Summary of Items Discussed in APSEC Discussion Forum On 16 March 2012
Summary of Items Discussed in APSEC Discussion Forum On 16 March 2012
Summary of Items Discussed in APSEC Discussion Forum On 16 March 2012
Items proposed by Convenors for Discussion Summary of Discussion and BD’s Responses
3. Definition of Hangers under Element of Construction
Catwalks and overhead maintenance corridors of steel BD advised that catwalks and overhead corridors are sometimes provided to
construction are common in some buildings such as effect maintenance to plant and services, they are not performing the
theatres, halls, public transport terminus, etc. Are these function as floor/ beam/ column, which together with hanger are grouped as
construction considered as “hanger” under the definition of “Element of Construction”, hence they are not required to have FRP/ FRR.
“Element of Construction”, thereby requiring FRP in the old Whilst such catwalks and overhead corridors offer exit for authorized/
FRC Code or FRR in the new Fire Safety Code? It has been maintenance personnels thereon, there is no requirement for such exit routes
hard to draw a line between more extensive hanger to have FRP/ FRR.
construction such as catwalks and less extensive hanger
construction such as false ceilings but the requirements on
FRC/FRR can be of great implications to construction
method and cost. Can BD provide more guidelines on the
6. Minor Works
There have been difficulties faced by AP/RMWC Members raised that, for minor works, especially those requiring only
submitting minor works completion records where BD after notification to BD upon completion, it would be difficult to comply with
audit checking in a few months from the works completion BD’s comments to the works if they were given a few months after the
issue major comments on the submitted records for Minor notification. Further, members requested for a contact point for enquiry on
Works or even objection to the works classification. Can minor works, especially on the structural aspect.
BD commit to a period within which objection or comment
may be issued so that rectification work can be made within BD requested HKIA to give examples on enquiry issues for review. Besides,
reasonable time but not after user-occupation or long into BD advised that MWCS is a self-regulating control system which allows
license application procedures, etc.? “minor works” to be commenced or carried out under the “simplified
requirements” by prescribed building professionals (PBP)/prescribed
registered contractors (PRC). Bearing in mind that the PBP/PRC have the
obligation to ensure the subject works are in compliance with the BO and
other enactments and should not rely on BD’s audit check on the
documents/works engaged by them. Minor Work Unit has advised that
taking into account of large number of minor works submissions received by
BD and the limited resources currently available for handling of the
submissions, BD is not yet ready to commit a pledge on replying PBP/PRC.
If PBPs have queries relating to minor works, they are welcome to screen
the cases involved and outline the scope before raising the example cases for
the enquiry services. The general enquiry relating to minor works may be
sent to e-mail address .
and not accountable for such a recessed notional passage
- Measuring the Height of Protective Barriers - In measuring the height of protective barrier, the height should be
generally measured from the finished floor level to the top of protective
barrier. This principle applies to the case for a solid curb (which is built
at the lowermost of the protective barrier) of not more than 150mm high
and with a maximum of 75mm width measured from the inner surface of
the protective barrier. For cases not meeting the dimensional
requirements of the solid curb as stated above, the height of the
protective barrier should be measured from the finished level of a solid
curb to the top of the protective barrier. For certainty, details of the
barriers may be provided for agreement.
- Definition of “Atrium” and “Void” in New FS Code - Please refer to item 4 (on Clause C10.3) in the Summary of Discussion
for the Forum held on 6.1.2012. The outcome has been incorporated in
the final version of the FS Code promulgated on 2.4.2012.
- Response to queries on the New Fire Safety Code - Responses to HKIA’s list of enquiry items regarding the FS Code
generally submitted on 18.11.2011 had been sent out on 10.4.2012.
12. Update of revised quality supervision for precast concrete BD had reviewed the requirements on quality supervision for precast
construction proposed by HKIE. concrete elements construction. BD expressed that the requirement of
monthly inspection by an RSE to the precast factory in the Mainland China
has its functional purpose for ensuring quality precast products. However,
BD realized the practical difficulty of the industry and proposed an
alternative option of conducting testing/inspection of precast concrete
elements when they are delivered to construction site. In parallel, BD also
proposed to amend the TCP of the RGBC stream from TCP (T3) to TCP
(T1) but maintained the requirement of monthly inspection by the AS.
