Installation Instructions: Fronius Symo 3 - 8,2 KW
Installation Instructions: Fronius Symo 3 - 8,2 KW
Installation Instructions: Fronius Symo 3 - 8,2 KW
Fronius Symo 3 - 8,2 kW
EN Installation Instructions
42,0426,0172,EN 027-16052022
Installation location and position 4
Explanation of safety notices 4
Safety 4
Proper use/intended purpose 5
Choosing the location of the inverter 6
Installation position 7
General comments regarding inverter installation location 8
Attaching the Mounting Bracket 10
Safety 10
Selecting wall plugs and screws 10
Recommended screws 10
Opening the inverter 10
Fitting the mounting bracket to a wall 11
Installing the mounting bracket on a mast or beam 12
Fitting the mounting bracket to metal supports 12
Do not warp or deform the mounting bracket 13
Connecting the inverter to the public grid (AC side) 14
Safety 14
Monitoring the grid 14
Type of AC cable 14
Preparing the aluminium cables for connection 14
AC terminals 15
Cross section of the AC cable 15
Connecting the inverter to the public grid (AC) 16
Maximum fuse rating on alternating current side 16
Notes regarding inverters with single and multiple MPP trackers 18
Inverter with single MPP tracker 18
Inverter with multiple MPP trackers 18
Connecting solar module strings to the inverter 20
General comments regarding solar modules 20
DC terminals 20
Connecting aluminium cables 20
Solar module strings - checking the polarity and voltage 21
Connecting solar module strings to the inverter (DC) 21
Data communication 25
Routing data communication cables 25
Installing the Datamanager in the inverter 25
Attaching the inverter to the mounting bracket 28
Attaching the inverter to the mounting bracket 28
Starting for the first time 30
Starting the inverter for the first time 30
Notes regarding software updates 33
Notes regarding software updates 33
USB Stick as a Data Logger and for Updating Inverter Software 34
USB flash drive as a datalogger 34
Data on the USB flash drive 34
Data volume and storage capacity 35
Buffer memory 36
Suitable USB flash drives 36
USB stick for updating the inverter software 37
Removing the USB flash drive 37
Notes regarding maintenance 38
Maintenance 38
Cleaning 38
Australian Conduits 39
Tightly sealing the conduits 39
Seal conduits 39
Serial Number Sticker for Customer Use 40
Serial number sticker for customer use 40
Installation location and position
Explanation of
safety notices
Indicates immediate danger.
▶ If not avoided, death or serious injury will result.
Indicates a risk of flawed results and possible damage to the equipment.
Fire prevention
▶ Using fastening screws, always screw the inverter firmly to the mounting
bracket to the torque specified in the Operating Instructions.
▶ Ensure that the fastening screws are tight before starting the inverter!
Note! Fronius will not accept any costs associated with production downtimes,
installer costs, etc., that may arise as the result of a detected arc and its con-
sequences. Fronius accepts no liability for fires that can occur despite the pres-
ence of the integrated arc detection/extinguishing system (e.g. fires caused by a
parallel arc).
Note! After an arc has been detected, the entire photovoltaic system must be
checked for possible damage before resetting the inverter.
Proper use/ The inverter is intended exclusively to convert direct current from solar modules
intended pur- into alternating current and to feed this into the public grid.
pose Utilisation not in accordance with the intended purpose comprises:
- Any use above and beyond this purpose
- Making any modifications to the inverter that have not been expressly ap-
proved by Fronius
- the installation of components that are not distributed or expressly ap-
proved by Fronius.
Fronius shall not be liable for any damage resulting from such action.
No warranty claims will be entertained.
When designing the photovoltaic system, ensure that all components are oper-
ated within their permitted operating ranges at all times.
Obey the regulations of the power supply company regarding connection meth-
ods and energy fed into the grid.
Choosing the
location of the
inverter The inverter is suitable for indoor installation.
Do not install the inverter in:
- Places where there is an increased risk of damage from farm
animals (horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, etc.)
