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CA Solved Lab Manual (TC-19069)

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For Academic Session

For F.E

Name: Muhammad Owais

Roll No: FETC-19069
Class: First Year Spring Semester 2020
Batch: 2019-20
Department: Telecommunication Engineering

Department of Electrical Engineering

NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

Dated List of Experiments Marks Remarks

To study the operation of:

1. 1. Oscilloscope as a measuring instrument &
2. Function Generator as an Input Source

To investigate the Transient Response of First

order RC Circuit.

To investigate the Transient Response of First

order RL Circuit.

Investigating Resonance phenomena in RLC

4. circuits & experimentally determines the resonance
frequency in a series RLC circuit.

To understand the importance of test/switching

Design and test the performance of integrator
circuits using Op-amp.

To understand the importance of test/switching

6. Design and test the performance of differentiator
circuits using Op-amp.

7. To investigate the behavior of Over Damping,

Critical Damping & Under Damping in RLC
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

Dated List of Experiments Marks Remarks

8. Use MATLAB to analyze types of power and RMS

and peak values of current and voltages

Use MATLAB and Simulink to plot waveforms of

instantaneous voltage, current & Power for R, L&
C and mixed & Load.

To measure the Three Phase Power of Star

connected load using Three Wattmeter methods.

To measure the Three Phase Power of Delta

connected load using Two Wattmeter methods

To determine the turns ratio of a transformer, also

12. determine the polarity of transformer windings
for their parallel operation

To investigate ABCD Transmission Parameters for

13. Two Port Network.

Analyze three phase Y-Y and ▲▲

connection and plot waveforms of I, V and P
using MATLAB
Lab Session 01
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

Lab Session 01

To study the operation of oscilloscope as a measuring instrument & function generator as an
Input Source.


1. Oscilloscope [GW Instek GDS-820S]

2. Function Generator [GFG-8020H (2MHz)]
3. Probes


The main purpose of an oscilloscope is to graph an electrical signal as it varies over time. Most
scopes produce a two-dimensional graph with time on the x-axis and voltage on the y-axis.


A digital storage oscilloscope (often abbreviated DSO) is an oscilloscope which stores and
analyses the signal digitally rather than using analog techniques.

Fig1.1 Front Panel View of Oscilloscope

Lab Session 01
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

 First Time Operation:

1. Testing the Probe (Calibration Process):

Probes are single-input devices that route a signal from your circuit to the scope. They have a
sharp tip which probes into a point on your circuit. The tip can also be equipped with hooks,
tweezers or clips to make latching onto a circuit easier. Every probe also includes a ground clip,
which should be secured safely to a common ground point on the circuit under test.

Fig1.2 Probes Terminal Connections

As soon as you connect positive part of the probe to the signal output terminal the square wave
will display on the scope screen. The magnitude and frequency of displayed square wave are
2Vp-p and 1 KHz respectively. Now when both positive & negative parts of probes are
connected with hook terminal the positive waveform will be grounded.

Fig1.3 Square Wave As a result of Calibration Process


The “Autoset” function provides a stable display of any input signal (almost) and set the
parameters to default settings.

 Vertical controls:

Channel 1, 2 Position knobs: The position control knobs adjust the vertical position of the
channel 1 and channel 2 waveforms, CH1, CH2 Menu pushbutton: Shows the vertical
waveform function and waveform display on/off, VOLTS/DIV knobs: Adjusts the vertical scale
of the waveforms.

Lab Session 01
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

 Horizontal controls:
Horizontal Menu: Horizontal POSITION knob: Adjust waveforms horizontal position,
TIME/DIV knob: Adjusts the horizontal scale of selected waveform.

 Basic Settings of Both Channels:

 Miscellaneous Controls:


This oscilloscope provides various automatic measurements. Automatic measurements are taken
over the entire waveform record, or the area specified by cursors. Select the different
measurement by pressing F1 to F5 key. To activate the measurement, press the Measure button.
The measurement parameters for both channels displayed are:
Vpp, Vamp, Vavg Vrms, Vhi, Vlo, Vmax, Vmin, Freq, Period, Width, Duty Cycle, Rise
time and Fall time.


It is convenient to be able to make measurements of the signal being displayed on the

oscilloscope. To activate the cursors, press the Cursor button. The cursors, which appear as
vertical or horizontal lines will be displayed.

 The vertical cursor lines define the measurement with respect to change in Voltage ΔV.

 The horizontal cursor lines define the measurement with respect to change in Time Δt.

Lab Session 01
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering


A function generator is usually a piece of electronic test equipment or software used to generate
different types of electrical waveforms over a wide range of frequencies. Some of the most
common waveforms produced by the function generator are the sine wave, square wave,
triangular wave and sawtooth shapes.

