Sundar Pichai
Sundar Pichai
Sundar Pichai
Project Report
Subject: Leadership
Semester III
Table of Content
Table of Content.............................................................................................................1
List of Figures................................................................................................................2
1. Introduction..........................................................................................................4
3.3 Real-life experiences that inspired him to take new measures ………….20
4. Conclusion..........................................................................................................22
5. Bibliography.......................................................................................................23
Declaration of Work......................................................................................24
List of Figures:
Leadership is a notion that individuals implement in their personal and professional life.
Individuals must get a grasp of the meaning and significance of leadership in order to
execute this notion in a successful and beneficial manner. They will put it into action
after they grasp what it means and how it will help them perform their work tasks
effectively and accomplish their goals. The major purpose of leaders is to provide
information, support, and aid to their subordinates in carrying out their work obligations
in a well-ordered and disciplined manner, as well as to achieve the intended goals and
objectives. When leaders are doing their job obligations or dealing with others, they
must install moral and ethical attributes that contribute to goodwill and well-being.
Furthermore, leaders must be aware of the tactics and ways available to deal with
change and ensure that they are effective and beneficial to both members and the
company as a whole. As a result, it may be claimed that those in positions of leadership
must get a thorough understanding of this notion before performing their work
1. Introduction:
Leadership, as we all know, is essential in every association and should play a major
part in the marketable world. The association's clear vision must be understood by the
leader, as well as how to attain the thing. To be a good leader, a leader must have
experience, a strong dedication to the company, moxie, and a high position of
forbearance in carrying out their arrears. A good leader can have an impact on
subordinates' performance and client happiness. To come a competent leader, one must
meliorate one's leadership development through a variety of rudiments, including
knowledge, independence, training, and exploits in a variety of professions. Strong
character and selfless dedication to an association, are the foundations of effective
leadership. Transactional and transformational leadership styles have the most impact
on results. The transactional leadership relationship is erected around the leader's
personality, traits, and capability to change through samples and challenges. Changing
leadership is a process in which leaders and subordinates work together to raise
provocation and morale situations. Individualities and associations will suffer
significant changes because of the actuality of leadership transformation. Manufacturing
and leadership can be compared to two sides of a coin that round each other. Long- term
artificial success is dependent on leadership with vision, intellect, passion, and ethics.
A fashion by which an supervisor can manage, guide, and impact the behavior and
work of others to achieve specified pretensions in each script is known as leadership. A
director's capacity to inspire confidence and zeal in his or her associates is known as
Leadership is the capability to impact others' conduct. It can also be defined as the
capability to convert a group to achieve a common purpose. Future fancies must be
developed by leaders, who must also drive organizational members to aspire to
negotiate them.
A leader possesses a variety of characteristics that make him desirable and effective in
his conduct. The rates that must be present in a good leader are as follows
1. A leader's physical appearance must be affable to the eye. A good leader's
constitution and health are critical.
2. Vision and foresight - A leader's capability to maintain influence depends on his
capability to suppose forward. He must fantasize issues and produce logical
programs as a result.
3. Intelligence - A leader must be able of analysing difficulties and grueling
situations. He should be logical, importing the advantages and disadvantages before
recapitulating the issue. As a result, having a good mindset and a mature approach
is pivotal.
4. Communication chops - A leader must be suitable to easily, precisely, and
effectively express programs and procedures. Persuasion and stimulation can both
benefit from this.
5. Ideal - A leader must have a balanced perspective that's free of bias and doesn't
reflect his amenability to help a certain person. He should form his own standpoint
and make opinions grounded on data and sense.
6. Knowledge of work - A leader should have a thorough understanding of the nature
of his inferiors' work in order to gain their trust and confidence.
7. Sense of responsibility - It's critical to have a sense of responsibility and
responsibility for one's work in order to feel important. Only through having a sense
of responsibility for the association's pretensions can a leader get the most out of his
or her capabilities. He must motivate himself and inspire the desire to perform to
his full eventuality in order to achieve this. Also and only also will he be suitable to
inspire his inferiors to achieve their full eventuality.
