Icar JRF
Icar JRF
Icar JRF
ICAR 1st Jul 2019 S2
Application No
Roll No
Participant Name SATYAVEER
Test Time 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Test Date 01/07/2019
9. a) Chlorophyceae
b) Bacillariophyceae
c) Crysophyceae
d) Haptophyceae
e) Phytoflagellate
ICAR JRF- 2015
1. Which one of the following is not a sex hormone
a. Testesterone c. Progesterone
b. Estradiol d. Gonadotropin
2. Wular lake situated in
a. Jammu & Kashmir c. Manipur
b. Tripura d. Himachal Pradesh
3. C14 method used in estimation of
a. Secondary productivity c. Primary productivity
b. Tertiary productivity d. None of the above
4. Winkler method used in estimation of
a. DO c. CO2
b. Organic carbon d. Alkalinity
5. Sty is related to
a. Pig c. Duck
b. Goat d. Cattle
6. Beche de mer is prepared from
a. Sea urchin c. Jelly fish
b. Sea cucumber d. Star fish
7. Ising glass is used for
a. Agar preparation c. Cleaning of wine
b. Glazing d. Oil extraction
8. Attachment organ of mussel
a. Tentacles c. Cement gland
b. Tube feet d. Byssus thread
9. Attachment organ of Jelly fish
a. Tube feet c. Cement gland
b. Tentacles d. Byssus thread
10. Squid jigging is done by
a. Under water lights c. Colourful bait
b. Movement of the jigs d. All of the above
11. Which is the largest freshwater fish in the world?
a. Huso huso c. Bagarius bagarius
b. Pangasianodon gigas d. Silurus glanis
12. Chromosomes number (2n) of Clarius punctctus is
a. 16 c. 32
b. 25 d. 50
13. “Learning is purposeful” comes under which of the following laws?
a. Principle of Association c. Principle of readiness
b. Principle of clarity d. Principle of rewards
14. Oil sardine production is highest in the state of
a. Tamil Nadu c. Gujarat
b. Kerala d. West Bengal
15. Sewage fed aquaculture is an old age practice in the state of
a. Assam and West Bengal c. Manipur and Assam
b. Andhra Pradesh and Kerala d. West Bengal and Kerala
16. Rostel pars distelis is also known as
a. Pars intermedia c. Meso adenohypophysis
b. Meta adenohypophysis d. Pro adenohypophysis
17. Integrated fish culture started in which country
a. India c. China
b. Bangladesh d. Egypt
18. Which of the following is a dibasic acid?
a. H2SO4 c. H3PO4
b. HCL d. HNO3
19. Carp with fringed mouth
a. Silver carp c. Rohu
b. Grass carp d. Mrigal
20. Early mortality syndrome (EMS) or Acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome in shrimp
is caused by
a. Vibrio parahaemolyticus c. Bacillus subtilis
b. Aeromonas salmonicida d. Flavobacterium psychrophilum
21. Which is second largest ocean in the world?
a. Pacific c. Atlantic
b. Indian d. Antartic
22. Megalopa larvae is related with
a. Lobster c. Sea cucumber
b. Squid d. Crab
23. Phyllosoma larvae is related with
a. Lobster c. Sea cucumber
b. Squid d. Crab
24. Good source of selenium
a. Oyster c. Crab
b. Lobster d. Cuttle fish
25. Largest turtle ground in India is situated in
a. Gulf of Mannar (Tamil nadu) c. Sundarban (WB)
b. Godavari estuary (AP) d. Bhitarkanika (Odisha)
26. Oyster larvae is mainly fed upon by
a. Isochrysis galbana c. Chaetoceros calcitrans
b. Thalassiosira pseudonana d. All of the above
27. Scientific name of Cauvery carp
a. Labeo fimbriatus c. Cirrhinus cirrhosus
b. L. kontius d. Barbodes carnaticus
28. Fish meal lacks in
a. Methionine & Trypsin c. Lysine and Methionine
b. Methionine and Cysteine d. Arginine and Methionine
29. Example of encircling gear
a. Purse seine c. Trawl
b. Gill net d. Dol net
30. Synthesis of cDNA from RNA is known as
a. Transformation c. Reverse transcription
b. Transcription d. Translation
31. Fish oil rich in
a. Vitamin E c. Vitamin K
b. Vitamin A d. Vitamin C
32. Smallest shark
a. Etmopterus perryi c. Squaliolus laticaudus
b. Eridacnis radcliffei d. None
33. Indian national fish
a. Sardinella longiceps c. Harpodon nehereus
b. Rastrelliger kanagurta d. Labeo rohita
34. Conversion of Ammonia to Nitrate is known as
a. Ammonification c. Denitrification
b. Nitrogen fixation d. Nitrification
35. Greater BOD level indicates
a. Depletion of Oxygen c. Depletion of CO2
b. Increase in Oxygen level d. Stable Oxygen level
36. Highest area under oxbow lakes is present in
a. Jammu & Kashmir c. Assam
b. Bihar d. West Bengal
37. Length weight relationship was given by
a. Le Cren c. Alagaraja
b. Fulton d. Pauly
38. Which of the following formula indicates length-weight relationship?
a. W = alb c. Lt=L∞*1-e-k(t-t°)
b. Log W=Log a +Log Lb d. None of the above
39. Thermocline is related to
a. Density difference c. Salinity
b. Light penetration d. Pressure
40. The layer that separate upper layer of the water from lower layer
a. Epilimnion c. Hypolimnion
b. Thermocline d. None of the above
41. Thermocline also known as
a. Halocline c. Pycnocline
b. Metalimnion d. Hypolimnion
42. Which of the following is the Beers and Lambert law?
a. Linear relationship between absorbance and concentration of an
absorbing species (I=Ioe-K3*C*L)
43. Example of sugar reducing bacteria
a. Bacillus
44. Example of sulpher reducing bacteria
a. Thiobacillus
45. Botulinum cook refers to
a. 1210C for 2.52 min c. 1000C for 2.8 min
b. 1140C for 2.8 min d. 180.50C for 2 min
46. First canning plant in India was established in
a. Coimbatore c. Calicut
b. Cochin d. Chennai
47. Father of canning
a. Rudolf Virchow c. Peter Artedi
b. Nicolas Appert d. Madhavan nair
48. First frozen fish industry was established in
a. Kerala c. Tamil Nadu
b. West Bengal d. Maharashtra
49. Moisture content in moist feed
a. 35-50% c.
50. Thickness of flake ice is
a. 10-12 mm c. 2-3 mm
b. 80-90 mm d. 24-25 mm
51. Freezing temperature of air blast freezer is
a. -45 to -50 0C c. -5 to -10 0C
b. 0 to -5 0C d. -35 to -40 0C
52. ANOVA stands for
a. Analysis of Co-variance c. Analysis of Variance
b. Multivariate analysis of variance d. None of the above
53. LAN stands for
a. Wide Area Network c. Metropolitan Area Network
b. Large Area Network d. Local Area Network
54. RAM stands for
a. Random Access Memory c. Read Only Memory
b. Random Available Memory d. Read and Access Memory
55. ROM stands for
a. Random Access Memory c. Read Over Memory
b. Read Only Memory d. None of the above
56. Peak breeding season of oil sardine in Tamil Nadu
a. August to October c.
57. The method used for data collection in Indian marine fisheries
a. Stratified Multistage Random Sampling Design
b. Simple Random Sampling
c. Stratified Multistage Cluster Sampling Design
d. Stratified Multistage Sampling Design
58. Who among the following is a great ichthyologist?
a. Frank Gill c. Sir Francis Day
b. N. K. Panikkar d. M. Z. Qasim
59. Cooling medium in desiccators
a. Water and ice c. Glycerine
b. Mineral oil d. All of the above
60. Ukai reservoir is present in
a. Maharashtra c. Karnataka
b. Gujarat d. Madhya Pradesh
61. First scientific fish farm in India was established in
a. Sunkesula (Andhra Pradesh) c. Cochin (Kerala)
b. Kolleru (Andhra Pradesh) d. Ooty (Tamil Nadu
62. Which of the following species is dominant in Saurashtra coast of Gujarat?
a. Dhoma
63. Which of the following gear is used to catch Dhoma along Gujarat coast?
a. Dol net c. Seine net
64. Catla catla is a
a. Surface feeder c. Column feeder
b. Bottom feeder d. Feeds in all zones
65. Which family of fishes has lateral line extended to caudal peduncle?
a. Centropomidae c.
66. Which fishes have 3 lateral lines? (pfgf)
a. Nototheniidae (Cod ice fishes)
67. Which of the following is a demersal fish? (pfgf)
a. King Perch c. Barracuda
b. Sardine d. Mackeral
68. Permanently plankton feeding fish
a. Grass carp c. Common carp
b. Mud carp d. Silver carp
69. Stocking density in polyculture per ha
a. 5000-10000
70. Quantity of fishery products exported from India in 2013-14 (in tones)
a. 1051243 c. 983756
b. 636543 d. 719840
71. The change in value of one variable lead to changes in the other. This change can be
measured by
a. Regression co-efficient c. Correlation co-efficient
b. Co-efficient of variation d. Co-efficient of determination
72. Nest builder
a. Rasbora c. Gold fish
b. Gourami d. Killi fish
73. Egg burier
a. Rasbora c. Betta
b. Danio d. Killi fish
74. Total length of coast line of India
a. 8118 km c. 9120 km
b. 6347 km d. 7843 km
75. Fish lice
a. Lernaea c. Argulus
b. Dactylogyrus d. Trypanosoma
76. Saddle back disease is caused by
a. Flexibacter columnaris c. Streptococcus iniae
b. Yersinia ruckeri d. Pseudomonas fluorescens
77. Furunculosis is caused by
a. Aeromonas salmonicida c. Cytophaga psychrophila
b. Renibacterium salmoninarum d. Vibrio salmonicida
78. Dhan buoy is used in
a. Squid jigging c. Tuna longline
b. Dredging d. Kalava traps
79. Instrument used in measurement of vertical and horizontal length of sea
a. Compass c. Chronometer
b. Log d. Sextant
80. Dredgers are used for harvesting
a. Molluscs c. Shrimps
b. Lobsters d. Fish
81. Scientific name of bleeding heart tetra is
a. Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma c.
