ECDA Outdoor Learning Guide Book
ECDA Outdoor Learning Guide Book
ECDA Outdoor Learning Guide Book
A National Guide for
Early Childhood Educators
Outdoor Learning
September 2019
References 59
Introduction 04
This guide does not introduce a new programme or approach to outdoor learning. It provides
you with guiding principles, key ideas and practical suggestions to enrich and enhance
children’s learning and development in the outdoors. This serves to complement the Early
Years Development Framework (EYDF) and Nurturing Early Learners (NEL) Framework in
guiding your planning for outdoor learning experiences to support the holistic development
of children from ages 2 months to 6 years.
For the purpose of this guide, outdoor learning refers to outdoor experiences intentionally
provided to support children’s play, exploration and discovery in natural or urban
outdoor spaces.
This icon points out This icon presents thought- This icon shows how the
interesting facts. provoking questions for principles from the EYDF and
reflection. NEL Framework may be put
into practice.
Purpose of Outdoor Learning 05
1 Purpose of
Outdoor Learning
Our vision for outdoor learning
The outdoors offers rich sensorial experiences to support children’s growth and development.
Children should enjoy regular, frequent and meaningful opportunities to play, explore and learn
in natural environments or urban outdoor spaces — be it in a playground, neighbourhood park,
community garden, a grass patch or any open space in the immediate vicinity of your centre. Outdoor
learning can also take place on field trips to the reservoir or nature reserve.
By growing up with frequent and regular opportunities to enjoy the outdoors, children begin their
journey to becoming healthy youths and adults with active lifestyles and start to develop emotional
connectedness to their environment and community. Educators, family, and other members of
the community have a role to play in achieving this vision by demonstrating a positive attitude and
participating in outdoor activities.1
Purpose of Outdoor Learning 06
Physical activities in the outdoors can promote children’s overall health and
• Develop a sense of responsibility, care, appreciation and love of nature — Regular outdoor
experiences help children understand the importance of conservation and sustainability. The
emotional bond to nature forms the foundation for children’s subsequent understanding of
environmental issues and positive attitudes toward the environment.19, 25
Learning opportunities
in the outdoors It is important that we ensure
children experience a wide
variety of outdoor learning
The nature of the outdoors engages children in activities that allows for:
ways that are not possible indoors. Outdoor open
spaces and the unlimited resources and stimuli
available (e.g. natural sounds and materials)
provide numerous opportunities for children to
explore, discover and learn in, about and through Learning in the outdoors
the outdoors. Bringing children to the outdoors,
and using it as a physical setting
These three aspects of outdoor learning provide a to carry out the activities
useful frame for us to understand the variety and
range of experiences that children could have in the
outdoors. In reality, the three aspects are neither
distinct nor mutually exclusive but intertwined
to fulfil different purposes that are important for
children’s growth and development. Learning about the outdoors
Getting children to explore
and find out more about the
outdoor environments
(e.g. about the elements of nature
and the people and places in the
community or neighbourhood)
How can you tap the unique characteristics and opportunities available in your immediate
outdoor environment to enhance children’s learning experiences?
We envision outdoor learning to be an integral part of our children’s lives.
As outdoor learning brings about numerous benefits in terms of children’s
holistic development, health and well-being, and environmental awareness and
rootedness in their community, it is important for educators, families and the
community to play an active role in promoting outdoor learning for our children.
As educators, you are key in ensuring a variety of activities for children to learn in,
about, and through the outdoors.
Guiding Principles for Outdoor Learning 10
The Developing The Intentional The Professional The Involved The Engaged
Child Programme Educarer Family Community
Developing secure Generating Committing to Involving families Engaging the
attachments and culturally and professional as partners in the community as
confidence in developmentally standards and care, development support and
children with appropriate ethics in working and education of resources for
nurturing adults opportunities for with children, children home and centre
children’s holistic families and
development and educarers’ own
learning in a safe professional
and healthy development
Figure 1 Guiding principles for planning and implementing outdoor learning activities
Guiding Principles for Outdoor Learning 11
When you intentionally plan for children to spend time in the outdoors, children can make
meaningful connections between their indoor and outdoor experiences. There are many
opportunities for authentic learning in the outdoors, whether planned or incidental. These could
be meaningfully connected to the existing themes/topics/projects/concepts children are
exploring or skills they are developing. They could also provide the stimulus for new topics/
projects. In this way, there can be continuity in children’s learning and experiences from the
indoors to the outdoors and vice versa.
