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Unit 9 - Planet Issues Study Guide

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Go to page 4 to learn and practice vocabulary.

Go to page 6 to check the language focus.

 What are environmental or planet issues?

Environmental issues are essentially problems of human
behavior. These issues are defined as harmful effects to the
Earth and its natural systems due to actions of humans.



Natural resource depletion Generating unsustainable waste

Waste disposal Deforestation
Loss of biodiversity Ozone layer depletion
Acid rain Urban sprawl
Public Health issues Genetic modification of food


POLLUTION: Introduction of harmful materials (pollutants) into
the environment. There are 7 key types of pollution: air, water, soil,
noise, radioactive, light and thermal.

SOIL DEGRADATION: Erosion, overgrazing, overexposure, to
pollutants, monoculture planting, soil compaction, land-use
conversion and more are the main causes of soil degradation.

OVERPOPULATION: The population of the planet is reaching

unsustainable levels as it faces a shortage of resources like water,
fuel and food.

OVERFISHING: Catching fish is not inherently bad for the ocean,

except for when vessels catch fish faster than stocks can replenish.
It affects natural ecosystems and leads to an imbalance of ocean
life. Moreover, it has a negative impact on communities that
depend on fishing to support their living.


GLOBAL WARMING: it refers to the long-term heating of the
Earth’s climate system observed since the pre-industrial period
(1850-1900) due to human activities. This is only one aspect of
climate change. It is commonly measured as the average increase in
Earth’s global surface temperature.

CLIMATE CHANGE: Scientists describe it as the complex shifts

now affecting our planet’s weather and climate systems. It
encompasses global warming, but refers to the broader range of
changes that are happening to our planet. These include rising sea
levels, shrinking mountain glaciers, accelerating ice melt in

Greenland, Antarctica and the Arctic; and shifts in flower/plant
blooming times.

OCEAN ACIDIFICATION: it is a direct impact of excessive

production of CO2. 25% of total atmospheric CO2 is produced by
humans. The oceans acidity has increased by the last 250 years, but
by 2100, it may shoot up by 150%. The main impact is on shellfish
and plankton in the same way as human osteoporosis.

QUESTION TIME! What are you doing to take care of the

planet? OR What would you like to do to
help take care of our planet?
What kind of pollution bothers you most
on a day-to-day basis?

If you want to know more about our planet and what’s going on in
different countries to improve mother Earth, you can check out the

- Down to Earth – Netflix show

- Seaspiracy – Netflix documentary
- David Attenborough’s: A life on our planet – Netflix
- Our Planet – Netflix
- Life in Colour with David Attenborough – Netflix
- Kiss the Ground – Netflix
- Seaspiracy debunked by a marine biologist – YouTube

What other shows, movies, documentaries or videos about this

topic would you recommend us?
 Match the items in column A to those in column B.
overuse of foods
climate scheme
urban warming
global waste
genetically modified (gm) development
toxic power
solar/wind pesticides
recycling change

 Which environmental problems can you see in the pictures?
Which one are you most concerned about?
- Air /water pollution
- Nuclear power
- Deforestation
- Endangered species
- Rubbish
- Global warming

 Use the words/phrases in the list to complete the
laws ecosystem aware
packaging warnings reserve
bank energy forms habitat
habitat protection farming

1. If everyone was environmentally _____________ the world would be

a better place to live in.
2. A lot of companies have made great effort and now put their products
in biodegradable _____________.
3. Organic ___________ is becoming more and more popular because
people know that the fruit and vegetables are free from chemicals.
4. Many countries are choosing to use alternative ____________
because they know that fossil fuels are not infinite.
5. If there is not a balanced ___________, many plants and animals will
eventually die.
6. She believes in recycling: she makes a weekly trip to the bottle
7. Animal _____________ is an important part of the work of the World
Wildlife Fund.
8. The main point of a wildlife ___________ is that animals live in their
natural _____________.
9. Governments bring in water consumption ___________ during a
period of drought.
10. Unfortunately, people haven’t been listening carefully enough to anti-
pollution __________.

 Words often confused (use a dictionary)
- Underline the correct item.
a. An international agreement has been reached to halt the
devastation/destruction of the ozone layer.
b. Deforestation is causing great disaster/damage to many of
the world’s rainforests.
c. If global warming continues, we will suffer the
d. Overpopulation is posing a threat to Earth’s
e. Many charitable organizations contribute towards
starvation/famine relief.
f. Most of the rubbish/residue collected from the city is
dumped in landfill sites.
g. Toxic waste/sewage is responsible for polluting many rivers.
h. Exhaust fumes continue to pollute/contaminate the air,
causing serious breathing problems.
i. We were told to deposit/discard our empty bottles in the
recycling bin.
j. There has been a decline/lowering in the demand for GM

 Phrasal Verbs
- Match each phrasal verb with its meaning.

Phrasal verb Meaning

Cut down on be alert in order to find
Wrap up cover
Use up consume
End up with finish
Throw away stop using
Give up have as a result
Look out for reduce
End up get rid of

- Now, let’s practice them in context. Fill the blanks with the
corresponding phrasal verb.

Meat production requires a lot of land and __________ a lot of water. If you
don’t want to _________ meat completely, try __________ the amount of
meat you eat.

It may be fashionable to buy bottled water, but tap water is just as good.
Filters can be used to improve the taste and you don’t _________ a pile of
plastic bottles that have to be __________.

If your food is ____________ in paper and plastic, how much of it can be

recycled? Read the green guide to recycling and try to ___________ products
with less packaging.

The UK uses around 10 billion plastic bags every year. Most of them aren’t
biodegradable and they ________ in landfill sites. Switch to a re-usable
carrier for your shopping.

 Idioms and Fixed Phrases
Take effect: to produce intended results.

“We hope that the environmental measures will take effect soon, that way
we will recover our planet slowly but surely.”

Toxic waste: poisonous waste products from factories, etc.

“Toxic waste can harm people, animals, and plants, whether it ends up in the
ground, in streams, or even in the air.”

Energy crisis: the shortage of fossil fuels and alternative sources of energy.

“Gas prices are spiking and the energy markets are coming under increasing
pressure. The combination may lead to a bleak winter due to an energy

Short supply: limited amount.

“Gasoline is in short supply.”

Environmentally friendly: not harmful to the environment.

“The environmentally friendly person is the person who moves through life
with an awareness of how natural resources are used to create and support
the life that they live.”

Genetically engineered: something that has been altered by changing the


“Genetically engineered (GE) foods have had their DNA changed using genes
from other plants or animals.”

Make a difference: have a big effect on something.

“Always take a reusable shopping bag. You can make a difference by

avoiding plastic.”

Face extinction: almost die out.

“Mammoths faced extinction a long time ago, but scientists are planning on
bringing them back to life by genetically resurrecting the species.”

 Prepositions

Write sentences with the following:

To dispose of something:

In the wild:

Under control:

Affected by something/someone:

Lack of something:

Harmful to:

Under threat:

To suffer from something:

In danger:

In captivity:

Go to page 160 and do exercise 2c.

Go to page 161 and do exercise 4a.

Go to page 166 and do exercise 3a (Read the article first).

Go to pages 168-169 and do the English in use exercises.

Go to pages 170-171: we consider it is important that you learn how to write

a review, therefore we invite you to check out the content of these pages
and in case you have questions, reach out to your teachers to solve your

Go to pages 172-173 and do exercise 5.

List of visited websites:



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