82. Ideal ratio of icing (ice : fish) in tropical areas is
a. 1:2 c. 1:0.5
b. 1:1 d. 1:4
83. Tata established a Mahseer hatchery at
a. Harwan c. Nilgiri
b. Lonavala d. Bhimtal
84. Truly estuarine species are
a. Stenohaline c. Euryhaline
b. Stenothermal d. Eurythermal
85. Recommended carbohydrate level in feed for IMCs
a. 22-26%
86. Scientific name of Grass carp
a. Cyprinus carpio c. Mylopharyngodon pisceus
b. Seriola quinqueradiata d. Ctenopharyngodon idella
87. Fish glue prepared from
a. Fish skin c. Both a and b
b. Fish bone d. None
88. Total ATP molecules produce in anaerobic TCA cycle
a. 2 c. 36
b. 32 d. None
89. NBFGR is situated at
a. Lucknow c. Bhimtal
b. Kolkata d. Bhubaneswar
90. Jayanti rohu is an example of
a. Cross breeding c. Induced breeding
b. Selective breeding d. Natural breeding
91. Breeding mops required in case of
a. Live bearers c. Egg scatterers
b. Egg depositors d. Nest builders
92. Gear used to catch Bombay duck
a. Dol net c. Rampani
b. Lift net d. Stake net
93. Breeding season of lady fish
a. June to October c.
94. Silver bellies are dominant along which coast of India
a. South West c. North West
b. South East d. North East
95. Crawling stage of oyster known as
a. Pediveliger c.
96. Which marine fish species was successfully bred by CMFRI recently?
a. Cobia c. Silver pompano
b. Sea bass d. milk fish
97. The caudal fin of Bombay duck is
a. Bilobed c. Single lobed
b. Without lobes d. Trilobed
98. Enteric fever is caused by
a. Aeromonas c. Pseudomonas
b. Vibrio d. Salmonella
99. Largest freshwater lake
a. Kolleru c. Loktak
b. Chilka d. Wular
100. Sterile fish is
a. Triploid c. Polyploid
b. Diploid d. All of the above
101. Causative agent of WSSV
a. Bacteria c. Fungi
b. Virus d. Protozoa
102. Boiling point of liquid nitrogen is
a. -196 °C c. 0 °C
b. -70 °C d. 100 °C
103. Test for comparison of sample means
b. F test d. t test
104. Pearl sport belongs to family
a. Carangidae c. Cichlidae
b. Bagridae d. Siganidae
105. Incubation period of crab eggs
a. 8-15 days b.
106. Scientific name of Yellowfin tuna
a. Thunnus albacares c.
107. The species mostly exported in frozen condition
a. L. vannamei c.
108. Which DNA is derived from bacteria for its identification?
a. mtDNA c. cDNA
b. tDNA d. rDNA
109. Which vitamin is lost in canning process?
a. Vitamin C c. Vitamin A
b. Thiamin d. All of the above
110. Eichornia is a type of
a. Floating weed c. Submerged weed
b. Emergent weed d. Marginal weed
111. The poison present in Mahua oil cake is
a. Rotenone c. Saponin
112. 1 nautical mile is equal to
a. 1.852 m c. 1.852 km
b. 1.852 ft d. 1852 km
113. Blue green algae are also called as
a. Cyanobacteria c. Pseudobacteria
b. Archaebacteria d. Radiolaria
114. Chank resources are most abundant in which region
a. Calicut to Allapuzha c. Paradip to Bhitarkanika
b. Mandapam to Rameswaram d. Ramnathsagar to Tirunvenelli
115. Maximum mangrove area in India
a. West Bengal c. Odisha
b. Andaman d. Gujarat
116. N-acetyl-D-glucosamine is present in
a. Guanine c. Keratin
b. Chitosan d. Chitin
117. Blackening in shrimp is caused by
a. Polyphenoloxidase c. ATPase
b. Carboxylase d. Cellulase
118. Word “Extension” is derived from
a. French c. Greek
b. Latin d. British
119. High powered flat bottom craft is referred to as
a. Merchant fish c. Tugs
b. Fishing craft d. Combatant craft
120. Latent heat of melting of ice is
a. 80 Kcal/kg c. 80 cal/kg
b. 8 kcal/kg d. None
121. Suitable freezing method for small and even sized prawns
a. Plate freezer c. Air blast freezer
b. Fluidized Freezer d. None
122. Peculiarity of fish heart is that it has
a. No blood c. All venous blood
b. All arterial blood d. Partly arterial and partly venous blood
123. Indian major carps breeds during monsoon in
a. Lakes c. Ponds
b. Swamps d. Rivers
124. Lm/L α is an index to
a. Reproduction c. Reproductive stress
b. Reproductive capacity d. None
125. Which of the following is known as living manuring machine?
a. Pig c. Goat
b. Duck d. Cattle
126. Which state has highest area of oxbow lakes?
a. Bihar c. West Bengal
b. Assam d. Odisha
127. Total EEZ area of India
a. 2.02 lakh km2 c. 0.53 million km2
b. 200 nm d. 2.02 million km2
128. Which is state has highest area of continental shelf?
a. Gujarat c. Tamil Nadu
b. West Bengal d. Kerala
129. Which of the following is a marginal weed?
a. Ipomea c. Lemna
b. Azolla d. Typha
130. Which of the following software is used for database management?
a. MS Excel c. MS Word
b. MS Powerpoint d. None of the above
131. Scientific name of Antarctic krill
a. Procambarus clarkii c. Psettodes erumei
b. Euphausia superba d. Puerellus sewelli
132. Measures of dispersion
a. Variance c. Standard deviation
b. Standard error d. Central tendency
133. The point at which photosynthesis rate and respiration rate is equal
a. Mean depth c. Profundal zone
b. Zero depth d. Compensation depth
134. Channel of distribution can be controlled by
a. Consumer c. Auctioneer
b. Wholesaler d. Producer
135. RBC found in fish is
a. Non-nucleated c. Nucleated
b. Multi-nucleated d. Fragmented
136. Indicator organism of herring
a. Calanus b.
137. Rapid rancidity is found in
a. PUFA c. Lipid
b. Protein d. Carbohydrates
138. Ideal head space of a can
a. 5 mm c. 10 mm
b. 20 mm d. 2 mm
139. Bacterial kidney disease is caused by
a. Aeromonas salmonicida c. Cytophaga psychrophila
b. Renibacterium salmoninarum d. Vibrio salmonicida
140. Whirling disease is caused by
a. Myxobolus cerebralis c. Cytophaga psychrophila
b. Renibacterium salmoninarum d. Vibrio salmonicida
141. Wular lake is located in
a. Jammu and Kashmir c. Himachal Pradesh
b. Punjab d. Uttarakhand
142. Harpodon squamosus is found along
a. NE Coast c. SE Coast
b. SW Coast d. NW Coast
143. Ratio between total liability and net worth is called
a. Debt equity ratio c. Solvency ratio
b. Net capital ratio d. None of the above
144. Labeo bicolor is known as
a. Red-tailed black shark c.
145. Silver belly is dominant along
a. Tamil Nadu Coast b.
146. The fishing method which is highly selective and targeted with little or no by catch
a. Targeted trawling c. Seine netting
b. Beach seining d. Purse seining
147. The most important factor on which Tc depends is
a. The size of the stocks c. The duration of fishing efforts
b. Gear a selectivity d. Age of the fish
148. The diversity in marine pelagic ecosystem
a. Decreases with depth
b. Increases with depth
c. Increases and then decreases with depth.
