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7: Effective Transfusion in Surgery and Critical Care

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JPAC Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue

Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee

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Transfusion Handbook
7: Effective transfusion in surgery and critical care

7: Effective transfusion in surgery and critical care


Transfusion of blood according to evidence-based guidelines improves patient safety and

conserves precious blood supplies.
The decision to transfuse should be based on clinical assessment as well as laboratory tests.
The use of red cells in surgery has decreased but audits show many transfusions are
inappropriate and there is wide variation in practice between clinical teams.
Patient blood management programmes to improve surgical transfusion work across primary and
secondary care and focus on:
preoperative optimisation
minimising blood loss at surgery
avoiding unnecessary transfusion after surgery
using blood conservation techniques (e.g. intraoperative cell salvage) and transfusion
alternatives (e.g. antifibrinolytic drugs) where appropriate.
Restrictive red cell transfusion strategies are safe in a wide variety of surgeries and in critical care
In the haemodynamically stable, non-bleeding patient transfusion should only be considered if the
Hb is 80 g/L or less. A single red cell unit (or equivalent weight-related dose in children) may be
transfused and the patient reassessed.
Most invasive surgical procedures can be carried out safely with a platelet count above 50×109/L
or international normalised ratio (INR) below 2.0.
Successful transfusion support in major haemorrhage depends on the rapid provision of
compatible blood, a protocol-driven multidisciplinary team approach and excellent communication
between the clinical team and transfusion laboratory.
The benefit of routinely transfusing fresh frozen plasma (FFP) in a fixed ratio to red cells (‘shock
packs’) in traumatic haemorrhage is still uncertain but the CRASH-2 trial has proven that early
administration of tranexamic acid reduces mortality.
A restrictive red cell transfusion policy may be appropriate in many patients with acute upper
gastrointestinal haemorrhage.

Blood transfusion can be life-saving and is a key component of many modern surgical and medical
interventions. However, blood components are expensive, may occasionally have serious adverse effects
and supplies are finite. Avoiding unnecessary and inappropriate transfusions is both good for patients and
essential to ensure blood supplies meet the increasing demands of an ageing population. Clinical
assessment, rather than laboratory test results, should be the most important factor in the decision to
transfuse and evidence-based guidelines should be followed where available.

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Transfusion Handbook / 7: Effective transfusion in surgery and critical care

Surgical blood use in the UK has fallen by more than 20% since 2000, at least in part due to the various
Better Blood Transfusion initiatives and increasing evidence for the benefits of restrictive transfusion
policies. Less than 50% of red cell units are now given to surgical patients. However, audits show that 15–
50% of red cell transfusions in a range of surgical procedures are inappropriate and there is still significant
variation in the use of blood for the same operations. The fourth edition of the handbook defined good blood
management as ‘management of the patient at risk of transfusion to minimise the need for allogeneic
transfusion, without detriment to the outcome’. Multidisciplinary, evidence-based and patient-centred
programmes to achieve this, often called patient blood management (PBM), are being set up across the
UK and in other countries, such as Australia (http://www.nba.gov.au/guidelines/review.html).

7.1: Transfusion in surgery

7.1.1: Red cell transfusion

Patient blood management should start in primary care at the time of referral for surgery; working closely
with the preoperative assessment clinic at the hospital. It has three key strands:

Preoperative optimisation

Anaemia (and other relevant health problems) should be identified and treated in a timely fashion
before surgery.
Patients at increased risk of bleeding, especially those on anticoagulants or antiplatelet drugs,
should be recognised.
The use of blood conservation techniques in appropriate patients should be planned in advance.

Minimising blood loss at surgery

Drugs that increase bleeding risk should be withdrawn if safe to do so (discuss with prescribing
Blood-sparing surgical and anaesthetic techniques should be used.
Antifibrinolytic drugs, tissue sealants and intraoperative cell salvage procedures should be used
when appropriate.

Avoiding unnecessary transfusion after surgery

Use restrictive ‘transfusion triggers’, balancing safety and effectiveness in individual patients.
Minimise blood loss from blood tests.
Use postoperative red cell salvage and reinfusion where appropriate.
Prescribe iron and other stimulants to red cell production as needed.

