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Unit 1 Meaning and Kinds of Reasoning

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1.0 Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Meaning of Reasoning and Inference
1.3 Objections against Reasoning and Inference
1.4 Kinds of Reasoning
1.5 Arguments against Deduction and Induction
1.6 Kinds of Generalization
1.7 Let Us Sum Up
1.8 Key Words
1.9 Further Readings and References
1.10 Answers to Check Your Progress


In this unit you will become familiar with the role played by reasoning and inference in the
development of logic. You will be exposed to objections to interpret logic as concerned with
reasoning and inference and consequent change in the meaning of these words. The next section
deals with intricate features of two forms of inference followed by the limits and attempts to
justify criticisms made against these two forms. It may appear to be a repetition of what was said
in the previous block. But it is not so. Discussion of these issues is an extension of earlier
exposition. At the end of the unit you should be able to:
• distinguish classical logic from modern logic
• understand why modern logic deviated from the path of classical logic
• to make a subtle distinction between universalization and generalization
• make a close association between logic and mathematics


It is profitable to contrast deductive inference with inductive inference within the framework of
classical logic, before we undertake a detailed critical survey of induction within the gambit of
contemporary philosophy. One of the characteristics of deductive logic is its formal character in
virtue of its emphasis upon the structure and form of argument. It also functions as a ‘criterion of
demarcation’, to borrow the phrase from Karl Popper, to distinguish deductive inference from
inductive inference. Secondly, reasoning is one of the terms often used as synonymous with
inference. Therefore it is desirable to consider various aspects of these two words also. Let us
begin with the second aspect first.


Reasoning consists, essentially, in the employment of intellect, in its ability to ‘see’ beyond, and
‘within’ as well, what is available to senses. Reasoning, therefore, can be regarded as an
instrument which enables mankind to grasp ‘unknown’ with the help of ‘known’. While
reasoning can be regarded as an instrument, inference can be regarded as the process involved in
extracting what is unknown from what is known. This is precisely the content of argument, the
essence logic. And this is the way knowledge keeps growing.


Whatever is said about inference in this particular section applies more or less to reasoning.
One argument which goes against inference is that it is beset with psychological overtones.
What is afflicted with psychological overtones is essentially subjective. Logic, in virtue of its
close association with knowledge, has nothing to do with anything that is subjective. Cohen
and Nagel for this particular reason chose to use ‘implication’ instead of ‘inference’. The
difference can be understood easily when we look at the usage. Statements always ‘imply’
but do not ‘infer’. I ‘infer’, but I do not ‘imply’. Salmon fell in line with Cohen and Nagel
when he said that the very possibility of inference depends upon reasoning. However,
logicians like Copi, Carnap, Russell etc., chose to retain the word inference. But, all along,
they only meant implication. Therefore keeping these restrictions in our mind let us freely
use ‘inference’.

Though the use of the word ‘reason’ is not much rewarding, the word ‘reasonableness’ has
some weight. We often talk about reasonableness of conclusion. In this context
reasonableness means ‘grounds of acceptability’. Surely, in this restricted sense,
reasonableness is objective just as inference is.


If deductive logic is characterized by form, which also serves as a reliable ‘criterion of

demarcation’ (1.0), then inductive logic must be characterized by something else (since
reasoning, inference and logic are used as synonymous, any word can replace any other word).
It is claimed that in inductive logic matter or content is primary as opposed to deductive logic.
In order to understand the differences we must know a little about the nature of deductive and
inductive inferences. These issues shall be addressed now.

When we deal with the form of deductive argument, we also deal with ‘valid’ and ‘true’, on
the one hand, and ‘invalid’ and ‘false’, on the other. This particular distinction is very
prominent. Only statements are true (or false) whereas only arguments are valid (or invalid).
This distinction will take us to this table.