BD also took the opportunity to clearly specify the quality supervision for
in-situ reinforced concrete works, i.e. qualification of not lower than an TCP
(T3) and TCP (T1) for the RSE and RGBC stream respectively. The
proposal details would be tabled at the coming BSC/APSEC Meeting in
13. Clarification on FRP requirements for structural element on BD advised that in general, roof beams and slab are not required to have
Roof, i.e. whether roof beam & slab have any FRP FRP/FRR but should be constructed of non-combustible materials.
requirement. However, the roof of a single-staircase building in which the level of the
highest floor is more than 13m above ground level, or the roof of a building
which is designated as a refuge roof, should have FRP/ FRR – paras. 4 & 13
of the FRC Code (Section 3 in Part A and Clause C12 of the FS Code 2011)
refer. Moreover, in case the failure of the roof members will affect the
global stability of the building, or where the roof is accessible and functions
as a load-bearing floor, such roof members should also achieve the FRP/FRR
14, The acceptance criteria of allowable load bearing capacity BD advised that Table 2.1 of the Foundation Code only provides the
of rock other than granite and volcanic rock (table 2.1 of the allowable bearing capacity for granite and volcanic rock. For other rock
CoP on Foundations refers). types, the measure of total corer recovery, point load index, etc as specified
in Table 2.1 of the Foundation Code may not be adequate. In this
connection, RSE in consultation with RGE may make reference to other
relevant design guides (e,g, GEO 1/2006) and submit the set of testing
requirements to justify the rock has the bearing capacity as prescribed in
Table 2.1 of the Code.
15. The possibility of adoption existing GI reports conducted BD advised that there would be no fundamental objection for allowing an
under site supervision of other AP & RGE in accordance RSE to adopt the GI works by other AP or RSE on the conditions that:
with CoP on Site Supervision i) The GI works were carried out in accordance with the Integrated Site
Supervision System implemented in 2005; and
ii) The RSE should formally write to BD that the GI information are
correct and appropriate to be adopted as the supporting documents for
the foundation submission of the project.
BD expressed that additional verification boreholes may be required to
substantiate the accuracy of the GI information.
16. Testing criteria on aging effect for stone used in cladding BD advised that internal review was being conducted. PNAP APP-16
submission. might be amended to specify the testing requirements for BSC/APSEC
members' comments.
17. Completion certification procedures for A&A works involve BD advised that the appointment of a Specialist Contractor (Demolition)
large scale demolition. for A&A works was clearly specified in relevant PNAPs. Submission of
BA14A is therefore required for demolition works involving the appointment
of Specialist Contractor (Demolition).
18. Can we ignore transient wind load induced by adjacent BD advised that wind loading from the adjacent existing building(s) had to
structures when assessing the settlement of ground in an be considered. For strength design of structural members of the E&LS
ELS proposal? works, full wind loading from adjoining existing building(s) should be
adopted in the design. However, BD would review the possibility of reducing
the wind loading for ground movements assessment if there was no safety
problem on the adjoining building, street, services, etc.
19. To avoid clashing with existing reinforcement, sometime we BD considered that these types of works are not within the scope of the
need to adjust the location of bolts for temporary steel PNAP 272 therefore an amendment submission and corresponding consent
works of precautionary measures for demolition works. As application should be made. Besides, the approval plans facilitate staff of
these temporary works will be removed upon completion of Site Monitoring Section to control the building works of an active
demolition works, will BD accept structural justification construction site. HKIE might make proposal on very minor relocation of
with record plan instead of amendment submission? base plates to BD for consideration.
