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WK 3-4

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A Write the opposites. Use the words in the box.

D dark D old
D expensive D safe
[Z] inconvenient D small
D noisy D spacious
1 . convenient/ inconvenient 5. bright/_ _ _ __
2. cramped I ______ 6. modern/ ______
3. dangerous I ______ 7. quiet/ ______
4. big/ _ _ __ 8. cheap/ _ _ _ _ _

B Rewrite these sentences. Find another way to say each sentence

using not . . . enough or too and the words in part A.
1 . The house is too expensive.
The house isn'tcheapenou(3h.
2. The rooms aren't bright enough.

3. The living room isn't spacious enough

for the family.

4. The bathroom is too old.

5. The yard isn't big enough for our pets.

6. The street is too noisy for us.

7. The neighborhood is too dangerous.

8. The location isn't convenient enough.

Add the word enough to these sentences.

Enough comes after adjectives but before nouns.

adjective + enough enough + noun
It isn't spacious enough. There isn't enough space.
The rooms aren't light enough. It doesn't have enough light.

1. The apartment isn't comfortable.,_. 5. The neighborhood doesn't have streetlights.
2. There aren't bedrooms. 6. There aren't closets.
3. It's not modern. 7. It's not private.
4. There aren't parking spaces. 8. The living room isn't spacious.

Complete this conversation. Use the words given and the comparisons in the box.
(Some of the comparisons in the box can be used more than once.)

almost as . . . as just as many . . . as

as many . . . as not as . . . as

Realtor: How did you like the house on Twelfth Street?

Client: Well, it's - --' n""o"'t" '"""
a"" s ..,,c""
o.,_,n ""'ve
""n"'i ""e,_,,
nt= a,,,
_ _the
apartment on Main Street. (convenient)

Realtor: That's true, the house is less convenient.

Client: But the apartment doesn't have
____________ the house. (rooms)

Realtor: Yes, the house is more spacious.

- - - - - - - - - - -
Client: But I think there are -
in the apartment. (cl osets)

Realtor: You're right. The closet space is the same.

Client: The wallpaper in the apartment is
_ _________
_ the wallpaper in
the house. (dingy)

Realtor: I know, but you could change the wallpaper in

the house.

Client: Hmm, the rent on the apartment is

_ the rent on the
house, but the house is much bigger. (expensive)
Oh, I can't decide. Can you show me
something else?

Unit 3
i-i wishes

A Which words or phrases often go with which verbs? Complete the chart.

D guitar D happier D my own room D soccer

D more free time IZJ healthy D somewhere else D to a new place
play have move

B Describe what these people would like to change. Use / wish and words or phrases in part A.

1 . I wish I were healthy. 2. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3. ---------------- 4. -----------------

s. 6. -----------------

Unit 3
l!I Best wishes

A Scan the article about making wishes. Which three countries does it refer to?

The Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy, is a place where many people go

to make a wish. The water from the fountain flows into a large pool
of water below. To make a wish, visitors stand facing away from the
fountain. Then, they use their right hand to throw a coin into the
pool over their left shoulder. They believe this will bring them luck
and bring them back to Rome one day. The coins in the fountain,
several thousand euros each day, are given to poor people.

A very different way of making wishes happens in Anhui province

in eastern China. Huangshan (which means "Yellow Mountain") is
famous for its beautiful sunrises and sunsets. That's why people
think it is a very romantic place. Couples go there to make a wish
that they will stay together forever. Each couple buys a "love
lock," or padlock, with a key. Next, they lock their padlock to a
chain at the top of the mountain. Then they throw the key down
the mountain so that their lock can never be opened.

In Turkey and some neighboring countries, May 5th is a special day

for making wishes. People believe that each year on that day two
wise men return to Earth. They come to help people and give them
good health. In the evening, there are street food markets selling
different kinds of seasonal food and musicians playing traditional
music. People write their wishes on pieces of paper and then
attach the paper to a tree. Nowadays, however, some people go
online and send their wishes to special websites.

B Read the article. Check (✓) the statements that are true for each place.
Rome Huangshan Turkey
1. People make wishes only once a year. □ □ □
2. You need a lock and key.
□ □ □
3. You put your wish on a tree.
□ □ □
4. You need a coin to make your wish.
□ □ □
5. Wish-making is only for couples. □ □ □
6. The money from the wishes goes to poor people. □ □ □
7. Some people make their wishes on the Internet.
□ □ □
Unit 3
Complete the conversation with the correct tense.

Margo: I went to Sunrise Beach last week.

Have you ever been
(Did you ever go I Have you ever been}
to Sunrise Beach, Chris?

Chris: Yes,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . It's beautiful.

(I did/ I have)

(Did you g o / Have you gone)

to the restaurant on the beach?

Margo: Yeah, I
(did / have)
on Saturday.
(went / have gone)
the sea snails.
(I had I I've had)

Chris: Wow! sea snails!

(I never ate / I've never eaten}

Margo: Oh, they were delicious. On Sunday

1----, -,--------
(got I have gotten)
t o the beach early to see the sun come up.
_____________ _ a sunrise on a beach, Chris?
(Did you ever see / Have you ever seen}

Chris: No, __________ _

(I didn't / I haven't)

Margo: Then _
I _________ _ swimming around 6:00,
(went I have gone}
but there were some strange dark shadows in the water.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - of sharks at Sunrise Beach?
(Did you ever hear I Have you ever heard)

Chris: Yes,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._
I _____ _ a news report about sharks last summer.
(I did / I have) (heard / have heard)

Margo: Wow! Maybe I ____ _______ a lucky escape on Sunday morning!