Table 1:

Statements Arguments
1) True Valid

2) True Invalid
3) False Valid
4) False Invalid

This table helps us to understand the following distinction. a) A valid argument (1 and 3) may
consist of completely true statements or completely false statements or both true and false
statements. b) An invalid argument (2 and 4), similarly, may consist of statements in exactly the
same manner mentioned above. Therefore it means that truth and validity may or may not
coincide. Similarly, we have to distinguish between material truth and logical truth. Material
truth is what is stated by matter of fact. Logical truth is the outcome of the structure of argument.
We shall consider examples which correspond to four combinations (see table1). Let us call
premises p1, p2, etc. and conclusion q.
p1: No foreigners are voters.
p2: All Europeans are foreigners.
q: ∴No Europeans are voters.
p1: Some poets are literary figures.
p2: All play writers are literary figures.
q: ∴some play writers are poets.
p1: All politicians are ministers.
p2: Medha Patkar is a politician.
q: ∴Medha Patkar is a minister.
p1: 3 is the cube root of – 27.
p2: - 27 is the cube root of 729.
q:∴ 3 is the cube root of 729.
(It is sufficient to accept that in the above mentioned argument all three propositions are

These four arguments apply to serial numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively. First and third
arguments have a definite structure in virtue of which they are held to be valid. While second and
fourth arguments have a different structure which makes them invalid. When an argument is
valid the premise or premises imply the conclusion. If there is no implication then the argument
is invalid. Validity is governed by a certain rule which can again be represented in a tabular
form. [Let us designate ‘true’ by ‘T’ (1) and ‘false’ by ‘F’ (0) as a matter convention].
Table 2:
p q
1) T(1) T(1) Valid
2) F(0) F(0) Valid
3) F(0) T(1) Valid
4) T(1) F(0) Invalid

We can also say that the premises necessitate the conclusion. In this case, necessity is of a

particular kind, i.e., it is logical necessity. Therefore, when there is implication, conclusion is
necessarily true. Very often, deductive logic is identified with mathematical model. It is
generally admitted that in both these disciplines information provided by conclusion is the same
as the one provided by the premises. It means that both are characterized by material identity.
Deductive argument, therefore, is an example for tautology. We say that an argument is
tautologous when the combination of statements is true under all circumstances.

If, one can ask, the conclusion does not go beyond premises and no new information is acquired
in the process, then why argue and what is the function of arguments? The answer is very simple.
Knowledge is not the same as mere acquisition of information. Novelty is not a measure of
knowledge. The legend is that Socrates extracted a geometrical theorem from a slave purported
to be totally ignorant of mathematics. The moral is that knowledge is within, not in the sense in
which brain or liver is within. Knowledge is the outcome of critical attitude. Knowledge is
discovered, not invented and so goes the ancient Indian maxim: eliminate ignorance and become
enlightened. If what is said is not clear, then consider this path. Deductive argument helps us to
know what is contained in the premises, i.e., the meaning of the premises. It is an excursion into
the analysis of the meaning of the premises. And the conclusion is an expression of the same. If
so, it is easy to see how the denial of conclusion in such a case amounts to denying the meaning
of the premises which were accepted earlier. What is called self-contradiction is exactly the same
as the combination of denial of conclusion and acceptance of premises. Therefore we say that a
valid deductive argument is characterized by logical necessity. Hence a deductive argument is
tautologous. It means that it is always true.

At this stage, two terms will be introduced; analytic and a priori. Consider this example: ‘all
men with no hair on their heads are bald. We know that this statement is true in virtue of the
meaning of the word ‘bald’; not otherwise. Such a statement is called analytic. In such
statements the predicate term (here ‘bald’) is contained in the subject term (here ‘men with no
hair on their heads’). Knowledge obtained from an analytic statement is necessarily a priori, i.e.
knowledge prior to sense experience. In philosophical parlance all analytic statements are
necessarily a priori. Deductive logic provides knowledge a priori, though the premises and
conclusion considered separately are not analytic. However, deductive argument and analytic
statement share a common characteristic; in both the cases denial leads to self-contradiction.
How do we say that deductive logic provides a priori knowledge? Consider an example.

Arg. 5: All saints are pious.

All philosophers are saints.
∴All philosophers are pious.

Evidently, there is no need to examine saints and philosophers to know that the conclusion is
true. Indeed, it is not even necessary that there should be saints who are pious as well as
philosophers. This being the case, arg. 5 takes the following form without leading to distortion of

Arg. 5a: If all saints are pious and all philosophers are saints, then all philosophers are pious.
The argument is transformed into a statement which involves relation. All implicatory relations
(the present relation is one such) are such that without the aid of sense experience, but with the

laws of formal logic alone, it is possible to derive the conclusion. Thus like an analytic
statement, any valid deductive argument provides a priori knowledge and hence it is devoid of
novelty. Deductive argument is properly characterized as logically necessary. It is improper to
characterize deductive argument as absolutely certain. Being a priori is one thing and being
absolutely certain is something different. At this point, it is not necessary to discuss in detail the
differences between absolute necessity and logical necessity. It is sufficient to know that absolute
certainty is not to be confused with logical certainty. While the former is not the same as a priori,
the latter is. The difference is that absolute necessity is psychological and hence subjective
whereas logical necessity is logical and hence objective.

