Conservation of Historic Buildings: DR. K. N. Modi University Newai, Rajasthan. 304021
Conservation of Historic Buildings: DR. K. N. Modi University Newai, Rajasthan. 304021
Conservation of Historic Buildings: DR. K. N. Modi University Newai, Rajasthan. 304021
Abstract: The primary motive for historical restoration is centrality of the spirit in the building activity and the
always the Education. And to let everyone visualize the philosophy of non-permanence of the material. Such an
culture, society and tradition of place. The preservation approach may be in contrast to established, internationally
safeguards the community and its heritage and make it accepted approaches to conservation.
uncommitted for communal and educational activities. The The first step is to define the objective of a conservation
preservation shows that how much far we have travelled and project. The next is to identify the „values‟ in the object,
travelling from where towards which direction. This can be monument or site that is the cultural property in question, and
better understood if categorized under 'economic’, 'cultural', to place these values in order of priority. In this way, the
and 'environmental', although they are not mutually essential messages of the object will be respected and
exclusive and indeed, they are often interlocked. The melodic preserved. The values can be Classified under three main
theme to introduce research paper is to concentrate the headings: „emotional‟, „cultural‟ and „use‟ values. (Eid)
attention towards the preservation of the historic buildings to Emotional values
save cultural and traditional values and find out the
construction techniques and materials for its best survival. Wonder, Identity, Continuity, Respect and veneration,
Symbolic and spiritual.
Keywords: Preservation, Historical, Restoration, Heritage,
Environment, Conservation. Cultural values
Documentary, Historic, Archaeological and age, Aesthetic and
Introduction architectural values, Townscape, Landscape and ecological,
Conservation of heritage structures is an interdisciplinary Technological and scientific.
effort, wherein traditional knowledge on building materials, Use values
techniques and specifications are brought to the realm of Functional, Economic (including tourism), Social (also
current practitioners of conservation engineering, with the including identity and continuity), Educational, Political.
intent of merging them with modern tools and practices.
These values have to be analysed, and then synthesized in order
Internationally, it is established practice that structural safety
to define the „significance‟ of the historic artefact. Some of
cannot be compromised in any conservation effort. Formal
these values deserve amplification.
systems that recognize conservation of heritage structures as an
The conservation of built heritage is generally perceived to be
interdisciplinary engineering effort, with structural safety as a
in the long term interest of society. This can be better
critical determinant, do not exist in India. With one of the
understood if categorized under 'economic‟, 'cultural', and
largest stocks of heritage structures in the world, lack of
'environmental', although they are not mutually exclusive and,
adequate quality and quantity of manpower is a serious
indeed, they are often interlocked. Most buildings are capable
bottleneck in India in addressing the task of understanding and
of beneficial use, whether for their original purpose or for some
protecting heritage structures from natural hazards, ageing and
other use. Buildings and their precincts need to be used in order
weathering effects. More importantly, in a country with strong
to survive and such use can be made into an economically
spiritual roots, the approach to conservation of built heritage
viable enterprise. Heritage comprises archaeological sites,
has to explore the basis of the ancient building system, the
remains, ruins, and monuments protected by the Archaeological construction dating from the period when it attained
Survey of India (ASI) and their counterparts in the States, and significance.
also a large number of unprotected buildings, groups of
buildings, neighbourhoods, and public spaces including Historic Context
landscapes and natural features which provide character and Historic context is information about historic trends and
distinctive identity to cities. Conservation plans and projects for properties grouped by an important theme in the history of a
cities must take into account both the protected and unprotected community, region or nation during a particular period of time.
components of the heritage. A knowledge of historic context enables listers to understand a
historic property as a product of its time.
Need of Preservation of Historic Buildings The values of a historic buildings can be classified under three
A historic building is one that also retains its architectural main headings: „emotional‟, „cultural‟ and „use‟ values.
integrity. This means that the building‟s original appearance Emotional values-Wonder, Identity, Continuity, Respect and
has not been compromised through insensitive alteration and veneration, Symbolic and spiritual. Cultural values -
still conveys a visual sense of time past. Documentary, Historic, Archaeological and age, Aesthetic and
An underlying unity given by local materials and traditional architectural values, Townscape Landscape and ecological,
building technologies, combining to give an environment with a Technological and scientific. Use values.-Functional Economic
human scale. (including tourism), Social (also including identity and
continuity), Educational, and Political.
