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TH I Gian Làm Bài: 180'

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Người ra đề: Trương Thị Phương Thanh GIỚI THIỆU ĐỀ THI HỌC SINH


Thời gian làm bài: 180’

I. You will hear a piece of news from VOA. Listen and fill in each blank with
ONE word.(5pts)
US Expresses Concern About Georgian Elections
  The United States has taken its concerns about the (1).............................. in
Georgia directly to President Eduard Shevardnadze. The slow pace of ballot-
counting from the (2)........................... voting Sunday has added to public doubts
about the election process.
The United States has already complained that (3)............................. in
registration lists may have disenfranchised a large number of voters. And the U.S.
ambassador in Tbilisi, Richard Miles, met with Mr. Shevardnadze Wednesday to
(4)........................ concern about the vote-counting process.
State Department spokesman Adam Ereli says Mr. Miles told the Georgian leader
that a "timely, transparent and accurate" tabulation of the vote is (5).........................
to restoring voter confidence, and that the (6)...................... in reporting the count by
the country's Central Election Commission raises serious concerns in this regard:
"We (7)....................... President Shevardnadze to insure the integrity of the election
and thereby bolster the partnership between the two (8)........................," he said.
The spokesman said the U.S. envoy pressed for the election commission to
(9)....................... election-day errors by throwing out "egregious" cases of fraud. He
said Mr. Shevardnadze "understands the (10).................... of U.S. concerns and
would try to be responsive.

II. You will hear an interview about why conservation groups, such as
Greenpeace, are interested in protecting whales. For questions form 1-5, fill in
the missing information. (5 pts)
The twentieth century has brought many dangers to the world's largest
mammal. Due to improved methods of (1)……………….and (2)………………
ships, we might be too late to prevent whales from becoming (3)…………………..
There are only 2,000 (4)………………………left, and although the species
is protected, there is no sign that the population is growing.
Only three countries, Iceland, Norway and Japan are allowed to catch whales
for (5)……………….., but the situation is not improving.

III. You will hear two people talking about how the fire affected them. Listen
and choose the best answer, A, B or C. (5 pts)
1. The first speaker says that going to a football match these day is
A. good family entertainment
B. better than staying at home
C. like being in a war
2. The first speaker says he
A. won’t allow his children to go to football matches
B. will only go to football matches by himself
C. has lost interest in football
3. The second speaker realized there was a fire when she saw
A. the smoke B. the flames C. the engines
4. She couldn’t get close to the main entrance because of the
A. heat from the fire
B. people standing outside
C. people coming out
5. When she saw the children again they were
A. in the police station B. watching TV C. in hospital


I. Choose the best answer, A, B, C or D. (5 pts)
1. The meeting didn’t……until late.
A. end up B. break up C. come about D. fall through
2. One of the tigers has got……. Warn everyone of the danger!
A. loose B. loosen C. lost D. escaped
3. Having made his first film earlier this year, he is ……starring in a new musical.
A. actually B. currently C. lately D. recently
4. The professor’s ……..theory is that singing preceded speech.
A. fancied B. fond C. pet D. preferable
5. Social work suits her…….to the ground.
A. for B. down C. out D. round
6. He spent his entire life……..round the world, never settling down anywhere.
A. roaming B. scattering C. scrambling D. transporting
7. The government’s new safety pamphlet…….against smoking in bed.
A. advises B. declares C. emphasizes D. stresses
8. If he tries to…….ignorance as his excuse, just tell him we’ve got a copy of the authorization
with his signature on it.
A. defend B. plead C. pretend D. protest
9. We were working overtime to cope with a sudden…….in demand.
A. boost B. impetus C. surge D. thrust
10. The confidence trickster…….the old lady out of her life savings.
A. deceived B. misled C. robbed D. swindled

II. The passage below contains 10 errors. Underline and correct them. Write
your answers in the space provided in the column on the right. (00) has been
done as an example. (5 pts)

Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the hotter young film stars around at 00 hottest............
the moment. His face has been on the covers of all the top movies
and young magazines over the last few months and he has been 1 ......................
the subject of countless articles, rumours and showbiz gossip.
Leonard doesn’t like reading about him because “I read things
about me that I’ve never said in my life and never did" . 2 ......................
Leonardo DiCaprio was born in Los Angeles on 11 November, 3 ......................
1974. He’s a Scorpio. His full name is Leonardo Wilhelm
DiCaprio. His mother is Germany and his father Italian-
American. They called him Leonardo because when his mother 4 ......................
was still pregnant, he started kicking while she was stood in front
of a painting by Leonardo Da Vinci. His friends call him Leo. He 5 ......................
has a scar from when he was stinging by a Portuguese man-of-
war. His parents separated before he was born, so his mother 6 ......................
moved to a poor neighbourhood of Hollywood there Leo grew up
. At school he was very good at imitating people, especially 7 ......................
Michael Jackson. This made him very popularly. His childhood
hero was Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea. 8 ......................
After appearance in TV commercials and episodes of Roseanne,
he played the cast of Roseanne, the TV sitcom starring Kirk 9 ......................
Cameron. Leonard played the part of Luke, a homeless boy.
Lately, he played the part of Jim Carroll in The Basketball
Diaries. But he has really become famous since he acted in the 10 ......................
film Titanic.

III. Complete the text with a suitable preposition in each space.(5 pts)
David Peters, the Scottish long-jumper, has been awarded a knighthood …(0)
in… recognition of his services to charity and the world of athletics. Sir David, as
he will be known, will be knighted by the Queen in a ceremony next week. Mr
Peters, who retired (1) …………..athletics last year, had a talent which was, quite
simply, out (2)……… the ordinary. All his performances were, without exception,
characterized by great effort and determination. He seemed to thrive (3)……………
difficult situations, and it was when (4)…………. pressure, that he produced his
greatest performances. (5)…………later years, he became increasingly prone (6)
…………. injury, and last year, his talents were evidently (7)…………. decline, he
failed to regain his Olympic long-jump title, and promptly retired. At his best,
however, his jumping was sometimes beyond belief, and in his greatest year, 2000,
he broke the world record no fewer than four times. In the late 1990s he was single-
handedly responsible (8)……………. bringing British athletics out of a severe
slump with his inspirational performances and personal charisma. Peters was
capable (9)…………….. great generosity, and once, famously, failed a jump
deliberately in order to let his great rival, Aravan Sijipal, win on his farewell
appearance. When being interviewed, Peters was also an exception to the rule, for
he always tried to praise others rather than blow his own trumpet. A deeply
religious man, he was(10) ………..dispute with the athletics authorities on more
than one occasion for his refusal to compete on Sundays.

IV. Supply the correct forms of the words given (5 pts)

The Video boom in Britain
Far from killing the cinema industry, video film rental has received the
public’s interest in going to the cinema. As a result, multi-screen cinemas or
multiple cinema complexes have appeared in the main towns. These cinemas can
have up to 20 screens and show a great …1……….…( vary ) of films. Renting
films is an important …2…………….. ( time ); in 1990 over 374 million video
tapes were rented. People also buy tapes as presents. However, the …3…………….
… ( common ) use of video recorders is to record programmes from the TV to
watch at a more…4………………… ( convenience ) time. Far from encouraging …
5……………… ( excess ) TV watching, video recorders have been used mainly to
control the time at which people watch. This also …6…………….. ( contribution )
to a decline in the number of hours of TV people watch, because they watch videos
instead. During the 1980s there was an enormous boom in the number of people
buying video recorders. and shops …7…………….… ( expansion ) to provide the
video tapes they wanted. Video viewing became such a way of life, along with take-
way food .
and an …8……………..… ( increase ) interest in wine drinking, that the perfect
night socializing at home has been …9……………..… ( joke ) described as
consisting of a video, a wine box and a take away curry ’. Do you fancy coming
over to my place to watch a video?’ is a …10……………..…
( type ) invitation.
V. Fill each blank in the passage with ONE word. (5 pts)
The T-shirt, or at least the T-shirt as we know it, was born in the theatre.
When Tennessee William's play A Streetcar Named Oesire opened in New York in
December 1947, a young actor (1)………….…….. Marlon Brando went (2)
………………. stage wearing a (3)……………….. of blue jeans and a bright,
white, capped-sleeve T-shirt. It was the first time the T-shirt had been seen publicly
as anything (4)……………… an item of underwear and it set a fashion trend that
was to last through (5)…………………. the end of the century. The idea for the T-
shirt came (6) ……………….. Brando himself. He had worn one at rehearsals for
the play. The director was so impressed by the look that was created that he asked
Brando to wear the shirt in the play itself. Brando may have seen the shirt being
advertised by the American company Sears Roebuck. They had decided to market
the shirt (7). …………… a fashionable garment in its (8)……………….. right,
rather than just something to be worn (9)……………….. warmth beneath a denim
workshirt (10)…………………. . an army uniform. It was Brando, however, who
popularised it, especially with the release of the film version of Streetcar in 1951. A
short leather jacket completed the look that was to be adopted by teenage rebels in
many countries for decades afterwards.


