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2018 Revised Internal Rules Sandiganbayan

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20191!O'/-S PM 1:27

iaepulllic of tbe IJilippi

nes upreme QCourt


A.M. No. 13-7-05-SB


Acting on the recommendation of Associate Justice Diosdado M. Peralta,

the Chairperson of the Special Committee on the Revised Internal Rules of the
Sandiganbayan, submitting for this Court's consideration and approval the
proposed 2018 Revised Internal Rules of the Sandiganbayan, the Court resolved to
APPROVE the same.
The 2018 Revised Internal Rules of the Sandiganbayan shall take effect on 16
November 20 I 8 following its publication in two (2) newspapers of general
9 October 2018.

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(As of September 27, 2018)



Pursuant to Section 9 of Presidential Decree No. 1606, as amended, the

Sandiganbayan adopts and promulgates the following 2018 REVISED



Section 1. Title of the Rules. - These Rules shall be known and cited

Sec. 2. Coverage. - These Rules shall apply to the proceedings and

internal operations of the Sandiganbayan.

The Rules of Court, resolutions, circulars, and other issuances

promulgated by the Supreme Court, insofar as applicable, shall govern all
actions and proceedings before the Sandiganbayan.

Sec. 3. Construction. - These Rules shall be liberally construed to

promote a just, expeditious and inexpensive determination of every action
and proceeding in the Sandiganbayan.


Section 1. Composition of the Sandiganbayan and Rule on Precedence.

- (a) Composition. - The Sandiganbayan shall be composed of a Presiding
Justice and twenty (20) Associate Justices appointed by the President of the

(b) Rule on Precedence. - The Presiding Justice shall enjoy precedence

over the other members of the Sandiganbayan in all official functions. The
Associate Justices shall enjoy precedence according to the order of their

(c) The Rule on Precedence shall apply:

1) In the seating arrangement;
2) In the choice of office space, facilities and
equipn1ent, transportation and cottages;

(d) The Rule on Precedence shall not be observed:

1) In social and other non-official functions;

2) To justify any variation in the assignment of cases,
amount of compensation, allowances or other forms of

Sec. 2. Sandiganbayan En Banc. - The Sandiganbayan en bane shall

have exclusive control, direction and supervision of all matters pertaining to
the conduct of its affairs. It shall be presided over by the Presiding Justice
who shall implement its policies and resolutions, or, in his/her absence, by
the most senior Justice in attendance.

Sec. 3. Constitution of the Divisions. - The Sandiganbayan shall sit

in seven (7) Divisions of three (3) Justices each, including the Presiding
Justice. The seven (7) Divisions may sit at the same time. The Presiding
Justice and each of the six (6) most senior Associate Justices shall be the
Chairperson of a Division; each of the seven (7) most senior Associate
Justices next in rank shall be the Senior Member of a Division, and each of
the last seven (7) Associate Justices shall be the Junior Member of a

Sec. 4. Filling up of Vacancy Due to Absence or Temporary Incapacity.

(a) In the office of the Presiding Justice. - In the absence or temporary
incapacity of the Presiding Justice to exercise the powers and perform the
duties of the office, the most senior Associate Justice shall act as the
Presiding Justice until the regular Presiding Justice returns and re-assumes
the office, or the incapacity is removed.

(b) In the position of Division Chairperson. - In the absence or

ternporary incapacity of a Chairperson of a Division, the Senior Member of
said Division shall act as Chairperson; in the absence or temporary
incapacity of both the Chairperson and Senior Member of a Division, the
Junior Member of said Division shall act as Chairperson, notwithstanding
the seniority of the Special Members designated to complete the
membership of said Division. The Senior Member or Junior Member, as the
case may be, shall act as Chairperson until the regular Chairperson returns
and re-assumes the office or the incapacity is removed.

(c) In the position of Senior or Junior Member .- In the absence or

temporary incapacity of a Senior or Junior Member of a Division, the
Presiding Justice shall designate an Associate Justice of the Sandiganbayan
from any of the other Divisions, to be determined by rotation on the basis of
the reverse order of precedence or, if this be not feasible, by raffle among
those available, to sit as Special Member of said Division until the Regular
Member returns and re-assumes the office or the incapacity is removed. The
Associate Justice so designated shall continue as a Regular Member of
his/her Division.

(d) AuthorihJ and Prerogatives of Acting Chairperson and Special

Member. - The Acting Chairperson or Special Member so designated,
pursuant to paragraphs (b) and (c) above, shall exercise the authority and
prerogatives of a regular Chairperson or Member of said Division, as the
case may be, in the trial or resolution/ decision of cases assigned thereto.
However, such Special Member shall not be assigned as ponente for decisions
or resolutions.

(e) Designation of Special Members in Hearings. - The Presiding

Justice, in case of unavailability of any Member of Division, shaU designate a
temporary Member in the reverse order of precedence to ensure continuity
and stability in the hearing of cases.

Sec. 5. Filling Up of Permanent Vacancy. - (a) In the position of the

Presiding Justice. - A permanent vacancy in the position of Presiding Justice
shall be filled by a new Presiding Justice duly appointed by the President of
the Philippines. In the interim, the most senior Associate Justice shall
exercise the powers and perform the duties of the Presiding Justice, except
the functions of a Chairperson which shall be exercised in an acting capacity
by the most senior Associate Justice who is not a Chairperson, until the
appointment of a new Presiding Justice who shall be the Chairperson of that
Division, unless the latter is already a Chairperson of a Division.

(b) In the position of a Division Chairperson. -If a permanent

vacancy occurs in the position of Chairperson of a Division other than the
Presiding Justice, the most senior Associate Justice who is not yet a
Chairperson shall become Chairperson of that Division.
(c) In the position of Senior Member of a Division. - If a permanent
vacancy occurs in the position of Senior Member of a Division, the most
senior ranking among the Junior Members shall becon1e Senior Member of
the Division.
(d) In the position of Junior Member of a Division. - If a permanent
vacancy occurs in the position of Junior Member of a Division, the Associate
Justice appointed by the President of the Philippines shall be the Junior
Member of the Division. In the meantime, Section 4(c) of this Rule shall
(e) In the positions of Senior and Junior Members of a Division. - If
permanent vacancies occur simultaneously in the positions of Senior and
Junior Me1nbers of a Division, the vacancies shall be filled in the manner
stated in the preceding paragraphs (c) and (d).
(f) Effect of the Appointment of a New Associate Justice. - The
appointment and assumption of a new Associate Justice to the vacant
position in the Division as its Junior Member shall not disturb the
composition of the other Divisions and shall not prejudice the consequent
changes in the ranking or seniority among the Associate Justices.
(g) Ranking within a Division Does not Affect Seniority m /he
Sandiganbayan. - The ranking of the Associate Justices within each Division
does not affect their seniority in the Sandiganbayan, which is based on the
order of their respective appointments.

