Igor Levit: Piano
Igor Levit: Piano
Igor Levit: Piano
JANUARY 10, 2018
JOHANN Chaconne in D minor (from Partita for violin solo),
BWV 1004
(1685-1750) (arr. J. Brahms)
DMITRI Preludes and Fugues for Piano, Op. 87 (selections)
S H O S TA KOV I C H C Minor
(1906-1975) A-flat Major
F Minor
A Major
G-sharp Minor
RO B E R T Theme and Variations in E-flat Major, WoO 24
SCHUMANN (Ghost Variations)
(1810-1856) Theme
Variation I
Variation II
Variation III
Variation IV
Variation V
R I C H A R D WAG N E R Solemn March to the Holy Grail from Parsifal
(1813-1883) (arr. F. Liszt)
Critics have also heard archaic folk song allusions in the Pre-
ludes and Fugues, and the intonations of Jewish music. Look-
ing at the music and listening to it can be confounding. Some
pages in the score look like old-fashioned counterpoint exer-
cises. But the music leaps off of the page.Lines move out of
sync with each other, the tempo accelerates aggressively, and
the rough edges are exposed. There is no plot here, though
listeners are invited to listen for one; rather, the Preludes
and Fugues seem to be engaging with music history, and the
ability of abstract, as opposed to narrative music, to express
feeling and thought. Bach the divine confronts Shostakovich
the all-too-human. Tonight marks the first
performance of this work
Estimated duration: 25 minutes on our series.
friendsofchambermusic.com 3
Program Notes
Liszt’s transcriptions are just as virtuosic as were his con- LISZT (ARR. BUSONI):
cert recitals. He challenged other composers to match his
feats, and one of them, Ferruccio Busoni, accepted the
challenge. In 1850, Liszt composed a Fantasy and Fugue FUGUE ON THE
on the chorale “Ad nos, ad salutarem undam,” a summons CHORALE “AD NOS,
to repentance taken from Giacomo Meyerbeer’s opera AD SALUTAREM
The Prophet. The chorale is monumental, the transcription
transcendent, and the 1897 re-transcription, by Busoni, has
been described as the ultimate in 19th (and 20th) century
virtuosity. Tonight marks the first
performance of this work on
Estimated duration: 30 minutes our series.
friendsofchambermusic.com 5
For a third year, the Clyfford Still Museum is partnering
with Friends of Chamber Music and Swallow Hill Music
to offer a new way to encounter the work of Clyfford Still.
Music is free with admission to the galleries. FCM patrons
can purchase $5 half price tickets (if purchased in advance)
to enter the museum on performance days. Link (with
discount code) is available on our website. Note: Seating is
limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
6 friendsofchambermusic.com
TUES, FEB 20, 2018 | 7:30 PM
Garrick Ohlsson ranks among the towering figures
on the American keyboard scene. The first American
to win the prestigious International Chopin Piano
Competition in 1970, he has gone on to enjoy a brilliant
international career.
Program includes works by Beethoven, Schubert, and Scriabin.
WED, MAR 14, 2018 | 7:30 PM
Marc-André Hamelin is known for his unrivaled blend
of musicianship and virtuosity, whether he is performing
masterworks from the past or the present, including over-
looked gems from the 19th and 20th centuries.
Program includes works by Debussy, Feinberg, and Liszt.
friendsofchambermusic.com 7
THE FOLLOWIN G FRIENDS have made gifts in the last 12 months. Your generous
support is invaluable in assuring our continued standard of excellence. Thank you!
