Centrecancelscbseclass12Exams, Willhave Objectivecriteria'Forresults
Centrecancelscbseclass12Exams, Willhave Objectivecriteria'Forresults
Centrecancelscbseclass12Exams, Willhave Objectivecriteria'Forresults
show-cause; TMC says act of revenge
safety above everything’
appear for the examination, the
MUMBAI RITIKA CHOPRA CBSE will provide an option
1,032 lactating
NEW DELHI, JUNE 1 once the situation becomes
conducive. important examinations. DEEPTIMAN TIWARY
CITING “UNCERTAIN conditions Following the CBSE decision, ● forunivs EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Covid infection is still on the & ATRI MITRA
women get due to Covid and feedback ob-
tained from various stakehold-
the Council for Indian School
CertificateExaminations(CISCE) CLASS 12 is a milestone
MUMBAI, PUNE, JUNE 1 rise and there was a demand by
parents to cancel Class 10 and 12
15 days after cyclone, people of Amreli’s lion country stumble on without power
PAGE 1 Gir, the home of the Asiatic lion, ity poles, and 45,039 transform- The family’s home and cattle longings bundled up in bed- have water distribution issues horizon, Dahiben stands wiping
ANCHOR spans.Thedarknesshasembold- ers damaged. shed were damaged in the cy- sheets. but as on today (Monday), 99 hertearsontheJafrabadharbour
enedthelionsandleopards,says Says Mota Agariya village clone. Kanchan’s brother-in-law “I run to the road with the tankers are making 374 trips to bridge. As her son-in-law Manji
Khuman. “Lions roar outside the sarpanch Hathi Khuman, “Lions Ramesh says one of the first ad- pots when we hear a water supply water to affected vil- Vansh tugs at the remains of his
GOPAL KATESHIYA damaged wall of my house. My avoid illuminated areas. But our justments they had to make was tanker has come. I also fetch wa- lages." fishing trawler with the help of
RAJULA (AMRELI), JUNE 1 family, my five cows, my bul- streetlights have been out since figuring out how to ensure milk ter from a nearby stone quarry Bachu Sankhat, 65, who runs a tractor, Dahiben cries, "Kain
locks, we live in terror.” Tauktae.” With piped water sup- didn’t spoil without a refrigera- that is currently filled with rain- ageneralstoreinMitiyalavillage, nikalyu nahi, bhai, kain nikalyu
PAVAN KHUMAN, a farmer of A fortnight after the cyclone ply also hit due to lack of power, tor. “Eventually, my mother water,”saysSarola.Afewhouses 5kmfromJafrabadtown(where nahi! (Nothing is there to sal-
Mota Agariya village in Rajula struck on May 17, 191 of 619 vil- he and his brother have been us- turned to the old way, of keep- in the village have piped water the cyclone made landfall), says vage, nothing)!"
taluka,hassenthissonsRajvir,17 lages of Amreli district are still ingadiesel-firedgeneratortopro- ing the milk container in water." connections, apart from a com- he has never seen this long Eventually, the tugging rope
and Vijay, 14, to his niece’s home without power, as per a release videdrinkingwatertothevillage. In neighbouring Vavdi vil- mon hand pump. power outage in three decades. snaps,andVanshgivesuphisbid
in Dhari. Since Cyclone Tauktae byPaschimGujaratVijCompany Thelackof electricityhasalso lage, Mukta Sarola, 45, uses a In Hindorna village of Rajula Even urban areas are hit. to salvage the trawler. It is the
reduced their home to rubble Limited (PGVCL), the state- forced other changes. Kanchan charpoyasshadeagainstthesun taluka, women use bowls to Sanjya Dafda, who lives in fifth day this has happened.
andsnappedthepowerlines,the ownedcompanythatdistributes Savaliya, 60, says it is after many as she cleans some dented scoop water out of holes dug in Jafrabad town and runs an Vansh hadthoughthis woeshad
family has been spendingnights electricity in Saurashtra region. years that she is using a ravaiya kitchen pots. These are among the bed of Dhatarvadi river and Ayurveda clinicin Mitiyala,wor- ended when he had found the
outdoors,inthedark,infearof li- The cyclone left 10,447 vil- (a wooden churner) regularly to the only things the family of fill their pots -- a practice that ries for his children. “Our daugh- trawler after five days of search
ons on the prowl nearby. lages in the state without skim milk. “We have an electric Tauktae damaged electricity dailyagriculturallabourersman- dates back generations. ters, 9 and 2, are forced to sleep following the cyclone.
Amreli is one of the four power, with 23,800 km of trans- skimmer... I had to search the lines and poles. Gopal Kateshiya aged to salvage from the rubble Amreli District Collector on the terrace." “We had paid Rs 10 lakh to
Gujarat districts across which mission lines, 1.16 lakh electric- house to locate this one.” of their home, the rest of the be- Ayush Oak said, "Some villages As the sun slips under the CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
■ CUSTOMIZABLE he southwest monsoon has been delayed, and its onset over Kerala is now likely to take place only on June
3, the IMD said. The normal date for the onset of the monsoon over the Kerala coast is June 1. Is the delay
How the economy has
Indian Express
unusual? And will it mean cascading delays across the country? steadily been worsening
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169 prison
inmates without
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Transfer of Equity Shares of Tata Steel Limited to Investor Education and Protection Fund
169 inmates who did not have
the necessary identity docu- This Notice is published pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013,
ments at Arthur Road jail. (“Act”) read with the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit,
A vaccination camp in coor- Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 ("Rules"), each as amended. The Act and Rules, inter alia,
dination with the not-for-profit contain provisions for transfer of unclaimed dividend to IEPF and transfer of share(s), both held in
Mumbai Project was set up at physical form as well as in electronic form, in respect of which dividend(s) has not been paid or
the jail. The Maharashtra prison claimed by the shareholder(s) for seven consecutive years or more, to IEPF Authority.
department started Covid-19
vaccination drive for inmates at In compliance with the Rules, the Company has sent individual communication in physical mode
Arthur Road Jail in March this to the concerned Shareholders at their registered postal address, for them to claim such
year. The inmates were taken to dividend(s). This communication is addressed to those shareholders, whose dividend(s) remain
Kasturba Gandhi Hospital for unclaimed and whose share(s) are liable to be transferred to IEPF on September 16, 2021 as per
the same. the aforesaid Rules. The Shareholders are advised to claim such dividend(s) by September 15,
Till last week, 242 inmates 2021.
were given the jab, but vaccina-
The Company has made available, the complete details of the concerned shareholders whose
shares are liable for transfer to IEPF on its website at www.tatasteel.com. Shareholders are
tation had not begun.
requested to refer to https://www.tatasteel.com/investors/investor-information/unclaimed-dividend/
On April 30, expressing con-
to verify the details of their unclaimed dividend(s) and their share(s) liable to be transferred to the
cern over the deaths of two pris-
oners and jail staff in
Maharashtra due to Covid-19, Shareholders are requested to note that in case the dividend(s) are not claimed by
the Bombay High Court had September 15, 2021, those equity share(s) in respect of which the dividends remain
asked the Centre and state gov- unclaimed for 7 consecutive years, shall be transferred to IEPF, without any further notice
ernment if it was mandatory for to the shareholders in the following manner:
prison inmates to have Aadhaar
cardsbeforetheygotvaccinated. In case Equity shares are held:
· In physical form – New share certificate(s) will be issued and transferred in favor of
IEPF on completion of necessary formalities. The original share certificate(s) which
Dharavi woman stand registered in the name of the shareholder will be deemed cancelled and non-
minister Anil Parab on Tuesday
announced that an assistance of
Rs 5 lakh will be provided to the
According to the notification, dependants of State Transport
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE While the charge for an in the A category cities, such as Department employees, who
MUMBAI, JUNE 1 Mumbaiandmetropolitanareas died due to Covid-19 but did not
isolation ward in (excluding Bhiwandi and Vasai- meetthenormsrequiredtoavail
IN A MOVE that is expected to Mumbai has been fixed Virar), Pune and Pune metropol- of the state government’s Rs 50
spell huge relief to Covid-19 pa- at a maximum of itan areas, and Nagpur, the lakh relief scheme.
tients in Maharashtra’s villages, charges for a Covid-19 patient in While speaking at a virtual
Chief Minister Uddhav Rs 4,000 a day, in a isolation ward cannot be more event held to mark the 73rd an-
Thackeray on Tuesday approved district it cannot be than Rs 4,000 a day. The maxi- niversary of Maharashtra State
a notification classifying the more than Rs 2,400. mum charge for an ICU (inten- Road Transport Corporation
cities and rural areas in states sive care unit) has been capped (MSRTC),Parabalsosaidthatthe
into three different categories at Rs 7,500 a day, and charges for government scheme to pay Rs
and capping the treatment costs fective implementation of the ventilator at Rs 9,000 a day. 50 lakh to the kin of employees
accordingly. notification,” said Thackeray. In the B category cities such who died due to Covid has been
With this, while the charge Aspartof thenotification,the as Nashik, Aurangabad, extendedtillJune 30. Besides, he
for an isolation ward in Mumbai cities and rural areas have been Amravati, Bhiwandi, Solapur, said a contractual job would be
has been fixed at a maximum of categorised into A, B, and C Kolhapur,Vasai-Virar,Malegaon, Migrant workers register for Covid-19 testing outside Thane station on Tuesday. With Covid cases dipping and curbs being provided within six months to
Rs4,000aday,inadistrict itcan- groups to differentiate between Nanded, Sangli and all district eased, migrants have started to return to Mumbai for work. Deepak Joshi dependants of employees who
not be more than Rs 2,400. them on the lines of the classifi- headquarters, the charges for a died during the pandemic.
Thackeray also granted an cation by insurance companies. Covid-19 patient in isolation
extension to a previous notifica- The treatment cost for Covid pa- ward cannot be more than Rs
tion reserving 80 per cent of
beds in private hospitals for
Covid treatment, and capping
tients, especially in rural areas,
will be relatively low due the
classificationof theareas,saidan
3,000 a day, ICU Rs 5,500 a day,
and ventilator Rs 6,700 a day.
In the C category, which cov-
State govt may PIL in HC seeks
relief for kids
Do you think Covid
to ensure that the hospitals do
Rural areas, which had re-
ers all other towns except those
under Class A and B, the daily stop global vaccine orphaned situation is conducive
procurement process
not overcharge patients. “All the ported fewer cases as compared charges for an isolation ward
by Covid
ipal commissioners will be in-
structed to ensure strict and ef-
to the urban areas in 2020, have
been hit hard during the second
surge this year.
ICU at Rs 4,500, and ventilator at
Rs 5,400.
for Class 10 exams,
sion on the global purchase or- EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
HC asks petitioner
BMC gets nine responses
der will be taken soon and is MUMBAI, JUNE 1
MUMBAI, JUNE 1 likely to be called off.
The companies have re- A SOCIAL worker from Pune re- hearing.