Alternatives to donor blood transfusion and blood conservation techniques are detailed in Chapter 6. For
further useful information about transfusion alternatives see
http://www.nataonline.com/ and http://www.transfusionguidelines.org.uk/. Preoperative anaemia

Patients who are anaemic preoperatively (Hb <130 g/L in adult males and Hb <120 g/L in adult females) are
more likely to be transfused and a number of retrospective studies have shown that preoperative anaemia
is an independent risk factor for increased morbidity and mortality. Ideally, a full blood count is checked at
least 6 weeks before planned surgery to allow time for investigation and treatment and reduce the risk of
late cancellation.

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Iron deficiency is the most common anaemia revealed by preoperative screening. In men and post-
menopausal women iron deficiency may be an indicator of gastrointestinal bleeding from peptic disease or
cancer and should always be investigated. The speed of response to oral iron depends on the Hb deficit
and the presence of continued blood loss. At least 3 months of treatment after recovery of Hb is needed to
restore body iron stores. Patients intolerant of full dose oral iron may tolerate a lower dose, albeit with
slower response. Oral iron is ineffective in the early postoperative period because of the inhibitory effect of
inflammation on red cell production. Intravenous iron preparations, which now have a very low incidence of
severe allergic reactions, may be used in patients intolerant of oral iron and may also improve the Hb when
administered postoperatively (see Chapter 6). Erythropoiesis stimulating agents (ESAs) such as
recombinant erythropoietin are not cost-effective in this setting. Red cell transfusion in surgery

Clinical factors, as well as the degree of anaemia, must always be considered when making the decision to
transfuse. Peripheral blood Hb concentration gives only limited information about the delivery of oxygen to
vital organs. Experience of surgical patients who decline red cell transfusion, such as Jehovah’s Witnesses,
show that otherwise healthy individuals can have successful outcomes down to an Hb concentration as low
as 50 g/L (haematocrit approximately 15%) with good supportive care. The ‘safe’ Hb concentration is likely
to be higher in patients with heart or lung disease who are less able to compensate for anaemia.

A number of studies have shown that red cell transfusion is a significant predictor of mortality after cardiac
surgery, although its significance in non-cardiac surgery is less clear. Randomised trials of red cell
transfusion in haemodynamically stable surgical patients have shown no benefits for liberal transfusion
policies in terms of mortality, length of hospital stay or postoperative mobilisation. There is up to a 40%
reduction in exposure to donor transfusions when restrictive transfusion thresholds are employed (evidence
for the management of more severely ill patients is discussed in section 7.2). Most experts now agree that:

Transfusion should be considered if Hb below 80 g/L

If the Hb is below 70 g/L transfusion is usually indicated
The decision to transfuse should be based on the clinical condition of the patient (higher thresholds
may be appropriate in individual cases).

The same ‘transfusion triggers’ are applicable to patients with asymptomatic cardiovascular disease. Many
clinicians recommend using a higher Hb threshold in patients with acute coronary syndromes, but the
evidence for this is limited and a recent systematic review actually showed a higher mortality in transfused

The American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) guidelines, published in 2012

(http://www.aabb.org/resources), stress the importance of considering symptoms and expected surgical
blood loss as well as the Hb concentration in making the decision to transfuse. The AABB
recommendations for red cell transfusion after surgery are as follows:

Adhere to a restrictive transfusion strategy.

Consider transfusion if Hb 80 g/L or less.
Transfuse if symptomatic of anaemia – chest pain, orthostatic hypotension or tachycardia
unresponsive to fluid resuscitation, or congestive heart failure.
The same thresholds can be safely applied to patients with stable cardiovascular disease.

Patients who are not actively bleeding should be transfused with a single unit of red cells and then
reassessed before further blood is given. Does the age of red cells affect outcome after surgery?

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Retrospective observational studies have suggested that transfusing ‘older’ stored red cells may be
associated with higher mortality in patients undergoing cardiac surgery and cardiopulmonary bypass. This is
controversial because of confounding factors and conflicting results from other studies. Large randomised
trials are in progress to answer this important question. Unless or until there is prospective trial evidence of
benefit, specific selection of fresh red cells is not recommended.

