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Comparison of TOPSIS and MAUT Methods For Recipient Determination Home Surgery

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IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI)

Vol. 10, No. 4, December 2021, pp. 930~937

ISSN: 2252-8938, DOI: 10.11591/ijai.v10.i4.pp930-937  930

Comparison of TOPSIS and MAUT methods for recipient

determination home surgery

Septya Maharani1, Holis Ridwanto2, Heliza Rahmania Hatta3, Dyna Marisa Khairina4,
Muhammad Rivani Ibrahim5
1,2,3,4Department of Information System, Mulawarman University, Indonesia
5Master of Information System, Diponegoro University, Indonesia

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: House renovation is given by the government to the community, one of which
is the assistance provided in the district. Long Mevery especially Tanah
Received Mar 5, 2020 Abang Village, namely House Renovation Assistance. So, it is necessary to
Revised Jul 28, 2021 implement a DSS in determining the recipient of home renovation assistance
Accepted Aug 10, 2021 by comparing multi-atribute utility theory (MAUT) method and TOPSIS to
assist the government in determining the right home renovation assistance
recipient. There are 16 criteria and their weight values. This study uses the
Keywords: multi-attribute utility theory (MAUT) method and the order of preference
technique based on the similarity to the ideal solution (TOPSIS) as a
Confusion matrix calculation method to produce output and determine the level of accuracy of
Decision support system each method. The test in this study uses a confusion matrix and compares real
Home surgery data testing with the results of calculations on the system. The results of
MAUT system testing using MAUT and TOPSIS methods, the accuracy of the
TOPSIS MAUT method is 94.28% and the TOPSIS method is 35.71%.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Septya Maharani
Department of Information System
Mulawarman University
Sambaliung Road, Gunung Kelua Campus, Samarinda County, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Email: septyamaharani@gmail.com

Home renovation is a form of housing assistance given to the community that aims to be used for the
sake of a comfortable and livable survival. Provision of Home Surgery is carried out selectively in accordance
with established criteria. However, the acceptance of this assistance cannot yet be determined objectively so
that it is not on target due to the large number of potential recipients as well as the criteria along with the weight
in determining decisions. These problems are not in accordance with Law No. 13 of 2011 and Regulation of
the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2017 Concerning "Social
Rehabilitation of Inadequate Houses and Environmental Infrastructure Facilities" [1]. So that the need for a
computer technology-based decision system method in order to be able to calculate the number of criteria caused by
the large number of prospective beneficiaries being recorded by the relevant agencies. In this study, researchers
used the multi-attribute utility theory (MAUT) method and the technique for order of preference by similarity
to ideal solution (TOPSIS) method, where the two methods will be compared to the level of accuracy when
implemented in the case of the study with the aim of providing accurate recommendations. MAUT method is
an ease in solving various decision-making problems based on attributes is one of the strengths of this method.
And this provides an accurate and realistic result [2]. Based on comparative research conducted with the simple
additive weighting and TOPSIS methods to support the selection decision for lecturer admissions [3] as well

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Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938  931

as the comparison of weighted product (WP) and MAUT methods in the support system for labor recruitment
decision decisions [4]. The purpose of this study is to make a comparison between the MAUT and TOPSIS
methods [5], [6] to find out which is more accurate and efficient and build a decision support system that
compares the two methods for the selection of recipients of Home Surgery Assistance. This system is to help
determine the decision of recipients of house renovation assistance in Long Mesangat District, specifically
Tanah Abang Village, by comparing the MAUT method and the TOPSIS method. Comparison of methods is
done to see which method is the best and approaching maximum results in accordance with existing criteria.

2.1. The technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS)
TOPSIS uses the principle that the chosen alternative must have the shortest distance from the positive
ideal solution and the longest distance (the farthest) [7], from the negative ideal solution from a geometric point
of view using the Euclidean distance (distance between two points) to determine the relative proximity of an
alternative to the optimal solution [8], [9]. TOPSIS is based on the concept of where the alternative chosen is
not only the best alternative because it has the shortest distance from the ideal solution, but also has the longest
the distance from the negative ideal solution. The steps of the TOPSIS algorithm are as follows: Determining
the ranking of each alternative TOPSIS requires a ranking of the performance of each alternative Ai on each
normalized Cj criteria, namely:
𝑟𝑖𝑗 = (1)
𝑚 𝑥2
√∑𝑖=1 𝑖𝑗

with i = 1.2,… m and j = 1.2,… n.

