Workbook Audioscripts: Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019 100
Workbook Audioscripts: Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019 100
Workbook Audioscripts: Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019 100
S.1 1.3 3
A = Ann B = Ben 1 Fran is a very intelligent girl. I know that she N: You will hear two friends who are shopping
worries a lot about the end-of-year test that’s for clothes.
A: Hi! Did you have a good weekend?
coming up, but she should be more positive A: Well, what do you think?
B: Yes, I did, thanks. I went horse-riding for the about her chances.
first time. B: Hmm … Not sure I like it. I think I prefer the
2 I’m rather unhappy about Sam this term. He’s one you tried on before – the blue one.
A: Wow! Where did you do that? always chatting with his friends in class. He A: Do you really?
B: In the countryside near my uncle’s village. needs to talk a bit less and do more work. He
It was amazing! I had to wear a special helmet can make his plans for the weekend after class! B: Yes, it suited you better.
and riding boots. 3 I’m afraid I had to get angry with Clare last A: But you said you didn’t like that one. You said it
A: I’d love to try horse-riding. But it sounds a bit week. She’s often rude to me and I know that looked old-fashioned and too dark.
scary! her other teachers are fed up with it too. B: I know, I’m sorry. It looked better than this one,
B: It’s not. Well, at least I wasn’t scared – I was on 4 It’s nearly exam time and Alex needs to take a though. Do you know what?
the horse with my uncle. Although, I nearly fell lot more care with his work if he wants to get A: What?
off the horse at one point! It wanted to run but, a good mark. He does it too quickly and he B: Why don’t you take that off and try on a bigger
luckily, my uncle was in control, so it couldn’t go doesn’t check it before he hands it in. one? I think this one’s too tight.
too fast. 5 I was so impressed with Isobel recently. We A: Same colour?
went out for the day to the forest and she had
1.1 and 1.2 a nasty fall. She didn’t panic or start crying – B: Yeah, actually the colour’s great. But you should
J = Jess A = Amelia she just patiently waited for help. ask if they have it in Large. It will look better
with your jeans.
J: Hi, Amelia. How are you? 6 Nick is doing very well this term. He always
does his homework. He’s never late for school 4
A: Oh hi, Jess. I’m fine, thanks. It’s so good to hear
from you. It seems as if you’re in the next room, and I know that if I ask him to do something, N: You will hear two friends trying to find their
not thousands of miles away in Australia! How he will always do it as well as he can. way in a shopping centre.
are things? A: Where are we? I always get lost in these places!
J: Great, thanks.
1.4 B: I know what you mean. Once you’re inside it’s
N = Narrator difficult to know where you are.
A: Are you still at the hotel in Sydney?
1 A: Are the cash machines on the second floor?
J: No, I’m staying with my aunt and uncle now.
N: You will hear two friends talking about what to B: I don’t think so. Let’s look at this map.
A: Where do they live? Is it very different from
do next in a museum.
Manchester? A: We’re here, I think … Oh, there’s an information
A: Where shall we go next? desk. Maybe we can try asking there.
J: Are you joking? It’s completely different here.
They live on the Gold Coast and the weather is B: I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t mind B: We’ve just walked past it – it’s closed on
fantastic. It’s still hot and sunny even though looking at some paintings. Sundays. We should try using the interactive
it’s nearly six o’clock. A: Really? I’m not sure. map.
A: I don’t believe it! It’s raining here in Manchester. B: Would you rather go to the Roman section A: Where is it?
What are you doing at the moment? to look at the coins? I saw them last time and B: It’s over there next to the lift, look. It’s touch-
J: Well, I’m having dinner in the garden. They’ve they’re really beautiful. screen and it shows you exactly where you are,
got a huge garden and they’re building a A: Yes, that sounds like a good idea. And I know in 3D!
swimming pool now. you love collecting coins! What floor do we A: Great idea! Come on, let’s go.
A: What’s that noise? need to go to?
J: It’s a kookaburra bird. We hear them all the B: Um, upstairs to the second floor, I think – next
N: You will hear two friends choosing a film to see.
time in the garden. Hang on a minute – I’m to the gift shop.
