Advanced Epic Legends
Advanced Epic Legends
Advanced Epic Legends
Rules Cyclopedia
Art Credits
Covers by NicoFari and my friend Rabbit
By Staino, on DeviantArt
Other artists credited below their work.
Human Templates
First we will be covering templates that are the bases for any
huma characters. Included here are:
With these, you can build your human character with little
complication. You can of course try house ruling your own
human Character Template, but that's some rather advanced A Magic-user of the sorcerer type, by DForrest on DeviantArt
stuff. Plus, there's plenty of character options.
Non-human Templates Character Template Features
These Templates in most other RPGs would be considered races. As a Magic-user, you study the arcane secrets and master spells
But, because this is trying to recreate the 1st edition of D&D, to further your knowledge.
where the non-humans were classes, I need to stay loyal to the
Prime Requisite: Intelligence or Charisma
source material. The non-human Character Templates include:
Hit Dice: 1d4
Dwarf Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d4+CON
Elf Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d4+CON
Hal ling Armor: None, shields denied
Weapons: Daggers, staffs, improvised weapons.
These Character Templates are not affected by alignment, and Tools: Magic scrolls, books and writing kits.
can have features from the human templates, as well as having Skill Proficiencies: Cast Magic, Read Magic, Write Magic, Use
their own. This really shows the diversity in non-human Magic Device.
characters over humans. However, the non-human Templates
can only go up to level 13-14, after which their HP will still
increase as normal, imitating the Warrior's experience table
Magic-User as Characters
from level 15 and up, but they no longer have options for A Lawful aligned Magic-user can at level 1 become a Wizard. If
advancements. you choose this path, you become a Wizard type that is
determined by your alignment. Lawful Wizards who follow the
Humans can be as effective as these characters, but it takes
rules of wizarding are known as Tower Wizards. However, if
time. It is also advised to have a diverse party composition with
these rules are broken, the Wizard is declared corrupted, and
some human characters and some non-humans. It makes for a
becomes a Corrupted Wizard.
better story.
Linguistically all races speak Common, the common tongue
between all races, and their race's native language. If a Magic-user is Neutral aligned they can become at level 1
Hedge Mage. Hedge Mages roam the land, and learn magic for
the fun of it. They can be traveling helpers and entertainers, or
evil mischief causers, wanted in many places. How you play your
Hedge Mage determines how people view them.
Rogues as Characters
A Lawful aligned Rogue has the option to become a Vigilante on
level 1. You gain an additional weapon of your choice, and have
an additional Pro iciency in any combat Skill you want.
Vigilantes who do good for the world are known as Justice
Fighters, and people generally view them as good people. Evil
Vigilantes are wanted criminals, and are commonly referred to
as Maniacs. People fear them, and the law does everything in
their power to hunt them down so they can face justice.
Dwarves can sometimes detect traps (speci ically, traps built
into stone-work or heavy construction, not other types of traps
such as rope-traps in the forest or spring-out needles built into a
jewelry box); they can also detect sliding walls, sloping
corridors, and new constructions. If your dwarf character wants
to search for such things in an area, tell the DM. You have 1
chance in 3 to ind them. The DM will roll 1d6, and a 1 or 2 will
indicate success if there is anything to ind; a result of 3-6 means
your dwarf detects nothing. You may check once for each trap,
sliding wall, sloping corridor, or new construction. You must tell
the DM if you want to look for anything; the detection is never
A Dwarven Warrior ready for battle, by Mariana Vieira, on
Elf's Skills
Elves have many nature related skills, like Handle Animal, which
allows them to befriend and keep animals as pets.
Tracking is a common skill among the Elven rangers, who
hunt down wrongdoers and bad people who dare enter their
woodland domain.
Like Magic-users, Elves can also use magic. However, their
magic isn't as potent as a Wizard's or a Sorcerer's.
Elves are also natural sneakers.
