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Unit 2 The Three Levels of Supply Chain Management

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The Three Levels of Supply Chain their environmental impact and build a sustainable
Management supply chain.
This level of supply chain management is crucial
Supply chain management (SCM) is the to develop an advantageous process that will tie in
management of operations that are involved in the all levels of the company to ensure that every
procurement of raw materials, its processing into decision being made accurately reflects the overall
finished goods, and distribution to the end goals of the company. This will ensure that all
consumer. SCM also involves the active parts of the supply chain are working together to
streamlining of the supply-side activities of a deliver your goods to your customers and allow
business to maximize customer value and gain an you to make profits.
overall competitive advantage in the marketplace. 2. Tactical Level
Supply chain management can be taken for The second level of supply chain management is
granted within the world of business. However, it involved with all of the short- and medium-term
is important to realize that the supply chain forms decisions of the supply chain. While the strategic
the foundation of any operation or company. It level takes care of the general and ‘big-picture’
includes every decision made about the products decisions, this level is usually where the more
or services that a company offers its customers. specific processes are defined. This is where
The best way to understand the various stages of manufacturing processes will be defined to ensure
supply chain management and their influence on that a high-quality product can be made for the
one another is to take a look at the three levels of lowest cost possible.
supply chain management: the strategic level, the Tactical-level decisions play a substantial role in
tactical level, and the operational level. Together, controlling costs and minimizing risks. The focus
these levels work together to manage all decisions here is on customer demand and achieving the
that are required to deliver quality products to your overall best end value.
customers on time for the cheapest cost and Other decisions made at this level can include
greatest revenue. transportation, warehousing, and inventory
Understanding the Three Levels of Supply Chain logistics, notably whether these should be handled
Management internally or outsourced. These decisions can be
1. Strategic Level different based on factors such as location, costs of
The top-level of supply chain management is transportation, costs or land ownership, etc.
responsible for the long-term decisions of the
company. The decisions made at this level lay the 3. Operational Level
groundwork for the entire supply chain process. This level of supply chain management is the most
Examples of decisions made at this level include commonly encountered. It is where the day-to-day
things such as deciding which products or services processes, decision-making, and planning occurs
will be offered by the company. This task involves to keep the supply chain running. Often times,
keeping track of current market trends and companies and manufacturing facilities forget to
customer feedback to improve existing products or take into account the tactical and strategic level
introduce new items to the product mix. when making operational-level decisions.
Along with product development comes decisions It is critical for the operational level to carefully
surrounding which suppliers to purchase materials consider the options they are faced with and make
from and where the manufacturing operations decisions that are aligned with the overall strategic
should take place. Choosing the right suppliers and tactical decisions that have been made. Even
should involve decisions that consider the though the higher-level decisions are made with
company’s overall objectives and values. For the intention of creating advantageous processes
example, choosing a supplier for their sustainable throughout the supply chain, operations managers
practices may incur higher costs for certain must make hundreds of decisions every day to
materials but will better reflect the values and handle every unexpected thing that comes their
goals of the company that is looking to reduce
way. The best decisions are made within the management. Advanced Planning and Scheduling
strategic and tactical frameworks. (APS) can easily help align the three levels of
Some of the aspects of operational-level supply chain management. These softwares
management include daily and weekly forecasting provide a thorough insight into your
for resource and capacity planning, monitoring manufacturing operations through visual
logistics to ensure that enough inventory is production scheduling and is a must for companies
available and that materials are available on-time trying to take their operations to the next level.
for production. Other decisions include settling APS systems like PlanetTogether are being
damages or losses with suppliers in the event that implemented into manufacturing operations
the manufacturing facility receives material around the globe and is helping companies
deemed to be of poor quality, which would affect improve the overall efficiency of their operations
the overall quality of products being made. to ensure that they maintain a competitive
It is essential for any manufacturing organization advantage.
to understand the three levels of supply chain
Supply Chain Management building blocks:
Supply chain drivers and obstacles:
International Logistics: The effective management of international
 Logistics refers to the services or activities logistics system can help in improving the
required for the management of physical level of customer service by developing an
movement of goods from the source of origin effective system of warehousing, quick and
to the source of destination. It involves economic transportation, along with
transaction channel, distribution channel and maintenance of optimum level of inventory
communication channel for faster and efficient because the level of service directly affects the
provision of logistics services. cost of physical distribution.
 International Logistics, therefore, refers to the 2. Increased Customer Response
integration and management of activities Now-a-days, the information &
including inventory databases and shipping communication technology has increased the
schedules, material handling, production, capability to postpone logistical operations to
packaging, inventory, transportation, the latest possible time and then achieve the
distribution, storage, and security for the faster delivery of required inventory, thereby,
resources of organizational supply chains resulting in the elimination of excessive
beyond the political boundaries of the nations inventories traditionally stocked in anticipation
involved in the global trade. of customer requirements.