A: Hi, how are things?
holding the phone out now. 2
B: Good, thanks. Have you had any ideas about
A: Wow! They don’t sound like British birds at all! N: You will hear two friends talking about
what we should watch?
J: I know! I love it here. In the evenings we travelling by bus.
A: I had a look at the cinema website online, but
sometimes go to the beach, too. We have a A: The bus should be here in a few minutes.
there’s so much choice. I don’t know … What
swim and watch the sunset. B: Are we at the right stop? Are we going to be do you feel like?
A: Well, at the moment I’m listening to the rain late?
B: There’s that new science fiction film – what’s it
against the window and I feel jealous! But I’m A: Don’t worry, we’re at the right place. The bus is called again? Something about ‘The Stars’?
really happy for you, too. probably in some traffic. I’m at the bus station
A: Yeah, I know the one. I don’t like science fiction
J: Thanks, Amelia. every day, remember? I take the bus to school.
much and I hate the actor. He’s terrible.
A: Listen, I have to go because my dad’s calling I’m tired of taking it every single day, actually!
B: Oh, I love science fiction! Um, OK, what about
me. He’s making breakfast this morning, and B: Are you? That’s a shame. I love taking the
something funny, then? A comedy?
I think it’s ready. bus – I guess it’s because I don’t often get the
chance. Oh, I can’t wait! I’d like to sit on the top A: Hmm … I’m not sure. Shall we watch that
J: Oh yes, of course – I forgot about the time
deck; is that OK? action film about pilots? I saw a video the other
difference. Have a good day!
day about how they made it, and I really want
A: Have a good evening! A: Yes, I’d like that too. I usually have to stand
to see it.
downstairs on the way to school in the
morning. B: Yeah, I like those too. Let’s go for that one, then.
B: Here it comes now!
A: I think they wanted to make it a bit more A: In the winter we also go to the sea, but we go 4 A: … so, we went to the beach and then we …
homely, you know? That’s why they’ve put for long walks along the beach. B: Sorry but the lesson’s going to start in a
the new sofas in the corner with the cushions. minute. We need to go.
I think I prefer the new look, actually. 2.1 5 So, I need to get milk, bread and a new
B: Well, I don’t mind what it looks like, as long as 1 Hmm, I think I was chatting to my friend Ali notebook. Hmm … if I go to the supermarket,
they’re still making those delicious sandwiches! on my phone then. I should be able to get it all from there. OK,
A: You’re right! Let’s hope they haven’t changed 2 I was at a friend’s house and we were learning time to go.
the menu as well. some new English words ready for a test at 6 In my view, the book was amazing but the film
school today. We weren’t doing a great job, was disappointing.
1.5 though! 7 So, English is a stress-timed language, which
M = Man S = Sophie 3 8 o’clock? I was with my sister. We were having means that not every syllable in a sentence is
dinner and, for once, we weren’t arguing! stressed. Some are stressed and some aren’t.
4 I was coming home from football. It was raining
M: What’s your surname? and I was standing at the bus stop getting wet. 2.5 and 2.6
S: Taylor. 5 I think my brother was telling me about Knowing how to program a computer is a very
2 something but I wasn’t listening – as usual! useful skill these days. That’s why we’ve developed
M: What’s your middle name? Sorry, little bro! an online course for you. A lot of similar courses
6 My friend and I were watching a film. I can’t teach you the skills you need to design a game, but
S: Maria. on our ten-hour online course you will learn how to
remember the name but I know I wasn’t
3 build apps.
enjoying it very much.
M: What’s your address? The course provides you with some short films
7 I was talking to my parents while they were
S: 74 Clarence Street, Weybridge. making dinner. They were asking me about explaining how to do different things. You then try
my day. those things yourself with some practice activities.
4 We could give you a test, but we think that would
M: How do you spell the name of the town? 8 8 o’clock? Oh yeah, I was sleeping. I fell asleep be unkind!
while I was doing my homework!
S: W–E–Y–B–R–I–D–G–E. Many online courses are expensive. You can pay
over £1,000 for the longer ones. With our course,
2.2 and 2.3 the teachers all give their time for free, so there’s
M: What’s your postcode? 1 just a small fee of £10 to cover the costs of
S: KT13 7ZH. A: How many languages do you speak? running our website. That’s just a week or two of
6 pocket money!
