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Midlands State University Faculty of Commerce: DGES 531 Assignment

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DGES 531



Question : According to dunphy etal 2006 ‘environmental sustainability places emphasis on how
business can achieve positive economic outcomes without doing any harm to environment`
Environmental sustainability could be defined as a condition of balance, resilience, and
interconnectedness that allows human society to satisfy its needs while neither exceeding the
capacity of its supporting ecosystems to continue to regenerate the services necessary to meet
those needs nor by our actions diminishing biological diversity.

According to The World Commission on Environment and Development, in its report ‘Our
Common Future’ in 1987 defined sustainable development as “development which meets the
needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
needs”. Sustainability means the capacity for continuing the process of development in “human
ways of life” more or less indefinitely into the future. The human ways of life is a combination
of values, objectives, institutions and activities, with social, ethical, economic and environmental
dimensions. Therefore sustainability has also four important dimensions such as social, ethical,
economic and environmental.

In order to achieve the balance between sustainable environment and positive economic growth
it is apparent for government to fund research of other means of energy to transfer from fossil
fuel dependence to renewable energy sources. Global warming, diminishing of natural resources,
as well as long term health risk of every human warrants an immediate re-action to curb the use
of fossil fuels. The crucial steps we must take is planning a diverse agenda of energy sources
with a mix of both fossil fuel as well alternative that someday replace fossil fuel. Scientific has
established that there is a limited amount of natural resources left (McConnell & Abel 2008)

Achieving sustainability will call for the more widespread exploitation of a variety of alternative
energy sources and a lesser amount of dependence on fossil fuels. Renewable energy like wind,
solar naturally recharged unlike fossil fuels, which are in limited supply. Renewable energy can
provide the energy we need and perhaps reverse the situation we now face. Renewable energy
has both minor scale and larger scale applications it brings about considerably lower emissions
of greenhouse gases, less air pollution, and lesser waste outputs in general. Although renewable
energy sources are in its earliest stages compared fossil fuel. In 2009, the United States acquired
8.2% of its total energy and 10.5% of its electricity from renewable sources (Dale 2011).

Changes and integrated action can be first applied on micro level – sectors like mining industries,
where cumulative effects of such small changes can give very good results, in terms of
sustainable development, (B. Clayton et al, 2002). The Brundtland Commission’s (1987) vision
of sustainable development is to meet the needs of the present generation without undermining
the capacity of future generations to meet their needs.

Mining, refining, and the use and disposal of minerals have in some instances led to significant
local environmental and social damage. It is not always clear that mining brings economic and
social benefits to the host countries, as the minerals sector sometimes operates where there is
poor governance, including corruption, and is thus associated with it, (G.J. Coakley, 1999).

Human survival is under attack due to environmental degradation. The factors responsible for
environmental degradation are population, deforestation and economic development. The
emission of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane are on rise which has led to rise in
temperature of earth. This has led to greenhouse effect which can cause melting of ice caps
leading to rise in sea levels. It can submerge coastal areas and even few countries affecting the
life of people and making them environmental refugees. We very well know that refugees have
social and political dynamics for problems when they migrate causing security threats for those
countries. Similarly ozone depletion can create a lot of environmental problem. Ozone layer
which protects from ultraviolet radiation is depleting due to increase of chloroflouro carbons
used in refrigerators. Ozone hole has been detected which has serious repercussions because
ultraviolet radiation can cause serious diseases like skin cancer and cataract.

The issue of limiting or restricting the greenhouse gases has become a global problem.
Developed countries emit more than two thirds of the total greenhouse gases due to over
consumption of energy resources. Their economic development is far ahead of the developing
countries. Developing countries are at the initial stage of economic development.
It is the need of the developing countries to develop. So developing countries are demanding that
developed countries’ responsibility is greater in reducing the emission of greenhouse gases.
Moreover, the developed countries should pay for the pollution and environmental degradation
since they have polluted and degraded the environment more. Also the developed countries
should provide technical assistance to developing countries and help in transfer of technology at
affordable prices so that the damage done to the earth can be repaired at the earliest. The
arrangements can also be done for alternate or substitute technologies which are environmentally
sensitive so that development of developing countries is not in jeopardy.