Sec. 6. Court Officials and their Duties. - (a) Clerk of Court. - The
Clerk of Court is the administrative officer of the Sandiganbayan, who shall
discharge the functions of the office under the control and supervision of the
Sandiganbayan en bane through the Presiding Justice.
As administrative officer, the Clerk of Court shall take direct charge of
the administrative operations of the Sandiganbayan and exercise general
supervision over its subordinate officials and employees, except those
belonging to the confidential staff of the Presiding Justice and the Associate
Justices, and shall assist the Presiding Justice in the formulation of programs
and policies for consideration and action of the Sandiganbayan en bane. The

Office of the Clerk of Court shall act as its Secretariat and prepare its
agenda, minutes of meetings and resolutions.
(b) Division Clerks of Court. - Each Division shall have a staff
composed of one (1) Division Clerk of Court and such personnel as the
exigencies of the service may require.
(1) In the exercise of their functions, the Division Clerk of Court and
the staff shall be under the control and supervision of the Division through
its Chairperson.
(2) The Division Clerk of Court shall have, among other duties and
responsibilities, direct control and supervision over the staff of the Office;
monitor the status and progress of cases raffled to the Division, monitor
papers, pleadings and motions filed with the Receiving Section in
connection with any pending case and update the records of cases to be
acted upon by the Division, both in the completion process and decisional
stage, such as, but not limited to, the filing of briefs, memoranda and other
legal papers within the allowable periods, preparation of the agenda of
motions and other incidental matters for action by the Division; release
minute resolutions, notices of decisions, resolutions and hearings,
summonses, subpoenas, writs and other processes by and under the
authority of the Chairperson of the Division; supervise the stenographers in
the recording of the proceedings and preparation of its minutes; receive the
decisions and resolutions of the Division for promulgation; and make
entries of judgment in accordance with the Rules of Court.
(3) The Division Clerk of Court shall immediately report to the
Chairperson and Members of the Division the failure of any party to comply
with any resolution or order of the Sandiganbayan within the period
prescribed therefor.
(4) If the records of a case are required to be transmitted to the
Supreme Court, the Division Clerk of Court shall make a duplicate copy
thereof, which shall serve as the back-up copy of the Sandiganbayan, before
transmitting the original records of the case to the Supreme Court. The
back up copy shall serve as the authentic duplicate original of the records.
(5) In case of absence or unavailability of the Division Clerk of Court,
the functions of the Division Clerk of Court shall be performed by the
Assistant Division Clerk of Court.

Sec. 7. Appointment, Termination and DisciplinanJ Action Against

Court Officials and Other Employees. - The Sandiganbayan en bane shall

recommend, from a list of qualified applicants, appointments to the

positions of the Clerk of Court, the Division Clerks of Court, the Assistant
Division Clerks of Court, and all other personnel to the Supreme Court.
All resignations, terminations of services and disciplinary actions
against officials and employees of the Sandiganbayan shall be submitted by
the Sandiganbayan en bane, through the Presiding Justice, to the Supre1ne
Court for appropriate action.

Sec. 8. Standing Committees. - The following standing committees,

each composed of a Chairperson and at least two (2) members, all of whom
are appointed by the Sandiganbayan en bane, shall assist the Sandiganbayan
in the following administrative matters:
involving the implementation of the "Philippine Plan for Gender
Responsive Development, 1995-2025" adopted in Executive Order No. 273
issued on September 8, 1995 pursuant to Republic Act No. 7192, otherwise
known as the "Women in Development and Nation-Building Act" dated
February 12, 1992.
(b) COMMITTEE ON PERSONNEL. - On n1atters involving the
recruitment, appointment, monitoring of leaves of absence, training, change
in organizational structure, creation of positions, retirement and termination
of services of personnel.
involving: (1) the preparation of annual budget for submission to the
Sandiganbayan en bane for approval; (2) allotn1ent of funds; (3)
accounting; and (4) all financial transactions.
involving: (1) formulation of security policies; (2) installation, monitoring
and 1naintenance of security and safety devices; and (3) enforcement and
implementation of safety measures, such as wearing of I.D. cards, control of
visitors, etc.
INFORMATION SERVICE. - On matters involving the management of
records, information, statistical data, and acquisition of Inforn1ation
Technology (IT)-related equip1nent and supplies.
WELFARE, INCENTIVES AND BENEFITS - On matters involving: (1)
creation and maintenance of medical and dental services; (2) establishment

and operation of health and welfare plan; (3) establishment and supervision
of canteen for Justices, officials and employees, cultural and sports
(4) maintenance of shuttle buses and other equipment for employees; (5)
grant of awards and incentives, both monetary and non-monetary, to
deserving Justices, officials and employees, pursuant to existing laws, rules
and regulations; and (6) other related matters regarding employee welfare
and benefits.
matters involving acquisition of books and other reading and research
materials and library services, publication of decisions and circulars of the
Sandiganbayan, research on legal issues and other related matters referred
to it by the Sandiganbayan.
involving: (1) the construction, repairs, improvements and maintenance of
buildings and grounds; and (2) formulation and subn1ission of proposals for
the acquisition of sites, construction and n1aintenance of buildings for the
Sandiganbayan sessions outside of its principal office.
SUPPLIES. - On matters involving the purchase, acquisition, maintenance
and disposal of vehicles, office equipment, supplies, and furniture of the
Sandiganbayan, and conducting required biddings and awards in relation
(j) COMMIITEE ON RULES. - On matters involving the revision of
the internal rules, circulars and administrative orders of the Sandiganbayan.
(k) COMMIITEE ON RAFFLE OF CASES. - On matters involving
the raffle and assignment of cases, the conduct of the regular raffle of cases
filed with the Sandiganbayan, classification of cases for purposes of
consolidation before the scheduled raffle, and the propriety and legality of
conducting a special raffle of particular cases motu proprio or upon motion
of a litigant.
matters involving the social activities of the Sandiganbayan, and liaison
with other government offices, and agencies.
(m) COMMIITEE ON ETHICS. - On matters involving ethics and
discipline of the men1bers of the Sandiganbayan, its officials and
employees, including review and subn1ission of c01nments and
recommendations on reports of Investigating Officers on administrative
complaints against officials and employees of the Sandiganbayan; and
formulation and

recom1nendation of policies and administrative procedures on disciplining

of Court officials and employees;
involving identification of problems in the performance of duties of the
Sandiganbayan to ensure honest, effective, efficient and speedy
administration of justice; preparation and submission of recommendations
to the Presiding Justice of recommendations and suggestions to solve said
problems; and performance of other related tasks or duties as may be
assigned by the Presiding Justice or the Sandiganbayan en bane.
The members of the standing committee shall serve for a term of one
(1) year from date of appointment by the Sandiganbayan en bane, and shall
continue to serve on a hold-over capacity until their successors shall have
been appointed.
In case of a vacancy, whether permanent or temporary, the Presiding
Justice may, in the interest of the service, designate a member to sit
temporarily in the committee as member. In case a vacancy occurs in the
position of Chairperson of a standing committee, the most senior member of
the committee shall act as Chairperson until a regular Chairperson is
appointed by the Sandiganbayan en bane.
The foregoing notwithstanding, the Sandiganbayan may create ad hoc
committees for specific projects or undertakings. It may also modify the
functions and responsibilities of the standing committees as the need
therefor arises.
The various standing and ad hoc committees shall submit their
recommendations to the Sandiganbayan en bane for appropriate action.


Section 1. Exercise of Adjudicatory Powers and Functions .. - The

Sandiganbayan shall exercise its adjudicatory powers, functions and duties
through its seven (7) Divisions. It sits en bane for the exercise of its
administrative, ceremonial and non-adjudicatory functions.