B: Two – English and Arabic.
M: Can you spell your email address, please? At the end of the course, you’ll receive an email
to say that you’ve completed the ten hours. If you
S: S–O–P–H–I–E–T at H–I–T–H–E–R–E dot com. A: How do you pronounce this word? choose to do the course assignment, you’ll also get
B: You say it like this: bother. a certificate to show that you passed the course.
1.6 A: Bother. Great, thanks!
This will be a good thing to add to your CV when
1 What’s your surname? you finish your studies.
2 What’s your middle name? If you don’t like the idea of an online course, there
A: I didn’t hear what the teacher said. Can you are some one-day face-to-face sessions that you
3 What’s your address?
explain what we need to do? can attend here in the city some weekends. Local
4 How do you spell the name of the town? companies arrange them at one of the colleges.
B: Sure. First, we have to do exercise 1 on page 23.
5 What’s your postcode? If you attend one of the face-to-face sessions, and
6 Can you spell your email address, please? you’re not yet a teenager, you’ll need to have a
A: I don’t know this word. What does it mean?
parent with you. Anyone who attends might want
1.7 B: ‘Very big.’ to take their own laptop. However, you don’t have
W = Woman A = Anton A: Oh right, thanks. to because there are laptops and tablets available
5 for you to use.
W: Where do you live?
A: I’m from Odessa. It’s a big city in Ukraine, but A: Turn right at the end of this road. Then turn left
it’s not the capital. and then left again. You’ll see the hospital on
the right.
W: And what’s your favourite thing about living
there? B: I’m sorry, I didn’t catch all that. Could you
repeat it, please?
A: Well, one reason I love Odessa is because
it’s a beautiful city. There are some amazing 6
buildings – for example, the Opera and Ballet A: Our new teacher has a really strange accent.
Theatre. B: Yes, I agree. I don’t always understand him.
A: No, I haven’t bought the medals yet. Can you R: Hi! 4.8
do that? I: So, do you enjoy going to the gym six days 1 The photo shows a girl and an older man doing
B: Yes, I can order them on the internet. a week? an activity together.
A: Good. I haven’t written the team lists yet – but R: Well, there are days when I really don’t want 2 They’re playing with large plastic rings – I can’t
I’m going to do that tomorrow. Ah! Can you to come to the gym, and I have to push myself remember what they’re called.
find the sacks for the jumping race? It’s the one to get out of bed. But most of the time, I don’t
3 I can see lots of trees, so maybe they’re in
the parents take part in. want to be anywhere else. It’s hard work, but it
a park.
makes me feel good about myself.
B: Where do I look? 4 They’re both wearing jeans and jumpers, so
I: What would you say is the most difficult thing
A: Mrs Brown has already looked in the sports I don’t think the weather is very hot.
about gymnastics training?
storeroom and they weren’t there. You need to 5 It might be spring or autumn.
ask around and see if the sacks are in one of the R: Well, the early mornings are hard sometimes –
especially after a hard day at school. But I’d 6 Perhaps the man at the back of the photo is the
other storerooms.
say watching what you eat is more difficult – girl’s grandfather.
B: OK. Have you sent an email to the parents you really need to look after your body if you 7 They both look very happy – I think they’re
about sports day yet? want to be the best. Other gymnasts find having a great time.
A: Yes. I sent an update on Monday with the times the pressure of training for competitions the
and a list of events. hardest – but not me. I’m good at dealing
with that!
B: That’s great. What’s the next thing on the list? A: Eve, thanks for talking to Teen Time today.
A: Er … check the sound system. Well, I’ve just I: Why did you start doing gymnastics, Ryan? It’s great to meet you.
done that. The sound system is fine. R: At home, we used to watch gymnastics on B: Thanks!
B: OK. TV all the time but what really got me into
it was watching my older sister take part in A: You started acting when you were very young
A: But Mr Granger hasn’t cut the grass yet. competitions – she’s a gymnast too. I’d watch – just seven years old. Do you think that it was
Can you ask him to cut it tomorrow, if it her and think, ‘I could do that!’ I had to go to too young?
doesn’t rain? the gym with her, anyway – my mum couldn’t
B: Will do. leave me at home. So I joined the training
programme when I was five.
