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Autonomous Maintenance: AM-SW RTT Centerline DMS

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Autonomous Maintenance

AM-SW RTT Centerline DMS

This document contains proprietary, confidential, and copyrighted (under the laws of the United States and other countries)
materials of The Procter & Gamble Company (P&G), under license from P&G. This document may not be duplicated, and the
licensed information therein may not be used or disclosed in whole or in part for any purpose other than as authorized by P&G.
Any use or disclosure in whole or in part of licensed information without the express written permission of P&G is prohibited.
SYSTEM/PROCESS Centerline System
Name of system

Tangible products this system delivers to the next in line

customer A robust site Centerline System that supports maintaining equipment operating on designed or
predetermined settings. A review process of operating centerlines. A follow-up process if operating
outside of centerline.

The way in which delivering the product moves the business

forward To minimize operating losses due to operating equipment outside of pre-established parameters. To
reduce post change over operational losses. To provide predetermined parameter to operate
equipment if it is found outside of established settings. To establish a foundation for all operating

CUSTOMER Operating Departments

The names of the people who receive the product of the
system Department PE’s
Equipment Owners
Method of capturing centerline readings
The needs as identified and quantified by the customers Method of following up on centerline outages
Method to report results
System Flow Chart

Associated CBA's (if applicable)

Centerline System CBA

System/Equipment Output Measures Centerline compliance target - % (target 98%)

Periodic review of all centerlines for accuracy


Description of how the system is performing

Centerlines are a common tool used today in the daily management of equipment operations.
Common standards have been developed for capturing and following up on centerline outages. A site
wide system now developed and rolled out
Plan to standardize the work to ensure the system stays in
control Develop a method to review the business’ execution of the Centerline System via the AM Pillar


Plan to improve the performace of the system
Drive daily Centerline follow-up through DDS. Leverage the value Centerlines deliver to reduce
process failures and minor stops to support site goal in Phase 1.
DMS Summary Sheet
System Name: Pillar: Customers:

Centerline AM Operating Departments / Process Leaders / Equipment Owners / Operators

Plant / Department / Team: Business Purpose: Business Measures:

Site Owner:
Improve process control and predictability / reliability of operating equipment by defining a process for establishing, auditing, maintaining and changing equipment target settings and ranges. OEE , Throughput (cases per line per day), Productivity

Date Created: System Products: Output Measure:

DMS Owner: Centerline % Compliance Average Stops/Day on Constraint

Process Flow Chart Process Maintenance Chart

Line Operator Equipment Owner Shift Leader Process Leader/PE System Owners In- Process
Step Target Action Who Reviewing System Freq. Who
Measure Limit Monitors Investigates
The Process Leader owns the CL system for their respective business. They are to maintain CL audits, CL 30. Review Site
Deviation forms, and CL Change Management forms. They are responsible for working with the Health Audit Results System Execution % Compliance 98% <90% Shift Leader DDS Shiftly Process Leaders
equipment owners on any CL change/improvement. They are also responsible for working with the and determine site
equipment owners to drive to root cause on CL deviations on the line. The Process Leader will work to action plan.
constantly improve CL Targets and ranges through analyzing data and completing testing.
2. Check CLs using CL
Template within the first
Yes 1. Are Centerlines Health Checks % Compliance 95% <90% CL Owners DMS Reviews Weekly System Owners
(CLs) currently
hour of the shift and
changeovers where developed for
targets/ranges are impacted. equipment? Stops Stops/Day 50 CL Owners DMS Reviews Weekly Business Leaders

31. Perform weekly

CL audit.

3. Record Settings on CL
Audit Sheet 32. Update DMS
Board Weekly

27. Work with the

Process Leader to 26. Provide
5. Has a CL Develop CL using AM or Updated CL
4. Is a CL Deviation No
setting out new equipment delivery templates for
form been
No of Range? filled out?
process. Engage use by line
Yes No appropriate technical operators.
resources as necessary.

Yes 21. Was root

casue found 20. Utilize IWS tools to drive
Yes for CL CL outage to root cause.