In planning outdoor activities, you should consider how children develop and learn as well
as their interests, abilities and needs. In understanding the children’s prior experiences and
attitudes towards the outdoors, you can better plan and use teaching strategies to engage
them in outdoor learning experiences. To optimise learning, you can build in small steps to
familiarise the children with the outdoors and the immediate environment around them, before
extending to exploration in greater depth.
The outdoors provides many opportunities for purposeful play and children should be given ample
opportunities to engage in varied and extended play in the outdoor environment. You can increase
the opportunities for outdoor learning by intentionally creating the space and time for children to
engage in purposeful outdoor play. At the same time, you can also place open-ended materials
and resources in the outdoors for children to explore in a variety of ways.
Guiding Principles for Outdoor Learning 13
The outdoors is invaluable in the holistic development of children, providing rich opportunities
for children’s development in the learning areas and learning dispositions. You can facilitate
children’s holistic development through meaningful outdoor experiences that enable children
to develop knowledge, skills and dispositions across different learning areas, as well as
recognise and display learning dispositions.
Think about the existing outdoor experiences provided at your centre. Which guiding
principle(s) from the EYDF or NEL Framework do they fulfil? How is/are the principle(s)
being applied?
As educators, you could take reference from the principles outlined in the EYDF
and NEL Framework to intentionally plan and conduct outdoor learning
activities for the children as part of your centre’s existing programme
or curriculum.
Practical Considerations for Outdoor Learning 14
3 Practical Considerations
for Outdoor Learning
In facilitating outdoor learning experiences, it is important to consider how to create opportunities
for purposeful play, maximise the potential of immediate outdoor spaces near your centre, as well
as take precautions for children’s and your own safety.
Child- and
Child- Teacher-
directed play directed play
directed play
• C
hildren’s role: • B
oth teacher and • T
eacher’s role:
Direct their child co-direct the Plans and facilitates
own play play experience enjoyable activities/
(e.g. play might be games that allow
• T
eacher’s role:
initiated by the child children to develop/
Provides time,
but the teacher reinforce their
space and resources;
can also guide knowledge, skills and
takes on the role
and extend play dispositions
of observer as
through prompting
children play • C
hildren’s role:
Participate in and
enjoy the activities/
games planned for
The continuum of purposeful play (Figure 2) allows for different types of outdoor learning experiences.
• Child-directed play is beneficial in promoting children’s autonomy and choice, social and
emotional development, as well as creativity and imagination.28, 29
lay that includes teacher involvement can effectively support children’s development of
conceptual knowledge and skills.30
Practical Considerations for Outdoor Learning 15
• Freedom
• Adventure
• Risk-taking
• Creativity
• Imagination
The degree of children’s autonomy and choice
in their play and learning experiences varies,
depending on the nature of the activity along
the continuum of purposeful play as shown in
Figure 2.
hat open-ended activities do the available outdoor spaces support?
ow might the activities encourage children’s need for freedom,
adventure, risk-taking, and creativity and imagination?
• How should the space be set up to encourage children’s free and
Before active exploration? How can I provide open-ended resources and
materials to facilitate a range of outdoor experiences and encourage
the outdoor freedom of choice?
activity • What is my involvement during children’s play and exploration? How
can I calibrate my involvement to encourage children’s autonomy
and choice?
• What are some things I would want to look out for when observing
and documenting children’s learning in the outdoors?
• What are the children wondering about, or trying to do? How can I
spontaneously respond to the children’s interests and needs?
During •W
hen, and how, should I comment on, participate in or ask questions
about children’s play and exploration? Would my involvement be
the outdoor meaningful and appropriate in promoting children’s autonomy and
activity choice?
hat should I document about children’s play and exploration? How
can I find out more about their thinking?
• What questions did the children ask? What were their interests and
needs when they were outdoors? How can I further extend their
interests and ideas?
After •H
ow can sufficient opportunities be provided for children to pursue
the outdoor their interests and demonstrate their thoughts and ideas? What went
activity well? What didn’t?
