Man Power Planning
Man Power Planning
Man Power Planning
Human Resources are the most valuable assets of any organization. The success of any organization largely depends upon its efficient work force. An efficient organization is one which has highly skilled, efficient and loyal workers. Every organization needs to have well trained and experienced people to complete the tasks efficiently. HR development covers all those activities which improve job performance, help individuals in the progress towards maturity and actualization of their potential capacities so that they become not any good employees but better men and women. The main objective of Human Resources Development is to help the employee better understand the job requirements, develop the skills and knowledge required for doing the job more effectively and to increase the productivity of the worker, both quality and quantity wise. more efficient, in performing the tasks assigned to them. Every organization should have proper training programmes to train their employees and make then
MAN POWER PLANNING Man power can be defined as the total knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents, values, attitudes of an organizations work force. Of all the Ms in management, the most important is M which stands for human resources. Man power planning is a very important activity of the management or any organization. The main objective of manpower planning is to have the right number and the right kinds of people at the right places, at the right time, manpower planning helps in estimating the personal needs of the organization and making efforts to see that the right kind and right number of people are acquired by the organization. In order to hire personnel on a scientific basis one should establish in advance a standard of personnel with which applicants can be compared. This standards should Establish the minimum acceptable qualities necessary for adequate performance of the job, duties, responsibilities and these are assed from job description and job specification, the two by products of job analysis.
Recruitment forms the first stage in the process which continues with selection and ceases with the placement of the candidate. It is the next step in the procurement function, the first being the manpower planning. Recruiting make it possible to acquire the number and types of people necessary to ensure the continued operation of the organization. Recruitment is the discovering of potential applicants for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies. In other worlds it is a linking activity bringing together those with jobs and those seeking jobs. Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirement is of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force. ....Yoder It is a process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in organizations. It is often termed positive in that it stimulates peoples to apply for jobs to increase the hiring ratio Factors Affecting Recruitment All organizations, whether large or small, do engage in recruiting activity, though not to the same extent. The factor affecting recruitment are : i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. The size of Organization The employment conditions The effects of past recruiting efforts which show the organizations ability to locate and keep good performance people Working conditions and salary and benefit packages offer by the organization The rate of growth of organization Future expansion and production programmes and t The level of cultural, economical and legal factors etc.
Theories Regarding Recruitment Recruitment is a two way street: it takes a recruiter and a recruitee. Just as the recruiter has choice whom to recruit and who not, so also the prospective employee has to make the decision if he should apply for that organizations job. The individual makes this decision usually on three different basis, the objective factor, critical contact, and subjective factor. The objective factor theory views the process of organizational choice as being one of weighing and evaluating a set of measurable characteristics of employment offers, such as pay, benefits, location, opportunity for advancement, the nature of the work to be performed, and educational opportunities. Constraints Limit the Freedom of Manager to Recruit : Employer could ever freely choose the best candidate because various faces impinge upon such selection. Such constraints are: 1. The image of the organization 2. The unattractive job 3. Internal Organizational Policies 4. Union Requirement can also restrict recruiting sources 5. Government Influence Steps on Recruitment Process : Personnel recruitment process involves five elements viz., a recruitment policy, a recruitment organization, a forecast of manpower, the development of sources or recruitment, and different techniques used for utilizing these sources, and a method of assessing the recruitment programme.
Recruitment Policy: Recruitment policy asserts the objectives of the recruitment and providers a framework of implementation of the recruitment programme in the form of procedures. A good recruitment policy must contain these elements: a) Organizations objectives - both in the short -term and long-term b) Identification of the recruitment needs c) Preferred sources of recruitment d) Criteria of selection and preferences e) The cost of recruitment and financial implications of the same. A Recruitment Policy in its broadest sense, Involves a commitment by the employer to such general principles as: i. To fine and employ the best qualified persons for each job ii. To retain the best and most promising of those hired. iii. To offer promising opportunities for life-time working careers and iv. To provide programmes and facilities for personal growth on the job.