$25,000 + John Lebsack & Holly Bennett Dick & Kathy Swanson
Bonfils-Stanton Foundation John & Terry Leopold Berkley & Annemarie Tague
Scientific and Cultural Facilities Theodor Lichtmann Tarkanian Family Fund
District, Tier III Rex & Nina McGehee Eli & Ashley Wald
Kim Millett Norman Wikner & Lela Lee
$5,000 + Kirsten & David Morgan Joseph & Barbara Wilcox
Colorado Creative Industries Frank & Pat Moritz Philip Wolf
The Denver Foundation Kathy Newman & Andrew Yarosh
Sara Zimet Rudi Hartmann Jaclyn Yelich
John & Mary Ann Parfrey Jeff Zax & Judith Graham
$2,500 + Ray Satter
Cynthia & John Kendrick Henry R. Schmoll $100 +
Tour West, a program of David & Patty Shelton Barton & Joan Alexander
WESTAF (Western States Arts Bobbi & Gary Siegel Jim & Ginny Allen
Federation), supported by a grant Ric Silverberg & Judith Cott Anonymous
from the National Endowment for Chet & Ann Stern Shannon Armstrong
the Arts Marcia Strickland Carolyn & Ron Baer
Walter & Kathleen Torres Dell & Jan Bernstein
$1,000 + Herbert Wittow Barbara Bohlman
Anonymous Sandra Bolton
Lisa & Steve Bain $250 + Carolyn & Joe Borus
Susan Barnes-Gelt, in memory of Anonymous Darrell Brown & Suzanne McNitt
William Stanfill Jan Baucum Peter & Cathy Buirski
Bob & Cynthia Benson Pam Beardsley Barbara Caley
Howard & Kathleen Brand Theodore Brin Bonnie Camp
Bucy Family Fund Andrew & Laurie Brock Nancy Kiernan Case
Henry & Janet Claman Fund Donna & Ted Connolly Marlene Chambers
Alix & John Corboy Fran Corsello Raul & Deborah Chavez
Susan & Tim Damour Stephen & Dee Daniels Keith Corrett, in memory of Samuel
Susan & Tim Damour* in honor Kathe & Michael Gendel Lancaster
of Rosemarie Murane Sissy Gibson Barbara & Herschel Cravitz
C. Stuart Dennison Jr. Edward Goldson Gary & Dorothy Crow-Willard
Ellen & Anthony Elias Paula & Stan Gudder Anne Culver
Fackler Legacy Gift Norman D. & Pamela E. Haglund Cynthia Dash
Joyce Frakes Larry Harvey Catherine C. Decker
Robert S. Graham Ann & Doug Jones Kevin & Becky Durham
Grynberg Family Hannah Kahn & Arthur Best Tudy Elliff
Don & Amy Harris Edward Karg & Richard Kress Barbara Ellman
Michael Huotari & Jill Stewart Stephen Keen John Emerson & Ann Daley
McGinty Co. Michael & Wendy Klein Robert C. Fullerton
Robert & Judi Newman Barb & Kip Kolkmeier Herbert & Lydia Garmaier
Mary Park & Douglas Hsiao Carol & Lester Lehman Barbara Gilette & Kay Kotzelnick
Myra & Robert Rich Nina & Alan Lipner Donna & Harry Gordon
Jeremy & Susan Shamos Philippa Marrack Kazuo & Drusilla Gotow
Edie Sonn Robert Meade John S. Graves
Philip & Margaret Verleger Pamela Metz & Charlene Byers Jacqueline & Gary Greer
Marilyn Munsterman & Eileen Griffin
$500 + Charles Berberich Vaughan Griffiths
Anonymous David S. Pearlman Gina Guy
Patsy & Jim Aronstein Barbara Pollock Richard & Leslie Handler
Linda & Dick Bateman Fred & Ayliffe Ris Darlene Harmon
Kate Bermingham Charley Samson June & Errol Haun
Peter Buttrick & Richard & Jo Sanders Richard W. Healy
Anne Wattenberg John & Patricia Schmitter Eugene Heller & Lily Appleman
David S. Cohen Alan & Gail Seay David & Ana Hill
Gerri Cohen San Mao Shaw Joseph & Renate Hull
Max & Carol Ehrlich Steven Snyder Stanley Jones
Judy Fredricks Claire Stilwell Bill Juraschek
Stephen & Margaret Hagood Ann Richardson & Bill Stolfus Michael & Karen Kaplan
David & Lynn Hurst Margaret Stookesberry Robert & Theresa Keatinge
George Kruger Steve & Phyllis Straub Patsy Kelly
8 friendsofchambermusic.com
Bruce Kindel Karen Yablonski-Toll MEMORIAL GIFTS
Roberta & Mel Klein R. Dale Zellers In memory of Henry Claman
Gabriele Korndorfer Carol & Garry Horle
Donna Kornfeld $50 + Paul & Carol Lingenfelter
Ellen Krasnow & John Blegen Lorraine & Jim Adams
Elizabeth Kreider Mrs. Martin E. Anderson In memory of Sarah Stern Fox
Doug & Hannah Krening Anonymous Alix & John Corboy
George Kruger Vernon Beebe Rosemarie & Bill Murane
Jack Henry Kunin Joan & Bennie Bub Kathy Newman &
Richard Leaman Hilary Carlson & Janet Ellis Rudi Hartmann
