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Implementing Payables Invoice To Pay

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Implementing Payables Invoice to


Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay



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Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay


Get Help ................................................................................................................................ i

1 Invoice Processing 1
Automated Invoice Processing Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 1
Intelligent Document Recognition ............................................................................................................................................. 13

2 General Payables Options 17

Manage Common Options for Payables and Procurement ................................................................................................. 17
Manage Invoice Options ............................................................................................................................................................. 27
Manage Payment Options ......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Manage Tax Reporting and Withholding Tax Options ........................................................................................................ 40

3 Payables Configuration 49
Distribution Sets ........................................................................................................................................................................... 49
Payment Terms ............................................................................................................................................................................. 49
Payment Terms and Reference Data Sharing ........................................................................................................................ 52
Example of Creating Payment Terms Based on Days ......................................................................................................... 54
Invoice Tolerances ........................................................................................................................................................................ 56
Invoice Holds and Releases ....................................................................................................................................................... 58
Considerations for Payables Calendar Period Frequencies ................................................................................................ 59
How Periods for Payables Calendars Are Generated ........................................................................................................... 60
How You Set Up Third-Party Payments .................................................................................................................................. 62
Auditing Payables Business Objects ........................................................................................................................................ 63
FAQs for Payables Configuration ............................................................................................................................................ 154

4 Payables Tax and Withholding 155

Guidelines for Reporting Limit Methods for Income Tax Regions ................................................................................... 155
Reporting Entities ....................................................................................................................................................................... 155
Define Payables Setup for Withholding Tax ......................................................................................................................... 156
Withholding Tax Codes .............................................................................................................................................................. 157
Withholding Tax Code Rate Types .......................................................................................................................................... 159
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay

Withholding Tax Classifications .............................................................................................................................................. 160

Withholding Tax Certificates and Exceptions ....................................................................................................................... 161
FAQs for Payables Tax and Withholding ................................................................................................................................ 161

5 Approving Invoices 163

How Invoices Are Approved ..................................................................................................................................................... 163

6 Configuration for Rapid Implementation 165

Overview of Invoice and Payment Configuration for Rapid Implementation ................................................................ 165

7 Disbursements 167
Set Up and Make Electronic Payments ................................................................................................................................. 167
Set Up and Make Check Payments ......................................................................................................................................... 171
How Disbursements Are Processed ....................................................................................................................................... 176
Payment Methods ....................................................................................................................................................................... 181
Usage Rules ................................................................................................................................................................................. 182
Payment Method Defaulting .................................................................................................................................................... 183
Payment Process Profiles ......................................................................................................................................................... 184
How You Set Up Payment Approval ...................................................................................................................................... 186
How You Implement the Granting Payment Function Access Setup Task ..................................................................... 188
How You Use Oracle Analytics Publisher to Modify Templates for Use with Formats ................................................ 190
Example of Setting Up User-Defined Validations for Payment Methods or for Payment Files ................................. 192
FAQs for Disbursements ........................................................................................................................................................... 194

8 Payment System Connectivity 197

Options for Validations .............................................................................................................................................................. 197
How You Set Up Formats ......................................................................................................................................................... 198
Transmission Protocols ............................................................................................................................................................. 201
Transmission Configurations ................................................................................................................................................... 202
How You Set Up Transmission Configurations ................................................................................................................... 202
How You Configure Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Encryption and Digital Signature for Outbound and Inbound Messages
......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 204
How You Configure Two-Factor Authentication Using A Security Key File .................................................................. 209
How You Test the Transmission Configuration ................................................................................................................... 210
How You Set Up a Payment System ....................................................................................................................................... 212
Payment System Accounts ....................................................................................................................................................... 215
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay

Import a Security Credential File ............................................................................................................................................ 216

FAQs for Payment System Connectivity ................................................................................................................................ 218

9 Payments Security 219

Options for System Security .................................................................................................................................................... 219
Enable Encryption of Sensitive Payment Information ....................................................................................................... 222
Set Up a Supplier's Bank Account .......................................................................................................................................... 222
How You Update Bank, Branch, and Bank Account Numbers on External Bank Accounts ....................................... 225
How Supplier Bank Account Import Data is Processed .................................................................................................... 226
Removal of Personally Identifiable Information ................................................................................................................... 231
FAQs for Payment Security ...................................................................................................................................................... 237

10 Bank Account User Rules by Country 239

Employee Bank Account Rules by Country: Argentina to Guernsey .............................................................................. 239
Employee Bank Account Rules by Country: Hong Kong to Norway ............................................................................... 255
Employee Bank Account Rules by Country: Oman to Vietnam ....................................................................................... 275

11 Cash Management and Banking Configuration 295

How Bank, Branch, and Account Components Work Together ....................................................................................... 295
Considerations When You Create Accounts ........................................................................................................................ 296
Cash Management Profile Options ........................................................................................................................................ 297
Overview of Parse Rule Sets ................................................................................................................................................... 299
Overview of Transaction Type Mapping .............................................................................................................................. 300
Overview of Tolerance Rules .................................................................................................................................................... 301
Reconciliation Matching Rules ................................................................................................................................................ 302
Overview of Reconciliation Rules Sets .................................................................................................................................. 308
Overview of Bank Statement Transaction Codes ............................................................................................................... 309
How You Map Configurable BAI2 Transaction Codes ....................................................................................................... 309
How You Set Up Wildcard Support for Bank Statement Processing Using UCM Protocol .......................................... 310
Overview of Bank Statement Transaction Creation Rules ................................................................................................ 310
Create Banks, Branches, and Accounts in Spreadsheet ..................................................................................................... 311
Setting Up Cash Positioning and Forecasting ...................................................................................................................... 312
Bank Account Validation ........................................................................................................................................................... 316

12 Business Events 397

Overview of Public Business Events ...................................................................................................................................... 397
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay

Business Events for Payables .................................................................................................................................................. 397

Enable the Payables Business Events Profile Option ......................................................................................................... 401
Business Events for Payments ................................................................................................................................................ 401
Enable the Payments Business Events Profile Option ...................................................................................................... 402
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Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay

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Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Get Help
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 1
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Invoice Processing

1 Invoice Processing

Automated Invoice Processing Configuration

How Integrated Invoice Imaging Works for Oracle Cloud
Watch video

The integrated invoice imaging solution for Oracle Cloud provides scanned image import, intelligent character
recognition, and automatic invoice creation. In addition, the solution routes invoices with exceptions to accounts
payables personnel for review and completion.

This figure shows the integrated invoice imaging flow.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 1
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Invoice Processing

Here's a summary of the steps in the imaging process followed by details of the processing flow.

1. To use the integrated invoice imaging solution, you must have a designated email to send the invoice images.
You get one when you sign up for the Oracle Cloud Application Service.
2. After you have the email, prepare the invoices for processing.

◦ If your business process is to receive invoice images from your suppliers, communicate to them your
imaging requirements. The suppliers can then send the invoice images directly to the designated email.
◦ If you receive paper invoices, prepare images from the invoices and send the images to the email.
3. Once you send the images to the email account, the imaging solution retrieves them for further processing.
The solution checks for new images every minute and creates invoices from the images.
4. If any exceptions occur during automatic invoice creation, the solution marks the invoices as incomplete. It
then routes the incomplete invoices to accounts payable personnel for review and completion. The incomplete
invoices appear in the Scanned information tile on the Invoices landing page.
5. After finishing the rest of the invoice processing tasks, such as validation and approval, the invoices are ready
for payment.

E-Mail Scanned Images

Based on agreements with your suppliers, you might receive paper invoices at your bill-to locations, or you might
receive images by email. You can communicate imaging requirements to your suppliers, such as to send images in the
TIFF format with a minimum of 300 dpi.

Imaging specialists can check for quality and proper formatting for images sent by email. Imaging specialists can also
sort the paper invoices into different categories based on these parameters:
• Geography
• Invoice type
• Invoice amount
• Due date

They can then scan the invoices to convert them to images.

Imaging specialists forward the images to the designated email. They can optionally specify attributes in the email
subject for the purposes of routing and recording.

Import Images
Oracle Imaging retrieves the images from the designated email at scheduled intervals. It groups all invoice images in an
email into a batch.

Recognize Images
The imaging solution then sends the batches for intelligent data recognition and extraction of the invoice attributes.

Oracle's Imaging Solution offers cutting-edge intelligent recognition capabilities for extracting the invoice attributes
from the scanned images. Unlike other solutions that use supplier-specific templates to extract information, Oracle's
Imaging Solution can intelligently locate data within the invoice. Imaging Solution finds the data regardless of its
location on the image and whether it has processed invoices from that supplier before. As you add suppliers, or an
existing supplier changes its invoice layout, Imaging can extract the attributes from the new invoice layouts.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 1
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Invoice Processing

Store Images
Oracle Imaging stores the invoice images and extracted information. For the rest of the invoice life cycle, any reference
to the invoice image points to the imaging repository. This ensures that documents don't undergo replication again
during invoice processing.

Process Invoices
The imaging solution uses the extracted attributes from the images to create the invoices. If exceptions occur during
processing, it marks the invoices as incomplete. It then uses Oracle Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)
workflows to route the incomplete invoices to accounts payable personnel. A default routing rule routes the incomplete
invoices to all users with the Accounts Payable Specialist and Accounts Payable Supervisor job roles.

Incomplete invoices appear in the Scanned information tile on the Invoices landing page. Edit Invoice page highlights
invoice header attributes and lines requiring attention so that you can quickly identify and resolve them. With a dual
monitor setup, you can review both the invoice and the invoice image at the same time.

Oracle Imaging provides an image viewer that's embedded within Oracle Fusion Payables. Accounts payable personnel
can review and annotate the images using the embedded image viewer.

This figure shows the Scanned information tile on the Invoices landing page.

Pay Invoices
After you complete the rest of the invoice processing tasks, such as validating, approving, and accounting, the invoices
are ready for payment. You can schedule a payment process request to select them for payment.

Related Topics
• Considerations for Receiving Invoice Images from Email
• Routing Incomplete Invoices
• Considerations for Integrated Invoice Imaging for Oracle Cloud Implementations
• What's an incomplete invoice?

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 1
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Invoice Processing

Considerations for Integrated Invoice Imaging for Oracle Cloud

The integrated invoice imaging solution for Oracle Cloud provides scanned image import, intelligent character
recognition, and automatic invoice creation. In addition, the solution routes invoices with exceptions to accounts
payables personnel for review and completion.

Scanning Invoice Images

Review these critical points for scanning invoices.

• Consider any legal requirements for processing and storing invoices in the same country that received the
• Scan invoices in black and white using the TIFF image format with International Telegraph and Telephone
Consultative Committee Group IV compression at 300 dpi. Scanning this way provides the optimal balance
between scan quality and image size.
Note: Avoid the JPEG format because the lossy compression logic results in loss of image details, affecting
recognition accuracy.

• Enable adaptive thresholding technology on scanners to remove background colors, gray scaling, and gradients
for pure black and white images. Black and white images provide optimal Optical Character Recognition
accuracy as well as a reduced image size.
• To achieve a higher rate of recognition:
◦ Define purchase order numbers as a combination of letters and numbers instead of using the default
seven-digit numeric format. For example, define purchase order numbers like CN388392.
◦ Implement a uniform numbering scheme for purchase orders across all business units.

Attaching Invoice Images in E-Mail

Review these critical points for attaching invoice images in e-mail.

• Include invoice images in e-mail attachments in the following ways:

◦ Single page invoice in one attachment
◦ Multiple page invoice in one attachment
◦ Multiple invoices in one attachment
◦ Single and multiple page invoices in multiple attachments

• Organize invoices within the attachments for successful recognition. If you have:
◦ Single page invoices in an attachment, you don't have to place a blank page between invoices as a
◦ One multiple page invoice in an attachment, place a blank page at the end or beginning of the
attachment. This method prevents processing each page as a single page invoice.
◦ More than one multiple page invoice in the batch, insert a blank page between the invoices.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 1
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Invoice Processing

◦ Both single and multiple page invoices in an attachment, insert a blank page between invoices.

Note: If you have supporting documentation there is a designated separator page you can insert between the invoice
and the supporting documentation. For more information see the MOS document: DOC ID 2017464.1.

Processing Invoices
Review these critical points for processing invoices.

• Schedule the Import Payables Invoices and Validate Payables Invoices processes to run every 15 to 30 minutes.
• Define distribution sets for your supplier sites.
• Modify the invoice routing rule to achieve the specialization that you want within your payables department.
For example, route the incomplete invoices based on supplier, business unit, or invoice amount. Routing this
way can ensure the payables personnel process invoices based on their specific assignments. The default rule
routes all incomplete invoices to users with the Accounts Payable Specialist and Accounts Payable Supervisor
job roles.

Related Topics
• Considerations for Receiving Invoice Images from Email
• Routing Incomplete Invoices
• Distribution Sets
• What's an incomplete invoice?

Considerations for Receiving Invoice Images from Email

The integrated invoice imaging solution provides for processing invoice images that are received by email.

The email must be sent in a certain format and meet specifications that are acceptable by Oracle's Imaging Solution.
Imaging specialists must scan and convert the paper invoices received from suppliers to images. Alternatively, if
invoices have been received as email attachments, imaging specialists check for quality and proper formatting.

You can optionally enter attributes in the email subject for recording on the invoice and for routing if the invoices are
incomplete. A preconfigured routing rule is provided to route incomplete invoices to all users with Accounts Payables
Specialist and Accounts Payable Supervisor job roles.

Consider the following when receiving invoice images through email.

Invoice Images as Email Attachments

Invoice images can be included in email attachments in the following ways:

• Single page invoice as one attachment.

• Multiple page invoice as one attachment.
• Multiple invoices as one attachment.
• Single as well as multiple page invoices as multiple attachments.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 1
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Invoice Processing

Tip: Depending on the size of each scanned image, consider grouping the images into a single email to optimize the
number of emails sent for processing. You can have multiple attachments on the same email.

Attribute Information in the Email Subject

You can specify up to four attributes in an email subject. These attributes can be recorded on the invoice or used to
route the incomplete invoices to payables personnel for review and completion. Use the underscore sign (_) as a
separator to indicate the start of routing attribute information.

Note: You can also use one of these attributes to override the default business unit on an unmatched scanned
invoice. This attribute is always Routing Attribute 1.

For example, you have a specific business requirement to record categories on the invoice. These categories include
invoice priority, supplier category, manufacturing plant number, storage bin number, and processing queue. You can
specify values for these categories in the email subject.

This table lists the categories and their possible values.

Category Value

Invoice priority Regular, Urgent

Supplier category Regular, Supply chain related

Manufacturing plant number Plant-1, Plant-2, Plant-3

Storage bin number Bin#1, Bin#2, Bin#3

A supplier sends an invoice with the email subject of Invoice-1234 attached. The imaging specialist reviews the
email and provides additional routing information in the email subject. The revised email subject is Invoice-1234
attached_Urgent_Supply chain related_Plant-1_Bin#1.

This table shows how the content in the email subject maps to the routing attributes.

Email Subject Content Routing Attribute Mapping

Invoice-1234 attached Not applicable since the text appears before the first separator character

Urgent Routing attribute 1

Supply chain related Routing attribute 2

Plant-1 Routing attribute 3

Bin#1 Routing attribute 4

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 1
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Invoice Processing

Tip: The routing attribute number and the category aren't explicitly linked together. You must enter the value for the
category in the same order.

The supplier sends another invoice with the email subject of Invoice-2345 attached. The revised email subject is
Invoice-2345 attached_Regular_Supply chain related_Plant-1_Bin#1. The routing rule is defined as follows:

• If routing attribute 1 = Urgent, assign invoice image to accounts payable specialist Harry.
• If routing attribute 1 = Regular, assign invoice image to accounts payable specialist Nathan.

In this example, invoice 1234 is assigned to Harry and invoice 2345 is assigned to Nathan.

As in the previous example, attributes can include alphanumeric characters. The maximum length for each attribute
depends on how many attributes you're using. For example, if you use all five attributes, the maximum length of each
attribute is 34 characters. You can modify the maximum length of each attribute to meet your requirements however,
the sum of the attribute values should not exceed the limit. This limit is calculated as follows, assuming that all five
attributes are used.

• Total number of characters allowed by Oracle Forms Recognition: 233

• Number of characters in the default file path areC:\OFR\Import\: 14
• Number of characters in the file extension .tif, including the period: 4
• Number of characters reserved for internal use as a unique reference number: 40
• Number of separator characters: 5
• Limit is the total characters minus file path minus file extension minus reserved characters minus separator
characters (233-14-4-40-5): 170

Note: The limit changes if you use fewer than five attributes, because fewer separators are needed.

If the attribute in an email subject exceeds the maximum length specified for that attribute, the Oracle Imaging process

Related Topics
• Considerations for Integrated Invoice Imaging for Oracle Cloud Implementations
• How to Override Default Business Units on Unmatched Scanned Invoices

Routing Incomplete Invoices

An incomplete invoice is an invoice created from an image that has invalid or missing information. Incomplete invoices
are automatically routed to users with the Accounts Payable Specialist and Accounts Payables Supervisor job roles for
review and completion.

Routing Rule Administration

You can modify the predefined routing rule using the Approval Management extensions of the Oracle SOA Suite and
Oracle Human Workflow. The Oracle Business Process Management (BPM) Worklist application provides the interface to
administer the rule.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 1
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Invoice Processing

Users with the Financial Application Administrator job role are BPM Worklist administrators and can access
the rules in the BPM Worklist application. To navigate to the BPM Worklist application, use the Manage Task
Configurations for Financials task. The predefined task that assigns and routes incomplete invoices is called the
FinAPIncompleteInvoiceHold task.

The following table lists the predefined settings for the FinAPIncompleteInvoiceHold task.

Field Setting

Task Aggregation Once per stage

On Error Notify Not applicable

Allow all participants to invite other Not enabled


Allow participants to edit future Not enabled


Allow initiator to add participants Not enabled

Enable automatic claim Enabled

Complete task when participant chooses Not enabled

Enable early completion of parallel Not enabled


Complete parent tasks of early completing Not enabled


Expiration and Escalation Policy Never Expire

Reminders No reminders

Rule Sets and Rules

The FinAPIncompleteInvoiceHold task has a rule set, which is a collection of rules, called IncompleteInvoiceRuleSet.
This rule set has a rule called JobRoleAssignmentRule. Rules consist of IF and THEN components. The IF component
specifies the conditions that determine when to apply the rule. The THEN component specifies what happens when the
conditions are met.

The following table lists the predefined settings for the JobRoleAssignmentRule rule.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 1
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Invoice Processing

Field Value Description

Condition FinAPHoldApprovalPayloadType.holdName is Activates the rule when the invoice is placed

"Incomplete Invoice" on an incomplete hold. To use other invoice
attributes, select from the condition browser

List Builder Resource Determines the resource to which the invoice is


Response Type Required Indicates that the routing notification requires a


Participants Users: null, Groups: "AP_ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE_ Identifies the participant to whom the invoice is
SUPERVISOR_JOB", Application Role: null

Rule Name "JobRoleAssignmentRule" Identifies the approval reason to display in the

approval history diagram.

Rule Conditions
You can use the available invoice header, line, and distribution attributes in the routing rule condition.

To edit the rule condition:

1. Start a search in the IF section of the rule. The Condition Browser opens.
2. Select the attribute to use in the condition.

Related Topics
• What's an incomplete invoice?

How to Override Default Business Units on Unmatched Scanned

Business units for unmatched scanned invoices are automatically determined based on attributes, such as supplier
address and the Default Business Unit profile option. You can override automatic business unit assignment and instead,
specify a business unit by performing the following steps:

• Indicate that routing attribute 1 represents the business unit.

• Find the business unit ID for the overriding business unit.
• Specify the business unit ID in the e-mail subject.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 1
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Invoice Processing

Indicate Routing Attribute 1 Represents Business Unit

As part of the standard invoice imaging flow, you can use up to four additional attributes to route scanned invoices for
completion or to record on the invoice. To override the default business unit, you must indicate that values for routing
attribute 1 represent business units.

Perform these steps:

1. Navigate to the Manage Payables Lookups page.

2. Search for lookup type ORA_IMAGING_ROUTING_ATTRIBUTES.
3. Enable lookup code ORA_BUSINESS_UNIT.

Find the ID for the Overriding Business Unit

You must use the identifier for the business unit as the override. To find the business unit ID:

1. Navigate to the Manage Business Units page.

2. Search for the applicable business unit.
3. If you don't see the Business Unit ID column in the Search Results table, use the View menu to enable the

Specify the Business Unit ID in the E-mail Subject

For scanned invoices that aren't matched to purchase orders, edit the e-mail subject to:

1. Append the underscore sign (_) followed by the business unit ID. For example, if a scanned invoice has an e-
mail subject of Invoice 42366_30014001, the business unit ID for that invoice is 30014001.

Note: If you specify an invalid ID, or the ID is missing from the e-mail subject, the business unit is automatically

Processing Electronic Invoices

Oracle Fusion Payables provides the ability to receive electronic invoices from suppliers. Oracle Fusion Collaboration
Messaging Framework (CMK) provides a simplified way to set up business to business (B2B) communication with
trading partners.

CMK supports two models for setting up B2B messaging with trading partners.

1. Using a service provider: In this model, a service provider such as Oracle Business Network acts as an
intermediary between the trading partners and the Oracle Fusion Applications customers. Once a trading
partner is on-boarded to OSN, the partner can exchange messages with any Oracle Fusion Applications client.
OSN is defined out of the box in CMK but you can also define other service providers if needed.
2. Using CMK web service: CMK provides a web service for exchanging messages with CMK directly without using
Oracle Business Network or other service providers

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 1
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Invoice Processing

This figure illustrates invoice processing through email using the Collaboration Messaging Framework.

Configuring Collaboration Messaging Framework

Setup Electronic Invoicing Using a Service Provider

CMK includes the Oracle Business Network (formerly Oracle Supplier Network) as a service provider out of the box,
making it very easy to setup, and connect to trading partners on the network. Other service providers must be
configured in the Collaboration Messaging work area as follows:

1. Navigate to Manage Collaboration Messaging Service Providers.

2. Create a new Service Provider.
3. In Delivery Methods, you can specify how outgoing messages should be delivered to the service provider.
4. Select Inbound Collaboration Messages tab to configure XML invoice formats that will be used by the service
provider. Each XML format supported by CMK is available as a separate message definition. For example, select
UBL_2.1_EN_16931_INVOICE_IN for EN 16931 invoice in UBL format.
5. In Outbound Collaboration Messages tab, you can configure the list of outbound messages that are required for
the service provider.
6. Save and Close.
Next, you have to configure the Trading Partners using this service provider.

1. Navigate to Manage B2B.

2. Select the Service Provider and enter the trading partner identification.
3. Select Inbound Collaboration Messages and add the XML invoice formats that will be used by this supplier.
The supplier sites used for electronic invoicing must be associated with trading partners.

1. Navigate to the supplier site and select B2B Communication method as Collaboration Messaging Framework.
2. In Associated Collaboration Documents, click the Edit button. Add the trading partner created earlier and add
PROCESS_INVOICE_IN in Collaboration Documents.

Setup Electronic Invoicing Using CMK Web Service

If the supplier communicates directly using the CMK web service, then there is no need to setup a service provider.

1. Navigate to Manage B2B Trading Partner.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 1
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Invoice Processing

2. Select Service Provider as None and enter the trading partner identification.
3. In Delivery Methods, you can specify how outgoing messages should be delivered to the supplier.
4. Select Inbound Collaboration Messages tab to configure XML invoice formats that will be used by the supplier.
Each XML format supported by CMK is available as a separate message definition. For example, select
UBL_2.1_EN_16931_INVOICE_IN for EN 16931 invoice in UBL format.
5. In Outbound Collaboration Messages tab, you can configure the list of outbound messages that are required for
the supplier.
6. Save and Close.
Associate the supplier sites with the trading partner.

1. Navigate to the supplier site and select B2B Communication method as Collaboration Messaging Framework.
2. In Associated Collaboration Documents, click the Edit button. Add the trading partner created earlier and add
PROCESS_INVOICE_IN in Collaboration Documents.
Send Rejected Invoices to a Supplier

Electronic invoices received by CMK must be imported using Import Payables Invoices. Invoices that are rejected due
to supplier errors, are automatically sent to the supplier by email for correction. The supplier has to resend the invoice
payload after they have been corrected.

Note: Email with rejected invoice details are sent to a supplier only when the supplier email ID is provided in the XML

The following steps explain the setup required to send rejection emails automatically to a supplier when they're
configured using a service provider:

1. Navigate to Manage Collaboration Messaging Service Providers.

2. Add a Delivery Method of type Email.
3. Select Outbound Collaboration Messages tab and add the message definition
OAGIS_10.1_ACKNOWLEDGE_INVOICE_COLLAB_MSG_OUT. Select the delivery method created earlier.
4. Navigate to the supplier site.
5. In Associated Collaboration Documents, click the Edit button and add ACK_REJECTED_INVOICE_OUT in
Collaboration Documents.
The following steps explain the setup required to send rejection emails automatically to a supplier when they're
configured without a service provider:

1. Navigate to Manage B2B Trading Partners.

2. Add a Delivery Method of type Email.
3. Select Outbound Collaboration Messages tab and add the message definition
OAGIS_10.1_ACKNOWLEDGE_INVOICE_COLLAB_MSG_OUT. Select the delivery method created earlier.
4. Navigate to the supplier site.
5. In Associated Collaboration Documents, click the Edit button and add ACK_REJECTED_INVOICE_OUT in
Collaboration Documents.
Extend Electronic Invoice Configuration

CMK delivers pre-seeded message definitions that map the XML payload fields to the Oracle Fusion application objects
such as Invoices using XSLT files. Customers can change the mappings delivered out of the box, to accommodate either
trading partner specific variations, or specific requirements that aren't addressed by the out-of-the-box mappings.

Use the following steps for updating the mapping:

1. Navigate to Collaboration Messaging work area and click on Manage Collaboration Message Definitions.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 1
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Invoice Processing

2. Search for the message by selecting Direction as Inbound and Document as PROCESS_INVOICE_IN
From the search results, select the message ORCL_CMK_PROCESS_INVOICE_002 for OAG 7.2.1 or
OAGIS_10.1_PROCESS_INVOICE_COLLAB_MSG_IN for OAG 10.1. Download the transformation package by
selecting Actions > Export Transformation Package.
3. The Transformation package gets downloaded as a .zip file with source and target XSDs and the XSLT.
4. You can update the mapping in the downloaded XSLT and save it to local system.
5. The seeded message definitions can't be modified. You can duplicate the seeded message and configure
them using the modified XSLT. Select the message to be modified and select Actions > Duplicate Collaboration
6. You can edit the defaulted Message Name if required. Select the modified XSLT saved earlier. Save and Close
7. The new message created must be associated with the B2B Trading Partner or the Service Provider.
8. If the trading partner sends invoices through a service provider, such as Oracle Supplier Network, add the new
message definition to the service provider from the task Manage Collaboration Messaging Service Providers.
◦ Select the Inbound Collaboration Messages tab. Enter Name and select the new Message definition that
you created. Make the new message Active.
◦ Mark the existing Message as Inactive and duplicate the Message.
◦ Enter Name and select the new Message definition that you created.
◦ Make the new message Active.
9. If the trading partner sends invoices directly to CMK web service, then add the new message definition to the
trading partner from Manage B2B Trading Partners
◦ Select the Inbound Collaboration Messages tab.
◦ Mark the existing Message (if any) as Inactive and Add new message.
◦ Enter Name and select the new Message definition that you created.
◦ Make the new message Active.
10. Save and Close.

Intelligent Document Recognition

Overview of Intelligent Document Recognition
The Intelligent Document Recognition (IDR) extracts invoice information from the emailed documents to create invoices
and then import them into Payables.

Many suppliers and customers choose to send and receive Payables invoices electronically via email. IDR can process
these invoices and extract the required fields to create invoices in Oracle Payables. IDR supports the entire invoice
lifecycle with a seamless and secure user experience.

IDR enables our customers to quickly process supplier invoices from entry to payment. It requires minimal setup and
configuration, reducing the total cost of ownership and enhancing capital management.

Machine Learning
IDR uses machine learning to improve the extraction. As you correct the incorrect fields in an invoice, IDR improves its
understanding on how to extract invoice fields. This increases the accuracy of extraction for future invoices. As a result,
invoice recognition improves over time.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 1
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Invoice Processing

Best Practices for Processing Invoices Using IDR

Even with the advancements to invoice entry automation, IDR needs some adjustments specific to your business.

You must follow certain formats and methodologies to maximize the success rates of field extraction from processed
invoices. Here are some best practices for you.

Configuration Testing
Before you start using IDR for processing invoices for your business, make sure that you test the application. For best
results, use at least 5 invoices from each of your top 10 to 20 suppliers.

Invoice Attachments
If you are using PDF invoices instead of scanned paper invoices with IDR, don’t combine these invoices into a single
file. For example, if you have 50 PDF invoices, you should attach 50 different attachments to the IDR email. A PDF file
doesn’t recognize blank pages and other separators; as a result, IDR processes the entire file as a single invoice. This
helps you in ensuring that no invoice attachments are missing from the invoice approval notifications.

Note: Consider increasing the attachment size of invoices and also the number of attachments under the Application
Preferences in the BPM Worklist.

Enterprise Mailbox
Oracle recommends that you use an enterprise mailbox to collect invoices from suppliers, rather than supplier’s sending
invoices directly to IDR email. You can then configure email forwarding rules to send the invoices to the Oracle-provided
email for IDR. A benefit of using this method is that you can receive some insight on what happens to the invoice before
it reaches IDR.

Note: IDR isn’t an email server. Hence, it doesn’t send any error messages back to the sender. It simply ignores and
discards any files with unsupported formats (such as spreadsheets).

Accuracy of Supplier Details

The supplier names and addresses that you set up in Oracle Procurement or Oracle ERP must match those in the
invoices. Consider the example where the recorded suppler site has a PO box address, but the supplier invoice has a
street address. A discrepancy like this decreases IDR’s ability to automatically detect the supplier from the processed

If you have multiple supplier sites with the same address, contact the help desk for assistance in referencing the correct

Accuracy of PO Format
The purchase order format on your invoices must exactly match the format you configured in Procurement. Determine
your PO format and modify it if required.

To ensure that each PO number is unique, consider using an alphanumeric format. The recommended format for best
results is 3 letters followed by at least 6 numbers (for example, ABC123456).

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 1
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Invoice Processing

Note: IDR uses both the unique PO number formats observed in the Purchase Order Tables as well as those
configured Oracle Cloud Procurements to detect the PO numbers on the invoices.

Remove Exceptions from Supplier Group

Determine if there are any specific suppliers to exclude from the group of vendors for recognition by IDR. For example,
exclude internal suppliers used for intercompany purchases.

To exclude vendors from recognition by IDR, add them to the AP_EXCLUDE_IMAGE_VENDOR_TYPE lookup. You need to
create this lookup.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 1
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Invoice Processing

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

2 General Payables Options

Manage Common Options for Payables and

Payables Security
Oracle Fusion Payables improves security by limiting access to invoices and payments by business unit. You can
access invoices and payments for viewing or processing only for the business units to which you have permission. The
permission must be explicitly granted to each user.

Assign users to the appropriate security context, such as a business unit, for job roles from the Manage Data Access for
Users page.

Oracle Payables is integrated to the document repository for processing scanned invoices. To enhance security, edit
access to the document repository is granted to the following predefined roles:
• Accounts Payable Manager
• Accounts Payable Specialist
• Accounts Payable Supervisor
• Accounts Payable Invoice Supervisor
Keeping up with the security requirements, the following predefined roles have view-only access to the document
• Financial Application Administrator
• Cost Accountant
• Project Accountant

Note: For further information, refer to the chapter Role Configuration Using the Security Console in the Securing ERP

Guidelines for Common Options for Payables and Procurement

For invoice business units and requisitioning business units, you can set options common to the procure-to-pay
business flow on the Manage Common Options for Payables and Procurement page.

The common options are grouped into the following categories:

• Default distributions
• Automatic offsets
• Currency conversion

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

• Expense accruals
• Self-billed invoices
• Legal entity information

Default Distributions
Default distributions are used to define accounts for payables transaction accounting.

Note: You can also specify some default distributions for a supplier on the Edit Site page.

Offset Segments
If you enter invoices for expenses or asset purchases with more than one primary balancing segment value, consider
using automatic offsets. Automatic offsets balance accounting entries for Oracle Fusion Payables transactions. If you
don't use automatic offsets, an invoice transaction has a single liability accounting entry and a payment transaction has
a single cash accounting entry.

Currency Conversion
This table describes the options you can set for currency conversion.

Option Description

Require conversion rate entry If enabled, you must provide a conversion rate whenever you enter an invoice or a payment in a
currency other than the ledger currency. If you maintain daily rates, the rate is automatically supplied
based on the date and rate type that you enter. If daily rates don't exist for that date and rate type,
you can't enter or save the transaction. If the conversion rate type is User, then you must enter a
conversion rate. You can't create accounting entries for, or pay foreign currency invoices without
conversion rates.

If you don't enable this option, you can enter conversion rates manually on invoices and payments, or
submit the Apply Missing Conversion Rates process. When you create a bills payable document, you
must still provide a maturity rate, rate type, and date.

Conversion rate type This setting provides the default conversion rate type when you enter invoices or create payments. You
can change the conversion rate type at invoice entry or payment creation time.

Realized Gain or Loss Distributions These distributions represent the default realized gain and loss accounts for payments from each
of your bank accounts. If the conversion rate changes between invoice entry and payment time, the
realized gain or loss is automatically calculated and recorded to these accounts.

Expense Accruals
Determine when to accrue for expense items.

Self-Billed Invoices
This table lists the options for self-billed invoices.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

Option Description

Gapless invoice numbering You can enable gapless, that's, no breaks in numbering, invoice number generation for your buying
organization during pay on receipt processing. You can enable gapless numbering for the entire
business unit with this setting or limit it to a supplier site.

Buying Company Identifier A unique identifier that's included in the invoice number created by the pay on receipt process and in
the debit memo number from returned receipts.

Legal Entity Information

This table describes the options for legal entity information.

Option Description

VAT Registration Member State If your company operates in a member state of the European Union, select the country.

VAT Registration Number If your company operates in a member state of the European Union, enter the value-added tax (VAT)
registration number for your organization.

Bill-to Location Enter the bill-to location to provide default values. The application uses the bill-to location to derive
legal entity information.

Note: You can use the Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheet task to
automate common options setup.

Related Topics
• Default Distributions
• Automatic Offsets
• Considerations for Accruing Expense Items
• Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheets
• How Charts of Accounts, Ledgers, Legal Entities, and Business Units Are Created Using Spreadsheets

Default Distributions
Default distributions are used to define accounts for payables transactions. Invoices may get some distributions from
supplier sites and others from common options setup.

Default Distributions
The following table describes the default distributions on the Manage Common Options for Payables and Procurement

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

Distribution Description

Liability The default liability distribution for new invoices, unless the Site Assignments tab on the Supplier page
has a different distribution.

You can only specify a distribution with an account type of Liability.

Prepayment The default distribution for prepaid expenses, unless the Site Assignments tab on the Supplier page
has a different distribution.

Bill Payable The default distribution for future-dated payments, unless the Site Assignments tab on the Supplier
page has a different distribution.

Conversion Rate Variance Gain and Loss Records conversion rate variance gains and losses for inventory and expense items that are accrued
on receipt. Variance is calculated between an invoice and purchase order or, an invoice and receipt,
depending on how you matched the invoice.

Discount Taken Records discounts taken if the Discount Allocation Method option on the Manage Invoices page is set
to Single distribution.

Miscellaneous Records charges for invoice lines with a type of Miscellaneous. If you don't enter a value,
miscellaneous charges are prorated across invoice item lines.

Freight Records charges for freight lines. If you don't enter a value, miscellaneous charges are prorated across
invoice item lines.

Prepayment Tax Difference Records tax amount differences between a prepayment and the invoices that the prepayment is
applied to. These differences are usually due to changes in tax rates from the time the prepayment is
created to the time the invoice is created.

This distribution is used only if the Applied Amount Handling option in the tax record is set to

Related Topics
• What's the difference between conversion rate gain or loss distributions and realized gain or loss distributions?

Automatic Offsets
If you enter invoices for expenses or asset purchases with more than one primary balancing segment value, you might
want to use automatic offsets. Automatic offsets balance accounting entries for Oracle Fusion Payables transactions.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

If you don't use automatic offsets, an invoice transaction has a single liability accounting entry and a payment
transaction has a single cash accounting entry.

On the Manage Common Options for Payables and Procurement page, you can select the method for creating the
offsetting accounting entry. You can offset by primary balancing segment, or you can offset by all segments, except
natural account.

Invoice Accounting Entries

Amounts are automatically allocated for the following invoice accounting entries:

• Conversion rate variance gain or loss

• Liability
• Nonrecoverable tax for invoices matched to purchase orders
• Nonrecoverable tax for invoices not matched to purchase orders, where no tax expense account has been
defined for the tax rate
• Withholding tax, if the withheld amount is applied at invoice validation time

Payment Accounting Entries

Amounts are automatically allocated for the following payment accounting entries:

• Cash, if you use a pooled bank account

• Cash clearing, if you use a pooled bank account and if you account for payments at clearing time
• Discount
• Realized gain or loss
• Bills payable
• Withholding tax, if amounts are withheld at payment time

Related Topics
• Considerations for Offset Segments
• What's the difference between conversion rate gain or loss distributions and realized gain or loss distributions?

Considerations for Offset Segments

You can use the Offset Segments option on the Manage Common Options page to create balanced accounting entries
for invoice and payment transactions. You can select the segments to override on the offsetting entry lines without
having to define intercompany or intracompany rules.

This option is also used by Oracle Fusion Receiving to derive the receiving inspection account.

Tip: Consider this option carefully before setting it. Changing automatic offsets after creating accounting entries can
result in accounting inconsistencies or slow performance.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

To meet more complex offsetting requirements, you can set up intracompany or intercompany rules at the ledger level
in Oracle Fusion General Ledger. If you enable additional balancing segments for your chart of accounts, you must
define intracompany or intercompany rules for the journal entry to balance.

Select one of the following offset segment methods:

• None
• Primary balancing segment
• All segments, except natural account

The invoice liability distribution provides the liability entry line account, without any segment override. Receiving uses
the receiving inspection distribution that's defined for the destination organization.

Note: If you anticipate creating invoices that cross balancing segment values, select another method or set up
intracompany or intercompany rules in General Ledger.

Primary Balancing Segment

This method builds the liability entry line account using both the charge distribution on the invoice line and the liability
distribution on the invoice header. The charge distribution provides the primary balancing segment value and the
liability distribution on the invoice header provides the remaining segment values. The resulting journal entry is
balanced by the primary balancing segment.

Receiving builds the receiving inspection entry line account using both the purchase order charge distribution and
the receiving inspection distribution for the destination organization. The charge distribution provides the primary
balancing segment value and the receiving inspection distribution provides the remaining segment values.

This figure illustrates how the invoice liability entry line account is built when the offset segment method is set to
Primary Balancing Segment.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

All Segments, Except Natural Account

This method builds the liability entry line account using both the liability distribution on the invoice header and the
charge distribution on the invoice line. The liability distribution on the invoice header provides the natural account
segment and the charge distribution provides the remaining segment values. The resulting journal entry is balanced by
all segments, except the natural account segment.

Receiving builds the receiving inspection entry line account using both the receiving inspection distribution for the
destination organization and the purchase order charge distribution. The receiving inspection distribution provides the
natural account segment and the purchase order charge distribution provides the remaining segment values.

This figure illustrates how the liability entry line account is built when the offset segment method is set to All
Segments, Except Natural Account.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

Related Topics
• Example of Creating Balanced Liability Account Entries by All Segments Except Natural Account
• Example of Creating Balanced Liability Account Entries by Primary Balancing Segment

Example of Creating Balanced Liability Account Entries by Primary

Balancing Segment
On the Manage Common Options for Payables and Procurement page, you can select a method for automatic offsets.
The following example illustrates how liability accounts are built using the Primary balancing segment method.

A supplier sends you an invoice for two items. Each item should be charged to a different company.

Transaction Details
The invoice is for 100 USD and consists of:

• Item 1 for 60 USD

• Item 2 for 40 USD

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

The accounting flexfield consists of the following segments:

• Primary balancing segment

• Account
• Cost center

Each primary balancing segment value represents a company. The default liability account for the supplier site is 00-

This table lists the distribution combination information that you enter for each invoice item line.

Invoice Distribution Debit Credit

01-EXP1-111 60

02-EXP2-222 40

Resulting Liability Account Journal Entries

This table lists the liability accounts and amounts that are automatically created for the invoice.

Liability Account Debit Credit

01-LIAB-000 60

02-LIAB-000 40

Example of Creating Balanced Liability Account Entries by All

Segments Except Natural Account
On the Manage Common Options for Payables and Procurement page, you can select a method for automatic offsets.
The following example illustrates how liability accounts are built using the method called All segments, except natural

A supplier sends you an invoice for two items. The offsetting liability account must retain all segments of the invoice
distribution, except for the account segment.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

Transaction Details
The invoice is for 100 USD and consists of:

• Item 1 for 60 USD

• Item 2 for 40 USD

The accounting flexfield consists of the following segments:

• Primary balancing
• Account
• Cost center

Each primary balancing segment value represents a company. The default liability account for the supplier site is 00-

This table lists the distribution information that you enter for each invoice item line.

Invoice Distribution Debit Credit

01-EXP1-111 60

02-EXP2-222 40

Resulting Liability Account Journal Entries

This table lists the liability accounts and amounts that are automatically created for the invoice.

Account Debit Credit

01-LIAB-111 60

02-LIAB-222 40

Considerations for Accruing Expense Items

Set the Accrue Expense Items option on the Manage Common Options for Payables and Procurement page to indicate
when to accrue for expense items.

At Receipt
Accrue when receipts are created. You can override this setting on the PO schedule for expense destination types.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

Note: Inventory items are always accrued at receipt.

Period End
Accrue at the end of a period. During period close, expense accruals are created for all receipts that don't have invoices.
Accrual entries are reversed when the next period is opened.

FAQs for Manage Common Options for Payables and Procurement

What's the difference between conversion rate gain or loss distributions and realized
gain or loss distributions?
Conversion rate gain or loss distributions record the rate variances for inventory or expense items that accrue on receipt.
The invoice validation process calculates the variance between the invoice and either the purchase order or receipt,
depending on how the invoice was matched.

Realized gain or loss distributions record the rate variances between invoice entry and payment time. The gain or
loss calculation is based on the Account for Payment option on the Manage Payment Options page, as well as at
prepayment application. You can account at payment issue, clearing, or at both issue and clearing. If you account at
payment issue, bills payable documents are accounted at maturity.

Realized gain or loss is always calculated at foreign currency prepayment application time, regardless of the Account for
Payment setting.

Manage Invoice Options

Guidelines For Invoice Options
Invoice options are settings and default values that control how invoices are processed for an invoice business unit. You
set invoice options on the Manage Invoice Options page.

Invoice Entry and Matching Options

The following table describes the invoice entry options. You can also set some of these options on a supplier. The
invoice options are used unless the supplier has a different default value.

Option On Supplier Setup? Description

Require invoice grouping No Requires you to enter the name of a group

when creating an invoice.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

Option On Supplier Setup? Description

Allow document category override No Allows override of the invoice document

category if the Sequencing By ledger option is
set to Ledger or Legal entity.

If the ledger option is set to No Sequencing:

• A document category isn't assigned to

the invoice.
• You can't set this option or enter a
document category on the invoice.

Allow adjustments to paid invoices No Lets you cancel or add lines to paid invoices. In
addition,you can undo a match to a purchase
order that's not finally matched and match the
invoice to a different purchase order.

You can't modify distributions because
accounting would be affected.

Allow remit-to supplier override for third-party No Allows override of the remit-to supplier name
payments and address on invoice installments for
suppliers with third-party relationships.

Recalculate invoice installments No Recalculates Installments during the invoice

validation process.

Hold unmatched invoices Yes Applies a Matching Required hold to invoices

that aren't matched to purchase orders or

You can set this option on a supplier to: Yes,
No, Default from Payables Options.

Prevent deletion of invoice attachments No Attachments won't be allowed to be deleted

once the invoice is approved if approval is
enabled or when the invoice is validated.

Receipt acceptance days No Specifies the number of days to add to the

goods received date when recalculating

Invoice currency Yes Provides the default invoice currency.

Payment currency Yes Provides the default payment currency.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

Option On Supplier Setup? Description

Pay group Yes Provides the default group used when paying

Payment priority Yes Provides the default priority for paying invoices.

Payment terms Yes Provides the default payment terms.

Terms date basis Yes Provides the default basis for determining the
terms date.

Pay date basis Yes Provides the default basis for determining the
pay date.

Accounting date basis No Provides the default basis for determining the
accounting date.

Budget date basis No Provides the default basis for determining the
budget date.

The following table describes the options for matching invoices to purchase orders, receipts, and consumption advice
documents. You can also set some of these options on a supplier. The invoice options are used unless the supplier has a
different default value.

Option On Supplier Setup? Description

Allow final matching No Lets you perform a final match when matching
to a purchase order, or when adjusting a
matched invoice distribution.

Allow matching distribution override No Allows override of the invoice distribution that's
created from matching an invoice to a purchase

You can't override the distribution for a
matched invoice if you accrue at receipt.
You also can't override the distribution if
the purchase order is projects-related, and
the item destination for the purchase order
distribution is inventory.

Transfer PO distribution additional information No Transfers descriptive flexfield information from

the purchase order distribution to the invoice
distribution when you match to a purchase

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

Option On Supplier Setup? Description

If you enable this option, ensure that the
flexfield structures for the purchase order
distributions and the invoice distributions are
the same.

Quantity tolerances Yes Provides the default quantity-based tolerance


Amount tolerances Yes Provides the default amount-based tolerance


The following table describes the discount options. You can set some of these options on a supplier to: Yes, No, Default
from Payables Options.

Option On Supplier Setup? Description

Exclude tax from calculation Yes Subtracts tax from the invoice when calculating
the discountable amount for an installment.

You can't set the discount allocation method
option to Tax lines and single distribution.

Exclude freight from calculation Yes Subtracts freight from the invoice when
calculating the discountable amount for an

Discount allocation method No Determines how discounts are allocated across

invoice distributions.

Always take discount Yes Takes the available discount for a supplier,
regardless of when you pay the invoice.

The following table describes the prepayment options.

Option On Supplier Setup? Description

Payment terms No Provides the default payment terms for a


Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

Option On Supplier Setup? Description

Settlement days Yes Specifies the number of days to add to the

system date to calculate the settlement date.

You can't apply a prepayment to an invoice
until on, or after, the settlement date.

Use distribution from purchase order No Builds the distribution combination for the
matched invoice distribution using information
from the supplier and purchase order. The
prepayment distribution on the supplier
provides the natural account segment and
the purchase order distribution combination
provides the rest of the segment values.

Show available prepayments during invoice No Displays the available prepayments during
entry invoice entry.

You can use the invoice approval workflow to automate the invoice approval process. The workflow determines if an
invoice requires approval and if so, routes the invoice to the approvers, who can then approve or reject the invoice.

The following table describes the approval options.

Option Description

Enable invoice approval Sends invoices through the approval workflow. Invoices can't be paid until they're approved.

Require validation before approval Sends invoices through the approval workflow after the invoices are checked for completeness by the
validation process.

Accounting Preference Choose your accounting preference for the invoices.

• Account regardless of approval status: Account the invoices regardless of the approval status.
• Require accounting before approval: Only invoices that are accounted are sent through the
approval process.
• Require approval before accounting: Only invoices that are approved are accounted.

Allow force approval Allows managers to override the workflow and manually approve invoices. For example, you might
want to force approve if the workflow doesn't complete, or you have the authority to pay without using
the workflow.

