR. KING'S SUGGESTION FOR A FURNACE FOR BURNING INDIANA COALS . feet of grate at 25 pounds per square foot,
which would give the following ratios :
Approxim .
Mr. King first quotes George H. Barrus, Ratio grate 1 : 62
to heating
Price . Freighted. M. E. , as authority for the statement that .6
“ tubes
3.5 : 1
600 3 : 1
Pea Anthracite
31 Pocahon $ 3.75 a much larger amount of heating surface breeching
tas 2.95 400
4 Pittsburg 2.75 350
is required for obtaining the full efficiency Here we have a case where we would be
5 Ohio Jackson 2.30 250
67 Big Muddy 2.00 200 of bituminous than of anthracite coal . burning more coal, and therefore passing
Brazil nut and slack . 1.10 50
2 Cumberland ( none in the market )
“ There is sufficient reason for this re- an increased quantity of gases through
Of the Indiana coals some twenty-mil- quirement,” says Mr. Barrus, “ in the fact passages identical but which bear an in
lion heat-units may be had for a dollar, of that bituminous coal is of a gaseous nature creased relation of 28 per cent. when com
and the heat generated in its combustion pared to the prior case.
Pocahontas half that number, and of an is spread through a larger space . The The following cases are cited as in
thracite one-third
The author as many.
gives the following data temperature of the escaping gases in the stancing the wide differences which exist
same boiler is invariably higher when in Indianapolis practice :
bearing upon the cost of producing power bituminous coal is used than when anthra- First the Van Vorhis Building with a
at Indianapolis by different methods. cite is used, and this points to the same 12 x 42 boiler, with 42 2- inch tubes.
COST OF EVAPORATING 1000 POUNDS OF WATER characteristic. It would seem, then , that if Ratio grate to heating 1:19
66 66
tubes 21 : 1
Cents a ratio of 36 to 1 is sufficient for anthracite
Pocahontas at $ 2.95
13.5 coal , from 45 to 50 should be provided Scarcely better than this is the plant at
coalat at10$ 2.75 .13 .
Natural Gas cts . .per thous. cu.ft. 11.15 when bituminous coal is burned, especially Tomlinson Hall :
Crude Oil at 65 cents per bbl . 14 .
9. in cases like those referred to when the Ratio grate to heating .. 1:21
Indiana coal at $ 1.10 66
tubes 12.5 : 1
rate of combustion is above 10 or 12
4.5 : 1
The cost of evaporation given for In- pounds per square foot of grate per hour."
diana coal is not taken from a performance The data upon which this opinion is Note the sudden change in area of near
with the standard setting, but from tests based are not from experiments on what ly 300 per cent. when passing from the
on a furnace designed by the author and can be called bituminous coal under the tubes to the breeching. At this plant the
shown in the accompanying engraving. It usual classification. Of the 136 tests stack draft was one-half inch with the
164 POWER March , 1906 .
furnace draft less than one- tenth of an Chimney Rate of Combustion
inch . 1-40 feet
2 40
8 lbs. per hour66
Catechism of Electricity - XII.
10.8 “
At the National Biscuit Company's plant 3
10 66
66 60
66 44
there are two boilers side by side, of the 5 -70 22
6 80 5.5
same type but different sizes and made by 7 80 9.5 "
8 83 1.4 " 239. · Can the variations of a single
the same firm . Boiler B was installed 9 90 7.3
some time after boiler A was put in. 10 90 16.0 "
phase alternating electromotive force be
11 97 13.5
represented in a diagram ?
Ratio grate to heating .
1:29 1:48 Av'g . 72 feet 10.0 lbs . per hour. Yes . The actual variations of the elec
tubes . 8.2 : 1 5.1 : 1
chimney 7.1 : 1 These plants were selected at random
3.6 : 1 tromotive force developed in an armature
Chimney height ... 60 feet . 54 feet .
Shaking Plain and represent average practice in În- coil while it is making one complete revo
grato . grate .
dianapolis. Only one shows a rate higher lution between the field magnets of a two
It is pointed out that the ratios in boiler than 20 pounds and that is at the plant of pole alternating current generator or al
B are double those in boiler A, and that the Excelsior Laundry where a steam jet ternator depend largely upon the design
boiler A has a shaking grate and six ad- is used. of the machine, but may be represented
ditional feet of chimney height. Not- A chimney formula suggested by the by a dotted line curve such as a c in Fig.
withstanding the disadvantages of grate Stirling Company assumes a fixed diam- 52. In practice, an alternator always has
and chimneys, boiler B has the best draft eter for a given horse -power. It is evi- more than two poles, but the electromo
which is , of course, due to the increased dent that such a formula can be used only tive forces developed in the armature
area of the flues and chimney. for those cases where a certain rate of coils, while passing any two of them
One of the best hand - fired plants in combustion gives the required capacity of will, if plotted, give a curve similar
Indianapolis is at the Traction Building the boiler, owing to the fact that any de- to that marked a c. This curve differs
where the following ratios exist : crease in chimney height retards the move- from the theoretical electromotive force
Ratio grate to heating 1:55
ment of the gases, thus decreasing the ef- curve s v , Fig. 52, in being less smooth or
“ tubes 4.1 : 1 fective draft. uniform . The full line curve s v is called
“ chimney .3.6 : 1
Furnace draft 0.4 inch . The empirical formula of Prof. Wm . a " sine” curve, and if drawn to correspond
An example of a furnace built to burn a Kent is a more rational one but is open in amplitude to the actual curve, as has
specified amount of a given coal is at the to the serious objection that its applica- been done in Fig. 52, may be used in place
French Steam Dye Works : tion may be taken too broadly. Take for of it to simplify the calculations relating
Ratio grate to heating 1:56
instance a plant of 600 horse-power which to alternating currents and pressures.
tubes 5.7 : 1 can be served by a chimney 100 feet high S
chimney 4 : 1 100
Furnace draft 0.3 inch . and 63 inches in diameter, or by one 170
At both the Traction Building and the feet high and 57 inches in diameter ; ob
Dye Works a high rate of combustion is viously the lower chimney is the cheaper 50

maintained with a poor grade of nut and to build and for that reason in most cases 25

would be built. 60 120 180 210 300 360

slack coal . 0

The rate of combustion is dependent In the present state of the art there is Degrees
upon the chimney height and upon the but one safe way to get a thoroughly good
grate area. It is a well established fact plant, and that is to discard the cut-and 50

that a high rate of combustion with bitu dried practice of the last fifty years and 75

minous coal means higher efficiency and to take as a model some successful plant, 100
this can only be obtained by increased of which we fortunately have a few. FIG. 52 .
chimney heights and contracted grate
areas . Tube areas have become more 240. How is a sine curve produced ?
Reinforced concrete is coming more and Fig. 53 illustrates the making of a sine
standard than formerly and the movement
more into use for the construction of large
Here, the same curve.
iscoaltoward larger tubes for the bituminous chimneys. Two large chimneys of this ing are shown as in Fig.curves
districts .
and letter
52. The longest
type were erected on the Pacific coast vertical line or “ ordinate" a -- e is drawn to
These are not as a general thing in the within the last year. The first, for the
hands of power plant designers , having Portland General Electric Co., is 230 ft. in athescale which makes its length represent
value of the maximum electromotive
been fixed by custom and the boiler height , 12 ft. inside diameter , with thick- force indicated by the curve, and this
makers , but chimney heights and grate
areas can be changed to suit conditions. ness of shell of 7 in. and 5 in . The second length is taken as the radius of a circle,
for the Tacoma smelter, is 306 ft . high , 18 m , constructed on the prolongation of the
Let us consider the sizes usually sold by line o d. By dividing the circumference of
ft. inside diameter, with thickness of shell
reliable builders as given in their cata
of 9 in . and 7 in . On account of the cost the circle m into a number of equal parts
logues; combustion being figured at five
and the difficulty of obtaining any of the and the distance d-o into the same num
pounds of coal per horse -power hour, and
at the rated capacity : patent reinforcing bars at short notice on ber of equal parts, the circle is unfolded, as
the Pacific coast, ordinary tee bars were it were, upon the line d-0 , thus producing
( A ) Boiler Company. used for both the vertical reinforcement the sine curve s v . In order to simplify
Chimney and the hoops . Owing to the small thick- the drawing, only a quarter of the circum
H.P. height Rate
Minimum 50 40 14
ness of the walls, and especially between ference and a quarter of the distance d — 0
Maximum 150 60 23 the reinforcement and the surface, no have been shown, divided into four equal
Average 46 17.9
stone or gravel was used. The mortar, parts. The intersections of the broken
( B ) Boiler Company. of which the shell was composed, was a lines at corresponding points of division
Chimney 1 : 3 mixture of portland cement and as at h , I, etc. , determine the points w ,
H.P. height Rate
Minimum 40 14
sand, mixed in a continuous mixer. The etc. , which in turn determine the course
140 1 23.5 inside dimensions of the chimney were of the sine curve. This curve, as shown,
designed by Kidder's formula . Three de- will be perfectly symmetrical above and be
Now let us look at the rates of com- sirable features, which may be secured in low the line d-0, if correctly determined .
bustion of actual plants with so -called a concrete chimney, are : smoothness of 240. How may the actual electromotive
standard setting and chimney less than 100 interior surface, low conductivity of heat, force curve of a single- phase alternator
feet high . and ability to resist high temperatures . be obtained ?
March , 1906. POWER 165

Referring first to Fig. 52 it should be moving the spring o to different positions 245. Calculate the frequency of a 12
noted that the distances along the hori- on m within the space subtended by any pole alternator running at a speed of 600
zontal or zero line represent degrees, the one pair of poles as N and S, the corre- revolutions per minute.
entire distance d—o being divided into 360 sponding instantaneous voltages may be According to the problem the number
degrees, corresponding to the circumfer- determined, and if plotted with reference of magnet poles P = 12, and the speed of
ence of a circle . As the curves cross the to the positions at which they were ob- rotation in revolutions per second,
s = 600 = 60 = 10.
Substituting these values in the formula
m there results
12 X 10 = 60 .
f = 2

The frequency is therefore, sixty cycles

СА FIG . 53.

line midway between its extremities this tained will give the actual electromotive
center point is 180 degrees from each end. force curve for the alternator.
The ordinates to the curve a c represent
by their lengths the instantaneous values
241. What is meant by the term "cycle ?”
A cycle is the rise in electromotive force
per second .
246. IV hat number of poles should an
alternator have to give a frequency of 120
cycles when running at a speed of 720 rev
olutions per minute ?
Transposing the factors in the formula
to obtain the value of P,
P = 2XS

given in the question, the result is


Substituting in this formula the values

of electromotive force induced in the or current strength from zero to maxi P = . 2 X 120 240 = 20 .
720 * 60 12
armature coils at different points in their mum, fall to zero, the rise to maximum in
travel through one cycle . It is evident the opposite direction and the fall to zero The alternator should, therefore, have
that the electromotive forces have zero again , as represented by either of the twenty poles.
value at 0, 180 and 360 degrees, and max- curves in Fig. 52. At the beginning of
imum values at 90 and 270 degrees. Under the cycle here shown, each coil of the t €
the same conditions these values are the armature winding lies midway between 401

same in each " cycle." two adjacent field -magnet poles, and at Amperes 301

In order to obtain the instantaneous the end of it the coil occupies exactly the 20
values of the electromotive force at dif- same position between the next pair of
ferent points in the 360 degrees, for de- poles of the same relative polarity. CO 120 180 210 800 350
termining the curve, the alternator is pro- 242. By applying the method described
vided with a metal ring, a, Fig. 54, in answer to Question 240 entirely around 10

attached to but insulated from the arma- a 16-pole alternator, how many curves of

ture shaf e, so that a ' will rotate with e. the shape shown in Fig. 52 would be ob 30
This ring should have a projection 11 , and tained ?
be constructed as in Fig. 54, so that a Since the electromotive force curve ac 40 C

metal strip d can press continuously shown in Fig . 52 was obtained by taking FIG. 55 .
against it during the rotation of the arma- voltmeter readings past one pair of poles,
ture. An imm ovable rigi d supp ort m then with a 16-pole alte rnator in whi ch 247. Give the necessary speed at which
should also be provided to hold a spring there are eight pairs of poles, there would a 10 - pole alternator should be operated to
o so that the projection n touches the be eight complete curves, representing give 60 cycles per second .
spring o whenever n passes o. Once dur- eight cycles per revolution . Transposing again the factors, this time
ing each complete revolution of the arma- 243 Has the number of cyctes debtv- to ascertain the value of s :
ture, contact will be made and the circuit ered by an alternator any relation to the
S = 2 X f
connected to the strip d and the spring o “ frequency" ? P

n u n 1
Substituting in this formula the values
given in the question ,
o h 2 X 60
I 20

= I2 .

The alternator must therefore run at 12

revolutions per second, or 720 per minute.
248. Between what limits do the fre
quencies in alternating -current practice
FIG. 54 . vary ?
Between 25 and 140 cycles per second,
closed . If then a sensitive alternating- Yes, the frequency of an alternator is depending upon the type of apparatus be
current voltmeter v be joined in circuit as the number of cycles it delivers per ing supplied with the current generated.
shown in Fig. 54, and the wires from d second . 249. Are the actual variations of a sin
and o connect respectively with the mains 244. How can the frequency of an al- gle-phase alternating current plotted like
h and 1 from the collector rings of the al- ternator be calculated ? those of the e. m. f, and do they agree with
ternator, the voltmeter will indicate at If f represents the frequency, P the theoretical conditions ?
the instant when contact between d and o number of magnet poles, and s the speed The actual variations of the current de
is made, the value of the electromotive in revolutions per second , then pend upon the conditions of the circuit
force between h and I corresponding to the f = PXS
to which the current is supplied ; they may
point at which the spring o is placed. By 2 be represented by a dotted line curve sim
166 POWER March , 1906.

ilar to the e. m . f. curve, such as r n in Stack Draft. Other combinations can be determined
Fig. 55. This curve differs from the theo so that with any three quantities given the
retical current curve e c, which is a sine BY N. A. CARLE . fourth can be found. Any variation in
curve, in being less uniform and smooth. one of the four quantities can be shown
The curve è C, when drawn to corre- Stack Draft, as it is usually called, is in any of the other variables .
spond in amplitude to the curve r n, as in the force or intensity of draft, and does The intensity of draft as obtained from
the case of electromotive force, may be not consider the quantity of gases. It the above formula is often confused with
used in place of the actual current curve is equal to the difference between the the capacity or the measure of quantity
to simplify the calculations. weight of the column of hot gases inside instead of pressure .
250. How is the actual current curve of of the stack and of a column of external The quantity of gas that can be handled
a single - phase alternator obtained ? air of the same height and cross-section. by any particular design of stack in
Referring to Fig. 54, let there be con- The measure of intensity of draft cor creases with the intensity of draft as
nected between the mains h and I a responds to the method used in indicating long as the resulting velocity of discharge
known small non -inductive * resistance, the vacuum in a condenser. Both measure exceeds the decrease in the density of the
such as ordinary incandescent lamp fila- the amount of pressure less than atmos- gases due to the higher temperature of the
ments . The current through the lamps pheric. A vacuum is measured by the stack gases . The maximum intensity
thus connected will , in accordance with height of a mercury column in inches and would be for the highest allowable stack
Ohm's law, be proportional to the electro- fractions thereof or by a gage reading
9 temperature and the lowest outside air
motive force at their terminals. If, there- pounds per square inch less than atmos- temperature, but it is found that after the
fore, each of the instantaneous values of pheric pressure. Draft could not be temperature in the stack reaches about
electromotive force, obtained as explained measured on this scale as the ordinary 622 degrees Fahr., with air temperature
in answer to Question 240, be divided by vacuum is two to three hundred times 60 degrees Fahr., the density of the gas
the resistance ( in ohms ) of the lamps, the greater than the average draft. It is decreases more than its velocity increases
results will be the corresponding instan- therefore necessary to get a more sensitive so that the amount of gas discharged is a
taneous values of the current. If these medium for measurements by height of col- maximum at about 622 degrees Fahr.,
values be plotted with reference to the po- umn so that its record will be in inches stack temperature and 60 degrees Fahr.
sitions at which they were obtained, the and fractions thereof. This is ob air temperature. A properly designed
points thus found will determine the tained by using a water column giving stack of aa given height, should give a max
shape of the actual current curve for the readings ranging from zero up to two imum quantity of draft for stack temper
alternator under a non-inductive load. inches, the divisions reading in tenths and ature between 600 degrees Fahr. and 650
251. Are the variations in electromotive hundredths. Draft gages are sometimes degrees Fahr. for an outside air temper
force and current strength not shown by designed to read in ounces per square inchi ature between 40 and 80 degrees.
some other way than that described ? and fractions thereof in tenths and hun
Not in ordinary practice. The effective dredths, but the usual method of measure Power Plant Economics .
electromotive force is indicated by an in- ment is by water column, and draft is
strument termed a " voltmeter “ and the stated in terms of inches of water. In a paper read before the American
effective current strength by an " am- The formula is :
Institute of Electrical Engineers.* Mr. H.
meter." These effective values are of G. Stott brought out some very interest
chief importance in practical working ;
they are the geometrical averages of the where D
D -h ( 7.6.1 – 7.25)
Ta T.
= draft in inches of water.
ing points relating to the operation of
steam engines, turbines and gas engines.
instantaneous values of the electromotive h =height of stack in feet . The practical development of the steam
force and current. turbine, he said, has improved superheat
Ta = absolute temperature of air.
252. What is the relation between the and Te = abs. temp. of stack gases. ing apparatus until 200 to 300 degs. of
effective e . m . f. and the maximum e. m . f. Temperatures are expressed in degrees superheat can be safely and economically
shown by a curve like that in Fig. 52 ? Fahr. absolute
obtained , and it has also advanced the
The effective e . m . f. would be 0.7071 of ( observed temperature
+461 degrees ). The stack temperature efficiency of condensing equipment so that
the maximum e. m. f. if the alternator it is now possible to maintain a vacuum
produced a sine curve, and as the actual is based on the supposition of a uni within one inch of the simultaneous bar
form temperature from top to bottom .
curve is so near a sine curve in practice, ometer reading without difficulty. Typical
it is customary to base all calculations on The diagram on page 167 is a graphical
steam turbine economy curves are given
the sine curve. The effective current presentation of the above formula within in the paper which show the great ad
the usual commercial limits.
strength is also 0.7071 of the maximum , vantage obtained by superheating the
theoretically . Illustration . — Assume the stack temper
steam . These curves , taken from the per
253. How is this relation obtained ? perature at 600 degrees Fahr . , air temper formance of a 5000 -kilowatt unit, show
If each of the instantaneous values of ature at 60 degrees Fahr., height of stack steam consumptions of approximately 18. I
150 feet ; what will be the draft ?
the e. m . f. or current be squared, the pounds per hour per kilowatt at half load
squares added together , the sum divided
Starting with 600 “ Stack Temperature” with saturated steam and 15.3 with super
by the number of instantaneous values read upward to 60“Air Temperature," then heated steam ; at full load, the figures are
taken , and the square root of the result across to the right to 150 feet “ Height of respectively 17 pounds and 14.7 pounds.
extracted, the final result will be the Stack ," and down to 1.07 inches " draft ” or The vacuum in both cases was 28 inches
effective value and it will be found to be 0.63 oz. per square inch . and the initial pressure 175 pounds; the
Illustration . — Assume the stack temper- superheat was 200 degs.
equal numerically to the maximum in
stantaneous value multiplied by 0.7071 . ature at 500 degrees Fahr., air temperature Referring to the use of a steam turbine
Conversely, if the voltmeter reading be at 40 degrees and desired draft 1.25 inches in between the exhaust of a reciprocating
multiplied by 1.4142, the result will be the of water for operation with stokers. What engine and the condenser, to extend the
maximum instantaneous e. m. f. of the would be the height of stack required ? thermal range of a plant, and assuming
alternator or circuit. This is also true Starting with 500 “ Stack Temperature” that a 5000-kilowatt reciprocating unit will
with respect to the ammeter reading and read up to 40 “ Air Temperature, " and require 25.5 pounds of steam per kilo
the maximum current strength. then across to the right of this line with a watt - hour when running non - condensing,
vertical through 1.25 inches " draft." The Mr. Stott deduced the following:
Non - inductive means devoid of self- induction . result is approximately 180 feet “Height * Proceedings of the A. I. E. E. , Vol. XXV,
This will be discussed fully in a later section . of Stack ," No. 1 .
March, 1906. POWER 167

Owing to the wetness of the steam de this basis, and with initial steam press- units per hour , develop 5000 kilowatts
livered to the turbine, its efficiency would
ure at 190 pounds absolute, the reciprocat- and pass on 131,542,500 heat units to the
probably be reduced to 70 per cent ; on ing unit would take in 152,617,500 heat turbine, which would develop 4807 kilo











75 Feet

100 Feet


125 Feet


1.0 ( 150 t
175 eet


Fe 0


Fe 5

22 et

F e
250 et
Fe 5

28 eet

F 0









168 POWER March , 1906 .

watts at the generator terminals. The Correspondence and Discussion ,

combination , therefore , would develop Correspondence upon topics of interest relating to power is especially solicited , and
9807 kilowatts on 152,617,500 B.t.u. per accepted contributions are paid for. Forms close on the fifteenth of the month, and as it
hour, or 15,562 B.t.u. per kilowatt -hour. takes time to make engravings, contributors are requested to get copy to us early in the
Mr. Stott advocated inserting the turbine month, especially when it refers to matter in the preceding issue.
between the engine and the condenser
without anyvalvesor governing mechan- From a Purely ScientificPointof View. pended
ism , and connecting the turbine - driven at the city plantwas about 144x
100XI = 14.400 foot- pounds.
generator directly to the main leads of the It is certainly in line with the advance- It is too plain to be disputed that if the
engine-driven machine, interposing simple ment of science to correct old, moss- experiments were repeated with all the
knife switches, perhaps, for testing. grown theories. As a matter of fact, it surrounding conditions exactly alike, the
Discussing the gas engine, the author amounts to original research ; particularly delivery of a cubic foot of feed-water
stated that in the best practice obtained so in the case under consideration, which at 140 degrees would end, with exactly
up to date with producer gas the distri- consists in a theory generally accepted by the same amount of water, heat and
bution of the energy in the coal is as fol- scientis for over fifty years as absolutely stored energy in the boiler, and that what
lows : Loss in producer and auxiliaries, true. If, however, what I have written ever changes take place in the boiler
20 per cent.; in engine cooling water, below cannot be successfully disputed, it would be due to the quantity of water
19 per cent.; in exhaust gases, 30 per follows that the theory and everything delivered and its temperature, and not to
cent.; in engine friction, 6/2 per cent., and connected with it constitute a mass of any expenditures of heat energy, in so
in the electric generator, 72 per cent., leav- blunders hardly creditable to this day far as our boiler is concerned for any pur
ing 24 per cent. available in electrical and age . pose whatever.
energy at the generator terminals . The strange condition referred to is dis THE SECOND EXPERIMENT.
The only serious objection to the gas closed by explaining, by means of the ac- Start with all valves closed, then open
engine as a prime mover in power plants, companying diagram and attached " experi- F momentarily, allowing sufficient feed
he said , is that its range of economical ments ," the self- evident results that would water to be forced into B to establish a
load extends only from half load to full follow were actual experiments performed partial vacuum therein . We have now a
load, there being no considerable overload to settle the matter to a certainty : strange condition of affairs, for it is plain
ability. He proposed meeting this condi E
tion by using a combination of gas engine
and steam turbine, the engine to run at
practically constant load and the turbine B
City Pressure H
to take all the fluctuations . The turbine
unit being capable of standing momentary KG Water Line
overloads of 100 per cent. , he suggested A
the use of a gas engine rated at one- half
the total load and a turbine of the same
rating, giving a momentary overload ca Power, N.Y.
pacity of 50 per cent. Assuming the gas D

engine jacket water to enter at 50 deg.

F. and to discharge somewhat above 100 с
deg F., the consumption of jacket water to

be 40 pounds per kilowatt-hour, the ex

haust gases to carry out 30 per cent. of the
total heat in the coal , and the thermal effi THE EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS. that atmospheric pressure is acting on the
ciency of the steam plant alone to be 15 A is a boiler supposed to be under 100 surface of the feed-water at the city plant,
per cent., the thermal efficiency of the pounds steam pressure. B is a tank insu- tending to force feed-water into the tank
combination figured out 2472 per cent. lated from heat and located inside of the B , and if there were no friction, it would
The author sums up thus : boiler above the water line. Valve E push the piston of the pump back and
( 1 ) The present type of steam power controls the entrance of steam to tank B , forth. The amount of energy expended at
plant can be improved in efficiency by and when open there would be full steam the city plant in this case would be about
about 25 per cent. by the use of more pressure in B. Valves H and I are check 100 foot- pounds and no further energy
scientific methods in the boiler room, by valves. Valves D, F and G are globe would be required from the city plant to
the use of superheat, and by running the valves . C is an open tank containing complete the experiment, as will be seen
present types of reciprocating engines high feed- water, the temperature of which is from the next experiment.
pressure and adding a steam turbine in supposed to be 140 degrees Fahr. THE THIRD EXPERIMENT .
the exhaust between the engine and the THE FIRST EXPERIMENT. Start with all valves closed, now open
condenser. At the same time the output Starting with all valves closed , except F momentarily as before in order to estab
of the plant can be doubled at a compara E, so that we have full boiler pressure in lish the partial vacunin in B, then open G
tively small cost for turbines and boilers .
B, then open D and F. This will allow and atmospheric pressure will force the
( 2 ) The steam -turbine plant has an in energy expended at the city plant to balance of the cubic foot of feed-water
herent economy 20 per cent. better than force, say, a cubic foot of feed- water into into B. Now open E and D and the water
the best type of reciprocating-engine plant , the boiler ; also, suppose that the quantity will drop into the water space of the
no so much due to its higher thermal of heat, measured in B. t. u ., carried into boiler. The expenditure of energy at the
efficiency as to a variety of causes (enu- the boiler by this hot water to be 100 B. t. city plant was about 100 foot-pounds, the
merated in an elaborate table in the paper) . u. If the amount of heat original) con- expenditure of heat energy from our boil
( 3. ) An internal-combustion engine tained in the boiler at the beginning were er none whatever ; as a matter of fact, it
plant in combination with a steam -turbine 10,000 B.t.u. the amount at the end of the would be impossible to show a particle of
plant offers the most attractive proposi- experiment would be 10,100 B. t. u. That heat energy missing from the boiler, and
tion for efficiency and reliability with the is, this method of boiler feeding would in- the changes that have taken place
possibility of producing one kilowatt-hour crease the amount of stored energy in are the same as in the first experiment,
for less than one-half its present cost. the boiler. The amount of energy ex- for we have delivered exactly the same
March, 1906 . POWER 169
quantity of feed-water of the same tem- ture of the water delivered and nothing If it were necessary to remedy a like
perature with all the surrounding condi- else. defect at the present time, I would try
tions exactly similar except the manipu- With the injector, just as with the pul- the method shown in the accompanying
lation of valves. someter, it is atmospheric pressure for- drawing. I would cut a one-inch hole on
cing the water through the check valve H the top of the suction pipe, close to the
There are several instruments which , into the boiler, the steam pressure balan- pump. A is a serviceable clamp, or sad
when insulated from heat and properly cing the back pressure .
dle, with a one -inch hole to receive b,
connected up, could be placed in the posi- In conclusion , it would be just as sense- which is a short, one - inch nipple . Onto
tion occupied by tank B and made to serve less, to test an injector for its thermal this I would screw a 2x1 - inch reducer c,
as boiler feeders without the assistance of efficiency as to test a water-wheel for the with a 2- inch nipple d, which should ex
the city plant, and they would give exactly same purpose . The solution of the whole
the same result. To all appearances they matter requires the proper application of tend to the height of the heater.
would seem to work from heat energy the principal of physics concerned, for S. S. Pittsburg, Pa.
stored in the boiler, but, on the contrary, atmospheric pressure is not a source of
the most refined test would fail to show energy in any conceivable case.
a particle of heat missing from the boiler AURORA , III . MYRON G. STOLP . Explosion of a Low-Pressure Boiler .
and expended in doing work for any pur
pose whatever. At the end of any exper In the December Issue of Power my at
imental test more heat energy would be Remedy for Feed-Pump Trouble.
tention was directed to an article entitled
on hand than at the beginning of the ex
periment. These instruments increase the Mr. W. O. Orr's experience with feed- “ Explosion of a Low-Pressure Boiler ”
amount of available energy, instead of pump troubles, related on page 689 of the appearing on page 766, and signed by
using any. November issue reminds me of a similar Judson H. Boughton, New York City.
From the sketch and description , I pre
An ordinary pulsometer or Nye pump case. I had an open feed- water heater into sume the writer of above article refers
if insulated from heat, could be made to which too much steam was led , and as to
serve as a boiler feeder when occupying there was no way of disposing of any of
the same position as tank B. It is practi
cally made of two tanks working alter
nately, like tank B. It is automatic in its
action. A cubic foot of water delivered
by this instrument would give precisely
the same results as if the water were de
livered by city pressure ; that is, at the
end of any test there would be more heat
energy in the boiler than at the beginning
of the experiment. Velocity, momentum ,
impact , condensation , absorption of heat ,
have nothing to do with the action of
this instrument in so far as furnishing
energy to do the work is concerned . No
conceivable test would show that it used
a particle of heat, therefore it has no
thermal efficiency and nothing to do with
Power, N.
There is no such thing as suction . SHOWING HOW A FEED - PUMP TROUBLE WAS REMEDIED.
Water cannot be pulled ; on the contrary,
it must be pushed in order to put it in the steam, the feed- water became too hot the accident occurring March 8th, 1905,
motion by any instrument made by man ; for the pump. I was advised to cut a one- in a church on Seventh Avenue, resulting
so that in any case any water passing
inch hole in the suction pipe, close to the in loss of life and damage of property of
through the check valve H must be forced pump, and lead a one- inch pipe upward no small amount. Having personally
through by some outside pressure, and from a saddle thereon , as high as the top
made a thorough examination of this ac
of the heater, which was about six feet cident on the day after it occurred and
the only outside pressure acting would be above the suction . I did this, with the re
atmospheric pressure on the feed-water. collected the facts obtainable. I cannot
THE MOSS GROWN THEORY . sult than when the exhaust into the heater comprehend for what reason Mr. Bough
An ordinary injector insulated from became very heavy, the hot water would ton presumes that the boy who was killed
heat and located in the position of tank fly out of the top of the one-inch pipe should have closed the main stop valve
B would work just as well as if located without regard for the proximity of the on the boiler which exploded . The evi
outside. Uuder this condition of affairs, it engineer. dence, as stated in article written, does
is too plain to be disputed that it could I then hit upon the use of cold water, not at all bear out this assumption . Hav
neither take out nor return any heat but I led the cold -water pipe to the top of ing made a specialty of reporting on such
therefore it would have no thermal ef the suction pipe, close to the pump. I accidents to boilers for the past seven
ficiency, nor anything to do with ther- reasoned that the major portion of the years, it has been my observation that if
modynamics. A practical test would steam would travel along the upper part the cause of an accident cannot be attri
show that this instrument also adds heat of the suction pipe, and therefore come buted to the act of some “ Supreme
energy to the boiler, instead of using any ; into contact with the cold water more Being," then the next best way to " solve "
as a matter of fact, the most refined test readily. Whenever I discovered that the the question is to look to the person or
would fail to show a particle of heat miss- water in the feed-pump was too hot, I persons who so unfortunately lost their
ing from the boiler as expended in doing partially opened the small cold - water lives .
work for any purpose whatever. The valve and this afforded instant relief. Had The facts in this particular case are so
test, however, would show that the I lengthened the one -inch relief pipe lead- simple and plain that it does not require
changes caused in the boiler were those ing up from the suction line, as at first an expert diagnosis to lead one to ascer
due exactly to the quantity and tempera- advised, it would have been 0. K. tain the truth . The boiler I refer to was
170 POWER March, 1906.

No. 2 in a battery of two, and was of the three-quarters of the way back from the I stopped a leak on a pump a few
front header at the point where the brick
cast- iron sectional type of twelve sections months ago with red lead that was a satis
secured by four 34 -inch through and deflecting wall comes down to the tubes factory job easily done. The steam cylin
through tie rods with nuts on front and from the water drums. At this point der on this pump was fastened to the
rear ends . The lay-out of piping as special fire brick are inserted between the frame with cap screws and a steam leak
shown in Mr. Boughton's sketch is prac- tubes all the way to the bottom, as shown showed up around one of these screws. I
tically correct, so far as the location of in the sketch, and no matter how regularly removed the screw and mixing up a paste
return and main stop valve and checks is we would blow off those boilers, when we of red lead and linseed oil about as thick
concerned. cleaned them, the tubes would be found as molasses, I made a paper funnel and
The two boilers were in operation on nearly filled with mud at this point. It ran the lead back in the hole to the joint.
the Sunday previous to accident, and would take the form of a little mound After graphiting, the cap screw was put
after services were finished, fire under No.with the apex where the brick were and firmly in place and doing this helped to
2 boiler was allowed to die out. Wishing slanting off each way to the bottom of force the lead into the recess caused by
to operate No. I boiler only, the main stop the tubes. This mud was always soft the break in the gasket. This leak has
valve on boiler No. 2 was closed. ( It and easily pushed out with a swab. caused no more trouble up to date.
was found in this condition after acci- Some mud would collect in the water L. L. ARNOLD.
dent. ) While No. 1 boiler was in opera- drums and always in the two outside East Greenwich, R. I.
tion, considerable of the returns from the drums of the battery. This was probably
heating system flowed past the check because the feed line went up the middle How He Became an Engineer.
valve opening inward into No. 2 boiler. between the two boilers and branched off
The stop valve on the returns of No. 2 boil- to both the water drums, and the heavier In answer to Mr. W. I. Callihan's in
er was found open after the accident, not deposits staying near the bottom of the quiry in October POWER, I would like to
having been closed at the time of putting
the boiler out of service Sunday night. On
March 8th, 1905, boiler No. 2 was again
put into service with a fresh fire, but the
main stop valve had not yet been opened.
The pressure gradually increased, there
being no escape whatever, and the tenth
section exploded, pulling the two bottom
tie rods out of the sections, and the front
section was blown across the boiler
room with great force, instantly killing a
boy who was one of the two in the room.
One would naturally ask : " Did not the
safety valve operate ?" If there had been
one on the boiler at this time, very pro
bably the accident would have been pre
vented, but from information furnished,
as well as the attendant's published state
ment : " Several weeks ago the safety
valve was in a leaky condition, so I took
it off and plugged the hole , ” there was no
such protection. Power N.Y.
Special mention must be made, how
ever, of the fact that the check valve Mr.
Boughton speaks of on the returns open- pipe, were carried by the tee branch on the give my experience, if you have room
ed inward into No. 2 boiler, and the water first or inside drums. for it. Six years ago I was a farm
could not possibly be forced out of the Geo. C. Wyland, in his letter on page hand, and in order to acquire a knowl
engines and boilers I spent sev
boiler at that point to come back again 767, speaks of using iron cement as pack- edge of ings
and fracture the plates, as he states. ing. I made a successful job with this eral even a month in a 75-horse-power
W. W. MANNING. once on the bottom of an iron size kettle. plant six miles from home, the outfit
Brooklyn, N. Y. This kettle was about forty inches in consisting of a return tubular boiler
diameter and thirty-eight inches high and and a Sioux City Corliss engine. My time
was used to cook thin size, or starch for and efforts were given for what I could
Mud Deposits - Packing Joints with warps in a cotton mill. The bottom was learn . Failing to secure a position on the
Cement and Red Lead . a circular iron plate about seven -eighths railroad, I took up street-railway work,
of an inch in thickness and was fastened making a study of power motors and con
In connection with Mr. Wakeman's to a flange on the kettle with cap screws. trolling apparatus, and many times, after
article in the December issue on blowing This joint gave a good deal of trouble, so aa hard day's work, I went into a small
off boilers, my experiences with the water- one Sunday I turned it bottom side up plant and fired all night again for what
tube type indicated by Fig. 7 miay not be and after removing the bottom and care- I could learn.
amiss. [ Fig. 7 is reproduced here for fully scraping the joint smeared a ring Hearing that larger plants employed
convenient identification-Ed. ] of iron cement on the flange just inside oilers, I sought for such a position
These boilers were designed for 150 the bolt holes, dropped the bottom care- Fortune favored me this time, and I
pounds working pressure, but because of fully into position and bolted it fast. As started in wiping and oiling line-shafting.
overload the pressure was almost any- the bolts were tightened up, the bottom As changes came I was advanced to the
where from 40 pounds up. The water was hammered with hand hammers be- engine -room . After two years' time I
used produced no scale, but in rainy tween the bolts and the kettle replaced. was successful in obtaining a license, and
weather we would have large quantities This was about ten years ago and to with- was given all extra running . - This was in
of soft mud to contend with. This mud in a year it has not been touched to my a 3,500 -horse - power plant. Later I took
would collect at a point in the tubes about personal knowledge . charge of the heat, light and power of a
March , 1906. POWER 171

manual training school, where I have had 207.345 inches by this figure we obtain changes in diameter, as shown, should
success and have received liberal advances .078 inch for this increase. As this is take place at D and P, then the angle
in salary. such an insignificant amount we will add through which the metal would be bent
I attribute my success to " beginning at to it ( although Mr. Price does not men- would equal the angle between the two
the bottom and sticking to it.” I had no tion it ) the amount of increase in cir- tangents at either point ( shown dotted ) ,
technical education , but studied at home, 1
FC = 32.2490311
and also took an active part in the educa ko .83 FO) = 32.33396
tional work of the National Association CO = 0.08493 "
EO = 0.6831 "
of Stationary Engineers. I used to feel ED = 32.9990
as Mr. Callihan feels, but now say : En CE = .0175
force the license laws, for none but the
competent can assume the responsibilities
connected with this profession. That 39.083
means less competition, better positions 33
and increased wages . 90

Peoria, I11. J. E. Benson.

1 F Power , N.Y.
“ Lung Disease." FIG. 2

" Notes on Lung Disease", page 763, B

December Power, are very entertaining ; FIG. I
it appears that the experience of Amos Power, N.Y.
Price in raising steam on horizontal tu
bular boilers has been of such a nature
that the operation might be easily mis SHOWING DISTORTION OF EVEN А BUTT- STRAPPED JOINT.
taken for preparations for a balloon as cumference due to a range of temperature which would equal the angle ODC, and
cension . That boilers swell, when under from 32 degrees to 366 degrees Fahr., as the sine of this angle is
steam to the extent that Mr. Price appears which would amount to about .448 inch or
to believe, is something that I have not we would have 0.448 inch + 0.078 inch= CE
or 0.0175
noted in my limited experience ; and the CD 33
0.526 inch total increase in circumference
following computations are submitted to due to temperature changes, and a load
show the probable relative “ breathing ac the angle would be oº - 1.83'.
on the shell of 150 pounds per square inch . In the case of the double- riveted lap
tion" that may take place at the seams of This would increase the radius of the joint for 7-16- inch plate, the distance be
a 66 - inch diameter boiler when they are shell from 33 inches to 33.083 inches. tween outer edges of the rivet heads
double- lap- riveted and butt-double-strap The effect of these changes in diameter would be about as indicated in Fig. 3,
ped, triple- riveted. In the first place Mr. between the joint and other portions of
Price assumes that the butt -strapped joint, and the tendency of such a joint under
the shell is shown in Fig. 2, which is pressure is to bend so that H and L would
as applied to boilers, is about as rigid as drawn on a greatly exaggerated scale to be the same distance from the center K ,
a 10- inch I -beam , but such is not the facilitate illustration ; the known dimen
case, for this type of joint is usually con as shown, and if the bending action were
16.16 all concentrated at H and L, the angle
structed as shown in Fig. 1 , and not with
both straps the same width, as Mr. Price through which the metal should bend
shows them. However, for the sake of would be as before. The angle between
argument, we will concede that the joint the two tangents at either point, which is
readily found from the figure to be 6° 16',
is perfectly rigid between the outer edges or the relative tendency to bend at the
of the rivet heads of the outside rows
shown as A and B in Fig. I. We will joint in the two cases considered, would

also assume that the shell is 1/16 inch thick .
A triple-riveted butt-joint of good propor
tions for this shell would be about 14
inches from A to B, and the working
pressure could be in the neighborhood of
150 pounds, if the material was a good
quality of steel. K
The amount that steel stretches under Power , NY.
tensile strain within its elastic limit is
at such a rate that 30,000,000 pounds per
square inch would double its length ;
therefore, dividing the actual load per
square inch by 30,000,000 would give the be about 200 to 1 , and since this action
percentage of change in the length . is not necessarily fatal to the lap-joint we
In the present case a section of the can safely assume that its effect can be
shell 2.28 inches long would have an area entirely neglected in the butt - strapped
of one square inch, since the thickness is type ; and practice has proven this to be
a fact.
/16 inch ; and at 150 pounds pressure it
would support a load of sions are indicated on the sketch, while Comments on Mr. Price's comparison
150x33x2.28 = 11,286 lbs . , those computed are shown in the append- between the revolving fly-wheel with
the radius of the shell being 33 inches. ed table. The portion from D to P rep- heavy sides and a boiler shell with butt
Dividing this figure by 30,000,000 gives resents the supposed rigid portion of the strapped joints are not necessary, as such
0.0003762 for the percentage of stretch joint, which remains curved to a 33 -inch a comparison is about on par with one be
for any portion of the circumference, and radius. If all the bending action in the tween connecting-rods and dry -pipes.
multiplying the total circumference of shell, necessary to accommodate the Pittsburg, Pa. Bill JONES.
172 POWER March, 1906 .
" If It Works, but Will It ? " pound pressure of water force itself theoretically incorrect. In any wheel the
down against the 2- pound pressure of links or bolts should be placed close to the
In December PoWER, page 771, A. Piper steam coming up ? Failure again ! No outside face of the rim ; otherwise, each
let's see a minute - shut that bottom 2- inch segment will tend to open, as the speed
tells us of “ a proposed way to drain a
header,” and in closing his letter says, " if valve ; that's it. Now we've got it ; the 2 increases, at about the point E in Fig. I
it works, but will it ?" To my way of inch pipe is full. Now, we'll open that Will open here as shown
thinking the designer of that arrangement valve again and let the water flow into the by doiled lines
dry in
went just as near making it a success as boiler. She works fine ! Header
is possible without actually making it one, a few minutes ! Oh, drat the luck, the
and stopped just enough short of the suc pipe's gone dry, too, and the steam is
cess mark to make it a failure. As it roaring up into the header again . Failure
stands I predict that it will not work, once more ! Hold on there, don't get dis
but with a slight change it will work per- couraged, there's hope yet. Change that FIG. I
bottom 2- inch valve to a 2- inch check
All ngineers know that when the en valve opening toward the boiler. Now see
gines are running there is a slight differ- her work ! The check valve cuts off that herewith. It is evident, and, it seems to
ence in pressure between the boiler and the rush of steam up to the header, the pipe me, will not admit of discussion , that the
header, and that this difference is always fills with water till the head is built up to most effective location is as shown in my
sketch .
the pressure which is required to force balance the steam pressure which holds the
the current of steam being used from the check shut ; if the head rises higher the In designing the flange of a bélt-wheel
boiler through the connections to the This distance should be
check opens and the water flows; if the as short as possible
header. In some plants this difference head falls the check closes and waits for
amounts to several pounds, according to more condensation . Now you've got it,
the size and length of pipe, number of perfect and automatic, and you've got Puwer , N.Y.

bends and valves and amount of steam " steam traps shot to pieces."

6* Valve Brantford, Ont . it is always the aim of a first- class de

12 " Header B
6 end signer to keep the bolts as near to the rim
as possible, Fig. 2, and some go still fur
Be What Causes the Tubes to Leak ? ther and use studs so as to reduce this
2 Valve 2" nd distance more.
Here's something for Power readers to Milwaukee, Wis. L. L. WILLARD .
explain . I have a 26-horse- power trac
tion engine. The boiler is of locomotive There Are Safe Fly -wheels .
style, ring sixty- four 2- inch tubes seven
1" Spring Pop feet long. The fire -box tube -sheet is 7-16 Mr. Wm . H. Boehm writes interestingly
inch , the smoke- box tube- sheet 38 inch , on page 781, December Power, and refers
6 Valve and the fire -box is 50 feet in length , 30 to a fly -wheel wreck at the Cumberland
2 Valve
inches across and 37 inches high . The rail mills, stating that the “ exploded”
tubes are No. II gage, of Shelby drawn wheel was of modern construction and
steel . The engine is a 7x12 - inch double made of material known to be flawless.
cylinder. When I use this engine for It would be interesting to know which
Power . N.Y.


plowing I use coal as fuel, and while using particular type of “ modern construction ”
coal or wood I have no trouble at all with and what the material was. I would also
HEADER. the tubes leaking. When I use the en like to ask if a wood -rim fly- wheel was
being delivered. Now, we will suppose gine for threshing I use straw for fuel, ever known to " explode” ?
that in this case the difference is two putting in a cast- iron flame-plate which Several years ago a 30- foot fly -wheel
pounds ( I know of a plant where it is five extends from the front end of the fire- burst in a manufacturing plant in New
pounds), then the first fact we are up box to within 6 inches of the back of the Hampshire. The engineer and several
against is that the " head " of water in the boiler, and 8 inches from the crown -sheet operatives were killed, and much damage
2- inch pipe must amount to two pounds The opening at the end of the plate al- was done. A fly -wheel was constructed at
to just balance, and a little more than two lows the flame to go around into the tubes.
the shops to take the place of the wrecked
pounds to flow down into the boiler. Ap- In a very short time, eight or ten days, one , It had a wood rim, the parts of
proximately, a four- foot " head " of water probably after I commenced to use straw which were well bolted and glued to
would give two pounds pressure ; there- the tubes commence leaking and gether. Immediately after that several ,
fore, at least a six- foot " head" would be I cannot get them to stay tight. After put and I think all , of the iron fly -wheels in
required to make the scheme workable . ting in new tubes , they also leak in a very that plant were replaced by wood-rim
Now, we have discovered this fact, that short time, sometimes in six or seven days. wheels. I understand that this plan has
the scheme will be a failure if the header The tubes are placed in vertical rows and been followed to some extent by other
is not high enough above the boiler to pro- the space between tubes is 34 of an inch . concerns, so I would like to know if one
duce the " head” required. Let us sup- I know of others who, with other styles has been known to go to pieces with dis
pose that in this case we have the required of boilers, have had similar trouble. What astrous results . It seems to me that a
head and some to spare. We'll steam up, causes it ?
wheel properly built after this manner is
open all the valves and start the engines. Winnipeg, Man . ALFRED HALL . practically indestructible, and, therefore,
Now, what ? Why, the 2 - inch pipe deliv is safe to assert that there are safe fly
ers just as much steam to the header as Differs from Mr. Baker. wheels. I believe that an engine would
the 6- inch , in proportion to their capaci be likely to fail in some other part before
ties. Water commences to accumulate in On page 696 of the November issue sufficient speed was reached to burst such
the header, but it can't get down the 2- inch Mr John Baker proposed a change in the a wheel . Engines with Ay -wheels of this
pipe. If the header was half full of water, usual practice of placing links in the rim type, when used for textile manufacturing
that would only be a 6 -inch head , 14 of a of a fly -wheel, advocating a location and electric lighting, run evenly and give
pound pressure, and how could 14 of a which is distinctly not mechanical and is satisfaction; hence, I believe that if they
March, 1906.

were more extensively used fewer dis- of the ladder but part way up ; but such lengthening the eccentric-rod this valve
astrous fly -wheel wrecks would be is not the case . will cut off earlier in the stroke. Conse
recorded. I went to a few of the largest plants quently, the head-end valve will cut off
S. J. Smith . and asked for a chance to start. I would later and take more steam..
Methuen, Mass . have taken any kind of a job, if I could That this is true, I think the cards
only get a start in any place ; they had which were shown with my letter are suf
for me, whatever . Then, Ificient proof, as I made no change what
How Will this Work ?
thought I would try a different plan. I ever in the governor- rods.
We are going to install three new visited several engine-building concerns , Our other engines are of a different
boilers in the spring, and naturally wish- thinking that maybe there would be a make, with another type of gear, but they
ing to obtain the best results, I submit chance to learn engine construction. But are so constructed that lengthening the
the accompanying sketch in the hope there was nothing for me there. eccentric- rod would have precisely the
that Power readers will help me to de- One chief engineer told me that the same effect on the cut-off. With some
cide the following matter. engineering profession is not as good makes of Corliss gears, lengthening the
What will be the result of connecting as it used to be, and he just as good as eccentric- rod would have the opposite
up a boiler in this manner ? Will it insure told me that it is a poor trade to learn. effect, as stated by Mr. Carroll, and pre
sumably this is the kind he is acquainted
circulation in the blow -off pipe ? Will Naturally, that added a little to my dis wit
the sediment collect in the mud - drum ? couragement. h.
My reason for lengthening the eccentric
rod was that the mark on the crank side
of the wrist-plate did not come up to the
line when at the end of its travel,
and the mark on the head end traveled
past the line showing that the eccentric
rod was too short.
A. Novice
Bristol , Conn .
X Pipe
Sandpapering Commutator Brushes.
On page 758 of the December issue of
Section POWER in answer to Question 206 of
Rear the Catechism of Electricity, the author
Wall says after using coarse sandpaper to
Flange Riveted On take strips of a finer grade and pull back
4 Way Tee Main blow -off Valve

Blow -off Valve

24 ' Pipe

Nud Drum made to stand

Belia Pressure
Mud Drum Mud Drum Blow off
16 " 18" not shown on Sido
Long Sweep Tee Elevation

Side Elevation of Blow -off Concrete Front Elevation of Drum Power, N. Y,


Will it leave the blow -off valve free from I admit that I am rather disappointed and forth between each brush and the
scale and sediment, so it may be operated at the outcome, but I insist that I did not commutator. It seems to me that this
at any and all times and as much or as expect to start part way up from the would be all right on a machine where the
little as may be required, without its bottom, as some of the letters stated. brush is held solid in the holder, but on
becoming blocked up ? The writers certainly misunderstood my a machine where the brush rests in a slot
Of course, in blowing out the drum letter in the October issue. and is held in place by a spring, the sand
the pressure from above will tend to Will I. CALLIHAN . paper should be drawn only in the direc
stir up the sediment and force it out to Caledonia, Minn . tion in which the machine revolves, lift
an extent. ing the brush when reversing the strip.
If this plan will produce the desired Why He Lengthened the Eccentric -rod. In the slotted brush -holder there is bound
results, we propose to feed our boiler to be some play, and by drawing
in front . Some time ago I stated in Power that by back and forth there is a tendencythe strip
to wear
M. De WEESE. lengthening the eccentric- rod on a Harris both the toe and the heel of the brush
Hoopestown, Ill . Corliss engine the engine was made to away, leaving rounded edges instead of
take more steam at the head end. a true curved surface.
Mr. Callihan Was Misunderstood . John M. Carrolll criticised this state BENNY .
ment and wondered why I said nothing
about changing the length of either gov- An Impracticable (?) Story.
I have read the various letters in ernor- rod. Evidently Mr. Carroll has
December Power, in reply to my inquiry never seen the Brown gear used on these Editing a technical periodical is no easy
as to how to get experience. They give engines. This gear is so constructed that task, but it is an easy matter to keep out
some very good “ pointers, ” and I think when the excentric- rod is moving away of such journals or mechanical papers
they may help me out. In some of the from the shaft, or toward the head end of such incongruities as appeared on page 32
letters, however, the idea seems to prevail the cylinder, it opens the steam valve at of the issue of January, 1906 — an article
that I want to start, not at the bottom the crank end of the cylinder ; so by entitled “ The Machinist and the Emer
174 POWER March , 1906 .

gency,” by Geo. P. Pearce, New York. In counts for so many engine accidents. other, a cross-compound with 25 and 50
this article the writer states that a 1000- Hoping that in future I will have the inch cylinders, was brought up to full
horse-power cross-compound engine sud- pleasure of reading something more prac- speed in less than thirty seconds, and an
denly began to knock fearfully ; the engi- ' tical and less dreamy, I remain an old other in forty- five seconds. There is an
neer rushed to the throttle to stop the en- reader.
acount of these on page 569 of Power for
gine, when a machinist working near to New Orleans, La. A. MORVAN. last September which Mr. Morvan might
him rushed up and said : “ Don't stop that read and wonder at.
engine — it will throw the entire load on I have read with some amusement Mr. New York. GEORGE P. PEARCE .
the other engine and raise Cain .” The Morvan's criticism of my letter. The in
machinist with that draws a wrench from cident really happened in a steel mill, and An Extraordinary Gage-Glass Break.
his pocket, goes to the high -pressure cylin- not very long ago. The engine is a 24 and
der and shortens the reach-rod on the 36 by 42 cross-compound, running non- Of all materials entering into the make
head end of the high-pressure cylinder ( the condensing at 100 revolutions. The fear up and fittings of a boiler perhaps the
reach-rod must have been the dash-pot was not that the excessive compression fickle gage glass is the most erratic, as
rod ) , making the steam valve inoperative, would break the engine, for the steam the specimen forming the subject of this
as the key of the head- end exhaust valve valves would lift and the relief valves note goes a long way towards proving.
of the high - pressure cylinder had worked operate ; but that the service would be in The glass in question was 34 of an inch
out, preventing the exhaust valve from terrupted, plunging several large shops in diameter, 58 inches long, mounted in
opening, thereby causing an excessive into darkness, causing excitement, confu- the usual manner between standard gage
compression . It would have been much sion and possibly an accident, stopping a glass valves on a caustic- soda evaporator
easier to have tried to push this key in its 40 -horse-power motor driving a centrifu- working at about 20 pounds pressure in
place than to have done what was done gal pump used for spraying armor-plate,
afterward. The question is this : Had the loss of a heat on which would mean
the same engine broken its piston rod hundreds of dollars, etc. The engineer's
(note that this excessive compression commandment, which stands for him
would break a piston rod, but mentioning ahead of the original ten, is : “ Don't shut
this fact as an illustration ) , would not the the power off the line ! "
entire load have been thrown on the other It was no “strange coincidence " for the
engine ? Would not the circuit breakers machinist to discover which cylinder was
have operated and protected the running making the row-in fact, anyone who was
dynamos from an excessive output of not deaf could not have helped pointing it
current ? Is it customary to stop an en- out at once ; nor did it require great per
gine under such circumstances without ception to discover that the noise hap
previously cutting out the dynamo, as it pened every time the piston moved to the
would appear the engineer would have back end of the cylinder ; but it certainly
done in this case ? Further, how would was to the machinist's credit that he no
this plant have made out on a heavy short ticed that the exhaust key was lying on
circuit ? the floor. When Mr. Morvan recalls, for
There are four steam valves and four he doubtless knows, the extreme nicety
exhaust valves on these engines. One of with which these keys are fitted and the
the exhaust valves slipped its key, and by little draw or taper that they have, he will
a strange coincidence the very one that realize that such a key would be sheared
has slipped is discovered instanta. Now, off or ruin the keyway if one tried to in
to shorten the dash-pot rod, which would sert it while the engine was in motion.
make a steam valve inoperative, one would Mr. Morvan certainly means to be face
have to loosen two nuts. These nuts usu- tious when he speaks of tightening the
ally require a 12- inch monkey wrench or lock -nuts on the valve gear of a Corliss
its equivalent. That a man should have a engine with a 12 -inch wrench and a ham
wrench of this size, opened to the right mer. It does not take many seconds to
size for the nut, at the right moment for adjust aa wrench so that it will turn a one
such an emergency, reads melodramatic- inch nut ; one does not under such circum
ally. To loosen such nuts usually requires stances fit the wrench as nicely as a pair HELICAL FRACTURE IN A GAGE GLASS .
the persuasion of a hammer ; yet these of calipers ; nor do I see the extreme dif- the Queen Anne works of the Detroit
nuts were loosened when the engine was ficulty of loosening a nut on a reach rod Soap Company. The section photographed
making about seventy to eighty revolu- moving forward and backward three was about 13 inches long. The crack
tions per minute. How he managed to inches one hundred times per minute. I developed suddenly, dividing the piece in
hold his wrench onto these nuts is still have thought nothing of unscrewing a to a close helix of twenty-three complete
more wonderful, and yet this machinist lubricator from the cross -head of an en- turns. The remarkable regularity of pitch
does this job quicker than one can tell it. gine going almost twice as fast and, after does not show well in the photograph,
All this is truly wonderful ; but, as mar- cleaning it, putting it on again. The ma- owing to the fact that the crack does not
velous as the foregoing appears, the limit chinist in quesion has changed the steel pass through the walls of the glass at
is reached when the article is concluded plates on the pick -up and valve levers of right angles to its axis and to the glass
with the statement that another engine a Rice -Sargent engine running at 150 not being quite vertical when the picture
was started and running with the load in turns with steam -actuated dash pots . was taken, but the following careful meas
five minutes . It would take no less than That a Corliss engine should be started urements from crack to crack at the out
five minutes to drain and warm the other within five minutes is nothing marvelous side surface brings it out well. The meas
engine before they could start it. It would or visionary, as Mr. Morvan thinks. In urements are all in 64ths of an inch :
take that much time to set the oil drip- fact, it is quite common - place, and under Beginning from the even end they run :
ping. It would take that much time to such circumstances as those of my former 21 , 24, 30, 30, 29, 32, 34, 32, 30, 102, 50, 32,
start the condensing system of this en- letter rather slow. A five thousand kilo- 35, 37, 38, 38, 35, 35, 35, 35, 34, 30. What
gine, if this plant did not have a general watt engine in one of the big New York gave rise to this remarkable action will
or central condensing system. If this power houses has been started and loaded never be known, but a plausible explana
practice is universally observed, this ac- in one minute and eighteen seconds ; an- tion might be that in tightening up the
March, 1906. POWER 175

packing nuts at each end the glass was which the idlers run was offset to allow fully. If the gas and fuel are compressed
placed under considerable torsion, there- proper alignment, as the horizontal shafts before combustion and then mixed with
by disposing it to crack in the manner were at different levels. steam and expanded, a fairly high ideal
shown . There is no swing to the ropes, conse- efficiency is the result. The negative work
The glass has suffered some internal quently litle danger of chafing against the or work of compression bears, however, a
corrosion by the caustic liquor. The por- edges of the hole, and the drive has given high ratio to the gross work ; and without
tions of the glass above and below the no trouble since the day it was started. an efficient compressor the cycle would in
cracked section remained intact. WILLIAM FINLAY MORGAN . practice be hopeless. This was pointed
Detroit, Mich. H. SPURRIER. New York.
out in a paper on Gas Turbines read by
me before the Institute of Mechanical En
Forty Horse - power through an The Gas Turbine. gineers ( England ) in October, 1904.
I - Beam . If, on the other hand, no compression is .
Mr. H. F. Schmidt's commentary on my adopted and the fuel and air burned at or
Millwrights who are called upon to put article in the January issue of Power is exploded from atmospheric pressure, there
up additional shafting in plants which interesting. There are no gas turbines on is approximately no negative work , but
have been running for some time often the market, but it seems worth while to the efficiency is not high for a gas engine;
find themselves " up against it;" and vari- exchange views on the subject. and if sufficient steam be used to obtain
ous are the ingenious devices with which Mr. Schmidt refers to Dr. Lucke's ex- a fairly cool mixture the turbine will bet
they overcome their difficulties. Rope periments . I was aware of these experi- ter deserve the name of a steam turbine
transmission is now used to a large ex- ments, but my remarks about the lack of than a gas turbine. The fluid will be a
tent in troublesome cases ; for, as a well- information on the subject of the expan- mixture of water in a gaseous form and
known mechanical engineer recently said, sion of elastic fluids other than steam in CO2, with other gases in negligible quan
“ Power can be transmitted efficiently by divergent nozzles was qualified by the tities. The water will form the larger part
of the mixture. In a steam turbine using
highly superheated steam the Auid is dry
and nearly a perfect gas. It is composed
chiefly of water in a gaseous state, with a
slight amount of air admitted with the
feed- water. The two cases are therefore
very similar. The steam turbine will, how
ever, have the advantage that it can more
easily be run condensing. The other could
be worked condensing, but would require
a very large and powerful air-pump, and it
would probably be impracticable to obtain
a good vacuum .
In cases where condensing cannot be
employed, however, owing to the cost of
condensing water, or for other reasons, it
might be advantageous to use a mixture of
steam with hot products of combustion ob
tained by burning coal gas, natural gas or
TRANSMISSION OF POWER THROUGH AN I- BEAM . producer gas . This is little more than a
means of ropes between two shafts, re- phrase " for use with turbine wheels." convenient way of superheating the steam
gardless of how they are situated , or what There have been a good many experi- by mixing with it the hot products instead
lies between them .” Not that ropes should ments on the expansion of gases, especially of superheating the steam in the usual
be used only where other methods fail, air. There was, for example, Joule's fa manner. No great improvement in effi
but that they are adaptable to more con- mous experiment of opening a stop-cock ciency need be expected by this scheme
ditions than any other means of trans- to equalize the air pressure in two vessels over what is now obtained with super
mission . which previously had very different inter heated steam in non-condensing turbines ;
At the St. Louis ( Mo. ) Cordage Com- nal pressures. Joule found, in brief, that, but the initial cost and the depreciation in
the case of the gas producer will probably
pany's plant the writer was asked to de- after equilibrium had been established and be less than in the case of a superheater of
sign a drive to transmit twenty horse- the air had come to rest, the temperature
power to each of two shafts at right angles was the same as it had been initially. the ordinary externally - fired tubular type.
to the driving shaft. Close to the driving There are many other experiments, in The cost of fuel for producing and giving
the same thermal value of actuating elas
shaft was a girder on one side and a 16- cluding those of Dr. Lucke ( as far as I
tic fluid might also in all probability
inch 1-beam on the other. Of course, gear- know them ), which are interesting to phy very considerably reduced. Independently
ing is not considered in modern plants ; sicists ; but if we try to get information
fired superheaters, although convenient
e from shaft to thetobot- gas use
ts of for
from them in dealing the
tom the
and distanc
of the girders wasthetoo limited al- prospec turbine s, we are and in many cases to be recommendea ,
are not as a rule efficient, and the means
low erection n ofof the
thesolutio a belt m isdrive
angle . misled or disappo inted. Wewith experi
wantratios of just described for obtaining superheated
The proble shown ments with hot gases and
steam are, the writer believes, worth se
by the accompanying engraving, which expansion which would be used in gas tur rious consideration .
was made from a photograph . A sheave, bines, and we want, above all, exact meas
grooved for two 1 /4 -inch ropes , was put urements of kinetic energy. Mr. Schmidt's remarks about utilizing
the exhaust gases for heating the feed-wa
on the main shaft and single-groove Mr. Schmidt says that it is difficult to
ter and the air and fuel are interesting
sheaves on the two driven shafts. ( The agree with my views on the question of
and I am quite in agreement with him on
second shaft and tension carriage are not mixing steam with hot products of com
this point. The air should, of course, be
shown in the picture. ) In the I -beam was bustion . I think, however, that Mr.
cut a hole to allow the passage of the top Schmidt's views on the subject are prob- heated after compression — not before com
pression. R. M. NeilSON.
ropes ; this hole was then reinforced by ably very much the same as my own, and I
means of a forging. The vertical shaft on will try to express myself a little more Hartlepool, England.
176 POWER March, 1906.
A Combustion Analogue. of flue gases . Indeed this part of his pro- one who saw it in its flight. On examina
fession is so important, and becoming tion I found the inner shell or fire wall had
Many abstruse bits of science are easily more so every day, that as soon as he has collapsed and torn away along the lower
grasped by the use of elementary compari- mastered it he steps upward into a higher row of rivets like so much paper. The
sons. I venture the following on the sub - plane. With this added knowledge he result was that the hot water blew out the
ject of flue gas analysis . will immediately be justified in ranking bottom and, expanding into steam, blew
If the atoms comprising the gases of himself, and will be so ranked by others, the boiler upwards like a tin can when a
combustion could be considered in terms, as in a superior class, which must mean firecracker is exploded under it. It must
for instance, of a quantity of small bird- increased prestige as well as increased have gone to a considerable height, be
shot which would stand for the atoms of cause the hole was directly above the set
oxygen , and a number of empty percus This knowledge is so vital to the one ting and the boiler went such a long dis
.sion caps, for absorbing the shot, as repre- who would " go up higher,” that it would tance. A hole was blown in the wall op
senting the atoms of carbon , and if these well repay almost every engineer in charge posite the direction of flight and a barn
" elements” were placed in an open vessel of five hundred horse-power and upward, door was blown off a short distance away.
and stirred together for a short but defi to procure, at his own expense if need be, The escape of the men was due to the fact
nite period, then poured slowly into a the ordinary chemical outfit, and by fre- that the outer shell was not ruptured, and
receptacle which would represent aa chim quent practice accustom himself in the so the whole force went downward and to
ney ( inverted ) , we would, in this crude exceedingly simple process of analyzing his the side opposite from them.
combination , have an imperfect and pure- flue gases, from which analysis with in The boiler shell was 36 inches in diam
ly mechanical representation of the princi- telligent deductions, ninety-nine times in a eter and 6 feet long, weighed perhaps
pal elements which go to make up the hundred surprising coal savings would re 1000 to 1500 pounds and was badly cor
process of combustion. sult. John A. CALDWELL. roded at the bottom, although it had been
During the process of stirring or mix New York . in service only two years. Along the frac
ing of these " elements," a large number of ture it was as thin as "/16 of an inch in
the individual caps would absorb two of Repairing a Belt-wheel. places. It is my opinion that one of these
the shot, and thus represent CO2 ( carbon thin spots gave way and then the shell
1 , oxygen 2 by volume ) . Some of the Referring to the sketch herewith, the ripped the rest of the way around. About
caps would receive and retain one shot, arm A of the belt- wheel was cracked, as 45 or 50 pounds pressure was carried at
and thus represent CO (carbon 1 , oxygen i
by volume ) . A number of the caps would
go out of the vessel empty as they went in ,
and would, in escaping, represent free or
nucombined carbon and a number of the Jh - IP
shot would go out by themselves , and thus L

represent free, or uncombined oxygen . Rp

Continuing the simile, such of the caps P
as received two shot would instantly
generate an amount of heat corresponding
to 14,600 B.t.u. per pound of carbon
burned, and such as secured or caught Puuer, Y.Y.
only one shot would generate only 4159 REPAIRING A BELT- WHEEL .
such units ( startling difference from the
same money value of elements ). Such of shown at J. Two turned pins P were the time. The other boiler was moved but
the shot as passed out by themselves forced through reamed holes, steel links slightly from its foundation and the men
would be borrowers of heat, and would L were shrunk around the pins, and the were at work fifteen minutes after the
reduce the average temperature by the thing was done. explosion . EDWARD BALBACH .
amount of heat so absorbed ( stolen ) , and JOHN BAKER. Dayton, Ohio .
finally, such of the caps as passed out Allentown , Pa .
empty as they went in would not alone Is This Fly-wheel Dangerous ?
carry away the heat which they had ab- Explosion of a Vertical Flue Boiler .
sorbed, but would suddenly become very We have in our light plant, a 16 x 36
black in color and thus, in the aggregate , A remarkable boiler explosion took inch Corliss engine which has a 12- foot,
represent black smoke. place in a small pork - packing establish- 22 -inch face, split fly-wheel of the com
In this simile no account is taken of ment at Dayton, O., on the 25th of Janu- mon belt-wheel type, belted to a 90 -kilo
the, practically, 79 per cent of nitrogen. ary. Two vertical single flue boilers of watt alternator. The wheel was ap
If we would consider each individual shot about eight to ten horse-power were used parently cast in one piece and broken
as embedded in a covering of clay, which to generate steam for scalding hogs, etc. apart after finishing. Whoever set up the
clay crumbled into dust at the moment They were side by side, with but two feet engine trimmed off the edges of the rim
that each shot entered its cap, the re- between them, and housed in a wooden joints, with the results that there are
siduent body of incombustible clay would , structure. Three men were working in spaces three - fourths to one inch wide be
in turn, fairly represent that universal re- the room and not ten feet distant from the tween the halves, as indicated in the
tarder of combustion , nitrogen. Whichboilers. Suddenly there was a loud report sketch herewith. I got the engineer to
clay ( nitrogen ), like the uncombined and the room filled with steam and flying place his finger in one of these openings,
( free ) carbon and oxygen , is also not debris. The men were all knocked down, while I jumped on the belt, and he could
only a borrower of heat, but by all odds but otherwise escaped with only a few readily feel the parts spring together. Is
the largest of the three. burns of a minor nature. The boiler was this wheel dangerous, and if so, what
The engineer who would advance him- found about 400 feet distant, lying in a can be done to make it safe ? Will it do
self in his profession can find no surer back yard , where it had struck on end and to run the cracks full of lead ?
road than the study of all the available then rolled over against a fence without Rex . V. PATTERSON .
means for securing continuous high fur- doing any damage except to the sidewalk . [ We submitted Mr. Patterson's inquiry
nace efficiency. In this direction he will A lady was standing but five yards from to a fly - wheel expert, who advised the fill
find no study more important than that where the boiler struck. She is the only ing up of the spaces between the rim
March, 1906. POWER 177
halves, but suggested that lead is apt to be the height of the air chambers. If com- The first time I started up, everything
too soft for the purpose. Instead, he re- pressed air is available, the hammer can worked lovely, and after running about
commends babbitt, and gives it as his be nicely overcome by leading a branch half an hour I shut down and went to
dinner. After dinner there were several
from the air line into the top of the pump
chambers and, by means of valves, admit- little things to be done before starting,
ting sufficient pressure to provide an air and I opened the by-pass so that the
cushion proportionate to the head. Other- cylinder could warm up while I was busy.
Puwer , 4. X.
wise, I would suggest increasing the It was open about twenty minutes before I
SHOWING OPEN JOINT IN BELT - WHEEL . vertical height of the pump chambers. was ready to start, and everything being
The idea is to get sufficient air cushion hot I did not open the drip on the outer
opinion that if a good job is made, there beneath the head against which the pump end of the bonnet, taking it for granted
is no reason why the wheel should not be works. SMELTER. that all the water in the pipe above the
perfectly safe, so far as the joint itself throttle had had ample time to get out
is cor.cerned .-- Eds.) through the by-pass ; but the moment I
Where an Expansion Trap Won't Do. opened the throttle about a quarter-turn
How Does He Lose His Circulating the bonnet burst and I was drenched
I recently had an experience with a around the head and shoulders with water
Water " ?
water hammer, which seems to prove that which I was surprised to find was not
an expansion trap cannot be depended hot enough to scald me.
The sketch herewith illustrates aa surface upon to drain a high pressure pipe under Fortunately no one was hurt although
condenser supplied with cooling water certain conditions. there were half a dozen persons around
from the harbor by a centrifugal pump. I was sent out to erect a 300-horse-power the engine, all of whom were more or less
When the pump is in operation the gage on engine in a silk mill . I had nothing to wet. The force of the explosion was
the back of the condenser shows 5 inches do with the steam fittings, but when it was directly downward, and the piece that blew
out was found on top of the cylinder. The
regular pressure was 120 pounds, but there
Discharge was only 90 pounds at the time of the
accident , on account of its being Sun
day. I was much puzzled at the volume
and temperature of the water, as the trap
was in good order, and should have
drained the 10 -inch pipe and the 7- inch
as far as the elbow above the throttle. The
pipe above the throttle must have been dry
because, as stated above, the by-pass had
been open twenty minutes. I found that
about a quart of water could remain in
the bonnet with the by-pass open because
the by -pass was at the center of the valve
stem and what water was below the by
pass could not get out unlces the drip at
the outer end of the bonnet was open ;
and, as stated above, this drip was closed .
I do not believe this small quantity of
Suction water could cause any trouble, and the
amount of water that came out was cer
tainly many times the amount that could
be held in the bonnet.
We had a new bonnet made by a local
Power, N.Y. machine works about 50 per cent. heavier
HOW DOES HE LOSE THE CIRCULATING WATER ? than the original, and after three or four
days delay, started up again when every
vacuum , the discharge pipe being sub- finished I looked it over and considered thing appeared to be all right. We ran
merged . it a pretty good job. The inclosed sketch until 6 p. m ., then shut down, leaving the
On several occasions we have lost the gives a pretty fair idea of the layout, the drain on the bonnet closed tight, and the
circulating water and were unable to locate measurements given being only approxi- drip on the 10 - inch tee open. The next
the cause, as it has always happened on a mate . day the watchman reported that the pipe
light load and when the tide was fairly The throttle valve is a 7-inch gate valve, began to hammer violently during the
well up. As some of your correspondents and has a by-pass through the disk, which night, and he shut the 10 -inch valve in the
are usually able to diagnose a case of pump is closed by the end of the valve stem boiler room .
trouble, I hope to receive suggestions. when the valve is shut tight. A slight I had the steam turned on gradually
P. A. LEAVITT. turn of the stem to the left opens the by- and after everything was warmed up had
Gloucester, Mass. pass without moving the disk. The bon- the 10 - inch valve opened wide. We start
net of the valve is held to body by a strap ed up and everything ran all right, and
threaded at both ends which run through the steam was left on the pipe all night.
Pounding Pumps . the bonnet and have nuts to hold the bon- About 7 o'clock the next morning the
net against the body. The outer end of pipe began to crack again , and before any
“ Helos'” pumps, mentioned on page 767 the bonnet has a half -inch drip, through one could get to the 10- inch valve to shut
of the December issue, must be of the which the pipe above the throttle can be the steam off the bonnet on the throttle
single-cylinder type and working against drained. All of the drips run into an open burst again . I got there about an hour
considerable vertical head , which allows sump outside of the building and the after the accident and decided that there
a water hammer too great in amount for sump is drained into a deep well . was something wrong with the trap. The
178 POWER March , 1906.
steam fitter was sent for, and he produced cided if the drip-leg was any advantage to Wirtemburg shows how to hold a rubber
a circular which came with the trap, which use it rather than take any chances for gasket when inserting it between two
stated that it would open at 209 ° and the sake of saving a few dollars . flanges. He leaves one little corner on
close at 212º . F. F. REDDING. the rubber to be held between finger and
I then figured the trouble out as follows : New York. thumb, which is a convenience, especially
The temperature of steam at 120 pounds if the pipe is hot, but he must hold it on
pressure is about 350°. Now water could Claims That Oil Caused Boiler Tube top of the flange and get burned by the
collect in the 10 -inch horizontal pipe, the To Burst. escaping vapor. I would suggest that he
temperature of which would not fall low leave the rubber square and he can hold
enough to open the trap until quite a large The latter part of last September aa tube it and place it much easier. S. R.
quantity had collected, on account of the in a Geary water-tube boiler in the Brooklyn, N. Y.
large surface exposed to the high tem- waterworks plant owned and operated by
perature steam. When the temperature of the city burst, scalding the engineer to A Runaway Accounted For.
the water did finally fall far enough to death. The next day I was employed to
open the trap the water would start out run the plant. I found two Geary water
with such a rush that water and steam tube boilers, of 75 horse-power each , A rather serious accident ccurred in
would mix and cause water hammer. which furnish power for DeLaval tur the Kingston, Ont., city light plant a few
At the time of the first accident the bines to drive the pumps. The turbines days ago which may be of interest.
10-inch pipe may have been half full of were run condensing, using a Wheeler At about three o'clock in the afternoon
the engineer was in the engine room alone
To Boilers
when suddenly the engine speeded up to
nearly twice its rated speed, causing the
commutator to flash over and burn out,
10 Globe Valve
in Boiler Room so that over a quarter of an inch had to
be turned off before it could be put into
operation again. The engineer got to the
throttle before any other serious damage

was done. The cause of the accident was

7- inch Pipe that the knock -off block, which was at
tached to the knock - off cam by two
screws, dropped off, and, being on the
high -pressure cylinder, one end of the
10 -inch Pipe engine took steam for the full stroke.
The engine is a 20x40 cross-compound
Engine Expansion Trap I have never heard of a similar accident
Cylinder before, and I doubt if the average engi
neer ever looks to see if these screws are
To Sump tight or loose ; so a word of warning
4. Float Trap might not be out of place.
To Sump Kingston , Ont . HENRY F. SCHMIDT.

water and the 7-inch perfectly dry, and condenser, but there was no oil separator
A Question of Acknowledgement,
with only the small by-pass open, the between the engine and condenser. The not of Originality,
steam in the 10 - inch pipe would not move condensed water, which was used for In the January issue of Power, on page
with sufficient velocity to disturb the boiler-feed, was practically as white as
water, but as soon as the throttle was milk , owing to the amount of oil contained
58, there is a description of the new air
opened the steam would attain consider- in it. All the tubes in the bottom row
compressor of the National Steam Pump
able velocity on account of the steam space of each boiler were badly bent, and I Company, with a cut of the complete ma
chine and a section through the steam
in the 10- inch pipe being restricted with replaced them with new tubes. The old cylinder.
water, causing the water to rush over to tubes were found to be thickly coated on
the throttle with a bang, with the above the inside with oil, the oil being nearly,
· The description is incomplete in that it
result .
does not say that the latter is as absolute
if not quite, as hard as scale. a copy of the construction of Prof. Sweet's
I suggested the change shown by the I laim that the engineer should have famous Straight Line engine cylinder,
dotted lines, which was adopted , after known better than to have used this water, valves, coverplate and steam chest as it is
which no further trouble was experienced . as within 18 months he had had all the
posible to make. His patents may now
The trap was discarded, but I believe it tubes taken out of the bottom row of each have run out, but it would be better ad
could have been used on the bottom of the boiler, and had ample opportunity to note vertising as well as better honesty to say
drip-leg with perfect satisfaction, because their condition. I also claim that this oil where the designer got the design .
on account of the small area of steam in was the cause of the accident, by burning John J. Smith .
contact with the water, the temperature the tubes. Am I not right ? I carry 140
would fall enough to open the trap be- pounds of steam , and the tubes are as We have a copy of January Power and
fore the drip leg was nearly full . On clean and straight as when put in . I do want to call your attention to what we
the other hand if a good float trap were not use water with oil in it, though. think is the biggest piece of piracy which
placed on the floor below the 10- inch tee F. D. Hogg. it has ever been our misfortune to en
it would have drained the pipe without any Ardmore, I. T. counter. There is a description on page
trouble, because when the trap got full 58 of a compressor purporting to be built
of water it would have opened regardless by the National Steam Pump Company,
of the temperature of the water. I sug Handles on Gaskets. of Upper Sandusky, O., and containing
gested this to the owners as being cheaper two sectional views of their steam cylin
than the drip-leg scheme , but they de- In the January issue of Power, J. B. der. By some means or other they have
March , 1906 . POWER 179

gotten hold of one of our drawings and they have even left the throttle valve off ter relating to funds of this character. In
have copied it body, tooth and nail. In the steam pipe of the compressor. the absence of other data the name and lo
fact, there is scarcely anything missing ex BURY COMPRESSOR COMPANY. cation of establishments in which such
cepting the dotted lines showing the ports Erie, Pa. funds exist are desired .
in the end view. On examining their gen Chas. P. NEILL,
eral view we find that their machine is not Information Desired by Bureau of Washington, D. C. Commissioner .
designed to take this cylinder any way ; Labor .
for you will notice on the blueprint we Valves and Economy .
are ng you ( reprothe herew ) The Bureau of Labor is preparing a re
that sendi
the bolts go inside yoke andith
duced the port covering the various systems of work Commenting upon steam-engine valves
bed at each end of our cylinder, whereas ingmen's insurance and employers' liabil- and their economies, the Electrical Re
in their cut they show the bolts on the ity both in this country and abroad. The view , of London, says :
outside on one end and inside the yoke at report will cover insurance against sick " Considering the remarkable economies
that continental engine makers have
secured with drop or stamper valves in
their steam gines, it is curious that the
re use of this type of valve should have be
come practically obsolete in Great Britain.
" The drop valve was once generally
known as the Cornish valve, and it was
made in the double form as the double
beat valve. For years continental build
ers have employed the drop valve for the
highest class of work, and not the less
since the advent of superheat, for the
stamper valve is better suited for with
standing the effects of the superheat than,
perhaps, any other form of distribution
valve .
Power, N.Y.
“Foreign engineers make engines that
will stand considerable degrees of super
Reproduced from Power of January. down to as little as 4 kilos per hour per
indicated horse- power (cheval ) , which ,
being translated into English horse-power
and pounds, means less than 9 pounds per
indicated horse-power. Now, the Corliss
valve will not stand a temperature beyond
500 degrees Fahr.; at least we seem to
GT hear of Corliss engine builders demurring
at anything higher. Continental engine
makers will use superheat as high as 650
degrees Fahr. with drop valves.”

Peat and Coal Mixed as Fuel.

Consul Diederich, of Bremen, reports

that a number of experiments have been
made recently in using compressed peat
and coal mixed for fuel in a brickyard,
and the result has been so favorable that
it will no doubt open a new field for the
use of peat as fuel in the manufacture of
STEAM CYLINDER FOR bricks. In the neighborhood of Jever,
Oldenburg, an excellent, heavy, blue clay
is found which was considered suitable
for the manufacture of hard clay paving
bricks. All efforts to manufacture such
bricks from this clay proved unsuccessful
the other. Furthermore, their view shows nes, accident, disability, old age, death and until a mixture of one part of peat and
a flat steam chest cover instead of one unemployment 10 parts of coal was tried as fuel. The re
dished out like that shown on our print In this connection it is endeavoring to sult was that instead of the light-red
herewith . secure information concerning the exist- . brick, which had been produced formerly,
The sectional views of the steam cylin- ence in the United States of what are a hard and brown brick was obtained. The
der are a direct steal from us, they hav- usually known as establishment funds experiments were repeated and the fuel
ing in some manner secured one of our that is, mutual relief or insurance funds was mixed in various proportions until,
drawings, while the rest of the machine is organized and maintained by the employ at last, with a mixture of equal parts
a direct steal from one of our competitors, ees of an industrial establishment, or re of peat and coal, a first- class brick was
and not the National Steam Pump Com- lief funds supported either wholly or in produced.
pany either. part by the employers themselves. It is
Such free advertising as they are seek- desired to obtain, wherever possible, In a cubic foot of water there are 1,728
ing is sure to react on them, for they have copies of constitutions, rules and by-laws, cubic inches, or 742 gallons, its weight be
been in such a hurry to get into print that blank certificate forms, and any other mat- ing 62.425 pounds.
180 POWER March , 1906.

Charles T. Porter's Reminiscences. external well, and when the tank is closed
Readers of Power will welcome the re-
appearance with this issue of the Reminis-
to the outside and opened to the inside the
water falls naturally into the boiler, carry
ing with it the heat of the condensed
cences of Charles T. Porter, which were steam and, Presto ! the water is in and no
Issued Monthly by the interrupted with the issue of January, 1904. heat units have gone out.
Mr. Porter has fully recovered from the
Suppose a steam pump with a water
Hill Publishing Company effects of the accident which for a time piston and a steam piston,each having an
505 Pearl Street, New York .
prevented him from pursuing the series, area of one square foot, and a stroke of
Also published at 6 Bouverie St. , London, E. C.
and at the age of eighty, which he at- one foot. Each stroke of the pump would
Correspondence suitable for the columns of POWER solicited tained last month, is wonderfully vigor- put a cubic foot of water into the boiler
and paid for. Name and address of correspondents must be ous and bright. Long may he live to en- and consume a cubic foot of 100 -pound
giden — not necessarily for publication.
Copy for change in advertisements must be in our hands not
joy the honors which he has won and to steam. Suppose the pump exhausted into
later than the 5th of each month to insure change in the issue entertain and instruct the younger genera an open heater from which it drew its
appearing on the first oj' the folouing month . tion with the narratives of his experiences water-supply. The feed water will more
Do not send money in an unregistered letter. We cannot be which he tells so engagingly. hai ondense its own volume of steam so
responsible for such remittances as may fail to reach us. Use
check, post office or express order, or register your letter . that everything goes back into the boiler
Pay no money to solicitors or agents unless they aan shoro
letters of authorization from this offic . The Persistence of an Ideal. just the same. Is the boiler out any en
Address all communications and remittances, and make
ergy any more than in Mr. Stolps' illus
draſs, checks and money orolers payable to POWER , 505 One of the illustrated weeklies printed tration ; and if not, where did the energy
Pearl Street, New York,
recently an illustration indicative of the necessary to force a cubic foot into a pres
Subscription price $2 per year, in advance , to any post appearance of Niagara Falls after the sure of one hundred pounds come from ?
office in North America or the possessions of the United The volumes of the steam and water
States . $ 3 per year to any other country .
many power corporations shall have
worked their will. Utilitarianism has tri- cylinders are assumed equal to follow
POWER PUBLISHING Co., Ltd., 6 Bouverie St., Lon- umphed ; the erstwhile imposing cataract more closely Mr Stolps' illustration ; and
has given place to a blank wall of rock, equivalent areas would produce equilib
don, E.C., will serve all subscriptions in Europe and the
British possessions in the Eastern Hemisphere. Price
upon which could have been appropriate- rium, leaving no work to be done be
10 Shillings in Great Britain, 12 Shillings for Europe and
the colonies. ly painted an advertisement of “ H. O. " or yond that due to friction, which Mr. Stolp
does not consider. The feed water would
Post Office as mail matter of the Douglas shoes ; but in the background is
Entered at New Yorksecond class. an imposing power station giving out still condense the steam, however, if the
Cable address , “ PowPCE, " N. Y. thousands of horse-power of electrical steam cylinder were twice as large as the
Lieber's and ABC Codes. energy. The artist has been unable, how- water, so that this equivalence is not ma
ever, to disassociate the idea of a chim terial to the argument.
During 1905 POWER printed and ciroulated
291,600 copies — an average of 24,300 per ney from a power station, and the build We shall be glad to have our corre
188ue .of this issue of POWER 24,000 copies ing is crowned with an imposing stack spondents take up the discussion.
ere printed . No papers sent free regularly ; from which the smoke arises in volumi
no returns from new8 companies ; no back
numbers beyond the current year. nous clouds. Oil in Feed -Water .
Contents. PAGE To the baker's dozen of large electric
The Steam-Electric Power Stations of The Action of the Injector. central stations in Greater New York
the New York Central Railroad .... 131
Bome Operating Troubles and Remedies . 140 about 350,000,000 cubic feet of water are
Smoke Prevention in the Modern
Power Station 141 Myron G. Stolp has his own idea as to supplied yearly by the city. At one dollar
Home Turbine Fallacies 143 why an injector forces water into a boiler. per 1,000 cubic feet, the actual charge,
Elementary Lectures on Electrical
Engineering-II 143 In general terms he holds that a boiler ex- this amounts to the tidy sum of $ 350,000
Engine Room Chemistry 145
Points on Boiler -House Construction . 147 pels its contents against the pressure of per year.
Some Notes on Steam Boilers 147 the atmosphere ; and that the energy And what becomes of this water ? It is
Experiences in Electric Plants -- I. 149
Installation of a Low Pressure Steam
thus expended is available for putting made into steam, passed through the en
Simple Diagrams for Three - Phase an equal volume back into the boiler. The gines, condensed back into water, and then
Power Calculations
Experiences in a Refrigerating Plant .. 154
152 injector affords a means of counterbalanc- —and then dumped overboard.
Design , Construction and Application ing the boiler pressure, and the atmos- And why not used over again ? Be
of Large Gas Engines in Europe V. 156 pheric pressure does the rest. As the en- cause it has a modicum of oil in it, due to
Engineering Reminiscences 160
Indiana Coals 163
ergy from this source is, he claims, free the lubrication of the cylinders. This oil
Catechism of Electricity - XIII. 164
Stack Draft 166 and inexhaustible, it is senseless to employ has in some cases attached itself to the
Power Plant Economics 166
Correspondence and Discussion : From pumps and other forms of power -using water sides of the tubes or fire -sheets and
a Purely Scientific Point of View apparatus for the purpose. His argument produced results disastrous to the boiler.
. Remedy for Feed- Pump Trouble
. Explosion of а Low - Pres is really ingenious, and a search for its It can be taken out - oh , yes, so absolutely
sure Boiler .... Mud Deposits ... fallacy is a mentally healthful exercise. that the water that is left is better than the
Packing Joints with Cement and
Red Lead....How He Became an In the process illustrated by the dia- ordinary feed - water, because it is soft and
Engineer ....Lung Disease .... If It free from scale -making material, and
Works ; but will It ....What Causes grammatic representation accompanying
the Tubes to Leak .... Differs from his letter entitled “ From a Scientific Point comes from the hot-well at over 100 de
Mr. Baker .... There Are Safe Fly
wheels.... How Will this Work .... of View ," on page 168, a volume of water grees, instead of at from freezing to 70
Mr. Calllhan WasMisunderstood .
Why He Lengthened the Eccentric
Rod .... Sandpapering Commutator
· equal to that of the enclosed tank B is odd, as does the city water. Why, then,
1 Brushes....An Impracticable ( ? ) forced into the boiler without any diminu- is it thrown overboard and new and worse
Story.... An Extraordinary Gage tion of the number of heat units which it water bought at a dollar a thousand cubic
Glass Break .... Forty Horse-Power
through an I -beam .... The Gas Tur
bine.... A Combustion Analogue ....
contains, and hence, Mr. Stolp claims, feet ?
Repairing a Belt-wheel....Explo without calling upon the boiler for any The central station is in a process of
sion of a Vertical Flue Boiler ... Is energy. But this is done at the expense evolution . Of one of the first large cen
this Fly -wheel Dangerous Ilow
Does He Lose His Circulating Water of a volume of 100 - pound steam equal to tral stations an elaborate surface condens
Pounding l’umps .. Where 21
Expansion Trap Won't Do.... Claims the volume of the water entered . The ing system was a part. The importance
that Oil Caused Boiler Tube to
Burst ....Runaway Accounted tог tank B is filled with the 100 -pound steam, of the oil in the returns was underesti
Handles on Gaskets.... A ques.
tion of Acknowledgment, not of
this is condensed, leaving a vacuum in the mated, and the boilers were ruined.
1 Originality ..168-179 tank into which the water flows from the Although even at that time the water
March , 1906 . POWER 181

of condensation was being used con they are being victimized because The Composite Prime Mover Idea .
tinuously in marine practice, although they want to put a thirty-inch separator
it has been the subject of a long on a twenty - inch pipe, the specialists will The combination with a gas engine of
course of expensive and practical ex- at an expense inconsiderable in compari some form of steam-actuated prime mover
periments since, and although specialists son with the results produced take out the for the purpose of utilizing the heat ordi
are now prepared to guarantee results in oil without appreciably increasing the back narily wasted in the exhaust gases and
this line with comparatively simple and pressure. the cooling water of the internal combus
inexpensive apparatus, the central-station Another apparently petty, but bother- tion machine is not a new idea ; we made
designer still shies at the problem , and some, consideration is the fact that the oil a tentative suggestion in this direction
hesitates to complicate his task by in- and water, once separated, must be got five or six years ago, and it has been made
troducing an element which may involve out of the system against the pressure of independently by others. But the plan ad
its main purpose - uninterrupted service. the atmosphere. If this is done by a pump, vocated by Mr. H. G. Stott in his recent
The problem is further complicated by there must be better vacuum in the pump paper before the American Institute of
two or three apparently simple but elusive cylinder than in the exhaust main, and the Electrical Engineers, an abstract of which
factors. In the first place, the volume of effort is to get the latter as good as pos- appears on another page of this number,
steam increases enormously as the pres- sible. contains detailed features which remove
sure is reduced to that striven for in the It can be simply done, however, by it from the class of the mere suggestion
exhaust pipe of a condensing engine. At draining into a closed tank which is dis- to use a composite plant. Mr. Stott pro
28 inches of vacuum a pound occupies a charged two or three times a day. The poses to utilize the waste heat of the gas
volume of about 350 cubic feet ; at 29 height of the accumulation is at all times engine in a steam turbine, the latter tu
inches, over 750 cubic feet. A 1,000 -horse visible in the gage glass, and notice that drive an alternating-current generator
power engine will exhaust about 250 it is time to blow off is given by an alarm connected directly to the main leads of
pounds of such steam per minute, and a whistle. the generator driven by the gas e. igine.
1,000 horse -power is a small unit, those of Another difficulty was found in the fact This arrangement would have the advan
5,000 being not uncommon . This in- that some oils vaporized and frothed at tages of a single composite unit, consisting
volves enormous velocity in an exhaust the temperatures employed, and passed the of a gas engine and a turbine rigidly drive
pipe of any practicable diameter, and that separators in that state to reappear as ing a single shaft, without the mechanical
velocity increases the difficulty of separat- oily traces in the effluent. This can be disadvantages that such a unit would in
ing the oil and of keeping it separated . overcome by using an oil which will stay volve. It would be subject to the slight
The entrained oil and water dashed an oil and keep at work oiling, and not go disadvantage of requiring some form of
against an intercepted baffle with this through the engine as steam, with a saving automatic safety device for the purpose of
velocity are more apt to be shattered into in lubricant and friction, as well as in the disconnecting the turbine- driven generator
an impalpable mist than to obediently at trouble cited. from the leads of the engine - driven ma
tach themselves to the surfaces and follow These are some of the difficulties which , chine and simultaneously shutting down
the grooves provided to conduct them out in combination with the disposition of de- the turbine in the event of serious trouble
of the steam current, and even if effec- signers to “ be not the first by whom the or damage in the turbine - generator, and it
tively separated they are apt to be scooped new is tried,” have militated against the would undoubtedly require not only some
up again in the whirl compared with continuous use of water in the large power means for transmitting the heat in the ex
which a cyclone which picks up pools and stations, and which have been occupying haust gases of the engine to the water dis
puddles is slow. The design of a success- the attention of those who set out to charged from its jackets, but additional
ful separator involves, therefore, a con- conquer the subject. means for further raising the temperature
sideration of the impact of the current And they have conquered it. The mat- of that water in order to make steam for
and the absorption of the energy of the ter has passed beyond the experimental the turbine . 1
rapidly moving mass. stage, and thousands of horse-power are For example, an engine of 26.3 per cent.
The attenuated state of the vapor makes now being run in this way and with sim thermal efficiency would take in 9680 B.t.u.
this less difficult to deal with, and the ple apparatus requiring little attention, in- per hour per horse-power delivered by it and
tendency of the liquid component to stalled at a cost which is inconsiderable as this would be distributed about as follows :
cling to the surface of the pipe and be compared with the saving which it effects. Cooling water, 2600 B.t.u .; exhaust gases,
swept along with the current is taken ad- Any one of a number of manufacturers of 3900 B.t.u.; friction, 635 B.t.u., and deliver
vantage of to lead it out and isolate it. separating apparatus can refer the engi- ed work 2545 B.t.u. With the cooling
All this has had to be worked out in the neer, who wishes to be informed of what water entering at 60 deg. F. , and at the rate
evolution of the successful oil separator, has been accomplished and whai is avail- of forty pounds per hour per brake
and those who know of the difficulties and able, to a number of large plants where horse- power, its temperature would be
not of their successful solution are natur- oil is being eliminated so completely that raised to 125 deg. , which agrees well
ally chary . no trace of it is found in the boilers and enough with the performance of large gas
Again, every fraction of an inch of vacu- without noticeable loss of vacuum . The engines. Now, following out Mr. Stott's
um on the big piston of the low-pressure $ 350,000 paid per year by the New York sta- idea of making the turbine of equal capac
cylinders of these engines means a lot of tions would pay interest on a large invest- ity with the gas engine, only about 15
power. An inch of vacuum on an 84-inch ment, and while all this cannot, of course, pounds of the jacket water would be
piston at 800 feet per minute means 67 be saved, it appears unbelievable that it needed to make steam for the turbine plant.
horse - power . Engineers hesitate, there will continue always to be thrown into the Putting this quantity through a closed
fore, to put anything between the cylinder river, in the light of what has been already heater having 85 per cent. efficiency and
and the condenser which may materially accomplished. supplying the heater with the exhaust
reduce the realized vacuum , and to force The use of the steam turbine promises gases from the gas engine, the water
steam through a separator at the velocities to simplify the problem so far as the work would be heated to 210 deg. F. with an
involved involves a considerable difference to which it is especially adapted is con- expenditure of only 1520 B.t.u., leaving
of head, unless intelligent account has cerned. Requiring no internal lubrication, 2380 B.t.u. still in the exhaust gases avail
been taken of this factor. its condensed exhaust is available for able for superheating the steam. With a
Here again the lightness of the vapor boiler feed without treatment. Any plan superheater of 85 per cent. efficincy, the
helps, and if the purchasers will for the continuous use of the water, how- exhaust gases could easily give 15 pounds
allow the engineers and specialists free ever, involves the use of the surface con- of steam something like 275 deg. of super
rein and not jump at the conclusion that denser, and here comes another snag. heat. If the case be worked out on the
182 POWER March , 1906 .

basis of a turbine having 50 per cent. more printed on the following pages-but they for any legitimate purpose, therefore we
capacity than the gas engine, the saving all went out, are out now and, so far as do not oppose great aggregations of
will be greater, owing to the smaller waste we are concerned, always will be out. capital or great organizations of work
of jacket water. Another feature which We had no difficulty in finding men to men - except when either of them attempt
Mr. Stott had in mind, but did not bring do our work, as we pay the highest to monopolize and control something,
out in his paper, is the possibility of re- wages, give our men the best treatment when such monopoly tends to rob some
turning the exhaust gases to the producer and have the lightest and cleanest place or all of us of something that is our
after they have been used in the feed- in New York in which to work. own . We are opposed to monopoly in
water heater and superheater, thus reduc- We have no objections to unions or any form .
ing still further the waste. union men except in so far as they as- Free, open competition is demanded for
The utilization of waste heat from the sume control over the rights, life, liberty everybody. We believe that the American
gas engine, however, is not the greatest of and happiness of others. people are sick of shouldering the use
the advantages of the system. The chief Because we stood out against the closed less expense, annoyance and trouble
advantage would lie in the flexibility of ' shop, the Typographical Union has is- caused by strikes and lock-outs where the
operation, which, as Mr. Stott pointed out, sued a black- list in which our name ap- issue is “ the recognition of the union " or
the gas engine alone cannot give. With pears. This list is sent to union offices- the closed- shop question .
the composite arrangement just outlined not to the owner, but to the “ chairman of We believe we will serve the best in
there would be an enormous range the chapel, ” who works for the union- terests of the good, capable workmen of
of efficient output as compared with either to prevent these union offices from doing this country if we can materially aid in
the gas engine or the turbine alone. More any of our work. bringing about the universal adoption of
over, the auxiliaries of the steam part of Our publications have been placed on the open-shop principle — and we propose
the plant could all be electrically operated, the “ unfair" list and union men are asked to do it.
with superior economy over steam -oper- to boycott them. The right of every man to work when
ated apparatus, or operated condensing, if Now that the fight is on it seems well and where he pleases, for the best wages
steam - driven auxiliaries should be pre- for us to put ourselves on record and to he can secure, should be undeniable. et
ferred . It is needless to go into more let our readers and advertisers know just the closed-shop unions do deny this right
minute details, but the more one considers exactly where to find us on this all-im- and abuse, vilify and assault the man who
the idea, the more attractive it becomes. portant question. works where they refuse to work.
In the first place, be it known that our The right of every shop-owner to hire
Information Gratis. papers are purely technical . They discuss whom he can, on the best terms he can ,
As a rule, engineers are anything but a only those subjects relating to the busi- should also be undeniable, yet these un
ness they represent, and avoid labor dis- ions do not hesitate to conspire to drive
frivolous class of men ; but occasionally away his employees, to stop his works
one comes across a black sheep. Recently putes and labor news. Each of our three
a solemn-looking individual strolled into papers is published to disseminate infor- and boycott his product to ruin his bus
mation about the work in hand - the real iness.
the refrigerating engine-room and asked
Mr. Guppy, the light-hearted second, to making of machinery, generation of power, Now when the American people are
give him a little information about his or the extraction and milling of ores . convinced — and they are long suffering
engines. Some papers in our lines rant against that their rights and liberties are attacked,
“ Why, certainly ,” said Guppy, “ those the encroachments of labor in the field they deal swiftly and surely with the
two brass knobs over there are called the they represent, and thus cater to the em usurper. Our liberties are attacked, and
jeremididlers, and the thing like a dis- ployer of labor — yet were among the first the people are demanding relief now .
torted mangle is the freezer. Now the to lie down and let the printers' union This is no time for any individual or
jeremididler — so called because of its re walk all over them their own fight. any publication to straddle and wabble
Our papers have been fair to employee and dodge the issue.
semblance to a boiled owl-is really gen and
employer, because we have not taken Here are the two sides :
erating electricity flavored with red cur
rents - you understand ? Well, when we sides . We do not propose to take sides The open shop, free opportunity, a
stir up the conflicting elements with a now in a dispute about wages or hours or chance for young men to learn trades,
brass poker and an old clay pipe, the jere- any of the hundred other differences of liberty, and the development of all our
mididler is connected with the freezer, opinion as to the right and wrong between national industries, or
men who hire and men who sell labor. Monopoly, intrigue, bossism, restriction
and, owing to the ammonia extracted from
the pipe mixing with the electricity, it These disputes are largely based on local of output and apprentices, coercion, and
freezes the freezer so cold that we have conditions . the blight that comes to manufacturing,
to find out the temperature with a six On the question of the OPEN SHOP
" the HILL PUBLISHING COMPANY trade and commerce when in the hands
foot thermometer, and of irresponsible autocrats whose only law
“ My word,” said his questioner, " that's and the three papers printed by it, the is rule or ruin .
wonderful ! ” and he walked off. AMERICAN MACHINIST POWER
" Hear me kidding the old chap ?" said and THE ENGINERING AND MIN- For sooner or later every close-com
Mr. Guppy, with a wink, to the chief, who ING JOURNAL, stand four-square to munion union gets into the hands of a
the world for the OPEN SHOP; not clique of rampant talkers — the best mem
had been standing by. “ He's as green as
a new cheese .” alone in our own plant, but in every in- bers do not take part, they blindly obey.
“ Yes, I've often thought so ," said the stitution, great and small, reached by or The union membership is only a small
chief quietly, “ but he's the inspecting en- through these papers. percentage of the workmen of this
gineer for the company, all the same.” — This we do now and shall do, not for country, yet they assume to make laws of
American Machinist. the benefit alone of the employer of la- their own that debar a majority of Amer
bor, but in the true interest of every man ican workmen from free opportunities.
who works for his daily bread . Now this minority of workmen , with
The Open Shop. The closing of the workshops of this their talking officership, never hesitate to
The printers on this publication went country in any trade is a menace to take the offensive and to tell what they
on strike January 1 for an eight-hour day personal liberty greater than any ever at- will do to and about all who disagree with
at the nine-hour pay and the perpetuation tempted or dreamed of by any other them, and it has become a habit for peo
of the closed shop . monopoly-hunting trust on earth. ple, especially employers, to fear them
We issued to these men the circular We claim the right of men to organize and surrender before a fight.
Varch , 1906 . POWER 183
When they have been met fairly, face to ployers - men who want to hire efficiency Those of you who know me, also know that
face , for an open fight, where they were will soon find where it is made . I am inclined to pay more than the scale te
in the wrong they have always been We have no sympathy for the union good men, or grant them other privileges that
whipped . baiter who proposes to destroy the amount to the same thing.
For seven years you had good wages
One remedy then, is to face the ques- unions. Workmen have the same rights many of you over the scale and were paid
tion and fight for freedom . and the same incentives to form unions as for every holiday , and did not work ; you
The boycott and the black - list are fa the employers have to form associations were paid for every Saturday afternoon , and
did not work ; you were paid when sick ; and
vorite weapons of the star-chamber clique in their trade. you were given a little vacation each summer
of the unions, as the stiletto and a dark On the other hand, we have no use for and other privileges and emoluments whicb .
night are the favorite weapons of the the rule - or- ruin policy of those unions some of you at least will remember.
Corsican bandit. that strike for the closed shop and a This was beautiful as long as it did not
monopoly of employment in any trade. wantedinterfere with your union creed ; but when 3
But the “ unfair list ” is becoming so to put a proof- reader into the place,
large and the names there include so many We are not against the unions, but the who had been a faithful and efficient man in
of the foremost concerns in the land, that unlawful acts of unions. the office, and understood the technical mat
All the intelligent mechanic of this ter handled by the new paper, the union
it has become more a roll of honor than stepped in and kept him out. Then, and not
anything else. country needs is a free opportunity to till then, did I commence playing the game
Our papers are boycotted. Well and work, and, if he be ambitious, to advance according to the union rules. You lost $ 2,000
good ! We hope for the patronage of only himselfto become a foreman, a superin- per year worth of free time to keep one man
out of the shop. If you do not believe thia ,
tendent owner.
or an
such readers and advertisers as believe ask Mr. Gross, your Superintendent.
in individual liberty ; who realize that the The closed union tends to make a
You and I , and all the rest, may have
closed shop has already led to the par workman always a workman . honest convictions, we may wrangle , and de
These three publications are issued for bate, and compromiseonon a question of bours
tially censored press, and may lead to the
closed mouth . and in the interest of ambitious men or pay , but never the question of the
closed shop.
We have an abiding faith that the free men responsible for results somewhere , This imported, closed shop, that prevents
and fair men of the industries we rep men who " do things." young men from learning the trade ; that re
We do not believe that any considerable stricts output ; that keeps improved machinery
resent are in the majority. number of them will throw away a val- products down ;that forbids the owner of the
We hope to deserve their continued plant from having his own foreman, or any
uable tool of their trade because it is
patronage and have already arranged to partly made by men receiving higher other representative in the workroom-is
itself wrong. It is against the liberty
get along without the aid of those who wages than the unions ask, and where the men . It is slavery. For me, it is the viola
are opposed to the liberties of others, as tion of a religious principle.
well as themselves. proprietor and his representatives run the Too much power is bad for either capital
plant without volunteered assistance from or labor. But capital must obviously have
Go ahead with the boycott ! We have a the outside. some control of its property.
notion it's an old - fashioned smooth-bore Your minds are probably made up on that
We are not afraid of the strike, or the
anyway, and have some doubts if it's really question , and so is mine.
pickets, or the black-list, or the boycott. I want to say to those compositors who
loaded with a " service charge " meant We believe that the boycott is a boom will walk out January 1st-that this com
to and able to do damage.
erang nine times out of ten - go ahead posing room will open January 2d as a nine
When the people of this free country with it ! hour, open shop. If you do not wish to man
it, well and good ; someone else will .
have to organize citizens' alliances and We believe in the open shop for Amer None of you is foolish enough to belleve
anti- boycott associations to protect them- ica, and shall do our level best to se- that you , or any other set of men, can , or
selves from the annoyances and imposi- cure it in every industry. will , do as much work in eight hours as you
do in nine . If this is true, then are you do
tions and expenses of the attacks of a If the unions can punish us for taking
ing the fair thing now ?
comparatively few union men, to close this position, we will take " what's coming The cutting down of the output of thls
shops and mines to men who do not care to us " with as good grace as may be, con- plant one-ninth means more machinery or
to join them , it is high time for 'the peo- soling ourselves that we stood for the wasteful overtime.
ple who love and respect our Ship of State Your union figures that the increase of cost
right as it is given us to see the right. will be 15 per cent. The Typothetae figures
to line up and arm to repel boarders. JOHN A. Hill, 23 per cent . At your own figures, this means
We appeal to the honest and efficient President. a yearly increase to this Company alone of
workmen of this country to come out for New York, January 30, 1906 . $ 11,900 for the same work you are doing
now, and to the Typothetae of New York
the open shop $ 594,000 per year. The printing business
Keep up your union if you have one, Copy of Letter Addressed to Our cannot stand it.
The compositors of New York have had an
attend its meetings, talk and vote, and do Compositors, December increase of pay since we went into business
not believe the professional agitator who 21 , 1905 . seven years ago of more than 30 per cent.
declares that all employers are rapacious Five times have they asked for concessione
and that the closed shop is the only in- As is well known to all of you , the Inter- and received them .

surance of union stability. national Typographical Union bas ordered a Prior to 1898, your pay was $ 3 per day
strike for January 1st, 1906, to inaugurate 30 cents per hour. January 1st , 1898, the
Employees are like other men-good, the eight - hour day, with nine hours' pay, and nine-and - a - half- hour day, ten hours' pay, went
bad and indifferent, but mostly fair. the perpetuation of the closed - shop rule. into effect, making your pay equal to 3149
Now , I have a few words to say to you , cents per hour. Norember 20 , 1899 , the pine
Other unions, like the Brotherhood of and as I do not wish to be misquoted or mis- hour day was established , making your pay
Locomotive Engineers and the Brother understood , I have written them down , and equal to 33 1-3 cents per hour. January 1st,
hood of Locomotive Firemen , are open- any one of you can have a copy , if he so de- 1902, your pay was raised to $ 3.16 2-3 per
shop unions ; they work with anybody the sires . day , making it equal to 35 1-5 cents per hour.
company hires and have each done more Those of you who know me, know that I October 1st , 1902 , the pay was again raised
am not myself opposed to labor unions . I am to $ 3.25 per day, making it equal to 36 cents
for their membership than any closed this moment still an honorary member of the per hour . Again on January 1st , 1903, the
shop unions on earth. best one in America— the Brotherhood of Lo. pay was raised to $ 3.50 per day, making It
Engineers — the great open- shop
The National Association of Stationary comotive
union .
equal to 39 cents per hour.
Now, if your demands were to be met, the
Engineers is purely educational and de This Company , and the whole fraternity of rate would be 44 cents per hour - a total raise
votes all its energies to making its mem- employing printers, could deal better with you of nearly 50 per cent .
bers better engineers, which will in time, organized than as individuals. You have You are going too fast.
if it has not already, put its men in the rights as union men ; but you must not forget Hereafter we shall pay the union scale ,
that others have rights also —and this, I be- or more, for good men- union or non -unlom .
" preferred list " of all fair -minded em lieve , your labor leaders have forgotten . Nine hours is a very comfortable working
184 POWER March, 1906.

time for clean , light, indoor work, where the In employing printers hereafter, one thing " A comparison of the above figures
owner furnishes all the tools , and has many we shall insist on, and one only—that he be
with those furnished in the last annual re
thousands of dollars tied up in a plant. There a good workman . We will not ask his pedi.
1s some excuse for the brick -mason's eight gree nor demand to know whether he be mar port by the Board of Trade on the work
hours. He works at very dirty, heavy work, ried or single, Methodist or Catholic, Demo- ing of the Boiler Explosions Acts is in
in all kinds of weather, making only an aver crat or Republican, union or non - union . structive. This report gives !he statistics
age of five or six months a year, and he tur. We want men who want to work here, and
of persons killed and injured from the
nishes his own tools . His employer has no who are willing to give an honest day's work
expensive machinery idle when he quits early, for an honest day's pay. working of steam apparatus throughout
and can always help himself by putting on We want men who have common sense the whole of the United Kingdom and on
more hands, and there is room for them. enough to know when they are being treated board all British steamships since the year
The opportunity for individual initiative, fair or ill, without being told.
the possibility for any workman to become a Now the whole thing simmers down to about 1882, when the Acts first came into force,
master, has made this country what it is in this : and shows that during the years named
manufacturing and all other industries. .
You say to u8 — Shut down this plant an. the number of lives lost and persons in
The closed shop means the changing of all other hour per day, pay the same wages that jured from accidents of every description
this to the foreign standard , where a work- you do now, and place the conduct of the shop
man is always a workman, where ambition in the hands of our union and walking dele in this country averaged 28.6 and 60.6 re
is still-born and hope is dead . gate, or we strike. spectively. Having regard to the imper
The open shop means the freedom of every We say to you We insist on our right to fect nature of the figures relating to the
man to do what he thinks best for himself, run our own concern nine hours per day, run
States, it is no exaggeration to say that
provided he does not encroach upon the liberty an open shop, and employ whom we please.
of others. If that is the issue, go ahead — we will fight. there are more persons killed and injured
I am content to leave the door of oppor HILL PUBLISHING COMPANY, by boiler explosions in a month in America
tunity wide open to all with ambition enough
to enter . I oppose any attempt to close that JOHN A. HILL, President. than in this country in the course of a
door, to strangle ambition, or to prevent an year. A correct comparison of the toll of
abler man than I from earning more. fatality would, of course, take into ac
The American idea is good enough for me. Boiler Explosions in England as Com count the number of boilers employed in
So far as I can learn , no single stockholder pared with the United States. the two countries. With respect to this,
of this Company ever inherited a dollar. Each
and every one of them commenced at the bot. : 10 exact figures are available, but if we
tom and dug himself out. The Mechanical Engineer, of London, credit the United States with 50 per cent.
This is not a corporation of greed, but a in its issue of December 23 last, devoted more boilers than this country — a liberal
considerable editorial space to the fre- estimate - it will be seen that the sacrifice
lot of men like yourselves, who have worked
hard for what they have, and want to keep
their own . quency with which boiler explosions of life in the United States is far in exce
Their years of experience with this Com occur in the United States, saying, among of which it ought to be, and incidentally
pany as workmen , as managers, as owners, other things : proves the efficiency of the work of in
have taught them that this closed shop is
dangerous ; that the eight -hour day 18 inoppor “ We have on previous occasions called spection so admirably carried out by the
tune ; that the union cannot run this plant. attention in these columns to the much voluntary boiler inspecting and insurance
Here are a few things I wish you would greater frequency of boiler explosions in companies in this country , and the im
think about : the United States as compared with this munity from danger which steam users as
First - No printer ever succeeded in estab exact comparison is not
hours a day.
possible, as An
lishing himself in business who worked elght country. the data collected in the States a consequence enjoy."
Second - There are very few , if any, com is of an unofficial and very incomplete
posing rooms in this city that pay, even at character as compared with that available The Mechanical Engineering Depart
the present scale -- they are necessary evils
here, where, under the provisions of the ment of the Armour Institute of Tech
that printers would be glad to get rid of.
Third - The price of composition is governed Boiler Explosions Acts, notification of nology has recently acquired the following
by out-of - town printers. every casualty, however trifling, whether new equipment : A 40 - b. h. p. Kerr steam
Fourth - Remember that this Company is on sea or land, resulting from the failure turbine, direct-connected to a multi- stage
willing to pay more than the scale - to pay
men for what they do, not for what they be of steam apparatus, has to be made to the centrifugal pump ; a 50,000 -pound Riehle
long to. Poard of Trade and is included in the of- belt testing machine ; a 10,000- pound
Fifth-That the closed - shop unlon tends to ficial returns, whereas in the States the Riehle wire testing machine ; an 8 x 10
grade the workmen down , not up ; It puts you only figures available are those collected Phoenix steam engine ; a 16 - inch Hendey
all on the level with the average dub, and
prevents you from earning what you deserve.
by the Hartford Boiler and Inspection Norton motor-driven lathe with 8 - foot
Sixth -- That while we want only an open Company, which are admittedly incomplete bed ; a 16-inch Lodge & Shipley motor
shop, with no outside control of what a man and only include disasters of such import driven lathe with 10 -foot bed ; a Gisholt
does, or what he earns above the scale, if you ance as those which furnish material for motor-driven universal tool grinder ; a
leave you oblige us to establish a non -union
composing room until the war is over.
newspaper comment, and hence omit many 10-inch Bement-Niles- Pond slotter ; a 400
I shall be sorry to see a man go away disasters that occur in isolated districts pound Bement -Niles - Pond steam ham
especially those who have been with us from far from the reach of reporters. The mer ; two 14-inch x 8- foot Le Blond en
the start. I do not believe that you can get figures, however, taken on this basis sug- gine lathes; an Arcade molding machine ;
better jobs or a more appreciative " old man ."
But this " old man" cannot stand everything. gest a lamentable disregard of care and a No. 1 Emerson power scale, and a
The savings of a life of hard work are in precaution in the working of steam boilers, 10 - h . p. Webber transmission dynamo
this concern , and all the fun he can get out with its consequent injury to life and limb meter.
of it is to run it his own way , with due regard
for which the United States has attained
for the rights of others . He always has
worked more than eight hours a day, and al in many other directions an unenviable
notoriety. The United States Civil Service Com
ways expects to.
If the officers of a labor union run this “ The current issue of the 'Locomotive,' mission announces an examination on Feb
concern , someone else will own it- I won't.
a little contemporary published by the ruary 20 and 21 to secure eligibles for the
Hereafter the foreman works for the own .
ers, and not for the union . company in question, gives the following position of Service
Land Office permanent
at $ draftsman
4.00 per day.in An
I believe I know how most of you feel summary of explosions that have occurred
about working during a strike, and shall not during the past year, and also the totals other examination will be held on March
ask you to do so . However , if any of you for several previous years , from which it 14 and 15. These examinations are open
do want to stay, regardless of the union, I will be seen that our comments are in no to all citizens of the United States who
will make a three years' contract with you
before January 1st ; but not after you have way exaggerated : comply with the requirements, the age
once gone out. 1900 , 1901. 1802. 1903. 1904 .
limit being 20 years or over. Apply for
And those who stay can keep on staying,
No. of explosions 373 423 391 383 391 Form 1312 of the United States Service
union or no union, eight hours or nine, and Killed 268 312 304 203 220
I will put that in the contract. Injured 520 046 529 522 394 Commission , Washington, D. C.
March, 1906. POWER 185

New Things for the Power Plant. side of the pump and the discharge valves
on the left-hand side. Both pairs are
Improvement in Victor Reducing D, which maintains a uniform pressure at lifted by cams on the main spindle and
Wheel. all times on the plug B, forcing it to seat. seated by springs ; the seats and valve
1 The lower end of the spindle C is pro- faces are beveled, and the valves are pro
vided with two wings which fit easily into vided with very long stems and lifting
The well-known Victor aluminum re the two slots between the lugs H on the pins to reduce the wear to a minimum .
ducing wheel, manufactured by James L. top of the plug B. One of these wings The two outlets are provided with ball
Robertson & Sons, New York, has been E is longer than the other, and coming in check valves held on their seats by light
improved greatly by the addition of an contact with the lugs F and G, in the. springs, so that very little power is re
adjustable spring tension attachment, body A of the valve, determines the ro- quired to lift them ; these check valves
tary travel of the plug. By referring to obviate the use of a check between the
Fig. 2, it will be seen that there are two pump and the engine cylinder.
wedge-like lugs I on the plug B. When The pump spindle is driven by the pul
the valve is shut these lugs wedge them- ley through the medium of a ratchet and
selves — and the plụg B as well — under pawl, so that the spindle may be turned
the two screws G and G, in the body A. by hand for a few revolutions, faster than




which enables the user to adjust the re

tractile spring to suit any practical engine
speed. It is well known to users of en
gine in ators that if the retractile spring
of a reducing wheel is just about right to
keep the cord taut at a certain speed, it
5 E

will not do so at considerably higher B

speeds ; conversely, if the spring is just
right for a fairly high speed, it will be so
stiff that at low speeds the cords will drag
on the drum so hard that the friction is
excessive. This disadvantage is elimi
nated by the new feature of the Victor
wheel. The tension of the retractile spring
is adjustable by means of the thumb
o E

American Machinist

screw shown projecting horizontally from When in this position the cap K, with its the motion of the pulley, in case an extra
the right-hand part of the bracket by spindle C, may be removed and a blank supply of oil is needed temporarily.
which the mechanism is mounted on the cap, with no spindle in it, screwed in The manufacturers state that the pump
indicator frame. The body of this screw place, insuring that thevalve will not be will feed a mixture of oil and graphite
is a worm and meshes with a worm-wheel tampered with. without any modification or special ad
which is loose on the same spindle with The valve is for use with steam, gas, I I
the spring drum , and to which one end of H

the spring is attached. The worm is of

water, etc., and has been successfully
tested up to 350 pounds pressure.
such a low pitch that it remains where
ever set without the use of any clamping Dietz High -Pressure Automatic Lu B
device. bricator. B

A New Valve.
The accompanying engraving shows a
The accompanying illustrations show a sectional view of the Dietz oil pump built
American Machinist
valve invented by George Rothenbucher, by the Pearl Manufacturing Company, Buf
976 Glenmore avenue, Brooklyn, New falo, N. Y., and designed particularly for
York. The exterior has the appearance of cylinder lubrication. The pump has two
a regulation globe valve, but the interior single-acting plungers, located in the cen

resembles a cock in that it has a tapered ter of the main structure on opposite sides
plug and seat, and that it requires but a of the actuating spindle, as indicated in
quarter turn to open or close it.
Referring to Fig. 1 A is the body, B the drawing, these plungers being operat FIG. 2. THE PLUG.
is the plug, which it will be observed does ed by a common eccentric on the spindle. justment, clogging of the valves by the
not extend through the bottom of the A special and unusual feature of the pump graphite being obviated by the positive me
body. C is the spindle, which has no is the use of mechanically-operated inlet chanical opening and sudden release and
thread cut on it. The lower end of the and discharge valves; in the engraving the seating of the valves. The Dietz pump
spindle C is bored to receive the spring inlet valves are shown on the right-hand is built in three types ; “ Type S” is pro
186 POWER March, 1906.

vided with a glass reservoir of any size tracks, the material being sufficiently flex- The arms are of the double- U shape
desired from one pint to one gallon ; ible to permit these arms to make the shown in the vertical end elevation, with
“Type L ” is designed especially for loco- short turns around the ends of the course. supporting members which carry the
motive work and is equipped with an iron The outer track is further from the axis trough between the rolling supports with
reservoir and a removable dust-proof on the lower or returning side, by an out interfering with its flexibility, and di
vide it into a series of buckets of pockets

For materials too fine to be carried by the

wire fabric, a lining of canvas, duck or
al.com other suitable material may be used.

