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KULT - The Laraine Estate

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Sarah Richardson

Jason Fryer

Alex Obernigg
Jacqueline Bryk
Characters, locations and incidents are portrayed from the
metaphorical viewpoint of the KULT: Divinity Lost setting.
Printer-friendly Layout
Gabriel Pellizzaro

© 2021 Cabinet Licensing LLC. KULT and related logos, characters, names, and distinctive likenesses thereof
are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cabinet Licensing LLC. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

Game system © 2021 Helmgast AB. KULT: Divinity Lost is developed and published by Helmgast AB.

the laraine

n this scenario you will be
playing a group of people search-
ing for a lost urban explorer. You
know she went into the Laraine
Estate, but never came out. But
someone found some of her foot-
age and uploaded it. In it, she is
screaming and crying about the
beautiful fire.

Includes five pre-generated char-

acters, non-player characters, and
a map.
This scenario has the player characters (PCs) investigating the Once your players find the entrance to the caverns, you may
disappearance of a small group during an urban exploration be tempted to speed up the pace, but don’t. Slowly describe
jaunt to the Laraine Estate. The estate has been the site of many the sounds of the Angel’s Followers performing their acts of
horrific events over the years, and urban legend has it to be love. The air should be full of moans, screams, grunts, prayers,
haunted. In truth, a Mad Angel has recently taken up residence and the slap of bare skin against bare skin. The incense is so
in the basement of the Laraine Estate, and has plans for anyone thick that it lingers even on the tongue, and so too the taste of
stumbling into its domain. copper, mold, and wet earth. The shadows flicker in the can-
dlelight, and the darkness seems to writhe if stared at it for too
long. There is an energy in the air they can feel, and the Angel
itself is truly frightening and wondrous, overwhelming to even
Scenario Theme look at.
Other than that, all I can advise is to have fun!
This scenario is all about types of love. Physical love, famil-
ial love, romantic love, spiritual love – and all the shades in
between as well as the dark spaces that people tell themselves
they’re in a form of love. The Angel believes it is doing some-
thing wonderful for the missing people by allowing them to
The Scenario
fully express their love. The Angel’s devotees feel the burning
The Laraine family’s estate sprawls among towering weeping
fire within, and it is the closest thing to being touched by god
willows, its crumbling foundations slowly sinking into the
the devotees have known. It believes itself to be the Archon
swampy ground in the backwaters of a southern state. Mist
of Love, and seeks to bring that love to as many people as
hovers even on the sunniest of days, as if the grounds them-
selves try to avoid notice. The Laraine family descended from
the founders of the nearby city, Colchester. In 1858, Viliulfo
Laraine built a grand mansion for his new bride, Aldonza,

Tips for the on the outskirts of the city, funded by his successful brewing

Gamemaster Their history quickly devolved into sorrow, and the house was
the site of many tragedies. Aldonza died giving birth to their
third child, and Viliulfo committed suicide shortly thereafter,
One of the best pieces of advice I can give is simply, if you want claiming he did not want to live in a world without his love,
to scare your players, use something that scares you. leaving their children to be raised by the staff. Murder, men-
Horror is best portrayed in a quiet environment, with dim lights tal illness, and suicide played out each generation, with the
and maybe some mood music. Take your time in describing a scandals hushed up through the judicial application of money,
scene, and make sure to touch on at least two senses in order until the family home was inevitably auctioned off. Few buyers
to immerse your players in the horrific things around their wanted a property steeped in death and madness, and the
characters. You can describe what a damp underground tunnel Laraine property sat vacant until recently.
looks like, but if you tell your players how the sounds echo off Rumors of caves under the house have persisted among the
the round walls and bounce back amplified, or how the slime younger population of the town for years, but the recent
coats their fingers when they catch themselves on a wall, or popularity of urban exploration had increased vandalism and
how the smell of wet earth, incense, and sweat combine into the presence of homeless squatters on the Laraine home. A
a miasma that lingers on their clothes and hair, then you’ve Youtube video surfaced of a fairly well known cataphile going
made it real for them. by the handle of “Popper Polly” crying and screaming that
The majority of the scenario takes place in and under the she was lost somewhere underneath the Laraine house, and
Laraine estate, so make sure to flesh out the individual rooms. there was a “beautiful fire.” It was widely debunked as a hoax
Linger on the clues of the estate’s history, such as old diaries, put on by Popper Polly in order to assume a new identity by
paintings, or graffiti marked wallpaper peeling back to reveal “killing” off the old, and sturdier fences had to be put in place
childish scribblings on the plaster underneath. Buildings that as more urban explorers flocked to the site. No one seemed to
have been abandoned for a long time tend to have inhabitants notice how few explorers returned from their trip to the Laraine
that move furniture and objects around to suit them, regardless Estate.
of the room’s intended purpose. This means that rooms will
have odd contents, such as a dresser in the kitchen, or a bed
frame placed to block the doors into a room so that the only
entrance is through an exterior window. Squatters will also
leave some of their own belongings in the places they stay, but
be careful when placing random items in a room. Players tend
to believe every object is vital to the plot, and they may focus
on a random item that you intended to be just window-dress-
ing. If this happens, see if you can incorporate the object into
the plot by tying it to one of the missing people.

illegal activities. There is a room that was once an office in
front, and some of the stalls are still intact. Some of the decora-
tive stained glass survived the years, and bats roost among the