103 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
B: A lot of people ask me that. I wouldn’t be an 6 A: I really liked the second one. What’s it called –
actor today if I didn’t enjoy it. My parents didn’t A: How do the shoes feel? Butterfly Wings? Butterfly? I can’t remember
push me. I really wanted to act from a young the words, but the song is great.
age. B: They’re fine. Yeah. The costume is great. I’m just
going to do my warm-up. B: Oh, I know which one you mean. It reminds me
A: So, your parents don’t mind? of something else, though.
A: Great. Good luck out there!
B: No, they’re really supportive. They look after A: Does it? I think it’s really different and fresh.
me. And I think they would tell me if I needed to
take a break. 5.3 and 5.4 B: It makes me think of another band – you know,
it’s a bit One Direction.
N = Narrator
A: So, you think it’s OK to be famous when you A: Really? I didn’t think that. But I’ll download it
are little? 1
when I get home and have another listen.
B: Well, it’s not right for everyone. If I had N: You will hear a girl talking about listening to
children, I wouldn’t push them to be actors. music in her car.
It would be their decision. But I love acting. If N: You will hear two friends talking about listening
A: How did you find out about that pop group?
I wasn’t an actor, I would miss the excitement to music while studying.
I’ve never heard of them.
a lot. A: Do you always listen to music when you do
B: I heard their new song on the radio in the car.
A: Do you have any hopes or dreams for the your homework?
A: Do you always have music on in the car?
future? B: Yeah – not too loud, though. It helps me
B: Yes, always! If I don’t listen to music, I feel sick. concentrate.
B: There are lots of actors I’d love to work with.
If I could work with any actor, it would be Eddie A: Really?! A: Yeah, me too – but not when I’m doing science.
Redmayne. I think he’s great. B: Yes, I have to listen and concentrate on the Or maths – I tend to focus on the music and
A: What would be your least favourite role? road at the same time. forget about the numbers!
B: I’m not that good at dancing. So I wouldn’t A: What do you do if you’re in someone else’s car? B: Really? It helps me remember things more
want to be in a musical if I had to dance. But B: I have to ask them to switch on some music as easily, actually. Especially classical music. It’s
really, I am very lucky. I can’t imagine doing soon as we get in! something about the style, the timing – I don’t
anything else. know. But it works – it somehow helps my brain
2 ‘record’ important information!
A: You don’t want to be in pop music, like your N: You will hear two friends talking about a
brother? A: Hmm … interesting. I’ve never listened to
concert. classical music before. I’ll try it.
B: No! Definitely not! But my brother says he A: That was good, don’t you think?
would be in films if he wasn’t a musician. 6
B: It was, but I couldn’t see the band very well. N: You will hear a girl talking about a music
A: And what do you … I was watching the screen a lot. competition she has entered.
A: Me too. I was really disappointed – I didn’t go to
5.2 the concert to have to watch them on a screen!
A: Ready for the big day?
1 Next time let’s go nearer the front. B: I’m not sure, to be honest.
A: Good morning. It’s a real pleasure to meet you. B: Yeah. We’ll know better next time! A: You’re not worried about playing in front of an
Are you ready to start? audience, are you?
A: I thought the concert went really quickly,
B: Yes. though. B: Well, I’m not very keen on playing in front of
people, but it’s not that. It just seems a waste
A: I sent you a list of questions last week. Are you B: It did. I wanted them to play a couple more of of time.
happy to talk about those? their songs – you know, like Travel in Time.
A: But you’ve worked so hard for this show. Hours
B: Yes, that’s fine. A: I agree. That’s my favourite. and hours of practice!
A: OK. Let’s switch on the microphone. 3 B: I know, but I don’t think I’ve got any better,
2 N: You will hear two friends talking about listening really. And so many people have entered –
A: Well, I’d better go home and start writing. to music on a smartphone. they must be better than me. I’m just not good
A: Is that your new phone? enough.
B: What did you think?
B: Yeah. What do you think? It’s got lots of space
A: It was OK, but not as good as I was expecting.
I’m probably going to give it three stars. for music. 5.5
A: Have you signed up for guitar lessons?