At Higher Levels
Elves cannot get followers, but on level 10, they can gain
ownership of a ranger tower and become a master ranger, An Elf of the woodlands, by EarthDawn, on DeviantArt
gaining some ranger servants.
Item Cost
These weapons hit automatically and deal large damage
Ra on 5cp
Waterskin 5sp Machine Cost Range AC HP Damage
Rope 2gp per 10 feet Ballista 300gp 500 . 0 1200 3d12+10
Lockpick 4gp Catapult 500gp 700 . -1 2000 6d10+20
Bag of Caltrops 5gp each Ba ering
300gp 10 . -3 1000 4d10+8
10 foot pole 5gp
Siege Depends on archer Archer weapon
Knife 1gp 700gp -2 890
Tower weapons dependent
Po on of Curing 40gp
Po on of 1d4 healing 25gp
Po on of 1d6 healing 50gp
Bedroll 5sp
Tent 15sp
Empty bo le 2sp
Empty vial 5sp
Vial of acid 4gp
Wand 30gp
Thermite 100gp
Master key 200gp
Torch 3cp
Lantern 5gp
Blanket 5cp
Crystal Ball 1,000gp A ballista, by Saberrex, on DeviantArt
Other Gear
Owning Land war, and a messenger brings you orders to gather an army. This
is war time, and you need to be ready for battle.
First we'll cover the owning of land. This is probably not the When you get into the mass combat, you have several
simplest of things, but just read it over a few times, and you'll be modi iers to it, which are all listed below, these modi iers will be
good. added to a D100 roll, which is just 2 d10s acting as tens and
ones, and the GM will do the same. The you compete your
Your Property scores, and the highest will win. This will affect your army as
well. Each army has a base morale of 90%.
When you own land, you generally own a large area, and the
lands spreading ive miles to every direction from there. you Condi on Modifier
have servants and peasants who need money and food, and in Every 10 soldiers +5
return they'll do all your physical labor and pay you in return in
Light armor +5
It's important to keep your people happy. An angry peasant is Medium and heavy armor +15
a mutinous one, and just having an executioner will not Low quality weapons -10
guarantee your safety. You should also have some guards
Good weapons +10
protecting your towns and property, and rangers protecting the
wilderness around the town. Terrain, mountain pass +30
The people's happiness with your rulership is measured in Terrain, uphill -15
percentages. If it drops below 10%, you will have riots and Terrain downhill +5
mutinies at your hands. So keep that in mind. I've listed all the
expenses and their effect on people's mood down below. Raining? -10
Plains ba le +0
Necessity Cost People's mood
For fied defense posi on? +20
Housing 100gp +25%
For fied a ack posi on? -15
Guards/Rangers 20gp/month +20%
Low morale -10
Employment 300gp/year +20%
Warmachines? +10
Brothels 120gp +35%
Enemy has warmachines? -10
Upkeep 600gp/year +25%
Terrain, swamp -10
Proper Military 160gp/month +20%
Food 10gp/month +40% With these modi iers in mind, you can now roll your dice. The
difference between scores determines the victor of the battle.
Visits Free +26%
Temples 200gp +30% Effect on
Difference Effect on enemy morale
There are also things that will inevitably lower your people's 10-20% or Enemy managed to retreat, or
mood, and that can lead to bad things on your part. -55%
less drive you off
Problems People's mood 25% Enemy's front line destroyed -25%
Famine -40% 30% The enemy was captured -40%
Taxes above 10gp -50% Enemy was surrounded and
35% -50%
beaten back
Monsters -35%
45% Enemy was eventually beaten -35%
War -30%
50%+ Decisive victory! +15%
Unpaid salaries -45%
General tyranny -60%
Thunder Wave
You clap your hands together, and a booming voice comes out in
a 10 foot sphere in front of you, dealing 2d4+INT damage to the
S cks to Snakes
You point at a pile of 20 sticks, turning them into snakes. If
there's an enemy in this pile, they die from snake bites.
