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Bible Study 2019 Program

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Bible Study 2019 Program/ Goal: Colossians 2:6-7 "Rooted and built up in Him and stablished in

Month of April 2019 Material/s: First steps for New Christia

Date Lesson Attendance Spiritua
7/4/2019 Chapter 1 "our sinful condition before salvation" Co Oann Our members were so attentiv
and all of them humbly adm
Esther condemned sinners before God
Loi/visitor all agreed with the severe jud
Khang/Yp they all understood the mean
believed that its only by God's
Salvation. Loi, through his coun
truths that he learned from Go
he is a sinner and at the same
God be

04/14/2019 Chapter 2 "Understanding God's salvation" Attendance Spiritua

Co Oann By God"s grace our member
salvation they received from G
Esther deserve. As a result they expre
Loi/visitor the salvation they have receive
Khang/Yp sincere act of submission a de
serve Him. God through His gr
afternoon. He gave Loi faith to
Salvation. Loi got saved! Our p
spiritually. To G
p in Him and stablished in the Faith"
rial/s: First steps for New Christians: Paul Chappell
Spiritual Progress
Our members were so attentive as they listened to the lesson
and all of them humbly admitted the fact that they were
condemned sinners before God has given them salvation. They
all agreed with the severe judgment of sin which is death for
they all understood the meaning of it. They all realized and
believed that its only by God's grace they received the gift of
Salvation. Loi, through his countenance was fascinated with the
truths that he learned from God's word. He also admitted that
he is a sinner and at the same time he is facing this penalty. To
God be the glory!

Spiritual Progress
By God"s grace our members understood clearly that the
salvation they received from God is a free gift that they don't
deserve. As a result they expressed their gratitude to God for
the salvation they have received. They also manifest through a
sincere act of submission a desire to obey God and faithfully
serve Him. God through His grace granted us with victory this
afternoon. He gave Loi faith to believe in His Holy Word about
Salvation. Loi got saved! Our prayer that He would grow more
spiritually. To God be the Glory!

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