Prerequisites of a Good Recruitment Policy The recruitment policy of an organization must satisfy the following conditions I. It should be in conformity with its general personnel policies II. It should be flexible enough to meet the changing needs of an organization III. It should be so designed as to ensure employment opportunities for its employees on a long - term basis so that the goals of the organization should be achievable and it should develop the potentialities of employees. IV. It should match the qualities of employees with the requirements of the work for which they are employed V. It should highlight the necessity of establishing job analysis.
Recruitment Organization: There is no general procedure for hiring new personnel which is applicable to all business enterprises. Each enterprise has its tailor-made procedure which brings it the desired quantity and quality of manpower at the minimum possible cost. office. This centralized department is generally known as the employee office or the recruitment section. In small organization, recruiting procedure is merely informal and generally the line official may be responsible to handle this function. But in larger organizations, it is entrusted to a staff unit with personnel or Industrial Relations Department. The most commonly adopted practice is to centralize the recruitment and selection function in single
Forecast of Manpower Requirements: A requisition or an indents usually specify: (I). the jobs or operations or positions for which the persons should be available. (II) Duration of their employment (III) Salary to be offered and any other conditions and terms of employment which the indenting officer feels necessary. If the indents are found correct, the proposed recruitments are authorized and the initial pay, the scale and other admissible allowances are determined. Finally, jobspecifications and man-specifications are determined, in consultation with the line mangers.
Sources of Recruitment: Before an organization activity begins recruiting applicants, it should consider the most likely source of the type of employee it needs. Some companies try to develop new sources, while most only try to tackle the existing sources they have. These sources, accordingly, may be termed as internal and external. Internal Sources: Internal sources are the most obvious sources. These include personnel already on the pay-roll of an organization I.E., its present working force. Whenever vacancy occurs.
Somebody within the organization is upgraded, transferred, promoted or some times demoted.
1. It improves the morale of employees, for they are assured of the fact that they would be preferred over outsiders when vacancies occur. 2. The employer is in a better position to evaluate those presently employed that outside candidates. 3. It promotes loyalty among the employees, for it gives them a sense of job security and opportunities for advancement. 4. They are tried people and can, therefore, be relied upon. 5. It is less costly than going outside to recruit.
External Sources: These sources lie outside the organization. They usually include:
1. New entrants to the labor force, i.e. young, mostly inexperienced potential employees-
the college students. 2. The unemployed with a wide range of skills and abilities 3. Retired experience persons such as mechanics, machinists welders, accountants
4. Others not in the labor force such as married women and persons from minority
Methods or Techniques of Recruitment: The possible recruiting methods are classified into three categories direct, indirect and third party. Direct Method: These include sending traveling recruiters to educational and professional institutions, employees contacts with public, and manned exhibits. One of the widely used direct methods is that of sending of recruiters to colleges and technical school. Most college recruiting is done in co-operation with the placement office of a college.
Other direct methods include sending recruiters to conventions and seminars, setting up exhibits at fairs, and using mobile offices to go to the desired centers. Indirect Methods: Indirect methods involve mostly advertising in newspaper, on the radio, in trade and professional journals, technical magazines and brochures. Advertising is very useful for recruiting blue-collar and hourly workers, as well as scientific, professional, and technical employees. Local newspaper can be a good source of blue-collar workers, clerical employees, and lower-level administrative employees. Third Party Methods: These include the use of commercial or private employment agencies, state agencies, placement offices of schools, colleges and professional, associations recruiting firms, management consulting firms, indoctrination seminars for college professors, and friends and relatives. Private employment agencies 1. State or public employment agencies also known as employment or labour exchanges 2. Schools, Colleges and professional Institutions 3. Professional organizations or recruiting firms or executive recruiters 4. Indoctrination seminars for colleges professors 5. employee Referrals 6. Trade Union
7. Casual Labor or Applicant at the Gate
8. Unconsolidated Applications 10. Voluntary Organizations 11. Computer Data Banks In India, the main sources of recruitment are i. ii. iii. iv.
Employment Agencies Badali or Temporary workers Applicants introduced by friends and relatives in the Organization Advertisements, and Labor contractors.