- Stables or adjoining areas
- Storage areas for hay, straw, chaff, animal feed, fertilisers,
All inverters are designed to be dust-tight. However, in areas
with a heavy build-up of dust, the thermal efficiency may still be
impaired by dust forming on the cooling surfaces. Regular clean-
ing is necessary in such situations. We therefore recommend not
installing the inverter in areas and environments with high dust
Do not install the inverter in:
- Greenhouses
- Storage or processing areas for fruit, vegetables or viticul-
ture products
- Areas used in the preparation of grain, green fodder or an-
imal feeds
Installation posi-
Do not install the inverter horizontally on a vertical wall or pillar.
Do not install the inverter on a vertical wall or pillar with its con-
nection sockets facing upwards.
General com- Please note the following criteria when choosing a location for the inverter:
ments regarding
inverter installa- Install only on a solid, non-flammable surface
tion location
Max. ambient temperatures:
-25 °C / +60 °C
Relative humidity:
The airflow within the inverter is
from the left to the top (cold air
taken in from the left, hot air dissip-
ated out of the top).
The exhaust air can reach a temper-
ature of 70 °C.
If the inverter is to be installed on the outer wall of a cattle shed, maintain a
minimum all-round clearance of 2 m between the inverter and all ventilation
and other openings in the building.
The installation location must not be exposed to ammonia, corrosive vapours,
salts or acids.
Attaching the Mounting Bracket
Danger due to dirt or water on the terminals and contacts of the inverter's con-
nection area.
This may result in damage to the inverter.
▶ When drilling, ensure that terminals and contacts in the connection area do
not become dirty or wet.
▶ The mounting bracket without a power stage set does not conform to the
protection class of the inverter as a whole, and therefore must not be in-
stalled without a power stage set.
▶ The mounting bracket should be protected from dirt and moisture during in-
Selecting wall Important! Different fixings may be required to fit the mounting bracket depend-
plugs and screws ing on the type of underlying surface. Fixings are therefore not included in the
scope of supply of the inverter. The installer is responsible for selecting the right
type of fixing.
Recommended To install the inverter, the manufacturer recommends the use of steel or alumini-
screws um screws with a diameter of 6 - 8 mm.
1 2
3 4
Fitting the 1 2
mounting brack-
et to a wall
3 Note! When mounting the mounting
bracket on the wall, ensure that the
mounting bracket does not become
warped or deformed.
Do not warp or Note! When fitting the mounting bracket to the wall, ensure that the mounting
deform the bracket does not become warped or deformed.
mounting brack-
Connecting the inverter to the public grid (AC
Danger due to grid voltage and DC voltage from solar modules that are exposed
to light.
This may result in an electric shock.
▶ Ensure that both the AC side and the DC side of the inverter are de-ener-
gised before carrying out any connection work.
▶ Only an authorised electrical engineer is permitted to connect this equip-
ment to the public grid.
Monitoring the To provide the best possible grid monitoring, the resistance in the leads to the
grid AC-side terminals should be as low as possible.
Type of AC cable The following types of AC cable can be connected to the AC terminals of the in-
Preparing the The AC-side terminals are suitable for connecting single-wire, round aluminium
aluminium cables. Because of the formation of a non-conductive oxide layer due to the re-
cables for con- action of aluminium with air, the following points must be considered when con-
nection necting aluminium cables:
- the reduced rated currents for aluminium cables
- the connection conditions listed below
Always follow the cable manufacturer instructions when using aluminium cables.
When designing cable cross-sections, take local regulations into account.
Connection conditions:
1 Carefully clean the oxide layer from the bare end of the cable by scraping it,
e.g. with a knife
2 Once the oxide layer is removed, rub the end of the cable with a neutral
grease, such as non-acidic and non-alkaline Vaseline
3 Immediately connect the cable end to the terminal
Cross section of For a standard M32 metric screw joint with a reducer:
the AC cable Cable diameter from 7-15 mm
With cable diameters greater than 21 mm, the M32 screw joint must be replaced
by an M32 screw joint with a larger clamping area – item number: 42,0407,0780
– strain-relief device M32 x 1.5 KB 18–25.
Connecting the 1 2
inverter to the
public grid (AC)
Maximum fuse
rating on altern-
ating current
Inverter Phas AC output Max. output Recommen-
es overcurrent ded fuse rat-
protection ing
Fronius Symo 7.0-3-M 3 7000 W C 25 A C 20 A
Fronius Symo 8.2-3-M 3 8200 W C 25 A C 25 A
Local regulations, the electricity retailer or other factors may require a residual-
current protective device in the AC connection lead.
