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Bachelor of Arts

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Duration of course
The course of study for B. A. degree shall extend over a
period of 3 academic years, each academic year is
comprised of two semesters and each semester is
comprised of 16 weeks of class work, provided that the
candidates completes his/her degree within six years from
the date of admission to the first semester of the B. A
degree course.
B. A., Course Structure
The students of B. A., Degree Course will study the
following subjects or other subjects and course contents as
may be prescribed by the university from time to time.
Language Option
 Kannada
 English
 Hindi
 Urdu.
Optional Subjects / Combinations
 HEP- History, Economics, Political Science
 HPS- History, Political Science , Sociology
 HKS- History, Kannada , Sociology
Examination : 3 Hours per paper
 Maximum marks per paper: 100
 Semester - end University Examination: 80 marks
 Internal assessment: 20 Marks
Appearance for the Examination
A Candidate should apply for all the subjects of the
semester when she appears for the examination of that
semester for the first time. Promotion to Next Higher
For admission to U. G. - III Semester, a student shall pass
at least 40% of the course of U. G - I and II semesters put
together subject to a minimum of five courses ( excluding
the courses, Environmental Science and Constitution of
India ) and
For admission to U. G. - V Semester, the student shall pass
at least 40 % of the Courses of U. G. - I to IV Semester
( Excluding the courses, Environmental Science and
Constitution of India).


Duration of course
The course of study for B.B.A. degree shall extend over a
period of 3 academic years, each academic year is
comprised of two semesters and each semester is
comprised of 16 weeks of class work, provided that the
candidates completes his/her degree within six years from
the date of admission to the first semester of the B.B.A
degree course.
B.B.A., Course Structure
The students of B.B.A, Degree Course will study the
following subjects or other subjects and course contents as
may be prescribed by the university from time to time.
Language Option
 Kannada
 English
 Hindi
 Urdu.
Regular Subjects
Regular subjects are as prescribed by the University.
Examination : 3 Hours per paper
 Maximum marks per paper: 100
 Semester - end University Examination: 80 marks
 Internal assessment: 20 Marks
Appearance for the Examination
A Candidate should apply for all the subjects of the
semester when she appears for the examination of that
semester for the first time. Promotion to Next Higher
For admission to U. G. - III Semester, a student shall pass
at least 40% of the course of U. G - I and II semesters put
together subject to a minimum of five courses ( excluding
the courses, Environmental Science and Constitution of
India ) and
For admission to U. G. - V Semester, the student shall pass
at least 40 % of the Courses of U. G. - I to IV Semester
( Excluding the courses, Environmental Science and
Constitution of India).


Duration of course
The course of study for B.C.A. degree shall extend over a
period of 3 academic years, each academic year is
comprised of two semesters and each semester is
comprised of 16 weeks of class work, provided that the
candidates completes his/her degree within six years from
the date of admission to the first semester of the B.C.A
degree course.
B.C.A., Course Structure
The students of B.C.A, Degree Course will study the
following subjects or other subjects and course contents as
may be prescribed by the university from time to time.
Language Option
 Kannada
 English
 Hindi
 Urdu.
Regular Subjects
Regular subjects are as prescribed by the University.
Examination : 3 Hours per paper
 Maximum marks per paper: 100
 Semester - end University Examination: 80 marks
 Internal assessment: 20 Marks
Appearance for the Examination
A Candidate should apply for all the subjects of the
semester when she appears for the examination of that
semester for the first time. Promotion to Next Higher
For admission to U. G. - III Semester, a student shall pass
at least 40% of the course of U. G - I and II semesters put
together subject to a minimum of five courses ( excluding
the courses, Environmental Science and Constitution of
India ) and
For admission to U. G. - V Semester, the student shall pass
at least 40 % of the Courses of U. G. - I to IV Semester
( Excluding the courses, Environmental Science and
Constitution of India).


Duration of course
The course of study for B. Com. degree shall extend over a
period of 3 academic years, each academic year is
comprised of two semesters and each semester is
comprised of 16 weeks of class work, provided that the
candidates completes his/her degree within six years from
the date of admission to the first semester of the B. Com
degree course.
B. Com., Course Structure
The students of B. Com, Degree Course will study the
following subjects or other subjects and course contents as
may be prescribed by the university from time to time.
Language Option
 Kannada
 English
 Hindi
 Urdu.
Regular Subjects
Regular subjects are as prescribed by the University.
Examination : 3 Hours per paper
 Maximum marks per paper: 100
 Semester - end University Examination: 80 marks
 Internal assessment: 20 Marks
Appearance for the Examination
A Candidate should apply for all the subjects of the
semester when she appears for the examination of that
semester for the first time. Promotion to Next Higher
For admission to U. G. - III Semester, a student shall pass
at least 40% of the course of U. G - I and II semesters put
together subject to a minimum of five courses ( excluding
the courses, Environmental Science and Constitution of
India ) and
For admission to U. G. - V Semester, the student shall pass
at least 40 % of the Courses of U. G. - I to IV Semester
( Excluding the courses, Environmental Science and
Constitution of India).