Assessment of the recruitment Programme: Source for recruiting should be periodically evaluated. For this purpose, the criteria may be the cost per applicants, the applicants/hiring ratio, tenure, performance appraisals, etc. The Organization should first identify how an applicant was attracted to the firm. A simple way of securing this information is to include in the application blank a question: How did you learn of the job vacancy for which you have applied? The next step is to determine whether any one method consistently attracts better applicants. The last step is to use this information to improve recruiting process. Recruiting should take into consideration practice, such as use of Truth in hiring i.e. telling an application about the firm and its position, both good and bad, to enable decide whether or not to join the firm, if selected. A successful and effective recruitment programme necessitates well-defined recruitment policy, a proper organizational structure procedures for location sources of manpower resources suitable and techniques for utilizing these and a constant assessment and quant improvement.
The Problem of the Sons of the Soil A controversy has arisen in recent years over giving preference in recruitment to Sons of the Soil. In this connection the National Commission on Labour has observed. The solution has to be sought in terms of the primacy of common citizenship, geographical mobility and economic feasibility of locating industrial units, on the one hand, and local aspiration on the other. Recruitment Practices in India and Elsewhere All public sector enterprises are required to consider candidates sponsored by the Employment Exchanges (over 535) and, in most cases, confine the selection to these candidates. However, the private sector is not under any such formal obligation.
The selection procedure is concerned with securing relevant information about an applicant. The objective of selection process is to determine whether an applicant meets the qualifications for a specific job and to choose the applicants who are most likely to perform well in the job. Selection is a long process, commencing from the preliminary interview of the applicants and ending with the contract of employment. A procedure may be compared to a series of successive hurdles or barriers which an applicant must cross. These are intended as screens, and they are designed to eliminate an unqualified applicant at any point in the process. This technique is known as the successive hurdles technique. Not all selection processes include all these hurdles. The complexity of a process usually increases with the level and responsibility of the position to be filled. . The traditional selection process includes. Preliminary screening interview;
completion of application form; employment tests; comprehensive interview; background investigations, physical examination and final employment decision to hire.
Selection Policy While formulating a selection policy, due consideration should be given to organizational requirement as well as technical and professional dimensions of selection procedures. Yoder and other have suggested goals, technological issues, cost factors, extent of formality, etc. In other words, and effective policy must assert the why and what aspects of the organizational objectives.
Essentials of Selection Procedure The selection procedure adopted by an organization is mostly tailor made to meet its particular needs. The thoroughness of the procedure depends upon three factors. The nature of selection, the policy of the company, the attitude of the management and the length of the probationary (or) the trial period.
Reception of Applications
Preliminary Interview
Application Bank
Psychological Tests
Physical Examination
Physical Examination
The following is a Sections procedure though it may be modified to suit individual situation. 1. Reception or Preliminary Interview or screening. 2. Application blank a fact-finder which helps one in learning about an applicants background and life history 3. A well conducted interview to explore the facts and get at the attitudes of the applicant and his family to the job; 4. A physical examination health and stamina are vital factors in success : 5. Physiological testing to explore the surface area and get an objective look at a candidates suitability for a job; 6. A reference check; 7. Final selection approval by manager; and communication of the decision to the candidate.
Reception Initial or Preliminary Interview or Screening The Initial screening is usually conducted by a special interviewer or a high caliber receptionist in the employment office. When a large number of applicants are available, the preliminary interview is desirable both from the companys point of view and that of the applicant seeking employment. This interview is essentially a sorting process in which perspective applicants are given the necessary information about the nature of the jobs in the organization the necessary information, them, is elicited from the candidates relating to their education, experience, skill, salary demanded, the reasons for leaving their present jobs, their job interests and whether they are available for the job, their physical appearance, age, drive and facility in speech. If a candidate meets with the requirements of the organization, he may be selected for further action. Application Blank or Application Form An application blank is a traditional, widely accepted device for getting information from a prospective applicant which will enable a management to make a proper selection. The blank provides preliminary information as well as aid in the interview by indicating areas of interest and discussion. It is a good means of quickly collecting verifiably (and therefore fairly accurate) basic historical data from the candidate. It also serves as a
convenient device for circulation information about the applicant to appropriate members of management and as a useful device for storing information for, later reference The information required to be given in the applicants hand-writing is needed to identify him properly and to draw tentative inference about his suitability for employment. Many types of application forms sometimes very long and comprehensive and sometimes brief are used. Information is generally called on the following items.
