Safety Management Unit Test Ans
Safety Management Unit Test Ans
Safety Management Unit Test Ans
• The determination of the goals and objectives of an enterprise and achieving them by
o Alternative consideration
o Policies
o Programs
o Procedure
• To achieve goals and objectives by activity devoted to
o Clearly identifying
o Defining
o Determining courses of action before initiation
• To determine plan of action required to achieve goals
• To assign responsibilities
• To plan for monitoring and review
• Make worker safety and health a core organizational value.
• Fully committed to eliminating hazards, protecting workers, and continuously improving workplace safety and
• Provide sufficient resources to implement and maintain the safety and health program.
• Visibly demonstrate and communicate their safety and health commitment to workers and others.
• Set an example through their own actions.
In absence of a PLAN, people will perform actions without any directions. A proper plan gives direction to safety activity.
Based on periodicity it could be
• Strategic planning, annual planning, Safety promotional planning, Safety training planning etc.
Planning for Preventive action, motivational activity & monitoring activity like
• HIRA, Safety training, LOTO system, Work permit system, toolbox talk etc
• Safety contest, safety awards, National safety day celebration etc
• Safety inspection, safety audits, Accident investigation and analysis etc.
Que 2. Roles of management in view of SHE / Explain “Mgt by objective (MBO)” & its role in safety
• Setting objectives – objectives should be defined before inputs are released. Safety performance needs to be
measured and concerned people should be rewarded
• Gather facts – facts should be verifiable and agreed upon data. They should be supported by hard evidence to which
all mgt. staff should agree
• Develop a solution and options – Develop several alternative solution before manager select optimum solution.
• Screening options – Decision making refers to choosing one alternative out of all available.
• Establish security action – If you find solution like fix the guard, you should also consider of interlocking it.
• Gain acceptance – In safety solutions without acceptance by the people, it will never be implemented.
• Implement the decision – No safety solutions can be implemented without three important factors – Manager,
subordinates and discipline situation.
• It consist of Board of Directors and Chief executive officers (BOD & CEO)
• CEO is also called General manager (GM) or Managing director (MD) or president
• BOD are shareholders
• CEO is selected by BOD of an organization
Que 5. Types of safety training and evaluation / Write down different training methods and strategies?
All the method of training other than on job training are off the job trainings. Types of off the job trainings are
Lectures are arranged on safety awareness, new advance techniques, law provisions for safety etc. Lectures may be
arranged in company premises or outside with the aid of expert.
Group discussion
GD arranged on specific subject or occasion such as table top exercise after mock drill in disaster control planning,
before plant shutdown etc
Training of operation control of continuous process plant can easily and safely imparted by simulation method
Seminar arranged by various educational institutes, voluntary organizations provides advance knowledge, techniques on
the subject.
Case study presentation of accident taken place in plant will give knowledge of situation in right perspective to people.
• Blackboard or whiteboard. This may be the most “old-fashioned” method, but it can still be effective, especially if
you invite trainees to write on the board or ask for feedback that you write on the board.
• Overhead projector. This method is increasingly being replaced with PowerPoint presentations, which are less
manually demanding, but overheads do allow you to write on them and customize presentations easily on the spot.
• Video portion. Lectures can be broken up with video portions that explain sections of the training topic or that
present case studies for discussion.
• PowerPoint presentation. Training materials are provided on CDROM and displayed on a large screen for any
number of trainees. Employees can also use the programs individually, which allows for easy make-up sessions for
employees who miss the group session.
• Storytelling. Stories can be used as examples of right and wrong ways to perform skills with the outcome of each
way described.
Que 6. Safety committee & safety instrument development / Safety committee structure and functions
Ans. Structure:
• Chairman – Should be senior person who by position in the organization can contribute effectively to the
functioning of the committee.
• Secretary –Should be safety officer of the organization.
• Management representatives – each from Production, maintenance and purchase dept.
• Worker’s representatives – elected by workers, number of people equal to Mgt. representatives.
• Medical officer – if available should be member of committee.
It is the amount of power given to a particular position for taking an independent decision with respect to man, material,
money, machinery & equipment.
It is defined as subject to the obligation to report, explain, or justify something; answerable. A leader is answerable for
the performance of the operation for which he has authority and is responsible.
Authority may be delegated to subordinates. However, even though the general manager is delegated the authority, he
or she still has the responsibility to ensure that work done properly.
It is defined as a particular burden of obligation upon a person who is responsible.
A Responsible is defined as answerable or accountable, as for something within one’s power or control.
Therefore a leader is responsible and has responsibility for the operation for which he/she has been given authority
Means authorizing another person to take decision on one’s behalf. It does not mean giving away one’s overall
responsibility. Proper use of delegation helps one to pay attention to more important activities. It also helps in
developing subordinates.
Decentralization of authority
In early days the major authority remains with top management. Advantage of central authority is decision taken with
entire business in view. But in today’s high competitive market one cannot wait and this situation has necessitated
decentralizing the authority down the line. The decision regarding achieving target and other related issue is left to the
people down the line. This method helps quick decision making and also gives more freedom to perform