Usb Comi Manual
Usb Comi Manual
Usb Comi Manual
The output port Of USB-COMi-SI is optically isolated with 2000 Volt DC optical
isolation. The optical isolation protects your PC or notebook from spikes and
surges on the RS-422/485 network, by converting the electrical pulse into an optical
signal and then changing it back into an electrical pulse. Your computer is well
protected, since the surges and spikes cannot cross the optical link. Each
RS-422/485 port is individually protected by surge protector to withstand
electrostatic discharge and power surges up to 25KV ESD. Surge suppression on all
signals prevent from damages caused by lightning or high voltage. USB-COMi-SI,
with galvanic isolated RS-422/485 port, provides extended electrical safety in
industrial application.
Adds one high speed RS-422 / 485 serial port via USB connection
384 byte receive buffer
128 byte transmit buffer for high speed data throughput
Requires no IRQ, DMA, I/O port
Data rates: 300 bps to 921.6K bps
Serial Connector: one DB-9 male connector
Auto transmit buffer control for 2-wire RS-485 half-duplex operation
Termination resistors and BIAS resistors installed on-board
RS-422 data signals: Tx-, Tx+, Rx+, Rx-, GND, RTS-, RTS+, CTS+, CTS-
RS-485 data signals: Tx-, Tx+, Rx+, Rx-(4 wire) and data-, data+ (2 wire)
Monitor LEDs of TxD, RxD indicating port status
No external power adapter required
Virtual COM port drivers available for Windows 7, Vista, 2003, XP, 2000
Adds one high speed RS-422 / 485 serial port via USB connection
The RS-422/485 port is optically isolated with 2000 Volt DC optical isolation
The RS-422/485 port is protected by surge protector to withstand electrostatic
discharge and power surges up to 25KV ESD
384 byte receive buffer
128 byte transmit buffer for high speed data throughput
Requires no IRQ, DMA, I/O port
Data rates: 300 bps to 1M bps
Serial Connector: one DB-9 male connector
Auto transmit buffer control for 2-wire RS-485 half-duplex operation
Termination and BIAS resistors installed on-board
RS-422 data signals : TX-, TX+, RX+, RX-, GND, RTS-, RTS+, CTS+, CTS-
RS-485 data signals : TX-, TX+, RX+, RX-(4 wire),and data-, data+(2 wire)
Monitor LEDs of TxD, RxD indicating port status
No external power adapter required
Virtual COM port drivers available for Windows 7, Vista, 2003, XP, 2000
Operation Mode S1 S2 S3
Inside the unit, there is one block of 3 x 7 (21 pin) jumpers which are configured to
enable Tx, Rx, CTS 120 Ohm termination resistors and Tx, Rx 750 Ohm BIAS
You will need to open up the case and set the jumper setting to activate termination
and BIAS as per the requirements of your application.
Jumper Function
1-2 enable Tx Termination of 120 Ohm.
2-3 disable This jumper should always be populated for RS-485 mode.
4-5 enable Pull-up Tx+ to VCC by 750 Ohm BIAS resistor.
5-6 disable This jumper should be populated for pull-up Tx+.
7-8 enable Pull-down Tx- to GND by 750 Ohm BIAS resistor.
8-9 disable This jumper should be populated for pull-down Tx- .
10-11 enable Rx Termination of 120 Ohm.
11-12 disable This jumper should always be populated for RS-422 mode.
13-14 enable Pull-up Rx+ to VCC by 750 Ohm BIAS resistor.
14-15 disable This jumper should be populated for pull-up Rx+
16-17 enable Pull-down Rx- to GND by 750 Ohm BIAS resistor.
17-18 disable This jumper should be populated for pull-down Rx- .
19-20 enable CTS Termination of 120 Ohm.
20-21 disable This jumper should always be populated for RS-422 mode.
You need to install driver first, prior to hardware installation. Do not connect the
USB-to-Serial Adapter to the USB port of your computer, before you finish driver
1. Insert the “USB COM Series Driver and Utility” CD into your CD-ROM.
2. The “USB COM Series Driver and Utility CD” dialog box appears.
3. Under “Driver Installation”, double click “Windows 7, Vista, 2003, XP, 2000
driver” to install the device driver.
4. The USB COM install program will auto-detect the OS type and install the
driver automatically. (Note: in Windows 7 or Vista OS you will find another
dialog box, please click on “OK” to confirm the drivers install program).
Check Installation
You can now verify the installation has been completed successfully by looking
under Device Manager of the System Properties screen. (Go there by Start-Setting-
Control Panel-System Properties-Hardware-Device Manager.
The device should have installed as a "USB Serial Port (COMx)" attached to "USB
Serial Converter ".
This feature is particularly useful for programs, such as HyperTerminal, which only
work with COM1 through COM4. Please ensure that you do not change the COM
Port Number already in use.
1. Insert the “USB COM Series Driver and Utility” CD into your CD-ROM.
2. The “USB COM Series Driver and Utility CD” dialog box appears.
3. Under “Driver Uninstalling”, double click “Windows 2003, XP, 2000 driver
uninstall” to uninstall the device driver.
4. When following dialog box appears, double click “Clean System” to
uninstall the 2003/XP/2000 drivers.
5. You need to disconnect all USB-COMi or USB-COMi-SI from your PC, when
the message below appears. Double click “OK” to start uninstalling
Windows 2003/XP/2000 USB to Serial drivers.
8. When the message “Status: System clean completed” appears, double click
“Exit” to complete the USB to serial drivers uninstall.
11. Remove the first “Windows Driver Package – FTDI CDM Driver Package (…)”.
12. Click “Chang/Remove” and “Yes” to remove the first Windows Driver
13. Remove the second “Windows Driver Package – FTDI CDM Driver Package
14. Click “Chang/Remove” and “Yes” to remove the second Windows Driver
Windows 7 and Vista have many new security features. You need to proceed with
the following steps to uninstall the Vista driver:
3. Select “Classic View” from the top left hand corner and then “System” from
the list.
5. Locate your Device under the Ports (COM & LTP) section and right click on
it to bring up the menu shown.
Note: if you have more than one USB-COMi or USB-COMi-SI installed in your PC,
you need to repeat from step 5 to step 6 to delete the driver software for each port.
7. Locate your Device under the Universal Serial Bus Controllers section, and
right click on it to bring up the menu shown.
Note: if you have more than one USB-COMi or USB-COMi-SI Converter installed in
your PC, you need to repeat step 7 and step 8 to delete the driver software for all