Freeze Feet
You make ana enemy save against magic, or their feet will be
frozen in place.
Level 9
Fireball x3
You can cast Fireball, but it deals 3 times the damage than
Conjure Demon
You can summon a low level demon to aid you in battle. Not very
popular among religious groups.
Conjure Angel
You summon a low level angel to aid you in battle. Very popular
among religious groups.
Become Lich
You must kill the one you most hate, the one you most love, and
5 innocent people, then make them into a potion, drink it, and
you'll become a Lich.
Acid Arrow
Acid Arrow, but the damage is threefold.
Send any creature you choose to another place entirely, if they
fail their magic save.
Miasma Storm
You create a storm that cannot kill anything, but everything that
comes to contact with is incapacitated for 24 hours due to
You destroy everything in a 10 mile radius. You will be hated.
Create Plague
You channel your god's power to create a plague.
Star Blast
You ire a ball of godly energy at an enemy, and they make a
magic save. They'll take 5d6 damage from the spell. This is
increased by your level, as always.
Victory Cry
You declare your god's name after a victorious battle. You XP
increases by 100 XP.
Level 6
Cure Heavy Wounds
You channel your god's to power to heal severe wounds. This
also affects the undead, serving as a damage dealer.
Banish Evil
You touch one evil creature of your choice, and on a failed magic
save, they will be banished to another place for 10 minutes. This
spell can only be performed once per day.
Wolf Skeleton
Wolves are ierce beasts of the wilderness, and they attack Undead, but tougher than zombies. They use weapons, and their
without hesitation. Goblins and hobgoblins often use them as bony build makes them harder to hit. All damage done to
mounts in combat, and they will obey, because meat is meat, and skeletons is halved. Very dangerous in numbers.
the battle ield has plenty of it... No. Appearing: 3d6-3
No. Appearing: 1d6+1 AC: 5
AC: 8 HP: 2d6
HP: 1d8+2 Attacks: Any weapon
Attacks: Bite (1d6+2) Attack Bonus: +2
Attack Bonus: +2 THAC0: 20
THAC0: 20 Morale: In inite
Morale: 50% XP Value: 50
XP Value: 40
Giant Spider Undead who can drain the life out of an adventurer. They're
These monsters hide in dark woods, and attack anything with vengeful spirits who have possessed a body of a warrior, and
blood in it. So almost everything. Goblins exploit their bloodlust wander the land in search of things to kill. If they hit you with
and use them as mounts in battle. These are dangerous their claws, you will lose a level. This effect will stack.
monsters, so don't take them lightly. No. Appearing: 2d4+1
No. Appearing: 1d12+3 AC: 4
AC: 4 HP: 3d8+2
HP: 2d6+4 Attacks: Any weapon, claw (1d4+2)
Attacks: Bite (1d6+3 and 1d4 poison damage) Attack Bonus: +3
Attack Bonus: +3 THAC0: 18
THAC0: 20 Morale: In inite
Morale: 70% XP Value: 450
XP Value: 25
Necromancer Dragons
These are powerful wizards who raise dead, and that's all they Dragons are the eldest of all the creatures in the world, the irst
do. The secrets of life and death have driven them mad, and they Immortal of legends having been a dragon. The dragonkind has
will kill all people who stand in their way. They can cast spells been split for millenia now, the opposing sides being the red
up to 5th spell level. dragons, and the noble silver dragons. Their war is the war for
No. Appearing: 1 the last eggs of the good dragons, which the red ones try to
AC: 7 corrupt. Dragons don't do fair ights, and will swallow you
HP: 10d4-1 whole if they get the chance.