• How can I better incorporate children’s ideas and thinking in future
How can you empower children to explore the outdoors freely and actively so that they
can build their confidence and be motivated in self-directed learning?
Practical Considerations for Outdoor Learning 17
Children’s conceptual knowledge and skills (e.g. patterning) can be developed using natural materials in the outdoors.
Practical Considerations for Outdoor Learning 18
hat are the children’s prior knowledge, skills and interests?
hat are the learning objectives to be achieved through
Before these activities?
implementing • How can the outdoors support children in achieving the learning
the outdoor objectives?
• What are some things I would want to look out for when observing and
documenting children’s learning in the outdoors?
During • What are the children doing and what are they interested in?
ow can I find out more about their thinking and learning?
the outdoor
activity •H
ow should I facilitate, extend or deepen children’s learning?
• How do I know if the activities have met the intended learning objectives?
After •W
hat concept and skill have the children learned and developed?
the outdoor
• What can I do next to extend and/or deepen children’s learning in the
subsequent indoor and/or outdoor experiences?
Communal or shared spaces can be used if spaces within the Teachers can use mobile easels to allow for outdoor art
centre are limited. activities.
• I ncluding children’s voices and ideas in the use of outdoor spaces to promote a sense of ownership
in the outdoors.
Children can engage in pretend play using the “well” made Children can make use of natural materials in their imaginative
out of open-ended materials. play.
ovement: This could include large open spaces which allow for more unrestricted movement
(e.g. running, jumping, sliding) and playgrounds for children to engage in active and noisy play.
Mobile equipment could also be used to create flexible structures which could be easily changed
to encourage variety in children’s play, or to target particular movement skills e.g. coordination
and balancing.
Teachers can use flexible structures or materials that can be easily moved,
Children can engage in active and noisy play lined up, or redesigned to encourage different types of play and movement
at the playground. activities in open spaces.
Practical Considerations for Outdoor Learning 23
Teachers can make use of open spaces for children’s unrestricted movement.
xploration: This could include outdoor spaces with stimuli such as natural or recycled materials
intentionally provided to encourage exploration and discovery (e.g. sand pit, gardens, muddy ground,
sound walls). For very young children, teachers can provide the stimuli in a more manageable
environment (e.g. in tubs).
Teachers can provide a variety of plants for children’s The outdoors is a much less restrictive environment for
exploration. children to explore different sounds.
ocialisation: This could include both open
spaces for large group activities and spaces
which allow for small group and social
esting and reflection: This could include quiet/ •C
reativity and expression: These are spaces
hidden spaces which offer privacy and allow which children could call their own. They are
children to have personal time and space to given opportunities to express themselves and
simply connect with the outdoor environment. create artefacts or artwork, either individually
As children rest and reflect in the outdoors, or with friends.
they become more attuned to the environment
as they feel the wind blowing on their faces and
hands, observe the sky and clouds, and listen to
the sounds of people and vehicles passing by.
People The people who are present during the outdoor activity and their roles.
eploy sufficient number of adults (e.g. other
Can I meet the colleagues, parents) with the right skills and disposition
required staff to supervise the children outdoors (e.g. adults who
to child ratio have first-aid training).
for the outdoor • Adopt a staggered schedule when planning outdoor
activity to experiences for several classes. For example, instead of
ensure children bringing the entire level of children out for a neighbourhood
are well walk at the same time, consider arranging different time
supervised? slots for the outdoor activity to take place for a smaller
number of classes.
Are there •C
heck that the outdoor space is free from hazards (e.g.
potential hazards potholes, sharp edges, poisonous plants and insects,
in the outdoor broken tiles, slippery floor).
space? How can • Maintain a good distance away from nearby buildings, killer
I manage the litter zones, main pedestrian or cycling thoroughfares,
possible risks? roads, and stairway landings to avoid accidents.
• Check signage on the use and rules (if any) for the use
Is the outdoor of the space to ascertain the suitability for the children.
space suitable for
the children? • Check that the space is accessible to and allows the
participation of all children in the targeted group.
Equipment The items that are required to ensure children’s safety and well-being during
the outdoor activity and those that are available to facilitate children’s play
and exploration.