The Mullan Vertical Wet Vacuum


The accompanying engravings illustrate

a new wet vacuum pump just brought
X Pipe Тар out by the C. H. Wheeler Manufacturing
Company, Philadelphia, Pa., and known
as the Mullan suction valveless air

pump. Fig. I shows the twin type of
pump and Fig. 2 is a vertical section
through the center of one of the two

AL units. The special feature of the pump


is that it is devoid of suction valves and


bucket valves of the ordinary type ; the

Power, W.Y.
suction ports are closed and opened by
the plunger and the bucket has only a
small relief valve which serves to allow
the escape of any water that may leak
past the plunger rings into the bottom
chamber. The operation is simple : when
the plunger goes downward, it forms a
THE DIETZ HIGH PRESSURE AUTOMATIC LUBRICATOR. vacuum in the upper end of the cylinder
casing ; " Type M ” has no reservoir and amount equal to the diameter of the which causes the air and water from the
is provided with a 38-in. pipe inlet nozzle wheels upon the outer ends of the arms, condenser to rush in as soon as the ports
for connection to a central tank supplying so that the track is below these wheels in the cylinder wall are uncovered by the
several pumps . and supports the weight attached to them downward movement of the plunger.
in either the forward and upright or the When the plunger moves upward, it lifts
Lucas Flexible Trough Conveyor. backward and inverted position. There is the air and water into the upper chamber
also an additional track below the wheels of the pump through check valves in the
This conveyor, the invention of George on the inner ends of the arms on the re- horizontal partition, and as soon as the
Lucas, of Passaic, N. J., consists of a deep
turning side. The conveyor is operated ports are covered the further movement
and continuous trough , composed of flex- by a sprocket chain attached to the arms, of the plunger steadies the vacuum in the


Porcer, W.Y ,

ible material, such as wire netting, sup as shown, and passing over sprocket condenser by the sucking action in the
ported, as shown in the engraving, upon wheels, to one or more of which power is bottom of the cylinder, which is always
arms guided at their extremities upon applied in communication with the condenser
March, 1906. POWER 187

through the by-pass and the annular of the cylinder ; the upper side of the of cleaning one-third of the tubes of aa
chamber around the cylinder. When the plunger, forming the bucket, comes so boiler simultaneously, instead of one at a
leakage past the packing rings of the close to the cylinder head that practically time. The cleaner consists of a manifold
of pipes, the header of which extends
across the boiler head immediately above
the uppermost row of tubes, so that the
branches extend downward, as shown in
Fig. 1. As the engraving also shows, the
number of vertical branches or " drop
pipes” corresponds to the number of ver

O 0

Pouer, Y.


plunger has accumulated an appreciable all of the lifted water is forced out into FIG . I. AMERICAN FLUE CLEANER IN POSI
quantity of water in the bottom of the the discharge chamber.
cylinder, the water is forced up through The pump plunger is driven by two con tical rows of tubes ; each drop - pipe carries
Decting- rods ( only one is visible, because a row of blower nozzles tapped into its
the other is on the near side of the center wall so that each nozzle discharges into
vertical line of the structure) passing
through stuffirg -boxes in the upper
cylinder head, which forms a partition
between the pump cylinder and the dis
charge chamber. These rods are bolted
to the crosshead of the engine part of
the combination .
The pump is also built in three-cylinder
form and all of the different forms are
adapted for either direct steam opera
tion, as illustrated in Fig. 1 , or for elec POWER NY
tric motor drive through gears, as indi
cated in Fig. 3. ONE OF THE NOZZLES .
FIG. 2.

the center of one tube in the row of tubes

A Multiplex Flue Cleaner. covered by that drop-pipe. It is obvious
The accompanying engravings illustrate that admitting steam to the header will
the construction and application of a result in blowing through the tubes. The

Check Valye

Relief Valve
1373 By- paes
11 blool

Power , E.


the relief valve on the downward strokes boiler-tube cleaner built by the American drop-pipes and nozzles are far enough
of the plunger. A noteworthy feature is Boiler Flue Cleaner Company, Trenton , away from the boiler head to prevent in
the very small clearance in the upper end N. J., and embodying the unusual feature terference with the draft. The header is
188 POWER March , 1906.

divided into three sections, each supplied sectional views of a new type of steam l, Q, and bolts are strung between them ;
through an individual steam pipe, so that boiler known as the “Mowry Improved brackets also tie the jacket to the base
one-third of the tubes may be blown out Boiler. " The illustrations clearly show plate W.
at once. A three-way valve in the main the principles of design of this boiler. T is a baffle-ring to keep the hot gases
pipe determines to which section By reference to Fig. 4 the method of in the center of the tube area. Hollow
is admitted steam. As the blower operation may be easily understood, as stay-bolts allow five streams of hot air
is attached to the front head of the boiler, follows : A is the hopper into which to blow the flames at the lower end of
the nozzles deliver their blast in the op- coal is fed, which passes to the stocker B. the tubes to the farther side. One is
posite direction to the natural draft The flames and hot gases pass over the shown at 2.
through the tubes. The makers claim bridge- wall C, circulating around the Figs. 3 and 4 differ in the arrangements
that this removes the soot more effectu- water tubes D, and passing through E out of the tubes D. For marine service the
ally than blowing with the draft, on the of the chimney. The upper dome F and tubes D, in being replaced, would be
theory that the soot is deposited in slant- the lower dome G are connected by the drawn out or inserted through the upper
ing strata by the draft and is dislodged water tubes D, in which steam is gener- dome-head handholes, while for factory
better by blowing against its “ nap ” than ated. The entire body is jacketed with boilers they would be withdrawn through
with it. Figs. 2 and 3 show the construc- water, as also is the fire-box. This water the lower-dome handholes into a pit over
which the boiler stands. H and I are
steam nozzles through which a blast of
steam is sent to clean the outside tubes
D. The upper nozzle J is adjustable up
and down.
The principal claims for this type of
boiler are :
1. Increased heating surface, due to
the boiler being entirely jacketed.











o O O O

O lo O OBO







O ip







Power , Y.Y. temur , Y.

tio:1 of the nozzle used in the drop-pipes ; jacket is shown at Q and P, rigidly stay- 2. Its vertical form economizing in
the one is a perspective and the other a bolted. floor space .
longitudinal section, and they are self-ex- The circulating pipes are shown at S, 3. Its simplicity of construction, every
planatory. The four small holes spread N and V. Water enters the bottom dome part being riveted in the shop, and only
the jet so as to cut the soot off very G and circulates through either the tubes requiring bolting together for

cleanly. or the water jacket. The auxiliary dome bling.

M receives the circulating water through 4. Absence of fire -brick and labor at
The Mowry Improved Boiler. V and the steam through L, the steam tending the erection, the entire boiler
We have received from Edward Lind- being generating in the tubes D, the being lagged with asbestos.
mueller, a consulting mechanical engineer, dome F and the water jackets and P. 5. Ease with which this type of boiler
of Cleveland, Ohio, the accompanying Brackets R, R , are riveted to the jacket can be cleaned and repaired.
March, 1906. POWER 189

A Dividend from Our Consular matic stoking apparatus. It is now on the to overcome the wide fluctuations in dis
Service . German market and is giving satisfaction, tribution common in other automatic
gaining favorable comment from engineers stokers. On other apparatus the steam
Consul Creevy, of Glauchau, Germany, and the users of steam engines. This ap- pressure regulators are not sensitive
reports the recent invention of an auto- paratus is designed, says Consul Creevy, enough to properly distribute fuel for








8841989. BODI 808 1809 981 BEDROOM A 300 200




OOOOOO 0 0 00 0



190 POWER March , 1906.

varying degrees of hardness evenly, there- continuous line of steam pipe. The two ley takes a center loop of the rope from
by causing irregular steam pressure. The ends of the joint are held together by the the winding machine instead of one of the
new automatic stoker overcomes this evil.arms and weight shown in an obvious the side loops, as has heretofore been the
In fact, it is so far superior, say thosemanner, and the force of the weight about practice. This arrangement insures an
who have seen several, to others now in balances the endwise pressure of the pipe. equal strain on each loop on the winding
use on the Continent that one is war- Since the end of the inner sleeve makes machines.
ranted in calling the careful attention of a steam tight joint with the bronze ring, When power is applied to machine A by
all interested parties to the report and the joint may be packed when cold or at means of the pulley C the rope D will
drawings. These latter are exceedingly its working pressure. J. H. Dunbar, of carry the power to machine B, so that
well done, and are in sufficient detail to Youngstown, Ohio, is the designer and whatever power is applied to machine A
help an engineer or a mechanic to under- maker of this joint. can be taken from he pulley G, which is
stand the method by which the machine hung on the pinion shaft of machine B.
works. - Monthly Consular and Trade Re Rope - Drive Mechanism . The inventor claims that with this device
ports for October, 1905. Herewith is illustrated a new rope-drive there is a more perfect tension on the
Dunbar's Balanced Expansion Joint. device which has recently been patented by rope; the ends of the rope come nat
Daniel Abrey, 1834 Race street, Philadel- urally r togethe ; there can be no piling of
In the joint shown in the accompanying phia. The upper illustration shows a side the rope, nor, slipping on the drums ; the
illustration , the packing is not relied on elevation of two double -drum , rope -wind- device willtransmit power to any distance
that a cable can be operated
, and it will
to keep it tight when the working pressure ing machines , driven by spur gearing, and operate as easily perpendicularl y as hori
zontally. The winding machines in the
new apparatus are similar to the inven
tor's double-drum hoist which is used for
operating street-car cables, and which he
patented in 1879.

Vanadium Steel .

The noted French student of metal

lography, Léon Guillet ( in Le Genie
Civil, Oct. 21 , 1905), concludes that
vanadium exercises a beneficial effect
lipon the mechanical properties of metal
lurgical products. In normal steels it
causes a very distinct increase in ultimate
tensile strength , also raising the elastic

limit. It has no apparent influence on

ductility, nor on resistance to shock, but
it improves hardness slightly.
In rapidly cooled steels, vanadium
Bronze elevates both the elastic limit and the
Fiber ultimate tensile strength. Its influence in
this direction is almost as great as that
of carbon, but, unlike carbon , it does not
Powdi , Y.
make all of its compounds fragile. It is
particularly noticeable that alloys of iron
DUNBAR'S BALANCED EXPANSION JOINT. carbide and vanadium are more sensitive
is on the line. When steam is turned into a tension machine E designed to keep an to hot working and to mechanical treat
the pipe and it expands to its full length, endless rope D always drawn tightly ment, than ordinary steels ; this, however,
the inner end of the bronze sleeve closes around the winding drums. The lower il- does not seem to be the case with more
on its seat, which in this case is aa bronze lustration is a top view of the device and complex alloys, notably nickel -vanadium
ring, and so makes what is practically a is intended to show how the tension pul- steels.

Side Elevation

LA с
Power, xy,
Top View
March, 1906. POWER 191

Bavier, C. E., lectured on " Superheated are an active acquisition. The show was
Society Notes. Steam ” before a full house. George H. a " go " from start to finish , and elicited
Cement Association No. 4, N. A. S. E., Ward lectured on “ Topical Engineering " continued applause. The Eccentric Fire
of Seigfreids, Pa., has recently met with on Tuesday evening, February 13, after men's Drum, Fife and Bugle Corps kindly
a severe loss in the death of William J. which refreshments were served and a tendered their services as escort to the
Patrick, who departed this life on January jolly evening was spent. All of the above company. After the entertainment the
15 , after an illness of three months. Mr. lectures were illustrated. large floor was cleared for dancing. Many
Patrick was an active member of No. 4 , John H. Foote, of the McLeod- Henry prominent engineers and supplymen were
in attendance, among whom we noticed :
and was foremost in its organization. Company, delivered a lecture before Ce
His funeral, on January 19, was attended ment Association No. 4, N. A. S. E., of National President R. D. Tomlinson, Na
by the members in a body. There were Seigfreids, Pa., on January 2, on “ Steel tional vice- President T. N. Kelsey, Past
many beautiful floral tributes. At a re- Mixture Fire Brick ." There was a full National Presidents P. Hogan, Herbert
Stone and William Wheeler. The officers
cent meeting of the Association the fol- attendance of the association and Mr.
lowing resolutions were passed : of the combined associations are : Willis
Foote's efforts were greatly appreciated.
Lawrence, chairman ; H. H. Nelson, secre.
A lecture on “ Indicators, and the Con tary ; Ira Watts, treasurer. Charles W.
Preamble : The Great and Supreme sumption of Steam, Fuel, etc.," was de Martin Jr., John L. Wilson, Frank J. Cor
Ruler of the universe, has, in His infinite livered by A. C. Lippincott before Hobo bett, Herbert Self and John W. Armour
wisdom, removed from among us our es ken Association No. 5 , N. A. S. E. , on comprised the entertainment committee.
teemed fellow-worker, William J. Patrick, Wednesday evening, February 7: The lec There were thirty-one patrons as follows :
and whereas the long and intimate rela- ture proved entertaining and instructive. Garlock Packing Company, McAdams &
tions held with him in the faithful dis- A social session followed, at which re Cartwright, Jenkins Bros. , Dearborn Drug
charge of his duties in this society, make freshments were served. & Chemical Works, Empire State Engi
it eminently befitting that we record our Robert Fulton Association No. 28, N. A. nering Company, Peerless Rubber Manu
appreciation of him, therefore be it S. E., of Chicago, Ill., listened to a lecture facturing Company, Mackenzie, Warner
Resolved : That the wisdom and abilityon Saturday evening, February 3, on the & Ferguson, H. W. Johns -Manville Com
which he has always exercised in aid of subject of " Isolated Station Economy," pany, Walker & Chambers, General Elec
our organization, by service, contribution, by G. F. Gebhardt, professor of mechani- tric Company, Robert A. Keasbey Com
and counsel , will be held in grateful re- cal engineering in the Armour Institute of pany, Bird-Archer Company, Otis Ele
membrance, and it is further Technology. There was a full attendance vator Company, Borne Scrymser Com
Resolved : That the sudden removal of of members and friends and Mr. Gebhardt pany, Geo. I. Roberts & Bros., Inc.; Ash
such a life from our midst leaves a va- succeeded in interesting his hearers and ton Valve Compnay, Standard Plunger
cancy and a shadow that will be deeply gave them some valuable information . Elevator Company, McLeod & Henry
realized by all the members and friends Company, William Martin , Swan & Finch
Brooklyn Association No. 8, N. A. S. E., Company, M. P. Davidson, Richard
of the organization , and will prove a se of Brooklyn, N. Y., held its annual enter
rious loss to the community and to the tainment and ball on Wednesday evening, Thompson, Dimmock & Fink, A. P.
public, and it is also Dienst, American Oil Company, T. R.
February 14, at the Imperial. A first McMann's Son, C. A. Bruns, Vacuum
Resolved : That with deep sympathy class vaudeville entertainment was pre
for the bereaved relatives of the deceased, pared by the committee which was greatly Cleaner Company, Henry R. Worthington.
we express the hope that even so great a enjoyed by the large gathering. Danc
The M. E. B. A. Convention.
loss to us all may be overruled for good ing closed the festivities. This association
by Him who doeth all things well, and it held an old-time smoker on Saturday The Marine Engineers' Benevolent As
is further evening, February 3. Both of these occa- sociation Convention was held at Wash
Resolved : That a copy of these reso- sions were eminently successful. ington, D. C., during the week commenc
lutions be spread upon the records of this The annual entertainment and ball of ing Monday, January 22, and was in every
organization, and that it also be printed in the United Standard Mutual Benefit way a live one. Although there was noth
POWER, and a copy be forwarded to the Association , of New York, was held at ing of especial moment to create .excep
bereaved family. Mannerchor Hall on Saturday evening, tional interest, the attendance of delegates
John H. Hess. February 3. An interesting vaudeville was in excess of the average. At the daily
Joseph SATTELE. sessions of the convention the work was
entertainment was given which was fol conducted in the usual business -like man
lowed by dancing. The attendance was
linusually large, and about thirty of the ner and the following officers were elect
ed : Frank A. Jones, national president ;
Mott Haven Association No. 47, N. A. leading supply
General Presidehouses
nt MattwereComerf
ord of Joseph Brooks, first national vice-presi
S. E. , of New York, turned out with a big dent ; Joseph R. Blanchett, second national
attendance on Saturday evening, Febru the I. U. S. E. and several other promi vice-president ; George A. Grubb, national
ary 10, to listen to a lecture by F. R. Low, nent members of this organization were secretary ; Albert L. Jones, national treas :
editor of POWER, on the subject of " The present. This event was the best yet held urer ; William F. Yates, John N. Kirby,
Corliss Engine and Valve Gear.” The lec- by this association, and the committee George M. Keating, John Henry, and Wil
heartily congratulated.
ture was fully illustrated with stereopti were liam J. Brady, Jr. , trustees of the Marine
con views . The fourth annual entertainment and Engineer ; W. D. Blaicher, William Schef
The Modern Science Club of Brooklyn, ball of the combined associations of the fer and James J. Waters, advisory board .
N. Y., has recently had the following edu- National Associations of Stationary En- The principal social features were a theater
cational features : On January 23, Mr. gineers of Manhattan and the Bronx, of party for the ladies and gentlemen on
Conduit , of the Electro -Dynamic Com- New York, took place at the Grand Cen- Monday night, and a theater party for the
pany, lectured on his company's products. tral Palace on Wednesday evening, Janu- ladies and a smoker for the gentlemen on
Mr. Conduit was ably assisted by H. Be- ary 31. In the matter of numbers it was Thursday night, besides trolley and auto
dell. On January 30, William Schatz, of the biggest event yet held, and proved a mobile rides to places of interest during
the Dearborn Drug and Chemical Works, most enjoyable occasion. The entertain- the afternoons. These events were ten
lectured on the " Parsons Turbine.” Mr. ment was in the form of a minstrel per- dered to the delegates by the supply men.
Schatz devoted his talk to the practical formance given by the Bay Ridge Ath- The smoker, which was held in the ball
operation of Turbines. On February 6 C. S. letic Club Minstrels, of which the “ Bunch ” room of the New Willard, is looked upon
192 POWER March , 1906 .

as the star event of the convention and in the navy after his graduation, leaving
certainly proved to be a red-letter occa- the service to accept a position with the Inquiries.
sion. The entertainers were Herbert Self, Western Electric Company. He has sub- Questions are not answered unless they aro
Frank J. Corbett, Jack Armour, William sequently filled positions with the Eaton of general interest and are accompanied by
Redmond, William Murray, Chas. Sheck, & Prince Company, with the Fraser & the name and address of the inquirer .
Joseph McKenna and Henry Frantzen . Chalmers Company and with the Allis
Many of the prominent officials of the Chalmers Company. His later work with The Copper Ball Pyrometer. Q. - A
Army and Navy and other departments the Fraser & Chalmers Company was ball of copper weighing 3 pounds is placed
were present. Following are the repre- devoted largely to the Riedler pumping in aа furnace, and after being heated to the
sentatives of the different supply houses engine and air compressors and is well- same temperature as the furnace is quick
who atended the convention : known in engineering circles. During the ly withdrawn and dropped into a vessel
Charles W. Martin, Jr., and William G. last year his work with the Allis -Chalmers containing 35 pounds of water at 44 de
LeCompte, of Jenkins Brothers; J. L. Mc- Company has been in the steam turbine grees Fahr. The final temperature of the
Gilvray and Charles S. Prosser, of the department. His experience has included water is 65 degrees. Neglecting any losses
Peerless Rubber Manufacturing Company; considerable work upon internal combus- which may occur by radiation, etc., what
Harry N. Bennett, of the Bird - Archer Com- tion engines and has afforded him excep- is the temperature of the furnace ?
pany ; F. R. Low and John W. Armour, of tional qualifications for the field into John R. ANDREWS.
Power ; Louis L. Bernier, of the James which he now enters. A.—The operation of finding the tem
Reilly Repair and Supply Company ; Wm. James A. Milne, who has for a number perature of the furnace by means of the
Schmidt, Jr., of the Lunkenheimer Com of years been comptroller of the Allis- copper ball depends on the fact that the
pany ; Harry Ries, Jr., of the New York Chalmers Company, Milwaukee, has been amount of heat given up by the copper
Belting and Packing Company ; Harry J. appointed general manager of the Allis- ball is all absorbed by the water, and so
Marks, of the Empire State Engineering Chalmers-Bullock, Limited, Montreal, can be measured. If we then assume
Company ; H. T. Evans and Herbert Self,
Canada, to take effect on or before May that the specific heat of the water is unity,
of the Crandall Packing Company ; George 1, 1906. Mr. Milne is a native of Canada, the number of the units absorbed in rais
H. Orton, of the Standard Oil Company; having been born at Waterdown, Ontario, ing 35 pounds of water from 44 to 65
William B. McVicker, of the Dearborn in 1872. After completing a public school degrees is 35 times (65 — 44 ) = 735 heat
Drug and Chemical Works ; George C. and collegiate course, he began his busi- units.
Penboss, of the Revere Rubber Company; nes career at Toronto in 1888. During the While the specific heat of copper varies
S. Inglis Leslie, of the Leslie Company ; ensuing four years he was with Robert for different temperatures, for the range
N. S. Kenney and Frank A. Knowles, of
Simpson & Company and Wyld, Grassett of temperature under consideration it may
the Philip Carey Manufacturing Company ; & Darling, of that place ; in 1892 he re- be safely taken as 0.1 , which means that it
A. K. Waycott, of the Stayman Manufac moved to Chicago, entering the employ of takes 1-10 of a heat unit to heat one
turing Company ; D. E. Lynn, of the Na- Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co. Subsequently pound of copper 1 degree Fahr. If we
tional Lead Company ; George A. Wismer, he worked for the Chicago Packing and designate by the letter x the range of tem
of the Garlock Packing Company ; Chas. Provision Company as chief accountant. perature or the number of degrees through
I. Felthousen , of the American Marine Then he became associated with Jones, which the 3-pound ball of copper falls
Engineer. Cæsar & Co., chartered accountants of in coming to the same temperature as the
Chicago and New York, and it was this water, 65 degrees, it will then give up 3 X
connection which brought him into touch x x 0.1 heat units, or 0.3 x heat units.
Personal. with the Allis-Chalmers Company. In This as before stated, must be for the
August, 1901, he entered its employ as number of heat units absorbed by the
T. F. Salter, for three years chief chief cost clerk, and one month later was
mechanical draftsman for the C. W. Hunt appointed acting comptroller, being for water, or 735. By solving for x, we find
it to be equal to 2,450 degrees ; that is to
Company, of New York , has severed his mally elected to that position at the meet say ,
that the temperature of the furnace
connection with that firm to accept the po- ing of the board of directors in May, 1902. was this amount higher than the tempera
sition of chief engineer of the North Penn Since the early part of last autumn Mr.
Iron Works, Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Sal ture of the water, and its original tem
Milne has been one of the directors of
perature must have been therefore, 2,450
ter, who is also quite a well-known yachts- Allis-Chalmers- Bullock, Limited, which is + 65 = 2,515 degrees Fahr.
man , was presented a fine pair of an allied interest of the Allis-Chalmers
Hensoldt binoculars as a token of the
Company and owns a large manufacturing Q.Safe
- HowWorking
would Pressure on Water -Leg.
you compute the safe
esteem in which he was held by his as plant located at Montreal, the direct man
sociates. agement of which will now be assumed by working pressure on the water-leg of a
Heine boiler ? The stay -bolts are hollow,
Frederick R. Slater, late assistant to the Mr. Milne. 1.66 inches in diameter at the top of the
electrical engineer of the Interborough Wm. B. McVicker, second vice-presi- thread, the hole being .88 inch across. The
Rapid Transit Company, of New York, dent and Eastern Manager of the Dear- plates are of 12- inch steel, with tensile
has opened an office at 100 Broadway, born Drug & Chemical Works, accompa- strength 55,000 pounds, and there are fifty
New York for the practice of electrical nied by Mrs. McVicker, left for the South three 31/2 -inch tubes. W. A. RUTLEDGE.
engineering. Mr. Slater had much to do and Cuba on the 19th of February. The A.— You neglected to give two impor
with the installation of the electrical company has quite an extensive branch in tant factors , viz ., the pitch or distance
equipment of the New York Subway and Havana and is handling a large busi- from center to center of the stay -bolts,
previous to this undertaking had been en ness on the Island. Mr. and Mrs. Mc and the area of the stay-bolt at the bottom
gaged in installing the third - rail system Vicker expect to return by April first. of the thread . In order to answer you
on the New York elevated railways. accurately, these factors must be known.
Henry A. Allen has severed his con- The report of the National Board of We give, however, the rule governing
nection with the Allis-Chalmers Com- Fire Underwriters for the quarter ended the matter and answer your question in
pany and opened an office at No. 1435 October 10 last showed that there were such manner that you can readily use
First National Bank Bldg., Chicago, as 115 fires due to electricity, entailing a loss same when above data are obtained .
a consulting electrical , mechanical and of $256,403 ; also, there were reported 82 Let S = Area or surface supported by one
hydraulic engineer. Mr. Allen is a grad- fires which caused a loss of $ 959,302, stay-bolt, but from total area
uate of the United States Naval Academy which were supposed to have been due to subtract the area of the bolt
of the Class of '87. He served two years electricity. itself.
March, 1906 . POWER 193

P = Steam pressure per square inch . exhaust worth after passing through
Corliss and automatic engines ? Book Reviews.
A =
= Area of stay-bolt at bottom of
the thread. C. N. CRADDOCK .
Mt. Vernon, Ill. " Machine Shop Arithmetic." By Fred H.
T = Allowed pressure on stay-bolt in

Colvin and Walter Lee Chency. Fourth

A.-The real worth of the steam for
pounds per square inch . edition. The Derry -Collard Company,
To find S , measure the distance between heating depends upon the demand for it
New York. Pages 144, size 4x6, flex
the stay - bolts forming a square which is and its availability. If you had more ible cloth, illustrated. Price :50 cents.
supported by one belt. It is usual with steam than you could use or sell, the worth
The inability to "figure" has been a se
of the surplus would be nothing. If you rious handicap to many a practical man.
the boiler you mention, when built for
medium high pressure, to pitch the stays had any quantity of steam at too low a This little book is more than an arithmetic,
7 inches apart, thus forminga square in temperature
of it would for the heating job, the
Thewhole foritteachesbesides the tion
methods ofcale
which the center bolt supports an area of be worth nothing. only culatio n and their applica to concret
7x7 inches = 49 square inches. Assume the
possible conside steammust
value of theration
be based upon examples in machine-shop practice many
in heat units, and of the mechanical things that a machinist
this is the correct pitch in this case, we
must deduct from the 49 inches the area even this is very involved. should know. It commences with decimal
of the stay-bolt hole, and will later. You The question can perhaps be best an- fractions and talks shop from start to
give the outer diameter of stay as 1.66 swered by taking a supposititious case : finish.
inches at top of the thread, but we have Suppose the boiler pressure to be 85 “Modern Machine Shop Construction,
neither the diameter at bottom of the pounds gage, 100 absolute, the engine to
Equipment and Management.” By Oscar
thread nor the pitch of the thread, from require 30 pounds of steam per horse E. Perrigo, M. E. The Norman W.
which we might tell its depth. Assume, power-hour, and the condensation from
Henley Publishing Company, New
then, the diameter at bottom of thread to the heating system to be returned to the
York. 343 pages, 7x 1072, Cloth. Illus
be 1/2 inches, the area of which is 1.767 boilers at 200 degrees. trated. $ 5.00.
square inches . From this we deduct the To convert a pound of water at 20 de
area of the hole through the stay -bolt, the grees into steam at 100 pounds absolute This work is divided into three parts,
hole being .88 inch, the area of which is pressure requires 1013 British thermal treating respectively of the three subdivi
.608 square inch. 1.767 .608 = 1.159, units. If the engine uses 30 pounds of sions of the title. While it is impossible,
In taking up such steam per hour, it is receiving from of course, to give even general rules for
the net area of the bolt .
the value of T , values vary greatly, due the boiler so elastic a problem as the construction of
30+ 1013 = 30,309 B. t. u. a shop to accomodate a business, in course,
to usage in other types of boilers subjected as most businesses are, of development,
to other strains which do not occur in this per hour for each horse-power developed .
A horse-power-hour is equivalent to and even less for the equipment and man
case. We are of the opinion that with
mild steel, having a tensile strength of 2544 B. t. u. i. e., the engine converts agement of machine shops, the character
of which is as diverse as the industries
that number of the heat units furnished to
56,000 pounds, and a ductility of 25 per which they serve, Mr. Perrigo has brought
cent. in an 8 - inch specimen, a actor of 7 it into energy for each horse-power de
may be safely allowed, giving 8,000 pounds .veloped. together in this volume a lot of sugges
per square inch on the bolt, and for the In the case in hand the engine would tions many of which are bound to be of
void service to the man who is concerned with
further reason that the construction per
mits of ready examination, and the hol- 30,309 X 2544 = 27,864 B. t. u. machine shop management. Especial at
low bolt in breaking gives warning in which would be available for heating. tention is paid in the first part to " Slow
time. Assuming 8,000 pounds, we then This is an abstract case, taking no ac Burning Construction.” An entire chap
have : count of incidental losses, such as radia ter is devoted to the “Chimney or Stack , ”
and another to “ Power and Transmis
S = 49 — 1.159 = 47.841 square inches. tion . The values sought involve the boiler
The other parts are equally
sion . "
A = 1.159 net area, and pressure and feed -water temperature , the thorough, that
efficiency of the engine and the tempera a on management containing
T = 8,000 pounds per square inch. description of an excellent “ Cost
ture at which the water is rejected from
Then P = AXT System .” Mechanically the book is very
the heating system. The temperature at
S well done, with good printing on good pa
which the steam is received by the heat
1.159 X 8000 = 193.81 pounds pc : and original engravings.
ing system depends upon the back pres
47.841 “ The Competent Life." By Thomas D.
sure of the engine, and this affects its effi
per square inch . ciency . West. The Cleveland Printing & Pub
From the above rule you may readily Volts per Commutator Bar. lishing Company, Cleveland, Ohio.
Cloth. 258 pages, 5x734. Illustrated.
compute the safe working pressure. First What is the average number of volts Price $1.25, postpaid.
find the value of A and change the value per commutator bar of a 500 - volt direct
of T to a lesser amount if necessary. Some current generator having 160 commutator This is announced as " a treatise on the
authorities take 6,000 pounds, others as bars, and how is it found ? D. L. F. judicious development, direction and em
high as 9,000 pounds; but we believe 8,000 The average number of volts between ployment of man's inherited ability to
two adjacent commutator bars of any di aid in the betterment of labor.” If noth
pounds to represent good practice. ing more were said, it would suffice to
In common practice it is not usual to rect - current machine is given by the
formula : assert emphatically that if every wage
deduct the area of the stay-bolt from the
area embraced in the square supported Brush voltage X Number of poles
earner were to read this book and profit
by the bolt, but the problem is more ac Number of bars Avg. volts. by its teachings there would be very little
In the form of a rule : want in this life and still less grumbling.
curately solved by doing so.
The Value of Exhaust Steam . Multiply the voltage at the brushes by The author, himself a working man, has
Q. the number of field -magnet poles and found the secret of success in right living,
With 20 - foot by 60 -inch boilers, contain divide the result by the number of com and he has set his finding down in an
ing eighteen 6 -inch Aues, what per cent. mutator bars. interesting fashion for others' benefit. He
of the fuel cost per horse- power -hour points out the harm that vicious and
the exhaust steam worth, if sold for heat- Recently the fly-wheel in the engine- shiftless habits are responsible for ; he
ing purposes ? Or, if it costs, for fuel, room of the Penn -Wyoming Company, at shows how labor-union members can win
$ 10 per day to generate steam for 300 Grand Encampment, Wyo., burst and par- the endorsement of the public by prac
horse-power, what part of this cost is the tially wrecked the power house. tising the principles treated of ; in a word,
194 POWER March, 1906.

he tackles sociological problems in a sim- view of steam engines, steam ergine parts Business Items.
ple, straightforward manner that reaches and accessories, water separators, evapor
a bull's-eye every time. · Here are the ators, steam traps and superheaters, The Dearborn Drug & Chemical Works
titles of a few of the many chapters in pumping, blowing and slow-and high-speed have sent us a fine large wall calendar for the
new year.
this charming work : Responsibilities of engines.
C. J. Walton & Son, Louisville , Ky. , build
Civilians, and Injustice of Shunning Volume V treats of high speed en ers of the Walton water tube boilers have
Them ; Characteristics Demanded in Vo- closed engines, different types of marine sent us a fine wall calendar for 1906 .

cations, and Value of Studying Them ; engines and accessories, electric prime The Salt Lake City offices of the Allis
Iniquity of Wasting Energy and Time movers, and steam, electric and oil locomo- Chalmers Company are now located in the
Dooly Building, 117-119 East Second South
in the Spring of Life ; Qualities Neces- tives. street. Frank E. Marcy, district manager.
sary to Achieve Success in Various Pur
The paper on which the work is printed The Atlanta , Ga. , office of the Harrison
suits ; Need of Technical Education with is excellent, the type clear and the illus- Safety Boiler Works , W. R. Jennison , repre.
• Skill and Plans for Training ; Traits Det sentative, reports recent sales of Cochrane
rimentalto Competency ; Causes and Ex- trations, of which there are many hun feed water heaters aggregating 28,250 horse
dred, very good indeed. There are so
tent of Poverty and Pauperism ; Restrain power.
ing the Evils of Drinking and Excessive many, good things in the work that it The York Manufacturing Co. , York, Pa. ,
would require much greater space to re- recently closed orders for installing ice and
Indulgence ; The Folly of " Fool's In view it in detail than the writer has at refrigerating machinery in twenty three
dependence ;" Uncomfortable vs. Skilled his disposal ; but it looks to be an ex plants in various parts of the United
Laborer's Wage Compensation ; Benefits ceptionally lucid and comprehensive com
of Cheap Some
Wealth-Maintainance The Under-Feed Stoker Company of
Wages. of the illustrationsof inGood
this pilation, containing a great deal of valua America on February first opened a branch
ble data presented in most readable form . office at 930 Bowling Green Building, 11
booktell the story, or preach the sermon, Thereis, also, an up-to-dateness about it Broadway , New York, N. Y., with B. S.
equally as well as the narrative; for in- thatappeals. One thing,especially, is to be Lochlan as manager.
stance, those contrasting the pretty homes J. A. Milne has accepted the position of
of the thrifty with the hovels of the prod noted : Mr. Kennedy deals for the most manager of Allis-Chalmers-Bullock, Limited,
part in facts, not speculation. Montreal , his successor, as comptroller of the
igal. Altogether it is a work that em Allis-Chalmers company, will be L. F. Bower,
ployers can well afford to present to their “ Allis -Chalmers Engines at Home and heretofore manager of the electrical works
employees, while the employers themselves Abroad,” is the title of a handsome bul at Cincinnati.

would be gainers for reading it. letin about to be issued by the Allis-Chal The New York & New Jersey Lubricant Co.,
mers Company, Milwaukee. The publica- 14 Church Street , New York , NY. , have
“ Modern Engines and Power Gener- tion is unique in that it contains 68 pages gotten out a fine large calendar - among the
without a vestige of reading matter ex good points is a sheet with complete yearly
ators.” By Rankin Kennedy. Caxton
calendars for the years 1905-1906-1907
Publishing Company, London ; D. Van cept brief descriptions beneath the cuts which makes it very handy for reference.
Nostrand Company, New York. Five and a list of the company's products at the The recent fire at the works of F. E.
volumes. Cloth. Containing 216, 215, end. The title-page illustration represents Myers & Bro. , Ashland, Ohio, was confined
213, 216 and 216 pages, respectively. the four large engines, capable of furnish- entirely to their storage and shipping rooms.
The factory , power, office and material were
77/2X10 % . Illustrated . ing 35,000 horse-power, which were in all saved and shops are running full capacity.
Perhaps the best way to convey anything stalled in the power-house of the Twin Shipments were not delayed over one week.
like an adequate idea of all this really com- City Rapid Transit Company, Minneapo The Westinghouse Machine Company have
mendable descriptive work embraces is to lis. Other plants shown include the New opened a Philadelphia sales office in Room
publish a summary of the contents. It York Interborough Rapid Transit Com- 1003 North American Building. The estab
will be readily understood that five vol- pany's “Subway" and " Manhattan" sta- lishment of this office was necessitated by
their rapidly expanding business in this
umes is altogether insufficient for an ex tions ; power-houses of the New York territory, particularly in gas engines and
haustive handling of the general subject, City Railway Company ; Brooklyn Rapid Westinghouse -Parsons steam turbines.
nor could justice be done to it within a Transit Company ; Chicago Metropolitan The Westinghouse Machine Company have
smaller compass .
West Side Elevated Railway Company ; received orders to equip 25,480 horse power
Volume I treats of the classification of Chicago Union Traction Company ; Cen- of boilers with Roney mechanical stokers.
They have recently sold 6130 horse power of
prime movers, windmills, hydraulice ma- tral London, Eng. , (Underground ) Rail their various types of steam engines ; 1247
chinery, water turbines, pulsometers and way ; London United Tramways, Ltd.; horse power of vertical gas engines and
hydraulic rams, steam jets and injectors, Dublin, Ireland, Tramways ; Glasgow 32,066 horse power Westinghouse Parsons
water-jet propeller, centrifugal Pumps, United Tramways ; Bristol, Eng., Uni- steam turbines.
steam turbines, gas turbines, designing of ted Tramways ; Barcelona, Spain, Tram- The De La Vergne Machine Co. , New York,
N. Y , are installing double acting compressors
steam turbines and rotary piston engines. way Company, Ltd.; Sidney, New South in the refrigerating plant of Rohe & Bro .,
Volume II treats of heat, hot air, con- Wales, Government Tramways ; Buenos New York , N. Y. , increasing their capacity
stant pressure and typical engines, grad- Aires, Argentina, Compania Alemana from 35 to 55 tons. They are doing the same
ual combustion turbines, two-and four- Transatlantica de Electricidad, and the for the Wellston Brewing and Ice Co. ,
Wellston, Ohio, in each case replacing single
stroke engines, gas generators, internal Havana, Cuba, Electric Railway Company. acting compressors.
combustion turbines, gas and oil engines, Pumping engines are shown installed in Benj . F. Kelly & Son , 91 Liberty street,
marine internal combustion engines, large the plants of the Boston Metropolitan Wa N. Y. , makers of the Kelly-Berryman water
marine gas engine designs, marine gas ter and Sewerage Board, Chicago Water tube feed water heater and purifier, advise
producers, ignition of engines, internal Works, Pittsburg Water Works, St. Louis us that their orders since the first of the
year have greatly increased - they make a
combustion engine starters and various Water Works, and large industrial plants. specialty of repairing feed water heaters and
other types of engines. Blowing engines are represented by im removing them ; their facilities for such

treats of gas
Volume III(including
locomotion versus steam, pressive lines at furnaces of the Carnegie work , they say, is unequalled .
road locomotion, Steel Company and American Steel and The Consolidated Engine - Stop Co. , 100
Broadway, New York, N. Y. , report the clos
etc. ) , autocar engines, electric and petrol Wire Company . ing of a contract with the American Tobacco
electric cars, petrol motor boats, recent Company for forty installations of the Mon.
improvements on turbines, practical con- The best electric-lighting plant in China arch engine-stop and speed limit system
sideration of engines, steam autocar is at Shanghai, where there is one under which , they say, breaks all records in this
line, being the largest single order of the
engines and boilers and improvements on municipal control. A franchise for a many large ones they have received .
petrol and steam engines. modern electric railway system has also The Erie Stamping & Manufacturing Co. ,
Volume IV treats of an elementary re- been granted there. Erie, Pa . , have purchased the E. S. Noyes
March , 1906. POWER 195

Brass Foundry. This large and modern foundry Company, each having a capacity of 16.000 all their packings, they have adopted the
adjoins their property and gives them the cubic feet , the three being equivalent to about trade mark " Marco ." This trade mark , as
much needed increased facilities which they 10,000 cubic feet of illuminating gas. With we understand it , does not supersede the
have been looking for for some time , and the producer gas , work is done for 30 cents, old brands but is attached to all their pack
they will now be in better shape to take care which formerly cost $ 1.00 . ings , coupled with the other names . This
of their large increasing business. The B. F. Sturtevant Company have re company has in the press a new packing
On January 25th , 1906, John M. Williams ceived recent orders for economizers from the catalog descriptive of their complete line of
and Uysses S. King, partners doing business following : Young -Hartsell Mills Co., Con packings. It will be sent to anyone inter
as The Williams Gauge Company, Pittsburg, cord , N. C. : D. B. Martin , Limited , Toronto ested .
Pa ., by mutual consent , have dissolved part Junction , Ont.; Wanskuck Co., Providence , The Williams Gauge Company have re .
nership : Ulysses S. King , by reason of ill . R. I. ; Miramichi Pulp and Paper Co., Chat cently opened offices in the following cities :
health retiring. The business is to be con ham , N. B .; South Covington & Cincinnati 612 New England Building, Cleveland , Ohio ;
ducted as heretofore by John M. Williams Street Railway Co. , Newport, Ky .; Inter D. S. Tucker, Manager . 3 Foulds Block ,
under the same name, The Williams Gauge borough Rapid Transit Co. , New York , N. Y. Winnipeg , Manitoba , Canada ; M. O'R . Jarvis ,
Company. The Sturtevant Company has also recently Manager. Any inquiries directed to these
The new Robb - Mumford Boiler Works at received orders for five generating sets and offices for Williams safety feed water regli
South Framingham , Mass ., have installed ators , steam traps , pump governors and oth
two marine generating sets -- also for nine
four electric Northern traveling cranes and er goods , will receive careful attention .
high -speed automatic engines from various
riveter hoists manufactured by Northern En concerns .
The Williams safety feed water regulator is
gineering Works, Detroit . One of 25 tong The largest order ever placed for oil en applied to over 4,000,000 horse power of
capacity 50 foot span, 4 motor design , one 5 boilers and within the past two weeks they have
gines , has recently been awarded to the De sold equipment for about 50,000 horse power .
tons 28 ft. span ; 3 motor, and two electric La Vergne Machine Co. , of New York , by
riveter cranes of 20 and 15 tons capacity , Burnham , Williams & Co. ( Baldwin Locomo 6400 of this amount was shipped to the Jones
with fifty foot lift . & Laughlin Steel Company, who have used
tive Works ) , Philadelphia, Pa. This is for en. this regulator for four years , now having
The Pittsburg Plate Glass Company has gines aggregating over 3300 actual horse about 33,000 horse power equipped Other
purchased the famous Big Reliable Allis power . Some of these are to be installed in
purchasers were Mandel Bros. , of Chicago ,
Chalmers horizontal and vertical compound Philadelphia ,and the remainder at their steel Carnegie Steel Company , Armour & Company,
engine which , with its generator, was used works, at Burnham , Pa . The installation will etc.
during the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at consist of 125 and 250 H. P. " Hornsby- Ak
St. Louis to supply current for the decorative royd " oil engines and they are to be used for What may be done by the skimmer method
lighting of the exposition buildings and direct connection to electric generators and of removing impurities from the water in
grounds, and will install it at its new Crystal to air compressors, while others will be used steam boilers , is indicated by the satisfac.
City plant, Crystal , Mo. for operating machine tools by belt . tory results obtained through the use of the
Buckeye boiler skimmer , as reported by the
Prof. E. W. Kerr, who has recently taken Albert Vogt, M. E. with J. M. Voith , Heid .
Duncan Light and Power Co. , Duncan , Ind.
charge of the department of mechanical en enheim , Germany , made a test of Albany Ter. An analysis of the water disclosed the
gineering in the University of Louisiana, wish grease while in this country recently at Niag. following conditions : Silica , .105 grains per
es to strengthen the commercial and prac ara Falls , N. Y. , and in a letter to Messrs. gallon ; Oxide of Iron and Aluminum , .362 ;
tical side of the department, and for this Adam Cook's Sons, 313 West Street , New
Carbonate of lime, 11.481 ; Sulphate of lime,
purpose requests dealers in mechanical and York , the makers, says : " I used your Albany trace ; Carbonate of magnesia, 13,794 ;
engineering apparatus to send to him, at the grease on the turbines on the Ontario Power Sodium and Potassium Sulphates, 3.569 ;
State University at Baton Rouge, catalogues, Co. , Niagara Falls , Ontario, and not only on Sodium and Potassium Chlorides, 3.300 ;
price- lists and advertising literature. dry bearings, but also for greasing the bear Loss, etc. , .677 ; Total solids, 33.288 grains ;
In a recent issue of POWER we mentioned ings of the regulating gates . These bearings Total Incrusting solids , 25.742 grains ; Total
in this department that the Strong Machinery are under hydraulic pressure and it is of Nonincrusting Solids, 7.546 grains ; Pounds
& Supply Co., 46 Frankin street , New York , very great importance that the right kind of Incrusting Solids per 1000 gallons, 3.68. A
N. Y. , would send on request a copy of King's grease is used . I can assure you that your trifle over 3344 grains of solid matter
views of New York. Their stock of these Albany grease has given very satisfactory re per U. S. wine gallon of 231 cubic inches .
books is entirely exhausted, the demands for sults. The Buckeye Boiler Skimmer is manufac
copies being greatly in excess of their antici Richard Thompson & Co. , 128 Liberty tured by the Buckeye Boiler Skimmer Co. ,
pation, so they request us to notify our read street , New York , N. Y. , report a very large Toledo , Ohio.
ers that they cannot supply any more copies. business in the sale of their improved The wonderful thing about variable speed
The North Star mine in Nevada is damper and pressure regulator. Among those motor drive is the facility with which the ma
equipped with two Buffalo 8- stage multiple recently installed are two at the Pennsyl. chine hand can alter the operating speed
turbine electric pumps, each suitable for a vania Railroad Power House, Long Island or his equipment whether it be 18
1400 - ft. head, and each having a capacity City. These are the same type of regulator horse -power drive or 100 horse -power
of 300 gallons per minute. These pumps which the same firm furnished and installed drive. The manipulation of the motor con.
draw from the plant of the Bay Counties at Manhattan power house , New York , and troller lever enables the machine hand to
Electric Power Company . With the excep at the Subway . In the latter place one reg adjust the operating speed of his equipment
tion of one case in Switzerland , this electric ulator operates sixteen small dampers. They instantly and without effort. What a revela .
turbine pump is the only one of this class in are also furnishing a large number of an tion to the machine hand of ten years ago who
operation in the world . other type of regulator to operate the ex secured the necessary speed variations for his
haust and live steam in paper machine machine by the laborious shifting of belt on
The Sprague Electric Company is making
a specialty of motor equipments, for driving cylinders. catalogue
Their B will be cone . Northern variable speed motors are eg.
heating and ventilating apparatus, and furnished on application . pecially designed to respond to the motor con
among recent orders in New York City for The Marine Boiler and Sheet Iron Works, troller with minimum effort of the machine
such equipments are the following : The 75 Delevan Street, Brooklyn , N. Y. , builders hand and to secure promptly the graduatlon
First Day & Night Bank , 5th Avenue and of the Delevan boiler which is patented by of motor speed suited to the work or his own
44th Street , the Knickerbocker Hotel, the Mr. Louis Rauhauser have received a letter dexterity . Booklet 39 showing some motor
Broad Exchange Building. the new Women's from 0. Larsen , 75 Third Street, Brooklyn , drives embodying Northern variable speed
Hospital , and also the Hoboken terminal of in which he says : “ Referring to the Delevan motors is sent by the Northern Electrical
the D. L. & W. Railroad. boiler which you installed for me this year, Manufacturing Company , Madison , Wis. ,
R. B. Whitacre and F. T. Hildred , who I desire to state that I am more than satis U. S. A.
have for many years past been identified fied with its performance . It has come up
Mr. Carl Weber , President of the Weber
with the Robinson & Cary company of St. to all the statements that you made concern Steel-Concrete Chimney Company, Chicago,
Paul, Minn . , have severed their relations ing its performance both in regard to its has just returned from Europe. While
with the above company and have estab economy in fuel and evaporation and its ease abroad, Mr. Weber organized the Weber Steel
supplying engines, and convenience of cleaning. While it is a
lished a new firm for Concrete Chimney Co. , Limited, with offices at
boilers, machinery , steam specialties and comparatively small boiler it has filled my re Queen Anne's Chambers, Westminster. Lon
supplies. The new firm will be known as quirements most satisfactorily, responding to don, England. Managing Director of the
R. B. Whitacre & Co. , and they have opened considerable demand for power in excess of European Company will be Mr. John Cargill,
offices at No 612 Manhattan building , St. Its rating." who was formerly with the British Westing.
Paul. The Cleveland Rubber Works of the Me house Company, and later, London Manager
The American Graphophone Company have chanical Rubber Company have long been for Miliked Bros., Ina Mr. Weber also
replaced at their Bridgeport plant the illumi. known to consumers of packing by their while in London , closed contract with Abram
nating gas used for melting wax, japanning, Saturn sheet packing and Jupiter rod packing. Lyle & Sons, London , England , for a 250x20
soldering, fusing type metal, etc. , by producer Now , however, their packing business has foot chimney . Mr. Herbert R. Hyatt, former
gas furnished by an installation of three grown so large and varied that the necessity ly with the Custodis Chimney Company, has
units , supplied by the Wile Power Gas has arisen for a trade mark that shall identify been appointed district sales manager of the
196 POWER March , 1906 .
Weber Steel- Concrete Chimney Company, Chi- double-acting Riedler pump. having a capaci . lubricators and engineering specialties.
cago , with offices at 507 Singer Building, New ty, against 250 feet head . ( including friction ) lustrated , 6x9, pp. 60, paper.
York . Mr. Hyatt will have charge of the ranging from 1750 gallons per minute, when The Green Fuel Economizer Co. , Mat
New England, New York and Northern New the water wheel has 5 cubic feet per second teawan , N. Y. Booklet Illustrating and giving
Jersey Territory. supply of water , to 2800 gallons per minute sizes of steel plate fans. blowers and ex

The Griswold Manufacturing Company,

( 4,032,000 gallons per 24 hours ) with a sup hausters. 342x6 , pp. 14 , paper.
Hingham, Mass ., a company recently organ- ply of 8 cubic feet per second at the wheel . Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. ,
Ized under the laws of Massachusetts, has The speed of the pump, operated at its full Pittsburg , Pa . Circular No. 1126, December ,
partially completed the installation of ma- capacity, will be 116 revolutions per minute.
1905 , illustrating and describing Type с
It is to be extra heavy and furnished with
chinery in its factory at that place. Exten Allis -Chalmers Company's latest improved
transformers . 7x10 , pp . 7 , paper .
blve alterations have been made to accomo. American Steam Gauge & Valve Mfg. Co. ,
pumpthat It may
date catalogues
and prospective of metal for
business and coming
the wood year
-working be of interest-operated
mechanically to mention the Hawaiian 208-220 Camden St. , Boston , Mass. Circular
machinery, tools, metals and supplies are re- Islands lead the world in high pumping irri illustrating and describing the American com .
quested from various manufacturers in these gation . The Allis - Chalmers Company have bined pressure and recording gauge .
lines . The plant comprises machine, pattern, supplied nearly all of the largest plantations Hancock Inspirator Co. 85 Liberty St.,
wood -working and forge shops, painting and with their most efficient irrigation pumping New York . Booklet describing Hancock
assembling departments, brass and iron machinery. globe, angle, 60 ° cross and swing check

foundries, chemical and electrical laboratories, The Westinghouse Electric & Manufactur- valves. Illustrated , 4x6, pp. 23, paper .
electroplating plant and printing rooms . It ing Company are furnishing equipments for an Niagara Tachometer and Instrument Co..
Is thoroughly equipped for general manufac- unusually large number of industrial power Niagara Falls , N. Y. Catalogue of the
turing , as well as its line of automobile spec plants of a diversified character Among re- different types of tachometers made by this
lalties, novelties in metal and wood , hardware cent shipments are included Lebigh -Northamp company . Illustrated, 5x7 , pp. 19, paper .
' ton Gas & Electric Company, Cata sauqua, Pa . ,
specialties, , etc. Robert G. Griswold , Presi . A. D. Granger Co. , 95-97 Liberty St., New
dent of the Company, has been connected in Keystone Coal & Coke Company, Keystone, York . Bulletin entitled " Complete Power
the past with some of the largest manufactur- W. Va. , Granite City Hospital, Granite City, Plants, " which tells how this company in .
ing concerns in the East. Ill . Owing to the magnitude of the works of stalls such plants. Mustrated , 6x9 , pp . 23 .
The Chester B. Albree Iron Works, establish- the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing : paper.
ed in Allegheny, Pa ., in 1885 , has been recent. Company a great many people have recelved Allis -Chalmers Co. , Milwaukee , Wis. Bul .
ly Incorporated under a Pennsylvania charter. an erroneous impression that the product of · letin No. 1501 , describing the Reliance Cor .
Additional capital and the erection of a large of this Company consisted principally of only liss engine. This has excellent half- tone en
addition to the works on adjoining land , to- the larger types of electrical apparatus es gravings and also contains table of sizes.
gether with new equipment of the latest de- pecially so with reference to electrical gener
sign high precision which ating units. The aggregate business of this 8x10142 , pp. 20, paper .
enable the speed
new company, machine
willtools, will
be called Company, however, in the smaller units far C. W. Hunt Co. , West New Brighton , S. ) .
exceeds that of the larger and special types, Catalog No. 6511 , describing quite fully the
the Chester B. Albree Iron Works Company, to they manufacture every kind of electrical ap- " Industrial" narrow gauge railway and illus
continue the
advantage oldtolines
and takeofupwork
the to much greater
manufacture of paratus for either light or heavy work and trated by numerous half - tone engravings and
their instruments for measuring electrical line drawings. 7x912 , pp. 63 , paper.
the inertia valve pneumatic tools, invented energy equal in delicate construction the Jeffrey Manufacturing Co. , Columbus , Ohio .
by Chester B. Albree, which the old company works of the better class of modern watches. Bulletin No. 11 , which contains an article on
has spent three years in perfecting. The
These instruments are recognized stand " The Application of Electricity to Mining,"
chipping and riveting hammers will be put on ards in their field . They have recently by F. L. Sessions, and is very well illustrated
the market as soon as the additions to the
renewed an annual contract covering the by half- tone engravings . 8x10, pp. 44 , paper.
plant will admit . The new company not only requirements of the Moline Elevator Com Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., Pitts
starts with the old members of the firm ,
Chester B. Albree and Ralph Albree, each pany, Moline, III. , so far as their motor burg , Pa . Circular, No. 1107, described au
needs are concerned. The renewing of tomatic circuit- breakers, carbon break . II .
thoroughly familiar with every detail of the this contract is due to the highly satisfac lustrated , 7x10 pp. 19 . Folder No. 4051 , 11
business, but has as its vice-president Sum tory performance of Westinghouse elevator mo lustrating and describing pipe thawlng ap
per B. Ely, who was formerly chief mechanical
tors under the most trying conditions , their de
engineer of the American Sheet & Tin Plate paratus .
Company . Among the directors and stock . sign and construction rendering them peculiar. New York Belting & Packing Co. , Ltd ..
ly adapted to the requirements of the severest 91-93 Chambers St. , New York , “ Engineers
holders are Reuben Miller, of the Crucible
elevator work . The Westinghouse Company Catalog" of the different kinds of packing.
Steel Company ; C. F. Holdship , president of is finding an extensive field for their motor
the Equitable Meter Company , and Frederick belting, hose, gaskets , etc. made by this com
equipments in the marble finishing industry. Copy will be sent to anyone on ге .
G. Ely, of the Pressed Steel Car Company, They lately completed the equipment of a pany.
quest to the company . Illustrated , 346x6 , pp.
as well as other well known business men and
large marble yard in the South . The plant
capitalists. The capital stock, fully paid up, of the Iola Portland - Cement Works at Dal 48, paper .
is $ 200,000.00, and the offices and works will las, Texas has been equipped with Westing. Westinghouse Machine Co. East Pittsburg.
be at the old location , 1116 to 1202 Market house types direct current motors, and a Ра . List of users of the Westinghouse-Par
contract just closed with the Santa Cruz sons steam turbines showing the number and
street, Allegheny, Pa . Portland -Cement Company , San Francisco , rated kilowatt capacity of units, together
The Makee Sugar Company, Kaila Island of Cal . , gives a good idea of the size of some of with the aggregate rated horse power of the
Kausi , Hawaiian Territory , is having fur
these plants . This order calls for one 800 turbines installed when present orders are
pished by Allis -Chalmers Company the com.
plete pumping outfit for an irrigation system. h . p. type C motor, ten 250 h . p. , fifteen 150 completed .
The primary driver will consist of a specially h . p. , one 75 h . p , and one 30 h p . type Alberger Condenser Company , 95 Liberty
These are all alternating cur St. , New York . Catalog No. 6, describing
designed impulse water wheel , operating under CCL motors .
a fall of 400 feet of water conveyed in pen rent motors of the induction type and aggre Wainright evenflow feed water heaters and
stock pipes from a mountain stream and de gate a total of 5655 h . p . expansion joints, also containing illustrations
livering its power continuously to a Bullock of barometric and surface condensers, cooling
towers , vacuum pumps and pumping engines.
alternating current generator, direct, connect
ed , at by
cured six maximum speeds, which
the use of six different sets of
are se New Catalogues. 6x9, pp . 36 , paper.
The David Maydole Hammer Co. , Norwich .
buckets arranged on wheels of varying diam Robb Engineering Co. , Ltd., Amherst , N. S. Conn . Catalog of different styles of hammers,
eters. The energy from the generator being Catalogue of steam boilers . Illustrated , 6x9 , including machinists ', engineers ' , boiler rivet
delivered to an induction motor , the speed of pp . 51 , paper . ing hammers, etc. Very fine tinted half- tone
the motor, and therefore of the pump , will B. F. Sturtevant Co. , Hyde Park , Mass . illustrations are shown. 6x9, pp. 47, paper.
change in the same proportion as the speed Bulletin No. 126 , describing gas boosters. Also booklet entitled " A Captain of Industry,"
of the generator. As both the frequency and which is the story of David Maydole , Inventor
Illustrated , 612x9, pp. 8, paper.
the voltage change in the same ratio , the in Motor Engine Co. , 15 William St. , New of the Adz -eye hammer .
duction motor will at all times be operating Chandler & Taylor Co. , Indianapolis , Ind .
York , Catalog describing Hudson gas and
linder conditions corresponding to those for announce the publication of Bulletin E - 104
gasolene engines . Illustrated , 6x9 , pp . 26 ,
rated it has
at 300 been desig
K. W.
ned. The generator is covering stationary tubular boilers , breech
will have a norma l , speed
3 phase
of , 450
60 cycles , ands
revolution paper.
The Ohio Blower Cleveland , Ohio .
Co., ings , fronts , etc. and Bulletin E. 105 , show
The pumping plant will be lo. Pamphlet describing the " Swartwout" vertical ing plain slide valve engines and detailed des
per minute . station . steam separator. Illustrated , 342x514 , pp. cription of parts. These are illustrated by
cated five miles from the power fine half - tone engravings , and the company
motor isof to
Here installe
225behorse- d a and
power Bullock inductio
this, by means n paper
16 ,The D. , T. Williams Valve Co. , Cincinnati, will be pleas?d to furnish copies on request to
rope transmission , will drive a duplex, Ohio . 1906 catalog and price list of valves , those interested .
of il
March , 1906. POWER 197

New Equipment. Fire destroyed one of the power plants of

the San Bernardino ( Cal . ) Gas & Electric
will combine the two and erect one large
plant at Bucyrus If a suitable site can be
F. F. Roby , Kearney, Neb. , will erect an Company ; loss, $55,000. procured .
artificial ice plant. The Ideal Acetylene Company, Johnstown, The Golden Cycle Mining Company has de
The city of Fayette, Mo., has purchased a Pa . , recently organized , has let contract for cided to spend $ 400,000 in enlarging and im
site for water works. the erection of a plant . proving the Telluride Mill at Colorado City ,
The Williamette Boiler Works, Portland , The city authorities of Belleville, Kan. ,
The Fidalgo Mill Company, Anacortes,
Ore ., will build a new factory. are considering the establishment of a new
electric lighting system . Wash . , will make extensive Improvements in
The Richmond ( Va. ) plant of the American stalling new engines , bollers and up - to -date
Locomotive Company will be doubled. An electric light and power plant will be machinery .
installed in Walkerton , Ind . The Town Clerk
Ed . L. Healy of Red Lake Falls, Minn . , is has the matter in charge. The City Hall Commission of Newark , N. J ..
about to install an electric light plant. is considering the installation of a lighting
The Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph plant in the new City Hall, at a cost of
The United Traction Company , Reading.
Company , Nashville , Tenn . , will put up a about $ 40,000 .
Pa ., will erect a $ 1,000,000 power house.
new manufacturing plant.
The Dexter ( Me. ) Electric Company has The city of Macon , Miss. , has voted to Issue
It is reported that the West Scranton ( Pa . ) $ 10,000 additional bonds for additions to
purchased a site for a new power plant. Light, Heat & Power Company is preparing water system . New Alter and stand -pipe are
Brink & Davis of Cincinnati, Ohio, will to erect a new power plant. to be installed .
build a street railway line at Beloit, Wis. The Consolidated Gas and Electric Com . It is stated that the Florence ( Colo . ) Elec
Christian F. Weeber, Albany, N. Y. , will pany , Memphis, Tenn . , is to erect а new tric Railway Company will start constructing
erect an automobile factory and show place . boiler room to cost $ 20 000. an electric railway between Florence and ca :: .
The North Shore Electric Company of The Birmingham Railway, Light and Power son City .
Evanston , Ill . will erect a new plant in Wauk . Company has purchased a site at Ensley, Ala., The 0. S. Kelly Manufacturing Company ,
egan . and will erect a plant there. builder of traction engines and threshing ma
It is said the Tonopah ( Nev. ) Light, and The American Shipbuilding Company win chines, Springfield, Ohio, will locate ip
Power Company will rebuild Its lighting sys rebuild its plant in Bay City, Mich ., recently Bloomington , Ill .
tem . It is said the Rogers ( Ark. ) Electric Light
destroyed, on a larger scale .
Plans are being drawn for å cold storage The Stanley Works , New Britian , Conn ., Company has decided to construct an addition
plant for Charles M. Clay, Jr. , Poughkeepsie. builders' hardware, are to build a new ma to its plant and install a 200 horse power
N. Y. boiler, motors, etc.
chine shop and a boiler - house .
It is reported that the citizens of Paonia , The Inner Harbor Gas and Electric Com .
The Robb- Mumford Boiler Company has
Cal., propose establishing an electric light moved from Cambridge, Mass., to its new pany, Long Beach, Cal ., has recently reor .
plant . ganized with a capital of $ 200,000 , and will
plant at South Framingham, Mass. erect a new gas plant.
The Torrington Conn . ) Electric Light Com The Blackmer Rotary Pump, Power and
pany is planning for an enlargement of its The Hoopeston ( III. ) Gas and Electric
plant. Manufacturing Company, Petoskey, Mich. , Company has been formed with a capital of
has accepted plans for a new plant. $ 200,000 . F. A. Platt, W. L. Jenks, H. L.
It is proposed to construct a $25,000 gas Chillicothe, Mo. , will construct municipal Hanley, incorporators .
plant at Paulsboro, N. J. Wm . J. Adamson ,
water works and electric light plant for The Tahlequab ( Ind. Ter. ) Light and
Mayor. which $ 100,000 bonds will be issued. Power Company has been incorporated . Capi .
The Santa Maria ( Calif. ) Light and Power
It is said that an electric plant , to be tal, $ 30,000 . Incorporators, R. E. Cook , J. .
Company is putting in a 400 horse power operated by water power , will be erected for Dill and C. W. Turner.
the Jackson Company, Nashua, N. H. A movement has been started in which L.
The Schwartz Electric Company, Adran, It is reported that the Pennsylvania Rall
Mich ., has plans in progress for a new L. Rose of Endicott, N. Y. , is interested , to
factory .
road Com nany will locate a locomotive plant construct a gas plant for Endicott and vicin .
to employ 500 men , in Logansport, Ind. ity to cost about $ 75,000 .
Charles and william A. Heuser , Louisville , The citizens of Perry, Okla. , have voted The Washington Electric Company is in
Ky. , will erect a refrigerating plant to cost to issue $ 25,000 bonds for improving the
$65,000 .
corporated at Washington , N. J. Capital,
water works. F. F. Busch is City Clerk. $ 50,000. Incorpora tors, William H. Houston ,
The Hays City ( Kan. ) Electric Light Com . The Consolidated Motor Car Company , of W. W. Severing, W. P. Greene.
pany has been incorporated with a capital of Utica , N. Y. , has been formed . Francis P. The Kingsley Water Tube Boller Company,
$12,000. Miller, president ; H. H. Mundy, secretary . New York , is looking for an avallable site
The Globe ( Ariz. ) Cold Storage Company The citizens of Walla Walla, Wash . , voted along the Hudson for a new plant to give
has let contract for the construction of a
to issue $ 250,000 bonds for water works im employment to over 1700 men .
new plant. provements. City Clerk , R. P. Reynolds . The Spokane Wash . ) & Inland and Spok
The Central Ice Company, recently capi ane Traction Companies have awarded con
talized at $500,000 at Mounds, Ill . , will erect The plant of the Weleetka ( 1. T. ) Electric
Light & Power Company has been burned. tract for the erection of a $65,000 car barn
a large plant. and a machine and repair shop.
Loss $ 30,000. It will be rebuilt at once.
The Illinois Warehouse Company, Peoria , The City of St. Matthews, S. C., contemplates
III . , will build a cold storage plant to cost The Krueger Manufacturing Company ,
Milwaukee , Wis. , automobile builder , is holding an election to decide the question of
over $ 200,000 . Issuing $ 22,000 in bonds to construct an elec
The New Orleans ( La. ) Railway Com putting up a new structure to cost $ 25,000.
tric light plant and water works.
pany will increase the capacity of one of its The Emerson Manufacturing Company, Min .
power stations. neapolis, Minn ., agricultural implements, will The Cherokee ( Okla. ) Electric and Manufac
erect a new plant, to cost over $ 1,000,000 . turing Company has been incorporated with
The Riverside Light and Power Company a capital stock of $ 25,000. J. W. Howard ,
has been incorporated at Abilene , Kas. The Union Mill Company , Santa Barbara ,
Calif. , is in the market for a new engine and A. J. Henderson , etc. , incorporators.
Capital, $50,000 .
a couple of boilers . G. S. Tuttle is engineer. The Hennesey Electric Light, Power and
The Gardner Governor Company, Quincy,
A franchise for an electric light plant at Ice Company , Guthrie, Okla . , has been in .
Ill. , will establish branch molding shops in Directors,
Corinth , Mass. , has been granted to W. J. corporated . Capital, $ 15,000 .
La Grange, Mo. Fred Ehler, J. W. Smith and C. C. Smith.
Lamb, Simon Rubel and others of that place.
Reuben Hart, Santa Maria ( Calif. ) , pro The H. H. Franklin Manufacturing Com
prietor of the water works, is about to en The Hudson River, Electric Power Com
pany , which owns the power plant at Splers
pany, Syracuse, N. Y. , making automobiles,
large his plant. die castings, is considering plans
Falls , will erect another plant at Hadley , for in
The Mitchell Motor Car Company , Mil creasing the capacity of its plant fifty per
waukee, Wis . , has decided another N. Y. cent.
addition to its plant. Payne & Joubert, of New Orleans, manufac The Mutual Ice Manufacturing and Cold
A gas franchise was granted by the village turers of Corliss engines and sugar mill ma Storage Company, Charleston , S. C. , has
of Winooski , Vt., to John A. Dawson . А chinery , will erect a plant in East Birming increased its capital stock to $ 200,000 and
plant will be erected. ham , Ala . will put in an entire new plant on a larger
The Security Building Company, Cincin The Belleville ( 111. ) Gas & Electric Com scale .
nati, Ohio, newly incorporated , may erect a pany will spend about $ 30,000 in improve The American Mining Tool Company of
ments . These will include a new engine and What Cheer, Iowa, has been purchased by
$ 300,000 power plant.
generator. George B. Simmons and others of Ottumwa,
The Sioux City ( Iowa ) Traction Company
is planning improvements in its power-house, The New York Blower Company with Iowa , and the plant will be moved to the
plants at Bucyrus Ohio, and Chicago, III . , latter place.
to cost about $ 150,000.
198 POWER March , 1906 .

A company to manufacture axles, gas en MASTER MECHANIC or CHIEF ENGI. Write for Inventors ' Hand Book . Shepherd &
gines and gas-engines mußlers is being formed NEER . By a young man 33 years of age. Parker, 512 Dietz Building, Washington, D. C.
at Chillicothe, O. , with a capital of $50,000. Eight years experience as Master Mechanic in IF INTERESTED in up - to-date water tube
F. A. Gramm , F. A. Arbenz of the Board of manufacturing plants , thoroughly familiar boilers, investigate the merits of those manu
with all powers , steam , electric and hy factured by the East End Boiler Works, De
Trade, and others are interested . draulic, as modern machine shop
well as
troit, Mich . See their advertisement on page
The Indiana Public Service Company has practice and construction . Box 98 , POWER. 126.
been incorporated with a capital stock of CHIEF ENGINEER of large modern ENGINEERS , ELECTRICIANS , FIREMEN ,
$200,000 to build and operate an electric light power station desires to change. 1st class MACHINISTS , ETC.Send for new 52 - page
license, satisfaction guaranteed, best of ref.
and power plant in Aurora, Ind . O. M. Hub erences . Box 99 , POWER. pamphlet containing questions asked by Exam
ining Board of Engineers ; sent free. Geo . A.
bard , D. J. Hanss , and others incorporators. WANTED.-- Situation as Engineer. Exper Zeller Book Co. , 15 S. 4th st . , St. Louis, Mo.
The Walter Auto-Car Company is being ience covers refrigerating, heating and gen ENGINEERS AND FIREMEN .-- Send 10
formed with a capitalization of $ 100,000 to eral engineering, constructing and operation . cents in stamps for a 40 -page pamphlet con
manufacture the auto-car now being made by Middle West preferred . Box 97 , POWER. taining a list of questions asked by an exam
MASTER MECHANIC with 15 years ex ining board of engineers . Address the
the Walter Auto Company of New York. A Stromberg Publishing Co. , 2703 Cass ave . ,
perience in construction and repair work,
large plant will be erected in Trenton , N. J. pumps, etc. , in large factories. Box 101 , St. Louis , Mo.
POWER . PATENTS. -H . W. T. JENNER , patent at .
DRAFTSMAN — Competent, experienced in torney and mechanical expert, 608 F st .,
Special Notices. original design , mathematician ,
ing Calculus and use of Slide Rule, Steam
Washington , D. C. Established 1833. I make
an examination free of charge, and report if
Turbine work preferred Reference and spec a patent can be had and exactly how much
imen of work . Box 100, POWER. it will cost. Send for circular. Member of
Help Wanted. CHIEF ENGINEER-18 years experience Patent Law Association .
Advertisements under this head are in as machinist and engineer, familiar with the ENGINEERS, STUDENTS and DRAFTS.
serted for 50 cents per line. About six words construction , installation , and repairing of MEN . Send ten cents and get a Chart for
make a line. engines, boilers, pumps, dynamos, motors, rapidly and easily dividing an indicator card.
steam and electric appliances, 35 years old , into ordinates without the use of dividers
WANTED . - A first-class engineer for sta strictly sober, married , wishes position as
tionary engine ; one capable of handling, en Printed on Bristol Board 9x11 12 in . with di .
Chief Engineer of large electric station or rections for using. W. B. Robins, 317 Earl
gine and directing foreman ; we operate about mill ( Textile ) in South or West . Box 103 , ham Terrace, Philadelphia , Pa .
400 H.-P. , and use generator and electric cur POWER .
rent for about 125 H.- P.; want a thoroughly WANTED.—10x24 or 30 Corliss engine in
competent man . Address Box 83 , POWER . WANTED—A subscription solicitor for good second -hand shape, name price . D. A.
WANTED . - An engineer with first -class each state, to take orders for high grade pub Šteiner, Bern , Kansas.
lications. Liberal salary , expenses and com
license ; to run on eight hour shifts. Apply mission paid. Box 102 , POWER. WANTED .-- February March , April and
stating experience and references. Address
June, 1904 , issues of Power. Department of
X , care POWER. CHIEF ENGINEER of hydraulic or steam Mechanical Engineering , The Penn . State
driven electric plant, fair technical educa College, State College, Pa.
tion, has learned all parts of the business ,
Situations Wanted . 12 years practical experience, first- class 11 WANTED — The address of manufacturers
Advertisements under this head are in cense, good mechanic, can keep plant in good of machinery for making and printing tags.
serted for 25 cents per line . About six words condition . 32 years old . Married , strictly Please send catalog to S. L. A., care POWER.
make a line . reliable, and can give good reference. .Box
EXPERT ENGINEER wishes Southern 104 , POWER.
Agency for Power Plant, Mill, Mine , Electri. ENGINEER or superintendent ; very prac For Sale.
ical Machinery. Experienced Erector. Op tical ; understands all branches of engineer
erator and tester. To locate at Chattanooga , ing ; hotel, institution or apartment house ; Advertisements under this head are in
Tenn . Address Sand , M. E. Care POWER. does steam fitting, electrical work and all_re. serted for 50 cents per line. About six
pairs_to steam plant ; best references . Box ucords make a line.
ENGINEER strictly high grade, wishes 105 , POWER.
change ; position as working chief and super FOR SALE-Four second hand Babcock &
intendent of repairs desired . Expert with
modern methods of operation , technical edu Wilcox chain grate stokers complete with
Miscellaneous. shafting and two engines for 250-h.p .
cation . New York or vicinity preferred ; boilers , subject to inspection . The Elyria
highest references. Box 94 , POWER . Advertisements under this head are in
ENGINEER. – Ten years' experience with Iron and Steel Co. , Elyria , Ohio.
serted for 50 cents per line. About six words FOR SALE . - One 15 4x16 center crank
engines, boilers, pumps and direct current elec make a line.
tric generators and motors ; one year's experi. New York Safety engine ; dimensions, gov .
ence with machine tools ; can also do steam WANTED . — 50 H.-P. second -hand Hornsby ernor wheel 72 " diameter , 13 " face on left
fitting - wants position where competency, Akroyd oil engine ; must be in good condition ; hand side ; belt pulley 70" diameter, 18 " face ;
willingness and economy will be appreciated ; name best price. Box 77 , POWER. speed 200 to 265 Ř.P.M .; the steam pres
married ; 36 years old ; strictly sober ; em sure, 120 lbs. This engine is in excellent
ployed as chief engineer in small plant ; offers PATENTS SECURED PROMPTLY. - High condition and has been used very little. Con
A- 1 references. Box 81 , POWER , est references from prominent manufacturers. solidated Lighting Company , Montpelier , Vt.

Alphabetical Index to Advertisers.


Adkins, Young & Allen Co .... 88 Berry Engineering Co .. 91 Curtis & Curtis Co. , The ..... 84 Gardner Governor & Separ
Advance Mfg . Co .. 128 Bird -Archer Co .. 92 ator Co. , The 114
Ajax Iron Works . Dart Mfg. Co. , E. M. 117 Garlock Packing Co. 105
124 Blake Mfg. Co., The Geo. F..166 Davis Co., John . 90
Alberger Condenser Co. 110 Blake Steam Pump Co. , W. H.110 General Electric Co. 163
Allan & Son , A. , .150 Bloomsburg & Co., H. 128 Davis Regulator Co. , G. M ... 143 General Specialty Co. 94
Allen , Henry A 136 | Bonar & Co., Inc. , James . 134 Dean Bros., Steam Pump Wks.112 Goetze, Frederick 109
Dearborn Drug & Chemical Valve Spe
Allen , Joseph . . 108 Bowers Rubber Works . 106 Works
Golden - Anderson
Allis -Chalmers Co. 151 Brandt, Randolph 109 cialty Co. 100
American School of Corre- Bubb Pulley Co., H. A. 140 De Laval Steam Turbine Co .. 150 Goubert Mfg. Co. .97 . 112
spondence . 115 , 147, 150 Buckeye Boiler Skimmer Co. , De La Vergne Machine Co ... 155 Goulds Mfg. Co .. ..111
American Diesel Engine Co. 154 The 92 D'Este Co. , Julian .111
Detroit Leather Specialty Co.107 Green Engineering Co. 122
American Engine Co .. 160 Buckeye_Engine Co. , The . 157 Detroit Lubricator Co ...
Greene Fuel Economizer Co .. 96
American Injector Co .. 84 Buffalo Forge Co. 123 Greene, Tweed & Co. 108
Detroit Separator Co. 112
Greenwald Co. , I. & E
American Mfg. Co .. 73 Bulkley , Henry W. 110
Direct Separator Co .... 113 , 117
American & British Mfg. Co .. 155 Bullard Automatic Wrench Griffing Iron Co. , A. A. .80
140 Co. 130 Dixon Crucible Co. , Joseph ... 133
American Pulley Co .. Dunbam Co. , C. A .. 100
can SteamPipe Wks... 128 Burt Mfg. Co. , The . 79 Hall Mfg. Co. 134
American Spiral
Ameri Gauge & East End Boiler Works , 126 Hancock Inspirator Co. 85
Valve Mfg. Co .. .81 and 82 Calumet Supply Co., 84 Eastwood Wire Mfg. Co. 88
Harbison -Walker Refractories
American Steam Packing Co..108 Carey Mfg . Co., Philip..3rd cover Co. 63
Economic Engineering & Con
American Steel Foundries . 91 Casualty Co. of America .... 69 struction Co .. 122 Harris Oil Co. , A. W. 13.5
American Stoker Co .. 124 Central Station Improvement .125 Harris Steam Engine Co. ,
Ames Iron Works . 116 Co. 142
Edge Moor Iron Co. 159
Empire State Engineering Co.160 Wm . A.
Ashcroft Mfg . Co. 85 Chandler & Taylor Co. 153 Erie Mfg. & Supply Co. 161 Harrisburg Foundry & Ma
Ashton Valve Co. 84 Chapman Valve Mfg. Co. 87 Erie Stamping & Mfg. Co .... 133 chine Works. 157
Atlas Engine Works. 155 Chesterton & Co. , A. W..2d cover Harrison Safety Boiler Works 71
Audel & Co., Theo . 115 Chuse Engine & Mfg. Co .. 156 Fairbanks, Morse & Co .. 111 Hayden & Derby Mfg . Co .. 85
Austin Separator Co .. 113 Clark & Co. , A.C. 92 Ferguson Co. , The . 114 Heine Safety Boiler Co. 126
Automatic Gas Producer Co .. 152 Cling- Surface Co. 139 Filer & Stowell Co. , The 158 Hercules Float Works . ..31
Coldwell -Wilcox Co. 88 Fisher Governor Co. 112 Hewes & Phillips Iron Works . 158
Babcock & Wilcox Co. 125 Commercial Electric Co. . 101 Fishkill Landing Machine Co.155 Hoffman , Geo . w 150
Ball & Wood Co .. 165 Consolidated Engine Stop Co.147 Fitchburg Steam Engine Co..161 Holyoke Belting Co. 138
Ball Engine Co ... 153 Consolidated Safety Valve Co. 85 Flinn , Richard J. 101 Homestead Valve Mfg . Co. 88
Baragwanath & Son , Wm . 97 Cook's Sons , Adam . 136 Flower & Co. , Walter L. 134 Hooven , Owens, Rentschler
Bard Union Co .. 146 Cooper Co .. C. & G. 156 Foos Gas Engine Co. 152 Co. 151
Barnes Co. , W. F. & John . 150 Crandall Packing Co. 124 Foster Engineering Co. 88 Hoppes Mfg . Co. 114
Bass Foundry & Machine Co.. 156 Crane Co. 90 France Packing Co. 108 Huyette Co. , The Paul B. ..146
Bates Machine Co. 131 Crosby Steam Gage & Valve Franklin Boiler Works Co. 126
Baum Separator & Mach . Co..113 Co. 84 Fulton Iron Works . 158
Ingersoll-Rand Co ... . 101



SuperCoi l
ng Econoniizers







Hot Well Tank



for the Pennsylvania, New York , and Long Island Railroad .

POWER, April , 1906



Capacity 274. Tons Capacity 27 % Tons






Suction ng


Overflow Fiume

Intake Flume P.NY. & L.I.R.R. Long Island Power Station
Westinghouse Church Kerr & Co., Engineers

road lines as fast as equipped, and the kilowatts rated output ; this size was
electrification of the Atlantic Avenue Im- accordingly made the unit basis. The over
provement, which was impending when
the general project took shape, required
all dimensions of the present building are
200 feet x 262 feet outside measurement.
TRANSMISSION OF POWER . the early construction of the Long Island The boiler-house is 103 feet wide inside,
power station . the engine- room 66 feet, and the electrical
APRIL , 1906 . On account of the very large amount of galleries 25 feet wide . The boiler -house
power that would eventually be needed by proper is 82 feet high to the top of the
the new lines which are to tunnel under parapet. The coal pocket enclosure, super
The Long Island Power Station of the East River near the present terminus imposed on the boiler house, is 60 feet
the Pennsylvania, New York of the Long Island Railroad at Hunter's wide, and its parapet is 118 feet high. The
& Long Island Railroad. Point, and also by the Long Island Rail- engine room is 70 feet high to the top of
road suburban lines which are now con- the parapet.
In selecting a location suitable for the centrated at this terminus, it was obviously The first floor of the boiler house is 16
main generating plant for supplying elec desirable to locate the power house as near feet above the basement, and the second
tric power, first to the Atlantic Avenue as possible to the Long Island City ter- floor of the boiler- room is 35 feet above
Improvement, and subsequently to the minus, and a site was fortunately obtained the first floor. In the engine-house the
. other suburban lines of the Long Island in Long Island City. This site is on the engine -room floor is 23 feet 6 inches above
Railroad, due consideration was given to East river, and very near the Long Island the basement, and thence to the roof
the ultimate requirements of not only the Railroad freight yards, giving the advan- trusses the hight is about 40 feet in the
Long Island Railroad lines, but also the tages of ample condensing water, cheap clear. This is a much lower pitch than is


Pennsylvania, New York & Long Island coal delivery and convenient access to rail- commonly met with in power station en
Railroad, which is to form the New York road facilities. The plot of ground is 200 gine -rooms of this size, the saving in
City terminal of both the Pennsylvania and feet wide along Front street and West head room being due to the adoption of
the Long Island Railroads. The enormous avenue , and 500 feet deep along Third the horizontal type of steam turbine.
scale of development of this large terminal and Fourth streets. Its relation to the rail- Like all large power stations of modern
system, which is to be entirely operated road tracks and the East river is shown by construction, the superstructure of the
by electric power, very early led to the de- Fig. 2. building consists of steel framework
cision that in order to secure reliability When the power house was designed, the which carries the weight of the room and
of service, as well as convenient power requirements then " in sight” called for the entire contents of the building except
distribution , there should be two main gen- an ultimate station output of something ing such portions of the machinery as
erating stations, sites for which could be like 50,000 kilowatts. A station of such may be more conveniently carried on sep
more readily obtained if they should be magnitude requires for economical opera- arate foundations. The south wall of the
located one in New Jersey, and the other tion generating units of the largest prac- boiler-house supports the outer ends of
on Long Island . The latter station tical size, but at that time the largest the boiler-room roof trusses on that side
would also naturally be used as the main steam turbines and electrical generators of the building, but in other respects the
source of power for the Long Island Rails that had been standardized were of 5500 steel superstructure is independent of the
April , 1906.

building walls. The steel framing of the Pierhe

ad Line East River
boiler -house and engine- room are neces
sarily different in type, as the former has
to carry a double tier of boilers with Aues
and economizers, as well as a coal bunker
of 5200 tons capacity on top of every
thing, while the engine- room consists
simply of a large open space which makes Bulkhe
ad Line
the roof truss construction the most con
spicuous feature, but aside from this does
not involve any difficult construction . Con
ditions in the boiler - house are, however,

more complex chiefly by reason of the im

position of the coal bunker which runs the

entire length of the building .
The stacks are independent of the
boiler -house excepting where they pass
through the lower fire- room floor, at
which point the floor is built against the

stacks. At other points they pass through

circular openings in the floors and roofs,

anked Sc
so that there is no stress imparted to the Ov
er Fl
fl um
structure by any deflection of the stacks

ow e

under wind presure. HE

Inspection of the illustrations herewith Toner


will show that the boiler-house construc

is such that there is natural illumina.


tion of the section under the coal bunkers

and over the tops of the boilers. This
station has the unusual advantage, there
fore, that during daylight it is possible to
see all details of the piping and valves on Tower

the upper deck. A cross-section of the


coal bunker closely resembles the letter

W, this form being necessary , because

of having a double line of boilers with an


alley between them, requiring coal deliv

ery at points directly over the boiler Ash Bin
fronts. This is shown in the insert.
Ash Remowl Track
The coal and ash-handling equipment Front Street
is particularly elaborate and interesting, Tide Trap
and it is impracticable to do it full justice
in the course of a general article of this

character. A detailed description of it


will, therefore, not be given here, but will


be made the subject of a future special ar


ticle. The general “ lay-out” of the system




will be apparent from inspection of Figs.

I and 2 and the insert. It consists of a
coal-hoisting tower set on a foundation in

the East river, a bridge supporting a cable

railway which extends from the tower to

the boiler-house, and an ash bin. Coal is



hoisted from barges moored at the foot


of the tower and deposited in cars on the


cable railway directly from the hoisting

buckets ; these cars , of course, take the

coal to the coal bunkers. The ash bin is


located across Front street from the

boiler-house, and the ashes are delivered
to it through a bridge located 69 feet
above the street by means of a telepherage
system . The bottom of the bin is 20 feet
above the level of a railway track that
runs through , and the ashes are dumped
from the bin into cars on this track . The
capacity of the bin , untrimmed, is 300
In laying out the equipment of the
station the unit system was adopted. The West Street
steam generating plant of 32 Babcock &
April, 1906. POWER 201

53 OK




12 !
% -177
% %
-27 --17-74
." -17-14 "

DHD 1910
O 發聲

Il bore


250 6
@ 50 DORO Coo
04+ +


7-1134 15 10-3 1- 6²3 -16-3 -17-2

4-05 -16-8
" 16-3 -15-3
at House
"% 3
-87'0 takea

10 0@1 @ - 000




-21-22 20
" ".
23-10 -17-14

.5 No.N.Y
, 3903
April, 1906.

19 ,
April, 1906.

16'3 16'3 3
17'2 "
10's 3'
16 -16'3 "





4212 12

200g DO ON





NORTH &Crgireers
204 POWER April, 1906.

Wilcox boilers is divided into groups of same header, the two groups of four con- ing. Although this subdivision into unit
four boilers each, four groups being lo- stituting the first unit group at the west plants may or may not be availed of by
cated on the first floor, and four directly end of the boiler room. This group is the operating force, it nevertheless consti
over them on the second floor of the amply sufficient to furnish steam to two tutes a systematic and uniform scheme of
boiler-house. The four boilers of each 2500 -kw . lighting units which will event- development, favoring the duplication of
group stand opposite each other across an ually constitute the first unit subdivision the bends, valves and other pipe details,
alley or firing space about 18 feet wide, at the west end of the engine- room. The thereby rendering construction economi
and are separate as regards economizer second groups of four boilers on the first cal . The complete piping system will be
Aue and stack connections, but their and second foors are piped together in described in detail in a future article.
steam connections are made up so as to like manner so that they can, as one group, The boilers are designed for a working







16' 16 .


P.N.Y. & L.I.R.R.Long Island Power Station

Westinghouse Church Kerr & Co., Engineers
FIG . 7.

form them into a group for the purpose of supply steam to the first 5500 -kw . turbo- pressure of 200 pounds per square inch,
unit subdivision . That is to say, the four generator. These main groups of boilers and each boiler has a total effective water
boilers at the west end of the plant on are piped together by a cross -connecting heating surface of 5243 square feet, com
the first floor, on both sides of the alley header which should be considered as an prised in three steam drums, 42 inches in
are piped to one manifold, which is con- equalizer rather than as a large main into diameter and 23 feet 105/8 inches long, and
nected to a vertical header, and the four which all boilers feed and from which all twenty-one sections of 4 -inch tubes 18
boilers directly above them on the second engines take steam, which is the most feet long with 12 tubes in each section.
floor are piped in the same manner to the usual layout of power station steam pip . The general arrangement of the entire
April, 1906. POWER 205

boiler plant and accessory apparatus is tight at 300 pounds hydrostatic pressure changeability are incorporated so that the
shown in the sectional elevation, Fig. 6. after erection . Aues and economizers can be interchanged
Each boiler is supplied with an internal The boilers are fitted each with three and cross- connected to insure the maxi
superheater consisting of two sections of 4-inch safety valves. Each boiler has two mum capacity and efficiency under all
tubing arranged much like a letter Uly- steam openings, the main nozzle receiv- conditions of operation, even though
ing on its side. These superheaters are ing steam from the superheater, and the some portions of the boiler and economi
shown in the insert. Each superheater auxiliary nozzle taking its saturated steam zer plant may be out of service. This
is capable of superheating the output directly out of the tops of the boiler feature will be fully described in a special
of the boiler 200 degrees F., when oper- drums for use in the auxiliary mains that article to appear in an early issue.
ating at 200 pounds pressure, and con- supply the small engines in various parts There are four stacks, of which only
tains about 1116 square feet of superheat- of the house. The ultimate capacity of two will be required for the operation of
ing surface. Provision is made for flood- the boiler house when finally extended the apparatus at present in commission .
ing the superheaters when they are out of will be 96 boilers of the type and size now When the station has been fully equipped,
service. installed. two additional stacks will be erected .
The boiler sections and drums are Each boiler is equipped with a Roney They are of steel, 275 feet high above
hung from wrought- iron beams framed stoker 150 inches wide and having 24 bases. The inside diameter of the straight


into the building columns, and suspended grate bars. The rocking mechanism is portion is 17 ft. 10 in. at the bottom and
entirely independent of the brickwork, so driven by Westinghouse Standard verti- 16 ft. at the top. The stacks are lined
that the brick setting is not affected by the cal engines, one 4/2 x 4-inch engine tak- throughout with brick and each one has
expansion and contraction. Each battery ing care of the mechanism of eight stok- six openings : two in the basement for the
occupies a rectangular space 23 ft. 5 in. ers. The ash-pits are cleared by gravity, main fues, two for the boilers on the
long by 30 ft. 6 in. wide. The headers, the ashes being dumped into chutes which first floor of the boiler -house and two for
drum head, manhole plates and cross con- terminate over the narrow gage railway those on the second floor.
nections are hydraulically forged from track in the basement and are provided Boiler feed water is taken from the
open-hearth steel . The tubes are of lap- with dumping gates at their lower ends. mains of the Montauk Water Company,
welded charcoal iron, expanded into The boiler fues, economizers and dam- two of whose service mains are connect
reamed holes in the headers. The longi- pers have been arranged so as to permited to an 18 - inch main supplying the pow
tudinal seams of the boiler drums are the operation of the plant on the unit er house. In order to be sure of having
butt-strapped inside and outside, and cir- system ( that is, by working each set of a reserve on this supply, there was built
cular seams are double riveted. All pres- eight boilers to one turbine) but at the a standpipe 40 feet in diameter and 80 feet
sure -sustaining parts are tested and made same time certain features of inter- high , which is connected into this 18- inch


April, 1906.

. .
10 .
April, 1906. POWER 207




POWER April, 1906 .
main and under ordinary circumstances The initial equipment in the generating current surface type is provided for each
kept full. There are also two independent room consists of three Westinghouse- turbine ; each condenser contains 20,000
cross connections between this 18 - inch Parsons steam turbines of the single -flow square feet of heating surface consisting
supply line and the city water system , one type direct -connected to alternating-cur
on either side of the power station, to sup- rent generators of 5500 kilowatts rated

It it
plement further the main power house output ability. The turbines are supplied



supply in case of accident to the Montauk








Water Company's pipe line. From the 18


inch main, which runs along Front Street,




toop of





Too CH





Doto of

















Bus on

loob o

180p OH

parallel to the south wall of the building,


two 14-inch branches are carried into the

building, each branch delivering through

two 10 -inch meters in multiple with suit FIO


able by - pass connections. A third water



connection of the same size is tapped from


the same main at the southeast corner of


the power station, making a shorter con


nection for the water piping that will be

installed at the end of the building when


the entire plant is completed. This is now



blanked off. The two 14-inch branches

are joined together inside of the build

ing, forming a loop which in case of emer

gency can supply direct the suction for
the feed pumps, although under normal
conditions this water is only used as
needed for “ make -up ” water to be added with steam at 175 pounds gage pressure of seamless drawn brass tubes i inch in
to the water of condensation returned and run at 750 revolutions per minute. diameter outside and having a No. 18 S.
A separate condenser of the counter W. G. wall . The condenser is located in
from the surface condensers .
April, 1906. POWER 209

a large arched opening in the turbine

foundation . The turbine exhaust trunk is


of cast iron, rectangular in section and

well ribbed on the outside. The

outboard exhaust passes over the top
of the condenser through a 36 inch relief
valve to an independent vertical exhaust
pipe which extends upward behind the

boilers through the roof. The exhaust

steam enters the condenser at the
bottom ; the dry -air pump draws the va
por from the top and the hot-well pump
takes out the water of condensation from
the bottom . The circulating water enters
the tubes at the top, makes three passes ,
and flows from the bottom of the con
denser into the discharge flume directly
beneath .
The intake flume is underneath the dis
charge fume and access to it is effected
by means of a well at each condenser ex
tending past the discharge flume down to
the intake fume, as shown on the insert.
Condensing water is lifted from this well

by a 24 -inch double suction centrifugal


pump capable of pumping 20,000 gallons




of salt water per minute against a head




of 20 feet. Each pump is direct-driven by







a 12 x 24 x 12 Westinghouse compound
engine, capable of developing 175 horse



power under 175 pounds steam pressure


when running non -condensing at 225 rev


olutions per minute.


The hot -well pumps are 4 -inch centri


fugal machines, each direct -driven by a

. 4

15-h.p. 220 - volt direct-current motor run


ning at 560 revolutions per minute. A

by -pass to the condenser discharge flume
is provided for discharging the condensa
tion directly to the Aume if desired. The
hot wells are steel tanks 18 ft. 4 in . x 18
ft. 5 in . and 6 ft 6 in . deep. Each unit
has its own pair of hot wells, but all of
the wells may be connected together if


desired. As already stated, the "make



up ” water is taken from the street


mains; the piping is so arranged, however,

that the water may first be used for cool

ing purposes around the building before


going to the heater, or may be sent direct

ly to the heater. The latter is a cylindri

cal Cochrane heater and purifier, 8 ft. in


diameter and 15 ft. long, and is supplied


with the exhaust steam from the recipro


cating pumps and auxiliary engines, ex

cepting the single -acting Westinghouse
engines. The heater has sufficient surface

to raise the feed -water for 15,000 horse


power of boilers from 40 to 205 deg ., F.,

this large capacity being employed in
order to allow comparatively slow circula

tion of water through the heater for the


purpose of giving ample time for the elim


ination of substances in solution which



would attack the valve seats and the



economizer and condenser tubes.



The dry -vacuum pumps are horizontal

steam driven two-stage machines with
Corliss valves on the steam end, positive
valve motion on the pump end and an
automatic speed governor. The pump cyl
POWER April, 1906.
inders and heads are water - jacketed. The iary steam main that supplies saturated for calling the attendant's attention to the
steam cylinders are 10 and 24 inches in steam. They are arranged so that they signals. There is also a large sychro
diameter, and the pump cylinders 24 inch can exhaust into one of the large condens- scope visible from all parts of the generat
es in diameter, with a 24 -inch stroke, ers, or when running non - condensing , ing room by means of which the operating
and its normal speed is 100 revolutions into the auxiliary exhaust mains, passing engineer can see when an incoming gen
per minute . the exhaust steam either to the feed-water erator is synchronized and put in circuit ;
A novel and ingenious arrangement has heaters or to a separate outboard exhaust this, of course, obviates the necessity for
been installed for preventing electrolytic riser. any “ O. K.” signal from the switchboard
and galvanic corrosion of the condenser The motor - driven exciter, also of 200 operator to the engineman when a gen
tubes. The underlying features of this kilowatts capacity, is driven by a 290 – h. p. erator has been safely thrown in circuit.
are the insulation of each condenser from three-phase 440 -volt induction motor, The station was planned and construct
the incoming water pipes and the fume both motor and generator being mounted ed by Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Co.,
by means of special glass-lined con on the same bedplate and having a single engineers for the Pennsylvania, New
nections, the electrical shunting of the shaft in common . This exciter is located York & Long Island Railroad, to whom
condenser by means of a heavy copper in the operating gallery. The three - phase we are indebted for the data herewith
cable leading from the outer end of the motor takes current from three 175 -kw. presented and the use of the photographs
condenser intake, and the application of oil-insulated transformers located in the and drawings which illustrate this article,
an electromotive force between the shunt- basement of the electrical gallery. abstracted
which is from a complete
ing cable and several points on the con- The storage battery is intended mainly article by Mr. W. N. Smith, of that
denser, this e. m . f. being opposite in di- as a reliable source of supply for the ex company.
rection to that of the " sneak " current citer system and the other more import- The famous case of the State of Mis
which tends to cause electrolytic corrosion ant auxiliaries. It is installed in a special- souri vs. the State of Illinois involving
and of just sufficient magnitude to neu- ly arranged room in the engine-room base the right of the city of Chicago to divert
tralize it. This arrangement will be fully ment and consists of 110 cells each con
its sewage into the Mississippi river
described in a later article. taining seven plates of the type “ R ” Chlor- through the Chicago Sanitary and Ship
The electrical generators are four-pole ide accumulator. The tanks are large canal and the Illinois river has just been
revolving- field machines of enough to contain ii plates ultimately.
standard decided by the Supreme Court of the
Westinghouse construction for turbine This battery has a discharge rate of 366 United States in favor of Illinois. This
drive. They are three-phase alternators , amperes for one hour, and is controlled decision leaves the way clear for the
with star-wound armatures the neutral from the operating gallery. It is normaly power development project, which is well
points of which are grounded through a kept " floating " across the excitation bus- in hand, for using the 40,000 horse-power
resistance. They deliver currents at 11, bars. For charging the battery a 12.5-kw. in water power at Lockport, Ill., at the
000 volts to either of two sets of bus-bars, booster driven by a 15-h.p. induction lower end of the Sanitary and Ship canal.
as indicated by the diagram, Fig. 4, motor is located in the operating gallery At this point will be installed four Crock
one set being used regularly and the other next to the motor-driven exciter. er- Wheeler three-phase 60 -cycle, 6600 -volt
as an auxiliary. For simplicity, the three The output of the station is controlled alternating-current generators , each of
conductors forming a three- phase circuit from an operating gallery by the remote- 4000 kilovolt- amperes output ability.
or connection are shown in the diagram control type of switchboard which has be
by a single line instead of three lines. come practically standard for large plants. A gasoline locomotive for mining work
The switches for the outgoing feeders The operating attendant has before him has recently been built for the Britannia
are arranged in groups of six ( three a " bench ” board on which are compactly Copper Mining Co., of Vancouver, B. C.
only of each group being installed at pres- grouped small switches which control A 35 -h.p. vertical four-cylinder engine, as
used in automobiles, drives a shaft with
ent), the feeders being tapped from in- " pilot” or master circuits to the magnets
termediate or " group" bus-bars. In order of electromagnetically-operated switches in gearing for two speeds ( two and five miles
) either forward or backward. A
to distribute current to the feeders, there- the main generator circuits ; also indicat an hour
fore, it is necessary to connect a set of ing instruments which show the condition bevel pinion on the transmission shaft
group bus-bars to either the working or of all circuits. A feeder-control board, engages with two bevel spur wheels, each
the auxiliary bus-bars, and this is done by also at the operator's hand, is similarly carrying a friction clutch , through which
providing each group with two selector equipped for the control of the high -ten- passes a 3-in. shaft. From this shaft one
circuit-breakers, one for each of the two sion switches in the feeders. All high- of the axles is driven by a chain. The
sets of main bus-bars. Thus, any generator tension switching apparatus is thoroughly ignition is on the jump-spark system ,and
or any group of feeders can be connected exhaust gases
isolated in brick and stone compartments the discharged into a
below, so that accidental contact with it water tank to absorb the odor and deaden
to either set of main bus -bars.
the sound . The machine weighs about
Three separate sources are provided by persons and improper cross-connections
for exciting the fields of the main gen- between different parts of the 'apparatus eight tons, and can haul a 60-ton train at
erators, viz., the two steam-driven ex- are practically impossible. The connections five miles an hour.
citers, the one motor-driven exciter, and between the main generator switches , the Adulteration of graphite may be de
a storage battery. · These are designed to bus-bars and selector switches and feeder tected in the following way : By shaking
give direct current at from 180 to 220 circuit-breakers are heavy copper bars or in a test tube about a quarter of a gram of
rods, mounted upon porcelain pillars. Bus- graphite powder mixed with 15 c.c. of ace
volts. The steam-driven units consist bars
each of a Westinghouse- Parsons steam and connectors of opposite polarity tone, and allowing to stand 10 or 15 min
turbine, direct-coupled to a 200 -kw . di are separated by barriers or partitions of utes, it will be observed that pure graph
rect-current generator designed to run Alberene stone. ite settles clear leaving the liquid color
at 1800 revolutions per minute. These A complete signal system has been in- less ; coke dust imparts a gray color to
turbines are of the same general type stalled for expediting communication be- the solution and remains in suspension a
as the main units and are designed tween the operating engineer and the long time; anthracite dust imparts a faint
to run either condensing or non - condens- switchboard operator. This consists of a brown color and settles more rapidly,
ing with 175 pounds steam pressure and set of illuminated signals grouped at a while soft coal dust imparts a deep brown
superheat up to 200 degrees. Besides a point visible from all parts of the generat- color to the acetone. Equal parts of gla
connection to the superheated steam sup- ing room, a similar group in the op- cial acetic acid and sulphuric ether answer
ply, they are also connected to the auxil- erating switchboard gallery and a whistle as well as acetone for such a test.
April , 1906. POWER 211

Experiences in a Refrigerating Plant. what. Well, here's a piece of paper I

picked up on the desk . He looked kind
of sheepish when I asked him what it
was and admitted that he could 'dope out
things without going through so many
" You know I've been thinking more and couldn't guess in a week ? No, I know cerebral convulsions' if he has a curve or
more that that 'tam tum tutsch Jo engi- darned well you couldn't. I tell you, you something to act as a guard rail' to his
neer,' as Herr Gootkopf calls your day don't only about half appreciate the fel- 'Aat wheeled imigination .' I told him it
shift celebrity, isn't so 'tam tum' as he low . " wasn't anything to be ashamed of, but he
might be, notwithstanding he's “tutsch .' ” " Praps not, but what's new ? You'll seemed to think it was, and that's why
" Well he didn't know many things when have him holdin' my job down in another I say he's the kind of a fellow that will
he came here, " said the chief, “ but what month or so. " deserve all he ever gets and more, too .
little he knew, he knew he knew , and "No, if he ever holds your position and “ For the same reason you needn't get
that's a pretty good beginning. Yes, he I'm not so sure he will not, or as good excited about your job ; he's not interested
works his think-tap some, and, as you a one, it won't be any doings of mine. in your job ; it's that compressor that
he's thinking about, and he don't give a
rap for your job or anything else. You see

in this curve here, Fig. I, he has figured


on a specific case taking your 13 x 26


o1f ty


m compressor running 50 revolutions per


6.4 Compressor D.A. 13 % 26 *


minute as a basis for his figures. He's

x 3

R.P.M. 50

found that in a 13-inch compressor the


Piston Speed 216.66 ' per Min .

apparent piston displacement is 0.92172

6.0 Displacement per Foot P.S. .9217


D Tonnage, Theoretical, at
5.8 cubic feet per foot of piston travel and

4 Lbs. Back Pressure 33.33 Tons


that at 216.66 feet of piston travel per


5.6 8 Lbs . Back Pressure 40.00



17 Lbs. Back Pressure 55.5 minute corresponding to a 26 -inch stroke



5.4 66.6 and 50 revolutions per minute the dis


23 Lbs. Back Pressure


5.2 placement is 199.699 or practically 200


5.0 cubic feet per minute. Dividing this 200


To r

4.8 by the number of cubic feet per minute



4.6 required to produce a ton of refrigeration,

at the back pressure and head pressure


under which the machine is operating, he


b " gets the theoretical tonnage of the com
4.0 pressor. To express any given condition
3.8 and corresponding capacity on the dia
3.6 gram one follows up the 'displacement
per ton' curve until he comes to a point
3.4 H s. .
b 139 Lbs. .P. corresponding to four pounds back-pres
3.2 a'
sure. For example, referring to the fig
r e te
b Lb
P. ures in the margin we find that this cor
su lu
ck es so responds to 6, which is the number of

Ba Pr Ab
2.6 cubic feet that must be displaced by the

compressor per minute for each ton of
refrigeration the machine is to produce
2.2 Lb H.P
s. . per day. This curve Jo has drawn cor
2.0 у responds to 139 pounds head pressure,

1.8 H.
which was evidently the pressure on the




s. P.


1.6 gage when he began figuring. It would
1.4 be the same for any other head pressure
1.2 except that there would be a separate
curve for each separate pressure, above
the one drawn if head pressures above 139
pounds are considered, and below, if
.6 pressures below 139 pounds are used.
.4 " Well, as I was saying, the compres
a" sor displaces 200 cubic feet per minute.
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 At 4 pounds back pressure it takes 6
Back Pressure
cubic feet per minute to produce refriger
ation at the rate of a ton per twenty -four
hours, so that 200 : 6 = 33-33, the theo
retical capacity in tons of the compressor,
suggest, the fellow's beginnin' to set up It'll be through his own merit. Such fel- running under the conditions assumed.
and take notice ." lows as Jo never get any more and usu- This capacity may be represented on the
" It's more than that,” responded Mr. ally not as much as they deserve — but get- diagram by the position of the point d',
Superton . " He and his pipe and ting to the point. He's evidently been which is vertically over 4, the back -pres
the cat dope out, as they say, a lot of studying the properties of ammonia gas sure, and horizontally in line with 33.33,
things that no one would ever think of or tables giving the number of cubic feet the tonnage for this size of compressor at
accusing him of if they didn't catch him of gas required at various pressures to 50 revolutions per minute.
with the 'goods on.' What do you sup- produce a ton of refrigeration or some- " Similarly at 8 pounds back-pressure 5
pose he sprung on me this morning ? thing along that line, the Lord only knows cubic feet are required per ton, and 200-5
212 POWER April, 1906.

= 40, the capacity of the compressor ; 200separate compressors working on gas at the beer cooler. Referring back to Fig.
-3.6, corresponding to 17 pounds back two different back pressures.” 1, we find that for 139 pounds head pres
pressure, =55.5 tons ; 200-3, correspond- " With the advantage sure and 15 pounds back-pressure 3.87
ing to 23 pounds back -pressure = 66.66 " That each can work under the best cubic feet of displacement is required per
tons capacity of compressor. Connecting possible conditions of back pressuure that ton of refrigeration and the maximum
the points corresponding to these results the temperatures will produce with the en- theoretical capacity of the machine would
we get the line a' b', which shows very tailed increase in economy and capacity be
clearly without the necessity of any of indicated by the curves.” 51.6 tons.
Jo's 'cerebral convulsions' how fast the ca- " That won't work for a d ! " put 3.87
pacity of a compressor increases with the in the Chief, who was becoming irritated Likewise for thirty pounds back -pressure
back pressure . The line a" 6 " shows the by the evidence of so much gray matter 2.50 cubic feet of displacement is re
actual increase in gage back-pressure and in an ordinary running engineer. “ You quired per ton of refrigeration and the
the line a'" 31" the absolute back -pres- may have high temperature load enough maximum theoretical capacity would be
sure." for two machines and not enough low 200
“ That does show things up pretty well. temperature load for half a machine. I 80 tons .
Let's see. To find the theoretical capacity tell you the only thing to do is to hook
of the machine for 139 pounds head the returns all together and carry a back This means that if the diagrams stopped
pressure we start from the corresponding pressure low enough on all of them at the line 139 pounds-head-pressure the
to head
back-pressure, 23 pounds, for example, go look after the cooling of the coldest end of the cylinder would be pro
vertically up through the curve corre room .” ducing refrigeration at the rate of 25.8
sponding to 139 pounds head pressure and " And waste all the advantage of the tons per day and the crank end at 40 tons
up to where we intersect the 13 x 26 higher back pressure available from the per day or at a rate approximately 55 per
capacity line corresponding to 50 revo cent. greater than the head end. "
lutions per minute at b'. Following the “ Yes, but the crank end card is of
horizontal lines to the left from these
Suction Lines
greater area, so the horse- power required
must be greater in the same ratio ."
two intersections come to 30 and 66.66 in
the left -hand margin, which means, under HE 19 " It is greater, of course, but not in the
the assumed conditions, first that 3 cubic same ratio," referring to tables in his

feet displacement per minute should pro note book . “ At 139 pounds head-pressure
duce a ton of refrigeration and, second, Equalizing Valve and 15 pounds back - pressure it requires
theoretically 0.9629 horse -power per ton

that the capacity of the machine would



of refrigeration to compress the gas


be 66.66 tons. And, let's see, lines rep

resenting the capacities of a 13 x 26 ma KOLBIER alone, saying nothing about friction and
chine at other speeds will be above or BREWERY other losses. At 139 pounds head pres
sure and 30 pounds back -pressure it re

below the line a' b',, the same as lines

representing other head pressures will be quires theoretically only 0.7052 horse
above or below the curve m n, like O power per ton of refrigeration, to com
curves m and n, and x and y, for in press the gas. Now , let's see :
stance. " 25.8 tons x 0.9629 h . p . per ton = 24.84.
“That's all very nice to look at and
which is the power required theoretically
think about, but it doesn't amount to to compress the gas in the head end of
much in dollars and cents, or bottles and Discharge Pipe the cylinder between 15 and 139 pounds
kegs.' as you brewers always prefer to FIG . 2.
pressure when the machine is running at
say, unless the lesson is applied ; and 50 revolutions per minute. Under the
there is where Jo is about a century ahead higher. temperatures ? If that's what you same conditions
of his class . He has drawn his curves mean I certainly think Jo will hold your
and incidentally some conclusions, and job down some day. Jo's got your point 40 X .7052 = 28.21
what he has in mind is along the right covered. He proposes to put in a low gives the horse-power consumed in com
line whether it will work out just that pressure gage on each of the two separate pressing the gas in the crank end.
way in connection with the mechanical suctions , so that he can see just what the " In increasing the back-pressure from
layout of the Kolbier brewery or not.” requirements are and then if as you say 15 to 30 pounds the tonnage of the crank
"Well, let's have it," impatiently inter the load comes so heavy on one end of end alone has been increased 55 per cent.
posed the Chief. “ You may as well have the compressor that a compromise on effi- and the power requirements have been
him on my job now as next week, since I ciency is absolutely necessary he opens an increased only 13 per cent. In other
see you are bound to have it that way." equalizing valve and lets as much or as words the extra 14.2 tons of refrigeration
"Well, this second sketch of his may little of the high back -pressure gas as is obtained by increasing the back -pressure
explain what Jo's got up his sleeve. Do necessary over into the low back-pressure required an expenditure of only 3.36 extra
gas side. These two auxiliary gages as horse-power.”
you get it ? No ? Well, it is always
well as the by -pass valve should be lo " If you keep increasing the back -pres
harder to reason from the outside in, than cated at the compressor cylinder within sure long enough you will be getting
from the inside out. What Jo proposes
is nothing new ( except to him ) and the
reach of the engineer so that adjustments your refrigeration for nothing at that
can be readily made as required, and the rate, won't you ? ”
most natural thing in the world for a equalizing valve entirely closed as soon " Yes, but I didn't want to talk about
man to think of if he is looking after the as conditions will allow. that. As a matter of fact, the lower the
efficiency of his plant. He simply proposes" The actions taking place within the head-pressure and the higher the back
to put the high temperature cooling work cylinder Jo evidently thinks will be pressure, the less power will be required
such as the Baudelot beer cooler on one something like this sketch ( Fig. 3 ) . There to produce a ton of refrigeration. The
end of the compressor and the lower Is assumed to be a back-pressure of 15 limit would be reached when the head
temperature work such as the cellars on pounds on the suction line coming from pressure and the back-pressure became
the other end of the compressor, which the cellars and a back-pressure of 30 equal, in which case no power would be
amounts to the same thing as having two pounds on the suction line coming from required. This, however, is thermo-dy
April , 1906 . POWER 213

namical quibbling and simply means that " No ; not at all . It means that in this of it. If the first back-pressure is com
if the condensing water is as cold as the particular case the saving will be less in paratively high, less gas will enter the
cooler there is no need of a compressor practice than it is in theory on account cylinder due to the second back -pressure
at all." of certain factors which enter into the and the less gas that enters at the sec
“ Outside of the ' equal pressure' busi- former that have to be ignored in the lat- ond back -pressure the higher the second
ness, though , that seems like pretty ter. It's no fault of the figures or theory back-pressure will become and subse
strong talk. If there is any such saving that practical problems often involve so quently the more gas will crowd into the

cylinder against the gas at the low back

pressur e. If the second back - pressure

如 昭 四 训 昭 www88ww 占 0 %
210 tends to rise too high under these condi

210 30 lb. B.P. Card 15 lb. B.P. Card 195
195 Gas from Gas froin 180 tions, the machine may have to be speed

180 Beer - Cooler Cellars 165 ed up, or, where there are several units,
( 139 lbs, head -pres.) 150
another machine may have to be started .
Ammonia Compressor 120
This will make room for more of the high
Diagrams back - pressure gas, not only because of the

greater cubical displacement of that per
75 cent. of the cylinder filled with high back
75 60
60 45
pressure gas, but also through the greater
45 30 per cent. of the total cylinder volume de
30 15 voted to the high back - pressure gas on
15 account of the decreased low back -pres
Vacuum Line
0 -15
40 tons - at 139 lbs. head66-pres. - 50 r.p.m. 25.8 tons. sure resulting from the increase in speed.
66 66 66
0.7052 hp . ton 0.9629 hp. ton
This ( Fig. 4 ) is how the superposed pres
FIG. 3 . sures work out under a head-pressure of
as that to be made by increasing back- many unknown quantities that some of 195 pounds, A being the diagram which
pressures it looks like about the easiest them have to be ignored in order to ar- the gas at 15 pounds back - pressure would
money I know of. "
rive at a basis for numerical calculations.” produce and B that which the gas at 30
Well, as a matter of fact, there is not "Well, why don't you get your double- pounds back -pressure would produce."
the saving that these figures would indi- suction twin - back pressure - gage -
" And you mean to tell me Jo doped
cate. These values are based on the equalizer - combination patented ? It's val- that last sketch out, too ?” .
amount of work actually required to com- uable. I only disagree for the sake of ar- "No, I sketched this one myself while
you were down in the boiler room swear
press the gas, but power is also requiredgument.”
to operate the machine which does the " To be patentable, it is often said that ing at that damper regulator. I made it
compressing, and the higher the back- a thing must be 'new and useless.' This to show him what an improvement it
pressure the higher the mean effective is not new , it is far from useless and be- would be to have the high and low pres
pressure of the compressor and the high- sides a much more mechanical scheme sure back-pressure gases both in each end
er the mean effective pressure the heavier along this same line has already been pat- of the compressor cylinder with no
ihe friction load on the machine. In ad- ented. In it the two back -pressures, in- valves to be set by hand instead of hav
dition to this, the greater the number of stead of being carried in separate ends ing to hobble along with 'one leg shorter
Jo would than it really ought to be, as
pounds erof ammonia discharged into the of the compressor cylinder , are super
condens the higher the head-pressure posed, so to speak, in the same end ofthe put it. Jo's scheme is all right, though.
will be. In our assumptions we have cylinder . In other words, the low back- and if he can't get the best one it is a
taken the head-pressure to be the same pressure gas is admitted to the cylinder credit to him that he tries for the better
Since first and then a second valve admits the one. By the way, where is he this morn
for both
only ends of the compressor.
one condenser is used this must nec- higher back - pressure gas. This arrange- ing ? I haven't seen him since I came
essarily be true, but this is not saying ment gives the advantage of economy due in ."“ Oh, he's upstairs praying with a beer

210 pump that's set out to spoil his good dis

195 position and incidentally improve his

195 Superposed 180 .already extensive profane vocabulary . I
Compressor Cards

15 & 30 lbs. B.P.
guess he's coming down now—here's
Whiskers, his advance guard. That cat
120 never leaves him except when there's too

105 much ammonia in the air. "

Hints on Boiler Management for
45 30 Young Engineers.
30 15
15 0 BY C. E. PARRY .
Vacuum Line
0 -15
FIG. 4.
To start with , we will take the boiler
that the head- pressure common to the to the higher back-pressure and at the empty and just taken in charge by the en
two discharge lines is not higher than it same time allows lower temperatures to gineer. His first duty, of course, is to get
would be if less ammonia were dis- be carried in a part of the system. There into it and take a careful look around
charged into the condenser, as would be would not have to be any opening or for tools, waste, or any other article which
the case at the same speed with lower closing of equalizing valves by hand may have been left in by workmen during
back -pressure pressures ." under this arrangement. The low -pres- construction , or repairs, but more espe
" You mean it works out one way in sure gas enters the cylinder at its usual cially oil which is dropping from lamps or
theory and some other way in practice. back-pressure and as much of the higher torches and even grease from candles is
That's the trouble with most theories." back-pressure gas as can crowds in on top apt to be on the sheets in contact with
214 POWER April, 1906.

water and should be carefully wiped off, warmed up, the stop valve may be opened water in the gage glasses, and one should
or the water will be kept away from the up full. ascertain if it is the true level by blowing
sheets at these points, and is liable to In connecting the boilers of a battery down the column. If the water is not too
cause overheating of the metal in the together, that is, to the same main, they low, the banked fires may be drawn for
places exposed to the fire. As we all should all register the same pressure ward and spread evenly over the grates
know, if the temperature is increased above within a limit of three or four pounds be- and allowed to come up slowly.
600 degrees Fahr., the iron or steel gets fore an attempt is made to cut in. While the fires are burning and before
weaker ; this then is a very necessary pre- When boilers of a battery have been cut the pressure rises, the blow-off cocks
caution. into service and are all connected to the should be opened and the boiler blown
While filling the boiler, some opening same steam main, it is an important factor down some, say about two or three inches
should be left for the escape of the con- that the regulation of the feed-water be in the gage glass, in order to expel any
tained air, as otherwise the water carried equalized. Each boiler has a check valve impurities which have settled during the
by compression would prevent the water and feed stop valve, and generally all the night. Next, the steam should be turned
from rising to the proper level. All this boilers are fed by one pump, which is run- on at the different valves which were
being done, the water column connections ning constantly. Each boiler is regulated closed the night before, also the main stop
being free and clear and the valves open by its own feed stop valve, and careful valve, but bear in mind that all valves
showing the true level of the water, the manipulation of these valves will keep the must be opened slowly.
injector fitted up right and the pump in water up to the same level in all of the GENERAL RULES .
working order, the fires may be laid. The boilers.
grates should be covered with a layer of If the water is discovered to be low,
Boilers are apt to foam sometimes ; some
coal first, then a layer of wood, amongst foam constantly. There areseveral differ- cover the fire with ashes or fresh coal.
which is thrown oily waste or some other ent causes for this, but it is generally one Do not turn on the water feed and don't
readily combustible material . This being of the following : Insufficient boiler nionkey with the safety valve. The fire
should then be drawn as soon as possible
lighted and the furnace doors closed, the power ; defective design ( too small a steam
when the danger of increasing the heat has
damper should be raised and the ash-pit escape) ; too high a water level; irregular diminished.
doors opened to give a draft. When the firing ; sudden opening of stop-valves.
fire has burned up a little, a thin layer of A good many persons think that foam In case of foaming, close the throttle
fresh coal should be sprinkled upon it, ing and priming are the same, but this is valve or the stop valve, and keep it closed
until the true water level shows. It can
spread all over the grates to an even thick- not so. Foaming is the result of dirty or
ness ; successive layers of coal should be greasy water in the boiler, and as the name be stopped by blowing off and feeding
added until the fire has the required implies, the water foams or froths on the fresh water.
depth. Occasionally a chimney refuses to surface, but does not lift up as in priming. Whenever leaks are discovered repair
draw.at first; this can be overcome by A boiler may prime and foam simul them at the earliest possible moment.
building a small fire at the foot of the taneously, but a foaming boiler does not When blowing off, the steam pressure
chimney. always prime. should not be over 20 pounds. The boilers
When raising steam it is very important Foaming is best cured by using the sur should be entirely emptied every two
not to force the fire but let it burn up weeks, washed out and refilled . Blow out
face blow -off ; if there should not be one
gradually, as the boiler will then expand on the boiler, then use the bottom blow -off six or eight inches every day. A surface
more uniformly ; the process should oc to get rid of the dirty water. Foaming, blow -off should be opened three or four
cupy from two to four hours, according like priming, will show a false water level ; times each day for a short time. Ex
to the size of the boiler. When steam be therefore the first thing to do is toquiet amine the blow -off cock and the check
gins to issue from the outlet ( safety the water by checking the steam outflow , valves every time the boiler is empty.
valve or top try cock ) which was left open either by checking down the engine or by Always allow the boiler to become quite
for the escaping air, this opening may be checking the fire, or both. cold before pumping in cold water ; filling
closed and the steam allowed to rise to Before shutting down a boiler at night aandhotfracturesand
boiler with cold explosions
often water .
causes leaks
its required pressure, but still gradually. the gage glass should be filled to the top
When the steam has reached the re Raise the safety valves off their seats
to insure having enough to start up with every day to see they are not stuck or
quired pressure, all valves, cocks and at in the morning. The fires should always
tachments should be tried under pressure. be banked at such a time that there will
The safety valve should be raised and its be steam enough to finish the day's run. Gage cocks and gage glasses should be
action noted, the water columns blown out In this way the shut down occurs under kept clean and in constant use, and should
and try cocks tested ; the water feeding a reduced pressure, which generally pre be blown out frequently to keep the pas
apparatus should also be tried and the vents its rising during the night . The sages clear.
check valves should be looked at to see steam stop valve , feed stop valve, whistle Always have at least two independent
if they seat properly when the valve in the valve and other steam valves should all be ways of feeding the boiler.
feed pipe is open. All accessible parts closed. The valves at the top and bottom Scale and sediment should be removed
should be examined for leaks ; if there be of the gage glass should also be closed to as often as possible.
any, they should be noted and stopped the prevent loss of water in case of the glass All heating surfaces should be cleaned
first time steam is off . breaking. A careful attendant will always often and tubes daily.
The boiler is now ready to cut in , which go around and take a final look before Care should be taken that no water is
is accomplished by opening the stop valve, leaving, to see that all is right - valves allowed to come in contact with the ex
allowing the steam to flow to the engine, closed and everything sure. The damper terior of the boiler and that the setting
pump, turbine, or other receiver. This should not be closed tight, but enough is dry ; otherwise external corrosion may
valve should be opened very slowly to pre- space left to allow the gases which collect be caused. once
vent too sudden a change in temperature from the banked fires to pass off up the A blister should be examined at
and expansion in the pipe through which stack ; otherwise there is great danger of and turned up or patched.
the steam flows, also to prevent water an explosion due to the ignition of these See that the furnace combustion cham
hammer. To prevent the accumulation of gases which might wreck the boiler set- ber and smoke flue are tight, as a leakage
water, the drain pipe in the steam main ting. of air through the setting causes incom
should be kept open until the pipe is thor- In starting up in the morning, the first plete combustion and consequent waste of
oughly warmed up ; everything being thing to be looked to is the level of the fuel.
April, 1906 . POWER 215

Engineering Reminiscences. motion , permitting the walls of cyl

inder heads and piston to be cooled very
BY CHARLES T. PORTER. deeply by the exhaust, produces the con
densation of probably from tive to ten
(Copyright 1902 by The Hill Publishing Co. ) times as much steam as is usefully
employed, differing according to the rate
The remark respecting my exhibit of steam chest, and the steam blown from of piston motion . I began to rather admire
engines and boiler at the Fair of the this was not visible until three or four
American Institute in 1870, that there inches above it. That blown from the stop- the practice of the English, who knew
nothing about boiler feed pumps, except
was not a drawback of any kind about it, cocks on my cylinder had a very little those on the engine, and I certainly won
must be qualified in one respect. I was tinge of white, showing the superheat- der that the genius did not arise long
not able to run my 16x30 engine at ºing to have been lost and a slight initial before he did, who first thought of ex
the speed of 150 revolutions per minute, condensation to take place. As the piston hausting the feed pump into the feed
as I had intended. advanced, the blowing steam became in water under atmospheric pressure only, so
A blunder had been made in the size visible, showing re-evaporation, through returning to the boiler all the heat re
of the driven pulley on the line of shaft- the falling of the boiling point on the ex ceived in the pump that is not converted
ing. It was smaller than specified, because pansion . into the work of overcoming the boiler
the contractor for the shafting put on On other engines, of which several pressure and the atmospheric resistance ,
a pulley he had, and this was not observed were exhibited, the observation showed or lost in external radiation .
till we were running, when it was too large amounts of initial condensation . The accompanying diagrams, Nos. I
late to change it. The exhibitors of ma- From one of them I remember the blow and 2, taken , the former on the scalo
chinery in motion all complained that ing steam looked like a white painted stick. of 20, and the latter of 24 pounds to the
their machines were running too fast, I observed that the steam only lost three inch , represent the performance of this
and after two or three days the directors degrees of its superheatin passing engine in its regular work. The former
ordered me to reduce the speed of my en- through 25 feet of 6 -inch pipe om the
especially shows distinctly the compres
gine to 125 revolutions per minute, at boiler to the engine. For this comparison sion curve, the points of cut-off and re
which speed it was run through the rest I placed a thermometer on the second
of the Fair. I was much disappointed, steam drum , in which the steam was su
perheated , where it showed above 26 de
grees of superheat. This measured the
rate at which the heat was lost through the
felt covering of the pipe, and suggested an
excellent method of comparing the pro
tective value of different coverings under
absolutely the same conditions.
The superheating of the steam for our

No. 1 No. 2
Scale 20 Scale 24
Guge Pressure 36 Gage Pressure 58

lease, and the back pressure required to

expel the exhaust. It will be seen that the
expansion fell to 5 pounds below the at
but consoled myself with thinking that mosphere. I have added to it a line rep
perhaps this speed would please the gen resenting the waste room in ports and
eral public better than the higher one, the own engine was not affected by the con- clearance, and the theoretical expansion
engine even then being three or four times nection of our steam pipe with those of curve plotted according to the law of
too large for its work . the other engines. The explanation of Marriotte, showing the expansion termin
The boiler gave me steam superheated this phenomenon seemed to be that as ating 2.5 pounds above this curve, from
23 degrees all the time . This I proved by our boiler generated far more steam than the re-evaporation already noted .
transposing the thermometers. I had our own engines required, the current was After the close of the Fair, this engine
two thermometers, duplicates, one on the always from our pipe into the connected was run on several days, under a variety
steam chest, and the other on the first pipes. of loads applied by a Prony brake, in the

boiler drum , in which the steam was not I was here first made alive to the enor- presence of a number of engineers and
superheated The former indicated 23 mous waste of steam in the feed pumps, others who had been invited to witness the
degrees higher temperature. When these a separate one for every boiler, includ- trials. Of the diagrams taken on these
were exchanged the same difference con- ing our own . In these the steam has to trials, I find that I have preserved only the
tinued to be shown . I was greatly in- follow full stroke, at a pressure sufficient, two here shown, namely, a single friction
terested in observing in my own and other on the larger area of the steam piston, diagram from the back end of the cylinder,
engines the relative amounts of initial to overcome the pressure in the boiler. on a scale of 20 pounds to the inch ( No.
cylinder condensation, as this was shown' Moreover, the extreme heat interval be- 3 ) , and aa diagram showing large power,
in the steam blown from the indicator tween the temperatures of the entering taken from the front or crank end, on a
stop-cocks . I had one of these on my and the exhaust steam , and the slow scale of 24 pounds to the inch ( No. 4 ) .
216 POWER April , 1906 .