This table lists the options you can set for interest on overdue invoices.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

Option On Supplier Setup? Description

Create interest invoices Yes Calculates interest on overdue invoices and

creates interest invoices. You can set this
option on a supplier to: Yes, No, Default from
Payables Options.

Minimum interest amount No The minimum amount of calculated interest

that sets the threshold for creating an interest
invoice. Interest invoices that don't meet the
minimum interest amount aren't created.

Interest allocation method No Allocates interest across invoice distributions.

Interest expense distribution No Identifies the distribution combination used

if allocating interest expense to a single

Payment Requests
The following table describes the payment request options.

Option Description

Payment terms Provides the default payment terms.

Pay group Provides the default pay group used when paying a prepayment.

Payment priority Provides the default payment priority used when paying a prepayment.

Self-Service Invoices
The following table describes the options you can set for invoices created through Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal.

Option Description

Limit invoice to single purchase order Limits an invoice to the schedules belonging to a single purchase order.

Allow invoice backdating Allows a supplier to enter an invoice for a date in the past.

Allow unit price change for quantity-based Allows a supplier to enter a unit price on an invoice that's different from the unit price on the purchase
matches order.

Require attachment Supplier users can't submit an invoice without an attachment. This applies to both matched and
unmatched invoices.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

Note: You can use the Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheet task to
automate your invoice options setup.

Related Topics
• Payment Requests
• Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheets
• How Charts of Accounts, Ledgers, Legal Entities, and Business Units Are Created Using Spreadsheets

Document Sequencing in Payables

Document sequences are unique numbers that are automatically or manually assigned to a created and saved
document. You can sequence invoices and payments by assigning them voucher numbers.

To set up sequencing for invoices and payments, perform the following tasks:

• Specify Ledger Options

• Manage Payables Document Sequences
• (Optional) Manage Invoice Options
• (Optional) Manage Payment Options

Note: The Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheet task is an alternative
method for creating document sequences. You can configure the spreadsheet to automatically create a document
sequence for invoices and payments. The spreadsheet upload process assigns the invoice document sequence to
predefined document sequence categories, such as Standard Invoices and Credit Memo Invoices.

Specifying Ledger Options

You can set the following ledger options:

• Sequencing By: Enables document sequencing for the ledger or legal entities associated with that ledger.
• Enforce Document Sequencing: When set to Payables, indicates that invoices and payments require voucher
• Enforce Chronological Order on Document Date: Checks the accounting date on the invoice header when you
save an invoice. The date must be the same as, or later than, the latest accounting date of an existing invoice
with the same legal entity and sequence.

Note: The Enforce Chronological Order on Document Date option applies only when you sequence by
legal entity.

This table describes how the combination of ledger option settings affects the assignment of voucher numbers to
invoices and payments.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

Sequencing By Enforce Document Sequencing Enforce Chronological Order on Voucher Number Assignment on
for Payables? Document Date? Invoices and Payments

Ledger No No Optional

Ledger Yes No Required

Legal entity No No Optional

Legal entity Yes No Required

Legal entity No Yes Required

Legal entity Yes Yes Required

No sequencing Not applicable Not applicable Optional for imported invoices only

Note: The invoice import process rejects invoices if the Enforce Document Sequencing for Payables option is set
to Yes and you manually provide a voucher number. If you require manual voucher numbering during import, set the
Sequencing By option to No sequencing.

Managing Payables Document Sequences

With the Manage Payables Document Sequences task you can:

• Create a document sequence for the applicable determinant type: ledger or legal entity.
• Assign the sequence to one or more document sequence categories.
• Specify the ledgers or legal entities that the assignment applies to.
• Optionally enable the Audit option to store audit information in the AP_DOC_SEQUENCE_AUDIT table.

Note: You can view audit information by running the Payment Audit by Voucher Number Report and the
Payables Invoice Audit by Voucher Number Listing.

Managing Invoice Options

You can set the Allow document category override option to allow changes to the default document category on an

Managing Payment Options

You can set the Allow document category override option to allow changes to the default document category on a

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

Related Topics
• Document Sequence Categories
• Example of Enforcing Chronological Order on Invoice Voucher Numbers
• Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheets
• Document Sequences
• Specify Ledger Options

How Invoice Installments Are Recalculated

During invoice entry, installments are automatically created using payment terms and terms date information. You can
configure your setup to recalculate installments during the invoice validation process.

Settings That Affect Installment Recalculation

Select the Recalculate invoice installments option on the Manage Invoice Options page to recalculate the installments.

Note: Installments are recalculated, regardless of how the recalculate option is set, when both of the following
conditions occur:
• You enable the Exclude tax from calculation option on the Manage Invoice Options page.
• You manually change a tax amount.

How Invoice Installments Are Recalculated

Installment recalculation uses the most recent applicable start date and the more favorable payment terms. To
determine which is more favorable, the ranks on the payment terms are compared.

CAUTION: Installments aren't recalculated if you manually edit or split any of the installments.

The following table shows which start dates and payment terms are used for recalculating installments for matched and
unmatched invoices.

Matched to a Purchase Order Start Date Payment Terms

No Most recent of the following: Invoice payment terms

• Invoice date
• Terms date
• Goods received date plus number of
receipt acceptance days

Yes Most recent of the following: More favorable of the following:

• Invoice date • Invoice payment terms

• Terms date • Purchase order payment terms

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

Matched to a Purchase Order Start Date Payment Terms

• Goods received date plus number of

receipt acceptance days

Related Topics
• Payment Terms

Considerations for Discount Allocation Methods

Discounts are taken when invoices are paid. On the Manage Invoice Options page, you can specify how to allocate these
discounts. Select any one of the following methods:

• All invoice lines

• Tax lines and single distribution
• Single distribution

All Invoice Lines

This method automatically prorates discounts across all invoice lines. Discounts are assigned to the charge account
unless the invoice is matched to a purchase order that's set to accrue on receipt. For those invoices, the discount is
assigned to the price variance account.

Note: If you exclude tax from discount calculations, discounts are allocated only to expense lines and not to tax lines.

Tax Lines and Single Distribution

This method prorates a percentage of the discount across tax lines based on the percentage of tax lines on the invoice.

For example, if tax distributions represent 10 percent of the total invoice amount, 10 percent of the discount is prorated
across the tax distributions. The remaining 90 percent of the discount is applied to the Discount Taken distribution
specified on the Manage Common Options for Payables and Procurement page.

Note: You can't select this method if you exclude tax from discount calculations.

Single Distribution
This method credits the Discount Taken distribution specified on the Manage Common Options for Payables and
Procurement page. Select this method if you enable automatic offsets and you want to distribute the discount taken
across balancing segments.

Interest Invoices
If you enable automatic interest calculation for a supplier and pay an overdue invoice, an invoice for the interest is
automatically created and paid.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

CAUTION: You must pay the overdue invoice in a payment process request or through a quick payment.

To set up automatic interest rate calculation:

• Define interest rates using the Manage Interest Rates task.

• Set the Create Interest Invoices option using the Manage Suppliers task.
• Enable the Create interest invoices option using the Manage Invoice Options task.

Note: You can add, change, or delete an interest rate at any time. If a rate isn't defined, the interest calculation uses a
zero rate.

This table describes some of the attributes of an interest invoice.

Attribute Description

Number The interest invoice number is the overdue invoice number plus the suffix -INTx, where x is the number
of interest invoices for that overdue invoice. For example, if the invoice number is 54362, the invoice
number for the third interest invoice is 54362-INT3.

Payment terms The payment terms on an interest invoice are immediate. If immediate terms aren't defined, the
payment terms for the interest invoice are the same as the payment terms for the overdue invoice.

Amount The interest calculation is based on the rate on the Manage Interest Rates page and is in accordance
with the United States Prompt Payment Act. The calculation formula compounds interest monthly, up
to a maximum of 365 days interest.

Currency The invoice currency for an interest invoice is the same as the invoice currency on the overdue invoice.
The payment currency for an interest invoice is the same as the payment currency on the overdue

Related Topics
• Interest Allocation Methods
• How Interest on Overdue Invoices is Calculated

Interest Allocation Methods

The Interest Allocation method on the Manage Invoice Options page determines how invoice distributions for interest
invoices are created.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

Select one of the following settings:

• Single distribution
• All invoice lines

Single Distribution
This setting uses the Interest Expense distribution on the Manage Invoice Options page as the invoice distribution for
the interest invoice.

All Invoice Lines

This setting uses the natural account segment from the Interest Expense distribution to build the distributions for the
interest invoice.

Payment Requests
Oracle Fusion Payables can receive requests from internal or external sources to disburse funds to payees that aren't
defined as suppliers. Payables records these requests as payment requests.

Internal payment requests can come from Oracle Fusion Receivables and Oracle Fusion Expenses. You can create a
payment request from Receivables for a customer refund or from Expenses for an expense report. You can disburse the
funds and manage the payment process using the payment management functionality in Payables.

Payment requests from external sources can be imported using the File Based Data Import (FBDI) spreadsheet
for making One Time Payments. You can import, update, approve, pay transactions, and get the status update for
payments. The payees, parties, and bank accounts are created automatically when the transactions are imported into
the application.

Setting Up Payment Requests

The following setups affect the payment request process.

• Invoice options: Set the default options for payment requests, such as payment terms, pay group, and payment
• Document sequence category: Comply with document sequencing policies using the predefined Payment
Request category or override the document category, if allowed.

• Common Options for Payables and Procurement: Enter the default Liability and Expense accounts for One Time

You can use the following setups in Oracle Fusion Payments to manage payment requests separately from other

• Payment method controls

• Payment method default rules
• Payment file and report formats
• Payment attribute validations

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

Reporting on Payment Requests

You can track progress of a payment request in the originating application. After a payment request has been approved,
you can report on and audit the request in Payables using the following reports:

• Payables Invoice Aging

• Payables Invoice Audit by Voucher Number Listing
• Payables Open Items Revaluation
• Payables Cash Requirement

Related Topics
• Guidelines For Invoice Options
• Document Sequencing in Payables
• How You Issue Manual Refunds
• How Expense Report Payment Requests Are Processed

Manage Payment Options

Guidelines for Payment Accounting Options
On the Manage Payment Options page, set the Payment Accounting option to determine when payment accounting
entries are created.

Tip: Carefully consider this setting at implementation time. After you set this option, the only change you can make is
from accounting At Payment Issue to accounting At Payment Issue and Clearing.

Select from the following options:

• At payment issue
• At payment clearing
• At payment issue and clearing

At Payment Issue
With this setting, the liability account is debited and the cash account is credited when a payment is created. For a
bills payable payment, the credit is to the bills payable account. Then at payment maturity, the bills payable account is
debited and the cash account is credited. Realized gain or loss is calculated at payment creation and for a bills payable
payment, at payment maturity.

At Payment Clearing
With this setting, the liability account is debited and the cash account is credited when the payment clears. Realized gain
or loss is calculated at payment clearing.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

At Payment Issue and Clearing

With this setting, accounting entries are created at:

• Issue time: The liability account is debited and the cash clearing account is credited. For a bills payable
payment, the credit is to the bills payable account. Then at payment maturity, the bills payable account is
debited and the cash clearing account is credited.
• Clearing time: The cash clearing account is debited and the cash account is credited.

Note: Realized gain or loss is calculated at all points mentioned.

Note: You can use the Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheet task to
automate your payment options setup.

Related Topics
• Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheets
• How Charts of Accounts, Ledgers, Legal Entities, and Business Units Are Created Using Spreadsheets

FAQS for Manage Payment Options

What's the difference between the currency conversion settings on the common
options page and the payment options page?
The currency conversion settings on the Manage Common Options for Payables and Procurement page affect invoice

The settings on the Manage Payment Options page affect payment transactions.

For business units that process both invoice and payment transactions, the Conversion Rate Type option is the
same for both types of transactions. You can set this option on either the Manage Common Options for Payables and
Procurement page or the Manage Payment Options page.

Manage Tax Reporting and Withholding Tax Options

Withholding Tax Options
Withholding tax options are settings and default values that control how Oracle Fusion Tax processes withholding for a
business unit. You can enable your withholding tax options for a specific effective period.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

Withholding Tax Options

Set the following withholding tax options on the Manage Tax Reporting and Withholding Tax Options page:

Option Description

Event Class Apply withholding tax to standard invoices, including credit and debit memos, or prepayment invoices.

Apply Withholding Apply withholding if the tax authority requires your company to withhold taxes from suppliers.

Process Transaction Taxes Calculate withholding tax on transaction tax lines.

Allow Manual Withholding Create and adjust manual withholding tax lines for your invoices.

Regime Determination Set Select the template that determines the tax regime to use for all transactions belonging to this event
class. The options include WHTSTCC and WHTTAXREGIME.

Calculation Point Specify the time when withholding tax is applied.

The options are Invoice, Payment, or Both. The options available are controlled by the regime
determination set.

Tax Invoice Creation Point Specify the time when a tax authority invoice is generated.

The options are dependent on the value in the Calculation Point field:

• If the calculation point is Invoice, you can select Blank, Invoice, or Payment as the tax invoice
creation point.
• If the calculation point is Payment, you can select Blank or Payment as the tax invoice creation

Include Discount Determine if a deduction of a discount is applied to the taxable basis when the calculation point is


• No to always exclude the discount amount from the taxable basis.

• Yes to always include the discount amount in the taxable basis.
• Blank for the deduction of a discount to be applied based on the taxable basis formula definition.

Rounding Level Apply rounding to calculated tax amounts once for each withholding tax rate per invoice or to the
calculated withholding tax amount on each invoice line.

Related Topics
• Calculation Point Options
• Tax Invoice Creation Point Options
• Include Discount Options
• Income Tax Reporting Options

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

Calculation Point Options

On the Manage Tax Reporting and Withholding Tax Options page, define the calculation point to specify the time to
apply withholding taxes to supplier invoices.

Calculation point is determined at:

• Invoice
• Payment

Select Invoice for taxes to be automatically withheld at invoice validation. If you select this option, Oracle Fusion Tax
calculates withholding only once. If you adjust an invoice after it was validated, you must adjust the withholding tax
manually and enable the Allow manual withholding option.

Taxes can be withheld from standard invoices, including credit and debit memos, and prepayment invoices. If you select
the calculation point of Invoice for the event class, Prepayment invoices, consider timing the entry of the prepayment
application before the invoice is validated.

If you:

• Apply the prepayment before the invoice is validated, Oracle Fusion Tax creates a withholding tax net of the
prepayment amount.
• Validate the invoice first, Oracle Fusion Tax creates a withholding tax based on the taxable invoice amount.
When you apply the prepayment, the withholding tax on the invoice isn't updated. You can manually adjust the
withholding tax amount and the withholding invoice.
As an alternative, you can cancel all of the withholding taxes on the validated invoice before you apply the
prepayment. Once you apply the prepayment, withholding taxes are created net of the prepayment amount.

Select Payment for taxes to be automatically withheld when you create payments in a payment process request or with
a Quick payment.

Tax Invoice Creation Point Options

On the Manage Tax Reporting and Withholding Tax Options page, define the tax invoice creation point to specify when
to automatically create withholding tax invoices to remit withheld taxes to tax authorities.

Tax invoice creation point is determined at:

• Blank
• Invoice
• Payment
The options available are dependent on the value in the Calculation Point field.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

Select Blank so Oracle Fusion Tax doesn't automatically create withholding tax invoices. You can enable this option for
any value you selected as the calculation point.

You must run the withholding tax reports to determine the amounts to remit to your tax authorities, and create the
withholding tax invoices.

Select Invoice for a withholding invoice to be automatically created when an invoice subject to withholding tax is
validated. You can enable this option only if the calculation point is applied at invoice validation time.

Select Payment for a withholding invoice to be automatically created when an invoice subject to withholding tax is paid.
You can enable this option if the calculation point is applied either at invoice validation or at payment.

Related Topics
• Calculation Point Options

Include Discount Options

Use the Include Discount option on the Manage Tax Reporting and Withholding Options page to specify whether to
include discount amounts in the calculation of withholding tax when the calculation point is Payment.

Select from the following options:

• No
• Yes
• Blank

Select No to exclude the deduction of the discount to the taxable basis for taxes.

For example, assume you have an invoice for 100 USD. The discount amount taken is 5 USD and the automatic
withholding tax rate is 10 percent. If the discount amount is excluded, the automatic withholding tax amount is 10
percent of 95 USD or 9.5 USD.

Select Yes to include the discount to the taxable basis for taxes.

For example, assume you have that same invoice for 100 USD. The discount amount taken is 5 USD and the automatic
withholding tax rate is 10 percent. If the discount amount is included, the automatic withholding tax amount is 10
percent of 100 USD or 10 USD.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

Note: This setting applies only to payment time withholding. You cannot enable this setting if the Calculation Point
option is set to Invoice. At the time of invoice validation the discount amount to be taken is unknown, so withholding
tax is calculated on the entire invoice amount.

Select Blank for the application to apply the deduction of the discount based on the taxable basis formula definition.

Income Tax Reporting Options

Use the Manage Tax Reporting and Withholding Tax Options task to manage the following income tax reporting options
for an invoice business unit:

• Use combined filing program

• Use supplier tax region
• Income tax region
• Include withholding distributions in income tax reports

Use Combined Filing Program

Enable this option if you're using US 1099 Combined Federal and State Filing Program reporting. When you submit
the US 1099 Electronic Media Report, K records are produced for all tax regions participating in the program that have
qualifying payments.

Tip: If you file tax information with the Internal Revenue Service electronically and don't use the combined filing
program, don't enable this option.

Use Supplier Tax Region

This option is used with combined filing. You can enable this option to use the tax region from US 1099 suppliers as the
default tax region on invoice distributions. If needed, you can override the tax region on the Manage Distributions page.
If you enable this option, you could have as many K records as you have different supplier tax regions.

Income Tax Region

This option is used with combined filing. You can forward US 1099 payment information to one tax region, regardless of
the tax regions your US 1099 suppliers do business from. If you enter a value in the Income Tax Region field, you might
have only one K record. If needed, you can still override the tax region on an invoice distribution.

Include Withholding Distributions in Income Tax Reports

Enable this option to report on federal income tax withheld for US 1099 suppliers. The withholding tax distributions that
are automatically created have an:

• Income tax type of MISC4 for reporting in box 4 on the 1099-MISC form
• Income tax region, if combined filing is enabled

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

Note: If you manually create withholding tax lines, then you must enter the income tax type and income tax region

When you enable this option, the Update 1099 Withholding Tax Distributions process runs. This process updates the
income tax type and income tax region on existing withholding tax distributions. The process selects distributions to
update as follows.

If the current date is:

• Before March 1 of the current calendar year, distributions with a payment date of January 1 of the previous
calendar year or later are updated.
• March 1 of the current calendar year or later, distributions with a payment date of January 1 of the current year
or later are updated.

How You Use US 1099 Reporting

In the United States (US), you must report to the Internal Revenue Service certain types of payments that you make to
US 1099 reportable suppliers.

You can designate suppliers as federally reportable in the supplier setup. When you enter invoices for the supplier,
you classify invoice distributions by US 1099 miscellaneous type using the Income Tax Type field. At year end, you
can report accumulated US 1099 payment information to the Internal Revenue Service, other tax agencies, and your
suppliers, in standard format.

If you're using combined filing, the US 1099 electronic format produces K records and B records. The K records provide
information for tax regions or states participating in combined filing that have qualifying payments. The B records are
for suppliers with US 1099 payment amounts that equal or exceed the tax region reporting limit in qualifying states.

Overview of US 1099 Reporting

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

The following figure shows the steps for US 1099 reporting from setup to reports.

1. Set up Payables for US 1099 reporting: Refer to the following section for details.
2. Enter US 1099 details for suppliers: On the Income Tax tab on the Supplier page, you can specify federal and
state information.
3. Enter, account, and pay US 1099 invoices: You can specify the income tax type and income tax region on each
applicable invoice distribution, or accept the default values from the supplier.

To automatically create invoice distributions, you can enter a distribution set or match to a purchase order.
If you're using a distribution set that doesn't have income tax types, the invoice distribution gets the income
tax type from the supplier. If the distribution set has an income tax type that's different from the supplier, the
distribution set tax type is used. You can also enter distributions manually.

You can adjust the Income Tax Type and Income Tax Region on each invoice distribution. You can also clear
the Income Tax Type field for distributions that aren't federally reportable. If you enabled the Use supplier tax
region tax option, the default region is the state in the supplier site address for the invoice. Alternatively, you
can also specify a default income tax region on the Manage Tax Options page. The income tax region is used
to group distributions by type and region on US 1099 reports. If you enable combined filing, when you run US
1099 reports, all reportable distributions are grouped by state.
4. Identify and resolve US 1099 exceptions: Submit the US 1099 Invoice Exceptions and Supplier Exceptions
reports. Generate Tax Information Verification Letters for each supplier that hasn't furnished or confirmed the
tax identification number or tax reporting region.
5. Optionally withhold tax from suppliers: You can withhold tax if Tax Identification Numbers (TIN) are invalid or
missing and if you haven't met legal requirements of requesting a valid TIN.
6. Update US 1099 payment information: You can adjust invoice distributions manually on the Manage
Distributions page, or you can submit the Update and Report Income Tax Details process.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

7. Generate US 1099 reports:

◦ US 1099 Forms: Reports the total US 1099 miscellaneous payments for US 1099 suppliers, and generates
US 1099 forms for each tax reporting entity in an organization.
◦ US 1096 Form: Summarizes each US 1099 form type that's transmitted on paper, as required by the
United States Internal Revenue Service. The report is generated on a preformatted Internal Revenue
Service form.
◦ US 1099 Electronic Media: Generates summarized US 1099 information in electronic format as required
by the United States Internal Revenue Service.
◦ US 1099 Payments Report: Lists payments made to US 1099 reportable suppliers.

Payables Setup for US 1099 Reporting

This figure shows the steps for setting up Payables US 1099 reporting.

1. Enable combined filing: To use combined federal and state US 1099 filing, select the Use combined filing
program option on the Manage Tax Options page.

Note: If you file US 1099 tax information electronically and don't participate in the Combined Filing Program,
leave the combined filing option disabled.

2. Enable withholding tax distributions: To automatically create withholding tax distributions, select the Include
withholding distributions in income tax reports option on the Manage Tax Options page. The income tax
type for these distributions is automatically set to MISC4. If you use combined filing, the income tax region is
also provided.
3. Define income tax regions: If you use combined filing, define the tax regions on the Manage Tax Regions page.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay General Payables Options

4. Define reporting entities: Set up reporting entities on the Manage Reporting Entities page. For each reporting
entity, you assign one or more balancing segment values. When you submit US 1099 reports for a tax entity, the
paid invoice distributions with the balancing segment values in their accounts are added together.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

3 Payables Configuration

Distribution Sets
Distribution sets automatically create distributions for invoices that aren't matched to purchase orders. For example,
you can create a distribution set for an advertising supplier that allocates the advertising expense on an invoice to four

You can specify a default distribution set on the Site Assignments tab on the Supplier Site page. If you don't assign a
distribution set to a supplier site, you can still assign a set to an invoice during invoice entry.

A distribution set can include:

• Income tax types: If you're creating a distribution set for a federally reported supplier, you can enter an income
tax type.
• Tax codes are not used in the distribution sets.
• Project information: If you use Oracle Fusion Project Costing, invoice distributions can include project
information. If you use a project-related distribution set, the project information is automatically entered on the
invoice distribution. You can override project fields on the distribution.
• Descriptive flexfields: If you use a descriptive flexfield with your distribution set lines, the descriptive flexfield
information is copied to the invoice distributions created by the set.
You can define distribution sets for invoice business units with and without percentages.

Distribution Sets with Percentages

Use a 100 percent distribution set when you know the allocation percentages. For example, you can create a distribution
set to allocate rent expense across two departments. You can allocate 70 percent of the invoice amount to the sales
facility expense account and 30 percent to the administration facility expense account.

Note: Percentage distribution sets can include both positive and negative percentages.

Distribution Sets Without Percentages

Use a 0 percent distribution set when you don't know the allocation percentages. For example, you might allocate
facility expenses based on monthly headcount. You can define a zero percent distribution set that includes the expense
distributions for each department. You can then provide the distribution amounts during invoice entry.

Payment Terms
Payment terms are used to automatically create invoice installments. You can define payment terms to create multiple
installments and multiple levels of discounts.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Payment terms consist of one or more lines, each of which creates one invoice installment. When you define a payment
term, you can specify either percentages or fixed amounts. A payment term line can have up to three discounts. Each
line and corresponding installment have a due date and up to three discount dates. Each line and corresponding
installment also have due or discount amounts. You can assign a payment term to one or more sets to share that
payment term across business units.
This figure shows the components of a payment term.

Tip: If you change the payment terms on an invoice, the installments are automatically recalculated and you must
reenter any manual adjustments made previously.

Payment Terms Due Dates and Discount Dates

Payment terms due dates and discount dates are based on one of the following methods:

• Fixed Date: A specific day, month, and year that an installment is due for payment.
• Days: A number of days added to the invoice terms date.
• Calendar: A Payables calendar that's divided into periods. You can assign a due date to the period that includes
the invoice terms date. You can assign due dates to avoid weekends, holidays, and so on. You can't assign
calendar-based terms to an invoice if a period isn't defined for the terms date.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

• Day of Month: A type of payment term with the following attributes:

◦ Day of Month: A specific day of the month when an installment is due for payment. For example, enter
15 to schedule payment on the fifteenth day of the month. Enter 31 to schedule payment for the last day
of the month, including months with less than 31 days.
◦ Cutoff Day: The day of the month after which the installment due and discount dates advance to a future
month. If you don't specify a cutoff day, the current accounting month is used to determine due and
discount dates.
◦ Months Ahead: The number that's used to determine the month the installment is due. If you enter
0 and the terms date is the same as, or later than, the cutoff day, the installment is due the following

For example, a payment term has a Cutoff Day of 11, the Day of Month is 15, and Months Ahead is 0. If
you enter an invoice with a terms date of January 12, the installment is due February 15. If you enter an
invoice with a terms date of January 10, the installment is due January 15. If the terms date is January 12
and Months Ahead is set to 1, the installment is due March 15.

Note: Only due dates, not discount dates, can be based on a calendar.

Default Payment Terms

If you enter an Identifying PO on an invoice, the purchase order provides the default payment terms for the invoice.
If you don't enter an Identifying PO, the supplier site provides the default payment terms. If the supplier site doesn't
have payment terms, the payment terms from the Manage Invoice Options page are used. You can override the default
payment terms on any invoice.
This figure shows how payment terms flow to the invoice.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Related Topics
• How Invoice Installments Are Recalculated
• What's a Payables calendar?
• Payment Terms and Reference Data Sharing
• Reference Data Sets and Sharing Methods

Payment Terms and Reference Data Sharing

Payment terms are enabled for reference data sharing using the method of assignment to multiple sets, no common
values allowed. The predefined reference group is called Payables Payment Terms and the determinant type for the
reference group is business unit.

Before you can use a payment term, you must assign the payment term to a reference data set.

This figure provides an example of how the payment terms Net 45 and Net 30 are shared across different business

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

The Net 45 payment term is assigned to the North America reference data set. The North America reference data set
is assigned to the United States and Canada business units. Invoices for these business units can then use the Net 45
payment term. The Net 30 payment term is assigned to the North America and Europe reference data sets. The Europe
reference data set is assigned to the France business unit. Invoices for the United States, Canada, and France business
units can use the Net 30 payment term.

Setting up Payment Terms for Reference Data Sharing

The setup for payment term reference data sharing includes:

• Assigning a reference data set to a business unit: When you define a business unit, assign the business unit a
reference data set for the Payables Payment Terms reference group.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

• Generating a data role for a reference data set: To assign a reference data set to a payment term, you must first
generate a data role for that reference data set. Generate the data role using the predefined data role template
called Financials Common Module Template for SetID.
• Provisioning a data role to the implementor: Assign the reference data set data role to the implementor who
creates the payment terms.
• Creating a payment term: Assign one or more reference data sets to a payment term in the Set Assignment
section on the Create Payment Terms page.

Tip: Before you define common options for Payables and Procurement, you must assign the Immediate payment
term to the reference data set for the business unit.

Note: You can assign a payment term to the predefined common set, which works like any other set. Unless you
assign the payment term to other reference data sets, that payment term is available only to the business units with
the common set.

Related Topics
• Reference Data Sets and Sharing Methods
• Reference Data Sharing

Example of Creating Payment Terms Based on Days

This example demonstrates how to create payment terms that are based on a certain number of days from the invoice
terms date.

This table summarizes key decisions for the scenario.

Decisions to Consider In This Example

Are terms based on amounts or Percentages


What are the due dates and discounts? The due dates and discounts are as follows:

• First installment: 40 percent due in 10 days, with a discount of 5 percent if paid in 7 days
• Second installment: 35 percent due in 20 days, with a discount of 3 percent if paid in 15 days
• Third installment: 25 percent due in 30 days, with a discount of 2 percent if paid in 25 days

Creating Payment Terms Based on Days

1. Navigate to the Manage Payment Terms page.
2. Click Create to open the Create Payment Terms page.
3. In the Name field, enter the payment term name.
4. Click Add Row in the Installments section to create the first installment.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

5. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Due Percent 40

Days 10

First Discount Percent 5

First Discount Days 7

6. Click Add Row in the Installments section to create the second installment.
7. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Due Percent 35

Days 20

First Discount Percent 3

First Discount Days 15

8. Click Add Row in the Installments section to create the third installment.
9. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Due Percent 25

Days 30

First Discount Percent 2

First Discount Days 25

10. Click Save.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Invoice Tolerances
Invoice tolerances determine whether matching holds are placed on invoices for variances between invoices and the
documents you match them to, such as purchase orders.

When you run the invoice validation process for a matched invoice, the process checks that matching occurs within the
defined tolerances. For example, if the billed amount of an item exceeds a tolerance, a hold is placed on the invoice. You
can't pay the invoice until the hold is released.

You can define tolerances based on quantity or amount. For each type of tolerance, you can specify percentages or
amounts. Once you define the tolerances, assign them to a supplier site.

Note: If you specify a percentage tolerance of zero, variance isn't allowed. If you want a low tolerance, specify a small
percentage. If an active tolerance doesn't have a value, then infinite variance is allowed.

Quantity-Based Tolerances
Quantity-based tolerances apply to invoices with a match basis of Quantity.

This table describes each quantity-based tolerance.

Tolerance Description

Ordered Percentage The percentage difference more than the ordered quantity on a purchase order schedule line that you
allow suppliers to invoice. Validation checks the billed quantity against the ordered quantity without
considering price.

Maximum Ordered The quantity difference more than the ordered quantity on a purchase order schedule line that you
allow suppliers to invoice. Validation checks the billed quantity against the ordered quantity without
considering price. You can use this tolerance if most of your purchase orders have the same relative

Received Percentage The percentage difference more than the received quantity on a purchase order schedule line that you
allow suppliers to invoice. Validation checks the billed quantity against the received quantity without
considering price.

Maximum Received The quantity difference more than the received quantity on a purchase order schedule line that you
allow suppliers to invoice. Validation checks the billed quantity against the received quantity without
considering price. You can use this tolerance if most of your purchase orders have the same relative

Price Percentage The percentage difference more than the unit price on a purchase order schedule line that you allow
suppliers to invoice.

Conversion Rate Amount The variance that you allow between an invoice amount and the amount of a purchase order schedule.
Validation compares the ledger currency amounts, using the invoice and purchase order conversion
rates, respectively. You can use this tolerance if you create foreign currency invoices.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Tolerance Description

Schedule Amount The variance that you allow between all invoice amounts in the entered currency and the purchase
order schedule amount.

Total Amount The total variance that you allow for both the Conversion Rate Amount and Schedule Amount
tolerances combined. You can use this tolerance if you create foreign currency invoices.

Consumed Percentage The percentage difference more than the consumed quantity on a consumption advice that you allow
suppliers to invoice. Validation checks the billed quantity against the consumed quantity without
considering price.

Maximum Consumed The quantity difference more than the consumed quantity on a consumption advice that you allow
suppliers to invoice. Validation checks the billed quantity against the consumed quantity without
considering price.

Amount-Based Tolerances
Amount-based tolerances apply to invoices that have a match basis of Amount.

This table describes each amount-based tolerance.

Tolerance Description

Ordered Percentage The percentage difference more than the ordered amount on a purchase order schedule line that you
allow suppliers to invoice. Validation checks the billed amount against the ordered amount.

Maximum Ordered The amount difference more than the ordered amount on a purchase order schedule line that you
allow suppliers to invoice. Validation checks the billed amount against the ordered amount.

Received Percentage The percentage difference more than the received amount on a purchase order schedule line that you
allow suppliers to invoice. Validation checks the billed amount against the received amount.

Maximum Received The amount difference more than the received amount on a purchase order schedule line that you
allow suppliers to invoice. Validation checks the billed amount against the received amount.

Conversion Rate Amount The variance that you allow between the invoice amount and the amount on a purchase order
schedule. Validation compares the ledger currency amounts, using the invoice and purchase order
conversion rates, respectively. You can use this tolerance if you create foreign currency invoices.

Total Amount The total variance that you allow for both the Conversion Rate Amount and Schedule Amount
tolerances combined. You can use this tolerance if you create foreign currency invoices.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Invoice Holds and Releases

Use the Manage Invoice Holds and Releases page to define holds and releases for invoices. You can assign the holds
that you define to invoices, and the invoices can't be paid until you release the holds.

Note: The invoice validation process uses the predefined holds and releases, which you can query on the Manage
Invoice Holds and Releases page.

For each hold that you define, you can indicate whether accounting entries can be created. For example, if you assign
a hold that doesn't allow accounting to an invoice, you must remove the hold before accounting entries can be created.
You can also indicate whether to use the holds and releases in the holds resolution workflow process. The holds
resolution workflow routes invoices with manually-releasable holds.

When you define a hold or release, you must associate it with a hold or release type.

Hold Types
This table lists the predefined invoice hold types and indicates whether you can define holds for them.

Hold Type Allows User-Defined Holds?

Account Hold Reason No

Future Period Hold Type No

Insufficient Information No

Invoice Hold Reason Yes

Invoice Line Reason Yes

Matching Hold Reason No

Variance Hold Reason No

Release Types
This table lists the predefined invoice release types and indicates whether you can define releases for them.

Release Type Allows User-Defined Releases?

Account Release Reason No

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Release Type Allows User-Defined Releases?

Future Period Release No

Hold Quick Release Reason Yes

Invoice Quick Release Reason Yes

Invoice Release Reason Yes

Matching Release Reason Yes

Sufficient Information No

Variance Release Reason Yes

Considerations for Payables Calendar Period Frequencies

When you create a calendar using the Manage Payables Calendars task, you must select a period frequency. Period
frequencies determine the number of periods per year and the period name format for the calendar.

Period Frequency
The following table describes each period frequency.

Frequency Periods Per Year Description

4-4-5 12 All periods have four weeks except the third,

sixth, ninth, and twelfth periods, which have
five weeks.

4-5-4 12 All periods have four weeks except the second,

fifth, eighth, and eleventh periods, which have
five weeks.

5-4-4 12 All periods have four weeks except the first,

fourth, seventh and tenth periods, which have
five weeks.

Monthly 12 Each month is a period.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Frequency Periods Per Year Description

Quarterly 4 Each period has three months.

Weekly 52 Each period has seven days.

Other Specified by user Periods are manually defined.

Related Topics
• What's a Payables calendar?
• How Periods for Payables Calendars Are Generated

How Periods for Payables Calendars Are Generated

You can define a Payables calendar to generate periods automatically.

Settings That Affect Period Generation

When you create a calendar or add years to an existing calendar, the following attributes control how the periods are

• Period frequency
• Periods per year
• Start date
• Period name format

How Periods Are Generated

This table describes the attributes that are used to generate periods.

Calendar Attribute Description

Period frequency Type of period, such as Monthly or 5-4-4.

If you select Other, you must enter periods manually

Periods per year Calculated number of periods per year.

Start date First day of the calendar and start date of the first period.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Calendar Attribute Description

Period name format Naming convention for periods.

Note: For weekly or quarterly period frequencies, the generated period name is the frequency combined with the
number of periods per year, plus the year. For example, for a period frequency of Quarterly and a start date of
1/1/2015, the period name for the first quarter is Quarter1-15.

Example Calendar with a Period Frequency of 4-4-5

This example shows the generated periods for a calendar with a:

• Period frequency of 4-4-5

• Start date of 1/1/2015
• Period name format of MMM

Period Name Prefix Year Sequence Start Date End Date Period Name

Jan 2015 1 1/1/15 1/28/15 Jan-15

Feb 2015 2 1/29/15 2/25/15 Feb-15

Mar 2015 3 2/26/15 4/1/15 Mar-15

Apr 2015 4 4/2/15 4/29/15 Apr-15

May 2015 5 4/30/15 5/27/15 May-15

Jun 2015 6 5/28/15 7/1/15 Jun-15

Jul 2015 7 7/2/15 7/29/15 Jul-15

Aug 2015 8 7/30/15 8/26/15 Aug-15

Sep 2015 9 8/27/15 9/30/15 Sep-15

Oct 2015 10 10/1/15 10/28/15 Oct-15

Nov 2015 11 10/29/15 11/25/15 Nov-15

Dec 2015 12 11/26/15 12/30/15 Dec-15

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Related Topics
• What's a Payables calendar?

How You Set Up Third-Party Payments

A third-party payment is a payment that you make to a supplier on behalf of another supplier. Setting up third-party
payments includes the following tasks:

Creating the Third Party

1. In the Suppliers work area, click Create Supplier.
2. Complete the information on the Profile and Address tabs.

◦ Set the Address Purpose field to Remit to.

◦ (Optional) Associate a bank account and default payment method with the address.

Note: You don't have to create a supplier site unless the third party is a supplier that sends you invoices.

Defining the Relationship Between the Third Party and the Supplier
1. In the Suppliers work area, click Manage Suppliers.
2. Search for the supplier on whose behalf the third party receives payment.
3. Add the third party to the Third-Party Payment Relationship section on the Invoicing tab on the Edit Site page.
Consider marking the relationship as the default relationship for new invoices and payments.

This table describes each attribute of a third-party payment relationship.

Attribute Description

Remit-to Supplier Enter the party designated to receive payment on behalf of the supplier on the invoice.

Address Name Enter the address of the party designated to receive payment on behalf of the supplier on the

From Date, To Date Specify an inclusive date range for the relationship. When you create an invoice or payment, the
invoice and payment dates are used to identify valid third-party payment relationships for the
supplier site.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Attribute Description

When you end date an existing relationship, you must review all unpaid or partially paid
invoices for that relationship.

Description Enter text to include in the payment file. For example, you can enter text to print on the
payment document as reference information.

Note: The Merge Supplier process doesn't merge third-party payment relationships.

(Optional) Setting the Remit-to Supplier Override Option

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
2. Offering: Financials
3. Functional Area: Payables
4. Task: Manage Invoice Options, with the business unit scope set
5. Click Apply and Go to Task.
6. Select the Allow remit-to supplier override for third-party payments option to allow override of the remit-to
supplier on the invoice.

(Optional) Setting the Payee Override Option

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
2. Offering: Financials
3. Functional Area: Payables
4. Task: Manage Payment Options, with the business unit scope set
5. Click Apply and Go to Task.
6. Select the Allow payee override for third-party payments option to allow override of the payee on the

Related Topics
• Guidelines For Invoice Options
• What's a third-party payment?

Auditing Payables Business Objects

You can audit specific business objects and attributes in Oracle Fusion Payables to monitor user activity and data
changes. Auditing includes recording and retrieving information pertaining to the creation, modification, or removal of
business objects.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

However, for transaction business objects the auditing will record modification, or removal of business objects. All
actions the user performs on an audited business object and its attributes are recorded and logged in a table. From the
table, you can run a report that indicates changes made to attributes by users. Changes made by any user to the audit-
enabled attributes are recorded and retrievable.

To enable auditing on Payables business objects, navigate to: Setup and Maintenance > Search Tasks: Manage Audit
Policies > Manage Audit Policies page > Configure Business Object Attributes button > Configure Business Object
Attributes page > Product choice list: Payables.

Payables Setup Business Objects


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: General Payables Options

The AP_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL table stores the parameters and defaults you define for operating your Oracle
Fusion Payables application. This table contains information such as your set of books, functional currency and
payment terms. Your Oracle Fusion Payables application also uses this information to determine default values that
cascade down to supplier and invoice entry. This table corresponds to the Manage Invoice Options and Manage
Payment Options tasks under Define General Payables Options task. AP_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL_ is the audit table
for AP_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL. The following table shows the fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Create interest invoices AUTO_CALCULATE_INTEREST_ Option that indicates whether Yes

FLAG interest invoices are automatically
created for past due invoice
payments (Y or N).

Invoice Currency INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE Default invoice currency code Yes

that defaults on the supplier sites
associated with the business unit.

Always take discount ALWAYS_TAKE_DISC_FLAG Option that indicates if an available Yes

discount for a supplier will be
taken, regardless of when the
invoice is paid (Y or N).

Accounting Date Basis GL_DATE_FROM_RECEIPT_FLAG Date used as the accounting date No

during invoice entry.

Exclude tax from calculation DISC_IS_INV_LESS_TAX_FLAG Option that indicates if tax amount Yes
excluded from invoice amount
when invoice amount applicable to
discount calculated (Y or N).

Allow payment date before the POST_DATED_PAYMENTS_FLAG Option that indicates if the Yes
system date payment date can be prior to
system date (Y or N).

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Minimum interest amount INTEREST_TOLERANCE_AMOUNT Minimum interest amount owed on Yes

past due invoice for interest invoice
to be automatically created.

Interest Expense Distribution INTEREST_CODE_COMBINATION_ Accounting Flexfield identifier for Yes

ID interest expense account.

Discount Allocation Method DISCOUNT_DISTRIBUTION_ Method for distributing discount Yes

METHOD amounts taken on invoice

Use combined filing program COMBINED_FILING_FLAG Option that indicates whether Yes
your organization participates in
the Combined Filing Program for
income tax reporting.

Income Tax Region INCOME_TAX_REGION Default income tax region assigned Yes
to invoice lines for 1099 suppliers.

Use supplier tax region INCOME_TAX_REGION_FLAG A value of Y indicates that you Yes
use supplier tax region as the
default Income Tax Region for
1099. invoice lines.

Allow Final Matching ALLOW_FINAL_MATCH_FLAG Option that indicates whether you Yes
allow final matching to purchase

Allow Matching distribution ALLOW_FLEX_OVERRIDE_FLAG Option that indicates whether Yes

override you can override the matching
Accounting Flexfield for an invoice
distribution matched to a purchase
order distribution line.

Allow adjustments to paid invoices ALLOW_PAID_INVOICE_ADJUST Option that indicates whether you Yes
allow adjustments to paid invoices.

Allow document category override INV_DOC_CATEGORY_OVERRIDE Option that indicates whether you Yes
can override the default document
category (Sequential Numbering)
for invoices.

Transfer PO distribution additional TRANSFER_DESC_FLEX_FLAG A value of Y indicates the Yes

information application will transfer descriptive
flexfield information from a
purchase order shipment to an
invoice line and from the purchase
order distribution to an invoice
distribution during purchase order

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Use withholding tax ALLOW_AWT_FLAG Option to indicate whether Yes

Automatic Withholding Tax is
allowed (Y or N).

Withholding Tax Group DEFAULT_AWT_GROUP_ID Default Withholding Tax group for Yes
new suppliers.

Allow manual withholding ALLOW_AWT_OVERRIDE Option to indicate whether override Yes

of withholding tax amount is
allowed (Y, N, null).

Apply withholding tax CREATE_AWT_DISTS_TYPE Indicates when the application Yes

should automatically create
withholding tax invoices. Possible
values are Never, Validation, or

Create Withholding Invoice CREATE_AWT_INVOICES_TYPE Indicates when the application Yes

should automatically create
withholding tax invoices (Never,
Invoice Validation, Payment).

Withholding Amount Basis to AWT_INCLUDE_DISCOUNT_AMT Option to indicate whether the Yes

include discount amount discount amount is included in
withholding tax calculation.

Withholding Amount Basis to AWT_INCLUDE_TAX_AMT Option to indicate whether the Yes

include tax amount tax amount is included in the
withholding tax calculation.

Allow override of supplier site bank ALLOW_SUPPLIER_BANK_ Option to indicate whether user Yes
account OVERRIDE can charge remit-to bank at
payment creation time.

Account for Payment WHEN_TO_ACCOUNT_PMT Defines when accounting entries Yes

for payments will be created.

Enable invoice approval APPROVAL_WORKFLOW_FLAG Select this check box value to Yes
enable invoice approval.

Allow Force Approval ALLOW_FORCE_APPROVAL_FLAG Select this check box value if Yes
you use the Invoice Approval
Workflow Program and want to
allow accounts payable processors
to override the workflow and
manually approve invoices.

Include withholding distributions in ENABLE_1099_ON_AWT_FLAG Select this check box value is Yes
income tax reports you want to include Withholding
Distribution in Income Tax Reports.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Quantity Tolerances TOLERANCE_ID A unique identifier for tolerance Yes

template that's used for goods

Amount Tolerances SERVICES_TOLERANCE_ID Services tolerance template Yes


Receipt Acceptance Days RECEIPT_ACCEPTANCE_DAYS Number of days in receipt Yes

acceptance period.

Exclude Freight from Discount EXCLUDE_FREIGHT_FROM_ Exclude Freight From Discount Yes
DISCOUNT Identifier.

Interest Allocation Method PRORATE_INT_INV_ACROSS_ Used to display the 'Interest' Yes

DISTS Allocation method in Accounting
Option label.

Allow Unit Price change for SS_UPRICE_CHANGE_FOR_ Setting that indicates whether Yes
Quantity-Based Matches QTYMATCH unit price change is allowed for
purchase order matched self-
service invoice.

Allow invoice backdating SS_INVOICE_BACKDATING_FLAG Indicates whether a self-service Yes

invoice can have invoice date prior
to system date.

Self Service Invoices to limit SS_LIMIT_TO_SINGLE_PO_FLAG Indicates whether a self-service Yes

invoices to a single purchase order invoice can be matched to multiple
purchase orders.

Require Invoice Grouping REQUIRE_INVOICE_GROUP_FLAG Setting that indicates whether Yes

invoice group is mandatory during
invoice entry.

Recalculate invoice installments RECALC_PAY_SCHEDULE_FLAG Option that indicates whether Yes

Recalculate Payment Installments
(Y or N).

Budget Date Basis BUDGET_DATE_BASIS Budget Date Basis to default Yes

the budget date on invoice


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Common Options for Payables and Procurement

The FINANCIALS_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL table stores options and defaults you share between your Oracle
Fusion Payables application, and your Oracle Fusion Purchasing and Oracle Fusion Assets applications. You can
define these options and defaults according to the way you run your business. This table corresponds to the Manage

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Common Options for Payables and Procurement task. FINANCIALS_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ALL_ is the audit table for
FINANCIALS_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ALL. The following table shows the fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Bill-to Location BILL_TO_LOCATION_ID Bill-to location identifier, default Yes

used during supplier entry.

Liability Distribution ACCTS_PAY_CODE_ Accounting Flexfield identifier Yes

COMBINATION_ID for the accounts payable liability
account and default used during
supplier entry.

Prepayment Distribution PREPAY_CODE_COMBINATION_ID Accounting Flexfield identifier Yes

for the prepayment account and
default used during supplier entry.

Discount Taken Distribution DISC_TAKEN_CODE_ Accounting Flexfield identifier for Yes

COMBINATION_ID the discount taken account.

VAT Registration Number VAT_REGISTRATION_NUM Value-Added Tax registration Yes

number for your organization.

VAT Registration Member State VAT_COUNTRY_CODE European Union (EU) member Yes
state for your organization.