Sec. 2. Matters Cognizable by the Sandiganbayan En Banc. - The

Sandiganbayan shall sit en bane to:

(a) Promulgate rules or orders, amend, revise or repeal existing

rules or orders or parts thereof, and formulate and adopt policies relative
to administrative matters, such as the distribution of cases and the
internal operation and management of the Sandiganbayan.
(b) Recommend to the Supreme Court the appointment of the Clerk of
Court, Division Clerks of Court and other court employees chosen from a
list of all qualified applicants for each vacant position prepared in
accordance with the Civil Service Law, rules and regulations, except for
positions that are confidential in nature and coterminous with the term of
office of a particular Justice to whom they are assigned, who shall make the
proper endorsement to the Sandiganbayan en bane for recommendation to
the Supreme Court.
(c) Study and recomn1end to the Supreme Court organizational
matters, such as the creation or abolition of offices, units or services or their
regrouping or 1nerger as the exigencies of the service may require.
(d) Receive foreign and local dignitaries, important guests and visitors,
honor a colleague or retiring member of the Sandiganbayan, and hold
necrological services for deceased members.
(e) Adopt uniform administrative measures, procedures and policies
for the protection and preservation of the integrity of the judicial processes,
the speedy disposition of cases and the promotion of efficiency of the
(f) Provide a foru1n for discussion of various court-related issues or
(g) Take up other administrative matters which the Presiding Justice or
any member of the Sandiganbayan may suggest for consideration.
(h) Adopt resolutions which shall be numbered, dated and indexed.

Sec. 3. Creation of Special Division. - The Sandiganbayan en bane

may request or recommend to the Supreme Court the creation of a Special
Division to try cases where compelling reasons and the interest of justice so



Section 1. Principal Office; Place of Holding Sessions. - The

Sandiganbayan shall have its principal office at the Sandiganbayan
Centem1ial Building in Quezon City, and shall hold sessions thereat for the
trial and hearing of cases filed with it: provided that trial and hearing of
cases originating from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, shall be held in the
region of origin, only when the greater convenience of the parties and of the
witnesses or other compelling considerations require the contrary, in which
instance a case originating from one region may be heard in another region:
provided, further, that for this purpose the Presiding Justice shall authorize
any Division or Divisions of the Sandiganbayan to hold sessions at any time
and place outside of its principal office, and, where the greater interest of
justice so requires, outside the Philippines.

Sec. 2. Support Personnel and Facilities in Sessions Outside of

Principal Office. - In sessions outside of its principal office, the
Sandiganbayan n1ay require the services of the personnel and the use of
facilities of other courts or other government offices where any of the
Divisions is holding sessions and the personnel of such courts or offices
shall be subject to the orders of the Sandiganbayan, acting through the
Chairperson of the Division.

Sec. 3. Court Sessions. - (a) Sandiganbayan En Banc. - The regular

sessions of the Sandiganbayan en bane shall be held every first and third
Monday of the month at 11:00 a.m., or at any date and time as may be
agreed upon. The Presiding Justice or at least seven (7) Associate Justices
1nay call a special session at another date and time, by written notice to all
the Justices.
The presence of a majority of the members of the Sandiganbayan shall
constitute a quorum of the en bane. Upon a quoru1n having been
established, it continues until the session is finally adjourned or terminated.
The votes of a majority of the quorum shall be required to pass a resolution.

(b) Divisions. - Regular sessions for trial of cases before the Divisions
shall be from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.rn. and/ or from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.n1.,
fron1 Monday to Friday, without prejudice to extension of the session hours
in the interest of the service. The Division Chairperson, however, for urgent
and valid reasons, may schedule the hearing of a case assigned to the
Division on other dates and time after consultation with the parties.
At the start of the session, a quorum of three (3) Justices is required
for a Division to validly conduct proceedings, provided that, for cases over
which trial has not started on the date of effectivity of Republic Act (R.A.)
No. 10660, a majority of two (2) Justices shall be required to constitute a
quorum. Upon a quorum having been established, it continues until the
session is finally adjourned or terminated. The Chairperson shall preside
over the proceedings during the session of the Division; provided that the
Chairperson may designate another men1ber to preside over the
proceedings. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Senior Member or, in
the latter's absence, the Junior Men1ber, of the Division shall preside.


Section 1. Writs and Processes Issued by the Sandiganbayan. - Writs

and processes of the Sandiganbayan, such as warrants of arrest and search
warrants shall be issued by the Chairperson of the Division where the case
was raffled, or in his/her absence, the most senior member present after
having determined the existence of probable cause in accordance with the
pertinent provisions of the Rules of Court. However, where there is an
urgent necessity for the issuance thereof before the case is raffled to a
Division, the writ or process shall be issued by the Presiding Justice or in
his/her absence, by the most senior Associate Justice present.

Sec. 2. Writs and Processes Issued by Clerks of Court. - All other

writs and processes shall be issued by the Clerk of Court or the Division
Clerk of Court, upon order of the Division, through the Chairperson or
anyone acting as such, under the seal of the Sandiganbayan.

Sec. 3. Subpoenas and Notices. - In addition to the provisions of

Rules 13 and 21 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, the Sandiganbayan rnay
serve subpoenas and notices to parties, their counsels and witnesses in criminal

and civil cases through e-mail, telephone call (landline or mobile phone), or
by Short Message Service (SMS). In cases where there are detainees, such
service shall be made through the officer having the management of the jail
or penal institution where the inmates are detained.

Sec. 4. Official E-mail Address. - The Sandiganbayan shall use the

official e-mail address, mobile phone and landline numbers provided by the
Supreme Court Management Information Systems Office (MISO) for the
service of subpoenas and notices. The Sandiganbayan shall also inforn1 the
parties, their counsels, witnesses, or the officer having the management of
the jail or penal institution, of the Sandiganbayan's official e-mail address,
landline and mobile phone numbers.

Sec. 5. Authority to Serve. - The Division Clerk of Court shall

designate at least two (2) Court personnel to call or electronically serve
subpoenas and notices, whose name shall be submitted to the SB MISD.
For this purpose, the attached Form "A" shall be used and the
accomplished fonn shall be sent via e-mail to the e-mail address to be
provided by the Division Clerk of Court, in accordance with OCA Circular
No. 33-2017 dated 7 February 2017.

Sec. 6. Duty to Furnish Contact Details. - In criminal cases, the

Sandiganbayan shall direct the public prosecutors to furnish the court his
/her e-mail address, landline and mobile phone numbers, including those
of the complainant/s and his/her witnesses. Where a private prosecutor
enters his/her appearance, the duty to furnish these data shall be on the
private prosecutor. Where the accused is represented by a counsel de parte,
or counsel de officio, including the public attorney, the responsibility of
supplying the above data shall belong to them. The Sandiganbayan shall see
to it that these requirements are complied with. For this purpose, the
attached Form "B" shall be used.
In civil cases, the Sandiganbayan shall direct the counsels, or in their
absence, the parties, to furnish the court with the e-mail addresses, and the
landline and mobile phone numbers of the parties, their counsels, and
witnesses through which they can be served with subpoenas and notices.
For this purpose, the attached Form "B" shall be used.

Sec. 7. Modes of Service. - Without prejudice to the provisions of

Rules 13 and 21 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, the subpoenas and
notices shall first be electronically served through e-mail or SMS. If these
modes of service are not feasible, then the notices and subpoenas shall, with
prior clearance from the justices, be served by telephone calls, either
through landline or mobile phone. For this purpose, the attached Form "C"
shall be used.
For accuracy and uniformity, service through SMS should include the
court of origin, the case number, and the notice itself. The SMS should
resemble the sample SMS hereto attached as Annex "1".
The electronic service or service by telephone call under these
guidelines shall be proved by any of the following:
a. printouts of sent e-mail and the acknowledgment by the
b. printouts of SMS transmitted through the
Sandiganbayan's equipn1ent or device and the acknowledgment
by the recipient; or
c. report of phone call 1nade by the designated court


Section 1. Non-bailable offense. - All offenses are bailable except

those punishable by death, reclusion perpetua or life imprison1nent, when the
evidence of guilt is strong.

