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Gear Fault Diagnosis and Classification Using Data Vibration: October 2017

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Gear fault diagnosis and classification using data vibration

Article · October 2017

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3 authors, including:

Yassine Elyassami
Mohammadia School of Engineers


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VOL. 12, NO. 19, OCTOBER 2017 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.



Yassine Elyassami, Khalid Benjelloun and Mohammed Er-Rajouany
Electrical Department, LA2I, Mohamamdia Engineer’s School, Mohammed V University, Agdal, Rabat, Morocco
E-Mail: elyassami@yahoo.fr

Gear is considered as a critical component in machinery elements, their failure caused an unexpected disturbance
at industrial processes. Many researchers studied diagnose of gear faults by vibration data analysis. In this regard, we
create and develop a vibration database from an industrial plant, then we apply many methods to extract features and we
classify gear-faults based on different algorithms. We consider four gear fault classes: healthy gear, with pinion defect,
with wheel defect and with both pinion and wheel defects. We perform diagnosis using temporal and spectral analysis, than
we improve the fault classification results using appropriate feature extraction combined to nonlinear classifiers. The
excellent classification scores in the experimental phase proofs the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

Keywords: machine vibration, gear condition monitoring, faults diagnosis, classification, feature extraction.

1. INTRODUCTION section 4 exposed the obtained results and discussions.

Gears are rotating machine part needed for Finally, section 5 gives conclusions and remarks.
motion transmission in industrial applications such as
conveyors, wind power generators, elevators and pumps. 2. THE RESEARCH METHOD
There failures caused unscheduled downtime leading high
productivity losses and huge maintenance costs. Vibration 2. 1 Feature extraction
analysis can be considered as a useful way to diagnose and To diagnose gear faults, we process in three
classify typical faults [1], such as pinion and wheel faults, phases (see Figure-1): Data acquisition, a learning phase
cracked shaft, misalignment, unbalance, rubbing, motor by a feature extraction, and fault condition classification.
faults and bent shaft defects. To avoid the complexity due In the first phase, we construct a gear vibration database
to gear dynamical model, we use, for faults diagnosis, data using radial accelerometers, in the second one, we
driven models based on historical data [8, 9]. The gear diagnose faults gear based Fast Fourier Transformation
diagnosis can be done in the time or in the frequency (FFT) and we extract reliable features based many
domain [1, 16]. In the first one, Root Mean Square (RMS), methods and algorithms: Temporal, spectral (based
skewness, kurtosis and crest factor are the most popular acceleration spectrum (AS), Power Spectrum (PS),
statistical time domain parameter for faults diagnosis. In Density Power Spectrum (DPS)), wavelets and α-stable
the frequency domain, the enveloping technique has been distribution.
proven to be an efficient method for gear defects These features are then used to learn several
detection. In recent years, the neural networks, genetic behavioral models corresponding to different initial states
algorithms and the wavelet transform have emerged as and operating conditions of gears (Healthy and fault
excellent process for fault detection [3, 5, 17]. states). The last phase, we detect the component’s
A gear fault diagnosis can be decomposed into condition by exploiting the learned models, in this phase
three parts: data acquisition, feature extraction, and fault we use KNN and SVM classifier algorithms, for estimate
condition classification. The aim of this paper is to present gear state and we compute the identification scores,
a methodology by which different gear defects can be classification scores and the corresponding recognition
detected and classified. We present the conception and the accuracy. The learned models are exploited to identify the
exploitation of a gear vibration database taking in an gear defect type (in our study we have considered four
industrial plant and we present also different methods used gear fault classes: Normal, pinion fault, wheel fault and
to extract and classify gear-faults. For improving the pinion/wheel faults).
classification accuracy, we use K-Nearest Neighbors
(KNN) and multi-class Support Vector Machine (SVM)
classifiers as machine learning algorithms. Those methods
are combined with feature extraction parameters:
Temporal, spectral, alpha stable and wavelet. The
experimental measures and treatment are applied to gear
radial axis. The proposed methods are built and applied to
perform to automate the fault diagnosis and classification
We present in Section 2, the adopted approach,
the experimental phase is detailed in section 3, while

VOL. 12, NO. 19, OCTOBER 2017 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


We use also the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm

(KNN) [10, 15] a machine learning algorithm used in
pattern recognition as a non-parametric method. Its input
is the k closest training examples in the feature space and
its output consists of a class membership.

2.3 Experimental section

The experiment was carried on many gears with
the characteristics shown in the Figure-2. Those gears are
entrained by a three phase’s 18.5Kw and 1500 rpm motor,
they have parallel shafts, a bubbling lubrication and 1/14
as reduction ratio. For measurement, we consider full load
condition and we use as sensors the piezoelectric
accelerometers mounted with magnetic bases fixation. The
Figure-1. Gear fault classification approach. obtained radial vibration signals of four gears have a 25.6
KHz sampling rate and the acquisition duration for each
We use for temporal, spectral and wavelet Gear is 40Sec. The same experimental platform was
extractions [2, 6], five indicators (RMS, Peak Level, Crest performed for sleeve and ball bearing [13, 14].
Factor, Kurtosis and Entropy). In each case, we apply
them to acceleration signal, acceleration spectrum; power
spectrum, density power spectrum and the third level
wavelet decomposition (see Table-1).

Table-1. Feature extraction parameters.

