Agilent 4339B/4349B High Resistance Meters: Technical Overview
Agilent 4339B/4349B High Resistance Meters: Technical Overview
Agilent 4339B/4349B High Resistance Meters: Technical Overview
Within Budget
Without Compromise
1. External power source required for resistance measurements. Recommendation for external power source for
measurement for 1 GΩ sample at 100 Vdc with accuracy = ±10%:
Ripple: ≤ 1 mVrms (50/60 Hz)
Wideband noise: ≤ 5 µVrms/Hz (50 Hz)
Switching noise: ≤ 50 mVrms (100 kHz)
High quality measurements
with flexible hardware
• Resolve data to 5 digits
(3, 4, or 5 digits selectable)
• Make precise measurements
with 0.6% basic accuracy
• Verify DUT performance at
the exact voltage rating
• Reliable and safety measurements
with Agilent 16339A component
test fixture
Resistance RM (Ω) Current IM (A) Resistance measurement Current measurement
Accuracy Accuracy
Vo = 0.1 V @ Vs ≤ 200 V
Test voltage setting Vs (V) = 0.5 V @ Vs > 200
Figure1. Conversion diagram Table 1. Agilent 4339B measurement accuracy (±% of reading)
Resistance RM (Ω) Current IM (A) Resistance measurement Current measurement
accuracy accuracy
Figure 2. Conversion diagram Table 2. Agilent 4349B measurement accuracy (±% of reading)
Agilent 4349B test conditions1: Accuracy parameters: External power supply parameters:
1. Warm up time: ≥ 30 minutes Rm: Measured resistance value Vs: Source voltage in volts
2. Ambient temperature: 23 °C ± 5 °C in ohms Vo: Source offset voltage in Volts
3. Test cable length: ≤ 1.5 meters Im: Measured current value in Av: Voltage accuracy
4. Open error correction performed amperes
5. 30 ms measurement time setting
Other Specifications Measurement conditions and functions Other instrument functions
Measurement parameters/ranges DC test voltage (4339B): 0 V to Error correction: Open (removes
Parameter Range 1000 V, 0.1 V steps @ V ≤ 200V, 1.0 V errors due to parasitics).
Agilent 4339B steps @ V > 200 V Comparator: High, in, and low for
DC test voltage (Agilent 4349B): each of the test parameters.
R (dc resistance) 103 Ω to 1.6 x None supplied, use external power Save/Recall: 10 instrument states
1016 Ω supplies and voltage data entry from non-volatile memory.
I (dc current) 60 fA to 100 µA for resistance measurements. Contact check: Detects contact failure
ps (surface Refer to operation Maximum of 5000 V input and 5 for capacitive devices (2 ms).
resistivity) manual digit numerical entry. GPIB: Agilent’s implementation of
pv (volume Refer to operation
Max current (Agilent 4339B): IEEE 488 for control and data.
resistivity) manual 10 mA @ ≤ 100 V, 5 mA @ ≤ 250 V, 2 Handler interface: Negative logic
mA @ ≤ 500 V, 1 mA @ ≤ 1 kV and isolated. Signals are
Agilent 4349B Number of test channels: high/in/low, no contact, EOM, index,
R (dc resistance) 103 Ω to 1015 Ω 4339B: 1 channel, alarm, keylock, ext. trigger.
I (dc current) 1 pA to 100 µA
4349B: Option 4349B-700:4 ch
Option 4349B-001:2 ch Physical characteristics
Ranging: Auto and hold Power: 90 – 132 Vac or 198 – 264 Vac.
Trigger: Internal, manual, and 47 Hz – 66 Hz. 45 VA (typical)
external Operating
Delay time (trigger): 0 ms to temperature/humidity:
9999 ms in 1 ms steps 0 – 45 °C/≤ 95% RH @ 40 °C.
Test cable lengths: 2 meters Dimensions: 320(W) x 100(H) x
maximum 450(D) mm.
Measurement time (typical): Weight: 6.5 kg (typical).
4339B: 10 ms / 30 ms / 390 ms
4349B: 9.5 ms / 28 ms / 98 ms /
397 ms
Test Fixtures/Accessories Agilent 16008B resistivity cell
For resistivity measurements of dry
sheet samples. Upper electrode is
spring loaded to apply pressure.
Surface and volume measurements.
Installed with 50 mm diameter elec-
trode. Option 16008B-001 adds
26 mm/76 mm diameter electrodes.