Is the equipment
• Recce the outdoor space (e.g. playgrounds) and check
at the outdoor
signage on the instructions and rules for using the
space adequate and equipment to ascertain the suitability for the children.
can all the equipment available to ensure no broken parts
Is the equipment and sharp edges before allowing children to use them.
in good working
condition? • Check and ensure there are no equipment with hot surfaces
(e.g. metal slides) before allowing children to use them.
Practical Considerations for Outdoor Learning 28
Is there a set of
standard operating
• Work with your centre leader or key personnel to develop
procedures (SOP)
the SOP for outdoor activities, including developing a
or guidelines for procedure for conducting a benefit-risk assessment.
outdoor activities in
the centre?
Are parents aware of • Make use of suitable platforms such as your centre’s
the types of outdoor orientation day, newsletter, centre handbook, and parents’
experiences planned briefing to help parents understand the importance
and provided by of outdoor learning and the types of outdoor activities
your centre? provided by your centre for the children.
These roles can come together in various ways, depending on your centre’s practices. In addition,
there are also the considerations of promoting purposeful play, maximising the learning potential of
the outdoor spaces, and taking safety precautions. The figure below shows how you could fulfil your
roles as educators while paying attention to the considerations mentioned above:
In planning for outdoor experiences, we could use BREAD^
(Benefits-Risks-Evaluation-Action-Decision) as a practical
approach to conduct a benefit-risk assessment.
Benefits C
onsider the learning potential and objectives, and in particular, how
you can create opportunities for purposeful play to promote children’s
autonomy and choice, and support their concept and skill development
through outdoor activities (refer to pages 14-18).
etermine how you can tap nearby outdoor spaces, and maximise their
potential to help meet the objectives (refer to pages 19-24).
Risks C
onduct a recce of the outdoor space. Use the PEEP (People, Equipment,
Environment and Process) model to identify the hazards and anticipate
potential issues before and during the outdoor activity (refer to pages
Evaluation E
valuate the likelihood and severity of risks and weigh them against
the benefits.
I f the benefits outweigh the risks, the outdoor activity should be
allowed to continue. Consider how risks of low to mild severity might
be mitigated to a more acceptable level. For example, if the risks on
the field are assessed to be hazardous to the children and may result
in injuries (e.g. tripping over roots growing above ground), then that
specific area could be cordoned off and children briefed to avoid that
area when playing and exploring in the field.
I f the risks identified outweigh the benefits, despite mitigating
measures, the activity should not be allowed to continue.
^ BREAD was developed by participants of the Outdoor Learning Training of Trainers Workshop in
July 2019.
Practical Considerations for Outdoor Learning 30
Action ist possible ways to mitigate the risks and maximise benefits/
tate who will be following up with the mitigating measures or actions.
ecord when the actions have been followed up.
Decision D
ecide on the activities which can be feasibly and safely carried out in
the outdoor spaces available.
rganise the equipment, materials and other preparation as required
for the outdoor activity.
uring the outdoor activity, observe the children’s play to note their questions and
interests, and respond to them meaningfully and appropriately.
apitalise on teachable moments to promote children’s autonomy and choice (refer
to the possible guiding questions on page 16).
rovide guidance and support children’s concept and skill development (refer to the
possible guiding questions on page 18).
odel positive behaviours and attitudes for children (e.g. show respect for the
environment and sense of curiosity about natural phenomena).
ncourage children to talk about and think back on their outdoor experiences and
suggest ways on how they can approach their outdoor experiences differently.
rovide connections between children’s outdoor and indoor experiences to enhance
and extend their learning.
Practical Considerations for Outdoor Learning 31
s e r v e a n d a s se ss
O b
se various methods such as observation
and engaging children in conversations
to collect information about children’s
behaviour, thoughts, and ideas during
outdoor activities.
Take photographs to document children’s activity and
ocument children’s interests, activities play for further analysis.
and learning in the outdoors (e.g.
through taking photographs/videos,
collecting their artwork or completed
activity sheets).
nalyse and interpret the information
collected to better understand the
children and inform subsequent planning
of outdoor learning experiences.
Children’s recording of their outdoor experiences can
also be a useful source of information to monitor and
assess children’s learning.
ased on the children’s experiences, identify what went well and what did not.
etermine success factors and think of ways to enhance these factors.
onsider the challenges encountered and think of ways to overcome them.