The former shows the trifling loss from performance of this engine is without This engine was sold from the exhibi
friction in this engine. I have measured precedent.” For its success I was largely tion to the Arlington Mills, at Lawrence,
this card, and find the mean effective · indebted, first, to the remarkable circula- Mass . For a reason that I will mention
pressure to be 1.1 pounds on the square tion and steam generating power of the later, I have always regarded this sale as
inch, which, assuming the opposite card boiler, and second, to the superheating of the most important one that I ever made.
to be equal with it, was the friction of the steam in the second drum . The next year we were not exhibitors
the engine. The subject of the equalizing action of at the Institute Fair, but our boiler re
The exhaust line on No. 3 shows the the reciprocating part of the engine was mained in its place and was run by the
power required to reverse the direction of not considered in the report of the judges . Institute. This boiler and its setting are
motion of the exhaust, which at the end of Indeed, the speed of that engine, 125 rev- shown correctly in the accompanying re
the stroke was rushing back into the cyl olutions per minute, was not sufficient to production of a drawing made at about
inder. This will clearly appear if dia- develop this action to any ' important ex- that time, except that it consisted of nine
grams 1 , 2 and 3 are compared with tent. But there was another reason be- sections instead of six . At the close of
No. 4 . hind that. As already related in a num- the Exhibition a boiler test was made by
In the latter, although three or
four times the weight of steam was ex- ber of these reminiscences published two the Institute, through a committee of

hausted, the back pressure was only I years ago, I invited the judges , directly which Professor Thurston was the chair
pound above the atmosphere . after the close of the Fair but before mak man . Five boilers , including the Allen
The latter diagram is especially inter- ing their report, to witness a demonstra- boiler, were tested , one on each day, in a
esting as showing the identity of the ex tion of this action in my little shop en- continuous run of twelve hours. The
pansion curve with the theoretical, three gine, which invitation was accepted by four besides our own were all different
points on which are marked by the them, and a highly successful exhibition from the boilers exhibited the year be
was made, but this was not alluded to in fore.
their report . Some two or three weeks A week was spent in preparation for
afterwards I received a note from Pres- this test . A large wooden tank was con
ident Barnard asking me to call upon him . structed , in which was built a surface

No. 3
Scale 20

crosses. This seemed to show that in this

large body of superheated steam, the su No. 4
perheat was not all taken up in restoring
Scale 24
to the interior surfaces the heat abstracted Gage Pressure 60
by the exhaust, but that sufficient re
mained to supply the heat converted into
work on the expansion . The sharp re
action of the indicator while the crank
was passing the dead center will also be
observed .
After this trial I made a careful com
parison of the diagrams taken under the
different loads with the friction diagrams,
and found the uniform results to be, that
the friction diagrams subtracted from the On my responding to this invitation, he condenser, consisting of a pile of sections
diagrams taken under the load left in each said to me that he had listened to my of the Root boiler, laid horizontally, hav
case, of six different loads, exactly the exposition of this action before the Poly- ing a total of 1100 square feet of cooling
same effective work done that was shown tecnic Club of the Institute, but he did surface. The steam was exhausted into
by the brake. not understand it ; he had witnessed the the pipes which were surrounded by the
From this I concluded that in these experiments with my shop engine, but cooling water, thus reversing the con
engines the use of the friction brake is while he could not question the action in struction of surface condensers.
unnecessary; the friction is sensibly the silencing all knock on the centres, still Each boiler was tested by setting its
same under all loads, and the friction dia- he did not understand it , and not until
damper and its steam valve wide open,
gram only needs to be subtracted to learn he investigated the problem in his own so burning all the coal that could be
from the diagram the amount of effective way by the method of the calculus, did
work done. burned by it under its draft, and deliver
it become plain to him , and he could not
The verdict of the judges, President see how I had ever been able to arrive ing freely all the steam that it made .
Barnard of Columbia College, Thomas J. at the exposition of the action without This latter entered the condenser at the
top, and the water formed by condensa
Sloane, the proposer of the gimlet pointed employing that method. In the next ar tion was drawn off at the bottom , while
wood screw now in universal use, in place ticle I will describe the simple expository
of the flat ended screws formerly used, demonstration which I found sufficient, the condensing water entered the tank at
and inventor of the special machinery re- but which seemed not to be satisfactory the bottom and was drawn off at the top,
quired for their manufacture, and Robert to his strictly mathematical mind. Presi the currents of steam and water being
Weir, engineer in the Croton Aqueduct dent Barnard afterward kindly gave me 'thus opposite to each other, which was an
Department, may be summed up in the a copy of his demonstration , to insert in ideal construction . The condensing water
single expression from their report, “The my book on the Richards Indicator. at a temperature of 45.5 degrees flowed
April, 1906.



1peri Ollon
. neris


218 POWER April, 1906

through under the pressure in the city to note the fall of the water level by eva- way of accounting for the discrepancy.
inain and was measured in a Worthing . poration from this cup. On the trial of the The heat had been lost by radiation
ton meter, and the temperature of the Allen boiler only the water in the cup was through the brickwork. I have been wait
overflow taken. The condensed steam was all evaporated, and I had to fill it again. ing ever since for a chance to turn this
drawn off into a barrel and weighed, 300 The temperature of the water in the cup knowledge to useful account, but it has
pounds at a time, and its temperature was always 8 degrees below that of the not come yet. I will content myself with
taken. This method was an excellent one . surrounding water. It was thus obvious suggesting to somebody else the idea of
Not having high chimneys, no boiler that the evaporation from the tank was facing the boiler setting, Aues and chim
had a strong draft, as shown by the greater than the fall of the level in the ney, not only outside but inside also after
coal burned per square foot of grate. Our cup would indicate. The Committee con- leaving the furnace, with white encaustic
draft was the strongest of all. The Allen sidered that this should be increased as tiles, which will neither absorb nor radiate
boiler and the Root boiler only gave the tension of the vapors. The result was, heat appreciably. This will pay in main
superheated steam and the competition that the report contained the following taining the temperature in a large degree
between them was very close. The valve item : Units of heat carried away by to the top of the chimney , so increasing,
being wide open , giving a free current evaporation at the surface of the tank : perhaps doubling, the strength of the
into the condenser, the superheat of our Root boiler, 721,390.8 units ;
draft. An enormous amount of heat must
steam fell to 13.23 degrees Fahrenheit. Allen boiler , 1,178,404.5 units ; be lost through the extended surface of
Root's superheat was 16.08 . the brick boiler setting. It is always ob
Phleger boiler, 378,371 units ;
In starting, Root's boiler blew steam Lowe boiler, served that the hotter a boiler room is
692,055 units ;
from the open try-cock, from water at 46 Blanchard boiler, 268,707 units. kept, the greater the efficiency of the
degrees Fahrenheit , in sixteen minutes boiler becomes. This is a slight indication
from lighting the fire. Next morning our The same Bulkley pyrometer was used of the great gain which might be effected
boiler blew steam from water at the same in all the furnaces to indicate the temper- by the plan I propose.
temperature, in twelve minutes, and Mr. ature of the escaping gases . On Tuesday Before this boiler trial we had lost Mr.
Root holding his watch could not resist morning, when my boiler was to be tried, Allen , a fact which accounts for Mr.
the ejaculation, " Wonderful boiler ! " The I saw that before my arrival the pyro Smith's majority in the Board of Di
Allen boiler, burning 13.88 pounds of coal meter had been set in the brick chimney, rectors, as related last month . Mr. Allen
per square foot of grate per hour, evapo- where the readings could be conveniently had conceived the idea of the pneumatic
rated one cubic foot of water per hour taken by a person standing on the brick riveter, and the high speed air compressor
from each 17.41 square feet of heating surface of the boiler chamber. Its read to furnish this riveter with power. In
surface. Root's boiler, burning 11.73 ings averaged 260 degrees Fahrenheit. I the latter he utilized the inertia of the
pounds of coal per square foot of grate did not believe it to be true . At about half reciprocating parts, including two pistons,
per hour, required 23.59 square feet of past two o'clock, when seven readings had the steam and the air pistons. This he 1

heating surface to evaporate one cubic been taken, one each half hour, aving got did with my cordial consent, and indeed
foot of water per hour. ready some bricks and mortar and tools, there was nothing patentable about that
Our stronger draft, 13.88 against 11.73, I pulled the pyrometer out, and filled up feature anyway. Mr. Allen thus became
accounted for 3.2 pounds of the above the hole. I then knocked a hole in the side the originator of this important system, in
superior evaporative efficiency, leaving 3 of the brick work, in front of the flue, and its two methods, of riveting by percussion
pounds to be accounted for by the more set the pyrometer there. The reading rose and by pressure . Mr. Allen sold out his
rapid circulation in the Allen boiler. The to 405 degrees, which was the temperature stock in the engine company to Mr. Hope
great value of the inclination of the tubes at which the gases then entered the flue, and Mr. Smith , and built a shop in Mott
was thus established. The report contains and averaged about 385 degrees during the Haven for the manufacture of the riveters
this sentence : “ The Committee desire to remainder of the sixteen readings. Root's and compressors. He took the boiler in
express their appreciation of the excellent average was 416 degrees, and Phleger's the Fair in part payment, and sold it di
general arrangement and proportions ( also tubular ) averaged 503. Obviously rectly to a party who had erected a wood
which gave to the Allen boiler its remark- the readings taken before the py working shop at some point on the Har
ably high steaming capacity . ” rometer was moved should have been re lem river.
The reader will observe the pains taken jected ; but the boys who did this kind of The Croton water, which had been fed
to maintain as far as possible parallel cur- work added them all together, and our
to the boiler, contained no lime, but some
rents of the heated gases through the average temperature is printed 345.87 de sediment. Mr. Allen had the boiler taken
boiler, and taking the flues off at the grees, giving the boiler more credit than
down and taken to our shop for inspec
bottom , thus bringing all the heating sur it was entitled to by about 40 degrees. I tion and cleaning. I determined to im
faces at the same distance from the fur lost a little by this operation . While I was prove the opportunity to observe the effect
nace into approximately equal efficiency. bricking up the hole the fireman came of the circulation on the deposit of sedi
The boilers having all had a preliminary around and told me I was spoiling his ment, and the result of the examination
trial during the first week , I observed the fire. When I got the figures of water Each inclined
vapor arising from the exposed surface of evaporated and coal burned, I found that proved most interesting.
the water in the tank, and that this un- in that half hour I had only 900 pounds tube had been provided at the end with a
measured loss of heat differed consider- ( three barrels ) credited to the boiler, in brass plug, by removing which it could
ably in the different boilers, and was stead of 1800 pounds ( six barrels ) during be cleaned by the running out of the
enormously greatest on the trial of the every other half hour, being a loss of water which it contained . This had not
Allen boiler. I said nothing, but went about .023 in water evaporated, while yet been done .
down early on Monday morning and on curiously enough , the coal burned was I took out the tubes on one side of one
my way bought a common tin cup about 3 rather increased . section, ten in all, five over the furnace,
inches deep and 4 inches in diameter, and The point of interest in this incident was and five behind the bridge wall, and planed
secured it in one corner of the tank, im- the fact, that the gases had lost 125 de- them in two longitudinally, and had the 1

mersed to a quarter of an inch below its grees of heat in traversing a distance in following revelation : The tubes over the
rim, and filled even full of water. This Aues and chimney of less than 25 feet. furnace were entirely empty. In those
was completed before the arrival of the This seems difficult to believe, but they back of the bridge wall a deposit of sede
Committee, and was at once approved by did. There was no leakage as the ex- ment appeared , only about an inch deep
them . I made my business every day cellent draft clearly proved, nor any other in the first one, and increasing regularly
April, 1906. POWER 219

to a depth of 18 inches in the last one, water is readily avoided. Only electroly- Two of the 2000 -kilowatt units are al
which was not the tube receiving the feed sis remains to be provided against, which ready installed, one of them being
water. So the water, fed into the last can readily be done, by avoiding the use equipped with an ordinary type of sur
tube of each section, deposited its sedi- of any alloy of copper in contact with face condenser. All of the remaining
ment most largely in the first tube it the water. We may then have boilers of units, however, will have the latest type
reached, in which the circulation was least the most durable character, and safe to condensers, self contained in the base of
active, and had deposited it all before carry any desired pressure. In present the turbines.
reaching the tubes over the furnace. The practice the joints in the drums would be The coal and ashes will be mechanically
remaining long tubes were then cleaned, welded . handled . The boilers will be fed by me
the tubes cut in two were replaced by I am ready to communicate to any re- chanical stokers supplied from the over
new ones, and the boiler delivered to Mr. sponsible parties my plans, the result of head bunkers and will carry 175 pounds
Allen. The next stage in its history was several years study, for such boilers, made steam pressure. The superheat will be
very funny. The purchaser, to save the entirely from forged steel , to the intro- 150 degrees at that pressure. All of the
cost of Croton water , fed his boiler from duction of which, were I a younger man, auxiliary machinery, with the possible ex
the Harlem river, and within a month it I should devote myself personally, but ception of the coal handling apparatus, will
was found to be filled solid with salt . this my age, now past eighty years, for- be steam driven and all these prime mov
What was ever done about it I never bids me to attempt . ers will exhaust into feed water heaters .
heard. The controlling apparatus will be en
I thought I could sell the boilers where, New 19,000 - Kilowatt Power House tirely contained in a switch house adjoin
as in New York City, they could be fed ing the main generating room , and will
with water free from lime, and I made a
in Washington . be distributed among three galleries. The
few such sales, but the inspiration which ground floor will contain only the out
The Potomac Electric Power Company going feeders and main generator leads .
led me to employ the second drum for
superheating the steam had deserted me . of Washington has contracted with J. G. The second gallery will contain all the
I came to the conclusion that by mak- White & Company of New York for the bus-bar compartments, disconnecting
erection and equipment of a new power switches and static apparatus, together
ing the first drum a large one, and not
extending the nipples into the drum to house for both lighting and power pur- with instrument transformers. The third
trap a puddle of water, as I had done, I poses in the city of Washington. This floor will contain both alternating and
could superheat the steam in one drum . company, as a part of the Washington direct current switchboards.
That was a blunder . I had underestimat Railway and Electric Co., divides with the
ed the furious circulation , which carried Capital Traction Company the control of Cost of Chimneys.
a large amount of spray into the drum . the electric traction business of the Cap
I was misled by the quiet position of the ital City. At the present time it oper Some interesting comparative costs of
water level , as always shown in the glass ates a total of 650 cars over about 150 different types of chimneys are noted from
gage. Instead of superheated steam, I miles of track, while the mileage of the the data of a constructing engineer. In
found the boiler to give very wet steam . Capital Traction Company is between 40 the New York district, a brick stack , 350
That fault of course I could have reme- and 50 miles. ft . by 22 ft. core diam ., was bid for at a
died by returning to my first design . But The power house in question consti lower price than a steel stack of the same
I was discouraged by other things. The tutes an important feature of the general size. Chimneys of radial brick, 275 ft.
first of course was the impossibility of plan for expansion and development by 17 ft . core diam., were let by contract
removing scale by any mechanical means . adopted by the company sometime ago, at prices roughly 10 per cent. less than
The most serious discouragement was a and will cost ultimately in the neighbor- for steel stacks of the same size. In the
cracked header . The inclined tubes, on hood of $ 1,500,000. The building is to be Boston district estimates for steel stacks ,
any plan for their use that I could then approximately 166 x 183 x 67 feet, and 125 ft . in height were submitted at about 20
design, made cast -iron headers necessary . will have a steel frame with curtain walls per cent. less than the lowest of the other
I had taken great pains to obtain perfect which will probably be constructed of type ; in this case the radial -brick chimney.
castings, making them of the best iron in moulded concrete blocks . The boiler
Generally speaking, the first cost of any
baked moulds in iron Alasks, of uniform room will contain four rows of boilers given type of chimney varies with its
thickness, 5/8 in. , and 34 in . where threaded , with three chimneys, located between the locality and its size, as well as with the
with cores held perfectly central and re- second and third rows. Thus there will time in which it may be constructed. The
markably well vented, and felt that I be two divisions of the firing foor, each steel chimney may, at periods of low
could rely on their soundness ; but this serving two rows of boilers. The turbine prices for plates, be the cheapest form in
defect showed that I could not. So re room will be at right angles to the firing some localities ; and even at such times
luctantly I abandoned the manufacture of room and will have no basement, its floor it may become the most costly, if the
the boiler. lying on approximately the same level as freight charges are high ; as for instance,
I believe however that there is yet a the boiler room basement. at some points in the West, where brick
future for the inclined boiler tube, with The first installation will consist of and mortar may be cheap on account of
independent circulation in each tube, and two 2000- and one 5000 -kilowatt Curtis their local production . The cost of any
that better results will be obtained from it turbines with boilers and superheaters, type is so dependent upon iocal condi
than any other form of boiler has as yet and the building is designed for a future tions, even aside from the labor cost, that
given . I have been told by Chief Engineer installation of two additional 5000- it requires much experience and more
Melville that all water admitted to the kilowatt units with their steam genera- judginent to make even a close approxi
boilers in the United States Navy is made tors, making a power house of 19.000- mation to the actual relative cost of the
pure enough for pharmaceutical purposes. kilowatt ultimate capacity. There will different constructions. Neither are these
lí this can be done in the navy , it can be be galleries around all the units, connect- conditions confined to the place where the
done anywhere. Cooling towers make it ed by short bridges, to permit of easy chimney is to be erected ; they embrace
practicable to return all water to the communication, making in effect a sec the cost of raw material as well as of
boiler, even from non - condensing engines. ondary operating foor in the turbine processes of manufacture ; distance also,
Then only the waste needs to be made room . All of the turbines will generate as may be anticipated from what goes
good, and any water can be purified for 25 cycle, three phase current at 6600 volts before, plays no small part in the actual
this purpose . Oil or grease with the feed for distribution directly to the substations. cost of the completed chimney.
220 POWER April, 1906 .
Elementary Lectures on Electrical Engineering — III. stresses of the several convolutions will be
combined to produce intense resultant
THE ELECTROMAGNET. stresses having a common direction paral
lel to the bore of the helix, as indicated by
the sketch Fig 4 , where the short curved
A magnet is a body having the power of the wire, for example, the magnetic stress arrows represent the individual stresses
attracting other masses of magnetic sus- will be twice as great as two inches
ceptibility . Iron and steel, for example , from the center. Moreover , the force is set up by the separate convolutions and the
have magnetic susceptibility ; wood and long arrows the resultant stresses through
copper have not; a magnet, therefore, will the bore of the coil . The magnetic " Aux "
attract iron and steel but will have no produced by the stresses is referred to
influence whatever upon wood and copper . as " lines of force," and these invariably
Pieces of iron ore composed of “ magne form closed " circuits, ” each " line " re
turning outside the helix, as indicated
tite," an oxide of iron, are natural mag
nets, though rather feeble in power ; this roughly in Fig. 5 .
alcuno Each convolution of a helix is con
iron ore is commonly known as “ lode
. sidered one wire in computing the mag.
stone." Because of their small power of
netizing power of the helix ; the magnetic
attraction, natural magnets are of no ser flux within the helix being directly pro
vice in enginering work ; artificial magnets
portional to the number of convolutions
are used exclusively. An artificial magnet amperes passing through the wire . The
is a piece of iron or steel which has been
“ magnetized,” usually by means of an
electric current.
If a wire be threaded through a piece
FIG . 2.
of cardboard on which fine iron or steel
filings have
current be been
through and
the anwire,
the exactly the same at all points of a circle
drawn around the wire. That is, if a one
filings will arrange themselves about as inch circle be drawn on the card, the
indicated in Fig. I , where the solid black FIG . 4.
center of which is identical with the cen
ter of the wire, the force exerted by the intensity of the field is expressed in " lines
magnetism at any point on that circle of force ” per unit of cross - sectional area
will be precisely the same as the force of the field . Thus, if the bore of the
at any other point on it. helix were one inch in diameter, its cross
The magnetic field set up by a current in section would be 0.7854 square inch ; if
a wire extends parallel with the wire there were 50,000 lines of force in the
throughout its entire length ; it is not space within the helix , the magnetic field
limited to a single plane, as might possi- would have a " density ” of 63,662 lines
bly be imagined from the experiment with of force per square inch. The unit of
the card and iron filings.
If two wires be placed side by side bu:
FIG . I.
1:00 in metallic contact, and currents be
passed through both of them , the mag
circle in the center represents the cross netic stresses set up by them will com
section of the wire . This indicates that bine and will be of exactly the same mag
the current in the wire sets up stresses in nitude as though a single wire were used .
the air which act circularly, the center of carrying a current equal to the sum of the
the wire being the center of the “ orbits” wo separate currents . This is true of
of the stresses . That this is true may be any number of wires, practically, so long
demonstrated effectively by the use of on :
or more small compasses, as indicated in
Fig. 2. By setting these at different points Source
on the cardboard it will be found that of
the needles always point at right angles
with lines drawn from the wire to the FIG . 5 .

centers of the needle pivots. If the cur FIG. 3. magnetic density is called the "maxwell” ;
rent in the wire flows upward through in the case just cited , for example, one
the card , the needles will indicate that the as they are close together. Thus, if three would say that the magnetic density was
stresses set up are in a counterclockwise wires be grouped side by side , as indicated 63,662 maxwells per square inch .
direction about the wire ; if the current in Fig. 3, and each wire carries 5 amperes ,The magnetizing power of a coil of wire
be reversed, so that it flows downward, the the magnetic field surrounding the group is expressed in " ampere-turns," meaning
stresses will be reversed, or in the clock- will be the same as though it were pro- the number of convolutions multiplied by
wise direction. The north -seeking end of duced by a single wire carrying 15 am- the amperes passing through the wire
the compass needle always points in the peres, or five wires each carrying 3 am- The number of magnetic lines of force
direction of the magnetic stresses. peres , or two wires, one carrying 10 am- (maxwells ) produced by a given number
The space around the wire in which peres and the other 5 amperes . In other of ampere -turns depends on the character
these magnetic stresses are set up is called words, the strength of any magnetic field of material through which the lines must
the magnetic field, and the magnitude of is directly proportional to the product of pass to complete their circuit. If it be
the magnetic stress at any given point is the number of wires and the amperes per iron or steel. the number of lines of force
inversely proportional to the distance of wire which produce it. will be vastly greater than if they have to
that point from the center of the field . Al If a wire be coiled into a helix and a pass through any other substance. In
a distance of one inch from the center of current be passed through it, the magnetic other words, the magnetic conductivity of
April , 1906 . POWER 221

iron and steel is much higher than that Since the number of maxwells divided turning from the end at which it emerged
of any other material . by the area of the path equals the density to the other end of the bar through the
Perhaps it will be easier to understand of the magnetic Aux in lines per square air surrounding the coil of wire . The bar
if the proposition is stated in terms of inch, the latter quantity is given by the would then be said to be an electromagnet.
initial force, resistance of path and re- above formula with the symbol A omitted, The end from which the flux emerged
sulting magnetic flux. This gives an al- thus : would be called the North pole of the
most complete analogue to the flow of 0.3133 X FX u
= B,
electricity through a conductor . The in Lp N S
itial force tending to produce magnetic flux the symbol B representing maxwells per
is termed “ magnetomotive force” and it square inch ,
is equal to ampere-turns X 1.2566 +. The In practice, the magnetic density is
opposition which all materials offer to the usually the controlling factor, so that this
flow of magnetic lines of force is termed formula is most useful . Transposing it, FIG . 6.
" reluctance ;" it corresponds precisely, in one obtains the formula for the number of
its effect upon magnetic flux, to the re- ampere -turns required to produce a cer- magnet and the other end the South pole.
sistance of an electrical conductor in tain magnetic density in a given material, The poles of any magnet will attract the
its effect upon the current flowing in it . thus : unlike poles of another magnet and repel
The formula for magnetic flux is B X Lp
= F.
the like poles ; thus, the North pole of
1.2566 X ampere - turns = Magnetic lines
0.3133 X u one magnet will attract the South pole of
This last formula is one of the "main- another magnet but repel the North pole
of force . of it .
stays ” of the designer of electromagnetic
The reluctance of a magnetic path, like apparatus , and its use may well be exem The direction of the magnetic flux in a
the resistance of an electrical conductor, plified. Suppose one has a bar of round bar of iron or any other path depends on
is directly proportional to ( a ) the quality wrought iron 2 inches in diameter and 10 the direction in which the magnetizing
of the material, ( b ) the length of the path inches long, and it is desired to produce a current circulates around the path ( it be

and ( c ) the reciprocal of the cross -sec ing remembered that the path is at right
tion of the path. That is to say, for a MAGNETIO QUALITY OF DIFFERENT GRALES angles to the convolutions of a coil ) . In
given quality of material, the reluctance OF IRON AND STEEL . Fig. 4, for example, the magnetic flux is
is greater the longer the path through Magnetic Permeability . shown as passing through the helix from
which the flux travels and smaller the Density ,
Annealed Softest
right to left and if the helix were turned
Lines Ordinary Softest
greater the cross - sectional area of that Per Sq. Wrought Cast 1 Cast Cast
so the right-hand end of it were toward
path. The quality of material is called Inch . Iron . Steel . Iron . Iron . one's eye the current in the magnetizing
“ permeability.” It is expressed by a num 20,000 2600 2275 830
coil would be passing clockwise around the
her. the permeability of air being i . 25,000 2000 2220 800 900 bore of the helix. If the connections were
30,000 3000 2180 600 850
reversed so that the current circulated in
The dimensions of a magnetic path are 35,000 2950 2150 400 800
taken in metric measure to meet funda 40,000 2900 2130 250 760 the opposite direction, the magnetic flux
mental conditions which need not be dis- 45,000 2800 2100 140 730 would also reverse and pass through the
50,000 2650 20.50 110 700
cussed here. That is , the permeability of 55,000 2500 1990 90 600 bore of the helix from left to right, the
60,000 2300 1850 70 600
air being 1, the reluctance of an air path 65,000 2100 1700 50 450
helix occupying the position shown in the
one centimeter long and having one square sketch .
70 000 1800 1550 35 350
centimeter cross- section will be I. Ex 75,000 1500 1400 25 250 The poles of a magnet will attract an
80,000 1200 1250 20 200
pressed in the shape of a formula , using 85,000 1000 1100 15 150 unmagnetized piece of iron or steel with
metric measure, 90,000 800 900 12 100 a force roughly proportional to the square
Reluct . Length of path .
of the magnetic density in the space be
ance Permeability X Cross-section of Path
density of 90,000 maxwells per square inch tween the poles and the attracted piece.
in it . If its permeability be 1000 , which If a bar of soft iron or steel be magne
Inserting a constant to allow for using is a common figure, the number of ampere- tized by an electric current as describej
inch measurements, this formula is modi turns required will be : and the current be then discontinued, the
ned to read :
90,000 X 10 bar will lose its magnetism . If the bar
Reluct 0.3937 X Length of path . 2872.64 . be made of very hard steel, however, it
0.3133 X 1000
Permeability X Cross - section of path will retain a large proportion of the mag
Unless the bar formed a completely netism imparted by the current and be
In actual practice, it is seldom of any come what is known as a “ permanent "
closed circuit, however, the magnetic flux
consequence to know the reluctance of a magnet. Such magnets are not perma
would have to pass through some other
magnetic path, and this formula is com material in getting from one end of the nent , but gradually lose their magnetic
monly embodied in the formula for mag bar to the other. In that case, the am- character with age . By a special treat
netic flux, thus :
pere-turns must be computed for the other ment of the steel, however , a permanent
1.2566 X ampere - turns X permea
bility X Cross - section
part of the circuit and added to those re magnet may be made which will remain
= Maxwells .
0.3937 X Length of path quired by the bar itself. almost constant in its magnetic strength
Combining the numerical constants and At high magnetic densities, iron and for many years. Such magnets are used
steel become less and less responsive to in many forms of electrical instruments,
representing the various elements by sym
bols, this reduces to : the magnetizing power that produces the the principles of which will be discussed in
Aux in the metal. The accompanying Where very powerful
a later Lecture.
0.3133 X FX u X A — ф
table gives average permeability values for magnets are required , electromagnets are
Lp ordinary cast -iron, cast steel and wrought always employed, chiefly because perma
in which F = ampere -turns , iron at different densities per square inch nent magnets of great size and strength
= permeability,
u = of cross - sectional area. cannot be made and also because electro
A = Cross -sectional area of path If a bar of iron be inserted in such magnets have the convenient property of
in square inches, a helix , as in Fig. 6, the passage of cur- changing their strength in response to
L = Length of path , in inches , rent through the wire would set up a changes in the magnetizing current which
ቀ == Number of maxwells . magnetic Aux through the bar, the flux re
produces the flux in them .
222 POWER April, 1906.

O water in aa test-tube. The oil is poured

Engine-Room Chemistry. O

off carefully and the water tested with

neutral litmus paper, which in contact with
acid is changed to red. If the litmus
( Copyright 1905 by The Hill Publishing Company . )
paper used were too blue, the acid might
be all used up before the color changed ;
OILS AND OTHER LUBRICANTS . therefore, in this case, it should be ex
posed to the fumes of hydrochloric acid
The Flash-Point is that temperature burner, and the heating commenced. The until nearly neutral. A test should be
at which an oil gives off vapors in suffi- rate of heating should be 15 degrees per made to be sure that the water is not
cient quantity to explode when mixed with minute and may be readily regulated by acid . Not more than a faint reddening
air ; this point is indicated in testing when the burner used. The testing flame should is allowable ; the acid content should not
a blue flame passes entirely over the sur-
a be first applied when the oil reaches 250 exceed 0.3 per cent. , calculated as sul
face of the oil . degrees Fahr., and then every half-minute phuric anhydrid ( SO3) .
Like the specific gravity test, the chief until the flash -point is reached . This is Test for Animal and Vegetable Oils in
use of the flash test with lubricating oils indicated by a slight puff of fame out of Mineral Oils. — Put about an inch of the
is to ascertain if any change has been made the testing hole. The results obtained oil into each of two test tubes, and to one
in the oil supplied. With burning oils it with this apparatus agree better with each two pieces of metallic sodium half as large
determines the safety of the oil . In con- other than those obtained with the open as a pea and to the other a similar quan
tester ; they are 15 degrees to 25 degrees tity of sodium hydrate ( caustic soda ) .
lower . Extreme care should be taken in handling
The Fire Test is made to determine the these substances, as the metallic sodium
Gebo temperature at which an oil gives off va- takes fire if wetted, forming caustic soda
pors in sufficient quantity to burn continu- which attacks the skin and clothing vig
ously when a flame is applied . The cover orously ; if any gets upon either, wash it
is supported above the cup and the heat- off with water, and diluted muriatic acid
ing and application of the testing flame and the acid with water. In an oil bath,
continued as in making the flash test. that is, an iron pot containing sufficient
With oils Aashing between 340 and 465 heavy cylinder -oil, lard oil or cottonseed
degrees Fahr., the exact quality of oil used oil to cover the oil surface of the tube,
is of little importance. In these particu- heat the test-tubes to a temperature of
lar cases a difference of 13 cubic centime- about 445 degrees Fahr., in case the oil be
ters of oil in the cup altered the flash - point a light-colored one, and to 480 degrees
only 2 to 3 degrees Fahr. Fahr., if it be dark - colored. In case fatty
It is worthy of notice that the free acid oil be present, the contents of one or both
( oleic acid ) contained in an oil lowers of the tubes will show a foam as of soap
its flash - point apparently in proportion to

the quantity present. 10

Gumming Test.—This is designed to give

Power, N.Y.
an idea of the amount of change that may
FIG . 8. be expected of a mineral oil when in use .
sidering the results of this test, differences These resinified products increase the fric
of 5 degrees to 7 degrees Fahr. may be tion of the revolving or rubbing surfaces.
disregarded, as different tests on the same The test is applied by thoroughly mixing
sample may vary as widely as this. and beating together 5 grams of the oil in
Several forms of apparatus for testing a cordial glass or small wide -mouthed
the flash -point of lubricating oils have been bottle with II grams of uitrosul
devised. Pensky- Martens' closed tester . phuric acid and cooling by setting the glass
employing a stirrer, is used in Germany. into a basin of water at 50 to 60 degrees 甘
Martens states in a later article that stir- Fahr. Brownish spots or, in case of bad 1%

ring is unnecessary. Dudley and Pease oil, masses, form around the edges and
use an open dish heated with a Bunsen gradually cover the whole surface in the
burner. course of two hours. As shown by long
The apparatus in use in the author's practical experience, the oil showing the
laboratory is similar to that of the New least tar is the best oil and also absorbs
York State tester and consists of a coy the least oxygen.
ered copper cup - shown about one-tenth The nitrosulphuric acid is troublesome
the size in Fig. 8 and drawn to to prepare ( directions therefor will be
scale in Fig. 9/ supported by gauze found in the writer's " Handbook of Oil
upon an iron stand and heated by a Tir- Analysis” ) and may be replaced by nitric
till burner. The cup is filled with oil to acid and copper ; use ordinary nitric acid
within 38 inch of the flange ( in case of of 1.34 sp. gr. and drop into this two

cylinder or oils flashing above 500 degrees. pieces of No. 15 B. and S. gage copper Puwer, N.Y.
12 inch is allowed ) , all air bubbles removed, wire each 34 inches long, and in an hour FIG . 9.
the flange and top of the cup carefully two more pieces .
wiped free of oil, the cover put on and Test for Acidity. — In a petroleum oil bubbles on the surface and solidify to a
the thermometer inserted so that its bulb the acid present is usually sulphuric, being jelly of greater or less consistency, ac
is half-way between the surface of the oil due to the acid used in refining being in- cording to the amount of fatty oil pres
and bottom of the cup . The lamp, carry completely washed out of the oil . Its ent.
ing a flame about an inch in height, is presence can be detected by shaking about Oil Thickener or Oil Pulp.—This is usu
placed underneath , the bottom of the cup one -fourth of a test-tube full of oil with ally an oleate of aluminum , a soap, which
being 27/2 inches from the mouth of the an equal quantity of warm distilled is dissolved in the oil to increase its vis
April, 1906. POWER 223

cosity at ordinary temperatures, but has the bearing even, regular and under com- which is opened momentarily for the in
little effect on the oil at the temperature plete control. troduction of the testing flame.
at which it is used. It may be detected The small Thurston machine shown in The New York State tester consists of a
by diluting the oil with an equal quantity Figs. 10 and 11 will give an idea of the copper oil cup, D , Fig. 12, holding about
of naphtha and adding about fifteen drops principle and construction of such ma- ten ounces ( the quantity usually contained
of a saturated solution of stick phosphoric chines. It consists of the testing shaft or in a lamp ) and heated in a water-bath by
acid in absolute ( 100 per cent.) alcohol . journal F, 1/2 inches long and 14 a small Bunsen fame. The cup is pro
The mixture is allowed to stand, when the inches in diameter, running in bronze vided with a glass cover C, carrying a
formation of a flocculent precipitate indi- bearings, G Gʻ, the pressure of which thermometer, B, and a hole for the inser
cates the presence of soap. As showing on the shaft can be regulated by the coiled tion of the testing flame— a small gas flame
the extent to which it affects the viscosity, spring ). The amount of pressure is one-quarter of an inch in length.
a sample of oil containing it would not shown by the index, M ; a thermometer The regulations of the New York State
in the housing Q indicates the tem- Board of Health * stipulate that the test
perature of the bearing. The journal is shall be applied according to the follow
rotated by means of a step pulley C in the ing directions :
direction indicated by the arrow and this " Remove the oil cup and fill the water
causes a displacement of the pendulum bath with cold water up to the mark in
G K , containing the spring J, along the side. Replace the oil cup and pour in
arc PP! The amount of displacement enough to fill it to within one -eighth of
along this arc is a measure of the friction an inch of the flange joining the cup and
of the oil , being large with great friction the vapor-chamber above. Care must be

and small with good lubricants . The arc taken that the oil does not flow over the
is so graduated that by dividing the read- Aange. Remove all air-bubbles with a
ing by the pressure shown by the index piece of dry paper. Place the glass cover
M, the co - efficient of friction is ascer- on the oil cup, and so adjust the ther
tained. This machine is designed for mometer that its bulb shall be just
testing the lighter oils ; a larger size of the covered by the oil .
" If an alcohol lamp be employed for
heating the water-bath, the wick should
be carefully trimmed and adjusted to a
small flame. A small Bunsen burner may
Porty be used in place of the lamp. The rate
of heating should be about two degrees
per minute, and in no case exceed three
FIG . 10 .
degrees .
How from the viscosimeter at 70 degrees
“ As a flash -torch , a small gas jet one
Fahr. and required 1167 seconds at 85 de quarter of an inch in length, should be
grees and 181 seconds at 110 degrees Fahr .
employed. When gas is not at hand em
ploy a piece of waxed linen ' twine. The
The Evaporation Test is one which is fame in this case, however, should be
often applied to light oils, like spindle small .
and loom oils . This measures the loss
undergone by an oil when exposed on a
“ When the temperature of the oil has
bearing. It requires a delicate analyti reached 85 degrees Fahr., the testing's
cal balance, sensitive to 1/10 milligram
( 0.0015 grain ) to detect the loss, as the
amount of oil used is small ( 200 milli
grams ) . The amount of loss should not FIG. II .
exceed four per cent . The test is im BH
portant to the mill owner , as it repre- machine is made with journals 374 inches
sents the amount of oil that stays on the in diameter and 7 inches long for heavy
bearing and serves its purpose. It is of lubricants and railroad work .
even greater importance to the insurance The writer is inclined to question the

underwriter, as it measures the amount value of the friction test for practical pur
of volatile inflammable matter passing poses . He believes that equally good re
into the atmosphere and liable to cause a sults can be obtained by comparing the B
fire. This actually happened in a spinning fash, fire, gravity and viscosity tests of
mill in Maine ; the oil, however, contained the oil in question with those of one that
25 per cent. of volatile matter, that is, the has given satisfactory results in practice.
evaporation test showed 25 per cent. As a TESTING OF BURNING OILS .
result of an investigation undertaken by The chief tests to be applied to this
the Boston Manufacturers' Mutual Fire class of oils are flash, fire, specific grav
Insurance Company, all oils of this type ity and sulphuric acid tests .
were driven out of use within a year. In making the flash test three different Power , N.Y.
Friction Test.—By this is meant the de- types of tester are used , the open or Tag 12.

termination of the amount of power re- liabue tester, in which the cup contain- should commencc. To this end insert the
quired to overcome the resistance of an ing the oil is not covered or closed but torch into the opening in the cover, passing
oil when applied to a bearing. The oil is freely open into air ; the covered or New it in at such an angle as to well clear the
tested under ideal conditions, with a shaft York State tester, in which the cup is cov- cover, and to a distance about half-way
and boxes as nearly perfect as mechani- ered with a glass cover containing two between the oil and the cover. The mo
cal skill can make them , with the feed of holes ; the closed or Abel tester in which
the oil is heated in a tightly-closed cup * Report
Health of the
, 1882, New York State Board of
P. 495.
oil , the temperature of, and pressure on
224 POWER April , 1906 .

tion should be steady and uniform , rapid Professor Engler states that no lamp for the Island Mill. On the lower floor
and without any pause. This should be should be used which heats the oil more will be installed the electrical equipment
repeated at every two degrees ' rise of the than 10 degrees Fahr. above the surround- and an engine for use in low water.
thermometer until the thermometer has ing atmosphere. Water from this penstock will drive two
reached 95 degrees, when the lamp should The specific gravity of burning oils is 600 -horse- power wheels in the Island
be removed and the testings should be determined exactly as in the case of lu- Mill basement, which will be directly con
made for each degree of temperature until bricating oils . nected to the main line shafts, from which
100 degrees is reached . After this the The sulphuric acid test shows the de- the beating engines, etc., are driven. In
lamp may be replaced if necessary and gree to which an oil is refined ; that is, the the power house will be installed imme
the testings continued for each two de- extent to which the tarry and ill-smelling diately one 625- horse- power wheel and one
grees . products in the oil , or formed during the 41-horse -power wheel, which respectively
" The appearance of a slight bluish flame process of distillation , have been removed. drive 250 kilowatt and 500 kilowatt gen
shows that the flashing-point has been It is made by shaking one hundred grams erators with their exciters . The building
reached of the oil with forty grams of sulphuric is so constructed that other units may be
" In every case note the temperature of acid of 1.73 sp. gr. for two minutes and added later.
the oil before introducing the torch. The noting the color of the acid layers ; a suita
flame of the torch must not come in con- bly refined oil should give little or nc
Tales of a Master Mechanic.
tact with the oil . color .
“ The water -bath should be filled with An engineer in the little town of
cold water for each separate test and the Power Development for the Ticon Bethlehem went to pack his engine and
oil from a previous test carefully wiped deroga ( N. Y. ) Pulp and Paper found that there was no piston rod pack
from the oil- cup .” Company. ing in stock . In fifteen minutes the
In making the flash -test it should be whistle would blow . Mike got some
borne in mind that any cause liberating With the turning of water into the putty and placed it around the stuffing
the vapor quickly from the oil lowers the new giant penstock of the Ticonderoga box ; then he grabbed a ladle and some
fash -point rather than a high fire-point Pulp and Paper Co., the first important chunks of lead, ran to the boiler house ,
heating ; (2 ) a large and shallow cup from step has been made in the extensive plans soon returned and poured the melted lead
which the evaporation takes place quickly ; of that company for the increased develop into the stuffing box . In a few minutes
( 3 ) a large quantity of oil used for the ment of power. The construction of this the job was finished and Mike said
test ; ( 4 ) a large testing flame or one toc new twelve- foot penstock will accom “ That's all right for three months."
frequently or closely applied . plish a twofold purpose. It will supply
The results obtained with this apparatus water and power in sufficient quantity An oiler recently came to a foreman
are about five to eight degrees lower than to meet the needs of the Island Mill , and and asked for an order for " two 16 -horse
those obtained with open cups . The appa it will operate electrical machinery for power condenser lamps.” The same oil
ratus reproduces the conditions prevail the supplying of electric power to all the er quit the job because he was afraid of
ing when burning the oil in lamps more mills as required. the " vacum business." He was going
closely than any other. The amount of And here comes a puzzle that is both to work at a plant where the exhaust
oil used is about ten ounces and it is not ering the inquisitive ones and regarding steam could be seen coming out of the
which those who know have given no so- exhaust pipe.
exposed freely to the air, just as when lution . The development of this vast
burned, thus preventing the escape of vol
electrical power is supposed to largely be In a small machine shop at Easton ,
atile vapors which can take place with the for the purpose of economy in the mat-
open cups ; consequently the results should Pa. , a 30 -horse-power vertical engine
ter of fuel, and the abolition, to a great with a piston valve ran smoothly for
be lower
The fire test is made by raising the extent, of steam power in the mills , and twenty -five years, without using cylinder
yet today there is in process of construc- oil . One day an oil agent, after a lengthy
cover above the cup and continuing to tion by the company the foundation for
heat the oil until it gives off vapors which
talk with the manager , succeeded in sell
burn continuously when ignited. The the largest steam engine ever erected in ing him a barrel of cylinder oil . The oil
this part of the country. perhaps was a poor grade, or possibly the
point at which this occurs is usually 15 to
It is rumored that the plans of the machinists were careless when drilling
25 Indegrees a burning the that
than oil, flashof- point.
a high company contemplate the establishment of and tapping for the oiling connections
a $ 150,000 plant for the making of soda At any rate, in a few weeks ' time
flash -point rather than a high fire - point
should be selected, as the flash -point de ash and it is possible that the new engine cylinder and valve chest were so badly
will be used in that connection . The com cut that they had to be replaced .
termines the safety of the oil ; oils hav pany now uses two carloads of this ma
ing a high flash - point are sure to give a
high fire test, but oils of high fire test may
terial every day. One Monday at the noon hour, the
or may not give a high flash test. In
The following description will be of in- engineer could not close the throttle valve.
terest : After closing the valve in the steam line ,
making only the fire test , no attention is
Length of penstock , 200 feet ; thick- the machinist found a brick wedged be
paid to the flash test and the dangerous ness of steel , 38 inch ; hight of dam above tween valve and seat of the throttle valve.
volatile constituents of the oil ( naphtha )
escape detection, being driven off. This foundation, 13 feet ; available working On Sunday the repair gang were repair
was well illustrated in a sample of fuel head, 6212 feet. Will discharge 30.000 ing the steam line and had used the brick
oil sent to the writer for test . The flash- cubic feet of water per minute, producing for some operation and left it in the pipe.
point was 60 degrees Fahr, and the fire approximately 2800 horse -power. In high The steam carried it along the line and
point 143 degrees ; had the fire- point alone water, when economy of head is no ob- wedged the brick at the throttle.
been considered it would have been re- ject, it would be practical to put through
garded as a safe oil , whereas the low enough water to generate 5000 horse- The boss ordered the machinist to tighten
flash -point showed it to be dangerous power. up the bolts of the cylinder head . The
Too much stress cannot be laid on the The power house is to be 65 feet by machinist obeyed and reported the job
importance of the flash test, which should 108 feet and two stories high . The up- done. The boss said “ Give them another
show at least 10 degrees Fahr. ( or bet- per story is to be used for the storage of turn , " the machinist obeyed and turned
ter, 120 degrees ). sulphite pulp and other heavy supplies the nut off.
April, 1906 . POWER 223

Gas Producers for Power.* to waste in blast furnaces, it should be the gas, which is approximately 600 B.t.u.
borne in mind that from every ton of pig per cubic foot, is required for carrying on
BY JULIUS I. WILE, produced before the waste gases have the coking process, so that from one ton
been used to heat the air blast , there is of coal there is available about 200 effec
It is well known that the steam boiler available in the waste gases the heat tive horse -power -hours.
and engine, even when highly economical equivalent of 600 horse- power-hours. For Producer gas has a calorific value of
plants are employed, including conden- doing the work of the blast furnace about approximately 140 B.t.u. per cubic foot, de
sers, superheaters and economizers, realize 240 horse -power-hours are necessary,which pending upon the type of producer. With
only a comparatively small portion of the leaves 360 horse- power - hours available for different types of producers there are
original heat of the fuel. The highest other purposes. To make this gas suitable larger or smaller percentages of CO .:,
combined thermal efficiency in steam prac- for use in a gas engine, it must be cleaned CO and hydrogen , but the general
tice yet obtained is approximately 15 % of all impurities, and a cleaning appara- average of the gas is approximately as
of the original value of the coal con- tus is common to all forms of gas pro- stated .
TABLE I. The characteristic of the pressure pro
Efficiencies of Gas Engines and Pressure Gas Plants . ducer is that the complete system is under
Brake B , t. u .
Fuel Consumption in Thermal pressure, supplied either by a steam jet
Type of blower or a power driven fan . A gas
Horse Type of Engine. Fuel . per Pounds per B. H. P. Efficiency
Producer Pound . Producer. Boiler. holder is necessary for storage of the gas,
Power . Total. Per cent .
250 Westinghouse 1 Colorado 9,767 1.66 .29 1.95 13.40 and also an independent steam boiler, to
Taylor 13 Cylinder Bituminous
250 Wilson Stockport Bituminous 12,500 * 1.26 .14 1.4 14.6 raise the steam necessary for saturation
ſSingle Cyl .
Campbell Anthracite 13,600* .99 .13 1.12 16.50
and for the steam blower. In the suction
4 Cyl . Vert. type, the gas is delivered by the suction
3000 Westinghouse Anthracite 13,600 * 1.07 .13 1.20 15.00
Dowson of the engine. Both the holder and inde
13 Cylinder
* B , t . u . of the coal is assumed . pendent steam boiler are eliminated, and
steam at atmospheric pressure, necessary
for saturation in the generator, is raised
Eficiencies of Gas Engines and Suction Gas Plants .
Pounde Thermal
by the hot gases from the generator pass
B. t . u .
Brake 1 of Fuel ing to the cleaning apparatus. The space
Horse Type of Eogine. Fuel. per Efficiency
Power . Pound . B. H.P. Per cent . occupied by the suction type is less than
20 National; single cylinder Anthracite 13,138 797 2114 that required by the pressure producer,
Coke 12,111 .91 2212
90 Crossley ; 2373 and is less than the space taken by a re
250 Deutz ; double acting Anthracite 14.600) .744
Crossley ; two cylinder 11,370 .975 21
300 turn tubular boiler of the same power.
The attention required is also consider
verted into work, while efficiencies of 3 % ducers for supplying engines. It has been ably less than that required by the pres
to 6 % in ordinary practice are more found, however, that on account of the sure type . In the pressure producer, un
usual, especially in units of from 50 horse- minute particles of dust and the different less automatic feeds are installed it is
power to 250 horse -power, where non- classes of iron as well as coke or coal necessary to feed once every half hour ,
condensing engines are usually employed . which are used in the blast furnace, á as the level of the fuel must be fixed in
The figures in Tables I and II show the cleaning apparatus suitable for one class
large fuel economy to be obtained by the of gas is not always suitable for another. order to give a constant resistance to the
plant. Suction producers are fitted with
use of producer gas , and producer gas Composition of Gases. large fuel reservoirs so that feeding is
engines , and indicate the reason for the
Kind of Gay. H C H, C , H , CO2 N B. I. l . only necessary once in three hours at full
great interest taken in this latest deve load and once in five hours at half load.
Blast Furnace
lopment of power production. These re Gas . 1 25 12 62 90 The total attention otherwise required
sults are from actual tests , but where the Producer Gas
from Anthra ... 12 1.5 27 3.5 57 140 for this latter type is fifteen minutes
heat units in a pound of coal have not Producer Ga
from Bitum .... 10 6.5 15 10 58.5 150 starting up in the morning and twenty
been given in the reports of tests they Blue . Water Gay . 14.5 12 3.5 10
295 minutes at night.
Coke Oven Gas.. 39 40 5 3 660
have been assumed . It will be noticed Coal Gas.. 15 6 1 1 4
that suction gas producers are more effi- Natural Gas 2
The first pressure gas producer, and
the one which is the most widely known
cient than the pressure types, and anthra Table III shows the various kinds of in Europe, was brought out by Dowson
cite coal pressure producers are more gases which are used in gas engines, in England. The pressure is supplied by a
efficient than bituminous pressure gas
showing their heat value and chemical steam blast from an independent boiler .
producers. composition by volume. The best known Dowson plant is that at
Producer gas is the result of incomplete Another type of gas producer is the by- Walthanstow , London , England. This is
combustion of fuel , due to the absence product coke oven. In coking one long à 3000 - h. p. plant, comprising eight Dow
of sufficient oxygen to support com ton of coking coal in a retort, there is son generators and thirteen direct-coup
bustion , and for its formation a deep fuel
bed is essential. An ordinary blast fur
Comparative Tests of Steam and Pressure Gas Power Plants in the London District.
nace is an ideal form of gas producer, as
Kilo Cost of Cost per unit
the body of coal or coke is subjected to watts Output,
a blast of air beneath the fuel bed and Capacity . per ton Fuel Sup'l's Labor Rep'rs Total

without any provision above for the prod- Average of 11

Steam Plants 2799 2,997,500 17.25% $ 5.00 1. 1940 0.118 0.418c 0.436c 2.1766
uct of combustion , carbon monoxide, to Pressure Pro .
ducer Gas ... 810 1,019,326 15.41 6.75 0.7360 0.304C 0.5766 0.0960 1.712
burn to carbonic acid gas ( CO2 ) . The
Difference ... - 1989 -1.978,174 - 1.80% + $ 1.75 -0.4580 + 0.1860 - 0.15 --0.340C -0.4646
gas arising from a blast furnace has a
heat value of approximately 90 B.t.u. per generated 8,000 to 10,000 cubic feet of led vertical engines. The generating cost
cubic foot.
gas carrying from 60 to 100 pounds of per kilowatt- hour of this plant complete,
As an idea of the power which goes tar and 10 to 20 pounds of ammonium including fuel, supplies, labor and repairs,
sulphate. The sale of these products usu- will be of interest, especially when com
* Abstract of a paper read before the Tech ally covers the cost of their extractin pared to the average of eleven stear
pology club of Syracuse ( N. Y. ) .
226 POWER April , 1906.

plants in London , which have about three in units below 200 horse-power. Pressure boiler, which requires extra fuel ; extra
times the output. Table IV shows the producers with tar-extracting devices are power, and consequently fuel, as well as
comparison. also used for burning wood and lignite. large quantities of water are required to
The saving in cost per kilowatt-hour is In England the best known soft coal wash out the tar. The main reason why
almost half a cent. These costs are producer for power plants is the Wilson, this plant is not as efficient as the Wilson
high, for both coal and water are high in which is a Dowson pressure type of plant is because the scrubbing device is of the
the London District. Even under these with modifications adapted to deposit a rotary type and requires power, while
disadvantages the Walthanstow plant large amount of the tar in a dust catcher Wilson uses the stationary type of scrub
shows a saving of 38 per cent in fuel and cooling towers before carrying the ber. The efficiency of these types of pro
and 21 per cent in operating cost. If the gas to the coke scrubber. The plant is ducer is from 60 to 65 % .
cost of fuel were the same, the saving also fitted with a hydraulic washer and The present tendency of American
in fuel would be 51 per cent. and in oper- sawdust purifier for taking out the re- practice is away from the method of
ating costs 29 per cent . The results of maining traces of tar. In this type of washing out the volatile matter contain
these tests are given not to show what plant no attempt is made to recover the ing the tar, and toward building gas pro
ducers which will decompose the tar
Test of Gas and Steam Plants at Guernsey. by passing it through an incandescent
Kilo Cost of Cost per unit
fuel bed and fixing its components, hydro
watts Output , Load Fuel gen and carbon, which gives free hydro
Capacity. Units Factor per ton Fuel Sup'l's Labor Rep'rs Total
Steam Plant ... 180 55,108 45.6 % $ 4.20 1.178c 0.166C 0.2840 0.512c 2.130C
gen or marsh gas, thereby deriving the
Gas Plant ... 180 50 361 65.8 % 4.43 0.496C 0.096c 0.304C 0.208c 1.104C additional advantage of the heat in the
4,817 + 20.2% + $ 0.23 -1.026c tar and doing away with the excess pow
Difference ... -0.6820 -0.0600 + 0.020C -0.304C
Above test covered a period of one month . er and water required to clean it. It is an
open question which of the two types of
can be done by the use of producer gas, tar and utilize it to enrich the gas ; all producers is the better, the less efficient
but to show that even this pressure plant efforts being toward washing it out. Still but more reliable continuous-cleaning and
which today is by no means as economi- the results of this type of plant are good, less costly European producer or the more
cal either in fuel or labor as the suction as the test of a 250-horse-power plant efficient but complicated and expensive
plant, is able to reduce the operating cost shows. See Table VI. It will be noticed American type.
of an electric power station in the same from the test that about 10 per cent of An interesting departure from the cur
district, even with the price of the fuel the fuel is used to raise steam in the rent practice in pressure plants where the
higher by over 20 per cent. The test of boiler. generator is under suction is the automatic
another gas producer pressure plant and The type of gas generator used in this system, as manufactured by my company,
steam plant in Guernsey, England, gave plant is the ordinary water bottom gene- which substitutes a small automatic regu
even better results . See Table V. It will rator, which is in general use in connection lating receiver for a large gas holder. The
be noted that in this case the saving is 58 with steel and glass works for making use of the regulating receiver obviates the
per cent. in fuel and 48 per cent. in operat- producer gas for fuel purposes. These attention of the man, as it automatically
ing cost. producers are designed so that they can makes the gas as required. This is done
The first pressure plants were original- be cleaned of ash while they are in opera- by the introduction of a third return pipe
ly designed to use anthracite coal, as the tion and with ample facilities for poking. from the gas receiver to a hydraulic seal
use of bituminous coal in an ordinary The nearest approach to this type of pro- box, so that when the receiver rises to its
pressure plant involves considerable waste ducer in this country is the Taylor pro- top position the third return pipe and
valve are opened and put in communica
tion with the seal box and the exhauster,
Four Tests, Conducted in Liverpool with Variable Loads on a 250 - H . P. Wilson Bituminous Producer
and a 250 - H . P. Stock port Engine. instead of sucking from the generator,
Number or Test .. JI INT IV I sucks from the holder. When the holder
Amount of Lrad .. 14 - Load
5 hours
YA -Load
10 hours
10 hours
Full Load tends to go down the valve closes and the
Duration of Tests . 10 hours
exhauster at once sucks from the genera
Fuel used in Producer, Lbs 560 1668 2296 2744
“ Boiler, Lbs ... 56 224 280 306 tor. In actual practice the holder is al
616 1792 2576 3050
Total.. ways kept at the top .
187 717 1060 1369 From the data which has been given
Kilowatt-hours, by Watımuter .. 79 87 89 90
Dynamo Eficiency % ... it will be seen that the suction gas pro
Brake horse- power - hours . 317 1104 1596 2039
Pounds of coal per brake horse - power -hour . 1.9 1.6 1.6 1.4
Engine Efficiency % ... 63 77 83 86 ducer is the type which has shown the
Indicated horse- power- hours . 503 1433 1922 2370
Pounds cal per indicated horse - power- hour . 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.2 greatest development for producing pow
12 %% of the weight of fuel charged into producer was withdrawa as ash , during each test period . er. The suction producer is limited , how
Lovei of fuel in producer kept up to given point. ever, to the use of anthracite pea coal,
Fuel used , Nottingham fine bituminous slack , at $1.40 per ton at pit mouth . charcoal and coke, while in large sizes
Cost of fuel per indicated horse - power - 75 cents.
anthracite buckwheat coal can be used .
of water and power on account of the ducer, upon which the tests of the U. S. Soft coal has not been successfully used
nuisance in getting rid of the volatile Geological Survey at St. Louis were in suction gas producers, but experi
matter containing tar. Bituminous coal is made within the past year . The results ments are now being made which will
not suitable for the smaller units of gas of one of these tests are given in Table I. probably lead to a successful bituminous
producers, on account of the tendency of These tests are very valuable as far as coal suction gas producer.
the fuel to clinker and thereby prevent showing the efficiencies of the different The success of the suction gas producer
the air and steam from passing through coals throughout the country for use in is not entirely due to the remarkable fuel
the fuel bed and also due to the tendency gas producers, but as to the best results economy over steam plants, but is also due
for hollow spaces to be formed in the to be obtained for production of power. to the small amount of attention required
fuel bed, so that air passes through the in view of more recent types, this plant is -only one or two hours a day, depend
bed and a poor and ununiform quality of open to the following criticisms : No at ing upon the size of the plant. It takes
gas is made. A fairly good sized bed of tempt is made to utilize the value of the about fifteen minutes to start and make
fuel is necessary, and for this reason bi- heat in the tar ; the steam necessary for good gas, which is done by a hand or
tuminous coal producers are seldom used the plant is raised in an independent power- driven fan. The producer needs
April , 1906.
to be fed three times a day at full load Some Notes on Steam Boilers . - II. importance of locating the longitudinal
seams above the fire line, as this is so
and twice a day at half load ; it also well recognized now that one seldom finds
needs to be cleaned at night, which BY R. L. KENNETT .
boilers built otherwise. The writer
takes about twenty minutes. There are
suction producers in operation which run RIVETING AND BRACING .
knows of one case, however , of six 72- inch
boilers built only about three years ago,
144 hours a week without a shut-down.
In punching the rivet holes in a steel with triple-riveted butt-joints, in which
It has been found by experiments that or iron plate, the metal is hardened around the joints are exposed directly to the fire.
American anthracite coal is so different the shells of these boilers are 7/16 inch
the hole, making it more brittle, while in
from European anthracite coal that many drilling the holes this is not the case . thick, so that the three thicknesses of
distinct features are necessary in a suc For this reason all rivet holes should be metal at the joints amount to almost
coal gas not ther heat
has produce here. value,
The punched at least % inch smaller than the 1-5/ 16 inches . The consequence was that
full size, the plates bolted together in the side walls had to be closed in against
is not as free burning and has a greater place, and the holes reamed out to size, the shell below the joints in order to
percentage of ash with a tendency to This not only cuts out the affected metal protect them from the fire, thus materially
clinker. This combination makes it ne around the holes, but insures the holes reducing the heating surface. These boil
cessary that the
here should fuel beds
be larger of produce
in area rs being “ fair,” thus avoiding the use of the
for the ers should have been rejected altogether,
drift-pin, and this is a far more important but the purchasers considered that lack of
same power than those employed abroad, consideration than is generally conceded. time would not permit the delay neces
and shaking grates and poke holes are This same hardening effect occurs when sary for new boilers to be built ; they
also necessary . a heavy plate is sheared, and the edges have since realized their mistake
The weakness of suction gas pro which are to be exposed to the fire, such All tube holes in tube sheets should be
ducers heretofore has been due to their as the edges of the girth seams, should punched at least 48 inch smaller than full
inability to make a uniform quality of be planed and bevelled to about 45 degrees size and then reamed to 1/32 inch larger
gas under a variable load. This has now to remove the affected metal, or in time in order not to cut the tube in expanding it .
been overcome by the introduction of a troublesome cracks will develop along A great many engineers insist upon flaring
secondary air supply , by means of which these edges, especially if the fires are the ends of tubes instead of beading them
the ratio of air to steam, and consequent- forced . The writer once had to pass upon over. In the writer's opinion this is a
ly the temperature of the fire, can be con the workmanship of a boiler in which it great mistake. We depend upon the tubes
trolled . The tendency of the ordinary was specified that all edges should be to stay the tube - sheets below the water
suction isgas
which made to ber drawn
produce is for all
fire, planed a levelhadof no
cessful tobidder 40 degrees.
planer in The suc line, and
his shop it has been conclusively proven
and this has resulted in trouble, due to capable of taking these sheets, but he had by experiment that a tube beaded over has
too much a good ' bevel shearing machine , so he far more holding power than one simply
the fact that in some cases
flared . Furthermore, the thin ends of a
steam has been sheared all the plates to a bevel and was
is conse quent ly taken intocondi
in poor the tion
fire, to
re- very much surprised that any objection Aared tube are exposed to the fire in the
rear end , and it is a common thing to
spond to an increase of load. The ad should be made to this process, thinking find them burned almost entirely away .
that the bevel itself was all that was
dition of the secondary air supply en The writer has never heard any good
ables an extra amount of air to be taken The .use of the drift-pin is responsible
desired reason for not beading all tubes at both
into the fire, and at the same time offsets for a great deal of trouble in the form ends, and the additional expense is so
the tendency to excess steam , which es of what are called " fire cracks. " These slight that it ought not to be considered .
capes through the primary air cocks. are cracks which usually develop soon Too many tubes should not be crowded
Another great assistance in maintaining after the boiler is put into service, and into a boiler, as it impedes the circulation
extend from the rivet hole to the edge and makes it difficult to clean . It is much
a fuel bed which will respond quickly to cheaper to get a slightly larger boiler
changes in load is the advantage of pre- plate.to use
of the due
always Theyof are no means
the bydrift-pin, but with ample space below the tubes for a
heating all the air and steam which enter
are frequently caused by the sudden man to work in .
fire. installing suction gas producers ,
theWhen chilling of the seams from opening the In this connection a word might be
care should be taken that sufficient pur- fire doors, especially when the fires are said in regard to through braces below
ifying plant is supplied ; otherwise the being forced. If the cracks gradually the tubes. While they are undoubtedly
pipes are in time liable to clog with the extend back into the body of the plate, as superior to crow-foot braces theoretically ,
they sometimes do, they can usually be they have serious disadvantages . In the
accumulated dirt. checked by drilling a small hole at the first place they very seldom remain tight,
end of each crack and plugging it. When frequently becoming so loose within five
A good way to line up a simple engine a fire crack becomes troublesome by leak- or six months as to be absolutely worth
is to stretch tightly a fine piano wire age, it is best to cut out the rivet, ream less as braces, and if they are tightened it
through the center of the cylinder of the the hole until it is clean and fair, and is only a short time before they are as
engine, and make all measurements from drive in a new rivet. This will usually slack as before. They also make it very
this. Another wire may be stretched at end all trouble if done in time. difficult for a man to get to the rear end
right angles to it, parallel with the shaft. Many boiler makers make the great to clean the boiler properly. While it is
This right angle can be determined by the admitted that the crow- foot brace some
mistake of making the girth seams over
the fire so that the edges of the sheets times causes the sheet to crack where the
familiar 3 :4 :5 triangle ; or, if the shaft is face the front. This causes the fire to shank is riveted to it , this is always due
short, compared with the length of the
to scale and sediment collecting at this
engine, by a triangle having the ratio and, directly
especial on the
ly in heavy of theitsheets
edgessheets, fre- point, and can be avoided if proper atten
cylinde and guides can
be lined upThe
directly from the first wire, quently causes cracks to develop, or at tion is given to cleaning . Another form
and the bearings for the main shaft can least causes troublesome leakage. The of brace which is troublesome on account
be adjusted until they are parallel with best plan is to make the several courses of becoming loose is the " loop brace "
the second wire. Of course, if a transit is taper slightly, so that the edges of all which is practically obsolete now, for
available, the time and trouble required the girth seams can be faced to the rear. tunately . This, as shown in the accom
can be considerably reduced by its use. It is scarcely necessary to discuss the panying sketch , is a loop riveted to the
228 POWER April, 1906.
boiler head and engaged by a loop in one specified thickness at the edges, because in Regulating Compound -wound Dy .
end of the brace. As the strain is brought rolling large plates the rolls always spring
on these loops they straighten out to some namos Operating in Parallel.
to some extent and make the plate slightly
extent, loosening the brace. When these thicker in the middle than at the edges, When two electric generators, or dyna
braces give trouble, the best thing to do and in determining the pressure to be
is to remove them and substitute good allowed on a boiler, the calculation must mos, are precisely alike in their operating
crow -foot braces, and no further trouble be based upon the thinnest part of the characteristics it is accidental rather than
will be experienced. Braces are now plate. When the thickness is not speci the result of skill in construction . Take
made in several patterns without welds, fed in this way, it is customary to order two machines of exactly the same me
and this being the case tnere seems to be the plate by weight, assuming that one chanical construction , built from a single
little excuse for the use of those contain square foot of steel plate 0.01 inch thick design , and it will be found almost in
ing welds, which to say the least are of weighs 0.408 pound. Thus, a plate 38 variably that the field -magnet excitation
uncertain strength . inch thick will weigh 15.3 pounds per required to produce a given voltage at a
It is a common practice to make the square foot.
A moment's thought will given speed will not be the same in both
show that a plate " weigh
heads of domes, steam drums and mud an ing y -inch ” is of machines. This is due to differences in
drums dished or bumped outwards and average thickness of 38-inch, being the quality of the magnetic material used,
to dispense with braces. In such cases, thinner at the edges and thicker in the and it affects the operation of compound
the heads should be bumped to a radius middle, so that the pressure must be based wound dynamos more than that of shunt
equal to the diameter of the drum ; with on a thickness of material somewhat less wound machines because regulation of the
this construction the government allows than 38 -inch. field strength to suit the load is accomp
a pressure equal to one - sixth of the ten So much has been written about the lished ( or intended to be ) automatically
sile strength Xthe thickness--the radius danger of water pockets in branch pipes in compound -wound generators by the
of the bump. This is a very desirable between boilers and headers that it seems series field winding. It will usually be
construction, as it does away with all found that if two such machines of ap
braces and in well equipped hops it is useless
Yet it tois say
of much alongtance
such impor that line
the. parently identical construction be driven
much cheaper to bump a head than it is at the same speed and the rheostats in the
writer wishes to call attention to it. Until
shunt field circuits be adjusted so that
two accidents due to this fault occurred same
both machines give precisely the
in plants in the writer's care , he was
voltage at no load, they will not give pre
Power , A. Y ,
regard to this bedanger,
to somewhat skeptical
but these in cisely equal voltages at half load or full
load , or any other point far removed
forced the lesson home . In both cases from no load. Consequently, it is com
the branch pipes ran some six feet from mon practice to adjust the rheostats so
the stop valve, then turned up into the that when the generators are carrying the
header, thus forming the water pocket. Eg .

Shu p
In the first case the boiler was being cut
into service, as usual, when a water


hammer occurred, splitting the stop valve
to brace it. If we assume a steam drum wide open and scalding the fireman almost
to be made of some very elastic material, to death . In the second case the arrange
such as rubber, for example, and apply ment was similar, and the trimming of the
pressure, we can very readily see that it valve was blown out, scalding the engineer
will tend to assume a spherical form. and disfiguring him for life. As it was llllllll0000
Shunt Field
Consequently, if we give the heads a impractical, under the existing conditions, Winding

hemispherical form, the metal will be to change the piping, a drain was pro FIG. I.

subjected only to a tensile stress and the vided and run to a trap, which effectually average load-that is, the load that occurs
effect of breathing will not be so pro- prevented all further trouble oftenest or lasts longest in the day's run
nounced as with a flat head. --they give equal voltages and therefore
The art of flanging is so highly develop divide the load properly between them
ed now that there is no longer any excuse Babbitt Metal. selves .
for using cast - iron for such parts as When a compound -wound dynamo is
manhole reënforcements, blow -off flanges Babbitt metal is an alloy of copper, tin operated alone, that is, without being
and steam-pipe Aanges which are riveted and antimony. It is soft and nearly white, connected electrically to any other dyna
to the boiler, as it has proved to be a and is used as an anti - friction metal . Isaac mo, the rise of voltage from no load to .
very treacherous material in boiler conBabbitt, of Boston, patented the alloy in full load due to the series field winding is
struction. In fact, it should not be used adjustable by means of a “ shunt strip "
1839, and the original alloy contained 24
even in blow -off pipe fittings that are connected across the terminals of the
parts tin , wing r and 8 antimony.
exposed to the fire, malleable iron being The follo 4 parts( Haswe
ll's formula ) gives series winding, as indicated in Fig. 1 .
far better, and even these should be pro Varying the length of this strip varies its
tected from the fire as much as possible a tougher metal : Tin 96 parts, copper 4
resistance, of course, and thereby changes
by enclosing them in brickwork. An iron and antimony 8 parts. Lead is also added the amount of current that it shunts out
sleeve over ablow -offpipedoes not give inIn somecases on account of its cheapness of the series winding; the less ofthemain
small amounts it is not objectionable,
much protection ; it soon burns off and is current that passes through the series
seldom replaced , as it is usually necessary but the babbitt metal that is sold in the winding, the smaller will its ma etizing
to take down the entire pipe to do so, a market ready mixed usually contains a power be and, consequently, the less will
good fire -brick pier built around the blow- considerably larger proportion of lead the voltage rise as the load increases.
off pipe will usually stand about as long than its price would indicate. The alloy This makes it easy to obtain any degree
as the pipe lasts, and is cheap and easily is usually melted and run, while fluid, di of “ compounding ” between none at all
repaired . rectly into the bearings, a space from an and the maximum effect of the series
In specifying the thickness of the plates eighth to a half inch thick being left for winding, so long as the generator supplies
in a first - class boiler, it should always be it between the box and the shaft that is to its load alone . When two ( or more ) dy
, explicitly stated that it must be of the be supported . — Dixie Wood- Worker. namos are connected to one circuit or
April , 1906. POWER 229

one set of bus-bars, however, it is impos- bar has been shifted to a position be- ly be extremely small - much less than an
sible to regulate their compounding indi- neath the dynamo armatures in the draw- ohm - and wherever the load carried by
vidually by means of shunt-strip adjust- ing. In Fig. 4 the generator parts have the dynamos does not change frequently
ment because their series windings and been turned around through a quarter of or suddenly, it will be found much easier
shunt strips are connected in parallel by a circle and the negative bus-bar merge 1
Feuder into the feeder lead . These changes are
merely for the sake of giving the diagram

more pictorial force ; the flow of current
is now straight upward from the negative
E feeder through the machines to the equal
izer and positive bus -bars. Now, bus-bars

HE are used only for convenience in making -



connections, and they and the generator

leads are of such low resistance that the
electrical effect of the arrangement in Fig .
+ 4 is precisely the same as that in Fig. 5, ig
noring the dotted lines. In this latter dia
FIG . 2. gram the bus-bars have been eliminated, r

one of the main bus-bars and the equali- the equalizer leads e, e connected together FIG . 6.
zer, and any change in the resistance of midway between the machines, and the
to compensate for the difference between
one shunt strip will affect both series series windings connected to the equalizer the compounding of the two by adjusting
windings alike ; lenghtening one shunt at b and to the end of the positive feeder
the rheostat in the shunt field circuit of
strip will strengthen both series windings, at a. It will now be quite evident that any
connection between the points a and b will the weaker machine as the load changes
and vice versa. than to prepare a dead series resistance
This is not easy of comprehension to shunt both of the series windings ; also
the average dynamo attendant, unaccus- that if a shunt strip be attached to of the proper character and connect it up .
It may have been noticed that in Fig .
tomed to draw diagrams of his circuits one of the series windings, as indicated
and thereby reason out things that other by the dotted lines, it will have the I the series winding is shown on the
wise appear obscure, but a study of Figs .


J + +

FIG . 5. FIG . 7
FIG . 3.
same effect that it would if connected to negative side of the machine, while in the
2 to 5 in proper sequence should make it
a and b, because the resistance of the remaining diagrams it is on the positive
clear. Fig . 2 is a diagram of the main leads from the series windings is so low side. This has been done purposely to
connections of compound -wound as to be negligible. From this it should emphasize the fact that in the operation
dynainos, one set of bus -bars and one be obvious that one series winding cannot of a dynamo it makes no difference what
feeder, with the switches , instruments,
be shunted without shunting both series ever to which terminal the series winding
shunt field windings, and other features windings, when the connections are ortho- is connected , so long as it is connected up
unrelated to the argument omitted . The properly with respect to its` magnetizing
polarities of the brushes, bus- bars and dox, as in Fig. 2.
feeder leads are indicated by the conven
The only way to vary the compounding
of one machine without affecting that of
both when two are operating in parallel is
to insert resistance in series with which
ever winding is the stronger of the two.


Thus , if the series winding C, Fig. 5 ,

causes its field magnet to raise the voltage
more rapidly , as the load increases , than
+ the rise of voltage produced by the wind
ing d ; instead of shunting it, as indicated
by the dotted lines , a resistance must be
put in series with it , as indicated at r
in Fig. 6. This will increase the total re
sistance of the path through the wind
FIG. 4. ing c between the points a and b , and FIG 8.
tional plus and minus signs, the equalizer divert a larger share of the total current effect on the field magnet. This may be
bus - bar by E and the equalizer leads of through the winding d, strengthening understood better perhaps after consider
the two dynamos by e, e. Fig. 3 is exactly that winding as well as weakening c. The ing Figs. 7 and 8. These represent, for
like Fig. 2 except that the negative bus- amount of resistance required will usual- simplicity, bipolar dynamos each having
230 POWER April , 1906

one shunt field coil and one series field if the plant were fitted with economizers, steam would do half as much work as a
coil . In Fig. 7 the series coil is between this additional work would be pure gain , pound of live steam admitted to the high
the positive brush and the external cir- since the steam would not be needed for pressure cylinder. Consequently it fol
cuit and so connected up that it magne- heating the feed-water. This applies lows that if the exhaust from the auxili
tizes the iron in the same direction with equally to a plant which is run condensing aries is twelve per cent of the total steanı
the shunt winding, producing the polar- or non -condensing, even though in the generated, the saving by this arrangement
ities indicated by the letters N and S. In non -condensing plant the auxiliary en- would be a trifle more than one-half this .
Fig. 8, the series winding is connected to gines would have to run with about 25 to that is, the saving effected would be a lit
the negative brush of the machine , but 40 pounds back -pressure, for though the tle more than six per cent. , not taking
its magnetizing effect is exactly the same steam consumption of the auxiliary en- into account the increased efficiency of
as before. gines would be increased, the aditional the engines at light load .
Of course, when two or more dynamos steam would be worked to the final pres- It may be argued that in a condensing
are operated in parallel, their series wind- sure in the low-pressure cylinder. In the plant this gain can be exceeded by run
ings must all be on the same side, either case of the non -condensing plant this is ning the auxiliaries condensing, but this
positive or negative, of their respective true, whether or not an economizer is is not the case, for the steam is expanded
machines, but it makes no difference used, for here the exhaust steam from more in the main engine than it can pos
whether they are all on the positive side the main engines will be far in excess of sibly be in the small ones, and therefore
or all on the negative side. what is needed for heating the feed water, it is used to better advantage in the main
and consequently the exhaust from the engines, as has been shown by experience
auxiliaries would be wasted. The only in marine work, where the arrangement
The Most Economical Use of
case in which there would not be a gain here proposed for stationary plants has
Auxiliaries. by this method would be in the condensing been tried and found to give a consider
plant, which is not fitted with economiz- able saving. It is possible, also, to main
ers, in which case a greater saving, both tain a better vacuum in the condenser in

With the increasing price of coal, the

in coal and wear and tear on the boilers, this way, for it is difficult to keep the
one constant demand made of engineers is
would be secured by using the auxiliary glands of the small engines always tight.
exhaust for heating the feed-water. and it has been found, especially in marine
for increased economy, even in some cases work, that most of the air leaks and trou
Besides the direct saving due to expand-
to the extent of adding a bonus for each
additional fraction of a pound by which ing this exhaust steam in the main en ble with poor vacuum have arisen out of
the steam consumption of the engines is gines and getting this additional work out the auxiliary machinery exhausting into
of it and out of them , it will increase the the main condensers. This trouble can
reduced one
course, perway
of getting This results,
power. better is, of economy of the main engines considerably not, of course, arise where the exhaust
on light load, for when the load is light, pressure of the auxiliaries is kept above
but in my opinion, besides demanding the the pressure of the atmosphere. This
increased economy of the engines and the auxiliary exhaust will bear a larger
ratio to the steam used by the main en does not apply to electrically - operated
boilers, there should be an equally strong
demand for methods which will not incur auxiliaries.
gines, and hence will tend to keep up the
such a large outlay for the results ob- pressure in the last stage and thus ena
tained, and more time to spend on improv- ble the large low-pressure cylinder to Sulphur in Liquid Fuel.
ing the piping system and the arrange- work with a later cut-off, thus considera
ment of the auxiliary apparatus . bly lessening the initial condensation , with A. Goetzl writes on the determination
The following applies only to plants a higher mean effective pressure in conse of sulphur in aliquid fuel," i. e., petroleum
which are equipped with multiple -stage quence of the reduced condensation. To residues, in the Zeit. f. angew . Chem .
expansion engines or turbines, and for the be sure, the cut-off will be aa little earlier in ( 1905, No. 30, p. 1528 ) . He has tried the
sake of discussion, the plants are divided the high -pressure cylinder, and therefore usual methods without success, and has
into those having non-condensing engines, the initial condensation will be slightly finally found that good results are ob
those run condensing and fitted with greater in this cylinder, but this is by far the tained by the following :
economizers, and condensing plants not Two or three grams of the fluid are treated
lesser of two evils, because the weight of
fitted with economizers. iron which is alternately heated and with 4 c.c. of fuming nitric acid in a large
In most plants, besides the feed pumps, cooled is only about one-half as great as platinum crucible covered with a watch
there are also small engines which are in the low - pressure cylinder, and hence the glass. When, after some hours, the reac
used for draft fans and for running the advantage will lie with the plan which re tion in the cold ceases, the crucible is .
mechanical stokers ; in those generating duces the condensation in the large cylin- heated on a gently warmed water-bath.
alternating current, there will also be the der. When the mass has quieted down, the
exciter sets, and possibly air and circulat- In the modern steam plant, the indicated cover is removed and the heating is con
ing pumps . horse -power of the auxiliary machinery tinued until the material is dry. He then
All these small engines, and especially will range from six to nearly ten per cent. adds 6 or 8 gm . of a mixture of calcined
soda ( free from SiO and Na2S0 .) with
the pumps, are very extravagant users of of that of the main engines, but the steam
steam , and the coal which this steam consumption per horse -power of these two parts of saltpeter, and stirs ( as soon
as the mass softens ) with a platinum rod .
represents is well worth saving. Now small engines will vary from twice in the He covers with some more of the nitrate
since all these engines exhaust the steam large plants, to three times that of the
with little or no expansion, the steammain engines, and so for an average, it mixture, and heats over a rosette -burner.
leaves them with practically the same may be assumed that the auxiliary engines After the combustion is completed, the
amount of heat which it had when it en- take about twelve per cent. ( purposely melt is dissolved in hot water, and the
tered, and, being at a lower pressure, it taken low) of the total steam generated solution is poured into a beaker ; HCI is
will, in general, be dry. If then , this by the boilers. In the case of compound added, the liquid is broughtto boiling,and
steam were led into the low-pressure cyl- engines or two-stage turbines, half thethe sulphuric acid is precipitated with
barium chloride .
inder of a compound engine, each pound is generally done in each stage, there
of the exhaust steam from the auxiliary fore, since we may assume that both cyl
engines would do as much work in the inders have about the same efficiency, if A United States standard gallon of
cylinder as a pound of the exhaust steam we passed the auxiliary steam into the low water weighs 81/3 pounds and contains 231
from the high pressure cylinder, so that, pressure cylinder, each pound of this cubic inches.
April, 1906 . POWER 231

Available Power and Cost of Opera- proximately 50 per cent.of the total quan- furnished by gas blowing engines, the lat
tion of a Power Station for tity generated, leaving a little less than ter will normally have to compress the air
50 per cent. available for useful work to about 15 to 18 pounds per square inch ;
Waste Gases from a Blast
outside of the blast furnace plant itself. but as it will be occasionally necessary to
Furnace Plant. * HOT BLAST STOVES . blow against a pressure of 30 pounds per
It is generally figured that about 30 per square inch, the gas blowing engines must
cent, of the total quantity of gas generated be large enough to do this work. Figuring
by the blast furnace is required for heat- on a maximum pressure of about 30
The following calculation has been ing the blast, although this quantity varies pounds per square inch , the work neces
made assuming a new blast furnace plant considerably according to the quality of sary to compress 100 cubic feet of air
of two 400 -ton blast furnaces, situated in the gas , the design and construction of the against this pressure for adiabatic com
the immediate vicinity of a large city and hot -blast stoves and according to the con- pression will amount to 8.65 horse -power
having the ordinary facilities for water ditions of operation of the blast furnace theoretical, or nearly 10 brake horse
supply and for handling the raw and plant in general. For European blast fur- power in the gas engine. As 72,000 cubic
finished material. Assuming both fur nace plants, the figure of 45 per cent. is feet per minute have to be compressed ,
naces in good operation and assuming a found frequently in reports endeavoring 7200 brake horse- power in gas engines
coke consumption of 1900 pounds per ton to determine the available power from must be provided. The engines would, un
of pig iron, there will be required 800X blast plants, while in this country the gas der these conditions, operate under full
1900 = 1,520,000 pounds of coke per day . necessary for the stoves is estimated in . load. The heat consumption , as stated be
This quantity of coke produces approxi- certain instances to be as low as 20 per fore, will be less than 9000 B. t. u. per
mately 110,000,000 cubic feet of gas in cent . of the total quantity produced . hour per brake horse -power. (Actual
24 hours, or per ton of pig iron 110,000 , POWER FROM BLAST FURNACE GAS . tests on a double- acting tandem Cockerill
000 :-800 = 137,000 cubic feet of gas. The gas engine show a heat consumption of
losses on the top of the furnaces may Assuming 30 per cent., we are certainly 8880 B. t. u . per hour per brake horse
on the safe side, and so much more so
amount to approximately 5 per cent., so power ) ; but assuming 9,000 B. t. u. per
since in a new blast furnace plant all the hour per brake horse - power, one brake
that 130,000 cubic feet of gas per ton of
pig iron produced in 24 hours could be gas leaving the top of the blast furnace horse-power-hour will require 9.000 --- 90 =
would be subjected to a cleaing process ,
obtained. The average heat value of this 100 cubic feet of gas, and 7,200 brake
blast furnace will be about 90 B. t . u . per thus removing the bulk of the dust car horse - power in blowing engines will there
cubic foot . The total quantity of gas . ried along by the gas . The question of
fore require 720,000 cubic feet of gas per
available for the various purposes in this cleaning the blast furnace gas which is hour.
blast furnace plant amounts to 130,000 X required for the hot blast stoves and tho
boilers in a blast furnace plant, has not as As previously mentioned, under ordi
800 = 104,000,000 cubic feet of gas per 24 nary conditions the gas blowing engines
hours or 4,350,000 cubic feet per hour, yet received as much attention in this
will have to blow against only 15 to 18
having a total heat value of 391,500,000 country as it has in Europe, where most of
pounds pressure. Taking the lower figure
B.t.u. Modern double-acting gas en the large blast furnace plants have been of 15 pounds per square inch , there will be
gines of large capacity working on the equipped, during the last two or three required 5.125 horse-power per 100 cubic
four - cycle or Otto principle, built with years, with extensive gas washing plants. theoretically, approximate
of blast
the latest improvements and using high cleaning practically every particle of gas feet or
ly 6 brake horse-power per 100 cubic feet
compression of mixture, consume less than produced by the furnaces. Very exhaust in the blowing engines. For the total blast
9,000 B. t . u . per hour per brake horse ive tests as to the advantage of cleaning of 72,000 cubic feet per minute there will
power at full load capacity. The total the gas for stoves and boilers have been
made by Mr. Emil Hiertz, superintendent be required 4320 brake horse -power.
quantity of gas produced by two blast The gas blowing engines are supposed to
furnaces of 400 tons capacity each , when of the blast furnaces of the John Cocker
be ample in size to give a maximum of
used in gas engines for generating power, ill Company, of Seraing, Belgium . 7,200 brake horse -power. They would
would operate at least 391,500,000 :-9,000 = As far as the consumption of the hot therefore operate normally on ( 4,320 X 100 )
43,500 horse -power. If, therefore, all the blast stoves is concerned he found that
+ 7,200 = 60 per cent. of their full load ca
gas generated by a blast furnace plant by using clean gas the temperature of the pacity.
could be used for producing power, there stoves could be increased at least 200 de The above mentioned test, made on a
would be available over 50 horse - power grees Fabr ., and it will be seen at a glance 1500 horse - power double -acting tandem
that this fact tends to decrease the quan
per ton of pig iron produced per 24 hours. gas engine built by the John Cockerill
This quantity of 4,350,000 cubic feet of tity of gas necessary for obtaining a cer Company, of Seraing, Belgium , showed a
gas per hour will be divided for the vari tain temperature in the hot blast stoves, heat consumption of 10,800 B. t . u . per
so that in the future the percentage of gas
ous purposes of the blast furnace plant as hour per brake horse- power for the engine
follows : One part of the gas is used for to go into the stoves will be materially running at two -thirds of its full load ca
heating the hot blast stoves, another for pacity. According to a curve plotted from
operating gas blowing engines and there is Assuming the figure of 30 per cent., the
the tests, the engine running at 60 per
gas required for the auxiliary machinery, total quantity of gas necessary for heating cent. load would show a heat consumption
such as pumps , hoists, coke and ore -hand the blast will be 4.350,000x0.30 = 1,305,000
cubic feet per hour.
of about 11,100 B. t.u. per hour per brake
ling machinery, power transmission, com horse -power. Let it be even 11.500 B. t. u .
pressed air, pig -iron casting machinery, GAS BLOWING ENGINES ,
per hour, at 60 per cent. load of the en
and for lighting the entire blast furnace A new blast - furnace plant will in the fu- gine, then the amount of gas required
plant ; some of the gas is also necessary ture be equipped with just one steam would be 11,500 :-90 = 128 cubic feet per
for operating gas engines, serving the gas blowing engine for starting the blast Ir- hour per brake horse- power, making the
cleaning plants and a certain percentage naces ( unless gas producers should be in total requirement for blowing engines
may be counted for losses in the piping stalled ), while the rest of the blowing en- equal to 4300 X 128 = 550,000 cubic feet per
in the engines, the gas cleaning plant, etc. gines will be operated by gas engines. The hour. This is less than the quantity re
It will be seen that the total quantity of quantity of blast required will be 90 cubic quired at full load by about 170,000 cubic
gas necessary for the operation of the feet per minute per ton of pig iron pro- feet per hour. In other words, 720,000 cu
blast furnace plant itself amounts to ap- duced, or for 800 tons, 800 X90 = 72,000 cu- bic feet of gas for the purpose of gas
bic feet of blast air per minute. blowing engine is the maximum that would
*A paper read before the Western Society Assuming that all the necessary blast be ever be required.
of Engineers , Chicago .
232 POWER April, 1906.
AUXILIARY MACHINERY . Theisen is used almost exclusively for gas gas cleaning purposes amounts to about
The power necessary for lighting the cleaning plants. This apparatus requires 1.5 horse- power per ton of pig iron pro
plant, for pumps, hoists, and all the neces- for a given amount of gas, less power, duced in 24 hours. This figure coincides
sary machinery for operating the blast fur- less water and less attendance and is giv- very nicely with the figure given by W.
nace plant could be assumed to be about ing far better results than the so-called Oswald, of Coblenz, which is 1.6 horse
1.5 brake horse-power per ton of pig iron hydraulic fans which were used six years power per ton of pig iron produced per
produced per day. This figure will take ago. 24 hours .
into account all the modern machinery According to the experience as indi LOSSES.
with which an up-to- date blast furnace cated by European practice for cleaning In the piping for the engines , in the
plant is equipped , and is certainly very the gas generated by the blast furnaces, gas engines themselves and in the gas
conservative , as other authorities estimate it may be assumed that all the gas for our cleaning plant , about 5 per cent . of the
the auxiliary power to be far less. 800 -ton blast furnace plant is to be gas required might be lost by leakage, etc.
A. Ernst gives the figure of one horse- cleansed in Theisen gas washers of large The total loss would therefore amount to
power per ton of pig iron produced ; Ed- capacity, to such an extent as not to con- 0.05X 960,000 = 48,000 cubic feet.
ward Uehling gives about 1.04 horse- tain more than about 0.5 gram of dust After deducting the quantities of gas
power ; W. Oswald, of Coblenz, gives one per cubic meter. The gas for operating necessary for the various purposes of the
horse-power, and the John Cockerill Com- gas engines will be subjected to a further blast furnace plant there remains available
pany about 1.05 horse- power per ton of pig cleaning in Theisen gas washers, which for other purposes, in round figures 2,000,
iron produced. At the rate of 1.5 horse- will bring down the amount of dust con- 000 cubic feet of gas per hour as shown
power per ton of pig iron for auxiliary tained in the gas to 0.03 gram per cubic by Table I. This quantity of gas at the
machinery, the total requirements for the meter ( corresponding to 0.0131 grain per rate of 100 cubic feet per brake horse
blast furnace plant of 800 tons will amount cubic foot ) or even less. Experience power per hour would provide for 20,000
to 800X1.5 = 1200 brake horse-power. If shows that engines using clean gas are brake horse-power. For each ton of pig
this power be generated by gas engines able to run six months and more continu- iron produced per 24 hours, there will
and assuming a gas consumption of 100 ously day and night without requiring therefore be available for sale or for other
cubic feet per brake horse-power-hour, the cleaning internally . useful work 25 horse-power. As found
total quantity of gas to be deducted for In order to clean 10,000 cubic feet of previously, the total quantity of gas gen
auxiliary power purposes will be 1200X gas per hour to such a degree as to be erated by two 400 -ton furnaces represents
100 = 120,000 cubic feet . suitable for hot blast stoves, Theisen gas over 50 brake horse-power per ton of pig
GAS CLEANING . TABLE I. Cubic Feet Cubic Feet
It has been already indicated that a Total Amount of Gas produced per Hour 4,350,000

modern blast furnace plant will be equipped Total Amount to be deducted , per Hour
For Hot Blast Stoves 1.305,000
in the future with extensive gas cleaning
For Gas Blowing Engines 720.000
apparatus to cleanse all the gas produced For Operating Auxiliary Machinery 120.000
by the furnaces. Aside from the advan 120,000
For Operating Gas Cleaning Plants
tage of obtaining a higher temperature For Losses in Piping . Engines , etc. 18.000
in the hot- blast stoves, thus decreasing the Total 2,313,000 2,313,000
quantity of gas necessary for heating the Am't available for other purposes outside Blast Furnace Plant req'in'ts per Hr. 2,037,000

blast and eventually decreasing the coke

consumption per ton of pig iron produced, washers require about 1.25 horse-power iron produced per 24 hours . Generally
there is aa decided advantage in using clean
gas for heating the stoves, as the latter do ( actual test shows 1.15 horse-power) . The speaking, 50 per cent of the power rep
power necessary for cleaning the whole resented in the gas produced by a blast
not require to be cleansed as often . This furnace is available for sale .
quantity of 4,350,000 cubic feet of gas
would mean a considerable saving in labor per hour will therefore amount to 550 Blast furnaces are subject to ertain
actually expended in the blast furnace brake horse - power.
plants for removing the dust which accu unavoidable irregularities on account of
mulates in a very short time in the flues of As stated before, 30 per cent . of this which a "coefficient of safety ” must be in
the hot- blast stoves. It would even be clean gas goes to the stoves , leaving 70 troduced in the calculation for determin
per cent . to pass through the second series ing the available power from a blast fur
possible by using clean gas to do away en
tirely with the spare hot- blast stoves, thus of Theisen gas washers. Gas cleaned for nace of a given capacity. This coefficient
gas engine purposes in Theisen gas wash is of course extremely variable and de
saving considerably on the first cost of the
installation. As the gas -washing appara ers requires about 1.5 brake horse -power pends largely upon the pig iron market
tus delivers the gas under a pressure of for each 10,000 cubic feet of gas per hour ( which might require a banking of the
from three to four inches of water, the ( actual tests show only 1.3 brake horse- furnaces ), upon which the operation of the
size of the conduits for conveying the gas power ) . furnaces, the quality and supply of ore,
could be decreased for new blast furnace The power required for the second se- coke, etc. It is very difficult to foretell
plants, which again would mean a reduc- ries of gas washers will therefore amount to how much of the total theoretical availa
tion in the first cost . 0.7X435X1.5 = 460 brake horse-power, and ble horse-power from the 400 -ton fur
That clean blast furnace gas is by far the total power required for gas washing naces could actually be realized, especially
more advantageous in its use than dirty purposes will be 1010 brake horse -power. when the electric power generated by
gas, is shown by an experience had at the Gas- engine- dynamos will generate the using this gas in gas engines is to be sold
blast furnace plant at Seraing. After necessary electric current for operating the to outside consumers to whom the deliv
cleaning a boiler and putting it into com- electric motors of the gas washers . With a ery of a certain amount of power naturally
mission again, it required with dirty gas combined efficiency of 85 per cent., the re- must. be guaranteed, perhaps under a
three hours time to get up the steam quired capacity of the gas engine will be heavy penalty. This irregularity in the
pressure. while by using clean gas, this about 1200 brake horse -power, and at the operation of a blast furnace will have a
time could be reduced to one and one rate of 100 cubic feet of gas per hour, per very great influence on the production of
half hours . It is a well known fact that brake horse-power, there will be required gas, affecting the quantity as well as the
clean gas burns far better than gas con- for gas cleaning purposes another 1200X quality. With two blast furnaces only it
taining considerable quantities of very 100 = 120,000 cubic feet of gas per hour. would be perfectly safe to figure on the
fine dust. In Europe, the centrifugal gas Figuring back on the tonnage of pig iron, available horse-power from the gas of one
cleaning apparatus invented by Edward it will be seen that the power required for furnace, assuming this coefficient to be 0.5
April, 1906. POWER 233

Following the above outlined order of acting tandem Wellman -Cockerill gas en- shuts off the entrance of gas to the clean
ideas a blast furnace plant of only two gines with cylinders 38 inches diameter, by ing plant in case of a lack of gas, thus
400 -ton furnaces should be equipped in 54 inches stroke, speed 85 revolutions avoiding a vacuum in the main gas con
the beginning with a power station of only per minute, with a rated load of 1750 duit, and consequently preventing the en
trance of air into the latter, which might
ITEM Weight, Pounds Cost
produce dangerous explosive mixtures in
Gas Cleaning Plant 250.000 $ 33,00
the pipe line. The gas pressure regulator
Building and Foundation for sume 6,300 and the four Theisen gas washers could
Ring Gas Main 100,000 6,000 be arranged in such a way that by the
Building for eight Gas Engines and Dynamos 15.000 simple manoeuvering of a few valves, the
Foundation for Engines 26,000 gas can be " by - passed ” at the pressure
Traveling Crane 120.000 8,500
regulator or each Theisen apparatus, thus
Eight Gas Engines 4,000,000 121,000
170.000 24,000
permitting the cleaning or repairs of the
Complete Piping
Air Coinpressor Outfit 10,000 5,000
latter without interfering in the least
Complete Electrical Equipment 670,000 162,500
with the operation of the power plant.
Total Weight of Machinery 3,650,000 Each Theisen apparatus would deliver the
Total Cost of Installation $ 11,000 clean gas into the water separator in front
Cost of Installation per B.H.P. (Total Capacity 12.000 B.H.P.) G1.60 of the gas washer. These separators
Cost of Installation per K.W. (TotalCapacity 0.30.)K.W.) ‫ ي‬۰۰ . ‫باز‬ take out the water from the gas and de
liver clean , cool and dry gas into a col
limited capacity corresp.inding to theindicated horse - power, or 1500 brake
lecting pipe which , in turn , is connected to
available power from only one furnace, in- horse - power each, direct connected to
the ring gas main .
stalling later on additional units, if the alternators of 800 kilowatts giving three
A light steel frame building with brick
conditions and operations of the furnace phase currents at 25 cycles and 6600 volts, walls and solid roof is sufficient to shelter
plant would be such as to safely permit the with exciters, switchboard and wiring ;
generation of additional electrical power. the Theisen gas washers, their motors and
gas cleaning plant for power station only, the water separators. This building
The following calculation has been made complete piping, air-compressor outfit, would be about lou feet long and 30 feet
on the assumption that an elctric power buildings, foundations and traveling
wide, and should be provided with a
plant of about 10,000 brake horse -power is crane ; the cost of ..e plant will be as
to be installed first. The size of unit best shown in Table II .
traveling crane of five tons capacity and
30 feet span .
suited for this power plant would be an en GAS CLEANING PLANT.
gine of about 1500 brake horse-power ca- The part of the gas washing plant
pacity. Seven gas engines of 1500 brake chargeable to the power house has to Surrounding the engines and in the
horse-power rated capacity would develop clean a maximum of 12,000 X 100 = 1,200 , building there should be installed a ring
10,500 brake horse-power. In order to 000 cubic feet of gas per hour, or 20,000 gas main of about four feet diameter,
meet emergencies an eighth engine as a cubic feet per minute, provided that all from which the engines take their supply
standby or spare unit should be installed,eight gas engines are in operation under of gas. This ring conduit avoids all pos
so that the power plant in the beginning full load. This quantity of 20,000 cubic sible interference between the gas streams
would consist of eight 1500 -brake-horse- feet of gas per minute, which has pre leading to the various engines and secures
power units . a uniform supply of gas . No connection
viously been cleaned with the bulk of the
Generators of 8oo kilowatts would, at gas of the furnaces, can be cleaned by a between this gas main and the gas clean
the rated load of the gas engines of 1500 gas washing plant consisting of four Thei- ing plant has been considered in this esti
brake horse -power, develop about 1000 kil- sen gas washers No. 3, capable of clean mate, as it depends upon the local con
owatts at 25 per cent overload . At maxi- ing an average of 6000 cubic feet of gas ditions and arrangements.
mum load of the gas engines of 1650 per minute each . A spare Theisen appara The building for the gas engines would
brake horse - power, the generators would tus is not necessary, as in case of a shut be about 85 feet wide and 250 feet long.
carry 1120 kilowatts each, or 40 per cent. down of one washer for cleaning or re It should be a steel structure with brick
overload. It is evident that 800 -kilowatt pairs, the three remaining washers will walls and slate roof, with hardwood floor
generators would perfectly fulfill the re- easily take care of the total quantity of and provided with runways for the elec
quirements, as they easily stand an over gas . Each Theisen apparatus would be tric traveling crane . Each 1500 - h .- p. gas
engine requires for its foundation about
Insu Life if Total
10,000 cubic feet of concrete. The price
Interest Delite
ITEM Cost ! 1 lation , alice Total Platt
ARDUIN as given in Table II includes foundations
Gas Cleaning Plant $ 33,300 3 10 1 16 8.31 87,360 for the eight engines and all the iron
Building and Foundations 6,300 5 1 1 10 16.02 work, such as foundation bolt washers,
Ring Gas Main 6,000 3 5 1 11 14.21 000 girders , supports for piping, etc.
Buildings for eight Gas Dynamos 45,000 5 10 16.62 7.000 An electric traveling crane of about 25
26,000 5 1 16.02 2.600
Foundations for Engines 10
tons capacity and about 85 feet span, with
Traveling Crane 8,500 3 5 11 11.21 930
main and auxiliary trolley, would be re
Gas Engines 424,000 5 8 9.95 39,360
quired .
Complete Piping 24,000 3 3 11.21 2.640
Air Compressor Outfit 5,000 3 5 11 14.21 $50

Complete Electrical Equipment 162,500 S 8 1 14 9.95 22.130 The price as given for the gas engines
Totals 741.000 5 13.5 100.000 includes all the necessary auxiliary appa
Fixed Charges per Kilowatt lour at Full Load -0.15.5 cents
Lou 0.2076 cents
ratus, such as electrically-driven barring
6 . 1. Load 0.3171 rent over devices, pumps operated by the main
shafts of the engines for the circulation of
load of 25 per cent. for 24 hours and an directly coupled to a 70-horse-power elec water under pressure through pistons and
overload of 40 per cent. for short periods. tric motor running at a speed of about piston rods, complete piping, etc. It also
COST OF ELECTRIC POWER STATION OF 10,000 450 revolutions per minute. includes governors having special hand
Between the gas main and the Theisen operated regulating devices for synchro
Assuming the complete equipment of the apparatus, there should be inserted a nizing the engines, and Ay-wheels of suf
power plant to consist of : Eight double- pressure regulator which automatically ficient size, combined with the revolving
234 POWER April , 1906.

elements of the generators, to assure suf- ture for water per day would be $50. The power -hour, 1.2 grams of which will be
ficiently close regulation to synchronize total cost of water per kilowatt-hour at cylinder oil at 35 cents per gallon, and 0.8
and run the generators in parallel without full load would be 0.02874 cent . grams of which will be engine oil at 20
At three-quarter load the gas washing cents per gallon. The total expenditure
The price of complete piping, as given plant will require about 14 gallons of per year will, therefore, amount to $ 15 ,
in Table II, covers all the piping for water per cubic foot of gas per minute. As 645. Cost of oil and grease per kilowatt
gas, air, exhaust, compressed air and wa previously stated, the heat consumption of hour at full load, 0.02460 cent.
ter inside of the engine building, and con- the gas engines running at three -quar- At three - quarter load the quantity of
nections to the gas main , and also in ter load will amount to 10,000 lubricants required will not be very much
cludes two exhaust mufflers with stacks B.t.u. per brake horse -power or, in less than at full load capacity ; in any
and compresed -air tank on each engine. other words, one brake horse-power- event it might be assumed that the total
The air-compressor outfit would consist hour will require 112 cubic feet of gas . expenditure will be about 10 per cent. less
of two electrically -driven two-stage air The output of the power plant being 8,000 per year than at full load capacity of the
compressors, each having a capacity of brake horse -power at three - quarter load, plant. The cost of lubrication of the power
150 cubic feet of free air per minute, com the total gas consumption per hour will plant will therefore amount to $ 14,080 per
pressing against 150 pounds to the square amount to 896,000 cubic feet or, say, 15,- year, and the cost per kilowatt-hour at
inch . A main compressed - air reservoir 000 cubic feet of gas per minute. The three-quarter load will be 0.02922 cent.
with safety valve and gages is included in quantity of washing water for cleaning At half load about 15 per cent, might
the price. The capacity of each air -com this quantity of gas will be 14--15.0 = 210 be deducted from the cost of lubrication
pressor outfit would be ample to permit gallons per minute, or 12,600 gallons per for the power plant when running at full
the simultaneous starting of two engines. load capacity , as at an almost constant
hour, or 302,400 gallons per day .
The electrical equipment would com The consumption of cooling water at load factor of 0.5 several engines would
prise eight 800 -kw . alternating - current three - quarter load will amount to 10.5 be shut down . The total expenditure per
generators, two exciter units, driven inde annum for lubrication of power plant run
pendently, the switchboard and the com gallons per hour per brake horse - power ;
therefore 8,000 brake horse - power will re- ning at half load would therefore amount
plete wiring between generators and quire 84,000 gallons per hour, or 2,016 ,- to $ 13,300. Cost of oil and grease per
000 gallons per day. The total quantity kilowatt -hour at half load, 0.04219 cent.
of water per day, therefore, will be 2,318 , REPAIRS ON MACHINERY .
The computation of the operating cost 400 gallons, say in round figures, 2,320,000
of power plant has been made for three Although the item depreciation and
gallons. maintenance of the gas power plant covers
different assumptions :
First, the power plant running at full At one- half load the consumption of certain repairs on the machinery, and as
lons, the total expenditure for water for small repairs would have to be made by
load capacity ; output 10,500 brake horse cooling and washing purposes will amount
power = 70,080,000 brake horse -power the operating personnel inside of their
to $46.40 per day. Cost of water per kilo regular working hours, it is usual to fig
hours, or 63,510,000 kilowatt- hours per watt-hour at three -quarter load, 0.03514
year . cent.
ure on a separate item for repairs on ma
chinery, providingreplaci
Second, power plant running at three
quarter load ; output 8000 brake horse At one-half load the consumption of might require the for ngaccidents
or repairiwhich
ng of
power 70,080,000 brake horse - power washing water for the Theisen gas washers certain parts of the machinery. Experi
hours, or 48,180,000 kilowatt- hours per will amount to 16 gallons per 1,000 cubic ence with large power plants in Europe
feet of gas cleaned per minute. The con indicates that repairs of this kind do not
year .

stated , will the

Third, power plant running at half-load sumptionof gas engines,aspreviously
be 12,600 exceed about 24 per cent. per yearof the
B. t . u . per hour per purchase price of the gas engines and
capacity ; output 5000 brake horse- power
brake horse - power or one brake horse generators. For the gas cleaning plant,
= 43,800,000 brake horse - power -hours or power-hour will require 140 cubic feet of
31,536,000 kilowatt - hours per year. seven per cent, per year of the purchasing
One year = 365 days ; one day= 24 hours. gas. The total quantity of gas consumed price may be assumed, while for the air
WATER REQUIRED . will be 700,000 cubic feet per hour or compressor five per cent., and for piping
Full Load . - For cleaning 1,000 cubic about 11.700 cubic feet per minute. The and crane two per cent. per year of the
feet of gas per minute, the Theisen gas amount of washing water will therefore respective purchasing prices will cover
cleaning apparatus requires a maximum of be 187.2 gallons per minute or 11,232 gal necessary repairs on these items.
12 gallons of water. The part of the gas lons per hour, making per day 269,568, At full load, the total expenditure for
say 270,000 gallons.
cleaning plant chargeable to the power repairs on the power plant equipment will
house has to clean a maximum of 12,000 X The consumption of cooling water at thus amount to about $ 18,000 per year .
100 = 1,200,000 cubic feet of gas per hour one -half load amounts to thirteen gallons Cost of repairs per kilowatt-hour, 0.02834
per brake horse -power -hour, requiring cent.
or 20,000 cubic feet per minute, requiring
240 gallons per minute, or 345,600 gallons 65,000 gallons per hour, or 1,500,000 gal At three - quarter load, as the machinery
per day. lons per day. The total quantity of wa- is less strained, a certain percentage of
At full load, the gas engine will con ter for the power plant, therefore, will be the expenditure for repairs per year for
sume about 8.5 gallons of water per hour 1,830,000 gallons per day. At the rate of full-load capacity of power plant might be
brake two cents per 1,000 gallons, the total ex deducted. Assuming that this reduction
horse -powerhorse
per brake capacityAtof 10,500
rated- power. power plant, penditure for water per day will amount may amount to about 10 per cent., the to
the requirements of cooling water will be to $ 36.00. Cost of water per kilowatt tal cost of repairs per year will amount to
89,250 gallons per hour, or 2,142,000 gal hour at one -half load, 0.04236 cent . about $ 16,800. Cost of repairs per kilo
OIL AND GREASE REQUIRED . watt -hour, 0.03362 cent.
lons per day, or say 2,154,400 gallons per
day. Total quantity of water per day, Full Load . - According to actual per- At half load , a deduction of about 15 per
2,500,000 gallons. formance of large gas - engine power cent of the cost of repairs at full -load
The blast furnace plant being supposed plants, the plant of 10,500 brake horse- capacity of power plant may properly be
to be located near a stream of water the power in operation , including electrical applied, so that the expenditure per an
cooling water could be provided from the equipment and auxiliary machinery, such num for the plant running at half load
pumping station of the plant at a very low as Theisen apparatus, air compressors, will amount to approximately $ 15.300. Cost
cost of pumping, say at two cents per 1,000 etc. , will not consume more than two of repairs per kilowatt -hour at half load ,
gallons. At this rate, the total expendi- grams of lubricants per brake horse- 0.01852 cent.
April, 1906. POWER 235

WAGES AND SALARIES . would amount to $ 31,600 . Wages and into bins at the plant is $2.75 per ton , that
Full Load — The power plant when run salaries per kilowatt-hour at half load, the coal has a heat value of 13,000 B.t.u.
0.10020 cent. per pound, and, further, that steam of
ning at its full-load capacity will require 150 pounds gage pressure is raised by burn
the following attendants : FUEL .
Per Year
It is generally assumed in computations ing this coal under boilers. One pound of
steam will then contain 1,225 B.t.u.
1 Chief Engineer $ 3,000 determining the operating cost of a blast
1 Assistant 1,800 above o Fahr. Assuming feed water at
8 Machinists at 30c per hour, for furnace gas power plant that the blast
gas engines only 10,513
furnace gas has no value, so that the cost 70 degrees, there would be required
at 21c per hour . 9,198 1155 B.t.u. to generate one pound of steam
102 Mac
hinists at 250 per hour, for
cleaning plant and com - of fuel is generally omitted in such cal of 150 pounds gage pressure. In a boiler
might have been
4 Dynamo tenders at 22.50 per
permissible This, perhaps,
culations. y
formerl when the blast fur- plant having 65 per cent. efficiency, 1,000
hour 3,942 nace gas was used in the condition in pounds of coal could raise 7,300 pounds of
4 Switchboard tenders at 200 per
hour 3,504
1,200 which it left the standard dry dust catch steam , the value of which would be 2.75
1 Bookkeeper and clerk :-(2X7.3 ) = $ 0.188, or 18,8 cents. To this
Total per year . $ 35,346 ers, containing immense quantities of dust must be added for labor and maintenance
TABLE IV . OPERATING COST OF POWER PLANT approximately one cent per one thousand
pounds of steam , making the total value
Per K.W. Per BHP.
Per B II.P.
Cats Year
of 1,000 pounds 19.8 cents. One thousand
Fixed Charges $ 13.793 0.15715 $ 9.524 0.10871 cubic feet of blast furnace gas have a heat
Water 2.518 0.02874 1.783 0.01984 value of 1,000 X90 = 90,000 B.t.u., and are
2.155 0.02460 1.190 0.01700
Oil and Grease
2.183 0.02834 1,714 0.01937
therefore equivalent to (0.65 X99,000 ) =
Wages and Salaries 4.876 0.0.166 3.366 0.03813
1,155= 51 pounds of steam , which in turn
Total without Value of B.F. Gas 20.825 0.29479 17.877 0.2033 are worth 51 X 19.8 -:- 1,000 = 1 cent. The
$ 17.55 0.2040
In round figures $23.83 0.295e value of one thousand cubic feet of blast
12.69 0.1439 8.76 0.100
Fuel equivalent to Coal @ $ 2,75 furnace gas would , therefore, be one cent.
838.32 0.40 € 826.04 0.304
1.89 0.170 10.28 0.117 Another way of determining the value
Fuel equivalent to Coal @ $ 3.25
Total $10.72 0.160 e $ 28.16 0.321 € of blast furnace gas would be to compare
it with natural gas, 1,000 cubic feet of
Say, in round figures , $35,350 per year. and thereby restricting considerably the which has a heat value of 900,000 B.t.u.
Wages and salaries per kilowatt-hour, field of utilization . At 10 cents per 1000 cubic feet for natural
In modern blast plants, however, all the gas, the value of 1.000 cubic feet of blast
at full load, 0.05566 cent.
At three - quarter Load . Not much gas will be subjected to a thorough clean- furnace gas would be 90,000 : 900,000 X 10
money .could be saved in wages and sala ing process, which entails certain expen- -I cent.

ries for the power plant when the latter ditures for installation , power, mainte Full Load . - One thousand cubic feet of
is running at threee - quarter load ; possibly cance, and attendance for the gas cleaning blast furnace gas will, at the rate of 100
cubic feet per brake horse -power- hour,
develop at full load 10 brake horse -power
hours. The value of the blast furnace
Per K.W. Per K.W. Per W.11.P. PerTour
Year Cente gas consumed per brake horse -power-hour
Fixed Charges $ 18.182 0.20755 $ 12.500 0.11269
will therefore be one - tenth cent. Fuel per
Water 3.078 0.03514 2.116 0.02416
Oil and Gase 2.360 0.029:22 1,760 0.02009
kilowatt -hour at full load, 0.1448 cent.
Repairs 2.915 0.03302 2.026 0.02312 At three - quarter load , the gas consump
Wages and Salaries 6.091 0.06953 1.187 0.04780 tion of the plant will be 112 cubic feet per
32.856 0.37506 22,388 0.25786
Total without Value of B.F. Gar_ brake horse -power per hour; the value of
In round figures . $ 32.SG 0.375e $ 22.39 0.258e
which is 0.112 cent. Fuel per kilowatt
Fuel equivalent to Coal @ $2.75. 11.22 0.163 9.81 0.112
Total $17.13 0.038 € $ 32.40 0.370 €
hour at three -quarter load, 0.1629 cent.
Fuel equivalent to Coal (a $ 3. 23 . 16.74 0.191 11.31 0.131
At half load the gas consumption
Total . $ 19.00 0.566 € $ 31.10 0.3894 amounts to 140 cubic feet per brake horse
power-hour, the value of which is 0.14
one dynamo tender and one switchboard plant. It is , therefore, only fair to ap- cent. Fuel per kilowatt-hour, 0.1944 cent.
tender could be dispensed with, so that praise the blast furnace gas which is used With coal at $3.25 a ton , 1000 pounds of
the total expenditure for wages and sala- for operating gas engines. steam at 150 pounds boiler pressure would
ries per annum would amount to $ 33,500. Modern double -acting tandem gas en- be worth 23 cents . The value of 1000 cubic
Cost of wages and salaries per kilowatt- gines will develop one brake horse -power feet of blast furnace gas would then be
hour, at three-quarter load, 0.06953 cent. on : 9,000 B.t.u. or 100 cubic feet of gas, (0.65X90,000 X 23 ) ( 1155X 1000 ) = 1.173
At one-half load one dynamo tender, one at full load ; 10,000 B.t.u. or 112 cubic feet cents. Compared with natural gas of 900
B.t.u. per cubic foot, the value of the blast
, TABLE VI . OPERATING COST OF POWER PLANT furnace gas would correspond to a price
AT ONE -HALF LOAD . of 11.73 cents per thousand cubic feet of
Per K.W. Per BH.P. Per BH.P.
Per K.W. Hour Huur
ITEM Year C'euts Year Cente natural gas. Tables IV, V and VI give a
$ 27.777 0.31709 $ 20.000 0.22831
Fixed Charges
0.01236 2.672 0.03050
summary of the cost of operation for each
3.690 0.04219 2.660 0.03036
item for full load, three -quarter load and
Oil and Grease
1.250 0.04832 3.060 0.03193 one -half load capacity of the power plant,
Wages and Salaries 8.777 0.10020 6.320 0.07213 and Fig. I shows curves plotted from
Total without Value of B.F. Gas 48.206 0.05036 34.712 0.39625
these tables.
$ 48.21 0.500 $34.71 0.3966
In round figures -
17.03 0.194 12,26 0.140 CONCLUSIONS,
Fuel equivalent to Coal @ $2.75
Total 865.24 0.7414 $ 16.97 0.536 € From the foregoing computations it will
14.38 0.164
Fuel equivalent to Coal @ $ 3.25 19.97 0.228 be evident that a power plant of about
0.778 € $ 19.09 0.360 €
Total 868.18 10,500 brake horse - power capacity, com
switchboard tender and two helpers could of gas, at three -quarter load, and 12,600 plete in every detail and installed in con
be dispensed with, so that the total ex- B.t.u. or 140 cubic feet of gas, at half load . nection with a blast furnace plant, would
penditure for wages and salaries per year Assume that the price of coal delivered be capable, when running at full -load ca
236 POWER April , 1906.

pacity, of producing one brake horse- cal," as they naturally can only be made and 4,500 incandescent lamps, whereas in .
power one year at the low cost of $ 17.88, by making certain assumptions. That 1905 the corresponding figures were 660
no value being piaced on the blast furnace such figures have some practical value, arc' and 5,600 incandescent lamps. In
gas. The enormous saving as compared inasmuch as they permit the clear under- order to produce the power for the
with the production of power in a steam standing of the results of practical ex- electric service 1000 kilowatts in steam
Do eq
K. ui
ar pe W. pe Yea wit Ga va Co engines were installed in 1900 , as shown
Do s r r r h s le to al at 3.DIAGRAMT
25 per on
ar per K.W.
in the diagram. In 1901, the first gas en
s OF
gines operating direct-current genera
-1.2 tors of 900 kilowatts total capacity
56 per Year with Gas
l10500 B.H.P. OR 7250 K.W.
en to Coa a 2,7 pe To
were installed ; in 1903, 900 kilowatts
t l t 5 r n in gas engines were added and the
-50 Dol
lar pe K.W. pe Yea 1: 0 capacity of the steam engine plant was
s, r r r decreased 200 kilowatts, so that up to 1905

45 .9
only 800 kilowatts in steam engines were
in operation ; in 1904, more gas engines

40 eq .8
Cen K

ts per .W.per Hour witwhitGas Vuiva C
Cen K
Gas hou alu len to oal at 3,25 per Ton
e q e t were added, bringing the total capacity of
36 ts per W . per Hour with Gas - uival t C oal at 2.75 pe To the power plant up to 3,700 kilowatts.
la pe B.H.P pe Yea ent o r n
rs r . r r
This diagram shows that inside of five
years the capacity of the power plant has
25 Cents per K.w. per .5 been increased 370 per cent .
Gas without Value The most interesting feature of this dia
Cents pe B.H.P. pe Hou
r r r Gas without Value gram is the line showing the cost of oper
16 .3 ation of the power plant. In 1900 the to
Gas without Value tal operating cost for 1,000 kilowatts in

L* oad

steam engines amounted to 157,462.88


francs ; in 1905, for the total capacity of
Brake Horse -Power the power plant of 3700 kilowatts, the cost
5000 60CO 7000 8OCO 9000 10000 11070 12000
of operation amounted to 206,327.91
FIG . I. francs. The increase in the operating
engine plant is still more striking when perience , accounting for the make- up of cost, therefore , amounted to 31 per cent.
the cost of generation of the elec- these figures, will be appreciated by study- only, whereas the capacity of the power
tric current is considered . According to ing the diagrams in Fig. 2, which give plant had been increased 370 per cent.
the accompanying tables, one kilowatt- actual figures obtained in the works of the The third diagram shows that the out
hour at full-load capacity of the plant John Cockerill Company . This company put of kilowatt-hours produced per year
could be produced at 2.95 mills, which is has in operation at present seven blast increased from 1,789,281 in 1900 to 9,999 ,
away below the best figure ever reached furnaces of about 1200 tons daily capa- • 216 in 1905. The cost per kilowatt -hour
with a steam - engine power plant. Even city, and in addition large steel plants, fell from 0.088 francs in 1900 to 0.0206
under worse conditions , that is, when the rolling-mill plants, coal and ore mines, francs in 1905, so that the cost of one
power plant is running on an average of coke ovens, boiler shops, machine shops, kilowatt -hour in 1905 was but 25 per cent.
only 50 per cent. of its total capacity , the bridge works, gunnery works, steam tur- of the corresponding cost in 1900 .
cost of generation of one kilowatt -hour is bine works, locomotive works, etc. The The fourth diagram of the series shows
but 5.50 mills. company employs about 15,000 workmen . the capacity of the gas engines and the
It is evident that an eventual increase in In the first diagram, the power con- amount of money invested per kilowatt.
the capacity of the power plant would tend sumption for the past five years is shown. In 1901 when only 900 kilowatts in gas en
to reduce the cost of the generation of It will be seen to what extent the use of gines existed, 753 francs were tied up per
power per unit, as certain expenditures electricity for the various purposes has kilowatt. In 1905, when the total capacity
for the power plant of 10,500 brake horse- been developed inside of five years . In amounted to 2,900 kilowatts in gas engines,
Power Consumption Power Production Power Production & Cost Investment

K + 9,8700

383 Electric Kw. Hours

Motors 9,900,216

0.088 K

Frs .