When sense experience takes back seat, intellect or reason becomes the prime means of
acquiring knowledge. Following the footsteps of Descartes, who is regarded as the father of
rationalism, we can conclude that deductive logic is rational. So we have sketched three
characteristics; logical necessity, a priori and rational. One character presupposes another
because there is a thread which runs through these characteristics.

Deductive argument is characterized by qualitative difference in opposition to quantitative

difference, i.e. differences between valid and invalid arguments are only in kind but not in
degree. Let us make matters clear: a valid argument cannot become more valid in virtue of
addition of premise or premises. On the other hand, if any one premise is taken out of a valid
argument, then the argument does not become ‘less valid’. On the contrary, it simply becomes
invalid. So an argument is either valid or invalid. Validity is not a matter of degree. Therefore a
valid argument is said to be satiated. This is what we mean when we say that the premises in a
valid argument constitute necessary and sufficient conditions to accept the conclusion. An
argument is invalid due to a ‘missing link’ in the class of premises.

We have learnt that validity is an important facet of deductive logic. Now it is time to understand
the formal characters of deductive logic. Strawson lists three aspects of formal logic: generality,
form and system. Generality is distinguishable, clearly, from matter. Generality means that
individual is not the subject matter of logic. Formal logic concerns only with the relation
between statements, but not objects. This is because it is futile to embark upon a study involving
objects because such a study has only beginning but no end. Consider two examples,

p1: The author of Abhijnana Shakuntala was in the court of king Bhoja.
p2: Kalidasa is the author of Abhijnana Shakuntala.
q : ∴Kalidasa was in the court of king Bhoja.

Arg 6A:
p1: The author of Monadology was in the court of the queen of Prussia.
p2: Leibniz is the author of Monadology.
q: ∴Leibniz was in the court of the queen of Prussia.

It is easy to decide prima facie that the structure of these two arguments is identical. The
difference consists in subject matter only and it is possible to construct countless arguments
having an identical structure. Obviously, this is not a profitable exercise. The essence of formal

logic consists in saying that p1 & p2 imply q or that q follows from or entails p1& p2. Only
implication and entailment are relevant here. Strawson has made very clear this aspect.
Implication or entailment is independent of subject matter. Therefore it is impossible to identify
the subject matter in virtue of recognition of implication. This point can be further clarified with
the help of variables. Let us represent Abhijnana Shakunthala or Monadology with x, Kalidasa or
Leibniz with y and queen of Prussia or King Bhoja with z. Now the argument takes this form.

Arg6’: p1: The author of x was in the court of z.

p2: y is the author of x.
q : ∴y was in the court of z.

In this particular context, without knowing the contents of x,y,and z we can know that p1 and p2
together imply q. The same explanation holds good to any invalid or inconsistent argument.

Let us call such forms logical forms. A logical form has two components: variables and
constants. x, y, z etc are variables. ‘If …….then, or, and, not’ and ‘if and only if’ are called
logical constants. In the final analysis, the structure of an argument is determined by constants,
but not variables. The dependence of the laws of an argument on constants can be illustrated in
this way. In life science the classification of animals is an important topic. The anatomical
features of birds and aquatic creatures differ and there is difference in the function of those
organs. Just as birds have some organs in common, aquatic creatures have certain other organs in
common. These common organs correspond to constants. Similarly, every class of argument has
definite constants. Just as the structure of birds is different from the structure of aquatic
creatures, the structure of one class of arguments is different from the structure of some other
class of arguments. The laws which explain the function of the organs of birds are different from
the laws which explain the function of the organs of aquatic creatures. Similarly, when the
structure of an argument differs, the laws also differ.

Integration of rules is another characteristic of formal logic. The structures of argument and rules
are mutually dependent. If it is possible to decide the structure of an argument and also different
classes of arguments, then is possible to achieve what is called formalization or systematization.