THE MAHARASHTRA govern- quested the Maharashtra gov- cently moved a PIL in the EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE On May 28, Maharashtra
47 police
personnel across
Fadnavis visits Khadse’s Jalgaon home HC extends Hany Babu’s stay
state died of
in hospital until tomorrow
Both BJP and NCP on
Khadse, once a senior state
BJP leader, had quit the party to
last month after its corporators
defected to the Shiv Sena.
MUMBAI, JUNE 1 Tuesday said Fadnavis's join NCP. Khadse had then Earlier, NCP minister Nawab
blamed Fadnavis for sidelining Malik said, "The Pawar-Fadnavis On May 27, extending Babu's
meeting with Khadse Babu, who was arrested
OPPOSITION LEADER Devendra him. meeting was just a courtesy call. EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE stay in a private hospital till June
JAYPRAKASH S NAIDU FadnavisonTuesday visited NCP kin was apolitical During his day-long visit in Pawar was hospitalised and had MUMBAI, JUNE 1 by the NIA last July, 1, the court had asked the hospi-
MUMBAI, JUNE 1 leader Eknath Khadse’s resi- Jalgaon, Fadnavis toured Raver surgery. Several leaders across
has tested positive tal to submit an interim medical
dence during his Jalgaon district andMuktainagartalukas.Hevis- party lines have come and THE BOMBAY High Court report on his condition and
A TOTAL of 47 police personnel tour. Khadse told The Indian ited the district hospital to re- greeted him. Fadnavis enquired Tuesday extended the private for Covid-19. treatment pertaining to Covid-
from Maharashtra Police suc- Khadse and his daughter Express, "We always welcome view the Covid-19 situation, and about Pawar’s well-being and hospital stay of Delhi University 19 and the eye infection.
cumbed to Covid-19 in May this Rohini were in Mumbai at the guests at home. I was in interacted with farmers in ba- health." associate professor Hany Babu, Agency (NIA) last July, has tested On Tuesday, after Babus’s
year. The number of cases in the time. Khadse's daughter-in-law Mumbai. My daughter-in law nana plantation fields. However, Shiv Sena MP anaccusedintheElgaarParishad positiveforCovid-19.Hewasad- counsel advocate Yug Chaudhry
policeforceisseeingasteadyde- Raksha Khadse, a BJP MP, hosted asked them to have lunch but Fadnavis said, "The unsea- SanjayRautsaid,"Icanstatewith case, till June 3. mitted to the government-run J informed the court that his eye
cline after it peaked in the sec- Fadnavis and party colleague they declined.Sotea wasserved. sonal rain and hailstorm has certainty that Pawar must have A vacation bench led by J hospital in the city and later condition had improved but still
ond wave. Girish Mahajan for tea. We may belong to different par- damaged the banana plantation advised Fadnavis on how to be- Justice S S Shinde was hearing a moved to GT hospital. needed medical care, the bench
As compared to May, a total Fadnavis's visit comes a day ties and work as rivals. But if across the district. Farmers have come a good opposition leader. writ plea by Babu’s wife Jenny He was then transferred to extended his stay at Breach
of 68 police personnel in the after he met NCP president somebody comes home, we incurred huge financial losses. Pawar was a good opposition Rowenna, seeking that he be re- BreachCandyHospitalasperthe Candy Hospital and allowed
state police lost their lives to Sharad Pawar on Monday. serve them.” The CM and Deputy CM should leader himself and would have leased on bail on healthgrounds High Court’s May 19 order, Babu's lawyer to inform the hos-
Covid-19inApril.The numberof BothBJPandNCPonTuesday He dismissed speculation provide Rs 50,000 per hectare shared his experience." He orshiftedtoaprivatehospitalfor which had said that charges for pital not to discharge him till the
active cases has come down maintained that Fadnavis's about the BJP making efforts to compensation to the farmers.” added, “The opposition is creat- treatment of an eye infection. treatment at a private hospital next hearing. The court ad-
from 3,811 on May 1 to 1,326 meetingwithPawarand Khadse build bridges with him or his The BJP suffered a jolt in the ing a ruckus daily. If they do this, Babu (55), who was arrested would be borne by Babu's fam- journed the hearing till June 3
cases on June 1 in the state po- were apolitical. family. Jalgaon Municipal Corporation they will never return to power” by the National Investigation ily. due to paucity of time.
MumbaionMonday. neersandworkerscompletedthis applications submitted by the the RFQ stage for the redevelop- sqmwillbepermittedforthede-
With this, package-1 has challengingworkefficiently,”said bidders.Anofficialsaidtherede- ment of CSMT station. As the velopment.
achieved 100 per cent tunnelling RanjitSinghDeol,managingdirec- veloped station will provide next step, IRSDC will float a The revamped station will
as the 5.8-km long tunnel from tor, MMRC. Package 1 has now state-of-the-art amenities to Request for Proposal (RFP) soon have new commercial spaces
Cuffe Parade to CSMT Metro witnessed a total of eight break- passengers and enhance their to the qualified bidders. CSMT developed — including malls,
Station is now completed. throughs: Cuffe Parade to Vidhan travel experience. railway station redevelopment shops and eateries — which will
Package-1 includes Cuffe Parade, Bhavan (Upline 1,228m and Accordingtorailwayofficials, is one of our most ambitious be monetised by the operator.
Vidhan Bhavan, Churchgate and Downline 1,254 m), Vidhan IRSDC had invited quotations in projects and we at IRSDC are Officials said the plan is to make
HutatmaChowkMetrostations. BhavantoChurchgate(Upline498 August last year after ‘in-princi- committed to transform the CSMT a world-class station
According to the MMRC, the m and Downline 481 m), ple’ approval of Public-Private CSMT railway station into a while restoring its heritage
Robbins' TBM Surya-1 has com- Churchgate to Hutatma Chowk Partnership Appraisal state-of-the-art transport hub,” charm.
pleted its final upline drive of 557 (Upline 654 m) and Hutatma Committee(PPPAC)toredevelop saidSKLohia,ManagingDirector "The IRSDC will be a single
metres from Hutatma Chowk to Chowk to CSMT (Upline 557 m CSMT railway station and trans- and CEO, IRSDC windowforapprovalof themas-
CSMT Metro Station in 149 days andDownline569m). form it into an iconic city centre. The official said the redevel- ter plan and building plans in
using405concreterings.Withthis, The overall tunnelling com- On 15 January, the IRSDC re- opment cost of the station consultation with local authori-
the5.8-km-longtunnelfromCuffe pleted on the project is 52 km, ceivedaresponsefrom10devel- (mandatory cost) including the ties in terms of power conferred
ParadetoCSMTMetroStationhas which is approximately 96 per opers and after evaluation, it cost of financing and contin- under Section 11 of Railway Act,
been completed and the entire centof thetotalproject. shortlisted nine applications, gency is Rs 1,642 crore. The in- 1989," said another official.
Karnataka fails
With Covid surging at the nearly exhausted and Rinku was
SANTOSHSINGH time,Rinkufoundherselfallalone gasping for breath. Rinku's son IRAM SIDDIQUE
PATNA,JUNE1 in an overcrowded ward with Prashanthadalsojoinedthem. BHOPAL, JUNE 1
hardly any attendants around, as Rakesh, who was already in
un-lock norms
IT IS a story of abandonment. It is ascaredSatishkeptaway.Anem- Patna, said even getting past the SENIOR BJP leader and former
alsoastoryof unconditionallove, ployee with a firm at Kahalgaon AIIMS gates proved a nightmare. minister, Laxmikant Sharma
gritandresilience--helpingRinku near Bhagalpur, he moved into a "Therewasadelayincompleting (60), who was arrested in con-
Singh, 47, survive a battle of 53 room on rent near the hospital. admissionformalities.Eventually, nection with the Vyapam scam
days against Covid, coming back They have one son, a law student I called up AIIMS Director Dr P K in 2014, succumbed to Covid-19
18 and ventilator support.
Rinku spent the next 18 days
State panel submits report, 24 of 30 late on Monday night.
Sharma was admitted to
ItwasinthebeginningofApril With Rinku in need of some- on ventilator support, with doc- dists have positivity rate of over 10% Bhopal’s Chirayu hospital with
that Rinku, a resident of one to take care of her, her torsattimesleavingherfateupto mild Covid symptoms but after
Madhopur village in Munger, youngerbrotherRajnish,afarmer god. Dr Mukesh Kumar at AIIMS, undergoing treatment for over
started feeling ill. As that gradu- based in Ramchua village of Rakesh (left) and Rajnish with Rinku at their home. Patna,saidRinku'sconditionalso JOHNSON T A 20 days, he succumbed to the
ated to breathlessness, her hus- Banka, rushed to Bhagalpur. deteriorated "because of hyper- BENGALURU, JUNE 1 virus on Monday. He was cre-
band Satish Prasad Singh got her Rajnish recalls, "The day I visited thyroidismbesideslunginfection mated with state honours in
admitted to JLN Medical College Rinku,evenheroxygenmaskwas stayedwithafriend,hedecidedto the Covid ward in-charge at the and high eosinophilia (a large AN EARLY easing of the lock- Sironj early on Tuesday.
and Hospital in Bhagalpur. notonproperly."Whileheinitially move into the Covid ward with hospital,deniesthis,butheadmits numberofwhitebloodcells,indi- down in Karnataka seems un- CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan
Rinku despite the risk. to staff constraints. catinginfection)".Aftershecame likely with Covid-19 numbers in tweeted, “Heard the sad news of
For the next four days that When Rinku's SPO2 fell to an offtheventilator,Rinkudeveloped muchof thestatenotinlinewith the demise of former minister
Shree Swami Samarth
advertisers or otherwise Dadar (W),
acting on an
advertisement in any Phone : 24440631
manner whatsoever. Mobile : 9869131962
CALLING IT “unprecedented”, Banerjee governments since the service in the rule of law. The PM Under the rules, he would re-
A DAY after government esti- “disturbing” and a “disregard for Chief Minister chose to skip a re- has not been advised properly main in service only if he re-
mates showed that India’s GDP rules”, former top bureaucrats view meeting over Cyclone Yaas in this matter,” Chaturvedi said. mained chief secretary of West
contracted by 7.3 per cent in on Tuesday criticised the held by the Prime Minister. In He said provisions for cen- Bengal, not at the Centre,” Misra
2020-21, senior Congress leader Centre’s actions in the case of the latest order, the Ministry of tral deputation require the of- said.
and former finance minister P ‘Borrow and spend’ former West Bengal chief secre- Home Affairs Monday slapped a ficer and the state to give their On the Centre's DM Act no-
Chidambaram on Tuesday said tary Alapan Bandyopadhyay. showcause notice on consent. “A consultation is tice to Bandyopadhyay, Misra
the government must wake up Speaking to The Indian Bandyopadhyay under the done, and if the Centre is not said it was " stupid". "It would Strikes at the root of cooperative
and not lose yet another year, ad- “Goodadvicebydistinguished Express, former Cabinet Disaster Management (DM) Act satisfied with a state’s reasons be a violation of the DM Act if an
mit its errors of commission and economists and renowned insti- Secretary B K Chaturvedi, for- for arriving 15 minutes late for to not relieve the officer, it can order to attend that meeting had federalism, says Ashok Gehlot
omission,reverseitspolicies,and tutions has been rebuffed...” he mer Secretary of the DoPT (the the PM's meeting. insist. But that does not mean been issued under the DM Act.”