86 560 Aro Kw8.800 Frs . 768
Lamps 0.0206 Frs.
450 5600 Incan 1,789,281 678
4500 descent

1000 01 02 08 04 1005 1900 01 02 08 04 1906 1000 01 02 03 04 1906 2900 02 02 03 04 1906

V2 Rated capacity Gas Engines Kw.Hours Produced Capacity of Gas Engines

66 66
Steam 46 Cost per Kw.Hour Money Invested per Kw .
Cost of Operation
FIG. 2.

power would remain unchanged for addi- 1900 the Cockerill Company had 86 elec the money invested per kilowatt was only
tional power units. tric motors in use, while in 1905 the num 578 francs.
Computations of this character are ber of motors amounted to 333 . The Although the results as indicated in
sometimes considered as being “ theoreti- lighting outfit consisted in 1900 of 450 arc these diagrams could not be used for a
April , 1906 . POWER 237

direct comparison with blast furnace being especially for the use of her war lion to Brazil, a half million to Chile, and
plants in this country, on account of the vessels. a third of a million tons to Uruguary.
considerable difference in the general con- The coal exported from the United It is proper to add that the above figures
ditions of operation, cost of labor, etc. , so States goes chiefly to the nearby coun- relating to coal exports do not include
that it would not be of any advantage to tries, but is beginning to find its way coal supplied to vessels engaged in the
transpose the operating cost per kilowatt- to other parts of the world . Of the foreign trade, which in the case of the
hour into American money ( 0.0206 francs $ 31,215,628 value of coal and coke ex- United Kingdom amounted in 1905 to
would correspond to 0.415 cent ), the strik- ported from the United States in 1905, over 17 million tons and in the case of
ing showing of these diagrams, for which as shown by the Department of Com- the United States to about 5 million tons.
I am indebted to Mr. Leon Greiner, chief merce and Labor through its Bureau of The coal production in the principle
electrician of the John Cockerill Company, Statistics, $ 17,867,964 was bituminous coal-producing countries of the world
proves conclusively that great benefit
could be derived from the installation of $coal, $ 11,104,654 anthracite coal, and was in 1904, the latest available year ,
2,243,010 coke. Of the 18 million dol as follows : United States, 314,563,000
gas engines for the various power pur- lars ' worth of bituminous coal exported tons ; the United Kingdom , 232,428,000
poses in a modern blast furnace plant. last year, 11 % millions' value went to tons ; Germany, 118,907,000 tons ; France,
British North America, and of the II 33,303,000 tons ; Belgium, 23,135,000 tons ;
Coal Production and Exportation . million dollars' worth of anthracite coal and Japan, 9,701,682 tons, the quantities
Exports of coal and coke from the exported nearly all went to British North in each case being long tons of 2.240
United States in the calendar year 1905 America, the total to other parts of the pounds each .
aggregated over 31 million dollars in
world being less than $ 200,000. Mexico
value, against a little more than 1 mil is the next largest customer for American
coal , the value of coal exported to that Westinghouse -Parsons Turbines in
lion dollars in 1895, a decade earlier. The
United States country in 1905 being a little less than 3 Municipal Service.
now holds third rank
among the nations as an exporter of million dollars and practically all of it
bituminous, the value of anthracite be- One of the earliest and most successful
coal , although she holds first rank as a
producer of that article. The United Cuba
ing but $8,498. is next in import-municipal plants is that at Detroit, Mich .,
ance as a customer of American coal, which was established in the early nineties.
Kingdom and Germany are larger ex
porters of coal than the United States, the value exported to that island in 1905Recently, it having been decided to in
but the growth in our coal exports in re being, of bituminous, $ 1,487,776 , and of
crease the facilities of the plant, the com
cent years has been more rapid propor anthracite, $ 121,117 . Other West Indian mission in charge placed orders with the
tionately than that of other countries islands took a little over $ 800,000 worth, Westinghouse Machine Company, of East
and suggests still further possibilities in almost exclusively bituminous. The ship- Pittsburg, Pa., for two 2,000 -kilowatt tur
the distribution to other parts of the ments to Europe in 1905 were $ 308,624 in bine-type generating units. The turbines
world of our supplies of this article, which value, distributed as follows : To Italy, will be of the standard Westinghouse
far exceed those of any European coun $ 187,339 ; to France, $ 12,700 ; to Germany, Parsons type, operating at a boiler pres
try, or probably any country of the world , $9,483; to Belgium , $ 4.926; and to other sure of 160 pounds without superheat, and
Europe, $ 94,176 . Comparing conditions at a normal vacuum of 28 inches. The
except China, whose coal fields are as in 1905 with those of 1895, it may be
yet undevelped. Exports of coal , ex generators will be of standard Westing
clusive of coke, from the United King- said that the exports from the United house design , with revolving field and
dom in 1904, were 46 million tons, States to British North America of bi- enclosed generator frame.
tuminous and anthracite coal combined Heretofore the commission has used com
against a little less than 32 million tons
in 1894, and from Germany in 1904 were were, in 1895, but 3 million tons, against pound marine vertical engine wholly. The
nearly 7 millions in 1905 ; to Mexico, early generator equipment was of the
18 million tons, against approximately 10
104 thousand tons, against 927,170 in direct-current series type, the generators
million tons in 1894. The United States, 1905 ; and to Cuba, in 1895, 348 thousand being rope- driven from the vertical en
as above indicated, ranks next with 9
million tons in 1905, against a little less ton , against 564,385 tons in 1905. To gines. This system has been gradually
Porto Rico the shipments in 1895 were replaced by the alternating -current series
than 4 millions in 1895. Belgium ranks arc system, with direct-connected alter
next as a coal exporter with 5 million 34 thousand tons and in 1905, 63,133
tons . nating - current generators. The two new
tons in 1904, against a little less than 472
million tons in 1894. Japan follows Bel The comparatively limited area of dis units will be installed in the original build
ing, replacing some of the old rope-driven
tribution of American coal exported , con
gium in rank as a coal-exporting country
with a little less than 3 million tons in fined as it is almost exclusively to the machinery.
1904 , against 1/4 millions in 1894. From adjacent countries of Canada, Mexico,
the Australian Commonwealth the ex- and Cuba, suggest an inquiry as to the The first application of the multiple -unit
ports of coal in 1904 were a little over area of distribution of the largest quan- system of railway motor operation and
11/2 million tons ; from Canada, about tities of coal exported from the United ( electrical) control to motors of the alter
11/2 million tons ; from France, in the Kingdom, a quantity about five times as nating-current commutator type will be
same year, 1 million tons, and from great as that exported from the United made soon on the suburban extensions of
Austria -Hungary a little less than 1 mil- States and valued at 120 million dollars . the Milwaukee ( Wis.) Electric Railway &
lion tons. Many of these countries, how. Of the 47 million tons of coal exported Light Company, one of which is 20 miles
ever, while they export certain quantities from the United Kingdom in 1905, aside and the other 16 miles long. The motors
of coal, are large importers of that ar- from that furnished to steamers engaged will be the " combination ” type built by the
ticle ., Germany, for example, while ex- in the foreign trade, 77/2 millions, speak- General Electric Company for operation
porting about 18 million tons, imported ing in round terms, went to Germany, on either alternating or direct current.
in 1904 about 8 million tons, while Bel- 61/2 millions to France, about an equal Each car will be equipped with four 75 -h.
gium's imports of coal are over one-half quantity to Italy, a little over 3 millions p. motors. The electromotive force on the
as great as her exports of that article. to Sweden, 272 millions to Russia, nearly alternating -current trolley lines will be
Japan in normal years imports but small 27/2 millions to Spain , 27/4 millions to 3300 'volts, and transformers on the cars
quantities, though her imports of coal Egypt, a little less than 2 millions to Neth- will reduce this to the proper voltage for
during recent years have been very large, erlands, 134 millions to Argentina, i mil- the motors.
238 POWER April , 1906.

Correspondence and Discussion . moisture will be completely atomized, the

wire-drawing will furnish enough heat
Correspondence upon topics of interest relating to power is especially solicited , and to Aash the atoms into dry steam.
accepted contributions are paid for. Forms close on the fifteenth of the month, and as it
takes time to make engravings, contributors are requested to get copy to us early in the To quote from a text-box on steam
month , especially when it refers to matter in the preceding issue. engineering : " A very slight addition of
moisture at the boiler will mean a great
An Internal Separator and Super- more than that of D ; H designates three deal more than proportionate increase of
heater. thicknesses ( at each Aange ) of fine brass condensation in the main pipe. Dry steam
gauze placed over them , and a ring bolted at the boiler means dry steam throughout
The accompanying sketch explains my and the tee flange. At M a number of the entire plant, not omitting the exhaust.”
design for an internal separator and super- small holes are drilled in the bottom of J. E. N.
heater. So far as I know, there has the tee, with three thicknesses of brass Toronto, Ont.
never been one made just like it , but I gauze placed over them , and a ring bolted
do not see why it should not be a success, on to hold them in place . These holes
and, at any rate, considerable better than act as a drip for any water which might Commutator Troubles.

some of the expensive outside separators. pass through H and F. The article on commutator troubles on
We are so used to outside separators that Fig. 3 shows a casting curved on one
I fully expect some of your readers to side with an arc corresponding to the page 783 of the December number gave me
a new idea of treatment for hard mica.
raise the cry that mine is not practical. boiler shell, the other side being Aat. It The first dynamo I ever had charge of
gave trouble in this way, except that in
stead of causing undue sparking it would
retard the building up of the machine.
After smoothing up and sandpapering it
would start nicely for the first night's run ,
but unless again smoothed up for the next
night I would often have to short-circuit

th FIG . I H

the terminals to make it build up. An ex
amination of the commutator at these
times would show the mica to be a trifle
higher than the copper bars.
One of the best commutator surfaces I
ever had on a machine was got by ac
cident. This machine was a 45 -kilowatt,
110-volt , belt- driven generator used for
lighting a mill. It was driven from a
counter - shaft that was intended to be
driven by a small engine, but prior to the
installation of this engine it was belted
up to the main line - shaft. As this main
line drive was to be used only in emergen
cies and at other times the belt knocked
FIG . 3
off and hung up, there were no friction
O pulleys used and when the lights were
thrown off the main switch was opened
к and the machine allowed to run light un

til needed again, the lights being used a

few hours night and morning. As I had
never tried this method I watched both
commutator and carbon brushes closely to
see what the effect would be. I was
FIG . 2
pleased to find it polishing up nicely and
in the two years I ran the machine I
AN INTERNAL SEPARATOR AND SUP ERHEATER . never had to use a bit of sandpaper on
the commutator or do anything else to
Instead of paying from $ 75 to $ 150 for is intended to go between the top flange the machine beyond the usual oiling and
a four-inch separator, this one can be of the tee and the boiler. It will not cleaning.
made for $ 20, more or less, in proportion affect the device if a small amount of I once had a friend who was troubled
to the size. It will not be required to steam forces its way into the tee at this with " Aats " on the commutator of his
disturb any of the piping to install it , nor point. Two holes are drilled in the cast- machine and it was his custom to use a
will it be necessary to remove the one ing for the bolts B , B to pass through, smooth file to true it up and then smooth
already in the boiler; it can be attached and the hole in the center corresponds with sandpaper. As his machine was belt
to any boiler in an hour or two . with that in the boiler or the tee . Fig. 2 driven from the main line, it would run
In Fig. 1 D is the main steam outlet ; is an end view of the device. so fast that it would burn his file, so he
C is the reinforcing ring ; E is a Aanged
The operation is as follows : Any small had an attendent pull the belt for the fil
globules of moisture which may be con- ing operation. This produced a jerky
tee several sizes larger than the outlet ; tained in the steam are broken up by con- motion at the commutator and was the
B. Bare bolts holding the tee in place original cause of the flats. By truing up
tact with the first series of screens , when
( two holes will have to be drilled in the much of it will drip back into the water with the engine running slow , the trouble
boiler shell for these bolts ) ; F is a solid below ; the operation is repeated when it was stopped entirely.
fang with a number of noies drilled strikes the second row. As there will be L. L. ARNOLD
in it, their combined area being a little a small amount of wire -drawing, and the East Greenwich , R. I.
April, 1906. POWER 239

Suggestions for a Feed- Water part, in which the accumulation of sedi- terwoven asbestos, reinforced the inner
Heater. ment is very slow. The heating coils, of cylinder gasket, and tried a soldered cir
brass pipe, are arranged as shown, and a cular copper wire gasket, but all were
I send herewith a sketch and a descrip drip from each is led to a common pipe, used in vain.
tion of an improved feed-water heater which in turn leads to a separator of my nally they cut a piece of sheet copper
which I designed and have used for some own design , a description of which ap for a gasket, cut two more just like it
time and find to be very efficient. There peared on page 362 of the June, 1905, is from the thinnest sheet asbestos that
is quite a difference of opinion at present sue. By this arrangement a large amount they could get, and placing the copper one
as to the merits of open and closed feed of the oil is separted from the exhaust between the two made of asbestos , they
water heaters, but I prefer the design steam and saved. used the combined three for the gasket
shown, in which I can raise the tempera The ball float must be heavy enough to subject to the pressure of the explosion.
ture of my feed-water as high at 180 or move the valve when the water is drawn
The other gasket, which only had to
190 degrees. The arrangement is particu from stage 2, and it is sometimes necessary stand the pressure of a slight head of wa
larly efficient in removing the dirt which to add some weight to it , such as soldering ter, was made entirely of sheet asbestos .
often goes int the boiler with the feed on a piece of lead. But with everything
The bolts were set up with a long
water, and which is the cause oftentimes fitted properly it should give no trouble. handled wrench and tightened each time
of so much trouble . Lawrence, Mass. M. J. CONLON .
the engine was run , for a few days . This
It will be seen that the heater consists packing has been in about four years
of two parts divided in the middle by a Packing a Gas Engine. now , with no sign of a leak yet, and as
partition, and that on the right I des pure rain water is used for cooling pur
ignate as stage 1 , while that on the left Although the strain on the packing of poses, making little or no dirt and scale,
is stage 2. The cold water fows in on the a gas engine is very great , owing to the the packing stands a fair chance of hold
ing until such repairs as ordinary wear
Exhaust Steam Inlet and tear, or an accident, is bound to bring
in time make it necessary for the head to
be taken off again .
Lancaster, Ohio.

Mr. New Goes after Uncle Amos.

Heating Heating
Coils Coils
At last I fear that Uncle Amos Price

and myself will have to have an argument.


In his notes on " lung" disease, on page


Coldwater 763 of the December issue, he makes this

Stage 1
statement : “ Because the top of the con
Stage 2
necting rod is not exposed to a tempera
ture of 350 degrees , and the bottom to
Çi 3,500 degrees, as the fire surfaces of boil
To Separator ers are, with a change of say, 2,000 degrees
Mud Blow -off Pipe
every time the fireman throws coal on the
MR. CONLON'S SUGGESTION FOR A FEED - WATER HEATER. Now Uncle Amos, you don't mean that
right-hand side and passes to the left sudden great changes of temperature and do you, after sober second thought ? You
through a gridiron slide -valve in the top consequently pressure in the cylinder, it do ! Well, all right ; but I certainly fail
of the partition and is pumped to the boil- is a very simple matter to pack a new one, to agree with you this time . Now let us
ers through the outlet on the left -hand or one that is in good condition. But old see what this statement means. We have
side of stage 2. As the water is heated in ones, as most people who have had much a fixed constant of linear expansion for
stage i it causes the mud to settle, which experience with them have found out, wrought-iron , which equals an increase of
it does oftentimes to the depth of six or often present problems that are very dif-0.00000686 of the length, for each degree
eight inches. The water is, of course , ficult to solve. which the temperature of this body may
heated to a large extent in stage 1 , and I have in mind a large one that I once be increased. Now we will suppose a shell
still more in stage 2 ; and as it is drawn saw packed. The head was a cap - shaped of a boiler sixteen feet long composed of
from the heater the ball float, which con- affair. The inside of the cylinder fitted wrought-iron, and an atmospheric tem
trols the valve in the partition through the into the crown of the cap and required perature of 70 degrees at which tempera
gear shown, falls and opens the valve, al- thinner packing than the flanges that ture the boiler will measure just sixteen
lowing the water to flow over the top of joined the end of the water jacket and feet over all . Now we will proceed to get
the partition from stage i to stage 2. The cap . The flanges were narrow, slightly up steam on this boiler to a pressure of
pitch line of this gear is not equidistant at warped, somewhat pitted by corrosion, 135 pounds gage, at which pressure we
all points from the center, but is arranged and in one place a little worn by a long have an internal temperature of steam and
eccentrically, so that as the ball rises and continued blowout . Of course the proper water of 350 degrees, and if a properly
the large valve closes, it is forced more thing to have done when the engine was protected thermometer is applied to the
tightly against its seat. There is a man- in that shape, would have been to have outside of the shell , we will find that it
hole in each stage , so that the heater may the flanges machined or faced off, but records 350 degrees, which corresponds to
be easily cleaned . I find that a large the circumstances would not allow that at the temperature of water and steam in the
amount of the sediment - in fact, almost that time. boiler. Now if careful measurements are
all of the sediment - collects in the right- The owners, you may be sure, had made of the boiler's length , we will find
hand part, where it is conveniently re- had an unusual amount of trouble from that it has expanded just a trifle less than
moved with a hoe. For these reasons it is the engine, the ordinary sheet asbestos three-eights inch, or to be accurate, 16 X
evident that the right-hand part is opened packing blowing out in spite of anything ( 3504-70 ) X .00000686 = .0309328 ft. or
much more frequently than the left -hand th- they could do. They used wire in- 0.36879 inches .
240 POWER April , 1906.
While, without any doubt, the boiler is ing school at an early age to engage in the stances in which the truth of the above
subjected to the furnace temperature, the stern reality of life, and when handicapped assertion is very forcibly exemplified.
sheets composing the boiler can at no time thus at the start there are but few who A pump problem, referring to the vertical
be any hotter than the temperature of the have the sterlng ambition and fixity of height through which suction under atmos
water and steam contained in the boiler, purpose to improve their condition by pheric pressure conditions can be effec
provided all parts of the boiler subjected taking advantage of the opportunities with tive, appeared in a certain engineering
to the temperature of the fire are protected which the present times are replete. journal. From an inspection of the sketch
by water. To show how utterly absurd it The original man must not learn from submitted herewith it will appear that
is to argue that the temperature of the some other man either by word or by any while the pump is only ten feet above the
fire sheets of a boiler is anything near the other means of exchange of ideas . He water level in the well the position of the
temperature of the fire, we will assume may weaken so much in his tenets that if different columns of water in the loops
“ Uncle's ” figures, of 3,500 degrees and use a brother makes an actual demonstration may be such that we have 10+ 10+ 10
the same formula as above, and we find for his benefit, he is convinced of one =30 feet lift. If when the pump is
some very startling figures, as follows : particular thing ; but if this particular ex- started the water is all drawn into the
16 X ( 3500 350) x .00000686 =
perience comes up in the brother's exper- right-hand legs of the respective loops it
-345144 feet or 49/64 inches. ience and he airs it for the good of will be seen that such columns are main
This is so absurd on the face of it that others in the columns of a technical jour- tained in their positions by air pressure
comment is unnecessary . Therefore, I and the pressure that supports one
claim that all parts of a boiler, if the feed column of water in opposition to
water is properly introduced, will have ' gravity will press down on the next
the same temperature, said temperature column nearer the well with exactly
corresponding with that of water con Perfect
the same force, thus virtually put
tained in the boiler ; and that, therefore, a Pump ting one column on top of the other, at
boiler is subjected to no strains set up least as far as the science of hydrostatics
by unequal expansion, providing the boiler goes .
has proper and perfect circulation. As the sum of the several columns is
I would further like to ask "Uncle " not greater than 30 feet and we are not
Amos what would become of Son Ame's far above sea level, the scheme is feasible,
clamp joint and occasional rivet if aa boiler at least sufficiently so to furnish a demon

assumes the outline shown in Fig. 2 ? In the stration .

January issue “ Cousin " Amos tells of the It is proper to remark here that if the

prizest pumpkin his Dad ever saw , cutting demonstrator hustled his pump in good
a gasket for a crank case cover from the shape his column would be pulled apart.
body of a roll of sheet packing, and sus This problem was discussed by the
gesting that strips be cut from the end of practical man, by the theoretical man
the roll and dowled together at the cor and by the engineering societies. One
ners, so as to make no waste, and thereby society, after discussing the matter a
aid the poor packing drummer to make an whole evening, was divided when disband
honest living. If economy is wealth, and WILL THE PUMP LIFT WATER ? ing about half and half, as to whether the
time is money, don't stop to cut strips and nal, then the man who manufactures his pump would lift water or not. In the
dowel them together , or in your own own knowledge from the raw materials columns of engineering literature the sub
words, don't go down a 40 - foot ladder to does not wish to nibble. “ That may be ject has received mathematical treatment
save a shingle nail or spend half an hour all right in theory," he says, “ but I am and while a very meagre training in
doweling the corners of that gasket to- practical.” mathematics is my most highly prized ac
gether to save ten cents ' worth of sheet To generalize, the acquisition of knowl- quisition, I am forced to agree with J. C.
packing. Also Ame, your scheme for tak- edge is much like the acquisition of Trautwine when he says in his Civil En
ing up the wear of the connecting rod wealth, and follows the same general gineers' Pocket Book, “ The simplest facts
boxes by a corrugated spring is quite the laws. Not much can be accomplished by may be so completely buried beneath a
thing. But don't you think that a spring individual effort; we must make use of heap of mathematical rubbish as to be
strong enough to resist the pull of the what others have accumulated instead wholly inaccessible. ”
piston would exert a great amount of of gathering together isolated facts, or Another instance of originality is af
undue friction upon the pins , if such a perhaps impressions which are rot facts forded by a first class licensed engineer
plan was feasible ? at all . The technical journals represent personally known to myself, who is per
Chas. New. ing the various arts and professions are fecting schemes, of the practicability of
Newburgh , N. Y. doing a great deal for the men who are which he is firmly convinced, to put his
willing to build upon the foundations laid engine exhaust back into the boiler with
Originality in Steam Engineering . by others. out " wetting it down” or observing any of
The system of education in our schools the " usual formalities.”
The man who desires to be original is lacking in some very important essen- The rationale of the whole matter is
must evolve his own ideas, and to be tials. No person, no matter what his that it does not pay to be original, and
original in the broadest sense of the term position in life, can be considered intelli- that the man who wishes to be " practical"
the ideas so evolved must be new not gent unless grounded at least in the rudi- and “ practical only! " when weighed will
only to himself but also to the presentments of Natural Philosophy, and ac- be found wanting .
state of, or condition of, the particular quainted in a measure with the simple There should be a general exchange of
science or art in which he poses as an in- natural facts that surround him in com- ideas between all members of the en
vestigator . In an acquaintance with mon every -day life. gineering profession, every engineer air
numerous engineers extending over a Without wishing to bring this unfor- ing any new kink in his experience for the
period of twenty years very few of the tunately too general lack of rudimentary benefit of his brother engineers, and ac
original type have been noted. It is of knowledge into undue prominence it is cumulating for himself a fund of informa
course a fact that many of the older mem- necessary , in order that the writer may tion and knowledge, regardless of where
bers of the engineering profession in their maintain the position that he has assumed, it comes from, that will qualify him to
early days lived in strenuous times, leav- to refer to one or two particular in- to rise to any position in his chosen pro
April, 1906 . POWER 241

fession and that will enable him to deal correspond with that of the rod, we turned of his assistants and put in additional
with any emergency in that manner that the bushing until it appeared as shown by studs as shown at B. These studs kept
is characteristic of him that is a thorough the dotted lines at F and F ' . After chalk- the shoes tight and by taking the strain
master of his business. ing this taper and trying the rod into the off of the old studs S, there were no more
North Adams, Mass.
crosshead, we found it a very good fit, crosshead shoes flying around.
without the single application of a file to John BAKER .
H F. Allentown, Pa .
Repairing a Bent Piston -Rod. E
A couple of months ago an engineer
Clicking Piston Rings.
friend showed me that he had a badly bent
A. E. Boyer asks in the February is
piston - rod in a duplex triple-tandem com I
pound pumping engine connected to a Hol sue what causes cylinder rings to click .
I have found that when the rings work
ly system and operating condensing. The around so that the joints are opposite as
piston - rod that was bent was the outboard
Power , M.y. shown in Fig. 1 , the clicking will occur ,
end of the intermediate, which is keyed FIG. 2.
to the crosshead , as is shown in Fig. 1 .
When I entered the engine- room the en its surface. Then we had to take the bush
gineer had just taken off the outboard ing off the rod to put on the junk ring and
itermediate crank head ; the crosshead key to get the rod through the stuffing -box and
had not been drifted . I found it " clear the bushed gland , so we had the rod taken
home " with a 1-16-inch liner on the draw to the hydraulic press, and the bushing
ing side of it. We easily took out this key, pressed off. We put the rod in the lathe
and putting the piston -rod drift key in the again and eased off the fit at E with a file,
slot at J, a light tap with the soft hammer enough to let the bushing ring on with a
сн .
very light tap of the hammer. I put this WHEN PISTON RINGS CLICK
arrangement together and drove the new
key home, and it has been in continuous but that it will stop when they get out of
B C service since, giving entire satisfaction, line with each other as shown in Fig. 2
They can be kept in this position by put
with a piston speed of 200 feet per minute ting in a small pin to hold them, but the
against : head of 212 feet .
cylinder will wear better and keep round
Depew , N. Y.
by leaving them free, and this accounts
for his cylinder being smooth and
Prevents Crosshead Shoes Flying Off. straight as he says.
Falconer, N. Y. J. M. BARBER
In one of the engine- rooms of a cement
plant there is a 24 and 48 x 48-inch cross- Fly-wheel Accidents and Engine
Poteer. N. r . compound Corliss engine heavily over Stops.
FIG . I.
loaded . The engine has crossheads
loosened the crosshead from the rod . I similar to those shown in the illustration, Nearly every magazine devoted to en
noted the looseness of the piston in the but there are no studs, like B, to keep the
gineering and power contains in each
crosshead ; also the key. I ordered a new shoes from coming off. The engine runs issue one or more reports of fly -wheel
key 18 inch wider on its draft. We then over and the strain is on the bottom explosions. Do we not invite disaster in
took out the piston- rod and had it sent to shoes. The studs S have broken fre- allowing engines to be run at speeds which
the nearest machine shop. It proved to be quently, with the result that the shoes very nearly approach the danger point?
out almosi 3-16 of an inch and very near have been thrown off. The tongue T Some engineers would say no ; that each
the taper fit to the crosshead. We turned had straight sides , so that after the studs engine is equipped with an automatic
it and chalked it where it was out, heated S had broken, there was nothing to keep safety-stop ; and as soon as the belt breaks
it several times and tried to straighten it, the shoes from coming off. the governor will drop, bringing the stop
but we could not get the kink out entirely , It seems remarkable that these frequent cams into action . That may be true in
so we concluded to turn off enough to true accidents did not harm the engine in some cases, but supposing the belt should
it up, and in order to do this it was neces any way. The shoes from both cross only slip, thereby slowing up the gov
sary to turn down the shoulder that is heads have come off in the manner de ernor and allowing the governor balls to
shown at H, Fig. 1. This would tend to scribed, but not at the same time. The drop a slight distance, but not far enough
weaken the rod and the crosshead , so, af to bring the stop cams into action ? Then
ter turning down the rod to the size shown the engine would take steam for a greater
at D, Fig. 2, I found it necessary to turn B period of the stroke and far more than
down a portion of the taper from the key is necessary to carry the load. Result, a
way G to the shoulder at H, thus leaving race, and perhaps a fly - wheel explosion.
nearly as much shoulder as the rod had
originally. A sleeve was made of round
steel, large enough in diameter to exceed
@ Or, if the set - screw on the bevel gear of
the governor spindle should loosen up
from vibrations , this would produce the
B Power, 2. ) .
the original size of the piston-rod about 18 same result. Then, again , the belt might
inch, and long enough to fit over the entire be tight, the set- screw pulled up hard and
portion of the rod that was turned down. piston - rods were not bent or broken and everything on the governor O.K. , but
This sleeve , or bushing, was bored , to the crosshead guides were not badly cut. when we go back to the stop cams, we
drive onto the rod, tight enough to hold The last time this accident occurred the find these adjustable, so that by loosening
it for turning. The distance from the key- crosshead's shoe was found in the wheel- a screw they may be moved around one
way to the original shoulder in Fig. I was pit of a belt that ran along that side of way or the other . The writer has found
measured and laid off with a pair of di- the cross -compound engine. The chief engines where these cams were set back
viders. To make the taper on the bushing engineer finally took the advice of one so far that when the governor dropped to
242 POWER April , 1906.

the lowest point, the cams would not or building, by means of switches or cleaning the sight- feed glasses in the lu
come into action at all . And in one in- buttons, as well as by a speed limit which bricators. At other times they allow the
stance the engine was so badly over- shall prevent a runaway by the engine glass to remain dirty, or, rather, fouled
loaded that the cams had been taken off itself. The stop should be used every day with cylinder- oil. A little soap in the
entirely, as they interfered with the tak- to shut down the engine, thereby testing bottom of these glasses will keep them
ing of steam , and the hooks would not it in the same way as one would test a from fouling.
pick up with the cams on. Only a short safety valve. Greenacres, Wash. J. E. Bates.
time ago I was informed by an engineer The owner of a plant may say that the
that his wheel was running within 600 question of installing an engine-stop is A Heating System.
feet of the safe limit of run -speed, which one which is entirely up to him, and that
was estimated at about 6.000 feet. if anything should happen, it would be From time to time I see questions asked
There are a number of varying causes his loss . But is it up to him ? In some in the columns of your paper as to the
for fly-wheel accidents. In the first place, countries of Europe the government com best ways of heating shops or factory
the purchasers of engines, in a great many pels the owners of manufacturing plants buildings. The heating of factories by
instances, try to get them as cheaply as to provide safeguards for the benefit of steam is a branch of engineering practice
possible. This encourages engine build-employees. Could not this be done here ? with which most engineers have some
ers to cut down weights, until nearly the The owner has not only himself to con- thing to do at one time or another.
safe limit of resistance is reached , in sider, but the men who are daily risking Of the various systems used my favorite
order to meet the price which the pur their lives in his interest. Their lives are is the open circulation , consisting of a
chaser is willing to pay . While I do not worth infinitely more than the cost of in- main supply pipe conducting steam to the
believe that all engine builders do this, stalling an automatic -stop system . I have radiating surfaces, and a return pipe for
there is no doubt whatever but that some seen instances where a belt from a line the water of condensation , which is either
do. They sell their engines and the pur shaft to a countershaft would slip off or allowed to run to waste or is led into an
open tank, from which it is fed to the
chaser rubs his hands in glee and, break, and begin winding up , taking some
figuratively speaking, pats himself on the thing with it almost every time; in most boilers. Many of these systems are so ar
cases it would be the countershaft. Sev- ranged that the return water flows into
back for making a good bargain . But has
he made a good bargain ? Didn't he buyeral hundred dollars' worth of property the boiler by gravity when the boiler is lo
an engine that is weak in some of the was destroyed in a minute, where if a cated below the level of the radiating sur
face. Another method is to use a closed
most essential parts ? Hasn't he an en push-bottom had been handy, with an

automatic stop at the other end of it, the tank made strong enough to withstand
gine which is good for little or no over
load ? And is there anything which the engine might have been shut down in a boiler pressure and placed so low as to
few seconds. Likewise, we often hear of enable all return drips to drain into it.
owner of a power plant is more prone to
men being caught in shafting and whirled Inside the tank is a float so arranged as to
do than to load and overload his engine
to death , because somebody had to run automatically govern the action of a steam
to the limit - to the point where the
engine either becomes so extravagant in to the engine -room and notify the engi- pump feeding the boilers from the tank.
neer ( if he happened to be there ) , before Fig. I represents a closed circulation
the consumption of steam that the coal system so arranged that it may be
pile hurts the owner's pocket-book , or the the engine could be stopped.
In conclusion, the writer would advise operated as an open circulation for using
machine just goes to pieces some fine day
and causes damage probably a hundred a thorough investigation of all details of exhaust steam . There are advantages and
times more expensive than the cost of an engine before buying; put in the best, disadvantages to this system . The advan
and then install an engine - stop. An ounce
tages are, first, independent control from
the engine ?
Engine manufacturers claim to have of prevention in this case is worth a good the engine -room of each main supply pipe
many pounds of cure. and of the return pipes ; second, either
safety-stops which will absolutely prevent live or exhaust steam may be used in each
a an ignorant man in CHARLES F. ZIMMERMAN .
runaway, yet section independently of the other sec
charge of a plant may put such a stop Chicago, I11 .
tions - that is to say, one floor may use
out of action in a very simple manner, as, live steam and have the water of conden
for instance, did one man I knew. He One Way to Prevent Racing. sation returned to the boiler, while the
put heavy grease in the oil-pot of the other floor uses exhaust steam and passes
governor . The owner's loss was in the Sometime ago, while I was visiting in the water of condensation through the
reighborhood of $3,700, which is a com- the engine-room of a laundry, the en drip pipe away to the separator or to the
paratively small amount to lose through gineer started at a two- forty clip for the sewer ; third, each radiating pipe is pro
an accident of this type. An automatic throttle of the engine, presumably to pre vided with valves for regulating the heat
stop installation would have cost him from vent the engine from distributing itself as desired. In fact, almost any combina
two hundred and fifty to three hundred all over the place. It seems that the en tion may be made with this system of
dollars and would have saved him the rest . gine would race whenever any consider- heating. If the boilers are below the first
In aa large plant the saving would have able load was thrown off. It was a plain floor of the factory, condensation from the
been much greater . slide -valve engine equipped with a ball- entire system will return to the boilers by
There is no question in my mind but and -spring throttling governor. Upon gravity ; while if the water level in the
that the only safe and sane method of making " an inspection ” while the engine boiler is higher than any portion of the
preventing these accidents is to install an was racing, I noticed that as the speed heating surface, a trap or automatic pump
independent stop and speed -limit system. suddenly increased the spindle of the and receiver must be used .
These should not be left optional with the governor was driven way down, and it The disadvantages of the system are :
owner of the plant, but should be made was apparent that the valve did not stop First, the expense of piping and valves,
compulsory by law. Change the present at port, but went on through , thus leaving and, second, the carrying of cylinder-oil to
inspection laws for the boiler- room and a full opening for steam . Putting a lit- the boiler when changing back to live
pass a law providing for compulsory tle block under the set - screw on the steam after having used exhaust for a con .
installation of an automatic -stop system spindle cured this trouble, the block be- siderable length of time, as the oil might
for the engine, and thorough inspection bying of proper height to stop the governor foul the boilers and cause priming.
municipal inspectors. The system should valve at the right point. Fig. 2 shows the details of the live and
be installed so that the engine may be Incidentally, I wish to remark that at exhaust steam headers A and B. Fig. I
stopped from any part of the engine- room times engineers are busy taking out and showing the pipe connections from the
April, 1906 . POWER 243

back. The return headers C and D are proper valves above header B are opened, except that both live and exhaust steam
piped in exactly the same way, the drip those above header A remaining closed . cannot be used at the same time, and the
header D being located at any desired With either arrangement steam passes supply and return of steam is controllable
level. The return pipe from header C is through the risers to the several floors and only at the radiating surface instead of at

Air Cock Air Cock

Air Cock Air Cock

4th Floor
4th Floor

Air Cock Air Cock

Air Cock Air Cock

3rd Floor 3rd Floor

Air Cock Air Cock

Air,Cock Air Cock

2nd Floor 2nd Floor

Air Cock Air Cock

Air Cock Air Cock

Ist Floor

1st Floor

Live Steam Globe Valve

from Boiler To Boiler
Live Steam Pipe Check
from Boiler
Exhaust Steam Valve
from Engine To Exhaust to Engine
Globe Valve

To Separator


provided with a check valve and a globe enters the radiating coils, the water of con- the engine-room as well . Fig. I represents
valve, as shown. The operation of the densation passing out and down through by far the better system , for the reason
system is very simple. When it is desired the return pipes. The condensation water that there is less liability for the water to
to use live steam the valves above header may then be returned to the boiler through get dangerously low in the boiler when
Pipes tot
using live steam , and a good fire may keep
the Floors all night when the weather is very hard
or stormy. M. J. Conlon .
Lawrence, Mass.

Conversion of Heat into Work by

A Adiabatic Expansion .
To Boiler
On page 656 of Power, for November,
1905, was an article by Mr. A. M. Levin
on the above subject . The article gave a
very complicated and laborious method of
deducing an approximate formula . An
B B exact form of this formula may be de
duced by very simple methods, since the
from Engine exact form is identical with the formula
To Separator
in common use ; and there is no neces
sity for the long and tedious approximate
development which Mr. Levin gives.
I leading to such floors as are desired header ( or allowed to run to waste First we will review the common
heated are opened, the others, together through header D , according to the kind method of obtaining the mechanical work
with all those above header B remaining of steam used. due to the adiabatic expansion of steam,
closed ; for using exhaust steam the Fig. 3 shows a somewhat similar system which is represented by the area of the
244 POWER April , 1906 .

" Rankine cycle, " and is to be found in If we put tempts to pull the rim back to its proper
every text-book on thermodynamics.
Let i (subscript) = initial conditions.
ms = 7788 (*7
+ 0–0.356) position result
(6)6 ) turnbuckles in failure. Rods
are sometimes used as shown

and in Fig. I to strengthen this weak part of

f = final
heat of the liquid in s = 778 { 9— 1 ( 0–0 356 ) – 175.5} (7) the rim .
- -

B.t u . per Ib. In Fig. 2 the rim joint is located near

we may write this
to the arms and that is the place for it.
T = temperature of sat L = (t — + ) ni + s1 -- SfSy (8) I know of wheels built years ago, with
uration, deg . Fah ,
This is identically the formula which rim joints located in this way. These
abs .
t = Fahr. sat. temp. Mr. Levin gives. He does not compute wheels have been in service day and
r dry the quantities n and by the above for-
= proportion of dry night, and are running almost perfectly
steam in the mix mulas, however, but by a laborious and true, at a rim speed of 6800 feet per
ture .
approximate equivalent graphical method . minute.
= the entropy of the He give a table of approximate values Allentown , Pa. JOHN BAKER.
liquid . of n and s which could have been com
L = energy from one fb puted more expeditiously and exactly by What Caused this Boiler to Crack ?
steam , ft . lbs. the above formula . If the values of Mr.
= latent heat of vapor. Levin's table had been computed by for A very peculiar accident occurred re
ization B. t. u. per mula 6 and 7, the method given by him
would have been correct instead of ap cently to the boiler partly shown by the
Ib .
proximate. Owing to the difficulty of in accompanying picture, and it has puz
Then will
= git xiri — 9 ! — .xyry ( 1 ) terpolation, however, it would be pre
778 ferable to use the standard formula 3
where xs, ihe proportion of dry steam in and the values from an ordinary steam
the mixture after the expansion , is given table.
by As already stated, if a complete table
+ 0; =
xers + . (2 ) for every pound pressure were construct
The substitution in formula 1 of the
Ti ed from the functions 778 (9 – 0T) and
value of x given by formula 2 completely T 778 (*7 to)
solves the problem , giving formula 4 would be best ; that is, if Mr
= 9i + xiri – 91 – 7:(***
+ ;— -

Levin had taken s xiri

= 778 (9–07) and
(3) **= 778( Ti +80
All of the quantities necessary for work- and constructed a more complete table, zled the Aengineers
of this vicinity. The
ing of this equation are given in Pea the formula
body's Tables of the Properties of Saturat facts of the case are practically as follows :
L = (ti- ) + 56 - Sy The boiler is 72 inches x 15 feet, and has
ed Steam, and by substituting them in the
formula we have the exact and usual would offer some advantage over present been in use about seven years, working
solution of the problem which Mr. Levin methods. at steam pressure of 125 pounds. Some
SANFORD A. Moss. time during the summer it was discovered
investigates with so much complication. West Lynn , Mass.
By a simple algebraic transformation,
that the front sheet had bagged very bad
we may write this ly. Upon examination of the interior of
Location of Rim Joints on Belt the boiler it was found that considerable
748 = (4-6) ( + ))+ (91–

: 7. ,
Ti Wheels . oil and mud had collected in the bottom
of the boiler and caused the trouble. The
--T, (4 ) The majority of engine builders put bagged place was about 18 inches wide,
the rim joint midway between the arms and extended about four feet around the
where denotes the saturation tempera of split pulleys, as in Fig. I. circumference of the boiler ; the " bag "
ture in Fahrenheit degrees. If a table of Usually this joint is not strong enough, was about an inch deep. The boiler was
values of t and 778 ( 9 - To ) for all
pressures were prepared, and if values of
778(** + ® )forall pressures and various
proportions, x, of dry steam were also at
hand , formula 4 would be slightly more
convenient than 3. Mr. Levin's formula,

if simplified, would amount to the same


thing as formula 4.
In formula 4 , suppose we add and sub
tract, arbitarily, 0.356 to and from each
value of 0 ; and also add and substract
175.5, then we have the rather arbitrary
and complicated , but still perfectly cor
rect form ,

– { (**** + 6.-0.356)} and in some cases has bulged out, as in-

L2. = (1-4) Ti

condemned by the inspector, and after

+ 77849-1.(1 6. –0,356) – 1955 } dicated
by the dotted lines, the rim be-
permanently set after the engine
running a few weeks was removed to the
shop for repairs. About half of the front
{93– 11((0, –0.356 ) – 175:5}' (s)
5 has run"but a short while. Most at- sheet was removed and a new piece was
April , 1906 . POWER 245

put in. When it was finished it was tested delivery main, which being underground cuit and deliver 100 volts when discharg
by cold water pressure, but when 110 could not be easily found. Those high ing on the lighting circuit. No more
pounds was reached the middle sheet places will trap air and the water will see- than three switches are to be used, and
cracked on the bottom as shown by the saw from those air pockets back to the air these must be ordinary commercial types.
picture. There is no doubt as to the relia- chamber on the pump, and cause the pump There must be no electrical connection
bility of the pressure gage, as the test was to run noisily . between the 500 - volt and 100 - volt cir
made under the supervision of very relia- Helos says, “ knowing the danger of cuits, whether the cells are being charged
ble and careful men. It will be noticed running with both air chambers filled with or discharged. End cells, rheostats, in
that the crack extends between the rivets water, I keep one filled with air." I have struments, etc. , are not to be shown in
of the new sheet and does not enter a seen many pumping engines without air the diagram .
rivet hole. Now, the question is, what chambers, and they ran very smoothly. It Brookline, Mass. E. S. LINCOLN
caused the sheet to crack under IIO depends a great deal on the design of the [ Readers are invited to contribute so
lutions of this problem for publication
and are requested to time their letters
so that they will reach us not later than
April 20 .-- Eds.)

An Ingenious Card Index .


From time to time articles appear in

your columns on the subject of indexing
magazine information. As I have not
seen any system described which is exactly
like mine I venture to give it.
6" Steel Pipe -Suction Puwer , .V . X. The particular part of my system which
I consider an improvement consists of a
large- sized slate and pencil . One can hard
ly realize how much time and trouble are
saved by noting on aa slate the items to be
pounds pressure when it had been in ser- pump, whether or not air chambers are indexed and then putting all the informa
vice under 125 pounds pressure ? necessary. Half of them that I have seen tion on the cards at the same time, instead
Methuen, Mass. Sam , were more ornamental than useful. I of hunting for pen, ink and the proper
would have no hesitation in running those index card every time one sees an arti
Poor Method of Supplying Air to a pumps with the air chambers full of water, cle worth indexing.
Compressor. if by doing so the pump would run more I use a 3 x 5-inch card, with standard
Recently I saw a fine, large air-com smoothly. commercial ruling. On the face of the
pressor running under deplorable condi When delivery mains are burst by the card are written , at the top, the title, and
tions. It was crudely throttled in the suc action of the pumps, the cause is usually underneath it the sub-titles with the refer
visible or audible in the pump house. ence following each sub-title, as shown in
tion, heating and giving a very poor out S. R. the illustration herewith . I use abbrevia
put. The air supply was through a 6-inch
steel pipe which contained three elbows,
A Problem in Storage Battery Steam .
as shown in Fig. 1. That part of the pipe
which was outside the wall was exposed Connections.
to the rays of the sun , with the result that Below at mosphere - Po . 1954
in summer, especially, the air became A circuit of 500 volts is available for Meters- Po . 216
highly heated before it reached the piston. lighting purposes and it is desired to use Speed allowable in pipes- Po . 0'4
In Fig. 2 I have tried to show how, in my 100-volt lamps burning in multiple, so a Specific heat-Po . o's
opinion, the air should be supplied to the
compressor. F. RATTEK . tions for magazine names, so as to save
Watertown, Mass. Painted White space, such as Po. for Power, Gas P. for
Gas Power, Sc. for Scribner's, etc. For
Air Chambers on Pumps. small items the page number is shown ;
for large items or for several items in the
In the December issue of Power Helos
same month's issue, the month of issue
tells of his trouble in running two Acorn only.
pumps. He says that when both air Of titles I have a great many, probably
chambers are full of water the pumps run one thousand, as I subscribe for twelve
magazines regularly, besides extra ones
of special interest, and I try to index all
useful information.
Besides cards headed by a general title ,
12 "
and containing sub -classifications, which
12 " X 12 " naturally belong to it, I have separate
12 "
cards for the sub -titles in some instances ;
Power, W.Y. for instance, in addition to the card headed
" Steam ,” there are cards for " Steam
Heat," " Steam Pumps," " Steam Shovels, "
the smoothest. I have frequently seen storage battery of 200 cells is provided for and " Steam Traps, each with whatever
pumps which had to be run with the air the purpose of reducing the voltage from subdivisions are necessary. Again, there
chambers full of water, and usually at- 500 to 100 . The problem is to connect are separate cards for " Boilers," " Boiler
tributed this to some high places in the the cells to charge on the 500 -volt cir- Appliances ," " Boiler Cleaning,” “ Boiler
246 POWER April , 1906 .

Compounds, " " Boiler Design , ” “ Boiler The rule for using the table : Multiply rib. Fig. 2 shows how a piece has been
Explosions, ” 9
“ Boiler Tubes, " " Boiler the number opposite the grade in the col- cut from the bar and the rib cut away on
Feed ," “ Boiler Inspection ," " Boiler umn headed “ Friction ,” corresponding to the lines A , B and D, permitting the base
Plants," " Boiler Setting, " " Boiler Tests” ; FORCES ON INCLINED PLANES to be bent up against the remaining part
thus , by noting on the face of the cards Stress Stress Stress of the rib, as shown in Fig. 3, which shows
in in in
the sub - titles which seem convenient, I grade
Perpen- rope i rope rope
dicular per per
the finished bracket or lug shaped to the
have the full use of all the scattered in rise
Cosine on plane 2000
ton ton ton curve of the boiler shell C and riveted
ft . А 2000 2000
formation for which I have paid my good per Per ton lbs . Ibe . Ibr, to it . The angle of the cut A , Fig. 1 , ob

100 of 2000 Fric- Fric. Fric .
ft .
nioney. lbs. tion tion tion viously depends on the curve of the boil
140 132 1425
When a card gets full I fill up the back, er and the position of the bracket .
0 ° 35 ' .0101.9999 1999.8 70 82 100

to economize cards. When the back is 1 ° 9 ' .0200.9997 1999.4 Fig. 4 shows another style, also made
90 102 120
full a new card is put next behind the 12 °44' 0302 .9995 1999.0
° 18 ' .0401 .9991 1998.2
110 122 140 from “ T ” iron , by cutting the rib and
130 142 160
full card . 2°52' 0500 9987 1997.4 150 162 179 base apart where they meet or at the
3°27' 0601 .9981 1996.2 170 182 199
Two titles which , I think, should be in 4° 1 ' .0700 .9975 1995.0 189 202 219 angle, and then bending the base down
8 4°35' , .0799.9968 1993.6 206 221 238
every index are “ Tests ” and “ Tables.” By 5° 9' , .0897 .9959 1991.8 228 241 258
glancing at these cards one can find at 10 5°43' .0996.9950 1990.0 248 261 278
11 6° 17' .1094.9939 1987.8 267 280 297
once every available tabulated form . 12 6°51 ' .1192 .9928 1985.6 287 300 317
13 7 ° 25 ' .1290.9916 1983.2 307 319 337
These cards can be bought very cheaply, 14 7 °59' .1388 .9903 1980.6 326 338 356 D
probably at one -third the cost of the 15
9° 6 '
. 1483.9889
.1581 .9874
special “ Library Index ” cards which are 17 9°39' . 1676.9858
.1773 .9841
433 A
18 10 ° 13'
specially ruled and printed . 19 10 ° 46 ' .1868 .9823 1964.6 422 434 452
I keep my cards in a common box with 20
11 ° 19 '
11 °52'
. 2056 .9786
453 471 B FIG . I B
FIG . 2
472 490
a sliding top that keeps out the dirt . 22 12 ° 25 ' . 2150 .9766 1953.2 473 491 509 B
23 12°58' 2243 .9745 1949.0 497 509 525
If one wants to use " guide cards ” with 24 13°30 2334 .9723 1944.6 514 527 543
tabs which divide the pack of cards ac- 25
26 14° 3 '
14°35' 2427 .9677
2517 .9700 1935.4
1940.0 551
533 563
540 580
cording to the letters of the alphabet, it 27 15° 7' 2607 .9653 1930.6 569 580 598
28 15 °39' .2697.9629 1925.8 587 599 616
would cost a little more, but I have not 29 16° 11 ' .2787 .9603 1920.6 605 617 634
30 16°42' .2873.9578 1915.6 622 630 651
found them necessary. To index all my 31 17 ° 14 ' .2962.9551 1910.2 639 650 669
magazines does not take two hours a 33
32 17 °45 '
18° 16'
.3048 .9523 1904.6 656 660 686
.3134.9496 1899.2 673 686 703
month . ALEX . M. ORR. 34 18 ° 47 ' .3219 .9467 1893.4 690 703 720
35 19 ° 18 ' .3305 .9438 1887.6 708 721 738
Greenville, Pa . 36 19 ° 48 ' .3387.9408 1881.6 724 737 754
37 20 ° 19' .3472 ..9377 1875.4 741 754 771
38 20°49' .3553 .9347 1869.4 756 768 784
39 21 ° 19' .3635.9315 1863.0 773 785 801
Flagging the Belt Man. 40 21 °49' .3716.9283 1856.6 789 801 817
41 22° 18' .3794 .9252 1850.4 805 816 832 B
42 22°47 ' .3872 .9219 1843.8 820 832 848 с
I was interested in a scheme I noticed 43 23 ° 17 ', .3952 .9185 1837.0 836 848 864
the other day in one of our large shops, 44
45 24 °°45
23 14 ''
.4027 .9153 1830.6 851
.4104.9118 1823.6 866
894 FIG . 3
which consisted in arranging sign -holders 46 24 °43 ' .4181.9083 1816.6 882 894 913
47 25 ° 11' .4255 .9049 1809.8 897 909 925
to project out over the aisles, the sign 48 25°39' .4328 .9014 1802.8 911 923 939
up, as I passed, reading, " Belt Man . " 49
26°34 '
.4402 .8978 1795.6 926 .938 954
.4472 .8944 1788.8 940 952 962
They also have such signs as " Carpenter, " 51 27 ° 2' .4545 .8907 1781.4 . 955 967 981
52 27 ° 29' .4614 , .8871 1774.2 968 980 994
" Electrician , " etc. 53 27 °56 ' .4684 .8834 1766.8 980 992 1008
It often happens that there are needs 54
28 ° 23 '
28 °49 '
.4753 .8797 1759.4 994
.4820 .8761 1752.2 1008
1005 1022
1018 1036
of the kind attended to by these men 56 29 ° 15 ' 4886 .8724 1744.8 1021 1032 1049
57 29 °41' .4952.8687 1737.4 1034 1045 1061
which are not pressing, and the company 58 30 ° 7 ' .5017 .8650 1730.0 1047 1958 1071
keeps several steady, reliable men circu- 59
30 ° 58 '
5082 .8611 1722.2 1060
.5145.8574 1714.8 1073
1100 B B
lating through the shops finding work for 61 31° 23 ' .5207.8537 1707.4 1085 1096 1112
62 31 ° 48 ' .5268 .8498 1699.6 1097 1107 1124
themselves. The signs are like the " Ice" 63 32° 13 ' .5331 8460 1692.0 1110 1120 1137
wagon signs that are hung out, and the 64
32°38' .5392.8421 1684.2 1122 1132 1149
33° 2' .5451 .8383 1676.6 1134 1144 1161
inan knows if his services are needed, right 66 33 ° 26 ' .5509.8345 1669.0 1145 1154 1171
F. W. HARRIS. 67 33 °50 '| .5567 .8306 1661.2 1159 1167 1183
away. 68 34 ° 13 '.5623.8269 1653.8 1168 1178 1194
69 34 °37 ' .5680.8229 1645.8 1180 1190 1206
70 35° 0 .5735 .8191 1638.2 1191 1200 1217 American Machiniet
Forces on Inclined Planes. 71 35 ° 23 '| .5790.8152 1630.4 1202 1211 1227 FIG.4
72 35 °46 ' 5844.8114 1622.8 1211 1221 1238 LUGS FROM ROLLED SHAPES .
73 36° 08 ' .5896 .8076 1615.2 1222 1231 1249
Herewith is submitted a table of forces 74 36 °31 ' .5950.8036 1607.2 1233 1243 1260
on inclined planes. I have calculated and and shaping it to the curve of the boiler,
(Copyrighted by Charles Kuderer, 1902.) the rib being also shaped to the same
designed many cases of haulage engines
and have found this tabulation very con the kind of road, by the number of tons curve . C. W. J.
to be hauled. The product equals the
venient. A moderately curved road is one cable pull required to haul the load. For
that would
track not require
sheaves. more than
On sharper curvesbellthat
or example, suppose 105 tons is to be hauled Locating Knocks.
require 24 in. grooved sheaves the values up a road moderately curved, with 30 per
cent. stress in the rope. We would have I take much interest in reading POWER,
given in the column head " 1/25 ” are reliable particularly the experiences of engineers
to use in all cases of haulage road likely 630 X 105 = 66,150 pounds.
in finding and overcoming knocks in en
to be met with in coal mines or on roads gines. I have been knocked about with
up to 134 miles ; on longer roads the all kinds of knocks; and to the average
weight of the rope should be added to Boiler Brackets from Rolled Shapes. engineer the knock is hard to locate. In
the load. A correspondent of the American Ma. the case of a Corliss engine, if the crank
In all cases of straight inclined planes chinist suggests boiler brackets made pin is placed on the dead center, just
the values given in the column headed from the structural form known as “ T ” enough steam turned on to move the
"-1/40" should be used ; on haulage roads iron. Fig. I shows an end and a side reciprocating parts and the wrist- plate
moderately curved the values under view of such a bar as it comes from the rocked back and forth , the knock can be
" 1/32 " should be applied . rolling mill, B. being the base and A the readily located In the case of a slide
April , 1906. POWER 247

valve engine the same method can be fol- passage through the separator greater than justs itself. The perforated nozzles,
lowed by disconnecting the eccentric rod that of the ports. Thus the friction hinged split nozzles and other improve
and pulling the valve back and forth by caused by diversion of the path will be ments have eliminated almost all difficul
the valve guide pin. balanced by the larger working area. ties . One remains, however : the little
Knocks can be located in pillow blocks The inlet and outlet of such a machine bit of coke dust or ash which may get
in the same way ; and unless an engineer must be properly guarded so that all oil into the injector. No injector should be
is positive as to where the knock is, the carried along the pipe will be caught and fixed wihout a gauze sieve of a mesh
use of the above method would avoid lots drained to a point outside the path of the fairly fine--considerably finer indeed than
of trouble through going at the wrong steam . the smallest passage through the injector.
box or bearing with a monkey wrench. The next requisite is that sufficient vol- Should an injector begin to be trouble
P. POUND. ume be provided in order that the velocity some, it should be taken apart and its
New York. may be so reduced that all oil caried in internal cones soaked in dilute hydro
suspension will, due to this reduction in chloric acid to clean off the lime deposit.
Thinks Click Due to Governor. velocity, be thrown down. This phase of To take an injector apart is often to break
the question under consideration is very it. The outer cases, when of cast iron,
If Mr. Boyer, who complains on page important and is one which is, in a great are often too tightly screwed together
108 of the February issue of a click in his many instances, entirely overlooked. without smear grease on the threads.
piston rings, will examine the governor, he The drips , when carried beyond the Then the brass parts on which keys or
is likely to find the cup -like disk on the danger line, may be discharged into a wrenches are to fit are too small, and the
stem loose. I had the same experience on suitable tank or trap as may be desired. wrench slips round and batters off the cor
two different engines and was very much A separator designed upon the above ners of the soft metal. I sometimes feei
surprised when I first found out the principles will unquestionably, as has tempted to think that those who make in
trouble. been proven time and again in practice, jectors use feed pumps in their own
To make sure, cut the governor out and remove more than ninety-nine per cent of plants, or else surely they wouid be more
run the engine by the throttle for a while. the oil from exhaust steam. careful in respect to such points as out
If you hear no click you can be positive Calvin B. Ross. lined above. OLD TIMER .
that the trouble is in the governor. Springfield , O. London, Eng.
New York. J. S. Gross.
Injector Fixing. Straws Show which Way the Wind
Separation of Oil from Exhaust
Steam . Blows.
The first injector ever fixed by me was
an old- fashioned Giffard on which there Alfred Hall asks, on page 172 of the
One of the most troublesome problems was a hand-wheel to adjust the flow of
confronting the engineer of today is that March issue, what causes the tubes in his
steam and an independent hand -wheel to boiler to leak. In my opinion the trouble
of the efficient elimination of oil from adjust the flow of water. When a man is is caused by the cold air which goes
the exhaust steam before its condensate new to such an instrument he is bound to
through the tubes under the influence of
re-enters the boiler. turn the hand -wheels the wrong way, but the strong draft produced by the engine
Too much attention and careful study after some little practice he soon learns exhausting into the stack. The straw
cannot be paid to this very important mat- to work them together with both hands fuel does not keep as uniform a fire as
ter, for every one realizes the damage and to put the injector properly to work wood or coal , and the cold air going
which may be caused and trouble given with little difficulty. I had heard the through the tubes causes them to contract
by this oil in its natural state upon being sound that a nicely-adjusted, self -satisfied and loosens them in the tube sheets, the
allowed to get back into the boiler. injector makes on a locomotive, and this boiler barrel being larger than the tubes,
Naturally, if provision be not made for is what I tried to coax my injector to and not affected in the same degree.
removing this oil, directly after the steam produce, but I could get no further than Avoid using a jet in the stack when little
in which it is contained leaves the engine, the peculiar splutter and splash that seems
and such a condition of affairs be al- to tell one that the injector is at sea and or
Keepno your
flamefireis as
going through
steady the tubes.
as possible, and
lowed to continue for any length of time, leaning heavily over the rail. Well, it if the draft in the stack is stronger than
the boiler becomes a much less economical sounds like that, and so did this old Gif
unit than would exist had the proper pre- fard. It would not start, despite much
you need, open your smoke -box door part
cautions been taken. hammer tapping of the check valve. Bradford, Pa.
A great many minds are of the opinion Finally it was decided to blow off steam
that it is an utter impossibility to remove and remove the check valve for examin
all the entrained oil from the exhaust ation. While the steam was blowing off The steel chimney of largest diameter
steam, and let me say, from experience, and after it had dropped considerably in in the United States is at the smelting
that such is a false impression. Of pressure, the injector, with which I had works of the Copper Queen Consolidated
course by the expression “ all of the oil, ” again commenced to struggle, suddenly Mining Co., at Douglas, Ariz. This is 200
I do not mean exactly one hundred per started to sing. On went the safety valve ft. in height, 25 ft. internal diameter, and
cent., but would not ninety-nine per cent. weight again and no further trouble was. 34 ft. diameter at the base. The steel
be almost as good for all practical pur- experienced. chimney of the Compania Minera de
poses ? Well, such a high efficiency has The conclusion at which I arrived was Penoles, at Mapimi, Mexico, is 300 ft. in
been attained in numerous instances and that somehow within the injector, which height, 14 ft. internal diameter and 24 ft.
under various conditions. Of course, such became hot, the boiler pressure had ac in diameter at the base.
results require that the unit employed cumulated and lifted the check valve ;
be constructed upon the correct principle, after blowing down some, the face of the Pin-holes in brass castings are the great
which is as follows : In the first place, check valve had only reduced boiler pres- est difficulty with which the brass founder
the path of the steam must be directed sure against it. I have allowed myself to has to contend. They are discovered only
from its natural course, but in such a doubt this explanation since and attrib- when the casting is machined. A casting
manner as not to cause any back pressure, uted the start to the movement of the may have a sound and clean appearance
which , if it existed, would produce a low- check valve as a result of the previous before machining, only to show thousands
ering of the vacuum. Such danger is tapping. To-day one simply turns on of minute cavities after the first cut has
eliminated by making the area of the steam and water and the instrument ad- been made.
248 POWER April, 1906 .

Design, Construction and Application of Large Gas in the air pipe immediately ahead of the
inlet valve. Before starting the engine,
Engines in Europe - VI. the fly -wheel is turned into such a posi
tion that the crank sets about 30 degrees
above the inner dead center. The start
ing gear is adjusted so as to open both
necting the compressor to the tank or the inlet and the exhaust valves at the
Among the various methods of start tanks and the latter to the engine, check proper moments, the action being such
ing gas engines the one using compressed valves, pressure gages, arrangements for as to allow part of the compressed air to
air has met with most widespreadadop- shifting auxiliary cams,and starting escape during a fraction of the return
valves entering the combustion chamber ;
tion. The principle is simply to con travel of the piston and thereby reduce
vert one cylinder of a two-cylinder or all of this equipment being used only one the compression pressure to about 28

multicylinder engine into a compressed or two minutes in a day of actual run pounds per square inch for rich gases,
air motorby throwingout of servicethe the
This canbeeliminatedbyusing
motor geared directly to and about 56 poundsper square inch for
main admission cams and throwing in poor gases . In the meantime, the elec
two auxiliary cams which engage the ex the Ay-wheel, while in the case of two tric ignition device has been automatical
haust valves in a double-throw instead
may be fullyengines
utilizedthe for
the ly adjusted so as to retard ignition for
of a single-throw movement. Compress the first few strokes. The main fuel
pumps . Moreover the adjustment of the
ed air is then admitted to the valve cham or gas valves must, of course , also be
ber at 150 to 250 pounds pressure, ac inlet to starting conditions is no longer set so as to produce the most favorable
necessary, as air and gas are at once
cording to the size of the engine cylinder. mixture for starting conditions..
After one or two strokes by compressed drawn in in the right proportions. One
To start the engine, the air stop valve
air the regular combustion process begins B is opened, the automatic inlet valve re
in the other cylinder or cylinders ; the leased by screwing down the hand -wheel
supply of air is then cut off and the cam C to the full extent, and compressed air
mechanism returned to its normal posi is then admitted by turning the handle D
tion . The time required to bring the en 90 degrees, The piston will then begin
gine from stand-still, cold, up to full speed to travel slowly on its outward stroke
is about 25 seconds, if the igniting mech and just before it reaches the outer dead
anism is automatically retarded. One center the handle D must be returned to
minute is sufficient to start an engine of its original position, shutting off the air

say, 500 horse-power up to full load. supply. The first impulse given to the
The use of a mixture of gas and air for fly - wheel by compressed air will usually
starting has now been altogether aban be sufficient to produce several revolutions
doned, the storage of an explosive mix at a speed of about one - fifth of the nor
ture under pressure in a tank being a mal, when no load is on. During the
rather dangerous practice. However, following ( suction ) stroke a mixture of
when independent air and fuel pumps gas and air in the correct proportions is
are used with two-stroke -cycle engines, taken in, and on the next stroke com
they may be started by an electric motor pressed and ignited . If the right mixture
used to drive them, and deliver the two does not happen to be obtained and ig
constitutents of the charge separately in nition fails to occur, another compressed
to the engine there to mix and ignite. air impulse is given, which will always
This, of course, obviates all danger. produce the desired result. After the
A still better method and one which first power stroke has been obtained the
is recommended for general adoption, FIG. 30. ELECTRIC MOTOR FOR STARTING
air supply valve B is closed and the auto
if there be a source of electric energy matic inlet valve held fast by unscrewing
available, as in the case of large power large firm on the continent has readopted the hand-wheel C until its hub bears
plants, is to use an auxiliary motor to this practice, which was in use long be- against a collar on the valve stem, where
start the engine directly by turning its fore starting with compressed air became by the valve disk is firmly pressed on its
fly -wheel through a reduction gear and fashionable. seat. Then the starting gear is pushed
automatic clutch. Large engines are fre- However, to comply with present con- back into the running position, so as to
quently provided with an auxiliary mo- ditions a description and diagram are allow the mechanism to open the valves
tor and reduction gear acting on the given herewith. Fig. 31 shows the com- at the regular intervals only. The point
fly -wheel, as illustrated in Fig. 30, for plete starting mechanism as employed in of ignition is thereby automatically ad
the purpose of setting the moving parts European practice. In this diagram A is vanced and may now be adjusted by hand
in such position as to allow inspection the valve controlling the flow of air from or by the governor of the engine so as
of the cylinder interior for cleaning and a separately driven air compressor to the to suit the changed conditions. When
repairs. tank, and B, a similar valve in the pipe the main gas admission valve is set in
The Nürnberg Company furnishes with connecting the tank to the engine. Both the correct running position, all opera
its engines complete plants for starting valves are mounted on one pillar, which tions for starting have been duly ex
with compressed air, all valves and levers also has screwed on top if it a gage in ecuted . It may be added that it takes
being so located and arranged that one dicating continuously the pressure in the less time to perform the complete cycle
attendant can readily start the engine tank. Regulation of the supply of com- of operations than it takes to describe
without changing his position .. This is pressor air to the engine cylinder is ef- it .
in accord with current ideas, but the fected by means of an automatic spring- The starting pillar with its gage and
writer believes that starting with com- loaded inlet poppet valve, the stem and valves must be located on that side of
pressed air is an indirect way. It re disk of which may be released or heid the engine where the starting valve-gear
quires, besides the auxiliary motor, an fast by screwing down or unscrewing is located and all the controlling appara
air compressor, an air tank ( or, better, the hand-wheel c at the engine end of tus, such as the speed counter, main gas
two, one serving as a reserve ), pipes con- the air pipe. A plug valve D is inserted and air admission valves, ignition tim
April , 1906. POWER 249

ing gear and, if possible, the more im- site or to abandon the advantages inher- the very largest and best equipped steam
portant visible overflows for the cooling ent in a central location, thus impairing operated electric stations. The suction
water, must be combined on this side and the economy and increasing the cost of gas plant, moreover, is not limited to an
within convenient reach of the operator. the plant by reason of the longer feeders thracite coal for fuel, but works also with
It is not advisable to let the air pres- required. The selling price to consumers coke or brown coal briquets. In con
sure in the tank exceed 170 pounds per of the steam-generated electrical current nection with tests made on the delivery
square inch . It is also of advantage to accordingly worked out at relatively high of a Deutz suction gas plant by the Sax
shift the roller, or whatever device may figures, in spite of the most excellent de- onian -Thuringian Steam Boiler Revision
serve for relieving compression at start- sign of the plant. Small steam - operated Association at the Zeitz Electricity
ing, into the starting position immediate- plants, which were erected everywhere to Works, a consumption of 0.85 kg. ( 1.87
ly after shutting down the engine and supply some individual blocks of houses pounds ) of lignite briquets was re
while the fly -wheel is still in motion, as with electricity, were not in the position, corded for each kilowatt-hour. The at
it is difficult to move the gear when the owing to their high cost of operation, to
engine is at rest, or when the crank hap- compete with the larger works outside of
pens to be in an unfavorable position. the town. The adoption of suction gas
From the foregoing it will be under- motor plants for the production of elec
stood why, with this method, the double- tricity was an important advance in the
acting two- stroke- cycle engines require direction of public supply from plants of



Air Pipe from Compressor


Air Tank Air Tank


the lowest air pressure to start with, and moderate size, these plants working at tendant had only to fill the hopper with
that they can start even with a heavy least as economically as large steam fuel every half hour, the plant being left
load on. plants, while taking up a limited amount to itself in the meantime and giving
of space and requiring no special license
Electrical “ Block " Stations with for their installation beneath dwelling
Gas Engine Drive. rooms. Suction gas plants, moreover ,
JANUARY I TO MARCH 31 , 1905 .
BY DR. ALFRED GRADEN WITZ . may be readily located in practically any
cellar. Consump- Consump
Output , tion of tion of
In the electricity supply of great cities An extensive use of this type of power Station . kw .
hours. Coal, Coal per
pounds. kw . hour.
the location of the central station is a station has been made in Berlin , where
rather difficult task . In order to distrib- the Electrical Block Station Company is Kronen -block , 273,913 1 482,719 1.76
ute the available energy with maximum operating a large number of such plants Postoffice II... 273,354 507,796 1.85
cconomy, the central station should be in the inner city. The accompanying
situated if possible in the center of the table records the results obtained in the Newspaper
Postoffice ... 183,978 350,755
region to be supplied, but the center al- operation of four such block stations. Linden - block . 370,774 655,971 1.79
most invariably coincides with improved About 0.7 kg. ( 1.54 lb. ) of anthracite
real estate of high value. As the steam per kilowatt-hour was used in regular
engine was practically the only form of operation, which, under the conditions much more economical results than the
prime mover available until a few years existing in Berlin, works out at a fuel most perfect steam plant of modern con
ago, there were only two alternatives, cost of only 2.4 pfg. per kilowatt- hour. Struction under the most careful super
viz., either to purchase the high-priced These figures are not approached even by vision.
250 POWER April, 1906.

Fly-wheel Explosion at the Chester for the repair of the serious damage. Ar- destroyed, and the 56 - inch badly torn and
Traction Company's Station . rangements were immediately made for punctured . The accident happened on
securing the necessary power from an- Friday afternoon, and shut down a large
On the afternoon of March 4 a heavy other source and the patrons of the road portion of the mill, throwing something
fly -wheel on one of the engines in the will not be discommoded as a result of like a thousand employees out of work.
Penrose Bridge power house of the Ches- the accident. Mr. Upright, the superintendent, lost no
ter ( Penn . ) Traction Company burst with time in getting repairs under way, and by
such terrific violence as to entail a loss Failure of a Transmission Pulley. the afternoon of the following day a new
estimated by the Chester newspapers at wheel had been cast by A. & F. Brown of
$ 25,000 . A double -arm cast - iron transmission Elizabethport, N. J. A new shaft was
neighboring forge of
A piece of the wheel weighing 300 pulley 81 inches in diameter and with a supplied by the and

pounds was driven through the stone wall 27 -inch face went to pieces at the mill of turned up in their
George F. Brown,
of the power house and hurled 1000 feet, the American Manufacturing Company, own machine shop ; Fairweather & Ladew
striking a coal barge in the Schuylkill makers of rope and cordage and particu- furnished a new 24-inch belt and repaired
river. The barge was badly wrecked and larly of the " American ” transmission the larger, and on the following Friday,
the captain and crew of the boat narrow- rope, at Greenpoint, Brooklyn, on Friday, seven days after the date of the accident,


ly escaped being struck by the huge mis- March 9th. The pulley was in a belt the mill was running again . The pulley
sile, which landed with terrific force on and rope tower, and carried a 24-inch belt which failed revealed a number of old
the deck of the barge. from the engine wheel; a 56-inch belt cracks and one bad cavity at the junction
The entire roof of the power house was running beside it led to another pulley at of the arms with the rim.
torn off and the dynamo was completely a lower level of the tower. The engine which drives onto this
wrecked . One of the engines was badly The pulley failed without warning, jack-shaft is a triple with the three
damaged. Alexander Milroy, the engi- breaking at the usual speed of 4800 feet cylinders disposed horizontally side by
neer, was standing against the wall when per minute, and remained for the most side, and attached to one enormous cross
the wheel broke. The concussion threw part in tne tower. The jack-shaft, which head, connected at its ends by connecting
him violently to the floor and he was ren- carried a large rope transmission pulley rods to the crank -pins. It was put in
dered unconscious. His condition is re- beside the one that failed and which was about sixteen years ago and was illus
ported to be serious. 16 feet in length, 5 15/16 in the bearings trated and described in our issue of
Superintendent C. V. Mills hastened to and 6 15/16 in the hub, was badly twisted June, 1891. After it had been running
the scene and began at once to arrange and bent, the 24 -inch belt was practically some four years this cross -head cracked
April , 1906. POWER 251

at one end, and was run in a patched vice at the Bridgeport shops, it has been The Kewanee ( I11. ) Daily Star-Courier
condition until a new and heavier one under the charge of Edward O'Neill, who lays the following bit of poetical repartee
could be supplied, the central or low- says that in the twenty-eight years that he to the respective departments of the
pressure cylinder being disconnected so has run the engine it has broken down Western Tube Company :
The Sales Agent's View .
Everybody works but the fact'ry,
They sit around all day ,
Always writing letters ;
“ Expect to ship " they say.
Customers keep on calling,
New yarns we must tell ,
Everybody works at the fact'ry
Yes, they do, like
The Factory View .
Everybody works but the salesman ,
He makes two calls a day
On nice congenial jobbers,
And talks and draws
his pay.
Does the jobber want pipe tomorrow ?
“ We'll ship by express tonight."
Your name embossed on fittings ?
" Oh , yes, that'll be all right."
Then the agent writes to the office,
How very hard he worked
To land that important order,
And hopes it won't be shirked .
So the order goes to the fact'ry
Where there's no shirk nor sham ,
And when they read those conditions
They only whisper— " Gosh ."

About 3 o'clock in the afternoon of

February 23 a vertical boiler 7 feet in
1 SHOWING THE SPRING - LEVER OPERATED VAL VE -GEAR . hight and 30 inches in diameter exploded
at the planing mill in Jackson, Penn. The
that there was no strain on the patched only three times, twice from the giving initial fracture appears to ha been in the

member, the power developed in the two out of springs and once from a snapped fire box, which turned wrong side out,
outside cylinders being transmitted di- bolt. The aggregate loss of time from lifting the boiler 40 feet into the air, and
rectly to the pins through the connecting these breaks was not over three hours. carrying it about 50 feet to the eastward.
rods , using only the ends of the cross
head . The crank- disks have become
loose on the shaft a number of times, but
with these exceptions the engine has done
yeoman service, carrying heavy overloads,
and has today the same babbitt in the
crank-pin boxes that was in them when
the engine was erected 16 years ago.
An Early Corliss Engine.
The engine the photograph of which is
reproduced herewith was made by the
firm of Corliss & Nightingale for Horace
Greeley some half century ago, and first
used for running the presses of the New
York Tribune. It was sold in 1878 to the
Eaton, Cole & Burnham Company, of
Bridgeport, Conn ., and ran in their fac
tory from that time until January last,
when it was dismantled . It is of the
early Corliss type, using brass springs in
stead of dash-pots on the steam valves.
It has the long stroke common to the
period, 42 inches for a diameter of 14
inches, and has been running at 82 revolu
tions per minute. There are two of these
14- inch cylinders, and each has its own
governor. It was designed for one hun A CORLISS ENGINE THAT HORACE GREELEY USED TO OWN .
dred horse-power at 60 pounds of steam,
the common pressure then , but has devel- The best way to loosen a valve bonnet There was a crack about 8 inches in
oped as high as 286 horse -power. The is to hold it firmly by the squares in a length close up to the tube sheet. The
valves were renewed twenty years ago, good vise, screw a piece of pipe well into boiler had neither stay bolts nor hand
and the cylinders have
been bored out four the valve end, and then give a quick hole plates, and the only way of cleaning
times. During the entire term of its ser- strong pull on the pipe . it out was through the blow -off.
POWER April, 1906 .

Engineers' License Laws. body who passes over the sidewalks of a

large city, who visits a large office build
Now is the season when the bedizened ing or department store, who goes to a
law-maker gets cross -eyed and tangle- hotel or a theatre, places his life in the
TRANSMISSION OF POWER . footed trying to carry out his ante-elec- hands of the engineer in the basement .
tion pledges without getting out of step Have we not the right to know that they
Issued Monthly by the
with the bosses or subjecting himself to are fit and competent men ; that the boil
Hill Publishing Company a slash of the party whip. Now it is ers in their charge are equal to the ser
505 Pearl Street , New York . that the plodding engineer listens again vice demanded of them ? If the people
Also published at 6 Bouverie St. , London , E. C. to the assurance of the association orator really had their say don't you suppose
Correspondence suitable for the columns of POWER solicited that he is a professional man and should they would insist upon it ? What are you
and paid for . Name and address of correspondents must be be recognized as such and have a certifi- going to do about it, keep on getting up
giren - not necessarily for publication . cate of competency from a State in- bills and appointing committees to go up
Copy for change in advertisements must be in our hands not
later than the 5th of each month to insure change in the issue
spector. And the engineer goes into his and rub elbows with greatness and be
appearing on the first of the following month . pocket for an assessment, and committees turned down by the powers who run the
Do not send money in an unregistered letter. We cannot be
meet and wrestle with legal forms and legislatures in their own interests, or do
responsible for such remittances us may fail to reach us. phrases and evolve bills and present them something to put the " third house” out
check , post office or express order , or register your letter .
Pay no money to solicitors or agents unless they ain show to their legislatures, usually through a of business and let the people come into
letters of authorization from this office , new member who is sincerely convinced their own .
Address all communications and remittances , and make
draſls, checks and money orders payable to POWER , 505 of the benefits to accrue from his bill " for
Pearl Street, New York, the Prevention of the Destruction of Life The Gas Engine Situation .
Subscription price $2 per year, in advance , to any post
and Property by the Operation of Steam If you should ask a manufacturer of
office in North America or the possessions of the United Boilers and Engines by Incompetent gas engines why it is that that type of
States . $ 3 per year to any other country.
Persons.” And the bill is introduced and prime mover has not received more ex
POWER PUBLISHING CO ., LTD ., 6 Bouverie St. , Lon
goes to a safe committee, and the intro tensive recognition in important under
don, E.C., will serve all subscriptions in Europe and the ducer gets the laugh from the older leg- takings and why its record has not been
British possessions in the Eastern Hemisphere. Priec better where it has been adopted, he will
islators for having taken up the old foot-
10 Shillings in Great Britain , 12 Shillings for Europe and
the colonies. ball and is advised to lie down and let it tell you it is because of the immature
Entered at New York Post Office as mail matter of the
die a quiet death , that the railroad com state of the power gas producer. If you
second class . panies or the Standard Oil Company or put the same question to a producer man
some other of the real rulers of the gov- ufacturer, he will assure you earnestly
Cable address , “ PowPUB . " N. Y.
Lieber's and A B C Codes . ernment of, by and for the people won't that the seat of the trouble is in the va
stand for it . If the introducer is really garies of the gas engine. The builder of
During 1905 POWER printed and circulated in earnest and is something of an insur- both engines and producers will lay it
291,600 copies — an average of 24,300 per gent, or if the committees of the en- all on incompetency in the operation of
188ue. of this issue of POWER 23,000 copies
are printed. No papers sent free regularly; gineers are persistent and aggressive, the existing plants. The real truth in the
no returns from news companies ; no back
numbers beyond the current year. powers behind the scenes will consent to matter is that all three excuses have a
a hearing, and there is enacted the same considerable basis in fact.
Contents. PAGE old farce of delegations to the State There has not yet been developed , at
The Long Island Power Station of the capitol, more arguments and oratory at least in the United States, a thoroughly
Pennsylvania, New York and Long
Island Railroad 199
perfunctory sitting of a committee satisfactory gas producer for burning bi
Experiences in a Refrigerating Plant .. 211
Hints on Boiler Management. 213 which has no intention of doing anything tuminous coal, and that is indispensable
Engineering Reminiscences 215 else to the bill than to kill it, and no to the success of the power gas industry
Elementary Lectures on Electrical En
gineering — III 220 open mind except perhaps as to the man- in this country ; the best gas engines so
Engine-Room Chemistry ner of its death . far installed are extremely hard to keep
Power Development for the Ticonderoga
( N. Y. ) Pulp and Paper Company . 224 And meantime the slaughter goes on. in proper working condition, to say noth
Gas Producers for Power .225
Some Notes on Steam Boilers -II . ..227 Not a working day passes but what ing of the occasional manifestations of
Regulating Compound -wound Dynamos ... 228 somewhere in this country a boiler ex- contrariness that are so mysterious to
The Most Economical Use of Auxiliaries..230
Available Power and Cost of Operation of plodes, always with a considerable loss everybody concerned unless it be the de
a Power Station for Waste Gases from
a Blast Furnace Plant.
Correspondence and Discussion : An In
231 of property, usually with a loss of life, signer ; and we have no class of skilled
ternal Separator and Superheater... and the United States enjoys the proud labor in this field relatively comparable
Commutator Troubles . . . . Suggestions distinction of killing more people from to that in the steam-engine field . It is
for a Feed Water Heater ... . Packing
a Gas Engine ....Mr . New Goes after boiler and engine accidents in relation to scarcely necessary to say, just here, that
Uucle Amos....Originality in Steam
Engineering .... Repairing a Bent Pis the amount of power involved, than any this last deficiency is wholly due to the
ton -Rod . Prevents Crosshead Shoes other country in the world. crude state — if we may be pardoned ab
Flying Off ....Clicking Piston Rings ....
Fly-Wheel Accidents and Engine Stops What is to be done about it ? Boilers solute frankness —of the gas engine and
....One Way to Prevent Racing ..
A Heating System . ... Conversion of do not have to explode. Every boiler producer.
Heat into Work by Adiabatic Expan- which does explode does so through Pessimistic as all this may sound , we
sion ....Location of Rim Joints on Belt
Wheels ....What Caused this Boiler to faulty design, construction, maintenance have strong faith in the future of the gas
Crack ?.... Poor Method of Supply
ing Air to a Compressor.... Air or operation. It is true that some of these engine. Once get the producer and en
Chambers on Pumps .... A Problem in faults are difficult of detection even by gine relatively on the same plane with
Storage Battery Connections.... An 1

Ingenious Card Index ....Flagging the a trained inspector and that disastrous the steam boiler and engine and men of
Belt Man ....Forces on Inclined Planes
... Boiler Brackets From Rolled explosions have occurred in States where the class necessary to care intelligently
Shapes . Locating Knocks .... Thinks license laws were in operation, but aside vulnerable
for the more power gas plant
Click Due to Governor.... Separation
of Oil from Exhaust Steam .... In . from those due to the discredited lap- will develop automatically in response to
jector Fixing . ... Straws Show Which
way the Wind Blows.. 238-247 joint most of them are due to plain in- the demand for them which will arise .
Design, Construction and Application of competence and carelessness. Is the pub- The handling of a power gas producer
Large Gas Engines in Europe -- VI..... 248
Electrical " Block " Stations with Gas lic entitled to no consideration, to no is comparatively simple,, but the proper
Engine Drive 249
Fly-Wheel Explosion at the Chester Trac safeguard in the matter ? No one is free care of a gas engine of any size will al
tion Company's Station .. 250 from the menace . It is not only those ways inevitably require more engineering
Failure of a Transmission Pulley 250
An Early Corliss Engine 251 who work in or live near industrial es- knowledge and skill than the highest
Editorials 252-2553
New Things for the Power Plant . 254-257 tablishments who are threatened. Every- grade of large steam engine demands. In
April , 1906 . POWER 253

addition to the attention to valve-gear, No less than three years ago we called The two stations referred to represent
journal-box adjustment, lubrication and attention to the advantages offered by the simplest possible proposition in this
packing which a steam engine needs, the this arrangement. The vane does not line. The reciprocating engines discharge
gas engine depends for satisfactory oper- deal efficiently with high pressures , and more steam than the turbine can use, the
ation on ignition , proper cooling and a the reciprocating or piston engine has the turbine is simply shunted upon their ex
suitable mixture of gas and air ; more- turbine at a considerable disadvantage in haust line, and their freedom of exhaust
over, the valve-gear is more elaborate the upper part of the diagram . The tur- is in no way retarded. The reciprocat
and more difficult to keep in good condi- bine operates by converting the potential ing engines would never know that the
tion and the higher initial pressures tend energy, or pressure of the steam , into ki- turbine was there or whether it was run
to expedite and aggravate journal-box netic energy, or mass in motion, and ning or not. The turbine runs up to the
and packing troubles. The average gas then absorbing that energy by bringing right speed and gets its generator into
engine advocate will usually pooh-pooh the mass to rest at the lower pressure. step. It needs no governor. If it tries
this argument and contend that it is only The amount of energy thus converted de- to go faster it will automatically take on
a question of " getting used to " the dif- depends upon the number of times the more of the load and slow itself down.
ferences between the two classes of en- steam is expanded. Steam will substan- This is a safe method of feeling the way.
gine ; the contention, however, is fathered tially double its volume in expanding Now shall we see a station with a high
by enthusiasm , if not partisanship, rather from two hundred to one hundred pounds enough working pressure to warrant non
than actual operating experience. It is absolute ; so it will in expanding from condensing compounds, with turbines for
much better judgment to drop quibbling, one hundred to fifty, or from ten to five the third stage, with moderate initial su
stop trying to disguise weaknesses in the or from two to one . The same amount perheat for the reciprocating engines and
machine, face the facts deliberately and of power is derivable then in general a considerable degree of reheat before
set about to eliminate objectionable fea- terms by expanding a pound of steam the steam goes to the turbines ?
tures of design or construction . Until from two pounds to one pound as from
this is done, the gas engine will remain two hundred to one hundred pounds .
an alluring and disappointing factor in The reciprocating engine is the better Inaccurate Humor .
the power plant problem . adapted to effect the conversion with the
There is another side to the question wide range of pressure, the turbine that In a somewhat labored effort to be epi
which , in justice to the manufacturer with the smaller. The greater the differ- grammatic an English engineer recently
should be presented . That is the increas- ence in pressure between the opposite referred, in a paper read before the Brit
ing parsimonious policy of buying sides of a piston the greater the moving ish Institution of Electrical Engineers,
“ cheap " machinery. A well-informed force in proportion to the friction and the to leakage current from central- station
steam engine representative assured us greater the useful effect. While there is , mains as " adulteration" of the station
of course , a greater tendency to leak a supply. The attempted simile fails from
recently that it is more difficult now to
sell first-class machinery than ever before piston can be and is in common practice both the etymological and commercial
in the history of the industry, and ex- made practically tight against leakage viewpoints ; adulteration, of course, means
pressed the opinion that if anyone under these pressures . The vanes of a corruption by the addition of baser mate
should go to the trouble and expense of turbine must be made with considerable rial , and it is practised in trade for the
building a gas engine that compared, from clearance. They do not fully close the purpose of cheating the purchaser of the
an engineering standpoint , with the bestpassage through which the steam is flow- adulterated commodity. Leakage currents
steam engines it could not be sold with- ing. When the steam is dense a greater have neither of these effects.
The incident is of little importance per
out loss ; an experienced gas -engine de weight of it will get through a given se, but it arouses within us a mild feel
signer not long ago intimated confiden space at a given rate of flow than after
tially that he held practically the same it has been rarefied by expansion . As the ing of protest against the straining to be
opinion. This is a deplorable state of af- turbine must be designed to pass only the clever at the expense of accuracy, of
which not a few technical writers are
fairs . But it does not wholly relieve the given inweight
vanes of steam
the high per end
pressure second,
must the
be guilty at times. It does no harm to the
gas engine manufacturer of responsibility. fully -informed reader, but some of these
If all such manufacturers would take the short, and the clearance a large propor
efforts have been known to distort the
( somewhat altruistic ) stand that they tion of the whole area, while after the half- formed views of men in the earlier
would build and sell the best gas engines of becomes
which attenuated,
the neces sary clear ance passages
large is only stages of engineering education and to en
that brains and money could produce, or courage them in perpetrating imitative
none at all , the purchaser would have to a small proportion are practicable . The " bons mots" which departed still further
pay the price or else there would be an windage of the swiftly revolving vaned from the limits of accuracy.
end to the more important division of the wheel is very considerable in the dense
Really clever plays upon technical words
industry. Even the latter alternative high -pressure steam, but approaches the or phrases are, on the other hand , thor
would be preferable to a continued fruit- vanishing point as the realized vacuum
less struggle to build satisfactory engines increases. The expansion in reciprocat- oughly enjoyable; another English en
down to the buyer's ideas of cost. ing engine can be carried only a little gineer, for example, filled his audience
above twenty times without an exorbi
with joy and did no harm whatever by a
deliciously spontaneous reference to
Running Turbines in Connection tantly large low pressure cylinder The someone's " co -efficient of induced men
with Reciprocating Engines. turbine needs only an inch or two of noz dacity." If we can't follow his example
zle or at most an extra stage to carry
Considerable interest has been occa- the expansion to any extent. It is emi and be funny without being misleading,
let's remain solemn .
sioned by the description, which appeared nently adapted, therefore, to take the
in our last issue, of a station at Scran- steam which has been worked by the re
ton, Pa. , in which a steam turbine is run ciprocating engine throug! the higher The Canadian Engineer says, editorially,
by the exhaust steam of reciprocating ranges of the expansion, and to work it “ There is cumulative evidence enough to
units . The same thing is being done at down to the lower temperature level. convince the most skeptical that the mo
the Thirteenth Street station of the Phil- The fact that the turbine generators run tive engine of the future will be one in
adelphia Rapid Transit Company, and at a different speed from those attached which the utilization of the force of Auids
the results of the two experiments will to the reciprocating engines is immate . -elastic and inelastic—will be mainly by
be eagerly awaited by engineers and en- rial . They can be connected even in par- rotary impulse instead of reciprocatory
gine builders. allel . pressure."
254 POWER April , 1906.

New Things for the Power Plant. of auxiliary field -magnet poles between
the main poles for the purpose of main
taining the point of commutation constant
Exacto Packing Gage and Cutter. in fitting the packing to the rod, and with regardless of the strength of the main
only ordinary care and skill a good job is field. The windings of these intermediate
The accompanying engravings illustrate assured .
magnet poles are in series with the arma
a packing gage and cutter which Greene,
Tweed & Co., of New York, are putting Water- proof Transmission Rope. ture, so that the fields produced by them
vary with the load and counteract the dis
upon the market. Themselves large man
ufacturers of packings, they are in the The American Manufacturing Company, torting influence of the armature current,
best possible position to realize that the 65 Wall Street, New York, has been ex
success of a packing depends largely upon perimenting for a long time with a view
the skill displayed by the engineer in cut- to producing a transmission rope that
ting and fitting it, and that the success of would be thoroughly water -proof, and now
the so-called ring packings is largely due announces that its efforts have been suc
cessful. A piece of rope treated according
to the method worked out by the experi
mentation referred to was hung in the East
river for long periods and then run on one
of the company's outdoor drives for more
than a year with satisfactory results, we
are informed. One of these drives com
prises ten 174 -inch ropes running almost
the full length of the roof of a building
· 225 feet long. The company states that
the rope is thoroughly impregnated with
the water-proofing, which is elastic and WESTINGHOUSE MULTI - SPEED MOTOR .
to the fact that they relieve the engineer therefore remains in place regardless of
of this trouble and responsibility. bends, and becomes perfectly smooth after which also varies with the load, of course.
When a new roll of packing is started, running awhile. The process increases The speed of the motor is regulated by
the end is beveled off by holding it under the weight of the rope about 2 per cent. varying the strength of the main field
magnet poles, which are shunt-wound.
the knife -guide, which serves to hold the and is said not to reduce its length of life.
packing firmly, as well as to keep the knife There is a considerable field for water The machine is designated Type SA, and
has a range of speeds of four to one, that
is, from maximum down to one- fourth of
maximum speed.

The Dunham Radiator Trap.

The accompanying illustration shows

an application of the volatile fluid pres
sure principle which has been successfully
used in other forms of trap by the C. A.
Dunham Company, of Marshalltown,
Iowa, to valves for use upon radiators
and vacuum or other systems where a dif
ference in pressure is maintained between
the radiation and the return pipes. The
disk or double diaphragm is filled with a
EXACTO PACKING GAGE AND CUTTER . volatile fluid which generates sufficient
pressure under the temperature at which
at the right angle . When a ring of pack- proof transmission rope in the way of the trap is designed to close to distend
ing is required thereafter, the machine is drives from floor to floor of a single the containing vessel and force the valve
set for the required length by turning the building, the location of these latter just
dial to the diameter of the rod, plus the outside the building giving a considerable
diameter of the packing ; for instance, for saving in valuable space inside. In cotton
one- inch packing on a two- inch rod the gins, cotton oil mills and rice plantations
dial is set to 3. The beveled end of the also water-proof transmission rope should
packing is then tucked snugly against the meet with a warm welcome on account
correspondingly beveled face of the lower of the dampness of the climate in which
guide, the upper guide pressed firmly upon such establishments are located.
the packing with the thumb of the left
hand, while it is cut off to the correct
length , as the engraving shows. A knife A New Multi- speed Electric Motor.
with a serrated cutting edge is furnished THE DUNHAM RADIATOR TRAP .
with the machine. This device places con The accompanying engraving illustrates
tinuous- length packings upon the same a multi-speed direct -current motor which to its seat . When the disk is cooled by
plane of convenience as the ring packings, has just been brought out by the Westing- water or air collecting around it the in
and as one roll of packing will make rings house Electric & Manufacturing Company, ternal pressure is reduced and the sur
of any diameter, one needs to carry only Pittsburg, Pa. The machine is similar rounding pressure causes it to collapse
the necessary number of thicknesses in to the company's standard Type S motor sufficiently to withdraw the valve and
stock. There is no waste, no loss of time in all respects excepting the provision permit the trap to discharge until the disk
April, 1906. POWER 255

is again surrounded by steam, or water ished with each machine, are made in legged stand bench with oil pan and tool
of the same high temperature . four pieces and when dull can be re- shelf. The Loew Manufacturing Com
The disk and valve are firmly anchored ground by the user, as the grinding does pany, of Cleveland, Ohio, is the builder.
in a cap which is made into the body not change the cutting face. The dies
with a ground joint requiring no gaskets. engage in a continuous scroll on the back The Burt Ventilator .
As the trap remains open when cold and of the face-plate and are adjusted by re The device shown in the accompanying
there is no water sealit cannot freeze. volving the plate until the size of the engraving serves both as a sky-light and
There are no sliding contacts, friction is pipe to be threaded as stamped upon the
eliminated and oil and foreign matter revolving member comes in line with the
will have little effect upon its action. same figure upon the stationary portion .
The plate is self-locking, requiring no
The Loew Victor Pipe - Threading bolts to hold the dies when adjusted, and
Machine. there are no projections upon its face.
The vise is universal and self-centering,
This tool is designed to be light enough with two long-bearing jaws operated by
to be portable and at the same time power a hand -wheel of sufficient size to
ful and rigid enough to do good work thoroughly set them upon the pipe with
in the field . Power is transmitted by a ordinary effort.
double -lead worm gear set close to the In operation, the dies are set by turn
base of the machine, by the use of which ing the face-plate to the graduation in
a speed equal to that procurable by bevel dicating the desired size. The vise is re
gears is attained. The end thrust of the tired by means of the vertical lever con
worm is taken by a ball bearing. It is nected therewith by a link, as shown in
made in three sizes, the first adapted to the engravings, and the pipe firmly fixed THE BURT VENTILATOR.
handling from 14- to 2-inch pipe, the in it. The vise is then drawn forward as a ventilator. The opening being controll
second from 1- to 4 -inch and the third the head is revolved , forcing the pipe into ed by the internal sleeve, the shaft is
from 192- to 6-inch. The two larger sizes the die and starting the thread, after unobstructed, and the top is made of
are provided with outside gears, suitably which the pipe will feed itself. When heavy wired glass which is set in a groove
guarded, and a quadruple-lead worm giv- the thread is cut the dies are released by with water-proof cement. Below the top,
ing the machine a high speed, for the dropping a latch which engages one of the inside, is a trough into which runs any
smaller sizes of pipe and a low speed, with three projections upon the edge of the condensation which may gather on the






correspondingly less turning effort, for the plate and by which it is rotated. This glass, and whence it passes through small
larger. When it is desired to drive the opens the dies slowly, thereby removing holes to the outside The rising currents
machine by belt a three-step direct- con- the bur from the thread. This self-opening pass through the shrouded opening, un
nected pulley with corresponding counter- feature obviates the necessity of backing deflected by any damper even in the half
shaft is furnished. the pipe out of the dies. closed position. The Burt Manufacturing
The dies, of which four sets are furn- Each machine is furnished with a four- Company, Akron , Ohio , is the maker.
256 POWER April, 1906.
The Nagel Suction Producer.
Another addition to the producers de
signed and made in America is shown in
the accompanying illustrations.
While it possesses no essential features
which are very different from those of
other suction producers, its individuality
of construction may be readily seen from
the sectional view, Fig. 2.
The vaporizer is in the form of a water
jacket placed in the top cover and sur
rounding the charging hopper, and is thus
a part of the producer body, which con
struction reduces the space occupied by
the whole outfit. The air blast is drawn
through the opening A , over the surface
of the water, and the mixed air and steam
are then led under the grate, as shown.
For the smaller sizes, this grate is station
ary, while for the larger sizes , it is of the
shaking variety.
With the use of a grate of considerable
area , the diameter of the generator is
made uniform and a maximum capacity is
thus obtained. Water is also supplied to
the ash pit for the purpose of cooling the
grate . The producer and auxilaries are
shown in Fig. 2 as they appear in an
actual installation .
The common essentials of a suction pro
ducer plant, such as the scrubber, the
hand blower for starting up and the gas
tank or equalizer, are included in the out
fit; but the latter, instead of being a plain
box or tank, contains sawdust to take out
the last trace of dust and moisture from
the gas. Oscar Nagel, of 90 Wall street,
New York, N. Y. , is the designer and
builder of this producer.


Gas Generator

Blower Engine

Drying and

Por, ...
April, 1906. POWER 257

The Walton Steam Generator. plan portion of the engraving, thoroughly by them as are the forks of the ordinary
riveted into the fanged heads as shown in shifter. The half- hexagon on the bottom
In boilers of the type shown in the ac- the elevation. The feed -water is intro of the roller frame rests upon a flat spring
companying illustration, consisting of duced into these tubes at their upper ends which retains it in either position. Her
tubes interposed between flat surfaces, the
cylindrical portions are forced apart by an
unbalanced pressure equal to the pressure
per square inch into the aggregate internal
cross- section of the tubes. The drums are
held together against this disruptive tend
ency by the tubes ; and since the heads
tend to bulge under the action, the tubes



through circulators of which one is shown bert Dunhill, of 126 West 93d Street,
in the elevation, producing a positive New York, represents it in this country .
downward flow of the water in these
tubes, which displaces water in the lower
drum or cylinder, causing it to rise
through the smaller tubes forming the
heating surface.
An external furnace or Dutch oven is
used, and the setting is divided by a cen
tral division wall of fire - brick as shown in
the section, causing the gases to pass
upward over one half of the tubes and
downward over the others, thus making a
positive circulation over the whol heating
surface with no opportunity for short-cuts
and pockets. It affords excellent facilities
for cleaning both externally and internal
ly, and has already been installed in a
number of instances for use with waste
gases. It is built by C. J. Walton & Son ,
Louisville, Ky.
The Parmiter Belt Shifter.
near the outside are stretched more than
those in the center and are apt to show The belt shifter shown in the engrav
dstress by leaking, they do not pull out. ing herewith is the subject of a recent
In the boiler under review the outer row British patent. The shifting roller guides
is reinforced by the insertion of three the belt over without any tendency to
tubes of larger diameter, as best seen in the fray its edges, and without being worn THE PARMITER BELT - SHIFTER .
258 POWER April , 1906 .

Inquiries. will absorb 21 X35=735 B. t. u . It takes Leverage of a Gear Train .

0.0951 B. t. u. to raise one pound of copper The accompanying sketch represents a
I degree ; the 735 B. t. u. will, therefore, windlass turned by a crank through
Questions are not answered unless they are double - reduction gears.
raise one pound of copper 735 + 0.09513 The number of
of general interest and are accompanied by
the name and address of the inquirer. 7,728 degrees, or 3 pounds of copper 7,728 teeth in each gear is given by the figures
-3=2,576 degrees. The three pounds of on the gears ; the diameter of the wind
Where Fusible Plug is placed. Q. copper must, therefore, have been cooled lass drum is 12 inches and the length of
Where is the fusible plug placed in the down 2,576 degrees ; add to this the 65 de- the crank 20 inches. How can I ascer
Stirling and Cahall vertical boilers ? grees final temperature and you have 2,641 tain the number of crank revolutions re
" THROTTLE.” degrees for the temperature of the furnace. quired to lift the load a given distance,
A.— A fusible plug in the Stirling boiler Application of Two Similar Triangles to and theto
handle move a required
pressure the crank
given load,on making al
is placed in the middle upper drum just Distance Measurement.
below the lowest allowable water line. In lowance for friction ? A. E. M.
I am told that the distance between
the Cahall vertical boiler a fusible plug, two points, which cannot be measured Each revolution of the crank turns the
if used , is placed anywhere below the low second gear through 13/55 of a revolu
est allowable water-line in the upper tion ; each revolution of the second gear
drum . turns the windlass drum through 30/90
Weight of Salt Water Per Imperial and or 1/3 of a revolution, and each revolu
United States Gallons. Q. - Engineers tell tion of the drum lifts the load 1 X 12,
me that in using a salinometer 1-32 means or 37.7 inches. Consequently, one revo
ution of the crank will lift the load
5 ounces of salt to a gallon of salt water ;
13 T
Roper's handbook says that 1-32 equals 4 Х X 37.7 inches ,
ounces . One United States gallon weighs 55 3
6 с .d
81-3 pounds ; Ried's handbook gives 10 which figures out 0.24752 of a foot. Di
pounds as the weight of an English or im viding the required lift . ( in feet ) by .

perial, or 1074 pounds as the weight of a 0.24752, therefore, will give the number
of revolutions that the crank must make.
gallon of salt water, of which nearly 5
ounces, or 1-33, is salt. How does 1-32 of a For each crank revolution, the handle
United States gallon mean 5 ounces satura FIG . I. will move through
tion, when there are only 231 cubic inches al X 20 X 2 inches , or 10.472 feet,
in a gallon, while there are 276 cubic inches directly, can be determined by means of
two triangles. How is it done ? H. L.
in an imperial gallon ? Gear
WM . H. SOUTHERINGTON . Fig. 1 herewith shows two points, a, b,

Baltimore, Md . between which a river flows, so that di Second

A. - An imperial gallon is the volume of rect measurement is impracticable. If a 30 9 )

third point, c, be located so that a line Third Gear Fourth Gear
ten pounds or 160 ounces of distilled water
at 62 degrees Fahr. If 5 ounces of salt from b to c will be at right angles to the 20

could be dissolved in this without changing line ( of vision ) between a and b , a right
angle triangle can be plotted as indicated
its volume the gallon would weigh 165 in the sketch . Now locate a fourth
ounces of which 5-165 or 1-33 would be point, d, in line with b and c and such a
salt ; or the salt would be distance from d that it will divide con

5-160 = 1-32 veniently into the distance from b to c ;

of the weight of the containing water.


then locate a point e in line with a and c

A salinometer graduated in thirty-sec- and at such apoint that a line from it to
onds, therefore, means that there are 32 d will be at right angles to the line from
times as much water as salt by weight b through c to d ; then plot the second
in the mixture, which for the imperial triangle, as shown in Fig . 2. Divide the
gallon of 160 ounces means distance b-c by c-d and multiply the re and this distance is traversed while the
160 :-32 = 5 oz . per gallon . sult by the distance from d to e ; the final load moves 0.24752 foot . Therefore, ig
The legal gallon of the United States result will be the distance from a to b. noring friction for the moment, the pres
has a volume of 231 cubic inches, and this Example: If the distance from b to c= sure on the crank must be
volume of distilled water at 62 degrees 0.24752
weighs 133.38 ounces. One -thirty -second of 10.472
this weight would be 4.17 ounces. of the weight of the load. If the latter is
To Ascertain Temperature of Furnace. 2000 pounds, then the pressure on the
Q.–To find the temperature of a furnace, a crank must be 2000X0.24752-10.472 =
ball of copper weighing three pounds is 47.273 pounds, still ignoring friction. If
placed in the furnace, and after being the friction load were, say, 10 per cent.
heated to the same temperature at the fur of the lifted load , then the pressure at
nace is quickly withdrawn and dropped into 6 the crank would need to be 10 per cent.
a vessel containing 35 pounds of water at greater, or 52 pounds.
44 degrees Fahr. The final temperature of Distance Between Belted Pulleys.
the water is 65 degrees Fahr. What is the
What should be the distance between
temperature of the furnace ? centers of two pulleys, one of which is
FIG . 2. 36 inches and the other 66 inches in
Douglas , Alaska . diameter, connected by a belt ? G. S.
A.—The rise of temperature is 65—44 = 96 feet, a convenient distance from c to There is no rule. The distance should
21 degrees. As it takes one heat unit to d would be 48 feet. Then if d-e=59 feet, be from 20 to 25 feet , center to center ;
raise one pound of water i degree, 35 the distance from a to b will be (965-48 ) the farther apart , the better, within
pounds of water raised through 21 degrees X59= 118 feet. reasonable limits.
April, 1906 . POWER 259

Book Reviews. speed and would evidently disappear at tanooga meeting, to which a whole morn
about 200 revolutions per minute. ing will be devoted, will be the problem
The book is nicely printed upon a fine of governing water-power plants, on which
"Locomotive Tests and Exhibits. ” grade of thin paper and abounds in plates , interesting contributions are promised.
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, D. T. inserts and tables. The testing plant has
Newhall, Purchasing Agent, Broad Street been removed to the Pennsylvania shops The Elm City Association No. IO
Station , Philadelphia, Pa.
PA, 1905. 734 at Altoona, where the tests will be con
N.A.S.E., of New Haven , Conn ., held a
pages , 6x974 inches. Illustrated Half banquet and “ smoker ” on Saturday even
Morocco . Price, $5 . ing, March 24. There were large delega
One of the features which will make tions from New York, Boston and near
the St. Louis Exposition memorable in the Society Notes. by cities, including T. N. Kelsey, national
eyes of engineers is the elaborate series vice -president, and many past national
of tests which was conducted there by The well-known entertainers
the Pennsylvania Railroad, a portion of There has been a very rapid growth in from New York were “ on the job " and
whose exhibit consisted of the most elab- the New York State Association of the together with other good things, made
orate and complete outfit for locomotive N. A. S. E. From nineteen subordinate the night a merry one. The event will
testing purposes ever gotten together. As associations and about eight hundred in long be remembered in New Haven as
a fitting conclusion to the enterprise the dividual members less than three years being a most brilliant success.
Pennsylvania has placed the results ob- ago, it shows the remarkable increase of
tained at the command of the engineering forty- four associations and 2166 mem T. N. Kelsey, national vice-president of
bers .
the N.A.S.E., has been keeping himself
world in the volume under review.
quite busy the past winter attending the
The locomotive is ordinarily considered
The American Institute of Mining En- meetings of the organization, especially
a crude and wasteful type of heat engine, gineers, who for the two days preceding those in cities near his home in Lowell,
unsusceptible, by reason of the rugged had been in session at Bethlehem, Penn., Mass. On Saturday, March 17, he at
character of its service, of the refinements
were entertained on February 24th by the tended the meeting of the Natick Associa
of its stationary and marine contempo Ingersoll- Rand Company at its works at tion No. 31 , N.A.S.E., of Natick , Mass.,
will, ; a machine
rariesfor a special highly developed
purpose, you Phillipsburg, N. J. After a visit tothe
but in ifwhich at which there were visitors from Boston,
efficiency as a heat engine has been sacri- shop, luncheon was served to nearly 200 Lynn and Lowell present, and entertained
them with an address. Mr. Kelsey wishes
ficed to the necessities of its nomadic and guests.
that the days and nights were longer
strenuous existence . The thirty -seventh annual re-union of that he might make these visits of a
This popular idea of the locomotive will the New York Engineers' Protective So- broader nature.
be rudely shaken by the volume before us, ciety, was held on February 16th, at Lyric
which declares that “ It is a fact of more Hall. An entertaining vaudeville program Hoboken Association No. 5, N. A. S. E.,
than ordinary significance that a steam was given, which was followed by dancing. of Hoboken, N. J., were recently treated
to the following educational features : On
locomotive is capable of delivering a horse The attendance was exceptionally large, Wednesday , February 28, George Richard
power at the draw-bar upon a consump- and a most enjoyable evening was spent.
son, Consulting Engineer of the Isbell &
tion of but a trifle more than two pounds This society was organized March 13, Porter Company, of Newark, N. J., lec
of coal per hour.” This certainly is “ of 1868, and is in a prosperous condition .
more than ordinary significance” when it tured on Refrigeration, and on Wednes
is considered that this is not only brake The following educational features day , March 21, J. C. Slocum , of Joseph
horse-power, but that it involves the ef were conducted by the Modern Science T. Ryerson & Sons, New York , lectured
Club, of Brooklyn, N. Y., recently : On on the subject of Internal Fired Scotch
ficiency of a “ boiler on wheels” evaporat- Tuesday, February 20, Grafton L. McGill Marine Boilers. On both of these occa
ing three or four times as much water per led a discussion on Laws," Patent sions there was a full attendance. Re
unit of surface as a stationary boiler does. Owners and Inventors." On February freshments followed the lecture.
Several of the boilers evaporated over
27, John R. Robinson, of the Star Asbes
twelve pounds of water from and at 212 tos Manufacturing Company, gave an
The Steam Engineers' Club of New
York held a “beefsteak " and " smoker"
degrees per pound of dry coal when evap- instructive talk on " Asbestos." On
orating from nearly 3 to 442 pounds of March 6, H. A. Howe lectured on on Saturday evening, February 24, at
water per square foot of heating surface. “ Friction and Lost Energy in Machinery .” which there wasandan friends
its members immense
. gathering
During theof
The maximum efficiencies come with the
The Newark Association No.
3, evening the following gentlemen enter
lowest rates of combustion and evapor
ation, although only two tests show less N.A.S.E., of Newark, N. J., celebrated its tained : Frank J. Corbett, Herbert Self,
than six pounds under any conditions. twenty - first anniversary with an enter- Joseph McKenna, Henry Frantzen, Wil
The ordinary freight engine can be de- tainment and reception on Thursday even liam Redmond, William Murray, An
pended upon for upwards of a thousand ing, March 15. Although the night was drew McLeod , Harry Breen , Joseph
quite stormy, the large hall was com Scanlon , Edwin Williams and Jack Ar
horse-power, while a compound passenger fortably filled. An enjoyable entertain- mour. The refreshments were served in
locomotive will develop continuously over ment was given by the New York
For all speeds and
a manner to delight the palate. The
1600 horse -power. " bunch ," F. V. Austin and the Misses committee in charge of this successful oc
the commonly
road, employed upon the
cylinder performance varies be- Eckhart, Lindlaw and Rockwell . Danc- casion consisted of Charles W. Martin,
tween 23.4 and 28.3 pounds of water per ing followed the entertainment. The oc Jr. , chairman, Frank J. Crosby and Jo
hour per indicated horse-power. How is casion was a most successful one. seph Givnan .
that for aa simple single-valve, non - con- The spring meeting of the American The eleventh annual entertainment and .
densing engine ? The compound runs from Society of Mechanical Engineers will be ball of the Eccentric Association of Fire
18.6 to 27 pounds with a record of 16.6 held at Chattanooga , Tenn., May 1-4. The men , Local Union , No. 56, I. B. of S. F.,
for the German compound with a super- excursions include visits to Lookout of New York City, was held at Grand
heater. No advantage was found for Mountain , to Chickamauga and to the Central Palace, on Saturday evening, Feb
copper boilers nor Serves tubes, so far as Tennessee Mountains section, and the ruary 17th . The large hall was filled to
evaporative efficiency was concerned. The hydraulic problem there being carried out. overflowing, and many prominent engi
advantage of compounding decreased with A subject of special interest at the Chat neers, representing the different associa
200 POWER April, 1906.
tions in New York and near- by cities, were The committee has organized by the tion took place, at which President John
in attendance, as well as a big representa- election of Richard Pape, chairman ; Jas. M. Wikel and State Deputy Gus Fried
tion of the supply houses. The interesting S. Gillespie, vice-chairman ; Enoch Car- richs made addresses and the reports of
vaudeville program, which included aa fine less, treasurer, and G. F. Duemler, 2642 the secretary, treasurer, license and other
exhibition by the Eccentric Firemen's North 9th street , secretary . committees were read . In the afternoon
Drum, Fife and Bugle Corps, was most The , use of Horticultural Hall has been a visit was made to the Kenova Power
heartily enjoyed, as was the dancing pro- secured for the sessions of the convention House of the Camden Interstate Railway
gram which followed. The short, concise and for the exhibition of the supply men, Company. The banquet on Saturday
address of welcome by Timothy Healy, and will afford the finest accommodation night proved to be the principal social
the organizer, was cheered to the echo. ever offered the association. event, and was the fourth anniversary of
The event was a brilliant success in every the Huntington Association . Among the
No information as to the details of the
particular. program is as yet available, but the
speakers were Hugh Rensford, Herbert
Utica Association No. 11 , N. A. S E., make-up of the committee is an earnest E. Stone, Charles H. Garlick, Dan De
N. Y., is being treated to a series of lec that it will be good to be there. laney, Frank H. Yeager, T. S. Scanlon,
tures on electricity by D H. M. Martyn. The Allis-Chalmers Club has been or August Deschler, Frank Brammer, R.
His talk on March 8 on the “ Arc Lamp” ganized at Milwaukee for the purpose and Baumgarten,
Smith and A. Charles McCann,
W. Werninger D. fol
. The H.
was particularly interesting, and brought object of encouraging engineering and lowing State officers were elected : Wil
out a full attendance, as well as a big other societies for the advancement of liam H. Shull, president ; C. Speer, vice
delegation from Little Falls Association the interests of the Allis - Chalmers Com- preside
No. 6. The address was followed by a
nt ; Robert D. Wylie , secretary ;
pany and its employees, and to cultivate William Affolder, treasurer ; James A.
collation, which was heartily enjoyed. social intercourse among the employees. Wikel, conductor ; George Buford, door
On Saturday evening, March 3, Rob- The management of the club is vested in a keeper. The matter of assigning the
ert Fulton Association, Illinois, No. 28, board of directors composed of fifteen place for the next convention was left to
N. A. S. E., of Chicago, I11., listened to members, of whom eight are appointed the consideration of the president, vice
a lecture on " Vacuum and the Con- by the Allis - Chalmers Company and president and State deputy.
denser , " by W. L. Goddard, chief en- seven elected by the membership. The
gineer of the McCormick Twine Mills, officers for the present year are David B. A. Behrend , Chief Electrical Engi
neer of the Allis- Chalmers company, re
which consisted ofa practical talk on the Harlowe, president ; A. E. Harrison , cently delivered an address before the
construction and operation of the differ- vice-president ; Max W. Babb, secretary, College of Mechanics and Engineering at
ent types of condensers. and J. A. Milne, treasurer.
A re-union of the members of
the University of Wisconsin, Madison ,
the The club was established by the Allis entitled “ High Speed in Modern Engi
American Society of Mechanical Engi- Chalmers Company for its office men, neering.” Mr. Behrend laid stress upon
neers was held on Tuesday, February 27th, superintendents and foremen, and
the remarkable change that has been
at 12 West Thirty - first Street, New York. cupies quarters in former mansion
wrought during the past ten years in the
The subject of the evening was " Some house near the works, where, for a nom field of prime movers and the fact that
Practical Results from the Introduction of inal yearly fee, members are given all the reciprocating steam engine, which
a Modern System of Shop Management.” the benefits usual to such organizations. held its own for over one hundred years,
A paper was presented by James M. During the noon hour a course dinner is has gradually yielded, in a number of
Dodge, past president of the society, de- served at approximately what the ser important fields of operation, to the rotat
scriptive of the results attained in the vice actually costs, and supper may also ing steam turbine — a change so radical
Link-Belt Engineering Company after the be had by those who are obliged to stay that it may
be said to have inaugurated
introduction of the Taylor System. At late at the office. As the club building a
the meeting on March 27th C. J. H. Wood- stands in a residence district and is
new epoch in engineering. He dis
cussed the conditions to be fulfilled for
bury, of Boston , talked on “ Mechanical easily accessible from all parts of the grappling with the difficult task of design
Engineering of Telephone Lines." The city, it is kept open every evening for the ing machinery for such high peripheral
spring nieeting of the society will take benefit of members, who make free use speeds as three and four miles per min
place at Chattanooga, Tenn. , on May Ist of the periodicals, games, etc. , provided ute, and he showed how rotating bodies
to 4th. It has been decided that there in the reading room. Nights are also had to be shaped in order to uniformly
will be no New York re -union in April. frequently set apart for general re distribute the stresses and minimize them
The committee appointed by the Phila- ceptions and entertainments given separ so as to meet these conditions. The lec
delphia associations to provide for the ately by members of either sex, the an ture was illustrated with slides represent
comfort and entertainment of the delegates nual dues being devoted to a fund for
ing the stresses in rotating disks , and de
such purposes .
and visitors to the convention of the Na tails of steam turbo-generators. Mr. Beh
tional Association of Stationary Engin The third annual convention of the rend ventured the opinion that the size
eers, to be held in that city in September, West Virginia State Association of the of the generating unit in large power
consists of three members from each of National Association of Stationary En- plants is going to increase considerably,
the local associations, as follows : gineers was held at Huntington , W. Va., and that during the next few years units
From Pennsylvania No. 1 -Richard on February 23, 24 and 25. The attend- of from 10,000 to 25,000 kilowatts, wound
Pape, Ernest C. Fox and Leroy Rupp. ance was large and the convention con- for from 10,000 to 30,000 volts, are
From Pennsylvania No. 24W. H. Car tinued for three days under the most likely to be installed, as the steam

rington, Charles Rostron, John Buggy. favorable conditions . The meeting turbine and generator lend themselves
From Pennsylvania No. 9–Enoch Car- opened with an informal reception on the particularly well to units of very large
less, Albert Winthers and Ebenezer Car- evening of the 23d at the Florentine Ho- capacity, and units of such capacity
less . tel. Following the reception a visit was can be more readily wound for high po
From Pennsylvania No. 12 - James S. made to the offices of the Banks Supply tentials.
Gillespie, Charles Coburn and Charles W. Company , where a splendid luncheon was
Snyder. served, and here as every other quar The Ohio Society of Mechanical, Elec
From Pennsylvania No. 20–Richard E. ter visited the delegation were given a trical and Steam Engineers will hold its
Calvert, John T. Gaskill and G. F. Duem- royal reception . On the morning of the spring meeting at Pittsburg, Penn ., on
ler . 24th the opening session of the conven- May 18 or 19.
April, 1906. POWER

keeping their shops working to their fuulest 42 - inch , 32 - inch and 24 - inch heavy double
capacity. for power plants in western and southern
New York .
Greene, Tweed & Co. have found it neces.
Justus C. Kilian, for several years as sary , in order to accommodate their growing A very handy and simple chart for finding
sistant mechanical engineer of the Fred business, to remove to large quarters which the horse- power of a belt is being sent to any
W. Wolf Company of Chicago, has re- they have secured at 109 Duane street , New one furnishing their name and ad ss to 1 .
York , X. Y. B. Williams & Sons, Dover, N. H. The chart
signed to take the position of chief me shows how to find the horse - power of a belt
The Cherry Valley Iron Works, West Mid
chanical engineer of the Sarsen -Baker Ice dlesex , Pa ., are installing in their power sta when the speed is known , and also shows
Machine Company, of Omaha, Neb. tion a 15 - ton , 46-foot span Northern crane, how to find the speed required to transmit a
given horse - power. Any engineer who has
G. Frank Duemler, who gave up the built by the Northern Engineering Works,
Detroit, Mich . belting problems to solve will find this chart
Philadelphia agency of the Dearborn Drug a great help for easy tiguring.
The Edge Moor Iron Company , builders of
& Chemical Works sometime ago to
water tube boilers , have appointed Macken The Allis - Chalmers Company report recent
sales of Reynolds Corliss engines to various
accept a position as superintendent of the zie , Quarrier & Ferguson their New York
industries as follows : Electric plants, 10 ;
Manual Training School, has returned to representatives, with offices at 114 Liberty
street , New York , N. Y. electric railways, 3 ; lumber and woodwork
the engineering department of the Dear ing, 4 ; miscellaneous , 15 ; blowing engines ,
McLeod & Henry Co. , Troy , N. Y. , manu .
born Works, with headquarters at The facturers of steel mixture boiler appliances ,
16 . They report 16 orders for their Allis
Chalmers turbo - generators . This company
Bourse. have opened an office at 1402 Broadway, also reports recent orders for three gas en
room 1125 Knickerbocker building, New
gine units aggregating 3300 horse-power .
York City . John H. Foote , manager.
Obituary. In order to properly handle their increased
The Hills- McCanna Company, Chicago, In
corporated 1898 , on March first took in the
business in New England, Warren Webster &
The Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company have removed their Boston office
business of Roht. E. Hills, and will continue
Company announces the death of Mr. to 1108 Penn Mutual Building, where more
it on the same lines as it has been in the
past, in connection with its steam specialties .
Frederick Tallmadge Towne, younger son commodious quarters have been secured . The officers of the Hills- McCanna Company
of its president and general superintend- H. B. Underwood & Co. , Philadelphia, are are Robert E. Hills, president and treasurer ;
ent of its works, on Sunday, February 4, sending to the master mechanics and sup B. T. McCanna , vice- president ; Geo . C.
erintendents of motive power of various rail Karme, secretary ; Thomas A. Delaney, su
1906, in his thirty -fourth year. road companies complimentary copies of Mr. perintendent.
Thomas E. Duffy, who has been for Colvin's recent book upon link motions,
The Dearborn Drug & Chemical Works an .
many years chief engineer and superin valves and valve settings.
nounce that they have again secured the ser
tendent of the Edison Electric Company's During the month of January , 1906, The vices of Frank Duemler, formerly chief engi .
Westinghouse Machine Company , East Pitts neer of the Northwest manual training school,
plants in Brooklyn , N. Y. , died , after a burg, Pa ., entered orders for 22 steam tur Philadelphia. Mr. Duemler's success in the
brief illness, at his residence, 464 Fifty bines aggregating 56,500 brake- power past as an operating engineer will be of mate
seventh Street, Brooklyn, on Monday, in rated capacity , or an average of over 2500 rial benefit to him in his new venture. He will
March 5. Mr. Duffy had a host of brake horse -power per turbine. represent the Dearborn Drug & Chemical
friends, was highly respected in engineer The Greenaway Co. , Detroit , Mich . , manu Works in Philadelphia with offices in the
facturers of the Greenaway separators , ex Bourse Building.
ing circles and was esteemed by those haust heads and steam traps, have opened a There has been some confusion and delay
who knew him . He was a member of branch office at 603 Farmers' Bank Building, in the transmission of mail matter , and or
Brooklyn Lodge, No. 22, B. P. O. Elks, Pittsburg , Pa ., with James C. Murdock , for ders intended for the C. H. Wheeler Con
and a charter member of Adirondack mery with the Pittsburg Supply Company , denser and Pump Company, owing to some
in charge. similarity between its corporate title, and
Council , R. A. The funeral services that of another concern .
At the annual meeting of the Stephenson In order to avoid
took place on Thursday morning, March Manufacturing Company , manufacturers of a recurrence of such confusion and delay, it
8, at St. Alphonsus Church , where a re the Stephenson bar belt dressing at Albany, was decided to change the corporate name to
quiem mass was offered. He leaves a New York , on the 6th of March , W. E. Mil C. H. Wheeler Manufacturing Company , the
bank was re-elected president ; E. A. Kel change taking effect March first.
widow and two children.
logg , vice- president and treasurer, and K. L. R. H. Reed , who as sales manager for the
Waterhouse , secretary. Reeves Engine Co. , Trenton , N. J., has given
The United States Civil Service Com For the second time in less than one year the products of that concern wide publicity
mission announces an examination on The Lagonda Manufacturing Company have and steadily increasing popularity during the
April 1 to secure eligibles for the posi- found it necessary to remove their quarters past four years, severs his connection with
in Pittsburg . They are still located in the the company on March 31 . It would be the
tion of engineer and sawyer, at $ 800 per Iron Exchange Building, but with considera cause of genuine regret among the many
annum, at the Navajo Agency, New Mex ble more room than they formerly had . They warm friends Mr. Reed has made in this
ico. The plant consists of a 30-horse- have considerably increased their office force, field , if he were to abandon the line of busi
power boiler, a 25- horse- power engine, and will be in better position to take care of ness in which his executive ability and nat .
sawmill , planer and shingle mill . Also steam specialties. ural talents have proven so effective.
A consolidation of the Babcock & Wilcox The Automatic Refrigerating Company , of
on April 18, 1906 , to fill a vacancy in the 22 Thames street, New York , which company
and Stirling Boiler companies is reported as
position of engineer and carpenter, at having been effected on March 14 . The Bab it will be remembered resulted from the
$660 per annum , in the Indian Service at cock & Wilcox Company had a capital of merging of the Automatic Refrigerating Com
Winnebago. Neb. The examination con- $ 3,000,000 and the Stirling consolidation pany of Cleveland, the Singer Automatic Ice
$ 4,875,000 . It is reported that a new com Machine Company of Bridgeport, Conn. , and
sists of practical questions, covering in pany with a capital of $ 15,000,000 will be in . the Marshall Ice & Refrigerating Machine
stallation, repair, and operation of boilers, corporated , but no statement is being given Company of Boston , is about to remove its
steam engines, pumps and wood-work out . office, shop and refrigerating show plant to
ing machinery. Blanks and partic The Open Coil Heater and Purifier Co. , Hartford, Conn . , where provision has been
ulars may be obtained by addressing the Indianapolis, Ind. , have recently installed made for greatly increased manufacturing
United States Civil Service Commission, several of their heaters in Indianapolis and facilities .
vicinity which the users say are giving ex The Strong Machinery & Supply Co. , 46
Washington , D. C. cellent results. They will be glad to refer Franklin street, New York , N. Y. , wish to ad
prospective customers to users of their heat. vise our readers that they will be pleased to
ers , and will send their booklet fully illus send 1/2 doz. of their Magic brass and cylinder
Business Items. trating and describing the heater to any one head and dynamo polishers free to any en
The York Manufacturing Co. , York , Pa . , interested . gineer who will write for same on the letter
reported on February 23 that they had closed The Holyoke Belting Company, Holyoke, head of the company he works for. They also
recent orders to equip 16 plants with their Mass. , have recently received orders for sey announce that they will send a very hand .
ice and refrigerating machinery. eral large belts , including a 48- inch heavy some picture for framing 2044x144 inches
The Fitchburg Steam Engine Co. , Fitch- double submarine for a saw mill in South free to any engineer who will try a 5 lb.
burg, Mass ., report that their orders for the Carolina , a 40- inch 3 - ply for a large power pail of their Rivalate fibrous metallic pack
Fitchburg steam engines of various types are plant in Pennsylvania , a 28 - inch 3 -ply and ing as an introductory offer.
262 POWER April , 1906