3 A: It looks great. Have you got headphones for it?
My parents don’t let me listen to mine without B: Yes, I have. Have you?
A: I need to go through my part before our
headphones. They say it’s rude. I guess it is. A: Yeah. Are you going to buy a guitar or rent one?
performance on Saturday.
B: Yeah, I think so too, to be honest. I’ve got some B: I’ve rented one already. Then if I don’t like the
B: I know, me too. I’m not sure of all the notes yet.
headphones, and a spare battery, too. The classes, I can just return it.
A: I think there’s a room free at the studio. Shall I problem is that the music never sounds as good
call them? A: That’s a good idea. I’ll rent one too, in case
through headphones, does it?
I give up after a while. Where did you get yours
B: Yeah. Good idea. A: Well, it depends. My headphones sound fine. from?
4 B: Can I try them? B: The music shop in town. I’d go there and try
A: OK. Shall we go in? Have you got your lyrics? A: Sure. I’ll bring them when I come over at the some different sizes if I were you. Then you’ll
B: It’s fine. I know them already. weekend. get the best one for you.
A: Great. You go into the studio and put on your 4 A: Oh! I’ll enjoy that. I always thought that you
headphones. Then we’ll check the microphone. can’t go in unless you’re a real musician. Are all
N: You will hear two friends talking about an
the guitars the same price?
5 album they listened to.
B: Yes, they are, unless you choose a very fancy
A: Move a bit to the left. OK. That’s fine. We’ve got A: Thanks for telling me about that band. I think
a view of Tower Bridge in the background now. I’m going to download some songs from their
Ready? new album. A: Will you come with me tomorrow and help me
choose, if you aren’t busy?
B: Yes. B: Are you? Their new album is great. Which ones
did you like best? B: OK! It’ll be fun.
A: OK. We’re going live in five, four, three, two,
one …
5.8 L: Well, they said it was enjoyable and, of course, 3 In what ways do we use a lot of plastic?
A: What’s happening in this photo? Is one of those a useful way to clean the village. Above all, 4 Why do you think people use so many plastic
boys your brother? though, they liked the way it was planned – bags?
the fact that both adults and children could run 5 Do you think schools should recycle more?
B: No, that’s Aidan, my cousin. He’s the one with the race and enjoy a good day out.
long hair. I think he’s playing in some kind of
street music festival in this picture. P: I hear that you’re going to repeat the event 7.1
next year. What will you do differently?
A: What’s he playing? It looks like a drum, but he’s 1
holding it differently. L: Well, I’ll definitely set it up for a different
A: I’ve got this new rucksack which is perfect for
weekend, probably one in early summer, to
B: Yes, it is a type of drum. I can’t remember what going camping.
avoid the cold and the rain we had this year.
it’s called, but it’s an Irish instrument. Another idea is that we have a team race. B: Oh great! That’ll be handy for our trip in the
A: What’s it made of? I think that’ll be too difficult to organise, summer.
B: Wood and animal skin, I think. You use that though. I might also ask people to bring their 2
little stick to hit it, but you can use your fingers, own rubbish bags but I’m not sure yet.
A: Max can’t find the photo he needs for his
too. Aidan can play it really quickly. P: What are your plans for the future? passport.
A: It looks like fun. L: I’d like to have a national clean-up day where B: I think I saw it on top of the fridge.
B: Yeah. I need to ask him to let me try next time events like this happen in villages, towns and
I visit. cities everywhere. That’d be great. I used social
media to tell people about my event. It’ll be A: I’m so sorry I’m late. Why can I never be on
6.1 easy to use it to create interest in all the events.
