Legal Issues To Consider During Product Development. (2019, December 21)
Legal Issues To Consider During Product Development. (2019, December 21)
Legal Issues To Consider During Product Development. (2019, December 21)
Quarter THIRD Date Week 6
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
A. Introduction 1 Hour Presentation
If you did, Good Job! You are now ready to gather more information
for our lesson for today.
Let’s do an exciting activity first. Are you watching the news? Can you
give an example of a local news pertaining to a Legal involvement of
a product or a certain service in our country, choose one and explain
it briefly what is it and why it is important?
And because we are dealing with products and services, we are also
needed to be careful of our surroundings and the people who use
them it will be our guide and as well our protection in dealing some
legal things in our business.
Here are some of the legal issues that is needed to consider when
producing products:
VI. REFLECTION ● Write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts
I understand that ___________________.
I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________.