I. Read the text and decide which word best fits each space by circling the
letter A, B, C or D before it. (10 pts)
English has without a ( 71 ) ____ become the second language of Europe and the
world. European countries which have most ( 72 ) ____ assimilated English into
daily life are England's neighbours in Northern Europe: Ireland, the Netherlands,
Sweden, Norway, and the ( 73 )____ of Scandinavia. 

The situation is so ( 74 ) ____ that any visitor to the Netherlands will soon be ( 75 )
____ of the pressure of English on daily life: television, radio and print ( 76 ) ____
it into every home and the schoolyard ( 77) ____ of children; advertisers use it to
( 78 ) ____ up their message, journalists take refuge in it when their home-bred
skills ( 79 ) ____ them. Increasingly one hears the ( 80 ) ____ that Dutch will give
way to English as the national tongue within two or three generations ...

1. A. question B. doubt C. problem D. thought

2. A. successfully B. victorious C. successful D. lucrative
3. A. rest B. additional C. remaining D. extra
4. A. plain B. open C. blatant D. marked
5. A. ignorant B. aware C. oblivious D. acquainted
6. A. guide B. bring C. shift D. haul
7. A. conversation B. head-to-head C. consultation D. dialogue
8. A. life B. energy C. enthusiasm D. pep
9. A. succeed B. fall C. fail D. fizzle
1 A. feeling B. posture C. judgment D. view

II. Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to
each question (10 pts)
According to airline industry statistics, almost 90 percent of airline
accidents are survivable or partially survivable. But passengers can increase their
chances of survival by learning and following certain tips. Experts say that you
should read and listen to safety instructions before take-off and ask questions if
you have uncertainties. You should fasten your seat belt low on your hips and as
tightly as possible. Of course, you should also know how to release mechanism of
your belt operates. During take-offs and landings, you are advised to keep your
feet flat on the floor. Before take-off you should locate the nearest exit and an
alterative exit and count the rows of seats between you and the exits to so that you
can find them in the dark if necessary.
In the event that you are forewarned of a possible accident, you should put
your hands on your ankles and keep your head down until the plane comes to a
complete stop. If smoke is present in the cabin, you should keep your head low
and cover your face with napkins, towels, or clothing. If possible, wet these for
added protection against smoke inhalation. To evacuate as quickly as possible,
follow crew commands and do not take personal belongings with you. Do not
jump on escape slides before they are inflated, and when you jump, do so with
your arms and legs extended in front of you. When you get to the ground, you
should move away from them as quickly as possible, and never smoke near the
1. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. Airline industry accident statistics.
B. Procedures for evacuating aircraft.
C. Guidelines for increasing aircraft passenger survival.
D. Safety instructions in air travel.
2. Travelers are urged by experts to read and listen to safety instructions
A. in an emergency B. before locating the exits
C. if smoke is in the cabin D. before take off
3. According to the passage, airline travelers should keep their feet flat the floor
A. throughout the flight B. during takeoffs and landings
C. especially during landings D. only if an accident is possible
4. According to the passage, which exits should an airline passenger locate before
The ones that can be found in the dark.
The two closest to the passenger's seat.
The nearest one.
The ones with counted rows of seats between them.
5. It can be inferred from the passage that people are more likely to survive fires
in aircrafts if they ................
A. keep their heads low
B. wear a safety belt
C. don't smoke in or near a plane
D. read airline safety statistics
6. Airline passengers are advised to do all of the following EXCEPT
A. locate the nearest exit
B. ask questions about safety
C. fasten their seat belts before takeoff
D. carry personal belongings in an emergency
7. The word "evacuate" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning
A evade B. vacate C. abscond D. forestall
8. The word "inflated" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. lifted B. expanded C. extended D. assembled
9. The word " wreckage" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. damage B. prosperity C. material D. wreck
10. What does the paragraph following the passage most probably discuss!
A. How to recover your luggage
A. Where to go to continue your trip
B. When to return to the aircraft
C. How to proceed once you are away from the aircraft
III. Read the following passage and do the tasks that follow. (9 pts)
Green Wave Washes Over Mainstream Shopping
Research in Britain has shown that green consumers' continue to flourish as a
significant group amongst shoppers. This suggests that politicians who claim
environmentalism is yesterday's issue may be seriously misjudging the public
A report from Mintel, the market research organisation, says that despite
recession and financial pressures, more people than ever want to buy
environmentally friendly products and a 'green wave' has swept through
consumerism, taking in people previously untouched by environmental concerns.
The recently published report also predicts that the process will repeat itself with
'ethical' concerns, involving issues such as fair trade with the Third World and the
social record of businesses. Companies will have to be more honest and open in
response to this mood.
Mintel's survey, based on nearly 1,000 consumers, found that the proportion
who look for green products and are prepared to pay more for them has climbed
from 53 per cent in 1990 to around 60 per cent in 1994. On average, they will pay
13 per cent more for such products, although this percentage is higher among
women, managerial and professional groups and those aged 35 to 44.
Between 1990 and 1994 the proportion of consumers claiming to be unaware
of or unconcerned about green issues fell from 18 to 10 per cent but the number of
green spenders among older people and manual workers has risen substantially.
Regions such as Scotland have also caught up with the south of England in their
environmental concerns. According to Mintel, the image of green consumerism as
associated in the past with the more eccentric members of society has virtually
disappeared. The consumer research manager for Mintel, Angela Hughes, said it
had become firmly established as a mainstream market. She explained that as far as
the average person is concerned environmentalism has not gone off the boil'. In fact,
it has spread across a much wider range of consumer groups, ages and occupations.
Mintel's 1994 survey found that 13 per cent of consumers are 'very dark green',
nearly always buying environmentally friendly products, 28 per cent are 'dark
green', trying 'as far as possible' to buy such products, and 21 per cent are 'pale
green' - tending to buy green products if they see them. Another 26 per cent are
'armchair greens'; they said they care about environmental issues but their concern
does not affect their spending habits. Only 10 per cent say they do not care about
green issues.
Four in ten people are 'ethical spenders', buying goods which do not, for
example, involve dealings with oppressive regimes. This figure is the same as in
1990, although the number 'armchair ethicals' has risen from 28 to 35 per cent and
only 22 per cent say they are unconcerned now, against 30 per cent in 1990. Hughes
claims that in the twenty-first century, consumers will be encouraged to think more
about the entire history of the products and services they buy, including the policies
of the companies that provide them and that this will require a greater degree of
honesty with consumers.

