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Green Energy Harvesting from Waste Plastic

Materials by Solar Driven Microwave Pyrolysis

Debadyoti Ghosh, Sujit Kumar Bandyopadhyay and G S Taki
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Institute of Engineering and Management, Kolkata, India

world-wide. Actually, half of all plastic produced is

Abstract—A large part of used non-bio-degradable designed to be used only once and then thrown away.
waste plastic material causes enormous environmental After using these plastic products, a major part of
problems by restricting the flow of the streams and
plastic wastes is currently used for land filling and
drainage system, spoiling the fertility of the soil and also
instigating harms to the animals. The matter has remaining amount is incinerated. Since these wastes
become a great concern for the civilized life. In order to are non-biodegradable in nature, agricultural
maintain environmental balance, either recycling or landfilling is not a suitable option for disposing such
converting plastic/polythene waste to useful materials is plastic wastes. Moreover, due to urbanization,
the best alternative, which has been considered here. landfilling has become a limited scope. The
The process preferably should be eco-friendly and
incinerator incurs additional cost and also generates
economic. Polythene and plastics are basically long
chain of hydrocarbons and such long chain of large air pollutants containing nitrous and sulfur
hydrocarbons can be disintegrated to their suitable oxides, dusts, dioxins and furan.
simpler stable monomer by pyrolysis. Here, the working The most common municipal solid waste (MSW)
principle of a eco-friendly “Plastic to Fuel” pyrolysis recycling techniques use composting method to
conversion plant along with its design and development recover the organic fraction of the waste, but the
methodology is being discussed in detail. High-density
inorganic fraction is still untreated. Hence some
and low-density polyethylene (HDPE, LDPE) wastes are
pyrolyzed at moderately high temperature (~4500C- techniques should be adopted for destroying the
5000C) under sub-atmospheric pressure inside a waste plastic material without any harm to the
pyrolysis reactor chamber. Sodium bentonite clay acts environment. This induces the need of developing a
as the catalyst to promote the conversion efficiency. The technique to produce higher value products from
waste polythene mass is quickly heated with the help of these waste plastic materials. Waste plastic can be
a solar driven microwave oven. The efficient dielectric
pyrolyzed into liquid like diesel and petrol, appears to
heating property of microwave will be utilized to attain
the pyrolysis temperature quickly. This technique be a very good alternative.
reduces the time taken for the pyrolysis reactions and Article by Ranbir Bagri et. al.,[1] shows the pyrolysis
also the total energy needed by the process. The solar of lowdensity polyethylene sample with 2–3 mm
energy driven plant makes it a cost effective process. diameter pellets, at 5000C in presence of zeolite
The produced pyrolyzed gas is allowed to pass through catalyst (zeolite ZSM-5 and Y-zeolite) which
a water cooled condenser for distillation set up. Thus, produces oils of aliphatic compounds. Without the
major part of the produced gas will be condensed to catalyst, pyrolysis produces oil containing low
form liquid. Usually, several gases produced in burning,
concentration of aromatic hydrocarbons. It is also
pollute the environment, but in this vacuum pyrolysis
method the emission of harmful gases are negligible.
seen that the use of Y-zeolite produces significantly
greater concentration of aromatic hydrocarbons than
Keywords—pyrolysis; distillation; catalyst; vacuum that of zeolite ZSM-5 catalyst. M. Puncochar et.
reactor; vacuum pump al.,[2] carried out plasma pyrolysis at 20kg/hr
capacity to transform high calorific plastic waste into
I. INTRODUCTION gaseous products containing hydrogen, carbon
monoxide, methane, acetylene, ethylene and other
The accumulation of synthetic waste plastic products
higher order hydrocarbons. The products were
like bottles, bags, and micro beads in the precisely characterized by gas chromatograph and
environment causes adverse effect to the humans and products were suitable as syngas applications. No tar
wildlife. 100 million tones plastics are produced was produced in this process. Mochamad Syamsiro