Attacks: Any weapon, magic No. Appearing: 1-2
Attack Bonus: -1 AC: -5
THAC0: 19 HP: 40d10
Morale: In inite Attacks: Swallow, claw (3d12+7), dragon breath (15d10+10
XP Value: 1,000 ire for reds, lightning for silvers)
Attack Bonus: +7
THAC0: 12
Morale: In inite
XP Value: 500,000
Ghost Spell-Killer
Those who died before their time was right, or who have Spell-killer is an alien being from another reality. They have
experienced a great wrong in their life, return as ghosts. These lanky bodies, with spines on their back, and only one bulging
beings haunt ruins and the places of their death, attacking eye on their head, that kills all magic in its sight. The monster
anyone they might mistake for a descendant of the wrongdoer. has two other eyes on its palms, that shoot out rays with a 1d4
They are immune to all non-magical attacks. effect. Should two of these rays hit you, you're pretty much done
No. Appearing: 1d4 for.
AC: -1
d4 Ray
HP: 15
Attacks: Any weapon 1 Petrifica on
Attack Bonus: +4 2 Killing
THAC0: 18 3 Slow 10 feet
Morale: In inite
XP Value: 2,000
4 Telekinesis
No. Appearing: 1
Riding through the barren lands are the centaurs, majestic AC: 0
beings with the upper body of a man and the lower body of a HP: 10d10+5
horse. They're generally raider and bandit types, preferring Attacks: Rays
solitude and the bene it of them and them only. Sometimes Grey Attack Bonus: None
Elves ally with them during campaigns that can bene it both THAC0: 11
parties. Morale: In inite
No. Appearing: 2d8 XP Value: 8,500
AC: 5
HP: 2d8+3 Demon
Attacks: Any weapon Twisted creatures of the Abyss. These horri ic beings come in all
Attack Bonus: +3 shapes and sizes, and have destroyed countless of civilizations.
Wherever they god, a rain of ire will follow, and they will not
THAC0: 19
stop killing until there's nothing left to be killed. Chaotic and
Morale: 70%
generally evil Immortals can control the chaotic nature of these
XP Value: 400
foul beasts.
No. Appearing: 2d10
Kobolds are small freaks of nature. No one knows where they AC: -2
came from, but they've been accepted as part of the world, and HP: 8d8+10
the scribes trying to learn their origins have forgotten. They Attacks: Any weapon
look like a weird mix of a rabbit and a lizard. Attack Bonus: +6
No. Appearing: 3d6 THAC0: 15
AC: 8 Morale: In inite
HP: 1d6-1 XP Value: 2,000
Attacks: Any small weapon
Attack Bonus: +1
THAC0: 20
Morale: 40%
XP Value: 25
Elf Priest
An average woodland roamer. These people love nature and Servants of the gods, and the helpers of the weak. They care for
know how to use a bow. the people and heal the wounded.
AC: 8 No. Appearing: 1d4
HP: 1d6 AC:12
Attacks: Bows HP: 1d6+1
Attack Bonus: +1 Attacks: Any blunt weapon
THAC0: 20 Attack Bonus: +2
Morale: 40% THAC0: 20
XP Value: 10 Morale: 25%
Dwarf Noble
An average dwarf, who likes mining and forging, and beer, lots of Boot lickers, greedy bastards, but quite good commanders.
beer. These people will help you greatly in a war, but having +4 to
AC: 10 their Tactics Skill.
HP: 1d8+2 No. Appearing: 1-5
Attacks: Any blunt weapon AC: 7
Attack Bonus: +1 HP: 4d4+3
THAC0: 20 Attacks: Rapier
Morale: 45% Attack Bonus: +2
XP Value: 10 THAC0: 19
Morale: 75%
Ranger XP Value: 100
A human, hal ling or an elf who patrols the wilderness for any
threats. And with that, Monsters and NPCs have been covered for the
No. Appearing: 1d4 Rules Cyclopedia. There will be more of this coming in later
AC: 8 works, and you can take any ideas you may have for your own
HP: 1d6+3 Monsters and NPCs, and add them to the game.