Fig1.4 Function Generator Front Panel

1. Power Switch: The power switch turns the device on or off.

2. Range Selectors: This bank of switches is used to select the frequency range of the output
3. Function Selectors: This bank of switches is used to select the desired output function type
(Square, Triangle, and Sine).
4. Frequency Adjustment Knob COARSE: This knob adjusts the output frequency of the
waveform over a wide range, but with less precision than the Fine Frequency Adjustment
Frequency Adjustment Knob FINE: This knob adjusts the output frequency of the
waveform over a narrower range, but with more precision than the Coarse Frequency
Adjustment Knob.
5. DUTY: This knob position should be counter clockwise (for 50% Duty Cycle). The Duty
function varies the duty Cycle from 50% to 100%.
6. OFFSET/ADJ Knob: This knob position should be counter clockwise in order to disabled
this function.
8. AMPL: Increase or Decrease the magnitude of selected waveform.
11. OUTPUT 50Ω: The 50Ω Output is the generic waveform output; it is the source of all of the
waveforms other than TTL and CMOS. 50Ω is the internal resistance of this output circuit
and should be accounted for when using this device.

Lab Session 01
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

 Firstly perform the calibration of Oscilloscope and Check all the probes as well.
 Use Channel CH1 to observe the waveforms.
 Connect one probe to (CH1) of oscilloscope and other probe to the function generator
terminal (OUTPUT50Ω).
 Now connect the positive-positive terminals of both probes with each other and negative-
negative terminals with each other in order to the view the output of function generator on
 Oscilloscope Settings: CH1, Coupling to AC, Probe ×1, Impedance 1MΩ, Invert OFF,
Bandwidth Limit OFF.
 Function Generation Settings: DUTY knob (CCW, Pulled in), OFFSET knob (CCW, Pulled
in), obtain the desired waveform of any frequency, amplitude and shape.
 Using oscilloscope’s MEASURE function, observe VRMS, VPP, FREQUENCY, TIME
S.No Waveshape Vrms Vp-p Frequency Time
(V) (V) (Hz) (msec)

calculated measured calculated measured measured measured

1. Sine 0.672 0.778 1.90 1.90 14.02k 71.33u
2. Square 0.99 1.05 1.98 1.98 5k 200u
3. Triangle 0.842 0.935 2.92 2.92 4k 250u


Vpp = Vp(+ve) – Vp (-ve) = Measured value (Vavg and peak values were not provided)

1.Sine: Vrms = (Vpp/2)*(1/sqrt(2)) => Vrms = 0.672 V

2.Square: Vrms = Vp => Vrms = 1.98/2 => Vrms = 0.99V

3.Triangle: Vrms = Vpp*0.577/2 => 2.92*0.577/2 =. Vrms = 0.842V

Lab Session 01
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

Answer the following:

Q-1) What does AC, DC and GND coupling do on an oscilloscope?

Ground Coupling disconnects the input signal from the vertical system,
which lets you see where zero volts is located on the screen.
DC Coupling means Horizontal axis is shown.
AC Coupling removes signal average value to show equidistant positive
and negative values.

Q-2) What is the OFFSET option in function generator?

It is used to generate combinations of amplitudes.

Q-3) What is Duty Cycle?

It is the fraction of time of the period in which the signal is active.

Lab Session 02
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

Lab Session 02

To investigate the Transient Response of First order RC Circuit.

1. Oscilloscope
2. Function Generator
3. Probes
4. Breadboard
5. Resistor-1kΩ(1), Capacitor-1uf(1)


The Transient Response of RC & RL Circuit:

The Transient Response of circuit also known as the Natural Response is the way the circuit
responds to energies stored in storage elements, such as capacitors and inductors. If a capacitor
and inductor has energy stored within it, then that energy can be dissipated or absorbed by a
resistor. How that energy is dissipated is the Transient Response. The RC & RL circuit leads to
1st order differential equation to solve the circuit if the circuit contains only one storage element.

RC Circuit:

When switch is closed at position 1 (step input is applied to circuit), Capacitor voltage begins at
zero and exponentially increases to E volts and capacitor current instantaneously jumps to E /R
and exponentially decays to zero.(Charging Phase)

Fig 2.1: RC Circuit Charging State

Lab Session 02
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

When switch is closed at position 2, Capacitor voltage has E volts across it when it begins to
discharge and capacitor current will instantly jump to –E /R. Both voltage and current will decay
exponentially to zero. (Discharging Phase)

Fig 2.2: RC Circuit Discharging State

Capacitor Charging Equations:

Capacitor Discharging Equations:

Where  is defined as: Rate at which a capacitor charges depends on product of R and C and
known as time constant,  = RC has units of seconds. Length of time that a transient lasts
depends on exponential function , for all practical purposes, transients can be considered to
last for only five time constants.