Conversion Rate Variance Gain RATE_VAR_GAIN_CCID Accounting Flexfield identifier for Yes
account used to record exchange
rate gains for invoices matched to
purchase orders.

Conversion Rate Variance Loss RATE_VAR_LOSS_CCID Accounting Flexfield identifier for Yes
account used to record exchange
rate losses for invoices matched to
purchase orders.

Bill Payable Distribution FUTURE_DATED_PAYMENT_CCID Accounting Flexfield identifier for Yes

future dated payment account
default for Suppliers and Bank

Miscellaneous Distribution MISC_CHARGE_CCID Accounting flexfield identifier Yes

for the accounts payable
miscellaneous account, which is
used for supplier portal Invoices.

Buying Company Identifier BUYING_COMPANY_IDENTIFIER A unique identifier that identifies Yes

the buying business unit. The
identifier is included on the invoice
number of invoices created by the
pay on receipt process or debit
memos from return on receipt

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Expense Accrual Distributions EXPENSE_ACCRUAL_CCID Expense Accrual Account Code Yes

Combination Identifier.

Gapless Invoice Numbering GAPLESS_INV_NUM_FLAG Gapless Invoice Numbering Option. Yes

Accrue Expense Items EXPENSE_ACCRUAL_CODE Defines accrue expense items Yes


Conversion Rate type DEFAULT_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Specifies the default conversion Yes

rate type when you enter invoices
or create payments.

Automatic Offsets AUTOMATIC_OFFSETS_FLAG An option that allows overriding Yes

of either the primary balancing
segment or all segments, except
the natural account segment when
creating the liability account.

Realized Gain Distribution GAIN_CODE_COMBINATION_ID Accounting Flexfield identifier for Yes

account to which realized exchange
rate gains are posted.

Realized Loss Distribution LOSS_CODE_COMBINATION_ID Accounting Flexfield identifier for Yes

account to which realized exchange
rate losses are posted.

Require conversion rate entry MAKE_RATE_MANDATORY_FLAG Option that indicates if exchange Yes
rates must be entered for multiple
currency invoices and payments (Y
or N).

Freight Distribution FREIGHT_CODE_COMBINATION_ID Accounting Flexfield identifier for Yes

accounts payable freight account.

Prepayment Tax Difference PREPAY_TAX_DIFF_CCID Account to which any prepayment Yes

tax difference amount will be

Require Conversion Rate Entry MAKE_RATE_MANDATORY_PMT_ Require Conversion Rate No

FLAG Information for Payments.

Payment Conversion Rate Type DEFAULT_PMT_EXCHANGE_RATE_ Payment Conversion Rate Type. No



Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Invoice Tolerances

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

The AP_TOLERANCE_TEMPLATES table stores the tolerance levels you set for matching and invoice variance testing.
Oracle Fusion Payables uses this information to determine during Invoice Validation to hold an invoice for exceeding
tolerance. AP_TOLERANCE_TEMPLATES_ is the audit table for AP_TOLERANCE_TEMPLATES. The following table shows
the fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Name TOLERANCE_NAME Name of the tolerance template. Yes

Description DESCRIPTION Description of the tolerance No


Price Percentage PRICE_TOLERANCE Percentage based tolerance level Yes

for price variance.

Ordered Percentage QUANTITY_TOLERANCE Percentage based tolerance level Yes

for quantity variance.

Received Percentage QTY_RECEIVED_TOLERANCE Percentage based tolerance level Yes

for quantity received tolerance.

Maximum Ordered MAX_QTY_ORD_TOLERANCE Tolerance level for maximum Yes

quantity ordered variance.

Maximum Received MAX_QTY_REC_TOLERANCE Tolerance level for maximum Yes

quantity received variance.

Schedule Amount SHIP_AMT_TOLERANCE Tolerance level for purchase order Yes

shipment amount variance

Conversion Rate Amount RATE_AMT_TOLERANCE Tolerance level for exchange rate Yes
amount variance.

Total Amount TOTAL_AMT_TOLERANCE Tolerance level for total amount Yes


Type TOLERANCE_TYPE Designates the type of tolerance Yes

template as either Goods or

Consumed Percentage QTY_CONSUMED_TOLERANCE Tolerance level for comparison Yes

of billed quantity with consumed
quantity expressed as a

Maximum Consumed MAX_QTY_CON_TOLERANCE Tolerance level for comparison Yes

of billed quantity with consumed
quantity expressed as an absolute

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Reporting Entities

The AP_REPORTING_ENTITIES_ALL table stores the information about the reporting entities you define for 1099
reporting. This table corresponds to the Manage Reporting Entities task. AP_REPORTING_ENTITIES_ALL_ is the audit
table for AP_REPORTING_ENTITIES_ALL. The following table shows the fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Taxpayer ID TAX_IDENTIFICATION_NUM Tax identification number for Yes

reporting entity.

Name ENTITY_NAME Name of the reporting entity for Yes

tax reporting.

Location LOCATION_ID Location identifier for reporting Yes


Business Unit ORG_ID Indicates the identifier of the Yes

business unit associated to the row.

Global Attribute Category GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

structure definition of the global
descriptive flexfield.

Global Attribute 1 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 2 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 3 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 4 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 5 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 6 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Global Attribute 7 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 8 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 9 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 10 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 11 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 12 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 13 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 14 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 15 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 16 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 17 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 18 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Global Attribute 19 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 20 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Balancing Segment Values

The AP_REPORTING_ENTITY_LINES_ALL table stores the line information for the tax reporting entities you
define. This table corresponds to the Balancing Segment Values section of the Manage Reporting Entities task.
AP_REPORTING_ENTITY_LINES_ALL_ is the audit table for AP_REPORTING_ENTITY_LINES_ALL. The following table
shows the fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Primary Balancing Segment Value BALANCING_SEGMENT_VALUE Balancing segment value for Yes
reporting entity Accounting

Business Unit ORG_ID Indicates the identifier of the Yes

business unit associated to the row.


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Bank Charges

The AP_BANK_CHARGES table stores header information that you enter on the bank charges page. This table
corresponds to the Manage Bank Charges task. AP_BANK_CHARGES_ is the audit table for AP_BANK_CHARGES. The
following table shows the fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Transferring Bank Branch ID TRANSFERRING_BANK_BRANCH_ Transferring bank branch identifier. Yes


Transferring Bank Name TRANSFERRING_BANK_NAME Bank of customer, which transfers Yes

payment to supplier bank.

Transferring Bank Option TRANSFERRING_BANK Transferring bank. Valid values Yes

are ONE for specific bank and ALL
when bank charge is applicable to
all transferring banks.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Transferring Branch Option TRANSFERRING_BRANCH Transferring branch. Valid values Yes

are ONE for specific branch
and ALL when bank charge is
applicable to all transferring
branches of transferring bank

Receiving Bank Branch ID RECEIVING_BANK_BRANCH_ID Receiving bank branch identifier. Yes

Receiving Bank Name RECEIVING_BANK_NAME Bank of supplier, which receives Yes

payment from customer bank.

Receiving Bank Option RECEIVING_BANK Receiving branch. Valid values Yes

are ONE for specific bank, ALL for
when charge is applicable to all
receiving banks, and OTHER for
bank other than the transferring

Receiving Branch Option RECEIVING_BRANCH Receiving branch. Valid values are Yes
ONE for specific branch, ALL for
when charge is applicable to all
receiving branches, and OTHER for
branch other than the transferring

Settlement Priority SETTLEMENT_PRIORITY Settlement priority. Valid values are Yes


Currency CURRENCY_CODE Currency used to define bank Yes


Attribute Category ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield: structure No

definition of the user descriptive

Attribute 1 ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 2 ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 3 ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 4 ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 5 ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Attribute 6 ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 7 ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 8 ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 9 ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 10 ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 11 ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 12 ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 13 ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 14 ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 15 ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute Number 1 ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER1 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute Number 2 ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER2 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute Number 3 ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER3 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute Number 4 ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER4 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute Number 5 ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER5 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Attribute Date 1 ATTRIBUTE_DATE1 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute Date 2 ATTRIBUTE_DATE2 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute Date 3 ATTRIBUTE_DATE3 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute Date 4 ATTRIBUTE_DATE4 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute Date 5 ATTRIBUTE_DATE5 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Legal Entity LEGAL_ENTITY_ID Legal entity identifier. Yes


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Bank Charges Details

The AP_BANK_CHARGE_LINES table stores ranges for bank charges. This table corresponds to the Bank Charge Details
section of the Manage Bank Charges task. AP_BANK_CHARGE_LINES_ is the audit table for AP_BANK_CHARGE_LINES.
The following table shows the fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

From Payment Amount TRANS_AMOUNT_FROM The end payment amount (lower Yes
amount) for given amount range.

To Payment Amount TRANS_AMOUNT_TO The start payment amount (higher Yes

amount) for given amount range.

Standard Bank Charge Amount BANK_CHARGE_STANDARD The bank charge amount at Yes
standard rate.

Negotiated Bank Charge Amount BANK_CHARGE_NEGOTIATED The bank charge amount at Yes
negotiated rate.

From Date START_DATE The start date to apply the bank Yes
charge at the specified amount.

To Date END_DATE The end date to apply the bank Yes

charge at the specified amount.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Attribute Category ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield: structure No

definition of the user descriptive

Attribute 1 ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 2 ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 3 ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 4 ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 5 ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 6 ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 7 ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 8 ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 9 ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 10 ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 11 ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 12 ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 13 ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 14 ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Attribute 15 ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute Number 1 ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER1 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute Number 2 ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER2 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute Number 3 ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER3 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute Number 4 ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER4 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute Number 5 ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER5 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute Date 1 ATTRIBUTE_DATE1 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute Date 2 ATTRIBUTE_DATE2 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute Date 3 ATTRIBUTE_DATE3 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute Date 4 ATTRIBUTE_DATE4 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute Date 5 ATTRIBUTE_DATE5 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Interest Rates

The AP_INTEREST_PERIODS table stores information about interest rates and periods that Payables uses to create
invoices to pay interest owed on overdue invoices. This interest is calculated in accordance with the U.S. Prompt
Payment Act. This table corresponds to the Manage Interest Rates task. AP_INTEREST_PERIODS is the audit table for
AP_INTEREST_PERIODS. The following table shows the fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Rate ANNUAL_INTEREST_RATE Interest rate applicable for a given Yes


Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

From Date START_DATE Start date of a given interest Yes


To Date END_DATE End date of a given interest period. Yes


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Payment Terms

The AP_TERMS_B table stores header information about payment terms you define. You need one row for each type of
terms you use to create scheduled payments for invoices. When you enter suppliers or invoices, you can select payment
terms you have defined in this table. Each terms must have one or more terms lines. This table corresponds to the
Manage Payment Terms task. AP_TERMS_B_ is the audit table for AP_TERMS_B. The following table shows the fields
that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Name TERM_ID A unique identifier for the payment Yes


From Date START_DATE_ACTIVE Date from which payment term is Yes


To Date END_DATE_ACTIVE Date after which payment term is Yes


Cutoff Day DUE_CUTOFF_DAY Used for certain terms only, day of Yes
a month after which Oracle Fusion
Payables schedules payment using
a day after the current month.

Rank RANK Unique rank to rate invoice Yes

payment terms against purchase
order payment terms in accordance
with Prompt Payment Act.

Attribute Category ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield: structure No

definition of the user descriptive

Attribute 1 ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 2 ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 3 ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Attribute 4 ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 5 ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 6 ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 7 ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 8 ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 9 ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 10 ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 11 ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 12 ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 13 ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 14 ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 15 ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Installments

The AP_TERMS_LINES table stores detail information about payment terms you define. This table corresponds to
the Installments and Discount sections of the Manage Payment Terms task. AP_TERMS_LINES_ is the audit table for
AP_TERMS_LINES. The following table shows the fields that you can enable for auditing.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Name TERM_ID A unique identifier for the payment Yes


Sequence Number SEQUENCE_NUM Number of the payment term line. Yes

Due Percentage DUE_PERCENT Percentage of payment due by a Yes

certain date.

Amount Due DUE_AMOUNT Maximum of payment amount due Yes

by a certain date.

Days DUE_DAYS Number of days after terms date, Yes

used to calculate due date of
invoice payment line.

Day of Month DUE_DAY_OF_MONTH Day of month used to calculate due Yes

date of invoice payment line.

Months Ahead DUE_MONTHS_FORWARD Number of months ahead, used Yes

to calculate due date of invoice
payment line.

First Discount Percentage DISCOUNT_PERCENT Percentage used to calculate Yes

discount available for invoice
payment line.

First Discount Days DISCOUNT_DAYS Number of days after terms date, Yes
used to calculate discount date for
invoice payment line.

First Discount Day of Month DISCOUNT_DAY_OF_MONTH Day of month used to calculate Yes
discount date for invoice payment

First Discount Months Ahead DISCOUNT_MONTHS_FORWARD Number of months ahead used to Yes
calculate discount date for invoice
payment line.

Second Discount Percentage DISCOUNT_PERCENT_2 Percentage used to calculate Yes

second discount available for
invoice payment line.

Second Discount Days DISCOUNT_DAYS_2 Number of days after terms date, Yes
used to calculate second discount
available for invoice payment line

Second Discount Day of Month DISCOUNT_DAY_OF_MONTH_2 Day of month used to calculate Yes
second discount available for
invoice payment line.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Second Discount Months Ahead DISCOUNT_MONTHS_FORWARD_ Number of months ahead, used Yes
2 to calculate discount available for
invoice payment line.

Third Discount Percentage DISCOUNT_PERCENT_3 Percentage used to calculate third Yes

discount available for invoice
payment line.

Third Discount Days DISCOUNT_DAYS_3 Number of days after terms date, Yes
used to calculate third discount for
invoice payment line.

Third Discount Day of Month DISCOUNT_DAY_OF_MONTH_3 Day of month used to calculate Yes
third discount for invoice payment

Third Discount Months Ahead DISCOUNT_MONTHS_FORWARD_ Number of months ahead, used to Yes
3 calculate third discount for invoice
payment line.

Attribute Category ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield: structure No

definition of the user descriptive

Attribute 1 ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 2 ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 3 ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 4 ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 5 ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 6 ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 7 ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 8 ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Attribute 9 ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 10 ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 11 ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 12 ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 13 ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 14 ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 15 ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Fixed Date FIXED_DATE Payment term attribute that Yes

indicates the payment due date.

Calendar CALENDAR Name of special calendar Yes

associated with the term line.


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Set Assignments

The AP_TERMS_ST table stores Set ID information for the payment terms you define. This table corresponds to the Set
Assignments section of the Manage Payment Terms task. AP_TERMS_ST_ is the audit table for AP_TERMS_ST. The
following table shows the fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Name TERM_ID Payment term unique identifier. Yes

Set Code SET_ID Identifies a set of reference data Yes

shared across business units
and other entities. Also known
as Reference Data Sets, they're
used to filter reference data in
transactional UIs.


Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Invoice Holds and Releases

The AP_HOLD_CODES table stores information about hold codes and release codes that you or your Oracle Fusion
Payables application can place on an invoice. This table corresponds to the Manage Invoice Holds and Releases task.
AP_HOLD_CODES_ is the audit table for AP_HOLD_CODES. The following table shows the fields that you can enable for

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Name HOLD_LOOKUP_CODE Name of the hold code created to Yes

be applied on an invoice.

Type HOLD_TYPE Hold type that's to be applied on an Yes


Allow Manual Release USER_RELEASEABLE_FLAG Indicates if a hold can be released Yes

by a user (Y or N).

Inactive Date INACTIVE_DATE Date when the hold will be inactive. Yes

Allow Accounting POSTABLE_FLAG Indicates whether this hold should Yes

prevent the invoice from being

Hold Instruction HOLD_INSTRUCTION Instruction to resolve the hold. Yes

Days Before Notifying WAIT_BEFORE_NOTIFY_DAYS Specify the number of days to wait Yes
before sending the notification.

Days Before Reminding REMINDER_DAYS Specify the number of days to Yes

wait before sending the reminder

Allow Holds Resolution Routing INITIATE_WORKFLOW_FLAG Enable this to initiate the Hold Yes
Negotiation Workflow for the hold.


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Distribution Sets

The AP_DISTRIBUTION_SETS_ALL table stores information about Distribution Sets you define to distribute invoices
automatically. AP_DISTRIBUTION_SETS_ALL_ is the audit table for AP_DISTRIBUTION_SETS_ALL. This table
corresponds to the Manage Distribution Sets task. The following table shows the fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Name DISTRIBUTION_SET_NAME Name of invoice distribution set Yes


Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Description DESCRIPTION Description of invoice distribution Yes

set created.

Distribution Percentage TOTAL_PERCENT_DISTRIBUTION Sum of the distribution percents Yes

for each of the distribution set

Inactive Date INACTIVE_DATE Date by when the distribution set Yes

will become inactive.

Attribute Category ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield: structure No

definition of the user descriptive

Attribute 1 ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 2 ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 3 ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 4 ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 5 ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 6 ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 7 ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 8 ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 9 ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 10 ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 11 ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Attribute 12 ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 13 ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 14 ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 15 ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Business Unit ORG_ID Indicates the identifier of the Yes

business unit associated to the row.


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Distribution Set Details

The AP_DISTRIBUTION_SET_LINES_ALL table stores detailed information about individual distribution lines you define
for a Distribution Set. This table corresponds to the Distribution Set Details section of the Manage Distribution Sets
task. AP_DISTRIBUTION_SET_LINES_ALL_ is the audit table for AP_DISTRIBUTION_SET_LINES_ALL. The following table
shows the fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Distribution Combination DIST_CODE_COMBINATION_ID Accounting Flexfield identifier Yes

for account associated with
Distribution Set line.

Distribution PERCENT_DISTRIBUTION Percent of invoice amount to Yes

allocate to Distribution Set line.

Income Tax Type TYPE_1099 Type of 1099 tax associated with Yes
distribution line.

Description DESCRIPTION Description of distribution set line. No

Line DISTRIBUTION_SET_LINE_ Invoice Distribution Set line No

NUMBER identifier.

Attribute Category ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield: structure No

definition of the user descriptive

Attribute 1 ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Attribute 2 ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 3 ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 4 ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 5 ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 6 ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 7 ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 8 ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 9 ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 10 ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 11 ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 12 ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 13 ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 14 ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 15 ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Project Accounting Context PROJECT_ACCOUNTING_ Oracle Fusion Projects Descriptive No

CONTEXT Flexfield context column.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Task Number TASK_ID Identifier for project task used No

to build Accounting Flexfield for
Distribution Set line.

Project Number PROJECT_ID Identifier for project used to No

build Accounting Flexfield for
Distribution Set line.

Expenditure Organization EXPENDITURE_ORGANIZATION_ID Identifier for project organization No

used to build Accounting Flexfield
for Distribution Set line

Expenditure Type EXPENDITURE_TYPE Project expenditure type used No

to build Accounting Flexfield for
Distribution Set line.

Business Unit ORG_ID Indicates the identifier of the Yes

business unit associated to the row.

Award Number AWARD_ID If Oracle Fusion Grants Accounting No

is installed, the award ID is used
with data in project columns to
track grant information.


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Aging Periods

The AP_AGING_PERIODS table stores aging periods that you define for use in the Invoice Aging Report. This table
corresponds to the Manage Aging Periods task. AP_AGING_PERIODS_ is the audit table for AP_AGING_PERIODS. The
following table shows the fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Aging Period ID AGING_PERIOD_ID Unique identifier of aging period Yes

defined in application.

Name PERIOD_NAME Name of aging period defined in Yes


Description DESCRIPTION Description of aging period No


Active STATUS Status of aging period. Yes

Attribute Category ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield: structure No

definition of the user descriptive

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Attribute 1 ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 2 ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 3 ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 4 ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 5 ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 6 ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 7 ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 8 ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 9 ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 10 ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 11 ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 12 ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 13 ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 14 ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 15 ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.


Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Aging Period Details

The AP_AGING_PERIOD_LINES table stores information on individual aging periods. This table corresponds to the
Aging Period Details section of the Manage Aging Periods task. AP_AGING_PERIOD_LINES_ is the audit table for
AP_AGING_PERIOD_LINES. The following table shows the fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Aging Period Line ID AGING_PERIOD_LINE_ID Unique identifier of aging period Yes

line defined as part of aging period

Column Order PERIOD_SEQUENCE_NUM Order of this particular date range Yes

within the entire period.

From DAYS_START Starting day number for aging Yes

period line.

To DAYS_TO Ending day number for aging Yes

period line.

First REPORT_HEADING1 First column heading for aging Yes

period line.

Second REPORT_HEADING2 Second column heading for aging Yes

period line.

Attribute Category ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield: structure No

definition of the user descriptive

Attribute 1 ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 2 ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 3 ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 4 ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 5 ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 6 ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Attribute 7 ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 8 ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 9 ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 10 ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 11 ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 12 ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 13 ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 14 ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 15 ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Tax Regions

The AP_INCOME_TAX_REGIONS table stores information about the tax regions you use to record payment information
for 1099 suppliers when your organization participates in the Combined Filing Program. This table corresponds to the
Manage Tax Regions task. AP_INCOME_TAX_REGIONS_ is the audit table for AP_INCOME_TAX_REGIONS. The following
table shows the fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

State REGION_SHORT_NAME Abbreviated income tax region Yes

name (identifies income tax region
for 1099 supplier sites).

Description REGION_LONG_NAME Full name of income tax region Yes

applicable for 1099 taxes.

Code REGION_CODE Region code for income tax regions Yes

participating in the Combined
Filing Program.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Amount REPORTING_LIMIT Minimum reporting amount for Yes

income tax region participating in
the Combined Filing Program.

From Date ACTIVE_DATE Date from when the income tax Yes
region is active.

To Date INACTIVE_DATE Date income tax region inactive. Yes

Method REPORTING_LIMIT_METHOD_ Method for calculating reporting Yes

CODE limit for region.


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Payables Calendars

The AP_OTHER_PERIOD_TYPES table stores the period type you define and use to create recurring invoice, automatic
withholding tax, key indicators and payment terms periods. This table corresponds to the Manage Payables Calendars
task. AP_OTHER_PERIOD_TYPES_ is the audit table for AP_OTHER_PERIOD_TYPES. The following table shows the fields
that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Name CALENDAR_NAME Name given to a calendar that's Yes

used in Oracle Fusion Payables.

To Date EFFECTIVE_TO Effective To date of the calendar. Yes

From Date EFFECTIVE_FROM Effective From date of the calendar. Yes

Calendar Type CALENDAR_TYPE Type of the calendar, either Yes


Description DESCRIPTION Statement, picture in words, or No

account that describes; descriptive

Attribute Category ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield: structure No

definition of the user descriptive

Attribute 1 ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 2 ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Attribute 3 ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 4 ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 5 ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 6 ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 7 ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 8 ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 9 ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 10 ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 11 ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 12 ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 13 ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 14 ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 15 ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Period Information

The AP_OTHER_PERIODS table stores information about the time periods you define for use in recurring invoices,
withholding taxes, key indicators and payment terms. This table corresponds to the Period Information section of the

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Manage Payables Calendars task. AP_OTHER_PERIODS_ is the audit table for AP_OTHER_PERIODS. The following table
shows the fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Start Date START_DATE Date from when a record isn't Yes

available for transacting. Use date
enabled entities when history isn't

End Date END_DATE Date from when a record isn't Yes

available for transacting. Use date
enabled entities when history isn't

Sequence PERIOD_NUM Order of periods within a payables Yes


Attribute Category ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield: structure No

definition of the user descriptive

Attribute 1 ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 2 ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 3 ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 4 ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 5 ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 6 ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 7 ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 8 ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 9 ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Attribute 10 ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 11 ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 12 ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 13 ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 14 ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 15 ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Due Date DUE_DATE Date associated with a payables Yes

calendar period that indicates
when an invoice payment is due.
This is only applicable to payables
calendars with a type of payment

Calendar Name PERIOD_ID Identifier of the created period. Yes

Payables Transaction Business Objects

Auditing takes into account update and delete operations performed by the user on an object and its attributes.
It won't record the data that's not updated by the user. For example, data updated by a schedule process.


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Correct Import Errors Invoice Headers

AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE stores header information about invoices that you create or load for import. Invoice data
comes from sources including: supplier invoices that you transfer through the Oracle XML Gateway, and invoices that
you enter through the Invoice Gateway. There's one row for each invoice you import. Your Oracle Payables application
uses this information to create invoice header information when you submit the Payables Open Interface program.
AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE_ is the audit table for AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE. The following table shows the fields that
you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Liability Distribution ID ACCTS_PAY_CODE_ Accounting Flexfield identifier No

COMBINATION_ID for accounts payable liability
account. If the identifier isn't
available, use the ACCTS_

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

column. Validated against.GL_

Add Tax to Invoice Amount ADD_TAX_TO_INV_AMT_FLAG Indicates whether the invoice No

amount should be grossed up by
the calculated tax. Valid values: Y,

Discountable Amount AMOUNT_APPLICABLE_TO_ Amount of invoice applicable to a No

DISCOUNT discount. Not validated.

Application ID APPLICATION_ID Oracle internal use only. For Oracle No

Fusion applications interfacing to
Oracle Fusion Payables.

Attribute Category ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield: structure No

definition of the user descriptive

Attribute 1 ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 10 ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 11 ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 12 ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 13 ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 14 ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 15 ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 2 ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 3 ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Attribute 4 ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 5 ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 6 ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 7 ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 8 ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 9 ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Withholding Tax Group ID AWT_GROUP_ID Withholding tax group identifier. No

If the identifier isn't available,
column. Validated against AP_

Bank Charge Bearer BANK_CHARGE_BEARER Bearer of bank charge cost. Uses No

the Manage Payables Lookup
task, lookup type BANK BEARER
CHARGE to identify valid values.

Budget Date BUDGET_DATE Budgetary Calendar Period Date No

applicable for funds check.

Calculate Tax During Import CALC_TAX_DURING_IMPORT_ Indicates whether tax should be No

FLAG calculated for the invoice during
import. Valid values: Y,N, NULL.

Tax Control Amount CONTROL_AMOUNT Total tax amount. Cannot be more No

than the invoice amount.

Correction Period CORRECTION_PERIOD Correction period for the invoice No

being corrected. Not validated.

Correction Year CORRECTION_YEAR Correction year for the invoice. No

Valid format: four numbers.
Example: 2010.

Delivery Channel DELIVERY_CHANNEL_CODE Information displayed for an No

electronic payment that instruct
the bank about carrying out the

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

payment. Example: print a check

and hold it for collection by the
payee. Use the Manage Payment
Codes task to identify valid values.
The corresponding Payment Code
Type must be Delivery Channel.

Description DESCRIPTION Invoice description. Free text field. No

Not validated.

Document Category DOC_CATEGORY_CODE Sequential numbering (voucher No

number) document category.
Use the Manage Payables
Document Sequences task to
identify valid values. Validated

Document Subtype DOCUMENT_SUB_TYPE A document type required by a tax No

or governmental authority.

Conversion Date EXCHANGE_DATE Date exchange rate is effective. No

Usually the accounting date of the
transaction. Date format: YYYY/

Conversion Rate EXCHANGE_RATE Exchange rate used for foreign No

currency invoices. User entered
conversion rate. Not validated.

Conversion Rate Type EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Exchange rate type for foreign No

currency invoices. Use the Manage
Conversion Rate Types task to
identify valid values. Validated

Pay Alone EXCLUSIVE_PAYMENT_FLAG Indicates whether to pay invoice No

on a separate payment document.
Valid values: Y,N, NULL.

Remit-to Account EXTERNAL_BANK_ACCOUNT_ID External bank account identifier. No

Defaulted from supplier setup. Do
not populate during interface.

First-Party Tax Registration ID FIRST_PARTY_REGISTRATION_ID First party tax registration No


First-Party Tax Registration FIRST_PARTY_REGISTRATION_ First party tax registration number. No

Number NUM

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Accounting Date GL_DATE Default accounting date for invoice No

distributions. Date format: YYYY/
MM/DD. The date must be in an
open or future open accounting

Global Attribute Category GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

structure definition of the global
descriptive flexfield.

Global Attribute Date 1 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_DATE1 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute Date 2 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_DATE2 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute Date 3 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_DATE3 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute Date 4 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_DATE4 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute Date 5 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_DATE5 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute Number 1 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER1 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute Number 2 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER2 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute Number 3 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER3 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute Number 4 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER4 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute Number 5 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER5 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Global Attribute 1 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 10 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 11 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 12 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 13 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 14 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 15 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 16 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 17 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 18 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 19 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 2 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Global Attribute 20 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 3 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 4 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 5 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 6 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 7 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 8 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 9 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Goods Received Date GOODS_RECEIVED_DATE Date when goods on the invoice No

were received. Date format: YYYY/
MM/DD. Required if the terms date
basis is Goods Received.

Invoice Amount INVOICE_AMOUNT Invoice amount in transaction No

currency. Should be positive for
standard and prepayment invoices.
Should be negative for credit

Invoice Currency INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE Currency of invoice. Use the No

Manage Currencies task to
identify valid values. Use the three
character ISO currency code.
Example: US Dollars is USD.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Invoice Date INVOICE_DATE Invoice date used to calculate due No

date per payment terms. Date
format: YYYY/MM/DD.

Invoice ID INVOICE_ID Invoice identifier. Must be unique. No

Invoice Includes Prepayment INVOICE_INCLUDES_PREPAY_ Prepayment included in invoice No

FLAG amount. Valid values: Y,N, NULL.

Invoice Number INVOICE_NUM Supplier invoice number. No

Validation: must be unique for the
supplier site.

Invoice Received Date INVOICE_RECEIVED_DATE Date when the invoice was No

received. Also known as terms
date. Date format: YYYY/MM/DD.
Required if the terms date basis is
Invoice Received Date.

Invoice Type INVOICE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE Type of invoice. Use the Manage No

Payables Lookups task, lookup
type INVOICE TYPE to identify valid

Legal Entity ID LEGAL_ENTITY_ID Unique identifier of the legal entity. No

If the identifier isn't available, use

Legal Entity Name LEGAL_ENTITY_NAME Name of the legal entity on the No

invoice. Use the Manage Legal
Entities task to identify valid

No Conversion Rate Accounted NO_XRATE_BASE_AMOUNT Invoice amount in the functional No

Amount currency. Used to calculate
exchange rate. Used only when
Calculate User Exchange Rate
option is enabled for foreign
currency invoices with exchange
rate type of User.

Business Unit OPERATING_UNIT Business unit to which the invoice No


Business Unit ORG_ID Identifier of the business unit No

associated with the row. If the
identifier isn't available, use the

Pay Group PAY_GROUP_LOOKUP_CODE Groups suppliers or invoices No

for a single pay run. Examples:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

employees, merchandise,
nonmerchandise. Use the Manage
Payables Lookups task, lookup
type PAY GROUP to identify valid

Payment Currency PAYMENT_CURRENCY_CODE Oracle internal use only. No

Payment Method PAYMENT_METHOD_CODE Payment method, such as check, No

cash, or credit. Use the Manage
Payment Methods task to identify
valid values.

Payment Reason PAYMENT_REASON_CODE Code to provide the payment No

system or bank with additional
details for the payment. Use
the Manage Payment Codes
task to identify valid values. The
corresponding Payment Code Type
must be Payment Reason.

Payment Reason Comments PAYMENT_REASON_COMMENTS Reason for the payment. Free text No
field. Not validated.

Customs Location Code PORT_OF_ENTRY_CODE Identifies the location or port No

through which the invoiced goods
entered the country. Free text field.
Not validated.

Prepayment Application Amount PREPAY_APPLY_AMOUNT Amount of prepayment to apply No

to the invoice. Must be positive.
Cannot exceed the unpaid invoice
amount or the amount of available

Prepayment Accounting Date PREPAY_GL_DATE Accounting date for the No

prepayment application. If NULL,
the value for the column GL_DATE
is used. Date format: YYYY/MM/

Prepayment Line PREPAY_LINE_NUM The invoice line of an existing No

prepayment to be applied to the

Prepayment Number PREPAY_NUM Invoice number of an existing, fully No

paid prepayment for the same
supplier site to be applied to the
invoice. Validations: settlement
date must be on or before
the system date, if the type is
Temporary, it must have the same
invoice and payment currency as

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

the invoice, the prepayment must

not be fully applied.

Product Table PRODUCT_TABLE Name of the product source table No

used to generate an invoice. Free
text field. Not validated.

Reference Key 1 REFERENCE_KEY1 Captures invoice reference No

information from non-Oracle
application. Free text field. Not

Reference Key 2 REFERENCE_KEY2 Captures invoice reference No

information from non-Oracle
application. Free text field. Not

Reference Key 3 REFERENCE_KEY3 Captures invoice reference No

information from non-Oracle
application. Free text field. Not

Reference Key 4 REFERENCE_KEY4 Captures invoice reference No

information from non-Oracle
application. Free text field. Not

Reference Key 5 REFERENCE_KEY5 Captures invoice reference No

information from non-Oracle
application. Free text field. Not

Remit-to Address Name REMIT_TO_ADDRESS_NAME Remit-to address where the No

payment should be sent

Remit-to Supplier REMIT_TO_SUPPLIER_NAME Third party supplier No

Remit-to Supplier Number REMIT_TO_SUPPLIER_NUM Third party supplier number No

Remittance Message 1 REMITTANCE_MESSAGE1 Remittance message for use in No

payment processing. Free text
field. Not validated.

Remittance Message 2 REMITTANCE_MESSAGE2 Remittance message for use in No

payment processing. Free text
field. Not validated.

Remittance Message 3 REMITTANCE_MESSAGE3 Remittance message for use in No

payment processing. Free text
field. Not validated.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Requester Employee Number REQUESTER_EMPLOYEE_NUM Oracle internal use only. No

Requester First Name REQUESTER_FIRST_NAME The first name of the employee No

who requested goods or
services on the invoice line. Both
be populated to determine a valid
employee identifier if REQUESTER_
ID isn't used.

Requester ID REQUESTER_ID Requester of invoice: used by the No

Invoice Approval workflow process
to generate the list of approvers. If
the identifier isn't available, use the

Requester Last Name REQUESTER_LAST_NAME The last name of the employee No

who requested goods or services
on the invoice line. . Both
be populated to determine a valid
employee identifier if REQUESTER_
ID isn't used.

Settlement Priority SETTLEMENT_PRIORITY Priority to settle payment for No

the transaction. Use the Manage
Payables Lookups task, lookup
to identify valid values.

Supplier Tax Invoice Conversion SUPPLIER_TAX_EXCHANGE_RATE Supplier conversion rate entered No

Rate in online invoices to calculate the
supplier tax amount for foreign
currency invoices.

Supplier Tax Invoice Date SUPPLIER_TAX_INVOICE_DATE Tax invoice date on the supplier- No
issued tax invoice. Date format:

Supplier Tax Invoice Number SUPPLIER_TAX_INVOICE_NUMBER The invoice number used to No

report on a supplier issued tax
invoice that's distinct from the
regular invoice. Free text field. Not

Internal Sequence Number TAX_INVOICE_INTERNAL_SEQ Company-specific tax invoice No

number, in sequence, issued by
the company for a supplier-issued
tax invoice. Free text field. Not

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Internal Recording Date TAX_INVOICE_RECORDING_DATE If company-specific tax invoice No

date and number is captured,
the date the company receives or
records the supplier-issued tax
invoice. Date format: YYYY/MM/

Tax Related Invoice TAX_RELATED_INVOICE_ID Oracle internal use only. No

Taxation Country TAXATION_COUNTRY Sets the context for tax drivers No

such as Product Classification
Code. If no value is entered, it will
display the legal entity country by

Terms Date TERMS_DATE Used with payment terms to No

calculate scheduled payment of an
invoice. Date format: YYYY/MM/

Payment Terms ID TERMS_ID Payment terms identifier. If the No

identifier isn't available, use the
TERMS_NAME column. Validated

Payment Terms TERMS_NAME Name of payment term for an No

invoice. Use the Manage Payment
Terms task to identify valid values.

Supplier Tax Registration ID THIRD_PARTY_REGISTRATION_ID Third party tax registration No


Supplier Tax Registration Number THIRD_PARTY_REGISTRATION_ Third party tax registration No

NUM number.

Unique Remittance Identifier UNIQUE_REMITTANCE_ Unique remittance identifier No

IDENTIFIER provided by the payee. Not

Unique Remittance Identifier Check URI_CHECK_DIGIT Unique remittance identifier check No

Digit digit. Free text field. Not validated.

Supplier VENDOR_NAME Supplier name. Use the Manage No

Suppliers task to identify valid

Supplier Number VENDOR_NUM Unique number to identify a No

supplier. Use the Manage Suppliers
task to identify valid values.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Supplier Site VENDOR_SITE_CODE Physical location of the supplier. No

Use the Manage Suppliers task to
identify valid values.

Voucher Number VOUCHER_NUM Unique internal identifier assigned No

to a document. Required if
document category code has
assignment type of manual.


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Correct Import Errors Invoice Lines

AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE stores information used to create one or more invoice lines.

AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE_ is the audit table for AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE. The following table shows the
fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Overlay Account Segment ACCOUNT_SEGMENT Overrides account segment No

of the default liability account
combination for the invoice line.
Must be a valid value for the
accounting flexfield.

Accounting Date ACCOUNTING_DATE Date when the invoice line is to be No

accounted. Date format: YYYY/

Amount AMOUNT Amount of the invoice line. No

Validated against the invoice type.
Example: standard invoices must
have positive amounts. Amount
precision is validated against the

Application ID APPLICATION_ID Oracle internal use only. Value will No

be derived.

Assessable Value ASSESSABLE_VALUE Enter the amount to be used as No

taxable basis. Free text field. Not

Book ASSET_BOOK_TYPE_CODE Default asset book for transfers No

to Oracle Fusion Assets. Use the
Manage Assets Books task to
identify valid values.

Track as Asset ASSETS_TRACKING_FLAG A distribution line is tracked in No

Oracle Fusion Assets. Valid values:
Y, N.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Attribute Category ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield: structure No

definition of the user descriptive

Attribute 1 ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 10 ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 11 ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 12 ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 13 ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 14 ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 15 ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 2 ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 3 ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 4 ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 5 ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 6 ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 7 ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 8 ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Attribute 9 ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Withholding Tax Group ID AWT_GROUP_ID Withholding tax group identifier. No

If the identifier isn't available,
column. Validated against AP_

Withholding Tax Group AWT_GROUP_NAME Used to apply multiple withholding No

taxes to an invoice line. Use the
Manage Withholding Groups task
to identify valid values.

Overlay Primary Balancing BALANCING_SEGMENT Overrides balancing segment of No

Segment the default liability account for the
invoice line. Must be a valid value
for the accounting flexfield.

Budget Date BUDGET_DATE Budgetary Calendar Period Date No

applicable for funds check

Consumption Advice Line Number CONSUMPTION_ADVICE_LINE_ Consumption advice line number. No

NUMBER Used for consumption advice

Consumption Advice CONSUMPTION_ADVICE_NUMBER Consumption advice number. Used No

for consumption advice matching.

Overlay Cost Center Segment COST_CENTER_SEGMENT Overrides cost center of the default No
liability account combination for
the invoice line. Must be a valid
value for the accounting flexfield.

Multiperiod Accounting Accrual DEF_ACCTG_ACCRUAL_CCID Accrual account that's initially No

Account debited for deferred expenses

Multiperiod Accounting End Date DEF_ACCTG_END_DATE Oracle internal use only. No

Multiperiod Accounting Start Date DEF_ACCTG_START_DATE Oracle internal use only. No

Distribution Combination ID DIST_CODE_COMBINATION_ID Valid account combination No

for the accounting flexfield
identifier distribution line. If the
identifier isn't available, use the
column. Validated against GL_

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Distribution Set ID DISTRIBUTION_SET_ID Distribution set identifier. If No

the identifier isn't available,
NAME column. Validated against

Distribution Set DISTRIBUTION_SET_NAME Distribution set name. Use the No

Manage Distribution Sets task to
identify valid values.

Location of Final Discharge FINAL_DISCHARGE_LOCATION_ Final discharge location code. No


Location of Final Discharge ID FINAL_DISCHARGE_LOCATION_ID Final discharge location identifier. No

Final Match FINAL_MATCH_FLAG Final match indicator for No

distribution line matched to
purchase order. Valid values: Y, N,
NULL. NULL means N.

Fiscal Charge Type FISCAL_CHARGE_TYPE Tax driver. Subclassification for No

invoice line type of Freight or
Miscellaneous. Valid values are
from lookup ZX_CHARGE_TYPE.

Global Attribute Category GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

structure definition of the global
descriptive flexfield.

Global Attribute 1 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 10 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 11 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 12 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 13 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Global Attribute 14 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 15 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 16 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 17 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 18 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 19 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 2 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 20 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 3 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 4 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 5 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 6 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Global Attribute 7 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 8 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 9 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Included in Taxable Line Indicator INCL_IN_TAXABLE_LINE_FLAG The amount in the tax line is No
included in the taxable line. Valid
values: Y, N, NULL.

Income Tax Region INCOME_TAX_REGION Reporting region for distribution No

line for 1099 supplier. Use the
Manage Tax Regions task to
identify valid values. Validated
against AP_INCOME_TAX_

Item ID INVENTORY_ITEM_ID Oracle internal use only. Inventory No

item identifier.

Item Description ITEM_DESCRIPTION Item description. Free text field. No

Not validated.

Landed Cost Enabled LCM_ENABLED_FLAG Indicates whether invoice line No

is enabled for landed cost

Line Group Number LINE_GROUP_NUMBER Line group number. Used to No

prorate charges across a group of
lines. Must be a positive integer.

Line Number LINE_NUMBER Invoice line number. Must be a No

positive integer. Must be unique
per invoice.

Line Type LINE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE Type of invoice line. Use the No

Manage Payables Lookups task,
lookup type INVOICE LINE TYPE to
identify valid values.

Manufacturer MANUFACTURER Name of a manufacturer of an No

asset or item. Free text field. Not

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Match Option MATCH_OPTION The value of the Invoice Match No

option on the PO shipment. Valid
values: P, R. P used for purchase
order. R used for receipt.

Model MODEL_NUMBER Model number of the invoice line No

item. Free text field. Not validated.

Billable PJC_BILLABLE_FLAG Oracle internal use only. Project- No

related item is available for
customer billing.

Capitalizable PJC_CAPITALIZABLE_FLAG Oracle internal use only. Project- No

related item is eligible for

Projects related PJC_CONTEXT_CATEGORY Oracle internal use only. Identifies No

descriptive flexfield application
context for project-related
standardized code collection.

Purchase Order Distribution ID PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID Purchase order distribution No

line identifier for matching. If
the identifier isn't available,
NUM column. Validated against

Purchase Order Distribution PO_DISTRIBUTION_NUM Purchase order distribution line No

Number number for matching. Use the
Manage Purchase Orders task to
identify valid values.

Purchase Order Header ID PO_HEADER_ID Purchase order header identifier No

used for purchase order matching.
If the identifier isn't available, use
column. Validated against PO_

Purchase Order Line ID PO_LINE_ID Purchase order line identifier No

for matching. If the identifier
isn't available, use the PO_LINE_
NUMBER column. Validated

Purchase Order Line Location ID PO_LINE_LOCATION_ID Purchase order line location No

identifier for matching. If the
identifier isn't available, use the
Validated against PO_LINE_

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default


Purchase Order Line Number PO_LINE_NUMBER Purchase order line number No

for matching. Use the Manage
Purchase Orders task to identify
valid values.

Purchase Order PO_NUMBER Purchase order number for No

matching. Use the Manage
Purchase Orders task to identify
valid values.

Purchase Order Schedule Number PO_SHIPMENT_NUM Purchase order shipment number No

for matching. Use the Manage
Purchase Orders task to identify
valid values.

Price Correction Invoice Line PRICE_CORRECT_INV_LINE_NUM Invoice line dependent on price No

correction. Use the Manage
Invoices task to identify valid

Price Correction Invoice PRICE_CORRECT_INV_NUM Number of the invoice that price No

correction invoice is updating.
Use the Manage Invoices
task to identify valid values.
Validated against AP_INVOICES_

Price Correction Indicator PRICE_CORRECTION_FLAG Indicates if a line creates a price No

correction. Valid values: Y, N, NULL.

Product Category PRODUCT_CATEGORY Identifies the taxable nature of a No

noninventory item. Free text field.
Not validated.

Product Fiscal Classification PRODUCT_FISC_CLASSIFICATION Product fiscal classification for tax. No

Free text field. Not validated.

Product Table PRODUCT_TABLE Oracle internal use only. No

Product Type PRODUCT_TYPE Override product type default No

from the inventory item for tax
calculations. Valid values: GOODS,

Prorate Across All Item Lines PRORATE_ACROSS_FLAG Prorate indicator: prorate all lines No
with the same LINE_GROUP_
NUMBER. Valid values: Y, N, NULL.
NULL means Y.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Purchasing Category ID PURCHASING_CATEGORY_ID Oracle internal use only. No

Invoiced Quantity QUANTITY_INVOICED Quantity invoiced against purchase No

order shipment.

Receipt Line Number RECEIPT_LINE_NUMBER The receipt line number with which No
an invoice will be matched. Use
the Receive Expected Shipments
task to identify valid values.
Validated against RCV_SHIPMENT_

Receipt Number RECEIPT_NUMBER The receipt number with which No

an invoice will be matched. Use
the Receive Expected Shipments
task to identify valid values.
Validated against RCV_SHIPMENT_

Reference Key 1 REFERENCE_KEY1 Captures reference information for No

invoices imported from non-Oracle
applications. Free text field. Not

Reference Key 2 REFERENCE_KEY2 Captures reference information for No

invoices imported from non-Oracle
applications. Free text field. Not

Reference Key 3 REFERENCE_KEY3 Captures reference information for No

invoices imported from non-Oracle
applications. Free text field. Not

Reference Key 4 REFERENCE_KEY4 Captures reference information for No

invoices imported from non-Oracle
applications. Free text field. Not

Reference Key 5 REFERENCE_KEY5 Captures reference information for No

invoices imported from non-Oracle
applications. Free text field. Not

Requester Employee Number REQUESTER_EMPLOYEE_NUM Oracle internal use only. No

Requester First Name REQUESTER_FIRST_NAME Oracle internal use only. No

Requester ID REQUESTER_ID Oracle internal use only. No

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Requester Last Name REQUESTER_LAST_NAME Oracle internal use only. No

Serial Number SERIAL_NUMBER Serial number for an item. Free text No

field. Not validated.

Ship-from Location SHIP_FROM_LOCATION_CODE Ship-from location code. No

Ship-from Location ID SHIP_FROM_LOCATION_ID Ship-from location identifier. No

Ship-to Location SHIP_TO_LOCATION_CODE Location where goods are received No

from supplier. Use the Manage
Locations task to identify valid

Ship-to Location ID SHIP_TO_LOCATION_ID Ship-to location identifier for No

tax calculations. Used only if the
invoice line isn't PO matched. If the
identifier isn't available, use the

Tax Name TAX Classification of a charge imposed No

by a government. Use the Manage
Taxes task to identify valid values.

Tax Classification TAX_CLASSIFICATION_CODE Classification code of the invoice No

line in the interface data. Use the
Manage Tax Rates task to identify
valid values.

Tax Jurisdiction Code TAX_JURISDICTION_CODE Internal identifier of a tax No

jurisdiction. Use the Manage Tax
Jurisdictions task to identify valid

Tax Rate TAX_RATE The rate specified for a tax status No

in effect for a period of time. Use
the Manage Tax Rates task to
identify valid values.

Tax Rate Code TAX_RATE_CODE Tax rate name associated with tax No
rate identifier. The value of the
identifier is unique, but the TAX_
RATE_CODE may have different
tax rates based on date ranges.
Use the Manage Tax Rates task to
identify valid values.

Tax Rate ID TAX_RATE_ID Oracle internal use only. Internal No

identifier for tax rate effective on
the invoice date.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Tax Regime Code TAX_REGIME_CODE Set of tax rules for a tax authority. No
Use the Manage Tax Regimes task
to identify valid values.

Tax Status Code TAX_STATUS_CODE Tax status code. Examples: taxable No

standard rate, zero rated, exempt,
nontaxable. Use the Manage Tax
Statuses task to identify valid

Taxable Indicator TAXABLE_FLAG Indicates whether a line is taxable. No

Valid values: Y, N, NULL.