Deductive argument is also regarded as demonstrative argument, because the premises offer
conclusive evidences for the conclusion. Acceptance of premises leaves no room for any
reasonable or meaningful doubt. On the contrary, induction stands for any non-demonstrative
argument where the premises, irrespective of their number, do not and cannot offer conclusive
evidences to the conclusion. The word ‘induction’ is the translation of what Aristotle called
‘epagoge’. C.S. Peirce called them ‘ampliative’, because in this type of argument the conclusion
always goes beyond the premises and the premises offer, at best, reasonable grounds to ‘believe’
such conclusion. Belief is not the same as proof, a distinction which was, more often than not,
completely ignored by the protagonists of induction. This is one difference. Secondly, all
characteristics of induction are opposed to deduction. Uncertainty and sense experience
characterize any inductive argument. Let us consider the second character first. This type of
argument begins with sense experience. The premises, therefore, can be called ‘observation-
statements which directly result from experience. However, the conclusion is not an observation
statement because it overshoots the material provided by observation statements which is why

the observation statements cannot justify the conclusion. No matter how many black crows I
have seen, it cannot prove or justify that ‘all crows are black.’ In this example black crows which
I have seen form the matter of observation statements. The statement ‘all crows are black’ not
only includes observed crows, but also includes crows which have not been observed by me. It is
the second component which is the root cause of endless debate on the nature of inductive

At the outset, it is necessary to dispel a widespread and deep-rooted misconception. Inductive

argument, it is held erroneously, always provides universal statement. On the contrary, what it
provides is merely a statement which depends upon experience, but in itself is not an experiential
statement. On some occasions, experience can vouch for the conclusion, but on some other
occasions, it cannot. For example, considering the fact that, today I observed 5384 black crows, I
may conclude that ‘tomorrow I will observe the same number of black crows’. This sort of
conclusion is characterized by a sort of leap, leap from ‘observed to unobserved or
unobservable’. This is called inductive leap which always results in generalization. Induction
cannot even be conceived in the absence of generalization. Thus generalization is the hallmark of
induction. However, a universal statement differs from generalization because it is possible to
construct a universal statement within the limits of sense experience without involving
generalization, for example, when I conclude after close scrutiny that every book in the library is
a hardback edition, the conclusion is universal but it is not an instance of generalization because
there is no leap from observed to unobserved or unobservable.

The example considered above is future-oriented and in principle, it is ‘verifiable’. However,

inductive inference need not be so always. It can also be past-oriented which is surely,
‘unverifiable’. History, anthropology, Geology, etc. consist of arguments which are past-
oriented. But the mechanism, involved in both the cases is exactly the same. Therefore the prime
characteristic of induction is that the conclusion does not necessarily follow from the premises
and that experience precedes inference which means that inductive inference is uncertain and a
posteriori. Whatever knowledge we acquire ‘after experience’, or whatever depends upon
experience is called a posteriori as opposed to a priori.

While logical certainty and a priori knowledge provided by deductive logic entitles it to be
loosely called rational, uncertainty and a posteriori knowledge provided by inductive logic
entitles it to be called empirical a character disputed by Popper. We will consider his arguments
at a later stage. The uncertainty of inductive conclusion prompts us to introduce another basic
term in philosophy, viz. ‘probability’. However, before we consider the probable nature of
inductive conclusion some remarks on ‘content’ and ‘truth’ are needed.

Inductive inference is not formal in the sense that more than structure, the subject matter is
relevant which is why the acceptability or relevance of the conclusion varies from one argument
to another. Consider these examples:

Over the years, the scientists compared finger prints of over a ‘million number’ of people
and observed that none of them was identical with any other.
∴No two finger prints in the world at any point of time are alike.

It is very easy to think that this particular conclusion is based on just one premise. In reality, it is
based upon ‘over a million number’ of premises. A judgment on every pair of fingerprints is,
indeed, a premise. Another important point to be noted is that this conclusion is not restricted by
spatio-temporal factors. Compare the previous argument with this argument.

Thalidomide was administered to a large number of pregnant women as an antidote to
morning sickness. In a significant number of those cases, infants developed physical
∴ Τhis drug is likely to be harmful in future also.