Lab Session 02
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering


For RC Circuit:

 Assemble circuit on breadboard.
 Apply input signal to circuit from function generator.
 The amplitude of Input signal is 5Vp-p, 50% duty cycle. Set frequency to 100Hz (for RC).
 Connect Channel 1 to Input and Channel 2 across output to observe waveforms.
 Use Scope’s CURSOR option to obtain Δt & ΔV readings for different values of .
 Note down measured values and compare with calculated data.
 Sketch waveforms on graph paper.


For RC Circuit:

case ΔVc Δt 5 
(V) (sec) (sec)
Charging 2.00 V 4.84 ms 0.005 0.001

Discharging 2.00 V 4.84 ms 0.005 0.001

Lab Session 02
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

Plot/pictures of the waveforms:

Answer the following:

Q-1) What is the difference between step response, transient response and steady state

Step response is the time behavior of the outputs of system when input signals

change from zero to one in a short period of time. Transient response is the

system’s instant behavior against the input signal. Whereas steady state response is

when the output of the system does nor change.

Q-2) Name any one application for both RC based Circuit?

A differentiator integrator.

Lab Session 02
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

Q-3) What will happen if the polarity of capacitor is reversed in the circuit?

A heavy current flow, large amount of heat is generated and capacitor is damaged.

Q-4) Can you replace polarized capacitor with non-polarized one? If, yes then why?

Non-polarized capacitor used in both AC and DC. Eventually, you can replace

polarized capacitor with non-polarized. But you can’t replace non-polarized

capacitor with polarized. Also you should be careful about ripple current


Lab Session 03
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

Lab Session 03

To investigate the Transient Response of First order RL Circuit.

1. Oscilloscope
2. Function Generator
3. Probes
4. Breadboard
5. Resistor-1kΩ(1), Inductor-1mh(1)


The Transient Response of RC & RL Circuit:

The Transient Response of circuit also known as the Natural Response is the way the circuit
responds to energies stored in storage elements, such as capacitors and inductors. If a capacitor
and inductor has energy stored within it, then that energy can be dissipated or absorbed by a
resistor. How that energy is dissipated is the Transient Response. The RC & RL circuit leads to
1st order differential equation to solve the circuit if the circuit contains only one storage element.

RL Circuit:

Current i(t) in an RL circuit is an exponentially increasing function of time. When switch is

closed at position 1 (step input is applied to circuit), current begins at zero and rises to a
maximum value, voltage across resistor VR is an exponentially increasing function of time and
voltage across inductor VL is an exponentially decreasing function of time. (Charging Phase)

Fig 3.1: RL Circuit Charging State

Lab Session 03
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

When switch is now again in open condition inductor discharges by changing polarity across
terminals the R2 serves as discharge path switch, inductor voltage has –(Vo) volts across it when
it begins to discharge and inductor current will instantly jump to Vo/R. Both voltage and current
will decay exponentially to zero. (Discharging Phase)

Fig 3.2: RL Circuit Discharging State

Inductor Charging Equations:

Inductor Discharging Equations:

Where  is defined as: Rate at which an inductor charges depends on ratio of R and L and known
as time constant,  = L/R has units of seconds. Length of time that a transient lasts depends on
exponential function .

Lab Session 03
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering


For RL Circuit:

 Assemble circuit on breadboard.
 Apply input signal to circuit from function generator.
 The amplitude of Input signal is 5Vp-p, 50% duty cycle. Set frequency to 100kHz (for RL).
 Connect Channel 1 to Input and Channel 2 across output to observe waveforms.
 Use Scope’s CURSOR option to obtain Δt & ΔV readings for different values of .
 Note down measured values and compare with calculated data.
 Sketch waveforms on graph paper.


For RL Circuit:

Case ΔVc Δt 5 
(V) (sec) (sec)
Charging 0.904 1.740 us 6.188 us 1.238 us

Discharging 0.904 1.740 us 6.188 us 1.238 us

Lab Session 03
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering


Resistor: 1.01 kohm

Inductor: 1.25 mH

Time const: L/R => 1.25mH/1.01kohm = 1.238 us.

Answer the following:

Q-1) What is the difference between step response, transient response and steady state

Step response is the time behavior of the outputs of a general system when its inputs change
from zero to one in a very short time.
Transient response is the response of the system to a change from an equilibrium or a steady-
Steady-state response is the behavior of a circuit after a long time when steady conditions have
been reached after an external excitation

Lab Session 04
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

Lab Session 04


Investigating Resonance phenomena in RLC circuits & experimentally determines the resonance
frequency in a series RLC circuit.