Transaction Business Category TRX_BUSINESS_CATEGORY Transaction category for tax. Free No

text field. Not validated.

Income Tax Type TYPE_1099 Payments of type 1099 made to a No

supplier. Use the Income Tax Types
task to identify valid values.

UOM UNIT_OF_MEAS_LOOKUP_CODE Unit of measure for the quantity No

on an invoice. Validated against
purchase order matching option,
unit of measure, and quantity.
Codependency with QUANTITY_
three columns must be consistent,
either populated or not populated.
Validated against INV_UNITS_OF_

Unit Price UNIT_PRICE Unit price for purchase order No

matched invoice items. Must be
positive for standard invoices;
negative for credit and debit

User-Defined Fiscal Classification USER_DEFINED_FISC_CLASS Fiscal class for tax. Free text field. No
Not validated.

Project Contract ID PJC_CONTRACT_ID Oracle internal use only. Contract No

identifier: used when Oracle Fusion
Project Billing or Oracle Fusion
Project Billing or Oracle Fusion
Grants Accounting is installed.

Project Contract Name PJC_CONTRACT_NAME Contract name used when Oracle No

Fusion Contract Billing or Oracle
Fusion Grants Accounting is

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Project Contract Number PJC_CONTRACT_NUMBER Contract number used when No

Oracle Fusion Contract Billing or
Oracle Fusion Grants Accounting is

Project Expenditure Item Date PJC_EXPENDITURE_ITEM_DATE Oracle internal use only. Date on No
which project-related transaction
occurred. Date format: YYYY/MM/

Project Expenditure Type ID PJC_EXPENDITURE_TYPE_ID Oracle internal use only. Identifies No

descriptive flexfield application
context for project-related
standardized code collection.

Project Expenditure Type PJC_EXPENDITURE_TYPE_NAME A classification of cost that's No

assigned to each expenditure item.

Project Funding Allocation ID PJC_FUNDING_ALLOCATION_ID Oracle internal use only. Name of No

project funding override.

Project Funding Source Name PJC_FUNDING_SOURCE_NAME Name of the source funding the No

Project Funding Source Number PJC_FUNDING_SOURCE_NUMBER Number of the source funding the No

Project Expenditure Organization PJC_ORGANIZATION_ID Oracle internal use only. No

ID Organization identifier to build
transaction descriptive flexfield
for project-related transaction

Project Expenditure Organization PJC_ORGANIZATION_NAME Organization to which the project is No


Project ID PJC_PROJECT_ID Oracle internal use only. Identifies No

descriptive flexfield application
context for project-related
standardized code collection.

Project Name PJC_PROJECT_NAME Name of the project to which the No

invoice expense is charged.

Project Number PJC_PROJECT_NUMBER Number of the project to which the No

invoice expense is charged.

Project Reserved Attribute 1 PJC_RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for future project-related No


Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Project Reserved Attribute 10 PJC_RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for future project-related No


Project Reserved Attribute 2 PJC_RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for future project-related No


Project Reserved Attribute 3 PJC_RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for future project-related No


Project Reserved Attribute 4 PJC_RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for future project-related No


Project Reserved Attribute 5 PJC_RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for future project-related No


Project Reserved Attribute 6 PJC_RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for future project-related No


Project Reserved Attribute 7 PJC_RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for future project-related No


Project Reserved Attribute 8 PJC_RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for future project-related No


Project Reserved Attribute 9 PJC_RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for future project-related No


Project Task ID PJC_TASK_ID Oracle internal use only. Identifies No

descriptive flexfield application
context for project-related
standardized code collection.

Project Task Name PJC_TASK_NAME Name of the task used to build the No
transaction descriptive flexfield
for project-related transaction

Project Task Number PJC_TASK_NUMBER A subdivision of project work. No

Task Number uniquely identifies
the element within a project or

Project User-Defined Attribute 1 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 10 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for user definable project No


Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Project User-Defined Attribute 2 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 3 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 4 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 5 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 6 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 7 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 8 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 9 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for user definable project No


Project Work Type PJC_WORK_TYPE Classification of project-related No

work performed.

Project Work Type ID PJC_WORK_TYPE_ID Oracle internal use only. Identifier No

for project-related classification of
the worked performed.

Intended Use PRIMARY_INTENDED_USE Tax driver: the purpose for which No

a product may be used. Free text
field. Not validated.

Purchasing Category PURCHASING_CATEGORY Item category concatenated No

segments for deriving purchasing
category information. Use the
Manage Catalogs task to identify
valid values.

Invoice Id INVOICE_ID Invoice identifier. Must be unique. No

Asset Category ASSET_CATEGORY_ID Default asset category for transfers No

to Oracle Fusion Assets. Use the
Manage Asset Categories task to
identify valid values.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Consumption Advice CONSUMPTION_ADVICE_ Consumption advice header No

HEADER_ID identifier. Used for consumption
advice matching.

Consumption Advice Line Number CONSUMPTION_ADVICE_LINE_ID Consumption advice line identifier. No

Used for consumption advice


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Invoice

AP_INVOICES_ALL contains records for invoices you enter. There's one row for each invoice you enter. An invoice
can have one or more lines and each line can have one or more distributions. An invoice can also have one or more
installments. AP_INVOICES_ALL_ is the audit table for AP_INVOICES_ALL. The following table shows the fields that you
can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Liability Distribution ACCTS_PAY_CODE_ Accounting Flexfield identifier for No

COMBINATION_ID accounts payable liability account.

Discountable Amount AMOUNT_APPLICABLE_TO_ Amount of invoice applicable to a No

DISCOUNT discount.

Attribute Category ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield: structure No

definition of the user descriptive

Attribute 1 ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 10 ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 11 ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 12 ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 13 ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 14 ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Attribute 15 ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 2 ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 3 ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 4 ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 5 ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 6 ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 7 ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 8 ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 9 ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Bank Charge Bearer BANK_CHARGE_BEARER Bearer of bank charge cost. Bank No

charge bearers are defined as
the lookup IBY_BANK_CHARGE_

Invoice Group BATCH_ID Unique invoice group identifier. No

Budget Date BUDGET_DATE Budgetary Calendar Period Date No

applicable for funds check.

Control Amount CONTROL_AMOUNT Manually entered value to ensure No

that the calculated tax will be the
same as on the physical document.

Correction Period CORRECTION_PERIOD The tax declaration period of a No

purchase transaction that's being

Correction Year CORRECTION_YEAR The tax declaration year of a No

purchase transaction that's being

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

First-Party Taxpayer ID CUST_REGISTRATION_NUMBER Customer legal registration No


Delivery Channel DELIVERY_CHANNEL_CODE Text on electronic payment No

that instructs the bank about
the execution of payment. For
example, print a check and hold it
for collection by the payee.

Description DESCRIPTION Statement that describes the No


Document Category DOC_CATEGORY_CODE Sequential Numbering (voucher No

number) document category.

Document Fiscal Classification DOCUMENT_SUB_TYPE Classification to categorize a No

document associated with a
transaction for tax. This affects the
taxability of the transaction.

Apply After EARLIEST_SETTLEMENT_DATE Date associated with a prepayment No

after which you can apply the
prepayment against invoices. Only
used for temporary prepayments.
Column is null for permanent
prepayments and other invoice

Conversion Date EXCHANGE_DATE Date when a conversion rate is No

used to convert an amount into
another currency for an invoice.

Conversion Rate EXCHANGE_RATE Ratio at which the principal unit No

of one currency is converted into
another currency for an invoice.

Conversion Rate Type EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Source of currency conversion rate No

for an invoice. For example, user
defined, spot, or corporate.

Pay Alone EXCLUSIVE_PAYMENT_FLAG Indicator to pay the invoice on a No

separate payment document.

First-Party Tax Registration FIRST_PARTY_REGISTRATION_ID First party tax registration No

Number identifier.

Accounting Date GL_DATE Accounting date to default to No

invoice distributions.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Global Attribute Category GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

structure definition of the global
descriptive flexfield.

Global Attribute 1 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 10 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 11 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 12 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 13 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 14 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 15 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 16 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 17 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 18 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 19 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Global Attribute 2 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 20 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 3 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 4 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 5 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 6 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 7 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 8 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 9 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Goods Received GOODS_RECEIVED_DATE Date when goods on the invoice No

were received.

Intercompany invoice INTERCOMPANY_FLAG Intercompany indicator added No

to incorporate FUN team's
intercompany feature.

Amount INVOICE_AMOUNT Invoice amount in transaction No


Invoice Currency INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE Currency code used on the invoice. No

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Date INVOICE_DATE Date when an event will occur or No


Invoice ID INVOICE_ID Unique invoice identifier. No

Number INVOICE_NUM Unique number for supplier No


Invoice Received INVOICE_RECEIVED_DATE Date when the invoice was No

received. This is used to calculate
when the invoice is due.

Type INVOICE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE Invoice category, such as standard, No

credit memo, or prepayment.

Legal Entity LEGAL_ENTITY_ID Unique identifier of the legal entity. No

Pay Group PAY_GROUP_LOOKUP_CODE Groups a category of suppliers No

or invoices for single pay run. For
example, employees, merchandise,
nonmerchandise, government,
domestic, and international.

Payment Currency PAYMENT_CURRENCY_CODE Currency code of payment No

(must be same as INVOICE_
CURRENCY_CODE or have a fixed
rate relationship).

Payment Reason PAYMENT_REASON_CODE Codes provided by the government No

or central bank of a country. These
codes provide the payment system
or bank with additional details
about the reason for the payment
and are used for regulatory
reporting purposes.

Payment Reason Comments PAYMENT_REASON_COMMENTS Free text field available for entering No
a reason for the payment.

Customs Location Code PORT_OF_ENTRY_CODE Code that identifies the location or No

port through which the invoiced
goods entered the country.

Requester REQUESTER_ID Requester of invoice is used by the No

Invoice Approval Workflow process
to generate the list of approvers.

Routing Attribute 2 ROUTING_ATTRIBUTE2 Captures additional attributes No

information that may have been

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

used for routing payables invoice


Routing Attribute 3 ROUTING_ATTRIBUTE3 Captures additional attributes No

information that may have been
used for routing payables invoice

Routing Attribute 4 ROUTING_ATTRIBUTE4 Captures additional attributes No

information that may have been
used for routing payables invoice

Settlement Priority SETTLEMENT_PRIORITY The priority that the financial No

institution or payment system
should settle payment for this
document. The available values
for this column come from the

Supplier Tax Invoice Conversion SUPPLIER_TAX_EXCHANGE_RATE Conversion rate for taxes on a No

Rate supplier invoice.

Supplier Tax Invoice Date SUPPLIER_TAX_INVOICE_DATE Date when the supplier charged No
tax, as shown on the purchase

Supplier Tax Invoice Number SUPPLIER_TAX_INVOICE_NUMBER Invoice supplier tax invoice No


Internal Sequence Number TAX_INVOICE_INTERNAL_SEQ Invoice internal sequence number. No

Internal Recording Date TAX_INVOICE_RECORDING_DATE Date when the invoice was No


Related Invoice TAX_RELATED_INVOICE_ID Tax related to an invoice. No

Taxation Country TAXATION_COUNTRY Country in which the transaction No

occurred. Oracle Fusion tax
sets the context of other tax
drivers, such as Product Fiscal
Classification based on this value.

Terms Date TERMS_DATE Date used with payment terms to No

calculate scheduled payment of an

Payment Terms TERMS_ID Payment terms identifier used on No

the invoice.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Supplier Tax Registration Number THIRD_PARTY_REGISTRATION_ID Third party tax registration No


Transaction Deadline TRANSACTION_DEADLINE Number of days to perform an No

intra-EU transaction. Used for
Modelo reports for Spain.

Unique Remittance Identifier UNIQUE_REMITTANCE_ Unique remittance identifier by the No


Unique Remittance Identifier Check URI_CHECK_DIGIT Unique remittance identifier check No

Digit digit.

Supplier VENDOR_ID Invoice supplier identifier. Yes

Supplier Site VENDOR_SITE_ID Physical location of the supplier. Yes

Voucher Number VOUCHER_NUM Voucher number; validated No

(Sequential Numbering enabled)
or non-validated (Sequential
Numbering not enabled).


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Invoice Lines

AP_INVOICE_LINES_ALL contains records for invoice lines entered manually, generated automatically or imported
from the Open Interface. An invoice can have one or more invoice lines. An invoice line can have one or more invoice
distributions. An invoice line represents goods (direct or indirect materials), service or services, and either associated
tax, freight, or miscellaneous charges invoiced from a supplier. AP_INVOICE_LINES_ALL_ is the audit table for
AP_INVOICE_LINES_ALL. The following table shows the fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Overlay Account Segment ACCOUNT_SEGMENT Account segment value for overlay No

in generation of accounting
flexfield during distribution

Accounting Date ACCOUNTING_DATE Accounting date for invoice line. No

Used for defaulting to distributions

Amount AMOUNT Line amount in invoice currency No

Assessable Value ASSESSABLE_VALUE User-enterable amount to be used No

as taxable basis.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Asset Book ASSET_BOOK_TYPE_CODE Asset Book. Defaults to the No

distributions candidate for transfer
to Oracle Assets

Asset Category ASSET_CATEGORY_ID Asset Category. Defaults to the No

distributions candidate for transfer
to Oracle Assets

Track as Asset ASSETS_TRACKING_FLAG Y indicates that the item should be No

treated as an asset

Attribute Category ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield: structure No

definition of the user descriptive

Attribute 1 ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 10 ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 11 ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 12 ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 13 ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 14 ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 15 ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 2 ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 3 ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 4 ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 5 ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Attribute 6 ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 7 ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 8 ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 9 ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Withholding AWT_GROUP_ID Withholding tax group identifier No

Overlay Primary Balancing BALANCING_SEGMENT Balancing segment value for No

Segment overlay in generation of accounting
flexfield during distribution

Budget Date BUDGET_DATE Budgetary Calendar Period Date No

applicable for funds check.

Tax Control Amount CONTROL_AMOUNT Optional, user-enterable value to No

ensure that the calculated tax will
be the same as on the physical

Corrected Invoice Line CORRECTED_LINE_NUMBER Invoice line number for invoice line No
corrected via current line. For price,
quantity, or invoice line corrections.

Overlay Cost Center Segment COST_CENTER_SEGMENT Cost Center segment value for No
overlay in generation of accounting
flexfield during distribution

Multiperiod Accounting Accrual DEF_ACCTG_ACCRUAL_CCID Accrual account that's initially No

Account debited for deferred expenses.

Multiperiod Accounting End Date DEF_ACCTG_END_DATE The end date of the deferred No
expense period

Multiperiod Accounting Start Date DEF_ACCTG_START_DATE The start date of the deferred No
expense period

Distribution Combination DEFAULT_DIST_CCID Account to be used for automatic No

generation of a single distribution

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Description DESCRIPTION Description of the invoice line. No

Distribution Set DISTRIBUTION_SET_ID Distribution set identifier to No

be used in the generation of
distributions for a line

Location of Final Discharge FINAL_DISCHARGE_LOCATION_ID Final discharge location identifier. No

Final Match FINAL_MATCH_FLAG Indicates if an invoice is the last No

one being matched to a PO, so that
the PO is no longer available for

Fiscal Charge Type FISCAL_CHARGE_TYPE Tax driver. Subclassification for No

invoice line type of Freight or
Miscellaneous. Valid values are
from lookup ZX_CHARGE_TYPE.

Global Attribute Category GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

structure definition of the global
descriptive flexfield.

Global Attribute 1 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 10 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 11 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 12 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 13 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 14 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 15 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Global Attribute 16 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 17 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 18 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 19 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 2 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 20 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 3 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 4 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 5 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 6 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 7 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 8 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Global Attribute 9 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Income Tax Region INCOME_TAX_REGION Reporting region for invoice line No

for 1099 supplier. Defaults down to

Intended Use INTENDED_USE_CLASSIF_ID Tax Driver: Intended use identifier. No

Inventory Item INVENTORY_ITEM_ID Inventory item identifier. No

Validated against EGP_SYSTEM_

Invoice Id INVOICE_ID Unique invoice identifier. No

Landed Cost Enabled LCM_ENABLED_FLAG Indicates whether invoice line No

is enabled for landed cost

Line Type LINE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE Type of invoice line. Valid values No


Manufacturer MANUFACTURER Manufacturer of an asset or item. No

Model Number MODEL_NUMBER Model number of the invoice line No


Overlay Distribution Combination OVERLAY_DIST_CODE_CONCAT Concatenated segments for No

overlay in generation of accounting
flexfield during distribution

Project Billable PJC_BILLABLE_FLAG Option that indicates if a project No

related item is available to be billed
to customers.

Project Capitalizable PJC_CAPITALIZABLE_FLAG Option that indicates if a project No

related item is eligible for

Project Contract Number PJC_CONTRACT_ID Contract Identified. Used when No

Oracle Contract Billing or Oracle
Grants Accounting is installed.

Expenditure Item Date PJC_EXPENDITURE_ITEM_DATE Date on which a project related No

transaction is incurred.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Expenditure Item Type PJC_EXPENDITURE_TYPE_ID Identifier of the expenditure No

used to build the transaction
descriptive flexfield for project
related transaction distributions.

Expenditure Organization PJC_ORGANIZATION_ID Organization identifier used to No

build the transaction descriptive
flexfield for project related
transaction distributions.

Project Number PJC_PROJECT_ID Identifier of the project used to No

build the transaction descriptive
flexfield for project related
transaction distributions.

Task Number PJC_TASK_ID Identifier of the task used to build No

the transaction descriptive flexfield
for project related transaction

Project User-Defined Attribute 1 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 10 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 2 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 3 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 4 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 5 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 6 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 7 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 8 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 9 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for user definable project No


Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Project Work Type PJC_WORK_TYPE_ID Identifier for project related No

classification of the worked

Product Fiscal Classification PROD_FC_CATEG_ID Tax Driver: Product fiscal No

classification identifier.

Product Category PRODUCT_CATEGORY Identifies the taxable nature of a No

non-inventory based item for tax
determination or tax reporting.

Product Type PRODUCT_TYPE Tax Driver: Type of product. No

Possible values are: Goods,
Service. This value will default
from Inventory Item attributes.
Otherwise, value will be entered by

Prorate Across All Items PRORATE_ACROSS_ALL_ITEMS A value of Y indicates that the No

Freight or Miscellaneous type line
should be prorated across all Item
type lines

Quantity QUANTITY_INVOICED Quantity invoiced. Quantity No

of items for matched invoice
lines, price corrections, quantity
corrections or unmatched invoice

Requester REQUESTER_ID The name of the person who the No

requested items are intended for.

Serial Number SERIAL_NUMBER Number indicating place in a No

series, used for identification.

Ship-from Location SHIP_FROM_LOCATION_ID Ship-from location identifier. No

Ship-to Location SHIP_TO_CUST_LOCATION_ID Location where the supplier should No

ship the goods.

Ship-to Location SHIP_TO_LOCATION_ID Tax Driver: Ship to location ID. No

Value entered by user only if line
isn't PO matched.

Tax Classification TAX_CLASSIFICATION_CODE Tax classification code used by No

Procure To Pay products.

Transaction Business Category TRX_BUSINESS_CATEGORY Tax Driver: Transactions category No

assigned by user.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Income Tax Type TYPE_1099 Indicates the category of the No

withholding tax rates.


INVOICED. Validated against INV_

Unit Price UNIT_PRICE Price charged per unit of a good or No


User-Defined Fiscal Classification USER_DEFINED_FISC_CLASS Tax Driver: Fiscal Classification. No


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Invoice Distributions

AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL holds the distribution information that's manually entered or system-

generated. There's one row for each invoice distribution. A distribution must be associated with an invoice
line. An invoice line can have multiple distributions. AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL_ is the audit table for
AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL. The following table shows the fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Accounting Date ACCOUNTING_DATE Accounting date for invoice line. No

Used for defaulting to distributions

Amount AMOUNT Line amount in invoice currency No

Asset Book ASSET_BOOK_TYPE_CODE Asset Book. Defaults to the No

distributions candidate for transfer
to Oracle Assets

Track as Asset ASSETS_TRACKING_FLAG Y indicates that the item should be No

treated as an asset

Attribute Category ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield: structure No

definition of the user descriptive

Attribute 1 ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 10 ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Attribute 11 ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 12 ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 13 ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 14 ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 15 ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 2 ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 3 ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 4 ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 5 ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 6 ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 7 ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 8 ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 9 ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Budget Date BUDGET_DATE Budgetary Calendar Period Date No

applicable for funds check.

Multiperiod Accounting Accrual DEF_ACCTG_ACCRUAL_CCID Accrual account that's initially No

Account debited for deferred expenses.

Multiperiod Accounting End Date DEF_ACCTG_END_DATE Deferred accounting end date. No

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Multiperiod Accounting Start Date DEF_ACCTG_START_DATE Deferred accounting start date. No

Description DESCRIPTION Statement that describes the No


Distribution Combination DIST_CODE_COMBINATION_ID Accounting Flexfield identifier No

for account associated with a

Global Attribute Category GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

structure definition of the global
descriptive flexfield.

Global Attribute 1 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 10 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 11 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 12 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 13 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 14 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 15 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 16 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 17 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Global Attribute 18 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 19 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 2 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 20 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 3 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 4 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 5 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 6 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 7 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 8 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 9 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Income Tax Region INCOME_TAX_REGION Reporting region for distribution No

for 1099 supplier.

Intended Use INTENDED_USE_CLASSIF_ID Tax Driver: Intended use identifier. No

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Distribution Line Type LINE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE Distribution type. Validated against No

AP_LOOKUP_CODES. Lookup type

Project Billable PJC_BILLABLE_FLAG Option that indicates if a project No

related item is available to be billed
to customers.

Project Capitalizable PJC_CAPITALIZABLE_FLAG Option that indicates if a project No

related item is eligible for

Project Context Category PJC_CONTEXT_CATEGORY Segment used to identify the No

descriptive flexfield application
context for project related
standardized code collection.

Contract Number PJC_CONTRACT_ID Contract Identified. Used when No

Oracle Contract Billing or Oracle
Grants Accounting is installed.

Expenditure Item Date PJC_EXPENDITURE_ITEM_DATE Date on which a project related No

transaction is incurred.

Expenditure Item Type PJC_EXPENDITURE_TYPE_ID Identifier of the expenditure No

used to build the transaction
descriptive flexfield for project
related transaction distributions.

Expenditure Organization PJC_ORGANIZATION_ID Organization identifier used to No

build the transaction descriptive
flexfield for project related
transaction distributions.

Project Number PJC_PROJECT_ID Identifier of the project used to No

build the transaction descriptive
flexfield for project related
transaction distributions.

Task Number PJC_TASK_ID Identifier of the task used to build No

the transaction descriptive flexfield
for project related transaction

Project User-Defined Attribute 1 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 10 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for user definable project No


Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Project User-Defined Attribute 2 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 3 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 4 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 5 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 6 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 7 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 8 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for user definable project No


Project User-Defined Attribute 9 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for user definable project No


Work Type PJC_WORK_TYPE_ID Identifier for project related No

classification of the worked

Invoiced Quantity QUANTITY_INVOICED Quantity billed for purchase No

order or receipt matched invoice

Statistical Quantity STAT_AMOUNT Amount associated with a No

distribution for measuring
statistical quantities.

Income Tax Type TYPE_1099 Payments of type 1099 made to No

a supplier. A 1099 supplier may
receive payments of more than one


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Invoice Installments

AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL contains information about installments for an invoice. Your Oracle Payables
application uses this information to determine when to make payments on an invoice and how much to pay.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL_ is the audit table for AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL. The following table shows the
fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Attribute Category ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield: structure No

definition of the user descriptive

Attribute 1 ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 10 ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 11 ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 12 ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 13 ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 14 ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 15 ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 2 ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 3 ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 4 ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 5 ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 6 ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 7 ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Attribute 8 ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 9 ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

First Discount Amount DISCOUNT_AMOUNT_AVAILABLE Discount amount available at first No

discount date.

First Discount Date DISCOUNT_DATE Date first discount is available. No

Due Date DUE_DATE Date when the invoice or No

installment is due for payment.

Bank Account EXTERNAL_BANK_ACCOUNT_ID External bank account identifier. No

Global Attribute Category GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

structure definition of the global
descriptive flexfield.

Global Attribute Date 1 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_DATE1 Segment of the global descriptive No

flexfield used to hold user-
defined information on invoice

Global Attribute Date 2 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_DATE2 Segment of the global descriptive No

flexfield used to hold user-
defined information on invoice

Global Attribute Date 3 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_DATE3 Segment of the global descriptive No

flexfield used to hold user-
defined information on invoice

Global Attribute Date 4 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_DATE4 Segment of the global descriptive No

flexfield used to hold user-
defined information on invoice

Global Attribute Date 5 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_DATE5 Segment of the global descriptive No

flexfield used to hold user-
defined information on invoice

Global Attribute Number 1 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER1 Segment of the global descriptive No

flexfield used to hold user-
defined information on invoice

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Global Attribute Number 2 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER2 Segment of the global descriptive No

flexfield used to hold user-
defined information on invoice

Global Attribute Number 3 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER3 Segment of the global descriptive No

flexfield used to hold user-
defined information on invoice

Global Attribute Number 4 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER4 Segment of the global descriptive No

flexfield used to hold user-
defined information on invoice

Global Attribute Number 5 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER5 Segment of the global descriptive No

flexfield used to hold user-
defined information on invoice

Global Attribute 1 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 10 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 11 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 12 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 13 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 14 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 15 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 16 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Global Attribute 17 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 18 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 19 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 2 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 20 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 3 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 4 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 5 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 6 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 7 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 8 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Global Attribute 9 GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Global Descriptive Flexfield: No

segment of the global descriptive

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Gross Amount GROSS_AMOUNT Gross amount due for a scheduled No


On Hold HOLD_FLAG Indicates if scheduled payment is No

on hold (Y or N).

Hold Reason IBY_HOLD_REASON An explanation or justification that No

explains the reason for performing
actions, such as cancellation, apply
hold, or close out.

Invoice Id INVOICE_ID Unique invoice identifier. No

Payment Method PAYMENT_METHOD_CODE Indicates the payment method, No

such as check, cash, or credit.

Payment Priority PAYMENT_PRIORITY Number representing payment No

priority of a scheduled payment (1
to 99).

Remit-to Address Name REMIT_TO_ADDRESS_NAME Remit-to address where payment No

should be sent.

Remit-to Supplier REMIT_TO_SUPPLIER_NAME Third party supplier. No

Remittance Message 1 REMITTANCE_MESSAGE1 Remittance message for use in No

payment processing.

Remittance Message 2 REMITTANCE_MESSAGE2 Remittance message for use in No

payment processing.

Remittance Message 3 REMITTANCE_MESSAGE3 Remittance message for use in No

payment processing.

Second Discount Amount SECOND_DISC_AMT_AVAILABLE Discount amount available at No

second discount date.

Second Discount Date SECOND_DISCOUNT_DATE Date second discount is available. No

Third Discount Amount THIRD_DISC_AMT_AVAILABLE Discount amount available at third No

discount date.

Third Discount Date THIRD_DISCOUNT_DATE Date third discount is available. No


Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Payment Process Request Templates

The AP_PAYMENT_TEMPLATES contains the user defined Payment Process Request Templates.
AP_PAYMENT_TEMPLATES_ is the audit table for AP_PAYMENT_TEMPLATES. The following table shows the fields that
you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Template ID TEMPLATE_ID System generated primary key for No

payment template.

Name TEMPLATE_NAME Payment Process Request No

Template Name

Type TEMPLATE_TYPE Payment Process Request No

Template Type. Values, from the

Description DESCRIPTION Payment Process Request No

Template Description

Inactive Date INACTIVE_DATE End Date for the Payment Process No

Request Template

Pay from Days ADDL_PAY_FROM_DAYS Number of pay from days defined No

in the payment template. The value
can be either zero or a positive

Pay Through Days ADDL_PAY_THRU_DAYS End date in a date range that No

indicates the date until when the
invoices are selected.

To Payment Priority HI_PAYMENT_PRIORITY Highest payment priority of the No

documents to select

From Payment Priority LOW_PAYMENT_PRIORITY Lowest payment priority of the No

documents to select

Date Basis PAY_ONLY_WHEN_DUE_FLAG Option that indicates if documents No

will be selected by their due date
only (Y or N)

Include Zero Amount Invoices ZERO_INV_ALLOWED_FLAG Option indicating whether No

scheduled payments with zero
amount remaining will be selected
during a pay run

Supplier Type VENDOR_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE Supplier Type. Based on PO No


Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Supplier VENDOR_ID Unique supplier identifier from the No

supplier tables.

Party PARTY_ID Party identifier of the payment No


Payment Method PAYMENT_METHOD_CODE Indicates the payment methods, No

such as check, cash, or credit.

Invoice Conversion Rate Type INV_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Type of conversion rate between No

the payment and your ledger

Pay Group Selection Criteria PAY_GROUP_OPTION Pay Group Options, All and Specify No

Currency Selection Criteria CURRENCY_GROUP_OPTION Currency Options, All and Specify No

Legal Entity Selection Criteria LE_GROUP_OPTION Legal Entity Options, All and No

Business Unit Selection Criteria OU_GROUP_OPTION Business Unit Options, All and No

Payment Date PAYMENT_DATE_OPTION Payment Date Options, Same as No

the Request Date, Extra Days

Additional Payment Days ADDL_PAYMENT_DAYS Extra payment days in the payment No


Disbursement Bank Account BANK_ACCOUNT_ID The Internal bank account No


Bank Charge Bearer Override BANK_CHARGE_BEARER Bearer of bank charge cost. Bank No
charge bearers are defined as
the lookup IBY_BANK_CHARGE_

Settlement Priority Override SETTLEMENT_PRIORITY Overrides the invoice value for No

Oracle Payments' bank charges

Starting Voucher Number FIRST_VOUCHER_NUMBER First available voucher number in No

document sequence for payment
batch document category

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Transfer Priority TRANSFER_PRIORITY Transfer priority defined in No

payment template. This can be
express, normal, and any.

Payment Conversion Rate Type PAYMENT_EXCHANGE_RATE_ Exchange rate type for a foreign No
TYPE currency payment

Payment Process Profile PAYMENT_PROFILE_ID Payment process profile identifier No

Apply credits up to zero amount ZERO_AMOUNTS_ALLOWED Option indicating whether zero No

payment payments allowed in run. Helps in
Maximizing credits

Review installments PAYABLES_REVIEW_SETTINGS Stop Process for Review After No

Invoice Selection

Calculate Withholding and Interest CALC_AWT_INT_FLAG Option to indicate Calculate No

Payment Withholding and Interest
During Scheduled Payment

Review proposed payments PAYMENTS_REVIEW_SETTINGS If this check box is selected, the No

Build Payments program runs to
group the invoices into payments
and the pay run pauses after
payments have been built to
allow you to review the proposed

Create payment files immediately CREATE_INSTRS_FLAG Payment Instruction Creation No

Program. This setting requires the
user to select a payment process
profile. This setting will also
ensure that payments from this
payment process request aren't
combined with payments from
other payment process requests
when the application creates the
payment instructions

Document DOCUMENT_REJECTION_LEVEL_ Indicates the validation failure No

CODE handling option for payable
documents. Possible values are:
Reject All Documents for Payee,
Reject All Documents in Request,
Stop Process for Review

Payment PAYMENT_REJECTION_LEVEL_ Document used to pay an invoice. No


Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Attribute Category ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield: structure No

definition of the user descriptive

Attribute 1 ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 2 ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 3 ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 4 ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 5 ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 6 ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 7 ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 8 ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 9 ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 10 ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 11 ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 12 ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 13 ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Attribute 14 ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Attribute 15 ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of No

the user descriptive flexfield.

Payment Document PAYMENT_DOCUMENT_ID A set of documents, such as No

check stock, on which checks and
promissory notes can be printed or

Cross-Currency Rate Type X_CURR_RATE_TYPE The conversion rate type used to No

convert the invoice currency to
payment currency.

First Approver FIRST_APPROVER_ID First approver identifier for No

payment process requests that the
payments approval workflow uses
to generate the list of approvers.

Source Selection Criteria SOURCE_GROUP_OPTION Options on how to select invoices No

for payment with either all or
specific values.

Select Early Payment Invoices ACCELERATED_INVOICES_CODE Dynamic discount invoice No

code. Values are from lookup
values are INCLUDE, EXCLUDE and


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Business Units

The AP_OU_GROUP contains the user selected values for the operating units for the Payment Process Request
Template or the Payment Process Request. AP_OU_GROUP_ is the audit table for AP_OU_GROUP. The following table
shows the fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Business Unit ORG_ID Indicates the identifier of the No

business unit associated to the row.

Business Unit Group ID OU_GROUP_ID Business unit group unique No



Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Currencies

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

The AP_CURRENCY_GROUP contains the user selected values for the payment currencies for the Payment
Process Request Template or the Payment Process Request. AP_CURRENCY_GROUP_ is the audit table for
AP_CURRENCY_GROUP. The following table shows the fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Currency CURRENCY_CODE Currency code of invoices that are No

selected for a payment template.

Currency Group ID CURRENCY_GROUP_ID Unique identifier for every currency No

selected in the payment template.


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Legal Entities

The AP_LE_GROUP contains the user selected values for the legal entities for the Payment Process Request Template or
the Payment Process Request. AP_LE_GROUP_ is the audit table for AP_LE_GROUP. The following table shows the fields
that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Legal Entity Group ID LE_GROUP_ID Legal entity group unique No


Legal Entity LEGAL_ENTITY_ID Legal entity unique identifier. No


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Pay Groups

The AP_PAY_GROUP contains the user selected values for the pay groups for the Payment Process Request Template
or the Payment Process Request. AP_PAY_GROUP_ is the audit table for AP_PAY_GROUP. The following table shows the
fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Pay Group ID PAY_GROUP_ID Pay group unique identifier. A pay No

group is a method for categorizing
suppliers for payment processing.

Pay Group VENDOR_PAY_GROUP Supplier pay group used in the No

selection criteria for invoices to be


Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

The AP_SOURCE_GROUP table stores the source group selection criteria information for the Payment Process Request
template. AP_SOURCE_GROUP_ is the audit table for AP_SOURCE_GROUP. The following table shows the fields that you
can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Source Group ID SOURCE_GROUP_ID Unique identifier for the source No


Sources INVOICE_SOURCE_CODE Source for creation of invoice used No

as the selection criteria for the
invoices to be paid. Values are from
SOURCE lookup type.


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Early Payment Offers

The AP_DISCOUNT_OFFERS_B table stores discount offers. AP_DISCOUNT_OFFERS_B_ is the audit table for
AP_DISCOUNT_OFFERS_B. The following table shows the fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Rate DISCOUNT_RATE Active discount percent rate for the No

dynamic discount calculation.

Offer Start Date START_DATE_ACTIVE Date at the start of the offer period No

Expiration Date END_DATE_ACTIVE Date at the end of the offer period No


Initiated ENABLED_FLAG Indicates the record is active and in No


Offer Description DESCRIPTION Description of the discount offer. No


Object name on the Configure Business Object Attributes page: Early Payment Offer Assignments

The AP_DISCOUNT_OFFERS_ASSIGN table stores information about the supplier assigned to the discount offer.
AP_DISCOUNT_OFFERS_ASSIGN_ is the audit table for AP_DISCOUNT_OFFERS_ASSIGN. The following table shows the
fields that you can enable for auditing.

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Rate DISCOUNT_RATE Active discount percent rate for the Yes

dynamic discount calculation.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Configuration

Audit Attribute Table Column Description Audit-Enabled by Default

Supplier VENDOR_ID Unique identifier of the supplier. No

Supplier Site VENDOR_SITE_ID Supplier site unique identifier. Yes

Business Unit BILL_TO_BU_ID Bill-to business unit assigned to No

the supplier site.

Offer Start Date START_DATE_ACTIVE Date at the start of the offer period No

Expiration Date END_DATE_ACTIVE Date at the end of the offer period Yes

Comments COMMENTS Manually entered comments for an Yes


Email EMAIL_ADDRESS Supplier contact email address. No

Initiated ENABLED_FLAG Indicates the record is active and in No


Related Topics
• Audit Configuration for Business Object Attributes
• Audit Policies

FAQs for Payables Configuration

What's a Payables calendar?
Use Oracle Fusion Payables calendars for automatic withholding tax, payment terms, key indicator reporting, and
recurring invoices. You create Payables calendars on the Manage Payables Calendars page.

Periods in Payables calendars are separate from the accounting periods that you define on the Manage Accounting
Calendars page.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Tax and Withholding

4 Payables Tax and Withholding

Guidelines for Reporting Limit Methods for Income Tax
The reporting limit is the minimum amount used to determine whether to report on payments to a supplier. If you're
doing business within the United States (US), refer to federal or state tax publications for information on US 1099
reporting requirements.

Select from one the following methods to compare payments to the reporting limit amount:
• Same as federal
• Compare individually
• Compare sum

Note: If you don't specify a reporting limit, the limit is assumed to be zero.

Same as Federal
This setting uses the federal reporting limit, which is predefined in the application as 600 USD.

Compare Individually
This setting compares the reporting limit to the sum of the payments for each US 1099 miscellaneous income tax type.

For example, the reporting limit for region X is 600 USD. You make two 400 USD payments to a supplier in region X
and classify each payment with a different US 1099 miscellaneous type. The supplier isn't reported to the region tax
authority because the total for each tax type is less than the reporting limit of 600 USD. In this case, the supplier is
reported only to the federal tax authorities.

Compare Sum
This setting compares the reporting limit to the sum of the payments for all US 1099 miscellaneous income tax types.

For example, the reporting limit for region X is 600 USD. You make two 400 USD payments to a supplier and classify
each payment with a different 1099 miscellaneous income tax type. The supplier is reported to the region tax authority
because the sum of the payments, which is 800 USD, exceeds the reporting limit. In this case, the supplier is reported to
both federal and region tax authorities.

Reporting Entities
A reporting entity is any person or organization with a unique tax identification number. Oracle Fusion Payables uses
reporting entities for United States (US) 1099 reporting.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Tax and Withholding

Primary Balancing Segment Values

For each reporting entity of an invoice business unit, assign one or more primary balancing segment values. Typically
primary balancing segment values represent different legal entities.

For example, you define a reporting entity called Headquarters, which comprises companies 1, 2, and 3. Each company
is represented by a primary balancing segment value. When you submit a US 1099 report, you specify Headquarters
for the reporting entity parameter. The report accumulates payments for companies 1, 2, and 3, and sums up the paid
invoice distributions that have the companies balancing segment values.

Note: Primary balancing segment values must be unique across reporting entities.

You can submit the following US 1099 reports for a specific reporting entity:

• US 1096 Report
• US 1099 Report
• US 1099 Invoice Exceptions Report
• US 1099 Supplier Exceptions Report
• US 1099 Payments Report
• US 1099 Electronic Media Report

Define Payables Setup for Withholding Tax

You may be required to withhold tax from your supplier invoices and pay it to a tax authority on behalf of the supplier.
Set withholding tax options on the Manage Tax Reporting and Withholding Tax Options page and on the supplier setup.

The withheld amount is calculated according to how you set the Calculation Point option. If you apply withholding tax
at invoice validation, then the withheld amount is based on the invoice amount. However, if you apply withholding tax at
payment, then the withheld amount is based on the payment amount.

Review withheld amounts online or run the standard reports.

Setting Up Automatic Withholding Tax

To automatically withhold tax, perform the following steps:

1. Enable the Apply Withholding option and set the other withholding tax options in the Withholding Tax Options
section on the Manage Tax Reporting and Withholding Tax Options page.
2. Create each tax authority as a supplier with a supplier type of Tax Authority.
3. Create withholding tax codes.
4. Create withholding tax classifications.
5. Specify withholding tax details for suppliers.
6. Define withholding tax certificates to handle rate exceptions.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Tax and Withholding

Withholding Tax Automatically

To perform automatic withholding, you assign a withholding tax classification to an invoice line. You can accept the
default withholding tax classification or select another classification. When applying withholding tax, Oracle Fusion Tax
creates one or more withholding tax type invoice lines, updates the withheld amount on the invoice, and updates the
unpaid amount on the installment.

For example, if an invoice for 100 USD has withholding tax of 20 USD, Oracle Fusion Tax creates a withholding tax type
invoice line for -20 USD. The withheld amount is -20 USD, and the unpaid amount on the installment is 80 USD.

• Automatic withholding tax is calculated only once.
• Automatic withholding tax isn't calculated:

◦ For a specific tax after you enter a manual withholding line for that tax.
◦ If you pay an invoice with a manual payment or a refund, and the option to apply withholding is at
payment time.

Creating Withholding Invoices

After you deduct withholding tax from an invoice, you can optionally create invoices to remit the withheld tax to a tax
authority. Oracle Fusion Tax can automatically create withholding tax invoices, or you can perform this task manually.
To create withholding tax invoices automatically, set the Tax Invoice Creation Point option to specify whether to create
withholding invoices at invoice validation or payment.

Reporting on Withheld Tax

You can run the following reports to satisfy tax authority, supplier, and management reporting requirements:

• Withholding Tax Reports by Invoice, Payment, and Supplier

• Payables Withholding Tax by Tax Authority Report
• Payables Withholding Tax Letter

Related Topics
• Withholding Tax Options
• Withholding Tax Codes
• Withholding Tax Classifications

Withholding Tax Codes

A withholding tax code is the name for a withholding tax rate. Withholding tax codes use Oracle Fusion Tax's regime to
rate setup structure.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Tax and Withholding

Regime to rates include:

• Tax regime: The set of tax rules that determines the treatment of one or more taxes administered by a tax
authority. The common tax regime setup is one tax regime per country per tax type. The tax requirements are
administered by a government tax authority for the entire country.
• Tax: The details for the taxes of a tax regime. Each separate tax in a tax regime includes records for the tax
statuses and tax rates that are used to calculate and report on the tax.
• Tax status: The taxable nature of a product or service in the context of a transaction and specific tax on the
transaction. For example, one tax can have separate tax statuses for standard, zero, exemptions, penalty, and
reduced rates. You define all applicable tax rates and their effective periods for the tax status.
• Tax rate: The rate specified for a tax status and is effective for a period of time. Set up a tax rate record with
applicable tax rate detail information per rate period. Rate periods account for changes in tax rates over time.

Creating Withholding Tax Codes

Each tax code is defined within the context of a business unit, country, tax regime code, tax, and tax status code.

For a tax regime and tax, you can select an existing record or create a new record by clicking Create in the list of values.
The following table describes the regime to rate options:

Option Description

Tax Regime Select an existing tax regime code for the country or create one from within the list of values options.

To create a new tax regime record, enter the tax regime code, name, and start date.

Tax Select an existing tax for the tax regime code or create one from within the list of values options.

To create a new tax record, enter the tax, start date, tax currency, tax liability account, tax authority, and
tax authority site. For tax authority details, you must associate a supplier with a type of Tax Authority
to a withholding tax. You can then create withholding invoices to pay taxes you withheld from your

Tax Status Select a tax status code from the list of:

• Exempt from tax

• Tax penalty
• Reduced tax rate
• Standard tax rate
• Zero tax rate

Tax Rate Enter a unique tax rate code and select a tax rate type of:

• Percentage
• Gross amount rate schedule
• Withheld amount rate schedule

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Tax and Withholding

Using Withholding Tax Codes

To use withholding tax codes, assign them to one or more withholding tax classifications. When you define a
withholding tax code, you can enable the Create withholding tax classification option to automatically create a
classification for that tax code. To handle rate exceptions, define withholding tax certificates for a withholding tax.

Related Topics
• Withholding Tax Code Rate Types
• Withholding Tax Classifications
• Withholding Tax Certificates and Exceptions

Withholding Tax Code Rate Types

When you define a withholding tax code, specify the tax rate type to base the withholding tax calculation on a
percentage or rate schedule.

The tax rate type values are:

• Percentage
• Gross amount rate schedule
• Withheld amount rate schedule
For each rate type, the same withholding tax code can have different rate period details based on effective periods. For
example, the withholding tax rate is 10 percent one year and 11 percent the following year.

Select Percentage if a flat rate percentage is required rather than different rates for different amount ranges. For
example, if withholding tax is deducted at a specified rate of 10 percent, create a percentage tax rate code with a tax rate
of 10 percent.

You can use percentage rates in conjunction with tax threshold controls that are defined at the tax level. For example,
withholding for a specific tax is restricted to no more than 10,000 USD for a withholding tax period.

Gross Amount Rate Schedule

Select Gross amount rate schedule to apply different tax rate percentages for different invoice amount ranges. You
can define the rate schedule at the document level or period level to include all invoice amounts from a supplier for a
specified period. For example, define a tax code that for each year withholds at a rate of 10 percent for the first 10,000
USD in invoice amounts from a supplier. Then, define a rate of 15 percent after the first 10,000 USD.

You can build document or period limits into the rate schedule if necessary, by defining a To amount for the highest
amount range.

Withheld Amount Rate Schedule

Select Withheld amount rate schedule to apply different tax rate percentages for different withheld amount ranges.
You can define the rate schedule at the document level or period level to include all invoice amounts from a supplier for

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Tax and Withholding

a specified period. For example, define a tax code that for each year withholds at a rate of 10 percent for the first 1,000
USD in withheld amounts from a supplier. Then, define a rate of 15 percent after the first 1,000 USD.

You can build document or period limits into the rate schedule if necessary, by defining a To amount for the highest
amount range.

Related Topics
• What's a Payables calendar?

Withholding Tax Classifications

Withholding tax classifications include one or more withholding tax codes. Define withholding tax classifications to
associate one or more withholding tax codes to a single transaction.

For example, assign a withholding tax classification to an invoice line to withhold two taxes, each tax withheld at
different rates and remitted to different tax authorities.

You can edit a withholding tax classification to add more tax codes if needed.

Compounding Withholding Tax Codes

Optionally, tax codes can be compounded in order of precedence within a withholding tax classification. When you
enter an invoice with a withholding tax classification that consists of multiple compounded tax codes, taxes are
calculated in order of precedence.

Lower precedence taxes are applied to the amount of the invoice less the previous withholding tax amounts. The
highest precedence is 1. For example, define a withholding tax classification with two tax codes. Tax A for 10 percent has
a precedence of 1, and tax B for 5 percent has a precedence of 2. Oracle Fusion Tax calculates the withholding tax for a
100 USD invoice as follows: tax A is 10 USD, tax B is 4.50 USD (.05(100 - (100 * .10))).

If compounding details aren't entered for a withholding tax classification, the gross invoice amount is used to calculate
withholding amounts for each tax code. For example, define a tax classification with two codes that each have a rate
of 10 percent, and don't define compounding details. On an invoice for 100 USD, two automatic withholding tax lines,
each for 10 USD are generated. Two lines are generated because both automatic withholding tax codes of 10 percent are
applied to 100 USD.

Applying Withholding Tax Classifications to an Invoice

For supplier sites that use withholding tax, the withholding tax classification that you define at the supplier site
assignment level is used to populate the default tax classification on the invoice. You can override any default
withholding tax classification.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Tax and Withholding

Withholding Tax Certificates and Exceptions

Withholding tax certificates specify withholding tax rate exceptions that are granted by a tax authority. You can define
withholding tax rate exceptions for all invoices of a supplier site or for specific invoices of that site. A tax can have one or
more certificates.

Before defining withholding tax certificates and exceptions, you must:

• Enable the Apply Withholding option.

• Create withholding tax codes.
• Enter withholding details for suppliers.

To define a withholding certificate, you must specify a certificate number, type, priority, and rate for a tax regime and

A certificate number can be user-defined or it can be a number assigned to a certificate issued to a supplier by the tax

Oracle Fusion Payables predefines a certificate type of Standard. You can define additional certificate types on the
Manage Tax Lookup Codes page.

