Bluetooth Userguide FZBTS
Bluetooth Userguide FZBTS
Bluetooth Userguide FZBTS
17A, Operating
Documentation, Issue 03
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
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2 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
Table of Contents
This document has 53 pages
1 Summary of changes..................................................................... 6
2 Why Bluetooth Connection to Flexi Zone BTS?.............................7
3 Flexi Zone BTS connection via Bluetooth...................................... 8
3.1 Verify initial conditions....................................................................8
3.1.1 Check Java and Perl versions........................................................9
3.1.2 Check BTS Site Manager version................................................ 10 .........................................................................................................
3.1.3 Check the Bluetooth settings for the Flexi Zone BTS.................. 10
3.2 Connecting to FZM with BTS SM via secure Bluetooth................11
3.3 Connecting to FZM with BTS SM via unsecure Bluetooth........... 16
3.4 FZM software update using BTS SM........................................... 20
3.5 Commissioning FZM with a pre-prepared commissioning file......23
4 Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage guide......27
4.1 Pairing computer with FZM using FZAT (quick guide) ................ 27
4.1.1 FZAT installation details............................................................... 29
4.1.2 Storing authentication-related site specific data...........................30 Mechanisms for storing authentication-related site specific data.....
4.1.3 FZM preparation...........................................................................35 Guidance for parameters............................................................. 37
4.2 FZAT general operation................................................................42
4.3 FZAT usage reference..................................................................46
4.4 Windows XP Bluetooth PAN Service Connection through Network
Connection Applet........................................................................49
4.5 Handling of FlexiZone site specific data report............................ 51
4.5.1 FlexiZone site specific data - sample report ................................51
4.5.2 FlexiZone site specific data - handling of report...........................52
DN09241871 Issue: 01A © 2018 Nokia 3
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
List of Figures
Figure 1 BTS Site Manager window................................................................. 10
Figure 2 Enabling unsecure Bluetooth..............................................................16
Figure 3 HW Viewer display of Site Specific Data in NetAct............................ 33
Figure 4 The display of UserLabel after the resolution of PRONTOs PR053561,
Figure 5 Bluetooth parameters Site Manager screenshot (RL50FZ)................35
Figure 6 Example of Bluetooth properties window where NAP Service needs to
be explicitly selected...........................................................................45
Figure 7 Bluetooth Devices window..................................................................49
Figure 8 Network Connections window............................................................ 49
Figure 9 Bluetooth Personal Area Network Devices window............................50
Figure 10 A QR-Encoded INI file 0017E9C17AEF_SiteData.ini ........................51
4 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
List of Tables
Table 1 FZAT prerequisites............................................................................. 27
Table 2 Bluetooth parameters summary......................................................... 36
Table 3 Config guidance - Bluetooth general policy: enable/disable Bluetooth
and the related Bluetooth Enabled Fault............................................ 37
Table 4 Bluetooth-related alarms.................................................................... 39
Table 5 Client compatibility with FZM Legacy/SSP pairing............................. 39
Table 6 Configuration of pairing credentials.................................................... 40
Table 7 Abbreviated tool reference................................................................. 46
DN09241871 Issue: 01A © 2018 Nokia 5
Summary of changes Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
1 Summary of changes
Issue 02 (2017-09-01)
Issue 02 introduces improvements to the Flezi Zone Authentication Tool(FZAT), a
program used to establish a Bluetooth Secure connection with the Flexi Zone BTS in
order to open BTS Site Manager.
Issue 02 covers the following FZAT tool improvements:
• Cleaner and more user-friendly output.
• Logging of output to a log file.
• Masking of PINs and other sensitive information.
• Fixes for minor bugs and warnings.
• Windows 10 support.
• Automation for Windows 7 and above.
6 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Why Bluetooth Connection to Flexi Zone BTS?
• RAN3276: Bluetooth support for 3G Flexi Zone BTS
• LTE1702: Flexi Zone Micro Bluetooth Support
Refer to these feature descriptions for general information such as benefits,
requirements, functional description, and system impacts.
This Bluetooth User Guide provides information and procedures for provisioning,
connecting, and troubleshooting Bluetooth connectivity. Main areas of Bluetooth
connectivity for Flexi Zone BTS:
• For new Flexi Zone BTS installations, you can perform an "out of the box" Bluetooth
connection if the Flexi Zone BTS contains default settings for the Bluetooth
connection, the BTSSM PC is running Windows, and this PC is installed with the
latest version of the Flexi Zone Authentication Tool (FZAT). Refer to the Bluetooth
Connection for Flexi Zone Micro BTS - Windows Quick Guide for details.
How do I know the Flexi Zone BTS contains default settings for the Bluetooth
connection? If none of the settings on the BTS have been customized at the factory,
the default settings will be intact.
How do I know the PC has the latest BTSSM version installed? Refer to the Section
"Check BTS Site Manager version".
• For other than "out of the box" Bluetooth connection, start with Section 3, Flexi Zone
BTS connection via Bluetooth.
• For operations and maintenance on existing Flexi Zone BTS, refer to Section 4,
FZAT installation and usage.
DN09241871 Issue: 01A © 2018 Nokia 7
Flexi Zone BTS connection via Bluetooth Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
The following is a list of gerenal tasks to be performed for Bluetooth connection to a FZ
BTS. Detailed steps for each task are provided later in this section.
• Verify initial conditions
• Check the Windows version
• Check the Java anr Perl versions
• Check BTS Site Manager version
• Check for FZAT version
• Check the FZ BTS Bluetooth settings (requires cable connections from the BTSSM
PC to the FZ BTS)
• Connecting to FZ BTS with BTS SM via secure Bluetooth
• Connecting to FZ BTS with BTS SM via unsecure Bluetooth
• FZ BTS software update using BTS SM
• Commissioning FZ BTS with a pre-prepared commissioning file.
The following software and hardware requirements must be met before starting the work:
• You must have a PC with Windows XP (or later) or Linux operating system.
• Your PC must have Java 6.0 (or greater) and Perl5 (ActivePerl or similar).
• Your PC must be installed with the correct version of BTS Site Manager software.
See below to verify. Refer to
• Your PC must have Nokia Flexi Zone Authentication Tools (FZAT) installed.
• Your PC might need a Class 1 Bluetooth USB dongle (optional) (if more than 30 ft
from small cell hardware).
• The Flexi Zone BTS must be installed with WCDMA15FZ MP2.0 (or newer) or LTE
RL50FZ P8 release load (or newer).
• The Flexi Zone BTS must have the correct Bluetooth settings.
• Class 1 Bluetooth USB dongle (optional) (if more than 30 ft from small cell hardware)
• FZ BTS software file + software release documentation (if you need to upgrade the
FZ BTS software).
• Pre-prepared site commissioning file (if you are commissioning an FZ BTS).