No 6. Is the CL Yes 7. Contact Process No

Deviation Leader to determine
past due
(2weeks)? next steps.*

22. Implement a standard to

address the root cause. 18. Were you
able to fix the
problem and
8. Return setting to within return to C/L?
target range. 23. Does the
Yes standard
implement a
No permanent CL 17. Review CL Deviation and
Change? sign for approval of the CL
Deviation. Determine if a
No No problem statement needs to
11.Will the be added to HASP and
9. Is the deviated setting 12. Return to deviated Identifiy actionable items to
Equip. cause a quality setting where the be completed in next 24hrs.
running outage If not sure equipment is running well.
well? contact PL? Yes
19. Archive CL Deviation Form
and implement standard to keep Revisions
Yes the C/L outage from occurring
again (if applicable). Revision # Date Next Review Date Description of Revision Prepared By
Yes 25. Approve any
CL changes by #4 Revamped entire CL system.
24. Initiate the CL change signing the
10. Record CL setting in 13. Complete CL deviation management process. change
comment section form and post notice on management
equipment. form. *16. Were there No #5 Update Process Leader's involvement in the CL system
any CL outages End
15. Record compliance or deviations on
for DDS and review any the line?
CL outages/Deviations #6 Added "*" to step 8 and 17 to connect the two. Added step 13.
14. Log CL into template. in DDS meeting.

Centerline Health Check:
DATE: Obs. Adequate?
Line Audited Yes / No
Answers are all or nothing. If
they get all questions correct
then give them a 1 for the entire
Element # Flowchart Description Health Audit Questions & Observations Address Questions To Expected Observation section. If they miss one part of
the section, they receive a 0 for
the section.

Equipment Owner/Line Operator A - Centerlines allow us to have a repeatable and predictable

process. Repeatable and predictable processes enables our
Importance of CL A - Why do we have CLs?
production lines to produce Quality products in the most reliable
Equipment Owner/Line Operator
B - Have operator show you the CL audit sheets
1 Are Centerlines Developed? B - CL audit sheets have been printed for the day
they are going to use for the day

C- If there is a CL you want to add or change to the Equipment Owner/Line Operator

C-Work with the Process Leader using the AM and/or Equipment
27 How are CLs Developed? CL system who would you work with in order to do
Delivery System.
D -When throughout the shift do you complete your Equipment Owner/Line Operator D - The audit was completed within 1 hour of shift transition or
2 Check centerlines for proper execution.
CL audit? within 1 hour of the changeover.
Observations E - The operator is recording accurate values of what they actually
3 Record setttings on CL Audit sheet E - Are the CLs being recorded accurately?
F - Operator should know if there are any CLs out of range. If CL
F - Are there any CLs out of range on the line? Equipment Owner/Line Operator values have been recorded for the shift, review the audit sheet to
4 Centerlines out of target range? determine if there are any CLs that are out of range.
YES NO Equipment Owner/Line Operator
Equipment Owner/Line Operator
5 Has a CL Deviation form been filled out? G - Has a deviation sheet been filled out? G-Have them show you the Deviation sheet if one is filled out.
Equipment Owner/Line Operator H -Determine if the CL is past due by comparing today's date with
6 Is the CL Deviation past due (2 Weeks) H - Is the CL past due?
the date of expiry on the CL deviation.
Equipment Owner/Line Operator
I - Continue entering the values on the CL audit sheet and proceed
I - If the Centerline Deviaton sheet is not past due,
14 Log CL into template to logging the CL on the tracking sheet. They should put an asterik
what do you do?
or notation on the audit sheet that the CL is out of range.
Contact Process Leader to determine next J - If the CL deviation is past due, who do you Equipment Owner/Line Operator
7 J- Contact the Process Leader for next steps.
steps contact for next steps?
Equipment Owner/Line Operator
K - Theoretically, if there was a CL out of range
K - Operator should be able to explain that the deviation sheet is
6 Is the CL Deviation past due (2 Weeks) and a deviation sheet was already filled out,
good for 2 weeks
how long does it have for before it expires?

14 Log CL into template L - What are your next steps? Equipment Owner/Line Operator L- Proceed to entering CLs into the CL Tracking sheet.
M-Operator should be able to explain that you should return the
Equipment Owner/Line Operator setting to within target range and watch them do this (if applicable).
M-If you find a CL that is out of range, what are the
8 Returning settings within target range.
first steps you should take?

Equipment Owner/Line Operator

N- Contact the Process Leader (or Business Leader who is the
Will the deviated setting cause a quality N- Who do you contact to ensure the CL that is out backup, if BL does not answer call ODM, if ODM does not answer call
outage of range has not produced off Quality product? Ops Manager, don't stop calling until someone answers) to ensure
the CL can not effect the quality of the product.
Equipment Owner/Line Operator
Will the deviated setting cause a quality O - If running out of CL can effect Quality, what O- Stop the line and follow instructions given by the Process Leader
outage should you immediatly do? or Business Leader.

