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COT Math5 Q3 Finall 2022

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Occidental Mindoro
Abra de Ilog District



Leaning Area MATHEMATICS Time

Grade Level V Date


The learner is expected to demonstrate understanding of polygons, circles,

A. Content Standards
and solid figures.

The learner is able to construct and describe polygons, circles, and solid
B. Performance Standards figures.

C. Most Essential Learning

Identifies the terms related to a circle.
Code: M5GE-IIId-23.2
Write for the LC code for each
Circle and Its Parts

Integration: Arts, ESP, EPP

Strategy: Explicit Instruction/ Teacher Modeling,

Collaborative Learning,

Paper Folding Activity

Values Integration: Cooperation,



A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages MELC p. 219

SLM Math5 Q3 Module 9,

2. Learner’s Materials pages Grade 5 Math SILAK Q3 p. 35-38,
Grade 5 Math Storyboard Q3 pp. 89-92

21st Century MATHletes Textbook p. 232 -233

3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials from

Learning Resource (LR) https://lrmds.deped.gov.ph/detail/search?


MISOSA Distance Education for Elementary Schools SELF-


Circular real-life object, improvised spinning wheel, blackboard, power

point presentation, geoboard and rubber band, circular cut-outs, ruler,
colored pen/markers, paper plate

B. Other Learning Resources



Before the Lesson Indicator

Daily Routine
A. Prayer and Greetings

May I ask everyone to please stand for our


Good morning class! How are you today?

It’s nice to hear that!

B. Cleanliness
Before you take your seats, please arrange your chairs
and kindly check if there are pieces of paper under
your armchairs.

C. Checking of Attendance
Is everybody present today? Establish safe and
secure learning
environments to
enhance learning
Very good! through the consistent
implementation of
policies, guidelines
D. Setting of Classroom Standards and procedures
For a smooth flow of our discussion here are

our Classroom Rules.

Let’s read it all together!

1. Listen to the teacher.

2. Be quiet and listen when someone is talking.

3. Raise your hand if you want to speak or


4. Don’t hesitate to ask questions on things you

don’t understand.

5. Participate actively in class discussions as

well as in individual and group activities.

6. Since we’re still on Alert Level 2, we must

abide by minimum public health standards.

A. Review previous lesson or

presenting the new lesson Okay! Class, let’s recall the topic that we had discussed
last time by playing a game.
The title of our game is “Spin the Wheel.”

6 1

I have here a spinning wheel. Each number on the

wheel has questions relative to our past lesson.
So, as I call your name, you will spin the wheel. And
once the spinner stops spinning, you’ll answer the
corresponding question on the number pointed by the
1. It is a closed plane figure made up of line segments that
are joined together.
2. It is a polygon with 5 sides.
Apply a range of
3. It is a 9-sided polygon. successful strategies
4. A polygon whose sides and angles are unequal. that maintain learning
5. How many sides does a quadrilateral have? environments that
6. Is it regular or irregular polygon? motivate learners to
work productively by
assuming responsibility
for their own learning

Outstanding! All of you got it right!

You really understand our past lesson. I’m pretty sure that
you are all ready for our next lesson.
B. Establishing a purpose for the INDICATOR #7
Apply a range of
lesson successful strategies
Alright, we will be playing a game again!
that maintain learning
environments that
motivate learners to
This time we will be playing Pictionary. work productively by
assuming responsibility
for their own learning
I will divide you into two groups. One student from
each group is chosen to start. And they must draw the
object that I will show them within a given time (30
Establish safe and
seconds – 2 minutes). secure learning
environments to
The rest of the group must then guess what their enhance learning
groupmate is drawing. The first group to correctly guess through the consistent
wins. The game repeats until there are no objects left. implementation of
policies, guidelines and

Before we start, I want you to:

1. Choose a leader. Design, adapt and
implement teaching
2. Everyone should participate actively.
strategies that are
3. Don’t shout when you already guess the responsive to learners
with disabilities,
answer. giftedness and talents

4. Clap your hands when you’re ready to



Adapt and use

culturally appropriate
teaching strategies to
CIRCULAR REAL-LIFE OBJECTS: address the needs of
learners from
indigenous groups


Display proficient use

of Mother Tongue,
Filipino and English to
facilitate teaching and

IRAYA’S VERNACULAR Use effective verbal

and non-verbal
strategies to support
 kanan - nito plate
learner understanding,
 limang piso - five-peso coin participation,
engagement and
 bilao - winnowing basket

 buklod - broomstick’s hoop

 gulong - wheel

 pamada - beaded bracelet

Thank you for your cooperation class!

Congratulations to the winners! Let’s give them

a roller coaster clap.

Class, what do you notice on the objects?

What do the following objects have in common?

(All of them are circle in shape with different sizes.)

You’ve got it right!

Now, can you think of another circular object that we

usually use when we are swimming?