8 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Flexi Zone BTS connection via Bluetooth
1. Click Advanced system settings > Advanced tab.
2. Click Environment Variables, under System Variables, find Path, and click it. You
need to click on Edit to see the entire variable setting. The displayed Path looks
similar to the following:
C:\Perl\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin; <other entries>
g Note: In case the path looks similar there is no need to continue with the rest of the
procedure, in case it does not continue with the next steps.
3. In the Edit window, modify Path by adding the location of the class to the value for
Path. If you do not have the item Path, you may create a new variable and call it
4. You you have made any changes, click Apply or OK
5. If opened, the Command window needs to be closed and restarted for the path
change to take effect.
6. After modification,
Confirm that the Path is properly updated by executing the following commands on the
command line:
• java -version
• perl -v
DN09241871 Issue: 01A © 2018 Nokia 9
Flexi Zone BTS connection via Bluetooth Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
To make sure your PC has a correct BTS Site Manager version installed, open the BTS
Site Manager and click About.
Figure 1 BTS Site Manager window
See the software release documentation for a required BTS Site Manager version; if it is
not in the list, then install it before you continue.
g Note: If a new version of BTS SM software is installed for RL70/55 or newer, the FZAT
is installed along with it.
3.1.3 Check the Bluetooth settings for the Flexi Zone BTS
A default Bluetooth's parameters configuration in Flexi Zone BTS is as follows:
• BTOOTH:actBluetooth is set to ENABLED
• BTOOTH:allowlnqScanResp is set to DISABLED
• BTOOTH:allowLegacyPairing flag is set to ENABLED
• BTOOTH:legacyPairingOPTMode is set to –1
• BTOOTH:legacyPairingSecret is blank
• BTOOTH:allowSspPairing flag is set to DISABLED
• BTOOTH:actBluetoothAlarm is set to ENABLED
If any settings are different than these, the Technician will not be able to perform an "out
of the box" Bluetooth connection to the Flexi Zone BTS for commissioning a new Flexi
Zone BTS.
10 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Flexi Zone BTS connection via Bluetooth
Nokia Bluetooth pairing tool ( is necessary for a secure Bluetooth
connection to a factory delivered FZM. This tool can be found in the same directory BTS
Site Manager is installed in,
\NSN\Managers\BTSSite\BTSSiteManager\tools\FZAUTHREL_vx_x_xxxxxxxx_x. If that
is not the case, you can download the Nokia Bluetooth pairing tool from NOLS. To run
the Nokia Bluetooth pairing tool, Site Key information must be provided. This information
is included in the SiteData.ini file in FZM. There are three ways to obtain the SiteData.ini
1. Scanning FZM's QR code, using an application on a mobile phone.
• Scan the QR code.
• Save the scanned data to a text file and transfer it to your PC.
• Rename the text file to an INI file with the bd_SiteData.ini name format (where bd
is the Bluetooth device's address).
• Copy the file to the FZAUTHREL directory.
2. Fetching SiteData.ini from FZM, using the tool (the tool can be found in the
same directory as the Bluetooth pairing tool).
• Connect to FZM, using a LAN cable.
• Open Command Prompt (cmd) in an Administrator mode and go to the
FZAUTHREL directory.
• Execute the following command to obtain the SiteData.ini file:
perl -w ./ FetchSiteData -l fzm_ip_address
• The SiteData.ini file is stored in the FZAUTHREL directory.
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Flexi Zone BTS connection via Bluetooth Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
3. Manual creation based on the information displayed in BTS Site Manager (not
applicable to an uncommissioned FZM)
• Open Command Prompt (cmd) in an Administrator mode and go to the
FZAUTHREL directory.
• Execute the following command and then copy/paste the Authentication
Credential Key Data from BTS Site Manager:
perl -w ./ FetchSiteData –M
• The FETCHED_<timestamp>_<ip address>_<bt dev address>_SiteData.ini file is
• The file's name must be changed to the <bt_name>_SiteData.ini format.
Once you have the SiteData.ini file, open the Command Prompt (cmd) window in an
Administrator mode, go to the FZAUTHREL directory, and run the Bluetooth pairing tool
with the following command (BD ADDR is a Bluetooth device address; it can be found in
the db_SiteData.ini file and has a format 00:11:22:33:44:AA:BB):
perl –w –p LegacyPairing –b <BD ADDR>
The software automatically does the pairing process.
g Note: The SiteData.ini file needs to be present in the FZAT directory.
After the script finishes activating the connection, go to Control Panel > Devices and
Printers > choose unit > Connect using > Access Point.
g Note: This step does not apply to Windows 7 and Windows 10. Windows connects
12 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Flexi Zone BTS connection via Bluetooth
DN09241871 Issue: 01A © 2018 Nokia 13
Flexi Zone BTS connection via Bluetooth Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
Once the connection is successful, the software auto-configures a proper IP-address and
mask to PC, /
14 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Flexi Zone BTS connection via Bluetooth
Ping the IP-address to see whether the connection is working.
Launch BTS Site Manager and connect to FZM.
For an uncommissioned site, there are no alarm indications of an active Bluetooth
connection. You can close the BTS Site Manager connection by clicking the disconnect
icon (or go to File > Disconnect).
DN09241871 Issue: 01A © 2018 Nokia 15
Flexi Zone BTS connection via Bluetooth Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
To enable an unsecured Bluetooth connection, first you need to commission the site (a
pre-prepared commissioning file should include correct settings for an unsecured
Bluetooth connection.) by connecting to FZM either via a secured Bluetooth connection
or LAN cable. If a commissioning file does not include correct settings for unsecured
Bluetooth, then you can manually configure them by going to TRS Hardware >
g Note: After enabling an unsecured Bluetooth connection, the FZM is visible for other
Bluetooth devices, for example Smartphones, laptops and so on.
Figure 2 Enabling unsecure Bluetooth
You can see an alert in the BTS Site Manager Faults list, indicating Bluetooth is enabled
in FZM. After unsecured Bluetooth is activated in FZM, do the following
1. Activate your PC's Bluetooth adapter (see your PC manual as each Bluetooth client
might have a different user interface for the pairing process).
16 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Flexi Zone BTS connection via Bluetooth
2. Assign an IP-address and Subnet mask to a Bluetooth connection by going to
Control panel > Network and Sharing center > Change adapter settings > Bluetooth
Personal Area Network > Properties .
and then Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) > Properties
DN09241871 Issue: 01A © 2018 Nokia 17
Flexi Zone BTS connection via Bluetooth Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
3. Search and add a new Bluetooth device (FZM); go to Control panel > Devices and
Printers > Add a device
4. Click Enter the device’s pairing code and put correct Pairing code.
5. After a new device has been added, you can connect to it by going to Devices and
printers > Connect using > Access point.
18 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Flexi Zone BTS connection via Bluetooth
6. Ping the IP-address to see whether the connection is working.
7. Launch BTS Site Manager and connect to FZM.
8. You can see an alert in the BTS Site Manager Faults list, indicating an active
Bluetooth connection.