Equipment Owner/Line Operator

P- Operator should be able to explain that they should return the
P -If running out of CL cannot effect quality, what
9 Is the equipment running setting within target range and ask themselves if the equipment is
are your next steps?
running more efficiently now (now that the CL is back in range)?
Equipment Owner/Line Operator
Q -Record in the comment section on the CL audit form that they
Q- If the equipment is running better once it has
10 Record CL setting in comment section have returned the setting to within target range and that they have
been returned back to CL, what do you do?
written down what the setting is now (in the comment section).
* Return to deviated setting where the Equipment Owner/Line Operator
equiment is running well R - If the equipment is not running better once it R -Return the setting to the out of range setting and then fill out a
12, 13
*Complete CL deviation form and post has been returned back to CL, what do you do? CL deviation sheet for the CL and notify the Process Leader
notice on equipment
Equipment Owner/Line Operator S- Examples:
1) A part is failing and the only way to run is to move a CL out of
range until an intervention to replace the part (As long as
Quality/Safety is not affected).
S- What are some examples of reasons why you 2) Material variation in Containers (for example) and there is no
Running out of CL
would choose to run out of CL? other control group to switch to (As long as Quality/Safety is not
3) There has been a new change to the process (a new rail
installation, plow, tucker, etc.) and you are defining the new CL
target and range.
Observations/Shift Leader
Ask the Shift leader the following questions T, U, V:
T- On the team room boards and on the CL tracking sheet.
T- Where is the %CL compliance recorded?
U-If the %CL compliance was below 100% for the Observations/Shift Leader
shift, what are you supposed to do during the team U- Review the outages with the on-coming team.
Record Compliance for DDS and review any V-If the %CL compliance is below 100%, where do Observations/Shift Leader
15 V-In the CL outage section on the team room board.
CL outages. you list the CL outage?
Go to the Team Room board and review the Observations
W-%CL compliance should be filled in for every shift of everyday
(except for the blank day that has been erased).
W- Is the %CL compliance recorded on the Team
Room Boards every shift?
X -If the %CL compliance is below 100% is the CL Observations
outage listed on the team room board?
Y - Did all DMS team members complete the Health
Check last week?
Total Yes /25

This document contains proprietary, confidential and copyrighted materials of The Procter & Gamble Company (P&G), under license from P&G. The licensed information therein may not be used or disclosed in whole or in part for any purpose other than as authorized by P&G.
Centerline DMS Action Plan
Health Check Outages
DMS Step Action Steps Completion Owner Status

Work linked to OTC 90 Day Plans Target

Item Action Steps Completion Owner Status
Centerline System Knowlegde and Execution Step-up Card

Name: Qualifier:

Target First (Self) Second (Qualifier) Third

Area No. Skill / Knowledge Profic. Date Evaluation Date Evaluation Date Evaluation
1 Explain Centerline Process Flowchart. 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
2 What are the critical output measures? 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
3 What are the key output measure targets? 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
4 How are Centerlines developed? 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
5 Who is responsible for Centerline development? 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Centerline System
Knowledge 6 What is required to change an established Centerline? 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
7 Describe the two ways the centerline results are reviewed? 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
8 What site SOP contains our Centerline system? 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
9 Describe the two times a shift that centerlines may be required to be gathered. 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
10 Who is the line and department owner for centerlines for your area. 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

1 Gather centerline data for a unit op for shiftly review. 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

2 Describe and take appropriate action for any out of range centerlines. 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

3 Show where the target and range settings are on the centerline template. 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

4 Demonstrate knowledge to fill out a centerline deviation sheet. 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Centerline Skill 5 Update shiftly data for line centerlines (%complete, % compliant) 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Demonstration 6 Show where the centerline templates are maintained in your area. 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

7 Show where completed centerlines are maintained in your area. 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

8 Show where the centerline results are documented for your DDS meeting. 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

9 Show examples of visual controls used to make centerline reading easier in your area. 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5


Proficiency Levels Skill / Knowledge

5 Complete understanding, can teach others, and be a resource / Can coach others (Train / Qualify)
4 General understanding-does not have to ask questions when performing skills / Can perform without guidance - stand alone
3 General understanding but needs some help from training materials or resources / Can perform with minimal guidance
2 Partial understanding / Can perform with continual guidance
1 Very little or no understanding / Can not perform

This document contains proprietary, confidential and copyrighted materials of The Procter & Gamble Company (P&G), under license from P&G. The licensed information therein may not be used or disclosed in whole or in part for any purpose other than as authorized by P&G.
Centerline System Knowlegde and Execution Step-up Card


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