heed the advice of economists. said at an AICC press conference. cadre controlling ministry for Pillai expressed surprise over the consultation process itself A former home secretary
He asked the government to On printing money, IAS officers) Satyanand Misra the latest notice. “In my long ca- should be done away with,” said the intent of the DM Act EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
print money if needed and in- Chidambaramsaid,“Wehavethe and former Home Secretary G K reer, I did not come across any Chaturvedi said. was to punish genuine derelic- NEW DELHI, JUNE 1
crease spending. space and the sovereign right to Pillai said the episode sets a bad such precedence. That too for Misra, former secretary of tion of duty with regard to a
Arguing that 2020-21 has print money... At the moment, I precedent and would demoti- missing a meeting! Both the or- the Department of Personnel disaster. “As home secretary we THE CHIEF Ministers of the
been the “darkest year of the think printing money is clearly vate civil servants. ders are bizarre. No other word and Training (DoPT), feared the worked with CMs who had dif- Congress-ruled Rajasthan and
economy”infourdecades,hesaid advised.” He said all indicators “This is perhaps the first time can express it,” the former episode would demotivate of- ferences of opinion. There was Chhattisgarh on Tuesday hit out
thecurrentstateoftheeconomyis point to the fact that the econ- in the history of independent Home Secretary said. fcers. “This is a very disturbing give and take. Sometimes you at the Union government for not Rajasthan CM Ashok Gehlot;
largely due to the impact of the omyisindirestraits. “Borrowand India that a Secretary-level offi- Chaturvedi said the PM ap- development. Younger officers listen to the CM, sometimes including Finance Ministers (right) Chhattisgarh CM
pandemic, but it has been com- spend—ifnecessary,printmoney cer is being posted at the Centre pears to have been advised will get demotivated. We must you have your way. You have to from their party-ruled states in Bhupesh Baghel
pounded by the “ineptitude and and spend...” he said. one day before retirement. The poorly. “It is evident the understand that the civil service have that mutual respect. the Group of Ministers (GoM)
incompetent”economicmanage- FULLREPORT ON order is totally irregular. And to Government of India was of the was conceived primarily to Ultimately you will also need formed to examine the issue of
ment of the BJP-led government. www.indianexpress.com say that a Secretary-level officer view that Bandyopadhyay’s serve in states. Only those who the state,” he said. exemptingGSTorcuttingrateon and Uttar Pradesh (Suresh Kr
must report to Delhi by 10 am continuance in the state was im- are willing come to the Centre. Calling the episode an exam- Covid essentials like vaccines, Khanna).
(on a particular day) is just un- portant or else he would not If you set a precedent that who- ple of politics overriding de- drugs, hand sanitisers, masks, Chhattisgarh Chief Minister
SC lawyers body writes to heard of. The joining time is nor-
mally six days plus travelling
have been given an extension of
service (when Banerjee applied
ever you are angry with will be
called to the Centre, how will
cency, a former bureaucrat said,
“An officer who has given 30
PPE kits and oxygen-related
Bhupesh Baghel too said the ex-
clusion of Congress ministers is
CJI over HC judges’ posts time for all bureaucrats. That the
DoPT Secretary agreed to issue
such an order says a lot about
for the same, before his retire-
ment). But then another order
to report to the Centre was is-
bureaucrats work?” Misra said.
He also questioned the man-
ner in which Bandyopadhyay
years of service doesn’t expect
to be treated like this. It will be-
come very difficult for any bu-
In a statement, Rajasthan
Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot
said the “exclusion” was delib-
against the spirit of cooperative
federalism. He said the Congress
ministers were deliberately kept
sue related to appointment of the state Indian bureaucracy is sued. Clearly it shows they were was called to the Centre. “To ask reaucrat to work freely.” erate. out so that there is no discussion
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE HC judges, on January 10, 2020 In its meeting on May 28, the on their demand that the GST on
NEW DELHI, JUNE 1 that despite discussions not GST Council had decided to set Covid essentials should be 0.1
much progress seems to have 1,742 KIDS ORPHANED up the Group of Ministers, per cent instead of 5 per cent.
efJejej (hetJe&),
He@âkeäme : 0250-2525107
F&-ces} : vasaivirarcorporation@yahoo.com
peeJekeâ ›eâ. : Je.efJe.çe.ce./DeejesiÙe/189/2122
Woman held for husband’s ‘murder’
lee. JemeF&, efpe. hee}Iej efheve- 401305
efoveebkeâ : 01.06.2021 inside the house to bring out the something amiss when he was
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE body. unabletocontacthisbrotherover
E-Tender Notice (First Extension) MUMBAI, JUNE 1 AnofficerfromDahisarpolice thephone.HearrivedinMumbai
ONLINE bids are invited for following Work. Tender forms may be stationsaid,"Inourprimaryinves- to search for his brother last
THE DAHISAR police on Tuesday tigation, we have learnt that the Friday.
purchased online by the Bidder, having relevant experience. arrested a woman for allegedly wife was having an affair with a A neighbour, a close friend,
Sr. Tender Inviting Name of Work Tender Approximate Earnest killing her husband with the help personinthelocality.” was also looking for him.
No. Authority Form Value of Money of her lover. The two allegedly The police suspect that the The daughter then told her
buriedhiminsidethehouse. murder took place after the hus- unclethatshehadseenthethree
Fee Work Deposit
The police said the incident band found both his wife and fighting, providing the first clue
(Rs.) (EMD) tookplaceonthenightofMay20, the man together in his house, about what had happened. "The
The Municipal SUPPLY OF ONE andthatthefirstclueabouttheal- and a scuffle broke out. The wife brotherthenwenttoDahisarpo-
Commissioner, NO. OF TRACTOR legedmurdercamefromthecou- gave the daughter some money lice station where the wife was
ple'sminordaughter. and sent her out to buy choco- called for questioning," said an
Vasai Virar City DRIVEN BEACH The day after the murder, the late. The husband was overpow- officer.
Municipal CLEANING woman lodged a missing report ered and allegedly strangled to The police then registered a
10,000/- Rs. 95 Lakhs.
Corporation MACHINE FOR for her husband at the police sta- death. They buried the body caseofmurderanddestructionof
1 + 18% (Inclusive of 1%
BEACHES tion. The murdered man stayed there while the daughter waited evidence,afterwhichthewoman
UNDER VASAI withhiswife,adaughterandson, outside to be let in. wasplacedunderarrest.
VIRAR bothminors. Theincidentcametolightaf- At the time of going to press,
Till late Tuesday, workers de- ter the husband’s brother, who thepoliceweretryingtolocatethe
MUNICIPAL ployedbythepoliceweredigging lives in Uttar Pradesh, suspected bodybydigginginsidethehouse.
Schedule of E-Tender : GOVERNMENT OF INDIA
Sr. VVCMC Stage Vendor Stage Start Date & End Date & RESEARCH DESIGNS & STANDARDS ORGANISATION byArmyjawanin
No. Time Time MANAK NAGAR, LUCKNOW-226011
Notice for inviting E-Tender
1 Release of Tender - 02.06.2021 -- For and on behalf of President of Union of India, Director Testing/Labs, RDSO, Manak Nagar, foundontracks
Lucknow invites open E-Tender (online) for the following work
2 -- Tender Download 02.06.2021 10.06.2021 Open Tender No. and Name of work Approx. cost Contract EMD Tender Date & time of Pune:An8-year-oldgirlwas
of work (Rs.) period Money Document closing of
3 -- Online Tender 02.06.2021 10.06.2021, Cost tender allegedlysexuallyassaulted
Submission 03.00 pm RM1_GL-8_FTL_INSTSYS_2021 7,65,34,216.00 8 months Rs. Nil Nil 05.07.2021 by an Army jawan inside
dated 31/05/2021 Bid Security (Monday)
the toilet of a moving train,
4 Technical -- 11.06.2021, -- Rehabilitation of Instron make Fatigue
Testing system including 5 years CAMC
must be
at 15:00 hrs
and later thrown out of the
Proposal Open 3.05 pm installed in Fatigue Testing Lab. of
RDSO, Lucknow through Open Tender
Date onwards. Details of above E-Tender are available on web site (www.ireps.gov.in).
Tender closing date: 05.07.2021 up to 15.00 hrs. trauma, the girl was able to
5 Web site https://mahatenders.gov.in Bidding start date: 21.06.2021 provide an accurate de-
The above E-tender will be open on same day at 15:30 hrs. in the office of the Director
scription of the man that
Sd/- Testing/Labs, RDSO, Manak Nagar, Lucknow. Amendments/corrigendum, if any, would be
hosted on the website only. helpedinhisarrestTuesday,
Dy. Commissioner Director Testing/Labs. policesaid. ENS
Testing Directorate, RDSO, Lucknow FULL REPORT ON
Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation For and on behalf of President of Union of India
If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to explained@indianexpress.com
undisclosed information”, combined with
How the theory gained ground ity enough. WHO Director General Tedros
Adhanom Ghenreyesus said “as far as WHO
20,00,000 open source information. is concerned, all hypotheses remain on the
It made three main points: 2019: FIRST IDENTIFICATION have had the world exposed to viruses table”. Although the team concluded that a
■ thatresearchersattheWuhanInstitute as a result of failures in a Chinese lab.” lab leak is the least likely hypothesis, he said
of Virology (WIV) had fallen ill with symp- DECEMBER 31: WHO is informed of “thisrequiresfurtherinvestigation,potentially
10,00,000 tomsconsistentwithbothCovid-19andsea- cases of pneumonia of unknown JULY 4: The Times reports that a virus with additional missions involving specialist
LAST 10 DAYS sonal illnesses, well before the first reported cause in Wuhan City. On January 7, similar to SARS-CoV-2 was found in experts, which I am prepared to deploy”.
May 22 May 31 case on December 8, 2019; Chinese authorities identify a novel an abandoned copper mine in China The report caused concerns among most
Note: The May 31 figures in these graphs are based on the government update on June 1 ■ that 2016 researchers at WIV had been coronavirus as the cause. in 2012, and then studied at WIV. countries. The US and 13 other countries is-
conducting experiments with RaTG13, a bat sued a statement at the World Health
2020: CLAIMS & SCEPTICISM NOVEMBER 17: BioEssays journal Assembly “expressing shared concerns re-
INDIA TOTAL CASES 2,81,75,044 RaTG13wasisolatedasfarbackas2013from FEBRUARY 3: In a paper in Nature, publishes a paper headlined: “The garding the recent WHO-convened study in
Source: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, updated at 11 pm on June 1 samples taken from bat faeces in a mine in Wuhan Institute of Virology genetic structure of SARS-CoV-2 does China,whileatthesametimereinforcingthe
Yunan, where six miners had died in 2012; researchers say SARS-CoV-2 has a not rule out a laboratory origin.” importance of working together toward the
■ that WIV carried out classified military 96.2% genome match with a bat development and use of a swift, effective,
research including animal experiments on coronavirus, RaTG13. Three days later,
2021: STRONGERCLAIMS transparent,science-based,andindependent
Response to SARS-CoV-2 after behalf of the People’s Liberation Army.