1. Oscilloscope
2. Function Generator
3. Probes
4. Breadboard
5. Resistor-470Ω(1), Inductor-10mh(1), Capacitor-10nf(1)


A series resonant circuit consists of a resistor, a capacitor, and an inductor in a simple loop. At
some frequency the capacitive and inductive reactances will be of the same magnitude, and as
they are 180 degrees in opposition, they effectively nullify each other. This leaves the circuit
purely resistive, the source “seeing” only the resistive element. Consequently, the current will be
at a maximum at the resonant frequency. At any higher or lower frequency, a net reactance (the
difference between XL and XC) must be added to the resistor value, producing higher impedance
and thus, a lower current. As this is a simple series loop, the resistor’s voltage will be
proportional to the current. Consequently, the resistor voltage should be a maximum at the
resonant frequency and decrease as the frequency is either increased or decreased.

Fig 4.1: Series Resonance

Lab Session 04
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

At resonance, the resistor value sets the maximal current and consequently has a major effect on
the voltages developed across the capacitor and inductor as well as the “tightness” of the voltage
versus frequency curve: The smaller the resistance, the tighter the curve and the higher the
voltage seen across the capacitor and inductor. The Q of the circuit can be defined as the ratio of
the resonant reactance to the circuit resistance, Q=X/R, which also corresponds to the ratio of the
resonant frequency to the circuit bandwidth, Q=Fr/BW.

Fig 4.2: Bandwidth of a Series Rseonance


 Using circuit diagram with R=470Ω, L= 10 mH, and C=10 nF, determine the theoretical
resonance frequency and Q, and record the results in first observation Table. Based on these
values determine the upper and lower frequencies defining the bandwidth, f1 and f2, and
record them in Table.

Lab Session 04
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

 Build the circuit using R=470Ω, L=10 mH and C=10 nF. Place a probe across the resistor.
Set the output of the generator to a 1 V p-p sine wave. Set the frequency to the theoretical
resonance frequency of first observation Table.

 Adjust the frequency in small amounts, up and down, until the maximum voltage is found.
This is the experimental resonance frequency. Record it in Table. Note the amplitude (it
should be approximately equal to the source voltage of 1 V p-p). Sweep the frequency above
and below the resonance frequency until the experimental f1 and f2 are found. These will
occur at voltage amplitude of approximately 0.707 times the resonant voltage (i.e., the half-
power points). Record these frequencies in Table. Also, determine and record the
experimental Q based on the experimental f0, f1, and f2.

 Also measure and record the inductor and capacitor voltages. Note that the inductor and
capacitor will have to be swapped with the resistor position in order to maintain proper
ground reference with the oscilloscope.


Theoretical Experimental Deviation

fr 14.953 kHz 16.6 kHz 1.647 kHz
Q 200 222 22
f1 13.767 kHz 12 kHz 1.767 kHz
f2 16.132 kHz 21.4 kHz 5.27 kHz

Frequency VR
fr= 752 mV
f1= 520 mV
f2= 528 mV
1kHz 40 mV
5kHz 160 mV
8kHz 280 mV
12kHz 528 mV
20kHz 600 mV
30kHz 312 mV
50kHz 152 mV
100kHz 80 mV

Lab Session 04
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering


Capacitor: 10nF actually 9.6nF

Inductor: 10mH actually 11.8 mH

Resistor: 470 ohm actually 467 ohm

⇨ fr = 1/(2pi*sqrt(LC))
⇨ Q = XL/R
⇨ BW = fr/Q
⇨ fL = fr – BW/2
⇨ fC = fr + BW/2

Theoretical values:

fr=1/(2pi*sqrt(9.6*11.8*10^-12)) = 14.953kHz

Q= (2pi*14.95kHz)/470 = 200

BW = (14.95kHz/6.32)/2 = 1182.75

fL = 14.95kHz – (14.95kHz /6.32 )/2 = 13.767kHz

fC= 14.95kHz + (14.95kHz /6.32 )/2 = 16.132 kHz

Lab Session 04
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

Answer the following:

Q-1) What is electrical resonance and explain its significance?

Ans: Electrical resonance occurs in an electric circuit at a particular resonant frequency when
the impedances or admittances of circuit elements cancel each other.
In an electrical circuit, the condition that exist when the inductive reactance and the capacitive
reactance are of equal magnitude, causing electrical energy to oscillate between the magnetic
field of the inductor and the electric field of capacitor.

Q-2) Discuss one practical application of series resonance circuit?

