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Davao Vision Colleges, Inc.: Course Syllabus

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Stone Rock Village, Catalunan Grande, Davao City, Philippines

Tel. No. (082) 295-6696 / 297-4750 (Fax)

Course Syllabus


Course Credits 3 Units

Course Description This course allows the pre-service English teachers to explore the inextricable link between and among language, culture, and society and its
implications to the development of English as a global language and the ways by which it is learned and taught. With this, they must demonstrate
content knowledge and application of the lingua franca to cultural, societal, and even pedagogical development through a study of research-based
principles in language and language teaching. Also, they must be able to gain insights of responsive learning environments in terms of language
and community/ society needs.
Contact Hours/week 3 hours
Pre-requisite None
Course Outcomes
1. Demonstrate content knowledge and application of the relationship of language, culture and society in the perspective of English language
2. Apply research-based knowledge and principles of English language teaching and learning through case presentations and journal reviews;
3. Demonstrate an understanding of knowledge of language learning environments that respond to community contexts.

Week Course Content/ Subject Matter

Week 1 VMG Discussion; Classroom Orientation; Introduction to the course objectives, contents, activities, and requirements.

Week 1-3 Review on Linguistic Components of Language

Week 4-5 Language and Humans

Week 6-7 Language and Culture

EL 101- Language, Culture, and Society
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Week 8-9 Language and History

Week 10-11 Language and Society

Week 12-13 Introduction to Ethnography and Ethnolinguistic Research

4 hours Allotted for Prelim, Midterm, Semi-Final, and Final Examinations


Desired Learning Outcomes Course Teaching and Learning Assessment of Task (ATs) Resource Time Table
(DLO) Content/Subject Activities (TLAs) Materials

Face-to-Face Module Face-to-Face Module

1. Re-estate the VMG Discussion; Review of the Self-paced Reflection on Reflection on Student
Classroom Orientation; course syllabus, learning: the VMG the VMG Handbook
School’s VMG Introduction to the learning 1.5 hours
course objectives, activities, and Rubric for Rubric for Handouts/
2. Show interest and Graded Graded Module of
contents, activities, and assessment
appreciation of the importance Module Recitation Recitation Course Content
of knowing the course. Getting to know Reading &
each other Studying Course Syllabus

Interactive K-W-L Chart K-W-L Chart PowerPoint

discussion Presentation/Mo

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1. Review concepts in Review on Linguistic Review Self-paced Review Short Quiz PowerPoint
linguistics in reference to Components of discussion on learning: discussion on presentation/Mo
culture and society; Language Nature of Nature of Video and dule 4.5 hours
-Review on Definitions Transcription of
Language and Language and
2. Differentiate linguistic of Language, Macro the Interview
Skills, Communicative Language Study Language Study
terms in general language Module
Competence, Views on and the Plurality and the Plurality
study (L1 vs L2, Mother Reading & Debate About
Language, and of English of English
Tongue vs Native Tongue, Studying Standard
Components of
Pidgin vs Creole, etc.); Debate on Drawing English vs
-First Language (L1) vs. Standard Implications of World Englishes
3. Discuss the plurality of Second Language (L2), English and Plurality of (focusing on
English and its implications to Native Language vs. World Englishes English to arguments
society and language Mother Tongue vs. society and formulation)
teaching; Foreign Language Drawing language
-Pidgins and Creoles Implications of
-Prescriptive vs. teaching
4. Argue as to the need for Plurality of
Standard English and World Synchronic
-Oral vs. Written English to Creating a
Englishes; and society and differentiation
-Plurality of English language table on
5. Relate Philippine English to
teaching important
local/community needs.
Creating a literary terms
table on Four S
important Brainstorming
contrasting Activity about
literary terms the relationship
of Philippine
Four S English to
Brainstorming Community
Activity about Needs
the relationship
of Philippine

