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Health Proble m Presenc e of Acciden tal Hazard s

Family Nursing Problem Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal development due to inadequate knowledge for preventive measures as manifested by the unsafe construction of the stairs and presence of sharppointed objects.

Goal Care

of Objectives of Intervention Care s After 2-4 days 1) Di of rendering of scuss the appropriate importance and effective of safe and nursing hazard-free intervention, home. the family will 2) Educating be able to: the family a) Understand on the the possible importance causes of of safe and accidents hazard-free within their home. house. b) Determine 3)Demonstrat the major e with the causes of family the accidents basic within their preventive house. measures c) Provide to minimize proper and preventive eliminate measures. the d) Minimize or presence of eliminate accidental the hazards. presence of accidental

After 2-4 days of rendering appropria te and effective nursing interventi on, the family will have adequate knowledg e about proper preventiv e measures .

Method of Resources NurseEvaluation Required Family Contact MATERIAL: Home STANDARD: Visual aids Visit After 2-4 days of for health rendering teaching and appropriate and for the effective nursing demonstratio intervention, the n of proper family had enough preventive knowledge for measures. proper preventive measures. HUMAN: CRITERIA: Cooperation, After 1-2 days of time and rendering effort of both appropriate and the student effective nursing nurses and intervention, the the family. family was able to: a) Understand the FINANCIAL: importance of Money use safe and hazardfor free home. transportatio b) Determine n and other the major causes materials of accidents needed. within their house. c) Perform proper preventive measures.


Health Proble m

Family Nursing Problem

Goal Care

of Objectives of Care

Nursing Interventi ons

Resources Required

Method of NurseFamily


Contact Poor Personal Hygiene Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal development due to lack of or inadequate knowledge of importance of hygiene and sanitation as manifested by: Poor personal hygiene -Not using slippers outside the house. -The familys clothes are mostly wrinkled and dirty. -The childrens toes and fingernails are After 2-5 days of appropriat e and effective nursing interventio ns, the family will be able to acquired necessary knowledge to provide a home and environme nt conducive to health maintenan ce and personal developme nt. After 2-5 days of effective and appropriate nursing interventions , the family will be able to: a) Understand the importance of good personal hygiene. b) Identify the cause of poor personal hygiene. c) Perform activities that promote good personal hygiene. d) Maintain a good personal hygiene. e) 1. Discuss the importance of good personal hygiene. 2. Explain the cause of poor personal hygiene. 3. Demonstrat e activities that promote good personal hygiene. 4. Encourage family to maintain a good personal hygiene. 5. Discuss the negative effects of poor MATERIAL: HomeVisual aids visit for health teaching for the discussion and demonstrati on on how to obtain proper hygiene. HUMAN: Cooperation , time and effort of both the students and the family. FINANCIAL: Money use for transportati on and other materials needed STANDARD: After 2-5 days of appropriate and effective nursing interventions, the family was able to acquired necessary knowledge to provide a home and environment conducive to health maintenance and personal development. CRITERIA: After 2-5 days of effective and appropriate nursing interventions, the family was able to: a) Understand the importance of good personal hygiene. b) Identify the cause of poor personal hygiene.

dirty. -the house is disorganized

Understand personal the negative hygiene. effects of poor personal hygiene.

c) Perform activities that promote good personal hygiene. d) Maintain a good personal hygiene. e) Understand the negative effects of poor personal hygiene

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