F. E. Myers & Bro. , Ashland , Ohio, report ated either by individual or group motor Elevated Railway Co.; Trimont Manufactur
that the loss by fire of their shipping ware- drive . ing Co. , Roxbury, Mass .; Hamilton Powder
house and a large amount of finished goods Co. , Beloeil , Montreal, P. Q. ; Oliver
The improved Sturtevant steam trap, made Machinery Co. , Grand Rapids, Mich . ;
has not caused any delay in filling their or. by B. F. Sturtevant Company, although es
ders. Their shipments during the months of Raritan Copper Works , Perth Amboy ,
pecially designed to use with Sturtevant
January and February were larger than a N. J. Recent orders for Sturtevant engines
heaters , is equally well fitted for operation were from Draper Co. , Hopedale , Mass. ;
year ago, and they hav the largest business with steam heaters or radiators of any con
booked of their career. The increased ca struction . The body of the trap contains a Illinois Central Railroad Co. , Burnside, Ill . ;
pacity of their foundry and running day and Saginaw & Manistee Lumber Co. , Williams,
pot, which floats and closes the connection
night shifts has enabled them to take care between the interior and exterior, until suff Arizona ; Landers, Frary & Clark , New Brit
of their customers in this satisfactory way. cient water accumulates in this space to ain , Conn . ; Standard Ideal Sanitary Co. , Port
Ilaring this increased capacity and a good Ilope , Ont. ; San Diego Ice & Cold Storage
overflow into the pot and sink it. Free pas
supply of raw material , they are in position sage for the water is thus afforded from the Co. , San Diego, Cal . ; Continental Iron &
to make all shipments promptly. pot up to the outer air, which continues until Steel Co., Rahway , N. J .; Jones & Emmke,
Sioux Falls, So. Dakota . Generating sets
The Lippincott Steam Specialty & Supply the levity of the pot becomes sufficient to were recently ordered by A. M. Lockett &
Co., 50 Columbia street , Newark , N. J. , state cause it to rise and close the outlet. The
periodic delivery continues as long as there Co. , Ltd., Alta Loma, Texas, and the Post
that they are now shipping about three
Pipe Co. , Texarkana , Texas.
times as many Lippincott indicators as ever is water to discharge or sufficient steam pres
before in their history, one day's shipment in sure to cause the trap to act. The Buckeye automatic boiler cleaner des
March comprising thirty - six instruments. The Consolidated Engine- Stop Company cribed in our issue of December, 1902 , is now
They call attention to their improved reduc- announces that its steadily increasing being made by the Buckeye Boiler Skimmer
Company, Toledo, Ohio. The size of the
ing wheel which has interchangeable cord sales of the Monarch engine-stop and speed
wheels , one for short strokes and one for long limit system bave forced its removal from funnel has been doubled, giving twice the life
and collecting capacity of the old one . The
strokes, which do away with large stroke 100 Broadway to new quarters at 132 East
bushings, and also adapt the wheel for use tubing has been increased from 1 inch to
12th street , New York , where, the office and
on higher speeds. A catalogue of these in factory being under one roof, the business 1 5/16 inch, doubling its capacity , and a
struments including description of their out special cold drawn tubing has been substi
may be handled much more expeditiously and tuted. The metal joint has been made cor
side spring indicator will be sent free upon somewhat more economically. The company
request . has taken advantage of the new opportunity respondingly larger and improved in design .
The Rawson & Morrison Manufacturing offered by a larger floor space to install new The floats are now electrically made from
Company , Cambridge, Mass., have consoli- machinery which will not only very materi one piece and tested to 500 pounds hydraulic
pressure. Their size has also been increased .
dated their business with that of the Mead- ally increase its capacity but maintain and,
The precipitator is twice the weight of the
Morrison Manufacturing Company, and here. if possible, improve the high quality which
original , which at that time provided for a
after the business will be conducted under has been so important a factor in the success
that name. The change of name is the only of the Monarch system. Mr. Heminway, the single precipitation only, and its weight has
been increased so that it will stand a pres
one that will be made , as their successors general manager, extends to the readers of
Power a cordial invitation to call at the new sure of 300 pounds. The present design em
will continue to manufacture the same lines bodies the result of the intervening years of
of machinery that they have in the past, plant and see the Monarch system in the
which includes hoisting engines , derrick making. experience, and provides a lasting and eff
cient apparatus.
swingers, electric hoists, belt hoists, suspen- The Kennedy Valve Manufacturing Company Frank L. Patterson & Co. , 28 Cortlandt
sion cableways, as well as cable roads, and has acquired a site of about 20 acres for their
new plant at Elmira , N. Y., where they will street, New York , N. Y. , report the following
all kinds of machinery for handling coal and recent installments of the Patterson -Berry
other bulky materials . erect a plant containing about 100,000 square man feed water heaters and purifiers : Elec
The Main Belting Company , Philaldel- feet, which will be improved steel and brick trical Exchange Bldg. , New York City ; Wall
phia , Pa ., during the past year has built on construction, electrically operated, and will Rope Works, Beverly, N. J .; Case School of
the very latest and most approved lines an consist of iron and brass foundries, machine
Applied Science , Cleveland , Ohio ; Winches
addition to their plant which will greatly shops and all the other departments that go
ter Tannery Co. , Winchester, N. H .; Ameri
increase its output and enable it to at least to make up an up- to-date valve and hydrant can Broom & Brush Co. , Amsterdam ,
measurably keep pace with a demand for its plant. The plant will be built along the N. Y.; Weigand & Doerzbacher, Newark, N.
Leviathan belting, which is ever increasing. main line of the D. , L. & W. R. R. , and will J .; Homestead Brewing Co. , Homestead, Pa . ;
This belting is successfully run exposed to have facilities over several other railroads Jefferson Cotton Mills , Jefferson , Ga .; Sidell
heat , cold, wet , grease or grime, flying as well . The work of removing from the Furniture Co. , New Orleans, La.; Richmond
sparks, etc. The Main Belting Company present plant at Coxsackie , N. Y. , will be Brick Co. , Annandale , S. 1. , N. Y .; A. C.
issue a small booklet which treats of the gradual and be by departments, so that only Lawrence Leather Co. , Peabody, Mass. ;
make-up and capabilities of their output, one department at a time will be interfered United Cigar Manufacturers , Perth Amboy,
which they inform us they will be pleased to with or in any way disorganized. They are N. J.; The Reeves- Brown Co. , Newark , N. J .;
send by mail to any of our readers who de- at work on plans and details. The
Potter Teare & Co. , Cleveland , O .; S. Cheney
sire to investigate the claims of their belting. work of trackage and foundations will be at & Son , Manlius , N. Y.; Antonie Torres, Des
The American Manufacturing Company, once proceeded with , so as to be in readiness Allemends , La.; The Herb Brewing Co. ,
of 65 Wall Street , New York , has recently for transportation . Any catalogues, printed Milan , 0 .; Magnolia Compress Co. , Magnolia ,
shipped six coils of 14,000 feet and seven of matter or information connected with con Miss.; Connecticut Flexible Plaster Co. ,
16,500 feet of two- inch diameter six- strand struction or equipment of such a plant will Bridgeport, Conn.; Steinhardt Bros. , New
transmission rope to the National Tube Com be thankfully received by Mr. T. C. Flinn , York City ; Henry Bieg, Brooklyn , N. Y.
pany , McKeesport, Penn . They are produc care Chamber of Commerce, Elmira, N. Y. The Harbison- Walker Refractories Com
ing a rope in which the lubricant is intro- Adam Cook's Sons, 313 West street , New pany, Pittsburg, Pa ., manufacturers of fire
duced into the center of the strands , and York, N. Y., the only makers of Albany clay , silica, chrome, magnesite, brick, im
works outward as the rope is bent backward grease, received a letter under date of Feb porters and shippers of grain magnesite,
and forward over the sheaves, permeating ruary 22 from the engineer of the Boulder magnesite, cement, chrome, ore , etc. , reports
the whole. They have also a water- proofing Reduction Company , Jamestown, Colo. , tell that during the past two months they were
finish which renders their rope impervious to ing of his experience with Albany grease on in receipt of orders from the following con
water, and allows it to be run successfully centrifugal pumps , in which he says : " I took cerns : Bethlehem Steel Company , New
out in the weather , or in localities where it the liberty of awaiting our trial of the grease Jersey Zinc Company , Millikin Brothers,
is subjected to the action of water or steam. from the commercial size packages before re. New York State Steel Company, Colonial
A number of manufacturing establishments porting results to you , as the above results Iron Company, Dunbar Furnace Company ,
have recently been equipped with electric of the trial of the small tins you sent us Central Iron & Steel Company, Colorado Fuel
were far above our expectations. I wish to & Iron Company, Marietta Glass Company,
motor drives by the Triumph Electric Com
pany , Cincinnati . Among them are the fol state that I had tried every grease and lu H. C. Frick Coke Company, Republic Iron &
lowing : John Van Range Company , 150-k.w . bricant I could find in Denver in those cen Steel Company, Washington Coal & Coke
beted generator , switchboard and 8 motors ; trifugal pumps, except Albany grease, and Company, Copper Queen Mining Company ,
Helmers , Bettman & Company , 150 kw . direct simply could not keep them from getting hot. Hostetter Connellsville Coal & Coke Com
connected generator , switchboard and 12 mo We have now been using Albany grease on pany , National Cement Company. The or
tors ; Armleder Company , 80 generators and the two pumps for a month or more , and ders received in February are 25 per cent.
27 motors ; Yellow Poplar Lumber Company , have been able to cut off the 14 -inch stream larger in tonnage than those received in
200 kw. generator, switchboard and 30 motors ; of water we had playing on the bearings to January , and nearly double the tonnage in
25 additional motors have also been furn keep them cool . September, 1905. February orders were the
ished to the U. S. Printing Company , and 56 The B. F. Sturtevant Co. have received largest ever received in the history of the
motors to the A. H. Pugh Printing Company . orders for economizers from Interborough Refractories Company during the past four
In all these plants the machinery is oper. Rapid Transit Co. , New York , N. Y .; Boston years.

tice one cylinder of the power pump thrown on when the outlet valves are
POWER draws from the well and delivers to the closed. The feed is carried through the
tank, and the other cylinder draws hot front head of the boiler and discharged
DEVOTED TO THE GENERATION AND water from the tank and feeds the boiler, about two- thirds of the way back .
TRANSMISSION OF POWER . the stroke of the plunger being set so The boiler, which is 54 inches in diam-'
that it loses a little during the peak load, eter and 14 feet long, is of the standard
MAY, 1906 . and gains on the light loads. A tight-and- high -pressure, double-butt- strap triple -riv
loose pulley allows the pump to be stop- eted, horizontal, tubular type, with forty
Installation and Maintenance of a by when desired, or two
During the the years
water ofcanoper
be four 37-inch tubes, and set in a reg
ular air-space brick setting, with station
Small Electric Light Plant. ation of the plant the steam pump has ary grates 472 x 5 feet, affording ample
been required but a few hours. grate area for burning low-grade fuel.
The little city of Jordan, Minn., a town An iron tank which is 6 feet in diameter This grate area has since been reduced to
of 1200 inhabitants, found itself, as many and 8 feet high, with a 5 - inch hole in the 18 square feet by placing a 12- inch dead
others have, in need of an electric lighting cover, is placed on the roof, and used as plate across the back ends of the grates.
plant for both street and private lighting.a combined tank and heater. It holds which has improved the firing and econ.
The first vexatious question to be settled enough water to fill the boiler one and omy somewhat, besides affording a good
was whether it should be a municipal or a half times. The 5-inch exhaust pipe is place for banking fires. The 212
a private plant. After several meetings led into it, besides the water inlet and out- inch blow - off is protected by brickwork
of interested citizens and investigations of let pipes. The heating of the feed-water and provided with a Jenkins special blow
other plants, it was decided to interest
local capital from the representative citi
zens of the town, hire a manager and pro
ceed on business principles. The result
was the organization of the Jordan Elec
tric Light and Heating Company .
After the preliminaries of organizing,
etc., actual work was commenced on a lot ,
the location of which was on an alley ,
adjoining a side track , and near the cen
tral portion of the town.
A substantial building of brick, with
cement tile floors, brick partitions and .
a gravel roof was erected and is shown
in Fig. 1 . With this construction the risk
of fire is reduced to a minimum , and a
low rate of insurance secured. It is 26
fcet in width and 54 in length inside, and
the arrangement is shown in Fig. 2.
The source of water supply is a 3
inch tubular well which is bored just far
enough outside the building to allow the
working of a well-drilling machine. At
a depth of 62 feet a plentiful supply of
water was secured, coming to within 16
feet of the surface. The well is located
opposite the pump section of the boiler
room, the pit extending inside of the
building and being open through the fioor FIG. I. ELECTRIC LIGHT STATION AT JORDAN, MINN.
on the inside, the outside being arched
over with brick and covered with dirt, is accomplished by allowing it to drip off valve. The 4% -inch main pipe leads
making it frost-proof. An arch in the over a series of shelves. These become from the top of the boiler to a tee, into
foundation of the building carries the wall coated with a considerable thickness of which is screwed a 3- inch pop safety.valve
over the pit. As the water comes to with- scale in a short time which is knocked set at 125 pounds, thence to an angle
in 16 feet of the surface, suction is de- off and shoveled out through aa manhole valve, thence to a tee with a plugged open
pended on entirely for drawing water. in the side of the tank. Under running ing to receive steam from a future boil
The top of the well casing is fitted with conditions about 3 feet of water is carried er, and thence to a tee in the engine room ,
a tee, the run being extended to form aa in the tank. The delivery to the pump is where a 4-inch pipe leads to the engine,
vacuum chamber and the branch leading taken from a point 8 inches from the bot- a plugged opening being left for future
inside to the pumps. A check is inserted tom through a frost-proof connection. connections. A 27/2 -inch auxiliary pipe,
near the well to facilitate priming . The temperature of the feed-water ranges also provided with a valve and a plugged
The pumping outfit, shown in Fig. 3, from 160 to 190 degrees F. opening for future connections, supplies
consists of a Fairbanks, Morse & Com- On all feed-piping which is of 1 /2-inch the tube -blower, pump, engine-room gage
pany's brass - fitted duplex steam pump 3 x extra heavy pipe, tees and crosses are and city fire whistle. The water column
2 x 4 , and a duplex power pump 27/2 x 6, used instead of ells, so that the inside of is connected up with extra heavy tees and
each set on a cement foundation . The the pipe can be inspected and cleaned crosses and provided with blow -offs lead
stroke of the plungers of the power pump without taking it all down , but this oper- ing to the ash pit. All live steam piping
is adjustable from 4 to 6 inches. The ation has as yet not been necessary. Both is covered with half an inch of felt over
pumps are cross-connected so that either cylinders of the power pump are provid- five -eighths of an inch of asbestos.
can draw from the well or tank and de- ed with relief valves to guard against The stack, which is supported by the
liver to the boiler, tank or hose. In prac- breakage in the event of the belt being boiler setting in the usual manner, is 30
264 POWER May, 1906.

inches in diameter and 60 feet high from revolutions per minute direct connected to quired. At first the cylinder was lubricat
the grates. Where it passes through the a Westinghouse 45-kilowatt generator, ed with a regular sight-feed lubricator con
roof the woodwork is amply protected by together with switchboard, desk, show- nected to the steam pipe in the usual man
an iron ventilator, having 8 square feet of case, bench , suppliesand merchandise ner, but it was found that the top edge of
opening, which can be opened and closed stores. The engine is nominally rated at the valve, which is of the Giddings pat
at pleasure. A water -table above the roof 80 horse-power and is provided with the tern, did not receive enough oil, although
effectively prevents water from following usual sight- feed oiling devices for con- a large amount was fed and the rest of
down the stack into the boiler room. The tinuous running, and a complete set of the valve and the cylinder were amply

Well Pit

From Tank

Engine Room

Boiler Room
HO 至

To Tank


11 Coal Room


plates of the stack are inverted with the
seams opening upward. After the stack
was erected these seams were filled with
a good machinery filler and then painted
with graphite mixed with linseed oil,
which gives the stack a lasting dull black
color. Not a drop of water enters the
stack or boiler room , even during the
heaviest rains.
The coal room is located between the
boiler room and the track , and is II X 36
feet inside, and holds about 120 tons of
coal. The coal room is provided with
two doors for wheeling in coal, also with
an unloading device which consists of
a hay carrier and track, attached to the
trussed framework of the roof, as shown
in Fig. 1 , and two automatic dumping
boxes, discharging through a hatch in the
roof. At present this rig is operated with
a team of horses, and it requires about 372
hours to unload a 30 -ton car, costing about
872 cents per ton, compared with 10 cents
a ton for unloading with wheelbarrows
when the bin is empty, and 20 cents
when partly full. The rig has now
unloaded upwards of 500 tons and shows FIG. 3. PUMPING OUTFIT FOR SMALL ELECT RIC LIGHT STATION .
no perceptible wear except the rope, which
will soon have to be replaced. oil shields, allowing the oil to be fed lib- lubricated . An independent sight -feed
The engine room , a corner of which is erally without waste, insuring against stop- was attached to the oil chamber of the
shown in Fig . 4, is 15 by 26 feet inside pages from insufficient oiling The oil is lubricator, delivering oil through two 48
and contains a Russell 117/2 x 12 single- then filtered and used over again, about inch pipes tapped into the top of the
valve automatic engine running at 300 36 gallons of fresh oil a year being re- steam - chest casting and connected by 1/16
May, 1906. POWER 265

inch holes drilled into the face of the extensions. This system has given en- ing to a peak which holds on for about
valve seat. Since installing this device, tire satisfaction. two hours, then gradually falls off to 10
less oil is used with better results. An There are now connected 18 arc lamps or 15 amperes at shutting down time.
extension of the engine shaft carries a for the city, run on a moonlight, 1 o'clock COSTS IN DETAIL .
10 - inch pulley for driving the counter schedule, at $ 60.00 each per year, and The mason work of the building was
shaft which drives the pump in the boiler about 700 incandescent lamps, three arcs let on a contract which covered brick and
room adjoining A 5- inch exhaust pipe and three motors aggregating 21/2 horse stone for both building and foundation,
is laid under the floor to the boiler room power, on the commercial lines. About 75 lime, cement, sand, excavating and all
where there is a 1/2- inch drip leading to a per cent of the service is on meters ; the labor connected with the mason work
drain for keeping the pipe clear of water. base rate of 12/2 cents per kilowatt-hour for $847.50
It then extends up through the roof to the is discounted, in proportion to the amount ( Brick was selling in the
home market at $5.50 per
tank. used, to 10 cents. M. )
bill, purchased as
The generator is a Westinghouse three The plant is operated from the usual Lumber
needed 184.07
wire engine-type machine delivering di dusk starting time to I a. m. and for Hardware
bill, purchased on 30.73
rect current at 115 and 230 volts. The four and a half months of the winter sea- Roof, purchased on bids. 43.75
Additional hardware 4.00
leads and balancing wires are carried son from 6 a. m. to daylight. Cement tile floors, laid com
through a glazed tile conduit, laid under The plant has now been in operation plete 64.10
Carpenter work 15.98
the floor to the switchboard. On the two years, but records of operation were Anchors, bolts and rods . 3.75
switchboard are mounted one voltmeter, 2 screen doors, 2 windows,
not commenced till five months after and transom 5.50
two ammeters, a field rheostat, and gener starting, at which time the plant was con Paint and painting 16.40
Supt. time charged to
building 90.00

The well was drilled for
$ 1.00 per foot including
3 " casing to the rock ,
and the pit, costing com
plete 62.00
The foundation for the
boller and engine were
laid at the same time,
by the day, the company
furnishing the material,
therefore it is not practi.
cable to itemize the cost
of each, but it is safe
to charge 70 per cent. to
the engine foundation .
442 Cd. Stone, 1000 brick .. $ 25.65
Cement 18.00
Sand 2.10
Labor 22.75

For the boller setting 12 M.
brick were used 66.00
600 fire brick , delivered . 23.00
Bbl. fire clay 2.50
Lime 14 bbl. 10.50
Cement 3.25
Sand 2.70
Labor 31.30
Superintendence 20.00

Cost of boiler with water
column, safety valve, blow .
off , front and castings,
and stack 713.00 713.00

Tank 6 feet diameter by 8

feet high, No. 12 steel . 66.00
6 sets of shelves fitted to
same 23.00

Freight on boiler and tank 20.70
FIG . 4. A CORNER OF THE ENGINE ROOM . Cost of engine with sub -base
complete , freight allowance
to St. Paul. 916.00
ator, arc and commercial switches. The sidered to be in normal condition, and the Erecting and setting OD
foundation 24.12
station lights are wired on a single two load was sufficient to make a showing. Superintendence 12.00 951.12
wire circuit and a double-throw switch on The total cost of the plant and incident
Freight on engine 22.90
the back of the board enables the operator als as inventoried at that time was,
Cost of dynamo delivered ... 1031.05
to throw them on either side of the neu in round numbers, $ 7300. During the Setting up and starting . 12.00
Switchboard complete .. 96.00
tral, thus assisting to balance up any un year ending Nov. 1 , 1904, 3617/2 tons Station lightning arresters . 23.00
of central Illinois coal were consumed, Misc. items 18.35
evenness in the load that may occur from Superintendence 45.00
time to time. The usual fuses and light costing $ 1070.24. The total output for 1225.40
ning arresters are provided. the year was , as nearly as can be estimat
The main steam and exhaust
The distribution is mainly from a com ed from the volt and ammeter readings, pipes were cut to dia
grams, and cost, including
plete loop two blocks long and 172 50,370 kilowatt-hours, which gives approx 4 - in . valve on the boiler
and all fittings . 68.84
blocks wide, the power house being in imately 1472 pounds of coal per kilowatt Labor of erecting 26.00
the center of one side of the loop. This hour, or $ 0.02175 for fuel. It requires 94.84
loop is composed of five wires, one neu about 180 pounds of coal an hour to run The auxiliary piping and
tral common to both arc and incandescent one lamp, this rate of fuel consumption re valves, fittings, 50 feet
hose , fue blower and
lighting, a pair of oo commercial feeders mains about constant until about 175 to scraper, iron wheel-barrow ,
and a pair of No. I arc feeders Branches 200 lamps are reached , then it increases waste, enough packing to
start with , in all making
are run from this loop to out-lying dis with the increase of load to about 250 a list about 2 feet long,
cost on bids . 176.50
tricts, extending as far as six blocks ; 100 pounds for a 34-kilowatt load. Additional 8.30
and 105-volt lamps are used on the longer The load is very regular, gradually com 184.80
266 POWER May, 1906.

Lump price on the power

pump, 15 feet of shafting,
A Dangerous Steam Pipe. that purpose only, it could not have been
self- oiling hangers , and arranged better.
pulley was 56.65
Steam pump 35.35 BY W. H. WAKEMAN . Had there been a tee used instead of
Freights 2.60
Foundations about 6.40 an ell , and a drip pipe connected to a
Labor and superintendence Fig. I illustrates one large and one trap, as shown in dotted lines, there
on setting up pumps and
fittings, piping in running small boiler arranged in a battery for would have been no trouble, but when an
order 67.50
supplying steam to run an engine, and attempt was made to run the engine with
168.50 for other purposes . When the header the original arrangements of piping, it
The line , poles and arc lamps
were purchased second
hand and erected at a
cost of 950.00
The estimate on new equip
ment was 1450.00
In addition to the above the

legal expenses on incorpor क
ating 91.50
Labor not charged to any
item in particular 97.00
Superintendence not charged
to anything in particular. 149.64
Wiring power house 13.50
Coai hoist 61.50
Show case (without stock ) 9.50
Value of lot occupied .. 450.00
Pipe covering , put on one 19.50
year after starting To Engine
Radiators 15.62
Office equipment, small addi
tions , tools, service wires , FIG.I
extensions , the wiring
equipment in an amuse
ment hall and park etc.;
a long list of small items
growing daily 475.00
Total $ 7270.55
NOV . 1ST, 1904 .
was connected to the larger boiler, which was not successful as too much water
10 gal. cylinder oil .. $ 6.00 was fitted with a dome ; it was, when went into the cylinder causing a contin
Insurance 18.78
Floor brush and broom 1.80 level , several feet above the smaller which ual clinking that gave warning of danger.
Stationery 1.70 had no dome, and in order to compen- The trap was added and gave good re
10 gallons cylinder oil 7.50
Packing 12.75 sate for this difference two ells and a sults considering the inherent defects in
10 gallons cylinder oii 6.63
Extra labor 1.60 piece of pipe were used as shown. the system . Had this tee been turned up
Repairs .40 This works well so long as both boilers ward as shown in Fig. 2 and an angle
Extra labor 1.60
Stamps and freight 1.25 are in use, but when the smaller one is valve used just above it, only compara
Taxes 51.00
Expense account 1.53 laid off for any reason , water collects tively dry steam could have reached the
31 gallons cylinder oil 19.35
Expense account 5.62 above the stop -valve and in a few hours engine. This pipe should pitch toward
Arc globes 1.90 becomes comparatively cool.. When it
Stationery 2.25
the cylinder to prevent accumulation of
Repairs, power pump 3.25 becomes necessary to connect this boiler water in it.
Repairs .60
Expense account .55 again , or " cut it in ,” to use a common An angle valve should have been used
5314 gallons cylinder oil . 32.10 phrase, water hammer endangers the at the end of the header ; then if either
53 gallons engine oil 13.25
Freight and dray 2.50 valve and pipes . It is only a question of boiler had been laid off, it could have
Stationery .60
Repairs .65 time when the pipe will be torn asunder, been “ cut in ” with out shock or jar from
Expense account 5.26 and if nobody is hurt it will be due to water hammer.
Telephone rent for the year 14.05
Are globes 1.44 good luck rather than to good manage- Fig. 3 is a side elevation of the larger
Cross arms and insulators for repairs 4.68
Boiler compound 5.30 ment. boiler, and a portion of the steam pipe.
Carbons used , about 12.00
A tee is connected into the header for The safety valve will prevent over-pres

36112 tons coal 1070.2+

Superintendent's salary, covering all
labor expenses connected with To Engine
operating plant 1100.00
Secretary's salary 23.00

" Total without interest or depreciation 2423.15

Add 10 per cent. for interest and
depreciation , part of the depre
ciation was kept up in the shape
of repairs 730.00
Grand total of operating expenses
for one year . $ 3153.15

The forebay leading to a turbine water

wheel should be supplied with two trash
racks as a precaution against anything
being fed to the wheel but water. Solid
chunks of wood often slip through undis FIG.2
covered breaks in the rack , and a slat is
liable to break or become loose at any
time, night or day, and not be noticed un
til the mischief is done. With two racks REARRANGEMENT OF DANGEROUS STEAM PIPE.
the danger is lessened because both are
not liable to be broken at the same time, supplying the engine with steam, but this sure of steam and the globe valve will
if due diligence is exercised in watching was turned downward as shown, and if shut it off all right when required, but
them . The second rack also serves to the boilers prime the resulting water all it is an awkward and homely arrange
screen the opening when the first is raised goes to the engine, for its steam pipe ment that cannot be considered up-to
for cleaning. acts as a drain. If had been put in for date.
May, 1906. POWER 267

Fig. 4 is a great improvement both Engineering Reminiscenses.

in appearance and operation, as an angle
valve offers no obstruction in the pipe
to the free flow of steam and forms no
pocket for the accumulation of water as
a globe valve always does. When steam The production of mechanically true equidistant from each other and from the
is not wanted, the angle valve is closed, planes by the method of scraping was first centre, so that its equal support cannot
thus shutting off steam close to the dome. suggested by Mr. Whitworth , and was vary, whatever may be the surface on
brought to perfection in his works. Hav- which it stands. It is provided on two
ing had and having improved the oppor- opposite sides with handles, by which it can
tunity there to study this system , and hav- be lifted and rotated . The arrangement of
ing employed it largely in the manufac- the ribs and feet is shown in Fig. 1 .



There are two less threads to cut, and

the liability of leakage and failure is ac
cordingly less.
The safety valve is now located on an
independent nozzle which was already on
the shell , but was not utilized before .
This provides two outlets through which
the boiler may be relieved of over-pres
sure in case of emergency . It not only
provides a way to dispose of surplus
steam rapidly, but if a given amount is
discharged through two nozzles in a
stated time it is less liable to cause prim


ture of high speed engines, it seems to me It must be cast of hard and close
+ that an account of it should find a place grained iron, which will possess the most
in these reminiscences, especially as the durable qualities, in a baked mould , with
importance of mechanical truth is coming out a cope, so that the gas shall escape
to be more and more realized in this most freely. As cast, the plate should be

country. I will therefore describe the pro- one inch thick. About three -eighths of
cess of producing an original standard an inch is planed off, removing all dirt,
surface - plate. and leaving a perfectly sound surface,
The first point, of course, is the design. with a thickness of about five-eighths of
FIG . 4 IMPROVED CONNECTION OF STEAM The square form , 30 inches square , has an inch. Three of these plates are made.
MAIN . been found most suitable. I could not, After these have been planed, their edges
however, use this form myself, a long sur- squared, and steel handles put in, they are
ing or foaming, than as if the same face-plate being required for the guide delivered to the fitter.
weight went through one nozzle, pro- bars and steam chest joint of my I will first describe the tool used in
vided it was of sufficient capacity to dis- engine. It must be incapable of deflec- scraping. Originally this was a hooked
charge it. tion To insure this, it is ribbed tool , and the scraping was done by a
Intelligent attention to these details on the under side, with ribs seven inches drawing motion . Two of these tools
when laying out piping, results in low deep, and is supported at three points, were employed, one for the roughing
first cost, symmetrical appearance, and work , in which the hook projected down
satisfactory operation . * Copyrighted, 1902, by Hill Publishing Co. ward about three - quarters of an inch , and
268 POWER May, 1906.
the other for fine scraping. In the latter erably longer time than when it is an then gives to these parts of the surfaces
the hook projected downward only about acute angle, and when ground or honed a general scraping, giving to his tool a
one-quarter of an inch, and absolute free- two edges are formed. Moreover, the long sweep, say from four to six inches.
dom from vibration was aimed at. These pushing motion is preferred . This is repeated two or three times, the
tools were used for a number of years, Two of the plates only are first brought stroke being shortened each time, and the
but afterwards a radical change was made. together. For disclosing the high points, upper plate being placed in a position at


The modern method is, to enploy a single one of these is covered with a raddle right angles with its last one, which can
straight tool, like a carpenter's chisel , made of finely sifted red lead and oil . be determined by the prick-punch marks.
about an inch and a quarter wide and an This is made quite stiff, and all of it that This change of position is necessary to
eighth of an inch thick, with a square end. can be removed by the palm of the hand avoid a crosswind or spiral form. The
This end is slightly curved, and its corners is rubbed off, leaving only a very thin uni- scraping should now extend over the en
are rounded to avoid scratching the plate. form film on the surface. Any dust hav- tire surfaces, and these should have a gen
The scraping is done by a pushing mo- ing been carefully removed from both sur- eral uniform bearing on each other with
tion . faces by a soft brush, one of these plates the points of contact uniformly distri
This tool has been found preferable on is inverted on the other, and at one corner buted, and equally distinct. The work




all accounts. Projections needing to be re- each plate is marked in the edge with a should be continued in the same way un
moved are in front of the tool, instead prick - punch . The upper plate is then til all these requirements are fulfilled .
of being covered by it. The tool is per rubbed about on the lower one for, say , Now appears the use of the third plate.
fectly rigid , and can be inclined to the half a minute. When lifted off, the high The two surfaces thus formed are sure
surface at any desired angle. The cut- portions of the surfaces are shown on to be, one of them convex and the other
ting edge is a square angle, and being one plate by the raddle put on , and on the concave, in some corresponding degree.
well supported keeps sharp for a consid- other by that rubbed off. The workman The workman now numbers the plates,
May, 1906. POWER 269

thy numbers stamped in the edges, these have a uniform general bearing on each the surface in a position as nearly paral
being marked Nos. 1 and 2, and the third other, with equal distribution and dis- lel with it as he desires. Interchanges
plate No. 3. Number 2 is now set aside, tinctness of the points of contact. We similar to the former ones are now repeat
and number 3 is scraped to fit No. 1. It have thus, in a general way, produced ed, until the bright points are brought as
is thus made a duplicate of No. 2. Next, three demonstrated true planes, but ciose together as is desired, with uniform
No. I is set aside, and Nos. 2 and 3 are the surfaces are yet far from the distribution and distinctness. The tedious



brought together. Supposing these to be desired approximation to absolute truth. operation is now finished, and these bright
convex, they will bear together at the Now follows the fine scraping, which is points remain as witnesses.
middle point, on which the upper plate not attempted until general truth has thus The three plates were necessary to the
will rock, and the degree of their convexity been established. The object of this is to production of one. They have also a per
will thus be shown. The workman then in multiply the points of contact and perfect manent use. They are indispensable to the
the same manner scrapes these plates equal- their equal distribution and prominence. preservation of the true plane, which it
ly to the best of his judgment, until their For this operation no raddle is used, but has cost so much patient labor to produce.
entire surfaces are brought together, with the surfaces are rubbed together dry. The date of their completion is stamped
equal distribution of the points of contact. on their edges. Then plates 1 and 2 are
When the plates are separated, the points
These two surfaces will now again be of contact shine like stars. Here skill and put away in the store room , their surfaces
one convex and the other concave, though care are pre-eminently required, the scrap- carefully protected from rust or injury,
in a much less degree. The next step is ing takes off only a dust. If a little too which last is best avoided by inverting one



to apply No. I , which is concave, to either strong, depressions may be made deeper on the other, and number 3 is put into
No. 2 or No. 3, and scrape it to fit. It is than before, and requiring the reduction of use . A prominent use is for the produc
then applied to the other, of which it has the entire surface. The superiority of the tion of smaller plates or straight edges
now been made a duplicate, and the same modern tool is now especially shown. By adapted to special purposes. After a while,
process is repeated, until the three plates lowering the angle of the tool , the work- perhaps in a little while, this plate loses its
can be interchanged in any way, and will man presents the slightly curved edge to truth by unequal wear. Indeed, speaking
270 POWER May, 1906 .

with absolute truth, it may be said that at that very time, to the development of in a lot of patterns and drawings not
the first time this plate is used it is ruined. the high speed system. adapted to other people's requirements,
But by taking pains to use different parts The design of the engine needed to be and not properly distributed. For an or
of its surface as equally as possible, it revised, and this revision involved study, ganized manufacturing business, this habit
may be kept in fair condition for some to which time and leisure were essential . must be entirely broken up .
time. It can at any time be restored to its As made up to that time, it was not re- I had also an order from Elliott Broth
original condition by scraping it to num- versible, and the valves could not be ers of London, to prepare a new and en
ber 2, taking the same pains to turn it one- handled . It could not therefore be used larged edition of the pamphlet descrip
quarter way around at every rub. In the in rolling mills, the field to which I felt
tive of the Richards Indicator. I deter
course of time number 2 will itself be- already that it was especially adapted, but
mined to make this a comprehensive
come worn unequally, when it can be re- where sometimes a piece had to be backed book, embracing all information required
stored by rubbing it on number 1. Finally, out of the rolls. Moreover, every engine by the steam engineer, so far as I knew it.
the three plates can all be restored to their should be capable of being backed in start. This was published simultaneously in Lon
original condition by rubbing them to- ing, as otherwise whenever it had stopped don and New York in the summer of 1874.
gether interchangeably as at first. Thus with the piston at a point later than the I felt warranted in giving to this edi

14,0 151
1- % Start % Start

154 Tapped for

Start 1 % Gas 16 "

0 thread Tapped
% 19 Cor Gas 14


Start thread

14 R

213. " % Start
1x hack head
1% % Start 11ront head


17 :

13 %





-A, llen

T Y.




, .J.



‫وز‬ 17 )


the true plane can be absolutely perpet- latest point of cut-off, or say in the last tion an amended title, as follows : " A
uated. half of the stroke, which it would do half treatise on the Richards Steam Engine In
The importance of this work can only the time, it would need to be pulled dicator, and the Development and Appli
be realized when we consider that the around by hand to a position in which one cation of Force in the Steam Engine."
true plane affords the only means by which of the admission ports would be open. This This also was a job requiring much time
true cylindrical work also can be either in a large engine, or one connected with and undivided application. It is needless
produced or verified. It is thus seen to be extensive lines of shafting, would be a ser- to say that without this entire rest from
fundamental to all mechanical truth . ious business, so much so that in some en- business neither of these tasks could have .

With the completion of the engine for gines little starting cylinders are required. been undertaken.
the Clinton Wire Cloth Company, the Then the engine needed to be standard- I found in the Astor Library a remark
manufacture of the high speed engine was ized, so as to cover all the field with the able old book containing a Table of Nat
closed for three years, from the spring fewest number of sizes, symmetrically dis- ural Trigonometric Functions, computed
of 1873 to the spring of 1876. tributed. The existing practice with all for every minute of arc, and extended to
This long rest proved to be most val- makers of engines had been to let the pur- the fifteenth place of decimals. The col
uable. Looking back upon it, I have al- chaser dictate the size and speed of the en- umn of versed sines enabled me to prepare
ways been impressed with its importance, gine he wanted, a practice which resulted tables exibiting the rate of acceleration
May, 1906 . POWER 271

and retardation of the motion of a piston turned home and corrected it. I have quite ton to the head may be observed. I never
controlled by a crank, neglecting the effect forgotten what the point was, and if I allowed more than one-eighth inch clear
of the angular vibration of the connect- remembered it , I would not tell. But I ance, and never had a piston touch the
ing-rod. This effect was afterward have often asked myself who sent Mr. head. This was because the connecting
shown separately . For my treatment of Allen there, saving me from publishing a rod maintained a constant length , the
this subject , I must refer the reader to the mortifying blunder . wear of the boxes being taken up in the
book itself, as I find that any epitome of As soon as this book was off my hands, same direction .
it here would be unsatisfactory. I devoted myself to the revision and The illustrations show the exhaust
A little incident in connection with this standardizing of the engine. valves after alteration made several
work, which made a deep impression on Mr. Allen had in his shop in Mott Hav
my mind, and has since afforded me some en, an unoccupied second story in which I
food for reflection, seems worth relating. had stored our patterns and drawings
The printing was done in London , and I and drawing implements. Here I estab
did not see the proof, so I had to take es- lished my quarters , and spent my work
pecial pains with the copy, having no op- ing hours until this second job was fin
Front View
The two perspective views of opposite of Wiper
sides of the engine, Figs. 2 and 3, show
these changes as they appear externally ,
and the six remaining views show some
constructive details . Section on
The first two show the exhaust valves the Line a-b

transferred to the front side of the en

gine, and located so as to drain the cylin
der, and the admission valves set at differ
ent elevations, to accommodate the differ KO
ential connections ; the abandonment ofthe
separate steam chest, and this chest with
the exhaust chambers cast with the cylin
der, with openings over the valves ; the
levers by which the differential movements Center Line
are given to the admission valves ; and the of Shaft

single link rod, and the gab by which this FIG . 10 . CRANK - PIN LUBRICATOR.
rod is unhooked , with the method of mov
ing the admission valves by hand. years later in Philadelphia. As first de
In place of the levers on the steam signed by me, these are shown in Fig. 8.
rock shaft, I at that time drew cast - iron As will be seen , the exhaust valves lay
disks, which being polished and vibrating with their backs toward the cylinder,
in place I thought very handsome. They worked under the pressure of the steam
gave me lots of trouble, till I learned in the cylinder, made four openings for
enough to get rid of them, the story of release and exhausted through the cover.
which I will tell by and by. The front I consented to the change in Phila
view shows the admission valve- stems delphia because they involved too much
balanced by being extended through at waste room , but the change was not very

FIG . 9. ECCENTRIC AND CROSS HEAD PIN the back end, a feature which helped the satisfactory after all . I had become pos



Dimensions of Fly -wheels .


Indicated Powers. Driving Belts .


portunity to revise it. I was living in Har- Made when Practicable to


Cylinders . Serve also as Belt- Drums.


lem, and at one time having no suitable Without With Con

Bore . Stroke . Con Diameter . Weight of
Velocity . Width .
envelope for mailing, and none being ob densation . densation . Rim .

Inches . luches. Horse Powers. Horse Powers. Feet, Inches. LUN Inches .
tainable there, I took a Third avenue 12 1350 700 25 3 350
Feet per minute .
3300 9 siagle .
必 BB % 以 生以 如 阳%% 把

horse car for an eight mile ride down to 7 12 350 700 35 3 6 400 8850 10
8 16 280 746 45 60 4 650 3520 12 donble .
the New York post office, intending to get 9 16 280 746 60 75 4 6 700 3960 12
10 20 230 766 75 100 5 1300 3610 14
some envelopes at a stationery store on 11.5 20 230 766 100 125 1450 3970 14 0

Beekman street , and mail the portion of 13 24 200 800 130 160 6 6 2100 4084 18
14.5 24 200 800 160 200 2350 4400 20
200 26
the copy which I then had ready at the 16
825 250
4670 30 6 .

general post office. I had hardly taken 20
my seat when Mr. Allen got into the car. 24 125 875 480 620 12
26 42 125 875 560 730 13
He was living in Mott Haven , and I had 28 48 112.5 900 670 870 16
not seen him for a long time. Besides our 32 48 112.5 900 870 1140
36 48 112.5 900 1100 1430
selves the car was nearly if not quite emp 40 48 112.5 900 1360 1750
44 112.5 900 1600 2100
ty . He came and sat down by me, and I 48

opened my copy and read to him some- The powers are those given by an initial pressure of 85 lbs. on the square inch , cut off about
one quarter of the stroke . For the best economy steam should not be cut off earlier than this ,
thing in which I knew he would be inter unless a higher pressure is carried. At the latest point of cut off, the powers developed are double
ested . He said to me, “ You would not those given in the above Table , The engines can be worked under locomotive pressures, with cor.
responding increase of power.
express it exactly that way, would
you ? " On the instant it flashed on governor action when high steam press- sessed with the idea that the engine run
my mind that I had made a stupid ures were employed. ning at high speed needed 50 per cent.
blunder, and I replied , I guess I Figs . 4 and 5 show the valves in section more room for exhausting than for ad
wouldn't, " and thanking him for calling and the adjustable pressure -plate and mode mission . This was not so. I have always
my attention to it , I left the car, and re- of its adjustment. The closeness of the pis- regretted that I did not retain this de
272 POWER May, 1906.

sign , and content myself with reducing Some Fallacies Regarding Rope cessive and unnecessary strain on the
the exhaust area. ropes. The weight of the tightener, as I
Transmission .
The lightness of the piston in this view apply it to all the ropes of the drive, is
will be observed. This was a special de simply the usual load strain multiplied
sign for adapting the engine to be run In spite of all that has been written re by the number of ropes used. Why the
at 200 revolutions, giving 1200 feet piston garding manila rope transmission , there strain would be any worse on the ropes
travel, per minute. The stuffing box was if applied to all of them instead of to one
a freak which was abandoned.
are some curious ideas still possessed by only, as is usual, my friends do not ex
men who should be experts, and who
Fig. 6 shows the valve-stem guides, think they are. In fact, in many in plain .
rocking levers, coupling rods and gab, stances, the text books fail to pick out Another point was regarding the loss
which latter when thrown over unhooks the real point of the subject discussed. of power from carrying the tight or load
the link-rod, as is done on steamboat en A recent occurrence put this very vivid
ed ropes around idle sheaves. If any
gines . scientific sharp can show me where any
Fig. 7 shows the construction of the
lylittlebefore me, and tends to show how considerable
real consideration has been given to
loss of power can occur in
main bearing with adjustments on op this horse-power
manner I shall
many features that an observing man one willbeturn
a tonobliged. If
of shaft
posite sides, by which the shaft is kept in should see without glasses. I had sub ing, how much would it take to turn
exact line, and shows also the solid sup- mitted a set of plans for a very large and half a ton ? There would be a very small
port of the shaft quite out to the hub of complicated rope transmission, and when
the crank. This view contains one error. loss from the additional friction of the
getting prices on the material from one
The cap is not made a binder. I relied of the leading manufacturers of the ropes, but it would be so small that I am
on the strength of the thick continuous
afraid the
United States, these gentlemen saw fit trouble scientificit out,
in figuring matter have
no would
fellow how
web of the bed under the boxes in addi- to criticize my plans about as follows :
tion to the depth of the bed . But we many capital letters he had after his
"The objection to your arrangement
once had a bed break right here under for this drive is, first, the rapid destruc name.
enormous strain and since then the caps tion of the ropes because of reverse bend- tightener
I claim onthat
all my ropes ofof placing
of thesystem the drivea
have been made binders . It will be ob- ing.” Now this is one of the most com
served that the wedges are drawn upward ( by the usesheave
of an, extra groove on the
to tighten the boxes. It is not necessary
mon errors in the wholereverse
driving—the idea that
scheme bendin g, tightening
of rope sheave) is the only correct
and аone, and-over
cross my

to explain why.
as it appears when the ropes are run
Fig. 9 shows the automatic lubricator of around an idler in addition to the reg experience in designing drives of this
the eccentric and the crosshead pin. The ular sheaves, is many times worse than character is ample proof that I am right.
stud A , on the eccentric strap and on the the regular bending of the ropes be
strap of the connecting-rod, carries a Report on the Government Fuel
cause the ropes are apparently bent first
curved blade a, which at the beginning of in one direction and then in another ; Investigations.
each forward stroke rises to take the drop and it is such an evident error that it
of oil from the stem of the sight-feed lubri shows the small amount of consideration
cator. This is set on an arm fixed on the given it. Such an argument when ap The final report covering the investiga
tions during 1904 at the Fuel Testing
cap of the main-bearing and on a bridge plied to a belt would hold good, but it Plant at St. Louis, Mo., under the United
between the upper guide bars (see Fig. 2). is simply absurd to apply it to a rope.
States Geological Survey, has been pub
The drop is made sure to come to this
My friends the manufacturers go on lished by the Government and is now
central point, by a wire B 'filling the brass to read me a lecture on how a rope wears ready for distribution. The report will
tube, and grooved on opposite sides, and
terminating in a point. out: from the center, and from bending- appear in three volumes as Professional
something the veriest tyro knows, but Paper No. 48 , and will be distributed free
The automatic lubrication of the crank of charge. Persons desiring copies of the
their strong argument is that reverse
pin presented a still more serious problem. bending is something to be avoided at report should apply for the same to a
It was solved by the construction shown any cost . Now to annalyze the running Member of Congress from their district,
in Fig. 10 , which will be understood with- of ropes, so far as this feature is con or to a Senator from their State.
out further description . It will be seen cerned . We know that all ropes roll in
that here the oil tube is inclined , and the the grooves. A rope may roll rapidl A large proportion of the accidents due
drop follows it to a point on its lower or slowly - we do not know anything of to defective pipe work is to be traced di
side. Both these lubricators proved abso- the speed of this movement, but that they rectly to poorly cut threads and the prac
lutely reliable. The last one is equally do roll is such an evident fact as to re tice of making them of insufficient depth .
applicable on double crank engines. quire no discussion . This being the case, It is not uncommon to find blow -off pipes
After considerable study I finally adopt- a rope will at one time approach the and other connections made up to а

ed the accompanying table of standard sheave with one part of it on top, while depth of only two or three threads. They
sizes and speeds, covering the ground, the next time the same section of rope may be made steam- and water -tight ; but,
from 25 horse-power up, with nineteen reaches the same sheave, what was for- considering the strains they have to bear,
sizes . merly the top may be on the bottom , or so slender a hold is far too insecure for
As the bed could not be reversed, I one side, or any old place. The simplest safe reliance. Pipe is often sent from the
needed both a right-hand and a left -hand rope drive, running over two sheaves manufacturers in such shape that it is al
bed for each size. I avoided half of this only, will therefore have a continued most out of the question to make up a
expense in patterns by planning two and constant reverse bending through- joint of more than one or two threads
diameters of cylinders with the same out its life. I am willing to admit, of without recutting, and this too, in the
stroke, and making one bed answer for course that the more times a rope is bent face of a generally accepted standard to
both . around a sheave, the more wear occurs which all the makers are supposed to con
Until I found something else to do I and the shorter the life of the rope. But form .
employed myself in preparing complete this is not given as part of the argument.
Another criticism was that my tight A dirty commutator causes sparking.
drawings for three or four smaller sizes
of engines ; a work which afterward ener arrangements* would put an ex Cotton mills are adopting steam tur
proved exceedingly useful. * Described in POWER , March , 1905 . bines.
May, 1906 . POWER 273

Experiences in a Refrigerating Plant. thing, ” said the visitor after the men had
exchanged greetings. “ He wants some
advice, so since that is one of the cheap
est commodities on earth, we may as well
fix him up. What seems to be your
Soon after the erection of the 13 X 26 chine work with John gone, they'd been trouble, Jo ? "
horizontal at the Kolbier Brewery, Mr. together so many years. " Oh, I'm not used to figuring on re
Superton had been transferred to the Pa- . “ And Jo ? Well, he got to be Chief frigerating these packing house products
cific Coast, and it was not until after here all right enough as you always yet. The super called me in this morn
several years spent in the “ land of eter- thought he would and now he has taken ing and told me that the capacity of our
nal summer ” that he again had occasion up the packing house end. Got a swell refrigerating plant is not ample for next
to visit the little town built alongside the job, chief of the Hogg and Hogg Com- year's probable business. It seems the
brewery. He had not intended to stop pany down on the East Side. Well, it was weather boss has predicted a cool sum
off, but his train having been delayed by this way : You remember Big Fritz, the mer, so the super thinks it's going to be
a hot driving box, he had missed his old brewmaster, the good-natured old hulk hotter than a tank room in July, and he
connections and found himself with half that J. P. launched into the wet grain says that gray hairs won't near express
a day on his hands to dispose of as best chute for jollying him about the spirits the grief we'll know before cold weather
he might before the arrival of the next he ran into ( or ran into him ) one night if we don't get another machine in .
express. up by the beer cooler ? Well, he used to “ I asked him about how much he fig
The sight of familiar objects around drink a little sometimes, not often over ured we are going to be short, and he
the station carried his mind back to the sixty per day, and he was right regular said he didn't figure' that ; that's what
time when he had first been sent there, about it, so it don't look like it would he's got me for. I asked him what he
twelve years before, as an outside foreman have hurt him Some say he didn't drink estimated would be the probable increase
for the Kühlkeller Ice Machine Com- enough, but anyway the preservative ef- in business, and he told me he couldn't
pany with little to do but to look after fect of what alcohol he did take on wasn't estimate on it, that there might not be
the erection of the Kolbier machine. He enough to keep him in the game, and any increase at all, but it looks that way
wondered what had become of Jor Jo about a year ago last February, soon after now Guess he realized he wasn't giving
Kraftsman or Jo Kolbier, as he had some- they found John asleep in his chair, Big me much information of the real tangible
times called him in fun . Then there were Fritz brewed his last sute and went to kind we like to figure on, so just as I was
his constant companions, the corn cob join his fathers in the eternal Hoffbrau going out he says, 'Oh, by the way, Mr.
pipe and the bob -tailed cat. He wondered above. Found him asleep the same way. Mann, our manager gave me a still tip
if Jo had ever gotten to be chief. He “ After Fritz they had a young fellow this morning that there is going to be a
hoped he had , for he certainly was no fool . from a western brew school, for brew swell opportunity to dabble in butter,
Thus meditating, Mr. Superton found master. The boys called him 'the Little eggs and frozen poultry next season, so
himself walking half unconsciously down Professor. ' and Jo and him didn't hit it I've got to figure out the capacity of a
Malta avenue toward the brewery. any too well , SO as soon as Jo got a machine to look after last year's supposed
From outward appearance there had chance,which was only last week, he got shortage in capacity, this year's probable
been little change, but strange faces out. He'd been coachin' me for a good increase in business, the effects of a prob
looked up inquiringly at him as he en many years and had made me his running able hot summer and proposed dabblings
tered the engine room. He glanced around chicf, so I naturally got a jab at the job in butter, eggs and frozen poultry.”
for the sight of some of his old acquain- when he left. Jo was like a father for me. " That does look like quite a problem.
tances, but neither Jo, the cat, Old J. P. , I'm goin' to show him what I can do, How far have you got?” .
or " Jimmy, the lubricator," was to be and I'm sure I'll make a go of it if the "Well, I've signed an order for a bucket
seert Approaching a tall straight young Little Professor don't get to shooting off of grease, another for half a pound of
man who had just come down the wind- about Jo. If he does , there'll be a posi waste, tried to reprove a misdirected wire
ing iron stairs leading to the condenser tion open for another brew school gradu- that was getting profane about some

floor, Mr. Superton was surprised to ate somewhere. spoiled liverwertz, and done some little
learn that there had been not only changes “ Suppose we go down and see Jo. He cussing on my own account ; that's about
among the different men, but also changes wouldn't miss seeing you for a half inter all. "
in the men themselves , for in the tall , est in the stock yards." " Ach , don't let that irregulation die cir
straight, young chief he at last brought “ Ah this smells so natural,” ejaculated culations of your brine. Ven you get to
himself to recognize " little Jimmy, the Mr. Superton as he sniffed at the char- foaming and priming over little dings wie
chief lubricator" of former days . " An acteristic aromatic packing-house atmo- dat you vill perhaps rip up a belly seam
Irish chief in a German brewery ; well sphere after having greeted Jo and set- and go by die roof out like vun skyrocker
I'll be blowed !" he thought. "Well, this tled into a comfortable office chair. " If I vunce pefore hot vetter is ofer. Unt die
always was a peculiarly managed place,” only had some fertilizer on my hat and cussing's doin' some good , yes ?”
he added audibly. " When I first salt in my shoes I could easily imagine I " Oh, yes I suppose it helps to get
knew the place it was an old Eng- was back in Chicago working for Schnell your back pressure down where you can
lishman." & Co." walk off with the load," was Jo's philo
" I know you think it's strange, ” said " Didn't know you were ever guilty of sophic response.
the Chief, smiling. “ I think so myself, it ; one wouldn't mistrust it to look at “ I see they figure everything on the
but - well we get along you - but now it's out, if you don't mind steer head basis here. They say seven
" Old J. Pontifex ? You probably re- my remindin' you of your past life, I'd and a half calves, seven and a half sheep,
member his fondness for sleep. Well , like to have you give me a pointer or two. two and a half cutting hogs or five ship
Jo found him one morning with his chair Herr Gootkopf has promised to come per hogs, are equal to one steer. 'Com
leaned back against the absorber, just over for a week, but he's got hogs of his pend' allows from five to seven seven
the way he always used to sit, but he own to cool and hasn't arrived, up to hundred-pound steers to the ton of re
couldn't wake him , and -- well , we haven't yet If he knew you were here he would frigeration."
needed the old absorption much anyway, be, over all right, I thought so, here he “ Aber for figuring refrigerations, you
so no one has ever run her . Never is now . " better calculation dat yourself vunce. Die
seemed just right to make the old ma- “ Now Jo looks worried about some average weight of our steers for last year
274 POWER May, 1900.

vos 500 pounds, and you should cool him being stored at o = 198,200 B.t.u.'s or a Unit of Refrigeration figurin' already. Dat
from 100 to 36." ton of refrigeration would be required for is all right aber all I want is apout vut
" That's through 64 degrees," said Mr. every 1432 pounds of poultry." they doin' last summer.
Superton, “ and the specific heat of beef, " And eggss !? " " You haf also vun Linde compressor
for average fat is-give me your 'Com- " Figure the cooling duty through the 15 x 25 und ven she bin 15 X 24 it vould be
pend' again - about 0.68. That's 43.52 range of temperature cooled through, vun - fourth so gross als die big ones or
B.t.u.'s per pound. Every 284,000 B.t.u.'s using 0.76 as the specific heat . Then of 50 tons. "
is equivalent to one ton refrigeration course you have got to figure insulation " That may be all right, but how do
and will cool 6525 pounds of beef through losses for both the egg coolers and poul- you get it so easy ? You haven't got any
the above range of temperatures ." try freezers in case these coolers are not Linde machines that you have been figur
" That's about thirteen 500 -pound already in use." ing on . ”
steers to the ton . Then there are the in- “ But now I have got you. How about “ Oh, dat was easy ven you remember
sulation losses to be taken care of. ” the extra refrigeration to make up for vunce that vun 15-inch circle is chust
" Yes and these losses may run from 20 the hot summer the weather man says we half so big als a 21 - inch circle, so ven die
to 40 per cent of the total cooling duty, are not going to get? " stroke bin also only half so far die ma
which would reduce the number of beeves "Without going into detail and figuring chine vould be only one- fourth so big in
per ton actual of refrigeration to 10.4 and all the insulation this would be a pretty die disblacements .”
7.8, respectively. Now you will have to hard thing to venture an estimate on. " Easy enough when you see it, and the
assume some definite per cent. of short- For your present requirements, however, other inch of stroke would make a differ
age in capacity for last year, and also assuming that thirty per cent of your ence of only 1-25th , or 4 per cent. , which
is 2 tons , which brings the 15 x 25 up to
52 tons instead of 50 tons for the 15 X24. "
" That makes 550 tons already at 52
turns per minute, which the machines ran
last July and August. You shoult have
had 10 per cent . more last summer , und
il ven you would vant 10 per cent. more dis
summer, dat vould be 20 per cent. , or 110
tons already. Now you chust vait apout
a veek and tell Mr. Super dat you haf
figured it all out and you vant a 200 - ton
machine. He vill probably gif you a 150
ton machine, which working on a tem
perature low enough for the poultry freez
ers would gif only apout 150 ; 1.2 =
125 tons chust vut you vant. What's the
use of calculatin ' yourself nuttish over
101 a little problems like this ?

National Advisory Board on Fuels

and Structural Materials .

The President has appointed a National

Advisory Board for Fuels and Structural
Materials under the advice of which the
investigations of the Geological Survey
and the United States Forest Service will
resentatives from the various national
some definite per cent. to allow for in- total refrigeration is expended in making engineering societies and the Government
creased killing for next year. When you up insulation losses and that the increase Bureaus which are concerned with con
have decided upon what these per cents. in loss due to an unusually hot summer
should be, add them and multiply by the would be the same ratio as the increase structive
Hitchcockwork. Secretary of the Interior
has recommended that an ap
total killing for last year. That will give in difference between the average inside propriation of $ 350,000 be made by Con
you the number of equivalent steer heads and the average outside temperature, gress for continuing the investigation be
extra to be provided for. As the addi- would not bring you very far away from
gun at the St. Louis Exposition .
tional number of carcasses will be carried the probable increased duty ."
in your present coolers you can use the “ Ja, dat vill of you two verry soon a A wrench or bar should never be in
factor thirteen for converting to tons, as good mathamaticians maken , aber let me serted between the spokes of the hand
there will be practically no increased in- tell you how I vould figure it. Your two wheel in closing down a valve. When
sulation loss due to the increased kill . big compressors are 21 x 48, same als such means are employed the seat or disc
" Then there's the poultry freezing duty mine, and ven vun runs 52 turns dat is is liable to be crushed and the bonnet or
to be looked after. A thousand pounds 1000 cubic eet of – how you say him ?- yoke overstrained ; the practice is really
of poultry coming into the coolers at 100 disblacements per minute, und ven 5 cubic dangerous.
degrees and being cooled to 32 would ab- feet per minute bin vun ton, 1000 cubic
sorb 1000 x 68 x 0.8 54,400 B.t.u.'s ; to feet bin 200 tons . You see I haf before Care should be taken during hot
freeze, about 1000 x 0.90 x 142 = 127,800 figured mine alretty . ” weather to prevent the rapid drying of
B.t.u.'s, and to cool to, say, zero, 1000 X “ The builders rate their large machines concrete. It should be protected from the
32 x 5 16,000 B.t.u.'s, making the total at from 4.1 to 4.2 cubic feet per ton, which sun and occasionally sprinkled with water ;
duty of cooling and freezing 1000 pounds would make it 240 tons." it is a good plan to cover the smaller
of poultry, coming in at 100 degrees and " Ja, I see you haf been on the Standard masses with a wet cloth.
May, 1906. POWER 275

A New Method of Measuring Water baffle plate C was suspended inside the plugs in the nozzles until the desired head
chamber to neutralize the head due to ve was indicated on the gage at the pump.
in Pump Tests.
locity of discharge and also equalize the This was done with the pump running at
BY E. H. BIRNEY. pressure in the chamber. A discharge normal speed. A series of tests were run
plate D was bolted to the chamber in
with varying heads to test the efficiency
The writer recently had occasion to which eighty-five standard hydraulic dis- of the pump under different conditions of
test a large pump and the method of charge nozzles were screwed as shown in delivery.
measuring the water was the first and detail in Fig. 2. These nozzles were A surface condenser was used on the
made from standard 34-inch brass pipe turbine and the condensing water was
and screwed into the plate to project measured in the same manner as de
about 1-16 of an inch above the inner scribed above, 17 nozzles being used in
surface. The plate was then placed on aa the discharge chamber . At each point
boring mill and the inside surface turned where water was weighed a spout was
off, after which it was carefully dressed arranged so that at a given signal it could
with a file to insure an even and smooth be instantly placed so that the discharge
line at the entrance to the nozzles . The from one nozzle could be diverted to the
plate was then taken to a drill press , tanks. At the closing signal they could
where the outer ends of the nozzles were be as quickly removed. The per cent . of

Te cut back to exactly the same length. The error in this method of starting and stop
nozzles were then reamed with the same ping a test was found to be negligible.
tool, a stop on the drill press being used The tests were 15 to 30 minutes long.
so that the reamer would enter the noz- This method of measuring water of dis
zles to exactly the same point on the charge was found to be accurate and sat
tool. About fifty carefully turned wooden isfactory in every respect . The assump
plugs were provided so that many or few tion that the discharge from a group of
of the nozzles could be plugged accord- nozzles constructed as described would
ing to the varying conditions of the test. be directly as the number open was found
A mercury column was attached to the to be correct. The delivery head could be
Suction line near the pump and a pres- changed at will . The amount of water
sure gage to the delivery line on the level which could be measured by this method
of the connection of the mercury column. is of course limited only by the number
E The latter showed the suction lift and the
D Finish here
pressure gage the delivery head. To one
side and near the discharge chamber were
placed two tanks for weighing water.
One tank was above the other to receive
water discharged from the chamber, and
the other tank was placed on standard
test scales. Each tank was fitted with
quick-opening valves so that they could FIG.2
be opened or closed instantly .
In the test the water was weighed from
a single nozzle and the total amount 1

ooooo found by multiplying the weight from one

nozzle by the total number open . This

of course was based upon the assumption


that the discharge from the nozzles would
be the same for a given head DETAIL OF NOZZLE .
Before this method was finally adopted
chief difficulty which presented itself. It a test was made on a boiler - feed pump and size of the nozzles. A discharge cham
was desirable to test the pump under ac- with a small discharge chamber contain- ber and nozzle plate if given proper care
tual operating conditions which included ing three 7 / 16 -inch nozzles, two of which will serve for an indefinite number of
a suction lift of twelve feet and a deliv- were placed close together and the third tests so that subsequent tests of pumps
ery head of ninety feet. The normal ca- as far as possible from the two. This was present no greater difficulties than break
pacity was about 4000 gallons per minute done to determine if their relative posi- ing into the discharge line at any con
or nearly 6,000,000 gallons in twenty- tions influenced the results. Two thousand venient point, connecting the discharge
four hours. The type was a two-stage, pounds of water was discharged from each chamber and providing the necessary
steam -turbine - driven De Laval . The ob- of two of these nozzles and the time was tanks and scales .
ject of the test was to determine if cer- respectively in minutes and in minutes
tain guarantees were fulfilled in the ma. and 5 seconds. Both nozzles were then An English contemporary states that
chine, so it was a matter of much impor- opened, and the same amount of water Dr. Arthur William White, professor of
tance to know that the method of meas- was discharged in exactly 5 minutes and experimental physics in Yale University,
uring the water was accurate and reli- 30 seconds . This experiment demon- delights in telling of his experience with
able. After carefully considering the usual strated that even with very small noz- an inventor of the " unletter genius " type,
methods of measuring water in a test zles, in the construction of which only or- who came to him with a model of a per
none was found applicable to the local dinary care was taken, the results were petual-motion machine. “ H'm ; looks
conditions. The plan finally adopted is surprisingly accurate. The relative posi- plausible," observed Dr. White ; " but it
described below. tion of the nozzles did not affect the re- won't work. What are you going to do
The delivery line was broken at a con- sults . about gravity ? ” “ Gravity !" said the visi
venient point where a discharge chamber In starting the tests the delivery head tor, scornfully ; " t'll wit' gravity ; we'll use
was connected as shown at A , Fig 1. A was obtained hy removing or adding plenty of grease."
276 POWER May, 1900 .

Power - House Conveniences . a wrought-iron gas pipe, in the drilling bracket shown in Fig. 4 was made for
end of which were filed teeth similar the eccentric straps and was also bolted 1
to saw teeth. The pipe is held by hand to the wall. To prevent marring the
and tapped with a hammer or sledge as is finished surfaces of the spare parts, all
When the Chief took charge of the new done in drilling rock . brackets were provided with leather cover
power house he found that in the way
of many small conveniences the plant was I'Anchor Bolt
incomplete, so he at once began to devise
means for bettering conditions in this re Hooks for H.P.
spect. He noticed that spare parts were Valve Stem
scattered about in various places or were
X Rivets
piled in heaps in a way that would cause Hooks for

more or less confusion when some par Rod
ticular part was wanted quickly. These Covering

Cemented on
heaps would also gather dirt and damp ** Inside of all
ness very quickly, the result being any Hooks
Quooks for
thing but satisfactory. LP. Valve Stem

For taking care of the spare valve Hooks for
272 Piston
stems, eccentric rods and piston rod, he di
ruu Rod
had brackets made and bolted to the en
gine- room wall in a convenient place, as *** 8 Bar
shown in Fig. 1. The walls being brick ,
it was necessary to use anchor bolts, which Bottom of Bar
were made as shown in Fig. 1, the anchor Floor Set in Floor

end being split and the point of a small

steel wedge inserted in the split, after
which the bolt was placed in the hole
and driven so that the wedge was forced To accommodate the spare crank-pin ings cemented in place where nec

in the split end of the bolt, thus forcing brasses a bracket was made as shown in essary, as indicated on the various draw
the halves apart. The hole, which was Fig. 2 and also bolted to the wall. As ings.
these brasses were bored out to 14 inches For several smaller rod brasses a

diameter and are pretty heavy, it was bracket similar to Fig. 5 was made from
boiler plate and gas pipe. This was bolted
Bolts same
1Anchor Bolts same Anchor Bolts
as Fig . 1
as in Fig.1 same as Fig . 1
-17 "
i Leather Cover
! Cemented on

Section X X -10
3 * 3x4

% Rivets
ठ 0
Leather Covering XC.8.Rivet
Cemented on

Rad,Slightly less than

Rad.of Bore in Crank Rad.Slightly less than
Pin Brasses
Rad . Slightly less than Bore in Crosshead Brass Bore of Straps
to the wall with the other brackets and
slightly larger than the bolt, was then necessary to make the bracket rather the brasses were hung on the gas pipe
filled with liquid cement. After the ce- strong, as indicated by the dimensions. A supports. Some other heavy parts were
Anchor Bolts samo Upper Half of Pipes Covered with
as Fig . 1 Leather Cemented on
Anchor Bolts same
(n-149 14 ** as Fig.1
114 " 118 "

Bracket to be Bolted to Wall

. - 172 -17 " *

in Bolts on 3 P.C.


3 Gas Pipe - 2% Gas Pipe 1 Gas Pipe and Flanges


For Exciter Engine For Exciter Engine.

Crank Pin Brasses Crosshead


ment had dried the bolts were strongly bracket similar to Fig. 3 was made for supported by low shelves made as shown
anchored and would stand all ordinary the crosshead brasses, but as these are in Fig. 6, these being held up by gas pipe
strains for which they were intended . much lighter than the crank -pin brasses, legs and anchor bolts in the wall. All
The holes were drilled in the wall with the bracket was also made lighter. The brackets were located in such positions
May, 1906. POWER 277

in the engine room that they could be are placed on this jig and held in place in the previous case. These jigs are now
easily reached by the traveling crane with- by clamp bolts, as shown, the hight of being used when necessary and are not
out confusion or unnecessary loss of time, the jig and the position of the projecting only giving entire satisfaction but dem
which is a highly important feature in lug on the left side being such that the % Circular Steel Plates set in
case of breakdown. brasses are centrally located and can at Jig and spaced so they will
Enter Connecting Bolt
Holes in Brasses
The Chief also noticed that no provision once be bored out without shimming. Àn Tap Bolt
had been made for jigs or special ap- ordinary boring bar is used and the feed m

paratus for reboring rod brasses, bear- is regulated by the carriage, which feeds
ings, etc. Since past experience had the brasses longitudinally, instead of the
taught him that time and labor could be tool. A smaller jig , Fig. 8, was made F F

saved by using properly designed jigs, he for the crosshead brasses, these being of Projecting Tongue
to fit Groove in Fig . 7
at once had castings made as shown in the forked end marine type. As these 2 - Bolts for Holes Holes for Clamp
brasses are smaller than the crank -pin A - A Fig.7 Bolts same as Fig . 7
Figs. 7, 8 and 9.
For holding the crank -pin brasses in brasses, the jig was made so that it could
the lathe at the correct position for re- be placed upon the one shown in Fig. 7 and
boring without resorting to shimming and bolted in place, its location and hight
shifting until a central position is being such that the brasses when placed
reached , as is the common practice, a jig upon it would be central for reboring. Jig to be placed upon Jig
was made for reboring the brasses (which The brasses were also held down by in Fig .7 and held in place by
Bolts at Holes AA
are of the marine type) as shown in Fig. clamp bolts, suitably located.
7. It consists of a cast - iron plate finished For boring out crank -shaft brasses, a FIG . 8. BORING JIG FOR CROSS HEAD BRASSES.
on top and bottom and provided with bolt jig was made as indicated in Fig. 9. This onstrating clearly their time and labor
holes for clamping to the finished surface casting was also made so it could be saving value, besides making it possible
2-1 Bolts for Clamping Brasses to Jig to do the work accurately.
Bolts Pass Through Bolt Holes in Brasses
Connecting Rod Brasses
The Engineering Times states that coal
stored in great heaps deteriorates in qual
ity as time goes on, this deterioration be

ing slow oxidation , and oxidation, slow

or fast, is always accompanied by the gen
Brasses to be
eration of heat. There is no way of pre
Bored out venting this action, but there is a way
Lathe Center with Ordinary of preventing serious results, and that is
Boring Bar
2- | Bolts for Clamping Radius to Suit
Brass in Jig Radius of outside
Crank Shaft Brass of Brass
shown dotted

Center of Lathe
Boring Jig shown Clamp Block
F F by full Lines


Surfaces F F
“ F ” to be 2 Ribs
Portion of Lathe Bed Jig to be placed upon Lathe
Boring Jig fastened to Carriage as shown in Fig .7
Lathe Carriage with 4 Held in place by these Bolts
-1 Bolts ;Heads of Bolts
Placed in T Grooves in
Rib on Top and Bottom

il Plan of Jig

Plan of Jig

Tap for Clamp Bolt

No Rib on Bottom

Holes for Clamp Bolts

Rib on Top aud Bottom


of a lathe carriage from which the tool bolted to the lathe carriage like the one to provide means for rapidly carrying off
holder and slide have been removed ; I shown in Fig. 7, and correctly located for the heat, and that is best accomplished by
slots are usually provided in lathe car- boring the brass, which was held in place free circulation of air through and around
riages for such purposes. The brasses in its bored seat by clamp bolts, as shown the pile.
278 POWER May, 1906.
Design, Construction and Application of Large Gas Engines corresponding angles of deflection of the
shaft are ß = 0.000362 seconds and ß ma
in Europe . - VII.

= 0.000470 seconds.
To make these figures intelligible one
BY FRANZ ERICH JUNGE . must compare them with the correspond
ing data determined from shafts which
THE BORSIG - OECHELHAUSER ENGINE , the foundation by iron tie rods . It is there have given satisfactory results under the
The Oechelhäuser gas engine built by fore bad practice to mount the engine on severest conditions of continued practice.
the Borsig works is a double- acting two foundation blocks which project consider- Using the same process of determination,
find for the shaft of a 30 -horse -power
stroke-cycle machine, having a pair of pis- ably above the level of the engine- room we
fioor without being rigidly connected ex Diesel engine the angle of deflection B
ions working in opposite directions and
delivering power to three cranks of equal cept at a great distance below the plane is between 0.00024 seconds and 0.00118
throw . As explained in an early article of reciprocating forces. Neither is bet- seconds ; for the shaft of a 100 -horse -power
of this series, such an arrangement gives ter accessibility of parts secured thereby, four
- stroke-cycle gas engine, it is between
nearly balanced forces and no couple. as it is immaterial whether the inlet 0.00061 seconds and 0.00102 seconds, and
valves are reached by means of stairs for the double throw shaft of a compound
That there is a difference at all is due to
different rod lengths, or rather to the leading up, or the exhaust valves by stairs steam engine, it is between 0.000279 sec
fact that the angles of the two rods are leading down to the pit, nor is stiffness onds and 0.000412 seconds ; all this during
not equal for any given crank angles, and of the system guaranteed. If anything, the critical phase of the crank travel.
the cost of foundation becomes greater Before comparing we have to combine
therefore the pistons have not equal ac
and the appearance of the plant more geometrically the values of ß found for
celeration for some crank angles, even monstrous and complex, and it is well not any shaft, with the other value, l ' repre
when the masses are equal .
The effect of good balancing of the re toin the
omit entirely the ethics of appearance senting the angle of deflection due to bend
design of gas power plants. ing from its own weight, and to resolve the
ciprocating parts is felt to advantage in It is interesting to observe that the two loads into a resultant, by means of
the design in several parts of this engine. fundamental principle in the design of the parallelogram of forces . Assuming
First, there are no horizontal forces in
large gas engines in Europe, namely that the most unfavorable case , viz. , that the
the frame, and, therefore, no bending all the main parts have their proper rel resultant is equal to the arithmetical sum
moments produced. All active forces
ative positions positively and permanent- of the two components, B and B' , repre:
are balanced without the intervention of
ly fixed by male and female centering the deflection would only be slightly larg
passive machine parts ; hence the founda
fits of large diameter thus practically
in- er than that of the steam engine shaft ex
tion bolts and bed plates of the engine suring self- alignment, has now been also amined, and would only -be one-half and
can be kept comparatively light. No long one -third of that of the oil and gas en
almost universally adopted by the more
beam frame is used to connect the various prominent engine builders in this coun- gines respectively. The angle of deflec
parts, the position of the cylinder being try. tion at the place where the concentrated
centered in and secured to the main
frame, which contains the crank bearings A three - throw crank - shaft with two resultant rests in the shaft of the Oechel
outside bearings standing far apart, as häuser engine, is therefore quite within
and the crosshead guides ; thus a good used in the Borsig -Oechelhäuser engine, the safe limits of allowable deformation .
alignment is effected. All parts are
connected parallel to the direction of driv is often regarded with disfavor by engin- Another objection may be raised , name
ing forces by central flanges and the cyl eers as being heavy, difficult and costly ly, that the angle of torsion due to twist
inder rests freely on the base -plate, al to manufacture , while its strength is ing of the three -throw crank -shaft may be
thought insufficient to meet all the vary- excessive.
lowing free expansion under the influence
of varying temperatures. ing requirements of heavy service. As As the turning moment acting on the shaft

In the Nürnberg engine, and as a mat the cycle of operation employed in this occurs periodically at time intervals, there
engine necessitates the adoption of a would arise the danger that synchronism
ter of fact, almost all up -to - date engines,
like the Deutz, Ehrhardt & Sehmer, crarik - shaft of this kind, it becomes of between the inertia forces and shaft per
Soest , Krupp , Union and others, the first the greatest importance to ascertain how iods might occur and the well-known con
cylinder is centered in and secured far these objections are justified . Re- dition be established which may be termed
to the main frame, which, of course, rests garding strength, there is this to say : the natural period of torsion - vibration .
on its foundation along its entire The shaft must be of such diameter that To avoid such synchronous vibration, the
length , while a distance piece connects the it will resist a moment of applied stresses shaft must be so designed that the crit
first cylinder to the second cylinder; the equal to the combined maximum bending ical period of its revolutions is kept far
and twisting moments which are produced above the normal number of revolutions
only part rigidly fastened to the main
frame being one end of the front cylin- by forces due to the action of gas pres- which the engine is expected to make. In
der. All the other parts can freely slide sure plus the inertia of the reciprocat- the case under discussion, it is found
to yield somewhat to the longitudinal var ing parts. In addition thereto, the shaft that the critical condition is reached at
iations due to the forces acting in the is subjected to bending from its own 1420 r. p. m ., while the shaft ordinarily
engine. In the Oechelhäuser engine such weight and some dead loads, such as fly- turns at from 90 to 100 r.p.m. We may
forces are of little importance, while their wheels , etc. therefore, rest assured that a crank-shaft
effect can be easily observed in ordinary Using the method of calculation as of the Borsig -Oechelhäuser type is fully
tandem gas engines, the tail ends of which proposed by Max Ensslin and employed strong enough to resist the maximum
show a clearly noticeable reciprocating by Prof. Meyer in his analysis, and which turning and twisting moments, and that
movement. As the foundation of such takes into account the complete set of its deformation remains much below that
engines is considerably weakened by pits active forces that must be resisted, the in ordinary four-stroke-cycle engines.
and channels, giving access to exhaust maximum stress, occurring under normal Granted satisfaction as to the point of
valves and room for gas , air, exhaust and working conditions has been determined shaft stiffness, the remainder of the ob
water pipes, almost all of the forces are at 430 kilograms per square centimeter or jections raised against the scheme are of
transmitted to the front foundation block, 6100 pounds per square inch, and at early little consideration. Regarding weight, it
which is thus very heavily loaded and ignition 562 kilograms per square centi- should be borne in mind that for driving
should be connected to the back part of meter or 7993 pounds per square inch. The blowing engines and rolling mills an en
May, 1906.

gine cannot be built too heavy. The cen- 70 per cent. of the entire charge and rep- grams taken at that time show a very
trifugal forces set up by the crank shafts resenting the active stroke volume. good combustion line, which proves that
are self balancing. Toward the end of compression , igni- the mixture must have been satisfactory.
Before going further into an analysis of tion is produced at two points of the mass It would, however, be quite a mistake
the mechanical details of the engine prop- of gas and air. to try and adopt this method in modern
er it may be well to discuss its cycle of To understand thoroughly the system practice, as with the lean and volumin
operation, which, though often described of governing employed in this engine, ous power gases used to -day the quantity
in technical papers, has never been fully it is necessary to examine the initial of gas burned per stroke is relatively very
understood and appreciated, as the prin- process of scavenging and reloading. large. Besides the difficulty of com
ciples governing fluid friction in two- A very complete discussion of this sub- pressing the large volume of gas, which
stroke -cycle engines were not at the time, ject was given by Prof. Diederichs, of constitutes one -half or more of the total
nor are even to -day, fully mastered. The Cornell University, in the Sibley journal volume of the power charge, in a separ
method of working of the engine is as of May, 1904, to which readers are refer ate pump, whereby fluid friction and other
follows : The two pistons A and B, Fig. red for full information . In that part of losses are excessively increased, there is the
32, work in opposite directions and un- his treatise dealing with fluid friction, drawback that mixing of the two constit
cover near the end of their outward trav- Prof. Diedrichs says : “ Concerning the uents would only occur at the very begin
el the exhaust, air and gas ports. The choice of pumps, an independent air-pump ning of the gas influx, while during the
piston A first opens the longer exhaust with an ample air receiver furnishes the rest of the charging process the gas would
ports and allows the products of combus- ideal conditions, for, under these condi- simply sweep the air before it sinto the
tion to escape until the pressure in the tions, we can commence or cease scaveng exhaust ports. Hence it become neces
cylinder has fallen to the atmosphere. ing at will, dependent upon the setting of sary either to have a good mixture formed
Then the piston B opens the air ports, the valves, and if the receiver is large in the charging pump or to introduce a
through which scavenging air of low and enough, an excess of air under fairly con certain quantity of air in the cylinder,
decreasing pressure enters the cylinder stant pressure is available. If the receiver along with the gas, and let the mixing of
and sweeps out the burned gases. Im- be made too small, scavenging will cease the two be done during the overflow .
mediately , it opens the gas ports, allow- too early, an excess of air not being avail The later types of the Oechelhäuser
ing gas to enter the cylinder and mix with able, and the scavenging pressure will de- engines used the first of the two methods
the air, which continues streaming in, crease very rapidly.” Now this statement outlined, namely, a special charging pump
whereby the explosive mixture required holds true for the majority of types of delivering a ready mixture through the
for a new working stroke is formed . two- stroke-cycle gas engines. It would, gas ports. There was, however, the dan
ger that the gas inlet was filled with a
combustible mixture, which , while enter
+ Air
ing the cylinder, was occasionally ignited
li and thereby the whole contents of the re
Exhaust Ports Air ceiver were burned , with disastrous effects


in certain parts, especially the valves of

Gas the charging pump.
Pump If mixing is accomplished by simultan
eous introduction of air and gas into the
working cylinder, as is done in the latest
types of Oechelhäuser engines , then there
FIG. 32 . ELEMENTARY PLAN OF OECHELHAE USER GAS ENGINE . must be, besides a variation in the quan
At the beginning of the return stroke however, be erroneous to generalize the tity of gas introduced, a corresponding
the piston B first closes the gas inlet ports ideas expressed therein and to regard variation in the quantity of air introduced
and then the air ports. receiver capacity as one of the limiting with the gas, if close regulation and the
In order to pre-
vent excessive admission of air throu conditions of design for all engines and, best
gh possible combustion are to be ob
tained. The simplest, cheapest and safest
are ially,
There espec
more Oechelhä
certainthetypes user type.
been air
the ed, and to the
after as farhave
ate ports
separgas 'as of two-stro ke way of getting at the desired result is to
avenging and charging air, cycle engines, and this is one of them , effect the variation of the quantity of the
there is provid ed an annular slide in the in which the whole quantity of scavenging pres
the scav
overflo respuents
in the ective by ivers . ngThi
recechangi thes
air chamber or receiver which is operated and charging air is pumped into a com is done most economically by changing the
from the valve -gear shaft by means mon receiver provided with a common volumetric delivery of the respective
of an eccentric and rod and closes the overflow valve or port. pumps , which is best accomplished by .
ports in the receiver when the air ports If rich gas of high heat value is used means of by-pass valves in the respective
in the cylinder have been uncovered in the engine, then the quantity of gas
by the piston . As soon as the gas ports burn ed per power stroke is comparatively recei vers which are opened under the in
fluence of the governor for a longer or
have been uncovered , the slide is opened small, so small indeed that it may be intro
again and air from the pump is allowed duced into the working cylinder together shorter period and in such a way that
to flow in.
At the beginning of the re- with little or no air and left to mix there opening commences at the beginning of the
turn stroke after the piston B has covered with the scavenging air previously pumped compression stroke of the pump, and
the gas and air ports, before the exhaust into the cylinder, and yet a good explosive that a greater or smaller part ofdurin
the gquan
tity of gas and air taken in
ports are closed by the piston A, part of mixture will be effected. suction stroke is allowed to flow back into
the scavenging air previously introduced In the earliest types of Oechelhäuser
the suction pipes of the pumps at nearly
is swept out of the exhaust ports by the Junk ers engines a special gas pump was
advancing mixture until the ports are employed to introduce , according to the atmospheric pressure .
If this method of varying the quantity
complet ely closed. At this moment be- load, a certain quantity of gas into the
gins the compression of the charge, which working cylinder under a pressure of of overflow by changing the receiver pres
is theoretically composed of two layers of from 10 to 12 atmospheres. Though the sure be adopted, then it becomes at once
scavenging and charging air enclosing a time allowed for diffusion of gas injected apparent that the receiver contents must
layer of mixture, the latter forming about into the air was rather short, yet the dia- be kept as small as possible, because the
280 POWER May, 1906 .

actual change in quantity of delivered mix per square inch, The pressure in the re- liable and efficient method of controlling
ture will fall more behind the correspond- ceiver at the beginning of the scavenging temperatures under all conditions of prac
ing change effected by the governor, the period is from 23 to 24 pounds absolute, tice. And as to sweeping out burned
larger the contents of the receiver. if the engine is running at high speed. gases, it has been found in practice that

Although this pressure is rath high. it is by no means necessary to completely

Governing ports D - 130 Governing ports In per cent
yet very perfect scavenging is effected. expel the products of combustion from the

for exhaust Outer dead center of stroke
Admission of
inixture Influx of mixture Indeed diagrams taken under various con- working cylinder before the influx of the
Duration of opening 9,0726sec ditions of load justify the conclusion that new power charge is allowed to begin.
Scavenging Scavenging the combustion must be good and the re- Evidently the fundamental purpose of the
0.0198 +0,0150
ported heat consumption of 6586 B. t. u. scavenging air is to prevent premature
Exhaust End of exhaust
Beginning of compression per hour per indicated horse-power runs ignition of the new charge by contact
Duration of flow the thermal efficiency up to 38.6 per cent , with the highly heated burned gases. This
9:8. 223 F.se
which is an excellent result for a 500- is accomplished even when the scavenging
Mixture 70 per cent
of stroke volume horse-power engine working with coke air is completely mixed with the burned
A : Limiting Misture
oven gas. gases , providing that the temperature re
( between layers) Scavenging The reason the employment of a high- duction of the residual products be such
FIGS . 33 AND 34. pressure scavenging agent in the Borsig- that the resulting temperature of the mix
It is possible by a simple graphic method Oechelhäuser engine is not a failure is ture of scavenging air and combustion
found in the favorable form of the com gases is below the ignition temperature
to determine the mutual relation and de
bustion chamber and in the annular and of the new charge.
pendence of receiver contents and range symmetrical distribution of inlet and ex- It is quite likely that the most perfect
of pressure fall, provided that the quan haust ports around the whole circumfer- mixing of scavenging air and combustion
tity and average pressure of the overflow
ence of the cylinder. The air rushirtg gases will occur and a higher tempera
agent in the receiver be kept constant. It ture of the mixture be preserved, the
is found that to obtain small values for
into the cylinder from all sides under equal
smaller the quantity of air introduced. It
the pressure fall, the receiver volume ро
is necessary, therefore, to use more air
must be made very large. Thus if we de in the scavenging process, the more in
sire to work with a pressure fall of, say, flammable the new charge. However,
1.42 pounds per square inch, the receiver there are a great many more factors to
would need to have 212 cubic ft. ca
be considered , such as degree of com
pacity. Under such conditions, a device to pu
adjust the quantity of overflow to the load
IS ta
by varying the receiver pressure would 1

prove a complete failure. It is obvious,

therefore, that there may arise conditions
which allow of the adoption of small re
ceivers without introducing into the
scheme any of the difficulties pointed out
in the treatise referred to. To quote : " The FIG. 36.
scavenging agent should be under low
pressure first strikes the crowned piston pression, efficiency of cylinder cooling,
pressure ; high pressure causes it to flow
into the cylinder under high velocities, head which gives it a tendency to move diffusion properties, speed and load of
and besides unnecessarily increasing fluid by the shortest path toward the exhaust the engine-- so many, indeed, that the
friction, it is apt to pierce the burned ports, which likewise symmetrically are writer will make this question the sub
distributed over the whole-circumference. ject of a separate article. In practice a
It will , therefore, fill the cylinder from measure for the efficiency of scavenging
wall to wall in the form of a more or is found in the minimum quantity of air
less compact cylindrical mass, pushing which it is necessary to introduce into
burned gas out ahead of it into the ex- the working cylinder in order to insure
haust ports . quiet and safe running of the engine. It
The purpose and action of the scaveng- is a different question, whether, with the
ing agent is often completely misunder- introduction of that minimum quantity of
Atm , Line stood. It is not that the air is desired to scavenging air, the condition of maximum
ti Isga tagolo ti
sweep out the cylinder throughout its en- economy of running is obtained .
0 ; baba b. tire volume in order to get rid of the A few words may be said on the
burned gases and cool down the cylinder mutual relation between pressure fall and




FIG. 35 .

gases, which is just what is to be walls. Though reduction of cylinder pump work. Let us assume that the drop
avoided." temperature is a desirable feature with of pressure amounts to 8.5 pounds per
Borsig-Oechelhäuser gas engines have the high compression pressures used in square inch ; then the pump must com
shown in actual practice highly satisfactory modern practice, it is impractical to de- press the air up to 22.7 pounds per
results with a total receiver capacity which pend on the unreliable, variable means of square inch , but the discharge from the
gives for the maximum quantity of over- internal air-cooling to accomplish this. pump to the receiver begins at approxi
flow a drop of pressure of 14 22 pounds The water -cooling system is a safe, re- mately the same moment that compression
May, 1906 . POWER 281

begins in the pump, because the receiver load factor. To avoid this sort of irregu- standard to Westinghouse construction,
pressure has dropped to 14.2 pounds per larity the manufacturers have, in the may be used which at the same time gives
square inch during previous opening of latest types of engines, placed the pumps the unit an overload capacity of 50 per
the ports. If, on the other hand, the drop in immediate proximity to the cylinder. cent. or more when running condensing
of pressure amounts to 1.42 pounds per All the conditions which led to the at the usual speed. An important fea
square inch, then the pump has only to original design of the Borsig -Oechelhäus- ture in the operation of the plant will be
compress the air up to 19.2 pounds per er engine have now been considered , and the speed control of the pumps, which
square inch. However, as the pressure the reasons why in this engine the re- will, of course, be necessary to secure
in the receiver has dropped, at the pre- ceiver volume is smaller than is advisable the desired variation in delivery pressure
vious discharge, only to 17.8 pounds per for other types, why the receiver pressure to meet the exigencies of fire fighting.
square inch the pump has now first to may be kept higher and why the pumps This will be done largely by hand, and
compress up to this pressure before the are placed directly beneath the engine provision has been made for a 30 per cent.
charge can be pushed over into the re- fioor, have been analyzed . It still re variation in speed below the normal speed
ceiver. Upon comparing the respective mains to describe a few more details re of 1500 revolutions per minute. As an
diagrams taken from the charging pump, ferring to the mechanical elements and auxiliary feature, the governor operates
it becomes apparent that the work done the regulation of the engine, which could as an automatic safety stop, preventing
by the pump in the first case cited exceeds not be well understood before the cycle the turbine unit from reaching a danger
that of the second only by a small frac- of operation was fully discussed . ous speed should any part of the regular
tion . The range of pressure fall has, governing mechanism get out of order.
therefore, only a negligible influence on High Pressure Turbo Pumping The centrifugal pumps are of the two
the pump work. The latter is chiefly de Station. stage turbine type as developed by the
pendent on the average receiver pressure, Worthington Co. , and are manufactured
which , however, has no direct relation to The City of Toronto , Canada , is in by the John McDougal Caledonian Iron
the receiver volume. stalling a pumping plant for serving a Works, Ltd. , Montreal. An important
Fig. 33 is a diagram of port opening high pressure fire system which possesses and essential feature in the design is the
and Fig. 34 the corresponding distribu- several features of unusual interest. The provision of diffusion vanes by which the
tion of layers within the cylinder, under entire equipment is of the turbine type, water delivered by the pump impellers is
the assumption that the slide in the air power being furnished by steam turbines brought approximately to rest under the
chamber or receiver is not closed after and the water pressure by multiple stage static head of 150 pounds per stage. Fur
the gas ports have been covered by the turbine pumps. thermore, the pumps have been designed
piston . Fig. 35 shows a combination of The service to be rendered by this sta so that the dynamic forces acting in the
two diagrams taken from the air and gas tion will be similar in character and ex direction of the shaft are approximately
receivers respectively. Ordinates t- i and tent to that of the Philadelphia high pres balanced , thus relieving the turbine shaft
t - a correspond to two inner and one outer sure pumping station , now familiar to the from axial thrust. The pumps take water
dead centers . The travel of the piston public and which is driven by gas engines. axially at the center under a suction head
which covers and uncovers the air and As is the case in Philadelphia, the To of 10 to 15 feet, both delivering into aа
gas ports in succession is represented by ronto service plant will supply water to horizontal 24- inch main connected with
the curve k. The direction of the piston a high pressure piping net work, cover the high pressure system . In cases of
travel is indicated by the arrow . When ing the district to be protected . Hose large fires and high buildings where maxi
time t has elapsed , the piston has trav- connections are made direct, thus dispens mum pressure head is necessary, the two
elled over a distance represented by S. ing entirely with the use of fire- engines pressure stages will be operated in series ;
The hatched rectangles show the air and in the locality where lower pressure is desired , the speed
gas ports the distances by , b , b , For the present the new high service of the unit will be reduced in proportion.
are drawn to the same scale as the piston equipment will comprise two turbo pump In cases of small fires, however, where
stroke h. ing units having a capacity of 5,000,000 only moderate pressures are required, one
be eliminated by a by- pass
Through the points of intersection be gallons per 24 hours at 300 pounds maxi pump stage will
tween the lines n , in 1 and the curve mum head. It will be installed at the
1124 valve delivering suction water directly to
k, have been plotted the ordinates lo, g “ main pumping station where steam power the succeeding stage. These valves will
g«, , which show in the upper curves is at all times available. This fact was be electrically operated.
when the piston commences to cover and an important and probably the preponder The complete pumping units are ex
uncover the respective ports. It is clear ating one in the decision of the city to tremely compact , being only about 25 feet
that as soon as the air ports are uncovered install steam driven , in place of gas driv in length over all and set at 10 - foot cen
the pressure in the air receiver drops rap en apparatus as the expense of maintain ters . This close spacing is largely due
idly . The same is the case with the gas ing an individual steam plant under full to the possibility of locating the condens
pressure when the gas ports are opened. pressure would have been prohibitive . ing plant for each turbine directly be
At the same time the pressure in the air Motive power for each pumping unit is neath it in the foundation . The entire
receiver is still further decreased and supplied by an 1100 -horse -power Westing equipment was furnished by the Canadian
both constituents enter the cylinder to- house - Parsons steam turbine of the same Westinghouse Company, Ltd.
gether under variable pressure differ- construction that has become standard for
ences and under variable area of port electrical work. They operate on dry sat As a means of killing the live crusta
opening. In practice the pressure curves urated steam at 150 pounds pressure and tion - forming spats that are drawn into the
show considerable variation , due to un- a moderate vacuum of 26 inches is sup- condensing water intake pipe of a station
dulatory fluctuations. occurring in the plied by ' a condenser of the simple jet at one of the Gulf ports, the experiment
long pipes connecting the pumps and the type . As the highest economy was not is being tried of feeding creosote in
receivers, these being produced by the in- considered of paramount importance in minute drops into the condensing water
ertia of the mass of gas. This is illus- this case the simplest form of condensing at a point just inside the intake end.
trated in Fig. 36. plant was adopted . Independent opera This is accomplished by means of an or
In several diagrams taken under vari. tion is assured by the use of one condens- dinary injector lubricator, set to feed the
able load conditions there is a consider er for each unit. In order to enable the creosote drop by drop into the pipe. The
able difference in the end pressure, which turbines to sustain full load in case of creosote is having the effect of killing the
appears to bear an indirect relation to the condenser failure, a secondary valve, spats before they form their shells .
282 POWER May, 1906 .

Rewinding Dynamo Electrical Machinery. may enter the field gradually with respect
to the field strength .
The form of core does not always deter
mine the type of winding, for, while the
WINDINGS AND INSULATION . is enough smaller in diameter than the in
This article will be confined to direct- ner circle of the pole- faces to allow laying
current machinery, as the windings of an on the winding ; the full diameter of the
alternating-current machine are specially toothed-armature core is only enough
prepared and of such a nature that it is smaller than the polar bore of the field
always advisable, if the machine is not too magnet to allow proper air-gap, as slots are
large, to return it to the makers when the provided in its periphery in which are laid
repairs become necessary . the conductors. The toothed ring armature
It is the aim of the writer to set forth , is used in the United States to a greater ex
with the aid of diagrams, a method of re- tent than any other form , although the
pairing electrical machinery that can be winding is of the drum type, used with
adopted by manufacturing concerns having multipolar machines. Power, N.Y.
their own electric plants ; also, to explain For all small machines, and in many of FIG. 5.
the windings of those forms of armatures
most extensively used. drum core is necessarily wound with the
Direct-current armatures are in general drum winding, the ring core can be wound
divided into two forms—drum armatures, with either the ring or the drum winding.
The simplest form of ring winding is the
two -circuit single winding ; a continuous
winding encircles the cross -section of the
ring and taps are taken off to the commu
tator at regular intervals, as shown in Fig.
1. The same winding used in a multipolar
S S machine with four poles and brushes is ,
shown in Fig. 2. In both cases the num
ber of convolutions is made much smaller
than would be found in practice, in order
to simplify the sketches.
In machines where it is advisable to re
duce the number of brushes to two, the
commutator is sometimes cross-connected,
as indicated in Fig. 3.
The most common form of drum wind
ing of the hand -wound variety is shown in
Power, X. X , Power, N. Y Fig. 4. Fiber pegs placed in slots at each
FIG. I. FIG. 2. FOUR - POLE RING WINDING . end of the armature form spaces for the
coils . The coil is started at a on the com
in which the conductors are placed wholly considerable size, the winding is of double mutator. end and the wire is wound over
on the outside of a cylinder of iron ; cotton -covered round wire. Where the re- the end to the space b, thence around the
and ring armatures, in which the conduc- quired carrying capacity is more than that armature until the requisite number of con
of a wire of No. 8 B. & S. gage, the con- volutions is in place. The armature is then
N turned over and a second coil started at c
ductor should be stranded. In large ma
and carried through the space d. The third
chines, rectangular copper bars, cables of
twisted copper, and in some cases large coil is carried through the spaces e and f,
cables compressed into rectangular shape, and so on until all the spaces are filled and
are used. If the copper bars are too wide, each alternate one has coil terminals pro
or wide enough so that one edge of the bar truding. The beginning of one coil is con
nected to the end of the next, as shown in
a d
Fig. 5. The ends are then twisted together




Power , N , X
O d


FIG . 6.

Power, Y.Y.

tors are wound on an annular core, the enters the field appreciably ahead of the re and soldered into the commutator lugs . If
conductors being laid on the outside and maining parts of the bar, eddy currents are the winding is more than one layer deep
threaded through the interior. Armatures induced in them. The bars are, therefore, it is advisable to commence each coil for
are divided again into smooth-body and made very narrow, and it is common to the first layer in adjoining spaces. When
toothed. The smooth-body armature core shape the pole- faces a trifle so that the bars the first layer is completed one -half the
May, 1906. POWER 283

spaces will have coil terminals and one-half Fig. 7 represents a plan view of a shown in Fig. 10 - a , or bent into a loop, as
blank -coil ends. Commence the second slotted - drum armature , which is supposed in Fig. 10- b. The two parts of the strip
layer at the last end of the first layer and to be " developed ” or opened out flat. The are drawn apart and shaped over a form ,
continue until it is completed , when every coils are of the rectangular form that were as shown in Fig. II, where b and b' are
space will have coil terminals, the blank commonly used in the older styles of ma- the commutator leads, c the loop end, and
b 6


2 3 7 8 9
Power, ..Y .

Power , N.Y. d and d' the “ sides” or portions that are

imbedded in the slots. After removing the
strap from the form it is thoroughly taped
and shellacked .
FIG . 7. “ DEVELOPMENT " OF SLOTTED ARMATURE. Many modern makes of armatures have
end of the second layer coming over the chines. These coils are pounded in place no bandsretaining
wooden except over the being
wedges protruding
spaces of the first layer which have ter- at the ends with a mallet, and have to be
minals protruding. In winding ring arma- staggered when laid in slots, as shown. V-shaped recesses cut near the top of each
tures it will be observed that the space for siot. Such an armature is shown in Fig.

the coils within the ring is smaller than 1

12, where a and a ' are the bands over coil
ends laid in the slots of the core, b. These
bands are held together by small strips of
tin or brass bent over them and soldered ,
as shown at c and c' . The manner of lay
ing-in formed coils is shown in Fig. 13.
One-half of each coil is laid in one slot
a 6

FIG . 12 .
Power, N.Y.
Power , N.Y.
after another until all of the slots contain
coil sides ; each slot will then be half full .
FIG . 8 FIG. 9. The protruding halves are then placed in
positon . In the sketch the coil c is about
the periphery, so that a greater number of Coil a is laid in slots 1 and 6 ; b, in 2 and to be placed in position in the slot a by
layers must be laid on inside than outside. 7 ; c, in 3 and 8, and so on until the slots means of a piece of sheet-iron or brass, d,
The manner of doing this is shown in Fig. are filled. The coil pitch, i. e., the number used as a pry. When guided into position
6, which is an exaggerated view. The coil of slots on the surface over which the coil the coil is driven home with a narrow piece
starts at a and is carried over the per- extends, varies in different sizes and makes of hard wood, or fiber, and a mallet. The
iphery to the back end and then forward of machines . In some armatures two or
along the inner surface to b. It is then three coils are made up as one , with their
wound over the outside, returning at d, respective terminals protruding. This con

FIG . 10 - a b

Power , V. Y , FIG. 13
FIG . 10 - b

then back and out again at e, and so on, as struction is indicated in Figs. 8 and 9. As coils , e , f, g , etc. , are treated in the same
shown at f and g, until the coil is com- previously stated, some large machines have manner until all are in position.
pleted . It will be evident that if the convo- copper -strap windings. This form is used A pile of finished armature coil is
lutions are wound closely there will be only when there is but one turn per slot. shown in Fig. 14. A slotted-drum arma
one layer on the periphery and two on the This type of coil may be made from aa strip ture core before insulating is shown in Fig.
inner surface, thus equalizing the space. of copper cut down through the center, as 15 , while Fig. 16 gives a view of the same
284 POWER May, 1906.

armature completed, this style having re graphically shown, is shown in Fig. 19. one - coil, and so on , until all the coils are
taining bands at close intervals along the Here the coil extends from slot i to slot wound.
whole periphery. Fig. 17 illustrates coils 12, and from 2 to 13, and so on around the Armature slots are insulated with va
of different styles insulated ready for use. circumference. rious materials , and when rewinding an ar
Here, A is a group of three wire- wound In order to space the coils properly and mature it is advisable to use the material
hold them temporarily in position while that was originally employed. Oiled can
winding on a smooth - core ring armature , a vas, oiled paper, thin fibre and mi


coils, each having more than one turn, suitable clamp is required. Such a clamp canite are the materials commonly used.
shaped for a " barrel” or straight-out wind is illustrated in Fig. 21. It consists of two In Fig. 23 a is a section of armature core,
ing ; B is a group of three strap -wound pieces of wood, a and a', with bolts, b and b is the slot before insulating, c is a piece
coils of one turn each , for a wave con b', passing through them near each end . of wood or fiber cut the right width to en
nected winding ; C is a group of three wire Thumb nuts, c and c', serve to clamp the ter the insulated slot snugly, and d and e
wound coils of a “ headed " type, and D is pieces on to the ring. The application of are insulating troughs. Strips of insulating
a group of six wire -wound coils for a sim the clamp is shown in Fig. 22, where a is material of the required width to fill the


ilar type of winding. The coils in the

groups C and D have more than one turn



each. Fig. 18 illustrates an armature par C D

tially wound with strap coils, and an ar FIG. 17 DIFFERENT TYPES OF ARMATURE COILS .
mature partially wound with rectangular
coils which intermesh so as to make only the armature , b the clamp and c the spider . slot and extend over the periphery a short
two layers over the ends is shown in Fig. As each coil is wound , the clamp is moved distance , as shown in the figure, are cut
20 , and an armature end, with coil - pitch over a space corresponding to the width of and doubled over before inserting . The
May, 1906 . POWER
material is then driven in place with the the core and b the insulation. In Fig. 26, globe on a stand in his garden was very
tool c . a is the core, b is a wing of the spider and hot where it faced the sun and cold under
An armature slot with a retaining c and c' are insulating pieces of fiber or neath . He turned it over, and going into
wedge, b, driven in the core a, is shown mica tied in position temporarily with the house apprised his scientific guests
in Fig. 24. The upper half of the coil cords, d, c and e'. The inner and outer of the phenomenon . They went out and
surfaces and ends of the ring are covered
with oiled canvas and heavy paper, as 6
shown at h , then wrapped with cot
ton tape f in the manner shown at
After the core is thoroughly covered
it is shellacked and allowed to dry before d

A drum core insulated in a similar man
ner is shown in Fig. 27, where a represents

O FIG . 19.

is shown at c, and d represents a piece

of insulating material that is placed be
tween the upper and lower halves of the
coils .
the core ; b b', b" and 6"' are retaining fiber
pegs, c is insulation, and d and d insula
tion around the shaft. The canvas and
paper for covering the periphery of the
core must be notched at each end to span
the fiber pegs , as shown in Fig. 28, where
h is the insulating material and a the slot.
Boiler Corrosion and Other Faults.


There is a story, good enough to be

true, to the effect that when the annual
Power , N.Y.

FIG . 24.

found the upper side cold and the under

side hot, and the matter passed off.
Twenty years afterward the same town

Power, N. P.

FIGS. 25 AND 26 .
was again the place of the annual meet
ing, and our former host had as a guest
a German scientific man who had brought
with him a paper on “Why a Brass Ball
Exposed to the Sun's Rays Will Become
Hot Only on the Lower Side.” He had


FIG. 27 .

a' studied the problem for twenty years,

satisfied with the one ( faked ) instance

brought to his notice and not making any
6 experiments, and had brought a highly
scientific contribution to the B. A. meet .
ing as a sort of crown to his life's work.

TU FIG . 22.

Figs. 25 and 26 show how a ring arma-

ture of the smooth-core variety is insu-
Pulver , N.Y.

lated. In Fig. 25, a represents a section of

( )
FIG. 23.

meeting of the British Association took

Power , ..

FIG . 28 .
I am reminded of this story by a little
place at a certain town, one of the enter- underfired shell boiler that I found in a
tainment hosts found that a hollow brass village in Yorkshire. The crown of the
Power, N.Y.
286 POWER May, 1906.
steam space was thickly pitted by old cor- as a result of incrusted openings to water- boilers by weight at one time and I have
rosion, now quite inactive, and at first glass fittings so that the gage showed seen a boiler sold on that method which
sight it appeared to be a peculiar case of water when there was none. A contrive had bar stays 24/2 inches square at five
corrosion requiring special investigation . ance to prevent this fault is a copper bot- or six places in the length of the shell
But there was an oval patch on the bot- tle connected to the top fitting. This acts across the vertical diameter, the same
tom of the boiler which was very good as a condenser and there is produced a number across the horizontal diameter and
evidence that, like the brass globe, it had constant stream of pure water flowing several similar longitudinal stays, all as
been turned around through 180 degrees, down the gage glass and back into the make-weights, for they could do no ser
probably in order to expose uncorroded boiler through the lower fitting, which is vice in a circular shell .
plates to the pitting and thereby double thereby kept clear of scale. One has heard of dummy rivets, but
the life of the boiler. An old method of feeding was to carry many of the rivets in the old punched
Anyone of considerable experience in the feed pipe in at the bottom of a boiler, plates of a boiler were little more than
boiler work must have frequently en- or when it entered higher up to extend it dummies. The plates were all punched
countered instances where conditions have inside so as to effect the equivalent result. when flat and then bent, and rivets were
suddenly altered and given rise to very Then if anything went wrong with the got in by forcibly approximating blind
different results in a boiler. The worst check valve, or the feed pipe was broken holes by means of a pointed drift. Any
case ever met in my own experience was off, the boiler could blow itself empty " thing that would get the point of a rivet
that of a small boiler which was found to of water. This helped to bring about the to enter would do, and as the rivet was
be rapidly corroding and it was therefore practice of putting the feed inlet above driven the plates drew away and cut the
kept supplied with soda to counteract the the water level. soft rivet half in two. Yet as a rule,
very obvious acidity of the water. The Years ago, no doubt with a view of not plates tore through the rivet holes rather
works were sold to the next neighbor making too many holes in a boiler, one than sheared through the rivets, which
downstream, whose engineer treated this fitting branch was made to carry an outlet proved that the plates were probably
boiler exactly as he treated the much more pipe to which was attached the boiler worse injured than the rivets by the bad
important boilers of the original works of stop valve and the safety-valve. As the treatment.
the purchasers. In a very short time the stop valve would leak hot water from An empty boiler set in brickwork, if
furnace collapsed and the little boiler took other boilers connected to the main and damp, may contain a dangerous steam
wings over a row of houses and fell in the this dropped upon the man cleaning the pressure if the manhole cover is left on.
road beyond. boiler, he would sometimes drive a wooden I have seen where with the safety-valve
When we came to make an investigation plug up the opening of the branch to lever thrown back, the weight of the
into the cause of the disaster we discover stop the drip. If, as sometimes happen- safety-valve had been overlooked, and on
ed that the pump suction of the exploded ed, he forgot the plug, there was no
boiler drew from the stream close by the let for either the safety-valve or out- easing up the heavy manhole cover which
the in place
had only been laid loosely back
walled bank, and that a few yards up- junction valve when opened. The wood- after being once removed, there issued
stream waste pickling acid was discharged en plug was driven even tighter up by a dangerous rush of scalding steam that
into the stream close by the walled bank, the steam pressure, and the end came in had been formed by the heat from the
so that very acid water was pumped into the usual way . The moral of this is brickwork. This would not have occurred
the boiler, with the result stated . Be- that every boiler should have one safety- had the safety- valve been lifted away
tween the exploded boiler and the works valve that discharges into the open boiler from its seat. A mere fraction of an
of the purchasing firm there was a weir house, though it may be loaded five ounce of pressure will be dangerous where
which thoroughly stirred up the water pounds heavier than the other safety wet steam can blow on a man. I have
and mixed the stream of acid with a valve, but the open valve ought to be never seen a satisfactory explanation of
relatively large quantity of water ; hence made to blow daily by being eased up the fact that one may wash in a certain
the comparative freedom from corrosion by means of an easily accessible lever. portion of the jet of steam from a high
of the purchasers' own boilers and the Then again , many people who ought to pressure boiler and yet low - pressure
very natural supposition of their engi- know better arrange all the boilers in steam is so scalding. It has, of course,
neer that he could safely treat the newly a bank to blow off into a common main something to do with the sudden expan
purchased boiler as he was, with satis- so that if a boiler is being cleaned, with sion of the steam, which is unbearable at
factory results, already treating the boilers its blow - off cock open ; the use of the each side of the point where one can wash
under his charge, seeing that they drew blow -off on another boiler may scald the in it by careful handling.
their feed supply from the same stream cleaner in the standing boiler. Every Observation of numerous cases of burn
I never met an instance where such boiler should blow off into its own sump ed plates exposed directly to the fire have
good intentions went so far " agley , " and tank with a liberal escape for steam to the shown that two 38 -inch plates riveted to
this case, which attracted some attention atmosphere, and the water may then flow gether in the furnace of a boiler are prac
at the time, may well be borne in mind to away from the tank by a not too large tically never found to suffer. If 7/16
serve as a warning never to accept a syphon overflow quite free from pres- inch thick they will show occasional
common-sense reason as a satisfactory ex sure . signs of overheating, while if 1/2 inch
cuse for any method of working. Even if One of the worst features of a shell thick they may be frequently found not
the incoming and departing engineers had boiler is the gradually-disappearing dome only with signs of overheating but with
compared notes , the incoming man could Originally it was large and attached to the plate edges cracked from the rivet
be fairly excused for supposing that the the boiler shell over an opening as large holes . This is partly the effect of the
retiring man had been using soda ex- as could be cut. Things were improved thicker plates, but it is also partly due
travagantly. Blame attached to the in- when the opening to the dome was made to the fact that the thinner plates are
spector in this case, because the boiler only large enough for inspection pur- in closer metallic contact.
had exploded so very soon after he had poses, but the curved plate of the shell There is a habit among some makers
made an inspection , but I had very little can never make a rigid stay across the of pressure gages of wedging the mechan
doubt that at the time when he saw the opening of the dome, for it has pressure ism with a bit of cork to prevent injury
boiler it was strong enough and that boil- on both sides ; domes ought to be during transit . They screw the back on
ing dilute acid inside it was more than strengthened by a flat straight stay form- again and there is nothing to show the
enough to exonerate him . ing a chord across the opening. presence of the cork. There are reasons
Explosions have been known to occur There was a curious practice of selling to suppose that such a practice may have
May, 1906 . POWER 287

caused one very disastrous boiler explo- Trials of Producer - Gas Plants. Mining and Applied Mechanics held at
sion, for seeing no considerable reading Liége last year.
of the gage, the safety-valves were tight BY R. E. MATHOT . From the practical knowledge acquired
ened down when they showed " leakage" by the testing of nearly 400 engines with
of steam , and no one knows what the Several English and American periodi- in these last 15 years, I have been en
pressure was when things let go. cals have published and discussed the abled to appreciate how great is the
An inexperienced inspector of boilers suction producer plant trials which were importance of adopting general rules like
has no conception of the many stupid and carried out by the Highland Agricultural those suggested by the American Society
senseless coincidences of human fallibil- Society of Scotland at the Glasgow of Mechanical Engineers, and I venture
ity and constructional error that will com- Show. The results have led to much crit- to call special attention to the manner by
bine to produce disaster. Until regular icism because the experts in charge of which the coal consumed in the generator
boiler inspection became the rule, these these trials had not adopted certain rules should be measured.
coincidences did not tend to cures, but which in modern practice are considered As the combustion of the coal takes
when instances of similar coincidences Water Pipe
were brought together into one office and Blow -off
under the observation of one set of men, Plug Door
mere casual affairs began to take the form Fuel Cover
of a definite danger apt to be repeated, Valve Charging
and it became possible to make rules Fuel H Scrubber
against such happenings. But one can Water Blow -off
not make a thing perfectly safe . A new Steam Pipe Pipe
and Air Water Vaper
boiler may have its safety-valves so ar Pipe Inlet Chamber
ranged that they cannot be screwed down Fan Overflow
to Ashbox
until the spring is out of action, but the А
Generator Connecting
B Casing Pipe
boiler repairer comes along and alters Standpipe

things , and one might as well have a stop Firegrate
Door PiperaSeal Door
valve spindle as the spring gear of a bad Ashbox
Door Bos
spring valve. Overflow
A single key may be provided for the
blow - off cocks of a bank of boilers, which Drain Box Chamber
cannot be taken off a blow -off cock un
til this is closed. But the key becomes VIA
lost and a new one is obtained. Then the FIG . I. ARRANGEMENT OF PRODUCER PLANT.
lost key turns up and there are two keys,
and the fact is only discovered when quite indispensable to ensure the accuracy place in a sort of closed vessel, it is hard
some man is scalded ; hence the rule that of the results obtained. ly possible to watch its behavior ; special
American engineers and experts, more attention therefore must be given to the
each boiler should have its separate waste
tank . than any others, consider that these rules checking of the consumption . Under the
There is no compulsory boiler inspec must be strictly adhered to since in 1901 most favorable conditions, a test, to be
tion in England, but trouble arises the American Society of Mechanical En- serious, must last for a period of from
when a boiler goes wrong and it cannot gineers were the first to suggest the use 8 to 12 hours in order that one may de
be shownby that
has been in- of an elaborate program of rules and rive from it the same data that would be
the boiler person. Every data to be recorded in scientific
spected a competent a test on obtained from a test under practical
boiler owner can choose his own in motive power machines . working conditions, so that the slightest
cause of error will be detected or nulli
spector and is free from the red tape fied .
arbitrary methods of police or city offi
cials who are apt to be unfit for the As the fuel swells during its combus
tion, its bulk varies from the commence
duties they perform and, “ dressed in a ment to the end of the test. Therefore it
little brief authority, ” are very apt to be is necessary to ascertain the amount of
disobliging and arbitrary. With entirely BE coal consumed in a certain time, not only
voluntary associations of the types of the
Hartford Company in America, the re to reckon what has been put in the pro
ducer but also to clean the grate and
sult is that this country has, I believe, a
consolidate the fire at the end, as well as
better record than any other in respect
of freedom from boiler accidents . But at the beginning, of the test. Moreover,
when we do have them they are usually before filling up the generator with fuel
worthy of the name because they take
place with sound , strong boilers that
don't burst for a trifle, and a real full
powered English boiler explosion is some
times to be proud of. It serves the local
ity as a datum from which to reckon
local happenings—so long before or after
" the explosion ." DL'CER .

In placing concrete in two layers it is to its initial level, the fire should be
desirable to place the top layer before the Since that time the growth of the suc- thoroughly poked from top to bottom , so
first is set, or, in case this rule cannot be tion producer plants having been very that any hole or arch due to caking of
followed, a firm bond is secured by thor- considerable, and increasing daily, I have the fuel shall be destroyed. In order to
oughly scratching the first layer while it is been led to present a report on the sub- demonstrate the importance this may have
soft. ject to the International Congress of upon accuracy of the results obtained ,
288 POWER May, 1906.
I have kept records of both methods, and mined level. The weight of fuel added ated valves and magneto - electric ignition.
feel justified in saying that the results of during the trials was noted at frequent The smaller engine, designated “ FS ,” was
tests with fuel measured by both methods intervals, and at the end of the trial the fitted with a single fly -wheel, and the
will give a difference of from 4 to 8 per generator was refilled to the original larger ones with two fly -wheels outside
cent. at full load and from 10 to 12 per level, the weight of fuel observed, then the crankshaft bearings. The engines

Engine Reference letter ... FS IS JS

Diameter of Piston ... 198. 7 10 11
Stroke 16 19 20
Revolutions per minute .. 220 190 180
Diameter of Flywh'ls , ins . 57 63133 66 15
Thickness of Rope, mm . :
( 1 ) For the positive load 27 33 34
( 2) negative 13 13 10
Radius to be taken into
consideration .... mm .:
( 1 ) For the positive load 737 827 856
(2) negative “ 730 817 844

" FS ” and “ IS” were governed on the

" hit and miss" principle and " JS " by va
9-H.P. ENGINE. riable admission of the mixture by means
of a throttle valve controlled by the gov
cent. at half load, the smaller consump- after poking and consolidating and clean- ernor.
tion being that recorded without poking ing the grate, the generator was filled up Rope brakes were arranged on the fly
before refilling
The consumption derived from the lat again and the total weight noted. wheels, one of the ends being attached to
The aengines
ter method leads to fictitious results, with single are of the
cylinder horizontal
, working on type,
the the weight to be lifted, and the other to
whilst the first method gives the true re a spring balance, from which the neces
sults to be considered . The accompany four -stroke cycle with mechanically -oper- sary tension to regulate the friction was
ing records of tests made on producer



gas engines give some interesting data Performance.

regarding these facts :
Report of a Trial of three Gas Engines Engine Reference Letter ....
and Suction Producers manufactured Full Load ! Half Load Full Load Half Load Full Load
by Tangyes, Ltd., Cornwall Works,
Duration of test, hours 10 10 10 10 8
Birmingham : Average positive brake load , lbs ... 103.86 51.43 * 231.70 129.83 365.5
Average negative brake load , 17.97 3.96 * 34.7 25.0 67.96
Average speed in revolutions per minute .. 225.06 226.61 197.06 197.58 186.05
Corresponding brake horse-power 8.896 4.931 19.736 10.711 29.461
Average of the mean . effective pressures,
lbs. per sq . in . 73.816 71.242 74.811 72.962 81.638
Per cent. of useful cycles ... 5.8 58.6 84.9 54.3
Indicated horse- power, based on the use.
ful cycles . 11.0933 7.4833 23.6516 14.73 36.34
Relation between brake and indicated pow .
er , ... ·per cont . 80.2 65.8 83.8 72.7 81.0

* 227.99 - 35.44 during two hours and + 232.69 — 34.51 during eight hours.
FIG . 7. FULL - LOAD DIAGRAM FROM 30-H.P. Fuel Consumption and Heat Distribution.