Create a weighted normalized decision matrix (2):

yij= wi.rij (2)

with i = 1,2…m and j = 1,2,…..n.

Determine the ideal positive and negative solutions. The positive ideal solution A + and the negative
ideal solution A- can be determined based on the normalized weight ranking as (3),

𝐴+ = (𝑦1+ , 𝑦2+ … … , 𝑦𝑛+ ) (3)

𝐴− = (𝑦1− , 𝑦2− … … , 𝑦𝑛− ) (4)

Calculate distances with the ideal solution. Alternative distances with positive ideal solutions,

𝐷𝑖+ = √∑𝑛𝑖=1(𝑦𝑖+ − 𝑦𝑖𝑗 )2 (5)

Alternative distances with positive ideal solutions are calculated using the formula (6);

𝐷𝑖− = √∑𝑛𝑖=1(𝑦𝑖𝑗 − 𝑦𝑖− )2 (6)

Determine the preference value for each alternative. The preference value for each alternative is given as (7):

𝑉𝑖 = (7)
𝐷𝑖 +𝐷𝑖+

2.2. Multy atribute utility theory (MAUT)

MAUT is a quantitative comparison method that usually combines measurement of different risk costs
and benefits [10]. The MAUT method is used to convert several interests into numerical values on a scale of
0-1 with 0 representing the worst value and 1 the best value [11]. The steps in the MAUT process are: Create
a decision framework, by defining the problem, generate (generate) alternatives that might solve the problem,
make a list of all aspects that influence the decision, give weight to every aspect that is there [12]. Existing
weights must reflect how important these aspects are to the problem, give also the weight of the alternatives.
For each alternative, determine how satisfying the alternative is for each aspect and The evaluation process of
each alternative on the aspects that exist to get a decision. In the multi-attribute utility theory method, it is used

Comparison of TOPSIS and MAUT methods for recipient determination home surgery (Septya Maharani)
932  ISSN: 2252-8938

to convert from multiple interests into numerical valueson a scale from 0-1 with 0 representing the worst choice
and 1 being the best [13], [14]. This allows a direct comparison of various measures. The overall evaluation
value can be defined by (8):

𝑉(𝑥) = ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑤𝑗 . 𝑥𝑖𝑗 (8)

Matrix normalization in (9):

𝑈(𝑥) = (9)
𝑥𝑖+ −𝑥𝑖−

2.3. Confusion matrix multi-class

A confusion matrix [15]-[17]. That is, after a classifier has been trained, the confusion matrix produced
by this classifier on a validation set could be used to find which classes present some confusion in the
classification, and then a more specialised classification structure could be generated [18]. There are 4 (four)
terms as a representation of the results of the classification process, the four terms are true positive (TP), true
negative (TN), false positive (FP) and false negative (FN) [19]. True positive (TP) is the amount of positive
data obtained correctly. True negative (TN) value is the amount of negative data collected correctly. The
confusion matrix model can be seen in Table 1 [20].

Table1. Model confusion matrix

Actual Classified as
+ -
+ True Positive False Negative
- False Positive True Negative

2.4. Data collection and development system

System development method in the case study of determining home surgery using a comparison of
the MAUT method and TOPSIS using the Linear Sequential model or commonly called the Waterfall model
[21]. This waterfall model process can be developed with research cases based on data requirements, design
planning, implementation and the results of research in the form of a system to provide the expected results on
This research is in the form of accuracy of the deadly method and the method of topsis for the determination
of the recipient of home surgical assistance. The Waterfall method is a structured model, in which there are
sequential stages of work and cannot repeat or continue if the previous stage has not been completed. The
stages to be carried out by the waterfall model method [22], [23].
In Figure 1 shows in appendix, it starts with providing input in the form of 70 prospective recipients
of data on home surgery assistance, and determining criteria. In this study, there were 16 criteria which weighed
each criterion. Next, each criterion calculation uses each of the two methods MAUT and TOPSIS separately
[24], [25]. After doing the calculations, a confussion Matrix test will be performed to obtain the value of
accuracy, precision, and recall on each method. After that, an accurate method for this research case study will
be obtained.