Only one certificate can be enforced at a time. If you have one or more certificates for the same tax regime and tax and
the date ranges overlap, Oracle Fusion Tax applies the certificate with the highest priority, where 1 is the highest priority.
If a certificate specifies that the supplier site is exempt from the tax regime and tax, then enter 0 as the tax rate.

Note: The tax rate for a withholding certificate overrides all rates for the withholding tax.

To define an exception for an invoice, specify the invoice number and rate for a tax regime and tax.

Note: The tax rate for an exception overrides all rates for the withholding tax.

FAQs for Payables Tax and Withholding

How can I set thresholds for withholding taxes?
Use the Create or Edit Withholding Tax Code pages to define withholding tax thresholds at the tax level for percentage
tax rate types. You can define thresholds based on the taxable amount or the tax amount.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payables Tax and Withholding

Apply these thresholds on each specific document or for a defined period. In each case, you can specify a minimum or
maximum value. Thresholds can have different details based on the effective periods.

Consider that you don't want to deduct withholding tax if it's less than 10 USD. In that case, create a document-based
tax amount threshold with a minimum value of 10 USD.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 5
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Approving Invoices

5 Approving Invoices

How Invoices Are Approved

You can configure predefined workflows to manage invoice approvals.

When the invoice approval process starts, a workflow builds the list of approvers based on the defined rules. Approval
notifications are sent to the first set of approvers on the list. When the approvers respond, notifications are sent to the
next set of approvers. This process repeats until all approvals are complete.

Note: Approvers can respond from the e-mail notification, the Worklist notifications page, the Invoices landing page,
or the Edit Invoice page.

Invoice Header Approval

The Approval workflow can be configured at the invoice header level. When the header level approval is setup, approval
notifications are sent containing the invoice. The approvers can either approve or reject the entire invoice.

Approval Flow
This table describes the steps in the approval flow.

Step Description

Enable invoice approval Enable the Invoice Approval option on the Manage Invoice Options page to enable approvals for a
business unit. You can use the default approval configuration or you can configure the rules to meet
your requirements. Use the Manage Task Configuration for Financials task to navigate to the routing
rules and controls.

Enter invoices Create invoices through import, invoice imaging, spreadsheets, or manual entry.

Submit invoice approval Initiate the approval invoice action or schedule the Initiate Invoice Approval Workflow process to run
on a regular basis.

Approve invoice document Respond to the approval notification for the invoice.

Predefined Rules
The invoice approval workflow includes the following predefined rules:

• Invoices having amounts greater than or equal to 1000 require approval by the immediate supervisor of the
requester on the invoice.
• Invoices having amounts less than 1000 are automatically approved.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 5
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Approving Invoices

Related Topics
• Considerations for Approval Actions

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 6
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Configuration for Rapid Implementation

6 Configuration for Rapid Implementation

Overview of Invoice and Payment Configuration for

Rapid Implementation
The Define Invoicing and Payments Configuration for Rapid Implementation task list provides the setup tasks that are
critical for Oracle Fusion Payables. These tasks are either mandatory or frequently used.

Invoice and payment options are automatically created with default values when the common options for Payables and
Procurement are defined for a new business unit. To change the default values, you can access the invoice and payment
options setups from the standard implementation template. You can also use the standard implementation template to
access the setups that aren't listed in the rapid implementation task list.

Related Topics
• Guidelines for Common Options for Payables and Procurement

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 6
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Configuration for Rapid Implementation

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

7 Disbursements

Set Up and Make Electronic Payments

Watch video

To pay your suppliers, you can make payments through electronic funds transfer by transmitting payment files to your
bank or payment system.

This topic includes the following tasks:

• Creating an ISO payment process profile
• Submitting a payment process request
• Reviewing selected invoices
• Reviewing proposed payments
• Transmitting payment files
• Viewing payments and invoices

Creating an ISO Payment Process Profile

The first step is to set up a payment process profile that contains all the necessary details to manage the payment
process. You will create an ISO payment process profile. ISO is a global standard for financial payment formats and
messages, which is accepted by most banks. ISO has two versions: SEPA for European countries and CGI for non-
European countries.

To create an ISO payment process profile, complete these steps:

1. Sign in as a setup user.

2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

◦ Offering: Financials
◦ Functional Area: Payments
◦ Task: Manage Payment Process Profiles
3. On the Manage Payment Process Profiles page, in the Search Results section, click Add.
4. On the Create Payment Process Profile page in the Name field, enter ISO_PPP_XXX.
5. In the Code field, enter ISO_Code_XXX.

Tip: In place of XXX, enter the appropriate number.

6. In the From Date field, accept the default setting of today's date.
7. From the Payment File Format choice list, search and select the ISO20022 Common Global Implementation
8. From the Processing Type choice list, select Electronic.
9. From the Payment Confirmation Point choice list, select When the payment file is transmitted.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

10. Select the Usage Rules tab.

11. Click the All option for Payment Methods, Disbursement Bank Accounts, Business Units, and Currencies so that
the payment process profile can be used with any payment.

Note: You can click the Specify option to limit the use of this profile to payments that have specific payment
methods, disbursement bank accounts, business units, or currencies.

12. Select the Payment System tab.

You can specify that the payment file is automatically transmitted after formatting. You can also configure the
payment file transmission to allow payment file downloading to the Universal Content Management folder after
the payment file is transmitted.
13. From the Payment System choice list, select ISO20022 Payment System.
14. Select the Automatically transmit payment file after formatting check box.
15. In the Payment System Accounts section, for the payment system account of Settings_CGI, select
ISO_UCM_Upload from the Payment File Transmission Configuration choice list.
16. For the payment system account of Settings_SEPA, enter today's date in the To Date field.
17. Select the Payment tab.
On the Payment tab, you can specify attributes for grouping invoices in the same payment if they share the
same attribute.
18. In the Document Grouping Rules section, select these check boxes: Due date, Settlement priority, and
Delivery channel.
19. Select the Payment File tab.
On the Payment File tab, you can specify rules for grouping payments into payment files.
20. In the Overrides section, from the Service Level choice list, select the type of payment.
21. From the Delivery Channel choice list, select the delivery type.
22. Select the Grouping tab.
Since you're creating an ISO payment process profile, you must select transaction grouping rules on
the Grouping tab. Grouping is based on the ISO standardized method of grouping transactions in each
transmission file.
23. In the Transaction Grouping Rules section, select these check boxes: Payment Date, Disbursement Bank
Account, Service Level and Delivery Channel.
24. Select the Reporting tab.
On the Reporting tab, you can specify the timing and types of reports to generate.
25. In the Payment File Register section, from the Format choice list, select Payment File Register Format with
Document Detail.
26. Select the Automatically submit when payments are confirmed check box.
27. In the Separate Remittance Advice section, from the Format choice list, select Separate Remittance Advice
28. Select these check boxes: Automatically submit when payments are confirmed and Allow multiple copies
for payment file.
29. From the Condition choice list, select All payments.
30. From the Delivery Method choice list, select E-Mail.
31. Click Save and Close. A Confirmation message appears.
32. Click OK.
33. Click Done.
34. Sign out.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

Submitting a Payment Process Request

The second step is to submit a payment process request. A payment process request is a grouping of documents
payable for which a source product requests payment. The payment process request will make payments of three
invoices with different due dates.

To submit a payment process request, complete these steps:

1. Sign in as a transaction user.

2. On the Home page, click Payables > Payments.
3. On the Overview page, click the Tasks icon and then click the Submit Payment Process Request link.
4. On the Submit Payment Process Request page, select the Selection Criteria tab.
5. In the Name field, enter ISO_PPRXXX.
6. From the Invoice Group choice list, search and select 129Group.
Tip: In place of XXX, enter the appropriate number.

7. Select the Payment and Processing Options tab.

On the Payment and Processing Options tab, you can specify payment attributes and processing options.
You can select the disbursement bank account from which invoices will be paid, the payment process profile
you just created, and several processing options to stop the process for review. If the reviews are satisfactory,
payment files are created immediately.
8. From the Disbursement Bank Account choice list, search and select BofA-204.
Note: Choose the BofA-204 bank account that has Account Number: 10271-17621-619.

9. From the Payment Process Profile choice list, search on ISO and select ISO_PPP Settings_CGI .
10. From the Payment Conversion Rate Type choice list, select Corporate.
11. In the Processing Options subsection, select these check boxes: Review installments, Review proposed
payments, and Create payment files immediately.
12. In the Validation Failure Handling subsection, from the Document choice list, select Stop process for review.
13. From the Payment choice list, select Stop process for review.
14. Click Submit.
A Confirmation message appears with the process number.
15. Click OK.
16. Scroll down to the Schedule Requests section to check the status of the request.
17. Click the Refresh icon until Succeeded displays in the Status column for both Initiate Payment Process Request
and Payables Selected Installments Report processes that correspond to your process ID.
18. On the Overview page, click the Tasks icon.
19. Click the Manage Payment Process Requests link.
20. On the Manage Payment Process Requests page, enter ISO_PPRXXX in the Name field.
Note: In place of XXX, enter the appropriate number.

21. Click Search.

Note: The payment process request shows a Status of Pending installment review.

22. Click the Action icon.

On the Selected tab, three invoices were selected by the payment process request. Since the selected
installments look fine, the process continues.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

Reviewing Selected Invoices

The third step is to review selected invoices.

To review selected invoices, complete these steps:

1. On the Review Installments page, click Submit.

A Confirmation message appears that states your process ID.

2. Click OK.
3. Expand the Search section.
4. The Name field contains the name of the payment process request, ISO_PPRXXX.
5. Click Search.

Note: The status of the payment process request changes to Pending proposed payment review.

6. Click the Action icon.

Reviewing Proposed Payments

The fourth step is to review proposed payments.

To review proposed payments, complete these steps:

1. On the Review Proposed Payments page, click Resume Payment Process.

A Confirmation message appears that states the process was submitted and specifies a process ID.
2. Click OK.

Note: In the Payment Summary section, two payments were created and none were rejected or removed.
Since the proposed payments are fine, you can continue.

Transmitting Payment Files

The fifth step is to transmit payment files.

To transmit payment files, complete these steps:

1. Expand the Search section.

2. Click Search.

Note: The status of the payment process request is Payments completed. The status of the payment file is
now Transmitted. The payment process request completed and the payment files were transmitted to the
payment system.

3. In the Name field, enter the payment process request name, ISO_PPR_XXX.

Note: In place of XXX, enter the appropriate number.

4. Click the payment file number.

The Payment File page appears.

5. In the Payments section, click the Eye glasses icon to view the invoices.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

Viewing Payments and Invoices

The final step is to view payments and invoices.

To view payments and invoices, complete these steps:

1. On the Manage Payment Process Requests page, click the payment file number link.
2. Scroll down the Payment File page to the Payments section.
The Payments section contains two payments.
3. Click the Eye Glasses icon for the $800.00 USD payment.
4. On the Payment page, select the Documents Payable tab.
The two invoices within Payment XXX are visible.
5. Click Done.

Set Up and Make Check Payments

To pay your suppliers, you can make payments by printing checks.

This topic includes the following tasks:

• Creating the payment document
• Setting up a payment process profile
• Submitting the payment process request
• Reviewing installments and proposed payments
• Printing checks
• Recording the print status
• Reviewing a check

Creating the Payment Document

To make check payments, you must first set up a payment document, or check stock, at the disbursement bank account

To create a payment document at the disbursement bank account level, complete these steps:

1. Sign in as a Cash manager.

2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

◦ Offering: Financials
◦ Functional Area: Cash Management and Banking
◦ Task: Manage Bank Accounts
3. On the Manage Bank Accounts page, in the Account Name field, enter BofA-204 and click Search.
The record of the bank account appears in the Search Results section.
4. Select the account and click the Edit icon.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

On the Edit Bank Account page, you can view payment documents that have been previously created for the
disbursement bank account. To create a payment document, you must provide a name, select the type of paper
stock, format, and specify first and last check numbers.
5. On the Edit Bank Account page, Payment Documents section, click Create.
6. In the Create Payment Document dialog box, in the Payment Document field, enter Payments Numbered
Check Stock.
7. From the Paper Stock Type choice list, select Numbered Stock.
8. From the Format choice list, search and select Standard Check Format (Stub after Payment).
9. In the First Available Document Number field, enter 373001.
10. In the Last Available Document Number field, enter 373100.
You can also enter the details of the checkbooks issued to you in the Checkbooks section of the dialog box.
Click Add to add a new row and provide these details:

Checkbook Prefix Start Number End Number Received Date

A name to identify the A value that may or The number of the first The number of the last The date on which you
checkbook. may not be present on check in the checkbook. check in the checkbook. received the checkbook.
your checkbook. If your
physical check doesn't
contain any prefix, you
can leave this blank.

Note: These details aren't present on the checks printed from Oracle Fusion. They're strictly for your internal
tracking purpose only.

11. Click OK.

12. Click Save and Close.
An Information message is displayed.
13. Click OK.
14. Click Done.
15. Click Done.
16. Sign out.

Setting Up a Payment Process Profile

A payment process profile is a setup that contains all the necessary details to manage the payment process. To print
checks, you must create a payment process profile with a Processing Type of Printed. You name the profile and enter a
code. Then, you select the same disbursement payment file format that you used to create the payment document.

To create a payment process profile for printing checks, complete these steps:

1. Sign in as a setup user.

2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
◦ Offering: Financials
◦ Functional Area: Payments
◦ Task: Manage Payment Process Profiles
3. On the Manage Payment Process Profile page in the Search results section, click the Add icon.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

4. On the Create Payment Process Profile page, in the Name field, enter PPP_XXX.
5. In the Code field, enter PPP_XXX_Code.
Note: In place of XXX, enter the appropriate number.

6. In the From Date field, accept the default setting of today's date.
7. From the Payment File Format choice list, search and select Standard Check Format (Stub after Payment).
8. From the Processing Type choice list, select Printed.
9. For the Pay File option, accept Send to printer.
10. Select the Usage Rules tab.
11. Click the All option for Payment Methods, Disbursement Bank Accounts, Business Units, and Currencies so that
the payment process profile can be used with any payment.
Note: You can click the Specify option to limit the use of this payment process profile to payments that have
specific payment methods, disbursement bank accounts, business units, or currencies.

12. Select the Payment System tab.

You can configure the payment file transmission to allow electronic transmission of the positive pay report to
the payment system or bank.
13. From the Payment System choice list, select BofA File System.
14. From the Payment File Transmission Configuration choice list, select UCMPut.
15. In the From Date field, accept the default value of today's date.
16. Select the Payment tab.
On the Payment tab, you can specify attributes for grouping invoices in the same payment if they share the
same attribute.
17. In the Document Grouping Rules section, select the Due date check box.
18. In the Document Limits section, in the Maximum Documents per Payment field, enter 5.
19. Select the Reporting tab.
On the Reporting tab, you can specify parameters for the positive pay report. This report lists checks issued by
your company with payee names, amounts, and currency. Transmission of the report to your payment system
or bank prevents the payment of fraudulent checks, since unauthorized payments aren't listed on the report.
20. In the Positive Pay section, from the Format choice list, select Positive Pay File Format.
21. Select the Automatically transmit file check box.
22. Click Save and Close.
A Confirmation message appears.
23. Click OK.
24. Click Done.
25. Click Done.
26. Sign out.

Submitting a Payment Process Request

A payment process request is a grouping of documents payable, for which a source product requests payment. You can
name the payment process request and select the invoice group.

To submit a payment process request, complete these steps:

1. Sign in as a transaction user.

2. Click the Payables icon and select Payments.
3. On the Overview page, click the Tasks icon and select Submit Payment Process Request.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

4. On the Submit Payment Process Request page in the Name field, enter PPR_XXX.
5. Select the Selection Criteria tab.
6. From the Invoice Group choice list, search and select XXXGroup.
Tip: In place of XXX, enter the appropriate number.

7. Select the Payment and Processing Options tab.

On the Payment and Processing Options tab, you can specify payment attributes, processing options, and
validation failure handling. You select the disbursement bank account from which the invoices are paid, the
payment document and payment process profile you created and other options to stop the process for review
and to take action if validations fail. If the reviews are satisfactory, a payment file is created.
8. From the Disbursement Bank Account choice list, search and select BofA-XXX.
9. From the Payment Document choice list, select Payments Numbered Stock.
10. From the Payment Process Profile choice list, select PPP_XXX Positive Pay.
11. From the Payment Conversion Rate Type choice list, accept Corporate.
12. In the Processing Options subsection, select these check boxes: Review installments, Review proposed
payments, and Create payment files immediately.
13. In the Validation Failure Handling subsection, from the Document choice list, accept Stop process for review.
14. From the Payment choice list, accept Stop process for review.
15. Click Submit.
A Confirmation message with the process number of the payment process request is displayed.
16. Click OK.
17. Scroll down to the Schedule Requests section to check the status of the payment process request.
18. Click the Refresh icon until Succeeded is displayed in the Status column for the Initiate Payment Process
Request and the Payables Selected Installments Report processes that correspond to your process ID.
The invoice selection process was successfully completed and the Payables Selected Installments report was

Reviewing Installments and Proposed Payments

You opted to stop the process to review invoices and proposed payments.

To review installments and proposed payments, complete these steps:

1. On the Overview page, Requiring Attention tab, click the Refresh icon. The payment process request appears.
Note: The payment process request shows a Status of Pending installments review because you opted to
stop the process to review the invoices. In the Selected Installments section, five invoices were selected by the
payment process request. Since the selection looks fine, you can continue.

2. Click the Action icon.

3. On the Review Installments page, review the invoices.
4. Click Submit.
A Confirmation message is displayed.
5. Click OK.
6. On the Overview page, Requiring Attention tab, click the Refresh icon.
Note: The payment process request displays the status of Pending proposed payment review because you
opted to stop the process to review the proposed payment. Since the proposed payment looks fine, you can

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

7. Click the Action icon.

The Payment Summary section on the Review Proposed Payments page, contains the number of payments
created with the total payment amount. Since the payments look fine, you can continue.
8. On the Review Proposed Payments page, click Resume Payment Process.
A Confirmation message is displayed.
9. Click OK.

Printing Checks
The payment process request finished processing. The payment file was automatically formatted and is now ready to

To print checks, complete these steps:

1. On the Overview page, Requiring Attention tab, expand the payment process request icon to display the
payment file.
2. Click the Refresh icon.
Note: The status of the payment process request is Waiting for payments file processing and the status of
the payment file is Formatted and ready for printing.

3. Click the Action icon.

4. On the Print Payment Documents page, from the Printer choice list, select PO 407.
5. Click Print.
A Confirmation message is displayed.
6. Click OK.
7. On the Overview page, Requiring Attention tab, click Refresh to requery the payment process request.
The payment file status changes to Submitted for printing.
8. Click the Action icon.

Recording the Print Status

After you print checks, you must examine the printed checks to confirm that they're not spoiled or skipped. If a check is
spoiled or skipped, record the print status.

To record the print status, complete these steps:

1. On the Payment File page, review the payments and their check numbers. If your checks look fine, click Record
Print Status.
2. On the Record Print Status: Payment File page, click Submit.
A Warning message is displayed.
3. Click Record the Print Status.
A Confirmation message is displayed.
4. Click OK.
5. Click Done.
Note: On the Manage Payment Process Requests page, the payment process request status is Waiting for
payment file processing. The payment file status is Printed.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

6. Click Done.
The Overview page appears.

Reviewing a Check
After printing checks, you can review them.

To review a check, complete these steps:

1. On the Overview page, scroll down to the Schedule Requests section.

You can review the schedule requests to verify the status of the positive pay file.
2. Click Refresh.
3. On the Create Positive Pay File process row, click the View Output icon to see the output that was transmitted
to the payment system or bank.
A Create Positive Pay File, XXXXX, Output dialog box appears.
4. Click the ESS link.
A .txt of the positive pay report is displayed.
5. On the Format Payment Files process row, click the View Output icon to review the .pdf file of the printed
A Format Payment Files, XXXXX, Output dialog box appears.
6. Click the ESS link.
A .pdf of the check is displayed.

How Disbursements Are Processed

The disbursement process starts when a source product calls Oracle Fusion Payments to process disbursements. For
example, Oracle Fusion Payables uses the disbursement process to pay supplier invoices and Oracle Fusion Receivables
uses it to pay customer refunds.

The disbursement process ends when either electronic payments are transmitted to a payment system or financial
institution or paper payment documents, such as checks or promissory notes, are printed.

Electronic processing creates a payment file that is transmitted to a payment system or other financial institution. The
file contains instructions that tell the payment system or financial institution how to remit funds. In some cases, funds
are remitted electronically by an automatic deposit to a bank account. In other cases, the payment file can instruct the
payment system or financial institution to issue a check for payment.

Settings That Affect Disbursements

The following settings in the header region on the Create Payment Process Profile page impact electronic

• Payment File Format choice list: You specify the payment file format to use for the electronic payment file.
• Processing Type choice list: Electronic.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

• Payment Confirmation Point choice list: Point at which a payment is confirmed. Payments can be
automatically confirmed, either when the payment file is formatted or when the payment file is transmitted to
the payment system.
• Allow Manual Setting of Payment Confirmation check box: You can manually confirm payments on the
following pages:

◦ Manage Payment Files

◦ Payment File
◦ Overview page in the Payments work area

The following settings in the header region on the Create Payment Process Profile page impact printed disbursements:

• Payment File Format choice list: You specify the payment file format to use for the printed payment file.
• Processing Type choice list: Printed.
• Default Payment Document choice list
• Send to File radio button: Produces a formatted output file, which is printed outside of Oracle Fusion
• Send to Printer radio button
• Automatically Print After Formatting check box
• Default Printer choice list

How Disbursements Are Processed

The following figure illustrates the flow of the disbursement process.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

The following figure illustrates the flow of the payment approval process within the disbursement process.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

The following table describes the action steps performed by the disbursement process, which starts in Payables and
ends in Payments.

Action Description

Create documents Source product creates documents payable, such as invoices.

Select documents Source product selects documents. Selected documents are grouped into a payment process request.

Submit payment process request Payment process request is submitted to Payments for processing.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

Action Description

Assign bank account and payment process Disbursement bank accounts, which are your company's bank accounts, and payment process profiles
profile are assigned to documents payable within the payment process request. Payments automatically
assigns these values when possible. When not possible, the application asks you to supply the values
on the Assign Payment Process Attributes page.

Validate documents Payments executes any document level validations set up on the payment method or format.
Documents payable that fail validation can be automatically removed and returned to the source
product. Valid documents payable continue in the disbursement process, or the payment process
request can be stopped for resolution, depending on options set during the submission of the payment
process request.

Create and validate payments Payments groups like documents payable into payments, according to rules set up in the payment
process profile. It then executes any payment level validations set up on the payment method or
format. Payments that fail validation can be automatically removed and the documents payable
returned to the source product. Valid payments continue in the disbursement process, or the payment
process request can be stopped for resolution, depending on options set during the submission of the
payment process request.

Review and modify payment process When the payment process request is submitted, it can be set to stop for review as soon as all
request payments pass validation. During the review, you can optionally remove payments from the payment
process request or documents payable from payments. If you make any changes during the review,
validations are executed again.

Approve or reject payment process When payment approval is enabled, the payment process stops at the Review Proposed Payments
request stage, and approvers can optionally remove payments directly from a payment process request
and then approve it. The approval process generates and routes payment approval notifications to
approvers. Approvers can approve or reject payment process requests directly from e-mails or from the
Review Proposed Payments page.

Create payment file Payments processes payments within each payment process request and groups them according
to their disbursement bank accounts, payment process profiles, and other grouping rules to create
payment files.

Validate payment file Payments executes any payment file level validations set up on the format. Payment files that fail
validation can be corrected by removing payments or the validation can be overridden.

Create extract and format An extract, or XML file, is created that contains the data relevant to the payment file. Oracle Analytics
Publisher applies a format template to the data in the extract. The result is a formatted file that
contains data specified by the format.

Transmit payment file If the payment process profile for a formatted payment file specifies electronic processing, the
payment file is transmitted to the payment system. The payment system is a bank or other financial
institution that processes the file and moves funds from the disbursement bank account to the payee
bank account.

Print payment documents If the payment process profile for a formatted payment file specifies printed processing, the payment
file is printed onto payment documents, such as checks. If any checks print incorrectly, they can be
reprinted. After checks print successfully, you can record the print status, which allows Payables to
account for the payments.

Perform post-processing After creating payments, you can optionally use reports as follows:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

Action Description

• Separate Remittance Advice reports can be sent to suppliers, which lists the invoices you paid.
• Positive Pay reports can be sent to banks to prevent fraud since unauthorized payments are not
listed on the Positive Pay report.
• Payment file registers can be created for internal use. They display details of payments that are
included in a payment file. You can retain this report for your records.

Payment Methods
A disbursement payment method is a method of payment that your company uses to pay a supplier, customer, or
employee. The payment method can be electronic, such as EFT, bill payable, or wire, or printed, such as a check.

You can use a payment method to pay one or multiple third-party payees.

The purpose of creating disbursement payment methods is to:

• Define the disbursement payment methods you want to use to make payments
• Define usage rules to limit the use of disbursement payment methods to specific business units, legal entities,
and other attributes.
• Assign validations to disbursement payment methods for running on documents payable, payments, and
payment files
The level of granularity that you need for your disbursement payment methods is a factor to consider before you define
them. You must decide whether to set up more or less granular disbursement payment methods. The least granular
payment methods are those that are predefined in Oracle Fusion Payments, such as Check or Electronic. With this setup,
you can associate each payment method with many payment process profiles and payment formats. This approach
requires less knowledge from source product users, such as invoice entry clerks, but may involve more work later in the
payment process.

Alternately, you can define more granular payment methods. When you do this, you can benefit from adding validations
to the payment method, which are very targeted for specific transactions. An example of a very granular payment
method is Italian EFT to which you might add a validation that's specific to Italy. With this kind of setup, validations are
run as early as during invoice entry and thus, errors can be fixed more quickly.

Since creating very granular payment methods lead to more payment methods, it's important to also set up payment
method defaulting rules. Payment method defaulting rules eliminate the burden during invoice entry of manually
selecting one appropriate payment method from the many available. You can also use supplier-specific defaults, an
option which is enabled on the Payment Method Default Basis section on the Manage Disbursement System Options

Creating a disbursement payment method in Payments is composed of the following major tasks:
• Creating usage rules
• Creating or assigning validations

Creating Usage Rules

Usage rules specify when a disbursement payment method is available for use by source products for documents
payable. By creating usage rules, you enable or disable payment methods for each source product integrated with

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

Oracle Fusion Payments. You can provide different usage rules for different source products and change whether and
when the payment method is available.

In the Usage Rules tab on the Create Payment Method page, you decide whether to assign the payment method to one
of the following:

• All payees
• Specific business units, legal entities, and payment process transaction types for Oracle Fusion Payables
• Specific business units, legal entities, and payment process transaction types for Oracle Fusion Receivables
• Specific payment process transaction types for Oracle Fusion Cash Management

Creating or Assigning Validations

In the Validations tab on the Create Payment Method page, you can assign predefined validations to this payment
method or create user-defined validations. Validations are rules that check the validity of documents payable,
payments, or payment files.

Usage Rules
Usage rules specify when a payment method or a payment process profile can be used on a document payable.

You can specify:

• Usage rules for payment methods
• Usage rules for payment process profiles

Usage Rules for Payment Methods

A payment method is the medium by which the first-party payer, or deploying company, pays a supplier invoice,
customer refund, or employee expense report.

By default, payment methods are available on all transactions. By creating usage rules, you can limit the use of a
payment method based on the following transaction conditions:

• Source product
• Business unit
• First-Party legal entity
• Transaction type
• Whether domestic or foreign currency or payee location

Not all source products that are integrated with Oracle Fusion Payments have usage rule options. Some products, such
as Oracle Fusion Fixed Assets, create transactions that are imported into Oracle Fusion Payables, and are included in
Payables usage rules. Other products, such as Oracle Fusion Expenses, have fixed usage rules on supported payment

The payment method that the source product user sees depends on the usage rules specified on the Create Payment
Method page, Usage Rules tab. For example, suppose you have a payment method that is specific to one country. You
could create a usage rule so that the payment method is available for only the one business unit associated with that

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

country. A user entering an invoice for any other business unit wouldn't see that payment method available to select.
Usage rules, combined with payment method defaulting rules and user-definable validations, make straight-though
processing possible.

Usage Rules for Payment Process Profiles

A payment process profile specifies the details of the disbursement payment process, such as specifications for
document payable grouping, payment grouping, and payment file formatting.

By default, payment process profiles are available on all transactions. By creating usage rules, you can limit the use of a
payment process profile based on the following transaction conditions:

• Payment method
• Business unit
• Disbursement bank account
• Currency

The profile that is applied to a document payable depends on the usage rules specified on the Create Payment Process
Profile page, Usage Rules tab. When you submit a payment process request, Payments compares the attributes of each
transaction to the profile provided on the Submit Payment Process Request page. Any transaction fails validation whose
attributes are in conflict with the profile's usage rules. If no profile is selected, Payments compares each transaction's
attributes to all existing profiles to find one with usage rules that match the transaction attributes. If a match doesn't
occur, user intervention is required to determine the appropriate payment process profile to use.

To enable straight-through processing, it's important that usage rules are no broader than necessary. For example,
having two profiles in which both sets of usage rules could apply to the same document payable leads to user
intervention. However, if one profile is specific to business unit X and the other to business unit Y, then there is no
ambiguity. The application can uniquely identify which payment process profile to apply to the document payable
without user intervention.

Payment Method Defaulting

A payment method defaulting rule determines which payment method automatically populates an invoice or customer
refund. During setup of these rules, you specify conditions under which a payment method acts as a default.

The rules for setting Payment method by default can be based on:
• Source product
• Business unit
• First-party legal entity
• Transaction type
• Domestic or foreign currency or payee location
Oracle Payments applies these rules in the prioritized order you specify. For example, if the first rule is a match,
Payments stops and automatically populates that rule's corresponding payment method onto the invoice. Suppose
you specify that the payment method for all documents processed by Oracle Payables is first, Check, and second, EFT.
In this case, if the conditions for payment method Check match those on the invoice, then payment method Check
automatically populates the invoice.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

If the conditions for payment method Check don't match those on the invoice, the application determines whether the
conditions for payment method EFT match. If the conditions for payment method EFT match those on the invoice, then
payment method EFT automatically populates the invoice.

The following factors may, depending on the setup and data, affect how the default payment method is selected:
• The option that's selected as the payment method default basis on the Manage Disbursement System Options

◦ Based Only on Payment Method Defaulting Rules Setup

◦ Override Defaulting Rules when Default Method Set for Payee

• Prioritized order of the payment method defaulting rules

• Content of the payment method defaulting rules
• Default payment method set at supplier site, address, or supplier level

Payment Process Profiles

A payment process profile is a setup entity that controls payment processing. The payment method and other invoice
attributes drive the assignment of a payment process profile to each document payable.

Assigning a payment process profile to each documents payable tells Oracle Fusion Payments how to handle invoices,
promissory notes, payments, and payment files during each step of the payment process.

A payment process profile controls payment processing for the disbursement flow. It provides the blueprint to:
• Link setups
• Control usage
• Specify payment formatting, printing, and transmission behavior
• Control creation of payments and payment files
• Automate report generation
To set up a payment process profile, in the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
• Offering: Financials
• Functional Area: Payments
• Task: Manage Payment Process Profiles
Then, on the Manage Payment Process Profiles page, click Create. The Create Payment Process Profile page appears.

Link Setups
Before you can set up a payment process profile, you must set up the following:

• Payment formats
• Payment system and its payment system account
• Transmission configuration

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

Control Usage
You can set up a payment process profile to be used only with specific variables that appear on the Usage Rules tab:

• Payment method
• Disbursement bank account
• Business unit
• Currency

For example, if the payment format associated with the payment process profile only allows a specific currency, then
you can specify that currency in the usage rules. The payment process profile is then only used on documents payable
of the applicable currency.

Specify Payment Formatting, Printing, and Transmission Behavior

In the header of the Create Payment Process Profile page, you can specify the following attributes:

• Whether the payment process profile can be used for electronic or printed payment processing
• Payment file format to be used with the payment process profile
• Payment confirmation point

If the payment process profile is used for electronic payments, you select a payment system and enter details for the
payment system account. This action allows Payments to electronically transmit files to the payment system.

If the payment process profile is used for printed payments, a payment system isn't required, but you can optionally
select a payment system and transmission details so that Payments can electronically transmit positive pay files to your

Control Creation of Payments and Payment Files

On the Payment and Payment File tabs of the Create Payment Process Profile page, you can control the creation of
payments and payment files by:

• Grouping invoices into payments

• Grouping payments into payment files

On the Payment tab, an enabled grouping rule for an attribute means that two documents payable that share the same
value for an attribute are grouped into the same payment. If values are different, the documents payable are in separate
payments. A disabled grouping rule for an attribute means that the attribute won't apply when documents payable are
built into payments.

On the Payment File tab, you specify payment grouping rules that determine which attributes are considered when
grouping payments into payment files.

Additionally, you can specify the following.

• Batch booking: One debit entry is posted for a group, rather than for each credit transaction
• Overrides: If you select an override option, the payment file contains the service level and delivery channel
combination you select, rather than those specified in supplier setup. If you don't select any override options,
the payment file can contain multiple combinations.
• Payment limits: Limit for the number of payments in a payment file

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

• Payment sorting: Payments within a payment file are ordered as specified, which also determines the ordering
of payments in the payment file register
• Bank instructions: Text that you want to include in all payment files created using this payment process profile
• Periodic sequences in format: Sequential numbering of payment files according to a payment system or bank's

Automate Report Generation

On the Reporting tab, you can specify whether you want the following reports to be automatically generated:

• Payment file register

• Positive pay
• Separate remittance advice

How You Set Up Payment Approval

Payment approval allows management to control payments by prioritizing available funds. You can send payments to
approvers for review before final payments are made to suppliers or employees. If enabled, the payment process stops
at the Review Proposed Payments stage.

Approvers can then optionally remove payments directly from a payment process request and approve it.

Note: Payment approval only supports the payments created by the payment process request process. If you created
them on the Create Payments page, they aren't supported.

The approval process generates and routes payment approval notifications to approvers. Approvers can approve or
reject payment process requests directly from emails. They can also perform other approval actions from payment
approval worklist notifications.

Setting up payment approval includes the following actions.

• Enabling payment approval
• Defining payment approval policy
• Configuring payment approval rules

Enabling Payment Approval

To enable payment approval, in the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the following:

• Offering: Financials
• Functional Area: Payments
• Task: Manage Disbursement System Options

On the Manage Disbursement System Options page, select the Enable payment approval option.

Select the Payment Process Request Status Report format; and select Automatically submit at payment process
request completion check box.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

Note: Selecting Automatically submit at payment process request completion check box ensures that an approval
document is created before final payment.

Defining a Payment Approval Policy

Before you can configure payment approval rules, your company must define a payment approval policy. The payment
approval policy defines:

• When to initiate the payment approval process

• Criteria for triggering the payment approval process, such as bank account, or pay group
• A list of approvers who review payments and make final payment decisions

Your company's payment approval policy:

• Determines which payments must go through the payment approval process

• Allows approvers to review payments and decide whether or not to approve the payment.

Configuring Payment Approval Rules

To configure payment approval rules, navigate to the BPM Worklist. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the

• Offering: Financials
• Task: Manage Task Configurations for Financials

Complete these steps:

1. Click the Task Configuration button.

2. In the Tasks to be configured pane, click the PaymentApproval ( task.
3. Click the Assignees tab.
4. Click the Switch to Vertical Layout link.
5. Click the diamond icon in the Payment Approval box.
6. Click Go to rule.
7. Click the Edit task icon to create the payment approval rules.

Note: Payment approval rules are configured to route payment approval notifications to approvers in sequential
order only.

Related Topics
• How Payment Approval Is Processed

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

How You Implement the Granting Payment Function

Access Setup Task
Granting Payment Function Access is an optional Oracle Fusion Payments setup task in Setup and Maintenance. To
disburse payments, the Oracle Fusion Payables administrator grants you access to the predefined duty role called
Disbursement Process Management Duty.

You perform the Granting Payment Function Access set up task only to restrict the Disbursement Process Management
Duty role.

With access to the Disbursement Process Management Duty, you can make the following types of payments:
• Customer refunds
• Supplier payments
• Reimbursement of employee expense reports
When you're granted access to the Disbursement Process Management Duty, you can perform the following actions in
Authorization Policy Manager:
• View the Disbursement Process Management Duty.
• View children duty roles of the Disbursement Process Management Duty.
• Restrict or expand the Disbursement Process Management Duty.
• Assign the Disbursement Process Management Duty to job roles.
To restrict the Disbursement Process Management Duty role for an employee, you must first perform the following
high-level prerequisite steps in Oracle Identify Manager. Then perform the steps listed in this topic in APM:
1. Create a new user.
2. Assign existing job roles to the new user.
3. Create a new job role.
4. Assign new job roles to the new user.
After you perform the steps listed in this topic in APM, then complete the steps by assigning the role of fscm to the
Disbursement Process Management Duty role in APM.

Note: Oracle Fusion Applications and APM use different terms to describe the same security elements.

The following table lists two equivalent security terms.

Oracle Fusion Applications Security Authorization Policy Manager

Reference Manuals

Job role External role

Duty role Application role

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

View the Disbursement Process Management Duty

To view the Disbursement Process Management Duty, perform the following steps in APM:

1. Sign in to your home page.

2. In the address bar of your browser, delete all characters after the domain name and append the URL with /apm.
3. Select the Authorization Management tab.
4. In the Search section, select Application Roles from the For choice list.
5. In the Search section, select fscm from the In choice list.
6. In the blank search field, enter Disbursement Process Management Duty and click the arrow icon.
7. In the Search Results section, the following duty roles display:

◦ Disbursement Process Management Duty for Employee PII

◦ Disbursement Process Management Duty
8. In the Search Results section, select Disbursement Process Management Duty.
9. Click the Actions list and select Open.
10. The Disbursement Process Management Duty displays in the General tab, along with its role name and
description as follows:

◦ Display Name = Disbursement Process Management Duty

◦ Description = Assigns payment process attributes to documents payable, resolves document and
payment validation errors, and reviews proposed payments. Views items that were rejected or removed
from a payment process request.

View Children Duty Roles of the Disbursement Process Management Duty

The Disbursement Process Management Duty contains children duty roles. If you have access to the Disbursement
Process Management Duty, you can also perform the duties of each of its children.

To view the children duty roles of the Disbursement Process Management Duty, perform the following steps in APM:

1. Select the Application Role Hierarchy tab.

2. Click the Inherits link. The following children duty roles display:

◦ Party Information Inquiry Duty (FSCM)

◦ Disbursement for Customer Refund Data Management Duty: Allows customer refunds
◦ Disbursement for Employee Expense Data Management Duty: Allows employee expense report
◦ Disbursement for Payables Data Management Duty: Allows supplier payments

To view the parent duty roles that inherit the Disbursement Process Management Duty, click the Is Inherited By link.

Note: The Disbursement Process Management Duty role doesn't have a parent duty role.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

Restrict or Expand the Disbursement Process Management Duty

Given your company's security needs, you can restrict or expand the Disbursement Process Management Duty by
performing the following steps:

1. Remove child duty roles from or add child duty roles to the predefined Disbursement Process Management
2. Remove privileges from or add privileges to the predefined Disbursement Process Management Duty.
3. Create a new Disbursement Process Management Duty role. The new Duty role can have more or less child duty
roles or privileges as compared with the predefined Disbursement Process Management Duty.

Assign the Disbursement Process Management Duty to Job Roles

A job role consists of multiple duty roles. Duty roles determine access to functions appropriate to the job role. For
example, the job roles of Accounts Payables Manager and Accounts Payable Supervisor inherit the Disbursement
Process Management Duty. You can add job roles to or remove job roles from the Disbursement Process Management

To view the predefined job roles that are assigned to the Disbursement Process Management Duty, select the External
Role Mapping tab in APM.

The Disbursement Process Management Duty is assigned to the following predefined job roles:

• Accounts Payable Supervisor

• Accounts Payable Manager

Any user who is assigned the preceding job roles has access to the following payment functions that are associated with
the Disbursement Process Management Duty:

• Customer refunds
• Supplier payments
• Reimbursement of employee expense reports

How You Use Oracle Analytics Publisher to Modify

Templates for Use with Formats
Each format in Oracle Fusion Payments corresponds to one Oracle Analytics Publisher template. Payments uses
Analytics Publisher templates to format funds capture and funds disbursement transactions according to the formatting
requirements of financial institutions and payment systems.

Each template contains prescribed formatting attributes, such as data location. Banks, payment systems, and countries
have specific electronic formatting requirements for payment files and settlement batches.

You can use existing Analytics Publisher templates or modify them with minimal effort by using a standard text editor,
such as Microsoft Word. For example, when a payment system requires a change to its payment file format, you can
quickly make the change by modifying the appropriate template.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

Whether you modify an existing template or create a new one, determines whether you also create a new format and
a new payment process profile. Each payment process profile is associated with a format. The following table lists two
template scenarios and indicates the resulting action you take.

Actions Scenario 1 Scenario 2

Create a new template or modify an existing Create a new template. Modify an existing template.

Name the template. Rename the template. Keep the same name.

Where to save the new or modified template. Payments folder by the Custom folder or Payments folder by the Custom folder.
Payments folder by the Financials folder.

Create a new format. Yes No

Create a new payment process profile. Yes No

To modify a template, you can:

• Download a copy of the applicable template.
• Upload a copy of the modified template.

Download a Copy of the Applicable Template

To download a copy of a predefined template, perform the following steps:

1. Sign in to Oracle Analytics Publisher.

2. On the Home tab, click the Catalog Folders link. The Catalog tab appears with a hierarchy of folders.
3. Expand the Financials folder.
4. Expand the Payments folder.
5. Locate the predefined template type that you want to modify and click the More link.
6. From the menu, select Customize. All the templates that are associated with the predefined template type that
you want to modify are copied to a folder by the Custom folder.
7. You can now download the files from the Custom folder and modify them or you can continue with step 8.
Note: Do not modify predefined templates. When you apply a new patch or a new release, it overrides any
changes you made to the predefined template. You can, however, copy a predefined template and then
modify it.

8. On the Data Model tab, to copy a predefined template and save it to your local drive as a RTF file, click the Edit
link of the applicable template. Then click the Save button.
9. Navigate to the location where you want to save the copy of the template and click the Save button.
10. Navigate to the saved RTF file and open it.

Upload a Copy of the Modified Template

To upload a copy of a modified template, perform the following steps:

1. Using a text editor, modify the RTF file on your local drive.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

2. Save as Other Formats, change the file name, click the Save button, and close the file.
3. To upload a copy of your modified template to Oracle Analytics Publisher, navigate to the applicable tab, and
click the Add New Layout link.
4. Click the Upload icon. The Upload Template File dialog box appears.
5. In the Layout Name field, enter a name for the template you modified.
6. In the Template File field, browse to the location of the modified template on your local drive and click the
Open button.
7. From the Type choice list, select RTF Template.
8. From the Locale choice list, select the language for the modified template.
9. Click the Upload button. The modified template appears on the Data Model tab of the applicable tab.
Note: The modified template is also copied to the Payments folder that is within the Custom folder.

10. To open the modified template, click the Edit link.

11. To confirm that the modified template is saved, click the Catalog link. The Catalog tab appears with a hierarchy
of folders.
12. Navigate as follows: Custom folder > Financials folder > Payments folder.
13. Select the Payments folder.
14. For the applicable template, click the Edit link. Your modified template appears.

Example of Setting Up User-Defined Validations for

Payment Methods or for Payment Files
This example demonstrates how to set up two user-defined validations. You must set up two validations when you want
your user-defined validations to:

• Compare values
• Ensure that a value always appears in the field you want to validate
The first condition ensures that the validation checks a value, which meets your specified condition and value. The
second condition ensures that the field the validation checks is not empty.

Note: You aren't required to set up two user-defined validations. A scenario can exist where you only want to create a
user-defined validation that ensures that the field the validation checks is not empty.

The following table summarizes key decisions to consider before setting up a user-defined validation.

Decisions to Consider In This Example

Do you want to compare a value that the You want to validate that the Document pay group field is equal to the string Domestic when
user enters against a specified condition generating an invoice.
and value?

Do you want to ensure that the validated You want to validate that the Document pay group field is not empty when generating an invoice.
field is not empty?

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

User-Defined Validation That Checks a Specific Condition and Value

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

◦ Offering: Financials
◦ Functional Area: Payments
◦ Task: Manage Payment Methods

Then, on the Manage Payment Methods page, click the Create icon.
2. On the Create Payment Method page in the User-Defined Validations section, complete the fields as shown in
this table for Validation 1.

If you save the invoice without entering any value in the Document pay group field, Validation 1 alone, won't
keep the invoice on hold.

Field Value

Field Document pay group

Condition Equal to String

Value Domestic

User-Defined Validation That Checks for an Empty Field

1. On the Create Payment Method page in the User-Defined Validations section, complete the fields as shown in
this table for Validation 2.

To include the scenario in the validation where no value is entered in the Document pay group field, you must
set up a second validation. If you save the invoice without entering any value in the Document pay group field,
the application then keeps the invoice on hold.

Field Value

Field Document pay group

Condition Required

Value Not applicable

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

FAQs for Disbursements

What's a payment code?
Oracle Fusion Payments enables you to specify payment codes that are required by financial institutions. Payment
codes can provide details to banks or payments systems about transaction handling, bank charges, or payment reasons
for regulatory reporting purposes.

Payment code types include:

• Bank instruction codes

• Delivery channel codes
• Payment reason codes

What's a bank instruction code?

Bank instruction codes are values that contain instructions that must be passed to a bank or financial institution at the
payment file level.

A payment process profile can have up to two bank instructions. When this payment process profile is used during the
creation of a payment file, the bank instruction values are copied directly to it. The extract makes the values available to
the formatting process. If the payment format specifies the use of bank instructions, the values are passed to the bank
in the header level of the payment file.

Oracle Payments provides many predefined bank instruction codes.

What's a delivery channel code?

Delivery channels are instructions that tell the bank how to make the payment to the payee. You can set a default
delivery channel for the supplier, supplier address, or supplier site.

A value automatically populates from the lowest of these levels to the invoice in Oracle Fusion Payables. On the invoice,
it's displayed with the installments and you can manually override it.

When an installment is paid, the delivery channel is copied from the document payable to the payment when payment
documents have the same delivery channel. When you select delivery channel as a grouping rule on the profile, all
documents that share the same delivery channel are grouped into a payment.

Oracle Fusion Payments provides many predefined delivery channel codes.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

What's a payment reason code?

Payment reason codes are used for regulatory reporting purposes. These country-specific identifiers are used to
provide additional details about a payment reason to the payment system or bank. The country's government or central
bank generates these codes.

Oracle Payments includes many predefined payment reason codes.

When do I need to add a second condition to a user-defined

validation that runs against a payment file format or a payment
If you want your field validation to raise an error when the field is empty, you must select Required from the Condition
choice list. Then, if applicable, create a second validation for the same field and select any other condition.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Disbursements

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payment System Connectivity

8 Payment System Connectivity

Options for Validations

Validations are rules that ensure that transactions are valid before they are printed or submitted electronically to
payment systems. You use validations to ensure that disbursement transactions, such as invoices, payments, and
payment files meet specific conditions before they can be paid.

You can assign validations to payment methods and payment formats. A validation can be executed at the document
payable, payment, or payment file level.

In payment processing, it's critical that payment files sent to payment systems and financial institutions are valid and
correctly formatted. If this is not done, the payment process is slowed, which results in additional time and cost due to
problem resolution. Oracle Fusion Payments helps you achieve straight-through processing by ensuring that payment-
related details are valid. To assign validations, you can select from the following options:

• Assigning validations
• Creating user-defined validations
• Selecting from a predefined library of validations
The following table lists the objects you can validate and when validations are executed for the applicable setup.