9. You can close the Site Manager connection by clicking the disconnect icon (or go to
File > Disconnect).
DN09241871 Issue: 01A © 2018 Nokia 19
Flexi Zone BTS connection via Bluetooth Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
1. Open a BTS Site Manager connection to FZM.
2. Check the current software version in FZM by going to BTS Hardware > Flexi Zone
3. Start a software update by going to Software > Update SW to BTS Site … > browse
and select correct SW file > Open.
4. The software file will be decompressed.
20 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Flexi Zone BTS connection via Bluetooth
5. After file decompression is finished, activate the software by clicking Update.
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Flexi Zone BTS connection via Bluetooth Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
6. After the update has been finished, you can view and save a software update report
by clicking View Report.
22 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Flexi Zone BTS connection via Bluetooth
7. Repeat the first step to check the current software version in FZM by going to BTS
Hardware > Flexi Zone Micro.
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Flexi Zone BTS connection via Bluetooth Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
When FZM is powered on for the first time, and it has never been commissioned before,
the following auto-connection and auto-configuration window will pop up. If the purpose
is not to use auto-connection and auto-configuration, you can disable this by clicking
To perform the commissioning, do the following
24 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Flexi Zone BTS connection via Bluetooth
1. Open BTS Site Manager and go to Commissioning, choose Planned, and browse
and choose pre-prepared site commissioning file.
2. Click Send Parameters to load the commissioning file to the site.
3. After the site has been reset, click Finish to exit commissioning and save a
commissioning report.
4. Go back to the BTS Site Manager main page, ensure that the site has been
integrated (OAM connected, On Air, TRS commissioned), and check active alarms.
DN09241871 Issue: 01A © 2018 Nokia 25
Flexi Zone BTS connection via Bluetooth Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
5. You can close the BTS Site Manager connection by clicking the disconnect icon (or
go to File > Disconnect).
26 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage
The following topics contain installation and usage instruction for the FlexiZone
Authentication Tools (FZAT) used for authentication with the FlexiZone Micro (FZM) BTS.
Except where called out, references to FZM in this document may also be read to refer
to equivalent behaviour for the FlexiZone Pico units (both indoor and outdoor).
Equipment preconditions
Table 1 FZAT prerequisites
Name Require Required on Details
d on Windows
Linux XP/7/8 and
Bluetooth yes yes On Windows, internal/external USB devices with
device the Microsoft Bluetooth stack are most likely to
compatible with work without problems. Alternative stacks (for
host OS instance Broadcom, Widcomm) may work but the
chance of problems due to driver issues is higher.
“BluetoothStack not detected” when running FZAT
for Bluetooth pairing is one likely indication of an
incompatible Bluetooth stack.
DN09241871 Issue: 01A © 2018 Nokia 27
Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
Table 1 FZAT prerequisites (Cont.)
Name Require Required on Details
d on Windows
Linux XP/7/8 and
Perl5 yes yes ActiveState Perl and Strawberry Perl are two
(automatically distributions tested on Windows. On Windows, the
handled) tool includes its own version of Perl. Delete
perl.exe if you need to revert to a version of Perl
installed separately.
Bluez4 or yes no In case of an OS prompt about missing packages,
Bluez5 see reference archlinx_client_packages.txt for
package list installed on one bluez5 test machine.
Python2 with yes no In case of an OS prompt about missing packages,
Dbus packages See reference archlinx_client_packages.txt for
package list installed on one bluez5 test machine.
1 Install the tool on the PC which meets the requirements.
• By installing the BTS Site Manager (from release RL70/RL55 or later). The tool is
installed under <site manager root path>/NSN/Managers/BTS Site/BTS Site
• Installing the tool manually:
a) Unzip FZAT tool package to any directory
b) Update CONFIG file as necessary in tools directory to point to set
JAVA_HOME_MSWin32 and JAVA_HOME_cygwin to point to installed java) -
by default, tool will use $JAVA_HOME/bin/java or java found in path - other
commonly used values include the java path installed with site manager, for
example <site manager root path>//NSN/Managers/BTS Site/BTS Site
Manager/jre/1_7_0) It is best to use a local (that is, not remote mounted)
directory to avoid any Windows permission issues.
See FZAT installation details for additional information.
2 Acquire authentication xxxxSiteData.ini files for target FZM(s)
Unit configuration files are primarily identified by Leaf Node Serial number and the
Bluetooth device address in the filename (for example
001BDC066C7B_RY133507324_SiteData.ini) for FZM serial number
See Storing authentication-related site specific data for additional information.
28 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage
3 Prepare FZM
Update FZM to at least the RL50FZ P8 release load. This is a critical precautionary
measure which will be optimized out in later releases as the factory ships units with
later loads. Meanwhile, plug-and-play can be used to upgrade sites over wired
backhaul. Without plug-and-play, pre-staging over wired local connection is still
available as a quick way to reliably upgrade sites in advance of Bluetooth operation.
See FZM preparation for additional information
4 Pair with FZM
Using Windows Explorer, right click on the XXXSiteData.ini config file for the target
FZM and choose ‘BtOtpPairLegacyPair (as Admin)’ to pair with the FZM. As part of
the process, the tool prompts the user to use the Windows GUI to start an associated
PAN connection. Command line and configuration options are also available to
customize Bluetooth operation, and are described in the following sections.
g Note: If the FlexiZone Authentication Tool directory is not added to the system path,
usual operating system conventions may be used to execute the specific command via
the full or relative path. For example, if the FZAT directory is the current working
directory, ./fzj may be used to invoke fzj found in the current working directory. At the
Windows DOS prompt, .\fzj may be used from the FZAT directory if fzj does not work.
To install the tool:
1. Satisfy the requirements for dependencies/prerequisites listed in . Note that FZAT tool
installed with site manager will automatically reference the site manager’s Java code.
The RL70/55 and later FZAT tool version includes its own Perl installation.
2. Alternatively, for a manual (non-site manager) install, unpack the
bt_otp_FZAUTHREL*tar.gz file included in the ZIP file containing the tool. The ZIP file is
protected with the password in the release documentation on the NOLS download page.
The ZIP can be opened with any zip reader capable of AES-256 encryption, for instance
7-zip. See the previous sections for details on the updated CONFIG file to point to a Java
If the tool is installed via RL70/55 or later site manager, no password is required.
3. Configure the FZM and xxxxKeyData.ini/xxxxSiteData.ini files as described in and
FZM preparation. The tools will prefer more specifically named
<bt_dev_addr>_SiteData.ini and <bt_dev_addr>_KeyFile.ini files and search in both the
working directory at time of tool invocation and the directory containing the tools.