Attacks: Bows
Attack Bonus: +2
THAC0: 20
Morale: 4%
XP Value: 25
Town Guard
Any human, dwarf, hal ling or an elf who has the basic combat
No. Appearing: 1d6
AC: 7
HP: 1d8+2
Attacks: Any weapon
Attack Bonus: +2
THAC0: 20
Morale: 40%
XP Value: 25
The greatest bene its of being an Immortal are of course getting -Viktor S, the Scion of Immortals
a serious defense increase and immunities to most things. The
only things that can kill you is either another Immortal or a god, Also, yes, this is the same A erword as in the
and if a mortal can kill you, they will take you power and your previous interpreta on, give me a break.
place. All damage you take is reduced by 85% percent, and
you're immune to poisons, ire, lightning and all non-magical
attacks. Magical attacks will deal damage to you, but your
defense will reduce it to 15%.
Hal lings the Mortal Empire, looking for heroes to strengthen his army of
Immortals, who are the other key part of the Mortal Pantheon.
Hal lings have no real kingdoms, as most of them are nomads, These Immortals are led by the irst ive of the Immortals he
and wanderers, but if you seek hard enough you will ind the named, and their names are Neklin, the Immortal of Kings,
Silent Pit, where the hal lings come every year to celebrate the Oone, the Barbarian Immortal of the North, Asis, the
gods, and their Immortal leader, Papuin the Bearded, the only Nightstalker, the Immortal of Thieves, and Vyerin, the Immortal
hal ling to have ever possessed a beard. of Fire. The ifth Immortal is left unnamed, as he is no other than
Aldugraz, the Hated. These are the Mortal Pantheon's leaders,
Pantheons and they must always be obeyed.
Dwarven Pantheon
The dwarves of the Undermountains only believe in one god,
Oxius, the great Grudgelord, and the Healer of the Weak. He only
gives Immortality to those who deserve it, and pass his test of
ire. He is also the one who granted immortality to the mighty
dragon, Bahomar. Dwarves and dragons are good friends due to
this, and Oxius has looked over their friendship since the irst
day of it. However, he despises red dragons, and his followers
will ight them if he so wills.
Urasil, Lord of Water Skyllian in her elven form, by Alex Pascenko, on DeviantArt
The arch nemesis of Krakius and Skyllianm Urasil holds the
mighty waters outside of the Greyland's and Nikedonia's seas.
However, he cannot interfere if the Grey Elves sail outside the
waters of their homeland, as a separate pact he made that
forbids him from drowning mortals as he pleases, no matter
how necessary it may be.
Only other notable location is the fortress Wrath. Mazul
Gloomdark's home, and in his words, his last resting place. No
one knows if he means he'll die there, or if it's the last place
where he's rested since the tragic third loss of the Tower of the
Eternal Forest.
The village surrounding the fortress seems peaceful, and is
mainly inhabited by his loyal subjects, and soldiers. Occasionally
a caravan stops by, just to get a piece of Mazul's immense
wealth, always leaving without any wares left.
The temple of Skyllian towers next to the fortress, erected
there due to Mazul's preference of god. When asked about it,
he'll just say: "I admire her." And you would be correct to
assume her means Crolian.
Grey Elf
Grey Elf Experience Table
Level XP 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1st 0 1 —
2nd 3,000 2 1
3rd 6,000 3 2 1
4th 12,000 3 3 2 1
5th 36,000 4 3 2 2
6th 76,000 5 4 2 3
7th 116,000 6 5 3 3
8th 156,000 7 5 4 4
9th 206,000 8 6 6 4
10th 256,000 9 7 6 4
Barbed Bolts
This is a special bolt made to cause even greater pain than the
normal crossbow bolts. Its market price is around 1 silver piece
per bolt, and it deals an additional 1d4 damage to the enemy on
a hit.