Sec. 2. Bailable offense; How Amount Fixed; Approval. - a) Where

a case involving a bailable offense has not been raffled to a Division, the
a1nount of bail shall be fixed and approved by the Presiding Justice or, in
the latter's absence, the most senior Justice present.
b) Where a case has been raffled to a Division, the amount of bail
shall be fixed and approved by its Chairperson or, in his/her absence, by any
Justice of the Division or, in their absence, by any Justice of the

Where the accused is arrested, detained or otherwise placed in

custody outside the National Capital Region, Sections 17 and 19, Rule 114
of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure shall apply.
All bonds approved shall be without prejudice to the final action
thereon by the Division handling the case, which may either confirm the
bond or require the posting of additional or different bond for the accused.


Section 1. Motion Day. - Except for n1otions which may be acted

upon ex parte, all motions shall be scheduled for hearing on a Friday, or if
that day is a non-working holiday, on the next working day. However, a
Division may designate for justifiable reason any other motion day,
provided that the parties shall be duly notified thereof.
In all litigated motions, the movant shall file proof of service to the
adverse party, pursuant to Section 13 of Rule 13 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
Procedure; otherwise, the Sandiganbayan may not give due course thereto.
Motions requiring immediate action may be acted upon on shorter
In appealed cases, the provision of Sec. 3, Rule 49 of the 1997 Rules of
Civil Procedure, on Motions shall apply.

Sec. 2. Prohibited Motions. - The following are prohibited motions:

(a) Motion for judicial determination of probable
(b) Motion for preliminary investigation filed beyond the
five (5)-day reglementary period in inquest proceedings under
Section 6, Rule 112, or when preliminary investigation is
required under Section 8, Rule 112, or allowed in inquest
proceedings and the accused failed to participate in the
preliminary investigation despite due notice;
(c) Motion for reinvestigation of the prosecutor
recommending the filing of information once the information has
been filed before the Sandiganbayan [1] if the 1notion is filed
without prior leave of court; (2] when preliminary investigation

is not required under Section 8, Rule 112; and [3] when the
regular preliminary investigation is required and has been
actually conducted, and the grounds relied upon in the motion
are not meritorious, such as issues of credibility, admissibility
of evidence, innocence of the accused, or lack of due process
when the accused was actually notified, among others;
(d) Motion to quash information when the ground is not one
of those stated in Section 3, Rule 117;
(e) Motion for bill of particulars that does not conform to
Section 9, Rule 116;

(f) Motion to suspend arraign1nent based on grounds not

stated under Section 11, Rule 116; and
(g) Petition to suspend the criminal action on the ground of
prejudicial question, when no civil case has been filed, pursuant
to Section 7, Rule 111.
The Sandiganbayan shall deny outright any prohibited

Sec. 3. Resolution on InterlocutonJ or Incidental Motions. -

Rulings on all written motions on interlocutory or incidental matters
submitted to any regular Division for resolution shall be reached in
consultation among and by the unanimous vote of the three (3) Justices
participating in the consideration thereof.

Rulings on oral motions or objections made in the course of the trial

or hearing shall be made by the Chairperson of the Division or the Justice
actually presiding over the proceedings: Provided, that oral motions or
objections on substantial but interlocutory or incidental matters may be
ordered reduced into writing and shall likewise be resolved by the
unanimous vote of the three (3) Justices of the Division.
In case a unanimous vote cannot be obtained, a Special Division of
(5) Justices shall be constituted pursuant to Section 1, Rule IX. A majority
vote of such Special Division shall suffice to resolve interlocutory or
incidental motions.
However, for cases ans1ng from .offenses committed after the
effectivity of Republic Act R.A. No. 10660, the concurrence of a majority of
the members of the Division shall be necessary to resolve such motions.

Sec. 4. Period to comment and to resolve. - In case of meritorious

motions, the comment of the adverse party shall be filed within a. period of
ten (10) calendar days from notice or receipt of the order of the
Sandiganbayan to file the same, and it shall resolve the motion within a
period of thirty (30) calendar days from the expiration of the ten (10)-day
period, with or without comrnent.
At its discretion, the Sandiganbayan may set the n1otion for hearing
within a period of ten (10) calendar days from the expiration of the ten (10)
day period to file comment, in which case the san1e shall be submitted for
resolution after the termination of the hearing, and shall be resolved within
a non-extendible period of ten (10) calendar days thereafter.
Reply and rnemorandum shall not be allowed.


Sec. 1. Arraignment; How Made; Waiver of Reading. -Arraignment

shall be conducted in accordance with Section 1, Rule 116 of the Revised
Rules of Crin1inal Procedure. The handling Division, however, may request
in writing another Division conducting hearings outside of its principal
office, to arraign an accused and resolve all incidents during the
arraignment therein, and such arraignment and any order issued relative
thereto shall be valid and binding as if done by the handling Division.
Upon motion showing good cause therefor, or when the
Sandiganbayan deems it appropriate, both the arraignment and pre-trial of
an accused may be conducted outside the principal office of the
Sandiganbayan by the handling division or, upon request in writing by the
latter, by another division conducting hearing in the locality. If the accused
pleads guilty during the arraignment, whether to the offense charged or to a
lesser offense, pursuant to Section 2 of Rule 116, a judgment of conviction
rnay be rendered forthwith. If rendered by another Division, the judgment
shall be valid and binding as if done by the handling Division.
The accused may waive the reading of the Information provided that
the Sandiganbayan is satisfied that he/ she has full understanding of the
nature and cause of the accusation/ s contained in the Information/ s filed,
as explained to hin1 by his/her counsel, as well as full understanding of the
consequences of the waiver. The waiver shall be reduced in writing and

signed by the accused and his counsel, and shall be stated 1n the
minutes/ certificate of arraignment and the order of arraignment.

Sec. 2. Conditional Arraignment. - Where an accused seeks to

travel outside the Philippines prior to arraignment, the Sandiganbayan,
in its discretion, may arraign the accused under the following conditions:
(a) That if the information is not subsequently amended or re-filed,
the conditional arraignment shall be considered as a regular arraignment
and the case may proceed even in the absence of the accused;
(b) That if the Information be subsequently amended or re-filed, the
accused shall be deemed to have waived the right against double jeopardy
and the accused shall be arraigned under the amended or new information;
(c) That the accused will not lose the right under the rules to question
in a motion to quash the amended or new information filed subsequent to
the conditional arraignment; and
(d) That in case the Information be subsequently quashed or
withdrawn, the arraignment shall be considered of no force and effect
and/ or shall not be used as ground to invoke the right against double
The order issued at the arraignment shall state that the above
conditions were explained to the accused in unmistakable terms, and that
the accused clearly understood and expressly accepted the terms and

