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Published: March 2020
Author: Dablo, Cheilyn B and Mamboyo, Karylle D
Customer satisfaction is a key factor of success for any business, and it is essential for
building long-term customer relationships. It can be defined as when the customers’
expectation of the service provided matches their perception of the actual service
received. Customer satisfaction is an important instrument to create and maintain loyal
customers. and as a result, for loyal customers, contribute towards high repeated
purchase, which means increasing revenues and profits.
Link: https://www.studocu.com/ph/document/sti-college/accountancy/service-quality-
2. Impact of Service Quality on customer Satisfaction
Author: Ehigie C. Johnson and Jesse S. Karlay
Published: 2018
In recent decades the service industry has grown in importance, and manufacturing has
declined. The service sector accounts for 70% of the employment in all OECD member
states, making most countries dependent on the service sector. More insights into
innovative service processes are needed. Companies continuously seek for new and
innovative ways to offer service quality, and differentiate their service offerings. This is
used as a competitive advantage to attract and retain customers and make a profit
through skill exchange and customer co-creation.
Link: https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1246475/FULLTEXT01.pdf

3. Customer Satisfaction on the Quality Services of one Department Store in

Batangas City, Philippines
Author: Anna Margarita M. Agulo and Katrina M. Agno
Published: April 2015
We got it all for you‖ is the most known tagline from the most productive founding retail
center all over the Philippines. From the start of putting up this Department Store, their
main goal is unchangeable: 'to give customers the best quality services they have. And
from that, it is undeniable that they give the best quality service by the success they
gained and had the opportunity to put up more branches in different places all over the
country, like in Batangas City. But customers as known have different tastes in terms of
buying the product and being satisfied from what they bought. Measuring customer
satisfaction is a complicated process. It is not just providing a customer need but giving
them an exceptional service through a highly motivated and well-trained team, good
quality product, environment friendly facilities and an expert service provider that will
treat them as guest‖ not just a customer.
Link: https://research.lpubatangas.edu.ph/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/APJARBA-2015-

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