However, according to a report in CNN,
a researcher from South China
University of Technology suggests in a
JANUARY 15: US State Department’s
“fact sheet” on WIV, in the last
process for in evaluations of such outbreaks
China’s dismissal
Communications,scientists bloodstream for decades, achieve”, and demanded that both possibili- do not believe it emerged from a lab. to establish “greater clarity about the
investigated how the im- NEW RESEARCH readytobecalledbackinto ties, “natural and laboratory spillovers”, be origins of this pandemic”, and Beijinghasdismissedthetractionforthis
mune system’s previous action if the threat considered seriously. MARCH 27: The US Defense demand that both possibilities, theory as “hype” created by the US, and in-
exposuretocold-causingcoronaviruses emerges again. These cells are respon- On May 23 and 24, the Wall Street Journal Intelligence Agency’s updated “natural and laboratory spillovers”, be steadsuggestedthattheviruscamefromFort
impact immune response to Covid-19. sibleforproducingtargetedantibodies. published two reports that appear to have assessment includes the possibility of considered seriously Detrick, a US Army base in Maryland.
Theydiscoveredonecross-reactivecoro- Thediscoverymaybeanimportant pushed Biden into action. One report quoted “unsafe laboratory practices” leading Referringto theinvestigation announced
navirusantibodythat’striggeredduring step in the eventual development of a aUSintelligencereportasgoing“beyondthe to the emergence of the coronavirus. MAY 23-24: The Wall Street Journal by the US President, Chinese Foreign
aCovid-19infection.Inlatertests,thean- pan-coronavirusvaccine,whichwould StateDepartmentfactsheet”andsayingthree quotes a US intelligence report as Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said the en-
tibodyalsoneutralisedSARS-CoV-1,the beabletoprotectagainstpotentialcoro- researchers at WIV had fallen sick in APRIL 30: US President Donald saying three WIV researchers had quiryshowed“[theUS]aimistousethepan-
coronavirusthatcausesSARS. navirusesthatemergeinthefuture,the November2019.Thesecondreportwasabout Trump says people are looking at the fallen sick in November 2019; in demictopursuestigmatisation,politicalma-
The researchers determined that researchers suggested. theYunancopperminewheresixminershad laboratory-origin theory “very, very another report it refers to the miners nipulationandblameshifting.Theyarebeing
this type of cross-reactive antibody is Source: Scripps Research fallen ill. strongly”. Three days later, Secretary who fell sick in 2012, and says they disrespectfultoscience,irresponsibletopeo-
of State Mike Pompeo tells ABC News: had the same lung patches seen in ple’slivesandcounter-productivetothecon-
The mine & the virus “These are not the first times that we Covid patients. certed efforts to fight the virus”.
with severe pneumonia, had the same lung India’s position
patchesseeninCovidpatients.Overthenext New Delhi backs further investigation.
year,WIVscientistsstudiedsamplesfrom276 were the same. But they said it was not this that this could have accidentally led to the Without naming China, External Affairs
bats in the mine, among which they identi- virus that had caused the death of the min- leakage of a harmful virus from the lab. Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said
fied a coronavirus strain they called ers back in 2012. All this has led to heightened concerns the WHO-led study was an “important first
RaBTCoV/4991. The research was published At the very least, the late admission by that the WHO report on the origins of the step” and all must co-operate in further in-
in 2016. In February 2020, the same re- WIV that the two viruses were the same, and virus did not present a complete picture. quirytofixtheoriginofCovid-19conclusively.
searchers published a paper in Nature, de- somecontradictionsintheirexplanationsfor “The WHO convened global study on the
scribing RaTG13, which had a 96.2% genome this, have raised questions about the trans- The WHO report originof Covid-19isanimportantfirststep.It
sequence match with SARS-CoV-2. parency of data from WIV. At the other ex- The 120-page report, released on March stressed the need for next phase studies as
After scientists around the world noticed tremearethosewhodonotruleoutthatWIV 30, 2021, was inconclusive about the origins also for further data and studies to reach ro-
similarities in the sample dates and partial wasconductingexperimentstoconstructnew of the virus. But of four scenarios, it said it is bust conclusions. The follow up of the WHO
genetic sequences of RaBTCOV/4991 and viruses by combining elements of different “likelytoverylikely”thevirusspreadfroman reportandfurtherstudiesdeservetheunder-
RaTG13,WIVresearcherssaidthetwoviruses bat viruses, perhaps for finding vaccines, and animal to an intermediate host to humans. standing and co-operation of all.”
Diminishing prospects
Ableaktriadof slowergrowth,shrinkingmiddle
and contention. With both, there are now est CMIE unemployment numbers put out secondaryeffects. The governmenthasdone
HE SUPREME COURT’S call for a fresh examination of theremit of the sedition questions on what exactly we are measur- by Mahesh Vyas are sobering reading. The the right thing by extending the free food-
law is enormously welcome. The apex court’s observations, the cautionary ing. There is relief, or official spin, if they turn unemployment rate is 14.5 per cent as of the grain programme, and creating credit facili-
note it has struck on what is deemed as seditious, came while hearing a case out to be less worrisome than predicted. If end of May; the rural unemployment rate ties of various kinds. But there is still going
inwhichthe AndhraPradesh governmenthas bookedtwoTelugunewschan- the GDP growth is close to negative 7.3 per had crossed 7 per cent. Labour force partici- to be a serious loss in nutrition gains in rural
nels underSection 124Aof theIndianPenalCode (IPC).Thetwochannels havebeenmade cent, there is a huge sigh of relief. It could, af- pation has not increased. As Jean Dreze had India. And it is hard to imagine that output
ter all, have been negative 10 per cent. These prominently pointed out in these pages, it is declines, employment losses, and the ad-
co-accused along with parliamentarian Raghu Rama Krishna Raju, whose speech was
aresmallmercies.Butthereisnodenyingthe unlikely that nutrition levels, employment verse environment for small businesses will
alleged to have promoted disaffection against the government. The observation by the fact that the Indian economy has been wages had even recovered to pre-pandemic not warrant another round of income sup-
highest court gains significance as a constitutional challenge by two journalists, amongst the worst performers, even in the levelsbeforethesecondwavestruck;house- portof somekind.AsUdayKotakhasargued,
Kishorechandra Wangkhem and Kanhaiya Lal Shukla, against the colonial law is already South Asia region. So even as we battle with holdsavingshavebeengenerally onadown- we need a major fiscal stimulus to support
pending before it. Section 124A of the IPC penalises sedition as punishable with impris- So here is the big picture we need to keep Covid, we have to think ward trend. This big picture truth of eco- consumption. It is highly likely that in the
onment ranging from three years to a lifetime, a fine, or both. our eyes on. India is staring at the prospect nomic worries can be easily obfuscated by pandemic India has probably slipped back
of slower growth, rising poverty, and a
about what will truly reverse the narrative wars. on its education goals and targets.
In the landmark 1962 Kedar Nath case, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutional this diminishing of our
shrinking middle class. This is the first time The Sensex is rising, fuelled by global Other measures like regulatory reform
validity of the sedition law, but also attempted to restrict its scope for misuse. The court in a generation that India is experiencing economic fortunes. There are free money. There is a lot of excitement andprivatisationareunderway,though how
has held that unless accompanied by an incitement or call for violence, criticism of the something like this. Instead of moving to- about unicorns; they are certainly a testa- effective they will be is an open question.
the obvious things to do. An
government cannot be labelled sedition. Despite the ruling, however, the sedition law wards being a high middle income country, ment to entrepreneurial dynamism and in- There will have to be a serious reconsidera-
has been weaponised with increasing frequency. The provision is invoked by a trigger- we will be relieved if we don’t slip further investment in health is an genuity. But the idea that they are the back- tion of tax policy. This is not the place for
happy state to cramp free speech and muzzle dissent, and has been brazenly used to down the global ladder. Everyone under- investment in the economy; bone of a thriving economy is exaggerated. technical details. There is no question that
criminalise protestors. Take, for example, the case in Uttar Pradesh where the state filed
stands that Covid was a shock to the econ- but our health investment is There might be limited progress on the dis- the range of investment — in health, educa-
omy, and we will, at some point, emerge still in catastrophe tribution of private public goods like gas and tion, infrastructure,incomesupport,that the
over 22 cases of sedition in the wake of a sexual assault case in Hathras last year — of the fromthisshock.Butweareincompletelyun- water. But these cannot take away from the Indianeconomyrequireswillneedanewso-
22 cases, at least 18 were against unknown individuals. The nation-wide protests against charted territory in terms of our psycholog- management mode. For fact that for the first time in a generation, cial contract. The top one per cent have ben-
theCitizenshipAmendmentActattractedtheseriousseditionchargesformeresloganeer- ical orientation to the economy. example, we are still not young India is looking at a bleaker future efited enormously from the current econ-
ing. According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), the conviction rate in sedi- In the first decade of this century, we investing enough in long- than their parents did in terms of employ- omy. Devesh Kapur has made the powerful
tion cases was 3.3 per cent in 2019. However, the process often becomes the punishment were looking at an average of seven to eight ment and income. point that taxing the super rich a bit more,
term surveillance of the
as lower courts refuse to grant bail or examine the charges thoroughly. The Supreme per cent growth, steep drops in head count Itisaremarkablefactthatthisfundamen- those who have made extraordinary gains
poverty numbers, and an expanding middle disease or dealing with its tal triad of slower growth prospects, poten- overthelasttwoyears,evenif temporarily,to
Court’s fresh examination of the law must nudge the state that initiates prosecutions and
class. But all of these trends are now in re- secondary effects. The tially shrinking middle class and rising service the real needs of the economy more,
the courts that do not ask enough questions of the state, to apply the law correctly. verse. Growth has slowed and it would be a poverty has been kept out of public political shouldnotbeseenasanactof redistribution.
government has done the
Supreme Court judge DY Chandrachud, who was part of the Andhra sedition case, brave economist who has any analytical ba- consciousness.ThepoorinIndiawerealways So much of the money that is being made on
sarcastically inquired in another hearing if sedition cases would be slapped against those sis for projecting what India’s trend growth
right thing by extending the invisible. But the degree of economic and the stock market, in real estate or in capital
reporting on the dead bodies of Covid victims found floating in the river Ganga in Uttar rate will be over the next five to 10 years. We free foodgrain programme, ideological obfuscation is such that even the gains is because of the easy liquidity govern-
Pradesh. His remark is reassuring. It affirms that judges have their ears to the ground, are on a wing and a prayer. We do not have and creating credit facilities normally influential middle class’s tale of ments are providing; a little bit of payback
authoritative consumption-based poverty of various kinds. But there is economic uncertainty has become invisible. as a gesture of solidarity or justice is not un-
that they are alert to the growing political misuse of the sedition law. The Supreme Court
figures since 2011. But Azim Premji Whatshouldworryisnotjustthetrends;but warranted. The spectre of our bad old days
must settle the law once and for all, without leaving wiggle room for its continued dis- University’s “State of Working India” report,
still going to be a serious loss the fact that we are not worrying enough of socialismand90percentmarginalratesof
tortion and misuse. 2020, estimated that almost 230 million in nutrition gains in rural abouttheworryingtrends.Thereisgoodrea- taxation will be trotted out to obfuscate the
Indians had fallen back into poverty. For ref- India. And it is hard to son to think that unless there is drastic basic fact: We need to invest in our future,
erence, the period of growth from 2000 to imagine that output declines, change in national priorities, the very foun- and we cannot do so without more taxation.