These waepons are rarely found in the markets, but if you come
across one, you better be ready to spend 80 gold on it. It's
elegant design, a mix of sawblade, and a saber, makes it highly
effective. In combat it deals 2d8+STR slashing damage, making it
a trusty weapon in combat.
This is a creature only encountered in Greyland. It resembles a
hydra in many ways, and it has 9 heads. However, the main
difference between a hydra and a kharibdys is that its necks end
in 9 slug like heads, that can upon hitting swallow a person.
They can be save if the monster is killed in the next 20 minutes
as its digestion kicks in. Grey Elves train these things as pets,
much like hydras. The Warlock King has two of these as pets.
Kharibdys cannot regrow its heads.
No. Appearing: 1d4+2
AC: 0
HP: 9d12+7
Attacks: Bite (1d8 per head)
Attack Bonus: +8
THAC0: 18 NPCs
Morale: In inite Witch
XP Value: 4,500 The greatest of the Grey Elf troopers, these ladies charge the
frontline, and spill blood in the name of their gods.
Manspider No. Appearing: 3d6
These monsters have the upper body of a man, which is shown
AC: 8
as being stuck in the sand. However, beneath the sand is a large
HP: 3d8+2
spider body, along with a big ugly head that the manspiders use
Attacks: Saber, Scimitar, Grey Elven Bastard Sword
to suck the blood of their victims. They know how to wield
Attack Bonus: +4
weapons, the entire species' weapon of choice being the
greataxe. They can be dangerous in melee, but if you can get THAC0: 19
distance between each other, you should be safe. Easier said Morale In inite
than done, as it has a movement speed of 45 feet. So steer clear. XP Value: 200
No. Appearing: 2d4+3
AC: 7 Corsair
The crew of the Kraken Arks, and the bulk of the Greyland navy,
HP: 3d10+4
these warriors won't be easily defeated.
Attacks: Bite (2d6 poison damage), greataxe
No. Appearing: 4d8+4
Attack Bonus: +3
AC: 7
THAC0: 20
HP: 1d8+2
Morale 78%
Attacks: Any
XP Value: 450 XP
Attack Bonus: +2
Manticore THAC0: 20
A strange twisted mix of a lion, a bat, and a scorpion, mantiocres Morale 80%
are some of the most dangerous living beings in Greyland. And XP Value: 50
that makes them Grey Elf favorites. They're fairly solitary, and
will even kill each other to eat. Executioner
No. Appearing: 1-2 Elite troops, kill people like it's Tuesday, you know the deal.
AC: 2 No. Appearing: 2d10+5
HP: 11d8+2 AC: 2
Attacks: Bite, claw, tail (2d8+4 each) HP: 5d8+4
Attack Bonus: +5 Attacks: Any
THAC0: 17 Attack Bonus: +5
Morale In inite THAC0: 18
XP Value: 1,200 XP Morale In inite
XP Value: 900 XP
Commonly referred to as the giant bat, the Gneshee is a pack
hunter, and lives on high cliffs. These large beasts have born
from demonic corruption and have large wings, granting them a
lying speed of 40 feet. They can regenerate 2d4 HP by drinking
blood of the dead.
No. Appearing: 1d12+2
AC: 6
HP: 3d10+5
Attacks: Bite (2d6+3)
Attack Bonus: +3
THAC0: 19
Morale: 92%
XP Value: 700
Honey Badger
AC: 8
HP: 2d4+3
Attacks: Claws, bite (1d6+3 each)
Attack Bonus: +3
THAC0: Same as Ranger's
Morale: Too loyal to lee
AC: 6
HP: 3d6+2
Attacks: Claws, bite (1d8+4 each)
Attack Bonus: +4
THAC0: Same as Ranger's
Morale: 95%
At Higher Levels
At level 9, you get no companions, as you have your animals.
However, at level 10 you get your own woodland fort, and the
name of Arch Ranger. This means you get new rangers to train
and ight the sacred war of the wilds.