7.1.2: Bleeding problems in surgical patients

Patients who report abnormal bleeding, especially after dental extractions or surgery, or give a family
history of bleeding problems, should be investigated before surgery wherever possible. Patients with known
or suspected congenital bleeding disorders should be managed in conjunction with a comprehensive
haemophilia care centre (http://www.ukhcdo.org/HaemophiliaCentres/a-c.htm). Most invasive surgical
procedures can be carried out safely with a platelet count above 50×109/L or international normalised ratio
(INR) below 2.0. Low platelet count

Guidelines for platelet transfusion thresholds in thrombocytopenic surgical patients and patients undergoing
invasive procedures are largely based on expert opinion and clinical experience.

Patients who also have impaired blood coagulation (e.g. liver disease, oral anticoagulants) or are on
antiplatelet drugs, such as aspirin or clopidogrel, are at higher risk of perioperative bleeding and specialist
advice should be sought if major surgery cannot be delayed. The template bleeding time is not a useful
screening test for risk of surgical bleeding.

Consensus guidelines commonly used for thrombocytopenic patients requiring surgery are summarised in
Table 7.1. When treatment is indicated, a single adult therapeutic dose (ATD) of platelets should be
transfused shortly before the procedure and the post-transfusion count checked (10 minutes after
transfusion gives a reliable indication).

Table 7.1 Platelet transfusion thresholds in surgery and invasive procedures

Indication Transfusion threshold or target

Most invasive surgery (including post-cardiopulmonary 50×109/L


Neurosurgery or posterior eye surgery 100×109/L

Prevention of bleeding associated with Lumbar puncture 50×109/L

invasive procedures Central-line insertion 50×109/L
Liver, renal or transbronchial biopsy 50×109
Gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy

Spinal anaesthesia 50×109/L

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Epidural anaesthesia 80×109/L

Bone marrow aspiration and trephine biopsy can be performed in patients with severe thrombocytopenia
without platelet support if adequate local pressure is applied. Patients on anticoagulants or antiplatelet drugs

Many older patients scheduled for surgery are on oral anticoagulants or antiplatelet drugs. A decision to
temporarily stop the drug or reduce the dose must balance the risk of surgical bleeding against the
indication for anticoagulation and be made in collaboration with the prescribing specialist (see 2012 British
Committee for Standards in Haematology (BCSH) Guideline on the Management of Bleeding in Patients on
Antithrombotic Agents (https://b-s-h.org.uk/). Warfarin

The current BCSH Guidelines on Oral Anticoagulation with Warfarin (https://b-s-h.org.uk/) provide detailed
discussion of perioperative management. Minor dental procedures, joint aspiration, cataract surgery and
gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures (including biopsy) can be safely carried out on warfarin if the INR is
within the therapeutic range. More complex perioperative management should be guided by local protocols
and specialist haematological advice. Management options are summarised in Table 7.2.

Table 7.2 Perioperative management of warfarin anticoagulation (adapted from BCSH Guidelines on
Oral Anticoagulation with Warfarin – 4th edition, 2011, with permission)

Moderate/high risk of surgical haemorrhage, low risk of Stop warfarin 5 days preoperatively.
thrombosis (e.g. lone atrial fibrillation)
Check INR on day before surgery:

If INR <1.5, proceed

INR 1.5 or above, give intravenous
vitamin K 1–3 mg

Restart maintenance dose of warfarin on

evening of surgery if haemostasis secured.

Moderate/high risk of surgical haemorrhage, high risk of Stop warfarin 5 days preoperatively and give
thrombosis (e.g. mechanical heart valve – especially ‘bridging therapy’ with low molecular weight
mitral, venous thromboembolism within last 3 months) heparin (LMWH) according to BCSH guideline.

Last dose of LMWH 24 hours preoperatively.

Restart LMWH when haemostasis secure (at

least 48 hours in high bleeding risk surgery).

Restart maintenance dose of warfarin when

oral intake possible and continue LMWH until
INR in therapeutic range.

Semi-urgent surgery (within 6–12 hours)

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Stop warfarin and give intravenous vitamin K

1–3 mg.

Significant correction of INR within 6–8 hours.

Emergency surgery or life-threatening bleeding Stop warfarin.

Give 25–50 IU/kg of four factor prothrombin

complex concentrate (PCC) and 5 mg
intravenous vitamin K.

(Fresh frozen plasma produces suboptimal

anticoagulation reversal and should only be
used if PCC is not available.)