8. Tone- confidence and restraint - It's critical for a leader to have faith in himself in
order to gain the trust of his inferiors. He should be reliable and able of handling
delicate situations.
9. Humanist - A leader's presence of this particularity is critical since he deals with
people and has direct contact with them. He must address his workers' particular
enterprises with considerable care and attention. As a result, treating people with
humanity in mind is critical to creating a affable terrain.
10. Empathy - " Stepping into the shoes of others"is an old byword. This is critical
since it's only also that fair judgment and neutrality are possible. A leader should be
apprehensive of his or her workers' problems and complaints, as well as their
requirements and bournes. This aids in the enhancement of staff relations and
particular relations.
The breadth of leadership and its significance for the compass of company can be
understood from the below attributes essential in a leader. A leader can not retain all of
these rates at the same time. Still, a select many of them help in generating successful
the intellectual/ rational aspects of his profession and ignores the operation aspects.
The platoon/ workers are encouraged to express their opinions and make
suggestions that are in the stylish interests of the company. Only when the help are
professed, pious, educated, and intelligent does this leadership style function.
3. Democrative/ participative leadership style: Leaders invite and encourage
platoon members to share in the decision- making process, yet the leader retains
ultimate decision- making authority. The leader instructs the workers on what to do
and how to do it, while the workers partake their gests and any suggestions with the
leader. The benefits of this leadership style include happier, more motivated, and
more professed workers. It promotes a positive work terrain and encourages
invention. The sole disadvantage of this leadership style is that it's time-
4. Bureaucratic leadership: Regulatory leadership Then, the leaders precisely follow
the rules and programs of the association. They also insure that the workers/
platoon follow the regulations and procedures to the letter. Elevations are made
grounded on an hand's capability to follow organizational regulations. This
leadership style emerges gradationally over time. When safe working conditions
and high quality are necessary, this leadership style is more applicable. Still, this
leadership style hinders creativity and doesn't encourage workers to be satisfied
with their jobs.
Master Your Time Effective leaders are always suitable to manage their time
effectively. They'd know how to prioritize a list of pending tasks and conditioning. Most
importantly, kiddies would understand the distinction between' critical ‘and' important.'
Keep in mind that not everything that's critical is essential. Likewise, not everything
significant is critical.
1. Leaders will ask questions to dissect workers benefactions to the association:
and to help workers understand how they may contribute more effectively to the
association's pretensions. A leader must interrogate of his or her staff about the task
they perform, whether they believe their exertion is connected to the larger picture,
and whether there's anything impeding their performance.
2. Work- Life Balance: In moment's terrain, where working hours are adding, an
effective leader must insure that his or her workers can maintain a healthy balance
between their particular and professional life. Effective leaders should always set a
good illustration by being on time, avoiding meetings on Fridays or at the end of
the workday, and not calling staff on their days out. Remember that an effective
leader will only have effective followers if they aren't burned out or trespassed.
3. Manage Hand Professional Development: An excellent leader will constantly
work with his or her workers to make a particular development plan (PDP). He'd
determine the training that the hand would bear while keeping his own growth thing
in mind. Workers will feel valued and encouraged.
4. Allow your workers to speak: A good leader must also be a good listener. Allow
your workers to partake their minds during a" open hour. “The number of
suggestions they've will amaze you. The aphorism" Silence is Golden “should
always be followed and believed in. Your staff will feel heard, and they will have a
means of expressing themselves.
5. Brainstorming could be made easier: To induce ideas, effective leaders will
always prompt individualities to gather in a room and communicate results to a
problem. Remember that conversations are generally salutary and nearly always
help in the development of mutually respectable results.
6. Produce a Talent Pool: Astute leaders will always be prepared for a staffing
deficiency. In the event of a extremity, they will have their gift pool ready. They'll
make sure that every hand has a backup who has been trained or can be trained.
7. Be Valorous: "Whenever you see a great business, someone formerly made a
valorous decision, “says Peter Drucker. When necessary, a successful leader will be
ready to make delicate/ valorous opinions.