Sec. 3. PrecautionanJ Hold Departure Order. - (a) A precautionary

hold departure order (PHDO) under A.M. No. 18-07-05-SC dated 7
August 2018 is an order in writing issued by a court commanding the
Bureau of Immigration to prevent any attempt by a person suspected of a
crime to depart from the Philippines, which shall be issued ex-parte in
cases involving crimes where the minimum of the penalty prescribed by
law is at least six (6) years and one (1) day or when the offender is a
foreigner regardless of the imposable penalty.
(b) The application for a PHDO n1ay be filed by the Office of the
Ombudsman with the Sandiganbayan.
(c) Upon motion by the complainant in a criminal complaint filed
before the Office of the Ombudsman, and upon a preliminary
determination of probable cause based on the complaints and attachments,

the Office of the Ombudsn1an n1ay file an application in the name of the
People of the Philippines for a PHDO with the Sandiganbayan. The
application shall be accompanied by the complaint-affidavit and its
attachments, personal details, passport nun1ber and a photograph of the
respondent, if available.
(d) A PHDO shall not issue except upon determination by a
Division of the Sandiganbayan, where the application is raffled, that
probable cause exists, and there is a high probability that respondent
will depart from the Philippines to evade arrest and prosecution of
crime against him or her. The Division shall personally examine under
oath or affirmation, in the form of searching questions and answers in
writing, the applicant and the witnesses he/ she may produce on facts
personally known to them and attaching to the record their sworn
If the Division finds that probable cause exists and there is a high
probability that respondent will depart, it shall issue the PHDO and direct
the Bureau of Immigration to hold and prevent the departure of the
respondent at any Philippine airport or ports. Otherwise, the Division shall
order the dismissal of the application.
(e) Since the finding of probable cause by the Division is solely based
on the complaint and is specifically issued for the purpose of issuing the
PHDO, the same shall be without prejudice to the resolution of the Office
of the Ombudsman of the criminal complaint considering the complaint
affidavit, counter-affidavit, reply-affidavit, and the evidence presented by
both parties during the preliminary investigation. If the Office of the
Ombudsman, after prelin1inary investigation, dismisses the criminal
complaint for lack of probable cause, then the respondent may use the
dismissal as a ground for the lifting of the PHDO with the Sandiganbayan.
If the Office of the Ombudsman finds probable cause and files the criminal
information, the case with the Division that issued the PHDO, on motion of
the Office of the Ombudsman, shall be consolidated with the Division
where the criminal infonnation is filed.
(f) The PHDO shall indicate the nan1e of the respondent, his/her
alleged crin1e, the time and place of its comn1ission, and the name of the
complainant. (See Annex "A" of A.M. No. 18-07-05-SC dated 7 August
2018). A copy of the application, personal details, passport number,
photograph of the respondent, if available, shall be appended to the order.
The order shall be valid until lifted by the issuing Division as may be
warranted by the result of the preliminary investigation.

The Division shall furnish the Bureau of Immigration with a duly

certified copy of the hold departure order within twenty-four (24) hours
from issuance.
(g) The respondent may file a verified motion before the issuing
Division for the temporary lifting of PHDO on meritorious ground; that,
based on the complaint-affidavit and the evidence that he/ she will present,
there is doubt that probable cause exists to issue the PHDO or it is shown
that he/ she is not a flight risk; Provided, that the respondent posts a bond;
Provided, further, that the lifting of the PHDO is without prejudice to the
resolution of the preliminary investigation against the respondent.
(h) Respondent may ask the issuing Division to allow him or her to
leave the country upon posting of a bond in an amount to be determined
by the Sandiganbayan subject to the conditions set forth in the Order
granting the temporary lifting of the PHDO.

Sec. 4. Suspension Pendente Lite. - After the arraignment of an accused

public officer against whom a valid information charging any of the
violations referred to in Section 13 of R.A. No. 3019 is filed, the
Sandiganbayan shall motu proprio give the said accused a non-extendible
period of ten (10) calendar days from notice within which to explain in
writing why he should not be preventively suspended. Thereafter, the
Sandiganbayan shall issue an order of preventive suspension of the accused,
if found warranted under the aforesaid provision of R.A. No. 3019, as well
as applicable decisions of the Supreme Court.

Sec. 5. Preliminary Conference and Pre-Trial. - The preliminary

conference and pre-h·ial conference shall be set at the time of the
arraignment. Strict observance of the guidelines on preliminary conference
as provided in A.M. No. 03-1-09-SC dated 13 July 2004,1 as amended by
A.M. No. 15-06-10-SC dated 25 April 2017,2 shall be mandatory.

Sec. 6. Form of Testimony. -The testin1ony of wih1esses shall consist

of the duly subscribed written statements given to law enforcement or peace
officers or the affidavits or counter affidavits submitted before the Office of
the Ombudsman, and if such are not available, testimonies shall be in the

Guidelines to be Observed by Trial Court Judges and Clerks of Court in the Conduct of Pre-trial
and Use of Deposition and Discovery Measures.
2 The Revised Guidelines for Continuous Trial of Criminal Cases.

form of judicial affidavits, in accordance with the Judicial Affidavit Rule. In

all other cases where the culpability or the i1u1ocence of the accused is based
on the testimonies of the alleged eyewih1esses, the testimonies of these
wimesses shall be in oral form.

Sec. 7. Offer of Evidence. - As a rule, an offer of evidence shall be

made orally immediately after the party has finished the presentation of its
evidence. Comments and/ or objections thereto shall likewise be n1ade
orally, and the Sandiganbayan shall thereafter rule thereon.
However, upon oral motion, and immediately after the party has
presented its last wimess, the Sandiganbayan, in the same proceeding, may
authorize the offer and the comments/ objections thereto be made in writing
when there are volun1inous and/or numerous documents involved. The
formal offer shall be made within a non-extendible period of ten (I 0)
calendar days from its grant, and the adverse party shall be given a non
extendible period of ten (10) calendar days fron1 receipt of the said offer to
comment/ object thereto. Thereafter, the formal offer and the
comment/ objection shall be resolved within a non-extendible period of ten
(10) calendar days, with or without comment/ objection.

Sec. 8. Demurrer to Evidence. - The filing of a den1urrer to

evidence shall be governed by Section 23, Rule 119 of the Revised Rules of
Criminal Procedure, and shall be resolved or decided within forty-five (45)
calendar days from its submission. However, where a case involves several
accused, and one or some of the accused did not file such demurrer, the
demurrer may be resolved or decided simultaneously or jointly with the
main decision after the presentation of evidence for the other accused, for
the orderly disposition of the case.


Sec. 1. Procedure in Deciding Cases. - The conclusions of a regular

or Special Division of the Sandiganbayan in any case submitted to it for
decision shall be reached in consultation among the members thereof before
the case is assigned to one of then, for the writing of the opinion of the

A certification to this effect signed by the Presiding Justice shall be

issued and a copy thereof attached to the record of the case and served upon
the parties. Any Member who took no part, dissented or abstained from a
decision or resolution must state the reason therefor.

Sec. 2. Votes Required to Decide. - The unanin1ous vote of three (3)

Justices in a Division shall be necessary for the rendition of a judgment or
final order. In the event a unanimous vote is not obtained, the Presiding
Justice shall designate by raffle, on rotation basis, two (2) Justices from all
the other members of the Sandiganbayan to sit ten1porarily with them,
forn1ing a Special Division of five (5) Justices, and the vote of a majority of
such Special Division shall be necessary for the rendition of a judgment or
final order.