The present study in SIEMENS Ltd has been undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of Recruitment Policies, HR Policies and selection techniques of the Organization, by making a study of the following aspects.
1. To know about the various Recruitment and Selection Methods implemented in SIEMENS Ltd and to know how far the methods help in making their day-to-day work more efficient.
4. To understand the need for efficient and proper selection techniques in any Organization to recruit the right people for right jobs.
The data that is used in doing this project has been collected both from primary sources and secondary sources.
Primary Sources: Primary source of data is also called first hand information as the data is directly collected from discussions with the staff or executive. Interviews with officials and through distribution of questionnaires.
Secondary Sources: This is the data that is collected by going through the records and files maintained by different departments and from website of the company. The data required for my study has been mainly collected through questionnaires, interviews with the officials, discussions with the staff and website of the Hindustan Shipyard Limited.
Could not get more number of workers to respond to the questionnaire as they work in shifts. 1. Time was another constraint as the mentioned period was not enough to collect the data in detail. 2. The information in website was not updated.
SIEMENS VISION AND STRATEGY Our vision is to be a pioneer of our times and this vision is reflected in our company strategy, which shows us how to turn out our vision into reality. First of all, were aiming to be a market and technology leader in our businesses; this will, in turn, position us to achieve sustainable, profitable growth and to outpace our competitors. As an integrated technology company, we intend to profit from the megatrends of demographic change, urbanization, climate change and globalization. In short, our strategy comprises what we call our 3 strategic directions: Focus on Innovation-driven growth markets Get closer to our customers Use the power of Siemens
SIEMENS INDIA LIMITED Over the last 50 years of its presence in India, Siemens has emerged as a leading inventor, innovator and implementer of leading-edge technologies and solutions in the Industry, Energy and Healthcare Sectors. Siemens business is conducted by various companies operating in these fields. Today, Siemens world-class solutions play a key role in Indias quest for developing modern infrastructure.
Key Figures In fiscal 2010 (October 1, 2009 September 30, 2010), sales to customers in India amounted to nearly EUR 2 billion and new orders totaled around EUR 2.4 billion. The company has about 17,500 employees in India. To further strengthen its operations in the country, Siemens will invest more than EUR 250 million in India over the next three years.
History The history of Siemens in India dates back to 1867, when Werner von Siemens personally supervised the laying of the first telegraphic line between London and Calcutta. The first company office was founded in 1922 and subsequently, in 1957, Siemens was incorporated as a company under the Indian Companies Act. Today, the company has nationwide sales and service network, 21 manufacturing plants and a network of nearly 500 distribution partners. Siemens is also fulfilling its responsibilities as a good corporate citizen.
Key Project At its recently inaugurated factory at Aurangabad, Siemens became the first company in India to locally manufacture 145-kV gas-insulated switchgear (GIS). The company also manufactured Indias first single-phase 500-MVA HVDC transformer at its Kalwa factory. This transformer will be part of a bank of 1,500-MVA transformers with the highest rating reached by any Indian manufacturer to date.
Business Description Siemens Limited is an India-based Company. The Company has eleven segments: Industry Automation, Drive Technologies, Building Technologies, Industry Solutions, Mobility, Fossil Power Generation, Oil & Gas, Power Transmission, Power Distribution, Healthcare and Real Estate. Its business is grouped into three sectors: Industry, Energy and Healthcare. The Product business group of Siemens: INDUSTRY SECTOR Siemens Industry Sector is one of the worlds leading suppliers of manufacturing, transportation, building and lighting systems. By continuously optimizing productivity, efficiency and flexibility, they have increased the economic and environmental competitiveness of our customers in the industry and infrastructure segments.