4. Restrict permissions to tool and config files as desired (for instance restrict to execute
only by root on a multi-user Linux machine). For supplemental protection of custom key
and credential data, Encrypted Config files with temporary names ENCRYPTED_xxx
may be optionally generated with the -E option, as in the following example:
fzj MyHOTP -E -s SiteData.ini -k KeyFile.ini
DN09241871 Issue: 01A © 2018 Nokia 29
Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
The user can then rename the temporary files to the names which can be directly used
by Caveats on Unix vs Windows txt file formats are discussed in the
Notes for (A).
5. Run the described tools at the command prompt in the directory where the tool was
unpacked or by specifying the desired tool with an absolute or relative path.
On Windows 01Install.bat can also be used to enable Windows Explorer integration.
w NOTICE: Given the default and recommended Bluetooth security settings, it is
STRONGLY ADVISED that the operator store the following information PRIOR TO field
installation of the FlexiZone Micro:
1. the FZM’s Bluetooth device address
This value allows the client to connect to the FZM by Bluetooth device address,
without making the FZM’s Bluetooth interface generally visible.
2. site-specific data used in Bluetooth authentication
These values serve as input to the FlexiZone Micro’s Bluetooth OTP (one time
Bluetooth PIN/Passkey) algorithms.
Nokia recommends to test out the FZM’s Bluetooth interface settings and store any
needed authentication data when local recovery over wired connection is easily possible.
Upgrading to at least the RL50FZ P8 release is also strongly recommended.
• Accessing the data shipped with the unit
• Customer Care (with caveats, especially for trial units)
30 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage
The following topic covers the details for each method of storing authentication-related
site specific data
Refer toFZAT usage reference for additional usage details on the referenced tools.
A. Tool interface over wired connection
The following FlexiZone Auth Tools command line will prompt the user for necessary
credentials and then retrieve the Bluetooth device address and Site Specific Data from
the FZM at the specified IP address:
fzj FetchSiteData -I fzm_ip_address
Typically the available BTS O&M user accounts include Nemuadmin. Typically the
available default Service accounts include toor4nsn.
w NOTICE: In current implementation, the tool may need to temporarily enable SSH on
the FZM. If the tool operation is interrupted or the tool displays a prompt that the service
interface remains enabled at tool exit, you need to use the FZM’s transport web page to
manually disable SSH. You can also make sure that SSH is disabled by confirming that
an SSH attempt into the FZM times out.
g Note: If the FlexiZone Authentication Tool directory is not added to the system path,
usual operating system conventions may be used to execute the specific command via
full or relative path. For example, if the FZAT directory is the current working directory,
./fzj may be used to invoke fzj found in the current working directory. At the Windows
DOS prompt, .\fzj may be used from the FZAT directory if fzj does not work.
g Note: FZAT versions before v1_5 can also fail to enable SSH for 15A and later FZM
loads. As a workaround, you can manually enable SSH before running the
FetchSiteData step and then manually disable SSH afterwards.
Alternatively, login names can be specified on the command line using the following
fzj FetchSiteData -I fzmIpAddress -O btsOmUser -S serviceUser
To access the FZM through a wired local maintenance port connection, use the IP
address Backhaul IPs is necessary for connection over backhaul
Enable Bluetooth on the target FZM to retrieve the Bluetooth device address and the
Bluetooth device name.
If no errors occur, the retrieved information will be saved to a file with the following
format: <bt dev address>_<serial_num>_<btname>_SiteData.ini, for example
000102030405_RY1233433_ABCDEFA_SiteData.ini. You can review the retrieved
information and make any desired modifications before using the file with ‘fzj
If an error occurs, for example because of missing BtDevAddress, the tool will display
the retrieved output and error messages, but no file will be saved. This is why Nokia
recommends to take extra care before depending on suspect data or proceeding without
storing BtDevAddress of the FZM.
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Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
g Note: With Linux Java, the fetched INI file is saved as a Unix text file with Unix line
terminators (that is, with a new line at the end of each line). With Windows Java, the
fetched INI file is saved as a Windows text file with Windows line terminators (that is,
with carriage return and a new line at the end of each line). Regardless of the Java
binary which saves the INI file, it can be used with the Windows or Linux versions of the
tools. However, as usual, to edit a Unix text file on Windows, it is recommended to use
an editor which can handle Unix text files, for example Wordpad rather than Notepad. In
Windows Notepad, lines which end only in a new line will be displayed in a way that
makes it difficult to properly edit the file.
32 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage
g Note: If a custom Bluetooth device name is configured, the HW report may not reflect
the configured value. The PDDB parameter FTM::authKey solution used in 15A and
later releases resolves this issue. The userLabel can be found in NetAct:
a) [For RL50FZ P8 loads prior to RL70/55 15.2 NetAct] When the HW viewer is licensed
for use and an inventory report has taken place over bootstrapped O&M connection,the
user label can then be found in the following locations:
• HW Viewer (as shown in
Figure 3: HW Viewer display of Site Specific Data in NetAct)
• WBTSHWData.xml
b) [For RL70/55 prior to the 15A PDDB change to make PDDB parameter
FTM::authKeyData visible in NetAct] When a HW upload is performed with the CM Op
Manager (HW upload can be performed for one site or for a batch of selected sites), the
user label can be found in the following locations:
• MRBTSxxxx_lteHWxxxx_xxxx_xxxx_UL.xml in directory
The MRBTSxxxx in each HW upload file name corresponds to the identity of the site
object as displayed by the CM Op Manager.
• • CM Ops Editor/Manager (RL70/55 (NetAct 15.5) loads with correction for
PRONTOs PR053561, NA05804536) (as shown in Figure 4: The display of
UserLabel after the resolution of PRONTOs PR053561, NA05804536)
The format of userLabel can be fed to the following command the same way the
authKeyData value described in , section (B):
fzj FetchSiteData -M
Figure 3 HW Viewer display of Site Specific Data in NetAct
g Note: The highlighted field in
Figure 3: HW Viewer display of Site Specific Data in NetAct has moved to the NE object
in the final release.
DN09241871 Issue: 01A © 2018 Nokia 33
Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
Figure 4 The display of UserLabel after the resolution of PRONTOs PR053561,
II. PDDB parameter FTM::AuthKeyData (in 15A loads with correction for LBT2420, 15A
solution for PR053561/NA05804536)
This parameter may be treated the same as the parameter described above in , section
(B). After the 15A PDDB change to make this parameter NetAct-visible, the 15A FZM will
no longer report the siteSpecificData in the HW inventory/upload.
Like with any PDDB parameter:
• the parameter may be copied from the CM Editor/Manager by selecting it and hitting
• NetAct does allow the operator to export information in the operator’s format of
choice for one site or a batch of selected sites, for example using one of the following
1. CM Editor -> in the tree go to: Actual Configuration/MO Classes/LTE/FTM ->
from pop up menu: Open Table with Selected MO(s) -> Export…
2. CM Editor -> Edit -> Search and Modify Target Configuration… -> go to
Advanced Query part, put FTM in the Value field -> Open in Table Editor ->
continue as above
3. CM Operations Manager -> File/Export Actual Configuration…
34 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage
If the site specific data report is not available (for example the customer has discarded
the paper report or the unit was packaged prior to Nokia institutionalizing the Site
Specific Data report), customers may also use one of the wired mechanisms described
in (sections A, B, C) before deploying the unit in the field.