d. Decreases and then increases with depth
149. NMLRDC located in
a. Kochi c. Mumbai
b. Kolkata d. Chennai
150. Treatment of Moult death syndrome in lobsters is done by
a. Providing sufficient nutritious diet
151. Specific dynamic action (SDA) is considerably higher for
a. Lipid c. Protein
b. Carbohydrate d. None of this
152. The following has a smallest coastal length
a. Pondicherry c. Lakshadweep
b. Goa d. Daman and Diu
153. Benthic zones between 4000-6000m is called
a. Bathyl c. Hadal
b. Abyssal d. Sub littoral
154. Bulk of mackerel catch in
a. SE coast c. SW
b. NW d. NE
155. Deep sea fishing vessels (m OAL)
a. 50 c. 40
b. 30 d. 20
156. What is the mastax in a rotifer for
a. Grinding of the food c. Reproduction
b. Swimming d. None
157. Oyster contributions in total global aquaculture production
a. 20% c. 30%
b. 10% d. 50%
158. Uracil is found in
a. DNA c. RNA
b. Both DNA and RNA d. mt DNA
Memory Based Questions of ICAR Entrance Exam 2014
Group A Group B
1. Chaetodontidae a) Puffer fish
2. Cynoglossidae b) Butterfly fish
3. Tetradontidae c)
4. Alluidae d) Sole fish
5. Elopidae e) Lady fish
Answer: 1 – b, 2 – d, 3 – a, 4 – , 5 –
Group A Group B
1. L∞ a) Beverton & Gulland
2. Natural mortality b) Beverton & Holt
3. c) Von Bertlanfy
4. d)
5. e) Pauly
Answer: 1 – c, 2 – e, 3 – , 4 – , 5 –
Group A Group B
1. ARS a) 1979
2. NATP b) 1974
3. ARSB c) 1998
4. KVK d) 1973
5. LLP e) 1975
Answer: 1 – d, 2 – c, 3 – e, 4 – b, 5 – a
154. (Dr. K. Rathnakumar; Fisheries Environment Q. 510)
Group A Group B
1. Loktak lake a) Andhra Pradesh
2. Chilka lake b) Tamil Nadu
3. Sambhar lake c) Odisha
4. Pulicat lake d) Manipur
5. Koleuro lake e) Rajasthan
Answer: 1 – d, 2 – c, 3 – e, 4 – b, 5 – a
Group A Group B
1. Labeo kalbasu a) Pig mouthed carp
2. Labeo fimbriatus b)
3. Cirrhinus cirrhosa c) Cauvery carp
4. Labeo kontius d) Black rohu
5. e) White carp
Answer: 1 – d, 2 – c, 3 – e, 4 – c, 5 – b
1. Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary of the World Trade Organisation came into effect in (Q. 12)
a) 1990 b) 1995 c) 1996 d) 1998
2. Fish Base, relational database in finfishes (Q. 16)
a)20,000 b)30,000 c)40,000 d)50,000
3. Sagitta is used for (Q. 20)
a) Hearing b) Smelling c) Eating d) Feeding
4. FISHCOPFED came into existence in (Q. 27)
a) 1981 b) 1982 c) 1983 d) 1984
5. World wetlands Day (Q. 30)
a) 1st Feb b) 2nd Feb c) 21st Feb d) 29th Feb
6. Fishery Survey of India came into existence in (Q. 33)
a) 1981 b) 1982 c) 1983 d) 1984
7. Koli community is primarily a (Q. 35)
a) Fishing b) Farming c) Tribal d) Mining
8. Aqu advantage salmons is the trade for (Q. 44)
a) Genetically Modified Masu Salmon b) Genetically Modified Chum Salmon
c) Genetically Modified Atlantic Salmon d) Genetically Modified Pink Salmon
9. United Nations declared the period from 2011-2020 as (Q. 45)
a) UN-decade of Plant Biodiversity b) UN-decade of Animal Biodiversity
c) UN-decade of Marine Biodiversity d) UN-decade of Biodiversity
10. Business incubators are programs designed to support the successful development of (Q. 46)
a) Research & Technology b) Start-up companies c) Call centres d) IT companies
11. In tin can, thickness of the base plate is (Q. 50)
a) 0.20 & 0.50 mm b) 0.15 & 0.30 mm c) 0.10 & 0.20 mm d) 0.05& 0.20 mm
12. Example of monoenoic acid (Q. 54)
a) Oleic acid b) Citric acid c) Patmitic acid D) Linoleic acid
13. In India FRP boat was introduced in (Q. 55)
a) 1965 b) 1966 c) 1967 d) 1968
14. Example of phospholipids is (Q. 57)
a) Lecithine b) Vit. A c) Patmitoleic acid d) Glucose
15. Word “Extension” (Q. 66)
a) French b) Greek c) Latin d) British
16. When bacterial load is expected to be low in a sample, the method of choice for enumeration
(Q. 70)
a) Serial dilution & plating b) direct microscopic count
c) MPN method d) Enrichment & streaking
17. Dun spoilage occur due to (Q. 77)
a) Halophilic bacteria b) Halophilic mould c) Psychrophilic bacteria d) Thermophilic bacteria
18. A diagrammatic representation of sample space enclosing all possible events associated with
an experiment (Q. 83)
a) Pie – diagram b) Frequency graph c) Vem diagram d) Bar diagram
Compiled by: Mr. Manmohan Kumar, Mr. Jitendra Thakur & Mr. Gulshan Kumar;
COFS Udgir (Maharashtra)
19. Monogenea parasites are closely related to (Q. 89)
a) Cestodes b) Nematodes c) Digenea d) Spirurina
20. Hybridoma technology is used for (Q. 92)
a) Identification of epitopes b) Raising polyclonal antibodies
c) Raising monoclonal antibodies d) Boosting animals immunity
21. Itai – Itai disease (Q. 98)
a) Cadmium b) Zinc c) Mercury d) Lead
22. Major colour pigment in shrimp (Q. 106)
a) Phenol b) Alanine c) Astaxanthine d) Leucotriene
23. Important additive used for water holding capacity of fish (Q. 109)
a) Polyphosphate b) AMP c) Arabinose d) Collagen
24. Gnari is (Q. 113)
a) Fermented product b) Salted product c) A fish sauce d) Imitated product
25. Maximum dose recommended for radurization of food is (Q. 119)
a) 5 KGY b) 50 KGY c) 10 KGY d) 15 KGY
26. Ratio between total assests & total liabilities (Q. 124)
a)Solvency ratio b) Debt equity ratio c) Net capital ratio d) Value ratio
27. TCBS agar is specifically used for isolation of (Q. 128)
a) Vibrio b) Aeromonas c) E. coli d) Salmonella
28. “Botulinum cook” refer to (Q. 127)
a) 121 oC for 2.5 min b) 121 oC for 15 min c) 250 oC for 2.52 min d) 250 oC for 15 min
29. Physiological saline means (Q. 147)
a) Salt content equal to sea water salinity b) 100 mM concentration of salt
c) 0.85 % concentration of salt d) 2.33 % concentration of salt
30. Chilka Lake
a) Lagoon b) Backwater c) Estuaries d) Reservoir
31. Which of the following is provitamin
a) Leucopene b) Beta carotene c) Xanthophylls d) Chlorophyll
32. Another name of Vitamin B6
a) Niacin b) Riboflvin c) Pyrodoxine d) Thiamine
33. UNCLOS laws
a) 1963-1972 b) 1972-1982 c) 1982-1992 d) 1952-1962
34. Kidney of fishes are
a) Prometanephric b) Metanephric c) Mesonephric d) None
35. HACCP concept is firstly given by
36. Carcinogenic compound found in smoked product is
a) Phenol b) Benzopyene c) Ketone d) Aldehyde
37. Process of freeze drying is
a) Sublimation b) Condensation c) Convection d) Radiation
38. Magnesium ammonium phosphate found in
a) Struvite b) Honey combing c) Curd & adhesion d) Mush
39. Swivel to prevent twisting in
a) Gill nets b) Line c) Trawling d) Drag net
40. Ribbon fish
a) Spawn once a year b) Spawn twice a year c) Spawn 3 times a year d) Spawn 5 times a year
Compiled by: Mr. Manmohan Kumar, Mr. Jitendra Thakur & Mr. Gulshan Kumar;
COFS Udgir (Maharashtra)
41. Jayanti Rohu is made by which process
a) Hybridisation b) Selective breeding c) PCR d) All
42. Which of the following is true fish
a) Cuttle fish b) Flying fish c) Devil fish d) Cray fish
43. Fish muscle protein denaturation is due to changes in
a) Sacroplasmic b) Myofibrillar c) Stroma d) Myogen
44. Which of the following is not a genus of crab
a) Panulirus b) Portunus c) Charybdis d) Scylla
45. Major storage lipid of fish
a) Cholesterol b) Lecithin c) Ganglioslide d) Triglyceride
46. Limits of Mercury (Hg) in fishes
a) 1 ppm b) 2ppm c) 3 ppm d) 4 ppm
47. Oxidative rancidity is due to
a) FFA b) Glucose c) Vit. A d) Adenine
48. Initiator codon is
a) UAG b) UAA c) GUG d) AUG
49. Black discolouration in shrimp
a) Pyruvate kinase b) PPO c) Fumerage d) Protease
50. To increase pH in ponds mostly used
a) Calcium Hydroxide b) Magnesium sulphate c) Calcium carbonate d) Bleaching powder
51. Abyssal plain is (Q. 1) – Ocean
52. Anadromous – Migrate from freshwater to seawater
53. MSY – Maximum catch under existing environmental conditions
54. KHV – Koi Herpes Virus
55. SPR – Specific Pathogen Resistant
56. SPS – Sanitary & Phyto Sanitary
57. RRA – Rapid Rural Appraisal
58. SPF – Specific Pathogen Free
59. Scientific name of Bombay Duck – Herpadon nehereus
60. Carps mostly in India – Labeo
61. Light permitting zone – Photic zone
62. First fish co-operative society – 1913
63. N- acetyl glucosamine found in – Shrimp shell
64. Ribbon fish is also known as – Hairtails
65. Eutrophication – Over abundance of nutrients
66. Which is not a monosaccharide – Sucrose
67. Bloom – Abundance of seaweeds
68. Territorial water – 12 nm
69. Measure of Earthquake & Tsunami – Seismograph
70. Ovarian maturity hormone in crustaceans – Eyestalk
71. 1 nm – 1.85 km