7.1.3: Newer oral anticoagulants

In recent years a number of new oral anticoagulant drugs have been licensed. These include direct oral
thrombin inhibitors, such as dabigatran, and direct oral Factor Xa inhibitors, such as rivaroxaban and
apixaban. These drugs have no specific antidote. Their half-life is relatively short but can be prolonged in
patients with reduced renal function. Wherever possible, treatment should be stopped at least 24 hours
before surgery, longer if renal function is impaired (see Summary of Product Characteristics for each drug).

Management of bleeding involves stopping the drug, applying local pressure and administration of
antifibrinolytic agents such as tranexamic acid. Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) does not reduce bleeding
caused by these drugs. Recombinant activated Factor VII (rFVIIa, NovoSeven™), prothrombin complex
concentrate (PCC) and activated PCC (FEIBA™) have been used as a treatment of last resort in
uncontrollable bleeding but may increase the risk of thrombosis.

7.1.4: Heparins

Unfractionated heparins (UFHs) have a short plasma half-life, but this is increased in the presence of renal
dysfunction. They can be administered by intravenous infusion or subcutaneous injection and therapeutic
dosing is usually adjusted by comparison of the activated partial thromboplastin time with that of normal
pooled plasma (APTT ratio). The anticoagulant effect can be rapidly reversed by injected protamine
sulphate (1 mg reverses 80–100 units of UFH, maximum recommended dose 50 mg). Protamine can cause
severe allergic reactions and, in most situations, simply discontinuing the UFH is all that is necessary.

Low molecular weight heparins (LMWHs) have a longer half-life, around 3 to 4 hours, which is significantly
increased in renal dysfunction. The duration of anticoagulant effect depends on the particular LMWH and is
only partially reversible by protamine. LMWHs have a more ‘targeted’ anticoagulant effect (mainly anti-Xa)
than UFH, which may reduce the risk of bleeding, and a lower risk of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
(HIT) and osteopenia. Administration is by subcutaneous injection once or twice daily. They can be
prescribed in a fixed or weight-related dose without monitoring in many clinical situations and are
convenient for self-administration. Consequently, LMWHs have largely replaced UFH for many routine
indications, including thromboprophylaxis for surgery. Perioperative management of patients on heparins is
summarised in Table 7.3.

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Table 7.3 Perioperative management of patients on heparins (general guidance only, see Summary
of Product Characteristics for specific LMWH)

Unfractionated heparins Stop infusion 6 hours before surgery for full reversal (longer if renal

Low molecular weight Prophylactic dose: stop 12 hours before surgery

Therapeutic dose: stop 24 hours before surgery

7.1.5: Antiplatelet drugs

Aspirin and clopidogrel impair the function of platelets produced during exposure to the drug and the
antiplatelet effect takes around 5 days to wear off (varies between individuals). Platelet function analysis or
platelet mapping, if available, may give clinically useful information about residual antiplatelet activity.
Urgent surgery should not be delayed in patients on these drugs. Many international guidelines recommend
clopidogrel is stopped 3 to 5 days before elective surgery because of the risk of perioperative bleeding but
the balance of risks and benefits depends on the indication for clopidogrel therapy. Aspirin can be stopped
at the time of surgery in cardiac surgery and continued in many surgical procedures except in neurosurgery
or operations on the inner eye.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) produce reversible platelet dysfunction and have a short
duration of action. Most guidelines suggest they are stopped at least 2 days before surgery associated with
significant bleeding risk. Studies in elective orthopaedic surgery (mainly hip replacement) show increased
blood loss and transfusion requirements in those who continue NSAID therapy to the time of surgery. The
optimum time to discontinue NSAIDs prior to orthopaedic surgery is uncertain. Some guidelines have
suggested a 2-week interval but acknowledge the evidence base for this is weak.

Inhibitors of platelet surface receptors GPIIb/IIIa may be used in patients with acute coronary syndromes.
Abciximab inhibits platelet function for 12 to 24 hours after administration whereas eptifibatide and tirofibam
have a short half-life of 1.5 to 2.5 hours. Invasive surgery should be delayed for 12–24 hours if possible.
The drug effect is partially reversible by platelet transfusion.