EL 101- Language, Culture, and Society

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English to

1. Recognize the features that Language and Humans Lecture Self-paced Community and Community and PowerPoint
distinguish human and animal -Features of Human discussion learning: Language Language Presentations
languages; Language by Hockett Assessment Assessment /Module
-Halliday’s Language Group Documentation Documentation
2. Identify the functions of documentation 6 hours
language distinct to humans; activity on Module Reporting Reporting
surveying the Reading &
3. Identify contextual community to Studying Case Analysis/ Case Analysis/
-Transmission in
community and school determine the Journal Review Journal Review
Animal Language
learning activities in relation relationship of
-Animal Consciousness Discussion Discussion
to language functions; language
-Experiments on
Languages and Animals functions and
4. Discuss and present how
(Viki, Kanzi, Gua, school learning
animals communicate with
Koko, etc.) activities
humans and other animals
with or without Case Analysis
consciousness; and on Apes
Experiment on
5. Imply tenets of language
the language of
teaching and learning through
humans- a
analyzing the
cases/experiments on apes
perspective of
with human language.
teaching and
learning a

1. Trace the possibility of Language and Culture Match Mine: Self-paced Formative Formative PowerPoint
language origin in a cultural -Accounts on the Origin Trace What I learning: Assessment Assessment Presentations
(anthropological) perspective; of Language Say Activity
-Biblical, Mythological, Video record for

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2. Recognize sign language as Historical and Scientific Sign Language Mastery Test Mastery Test online group 6 hours
a language of cultural Accounts Appreciation application and
significance to people with -Otto Jesperson’s Report Module Oral Video presentation
Language Origin Reading & Participation Presentation
special needs; and
Hypothesis Discussion of Studying
3. Identify the different -Semiotics or Sign Research Result
theories of anthropological
-Icon, Index, Symptom,
linguistics and relate them to Signal, and Symbol
society and language learning -Sign Languages (Finger
through a case presentation. Spelling, Filipino Sign
Language, other means
of SL, etc.)
-Theories in Language

1. Identify noteworthy Language and History Historical Self-paced Timeline Timeline PowerPoint
linguists and their -Historical Timeline of Timeline of learning: Synthesis Synthesis Presentations/M
contributions to language that Noteworthy Linguists Language odule 6 hours
(from Aristotle to Group Process Group Process
it is today; Activity
Lowth, Jone, de Assessment Assessment Video record for
2. Trace the development of Saussure, Chomsky) Discourse Module online
-Historical Development Reading & Discourse Discourse
language and the English Analysis presentation
of English (from Anglo- Studying Analysis Paper Analysis Paper
language in a historical Saxon to Global
perspective from Anglo- Sharing
English) Class
Saxon to Global periods; -The English Language Discoveries
Family Tree
3. Recognize the language Result
-Proto Indo-European
family of English including -Proto Germanic
the Modern foreign languages -Old English, Middle
related to it in phonology, English, and Modern
morphology, syntax, and
-Changes in the English
semantics; Language
4. Differentiate the three
Englishes according to time
EL 101- Language, Culture, and Society
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period-Old, Middle, and
Modern- through in-depth
historical linguistics analysis
case; and

5. Analyze the changes of

English from Old to Modern
through tracing Grimm’s Law
and the Great Vowel Shift in
sample discourses.

1. Define and differentiate Language and Society Defining and Self-paced Open Response Case Study
linguistic terms in -Language s Dialect Differentiating learning: Analysis/Journal
sociolinguistic (language vs -The Speech Group Review PowerPoint
Community Lecture Assessment Presentation/Mo
dialect, contact vs borrowing,
-Linguistic Borrowing Discussion dule 6 hours
etc.) and Language Contact Module Collaborative
-Language Variations Team Stay Reading & Work/ Creative Published
2. Discuss how language
-Language Registers Activity Studying Presentation Research/Article
affects aspects in society and -Language Shift and
vice versa (gender, social Death Group
class, ethnicity, power, etc.) -Language and Gender Presentation
-Language and Social Case Study
3. Recognize the role of Class or Ethnicity Case Study Analysis/Journal
research in sociolinguistics; -Language and Power
Activity/Journal Review
-Sample Studies in
4. Appreciate how language is Sociolinguistics Review
alive in different variations, -Varieties of Philippine
sociolects, idiolects, and English with Studies
slangs in Philippine English -Sociolinguistic
Varieties of Philippine
through creative English by Llamzon
presentations; and -‘Slanguages’ in the
5. Conduct case studies/
research presentation on

EL 101- Language, Culture, and Society

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language and society through
its various aspects.