rafters. Bits of leather and some equipment such as combs and
old horseshoes still clutter the corners, and a perpetual musk
lingers, courtesy of its original inhabitants.
Escalation The PCs may discover Maram Jahani’s belongings in one of the
stalls, including her mother’s wedding ring – the only keepsake
The Mad Angel’s Ritual Maram had refrained from pawning to fuel her drug habit,
which Jona would recognize. There are chalk diagrams on the
[1] Gather their Prime Follower, an individual able to channel
wall of Maram’s spot that Paz and Cassidy would recognize as
the Angel’s energy.
the scribbled notes a practitioner would use as part of a sum-
[2] Set up ritual space to prepare for the event. moning ritual to open gates to Metropolis.
[3] Draw in other followers to provide energy for the ritual.
[4] Perform ritual, which will destroy followers in an orgy of
sex and fire while imbuing the Prime with the pure fire of After the PCs finish their search of the former stable, they will
love. find the overgrown road leading to the main house. There is
a tall wrought iron fence surrounding the whole estate, but
[5] Unleash the Prime Follower into the area, following in their
it is easily surpassed, and there are plenty of places where
wake to view the greatness they have created.
other people have broken in before them. There is a large gate
Goal: Spread the fire of pure love and become the true Archon blocking the road, but it swings open when the wind blows,
of Love once more. creaking loudly. It has a large crest in the middle of the gates
that features a fancy ‘L,’ as well as hops, barley, and other
brewing-related symbols. A bit of the gilding can still be seen
on the old iron. The points of the fence also feature stylized
Central Scenes hops, although many are broken off. Native grasses and plants
such as skunk cabbages, bristly sedge, and cattails obscure the
base of the fence, and it’s overrun at times by wild roses and
Act 1: brambles.
The Estate is Located, The house itself is visible between weeping willows from all
and the Exploration angles of approach. It is a three story Victorian mansion, with
Begins a widow’s walk on the top floor surrounded by more wrought
iron. The outside has black paint peeling off in long strips, and
SCENE 1: THE STABLES the remains of a brick walkway leads up to the double front
The scenario starts with the PCs approaching the Laraine Estate. doors. There is a tower on the northwest corner, topped with
They will first encounter the outbuilding that Maram has been tarnished copper tiles. The entire structure is tilted slightly
squatting in. The former stable is trashed from years of squat- down in that direction, part of the foundation having sunk a
ters using it as a temporary home, but there are no occupants few feet into the swamp. Tall, narrow windows dot the exterior
currently. It is a wooden building showing signs of minor fires in a haphazard fashion, as if they may not always match up
and the ravages of time, but is still structurally sound enough with floors correctly. Stylized hop leaves are a recurring motif
to attract the itinerant and those looking for a private spot for in many of the decorative elements, from cornices to stained
glass windows to the finials of stairs.

The Entryway smell, like a bakery. Marcelina Laraine-Abaroa poisoned three
of her five children in this room by serving arsenic to them in
This large, decrepit room is strangely free of the marks of
fairy cakes.
squatters. There is a fireplace taking up a large portion of
one wall. It is made of sandstone and bears the motto “Dum There is a child’s water-soaked swimming suit lying crumpled
exspiro spero” (While I Breathe, I Hope) carved into its face, in a corner, which Chen Wu recognizes. Anyone picking it up
along with stylized sprites puffing up their cheeks and find themselves unable to breathe, gasping for breath while a
blowing out tendrils of air. There is the rustle of rats, but deepening pressure fills their lungs instead of air. Their hands
nothing else stirs here. This room smells of wet wood and clutch the swimsuit convulsively, so that it has to be violently
mold, underlaid with the musky scent of rats, and a linger- torn from them. Once separated from the swimsuit, PCs recover
ing trace of honey. the ability to breathe.

Anyone who stands in front of the fireplace for more than

a few moments will begin to feel sexually aroused, and
soon believes the nearest individual fitting their sexual
orientation is to blame. Aldonza’s body was displayed
here for two days following her death, and before her

The Grand Stairwell

There are 111 steps to get all the way to the top of the
tower, and each step creaks under the weight of any-
one walking. There are several landings and small
alcoves that may contain interesting artifacts such as:
a small skull with a demonic symbol carved into it
which Cassidy may recognize, a ceramic lamb whose
eyes have been replaced with tangled, red Christmas
lights, one of Popper Polly’s signature hot pink car-
abiners, and a family bible inscribed with the Reyes
family tree – although Desi’s name has been violently
scratched out. The banisters on a landing halfway up
are blackened and there is a lingering smell of smoke,
although there is no other signs of fire. This is where
William Laraine, an heir of Viliulfo, hung himself after
a love affair ended badly. He shot his lover before
tying some of her hair into his noose.
On the floor lies a crumpled note filled with
deranged poetry about love for a heavenly creature.
Anyone reading this to themselves will have vivid
memories of a love they have not yet experienced,
and reading it aloud causes all within earshot to
drop whatever they are doing and relive the last
time they felt truly, deeply loved. All are left with a
deep melancholy for several minutes afterwards.

The Drawing Room

At one time this was the entertainment hub of
the house. There is a grand piano in the alcove
created by a bow window, its stained glass now
broken and lying on the floor, and bits of broken
furniture stick out from the trash gathered along
the sides of the room. Another fireplace faces the
bow window, this one carved with the motto
“Ardenter amo” (Ardently Love), and features an
Angel holding the ribbon the letters are carved
into. There is an ornate iron gate in one wall,
and the entrance to the non-functional elevator
is located in the basement. The gate has more
Angels and fairies worked into the metal, and
the gilded frame resembles a heavily flowering
rose vine. It looks down into darkness, and
there is the faintest whisper of moans if you
listen closely. The room has a sweet, yeasty