Sec. 3. Judgment in Joint Trials. - In a joint trial involving more than

one case, the Division may render a joint or separate judgment when
appropriate. In case there are more than one (1) accused, the Division may
also render judgment, for or against one or more of the accused, when
proper. In either case, where the required unanimous vote is not secured, a
Special Division of five (5) Justices shall be constituted to resolve the
remaining case or the criminal or civil liability of the remaining accused. In
such a case, a vote of the majority shall be required.

Sec. 4. Voting Requirement for Cases Arising from Offenses

Committed after the EffectivitiJ of R.A. No. 10660. - The above
notwithstanding, for cases arising from offenses after the effectivity of R.A.
No. 10660, the concurrence of a majority of the members of the Division shall
be necessary to render judgment or final order.

Sec. 5. Promulgation of Judgment. - A judgment in a cri1ninal case by

a Division shall be promulgated within ninety (90) days for those rendered
in the exercise of its original jurisdiction, and twelve (12) months for those
rendered in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction, from the time the case
was submitted for decision, in accordance with Section 6, Rule 120 of the
Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure.
The Division which rendered the judgment may request in writing
another Division conducting hearings outside of its principal office, to
promulgate the judgment and resolve all incidents during the promulgation

therein, and such promulgation and any order issued relative thereto shall
be valid and binding as if done by the Division which rendered the decision.
In civil cases, the decision shall be rendered in accordance with Rule
36 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.

Sec. 6. Execution of Judgment. - hnmediately after the judgment has

become final and executory, if the accused is not detained, the
Sandiganbayan shall issue a Warrant of Arrest and order the bondsperson
to produce the accused within ten (10) calendar days. If the bondsperson
fails to produce the accused as ordered, the Sandiganbayan shall forfeit the
bond and order the bondsperson to show cause why judgn1ent shall not be
rendered against the bond.
If the bondsperson fails to justify its failure to produce the accused,
judgment shall be rendered against the bond.
Upon the arrest, production by the bondsperson or voluntary surrender
of the accused, or if the accused is already detained, mittimus shall issue to
commit the accused for service of sentence.
Insofar as civil liability, if any, is concerned, the same shall be executed
in accordance with Rule 39 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.


Section 1. Period to File Motion for New Trial or Reconsideration. -

A Motion for New Trial or Reconsideration of a decision or final order shall
be filed within fifteen (15) calendar days from promulgation of the judgment
or from notice of the final order or judgment. The motion shall be decided
within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of submission for resolution.

Sec. 2. Resolutions on Motions for New Trial or Reconsideration. -

(a) Motions for New Trial or Reconsideration of a decision or final
order shall be acted upon by the ponente and the other mernbers of the
Division who participated in the decision or resolution sought to be
reconsidered, irrespective of whether or not such members are already in
other Divisions at the time the said motions were filed. They shall be

deemed constituted as a Special Division of the Division to which the

belonged at the time of the promulgation of the decision or resolution.
(b) If the ponente is no longer a member of the Sandiganbayan or is
disqualified or has inhibited from acting on the motion, his/her replacement
shall be chosen by raffle from among the remaining members of the
Division who participated and concurred in the decision or resolution.
(c) If only one (1) men1ber of the Division who participated and
concurred in the decision or resolution remains, that member shall be the

(d) Any vacancy in the Special Division shall be filled by raffle from
an1ong the other members of the Sandiganbayan to complete the Special
Division of five (5) members.
(e) If the ponente and all members of the Division that rendered the
decision or resolution are no longer members of the Sandiganbayan, the
new Chairperson may assign the case to any member of the Division who
shall act upon the motion with the participation of the other members of the

(f) Motions for reconsideration shall be resolved by a Division by

unanimous vote of its members, and in case of a Special Division of five (5),
by the concurrence of at least three (3) of its members. However, for cases
arising from offenses committed after the effectivity of R.A. No. 10660, the
concurrence of a majority of the members of the Division shall be necessary
to resolve the motion.

Sec. 3. Grounds for New Trial in Civil Cases. - A new trial may be
granted in civil cases decided by the Sandiganbayan in the exercise of its
original jurisdiction on the grounds provided in Section 1 of Rule 37 of the
1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.
In civil cases appealed to or decided by the Sandiganbayan, a new
trial may be granted on the ground provided in Section 1 of Rule 53 of the
1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.

Sec. 4. Grounds for New Trial in Criminal Cases. - A new trial may
be granted in criminal cases decided by the Sandiganbayan in the exercise
of its original jurisdiction on the grounds provided in Sec. 2 of Rule 121, or
on the ground provided in Sec. 14, Rule 124, of the Revised Rules of
Criminal Procedure in criminal cases appealed to or decided by the

Sec. 5. Effect of Granting a New Trial. - When a new trial is granted

in civil cases, the provisions of Rule 37 or Rule 53 of the 1997 Rules of
Civil Procedure shall apply in the proper case. When a new h·ial is granted
in criminal cases, Rule 121 or Rule 124 of the Revised Rules of Criminal
Procedure shall apply in the proper case.

Sec. 6. Period to Decide Case on New Trial. - When a new trial is

granted in the cases under the immediately preceding Sections 3, 4 and 5,
the same period of time granted to the Sandiganbayan to decide a case
submitted for decision shall apply.

Sec. 7. Fann of Disposition. - In all cases where the Sandiganbayan

grants new trial or reconsideration, the original judgment shall be set aside
or vacated and a new or amended judgment rendered accordingly.

Sec. 8. Effect of Filing an Appeal and a Petition for Review on

Certiorari in the Supreme Court. - No Motion for Reconsideration or New
Trial shall be acted upon if the movant has filed a notice of appeal with the
Sandiganbayan, or petition for review on certiorari or a motion for
extension of time to file such petition with the Supreme Court. The Motion
for Reconsideration or New Trial pending with the Sandiganbayan shall be
deemed abandoned upon the filing of a petition or such motion for


Section 1. Methods of Review. -

(a) In General. - The appeal to the Supreme Court in criminal cases
decided by the Sandiganbayan in the exercise of its original jurisdiction
shall be by notice of appeal filed with the Sandiganbayan and by serving a
copy thereof upon the adverse party.
The appeal to the Supren1e Court in criminal cases decided_ by the
Sandiganbayan in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction, and in civil cases
shall be by petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules
of Civil Procedure.

(b) Automatic appeal. - Whenever the Sandiganbayan in the exercise

of its original jurisdiction imposes the death penalty, the records of the case,
together with the transcript of stenographic notes, shall be forwarded within
five (5) days after the fifteenth (15th) day following the promulgation of the
judgment or notice of denial of a Motion for New Trial or Reconsideration
to the Supreme Court for automatic review and judgment.



Section 1. Ordinary Appeal. - Appeal to the Sandiganbayan from a

decision rendered by a Regional Trial Court in the exercise of its original
jurisdiction shall be by ordinary appeal under Rules 41 and 44 of the 1997
Rules of Civil Procedure, or Rules 122 and 124 of the Revised Rules of
Criminal Procedure, as the case may be.

Sec. 2. Petition for Review. - Appeal to the Sandiganbayan from a

decision of the Regional Trial Court in the exercise of its appellate
jurisdiction shall be by Petition for Review under Rule 42 of the 1997 Rules
of Civil Procedure.



Section 1. Filing of Informations and Pleadings. - Informations and

pleadings shall be filed in five (5) copies.