7.1.6: Systemic fibrinolytic agents

‘Clot-busting’ drugs may be used in acute myocardial infarction, acute ischaemic stroke or massive
pulmonary embolism. Streptokinase has a variable half-life, depending on the presence of anti-
streptococcal antibodies, but can reduce fibrinogen and anti-plasmin levels for several days. With
recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (e.g. alteplase) fibrinogen levels are only modestly reduced,
usually returning to normal within 24 hours. Treatment for haemorrhage due to these drugs, or preparation
for emergency surgery, may include antifibrinolytic agents (tranexamic acid or aprotinin – see Chapter 6),
transfusion of FFP and cryoprecipitate or fibrinogen concentrate (not licensed for this indication) if the
plasma fibrinogen is <1 g/L.

7.1.7: Cardiopulmonary bypass

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Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) causes thrombocytopenia and platelet dysfunction that can increase the
risk of haemorrhage. Prophylactic transfusion of platelets (or other blood components) is not beneficial but
antifibrinolytic agents, such as aprotinin and tranexamic acid, may reduce blood loss. Thromboelastography
(TEG) or rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM), usually performed in the operating room, may be helpful
in guiding blood component therapy when excess bleeding occurs.

7.1.8: Liver transplantation

Transfusion requirements for liver transplantation have fallen significantly, but substantial, complex blood
component support may still be necessary. Problems include preoperative coagulopathy due to liver
disease, difficult surgery with the risk of high blood losses and intraoperative coagulopathy and
hyperfibrinolysis before the transplanted liver starts to function. Intraoperative red cell salvage is effective in
reducing donor blood transfusion and TEG is often used to direct blood component transfusion with FFP
and platelets. Antifibrinolytic therapy with tranexamic acid or aprotinin may be beneficial in individual cases.

7.2: Transfusion in critically ill patients

Patients admitted to critical care units often receive blood transfusions but there is increasing evidence of
potential harm as well as benefit. Clinical audits show that transfusions of platelets and FFP are often given
for indications outside consensus guidelines.

7.2.1: Red cell transfusion in critical care

More than half of all patients admitted to critical care are anaemic and 30% of these have an initial Hb of
<90 g/L. Anaemia early after admission is mainly caused by haemorrhage, haemodilution and frequent
blood sampling. Later, reduced red cell production due to inflammation becomes an important factor and
80% of patients have an Hb of <90 g/L after 7 days. Around 80% of these transfusions are given to correct
a low Hb rather than treat active bleeding. Blood losses from phlebotomy can be reduced by the use of
blood conservation sampling devices and paediatric blood sample tubes.

Transfusion management has been strongly influenced by the 1999 Transfusion Requirements In Critical
Care (TRICC) study (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/
9971864) which randomised patients to an Hb ‘transfusion trigger’ of 100 g/L (liberal) or 70 g/L (restrictive).
There was a trend to lower mortality in patients randomised to a restrictive policy (30% of whom received no
transfusions). This was statistically significant in younger patients (<55 years) and those less severely ill. A
restrictive transfusion policy was associated with lower rates of new organ failures and acute respiratory
distress syndrome. Randomised trials in paediatric critical care, cardiac surgery, elderly patients undergoing
‘high-risk’ hip surgery and gastrointestinal haemorrhage have shown no advantages for a liberal transfusion

A higher transfusion trigger may be beneficial in patients with ischaemic stroke, traumatic brain injury with
cerebral ischaemia, acute coronary syndrome (ACS) or in the early stages of severe sepsis. There is no
current evidence to support the use of ‘fresh’ rather than stored red cells in critically ill patients or the routine
use of erythropoiesis stimulating agents.

The evidence base is reviewed in the 2012 BCSH Guidelines on the Management of Anaemia and Red Cell
Transfusion in Adult Critically Ill Patients (https://b-s-h.org.uk/) and the guideline recommendations are
summarised in Figure 7.1.

7.2.2: Platelet transfusion in critical care

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Moderate thrombocytopenia (>50×109/L) is common in critical care patients, often associated with sepsis or
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). ‘Prophylactic’ platelet transfusion in non-bleeding patients is
not indicated, although this is the most common reason for transfusion identified in clinical audits (followed
by ‘cover’ for invasive procedures). There are no high-quality randomised controlled trials to guide clinical
practice and a BCSH guideline is currently in development.

The risk of bleeding in thrombocytopenic patients may be reduced by the avoidance or withdrawal of
antiplatelet agents (e.g. aspirin, clopidogrel or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and the use of
antifibrinolytics such as tranexamic acid. Guidelines based on observational studies and expert opinion are
summarised in Table 7.4.