Ans: Series resonance circuits are useful for constructing highly frequency selective filters.
However, its high current and very high component voltage values can cause damage to the

Lab Session 07
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

Lab Session 07

To investigate the behavior of Over Damping, Critical Damping & under Damping in RLC

Lab Session 07
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

* tm is the time at which the maximum value is reached.
* ts, the settling time, is the time at which the value is 1% of the maximum.

Circuit Diagram:

Design the circuit when L= 1mH, R= 1Ω, C=1μF.

Observe the response of RLC circuit when the switch changes its position after a certain time
specified to the switch.

Adjust the oscilloscope time base and voltage/div parameters for the observation.

Lab Session 07
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

Vmax (V)
1 89 10 0.005 4.45 4.47 Critical 10e^-5 -
2 6 10 0.005 0.3 4.47 Under 10e^-5 -
3 8 0.05 0.005 80 63.2 Over 10e^-5 -
*Measuring Max Voltage was not instructed.


Under Damped:

Critically Damped:

Lab Session 07
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

Over Damped:


For alpha close to omega, Response is Critically Damped.

For alpha larger than omega, Response is Over Damped.

For alpha smaller than omega, Response is Under Damped.

Lab Session 08

NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

Lab Session 08

Use MATLAB to analyze types of power and RMS and peak values of current and voltages.

Average Power:
The instantaneous electric power in an AC circuit is given by P = VI, but these quantities are
continuously varying. Almost always the desired power in an AC circuit is the average power,
which is given by
Pavg = VI cosφ
where φ is the phase angle between the current and the voltage and where V and I are understood
to be the effective or rms values of the voltage and current. The term cos φ is called the "power
factor" for the circuit.
Power Factor:
In AC circuits, the power factor is the ratio of the real power that is used to do work and the
apparent power that is supplied to the circuit. The power factor can get values in the range from
0 to 1. When all the power is reactive power with no real power (usually inductive load) - the
power factor is 0. When all the power is real power with no reactive power (resistive load) - the
power factor is 1.
RMS Value of Current or Voltage:
The RMS value is the effective value of a varying voltage or current. It is the equivalent steady
DC (constant) value which gives the same effect. For example, a lamp connected to a 6V RMS
AC supply will shine with the same brightness when connected to a steady 6V DC supply.
Task 1: Average power, Power factor and RMS value of voltage and current when

Source Code:
clear all; close all; clc;
Vm=10;%Maximum value of voltage
Vtheta=30*pi/180; %angle in radians
p.f=cos(Vtheta-Itheta); %power factor & avg. power
fprintf('Average Power: %f \n',P_avg); %\n is for new line
fprintf('Power Factor: %f \n',p.f);
fprintf('RMS Voltage: %f \n',V_rms);
fprintf('RMS Current: %f \n',I_rms);

Lab Session 08

NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

Average Power: 302.128
Power Factor: 0.819
RMS Voltage: 10.67
RMS Current: 35.55

In the above program if we add the following commands then we can draw the plot of average

Task 2: Linear complex equations with unknown I1 and I2

(600+1250j).I1 + 100j.I2 = 25
100j.I1 + (60-150j).I2 = 0

Matrix form of above two equations

To solve this in MATLAB

Source Code:
clear all;
close all;
A=[600+1250j 100j;100j 60-150j];
B = [25;0];
I = inv(A)*B

Lab Session 08

NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

ANG=angle(I)*180/pi; %Converting angle from degrees into radians

fprintf ('MAGNITUDE: %f \n',MAGN);
fprintf('ANGLE: %f \n',ANG);

I =

0.0074 - 0.0156i
0.0007 - 0.0107i

MAGNITUDE: 0.017262
MAGNITUDE: 0.010685
ANGLE: -64.522970
ANGLE: -86.324380

Lab Session 09

NED University of Engineering and Technology Muhammad Owais (FETC-19069)

Lab Session 09

Use MATLAB and Simulink to plot waveforms of instantaneous voltage, current &
Power for R, L& C and mixed & Load.

MATLAB is computational in nature which provides conceptual approach for
designing and solving problems in Electrical Circuits. MATLAB has embedded
software called SIMULINK which provides an essential way to model, simulate and
analyze Electrical Systems which are characterized by some inputs and outputs. We'll
use this software in this laboratory to plot output waveforms for RLC circuit.

An RLC circuit is an electrical circuit consisting of a resistor (R), an inductor (L), and
a capacitor (C), connected in series or in parallel. The name of the circuit is derived
from the letters that are used to denote the constituent components of this circuit,
where the sequence of the components may vary from RLC.
RLC circuits have many applications as oscillator circuits. Radio receivers and
television sets use them for tuning to select a narrow frequency range from ambient
radio waves. In this role, the circuit is often referred to as a tuned circuit. The RLC
filter is described as a second-order circuit, meaning that any voltage or current in the
circuit can be described by a second-order differential equation in circuit analysis.
For this laboratory, we'll use Series RLC circuit for simulation.
Lab Session 09

NED University of Engineering and Technology Muhammad Owais (FETC-19069)

In this circuit, the three components are all in series with the voltage source. From the
V(r) + V(l) + V(c) = V(t)
We can find the governing Diffrential equation after further solution.