Object Payment Method-Driven Validations are Payment File Format-Driven Validations are
Enforced When... Enforced When...

Document Payable The invoice is saved in the source product. The invoice installment is selected for payment.

The invoice installment is selected for payment.

Payment The payment is created by building related The payment is created by building related
documents payable together. documents payable together.

Payment File Not applicable. The payment file is created.

Assigning Validations
You can assign user-defined validations to any:

• Payment method
• Payment file format

You can assign a validation to whichever object drives the requirement for validation. For example, if your bank
format requires a limited number of characters in a specific field, you can assign that validation to the bank format. By
doing this, you ensure that the validation is enforced only when applicable. However, if you want to enforce a general
validation that isn't specific to the payment method or format, you can consider timing in your decision.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payment System Connectivity

Payments always validates as early as possible for a given object and setup. Document payable validations that are
associated with payment methods are enforced earlier in the process than those associated with formats. If you want
validation failures handled by the same person who is entering the invoice, you can associate the validation with the
payment method. This method is ideal for business processes where each person has full ownership of the items
entered. However, if you want focused invoice entry with validation failures handled centrally by a specialist, you can
associate the validation with the format. This method is ideal for some shared service centers.

Creating User-Defined Validations

A user-defined validation explicitly specifies the object to which the validation applies:

• Document payable
• Payment
• Payment file

User-defined validations are basic validations that correspond to simple operations. These validations can be used
as components, or building blocks, to build more complex validations. They enable you to validate, for example, the
following conditions:

• Length of a value. Example: Payment Detail must be fewer than 60 characters for your bank-specific payment
file format.
• Whether a field is populated. Example: Remit to bank account is required when payment method is Electronic.
• Whether content of a field is allowed. Example: Currency must be USD when using your domestic payment file

Selecting From a Predefined Library of Validations

Payments provides a library of predefined validations. You can associate these predefined validations with any
payment method or payment file format you create. Many of the payment formats provided by Oracle have predefined
validations associated with them by default.

Predefined validations are groups of individual validations that are together for a specific purpose. Many of the
predefined validations that you can associate with payment formats are country-specific. Predefined validations cannot
be modified, although some have parameters you can set to define specific values.

How You Set Up Formats

Setting up formats is a mandatory task in Oracle Fusion Payments. A format is a disbursements or a funds capture data
file to which an Oracle Analytics Publisher template is applied.

Oracle Analytics Publisher templates contain formatting attributes that format data files. Formatted outputs include
printed checks, electronically transmitted payment files, settlement batches, and reports.

The purpose of setting up formats is to enable payment systems, financial institutions, or countries to understand your
company's messages, given their specific formatting requirements for disbursements or funds capture transactions.
Inbound messages come from a payment system or financial institution to your company. Outbound messages leave
your company to your payment system or financial institution.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payment System Connectivity

Setting up formats involves the following actions:

• Using Oracle Analytics Publisher templates
• Using data extracts
• Using the identity format
• Considering best practices
• Setting up formats
• Understanding associations between format entities
• Assigning validations to formats

Note: Before you can set up formats, you must set up the corresponding templates in Oracle Analytics Publisher. For
more information on setting up templates, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Report Designer's Guide for Oracle Analytics
Publisher at http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E25054_01/bi.1111/e13881/toc.htm.

Using Oracle Analytics Publisher Templates

Each Payments format corresponds to one Oracle Analytics Publisher template. Analytics Publisher templates specify
exactly how formatted output is to be generated. Analytics Publisher templates can also be used to generate fixed-
position, machine-readable files through Analytics Publisher's eText functionality.

Using Data Extracts

Each disbursement or funds capture format is also associated with a disbursement or funds capture Payments' data
extract. Each data extract contains transactional data. Oracle Analytics Publisher templates use data extracts to format
transactional data. Transactional data is extracted from Payments' or Oracle Fusion Receivables' transactional tables.

For a disbursements extract, data comes from:

• Payments
• Payment files
• Documents payable tables

For a funds capture extract, data comes from:

• Funds capture transactions

• Settlement batches
• Receivables transactions

For more information on Payments' XML extracts, see How To Generate and View Fusion Payments XML Extract ,
Document ID 1428249.1, on My Oracle Support.

Using the Identity Format

The Identity format outputs the XML extract provided by Payments. It's intended for diagnostic purposes, but you
can also use it to understand how extract fields are populated from transactional and setup entities. This is especially
helpful if you intend to create complex configurations using other templates.

The Identity format is an Oracle Analytics Publisher template called IBY_IDENTITY. It's part of the Funds Capture
Authorization and Settlement report. If you want to use the Identity format for a disbursements report, you must
download the RTF template and upload it as part of the intended disbursements report. Then, you can set up a modified

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payment System Connectivity

format in Payments using the newly created format with a payment process profile or a funds capture process profile,
and examine the XML output.

Considering Best Practices

Before setting up formats, find out what payment formats your processing bank supports. Consider using standards-
based payment formats that can be used with multiple banks:

• EDIFACT formats, such as PAYMUL, MT100, and MT103

• NACHA formats, such as Generic, CCD, or PPD

Setting Up Formats
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the following to select a predefined format type on the Manage Formats

• Offering: Financials
• Functional Area: Payments
• Task: Manage Formats

The format type you select specifies:

• Type of message created

• Oracle Analytics Publisher template used to format the data file
• Data extract used

On the Create Format page, associate an Oracle Analytics Publisher template with the format type you selected.

Understanding Associations Between Format Entities

The following table describes the association between format types, templates, and data extracts.

Format Types Oracle Analytics Publisher Template Data Extracts

Disbursement Payment File Formats Disbursement Payment File Formats Disbursement Extract

Disbursement Positive Pay File Formats Disbursement Positive Pay Formats Disbursement Positive Pay Extract

Disbursement Separate Remittance Advice Disbursement Separate Remittance Advice Disbursement Extract
Formats Formats

Disbursement Accompanying Letter Formats Disbursement Accompanying Letter Formats Disbursement Extract

Disbursement Payment Process Request Status Disbursement Payment Process Request Status Disbursement Payment Process Request
Report Formats Report Extract

Disbursement Payment File Register Formats Disbursement Payment File Register Disbursement Extract

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payment System Connectivity

Format Types Oracle Analytics Publisher Template Data Extracts

Funds Capture Settlement Format Funds Capture Authorization And Settlement Funds Capture Extract

Funds Capture Accompanying Letter Formats Funds Capture Accompanying Letter Formats Funds Capture Extract

Funds Capture Payer Notification Formats Funds Capture Payer Notification Formats Funds Capture Extract

Assigning Validations to Formats

After you create a format, you can optionally assign predefined or user-defined payment validations to it on the Edit
Format page. Validations ensure that disbursements or funds capture transactions execute according to specified

Related Topics
• What's a format type?
• Options for Validations

Transmission Protocols
Computers use transmission protocols to communicate with each other across a network. To transmit data, such as
payment files from Oracle Fusion Payments to a payment system, the implementor defines protocols that the payment
system can receive.

Payments offers industry-standard transmission protocols, such as FTP, HTTP, and HTTPS, predefined. They are
composed of the following:

• A code entry point, which the payment system servlet uses to accomplish transmission
• A list of parameters, such as network address and port, for which the transmission configuration must supply
• Transmission protocol entry points, which are independent of payment servlets and may be called from the
Payments engine
While the transmission protocol defines which parameters are expected in the communication, the transmission
configuration defines what value is supplied for each parameter. Transmission configurations and payment systems are
associated on the funds capture process profile for funds capture or on the payment process profile for disbursements.

Note: This note applies only to on-premises customers, and never to Oracle Cloud customers. The preferred file-
based transmission protocol is Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is unsecured and
should only be used to meet legacy third-party requirements. FTP must be used over a secure link such as a virtual
private network or a leased line with data link level encryption enabled.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payment System Connectivity

Related Topics
• Transmission Configurations

Transmission Configurations
A transmission configuration is a group of specific transmission details. A transmission configuration defines a value
for each parameter in a transmission protocol. The values in a transmission configuration are specific to one payment
system or financial institution.

For example, suppose a transmission protocol requires parameter values for a Socket IP Address and a Socket
Port Number. Your payment system that accepts that protocol will give you the values that it expects to receive for
these parameters. You enter the applicable values in the Socket IP Address and Socket Port Number fields for
the transmission configuration. The transmission configuration is then assigned to the payment system within the
funds capture process profile for funds capture transactions or within the payment process profile for disbursement

In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the following to transmit files to your payment system by setting up
transmission configurations:
• Offering: Financials
• Functional Area: Payments
• Task: Manage Transmission Configurations
On the Manage Transmission Configurations page, click Create. The Create Transmission Configuration page appears.

Related Topics
• How You Set Up Transmission Configurations
• Transmission Protocols

How You Set Up Transmission Configurations

In Oracle Fusion Payments, setting up transmission configurations is mandatory if your company wants to transmit
payments to a payment system or a bank.

To enable your company to exchange information with your payment system or bank, a preexisting agreement must
exist as to how information is structured and how each side sends and receives it.

Setting up transmission configurations involves the following actions:

• Understanding protocols
• Understanding transmission configurations
• Understanding tunneling configurations
• Considering best practices

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payment System Connectivity

• Setting up transmission configurations

Understanding Protocols
A transmission protocol is a set of rules or procedures for transmitting data between electronic devices, such as
computers. To transmit data, such as a payment file or a settlement batch from Payments to an external payment
system, you must define the transmission protocols that the payment system can receive.

Payments offers industry-standard predefined transmission protocols, such as SFTP, HTTP, HTTPS, and AS2. These
protocols include the following:

• A protocol implementation class, which implements the technical details of communication in a generic manner
• A list of parameters, such as network address and port, for which the transmission configuration must supply

The transmission protocol defines which parameters are expected in the communication between your company and its
payment system or bank.

Understanding Transmission Configurations

A transmission configuration is a group of specific transmission details, which is associated with a specific transmission
protocol. A transmission configuration defines a value for each parameter in a transmission protocol. The values in a
transmission configuration are specific to one payment system or financial institution. For example, a transmission
protocol may require parameters, as well as a Socket IP Address, and a Socket Port Number. Your payment system,
which accepts that protocol, gives you the values that it expects to receive for those parameters. You enter those values
in the Socket IP Address and Socket Port Number fields.

Understanding Tunneling Configurations

A tunneling configuration is a type of transmission configuration that helps transmit data through a transmission
servlet that can securely connect to your payment system or bank without exposing internal data. The transmit servlet
acts as a relay or bridge between the different segments of your network infrastructure, some of which are more
suitable, such as a DMZ zone, from which to open connections to external systems.

Considering Best Practices

Before selecting a protocol for payment processing, do the following:

• Find out what your processing bank supports.

• Favor transmission protocols predefined in Payments.
• Use funds capture process profiles or payment process profiles for greater ease in configuring transmission and

Before selecting a transmission configuration for payment processing, note the following:

You may need two transmission configurations as follows if you use a protocol normally blocked by your network
security rules:

• A tunneling configuration to exit the fire wall

• A transmission configuration for the payment system server

Your transmission configuration must point to the tunneling configuration.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payment System Connectivity

CAUTION: It is always a configuration error for the tunneling configuration to point to any other tunneling
configuration, including itself.

Setting Up Transmission Configurations

In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the following to select a protocol, which is the method of transmission,
and click Create on the Manage Transmission Configurations page.

• Offering: Financials
• Functional Area: Payments
• Task: Manage Transmission Configurations

On the Create Transmission Configuration page, enable electronic connectivity with your payment system or bank by
specifying values for each parameter for the protocol you selected.

The transmission configuration is subsequently assigned to a payment system or bank in the funds capture process
profile for funds capture transactions or in the payment process profile for disbursements.

Note: When an environment is refreshed (Production-to-Test or Test-to-Test), these payments transmission-related

updates must be performed in the target environment before running any payment batches:
• Migrate Payment Wallet - During Production-to-Test (P2T) process, payments wallet stored in OPSS isn't
migrated from source to target environment. As part of post P2T tasks, user must perform the wallet migration
using the steps provided in Payments Wallet Migration Post P2T / T2T Refresh (Doc ID 2407678.1)
• Update Transmission Configuration - As part of post P2T tasks, user must update payments transmission
configuration to point to bank's nonproduction server.

Related Topics
• Payments Wallet Migration Post P2T / T2T Refresh (Doc ID 2407678.1)

How You Configure Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)

Encryption and Digital Signature for Outbound and
Inbound Messages
You can secure both outbound and inbound messages using payload security. Payload security is the securing of
payment files and other files using payment file encryption and digital signature based on the open PGP standard.

You can update existing transmission configurations to use encryption and digital signature for your existing
connectivity with banks.

For outbound messages, Oracle Payments Cloud supports encryption and digital signature for:

• Payment files and positive pay files for disbursements

• Settlement batch files for funds capture

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payment System Connectivity

For inbound messages, the application supports decryption and verification of digitally signed encrypted files for:
• Funds capture acknowledgment files
• Bank statements
You can also secure payment data using secured transmission protocols, such as SFTP or HTTPS.

Note: Oracle Applications Cloud supports decryption of payment files that are encrypted using version BCPG 1.45 or
lower of the OpenPGP standard.

Configuring encryption and digital signature for outbound and inbound messages includes the following actions:
• Generating keys
• Setting up outbound transmission configuration
• Setting up inbound transmission configuration
• Uploading the bank-provided public key file
• Downloading the system-generated public key file

Generating Keys
Encryption and digital signature verification requires a public key. Conversely, decryption and signing a digital signature
requires a private key. A private key and public key pair is known as the key pair. The party who generates the key pair
retains the private key and shares the public key with the other party. You can generate or receive a public key subject to
the agreement with your bank.

The following table provides typical generation details of the public and private key pair:

Key Pair Generated Generates Outbound Messages from Generates Inbound Messages to Payments

PGP Public Encryption Key and PGP Private Bank Deploying company
Signing Key

PGP Public Signature Verification Key and PGP Deploying company Bank
Private Decryption Key

If you're generating the key pair, you can automatically generate them within Oracle Applications Cloud.

You must import the public encryption key or the public signature verification key that you receive into the Oracle
Application Cloud using UCM.

Setting Up Outbound Transmission Configuration

For outbound messages, such as payment files, positive pay files, and settlement batch files, you must:

• Encrypt your payment file using the bank-provided public encryption key.
• Optionally, sign the payment file digitally using the private signing key that you generate.

On the Create Transmission Configuration page, you can see the outbound parameters as described in the following

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payment System Connectivity

Outbound Parameters Description

PGP Public Encryption Key A key given to you by your bank that you use to encrypt your outbound payment file.

To upload the bank-provided public encryption key, use UCM by navigating to Tools > File Import and

Lastly, on the Create Transmission Configuration page for the PGP Public Encryption Key parameter,
select the public encryption key file from the Value choice list.

PGP Private Signing Key A key generated by you to digitally sign the outbound payment file.

To generate the private signing key, select Quick Create from the Value choice list for the PGP Private
Signing Key parameter. The application:

• Automatically generates the private signing key and links it to your transmission configuration.
• Generates a public encryption key file that you can download from UCM and share with your
bank. The bank uses your public encryption key file to verify the digital signature of the payment
files that you transmit to the bank.

You must provide a key password to generate a private signing key using the Quick Create feature.
This password is also used for exporting and deleting this key.

Setting Up Inbound Transmission Configuration

For inbound payment messages, such as acknowledgments and bank statements, you must:

• Verify the digital signature using the bank-provided public signature verification key.
• Decrypt the file using the private decryption key that you generate.

On the Create Transmission Configuration page, you can see the inbound parameters as described in the following

Inbound Parameters Description

PGP Public Signature Verification Key A key given to you by your bank that you use to validate the digital signature of inbound
acknowledgment files or bank statements.

To upload the bank-provided public signature verification key, use UCM by navigating to Tools > File
Import and Export.

After uploading the bank-provided public signature verification key using UCM, you can select the
key file on the Create Transmission Configuration page. Select it in the Value choice list for the PGP
Public Signature Verification Key parameter. After you select the public signature verification key file,
it's automatically imported.

PGP Private Decryption Key A key generated by you to decrypt the inbound encrypted file. To generate the private decryption key,
select Quick Create from the Value choice list for the PGP Private Decryption Key parameter. The

• Generates the private decryption key and links it to your transmission configuration.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payment System Connectivity

Inbound Parameters Description

• Generates a public signature verification key file that you can download from UCM and share with
your bank. The bank uses your public signature verification key file to encrypt acknowledgments
and bank statements.

You must provide a key password to generate a private signing key using the Quick Create feature.
This password is also used for exporting and deleting this key.

Creating Private Keys Using the Advanced Create Feature

You can also generate private keys by selecting Advanced Create from the Value choice list. Advanced Create feature
lets you configure certain properties to generate stronger keys. This enhances the security of payment files transmitted
to your bank. Here are the properties you can configure for PGP private signing keys:

Option Description

Key Type The type of private signing key generated.

• RSA: Key is generated using the RSA algorithm.

Length The number of bits in the private signing key (or key size).

• 2048: 2048-bit key

• 3072: 3072-bit key
• 4096: 4096-bit key

Expiration Date The date when this private signing key expires.

Encryption Algorithm The encryption algorithm of the private signing key.

• AES128: 128-bit cryptographic key generated using Advanced Encryption Standard.

• AES192: 192-bit cryptographic key generated using Advanced Encryption Standard.
• AES256: 256-bit cryptographic key generated using Advanced Encryption Standard.
• 3DES: Cryptographic key generated using Triple Data Encryption Standard.

Hashing Algorithm The hashing algorithm of the private signing key.

• SHA256: 256-bit hash computed using Secure Hash Algorithm.

• SHA384: 384-bit hash computed using Secure Hash Algorithm.

Compression Algorithm The compression algorithm of the private signing key.

• ZIP: Cryptographic key compression using ZIP algorithm.

• ZLIB: Cryptographic key compression using ZLIB algorithm.
• BZIP2: Cryptographic key compression using BZIP2 algorithm.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payment System Connectivity

Configuring these properties lets you meet bank-specific payment file security requirements. When you generate a
private key using the Advanced Create option, a corresponding public key is exported to UCM from where you can
download it. Similar to Quick Create, you must provide a key password when you use Advanced Create to generate a
private key.

Uploading the Bank-Provided Public Key File

To upload or import the bank-provided PGP Public Encryption Key or the PGP Public Signature Verification Key into
Oracle Applications Cloud, perform these steps:

1. Rename the bank-provided key file by including _public.key as the suffix. Ensure that the key file name doesn't
have any special characters other than the underscore.
2. Navigate to: Navigator > Tools > File Import and Export.
3. Import the bank-provided key file into account fin/payments/import.
4. Navigate to the Create Transmission Configuration page.
5. From the Value choice list for the applicable parameter, select the uploaded key file.

Tip: The key name in the choice list is the same as the one you uploaded using UCM.

6. After you select the key and save the transmission configuration, the key is automatically imported into the

Downloading the System-Generated Public Key File

To download the system-generated public key file from Payments to share with your bank, perform the follow steps:

1. On the Create Transmission Configuration page, select Quick Create for the applicable parameter.
2. Click the Save and Close button.
3. Navigate to: Navigator > Tools > File Import and Export.
4. From the Account choice list, select fin/payments/import and search for the system-generated public key file.
5. Download the system-generated public key file.

Tip: The file name is similar to the private key file that was generated and attached to the transmission

Note: SSH (Secure Socket Shell) key-generation for SFTP two-factor authentication is generated by Oracle Support
based on a service request.

Exporting and Deleting Keys

The Export and Delete option lets you securely export a selected private or public key. This lets you use the same key for
different environments. When you export a key using this feature, the key is exported to UCM from where you download
it. If the selected key is a private key, you must provide the key password that was used while generating the key. No key
password is required for exporting public keys.

You can also use this feature to delete PGP. However, you can't delete a key that's currently attached to a transmission
configuration. When you delete a system-generated private key, the corresponding public key is also deleted. Just like
how exporting works, deleting a key also requires the key password, if the selected key is a private one. No password is
required for deleting a public key.

The Export and Delete feature works not only for the application-generated keys but also for imported keys.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payment System Connectivity

How You Configure Two-Factor Authentication Using A

Security Key File
You can enable security key file-based authentication in addition to the user credential-based authentication for more
secured transmission. The key pair can be generated within Payments or can be generated externally and imported.

You can use the private key within Payments and share the public key with your bank.

Importing an Externally-Generated Security Key File

Before you import the security key file, ensure that these conditions are met:

• The Master encryption key has already been configured using the Manage System Security Options task.
• Ensure that the key file name doesn’t have any special characters other than the underscore (_).
• Ensure that the key file has the SSH extension (file name has .ssh as suffix).
• Ensure that file name length (including the extension) doesn't exceed 26 characters.

Here’s how you import externally generated private security key file:

1. Upload the file in UCM using the File Import and Export utility. Use this UCM account: fin/payments/import.
2. Create or update the SFTP transmission configuration.
3. Select the private key file that should now be available in the Client Private Key File choice list.
4. Enter the applicable password for this key file in the Client Private Key Password field and then click Save.

Generating a Key File

Perform these steps to generate a key file within the Payments application:

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Transmission Configurations task:

◦ Offering: Financials
◦ Functional Area: Payments
◦ Task: Manage Transmission Configurations
2. Select the transmission protocol for which the key pair must be generated.
3. Create a new transmission configuration or select an existing one.
4. Enter the transmission details.
5. In the Value choice list for the Client Private Key File, select Quick Create to generate a key pair.

Note: You must enter the password for private key file in the Client Key File Password field.

The application generates the key pair and populates the Client Private Key File field with the private key file name.
This file name has the SSH extension. You can download the corresponding public key file from the UCM account /fin/
payments/import. This public key has the same file name as the private key. However, it has a PUB extension (file name
has .pub as suffix). Share the public key file with the bank to deploy it on the SFTP server.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payment System Connectivity

Creating Private Keys Using the Advanced Create Feature

In addition to the Quick Create feature, you can also generate private keys by selecting Advanced Create from the Value
choice list. Advanced Create feature lets you configure certain properties to generate stronger keys. You can configure
these properties for client private keys that use SSH encryption:

Option Description

Key Type The type of SFTP key generated.

• RSA: Key is generated using the RSA algorithm.

Length The number of bits in the SFTP key (or key size).

• 2048: 2048-bit key

• 3072: 3072-bit key
• 4096: 4096-bit key

When you generate a private key using the Advanced Create option, a corresponding public key is exported to UCM
from where you can download it. Similar to Quick Create, you must provide a key password when you use Advanced
Create to generate a private key.

Exporting and Deleting Keys

The Export and Delete option lets you securely export selected private or public keys that use SSH encryption. This
lets you use the same key for different environments. When you export a key using this feature, the key is exported to
UCM from where you download it. If the selected key is a private key, you must also provide the key password. No key
password is required for exporting public keys.

You can also use this feature to delete SSH keys. However, you can’t delete a key that’s currently attached to a
transmission configuration. When you delete a system-generated private key, its corresponding public key is also
deleted. You must also provide the key password when deleting a private key. You don’t need a password to delete a
public key.

The Export and Delete feature works for both application-generated keys and imported keys.

How You Test the Transmission Configuration

The transmission configuration setup is used to transmit outbound payment files, settlement batch files, and positive
pay files to your payment system or financial institution. It's also used to pull funds capture acknowledgment files.

The setup captures various parameters, which may be different for different protocols. You can test your transmission
configuration to confirm whether your setup of outbound and inbound transmission protocols is correct.

To confirm the accuracy of the setup, click the Test button on the Create or Edit Transmission Configuration page.
The Test button is active only when the values associated with all the mandatory parameters are present. Typical
transmission configuration parameters that are available to test include:
• Destination server URL

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payment System Connectivity

• Destination server IP address

• Destination server port number
• Remote file directory
• User credentials
Testing the transmission configuration setup includes reviewing return messages.

Reviewing Return Messages

The Test button action contacts the destination server with the specified parameters, which results in a return message.
The return message is a combination of functional text and raw message text. This occurs so both functional and
technical users can benefit from the message. For example, suppose the remote file directory is invalid. The return
message is: Incorrect remote directory (IBY_Trans_Test_Remote_Dir_Fals).

The following table describes transmission configuration connection tests and test results with their associated return

Test Test Result Return Message

Whether the connection is correct. • Connection is successful. Success (raw message)

• Remote file directory is present.

Whether the remote file directory is valid. • Connection is successful. Incorrect remote directory (raw message)
• Remote file directory isn't present or

Whether user credentials are correct. • Connection is unsuccessful. Incorrect user credentials (raw message)
• Destination IP address and port is correct.
• Incorrect login credentials.

Whether IP address or port is correct. • Connection is unsuccessful. Incorrect destination server details (raw
• Incorrect IP address or port.

Whether two factor key file-based • Connection is unsuccessful. Unsuccessful authentication (raw message)
authentication is successful.
• Unsuccessful key file-based

Whether the destination server is responsive. Destination server is down. Destination server is not responding (raw

Not applicable. Any other failure. (raw message)

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payment System Connectivity

How You Set Up a Payment System

If your company wants to transmit electronic payments or funds capture transactions to a payment system or a bank,
you must set up a payment system. A payment system defines the organization that Payments uses to process your
funds capture and disbursement transactions.

Here's what can be considered as a payment system:

• The bank where your company has its bank accounts

• A third-party processor or gateway that connects your company to a financial network
Payment systems aren't required for printed disbursement payments, such as checks, but may be required for related
services, such as a positive pay report.

Set up a payment system by completing these actions:

• Selecting a gateway or processor payment system

• Considering best practices
• Defining a payment system
• Specifying payment system settings
• Understanding payment system accounts

Selecting a Gateway or Processor Payment System

Payments supports both gateway and processor payment systems. A gateway is a service provider that acts as an
intermediary between a first party payee and a payment processor. A processor is a service provider that interacts
directly with banks and card institutions to process financial transactions. Examples of payment processors include Visa,
MasterCard, and American Express.

Your choice of integrating with a gateway or a processor payment system is generally determined by your:

• Type of business
• Number of transactions per day
• Your bank

This table describes the differences between gateway and processor payment systems.

Factors Gateways Processors

Connectivity and Security Provide easy connection, often using SSL- Provide more rigorous security, connectivity,
based internet connectivity. and testing requirements.

Additional Fees Charge additional fees, including per- Not applicable.

transaction fees, beyond what processors

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payment System Connectivity

Factors Gateways Processors

Volume of Transactions Favor lower-volume merchants or merchants Often favor higher-volume merchants who
who are willing to pay a per-transaction are willing to exert more effort for processor
premium for easier setup and connectivity. connectivity.

Online or Offline Takes all transactions online. Enables authorizations in real-time and follow-
up transactions, such as settlements and credits

• Offline transactions must be batched

together and sent as a single request to
the payment system.
• All transactions other than authorizations
are, by default, performed offline.
• Offline transactions are sent when
the next settlement batch operation is

Considering Best Practices

Before you set up a payment system, use your current banking or processing relationship. Determine whether your
bank or processor can process transactions or has a partnership with a processor.

Defining a Payment System

To define a payment system, go to Financials > Payments > Manage Payment Systems page in the Setup and
Maintenance work area.

On the Manage Payment Systems page, click Create. The Create Payment System page appears.

When you set up a payment system on the Create Payment System page, specify these values:

• Types of payment instruments the payment system supports for funds capture transactions
• Data file formats and transmission protocols accepted by the payment system
• Settings required by the payment system
• Settings required by the tokenization provider if your company has enabled tokenization

Note: You can transmit a payment file offline by downloading it to your local drive and then emailing it to your
payment system or bank. However, you may still require setting a payment system. The payment system and
payment system account setup capture several attributes, which are passed in the payment file or settlement batch
message. Without these attributes, a payment file is invalid and rejected by bank.

Specifying Payment System Settings

In the Settings Required by Payment System section, specify the settings that the payment system requires from each
internal payer or payee. These settings can be used to identify the internal payer or payee as a client of the payment
system or to provide other processing information. You can specify the type of data required for each setting and decide
whether it's advisable to secure the setting's values by masking.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payment System Connectivity

Tip: The payment system generally provides the values for the payment system settings, which you enter as part of
the payment system account.

Understanding Payment System Accounts

You define your company's account with the payment system on the Edit Payment System Accounts page. The payment
system account contains a value for each of the attributes required by the payment system. For example, the payment
system may require a Submitter ID and Submitter Password to be included in any message sent to it.

You can configure a secure payment system account by entering a password. For secured settings, the values captured
in the payment system account are masked.

Tip: You can set up multiple payment system accounts in Payments for a single payment system.

Using Payment System for PayPal

You can set PayPal as a payment option for transactions in self-service applications like Oracle Public Sector Cloud.
PayPal is a globally accepted secured payment method.

Here are the details of preconfigured payment system for PayPal:

Attribute Value

Name PayPal

Code ppal

Processing Model Gateway

In the Settings Required by Payment System section of this payment system, these attributes are used:

Name Code Data Type Secured

Agency Identifier AGENCY_ID Character No

Alternate Account Identifier ALT_ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER Character No

Business Unit BU_NAME Character No

Merchant Client ID MERCHANT_CLIENT_ID Character Yes

Merchant Client Key MERCHANT_CLIENT_KEY Character Yes

Payment endpoint URL PAYMENT_ENDPOINT Character No

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payment System Connectivity

Name Code Data Type Secured

Security endpoint URL SECURITY_ENDPOINT Character No

Note: You can use these settings to create a new payment system account.

Payment System Accounts

A payment system account is an account identifier that's composed of values for parameters. The payment system
provides you with the values that it requires to identify each payment or settlement batch file.

Stored in the payment system account are values for settings and your company's identifiers. Your company can have
multiple payment system accounts with a single payment system.

Payment system accounts are associated with the following setup objects:

• Internal payees
• Funds capture process profiles
• Payment process profiles
The following table lists setup objects and the action they perform relative to the payment system.

Setup Object Setup Object Action

Payment system • Tells Payments where to send the funds capture transactions.
• Tells Payments where to send the disbursements transaction.

Payment system account Tells Payments how to identify itself to the payment system

Transmission configuration Tells Payments how to transmit the transaction to the payment system

Internal Payees
You can set up routing rules that are assigned to an internal payee. Routing rules specify which payment system
account a transaction is transmitted to, based on the values of various transaction attributes.

If you don't need granular routing rules to determine which the correct payment system account for a transaction, or if
you want a fallback value should none of the routing rules apply, you can set up one default payment system account on
each internal payee for each payment method.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payment System Connectivity

Funds Capture Process Profiles

The funds capture process profile tells Oracle Fusion Payments how to process a funds capture transaction and how
to communicate with the payment system. A funds capture process profile is specific to one payment system and its
payment system accounts.

For each payment system account that's enabled on the funds capture process profile, you can select up to three
transmission configurations, one each for authorization, settlement, and acknowledgment.

Payment Process Profiles

The payment process profile tells Payments how to process a disbursement transaction and how to communicate with
the payment system to transmit a payment file or a positive pay file. When an electronic transmission is required, a
payment process profile is specific to one payment system and its payment system accounts. For each payment system
account that's enabled on the payment process profile, you select a transmission configuration.

Related Topics
• How You Set Up a Payment System

Import a Security Credential File

To secure your electronic transmissions, you can upload, import, and assign a security credential file to transmission
configurations. A security credential file is a digital file that stores your security key.

The application uses this key to encrypt or authenticate data transmitted to remote third-party systems such as banks.
The security credential file can be used for transmission security by any future process that runs and references the
transmission configuration. The application understands which credential files are used by which protocols and displays
only the appropriate ones in the setup pages.

Payments supports a variety of security-related credential files, including wallet files, trust store files, and digital

Note: This procedure is applicable to Oracle Cloud implementations only.

Before you can import a security credential file with its key into Payments, you must first create a Payments master
encryption key.

Creating a Wallet File and a Master Encryption Key Automatically

To create a wallet file and a master encryption key automatically, complete these steps:

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to Financials > Payments > Manage System Security Options.
2. On the Manage System Security Options page, click Apply Quick Defaults.
3. Select the Automatically create wallet file and master encryption key check box.
4. Click the Save and Close.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payment System Connectivity

Uploading the Wallet Security Credential File

Before you can import the security credential file, you must first upload it to Payments.

CAUTION: Ensure that the credential file is password-protected when you create it. It must be deleted from Oracle
Fusion Applications as soon as the import process completes.

1. Go to Tools > File Import and Export.

2. Click the Upload icon to open the Upload File dialog box
3. Browse to the file you created and stored locally.
4. From the Account choice list, select fin/payments/import.
5. Click the Save and Close button.

Importing the Wallet Security Credential File

To import security-related credential files, use the Import Security Credential Job process. These files include wallets
and private keys used in advanced security features.

1. Go to Tools > Scheduled Processes to open the Scheduled Processes page.

2. Click the Schedule New Process button to open the Schedule New Process dialog box.
3. Search and select the case-sensitive Import Security Credential Job to open the Process Details dialog box.
4. From the Credential File Type choice list, select the appropriate file type for your credential.
5. In the Security Credential Name field, enter a name for the credential file.
6. From the UCM (Universal Content Management) File Name choice list, select the file you previously uploaded.
7. Click the Submit button.

A confirmation message indicates the process ran successfully.

8. Click the Close button.
9. Click the Refresh icon. The Import Security Credential Job appears in the Search Results section with a status
of Succeeded.

Assigning the Wallet File to a Transmission Configuration

To assign the credential file to a transmission configuration, complete these steps:

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to Financials > Payments > Manage Transmission
2. On the Manage Transmission Configurations page in the Search section, select your protocol from the Protocol
choice list and click Search.
3. In the Search Results section, click the applicable configuration link to open the Edit Transmission Configuration
4. In the Value field for your protocol's applicable parameter, select the file you created, uploaded, and imported.

The name of the specific parameter used to import a security credential file depends upon the protocol.
You can now securely transmit electronic files using this transmission configuration.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payment System Connectivity

FAQs for Payment System Connectivity

What's a format type?
A type or categorization that indicates what a format is used for. Examples of format types include payment file,
remittance advice, and bank statement.

Each format that you create in Oracle Fusion Payments is associated with a format type so the application knows how
the format is used. Format types are either disbursement formats that relate to payment files or funds capture formats
that relate to settlements or reports.

The following table lists several examples of format types.

Disbursement Format Types Funds Capture Format Types

Disbursement separate remittance advice Funds capture authorization and settlement

Disbursement positive pay file Funds capture accompanying letter

Disbursement payment process request Funds capture payer notification

status report

The format type you associate with a format specifies the following:

• Type of message that is created

• Data extract that is used by the template to format the transaction data

Related Topics
• How You Set Up Formats
• How You Use Oracle Analytics Publisher to Modify Templates for Use with Formats

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payments Security

9 Payments Security
Options for System Security
Implement application security options on the Manage System Security Options page. You can set the application
security to align with your company's security policy.

You can set security options for encryption and tokenization of credit cards and bank accounts, as well as for masking
the payment instrument. Both funds capture and disbursement processes use security options.

Note: You must enable encryption or tokenization of credit cards in Payments before you can import credit cards into

Ask yourself these security questions to improve the security of your sensitive data:
• Which security practices do I want to employ?
• Do I want to tokenize my credit card data?
• Do I want to encrypt my bank account data?
• Do I want to encrypt my credit card data?
• How frequently do I want to rotate the master encryption key and the subkeys?
• Do I want to mask credit card and bank account numbers? How do I accomplish that?
To set up application security options, go to Financials > Payments > Manage System Security Options in the Setup
and Maintenance work area.

Best Security Practices

These actions are considered best security practices for payment processing:

• Comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). PCI DSS is the security standard
required for processing most types of credit cards.
◦ Comply with all requirements for accepting credit card payments.
◦ Minimize the risk of exposing sensitive customer data.
• Create the master encryption key.
◦ Rotate the master encryption key periodically.

Implementation Process of Master Encryption Key and Encryption

Before you can enable encryption for credit card or bank account data, you must automatically create a master
encryption key. Oracle Platform Security Services stores your master encryption key. The application uses your master
encryption key to encrypt your sensitive data.

Automatic creation of the master encryption key ensures that it's created and stored in the proper location and with all
necessary permissions.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payments Security

Credit Card Tokenization

If you tokenize your credit card data, you're complying with PCI DSS requirements. PCI DSS requires companies to use
payment applications that are PCI DSS compliant.

Tokenization is the process of replacing sensitive data, such as credit card data, with a unique number, or token, that
isn't considered sensitive. The process uses a third-party payment system that stores the sensitive information and
generates tokens to replace sensitive data in the applications and database fields. Unlike encryption, tokens can't be
mathematically reversed to derive the actual credit card number.

Click Edit Tokenization Payment System on the Manage System Security Options page to set up your tokenization
payment system. Then, click Tokenize in the Credit Card Data section to activate tokenization for credit card data.

Credit Card Data Encryption

You can encrypt your credit card data to assist with your compliance of cardholder data protection requirements with
these initiatives:

• Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard

• Visa's Cardholder Information Security Program

Credit card numbers entered in Oracle Receivables and Oracle Collections are automatically encrypted. Encryption is
based on the credit card encryption setting you specify on the Manage System Security Options page.

Note: If you import card numbers into Payments, you should run the Encrypt Credit Card Data program immediately

Bank Account Data Encryption

You can encrypt your supplier and customer bank account numbers.

Bank account encryption doesn't affect internal bank account numbers. Internal bank accounts are set up in Cash
Management. They are used as disbursement bank accounts in Payables and as remit-to bank accounts in Receivables.

Supplier, customer, and employee bank account numbers entered in Oracle applications are automatically encrypted.
Encryption is based on the bank account encryption setting you specify on the Manage System Security Options page.

Note: If you import bank account numbers into Payments, you should run the Encrypt Bank Account Data program
immediately afterward.

Master Encryption Key and Subkey Rotation

For payment instrument encryption, Payments uses a chain key approach. The chain key approach is used for data
security where A encrypts B and B encrypts C. In Payments, the master encryption key encrypts the subkeys and the
subkeys encrypt the payment instrument data. This approach enables easier rotation of the master encryption key.

The master encryption key is stored on Oracle Platform Security Services. Oracle Platform Security Services stores
data in an encrypted format. The master encryption key can be rotated, or generated, which also encrypts subkeys, but
doesn't result in encrypting the bank account numbers again.

If your installation has an existing master encryption key, click Rotate to automatically generate a new one.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payments Security

Note: To secure your payment instrument data, you should rotate the master encryption key annually or according to
your company's security policy.

You can also select the frequency with which new subkeys are automatically generated, based on usage or on the
maximum number of days. To specify a subkey rotation policy, click Edit Subkey Rotation Policy.

Note: To secure your payment instrument data, you're advised to schedule regular rotation of the subkeys.

The security architecture for credit card data and bank account data encryption is composed of these components:

• Oracle Platform Security Services

• Payments master encryption key
• Payments subkeys
• Sensitive data encryption and storage

This figure illustrates the security architecture of the Oracle Platform Security Services repository, the master encryption
key, and the subkeys.

Credit Card and Bank Account Number Masking

Payments serves as a payment data repository for customer and supplier information. It stores all of the customer and
supplier payment information and their payment instruments, such as credit cards and bank accounts. It provides data
security by letting you mask bank account numbers.

On the Manage System Security Options page, you can mask credit card numbers and external bank account numbers.
You just have to select the number of digits to mask and display. For example, a bank account number of XX558012
displays the last six digits and masks all the rest. These settings specify masking for payment instrument numbers in
the user interfaces of multiple applications.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payments Security

Note: For credit cards, you can unmask only up to the first or last four digits of the credit card number. On the other
hand, you can unmask up to the first or last six digits of a bank account number.

Related Topics
• Enable Encryption of Sensitive Payment Information
• PCI DSS Credit Card Processing Requirements

Enable Encryption of Sensitive Payment Information

Financial transactions contain sensitive information, which must be protected by a secure, encrypted mode. To protect
your credit card and external bank account information, you can enable encryption.

Encryption encodes sensitive data, so it can't be read or copied. To enable encryption, you must create a master
encryption key. Oracle Platform Security Services is a repository that stores your master encryption key. The application
uses your master encryption key to encrypt your sensitive data.

Note: Before you can import credit cards into Expenses, you must enable encryption or tokenization of credit cards in
Payments. If you're using credit card data anywhere other than Expenses, you must enable tokenization in Payments.

To secure your credit card or bank account data, complete these steps:
1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to Financials > Payments > Manage System Security Options.
2. On the Manage System Security Options page, click Apply Quick Defaults.
3. Select all the check boxes:

◦ Automatically create wallet file and master encryption key

◦ Encrypt credit card data
◦ Encrypt bank account data
4. Click Save and Close.

Set Up a Supplier's Bank Account

If any of your suppliers want to receive payments by EFT to their bank accounts, you can set up a supplier bank account.
A supplier bank account can be created at the following levels:

• Supplier level
• Supplier address level
• Supplier site level
Each bank account assignment is comprised of the following entities:
• Supplier
• Bank account

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payments Security

• Bank account assignment

You can set up a bank account by doing the following:
• Find your existing supplier.
• Set up a bank account at the supplier, supplier address, or supplier site level.
• Provide additional information that's relevant to the bank account.
• Optionally, add joint bank account owners.
• Optionally, specify intermediary accounts.
• Optionally, assign a joint bank account to a supplier.

Find Your Existing Supplier

On the Manage Suppliers page, you can search for an existing supplier.

1. On the Manage Suppliers page, in the Search region, enter your supplier name or supplier number in the
Supplier or Supplier Number field and click the Search button. Supplier details appear in the Search Results
2. In the Search Results region, select the supplier name and click the Edit icon. The Edit Supplier: <Supplier
Name> page appears.

Set Up a Bank Account at the Supplier, Supplier Address, or Supplier Site

You can set up a supplier's bank account at the supplier, supplier address, or supplier site level.

1. To set up a bank account at the supplier level, on the Edit Supplier: <Supplier Name> page, select the Profile
tab. Select the Payments tab. Select the Bank Accounts subtab. Go to step 8 and continue.
2. To set up a bank account at the supplier address level, on the Edit Supplier: <Supplier Name> page, select the
Addresses tab. Click a specific address name link. On the Edit Address: <Location> page, select the Payments
tab. Select the Bank Accounts subtab. Go to step 8 and continue.
3. To set up a bank account at the supplier site level, on the Edit Supplier: <Supplier Name> page, go to step 4 and
4. Select the Sites tab. The supplier's various sites display.
5. Click a specific site link. The Edit Site: <Supplier Site Name> page appears.
6. Select the Payments tab.
7. Select the Bank Accounts subtab.
8. On the Bank Accounts subtab, click the Create icon. The Create Bank Account page appears. On the Create
Bank Account page in the Bank Account region, you set up basic information about the bank account.
Quickly search for bank and branch when adding bank accounts. You can also search and select the branch first
which will automatically populate the bank information.
9. In the Account Number field, enter the bank account number.
10. From the bank account, search and select a bank.
Note: If the country of the supplier's bank account and the country of the bank account's branch through
which the payment is made is the same, then the payment is considered a domestic payment.

11. From the Branch lookup, select the branch where the bank account will reside. You can also search and select
the branch before selecting the bank.
The bank to which the selected branch belongs is automatically populated.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payments Security

Note: You can set up a supplier's bank account for making domestic payments by check without specifying
a bank or branch. To make electronic international payments, however, you must specify both a bank and a

Note: If the country of the supplier's bank account and the country of the bank account's branch through
which the payment is made isn't the same, then the payment is considered an international payment.

12. To make international payments to a supplier's bank account, select the Allow international payments check

Note: The Allow international payments check box can be selected only when you provide bank and
branch details. If you don't select the Allow international payments check box, international payments
aren't created.

13. If you're setting up a supplier's bank account in a European country, enter the International Bank Account
Number (IBAN) in the IBAN field.

Note: Validation of the IBAN is based on the country for which the bank account is set up.

14. From the Currency choice list, select the currency in which payments are made.

Note: If you select a currency, then the supplier's bank account is used to pay invoices in that currency only. If
you don't select a currency, then the supplier's bank account is considered multicurrency and can be used to
pay invoices in any currency.

Provide Additional Information That's Relevant to the Bank Account

On the Create Bank Account page, in the Additional Information region, you can enter additional information that's
relevant to the bank account you're setting up.

1. In the Account Suffix field, enter the value that appears at the end of the bank account number, if applicable.

Note: An account suffix is required in some countries.

2. From the Conversion Rate Agreement Type choice list, select the type of conversion rate agreement you have
with the supplier.
3. In the Conversion Rate field, enter the conversion rate for which one currency can be exchanged for another at
a specific point in time.
4. In the Conversion Rate Agreement Number field, enter the number of the conversion rate agreement with the
supplier that specifies the currency in which payments are made.
5. In the Check Digits field, enter one or multiple digits used to validate a bank account number.
6. In the Secondary Account Reference field, you can optionally enter additional account information.
7. In the Agency Location Code field, enter the eight-digit value that identifies a Federal agency as the supplier.
8. Select the Factor account check box if the purpose of the bank account is to receive funds that are owed to
the supplier, but are being collected on behalf of the supplier by the bank or a third party. The supplier receives
payments from the funds collected, minus a commission.

Note: If you select the Factor account check box, then you must select the account owner that provides the
factoring services. A factor bank account can be assigned to any supplier without first adding that supplier as
a joint owner.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payments Security

Optionally, Add Joint Bank Account Owners

On the Create Bank Account page, in the Account Owners region, you can optionally add other suppliers to the
supplier's bank account as joint bank account owners.

1. In the Account Owner field, select a joint bank account owner from the list.
2. In the From Date field, select a starting date for the joint bank account owner.
Note: Every supplier's bank account has one or more owners. If the supplier wants to share the bank account
with another supplier, then there will be multiple owners of the bank account. For multiple bank account
ownership, you must specify one owner as the primary owner. The primary owner is the supplier for whom
you set up the bank account.

3. To specify the primary bank account owner among multiple owners, click the check mark icon and then click
the Primary field in the applicable bank account row. The check mark icon appears in the row you selected.
4. To add a row from which to select another joint bank account owner, click the Create icon.

Optionally, Specify Intermediary Accounts

On the Create Bank Account page in the Intermediary Accounts region, you specify intermediary bank accounts for this
supplier. If there are restrictions on the transfer of funds between two countries, you can specify an intermediary bank
account. An intermediary account is used to transfer funds between the originator's bank and the beneficiary's bank.

Optionally, Assign a Joint Bank Account to a Supplier

From the Bank Accounts subtab at the supplier, supplier address, or supplier site level, you can optionally assign a joint
bank account to a supplier.

1. On the Bank Accounts subtab, select the Create icon. The Search and Select: Bank Account dialog box
2. In the Search and Select: Bank Account dialog box, select the applicable joint bank account you want to assign
to your supplier and click the OK button. The bank account you selected now appears in the Bank Accounts

How You Update Bank, Branch, and Bank Account

Numbers on External Bank Accounts
You can now edit the bank account number of external bank accounts in these modules:

• Suppliers
• Customers
• Expenses
• Payroll
• Bill Management
• Higher Education
• Human Capital Management

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payments Security

On the simplified bank account page, you can also update the bank and branch if you created the bank account with the
Oracle Cash Management profile option named Use Existing Banks and Branches set to Yes. When you update the bank
and branch, you must select the same profile option.

How Supplier Bank Account Import Data is Processed

Use the Import Supplier Bank Accounts process to import supplier bank accounts and associated data into Oracle

You can download a spreadsheet template to enter your supplier bank account data. The template contains an
instruction sheet to guide you through the process of entering your data. The template also provides field-level bubble

Tip: Service administrators, on-premise administrators, and on-premise users can run the Import Supplier Bank
Accounts process in the Scheduled Processes area.

Before you can import supplier bank accounts and associated data, you must create suppliers.