Based on the successes and challenges, modify the outdoor activities accordingly.
Practical Considerations for Outdoor Learning 32
o ll a b o r a t e a n d co m m u n ic a te
As educators are not solely responsible for ensuring outdoor learning becomes an
integral part of children’s lives, it is important to create buy-in from parents and tap
the resources in the community to enrich children’s outdoor learning experiences. To
do this, you can:
The whole centre should come together to plan and implement outdoor learning. How
can you work together with your colleagues to exchange ideas? How can you get parents
on board to support outdoor learning?
When it comes to planning and implementing outdoor activities, it is important to keep in mind:
a) creating opportunities for purposeful play to promote children’s autonomy and choice, and
developing their conceptual knowledge and skills;
b) maximising the learning potential of outdoor spaces; and
c) taking safety precautions.
These considerations need to be taken into account as you fulfil your roles
as educators in planning, facilitating, observing, assessing, reflecting on,
collaborating on and communicating about children’s outdoor
learning experiences.
Getting Started on Outdoor Learning 33
4 Getting Started on
Outdoor Learning
Making use of outdoor spaces
There are a variety of spaces that you can make use of in your immediate environment to provide your
children with enriching and meaningful outdoor learning activities. Here are some that most typical
pre-school centres in Singapore would have access to:
Outdoor playground
Community spaces
Getting Started on Outdoor Learning 34
n spaces
Neighbourhood gree
Children can explore a variety of natural materials such as mud and leaves in the outdoors.
Dramatic/imaginary play
There are boundless possibilities
in the outdoors that can engage
children in dramatic or imaginary
play. Children can make use of
playground structures, open-ended
materials, natural materials and
other outdoor stimuli to construct
scenes and negotiate story lines as
they play in the outdoors.
Children are using pool noodles as water hoses to “water” the
Getting Started on Outdoor Learning 36
Art activities
You can give children opportunities to explore using different art and natural materials
in the outdoors. The unique stimuli present in the outdoors, such as the sunlight,
shadows, and shades of colour in flora and fauna, or even the open space available,
will enhance children’s creative experiences.
All children can be given opportunities to participate in planting, harvesting, or
simply observing the plants they have grown, be it in a garden plot or in individual
pots. Gardening experiences allow children to better understand where their food
comes from, especially if they grow edible plants and herbs which they are familiar
with. Gardening also presents many opportunities for children to come into close
contact with small insects and birds. The overall multisensory experience gives
children meaningful opportunities to learn through doing and develops their sense
of responsibility and affinity for the world around them.
Children can develop a sense of responsibility and care for the The garden presents many opportunities for children to observe
environment as they take care of plants in the garden. plants and insects up close.
The outdoors is full of
stimuli for children to
observe, wonder, and
find out more about. You
can conduct activities
for children to find out
more and learn about the
natural environment, or
people and places in the
Outdoor storytelling
You can engage children in language
and literacy experiences by
conducting story-telling outdoors,
complete with props. Stories can
be intentionally selected to make
full use of the outdoor setting. For
example, think about how listening
to a story like “Walking through
the Jungle” in the outdoors can
enhance children’s experience as
they see birds flying in the sky,
hear the sound of rustling leaves
and chirping birds, and feel the
breeze blowing on their face. You
can also consider ‘messy’ activities
to complement what children read,
such as water play after reading the
book, “Mrs Wishy Washy”.
Nature/neighbourhood walks
You can bring children on regular nature/neighbourhood walks. During these walks,
children get up close and personal with nature and become familiar with their
immediate surroundings. They have the opportunity to experience the natural elements
and discover the places and features in the outdoor environment. You can also find ways
to stimulate their sense of wonder and curiosity, as well as extend their engagement
during these walks. For example, you could design a scavenger hunt that encourages
the children to observe their surroundings carefully and record their findings to be
shared with the peers.
Children can use view finders to focus their Children can engage in
Children can experience natural elements like observations of the surroundings in the scavenger hunts in the
rain during a walk in the outdoors. neighbourhood. garden.
Getting Started on Outdoor Learning 40
Case Studies
How do pre-school centres in Singapore carry out outdoor learning? Read on to find out more about
some centres’ experiences in using the outdoors to enhance children’s learning.