Transient response:

1. Start MATLAB
2. Open a new Simulink window by clicking on the Simulink button. The simulink
button is in the top left of the MATLAB window.
3. The window that appears is called the Simulink Library Browser. This window
contains every component that can be placed into a simulation. The Library Browser
window can be searched in two ways, with the search box at the top of the window or
with the explorer window to the left of the window. The search bar, highlighted in
Red, and the Explorer Window, highlighted in Green are shown in the image below.
Lab Session 09

NED University of Engineering and Technology Muhammad Owais (FETC-19069)

We can search, drag & drop the required components from here to simulate the
desired circuit.

Component Overview:
The Components we’ve used in this Series RLC Circuit are:

 AC Voltage Source: This component is used to supply Voltage of 220Vrms

& 50Hz in the circuit.
 Resistor: This component simulates the behavior of a Resistor in a circuit. For
this part of the laboratory, we are using one resistor from series RLC branch.
Change the resistor name to R 5000 Ohms. Next change the resistance of the
resistor to match the name.
 Capacitor: This component simulates the behavior of a Capacitor in a Circuit.
For this part of the laboratory, we are using one capacitor from series RLC
branch. Change the capacitance from the default value to 10e-3 F. Also verify
that the initial charge on the capacitor is 0V. To change the capacitance,
double click the icon and enter the new value.
 Inductor: This component simulates the behavior of an Inductor in a Circuit.
For this part of the laboratory, we are using one inductor from series RLC
branch. Change the inductance to 10e-6 H.
 Voltage measurement: This component functions like a digital multi meter in
laboratory. The voltmeter is attached across one or many components in the
circuit and outputs the measured voltage. The output from the meter is
accessed through the green arrow on the component.
 Current measurement: This component functions like a digital multi meter
in laboratory. The ammeter is attached across one or many components in the
circuit and outputs the measured current. The output from the meter is
accessed through the green arrow on the component.
 Scope: This component will be used to display the output from the voltmeters
& ammeter. To change the number of plots or inputs, double click on the
scope block, then select File->Scope Parameters. In the Scope Parameters
window, check to make sure the Number of Plots is One. Before clicking ok,
verify the Limit Samples box is not checked.
 Mux: This component is used to convert multiple inputs into one output. We
can change the number of inputs by double clicking on the component.
 Active & Reactive Power: This component is used to take voltage & current
as an input & provides output as a product of VI for Power.
 Powergui: This component is used to run the simulation through Scope. We
just need to place this component in Simulink without any connection.

After connecting all these components with wire, Run the simulation & analyze the
output waveforms of Current, Voltage & Power by Double clicking on Scope.
Lab Session 09

NED University of Engineering and Technology Muhammad Owais (FETC-19069)

Circuit Diagram:

Current Output:
Lab Session 09

NED University of Engineering and Technology Muhammad Owais (FETC-19069)

Voltage Output:

Power Output:
Lab Session 09

NED University of Engineering and Technology Muhammad Owais (FETC-19069)

We can easily simulate output waveform of circuits using MATLAB Simulink in this
Lab Session 12

NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

Lab Session 12
To determine the turns ratio of a transformer, also determine the polarity of transformer windings
for their parallel operation

 Two Single Phase Transformers (T1 & T2)
 Ammeter
 Voltmeter

Turns Ratio:
Transformers provide a simple means of changing an alternating voltage from one value to
another, keeping the apparent power S constant.

Figure 1. Finding the turns ratio

For a given transformer, the turns ratio can be find out using the relation.

Transformer Polarity:
When we speak "the polarity" of transformer windings, we are
identifying all of the terminals that are the same polarity at any
instant of time. "Polarity marks" are employed to identify these
terminals. These marks may be black dots, crosses, numerals,
letters, or any other convenient means of showing which
terminal are of the same polarity. In our case, we use black dots.
The black dots, as shown in the figure, indicate that for a given
instant in time: when 1 is positive with respect to 2, then 3 is
positive with respect to 4.

Lab Session 12

NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

The identification of polarity becomes essential when we operate the two transformers in
parallel. Otherwise if terminals of unlike polarity connected to the same line, the two secondary
windings would be short circuited on each other with a resulting excessive current flow.
Suppose we have two transformers T1 & T2, having terminals H1, H2 (HV) & X1, X2(LV) as
shown in figure 2. The transformers in fig 2 are so marked that if the H1 s are connected to one
primary line and the H2 s to the other primary line then the X1 s should be connected to the same
secondary line and X2 s to the remaining secondary line.