 With the advent of liberalization and 3. Reduction in Distribution Costs
globalization of world trade, international The distribution cost is comprised of various
logistics is becoming more and more important elements, like, transportation, warehousing
to maintain the efficient, effectiveness and and inventory maintenance, and any reduction
value addition in the international trading in the cost of one the elements are likely to
activities. increase the cost of the other elements. Thus,
 In addition, international logistics are the objective of the firm should be the
extremely important to achieve the marketing reduction of the total cost of distribution and
and overall broader objectives of a firm. not just the cost incurred on any one of the
elements. To serve this purpose, the total cost
Objectives of International Logistics of alternative distribution systems should be
The basic objective which a company tries to analyzed and the one with the minimum total
achieve through using the logistics at global distribution cost should be selected.
level or even at national level is to maintain 4. Increasing Sales
the ensured flow of goods & services from The physical distribution/logistics system in a
seller to the buyer with the following: firm also aims to generate more sales. A firm
· Right product can attract more customers by offering better
· Right quantities and assortments services at lower prices. For instance, by
· Right places introducing decentralization in its warehousing
· Right time operations or by using economic and efficient
· Right cost/price modes of transportation, a firm can achieve
· Right condition larger market share. Further, by avoiding the
However, there are some definite objectives to out-of-stock situation, the loss of loyal
be achieved through a proper logistics system customers can be curtailed.
which are as follows: 5. Creating Time & Place Utilities
1. Improving Customer Service The logistical system also focuses on creating
time and place utilities to the products &
services. Till the products are physically
moved from the place of their origin to the
place of destination, they do not serve any
purpose to the users. In the same manner, the
products & services have to be made available
at the time when they are needed for
consumption. Moreover, a rapid mode of
transportation should be selected to move the logistical strategy can’t be formed without
products from one place to another in the careful review of reverse logistical
shortest possible time. Therefore, time and requirements.
place utilities can be created in the products & 9. Consolidating Transportation Costs
services by adopting an efficient system of Transportation cost is directly linked to the
physical distribution. type of product, size of shipment, and distance
which the concerned shipment is supposed to
6. Stabilizing Product Prices travel. Many Logistical systems which are
The international logistics system also aims at equipped with the premium services depend on
stabilizing the prices of the products. It can be high-speed, small shipment transportation
achieved by controlling & maintaining the because the larger the overall shipment and the
flow of the products to the market through a longer the distance it is to be transported, the
judicious use of available transport facilities lower the transportation cost per unit. This
and compatible warehouse operations. To say, needs innovative initiatives aimed at clustering
maintaining the stock of the raw material the small shipments for consolidated
during the periods of excess supply and movement which are required to be facilitated
making it available during the periods of short by the working arrangements that transcend
supply, the prices can be stabilized. the entire supply chain.
7. Quality Management
The international logistics system is a Elements of International Logistics
significant part & parcel of developing and
maintaining continuous improvement in total 1. Processing Customer Orders
quality management. The long-term objective The first element of the international logistics
of the international logistics system is to seek system is the processing of orders of the
continuous quality improvement. Overall customers. With an aim to provide faster
commitment to total quality management is customer service, the orders received from
one of the major forces responsible for the customers need to be processed within least
logistical renaissance because the logistical possible time. This element comprises of the
costs cannot be reversed, if they are increased activities like, receiving the order, recording
once. In fact, when the quality fails to match the order, filling the order, and assembling all
the set standards, the logistical performance such orders for transportation, etc. Further, the
typically needs to be reversed and then high speed data processing techniques are
repeated. Moreover, logistics itself must presently available leading for the rapid
perform to demanding quality standards. processing of the orders.
8. Supporting Product Life-Cycle 2. Storage and Warehousing
A good logistical system helps to support the This is the second element which involves
life cycle. Product recall is a vital competency assorting products in order to create time
resulting from increasingly rigid quality utility. The major objective of the storage &
standards, product expiration dating and warehousing activities is to make proper
liability for unfavorable consequences as well. arrangements for the placement of goods,
The return logistics requirements are also a providing storage facility to store them,
product of the increasing number of regulatory consolidating them with other similar
norms & laws prohibiting disposal and products, splitting up them into smaller
encouraging recycling of beverage containers quantities and building up assortment of
as well as packaging materials. Further, the products. Generally, more the number of
operational requirements of reverse logistics warehouses firm has, the lesser would be the
have stretched their scope from lowest total time taken in serving customers at different
cost, to say, returning bottles for recycling, to locations. However, this would result in
maximum performance solutions for critical increased storage & warehousing cost.
recalls. The critical point is that the sound Therefore, the firm has to maintain a balance
between the cost of warehousing and the level efficient management information system
of customer service. would be of immense use in controlling costs,
3. Managing & Controlling Inventories improving services and determining the
The next element involves decision-making overall effectiveness of distribution.