The Bedroom revealing a rough opening torn into the wall. There is a handle
on the concealed side, so they may close the cupboard behind
Upstairs in the main bedroom, the substantial marital bed still
themselves after entering.
dominates the room. The carved wooden headboard rises up to
the ceiling, and the frame for curtains now carries only ragged The Kitchen
bits of velvet and the iron rings used to secure the fabric to it.
A large wooden table still occupies the center of the room,
The fireplace in this room is bricked up, and all of the windows
appearing to be too heavy for one or two people to shift easily.
have been smashed. Ravens have made a nest in one corner
Burnt cans are piled in the fireplace, and the heavy iron is miss-
of the ceiling, held up by the elaborate molding, and the room
ing all of its doors. A squirrel has made its nest in the smallest
smells of fresh air and bird shit. Black feathers drift in the
compartment. There is the lingering scent of Popper Polly’s per-
breeze. Charlotte Laraine died giving birth to her second child
fume – a combination of vetiver, frankincense, and patchouli,
in this bed, as did Aldonza.
which Desi recognizes. Benicio Laraine, the last of the family to
Someone tore out the pages of a children’s coloring book own the house, fell and broke his hip while preparing break-
about the sea and then pasted them to the wall in the south- fast. His body wasn’t found for months.
eastern corner, while pieces of glass and sea shells have been
arranged in a semi-circle before it. Chen Wu recognizes these
as belonging to their lost sister. Anyone standing inside the Act 2:
circle smells the sea air, feels the sun on their skin, and is The Caverns are Revealed
reminded of a happy childhood memory.
The Attic
When the characters find the secret staircase in the servant’s
At some previous point, someone disarticulated hundreds of quarters, they may choose to go into the caverns. The stairwell
rat skeletons and then reassembled them into patterns across is concealed behind a cupboard, and is accessed by pressing
the walls and ceiling of the attic, rendering intricate mandalas on the back of the cabinet, which causes the entire unit to
and mosaics across wooden beams and plaster alike. There is a swing out, revealing a rough opening in the wall. There is a
foul-smelling, unkempt bed in one corner, and a rolled up copy handle on the concealed side, so they may close it behind
of a pornography magazine stuffed in a gap in the floorboards themselves.
nearby. Cassidy will recognize it as a particularly well-loved
The staircase itself is decayed and rickety. It spirals tightly
issue. Elian Laraine died by falling through the rose window in
around itself, and the walls on both sides are slick with con-
the front wall; he had snuck up here to play despite his parents
densation and slant slightly in. It will be difficult for the PCs to
tell how far into the earth they are going, aside from estimating
A half-burned photograph is tucked inside the magazine; it the number of stairs they’ve passed. There are no windows or
depicts Jona, Maram, and their father, all smiling at the camera markings on the walls or floor. The air is heavy, almost stifling,
in front of an unassuming, suburban home. Jona can identify and as they draw closer to the bottom, the faint scent of wet
it as the home in which her father cast his ritual. The sunlight rock reaches them.
coming through what remains of the rose window reminds
The staircase eventually ends in a stone antechamber that splits
her of the pattern her father drew on the floor with her older
off into several paths, all leading to either dead ends, or the
sister’s blood. Anyone gazing at the light on the floor detects a
First Room. It also contains a non-functioning elevator, its Art
coppery tang to the air.
Deco metal frame rusting in the darkness. It is shaped like an
The Servant’s Quarters abstract rose, and pieces of the original light fixture can still be
seen. Intact, it would have appeared as a glowing rose rising
These cramped, dark rooms still reeks of onions and sweat.
through the building. This is where the characters encounter
The empty bed stands suggest people slept three or more to a
the first Follower.
room, and debris is piled high here. There are financial records,
newspapers, and diaries mixed into the trash, in no order and An older woman lies on pillows lining the floor of the eleva-
from all time periods, including some related to Paz Laraine-Or- tor with her legs sprawled wide as she leisurely masterbates.
tiz’s current financial difficulties. It looks like at some point She has no interest in the PCs aside from encouraging them
someone was using them as fuel for one of the fireplaces ded- to join in her activity. She is white, with very pale, smooth
icated to this area. It was at the largest fireplace that Wendall skin that highlights the blue veins visible in her breasts and
Becke, a groom and bastard of Flavio Laraine, stabbed Rebecca wrists. Her hair is dyed blonde with dark roots shot through
Braden, a scullion, to death over a lost wager. with silver, and she is completely naked except for a diamond
and gold engagement ring, a wedding band, and diamond
At some point a doppelganger of the first PC to walk into the
solitaire earrings. A thorough search of the elevator reveals
room appears in the corner, opposite the door. They are sweat-
some withered apple cores, a pair of torn and stained purple
ing heavily, panting, and seem to be in the grip of an uncon-
satin underwear, a ring of keys with all of the ends broken off,
trollable lust. The doppelganger attempts to persuade all of the
shards of glass, a scrap of crimson silk, and a small bag of tiny
PCs to join them in an orgy, and will grow violent if refused. If
bones of unknown origin. If one would climb the elevator shaft
killed, a mark similar to a port-wine birthmark mirroring the
upwards you would not get back to the top floor of the estate,
death blow appears on the copied PC’s body.
but instead end up in Metropolis.
There is a secret entrance in this room, concealed behind
GM Note: The path forward winds through various sized rooms,
an old, battered cupboard. It is accessed by pressing on the
each containing Followers. It is not necessary for the PCs to enter
back of the cabinet, which causes the entire unit to swing out,