Figure 2: Two transformers connected for parallel operation

If the transformer terminals are arranged as shown in fig 3a, the transformer is said to have
additive polarity and if arranged as shown in fig 3b, the transformer is said to have subtractive

Figure 3: Standard polarity markings of transformers (a) additive polarity (b) subtractive polarity

Lab Session 12

NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

If the polarity of the transformer is not known, it may be determined by the test connections
shown in figure 4. Here low voltage side terminals may be temporary marked as X A and XB as
shown in figure. Adjacent terminals are then connected and a voltmeter is connected across the
other two terminals H1 and XB. Any convenient voltage is then applied to the high voltage
winding of the transformer. If the voltmeter reads less than the value of the applied voltage, the
polarity is subtractive and the terminals X A & XB may be marked as the X2 and X1 terminals,

Figure 4: Connection for checking the polarity of a transformer

Finding out Turns Ratio:
1. Apply 220V AC to the primary of transformer T1 through autotransformer
2. Now measure Vs using voltmeter.
3. Now calculate turns ratio a and tabulate in observation column.
4. Repeat for transformer T2.

Finding out Turns Ratio:

1. Make connections according to the given circuit fig 4 for T1 and find out the polarity.
2. Make connections according to the given circuit fig 4 for T2 and find out the polarity.
3. Now connect the two transformers according to the figure 2.

The turns ratio for transformer T1 is found to be a= ______2_______
The turns ratio for transformer T2 is found to be a= ______-_______
Mark the dot (.) on the given two transformers, also connects the two with the buses using

Lab Session 12

NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering


Voltmeter across primary winding = 220V
And Secondary winding = 100V
And it was additive polarity as output was 320V

Turns ratio of a transformer:

Vp Vs N

50V 23V 2.17

80V 38V 2.10

100V 47V 2.12

151V 71V 2.12

220V 103V 2.13

Mean = 2.128

Lab Session 12

NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

Why must the transformer polarities be known when transformers are being connected for
parallel operation?

The identification of polarity becomes essential when we operate the two transformers in
parallel. Otherwise if terminals of unlike polarity connected to the same line, the two secondary
windings would be short circuited on each other with a resulting excessive current flow.

In figure 1, there is no load connected except voltmeter, but some amount of current is
flowing in the primary, why? What this current is called?

Current flow due to high resistance of voltmeter and this current is called no load current.

Lab Session 13
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

Lab Session 13

To investigate ABCD Transmission Parameters for Two Port Network.

ABCD parameters are widely used in analysis of power transmission engineering where they are
termed as “Circuit Parameters”. ABCD parameters are also known as “Transmission
Parameters”. In these parameters, the voltage & current at the sending end terminals can be
expressed in terms of voltage & current at the receiving end. Thus,
V1 = AV2 + B (-I2)
I1 = CV2 + D (-I2)
Here “A” is called reverse voltage ratio, “B” is called transfer impedance “C” is called transfer
admittance & “D” is called reverse current ratio.


a) Connect the circuit as shown in fig. & switch ‘ON’ the experimental board.
b) First open the O/P terminal & supply 5V to I/P terminal. Measure O/P voltage & I/P current
c) Secondly, short the O/P terminal & supply 5V to I/P terminal. Measure I/P & O/P current
using multi-meter.
d) Calculate the A, B, C, & D parameters using the Eq. (1) & (2).
e) Switch ‘off’ the supply after taking the readings.

S.No. When O/P is open ckt When O/P is short ckt
V1 V2 I1 V1 I2 I1
1. 20V 6.4V 14.8mA 20V 15.7mA 2.9mA

Lab Session 13
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering


A=20/6.4 C=14.8/6.4
A=3.125ms C=2.3125ms
B=20/2.98 D=15.7/2.9
B=6.89ms D=5.41ms


Lab Session 14

NED University of Engineering and Technology Muhammad Owais (FETC-19069)

Lab Session 14

Analysis of Poly Phase System using MATLAB & Simulink.
Analyze three phase Y-Y and ▲▲ connection and plot waveforms of I, V and P using

MATLAB is computational in nature which provides conceptual approach for designing and
solving problems in Electrical Circuits. MATLAB has embedded software called SIMULINK
which provides an essential way to model, simulate and analyze Electrical Systems which are
characterized by some inputs and outputs. We'll use this software in this laboratory to plot
output waveforms for Y-Y and ▲▲ connection circuits.