3.1. Data analysis
Data analysis provides information on the criteria as material for selection in the form of numerical
values in accordance with the results of interviews with the Head of the Long Mesangat District Government
Section and the Head of Community Ability in Tanah Abang Village. In this research method, there are weights
and criteria needed to determine the process of prospective recipients of Home Surgical Assistance. From the
criteria determined there are weight values of 16 criteria reaching 100% with several rating groupings. Data
analysis based on the results of interviews also obtained 70 sample data to be used in testing the system created.
Sampling data is taken from the results of the manual recapitulation conducted by the Head of Community
Welfare Affairs in Tanah Abang Village, Long Mesangat District in 2017 and 2018. The files obtained contain
the identity of the community along with the verification score data that has been filled out by the Committee
and Audit Team. In this Table 2 there are 16 criteria and Figure 2 the determined cost and benefit values as
well as the appearance of criteria in the application that has been built.

Int J Artif Intell, Vol. 10, No. 4, December 2021: 930 - 937
Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938  933

Table 2. Criteria for reconstruction of home surgery

No Symbol Criteria for Reconstruction of Home Surgery Nature Weight
1. K1 House Roof Model Cost 8
2 K2 House Floor Model Cost 8
3 K3 House Wall Model Cost 8
4 K4 House Size Model Cost 8
5 K5 Home Ownership Status Benefit 7
6 K6 Status of Prospective Home Recipients Benefit 7
7 K7 Monthly income Cost 7
8 K8 Job Model Cost 7
9 K9 The number of dependents Benefit 6
10 K10 Electricity payment per month Cost 6
11 K11 Monthly Water Payment Cost 6
12 K12 Land and Building Tax Payment Cost 5
13 K13 Garden Model Cost 5
14 K14 Animal Models Cost 5
15 K15 Electronic Model Cost 5
16 K16 Vehicle Model Cost 5

Figure 2. Display criteria and weight on DSS aplications

3.2. Research results

This study, has 16 criteria and each criterion has a weight value obtained from interviews with the
Head of Community Welfare Affairs in Tanah Abang Village, Long Mesangat District, East Kutai, where 16
criteria are calculated along with 70 prospective recipients of data on house reconstruction assistance to be
compared with the accuracy of the method MAUT and the TOPSIS Method. After getting the results of each
MAUT and TOPSIS method calculations, proceed to test the level of accuracy using the confusion matrix test
and to test the comparison of original data with the number of 70 prospective recipients of house surgery
assistance with data that has been calculated using each of the two methods. Confusion matrix test results with
each method are in the Tables 3 and 4.
The test results in Tables 3 and 4 using confussion martix show the accuracy value obtained by the
MAUT method 92.28% between the value of the system test with the actual value, 97.56% precision of the
accuracy of user requests with answers generated by the system, and recall 93, 02% success rate in finding
back information. Whereas the TOPSIS method obtained an Accuracy value of 32.85% between the value of
the test with the actual value, Precision 46.93% of the determination of the user's request with the answers
Comparison of TOPSIS and MAUT methods for recipient determination home surgery (Septya Maharani)
934  ISSN: 2252-8938

generated by the system, and 53.48% recall rate of success in finding back an information. Based on the results
of the calculation of the MAUT and TOPSIS methods, the results of the comparison between the original data
and system testing can be seen in the Tables 5 and 6 the result comperasion of MAUT and TOPSIS method.

Table 3. Confussion matrix MAUT test result Table 4. Confussion matrix TOPSIS test result
Type Of identification Test TP TN FP FN Type Of identification Test TP TN FP FN
data data
Prospective recipient of 70 40 26 1 3 Prospective recipient of 70 22 1 27 20
home surgery home surgery
Accuracy 92,28% Accuracy 32,85%
Precision 97,56% Precision 46,93%
Recall 93,02% Recall 53,48%

The results of comparison of original data with data managed by the system using the MAUT method
and the TOPSIS method can be seen the difference in accuracy results that stand out from the two methods.
The MAUT method reaches 94.28% while the TOPSIS method only reaches 32.85% of these results. It is
known that the MAUT method is more accurate in processing data on the home surgical assistance recipient
determination system. There are several factors that affect the accuracy of the TOPSIS method is lower, namely
in the TOPSIS method there are grouping types of cost attribute criteria and benefits so that the results of
manual calculations with the calculation of the TOPSIS method are inversely proportional. While in the MAUT
method there is no grouping of types of criteria so that the results of the manual calculation with the results of
the MAUT method are not much different.