all the rooms, and some paths double back or even dead end. Some blades jutting from each fist, and waits for his loved ones to
of these rooms contain barrels leftover from their time as beer stor- come to him. They linger around the edges of the room, like
age for the Laraine Brewery, and others still bear the mark of their shy lovers, and occasionally one flits from shadow to shadow,
conversion into pleasure rooms for the Laraine family. It is possible until they stand revealed in his light. Then the tall Follower
to find a passageway that leads down into the Underworld if one loves them, with sharp gleaming steel and bright flowing
strives to go deeper and deeper. blood, and lets their empty body fall at his feet. Two small,
hunched Followers dart out occasionally and pull a body into
If the PCs attempt to stop any of the Followers from their
the darkness. Small bits of flesh fly out into the light, until
activities, they will plead with the characters to join them. Some
eventually a newly pristine skull is set out on display with the
react violently if physically prevented from continuing, and all
will tell the PCs that wonders await them further in, encourag-
ing them to find the Angel. If the PCs attempt to talk to anyone in the shadows, they will
bow their heads and move silently away. If they attempt to talk
SCENE 2: to the Follower with the knives, he will stare at them silently,
THE PARTICIPANTS SHOW THEIR LOVE unless one steps forward or otherwise separates themselves
from the group of PCs. If so, the Follower attempts to kill them,
The First Room
and will not stop unless killed himself. If he dies, the room will
The first large cavern was converted by the Laraine family into erupt in wails as the ones in the shadows crowd around his
a private theater during a boom time. Gilded private boxes body, still ignoring the PCs, and mourn the loss of this Follower.
were set in among fake stalagmites, and the stage still has
its red velvet curtain hangs in place, heavy with moisture, The Third Room
although now mold spreads across it in delicate tracery. Some The third room is still a cavern, untouched by whimsy. There
of the old sets are still in place: a moon hangs from a catwalk are a few muddy paths through this space, and candles are
with a swing suspended underneath, an iron spiral staircase clumped together at the intersections. Pools of water in low
leads to nowhere. and a living room with only two walls. Fat places reflect the light, but most of this cavern is very dark.
white candles light the area, and the smoke mingles with the From the shadows come the sounds of chewing and bones
faint blue mist of incense as it drifts to the ceiling. Moans and being cracked. The Followers here hide from the light, but
cries echo around the chamber, underlaid by the sound of trick- there are glimpses of pale skin, wide eyes, and gobbets of
ling water. Damp red velvet pillows and fringed throws have flesh clutched in fists. Embedded in the wax of the candles
been strewn around the rock floor, along with condom wrap- are fingerbones, some still wearing rings, and various other
pers and empty bottles of lube. jewelry, such as a silver cross on a necklace, an amber earring,
On stage and in the boxes are Followers indulging in their and a silver tooth. There is a greasy, meaty smell to the smoke,
passion – sex. Singles watch couples, who recline next to larger underlaid with wet rock and old blood.
groups, and all permutations of desire are on display. There is An urban explorer, Mark Straub, who found Popper Polly’s foot-
one woman who simply kisses all who is near – kisses their age is here. He is a tall man in his mid-thirties who is either of
mouth, cheeks, and eyelids until her lips have been worn raw, caucasian or hispanic descent. He has long, dark hair normally
and now blood traces her path across her lover’s skin. There worn up, but is now currently matted with gore and stuck to
is a man who bellows loudly from his supine position on the an equally bloody face. It almost completely covers his left eye,
floor, urging those who take him to become one with him, and which is a burned crater in his face. Mark looked directly at one
a younger man who laughs as he penetrates himself with one of the Angel’s wings, and the light burnt out one eye. The light
of the candles. There is a couple who take turns whipping each burned through his brain as well, and ignited the love in his
other until their skin splits, and a woman who demands her heart. Mark’s lust is to know others as well as he knows him-
male lovers pull her hair and ride her hard. There is a foursome self, and so this room called to him.
so lost in each other’s bodies they have forgotten to eat, and
Mark had seen Popper Polly’s Youtube video announcing her
the candlelight makes crazed shadows in the hollows of their
intent to explore the estate and, convinced that she was in
actual danger after she never checked back in, had come here
The Second Room to see what he could learn. He found Popper Polly’s camera
on the grounds of the estate, dropped among the trash in the
The second cavern was converted into a private bowling lane.
drawing room. Mark got spooked when he heard the noises
The lanes, once inlaid with rich woods in intricate patterns,
coming from the stairwell and ran. Once he was safely at
are now scarred with rough use, and splinters jut up from the
home, he examined the footage on Popper Polly’s camera, and
planks. The racks where bowling balls were once stored now
became incensed at his feeling of being tricked by the sounds
contain rows of human skulls, all meticulously cleaned and
at the estate, certain he was looking at a hoax. Mark hacked
wired together. A large hole pierces the ceiling near the end of
into Popper Polly’s account and posted the video there, think-
the lanes, and filtered sunlight will come through during the
ing that this would let Popper Polly know someone was onto
day. The hole is concealed by large thorn bushes in the yard
her. Mark eventually talked himself into going back to look
above. When the wind blows, red petals from the wild roses
for Popper Polly, and was instead entranced by the Angel. His
drift down into the room below.
online presence has been inactive since he uploaded the clip.
Here one Follower holds court. He is tall and lean, with a
Mark can tell the PCs about his attempt to find Popper Polly, as
shaved head and smooth olive skin, and there is nothing in
well as his encounter with the Angel. His recollection is frag-
his gaze but blankness. He stands near the end of the lanes
mented and dreamlike, punctuated with crying. Mark is more
with bodies piled around him, his ankles awash in blood, steel

likely to talk to the PCs than any of the other inhabitants, as The room is a grimy nest of personal materials from the PCs,
he’s been here the shortest amount of time. He isn’t in his right as well as some other local sensitives, ranging from birth
mind, and will only answer a few questions before attacking certificates and financial records to photographs of them going
the PCs in an attempt to kill and eat them. Before attacking, about their daily activities to detailed accounts of their Dark
Mark will ask the PCs if they would like to know him, and if he Secrets, which Lazarus apparently dredged up by communi-
may know them intimately. He does not take their answer into cating with a minor demon through the battered Ouija board
account when attacking. lying in one corner. Lazarus is under the mistaken impression
that the demon is actually A ­ ldonza’s ghost. The only light
The Fourth Room comes from a series of flashlights and glow sticks strung across
The fourth room was used for storage, and racks used to hold the ceiling. A bucket in one corner emits a terrible smell that
beer barrels still line three walls. One portion of the room will make the PCs eyes water, and is Lazarus’ only form of
is filled with gargoyle heads, monstrous statuary, and metal sanitation.
things that are sharp but rusty. Along one wall is a wine scale, Lazarus decided the ritual was progressing far too slowly, and
and throngs of younger Followers giggle as they weigh them- thus began searching out people he thought would provide
selves against a particularly ugly gargoyle. These Followers are better fuel. He has promised his soul to the demon in return for
all in their late teens and early twenties, of various races, and information, and the older man is very ill from lack of food and
wearing a mishmash of obviously scavenged clothes. Many of the unhygienic living conditions. Lazarus cackles at the sight of
them have smeared glow-in-the-dark paint over their faces and the PCs, and urges them to meet the Angel. He will guide them
bodies, which only emits a faint glow when in shadow. Some on request, and is also happy to introduce them to “Aldonza” if
have used mud and paint to sculpt their hair into spikes and asked.
mohawks, while others have used carabiners and small climb-
ing pitons for face and body piercings. Deshawn Taylor is one SCENE 3:
of these Followers. He is an African American man in his early POPPER POLLY IS FOUND
twenties with light skin and his hair is styled in short twists.
The central chamber contains an altar the Angel built. It is
He is tall and thin, and has pierced both cheeks with some of
a stone slab covered with offerings comprised of what the
Popper Polly’s hot pink carabiners. He will not speak, but only
Followers had in their pockets at the time of their initiation:
giggle maniacally.
change, cough drops, spray paint, condoms, batteries, keys,
The young Followers romp around and play, swarming over and a couple of steroid inhalers for asthma. It is lit by bonfires,
every corner of the room with a pack-like intensity. They and a meaty stench fills the warm air from slowly charring
will view the PCs as prey, and will giggle as they chase them bones. The walls are covered with eldritch scratchings, and a
around the room, heedlessly of the harm they may do to either rhythmic thumping from an unknown source rises through the
themselves or the PCs. If any of the pack capture a PC, they will stone.
cease chasing the others in order to drag the captured PC to
Floating above the altar is Pollyanna Wright, aka Popper Polly.
a huge gargoyle head with bloody fangs. They will attempt to
Popper Polly is a mixed race woman in her early-­twenties. She
impale the PC upon the fangs; if successful, they will return to
has medium skin, curly hair shaved on the sides, and several
their play unless they catch sight of another PC. They may be
facial piercings. Golden light streams from her skin as she
persuaded to stop the sacrifice if offered something distract-
slowly undulates in mid-air, tears streaming down her smiling
ing, pretty, or tasty, in which case the pack will begin to fight
face. She is still wearing all of her exploring gear, and a few
amongst themselves tooth and nail for possession of the new
additional items, such as her now-dead cell phone, headlamp,
and pink work-gloves float alongside her, moving in tandem
The Fifth Room with Polly’s body.