The children investigated natural materials they picked from the outdoors back in the classroom.
The engaged
“Kampung Cinta” had different elements such as the kampung house, washing area, water
well, and kitchen.
• Why did the teachers think of making use of “Kampung Cinta” to engage the N1 children in
learning about household chores?
Children are intrinsically motivated to mimic adults in activities such as doing household
chores. The “kampung” provided an authentic context for children to engage in activities like
cooking, washing and drying clothes, which are traditionally carried out in the outdoors. In an
outdoor setting, children could engage freely in soap and water play as they washed the clothes,
and subsequently, hung them out to dry in the sun. This also provided them with meaningful
opportunities to experience natural elements in the outdoors like wind and sun.
• What were some challenges the teachers faced in facilitating play at “ Kampung Cinta ”?
The teachers constantly had to balance between managing practical concerns and maximising
the time available for children’s play. For example, while the children were engaged in
washing clothes, they would often get carried away and wet their socks and shoes. Teachers
had to consider the trade-offs between the time required for children to take off and put
on their shoes, and children’s engagement and enjoyment in these activities. As the centre
runs a 3-hour programme, time is limited. The teachers eventually decided to maximise the
time children could spend outdoors, as they saw first-hand how the children developed their
independence and engaged in social interactions, which convinced them that it was time
• If a similar activity was carried out again, what are some areas which could have been done differently?
The activity can be extended in different ways by using children’s artwork to motivate subsequent
learning. For example, the teacher can compile the children’s paintings to create a book about
clouds, which they can then use to revisit their experiences back in the classroom. Alternatively,
the children can take photographs of the clouds that they see outdoors, and use these photographs
to tell a story about clouds. These photographs can be compiled to create a storybook which can
be placed in the reading corner.
• What could be done differently if a similar activity was to be carried out again?
In addition to the primary colours (i.e. red, blue, yellow), the teacher could provide white paint to
allow children to explore shades of colours. Through their exploration, the children might realise
that colours would get lighter as white is added. This might generate more curiosity among the
children, leading to more questions and investigation for richer and deeper learning.
For children who do not like to get dirty, the teacher could invite them to try mixing colours with
their fingers first to ease them into the activity. As children have different readiness when it
comes to the outdoors and getting messy and dirty, it is also important to make adjustments to
the activity so as to ensure that all children get to participate and engage in learning.
After the children worked together to successfully set up the obstacle course, they played it
numerous times. Their play experiences also led them to modify the obstacle course to further
challenge themselves. For example, instead of crawling through the tunnel, the children wanted
to try new ways of using the tunnel, such as climbing on, balancing on, and jumping off the tunnel.
They also took pride when they saw children from other classes enjoying the obstacle course.
The children tried out new ways of using the tunnel. The children enjoyed the obstacle course which they set up.
This project helped to nurture the learning dispositions of perseverance and inventiveness.
How might the outdoors support the nurturing of other learning dispositions?
Case study 6: “Story Walk” by PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Pioneer Blk 661B
In PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Pioneer Blk 661B, outdoor learning is a regular feature of the
children’s learning experiences at the centre. In this example, the K2 children went on a “story walk”,
inspired by one of their favourite books, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle.
They also found out more about the outdoor environment through
exploring the natural materials such as leaves, twigs, rocks and flowers. Children as
For example, the children decided to gather leaves and twigs and used co-constructors
them to create objects related to the story, such as the caterpillar’s of knowledge
home. Learning becomes enjoyable as the children explore the natural Building on their prior
materials, which also helps in strengthening their sense of wonder and knowledge from the
stories, the children
curiosity, as well as their connection with nature.
adapted their role-
To enable children to express their ideas through role-play, the teachers’ play in response to
the new materials and
role is firstly, to select a story which allows children to dramatise based stimulus present in
on their imagination in the outdoors, and secondly, ensure a conducive the outdoors.
outdoor environment for the children’s “story walk”. Besides conducting
a recce of the outdoor space prior to bringing the children out, the teacher
also observes the children and encourages them to generate new ideas
along the way, to provide opportunities for the children to exercise their
autonomy and choice.