Table 5. Comparison of MAUT and TOPSIS methods

No Name Original data results MAUT method result TOPSIS method result
1 Juhana Worthy worthy Not Feasible
2 Adi Saepuloh Not Feasible Not Feasible Worthy
3 Asso Worthy Not Feasible Worthy
4 Pathullah Not Feasible Not Feasible Worthy
5 Arman Not Feasible Worthy Not Feasible
6 Hadi Sugito Not Feasible Not Feasible Worthy
7 Heri Firmansyah Worthy Worthy Worthy
8 Asnan Not Feasible Not Feasible Worthy
9 Hamsan Worthy Worthy Worthy
10 Rodi Asandi Not Feasible Not Feasible Worthy
11 Mahfuzin Worthy Worthy Worthy
12 Tajudin Not Feasible Not Feasible Worthy
13 Bayu Worthy Worthy Worthy
. . . . .
. . . . .
… … … … …
68 Jayadi Not Feasible Not Feasible Worthy
69 Sarmidi Worthy Worthy Not Feasible
70 Sholekhan Worthy Worthy Worthy

Table 6. Comperasion of MAUT and TOPSIS methods

Original data Worthy Not feasible Amount
Prospective recipient of home surgery 42 28 70
Calculation results For Accuracy worthy Not Feasible Accuracy
MAUT 40 30 94,28 %
TOPSIS 49 21 32,85 %

Based on the results of research on the selection system for the acceptance of home surgical assistance,
there are conclusions. Results from comparing the data of results of home surgery recipients with the results
of the recommendation from the system is the application of the method MAUT in this case giving an accuracy
result of 94.28%. The application of the method TOPSIS in this case gives an accuracy result of 32.85% from
70 total data. Test results using confixion martix shows the accuracy value obtained by the MAUT method is
92.28% as the accuracy value, 97.56% precision value and given the success rate in finding an information of
93.02%. While the TOPSIS method obtained an accuracy value of 32.85% between the test score and the actual

Int J Artif Intell, Vol. 10, No. 4, December 2021: 930 - 937
Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938  935

value, precision 46.93% of determining user requests with answers generated by the system, and given the
53.48% success rate in rediscovering information. The high accuracy of the method MAUT is due in original
data from the Head of Public Welfare Affairs perform the calculation process by adding up the entire score
without grouping the type of benefit or cost criteria the same as the MAUT method calculation, so the results
of the calculation are not much different. The low accuracy of the TOPSIS method is because in the original
data from the Head of Public Welfare Affairs Mr. Hidayatullah there was no grouping of the type of criteria
namely benefits and costs so that the calculation results are inversely proportional. So from the result of the
test that have been Carried out, The MAUT method is more accurate to provide recommendations on the
determination of home surgical recipients.


Figure 1. System acceptance of home surgical assistance

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Septya Maharani, Born September 29th, 1984 in Samarinda, received Bachelor of Information
System from Mulawarman University. Master of Information System from Universitas
Diponogoro, Semarang, Indonesia in 2012. Currently her is a lecturer at Department of
Computer Science in Mulawarman University, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. His
research areas of interest are decision support system, expert system, information system and
computer and human. Email: septyamaharani@yahoo.com

Int J Artif Intell, Vol. 10, No. 4, December 2021: 930 - 937
Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938  937

Holis Ridwanto, was born in Long Mesangat, East Kalimantan, Indonesia in September 20th,
1997. He received her Bachelor degree in Computer Science of Universitas Mulawarman,
Indonesia in 2016. His research interest are information system and decision support system.
Email: muhammadholis07@gmail.com

Heliza Rahmania Hatta, Born July 15th, 1985 in Samarinda, received Bachelor of Computer
Science from Mulawarman University. Master of Informatics Engineering from In Institut
Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia in 2013. Currently her is a lecturer at
Department of Computer Science in Mulawarman University, Samarinda, East Kalimantan,
Indonesia. His research areas of interest are artificial intelligence, decision support system,
expert system, information system and information technology.
Email: heliza_rahmania@yahoo.com

Dyna Marisa Khairina, was born in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia in Maret 5th, 1984.
She received her Bachelor degree in Computer Science of Universitas Mulawarman, Indonesia
in 2007. She received her Master of Information System degree at Universitas Diponegoro,
Semarang, Indonesia in 2012. She is working as a lecture in the department of Computer Science
Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Indonesia since 2008. Her research interest are
information system and decision support system. Email: dyna.ilkom@yahoo.com

Muhammad Rivani Ibrahim, was born in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia in May 24th,
1994. He received her Bachelor degree in Computer Science of Universitas Mulawarman,
Indonesia in 2016. His research interest are information system and decision support system.
Email: rvn.ilkom@gmail.com.

Comparison of TOPSIS and MAUT methods for recipient determination home surgery (Septya Maharani)

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