2016 had seen roughly 270 million lifted out dation of our future is being sapped. A million plus Covid deaths is an extraor-
of poverty. A new Pew Research Centre employment losses, and the So even as we battle with Covid, we have dinary catastrophe.Buttheprospectof long-
Report, published before the second wave adverse environment for to thinkabout what will truly reversethis di- term economic stagnation should also give
lockdown, suggested that the Indian middle small businesses will minishing of our economic fortunes. There us nightmares. We are in completely un-
Rising market prices of edible oils and pulses pinch households. class had shrunk by about 32 million people not warrant another round are the obvious things to do. An investment charted territory.
in 2020. And we don’t have serious numbers in health is an investment in the economy;
They could also encourage a virtuous shift in cropping patterns on shrinking incomes or on the possible ef- of income support of but our health investment is still in catastro- The writer is Contributing Editor,
fects of long-term morbidity. This number some kind. phe management mode. For example, we The Indian Express
OCKDOWN-INDUCEDCURBSONeconomicactivity and beingmostly confined
food getting cooked in homes. The sharp price increase in these is noticeable and is biting
Rs175-180perkg,asagainstRs110-140ayearago.All-Indiamodalpricesof eventhemass-
last one year.
India imports 13-15 million tonnes (mt) of edible oils annually, while domestic pro-
duction is only 7.5-8.5 mt. The prices that consumers, therefore, pay are largely linked to
what it costs to import them. Landed prices of imported crude palm, soyabean and sun- Shubhra Gupta
flower oil in India now, at around $1,200, $1,400 and $1,550 per tonne, respectively, are
wayhigherthantheircorrespondingMay2020averagesof $558,$672and$789.Therea- WHEN WE first come upon Mare, she of been just another version of the hackneyed score, too) where mothers are confined to
sons for petrol, diesel and LPG cylinder prices going up in the recent period, apply equally Easttown, we see a woman who has more conflicted cop with a troubled backstory, being strictly maternal figures, and grand-
tocookingoil.Thereisonefundamentaldifference,though:Unlikewithpetroleum,where than one thing on her mind. Jeans, jacket, usually played by world-weary Hollywood mothers have their spindly legs halfway
onlyahandfulof indigenouscrudeproducers(asopposed torefiners)exist,India hassev- workaday air. Hair pulled back in a scraggly leading men. But what makes her a charac- down the grave. Even the mothers who can
eralthousandoilseedgrowers.Thesefarmersmakemoneywhenedibleoilpricesharden ponytail. Attractive, but distinctly lived-in ter to remember are the layers. She has no be fun (among my favourite filmi mums is
face, fine lines visible. Swiftly, we learn more qualms about falling into, double gasp, a Ratna Pathak Shah in Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na,
in the international and domestic market. And they did this time: Groundnut, soyabean
aboutthelead protagonistof theHBOminis- quickie with a stranger — she doesn’t just let and a few of Kirron Kher’s endless iterations
and mustard traded near or above their official minimum support prices during both the eries, Mare of Easttown, which has gripped herself get picked up, she is an equal partic- of the jolly Punjabi bebe) are mothers first
kharif and rabi marketing seasons. the imaginations of those who have been ipantin thematinggame.Her flaws are glar- and last. They may have a few smart lines to
Edibleoilsapart,pricesofpulses—mainlychana(chickpea)andtur(pigeon-pea)—have breathlessly following the murky goings on ing, as she goes about deflecting personal scatter about, but for them to get into seri-
also shown an uptrend, albeit far less compared to the former. The Narendra Modi govern- in this Pennsylvania hamlet. She’s a forty- grief, and dumping another kind of grief on ous relationships outside matrimonial lines
somethingpolicedetective.Deepinthemid- a much younger woman. She’s not the kind is completely unthinkable. Mothers having
ment,itseems,isconcerned.OnMay15,importsof majorpulsesweremovedfromthe“re-
dle of a murder investigation. Divorced.
When was the last time you of woman who cooks and cleans, or minds sex? Shudder. Neena Gupta’s middle-class,
stricted”to“free”list.Whilethatiswelcome—regulatingimportsshouldalwaysbethrough saw a grandma in the
Mother. And, gasp, a grandmother. her kids and grandkid, when she’s back middle-aged maa has one roll-in-the-hay
tariffs,notquantitativerestrictions—asimultaneousmovedirectingmillers,tradersandim- When was the last time you saw a movies, or in TV fiction, home after work. She’s happy to snack on in Badhaai Ho and spends the rest of the
porters to disclose their stocks on a weekly basis isn’t. The government needs to take a bal- grandma in the movies, or in TV fiction, who chips instead of assembling a real meal. No movie explaining away the bout of momen-
who was all this and more?
ancedview:Indiaproducestoomuchrice,wheatandsugar,whilebeingimport-dependent wasallthisandmore?KateWinslet,magnif- timetowaste.She’soutthere,pullingouther tary passion.
icent as Mary Anne Sheehan aka Mare, gets
Kate Winslet, magnificent as gun, and saving lives, and while she’s at it, Daadis and naanis are supposed to be
requireslesswater.Whenmarketpricesarefavouringthisvirtuousshiftincroppingpattern, everythingright—commendablypullingoff Mary Anne Sheehan aka making a stab at satisfactory sex. Whoa. cute and cuddly, and retreat discreetly into
any administrative action sending out the opposite signals — ahead of the kharif planting
anauthenticEastCoastaccent,comfortablein Mare, gets everything right The seven-part miniseries came to an the background. Mainstream Bollywood is
thelopingstrideandcautiousstanceof acop — pulling off an authentic endacoupleof daysago.Fortherecord,Idid- very far from showing mothers as busy pro-
season — is unwelcome. tasked with maintaining law and order in a n’t buy the big reveal, which the show had fessionals, finding joy in their work, leaving
town where everyone knows everyone else, East Coast accent, been building up to. It felt contrived, even if domesticity to other people. Grandmothers
jugglingclear-eyedprofessionalismandem- comfortable in the loping it was wholly unexpected. But — and this is in the throes? Perish the thought.
pathy as she sets about solving the brutal stride and cautious stance of the thing — it didn’t ruin the show for me. It Mare Of Easttown is a riveting piece of
tively placid facade of quiet streets, row It also made me think of the options, or Totally here for ’em.
N THE FACE of it, the Chinese government’s announcement of a “three-child” houses, neat lawns, overrun by people with right thing, and not the distressing lack of them, in mainstream
rule appears to be a policy reversal. But in permitting an increase in the num- murder on their minds. Mare could have always succeeding. Bollywood (Hollywood is guilty on this shubhra.gupta@expressindia.com
ber of children couples can have, the one-party state continues itstotalitarian
diktats vis a vis reproductive rights and freedoms. The one-child policy has
and consequent diminishing of the Middle Kingdom’s demographic dividend. JUNE 2, 1981, FORTY YEARS AGO
In economies and societies transitioning from poverty to higher levels of economic de-
velopment,apointisreachedwheretheproductivelabourforcedeclinesandtheburdenof REBELLION CRUSHED wards Chittagong to track down the muti- endeavouring to acquire a nuclear weapon.
anageingpopulationincreases.In2020,China’sfertilityratefellbelowthereplacementrate. THE BANGLADESH GOVERNMENT crushed neers. The Bangladesh government had on Saying that “we have our problems with
UnlikeintheWestandotherpartsof theworld,thedeclineinfertilityrateswasnotorganic, the three-day-old army rebellion in Sunday ordered troops from Comilla and China,”thegeneralsaidIndiashouldalsotake
ChittagongandbroughttoDhakathebodyof other centres to march on Chittagong to en- due note of developments in Tibet.
emanating from greater economic development. It was, at least in part, a consequence of
the slain President, Ziaur Rahman, for burial. force Army Chief Lt-Gen H M Ershad’s ulti-
state policy. Today, however, the burden of taking care of the elderly, the growing expenses Official reports in Dhaka said the situation in matum to the rebels to surrender. ROHINI’S MARCH
ofraisingchildrenanddemandingworkinghourshavemeantthatthetwo-andthree-child Chittagongwaspeacefulwithallofficersand THEROHINISATELLITE,placedinorbitbythe
rules have received only a lukewarm response. other ranks in the garrison having laid down NUCLEAR NEIGHBOURS Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV-3) on Sunday
WhattheshiftinChina’sdemographicpolicysince2016indicatesisthattheCPCandthe their arms. About 2,000 rebels surrendered GENERAL K V Krishna Rao, the new Chief of morningfromSriharikotaRange(SHAR),has
stateareconsciousofthefactthatthecountrymaynotremaintheglobalrepositoryforlabour. toloyalforcesinChittagongearlyonMonday the Army Staff, said that in assessing any completed 25 orbits by Monday afternoon.
morning.BangladeshRiflesDeputyBrigadier threat,Indiahadtotakecognisanceof theca- According to U R Rao, Director of the ISRO
Mohiuddin, said to be a close lieutenant of pabilitiesof likelyadversaries.Inaninterview SatelliteCentre,theexactorbitcouldbedeter-
a young, productive population is set to be an economic asset in the coming decades. It re- Maj-Gen Manzur, was arrested in the north with the army in-house journal, Sainik mined only after a few days. Data from the
mainstobeseenifChina,whichhasovertakenIndiaintermsofeducation,healthandincome, of Chittagong. Two battalions of the Samachar,GeneralRaosaidChinawasalready satellite continued to be received. An ISRO
can also maintain its advantage in terms of labour. Delhi must do all it can to ensure that Bangladesh army from Mainamati canton- heading towards a second strike capability spokesman said the satellite passed over
India’s labour force becomes more competitive in every tier of the labour market. ment in Comilla district had proceeded to- andtherewas“reliableevidence’’of Pakistan Sriharikota around 10 pm on Sunday.
What is India’s NCD strategy? India be- France 1.8% 600 2% mained largely untouched by the pan- services will take time to return as fear
gan implementing the multi sector NCD ac- Pakistan 2.2% 400 2014 demic and maintained its trend growth. among people after the second wave will
tion plan to achieve 25 per cent reduction in 1% 2015 This, despite being mildly impacted by ad- not dissipate quickly.
premature mortalities due to NCD by 2025.