Eligibility for Under Graduation Course
 Students who have successfully completed two- year
pre university examination (PUC) conducted by the
Karnataka Pre University Board or any other
equivalent examination recognized by the Kuvempu
University are eligible to take admission to B.A, B.B.A,
B.Com and B.C.A Courses.
 Subjects studied in PUC and percentage of marks
scored in PUC will be taken into consideration for
 Students who have passed the three - year Diploma in
Commercial Secretarial Practice conducted by the
Dept. of Technical Education, Govt. of Karnataka, are
eligible to take admission to the III Sem B.Com
directly. Such students will not avail of the benefit of
exemption in any subject of the 3rd 4th 5th and 6th
Sem of B.Com.
 Same is the case with students who have completed 2
year Diploma in Business Administration. They can
take admission directly to the 5th Sem. of B.com. But
they have to clear the language subjects of 1st, 2nd,
3rd, & 4th Semesters of B.com.
 Students should submit separate forms for admission
to different courses
Admission Procedure
Documents to be submitted at the time of submitting duly
filled in Application Form
 Duly filled in application form.
 Photocopy of Marks Cards.
 Revised Caste / Income certificate.

Documents to be produced at the time of admission

 Original Marks Card or Provisional marks card duly signed by the Head
of the Institution.
 T. C. Original + One Photocopy of the same.
 Caste Certificate: SC/ST ( Five Xerox copies)
 Income certificate ( 1 + 4 copies)
 Passport size photos - 4 and stamp size photo - 1
 Undertaking - 2 copies
 Form - I.D. Card format

Fee structure will be announced at the time of admission -

Click here for Details Rules and Regulations
 Admission of candidates is made by considering the marks obtained at
the Pre-University examination.
 Students should abide by the rules and regulations in force framed from
time to time by the college authorities.
 Students will not be admitted to the college again to the succeeding
years / semester unless their attendance, progress and conduct are
 Reservation of seats will be made in accordance with the Government
rules in force. Students should submit caste / Income certificate issued
by the revenue authorities.
 At the time of admission. Original Marks Card and Transfer Certificate
of Pre-University, Caste / Income certificate should be submitted.
 Sports Quota: each class will have a seat reserved for the sportsmen.
 Students of the other colleges seeking admission to second and third
year of the course should obtain prior permission from the Registrar,
Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta.
 Students of other states, seeking admission to first year course should
obtain eligibility certificate from the Registrar, Kuvempu University,
 Using Mobile Phone on the campus is strictly Prohibited.
 If a student loses a library book, she must either arrange to replace the
book within a month or pay double the price of the book.
 Class tests will be conducted to assess the performance of the student
for the purposes of internal assessment.
 Students must read all the information put up on the notice board of the
 Parents are required to meet the principal and the class mentor
frequently to keep themselves in touch with the attendance and
progress of their wards.
 The working hours of the college will be 9.00 am to 5.00 pm

General Instruction
 Irregular attendance, indifference with regard to class
work, tests and assignments, discourtesy towards
lectures, insubordination, obscenity in word or act.
Willful damage to college property are liable for
disciplinary action which includes warning, fine,
withholdings of certificates and expulsion from the
 No student shall enter the class or leave the class
without the permission of the lecturer.
 Students who are not in the class at the
commencement of each period will be marked absent
for the period.
 Students who have no classes shall not loiter in
corridors or disturb class in progress.
 Student of each section will be under the care of a
Class Mentor nominated by the Principal. They should
be in touch with the Mentors regularly.
 The properties of the college are meant for the benefit
of the students. They must be used with care and
protected at all costs.
 Students should refrain from ragging in any form for
which an undertaking will be given to the principal at
the time of admission.
 On admission, every student will receive an identity
card, which invariably carries his passport size photo
and the principal’s signature on it. He must present the
identity card whenever it is demanded required.
 Using Mobile Phone on the campus is strictly
 If a student loses a library book, he/she must either
arrange to replace the book within a month or pay
double the price of the book.
 Class tests will be conducted to assess the
performance of the student for the purposes of internal
 Students must read all the information put up on the
notice board of the college.
 Parents are required to meet the principal and the
class mentor frequently to keep themselves in touch
with the attendance and progress of their wards.
 The working hours of the college will be 9.00 am to
5.00 pm.

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