Among green consumers, animal testing is the top issue - 48 per cent said
they would be deterred from buying a product it if had been tested on animals -
followed by concerns regarding irresponsible selling, the ozone layer, river and sea
pollution, forest destruction, recycling and factory farming. However, concern for
specific issues is lower than in 1990, suggesting that many consumers feel that
Government and business have taken on the environmental agenda.

Questions 1-6
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer? Write:
YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer
NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this
1. The research findings report commercial rather than political trends.
2. Being financially better off has made shoppers more sensitive to buying 'green'.
3. The majority of shoppers are prepared to pay more for the benefit of the
environmentaccording to the research findings.
4. Consumers' green shopping habits are influenced by Mintel's findings.
5. Mintel have limited their investigation to professional and managerial groups.
6. Mintel undertakes market surveys on an annual basis.

Questions 7-9
Choose the appropriate letters A-D
7. Politicians may have 'misjudged the public mood' because ...
A. they are pre-occupied with the recession and financial problems.
B. there is more widespread interest in the environment agenda than they
C. consumer spending has increased significantly as a result of 'green' pressure.
D. shoppers are displeased with government policies on a range of issues.
8. What is Mintel?
A. an environmentalist group
B. a business survey organisation
C. an academic research team
D. a political organisation
9. A consumer expressing concern for environmental issues without actively
supporting such principles is...
A. an 'ethical spender'.
B. a 'very dark green' spender.
C. an 'armchair green'.
D. a 'pale green' spender.

IV. Read the following passage and choose from the list A – K the best phrase
to fill each gap. Use each correct phrase only once. There are three extra
phrases which you do not need to use. (0) has been done as an example. (6 pts)


Many of the world’s amphibians, particularly frogs and toads, are
becoming extinct faster (0)__J__. At the Third World Congress of Herpetology,
held in Prague in August, (1)_____ . Serious declines and several probable
extinctions have been reported from the Pacific North West of America, from
Central America and from Western Australia. While most amphibian declines
around the world are attributable to habitat destruction in all these three areas, some
species (but not all) have declined rapidly in nature reserves, national parks and
other areas (2) _____ .
Karen Lips, of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama, has
found large numbers of dead and dying frogs along streams. The disease which has
killed them seems to be moving southwards through the mountains of Central
America. One symptom is a thickening of the skin, (3) _____. This appears to be
caused by a protozoan parasite. A similar organism may also be responsible for the
deaths of thousands of frogs in the mountains of Queensland, Australia. Urgent
research is under way (4) _____.
Typically, herpetologists have had to respond to these declines (5) _____.
Now, recent work by Ross Alford, of James Cook University, Australia, has
suggested one way to detect a decline early on; measure a frog’s limbs. His study
has shown that fluctuating asymmetry (random variation in the size of paired
structures on the left and right side of the body) increases in the limbs of frogs