Myanmar 2.3% 200 verse weather towards the fag-end of the Four, with private consumption re-
The Atmanirbhar Swasth Bharat scheme is a Indonesia 2.7% 2016 monsoon season. maining weak, private investments will
0 0%
major initiative, which will invest over UK 2.9% 2017 Manufacturingshowedsomeresilience take a backseat. Though large corporates
Rs64,000croreinsettingup17,800ruraland Italy 3.0% 2018 due to fewer restrictions and the ability to have deleveraged and are in a position to
11,000 urban health and wellness centres, 2019 “livewith the virus”, given it is less contact- invest, low capacity utilisation and uncer-
602 critical care hospitals in districts and as- Source: Our World in Data (Oxford intensive in nature. Construction, a highly tainty will discourage them from doing so.
sociated chain of laboratories and virology University) / John Hopkins University Figure 2: Covid case fatality from Our World in Data (Oxford / John labour-intensivesector,reboundedsharply Advanced economies (particularly the
centres. India’s investments in strengthen- Covid Data Hopkins data); NCD mortality rates (WHO Global Health Observatory) WHO Global Health Observatory in the second half primarily because of in- US and the UK) are recovering faster and
ing primary health care andprovidingfinan- creased spending by the government on growth is getting more broad-based to in-
cial protection to nearly 100 million people Illustration: C R Sasikumar, Graphic: Ritesh Kumar buildinghighwaysandruralinfrastructure. clude services because of their success
undertheAyushmanBharatprogrammeand But overall, the engines of demand — with vaccinations. They also suffered less
the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana are of thatwomenwereexposedto.Theresultsare tion against Covid, the track and trace strat- private consumption and investment — last year due to generous fiscal and mon-
critical importance. slowly visible in the steady decline in NCD egy and Covid testing are opportunities to took a beating. Private consumption con- etary support, which continues well into
Under Ayushman Bharat, India has ex- mortality rates since 2014. detect undiagnosed patients living with di- tractedby9.1per cent,andwasonly 3.1per this calendar year.
panded the scope of primary healthcare to The Defeat-NCD Partnership at the abetes or cardiovascular diseases and pro- cent above the 2017-18 levels. The festive India lags on both these counts. Till we
include screening and diagnosis of NCD like United Nations Institute of Training and viding them with telemedicine-based pro- season and pent-up demand failed to off- havevaccinatedamateriallevelof thepop-
CVD,cancerandchronicrespiratorydiseases. Research had organised a call to action at the tocols of self-care so that the risk of falling set the deep losses logged in the first and ulation,policysupportingeneral,andfiscal
Nearly 1,20,000 primary health care centres margins of the World Health Assembly to Many studies have shown preytoCovidisminimised.Ultimately,India, second quarters. Even policy support and supportinparticular,mustserveasabridge
which were earlier focused only on vaccina- jointlytacklethetwinchallengesof theCovid that over 70 per cent of like the world, will be able to come out of the the unwinding of household savings (RBI’s to recovery, especially for segments that
tions against communicable diseases and pandemic and theunderlying NCD morbidi- Covid pandemic by strengthening health in- data shows they had plateaued at 8.1 per have been hit hard in urban areas. To soften
mother and child care are being converted ties. India’s Health Minister Dr Harsh mortalities associated with frastructure through the Atmanirbhar cent in the third quarter, down from a high the blow to the rural economy, the govern-
into health and wellness centres where pri- Vardhan, the health ministers of Rwanda, Covid are due to underlying Swasth Bharat programme so that the over- of 21 per cent in the first), could not prop ment must priorities increasing the MGN-
marycareforNCDisbecomingavailable.The Gambia and Qatar, the president of Islamic non-communicable diseases. all disease burden in society like diabetes, up consumption materially. REGA outlay and providing additional re-
PM’s health insurance scheme covers 100 Bank and WHO participated in it. A key les- CVDs and cancer are reduced. Achieving the Asimilarstoryplayedoutontheinvest- sourcesforrampinguphealthinfrastructure.
India’s efforts at reducing
million of the most vulnerable population son emerging from this international call to SDG by reducing one-third of premature ment side, with gross fixed capital forma- Thedangeristhatwithoutsuchsupport,
and eliminates out-of-pocket expenditures action was to synergise the strengthening of mortalities due to NCD like mortalities due to NCD will make India re- tion falling 10.2 per cent — a good 6.9 per recoverywouldbeunbalanced,leavingasig-
for the poorest which could be as high as 72 health sector by ensuring universal access to chronic lung diseases and silient to the viral pandemics of the future. cent below 2018-19 levels. Faced with the nificantshareofbothcompaniesandhouse-
per cent if not covered by public insurance. screening for NCD and application of AI cardiovascular diseases uncertainty, many private sector compa- holds in acute distress, even as overall GDP
The replacement of polluting fuel wood pairedwithtelemedicinetocontinuehealth- The writer is global programme coordinator, nies trimmed their investment plans. So numbersshowbettergrowth.Thelong-term
with LPG under the PM Ujjwala Yojana in 90 careforNCDpatientstoovercomethesevere
(CVD) have yielded positive Defeat-NCD Partnership, UN Institute for much so that even the government’s push consequences of that won’t be salutary.
millionfamilieshassignificantlyreducedthe challenges which the lockdown imposes on outcomes for reduced Covid Training and Research, Geneva and former in the fourth quarter could not make good
risk of the chronic lung diseases and cancer continuity of health services. The vaccina- case fatality. Mumbai Commissioner the gap for the full fiscal. Interestingly, net Joshi is chief economist CRISIL Ltd
US President Joe Biden will take part in a remembrance of a largely forgotten moment of
racial violence as he helps commemorate the 100th anniversary of the destruction of a Black
community in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Biden will be the first president to participate in remem-
brances of the destruction of “Black Wall Street”, in which over 300 people were killed.
New Vatican law criminalises
abuse of adults by priests, laity
Nepal SC bench
hearing House Netanyahu challenge of
rival’s PM bid rebuffed
dissolution to be
predators to build relationships reconstituted
NICOLE WINFIELD with their victims to then sexu-
The law also removes much KATHMANDU, JUNE 1
POPE FRANCIS has changed of thediscretionthathadlongal- DAN WILLIAMS
church law to explicitly crimi- lowed bishops and religious su- ACONSTITUTIONALbenchof the JERUSALEM, JUNE 1
Kim Jong Un nalise the sexual abuse of adults periors to ignore or cover up Nepal Supreme Court hearing a
by priests who abuse their au- abuse, making clear they can be plea against the dissolution of A LAST-GASP legal challenge by
thority and to say that laypeople held responsible for omissions Parliamentislikelytobereconsti- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
NORTH KOREA who hold church office can be andnegligenceinfailingtoprop- tutedfollowingprotestsfromad- Netanyahu to thwart a bid by a
Rulingpartysets sanctioned for similar sex
Pope Francis erly investigate and sanction er-
rant priests.
vocates, who said two of the
judges -- Justice Tej Bahadur K C
rival rightist to head a new gov-
ernment was rejected on
upnewpost The new provisions,released According the new law, andJusticeBamBahadurShrestha Tuesday as his opponents raced
SENSEX: 51,934.88 ▼ 2.56 (0.00%) NIFTY: 15,574.85 ▼ 7.95 (0.05%) NIKKEI: 28,814.34 ▼ 45.74 HANG SENG: 29,468.00 ▲ 316.20 FTSE: 7,107.84 ▲ 85.23 DAX: 15,677.27 ▲ 256.14
International market data till 1900 IST
■ Under ECLGS, which
is for helping firms tide
possible stressed entities that
could be looking for funding. But
this scheme. We understand that
from trading
crease the funding limit of over liquidity crunch if more funds are required and disbursedleavingRs45,000crore ENSECONOMICBUREAU
SHARP FALL IN SALES Rs 3 lakh crore under the emer-
gency credit line guarantee
resulting from Covid
curbs, banks provide
more beneficiaries are added, the
■ May-21 scheme (ECLGS), the scope of additional loans to fundinglimit,”theofficialsaid. Ficci had requested that the THE SECURITIES and Exchange
■ Apr-21 whichwaswidenedSundaytoin- existing borrowers The government on Sunday quantum under ECLGS should be BoardofIndia(Sebi)hasrestrained
■ May-20 cludecivilaviationsectorandpro- without asking for expanded the scope of the ECLGS doubled to Rs 6 lakh crore. We two Infosys employees and six
vide further relief to existing bor- extra collateral to provide more relief to small hope the Finance Ministry will other entities from trading in the SebibuildinginMumbai.
havearguedthatthegovernment sector under its ambit, and pro- and appropriate enhancements the company’s scrip during the gainsof `3.06crhavebeen
lakh crore to ensure that benefits companies are availing it,” a sen- of up to Rs 2 crore in loans for hehadsaid.CIIalsopointedoutthe Themarketregulatorinanin- Tesoraandtheirowners. File
reachalargesetof companies. iorFinanceMinistryofficialsaid. health facilities to set up oxygen need for an additional ECLGS, in- terimordersaiditfoundthattwo
Maruti Hyundai Tata M&M Honda “Currently,thereisaheadroom Under ECLGS, which is for generationplants.Thosewhohave cludingincreasingthesizefromRs Infosys employees — Venkata
Suzuki Motor Motors Cars ofaboutRs45,000croreunderthe helping companies tide over liq- availed loans under the scheme 3lakhcroretoRs4-5lakhcrore. Subramaniam, senior principal, itsemployeesandaninsidertrad-
scheme,which,webelieve,should uiditycrunchresultingfromCovid cangetadditionalassistanceofup Thegovernmentremovedthe corporate accounting and ing policy that governs dealing
be sufficient to cater to new cate- curbs, banks provide additional to10percentofoutstandingdues current ceiling of Rs 500 crore of Pranshu Bhutra, company’s sen- with unpublished price sensitive
sold 8,004 units last month, gory of beneficiaries under the loans to existing borrowers with- asof February29,2020. outstandingloansforeligibilityun- ior corporate counsel along with information.
ENSECONOMICBUREAU lowest since May 2020 when scheme. But, the government is out asking for extra collateral. To “WhiletheECLGShasbeenex- der ECLGS, subject to maximum partnersofCapitalOneandTesora Sebi said in its order Pranshu
NEWDELHI,JUNE1 itsold3,867units. open to increasing it if required, encourage banks, these loans are tended till September 2021 with additional assistance to each bor- Capital—allegedlyindulgedinin- Bhutrahadprocuredunpublished
Whilesaleswereimpacted maybebyanotherRs1lakhcrore. fully guaranteed by the govern- disbursements being allowed till rowerbeinglimitedto40percent sidertrading.Sebisaidillegalgains pricesensitiveinformation(UPSI)
DOMESTIC PASSENGER vehi- on account of lockdown re- Thiswilldependuponthehowthe mentagainstcreditlosses.“Wedid December2021,itwouldhavefur- orRs200crore,whicheverislower. of Rs 3.06 crore have been im- fromVenkataandwasconstantly
cle sales for several manufac- strictionsacrossthecountryto poundedfromCapitalOne,Tesora in communication with Amit
turershita12-monthlowthis curbthespreadofcoronavirus, and their owners. Bhutraof CapitalOne.