72. Aflatoxin – Aspergilus
73. Red tide is due to – Dianoflagellates
74. Ekman`s grab is used for – Collect bottom samples
75. Lunar cycle produces – Tides
76. NFBD- Hyderabad
Compiled by: Mr. Manmohan Kumar, Mr. Jitendra Thakur & Mr. Gulshan Kumar;
COFS Udgir (Maharashtra)
77. Chilka lake – Orissa
78. Bheri – West Bengal
79. Quality deterioration in fresh fish – Hypoxanthine
80. Enzymes in PCR – Taq polymerase
81. Anti-vitamin – Avidin
82. NFBD established in – September 2006
83. Fusiform shape – Wide in middle & narrow in ends
84. Virus infected bacteria – Phage
85. Mitosis – Daughter cells similar to mother cell
86. GM fluorescent – Genetically modified salmon
87. Balance sheet – Profit against loss
88. Regenerative capacity of fins, heart & brain during larval stage a) Zebra fish b) Salmon
89. SONAR is used for – Navigation
90. Farraka barrage – Ganga
91. Point of intersection between demand & supply denotes the price of the commodities –
Market equilibrium price
92. Relationship between remora & shark fish – Commensalism
93. Cost of producing additional unit of output – Marginal cost
94. Major cost in shrimp hatchery – Feed
95. Hearing & seen – Audio-visual aids
96. MPEDA established in India – 1972
97. Most commonly used of gamma rays in food irradiation – Cobalt 60
98. Leaf fibre – Manila
99. Ratio between length of head rope & length of webbing – Hanging coefficient ratio
100. Masmin – Smoked tuna product
101. Silver Pompano – CMFRI
102. Jayanti Rohu – CIFA
103. Recently introduced species in India – Vannamei
104. Herbivores fishes – Larger intestine
105. Coastal aquaculture authority act – 2005
106. BOBIGO – Bay Of Bengal Inter Governmental Organisation
107. Upwelling – Higher productive zone for fishery
108. Maw is prepared from – Swim Bladder
109. Otoliths are used for – Growth & ageing
110. Fish is – Poikilothermic
111. Zero bacterial count required for – Salmonella
112. Bioinformatics – Collection of data
113. Genetic marker – Short sequence of DNA used for species identification
114. Larvae of Bivalve – Veligar
115. Not correct about DNA – Found only in nucleus
116. Most prospecting species for cage farming in open sea – Rachycentron canadam
117. Shrimp blood contain – Copper
118. Euphausia superba feeds on – Plankton
119. Most common disease in shrimp farming – White spot disease
120. Which substance is indication of spoilage – TMAO
121. FISHBOL – Fish Barcode Of Life
Compiled by: Mr. Manmohan Kumar, Mr. Jitendra Thakur & Mr. Gulshan Kumar;
COFS Udgir (Maharashtra)
122. ISO transfer direct contact for quality of food in India – BIS
123. BOMB calorimeter measure –
124. Colourless net are used for – Gill Nets
125. Agar is yielding from – Gracileria
126. Fish mostly used to produced surimi – Alaska Pollock
127. Processed H. scabra is – Trepang
128. Flat sour spoilage causing bacteria in canned food – Bacillus stearothermophilus
129. Toxic heat resistant bacteria in canned food – Closteridium botulinum
Group A Group B
1. MGNREGA a) 15th June 2005
2. RTI Act b) Aug 2007
3. Rashtriya Krishi Vigyan Yojna c) Feb 2, 2006
4. Right to Service Act in MP d) 4th Aug 2009
5. Right To Education e) 18th Aug 2010
Answer: 1 – c, 2 – a, 3 – b, 4 – e, 5 – d
1. c
2. b
3. a
4. b
5. b
6. b
7. a
8. c
9. d
Compiled by: Mr. Manmohan Kumar, Mr. Jitendra Thakur & Mr. Gulshan Kumar;
COFS Udgir (Maharashtra)
Compiled by: Mr. Manmohan Kumar, Mr. Jitendra Thakur & Mr. Gulshan Kumar;
COFS Udgir (Maharashtra)
Memory Based Questions of ICAR Entrance Exam 2012
1. Indian Halibut - Psettodes erumei
2. Indian Salmon – Eleutheronema tetradactylum
3. Chromosome number in Catla - 50
4. Gadus macrocepalus – Pacific Cod
5. Time period of hormonal injections – 12-15 hr.
6. Cladoceran is–Parthenogenetic
7. Coagulant in aquaculture– Alum & Gypsum
8. Cavaier is the roe of –Sturgeon
9. Scales are absent in which elasmobranches family - Neoselachii
10. External layer of prawn–Epicuticle
11. Isinglass – Clarifying agent
12. GIFT Tilapia – Gold Tilapia
13. Uniform shape, size, length & weight in stock called as – Unit stock
14. Catching of small size fishes – Growth overfishing
15. Pond plankton is– Heleoplankton
16. Freezing temperature of fish musclea) 0 0C b) -2 0C c) -5 0C d)-10 0C
17. Sea bass is –Protoandrus
18. Size of fry – 8-40 mm
19. Equilibrium price – Demand is equal to supply
20. Fishes feeds variety of foods–Euryphagic
21. Fishes tolerates wide range of temp. – Euryhaline
22. Fish export during 2011 – 0.68 million tonnes
23. Largest brackish water lake in India – Chilka lake
24. Headquarter of world fish centre – Penang
25. EEZ extends upto – 200 nautical miles
26. Moina mircura is – Cladoceran
27. Largest class of Mollusca–Gastropoda
28. Area of EEZ – 2.02 million km2
29. Harvey`s estimation
30. Antartic krill`s family – Ephausidae
31. BHA is – Antioxidant
32. Low fecundity exhibited by – Salmon
33. Biodiversity act – 2002
34. Which protein is responsible for `Surimi` product preparation – Myofibriller Protein
35. K- Value – Condition factor
36. Thermocline – Summer
37. Moulting in Crustacea – Ecdysis
38. Additional unit of output – Marginal cost
39. Larva of crab – Megalopa
40. Larva of lobster – Phylosoma
41. DHA & EPA – 22:6 n-3 & 20:5 n-3
42. Chlorophyll in Green algae – chl a
43. Oil sardine belongs to family – Clupeids
Page 1
A. Riboflavin
B. Pyridoxine
C. Thiamin
D. Cyanocobalamine
Ans. D
5. Riboflavin – B2
A. Compass
B. Sextant
C. Binocular
D. Parallel ruler
Ans. B
Page 2
13. Plankton term was coined by - Hensen
16. Which of the following is not the life stage of prawn- Larvae (Zoea, Egg, Post
Larvae, Larvae)
19. Mature male rainbow trout is identified by - Jaw (Anal Fin, Pectoral Fin, Jaw, Body
24. MSY is- more than optimum yields (less than OY, equals to OY, Equals to MEY)
Page 3
36. Order of layers of atmosphere - Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere,
Page 4
59. Freezing of sea water - -2° c
62. FPC made from – Low value Fish (High Value Fish, Lean fish, Fatty Fish, Low value
70. ‘z’ in population dynamic means – Mortality (Fishing mortality, Growth Factor)
71. Fly mesh has what difference – Two knots instead of four
79. Petition for shrimp culture coastal aquaculture filed by justice chaudhari was stated in
year -
80. ICAR when established in 1929 it was with what name – Imperial Council for
Agricultural Research
Page 5
81. Deemed university for fishery education - CIFE
85. Which is not an unsaturated fatty acid – Stearic Acid (Oleic acid, Linoleic acid,
Eicosapentanoic acid)
86. Gear for catching marine cat fish – Purse seine (Bottom trawling, Mid-water trawling,
Gill net, Purse seine)
87. MrNV and XSV are associated with which disease – White tail disease
88. Which DNA is derived from bacteria for its identification – (MtDNA, cDNA, tDNA,
89. Which is the first sea bottom drilling ship - Glomar Challenger
90. Which radiation is used for irradiation for food preservation – Gamma rays
102. If a pond with 1500 square meters is losing water at 2 cm/day what is the water
requirement – (3000 l/day, 30000 l/day, 300000l/day, 150000 l/day)
Page 6
103. Lernea is what - Trematod
104. Which bond is not broken during Protein Denaturation- Peptide Bond (Disulphide
bond, Hydrogen Bond, Covalent Bond)
112. Chank resources are most abundant in which region – Ramnathsagar to Thiruvenelli
120. Which is the most common marketing channel? Fisherman, Wholesaler, Retailer,
121. Which is the highest producing area of ocean in world – North East Pacific
Page 7
125. All India coordinate programme on reservoirs? 78,82,85,86
143. If sperm takes part in induction of cleavage division in oocyte without fertilization
process known as- Parthenogenesis
Page 8
Match the pairs:
1. Jaikawadi – Maharashtra
2. Nanaksagar – Uttaranchal
3. Rihand – Uttar Pradesh
4. Stanley – Tamil Nadu
5. Tungabhadra – Karnataka
6. Red snapper- Lutjanus
7. White shrimp- P. indicus
8. Asian Sea bass- L. calcareifer
9. Etroplus suratensis
10. Banana prawn
11. Kuruma prawn
12. Continental shelf
13. Water act
14. Environmental Protection Act
15. Biodiversity Act
16. EEZ
17. Three spotted crab
18. Isinglass
19. Sargassum
20. Edulis
21. Echinidora
22. Gracillaria
23. Gelidium
Page 9
ICAR JRF Sample Question
1. Yellow eel
a) Adult b) Juvenile c) Reproductive d) Spent
2. C:N ratio