process regarding managing and controlling 6. Support Facilities
inventories which is important for the success The support facilities element of international
of physical distribution. This element becomes logistics system is comprised of a number of
more important in case the cost of inventories planning activities which are, usually, directed
is higher. Moreover, the new concept of Just- toward ensuring that all required permanent or
inTime-Inventory decision is increasingly transitory operating and support facilities,
becoming popular with a number of including training, field and depot
companies, now-adays. The decision regarding maintenance, storage, operational, and testing
level of inventory involves estimated demand are available concurrently with system
for the product. A correct estimate of the fielding. Planning must be comprehensive and
demand helps to maintain requisite inventory include the need for expansion, diversification
level and control the inventory costs as well. It and modification of the existing facilities as
helps the firm in terms of the cost of inventory well as creating new facilities. It also takes
and supply to customers in time and also to research & developmental activities under its
maintain production at a consistent level. purview with an aim to define and establish
4. Transportation impacts on life cycle cost, funding
The element of transportation consists of requirements, facility locations and
moving goods from points of production and improvements, space requirements,
sale to points of consumption in the quantities environmental
required at times needed and at a reasonable impacts, duration or frequency of use, safety &
cost. The transportation system increases time security requirements and health standards,
and place utilities to the goods handled and and security restrictions.
therefore, increases their economic value.
With an aim to achieve these goals, Total cost concept in Logistics:
transportation facilities must be adequate, Total cost approach to logistics is the key to
regular, dependable and equitable in terms of managing the logistics function. Management
costs and benefits of the facilities and service should strive to reduce the total cost of
provided. logistics rather than the cost of each activity.
5. Information Monitoring So logistics must be viewed as an integrated
The information monitoring element of system rather than the individual system,
international logistics system requires the because reduction in one cost invariably lead
logistics’ handling personnel continuously to increase the cost of other components.
updated information about inventory, Effective management and real cost savings
transportation and warehousing. For instance, can be accomplished only by viewing logistics
with respect to inventory, the information as an integrated system and minimizing its
about the present stock position at each total cost given the firms customer service
location, future commitment and objectives. So the main costs which are
replenishment capabilities are required on an involved in logistics function are:
ongoing basis. In the same manner, before
choosing a carrier, the information about the 1. Customer Service Level Costs
availability of relevant modes of Most business people find it difficult, if not
transportation, their costs, services and impossible to measure this cost. The cost
suitability for a particular product is needed. In associated with alternative customer service
case of warehousing activities, the information levels is the cost of lost sales (not only the
with respect to space utilization, work margin lost by not meeting current sales
schedules, unit load performance, etc., is demand, but the present value of all future
required. For receiving all this information, an contributions to profit forfeited when a
customer is lost due to poor availability, long inventory carrying costs. These warehousing
lead times, or other service failures). By costs change with the level of inventory held
comparing total logistics system costs, in a specific warehouse and tend to be
management can make knowledgeable negligible in a company- owned or leased
judgment about the likelihood of recovering, warehouse.
through increased sales, the increase in total Throughput costs should be included instead in
system costs brought about by an increase in warehousing costs so that the increments can
customer service levels. be easily added or subtracted when the
2. Transportation Costs logistics system configuration system changes.
Costs associated with the transportation 4. Order Processing and Information Costs
function can be identified in total and be Order processing and information costs
segments (i.e. inbound, outbound, by vendor, include the cost of order transmittal, order
by customer, by mode, by carrier, by product, entry, order processing, related handling costs,
or by channel). This detail is necessary to and associated internal and external
determine the incremental costs associated communication costs. When establishing these
with changes in the logistics system. If costs management should remember to include
transportation costs are no currently available in the analysis only those costs that will
in any other form, management can determine change with decision being made.
them at a relatively low cost by sampling 5. Lot Quantity Costs
product flows and auditing freight bills (for Lot quantity costs are those production related
common carriers) or corporate accounting or purchasing/acquisition costs that will
records (for private fleets). change as a result of a change in the logistics
3. Warehousing Costs system. Generally, it consists of production
Warehousing costs are all the expenses that preparation costs, capacity lost due to
can be eliminated or that must be increased as changeover, materials handling, scheduling
a result of a change in the number of and expediting. The lot quantity costs
warehousing facilities. Warehousing costs associated with purchasing are the costs of
should be separated into two distinct buying in various quantities.
categories: 6. Inventory Carrying Costs
Throughput Costs: These costs are associated Conceptually inventory carrying costs are the
with selling product in a given market by most difficult costs to determine next to the
moving it into and out of a warehouse in that costs of lost sale. Inventory carrying costs
market, and the fixed costs associated with the should include only those costs that vary with
facility. Example is charges that public the level of inventory stored and that can be
warehouses assess for moving product into and categorized into 4 costs.
out of their facilities, and the costs of leased  Capital costs
and owned facilities for the movement of the  Inventory service costs
goods.  Storage space costs
Storage Costs: Warehousing costs related to  Inventory risk costs
inventory storage should be included in

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