If the suppliers bank account is used for international payments, you must also create the following entities:

• Banks
• Bank Branches
This figure illustrates the flow of importing supplier bank accounts into the application, as well as correcting errors.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payments Security

To access the SupplierBankAccountImportTemplate.xlsm spreadsheet template, complete these steps:

1. Navigate to the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Financials Cloud guide.
2. In the Table of Contents, click the File-Based Data Imports link.
3. Click the Supplier Bank Account Import link.
4. In the File Links section, click the link to the Excel template.
Follow these guidelines when preparing your data in the worksheet:

1. Enter the required information for each column. Refer to the tool tips on each column header for detailed
2. Don't change the order of the columns in the template.
3. You can hide or skip the columns you don't use, but don't delete them.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payments Security

Tabs That Affect the Import Supplier Bank Accounts Process

The Supplier Bank Account Import spreadsheet template contains an Instruction tab, plus additional tabs that represent
the interface tables where the data is loaded.

The following table contains the names of the tabs in the Supplier Bank Account Import spreadsheet template and a
description of their contents.

Spreadsheet Tab Description

Instructions and CSV Generation Contains instructions and information about:

• The format of the template

• The button that you click to generate the CSV file
Additional information includes the following:

• Preparing and loading data

• Submitting the Import Supplier Bank Accounts process
• Correcting import errors

IBY_TEMP_EXT_PAYEES Enter information about the supplier payees.

IBY_TEMP_EXT_BANK_ACCTS Enter information about the supplier bank accounts.

IBY_TEMP_PMT_INSTR_USES Enter information about the supplier bank account assignments.

How Import Supplier Bank Accounts Data Is Processed

This table describes the flow of data when you import supplier bank accounts into Payments:

Sequence Action Result

1. From the guide titled File-Based Data The File-Based Data Import spreadsheet is
Import for Oracle Financials Cloud, downloaded.
download the spreadsheet template named
It is located in the File-Based Data Imports
chapter, Supplier Bank Account Import section.

2. Enter data in the spreadsheet template. Follow the instructions on the Instructions and
CSV Generation tab under the section titled
Follow the instructions on the Instructions and Preparing the Table Data.
CSV Generation tab under the section titled
Preparing the Table Data.

3. Click Generate CSV File. A CSV file is generated that's compressed into a
ZIP file.
Follow the instructions on the Instructions and
CSV Generation tab under the section titled

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payments Security

Sequence Action Result

Loading the Data in the Instructions and CSV

Generation tab.

4. To upload the ZIP file: The ZIP file is uploaded. Data is loaded into
Payments interface tables successfully or with
1. Navigate: Tools > File Import and Export. errors.
2. In the File Import and Export page, click
the "+" (Upload) icon. The Upload File
dialog box appears.
3. In the File field, browse for and select your
ZIP file.
4. From the Account choice list, select fin/
5. Click Save and Close.

5. To submit the Load Interface File for Import Data is loaded into Payments interface tables.

1. Navigate: Tools > Scheduled Processes.

2. Click Schedule New Process.

The Schedule New Process dialog box

3. From the Name choice list, select Load
Interface File for Import.
4. Click OK. The Process Details dialog box
5. From the Import Process choice list, select
Import Supplier Bank Accounts.
6. From the Data File choice list, select your
ZIP file.
7. Click Submit.

6. Follow the instructions on the Instructions and Load process purges Payments interface tables.
CSV Generation tab under the section titled
Importing the Loaded Data

7. To submit the Import Supplier Bank Accounts The Import Supplier Bank Accounts process
Process: first validates the supplier bank accounts and
associated data and then imports the data from
1. Navigate: Tools > Scheduled Processes. the Payments interface tables into the following
Payments tables:
The Scheduled Processes page appears.
2. Click Schedule New Process. • IBY_EXT_BANK_ACCOUNTS
The Schedule New Process dialog box
3. From the Name choice list, select Import After you submit the Import Supplier Bank
Supplier Bank Accounts. Accounts process, the following data appears in
4. Click OK. Payments:

The Process Details dialog box appears. • Supplier bank accounts

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payments Security

Sequence Action Result

5. From the Feeder Batch Identifier choice • Payment preferences:

list, select the batch identifier that you
indicated in the File-Based Data Import
◦ payment delivery

6. Click Submit. ◦ payment specifications

◦ separate remittance advice delivery

• Relationship of supplier with supplier bank
The log output of the Import Supplier Bank
Accounts process reports the number of
successful and rejected records.

8. To correct import errors: Failed records remain in the Payments interface

table and aren't purged automatically.
1. Identify the rejected records based on
details provided in the log file.
2. Create a new spreadsheet that contains
only rejected records that are copied from
the old spreadsheet.
3. For the Import Batch Identifier column,
enter a different Feeder Batch ID.
4. Make necessary corrections to the data.
5. Load the data using a new spreadsheet.
6. Generate the CSV File, upload the ZIP file,
and continue.
7. Failed records remain in the Payments
interface table and aren't purged

9. Import supplier bank account data at one of If only the Supplier Number is provided, the
the following levels if you have their associated supplier bank account is created at the supplier
identifiers: level.

• Supplier level requires the Supplier If the Supplier Number and the Supplier Site
Number. Code are provided, the supplier bank account is
created at the supplier site level.
• Supplier site level requires the Supplier
Site Code.

10. Set the Primary indicator in the SQL loader file If the Primary indicator is set for multiple bank
for only one bank account per supplier per level. accounts, then Payments accepts only the first
bank account with the indicator set to be the
primary account at that level.

If the Primary indicator isn't set for any bank

account, Payments accepts the first bank
account as the primary.

11. Manage intermediary account details and The Import Supplier Bank Accounts process
create factor accounts manually using the doesn't allow you to import the following data:
Manage Suppliers page.
1. Intermediary accounts
2. Factor accounts

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payments Security

Related Topics
• Overview of External Data Integration Services for Importing Data

Removal of Personally Identifiable Information

The General Data Protection Regulation is a regulation in European Union (EU) law. It protects the data and privacy of all
individuals within the EU and the European Economic Area.

Your organization can comply with the GDPR regarding the collection and use of personal data of EU residents.

You can remove an individual's personal data:

• If requested by an individual
• If the individual is no longer employed with your organization

CAUTION: If you remove personally identifiable information, it can't be retrieved.

To run the removal process, you must have the duty role of Financial Application Administrator.

To remove an individual's personally identifiable information for any product in Oracle Financials applications, you
submit the Remove Personally Identifiable Information in Financials process.
1. Navigate: Navigator > Tools > Scheduled Processes.
2. On the Scheduled Processes page, click Schedule New Process.
3. Search and select Remove Personally Identifiable Information in Financials.
4. From the Party choice list, select the person's name for whom you want to remove personally identifiable
5. Click Submit.

Table and Column Details for Potential Removal of Personally Identifiable

Here's a table that lists applications and their corresponding tables and columns that store sensitive data. It also lists the
data type stored in each column, whether you can redact the data from the column, and the reason for redaction.

Sequence Number Table Column Data Type Redact? Reason for Redaction
and Product


Oracle Payments


Oracle Payments


encrypted data.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payments Security

Sequence Number Table Column Data Type Redact? Reason for Redaction
and Product

Oracle Payments


card is secured.
Oracle Payments


card is secured.
Oracle Payments


NUMBER card is secured.
Oracle Payments


Oracle Payments

8 IBY_EXT_BANK_ BANK_ACCOUNT_ VARCHAR2(320 CHAR) Yes Sensitive data.

Oracle Payments


ACCOUNTS NUM bank account isn't
Oracle Payments encrypted or masked.

10 IBY_EXT_BANK_ BANK_ACCOUNT_ VARCHAR2(100 CHAR) Yes Sensitive when

ACCOUNTS NUM_ELECTRONIC bank account isn't
Oracle Payments encrypted or masked.

11 IBY_EXT_BANK_ BANK_ACCOUNT_ VARCHAR2(64 CHAR) No Unreadable data.

Oracle Payments

12 IBY_EXT_BANK_ BANK_ACCOUNT_ VARCHAR2(64 CHAR) No Unreadable data.

Oracle Payments

13 IBY_EXT_BANK_ IBAN VARCHAR2(50 CHAR) Yes Sensitive when

ACCOUNTS bank account isn't
Oracle Payments encrypted or masked.

14 IBY_EXT_BANK_ IBAN_HASH1 VARCHAR2(64 CHAR) No Unreadable data.

Oracle Payments

15 IBY_EXT_BANK_ IBAN_HASH2 VARCHAR2(64 CHAR) No Unreadable data.

Oracle Payments

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payments Security

Sequence Number Table Column Data Type Redact? Reason for Redaction
and Product

16 IBY_EXT_BANK_ MASKED_BANK_ VARCHAR2(100 CHAR) Yes Denormalized value.

Oracle Payments bank account isn't
encrypted or masked.

17 IBY_EXT_BANK_ MASKED_IBAN VARCHAR2(50 CHAR) Yes Denormalized value.

ACCOUNTS Sensitive when
Oracle Payments bank account isn't
encrypted or masked.

18 IBY_FNDCPT_TX_ INSTRUMENT_ VARCHAR2(10 CHAR) No No longer store card

EXTENSIONS SECURITY_CODE verification value.
Oracle Payments

19 IBY_TRXN_ DEBIT_ADVICE_EMAIL VARCHAR2(255 CHAR) Yes Denormalized value.

SUMMARIES_ALL Sensitive data.
Oracle Payments

20 IBY_PAYMENTS_ALL EXT_BANK_ VARCHAR2(360 CHAR) Yes Nonsensitive when

ACCOUNT_NAME person data is
Oracle Payments redacted.

21 IBY_PAYMENTS_ALL EXT_BANK_ VARCHAR2(100 CHAR) Yes Denormalized value.

ACCOUNT_NUMBER Sensitive when
Oracle Payments bank account isn't
encrypted or masked.

22 IBY_PAYMENTS_ALL EXT_BANK_ VARCHAR2(50 CHAR) Yes Denormalized value.

ACCOUNT_IBAN_ Sensitive when
Oracle Payments NUMBER bank account isn't
encrypted or masked.


sensitive data.
Oracle Payments


Oracle Payments


Oracle Payments


Oracle Payments


Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payments Security

Sequence Number Table Column Data Type Redact? Reason for Redaction
and Product

Oracle Payments


Oracle Payments


Oracle Payments


Oracle Payments


Oracle Payments


Oracle Payments


Oracle Payments


Oracle Payments

35 IBY_PAYMENTS_ALL PAYEE_PARTY_NAME VARCHAR2(360 CHAR) Yes Party name is sensitive

Oracle Payments

36 IBY_PAYMENTS_ALL PAYEE_LE_ VARCHAR2 (50 CHAR) Yes Denormalized value.

REGISTRATION_NUM Sensitive data.
Oracle Payments

37 IBY_PAYMENTS_ALL PAYEE_TAX_ VARCHAR2 (50 CHAR) Yes Denormalized value.

REGISTRATION_NUM Sensitive data.
Oracle Payments


Oracle Payments


CHAR) sensitive data.
Oracle Payments

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payments Security

Sequence Number Table Column Data Type Redact? Reason for Redaction
and Product

40 IBY_PAYMENTS_ALL PAYEE_ALTERNATE_ VARCHAR2 (360 Yes Payee alternate name

NAME CHAR) is sensitive data.
Oracle Payments

41 IBY_PAYMENTS_ALL EXT_BANK_ VARCHAR2 (320 Yes Bank account alternate

ACCOUNT_ALT_NAME CHAR) name is sensitive data.
Oracle Payments

42 IBY_PAYMENTS_ALL EXT_BANK_ VARCHAR2 (100 Yes Denormalized value.

ACCOUNT_NUM_ CHAR) Sensitive when
Oracle Payments ELEC bank account isn't
encrypted or masked.

43 IBY_PAYMENTS_ALL EXT_BANK_ACCT_ VARCHAR2 (360 Yes Owner party name is

OWNER_PARTY_ CHAR) sensitive data.
Oracle Payments NAME


Oracle Payments


Oracle Payments


Oracle Payables


Oracle Payables


Oracle Payables

49 AP_CHECKS_ALL CITY VARCHAR2(60 CHAR) Yes Address data.

Oracle Payables


Oracle Payables

51 AP_CHECKS_ALL ZIP VARCHAR2(60 CHAR) Yes Address data.

Oracle Payables

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payments Security

Sequence Number Table Column Data Type Redact? Reason for Redaction
and Product

52 AP_CHECKS_ALL VENDOR_NAME VARCHAR2(240 CHAR) Yes Supplier name is

sensitive data.
Oracle Payables

53 AP_CHECKS_ALL BANK_ACCOUNT_ VARCHAR2(30 CHAR) Yes Denormalized value.

Oracle Payables


Oracle Payables

55 AP_CHECKS_ALL COUNTY VARCHAR2(150 CHAR) Yes Address data.

Oracle Payables

56 AP_CHECKS_ALL IBAN_NUMBER VARCHAR2(40 CHAR) Yes Denormalized value.

Oracle Payables


Oracle Cash

58 AR_CUSTOMER_ALT_ ALT_NAME VARCHAR2(320 CHAR) Yes Alternate customer

NAMES name using Zengin
Oracle Receivables characters.

59 AR_PAYMENT_ DEL_CONTACT_ VARCHAR2(1000 Yes Email of the customer

Oracle Receivables receives printed

60 RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ DEL_CONTACT_ VARCHAR2(1000 Yes Email of the customer

ALL EMAIL_ADDRESS CHAR) bill-to contact who
Oracle Receivables receives printed

61 IEX_DUNNINGS CONTACT_ VARCHAR2(240 CHAR) Yes Contact who receives

DESTINATION the dunning.
Oracle Advanced

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payments Security

FAQs for Payment Security

What happens if I create a corporate card and didn't enable
If you created corporate cards in Oracle Expenses without first enabling encryption in Oracle Payments, encryption
of your credit card numbers is automatically enabled. Payments doesn't allow credit card creation without enabling
security. You can secure your credit cards with encryption or tokenization.

Related Topics
• Options for System Security
• Enable Encryption of Sensitive Payment Information

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Payments Security

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

10 Bank Account User Rules by Country

Employee Bank Account Rules by Country: Argentina to
This topic outlines the employee and the Cash Management ad hoc payment bank account UI rules for each country.
The fields displayed on the user interface are governed by the rules defined in the table CE_CTRY_SPECIFIC_UI_RULES.

We have a REST service to update these rules.

These countries have specific rules:

• Argentina
• Australia
• Austria
• Bahrain
• Belgium
• Brazil
• Canada
• Chile
• China
• Colombia
• Cyprus
• Czech Republic
• Denmark
• Egypt
• Estonia
• Finland
• France
• Germany
• Greece
• Guernsey
Different countries can have certain rules governing the content and required attributes. These rules govern the fields
on the employee and cash management ad hoc payments. Here’s is a list of delivered attributes that may or may not be
required depending on the country when setting up these accounts:

Standard UI Name Attribute Name (Table Name)


Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Standard UI Name Attribute Name (Table Name)




Account Holder ACCOUNT_NAME

Alternate Account Holder ACCOUNT_NAME_ALT

Secondary Account Reference SEC_ACCT_REF






The following tables list the country specific UI rules that had been predefined for employee bank account common
component. For seeded records, the seeded indicator will be Y and the page name will be ORA.

Any country or attribute, except the ACCOUNT_NUMBER and the ACCOUNT_SUFFIX attribute not listed has the
following default setting:

• Display Indicator = Y
• Required Indicator = N
The ACCOUNT_NUMBER default has the following setting:

• Display Indicator = Y
• Required Indicator = Y
The ACCOUNT_SUFFIX default has the following setting:

• Display Indicator = N
• Required Indicator = N

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Note: The LABEL_CODE is derived from the lookup_type CE_ACCOUNT_FIELDS, for countries that are prompted for
that information. Any field (other than account number and account suffix) that doesn’t have any predefined rules will
have the default behavior of Display Indicator as Y and Required option as N. Bank account field values are validated
as per the Cash Management application. If you don’t want to validate the data, you must select the profile option
CE_DISABLE_BANK_VAL as Yes. While creating a bank account, you can select the bank and branch from a predefined
set of values or you can create them at runtime. If you want to select the bank and branch from the predefined values,
you must select the profile option CE_USE_EXISTING_BANK_BRANCH as Yes.

Note: If you're setting the CE_USE_EXISTING_BANK_BRANCH profile option as Yes, the bank and branch become
mandatory field. This is irrespective of country UI rules.


Country Code: AR

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N














Country Code: AU

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N













Country Code: AT

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N








Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N







Country Code: BH

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No














Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Country Code: BE

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No














Country Code: BR

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No






Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No









Country Code: CA

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No








Country Code: CL

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No



Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No












Country Code: CN

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No









Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No






Country Code: CO

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No














Country Code: CY

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No













Czech Republic

Country Code: CZ

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No







Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No








Country Code: DK

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No













Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country


Country Code: EG

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No














Country Code: EE

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No





Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No










Country Code: FI

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No











Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No




Country Code: FR

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No














Country Code: DE

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No


Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No













Country Code: GR

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No








Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No







Country Code: GG

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Yes or No













Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Employee Bank Account Rules by Country: Hong Kong to

This topic outlines the employee and the Cash Management ad hoc payment bank account UI rules for each country.
The fields displayed on the user interface are governed by the rules defined in the table CE_CTRY_SPECIFIC_UI_RULES.

We have a REST service to update these rules.

These countries have specific rules:

• Hong Kong
• Hungary
• India
• Iraq
• Ireland
• Isle of Man
• Israel
• Italy
• Japan
• Jersey
• Jordan
• Kazakhstan
• Republic of Korea
• Kuwait
• Latvia
• Lebanon
• Liechtenstein
• Lithuania
• Luxembourg
• Malaysia
• Mexico
• Morocco
• Netherlands
• New Zealand
• Norway
Different countries can have certain rules governing the content and required attributes. These rules govern the fields
on the employee and cash management ad hoc payments. Here's is a list of delivered attributes that may or may not be
required depending on the country when setting up these accounts:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Standard UI Name Attribute Name (Table Name)





Account Holder ACCOUNT_NAME

Alternate Account Holder ACCOUNT_NAME_ALT

Secondary Account Reference SEC_ACCT_REF






The following tables list the country specific UI rules that had been predefined for employee bank account common
component. For seeded records, the seeded indicator will be Y and the page name will be ORA.

Any country or attribute, except the ACCOUNT_NUMBER and the ACCOUNT_SUFFIX attribute not listed has the
following default setting:

• Display Indicator = Y
• Required Indicator = N
The ACCOUNT_NUMBER default has the following setting:

• Display Indicator = Y
• Required Indicator = Y
The ACCOUNT_SUFFIX default has the following setting:

• Display Indicator = N
• Required Indicator = N

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Note: The LABEL_CODE is derived from the lookup_type CE_ACCOUNT_FIELDS, for countries that are prompted for
that information. Any field (other than account number and account suffix) that doesn't have any predefined rules will
have the default behavior of Display Indicator as Y and Required option as N. Bank account field values are validated
as per the Cash Management application. If you don't want to validate the data, you must select the profile option
CE_DISABLE_BANK_VAL as Yes. While creating a bank account, you can select the bank and branch from a predefined
set of values or you can create them at runtime. If you want to select the bank and branch from the predefined values,
you must select the profile option CE_USE_EXISTING_BANK_BRANCH as Yes.

Note: If you're setting the CE_USE_EXISTING_BANK_BRANCH profile option as Yes, the bank and branch become
mandatory field. This is irrespective of country UI rules.

Hong Kong.

Country Code: HK

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N














Country Code: HU

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N














Country Code: IN

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N







Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N








Country Code: IQ

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N













Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country


Country Code: IE

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N













Isle of Man

Country Code: IM

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N





Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N










Country Code: IL

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N











Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N




Country Code: IT

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N














Country Code: JP

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N


Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N













Country Code: JE

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N








Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N







Country Code: JO

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N














Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Country Code: KZ

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N













Republic of Korea

Country Code: KR

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N






Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N









Country Code: KW

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N












Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N



Country Code: LV

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N














Country Code: LB

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N



Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N












Country Code: LI

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N









Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N






Country Code: LT

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N














Country Code: LU

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N














Country Code: MY

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N







Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N








Country Code: MX

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N













Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country


Country Code: MA

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N














Country Code: NL

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N





Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N









New Zealand

Country Code: NZ

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N











Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N




Country Code: NO

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N













Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Employee Bank Account Rules by Country: Oman to

This topic outlines the employee and the Cash Management ad hoc payment bank account UI rules for each country.
The fields displayed on the user interface are governed by the rules defined in the table CE_CTRY_SPECIFIC_UI_RULES.

We have a REST service to update these rules.

These countries have specific rules:

• Oman
• Pakistan
• Philippines
• Poland
• Qatar
• Romania
• Russian Federation
• Saudi Arabia
• Singapore
• Slovakia
• South Africa
• Spain
• Sudan
• Sweden
• Switzerland
• Syrian Arab Republic
• Turkey
• Ukraine
• United Arab Emirates
• United Kingdom
• United States
• Vietnam
Different countries can have certain rules governing the content and required attributes. These rules govern the fields
on the employee and cash management ad hoc payments. Here's is a list of delivered attributes that may or may not be
required depending on the country when setting up these accounts:

Standard UI Name Attribute Name (Table Name)


Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Standard UI Name Attribute Name (Table Name)




Account Holder ACCOUNT_NAME

Alternate Account Holder ACCOUNT_NAME_ALT

Secondary Account Reference SEC_ACCT_REF






The following tables list the country specific UI rules that had been predefined for employee bank account common
component. For seeded records, the seeded indicator will be Y and the page name will be ORA.

Any country or attribute, except the ACCOUNT_NUMBER and the ACCOUNT_SUFFIX attribute not listed has the
following default setting:

• Display Indicator = Y
• Required Indicator = N
The ACCOUNT_NUMBER default has the following setting:

• Display Indicator = Y
• Required Indicator = Y
The ACCOUNT_SUFFIX default has the following setting:

• Display Indicator = N
• Required Indicator = N

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Note: The LABEL_CODE is derived from the lookup_type CE_ACCOUNT_FIELDS, for countries that are prompted for
that information. Any field (other than account number and account suffix) that doesn't have any predefined rules will
have the default behavior of Display Indicator as Y and Required option as N. Bank account field values are validated
as per the Cash Management application. If you don't want to validate the data, you must select the profile option
CE_DISABLE_BANK_VAL as Yes. While creating a bank account, you can select the bank and branch from a predefined
set of values or you can create them at runtime. If you want to select the bank and branch from the predefined values,
you must select the profile option CE_USE_EXISTING_BANK_BRANCH as Yes.

Note: If you're setting the CE_USE_EXISTING_BANK_BRANCH profile option as Yes, the bank and branch become
mandatory field. This is irrespective of country UI rules.


Country Code: OM

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N














Country Code: PK

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N














Country Code: PH

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N







Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N








Country Code: PL

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N













Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country


Country Code: PT

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N














Country Code:

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N





Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N










Country Code: RO

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N











Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N



Russian Federation

Country Code: RU

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N













Saudi Arabia

Country Code: SA

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N


Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N













Country Code: SG

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N








Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N







Country Code: SK

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N













South Africa

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Country Code: ZA

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N














Country Code: ES

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N






Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N









Country Code: SD

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N












Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N



Country Code: SE

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N














Country Code: CH

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N



Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N











Syrian Arab Republic

Country Code: SY

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N









Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N






Country Code: TR

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N














Country Code: UA

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N













United Arab Emirates

Country Code: AE

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N







Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N







United Kingdom

Country Code: GB

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N













Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

United States

Country Code: US

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N














Country Code: VN

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N





Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Attribute Name Display Indicator Label Code Required: Y or N









Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Bank Account User Rules by Country

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

11Cash Management and Banking

How Bank, Branch, and Account Components Work
Banks, branches, and accounts fit together on the premise of the Bank Account model.

The model enables you to define and keep track of all bank accounts in one place and explicitly grant account access to:
• multiple business units
• functions
• users
This eliminates the redundant duplicate bank account setup in different business units when these business units share
the same bank account.

Creating a bank is the first step in the bank account creation. You can:

• Search for existing banks to view and update

• Create a new bank from an existing party

Consider the following:

• The option to create from an existing party is implicitly implemented by the matching option.
• The option is available only after the existing party has been found with the same bank.
• If you select the matching option, the page repopulates the information from the matched party.

Once you have created your bank, the next step is creating a branch or branches associated to the bank. The matching
option is also available when creating branches. To create a new branch without using the matching option, manually
enter the required information. You can also define other branch- related attributes in the same page.

If you don't use the matching option when an existing party is found, a branch with the same party name is created.

The four areas associated with defining an account are:

• General information
• Control of the account
• Security and access to the account

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

• Business unit assignment

Once the bank and branch are created, proceed to the bank account setup by doing the following:

• Select the bank branch you want to associate to your bank account.
• Assign the owner of the bank account.

Note: To create a bank account for Payables or Receivables, add the Business Unit Access first for the
business units to use the bank account.

Consider the following:

• The Oracle Fusion Account Payables or Receivables accounts are identified by the business unit.
• The Oracle Fusion Payroll accounts are identified by the legal entity.
• The program, Inactivates Banks and Bank Branches enables you to inactivate all banks and bank branches that
have no active internal and external bank accounts.

Related Topics
• Considerations When You Create Accounts
• Reconciliation Matching Rules

Considerations When You Create Accounts

Banks, branches and accounts fit together on the premise of the Bank Account model. The Bank Account model enables
you to define and keep track of all bank accounts in one place.

The Bank Account Model can explicitly grant account access to multiple business units, functions, and users. Consider
the following when you set up bank accounts:

• Assign a unique general ledger cash account to each account, and use it to record all cash transactions for the
account. This facilitates book to bank reconciliation.
• Grant bank account security. Bank account security consists of bank account use security, bank account access
security, and user and role security.

Account Use
Account Use refers to accounts created for:

• Oracle Fusion Payables

• Oracle Fusion Receivables
• Oracle Fusion Payroll

Select the appropriate use or uses when creating an account in one or more of these applications.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Account Access
Payables and Receivables account access is secured by business unit. Before the bank account is ready for use by
Payables or Receivables, you must:

1. Select the appropriate use for the application.

2. Grant access to one or more business units.

Note: You can only assign access to the business units that use the same ledger as the bank accounts owning the
legal entity,

User and Role Security

You can further secure the bank account so that it can only be used by certain users and roles. The default value for
secure bank account by users and roles is No. For Payables and Receivables, you must have the proper business unit
assigned to access a bank account even if the secure bank account by users and roles is No. If the secure bank account
by users and roles is set to Yes, you must be named or carry a role assigned to the bank account to use it.

• You must assign the security duty role Cash Management Administration to the Cash Manager job role to
provide access for setting up banks, branches, and accounts. You must have the assigned Manage Bank
Account Security privilege to modify the User and Role Security.
• If you want to restrict the access to the Security tab, you must create a customized role and remove the
privilege Manage Bank Account Security. For example, you would copy the Cash Management Administration
duty role, rename it, and remove the privilege.

GL Cash Account Segments

Consider selecting the option to enable multiple cash account combinations for reconciliation if you want to reconcile
journal lines of multiple cash account combinations matching the same natural account and other specified segment

For example, if you set up 01-000-1110-0000-000 as your cash account, and select Account and Sub-Account as GL
Cash Account Segments, you're able to manually or automatically reconcile journal lines entered on different account
code combinations matching the same natural account '1110' and sub-account '0000'.

Cash Management Profile Options

Profile options in Oracle Fusion Cash Management provide ways to improve and promote efficiency in your business
practices. How you configure these profile options can affect the interaction with other applications. Enabling these
profile options can streamline your processes between those applications.

The following table lists and describes the Cash Management profile options:

Profile Option Profile Display Name Applies To Default Setting

CE_DISABLE_BANK_VAL Disable Country Specific Bank Internal Bank Accounts No


Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Profile Option Profile Display Name Applies To Default Setting

External Bank Accounts

CE_GL_RECON_ENABLED Journal Reconciliation Enabled Bank Reconciliation Yes

CE_MASK_INTERNAL_BANK_ Mask Internal Bank Account Internal Bank Accounts No Masking

ACCT_NUM Numbers

CE_USE_EXISTING_BANK_ Use Existing Banks and Branches Employee Bank Accounts No

Payee Bank Accounts

Note: Internal bank accounts are set up in Oracle Fusion Cash Management. Assign the disbursement bank account
to Oracle Fusion Account Payables and the remit-to bank accounts to Oracle Fusion Account Receivables.

Note: External bank accounts are set up and used for suppliers, customers, ad hoc payees, and employees.

Enabling Profile Options: Points to Consider

The following information provides details on configuring profile options, how they influence other applications, and
how they can streamline your business practices.

1. Disable Country Specific Validations

This profile option manages the country-specific validations for the bank code, branch number, account
number, check digit, and IBAN. You can set this profile option at the site or user level. The profile option default
is set to No at the site level. If the profile option is set to Yes, this eliminates the country-specific validation
process for the bank code, branch number, account number, check digit, and IBAN. This profile option affects
internal and external bank accounts. It doesn't affect the checks for unique banks, branches, accounts, and the
mandatory requirement of the bank account number.
2. Journal Reconciliation Enabled

This profile option enables the manual and automatic reconciliation of bank statement lines directly from GL
Journal manual entries. You can set this profile option at the site level. The profile option default is set to Yes. If
the profile option is set to No, it disables the journal source transaction on the Manage Reconciliation Matching
Rules, the Manual Reconciliation page, and the reconciliation processes. Note: This profile can only be set to No
if there are zero Journal Entries that have been reconciled.
3. Mask Internal Account Numbers

This profile option allows the masking of the internal bank account number. You can set this profile option at
the site or user level. The profile option default is set to No Masking at the site level. You can select Display first
four or Display last four digits. For example, an internal bank account number of XXXX8012 displays the last
four digits and masks all the rest. This profile option affects only the internal bank accounts.
4. Use Existing Banks and Branches

Enable this profile option to pre-load the bank branch data information when creating an employee or ad hoc
payee bank account. You can choose to pre-load the bank branch data and have your employees select the pre-
loaded data when entering their bank accounts. Alternatively, you can have your employees enter all the bank,

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

branch, and account information related to their account. Customers can set their preference to pre-load the
bank branch data through this profile. You can set this profile option at the site or user level. By default, the
profile option is set to No and that means pre-loaded information can't be used. In this case, the Bank, Bank
Code, Bank Branch, Branch Number, and BIC Code fields will be displayed as free text field, and a new bank and
bank branch will be created for the bank account.
If the bank name isn't entered, the default name CE_EMP_UNSPECIFIED_BANK will be used. If the branch name
isn't entered, the default name CE_EMP_UNSPECIFIED_BRANCH will be used.
If you set the profile option to Yes, the existing bank and branch information is available and displayed in the list
of values when creating the employee or ad hoc payee bank account.

Overview of Parse Rule Sets

Oracle Fusion Cash Management supports parse rule sets to transform data during the bank statement import process.
Parse rules are used to move data from one field to another.

The parse rule set is associated to a bank account in the bank account setup. The parse rule set is most commonly used
to parse data from the statement line addenda field into more specific statement line fields. Each parse rule within a
parse rule set consists of the following fields:
• Sequence: Determines the order in which to process the rules.
• Transaction Code: The code used to determine the statement line type.
• Source Field: The interface table field that contains the data to be parsed.
• Target Field: The statement line field that the data is to be parsed to.
• Rule: Contains the syntax for determining the data within the source field to be parsed.
• Overwrite: Used to control whether to overwrite existing data in a target field or skip parsing the data.
The parse rule syntax is described in the following:



LITERAL represents a string or character value represented by an identifier that should match the source data exactly.

MATCHING TOKEN represents a token (or set of tokens) which describes the data to extract. The following table lists the
valid tokens with their descriptions:

Token Description

N Extract a valid number

. Decimal position

X Extract an alphanumeric

~ Extract everything in the source field from the parse position to either the end of the data or up to the
next literal.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Token Description

START A position to begin extracting data, offset by the parse position. It must be a valid numeric.

END A position to stop extracting data. END can be either a valid numeric or the ~ token.

The following table lists some examples:

Description Source Data Rule Target Data

Extract numeric rate data from a EST/TRX RTE 3.76 USD/LIBOR RTE (N.NN) 3.76
source field CPTY: PRU

Extract value date from a source Dt.01/01/2011?Receipt Dt.(1-10)?Receipt 01/01/2011


Extract check number from a Account Number 1005 Account Number.(X~) 1005
source field

Extract currency from a source field $^EUR:Dt $^(1-3):Dt. EUR

Extract the counterparty of an EST/TRX RTE 3.76 USD/LIBOR CPTY: (X~) PRU
unknown string length from the CPTY:PRU
same source field

Extract the currency from the PRU EST/TRX RTE 3.76 USD/ RTE(7-9) USD
same source field using positional LIBOR CPTY: PRU

Extract Contract ID from Additional TXT:AR:Receipt Account Number(NNNN) 1001

Entry Information Num:CEF-1:For:2010$^USD:Dt.01/01/2011?
Receipt Method:CE-
Operations:Customer:World of
Business:Account No.1001

Extract Transaction ID from CustRef # A.23@orlc.com CustRef (X~).com # A.23@orlc

Customer Reference

Overview of Transaction Type Mapping

The transaction type mapping enables you to associate a cash transaction type to an application transaction.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

The following must be created to associate and mapped to cash transaction types:

• Oracle Fusion Account Payables payment methods

• Oracle Fusion Account Receivables payment methods
• Oracle Fusion Payroll payment types

Assigning cash transaction types to application transactions result in a more efficient bank statement reconciliation

Bank statement lines are also associated with cash transaction types and matching rules can be created using this
common attribute.

Overview of Tolerance Rules

Tolerance rules enables you to specify date and amount tolerances that prevent or warn you when reconciliation would
be a breach of a defined tolerance.

• Amount tolerances are most often used when reconciling foreign currency transactions where there may be
differences due to rounding or fluctuations in the conversion rate. They can also be used if a bank includes a
processing fee in the bank statement line amount.
• Date tolerances are primarily used for checks that may be issued on one day and not clear the bank until days
or weeks later.
Consider the following when defining your tolerance rules:

• Applying tolerances you can automate the reconciliation and accounting for these types of transactions.
• If no date or amount tolerance is defined within a rule, it requires an exact match.
• For manual reconciliation, a tolerance rule can optionally be assigned to a bank account.
• For automatic reconciliation, a tolerance rule can be associated with a matching rule in the Rule Set setup
and can be applied if the matching rule matches on date and amount or both. However, when you assign
a tolerance rule that includes amount tolerances to a matching rule that isn't a one to one match type, the
amount tolerance is ignored.

Date Tolerance
Reconciliation date tolerances are defined as day ranges. The date tolerances are to validate that the source transaction
date or dates are within a certain number of days before and after the bank statement line date or dates.

In manual reconciliation, if a date tolerance is specified in the tolerance rule assigned to the bank account it applies to all
matching scenarios. In the event of a date tolerance breach, a warning message is displayed, but the user is allowed to
reconcile the statement line or lines and the transaction or transactions. If no date tolerance is assigned or specified it's
required to be an exact date match and a warning message is displayed.

In automatic reconciliation, a tolerance rule that includes date tolerances can be associated with a matching rule. If the
matching rule matches on the date, then the date tolerance is applied. In this scenario a date tolerance breach prevents

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Amount Tolerance
Reconciliation amount tolerances can only be used in one to one matching scenarios for both manual and automatic
reconciliation. No reconciliation amount tolerances are allowed in one to many, many to one, or many to many matching
scenarios. In these scenarios the amount of the bank statement line or lines must be equal to the amount of the
transaction or transactions. Reconciliation amount tolerances can be defined as percentage or amount ranges or both.
If both percentages and amounts are applied, the application uses the most conservative tolerance depending upon the
statement line amount.

For example, if the amount tolerance equals plus or minus $5, the percentage tolerance equals plus or minus 1%, and
the statement line amount is $100, the application first calculates the percentage amount (1% of $100 dollars = $1). It
then compares this to the $5 amount and uses the smaller amount. In this case it's $1 dollar, so to reconcile a transaction
to this line it must be between $99 and $101.

In automatic reconciliation, a tolerance rule that includes percentage, amount, or both types of tolerance ranges can be
associated with a matching rule. But the tolerance can only be applied if the matching rule is a one to one match type
rule. In this scenario of a one to one type match, any amount difference within tolerance is automatically created as an
external transaction in cash management.

Related Topics
• Reconciliation Matching Rules
• Overview of Reconciliation Rules Sets

Reconciliation Matching Rules

Reconciliation Matching rules help you match bank statement lines and system transactions to minimize the need for
manual intervention.

Define bank statement automatic reconciliation matching rules and assign them to bank statement automatic
reconciliation rule sets. After you assign the rule sets to the bank account, the Autoreconciliation process picks up the
reconciliation matching rules to achieve a higher match rate.

Specify the following for each matching rule:

• Transaction Sources: Payables, Receivables, Payroll, Journals, or External.

• Matching Type: One to One, One to Many, Many to One, Many to Many, or Zero Amount. The following table
explains the different matching types available in Oracle Fusion Cash Management:

Matching Type Description

One to One A bank statement line is matched with a system transaction and reconciled against each other

One to Many A bank statement line is reconciled against many system transactions

Many to One Many bank statement lines are grouped and reconciled against a system transaction

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Matching Type Description

Many to Many Many statement lines are grouped and reconciled against many system transactions

Zero Amount Zero amount system transactions not reported in bank statements

• Grouping Attributes: Used to group bank statement lines and system transactions based on the matching type
you select. The combination of the attributes you select also determine what you can use as the matching
criteria. You can use date, transaction type, and reconciliation reference as matching criteria only after you
select these as grouping attributes. The following table displays the required grouping attributes for a selected
matching type:

Matching Type Statement Line Grouping Attributes System Transaction Grouping Attributes

One to One Not applicable Not applicable

One to Many Not applicable Grouping attributes required

Many to One Grouping attributes required Not applicable

Many to Many Grouping attributes required Grouping attributes required

Zero Amount Not applicable Not applicable

◦ During automatic reconciliation of zero amount system transactions, the transactions are
grouped by transaction date and transaction source selected in the reconciliation matching rule.
◦ The zero amount system transaction date is used as cleared date of the reconciliation group.

In Many to One matching, the grouping attributes are used to group bank statement lines. In One to Many
matching, the grouping attributes are used to group system transactions.

The following is a list of common grouping attributes that can be used to group bank statement lines:

◦ Transaction date
◦ Structured payment reference
◦ Transaction currency
◦ Transaction type
◦ Reconciliation reference
◦ Bank transaction code

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

◦ Transaction code identifier

◦ Counterparty bank account
◦ Value date
◦ Value date in string format

The following is a list of common grouping attributes that can be used to group system transactions:

◦ Bank deposit number

◦ Transaction date
◦ Business unit
◦ Counterparty bank account
◦ Counterparty name
◦ Journal batch name
◦ Journal line description
◦ Journal name
◦ Payment file identifier
◦ Payment process request name
◦ Payment instruction identifier
◦ Payment server order number
◦ Logical group number
◦ Payment method
◦ Structured payment reference
◦ Receipt batch number
◦ Receipt class
◦ Reconciliation match date
◦ Reconciliation reference
◦ Remittance batch number
◦ Unique remittance identifier
◦ Transaction currency
◦ Transaction Type
◦ Transaction source

• Matching Criteria: Includes a list of commonly used matching attributes. You can simply select the attributes
to include them in the matching rule you selected. The selected attributes define the matching conditions

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

between the bank statement lines and the system transactions to be matched successfully when they're

Note: On the Create Reconciliation Matching Rule page, the delivered setting for the matching type is One to
One, and the check boxes for Reconciliation Reference, Date and Transaction Type are enabled. When you
change the matching type to One to Many, Many to One, or Many to Many, the check boxes are disabled.

The matching criteria attributes are:

◦ Amount
◦ Date
◦ Reconciliation reference
◦ Transaction type

• Advanced Matching Criteria: Enables you to specify additional matching logic or filtering conditions that must
be true for the bank statement lines and system transactions to match successfully. Consider the following:

◦ You have the option to enable or disable the Case Sensitive Comparison check box while creating a
◦ The data types on either side of the expressions, must be the same and correspond to each other when
selected to match in the criteria. For example, if the attribute Statement Booking Date is selected on one

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

side, then Transaction Date can be selected as the matching criteria. Date is the data type that's the same
and corresponds to your search.
◦ For literal expression type, the operand value should match the database value. For example:
Statement.Transaction Type equals ACH

The list of statement attributes available in the Create Condition page differs according to the matching type
you select. The following lists some of the common statement attributes:

◦ Statement.Account servicer reference

◦ Statement.Additional entry information
◦ Statement.Booking date
◦ Statement.Check number
◦ Statement.Clearing system reference
◦ Statement.Contract ID
◦ Statement.Counterparty bank account
◦ Statement.Customer reference
◦ Statement.End to End ID
◦ Statement.Instruction ID
◦ Statement.Reconciliation match amount
◦ Statement.Reconciliation reference
◦ Statement Structured Payment reference
◦ Statement.Transaction ID
◦ Statement.Transaction currency
◦ Statement.Transaction type
◦ Statement.Value date
◦ Statement.Value date in string format

The list of transaction attributes available in the Create Condition page differs according to the matching type
you select. The following lists some of the common transaction attributes:

◦ Transaction.Bank Deposit Number

◦ Transaction.Business Unit Identifier
◦ Transaction.Counterparty Bank Account Identifier
◦ Transaction.Counterparty Name
◦ Transaction.Counterparty Site
◦ Transaction.Journal Batch Name
◦ Transaction.Journal Line Description
◦ Transaction.Journal Line Number
◦ Transaction.Journal Name
◦ Transaction.Logical Group Number
◦ Transaction Payment Process Request Name

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

◦ Transaction Payment Server Order Number

◦ Transaction Payment File Identifier
◦ Transaction Payment Instruction Identifier
◦ Transaction Payment or Receipt Method
◦ Transaction.Payment Reference
◦ Transaction.Receipt Batch Number
◦ Transaction.Receipt Class
◦ Transaction.Reconciliation Match Amount
◦ Transaction.Reconciliation Match Date
◦ Transaction.Reconciliation Reference
◦ Transaction.Remittance Batch Number
◦ Transaction Structured Payment Reference
◦ Transaction.Status
◦ Transaction.Transaction Currency
◦ Transaction.Transaction Date
◦ Transaction.Transaction Number
◦ Transaction.Transaction Source
◦ Transaction.Transaction Type
◦ Transaction.Unique Remittance Identifier

You can select one or multiple transaction sources in a rule. Consider the following:

• If multiple sources are selected in a one to one or many to one matching rule, the autoreconciliation program
looks for a matching transaction across the selected sources.
• If multiple sources are selected in a one to many or many to many matching rule, the program first finds all
available transactions across the selected sources and then applies grouping rule to the whole data pool. This
means that the statement lines can be reconciled to a group that includes transactions across the different
• If you want transactions included in a group to be from the same transaction source then you can specify
Transaction Source as a grouping attribute.

◦ Cash Management supports the journal reconciliation reference import using spreadsheet-
based tools such as, file-based data import and the Oracle Fusion ADF Desktop Integration.
◦ Once the required setups are completed the reconciliation reference is uploaded and stored to
the journal lines.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Related Topics
• Overview of Tolerance Rules
• Overview of Reconciliation Rules Sets
• Automatic Reconciliation
• Set Up Clearing Accounts Reconciliation
• Reconciliation References and Journal Lines

Overview of Reconciliation Rules Sets

Bank statement reconciliation rule sets are a group of matching rules and tolerance rules. They are assigned to a bank
account and used to reconcile bank statement lines with transactions.

Consider the following when creating your rules:

• Build the rule set and the rule set detail as a parent-child relationship.
• Each rule set consists of one or more matching rules that can be prioritized or sequenced.
• The rules should be ordered to achieve a greater reconciliation success rate. It's strongly recommended that
one to one rules be sequenced ahead of rules of other types.
• To provide an optimum reconciliation rate, you should change the sequence number depending on how
accurately the given rule is likely to reconcile against the correct bank transactions.
For example, transactions from sources for which the bank provides you a reference ID are likely to have a higher
reconciliation rate. These rules should be placed at the beginning with a lower sequence number. Conversely,
transactions with no reference ID are likely to have duplicates or lower reconciliation rates, and you should place them at
the end with a higher sequence number.

Automatically Reconciling Rejected Payments

You must enable the Opt in feature, Automatic Reconciliation of Reject Payments to automatically reconcile rejected
payments reported on the imported bank statement. Follow these steps to enable the feature:

• Select the transaction type as Reversal in the bank transaction code.

• The application identifies the rejections on the bank statement lines with this transaction code and reversal
• The autoreconciliation process identifies the rejection and un-reconciles the original settled payment and
reconciles the original statement line with the rejected statement line.

Related Topics
• Reconciliation Matching Rules
• Overview of Tolerance Rules

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Overview of Bank Statement Transaction Codes

Bank statement transaction codes are the internal codes that are used on a bank statement line to identify the type of
transaction being reported. These are also referred to as:

• Transaction codes
• Statement codes
The following codes are examples:
• 115- Lockbox Deposit
• 475- Check paid
• 698- Miscellaneous Fee
Oracle Fusion Cash Management maintains a single set of these codes and transform externally reported transaction
codes from other formats into this single normalized set. You can use code map groups to map transaction codes
reported on the external data file to the ones defined internally in the application. This configuration is done through
Oracle Fusion Payments Code map group setup.

How You Map Configurable BAI2 Transaction Codes

When importing BAI2 bank statements, the flow indicator (DR/CR) of the bank statement line is determined by the
transaction code associated to that line.

Configurable BAI2 transaction codes can be mapped to standard BAI2 codes to derive the desired statement line flow
indicator when the file is imported.

Mapping Configurable BAI2 Transaction Codes

In this example, a credit code of 856 and a debit code of 868 are mapped as transaction codes using the following steps:
1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
2. Offering: Financials
3. Functional Area: Payments or Customer Payments
4. Task: Manage Code Map Groups
5. Search for the Name: BAI2 Bank Statements and click edit.
6. In Mappings, enter a new record Field: CE_TRX_CODE.
7. For the parent CE_TRX_CODE, add 2 rows in the Field values enter the following:

Line Number Input and Output Values

Line 1 Enter Input Value: 856, Output Value: 275 (standard CREDIT BAI2 code).

Line 2 Enter Input Value: 868, Output Value: 575 (standard DEBIT BAI2 code).

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

8. Save and Close.

9. After loading and importing the BAI2 format bank statement, result in the following:

Transaction Code Results

Defined Input Value: 856 Are imported with code 275 and the flow indicator as CREDIT.

Defined Input Value: 868 Are imported with code 575 and the flow indicator as DEBIT.

How You Set Up Wildcard Support for Bank Statement

Processing Using UCM Protocol
You can retrieve multiple bank statements using the Universal Content Management (UCM) Protocol with a wildcard.

The capability to retrieve multiple files using a wildcard reduces the effort of downloading files individually. Support for
UCM protocol improves your integration capability with banks that use this protocol.

Setting up Wildcard Support for Bank Statement Processing Using UCM

Here’s how you set up wildcard support:

1. Set up Transmission Configuration using the Universal Content Management Protocol:

a. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Transmission Configuration task:
- Offering: Financials
- Functional Area: Payments
- Task: Manage Transmission Configuration
b. Select Universal Content Management Protocol from LOV
c. Click Create.
2. Upload bank statements to respective account in UCM:
a. Navigate to File Import and Export
b. Select the respective account
3. Run Process Electronic Bank Statements
4. During parameter selection, select transmission configuration created in step 1

Overview of Bank Statement Transaction Creation Rules

Bank Statement Transaction Creation Rules are used by Oracle Fusion Cash Management to identify an unreconciled
bank statement line or lines and create and account for a transaction.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Configure Bank Statement Transaction Creation Rules by specifying some of the attributes and characteristics of the
created transactions. Consider the following when configuring your rules:
• Create as a separate business object.
• Assign to a bank account in the Manage Bank Account page.
• Arrange in order and group to be processed sequentially.
The group of sequenced rules on the bank account constitutes the bank accounts rule set that's used when running the
Bank Statement Transaction Creation program.