8. Be Competent: The skill of “tooting your own cornucopia without blowing it “is a
careful balance of flaunting your" moxie "but also" taking credit “in such a way that
others notice your accomplishments. And one of the safest ways to do it's to fete
and appreciate platoon accomplishments. Praise someone for their hard work and
be specific about what you enjoyed about it. Shaking hands is a friendly gesture
that expresses your gratefulness for their donation and achievement. As a result,
you'll demonstrate your leadership capacities.
9. Be Visionary: What lies ahead in the future is a fascinating content with a Jeremiah
appeal. This is a particularity of extreme tone- assurance that should be handled
with caution. It's critical to set clear pretensions with possible issues and prices,
rather than making pledges you might not be suitable to meet. An effective leader is
apprehensive of his objects and ensures that performance and objects are in sync.
It isn't for the faint of heart to take on the part of leader. To be honest, managing people
is one of the most delicate liabilities. You must get the most out of your platoon
members and support them indeed in the most delicate conditions. We all aspire to
manage a platoon, but have you ever considered the hurdles that a leader faces?
Remember that a leader is analogous to a boat's captain. One bad decision, and you are
criticized for everything.
A leader must earn the trust of his or her sympathizers. That, too, is a significant
difficulty. Yes, you'd be astounded to learn that the coworker who used to relate to you
as his closest friend has suddenly begun avoiding you, is invidious of your creation, and
has an issue with you being his platoon leader. A leader must first and foremost grasp
the psychology of individualities. Noway feel terrible about your associates' abrupt shift
in geste. Don't begin displaying your tyrannous demeanour. Sit down with your
inferiors and explain to them that your purpose isn't to rule over them, but to unite with
them as a platoon. Making people work together is a delicate task in and of itself Keep
in mind that if there's a problem in the platoon, you'll be held responsible. Intermediate
instantly if there are any misconstructions or competitions. Hear to all sides and address
the issue as soon as possible.
You're the platoon's public face as a leader. A platoon director should act as a go-
between for people and operation. It's your obligation to guarantee that your inferiors
are happy with their work, that their bills are paid on time, and that they're satisfied with
their jobs overall.
Leadership faces a number of external difficulties. External problems that a leader faces
include a lack of systems, a lack of backing, and a lack of client support. Your inferiors
will approach you for work, and it's your responsibility to allocate duties
tothem.However, take over incontinently, If your platoon members are unfit to bring
work from guests. You simply can not go to take a aft seat if there's a fiscal extremity
and your inferiors aren't entering their stipend on time. Unpredictability characterises
exigency circumstances. In times of extremity, a leader must support his platoon
members. You just can not escape the circumstance. Remember, no matter how much a
director cares for his people, he's always appertained to as a Hitler. A master- hand
relationship is further of a dislike than a love affair. Make your inferiors feel at ease.
Don't impel them to address you as “Sir." Respect is always commanded rather than
demanded. You must inspire your platoon members so that they would look up to you
and see you as their tutor.
Communication is critical not just for resolving leadership challenges, but also for
creating hand ties. Heads must communicate with their inferiors and give necessary
direction. It's vital for platoon directors to have regular communication with their
platoon members.
What are some of the most common problems encountered by platoon leaders?
• Workers don't admire them and regularly lie and sabotage the office.
You do not have to scarify people, but you do have to make them work as a platoon.
Remember that when issues are bandied, half of them vanish. You just need to sit down,
bandy, work out issues, and come up with ideas that will profit not only the pot but also
your platoon. Utmost of the time, we take every trouble to fix a problem except
addressing it with one another. When we start drooling between ourselves, we find that
we only have half of the result. Team leaders must encourage their workers to get down
together, address enterprises face to face, and work effects out among themselves.