a) 10:1 to 15:1 b) 5:1 to 1:5 c) 1:10 to 1:15 d) 1:1 to 1:5
3. Common in shrimp & crab
a) Zoea b) Protozoea c) Megalopa d) All
4. Difference between silver fish & silver carp
a) Silver carp is carnivore
b) Silver carp is marine fish
c) Silver fish is lung fish
d) Silver fish is an insect
5. Higher protein requirement in
a) Catla b) Rohu c) Mrigal d) Silver carp
6. Indigenous species of fish is
a) Rainbow trout b) Brook trout c) Brown trout d) Snow trout
7. Application of Gypsum in a pond corrects the
a) pH b) Alkalinity c) Hardness d) Turbidity
8. Best material for dyke construction is
a) Sandy clay b) Loamy soil c) Sandy soil d) None
9. Species extensively cultured in cage of Japan is
a) Mullet b) Catla c) Murrel d) Yellow tail
10. Which farming technology is eco-friendly & scientific
a) Extensive b) Semi-extensive c) Intensive d) Super intensive
11. The most powerful anti-nutritional factor plant ingredient is
a) Phytic acid b) Glucosinolates c) Haemoglutins d) Trypsin inhibitor proteins
12. Herbs are incorporated in aqua feeds to enhance
a) Palatability b) Water stability c) Immunity d) Nutritional value
13. The teleost fish has the following class of immunoglobin
a) IgE b) IgM c) IgA d) IgG
14. The fry of which feeds on the mucus of the parent
a) Oscar b) Gourami c) Widow tetra d) Discus
15. Main species of seaweed farmed at global level (SOFIA-2016)
a) L. japonica b) Phophyra tenera c) E. cottonii d) Kappaphycus
16. Shrimp requires essential amino acid (EAA) in least quantity
a) Arginine b) Leucine c) Valine d) Tryptophan
17. Prescribed stocking density for SPF L. vannamei in freshwater farm
a) 40/m2 b) 60/m2 c) 80/m2 d) 100/m2
18. Important role in reproductive physiology of fish
a) Volatile fatty acid
b) Essential fatty acid
c) Non-essential fatty acid
d) Phospholipids
19. Software package developed by FAO to study the impact of exotic species introduction on fish
stock is
20. Schreiber‟s media is
a) Diatoms b) Phyto-flagellates c) Cladocerans d) Rotifers
21. Most important shrimp from pokkali fields
a) M. dobsoni b) M. monocerous c) P. monodon d) P. semisulcatus
22. Minimum water velocity which prevent faecal matter & uneaten food from settling out & keep
raceway clean
a) 9 cm/sec b) 6 cm/sec c) 3 cm/sec d) 1 cm/sec
23. “Geoduck‟ is
a) Marine clam b) A variety of Duck c) Seaweed d) Freshwater mussel
24. Shining barb, developed by selective breeding is
a) Pethia conchonius b) P. gelius c) P. satani d) P. ticto
25. 7. Recommended nitrogen fertilizer in an acidic pond is
a) Ammonium sulphate b) Diammonium phosphate c) Pottasiun nitrate d) Urea
26. Mohs scale used for hardness of pearl obtained from pearl oyster =)
a) 1.5 – 2.5 b) 2.5 – 4.5 c) 5.5 – 6.5 d) 7.0 – 8.0
27. If concentration of ammonia is 0.52% at pH 7 & temperature 24 ⁰ C then calculate
concentration of ammonia at pH 7 & temperature 20 ⁰ C
a) 0.60 b) 0.82 c) 0.40 d) 0.70
28. Protein percentage in copepods
a) 35-40% b) 45-50% c) 50-60% d) >60%
29. Which of the following is NOT live bearer
a) P. reticulata b) P. Letipinna c) Xiphophorous maculatus d) Pterophyllum scalare
30. End product of denitrification
a) Ammonia b) Nitrite c) Nitrate d) Nitrogen
31. Seed certification in fishes
a) Ministry of agriculture, GOI
c) Ministry of environment & forest
32. Male reproductive organ in prawn
a) 3rd plepods b) 5th plepods c) 3rd pereopods d) 5th pereopods
33. Which fish toxicant should be used before half of cow dung
a) Mohua oil cake b) Tea cake c) Derris root powder d) None
34. Noda virus in M. rosenbergii
a) Adult b) Protozoea c) Post Larvae d) All
35. Shallow, marginal & weed choked wetlands which culture practised
a) Pen culture b) Cage culture c) Raft culture d) Longline culture
36. Cadmalin TM extract developed from
a) Perna indica b) Perna viridis c) Anadara granosa d) Villorita cyprinodes
37. Lower efficacy of CaCO3
a) Hydrated lime b) Slaked lime c) Quick lime d) Dolomite
38. Cystine is sparing of essential amino acid (EAA)
a) Metheonine b) Leucine c) Tryptophan d) Valine
39. Best feed quality in fish should
a) Higher FCR & higher FCE
b) Lower FCR & higher FCE
c) Lower FCR & lower FCE
d) Higher FCR & lower FCE
40. Digestive enzyme with peptides bond
a) Pepsin b) Chymotrypsin c) Trypsin d) None
41. “Jayanti Rohu” is
a) Cross breeding b) Selective breeding c) Hybridization d) All
42. Scientific name of Deccan Mahseer is
a) Tor khudree b) Tor mosal c) Tor tor d) Tor putitora
43. Cobia mature at the age of
a) 1-2 years b) 2-3 years c) 4-5 years d) None
44. Which fish species grow up to 8-10 Kg
a) Cobia b) Indian Pompano c) Silver Pompano d) All
45. Filamentous algae is controlled by
a) Catla b) Grass carp c) Common carp d) Silver carp
46. Which fish species is famous in Kerala
a) Pearl spot b) Seabass c) Mullet d) Milk fish
47. Global aquaculture production in 2014
a)167.2 mmt b) 79.7 mmt c) 91.3 mmt d) 158.1 mmt
48. Which country is the major producer of aquatic plants presently
a)Indonesia b) China c) Vietnam d) Philippines
49. Campbell is variety of
a) Duck b) Pig c) Fish d) Aquatic plants
50. Main species of seaweed farmed at global level in 2014
a) L. japonica b) Phophyra tenera c) Gracilaria d) Kappaphycus
51. Mussel watch programmes
a) Pollution indicator b) Watching of mussel c) Breeding of mussel d) All
52. Filamentous algae is controlled by
a) Catla b) Grass carp c) Common carp d) Silver carp
Answer Key: Mock Test
College of Fisheries,
Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology Kumarganj, Faizabad-224 229 (U.P.)
A. Multiple choice
1. Torsion is a characteristic of............
a) Gastropoda c) Cephalopoda
b) Bivalvia d) Crustacea
2. ............. is a genus of barnacles
a) Balanus c) Saccostrea
b) Penaeus d) Panulirus
3. King crab belongs to family……..
a) Triospidae c)Limnadidae
b) Limulidae d) Cytherellidae
4. The swimming legs of prawns
a) Pereopods c) Pleopods
b) Uropod d) Telson
5. The word “Mollusca” indicates……….
a) Hard bodied animals c) Hard shell animals
b) Soft bodied animals d) Soft shell animals
6. The largest invertebrate Phylum is………
a) Mollusca c) Coelenterata
b) Arthropoda d) Porifera
7. The periodic shedding of exoskeleton by crustaceans is called.......
a) Symbiosis c) Aestivation
b) Ecdysis d) Mutation
8. Scientific name of Godavari prawn is…….
a) Macrobrachium rosenbergii c) Macrobrachium rude
b) Macrobrachium malcolmsonii d) Penaeus monodon
9. Cowry shells belong to Genus………
a) Cyprea c) Xancus
b) Babylonia d) Trochus
10. Cuttle fish belongs to Class……….
a) Octapoda c) Decapoda
b) Ostracoda d) Cephalopoda
11. Byssus threads are characteristics of ....................
a) Cephalopoda c) Bivalvia
b) Gastropoda d) Scaphopoda
12. Lobsters come under Class ...........
a) Insecta c) Crustacea
b) Arachnida d) Brachyura
13. Hermit crabs come under.......
a) Brachyura c) Macrura
b) Anomura d) Cuticura
14. Megalopa is the larval stage of ........
a) Lobsters c) Prawns
b) Crabs d) Squilla
15. ......... expel a cloud of dark ink to confuse predators
a) Cephalopods c)Bivalves
b) Gastropods d)Scaphopods
16. Fish lice falls under Genus.......
a) Argulus c) Pediculus
b) Lernea d) Porcellio
17. Abalone belongs to Genus....
a) Pictada c) Anadara
b) Perna d) Haliotis
18. Nautilus is a ........
a) Cephalopod c) Bivalve
b) Gastropod d) Scaphopod
19. Moina and Daphnia belong to .....
a) Copepoda c) Calanoida
b) Cladocera d) Amphipoda
20. Antarctic Krill is ............
a) Balanus amphitrite c) Procambarus clarkia
b) Euphausia superba d) Thenus orientalis
21. The length w. r. t. zero increment is
a) L∞ c) Lm
b) Lmax d) Lc
22. Tropical short lived species have ‘K’
a) High c) Medium
b) Low d) None
23. The value of M/K ranges between
a) 1.2 to 2.2 c) 2.5 to 3.5
b) 1.5 to 2.5 d) 1.5 to 3.5
24. Exploitation ratio (E) is
a) F/Z c) M/Z
b) Z/F d) M+F
25. The VBGF parameter “t0” means
a) Length at zero age c) Age at length infinity
b) Growth coefficient d) Age at zero length
26. Occurrence of too many old fish indicates
a) Overexploitation c) Exploitation
b) Underexploitation d) None of these
27. Estimation of MSY by Schaefer model is
a) MSY = -a2/4b c) MSY= -a/2b
b) MSY = -a2/2b d) MSY= -a/4b
28. Plotting the natural logarithm of numbers against their respective age is called
a) Catch curve c) Growth curve
b) Catch scenario d) Yield curve
29. K is inversely proportional to
a) L∞ c) T (0C)