The Golden Goose Tavern a peacock feather adorning it. He has 7 rings, and one of
them glows so blue, but when asked about it, he gets very
The adventure starts in the kingdom of Dulhere, where most of
defensive and usually tells people to bugger off. He also has
the wars have taken place, as it is mostly neutral territory.
Outside the capital of Dulhence, which is closed off right now, fine looking boots with wings engraved on them.
there's a tavern by the name of Golden Goose, where many
adventures begin. Spankley
Level 5 Hal ling, level 3 Rogue
Golden Goose, Inside The Tavern Movement speed: 40 ft. (Ring of Swiftness)
The inn has two floors, and the ceiling is held by ra ers, that AC: 5
seem to be ge ng out of date. The second floor has a Skills: Cooking +4, Crafting +4, Sneak +4, Negotiation +9 (Ring
of the Silver Tongue, gives +5 to Negotiation), Pick Lock +4, Bluff
balcony with an overview of the inn, and an old falcon sits on
+4, Intimidate +4, Steal +4
the railing, watching people go. Standing at the bar is an old Attacks: Dagger +1 twice
dwarf, Grunbeld, with a red beard and a small, broken Attack modi ier: +3
looking nose. His other eye is missing, and his warhammer is THAC0: 19
always on his back. There's six barmaids skipping happily Morale: 90%
about, serving drinks, and flir ng with some patrons. There's (Side note: IF the party kills Spankley, which is unlikely because
always someone playing the old piano on the upper floor, he has 4 black knights with him at all times, he is worth 1,500
and singing is also an almost never ending thing. On the
second floor are the doors to 12 rooms for people to rest in. Spankley will walk in like he owns the place, and will then climb
The price for a room is 15 gold, as it is a limited resource in on a table, where two rogues are having a drink. He will throw
money for the rogues who will then swiftly leave the table, and
the inn, and the tavern keeper needs to pay maintenance
starts giving his sales speech. He will offer anyone willing an
somehow. adventure in the form of an expedition to Greyland, where the
Grey Elves reside. He will promise 1,500 gold and immense
Read that description to your players, but leave some of the riches to whoever agrees, and goes on about the glory and
parts out, as knowing the price of the rooms without asking is a honor of the mighty heroes here (he will say mighty heroes in a
bit out of place. The party can take part in many activities, and very exaggerating tone), and he even goes as far as saying that
even take a look at the quest board in the tavern, as they should they can do it, if not for him, then their loved ones and families
have enough time to do at least two of the quests. who probably need the gold. And the whole time he will be the
The activities in the tavern are here and each quest is worth most convincing person in the tavern, due to his ring. Eventually
300 gold. two level 3 Warriors will agree to go with him, and he will even
personally ask the party.
A game of cards with a shady looking Grey Elf
Brawling in the brawl pit If the party says yes, the adventure begins the next day, and if
Taking part in the singing and dancing not, well, why did you even bother taking up this module?
Flirt with the barmaids (two of them are off duty)
After the party has enjoyed their time in the tavern for a while,
they will get introduced to the key NPC of this module, Spankley
McGold iddle.
Special Encounter 1: Aldrual blocked. This is when the party will meet the Giant Twins. Two
giants, who wish to challenge the part in a riddle ight. If they
Mel lay, the Strange Horned win, they can go through, but if they lose, they'll become stew. If
the party says yes, they will be enchanted with a Spell of
Elf Consent, an ancient spell one of the giants learned all by himself.
If they say no, then there will be a battle against two giants.
After about 3 random encounters, and rests, the party will
eventually come across a blockade. Tearing it down requires a The riddles the giants ask are all solvable by an Intelligence roll,
collective Strength of 60 from the whole party, and will take 2 but the score required is a 15, which might be hard for low
hours. However, the party won't get the chance to undo it, as a Intelligence characters. The riddles are as follows:
mysterious igure appears. This is Aldrual Mel lay.