Refer to Handling of FlexiZone site specific data report for additional information on the
format and handling of the site specific data report.
Figure below illustrates the available FlexiZone Micro Bluetooth configuration options.
The operator can set these parameters using the BTS Site Manager or NetAct.
Figure 5 Bluetooth parameters Site Manager screenshot (RL50FZ)
Table below summarizes the available configuration options. It also lists cross-references
to sections where additional information on the operational settings can be found.
Detailed parameter descriptions (with defaults) are available in Site Manager and in
DN09241871 Issue: 01A © 2018 Nokia 35
Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
Table 2 Bluetooth parameters summary
Parameter Full Name Object::Abbreviated Additional Detail Note
Bluetooth Interface BTOOTH::btoothId - Internal interface ID.
Identifier Can be ignored by end
Activate Bluetooth BTOOTH::actBluetoot Guidance for Bluetooth may be
Interface Support h parameters Enabled, Disabled, or
set to AutoFallback
Customizable BTOOTH::btoothName - Not pictured in .
Bluetooth Name RL70/55 and later.
Allows optional setting
of custom Bluetooth
name for use when
Bluetooth inquiry scan
response is allowed.
Enable Bluetooth BTOOTH:: Guidance for Control of alarm which
Alarm actBluetoothTransAlar parameters indicates if Bluetooth
m is enabled.
Allow Inquiry Scan BTOOTH::allowInqSca - Indicates if Bluetooth
Response nResp interface is generally
Allow Legacy Pairing BTOOTH::allowLegacy Guidance for Legacy pairing
Pairing parameters allowed. Most widely
Allow Bluetooth BTOOTH::allowSspPai Guidance for Secure simple pairing
Secure Simple Pairing ring parameters allowed. Better
security with peer
compatibility concerns.
Secure Simple Pairing BTOOTH::SecureSimp Guidance for Hex encoded Secret
Secret lePairingSecret parameters for secure simple
LegacyPairingOTPMo BTOOTH::LegacyPairi Guidance for Determines logic for
de ngOPTMode parameters legacy pairing with
-One Time PIN
-Configured static PIN
-Generated static
PIN(fixed counter)
36 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage
Table 2 Bluetooth parameters summary (Cont.)
Parameter Full Name Object::Abbreviated Additional Detail Note
only visible at Site
Manager. Provides
Bluetooth device
address and
SiteSpecific Data
needed for pairing.
PairingRelationships BTOOTH::PairingRelat Guidance for List of
ionships (List of parameters PairingRelationship
PairingRelationship Entries
(PairingRelationship) BTOOTH::pairingOrde Guidance for Order number required
PairingOrderNumber rNum parameters by list structure.
(PairingRelationship) BTOOTH::deviceAddr Guidance for Bluetooth device
Bluetooth Device ess parameters address of peer device
(PairingRelationship) BTOOTH::deviceStatu Guidance for Peer Device may be
Device Status s parameters whitelisted or
(PairingRelationship) BTOOTH::outOfBandD - Not used in current
Out of Band Data ata release
Table 3 Config guidance - Bluetooth general policy: enable/disable Bluetooth and
the related Bluetooth Enabled Fault
Operator Bluetooth Ease of Local Security Protection Frequency/Persisten
Wireless Maintenance (2) ce of Bluetooth
Maintenance Policy (considering both availability +
(1) cases where NetAct “Bluetooth Enabled”
is and is not Fault Report (5)
available) (assuming
parameter “Activate
Bluetooth Enabled
Alarm” is set to true)
Leave Bluetooth On Highest Lowest Persistent
All of the Time alarm/availability.
CHANGE) (A) [Persistent]
Bluetooth is left
DN09241871 Issue: 01A © 2018 Nokia 37
Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
Table 3 Config guidance - Bluetooth general policy: enable/disable Bluetooth and
the related Bluetooth Enabled Fault (Cont.)
Operator Bluetooth Ease of Local Security Protection Frequency/Persisten
Wireless Maintenance (2) ce of Bluetooth
Maintenance Policy (considering both availability +
(1) cases where NetAct “Bluetooth Enabled”
is and is not Fault Report (5)
available) (assuming
parameter “Activate
Bluetooth Enabled
Alarm” is set to true)
i)Manually Set Lowest (3) Highest Rare alarm/availability.
Bluetooth Off Most of When:
the Time
(A) [RARE] Bluetooth
ii)Manually Enable BT is manually enabled
only as Needed for
local maintenance
ii) Manually Enable BT (A) [RARE] Bluetooth
only as Needed for is manually enabled
local maintenance (B) [FREQUENCY
Plane Backhaul
Reliablity] Extended
Mplane Outage with
(1) At site commissioning, the operator should consciously weigh the security and
operability tradeoffs to decide on a general policy to use Bluetooth for local maintenance.
To ease the initial deployment cases (for instance when a bucket truck installs the unit,
field tech comes separately to commission), Bluetooth is left enabled by default. After
site commissioning, the “Bluetooth Enabled” Fault prompts the operator to consciously
choose the general Bluetooth policy.
(2) Manually disabling Bluetooth entirely mitigates all Bluetooth-related security threats.
(3) However, manually setting Bluetooth off most of the time runs the operability risk that
Bluetooth may not be available during a M-plane outage (for instance loss of the
connection to iOMS/NetAct).
(4) Manually setting Bluetooth off to AutoFallback most of the time may require the field
tech to use out of band communication with NetAct/NOC to enable Bluetooth for local
maintenance (for instance when M-plane connection to iOMS/NetAct is up).
(5) Aside from the initial commissioning case, the “Bluetooth Enabled” Fault also reminds
the operator to disable Bluetooth when it is no longer needed (for instance after it has
been temporarily manually enabled as part of local maintenance).
38 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage
(6) For an operator who prefers to leave Bluetooth on all the time or who otherwise
prefers not to see the “Bluetooth Enabled” Fault reports (for instance due to frequent,
acceptable AutoFallback scenarios), the related configuration parameter “Enable
Bluetooth Transition Alarm” is available as a way to permanently disable the “Bluetooth
Enabled” Fault.
Table 4: Bluetooth-related alarms summarizes the alarms associated with the Bluetooth
Table 4 Bluetooth-related alarms
Alarm Summary
BLUETOOTH_ENABLED_ALARM When allowed by configuration, alarm is raised
to indicate that Bluetooth is enabled.
BLUETOOTH_PAIRED Successful Bluetooth pairing
BLUETOOTH_CONNECTED Successful PAN Service Connection
BLUETOOTH_AUTH_FAIL Repeated Bluetooth authentication failures.
Each device is forced to wait at least 10
seconds between pairing attempts.