Adapt and use

culturally appropriate
teaching strategies to
address the needs of
learners from
indigenous groups

(Goma or Timbulan)
That’s right!

This is a Salbabida/ Life Saver or this is what we

commonly call “Timbulan.”

In this community we usually use tire’s inner tube as

salbabida or timbulan.

C. Presenting examples/instances This morning we will discuss another lesson. But

of the new lesson before we proceed to our proper discussion let’s have first
an activity.
Strategy: Paper Folding Activity
1) I will give you a piece of circular cut-out and colored
markers. INDICATOR#1
2) Now, fold the circle into 2 equal parts.
Apply knowledge of
3) Draw a dot on the center and mark it with letter A.
content within and
Trace the line segment formed by the fold with pink
across curriculum
marker. Then at the top endpoint of the fold mark B and
teaching areas.
the bottom endpoint of the fold, mark C.
4) This time, fold again the circle into 4 equal parts. Trace EPP INTEGRATION
the folds with orange marker and mark one of the endpoint
with letter D.
5) Fold once the cut-out from point B to any point of the
circle without hitting the center. Then trace the fold with
color red. And mark the endpoint with letter E.
Based on your activity, what do you think is our lesson for
You guessed it right! Our lesson for today is all about
circle. But we will not just discuss what a circle is, we will
also discuss the parts of a circle.
D. Discussing new concepts and Look at the circle that you’ve made. Let’s study one by
practicing new skills #1 one the terms related to it.

A circle is a set of all points in a plane with the same
distance from a certain point called the center of a circle.

The center is the name of the circle.

So, from the activity that we have done, what is the name
of the circle?

(The name of the circle is circle A)


In circle A, BC is a diameter.

Diameter is a chord that connects two points on the circle
and passes through the center of the circle.

In circle A, BE is chord.

Chord is a line segment joining two points on the circle.
Now, I have a question. Are all diameters considered as
chords? And are all chords considered as diameters? Come
to think of it class.

(All diameters are considered as chords but not all chords

are considered as diameters because not all chords passes
through the center of the circle.)

Fantastic! What a brilliant idea!

In circle A, AB, AC and AD are radii. Radii is the plural

form of radius.


Radius is a line segment from the center of the circle to
any point on the circle. The radius of a circle is one-half of
a diameter.
E. Discussing new concepts and Differentiated Group Activity: INDICATOR #4
practicing new skills #2 Now, I will divide you into 3 groups for your group Establish safe and
activity. But before that can you cite the standards in secure learning
performing group activity? environments to
enhance learning
STANDARDS FOR GROUP ACTIVITY through the consistent
1. Always follow the directions. implementation of
2. Participate actively and collaborate with our group. policies, guidelines and
3. Listen to others and respect each other ideas. procedures
4. Minimum health protocols should be followed at all

5. Be careful in using sharp objects like scissors. INDICATOR#5

Now class, I want to inform you that you will be guided Maintain learning
with a rubric. And that is how your work will be graded. environments that
promote fairness,
respect and care to
encourage learning


Direction: Show the parts of the circle using geoboard and
rubber bands. And use the paper strips to label each part of
the circle. INDICATOR#1

Apply knowledge of
content within and
across curriculum
teaching areas.

Chord Diameter Radius Central Angle Inscribed Angle (Nakapagpapatunay na

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 ang pagkakaisa sa pagtatapos
2-3 parts of Only 1 part ng
All parts of 4-5 parts of
the circle of the
ILLUSTRATiO the circle the circle
were circle was gawain
N were correctly were correctly
correctly correctly
illustrated. illustrated
illustrated illustrated
EsP5PKP – If – 32)
Labelled Labelled Labelled
correctly all correctly correctly 2-3
LABELING parts of the 4-5 parts of parts of the
only 1 part
of the
circle. the circle. circle.
Actively do Done the INDICATOR#6
Participated No interest
the activity activity but
but late. in
PARTICIPATIO and shows show little
N eagerness and eagerness and
With participatin Maintain learning
teacher’s g in the environments that
cooperation to cooperation to
supervision activities
do the task do the task nurture and inspire
learners to participate,
IF I WERE A BALL GROUP cooperate and
Direction: Your group will be doing a Circle Ball. collaborate in
You need to make 6 circles then illustrate the following in continued learning
each circle:
1. chord QE
2. center A
3. diameter DE
4. radius AC
5. central angle <DAC
6. inscribed angle <DEQ
Once you’re done, fold each circle in half. Glue the folds
of the circle until you form a ball.
Excellent Good Fair Poor
5pts 4pts 3pts 2pts
Followed Followed Followed Seemed to
directions directions directions have been
outlined step outlined but outlined but done in a
S by step skip some not step by hurry
step step
4-5 parts of 2-3 parts of Only 1 part
All parts of the circle the circle of the circle
the circle were were were
were correctly correctly correctly correctly
ON illustrated and illustrated illustrated illustrated
identified and and and
identified identified identified
Gave no
Shape is in Shape is in Shape is in
effort or did
SHAPE excellent good form fair form of
not complete
form of circle of circle circle
the task
Folds are
Folds are
Folds are neat fairly neat
neat and
and circles and circles Gave no
circles are
are well put are put effort or did
NEATNESS together. Has
put together.
together. not complete
Has little
no smears or Has some the task.
smears or
creases smears or
Done the
Actively do activity but
Participated No interest
the activity show little
but late. in
PARTICIPATIO and shows eagerness
With participating
N eagerness and and
teacher’s in the
cooperation to cooperation
supervision activies
do the task to do the