B: It’s okay, you’re only a minute late. I know a boy
The Mountain View Resort was hit by a small P: And finally, what suggestions would you give
other teenagers about our environment? who always arrives ten to fifteen minutes late.
avalanche yesterday. Guests were asked to stay in That drives me mad!
their rooms for several hours while the emergency L: Well, young people like me know to throw their
services tried to reach them. They were given rubbish in a bin, so I won’t say that. I think 4
food and drinks by hotel staff, and children were the important thing is that we all try to make A: So, we went to a restaurant where you can eat
provided with games. As this is an area which is a small change because if we all do that, it as much as you want for twenty euros!
often hit by avalanches, locals were able to keep becomes a big change. You don’t have to think B: Really? Where is it? I’d love to go!
guests calm. Everyone in the area was moved out of anything particularly new and amazing.
of the resort during the evening and no missing Simple things can help. 5
people or serious injuries were reported. The area A: There’s a boy in my class who speaks five
is still covered in large amounts of snow, and hotels 6.5 different languages.
will remain closed for at least a week. Some students want to reduce plastic waste at B: Five? That’s amazing!
their school. Here are some things they could 6
6.2 encourage the school and the students to do. Talk
A: The sightseeing trip my dad booked was
clear sky together about the different things and say which
green grass would help to reduce plastic waste most.
B: Was it? What did you see?
heavy snowfall
6.6 and 6.7 7
humid weather D = Dylan M = Marta A: Anna enjoyed the trip her friends organised for
narrow path D: I think the school should provide more recycling her birthday.
sandy beach bins. Do you agree? B: Did she? Oh, that’s great. It was such a lovely
strong waves M: Yes, I do. Um … Er … surprise for her.
thick fog D: Go on. 8
M: Yes, well, we definitely need to recycle more, A: We stayed in a very small town where everyone
6.3 and 6.4 and having more recycling bins will help. knew each other.
P = Presenter L = Lucas D: Exactly. What do you think about the mugs? B: Sounds lovely for a holiday, but I wouldn’t want
P: Today, I’m talking to Lucas who recently to live there.
M: They’re better than throw away cups with
organised a rubbish run in his village. plastic lids. The cafeteria shouldn’t use those,
Lucas, what is a rubbish run and why did really. Plastic lids are a waste and can’t be
you organise it? recycled easily.
it? Besides, I want to learn something that I can 8.7 and 8.8
carry around and I also want to make progress A: Right, we need to choose a course for the girl
N = Narrator quickly. So, I think I’ll go with the saxophone. to do in the holidays. Would you like to start?
1 Someone told me that if you practise, you can
learn it pretty well in two years. B: Yes, thanks. How about the computer course –
N: Which ingredient does the girl need? learning coding, perhaps? I think it would
6 be interesting to know how to program a
A: Have you got everything you need to make the
omelettes, Emily? N: Where does the girl want to meet Jack on computer.
Saturday? A: Hmm … I’m not sure about that. It wouldn’t
B: No, I haven’t got it all yet. I’ve got the milk, lots
of things to go inside them, and I bought some Hi, Jack. Um, I just wanted to let you know be very interesting to do it every day over the
cheese because I thought you might want to what’s happening on Saturday. We all need to holidays. What about learning chess? Playing
put some on the top. meet up to work on the history project. So I’m matches would be fun.
going to the library first with Sarah to get B: Um, I don’t think chess is a good idea. I tried
A: Yes, I will. How many eggs have you got?
some of the books we need, and then I thought playing with my cousin once and we both
B: Well, that’s the thing. I think I should get more, we could meet at my house at about eleven hated it. I’d rather choose something that’s
because there will be four of us at dinner. I’ll go o’clock. It’s opposite that new café on Fisher more popular with people our age. How about
and buy another box. Street. It’s number seventy-four. Anyway, I’ll learning the guitar?
2 text you the address. Can you text me back to
let me know you’ve got the message? See you A: Yes, a musical instrument is a nice idea, but she
N: What is the boy’s hobby? may prefer something she can make progress
later. Bye!
I used to play online and that’s how I learned in. I don’t think she can learn to play the guitar
7 in such a short time.
most of the strategy and got better. There are
tutorials which teach you all about the different N: What’s the boy most looking forward to doing B: Yes, you’re right. Why don’t we recommend
pieces – the shapes and also how much they’re this weekend? something more creative, then? Painting is
worth in an exchange. But really the game is A: Hey Ash, what are you doing this weekend? creative, but I think it’s for older people. So
all about the fight with your rival. It’s more fun what about the creative writing course?