(had I have had)
Why don't you come with me next time?

Chris: Are you kidding?

�I Do I have an allergy?

A Scan the article. What can cause allergies?

ANDREW was sneezing all of the It was a very sad day when
time. He took an aspirin every ERIC'S mother told him he
morning for a week before he shouldn't eat his favorite
decided to see a doctor. She food anymore. He had a food
told him that he had hay fever, allergy, she said, and peanut
an allergy to the pollen from the butter was the problem.
juniper trees that grew in the Peanuts made his skin very
area where Andrew lived. The red with a painful itch. Eric
doctor suggested an anti-allergy tried to eat less peanut
medicine that he had to take butter, but he still itched.
three times a day. But Andrew Now Eric eats almond butter,
didn't get completely well until MARIANA loved her cat Lucy cashew butter, and tahini,
he also bought an air filter to very much, but her eyes were which is also called sesame
clean the air in his apartment. always red and irritated. She butter. A lot of his friends
discovered she had an allergy also eat these foods since
to her cat! She tried to pet Eric's school no longer serves
Lucy less, but that didn't peanut butter because of
work. Her friends advised peanut allergies.
her to give Lucy away, but
Mariana couldn't do that.
Instead she changed where
Lucy could go. Lucy was no
longer allowed in Mariana's
bedroom. Mariana made
a little bed for Lucy in the
garage. Mariana played with
her cat outside because fresh
air is best for cat allergies.

B Read the article. What problem did each person have? Complete the first column of the chart.

Problem What didn't work What worked


Mari ana


C Read the article again. What didn't work? What worked? Complete the rest of the chart.

Have you ever tried it?

Eggs, anyone?

A Here's a recipe for a mushroom omelet. Look at the pictures and number the sentences from 1 to 5.


II II 11
. u'

__ After that, pour the eggs into a frying pan. Add the mushrooms and cook.
__ Then beat the eggs in a bowl.
_j_ First, slice the mushrooms.
_ _ Next, add salt and pepper to the egg mixture.
_ _ Finally, fold the omelet in half. Your omelet is ready. Enjoy!

B Describe your favorite way to cook eggs. Use sequence adverbs.


Unit 4
Complete the conversation. Use the past tense or the present perfect of the
verbs given.

Alexa: __....
w "'"n
"'e t�-- (go) to a Thai restaurant last night.

Pedro: Really? I _______ (never eat) Thai food.

Alexa: Oh, you should try it. It's delicious!
Pedro: What_ _ _ _ _ _ _ you_ _ _ _ _ _
_ (order)?

Alexa: First, _
I _ _ _ _ _ _ (have) soup with green curry and rice. Then I
_ (try) pad thai. It's noodles, shrimp, and vegetables in
_ _ _ _
a spicy sauce.

Pedro: _ _ _ _ _ _
_ (not taste) pad thai before._ _ _ _ _ _
_ (be) it very hot?

Alexa: No. It__ _ _ _ _

_ (be) just spicy enough. And after that, I
_ (eat) bananas in coconut milk for dessert.

Pedro: Mmm! That sounds good.

Alexa: It was.

t•1 Choose the correct word.

1. We had delicious guacamole dip and chips on Saturday night while we watched TV.
It was a great snack (dinner/ snack/ meal).
2. I had a huge lunch, so _
I _ _ _ _ _ _ (ordered/ skipped/ tried) dinner.
3. What_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(appetizers/ ingredients/ skewers) do
you need to cook crispy fried noodles?
4. First, fry the beef in oil and curry powder, and then_ _ _ _ _ _ (pour/ mix/ toast)
the coconut milk over the beef.
5. We need to leave the restaurant now. Could we have the
_ _ _ _ _ _ (check/ recipe/ menu), please?

Have you ever tried it?

Choose the correct responses.
D Yuck! That sounds awful. D That sounds wrong. D Mmm! That sounds good.
1. A: Have you ever tried barbecued chicken? You marinate the meat in
barbecue sauce for about an hour and then cook it on the grill.
B: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2. A: Here's a recipe called Baked Eggplant Delight. I usually bake eggplant
for an hour, but this says you bake it for only fi ve minutes!
8: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
3. A: Look at this dish - frogs' legs with bananas! I've never seen that before.
B: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Use the simple past or present perfect of these verbs to complete the sentences.

IZ] ride D take D bring D do

1. Have you ever_ _r�id=d=e�n�- a horse? It's great!
I _ _ _ _ _all the ingredients with me.
2. _
3. you eat a huge dinner last night?
4. We my mother to the new Chilean restaurant.

D give D decide D eat D be

5. I haven't ______ a birthday gift to my father yet.
6. We have never to a Chinese restaurant.
7. I have never snails. What are they like?
8. Have you what kind of pizza you would like?

D make D break D buy D skip

I _ _ _ _ _ this chicken sandwich for $5.
9. _
1O. Oh, I'm sorry. I just ______ a glass. What a mess!
1 1 . Victor gogi gui for dinner.
12. I wasn't hungry this morning, so I ______breakfast.

D fall D forget D drive D try

I _ _ _ _ _ to buy rice.
13. Oh, no! _
14. Have you ever a sports car?
15. I Greek food for the first time last night.
16. Have you ever ______ asleep at the movies? It's really embarrassing.

Unit 4

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