Option 16008B-002 adds 26 mm
diameter electrode. For 4339B only.
Maximum applied voltage: 1000 Vdc.
Sheet thickness range: 10 µm to
Agilent 16117C low noise test leads 100 mm.
Interlock, voltage source, and current
Agilent 16339A component test fixture sensing cables. Terminations are
For manual high voltage testing of threaded triaxial, standard BNC, and
descrete components. For 4339B only. bare interlock pair. Female BNC and
triaxial connectors are included. For
4339B only.
Option 16117B-003
Option 16117B-001
Ordering Information Agilent Technologies’ Test and Measurement Support,
❍ = Choose ONE and ONLY one Services, and Assistance
q = Choose any combination Agilent Technologies aims to maximize the value you
receive, while minimizing your risk and problems. We
strive to ensure that you get the test and measurement
Agilent 4339B High Resistance Meter1 capabilities you paid for and obtain the support you need.
Furnished accessories: shunt connector Our extensive support resources and services can help
you choose the right Agilent products for your applications
and apply them successfully. Every instrument and system
Documentation options2 we sell has a global warranty. Support is available for at
q Option 4339B-ABA Add specified quantities of English manual least five years beyond the production life of the product.
Two concepts underlie Agilent’s overall support policy:
q Option 4339B-ABD Add specified quantities of German manual “Our Promise” and “Your Advantage.”
q Option 4339B-ABJ Add specified quantities of Japanese manual
Our Promise
q Option 4339B-ABE Add specified quantities of Spanish manual Our Promise means your Agilent test and measurement
q Option 4339B-0BW Add service documentation, assembly level equipment will meet its advertised performance and
functionality. When you are choosing new equipment, we
will help you with product information, including realistic
Certification option performance specifications and practical recommendations
from experienced test engineers. When you use Agilent
q Option 4339B-1A7 ISO 17025 compliant calibration equipment, we can verify that it works properly, help with
product operation, and provide basic measurement assis-
tance for the use of specified capabilities, at no extra cost
Agilent 4339B test fixtures and accessories upon request. Many self-help tools are available.
Agilent 16008B Resistivity cell (50 mm diameter electrode)
q Option 16008B-001 Add 26 mm and 76 mm diameter electrodes Your Advantage
Your Advantage means that Agilent offers a wide range of
q Option 16008B-002 Add 26 mm diameter electrode additional expert test and measurement services, which
you can purchase according to your unique technical and
Agilent 16117B Low noise test leads business needs. Solve problems efficiently and gain a
competitive edge by contracting with us for calibration,
q Option 16117B-001 Add pin probes extra-cost upgrades, out-of-warranty repairs, and onsite
q Option 16117B-002 Add soldering sockets education and training, as well as design, system integra-
tion, project management, and other professional engineer-
q Option 16117B-003 Add alligator clips3 ing services. Experienced Agilent engineers and techni-
cians worldwide can help you maximize your productivity,
optimize the return on investment of your Agilent instru-
Agilent 16117C Low noise test leads ments and systems, and obtain dependable measurement
Agilent 16118A Tweezer test fixture accuracy for the life of those products.
Agilent 16064B LED display/trigger box Agilent T&M Software and Connectivity
Agilent 16339A Component test fixture Agilent’s Test and Measurement software and connectivity
products, solutions and developer network allows you to
take time out of connecting your instruments to your com-
Agilent 4349B High Resistance Meter4 puter with tools based on PC standards, so you can focus
on your tasks, not on your connections. Visit
Test channel options 5
❍ Option 4349B-700 4-channels for more information.
❍ Option 4349B-001 2-channels
By internet, phone, or fax, get assistance with all your
test & measurement needs
Agilent 4349B high resistance meter 6
Documentation options Online Assistance:
q Option 4349B-ABA Add specified quantities of English manual
q Option 4349B-ABJ Add specified quantities of Japanese manual Agilent Email Updates
q Option 4349B-0BW Add service documentation, assembly level
Cabinet options 7
q Option 4349B-1CM Rack mount kit
q Option 4349B-1CN Front handle kit Get the latest information on the
products and applications you select.
Certification option Product specifications and descriptions in this document
q Option 4349B-1A7 ISO 17025 compliant calibration subject to change without notice.
Agilent 4349B Test Fixtures and Accessories © Agilent Technologies, Inc., 1996, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004
Printed in USA, April 13, 2004
Agilent 16117E Low noise test lead 5964-6182E