The children came up with the idea of creating objects from the story using the natural materials they found along the way.
• We understand that the children go outdoors often in your centre. How did you gain parents’ buy-in
to the frequent outdoor activities?
Communication with the parents is important. We inform parents who are interested in enrolling their
children at our centre about the importance of outdoor learning and how it is a core feature of our
curriculum. As a result, a vast majority of our parents share the same belief towards outdoor learning
and are largely supportive of our efforts in promoting outdoor learning for the children.
We also let the parents know when outdoor learning activities are going to take place, so that they
can send the children to school with the necessary items such as mosquito repellent patches and
hats. This helps to prepare the children for the outdoor experience and creates positive associations
with outdoor learning. We also conduct a benefit-risk assessment for the different spaces used in
outdoor learning, to ensure that potential risks have been accounted for.
It is also important to provide timely updates on the children’s experiences in the outdoors to the
parents, so that they can regularly see for themselves the benefits of outdoor learning for the children.
In our centre, we provide weekly updates through the mobile application which all parents have access
to, featuring photographs and brief descriptions of the children’s outdoor experiences. The parents are
also issued with termly newsletters which provide detailed descriptions of children’s outdoor learning
activities. With that, the parents are reassured that the children are engaging in meaningful outdoor
learning activities and that helps to reinforce their support for outdoor learning in the centre.
Frequently Asked
1. S
ingapore’s weather can be either too hot or rainy.
How can we conduct outdoor activities in such a climate?
When in the outdoors, take sun protection measures such as wearing a broad-
brimmed hat, using sunscreen and wearing sunglasses.
Look out for shady places nearby to retreat to if necessary, and remind the children
to drink water regularly to prevent dehydration.
Conduct outdoor activities when the ultraviolet (UV) index is likely to be lower.
You can check the hourly UV index on the National Environment Agency website
In the rainy season, check for lightning
information on the Meteorological
Services website (
lightning) or the Weather@SG mobile
a p p l i c a t i o n b e f o re b r i n g i n g t h e
children out.
• In case of rain when children are outdoors, ensure that they put on their raincoats
or use an umbrella. This will allow them to enjoy the outdoors while staying dry.
2. M
y centre has a curriculum and the programme is packed with
planned activities. How can I possibly squeeze in more time for
outdoor learning?
T here are always opportunities to integrate outdoor learning into existing
curriculum plans and activities. For a start, go through your planned activities
and identify those that can be conducted outdoors instead of indoors. Talk to your
colleagues and share ideas on how these activities can be brought outdoors.
Frequently Asked Questions 52
Think about how the unique characteristics of the outdoors can be tapped to
enhance children’s learning experiences. For example, if it is an art activity,
could children draw inspiration for their artwork from the shapes and colours of
the flora and fauna around them, or from the lines and patterns present in the
buildings and structures in the neighbourhood?
Alternatively, for a project- or theme-based curriculum, consider introducing
more outdoor-based projects or themes. That would be a natural way to introduce
more outdoor activities for the children as they carry out the project or engage
in theme-based activities.
4. T
here are children with additional needs in my class. How can I
go about planning outdoor learning experiences for them?
For a start, you need to be familiar with the needs of the individual child, and
the concerns of the parents before coming up with a plan for outdoor learning
for the child. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, as every child is unique
and different.
• I f the child has physical challenges, consider making the space accessible for the
child, and putting in mobility aids enroute to, and within the outdoor spaces so
that the child can move about independently. You could also work with the parents
to make slight adjustments to the child’s routines to facilitate outdoor learning,
e.g. encouraging the parents to dress the child in long pants to avoid scratches
if the child is prone to falls.
5. A
s an educator, I find bringing children outdoors daunting.
How should I get started?
Start small! You could bring the children out to an area familiar to you for a
shorter duration with simple activities to gain confidence, before planning and
conducting more extended periods of exploration outdoors, or more elaborate
outdoor learning activities.
Books and the Internet are also wonderful resources for educators. Look for ideas
online and in books, then tailor them for your children, considering the guiding
principles for outdoor learning, your centre’s approach to outdoor learning in the
curriculum, and your children’s interests and needs.