Engine Reference Letter .... FS IS JS

The object of these tests was to deter
mine the power, the manner of working Full Load | Half Load | Full Load Half Load Full Load
Operating condition
and the consumption of fuel of the sev Gross hourly consumption of coal , mea
eral engines when working at full load sured before consolidating fuel by pok
ing and cleaning fire .. 7.140 4.195 14.605 8.862 19.973
and at half load. These engines were Gross hourly consumption of coal, mea
taken from ordinary stock just as sent sured after these operations, .lbs . 7.738 4.744 15.505 9.987 20.910
B. t. u. expended per hour ( as per second
out to customers, and in no way specially method ) 109,827 67,335 229,060 141,742 312,252
B. t, u , in the coal per brake horse -power.. 12,345 13,655 11,150 13,233 10,598
prepared or arranged for the purpose of B. t. u. per brake horse-power absorbed by
cooling water of engine 3,381 5,030 3,345 2,840 3,550
trial. The engines tested were supplied Per cent. of B. t . u. represented
By effective work 20.7 18.7 22.9 19.3
with gas from suction producers of the 27.7 37.3 30.4 21.7
loss through
By losses cooling water ........
Tangye type, comprising a generator with By through the exhaust
Radiation and the producer ( by differ
an internal vaporiser, a scrubber and a ence) 51.6 44.0 46.7 59.0 42.0
gas reservoir. The consumption of fuel Total coal consumption per hour per brake
of measuri'g 0.85 0.74 0.827 0.678
Ditto , by second first method
bymethod 0.802
was ascertained as follows: 0.869 0.962 0.785 0.932 0.709
Residuals gathered under grates of gener
After cleaning the firebars and consoli ators after tests for the entire duration
of same : Good Coke . lbs. 1.5 2.37 2. 1.99 1.7
dating the fuel by a thorough poking, the Ashes 3.36 4,5 4. 2.14 3.7
generators were charged to a predeter
May, 1906 . POWER 289

derived. Counting apparatus was fitted Suggestions for Erecting Engineers. ing, and the erecting man is then pro
to record the number of revolutions, as tected, in case things do not come out as
well as the number of explosions. Read BY STERLING H. BUNNELL . expected and other men try to go back
ings were taken at regular intervals. on their word. All extra work , over
We took during the trials a series of The erecting man must be a resource- time, running engines in service after
diagrams and of graphics of explosions, iul and competent machinist, and more. they are ready for acceptance , doing work
with a view to ascertaining the work indi- Being entrusted with his company's in- regularly belonging to local workmen ,
cated by the engines and the phases of the terests away from home his conduct re- and all such matters should be covered
different cycles . See Figs. 2 to 7. flects credit or discredit on his employer. by written orders so that the responsi
We also proceeded with the calori- At times he must appear in the office of bility may be clearly set forth. Remem
metric and the chemical analyses of the the purchaser as his company's agent ber that while the erecting man's pay
gas produced by the generators. In addi- to discuss questions of the work covered comes regularly from his employer, it
tion to this, we noted the quantity of by contract, or modifications in any must eventually be made up by cash re
CO in the products of combustion . This other portion of the construction which ceived from somebody or other. Wher
did not exceed i per cent. he believes will be for the purchaser's ever possible, arrangements for payment
The coal was Scotch and Welsh an- interest or which will assist his employ- for items of extra work should be made,
thracite of the following composition : er, At other times, as a workman , he and reported to the home office for pro
Scotch . Welsh . must direct the work of other men, rig- per billing
Carbon . 87.40 )
gers, masons; machinists, pipe fitters and SETTING TEMPLATES.
Hydrogen .
Oxygen and Nitrogen , 4.200 3.950 the like, and must know enough of all
Ashes 5.800 3.200
these trades to be able to give intelli This work must usually be done in
100.000 100.000 gent instruction and lend a hand if re half - finis hed build ings under unpleasant
Remarks on the Results of the Tests. quired. Whether as the agent of his circumstances. Go to the architect's of
The dimensions of the engines " FS ” employer or as foreman in charge official representative, by no means to any
and " IS " are amply sufficient for realizing workmen, the erecting man should not subordinate, for the future floor level
the powers of 8.5 and 20 brake horse- forget his responsible position, and at which the engine base is to be set, see
power respectively. These powers are ob- should avoid producing on the men work that there is given a permanent mark on
tained with an average pressure not ex ing for him or on the purchaser's em some wall or pillar, and check it by
ceeding 65 pounds per square inch and the ployers an undesirable impression, either measurements from some foor or fixed
real average pressure attained 75 pounds by an unnecessarily dirty or careless point so that in case the engines are
per square inch. personal appearance, or by slow and found wrongly placed, the blame will
We have accounted for the consump- dawdling movements when at work. At fall where it belongs, Put the template
First, by fill- best the erecting man has to depend on
tion of fuel in two ways : together carefully in accordance with the
ing up the producers at the end of the his employer's general knowledge of his letters marked on the pieces, and if there
tests before consolidating the fuel by character to defend him against the of- is any difficulty in doing this do not be
ten undeserved criticisms which are di satisfied to conclude that mistakes have
poking the fire and clearing the grate ;
second, by filling up after consolidating rected against him to cover other men's been made by the carpenter, but study
and poking. The second is the only accu- faults and shortcomings. it carefully and compare it with the draw
rate method and is the one I usually All official communications should go ings . In setting the template the first
make use of ; it is from the figures given direct to the office of the purchasing com- thing is to make the acquaintance of the
by it that I have deduced the efficiencies. pany or to the individual purchaser him- mason contractor for the buildings, and
The first method was used in certain pub- self. It is not enough to caution sub- co-operatewith him . He usually has
lic tests recently carried out in Scotland, ordinate employees against results of on hand a stock of rough lumber from
the results of which were published . It carelessness or to complain to them about which he can spare the necessary planks
is quite unsatisfactory, and is used here details of the construction of the plant. to make temporary cross-bars over the
merely for purposes of comparison . All communications should be made to top of the foundations at the proper level,
The mechanical efficiency of the engines the superintendent, general manager or supported by walls if possible but if not
is very favorable, since it exceeds 80 per other person in authority, and it is well by stakes driven well outside of the
cent . , although the effective power re- to make such communications in writ- foundations, or by struts from the floor
mains about 15 per cent. below the figure ing when they are of great importance, above. Lay the template on these planks,
which it may attain for the engines " FS ” and always to advise the erector's em level it carefully, get the center lines true
and “ IS . ” The thermal efficiency of ployer of all such matters, and have them with whatever wall or other line the
0.241 , shown by the engine “ JS," is most confirmed by him when desirable. On architect's representative has given, and
remarkable for an engine and producer the other hand, in view of the fact that see that the bolts are about one- half inch
plant of 29 brake horse -power. the chief engineer and other employees higher than necessary at the upper ends
are selected by the purchaser to look af- in case of any small irregularity in the
An applied science reference room was ter his interests, they are presumably finished foundations. After hanging the
established last September in connection capable of understanding the reason for bolts in the template get the mason to
with the free library of the Pratt Insti- giving proper attention to machinery and build up a shovelful of concrete under
tute in Brooklyn, New York. In this for doing things in the best way, and the each washer to anchor the lower end of
room are kept the current journals of the erecting man will find his work very the bolt and secure it against displace
different trades, together with reference much helped by making friends with all ment.
books and files of bound periodicals, re- men about the plant and taking care to The mason building foundations is ex
lating to engineering and the arts. A reciprocate the favors he receives. pected to see that bolts are loosened in
collection of trade catalogues is also be- Instructions for locating the machinery concrete, to leave a smooth outside sur
ing formed. The library is on Ryerson and connecting up with the work face and top where foundations show
Street, between DeKalb and Willoughby of other contractors should be obtained above the foor, and to attend to grout
Avenues, is open from 12:30 to 9:30 from the purchaser's chief authority in ing the engine in position after the base
every week day, and the public is invited the form of written orders which may be is placed on the foundation and leveled
to use it freely. Edwin M. Jenks is in preserved . It is not difficult to have di- by the riggers doing the work. This
.charge of the reference room . mensions and such matters given in writ- should be clearly understood when mak
290 POWER May, 1906.
ing the contract for foundation work ; cover, see that the valves are properly stroke. Make sure that the indicator is
but the workmen should be further cau- cleaned, and all parts oiled, and check giving a true picture of the action of the
tioned at the time the work is done, to up the valve setting while turning engine steam in the cylinder. If using a three
save trouble later. Dy hand. In the case of small engines way cock, make sure of the head end of
Remove the template when the con- which are shipped complete or nearly so, the card by making a short mark with
crete is about one foot from the top of it might not be necessary to pay any at- the indicator pencil and at the same time
the foundation, and see that the mason tention to the valve , setting until the pulling or letting back the spring the way
cloes not displace the bolts in filling in steam is on and you can see how the it goes when the piston rod is coming
the last foot and that he stops about one engine runs. out of the cylinder. You can now pro
inch below the engine level and replaces STARTING THE ENGINE . ceed to correct the valve setting as re
the template before the top layer of con Don't hurry ; turn the steam on care quired, remembering always that a plain
crete hardens.
fully, get all the parts thoroughly warm valve motion cannot possibly cut off ex
HANDLING THE ENGINE TO PLACE . and allow the engine to run very slowly actly alike on both strokes, and that it
is best to set the inlet valves for lead
under the control of the throttle for some
The bill of lading is generally sent to first and then to equalize the cut- off as
the time with plenty of oil on the parts. In
pany purchaser, exceptwhich
has a local office where the tocom
attends re- crease to full speed carefully, opening nearly as possible without spoiling the
lead lines. The amount of compression
the valves slowly until the governor acts.
note The erecting
is to furnish common must
mạn labor, Then try the speed with a small load must be governed by the speed of the en
and with a heavier load. If within two gine and the back pressure carried. With
and whether the contract requires him a slow speed Corliss engine, very little
to superintend the erecting,
and, as orsuggested
merely speed,
try thein speed
one hundred
to start the engine, with all of
the the
off. compression will do under usual condi
If tions, but with high speed the compres
above, should
orders for see that
anything he ofhas
outside this.written this thecondition,
engine runs much faster under
look for excessive lead, sion must be increased. It is rarely pos
or for leaky steam valves, and prepare sible to arrange a high speed engine to
A box list is sent to the purchaser's run noiselessly with back pressure vary
office or to the erecting man , to assist to take indicator cards to determine the
cause of the trouble. ing between 26 inches of vacuum and 5
in finding the articles first wanted as pounds or more above the atmosphere as
well as in checking up the whole ship INDICATING.
required by some heating systems with
ment. It is well to arrange that the con- The indicator is an instrument of pre- out changing the exhaust valve setting
tract for cartage shall include leveling cision rather than a tool , and must be between these extremes . The compres
the engine on the foundations . After carefully and intelligently handled. The sion with double eccentric valve gears
the erecting man checks the work and scale of the spring selected should be can be made as desired by setting the ec
verifies it, the mason building the found- about two-thirds the boiler pressure car- centric ahead or back, and any movement
ation grouts under the engine . The grout- ried, as 60 spring for 100 pounds boiler here will show on the compression much
ing in case purchaser furnishes founda pressure, and in the case of low pressure more than on the release. With single
tions, may somtetimes be expected of the cylinders of compounds, about two-thirds eccentric gears of the single valve type
engine builder, but is not regularly part of the receiver pressure. Be careful to see it is necessary to cut out the exhaust lap
his work. After the grouting is set and that the pencil motion is attached SO of the valve enough to bring the com
the foundation bolts tightened, the sub- as not to run too far either up or down. ' pression down to a reasonable amount
base of a high speed engine may be filled Before attaching the indicator see that the under light load, a general rule being to
with sand if the purchaser desires. This pipes and cock are thoroughly cleaned by make the friction load card show a figure
filling is only necessary where the slight- blowing steam through them under full eight loop, the compression line crossing
est noise is objectionable, as in office pressure. Put a small quantity of cylin- the expansion line about two-thirds of
buildings. Next finish setting the engine der oil into the indicator cylinder, hold the way up. With single -eccentric re

frame on the sub-base, place the shaft ing the instrument upside down, and then leasing Corliss gears, the steam valves
and put the throttle valve in place. This screw it firmly to place. If using a pen- must release and cut off steam before the
work is conveniently given to the rigger cil point sharpen it carefuly with sand eccentric' turns its center, and if required
where possible, as it makes it unnecessary paper or a fine file, and adjust the stop to range up to three - eighths stroke with
to send an erecting man except to check screw so that the pencil will mark clearly quick acting dash pots both release and
the leveling until the machinery is to be but not hard enough to interfere with compression are later than desirable.
started . The bolts for the frame and its free motion . Next connect the cord,
throttle valve should be shipped in one making it exactly the right length to
box, so that no other need be opened avoid striking the drum stops at either All governors are tested and set at the
by the rigger. If the erecting man has extremity of the motion . An indicator shop, and should operate properly with
done the work up to this point, he should rig is usually provided with each engine, but little adjustment. If regulation ap
now find out how much delay there will but if not furnished, a reducing wheel , ' pears to be faulty, first find out exactly
be in getting the steam connections made lazy tongs or any of the well known what speeds the engine assumes with
and having the other parts of the plant rough -and -ready rigs may be arranged. a small load and with nearly full load,
ready for starting the engine, and get Take two or three cards from the en- adjusting the spring or weight to bring
instructions from his employer whether gine under ordinary conditions and look one of these speeds right, and adding
to remain or to go elsewhere in the in them over . If the lines are ragged and weight or changing the direction of spring
terim . irregular make sure that the string and pull as required to bring the light load
ASSEMBLING . indicator motion are in line and running and full load speeds as close together as
There is usually plenty of important smoothly and not too loose in connec- is desirable. Excessive speed when run
work requiring the erector's best ability, tions, and that the piston is not stick- ning without any load is probably due to
and he should save his time for such by ing. A perfectly flat steam admission leaking steam valves or too much lead with
employing laborers to clean off the grease line with a sharp square corner at cut- the governor in no- load position . Conden
used to protect parts during shipment off, unless taken by a very slow running sing engines with non-releasing valves
and to do other rough work. Having engine, is suspicious' and suggests that are likely to run several revolutions fas
put all the parts together in accordance the indicator piston is striking the top ter with all load off, and this condition
with the shop marks , remove the chest of its cylinder, or sticks at the top of its is often necessary in order to get suffi
May, 1906 . POWER 291
cient lead and steam opening when run- Catechism of Electricity . - XIII. degrees ( the complete cycle of either
ning with regular load. electromotive force or current being 360
ACCEPTANCE , 267. In an ordinary alternating -current degrees ) , represents the value of the “an
Having put the engine in good order circuit is the flow of current impeded in gle of lag ” or difference in phase of cur
throughout, a last look should be taken any way ? rent behind electromotive force.
over everything to discover any faults Practically all electrical circuits contain 269. Must other than the impressed elec
which may be brought up by the purcha at some part of them apparatus consist- tromotive force be considered in the treat
ser's representatives. When the erect ing of coils of wire wound on iron cores . ment of an inductive circuit ?
ing man believes his work is well done Such apparatus, as was previously ex- Yes, in every inductive circuit there are
and that the engines are in good servicea- plained in answer to Question 166, inten- three electromotive forces to be consid
ble condition throughout, he should at sifies the effects of electromagnetic in- ered. These are the impressed electro
once apply for an official and formal ac duction, producing an electromotive force motive force applied to the circuit, the in
ceptance of the plant, notifying the pur which opposes the original or impressed ductive electro -motive force which op
chaser that the responsibility for the electromotive force, and thereby hinders poses the impressed, and the "working"
care of the engines will hereafter rest the flow of current. This counter electro- electromotive force which is the result
with his employees. If there is any demur E ant of the impressed and inductive elec
about accepting the engines as they are, tromotive forces.
the erecting man should find out exactly 270. Represent graphically the relation
what further work is demanded , doing which these three electromotive forces.
promptly that which will not incur any bear to each other .
great amount of expense or delay his de Referring to Fig. 58, the curve E re
parture seriously, and explaining care presents the variations of the impressed
fully his views with regard to demands electromotive force during one complete
for work which is in his opinion un- FIG. 56. E.M.F. AND CURRENT CURVES IN cycle, and the curve Ei the variations of
necessary or not covered by the contract. NON -INDUCTIVE CIRCUIT . the inductive electromotive force, this
Having brought about a clear under latter curve lagging behind the current
standing of the points at issue which he motive force, or inductive electro- curve ( not shown here) by one - fourth of
cannot himself dispose of these should force, which is proportional to the square a cycle or 90 “ degrees ”, and being consid
be referred to the home office for de of the number of turns of wire in the ap erably behind the impressed electromotive
cision. A complete acceptance, or at least paratus producing it, therefore tends to force curve E.
a conditional acceptance covering the cause the alternating current to lag be- The inductive electromotive force curve
part of the work already done, and in hind the impressed electromotive force lags 90 degrees behind the current because
cluding a good word for himself and his in its changes of strength ; in other words ,
it causes the current to reach its maxi E Ew
work, should be secured in writing, and
the home office notified in time for a re mum value each time a little later than the Ei
ply before he leaves the work. impressed electromotive force attains its
maximum . m
The erecting engineer who establishes
a record for prompt handling of work, 268. Can this be illustrated by a diagram ?
avoidance of disagreements with others Yes ; the relative values of the electro
while carefully looking out for his em motive force and current throughout one
ployer's rights, and invariably returns cycle are shown by the curves in Figs. 56 FIG. 58. CURVES OF IMPRESSED, INDUCED
from outside work with a commendatory and 57, the former representing the case AND RESULTANT E.M.F.'s.
letter in his pocket can usually select of an alternating current in a non -induc
his own employer and command his own tive circuit, and the latter that of an in- it is necessarily maximum when the lines
price. ductive circuit. In Fig. 56, the current I , of magnetic force induced by the current
is in phase or in step with the electromo- are changing most rapidly, and this occurs
To cast one - half of a large belt- wheel tive force, E , the maximum and mini- not when the current is at its maximum ,
to match a half cast by another foundry mum values of both current and electro- but when it is passing from positive to
and at another time, is a difficult feat motive force occurring at the same time. negative, or from negative to positive
which has just been successfully accom-
In Fig. 57, representing the case of an al- crossing the zero line. When the current
plished by the H W. Caldwell & Son ternating current in an inductive circuit, is at its maximum value, the inductive
Co., of Chicago. One of the halves of an the current, I, reaches its maximum and electromotive force is zero, so that there
18- foot wheel with a 42- inch face was minimum values after the electromotive is a difference of phase of 90 degrees be
dropped into the wheel-pit during the force, E, has reached these respective tween them.
process of erection and broken . Drill The resulting working electromotive
ings were taken from the other half and force is shown by the curve E , in Fig.
a mixture made which would have the 58. This curve is the resultant of the im
same shrinkage and density. The wheel pressed electromotive force curve E and
was bolted together on balancing horses a o the inductive electromotive force curve
when finished and the new half found Ei; in other words, any point on the curve
to be only 94 pounds lighter than the old, E, is above or below the zero line, a dis
the total weight being 27.806 pounds. tance equal to the algebraic sum of the
FIG. 57. E.M.F. AND CURRENT CURVES ; IN distances from the zero line to the curves
The coefficient of expansion of concrete, DUCTIVE CIRCUIT. E and Ei at the corresponding points.
of the proportions i : 2 : 4, by heat, has When, therefore, the curves E and Ei
been determined as 0.0000055 for 1 ° F., values. The current in this case therefore are both above the zero line, the sum of
which is almost the same as that of untem- is not in phase with the electromotive their ordinates at any point will give the
pered steel, which is 0.0000060. force, but lags behind it by a certain a- desired point for the curve Ex but where
mount which in Fig. 57 is indicated by E and E. are on opposite sides of the zero
Neither moisture nor machine oil should the ordinates a, 0. The distance from a line the difference between the lengths of
be allowed to accumulate on belts. to 0, measured on the horizontal line in their ordinates at any point will be the
292 POWER May, 1906.

length of the corresponding ordinate of E= I x 2. V 602 – 502

L= = 0.0737
the curve E .. The relation between resistance, reactance 6.2835 X 25 X 5
271. How does all this affect the cur- and impedance is given by the formulas The inductance of the circuit under nor
rent in the circuit ?
= VR ? + X
2 = ; mal working conditions is, therefore, 73.7
It is the resultant electromotive force millihenrys.
that determines the current in an induc R = V Z? X? ; and
tive circuit, and the current is in phase X = V Z2 R? Some Practical Kinks.
with that electromotive force, not with the
277. Calculate the value of an alter
impressed electromotive force. BY WILLIAM KAVANAGH .
272 Give a formula for calculating nating current having a frequency of 60
the value of an alternating current in an cycles in a 1000 -volt inductive circuit in
which the resistance is ii ohms, and the Probably one of the most troublesome
inductive circuit. things in the modern high - pressure steam
inductance 50 millihenrys.
If E = the impressed electromotive These figures give the following values plant is the leaking of the main steam
force, R = the resistance of the circuit in to the symbols involved : E = 1000 ; RE lines ; although special joints are employ
ohms, f = the frequency of the e.m.f. , L = ed in the erection of such mains, leakage
the coefficient of self-induction, II ; L = 0.05 ; f = 60. From the two lat
1 = the strength of the current in am
ter, X = 6.2832 X 60 X 0.05 = 18.85 ; this occurs and it is usually in a place in the
peres, then 6.2832 X 7E XL = x,
X and is the reactance of the circuit ; the imped- line that is particularly difficult to reach.
ance, therefore, is At this plant, two hundred pounds pres
E sure is carried and it is found rather a
I =
V R2 + x ? V 18.852 + 112 = 21.83 ohms, hard task to keep the steam mains leading
273. Is this also the formula for cal and the current that 1000 volts would to the engines tight.
culating the value of an alternating cur force through this impedance is The leaks generally occur between the
rent in a non - inductive circuit ? 1000 flanges and the piping as shown in Fig.
= 45.81 émperes. I at A. The writer has noticed that leak
It applies to a non -inductive circuit, 21.23
but in such a circuit the value of L is 278. Determine the impressed electro- age occurs principally where the nipples
zero because there is no self-induction. motive force necessary to force a current are slack or where the fittings are tapped
Consequently the factor X, which includes of 25 amperes through a circuit in which too large
L, becomes zero, leaving in the denom- the reactance measures 6 ohms, and the
inator simply the yRP which is equal to resistance 14 ohms.
R. The formula therefore reduces to the The reactance and resistance being 6
direct -current formula ( =
E and 14 ohms respectively, the impedance
R. will be ✓ 62 + 14 % = 15.23 ohms , and
274. What the inductance of a cir . to force 25 amperes through this imped
cuit ? ance would require 15.23 X 25 = 380.75
Its ability to induce a counter electro
motive force. The inductance and the co-
volts .
279. If a circuit had a resistance of 5
efficient of self-induction are the same. ohms and a voltage of 1000 produced in I. FIG.
Inductance is measured in henrys. One it a current of only 125 amperes, how In Fig. 1 , a sectional view of a high
henry is the inductance of a circuit in much inductance would the circuit con- pressure flange joint, it will be seen that
which aa counter electromotive force of one tain, the frequency being 60 cycles ? the pipes are screwed into the flanges suf
volt is induced by the variation of the cur- The impedance must be 1000 = 125 = 8 ficiently far to allow caulking the ends into
rent at the rate of one ampere per sec ohms, and the reactance the recesses , as shown. It is evident from
ond. In practice, however, the inductance ( X = V 2 ' – R ? ) must be equal to
of a circuit never reaches a henry, and it
the sketch that the flanges must be tapped
rather large in order that the nipples may
V 04 — 25 = 6.245 ohms. Since X =
is usually so small that it is more conven be screwed a sufficient distance to allow
ient toworkin“ millihenrys," one milli- or
X L=,then L = henry,
0.016555 X = 6.2832XF,
or 16.565 the pipeto project beyond theflangeface
henry is one -thousandth of a henry. so that the ends may be peened into the re
275. What other units are commonly cess . Should the caulking be well done
used in alternating - current work ! 280. Then in order to ascertain the in- there is no doubt that the joint would
Capacity, reactance and impedance Ca- ductance of a circuit, it is necessary to de- be steam tight. In general however the
pacity will be explained in a future section . termine first the impedance and then the steam fitter depends upon the gasket to
Reactance is the combined effect of induc- reactance ? obtain a steam tight joint. For this rea
tance and frequency of alternations, and Not strictly necessary, but it is usually son the caulking of the nipple into the re
is measured in ohms like resistance. It desirable to know both ; if one desires to cess is poorly done with the result that
is represented by the letter X, and its re- calculate the inductance from a single leakage occurs.
lation to inductance and frequency was formula, the following can be used, but The joint under consideration is in a
shown in the answer to Question 272. it does not save any work over the meth- 10-inch main that is situated in the center
276. What is impedance ? od just explained : of passage-way that connects the engine
The combined effect of resistance and with boiler room . This passage- way is
VE2 - (IR )
reactance . In alternating-current work it = L. used considerably by employees of the
bears the same relation to electromotive 6.2832 X f 1 plant and sometimes by the members and
force and current that resistance does in 281. Show the application of this officers of the firm, and the leakage of
direct-current work. Thus, representing formula by determining the inductance of this joint was therefore unusually annoy
impedance by 2, the current in any cir a circuit having a resistance of 10 ohms ing and dangerous, being liable to scald
cuit is if a current of 5 amperes results from an persons passing beneath it .
E impressed electromotive force of 60 volts . The method adopted to stop this leak
1, the frequency of the current being 25 was illustrated and described in POWER
and the electromotive force required to cycles. some time ago ; it consisted , broadly, of
force a given current through a given cir- Substituting the given values in the caulking the threads with tin - foil. In this
cuit is equal to formula there results case the tin - foil , which is indicated by the
May, 1906. POWER 293

arrows at A , A , is known as " Aorists' tin- the generator was elevated as high as course any steam that leaked from the
foil ; " it can be obtained in very long the limit of the jack would permit, it was stuffing box was condensed and mingled
strips of almost any width. blocked up in this position until the jack with the oil, and after sufficient water had
Before caulking the joint the pressure was blocked up sufficiently high to get accumulated in the oil well the circulating
was removed, the tin - foil was cut into within range again, and by successive pump promptly forced it through the oil
strips about 72 inch wide, and of suffi- manipulations the generator was raised ing system , with the result that smoking
cient length to encircle the pipe, the strips far enough to permit removing the broken hot bearings occurred in a short time.
were then placed around the pipe close base and the insertion of the new one. Fig. 3 illustrates the means adopted to
to the flange and by means of a rather There is a compound automatically- overcome this difficulty. A galvanized
iron tank was placed upon a platform six
feet above the engine, and fitted with a
gage glass as shown . An outlet pipe, A ,
was fitted into the bottom of the tank
so that its upper end extended above the
bottom about six inches. This pipe' deliv.
ers oil through a valve, B, to cross - con

nections leading to the guides and main

A bearings, as indicated in the plan view .
The branch pipes leading from the oil
main terminate just above the oil holes
so that the amount of oil fed to each bear .
blunt cape chisel the foil was driven in lubricated engine at this plant that has ing can be seen ; it was found, however,
between the flange and pipe, the whole given no end of trouble by running hot that the current of air set up by the en
circumference being treated in the same main bearings the . This engine is gine and generator when in motion was
manner. equipped with an oil pump that circulates sufficiently strong to blow the oil away
At first it was thought that the foil the oil through a system of piping to the from the holes. This difficulty was over
would not do, owing to the high pressure main bearings and guides, the crank-pin come by setting short mica tubes into the
and temperature. Some of the " know- being supplied with oil from the main oil holes and making them long enough
alls ” laughed at the use of tin-foil and bearings by centrifugal action. All of the to enclose the ends of the oil pipes . The
were expecting to see the job a failure, oil is returned from the bearings to this mica being transparent there was no
but they were sadly disappointed ; the circulating pump, which forces the same trouble in seeing that each bearing receiv
joint is perfectly tight. oil continuously through all of the bear- ed its proper quantity of oil, the valves
We have a 50-kw. ' Crocker-Wheeler ings while the engine is in operation . If C , D, E, F, being provided for graduating
the rate of feed .
generator belted to a Corliss engine, and this oil pump were only supplied with an
through some accident or carelessness the oil free from water and particles of pack- A short piece of pipe, G, is set in the
bottom of the tank but does not extend
sliding base was broken as shown bying there is no doubt that the engine could
the diagonal line at x , Fig. 2. It was de- be relied upon to run a considerable time into the tank any farther than the lock
termined to put in a new base at once be- without attention . In this case, at least , nut. Should any water be pumped into
the tank it will settle to the bottom , the
cause the belt could not be tightened on the engine was not automatically lubri
account of this break. The method adop- cated, but by means of the change here height of the water in the tank being indi
ted to lift the generator so that the old illustrated and described not one- tenth o : cated by the glass. By opening the valve
the former attention is now required. in the pipe G the water can be drained
base 'could be removed and the new one
inserted is shown in the sketch. An im- The oil circulating pump is located be off without any loss of oil.
provised jack was constructed from a low the bed of the engine and is actuated Should no oil appear at the sight- feeds
it is a fair indication that the oil supply
in tank is not sufficient to overflow into
the pipe A. The deficiency is made good
by pouring in a supply of fresh oil .
The oil pumped in from the pipe I filters
through the filtering beds in the top of the
B tank, eliminating all possibility of stopping
up the oil pipes.
This system of oiling is absolutely safe
D E and reliable, combining a regular auto
matic feed with facilities for oiling “ by
hand" should the oil circulating pump fail.
With the original system any failure of
the pump simply meant a shut - down .

The following lucid account of an ac


34 - inch bolt, nut, and washer and a by means of a link from the valve- rod
cident on one of the Sound steamers actu
ally appeared in one of the New York
dailies recently :
The Warren got up the East River
under a full head of steam and when
she was opposite the Astoria Gas
piece of 1 - inch pipe ; the jack was placed rock-shaft. The oil in flowing from the Company the valve in the gasket which
in position as shown, then by screwing up bearings and guides finds its way into the is part of the injector broke and that
on the nut A and at the same time holding oil well from which the pump draws it to practically disabled the enginę. The
the bolt B from turning, sufficient force to deliver it through the different pipes that boat started to drift with the tide and
lift the generator was obtained . When lead to the bearings and guides. Of the captain threw out the anchor.
by Stroke
Length 294



Automatic Slide
Engines Slide
High Lighting
Engines Corliss
Engines Duty
Lighting Duty

F5/ U 200
B .
5.Ft O
E6 L

7. F1. 6?
11 Rt

12 F1. 0

, .Y.



May, 1906.

May, 1906 . POWER 295

Fly -wheels for Single -cylinder 700,000 for Corliss engines, brake. During the saturated steam tests
Steam Engines . ordinary duty. approximately dry steam was insured at
1,000,000 for Corliss engines, the turbine by slightly superheating the
BY N. A. CARLE. electric lighting. steam leaving the boilers. Its quality was
This formula is graphically presented determined by a throttling calorimeter in
the usual manner. No corrections for
To make an engine run with a constant by the diagram on the opposite page. ,
moisture were made in the economy tests
velocity would require a continuous pro- Example - What should be the weight
cess of adjustment of the effort to the of a fly -wheel for a Corliss engine for on account of the very small amount of
moisture present.
load, so that the amount of work done by electric lighting 18 inches in diameter , 22
the steam in the cylinder would vary in- The steam used by the turbine was
inches stroke, running 160 revolutions per
stantaneously with the amount of external minute, if the diameter of the fly-wheel is passed into a surface condenser and the
work demanded of the engine. limited to 8 feet ? condensation weighed by the alternatt
The regulation of the amount of effort Starting with “ Corliss Engine Electric tank method, proper corrections being af
to meet the load is controlled by some Lighting," read upward to 18 inches “ Di terward applied. Condenser leakage was
type of governor acting on the cut -off or ameter of Cylinder," then across to 22 averaged from tests made before and
the throttle valve . inches “ Length of Stroke, " then down to after the economy tests. Gland leakage
The effort furnished is periodically in- 160 “ Revolutions per Minute , ” then across was likewise separately determined ; alsu
termittent, while the work to be done may to 8 feet “ Diameter of Fly-wheel” and differences in the hight of water in the
be constantly increasing or decreasing, then down to 4350 “ Weight of Fly-wheel.” hot well of the condenser before and after
but never varys directly with the effort. the test were allowed for.
Example - Assuming that the weight Observations of steam pressures and
This would result in a series of impulses and size of a fly-wheel is given as 8000
with different intensities, due to the action pounds and 6 feet diameter, what would temperatures were made close to the tur
of the governor, and acting during a part be the proper speed for a 14 x 24 slide bine throttle ; of the vacuum directly at
of each stroke of the engine, which, when the turbine exhaust. The speed was
valve engine for electric -light service ? determined by a positively - driven recipro
applied to an increasing or decreasing Starting with " Slide Valve Engine Elec
load, would give a varying velocity at cating speed counter . All steam pressures
the driving To keep this
tric Lighting, " read upward to 14 inches referred to in this report are gage press
wheel .: " Diameter of Cylinder ," then across to 24
variation in speed within reasonable ures, not absolute.
inches " Length of Stroke, " and drop a
limits, by storing or absorbing energy vertical line from this point. Then start RESULTS OF EFFICIENCY TESTS.
when the effort exceeds the load and giv- ing with 8000 pounds " Weight of Fly- The complete results obtained under
ing it up when the load exceeds the ef wheel, " read upward to 6 feet " Diameter different conditions are summarized in the
fort, is the function of the fly -wheel. The of Fly -wheel,” and then across to the in- accompanying curve sheet. The extreme
amount of variation of speed in any en tersection of this line with the vertical ly flat water rate curve should be noted
gine depends upon the ratio of the total line dropped from 24 inches " Length and the uniform character of results
energy the fly -wheel has by reason of its Stroke,” giving approximately 107 revolu- shown by the total water line. The dura
motion and weight to the amount of ex tions . tion of each test was one hour.
cess or defect of energy resulting from Any other combination of the variables

the sum of the variations between the ef

can be worked out starting from both Steam Con

Test Load Stoam

fort and the load . The allowable varia sumption


ends of the diagram and reading the de



| Lbs .

tion of speed depends upon the service of sired quantity at the intersection in the


the engine.

same manner as in the last example. BH.P.



Various methods employing energy dia
grams are used to calculate sizes and Efficiency Tests of a 500 - Kilowatt 1. ‫܀‬ 396.0 161.2 99.47 28.03 5908 14.92
weights of fly - wheels under different con 2. 3 | 584.3 152.6 99.50 28.03 8211 14.05
ditions, but for engines of standard de Westinghouse - Parsons Turbine. 3. Full 762.3 153.2 99.45 27.70 10429 13.68

signs and within the usual commercial SUPERH'T'D ST'M

limits, the manufacturer develops an em Ludwig & Co. , engineers, of Atlanta, 5. Full 763.9 153.3 1 28.0 9334 12.22
( 105.2° Superheat)
pirical formula which he knows from ex Ga . , have recently tested a 500 - kilowatt
perience accomplishes what he wants, and Westinghouse -Parsons turbine at the REDUCED VACU'M
6. Full 722.9 148.8 99.53 26.03 10781 14.91
he is not concerned whether it fits some works of the Westinghouse Machine 4. 1-1 1145.5 142.6 99.58 26.30 10429 15.08
7. Full 678.7 148.9 99.73 24.10 10764
other fellow's theory or formula. Company at West Pittsburg, Pa. , and the
9 15.86

Among the various methods of calcu- following is an abstract from their report:
lating fly -wheels for single- cylinder steam The turbine, known as No. 209, was The guarantees of steam consumption
engines is a formula presented by James designed to develop normally 750 brake made for the turbine when operating un
6. Stanwood in his " Ready Reference horse-power, with a steam pressure of 175 der 175 pounds steam pressure at the
Book :" pounds at the turbine throttle, 150 degrees throttle and 28 inches vacuum are as
d's F. superheat and 28 inches of vacuum follows :
W= C
D ? R2 absolute., i. e., reduced to 30 inches baro
where w Weight in pounds. meter, and when running at a speed of Load
Steam Consump. - Lbs. p. B.H.P. • H'r
d = diameter cylinder in inches. 3600 revolutions per minute. Dry Sat , Steam 180 ° Superheat
s = stroke in inches . Although the turbine will eventually Full Load 14.3 12.7

D = Diameter of fly -wheel in feet. drive a 500 - kilowatt polyphase generator 2

R = Revolutions per minute. of the revolving field type, it was particu
The value of C varies with the service larly desired to obtain results at the tur It should be noted that the above results
bine shaft. Consequently, brake tests
demanded, as follows : were obtained with 25 pounds less steam
350,000 for slide valve engines,
were performed, separate electrical tests pressure and 45 degrees lower superheat
being made upon the generators in the than called for in the contract, yet the
ordinary duty.
shops of the builders. guarantees were bettered by 4 to 6 per
700,000 for slide valve engines,
electric lighting. ARRANGEMENT OF TESTS : cent . with saturated steam and 3 per cent
1,000,000 for automatic high-speed The turbine was subjected to different with superheated steam. Applying the
engines. loads by means of a water absorption proper correction to the superheat test,
296 POWER May, 1906.
the steam consumption under 150 degrees sary to reduce the water rates to the same SPEED REGULATION ,
of superheat would have been 11.7 pounds basis, namely, to a given load, which has The speed regulation test showed un
per brake horse-power-hour, or nearly been done in the last column for approxi- usually good governor performance under
8 per cent. better than the guarantee. mately full load. This is also shown wide ranges of load. The curve sheet
EFFECT OF SUPERHEAT ON STEAM graphically on the curve sheet. From shows the speed characteristic. The slight
these results we obtain : change in curvature at about full load
Total increase in water rate per inch corresponds to the point at which the
A comparison of tests Nos. 3 and 5 decrease in vacuum ,
shows that the steam consumption de secondary valve commences to open . The
creases 1.46 pounds per brake horse -pow In per cent. of original speed variations during tests were as
water rate = 3.67 per cent.
27.7 to 26 inches va. follows :
er, with 105.2 degrees of superheat. This cuum = 4.87 per cent .
26.0 to 24.1 inches va
corresponds to about 10.2 per cent. de cuum ..... = 2.44 per cent .
Load R. P. M.
crease per 100 degrees . It will, however, No.
be observed that the vacuum in Test No. These results indicate the desirability of

No load 3663.7
3 was 0.3 of an inch low, and for ac- high vacuum ; also, should the vacuum 7 3623.3
curate results it is necessary to correct fall considerably for any reason the re Full " 3555.3
for this vacuum . Numerous tests have sult would not affect the economy rela ila Over 3539.0
shown that the steam consumption of tively as much as for a small decrease.
Westinghouse - Parsons steam turbines , STEAM CONSUMPTION AT NO LOAD .
The corresponding extreme speed varia
tions were therefore as follows :
changes from 372 to 4 per cent. per inch
of vacuum . The decrease in steam con 2 Load to 142 Overload : 84.3 R.P.M. , or 2.3 %
No Load to Full Load : 108.4 R.P.M., or 3.0 %
sumption then works out about 9.2 per No Load to 1 % Overload : 124.7 R.P.M. , or 3.4%
cent. per 100 degrees. Applying this cor Repeated tests with full load suddenly
rection in turn to the water rate obtained thrown off and on gave the extreme
with superheated steam, it appears that 8 5.8 159 99.51 27.99 712 speed variation from no load to full load
under the conditions for which the tur. as 3.0 per cent., and from full load to
no load as 2.6 per cent.
uüm ura am
18,000 Vac , Diy Sat ste The turbine was designed to sustain a
17,000 Brake
continuous load of šo per cent. above full
load rating. A test was made at this

16,000 150 Lbs. Stean Gage Pressure. 3600 R.P.M. load, and at 26 instead of 28 inches of
14,000 3700
vacuum . The turbine easily sustained for
. team


9000 6
13,000 2
one hour an overload of over 50 per cent.
3 %
12,000 3500
13.6 / B.H.P. 11,160 3.4 % -Speed Variation with an increase in steam consumption of
11,000 3400 14.91 ed 19, 650 24 Vacuum , Dry Saturated Steam
l r r um 13.78 a0t
r 4.850 m
ad but 0.17 pounds per brake horse -power
10,000 Tota Wate per Hou 28 Va
cu y tu
, Dr Sa st 28" Vacuum ,100 -F:Superheat hour, which is equivalent to but 1/2 per
9,000 8 cent . increase in the full - load steam con
sumption . The speed curve shows that,

7,000 through the assistance of the automatic

secondary valve, the limit of capacity of
5,000 the turbine even at low vacuum is con
4,000 Water -Rate Lus. per B.H.P. Hour
d --- siderably in excess of the 50 per cent.
3,000 14
b overload carried on this test.
2,000 *2
These tests also indicate that under
100 200 300 400 500 1 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 practical conditions of service ; where the
vacuum is liable to fall from 28 to 26
EFFICIENCY TEST OF A 500 - KILOWATT WESTINGHOUSE - PARSONS TURBINE. inches on overload, the steam consumption
bine was designed, namely, 150 degrees of The light load shown during this
of the turbine between half load and 50
superheat, the water rate would have been test is caused by the friction and per cent. overload varied by only 472 per
cent. from the average. With a uniform
4.1 per cent. lower than observed, i. e., windage in the water absorption
11.7 pounds per brake horse-power-hour. brake . degree of superheat the variation would
EFFECT OF VACUUM ON CONSUMPTION . The above steam consumption , corre presumably be still less .

The general effect of increasing vacuum sponding with practically no - load run of
As an example of the extremity to which
is to lower the steam consumption more the turbine, represents the amount re the zeal of the country newspaper reporter
rapidly as higher vacua are reached. Con- quired to overcome the internal losses,
versely, with the vacuum below normal and a comparison of this test with full will lead him , vide the following taken
from a Springfield, Mass., newspaper : “ A
the steam consumption will increase less load test No. 3 shows that this no-load large fly-wheel in the Otis Company's No.
rapidly as the vacuum falls . Tests Nos. steam consumption amounts to 7 per cent.
3 mill (at Ware, Mass. ) burst with great
3, 6 and 7 furnish the following results : of the full -load steam consumption with violence this afternoon . This mill will be
saturated steam . closed until next Wednesday.” The fact
Steam Consumption .
Load Vacuum
Assuming that these losses remain con- is that one day last fall a countershaft broke
B.H.P. Actual
At 715 B.H.P. stant up to full load, the practical effici- in the mill in question, with the result that
3. 762
27.70 ins. 13.68 lbs.
13.78 lbs.
ency of the turbine will be 93 per cent., three medium- sized pulleys were broken,
6. 26.03
7. 679 24.10 15.86 16.60 do
and the steam consumption per indicated also. Commenting upon the report in the
horse -power will then be 12.7 pounds daily papers, an official of the company
Total decrease in vacuum, 3.6 inches. per horse-power of saturated steam, and says : “ We have a very zealous local cor
Increase in water rate , 1.82 pounds. 10.75 pounds with 150 degrees superheat, respondent, who is very apt, to use a rough
On account of the different loads car- these figures being mainly of comparative expression , to 'slop over in making his
sied during the several tests it is neces- interest. report. "
May, 1906. POWER 297

Elementary Lectures on Electrical Engineering . - IV . by any paths available. When no iron or

steel is nearby through which the lines
THE ELECTROMAGNET . of force can return to the south end of the
( Continued. )
coil, the calculation of the return flux is
simple. The presence of iron or stee
There are several kinds of electro however, complicates it greatly because of
are indicated in outline by the dottedthe change in magnetic permeability as
magnets, so far as their shape and mag lines .
netic characteristics are concerned, but The attraction exerted by a magnet the magnetic
increases. Thedensity in for
formula the magnetic
iron or steel
all of them work on the one general prin- upon its armature is due to the tendency in any complete path, as stated in the
ciple explained last month : a winding of magnetic " lines of force " to shorten
surrounding the principal part or parts previous Lecture*, is
their path whenever possible ; the move
of the magnet is supplied with electric ment of the armature toward the pole 3.192 XFX и XA =
current, and the latter magnetizes the faces reduces the distance between the Length of path
iron or steel constituting the “ circuit ” of two parts and thereby tens the path but this can be applied only when the
the magnet. This is illustrated by Figs. traversed by the magnetic lines. The complete path is all of the same cross
7, 8 and 9, which represent the simplest spaces between the magnet poles and the sectional area and permeability. When
forms of electromagnet proper. In all armature are called the " air -gaps ;" no the path is divided into sections of differ
cases, the parts surrounded by the wind-"
matter whether there be any other non- ent characteristics, each section must be
ing are termed the " core," the movable magnetic material between the magnetic considered separately. Therefore, in the
part attracted by the magnet is the " arma- parts or not, the distance from the pole- case now under discussion it will be neces
face to the iron or steel of the armature sary to modify the fundamental formula
is the air-gap. For example, it is cus- as follows :
tomary in some cases to attach a thin strip
F - F
of brass or copper to the face of the arm X 3.192 X Ho X Ar = 0 ,
ature to prevent the iron from coming in
to actual contact with the magnet poles in which A , and Lp represent respective
when it is attracted ; in considering the ly the area and length of any path outside
case electromagnetically, the air-gap in- the coil which may be selected ; F = the
FIG. 7.
includes the space occupied by this strip. total ampere-turns in the coil and F. =
Yoke Unlike electricity, magnetism cannot be ampere-turns devoted to forcing the Aux
insulated . The invisible magnetic lines through that part of the magnetic circuit
of force stream from the magnet poles inside the coil ; M p = permeability of
through any material that may be near the external path selected for investiga

them, and return to their main circuit by tion. If the external part of the magnetic
the nearest possible path. For this rea- circuit consists wholly of non -magnetic
son, it is the aim in practice to keep the material, the permeability will be i, so
iron magnetic circuit as nearly complete that my may be omitted from the formula.
as possible so as to keep the leakage down For example, suppose that a magnet coil
Armature to as small a value as possible. With be excited so that it has 500 ampere
FIG . 8.
the armature in actual contact with the turns ; also suppose that its core has a

FIG. 9. FIG. 10. FIG . II .

ture," the ends facing toward the arma- magnet poles there is practically no leak- cross-section of 1/2 square inch and is 3
ture are the " poles," and the part con- age, but this condition is, of course, an in- inches long, the ends being flush with the
necting the core or cores with the un- active one ; the magnet cannot do any ends of the coil . If the core is of an
wound portions is the " yoke.” The type work with its armature against its average grade of soft steel, and the den
shown in Fig 7 has no yoke because the poles. With the armature entirely re- sity should be, say, 90,000 maxwells ( lines
poles are at the ends of the core. The moved, the magnetic lines pass from pole of force ) per square inch in the core, it
magnetic “ circuit” is indicated by the to pole in curved lines and also leak will take 120 ampere-turns to force this
broken line C in each case . It will be around from poles to yoke, as indicated in flux through the core. Then the flux that
noticed that in Fig 9 the circuit divides in Fig. 11 . will pass along any given external path
the yoke and armature and follows two The probable paths that magnetic lines from end to end of the core and coil will
return paths through the outside magnet will take may always be estimated be equal to
legs ; these two legs are the equivalent of by considering each exciting coil as a 500 I 20
a single leg of twice their individual cross- seat of pressure acting in a direction out- Path
length * 3.192 X Area of path .
section . This magnet could be built as in ward from the "north ” end of the coil and
Fig 10, but the arrangement shown in Fig . inward at the “ south ” end. The lines •In last month's Lecture the constant 0.3133
9 is preferable because it is symmetrical. produced by the coil will emanate from was used through inadvertance instead of its re
ciprocal, 3.192. The latter should be substituted
The exciting coils in all of these sketches the north end and return to the south end in every case where 0.3133 was used .
298 POWER May , 1906.

If the selected path be 7 inches long and will be so pounds per square inch of con- the armature will be 21/2 inches . The
have a cross- section of 12 square inch, the tact, so that to lift 5 pounds, only magnet, therefore, will require 8/2 X 6.7 =
flux which traverses it will be square inch of contact will be required : 56.95 and the armature 27/2 X 6.14 = 15.35,
500 -I20
X 3.192 X 12 = 86.64 max
14 square inch at each pole- face . With making 72.3 ampere-turns for the iron
7 round magnet cores and a double -core parts of the circuit. The two air-gaps re
wells. magnet like Fig. 8, a core 9/16 inch dia- quire 0.02 X 8459 = 169.18 ampere -turns,
( It may be well to caution the reader meter will have a pole- face area of 0.2485 making the total needed in the coil 72.3+
just here that these figures are taken square inch, so that it will be practical 169.18 = 241.48, practically 242 ampere
haphazard, and may not represent a pos- to take that size and run the density a turns. This example also serves to show
sible case ; they are given merely to illus- trifle higher, if need be, to get the desired the importance of keeping air-gaps as
trate the relations between the ampere- pull. With this total area of 2X0.2485 small in length as possible ; although the
turns of the magnet coil and the magnetic = 0.497 square inch, the pull per square air-gaps were only 1/100 inch each while
flux within and without the coil . ) inch will be 10.06 pounds, and the appli- the iron parts aggregated 11 inches, the
From the foregoing, it will be evident cation of the formula shows that no high- air-gaps required more than double the
that when an armature is involved in the er density will be needed. ampere - turns required by the iron.
question, it is extremely difficult to prede
termine what the conditions will be when DATA FOR PROPORTIONING MAGNETS.
An Anecdote of Edwin Reynolds.

.the armature is not against the poles. In Ampere - Turns per Inch.


I n
the first place, unless the density in the Soft The Allis -Chalmers Company, having
Density , Soft Steel
armature be known, it is impossible to per sq . In . Air . Cast and built eleven 3500 -kilowatt standard cross
B Iron . Wrought
know how many ampere-turns it takes Iron . compound, vertical direct-connected en
from the total in the coil ; consequently, 10,000 3133
gines for the Metropolitan Street Rail
it is impossible to know how many am 12,000 3760 20.4 3.93 2.0 way Company, was called upon for ad
pere- turns are available to produce leak- 13,000 4073 21.6
4.05 2.3
vice as to the type of engines to be used
14,000 4387 4.17 2.7
age through the air from pole to -pole. 15,000 4700 24.0 4.30 3.1
in the immense new power house then
The pull of a magnet when the arma 16,000 6013 25.2 4.44 3.5 þeing planned by the Manhattan Railway
17,000 5326 26.5 4.58 4.0
ture and poles are in contact or very near 18,000 5640 27.9 4.72 4.5 Company, in New York City. It was the
each other (say within 1/100 of an inch ) 19 , COO 5953 29.3 4.86 5.0
intention of their engineers to install units
may be calculated with sufficient approach 20,000 6266 30.7 6.00 6.5 of 5000 kilowatts capacity. The first
to exactness by means of the formula : 21,000 6680 32.2 5.16 6.0
21,600 6736 33.1 6.24 6.4 type of engine considered was the cross
22,000 € 893 34.0 5.32 6.7
B ? Xa
= Pull in pounds. 22,500 7050 35.0 5.40 7.0 compound, vertical machine, similar to
72,134,000 those furnished for the Metropolitan
23,000 7206 36.0 5.48 7.3
In this formula, 23,500 7363 37.4 5.56 7.6
Street Railway, and some correspondence
24,000 7520 38.9 5.64
B == Magnetic density in maxwells per 25,000 7833 40.5 5.80 8.6 passed between Mr. Reynolds and the
8146 42.2 5.97 9.3
square inch at the pole- faces, 26,000 engineers of the Manhattan Railway Com
a = Area of contact between armature 27,000 8459 44.0 8.14 10.05 pany on the subject, so that finally Mr.
28,000 8773 46.0 6.32 10.8
and pole -faces. 29,000 9086 49.0 6.50 11.6 Reynolds was invited to come to New
30,000 9400 52.0 6.70 12.4
If the armature is not in actual contact, 9713 6.90 13.2
York and discuss the matter in detail .
31,000 55.0
the area and density are computed as Mr. Reynolds left Milwaukee with the
32,000 58.0 7.10 14.0
though it were. 39,000 61.0 7.30 16.0 question of the type of engine still un
34,000 64.0 7.80 16.0
The accompanying table gives data for 35,000 68.0 7.70 17.0 settled, but with the understanding that
roughing out the dimensions of a lifting 36,000 72.0 7.90 18.0
the straight, cross -compound, vertical unit
magnet in cases where the air-gap length 37,000 76.0 8.10 19.0 would be used if it were found practi
38,000 80.0 8.30 20.0
is relatively small when the armature is 40,000 90.0 8.80 | 22.0 cable. On the train, en route for New
45,000 118.0 10.25 28 .
away from the poles. The ampere -turns 60,000 160 . 11.9 31.6 York, however, Mr. Reynolds evolved in
per inch of length are the number of turns his mind the possibility of using a com
of wire X amperes of exciting current re Assuming arbitrarily that there will bined vertical and horizontal engine, al
quired to force the corresponding density be a leakage of lines from pole to pole, lowing four cylinders to be connected to
of magnetic flux through one inch of the in addition to those passing through the the one shaft , and before reaching New
material specified at the heads of the col- armature, sufficient to make the density York, he was prepared to offer to the en
Thus, in order to obtain a den gineers in charge a definite proposition
umns . in the magnet cores and yoke 30,000 per
sity of 15,000 lines per square inch of square inch, while the working density at covering a combined vertical and hori
cross -section in aa piece of steel 6 inches the pole- faces and in the armature is 27, zontal four-cylinder engine, now gener
long ( neglecting for the moment the re 000, we have the following conditions : ally known as the “Manhattan ” type, and
mainder of the magnetic circuit ) , the Ampere -turns per inch length of path furthermore he submitted to them the
winding must contain 4.3 X 6 = 25.8 am- in magnet parts = 6.7 . size of cylinders which he would recom
pere - turns. In addition to this, it must Ampere -turns per inch length of arma mend, the size of crank pin and cross
contain the ampere-turns required by the ture, from center to center of magnet head pin and the size of main journals,
other parts of the magnetic circuit. This poles = 6.14. with rough sketches of the proposed unit
will probably be understood better by Ampere- turns per inch length of air- as he had planned it in his mind's eye.
considering a practical example. gaps 8459. As a result of that conversation, the Al
Suppose that it is desired to make a Since each air-gap is 1/100 inch long , lis Company received orders for eight
magnet that will hold 5 pounds of weight the two will be 1/50 inch long, and will pairs of such machines.
when its armature is in contact with its require 8459 = 50 = 169. 18 ampere-turns. On Mr. Reynolds' return to Mil
pole- faces. If no lifting is to be done Now suppose that each of the magnet waukee, work was at once begun on the
with the armature at a distance, the air- cores is 3 inches long and the distance design of the new engines in accordance
gaps will be considered as being each through the yoke from core to core is 272 with the data used by him in his New
1/100 inch long, and the density at the inches ; the distance through the armature York proposition . When the complete
contacts may be run up fairly high . If will also be 272 inches . The length of designs were ready, it was found by com
we assume a contact density of 27,000 path in the magnet cores and yoke will be parison that in the rough notes made by
lines per square inch, the resulting pull 3 + 3 + 27/2 = 872 inches, and the path in Mr. Reynolds while on his way east, he
May, 1906. POWER 299

had arrived at identically the same di- from the river to the pump house which Before the official test the plungers
mensions of various parts as those ob- shows in the middle foreground. The were carefully calibrated by micrometer
tained from the carefully worked out de- discharge flume is shown at the square calipers checked by steel tape measure
signs. opening at the left in the bank of earth ment of circumferences. The strokes of
and vertically in line with the left-hand all plungers were also carefully measured.
Low - pressure Turbine Station at chimney as it appears in the picture. These The pump valves were inspected and
Scranton , Pa. pictures in connection wth the illustra- found to be tight under full pressure.
tions of the former article convey an ex- The head on the discharge main was
On page 150 of the March issue we il- cellent idea of the entire installation. We read by means of a mercury column, the
hope later
lustrated and described an interesting in- ance to present
on .
some figures of perform- scale of which was in feet . The suction
stallation of a Curtis turbine to be run head was indicated by a float gage.
as the low -pressure stage of a station here. The specifications and contract re

tofore run non -condensing. We are now Test of a High-Duty

Pumping Engine quired that, “ In order to determine the
able to show reproductions of photographs at St. Louis Water Works. amount of steam used by the engine, the
of the station, the turbine in place , and water will be weighed twice ; that is, the
of the canal which furnishes water for On February 20 and 21, 1906, at the feed water going into the boiler and the
condensing High Service Pumping Station, Bissell's condensed steam coming out of the en

About se fee
-About 30
Ceetrit Pung driven by
Motor alverte

Canalto P
Engine Hoc Room
Det Drives Center
fra DenNostad Dad of ueste Pin


The turbine , which is 500 kilowatt capa- Point, St Louis Water Works, a twenty- gine.” Accordingly, the condensation
city, is located with the generator just four-hour official duty test was run on from the condenser, jackets, receivers and
above the door level, and a fair idea of its an Allis - Chalmers twenty million gallon drips from stuffing boxes was weighed as
size may be gathered from the boy upon pumping engine. received from the engine and delivered in
the gallery. Another view shows the con- The engine tested is the last of a series the boiler room , and was found to check
denser from the outside of the station . of three installed at the above , station, by 0.12 of one per cent. This being a
The pipe at the left is the injection, sup- and is of the vertical triple -expansion reasonable check the water as weighed in
plied from the canal, in the center is the type, with single- acting outside- packed the engine room was taken as the steam
tail-pipe leading to the hot well, and the plungers located directly under each used.
large pipe at the right is the exhaust cylinder. The bed-plates rest on solid The gallons of water pumped in twenty
steam main from the turbine. The ex- rock foundations, the main pillow blocks four hours was 20,070,690 against a head
haust pipe from which the steam is is- and the cylinders are supported by col- of 100.021 pounds at the discharge pipe,
suing is the one in use at present which umns of the A - frame pattern. the contract requiring 100 pounds press
will be displaced by the larger exhaust The cylinders are 34, 62, and 94 by six ure .

pipe as soon as the turbine is in operation. feet stroke with water plungers 3378 The plunger leakage was weighed and
Another view shows the canal leading inches in diameter. found to be 16.77 gallons per hour.
300 POWER May, 1906.

Steam of 140 pounds pressure at the Engine -Room Chemistry. **

throttle was furnished containing 0.13 per
cent. moisture. BY AUGUSTUS H. GILL, PH . D.
The steam used per indicated horse
power per hour was 10.60 pounds ; the
duty obtained was 181,065,605 foot in breaking up or " cracking' into acid
pounds per 1000 pounds of steam . This The petroleum oils considered in the
duty establishes the world's record for last article, as there stated, are hydrocar- products when heated instead of distilling
The requirement bons ( composed solely of carbon and hy- over, as do the petroleums .
pumping foot-pounds drogen ) , chemically speaking, and, as
per 1000 pounds Vegetable oils are divided into two
steam. The bonus earned by the such, are very stable bodies. Their form- classes, the fatty or fixed oils and the
at the rate of $ 1000 per million foot- ulas are very simple, represented by the volatile oils ; the former cannot be dis
general expression C, H2n + 2. Yet a tilled without decomposition, are not vola
pounds was therefore $ 46,068.61.
RESULTS OF DUTY TEST. given oil , as, for example, 25-degree par- tile with steam and leave a fixed stain on
Duration of test .. 24 hours. affin, cannot be represented by figures, as paper or cloth The volatile or essential
Diameter of cylinders . 34 ", 62 " & 94 " . C13Hz2, in place of the n and n + 2 oils distil readily - pass over with steam
Stroke of engine . 72"
Diameter of plungers. . 3378 "
Average steam pressure
in the formuia just given, the reason being and evaporate completely from paper ;
at engine... 140.24 lbs. that the petroleum products are mix these are the bodies which give the char
Average 1st receiver 26.36 lbs . tures of bodies having for the most part acteristic odor or perfume to plants and
Average 2nd receiver the general formula given . flowers, as peppermint, rose, lemon, etc.
pressure 2.77 lbs.
Average vacuum pres Besides containing C13H32, it most likely Their composition is very complex, being
sure by cards..
13.21 lbs. contains C12H2, C13H2, C6H34 and others mixtures of organic salts of organic acids
pressure 14.46 lbs . up to C2H , , or even higher. The similar to the fatty oils, as well as acids,
Average net head
pumped against ... 238.2323 ft. reason for this is that the hydrocarbons alcohols, ketones, hydrocarbons, etc., etc.;
Average revolutions per
minute 16.539
given boil within a few degrees ( 27 to 36) oil of peppermint contains no less than
Piston speed per min of each other, and cannot be separated in fifteen different compounds .
ute 198.44 ft .
Total water pumped .. 20,070,690 gals.
the ordinary process of distillation, very Oil is found in all parts of animals
Total water received carefulandnumerous redistillations being and vegetables, although more is con
from engine 220,129 lbs .
Average moisture in required . tained in certain parts than in others. In
steam 0.13 % .
Indicated horse power 86.3.23 H. P.
The animai and vegetable oils, besides land animals the fat occurs on the back,
Delivered horse -power . 842.69 H. P. being made up of carbon and hydrogen abdomen and upper parts of the legs ; in
Per cent. friction , 2.60 %
Average moist steam like the petroleum oils, contain oxygen, fish, around the body, as the blubber of
per I. H. P. per and their formulas are by no means as
hour 10.60 lbs. the whale ; in the head, as in blackfish and
Average dry steam per simple as the petroleum oils ; they are sperm whale ; throughout the whole body,
I. H. P. per hour . 10.39 lbs.
Average B.t.u. per I.H.P. salts- organic salts of organic acids - re as in the menhaden , and in the liver , as
per minute 201.39 B.t.u. sembling the inorganic salts discussed in
Mechanical efficiency . 97.4 % in the codfish and shark.
Duty per 1000 lbs . of some of the early articles . The base is
steam 181,068,605 ft .- Ibs. With vegetables, oil is mostly found in
Duty per 1,000,000
158.851.000 ft . -Ibs.
CH , OH the seed, although with the essential or
B.t.u. or C : H .
Thermal efficiency . 21.06 %
The test was run under the direction of
usually glycerine CHOH
( CH
( OH ) 3, C3H, being ,OHt like alumi-
} volatile oils they occur in the Aower, as
with the rose ; in the bark, as with cinna
mon , and in the root, as in the case of
Ben . C. Adkins, Water Commissioner , num ( Al ) in Al ( OH ) , and the acid may 3

sassafras .
M. L. Holman and John A. Laird, Con be stearic : C1 H3COOH, palmitic : C13H31
sulting Engineers, Wm. A. Hoffman, COOH, or oleic s : C :H2COO
H , and their Oils are contained in cells composed of
Mechani cal Engine er in charge of the union produce stearin : ( C1;H3:C00 ) .C : animal membranes or cellulose, and in or
Construction Department , H :,palmitine ; ( C13H31C00 ) :C.H , forming
St. Louis der to obtain the oil the cells must be rup
Water Works, and T. T. Hubbar d, the solid portions of fats, and oleine: ( C17 tured ; this is done usually by heat in the
Engineer of Tests , of the Allis -Chalmers H2C00 ) , C ,Hs, the liquid portion . These case of the animal oils and by grinding
Compan y glyceri des, a., these compounds are also and pressure for vegetable oils . The mem
called , form the basis of most of the ani- branes containing oil soon putrefy on
Space Economy in Steam Turbines. mal fats and oils, in which they are mixed standing, causing the oil to turn rancid
in varying proportions. The differences and have a bad odor, consequently animal
An example of the saving in room that in the fats or oils used are produced oils should be rendered as soon as possi
partly by the different quantities of the ble. Oils are prepared in several different
may be effected by the use of steam tur
bines in place of the reciprocating engine glycerides named , but mainly by the ad- ways, by rendering, pressing, extraction,
is seen at the Kent Ave. power station of mixture of small quantities of the glycer- or in the case of the volatile oils by dis
the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Railway . A ides of other acids, as butyric in the case tillation with steam .
5,500 -kw . turbo -generator is being installed of butter, linoleic and linolenic in the case Animal fat is cut up into small frag
there, and, aside from the small room of linseed and other drying oils, etc. ments and put into large digestors or
taken up by the unit itself, the size of the That the tats and oils are really salts, autoclaves, heated with direct steam . The
foundation is noteworthy. This is made as has been stated, can be seen from their apparatus is filled through an opening at
up of concrete piers about 3 ft. square, behavior with : caustic soda or potash , the top and discharged through a similar
supporting steel and concrete girders, to which converts them into soap, setting one at the bottom . Steam at 50 pounds
which the machine is bolted. The con- free glycerine at the same time : ( C .;H35 pressure is admitted to the digestor and
denser is directly beneath the low-pressure COO ) , C2H3 + 3NaOH C3H5 (OH ) 3 + breaks down the cell wall and melts the

end and the room available around and 3C -H3COONa : Glyceryl stearate + caus fat, which flows together with the water
n gives sufficient space for
betwee the piers soda = glycerine + hard soap. of condensation to the bottom of the ap
the auxiliaries without encroaching on the These oils are distinguished from the paratus The gases evolved, together
main floor. The saving effected is not hydrocarbon or petroleum oils in being with some steam which is condensed,
confined Aoor space
cubicalto content s, andalone,
to extends
to theit cost of saponif ying ( there
saponifiable the is no known way of
petrole um products ), and pass to a chimney or sewer ; after a few
foundation and wall construction as well. hours' heating the steam is shiut off, the
* ('opyrighted. 1905. hs Hill Publishing Co.
May, 1906. POWER 301

pressure removed and the autoclave al- '

lowed to stand to separate the oil from
Correspondence and Discussion .
the water . When this has taken place, Correspondence upon topics of interest relating to power is especially solicited, and
accepted contributions are paid for. Forms close on the fifteenth of the month , und as it
the water is drawn off as completely as takes time to make engravings, contributors ure requested to get to us early in the month
possible through outlets for that purpose especialy when it refers to matter in the preceding issue.
and the oil through a separate outlet.
With the vegetable oils the seeds are Mr. Howatt's Air -Compressor Test. pounds per hour per horse-power. These
( hulled in some cases) crushed by rollers results were obtained by actually weigh
or edge runners, rupturing the oil cells, The writer's attention has been called ing all of the condensed steam after it
the resulting mass steamed or " cooked" to an article entitled “ An Air-Compressor passed through the compressor engine.
to complete the rupture and render the Test," by John Howatt, which appeared They are not the best possible figures,
oil more fluid , and then pressed in duck in the January number of Power . lut ordinary every-day working results.
or horsehair bags, usually in a hydrau While the article certainly would not de In the Air Compressor Test table in
lic press. Oil obtained by cold and mod ceive anyone at all familar with the pro
the article under discussion , the author
erate pressing is best ; the yield is sınall , duction and application of compressed air, gives a column headed “ Efficiency ” which
and after compressing the seeds the press shows an average of 72.1 per cent. Ex
it is nevertheless very misleading and amination shows that this is intended for
is enclosed and heated by steam and the might produce a very erroneous impres
pressure increased with a corresponding the mechanical efficiency of the engine,
increase in yield. sion upon a casual reader. According to and it seems surprisingly low but on in
the author, the test consisted of taking vestigation we find the cause for this in
As previously stated, vegetable oils can indicator cards from all cylinders at fif
be prepared by dissolving them out from the air horse-power, which is radically
the crushed mass with naphtha, carbon
teen minute intervals and reading the air wrong. The table shows an average of
gage and a thermometer on the air dis
bisulphide or tetrachloride. To this end 11.8 horse -power per 100 cubic feet of
charge line. The most serious misstate
the crushed seeds are filled into boiler ment in the article is that relative to
free air compressed per minute to 87
iron extractors provided with false bot the steam consumption, which is stated as
pounds pressure . Theoretically, compres
toms and the solvent is caused to cir sing air to this pressure requires 14.4
66 pounds per hour per indicated horse
culate through the mass, dissolving out power , and Mr. Howatt further says that
horse- power per 100 cubic feet per minute,
the oil . The solution is then heated, the " an inspection of the high -pressure steam and the actual horse-power expended in
solvent distilled off, leaving the oil, and the best of compressors is slightly great
the condensed solvent can be used again.
card will show the cause. ” The high -pres er than this . A rate of 14.5 horse-power
sure steam card which he exhibits shows
A larger yield of oil is obtained by this
a very excellent steam distribution, and
when compressing 495 cubic feet per min
method, but it contains more impurities ute would give 71.8 horse-power in the air
such as gums, gelatinous matter, etc., for it would scarcely be possible to run the cylinders, and a mechanical efficiency of
the naphtha dissolves these as well as the stated quantity of steam through the en 88 per cent., which is a reasonable figure
oil ; furthermore, it is difficult to remove gine even if the low-pressure cylinder for this machine.
were doing no work whatever, if the
the odor of the solvent from the oil com It is scarcely necessary to point out the
high -pressure card was as shown. The
pletely. The residue left in the extract absurdity of the temperature computation
ors containing less oil is not as valuable author gives no information as to whether in the latter part of the article, which is
for cattle feed as the press cake and can the engine was operating condensing or not only meaningless in its general idea
only be used as a fertilizer or fuel . The non - condensing and does not show the
but incorrect in detail .
plant for this process is more complicated low -pressure steam card. According to
It is regrettable that such unfortunate
and expensive and more dangerous as a his figures , the low - pressure steam cyl misstatements find their way into the en
inder was carrying only one - fifth of the gineering press at times, in spite of the
fire risk .
dered load, and
could is difficult
be itpossible to imagine
unless the valve this precautions which, of course, are taken to
The are often freshly
oils when dark inexpressed
color oror ren.
con . insure the reliability of technical articles .
this cylinder were absolutely
tain resinous, gummy or gelatinous mat tions in This INGERSOLL -RAND COMPANY.
ter, fatty acids and water, and require wrong. machine is fitted on both C. A. Dawley, M. E. ,
to be refined or clarified. The treatment cylinders with Meyer adjustable cut- off Engineer of Tests .
varies with the oil ; with cottonseed oil gear, which permits of perfect distribution Phillipsburg, V. J. , March 17 , 1906 .
and whale or sperm oil they are treated of the work , and in starting a test of this
with caustic soda lye which combines with kind , if the adjustment was found to be
wrong it should have been the first thing Steam Turbines for Marine Service .
the pigment and saponifies the fatty acids,
the soap matters
thus formed carrying downsome
the to receive the attention of the experi
gummy as " foots ” ; with menter and to be corrected before pro- In the March issue of Power , R. M.
of the animal oils , such as lard , they ceeding. As Mr. Howatt does not show Neilson classes under the head of turbine
any card from the low -pressure cylinder, fallacies the common idea that the tur
are in addition treated with compressed
we have no means of knowing whether bine is more suited to small vessels of the
air and fuller's earth to improve the col
or . Certain other oils are bleached with the valve setting was correct or not, ex- torpedo class than to the ocean liner type.
cept that the high -pressure card shows It is of course certain , from vessels al
acids and bichromate of potassium or
that the receiver pressure was below nor- ready in operation , that the turbine can
with sodium peroxide ; often as with lin
mal. The high - pressure card shows that be applied with good results to large pas
seed oil , water and mucilage are removed
by allowing the oil to settle for twelve the point of cut-off in this cylinder was senger vessels. I think , however , that
at about 60 per cent. of the stroke. time will prove Mr. Neilson's statement
to eighteen months and become an " aged"
or " varnish oil.” Besides this artificial In recent tests with a machine of this that “Turbines would really seem to be
type we have obtained steam consump- most suitable for highly -powered steam
means, oils are bleached by exposure to
tions of 22.8 pounds at one -half cut- off ships intended to run always at their
sunlight in shallow tanks.
and 24.7 pounds at five - eighths cut - off highest speed ” to be the error of an en
Chicago has voted five hundred thou- running non -condensing in both cases ; thusiast. The turbine is, of course, more
sand dollars for a municipal electric light running condensing, and cutting off be- favorable to the highly powered vessel
ing plant in connection with the develop tween one-half and five-eighths in both and is not economical at varying speeds
ment of the drainage canal water power. cylinders, the steam consumption was 18.8 A naval vessel does not need economy,
302 POWER May, 1906.

however. If a vessel, as for instance a no available data . As the whole matter If the shaft will run at its proper speed
torpedo boat, is built for speed, speed is appears to me, it seems that the turbine and the lining not run out of the box a
the chief factor. All that is called for in is ahead only for torpedo boats. great many people are satisfied and will
the vessel is to have more speed than the JOHN F. WENTWORTH . call it a good job.
enemy's fastest vessel, and years of ex- Quincy, Mass. A hard metal box properly fitted by a
travagant use of fuel of a whole fleet of first class mechanic will out-last and give
vessels may be repaid by a single spurt on Acrobatic Belts. -Hard vs. Soft Metal

better service than any soft -metal one.

the part of one. Babbitt is a great time saver and in
Another point which Mr. `Neilson does
for Bearings. many cases plenty good enough. The
not consider is the fact that the ocean I am very much interested in Topsy same may be said of solder, lead, zinc, and
liner is in no case highly powered as com Turvy's account of belts changing places old type metal, but this is no proof that
pared with the vessel of the torpedo boat on page 105 of the February issue, and any of them are better than a properly
type. The Turbinia had a displacement think the following will account for it. fitted hard metal box.
of about 44 tons and a power of about The 30- inch belt, for some cause, started If we had more good mechanics there
2000 horse-power, or over 40 horse-power off in the direction of the carrier pulley. would be less said about the superior
per ton of displacement. The Campania As it climbed up the tendency was for its qualities of soft metal linings. C. LEE.
had a displacement of 17,878 tons, made edge to raise so that the flat of it assumed Blacksburg , Va .
a speed of 22.09 knots and developed a nearly vertical position. The rider got
29,246 horse - power. In other words, under the bottom edge and in passing over Successful Pumping Engine
where the Turbinia had 40 horse-power the wheel the 30 -inch belt was turned in Alterations.
per ton of displacement the Campania side out and brought on top. This can
had but 2 horse-power. The Turbinia readily be verified by taking two strips of Some time ago I was called upon to
made 32 knots, with a length of 100 feet
as compared with the Campania's record Belts Sectioned on AB
of 22 knots on a length of 600 feet.
When you build an extreme type ves Nu

sel, as the Turbinia, for instance, weight Carrier Pulley

must be saved wherever it is possible.
There is a limit to the piston speed of
the reciprocating engine and when the en
gine is near this limit there is a consid
erable strain upon the hull of the vessel . · B
The use of a turbine does away with this
strain upon the hull caused by the engine
vibration . An overpowering of a vessel
means that the relative size of the pro
peller will be smaller and the revolutions
greater for an assumed power. You can Floor Line

not get a condition where the turbine will

not be able to give revolutions enough to
suit the case. Neglecting all mechanical LAYOUT OF “ TOPSY -TURVY'S " BELT - DRIVE. Power , N.Y.
considerations, it seems to me that the

ideal use for a turbine would be for aerial paper or tape, putting them into the proper make an examination of a pair of pumping
navigation. A propeller acting in air position and rolling them around anything engines in a small water works plant in
would need the speed of the turbine to cylindrical. the western part of New York State. The
get the best possible effect from the power A similar case occurred to me some time plant contains two horizontal, duplex
used. Next to the air ship comes the ago with small belts on a temporary drive triple compound condensing, direct pres
torpedo boat, then the fast passenger boat from a motor to a pump. The turning sure pumping engines of three million
and the worst condition for the turbine over of the under belt in this case was gallons capacity per day of twenty -four
would probably be the tramp steamer. caused by a fange on one side of the hours. It seems that at times during each
To illustrate the point I am trying to pulley, this performance seemed to be re- day, one pump would not be able to main
make I will say that I do not believe that peated every time the under belt got a tain the required pressure of 125 pounds
a small high-powered vessel of the class little slack. It was remedied by properly on the water-mains, thus necessitating the
of the Turbinia can be built with recipro- alining the shafts. starting of the reserve pump which
cating engines which will compete in speed The action is somewhat similar to the naturally meant an increase in the coal
with a turbine-driven vessel built with turning inside out of a lathe belt on the consumption. There was not quite three
the same care . On the other hand when cone pulley by the careless hand - shifting
million gallons of water being pumped per
the Cunard Company talked of the new of a loose slow-moving belt, which is day, so naturally the management of the
vessels they first decided to build a ves .. no doubt familiar to most shop men . plant and the engineer had had consider
sel which should make a speed of 25 knots, I would like to indorse the position of able " talk ” about the matter. The manager
and then they considered whether they J. R. H. on page 108 of the same issue, in knew that during the “ duty " trials each
would use reciprocating or turbine power. regard to Bearings and Babbitt. While I pump would pump more than three million
Turbines were finally chosen after a very would not hesitate to use good babbitt in gallons, and he also knew that the pumps
long consideration, and I have yet to see almost any box, at the same time do not developed better than eighty million foot
any considerable gain to be obtained over believe it is as good as a harder metal pro- pounds duty. But he could not see why
the reciprocating engines. The fuel con- vided the hard metal box is properly fitted. on the regular service of the line, the
sumption is not in any appreciable degree The extensive use of soft bearing metals pump would not handle much over two
decreased, and the only possible gain is due not to any inherent superiority but million nine hundred thousand gallons,
which I can see that the Cunard Company to the ease of fitting. If not properly fitted without a considerable reduction of the
can hope for is along lines of commercial they will mash into what is generally a water pressure at times.
economy for which there are at present good enough fit in use. I had been in the engine room some
May, 1906 . POWER 303

time, talking over the situation with the eight revolutions ; but we could not hold came convinced, after the pump in service
engineer, before there was any perceptible up the water-pressure, it having dropped had raced several times, that the pumps
change in the speed of the pump that was twenty pounds, or to one hundred and five were not getting water enough ; so after
in service, when it suddenly started up and pounds. I was told that the both pumps some figuring, we concluded to attach a
in less than three minutes had attained worked about the same way, so I resolved by-pass connection to the inboard end of
the speed of thirty - eight revolutions per to examine the reserve pump. We began the two water-cylinders as is shown by
minute. ten revolutions over nominal by thaking off the water-cylinder heads, the dotted lines at C in the accompanying






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sketch. By taking off the manhole plates

at F and F' the elbows, B and B’ of plan ,
were bolted to the bases of the water
A cylinders, the elbows being connected by a
Delivery tee as is shown at C , to which is attached
the’air chamber C', and the four- inch riser
E with valve D. This riser was used as a

vent pipe, being higher than the highest

water- level of the reservoir which is

shown by the dotted line A -A ' . The valve

D was placed in the line for an emer
c' gency. In case a delivery valve should
suddenly give out, or a priming valve-stem
break , the closing of this four- inch gate
valve would prevent the flooding of the
engine room . At G is shown a side ele
vation of the suction chamber and it will
be noticed how it gradually reduces in size
as it nears the inboard end of the water
cylinder. By putting on this by-pass we
increased the capacity of the inboard end
of the suction chamber, and also acquired
Plan the air cushion on that portion of the
chamber, and to a great extent eliminated
B B' the water -hammer, and pounding in the
One of the largest individual consumers
on the lines was a railroad company, sup
speed, with a reduction in the water pres- and found the suction and delivery valves, plying their round-house and locomotives
sure of fifteen pounds. As the pump at- while slightly worn, to be in good shape . with water taken from a large reserve
tained the speed of thirty -eight revolu- We then tested the gasket between the tank, this tank being filled by a valve oper
tions, it became necessary to close all the flanges of the sleeve and the partition or ated by a float arrangement, which on ex
cushion valves on the steam ends,and the dividing wall of the cylinder, we put the amination was found to be sticking badly
pump began to find the contact at each end water pressure the inboard water It was replaced with a new one, and on

of the stroke, so much so that it was chamber, to make sure that the plunger when everything was in readiness at the
necessary to close down the throttle of was packed tightly, for these pumps are of station, we proceeded to give the pump a
each high -pressure cylinder. It was pos- the " inside packed" type. Everything trial run . To my surprise it was possible
sible for us to maintain a speed of thirty- seemed to be in good condition, and I be- to operate that pump at 90 per cent. over
304 POWER May, 1906.

load , and it could be cushioned as readily accomplished this, in this case at least, it

as when running at one-half speed. The must be due to having the low-pressure
accompanying charts show quite plainly crank leading, which rendered handling
how the pump had been working, and how easy .

it worked after the alterati ns, North Sydney.
Depew , N. Y. C. W. DUNLAP.
Superheating Surface Required .

Continuous Diagram from a Rolling The diagrams herewith show how many
Mill Engine . square feet of superheater surface approx
imately are needed for a superheat of 100
Please find herewith a blue print of a degrees Fahrenheit ; supposing that 3.5
continuous indicator diagram, taken from pounds of steam are generated per hour
the horizontal cylinder of an Allis -Chal per square foot of boiler heating surface.
mers horizontal and vertical , reversible The first chart is to be used for oil fuel of
Corliss engine. The cylinders are 44x60 about 18,500 B.t.u. heating value, the sec
and the nominal horse - power is 5500. ond chart for coal fuel of about 13.500 B.
Steam pressure used 125 pounds. t . u . heating value and the third chart for
The engine is used in a large rolling wood, peat and similar fuel of about
mill where the load varies from no load 6000 B.t.u. heating value.
up, and the speed is equally variable. A superheater, placed in hot gases right
The changeable load , speed and revers from the furnace, ought to be considerably
als are all shown very plainly in the dia smaller than as though it were placed
gram , Cason & BARRETT. into gases which had considerably cooled
Kansas City, Mo. down by heating a big portion of boiler
surface. The inclined lines mark that
Should the High- or Low - pressure portion of boiler heating surface, which is
Crank Lead ? heated before the fuel gases enter the
superheater opening.

As an example of the use of these


I read your answer in the February num


charts , suppose that a certain boiler is


ber to F. B. Mallett's question on revers




fired with coal fuel and has a heating


ing cross-compound engines . In some


surface of 2000 square feet ; from which


cases it is not proper to have the high



pressure crank leading on vertical en 600 X 100

600 square feet = = 30 per cent .
gines. I say this after four years' ex
perience with five E. P. Allis vertical d
are heate before the fuel gases enter the
cross - compound blowing engines with superheater opening. Take the " coal fuel"
steam cylinders 50 and 96 x 60 and air chart and follow the inclined line of 30
tubs 100 inches in diameter, tandem to the per cent until the vertical line of 2000
square feet is reached . From the inter
steam cylinder . Nos . 1 , 2 and 5 had the
high pressure cranks leading and Nos. 3 secting point follow the horizontal line to
and 4 had the low- pressure cranks leading . the left, representing 200 square feet of
When the engines were to be started with superheated surface . R. EWALD .

out a load, that is with no pressure in the Riga, Russia .

air main, Nos . 1 , 2 and 5 would start off
without any trouble, but with a load on More Loose Valve Keys.
they would stick on the top center and then The letters of Messrs. Morvan and
the by-pass to the receiver had to be re
sorted to. While it is true that Nos. 3 Pearce in the March issue relative to the
and 4 would stop with the high pressure loss of an exhaust valve key, remind
cranks at the wrong place to start again, me of two incidents in my own experi
yet as the by- pass was always used to ence . I was visiting once with an en
warm up before starting it was only gineer friend who had a one - thousand
necessary to leave it open a turn and horse - power Hamilton - Corliss cross

enough steam would pass through to compound condensing engine. We were

keep the low - pressure crank very near the sitting by the gage board, which was lo
top center, bringing the high - pressure cated just a little back of the line of the
crank into a position, from which it would cylinder heads, and between the two cyl
start off under any kind of a load . With inders. Everything was running smoothly
and we were discussing some indicator
Nos. 3 and 4 the pressure could be re
duced on the furnace in quicker time than cards just taken , when without any
it could be done with any of the others; warning the key of the crank - end steam
valve of the low -pressure cylinder
also when the least possible amount of.
dropped to the floor. I think my friend
wind was required as when plugging up
or putting in tuyeres. For instance , Nos. saw it before it hardly hit the floor, and
he was over to it with the key in his
3 and 4 could be run as slow as six revo hand before I realized what was wrong.
lutions without stopping while Nos. I , 2
In this case, the key was loose enough to
and 5 could not be run below ten revolu
have the end inserted in the keyway when
tious. Getting the wind on and off in the
it came over, and while my friend held it
quickest time possible is very important
for a blast furnace and as Nos. 3 and 4
from backing out again, I drove it in with
May, 1906. POWER 305

Square Feet Heating Surface of Superheater


1300 1100











le le

Percent of Boiler Heating Surface Situated before the Superheater Tubes

Square Feet Heating Surface of Superheater 1000 1500












Percent of Boiler Heating Surface Situated before the Superheater Tubes

Square Feet Heating Surface of Superheater



1200 1500

500 900










Percent of Boiler Heating Surface Situated before the Superheater Tubes


306 POWER Vlay, 1900 .

a light copper hammer that was hanging Mass., proprietor of the Spencer Damper rod and adjust the governor rod as des
by the bottom of the gage board. This Regulator Company, and has been used cribed in Mr. Pearce's letter.
engine was making 61/2 revolutions, and I for the last fifteen years in connection Referring to Mr. Morvan's letter in
don't think it missed steam in that crank with the Spencer . Damper Regulator the March number (An Impracticable
end more than three or four revolutions. throughout the United States and also Story), I wish to say that it might have
At another time I was with a plant abroad. been a very easy matter to " try ” to push
where there was an 18x42 single Corliss When he advises any engineer who the dropped key in its place, but a “ try”
engine running non - condensing. This wishes to obviate the trouble of high would have been all. I have fitted some
plant did a great deal of overtime work pressure on diaphragms to use this mer- ' few of these keys, both in shop and on
and this engine, which ran the dynamo curial column , he is advising them to the road, and am very sure that if this
for lighting purposes as well as part of break the law and infringe our rights over key had been properly fitted at first it
the mill, was often left in the care of an our patent. This mercurial column was would have been an impossibility to re
oiler for the overtime run, which was patented August 2, 1892, and has been place it while the engine was in motion,
generally for two or three hours . On illustrated and described in our catalogs to say nothing of the time lost trying it.
this occasion I had been away from the for the last twelve years , one of which Mr. Morvan seems to think that it was
plant about an hour, when I received a we are sending you by separate mail . The truly wonderful that this machinist could
message to come immediately, as some hold a wrench on the nut and loosen it in
thing was wrong. Arriving, I found the less time than it takes to tell it. We have
place in darkness and the oiler with a a number of high -speed Corliss engines in
lantern on the lookout for me. Inquiry this section , the majority being simple en
developed the facts that the speed had gines running at 120 to 125 revolutions
gotten so slow that the lights would and cross- compounds running condensing
hardly burn, and that when the firemen at 100 to 120 revolutions, and the ma
had started to go up to the engine room jority of the cubs here can, with a 12-inch
to see what the trouble was he had been monkey wrench, loosen every nut on all
deluged with hot water from above as he the shackle rods in less than two min
passed between the buildings. My first utes . Moreover , many times we don't
thought was that she was working water, have over two minutes to get the full load
but the boilers showed all right. Taking on a cold engine, and we don't have so
the lantern I went into the engine room much trouble.
and began to look her over, and the trou It is not less of just such articles as ap
ble was at once evident, as the crank end
peared on page 32 of the January issue
exhaust valve key lay on the floor. The that we want , but more of them, for the
oiler was prevented from seeing this by
benefit and encouragement of the younger
the 30-inch driving belt, which ran back engineers.
by the valve gear, and when the key A Texas NUT - SPLITTER,
came out, the speed slowing down caused THE MERCURY COLUMN AS APPLIED TO
the governor to drop and the engine to
take steam full stroke on the head end in Mr. Stolp's " Scientific " Point of
a vain endeavor to keep it going, and this illustration in this catalog is a copy of View.
uneven impulse caused the belt to jump the patent drawing ( reproduced here
very violently, so the oiler would not be with ) . We have no doubt that Mr. Kav In the March issue of Power, Myron
likely to do much rubbering around that anagh does not know this is a patented
valve gear in the semi -darkness. The invention and we know that you do not G. Stolp makes some rather peculiar
exhaust valve had stopped wide open, and know it or you would not have pub statements . For example, he says (refer
while the steam valve was open the full lished it . ring to his diagram which is reproduced
here for convenience ) that if the valve
stroke, a blast of steam at boiler pressure We would respectfully request that you
E be opened , allowing the box B to fill
would go through the exhaust pipe to the will give this matter publicity in your with steam at jou pounds pressure, then
open feed- water heater, where it would next issue and announce that we should this valve
be closed and the valve F
gather all the loose water it could carry proceed against anybody using this mer opened, the steam in the box will be con
and blow it up over the roof through the curial column as a damper regulator at
atmospheric waste pipe, whence it came densed by the city water and the box
tachment, as we are now just beginning filled with water under the city pressure.
down to drench the fireman and make to reap the benefits of our invention ow
him think that cloudbursts were some
Then , if the valve F be closed and the
ing to the numerous high pressure plants valves E and D opened , the cubic foot of
times hot. being installed.
water in the box will be emptied into the
East Greenwich , R. I. boiler. The same thing will be true if the
Salem, Mass. valve G be opened instead of F , allowing
the atmospheric pressure to force feed
The Mercury Column as Applied to The Machinist and the Emergency . water at 140 degrees temperature out of
Damper Regulators is Patented. the tank ( into the box Bi then when
In the January number of Power I G is closed and E and D are opened, the
We respectfully call your attention to read with much interest of the " Machinist water in the box is transferred to the
an article in your last issue by Mr. Wm . and the Emergency ” and it recalled to boiler without the expenditure of any heat
Kavanagh , title of which is , “ Some Oper- my memory many of just such instances. energy - in fact, heat is added to the con
ating Troubles and Their Remedies . " In In this case it was merely a matter of tents of the boiler by this process .
this article he shows a cut of a mer the machinist's early training ; when a Let us see about it . In the first place,
curial reducing column as applied to dam- youngster he acquired the use of tools he says the box B is insulated from heat,
per regulators and describes its operation . and his hands ; his after years of expe- which is impossible to start with, but
We respectfully call your attention to rience developed his mind and judgment even if it were possible, he would still
the fact that this is a patented article , pat- for quick action in emergencies. It was be wrong Since the box B is to draw
ented by Mr. John E. Spencer of Salem, then an easy matter to shorten the steam in one cubic foot of water, it must be of
May, 1906 . POWER 307

such size that it will hold this cubic foot assume that the steam is all condensed tinguish between the total energy pres
plus the volume of condensation from and apply the formula previously given ent and available energy. Describing the
the initial volume of steam . At 115 pounds for the mixture of feed - water and con- operations of feeding a boiler by exter
absolute, steam has 213.9 times the vol- densed steam in the box B. Having al- nally produced pressure, by a pulsometer
ume of the same weight of water, so that ready accounted for 13.15 pounds of the ( or return -trap ), and by an injector - the
X cubic feet of steam will make X ; original steam , there remains 13.02 pounds last two supplied with steam from the
213.9 cubic feet of water, and the box , in the boiler hypothetically at 337.8 de- boiler itself - he makes the unassailable
when filled with the condensed steam and grees , and if this were condensed and the claim that there is more heat energy pres
the water from outside will contain condensation combined with the 9218 ent in the boiler after the injection of a
X pounds of water at 272.3 degrees, the re certain amount of water than there was
I + cubic feet ,
213.9 sulting temperature would be 273.5 de- before. This is true ; but when he calls
and since the X cubic feet of steam origi grees. it “ available" energy, meaning available
nally filled the box, its capacity must be This is the result that would be ob- for transformation into mechanical work,
equal to X, and we have the relation : tained if compressed air could be intro- he falls into grievous error.
X duced into the boiler to maintain the in- The statement or implication that, ex
It = I,
213.9 itial pressure of 115 pounds absolute. Now cept for a slight increase in the total en
hence, if this compressed air were suddenly re- ergy present, no change is produced by
X- I = and 213.95 moved, the water would boil and the putting relatively cool water into the
2139 X - 1; space above it would be filled with steam . boiler, is effectively disproved by a very
therefore, When the pressure had risen to about simple, practical experiment which is per
2139 = 1.0047 ; practically 44.5 pounds, the boiling would cease, be formed every time a boiler is fed by an
2139 - cause 273.5 degrees is practically the tem- injector that is too large to be run con
1.005 cubic feet .
perature of steam at 44.5 pounds absolute tinuously. The fireman does not have to
To find the resulting temperature when pressure. This shows what the final re- study thermodynamics to know that when
one cubic foot of water at 140 degrees sult would actually be under the assumed he turns on the feed the steam pres
and 1.005 cubic feet of steam at 337.8 conditions : steam would be condensed sure will go down , unless he can at the
degrees are combined, the formula
w (t - 1 ) = w L + w ( t. -11 )
must be applied. Here,
W = Weight of the cubic fcot of water City Pressure H B
- 61.37 lbs.
Weight of the steam = 1.005 X Water Line
0.2617 == 0.26293 lb. А
ts Temperature of the water = 140
t, = Temperature of the steam Power , M.r.

337.8 degrees.
Final temperature of the mixture .
L = Latent heat of the steam 875.5 .
Substituting these values and transpos
ing the formula, we obtain
0.26293 ( 337.8 + 875 5 ) + 140 X 61.37 MR. STOLP'S ORIGINAL DLAGRAM .
61.37 + 0.26293
= 144-58, practically 145 degrees . until the pressure fell to 44.5 pounds, by same time make the fire burn harder, or
the introduction of 50 cubic feet of feed supply heat more rapidly. This fall of
When this water is emptied into the water at 140 degrees by Mr. Stolp's meth- pressure indicates that something is in
boiler, the water therein will be slightly od. The number of B.t.u. in the boiler terfering with the thermodynamic effec
cooled , and the steam in contact with it has been increased , but the quantity of tiveness of the boiler.
will also be cooled, lowering the boiler water has been increased in greater ratio , The fundamental fact of thermodyna
pressure and condensing a very small and the heat available for work has been mics , after we know that heat and me
quantity of the steam . Since the entrance decreased, because only heat in the form
of one cubic foot of water into the box B
chanical energy are mutually convertible,
of steam is available for work and as the is that the availability of heat for con
condenses 0.263 pound of steam , the de available steam pressure has been reduced version depends upon its temperature or
livery of 50 cubic feet of water into a more than two - thirds and the quantity of
boiler containing, say, 100 cubic feet of intensity. Suppose that the lowest tem
steam reduced over one-half, it is evident perature attainable for the exhaust from
water and 100 cubic feet of steam at 115 that the useful heat has been greatly re
pounds absolute would condense 13.15 a heat- engine is 500 degrees absolute,
duced. Where Mr. Stolp makes his mis Fahrenheit, corresponding to 40 degrees
pounds of steam , leaving 13.02 pounds in take is in assuming that the vacuum was
the boiler. The 100 cubic feet of water on the ordinary scale. Then of 1,000,000
produced in the box B without the ex
originally in the boiler weighed 6137 penditure of any energy . It would be as B.t.u , of heat at 1000 degrees absolute, a
pounds, and the addition of 50 cubic feet maximum of 500,000 can be turned into
absurd to expect the piston of an air
of feed water at 140 degrees and con pump to produce a vacuum without the work , by the ideally perfect heat - engine ;
densation of 13.15 pounds of steam make application of energy as to expect this but of 1,000,000 B.t.u. .at 500 degrees ab
the increase in water 3081.15 pounds, and vacuum to be produced that way. And, solute, none is thermodynamically avail
the temperature of the added mixture is able. As a close analogy, 1,000,000 pounds
since heat energy is the only kind here
145 degrees. The resulting temperature of water 100 feet above the level of the
available, heat energy must be expended
of the boiler water ( initially at 337.8 de tail - race can do a lot of work in pass
in producing this vacuum .
grees ) will be 272.3 degrees. Now to X. Y. Z. ing through a water-motor ; but at or
derive the resulting temperature of the below this discharge - level, the water has
remaining steam and the final volume of The whole fallacy in Mr. Stolp's argu- no energy available for transformation bv
water (weighing 9218 pounds ) we must ment lies in his failure properly to dis- that particular apparatus .
308 POWER May, 1906 .
It may be of interest to work out quan- steam -heat ( or latent of the small weight feed -water, the total result is not affected.
titatively one of Mr. Stolp's examples or of steam ) , we subtract 4.1 from 293.2 and The small loss due to the feeding opera
" experiments," to see just what does hap- get 289.1 as the water -heat in the final tion is made up by an equivalent gain in
pen. Taking the first operation, of forc- state, which corresponds to a pressure of the utilization of the supplied heat. It is
ing water in by an external pressure of 87.5 pounds absolute. A more accurate swallowed up and included in the very
sufficient strength, let us assume that the determination, taking into account the great loss of possible effect due to the
boiler has a capacity of 20 cubic feet, change in the steam-heat, gives about 89 fact that heat generated at the tempera
equally divided between water and steam, pounds absolute or 74 pounds by gage. ture of the fire is only got into the boiler
all at the temperature of vaporization. From this computation , as by simple ob- at the relatively low temperature of steam
The internal tank or box B is included in servation of the working of a boiler, we formation - but that is another subject.
the steam-volume, but it can just as well see that the store of heat, although slight R. I. H. HECK .
be left out of the apparatus altogether. ly increased in quantity, is diminished South Bethlehem , Pa.
To prevent any extraneous energy from in availability or intensity ; and the loss
getting into the problem , imagine the thus incurred is only made up by the ac- Juggling with the laws of nature is a
whole “ boiler ” to be temporarily insulated cess of fresh heat of high intensity from fascinating pastime just so long as the
to heat. the fire. delusion lasts , but when the great wake
The steam-table gives the following In the working of the injector, barring up happens, it is apt to make the juggler
values : losses by radiation, the quantitative rela- sore to find that he has been the juggled
At 100 pounds gage pressure the steam tions would be just the same as in the one all the time. Mr. Stolp did quite a
temperature is 337.6 degrees. preceding example, except that the ex- lot of theoretical juggling with the laws
One pound of water at this temper- ternal or mechanical work of forcing the of energy in the March issue, page 168,
ature contains 309.3 B.t.u. above the heat water into the boiler ( there 18.5 B.t.u. in but with all his clever manipulation of
in water at 32 degrees. heat equivalent ) would be a part of the valves he has failed to delude the boiler
The heat of vaporization is 875.6 B.t.u., heat taken out of the boiler in the steam into creating energy.
so that each pound of steam contains supplied to the injector. All the rest of In the first experiment he makes a

the total heat of 309.3 + 875.6 = 1184.9 that heat goes back as heat ; this small mistake by assuming that 10,100 B.t.u.
B.t.u. part as work. The ratio of this work to would be the amount of energy stored in
At 337.6 degrees, the volume of one the heat in the steam supplied is the the boiler ; it would be more than that
pound of steam is 3.861 cubic feet, and thermodynamic efficiency of the injector. by an amount which is the heat equiva
the weight of one cubic foot of water is The injector by itself, is just as much lent of 14,400 foot- pounds — the energy
56.17 pounds ; therefore the boiler con- a thermodynamic apparatus as a steam- required to force the cubic foot of water
tains 10 X 56.17 561.7 pounds of hot pump or a steam -engine. To avoid con- against 100 pounds pressure . This is
water and 10 • 3.861 = 2.59 pounds of fusion of ideas , separate it from the func- supposing that no steam is condensed dur
steam. tion of boiler -feeding, as when it is used ing the feeding process so that the steam
The stored heat , above 32 degrees and to drain an excavation or is arranged to in the boiler is compressed into a space
including the external energy of the discharge through a throttle -valve into a one cubic foot less than before the feed
steam , is 561.7 X 309.3 = 173,734 B.t.u. tank. Another fact that upsets Mr. Stolp's water was supplied. The 14,400 foot
in the water and 2.59 X 1184.9 3069 theory of steam and water-pressure equi- pounds of energy would be converted into
B.t.u. in the steam , or 176,803 B.t.u. in all . librium , with atmospheric pressure put- heat as the result of compression, thus
Considering the total contents of the ting water into the boiler, is that an in- raising the temperature of the steam, and
boiler as a mixture of water and steam , jector can deliver water against a higher would afterwards be distributed through
we have 564.3 pounds, of which each pressure than that of the steam supplied the boiler. But for this error the state
pound contains 313.4 B.t.u. and has a vol- to it ; even to the extent that , with suit- ments in the first paragraph of experi
ume of 0.0354 cubic foot . able proportions of the nozzles, exhaust ment i are correct . The second para
Now suppose that one cubic foot of steam can be used to feed a boiler which graph is logical enough , but the figures
water at
140 degrees forced into the works at moderate pressure . are away out. The cubic foot of water at
boiler ; above 32 degrees, each pound Briefly described, the action in an in- 140 degrees Fahrenheit contains nearer
contains 108.2 B.t.u., and the cubic footjector is as follows : In the steam -nozzle, 7000 B.t.u. than 100 .
weighs 61.4 pounds. Besides the heat a jet is formed which has a high kinetic I don't see anything strange about the
energy 61.4 X 108.2 = 6643.5 B.t.u. the energy ( for the same conditions, just like second or third experiment. By condens
water carries the pressure- work or exter- the jet found in a steam -turbine), buting a cubic foot of steam it would be pos
nal energy required to force it in amount- carries a far larger amount of heat en- sible to put almost a cubic foot of water,
ing to 144 X 100 = 778 = 18.5 B.t.u .; then ergy As it mixes with the water and at any temperature, into the boiler with
the total energy brought in is 6662 B.t.u. condenses, the greater part of the me- out, theoretically, expending any energy,
We now have in the boiler 625.7 pounds chanical, kinetic energy is changed back and right here is the joker nature incor
of fluid with the total energy - content of to heat , but enough remains in the re- porated into her laws to trip the unwary
176,803 + 6662 183,465 B.t.u. Then sulting jet to do the work of forcing the and put the laugh on them : Theoretically
each pound of the mixture contains 293.2 water into the boiler. As a matter of it requires no energy to move material
B.t.u. and measures 0.0319 cubic foot. The fact, an ordinary boiler- feed injector, de- at right angles to force of gravity ; a
volume per pound being less , there is livering 12 to 14 pounds of water per frictionless car of coal on a level track
proportionally less steam ; the heat-con- pound of steam received , has an exceed- if started would keep going until forcibly
tent being less, the temperature and press- ingly low thermodynamic efficiency, some- stopped, when it would give up the same
ure are lower ; and some steam has been thing like one-seventh of one per cent. amount of energy that was required to
condensed in order to supply a part of the As a minor member of the steam plant , put it in motion , and thus it would be
heat needed to raise the temperature of the low efficiency which the injector has transported over the distance without the
the new water. as an independent apparatus is of no im- expenditure of any energy whatever. This
To get the resulting pressure, we note portance. True, it lowers the intensity is similar to Mr. Stolp's boiler problem ;
that the original mixture contained 313.4 of the heat in the boiler ; but since heat of in this case water is moved from outside
309.3 = 4.1 B.t.u. over and above plain even higher intensity would otherwise to inside the boiler without the expendi
hot water at the same temperature. have to be taken directly from the fire ture of energy, because it does not have
Disregarding any slight change in this for the same purpose of warming the to compress the steam , a portion of it
May, 1906. POWER 309

having been condensed so as to “ make the acting steam pressure is too absurdly I would have a strip of dry boiler-head
room ." The accumulating of the B.t.u. in small to make even a slight impression on four inches wide in the center and taper
this instance means no more than if our the boiler pressure. Yet the water goes ing down at both ends to nothing, in the
frictionless coal car transported its load in just the same . If Mr. Stolp will stretch width of the boiler. I interviewed the
tc some coal pocket ; there it would great- the fabric of his theory to fit this case
superintendent of the works where the
ly increase the chemical energy in the satisfactorily, I may be prevailed upon boiler was made and found that they also
coal pocket without the expenditure of to " sit up and take notice.” R. T. S. supplied the arrangement shown in Fig.
any mechanical energy. A cubic foot of Scranton, Pa. 2, but he told me that many objected to
feed water at 140 degrees Fahrenheit rep it, because, as the boiler expanded and
resents just so many heat units whether In March POWER Mr. Stolp advances contracted endwise, the top ends of the
it is inside a boiler or in a sewer, al-
the theory that it doesn't require any arches C kept creeping down the back
though it might be more convenient to energy to supply a boiler with water by head and thus gave considerable trouble
have it in the boiler - like the coal in the the use of the injector. He claims the This I overcame by putting in the angle.
coal pocket. This is also the answer to steam pressure balances the back pressure iron shown at D , Fig. 2, which was ex
the steam pump problem suggested by the and the pressure of the atmosphere forces tended into the two side walls and car
editor on page 180 of the same issue. In the water in the boiler.
this case one cubic foot of steam is takenIt appears to me if Mr. Stolp's theory is
out and one cubic foot of water put in true it could be proven by placing an
Tops of
its place. The heat units of the con- injector 35 feet below the water line of Tubes
densed steam plus the heat units of the the boiler and trying it. If the injector D
water are now combined in one place in- forced water in the boiler from this
stead of being in two as before — but there point it would be proof enough that the
has not been the slightest gain in energy atmosphere has nothing at all to do with

as the result of this combination, nor has it for we know that the pressure of the
any energy been wasted in friction ; there atmosphere is only 14.7 pounds per square
has simply been a transportation of ma- inch and a column of water 35 feet high
terial which under these conditions does has a pressure of a fraction over 15
not require the consumption ( conversion ) pounds per square inch. If the injector
of energy. Quite simple, isn't it ? failed to force water in the boiler from
New York City. Geo. P. PEARCE. a point - 35 feet below the boiler and would FIG. 2
force it from a point 30 feet below the
I was much amused by Mr. Stolp's let boiler, it would seem as though Mr. ried the upper ends of the eight small
ter in the March issue of POWER. Stolp's theory is true. arches .
I am
always ready to take off my hat to any A. CHARTER, While I make a practice of keeping my
one who can rid the science of steam en Hornbeak, Tenn. glasses two-thirds full, yet it is not al
gineering of moss-covered ideas, but I am ways possible, and in case of emergency
afraid the moss is on Brother Stolp's A Point in Boiler Setting. I want to be able to let the water-level
fluctuate within the limits of the glass.
I would like to ask him how he would Just recently my firm added a 72-inch Is the arrangement in Fig. 1 bad prac
get the energy out of those additional heat x 16-foot boiler to their battery, and dur- tice ? R. MANLY ORR.
units after he filled the boiler full of ing its erection I objected to the use of Brantford, Ontario, Canada.
water. He only adds one cubic foot of the arches which were supplied for cover
water and 100 B.t.u. in his illustration , but ing the smoke- box on the rear. Fig. 1 Details of Pipe Support.
let us go on with the idea and keep ex- shows the arrangement to which I ob
changing a cubic foot of steam for a cubic In the February issue of POWER I no
foot of water until the boiler is full . If ticed an article on Serviceable Pipe Hang
ers by Mr. Bayard, and the design which
his boiler has 100 cubic feet of steam at he suggests looks very feasible to me.
the start he will add 100 cubic feet of
This article recalls to my mind a case
water in place of this and with it 100 X ooooo
B B in which we had to support a steam head
100 B.t.u.'s of heat, which will double the
thermal energy in his boiler. Now, broth er over the batteries of Babcock and Wil
er, you have proved it is in the boiler, cox boilers which were installed in Sta
tion A of the San Francisco Gas & Elec
but tell us how to get it out.
Mesa, Ariz . F. N. CERNY. tric Co. by Chas. C. Moore & Co., en
gineers, and which, by their kind permis
And now just a word or two in re sion, I am able to show herewith .
gard to the explosion of the commonly FIG. I.
The pipe A, which is 16 - inch outside di
accepted theory of the injector as given ameter, is held in place on the cast iron
with such scientific exactness and abso- jected. Here, A is one of three cast- iron saddle B by the two U-bolts C. This
lute conclusiveness by Mr. Stolp. Al- arch frames placed side by side over the saddle is so constructed that it is free to
though I have given his article a careful smoke-box and lined with arch fire- brick move laterally, independently of the cast
reading, I confess that I am not yet keyed in. I found that when this arch iron foot D, which is held down onto the
convinced of the correctness of his con- was placed so that the tubes BB were two I-beams E by the two 7/8-inch bolts
clusions to such an extent that I want just clear, the center of the arch was F , the head of each of which bears on a
to embrace his theory. If, as he claims 6 inches above the top of the top row of wrought iron strap G, which acts as a
with such naivete, the steam pressure bal- tubes. Now, the water column was so washer.
ances the back pressure while the atmos- connected that when water-level was at The two cast iron gibs H, one of which
pheric pressure forces the water into the top of the bottom packing nut of the is located on either side of the foot D.
the boiler, then I wish he would explain, glass, there would be two inches of water are held in place, as shown, by the two
by the use of his theory, the action of above the tubes, so if the water was ever 56-inch tap bolts ) ; and when the cap
the exhaust injector. For in this type allowed to fall to the bottom of the glass screws are screwed down solid on the lock
310 POWER May, 1906.

nuts, there should be about 1-32 of an wearing, but at the first sign of their fail ly and the valve didn't miss a stroke.
inch play between the gibs H and the ure to work use only kerosene, until they During the noon hour a new latch spring
saddle B to allow the saddle to move lat- ' are adjusted to work on a new corner. was placed in position.
erally. These supports should be lined up One day one of the latch springs broke On another occasion the set-screw that
fastens the governor arm to the cut-off
shaft worked loose, the valves failed to
release and the engine ran away, sending
showers of sawdust from every pulley
and belt all over the mill and causing
boards to feed through the machines at a
hair-raising rate of speed. I made a dash
for the throttle and shut her down just in
time. I tightened the set-screw up again,
but after tinkering with it for fifteen or
twenty minutes found that it was impos
sible to make it come exactly where it
B was before ; the steam valves would either
release too soon or not at all. The set
screw had made so many marks on the
ACT shaft that it refused to take hold in ex
actly the same place that it had before.
So I rolled the cut- off shaft around a
short distance and set it in a new place,
adjusted the cut-off arms in a new posi
tion, and she went all right again. I
could have run her until noontime on the
throttle, but it was only nine o'clock and
I had to do my own firing, so I concluded
FE to shut her down as that was the easiest


way out of it.
It is very hard to adjust the cut -off
arms accurately on such an engine as I
carefully so that the steam pipe will be and the crank - end steam valve refused to was running, as there was only one set
level and that the pipe line will not have pick up at all. I disliked very much the screw to hold them . They must be ex
any low places in it, as this is the cause idea of stopping the engine for such a actly right or it is no go, for the valves
of the fatal water pocket. simple matter, and finally hit upon the will release too early or not at all . It is
following method for keeping her going necessary that the cut-off should take
Oakland, Cal.

Running a Side - Shaft Brown Engine.


To one not familiar with it a side - shaft

Brown engine presents some very pecu
liar problems. I had charge of one of
eighty horse-power for over a year in a
planing mill. Doo
Soon after I took charge, the steam
valve on the head end refused to pick up
well. I found that a very simple and ef
fective remedy for this, temporarily, was
to squirt a little kerosene onto the toe
and latch blocks, Fig. I , occasionally. The
edges of the blocks had become so worn
that they were pretty well rounded off ;
but the kerosene did the business all right
until I got a chance to fix them.
I found that these blocks were riveted
on, which is a very old-fashioned way of
doing it. I tapped threads in them at the
first opportunity, and fastened them in
position with machine screws. Then it
was a very easy matter to change them
at will . I also discovered that all these
blocks were working on the last corner,
and that new ones would soon be re
I FIG. 2.

quired. These I ordered from the makers, at full speed. I took a heavy elastic place as late as possible when the gover
and after they were in position I had no band , A. Fig. 1 , and bent a piece of packing nor is against the stop, so that the engine
more serious trouble in that direction . twine on to each end of it. One end was will carry a heavy load. If it is found im
When the valves pick up well , it is ad- fastened to the latch, and the other possible to make the arm come just right,
visable to squirt on a little machine oil went under the cylinder and belayed to an adjust it so that the valve will not quite
every hour or so , to keep the blocks from indicator valve. This worked handsome- release and then wind a little piece of
May, 1906. POWER 311

wire around the pin as shown in Fig. 2. that it ordinarily goes. If you try to March number, I wish to submit a meth
It is an awful job to get out the valves move it back suddenly , she might bring od that I have seen in use and one which
of this style of engine, as any engineer up against the clutch pawl so hard as to worked satisfactorily in every way and
will testify who has attempted to do it. break or slip something. never gave any trouble. The accompany
To remove a steam valve it is necessary EUGENE L. Griggs.. ing sketch illustrates it. The header was
to take off the steam chest, stuffing -box, Cambridge, Mass. 24 inches in diameter and something like
valve and valve -stem together, as the 16 feet long ; it was supported on I -beams
and elevated about 6 feet above the boiler.
joint is on the inside of the stuffing- box. How to Drain a Header.
It is also necessary to disconnect the I think it a very good arrangement.
dash -pot rod. Colunibus, Ohio . L. A. C.
In the December number of POWER,
To get out an exhaust valve one has to A. Piper submitted a “ Proposed Way to In the December number of Power is a
tear the engine all to pieces. Drain a Header , " and in the March num sketch of a header bleeder system from
To take down the connecting rod the ber R. Manly Orr suggests a modification someone of this city who signs himself
wrist-pin must first be removed. This
of the former method . Now, I had a bat “ A. Piper," and in the March number is
latter is hollow, with a cap screwed on tery of three boilers piped as shown by
First remove the cap ; then
a letter by R. Manly Orr criticising the
outside. the accompanying sketch, this arrange
screw in a clamp, which goes with the arrangement. Now I happen to be ac
ment giving about eight feet drop from quainted with both the plant where this
engine, and force the wrist-pin out. The
bleeder is located and the gentleman who
nut on the inside has got to come off, and 12 Inch
this is another good job. The nut on my Header
signs himself “ A. Piper," and I know
engine had holes on its edge, necessitating that he is too well posted on steam pipe
work to ever think of putting up any
the use of a pin wrench . The holes were
such foolish contrivance as that bleeder
so badly worn that the wrench wouldn't
is ; also, that it is not a proposed plan,
take hold good and I had a lovely job.

The whole engine is exceedingly hard as Mr. Orr suggests, but a reality so far
as its existence is concerned. As to its
to disconnect, and I should advise any
one running a Brown never to touch it working, that is another matter ; it cer
as long as it will turn the shaft. How tainly does not, nor did " A. Piper" have
ever, it will often run for months without any doubts about it. His idea in describ
ing the system was evidently more to
giving any trouble whatsoever. see what readers would think of its loca
Starting and stopping a Brown is quite Blow -ofr
tion in general than of its working qual
a trick. It is impossible to do it well ROCKDALE'S ARRANGEMENT . ities. As this is the only bleeder on the
without considerable practice. The easi header and there are five boilers in the
est way to start her is to place the crank the header to the water line in the boiler.
battery, what good would the bleeder be
just at the beginning of the stroke ; now Beneath each inlet from a boiler to the
when the boiler to which it is connected
roll the side shaft over until you hear the header à 1 /4 -inch drip was tapped into was out of service for any reason ? If this
clutch snap in. Now, by giving her a the header and the other end of this pipe bleeder had been arranged to discharge
good puff of steam she will walk off all was connected to the boiler blow -off
through a check-valve and into any one
right. After you get used to it, it is pos through a check - valve, as shown in the of the five boilers instead of only one,
sible to start from almost any position. Sketch. By means of this arrangement a and if its outlet were below the boiler
With the crank almost over onto the cen circulation entering the boiler is kept water line, there is no doubt that it would
ter she will go all right, if you do it just up, preventing the blow -off pipe from
work. Mr. Orr says it will work where
so. Open the proper steam valve by ro becoming incrusted and possibly burned
out, and the water goes back
it is by inserting the check - valve, but I
tating the hand wheel ; now give her the do not think so , for the simple reason
throttle pretty good, and, just as she where it belongs instead of into the steam
that the area of a check -valve is larger on
passes the center, roll the hand wheel space . This arrangement seems to me an
the back than on the other side of the
improvement on those described by
over until you hear the clutch snap in ; disk, and the steam pressure is , as Mr.
Messrs. Piper and Orr. It has been in Orr says, a little higher in the boiler than
the steam valve at the other end opens use seven years and has traps " shot to
at the same time and off she goes. in the header. OBSERVER .
pieces." ROCKDALE.
The method I used for stopping is as
follows : Suppose it is desired to bring Referring to the methods of draining a Where Did He Get It ?
the engine at rest with the crank on the header proposed by A. Piper in the De
top quarter ; shut the throttle and let her
ne We notice on page 238 of the April is
come nearly to a stop ; just as the crank то gi
En sue of Power a letter from J. E. N. ,
is passing the crank-end center throw the
hand wheel clear around until the crank Toronto, Canada, describing his idea of
.to an internal separator. We wish to point
end steam valve opens again. The valves
will now remain in this position and the out that, with the exception that we use a
engine won't move them for nearly a rev special casting instead of a flanged tee
Pipe 14 for the outlet connection, the construction
olution. If you have timed it just right, 6" ‫يت‬so
‫الكو‬ shown and described by him is identical
the momentum will be sufficient to carry with our Potter Mesh Separator which
the crank through the bottom stroke. As was patented in April , 1896 , and is in use
it gets well past the head-end center give in a very large number of boilers of all
her a puff of steam and she will stop.
Just as she comes to rest, shut the throt The last two paragraphs of his letter
tle and throw the hand -wheel around are quotations almost word for word
until the crank-end exhaust valve opens from our former booklet describing the
and the trick is done . separator, a copy of which we enclose
In working this type of engine, always L. A. c.'s ARRANGEMENT .
with the passages marked on page 3 .
throw the hand wheel in the direction cember number and R. Manly Orr in the Hoping that you will take notice of this
312 POWER May, 1906.

in your department on “ Correspondence Concerning the idea of M. De Weese, so as to be able to take any of the con
and Discussion ,” we remain . it is an advantage to feed a boiler at the nections apart while steam was up ; and if
THE POTTER SEPARATOR. Co. front end, for it will force the sediment I had used a 4- inch nipple and elbow be
Newburgh, N. Y. to the back end of the boiler, and there tween the 4- inch and 2- inch tees. I got
it has better access to the mud drum . I my idea from a piece I read in Power a
whal J. E. N. said : What the Booklet said :
have copied a part of his sketch where
Any small globules of The small globules of
moisture which may be moisture ( which are
I suggest a slight change in piping and
contained in the steam always contained in the introduction of two tees, one elbow
are broken up by con- steam as taken direct and two short pipes, Fig. 2.
tact with the first ee- from the boiler ) are * The sediment is supposed to come
ries of scroons , when broken up by the first
much of it will drip piece of gauze, then
from the boiler through the pipe and set
back into the water be- further broken by the tle in the mud drum , but the sediment 101
low ; the operation 18 gecond , and so on un the above -mentioned pipe flows straight
repeated when it strikes til completely atom . and a larger portion reaches the biow
the second row . As ized and ready, on the
there will be a small addition of a very small
off valve. To overcome this I have sug
amount of wire -draw . amount of heat, to be gested the piping as described in my
ing, and the moisturo flashed into dry steam . sketch. This will leave the blow - off
will be completely at . This beat 1s obtained valve nearly free from sediment.
omized , the wire-draw- by a very small amount Louisville, Ky .
FIG . 2.
ing will furnish enough
of wire -drawing ; con
heat to flash the atoms sequently dry steam is blow - off arrange good many years ago, where a man used
Here is a plan of
into dry steam . supplied at the steam such an arrangement for boilers fed with
To quote from a text- outlet. river water. His arrangement was bet
book on steam engin . The advantage of dry
eering : “ A very slight steam at the boiler out.
Flange ter than mine, but we had to use what we
addition of moisture at let is vastly more im . could get . His arrangement was some
the boiler will mean & portant than at first thing like Fig. 4.
great deal more than appears . Dry steam at H. W. WALKER.
proportionate increase the boiler means dry
Bakersfield, Cal.
of condensation in the steam throughout the
main pipe. Dry steam entire plant, not omit
at the boiler means ting the exhaust. Ir Mr. De Weese will have no more cir
dry steam throughout dry steam is delivered
the entire plant, not by the boiler, the con culation in his blow - off connection as he
omitting the exhaust." densation in a properly shows it than he has in his gage-glass.
covered stoam - pipe of The 54 -inch pipe must be connected in
ordinary length is inap below the water line so that the system
preciable, but a very Section will stand full of water.
slight addition of moist of
ure at the boiler will Rear A better wrinkle than he proposes, if
mean & great deal more he is afraid of any one of his blow -offs
than proportionate 10
crease of condensatiou
Way Tee Main blow ott Valve
in the main pipe ; since
the water thus passing
through the stoam pipe 24 * Pipe
abstracts heat from the
steam and causes a tur.
Mud Drum
ther precipitation of 16 " * 18
water .
Long Sweep Tee

Blow - off Circulating Pipes.

I have read the letter and examined the
drawing of M. De Weese on page 173 of ment that will work if Mr. De Weese's becoming clogged up, is to put a gate
the March issue, and I don't think his does not. It is in use on nine 56 -inch valve in the main leader from the blow
scheme will work. He won't get circula boilers on the lease where I am and does offs . In case of trouble he could close
tion in the blow - off pipe. He would if the good work. the valve and open the troublesome one .
pipe leading from the top of the boiler From the 2-inch tee above the blow -off Then raise the pressure of the other boil
were tapped in below the water line ; but valve, I connected with an elbow , short ers five or ten pounds and open the blow
in the case shown in Fig. I the pipe nipples and a bushing into a 4-inch tee off of this one also. The excess pressure
at the top will fill with steam , which will from which hangs a piece of 4-inch pipe on the blow - off will , nine times out of
stay there until it condenses. However , 18 inches long, bushed at the bottom for ten , force the obstruction in the other
if this pipe be tapped in below the water a 2 - inch connection to the waste pipe. blow -off back into the boiler. The valves
level there will be a circulation in the The other run of the tee is connected to may now be closed, the one in the blow
blow -off pipe which will insure keeping it a 2 - inch outlet in the back head just be- off header opened, and the troublesome
clean, but will not allow the mud to get low the water line, and probably designed blow- off will usually be found to work all
to the mud - drum freely. If the 2 /2- inch for use with a surface blow -off as it is right.
pipe be short, the mud will easily find its just above a soft plug. The mud -drum is no longer looked up
way to the mud -drum ; if this pipe is long, The 4 - inch chamber is blown off two or on as a necessary adjunct to a horizon
it will clog up and circulation will make three times a day, and gets rid of a great tal return - tubular boiler. On a water
it worse, as it would be in the wrong di- deal of sediment. I think that the water tube boiler it is necessary , as without it
rection. In either case the main blow -off in passing through the larger tee moves the lower tubes would fill up with sedi
valve will not become filled with scale and slower, and being away from the fire the ment at the rear end and become burned.
sediment until the mud -drum does, but mud has time to settle. It will usually be found when a horizon a

the mud -drum blow- off valve of course It would have been an improvement if tal tubular boiler is opened that the girth
will become filled up. B. 0. EYELER. I had put a 2- inch gate valve on the main seam has prevented a good deal of sedi
Bi:ffalo , V. Y. blow-off just outside of the brickwork ment from working toward the blow -off
May, 1906. POWER 313

so I don't see where a mud-drum placed then the results might be favorable, and for extra security. Since having a large
as proposed on a return tubular boiler is again they might not, depending on the boiler nearly emptied from a stray rivet
of a great deal of advantage. quality of water and the care taken of the head getting stuck in a valve I have had
I heartily indorse Mr. De Weese's idea outfit. two valves put on. Forty blow -off valves
of feeding through the front head and It has been my effort to maintain the are quite an item but are cheaper and
safer than a burned boiler or a continued
loss of hot water.
Concord Junction, Mass.

Putting In and Taking Out

Crank Pins.