A type A residual-current circuit breaker with a trip current of at least 100 mA is
generally sufficient in this case. In particular cases, and depending on local
factors, however, the type A residual-current circuit breaker may trip at the
wrong time. For this reason, Fronius recommends that a residual-current circuit
breaker that is suitable for frequency converters should be used.
Notes regarding inverters with single and multiple
MPP trackers
Fronius Symo 3.0-3-M - 8.2-3-M Single MPP tracker mode on an invert-
er with multiple MPP trackers:
PV 1
PV 2
If the strings are connected using a
String current > 16 A string combiner box and only one bus
and < 32 A
is used for connection to the inverter,
DC+1 and DC+2 * the connection DC+1 (pin 2) and DC+2
(pin 1) must be jumpered.
DC+1 DC+2 DC-
1 1 2 2 1234 The wire diameter of the DC connec-
tion lead and the jumpering must be
DC-1 the same. Jumpering of the DC termin-
* al is not necessary, as these terminals
are jumpered internally.
* D1 D1
= When starting for the first time, set
MPP TRACKER 2 to "OFF" (this can
Connecting multiple interconnected solar mod- also be done later in the Basic menu)
ule fields to an inverter with multiple MPP track-
ers using one lead
If the inverter with multiple MPP
trackers is operated in single MPP
tracker mode, the currents from the
connected DC leads are divided evenly
across both inputs.
Connecting solar module strings to the inverter
General com- To enable suitable solar modules to be chosen and to use the inverter as effi-
ments regarding ciently as possible, it is important to bear the following points in mind:
solar modules - If insolation is constant and the temperature is falling, the open circuit
voltage of the solar modules will increase. The open circuit voltage must not
exceed the maximum permissible system voltage. If the open circuit voltage
exceeds the specified values, the inverter will be destroyed and no warranty
claims will be entertained.
- The temperature coefficients on the solar modules data sheet must be ob-
- More exact values for dimensioning the solar modules can be provided by
suitable calculation programs, like the Fronius Solar.creator (creator.froni-
Note! Before connecting up the solar modules, check that the voltage for the sol-
ar modules specified by the manufacturer corresponds to the actual measured
Connecting alu- The DC-side terminals are suitable for connecting single-wire, round aluminium
minium cables cables. Because of the formation of a non-conductive oxide layer due to the re-
action of aluminium with air, the following points must be considered when con-
necting aluminium cables:
- the reduced rated currents for aluminium cables
- the connection conditions listed below
Note! Always follow the cable manufacturer instructions when using aluminium
Note! When designing cable cross-sections, take local regulations into account.
Connection conditions:
1 Carefully clean the oxide layer from the bare end of the cable by scraping it,
e.g. with a knife
2 Once the oxide layer is removed, rub the end of the cable with a neutral
grease, such as non-acidic and non-alkaline Vaseline
3 Immediately connect the cable end to the terminal
IMPORTANT! Repeat the procedure if the cable has been disconnected and is to
be re-connected.
Solar module
strings - check-
ing the polarity Danger due to incorrect polarity and
and voltage voltage.
This may result in damage to the in-
▶ Check the polarity and voltage of
the solar module strings before
making the connection. The
voltage must not exceed the fol-
lowing values:
When installed between 0 and
2000 m above sea level: 1000 V
▶ When installed between 2001 and
2500 m above sea level: 900 V
▶ When installed between 2501 and
3000 m above sea level: 815 V
▶ When installed between 3001 and
3400 m above sea level: 750 V
Connecting solar Note! Only break out as many target break points as there are cables.
module strings
to the inverter
1 2
3 4
5 6
8 Note! Observe the torque values
marked on the side underneath the
9 10
If DC cables are laid over the shaft of
the DC main switch or across the con-
nection block of the DC main switch,
they may be damaged when the invert-
er is swung in or they may even prevent
the inverter from being swung in.
Data communication
Routing data IMPORTANT! Operating the inverter with one option card and two broken-out
communication option card slots is not permitted.
cables To cater for this eventuality, a suitable blanking cover (42,0405,2020) is available
from Fronius as an option.
IMPORTANT! If data communication cables are wired into the inverter, observe
the following points:
- Depending on the number and cross-section of the data communication
cables that are being introduced, take the relevant blanking plugs out of the
sealing insert and insert the data communication cables.