You could seek advice and learn from fellow educators who are more experienced
in planning outdoor activities through formal networking channels or informally
through your own contacts. Do not be afraid to ask more senior educators, or
even your centre leaders for advice. They want to help you succeed in creating
meaningful outdoor learning experiences for your children too.
Frequently Asked Questions 54
8. The parents at my centre have so many concerns about children
going outdoors, such as mosquito bites, sunburn, germs and
risk of falling. What can we do to convince them and address
their concerns?
• S
hare information on the benefits and importance of outdoor play to convince
parents (refer to pages 6-8). You can do this through numerous channels such as
centre-based workshops, newsletters and emails with articles on the benefits of
outdoor learning.
Explain to parents the rationale behind your centre’s approach and practices for
outdoor learning. The best time to do this might be before they enrol their children
at your centre. That way, expectations with regard to outdoor learning are laid out
right from the start and you are less likely to face resistance thereafter.
• O
n a regular basis, you should also let parents know of their children’s experiences in
the outdoors, e.g. through photographs in the newsletter or displays at the parents’
corner in the centre. When parents see the children enjoying and benefitting from
the outdoors, they are more likely to support your efforts in outdoor learning.
• F
or parents with valid concerns, e.g. safety of children with additional needs, work
with them individually to come up with a customised approach towards outdoor
activities for their children, so that their children may continue to enjoy the benefits
of outdoor learning.
11. O
ne of the outdoor spaces I frequently use is the playground in
my centre. This is a shared space which is also used by other
children in the premises during the weekends. Sometimes,
the structures children have created in the playground get
destroyed and they are very affected by it. What can I do to
manage this?
• This is an excellent learning opportunity for the children to learn about collaborating
with others to create common spaces that all can enjoy.
• You can also explore having the children put up hand-written signs to help others
understand that they should respect and not destroy the children’s creations.
12. O
pen-ended and found materials sound great! Where can
I get hold of materials like old tyres, wooden planks and
recycled items?
• This is where you need to be resourceful! There are many places where you can
obtain open-ended materials for children’s outdoor play. Try approaching:
- NParks for logs, branches and trimmings;
- N eighbourhood shops for items like large cardboard boxes, tyres,
and wooden pallets;
- Contractors for pipes, wood trimmings, and tiles;
- Nurseries for gardening materials; and
- Online communities and social enterprises to crowdsource recycled materials,
unused items, and other objects.
Frequently Asked Questions 57
• Do not forget to tap parents as resource people! Some of them may work in, or have
connections to places which can supply cheaply (or for free) items for children’s play.
For example, one centre received leftover concrete slabs for their garden from one
of the parents’ renovation projects. Let the parents know what resources you are
looking out for and you may be surprised with what they can help you with!
14. S
ince the outdoors is full of surprising and unexpected stimuli,
how can I make sure that my class is equipped to make full use
of these stimuli at all times?
• Children must be equipped with the dispositions to observe and ask questions
about their observations from the outdoors. To develop these dispositions in
children, you should firstly, carefully select the activity and outdoor space to
elicit such observations and questions. You could also role model a sense of
wonder and curiosity in the outdoors, and facilitate children’s process of finding
out answers to their questions. Over time, children will demonstrate these
dispositions naturally and this will lead them to notice and explore the stimuli
around them in the outdoors.
• There are also resources which support observations and investigations in the
outdoors. Consider putting together an “Explorer’s Bag” with items such as a
magnifying glass, binoculars, a plain sheet of white cloth to set items on for closer
observation, a camera, a container, some pencils and paper for quick recording or
sketches. These items will help your children to carry out closer investigation and
exploration of what catches their attention in the outdoors.
Frequently Asked Questions 58
15. E
ngaging in water play may result in wastage of water and
this is not environmentally friendly. How can we manage
water wastage, so that children can still enjoy the benefits of
water play?
• Water play is also an opportunity for children to learn about water conservation.
Consider placing large containers to collect the water as they play with them.
Children can then reuse the water in these containers for continued water play.
At the end of the water play session, the water can be used to water plants in
the garden.
• We can also make use of rainwater for water play. If space at the centre permits,
set out large containers to collect rainwater for the children’s play. However, do
note that the water should be used soon so that it does not become a mosquito
breeding ground! After the water play session, we can similarly collect them to
water the plants at the garden.
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