Isolation, Identification and Purification of Caffeine From Coffea Arabica L. and Camellia Sinensis L.: A Combination Antibacterial Study
Isolation, Identification and Purification of Caffeine From Coffea Arabica L. and Camellia Sinensis L.: A Combination Antibacterial Study
Isolation, Identification and Purification of Caffeine From Coffea Arabica L. and Camellia Sinensis L.: A Combination Antibacterial Study
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The present study was conducted to isolate the most important bioactive compound from Coffea arabica (coffee) beans and Camellia
sinensis (green tea) leaves. Caffeine (3,7-dihydro-1,3,7-trimethyl-1H-purine-2,6-dione) was isolated from both plants using a
liquid–liquid extraction method, detected on thin layer chromatography (TLC) plates in comparison with standard caffeine, which
served as a positive control. Moreover, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer and High performance liquid chromatography
(HPLC) analyses were used to confirm the purity and characterization of the extracted caffeine. The isolated material(s) from both
plants were investigated for their single and combined antibacterial activities against six selected pathogenic bacteria. The Gram-
positive bacteria were; Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus and Gram-negative bacteria included; Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis,
Klebsiella pneumonia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Both compounds at a concentration of 2 mg/ml showed similar antibacterial
activities against all tested bacteria, except for P. mirabilis, and the highest inhibitory effect was observed against P. aeruginosa using a
modified agar diffusion method. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of caffeine was determined using a broth microdilution
method in 96 multi-well microtitre plates. MIC values ranged from 62.5 to 250.0 µg/ml for the caffeine isolated from coffee and 62.5
to 500.0 µg/ml for green tea caffeine. Combination results showed additive effects against most pathogenic bacteria especially for
P. aeruginosa, using both antibacterial assays.
Address for correspondence: Dr. Firas A. Al-Bayati, Department of Biology, College of Education, University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq.
Received: 03-04-2008; Accepted: 09-08-2008; DOI: 10.4103/0973-8258.49375
and antagonism of adenosine receptors.[13] In addition, for decaffeinating coffee beans and green tea. Its efficiency
caffeine potentates the lethal effects of ionizing to extract caffeine is 98-99%. Caffeine extraction from both
radiation, which could be useful for cancer therapy.[14] plant materials was accomplished according to a method
It also plays an important role in the development of previously described.[18] Briefly, coffee and green tea solutions
immune resistance against bacterial invaders by increasing initially prepared were mixed with dichloromethane in a
the concentration of some immunocompetent cells and volume ratio (25 : 25 ml). A mixture of the solution was
reinforcing the activity of lysozyme.[15] stirred for 10 minutes. Then, using a separatory funnel,
the caffeine was extracted by the dichloromethane from
Many studies have been carried out to extract various the solution. The extraction of caffeine was carried out four
natural products for screening antimicrobial activity, but times with 25 ml dichloromethane at each round and stored
attention has not been focused intensively on studying in volumetric flasks.
the combinations of these products for their antimicrobial
activity. It has been previously reported that caffeine The crude caffeine was recrystallized using a mixed-solvent
extracted from commercial coffee, possesses antibacterial system that involved dissolving it with 5 ml hot acetone
activities.[16] Moreover, Chinese green tea extract has also followed by the addition of hexane until the solution turned
been reported to have the same action.[17] Nevertheless, we cloudy. The solution was cooled and the crystalline caffeine
were not able to find an extensive isolation study of caffeine was collected by vacuum filtration.