Industry Sector in India develops products like Industry Automation (IA), Drive Technologies (DT) and building technologies (BT) divisions. ENERGY SECTOR Siemens Energy Sector is one of the worlds leading suppliers of a wide range of products, solutions and services in the field of energy technology. They enable customers to generate, transmit and distribute electrical power at the highest levels of efficiency. They also help them produce, convert and transport the primary fuels oil and gas. They are the only manufacturer worldwide the knowhow, products, solutions and key components spanning the entire energy conversion chain. Their exceptional solution expertise is particularly striking in the area of interfaces: for example, in plant-to-grid connections grid integration technologies and smart distribution systems linking grids to consumers. Energy Sector in India has introduced products, including single phase 500 megavolt ampere high voltage direct current (HVDC) transformer, the 800 kilovolts Circuit Breaker, 400 kilovolts, 63 kilovolts disconnectors. HEALTHCARE SECTOR Siemens Healthcare Sector is one of the worlds largest providers to the healthcare industry. They specialize in medical solutions based on our core competencies and innovative strengths: on the one hand, diagnostic systems and therapeutic technologies; and on the other, knowledge processing including information technology and systems integration. Their acquisitions in the field of laboratory diagnostics have made them the first integrated healthcare company to combine imaging systems, laboratory diagnostics, treatment solutions and healthcare IT rounded off by consulting and services. To leverage our market and growth potentials even further, were reorganizing our activities into four divisions: (a) Imaging & Therapy Systems (b) Clinical Products (c) Diagnostics and (d) Customer Solutions. In the future our hearing instruments business will be operated as a separate unit. Healthcare Sector in India launched two magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners called MAGNETOM Skyra 3 Tesla system and MAGNETOM Aera 1.5 Tesla system
on January 8, 2010, the Company acquired the balance 13.85% stake in Siemens Building Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (SBTPL), a subsidiary of the Company.
Siemens has an integrated facility for Design, Manufacture and testing for Disconnectors at Hyderabad. This plant, the largest of its kind in India, manufactures Centre break, Double break and Pantograph type Disconnectors. The products ranging from 11kv and up to 420kv for various current ratings i.e. from 630Amps to 3150 Amps, as well as associated Earthing switches and Motor Drive Mechanism boxes. These Disconnecting switches are supplied throughout India covering almost all the switchyards /Substations, Power stations, Paper, Sugar, Cement, Petrochemical industries etc. Also the same are exported to many countries all over the world. The Disconnectors are based on proven designs and Know-how backed by over three decades of experience gained in this field. Keeping pace with the latest development in Power Transmission & Distribution to optimize the Design, SIEMENS P.T.D is in the process to establish the Disconnectors Design center cum Design work station in the Hyderabad Unit.
PRODUCT EVALUATION What is an Air break Disconnector (Isolator) & Where it is used: A disconnector is a switching device employed in switchyard to isolate the required section from the supply point. And its also used to divert this power-flow from one section to another section. Functionality: 1. All Disconnectors are used to switch-in or switch-out only on No load condition. 2. A Disconnector is to carry rated currents flowing through the system. 3. This also should capable of carrying the fault current if it occurs to flow in the system may be for a short time like one second or three seconds as per the switchyard fault current calculations. Importance: In the modern period, the switchyards are going for unmanned stations and with the advent of digital relays, that too the systems are totally computerized. All the operations are being carried out away from the switch yard through remote operation controls, SCADA Systems etc. Any sort of in-operation on a command (or) mal operation, can create disastrous consequences like power loss, loss of equipment (or) outages triggering even the grid failure. Under these circumstances, this would call for a very reliable & quality conscious product in Disconnectors.