The Information shall be accon1panied by the duly subscribed written

statements given to law enforcement or peace officers, or the affidavits or

counter-affidavits submitted before the Office of the Ombudsman, together

with the Resolution of the Ombudsn1an and its supporting evidence,
including a certification that copy of the resolution has been duly served
upon the accused or counsel pursuant to the Rules of Court, and that the
reglementary period to file a motion for reconsideration in accordance with
the rules of the Office of the Ombudsman, has expired, or that the resolution
denying the Motion for Reconsideration has been duly served upon the
accused or counsel.
A pleading or motion shall indicate the filing party's or counsel's
contact details, e.g., telephone number, fax number, mobile phone number
or e-mail address, in addition to the other requirements mandated by the
Non-compliance with the above requirements may be a ground for the
Sandiganbayan to dismiss or not to act on the Information or pleading
pending submission of the requirement(s).

Sec. 2. Distribution of Cases. - All cases filed with the

Sandiganbayan shall be distributed among the seven (7) Divisions by
regular raffle at 11:00 a.m. of every Friday or if that day is a non-working
day, on the next succeeding working day, or at any other day and tin1e as
may be set by the Sandiganbayan en bane, at the session hall of the First
Division or another Division agreed upon by the Raffle Committee. A
special raffle of a case may be conducted by the Raffle Committee on any
day as soon as possible, upon motion by any party for valid and urgent
reasons as determined by the Chairperson of the Raffle Committee or, in
the latter's absence, by any of its members. The raffle shall be made public
with proper notices/postings in three (3) conspicuous places in the
Sandiganbayan at least one (1) day before the raffle date.

Sec. 3. Assignment of Cases. - Cases assigned to a Division shall

remain with said Division notwithstanding changes in its con1position. All
matters raised therein shall be resolved by all the Justices who are regular
members of the Division at the tin1e said 111atters were submitted for
resolution. If a member of the Division ceases to be a member of the
Sandiganbayan for any reason whatsoever, the Associate Justice chosen to
fill the vacancy in accordance with the 111anner provided in Sec. 4 or 5,
Rule II of these Rules, shall participate in the resolution of said case.

Sec. 4. Consolidation and Transfer of Cases. - Cases arising from

the same incident or series of incidents, or involving common questions of
fact and law, may be consolidated in the Division to which the case bearing
the lowest docket nun1ber is assigned, in order to promote the speedy
disposition of cases, and serve the convenience of the parties and the
interest of justice.
(a) Before Cases are Raffled. - If the propriety of consolidation
appears upon the filing of the cases concerned as determined by the Raffle
Committee, all such cases shall be consolidated but considered individually
except for purposes of the raffle_determining Division caseload.
(b) After the Cases are Raffled. - If the propriety of such consolidation
becomes apparent only after the cases are raffled, consolidation may be
effected motu proprio by the Division or upon written motion of a litigant
concerned filed with the Division taking cognizance of the case to be
consolidated. If the motion is granted, consolidation shall be made to the
Division with the lowest docket number, and if the latter accepts the
consolidation, it may transfer to the former, an equivalent number of cases
of approximately the same number of parties, age, nature and stage in the
proceedings, with proper notice to the parties in said cases.

Sec. 5. Unloading of Cases. - There shall be unloading of cases: (1)

when there is/ are new Division(s) or a need to balance the caseload of
Divisions as may be determined by the Sandiganbayan en bane; and (2)
where there is/ are member/ s of the confidential staff in the Division related
to a party or counsel.

Sec. 6. Cases Submitted for Decision; Assignment to Ponente. -

(a) In original actions, a case shall be considered submitted for
decision upon the filing of the last pleading, brief or memorandum required
by the Rules of Court or by the Sandiganbayan or the expiration of the
period to do so.
(b) In appealed cases and petitions for review, the case shall be
deemed submitted for decision or resolution upon the filing of the last
pleading, brief or memorandun1 required by the Rules of Court or by the
Sandiganbayan itself.
(c) Motions and other incidents in a case shall be deemed submitted
for resolution when so declared by the Sandiganbayan.

(d) Within ten (10) days from submission of the case or matter for
decision or resolution, the Chairperson of the Division shall assign the same
by raffle to a member thereof for study and report.
(e) Within ninety (90) days fr01n the tin1e the case was submitted for
decision or resolution, the Justice to whom the case is assigned for study
and report shall subn1it a written report thereon to the other members of the
Division for consultation. The Chairperson shall include the case in an
agenda for a 1neeting of the Division for its deliberation.
(f) After such deliberation, if the other n1embers of the Division
agree with the report, the member to whon1 the case is assigned for study
and report shall write the decision for signature and immediate
promulgation. Minutes of the meeting shall be kept.
(g) Within ten (10) days from receipt of the report and
recommendation for deliberation, a justice may submit a dissent to the other
members of the Division within the same period.
(h) After a member of the Division dissented in writing and the
Special Division of Five is thus constituted, it shall retain the case until its
final disposition despite changes 111 its membership caused by
reorganization or other reasons.
(i) The ponente of the Special Division of Five shall be determined as
i) If the majority agrees with the ponencin, the ponente
thereof shall write the majority opinion;
ii) If there is only one dissenting opinion but the majority
of the Special Division agrees with the dissent, the Justice
who dissented shall be the ponente of the n1ajority
iii) If there are two dissents, and the n1ajority of the Special
Division agrees to dissent, the Justice who submitted the
first dissent shall be the ponente.
iv) In case the ponente, as determined above, had ceased to
be connected with the Sandiganbayan before the
decision is promulgated, the ponente shall then be one
of Justices who concurred in the majority decision, to be
determined in the_sequence that they have submitted
their concurrence thereto.
v) All the members of the Special Division of Five shall
sign the decision or resolution. Any men1ber may write
- 29

separate concurring or dissenting opinion which shall be

attached to the duly protnulgated majority opinion.
G) The foregoing rules pertaining to the creation of a Special Division
of five (5) shall not apply to cases arising fron1 offenses com1nitted after the
effectivity of R.A. No. 10660, which shall be covered by Section 4, Rule IX.
(k) The above rules on assignment of cases for ponencia shall remain,
notwithstanding any subsequent transfer of the ponente to another Division.
(I) The Division from which the Justice to whom the case is assigned
for study and report came shall be known as a Special Division.
(m) If a case is assigned for study and report to a Justice who ceased
to be a member of the Sandiganbayan, due to retirement, resignation
or.for any other cause, the case shall remain with the Division, and the
Chairperson may assign the case to the new member of the Division or
to any of the original members of the Division, as the Chairperson may
deem proper, for
study and report in accordance with Section 3; Rule XIII.

Pursuant to R.A. No. 10660, the n1ajority vote shall suffice to decide
the case. The ponente of the decision shall be detennined as follows:

(1) If the majority agrees with the ponencia, the ponente

thereof shall write the majority opinion;
(2) If the majority dissents from the ponencia, the Justice who
submitted the first dissent shall be the ponente of the
majority opinion.

However, if there is a dissent in cases arising from offenses committed

before the effectivity of R.A. No. 10660, the procedure shall be as follows:
(1) The written n1ajority and dissenting opinions shall not be
attached to the record;

(2) The Chairperson of the Division shall then refer the case
to the Presiding Justice who shall designate by raffle two
justices on rotation basis from all the other members of
the Sandiganbayan to sit ten1porarily with them, fanning
a Special Division of Five;

(3) If the vote of the Special Division of Five is not unanin1ous,

the ponente of the majority and dissenting opinions shall
be determined in accordance with the first paragraph
hereof; however, if the Special Division of Five arrives at
- 30

a unanimous decision, the Special Division of Five shall

be automatically dissolved, and the Decision shall be
penned by the member of the regular Division who
pe1u1ed the opinion that became the majority opinion.