Figure 7.1 Guidelines for red cell transfusion in critical care (adapted by courtesy of British
Committee for Standards in Haematology)

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Table 7.4 Suggested indications for platelet transfusion in adult critical care

Indication Transfusion threshold or target

Non-bleeding patients without severe sepsis or Not indicated

haemostatic abnormalities

Threshold 20×109/L

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Prophylaxis in non-bleeding patients with severe sepsis

or haemostatic abnormalities

DIC with bleeding Maintain >50×109/L

Platelet dysfunction with non-surgically correctable May bleed despite a normal platelet count.
bleeding (e.g. post-cardiopulmonary bypass or potent Transfusion of one adult therapeutic dose and
antiplatelet drugs) repeat according to clinical response

Major haemorrhage and massive transfusion Maintain >75×109/L (>100×109/L if multiple

trauma or trauma to the central nervous
system or inner eye)

7.2.3: Plasma component transfusion in critical care

A study of UK critical care units in 2011 showed that 13% of patients received transfusions of FFP. Around
40% of these transfusions were given to non-bleeding patients with normal or only mildly deranged clotting
tests and many doses were subtherapeutic. Cryoprecipitate is used as a concentrated source of fibrinogen
(fibrinogen concentrate is not yet licensed in the UK for this use). More research is needed to define best
practice but the following pragmatic guidelines are suggested:

Fresh frozen plasma

Indicated for the treatment of bleeding in patients with deranged coagulation due to deficiency of
multiple clotting factors (e.g. DIC).
Minimum dose 12–15 mL/kg (equivalent to four units in an average adult).
Not indicated for prophylaxis in non-bleeding patients with abnormal clotting tests.
Not indicated for the immediate reversal of warfarin (PCC should be used).
In liver disease, there is no benefit to FFP transfusions in patients with an INR less than 1.7.


Adult dose is two pooled units (ten donor units – approximately 3 g fibrinogen).
Indications include:
acute DIC with bleeding and fibrinogen <1.5 g/L
severe liver disease with bleeding
prophylaxis for surgery when fibrinogen <1.5 g/L
hypofibrinogenaemia associated with massive transfusion (maintain >1.5 g/L).

7.3: Transfusion management of major haemorrhage

Major haemorrhage is variously defined as:

Loss of more than one blood volume within 24 hours (around 70 mL/kg, >5 litres in a 70 kg adult)
50% of total blood volume lost in less than 3 hours

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Bleeding in excess of 150 mL/minute.

A pragmatic clinically based definition is bleeding which leads to a systolic blood pressure of less than
90 mm Hg or a heart rate of more than 110 beats per minute.

Early recognition and intervention is essential for survival. The immediate priorities are to control bleeding
(surgery and interventional radiology) and maintain vital organ perfusion by transfusing blood and other
fluids through a wide-bore intravenous catheter. Recent research has focused on major traumatic
haemorrhage, influenced by the increased survival of military casualties using ‘damage control
resuscitation’ and early transfusion of fresh plasma and red cells (see below).

Successful management of major haemorrhage requires a protocol-driven multidisciplinary team approach

with involvement of medical, anaesthetic and surgical staff of sufficient seniority and experience,
underpinned by clear lines of communication between clinicians and the transfusion laboratory. Useful
information on the development of major haemorrhage protocols can be found on the UK Blood Transfusion
and Tissue Transplantation Services website and the Association of Anaesthetists’ guideline on
management of massive haemorrhage (http://www.aagbi.org/sites/default/files

Major haemorrhage protocols should identify the key roles of team leader (often the most senior doctor
directing resuscitation of the patient) and coordinator responsible for communicating with laboratories and
other support services to prevent time-wasting and often confusing duplicate calls. In an emergency
situation it is essential to ensure correct transfusion identification procedures for patients, samples and
blood components are performed (see Chapter 4) and an accurate record is kept of all blood components
transfused. Training of clinical and laboratory staff and regular ‘fire drills’ to test the protocol and ensure the
rapid delivery of all blood components are essential.

An example of a practical algorithm for the transfusion management of major haemorrhage is given in
Figure 7.2.

7.3.1: Red cell transfusion in major haemorrhage

Red cell transfusion is usually necessary if 30–40% blood volume is lost, and rapid loss of >40% is
immediately life threatening. Peripheral blood haematocrit and Hb concentration may be misleading early
after major acute blood loss and the initial diagnosis of major haemorrhage requiring transfusion should be
based on clinical criteria and observations (see Figure 7.2).