Remember that every bitsy issue that goes unaddressed might lead to significant
difficulties later on. However, you have the right to speak with the person in question, If
you believe one of your platoon members isn't executing his or her job duly. Simply
displaying the exit door to staff isn't the stylish strategy. After all, how numerous staff
would you fire? In the end, you need people to work and produce. Indeed, the utmost
obstinate hand will begin to hear to you if you sit down with him in private and address
his problems. Launch the notion of daily meetings where all workers may gather on a
participated platform to bandy their guests, unite, and contribute to enterprise and
programs. Workers infrequently bandy their difficulties with their heads. It's the platoon
leader's responsibility to sit down with his platoon, assess their strengths and failings,
and work on problem areas. Remember that you were named as a platoon director
because your employer believes you're able of leading your platoon to success. Only by
communicating with your platoon members on a regular base will you be suitable to get
the most out of them. Yes, phone calls and emails are not always helpful. Face-to- face
meetings are particularly significant because they offer workers trust that their employer
is always on their side, indeed at the most critical times. You must make your platoon
feel unique in order for them to establish a sense of attachment to not just their platoon
but also to the pot. On their birthdays, anniversaries, or any other significant event,
shoot them your stylish wishes. Believe me, people will admire you further if you give
them a lovely birthday card or compliment them on their accomplishments. Noway
forget to thank them if they've done well. This would not only push them to do indeed
better the ensuing time, but it would also inspire others to pull up their socks and work
harder in order to produce new marks.
Before deciding on a clear plan for the platoon, consult with your platoon members.
Every hand must have a voice in critical opinions. Allow workers to converse, partake
their gests, bandy work, and learn from one another. Communication is a important
instrument that won't only make you a popular and well- liked leader in the business,
but will also inspire your platoon members to love, watch for, and support you fully.
It's true that if you have a decent employer, you're the luckiest hand, and if your master
doesn't support you, only God can save you! Leaders are hired to offer guidance to
platoon members while also motivating them to perform to the stylish of their
capacities. Is there any hand who admits to not working hard at work? No bone, in fact.
So, why do you believe that only a small chance of people achieve success and are
given the occasion to manage individualities? Remember that being a leader isn't for
Management is critical not just in hiring the proper individual to be a team leader, but
also in overcoming the problems of leadership. Management must recognise the value
of a leader. Is it necessary to have a boss merely for the sake of having one? Do not
appoint the incorrect individual to lead a team. This would not only demotivate the
other employees, but would also harm the working environment. The human resources
department, as well as senior management, are responsible for ensuring that the correct
person is given the opportunity to lead a team. If you are recruiting someone from
outside, make sure you examine his/her credibility, prior accomplishments, experience,
educational qualification, and, most importantly, background before issuing the
appointment letter.
If a person with little expertise or a criminal record is hired as a team leader, disaster is
unavoidable. Your workers would neither respect nor listen to such a person. No
amount of strictness, team meetings, or tough procedures can assist if the burden of
managing people is placed on the wrong person's shoulders. When current workers are
promoted to lead a time, management must use extreme caution. In such circumstances,
the problem is really greater. Employees find it easier to accept someone who is entirely
new to them rather than reporting to someone who was formerly a colleague and is now
their reporting authority. Promotions should be tied to the track record, prior
performance, behavioural abilities, attitude, and so on of the individual involved.
Employees would never accept as a leader someone who has never performed but is the
favourite of management. Trust me, you will have major issues in due course, which
will result not only in good employees resigning and going on, but also in dissatisfied
employees who are merely there to waste time and money. Management must also make
room for all team leaders. Every person has his or her unique working style. Interfere as
little as possible. You must give an individual time to perform and show himself/herself.
How can you expect someone to do really well in just one month? Even the greatest
employees would struggle to deliver in such a short amount of time. A manager needs
one to two months to understand his people and another month to get them to work and
get the most out of them.
A leader must inspire his or her subordinates. You can't expect your subordinates to
concentrate on their job if you're not serious about your own. Understanding the
psychology of your employees is the best strategy for overcoming obstacles in
leadership. A person in charge of a team of, say, five employees likewise has a reporting
boss. Analyze your relationship with your reporting authority now. How would you
react if your boss insulted you in front of everyone? Yes, you would never want to see
your boss's face again, and he or she would become your worst adversary. Yes, your
team colleagues feel the same way when you don't criticise them privately. The third
strategy for overcoming leadership issues is to foster free communication among team
members. If you believe that your duty as a team manager is to sit in a locked cabin and
sleep, you are severely incorrect. A leader must be aware of what his team members are
up to, but there is a distinction to be made between being aware and intervening.