Process the Bank Statement Transaction Creation Rules by running the Bank Statement Transaction Creation
program to create transactions from unreconciled bank statement lines. The program is used to create transactions and
account for first notice items such as bank charges, fees, or interest. You must perform the following prior to running
the program.
• Run autoreconciliation for the bank statement.
• Perform any manual reconciliation on the bank statement.
This avoids creating external transaction from bank statement lines that already have transactions recorded in the

Create Banks, Branches, and Accounts in Spreadsheet

Overview of Cash Management Rapid Implementation
Use Microsoft Excel templates to rapidly implement the following setup objects:

• Banks
• Bank Branches
• Bank Accounts

Functional Setup Manager Tasks

The following are the Functional Setup Manager tasks that are required to be performed to rapidly create the setup
objects data. To access these tasks, create an implementation project that includes the Define Financials Configuration
for Rapid Implementation task list:

• Create Banks, Branches, and Accounts in Spreadsheet: Downloads the rapid implementation excel spreadsheet
template. Enter the bank, branch, and bank account data in this spreadsheet, and generate the data file to be
• Upload Banks, Branches, and Accounts: Launches the Upload Banks, Branches, and Accounts process with the
data file to be uploaded as the parameter. You must upload the data file generated from the previous task.

Preparing Data
Prepare your bank, branch, and account information to enter into the spreadsheet template.

• Bank information requires the country, name, and number.

• Branch information requires name, number, BIC code, and alternate name.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

• Account information requires name, number, currency, legal entity, type, and IBAN.

After you finish preparing the data in the spreadsheet, click the Generate Banks, Branches, and Accounts File button.
Save the generated XML file.

Loading Data
Use the following steps to load your data.

• In the Setup and Maintenance work area, create an implementation project that includes the Define Financials
Configuration for Rapid Implementation task list. From your implementation project, go to the Upload Banks,
Branches, and Accounts task. This task launches the Upload Banks, Branches, and Accounts process.
• Select the XML file you have saved earlier and submit the process.
• Verify in the process monitor that the process completed successfully.
• Review the banks, branches, and accounts created.

Best Practices
The following are recommended best practices:

• Determine the Legal Entity for each bank account. The Legal Entity must be associated to a primary ledger.
• Determine the use for each bank account: Payable, Receivable, or both.
• Determine the Cash and Cash Clearing account for each bank account. Enter the entire account combination
based on your chart of accounts, for example 01-000-1110-0000-000.

Related Topics
• How You Process Electronic Bank Statements

Setting Up Cash Positioning and Forecasting

How You Set Up Oracle Fusion Payments for Cash Management
To make ad hoc payments you must do the following:

• Create a payee in Oracle Fusion Cash Management.

• Review the Payment Methods in the tab; Usage Rules, for Cash Management in Oracle Fusion Payments.
• Review the payment method defaulting rules in Oracle Fusion Payments and prioritize the Cash Management
Payment Method accordingly.
Creating a payee in Cash Management is a separate task than setting up suppliers in procurement. The setup done in
Cash Management is strictly used for making ad hoc payments from the application. You must also review and edit the
set ups in Payments to successfully make payments.

Creating a Payee in Cash Management

1. Create the payee in Cash Management. Enter the following payee information:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Required Description

Name Yes Name of the payee.

Tax Registration Number No Description of the payee.

Tax Registration Number No Unique identifier assigned to a payee by a

tax authority.

Active No, but recommended. Check box indicating if the payee is active or

2. Create the bank account information. Enter the following bank account information:

Field Description

Country Country of the bank where the bank account belongs.

Account Number Bank account number of the payee bank account.

Currency Currency of the payee bank account

Account Type Type of payee bank account. For example, checking or savings.

Check Digit The account number validation.

Account Name Name of the bank account holder.

Secondary Account Reference Additional account reference such as the Building Society Role Number in the UK.

Bank Name of the payee bank.

Bank Branch Name of the payee bank branch.

Routing Transit Number The routing transit number for electronic transfers.

BIC Code The code used to SWIFT to identify the bank or bank branch.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Description

Active Check to indicate the bank account is active. The default is set to active.

3. Click the Save and Close button to save your information.

Setting Up Usage Rules in Oracle Fusion Payments for Cash Management

1. Navigate to Oracle Fusion Payments and the Create Payment Methods page.
2. Enter the following required fields: Name, Code, and From Date.
3. Select the Usage Rules tab.
4. Select the Cash Management tab
5. Select the check box Enable for use in Cash Management.
6. Determine select All or Specific.
7. Review the delivered Payment Process Transaction Types for Cash Management. Apply the appropriate
payment types. The valid values are:
◦ Bank Account Transfer
◦ Ad Hoc Payment
8. Review the payment method defaulting rules in Oracle Fusion Payments and prioritize the Cash Management
Payment Method accordingly.

Related Topics
• Payment Methods
• Payment Method Defaulting
• Usage Rules

How You Set Up Cash Positioning and Forecasting

Use the following to set up your cash positioning and forecasting reporting requirements:

• Specify Cash Positioning and Forecasting Options

• Manage Cash Positioning and Forecasting Transaction Grouping

Specify Cash Positioning and Forecasting Options

Use the options page to define the extraction period used to transfer data to the Essbase cube. Transactions with
transaction dates within that period are extracted to the cube. You can also select different GL accounting calendars to
lay out the time dimension structure in the cubes.

Configure the following options:

Field Name Available Values Default Value

Extraction Duration • Last 3 months Last 2 years

• Last 6 months

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Name Available Values Default Value

• Last 1 year
• Last 2 years
• Last 3 years

Reporting Currency List of currencies defined in the application USD - US Dollars

Balance Code Internal Balance Codes lookups (LOV) Closing booked

Balance Date Threshold Days Number days defined before a missing bank 2
statement is reported

Transaction Calendar List of transaction calendars defined in the No default

application, if not defined, everyday (7) is
considered a business day.

Time Periods List of accounting calendars defined in the No default


Note: Once the cube is created and locked, the update is disabled in this page. You can't update the cube until you
submit the Cash Position Data Deletion program to clear the details in the cube.

Manage Cash Positioning and Forecasting Transaction Grouping

You create or edit configurable dimensions for cash positioning and forecasting from this page. You must have the
Manage Cash Positioning and Forecasting Transaction Grouping privilege to access the Create or Edit Cash Position
Dimension page:

• Search for the configurable dimensions defined in the application.

• Create configurable dimensions to meet your company-specific requirements
• Modify and edit configurable dimensions to meet reporting requirements.
• Entering a description is optional but recommended.

The following table contains the fields to be completed:

Field Name Description

Name Required and must be unique

Application Required and valid values are Oracle Fusion Applications or Other.

Source Required and the following are possible values:

• Payables invoices
• Payables payments

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Name Description

• Receivables receipts
• Receivables transactions
• Bank statement
• External cash transactions

Source Table List of tables from the selected Application and Source

Source Column List of the columns from the selected Source Table.

Note: Once the cube is created and locked, you can't update this page. You must submit the Cash Position Data
Deletion program to clear the details in the cube to do an update.

Related Topics
• Overview of Cash Positioning and Forecasting
• Cash Positioning
• Considerations for Cash Forecasting

Bank Account Validation

Bank Account Validation by Country: Albania to Guatemala
This outlines the country specific bank account validation rules performed in Oracle Fusion Cash Management.

The following countries have country specific validations:

• Albania
• Algeria
• Andorra
• Argentina
• Australia
• Austria
• Azerbaijan
• Bahrain
• Belarus
• Belgium
• Bosnia and Herzegovina
• Brazil

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

• British Virgin Islands

• Bulgaria
• Canada
• Columbia
• Costa Rica
• Croatia
• Cyprus
• Czech Republic
• Denmark
• Dominican Republic
• Egypt
• El Salvador
• Estonia
• Faroe Islands
• Finland
• France
• French Guiana
• Georgia
• Germany
• Gibraltar
• Greece
• Greenland
• Guadeloupe
• Guatemala
When entering bank accounts, different countries can have certain rules governing the format and content of the
following related fields:
1. Bank Code
2. Branch Number
3. Account Number
4. Check Digit
Use the Disable Country Specific Bank Validations profile option to disable the country-specific validations pertaining
to the bank code, branch number, account number, check digit, and IBAN. You can set this profile option at the site
or user level. The profile is predefined with a default value of No at the site level. If the profile is set to Yes, these
validations aren't performed. The checks for unique banks, branches, accounts, and the mandatory requirement of bank
account number aren't affected by this profile.

Note: Mandatory IBAN validation is only valid for internal bank accounts. For external bank accounts, IBAN will be
optional except for employee bank accounts which are governed by country-specific UI rules.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 28 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 26 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length should be 24 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be a maximum of 22 characters.
• Spaces and hyphens are allowed.

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

• If entered, the length should be either 2 or 3 numeric characters.

Branch Number • Mandatory

• The combined length of the Branch Number and Bank Code should be 6 numeric characters.
Hence, the valid length values (3,4,6) depend upon the Bank Code (3,2,0).
• This field is labeled as Bank State Branch.

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be between 5 to 10 characters.
• If the account currency is Australian Dollar, account number should be numeric. For foreign
currencies, alphanumeric values are allowed

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 34 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

• Length should be of 5 numeric characters.

Branch Number • Optional

• Length should be of 5 numeric characters.

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be between 4 to 11 numeric characters.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length should be 20 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 28 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 22 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 28 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be of 12 numeric characters.
• It should be in the format 999-9999999-99.
• A check algorithm is applied on the Account Number.

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length should be 16 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Check Algorithm for Account Number

1. The entered check digit CD1, is the last two digits of the Account Number
2. The calculated check digit CD2, is derived by concatenating the first two sections of the Account Number and
calculating the remainder on dividing this by 97. If the remainder is equal to 0, then the calculated check digit's
taken to be 97.
3. If the entered check digit (CD1) and calculated check digit (CD2) are equal, then the Account Number is valid,
else the check has failed.
4. Additionally, if the entered check digit (that's, the last section) is '00', then the Account Number is invalid
because the calculated check digit can never be 00 as per the 3rd point.

Example using account number 123-4567890-78

◦ The entered check digit (CD1) is '78'. The concatenation of the first two sections gives '1234567890'
◦ Divide the result by '97'. 1234567890 / 97 = 12727504
◦ Derive the remainder. 1234567890 - (12727504 * 97) = 2 Therefore CD2 = 2
◦ Here CD1 <> CD2, therefore the Account Number isn't valid.

In this case, a valid Account Number would be '123456789-02'.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length should be 20 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Mandatory

• Length should be a maximum of 3 numeric characters.
• If the length is less than 3, then it's converted to a 3 digit number by prefixing it with as many
leading zeroes as is necessary.

Branch Number • Mandatory

• Length should be a maximum of 5 numeric characters.

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

Company Code • Optional.

• This is entered in the Account Creation form.
• If entered, length should be a maximum of 15 numeric characters

Secondary Account Reference • This field is labeled as Company Code.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 29 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

British Virgin Islands

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can’t be more than 24 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length should be 22 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

• This field is labeled as Routing Transit Number.

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 34 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

For Colombia, there are no validations for Bank Code, Branch Number, Account Number, or Check Digit fields as
illustrated in the following table:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

Tax Payer ID • Optional

• Length should be a maximum of 15 numeric characters 14 digits for Tax Payer ID plus the last digit
for check digit.
• it's unique within the country.
• Cross Validations of Tax Payer ID in Customers, Suppliers, and Companies. If the Tax Payer ID is
used by a Customer, Supplier, or a Company, then the Customer name, Supplier name, or the
Company name should match with the Bank name.
• A check digit's applied on the Tax Payer ID.

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 34 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Check Algorithm for Tax Payer ID

The first 15 digits are multiplied by the associated factor, as illustrated in the following table.

Digit Factor

1st 71

2nd 67

3rd 59

4th 53

5th 47

6th 43

7th 41

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Digit Factor

8th 37

9th 29

10th 23

11th 19

12th 17

13th 13

14th 7

15th 3

1. These 15 products are added and the sum is divided by 11.

2. If the remainder is 1 or 0, then the Check Digit should be 1 or 0 respectively.
3. If the remainder isn't 1 or 0, then the remainder is subtracted by 11 and that should be the Check Digit.

Costa Rica
Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 22 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length should be 21 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

• Length should be 28 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Czech Republic
Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length should be 24 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Length should be a maximum of 10 numeric characters

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length should be 18 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Dominican Republic
Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 28 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 29 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

El Salvador
Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 28 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length should be 20 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Faroe Islands
Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 18 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

• If entered, it should be 6 numeric characters.

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be between 8 to 14 numeric characters.
• A check algorithm is applied on the Account Number.

Check Digit • Optional

• If entered, it should be 1 numeric digit.

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length should be 18 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

If 1st digit of Account Number is: Check Value Method

1 1

2 1

3 1

4 2

5 2

6 1

7 2

8 1

9 1

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

If 1st digit of Account Number is: Check Value Method

Method 1

The check is formed in the following two parts:

• The first part of the check is formed from the first 6 digits of the Account Number. To illustrate, if the account
number is 123456789, then the first part of check would be created as 123456.
• The second part of check is formed as an eight digit value, comprising the 8th to 15th digits of the Account
Number. If the length is less than 8, then it's converted to an 8 digit number by prefixing it with as many
leading zeroes as is necessary. Using the same example, the second part of check would be created as
00000089. check is then formed by concatenating the two parts. So, in our example the check is formed as

Method 2

The check is formed in the following three parts:

• The first part of the check is formed from the first 6 digits of the Account Number. To illustrate, if the account
number is 123456789, then the first part of check would be created as 123456.
• The second part of check is formed as the 8th digit of the Account Number. Using the same example, the
second part of check would be created as 8.
• The third part of check is formed as a seven digit value, comprising the 9th to 15th digits of the Account
Number. If the length is less than 7, then it's converted to a 7 digit number by prefixing it with as many leading
zeroes as is necessary. Using the same example, the second part of check would be created as 0000009.
The check is then formed by concatenating the three parts. So, in our example the check is formed as

A computed sum is then calculated based on the value of the check. Different calculations are performed depending on
the first two digits of the formed check value.

If the first two digits of the check are '88', then:

• The Finnish government provides the following factor table. The 8th to 13th digits of the check number are
multiplied by the associated factor. The computed sum is then calculated by summing the totals.

Digit Factor

8th 1

9th 3

10th 7

11th 1

12th 3

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Digit Factor

13th 7

Example using check number 88345600000089: Multiply the given digits with the given factor.

Digit Value Factor Result

8th Digit 0 1 0

9th Digit 0 3 0

10th Digit 0 7 0

11th Digit 0 7 0

12th Digit 0 3 0

13th Digit 8 7 56

Total N/A N/A 56

So the computed sum for this example is 56.

The test fails unless either of the following applies:

• The 14th digit of the check should equal the value of 10 minus the last digit of the computed sum. For the check
value is '88345600000089', the last digit of the computed sum is 6. So 10 - 6 = 4. So, the 14th digit of the check
should equal 4. The test fails here as the 14th digit's 9.
• Both the 14th digit of the check and the last digit of the computed sum are 0. Using the same example, the test
fails here as both values aren't 0.

If the first two digits of the check aren't '88', then the computed sum is calculated for each of the first 13 digits by adding
the even numbered digits to the following calculated sum for each odd numbered digit :

• Multiply the digit by 2.

• Divide the result by 10.
• From the result add the integer to the remainder.

Example using account number 123456800000089:

Digit Value Multiply (a) Divide (b) Integer Remainder Result

1st 1 2 0.2 0 2 2

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Digit Value Multiply (a) Divide (b) Integer Remainder Result

2nd 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2

3rd 3 6 0.6 0 6 6

4th 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A 4

5th 5 10 1 1 0 1

6th 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A 6

7th 0 16 1.6 1 6 0

8th 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0

9th 0 0 0 0 0 0

10th 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0

11th 0 0 0 0 0 0

12th 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0

13th 8 16 1.6 1 6 7

Total N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 28

The computed sum is then converted using the following process, before being used to see if the Account Number is

1. Computed sum is added to 9.

2. The result is divided by 10.
3. The integer result is multiplied by 10.
4. The result is subtracted by the original computed sum.
So the computed sum '282 is converted to '2' as:

1. 28 + 9 = 37
2. 37/10 = 3.7. Integer result therefore = 3
3. 3 * 10 = 30
4. 30 - 28 = 2
This number is then compared to the 14th digit of the Account Number. If it matches, then the test is passed, else it's

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

In our example, the test fails as the 14th digit of the account number is 9. If the 14th digit had been 2, then the test would
have been passed.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Mandatory

• Length should be a maximum of 5 numeric characters.
• If the length is less than 5, then it's converted to a 5 digit number by prefixing it with as many
leading zeroes as is necessary.

Branch Number • Mandatory

• Length should be a maximum of 5 numeric characters.
• If the length is less than 5, then it's converted to a 5 digit number by prefixing it with as many
leading zeroes as is necessary.

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be a maximum of 11 numeric characters
• Special characters and spaces aren't allowed

Check Digit • Optional

• If entered, length should be a maximum of 2 numeric characters.
• A check algorithm is applied on the check digit.

Account Type • This field is labeled as Deposit Type.

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length should be 27 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Check Algorithm for Check Digit

A check digit's calculated (CD1) from the Account Number, Bank Code, and Branch Number in the following manner.
This is then used as the basis for the check digit validity test.


For the check algorithm, the digits of the Account Number entered as characters A to Z. are converted to numeric
values, the French government provides the following conversion table:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Value Conversion

A, J 1

B, K, S 2

C, L, T 3

D, M, U 4

E, N, V 5

F, O, W 6

G, P, X 7

H, Q, Y 8

I, R, Z 9

Example using account number A1234567890:

The letter A is converted by applying the table to 1, so the account number becomes 11234567890.

A value for CD1 is formed by joining together the bank fields in the following way:

• The Bank Code is concatenated with Branch Number concatenated to the converted Account Number. To
illustrate with the Bank Code as 12345, the Branch Number as 67890 and the converted Account Number as
11234567890. Then CD1 is created as 123456789011234567890.
• To this concatenated value, 00 is added as a suffix and the resulting value is divided by 97. The remainder
obtained as result of this division is then subtracted from 97. The result of this subtraction is the calculated
check digit.
• In our example, suffixing 00 gives 12345678901123456789000. Dividing by 97 and deriving the remainder. Mod
(12345678901123456789000, 97) = 86 Subtract from 97. 97 - 86 = 11
• If the user entered Check Digit's equal to this calculated value, then the validation is successful.

In the given example, as the user entered check digit'sn't 11, the check isn't valid.

French Guiana
Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length should be 34 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length should be 24 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

• If entered, then the length should be 8 numeric characters.

Branch Number • Optional

• If entered, then the length should be 8 numeric characters.
• If the Bank Code and Branch Number are entered, then both values must match.

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be a maximum of 10 numeric characters.

Check Digit • Optional

• If a value is entered for the check digit, then it must be a single digit and must match the last digit
of the Account Number.

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length should be 22 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.

• Length should be 23 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

• If entered, then the length should be of 3 numeric characters.

Branch Number • Optional

• If entered, then the length should be of 4 numeric characters.

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be between 8 to 16 alphanumeric characters.

Check Digit • Optional

• If a value is entered, then it must be one numeric character.

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length should be 27 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 18 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length should be 34 characters. Leading and trailing spaces are ignored. There should be no
spaces in the middle. .
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 28 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Related Topics
• Bank Account Validation by Country: Hungary to Norway
• Bank Account Validation by Country: Pakistan to the United States

Bank Account Validation by Country: Hungary to Norway

This outlines the country-specific bank account validation rules performed in Oracle Fusion Cash Management.

The following countries have country-specific validations:

• Hungary
• Iceland
• India
• Ireland
• Israel
• Iran
• Iraq
• Italy
• Ivory Coast
• Japan
• Jordan
• Kazakhstan

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

• Kosovo
• Kuwait
• Latvia
• Lebanon
• Liechtenstein
• Lithuania
• Luxembourg
• Malta
• Martinique
• Mauritania
• Mauritius
• Mayotte
• Mexico
• Moldova
• Monaco
• Montenegro
• Morocco
• Netherlands
• New Zealand
• Norway
When entering bank accounts, different countries can have certain rules governing the format and content of the
following related fields:
1. Bank Code
2. Branch Number
3. Account Number
4. Check Digit
Use the Disable Country Specific Bank Validations profile option to disable the country-specific validations pertaining
to the bank code, branch number, account number, check digit, and IBAN. You can set this profile option at the site
or user level. The profile is predefined with a default value of No at the site level. If the profile is set to Yes, these
validations aren't performed. The checks for unique banks, branches, accounts, and the mandatory requirement of bank
account number aren't affected by this profile.

Note: Mandatory IBAN validation is only valid for internal bank accounts. For external bank accounts, IBAN will be
optional except for employee bank accounts which are governed by country-specific UI rules.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length should be 28 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

• If entered, then the length should be of 4 numeric characters.
• If the length is less than 4, then it's converted to a 4 digit number by prefixing it with as many
leading zeroes as is necessary.

Branch Number • Optional

• If entered, then the length should be of 4 numeric characters.
• If the Bank Code and Branch Number are entered, then both values must match.

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be a maximum of 18 numeric characters.
• If the length is less than 18, then it's converted to an 18 digit number by prefixing it with as many
leading zeroes as is necessary.
• A check algorithm is applied on the Account Number.

Check Digit • Optional

• If a value is entered for the check digit, then it must be a single digit and must match the
seventeenth digit of the Account Number.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length should be 26 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Check Algorithm for Account Number

1. Check algorithm is performed against the Account Number (from digit 9 to 16). Each of these digits is
multiplied with the factors as given in the following table:

Digit Factor

9th 3

10th 2

11th 7

12th 6

13th 5

14th 4

15th 3

16th 2

These products are added and the sum is divided by 11. The remainder obtained as a result of this division is subtracted
from 11 to obtain the calculated check digit. If remainder is 0, then calculated check digit is taken as 0.

This calculated check digit should match the entered check digit (seventeenth digit of the Account Number), else the
Account Number isn't valid.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

• This field is labeled as the IFSC Code

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 34 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

• If entered, then the length should be of 6 numeric characters.

Branch Number • Optional

• If entered, then the length should be of 6 numeric characters.
• If the Bank Code and Branch Number are entered, then both values must match.

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be 8 numeric characters.

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length should be 22 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Mandatory

• If entered, the length should be a maximum 2 numeric characters

Branch Number • Mandatory

• Length should be 3 numeric characters.

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be a maximum of 13 numeric characters.
• Spaces aren't allowed.

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 23 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 26 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 23 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Mandatory

• Length should be a maximum of 5 numeric characters.

Branch Number • Mandatory

• Length should be a maximum of 5 numeric characters.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be a maximum of 12 alphanumeric characters.
• If the length is less than 12, then it's converted to a 12 digit number by prefixing it with as many
leading zeroes as is necessary.

Check Digit • Optional

• If entered, length should be a single alphabetic character and a check algorithm is applied on the
Check Digit.

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length should be 27 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Check Algorithm for Check Digit

The check digit is used to validate against the Bank Code, Branch Number, and Account Number. These are
concatenated to obtain a 22 character string.

Each character is assigned a value depending upon whether the character is in an odd position or an even position in
the string as given in the following table:

Even Position Values Odd Position Values

A/0 = 0 A/0 = 1

B/1 = 1 B/1 = 0

C/2 = 2 C/2 = 5

D/3 = 3 D/3 = 7

E/4 = 4 E/4 = 9

F/5 = 5 F/5 = 13

G/6 = 6 G/6 = 15

H/7 = 7 H/7 = 17

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Even Position Values Odd Position Values

I/8 = 8 I/8 = 19

J/9 = 9 J/9 = 21

K = 10 K=2

L = 11 L=4

M = 12 M = 18

N = 13 N = 20

O = 14 O = 11

P = 15 P=3

Q = 16 Q=6

R = 17 R=8

S = 18 S = 12

T = 19 T = 14

U = 20 U = 16

V = 21 V = 10

W = 22 W = 22

X = 23 X = 25

Y = 24 Y = 24

Z = 25 Z = 23

The first character is an odd position. The values assigned are added up and the sum is divided 26.

The remainder obtained as a result of this division is converted into an alphabet as given in the following table:

Transformation Algorithm

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Calculation Calculation Calculation

0=A 9=J 18 = S

1=B 10 = K 19 = T

2=C 11 = L 20 = U

3=D 12 = M 21 = V

4=E 13 = N 22 = W

5=F 14 = O 23 = X

6=G 15 = P 24 = Y

7=H 16 = Q 25 = Z

8=I 17 = R N/A

This value should be the same as the user entered check digit or else the Check Digit validation fails.

Ivory Coast
Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 28 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Mandatory

• Length should be 4 numeric characters

Alternate Bank Name • Optional

Branch Number • Mandatory

• Length should be 3 numeric characters.

Alternate Branch Name • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Account Type • Mandatory

• This field is labeled as Deposit Type.

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 34 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 30 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 20 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 20 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be a maximum of 22 characters.
• Spaces and hyphens are allowed.

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length can't be more than 30 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length should be 21 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 28 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length should be 21 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length should be 20 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

• If entered, then the length should be 3 numeric characters.

Branch Number • Optional

• If entered, then the length should be 3 numeric characters.
• If the Bank Code and Branch Number are entered, then both values must match.

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be a maximum of 13 characters.

Check Digit • Optional

• If entered, then the length should be 2 numeric characters

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length should be 20 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length should be 31 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length should be 34 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 27 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length should be 30 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length should be 34 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be between 10 to 11 numeric characters.
• Spaces and hyphens are allowed.

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional

Secondary Account Reference • Optional

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

• If entered:

◦ Should be of 18 digits

◦ Should be numeric

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 24 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length can't be more than 27 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length should be 22 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 28 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

• Two types of account numbers are validated:
• If the bank account number is numeric and consists of one of the following then bank account will
be considered as Post or Giro Account.

◦ length is 7 digits or less, or

◦ prefixed with 000, or

◦ prefixed with P or G

There's no check digit validation for Post or Giro accounts.

• For other account numbers, the length should be between 9 and 10 numeric characters. A check
algorithm is applied on the Account Number.

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN

• Length should be 18 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Check Algorithm for Non-Post or Giro Account Number

1. If the length is less than 10, then it's converted to a 10 digit number by prefixing it with as many leading zeroes
as is necessary.
2. The Netherlands government provides the following factor table for each of the 10 digits:

Digit Factor

1st 10

2nd 9

3rd 8

4th 7

5th 6

6th 5

7th 4

8th 3

9th 2

10th 1

These are multiplied and the sum of the products is calculated 4.

If the result so obtained is perfectly divisible by 11 (that's, no remainder on division by 11), then the test is successful,
otherwise the account number entered isn't valid.

New Zealand
Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Bank Code • Mandatory

• Length should be 2 numeric characters.

Branch Number • Mandatory

• Length should be 4 numeric characters.
• This field is labeled Bank State Branch.

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be a maximum of 8 numeric characters.
• Account Suffix should be between 2 to 4 numeric characters.

Check Digit • Optional

Description • This field is labeled Reference.

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 34 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be of 11 numeric characters.
• A check algorithm is applied on the Account Number, if the 5th and 6th digits of the account
number aren't 00.
For example, for Account Number, 1234001234, the check algorithm won't be applied but for Account
Number 02056439653, the check algorithm will be applied as outlined in the Check Algorithm for
Account Number, following this table.

Check Digit • Optional

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length should be 15 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Check Algorithm for Account Number

1. The check digit is set as the last (that's, the 11th digit) of the Account Number. For example, if the account number is
02056439653, then the check digit is set to 3.

2. The Norwegian government provides the following factor table:

Digit Factor

1st 5

2nd 4

3rd 3

4th 2

5th 7

6th 6

7th 5

8th 4

9th 3

10th 2

The first ten digits of the account number are multiplied by the associated factor. The computed sum is then calculated
by summing the totals.

3. Example using account number 02056439653:

Multiply each digit with the given factor. The following table illustrates the factors that determine validation:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Digit Value Factor Result

1st 0 5 0

2nd 2 4 8

3rd 0 3 0

4th 5 2 10

5th 6 7 42

6th 4 6 24

7th 3 5 15

8th 9 4 36

9th 6 3 18

10th 5 2 10

Total N/A N/A 163

So the computed sum for this example is 163.

4. The computed sum is then added to the check digit. In the example, 163 + 3 = 166.

5. Divide the result by 11. 166 / 11 = 15 6.

6. Derive the remainder. 166 - (11 * 15) = 1.

7. If the remainder is '0', then the validation is successful, else the check fails.

8. In the given example, the check fails the Account Number as the remainder is 1. If the 11th digit of the Account
Number was 2 (that's, the check digit would be 2), then the remainder would be 165 - (11 * 15) = 0 and the check on the
Account Number would be successful.

Related Topics
• Bank Account Validation by Country: Albania to Guatemala
• Bank Account Validation by Country: Pakistan to the United States

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Bank Account Validation by Country: Pakistan to the United States

This outlines the country specific bank account validation rules performed in Oracle Fusion Cash Management.

The following countries have country specific validations:

• Pakistan
• Palestine
• Poland
• Portugal
• Qatar
• Reunion
• Romania
• Saint Barthelemy
• Saint Lucia
• San Marino
• Saint Martin
• Saint Pierre and Miquelon
• Saudi Arabia
• Serbia
• Serbia and Montenegro
• Senegal
• Seychelles
• Singapore
• Slovakia
• Slovenia
• Spain
• Sweden
• Switzerland
• The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
• Tunisia
• Turkey
• Ukraine
• United Arab Emirates
• United Kingdom
• United States

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

When entering bank accounts, different countries can have certain rules governing the format and content of the
following related fields:
1. Bank Code
2. Branch Number
3. Account Number
4. Check Digit
Use the Disable Country Specific Bank Validations profile option to disable the country-specific validations pertaining
to the bank code, branch number, account number, check digit, and IBAN. You can set this profile option at the site
or user level. The profile is predefined with a default value of No at the site level. If the profile is set to Yes, these
validations aren't performed. The checks for unique banks, branches, accounts, and the mandatory requirement of bank
account number aren't affected by this profile.

Note: Mandatory IBAN validation is only valid for internal bank accounts. For external bank accounts, IBAN will be
optional except for employee bank accounts which are governed by country-specific UI rules.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 24 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed..
• The first 2 characters are letters.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 29 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

• If entered, the length should be of 8 numeric characters.

Branch Number • Optional

• If entered, the length should be of 8 numeric characters.
• If the Bank Code and Branch Number are entered, then both values must match

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be a maximum of 16 alphanumeric characters.

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length should be 28 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Mandatory

• Length should be of 4 numeric characters.

Branch Number • Mandatory

• Length should be of 4 numeric characters.

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be a maximum of 11 numeric characters.

Check Digit • Optional

• Length should be of 2 numeric characters.
• If entered, a check algorithm is applied on the Check Digit.

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length should be 25 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Check Algorithm for Check Digit

• A check digit's formed (CD1) from the Bank Code, Branch Number, and Account Number by concatenating the
three numbers.
• For example, using Bank Code 1234, Branch Number 5678, and Account Number 12345678901. Then CD1 is set
as 1234567812345678901.
• The Portuguese government provides the following factor table:

Digit Factor

1st 73

2nd 17

3rd 89

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Digit Factor

4th 38

5th 62

6th 45

7th 53

8th 15

9th 50

10th 5

11th 49

12th 34

13th 81

14th 76

15th 27

16th 90

17th 9

18th 30

19th 3

The nineteen digits of the created check digit (CD1) are multiplied by the associated factor. The multiple sum is then
calculated by summing the totals.

Example using the value for CD1:

Digit Value Factor Result

1st 1 73 73

2nd 2 17 34

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Digit Value Factor Result

3rd 3 89 267

4th 4 38 152

5th 5 62 310

6th 6 45 270

7th 7 53 371

8th 8 15 120

9th 1 50 50

10th 2 5 10

11th 3 49 147

12th 4 34 136

13th 5 81 405

14th 6 76 456

15th 7 27 189

16th 8 90 720

17th 9 9 81

18th 0 30 0

19th 1 3 3

Total N/A N/A 3794

• Divide the result by 97. 3794 / 97 = 39

• Derive the remainder. 3794 - (39 * 97) = 11
• CD1 is then derived by subtracting the remainder from 97. 97 - 11 = 86. So for this example CD1 = 86

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

• If the calculated value for CD1 isn't the same as the user entered check digit, then the check digit fails the
validation. In the given example, unless the user entered check digit's 86, the validation will fail.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 29 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

• Length can't be more than 34 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length should be 24 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Saint Barthelemy
Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length can't be more than 34 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Saint Lucia
Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 32 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.

San Marino
Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 27 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.

Saint Martin (French Section)

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length can't be more than 34 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length can't be more than 34 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Saudi Arabia
Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

• If entered, then the length should be a maximum of 4 characters

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be a maximum of 25 characters.

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length can't be more than 24 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 28 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory.

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length should be 22 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Serbia and Montenegro

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length can't be more than 34 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 31 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

• The first 2 characters are letters.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Mandatory

• Length should be 4 numeric characters.

Branch Number • Mandatory

• Length should be 3 numeric characters.

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the rules following apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length can't be more than 34 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length can't be more than 24 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length can't be more than 19 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Mandatory

• Length should be a maximum of 4 numeric characters.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

• If the bank code is less than 4 digits, then it's converted to a 4 digit number by prefixing it with as
many leading zeroes as is necessary.

Branch Number • Mandatory

• Length should be a maximum of 4 numeric characters.
• If the bank code is less than 4 digits, then it's converted to a 4 digit number by prefixing it with as
many leading zeroes as is necessary.

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be 10 numeric characters.

Check Digit • Optional

• If entered, length should be a maximum of 2 numeric characters.
• A check algorithm is applied on the Check Digit.

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length should be 24 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Check Algorithm for Check Digit

Two check digits are calculated, CD1 from the Bank Code and Branch Number and CD2 from Account Number in the
following manner; these are then used as the basis for the check digit validity test:


1. For the Bank Code, the Spanish government provides the following factor table:

Digit Factor

1st 4

2nd 8

3rd 5

4th 10

The four digits of the Bank Code are multiplied by the associated factor. The computed sum is then calculated by
summing the totals.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Example using Bank Code '1234':

Multiply each digit with the given factor.

Digit Value Factor Result Digit Value Factor Result Digit Value Factor Result Digit Value Factor Result

1st 1 4 4

2nd 2 8 16

3rd 3 5 15

4th 4 10 40

Total N/A N/A 75

So the computed sum for this example is 75.

2. For the Branch Number, the Spanish government provides the following factor table:

Digit Factor

1st 9

2nd 7

3rd 3

4th 6

The four digits of the Branch Number are multiplied by the associated factor. The computed sum is then calculated by
summing the totals.

Example using Branch Number '5678':

Multiply each digit with the given factor.

Digit Value Factor Result

1st 5 9 45

2nd 6 7 42

3rd 7 3 21

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Digit Value Factor Result

4th 8 6 48

Total N/A N/A 156

So the computed sum for this example is 156.

3. The computed sums from both the Bank Code and Branch Number calculations are then summed up. According to
the example, it's 75 + 156 = 231.

4. Divide the result by 11.

231 / 11 = 21

5. Derive the remainder

231 - (11 * 21) = 0.

6.CD1 is then derived by subtracting the remainder from 11. If difference is 11, then CD1 is 0 and if difference is 10, then
CD1 is 1 11 - 0 = 11. So for this example, CD1 = 11 = 0.


1. For the Account Number, the Spanish government provides the following factor table:

Digit Factor

1st 1

2nd 2

3rd 4

4th 8

5th 5

6th 10

7th 9

8th 7

9th 3

10th 6

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

The ten digits of the bank number are multiplied by the associated factor. The computed sum is then calculated by
summing the totals.

Example using account number '1234567890':

Multiply each digit with the given factor.

Digit Value Factor Result

1st 1 1 1

2nd 2 2 4

3rd 3 4 12

4th 4 8 32

5th 5 5 25

6th 6 10 60

7th 7 9 63

8th 8 7 56

9th 9 3 27

10th 0 6 0

Total N/A N/A 280

So the computed sum for this example is 280.

2. Divide the result by 11

280 / 11 = 25

3. Derive the remainder.

280 - (11 * 25) = 5

4. CD2 is then derived by subtracting the remainder from 11. 11 - 5 = 6. So for this example CD2 = 6.

Check Digit Validity Test

The value in the user entered check digit field is compared to the calculated CD1 and CD2 using the following checks, if
both of the checks are true, then the validation is unsuccessful.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Check Description

1 CD1 is compared to the first digit of the entered check digit field.

2 CD2 is compared to the second digit of the entered check digit field.

Example of the test using the previously calculated CD1 and CD2:

Where CD1 = 0 and CD2 = 6 and suppose the user entered Check Digit Value is '05'. As CD2 does not match, the check
digit's invalid.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

• If entered, then the length should be between 4 to 5 numeric characters.

Branch Number • Optional

• If entered, then the length should be between 4 to 5 numeric characters.
• If the Bank Code and Branch Number are entered, then both values must match.

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be a maximum of 16 numeric characters.

Check Digit • Optional

• Length should be a single numeric character.

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length should be 24 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

• If entered, then the length should be between 3 to 5 numeric characters.

Branch Number • Optional

• If entered, then the length should be between 3 to 9 numeric characters.

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be a maximum of 17 numeric characters.

Check Digit • Optional

Account Type • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length should be 21 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed: IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN
• Length should be 19 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

• The first 2 characters are letters.

• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory.

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length should be 22 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory.

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed, IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length should be 26 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 29 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.

United Arab Emirates

Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

• If entered, the length should be a maximum of 4 characters.

Branch Number • Optional

Account Number • Mandatory

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

• Length should be a maximum of 21 characters.

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Mandatory
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 23 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.

United Kingdom
Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional

• If entered, then the length should be 6 numeric characters.

Branch Number • Mandatory

• it's unique within the country.
• Length should be a maximum of 6 numeric characters.
• If the length is less than 6, then it's converted to a 6 digit number by prefixing it with as many
leading zeroes as is necessary.
• This field is labeled as Sort Code.

Account Number • Mandatory

• Length should be between 7 to 8 characters.
• If the length is 7 characters, it's converted to 8 characters, by adding a zero as the lead or first

Check Digit • Optional

Secondary Account Reference • Optional

• If entered, length should be a maximum of 18 characters.
• This field is labeled as Building Society Roll Number.

IBAN • Mandatory
• If the IBAN isn't entered, a warning message is displayed, IBAN hasn't been entered. This bank
account is defined in a country that requires IBAN for payment processing.
• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length should be 22 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in the middle
aren't removed.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Field Rule

• The first 2 characters are letters.

• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

United States
Validation Rules

The fields are checked for validity by adopting the following rules:

Field Rule

Bank Code • Optional.

Branch Number • This field is labeled as Routing Transit Number.

• Length should be a maximum of 9 numeric characters.
• If the length is less than 9, then it's converted to a 9 digit number by prefixing it with as many
leading zeroes as is necessary.
• Note that on padding the number to 9 digits, the first 8 digits can't be all zeroes.
• For example, 001 and 000007 are invalid Routing Transit Numbers because on padding to 9
digits, they become - 000000001, 000000007, and thus having 8 leading zeroes.
• A check algorithm is applied on the Routing Transit Number.

Account Number • Mandatory

Check Digit • Optional

IBAN • Optional, if entered, the following rules apply.

• The modulus-97 rule is used to calculate the validity of the IBAN.
• Length can't be more than 34 characters. Spaces are removed from the left and right. Spaces in
the middle aren't removed.
• The first 2 characters are letters.
• The third and fourth characters are numbers.

Check Algorithm for Routing Transit Number

1. The ninth digit of the Number field is used to represent the Check Digit.
2. A calculated Check Digit's computed from the remaining 8 digits using Modulus 10 algorithm.
3. Multiply each digit in the Routing Transit Number by a weighting factor. The weighting factors for each digit
areas given in the following table:

Digit 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th

Factor 3 7 1 3 7 1 3 7

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

• The digits of the Routing Transit Number are multiplied by the associated factor. The computed sum is then
calculated by summing the totals.
• Subtract the sum from the next highest multiple of 10. The result is the calculated Check Digit. This should be
the same as the 9th digit of the Branch Number or Routing Transit Number; otherwise the Branch Number or
Routing Transit Number is invalid.

For Example:

Routing 0 7 6 4 0 1 2 5 Total

Multiply by 3 7 1 3 7 1 3 7 N/A

Sum 0 49 6 12 0 1 6 35 = 109

So the Check Digit = 1 (110 minus 109).

In this example, the Routing Transit Number 076401251 passes validation.

Related Topics
• Bank Account Validation by Country: Albania to Guatemala
• Bank Account Validation by Country: Hungary to Norway

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Cash Management and Banking Configuration

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Business Events

12 Business Events

Overview of Public Business Events

A public event, also known as business event, is a definable logical occurrence in a business scenario. It can be a high-
level occurrence such as payables invoice creation or a specialized event such as status change.

If you want to perform operations in other systems based on public events in Oracle Financials Cloud, then you can use
public event features. You must enable the business event if it isn't enabled by default.

After you enable these features, the application sends a signal, along with a payload containing information about the
public event, whenever an event occurs. The public event signal is also known as a public event.

The application sends signals irrespective of the source or cause of the event. For example, the application sends a
payables invoice creation signal when an invoice is created using a user interface or REST API.

Integration developers and administrators can subscribe to public events from the Oracle Integration Cloud using
the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter. Then, they can use the information in the payload to configure event handlers that
perform business operations. For more information about supported Financials business events and to create and add a
connection to an integration, refer to the Using the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter with Oracle Integration guide.

Related Topics
• Supported Financials Business Events
• Workflow to Create and Add an Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Connection to an Integration

Business Events for Payables

For Oracle Payables Cloud business events, Payables sends an event occurrence signal when the event has happened
using a user interface or by a REST API.

Note: A signal isn't raised when the event occurs using a scheduled process, such as the Import Payables Invoices
process, or by using a SOAP web service, such as the Payables Invoice Management web service.

This table describes the business events supported by Payables.

Supported Business Event Description Enable By Using First Release Available Event Initiation

Payables Invoice Approved Signals when an invoice is AP: Enable Business Events 18C • Force Approve
approved. profile option at the site button on Payables
level Dashboard
• Force Approve button
on Invoices landing

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Business Events

Supported Business Event Description Enable By Using First Release Available Event Initiation

• Force Approve button

on Manage Invoices
• Force Approve action
on Create and Edit
Invoice pages

Payables Invoice Cancelled Signals when an invoice is AP: Enable Business Events 18C • Cancel invoice option
canceled. profile option at the site using the Void
level Payment button on
Payables Dashboard
• Cancel button on
Invoices landing page
• Cancel Invoice action
on Create and Edit
Invoice pages
• Cancel Invoice action
on Manage Invoices
• Cancel Invoice action
on Invoice Details
• Cancel invoice option
using the Void
Payment button on
Manage Payment
• Cancel an invoice
using Invoices REST

Payables Invoice Created Signals when an invoice is AP: Enable Business Events 18C • Create Invoice page
created. profile option at the site
level • Create Invoice button
on Invoices landing
• Create Invoice page
from Supplier Portal
• Create Invoice Without
PO page from Supplier
• Issue Refund action
in Edit Receipt page
in Oracle Receivables
• Create an invoice
using Invoices REST

Invoice Hold Applied Signals when an invoice AP: Enable Business Events 18B • Manage Holds page
hold is placed. profile option at the site from the Create and
level Edit Invoice pages
• Holds on Invoice
Details page

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Business Events

Supported Business Event Description Enable By Using First Release Available Event Initiation

• Validate button on
Invoice landing page
• Validate action on
Create and Edit
Invoice pages
• Validate button on
Manage Invoices page
• Place hold on invoice
option using the Void
Payment button on
Payables Dashboard
• Place hold on invoice
option using the Void
action on Manage
Payments page
• Validate an invoice
using Invoices REST
• Create an invoice hold
using Invoice Holds

Invoice Hold Released Signals when an invoice AP: Enable Business Events 18B • Release button on
hold is released. profile option at the site Payables Dashboard
• Release button on
Invoices landing page
• Release Holds action
on Manage Invoices
• Release button on
Invoice Details page
• Manage Holds invoice
action on Create and
Edit Invoice pages
• Invoice hold is
released using Hold
resolution workflow
• Validate action on
Create and Edit
Invoice pages
• Validate an invoice
using Invoices REST
• Release an invoice
hold using Invoice

Payables Invoice Validated Signals when an invoice is AP: Enable Business Events 18C • Validate button on
validated online. profile option at the site Invoices landing page
• Validate action on
Create and Edit
Invoice pages

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Business Events

Supported Business Event Description Enable By Using First Release Available Event Initiation

• Validate button or
action on Manage
Invoices page
• Validate action on
Invoice Details page
• Holds resolution
workflow when
an invoice hold is
released and the
invoice status is
updated to Validated
• Release button on
Payables Dashboard
• Release button on
Invoices landing page
• Release Holds on
Manage Invoices page
• Release button on
Invoice Details page
• Manage Holds on
Create and Edit
Invoice pages
• Validate an invoice
using Invoices REST

Payables Payment Created Signals when a single AP: Enable Business Events 18C • Pay button on Invoices
payment is created. profile option at the site landing page
• Pay in Full action
on Create and Edit
Invoice pages
• Pay in Full action on
Manage Invoices page
• Pay in Full button on
Manage Invoices page
• Pay in Full action on
Invoice Details page
• Create Payment page
• Create payment icon
on Manage Payments
• Create a payment
using Payables
Payments REST API

Payables Payment Voided Signals when a payment is AP: Enable Business Events 19A • Void Payment
voided. profile option at the site button on Payables
level Dashboard
• Void Payment button
on Payments landing

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Business Events

Supported Business Event Description Enable By Using First Release Available Event Initiation

• Void action on
Manage Payments
• Reissue actions on
Manage Payments
• Void Payment action
on Payment page
• Reissue action on
Payment page
• Void a payment using
Payables Payments

Enable the Payables Business Events Profile Option

If you want Oracle Payables Cloud to signal when a defined business event occurs, then enable the AP: Enable Business
Events profile option.

You must have one of these roles to enable business events for Payables:

• Application Implementation Consultant

• Financial Administrator

Enable the Profile Option Value

To enable the profile option value, complete these steps:

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
2. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page in the Search: Profile Option section, enter AP: Enable
Business Events in the Profile Display Name field.
3. Click Search.
4. In the Search Results: Profile Options section, select the profile option.
5. In the Profile Values section, select Yes in the Profile Value field for the site level.
6. Click Save and Close.

Business Events for Payments

For Oracle Payments Cloud business events, Payments sends an event occurrence signal when the event has happened.
This table describes the business event supported by Payments.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Implementing Payables Invoice to Pay Business Events

Supported Business Event Description Enable By Using First Release Available Event Initiation

Payment File Created Signals when a payment file IBY: Enable Business Events 18C Upon completion of
is created. profile option at the site payment file

Enable the Payments Business Events Profile Option

If you want Oracle Payments Cloud to signal when a defined business event occurs, then enable the IBY: Enable
Business Events profile option.

You must have one of these roles to enable business events for Payments:

• Application Implementation Consultant

• Financial Administrator

Enable the Profile Option Value

To enable the profile option value, complete these steps:

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
2. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page in the Search: Profile Option section, enter IBY: Enable
Business Events in the Profile Display Name field.
3. Click Search.
4. In the Search Results: Profile Options section, select the profile option.
5. In the Profile Values section, select Yes in the Profile Value field for the site level.
6. Click Save and Close.


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