B: Well, my cousins are coming to stay so
to play with an actual opponent, not in ‘virtual
tomorrow we’re walking up to the top of Pike’s A: Yes, that’s a good idea. It’s interesting, creative
reality’. I play against my cousin every Sunday
Hill with a picnic. and it could also help her with her school work.
and we sometimes enter local competitions.
I’ve won twelve matches this season. A: Oh, great! B: Great! So shall we choose the creative writing
B: Then, on Sunday morning we’re having a family course?
basketball game down at the park. I really can’t A: Yes, let’s go with that.
N: What does the girl need to buy after school?
wait for that. I love beating my cousins.
A: Are you coming to the café with us?
A: Sounds fun. Do you know what time you’ll be 8.9
B: No, I need to go to the art shop before it closes. there? I might come and watch. 1 Shall we suggest the creative writing course?
I’ve got some homework to do tonight.
B: Probably about eleven. After that, we’ll have 2 What about the computer course?
A: What do you need? Maybe I could lend it to a big family meal at home. I expect we’ll fight
you? 3 How about recommending the art course?
over the food. We usually do but it’ll be nice.
B: Well, I’ve been painting multi-coloured shapes, 4 Why don’t we suggest the guitar course?
and tonight I need to stick them together so 8.5 5 What about the jewellery-making course?
they look like a window. I’ve got thirty-six pieces 1 That sounds great.
of paper to stick together, but no glue!
2 I’m not sure. 8.10
A: Oh. I haven’t got any, sorry. 1 That’s a great idea. It’s creative and can be very
3 How about doing some online gaming this
B: Don’t worry. I’ll get some at the shop and then useful.
I’ll meet you afterwards. 2 That’s a nice idea, but a fun or creative activity
4 Shall I book a room so we can practise?
4 might be better for the summer holidays.
5 I like the idea, but I’m busy tomorrow.
N: Which photo did the girl take at the weekend? 3 That sounds a bit boring. I’d prefer to choose
6 Why don’t we try using a zoom lens? something a bit more exciting.
A: Did you enjoy your stay with your aunt and
uncle, Lisa? 7 That’s a good idea. 4 That sounds great! It’s creative, relaxing and fun.
B: Yeah, it was great. It was good to get some 8 Would you like to have the first turn? 5 I’m not sure about that. Jewellery-making is
peace and quiet – you know, get away from the very expensive, isn’t it?
town for a while.
9.1 B: You haven’t signed up yet? I have. B: That’s OK. Do you always clean the car?
We had a really great vacation in London. I was A: I’m not sure about being away from home. A: Yes, but I don’t mind. At least it isn’t as boring
pretty nervous before we went, because I had I’ve never been abroad. as vacuuming. That’s what my sister has to do.
never flown to another country before. There are B: Did you talk to Mrs Weston about it? B: I help a bit at home, but we aren’t organised
plenty of great places to visit in our country, so A: Yes, I did. She said it would be good for me to like your family – we just do stuff when it needs
we had only been on vacation in the US before. So practise speaking. She says I’ll forget all about doing. My parents say that young people should
that meant we all had to get passports. We were home once I get there. do chores – you know, to learn to be responsible
happy that they had just arrived in time for the trip at home.
– a couple of days before we got the plane. B: Why don’t you ask your parents what they
think? And your sister? Didn’t she do the French A: The problem is, when do you get it all done?
Anna’s family let us use their car while we were exchange two years ago? B: I know. I’ve got homework and gymnastics as
in London, which was great. But my parents took well. I’m always busy!
it slow at the beginning – they had never driven A: Yes, she did. That’s a good idea.
on the left before. Oh, and I almost got into an 2 6
accident because I hadn’t thought that crossing N: You will hear a boy telling a friend about N: You will hear two friends talking about a
the street would be different! You have to look a course he did. football match.
right first, then left. But I got it after the first day. A: So, it’s the semi-final on Saturday. How are you
A: How was the windsurfing course?
I think the best thing about London was all the feeling?
super-old buildings. I loved them – especially B: It was good, thanks.
B: I’m quite relaxed, actually. I’m surprised that I’m
Buckingham Palace. I had never seen a real palace A: Did you get a certificate at the end? not more worried!
before that. B: No, but they did have a ceremony with medals A: Didn’t you lose to this team last season?
on the last day. Some people were a bit
9.2 embarrassed to stand up in front of everyone, B: We did. But we’re a much better team now.
but I didn’t mind. We’ve done loads of extra training. The coach
1 OK, don’t worry. We can catch the next bus.
made us practise corners for an hour yesterday.