May as most states imposed the production also took a hit NORMS ISSUED “Thecompanywillextendfull As per Sebi, Capital One and
lockdown restrictions during
the month and automobile
a many companies advanced
their annual maintenance Pharma PLI: cooperationasrequiredtoSebion
segment just prior to announce-
manufacturers went for pro-
duction shutdown at their
“During last month, we
also undertook extended
‘Manufacturing PMI slides to 55.5 Seasonally adjusted
IHS Markit India
Manufacturing Purchasing
Maximum of
of theorder,aninternalinvestiga-
tion is being initiated and appro-
ended June 30, 2020 and, subse-
abidtobreakthechainof sec- maintenance related shut- 50.8 in May from 55.5 in April’ Managers’ Index (PMI) in
55 applicants clusionofsuchinvestigation,”said that their net positions were zero.
ondwaveof Covid. downofourfactoryleadingto April. In PMI parlance, a print Infosysinastatement. SebisaidVenkataandPranshuhad
Manufacturing sector activity saw a significant loss of above 50 means expansion
to be selected
While industry leader limited production but effec- Infosys said it has a well-de- prima facie violated provision of
Maruti Suzuki India Limited tively breaking the chain growth momentum in May due to intensification of the while a score below 50 finedcodeof conductcoveringall SebiActandPITRegulations.
announcedsaleof32,903units amidst high number of cases Covid-19 crisis and its detrimental impact on demand, the denotes contraction
inMay,whichwaslowestsince innorthIndia.Withincreasein monthly IHS Markit survey said New Delhi: The government on
sold 13,865 units, the second-
clining cases, we expect mar- 70 Manufacturing PMI
50.8 Manufacturing PMI
reading for May,
largestmanufacturer,Hyundai ketswillopengraduallyallow- 60 30.8 with companies observing the centive scheme for the pharma-
MotorIndia,sold25,001units ing business continuity,” said 50 slowest rises in new work and ceutical industry to enhance
during the month — an 11- Rajesh Goel, director, market- output in 10 months India’smanufacturingcapabilities
monthlow.Thecompanyhad ing&sales,HondaCarsIndia.
40 54 byincreasinginvestmentandpro-
sold21,320unitsinJune2020. “Juneisexpectedtobean-
30 Services PMI April ‘21 Factors that curbed growth duction in the sector.
Even the third-largest PV other month of weak sales as 20 of manufacturing sector: TheDepartmentof Pharmac-
manufacturer, Tata Motors, boththecustomerandadmin- 10 12.6 ■ Escalation of the pandemic
euticals has notified the ‘Prod-
saw a dip in sales since May, istration are very cautious. 0 uction Linked Incentive Scheme
compared to those in the pre- Evenautomobilemanufactur- May2020 May2021 ■ Difficulties in securing forPharmaceuticals,forwhichthe
vious months. The company ers have started only limited raw materials approved outlay is Rs 15,000
posted sales of 15,181 units in production and everyone is crore, the Ministry of Chemicals
May, as against sales of over waitingforvaccinationtopick- andFertilizerssaidinastatement.
25,000 units in April. In May upbeforethingscanfullynor- Not as severe as first lockdown: Detrimental impacts of the pandemic and Source: Theapplicationwindowisfor
2020,itsold3,152units. malise,” said an official with a associated restrictions seen in the manufacturing sector are considerably IHS Markit/PTI 60daysstartingfromJune2toJuly
Mahindra and Mahindra manufacturer. less severe than during the first lockdown 31. A maximum of 55 applicants
the statement added.
OPEC+supply Oil Minister inaugurates first cies such as bitcoin, citing RBI’s
Management Act for overseas re-
mittances, the RBI said. In other ODISHA STATE MEDICAL
words, banks can’t take action CORPORATION LTD.
London: The OPEC+ oil pro-
injection of Compressed Bio Gas Doesitclarifypolicyposition
CAD-372 (A Govt. of Odisha Undertaking)
existing pace of gradually New Delhi: Petroleum Minister leadingIndianoilandgascompa- The clarification from the RBI, Full report on
Assuring Quality,
Quality, Saving lives
easingsupplycurbsthrough DharmendraPradhanonTuesday nies including IOC, BPCL, HPCL, which is developing its own vir- www.indianexpress.com Letter No. 5276/OSMC/I-51/2021/D&S (Division) Dt. 01.06.2021
July, i.e. 2.1 million bpd of inaugurated the first injection of GAIL,andIGLtopromotethepro- CORRIGENDUM
supply to the market from Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) into a ductionandmarketingof CBG. Bid Ref. No.: OSMCL/2021-22/GLOBAL/COVID-19/16, dated: 14.05.2021
May to July. On Tuesday, citygasdistributionnetwork.The The first injection of CBG was for supply of Covid-19 Vaccine
Brentcruderose1.2percent ministeralsooversawthesigning doneinGujaratGas’CGDnetwork Office of Superintending Engineer Sl. Details as mentioned in Amendments
to$70.18abarrel. REUTERS of agreements between the by Govardhannathji Energies in 3rd Circle P.W.D. Pithoragarh No. the Tender Document
Petroleum Ministry and several Gujarat. ENS 1. Clause 5.2.2 (Pre- 1. Manufacturer or their authorized
National Competitive Bidding ( E-tendering) Qualification of importers of COVID-19 vaccine
E-mail - sepwdpth@rediffmail.com Bidders) approved by : USFDA (The United
forecast, Moody’s flags The Superintending Engineer 3rd Circle, Public Works Department Pithoragarh
invites tender through E-Tendering (Two Bid System) on behalf of Hon'ble
and the respective bidder
as detailed at Clause No.
5.2.1 must submit the
UK) or
(Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices
risk to credit profile Governor of Uttarakhand for following works. All other information will be
available form date
http:// www.uktenders.gov.in
05.06.2021 & onward on website
supporting documents
valid Agency, Japan) or listed by WHO
(World Health Organisation) for
emergency use - are eligible to bid for
New Delhi: SBI economists on Tuesday sharply slashed their which the supporting documents must
Sl. Name of Work Earnest Cost of Validity Period of Contractor's be submitted.
FY22GDPgrowthestimatesto7.9percent—thelowestamong No. Money Tender of Completion category of
allanalysts—fromtheearlierprojectionof10.4percentgrowth. 2. Purchase Orders will be placed to
(in Lac) (in Rs.) Tender registration
such qualified bidders subject to
Meanwhile, Moody’s Investors Service said the economy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 approval of DCGI (Drugs Controller
wouldreboundthisfiscalandclockagrowthof9.3percent,but 1 Reconstruction and Category ‘B’ and General of India).
aseveresecondCovidwavehasincreasedriskstoIndia’scredit Improvements of Above for Road
profileandratedentities.EconomistsatSBIseemedtoattribute 5000.00 All other terms & conditions of the tender shall remain same.
Dhura to Taliyabanj 120 works in any State
3.36 + 18% 12 Month Sd/-
the impact of the second wave of Covid-19 infections as a key Motor road under Days Govt./Govt. of India/
GST Managing Director
factorfortherevisioninthegrowthestimate. state sector Km. Govt. Undertaking
2.525 Odisha State Medical Corporation
Junequarterduetoreimpositionof lockdownmeasures. ENS OIPR/10112/11/0018/2122
Afghanistan have removed Asghar Afghan as captain from all three
formats and put top-order batsman Hashmat Shahidi in charge of their
Test and ODI teams, the country's cricket board said. With less than six
months to go before the Twenty20 World Cup, the Afghanistan Cricket
Board (ACB) also said they will soon name a new 20-overs captain, who
will have leading spinner Rashid Khan as his deputy REUTERS
Minor hiccup in quest for Major No. 21
13-time French Open champion Rafael Nadal comes back from 2-5 down in the third to beat Alexei Popyrin 6-3, 6-2, 7-6 (3)
year Futures Tours & Programme
(FTP) cycle while the 50-over event
How things came to a head
will be a 14-team affair from the 2027
edition, the game's governing body
ICC said on Tuesday. Also the World
Rafa Nadal launched his bid for a record-ex-
tending 14th French Open title with a
between Osaka, French Open
TestChampionshipwillhavefouredi- straight-sets win over young Australian match presser after her first-round victory,
tions in the next cycle apart from two Alexei Popyrin on Tuesday but it was not as EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE a $15,000 fine followed along with a threat
ChampionsTrophy."TheICCBoardto- routine as the 6-3, 6-2, 7-6(3) scoreline sug- JUNE 1 thatfailuretoattendfuturepressconferences
day confirmed the schedule of ICC gests.The Spaniard was quickly into the old could result in her expulsion from the tour-
eventsfrom2024-2031 with both the routine against the hard-hitting 21-year-old NAOMI OSAKA’S withdrawal from the nament and other Grand Slam events.
men's Cricket World Cup and men's but Popyrin should have become the first French Open wasnota spur-of-the-moment Then an account on Reddit, in the name
T20 World Cup to be expanded and a person to take a set off on Parisian clay since decision.Matterscametoaheadoverherre- of her sister Mari Osaka, tried to clarify the
men's Champions Trophy to be re-in- Dominic Thiem in the 2019 final. fusaltoattendpressconferencescitingmen- issue.Statingthathersister’s‘confidencewas
troduced," the global body said in a Popyrin stayed in the contest early on talhealthissues,withtheorganisersandten- shattered’ because of constant criticism of
release issued after the board meet- with some fierce hitting but when he nis officials insisting that it was part of a her performances on clay, Mari said that
ing."Themen'sCricketWorldCupwill dropped serve in the seventh game Nadal player’s duties. Naomi wanted to block out all the negative
become a 14 team, 54-match event in assumed control and appeared to be on words directed at her and was paid to play
2027 and 2031, whilst the men's T20 course for a quick win on a sunlit Philippe The background tennis, not attend press conferences.
World Cup will be expanded to a 20 Chatrier court.But world number 63 Osaka was loudly booed by the US Open The fine – followed by the Roland Garros
team, 55-match event in 2024, 2026, Popyrin, who played Nadal for the first time crowd in her first Grand Slam final appear- Twitteraccountshowingotherplayersinpress
2028 and 2030." The 50-over format in Madrid last month, did not go without a ance in 2018 at the age of 20. An conferencesandsaying‘Theyun-
currentlyisa10-teameventwhilethis fight and began to unsettle the champion argumentbetweenheropponent derstood the assignment’ –
edition of T20 World Cup will be a 16- with some huge serving. Serena Williams and umpire endedanyhopeoffindingamid-
team affair. "An eight team He broke Nadal for a 4-2 lead in the third Carlos Ramos erupted into three dleground.ItpromptedOsakato
Champions Trophy will be hosted in and had two set points at 5-3, only to double codeviolationsfortheAmerican, pull out of the tournament.