20. Under current APP-68 (previously known as PNAP-173), BD clarified that PNAP APP-68 for cantilevered structures to adopt a
the structural design of cantilevered structure with span beam-slab construction if the span exceeding 1000mm is advisory. BD
more than 1000mm should use a beam-and-slab type of would consider RSE’s proposal case by case with due consideration of global
arrangement instead of pure slab cantilever. Recently, stability and safety, i.e. reduced working stress of rebars, detailing of rebars
most of the new residential buildings in Hong Kong have arrangement, etc. HKIE’s suggestion on limit the working stress of rebars,
balconies with a cantilever span of 1200mm to 1500mm. concrete cover etc. are already given in the PNAP.
For aesthetic reason, most architects would like to have a
thicker pure cantilever slab for the balcony, instead of
having the edge beams. Also, when the width of the
balcony is only half way across the living room, the
anchorage detail for the cantilever beam is much more
difficult to construct. We understand that the APP-68
advised to increase the slab thickness inside the flat in order
to have a straight re-bar; however, the slab would need to be
at least 300mm thick which will increase the concrete
volume a lot & reduce the clear headroom of the normal
residential unit. We would like BD to allow and consider
using pure cantilever slab construction for span up to
1500mm. The minimum cover and slab thickness can be
increased, and the design service stress at re-bar will still be
limited to certain value.
- Diagram B3: Open Plan Layout - One of the d1 should - One of the annotations “d1” in Diagram B3 has been deleted in the final
be deleted. version of the FS Code promulgated on 2.4.2012.
- Diagram B4: Balcony Approach - One of the d2 should - One of the annotations “d2” in Diagram B4 has been deleted in the final
be deleted. version of the FS Code promulgated on 2.4.2012.
- Clause B17.5 - For staircase from basement floor with - Where the staircase is an independent staircase complying with Clause
direct discharge independently into an ultimate place of B17.4, a protected lobby is not required at that basement level and the
safety, no protected lobby is required at basement nor at ground level, provided that the staircase leads independently and directly
ground level? to the ultimate place of safety at G/F and the whole staircase enclosure
does not have any opening communicating with other areas of the
a) PNAP ADV-3 - complaints on floor numbering system a) Arising from recent complaints against the floor numbering system of
of development projects. (Item raised by BD) two development projects, Members were reminded of the requirements
set out in the PNAP ADV-3 on Standardization of Floor Numbering, and
were requested to convey the BD's advice to members of their
organizations to revisit all building plans that have been approved prior
to the promulgation of the revised PNAP in May 2010 and to make
necessary amendments to comply with the prevailing requirements. It
was noted that Members had not experienced any problems or reluctance
in complying with the floor numbering system as set out in the PNAP.
b) Soft Copy of Record Plans for R&VD in AutoCAD or b) In response to R&VD's request for introducing a requirement in PNAP
Microstation format. (Item raised by BD) APP-13 to require the supply of soft copy of the record plans in
AutoCAD or Microstation format after project completion, Members
discussed and agreed to convey the message to members of their
organizations and to provide their response to such request to BD.
c) Excavation for Car Park to Be Considered Underground c) Members mentioned that strictly following the criteria in PNAP APP-2 to
(Item raised by HKIA) make a car park underground in sites with large difference in levels
between streets would require substantial yet unnecessary excavation if
GFA is to be exempted. Members advised that modification applied for
such cases following paragraph 15(b)(vii)(4) of the PNAP was rejected.
BD advised the concerned AP to check with the BS the reason of such
rejection and resubmit the proposal for a review if necessary.
d) Plastic WC Pan Connector for Connecting WC P-trap d) HKIA reps raised a case of rejection by BD citing the non-availability of
discharge to vertical or horizontal pipework (Item raised a British Standard for these connectors. However, a British Standard
by HKIA) for these connectors is available. BD advised that the rejection of such
connectors may be for the reason that they did not comply with other
drainage regulations. HKIA reps would provide more information to
BD for their review and response on this specific case.
e) Potential for UBW in Relation to GBP Approval (Item e) Members enquired if BD would follow the DB’s public statement in
raised by HKIA) LegCo that existence of potential for UBW/abuse would not be a ground
for disapproval of plans. BD clarified that in processing applications for
modifications/exemptions, potential for UBW/abuse would be one of the
relevant factors to be considered in formulating a decision.