The Follower who has claimed this room is the one who left the In a circle around the altar are the Inner Circle Followers, those
objects upstairs related to the PCs. He will only refer to himself who show their love through pain. The Inner Circle Followers
as Lazarus, although Desi will recognize him as Father Antonio, are naked and suspended from piercings on their back that
the priest who performed her exorcism as a child. He stum- mimic a wing pattern. These Followers moan in ecstasy as they
bled upon the Angel when the current owner, Jeremiah Smith, sway above the ground, while the blood dripping from their
had requested he bless the property before renovation of the wounds creates a mirrored, wing shape on the dusty floor.
structure was to begin. Jeremiah was one of the first victims See the Followers of the Angel section for information on their
consumed in the third room, and no traces are left of him aside Bloodwing Power. They will not attack unless attacked first, or if
from a plain silver cross he normally wore around his neck. Popper Polly is in danger.

Lazarus is an emaciated older man of Spanish descent, with One of the Followers is Joshua Harris, a white man in his
wild tufts of grey hair sticking up around his partially bald mid-thirties. He has rough, red skin with an obvious burn on
pate. His fingernails are yellow and curl several inches past his one side of his face and a military haircut. He is short and
fingertips before breaking off into jagged lines. There is dirt stocky. He has found his true purpose in life.
ground into the lines of his skin, making Lazarus’ face and neck Polly can be freed from her position above the altar, but she
appear to be darker than the rest of his body. He is clad in dirty has been permanently altered. Popper Polly will advocate for
white rags wrapped around his waist and upper thighs, and his love of all kinds, and suggest the PCs speak with the Angel if
filthy priest’s collar is still perched on his neck. Lazarus smells they have any doubts. She will then serenely crawl back up on
of dirt and human waste, and is missing most of his teeth. the altar and sit on top of it. If undisturbed, she will begin to
float again in about 15 minutes.

Act 3:
The Angel is Found, and Ending
the Ritual is Realized It is up to the characters to stop or somehow interrupt the
Angel’s ritual. If allowed to play out, all of the people in the
THE ANGEL IS REVEALED cavern connected to the ritual will begin burning alive, while
desperately attempting to continue their specific acts of love.
If the PCs decide to go in search of the Angel, they will find it in The ritual may be stopped by killing at least half of the partic-
the lowermost cavern, a damp, dark alcove of mud. It is singing ipants or employing a ritual of their own to reverse the flow
to itself, while petting the hair of any nearby Followers. There of energy. The latter will kill Popper Polly, as well as the Inner
are many of them crowded into this section, bare flesh pressed Circle Followers. Only if the ritual is stopped will any of the
against each other with abandon. The cave echoes with their Followers be able to leave alive.
pants and groans, and the air is heavy with the scent of sex.
The PCs find Maram Jahani here, caught in an embrace with a If this happens, however, everyone who was a Follower will
red-haired woman with jade-green eyes. Maram is an Indian also have dreams of the Angel, and will exhibit symptoms of
woman in her early-thirties. She has medium skin, long messy a deep depression. Any PC following up on them will discover
hair, and a nose ring. She is really thin and angular, and her a higher-than-average rate of suicide, institutionalization, and
hoodie and jeans are nearby. Her companion is around the issues such as alcoholism and drug use.
same age and is of a similar build, and has track marks on both If the ritual is not stopped, Popper Polly will finish her trans-
arms. The only word either of them will say is ‘love.’ formation into the Prime Follower, killing all Followers in the
The rhythmic thumping from above is centered around the cavern. She will then go in search of more people, who she
Angel, as if the very air is disrupted by its presence. Its physical transforms into Followers with a touch, inspiring them to car-
form is baffling. The Angel has multiple wings that shine with nal acts and feeding on their energy until they are all burned
a light that burns those who look, eyes all over its body, and up. The Angel will follow, and when Popper Polly can no longer
a voice that sounds like lighting and causes eardrums to burst contain the energy she has gathered, will either become the
and bleed. It constantly hums and strokes its own skin if no true Archon of Love, or use her bones to start the bonfire of its
one else is within reach, and has trouble paying attention to next ritual to try again.
anything for long.
The Angel will attempt to lure the PCs into its ritual by entranc-
ing them. It must touch them to do so, but only if the PCs
fail on a roll or put themselves in a position where they are
in reach. Entranced PCs can be woken from it by their com-
panions, but they will be filled with a horrible sensation of Characters
emptiness, which will linger for months. Later, they will always
dream of their time with the Angel, and those dreams will
always be pleasant. Popper Polly

It is extremely difficult for mere humans to kill an Angel. It will Pollyanna Wright, a.k.a. Popper Polly, is a serious practitioner
not listen to reason, and it is convinced that this ritual is the of urban exploration, and her regular crew consisted of her
only way for it to regain its true power. It chose the Laraine camera person, Deshawn Taylor, her bodyguard, Joshua Harris,
Estate after being drawn by the emotional residue lingering and a local guide, Maram Jahani. Other cataphiles like Chen
from its troubled past. The Angel will defend itself if either it or Wu sometimes tagged along, as long as they respected Pop-
its ritual are attacked. per Polly’s rules: disturb nothing, don’t get caught, and leave a
surprise for the next explorer. Popper Polly also made a rule of
SCENE 2: THE RITUAL leaving a small tag in every building she explored; it consists of
a neon pink smiley face, with a manhole cover hook forming
The ritual is nearing completion when the PCs stumble upon
the mouth.
the caverns, and any sensitive individuals will sense the intense
energy collecting here. It traces like flashes of lighting across Popper Polly had posted online that she was planning some-
the skin of the Followers throughout the caverns, growing thing big for Halloween, and that she would be scouting
brighter until it is a constant glow. This is a sign that the energy locations before then. That was the last time anyone heard
is ready to be transferred into Popper Polly, who will become from her, until the Youtube video surfaced. It was uploaded to
incandescent and begin her journey to the surface before Polly’s account using her credentials at 1:11 am on October 11th
heading to the nearest town. Those left behind will be reduced by Mark Straub.
to blackened husks. The Angel will then leave, following in She has been chosen by the Angel to be its Prime Follower, and
Popper Polly’s wake, in order to bask in the glorious beauty it so is bound in an magical circle that funnels the energy gen-
has wrought. erated by the ritual into her. She can look into other’s minds
and see their heart’s desire. She can almost look at the Angel
without pain. She will never be the same.