from both plants. Thus, we report here, single and combined
antibacterial effects of caffeine isolated from Coffea arabica Characterization of Pure caffeine
and Camellia sinensis. Thin layer chromatography
The isolated compounds (caffeine) from both plants
MATERIALS AND METHODS were dissolved in an appropriate solvent, applied to
silica gel plates, Merck (Germany) 20 × 20 cm, 0.25 mm in
Chemicals thickness, and developed using the solvent system : ethyl
Acetone, hexane, ethyl acetate, methanol, ethanol, acetate : methanol : water (100 : 13.5 : 10). The Thin layer
potassium iodide, iodine, hydrochloric acid (HCl), Dimethyl chromatography (TLC) plate was first sprayed with 1 g
sulphoxide (DMSO), acetonitrile, cetonitrile, acetic acid potassium iodide and 1 g iodine dissolved in 100 ml ethanol,
and dichloromethane were obtained from BDH Analar followed by spraying with a 1 : 1 mixture of 25% HCl : 96%
(England). Resazurin indicator tablet was obtained from ethanol (I/HCl reagent).[19] The caffeine zones were indicated
Thompson and Capper Ltd (England). Standard caffeine by a dark-brown colour discernible in visible light. Standard
99% purity (FW. 194.19, MP. 234-236.5) was obtained from caffeine served as a positive control.
Aldrich Chemical Company (Germany).
FTIR studies
Plant Materials Infrared (IR) spectrum of the samples were recorded
Camellia sinensis leaves and Coffea arabica beans (unroasted) in the College of Education, Department of Chemistry,
were purchased from a local market in Mosul city, Nineveh University of Mosul, using a computerized Tensor 27 FTIR
province, Iraq. Both plant materials were identified at the spectrometer, Bruker Co. (Germany), in the range 400-
College of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Mosul, 4000/cm, using the KBr pellet technique. All samples were
Iraq. weighed, in order to have the same amount of caffeine.
detection was carried out at 280 nm. well to ensure that the final volume was of single strength of
the nutrient broth. Finally, 10 µl of the bacterial suspensions
Bacterial Strains were added to each well. The final concentration of the
All microorganisms were obtained from the Department extracts adopted to evaluate the antibacterial activity was
of Biology, College of Education, University of Mosul, Iraq. included from 1000 µg/ml to 1.9 µg/ml. In each plate, a
Four strains of Gram-negative bacteria; Escherichia coli, column with a broad-spectrum antibiotic was used as the
Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa positive control (gentamycin in serial dilution 1000-1.9 µg/
and two strains of Gram-positive bacteria; Staphylococcus ml). The plates were wrapped loosely with cling film to
aureus, Bacillus cereus were used as the tested bacteria. The ensure that bacteria did not become dehydrated, and were
cultures of bacteria were maintained in their appropriate prepared in triplicate. Subsequently, they were placed in
agar slants at 4°C throughout the study and used as stock an incubator at 37°C for 24 hours. The colour change was
cultures. then assessed visually. Any colour change from purple to
pink or to colourless was recorded as positive. The lowest
Inoculum Preparation concentration at which the colour change occurred was
Nutrient broth was used for growing and diluting the taken as the MIC value. The average of three values was
bacterial suspensions. The bacterial strains were grown to calculated and that was the MIC for the test material.
the exponential phase in Nutrient broth at 37°C for 18 h and
adjusted to a final density of 108 cfu/ml by diluting fresh RESULTS
cultures and comparing them with the McFarland density.