Balance is essential between development and environment changes in global climate patterns,
deforestation, species loss, air and water pollution, ozone depletion and toxic waste disposal, all
indicate the urgent need for sustainable practices. Environmental laws are to be implemented.
Environmental education and awareness has to spread at all levels. The role of NGOs and
activists is no less in educating and spreading the awareness. The global villages (the whole
world) have to make painful choices in the name of mutual security in order to meet the goals of
sustainable development.

The re-usability and recyclability of resources plays an important role in sustaining the
environment. Design manufacturing and business processes as closed-loop systems, reducing
emissions and waste to zero (Robinson 2004).Wind energy is an easily available resource. It is
also a free resource. It is a renewable source of energy and the energy which can be produced by
harnessing the power of wind will be beneficial for everyone. Wind mills can produce energy
which can be used to our benefit. It can be a helpful source of reducing the cost of grid power
and is a fine example of sustainable development. Solar energy is also a source of energy which
is readily available and there is no limit to it. Solar energy is being used to replace and do many
things which were first being done by using non-renewable sources of energy. Solar water
heaters are a good example. It is cost-effective and sustainable at the same time.

The sustainable environment can also be possible by maintaining the environment regenerative
Capacity ,keep harvest rates of renewable resource inputs within regenerative capacities of the
natural system that generates them (Goodland 1995). Keep depletion rates of nonrenewable
resource inputs below the rate at which renewable substitutes are developed (Goodland 1995).

In contest of agriculture smart agriculture mechanism can be used like crop rotation to increase
the potential of growth of gardening land, crop rotation is an ideal and sustainable way. It is rid
of any chemicals and reduces the chances of disease in the soil. This form of sustainable
development is beneficial to both commercial farmers and home gardeners.

Our societal Needs can lead to mismanagement of resources if not used efficiently. It is
essentially to produce nothing that will require future generations to maintain vigilance
(“Sustainability Report”).Design and deliver products and services that contribute to a more
sustainable economy (Moffat 2010). Review the environmental attributes of raw materials and
make environmental sustainability a key requirement in the selection of ingredients for new
products and services Efficient Water Fixtures like installation of hand and head showers in our
toilets which are efficient and do not waste or leak water is a method of conserving water. Water
is essential for us and conserving every drop is important. Spending lesser time under the shower
is also a way of sustainable development and conserving water.

Preservation of biodiversity is also important in maintaining a sustainable environment and

economic growth. Select raw materials that maintain biodiversity of natural resources and use
environmentally responsible and sustainable energy sources and invest in improving energy
efficiency (Global Sustainability Principles). Sustainable Forestry – This is an amazing way of
sustainable development where the timber trees that are cut by factories are replaced by another
tree. A new tree is planted in place of the one which was cut down. This way, soil erosion is
prevented and we have hope of having a better, greener future.

By and large it is possible to have a sustainable environment and achieve positive economic
outcomes without doing any harm to the environment. If every stake holder makes a concerted
effort to implement the strategies mentioned above sustainable environment and development
can be achieved.

Brundtland 1987 World Commission on environment and Development

Costanza, Robert, and Bernard C. Patten. (1995). Defining and Predicting

Sustainability:Ecological Economics.

Dalal-Cayton.D.B and Bass.S (2002). The Nature of Sustainable Development Strategies.

Dale, L. (2011). Environmental Policy. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education.

Goodland, R. (1995). The Concept of Environmental Sustainability. Annual Review of

Ecological Systems

Moffat, A. (2010).The Ceres Roadmap to Sustainability: Ceres.

Robinson, J. (2004). Squaring the Circle? Some Thoughts on the Idea of Sustainable
Development: Ecological Economics.

McConnell, R. L., & Abel, D. C., (2008). Environmental issues: An introduction to

sustainability (3rd ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.

George J. Coakley, (1999). The minerals industry of Ghana in the US Department of the interior,
US Geological survey, minerals yearbook. Area Reports: International 1997.

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