The difference is that Arg7 does not include any exception whereas the Arg8 includes
exceptions. Secondly, the former is taken to be beyond all reasonable doubts whereas the latter is
not. Yet the second argument yields conclusion which is accepted in spite of contrary facts
whereas the first argument yields conclusions which may be doubted. That it is not doubted is
altogether different. It is possible that these two arguments enjoy credibility at different levels.
What is important is that in none of these cases can we say that the conclusion is true because the
premises do not imply the conclusion.

This analysis makes two points clear. Content alters the acceptability of argument and inductive
argument is neither valid nor invalid. In other words, an inductive conclusion is neither true nor
false. At best it is probable and at worst it is improbable.

Probability is a matter of degree. Assume that truth takes value ‘1’ and falsity takes value ‘0’.
Then the numerical value of probability varies from 0 to 1 without reaching either lower limit or
upper limit. At this stage, it is enough to point out that the favourable premises raise the
probability value. Therefore an inductive argument may consist of any number of premises, but
what makes an argument more acceptable or less acceptable is the probability value that it takes.
So we shall replace ‘valid’ and ‘invalid’ by ‘good’ and ‘bad’ and consequently, an inductive
argument is either good or bad depending upon the level of its acceptability.

In deductive logic it is impossible to deny the conclusion, when the premises are accepted as
true, without contradicting one’s own self. How can an inductive argument escape from
contradiction? The response is obvious. Conclusion includes more information than the
premises. After accepting the premises if we deny the conclusion, we deny only that component
of the conclusion which does not coincide with the premises. Therefore denial does not imply
contradiction. The relation between premises and conclusion is very much akin to ‘synthetic’ as
opposed to ‘analytic’ judgments where the meanings of subject and predicate are different, but
otherwise related as in the case of the statement, ‘The height of Mt. Everest is 29,000ft’. It is
possible to ascertain the truth or falsity of such propositions, but it is not possible to know it a
priori. So it was thought that all synthetic statements are necessarily a posteriori until Kant
expressed his doubts on this issue. He tried to establish synthetic a priori propositions in order to
counter Hume’s attack on some metaphysical principles. Had he succeeded in doing so the
development of inductive logic would have taken place in a very different direction.


While deductive inference is exposed to less number of and less serious criticisms, induction is
exposed not only to more serious criticisms, but also is attacked on more than one ground. While
some of them find place in another unit, one particular criticism is considered here. Though this
criticism was made by J.S. Mill with reference to one type of deductive argument known as
syllogism, in general, any deductive argument is affected by this character. Mill contends that
syllogism is guilty of repeating the premises in the conclusion without moving further. This
criticism applies to inference within the limits of classical logic, where only true premises are
considered or where the premises are taken to be true. When such premises and conclusion are
conjoined, we get what is called compound statement and such statement is called tautology,
because the same thing is said twice. The aim of logic is to achieve progress in knowledge.
Deductive logic fails to achieve this particular aim. This objection can be effectively answered as
has been pointed out early (1.4).

But the problem is more serious with induction. In the first place, induction is not regarded as
logic at all since the truth of the conclusion does not follow necessarily from the truth of
premises. Promptly, this objection was met by the defenders of induction by arguing that
deductive standard ought not to be applied to inductive logic, lest the distinction itself becomes
superfluous. As an alternative measure, some inductivists proposed what are called self-
supporting inductive arguments. But any attempt to support one inductive argument with any
inductive principle, if there is one, will, surely, lead to arguing in circle. This is so called because
in this type of argument we are assuming what has to be proved which is a fallacy.

For quite some time it was believed that science follows a certain type of method which starts
with observation of facts and ends up with generalization in the guise of law. This was the view
of Bacon. Popper targeted induction precisely for this reason. While self-supporting inductive
arguments involve arguing in a circle, any other attempt to justify induction results in infinite
regress, i.e., if we use one principle to justify a law in science, then this principle stands in need
of justification, and so on. This is what is known as infinite regress. These issues will engage our
attention later (see unit 1 of block 3).


While the type of deductive conclusion remains the same, the type of generalization differs.
Broadly speaking, there are three types of generalization unrestricted generalization, restricted
generalization and statistical generalization. Accordingly, induction also is of three types:
unrestricted, restricted and statistical [instead of generalization, universal also can be used].
Generalization is said to be unrestricted when it does not include exception in any form. There
are three types of restricted generalization; individual, spatial and temporal. Three illustrations
are required to make this point clear.
1 Tendulkar will score a century in the next match.
2 All those who live in India are Hindus.
3 All those who lived before 20th century were religious.