The present study was conducted to isolate the main
Antibacterial Activity bioactive compound from Coffea arabica beans and Camellia
Disc diffusion assay sinensis leaves. Caffeine was isolated from both plants using
A modified agar diffusion method[20] was used to determine dichloromethane as an extracting solvent, and then detected
the antibacterial activity. Nutrient agar was inoculated on TLC plates in comparison with standard caffeine. All
with microbial cell suspension (200 µl in 20 ml medium) samples had the same retention factor (Rf) values. The
and poured into sterile Petri dishes. Both compounds FTIR spectrum of isolated caffeine(s) showed similar
extracted from coffee and green tea were dissolved in absorption bands when compared with that of standard
dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) to reach a final concentration caffeine [Figures 2-4]. The prominent bands were around
of 2 mg/ml, to be tested. Sterile filter paper discs 5 mm in 1703/cm (s) that correspond to (C=O); 3112/cm (w)
diameter were impregnated with 20 µl (10 µl + 10 µl in case corresponds to (=C-H); 2953/cm (w) attributed to (C-H);
of combination) of caffeine from each of the plants and (1236,1024)/cm (w) corresponds to (C-N) and (1657)/
placed on the inoculated agar surface. A standard 6 mm disc cm (s) assigned to (C=N). Moreover, the isolated samples
containing gentamycin (Bioanalyse) 10 μg/disc was used as were analysed using the HPLC method and identified by
the positive control. After pre-incubation for 2 hours in a comparing their retention times (tR) [Figures 5-7] and UV
refrigerator, the plates were incubated overnight at 37°C for spectra with those of the standard compound.[22,23]
24 hours. At the end of the incubation period antibacterial
activity was evaluated by measuring the zones of inhibition. After identification, caffeine(s) from both plants were
Each experiment was tested in triplicate. investigated for their single and combined antibacterial
activities against some pathogenic bacteria. The initial
Microdilution assay screening of the antibacterial activity of each plant
The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of compound was assayed in vitro by the agar diffusion
caffeine extracted from coffee and green tea were determined method. Both compounds showed similar antibacterial
based on a microdilution method in 96 multi-well microtitre activity against all tested bacteria except for P. mirabilis
plates, as previously described,[21] with slight modifications. [Table 1]. The diameters of the growth inhibition areas
The dissolved compounds were first diluted to the highest were in the range of 11.3-13.7 mm for caffeine isolated
concentration, 1000 µg/ml, to be tested, and 50 µl of nutrient from coffee, and 10.1-14.3 mm for green tea caffeine. In
broth was distributed from the second to the ninth well. addition the highest inhibitory effects were observed
A volume of 100 µl (50 µl + 50 µl in case of combination) against P. aeruginosa, while no activity was seen against
from each compound was pipetted into the first test well P. mirabilis using both types of caffeine. Combinations
of each microtitre line, and then 50 µl of scalar dilution was between the compounds possessed good inhibitory
transferred from the second to the ninth well. To each well activities against most tested bacteria. The strongest
was added 10 μl of resazurin indicator solution (prepared combination effect was seen against P. aeruginosa. In view
by dissolving a 270 mg tablet in 40 ml of sterile distilled of the results obtained by the disc diffusion method, the
water). Using a pipette 30 µl of broth was added to each MIC values of caffeine isolated from Coffea arabica and
Figure 2: FTIR spectrum of caffeine isolated from coffee Figure 3: FTIR spectrum of caffeine isolated from green tea
Wavenumber per cm
Figure 4: FTIR spectrum of standard caffeine Figure 5: HPLC chromatogram of caffeine isolated from coffee
Figure 6: HPLC chromatogram of caffeine isolated from green tea Figure 7: HPLC chromatogram of standard caffeine
Camellia sinensis were determined by broth microdilution drug gentamycin was active against all reference bacteria
assay [Table 2]. (zone of inhibition range: 13.5-17.4 mm; MIC range:
3.9-15.6 µg/ml).
The MIC values obtained confirm the existence of a
significant activity against the bacterial strains tested in DISCUSSION
our study, with MIC values ranging from 62.5 to 250.0 µg/
ml for coffee and 62.5 to 500.0 µg/ml for green tea. The Caffeine is an attractive compound because of its extensive
combination results showed additive effects against most applications in pharmacological preparations, including
pathogenic bacteria especially P. aeruginosa. The standard analgesics, diet aids and cold/flu remedies. In addition, it
Table 1: Single and combined antibacterial activity of activity of caffeine isolated from coffee and green tea was
caffeine isolated from coffee and green tea confirmed against some selected pathogenic bacteria.