Y-Y Connection Circuit:

The Major use of Y-Y Connection Circuits are Three-Phase Transformers. Wye–wye
transformers can serve both three-phase and single-phase loads. The single-phase load should
be distributed as evenly as possible between each of the three phases and neutral. The wye–
wye connection, would either be as three single-phase transformers or as a single three-phase
unit. One problem inherent to wye–wye transformers is the propagation of third-harmonic
currents and voltages. These harmonics can cause interference in nearby communication
circuits as well as other assorted power quality problems.

▲▲ Connection Circuit:
A Delta-Delta is a 3-phase connection without a neutral, you're giving the same voltage on
the primary to the same voltage of the secondary but it's used for high current applications.
Lab Session 14

NED University of Engineering and Technology Muhammad Owais (FETC-19069)

Delta Connection is generally used in distribution networks. Since insulation required is less,
Star Connection can be used for long distances. Delta Connections are used for shorter
distances. Delta Connections are often used in applications which require high starting
torque. In this type of connection, both the three-phase primary and secondary windings are
connected in delta as shown in the figure:

Connection Phase Voltage Line Voltage

Star VP = VL ÷ √3 VL = √3 × VP
Delta VP = VL VL = VP


1. Start MATLAB
2. Open a new Simulink window by clicking on the Simulink button. The Simulink button is
in the top left of the MATLAB window.
3. The window that appears is called the Simulink Library Browser. This window contains
every component that can be placed into a simulation. The Library Browser window can be
searched in two ways, with the search box at the top of the window or with the explorer
window to the left of the window. The search bar, highlighted in Red, and the Explorer
Window, highlighted in Green are shown in the image below.
Lab Session 14

NED University of Engineering and Technology Muhammad Owais (FETC-19069)

We can search, drag & drop the required components from here to simulate the desired

Component Overview:
The Components we’ve used in this Y-Y and ▲▲ Connection Circuits are:

 AC Voltage Source: This component is used to supply Voltage of 100V, 50Hz &
phase difference of 120 degrees in the circuit.
 Resistor: This component simulates the behavior of a Resistor in a circuit. For this
part of the laboratory, we are using one resistor from series RLC branch. Change the
resistor name to R 100 Ohms. Next change the resistance of the resistor to match the
 Capacitor: This component simulates the behavior of a Capacitor in a Circuit. For
this part of the laboratory, we are using capacitor as a part of series RLC branch.
Change the capacitance from the default value to 10e-3 F. Also verify that the initial
charge on the capacitor is 0V. To change the capacitance, double click the icon and
enter the new value.
 Inductor: This component simulates the behavior of an Inductor in a Circuit. For this
part of the laboratory, we are using inductor as a part of series RLC branch. Change
the inductance to 10e-6 H.
 Voltage measurement: This component functions like a digital multi meter in
laboratory. The voltmeter is attached across one or many components in the circuit
and outputs the measured voltage. The output from the meter is accessed through the
green arrow on the component.
 Current measurement: This component functions like a digital multi meter in
laboratory. The ammeter is attached across one or many components in the circuit and
outputs the measured current. The output from the meter is accessed through the green
arrow on the component.
 Scope: This component will be used to display the output from the voltmeters &
ammeter. To change the number of plots or inputs, double click on the scope block,
then select File->Scope Parameters. In the Scope Parameters window, check to make
sure the Number of Plots is One. Before clicking ok, verify the Limit Samples box is
not checked.
 Mux: This component is used to convert multiple inputs into one output. We can
change the number of inputs by double clicking on the component.
 Active & Reactive Power: This component is used to take voltage & current as an
input & provides output as a product of VI for Power.
 Three-phase VI measurement: This component is used to measure instantaneous
three-phase voltages and current in a circuit. When connected in series with three-
phase elements, it returns the three phase-to-ground or phase-to-phase peak voltages
and currents.
 Three-phase Parallel RLC Load: This component implements a three-phase
balanced load as a parallel combination of RLC elements.
 Powergui: This component is used to run the simulation through Scope. We just need
to place this component in Simulink without any connection. Remember to change its
setting to Continuous Ideal Switch for this laboratory.
Lab Session 14

NED University of Engineering and Technology Muhammad Owais (FETC-19069)

After connecting all these components with wire, Run the simulation & analyze the output
waveforms of Current, Voltage & Power by Double clicking on Scope.


Circuit Diagram:

Line Current:
Lab Session 14

NED University of Engineering and Technology Muhammad Owais (FETC-19069)

Phase Voltages:

Lab Session 14

NED University of Engineering and Technology Muhammad Owais (FETC-19069)


Circuit Diagram:

Line Current:
Lab Session 14

NED University of Engineering and Technology Muhammad Owais (FETC-19069)

Phase Voltages:


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