2025 and 2029. World Test faulton thefirst oneand thenmakea hashof the last of which earned her a
Championship Finals will be hosted an overhead on the second.Nadal, seeded Rafael Nadal has now won 26 sets in a row at the French Open. Reuters game penalty. This meant Osaka What Osaka said
in 2025, 2027, 2029 and 2031. PTI third this year as he chases a record 21st servedforthetitle,asshewonher “I think now the best thing
Grand Slam title, was not firing on all cylin- maiden Grand Slam crown. for the tournament, the other
NewdealforMessi ders but came through the tiebreak easily to
make it 26 sets won in succession at the
Frenchman Richard Gasquet fell two sets down before his powerful game
finally began to make some inroads.
But the trophy presentation
ceremony was marred by the Naomi Osaka
players and my well-being is
that I withdraw so that every-
awaits Nadal in Thursday's
beingworkedout French Open.
FrenchmanRichardGasquetawaitsNadal second round when the
Nadal stood down as Rafa's coachin 2017
with his nephew having pocketed 16 Grand
pro-Serena crowd booing every
announcement, leaving the
one can get back to focusing on
the tennis,” stated Osaka in a
Dubai: Barcelona president Joan in Thursday's second round when the Spaniard will celebrate his 35th Slam titles and was tempted away from his Japanese player in tears. There note on Monday. “I never
LaportasaidonMondaythattalksover Spaniard will celebrate his 35th birthday. main job of running the Nadal Academy in were previous instances also wanted to be a distraction and I
a new deal with forward Lionel Messi birthday. Mallorca to lend his experience to Auger- whenOsakahadtalkedaboutbe- accept that my timing was not
are progressing well, and that the club Barty limps past Pera Aliassime. With his expression hidden be- ing depressed. In 2018, at ideal and my message could
willbeannouncingmorenewsignings World No.1 Ash Barty fought through a hip hind sunglasses and a mask, Nadal would Charleston, she said in a post- have been clearer. More impor-
shortly.Messi'scurrentcontractexpires injury and a tricky opponent in American best I could. But, no, I think we were able to have been impressed at how the Canadian match conference, “This kind of tantly, I would never trivialise
at the end of June and he is free to dis- Bernarda Pera with a 6-4, 3-6, 6-2 victory on fight through, able to give ourself a chance came back from the brink of defeat in the started yesterday. Yesterday I mental health or use the term
cussamovetoanotherclub,butmedia her return to the French Open on Tuesday. to play again the next round." third set to extend the match -- having been woke up and I was really de- lightly.”
reportsonTuesdaysuggestedanagree- Returning to the Philippe Chatrier court a point away from trailing 5-2. pressed but I don’t know why.” The clip fin-
ment was imminent. "We're talking for the first time since her maiden Grand Toni Nadal’s protégé loses But the 37-year-old Seppi, playing his ishes with Osaka smiling and saying, “I’m so Players’ reaction
andit'sgoingwell.Itdoesn'tdependon Slamwinin 2019,the 25-year-old Australian Toni Nadal moulded his nephew Rafael 16th French Open, was relentless. A back- sad right now”. Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic said
the audit," Laporta told a news confer- seemed to be cruising against the 70th- into the greatest claycourt player the world hand winner earned him a break to lead 3-2 In 2019, Osaka admitted during the that attending press conferences was part of
ence. "Talks are ongoing with Messi's ranked Pera when she was up 5-2 in the has ever seen but the magic is yet to rub off in the fourth set and that proved decisive as Indian Wells tournament that her biggest their responsibilities. Post Osaka quittingthe
peopleand,asIsaid,they'regoingwell. opening set. on his new charge, Canada's Felix Auger- he moved on to claim a well-deserved vic- problem was the media and their constant tournament, Martina Navratilova tweeted,
We hope to keep making progress. It's But an injury seemed to start bothering Aliassime.With the wily Nadal sitting at tory -- his first on the main Tour this focus on her. “As athletes we are taught to take care of our
not done but we know that Leo wants Barty,whoskippedtheclaycourtGrandSlam courtsideonTuesday,the20-year-oldAuger- year.Since adding Nadal to his team, in time body, and perhaps the mental & emotional
to stay. We'll have more economic in- last year amid the COVID-19 pandemic, as Aliassime was fancied to claim a first main fortheclaycourtseason,Auger-Aliassimehas Taking a stand aspect gets short shrift. This is about more
formation when the audit is finished, her movement appeared restricted. draw victory at Roland Garros when he took suffered a disappointing time, losing in the OnMay27,Osakaissuedastatementsay- than doing or not doing a press conference.
but we had this operation in mind be- "It's going to be a little bit tough this on Italian veteran Andreas Seppi on Court first round in Monte Carlo, Madrid, Lyon and ing she would not do press conferences at GoodluckNaomi-weareallpullingforyou!”
fore that. I'm sure, as (new signing week," Barty told reporters. 13.But it was not to be as a rock-solid Seppi, now at Roland Garros. theFrenchOpen.Doing sowouldinvitefines, Serena said, “I feel for Naomi. Not every-
Sergio) Aguero said, that he wants to "I think over the weekend we had a bit of ranked 98th in the world, claimed a 6-3 7- The only consolation for the 60-year-old which she was willing to pay. one is the same. I’m thick. Other people are
play with him." Laporta was talking at a flare-up through my left hip, which obvi- 6(8) 4-6 6-4 win. Nadal is that he can now watch Rafa attempt thin.Everyoneisdifferentandeveryonehan-
the presentation of Eric Garcia, a sec- ously just needed a bit of help today, needed The 20th seeded Auger-Aliassime, who to claim a record-extending 14th French Organisers, the media, family dlesthingsdifferently.Youjusthavetolether
ond new arrival at the Camp Nou this some assistance to try and release it off as added Nadal to his coaching set-up in April, Open title over the next fortnight. When Osaka refused to attend the post- handle it the way she wants to...”
week from Manchester City following
fall-out:Powar hand, movement of the left leg is all-impor- the field unequivocally is Taipese Tai Tzu
Mumbai: India women's team head SHIVANI NAIK tant while lunging and on lateral striding. For the southpaw with the Ying. Japanese hopes — and regular Tour
coachRameshPowaronTuesdaysaid MUMBAI, JUNE 1 The second examination and medical con- winners — 2017 World champ Okuhara and
that he had buried the hatchet with sult on Sunday, after a preliminary MRI on
leading left hand, movement of Akane Yamaguchi are both capable of title
skipper Mithali Raj in their bid to THE PURSUIT of gold, for the pack leader of Friday confirmed the worst fears as Marin the left leg is all-important runs at home.
move on from a very public fall-out in badminton's golden generation in women's took the call to go in for surgery, with the late while lunging and on lateral Chinese Chen Yufei and He Bingjiao are
2018,withcommongoalof takingthe singles, took a terrible turn last Friday with November World Championships at her expected to storm out of their isolated train-
team to greater heights. The former a twisted knee. Tokyo Games favourite, hometown Huelva, as a possible target. striding. ing, while Thais Ratchanok and 2021's most
Indiaoff-spinnerwasbackatthehelm Carolina Marin, suffered a rupture of the an- Marin had spent 8 months on the side- consistentPornpaweeChochuwongareaim-
after being removed in 2018 when terior cruciate ligament of the left knee as lines afterherrightACLsurgerybutreturned that, if they were able to attend the Olympic ing for a first Thai medal.
India lost their T20 World Cup semi- wellasapartialtearof theexternalandinter- to claim five titles. Mid-May, she was quoted Carolina Marin suffered a rupture of event, they would doso (only) to participate, Given the pandemic-hazed ageing all-
final against England in the West nal meniscus in training at the start of the by BWF as saying: "Train one hundred per the anterior cruciate ligament of the in no case in a position to compete and fight roundandslowingof speeds,itwouldbeun-
Indies and the acrimony between the weekend. The injury saw Marin rule herself cent all that physical, mental and strategic left knee as well as a partial tear of the to repeat the gold of Rio 2016," El Pais wrote. wise to leave out the young Korean phenom
coach and captain came to the fore. out of the Tokyo Olympics, as a clutch of parts to show a new Carolina.” external and internal meniscus. File The thrice World Champion and 5-time An Se Young, as a dark horse. Fitness in this
"I would like to stop the speculation favourites — Nozomi Okuhara, Chen Yufei, Longtime coach Fernando Rivas was European champion was looking to emulate barren season might well decide the Tokyo
(on) what is happening. We inter- PV Sindhu and Tai Tzu Ying — immediately shattered, and in a cryptic post had quoted Chinese Zhang Ning as a consecutive podium.Marin's distraught team, El Pais
acted well, otherwise I wouldn't have emerged as new championship contenders. Nelson Mandela on May 29, translated as serve it, it is her, it seems that every time she Olympic gold medalist. quoted, had been moved to think of sum-
come into the women's cricket,' Marinreleasedastatementof hersurgery saying: "You should only commit to a proj- manages to stick her head out, another prob- moning shamans (priestly figures) hoping
Powar said on the eve of ttheir team's scheduled for this week, while confirming, ect when you feel capable, in case the ad- lem arrives." Next jostle begins for a miracle recovery, before they pragmat-
departure for a month-long tour of "This is another blow I have to deal with, but I venture is shipwrecked, of being the last to Marin was given the option of letting the Marin's absence from Tokyo raises sev- ically took the decision to get operated.
United Kingdom. "This is a great op- willcertainlybeback.Thepreparationduring leave the ship." knee heal as the "torn ligament had stayed eral hopes. Leading the way is 2019 World Marin will be just 30 when Paris 2024
portunity for me, Mithali, for the lasttwomonthshadbecomeverydifficultfor Spanish media Elpais.com quoted Rivas in place inside the sheath which was intact" Champion PV Sindhu of India, who has not fetches up, the team. along with psycholo-
whole group, to take women's cricket reasons beyond the team's control, but we as saying: "This is very hard to digest. We are according to El Pais, and there was a 1 per missedtoomanyhighprofilefinalssincetak- gist María Martínez, tried to tell her.
to another level, where the BCCI is wereexcitedandIknewthatIwouldbeonthe very troubled, especially because of what centremotechancethatitcouldregrow.That ing silver at Rio. Her domineering title run at Spain is most likely to send the 6 footer
supporting us." PTI bestshapeforOlympics.Itwon'tbepossible." she has been able to do in these last two would mean deferring surgery till after the Basel puts her right up there as a contender. Carla Azurmendi, Marin's shadow in train-
For the southpaw with the leading left years ... If there is someone who did not de- Games."Theplayerandtheteamconsidered The player tipped to charm and charge ing, who picked the Austrian title on Sunday.
Vol. LXV No. 129 Printed for the proprietors, The Indian Express (P) Ltd by Ms Vaidehi Thakar at The Indian Express Press, Plot No. EL-208, TTC Industrial Area, Mahape, Navi Mumbai - 400710 and published from Mafatlal Centre, 7th floor, Ramnath Goenka Marg, Nariman Point,
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