Guidance for Parameters “Allow Legacy Pairing” and “Allow Bluetooth Secure
Simple Pairing”
The FZM’s One Time Passkey (OTP) Secure Simple Pairing (SSP) algorithm offers
security advantages over the FZM’s Legacy Pairing modes. However, the FZM Secure
Simple Pairing algorithm cannot be used with incompatible clients. Table 5: Client
compatibility with FZM Legacy/SSP pairing summarizes the compatibility concerns.
Table 5 Client compatibility with FZM Legacy/SSP pairing
Default Case - Allow Legacy Allow Bluetooth Compatible Incompatible
Usage Note Pairing (1) Secure Simple Clients(2)(3) Clients(2)(3)
Pairing (1)
No False False None. No pairing All. No pairing
possible. possible.
No - Better False True Linux Non-Linux
security (bluez4/bluez5) clients(3)
Yes - Best True False All None
No True True Linux Clients capable of
(bluez4/bluez5) SSP, with no
DN09241871 Issue: 01A © 2018 Nokia 39
Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
Table 5 Client compatibility with FZM Legacy/SSP pairing (Cont.)
Default Case - Allow Legacy Allow Bluetooth Compatible Incompatible
Usage Note Pairing (1) Secure Simple Clients(2)(3) Clients(2)(3)
Pairing (1)
Clients not option to disable
capable of SSP (6)
Clients with
options to disable
1. Per Bluetooth 2.1+ standard, SSP-capable clients connecting to an FZM with SSP-
enabled need to use Secure Simple Pairing. Clients with SSP-disabled or clients
incapable of SSP will perform Legacy pairing if the FZM has Legacy Pairing enabled.
2. FlexiZone Legacy OTP (One Time PIN) client tool support is only provided for
Windows and Linux (bluez4/bluez5) clients. As needed for compatibility with other
clients, static configured/generated Legacy pairing credentials can be used instead.
3. FlexiZone Secure Simple Pairing OTP (One Time Passkey) client tool support is only
provided for Linux (bluez4/bluez5) clients.
4. Linux clients with Bluetooth 2.1+ hardware allow SSP to be enabled or disabled.
5. Examples include clients with Bluetooth 2.0 hardware or the Microsoft Bluetooth
stack on Windows XP or Vista.
6. Examples include Windows 7 or later clients with Bluetooth 2.1+ hardware and the
Microsoft Bluetooth stack.
Table 6 Configuration of pairing credentials
Mode (1) Legacy Pairing Other PDDB xxxxKeyFile.ini xxxxSiteFile.ini
OTP Mode Parameters (2) Parameters (2)(3) Parameters(4)
OTP Legacy -1 => Default, legacyPairingSec LegacyPairingKey SiteSpecificData
Pairing Better Security => ret values
secret/key is hex
(-p encoded key for
LegacyPairing) OTP algorithm
40 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage
Table 6 Configuration of pairing credentials (Cont.)
Mode (1) Legacy Pairing Other PDDB xxxxKeyFile.ini xxxxSiteFile.ini
OTP Mode Parameters (2) Parameters (2)(3) Parameters(4)
OTP Secure Don’t care => sspPairingSecret SspPairingKey SiteSpecificData
Simple Pairing (-p Default, Better Values
SspPairing) security
(1) Logical mode names are referenced here for documentation purposes. Values in
parentheses are the corresponding arguments.
(2) As described in TEMPLATE_KeyFile.ini and the PDDB documentation, key/secret
values are hex-encoded. Values may be encoded/decoded with For OTP operator or generated PIN mode, a default FZM
value is used if the relevant key/secret is unspecified. For operator configure PIN, per
dbus specification, legacyPairingSecret/LegacyPairingCredential (post hex decoding)
should specify a valid UTF-8 string. This prevents the use of NUL bytes and certain other
character sequences. With LegacyPairingCredential configured in xxxxKeyFile.ini, the
following command can be used to do a partial validation of a the configured credential
before the value is tried on the FZM:
fzj MyHOTP -p LegacyPairing -k xxxxKeyFile.ini
(3) Where * is a wildcard, xxxxKeyFile.ini may be named <bt dev addr>*_KeyFile.ini (for
instance 000102030405_KeyFile.ini, 000102030405_RY1234567_KeyFile.ini) or
KeyFile.ini in the director where the matching SiteData.ini is found, current working
directory when is invoked, or the directory where is found.
(4) Where * is a wildcard, xxxxSiteFile.ini may be named <bt dev addr>*_SiteData.ini (for
instance 000102030405_SiteData.ini, 000102030405_RY1234567_SiteData.ini) or
SiteData.ini in the current working directory when is invoked or the
directory where is found.
(5) The methods described in can be used to populate the SiteSpecific data in
(6) When PDDB integer LegacyOTPMode is >= 0, xxxxSiteData.ini parameter
LegacyPairingCounter can be set to match as a 16 byte numeric hex encoding of a big-
endian, unsigned, 8-byte counter. For example:
LegacyPairingCounter=0000000000000000 specifies numeric value
0x0000000000000000 matching LegacyPairingOTPMode=0
LegacyPairingCounter=0000000000000001 specifies numeric value
0x0000000000000001 matching LegacyPairingOTPMode=1
LegacyPairingCounter=000000000CCCCC68 specifies numeric value
0x000000000CCCCC68 matching LegacyPairingOTPMode=214748264
Values by converted to/from numeric hex may be using the following FlexiZone
Authentication command lines:
fzj hex_encode -N <decimal_number>
fzj hex_decode -N <hex number>
For instance:
fzj hex_encode -N 214748264
DN09241871 Issue: 01A © 2018 Nokia 41
Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
1. Ensure that the Bluetooth in the device is enabled and has settings compatible with
the desired pairing mode(s) as per .
A. Disable the inquiry response on client side. Like with the FZM, there is no need for the
client device to expose its Bluetooth interface to casual observers. The relavant Linux
command is ”hciconfig hci0 pscan”. On Windows, right clicking on the Bluetooth icon for
the local device usually gives the option to prevent Bluetooth peers from seeing the PC.
B. Range (ideally ~30m for outdoor units and ~10m for indoor units) may vary based on
field conditions and type of client device. For best performance, use a Class 1 Bluetooth
C. Given the IP setup described in the following section, the Bluetooth interface supports
the same services as allowed over the local maintenance port (for instance site manager,
TRS web page and the like). Still, performance may limit the types of operations which
work well. The maximum expected throughput over Bluetooth under typical field
conditions is 1 Mbps.
D. For more detailed investigation of device status on Linux, try hciconfig -a.
E. For more detailed investigation of device status on Windows, try the
SDPBrowserDesktop.exe sample supplied with the tools.
