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Pe Eunwoo

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Answer and accomplish the following.

1. How can you defined and elaborate physical fitness in your own words?
Answer: In my own words, physical fitness is defined as the capacity to do tasks without being
overly tired. It is the capacity to carry out everyday tasks with the best performance, endurance,
and strength while managing illness, fatigue, and anxiety and engaging in less sedentary
behavior. This depth of knowledge is more than just being able to move quickly or lift heavy
2. What are the components of health-related physical fitness? Give its definition and cite an
1. Cardiovascular endurance is defined as the capacity of the cardiovascular system to function
with each other to supply the body with the necessary oxygen and fuel over lengthy periods of
Among the examples are jogging, cycling, and swimming. The Cooper Run is most commonly
used to evaluate cardiovascular endurance.
2. Muscular strength refers to the amount of pressure that a muscle can generate.
A few examples are the bench press, leg press, and bicep curl. The push-up test is commonly
used to evaluate muscular strength.
3. Muscular endurance is defined as the capacity of the muscles to function constantly without
becoming fatigued.
Among the examples are cycling, step machines, and elliptical machines.  The sit-up test is
commonly used to evaluate muscular endurance.
4. Flexibility refers to a joint's capacity to move within its available range of movement.
An example of this is an individual muscle stretching or the capacity to work certain functional
motions, including the lunge. The sit and reach test is commonly used to evaluate flexibility.
5. Body composition refers to the proportion of fat mass to lean muscle mass, bone, and organs.
Underwater weighing, skinfold measurements, and bioelectrical impedance can all be used to
determine this. Underwater weighing is recognized as the "gold standard" for body fat
assessment, but, due to the size and cost of the equipment required, only a few facilities are
equipped to do this type of measurement.
Examples are squatting, lunges, push-ups, burpees, and planks can help to alter the body at
3. What are the components of skill-related physical fitness? Give its definition and cite an
1. Agility is defined as the capacity to change and manage one's body's direction and posture
while maintaining a steady, quick motion.
For example, changing directions to strike a tennis ball.
2. Balance is defined as the ability to manage or balance one's body while standing or moving.
For example, in-line skating.
3. Coordination is defined as the capacity to use one's senses in combination with one's body
parts while moving.
For example, consider dribbling a basketball. Hand-eye coordination refers to the ability to use
both your hands and your eyes at the same time.
4. Speed is defined as the capacity to move your body or portions of your body quickly. Various
sports depend on speed to gain an advantage over competitors.
For example, a basketball player executing a rapid break to perform a dunk, a tennis player going
forward to get it to a drop shot, or a football player chasing the defense to receive a pass.
5. Power is defined as the capacity to move the body parts quickly while generating maximal
muscular power. Power is the combine of speed and muscular power.
For example, fullbacks in a football muscle their way through the opposing teams and rush to
move the ball, and volleyball players go up to the net and push their bodies high into the
6. The reaction time is defined as the capacity to reach or respond rapidly to what you listen to,
see, or feel.
For example, in a swimming or racing relay, one of the athletes gets out of the blocks quickly, or
a baseball player steals a base.
4. Share trends in physical fitness that you know and that may help you solidify why physical
fitness is important for a better life.
Answer: One of the latest trends in physical fitness is to walk the walk. While at-home exercises,
particularly walking and hiking in the great outdoors, have increased in popularity. It's really no
wonder that going outside is one of the best ways to enjoy low-impact exercise in the outdoors,
eliminate issues, and improve our mental health. Walking, as well as regular exercise and
physical activity, helps to build strong muscles and bones. It improves respiratory,
cardiovascular, and overall fitness. Being physically active can also help us maintain healthy
body weight, lower our risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, as well as several
5. Why do you think it is important to know the Principle of Physical Fitness?
Answer: Understanding the importance of the Principle of Physical Fitness enables instructors to
monitor the stress and worry (exercise load) exerted on the individual who engages in exercise in
order to make the training safe and secure, helping the individual to accomplish their goals. The
Principle of Physical Fitness is the greatest way to attain the finest results in exercise and fitness.
Our body is an extraordinary system that responds to different stimuli in different ways, and our
brain is continuously working to protect the body from risks such as putting too much stress and
worry on the muscles and tendons from continuous all-out intense exercise. Applying the
Principle of Physical Fitness into our fitness routine will guarantee that we obtain the best
outcomes in the shortest amount of time while avoiding injury and overtraining. However, if not
performed appropriately, it can be difficult. As a student, I have the understanding to establish a
progressive program specifically intended for myself and my fitness goals by browsing the

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