So, I’ll check the timetable on my phone. A: So, you did well. Some boys were complaining that it was
2 What a shame! I was really looking forward to B: Yeah. I was proud that I managed to stand on boring, but I think we needed to do it.
that film and it wasn’t what I expected. It feels the board and even sail for a bit. It’s not easy. A: So you feel ready?
like we wasted our time.
A: I know – you need to have really strong arms. B: Yeah. I’m looking forward to it.
3 I’m not sure I’ve done enough work. I think I’m
B: Yes, it’s quite tiring.
going to forget the answers at the last minute.
Where’s my lucky pencil? 3 9.5 and 9.6
4 I feel terrible. I didn’t even say ‘happy birthday’. N: You will hear a girl talking to her brother about A: So we have to choose an activity that
She made me that beautiful card for my a problem she is having with a friend. teenagers would enjoy.
birthday. I’m such a bad friend. A: I don’t know what to do about Maria. She’s B: Well, what do you think about playing in a
5 And why did Catherine get a higher mark than really jealous that I won the science prize. band? I think they would enjoy it because it’s
me? My project was just as good. I deserve to creative.
B: How do you know?
get an ‘A’ as well. A: I’m not sure. Everyone likes listening to music,
A: Well, yesterday she told me to stop talking
6 We’ve practised the scene lots of times, so I’m but maybe they can’t all play music with other
about it. She said she was bored with hearing
sure we’ll be fine. It’s going to be the best play people. How about a virtual reality game? It
about it.
we’ve ever done and people are going to love us! would be exciting.
B: Don’t listen to her. I think you should be proud
B: I’m sorry, I don’t agree. I think some of the
of winning.
9.3 A: Thanks. Maybe I will ask the teacher not to
group would find it boring. Maybe they would
prefer to do something outdoors.
A: I think I’m ready for the hiking trip. Are you? display the prize in class, though.
A: They could go hiking. Being out in the
B: No, I haven’t finished packing yet. What do you B: I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You don’t need countryside is relaxing. And you can chat –
think I should take? to be ashamed of doing well. Don’t worry, Maria it’s sociable.
A: Well, Mr Blackburn said that we ought to will get over it!
B: Yes, hiking sounds good, but I don’t think it will
wear shorts and boots, but also take a hat 4 be a new activity for all of them. We need to
and sunglasses with us. It can be cloudy in the
N: You will hear two friends talking about an event choose something for the group to try for the
mountains, but it will still be hot.
they attended. first time.
B: OK. Shall I take my guidebook so we won’t
A: I’m glad to be home, aren’t you? I really need to A: What about horse-riding? Not many people go
get lost?
get some sleep. horse-riding.
A: I wouldn’t if I were you. Remember, we’ve got
B: Me too. I mean, the music was great, but B: I’m not sure that’s a good idea. It’s quite
to carry everything and that book is really
the camping part was really uncomfortable. expensive, isn’t it?
heavy! I think they’ll give us maps of the area
when we get there. It spoiled the event for me. A: Yes, you’re right. Well, they could try judo.
B: Why don’t you take the compass you got A: Yes, I know. Next time we should take an B: Hmm … But they can’t do that all together –
for your birthday, then? We can practise inflatable mattress, not mats. they have to do it in pairs.
orienteering. B: Yeah, good idea. I think we ought to take ear A: I see what you mean. And some people might
A: Good idea. plugs too if we go again. And we forgot to take not like fighting anyway.
a torch.
B: How about badminton, then? It’s a bit different.
9.4 A: And we really needed one.
A: Yes, it is. Four people can play badminton
N = Narrator B: Never mind. Next year we should be experts together. And it’s not too expensive.
at camping!
1 B: I agree. Let’s choose badminton.
N: You will hear two friends talking about an
exchange programme. N: You will hear a boy talking to a friend about
doing chores at home.
A: I still haven’t decided what to do about the
French exchange. A: Sorry I’m late. I had to clean the car.