Deshawn Taylor Combat [3], Influence [2], Magic [1].

Deshawn Taylor is a film student at the same local community Combat [Considerable]
college as the urban explorers. He met Popper Polly while ◊ Grab hold of someone and drag the victim away.
doing a project on urban exploration, and enjoyed it enough to
become part of her regular crew. His mother does not approve
◊ Work together with their allies to surround an opponent
[opponent takes −1 to all rolls].
of these expeditions, but hopes that the time he spends with
Joshua Harris will end up being a good influence. ◊ Jump someone from behind, or as a sudden surprise.
Influence [Novice]
Joshua Harris ◊ Know where something is located.
Joshua Harris is a veteran of the Iraq War, and is now retired ◊ Steal something from someone.
from service. He picks up part-time work as bouncers for clubs
Magic [Weak*]
and various other security jobs, but he has known Popper Polly
since she was a child. Joshua has taken a brotherly interest in ◊ Extend flaming, blood wings.
her welfare when she is exploring.
* Only the Inner Circle Followers.
Maram Jahani
The followers are driven by their emotions and their attacks is
Maram Jahani is a former waitress who is now homeless and
irrational and unorganized. When satisfying their immediate
unemployed. She did have a drug problem, but lately Maram
urges the Followers often forget their surroundings.
has been going to group counseling and is working on making
her life better. She has been meeting with her younger sibling, Unarmed: Bite [1] [Distance: arm]; Knock over [0] [Distance: arm,
Jona, in an attempt to reconcile with them. victim is Knocked over]; Grapple and drag away [1] [Distance:
arm, the victim is separated from the group].
Dark Secret: Family Secret.
Edged weapon: Slash [2] [Distance: arm].
Maram and her twin sister, Mariah, were used as part of a ritual
to summon a dark power by their father, and Mariah was sacri- Blood wings: Wingbeats [2] [Distance: close, area, victims
ficed as part of the ritual. Maram eventually turned to drugs to must Act Under Pressure to extinguish burning clothes or get
try to forget that night. burned, 3 Harm].
Wounds & Harm Moves
Followers of the Angel
Wounds:  
All of the Followers were normal people, urban explorers, or ◊ It’s only a flesh wound.
teenagers out for a thrill, concerned relatives or homeless drift-
ers looking for a place to spend the night. But once the Angel ◊ The Follower is seriously maimed but keeps going.
touched them, they became overwhelmed by desire. Desire for ◊ The Follower gives out an unnatural high pitched scream
love, touch, death, and play. They are full of love, and the need attracting more aggressive followers.
to share that love.
◊ The Follower realize for a short moment who she is before
As Followers, they have supernatural strength and contact with returning to her touched state (+1 on next roll for attacking
their saliva will cause the same effect as being infected by the the follower).
Angel. Their skin is warm to the touch. Their only thought is
fulfilling their strongest desire.
◊ The Followers collapses on the floor.
The Inner Circle Followers are conduits of the energy flowing
◊ The Follower is killed.
into Popper Polly. They no longer feel pain, as their nerve
endings have been burnt away. They have all of the same Lazarus (Father Antonio)
abilities as the regular Followers, except that they can set fire to Home: Elysium.
the blood wings on their back at will. Once aflame, the wings
Creature Type: Human touched by the Angel.
extend from the Followers back and allow them to fly, as well
as fan sparks and set nearby flammable objects alight. Abilities

Home: Elysium. ◊ Fanatical: Cannot be influenced or otherwise reasoned

Creature Type: Humans touched by the Angel.
◊ Supernatural strength: All close-combat Moves against this
being are at −1 to the roll.
◊ Fanatical: Cannot be influenced or otherwise reasoned Combat [2], Influence [3], Magic [1].
◊ Supernatural strength: All close-combat Moves against this Combat [Novice]

being are at −1 to the roll. ◊ Burst out in sudden, senseless violence.

◊ Painless [only the Inner Circle]: All Harm is reduced by −1. ◊ Grab hold of and pin someone.
◊ Blood wings [only the Inner Circle]: The creature can fly. The Influence [Considerable]
blood wings can burn people [2 Harm] close to the being. ◊ Know where something is located.

◊ Trick someone. tasted, each drop of fluid consumed. And still more find that
◊ Reveal a player character’s Dark Secret. love in darker ways…
Its physical form is baffling. The Angel has multiple wings,
Magic [Weak]
which shine with a light that burns those who look upon its
◊ Summon the demon (“Aldonza”) through the Ouija board. form, while eyes cover most of its body, and its voice sounds
Attacks like lighting and causes eardrums to burst and bleed. It con-
stantly hums, which is both soothing and irritating to human
Lazarus can burst out in sudden fits of rage and is much more
ears, like a song you don’t quite remember but can’t get out of
dangerous than his appearance let out.
your head.
Unarmed: Punch & kick [1] [Distance: arm]; Strangulation [1]
Home: Elysium.
[Distance: arm, victim is pinned and must Act Under Pressure
to get free; otherwise, they suffer +2 Harm from oxygen loss]. Creature Type: Malakhim, former Angel of Tiphareth.