Some useful options include:
• Test Info -> Radio Info (should be Connectable, Not PowerOff)
• Test Info -> Set Radio Mode
• Discover-> Add Device Address (to manually add Bluetooth device address)
• SDP Installed Services (to verify SDP is functioning on specified Bluetooth device
On Windows, in case of driver issue, -N and -B may also be used to try alternate pairing
42 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage
In case of persistent failure, other potential recovery methods include:
• turning the Bluetooth device off and then on again
• reinstalling the Bluetooth drivers
2. When prompted for Administrator/root privileges, invoke per use cases
and command line options described in Table 6: Configuration of pairing
credentialsTable: Configuration of Pairing Credentials. On Windows, right-clicking on the
icon for command or cygwin allows the user to start the command with Administrator
privileges. The also explains the option to use Windows Explorer integration to launch
the tool.
• For Windows cmd.exe, ensure that QuickEdit mode is disabled to prevent
unexpected pauses upon clicks in the window where the tool is executing. See also
• In case of failure, the FZM may subject the client PC to exponential backup starting
with a 15s delay before the client PC can successfully pair. Wait before retrying. In
case of repeated failures, it may take up to eight minutes for the exponential backoff
condition to clear.
• -i may be used to force to pick a particular interface to handle the
following cases:
– On Windows XP, some Bluetooth IP interfaces always appear enabled to wmic
queries used by So the tool may not accurately detect when the
PAN Service Connection is started/stopped.
– The tool cannot automatically handle the case where multiple Bluetooth IP
interfaces are present on the same client machine.
• As necessary, use -T (test mode) to process past certain errors for debugging errors
or to workaround blocking issues.
• By default, the tool uses Bluecove for pairing on Windows machines and thus
Bluecove limitations for compatibility on client machines apply. As necessary to work
around any driver or third party issues, you may also try:
– -N to use for pairing. This option relies on calls to a
working Microsoft .NET 3.5 installation.
– -B to pair using btpair.exe from the Bluetooth Command Line Tools
package. This option is much slower than the alternatives and may crash with
certain driver combinations. In particular, crashes have been reported on
Windows 8.
• If a web browser is connected to the site after pairing, ensure the browser uses no
proxy nor has exceptions for Bluetooth private addresses such as
DN09241871 Issue: 01A © 2018 Nokia 43
Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
• fzj bt_otp_pair -C skips the OTP query for FZM. However, even if -C is not specified,
LegacyPairingCredential will be used if found in xxxxKeyData.ini
• On all supported operating systems, fzj bt_otp_pair will automatically handle the
pairing with the FlexiZone Micro.
• Here are a few points to keep in mind while attempting re-pairing with an already
pairing device:
– To ensure the pairing step is not skipped when pairing with an already connected
device, fzj bt_otp_pair always clears the Windows record of the target
Bluetooth device address before initiating a pairing attempt. Windows may take
tens of seconds to complete the cleanup. With -B
(btpair.exe), the delay is noticeably longer than with the alternative pairing
– Furthermore, this logic may fail if a PAN Service connection is established at the
time where is invoked. Symptoms include skipped pairing and
inconsistent display in the Windows GUIs (for instance device not visible in
Bluetooth devices but PAN connection still not present).
– For that reason, will typically refuse to try pairing (or clear old
pairing) on Windows 7/8 if an already active PAN Service connection is
established for the target interface. However, this safeguard does not work on
Windows XP. In any case, the user has the option to force to
– In case an old PAN Service Connection must be removed and the Bluetooth
device is no longer present in the Bluetooth devices display applets you should
be able to clear the old connection by right clicking on the network connection in
Windows Network Connections dialog and choosing Disconnect.
See FZAT usage reference for additional usage information.
A. Start PAN Service Connection on Windows (this step is automatically handled on
When starts the Windows control panel applet(s) (for instance ‘Devices
and Printers’ on Windows 7/8), right-click on the desired Bluetooth device to “Connect
Using Access Point”. Alternatively follow the on screen prompts from If the
target Windows applet is also running before, you may need to check
minimized or background windows to find applets invoked by
For some Windows Bluetooth stacks, as shown in the device properties example in
Figure 6: Example of Bluetooth properties window where NAP Service needs to be
explicitly selected, the user may also need to manually enable the Bluetooth PAN
Service for the selected device before the PAN ‘Connect Using’ option appears.
However, the logic of typically covers this case on Windows 7 and
Windows 8.
44 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage
Figure 6 Example of Bluetooth properties window where NAP Service needs to be
explicitly selected
For Windows XP, Section 7 provides screenshots which show how to enable the PAN
Service Connection through the Windows “Network Connections” applet. displays the devices friendly name during its operation. You may also right
click on the device to view the device properties to confirm that the Bluetooth device
address matches the expected value.
B. If necessary, Adjust Network Configuration on Windows (this step is automatically
handled on Linux).
By default, for compatibility with the FZM IP address of, the script uses
client IP address with the subnet mask If allowed by
BTS configuration, a different IP address within the same subnet mask can be specified
with option -I.
DN09241871 Issue: 01A © 2018 Nokia 45
Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
After a PAN Service connection is established (or a longer timeout occurs on Windows
XP where automatic detection of PAN Service Connection is not implemented), will start the Network Connections applet to allow the user to manually
confirm or adjust network settings.
C. Confirm that target FZM passes web page ID check (step automatically handled on
On both Linux and Windows, will automatically check that the target FZM
passes an additional security check.
If this check fails on Linux, will automatically disconnect the PAN Service
If this check fails on Windows, the user should manually disconnect the PAN Service
Connection through the Windows applets discussed above.
D. Disconnect PAN Service Connect After Operations Are Done (this step is
automatically handled on Linux).
On Linux, if the process terminates (for instance by user pressing Ctrl-C in
the terminal), the corresponding PAN Service Connection will be torn down. Conversely,
if the PAN Service Connection ceases for another reason, the script will exit. On
Windows, the user should manually disconnect the PAN Service Connection by right-
clicking Disconnect in the applets described above.
Table 7 Abbreviated tool reference
Tool Description (cross-references) Description
fzj FetchSiteData fzj FetchSiteData [-I FZM_IP_address] [-O
btsOMUser] [-S ServiceAcctUser] [-M] [ -f file]
(See Mechanisms for storing authentication-
related site specific data A,B,C) Fetch site specific data and Bluetooth device
-I: defaults to
-M Data is manually entered, no need to fetch
data from site
-O: Typical choices include Nemuadmin. If
unspecified, user is prompted for username.
Either way, user is prompted for password.
-S: Typical choices include toor4nsn. If
unspecified, the user is prompted for
username. Either way, if needed, the user is
prompted for password.
46 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage
Table 7 Abbreviated tool reference (Cont.)
Tool Description (cross-references) Description
[-f file]: xxxxSiteData.ini format is read from file.