You must provide your team members with the space they demand. The greatest
strategy to gain the trust of your team members is to sit down with them once a week
and ask if they are satisfied with their present job. Employees that are dissatisfied with
their work are the ones who cause difficulties and badmouth their company. Allow them
to air their problems, and it is your responsibility to find the most appropriate answer as
quickly as feasible. Believe me, if small faults are treated as soon as possible, you will
never have a problem later on. Communicate in front of everyone. Common policies
should be discussed in the presence of all parties so that information reaches its intended
As a leader, you must be capable of getting the most out of your team members. Set a
good example for your subordinates to follow. Make them operate together as a team.
Go out with them on occasion for sales meetings, client presentations, and so forth. You
must reassure your staff that you are always available to them, even during the most
difficult situations. A manager must defend his employees. Hold their hand and instruct
them as to what is good and wrong. Employees tend to blindly follow their leaders, thus
as a boss, you must exercise extreme caution in your behaviour. Do not rely on a single
strategy. It is always preferable to have a backup plan than to crib afterwards. It is not
necessary to be a rocket scientist to be a leader. All you have to do is treat your
subordinates with the highest respect and attention.
Team leaders play an important role in fostering employee bonds. New staff must be
integrated into the system as soon as possible. They must be familiar with the
organization's rules and regulations, as well as their counterparts. Request that the new
employee identify himself/herself in front of the other employees. Existing workers can
also provide an overview of their positions and duties within the business so that
everyone is aware of who the other person is. Individuals should be encouraged to
collaborate as a team. It is the job of team leaders to ensure that their employees realise
that everyone is working toward the same goal: earning income for the firm. Nobody is
doing anything to help the organisation. Remember that in today's corporate world, an
employee who wants to work alone will not be able to thrive. Working as a team is,
indeed, the need of the hour. Leaders must meet with their subordinates on a regular
basis and ask them to share their ideas and tactics that they believe will help them reach
their goals in the least amount of time.
Discussions must take place in an open forum where everyone may participate. Allow
them some time to make a beautiful presentation on their prior accomplishments and
what actions they believe are crucial for their professional development. Keep things
informal; otherwise, workers will never open up, and you will only learn about their
strengths, not their flaws. Yes, relatively few employees discuss their issues with their
managers. In general, they want to keep it a secret.
Encourage workers to communicate with one another, share their experiences, and learn
from one another's skills. Employees, you'd be astonished to learn, settle the majority of
their problems between themselves. They would only come to you if there was an
emergency. Request that your team members gather on a shared platform every morning
or at the end of the day to discuss their issues, grievances, work, and yes, even their
personal life. Do not attend every meeting. You can come once or twice. Employees not
only break the ice but also become closer to one another in this manner.
Sundar Pichai, the current Google CEO and an software engineer by profession, is a
role model for many. He began working at Google in 2004 and has been a part of the
company's main breakthroughs. He is also one of the world's highest-paid CEOs and
owns a significant portion of Google's parent company, Alphabet.
Sundar Pichai was born in the Indian city of Madurai on June 10, 1972. His father was
an electrical engineer, while his mother was a stenographer.
Sundar attended Jawahar Vidyalaya, a CBSE-affiliated school in Chennai, for the most
of his education, and Vana Vani School, which is located near IIT Madras, for his 12th
grade. He subsequently went on to IIT Kharagpur in Kolkata to pursue a degree in
metallurgical engineering.
Pichai earned his master's degree in Material Science and Engineering from Stanford
University. He completed his MBA from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton
School. At Wharton, he had been a Siebel Scholar and a Palmer Scholar.
Sundar Pichai began his career at Applied Materials as an engineering and product
manager before moving on to McKinsey & Company as a management consultant.
Sundar Pichai’s career started with Google in 2004 as a manager. He worked on Google
Chrome and Chrome OS, as well as other client software products. Sundar Pichai is also
the creator of Google Drive.