Wounds & Harm Moves Abilities

Wounds:   ◊ Fanatical: Cannot be influenced or otherwise reasoned

◊ It’s only a flesh wound.
◊ Lazarus is seriously maimed but keeps going. ◊ Gigantic: Cannot be held in place or knocked over in close
combat. If the being’s attacks connect in close combat,
◊ Lazarus spills his blood on the floor and a woman in an they always knock over their victim, in addition to any
old white gown and veil (“Aldonza”) enters the room [the other results.
demon will watch the fight without interfering, anyone
killed is taken by her].
◊ Pact-weaver: This being can seal pacts with humans.
◊ Lazarus realize for a short moment who he is and ask for ◊ Entrancing touch: Anyone being touched by the Angel falls
into a state of euphoria and becomes entranced. If a PC
forgiveness before returning to his touched state (+1 on
becomes entranced, for every day that passes without the
next roll for attacking the follower).
Angel ’s touch, they must reduce Stability (−1).
◊ Lazarus collapses on the floor. ◊ Resurrector: When this being dies, it reawakens unharmed
◊ Lazarus is killed. several days later – unless its physical body has been com-
pletely destroyed.
The Angel ◊ Spiritual connection: The being’s soul is tied to one or sev-
The Angel once served the Archon Tiphareth with uttermost eral others. Should the being die, those it is tied to will lose
devotion. No doubts existed in its mind that it lived to serve −5 Stability and take 2 Harm.
and obey, that it was made perfect in servitude. But then, all of Combat [3], Influence [2], Magic [5].
that was shattered. The fall of the Demiurge. Malkuth’s betrayal.
Combat [Considerable]
The war between the Archons. Angels tore themselves apart by
the command of the powers that ruled them. Screams, swirling ◊ Tear someone apart [3 Harm].
feathers, and broken bodies falling from the skies over Metrop- ◊ Forceful hit [2 Harm, victim is thrown away].
olis. In terror and madness it fled into Elysium, where it tried to
forget the feeling of hollow bones splintering underfoot, how ◊ Burning light [2 Harm, area].
the smell of burning feathers lingered in its nostrils. Influence [Weak]
It found the Laraine estate, drawn by the residue of the strong ◊ Call for reinforcements.
emotions of those who once lived there. Now the Angel has
Magic [Exceptional]
settled in the lowermost caverns. It laid in the dark, humming
to itself and stroking its own skin in an attempt to soothe its ◊ Entrance someone [Keep it Together].
disordered mind, until one day a bright light woke it from its ◊ Make a small city fall into their clutches.
stupor – and provided it new purpose. In its madness, the Angel
believes itself to be a new Archon. And the Angel has a true
◊ Steal memories.
calling – it will guide and bind mankind with love and passion, ◊ Seduce a crowd.
which are so lacking in their daily lives. And so it draws in fol-
lowers who demonstrate the physical, emotional, and spiritual
◊ Daze those in their surroundings with bewitching song
[Keep it Together to resist].
variants of this emotion.
The Angel has been luring people to the caves so that they can
enact rituals meant to signify great love. The Angel believes The Angel tries to entrance the PCs and will not attack them
that once its ritual is perfected, the humans involved in it will unless they start slaughtering its Followers and disrupt the
turn into the pure fire of love. Then they will then go out into ritual.
the world, spreading their fire, and the Angel can rest at last, Unarmed: Grab someone [–] [Distance: arm, victim must Act
its purpose fulfilled and identity regained. Some of its chosen Under Pressure to escape]; Tear apart [3] [Distance: arm, victim
engage in continuous orgies, the wet slap of skin echoing must be grappled]; Forceful hit [2] [Distance: arm, victim is
through the limestone walls. Others find quiet corners and knocked over and thrown away to distance: room]; Grapple and
lose themselves in every inch of their lover’s skin, each breath

drag away [1] [Distance: arm, the victim is separated from the
Magic: Entrance someone [Stability −4] [Distance: arm, victim
must Keep it Together to not fall under the Angel’s spell and
become a Follower]; Bewitching song [–] [Distance: room,
everyone subjected to the song must Keep it Together or get −1
to all their rolls]; Burning light [2] [Distance: room].
Wounds & Harm Moves
Wounds:  
◊ The attack pierce on of the Angel’s hundreds of eyes.
◊ The Angel blocks the attack with its shining wings and
emits a burning light [2 Harm, area].
◊ The Angel releases a thundering scream with the risk of
causing all surrounding humans eardrums to burst and
bleed [1 Harm, Disoriented: −1 on next roll].
◊ The Angel crawls like an insect up on the nearest roof.
◊ The Angel grabs after the nearest attacker [Avoid Harm].
◊ The attack penetrate the Angel’s body and make it beat its
wings in pulses of weak light.
◊ The Angel falls to the ground and emits a loud moan, call-
ing for all the Followers in the caves.
◊ The Angel gives out a final cry and falls bleeding to the
ground, all Followers are immediately freed, but suffer
deadly trauma and loss of sanity as result (2 Harm, Stabil-
ity −5).

There are five pre-generated characters included in this sce-
nario, although you should feel free to make your own. The
pre-gen characters have ties to either the missing person or the
Estate, or you can take some of these elements and incorpo-
rate them into your own group.

Chen Wu
(student/urban explorer)
• Attributes
• Who you are
You are an urban explorer and best friend of Popper Polly. You have been seeking

+0 out increasingly dangerous places to explore with Popper, and you are always
ready for an adrenaline high. You and Popper had been trying to one-up each other
since you met, but this time she went without you, and it looks like Popper couldn’t
+1 Keep it Together +2 handle what she found. You pursue other high-risk activities, such as skydiving,
rock-climbing, snowboarding, and anything that gets your pulse going. Your par-
ents provide a generous allowance that enables yours hobbies while also ensuring
Fortitude Reflexes that you do not need to work while in school.
Endure injury Avoid Harm

• Dark Secret
+1 −2 Guilty of Crime
When you were a child, your younger sister drowned while under you care. You
Reason Intuition
Investigate +1 Read a Person were talking with friends instead of paying attention. You have carried that guilt
your entire life, and believe your parents also secretly blame you.
+3 Observe a Situation +0 • Advantages
Coolness Violence Awe-inspiring (Charisma)
Act Under Pressure +2 Engage in Combat Daredevil (Perception)
At any Cost (–)
Influence Other

• Disadvantages
−1 Guilt
See Through the Illusion
• Notes
• Wounds
Serious Wounds (−1 ongoing) Stabilized

Critical Wound (−1 ongoing) Stabilized

• Stability
 Composed

 Uneasy Moderate stress:

 Unfocused −1 to Disadvantage rolls

 Shaken Serious stress:

 Distressed −1 Keep it Together
 Neurotic −2 to Disadvantage rolls

 Anxious Critical stress:

 Irrational −2 Keep it Together
 Unhinged −3 to Disadvantage rolls
+1 S
 ee Through
the Illusion

 Broken The GM makes a Move

Paz Laraine-Ortiz (student/urban explorer)
• Attributes
• Who you are
You are a university student, and last descendant of the Laraine family. You have

+2 been researching the dark arts recently, as you found out more about your lineage.
Your teachers would disapprove if they knew, but you has been successfully hiding
your interests before now. You heard of urban explorers breaking into the Laraine
+1 Keep it Together +0 estate, and have been slowly infiltrating the group over the past six months. You
had been dipping into a trust fund in order to pay for their activities, but that fund
is beginning to run low.
Fortitude Reflexes
Endure injury Avoid Harm
• Dark Secret
+2 +0 Family Curse
You believe that there is a madness handed down through your genetics, and that
it is only a matter of time before you either give into that darkness, or you remove
Reason Intuition
Investigate −2 Read a Person yourself as a threat – through suicide.