Apply knowledge of
YOU MEAN A LOT GROUP content within and
Direction: I will give you paper plate, markers, and ruler across curriculum
to make a Circle Vocabulary. Illustrate the parts of the teaching areas.
circle then write the definition of each term.
(Making 3-

dimensional crafts which

express balance


CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
4-5 parts of 2-3 parts of Only 1 part
All parts of the circle the circle of the
the circle were correctly were circle were
were correctly illustrated correctly correctly
ILLUSTRATiO illustrated. The content is illustrated illustrated
N The content is legible and The content The
legible and can be easily is not content is
clearly identified. legible and not legible
identified. hard to and hard to
identify. identify.
The use of The use of
The use of
colors go well colors go
colors go well There are
with the text well with
with the text no colors
DESIGN that make it
but they are the text but
or it’s to
inappropriatel there are too
stand out plain
y sized or few or too
hard to read. many.
Tries to use Does not
Correctly uses Correctly uses
words and use words
several words few words
hardly and can’t
VOCABULAR and perfectly and lightly
define the define the
Y define the define the
terms terms
terms related terms related
related to related to
to circle. to circle.
circle circle
Actively do Done the
Participated No interest
the activity activity but
but late. in
PARTICIPATIO and shows show little
With participatin
N eagerness and eagerness and
teacher’s g in the
cooperation to cooperation to
supervision activities
do the task do the task

Once you’re done, all group leaders must present the

work of their groups in front.

Design, adapt and

implement teaching
strategies that are
responsive to learners
with disabilities,
giftedness and talents
F. Developing Mastery (leads to To further enhance your knowledge, let’s do another
Formative Assessment) activity.
Directions: Use the circle at the right in answering the
activity. Write your answer on the blank provided.
1. The circle is named as ______.
2. OT is a _________.
3. EO is a _________.
4. <HEO is a _________.
5. Name the chords: ______ and
6. Name the radii: _______,
7. <LEH is an example of __________________.
8. The inscribed angle is _______.

G. Finding practical applications

of concepts and skills in daily Can you cite any experience on how circles are used in
living your daily lives?
Adapt and use
culturally appropriate
(For me, as a member of this community, we use circle teaching strategies to
address the needs of
like timbulan or goma every time the water in the river learners from
rises especially during the rainy season. With the help of indigenous groups
this circular object, we can safely pass the river.)

Very well said!

You are really doing a good job!

After the Lesson

Let’s do this activity to recap the things that we have
discussed today.
H. Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson Identify Me!
Directions: Choose the correct answer from the words
inside the box and write your answers on the blank
Diameter Center Central angle
Radius Chord Circle

_________1. It is a set of all points in a plane with the

same distance from a certain point.
_________2. It is a line segment joining two points on the
_________3. It is a chord that connects two points on the
circle and passes through the center of the circle.
_________4. It is a line segment from the center of the
circle to any point on the circle.
_________5. It is an angle formed by two radii.
I. Evaluating learning
Directions: Identify the term/name of each of the
following parts of the circle below.

1. X

2. MT
3. XA

4. <MXH

5. XT
6. XH X
7. <AMH

8. AM
9. MH

10. Name of the circle

J. Additional activities for Circle Working Model

application or remediation
Look for circular object in your house then follow the
steps below.

Step 1: Name the circle as circle R.

Step 2: Illustrate a red diameter. And mark its endpoints

with C and M

Step 3: Make a blue radius. Write letter S on its endpoint.

Step 4: Make a black chord. And put letter X and Y on its

Step 5: Make an inscribed angle whose vertex is M.
Design, adapt and
RUBRICS implement teaching
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 strategies that are
All the parts
4 parts of 2-3 parts of Only 1 part responsive to learners
the circle the circle of the circle
of the circle
were were was with disabilities,
were correctly
correctly correctly correctly giftedness and talents
illustrated illustrated illustrated

Circular Circular
object was object was
object was Circular
used used
used object was
CREATIVITY creatively and creatively
creatively used and is
AND is and is
and is distractingly
ATTRACTIVENE exceptionally acceptably
attractive in messy and
SS attractive in attractive
terms of very poorly
terms of though it
design and design.
design and may be a bit
neatness. messy.



A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use./discover which
I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Observed and Checked by:

ROSEMARIE G. BAAGIN ______________________________

Ratee Rater

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