For immediate transfusion, group O red cells should be issued after samples are taken for blood grouping
and crossmatching. Females less than 50 years of age should receive RhD negative red cells to avoid
sensitisation. The use of Kell negative red cells is also desirable in this group. Group O red cells must
continue to be issued if patient or sample identification is incomplete or until the ABO group is confirmed on
a second sample according to local policy (see Chapter 2).

ABO-group-specific red cells can usually be issued within 10 minutes of a sample arriving in the laboratory.
Fully crossmatched blood is available in 30 to 40 minutes after a sample is received in the laboratory. Once
the volume of blood transfused in any 24 hour period is equivalent to the patient’s own blood volume (8–10
units for adults and 80–100 mL/kg in children), ABO and D compatible blood can be issued without the
need for a serological crossmatch.

Figure 7.2 Algorithm for the management of major haemorrhage (adapted from the BCSH Practical
Guideline for the Management of Those With, or At Risk of Major Haemorrhage (2014) with

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The use of intraoperative cell salvage devices reduces the need for donor red cells in appropriate cases.
When bleeding is controlled and the patient enters the critical care unit, a restrictive red cell transfusion
policy is probably appropriate.

7.3.2: Coagulation and major haemorrhage

The transfusion of large volumes of red cells and other intravenous fluids that contain no coagulation factors
or platelets causes dilutional coagulopathy. Major traumatic haemorrhage is often associated with activation
of the coagulation and fibrinolytic systems (‘acute traumatic coagulopathy’). Plasma fibrinogen predictably
falls to sub-haemostatic levels (<1.5 g/L) after 1 to 1.5 blood volume replacement (earlier in the presence of
coagulopathy and hyperfibrinolysis). Coagulation is also impaired by hypothermia, acidosis and reduced
ionised calcium (Ca2+) concentration (which can be measured on many blood gas analysers). Ionised
hypocalcaemia may be caused by rapid transfusion of blood components containing citrate anticoagulant,
although this is uncommon in the presence of normal liver function.

Traditional ‘massive transfusion’ guidelines use laboratory tests such as prothrombin time (PT) and
activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) to guide blood component replacement. The usefulness of
these tests is reduced by the significant delay between sampling and returning results to the clinical team. If
a PT can be made available with a rapid turnaround time that allows it to reflect the clinical situation it can
be used to aid decisions regarding FFP infusion. The Clauss fibrinogen assay should be used in preference
to a fibrinogen estimated from the optical change in the PT (PT-derived fibrinogen) that can be misleading
in this setting.

Point of care testing (POCT) has an increasing role in providing ‘real time’ laboratory data to guide blood
component replacement. It is essential to ensure appropriate calibration and quality assurance of POCT
devices. Assays of clot formation, clot strength and lysis, such as thromboelastography (TEG) or rotational
thromboelastometry (ROTEM), have been used for many years to inform plasma and platelet transfusion in
liver transplantation and cardiac surgery. Their value in the management of major haemorrhage is uncertain
and is the subject of current research.

FFP should be transfused in doses of 12–15 mL/kg (at least four units in the average adult) to maintain the
PT ratio (compared to ‘normal pooled plasma’) less than 1.5. Fibrinogen levels should be maintained above
1.5 g/L (Table 7.5).

Table 7.5 Options for fibrinogen replacement

Source of fibrinogen Dose to raise fibrinogen by about 1 g/L in adult patient

Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) 4 units (about 15 mL/kg)

Cryoprecipitate 2 five-unit pools

Fibrinogen concentratea 3 to 4 g

a Currently not licensed in the UK for acquired hypofibrinogenaemia

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The early transfusion of FFP in a fixed ratio to red cells (‘shock packs’) in traumatic haemorrhage, to
reverse coagulopathy and reduce bleeding, has been extrapolated from military to civilian practice but the
true value of this approach is uncertain. Retrospective studies are confounded by ‘survivorship bias’ (the
most severely injured patients do not survive long enough to be transfused) and the non-military trauma
population is older and less fit. Transfusion policy is just one component of an integrated, multidisciplinary
response to major trauma. Large-volume FFP transfusion carries increased risks of circulatory overload
(TACO), allergic reactions and transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI), and further clinical research is
required to clarify its role.