Microorganisms Zone of inhibition (mm)
Caffeine source Combined Control The strains investigated showed similar responses to the
(2 mg/ml) caffeine(s) (10 µg) compounds tested, except for P. mirabilis, which was only
Coffee Green tea Gentamycin
inhibited using the standard drug gentamycin. Moreover,
P. aeruginosa was the most sensitive strain to single and
S. aureus 12.5 12.2 13.8 17.4
B. cereus 13.1 12.3 14.2 15.2 combined actions of caffeine using both antibacterial assays.
E. coli 11.4 10.1 11.2 13.5 The antibacterial role of caffeine may be due to the fact
P. mirabilis - - - 15.4 that caffeine inhibits syntheses of proteins and DNA by
K. pneumonia 11.3 11.8 13.0 15.0
inhibiting the incorporation of adenine and thymidine.[28]
P. aeruginosa 13.7 14.3 16.4 14.2
Furthermore, caffeine enhances genotoxicity after DNA
Table 2: Single and combined MIC values of caffeine
isolated from coffee and green tea The present work showed that the caffeine extracted from
Microorganisms MIC values (µg/ml) both plants had antibacterial activities against all pathogenic
Caffeine source Combined Control bacteria except P. mirabilis, which resisted all single and
Coffee Green tea Gentamycin combined activities of this bioactive compound. Several
S. aureus 125.0 125.0 62.5 3.9 mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance are readily spread
B. cereus 125.0 125.0 62.5 3.9 to a variety of bacterial genera. First, the organism may
E. coli 250.0 500.0 250.0 7.8
acquire gene encoding enzymes, such as β-lactamases,
P. mirabilis >1000.0 >1000.0 >1000.0 7.8
K. pneumonia 250.0 250.0 125.0 7.8 which destroy the antibacterial agent before it can have
P. aeruginosa 62.5 62.5 31.2 15.6 an effect. In addition, bacteria may acquire efflux pumps
that extrude the antibacterial agent from the cell before it
can reach its target site and exert its effect. Finally, bacteria
can be applied as an additive in many popular carbonated may acquire several genes for a metabolic pathway, which
drinks. About 120,000 tonnes of caffeine is consumed ultimately produces altered bacterial cell walls that no
worldwide every year. Caffeine exists widely in the leaves, longer contain the binding site of the antimicrobial agent,
seeds and fruits of a large number of plants, among them or bacteria may acquire mutations that limit the access
are coffee and green tea.[24] of antimicrobial agents to the intracellular target site via
downregulation of porin genes.[30]
In the present study different physical methods were
employed to characterize the extracted caffeine(s), among It has been previously reported that caffeine isolated from
them were the infrared spectra and HPLC methods, which coffee can synergistically enhance α-dicarbonyl compound
indicated the absolute purity of the isolated caffeine(s). activity and that glyoxal, methylglyoxal and diacetyl, in the
HPLC is the most widely used qualitative and quantitative presence of caffeine, account for the whole antibacterial
determination and separation method. The method is activity of roasted coffee.[31] Moreover, caffeine increases
popular because it is nondestructive and may be applied the inhibitory effect of penicillin G and tetracycline against
to thermally labile compounds (unlike GC); it is also a very S. aureus by a factor of 4. [32] It was also reported that
sensitive technique, since it incorporates a wide choice of aminophylline and caffeine potentate the antimicrobial
detection methods. action of carbenicillin, ceftizoxime and gentamycin against
S. aureus and P. aeruginosa.[33]
The inhibitory activity of caffeine against filamentous
fungi and inhibiting aflatoxin production has been It could be concluded that caffeine is a potential natural,
documented.[25] However, the inhibitory effects of caffeine antimicrobial agent against different bacteria, and therefore,
on bacteria were contradictory. It has been reported could be used in foods as a natural preservative, to control
that caffeine did not have antimicrobial activity against their growth. Furthermore, the concentrations of caffeine
Streptococcus mutans, as no difference was observed found in coffee and green tea are enough to warrant the
for coffee with and without caffeine.[26] However, the antibacterial effect against tested bacteria.
antimicrobial activity of caffeine at different concentrations
(0.25 to 2.00%) against E. coli O157:H7 has been observed.[27] REFERENCES
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