Seth Lederer Clare Cavanaugh Michele Price
Igor & Jessica Levental Cecile Cohan Myra & Robert Rich
Linda Levin Dana Klapper Cohen
Mark & Lois Levinson Jane Cooper In memory of George Gibson
Penny Lewis Jeffrey Dolgan Leslie Baldwin
Judy & Dan Lichtin Nancy & Mike Farley Sue Lubeck
Marilyn Lindenbaum John & Debora Freed Rosemarie & Bill Murane
Charles & Gretchen Lobitz Martha Fulford
Jeri Loser Barbara Goldblatt In memory of Rogers Hauck
John & Merry Low Henry & Carol Goldstein Sandra Ahlquist
Elspeth MacHattie & Sandra Goodman Anonymous
Gerald Chapman Peter & Gabriela Gottlieb Bruce & Julene Campbell
Evi & Evan Makovsky Sanders Graham Alix & John Corboy
Roger Martin Carol & Jim Griesemer Richard Foster & Tanis Bula
Alex & Kathy Martinez Jennifer Heglin Yanita Rowan
Myron McClellan & Dan Hyman Florence Seccombe
Lawrence Phillips Frank & Myra Isenhart Melissa & Paul Steen
Bert & Rosemary Melcher Matthew & Susan Jarvinen Ronald Swenson
Mary Mendenhall Suzanne Kaller Russell & Betsy Welty
Rhea Miller Leonard & Abbey Kapelovitz
Paul & Barb Moe Joey Upton & Donald Keats In memory of Frances Jean Norris
Douglas & Laura Moran Daniel & Hsing-ay Hsu Kellogg Judy & Ed Butterfield
Betty Naster Ann Kiley Barbara Mattes
Bob and Ilse Nordenholz Sheila Kowal & Blake Chamblis Abe Minzer & Carol Schreuder
Robert N. O'Neill Donna Levene David & Mary Tidwell
Tina & Tom Obermeier Della & Jeff Levy
Dee & Jim Ohi Nancy Livingston, in memory of In memory of Allan Rosenbaum
John Pascal Nellie Mae Duman’s Andrew & Laurie Brock
Don & Becky Perkins 90th Birthday Alix & John Corboy
Mary Platt Ben Litoff & Brenda Smith Barbara Hamilton & Paul Primus
Carol Prescott Janey & Drew Mallory
Richard Replin & Elissa Stein James Mann & Phyllis Loscalzo In memory of Sam Wagonfeld
Gene & Nancy Richards Estelle Meskin Sheila Cleworth
Gregory Allen Robbins Joanna Moldow Alix & John Corboy
Herb Rothenberg Mary Murphy Sue Damour
Michael & Carol Sarche Desiree Parrott-Alcorn Elderlink Home Care
Donald Schiff, in memory of Carolyn & Garry Patterson Thomas Fitzgerald
Rosalie Schiff Georgina Pierce Celeste & Jack Grynberg
Robert & Barbara Shaklee Francois & Stella Pradeau Mary Hoagland
Steve Susman Sarah Przekwas Cynthia Kahn
Morris & Ellen Susman Robert Rasmussen Charles & Gretchen Lobitz
Cle Symons Michael Reddy Dr. and Mrs. Fred Mimmack
Aaron Szalaj Suzanne Ryan Kathy Newman &
Carol Trotter & Steve Mills Cheryl Saborsky Rudi Hartmann
Tom Vincent Sr. & Jo Shannon Pat Pascoe
Tom Vincent Jr. Artis Sliverman Myra & Robert Rich
Ann Weaver, in memory of Lois Sollenberger Philip Stahl
Marlin Weaver Greg Sorensen Zaidy’s Deli
Jeff & Martha Welborn Kathleen Spring
Greta Wilkening*, in honor of Peter Paul Stein * Gift made to FCM Endowment
& Hilary Sachs Karen Swisshelm
Greta Wilkening, in honor of Nina Lincoln Tague
& Rex McGehee Barbara & Edward Towbin
Robert & Jerry Wolfe Suzanne Walters
Ruth Wolff Barbara Walton
friendsofchambermusic.com 9
Berlin Philharmonic Garrick Ohlsson, piano
Woodwind Quintet and Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Stephen Hough, piano Marc-André Hamelin, piano
Tuesday, February 6, 2018 Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Eighth Blackbird
Monday, April 23, 2018 SPECIAL EVENT S
Jordi Savall “Music in the Galleries”
Hespèrion XXI Clyfford Still Museum
Monday, May 7, 2018 1250 Bannock St., Denver
Ivy Street Ensemble
January 14, 2018, 2:00 PM
Ensemble Faucheux
March 11, 2018, 2:00 PM
Patterson/Sutton Duo
May 13, 2018, 2:00 PM
FACILITIES DISTRICT (TIER III) for sponsorship of FCM’s Piano Series
for supporting FCM’s outreach efforts and audience development programs in
through school residencies and master memory of Lewis Story
88.1 FM) for providing lead gifts to the FCM
for broadcasting FCM concerts on its Endowment Fund
“Colorado Spotlight” programs
Gates Concert Hall • Newman Center for the Performing Arts • University of Denver