Once haemostasis is secured, prophylactic anticoagulation with low molecular weight heparin should be
considered because of the risk of thromboembolic complications.

7.3.3: Platelets and major haemorrhage

The platelet count usually remains above 50×109/L (the generally accepted haemostatic level) until 1.5 to
2.5 blood volumes have been replaced. Many hospitals do not store platelets on site and the time for
transfer from the blood centre must be factored into local protocols. Therefore, an adult therapeutic dose
should be requested when the count falls to 75×109/L.

7.3.4: Pharmacological treatments in major haemorrhage

The CRASH-2 trial published in 2010 clearly showed that early administration of the antifibrinolytic drug
tranexamic acid improves the survival of patients with major traumatic haemorrhage or at risk of significant
bleeding after trauma (Chapter 6). Tranexamic acid should be given as soon as possible after the injury in a
dose of 1 g over 10 minutes followed by a maintenance infusion of 1 g over 8 hours. Evidence is emerging
of the value of tranexamic acid in other forms of major haemorrhage, including obstetric and surgical
haemorrhage. Given its good safety profile, ease of administration and low cost, tranexamic acid should be
considered as a component of most major haemorrhage protocols.

Recombinant activated Factor VII (rFVIIa, NovoSeven™) is widely used off-label as a ‘last ditch’ therapy for
patients with major haemorrhage (see Chapter 6). Systematic reviews and registry studies show no good
evidence of improved survival, and life-threatening arterial and venous thromboembolic complications may
occur, particularly in older patients with vascular disease. Several national guidelines no longer recommend
its use outside research studies. Local protocols that include rFVIIa should require advice and authorisation
from a haematologist or coagulation specialist and ensure that adverse effects are monitored and recorded.

7.3.5: Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding

Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding (AUGIB) is common and has a case fatality of around 10%. Some
35% of bleeds are caused by peptic ulcer disease but the most severe haemorrhage and highest mortality
is seen in the 10% of cases presenting with bleeding from oesophageal or gastric varices. Treatment of
AUGIB consumes around 14% of red cell units issued in the UK. Evidence-based guidelines for
management were published in 2012 by the National Institute for Health and Care Evidence (NICE –

Initial resuscitation of patients with massive gastrointestinal haemorrhage should include transfusion of red
cells, platelets and clotting factors according to the local major haemorrhage protocol. In patients who are
actively bleeding, the platelet count should be maintained >50×109/L, PT ratio >1.5 and fibrinogen >1.5 g/L.

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Transfusion Handbook / 7: Effective transfusion in surgery and critical care

PCC and intravenous vitamin K should be used if immediate warfarin reversal is needed. It may be logical
to administer PCC, which contains the liver-derived clotting Factors II, VII, IX and X, in bleeding patients
with liver failure, but its use in this situation is off-label.

Once the patient is haemodynamically stable, and in patients with less severe initial haemorrhage, over-
transfusion may increase the risk of recurrent bleeding (probably by increasing portal venous pressure) and
increase mortality. In a recent large randomised trial in patients with severe (but not massive) upper
gastrointestinal haemorrhage in Spain (Villanueva et al., 2013), mortality and re-bleeding was lower in
patients randomised to a restrictive rather than a liberal red cell transfusion policy (transfusion trigger 70 or
90 g/L). There were more adverse events (reactions and circulatory overload) in the liberal group. Of note,
the trial excluded patients with a history of ischaemic heart disease, stroke or vascular disease and the
results may not be generalisable, especially to older patients. Transfusion strategy in AUGIB is the subject
of a current UK multicentre randomised trial (TRIGGER – http://www.nhsbt.nhs.uk/trigger) which is
recruiting unselected cases in six hospitals.

7.3.6: Major obstetric haemorrhage

See section 9.4.

7.3.7: Audit of the management of major haemorrhage

Audit is important to assess adverse events, timeliness of blood component support, patient outcome and
component wastage. There should be multidisciplinary review of cases that trigger the major blood loss
protocol to ensure it is being applied appropriately and effectively. Serious adverse reactions (SAR), serious
adverse events (SAE) or incidents of patient harm due to delay should be reported to the Serious Hazards
of Transfusion (SHOT) scheme (http://www.shotuk.org) (SAE and SAR must also be reported to the
Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, MHRA).

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