- The relevant blanking plugs must be inserted into the free openings on the
sealing insert.
1 2
3 4
Installing the
Datamanager in
the inverter Danger of residual voltage from capacitors.
This may result in an electric shock.
▶ Wait for the capacitors to discharge. The discharge time is five minutes.
1 2
3 4
5 6
Attaching the inverter to the mounting bracket
The side sections of the housing lid are designed to function as holding and car-
rying handles.
Note! For safety reasons, the inverter is fitted with a latch that prevents the in-
verter from being swung into the mounting bracket unless the DC main switch is
switched off.
- Never attach the inverter to the mounting bracket or swing it in unless the
DC main switch is switched off.
- Never use force to attach the inverter or swing it in.
The fastening screws in the data communication area of the inverter are used for
securing the inverter to the mounting bracket. Correctly tightened fastening
screws are a prerequisite if proper contact is to be established between the in-
verter and mounting bracket.
1 2
3 4
Starting for the first time
When starting the inverter for the first time, it is necessary to select various
setup settings.
The country setup can only be set when using the inverter for the first time. If
the country setup needs to be changed at a later date, please contact your Tech-
nical Support team.
2 3
Select Country
50 Hz
International 50 Hz
1 2 1 2
* Country setup examples
The available country setups may change during a software update. Therefore, the following list may
not exactly match the display on the inverter.
50Hz International 50 Hz DE2F Deutschland (> 4,6 kVA) IT6 Italia ≤ 11,08 kVA 2019
60Hz International 60 Hz - konst. cosPhi(1) IT7 Italia > 11,08 kVA 2019
AT1E Österreich cosphi = 1 DE2P Deutschland (> 4,6 kVA) JO98 Jordan G98
AT2E Österreich cosphi P 0,9 - cosPhi(P) 0,9 JO99 Jordan G99
AT3E Österreich: Q(U) DE2U Deutschland (> 4,6 kVA) LK Sri Lanka
AUS1 Australia AUS1 - AS/ - Q(U) MG50 Microgrid 50 Hz
NZS4777.2 DKA1 West Denmark - 125kW MG60 Microgrid 60 Hz
AUS2 Australia AUS2 - VIC DKA2 East Denmark - 125kW NI98 Northern Ireland G98
AUS3 Australia AUS3 - NSW DU1 Dubai < 10 kW NI99 Northern Ireland G99
Ausgrid DU2 Dubai 10 kW - 400 kW NL Nederland
AUS4 Australia AUS4 - QLD EE Estonia NO Norge
AUS5 Australia AUS5 - SA ES España NZ New Zealand
AUS6 Australia AUS6 - WA - ESOS Territorios españoles en PF1 Polynésie française
WP el extranjero (Spanish (French Polynesia)
AUS7 Australia AUS7 - WA - Oversea Islands) PL Poland
HP EULV EU - low voltage PT Portugal
AUA Australia Region A 2020 EUMV EU - medium voltage RO România
AUB Australia Region B 2020 FI Finland SA Saudi Arabia
AUC Australia Region C 2020 FR France SE Sverige
BE Belgique / België FROS Territoire d’Outre-Mer SI Slovenija
BR2 Brasil: ≤ 6 kVA (French Oversea Is- SK Slovensko
BR3 Brasil: > 6 kVA lands) TH M Thailand MEA
CH Schweiz / Suisse / G98 Great Britain GB - G98 TH P Thailand PEA
Svizzera / Svizra GB Great Britain TR Türkiye
CL Chile GR Ελλάδα UA Україна
CY Κύπρος / Kıbrıs / Cyprus HR Hrvatska ZA South Africa / Suid-
CZ Česko HU Magyarország Afrika
DE1F Deutschland (≤ 4,6 kVA) IE Éire / Ireland
- konst. cosPhi(1) IL إسرائيل/ ישראל/ Israel
DE1P Deutschland (≤ 4,6 kVA) IN India
- cosPhi(P) 0,95
1 2
1 2 1 2
8 9
Notes regarding software updates
Notes regarding If the inverter is supplied with a USB
software up- flash drive, the inverter software must
dates be updated as soon as the inverter has
+ been commissioned:
USB Stick as a Data Logger and for Updating In-
verter Software
USB flash drive If a USB flash drive is connected to the USB A socket it can function as a data-
as a datalogger logger for an inverter.