After Pichai demonstrated Chrome OS in 2009, the Chromebook was launched for trial
and testing in 2011. In 2012, the Google Chromebook was made available to the general
public. On March 13, 2013, Pichai introduced Android to a list of Google products he
controlled. Andy Rubin had been previously in control among all things Android.
Pichai's team was instrumental in the creation of the Google Chrome browser; he didn't
create it, but he was actively involved in its development, and it went on to become the
most frequently used online browser. On August 10, 2015, Sundar Pichai was named
CEO of Google. His appointment is done on the basis of the different items he
supervised and his outstanding decision-making ability.
3. Empower youths
Leader Sundar Pichai describes the strategy as "educating the kids, since
they are the future," "encouraging, and supporting their talents."
Today's youngsters are more concerned about the long-term
consequences of their actions, they have stopped taking chances and
attempting new tasks. However, our leader claims that taking risks might
lead to a higher position or teach a person a valuable lesson.
Google Maps
Sundar Pichai resides in the United States. The conversation took place in 2004. One of
his acquaintances asked him to supper at his home. Sundar devised a strategy with his
wife since he had to accompany her. Sundar stated that if he had to go to the office in
the morning, he would immediately go to the knowing house for supper. He requested
his wife to drive him there from their house. That instance, the woman had to go right to
supper from home, whereas Sundar Pichai had to go straight from work.
Sundar Pichai returned to his residence without eating anything. As soon as he arrived
home, his wife Anjali began an argument with him since he was late, and he was
irritated. Sundar Pichai felt it was appropriate to return to the office after seeing Anjali's
terrible attitude (at the same time at night).
Sundar had returned to the workplace and had spent the entire night there. They were
thinking the same thing all night: if I got lost, many people would be lost every day.
Something was going on that made me think about how great it would be not to be lost
in any way. He had been thinking all night that if he had the map in his pocket and the
directions were correct, he would not have gotten lost.
The next morning, Sundar Pichai summoned his whole team and floated the idea of
creating a map in front of everyone. When they heard this concept, the employees raised
their hands. The team did not believe in his notion, but he conducted meetings with
them for over two days and convinced them to build a product that would show people
the way. Sundar Pichai and his team worked hard to create Google Map in 2005 and
debut it in the United States. The next year, in 2006, it was introduced in England, and
in 2008, it was launched in India. And you already know that the maps they create serve
the purpose of presenting the correct path to the entire globe. According to one estimate,
Google Maps is used by one out of every seven people on the planet.
Google Lens
Once Sundar Pichai was with his daughter in his garden. His daughter was playing in
the garden, and he was sitting besides her. Sundar Pichai’s daughter asked the name of
flowers which were in garden to him, and he could not answer. His daughter brought
another flower and asked the name of that flower, but he could not answer that also. His
daughter got angry and made a statement that You are the CEO of the google and you
don’t even know the name of flowers. By listening to this he felt very bad and started
thinking upon it, then he got an idea of google lens that just by capturing any image it
could give its description. So he and team started working on this idea and google lens
was introduced in 2017.
4. Conclusion
We went over the most significant leadership theories in this report. Characteristics
essential to be viewed as a leader and to be successful in the job are identified using trait
techniques. Leadership qualities appear to be intelligence, emotional stability, social
competence, openness to experience, and sincerity. The sorts of behaviors that leaders
exhibit are identified using behavioral techniques. Contingency methods emerged as a
result of a failure to pay attention to the situation in which leadership happens in both
trait and behavioral approaches. Ethics has recently become a focal point of leadership
ideas like servant leadership and genuine leadership. It appears that being aware of one's
personal style and ensuring that leaders display behaviors that satisfy employee,
organizational, and stakeholder demands are critical and necessitate flexibility on the
part of leaders.
We hereby declare that the work for this research project was solely undertaken by me
and that no help was provided from other sources than those allowed. All sections of the
report that use quotes or describe an argument or concept developed by another author
have been referenced, including all secondary literature used.