b) M d) t0
30. L∞ and K in Gulland and Holt are………..respectively.
a) –a/b and –b c) –ln b
b) –b and –a/b d) a/(1-b)
a) Mystus seenghala
b) Anabas testudineus
c) Wallago attu
d) Ctenopharyngodon idella
32. Which of the following is not a cat fish
a) Clarias batrachus
b) Ictaturus punctatus
c) Mystus seenghala
d) Lates calcarifer
33. Mud banks are formed along the coast of
a. Kerala
b. Orissa
c. Tamil Nadu
d. Karnataka
34. Heteropneustes fossilis is differentiated from Clarias batrachus is having
a. Gobindsagar
b. Indirasagar
c. Ukai
d. Hirakud
38. Polygonal marking present on walking and swimming leg’s of
a. Scylla tranquebarica
b. Scylla serrata
c. Portunus pelagicus
d. Portunus sanguinolentus
a. Chanos chanos
b. Lates calcarifer
c. Mahseer
d. Rainbow trout
40. Chara is a
a. Aquatic inset
c. Marginal weed
a. MEY
b. MSY
c. fmsy
d. Yield
42. As per the basic concept of logistic model, is the effort goes on increasing the
CPUE goes on
a. Decreasing
b. Increasing
c. Adding
d. Remaining same
43. For a virgin fish stock, the relationship of mortalities is, Z =
a. F+M
b. M
c. F-M
d. M2
44. Theoretically the perfect value of b in the length-weight relationship formula is
a. 2
b. 2.5
c. 3
d. 4
45. The analytical model requires sets of parameters
a. Four
b. Three
c. Two
d. Five
46. The shape of the trawl net selectivity curve is
a. Parabolic
b. Sigmoid
c. Bell shaped
d. Rhomboid
47. UNCLOS-I was held at Geneva in
a. 1950
b. 1952
c. 1958
d. 1960
48. The C.R.Z. notification was issued by the GOI in
a. 1989
b. 1991
c. 1992
d. 1985
49. The code of conduct for Responsible Fisheries was adopted by the FAO
Conference in
a. 1990
b. 1994
c. 1995
d. 1998
50. ICAR/GOI is celebrating a fish farmer’s day on
a. 11th May
b. 23rd September
c. 10th July
d. 10th August
51. The World Fisheries Day is observed on
a. 20th January
b. 21st November
c. 15th March
d. 10th July
52. The main difference between endoskeleton of bony and cartilaginous fishes is
a. Endoskeleton of Bony fishes is small
b. Endoskeleton of cartilaginous fishes is thick
c. It is ossified in cartilaginous fishes
d. It is ossified in bony fishes
53. Superior mouth in Catla catla is the adaptation for
55. Harpodan nehereus has restricted distribution along Indian coast found on
a. Kerala coast
b. Northwest & West Bengal
c. Tamil Nadu & Andaman
d. Andhra Pradesh only
56. Parastromateus niger belongs to family
a. Stromateidae
b. Clupeidae
c. Trichiuridae
d. Carangidae
57. Largest cephalopod in terms of length & weight is
a. Loligo duvanceli
b. Sepiella inermis
c. Sepia pharonis
d. Sepiotutheis lessoniana
58. Deep sea prawns belong to the family
a) Pandalidae
b) Penaeidae
c) Palaemonidae
d) Sergestidae
a) Auxis
b) Katsowanus
c) Thennus
d) Euthynus
60. Presence of Scutes on the lateral line is the characteristic of family
a) Carangidae
b) Sciaenidae
c) Polynemidae
d) Scombridae
61. Byssus gland is present in
a. Lamellidens marginalis
b. Mytilus viridis
c. Chaetoceros
d. Both a and b
62. Whale shark is
a) Oviparous
b) Viviparous
c) Ovoviviparous
d) None
c) 0 year only
d) 1 year only
68. The scientific name of skip jack tuna
a) Thunnus obesus
b) Katsuwonus pelamis
c) T. albacores
d) Auxis thazard
69. The scientific name spotted seer fish is
a) Scomberomorus commerson
b) S. guttatus
c) S. lineolatus
d) Acanthocybium solandri
70. The shape of the gill net selection curve is
a) Sigmoid shape
b) Bell shape
c) Ring shape
d) Both a & b
71. Batch of fish belong to same age group and same stock is
a) Recruit
b) Population
c) Cohort
d) Unit stock
72. Multistage stratified random sampling method is designed by
73. Beverton and Holt model is an example of
a) Holistic model
b) Analytical model
c) Prediction model
d) Both b & c
B. Fill in the blanks
102. ELEFAN I is used for estimation of …………parameters.
103. The sum of annual survival and mortality rate is ………..
104. The equation for exponential decay model is …………..
105. The input for surplus production model is time series ………..and ………..data.
55. Which of the following strategy can be used to get optimum price for fish and fishery
a. Quality of product b. Cooperative marketing
c. Diversity of markets and products d. All of the above
61. Which of the following is considered as first line extension system in India?
a. Extension system of ‘Ministry of Agriculture’.
b. ICAR institutions
c. Extension system of ‘Ministry of Rural Development’
d. Extension system of Voluntary Organizations.
62. Which one of the following hatchery model is most suitable in case water scarcity
a. Chinese circular hatchery
b. Hapa hatchery
c. Glass-jar hatchery
d. D- model hatchery
69. Which of the following lake of India has been formed by dissolution of substrata?
a. Sambhar lake
b. Dal lake
c. Kumaon lake
d. Nainital lake
73. Which one of the following is the site of formation of new oceanic lithosphere?
a. Continental slope b. Continental Rise
c. Med oceanic ridges d. Subduction zones
74. The amount of increase in pressure in the ocean as per increase in depth is around
a. 1 atm pressure increase as depth increases by 1 meter.
b. 1 atm pressure increase as depth increases by 10 meter
c. 1 atm pressure increase as depth increases by 50 meter
d. 1 atm pressure increase as depth increases by 100 meter
78. Fish Aggregating Devices (FAD) will be most suitable to use with
a. Purse seine b. Mid water trawling
c. Long line d. Traps
79. When one gene effects more than one trait; the phenomena is termed as
a. Epistasis b. Pleotropy c. Heterosis d. None
80. Which of the following instrument is used to handle large sized purse seines with
minimum man power?
a. Purse gallows b. Power block
c. Net brailer d. Skiff
81. Which of the following fish is found associated with thermocline layer?
a. Mackerel b. Tuna
c. Cat fishes d. Perches
82. The formula for mesh size (m) of a gill net in terms of modal length of fish (l) is
a. m = kl b. m = kl2 c. m = k/l d. m = k/l2
83. Which of the following is a highly selective fishing gear?
a. Purse seine b. Trawl net c. Entangling net d. Hooks and lines
84. Which of the following measures is the most fuel saving approach in case of trawling?
a. Use of knotless netting
b. Use of large meshes
c. Use of cambered otter boards
d. Use of multi-rig trawling
85. To prevent knot slippage which of the following process can be used?
a. Tanning b. Treatment with Copper sulphate
c. Tarring d. Heat treatment
87. Which of the following boat building material gives maximum strength to the vessel?
a. Wood b. Steel c. Aluminum d. Ferro cement
89. Which one of the following type of hull is most commonly used in fishing vessels?
a. Planing hull b. Displacement hull
c. Semi-displacement hull d. None
90. Which of the following group is an egg scatter laying non adhesive eggs?
a. Danio b. Rasbora c. Gold fish d. Angel
93. Most common method of gene transfer for transgenic fish production?
a. Electroporation b. Microinjection c. Use of retroviral vectors d. Lipofection
94. Atlantic blue fin tuna is scientifically called as
a. Thunnus orientalis b. T thynnus c. T tongol d. T albacarus
98. Which one of the following pelagic fishery for which landing increases fairly
a. Bombay Duck b. Indian Oil Sardine c. Indian Mackerel d. Hilsa
99. Which of the following navigation chart is a very small scale chart?
a. World chart b. Ocean chart
c. General chart d. Plain chart
101. Which of the following device is used to determine the ship’s speed?
a. Decca b. Gyrometer b. Log d. Loren
104. Hatching %age of fertilized carp eggs on an average in Chinese circular hatchery is
a. 45% b. 55 % c. 75 % d. 90 %
105. Which of the following structure can be used for flood control in fish ponds?
a. Monk b. Sluice c. Spillway d. Diversons
106. Which of the following measure of central tendency is particularly useful for age and
growth studies?
a. Mean b. Medium c. Mode d. none
107. Standard deviation of binomial distribution when p & q are the probabilities and n is the
total number of outcomes can be given as
a. np b. npq c. √(npq) d. (npq)2
115. Which of the following area is the main area for the farming of green mussel?
a. Tuticorin coast (Tamil Nadu)
b. Gulf of Kutch (Gujrat)
c. Bishakhapattanam coast (Andhra Pradesh)
d. Malabar Coast (Kerala)
116. Contribution of Mariculture to the total global aquaculture production (quantity wise) is
a. 62 % b. 36 % c. 8% d. Negligible
118. At low Phosphate content which of the following group of phytoplankton can be
expected to dominate in freshwater fish ponds?
a. Blue - green algae b. Diatoms c. Green algae d. None
119. Optimum level of primary productivity of a fish pond in terms of gmC/m 2/day is
a. < 0.5 b. 1 – 5 c. 50 - 100 d. >100
120. The relationship between stocking density and total fish production from a given area in
case of semi – intensive fish ponds can be generalized as
a. As stocking density increase, fish production always increases.
b. As stocking density increase, fish production always decreases.
c. As stocking density increase, fish production increases upto a level then decreases.
d. All of these may happen.
122. The color of ready to hatch eggs for giant freshwater prawn is
a. Transparent b. Light orange
c. Grey-black d. Light green
123. Which of the following appendages in freshwater prawn is mainly involved in circulating
water through gill chamber?
a. Chelipeds b. Pleopods c. Maxilipeds d. Maxilla
125. Which of the following has lateral line extended up to the tip of caudal fin?
a. Clupeidae b. Scianidae c. Centropomidae d. Cynoglosidae
127. Which one of the following is an Endangered freshwater fish and also a state fish of
Utter Pradesh?
a. Tor putitora b. Ompak bimaculatus c. Barilias bola d. Chetala chetala
129. Which of the following is a therapeutic agent obtained from shark skeleton?
a. Squalin b. Chondriotein sulphate c. Shagreen d. Calcium propionate
129. Which of the following technique is helpful in removing free fatty acids from fish body
a. Gravity settling b. Alkali refining
c. Winterisation d. Bleaching
143. Which of the following culture technique is contributing most to the total global
seaweed production?
a. Net culture b. Pond culture
b. Raft culture d. Long-line culture
144. Asian countries do not dominate in the production of which of the following cultured
a. Salmon b. White leg shrimp c. Cray fish d. Sea weeds
147. Which of the following bacteria is mostly responsible for mortalities in shrimp
a. Vibrio b. Aeromonas c. Pseudomonas d. Myxobacterium
Admission No.:
Each Question carries one mark. Negative attempt to each question will lead to
reduction of 0.25 marks.