However, unrestricted generalization is free from any of these types of restrictions. The
following statement illustrates this type.
4 All celestial bodies revolve in elliptic orbit.

Generally, restricted universal or generalization allows complete enumeration. But unrestricted

generalization does not allow. Inductive logic in general and science in particular do not take
enumeration seriously. Aristotle, indeed, regarded complete enumeration as one type of
induction. It is important to note that complete enumeration does not generate generalization
because there is no jump from ‘observed’ to ‘unobserved’. Therefore it cannot even be regarded
as inference. He was perhaps aware of this limitation. In some other place, he said that it is a
kind of syllogism. Even then complete enumeration ceases to be induction. These problems
forced Aristotle to propose another type which he called ‘intuitive induction’. He defined it as
‘…a kind of induction which exhibits the universal as implicit in the clearly known particular’.

Analogy can be regarded as an example for intuitive induction. But the case of analogy is very
different. Analogy excludes generalization of all types. Still, it is inductive, because with its help
we pass from ‘observed’ to ‘unobserved’. In this case, we notice certain similarities and over and
above that a quality in one particular object but not in another. Then we infer that these objects
(or persons) must be similar with respect to newly detected quality. This particular inference is,
evidently, intuitive. Intuition is, essentially, subjective. But in this case the subjective nature of
intuition does not pose any problem because what is inferred can be tested by anyone. Hence,
analogy can be regarded as objective and also as inference.

Development in certain fields like statistics has given rise to a different type of generalization
which may be called statistical generalization. Statistical generalization requires fair sample
within which a study is undertaken yielding a certain ratio. This is, surely, an example for
empirical approach. Observations made within this sample are extended to the parent class, i.e.
the class of which the sample forms a part. It is quite likely that we may arrive at a certain ratio
within fair sample whereas within the parent class we may arrive at some other ratio if certain
other parameters influence the rest of the class. Another type of statistical generalization results
when observations made in one sample become the ground to make observations in some other
sample. In all such studies, it is frequency of occurrence of an event which matters. It is of
utmost importance that in any statistical study fair sample should consist of elements selected by
the same procedure.

In this context, a pertinent question arises. When does a sampling become fair? To be more
precise, where can we draw the line demarcating fair sample from not so fair? To be sure, there
is no such clear demarcation. Largely, it is a matter of convention which decides the fairness of a
certain sample.

Check Your Progress I

Note: a) Use the space provided for your answer.

b) Check your answers with those provided at the end of the unit.

1)Analyse the relation between validity and formal character of deductive logic.

2) Bring out the meanings of ‘analytic and synthetic’ and ‘a priori and a posteriori’.


3) Give examples (must be your own) for valid arguments consisting of only false
statements and invalid arguments consisting of only true statements.


4) Analyse the characteristics of induction.


5) Comment upon the criticisms made against deductive and inductive inferences.



6) Distinguish different types of generalization.





Inference or reasoning is of two types: inductive and deductive; deduction is formal and it is
valid or invalid. Valid argument may consist of either true statements or false statements.
Deductive inference is known a priori. Sense experience is irrelevant in deductive logic. Intellect
is the key to deductive inference. Denial of conclusion leads to contradiction. Logical certainty, a
priori nature and rational are the qualities of deduction.

Inductive inference is uncertain, a posteriori and empirical. Induction is regarded only by some
as empirical. Inductive conclusion is the same as generalization. Generalization and universal are
not same. In induction content determines acceptability whereas in deduction form determines
validity. Probability is a matter of degree which is always a variable fraction. Deduction, it is
said, is tautological whereas induction is neither an inference nor a method of science.
Generalization is of three types: restricted, unrestricted and statistical.


Axiom: In traditional logic, an axiom or postulate is a proposition that is not proved or

demonstrated but considered to be either self-evident, or subject to necessary
decision. Therefore, its truth is taken for granted, and serves as a starting point for
deducing and inferring other (theory dependent) truths.