The logging data stored on the USB flash drive can be viewed at any time in
third-party programmes (e.g Microsoft® Excel) using the CSV file logged at the
same time.
Older versions of Excel (before Excel 2007) are limited to a maximum of 65,536
Data on the USB If the USB flash drive is being used as a data logger, three files will be created
flash drive automatically:
Structure of the CSV file:
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
(8) (9)
(1) ID
(2) Inverter no.
(3) Inverter type (DATCOM code)
(4) Logging interval in seconds
(5) Energy in watts per second, relative to the logging interval
(6) Inductive reactive power
(7) Capacitive reactive power
(8) Average values during the logging interval (AC voltage, AC current, DC
voltage, DC current)
(9) Additional information
Data volume and A USB flash drive with a storage capacity of 1 GB can record logging data for
storage capacity roughly seven years at a logging interval of five minutes.
CSV file
CSV files can only store 65,535 lines (data records) (up to Microsoft® Excel 2007;
there is no restriction from this version onwards).
At a five-minute logging interval, the 65,535 lines will be written within approx-
imately seven months (CSV data size of approx. 8 MB).
In order to avoid data loss, the CSV file should be backed up to a PC and deleted
from the USB flash drive within this seven-month period. If the logging interval is
set to a longer period, this time frame will be increased accordingly.
FLD file
The FLD file should not be larger than 16 MB. This will provide enough storage
capacity for approximately six years at a logging interval of five minutes.
If the file exceeds the 16 MB limit, it should be backed up to a PC and all of the
data on the USB flash drive should be deleted.
After backing up and removing the data, the USB flash drive can be reconnected
immediately to resume recording the logging data without any further steps be-
ing required.
Note! Using a full USB flash drive can lead to data loss or data being overwritten.
When using USB flash drives, always ensure that there is sufficient storage capa-
city on the flash drive.
Risk of USB flash drive becoming full.
This may result in data being lost or overwritten.
▶ When using USB flash drives, always ensure that there is sufficient storage
capacity on the flash drive.
Buffer memory If the USB stick is unplugged (e.g. for data backup purposes), the logging data is
written to a buffer memory in the inverter.
As soon as the USB stick is plugged in again, the data is copied automatically
from the buffer memory to the stick.
The buffer memory can store a maximum of six logging points. Data is only
logged while the inverter is running (output greater than 0 W). The logging inter-
val is permanently set at 30 minutes. Data can be recorded on the buffer
memory for a three-hour time period as a result.
When the buffer memory is full, the oldest data in the memory will be overwrit-
ten by the next batch of data.
Suitable USB Due to the variety of USB flash drives available on the market, it cannot be guar-
flash drives anteed that every USB flash drive will be detected by the inverter.
Fronius recommends that only certified, industry-grade USB flash drives are
used (look out for the USB-IF logo).
The inverter supports USB flash drives with the following file systems:
- FAT12
- FAT16
- FAT32
Fronius recommends that the USB flash drive employed should only be used for
recording logging data or updating the inverter software. The USB flash drives
should not contain any other data.
USB symbol on the inverter display, e.g. in display mode 'NOW':
If the inverter detects a USB flash
drive, the USB symbol will appear in
the top right corner of the display.
AC Output Power
Note! Please note for outdoor applications that conventional USB flash drives
are often only guaranteed to work within a restricted temperature range.
For outdoor applications ensure that the USB flash drive also functions, for ex-
ample, at low temperatures.
USB stick for up- With the help of the USB stick, end customers can also update the inverter soft-
dating the in- ware via the USB item on the SETUP menu: the update file is first saved to the
verter software USB stick, from where it is then transferred to the inverter. The update file must
be saved in the root directory on the USB stick.
Removing the Safety instruction concerning the removal of a USB flash drive:
USB flash drive
Notes regarding maintenance
Maintenance Note! When installed outdoors in a horizontal position: once a year, check that all
screw joints are tight!
Australian Conduits
Tightly sealing Ensure that the conduits are tightly sealed.
the conduits
Inverter housing
Conduit fitting
Permanently elastic
1 1
1 3
Serial Number Sticker for Customer Use
Application example:
Serial number sticker on the Operating
Instructions or on the front of the in-