A. Select the Most appropriate one from the multiple choice given
10. Which of the following shape of body indicates fast swimming fish
a. Compressiform b. Fusiform c. Depressiform d. Globiform
18. Which one of the following does not have teeth in the jaws
a. Glossogobius b. Channa c. Labeo d. None
19. The coastal region of India which is contributing highest landings of marine fish is
a. North-East b. South-east c. South-West d. North-west
21. Otoliths used in the determination of age of fish are seen be present in
a. Scale b. Ear c. Eye d. Snout
26. With which of the following compounds in solution will phenolphthalein give a pink
a. . H2 O b. H2SO4 c. NH4OH d. HCl
27. Which of the following is a self indicator.
a. Methyl red b. KMnO4 c. Phenol red d. Starch
28. Which of the following is the correct % of mineral matter present in the soil
a. 55 b.45 c.35 d.50
30. According to FAO, the fish meal considered as Fish proein concentrate containing
about 80% protein and 0.75% fat is
a. Type A b. Type B c. Type C d. None of these
32. The plastic material used for packaging of seafood for export having more moisture
barrier capacity is
a. PVC b. PET c. Polypropylene d. None
34. The optimum protein: Energy ratio in the diet of Indian Major carp is
a. 85-115 mg protein/Kcal b. 85-115 g protein/ Kcal
c. 85-115 mg protein/Cal d. 85-115 g protein/Cal
59. GnRH is
a. Decapeptide b. Octapeptide c.Hexapeptide d. Tetrapeptide
62. Gonadotropins are secreted from the pituitary gland in the region of
a. Proximal pars distalis b. Rostral pars distalis
c. Pars intermedia d. None
63. The stage of cell division in which the chromosomes are more clear and distinct is
a. Prophase b. Metaphase c. Anaphase d. Telophase
65. Which of the following organ is considered both as endocrine and exocrine gland
a. Gonad b. Liver c. Pancreas d. Pituitary
66. Gene responsible for fixation of nitrogen
a. Nit gene b. Nif gene c. N2 gene d. None
72. Which of the following amino acid can is synergistic with methionine
a. Cystine b. Tyrosin c. Phenylalanine d. tryptophan
73. The minimum time required in minute to destroy a given population of bacterial spore
at a specified temperature is
a. Thermal death time b. D value c. Z value d. None of the above
80. Epigonal organ and Leydig’s organs are specialized organs that are unique to
a. Bony fish b. Cartilaginous fish c. Jawless fish d. None
89. The water mass which cover all the ocean basin is called
a. AABW b. CPW c. NADW d. PDW
90. Thermohaline circulation is mainly associated with
a. Density difference b. Conductivity difference
c. Viscosity difference d. None of the above
101. North and South equatorial currents are separated by a narrow current flowing
eastward called
a. Equatorial countercurrent b. Polar countercurrent
c. Circumpolar current d. None of the above
102. Balance between the Coriolis and the pressure gradient force is called
a. Pressure gradient force b. Geostrophic force
c. Ekman transport d. Van-der wall force
110. If weight is represented as W and length as L then the condition factor will be
a. L/W3 b. W/L3 c. W – L3 d. L – W3
111. The von Bertalanffy equation expresses the length L
a. As a function of the age of the fish
b. As a function of the size of the fish
c. As a function of the growth of the fish
d. None of the above
120. ‘Nisin’ is a
a. Probiotic b. Antibiotic c. Bacteriosin d. Antimetabolites
121. Nitrosomonas is a
a. Strict anaerobe b. Strict aerobe c. Microaerophile d. None of the above
127. Which of the following is not the common measure of central tendency?
a) Mode b) Range c) Median d) Mean
129. Which of the following is used when you want to visually examine the relationship
between two quantitative variables?
a)Bar graph b)Line graph c)Pie Graph d)Scattered plot
130. Which of the following is not an example of non random sampling technique?
a) Purposive b) Quota c) Convenience d) Cluster
142. A genetic unit that codes for the amino acid sequence of a complete polypeptide
chain is most closely related to a
a. Recon b. Promoter c. Muton d. Cistron
146. Z-DNA is
a. Left handed DNA b. Right handed DNA
c. Both Right handed & Left handed d. None of the above
150. The landings of unicorn Cod, Bregamaceros mclellandi is restricted to the coast of
a. Maharastra b. Gujrat c. Tamil Nadu d. Orissa
a. Agnatha i. Amphiprion a-ii
b. Clown fish ii. Jawless b-i
c. Wallago attu iii. Transparent c-iv
d. Magur iv. yellow d-v
e. Anabas v. Green e-iii
a. Purified diet i. ZE
b. Kjeldahl apparatus ii. HeE
c. Basal metabolic rate iii. HiE
d. Gill excretion energy iv. Experimental purpose
e. Specific dynamic action v. Protein estimation
a. RUM i. Density difference
b. Cabbeling ii. Circular current movement
c Thermosphere iii. Petrolieum industry
d. Thermohaline iv. Change in Density
e. Gyres v. T-S diagram
f. Pycnocline vi. Discontinuity Layer
a. Radiolarians i. Iodine a-iii
b. Algae and sponges ii. Achantia sp b-i
c. Land snail iii. Silicates c-ii
d. Sea cow iv. Aplysia d-v
e. Sea hare v. Dungong e-iv
a. Rigor mortis i. Tintometer a-iv
b. Vitamin A ii. Torrymeter b-i
c. Spoliage iii. Naeuber c-ii
d. Survey iv. Mustroff d-v
e. Leucocytes v. Theodolite e-iii
a. Soybean meal i. Thiaminase a-ii
b. Raw fish ii. Trypsin inhibitor b-i
c. Rapeseed iii. Antipyridoxin c-v
d. Linseed iv. D-Coxmarol d-iii
e. Sweet clove v. Isothyocyanate e-iv
a. Deep scattering layer i. Harvey a-iv
b. LFSA ii. Gulland b-iii
c. MSY iii. Spare c-ii
d. Galveston system iv. Pathogram d-v
e. Blood circulation v. Cook & Morphy e-i
1. The target gene used for DNA Barcoding for identification of fish is
a)Cytochrome C Oxidase b) cDNA c) nuclear DNA d) none of these
2. Winter bag net fishery is a typical practice followed in
a) Godavari estuary b) Hooghly –Matlah estuary c) Mandovi estuary d) Mahanadi estuary
3. Chilka Lake has been removed from the Montraux Record due to its restored condition in the year
a) 2003 b) 2002 c) 2004 d) 2001
4. Which is the largest producer of Freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii among the following, around
the globe?
a) India b) Thailand c) Bangladesh d) Indonesia
5. The sampling design used for estimating marine fish landings in India is
a) Stratified Multistage Random Sampling b)Simple Random Sampling
c) Cluster Sampling d) Stratified Random Sampling
6. Which one is a type of fishing for Mahseer?
a) Fly fishing b) Spinning c) both a and b d) long lining
7. Successful attempt of introduction of eyed ova of Brown trout was made in
a) 1900 b) 1863 c) 1889 d) 1901
8. The scientific name of the Indian Trout is
a) Riamas bola b) Schizothoraichthys esocinus c) S.progastus d) S niger
9. Maximum number of floodplain wetlands in india found in which state
a) Assam b) west Bengal c) uttar Pradesh d) none of these
10. Scientific management of fisheries in floodplain wetlands can raise fish yield to( potential production level)
a) 1000 to 1500kg/ha/yr b) 100 to 150 kg/ha /yr c) 1000 kg/ha/yr d) 250 kg/ha/yr
11. The father of nanotechnology in the world
a) Feynman b) Watson c) Johanesson d) Kohler
12. The united Nations has declared “The best food for tomorrow” is
a) Spirulina b) Seaweeds c) both a and b c) marine fish
13. Pro-phenol oxidase (Pro-po) enzyme, which plays a key role in the defense reactions of crustaceans. pro-po stored
in granular haemocytes, which is present in
a) Haemolymph of crustaceans b) hepato pancrease c) haemocoel d) both a and b
14. Mudbanks or charaka are special features of
a) Quilone b) Cunnanore c) both a and b d) Vizhizam
15. The stocking density of Penaeus vannamai in the intensive culture system developed by the Oceanic institute,
USA was
a) 100 shrimp seeds /m2 b) 1000 seeds/m2 c) 60 seeds /m2 d) 50 seeds/ m2
16. Operculum gill cover absent in
a) Chimaera b) elasmobranch c) both a and b d) none
17. Longest gill rakers present in
a) first gill arch b) second gill arch c) last gill arch d) both a and b
18. Indole is used as a quality index in
a) shrimp b) squid c) fish d) none
19. Blood of the freshly caught fish has bright red colour due to the presence of
a) Oxyhaemoglobin b) Haemoglobin c) Myoglobin d) Methemoglobin
20. The present production level in the beels is
a) 1000- 1500 kg/ha/yr b) 100-150 kg/ha/yr c) 200 kg/ha/yr d) 500 kg/ha/yr
21. The hard part otolith is present in the
a) head region of fish b) otic capsule c) saccule capsule
22. The oceanic squid is called the Master of the Arabian Sea
a) Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis b) Loligo duvaucelli c) Sepiella inermis d) none
23. The River Ganga is known as---------------- in Bangladesh
a) Padma b) Bhagirathi c) Ganges d) none
24. The Potential Fishing Zone information in the form of maps is generated using
a) sea surface temperature b) sea salinity c) chlorophyll data d) none
25. ATIC Centres are opretaing in the following fisheries research institutes
a) CIFE b) CIFA c) CIFT d) both b and c
26. Total number of ATIC Centres operating in India
a) 40 b) 41 c) 42 d) 44