Some time ago while running a small
ice plant, single acting, with two vertical
compressors and horizontal engines, I had
a pin turn in the disk. As the disk hole had
to be bored , we had a machinist with the
necessary tools do the job, and here is
the way he did it.
SH After disconnecting the rods we took
the old pin out without any trouble in this
case. We then took a cut out of the disk
which made it true all around. He then
turned the pin one -hundredth of an inch
carrying the pipe to the rear end and utmost simplicity in all boiler connections larger than the hole, which we both
across, as the water has in this way a and I believe that a blow -off pipe.extend thought was a plenty in this case, as there
was only about two and one- half inches
chance to be heated before it reaches the ing from boiler down below the floor of
sheets. If he has trouble with his blow- the combustion chamber, thence outside of stock around the pin. He then got
off pipe filling up and his boilers scaling, of the brickwork and using an asbestos some old grate bars, placed some bricks on
should recommend that he use a solvent packed cock as advocated by the Hartford each end of the crank-pin pit, put the
adapted to his feed water, determined by Steam Boiler Insurance and Inspection grate bars on top of them, made a char
analysis and a systematic method of clean- Company is by far the most satisfactory coal fire under the disk, first cutting sonie
ing and blowing down of his boilers. I in the long run. This method gives but pieces of sheet iron to fit behind the disk
think he will get better results that way four or six screw joints exposed to boiler so as to keep the heat from the main bear
than with the circulation pipe and mud- pressure and the action of the hot water ing. He then bent a piece of three-eighth
drum which he proposes . C. H. T. and but one in the heat of the gases, while pipe so as to blow the charcoal fire up, and
Bridgeport, Conn. with the scheme proposed by M. De soon there was a good dull red heat on
Weese there are very many more and at the disk. He tried the pin in the back
" Will it work ?" Hardly as shown in the least four exposed to the gases, all addi- end before taking the fire away, and as
drawing. The water would rise in the tional joints making so many more he found it would fit all right, we got the
34-inch pipe to the level of that in the chances for failure and consequent shut- fire out in a hurry and he shoved the pin
boiler and no higher. To make it work downs. in and held it there so that the shoulder
successfully change the 14 -inch pipe to 14 If the simple blow - off and cock are would hug the disk. As soon as things
or 1/2 and connect it to the boiler about intelligently handled there is no doubt in cooled down we connected up and she ran
six inches below the water level . No part my mind but that the gentleman will at- like a top. The crank-pin boxes ran warm
of the piping should be higher than the tain very satisfactory results by its use . for a little while, but got all right when
point where it connects to the boiler. Boston , Mass. HENRY E. FISHER . they found their new bearings.
FRED CHAPELL . Here is the way a machinist I knew got
Dannemora, N. Y. The arrangement of the circulation pipe a pin out of an engine. In this case the
to the top of the boiler is all right with pin was worn so badly that it was deemed
the addition of a check valve between the best to put in a new one. After the fac
Pipe to Boiler
at Water Line union and the elbow , opening inwards. tory machinist had drilled holes in it all
This will allow the hot water to circulate day and tried to blow it out he drilled a
back to the top of the boiler and prevent hole all the way through the pin in the
steam coming down when the blow - off is center, tapped one end out for aa half - inch
open. I have several of these that have pipe, connected this up to a water hose,
been in use over twenty years . As to built a charcoal fire under the disk and
the arrangement of blow -off valves, I kept water poured over the pin. He also
should use a tee instead of the cross , made a trough out of an old piece of sheet
Blow -off from and put a straight-way valve between the iron to carry the water away so as it would

Boi! r
o- ff

tee and the drum, also another valve as not put out the fire. When the disk got
Mud Blow -otr he has shown. This puts the two valves hot the pin came out as easy as you please,
Drum in series, and the one between the boiler Fayettville, N. C. D. J. Hays .

FIG. 4.
and drum would usually be kept open
but could be closed to repair the other one A brass mixture which has nearly the
To get a circulation of water through or to clean and examine the drum. As same coefficient of expansion and contrac
his blow -off the upper connection should blow -off valves are apt to get leaky or tion as cast iron is the ordinary gun metal
be made just below the water line and have something happen to them, it is often or 88 parts of copper, 10 parts of tin , and
should be at least 2 inches in size, and thought best to have two valves in series 2 parts of zinc.
314 POWER May, 1906 .

To Our Subscribers. steam turbine plants, but the size and cost
of the compressor would probably make
Pay money for your subscription to
Power only to an agent showing a letter
of authority signed by the auditor of Hill
its use absurd, if not uncommercial.
There are many other difficulties to be
overcome before a commercial gas turbine
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Issued Monthly by the
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Hill Publishing Company months from date of letter. If anyone sidered..
505 Pearl Street , New York. represents himself as an agent of POWER
Also published at 6 Bonverie St. , London , E. C. and wants to collect for your subscription, The Collapsing Pressure of Tubes.
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and paid for . Name and artress of correspondents must be three months old, he is all right and you One of the most unsatisfactory, un
given --not necessarily for publicution . will be safe in paying. Always secure a settled and empirical calculations with
Copy for chinge in adoertisements must be in our hands not
kaler than the 5th of each month to insure change in the issue receipt on a printed form of “ Power .” which the steam engineer has to deal is
appearing on the first of the fol ou ing month .
We cannot be
that of the collapsing pressure of cylin
Do not send money in an unregistered letter.
The Gas Turbine. drical surfaces. The formulas in use are
responsib'e for such remittanres as muy fail to reach us .
check, pos' office or express order, or register your letter . largely based upon experiments made by
Pay no money to solicitwrs or agents unless they can show The proposition to ignite a mixture of Fairbairn upon tubes not exceeding five
letters of authorization from this office. gas and air in a tank and utilize the re
Address all communirations and remittances, and make feet in length and with a comparatively
draf's, cherhs and money orders payable to POWER , 505
sulting expansion in driving a turbine tirin wall . In the formula which he de
Pearl Street, Nec York . runner is a highly attractive one, and the duced Fairbairn made the collapsing pres
Subscription price $ 2 per year, in advance, to any post
mere dilettante is disposed to enthuse over sure a direct function of the length , al
office in North America or the possessions of the United it, basing his enthusiasm on a blind faith though there is no apparent reason why a
States . $ 3 per year to any other country. in the ability of the real workers in this tube of twice the length should fail at
POWER PUBLISHING CO ., LTD ., 6 Bouverie St., Lon
branch of engineering science to eliminate half the pressure. Other formulas were
don , E.C., will serve all subscriptions in Europe and the or surmount the difficulties " somehow . " deduced by other authors, some retain
British possessions in the Eastern Hemisphere. Prico But when men of the class of Clerk, ing the length as a simple factor, others
10 Shillings in Great Britain , 12 Shillings for Europe and
the colonies .
Lucke and Neilson give no encourage making the collapsing pressure vary as
Entered at New York Post Office as mail matter of the ment, one's optimism sags dreadfully. some fractional power of the length, and
second class . Broadly, the apparent insurmountable ob D. K. Clark, in a formula based upon the
stacles are the high temperatures neces failure of six boiler fues under known
Cable address , " PowPUB," N. Y.
Lieber's and ABC Codes .
sary to economy, the inefficiency of the pressures, cut the length qut' altogether.
expanding nozzle, and the deficiencies of In the chaotic state of the subject en
During 1905 Power printed and circulated rotary or centrifugal compressors as com
291,600 copies — an average of 24,200 per gineers will welcome the report of an
issue. of thisissueof POWER 22,500 copies pared with the reciprocating type. The exhaustive research on the capacity of
are printed . No paper8 sent free regularly ;
no returns from news companies ; no back maximum temperature in a gas engine is bessemer steel lap -welded tubes from three
numbers beyond the current year. commonly around 2800 to 3000 degrees , to ten inches in diameter to resist collapse
Fahrenheit, which, of course, would be ut when subjected to fluid pressure, which
Contents . terly prohibitive without some means of will be presented to the American Society
Installation and Maintenance of a Small
Electric Light Plant
263 rapidly conducting the heat from the af of Mechanical Engineers at its spring
A Dangerous Steam Pipe .266 fected surfaces. In a gas turbine there
Engineering Reminiscences 267 meeting this month by Reid T. Stewart
Some Fallacies Regarding Rope Trans- could be no way of cooling the blades or of Allegheny. The paper is an abstract of
mission in a Refrigerating Plant . ..273
Experiences vanes, and these would be destroyed al the result so far attained in a series of
A New Method of Measuring Water in
most immediately. The apparent remedy tests which is being conducted under the
Pump Tests
I'ower -House Conveniences 276 is to use an expanding nozzle for convert direction of the author at the McKees
Design , Construction and Application of
Large Gas Engines in Europe-VII ...278 ing a large part of the heat energy of the port works of the National Tube Com
High-Pressure Turbo Pumping Station ... 281 burning gases into kinetic energy, thus pany, which has already extended over
Rewinding Dynamo Electrical Machinery.282
Boiler Corrosion and Other Faults . 285 lowering the temperature of the gases. four years, and which has established the
Trials of Producer-Gas
Suggestions for ErectingPlants ..
Engineers. 287
289 But this plan is defeated by the facts that fact that the length of the tube, between
. 291 expanding nozzles have not sufficiently
Catechism of Electricity -XIII . 292 transverse joints tending to hold it to a
Some Practical Kinks
Fly -wheels for Single-cylinder Steam high efficiency to enable a gas turbine to circular form , has no practical influence
EnginesTests of a 500 -Kilowatt West-295 compete with a gas engine, and that even
upon the collapsing pressure of a com
inghouse-Parsons Turbine . 293 with a perfect nozzle the combustion tem
Elementary Lectures on Electrical En . mercial lap-welded steel tube so long as
gineering - IV 297 perature would have to be reduced to this length is not less than about six
Low - Pressure Turbine Station at
about 1800 degrees Fahrenheit in order to
Scranton , Pa . 299 diameters of the tube.
Test of a High -Duty Pumping Engine at299 get the admission temperature down to The various formulas at present in use
St. Louis Water Works
Engine- Room Chemistry
Discussion :
300 where the blades would stand it. Even if apply with any proximity only to the con
Correspondence and Mr.
these two difficulties were solved , there re
Howatt's Air -Compressor Test ... ditions of the tests upon which they are
Some Turbines for Marine Service mains the inherent inefficiency of the tur based . Fairbairn's formula gives 220
Acrobatic Belts .... Successful
Pumping Engine Alterations ....Con- bine runner as a converter of the kinetic pounds as the collapsing pressure of a
tinuous Diagram from
Engine....Should a Rolling
the High- or Mill
Low- energy of a rapidly moving fluid into work tube having an outside diameter of 858
Pressure ' Crank Lead... . Superheating at the shaft, as well as the poor prospect inches, a thickness of 0.18 inch and a
Surface Required .. More Loose
of the rotary compressor. The turbine
Valve Keys .... The Mercury Column length of ten feet. It actually failed at
as Applied to Damper Regulators ... inefficiency is fundamental and unavoid 500 pounds. A tube of twice the length
The Machinist and the Emergency.
Mr. Stolp's “ Scientific " Point of View able. In the steam turbine this is offset but otherwise similar failed at 450, while
.... A Point in Boiler Setting ....De
tails of Pipe Support....Running a by the lack of initial condensation and the Fairbairn's formula would make it 110.
Side Shaft Brown Engine....How to utilization by the turbine of the lower The author deduces the formula
Drain a Header .... Where Did He Get
It .... Blow -off Circulating Pipes .... stages of expansion. The lack of an ef
Putting In and Taking Out Crank
Pins 301-313
ficient rotary compressor, while not a de P = 86,670 5d – 1386
New Things for the Power Plant. 316-319
termining factor, is of serious importance. t
Inquiries 320 A reciprocating compressor could be used, .for cases where d -is greater than 0.023
Book Reviews 321
Society Notes
322 just as reciprocating pumps are used in and
May, 1906. POWER 315

if the brushes are set too far ahead ( in sense of the term . Reference to a num
P = 1000
litv I 1600 :)
the direction of rotation ) of the real neu-
tral point, sparking under the brush is
ber of authorities in the way of text
books reveals the same lack of harmony
for cases in which d is less than 0.023 may
to any one of a largetoeedge
in the explanations of the meaning of
the word .
or P greater than d of causes or any combination of them . If There seems to be no conflict of opinion
22 V
the brushes are set improperly, such as to the cause of natural draft, all writ
P being the pressure in sq. inches,
t the thickness in inches ,
sparking will occur, setting the brushes ers explaining that it is due to the fact
and d the outside diameter in inches . too far behind the correct point usually that a column of hot gases inside the
causing it sooner than setting too far chimney weighs less than a column of
The principal factor in determining col ahead. external air of the same dimensions, the
lapse was lack of circular truth or " out
But the sparking thus far mentioned latter merely displacing the former by
of-roundness." usually affects all bars alike. The burn- reason of the difference in their specific
This has long been recognized in prac ing of single bars, or a few bars in a com- gravities. After making this explanation
tical boiler work, and was to be expected. mutator, is due as a rule to one of three and showing that the flow of gases up the
Thinness of wall is wholly subordinate to causes : high mica between the burned bar chimney is produced by the difference of
out-of-roundness in its influence upon the and the one next behind it ; loose connec- the pressures of the two columns at the
collapsing strength of a tube, yet it is a tion between the armature winding and base of the stack, Peabody and Miller,
difficult factor to recognize in a formula. the bar immediately behind the burned in their work on " Steam Boilers," pro
While a theoretically perfect tube would one, or an unsymmetrical winding. The ceed to state that " this difference of pres
collapse at its center, most of the speci last- mentioned cause is the rarest nowa- sure is considered to be the draft, in all
mens tested failed near the ends, because days, but some of the wave- wound ma- theories of the chimney." Yet, in his
the greatest departure from roundness was chines of ten years ago were hopeless in " Steam Boiler Economy, " Kent says :
at that portion of the tube. the matter of burning a number of bars " The force of the draft is equal to the
Burned Commutator Bars. equal to, or a multiple of, the number of difference between the weight of a col
field -magnet poles. If only one bar is umn of hot gases inside the chimney and
It is usually a matter of considerable burned, and no loose connection exists, the weight of a column of the external
difficulty to diagnose any except the sim- it is almost sure to be due to either high air of the same height. ” This he also
plest of troubles with electrical machinery mica or a low bar. calls the intensity of the draft. Com
from " symptoms” transmitted by mail, Sparking due to a loose connection is paring these two definitions, it is seen
and of all the common ills that such ma- not generally understood. The principal that the draft in the former is precisely
chinery develops, blackened commutator cause is simple enough . The looseness the same as the force of the draft in the
bars constitute about the most difficult to of the connection greatly increases the re- latter.
deal with at long range. We frequently sistance of the electrical path through the Carpenter, in his “ Experimental Engi.
receive requests for explanations of coil corresponding to the loose terminal ; reering,” has still another way of de
burned commutator bars without any in- consequently, when the brush leaves the fining the term . He says that “ the as
formation as to the conditions of opera- bar ahead of the one having the loose cending force which causes smoke or

tion, character of load, or other enlighten- connections, the effect is similar to that heated air to rise in a chimney is called
ing features of the cases which might when a circuit is opened—the current the draft." Lockwood's Dictionary of
easily be described if the inquirer would tries to continue flowing in the good part Mechanical Engineering Terms states
take the trouble ; obviously, these cannot of the circuit and follows the low -resist- that “ the quantity of air which passes
be answered definitely. ance bar until a small arc is drawn, which through a furnace in a given time is
Primarily, burned commutator bars are is, of course, ruptured by the further termed the draft."
due to sparking either under the brush movement of the bar away from the Here, then, are four separate and dis
faces or at the edges ; this is self-evident, brush, forcing the current to take the path tinct definitions of the word by as many
but the cause of the sparking is nearly al- of higher resistance through the faulty different authorities, and it is this wide
ways obscure. In many cases it occurs connection . difference of opinion that confuses the
so far under the brush face that it is not reader. What is draft ? Is it a current,
visible upon ordinary inspection of the Draft. a pressure difference, a force or a quan
machine; but, visible or not, the operator tity ? What is desired is a clean -cut, com
may be absolutely sure in every case that " Draft” is one of the most loosely ap- prehensive, technically accurate and eas
there is sparking between one or more plied terms connected with steam engi- ily understood definition , which shall be
groups of brushes and the commutator neering. It is used alike to in cate th in accord with the general conception of
when he finds burned bars. The burning force or intensity with which a chimney what is meant by draft.
of a commutator bar along one edge is or other draft -producing agent acts to In " Boilers and Furnaces, " by Barr,
always accompanied by sparking at the induce the flow , as when one says " a there is a statement made that "chimney
toe of the brush, provided the brush quarter -inch draft” ; or the capacity as draft is an effect produced by the differ
touches the commutator all the way out when we say a given chimney " will fur- ence in specific gravity of the cold air
to the tip of the toe. It often occurs that nish draft for a thousand horse-power of entering the furnace under the grate and
a brush is not fitted properly to the curva- boilers." the heated products of combustion escap
ture of the commutator and does not Mr. Carle in the opening paragraph of ing from the chimney." This , while ac
touch the bars at the extreme toe edge ; the article on stack draft in the March
curate enough , leaves much to the imag
in such a case, sparking is almost certain issue says " that stack draft is the force
to occur from lack of proper brush con- or intensity of the draft.” This , while
ination, since the phrase " effect pro
duced ” is quite colorless . Nevertheless,
tact, and when it does, it is out of sight intelligible to the ordinary understand
under the face of the brush . If a brush ing, is scarcely an unassailable definition . it must be admitted that the definition
covers the case, even though it does leave
does fit the arc of the commutator and since it practically states that draft is
yet sparks invisibly, it is usually due to the force or intensity of itself. The something to be desired in the way of
high mica between the commutator bars Standard Dictionary states merely that
or else to improper setting of the brushes draft is a current of air, which while
with respect to the correct point of com- answering the purpose of daily conversa Neither moisture nor machine oil should
mutation ; in either a dynamo or a motor, tion , is not by any means the technical he allowed to accumulate on belts.
316 POWER May , 1906 .

New Things for the Power Plant. seat. The valve is an English invention,
and is handled in this country by the
The Swartwout Vertical Steam its passage or sudden change in motion Ward & Upright Engineering Company,
which would require energy which could 41 York street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
be supplied only by a fall of pressure. It The Eurema Y - Valve .
is built in sizes adapted to pipe of from
The idea of throwing the moisture out
one to twelve inches in diameter by The The distinctive- feature of this valve .
of stearn by imparting a rotary motion to
the column is not new, but the designer Ohio Blower Company, Cleveland, Ohio. is the use of aa differential screw of low
of the separator under review has set out
The Kinghorn Multiplex Disk Valve.
This valve consists of a number, usually
three, of super - imposed metallic disks,
each disk being free to move on a central
stud , quite independently of the others.
The bottom and intermediate layers are
perforated with a number of holes, these
being placed at different distances from
the center, so that they cannot register,
and when all the disks or layers are
close together no passageway through is
formed . As the valve opens, the disks or
layers open simultaneously or independ
ently, allowing the particles of air or wa
ter to pass in between them ; these par
ticle's act to cushion the impact of the
valve against both guard and seat, there
by lessening the force of the impact and THE EUREMA Y - VALVE .
minimizing the strain upon the valve and
the stud . .pitch upon the stem, whereby the valve is
When the valve is used in an inverted raised not only by the screwing of the
position it must be held to its seat by a stem out of the gland , but by the screwing
spring, as shown at the right. It is not of the stem into the projection upon the
to effect this result with new simplicity, recommended, however, to be used in this back of the valve - disk. This makes the
in such a way that the water once sep- way, except for small valves . valve available for use in close places, and
arated cannot be taken up again by the The disks are made from a special al- insures it against opening by vibration .
steam and that there shall be no notice- loy which combines ductility and strength, On account of the short rise of the stem
able loss of pressure between the inlet is non - corrosive and unaffected by hot no yoke is required. The brass disk and
and outlet of the separator. The helical water or engine oils. Their cushion action seat are spherically ground, insuring a
worm in the throat is integral with the prevents them from fracture as well as tight joint in any position, or a Jenkins
main - shell casting, so that, aside from the obviating the liability of the studs to crys- disk is furnished when preferred. The
gage - glass fittings, the separator consists tallize. In the unlikely event of either all advantages urged are the practically
of a single piece, of neat design and ab- or part of the disks getting fractured or straight-way passage, the small liability


so ute simplicity, with no internal parts carried away, these being thin and pliable, of sediment to lodge upon the inclined
to get loose and rattle or become inoper- are not likely to damage the pump, as seat , the fact that the slant of the stem
ative. The moisture being thrown to the would be the case with a thicker valve. shows at a glance the postion in which
outside by the centrifugal force of the Should either of the intermediate layers the valve should be placed to close against
revolving column, gathers in the annular get fractured ; the layers which remain in- pressure, and the strength and immunity
pocket ard is trapped off, while the clean tact serve to preserve the action of the from the effects of unequal expansion
and dry steam passes down the central pump with but little impairment. The duc- afforded by the construction. They are
riser, in a direct line with its original tility of the material permits a very slight made by the Western Tube Company,
direction of flow , with no restriction of pressure to bind the disks tightly to the Kewanee, III.
May, 1906 . POWER 317

Improved Operating Devicefor the the stroke, so that as the piston nears the H- h
Dean Boiler Tube Cleaner. end of its stroke it moves the valve over
so as to connect the port I to the central
The William B. Pierce Company of Where W = Actual evaporation in lbs.
chamber, admitting steam to the left
H = B.t u. in a pound of steam
Buffalo, N. Y., has recently perfected a hand end of the piston, and as the other
new motor for the Dean mechanical tube end is simultaneously opened to the ex of given pressure .
h = B.t.u. in a pound of fred
cleaner. The double-cross -hatched por- haust, the piston is forced back to the
These reciprocations water at given temper
tion in Figs. I , 4 and 5 is the piston, con- initial position.
maintain a rapid vibratory motion in the ature.
nected, as shown in Fig. I , to the ham-
K 2 G C
Its purpose and capabilities will best
be understood by following the directions
2 for its use .
B To determine the heat units in a pound
F 10 of steam at a given gage pressure, move
the lower slide so that the top of the ar
3 FIG . I row points to the given steam pressure,
iG H and the lower end of the arrow will point
1 to the heat units in the steam above 32
K degrees.
K To determine the number of heat units
FIG . 7 al applied to one pound of water at a given
steam pressure and given feed temper
FIG . 3 FIG . 4 ature, so as to convert same into steam ,
FIG. 2
set the feed temperature on the lower
H slide against the steam pressure , and op
posite 32 at left hand of lower slide find
the number of the heat units required .
A To find the factor of evaporation, set
'I FIG. 6
FIG. 5
the feed temperature on the lower slide
against the boiler pressure . Note the
number on the lower scale of heat units
mer C pivoted at c and vibrated , by the hammer head Crapping the scale from corresponding to 32 degrees on the lower
backward and forward movement of the the tube in which it is used . slide. Set the upper slide so that the
piston, through the pin d in the yoke at- Figs. 2 and 3 are sections on the lines arrow points to the same number of heat
tached to the piston rod. 2-2 and 3-3 of Fig. 1 , and Figs. I , 4 and units in the middle divisioa of the rule .
K is a slide valve, shown in perspective 5 are longitudinal sections in the corre- Above 10 on the top slide tind the factor
in Fig. 7, and in its saddle-like position spondingly numbered planes of Fig. 2. of evaporation ; move the decimal point
on the reduced portion of the piston in Fig. 6 shows the cylinder bushing with its to the left .
the other views. Its operation is as fol- ports, and Fig. 7 the valve in perspective. To find the equivalent evaporation from
lows : Suppose the piston to be at the The idea is applicable not only to tube and at 212 degrees multiply the actual
right -hand end of its stroke as in Fig. 1 . cleaners but to pneumatic tools and gen- evaporation by the factor of evaporation ,
The steam or other actuating fluid, en- erally to any situation where space is or move the lower slide so that the tem
tering at the coupling B , passes through limited . It is even suggested for automo- perature corresponds to the boiler pres
the port F to the central cavity of the bile and motor boat work. sure . Note the number opposite 32 de


5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

5 6 7 8 10 u 12 13 14



32 40 50 CO 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 JAMES MILNE

970 980 990 1000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1200 10



piston , and passing around its reduced Milne's Equivalent Evaporation grees on the lower scale . Set the upper
portion flows by the port H as shown in Computator. scale so that the arrow points to the same
Fig. 4, to the right-hand side of the piston number of heat units in the middle di
pushing it to the left. Meantime the other This is a double slide rule of card- vision of the rule. Above the observed
end of the cylinder is connected through board similar to those so widely used for or actual evaporation on the top slide
the ports 1 and G, Figs. 5 and 1 , to the computing horse -power, and is designed find the equivalent evaporation .
exhaust, discharging the steam into the to reduce a given boiler performance to James Milne, manager and chief en
tube which is being cleaned. The space the equivalent evaporation from and at giner of the Underfeed Stoker Company,
between the end of the valve K and the 212 degrees and kindred problems. It is Limited, National Trust Building, To
full portion of the piston is shorter than based on the formula : ronto, Ont., is the inventor.
318 POWER May , 1906 .

Salamander Cradle Dumping Grate. the bars are rugged, without the massive- power correctly when both of the factors
ness which means overheating ; they can were variable.
The distinguishing feature of this grate be easily replaced when desired, the web An indicating finger K is attached to
is the cradle B , Fig. 1 , supporting the D being slotted to fit over the square that part of the valve or governing mech
front end of the bars, so that each bar has rocking-bar ; E is the lever attached to anism which has a movement that va
three supports—the bearing bar at the the operating bar. ries with the speed and point of cut -off,
back, the rocker bar C in the center, and The grates are made for any sized coal, for instance to the governor rod of the
the cradle-bearing bar in front. By this but are particularly adapted to burning Corliss engine, or to the member con
means any tendency for the front end to the smaller sizes of cheap coal and other
droop, causing the back end to raise into waste fuel . The Salamander Grate Bar
the fire and burn off, is avoided. Company, 126 Liberty street, New York,
The makers have found that a straight are tlie makers.
cluster grate is preferable to the V-style

bar, in that it does not catch the clinkers

The Shreffler Engine Indicator and
Overload Alarm .

This instrument, which is being placed K

on the market by John F. Shreffler, 376

South Campbell Avenue, Chicago, gives H
a continual reading in plain figures of the be
indicated horse-power of a steam engine .
It also sounds an alarm , should the load
exceed any pre-arranged maximum, also if
the boiler should prime carrying over
water to the engine, or if the engine

should attain an abnormal speed. It can
be used on practically any type of steam
engine, enabling the engineer to keep an

accurate record of the power developed
and refuse when dumped, but frees itself with a minimum amount of labor. It is
more readily. permanently attached to the engine and
Fig. I shows the bar and the cradle, is intended to be in use at all times while
which is attached to the rocker being the engine is in operation.
slid into a dovetail and bolted . At the The horse-power is a function of two
end of the cradle arms are slots in which factors, the differential pressure on the
the bearing bar rests directly under the piston, that is, the difference between the THE SHREFFLER ENGINE INDICATOR .
front end of the grate bars, preventing mean forward and back pressures, and
them from dropping below the required the velocity with which the piston moves . trolling the travel of the valve-stem of
level. If the mean - effective- pressure were con the single- valve automatic. The dia
Fig. 2 shows the grates in the furnace, stant, a pointer attached to the portion of phragm chamber is connected with the
with the back section dumped, and the the governing mechanism the movement steam supply of the enginc at B, and
bars all removed in the front section , of which is proportional to the change with the exhaust pipe at Y, one of the
with the exception of two, thus show- in speed, would indicate the horse-power ends of the rod C rests firmly against the
enclosed diaphragm plate and moves as
the differential pressure varies. The
gland D incloses a spring which rests
against a piston which is provided with
a packing ring as shown. The gland is
locked .in position by means of the lock
nut E, when the proper adjustment of
the spring is secured. The purpose of
the spring is to regulate the movement
of the rod C. Of a pair of spur gears,
pivoted to the frame of the instrument,
the smaller f engages with a rack on the
rod C. The teeth of the large gear F
engage the teeth of the intermediate gear
F ', which in turn engages the rack bar
H, the spring attached to the lower end
of which is for the purpose of taking up
lost motion . The rack bar H carries at
its upper end the graduated scale plate I
and overload contacts Land R, and
moves said scale and contacts as the
steam supply or exhaust pressure varies,
FIG. 2. SALAMANDER CRADLE DUMPING GRATE . thus securing a compensatory movement
of the scale and overload attachment.
ing the position of the bars when placed upon a suitable scale, and if the scale The indicating finger K which derives its
on the rockers and bearing bars. were made to move also in proportion movement over the scale from the valve
It will be seen by the construction of to the changes in mean effective pressure, stem , governor, rod, etc., of the engine
the single bar in the corner of Fig. 2 that the indicator would denote the horse- to which it is attached, thus becomes an
May, 1906. POWER 319

indicator of the horse -power developed in “ nipple projecting into the bottom of the into the crotches of the first row, whence
the cylinder of the engine in plain figures steam chamber forms a trough which it is reversed again and passes into the
at all times. The adaptation of the scale catches and retains the water following outlet chamber. In Fig. 2 the " noses "
movement to different engines is effected the surface of the pipe, the steam being of the first row of baffles show clearly.
by varying the intermediate gear F', the deflected outward by the cone in the cen They are staggered with respect to the
bearings of which are made adjustable ter. This cone is open at the top and also second row so that the crotches of the
for this reason . To verify the correct- catches and retains water which may second row are opposite the spaces be
ness of the instrument, the engine is creep over its sides. tween the plates in the first row. An
placed on the center or blocked so that
it will not run, the throttle valve is
opened and the pressure indicated on the
scale noted. If the reading corresponds
with the pressure indicated by the stand
ard steam and vacuum gages, the index
finger K stands at zero on the scale plate.
When the throttle valve is closed and
there is no back pressure or vacuum in
the exhaust pipe, the instrument is cor
rectly set. If not correct, it may be cor
rected by adjusting the gland D or by
readjusting the valve mechanism .
The variable compression in a single
valve automatic is taken care of in the
callibration, a given position of the gov
ernor corresponding with a given point
of closure as well as of cut-off. It is not
claimed that the instrument will be cor
rect under considerable ranges of back
pressure, a pound off the bottom of the
diagram not being exactly equivalent to
a pound additional initial pressure, nor
that it is an instrument of precision in
dicating fractional horse -powers, but it
can be made a fairly accurate general in
dex of the work being done by the en
gine to which it has been adapted.

The Hoppes Cast - iron Exhaust

Head .

There appears to be a general movement A trough partly filled with water guards ample settling chamber is provided below
in the direction of the use of cast-iron for the outlet on the inside and an annular the baffle plates, whence the oil and moist
exhaust heads, as being better able to groove around the outlet on the outside ure are drained in the usual manner.
withstand the effects of the atmosphere, prevents the water creeping over and run
especially in cities, and as being workable ning down the outside of the head. This Marine Thrust - Bearing.
in neater and more symmetrical forms groove, the annular trough and cone are
than the sheet metal previously in use. James A. Anderson, for many years the
all drained by pipes to the bottom of the superintending engineer of the Kent aven.
The principal features of this design, re shell, from which the drips are carried off ue station, at Brooklyn, N. Y., has per
cently brought out by the Hoppes Manu by a drain pipe.
facturing Company, of Springfield, Ohio, fected a thrust bearing for marine work,
This type of head is made in sizes from operating with oil under pressure after
are the deflecting cone and the intercept 14 to 48 inches, another type adapted to the manner applied in the Curtis turbine.
smaller sizes having been made by the A recent demonstration of the invention
company for a number of years. at the laboratory of the mechanical section
'at Columbia University, showed that the
The Greenaway Special Oil bearing was not only entirely practicable
Separator. under heavy thrusts in the horizontal
position , but that it largely eliminated the
Figs. 1 and 2 herewith illustrate the thrust friction .
special “ Type N” oil separator built by
The Greenaway Company, Detroit, Mich . The United States Civil Service Com.
The exhaust steam enters at the left- mission announces an examination on
hand fanged opening in Fig. 1 , and this May 2, 3 and 4 for a structural and
is the one in view in Fig. 2. The steam mechanical draftsman at $ 1300 per year
passes between vertical V -shaped baffle at Wheeling, W. Va.; an electrical as.
plates, the " noses ” of which are toward sistant at $900 per year, in the signal ser
the entrance, and is trapped in the vice, and a similar position for duty in
crotches of similar V-shaped baffles lo- the Department of California , at $ 1400 per
cated behind the first row and turned annum. Blank and particulars may be ob
ing troughs partly filled with water, which with their open angles toward the flow ; tained by addressing the United States
are common to all the separators made by this second row of baffles reverses the Civil Service Commission , Washington ,
the Hoppes company. The bell- shaped direction of flow and directs the steam D. C.
320 POWER May, 1906 .

Inquiries. be provided to give 312 to 4 volts and ing it at that temperature during the
about 10 ampere - hours ? I prefer to use ripening process before freezing it, and
Questions are not answered unless they are plates 2 inches wide. (b ) Can the also that of hardening and shipping it
in companied by battery be sealed up ? (c) What should after freezing be taken into consideration,
of general interestsand there inquirer.
the charging current be, and how much the above figures should be increased
Starting Direct and Alternating -Current current will the battery give ? R. T. from 50 to 100 per cent., in which case
Dynamos. The total active surface of a battery the equivalent cooling effect would be 1/2
What is the difference in procedure be- cell should be 9 square inches per ampere- or 2 tons. The required capacity of a
tween starting a direct - current dynamo hour, counting both sides of all plates, ex- refrigerating machine to perform this
and an alternator ? P. N. cepting the end plates of a cell ; only one work would be 1/2 or 2 tons in case the
Leaving out the question of parallel side of these is active. Two cells will be machine operated twenty- four hours and
operation, there is no important difference . necessary in order to obtain more than 2 3.6 or 4.8 tons for 10 hours' operation
With a direct -current dynamo, the ma- volts and not over 4 volts . ( b ) No. The per day.
chine is brought up to normal speed first ; gases liberated during the charging of the ( b ) The amount of brine to be circu
then the field rheostat is set over to cut cell must be allowed to escape. ( c ) The lated through the freezer per gallon of
out all the resistance. As soon as the charging and discharging rates should be cream frozen would be about 320 pounds
pilot lampor voltmeter shows appreci- equal to one- eighth of the capacity of the or about 32 gallons on the basis of 25
able voltage, the rheostat handle should cell in ampere -hours. Thus, a 10 -ampere deg. cream, 20 -deg. brine, and 4 degrees
be drawn back one or two points—just hour battery should be charged and dis spread ( 4 degrees rise in temperature in
enough to prevent a rapid rise of voltage charged at the rate of 1/4 amperes. passing through the freezer ) .
-and this working back is continued as Il'ater Pressure in a Closed Vessel.
Cost of Fuel to Freeze Ice Cream .
the voltage continues to rise, until it be In a closed vessel completely full of
With coal at $ 1.60 per ton of 2000
comes stable ; then the rheostat is adjust- pounds, what would be the cost of the water would there be any difference in
ed to get the normal voltage. The same pressure on the top, sides and bottom of
fuel required to supply sufficient brine at
procedure is followed with the alternator
20 deg. F. to freeze 200 gallons of ice the vessel; if so, how much ? H. A. G.
except that both the exciter and the al cream per day ? (b ) How much brine
Yes . There will be no pressure on the
ternator rheostats must be manipulated. will be required per gallon of cream top ; the pressure per square inch against
For running. the exciter rheostat should frozen ? T. B. A. the sides at any point will be equal to the
be cut in as far as possible without caus On the basis of 100 per cent. " swell ” in
distance from the top down to the point
ing the exciter to spark ; if possible, the freezing, 200 gallons of frozen ice cream multiplied by 0.433 ; the pressure on the
alternator rheostat should be cut out en bottom ( per square inch ) is 0.433X the
will weigh from 800 to 1000 pounds. As
tirely. It will usually be found necessary, suming as in best practice thatthefrozen depth
however, to cut in part of both rheo
ofthe water.
Heat in Steam Applied to Lifting Weight.
cream is “ ripened " at a temperature of many
stats. How B.t.u. are required to
36 degrees and that only half of the re
Induction Motor as a Generator. frigeration required is actually absorbed change 16 pounds of water of 55 deg .
Will an induction motor generate cur- by the cream, in order to freeze the 1000 temperature into steam at atmospheric
pressure ? ( b ) How high would this
rent if driven at a speed higher than pounds of cream at 20 deg , there would
synchronism , and if so , why ? be abstracted 288,000 B. t. u., equivalent quantity of heat lift a weight of 50,000
M. E. deF. to the cooling effect produced in the pounds if it could be made to do this
melting of exactly one ton of ice. On 20 work without loss ? A. E. M.
Yes. If such a motor, when connected
A pound of water at 55 F. contains
at an
to alternating -current circuit, be driven deg. brine,
a speed above synchronism by some sure corresponding to a back pres
of about 20 pounds, a refrigerating 23.01 heat units and a pound of steam
outside source of power the rotor ( secon- machine of the usual efficiency for small at 212 deg. contains 1146.6 heat units ;
dary ) current will induce in the stator units should produce a ton of cooling ef- consequently, 1123.59 heat units ( 1146.6
( primary ) winding an e.m.f. greater than fect on an expenditure of about 134 -23.01 ) are required to convert one
that of the supply circuit, and the ma- horse - power . pound of such water into a pound of such
chine will therefore deliver current to the Assuming the steam consumption of steam, and 1123.59X16–17.977-44 B.t.11.
circuit. the small steam -driven machine to be 50 are required for 16 pounds of water. ( b )
Intermediate Heaters. pounds per horse -power -hour, the total One heat uit = 778 foot- pounds, so that
Is it practicable to install a heater be- steam used per ton of cooling effect 17,977.44 B.t.u .: 13,986,448.32 foot
tween the high -and low -pressure cylin- would be 2100 pounds. Then if 7 pounds pounds; this number of foot-pounds of
energy will raise 50,000 pounds a distance
ders of a cross -compound engine, or be- of water are evaporated per pound of of 13,986,448.32 • 50,000 279.73 feet .
tween the low -pressure cylinder and the coal consumed , the total coal consump
condenser, to heat the water for boilers tion per ton would be 300 pounds, which,
making five times as much steam as is at $ 1.60, would be worth only 24 cents . The United States Civil Service Com
used by the engine ? Would not the high- Obviously the foregoing figures, being mission announces an examination on

pressure cylinder condense so much steam based on arbitrary assumptions, may not May 16 to secure eligibles to fill a vacancy
as to produce water enough to burst the correspond very closely with actual prac- in the position of engineer and miller at
low - pressure cylinder. APPRENTICE. tice in which conditions may be widely $ 900 per annum , at the San Carlos
New Britain . different. As a matter of fact , the mod Agency, Ariz . , ard on May 16, 17 and 18,
Yes, such heaters are used and should ern tendency in the ice-cream trade to secure eligibles to fill a vacancy in the
be economical when the water can be seems to be toward lower temperatures. position of structural and mechanical
raised in temperature sufficiently to pay a The cream is usually frozen at a temper- draftsman at $ 1320 in the Engineer De
fair return on the investment. The heater ature of 20 to 25 degrees, which in ten partment at Large, Wheeling, W. Va.,
is not in the receiver itself so that the to twenty minutes thickens the cream so and two vacancies in the position of engin
water produced is carried to the succeed- that it can scarcely be turned out of large eer -draftsman, at $ 1500 to $ 2000 per
ing cylinder, but sufficient steam is bled cans ; after this it is hardened at a tem aunum in the Reclamation Service.
from the receiver and takeu to the perature of 10 degrees or lower in a tank Blank application forms may be ob
heater. in which the brine is at or below zero . tained by applying to the United States
Storage Battery Dimensions. If the cost of cooling the cream from 80 Civil Service Commission , Washington,
What size of storage battery cell should or 90 degrees to 36 degrees and maintain- D. C.
May, 1906. POWER 321

Book Reviews. commendable. On page 223, for example, ture relative to the Otto -Hoffmann and
he uses the obsolete C for current strength United -Otto coke oven systems published
and I for impedance ; farther on in the in the United States It is a thorough
“ Practical Talks on Electricity.” By Wil book he presses I into service again popular exposition of the process, printed
liam Baxter, Jr. The Engineer Publish to represent reactance. The reviewer hap- on a high grade of heavy paper with il
ing Company, Chicago. Cloth ; 309 pens to know that Dr. Bell knows the luminated titles and colored border lines,
pages, 412 x 6/4 inches ; 233 Illustra excellently
difference between impedance and react- elaborately illustrated and
tions., Price, $ 2.50.
While the title chosen ( presumably )
ance, but this overworking of the symbol bound, and is a conspicuous example of
I might lead an uncharitable reader to that higher class of trade literature which
by the author is a misnomer, this little unkind assumptions. In a few instances finds a welcome and permanent place in
book is of considerable practical value. the book has not been revised as thor- one's library. It will be sent upon re
It is, however, not at all in the style of oughly as it should have been, notably on quest only to those directly interested in
practical talks, ” but is written in the of by - product
page 213 where a boosting transformer the construction coke
regulation elementary text-book style. is shown with switch connections which Ovens .
It is divided into two parts, the first entit might easily cause a burn -out, and on
led “ Principles and Construction of Dy page 260 where Fig. 155 is said to show
namos and Switchboards” and the second, Books Received .
performance curves of " a recent 4-h. p .
“ Care and Management of Dynamos and Wagner motor," but which actually
Motors.” Like the title of the book , these
shows curves from a test made six years “ Brookes' Automobile Hand Book .” By
are inappropriate. The first section con ago on a motor the design of which was L. Elliott Brookes. Frederick J. Drake &
tains an excellent elementary presen
tation of the principles then several years old. On page 295 the Co. , Chicago. Cloth . 320 pages, 474
principles of electro author says that a dynamotor ( a single 61. Illustrated . Price $1.50 .
magnetism and electromagnetic induction ,
machine with two separate armature wind- " Practical Talks on Electricity ." By
and a description of the standard types of William Baxter, Jr. The Engineer Pub
ings and commutators ) has " the same in-
dynamo field magnets and armature wind
ings;alsochaptersontheconnectionsof ages
dependence of primary andsecondaryvolt: lishing Co.,355 Dearborn St., Chicago,
as the duplex ( ? ) motor-dynomo," Ill . 1905 . Cloth . 362 pages, 4 %2x674.
dynamos and circuits, switchboard con Illustrated. Indexed. Price $2.50.
nections and the principles and connections
which is obviously untrue. On page 296
he states that in the design of direct-cur- " Facts About Peat.” By T. H. Leav
of voltmeters, ammeters and wattmeters.
The second section relates to the use of rent dynamos a frequency ( in the uncom- itt. Lee Shepard , Boston . 1904. Cloth .
mutated armature current ) of 40 cycles 115 pages. 472x774. Illustrated. Indexed.
the galvanometer, operation of dynamos " involves some difficulty, while 50 to 60 Price $ 1.00.
in parallel, location and remedy of faults
in machines, motor starters and speed cycles are rather hard to reach, unless in " Machine Design ." By Albert W. Smith
sizes of 100 kilowatts and below ;" on page and Guido H. Marx. John Wiley &
regulators, testing of dynamos and mo
tors, and the practical use of these ma 300 he points out that rotary converters Sons, New York. 1905. 8vo., viii, 369
chines; only two out of the twenty-one (which are merely direct-current dyna pages, 279 figures. Cloth , $ 3.00.
chapters of this section are devoted to mos with collector rings tapped into the “ Standard Reduction Factors for
the subject specified by the sub - title. The armature windings ) for a frequency as Gases." Helon Brooks MacFarland ,
book is well written and contains a large high as 60 cycles are entirely feasible in B.S., M.M.E. John Wiley & Sons, New
number of diagrams and a good deal of capacities up to several hundred kilo York . 1906. 54 pages, 6x9 inches.
watts. The reviewer might go on citing Cloth . Price $ 1.50.
sound information concerning electrical minor blemishes of this latter kind by
apparatus. “ Electric Wiring, Diagrams and Switch
the dozen, but they are not serious and boards." By Newton Harison, E.E. The
" Electrical Power Transmission . " Fourth there is no disposition to carp. The book Norman W. Henley Publishing Company,
Edition . By Louis Bell , Ph . D. McGraw is of great value to anyone really inter 132 Nassau St. , New York. 1906 . 272
Publishing Company, New York . Cloth ; ested in power transmission , and if the
728 pages, 6 x 9 inches; 341 Illustra- author would take the trouble to revise it pages, 5x7 inches. Cloth. Price $ 1.50.
" Gas, Oil and Air Engines .” By Bryan
tions Price $4. carefully in matters of subordinate im
This edition of Dr. Bell's work shows Donkin , London . Chas. Griffin & Co. ,
portance he could easily put it beyond Ltd. , London. 1905. J. B. Lippincott
evidences of considerable revision, only criticism. Company, Philadelphia. 568 pages, 6x9
a few of the marring features of the third
* The United -Otto System of By - Product inches. Cloth. Price $7.50.
edition remaining. On account of the up Coke Ovens." The United Coke and
ward trend of the transmission circuit “ Heating and Ventilation . " By John
voltages, the author has abandoned the
Gas Company, 17 Battery Place. New R. Allen . Domestic Enginering, 58-64 N.
York . Heavy paper, 146 pages , 89/2 X Jefferson St. , Chicago, I11 . 1905. 152
effort to keep track of plants of 10,000 11/2 inches. Illustrated. Indexed. Im- pages, 4 % 2x672 inches. Illustrated . In
volts or over, the lowest limit now con
itation Morocco . dexed . Cloth . Price $ 2.00 .
sidered being 20,000 volts ; the number of
plants of voltages below 20,000 that have This book, although for limited gratui- “ Alternating Currents . ” Alfred Hay,
have been established during the three tous distribution, is not an exposition of D.S.C., M.I.E.E. D. Van Nostrand Com
years that have elapsed since the previous the wares of its publishers. It is a treatise pany, 23 Murray and 27 Warren Sts . ,
edition of the book appeared is so great on the destructive distillation of bitu- New York . 366 pages, 6x972 inches.
as to preclude tabulation. The author minous coal designed to afford general Illustrated. Indexed. Cloth . Price $2.50
still persists in his rather bizarre style information concerning the by- product Net.
of characterization and the use of the coke-oven and its operation to those not “ Reinforced Concrete." By F. D. War
clever-sounding terms that do not fit in : familiar with the subject. The several ren . D. Van Nostrand Company, New
e.g., on page 198 he states that " the alter- divisions treat of Coal ; The Bee - Hive
York. 1906 . 271 pages, 474x774 inches.
nating current transformer is merely a Oven ; The Coal Gas Retort ;, The By- Illustrated . Indexed . Cloth . Price
glorification” of a fundamental idea pre- Product Coke Oven ; Gas ; Benzol Re- $2.50 Net .
viously described ; just how a transformer covery ; Preparation of Coal for Coking ; " Valve and Valve Gear Mechanisms” .
can be a " glorification ” of anything is Products ; General Arrangement of By W. E. Dalby, M.A., B.Sc .. Longmans,
somewhat obscure to the reviewer . The Plant ; The Field of the By- Product Coke Green & Co. , 91 and 93 Fifth Avenue.
author's use of symbols is also not always Oven ; and a list of the available litera- New York . 3666 pages, 6x9 /2 inches.
322 POWER May, 1906 .

Illustrated . Indexed. Cloth . Price known as Type C, Form G, circuit-break- ance improved, special attention given to
$ 6.00. ers, and are built in single pole and dou- orrespondence and to " Practical Items
" Standard Telephone Wiring.” By ble -pole style for direct-current and sin- for Practical Men," in which department
James F. Fairman. McGraw Publishing gle, double and triple-pole for alternating data of direct and practical value to com
Company, New York. 91 pages, 474x634 current. pressed air users will be discussed. W.
inches. Illustrated. Flexible Leather. " Small Power Motors, " Circular No. L. Saunders, M. Am . Soc. C. E. , will
Price $ 1.00 Net. 1128, of the Westinghouse Electric & remain as editor -in - chief, W. R. Hulbert,
" Wiring Handbook .” By Cecil P. Manufacturing Company, Pittsburg, con M. E. , will be managing editor, and P.
tains an illustrated description of direct F. Kobbe, Jr., will be business manager.
Poole, McGraw Publishing Company, 114
Liberty St., New. York. 83 pages, 474x8 current and alternating -current stationary The Illuminating Engineer is the title
inches. Tables. Illustrated. Flexible motors ranging from 1/20 to 1/8 horse- of monthly magazine which has just made
Leather Price $ 1.00 Net. power in output and wound for the stand- its bow to the technical public under the
ard voltages. The alternating-current editorship of Prof. E. Leavenworth Elliot,
" Electric Power Transmision .” By
the we known authority on photometry
Louis Bell, Ph. D. McGraw Publishing machines are built for 25 , 60 and 133
Company, 114 Liberty St., New York. cycles. and kindred subjects. The first number
721 pages, 594x974 inches. Illustrated. Fan Motors for 1906 are described and promises well for the success of the en
illustrated in a handsomely executed
terprise, if merit is to bring success. It is
Indexed . Cloth. Price $ 4.00.
" Practical Electric Railway Hand booklet published by the General Electric well prepared in the main , and the me
Company. No new designs have been
chanical execution is excellent. The new
Book .” By Albert B. Herrick. Mc-
added to the already complete lines here- periodical is monthly and the subscription
Graw Publishing Company, New York.
460 pages, 474x634 inches. Tables.
Il tofore built, but the motor part of the
price $ 1 a year. It is published from 25
combination has been adapted to light Broad Street, New York City.
lustrated . Indexed. Flexible Leather.
Price $ 3.00 Net. power uses, such as portable drills, small
bench drill presses, blowers, buffing and On the morning of April 9 a clutch pul
" Steam Turbines. ” By Carl C. Thomas . polishing heads and sewing machines. ley on the main shaft in the power house
John Wiley & Sons, New York. 287
pages, 572x974 inches . 8vo. , xii, 92 fig These applications are illustrated in the of the Jackson (Miss.) Electric Railway
ures . 17 plates . Illustrated. Indexed . fan-motor catalog. Light and Power Company, failed at a
crack in the rim, a section of the rim be
Cloth . Price $3.50. The Derry -Collard Company have un tween two arms flying out.
" Ventilation of Buildings.” By Wil dertaken the subscription end of the
The pulley was a 6 - arm , cast iron split ,
liam G. Snow , S.B. , and Thomas Nolan, Mechanical Index, published by the Don
77 inches in diameter, 13 inches face, run
A.M. D. Van Nostrand Company, 23 nell -Colvin Company which has recently ning at 230 revolutions per minute and
Murray St., New York. 83 pages, 344x6 purchased it from the Industrial Press. had been driving a 75- kilowatt alternator
inches. Catalog 40 pages. Cloth . Price I : is a trade directory published in sec several years.
$.50. tions , of which one will be issued event
ually each month. The price of each sec A piece of the rim about 12 inches long
" Bookkeeping by Machinery." By Er was thrown upward through the roof and
win W. Thomas , 24 Broad St. , New York. tion is two dollars and one may subscribe
to one or more . The idea is a good one
about 20 feet into the air, falling back
176 pages, 574x9 inches. Illustrated. near where it went through . Another
Cloth. Price $ 2.00 and the Derry -Collard people are well piece about the same size went through
qualified to develop it. the side of the building 30 feet away, 16
" Proceedings of the American Forest
Congress” 1905 . Published for the The Cleveland Rubber Works of the feet above the level of the pulley, and
Association by the H. M. Suter Publish Mechanical Rubber Company of Cleve- was picked up about 100 feet from the
ing Company, Washington, D. C. 1905. land, Ohio , has just issued a 16-page starting point.
474 pages, 434x772 inches . Cloth . pamphlet descriptive of its Marco pack- A third piece started for the opposite
ings. The word descriptive is used ad- wall at about the same angle but was
“ Practical Pattern Making." By F. W.
visedly for this, catalog does really des- tripped by a heavy feed wire which ap
Barrows. The Norman W. Henley Pub
lishing Company, 132 Nassau St. , New cribe the various forms of packings, with parently changed its course as it came
reproductions of actual photographs and down about 60 feet from the starting
York. 1906. 326 pages. 472x774 inches.
Illustrated. Indexed . Cloth. Price $ 2.00. points out the purposes for which they point striking the switchboard a down
may be used, singly or in combination . It ward glancing blow.
“ Facts about the Interpole Motor” is also contains useful tables as of the tem- Four other pieces comprising the sec
the title and subject of Circular No. 24 perature and pressure of steam , the areas tion were found in various parts of the
just issued by the Electro-Dynamic Com- and circumferences of circles, etc. , and room . Altogether there was no serious
pany, New York City and Bayonne, N. J. rules as for the calculation of engine damage done and no one was injured .
The pamphlet explains briefly but clearly horse-power. It is handsomely printed The accident happened just as the en
the chief advantages obtained by the aux- in two colors with red border lines and gineer brought the machine up to speed
iliary -pole construction . may be had for the asking. preparing to switch over the load.
" Spring Painting," a pamphlet issued by Examination showed that the accident
Compressed Air announces that with
the Joseph Dixon Crucible Company, of its issue of May it will appear in was due to weakness caused by a crack
Jersey City, contains some timely advice enlarged form and will hereafter be pub extending two -thirds across the face of
on the preservation of material of con lished by the Kobbe Co., 90-92 West the pulley near one of the arms.
struction by the intelligent use of a pre Broadway, New York. For ten years
servative , consisting of nature's pigments Compressed Air has been the only pub- A ten -ton fly -wheel 24 feet in diameter
and oils, and particularly of its silica lication devoted exclusively to com burst at the National Rolling Mill at
graphite paint. The
The advice
advice isis timely
timely and
and pressed air in all its applications. This McKeesport, Pa., on April 13th. Al
the paint is good. field, however, has broadened so mater- though two hundred men were at work
Automatic Circuit - Breakers for alter- ially within the last few years, that a more in the mill at the time there were no per
nating and direct- current circuits, of 3 to comprehensive periodical is needed to sonal injuries. This is the third accident
300 amperes capacity, are described and fully meet the new. conditions. With the of the kind in the same mill within eigh
fully illustrated in the General Electric May number, therefore, the size of the teen months, and the damage in the pres
Company's Bulletin No. 4436. These are paper will be changed to 7x10, its appear ent instance is estimated at $ 25,000 .
May, 1906. POWER 323

Society Notes. lecture by C. H. Utter, chief engineer of hearers. Refreshments were served after
the New York Light, Heat and Power the lecture.
Company, upon the Corliss engine. The The Indiana State Association of the
The Connecticut State Association of lecture was illustrated with lantern slides N. A. S. E. will meet at Evansville,
the N. A. S. E. will meet this year at
Bristol on July 7. A successful meeting and was listened to attentively by a large and the Kentucky State Association at
audience. Henderson, on June 9 and 10. As these
and a pleasant time are expected. The annual convention of the Illinois two cities are on the borders of their re
The annual convention of the Cali
fornia State Association of the N. A. S. E.
State Association will be held at Moline, spective States and within a short dis
on May 19. As the Iowa State conven- tance of each other, it has been arranged
will be held in Fresno City, on May 25 tion meets at the same date at Daven- to hold joint sessions, and to combine the
and 26. Interesting business sessions
port, which is directly across the river, social events of the two conventions.
and a good social time are looked for
it has been planned to hold joint social Preparations are under way to entertain
ward to. sessions of the two State associations. a large gathering.
Friday and Saturday, June 1 and 2, A pleasant and instructive meeting is an- The Illuminating Engineering Society
are the dates set for the annual conven ticipated. was recently inaugurated in New York
tion of the Michigan State Association, The accompanying menu is a repro- City, the moving spirits being Messrs. L.
The meeting place is Grand Rapids, and
duction of a blue print, issued at a dinner B. Marks, E. Leavenworth Elliott and
those who attend are guaranteed a most given by the senior class in mechanical Van Renssellaer Lansingh, all of whom
enjoyable time . engineering to the professors in that de- have gained distinction as specialists in
William Schatz, of the Dearborn Drug partment of the University of Illinois. electrical illumination. The officers elect
and Chemical Works, delivered a lecture It was the boys' turn to get back on the ed for the first term are : L. B. Marks,
on “ Central Station Practice, " on March professors, and they rubbed into them president ; Clayton H. Sharp and A. A.
21 , before the North East Association ,
No. 20 , N. A. S. E. , of Philadelphia, Pa.
Mr. Schatz was greeted by a full attend ering
nical Engine 1906
mecha , march 24
ance, and his instructive talk was listened
to with interest . combustible Flue Gas
The New York State convention of R.M Evans
Chicken soup lerneated )
the N. A. S. E. will be held at Geneva, Test Pieces khiet Engineer )
on June 8 and 9. It is expected that ut coal Bagasse The Ideal ME .
LP Breckenridge
this year's convention will be the big Roots

gest yet held. The local committee is Macheral ( Calibrated Scales) Jobs.15 per manne
cinders T Peables
doing very efficient work in arranging Bolt Dressing
the details for the entertainment of dele oil Cups The Uni in 1911
by Swart
gates and guests.
Geared Punch Memories
The Massachusetts State convention (For Eccentric Loading)
F. Slocum
of the N. A. S. E. will be held this year Slate X
Our Faculty
in Newburyport , on July 13 and 14. The Ash
C.G. Pepper
city hall has been secured for the busi Liquid Air
ness sessions of the convention and also Briquettes
what 1906 has done
for the exhibit of the supply men . The cort Sand ander
RS. Strong
committee promise a royal good time for The Girts.(what little we
Scrap have
seen of them )
those who attend. Cylinder on
The Pennsylvania State Association of Sony master Kunkle
the N. A. S. E. will hold its convention
at Altoona, on June 1 and 2. The pres
meeting. The local committee at Altoona
are hard at work completing the neces some of the things which they have been Pope, vice -presidents ; E. L. Elliott, sec
sary arrangements for entertaining the serving up to the classes for the last retary, and V. R. Lansingh , treasurer.
big attendance which is anticipated. four years, as indicated by the program The society's scope covers all branches of
The ninth annual convention of the National Electric Light Association illumination, not merely electric lighting.
Ohio State Association of the N. A. S. E. will hold its next annual meeting at At A very pleasant and enjoyable dinner
will be held at Dayton, on June 21 , 22 lantic City, N. J., June 5, 6, 7 and 8. Ar was given on St. Patrick's Day at the El
and 23 . The committee have promised rangements have been made by Master of licott Club in Buffalo, N. Y. , when the
to leave nothing undone to make this Transportation Geo. F. Porter for rail- Buffalo Forge Co. graciously acted as
meeting the best in the history of the or road rates of one and one-third single host to the heads of its office force. After
ganization . Visitors will be well taken fare for the round trip, on the certificate the twenty - four present had partaken of
care of. plan . Complete information may be had a very palatable dinner, Mr. Fox of the
Lehigh Council, No. 15, A. O. of S. E., upon application to Mr. Porter, whose financial department proceeded to act as
of Allentown, Pa . , held their annual ball address is 120 Liberty street, New York. toastmaster in a capable and happy man
and social on Monday evering, April 30, On March 30 the members and friends ner. Impromptu speeches were made by
which was an eminent success . The so of John Ericsson Association, No. 27, Mr. H. W. Wendt, Mr. Lake and others,
cial was generously attended by the fam N. A. S. E. , of Blooklyn , N. Y. , listened and every effort was made to promote
ilies and friends of the members . Charles to an illustrated lecture by Willis Law- good fellowship, congeniality and the best
A. Dreisbach , William T. Ryan and M. E. rence, engineer of the Interborough Rail. of understanding between the various de
Goodman formed the committee. road Co., on “ The Practical Manage- partments , represented. Business sugges
Newark Association No. 45, N. A. S. E. , ment of Steam Turbines. " Mr. Lawrence tions were mingled with happy remarks ,
of New York, held an open meeting on has a full knowledge of the subject, and and all in all it was most enjoyable and
Friday evening, April 6, and listened to a his lecture was most interesting to his profitable.
324 POWER May, 1906.
On Saturday evening, May 12, Illinois was given, which included Price & Steele, Personal.
Association No. 2, N. A. S. E. , of Chi- Frank J. Corbett, of the Ashton Valve
cago, will hold a smoker and entertain- Co.; The McKennas, The Eccentric Fire E. N. Foss, General Manager of the
ment at their new meeting rooms in men's Drum , Fife and Bugle Corps, the B. F. Sturtevant Co., of Boston, Mass.,
Dewey Hall . Great preparations are being American Projectoscope and the “ bunch ," and prominently identified with many
made for a big time, and a visit of the in a potpourri of songs, etc. Dancing other large interests throughout the coun
national officers is expected . followed the performance . During the iry, sailed March 17th, on the steamer
The James Watts Association, No. 7, evening John N. Parsons was introduced “Romanic” for the Mediterranean, to be
and in an earnest address presented to absent two or three months.
N. A. S. E. , of New York, has removed
to its new meeting rooms at 2126 Broad- Timothy Healey a purse of $ 1,000, the gift Robt. Franklin Carr, first vice presi
way, between 74th and 75th streets. The of the Eccentric Firemen . Mr. Healey dent and general manager of the Dear
new rooms are much larger and more responded in his usual sincere manner, born Drug and Chemical Works, is the
pleasant, and the accommodations for the which created hearty applause. He is
subject of congratulations on the oc
purposes of the association considerably about to start upon an extended trip
casion of his marriage to Miss Louise
better than in the previous hall . through Europe, at the request of the
Smiley, which was celebrated at Trinity
On March 31 , Stevenson Association, Civic Federation
of Municipal , to study
Ownership . the problems
August Bel Church, Chicago, on Wednesday, April 25 .
No. 44, N. A. S. E. , of New York, held mont was the honored guest of the even R. Swartz, formerly chief engineer for
a smoker and entertainment, which proved ing. the P. H. Bunch Company, at Little Rock,
to be the biggest and best event of its and previously chief engineer for the Pine
kind yet held by this organization. The
The Spring meeting of the American
" bunch ” were on hand, with songs, reci- Society of Mechanical Engineers will be Bluff Light and Water Company, has been
appointed general superintendent of the
tations, etc. , and the night was held at Chattanooga, Tenn . , on May ist
most Hot Springs Water Company, operating
heartily enjoyed. The annual outing and to 4th. The headquarters will be at the the water, gas and electric light works of
games of this association, at which the Read House in the assembly hall of which
the opening exercises of the meeting will
Hot Springs, Arkansas.
ladies are always made welcome, will Lamar Lyndon, the well-known con
take place on August 19, at the Cove Ho be held, followed by a social reunion, on
tel and Park , West Brighton, Staten Isl Tuesday evening, and professional ses sulting engineer of New York, on April 9
sions on Wednesday evening and Wednes- read an interesting paper before the Phila
and, N. Y.
day and Thursday mornings. An excur delphia branch of the American Institute
At the Modern Science Club , of Brook- sion to the National Military Park on of Electrical Engineers on “ A New Meth
lyn, N. Y., the following educational fea- Chickamauga Battlefield is announced for od of Turbine Control,” in which he de
tures were recently given : On March 27, Wednesday afternoon, when a regimental scribed the salient features of a control
W. G. Freer read a paper on “ Surface drill will be given by the Twelfth U. S. system for hydraulic turbines which he
has worked out. The paper was illus
Condensers" ; on April 3, Willis Lawrence Cavalry. On Thursday afternoon there
delivered an illustrated lecture on the will be an excursion to Lookout Moun trated by lantern slides and was warmly
“ Westinghouse Parsons Turbine ” ; on received.
tain , on Thursday evening a reception , on
April 10, a paper on “ Power Economics," Friday morning an excursion to Mis- Frederick A. Waldron, M.E., for a long
by Henry G. Scott, superintendent of sionary Ridge and on Friday afternoon a time connected with the Yale & Towne
power of the Interborough Railroad Co., 30-mile steamboat trip on the Tennessee Mfg. Co., Stamford, Conn., and well
was read . Refreshments were served at River to Hale's Bar, where a dam which known to our readers on account of the
the close of each of these lectures. The will make available some fifty thousand work which he did for that company in
date for the annual excursion of the club horse-power to the factories of Chattanoo- connection with the early installation of
is Sunday, June 24. ga, twelve miles away in a straight line , steam turbines, has left Stamford for the
On Tuesday evening, April 10, Phoe is in course of construction . The Thurs- purpose of accepting the lucrative and
nix Association, No. 24, N. A. S. E., held day morning session will be devoted to important position of “Engineer of
a " House Warming" and " Smoker” at Water -Wheel Governing. The following Works
” for the National Cash Register
its new rooms in the German Masonic professional papers will be read : Co. , of Dayton , Ohio.
Temple, 220 East 15th street, New York . “ Low Resistance Thermo -Electric Pyro Frank H. Taylor has severed his con
Phoenix enjoys a reputation as enter meter and Compensator.” By Wm. H. nection with the Westinghouse interests,
Bristol .
tainers, but this event far eclipsed any of which he has been for the past eight
“ Manganese Steel.” By Henry D. Hib years one of the most prominent officials,
thing of the kind yet attempted by them .
A first-class vaudeville programme was bard. especially as the vice-president of the
given, including the “ bunch ," and alto " A History of the Introduction of a Electric Company in charge of commer
gether the occasion was a howling suc System of Shop Management." By James cial operations. We understand that he
cess. A bountiful supply of refreshments M. Dodge. proposes to enjoy a well -earned rest after
were served at intervals during the en " Collapsing Pressures of Bessemer his extremely active life of recent years,
tertainment. The committee, which was Steel Lap- Welded Tubes.” By R. T. before taking up any new line of work.
warmly congratulated at the conclusion His many friends will wish him a thor
Geo. B.Liquid
of the festivities , were : William Schatz, By“ New Measur
Willcox . ing Apparatus." oughly enjoyable vacation and welcome
chairman ; H. H. Nelson , secretary ; F. G. his return to active business.
“ Efficiency
Jolley, C. L. Griswold and Harry Tay- wheels ." By Wm . O. Turbine
Tests ofWebber
. A. W. Fitzgerald , who has for the past
lor. “ The Improvement of the Tennessee eight years been connected with the Roe
A complimentary entertainment and re- River and Power Installation of the Chat Stevens Manufacturing Company of De
ception was tendered by the Etcentric tanooga and Tennessee River Power Co. troit, has severed his connection with that
Firemen's Association , Local Union , No. at Hale's Bar, Tenn .” By Thos . E. company to accept the management of the
56, I. B. of S. F., to Timothy Healey, Murray. Morehead Manufacturing Company of
general organizer of this association , on the same city. This company has been
Saturday evening, April 7, at the Grand An English method of handling coal is recently organized to take over the patents
Central Palace, New York . The spacious to run the car into a cylindrical cage, and plant of John Morehead, inventor of
hall was crowded to its fullest capacity. lock it in position , and revolve the cage, the Morehead automatic return trap, which
An excellent vaudeville entertainment turning the car upside down. has been manufactured for the past fif
May, 1906 . POWER 325

teen years by the inventor, and will build of lubricants , having extensive connec Loom is-Pettibone gas generating plants are
attractively described by means of diagrams
an extensive modern factory. tions in Europe as well as in this country, and colored plates in a new pamphlet that is
being used by the Power and Mining Ma
Edward T. Wash , who has for five and his loss will be keenly felt by a very chinery Company, Milwaukee , Wisconsin .
years past been connected with the engin- large number of friends and associates, This system gasifies bituminous coal , wood ,
charcoal , lignite, etc., and produces a gas
eering staff of the Interborough Company as well in the business as the social that is particularly adapted to the operation
of gas engines. The water gas made by this
in the general design of the Fifty -ninth world. system can be used separately in various
feeding work , such as forging, welding, tem
street power plant of the Subway Divi pering, etc. This pamphlet can be had upon
sion , has left the Interborough to take the Trade Publications. application to the company.
position of assistant engineer of construc The Buffalo Forge Company, of Buffalo ,
N. Y. , has just issued a 16 -page pamphlet, de
tion of the National Cash Register Com- The Western Tube Company of Kewanee, voted to Blacksmiths' Tools, containing il
has just issued an eight - page pam lustrated descriptions not only of their var.
pany, Dayton , Ohio . Mr. Walsh has had Illinois,
phlet, descriptive of their Kewanee " Y " valve. ious types of blacksmiths' hand and power
an extensive experience in power - plant Homestead Valve Maufacturing Co., Pitts forges , but of punches, shears , upsetters,
burg . Pa . Price list of valves and locking drills, etc. Especial attention is called to a
and structural steel- work design. His cock. Illustrated , 3.44x6 , pp. 16, paper. new type of down -draft forge , in which all
smoke and gases are instantly removed with
Potter Separator Co., Newburgh , N. Y.
early experience included several years on . Booklet a simple blower and no exterior attachment :
describing the Potter mesh separator also to a portable punch and shear , built of
the cable -railway system of the Brooklyn and superheater. Illustrated , 7x9 , pp. 15 , armor-plate and forgings throughout, and af
Bridge, during which he secured his edu- paper. fording a high - power machine for use wher
ever a portable punch or shear with the
Goulds Manufacturing Co. , Seneca Falls,
cation at Pratt Institute. Subsequently N. Y. Pamphlet describing and showing in capacity of a power-driven machine is de
he was employed three years by the Atlas stallations of Goulds pumps for fire service. sired .
7x8 . pp . 20 , pa per. " On the Economy of Steam Power Plants
Portland Cement Company in power- New Bedford Boiler and Machine Co. , New Using Oil Fuel" is the title of a 24 -page bro .
Bedford , Mass. Catalog of extra heavy valves, clure reprinted from The Journal of Elec
plant and building design, from which po giving dimensions, description and prices . tricity . Power and Gas for gratuitous circu
sition he came to the Rapid Transit Sub- Illustrated , 6x9, pp. 24 , paper. lation by Charles C. Moore & Company, of San
Francisco. Several of the tables have ap
Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing peared in recent issues of POWER. The
way Construction Company. ( 'o ., Pittsburg. Pa . Circular 1117 ; illustrating material is the outcome of the practice of
The board of directors of The Westing- and describing Type SA motors, direct cur
rent, variable speed , 7x10 , pp. 10, paper. this well -known firm of engineers, is present
ed from the engineering rather than the com
house Machine Company, has decided to A. W. Harris Oil Company, Providence, mercial or advertising stand -point, and in
R. I. Attractive booklet entited “ Petroleum cludes valuable data of general interest , aside
enlarge the executive organization by in Lubricating Oils " which describes the various from its thorough treatment of the oil -fuel
creasing the number of vice -presidents oils made by this company. Illustrated , 4x8, question . Many expensive books contain less
pp. 32 , paper. information upon the subjects which they
from two to four, and has elected E. H. Ingersoll - Rand Co. , 11 Broadway, New treat than does this which may be had for
Sniffin and Arthur West to fill the new York. Catalog No., 45, describing tunneling,
Ingersoll the asking
Sergeant rock drills for mining,
offices of third and fourth vice - president quarrying, and general rock excavation. Il
lustrated , 6x9, pp. 96 , paper.
respectively. Mr. Sniffin will be in charge Termaat & Monahan Co., Oshkosh , Wis. Business Items.
of the sales department as heretofore, his Catalog describing gasolene marine engines.
Table of sizes and weights and price lists are
field of work not being altered in assum given, as well as line drawings showing princi. The Clark Flexible Metallic Packing Com
ing the new title . Mr. West , who has pal dimenions . 514x7 142, pp. 40 , paper . pany has moved its factory and principal
American Locomotive Co. , New York . office from Boston to 71 Kennebec street ,
been chief engineer of the company, still Pamphlet entitled “ Four-Cylinder Balanced Portland , Maine.
retains that title and position. William Compound Locomotives " , which is a reprint
of a paper by F. J. Cole read before the Rail A. E. Canby , formerly supply agent for the
A. Bole, in consequence of his election to way Club of Pittsburg. Illustrated , 6x9, pp . La Belle Iron Works, Steuben ville , Ohio , is
paper .
the vice -presidency of the Westinghouse 32,The National Steam Pump Co. , Upper San.
now connected with James Bonar & Co. , Inc.,
Foundry Company, has resigned his posi- dusky, Ohio . Catalog No. 27, of single and 316 Frick building, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania .
duplex pumps and air compressors. This also
tion as manager of works of The West contains useful information for the engineer ,
The Gardner Governor Company , Quincy,
irighouse Machine Company in order that including tables and other things , and copy will ., is exporting a large number of its pumps
be sent on request to the company. Illustrated , of various sizes to Belgium . Their export
he may better serve the interests of the 6x8 12 , pp. 100 , paper . trade throughout the world is rapidly
Foundry Company, of which he assumes The McEwen Engine is the title and sub increasing.
ject of Bulletin No. 17, issued by the Ridgway
the entire management. The Westing- Dynamo and Engine Company, Ridgway, Pa. The Westinghouse Machine Company of
The pamphlet contains a well - illustrated East Pittsburg during the months of February
house Machine Company, however, re description of the engine mentioned , together
with useful tables of data relating to every and March received orders for 3 steam tur
tains Mr. Boles as consulting engineer, standard size and type of engine built by the bines aggregating approximately 50,000 brake
availing itself of his services and counsel company.
horse -power capacity .
" Furnace Conditions and their Relation to
on important work, which his ripe ex the Smokeless Chimney " is the title of a The Equitable Steam Specialty Company,
perience has made peculiarly valuable. blue-print table compiled by R. P. King, 947 Equitable building, Baltimore, Md., has
M. E. , of Brossmann & King , consulting en. been formed by Albert E. Smith and Milton C.
Henry L. Barton, formerly general super gineers, Lemcke Building, Indianapolis, Ind.
intendent of the East Pittsburg Works of It contains a great deal of information about Jones, formerly of the Home Rubber Com
combustion , coal , smoke , draft , and boiler pany , for the purpose of handling " things
The Westinghouse Machine Company, has furnces, and may be had free upon applica
tion . good for the power plant. "
been appointed manager of works. "Alternating -Current Generators ; Belted The Buckeye Boiler Skimmer Company , To
Type " is the title of Bulletin No. 1051 of the ledo, Ohio , has received a letter from the
Allis-Chalmers Company. Though practice Emery Thierwechter Company, Oak Harbor,
Obituary . favors the direct-connected unit, there are
many places, as where generators are to be Ohio , in which they say : " We find the skim
connected to existing sources of power, where mer to do very satisfactory work and our
the belted unit is the thing to use, and the engineer is very much peased with it."
information here afforded about the Bullock
John Christian Kafer, who had recently machines of this class will interest many pos Wilhelmi, Hall & Co. , of New York, are is.
associated himself with Asa M. Mattice sible users.
suing a monthly Price Current, in which a
Hyatt Roller Bearing Co., Harrison , N. J.
and Benjamin H. Warren , for the prose Bulletin No. 28 .This gives a resume of the new plan of exchanging all prices so that a
cution of an industrial engineering con- advantages and applications of the Hyatt uniform discount can be quoted has been
bearing and shows a number of applications adopted . We understand that they will be
sulting business, died on March 30, after which have been commercially made of these
glad to place applicants upon tbeir mailing
bearings under various conditions. List of
a brief illness. Mr. Kafer had already at users , tables of dimensions, line and half -tone list .
tained prominence in his profession, and engravings are also given. Copy of the bul. The B. F. Sturtevant Company, Boston ,
letin will be sent to anyone interested on ap
had a promising future as one of the trio plication . 612x8142, pp. 46, paper. Mass ., is very busy in all its numerous depart
Self- contained direct-current dynamos and ments . Recent sales include 8 generating sets ,
of eminent engineers that we have named . motors designated Type "NL" are the sub 4 marine generating sets. 6 economizer in .
George C. Cook, of Adam Cook's Sons. ject of Bulletin No. 367 issued by the Na
stallations, 9 independent automatic engines :
tional Electric Company, Milwaukee, Wis.
died suddenly on March 21 . Mr. Cook These machines are of the familiar circular they are aso furnishing 4 mechanical draft
shape , with open ends. Like the previous equipments.
was well known for his energy and busi machines of this make, the magnet poles are
ness acumen and held high rank among bolted in to a steel yoke ring, but there are We have an inquiry from the owner of one
several detail improvements in construction . of the Porter engmes built by the Porter
the merchants and manufacturers of New The bulletin is well illustrated and containg
Manufacturing Company, Limited , formerly of
the usual table of data relating to the line ,
York . His firm are large manufacturers which ranges from one to 50 horse -power. Syracuse, N. Y. , as to where a new pillow
326 POWER May, 1906 .

block casting can be obtained. We should ap The Allis-Chalmers Company, Milwaukee, dollars. This covering is claimed to be abso
preciate information as to the present owners Wis. , has reported a number of recent orders lutely fireproof, elastic, light in weight and
of the patterns. for its protucts in the power-plant field , una t'ected by expansion or contraction of
Edwin A. Knowlton , 47 Dey street , New among which are orders for a 30,000,000 -gal pipes. In addition to being extensive manu
York, N. Y. , representing L. J. Bordo Com lon pumping engine for Washington, D. C.; facturers of asbestos coverings, packings and
7 Reliance Corliss engines of various types roofing specialties, the H. W. Johns-Manville
pany, has recently closed orders for all the
water column cut -out cocks for the new and for various services ; 4 Turbo generator Company is one of the largest manufacturers
Waterside station of the New York Edison units. In electrical machinery the Allis of electrical supplies. They have branches in
Company ; also for all the water-column cut Chalmers Company has been very busy ; be all large cities .
sides numerous motors they have recently
out cocks for the stations of the Brooklyn The Ball Engine Company , Erie, Pa. , re
Edison Company . received orders for 19 generators and 3 alter ports recent sales of its engines aggregating
nators. 8915 horse-power to the following concerns :
The Casualty. Company of America , 54
William Street , New York , N. Y. , has re D. W. Patterson , Harrison buiding, Phila Atlanta Steel Hoof Company ; Salt Lake
cently added several of the large railroad delphia, eastern agent for the Chaplin -Fulton Hardware Company ; Union National Bank ;
companies to its boiler-insurance depart Manufacturing Company and Wm . B. Scaife Cudahy Packing Company ; Pennsylvania
ment and has insured and is now inspect & Sons Company , reports that the Pencoyd Steel Company ; Massachusetts Cotton Mills ;
Metropolitan Laundry ; Edison Electric Illu
ing all the boilers for the following railroads : Iron Works of the American Bridge Company
Great Northern , Chicago and Alton , Chi have placed, with him an order for the com minating Company ; Hotel Savoy ; First Na
plete equipment of all their boilers at Pen tional Bank Building ; Pittsburg Plate Glass
cago , Rock Island and Pacific.
Company ; Kilby Manufacturing Company ;
The Hall Manufacturing Company, 62 coyd, 27 in all , with the Vigilant feed -water
regulator after a competitive trial . The Pen Milwaukee Coke and Gas Company ; Grand
Cliff street, New York , has recently closed Rapids Railway Company ; Wolvin Building ;
contracts for the instaŲation of its Duplex coyd Iron Works have been trying different
makes of regulators for the past five years New River and Pocahontas Coal Company ;
oil filter in the plants of the following : Re Hegeler Brothers. The above shows the range
frigeration and Cold Storage Plant, Colon, and after going into the matter very thor
oughly have selected the Vigilant machine. of industrial companies using these engines,
Panama ; New York World ; Hotel Knicker and the various types incuded in the. orders
bocker , New York ; Varick building, New The H. W. Johns- Manville Company, through are as follows : Single cylinder , tandem com
York ; and a large brewery in Albany, N. Y. their Philadelphia branch , recently completed pound, Corliss , vertical cross - compound and
We acknowledge with thanks to the Cleve two of the season's largest contracts for the horizontal cross-compound.
land Rubber Works, of the Mechanical Rub installation of their various pipe-coverings in
the plants of two hotels—The Marlborough A lively and widespread interest has been
her Company of Cleveland, Ohio, a sample aroused among engineers of all classes by the
copy of the briar pipe , 500 of which will be Blenheim and The Denis, Atlantic City, N. J.
In the plant of the former all of the hot, salt gas engine's rapid advance to the front rank
sent to the first 500 successful guessers as to of efficient and reliable prime movers. Espe
why the trade name "Marco" was adopted . and fresh -water pipes are covered with their
" J. M." molded, and all steam pipes with their cially has this interest been attracted by the
The pipe is fully up to its picture, as pre recent remarkable development of the large
sented in POWER recently , and is well worth " J. M." 85 per cent. magnesia covering. In
The Denis the entire heating system is cov gas engine. Taking the Koerting engine
trying for. alone, we find that there are 157 Koerting
ered with " J. M." 3 -ply asbestos air- cell cov
R. B. Armstrong, president of the Casualty ering and high -pressure work with 85 per 2-cycle gas engines aggregating 131,685 b.h.p.
Company of America , has succeeded in ob cent , magnesia . in operation or in course of construction at
taining the passage of a law in Iowa removing the present time. Since last October the
the restriction preventing insurance compa The growth of Japan during the past Koerting Bros. Company, Koertingsdorf, Ger
nies from practicing more than one line in few years has been so rapid that the civil many, have closed contracts for 17 two-cycle
the State . A similar law was passed two years ized world has hardly had time to keep in gas engines ranging in size from 300 to 2200
ago in Massachusetts, so that owners of boil. touch with it . Among other things, great horse -power, to be installed in various parts
ers now have the benefit of competition in all eectrical plants have been established and of Europe. Several of these are repeat or
the States . put in operation , and not a few have been ders, showing the success with which the
equipped with machinery of American manu large gas engine is meeting in Europe. The
Walch & Wyeth , 87 East Lake street, Chi facture. Only recently the Buffalo Forge Com
cago , II., have purchased the interests of De La Vergne Machine Company , foot of East
Adkins , Young & Allen Company , in the
pany of Buffalo , New York, reported the sixth One Hundred and Thirty -eighth street, New
order received within a short time from their York , build the engine in the United States
Erwood straightway back pressure and check agents at Yokohama , this particular one be
valve, together with all the stock and patterns ing for a Buffalo automatic engine to be used At a meeting of the board of directors of
on hand . Walch & Wyeth will manufacture in direct connection with a generator in an the Westinghouse Electric and Manufactur
these valves and will continue to place be ing Company, held Tuesday, April 10, L. A.
electric-lighting plant .
fore the steam -using public this valve, which Osborne, formerly third vice-president of that
has so far met with a degree of success not The East End Boiler Works , 11 St. Aubin
Avenue , Detroit, Mich ., have recently in company, was elected second vice-president to
always so apparent in new devices. succeed Frank II . Taylor, resigned . Mr. Tay
stalled Detroit water tube boilers as follows :
The Utica Steam Specialty Company, Utica , lor, who is also a director of the company ,
Grand Opera House, Chicago , two 125 h.p.; will retain his seat on the Board . The West .
N. Y. , sole manufacturers of the President Brevoort hotel , Chicago, three 150 h.p .; Bor
engine stop , are receiving flattering reports inghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company
land building, Chicago , three 150 h.p. ; Jas . L.
from users of their device, and where they has received through its Atlanta office a very
Taylor Dredge and Manufacturing Company, large order for electric machinery from the
have been installed on trial, orders equipping Royal Centre, Ind . , one 75 h.p .; Swallow
the entire plant have resulted . At a recent Southern Power Company , Fort Lawn , S. C.
& Hopkins, Lake City, Fla. , one 210 h.p. ; The order includes eight 3000 -kw ., 3-phase,
meeting of the stockholders the following of H. Walker & Sons, Walkerville , Ont. , one
ficers were elected : H. M. Martyn , president 110 h.p. marine for a steam yacht ; they
2200- volt, 60-cycle generators for direct con
and manager ; V. A. Martyn , vice - president, nection to water wheels and to operate at a
have aso shipped a 100 h.p. boiler to Nica speed of 225 r.p.m .; two 250- volt exciters, and
and Geo . B. Smith , secretary and treasurer. ragua , S. A. The pressure carried on these
twelve 2000 -kw ., oil -insulated , water - cooled
In order to better handle their rapidly in boilers ranges from 160 to 300 pounds. transformers. Through the Philadelphia of
creasing business from the Rocky mountain The York Manufacturing Company , York , fice an order has been received from the Wil
district , the Power and Mining Machinery Penn ., has closed the following recent orders : kes- Barre and Hazleton Railway for two tur
Company , Milwaukee, Wis . , has opened an
office at 312 Seventeenth street, Denver, Colo.
The Beverwyck Brewing Company, Albany, bine -type generators of 1000 kw. capacity ,
N. Y. , three 125 - ton compound condensing re 3 -phase, 25 cycles, to operate at an electro
This new office is in charge of Henry F.
frigerating machines, brine system and piping motive force of 300 volts .
Jurs, as district manager , who will give his for new stock house . The Chicago Cold Storage The D'Este Engineers' Manual for en
personal attention to all inquiries coming
and Warehouse Company, Chicago, Ill . , 175 gineers, electricians and machinists is, ready
from Colorado , Wyoming and New Mexico for distribution .
for the varied lines of machinery manu
ton refrigerating machine. F. Koenig & Son , The price of this book
factured by this company . Yorktown , Texas, 10 - ton ice - making plant . which contains 118 pages bound in stiff linen
J. H. Sharp & Co. , Lebanon , Penn ., 6 - ton re is one dollar, but we understand a copy will
The Kennedy Valve Manufacturing Com frigerating plant. Reinliardt & Co. , Toronto , be sent without charge to an engineer in
pany , New York , has received one of the larg Canada , 60 - ton refrigerating machine for charge of a steam plant. The Manual has
est orders for valves ever placed in the his their brewery .. The Ideal Cocoa and Choco certainly been prepared by someone who
tory of the business. It is for the valves for late Company, Lititz, Penn ., 20 - ton refrigerat understands the needs of the engineer who
the high -pressure water mains to be imme ing plant. has every day problems to meet and must
diately installed in New York City under the The II. W. Johns -Manville Company , overcome them without calling in expert
direction of the Department of Water Supply , through its Chicago branch , has just com advice . It starts with simple arithmetic and
Gas and Electricity. There will be between pleted a large contract for the installation of carries the reader through algebra , roots, etc. ,
2000 and 3000 of these valves , the largest fire - felt pipe and boiler covering in the new so he can read and work out problems so
size of which is 20 inches , and it will take necessary for the modern engineer, It is im
plant of Sears , Roebuck & Co. , Chicago, in
about 100 carloads to transport the order. rolving an expenditure of several thousand possible in the limited space here to enum

wheel with a pair of dividers. Turn the .mum travel by the full lines. Block the
engine over until the tram just reaches governor in its minimum position, turn
this central point on the fly -wheel rim, the engine onto the crank -end center, take
and you will have the dead - center position measurement from the end of the valve
TRANSMISSION OF POWER . of the crank for that end of the stroke. to the face of the cylinder, as shown by
Use the same method to find the other Fig. 6, and transfer this measurement to
dead center. the templets as shown by Fig. 7 , when
JUNE, 1906.
After the centers have been located, re- the amount of lead for the crank -end can
move the valve from the steam chest or be readily seen and measured from the
Setting the Valves of the Fleming valve chamber, and make an accurate templets . The amount of lead will vary
Piston Valve Engines. templet of the "head end " and " crank with the size of the engine and the steam
BY THOMAS HALL . * end." Such a templet is shown by Fig. 2. pressure used, from 1/32 to % of an inch
Also make a correct templet of the valve on the head end, and practically double
To set the valves of a Fleming piston- seat, in the valve chamber, making one this amount on the crank-end for non
valve engine, it is necessary in the first end of the templet even with the face of condensing engines.
place to get reference marks on the fly- the valve chamber, Fig. 3. Mark the On condensing engines with the governor
wheel corresponding to the dead -center ports, head end and crank end, showing in this position and the crank on the head
positions of the piston. The method of both edges of both ports and the face of end center, the valve will have from 1/64
obtaining these has been so frequently de- the valve chamber, as shown by Fig. 4. E to 1/16 of an inch lap, or negative head,



scribed that it seems almost unnecessary represents the exhaust edge, and S the according to the size of the engine and the
to repeat it here. We will, however, give steam edge. steam pressure used, and should be about
the method, since it constitutes a part of These templets can be made from any line and line on the crank head center. The
the operation of the valve setting. light material , such as sheet zinc, sheet lead increases considerably as the point
Turn the engine in the direction it runs tin, thin strong pasteboard or thin wood of cut-off increases.
until the piston is within, say, an inch of strips, but the edges, if made of wood, to Upon turning the engine over in the di
the end of the stroke ; tram the fly-wheel insure accuracy should be made of knife- rection in which it runs, with the governor
from some fixed point, such as the sub- edge form. in its mimimum travel position, until the
base extension, and make a center punch After the templets have been made, the greatest movement of the valve is ob
mark at each end of the tram , as at A and valve can be placed back in the valve tained, the opening must not be sufficient
B , Fig. 1. Now make a mark on the edge chamber and connected up, locating ap- to cause the engine to run away when the
of the lower crosshead shoe and one ex- proximately. Now turn the engine on load is thrown off; i.e., it should be more
actly in line with it on the lower guide; one of the dead centers and proceed to than sufficient to overcome the friction of
then turn the engine in the direction it adjust accurately. the engine. In order to insure this , the
runs until these two marks coincide again . Fig. 5 shows the governor wheel on the lead or port opening for this position of
Tram the wheel again from the same crank end and center position for a right the governor should be but little if any,
point, B, on the extension, making a hand engine running over, the broken hor- greater than that specified above.
center-punch mark on the rim. Now find izontal line through the center being the The blocking of the governor should
a point midway between the marks on the center-line of the engine. The governor now be changed, fixing it in such a position
* Chief Draftsman , Harrisburg Foundry and is shown in its position of minimum as will give about 1/3 cut-off, approximate
Machine Company. travel by the dotted lines, and of maxi. ly the point of cut-off corresponding to the
328 POWER June, 1906 .

rated load. This point of cut-off should be with the face of the cylinder to the events of the stroke including lead, port
located on the guides by making marks on end of valve, and transfer this measure- opening, cut-off, release and compression,
the lower guide line with the mark on ment to the valve in the valve chamber, and make a note of each measurement for
the crosshead shoe for each dead-center as shown in Fig. 6. Block the governor in both ends of the stroke, so as to make
position, and dividing the distance between such a position that this measurement cor- ready comparison . Release will be earlier
Exhaust Edge Steam Edge Exhaust Edge

Crank End End Head

FIG . 2

them into three equal parts. Now turn the

engine over until the mark on the cross
head shoe is in line with the new point of
the guide, corresponding to 1/3 cut-off
for the head end. You should now block
the governor so that the valve is line and

line at the steam edge by taking the meas
urements from the templet as above des Crank Pin

Next turning the engine over until the
valve shows the cut- off on the crank end,
when it will be noted that the crosshead
has not traveled the full 1/3 stroke, as in
dicated by the crosshead and guide marks,
by from 1/2 to 14 of an inch, depending


FIG. 5.
FIG . 3

upon the size of the engine. An adjust

ment of the valve endwise will, of course,
lessen this amount, but will increase the
differences in lead between the two ends,
so that this adjustment must be made to
the best advantage, lead and cut-off con
To determine the greatest port opening
for any point of cut -off, the governor can
be blocked for the desired cut -off and the
engine turned over until the valve begins
to change direction, and you will have
the position of maximum port opening
for that particular cut- off.
In valve setting always turn the engine
over in the direction it runs, never turning
it past a point you desire to measure and
then turn back to it, as the lost motion will
affect accurate adjustment.
To get the point of cut-off, or to get
the point of admission , place the templet 1
2 315 6 2 18 9 10 11 12
Crank End Port Head End Port Face of
Valve Chamber
FIG. 6.

of the valve on the templet of the ports to responds to that just taken from the on the crank end than on the head end,
a position where the steam edge of the templet. The maximum cut-off is usually and compression will be earlier on the
valve is line with the steam edge about 34 stroke. head than on the crank end . Both of
of the port. Take a measurement from It is advisable, but not absolutely neces these events by measurement will probably
the end of the templet corresponding sary, to determine by measurement all be uneven by from 12 to 1 inch , depending
June, 1906 . POWER 329

on the size of the engine and the point of ernor operates both valves, is seldom used is so arranged that the center line of the
cut-off considered. The nearer to the end except on small engines. It is not quite eccentric, AB, is brought over or made to
as flexible for adjustment as where the coincide with the center-line CD, you will
of the stroke these events occur, the less
will be this difference. low-pressure valve is operated by an in- have the eccentric at its minimum point
If great care is taken in setting the dependent eccentric . of cut-off.
To set the low-pressure valve, first lo
C.E HE cate the eccentric at its point of mimimum
6 7
11121310 310 1010 11 12 cut-off, or in other words, have the points
G, H, F, and the crank ( low-pressure
Port Port crank if it be a cross compound ) in aa
Face of Valve Chamber
FIG.7 straight line. Fasten the eccentric with
the set-screws 1 and J, then turn the
valves by the use of templets, when an With an engine of this type, where the engine over in the direction in which it
indicator is placed on the engine and valve on the high pressure is operated by runs and test for the lead, point of cut-off,
cards taken, there will be little adjusting the governor, and the valve on the low- etc. For the best adjustment, have the
to be done. There is no reason why an pressure by a separate eccentric, as shown point of suspension F slightly behind the
engines cannot be set in good running con by Fig. 8, proceed to set the high pres- crank so that when the eccentric is moved
dition by the above method without the sure valve in the same manner as that of by the screw in the slot from one extreme
assistance of an indicator if the work is a simple engine. Fig. 8 shows the eccen- to the other, the lead remains nearly con
carefully done. tric used on the low-pressure valve in its stant. Then adjust the screw E, for the >

position of maximum travel with relation point of cut -off desired by giving the ec
to the crank for a right-hand engine run- centric a greater throw and consequently
In taking up valve setting on compound ning over. This eccentric is so constructed the valve more travel.
engines, the first point to consider is what The above applies to the cross-compound
that its center, when adjusted, travels
work the engine is designed for, what across the shaft, thus changing the cut-off engines as well as tandem engines, with
steam pressure it is to work under, and
whether it is to run condensing or non
condensing . E
With regard to tandem compounds, we
will consider the two types of valve gear ;
first the one in which the valves in both
high and low-pressure cylinders are con
trolled by the governor. In this type of
gine the setting of the valves is practi
Crank Pin B
cally the same as for the simple engine. Crank,Shat
Of course both valves in the high and low
pressure cylinders would be set indepen
o -D
Cyl, End
dently , giving each its proper amount of
lead ; but since the governor controls both
high- and low-pressure valves , we have
an increased lead , as the cut-off becomes
later for both valves . The load for the
high-pressure valve should be practically
the same as for the simple engine , while
that of the low -pressure cylinder is usual
ly from three to four times this amount
in order to get the cut- off late enough and
give ample port opening .
A condensing engine has usually a
higher cylinder ratio and cuts off earlier in
the low -pressure cylinder than a non - con FIG. 8.
densing engine, so that the low-pressure
valve of a condensing engine should have ADMISSION EXPANSION EXHAUST COMPRESSION
less lead than a non-condensing engine.
Compression rises less rapidly in the low Increase Is later Occurs earlier Begins at same
pressure cylinder of a condensing engine Is unchanged
Inside lap Ceases sooner Continues longer point
than in a non - condensing engine, so that
Increase Begins as before Occurs later Begins sooner
compression should start earlier in the Unchanged
stroke of a condensing engine ; this, of Outside lap Continues longer Ceases earlier 1 Continues longer

course, throws the release later in the low Increase Begins sooner Begins later Begius later Begins later
pressure cylinder of a condensing engine Travel Continues longer Ceases sooner Ceases later Ends sooner

than a non -condensing engine.

It would be difficult to state here how Increase Begins earlier Begins sooner Begins earlier Begins earlier
much lead to give the low-pressure valve, Angular advance Period unaltered Period the same Period unchanged Period'the same
as we would have to take some specific en
gine working under some fixed conditions . in the same manner as in the high -pres- the exception that, when setting the ec
In this type of engine the load will remain sure. centric on the low-pressure cylinder in a
practically uniformly divided between the In Fig. 8, CD is a line running through cross -compound, the eccentric must be set
cylinders throughout the full range of cut- the center of the crank shaft. AB is a line with reference to the crank on the low
off from minimum to maximum. running through the eccentric center and pressure side.
The above construction , where the gov- its point of suspension . If the eccentric An early cut-off in the low - pressure
330 POWER June, 1906 .

cylinder will cause a high receiver pres- and up against the pipe. The nut is then I had no trouble with the other arma
sure, and a late cut-off aa correspondingly put on and screwed up against the iron tures, and have forced on several since
low receiver pressure. It is advisable to block, and the armature is forced along with the bolt and nut rig, but I take no
so adjust the cut -off in the low pres- the shaft by turning the nut with a suitable thing for granted, and use my own judg
sure cylinder, and consequently the re- wrench. ment as to the tightness of the fit. I gen
ceiver pressure that the load will be When I got ready to put on the first ar- erally find it advisable to draw file the shaft
about evenly divided between the high- mature, I carefully calipered the shaft a little. My experience indicates that the
and low-pressure cylinders for rated load and the bore of the armature. The fit ap- manufacturers are none too particular in
conditions. For very light loads the high- peared to be rather tight for hand forcing; making these fits, for I have in mind one
pressure cylinder will then carry some- but after consulting with the boss, we de. case where what was supposed to be the
what more than half the load, and for cided to try it as it was. So I lubricated small end of the taper had a ridge on it
overloads, the low - pressure cylinder will the shaft with lard oil, which I was in- which calipered larger than the other end,
do slightly more work than the high- formed was the proper lubricant, and and I have found ridges in various parts of
pressure cylinder. started the forcing. It went very well for the fit that had to filed out. These things
This is not at all objectionable, either a time, the fit being a slight taper, but long may be all right for hydraulic forcing,
from the view-point of economy or other- before the armature was home it was cer. but they are apt to be the cause of much
wise, as repeated tests of these engines tainly going hard and the men on the trouble when forcing the armature on
have shown . The variation in the divi- wrench were sweating and much inclined within the field by hand power.
sion of the load is comparatively slight. to profanity. We worked it up to within In handling armatures care must exer
The accompanying table showing the ef- about one inch of being home, when the cised, of course, not to damage the com
fect of changing steam or inside lap, ex men made some miss move with the mutator or windings. As most armatures
haust or outside lap, travel and angular wrench and took a jaw off it. It was then are made now, the windings can be dam
advance, for piston valve engines is so late that I could not get another wrench aged only by the grossest kind of careless
appended for convenient reference. and was therefore obliged to give it up un. ness, but the commutator is always rather
til the next day. By the next morning the easily injured, and when lifting an ar
Putting on a Direct- driven Gen- armature had apparently decided to stay mature the commutator should never bear
where it was, and no amount of wrench any of the strain. When the shaft is in
erator Armature .
persuasion would move it. I wanted to place, it should be lifted or supported by
take a gasolene blow torch and carefully the shaft, but if it must be lifted in any
warm it up a little around the shaft, but manner similar to that illustrated in the
the boss objected, and we decided to try sketch, it is advisable to put a good thick
Forcing on the armature of a small and start it off. Some hydraulic jacks were ness of burlap, or something similar, be
sized generator is not a very difficult un available and there was room between the tween the sling and the armature.
dertaking after you have had a little exper concrete foundations to place the armature It is an easy matter to spring the shaft
ience at it, but I remember vividly my first and shaft and operate the jacks. I there. when forcing on the armature with the
attempt to do it. I was employed to in shaft held rigidly at one end. It is advis
stall and operate the machinery in an elec able to support the shaft as much as pos
tric plant, the generating units of which sible and keep the tackle by which the ar
consisted of three 50 -kw . direct-current mature is suspended in a vertical position.
machines direct-connected to high- speed Graphite and oil on the threads of the
compound engines. The armature shafts forcing bolt and nut will prevent a lot of
came with the engines and I was required hard work and possibly a stuck nut.
to force the armatures on. The method
of handling the armatures is illustrated in
Fig. 1 . As will be seen, the end of the A builder in Pennsylvania, having heard
shaft is drilled and tapped ( usually by the that the men did not start work at the
manufacturers) to take a good sized bolt, proper time, thought he would drop down
which has a short thread on one end to about 6.30 one morning and see. Going
screw into the hole in the shaft and a up to the yard he caught sight of a joiner
long thread on the other end on which fore placed the armature between the walls standing smoking, with his kit not even
runs a heavy nut with which to do the with the shaft resting on blocking, and opened. Simply asking his name, which
forcing. The armature is placed in a with the outer end of the shaft against one he found to be Jake Robertson , he called
sling and hoisted up to the proper hight wall, a piece of hardwood being inserted him into the office, and handing him four
and suspended. If a crane is not available, to prevent damaging the end of the shaft days' pay told him to leave at once.
a triplex block should be used. An im- A 30 - ton jack was then rigged up together After having seen the man clear of the
provised crane may be made by supporting with some pieces of timber to bear against yard, he went up to the foreman and told
a piece of I -beam over and parallel to the armature spider and the opposite wall, him he had made an example of Jake
the shaft. A truck may be made or pur- but thirty tons was not enough . So I got Robertson by paying him off for not
chased which will run on the lower flanges another jack of the same size and put starting to work at the proper hour.
of the I-beam, and the upper block of two of them to work on it . I gave it about " Jumping Jupiter," ejaculated the fore
the tackle may be attached to the truck. all the plush there was in the two jacks man, " that chap was only looking for a
The shaft is coupled up in place, if it is and was beginning to despair of moving it job ." - N . Y. World .
not an extension of the crank - shaft, and with sixty tons, when the armature sud
the outboard bearing is removed. The denly took a jump ahead and the rest was Exhaustive work upon the specific heat
armature is then slipped on to the shaft easy going. I took the shaft out and draw of superheated steam is being carried out
as far as it can be shoved by hand, and a filed it a little, gave it a dose of graphite at Sibley College, Cornell University, and
piece of extra heavy steel pipe is slipped and cylinder oil , and by using the piece of at Charlottenburg, Germany. It will be
over the end of the shaft and up against pipe and iron block, forced the armature interesting to see how nearly the results
the shoulder on the armature spider. The on with a 30 - ton jack. I have since of these two entirely different lines of
bolt being in place, a block of iron , with a learned that graphite and cylinder oil is investigation conducted by the most emi
hole through it large enough for the bolt considered about the best lubricant for nent authorities in the world upon heat
to pass through, is slipped over the bolt this purpose. pluysics, agree .
June, 1906. POWER 331

Engine -Room Chemistry . * of hard rubber or other black surface and

observing the bluish color,
BY AUGUSTUS H. GILL, PH. D. Specific gravity. This is determined
with a hydrometer in the same way as with
mineral oils explained last month . If the
instrument be graded in Baumé degrees
Examination of an Animal or Vegetable and also of the tests and constants to only, the reading should be converted into
Oil. In examining an unknown oil, the which it should respond. If the source specific gravity referred to water, as that is
analyst should ascertain all possible facts or kind of oil be not known , the use to the way in which the animal and vegetable
about it, its cost, its source, and the use which the oil is to be put is of material oils are designated. Care should be taken
for which it is intended. There is unfor help in determining its composition : for to note the temperature of the oil , which
tunately no such number of specific tests example, the paint oils are linseed, men should be 60 degrees Fahrenheit, as in the
for the various oils as there is for the haden ( "pogy” ) and in some cases corn ; case of petroleum, and for every Fahren
various metals ; while it is easy to say heit degree above 60 add 0.00035 to the
positively that a certain metal is present Table I, Showing the Comparison of observed specific
observed specific gravity
gravity. For example,
or absent, the same cannot be said of Specific Gravity with Baumé Degrees. suppose the hydrometer shows a read
many of the oils. One can be absolutely Baumé.
ing of 23.75 Baumé at 70 degrees
Sp. Gr. Baumé. Sp. Gr.
sure of the presence of cottonseed , se 10 1.000 25 0.903 Fahrenheit, what would be the spe
same, rosin, and mineral oils, reasonably 14
cific gravity of the oil in question at
certain of peanut, rape, castor and sperm , 16 0.959 28 0.886 60 degrees Fahrenheit ? According to
18 0.946 29 0.881
but can only have more or less strong 20 0.933 30 0.876
table I, 23 Baumé degrees = 0.9150 and 24

suspicions as to the presence or absence 21

0 927 35
0.848 degrees = 0.9090, a difference of 0.0060 for
0.921 0.823
of most of the others. 23
0.916 15 0.800 one degree Baumé ; 0.75 degree Baumé,
0.919 50 0.778
The fact, too, that crops vary in quality the excess above 23, X 0.0060 = 0.0045, and
The specific gravity can in general be found by
from year to year has an influence upon 146.3 0.9150 — 0.0045 = 0.9105. That is, 23.75
the quality of vegetable oils produced ;
the formula 186.8
+ Bº Bº representing the read Baumé degrees = 0.9105 specific grav
whereas in the case of an inorganic com ing Baumé at 60 degrees Fahrenheit. ity, at 70 degrees Fahrenheit ; for every
pound like soda ash, it can be required to the currying oils are neatsfoot and " cod" ; Fahrenheit degree above 60, 0.00035 is to
contain 58 per cent. of oxide of sodium the burning oils are lard, sperm and rape. be added, or 0.0035 10 degrees, so that
with less than one per cent. variation TESTS FOR ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE OILS . 0.9105 + 0.0035 = 0.9140 is the specific
either way, no such definite specifications Physical tests. The smell of an oil gravity of the oil at 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
for oils can be prescribed for the reasons reveals much to the expert regarding its The fact that the hotter an oil is the lighter
just stated, i.e., the variation in genuine composition, and if the amateur will take it is, should not be forgotten, and also the
oils, on account of the change due to the the trouble to make a collection of samples reverse of this statement. Table II. shows
season, or the variety of the plant or tree . of genuine oils for comparison, he will the specific gravity of a number of com
There are three hundred varieties of olive find them very valuable in this connection . mon oils expressed in Baumè degrees
trees in Italy alone. These influences The odor is best taken by warming the oil and decimals, and their weight per gal
change the "constants” like the specific in a small beaker or by rubbing a small ion and per cubic foot.
gravity, Maumené figures, etc., which are quantity between the thumb and finger and Valenta Test. This is based upon the
guides to the determination of the amount sinelling them. Marine animal oils are solubility of the various oils in glacial
of adulteration of an oil . For example, readily detected by their " fishy " odor, acetic acid. Instead of determining how
the Maumené figure for olive oil varies while neatsfoot, tallow, lard, olive, rosin much acid is necessary to dissolve a certain
from 35 to 47 degrees Centigrade, conse- and linseed oils have a well marked and quantity of oil, equal quantities of oil and
quently if 41 degrees is obtained , there easily distinguished odor. Many of the acid are mixed, warmed, then cooled and
are three possibilities : first, that the oil is statements just made apply with equal the temperature noted at which the oils be
genuine ; second, that the oil is an oil force to the taste of oils , rape oil having come turbid. The test bears the name of
originally 47 degrees which has been a harsh unpleasant taste and whale oil a the discoverer. To perform it, oil suffi
adulterated with an oil of less than 47 nutty flavor. The color of an oil is not cient to fill a test tube to about an inch in
degrees, or third, that the original figure to be relied upon for indentification, as depth is poured into the test tube, the
was 35 degrees, and it has been adulterated oils may be colored reddish or green- hight to which it rises indicated by the
with an oil of higher Maumené figure. ish by the oleates of iron or copper ; the thumb nail, and a quantity of glacial
As to which of these is correct , other "bloom ," fluorescence, or a peculiar bluish acetic acid equal to the oil poured in upon
“ constants ” and special tests must indicate. it. A rather light chemical thermom
There is a variation of 12/41 of thirty per Table II, Showing the Specific Gravity, eter, usually graduted in Centigrade de
cent. in these “ constants”, consequently
Baumé Degrees, Weight per Gallon grees, will serve to mix the pil and acid,
the determination of the percentage of one and per Cubic Foot of Certain Oils. and the mixture is heated over the alcho
oil in another may not be accurate within Bp. Gr . Baum é Lbs. per Lbs . per hol or gas lamp until it becomes clear ;
at 600 . Gal. Cu . Ft .
about fifteen per cent.; on the other hand, Degrees. then it is allowed to cool and the temper
Castor .. 0.961 16.66 8.01
the sensitiveness of chemical methods per Cottonseed .. .922 21.83 7.68
ature noted at which it becomes cloudy ;
mits the carrying out of processes for the Horse Lard ..
. .919
22.17 7.66 87.44 it is slightly warmed again until clear and
23.00 7.62 57.14
determination of these " constants" within Linseed .. .934 19.87 7.79 58.37 the cooling repeated, and the readings
Neatstoot. .915 23.00 7.62
at least one per cent. Olive .916 22.80 7.63
should coincide within half a degree.
Considering the items of cost, source Rape .
Sperm ..
Castor oil is soluble at the ordinary tem
and use, the cost compared with the cur Tallow.. .916 22.80 7.63 57.25 perature while rapeseed is usually insoluble
.866 31.60 7.22 64.12
Turpentine ..
rent prices will give an idea of the kind Whale .927 21.00 7.72 57.93 at the boiling point of the acid ; the tem
of oil if it be uncompounded. It is un Water . 1.000 10.00 8.33 62.50
peratures at which some of the oils become
usual to find an expensive oil mixed with or greenish streak seen in the sides turbid as shown in Table II.
one of lower price, unless in certain lu of a vial containing mineral oil is positive
bricants ; the source or kind of an oil proof of the presence of aa hydrocarbon or Glacial acetic acid is so strong that it
will give an idea of the possible adulterants freezes at 17 degrees Centigrade and boils at
petroleum oil. This can be further shown 118 degrees Centigrade. Care should be used
not to get it upon the person , as it blisters se
* Copyrighted, 1902, by Hill Publishing Co. by putting a few drops of the oil on a piece verely ,
332 POWER June, 1906.