Icing conditions
Wind loads
Seismic factor
Higher altitude
2. Application/ Installation
1. CUSTOMERS DOMESTIC All Area Electricity Boards (AP TRANSCO, GETCO, MESTCL, KPTCL, KEB, TNEB, OSEB, CSEB, UPPCL, WBSEB, MPEB, HVPNL, HPSEB, DTL, PNEB, ASEB and etc) Power Grid Corporation India Limited (PGCIL) NTPC, NHPC, NPC, Neyveli Lignite, Damodar Valley & Other such Corporations. Leading Project Contractors like: ABB AREVA BHEL L&T
2. CUSTOMERS EXPORT: Vietnam VIET A COMPANY LTD Franco Pacific Ventures Energy Technology Co. Ltd Comin Asea SPPMB NPPMB PCI Nepal NHE HTSG Indonesia Kenya
To be a Strategic Business Partner Transforming SIEMENS into a World class learning Organization
Manpower Planning Recruitment Induction Training Compensation & Benefits PMS Talent Management Employee Engagement Separation Statutory Compliance
Employee Referral & Schemes Compensation & Benefits Performance Pay Facilities Leave Policy Attendance Rule Learning and Development Employee Recreation
The HR policies are based on the following boundary conditions: Interest of employees protected/more beneficial The existing policies of SL will be the broader framework of reference & endeavor is to align with most of the SL policies. The policy shall be driven by the business needs
Heads of Payment Basic Salary Retirals (PF/GF/SAF) Allowances & benefits 1. HRA 2. Conveyance 3. Medical Allowance 4. LTA 5. Supplementary Allowance 6. Car Scheme for MG3 and above or Special Allowance in lieu thereof Performance Pay
Reimbursement of 70% of tuition fee, subject to max of Rs. 7500/-, for professional course related to the job. The course should be relevant to the company business. Pre-sanction of this from Business Management & HR is mandatory.
PERFORMANCE REVIEW & EVALUATION Personnel Day Process done between June & September every year. Salary revision is generally an Annual process and each eligible employee is considered for Increment based on his Position & Performance. Performance Pay is paid as a lump sum at the end of performance year (Financial year for Performance Pay is Oct-Sept and the payout is done in December/January thereafter). Target setting process would be explained in detail separately.
SERVICE REWARD: On completion of 25 & 40 years. Employees in EG grades get one month salary Employees in MG grades get one & half month salary Option to facilitate a function or Rs. 5000/- in lieu of function.
WELLNESS POLICY: Applicable to all employees Coverage for Rs. 5 lacs for all employees in the unfortunate event of death of an employee while in service Premium paid by the Company; no contribution from employee Health Check for Employees above 40 years of age once in 2 years. Health Check for Employees 40 years of age & below, once in 3 years.
All Officers are covered Contribution is @15% on basic for employees in MG grade Contribution is @ 20% on basic for employees in EG grade.
RETIREMENT BENEFITS: Provident fund is maintained in the Trust Provident fund contribution @ 12% on basic salary Gratuity provision @ 4.25%, payment as per Act.
OBJECTIVE To attract and hire right talent based on competencies through an objective selection process, ensuring right person for the right job, necessary to accomplish organizational goals.
suitable candidates using a mix of communication measures" which will foster a strong Siemens brand. It also provides a scientific process across Siemens companies for selection of qualified and suitable applicants.
(b) Recruitment and selection decisions are based on merit, and no discrimination
will be made on the grounds of gender, race, caring responsibilities, marital status, sexuality, disability, religion or age. All processes will be conducted so as to guard the confidentiality of applicants and preserve the integrity of the process. (c) New hires would be effectively inducted and integrated in the organization to ensure rapid contribution to the business and a high retention rate. (d) Recruitment measures will be supported by appropriate IT tools / platforms and documentation. This would ensure overall efficiency, speed and transparency. (e) Recruitment measures will be monitored and reviewed periodically for their effectiveness in terms of cost, quality and timelines and coverage through a variety of techniques. They could also lend themselves to benchmarking with the Best Practices in the industry. (f) Recruitments will ensure compliance with all statutory rules and regulations. (g) The starting point of recruitments would be the Manpower Requisition, which is a formal request for manpower. A detailed manpower requisition is the basis for sound personnel decisions. To facilitate subsequent steps in the recruitment cycle the requisition should cover the following:
i. Number of job openings. Skills / competencies required for the job from present as well as future perspective. iii. Type of employment i.e. full time / part time / tenure based. iv. Location of employment. v. Agreement on the time lines for the recruitment Any additional information, which will facilitate the search for the right candidate, could be added. This when duly authorized by competent authority translates into a Manpower Requisition.