978-1-7281-9287-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

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et. al.,[3] studied oil produced from municipal wastes materials by heating at a very high temperature.
by sequential pyrolysis (4500C)& catalytic reforming Ideally the heating is to be carried out at oxygen free
process using commercial Y-Zeolite & natural environment to avoid oxidation ata temperature
Zeolite as catalysts. Natural Zeolite catalyst enhanced between 3500C and 9000C. The products formed
the liquid product compared with Y-Zeolite catalyst. include a carbonized char (solid residues) and a
The quality of produced oil was inferior to those of volatile fraction. A fraction of the volatile
commercial diesel. Shafferina Dayana, et. al.,[4] componentis condensed to produce paraffins,
reviewed several pyrolysis processes for each type of isoparaffins, olefins, naphthene, and aromatics. The
plastics and the parameters like pyrolysis remaining non-condensable gas is of high calorific
temperatures, type of reactors, residence time, value. The products formed and their precise
pressure, catalysts, type of fluidizing gas and its flow composition depends on the type of the plastic waste
rate that influences the pyrolysis process. The and the process conditions. The prominent advantage
optimization process to produce fuel was vividly of catalytic cracking process is that the catalyst
discussed. Mantesh Basappa Khot, et. al.,[5] studied lowers the reaction temperature and time. In thermal
the fuel preparation from low density plastic waste by cracking a broad variety of products are formed by
thermal pyrolysis without catalyst at about 3000C braking polymeric chain, but in catalytic degradation
temperature in absence of oxygen. Here thermal the product distribution will be much narrower, on
cracking process has been used without catalyst. and around lighter hydrocarbons. The cost-
Various properties of plasto-fuel are compared with effectiveness makes process more attractive. So, this
petrol and diesel. B. Chiwara et. al.,[6] used the method is usually adopted for the synthesis of
Attainable Region (AR) optimization techniquebased petroleum based oil. The importance of this work lies
pyrolysis of HDPE or LDPE samples separately, in the performance comparison of various catalysts
results maximum outputs with less number of mixed like barium carbonate, zeolite 1, silica alumina 1
components. It also shows that various types of (SA1) silica alumina 2 (SA2) and zeolite 2 for the
plastics produce different types of products. Awinash thermal cracking of waste polythene and selecting the
Kumar et. al.,[7] give a study which reveals the most suitable catalyst based on the yield and thermo
physicochemical characterization and catalytic physical properties of the hydrocarbon oil obtained.
behavior of locally available sodium bentonite clay
that can be a useful catalyst in pyrolysis of waste III. BASIC PRINCIPLE AND PROCESS
plastic within the temperature range of 4500C to In this communication, a sustainable process has
5000C. been described where polyethylene or waste plastics
are pyrolyzed in high temperature (4500C-5000C) in
II. BASIC PROCESSES INVOLVED IN PYROLYSIS & presence of sodium bentonite clay catalyst. The main
ROLE OF CATALYST ON TEMPERATURE & ON FINAL advantage of bentonite containing 80-90%
PRODUCTS montmorillinite is its absorption properties which has
In Pyrolysis process, Polyethylene is broken into the rendered its use as binders/fillers [7]. Sodium
following components: bentonite clay is very cheap and locally available.
The heat is supplied to the pyrolysis chamber by a
solar driven microwave oven. The gas produced
[-CH2-CH2 -] n + H2O + Heat xCH4 + yH2 +
during pyrolysis is allowed to pass through a
zCO + Soot + higher Hydrocarbons ..…. (i) cascaded water-cooled condenser of a distillation
setup. The condensed liquid will be collected at two
CH4 + H2O CO + 3H2 …...(ii)
different temperatures. Thus, the major part of the
C + H2O CO + H2 produced gas will be condensed into liquid. In this
cascaded distillation process, a small amount of the
Our Proposed Route: non-condensable produced gas will be allowed to
This vacuum pyrolysis process breaks down the long escape in the nature through proper filter
polymeric chains to form useful smaller molecular arrangement. As the feed material is either high
weight stable compounds. The products of this density poly-ethylene (HDPE) or low density poly-
process are extremely useful as fuels or chemicals. ethylene (LDPE) for this process, the optimum
The pyrolysis reaction can be carried with or without process temperature will be a unique value. A close
using a catalyst atless oxygen environment. Without loop continuous monitoring and supervisory system
catalyst, it is thermal cracking or thermolysis, and in enables to adjust the temperature of the pyrolysis
the presence of catalyst, it is catalytic pyrolysis. reactor for checking production rate and the quality
Pyrolysis process involves the cracking polymeric of the produced liquid. Our proposed technology may

