Gothic and Romanesque Architecture
Gothic and Romanesque Architecture
Gothic and Romanesque Architecture
1. Romanesque Building: Pisa Cathedral 3
The Plan 3
The Exterior 4
The Interior 5
2. Gothic Building: Reims Cathedral 6
The Plan 6
The Exterior 7
The Interior 8
3. Comparison between Pisa Cathedral and Reims Cathedral 9
History of Architecture 1 Report - Dao Hoang Minh Anh
The aim of the essay is to inspect the context of history, plan layouts,
exterior, and interior designs, cultural influences, and aesthetic elements then
compare the similarities and differences in styles between the buildings. Pisa
Cathedral and Reims Cathedral were chosen as the subjects of research because
they reflect one of the finest achievements and excellent representations of
Romanesque and Gothic architecture.
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The Plan
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The Exterior
The overall facade of Pisa Cathedral with the Leaning Tower of Pisa in the background
From the exterior, it can be seen that Pisa Cathedral was built with thick
walls and small windows, which is another common feature in the Romanesque
style. High marble arches and Corinthian columns around the building are
decorated with alternating lines of dark and light marble to create variety in
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The Interior
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The interior has a spacious, tall central nave as well as four side aisles, two
on each side. The elevation is divided into two parts: the nave arcade zone on the
ground floor and the clerestory above it. The coffered timber ceiling is
gold-plated, but the pavement is built in the cosmati method. The interior is
unique for Christian churches since it was influenced by Moorish architecture.
Lancet arches, which are prevalent in mosques, were employed here, as well as
contrasting black and white marble. Moorish and Islamic elements may also be
seen on the cathedral's façade: the dome is elliptical rather than round. The
presence of two elevated matronea in the nave, with solid, monolithic granite
columns, is a clear indication of Byzantine influence (Touring Club Italiano,
The Plan
The nave of Reims Cathedral, which extends from the west end of the
church to the transept, is where regular parishioners pray. It is almost half the
length of the church and has an outstanding span and stylistic unity. It is a little
narrower than the adjoining transept and apse. Because it was originally
designed to have four towers and a larger central tower, the transept is both
broader and higher than the nave.
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The four towers at the transept's ends were planned but never finished.
There was a maze at the Western side of the nave, however, it was destroyed in
the 18th century (Naert D., 1996). The choir, the part of the cathedral typically
dedicated to the clergy, is significantly shorter than the nave but much broader
and higher. It has a double ambulatory at the east end that leads to the five
chapels. The ambulatory is separated from the choir and altar by a decorative
grille. The five horseshoe-shaped chapels at the Eastern end are placed between
the massive supporting buttresses outside the interior. The chapel on the axis,
which is accompanied by an extra ceiling vault, is the longest (Kurmann P., Villes
J. A., 2001, p.73).
The Exterior
The west facade, with the design of two three-storeyed towers of equal
height and three portals, is significantly impressive as it represents royalties. The
porches of the portals protruding from the main wall showcase many delicate
sculptures that illustrate the stories in the Bible to the illiterate churchgoers
(Kurmann P., Villes J. A., 2001, p.27). The west facade also has two rose windows,
one at the level of the clerestory, the other under the central portal’s archivolts,
both of which emphasize the impressive greatness of the construction. The
overall design of the cathedral employs many pointed arches, from the portals to
the windows and even inside the building, which are clear indications of Gothic
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The picture shows two towers on the Westside and the Northside of the nave
The nave’s north and south walls are structurally strengthened by eleven
flying buttresses on each side. These offset the external load of the ceiling vaults,
allowing for the enormous height, thin walls, and numerous windows that flood
the nave with light. The whole exterior of Reims Cathedral is ornamented with
arcades, pinnacles, spires, and an abundance of statues, sculptures that mark the
characteristics of the highest form of Gothic architecture (Kurmann P., Villes J. A.,
2001, p46).
The Interior
The church's elevation was separated into three parts: high arcades on the
ground level, a narrower gallery called the triforium on top of that, and tall
windows equal in height to the galleries above the triforium. The arcade pillars
were made up of colonettes packed together around a pillar, ascending into the
vaults' high arches. The colonettes' various lines accentuated the impression of
height and verticality. The capitals of the columns were a very unique feature in
Reims as they were designed with small exquisite floral carvings and imaginary
creatures (Kurmann P., Villes J. A., 2001, p.65-66).
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The view inside the nave of the Reims Cathedral, looking east toward the choir
As can be observed from the analysis above, there are some similarities
between Pisa Cathedral from Romanesque architecture and Reims Cathedral
from the Gothic style. The resemblances can be traced back to plan layouts of the
two buildings, which contain all the elements and parts typical in the
constructions of churches, such as the nave, transept, apse, chapels, aisles, the
shape of the cruciform with the nave spanning from West to East and the
perpendicular transept. Both cathedrals implemented the uses of vaults and
arches, which highlights the connection between the styles of architecture.
Furthermore, the designs of the Pisa Cathedral and Reims Cathedral both include
towers and multi-storeyed exteriors. The size, weight, and strength of the two
buildings were significantly accentuated by the use of columns and masonry
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However, there are many differences between Pisa Cathedral and Reims
Cathedral due to their styles, locations, cultures, and influences. The semicircular
arches and barrel vaults are the main features of Pisa Cathedral, but they
imposed some geometric restrictions and structural difficulties (Fazio M., Moffett
M., Wodehouse L., 2019, p.189). In contrast, the pointed arch’s flexibility in Reims
Cathedral allowed uneven regions to be vaulted while keeping a uniform ceiling
height. Due to the geometric freedom provided by the combination of rib vaults
and pointed arches, independent elements of church plan designs in Pisa
Cathedral (nave, aisle, long transept, chapel) could be integrated into a coherent,
ordered composition in Reims Cathedral (Fazio M., Moffett M., Wodehouse L.,
2019, p.213). Pisa Cathedral incorporated uninterrupted thick walls like most
Romanesque buildings to support the weight of the vaulting overhead, therefore,
openings and windows are minimized to prevent structural instability (Fazio M.,
Moffett M., Wodehouse L., 2019, p.189). Meanwhile, Reims Cathedral favors the
skeletal systems with load concentrated at specific points and the implementation
of flying buttresses to alleviate the total load, as a result, the walls could have
more windows and decorations such as stained glass windows and rose windows
to draw more light and space, as well as reduce the solid building mass to
enhance the aesthetic quality of the building (Fazio M., Moffett M., Wodehouse L.,
2019, p.213).
After analyzing the plan layouts, interiors, and exteriors of Pisa Cathedral
and Reims Cathedral, it can be concluded that they share some similarities
despite their locations and historical contexts. The reason for the resemblances
between the two cathedrals is that Gothic architecture emerged from
Romanesque architecture, it still reserved some original aspects of the latter style
with many additional changes that promoted verticality and light (Fazio M.,
Moffett M., Wodehouse L., 2019, p.221). However, these changes also set Gothic
buildings, mainly Reims Cathedral, from Romanesque constructions such as Pisa
Cathedral. It should be noted that Pisa Cathedral and Reims Cathedral all possess
unique beauty and grandiosity that stand as one of the greatest examples of their
History of Architecture 1 Report - Dao Hoang Minh Anh
respective styles. The innovations in Gothic architecture do not imply that the
heavier, grimmer Romanesque work was inferior or underdeveloped. Instead,
Romanesque architects and master builders in northern Italy, specifically Pisa,
openly embraced and delighted in the grand enormity of stone masonry.
History of Architecture 1 Report - Dao Hoang Minh Anh
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History of Architecture 1 Report - Dao Hoang Minh Anh
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