1. Recognize ethnography and Introduction to Lecture Self-paced Short Objective Short Objective
ethnolinguistic research as Ethnography and Discussion learning: Quiz Quiz
viable tools to improve and Ethnolinguistic PowerPoint
Research Argument Argument Argument Presentation/Mo
advocate languages;
-Linguistic Borrowing Report Report Report dule 6 hours
2. Argue on codeswitching as -Code Switching Module
-Discourse of Language Societal Survey Reading & Societal Survey Societal Survey Survey
a product or sub form of
in Cultural and Social Studying Documentation Documentation Questionnaire
language; Relevance Reading Report Report
3. Point out and produce samples on
several language discourses Ethnography Creative Creative
that could help culture and Presentation Presentation
Writing and
society; Producing
4. Draft a language policy that several language
could be relevant to culture discourses
and social groups in the
community; and

5. Discuss language teaching

and learning scenarios which
show application of linguistics
in culture and society.

Suggested Readings and Bragg, N. & Roebel, K. (2016, July). Language, Culture and Society- Application in EFL Teaching (Scholarly project). Retrieved
References March 12, 2019, from https://www.researchgate.net/project/Language-Culture-and-Society-Application-in-EFL-Teaching

Fromkin, V;Rodman, R, and Hyams, N, (2011) An Introduction to Language. Wadsworth, Cengage.

Holmes, J, (2013), An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Harlow: Pearson

EL 101- Language, Culture, and Society

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Jandt, F.E. (2010). An Introduction to Intercultural Communication: Identities in a global community. California: Sage Publication

Podur, J. (2002). Society, culture and communities. Znet Institutional Racism Instructional (Online) Available at
http://zmag.org./racewatch/znet race instructional htm (accessed 6 September 2022)

Stern, H.H. (2009). Fundamental concepts of language teaching. Oxford University Press.

Course Requirements Face-to-Face Class: The course requires the completion of quizzes, examination, presentation, projects, face-to-face meetings, all
written outputs, and performances as required.
Module Class: The course requires the completion of Module, quizzes, examination, presentation, projects, virtual meetings and all
written outputs as required.

A. Weight equivalence
Grading System
Quizzes & attendance - 10% Activities & Exercises - 40%
Assignments - 10% Examination - 60%
Class Participation - 10% 100%
Reports - 10%
Examination - 60%
B. Score to percentage translation
Grade = Raw Score X 60 + 40 = Average

1. In all instances, civility and respect for classmates and instructor are expected.

Class Rules and 2. Students are not allowed to use cell phone or any gadgets during the virtual class.
Regulation a. All ringers must be turned off

b. Students may not text message, place or answer calls except in emergency cases

3. Students will be asked to leave the class if they disregard the virtual class policy.

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4. Attendance Policy:

a. Students will join the online meeting or virtual class.

b. 15 minutes late of joining the meeting will be considered absent

c. 5 consecutive absences without permission or letter will be given a warning

d. 11 absences without permission or letter will be considered DROP from the class

5. Students must wear a proper/ formal attire during the virtual class.

Examination policies and procedures

1. There are 4 major examinations during the semester: Preliminary, Midterm, Semi-Final, and Finals.

2. An exam permit is a prerequisite for the taking of exams.

3. Students are required to be in proper/formal attire n during examination.

4. All examinations shall be taken on the dates and hours scheduled. An equivalent rating of 40% will be given to a student who failed to take the

Prepared by: Checked and Reviewed by: Approved by:


Instructor Education In- Charge Education Program Head

EL 101- Language, Culture, and Society

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