File may be ‘-‘ to read from standard input
terminated by Ctrl-D (Linux) or Ctrl-Z
fzj bt_otp_pair fzj bt_otp_pair -p procedure ( -s xxxSiteData.ini
| -b bdaddress) [-C ] [-I IP] [-i interface] [-T] [-
(See FZAT general operation)
Pair with site, establish PAN Service
connection, set client IP address, and verify
FZM is legitimate peer, cleanup interface at
script exit. Some manual steps required on
bdaddress=format hex value with or without
-C : skip fetch from FZM - counter or credential
expected in .ini files
-I : client IP address (default
-i: interface: Linux default (hci0), Windows
default (first active PAN service interface). See
output of’ wmic nicconfig; for available values
-T: test mode, proceed past certain failures for
-N:Windows only - use pairing
instead of bluecove BTPair
-B: Windows only - use btpair.exe instead of
bluecove BTPair. See section 5.2 for caveats.
-F: Force to try pairing even if
PAN Service Connection is already active.
Option not recommended. Instead it’s better to
manually remove the PAN Service Connection
before pairing or specify an alternate interface
using -i.
-s: Use specific xxxSiteData.ini instead of
locating SiteData.ini by Bluetooth address.
Bluetooth address derived from xxxSiteData.ini
will still be used to find matching
xxxKeyData.ini file.
fzj MyHOTP fzj MyHOTP -p procedure [-s xxxxSiteData.ini]
[-k xxxxKeyFile.ini] [-E] [-D]
(See Guidance for parameters and FZAT
installation details) Helper tool invoked by to process
xxxxSiteData.ini and xxxxKeyFileData.ini. Other
use cases: encrypt/decrypt config files, validate
LegacyPairingCredential value.
DN09241871 Issue: 01A © 2018 Nokia 47
Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
Table 7 Abbreviated tool reference (Cont.)
Tool Description (cross-references) Description
xxxxSiteData.ini => site data file with
SiteSpecificData and optional counter
xxxxKeyFile.ini => key data file with options
keys and credentials
-E Encrypt provided config files
-D Decrypt provided config files
fzj hex_encode fzj hex_encode [-N number] [optional args]
(See Guidance for parameters) Encode value as hex for use with PDDB,
xxxxSiteData.ini, and xxxxKeyFile.ini values.
With -N, number is taken as numeric integer
and converted to a 16 byte hex counter value.
Without -N, if optional args are given, they are
concatenated and converted to a hex string
Without -N, if no args are given, stdin is read
and converted to a hex string representation
fzj hex_decode fzj hex_encode [-N hexnumber] [hexStr]
(See Guidance for parameters) Decode hex value for interpretation for PDDB,
xxxxSiteData.ini, and values.
With -N, hexnumber is taken as a hex number
and converted to the decimal equivalent.
Without -N, hex encoded String hexStr is
converted to raw binary.
SdpBrowserDesktop.exe Windows only debug/diagnostics tool.
(See FZAT general operation) cd 32feet.Net/bin/Debug
fzj bt_scan Find nearby visible Bluetooth devices and show
names mapped to Bluetooth device addresses.
For security reasons, the FZM is not usually
fzj bt_fix_qr_data fzj bt_fix_qr_data ini_file
(See FlexiZone site specific data - handling of Updates ini file to corrects for known issues in
report) some factory issued site specific data reports
48 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage
Figure 7 Bluetooth Devices window
To establish a PAN user, the user can instead go to the Network Connections applet,
click Right Mouse Button (RMB) on “Bluetooth Network Connection” and choose “View
Bluetooth Network Devices”. The Network Connections applet can be accessed in many
ways, including the control netconnections command.
Figure 8 Network Connections window
DN09241871 Issue: 01A © 2018 Nokia 49
Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
To finish the procedure, select the FZM’s friendly name as shown by, and
click “Connect”.
Figure 9 Bluetooth Personal Area Network Devices window
50 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage
Setting the IP address manually is similar to Windows 7. Right-click the Bluetooth
Network Connection icon, and select “Properties”. Then double-click or select and click
“Properties” on “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)”.
The image presents a sample QR-Encoded INI file 0017E9C17AEF_SiteData.ini
Figure 10 A QR-Encoded INI file 0017E9C17AEF_SiteData.ini
DN09241871 Issue: 01A © 2018 Nokia 51
Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS
The following is a sample TXT INI file 0017E9C17AEF_SiteData.ini
• On Android – QR Code Reader, QR Droid
• On iPhone - QRReader
• On Windows Mobile - Bar Code Lens
After the scanned data is transferred to the target PC (for example using a
secure/corporate email account on a smartphone, or USB transfer), to get a properly
named config file from the scanned content you can manually rename the file (following
related comments in the scanned data) or use the following command (also, when using
FZAT versions prior to v1_4, refer to the Exception Case section for workarounds for
errors in factory report data):
fzj FetchSiteData -f file
where file may be a filename or - to read from standard input terminated by
Ctrl-D (Linux) or Ctrl-Z (Windows)
Some QR SW/HW reader combinations introduce trailing whitespace on the lines in the
.ini file. FZAT V1.5 and later automatically ignore this trailing whitespace. To remove
trailing whitespace and prevent related errors with FZAT v1.4 and earlier, remove the
trailing whitespace, for example using a text editor.
A script in the Windows command line:
#Copy scanned ini file to backup name (old_ini_file_spaces.ini) and pick
new_ini_file.ini matching conventions
.\perl.exe –wne "s@\s+(\r?\n)@\1@;print" old_ini_file_spaces.ini>
52 © 2018 Nokia DN09241871 Issue: 01A
Bluetooth User Guide for Flexi Zone BTS Flexi Zone Authentication Tools installation and usage
The available corrections/workarounds to complete successful one time PIN/passkey
Bluetooth pairing given an erroneous site specific data factory report, with most
recommended options listed first, include:
1. Use FZAT v1_5 or later pairing tools.
Without modifying the input .ini file on disk, FZAT v1_5 and later will automatically
compensate for the known issues in factory reported site specific data to allow
pairing to complete. The output of pairing tools will indicate an extra message on
standard error when one of the indicators for suspect data has been detected and
2. Use one of the alternate means (for example NetAct or site manager as described in
) to pull the site specific info needed for pairing.
These are not impacted by the factory report issue.
3. (When forced to use FZAT versions prior to v1_5) Correct the site specific data in the
factory site specific report.
FZAT v1_5 and later tools provide the following command:
fzj bt_fix_qr_data file
where file is the name of the input .ini file. Regardless of
if any issues are detected, this command will update the original
.ini file and create a backup with suffix .BAK_QR
For example, given input file xxxx_SiteData.ini will be updated
and xxxx_SiteData.ini.BAK_QR will contain a backup of the original
For versions of FZAT prior to v1_5, the script can be created in the
FZAT tools directory by copy and pasting the content given in the Listing below.
Then from the FZAT tools directory the script can be invoked using the following
perl –w file
Note that, for convenience on Windows platforms, perl.exe is
available in the FZAT tools directory.
DN09241871 Issue: 01A © 2018 Nokia 53