Key Concept for Listing the Building as Historic Buildings
Heritage Safety Education in India
Historic Significance – Conservation of heritage structures is an interdisciplinary
effort, wherein traditional practices and knowledge on
Historic significance is the importance of a property to the
materials, construction and specifications are brought to the
history, architecture, archaeology, engineering or culture of a
realm of current practitioners of conservation engineering, with
community, region or nation. In selecting a building, particular
intent to merge them into the modern tools and construction
attention should be paid to the following:
practices. Internationally, it is established practice that safety
• Association with events, activities or patterns
of heritage structures cannot be compromised in any
• Association with important persons
conservation effort [ICOMOS, 2003]. Over the last 150 years,
• Distinctive physical characteristics of design, construction or
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has done detailed work
form, representing work of a master
on conservation of heritage structures, monuments and sites in
• Potential to yield important information such as illustrating
India. But, the Science Branch of ASI, established in 1917,
social, economic history, such as railway stations, town halls,
focuses primarily on chemical treatment and preservation.
clubs, markets, water works, etc.
Occasional collaborations between academia and ASI (e.g., Ta
• Technological innovations such as dams, bridges, etc.
Prohm Temple Conservation Project, Cambodia) are testimony
to the need and potential successful collaboration between
Historic Integrity
specialists with diverse backgrounds to come together in
Historic integrity is the authenticity of a property's historic
complex projects. The Institute of Archaeology established in
identity, evidenced by the survival of physical characteristics
1985 (formerly School of Archaeology, established in 1959)
that existed during the property's historic period. It enables a
offers a two-year PG diploma course in Archaeology. But, the
property to illustrate significant aspects of its past. Not only
course on structural conservation of monuments in their
must a property resemble the historic appearance but it must
curriculum is not structural-safety centric. India needs to
also retain physical materials, design features and aspects of
develop formal systems that recognise conservation of heritage
structures as an interdisciplinary effort with structural safety as
DOI : 10.5958/2319-6890.2018.00087.9 NCETA@2018 Page 2
International Journal of Engineering Research ISSN:2319-6890 (online),2347-5013(print)
Volume No.7, Issue Special 1, pp : 1-5 11-12 Jan. 2018
one of the critical determinants in any conservation project. There are good many number of buses running to/from the
There is a need to benchmark the Indian practice with town and district.
international state-of-the-art and state-of-the practice of
conservation engineering. Detailed investigations on structural Historic Significance
behaviour of heritage structures, with use of state-of-the-art According to the ancestors during the establishment of Jaipur
scientific tools for condition assessment, structural analysis, Newai was also establish into a small village at that time Newai
repair and strengthening [Binda et al., 1999] are required to was in Khalsa, and it was confined in the kingdom of Jaipur.
improve the state-of-the practice of conservation engineering in Newai was considered as the perfect estate of Jaipur at present
India. the people of DADU communal Monk society leave the
northern side of Newai in a place called JAMAT. They were
Construction Techniques & Materials responsible to protect the Jaipur kingdom from this end which
For the maintenance of ancient monuments and archaeological was in the form of a soldier‟s station.
sites and remains of national importance the entire country is The KUNDA people built a palace beneath the fort towards the
divided into 24 Circles. The organization has a large work force cast on the base of the mountain which is at present is in the
of trained archaeologists, conservators, epigraphist, architects form of a ruin. During the time of Naruka dynasty they built
and scientists for conducting archaeological research projects two canopies and a bandstand by the side of Mahaili kund.
through its Excavation Branches, Prehistory Branch, Epigraphy According to the locales one of the canopies was of Nanika
Branches, Science Branch, Horticulture Branch, Building Darbar other of his son and the bandstand was of Majhosa.
Survey Project, Temple Survey Projects and Underwater Cenotaphs Architectural Depiction
Archaeology Wing. As described before Naruka dynasty consist of two cenotaphs,
one of which was of Naruka darbar (the king) and the other of
Documentation of Traditional Buildings in Newai - his son (constructed in the memory of kinds sun when he died.
Rajasthan the land of spacious is very rich in its heritage. We
usually witness Architectural monuments here. Some of these Son’s Cenotaph –
Heritage have been crimped by Newai, which is situated to the Attribute - The onion shaped dome, Squares shaped base
south of Jaipur in the Tonk District. There are many Heritage platform, Ornamented carved pillars Octagonal dome base
buildings like Jalendar nathji temple, gopi nathji temple, Kunda Elevated platforms.
(Coll/warm water), two canopies of Naruka Darbar etc. The cenotaph has a square plan with sides measuring 9.76
meters internally. The internal square chamber measures 6.69
Location. meters on each side that has opening of 2.20 meters wide set
within a two columns. There is no staircase inside to access the
roof. The square plan of the cenotaphs becomes an octagonal
with help of squelches at each four corners and then forms a
circular drum from which springs the dome.