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Gothenburg. Downloaded on December 19,2020 at 15:09:47 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
serve as a dual purpose of not only taking care of the temperature levels for optimization of the produced
waste management problem, but also producing hydrocarbon oil.
cheaper, safer oil products for running IC engine (iii) Comparative analysis of the produced fuel will
operated irrigation pumps to be used in the rural non- be carried out for comparing with petrol and diesel to
electrified areas and also for motor boats used in the improve its quality for commercial use.
rivers. It is basically a cost effective eco-friendly
recycling system. VI. CONCLUSION
This is a burning topic that involves a great challenge
IV. EXPERIMENTAL SET UP to restore clean environment in the society. The
A schematic diagram of the complete set up is shown process and technique mentioned here is very much
in fig.1 below. As this plant will run in day time, environment friendly and it can be used for
solar power harnessed in the day time will meet the destroying waste plastic materials in reuse concept.
electrical power requirement of the microwave oven. This technique has the ethical aspect of cleaning the
Here, several nos. of commercially available environment from harmful waste plastic materials as
microwave ovens will deliver the microwave well as the commercial aspect of producing
dielectric heating power operating in parallel combustible fuel at a very cheap rate. Our target is to
configuration. A multi-point temperature monitoring optimize the route for minimum power utilization
and control system will be used to measure the with the quality improvement of produced fuel, so
temperature at various levels. This close loop that in near future it can be an ideal method of
supervisory system will control the switching on and obtaining diesel and petrol from polythene and plastic
off of the microwave oven. This control system also waste.
controls the sequence of raw material pouring
through a valved hoper, opening/closing the VII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
multiway valve V, and also switching on/off the We would like to express our gratitude to Dr. Satyajit
vacuum pump. The total process control including Chakrabarti, Director of Institute of Engineering &
the flow and temperature of cooling water will be Management and Dr. Malay Gangopadhyay, HOD of
supervised by this system. A scroll dry vacuum pump ECE department of IEM for providing the fund to
will create the desired vacuum in the reactor. carry out the project and also for their continuous
support. We also would like to thank Samit Karmakar
and Soumik Kumar Kundu for helping us by
providing initial information.

[1] Ranbir Bagri, Paul T. Williams, “Catalytic pyrolysis of
polyethylene”, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,
63 (2002) 29 – 41, Elsevier 2001.
[2] M. Puncochar, B. Ruj, P.K. Chatterjee, “Development of
process for disposal of plastic waste using plasma pyrolysis
technology & option for energy recovery”, Procedia
Engineering 42 (2012) 461 – 473, Elsevier 2012.
[3] Mochamad Syamsiro, Harwin Saptoadi, Tinton Norsujianto,
Putri Noviasri, Shuo Cheng, Zainal Alimuddin, Kunio
Yoshikawa, “Fuel Oil Production from Municipal Plastic
Wastes in Sequential Pyrolysis and Catalytic Reforming
Fig.1. Block diagram of total system Reactors”,Energy Procedia 47 ( 2014 ) 180 – 188,
Elsevier 2014.
[4] Shafferina Dayana, Anuar Sharuddin, Faisal Abnisa, Wan
Mohd Ashri Wan Daud, Mohamed Kheireddine Aroua, “A
V. PLAN OF PRODUCT ANALYSIS review on pyrolysis of plastic wastes”,Energy Conversion
A plan for analysis of the products for the present and Management, Volume 115, 1 May 2016, Pages 308-326.
[5] Mantesh Basappa Khot, S Basavarajappa, “plastic waste into
work is as follows: fuel using pyrolysis process”, International Research Journal
(i) Non-condensable gases derived from the pyrolysis of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 04, Issue:
of polyethylene will be characterized and examined 09, Sep -2017.
using Gas Chromatograph to ensure the absence of [6] B. Chiwara, E. Makhura, G. Danha, S. Bhero, E. Muzenda,
P.Agachi, “Pyrolysis of plastic waste into Fuel and other
any hazardous components which may cause harmful products”, Proceedings Sardinia 2017 / Sixteenth
effect to the environment. International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium/ 2
(ii) The yield and compositional analysis of produced - 6 October 2017 S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy /
hydrocarbon oil will be carried out at various 2017 by CISA Publisher, Italy Sardinia 2017.

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Gothenburg. Downloaded on December 19,2020 at 15:09:47 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
[7] Awinash kumar, Pradip Lingfa,”Physicochemical
characterization of sodium bentonite clay and its significance
as a catalyst in plastic wastes valorization,” IEMENTech,
29-31 Aug. 2019.

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Gothenburg. Downloaded on December 19,2020 at 15:09:47 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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