Cohen, M. and Nagel, E. An introduction to Logic and Scientific Method. New Delhi: Allied
Publishers, 1968.
E. Mendelson, et al. Introduction to Mathematical Logic. New York: 1963.
Edwards, Paul, ed. Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Vol 4. Macmillan and Free Press, 1972
Körner, S. The Philosophy of Mathematics. London: Hutchinson University Library, 1971.
Kneale,William. Probability and Induction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1949
Salmon, W.C. Logic. London: Prentice Hall Inc, 1963.
Strawson, P. F. Introduction to Logical Theory. London: Methuen, 1967

Putman, Hilary. Philosophy of Logic. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1972.
Wilder L, Raymond and Wiley. Introduction to the Foundations of Mathematics. New York:
John and Sons Inc, 1952.


Check Your Progress I

1) One of the characteristics of deductive logic is its formal character in virtue of its
emphasis upon the structure and form of argument. Reasoning is also one of the formal
characters of the deductive logic. Reasoning can be regarded as the process involved in
extracting what is unknown from what is known. When we deal with the form of
argument we also deal with ‘valid’ and ‘true’ on the one hand and ‘invalid’ and ‘false’ on
the other. This particular distinction is very prominent. Only statements are true (or false)
whereas only arguments are valid (or invalid).

2) we shall begin with an example: ‘all men with no hair on their heads are bald ‘, We know
that this statement is true in virtue of the meaning of the word ‘bald’. Such a statement is
called analytic. Knowledge obtained from an analytic statement is necessarily a priori, i.e.
knowledge prior to sense experience. Deductive logic provides knowledge a priori,
though the premises and conclusion considered separately are not analytic. However,
deductive argument and analytic statement share a common characteristic. In both the
cases, denial leads to self-contradiction. Any knowledge before experience is a priori and
that knowledge which comes after experience is called a posteriori.

3) p1: All Indians are cricket lovers.

p2: Adolf Hitler is an Indian.
∴ Adolf Hitler is a cricket lover.
This argument is valid but the statements are not true.

p1: Some singers are musicians.

p2: All play writers are musicians.
q: ∴some play writers are singers.
This argument is invalid but the statements may be true.

4) The word ‘induction’ is the translation of what Aristotle called ‘epagoge”. In this type of
argument the conclusion always goes beyond the premises and the premises offer, at best,
reasonable grounds to ‘believe’ such conclusion. Belief is not the same as proof, a
distinction which was, more often than not, completely ignored by the protagonists of
induction. This is one difference. Uncertainty and sense experience characterize any
inductive argument. Let us consider the second character first. This type of argument
begins with sense experience. The premises, therefore, can be called ‘observation-
statements which directly result from experience. However, the conclusion is not so
because it overshoots the limits of observation statements which is why the observation-

statements cannot justify the conclusion. No matter how many black crows I have seen, it
cannot prove that ‘all crows are black.’ The prime characteristic of induction is that the
conclusion does not necessarily follow from the premises and that experience precedes
inference, which means that inductive inference is uncertain and a posteriori. Whatever
knowledge we acquire ‘after experience’, or whatever depends upon experience is called
a posteriori as opposed to a priori.

5) Induction has attracted more number of criticisms than deduction. The criticism against
deduction was made by J.S. Mill with reference to one type of deductive argument known
as syllogism. However, in general any deductive argument is affected by this character.
Mill contends that syllogism is guilty of repeating the premises in the conclusion. This
criticism applies to inference within the limits of classical logic, where only true premises
are considered or where the premises are taken to be true. When such premises and
conclusion are conjoined we get what is called compound statement and such statement is
called tautology, because the same thing is said twice. The aim of logic is to achieve
progress on knowledge. Deductive logic fails to achieve this particular aim.
Induction, on the other hand is open to more serious criticisms. Induction is not regarded
as logic at all since the truth of the conclusion does not follow necessarily from the truth
of premises. Popper targeted induction for another reason. For quite some time it was
believed that science follows a certain type of method which starts with observation of
facts and ends up with generalization in the guise of law. This particular view came under
attack by Popper.

6) There are three types of unrestricted generalization, restricted generalization and

statistical generalization. ‘Sachin will score a century in the next match’ is a restricted
generalization but ‘all celestial bodies revolve in elliptic orbit’ is the unrestricted
generalization. Generalization is said to be unrestricted when it does not include
exception in any form. Unrestricted generalization is free from any type of restrictions,
whereas the other types are not. Restricted universal or generalization allows complete


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