Elaidin Test. This test is based on the The test is conducted as follows : The rise of temperature of fifty grams of min
fact that certain oils, rich in olein, likebeaker is taken out from its packing, eral oil , multiplied by two. For concord
lard and neatsfoot, are changed by nitrous disturbing it as little as possible, weighed ant results the conditions should be the
acid into solid bodies having the same com- on the scales, and fifty grams of oil weigh- same and the same apparatus should be
position : elaidin. It serves to distinguished into it within two drops ; the beaker is used. The percentage of one oil in a mixture
between the non -drying, semi-drying and replaced in its jacket, the thermometer in- of two oils can be found by the following
drying oils. When submitted to this testserted, and its temperature noted down. formula : Let x = percentage of one of
the non - drying oils usually form a solid Ten cubic centimeters of strong sulphuric the oils ; m = Maumené value of the pure
cake, so solid, in fact, that the vessel and acid is measured out in the graduate oil ; n that of the other, and I that of the
contents can be lifted by a rod congealed and gradually poured into the oil, it being mixed oil under examination ; then
in the cake of elaidin ; the semi-drying stirred at the same time with the thermom X =
1- 1
X ico .
oils form a more or less pasty mass, while eter, and the graduate allowed to drain unn

the drying oils form a liquid mass with about five seconds—that is, while one To illustrate the application of this
clots floating around in it. The test is counts ten . The stirring is continued formula suppose we have an olive oil ad
performed as follows : Five grams of the until no further increase in temperature is ulterated with cottonseed and the sample
oil are weighed out into a cordial glass noted. The highest point at which the has a Maumené figure of 60. Table III
( a small goblet about three inches high ) the thermometer remains constant for any states that cottonseed oil has a Maumené
on the horn pan scales and seven grams appreciable time is observed, and the figure of 76 and olive oil 35. Then substi
(about 5 cc. ) of nitric acid of 1.34 specific difference between this and the original tuting in the formula :
gravity weighed into it ; then the glass is temperature of the oil is the “ rise in tem 60 35
immersed in a pan of iced water at 50 to perature .” The mixture of the oil and acid X Ico = 61 ,
76 – 35
60 degrees Fahrenheit to within half an is thrown on the ash heap, the thermom which is the percentage of cottonseed oil
inch of the top. After about ten minutes two in the mixture. As with other oils, it is
& S. gage, Table III, Showing the Viscosity, Flash, advisable to check the test by one made
pieces of copper wire,No. 15.inB.and
and 34 in long, are dropped the oil Valenta and Maumené Tests with an oil of known purity .

and acid stirred together with a short
of Certain Oils. Halphen's Test for Cottonseed Oil.
glass rod with an up and down as well as
a rotary movement, in order to mix the This is based upon the fact that this oil

oil , acid and evolved gas thoroughly. Viscosity . Flash . Valenta .
contains a fatty acid which combines with
When the wire has dissolved, add two sulphur, giving a co! ored compound. The


more pieces and stir as before ; this should

Rise apparatus needed is aa large test tube seven
or eight inches long, by one inch in di

furnish gas enough if the liquid has been



ameter, fitted with a long tube 38 inch in


kept cool, and the stirring has been thor F. .C .


ough . At the end of the first hour pure diameter and about five or six feet long,
lard will usually show flakes of aa wax-like to serve as a condenser for the alcohol
Castor ...... viscid 132* | 580 20 47
appearance , and upon standing without ( 345 ) which is used in the test. To fit the long
Colza . See Rape .
Cottonseed 82.5 2101 582 90-110 76 tube to the test tube , soften a good cork
disturbance for another hour at the same Horse 54- 80 52 which fits the test tube by rolling the
temperature the oil will have changed to Lard . 82.8 215 530 ) 54- 98 41
a hard solid white cake. Most of the Linseed ..
cork under a board on the bench ; with a
80.0 2007 57- 79 111
fish and seed oils yield a pasty or buttery Neatsfoot... 83.7 250 440 62- 75 42 6-or 7- inch round file, bore a hole through
Olive.... 66 687 450 85-111 35
the cork from the small end and file this
mass separating from a Auid portion, Rape . 86.5 3507 Insoluble . 65
out, using larger round files, until the
73.5 102 $ 430 ) Insoluble . 46
whereas, olive, lard , sperm and sometimes Sperm ...... ( 4801
neatsfoot oil , yield a solid cake. To make Tallow . 75.0 1251 560 71-75 35 long tube fits snugly into the cork . Be
sure of the manipulation, a test should be Turpentine. fore trying the tube in the cork, round off
made at the same time and in the same way * At 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
the sharp edges with aa file ; otherwise they
with an oil of undoubted purity-lard Calculated from Doolittle readings . will cut the cork and make a poor fit ; if
oil for example ; if a hard cake be obtain- eter and beaker carefully wiped free of oil the tube be wet it will slip or twist into
ed from the pure oil and a buttery mass with cotton waste , and the jacket allowed the cork much better. Besides this, an
agate - ware cup to hold brine, means of
from the oil under examination , it is very to cool down to the original temperature,
it, and a orwater
good evidence that the latter is either when the apparatus is again ready for The bath, are required.
reagents needed are
a seed oil or an olive, lard or sperm oil , use .A duplicate test should always be
adulterated with a seed or mineral oil . made and the rise of temperature should amyl alcohol ( fusel oil ) and a one and a
The Maumené Test , or heating test
half per cent. solution of sulphur in car
agree within two or three per cent. Since
with sulphuric acid , is one of the most im- bon bisulphide; the latter should not be
the rise of temperature varies with the opened near a fire or flame, as it is very
portant tests to determine the variety or strength of the acid , in order to secure inflammable. To make the test about two
kind of oil ; it possesses the advantage uniformity the experiment should be re or three teaspoonfuls ( 10 to 15 cc. ) of
that it requires no complicated apparatus peated using water instead of oil , and the the melted fat or oil ( the exact quantity
and is simple in execution . The under- rise of temperature thereby obtained di makes no difference ) are heated with an
lying principle is that when oils are mixed vided into the rise of temperature with
with strong sulphuric acid heat is produced the oil, and the result multiplied by one equal volume of the amyl alcohol and of
the carbon bisulphide solution of sulphur,
and the quantity of heat so produced is hundred. This is called the "specific tem
perature reaction .” The acid used should with occasional shaking in the water bath
characteristic of the various oils .
The apparatus required consists of a be the strongest obtainable, and should and after the violent boiling has ceased,
rather tall and narrow beaker holding show a specific gravity of 1.84. “ Fuming in the brine bath at about 220 to 230 de
about five ounces ( 150 cc . ) , packed in a sulphuric acid ” should not be used . grees Fahrenheit for forty -five minutes to
tin can, agate- ware cup, or beaker, with In case the test is to be applied to a three hours, according to the quantity of
dry cotton waste or hair felt, the packing drying or semi-drying oil it should be cottonseed oil present, the tube being oc
being perhaps an inch thick ; a light ther- diluted with an equal weight of petroleum casionally removed and shaken . As little
mometer garduated from o to 150 or 200 oil and then thoroughly mixed ; the " rise as one per cent. will give a crimson-wine
degrees Centigrade, a ten -cubic-centimeter of temperature” is in this case the rise of coloration in twenty minutes. If the mix
graduate and a pair of horn pan scales. temperature of the mixture, minus half the ture be heated too long, a misleading
June, 1906. POWER 333

brownish - red color due to burning will be Do Your Best. and desire a change. What is he going
produced . to change to ? An honest employer can
Test for Unsaponifiable Oils in Animal BY WILLIAM WESTERFIELD. not without dishonoring himself recom
or l'egetable Fats and Oils.—This de mend such a person. The chances are
pends upon the fact that when a soap so Learning to do one's best in every posi- that the careless man may secure one po
lution containing unsaponified oil is di tion occupied is the key of success. Unless sition after another where aa botch at a low
luted with water it is precipitated, caus one does this he will never get above the price is preferred to a good man at a de
ing an opalescence or turbidity. Six or lower rung of the ladder. Nearly every cent wage, but this is the best he can hope
eight drops of oil are boiled two minutes man now occupying an important position for. He will always be found in a posi
in a test tube with a teaspoonful of three began in an unimportant situation and rose tion which a good man would not accept.
per cent. alcoholic potash solution, made step by step by the merit which consists I know personally a young man who be
in ability to do things, and a determina gan work three years ago in an engine
by dissolving caustic potash in ordinary tion to do what is to be done in the best
alcohol or wood spirits. The potash makes room at nine dollars per week. The engine
soap of the oil and to this soap solution possible manner. furnished power for a fouring mill , and
distilled water (12 to 15 cc. ) is gradually I have often stepped into engine rooms was simply a wreck when he took charg.
added , and the operator notices whether of power plants, small and large, where of it. It was his first experience in charge
the solution remains clear or whether tur- everything was wrong. Every joint, every of an engine. One day in every two weeks
bidity appears which clears on the addi- moving part of the engine, had its knock he was given to wash the boiler and to do
tion of more water ; even one per cent. of or pound, the noise reminding one of a what he could on the engine. The tools
mineral oil may be detected in this way. forging shop. If you engage the man in he had consisted of a monkey wrench .
There are two other tests that are ap charge in conversation nine times in ten a set-screw wrench, a screw driver and a
plied to animal and vegetable oils ; they he will tell you that he is not paid enough couple of worn-out files. The brasses
require considerable experience and aa money for a man in his position, and, as were swaged out of shape by keying up too
number of reagents that can be prepared though ashamed of the condition of his close. He filed them, set the valve improv
only by a skilled chemist, but as these engine and in a sickly attempt at justi- ing the steam distribution so that the en
are sometimes referred to in oil analyses fication or apology, he will tell you that gine went from 156 revolutions per minute
they will be defined here. They are the if he was being paid more money he would to 168. One by one he ran down the knocks
saponification number and iodine value. keep things in better condition ; that he and pounds until in three months he had
By the saponification number or value is can't afford to do expert work for such
the engine running like a new one. After
meant the number of milligrams of potas low wages . This sort of a man will al about six months in this position, he re
sium hydrate ( KOH ) necessary to saponi- ways be a low-priced man and justly so. ceived an increase of salary to twelve dol
fy one gram of the oil ; this is nearly the Such an attitude and such service never lars per week, twenty-five per cent . more
same for many averaging 193 ; rape merit and never should have an increase of than this firm had ever paid ; but they
has a number of 178 and sperm 124 to pay. Increase of pay comes as a recog- could afford it, for he had saved them
145. The number is mainly of value in nition of merit , of worth, and when such what they had been accustomed to pay to
detecting adulteration of animal or vege recognition comes to the careless or un machinists and had accomplished what
table oils with petroleum or rosin oils ambitious it is a " miscarriage of justice,” they had failed to accomplish, that is, had
which are not saponifiable. as they say in the legal profession. put the engine into good running condi
By the iodine number or value is un Let us follow the paths, for a moment, tion . Another thing to be mentioned.
derstood the number of milligrams of io of the man who tries to do his best, and Those who had preceded him said the
dine absorbed by one gram of oil ; this the one who does not. The first goes into firm would buy nothing for the engineer.
varies from 176 with linseed to 8 with the boiler or engine room, very likely at This might have been true of them, but
cocoanut oil . This can be used the same low wages . He reads, observes, learns all this young man had not been there long
as the Maumené figure for calculating the he can and strives to do everything per- before he obtained what he called for ,
adulteration in an oil . taining to his position in the best possible and his suggestions were cheerfully fol
The tests to be applied to animal or manier . His ambition, watchfulness and lowed, because he had, by doing his best,
vegetable oils may be summarized as fol his disposition to do his best bring him to won their respect and confidence. The
lows : Ascertain , if possible, the source, the notice of his superior or his employer. advancement of this young man has been
intended use and cost. Note color, sedi He is recognized as a good man , the kind rapid and to- day he is chief engineer in
ment and bloom . Compare odor and taste it pays to keep. Not only this, but he a five -hundred -horse -power compound
with genuine samples. Determine the spe learns the right and wrong way of doing condensing plant.
cific gravity with hydrometer ( be careful things, and he learns his value ard will This is no fairy tale .
It is absolute
about temperature ). Make the Elaidin seek better positions and will always be truth. The man who can and will do
and Maumené tests and calculate from able to command recommendations that things is the man that is looked for to
will enable him to secure them . Employ- fill good positions. He is too few in num
the latter the percentage of each oil pres
ent. If cottonseed be suspected, apply the ers are looking for his kind, and they are, ber " to go round" and will therefore be
Halphen test . comparatively, so few that they are very able to secure good wages .
inuch in demand . Such a man will march
right upward from one position to According to The Engineer, London ,
A snake sought shelter under the boil other, and his success will continue so some
er of a flouring mill at Martinsburg, Ky , long as he continues to deserve it. But 1000 -h.p. gas engines are being
the other night . When the fire was start built by William Beardmore & Co. , Bir
the careless man, though he begins under mingham , to run at a speed of 130 revo
ed up in the morning the place became equally favorable circumstances, soon be- lutions. The engines are double acting
too warm for him , and , crawling out , he comes known as one who does only what with water- cooled pistons, and are rever
coiled himself about the rope attached to he is compelled to do, and is careless even sible. High -tension ignition and forced
the whistle. The weight of the reptile in doing that. Everything is done in the lubrication will be employed. Bituminous
opened the whistle valve and the whistle manner requiring the least physical or coal is to be used in the producers, but it
continued blowing until the snake was mental effort. He may waste twice his is difficult to obtain detailed information
killed . The townspeople turned out to wages by carelessness or inefficiency, but about the gas generators at present since
what they supposed must be a conflagra- after a while he will think of more money the patents covering them are not yet
tion . or may have grown weary of monotony completed .
334 POWER June, 1906.

its polarity found to correspond with that motors, taking current from the feeder
Some Electrical Puzzlers .
of generator No. 1 , and it was connected circuit. By following the connections in
BY E. S. LINCOLN . to the load bus-bars. This final opera- the diagram it can be easily seen that
tion was not at all pleasing ; it resulted in the handle on the starting box did not
The following cases taken from the wri fireworks from some half-dozen circuit- return to its normal position because
breakers, a broken pulley, and a belt run field circuit was not broken . the shunt
ter's experience will, perhaps, be of inter ning
est to the reader, and were quite puzzling across the test -room . After order The release magnet on the starting rheo
to solve. A small shunt-wound dynamo had been restored and every connection stat is indicated at M.
was connected to a bank of lamps and all tested , it was found that the wrong polar- Still another case which was quite puz
the connections were properly made, as ity existed in the equalizer connection, as zling for a few minutes developed as
the machine had been running some few indicated in Fig. I. Upon examination follows : A small shunt-wound motor
minutes previously. Suddenly all the lights of the connections it will be evident that had been running for some time and it
went out and threw the entire load off each generator was dead short-circuited was desired to ascertain the strength of
the machine. A voltmeter was connected through the series winding of the other the current in its ' shunt field, so an am
across the brushes and indicated the full generator and the equalizer. Reversing meter was connected in the field circuit.
voltage of the machine, but when con the series field winding of one of the No other connections were disturbed Af
nected to the machine main terminals its machines and its bus-bar connections rem- ter closing the main switch the operator
readirig vas zero. It was then evident edied the trouble, and the machines op- moved the rheostat handle to the running
that a break existed in the machine cir erated satisfactorily. position, slowly. This latter operation
cuit, so all the connections were examin A third case took the following form : was accompanied by severe sparking at
ed, but they were found to be perfect The engineer in charge of the power plant the rheostat contacts, and the motor,

as to contacts . Accidentally someone had started the booster, which consisted which was without load , ran backwards
struck one of the leads, and this threw of two low-voltage series generators di- at a very high rate of speed and its
Shunt Shunt

R 10000000000 100000000000
0 R


elle +






I 11 TE
Main Main b
Switch Switch

Main Rheostat
Load Bus Bars Switch
+ +

the load on the dynamo. This lead had rect-connected to a 220 - volt shunt-wound brushes sparked badly. Of course it
become unsoldered at the brush-holder motor, the connections of which are was evident that the field circuit was
stud, and was held tightly against it by its shown in Fig. 2. The starting box is open and to prove this the ammeter read
own insulation, but not tight enough for located near the motor andswitchboard
its main ing was zero. Upon examining the instru
ment it was found that one of the con
electrical connection. switch is located on the main
Another case in which the results were some distance from the booster set. The necting wires from the field winding had
a little more disastrous than in the first field rheostat is also on the main board been pushed too far under the binding
was as follows : Two 125-volt compound- and is used to regulate the speed of the screw so that the latter rested on the
wound generators with a capacity of motor. The fuses in the motor circuit insulation of the wire and not on the
about 25 kilowatts each were arranged to are shown at a and b. One day the volt- conductor itself ; consequently, no elec
be operated in parallel . Each machine age at the end of the feeder in the boost- trical connection was made. This last oc
was in turn belted to a 220 - volt shunt- er circuit dropped to a very low value. currence is common with beginners in a
wound motor. When the boys had fin- The engineer glanced at the booster and test - room.
ished connecting the machines to the aux- saw that it was running as usual, but upon A fourth case manifested itself in a
iliary switchboard provided for the pur- close examination it was found that its puzzling manner. It was desired to re
pose everything was examined and found direction of rotation was reversed . The duce the current in the armature circuit
to be correct. The machines were then starting box handle was in the running of a shunt-wound motor, so a water-cool
started and their polarities were also position, which greatly puzzled the engin- ed rheostat was connected in series with
found to be correct. The first generator eer . The ammeter in the motor circuit it and the line. This rheostat was in
was connected to the load bus-bars after registered nearly zero and upon examina- good condition, but a few minutes after
the motor arm
its voltage had been properly adjusted. tion it was found that fuse b had blown its insertion in the circuitrest.
It took load in the proper manner, so the out. Under these conditions the boost- ature nearly came to As it was
voltage of generator No 2 was adjusted, er generators were driven backwards as difficult to examine the german silver coils
June, 1906. POWER 335

in the rheostat a current of several am Some Quick Repair Jobs and Handy sult that when the engine was given steam
peres was passed through them alone, Appliances. the piston had struck the cylinder head,
dicating a good circuit through them , but cracking it in three places, as shown in the
still the motor refused to run at its new BY JAMES G. SHERIDAN .
sketch, Fig. 1. At the writer's suggestion
predetermined speed. As everything else a piece of heavy sheet- iron was procured
was in proper condition the rheostat was A short time ago in this plant the night and the machinist was instructed to cut a
finally taken apart and its coils examined. engineer had received orders to pack the disk of the same diameter as the cylinder
It was found that some of the water had piston rod on one of our Corliss engines, head, with bolt holes to coincide with the
evaporated and left a connection between and as this engine had been in service a head bolts. Fig. 2 shows it ready to put
two coils exposed to the air, and that number of years, it was necessary to use on , A new gasket was put on, together
when connected in the motor circuit this with both the temporary and the cracked
exposed portion burned out. This great cylinder-heads,and after adjusting the pis
ly increased the resistance of the rheostat,
but did not completely open the circuit
‫ܕ‬ ton to give the proper amount of clear
ance at each end, the engine was ready
because the water had been salted, which for the following day's run. The working
was entirely unnecessary for the opera pressure was 70 pounds. In three days'
tion of this type of rheostat. time the new cylinder-head arrived, but
the temporary one held out during the in
In a test-room supplied from a three terval.
wire system of which the neutral is
grounded, considerable care is necessary Another incident worthy of note hap
to avoid trouble from accidental grounds.
FIG. 1. FIG. 2. pened to one of our large steam mains.
The following will serve as an illustration lock-nuts on the stuffing -box studs in or With the increased high pressure of steam
of this necessity : In using a prony brake der to prevent the gland from working off. carried here a leak at one of the flanges
for measuring motor output, water is However, the order was complied with, had been giving us much annoyance. Sev
eral remedies had been applied, but to no
usually employed to cool the pulley drum . except owing
that the lock-nuts were not re
to crowding the stuffing-box avail, until the last one, illustrated here
As the system is grounded, the water placed
pipe must be thoroughly insulated from too full, in consequence of which there with , which has proved a success so far.
any part of the motor or its pulley in was not sufficient room to get the lock
order to prevent a ground. The machines nuts back. The following afternoon the
should not be allowed to remain unin gland blew out, which necessitated over
sulated when using them, as one terminal half of the plant being shut down until
is always alive with respect to the frame ; the repairs could be made. Incidentally it
more than once test men have received happened that one of the engineers was
near the engine at the time and closed the
bad burns caused by uninsulated water
throttle as soon as possible. Strange to
When oiling generators one must be say, the gland came back with each revo
lution of the engine, only to strip the
very careful where a three-wire system is threads on the studs without injuring the
used with a grounded neutral. As a gland at all. As we had a 50 -kw. unit in
case in point, an engineer was oiling a reserve to assist with overloads, this was
large direct-connected three-wire genera- immediately put in service, doing service FIG. 4 .
tor set in which the generator was located until the larger engine was again in com
between the cranks of a cross-compound mission . On investigation we foundthat Two heavy rings were cast, each in two
engine . Upon raising his oil can to fill parts, to encircle the main , as indicated in
the nuts could not be replaced , so the
a cup on one of the main bearings the studs were taken out and a 5 / 16 -in. hole Fig. 3. They were held together by bolts
bottom of the can came in contact with was drilled in each one near the end for a at b b b b, and the ring B had two set
a nut on the brush -holder causing a dead cotter pin, nuts of a larger diameter were screws to secure it to the pipe. Asbestos
short-circuit on one side of the machine. slipped over the studs, the cotter pins put was used for packing between the flange
The oil can was never used again and the in place, and we were ready to start up in and the ring A, and six bolts were used
engineer was badly burned. the short tinie of 40 minutes. New studs between the rings to compress the pack
The insulation of a test- room system were made, and when the engine was ing. Fig. 4 shows a half section of the
should be carefully maintained, as many shut down for the night they were put in ring A. By turning back the nuts suffici
ently tight this job was made secure.
accidents may be thereby avoided. Men place.
not familar with test- room work cannot A friend sent for the writer one evening Fig. 5 shows an arrangement we have
just completed for feeding compound in
be expected to handle wire and apparatus b
the boilers. The tank is located on the
as carefully as experienced engineers wall 15 feet above the water line in the
Speaking of insulation calls to my mind feed-water heater ( which is of the open

a case in which cloth as an insulator


ALB type ) , and a hole is tapped in the suction

proved defective. In experimenting with pipe near the pump to receive the com
a large induction coil , in connection with pound. When in operation the valve D is
wireless telegraphy , some wires were con closed, the compound being fed by gravity
nected to the terminals of the secondary down through the glass and the amount

FIG . 3
and were run across the seat of a chair regulated by the valves E E. For our re
which served as a support . During the recently to come to a small plant in the quirements this tank is filled once a week
experimenting a friend , not especially in- neighborhood, as they were in trouble. and fed continually during working hours ;
terested in the subject, sat down on the Upon arriving, the engineer, who was a at other times the valves E E should be
chair to wait until the writer was at lei- young man with limited experience , re- closed.
sure. But the first wireless message rais- lated how the machinist, in putting a new In Fig. 6 is shown how a monkey wrench
ed his enthusiasm to a high pitch , and piston rod in the engine, by oversight or can be applied to a pipe with the aid of a
also “ raised” him, as a heavy spark passed otherwise hard not given any clearance at wire nail or round file, when no Stilson
up through the seat of his trousers. the back end of the cylinder, with the re- wrench is at hand. The wrench must be
336 POWER June, 1906 .
opened a trifle more than the diameter of Care of Direct Current Motors . out by running the motor without load an
ihe pipe, in order that the nail may hold . hour or until the field and armature wind
The nail must be twisted sideways far BY JOHN HOWATT .
ings are thoroughly warmed.
enough that the head does not press on The two factors which cause the men in Electric motors must be kept as free
the pipe .
charge of electrical appliances more trouble from dirt as possible, as it forms leakage
Fig. 7 shows how I constructed a cyl- than any others are dirt and dampness. paths between conductors and to ground,
inder lubricator for one of our large and causes deterioration of the insulation.
pumps, the original being too small for The interior of a motor should be cleaned
convenience. The packing nuts from the on dry days by blowing out all of the ac
old one, with their connections, were used cumulated dust with a hand bellows. Com
except at T , where a male tee was in
mutators and sliding contacts on the motor
serted. The reservoir is a piece of 3- inch
pipe capped at both ends. The water is panel should be wiped clean with a cotton
cloth .
drawn off at D. As indicated by the dot
ted lines, each connection extends nearly Oil getting on the windings of motors is
the length of the reservoir . A filling plug a source of much trouble because although
it is an insulator itself it collects dust, and
other particles which form leakage paths
Besides this it rots the insulation and
makes it char easily. Oil cannot ordinar
ily be driven off by heating as can moist.
ure, but must be carefully wiped off with a
cloth . Waste is not to be recommended
15 Ft.
1 for use in wiping around electrical ma
chines because the strands are liable to be
pulled out and left where they will be in
jurious .
The bearings of all motors should re
ceive proper care, and should be lubricated
with a good grade of oil which does not
thicken when subjected to fairly low tem
THE peratures . For this reason sperm oil should
not be used in cool weather. The bear
FIG . 6. ings of most motors are of the self-oiling
ring or chain type, and if the oil is too
thick it interferes with the movement of
the ring or chain . Many bearings are pro
Cold Water Auxiliary vided with a sight gage attached to the
Check oil well . Sufficient oil should be kept in
the well to bring the oil half way up the
gage glass.
All of the old oil should be drained off,
Pump Suction and any sediment that may have settled
FIG. 5. ARRANGEMENT FOR FEEDING BOILER COMPOUND . in the bottom of the oil well cleaned out
every two months in motors running con
Water should never under any circum- tinuously, and the well refilled with fresh
stances be allowed to come in contact with oil that has been filtered. If rings are used
the windings or 0
commutator of a motor. they should be inspected frequently to see
If it does, the part affected should be wiped that they are revolving and properly carry
dry with a clean cotton cloth , and then ing the oil to the bearings. Should a ring
F tested for grounds with a 35,000-ohm mag- stop revolving for any length of time, the
reto . If the insulation is found to be im- shaft will wear a depression in it which
perfect the injured part should be removed will prevent its proper operation there
and dried by exterior application of heat after. If the oil is carried to the bearing
iſ possible. If this cannot be done a small by a chain it should be watched to see that
current should be passed through the con it does not become kinked or thrown up

ductors long enough to warm and dry from the shaft.

them. Both sides of the line leading to the If aa bearing becomes at all overheated,
parts under treatment should be protected attention should be given to it at once. The
by low - capacity fuses during this process. temperature should be reduced by liberal
This applies chiefly to open type motors lubrication or by pouring in fresh oil. If
into which water may be accidentally this does not have the desired effect cold
splashed . water may be poured on the outside of the

H Motors which are located in very damp bearing while the shaft is revolving slowly.
places or where they are likely to be ex
posed to the action of water , should be of
A shaft should never be allowed to stop
until the bearing has cooled to nearly
the wholly - enclosed type . These motors normal temperature if it can be prevented,
FIG. 7 .
may, however, become damp inside through or the lining may “ freeze" to the shaft so
is located at F ; the connection at I is not condensation if allowed to stand idle for that it will have to be cut off. In every
a pipe nipple, but a solid piece of iron , some time, and when not in daily service case of a bearing becoming overheated the
threaded and made up like the ordinary should be inspected for dampness twice a cause should be ascertained and removed .
nipple , week. If any is found it may be driven and the effect on the bearing investigated.
June, 1906 . POWER 337

If the lining has been scored it must be will result. Set the yoke in the position without severe sparking, but beyond this
taken out and scraped to a perfect, smooth which experience has proven to be the best trouble arises. The remedy is, of course,
fit before being used again . and make a mark on the yoke and frame to find the cause of the overload, and re
If a bearing becomes badly worn the to indicate this position so that any time move it. Besides crowding too much work
armature may be so much lowered that it the yoke is moved it can be correctly re- on a motor, improper lubrication, tight
will rub on the lower pole- faces. Before set. bearings, a sprung armature shaft, belt too
this state of affairs is reached the worn 5. Brushes May Not Fit the Commuta- tight, worn journals and leaks and grounds
linings should be replaced with new ones, tor.-- This causes sparking by increasing in the motor are among the more common
or the bearings brought up to the proper the current density at the point of brush causes of overload.
level in some other way. The motor controlling panel seldom geis
contact with the commutator beyond the
When an armature is to be removed as much attention as it should . The back
proper limit . Carbon brushes are designed
from aa motor, care must be exercised that to carry from 30 to 40 amperes per square of the panel often forms a trap for the ac
the insulation of the coils be not injured, inch of face contact and should not be cumulation of dust and insects. It should
and that no strain be put on the commu- made to carry more. Brushes may be bc cleaned out frequently with a blast of
tator. The armature should be laid with air from a bellows.
made to fit the commutator by drawing a
the ends of the shaft resting on blocks strip of fine sand paper under them, rough When starting up a motor, the rheostat
which keep the core and windings of the side up, keeping the smooth side drawn should be slowly and uniformly moved
' armature clear of the foor. closely around the commutator. The mo. over until it locks in the running posi
The commutator and brushes of a motor tion should be away from the stud, and the tion, in order to allow the motor time to
require the most attention, and should be accelerate at each point.
pressure between the brush and sand paper
carefully watched, especially on a new ma- should be the normal operating pressure The rheostat contacts become burred
chine. When in good condition a commu- of the brush. Raise the brush from con after being used awhile, and should be
tator is of a glossy brown color and runs tact with the sandpaper when drawing it smooth off with a strip of No. I sand
smoothly without sparking. On motors back to repeat the stroke. paper wrapped around a perfectly flat block
that are in service continuously the com of wood . The contacts should be lubricated
mutator runs smoother when it is lubri. 6. Brush Pressure Not Properly Ad. slightly with vaseline or paraffin and the
cated occasionally, and very slightly, with justed.—The pressure of a brush on the terminals inspected occasionally to make
vaseline or paraffin but no lubrication commutator should be adjusted to about sure that they do not work loose .
two pounds per square inch of contact
should be used on the commutators of in
termittent running motors because of the If the pressure is too light, sparking will Largest Power Station in Japan.
greater tendency for dust and metallic par. result. If over two pounds, the brush fric
ticles to stick to them when so lubricated. tion will be needlessly increased. If all of The Tokio Electric Light Company has
the brushes do not bear on the commuta. under construction what will be the largest
Sparking is the most difficult of all
troubles to deal with in motors and out tor with equal force those bearing hard- electrical generating station in the Empire.
est will carry more than their share of cur This company already operates a steam
side of faulty design may be caused by any
one or a combination of any of the fol. rent, causing them to be overloaded, which driven plant, and the new plant is to meet
lowing faults : results in sparking. It is easily ascertained the increasing demand for power. The
by lifting on the brushes whether or noi plant will be located on the Tamagawa
1. Commutator Dirty or Rough .— This they all bear with approximately the same river, about twenty - five miles from Tokio,
will always cause sparking. The remedy pressure. with which it will be connected by high
is to remove the dirt by wiping with a clean tension transmission lines operating at a
cloth or smooth up the commutator by 7. Loose Connection Between Commu
tator Bar and Armature Coil. This will higher voltage than has been attempted
holding against it, while it revolves, a
result in a bluish sparking, and when it oc heretofore in Japan . At the station the
iece of No. I sand paper fitted to a block main generating apparatus will consist of
shaped to fit the curvature of the outside curs the motor should be stopped at once
and the loose lead soldered into its com five 3900 -kw . Siemens & Halske alternat
of the commutator ; or both. Never use mutator bar. ors direct -connected to Escher -Wyss
emery cloth or paper on the brushes or
8. Open -Circuit or Burned - out Arma waterwheels. The generators will de
commutator of a motor. The fine particles liver 50 - cycle current at 6600 volts.
of emery will lodge between the commu. ture Coil.-- An open- circuited or burned
out armature coil will cause severe spark All high -tension switches are to be of
tator bars and short - circuit them.
2. High, Low or Loose Commutator ing every time the bar to which it is at the General Electric H -3 oil type, motor
tached comes under brush. If possible, operated and electrically controlled from a
Bars. - It sometimes happens that a bar ( or separate five - panel bench board. The sys
remedy the open circuit, if the coil has
several ) becomes loose and either pro tem of remote control is also applied to
jects above the adjacent bars or drops be not been damaged. If it has, the faulty
coil should be disconnected from the com the rheostats and circuit- breakers which
low the cylindrical outline of the commuta are also to be operated from the bench
· tor barrel . This causes bad sparking by mutator, and the corresponding bars board . This switchboard will be furnished
making the brushes jump or chatter. The bridged across by a soldered connection. by the General Electric Company and is
remedy is of course to tighten up the com As soon as convenient the damaged coil similar to one used in the New York Inter
mutator ring and turn off the surface to should be removed and a new one put in borough station. The transformer equip
its place.
a true cylindrical form. ment at the generating end of the line will
3. High Mica.-- If the grade of mica 9. Weak Field.-A weak magnetic field consist of nine 2000 -kw . General Electric
used between the bars is too hard it will will usually cause sparking, and is indi transformers, stepping up the potential to
not wear away as rapidly as the copper and cated by an unduly high armature speed . 35,000 volts for transmission when con
will cause sparking in the same manner It may be caused by poor terminal con- nected in delta, or 57,000 volts when Y -con
that high bars do. The remedy is to take tacts or by a section of the field winding nected . For the present the current will
a light cut with a lathe tool or a commu being short -circuited. In the latter in- be transmitted at about 40,000 volts, but
tator truing machine. Mica is too hard stance, if the motor is shunt wound some eventually 60,000 - volt transmission is
to be cut down with sandpaper. of the coils left in the circuit may become planned.
4. Brush Quadrant or Yoke Set Wrong. overheated, and burn it out. The receiving sub-station will be located
-If the brushes are not set at the point of 10. Overload.—Any motor when over- just outside of Tokio and will contain , at
commutation, that is, with the proper loaded too much will spark badly. Ordina- first, nine 1800 -kw . transformers which
amount of backward lead, severe sparking rily they will stand a 25 per cent. overload will step down the e.m.f. to 11.000 volts .
338 POWER June , 1906 .

Coal -Handling Plant of the Long Island City Power House solidly built up and fastened with 78-inch
dock spikes, the sides being tied together
of the Pennsylvania Railroad. by four interior partitions, two in each
direction. Two of the compartments thus
In the April number of Power a con- of the railroad yard. The hight of lift formed were provided with floors to form
densed general description of the Penn- was decided upon in order to do all the loading pockets for the sinking of the
sylvania, New York & Long Island Rail- work of hoisting in one operation and to crib. A section was cut out of the dock
road Company's power house at Long cover in this single hoist all the vertical sufficiently large to permit the introduc
Island City was printed, space limitations space necessary for dumping into the tion and sinking of the crib, and the site
preventing a complete detailed description crusher and loading hoppers, the location was dredged to within two feet of the
of the various parts of the plant. The of the crusher and the crusher coal stor- highest point of the rock. The crib was
then constructed in an adjacent slip,
present article deals in detail with the age and loading hoppers and weighing ap
coal- and ash -handling equipment of the paratus being directly over the cable rail- towed into position, and sunk.
station . way. The cable railway has a level track After placing a sufficient quantity of
The basic features of the equipment are so as to prevent runaways and consequent riprap to prevent movement out of true
a coal- elevating tower, an ash-receiving difficulties. position, the piles were driven in the four
tower and an elevated cable railway con- In order to insure suitable .operation of corner compartments, down to rock , and
necting these towers and the power house. such apparatus, it was felt desirable to were cut off flush with the top of the crib
It will be noticed by reference to Fig. I have a very rigid foundation for the at a point below mean low water. The
that the arrangement of the towers and main tower on the dock, especially since interior of the crib was then filled with
their foundations is such as to permit the it was likely to receive shocks from boats riprap placed between the piles, and the




14811, 113 "


of Buller House of Boiler Icuse
about 156 it. on about 194 ft . about 134 ft .
GOT ' , Plerbead Line 0ft.6

14 " SRailing 2
140ft . 6 "


Future Coal Tower





497 ft. 10 !
30ft -01

Top of Steel Elev . 473.0

Bottom of Boom E1.465.00

Top of Receiving
Hopper EL. 445.5
Crusher PL
El. ofRall Base 411ft. " Base of Rail Elev . 411ft. O !
Bridge F1. வாடாமா
EL. 411.0

Cable Drive Ft.

EL. 396.5
Asb Telpher
Ash Dia
Cap. 300 tous ,
Hoisting Fl. untriumed
E1.228.01 Top of Foundation El. 304.5
EL 304 Ground Line El. about 303.5 Front Street OD OD 00 DO C ) 00
-37 30ft 0 DatuurEl. 300-
419ft. 16ft: 33 -Gift: 14 Datum El. 300


use of the grounds for railroad purposes. on both sides of the pier on which it top of the crib, where it was to support
The coal dock on which the unloading stood. The dock at the point where this its load, was capped with a double layer
tower was placed is opposite the foot of tower is located is approximately 55 feet of 6 x 12 timbers, the upper layer being
Third street, and the tower is about 500 wide, and the river bottom is 20 feet below laid at right angles to the lower, and the
feet from the river wall of the power the dock . The base of the hoisting tower concrete piers supporting the corner col
house and off - set somewhat to the south, is 30 feet by 37 feet 4 inches, the longer umns of the tower were constructed on
causing a bend in the cable railway for dimension being crosswise of the dock. these timber caps.
delivering coal from the tower to the The foundation of the tower practically A considerable space around the crib,
power house bunkers. extends the entire width of the dock . An formed by the slopes caused by the exca
The design for the coal -handling ap- examination of the river bed on the side vation , was filled with riprap, forming
paratus called for the construction of a of this tower showed that the rock , while a solid and continuous buttress on all
tower 170 feet high, with aa hoisting boom not far below the bottom , presented a sides.
projecting 43/2 feet over the 'slip at a sloping surface, but at no place was there The resulting construction , a section of
hight of 163 feet above the dock, coal a great quantity of earth between the bot- which is shown in Fig. 2, thus forms a
being passed by gravity through crushers tom of the harbor and the rock. It was , solid mass 46 feet wide and 50 feet in
to a cable railway operating on a level therefore, necessary to devise some meth- length and 27 feet deep, extending well
track and arranged to dump coal auto- od which should retain and reinforce the below the river bottom with the piles car
matically at the required points in the piles, and prevent any tendency to side rying the weight to bed rock, and the
bunker over the boiler rooms , displacement. A crib was therefore pro- timber crib and its riprap reinforcing its
The level of the track of the cable rail- vided which is 46 feet wide and 50 feet bracing and securing all parts against lat
way is 107 feet above the general surface long, having its walls of 12 x 12 timbers eral displacement.
June, 1906 . POWER 339

COAL- AND ASH - HANDLING STRUCTURE . in all directions. The boom is 68 feet forming the cable railway trestle. Of the
The rather unusual hight of the coal long over all and projects 43/2 feet be- three intermediate piers required for
tower was due to the adoption of the yond the northerly face of the tower and these four spans, two are steel bents
level cable railway to convey the coal from over the slip at an elevation of 162 feet shaped like aa letter A, but elongated, while
the hoist to a position where it could above the dock . It consists of two par- the third is formed by carrying up the
dump by gravity into the coal pocket with- allel trusses thoroughly braced on top, steel structure required for the ash - bin ,
out any intermediate hoisting operations. and with portal braces at each panel which is just across the street from the
The railway trestle is at about two-thirds point. It supports the trolley carriage west front of the boiler house. The two
the hight of the tower, the top of which from which the hoisting bucket is sus- outermost spans of this trestle are 140 feet
is 170 feet above the dock . pended, and over the drums of which the 6 inches in length, the third about 149 feet,
From the foundation up to the level of hoisting cables operate. The track for and the span from the ash tower to the
the cable railway the width of the super- this trolley is carried by brackets on the boiler house is 70 feet . The long spans
structure of the tower is nearly the full bottom chord of the boom . The top were justified both on account of the
width of the dock, and the structure con- foundations and because they offered the
chord of the boom was so designed as to
sists essentially of four heavy corner col- niinimum amount of obstruction in the
compensate properly for the deflection due
umns of the box pattern thoroughly to the heavy trolley and the hoisting freight yard. Reference to Fig. I , the
braced to each other in all directions, ex- stress of 12,000 pounds applied at its out- plan of power house site, shows the rela
cept below the engine-room floor, where er extremity. tive positions of these structures. An ex
latticed bracing is omitted in order to For about 34 feet above the level of pansion joint was put in at the bents
accommodate the railway equipment on the cable railway, this upper third of the nearest the river.
46ft. 0 "
8ft. 0 "! 30ft , 0 " 8ft. 0

El. 303.5 Top of Pier 15 18.COM Gft.-01 Top of Grillage El, 301 15'18 60 loft. O'ig

Elev , 302,75

Top of Concrete Wall El , 307.5

Mean High Water El, 300
Existing Pile Pier
8-10.23 9-12 " corrunted.com
Mean Low Water El. 295.21 Top of capping El. 295
12 12 10ft. On ZIN
12 * 129ft, 0 open 12 x 12 221 0 .
12 ' 19'1cft. 0 12 ' Ben10 12 13 14 A
12 x 12 open 123 12 ft. O
pen 12 x 12 " 10ft. 0 Коред
12 ' 1. ft. 08 open 12 : 12ft. O 12 X 12
open open

open Loading Pocket open RIP RAP

Bre Tothbe
isLplaced before
dge to piles
12'x 12
FillwithnRip Ráp
open Id be placed before
e driven Earth Fil open To Sink Crib open Earth Fiul
Piles are driven
to be placed before open to beplaced before
piles are driven open open piles are driven
12 x 12 12 ft. 07
Denotes Ends of 19112'165 17 12 10
122 19 % 12' 22ft. O 12 3 12 12ft.
Framing Timbers,
and Fillers when . 2/2011.0 1: 12'Toft .
shown in Sections 1 Bottom of Crib at
Elev, 276. to be
Denotes Framing changed if found Mud and Clay
Timbers in Section ! necessary after
after dredging

Hard Stratum
Sand and Gravel Rock


the three tracks passing through the tower is completely enclosed with corru- The ash -bin in the tower directly across
tower along the dock. The floor on which gated copper sheathing, forming a house front street from the boiler room re

is located the hoisting apparatus is 25 with two stories, the lower one of which ceives the ashes from aa telpherage system
feet above the dock, and the space around contains the weighing mechanism and the which hoists and transports the ash cars
and over this floor is enclosed for a engines driving the crushing machinery from the boiler -room basement up to the
hight of 14 feet, forming an engine-room and the cable railway and the upper story level of the telpher bridge, and thence
for the hoisting mechanism . The sides containing the crusher. The roof of the over into the tower, where the contents
of this engine-room are made of expand- crusher room is formed by the receiving are dumped into the bin . The bottom of
ed metal and plaster, and the roof of cin- hopper, which is in the form of an in the bin is 20 feet above a railroad track
der concrete , tar and gravel . verted pyramid and is constructed of
The upper third of the tower, extend- heavy steel plate. Included in the tower that runs through the base of the tower,
ing above the level of the cable railway structure and running directly down and the ashes are delivered through
carries the hoisting boom , the receiving through it from the heel of the boom are on this track. dumping gates into gondola cars standing
hopper, coal crushing and weighing ap- vertical guides for the accommodation of The capacity of the bin
paratus, and the cable railway machinery . the counter-weights of the hoisting mech- untrimmed is 300 tons. A cross section
It is about half the width of the lower anism . of it is shown in Fig. 3.
two-thirds of the tower, but in other re- Between the coal tower proper and the The bin consists of an enclosure of brick
spects is similar in construction, consist- boiler house, a distance of about 500 feet, walls built around a steel column con
ing of heavy columns substantially braced there are four spans of bridge construction struction, thoroughly braced. The brick
340 POWER June, 1906.

work is carried 17 feet above the top of high brick ash -bin and, above that, the of the boiler- house, so that it can feed
the bin proper, the side walls being cable railway bridge of which it consti- coal by gravity through chutes to the
pierced by arched windows just above the tutes one of the piers . stoker hoppers in front of the boilers,
level of the telpher bridge. The steel The roof of the ash-bin is composed thus eliminating all manual handling of
structure of the ash-bin above the base of reinforced concrete slabs, similar to the coal inside the house. But to get the coal
consists of eight columns thoroughly roof construction of the power station properly deposited and distributed in a
braced for wind pressure, and banded The location of the station is such that coal bunker of 5800 tons capacity, whence
around with horizontal girts or ribs which it can receive, coal either by water or by the consumption is several hundred tons
distribute along the columns the bursting rail, but as some water transportation is
pressure due to the contents of the bin. necessary in order to reach the station
All the steel work inside and outside is from the New Jersey terminals of coal
covered either by brickwork or by rein- . carrying railroad lines, it is cheaper to Elev , 420-11 %

Eles , 409-8 "

740 760"- * -760 * -760 * * -70" * - 760" me.720"- * -67% '

8-8X ".

Elev. Elev . 391-9

Eley , Elev, 386-1 "
15-8 !!
884-0 % Elev.381'97 m
Elev.383'9 '
" Leader

K5-07-15-92" >
Elev.392 8482
> 10% ---9-8% " . 10-6 % " 10-6 % " x 10-6 % " .
서 1 -10-6 %" * --3-83 "

L.25 5.2 " 5'2 "



5'2 " * .5'2"

-=-10 " 7'10

* Eler ,323'1'
70 * -- 7'0 " 24 "
Eley. 319-0 "



-7-0 " 7-0 "

Bases to be wire- lathed Bases
to be mircolathed Elev . 301-0 ‫اال‬
and filled with Concrete Elev.304's'Bou-wand filled withConcrete Elev . 303-0
oaa. 0.01
-10'34 '' 1634 " -16-17 . 30-0 " -15'0 "
South Elevation

Section A - d . FIG . 3. ASH - BIV TOWER AND BRIDGE .

forced concrete. Architecturally, the de carry it in barges all the way to the fer day, becomes a problem of no small
tail of the brick ash tower conforms close power house. The plant was, therefore, magnitude if, as in this case, it is de
ly to that of the power station of which designed more particularly to deal with sired to handle the fuel at ' the lowest
it is an adjunct. The steel construction water delivery of coal , though certain possible cost.
of the base of the tower is so disposed provisions were made in the design of the COAL- HANDLING EQUIPMENT.
that a smooth exterior surface is main tower that will permit the development The location alongside the dock to
tained, pierced by arched openings be of the power station for handling coal which barges are brought is about 500
tween the columns , which are battered , taken directly from the cars should it feet from the west front of the boiler
thus adding to the stability of the strus ever be required. house. The cable railway from the coal
ture , which supports the weight of the The coal bunker is located in the top hoisting tower on the dock into the top
June, 1906. POWER 3-41

of the boiler house, over the coal bunker , The coal is hoisted in a two- ton Raw- out of the barge. When the bucket is
is in the form of a loop and is operated son bucket of the " clam -shell " type, with closed the hoisting engine starts auto
by an endless cable, motion being impart- heavy renewable steel cutting blades. This matically and hoists continuously until
ed to the cars by means of a simple form is raised and lowered by a two -cylinder the bucket reaches its predetermined max
of cable grip. 15 X 24 - inch hoisting engine equipped with imum hight, about 150 feet, the maximum
The hoisting tower is of the " one-man " a Stephenson link motion . The bucket is rate of hoist being about 1400 feet per
type, and has a capacity for handling 400 so counterweighted that when it is being minute. At this point the hoisting ceases,
long tons of run-of- mine bituminous coal lowered its speed cannot exceed 1000 feet and the trolley motion starts automatical
in five working hours. Hitherto, the single per minute. It is suspended from a sub- ly, running the bucket in on the boom
operator of aa one-man tower has gener- stantial trolley carried on a rigid boom until it is over the receiving hopper, and
ally been stationed directly under the trol- built of steel trusses in parabolic form , then automatically starting the biter mech
ley boom, which, at the hight adopted and projecting 43% feet beyond the tower anism in the reverse direction and dump
in this case, would necessitate shutting at a height of about 163 feet above the ing the load by opening the jaws of the
down during such foggy weather as some- dock . The opening and closing of the bucket. The return movement of the
times occurs in New York. In order to lucket is done by an 8 x 10 - inch “ biter " bucket is controlled by the operator. The
avoid this contingency, however, the engine, which can also be used to drive mechanism is equipped with a full set of
mechanism controlling the operation of the winch head for warping barges along limiting and safety devices, as well as
the bucket was designed so that the op- the dock, after being disconnected from indicators for the guidance of the oper
erator might stand at an elevation only the " biter ” mechanism . ator . This bucket can complete a round
a short distance above the barge being The trolley motion for running the trip, i . e. , load, hoist, trolley in over the
hopper, dump, trolley out, and descend
again into the barge, in 45 seconds. The
machinery for hoisting and controlling the
operation of the bucket was designed and
built by the Robins Conveying Belt Com
pany, to the specifications and under the
supervision of the engineers of the plant.
The receiving hopper is built of steel
plate, and the coal passes through it by
gravity on to a shaking bottom which al
lows certain small bituminous or small
anthracite coal to pass around the crush
er to the loading hopper and delivers the
large coal to the crusher. The shaking
grate and the crusher are operated by the
same engine, which is 772 x 7 inches.
The crusher has a capacity of 400 tons
in five hours, and the coal after passing
through it drops into the loading hop
pers, which are directly above the scale
platform . They are equipped with gates
operated by the weigher, who loads the
cable cars as they stand upon the plat
form. The scales have a capacity of five
The cable railway is designed for a
FIG. 4 . INTERIOR OF COAL BUNKER . capacity in excess of the other portions
of the mechanism. It is capable of hand
unloaded. Another new element, partly bucket in or out along the boom is oper- ling 150 tons per hour, when operating
introduced to facilitate this, is a third ated by a 6 x 8-inch engine. All of these twenty-nine 2-ton cars at a speed of 183
hoisting engine for opening and closing engines work at 160 pounds steam pres- feet per minute around a track loop ap
the bucket, in addition to the two engines sure supplied from the power house boil- proximately 2500 feet long. There are at
ordinarily used, one for hoisting and the ers, and are located in the engine-room present installed ten cars, each of about
other for trolleying it al the boom. in the base of the tower, where they are two tons capacity. The cable is 34 -inch
In general, the equipment is a simple six -strand wire rope, with 19 extra cru
under the control of the single operator
application of heavy, rugged steam hoist- who stands in the bay window where he cible steel wires per strand laid on a
ing engines of standard type, with an ar- can look directly out upon the barges be- hemp center. It is driven by another 772
rangement of ropes, sheaves and counter- ing unloaded less than 30 feet below x 7-inch engine, and kept taut by a heavy
weights similar to that in satisfactory him . Fig. 6 is a diagram of the cable ar- counterweight . The engine driving the ca
use for years past in the best steam ele- rangement. Lle is located with the crusher engine
vator practice. The trolley is balanced The operation is as follows : The bucket in a little engine-room on the same level
so that it is not necessary to operate the is lowered into the barge with the jaws with and adjacent to the scales, so that
hoisting engines when trolleying, and the open, and the sharp edges of the bucket the entire mechanical outfit of this part
clearance between the bucket and the naturally dig into the coal to a sufficient of the plant is under the control of one
boom is maintained constant, while the depth to allow the enclosure of a full load man . The cable railway engine, although
application of counterweights to the of it in the bucket as soon as the jaws under manual control , would be shut
bucket hoist makes it feasible to omit are closed . The closing of the bucket is down automatically if the cars were not
friction brakes, which have proved done by the biter engine, which operates properly released from the cable at the
troublesome in high towers. A system of through a series of steel ropes working right point just before reaching the load
stops automatically prevents overhauling around the sheaves and brings the jaws ing platform on the return journey where
on the hoisting apparatus. of the bucket together without lifting it the cable leaves the roadway in order to
342 POWER June , 1906 .

come over the winding drum . At this Fig. 4 shows the construction of the ceiving a load of ashes, a car is run along
point there is situated an automatic trip- interior of the coal bunker, with the suc- a narrow - gage railway, laid in the base
ping device for releasing the grips, so cessive pockets into which it is divided, ment floor beneath the line of dumping
that they do not require attention when the bottom of each pocket leading to a hoppers to a turntable at the west end
they arrive empty from the coal pocket. cast - iron chute which terminates at a of the boiler-house basement directly un
The track is laid with 16-pound rails stoker hopper. The cable railway loop der the end of the ash telpher bridge. A
of T section, and the gage is 24 inches. over the east end of the coal bunker is trolley hoist is provided which runs on
A single guard rail is provided at curves. also shown. Fig. 5, of the second floor a 10- inch I- beam that runs from a point
The minimum radius of curvature is 14 of the boiler room, shows the coal chutes over the ash -bin through the bridge and
feet 6 inches. coming down from the bottom of the coal extends over the turn -table ( see Fig. 7) .
The coal cars are of the side dump bunker above, some of them passing From the trolley carriage are suspended
type, the sides being designed to swing through the floor to the boilers beneath, by means of wire cables, two sheaves with
outward and the bottom being inclined others discharging their coal into the forged steel hooks which are inserted in
outward so that the coal when released stoker hoppers of the boilers on the sec- the rings at each end of the car body as
by the swinging out of the sides drops out ond floor. The supply is regulated by a it stands on the turntable in the base


of the car. The tripping device is simple, gate in each chute which is operated by a ment. The cables are then wound up
consisting of a heavy cam bolted to an chain from the boiler room floor. on the grooved winding drums of the
I -beam running directly over the center The plant is expected to have an ulti- trolley hoist, raising the bucket to the
of the track . The cam engages an arm mate capacity of 800 tons per day. It proper hight opposite the telpher bridge,
that projects upward from the car and is estimated that the actual cost of opera- at which point, by the action of an auto
causes it to actuate the dumping mechan- tion, including labor, supplies and fixed matic switch, the operation of the hoist
ism on the car, thus dispensing with labor charges per ton of coal from the time it ing is stopped, the trolley motion is start
at the coal pocket, except the occasional leaves the barge until it arrives in the ed and the car body is carried to a point
relocation of the cam . The car dumps bin, on the basis of 480 tons per day, is over the ash-bin , automatically dumped,
its load without letting go of the cable , 9/3 cents per ton. reversed , returned again to the inner end
proceeds around the loop and returns to ASH -HANDLING SYSTEM , of the trolley hoist and finally lowered
the loading hopper automatically. By Ashes are dumped through hoppers in to the turntable in the boiler- house base
changing the position of the automatic the bottom of the stoker pits into small ment . The entire cycle is effected by
tripping cam, the coal is properly distrib- cars so constructed that the body of each the manipulation of a single starting
uted throughout the hunker. is detachable from the truck . After re- switch , the operations of trolleying, dump
June, 1906. POWER 343

ing and lowering being entirely auto- automatically applied when the current The Low Water Emergency .
matic, the attendant simply closing the is stopped. The other is a mechanical
starting switch . brake which automatically sustains the BY J. W. BRECKNELL ,

The trolley is capable of hoisting one Icad and enables the load to control the
ton of ashes contained in a car body operation of lowering. Either brake is A good deal of misapprehension seems
weighing about 1500 pounds at a speed capable of sustaining the full load inde- to exist as to the effect of delivering cold
of 60 feet per minute. The distance of pendent of the other. or moderately warm water into a boiler
hoisting and lowering is 70 feet and the The station was planned and built by that has “ gone dry ” with the fires still
horizontal distance travelled by the trol- Westinghouse, Church , Kerr & Com- going. For example, in the February
ley is 100 feet in each direction. The time pany, engineers for the Pennsylvania, number of Power there appeared a let
required for a round trip between the New York & Long Island Railroad Com ter by Mr. E. Cooper Wills, headed
“ One Cause of Burnt Crown Sheets" ( page
114 ) , in which he speaks of “ not allowing
2 the firemen to open valves and thereby
bring about any action in the boilers
which might cause the water to come in
contact with the crown sheets ; " further
on he contends, “ that most boilers explod
on account of the water being raised off
the crown sheets, with an intensely hot
fire, and then, by opening a throttle
valve, or safety-valve, or by any other

1 means which will cause a quick commo

tion in the boiler and allow the water to
come into contact with the hot sheet, and
that there are hardly any safety - valves
large enough to relieve the pressure on
the boilers under such circumstances. ”
Cage Tension Weight Such action as he refers to, would, by
Clam -Shell
Bucket common consent among the engineers in
Bolst England, be put down to the presence
of a coating of oil on the plates exposed
to the eat , as has been proved to have
happened many times on this side.
Whilst I can agree with your correspon
dent as to the advisability of not doing ary
thing to cause the stored up energy in the
boiler to be set rapidly in motion, by the
Main Counter
opening of the safety valves, etc. , to ease
the pressure, in such circumstances as
he refers to, yet I think the risk arises
from another cause than allowing the
water to come into contact with the red
hot crown sheets.
Operating Main Hoist Diter
Eugine Trolley
Platform Logine
Engine Similar views to those just referred
to were held largely in England previous
to a series of experiments which were
made by the late Lavington E. Fletch
power-house basement and the ash -bin is pany, which is the organization through er (in 1889, I believe ) , then chief engineer
about 3 %2 minutes. which the Pennsylvania Railroad Com- of the Manchester Steam Users' Associa
The automatic operations of the trol pany is carrying on its New York ex- tion, and a man who was considered as no
ley are so interlocked that until one opera- tension work. The design and construc mean authority on boilers; in fact , his po
tion is fully completed it is impossible tion were under the charge of Mr. Georgesition as chief engineer of such a well
to start the next one in consecutive or- Gibbs, Chief Engineer of Electric Traction known association would, or should, be
der, or any other. The bucket can be of the road, and under general super. sufficient alone to invest his opinions and
held at the top position without the use vision of the Mechanical and Electrical experiments with a certain amount of
of power,by a brake that is automatically Advisory Committee - New York Exten- weight and influence. Mr. Fletcher's de
applied. While hoisting, it is possible to sion , a committee composed of officers of sire was to find out whether it was really
stop and return the bucket to the start- the Pennsylvaina Railroad Company. true, as then believed by many engineer
ing point if desired. The trolley control ing experts, " that when water was allowed
is so designed that the trolley always to come into contact with red -hot furnace
comes to rest at the same point at each crowns it immediately flashed off high
An extensive investigation of Illinois steam of terrific intensity, rending all
end of its travel, and lowering is impos coals will be undertaken by the State En- before it with an action somewhat like
sible until the trolley is returned to its
original position. Lowering is controlled gineering Exnerimental Station, recently gunpowder, before the safety-valves
by the motor and is not dependent upon established at the University of Illinois . could possibly act to relieve the pressure.”
gravity for for
speed. Independent brakes The tests will be along the lines of the A Lancashire ( double flued ) boiler,
are supplied automatically holding and more general investigation of the United 27 feet, 9 inches long x 7 feet in diam
controlling the load, and stopping the States Geological Survey, with which eter, with furnace flues three feet in
motor. One is of the electric solenoid work Professor L. P. Breckenridge of the diameter, and 18 square feet of grate sur
type, held open by the motor current and University has been identified. face in each furnace, was erected on a
344 POWER June, 1906 .

piece of open ground, so as to minimize was out of sight in the ordinary gages, Catechism in my possession, so that engin
the danger from any possible explosion, as it would be a guide to the boiler atten- eers and firemen in the United States
and was set in the ordinary way, special dant as to whether it would be safe for have good grounds for that belief. Let me
arrangementrs for safety being made, also him to draw his fires on the occasion of assure your correspondent, Mr. Wills,
for noting the water level above and be- shortness of water." that these remarks and quotations of mine
low the usual working level, the gage To the boiler attendant he pointed out are not actuated by any spirit of carping
glasses being arranged so that one of them " how difficult and responsible a task it criticism, or any desire to arrogate to my
showed considerably below the level of was to give a recommendation, with re- self any superior knowledge of the sub
the furnace crowns. A strong observa- gard to the treatment of a boiler when ject in question , but only with the honest
tory was erected some distance from the short of water and working under steam desire to put this important question up
boiler front, within the shelter of which pressure, that would be applicable to every for discussion in your columns. I have
all the gages were fixed for noting the case, under every variety of circumstance . ” merely quoted extracts here and there
steam pressure, water levels, etc.; also feed The danger of drawing fires in case of from Mr. Fletcher's report, so as to give
an idea of its scope and character.
and blow -off attachments, and provisions low water does not apply to the sameex
for working the safety - valves as required. tent to the American type of boiler,
In fact, most elaborate precautions were as the cylindrical shell is better able The Electra Steam Turbine .
taken to secure the accuracy of the results to resist the internal pressure than the BY FRANZ KOESTER .
and observations of all changes made ordinary Lancashire boiler furnace sheets
as the effects of the severe trials to be are to resist the external pressure tending A new steam turbine has recently been
made with the boiler. to crush them inward when in a state of put on the market in Germany. It is of
The furnace crowns were bared by red heat. Then , again, the return -tubular a compromise type between the high
blowing down the water and the feed boiler is less likely to be heated to redness, speed De Laval turbine and the multiple
water was injected right down on the unless it is nearly empty, which is not stage Parsons type. It has only one run
top, the hottest part of the furnaces , at the likely to occur, except under very grave ning wheel up to 100 horse-power, except
rate of about 5/2 cubic feet per minute conditions of neglect. that it may be compounded by the use
( as measured ) , fires being kept going Altogether Mr. Fletcher's report is of two running wheels, and these have
briskly. Many experiments were made most interesting reading to those in charge comparatively few buckets. On account
and the results obtained “ showed that of a steam plant, and would be of interest of the method of applying steam to the
showering cold water onto the furnace and benefit to many of your readers. turbine, the speed is comparatively low
crowns, when red-hot, did not lead to I am not aware whether it is possible to for its size. As shown in Fig. I , the
their rending by sudden contraction either obtain copies so long after issue, but for steam enters the turbine at a following
transversely or longitudinally, nor did it the benefit of any of your readers who a path concentric with the wheel and en
lead to a violent generation of steam might care to try to obtain one, the ad- tering the nozzles at two diametrically
which the safety -valves could not control dress of theis Manchester Steam Users' As- opposite points. The steam expands in
and the shells could not resist.” sociation No. 9 Mount street, Albert the nozzles and enters the buckets of the
“ The experiments, so far as carried, Square, Manchester, England. running wheel when it follows the duct
led to the conclusion that in the majority I am led to call attention to the report shown by g entering the buckets again
of cases turning on the feed, when deliv- because it seems to me that the idea is from the other side and repeating this
ered behind the fire bridge, would be the
best thing to do. It would cool down
the boiler, restore the water level and
re-invigorate the furnace crowns. "
In one of the experiments, the water
was blown down until it was 15 inches
below the level of the furnace crowns
and only three inches above the level of
fire grate , with brisk fires burning, but
before the feed valve could be fairly open
ed , the right-hand furnace collapsed and
rent the plate, but those in charge of the
experiments were satisfied that it did not
come down because of the feed being
turned on but because the valve was not
opened soon enough. It was not the re
sult of the supposed sudden increase of
pressure, but rather of the sudden weak
ening of the tube itself, by being heated
to redness.
Mr. Fletcher gave in his report a few
well-timed words of advice and warning,
to both boiler owners and attendants,
pointing out to the former, first, “ how
advisable it was to adopt low-water safety
valves on all boilers ; second , that the
fced should be delivered well behind the FIG . 1 .
fire bridges, and not directly over the
furnaces, and third, that it would be of prevalent that it is extremely dangerous course twice more before finally exhaust
great service if a supplementary glass and a prolific cause of explosions to ing at 9 , 9. It will be seen that the steam
water gage were provided and set low : allow water to come into contact with red- before leaving the running wheel has
enough to show to what extent the fur- hot plates . I have seen the same argu- passed through the buckets four times
nace crowns were laid bare when the water ment used in an American Engineer's and the sectional area of the steam pas
June, 1906. POWER 345

sage is increased in proportion to the de- to a direct -current generator of a normal heated to 550 degrees F. in separately
crease in the lineal velocity of the steam. capacity of 25 kilowatts at 800 revolutions fired apparatus and the steam consump
The running wheel is constructed in a and 110 volts. During the test the gen- tion was measured by the condensation.
simple way. Upon the running disk are erator was thrown on to the lighting sys- The steam consumption of the 45 horse
placed a number of buckets held in posi- tem and run at 925 revolutions per min- power unit running at 3500 revolutions
per minute was 12 Kg. ( 26.4 lbs. ) per ef
fective horse-power-hour at 25 per cent.
overload, which is the lowest consump

tion reported. With the same turbine
running under a load of 75 per cent. of
the normal rating the consumption was
13.1 Kg. ( 28.8 lbs. ) per effective horse
power-hour. A better steam consumption
was shown in the case of the 60-horse
power compound turbine : viz., running
under normal rated load 9.025 Kg. ( 19.8
lbs. ) per effective horse- power- hour. It
must be stated that this steam consump
tion, comparatively high for modern con
tinental practice, may be due to the new
ness of the system and may fairly be
expected to be very materially reduced in
the near future as has been the case oi
all previously introduced turbines.
During the test the turbine itself was
well protected against radiation. To pre
vent any leakage through the " labyrinth "
bearing, a system similar to that of the
Parsons turbine was employed and to
Glla produce as good a vacuum as possible live
FIG. 2.
steam was employed in the stuffing boxes
and this condensation included in the
tion by a press ring. This wheel and The 60 -horse -power turbine was of
above consumption . As it is not necessary
buckets are made of Siemens - Martins the compound type shown in Fig. 3. This to supply this live steam the consumption
steel , while the casing is of cast iron . turbine was coupled directly to a three could of course be somewhat reduced, and
The turbine is throttle governed and phase alternator carrying its exciter on as the vacuum produced was only 26 inch
is provided with an automatic quick clos- the main shaft. The capacity of the al es on account of the long steam pipe con
ing machin caseshut
so ethatwillin be downsive
of exces . terna tor with
50 kilovolt a unity
- ampere s, the r factorgiving
poweexciter was nection between the turbines and conden


FIG . 4.
FIG . 3.

Tests made by Professor Gutermuth on an output of 1.9 kilowatts at 110 volts. ser, by a more compactly designed system
the 45- and 60 -horse - power turbines may Load was obtained by means of a water the steam consumption could be still fur
ther decreased . This turbine is designed
be of interest. The speeds are 3500 and rheostat . by Herr O. Kolb and is manufactured in
3000 revolutions per minute respectively. Steam for both tests was supplied at 10
The 45 -horse-power turbine was belted atmospheres ( 147 lbs. ) and was super Karlsruhe , Germany .
346 POWER June , 1906 .

Engineering Reminiscenses. * in Newark, all which by the way were

sold by him to importers in New York, was
BY CHARLES T. PORTER , carrying on also a manufacture of light
oil cloths in Newark in temporary quar
In the years '74 and '75 I was filled As a last possible resort, I finally ters, and was building a large structure
for this purpose in East Newark , the
with eagerness to get the engine on its thought of Mr. Phillips of Newark. The building now and for many years past oc
legs again, and tried a number of schemes firm of Hewes & Phillips had become
in vain. One morning I read in the paper dissolved by the death of Mr. Hewes, cupied by the Edison lamp manufactory,
that Alexander L. Holley had just re and so, by purchase of Mr. Hewes' in and was in the market for an engine. I
turned from Europe, where he had been terest from his heirs, Mr. Phillips was called on Mr. Peters, and got from him
making a tour of the steel-making estab the sole proprietor of the largest engi- the privilege
for this engineof submitting
. For an estimate
this purpose I went
lishments, studying both the bessemer rieering works in New Jersey. That con
and the open hearth or Siemens -Martin cern had some time before the death of to his then present works, and measured
processes, on a scheme of interchanging Mr. Hewes given up the manufacture of the amount of power he was using, and
improvements in manufacture between steam engines, a style made by them hay found that one of my 8x16 engines would
American and foreign licensees under both give him that power with the additional
ing proved unsuccessful , and confined
these systems . themselves to making machine tools. In amount he wished to provide for.
It occurred to me that Mr. Holley this line their business was exceedingly On calling with my estimate early one
might be the very man I wanted. If he dull , being disastrously affected by the de morning I found Mr. Peters ready to
could be got to recommend the engine to bow me out. He told me that he had
pressed and stagnant condition of the
the steel makers, they might take it up times. been informed that the high -speed en
for their own use. I had not applied the I found Mr. Phillips ready to listen to gines had proved a failure, and the manu
engine in rolling mill work, but felt sure me. He said that what he knew about facture of them had been abandoned three
that it would prove especially adapted to the engine was favorable, although he or four years ago. I said to him, " Mr.
that service. So I called on Mr. Holley had not heard of it for the last two or Feters , I would like to make you a propo
at his home in Brooklyn . I had never be- three years, but he was willing to con sition .” He replied that he would hear
fore met him , but I found that he knew sider a proposition to take up its manu
something about the engine from its ex- facture. I told him frankly that I had I then said, “ Your engineer, Mr. Green,
hibition in Paris, and from his brother- no proposition of that kind to make. I I suppose never saw a high - speed engine,
in -law, Frederick J. Slade, then an officer wished to get the manufacture of the but he strikes me as a fair-minded, cool
engine revived , but to retain the business headed man. I have three engines made
of the New Jersey Steel Company, and
who was one of the engine's warm ad- in my own hands, to carry it on myself, by me in Harlem, and which have been
mirers .
I have already mentioned Mr. in my own name, with the view of gaining running from four to six years, two in
Slade and the help he gave me while in for the engine a reputation that would en New York and one at the J. L. Mott Iron
Paris in solving the problem of piston able me to command the capital necessary Works at Mott Haven. These can all
acceleration. to establish its manufacture in works that be visited in one trip. I propose that you
So I found no difficulty in arranging I had long before planned for that pur send Mr. Green to see them in operation ,
with Mr. Holley to take a trip with me, pose, and in which I could devote myself and talk with the engineers and owners,
and visit some of my engines in operation, and learn all about them, and that you
to the development and building up of the
for the purpose of forming a judgment business ; that I hoped to be able to reach suspend your decision until you get his

as to its suitability for the use of his cli- this point in the course of two or three report.” “That is a fair offer," said he.
ents . This he agreed to do as soon as years, when probably the anticipated “ I will send him to -day. " I called again
financial revival would fill his works with the next day, and found Mr. Peters ready
he had finished the report of his trip, on
which he was then engaged. Our inspec- business in his own line of tool making. to throw the order into my hands. Mr.
Green told me afterwards what his im
tion took in the engines running in New He said that my proposal was entirely
most cool man- ,
York and Brooklyn and vicinity and in inadmissible, that he could not permit any pressions were In the
New England , finishing with the engine at independent business to be carried on in ner, entirely free from any excitement, he
the Arlington Mills in Lawrence. said : “My only wonder is that every
were all found to be on their bestThey his establishment, and stated firmly the
be- impossibility of any arrangement of the body does not use this engine, and that
havior, but Mr. Holley told me that the kind I suggested , which would be some all builders don't make it . I got the same
engine at Lawrence, which was running thing quite unheard of. I stood firmly report everywhere. Would not have any
there at its intended speed of 150 revo on my own position , but was obliged to thing else. Costs less money, occupies
lutions per minute, impressed him more leave him without any sign of yielding on less space, burns less coal , needs less at
than all the rest put together ; not that his part . The negotiation was however tention , never cost a cent for repairs,
it was doing any better, for they all ran renewed, exactly how I cannot now re never anything the matter, never varies
equally well , but solely because it was call , but it ended in my carrying my point. its speed .”
larger. It made him awake to the great We finally concluded a bargain , in which And so I began business in Mr. Phillips'
possibilities of the engine. I held on to the business, but of course shop, where I continued for four years,
On his return Mr. Holley prepared a had to ensure to him pretty much all the the most delightful period in my active
I was conscious that I could life . I had Mr. Goodfellow in his old
report on the performance of the engine, profits.
and cordially endorsed it as sure of ulti never have accomplished this, but for the place as my foreman, and three or four
mate general adoption. But he found cap extreme stagnation of the times ; but was of my best men back again at the work
italists to be absolutely dead. Not even not aware of an additional reason which they loved. Everything went smoothly
his great influence could awaken in them impelled Mr. Phillips to agree to my and harmoniously, and the business grew
the least interest. The time for the pro terms , when he found he could not do pretty steadily until the orders thrust
moter had not yet come. And still my any better. What this reason was will upon me became larger than I could have
appear pretty soon . filled if I had had the whole works to
success in winning Mr. Holley's support
proved to be vital to my subsequent prog The arrangement was to go into effect myself.
ress . as soon as I got an order . This was my One day, two or three weeks after we
next job. I learned that Mr. Peters, a commenced work on this engine, Mr. Phil.
Copyright 1902 by the Hill Publishing Company. manufacturer of high -grade knit fabrics lips ' bookkeeper came to me, and said :
June, 1906. POWER 347

" Mr. Peters' engine is contracted to be The engine proved just right for Mr. is impossible to get the Aoat into the trap
running on the first of May, is it not” ? Jones' use. I went myself to Braddocks upside down. The action of the trap de
“ Yes. ” “ Do you think it will be ready" pends upon the buoyancy of the float.
to see it started. All were much inter-
I replied that the work was in a good ested in the governor action, I as much The weight of the float and its stems, to
state of forwardness, and I thought most as anyone, for I had never before seen gether with the steam pressure acting,

likely it would be running before that this particular application of it. In saw
time. I should say that was a size for ing through the head and web and bot B
which I had made the revised drawings tom flange of the rail, the width of sec LC
already, and the old cylinder pattern had tion being cut varied continually, and the
been readily altered to the new style. gentle rising and falling of the counter
" Well, ” said he, “ Mr. Phillips is a little poise, adjusting the power to the resist
short to-day, and would be much obliged ance, while the engine kept, so far as the
if you would give him your note for a eye could detect, a uniform motion , had Ball
thousand dollars to come due, say, the about it a continual fascination . The suc Float

fifteenth of May." So I gave him the cess of this engine brought me several
note , the engine was ready on time, ac- orders for governors, the most important A
cepted and paid for, and the note met of which was one from Mr. Jones him
at maturity. self for governors and throttle valves for
This was the beginning of a uniform his blooming mill and rail mill engines .
process, which continued for four years. I got up for him balanced piston valves, В.

It was disclosed that Mr. Phillips' finan- which operated perfectly. In iron valves
cial position was the same as my own , and seats of this character it had been
neither of us had a cent of money. The found, where the steam contained primed Outlet
way we managed was this : I always af- water, that their edges wore rounded , and
terwards required payments in instalments, their action in regulating the motion be
one- quarter with the order, one-quarter came less and less satisfactory. I knew upon the area of that part of the stem
when the engine was ready for shipment that their boilers primed badly, and covering the outlet orifice, tend to force
and the balance when running satisfac- avoided this defect by setting brass rings the stem B to its seat. As water collects
torily. Thus with my notes we got along in the edges. I did not think until too in the bottom of chamber A , however, the
famously. My orders were always from late for use this month to inquire of the float tends to rise, and as soon as the
first- class parties, engines always ready on Southwark Foundry & Machine Co. if water is deep enough, the buoyant effect
time, always gave satisfaction and prompt- the drawing of these valves could be of the sphere will overcome the combined
ly paid for. I had many thousands in found. can,
If it I will give it next month , downward pressure, and the stem B will
notes out all the time, and never had to if not I will sketch from memory a sec- be drawn upward , opening the outlet,
renew a note. Mr. James Moore of Phil- tion, showing how these rings were se- through which the water will be dis
adelphia, the celebrated builder of lathes . cured, so ensuring the permanence of the
for roll turning, once long after remarked perfect regulation of these engines. Inlet
to me, " I keep my bank account in the
shop . ” It occurred to me that I had al The Steam Trap.
ways done the same thing. BY R. T. STROHM . F
Directly after we got running, I re
ceived a letter from William R. Jones , In that large class of articles commonly
superintendent of the Edgar Thompson termed steam specialties there is perhaps A D

Steel Company, running a rail mill recent- no other device which exists in such a E

ly started at Braddocks by Carnegie Broth- wide variety of forms, or operates upon

ers, saying that they were in need of an so many different principles, as the steam
engine to drive a circular saw at a very trap. It is an apparatus designed to re
high rate of speed, to cut off steel rails move the water of condensation from
cold . They had been recommended by steam pipes, heaters, coils, stills, separa
Mr. Holley to get one of mine, and if I tors , engine cylinders, receivers — in fact,
could furnish a suitable engine immedi- from any vessel under pressure in which
ately he would order it . Fortunately I the presence of water is undesirable, and
could. While I was building engines in it must do this without allowing the es
Harlem, the city of Washington, D. C., cape of any steam.
went into the system of wooden pave- A steam trap of the very simplest con

ments , and the contractor obtained an en- struction is shown in section in Fig. 1 .

gine from me for sawing up the blocks. It consists of a cast-iron vessel A sup
About the very time I received Mr. Jones' ported on legs cast integrally with it.
letter, I had learned that the wooden This vessel has an inlet at the top,
pavement system was being abandoned in through which the moisture of condensa
Washington for ashphalt, and the saw- tion from the pipes or receivers flows
ing mill was closed. I at once wrote to into the trap. The outlet of the trap is Outlet

the contractor, making him an offer for through a brass bushing which forms a
the engine. I received by return mail a removable seat for the valve B. This
reply accepting my offer, and adding most valve is merely a conical stem attached to
complimentary words concerning the en- the bottom of a hollow , spherical copper charged by the force of gravity and the
gine. These I remember closed by say- float ; at the top of the float and project- pressure of the steam above. This will
ing that his admiration of it was such ing into the inlet pipe there is another lower the water level in the vessel A , and
that if he were able he would put the en- stem , C, similar to that just mentioned the float will descend, shutting off the
gine in a glass case, and keep it there as These stems maintain the float in the flow of water before steam can possibly
long as he lived . proper position , and as they are alike, it reach the outlet.
348 POWER June , 1906 .

Anyone who has watched the flow of by an arrangement of levers shown at the trap discharges under normal conditions.
water through an orifice at the bottom top of the chamber A. The condensation It is evident that in this trap, as in a large
of a basin must have observed the whirl- collects in the bottom of this chamber, number of other float traps, all of the
ing effect set up. This gyratory motion and, as it deepens, it carries the float up- working parts are attached to the remov
is made use of in the action of the trap, ward. This float slides along the valve able head, so that they may be easily and
to give the float and stem a rotary mo quickly removed when necessary.
tion . Thus, the conical stem seldom , if It is quite well known that the amount

ever, seats itself twice in exactly the same
of condensation which a trap may have
position. The twisting effect thus keeps B
to dispose of is not necessarily constant.
the valve automatically ground to its seat There may be considerable fluctuation .
and prevents leakage. Take, for example, a trap draining a sep
This type of trap is at a disadvantage arator placed in a steam line between an
because of the comparatively large float engine and a foaming or priming boiler.
required and the very small outlet per
missible. For, if the inlet be made too
At irregular intervals a " slug " of water
may come over with the steam into the
great in diameter, the pressure of the separator, thus suddenly flooding the
steam will hold the valve stem in its place trap. The latter must respond quickly to
so firmly that a float of impracticable size FIG . 4. FLOAT TRAP WITH GRADED VALVES . such a demand upon its capacity, in order
will be
trap required.
working underTake, for example,
a pressure of 100a stem to the dotted position indicated that it may be in readiness to act prop
pounds, with an outlet orifice 14 inch in when its upper end strikes the end of the erly in case the same thing should occur
diameter, the weight of the float and its lever D, pivoted at E. The longer arm of again within a very short time. A trap
stems being 7 pounds. The area of the the lever D is 2% times the length of the which possesses some advantages in this
orifice is about 1-20th square inch , so that shorter arm . The short arm is connect- respect is illustrated by Fig. 4. As in the
ed by a link to a second lever F, the arms previous forms, the discharge is brought
the total downward pressure of the steam
is 5 pounds, which, added to the weight of which are in the ratio of 2 to 1. As a about by the rising of a float as the
of the float, gives a total pressure of 12 result, any pressure of the float upward amount of water in the trap increases.
pounds which must be overcome by the against the long arm of the lever D ex However, instead of a single valve and
buoyancy of the float before the valve can erts practically five times its value at a single discharge orifice, there are three
the short end of the lever F. And, as a of each, contained in the upper end of
be opened so as to permit the trap to dis
nut, C, on the valve stem rests against the the cylinder A. Under ordinary circum
charge. upper side of the lever F , a pound of stances, with the float in the position
Inlet pressure by the float is transformed into shown, the middle valve is opened by the
almost five pounds pull on the stem, tend float pulling upon the central lever of
ing to lift the valve. For this reason , the three shown, each of which controls
the valve opening may be considerably the action of a valve. If, however, the
greater. The condensation enters at the water continues to rise faster than it can
top of the chamber A. The valve H is a be discharged through the single valve,
blow -off valve intended for cleaning out the float will be carried to a higher level,
the trap by blowing steam through it. and will engage a second lever, opening
An ordinary glass is attached in order that a second valve. Should this be still in
there may be some means of ascertaining sufficient, as in case of a sudden food
at a glance whether or not the trap is ing of the trap, a further rise of the float
On the assumption that the float will working properly. The trap should open acts on the remaining lever, opening the
rise when but half submerged, it is plain the discharge valve before the water rises third valve . With the three discharge
that the copper sphere must be of such to the full height of the glass, and when openings thus uncovered, the condensa
size as to displace a volume of water it is working under normal conditions tion is quickly forced out. When the float
weighing 24 pounds. This means a total there should be a steam space in the up- descends, the valves close in succession,
displacement of some 640 cubic inches, per end of the gage glass. but in reverse order from that in which
which would necessitate a float 1034 Another means of obtaining a compar they opened. The smaller view at the
inches in diameter. In other words, the atively large discharge opening with a
trap would be a rather bulky piece of small float is shown by Fig. 3. Here the HH
apparatus with a small discharge capac- float is attached to a long lever the short
ity. To increase the size of the discharge end of which is connected by a link to
opening would be but to make matters a horizontal rocker -arm pivoted near its
worse, since additional Aotation would be center. Linked to the rocker -arm on E

needed to overcome the increased pres- opposite sides of its fulcrum are two dis Inlet
sure due to the steam. Further than this, charge valves, conical in shape, the one A

there is always the liability of the trap opening outward and the other inward,
to become inoperative by reason of the and both being opened by the motion

collapse of the float under the pressure transmitted to the rocker-arm when the B

of the steam , though most builders sub- float rises. Since the valves are of prac

ject their floats to heavy hydraulic pres- tically equal area, the pressure tending to
sure before placing them in the traps. force one open is equal to the force tend
Fig. 2 shows a sectional view of a trap ing to close the other, thus giving a bal
which is intended to overcome the objec- anced condition . As a result, the only FIG. 5 . FLOAT TRAP WITH ROTARY VALVE.

tion of a large Aoat combined with a work required of the float is that neces
small discharge area. In this trap the sary to overcome the slight friction of the left- hand edge of the figure shows a plan
discharge orifice is much more nearly moving parts. The valve D is a by-pass and a sectional elevation of the upper end
equal to the inlet, and the float is small- valve, which, when opened , permits the of the cylinder A containing the valves
er in its ratio to these openings than is sediment to be blown out of the trap and valve seats. The entering condensa
the float in Fig. 1. This is made possible through the passage E, into which the tion must pass beneath the edge of the dia
June, 1906. POWER 349

phragm B before it can reach the body of valve rod C, the upper end of which car- other words, this trap depends upon the
the trap. In discharging from the trap, the ries the conical plug valve D controlling action of steam to secure its closing, its
water must enter the lower end of the cas- the outlet opening. The condensation valve being on the inlet instead of the
ing A and pass up through it to the outlet enters the inlet, passes through the ori- outlet side of the trap.
valves . By this construction the leakage fice F in the diaphragm and collects in Another trap involving the same prin
the body of the trap. The bucket A be- ciples is shown in Fig. 8. The volatile
ing empty, it is floated by the water, and liquid is contained in a chamber A
its upward motion closes the opening E, formed between two bronze disks, these
after which the bucket can rise no fur- disks being elastic diaphragms brazed to
Outlet Outlet
ther. The water, however, continues to gether along their edges. Fastened to the
rise, and eventually overflows the edges inner disk is aa valve stem carrying two
of the bucket, partly filling it. The buck- conical valves which open - inward and
et then sinks, completely filling with outward, respectively, thus partially bal

water as it does so, and in sinking it ancing each other. Normally, these
pulls the valve rod C downward, unseat- valves stand open, as the liquid in the
ing the valve D. The steam pressure, chamber A remains condensed at ordi
A acting on the water in the trap, then nary temperatures. Thus the water that
forces the water in the bucket up through has collected in the piping above the trap
the pipe G and out at E. As soon as the is permitted to flow through the trap. As
greater part of the water has been dis- the flow continues, however, the tempera
Drain charged from the bucket, its buoyancy ture of the water passing over the dia
carries it upward and recloses the outlet phragms becomes higher, owing to its
valve. This action is then repeated. more recent contact with steam . The re


The fact that certain liquids volatilize sult is that as soon as the temperature
very rapidly under a temperature ap- of the condensation practically equals that
of steam through the trap is made practi proximately equal to that of steam at at of the steam, the liquid volatilizes, cre
cally impossible, since the lower end of mospheric pressure is made use of in ates a pressure between the disks, and
the diaphragm and the lower end of the some traps. Fig. 7 shows a trap of this forces the valves shut. When the con
class . Unlike the previous ones, however , densation again collects in the trap and
casing A are at all times below the water
level , thus forming a double water seal . cools, the vapor in the chamber A con
denses and the diaphragms move closer
The float traps thus far mentioned have together, opening the valves again. It is
invariably been provided with conical obvious that this trap closes before any
valves moving vertically. In contradis
B steam passes the outlet valves.
tinction to these, the trap illustrated in It is not necessary to use a volatile
Fig. 5 will be found to contain a number D
liquid, however. Some traps act upon the

of unique features. Most noticeable of = c2b Ickmo principlethat different metals expand dif
all is the form of the discharge valve B. ferent amounts under the same rise of
Instead of lifting from its seat, it rotates,
after the manner of Corliss valves in temperature. One of this class is illus
trated in Fig. 9. As in previous types,
steam engines, its rotation being due to TRAP the normal position of the trap is the
the rise and fall of a spherical float, to open position . The water of condensa
which it is attached by an arm . With
tion then flows in at A , through a brass
the float in the position shown, the outlet this trap does not contain the water of tube B, and then into the cast-iron cham
is closed, but a slight upward movement condensation. The semi-circular vessel
ber C, from which it is discharged
of the float turns the valve in its seat and A contains a bent tube B which is par- through the valve D. The stem E of this
thus connects the ports C and D, permit- tially filled with a volatile liquid. The
valve is actuated by a lever F which is
ting the discharge of the condensation. end C of the tube is prevented from mov
The advantage claimed for this devise is ing by the set -screw D, but the end E. pivoted at G to the brass tube and at H
which carries the valve F, is free to to an iron rod, J. Thus it will be seen
that the force required to open the
• rotary valve is less than that necessary move ; this valve controls the inlet open that the brass pipe B is subjected to the
to open a lift valve of equal area. ing to the body of the trap. There must Inlet
At the top of the trap there is a lever be attached to the inlet a length of pipe
E, fulcrumed at F, the shorter end of of sufficient volume to contain much of
which is attached to a plug valve G com- the condensation, this pipe acting as a
municating with aa small whistle H. In reservoir. It also permits the heat of
case the trap should fail to discharge the water to be radiated, thus lowering
properly, the float would rise until it the temperature of the condensation
would strike the long arm of the lever E, much below that of the steam pressing
depressing the whistle valve and sound- upon it. The vessel A being empty, the
ing the whistle as a warning of trouble in tube B is in its normal state and the
the trap. The pet cock K permits the re valve F is open . Condensation is thus
lease of air which comes in with the forced into the trap through the inlet and Outlet

steam and collects at the top of the trap. out at the discharge . The flow continues
The form of steam trap shown in Fig until all the water is blown through and
6 is of the bucket class. That is , instead steam follows . The instant that steam FIG. 8. DOUBLE DIAPHRAGM CONTROL .
of a float, a bucket is used to operate the fills the chamber A , however, its heat
discharge valve. This bucket consists of volatilizes the fluid in the tube B and the temperature of the condensation passing
a thin metal vessel A , open at its top, and pressure thus set up in the tube tends to through it while the iron rod I varies but
pivoted on a lug at the point B , so that it straighten it out, thus moving the free very little in temperature. The result is
is able to swing freely in a vertical plane. end E and seating the valve F, which pre- that if steam follows the water into the
To the bottom of the bucket is fixed a vents the further passage of steam. In pipe B, which would occur when the sys
350 POWER June, 1906.

tem was very nearly empty of water, the able to conclude that the efficiency will Catechism of Electricity. - XIV .
expansion of the tube would push the fall off somewhat in proportion to the
short arm of the lever foutward, turn- variation from normal conditions of
282. Can the power expended in an al
ing it about H as à fulcrum , and thus working. ternating - current circuit be represented
close the valve D. As soon as water had A perfect steam trap should be open graphically ?
again collected in the pipe B, and had for the discharge of water whenever Yes . In Fig. 59 the electromotive force
water is present at the valve, and should is represented by the curve E and the cur
B be . tightly closed to prevent the escape rent by the curve I. If the corresponding
of steam when steam is present. Conse instantaneous values of electromotive
quently a trap which permits the passage
H force and current as indicated by the
of steam, even in small amounts , beyond
the valve, cannot be considered as eco
curves E and I be multiplied together at
close intervals, and the values thus ob
D -0 BIFIDO nomically perfect.
к Constructional points should tained represented by points on the dia
gram, account being taken of the positive
careful attention, so that repairs may be or negative sign of the product so that
FIG. 9. DIFFERENTIAL CONTROL. made with a minimum of expense and
the positive values may be plotted above
labor. Simplicity of design and fewness and the negative values below the zero
cooled somewhat, the tube would con- of moving parts are desirable, since they line, mn, a
tract, and reopen the valve. The spring lessen the liability of accidents or failure curve drawn through the
K is merely a safety device. That is, if
to operate.
points thus obtained will represent the
power in the circuit in watts .
the valve D should be closed before the The interior and the working parts of
tube B had fully expanded, any further the trap should be accessible for exami The curve P in Fig . 59 was plotted in
movement of the lever would simply nation without removing the pipes to this way. This curve takes into account
compress the spring and thus : avoid which the trap is attached. It is evident the effect caused by the current being out
strains upon the pipe B which would soon that this point has been carefully ob of phase with the electromotive force,
impair its efficiency. . The lever L is used served in the traps illustrated in the fore whereas if the respective values of volt
to open the valve by hand when it is de age and current were measured by a volt
sired to blow out the trap. meter and an ammeter, the independent
In Fig. 10 is shown a trap which uses mean effective values of both would be
none of the principles previously men obtained , and their product would have
tioned. In this case the action depends to be diminished by multiplying by a
merely upon the difference of pressure number called the “ power factor" in or
caused by water columns of different der to take into account the phase dif
heights. A is the inlet pipe, from which ference between the current and the elec
the water flows into the pipe Band tromotive force .
thence into the chamber C underneath the H
283. Explain the conditions represent
diaphragm D. When the chamber C and ed by the power curve in Fig. 59.
pipe B are full , the upward pressure B That portion of the power curve lying
against the diaphragm is sufficient to above the zero line mn represerts positive
overcome the downward pressure of the power , and is the power sent out by the
spring E and the valve F is thus held to generator . That portion of the power
its seat, closing the passage to the outlet curve below the zero line represents nega
G. However, the addition of further con tive power, or the power returned to the
densation to that already contained in the generator and tending to drive it as a
pipe B causes a portion of it to flow over motor, on account of inductive apparatus
into the pipe B and thence into the cham in the circuit. The real power obtained
ber J , and when the pipe H is about half is the difference between the areas en

full, the downward pressure of the water closed by the positive and negative por
combined with the tension in the spring tions of the power curve . It is of course
--- desirable to have the positive power in
is greater than the upward pressure
under the diaphragm due to the longer any circuit large in comparison with the
negative power, but if the conditions of
water column in the pipe B. The valve F
is thus opened , and the water in the pipe WATER COLUMN CONTROL .
the circuit to be such as to cause a differ
FIG . 10.
H and the chamber I is discharged , ence of phase of a quarter of a cycle
whereupon the valve is again closed. By going paragraphs. The use of springs ( 90 " degrees” ) between the electromotive
means of the lever Kthe valve may be for opening or closing valves is not to be force and current, as in Fig. 59, the
opened by hand. commended , for the reason that they are amount of positive power will be equal to
The disadvantage of float and bucket affected by the heat of steam and may that of negative power, so that the actual
traps lies in their bulkiness, due to the be subject to corrosion, either of which power in the circuit will be zero. Under

size of Aoat or bucket required to operate would render their action erratic and un such conditions the electromotive force
the valve properly. But, on the other reliable. Finally, a trap should act well is often spoken of as "wattless,” the cur
hand, the temperature of the water makes in any one of several positions, since it rent as " wattless, " and the power as " watt
ro difference. Those traps which depend is not always convenient to have the less.” At the same time , however, the
upon the expansion of metals or upon the piping arranged to suit the make of trap. wires may be carrying their full load cur
vaporization of liquids are likewise at a Float traps, for example, must lie hori- rent and be unable to carry more on an
disadvantage, since the temperature zontally, and, consequently, they are not account of an abnormal rise of tempera
under which they must work is not con- practicable for marine work, in which the ture in them . The term “ useless " is much
stant, and, consequently, if the trap is ad- motion of the vessel would seriously dis- better than " wattless" for this reason .
justed so as to give correct action at a turb their action . 284. Under what working conditions
certain temperature and pressure of will the proportion of useless power in an
steam , it will not act the same when these Illinois is the second coal- producing alternating- current circuit be maximum ?
conditions are changed. And it is reason State in the Union . When the circuit contains only electro
June, 1906 . POWER 351

magnets, condensers, or other apparatus 289. Is the value of the power factor ing with the reversal of the electromotive
of great inductance or " capacity .” taken into account in the construction of force. This charging, discharging and re
285. Under what working conditions u generator ? verse charging and discharging goes on
will the proportion of useless power in an No, the generator is designed to carry as long as the alternating electromotive
alternating- current circuit be minimum ? the full load current and the full load force is supplied.
voltage in phase with each other, be- 295. What is the effect upon the cir
cause it cannot usually be determined in cuit ?
advance what conditions will exist in the The condenser expedites the flow of
circuit to be supplied . current, so that the current in the circuit
290. What is meant by electrical ca- actually attains its maximum and zero
pacity ? values before the impressed electromo
If a thoroughly insulated conductor be tive force does. In other words, the cur
connected to a generator or any source of rent " leads” the e.m.f. instead of lagging
electrical energy, a uniform distribution behind it, as it does in an inductive cir
of potential quickly occurs, all parts of cuit.
FIG . 59. E.M.F., CURRENT AND POWER the conductor immediately becoming of
CURVES ; WHOLLY INDUCTIVE CIRCUIT . the same potential as that of the source A Chronic Thump, and What
of supply. To accomplish this result ne Caused It.
When the circuit contains only incan cessitates the transfer of a certain quan
descent lamps, or other non - inductive and tity of electricity. The amount of elec BY L. L. ARNOLD .
non - condensive apparatus. Under such tricity which, under these conditions, can
conditions the current will be in phase be taken by a body is a measure of its Woody Thorpe's engine was a bird .
with the impressed electromotive force, " capacity ." Time after time he had tried to trace the
and the power curve will lie entirely above 291. What is the unit of capacity ?
the zero line. There will then be no maker of that engine without success.
The farad. As explained in answer to
“ wattless " or useless power , for no power It was one of those hyphen Corliss affairs,
will be returned to the generator.
Question 33, one farad is the capacity of 18 by 36 inches, running non -condensing,
a condenser or other body charged to a and making about ninety to the minute.
286. What is the “ power factor" of a potential of one volt by one coulomb of The bed was handsomely decorated with
circuit ?
It is the ratio of the actual power to
electricity . The farad , although in real- oil paintings, one of a country landscape
ity the unit of capacity, is so large that on the side , and a marine view just “ abaft"
the apparent power or product of the im it exists only in imagination , the capacity the main bearing. Probably the builder
pressed electromotive force and current of the earth being only about 0.0007 farad, thought the close proximity of the ocean
as measured separately by a voltmeter and that of the sun 0.076 farad . The
and an ammeter. waves might help keep the bearing cool
practical unit, therefore, is the micro on strenuous days, but whatever the cause,
287. Can the power factor of an alter farad, which is one -millionth of a farad . the tenderness with which Woody would
nating -current circuit be determined ex 292. Upon what does the capacity of a
perimentally ? wipe oil stains off the white sails of his
conductor depend ?
Yes ; by mea easuring simultaneously the ship when the engine was taking one of her
Upon its size and shape ; also upon the evenings off, showed plainly his love for
impressed electromotive force with a volt size, shape, closeness and insulation of art. On one side of the cylinder was an
meter, the current with an ammeter, and
neighboring conductors ; and upon the ornate name plate in bronze, which bore
the power with a wattmeter. The volt
nature of the substance ( called the “ di
the suggestive cognomen
meter and ammeter measure respectively electric " ) that separates the conductor ming.” Just who John " John Ram
was no
the mean effective values of electromotive from neighboring
conductors. By in seemed to know and that was another
force and current , as previously explained, creasing the surface of the conductor and thing that worried Woody. Was John the
and the product of the values gives the
diminishing the distance between it and
apparent power of the circuit. The watt- neighboring conductors, the capacity is real
of the orbuilder's,
was he some unfortunate
whose name they
meter measures the average value of the increased .
product of the instantaneous electromo had deemed worthy to perpetuate ?
293. What is a condenser ? This engine had become about fourth
tive forces and currents, and thus gives An arrangement of conductors for ob handed before it was erected in the plant
the true power of the circuit. Dividing taining the greatest possible capacity. One where Woody was in command,
the value indicated by the wattmeter by of the commonest forms of condensers here its troubles werenot ended.andIt even
consists of a number of sheets of tin purchased through the agency of a local
foil separated by thin sheets of mica. The firm , and they contracted to turn it over
sheets of tinfoil constitute the conductors to the company ready to run . The young
and the sheets of mica the dielectric . man who did the erecting was right up to
294. Describe the action of a condenser date on work of this kind, so when she
in an alternating -current circuit. arrived she was run right into her stall ,
a Fig. 60 represents diagrammatically a which had been prepared somewhat in ad
condenser, c , supplied by an alternator, a. vance and dropped over her bolts. The
FIG . 60 . ALTERNATOR SUPPLYING CON When the electromotive force of the al- word “ stall” is used advisedly in this con
DEN SER ternator rises from zero in the positive nection as there was twenty -six inches be
direction , currert flows into the condenser tween the side of the cylinder and the side
the value found for the apparent power and " charges” its sheets ; as soon as the wall of the boiler setting, and thirty -nine
gives the power factor of the circuit. inches between the valve gear and the wall
impressed electromotive force passes the of the building
288. Is the true power ever greater maximum point and begins to diminish ,
than the apparent power ? When the erection was completed there
No. When there is any difference, the the condenser begins to discharge into the
was a small rod left over, but the boss
true power is always the smaller ; conse circuit, and when the impressed electro erector could not find where it belonged . A
quently the power factor is always less motive force rises in the negative direc- systematic search developed the fact that
than unity when the current and electro- tion the condenser again becomes charged, this rod was the long reach rod for con
motive force are out of phase. but in the opposite direction, correspond- necting the governor to the head-end steam
352 POWER June, 1906.
valve and that the short reach rod had al- tee head of the valve stem. When this was tion, and as the stud bottomed in the hole
ready been used to connect the two steam done, it was found that the crank - end ex- on the other end, it prevented the shoe
valves together. haust valve did not entirely close, so the from being drawn too far.
Woody always claimed that this unfor- " boss" had the valve rod which connected In the meantime the “ old man" was get
tunate start had placed a hoodoo on the that valve with the wrist plate removed ting tired of all these minor troubles and
engine. When all the preliminaries were and carried to the blacksmith shop, where decided he would find out what the matter
finished and a start made, there was quite it was heated and lengthened sufficiently to really was with that engine. So he made
a severe pound somewhere but this the erec- allow the valve to be adjusted with the arrangements with the chief engineer of
tor succeeded in making Woody and his nuts. The apparent shortness of the valve a neighboring plant to spend an afternoon
boss believe was caused by the engine be- rod was caused by a piece of some of the with this pugnacious engine.
ing set to run under, thereby causing aa lift broken parts wedging in the exhaust port The engineer came and brought his in
in the crosshead. In the engine room , at the time of the accident and twisting dicator, took several cards and made
next the main bearing, was a balance wheel the valve stem, which was of brass. This several slight changes in adjustment. The
about twelve feet in diameter, with a six could not be seen from the outside, and so last card was a pretty good one, but that
by eight- inch rim, while the belt wheel was was not discovered. This time it ran same old pound, ninety beats to the min.
located on the other side of the wall inside good enough to call right, the " boss ” said, l'te, was still in evidence. The engineer
the main building, as was the outboard so it was once more turned over to Woody. looked it over and tightened and loosened.
bearing. Woody held her down without Not long after this Woody decided that and took his five dollars and left, but
much trouble for a time, spending most of the quarter boxes of the main bearing " John Ramming" and the pound were
his noons and some Sundays putting liners needed rebabbitting, and caused her to still in the ring.
behind his rod boxes and taking them out make that pound, so gathering all the help The " old man " canvassed among his
again in a vain endeavor to make her run he could, he tackled the job the following friends, and finally got the master mechan
quiet. At last there came a morning, when Sunday. He figured that if he put in a ic from a big plant nearby to try his hand
without preliminary notice, there was a sixteenth more babbitt on each side he at it . He was more scientific than his pre
loud crash in the engine room and every- would have it right. Sunday morning the decessors and suggested making a new
thing stopped. Investigation disclosed shaft was jacked up and the bottom run wrist plate and altering the valve gear in
Woody squatting behind a barrel in the first, but when the sides were run, they re other ways, but the " old man ” decided that
next room, from which point of vantage fused to go in, so Woody went at them as he had already purchased another en
he was taking occasional peeps through with a scraper. All night long he worked gine, he could make out with that one un
the door of the engine room. There wasn't with that scraper to the accompaniment til the new one was ready.
inuch the matter, only something inside the of aa mixed chorus of snores from all of the In the meantime before the erection of
cylinder had given way and gotten between “ assistants” but one, whom he had hold- the new machine was completed, one of
the piston and the crank end of the cylin- ing the lamp. At 4:40 Monday morning the noiseless dashpots had stuck and
der. What this thing was could not be de. the last one went into place, and Woody broken the pickup latch, but as the load
finitely settled at that time as the piston swore that although he had run in but a was light and speed was attained with
was broken, the rings were in small pieces, sixteenth of extra babbitt, he had scraped steam on one end , the " old man ” told Jack
the piston rod was bent and the crank disk out at least an inch. Not long afterward he was not going to spend another cent re
was in three parts. Woody lost out on this job, " for the good pairing. About this time things got too
The local firm who had sold the engine of the service, " as they say in naval warm for Jack, so he wandered away in
were notified and men sent to repair the circles, and his place was filled by Jack. search of a less strenuous engine, and was
damage. The pieces of disk were put to Jack had ideas of his own about that en replaced by the fireman , Jim , who knew
gether and three 1 / 2 - inch square iron gine, so he began his experiments at once, “ John Ramming ” and all of his tricks.
bands shrunk on its face, while one 144 that when he started up
with such success Shortly after Jim's succession to the
inches square was shrunk on the hub. after his third noon at it, the governor throne, the top crosshead shoe flew out
This pulled the disk into shape, and it bracket , holding the actuating lever for the and added several gray hairs to his classic
was keyseated in a new place, as one of cam reach rods, parted company with the brow , and then the key of the crank-pin
the breaks had entered the old keyseat , af. governor column and he had to shut down box took spells of coming loose at odd
ter which it was driven onto the shaft. In for repairs. This " did " him for a while times, when things were going full speed
the meantime a new piston and rod had and old “ John Ramming" had his own All these troubles were caused by that in.
been made and the whole was erected and way, expressing his satisfaction by a lively cessant pound, primarily. The shoe was
ready for starting. The valve gear seemed thump ninety times to the minute. repaired in the same manner as the bottom
all right as far as could be seen , so Woody Then trouble arose in a new quarter. one, while a monkey wrench and lead
removed the main belt and they started up. The guides were of the bored variety, and hammer kept the marine view company
As everything seemed to run smoothly. one day just before noon , the bottom over at the main bearing for emergency
the belt was replaced and it was tried un- slipper on the crosshead jumped out and purposes on that crack-pin key. Finally
der load . It was then evident that every . marred a brick in the side of the boiler set- the other engine was ready and two days
thing was not all right, as the steam would ting. Jack shut down and with some as- before the appointed time for the change,
whistle up the exhaust pipe to beat the sistance turned the crosshead up into place, there was another loud bang from "Mr.
band every time the crank - end steam valve as it had partly turned over when it had Ramming,” kind of a parting salute, which
was opened . This had not been noticed lost its shoe. Then it was found that the upon investigation by the erector of the
before, as with the friction load of the en. stud which was supposed to hold this shoe, other engine, proved to be the piston head
gine, the cut-off was early, and the volume had no threads to hold to in the crosshead. breaking through impact with the crank
of the steam very small . The boss of the Fortunately the shoe was long enough end of the cylinder.
repair gang then had the caps removed to extend by the crosshead when it was in That this cause of the pound was not
from the ends of the valve chambers so as position , so a piece of 1/2 by 2 -inch iron discovered by some of the many men who
to set the valves by the marks when another was cut out to fit the arc of the shoe on had attempted to fix the engine, is a pecu
freak confronted them . There were five one side, and was fastened to the shoe by liar, but incontrovertible fact. The moral
or six marks on each, and the valves had half-inch cap screws, while two half-inch of this yarn is many sided, but among
to be removed to locate the correct ones. set screws were tapped into this piece and other things it teaches not to look too
This was not a difficult job, as they were screwed against the crosshead. These pro- deeply for troubles that are on the
made with a slot in the front end to fit the vided a means of adjustment in one direc- surface.
June, 1906 .

Design, Construction and Application of Large Gas

Engines in Europe . - VIII. 3M


( Continued . )
We have already considered how by the

employment of two pistons moving in op
posite directions in one common cylinder
a double working stroke is secured at
every revolution, and what are the advan
tageous effects on the design of the frame,
on the stability of the foundation and on
the stiffness of the combined system.

There are some other interesting features
presented by this unique arrangement of



working parts, which make the construc

tion of Oechelhäuser engines so radically
different from that of other gas prime

inovers, that it is of importance to de

vote a few more words to their details.


While the speed of each piston remains
quite within the allowable limits of safety,

the celerity of separation of the two pis



tons during expansion becomes very high,

in fact double that of the piston speed ;
therefore, the total distance travelled by Startin

both pistons as well as by the gases gen



erated in the combustion process becomes



unusually long, while the throw of each 0061


crank is comparatively small. The result

is that a higher number of revolutions

per minute can be employed with normal
piston speed, with a small cylinder di
ameter and long piston travel , a feature
that is advantageous for the successful
expulsion of the old charge by the new 0096
one, without giving the two constituents
of the cylinder contents sufficient time
for diffusion. - 0001

The reduction of cylinder diameter is


quite remarkable. For example in a

500 - h.p. engine it becomes 26.5 1197

inches ; in a 1000 -h.p. single-cylinder FOI

o o

engine it becomes 36 inches, and in

a 1500 -h.p. single-cylinder engine it
does not exceed 43.3 inches ; this latter .40

being the largest single-cylinder engine

yet made. The speed varies from 95 revo
lutions per minute in the 2000 -h.p. size, to
150 revolutions in the 250 - h.p. size. The
engines are built for a temporary over 12

load of 20 per cent. and will carry a 10

per cent. overload continuously. It may 1096 il

be mentioned that the masses of this

engine are so well balanced that a 1000
h.p. engine, running at 125 revolutions per
minute, only requires a 28- ton fly -wheel
to limit its cyclic variations to 1/350.

Cylinder. — The cylinder is cast sepa

rate from the jacket and consists of two 098
plain tubes meeting at the center and held
together by flange extensions of the jacket,
which in turn is also composed of two -0087

parts connected in the same place as the

cylinders and by central Aange connec
tion. Thus the cylinder proper can freely
expand in the longitudinal direction , and
no stresses can occur in the system by
354 POWER June, 1906.
influx of heat. It is, therefore, certain that of the cooling water acting inter- count of the unequal lengths of the two
to retain its shape, and can be easily re- nally. side rods, would otherwise be very diffi
bored when necessary. On account of the All other details, like the arrangement cult, if not impossible to attain.
cylinders being open, lubrication can be of inspection doors over the exhaust air The side rods forming the connection
inspected. The oil consumption is, there- and gas chambers, the connection of lu. between the rear and forward crossheads
fore, smaller than in closed cylinders of are made in one length if possible and
four-stroke-cycle engines. The water fitted with nuts at the ends ; they have
space of the jacket contains passages for two portions of enlarged section acting as
the circulation of water, which are situ guides. Two light bearings are provided
ated above the cylinder proper ; hence the a
to support their weight and to counter
cooling water, entering at the bottom, act any tendency to sag. The long pis
must first flow around the combustion tons are not very different from those em
space before it can enter these passages ployed in single-acting gas engines. They
and proceed to both ends of the cylinder. are water - cooled , but have single walls,
The combustion space has the form of the water space being formed by re V
a plain cylindrical vessel, closed at the able covers , so as to allow of inspection
ends by two arched piston heads, and a b , b, c of the interior. They have only to carry
contains only a small starting valve for their own weight and that of some water,
admitting compresed air, which, of course , while the connecting -rod side-thrust is
is closed when the engine begins reg wholly taken up by external guides. The
ular action . Hence the clearance space piston head is strongly ribbed ; from five
possesses all of the characteristics which Section to seven rings are provided at the inner
A- B
contribute to regular and good combus end , and three rings at the outer . Cool
tion and also allow of nearly perfect scav ing water is introduced through telescopic
enging and charging. There are no dead pipes, first into pillars mounted on the
pockets to retain exhaust gases, tarry cross -bar, whence it flows by means of
products or dust, nor are there any pro pipe connection directly into the piston
jecting surfaces or plates which are like proper and back the same way.
ly to produce premature ignition when Pr
in Accessibility of the cylinder interior
highly heated . is secured by inserting between the cross
The two outer casings which surround head and the piston a stumpy piston-rod,
the cylinder proper, of which one con which is fanged to both parts and can
tains the exhaust chamber and the other be readily removed. After disconnecting
FIG 42
the air and gas chambers, form complete the water conducting pipes, both pistons
castings each with a flange at one end Lricator tubes, the formation of joints may then be withdrawn into the space oc
and a light stuffing-box and gland at the between fanges, as well as the location cupied by the rod and the cylinder in
other end, the latter serving merely to re. of the various bosses for indicator, start- spected throughout the entire length up
tain the jacket water. As was said be- ing valve, ignition plug and drainage, may to the gas, air and exhaust ports, and
fore, the two inner Aanges are bolted to. be studied from the accompanying draw without having to dismount any of the
gether in such a way that they press to- ing, Fig. 40, showing a longitudinal sec- driving parts of the engine, nor, of course,
gether the flanges upon the two cylinder tion of an engine of 1800 horse -power any cylinder covers or stuffing -boxes. To
liners and form the joint between them , capacity. facilitate this operation, special slides are
and also the joint between the liners and Pistons. — One of the two pistons acts provided in the crosshead guide covers,
the casing at two machined bearing rings through the connecting rod and cross- which carry the piston when it is drawn
on the one side, these rings fitting to the head directly on the center crank of the clear of the cylinder. All of the cross
liner and separating the exhaust cham- three-throw crank-shaft, while the other head guides and main bearings are pro
ber from the water jacket , and at three is attached by a system of cross-bar and vided with water-cooling devices. The
machined bearing rings on the other side, counter rods to the two outside cranks. crank- pins of the main shaft are bored


of which two form water joints while A special guide is provided at the rear longitudinally and tubes led in for lu
the third separates the air and gas cham end of the cylinder, which serves to di brication , besides which the usual cen
bers. While the cylinder liners are free rect the travel of the cross -bar. This bar trifugal lubricators are employed. All the
to expand and contract with the changes is provided with a compensating joint other parts are, as far as possible, lubri
of temperature, the outer casing is in it- which permits accurate adjustment of the cated from central places. The main bear
self not subject to any pressure beyond separated driving parts, which , on ac
ings are oiled on the circulating system .
June, 1906. POWER 355

Regarding cost of manufacture, it must during the working of the charging pumps sequently, ignition is always effected with
be conceded that the Borsig -Oechelhäuser a small quantity of oil is continually being certainty.
engine is more expensive to build than the carried over and settles on the wearing Another annular slide is provided out.
double-acting four-stroke-cycle system. Be- surface of the slide, thus keeping the lat. side the air inlet ports and this is adjust
sides parts like the piston and connecting ter well lubricated. The annular slide able by hand, so that one can vary the
rod, three- throw crank- shaft, etc., re area of port opening according to the
quiring special care and treatment, and quality of gas used. For lean power gases
the many forged parts employed, there and ordinary regulation the gas slide is
are three main bearings, three connect also adjusted by hand and not by the
ing rods and three crossheads necessary, governor. These arrangements are indi
while for the twin-cylinder combination cated by a and g in the sectional drawing.
the number of these parts, including the They can also be seen on Fig. 41 , showing
three-throw crank -shaft, is doubled, of a side view of the engine.
course. The foor space required by a Pumps. - A few years ago there was a
twin-cylinder Borsig -Oechelhäuser engine tendency among builders of two-stroke
is also larger than that occupied by a cycle engines to construct the pumps as
double-acting four-stroke-cycle tandem simple and with as little cost as possible
engine of equal output and of the same n
The result was high pump work and low
coefficient of regulation, wherever the mechanical efficiency. The present rule is
pumps of the two-stroke-cycle engine to build the pumps as reliable and perfect
may be placed. The fact that the weight as is compatible with economy of manu
per brake horse-power is very much high Edhe facture, while complexity of design is
er cannot be classified as a disadvantage. FIG. 43 regarded as a secondary consideration. In
In the case of an engine running with future, the designer must try to combine
light load and rich gas, the mixture near is so adjusted as to gradually close the simplicity and cheapness with reliability
the igniting device might be too poor, ports opposite the igniting device when and perfection if he hopes to actually
since, owing to the arrangement of the the load on the engine decreases, and to establish the superiority of the two
inlet ports in the circumference of the leave only a few openings for the admis- stroke-cycle over the four-stroke-cycle en

cylinder, the gas might be too much dis- sion of gas when the engine is running gine, which is yet only a matter of theo
retical argument.
Reference has already been made at the
beginning of this series of the writer's
views on the two -cycle question. As was
pointed out in detail by Prof. Diederichs,
of Cornell University, in Power, it is be
lieved that the modern high-speed fan,
when electrically driven, embodies the ad
vantages of small bulk, minimum floor
space, low initial cost, ability to handle
all gases, simplicity of construction, re
liability of running, elasticity of opera
tion—in fact all points that contribute to
the attainment of maximum industrial
economy of apparatus or methods. It is
only by adopting centrifugal fans for doing
the work of scavenging and reloading in
two -stroke -cycle engines, and by regulat
ing their output in proportion to the
changing quality of gas used and to the
varying load on the engine, that the pres
ent deficiencies of that type can be suc
cessfully overcome.
However, leaving the personal equation
out of the discussion and considering the
conditions which exist at present, it may
be said that the pumps are now mostly
made double-acting and are driven from
the rear crosshead of the engine, either
directly or by rock -shaft or levers . The

FIG. 44.
location of the pump is determined by
considerations of foor space and the re
quirement , discussed

the cylinder.
before, that
must be placed in immediate proximity to

single double-acting pump is generally

used, one end supplying the gas and the

For blast - furnace work a

tributed within the large mass of air. without load. The gas entering the cyl- other the air. But whenever the volumes
For this reason an annular slide, con- inder in the neighborhood of the igniter, of the two constituents differ consider
trolled by the governor, is provided out- mixes only with the nearest particles ably, which is invariably the case when
side the inlet ports. This slide moves of air without becoming distributed richer (coke oven or producer ) gases
easily and cannot get rusted down , as throughout the large cylinder space ; con- are used , then two separate pumps must
356 POWER June, 1906.
be adopted. For the design of charging pumps which are driven from the engine a little clearance being left in order that
pumps the same rules and principles must with such valves as have given good re- the arms may be free to move without
be applied that are fundamental in the sults in his air compressors ' and steam jamming. Above the disk a valve-stop is
successful building of air compressors engines. The automatic suction and dis provided, in which several small helical
and similar machines , the aim being the charge valve, shown in Fig. 42, consists springs are fastened. These springs
serve to load the valve and press the disk
firmly on its seat. The point of support
Table I. Sbowing Variation in Quality of Coke Oven Gas Within 24 Hours, of the spiral arms is located in the mid
Time . 10 8. m . 10 a. m .
dle of the valve lift, so that the disk is
4 p. m .
bent upward. The purpose of this ar
Number of Test . I. II . III . rangement is to make the stress on the
Per cent. of Co , .. by volume 4.91 4,90 5.30 arms as favorable as possible, the strain
of the material varying between half the
“ heavy Hydrocarbons. 2.63 1.80 2.10
negative maximum stress and half the
0 , ......
0.20 0.30 0.40 positive maximum stress. Owing to the
CO 10
11.84 10.60 10.20
very small mass of the valve, its resist

ance is insignificant. The return valves
H , .. ca
42.00 48.08 43.80
and their gear are the same as fitted on
CH , 19.73 18.43 20.30 the Borsig steam engines.
. 60 .
18.69 15.89 17.90
The action of the governor on this valve
* 2 gear is as follows : The lever o, Fig. 43,
secured to the rock -shaft n, is actuated
TABLE II . Dimensions of 5co-h.p . Borsig - Oechelhäuser Engine Tested . by the governor. The small eccentric p,
keyed upon the same shaft, may thus be
Diameter of cylinder .. 675.0 millimeters .
Stroke of front piston . 952.2
turned by the governor and the roller 1
Working cylinder with two pistons .
Stroke of back piston . 947.8
1110 .
carried by the eccentric rod 9, caused to
Diameter of cylinder .
take up a new position, whereby the dog
Stroke ...... 500.7
90 .
h is sooner or later pushed off the pallet
Air- pump , double -asting. Diameter of front piston rod . 60
on the end of the valve lever e. To the
Diameter of back piston rod . 70 .
eccentric arm q , at the bend between its
Gas -pump, single-acting. Diameter of cylinder ... 589.5
Stroko ...... 500.7 fulcrum and its roller 1, is pivoted the rod
Diameter of cylinder . 1650 .
r, the other end of which is pivoted to
Blower . Stroke .. 947.8 the rocker-arm d, so that the rod is
Diameter of piston rod . 150 .
obliged to partake of the motion of the
rocker-arm . By reason of this connection
of the governor gear with the active valve
Table III . Some Important Data from Test Made October 10, 1903, on a 500 -h.p. gear, the dog h bears with a wide sur
Borsig -Oechelhäuser Engine , Working on Coke Oven Gas.
Number of Tost, VIII IX X VI VII
face against the pallet, but is suddenly
pushed off at the last moment when the
Time of Test. 11:40 to 12.00 12:05 to 12:20 12:20 to 1:00 10:40 to 10:55 11:05 to 11:25
return flow of gas and air has been com
Revolutions per minute (mean ).. 103.0 107.0 106.1 108.2 107.4 pleted .
Moan effective pres .
Workiog sure , lbs . per sq . in ... 75.0 73.8 69.3 62.3 62.0 The engine is also equipped with a gas
cylinder Total indicated horse
power ... 821 839 780 715 707
by-pass and an air by-pass valve, both
Total indicated work of which are under the control of the
done equivalent to
cylinder brake horse -power . 616.2 626.6 574,8 488 473.8 governor and open at the beginning of the
Mean effective pres.
sure , front .. 6.09 5.38 6.12 5.56 6.09
pump pressure stroke when the load is
Air- Mean effective pres decreasing
pump sure , back .. 3.36 3.58 3.41 3.73 3.94
Indicated horse - pow .
er consumed .. 68.3 75.2 71.1 79 84.5
Referring to Fig. 40, the starting valve
Mean effective pres in the center of the cylinder is actuated
sure ... 8.53 3.50 3.58 3.73 3.84
pump Indicated horse-pow. from the gear that operates the contact
er consumed . 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.5 8.6 breaker of the igniter ; i is an annular
Total horse - power consumed by
charging pumps ..... 76.0 89.1 79.1 87.5 93.2 slide on the air receiver, worked from an
Net indicated horse - power (work eccentric on the secondary shaft through
ing cylinder). 793.6 744.4 690.2 617.2 603.4
Total pump work X100 10.3 11.1 11.4 14.2 15.5 levers and rods , and serving to throttle
Net indicated horse power
Total efficiency between working the air supply during the period of charge
cylinder and blower, per cent.... 76.2 75.7 74.8 69.2 ing ; k and k are lubricator tubes and l,
Mechanical efficiency of blowing
engine, per cent ... 83.9 84.2 83.3 79.2 78.5 I doors for the inspection of the air, gas
Friction horse-power consumed and exhaust chambers.
in engine.... 117.3 117.3 115.4 129.2 129.2
Gas consumod per hour , cu . ft . 13,505 13,951 13,198 12,100 11,800
Lower calorific value of gas Fig. 44 gives a side view of the govern
(mean ), B.t. u . per cu . ft . 398.7 393.1 381.9 393.1 396.5 ing gear, starting valve, magnetos and
B.t.u. consumed per hour .... 5,404,416 5,503,616 6,059,200 4,773,504 4,694,144
Per total indicated automatic oil pumps, while Fig. 41 gives
Heat horse - power -hour... 6587 6547 6508 6666 6627
Per net indicated a side view of the complete engine of
consump- horse -power -hour.. 7261 7301 7222 7619 7658 1800 horse- power capacity.
Per brake horse .
tion power - hour, done As in most large gas engines, there is
ia blower .. 8650 8650 8650 9642 9761
provided in the Borsig -Oechelhäuser en
gine a locking arrangement whereby the
attainment of maximum mechanical effi- essentially of a thin sheet -iron disk, about starting device cannot be engaged unless
ciency. No special knowledge over what one -half to one millimeter thick, weigh- a specially marked disk is so adjusted
is embodied in ordinary machine design ing about 40 grammes, and so cut as to that ignition takes place in the dead cen
is required. form two spiral arms , secured at the ter position of the cranks.
Mr. Borsig has equipped the new center of the disk by means of two screws ; 4 Test With Coke Oren Gas.--- After
June, 1906. POWER 357

Mr. Borsig took over the patent rights power-hour, the total quantity of gas avail- properly designed for the conditions of
for the manufacture of Oechelhäuser en- able, when used in a gas engine, will give : work.
gines, he first installed an experimental 27,500,000 = The gas consumption was measured in
plant in his works in Upper Silesia, 8333 3300 brake horse-power,
a Pintsch station gas meter, which was
which has now been in active service for Taking the boiler efficiency in a steam en placed behind a gas holder of 423.6 cubic
several years. The experience gained with gine plant as 70 per cent. and assuming that feet contents serving to regulate the
1180 B.t.u. are required to generate one
pressure of the gas. The meter was first
pound of steam , and that the steam con tested by shutting down the gas admission
sumption per horse-power-hour is 16.3 valve and watching the gas bell sink down
pounds, then the same quantity of gas while the gas was flowing out through the
would give 27,500,000 X 0.7
Tull Lund
1000 meter, the indicator finger of which made
1180 X 16.3 one revolution for each 10 cubic meters
Thermal Efficiency brake . horse - power.
= 38 % In this coke oven
of gas passing through . The actual quan
plant the gas is then 3.3 times better util tity of gas leaving the holder, per revolu
ized in a gas engine than it would be in tion of the finger, was measured in three
a steam plant. successive trials and by three different
In presenting the following test in de methods, as 9.9 cubic meters. The meter
Power, Nr .
tail the main object is to familiarize those then indicated i per cent. more gas than
readers who are interested in the possi was actually consumed. This must be re
bilities of gas power application with such membered when studying the results
they may
results gas modern
this plant has, of course , been utilized adoptin expect to realize by shown in the table. The small gas meter
methods of production. used in the Junkers calorimeter which
in the construction of the latter types, so With the high perfection of workshop
that the Borsig -Oechelhäuser engines as served to determine the calorific value of
method , machine tools, skilled labor and
the gas once every quarter of an hour was
built at present show even better economy excellent materials in this country, there
than was attained with the engine which also tested and found to record accurately.
is no reason why one should not secure
was tested in August and October, 1903, as good economic results in the working Thermometers registering the tempera
by Prof. E. Meyer, of the Technische of gas plants as have been attained on tures of water entering and leaving, were
Hochschule, Charlottenburg. Neverthe- the other side long ago, especially since exchanged several times without changing
less that test is of interest. Considera their respective records . The variation of
the personal equation in this branch is a the calorimeter was examined and taken
tion of the conditions under which the much less important factor than skilled
engine in question is working will help labor is in the management of a steam into account by increasing the measured
to emphasize what has been said in an calorific value by i per cent. All measure
plant. As long as our subject is still in ments are referred to zero Centigrade and
arlier article to the effect that the utiliza
this early stage of its development, known 760 millimeters barometer pressure ( 29.922
tion of coke oven gas in gas engines is
of fundamental importance to industrial inches of mercury ). The number of rev
interests. In the Borsig works there are olutions per minute was determined every
altogether 76 coke ovens with a capacity five minutes by means of a speed counter
of from 6.2 to 6.5 tons per oven and a coupled to the crank -shaft. The dia
coking period of 32 to 36 hours. There grams, Figs . 45 , 46 and 47, were taken
every five minutes, 15 on one card from
are, therefore, 320 tons of coal coked in
24 hours. As the generation of gas per the working cylinder and 10 from the
ton of coal amounts to 14,830 cubic feet , pumps and blowing cylinder. Of course,
the consumption of 320 tons generates in to many but understood by few, this meas- the springs of all indicators used were
the neighborhood of 4,745,600 cubic feet, ure of public enlightenment is the only carefully calibrated before and after the
of which 295,100 cubic feet are used for safeguard against the disappointments and run . The reducing motion between some
heating the ovens, while about 179,350 troubles arising from the purchase of old- reciprocating part of the engine and the
cubic feet , or 74,730 cubic feet per hour, fashioned and bad constructions , which in indicators was so adjusted that the drum
are available for use in gas engines or the last few years have been so recklessly travel was accurately proportional to the
otherwise. pushed on the American market. piston travel. The cords used were SO
The gas when coming from the ovens The 500 -horse -power gas engine tested short that the influence of length varia
is first subjected to a treatment, whereby in the Borsig works was originally de- tions on the card could be neglected . The
the by-products-tar, ammonia and ben- signed to work with blast furnace gas, indicator on the main cylinder was driven
zol-are eliminated ; then it is dried in and several changes had to be made to from one of the side connecting - rods of
two scrubbers , filled with saw - dust and
rasenerz, which have each a grate sur
face of 376.6 square feet and four grates .
The scrubbers are operated alternately,
one being cleaned while the other is work
ing. After leaving the scrubber the gas
is perfectly free from dust and dirt, so FIG. 47 DIAGRAMS FROM FRONT AND BACK ENDS OF AIR PUMP .
that the engine in question has been run
ning more than one year and a half with- adapt it to coke oven gas. Thus a special the back piston ; the pressures are, there
out being cleaned . gas pump was fitted and the original fore, recorded as functions of the travel
The composition and calorific value of charging pump, built to pump gas on one of that piston. As the front piston has a
the coke oven gas varies considerably with- side and air on the other, was modified to different travel according to the different
in a period of 24 hours, as will be seen pump air exclusively . The quantity of air length of its connecting rod , the diagrams
later. Assuming an average heat value of pumped was thereby made too large, and taken in the test do not exactly represent
370 B.t.11 . per cubic foot, there are available part of it had to be blown off through a the work done in the cylinder . They must
27,500,000 B.t.u. per hour for useful work. valve. The pump work as recorded is, be redrawn to a scale which gives the
Taking the average consumption of a large therefore , larger in this engine, than in pressure as a function of the relative pis
gas engine as 8333 B.t.l., per brake horse- the later constructions, which have pumps ton travels. The law of such piston travel
358 POW June , 1906 .

corresponds to the law of piston travel for also easily determine the temperature and 42 degrees Centigrade. This, together with
infinite rod lengths, as with such rod pressure of the gas flowing into the en- the fact that at normal load and 110 revo
lengths the acceleration of one piston is gine, as well as the percentage of dust and lutions per minute only 16 per cent. of the
equal to the retardation of the other, for moisture contained therein ; but we cannot heat contained in the coke oven gas was
every crank angle. In making these by any simple method find out the mo- carried away by the cooling water of the
changes on a number of cards, a common mentary calorific value of the gas at any working cylinder, is an excellent , and in
correction coefficient was found, namely, time and adjust the engine and generator deed unique, performance for a large gas
1.1 , by which the mean effective piston to changes in conditions. Engineers who engine. In another test made in August,
pressure, as determined from the original are familiar with the working details of 1903, the relation of heat consumption to
diagrams, must be multiplied to get the gas engine tests may know that it is pos- the load and speed of the engine was de
true mean effective pressure. sible to observe, directly and continuously , termined. It was found that the gas con
As there still exists among engineers a in a Junkers calorimeter, from the ther- sumption is increased when the load de
difference of opinion as to the correct mometer registering the temperature of creases, but only at a slow rate. Thus at
definition of the terms "mechanical effi- the water leaving the apparatus , any 42 per cent. of the normal load 7222 B.t.u.
ciency” and “ thermal efficiency " in two- change in the heat value of the gas, pro- were used as against 6430 B.t.u. at full
stroke- cycle engines, it may be stated that vided the quantity of gas flowing through load. At the higher load the heat con
in the accompanying table the net indi- the burner, as well as the temperature of sumption per horse- power of work done
cated horse-power of the working cylinder the water entering, be kept constant. But by the blower proved to be constant be
is the difference between the total indi- however valuable this application may tween 110 and 68 revolutions per minute.


cated horse-power and the total work con prove for experimental measurements, a viz., 9524 B.t.u., average. The quantity of
sumed by both of the charging pumps. calorimeter of such subtle construction lubricating oil used in the main cylinder
Similarly, if the mechanical efficiency is cannot be made a constant member of an was found to be 1.19 pounds per hour.
to be a measure of the friction resistances engine-room equipment, nor be entrusted Five drip cups were filled with fresh oil
within the machine, then in a blowing to the hands of the average attendant. and they consumed altogether 2.7 pounds
engine What is wanted, therefore, is a simple, re- per hour. The rest of the cups were filled
Nw liable and effective apparatus on the gen with oil that had been filtered and was
n =
Net 1. H. P. erator or gas pipe, just as is the pressure used over again. All other important data
wherein Northe total work done in the gage on a steam boiler, which will con- will be found in the table.
blowing cylinder, which is the equivalent tinuously and accurately indicate the cal- The Ascherslebener Maschinenbau Ak
of brake horse-power in a brake test. orific value or the hydrogen content of tien Gescellschaft is another licensee for
Several analyses were made to determine the gas produced or delivered, and, if pos- the manufacture of Oechelhäuser engines,
the composition of the coke oven gas. sible, will automatically influence the gov and these machines show the general
Table I shows how within a day's time ernor of the engine to take care of the characteristics already discussed. The
the quality of the gas is changed. It is in- view conditions before or by the time the cylinder proper is made of three parts in
teresting to study the corresponding gases of changed composition and calorific stead of two, the middle portion sur
change of calorific value which varied value have reached the working cylin- rounding the combustion chamber being
from 348.5 B.t.u. to 432.3 B.t.u. per cubic ders. separate from the ends , but also of cast
foot, within one coking period of 32 hours. In the test under consideration the cool- iron with a solid wall . The return valves,
This variation in the calorific value of ing water entering and leaving the engine which are of the König type, are placed in
generator gas is deserving of a few side was measured by methods which do not immediate proximity to the charging
remarks. In the present state of gas en- offer anything new over what is known in spaces, one being above and the other be
gine practice we possess means to deter- smaller work. The water consumption low the cylinder. The gas ports are not
mine the speed of an engine at any given was determined as 35.20 gallons total at influenced by the governor and the pump
moment, we are able to ascertain at a full load (635 brake horse-power ), or 5.9 is provided with simple clack-valves. The
glance the temperature of the cooling gallons per brake horse-power-hour, the general construction of this engine is
water entering and leaving, and we can water entering at 22 degrees and leaving at shown by Fig 48.
June, 1906. POWER 359

The American Society of Mechanical Raphael and Michael Angelo, the mechan. The report of the committee co -oper
ical engineer, without precedent, beyond ating on the Pennsylvania Railroad Loco
Engineers. all previous attainment, is hewing new motive Tests brought out the suggestion
The spring meeting of the American wonders out of the solid rock and mak- that more consistent results , so far as the
Society of Mechanical Engineers was held ing this an age of industrial progress. His coal analyses and heat balances are con
at Chattanooga, Tenn ., the first week in address was fitly responded to by Presi- cerned , would have been attained by tak
May. The attendance reached only 186 , dent Fred W. Taylor, and the meeting ing group averages instead of results from
including the ladies and other guests, and resolved itself into a reception and an op- individual samples collected for the re
the papers were few in number, requir- portunity to meet old friends, and make spective tests, on account of the difficulty
ing but two forenoon sessions for their new acquaintances. of securing representative samples.
disposal, but they were papers which will On Tuesday morning the first profes. A. W. Mosley and J. L. Bacon present
add substantially to the reputation of the sional session was called to order in the ed a paper under the title :
society and to the value of the published ball room of the Masonic Temple , where EFFECT OF A BLOW,
proceedings, while by reason of the great- both the meetings and receptions were describing a series of experiments in
er time afforded for such matters and the held , and the impending resignation of which it was sought to measure the effect
3000 of a hammer blow by comparing the en
ergy required to compress annealed plugs
1 of bessemer steel in an Olsen testing ma
chine with the known amount of kinetic
2700 energy required to produce a like result
2000 with a Bement- Miles 200 -pound steam
hammer. From 69 to 71 per cent. of the
kinetic energy was absorbed in the change
2100 of form . Professor Jacobus suggested
t = .322 that it would have added to the value of
the experiments if the fact had been
established that this proportion would
2100 hold for different proportions of mass and

1 velocity in the same amount of kinetic

iner uch

energy .
1 322
t = 21 1
Our kuowledge of the collapsing pres
sure of tubes has been based upon the
experiments of Fairbairn made some half
century ago upon thin tubes the length
t = .2297 of which was small as compared with
their diameter . That no later experiments
t - .2294 .:271 have been made is due perhaps to the
fact that, except in the internally - fired
1200 boiler using cylindrical furnaces , the limit
of pressure is reached in the shell long
before the collapsing pressure of the tube
becomes involved. The paper presented

.229 to this meeting by Prof. R. T. Stewart is

1 = 9.190
t = .180 an important contribution to the litera.


ture of the subject. The paper, which in


itself covers 87 pages besides a number
600 of tables, is an abstract of the professor's
500 report of the results of a series of experi
130 ments which has extended over a period
400 2.32
of four years at the McKeesport works
of the National Tube Company upon the
lap-welded bessemer steel product of that
14 company in sizes from 3 to 10 inches and
100 .180
Length of Tube, in Feet of different wall thicknesses. The paper
2443 j 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 19 13 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 should be in the possession of everybody
R. T. Stewart
R.D.Scrross.Eng... who is even incidentally interested in the
FIG. I. subject, and can be obtained at a nom
general air of camaraderie and good fel . Prof. F. R. Hutton as active secretary inal cost by addressing the secretary of the
lowship which pervaded it, the meeting of the society was announced. Mr. Hut. Society.
was exceptional in the opportunities it ton has served the society in this capacity The experiments revealed the fact that
afforded for the intercourse which is since its organization, and, it is inti- Fairbairn's formula and the various other
perhaps not second in its advantages to mated , will continue his connection with formulas based upon his experiments,
the formal professional proceedings. the office in an honorary capacity , his pro- while they cover fairly well the conditions
The Society was welcomed to Chatta- fessional duties at Columbia requiring his comprised in his tests, are not at all ap
nooga on Tuesday evening in a neat little undivided attention . plicable to general conditions . This is
speech by a neat little mayor, His Honor, The report of the Committee on Stand- well shown in Fig. 1 , where the dotted
W. L. Frierson , who brought out the point ard Proportions for Machine Screws was curves show results obtained by Fair.
that while our best literateurs are doing submitted and the committee continued , bairn's formula
their best to emulate Shakspere and Mil- some points having been suggested for t

ton, and our best artists to approach their further consideration. P,= 9.676,000 Id
1 "
360 POWER June , 1906 .

and the solid curves give the results of the extremely delicate suspension gal- tank B ; 6, a vertically movable bell- float
Prof. Stewart's experiments. The several vanometer of the French instrument and enveloping the end of the discharge pipe,
curves of each set are for tubes of dif. employing inexpensive alloys instead of the float and pipe together forming a
ferent thicknesses, indicated at the right- the costly platinum -rhodium elements. siphon through which the weighed charge
hand ends of the respective curves . It The voltmeter is graduated in two scales, discharges when dumping. The float 6
will be noticed that the formula fits the one to 700 and the other to 2000 degrees carries a rod 6a, the upper end of which
obtained results, even approximately, only Fahrenheit, either being made available engages and opens the inlet valve 2 when
at the commencement of the lower curve, by the use of the proper binding post. the float rises. The operation is as fol.
that is upon thin tubes. It is also note- For ranges of temperature up to 2000 de- lows : Assuming the apparatus to be
worthy that the pressure falls off very grees instead of using porcelain tubes for primed, which consists in filling the U.
rapidly until the length becomes about six insulation, each element of the couple is pipe and the trip to their normal levels,
diameters, when it slopes away gradual- insulated with asbestos and a carborun- · liquid from the inlet enters the upper
ly, and would probably become horizontal dum paint couples so insulated may be tank, its level rising to the top of the over
if the tubes were perfect. The controlling applied directly to the fire space and a flow pipe 2 , carried by the valve 2. Over
factor in determining the point of collapse number of couples may be placed and con- flowing and passing through the open
was out -of-roundness, and the only influ- nected one at a time to the indicating in- spider of the valve it enters the lower
ence of length of tube after six diameters strument through a switchboard. The tank. The bell float 6 in the lower tank
had been reached was that the longer

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