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M Prakash Institute Std XII Physics


1. Can two vectors of different magnitudes be combined to give a

zero resultant? Can three vectors?
2. “If three vectors add up to zero, they must all be in the same
plane.” Is this statement true?
3. Do the commutative and associative laws apply to vector sub-

4. Two vectors →

a and b of fixed magnitude, are added. What is
the maximum and minimum value of the magnitude of their resul-
5. Vector →

a has magnitude 2a and points to the right at the direc-
tion 60◦ above the horizontal. What vector √ combined with it will
yield a vertical resultant, →

r , of magnitude 2 3a ?

6. What are the properties of the two vectors →−a and b such that

(a) →
−a + b =→ −c and a + b = c

− →

(b) →
−a + b =→ −a − b

(c) →

a + b =→ −c and a2 + b2 = c2

7. Does unit vector have units?

8. Can you add three unit vectors to get a unit vector?

9. Given two vectors →−
a = 4î − 3ĵ and b = 6î + 8ĵ, find the mag-

− →
− →
− →
− −
a , of b , of →
nitude and direction of →
− −
a + b , of →

a − b and b − → a.
Draw all these vectors on a single XY coordinate system showing
their magnitudes and the angles they make with X axis.

10. Two vectors →−a and b have equal magnitudes, say 10 units.
They are oriented as shown in the adjoining figure. Let their vector
sum be denoted by → −
r . Find

(a) X and Y components of →


(b) The magnitude of r
(c) The angle →

r makes with X axis.

12. Let →

a = 3î + 4ĵ, b = 2î + 2ĵ − k̂ and →
−c = 3î − 4k̂

(a) Find |→

a |, | b | and →
−c |

(b) Find →
−a + b ,→ −
a −→ −c

− →

(c) Determine | a − c |,
(d) Let →

a and → −c be the vectors
placed at the origin. Find the length of the line segment joining
their end-points

13. Let →−a = î + ĵ + k̂, b = î + ĵ − k̂ and →
−c = î − ĵ. Determine
scalars s, t, and r such that 4î + 6ĵ − k̂ = s a +tb̄ + rr

− →

14. If →
−a · b = 0, does it follow that → −a and b are perpendicular
to each other?

− −c , does it follow that →

15. If →

a · b =→− a ·→ b =→−c ?

16. Let →−
a = 2î + 3ĵ + 4k̂ and b = 4î + 3ĵ + 2k̂. Find the angle
between them.
17. For what value of x will 3î − 2ĵ + 3k̂ and xî − 2ĵ + 2k̂ be per-
18. Consider the vector →

a = 3î + ĵ + 2k̂
(a) Find the magnitude of →−
(b) What is the magnitude of projection of a on XY plane?

(c) If b is a vector in the XY plane perpendicular to the projec-
tion vector of →
−a in the XY plane, what can you say about the
magnitude of its components along X and Y axes?

(d) Describe the unit vector in the direction of b

19. What is the angle between two intersecting body diagonals of

a cube? A body diagonal connects two corners and passes through
the interior of the cube.
20. Show that if all of the components of a vector are reversed in
direction, then the vector itself is reversed in direction
21. Show that if the components of a vector product are all reversed
in direction, then the vector product is not changed.
22. Show that the volume of a parallelepiped with vectors ~a, ~b, ~c
along its edges is given by ~a · (~b × ~c)
23. Let A~ be an arbitrary vector and let n̂ be a unit vector in some
fixed direction. Show that A ~ = (~a · n̂)n̂ + (n̂ × A)
~ × n̂
24. Find a unit vector perpendicular to 2î + 1ĵ − 3k̂ and î − 2ĵ + 1k̂
25. Prove the law of sines using the cross product.

Answer Key:
(1) Two vectors cannot. Three vector can, they can be sides of a
(2) Yes
(3) Commutative law does not, Associative law does not
(4) a + b, a − b
(5) Vector of magnitude 2a making angle of 120◦ with positive X
r 1
(6) (a) a, b are collinear and point the same direction
(b) is any vector, b= 0
r 1
(c) a, b are perpendicular
(7) No
(8) Yes, in the sum if the two units vectors are oppositely directed,
resultant is a unit vector √
(9) 5, tan−1 (3/4)√below X axis; 10, tan−1 (4/3) above X axis; 5 5, tan−1 (1/2)
above X axis; 5 5, tan−1 (11/2) in the third quadrant; Exactly op-
posite to the previous vector
(10) (a) Zero and a (b) a (c) 90◦
(11) 200 N
(12) √
(a) 5,3,5 √(b) 5î + 6ĵ − 1k̂, 4ĵ + 4k̂
(c) 4 2 (d) 4 2
(13) s = 2, t = 3, r = −1
(14) No, one of them might be zero
(15) No
(16) cos−1 (25/58)
(17) −10/3 √ √
(18) (a) 14 (b) 10 (c) 3bx + by = 0 (d) √110 î − 3ĵ
(19) cos−1 (1/3)
(23) . . . ..
(24) √ 3
(î + ĵ + k̂)

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