27. The Rural Aquaculture Project was launched by the International Development Research Centre in India in the
a) 1974 b) 1975 c) 1976 d) 1973
28. There are total ……….. numbers of KVKs in India distributed in 8 different zones
a) 556 b) 591 c) 595 d) 602
29. The SILO Feed was developed by the CIFT and CMFRI under NAIP and has been used fo r feeding trouts was
developed from the waste generated during processin of which fish/shellfish
a) Tuna b) Mackerel c) Shrimps d) none
30. CIFAMA is a larval feed developed at CIFA for the young ones of which fish
a) Carps b) freshwater prawn c) Magur d) jayanthi rohu
31. The first transgenic fish was done in India in
a) Zebra fish in 1990 b) Zebra fish in 1991 c) Zebra fish in 1992 d) none
32. In crab fattening , the water crabs ( freshly moulted crabs) are reared for a period of
a) 3 to 4 weeks b) 2 weeks c) 5 weeks d) both a and b
33. The top producing of seaweeds producing in the world
a) Brown seaweeds b) red seaweeds c) green seaweeds
34. The first state to impose Fisheries Act in India
a) Kerala b) Maharashtra c) Tamil nadu d) Punjab
35. The first State to form Pollution Control Board in India
a) Maharashtra b) West Bengal c) UP d) Bihar
36. It is used in large purse seiners to take the catch from bunt to the deck
a) Brailers b) Fish pump c) Net chute d) Ring needle
37. Indian fisheries contribution to the total GDP of the country is
a) 1% b) 1.5% c) !.2% d) 1.10 %
38. The contribution of the West Coast of India to the total marine fisheries production is
a) 70.2% b) 57% c) 80% d) none
39. The fish yield from the small reservoirs has been about
a) 11-12 kg/ha b) 50 kg/ha c) 75 kg/ha d) 35 kg/ha
40. The total available area of ponds and tanks for freshwater aquaculture in India is
a) 2.36 mha b) 2.45 mha c) 2.48 mha d) 2.5 mha
41. The average productivity of freshwater prawn in India is
a) 990 kg/ha/yr b) 900 kg/ha/yr c) 750 kg/ha/yr d) none
42. The national mean pond productivity in India is about
a) 2.2 t/ha/yr b)2.4t/ha/yr c) 2.0 t/ha/yr d) 2.1t/ha/yr
43. In the world , the number of fish species accounts upto
a) 30,700 b) 24,000 c) 22,000 d) 29,000
44. The name “ nutrient trap” is the synonym for
a) lagoon b) estuary c) lake d) reservoir
45. The temperature ( in degree Celsius) range of the upland coldwater ranges between
a) 0 to 20 b) 10 to 14 c) 14 to 18 d) 10 to 12
46. The average yield from estuaries is about
a) 45- 75 kg/ha b) 50 kg/ha c) 40 kg/ha d) none
47. The per capita fish consumption in the world is
a) 17.2 kg b) 16.5 kg c) 15.7 kg d) 11 kg
48. The largest turtle species found in Indian water is
a) 1)Olive Ridley Turtle b) Green turtle c) Loggerhead turtle d) hawksbill turtle
49. Bhitarkanika and Gahirmatha Sanctuary of Orissa is known as related to
a) turtles b) mangroves c) seaweeds d) none
50. The maxillepedes ( the 1st and 2nd ) in prawn help in the functioning of
a) grinding food b) respiration c) locomotion d) none
51.The Ganga Action Plan was initiated by the Govt of India in
a) 1985 b) 1993 c) 1995 d) none
52. The size of a 3 day old spawn is
a) 8 mm b) 5- 6 mm c) 4-6 mm d) 10mm
53. Mahua oil cake containing saponin (4-5%) attacks fish by
a) asphysiation b) haemolysis of red blood cells c) attacking the respiratory system d) none
54. The average water depth preferred for nursery pond is
a) 1 m b) 1- 1.5m c) 2m d) 0.5m
55. The fecundity of Magur is……………………… eggs/gram of ovary weight
a) 400 – 500 b) 300 – 400 c) 200- 300 d) none
56. The CMFRI has successfully demonstrated the breeding of Cobia in the year
a) 2009 b) 2010 c) 2011 d) 2012
57. The total number of marine National Parks In India
a) 6 b) 5 c) 4 d) 8
58. In general, the distance upto which is reserved for operation by artesanal fishing vessel in India is
a) 5km b) 9 km c) 10 km d) 5-10 km
59. For IQF ( Individually Quick Frozen) products , the commonly used freezers are
a) Spiral Freezers b) Fluidized Bed Freezers c) both a and b d) Air Blast Freezer
60. One Gray equals to
a) 100 rads b) 1000 rads c) 100 ergs d) 100 ergs
61. The traditional surimi based product in the form of fried fish paste is
a) hampen b) satsumage c) chikuwa d) kamaboko
62. The total number of Fisheries colleges in India
a) 18 b) 19 c) 16 d) 17
63. IMVIC test is used for the estimation of
a) E. coli b) Salmonella c) streptococcus d) none
64. The WTO enquiry point in India as designated by the Govt Of India is
a) EIA b) BIS c) MPEDA d) ISO
65. The New Deep Sea Fishing Policy was announced By the Govt of India in
a) 2000 b) 1990 c) 2004 d) 1991
66. The single letter Flag used in shooting the trawl net
a) Z b) G c) O d)M
67. The Otter boards are connected at which part
a) sweep line b) kelley’s eye c) G link d) none
68. Which trawling is banned in India
a) Pair trawling b) stern trawling c) side trawling d) none
69. Suberkrub Design of otter board is most suitable for
a) bottom trawling b) mid water trawling c) both a and b d) doble rig trawling
70. India became a contracting party to the Ramsar Convention for Wetlands in the year
a) 1972 b) 1982 c) 1992 d) 1981
71. The first Agricultural University was established in the year
a) 1956 b) 1950 c) 1960 d) 1961
72. Which one is a rabbitfish
a) Siganus rivulatus b) Leuresthes tenuis c) Labroides dimidiatus d) none
73. The Chromosomes were first observed in the plant cells by
a) Karl Wilhelm von Nageli b) Walther Flemming c) Bateson d) none
74. The karyotype is used to the group of characteristics that identifies a particular chromosome set which is
represented by a graph called
a) Karyogram b) idiogram c) karypgraph d) none
75. The phenotypic ratio for a dominant epistasis is
a) 15:1 b) 12:3:1 c) 9:3:3:1 d) none
76. The basic criteria for selection of a good site should be
a) Maximum production b) minimum cost
c) provides optimum condition for growth of the species selected d) all
77. In selecting a site at coastal region, the minimum distance required between the creek and the outer dike of the
farm should be
a) 50 m b) 500m c) 100 m d) 200 m
78. The minimum free board required for a well compacted periphery dike is
a) 0.60 m b) 0.50 m c) 1.0 m d) none
79. Excavated ponds are sometimes called
a) embankment ponds b) levee ponds c) watershed ponds d) none
80. For an ideal rectangular pond, the ideal ratio of length to breadth should be
a) 1.5 :1 b) 1.5 : 2 c) 1.5:1 to 2:1 d) 1.5:2 to 2:1
81. For cat fish culture , the depth of the pond should be in the range
a) 0.9 to 1.5 m b) 0.5 to 0.9 m c) 0.5 to 1m d) 1 to 1.5 m
82. The spawning pool in an eco carp hatchery can be stocked with 70 kg males and 70 kg females , thus producing in
one operation about
a) 8 – 10 million eggs b) 6-7 milllion eggs c) 20 million eggs d) none
83. The average pH of the blood of fish and other vertebrates is
a) 7.0 b) 7.2 c) 7.4 d) 7.8
84. The total major fishing areas in the world including both inland and marine
a) 26 b) 27 c) 28 d) 19
85. The global fishing fleet ( fishing vessels) in number is around
a) 3.6 million b) 4.3 million c) 4.8 million d) none
86. The most productive marine fishing region in the world is
a) North west Atlantic b) Northeast Atlantic c) Northwest Pacific d) Northeast Pacific
87. In the total pelagic marine fish landings, the largest contribution comes from
a) Indian mackerel b) Indian Oil sardine c) Bombay duck d) Ribbonfishes
88. In the demersal marine landings of fish, the major share comes from
a) Perches b) Croakers c) Elasmobranchs d)Catfishes
89. Among the crustaceans, the group whose landings are most is
a) Non Penaeid shrimps b) Penaeid shrimps c) Crabs d) Stomatopods
90. Among the molluscan groups, the largest share of landings come from
a) Squids b) cuttle fishes c) bivalves d) loligo
91. The maximum production of elasmobranchs come from
a) Kerala b) Tamil nadu c) Gujarat d) Maharashtra
92. The inputs of Holistic models ( surplus production models and swept area method) of stock assessment
a) catch b) effort c) mortality d) both a and b
93. In India the first large scale commercial cultivation of seaweeds has been embarked by
a) Pepsi Foods Ltd. b) Godrej c) Tata Company d)both a and b
94. Heparin is an extract from
a) seaweed b) corals c) anemone d) none
95. The stratified multistage random sampling for estimation of marine fish landings in fisheries in India is developed by
a) P.V. Sukhatme b) S.K. Banerji c) A.G. Menon d) Ayyappan
96. The total number of marine fishing villages in India
a) 3000 b) 3202 c) 3602 d) 3400
97. When a species is known only to survive in cultivation, in captivity or as a naturalized population well outside the
past range
a) Extinct b) Extinct in the wild c) Rare d) none
98. The concept of stock improvement through sea ranching was first adopted during 1880 by
a) United states of America b) Norway c) Auatralia d) both a and b
99. The production capacity of shrimp seeds in the coastal states of India
a) 14 billion /yr b) 11 billion /yr c) 12 billion/yr d) none
100. The symptoms for dropsy disease in fish
a) swollen eyes, swollen abdomen c) swollen abdomen, erected scale
b) swollen abdomen d)white clumps