• Advantages
−1 Observe a Situation +1
Occult Studies (Reason)
Coolness Violence Sixth Sense (Soul)
Act Under Pressure +1 Engage in Combat
Stubborn (Soul)

Influence Other • Disadvantages

+3 Mental Compulsion (Kleptomania)

See Through the Illusion • Notes

• Wounds
Serious Wounds (−1 ongoing) Stabilized

Critical Wound (−1 ongoing) Stabilized

• Stability
 Composed

 Uneasy Moderate stress:

 Unfocused −1 to Disadvantage rolls

 Shaken Serious stress:

 Distressed −1 Keep it Together
 Neurotic −2 to Disadvantage rolls

 Anxious Critical stress:

 Irrational −2 Keep it Together
 Unhinged −3 to Disadvantage rolls
+1 See Through
the Illusion

 Broken The GM makes a Move

Jona Jahani (student/urban explorer)
• Attributes
• Who you are
You are a university student, and younger sibling of Maram. You are studying to

+1 become a social worker, and joined the urban exploration group as a means of
expanding your knowledge of the city and where its homeless population lives. You
hold down several part-time jobs in addition to volunteering at a shelter for at-risk
+0 Keep it Together +2 youth, but money is always tight.

Fortitude Reflexes • Dark Secret

Endure injury Avoid Harm
Family Secret
As a child, you witnessed your father summoning a dark power. Maram and her twin

+2 +3 sister, Mariah, were used as part of the ritual, and Mariah was sacrificed to the Power.
You have buried these memories deep in your subconscious, but remnants emerge in
your nightmares.
Reason Intuition
Investigate −2 Read a Person
• Advantages
+1 Observe a Situation −1 Street Contacts (Charisma)
Expert (Reason)
Coolness Violence • Psychology
Act Under Pressure +1 Engage in Combat • Sociology
Intuitive (Intuition)
Influence Other

• Disadvantages
+0 Repressed Memories
See Through the Illusion
• Notes
• Wounds
Serious Wounds (−1 ongoing) Stabilized

Critical Wound (−1 ongoing) Stabilized

• Stability
 Composed

 Uneasy Moderate stress:

 Unfocused −1 to Disadvantage rolls

 Shaken Serious stress:

 Distressed −1 Keep it Together
 Neurotic −2 to Disadvantage rolls

 Anxious Critical stress:

 Irrational −2 Keep it Together
 Unhinged −3 to Disadvantage rolls
+1 S
 ee Through
the Illusion

 Broken The GM makes a Move

Desi Reyes
(private investigator)
• Attributes
• Who you are
You are a private investigator hired by a Ms. Cordelia Thomas to find her missing

+0 niece, Pollyanna Wright, a.k.a. Popper Polly. Unbeknownst to Ms. Thomas, you and
Polly have been romantically involved, making you a particularly motivated inves-
tigator. You contacted Chen, Paz, and Jona during the course of your search, and
+1 Keep it Together +2 agreed to accompany the group to the Estate.

Fortitude Reflexes • Dark Secrets

Endure injury Avoid Harm
Possessed and Haunted
As a child, you were possessed by a malicious spirit. You were hospitalized and

+2 +0 eventually exorcised. After a few years of intense therapy, you was released and
went on to obtain a degree in religious studies. After a series of frustrating encoun-
ters with religious authorities, you decided to strike out on your own. You do take
Reason Intuition
Investigate +3 Read a Person mundane cases as well as supernatural ones, and mistakenly assumed that this
case was one of the mundane ones.
−2 Observe a Situation −1 • Advantages
Coolness Violence Instinct (Perception)
Act Under Pressure +1 Engage in Combat Crime Scene Investigator (Reason)
Enhanced Awareness (Soul)
Influence Other

• Disadvantages
+1 Involuntary Medium
Victim of Passion (Popper Polly)
See Through the Illusion
• Notes
• Wounds
Serious Wounds (−1 ongoing) Stabilized

Critical Wound (−1 ongoing) Stabilized

• Stability
 Composed

 Uneasy Moderate stress:

 Unfocused −1 to Disadvantage rolls

 Shaken Serious stress:

 Distressed −1 Keep it Together
 Neurotic −2 to Disadvantage rolls

 Anxious Critical stress:

 Irrational −2 Keep it Together
 Unhinged −3 to Disadvantage rolls
+1 See Through
the Illusion

 Broken The GM makes a Move

Cassidy Devlin (sidekick)
• Attributes
• Who you are
You are a permanent fixture at Desi’s side, and are well versed in a variety of useful

+2 skills and trivia. You proved your worth to Desi with some freelance projects,
including background investigation, stakeouts, and research, and now regularly
accompany Desi on jobs.
+1 Keep it Together +0
• Dark Secret
Fortitude Reflexes Pact with Dark Powers
Endure injury Avoid Harm
You got in a little too deep with researching the dark arts, and found yourself per-
forming progressively debauched acts in order to gain power. You hit rock bottom

+0 −2 when you attended a ritual where children were sacrificed in return for forbid-
den knowledge, including the one Maram and Jona were involved in. You have a
nagging feeling of familiarity about the two, but may not put together how you
Reason Intuition
Investigate +1 Read a Person know each other. You have never told Desi exactly how far you went to satisfy your
curiosity, and fear you may fall into that pit once again.
+2 Observe a Situation +1 • Advantages
Coolness Violence Crafty (Intuition)
Act Under Pressure −1 Engage in Combat Dabbler in the Occult (Soul)
Magical Intuition (Soul)
Influence Other

• Disadvantages
+3 Haunted
See Through the Illusion
• Notes
• Wounds
Serious Wounds (−1 ongoing) Stabilized

Critical Wound (−1 ongoing) Stabilized

• Stability
 Composed

 Uneasy Moderate stress:

 Unfocused −1 to Disadvantage rolls

 Shaken Serious stress:

 Distressed −1 Keep it Together
 Neurotic −2 to Disadvantage rolls

 Anxious Critical stress:

 Irrational −2 Keep it Together
 Unhinged −3 to Disadvantage rolls
+1 S
 ee Through
the Illusion

 Broken The GM makes a Move


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