What is brown, and hard, and never budges for bugs? (Door)
What is it that rises higher than a tree, but never grows?
Aldrual is a tall man. He wears a white mask in the shape of a What is that ugly thing that lies on wings of skin, and eats
deer skull, and his elven looking ears point out from under bugs like we eat people? (Bat)
his hood, however, they do appear significantly larger than What is the chest of white, that has no lock nor hinges, yet
holds gold? (Egg)
normal. There are also two horns on his hood, that almost
What is the one with a mouth that never speaks, bed that
look like they're sprou ng out from under the hood, but cannot be slept in, and though it runs it stays still? (River)
that's ridiculous, because elves don't have horns. He is about
If the party gets all the riddles right, they will be awarded
7 feet tall, which is extremely tall for an elf, and his body with a safe passage. They can also afford two fails, which will
appears to be well built. He carries a glaive on his back, cost the lives of the two of the NPCs that left the tavern with the
which appears to be made of red nted obsidian. (With a SC party.
16 Appraise check, any player can figure out the price of the After this, the players will inally get to Greyland.
glaive to be easily in the thousands, around 2000-3000 gold.)
He seems to be somewhat friendly, but at the same me
gives off a strange aura of dread.
Aldrual will introduce himself, and give a deep bow to the group.
He will then explain that the pass ahead is very dangerous, and
if they're going go there just to die, then why not lighten their
coin purses irst. He will ask Spankley for a 1,000 gold fee,
which he immediately refuses. He will then turn to the party and
ask again, and if they refuse, he will let out a loud whistle, calling
forth 3d6 goblins, all with shortbows and swords.
After the ight the party can loot the goblins for their few
possessions, and will also ind the bag of 1,000 gold Aldruin
dropped in the ight. Spankley will then split the gold, taking
55% of it for himself, and 15% for his knights, leaving the party
with the remaining 300 gold.
Traveling Further In
As the party travels further into the barren lands, they will
notice some strange things around. On an Intelligence roll of 15
and up, the players will learn that the strange markings in the
rocks and trees, are Demonic, the language of the Abyss. This
may concern Spankley or the party, and they should hurry along
d12 Encounter
1 Hydra
2 Centaurs
3 Cold Ones
4 Grey Elves
5 Crocodilemen
6 Troglodytes
7 Cold Ones + Grey Elves
8 Troll
9 Ogres
10 Goblins
11 Minotaurs
12 Cyclops
After the encounters are done, the party will run into a storm,
that will force them into some ruins, and in there, they will fall
underground, into the fourth, and inal part of the module. The
Caverns Encounters:
2d6 skeletons
The caverns appear to be quite dark, and the air is heavy.
1d8 skeletons with heavy crossbows
There's a constant sound of ski ering, and cla ering, and 3d4 giant rats
whispers echo in the dark. This could be the party's 20% chance on a D20 to run into a Wight
imagina on, or the whispers might be as true as it gets. The
Cavern Room 2
floor is wet due to the collapsed ceiling, and there's bones
This room is covered in bones, some with meat s ll on them,
nearby, in a neat pile. Further in, not sure what direc on,
some without. There's rats and small cri ers running about
there are sounds of walking, and speaking in Demonic. The
the room, and death reeks in the air. Beneath the bones is
rain of the storm is heard outside...
water, that has over me become putrid colored, and smells
The party will have lost consciousness upon falling down, but so bad that every 10 minutes spent in the room, the players
they'll regain it soon after from the rain hitting their face. The must make a save against poison, or take 1 poison damage
caverns should appear ambient, and there should be a feeling of
from throwing up.
dread in the air.
Spankley is further in, looking around with his knights for any Room 10: The Death Place of a Warrior
threats, but without a torch it may be dif icult. If the party gives
him a torch, 3d6 zombies will attack them, and upon defeating Encounters:
them Spankley will be so shocked he'll forget his greed. 1 zombie with plate armor and a longsword that glows