Fast Lane - RH-DO180
Fast Lane - RH-DO180
Fast Lane - RH-DO180
ILT – Instructor-Led
Classroom Training
ILT sessions are conducted ID RH-DO180 Price US$ 2,850 Duration 3 days
in a physical classroom
Course Overview This course is part of the following
ILO – Instructor-Led Introduction to building and managing containers for Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift
Online Training deployment on a Kubernetes and OpenShift 4 Application Development (RHCOE)
ILO sessions are conducted via cluster Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift
WebEx in a VoIP environment Administration (RHCOE-PAAS)
Red Hat OpenShift I: Containers & Kubernetes
(DO180) introduces students to building and Prerequisites
FLEX Classroom™ – managing containers for deployment on a
Experience in the use of a Linux terminal
Combined ILT & ILO Kubernetes cluster. This course helps students session, issuing operating system
FLEX Classroom sessions are build core knowledge and skills in managing commands, and familiarity with shell
delivered via ILT and ILO giving
containers through hands-on experience with scripting. A Red Hat Certified System
you the ul�mate flexibility.
containers, Kubernetes, and the Red Hat OpenShift Administrator (RHCSA) certification is
Container Platform needed for multiple roles, recommended but not required.
Some experience with web application
including developers, administrators and site
architectures and their corresponding
reliability engineers. technologies.
Managing containers
ILO – Instructor-Led Red Hat has created this course in a way intended
Online Training to benefit our customers, but each company and Modify pre-build container images to create and
ILO sessions are conducted via infrastructure is unique, and actual results or
WebEx in a VoIP environment manage containerized services.
benefits may vary.
Managing container images
Impact on the individual
FLEX Classroom™ – Manage the life cycle of a container image from
Combined ILT & ILO As a result of attending this course, students should creation to deletion.
FLEX Classroom sessions are gain the skills needed to perform basic tasks in Red
delivered via ILT and ILO giving Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP). This Creating custom container images
you the ul�mate flexibility.
includes the ability to:
Design and code a Container file to build a custom
Create containerized services using container image.
Manage containers and container images. Deploying containerized applications on
Create custom container images. OpenShift
Deploy containerized applications on
Deploy multi-container applications. Deploy single container applications on OpenShift
Container Platform.
Container and OpenShift architecture Deploy applications that are containerized using
Creating containerized services multiple container images.
Managing containers and container images
Creating custom container images Troubleshooting containerized applications
Deploying containerized applications on
Troubleshoot a containerized application deployed
Deploying multi-container applications
on OpenShift.
ILO – Instructor-Led
Online Training
ILO sessions are conducted via
WebEx in a VoIP environment
FLEX Classroom™ –
Combined ILT & ILO
FLEX Classroom sessions are
delivered via ILT and ILO giving
you the ul�mate flexibility.