(n) A Justice shall not be assigned cases for decision or resolution

within three (3) months before retirement.

Sec. 7. Per Curiam Decisions and Res.olutions. - Decisions and

Resolutions may be rendered per curiam by the Division only when arrived
at by a unanimous vote of its members.

Sec. 8. Grounds for Inhibition of Division Members. - A Justice may

inhibit from a case on the following grounds:
(a) When the Justice was the ponente of the appealed decision of the
lower court;
(b) When the Justice was counsel or member of a law firm which
was counsel in a case before the Division, within ten (10) years from joining
the Sandiganbayan unless the Justice was no longer a partner or member of
the law firm when it was engaged as counsel in the case and the Justice
votes against the client of such law firm. In any event, the mandatory
inhibition shall cease after the lapse of ten (10) years from the resignation
or withdrawal of the Justice from the law firm, unless the Justice personally
handled the case when he/she wasa partner member of the law firm; or
(c) When the Justice, spouse or child, or any men1ber of the family,
is pecuniarily interested in said case as heir, legatee, creditor or otherwise;
(d) When the Justice is related to either party in the case within the
sixth degree of consanguinity or affinity or to counsel within the fourth
degree, computed according to the rules of civil law; or
(e) When the Justice has been executor, administrator, guardian or
trustee in the case.
A Justice may also inhibit for any con1pelling reason or cause other
than those mentioned above or for any other ground provided for under the
Rules, subject to the condition that the replacement shall be by raffle.
- 31

Sec. 9. Effect of Inhibition from Particular Cases. - If the Justice

inhibits or is disqualified in a case, the case shall remain with the division
and the same procedure provided in Section 4, Sub-sections (b) and (c) of
Rule II, shall be observed in constituting the membership thereof. The
special member shall be the third member in the Special Division, without
losing seniority in the Sandiganbayan. The designated Justice shall exercise
the authority and prerogatives of a regular member in the Special Division,
in addition to the functions as regular member of the other Division. The
Special Member, however, shall not be assigned to write decisions or
extended resolutions in the case.
If the entire Division, on its own initiative or upon motion of any of
the parties in a case or cases, decide to inhibit from a case or cases, the
case/s shall be re-raffled to another Division. The Division to which the
case is/ are raffled may transfer to the Division from which the consolidated
cases came, an equivalent number of cases of approximately the same
number of parties, age, nature and stage in the proceedings, with proper
notice to the parties in said case/ s.


Section 1. Publication of Decision. - The decision of the

Sandiganbayan may be published in the Official Gazette in the language in
which they have been originally written. The syllabi for the decision shall
be prepared by the Office of Legal Research and Technical Staff, copies of
which shall be furnished the members of the Sandiganbayan.

Sec. 2. Electronic Dissemination of Decisions and Resolutions. -

a) There shall be electronic raffle of cases where facilities are
b) The Division Clerks of Court shall furnish the
Management Information Systems Division (MISD) with an
electronic copy of the decision or extended resolution upon
promulgation, for imn1ediate publication in the Sandiganbayan

Sec. 3. Seal of the Sandiganbayan.- The seal of the Sandiganbayan

shall be of standard size, circular in form, consisting of two concentric circles
- 32

as its margin with the inscription, running from left to right, on the upper
margin the word "Sandiganbayan" and, on the lower 1nargin, the words
"Republika ng Pilipinas", with 13 stars representing the existing Judicial
regions i1nmediately along the outer edge of the inner circle; and with a
design at the center, of a triangle With a trisected area composed of the
national colors of white on its upper part, blue on the left and red on the
right, with the words "KATAPATAN" on the left side,
"KAPANAGUTAN" on the right side, and "KARANGALAN" on the base;
a star in each corner of the triangle representing Luzon, Visayas and
Mindanao; and a bolo inside the triangle on which is superimposed a

Sec. 4. Repealing Clause. - Upon effectivity of these Rules, all rules,

circulars and administrative orders of the Sandiganbayan . inconsistent
therewith are hereby repealed.

Sec. 5. EffectivittJ Clause. - These Rules shall take effect on 16

November 2018 following its publication in two (2) newspapers of general
l·Om1 ./1


SJl:N<DI(J.M{{BJ'l ,YJl:N
Quezon City

The following court personnel are hereby authorized to send subpoenas

and notices to parties, their counsels, and witnesses in the cases before this Court:
1. Criminal Cases
a. Name:
b. Position:

2. Civil Cases
a. Name:
b. Position:

Furthermore, the following e-mail address, mobile phone and landline

numbers of the Court will be used for such service:
E-mail address:
Mobile number:

Dated this day of ,2 l_.


/·um, /3

. .


,1 ;<;(, ,


Quezon City

People of the Philippines,


-versus- Crim. Case Nos. SB-_-CRM-

X 0

I, , mabeserved with subpoenas ·and/or

notices in the above-captioned case through my preferred e-mail address,
landline or mobile phone number as indicated below:

E-mail address
Mobile phone number
Landline number

I undertake to immediately acknowledge receipt of the subpoenas and

notices sent through e-mails and mobile phones.
I also undertake to immediately inform the Court, m wntmg, of any
changes in any of my e-mail addresses and/ or contact numbers.
I understand that the service herein shall be proved by printouts of sent e-
mail or SMS, and is presumed complete upon transmission. For-notices made
through phone calls, proof of service shall be through a report of the phone call
made by the designated court personnel.
Dated this daof ,20l_,

Name and Signature of Party/Counsel/Witness

'• 'I
. .
." "
,; ,; , "'

,:0-'G .


Quezon City

is hereby authorized to serve through phone

call a subpoena or notice and should state the following:

Case title/ docket number:

Party/counsel/witness to be served: _

Material facts of the notice or subpoena:

Dated this_ dayof , 0l_.


Time of call:
Answer of the party /counsel/witness to the notice or subpoena:

Branch Clerk/ Authorized Representative

.· lti/1(:X I

I, \ \ I

. .
I• •



Quezon City


From SB THIRD DIV Re: CC Nos. SB-_-CRM- . Case Title: PP v. Reyes. To

Jail Warden: PRODUCE accused JOHN DOE on 19 Jan 2018 at 8:30 a.m. for
ARRAIGNMENT, SB Centennial Bldg., Commonwealth Ave., QC. Reply to
acknowledge receipt.


From SB THIRD DIV Re: CC Nos. SB-_-CRM- . Case Title: PP v. Reyes. To

JOHN DOE: APPEAR and TESTIFY on 19 Jan 2018 at 8:30 a.m. at SB Centennial
Bldg., Commonwealth Ave., Q.C. Reply to acknowledge receipt.


From SB THIRD DIV Re: CC Nos. SB-_-CRM.- . Case Title: PP v. Reyes. To

JOHN DOE: APPEAR and BRING with you the following evidence on
1Jan2018 at 8:30 a.m., SB Centennial Bldg., Commonwealth Ave., Q.C.
Reply to acknowledge receipt.


From SB THIRD DIV Re: CC Nos. SB-_-CRM- . Case Title: PP v. Reyes. To

ATTY. JOHN DOE: Case set for hearing on 19 Jan 2018 at 8:30 a.m., SB
Centennial Bldg., Commonwealth Ave., Q.C. Reply to acknowledge receipt.

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