SITHKOP004 Knowledge Dulan
SITHKOP004 Knowledge Dulan
SITHKOP004 Knowledge Dulan
Unit(s) of competency
Assessment Details
Re-Assessment Details
Assessment Type
Assessment Task
SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements Page 1 of 14
Assessor’s Name
Yes No Due Date:
First Attempt 2nd Attempt Late Penalty__________
Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency and comments on positive improvements:
Student Declaration: I declare that I have been Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have
assessed in this unit and I have been advised of my conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible
result. I am also aware of my right to appeal and the assessment with this student, and I have provided
reassessment procedure. appropriate feedback
Signature: ____________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____
Assessment Task
SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements Page 2 of 14
Student Declaration: I declare that I have been re- Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have
assessed in this unit and I have been advised of my conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible
result. I am also aware of my right to appeal. assessment with this student, and I have provided
appropriate feedback
Signature: ____________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____ Student did not attend the feedback session.
Feedback provided on assessment.
Signature: ____________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____
Assessment Task
Develop menus for special dietary requirements
Assessment Task
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Assessment Task
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Overall Assessment Task Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Performance (S) (NS)
Assessment Task: Short Answers Responses ☐ ☐
Resources required for this Assessment
Trainers and Assessors are required to ensure all learners have access to:
Recipe selection relevant for this unit to cover all menu types specified in the
Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code
Australian Dietary Guidelines
Australian Guide to Healthy Eating’
Seasonal Fruit and Vegetable Guide Australia
Australian Guide to Healthy Eating
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Guide to Healthy Eating
Nutrient Reference Values (NRV)
Student Handout: Glossary of Industry Terms (Vegetables and Pulses)
Student Handout: Glossary of Industry Terms (Pasta)
Student Handout: Glossary of Industry Terms (Herbs and Spices)
Student Handout: Glossary of Industry Terms (Citrus Fruit)
Student Handout: Glossary of Industry Terms (Fruit)
Student Handout: Glossary of Industry Terms (VFEF)
Student Handout: Glossary of Industry Terms (Minerals, Vitamins and Nutrients)
Student Handout: Glossary of Industry Terms (Gluten)
Student Handout: Glossary of Industry Terms (Dietary)
Assessment Task
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Learner Evidence Submission Requirements
The completed and signed Assessment Tool
LOW FAT DIET Use olive oil Use filo pastry Air fryer
instead of butter
2. a) List two (2) common food additives or preservatives found in packaged foods and
list why it’s important the food label lists these on the product:
Sodium Nitrite
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Customer has also right to know what is in the products he is paying for
b) List two (2) types of oils suitable for someone with high cholesterol:
Soybean Oil
Sunflower oil
c) Identify three (3) foods that can commonly cause an allergic reaction:
3. Describe the following diets in the chart below, what foods they can eat and why:
Complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, whole
DIABETIC wheat, quinoa, oatmeal, fruits, vegetables, beans, and
GLUTEN FREE Fruit, vegetables, eggs, nuts and legumes, milk, fats
and oils, gluten free grains
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SUGAR FREE Vegetables, especially leafy green vegetables.
Fruit (fructose in its natural state) in moderation.
Meat, Nuts, Seeds, Cakes, biscuits, desserts and other
foods cooked with Perfect Sweet xylitol instead of
4. What is the difference between a Vegan diet and a Vegetarian diet, why is it important
for Vegans and vegetarians to eat food high in Protein and vitamin B12?
Vegans don´t eat animal products at all. Vegetarian don´t eat animals but may eat
their products.
Because protein and B12 are mainly in meat and dairy which vegans and vegetarians
are not consuming.
Vegans eat no animal products, while vegetarians don't eat animals, but may eat
products that come from them (such as dairy and eggs).
5. What is meant by the term drug food interaction? And why is it important to follow
instructions from a customer if they can’t eat a certain food due to medication they take?
It means that some drugs can interact with certain food and it could cause a harm to a
customer if you don´t avoid it.
A change in a drug's effect on the body when the drug is taken together with certain
Because of the side effects and sometimes allergies and its decrease the power of
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Lactose intolerance
b) Why is important that you don’t serve someone nuts if they have mentioned they are
allergic to them?
Because that person can serious threatening of his life because of the allergy
reactions or it could cause harm and in extreme cases even death to a customer.
7. a) What is anaphylaxis, and what should you do if a customer is suffering from this?
It typically causes more than one of the following: an itchy rash, throat or tongue
swelling, shortness of breath, vomiting, light-headedness, and low blood pressure
Call 000 – look for epi-pen in their belongings, lie them on their side, apply first aid
techniques if trained.
b) What other symptoms can determine an allergic reaction from food? Provide three (3)
8. Describe one (1) type of food intolerance and describe the symptoms:
Lactose intolerance is basically the inability to digest a sugar called lactose found in dairy
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The Islamic form of slaughtering animals or poultry, dahabeah,
involves killing through a cut to the jugular vein, carotid artery and
HALAL windpipe. Its mean To be considered halal, meat, poultry, fish and
their products must be prepared according to Islamic law. Halal is
the Arabic word for permitted or lawful. Haram is the word for
forbidden or unlawful.
10. What are the advantages of having more options available for a range of cultural
diets on a menu?
We could satisfy more customers across wide range of cultures and different beliefs.
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11. a) List the types of foods that the following nutrients are commonly found in below
Fruits (orange, blackcurrant)
Vegetables ( tomatoes , broccoli )
Psyllium husks
FIBRE Chia seeds
CARBOHYDRATES Sweet potatoes
OMEGA 3 FATS Oysters
b) Describe why you must have a range of healthier food and beverage selections on
the modern menu:
Eating helps to protect against chronic disease and healthy food is a trend now and you will
miss opportunity to attract many customers if you will ignore that.
c) Why is it important to eat a balanced diet including lots of fruit and vegetables? What
can be the consequences of eating a poor diet?
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To be healthy
Easily to be sick and immunise system is not working properly
12. a) What must you do under the law regarding food labelling when foods include
preservatives or additives & what are consequences for not following food labelling
You must put them on the label, otherwise you could be sued and fined (maybe jail time)
b) What can happen to vitamins contained within fruit and vegetables if they are boiled
or stored in liquid?
Gets rid of all the important nutrients, use steam and paillote methods instead
13. Where can you find dietary information for Australians including children,
adolescents and older Australians? Provide an Example.
14. How might a diet for an older Australian commonly differ from a healthy 25 year old?
How would this affect your menu planning if the majority of your customers were of an
older age?
Many older people don’t get enough vitamins, mineral and fibre and also this cause bad effect
on general health, young people do more physical activities than older people they can
consume most food items than others when we consider menu for an older Australian, we
need to consider their health conditions and lifestyle
15. A pork rib loin costs $ 8.00 per kg bone in. It takes 20 minutes to trim it and the
trimming loss is 60% (60% fat and bones with 40% meat left). You serve 200g per
serve to the customer. You can purchase a kg of pork steaks (no bone) for $12.00 per
kg. How would you purchase your meat? Explain and justify your response
Probably need to purchase pork steak for $12.00per kg. because if pork rib lion purchase for
$8.00,it is in bone and after remove the bones yield will reduce other thing high time waste for
trimming and cleaning ,so labour cost also will be added as other it is profitable
to purchase 1kg for and 12.00
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16. Add up the total food cost of the ingredients required for ‘Mussels with white wine
and tomato’:
AUD $92.00
Total cost for 23 serves of Mussels
Finally calculate the correct sales price per head assuming that the food cost will be
30% of the sales price.
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+++ END OF PAPER +++
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