Signals Parameters
Temporal Acceleration
Acceleration spectrum
Spectral Power Spectrum (PS) Peak Level
Power Spectrum Density Crest Factor
(PSD) Kurtosis
The means of the eight Entropy Figure-2. Gears characteristics.
parquets using the third
Wavelet The industrial ICP accelerometers are connected
level wavelets
decomposition (dB02) to the vibration card NI 9234 as input NI CompactRIO-
Alpha stable 9022 controller module. The NI-controller is connected to
α Stable Acceleration a computer for advanced treatment: Features extraction
and fault classification. LABVIEW software (Real-time &
We use also an extraction based alpha stable FPGA) is used to obtain the acceleration signal data, for
distribution [7, 12], which includes Gaussian, Cauchy fault diagnosis, feature extraction and fault classification.
and Levy distributions as special cases. This distribution The obtained acceleration and spectrum are used to
was developed from the generalized central limit theorem. identify four different conditions of gear: (a) normal
The general characteristic function for this probability healthy gear, (b) gear with pinion defect, (c) gear with
density is characterized by a four-parameter family of wheel defect, (d) gear with both pinion and wheel defects.
continuous probability distributions form roughly
corresponding to measures of asymmetry and Table-2. RMS/Crest factor/Kurtosis Means values.
concentration. We use the four parameters of alpha stable Crest
distribution as features in fault diagnosis of gear. The RMS Kurtosis
calculated features represent the degradation of gear.
Healthy gear 0.48 3.67 3.15
2.2 Faults classification Pinion defect 2.22 8.03 6.88
We use as nonlinear classifiers, the multi-class Wheel defect 3.13 7.97 13.31
Support Vector Machine (SVM) [4, 11] a computational
learning method which employs structural risk to Pinion and wheel defect 2.58 8.65 6.88
minimize an upper bound on the expected risk, it’s
considered as one of the most efficient classification For isolate gear vibration signature and reduce
algorithm. effect of the bearing signature, all signals are filtered by
using a 1KHz-10KHz pass-band filter. To diagnose those

VOL. 12, NO. 19, OCTOBER 2017 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


gears. We consider the evaluation of some temporal variation of the RMS, Crest factor and Kurtosis
parameters like Histogram/RMS/Crest factor/Kurtosis as parameters. High value and huge variation are correlated
shown in Table-2 and Figure-3. We see the difference with the defect level.
between the four gears in means values and in curves

Figure-3. Histogram/ RMS/ Crest factor /Kurtosis, for gear fault class: (a: Green) healthy, (b: Yellow)
Gear with pinion defect, (c: Blue) Gear with wheel defect, (d: Red) Gear with pinion/wheel defects.

To diagnose and to identify specified gearbox pinion 1.8Hz (∆T=0.56sec). With sidebands (1*, 2*,
faults, we use as exposed in Figures (from 4 to 7), FFT 3*∆f=1.8Hz) around tooth mesh frequency.
spectrum based on radial acceleration and correlated with Gear acceleration and spectrum, for the third gear
gear frequency specifications. In the Figure-4 we can see condition exposed in Figure-6, are distinct by a wheel
that gear acceleration and spectrum are normal for the first defect as appear in in the rotational frequency of wheel 9.1
gear condition and indicate a healthy gear, only electrical Hz (∆T=0.109sec). With sidebands (1*, 2*, 3*∆f=9.1Hz)
network frequency 50Hz, gear mesh frequency 118.3Hz around mesh frequency.
and their corresponding harmonics (150Hz, 250Hz, The forth gear condition is characterized by a
350Hz…) and (236.6Hz, 354.9Hz, 473.2Hz…) appear serious defect level, see Figure 7, with mixed faults:
with moderates pics and without sidebands around mesh Pinion defect in 1.8Hz and wheel defect in 9.1Hz. With
frequency. sidebands (1*, 2*, 3* ∆f=1.8Hz) and (1*, 2*, 3*∆f=9.1Hz)
The second gear condition, in Figure-5 indicate a around mesh frequency.
gear pinion defect, as appear in the rotational frequency of

VOL. 12, NO. 19, OCTOBER 2017 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


Figure-4. Acceleration signal and its corresponding spectrum for healthy gear.

VOL. 12, NO. 19, OCTOBER 2017 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


Figure-5. Acceleration signal and its corresponding spectrum for gear pinion defect.

VOL. 12, NO. 19, OCTOBER 2017 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


Figure-6. Acceleration signal and its corresponding spectrum for gear wheel defect.

VOL. 12, NO. 19, OCTOBER 2017 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


Figure-7. Acceleration signal and its corresponding spectrum for gear pinion/wheel defects.

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS training windows: 10% of readings were taken for each
To show the effectiveness of the proposed gear to calculate the statistical features used as input to
methods, we compare identification and classification classification algorithms.
scores, based feature extraction (temporal, spectral, alpha The recognition identification scores results are
stable and wavelet) using the same experimental signal detailed in Table-3. It was seen that those scores are
data and processing with KNN and SVM algorithms. mostly excellent: Higher than 99% and up to 99,917%
Radial accelerometers measurement is organized as 40 sets with better scores using SVM classifier. The identification
of data for each gear. We use just a weak amount of score indicates the similarity between the input and the

VOL. 12, NO. 19, OCTOBER 2017 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


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