A. to determine if this is indeed the case

B. set aside for the protection of biodiversity
C. as quickly as possible under the circumstances
D. it became clear that the phenomenon is a global one
E. after they have occurred
F. which effectively smothers the frog
G. which have built up immunity to such diseases
H. into the effects of DDT on amphibians in the US and Kenya
I. as their population size declines
J. than scientists can determine the causes

I. Rewrite the sentences below in such a way that their meanings stay the same.
You must use the words in capital without changing their forms. (5 pts)
1. There was loud applause as he left the stage. (ACCOMPANIMENT)
2. Mike is never reluctant to make tough decisions as a manager (SHRINKS)
3. Bill reckoned that his success was due to incredible luck. (PUT)
4. The candle fell over and made the barn start burning. (LIGHT)
5. City-dwellers often get depressed nowadays. (PRONE)
II. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly
the same as the sentence printed before it. (5 pts)
1. She was definitely displeased when I told her.
She was anything…………………………………………………………………
2. The only thing that kept us out of prison was the way he spoke the local dialect.
 But for his command……………………………………………………………
3. Despite the lack of their financial support, we will have to carry out the project.
 Whether…………………………………………………………………………
4. He decided to repair the thing himself and not to take it back to the shop.
 Rather…………………………………………………………………………
5. What I admire most about him is his absolute frankness.
 His absolute frankness, more……………………………………………………
III. Write an essay (of about 400 words) about the following topic. (15 pts)
Some people say that traffic accidents are caused by the increasing number of
motorbikes. Others blame for man’s fault. Which point of view do you agree? State
at least three relevant evidences.

Người ra đề: Trương Thị Phương Thanh ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ THI HỌC SINH GIỎI
Thời gian làm bài: 180’

I. (5 pts)
1. elections 2. parliamentary 3. inaccuracies 4. voice 5. essential
6. delay 7. urged 8. nations 9. correct 10. seriousness
II. (5 pts)
1. technology 2. faster 3. extinct
4. blue whales 5. scientific research
III. (5 pts)
1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B
I. (5 pts)
1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. D
II. (5 pts)
1. young --> youth 2. him --> himself 3. did--> done 4.Germany--> German
5. stood  standing 6. stinging--> stung 7. there --> where 8. popularly -->popular
9. appearance --> appearing 10. Lately --> Later
III. (5 pts)
1. from 2. of 3. on 4. under 5. In/ during
6. to 7. in 8. for 9. of 10. in
IV. (5 pts)
1. variety 2. pastime 3. commonest 4. convenient 5. excessive
6. contributed 7. expanded 8. increased 9. jokingly 10. typical

V. (5 pts)
1. named/ called 2. on 3. pair 4. but / except 5. to / until
6. from 7. as 8. own 9. for 10 or
I. (10 pts)
1. B 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. D
II. (10 pts)
1. C 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. D
III. (9 pts)
IV. (6 pts)
1. D 2. B 3. F 4. A 5. E 6. I
I. (5 pts)
1. He left the stage to the accompaniment of loud applause.
2. Mike never shrinks from making tough decisions as a manager.
3. Bill put his success down to incredible luck.
4. The candle fell over and set light to the barn.
5. City-dwellers are prone to getting depressed nowadays.
II. (5 pts)
1. She was anything but pleased when I told her.
2. But for his command of the local dialect, we could have been put into prison /
3. Whether we have their financial support or not, well will have to carry out the
4. Rather than take it back to the shop he decided to repair the thing himself.
5. His absolute frankness, more than anything else, is what I admire about him.
III. (15 pts)
* Organization : (5 points)
+ Three parts ( topic sentence, supporting sentences, concluding sentence)
+ Topic sentence: consists of topic and controlling idea.
+ Concluding sentence: summarizes the main supporting ideas / restates the topic
sentence and gives personal opinion.
* Content, coherence and cohesion: (5 points)
+ Supporting sentences: support directly the main idea stated in the topic sentence
and provide logical, persuasive examples.
+ Use of transition signals appropriately.
* Language use and accuracy: (5 points)
+ Variety of structures, expressions and good use of vocabulary
+ No spelling or grammar mistakes.


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