Listening places. 1 1.09 Listen to the conversation between Mia 7 Your ankle isn’t broken. You’ve s____________ it. and James about phobias. Then answer the 8 Be careful with those scissors, or you’ll questions. Write full sentences. (10 marks) c____________ yourself! 1 What is Mia scared of? Why? 9 If you touch the dog, it will b____________ you! __________________________________________ 10 After she tried to put out the fire, she had a nasty 2 Why did Mia get on a plane? b____________ on her hand. __________________________________________ 11 Help! This girl has i____________ herself. 3 What is James scared of? Why? __________________________________________ Language focus 4 Where has James seen these animals? 4 Rewrite the sentences using modifiers. (8 marks) __________________________________________ quite very really not at all not very 5 Why can’t James travel to hot countries? He’s keen on art. () He’s very keen on art. __________________________________________ 1 Our last exam was easy. () __________________________________________ Vocabulary 2 The book was scary. () 2 Complete the sentences. Write adjectives or __________________________________________ prepositions. (9 marks) 3 This programme is interesting. () 1 My sister is really stressed out ___________ her __________________________________________ driving test. She thinks she’s going to fail! 4 Hurry! You’re late for school. () 2 He’s really good ___________ cycling. __________________________________________ 3 I’m really ___________ of spiders. They’re 5 Complete the sentences with the present perfect terrifying! form of the verbs in the box. There are two verbs 4 We’re worried ___________ the exams tomorrow. you do not need. (12 marks) 5 Omar is really enthusiastic ___________ surfing. eat fall do play see speak swim visit 6 I’m really ___________ at maths. I got 19% in my maths exam! 1 I _________________ that film. It’s great! 7 Yasmin isn’t very fond ___________ Italian food. 2 We _________________ lunch at that café before. 8 I’m not very happy ___________ the weather. It 3 Tim _________________ football for years. looks quite cloudy. 4 I _________________ in the sea. 9 Joy is really ___________ in art. She loves going 5 Help! I _________________ off my bike. to the gallery. 6 Beth ____________________ her homework. 6 Write negative sentences using the present 3 Complete the sentences using injury verbs, past perfect form of suitable verbs. (10 marks) participles or nouns. (11 marks) we / lunch We haven’t had lunch. 1 Don’t b____________ your hand on the hot stove! 1 they / their homework 2 They’ve stopped the match because one of the __________________________________________ players has an i____________. 2 I / that book 3 Those mosquitoes have b____________ me! __________________________________________ 4 She’s c____________ her hand with a sharp knife. 3 Leon / any TV programmes this week 5 I fell and got a blue b____________ on my leg. __________________________________________ Unit 8 test ENJOYING THE THRILL 4 you / the rubbish out Most people want a safe, peaceful job, but not __________________________________________ Simon Addlington. Simon is a stuntman for films. 5 Charlotte / to France He does all the dangerous things that the main __________________________________________ actors don’t want to do. So he’s jumped off a moving train, and he’s driven a car into a deep 7 Write questions using the present perfect. Then river. He’s also run into burning buildings and write true short answers. (10 marks) swum in the sea with sharks. But Simon doesn’t you / ever / your leg (break) feel scared like normal people. ‘I don’t really get scared,’ he says. ‘I just get very excited when I’m Have you ever broken your leg? No, I haven’t. going to do something dangerous. I love that 1 your parents / a new car / this year (buy) feeling. But I’m also quite careful. I think about _________________________________________ ? each job carefully before I do it, and I don’t take unnecessary risks.’ _____________________. 2 you / in the sea (swim) Simon’s had a lot of injuries. He’s broken one of his legs, and he’s sprained his shoulder four _________________________________________ ? times. He’s also burnt his arms twice. This first _____________________. happened when he ran into a burning building for a James Bond film – and again when they 3 your best friend / ever / in another country (live) made the sequel! But he doesn’t mind the injuries _________________________________________ ? because he loves his job. ‘It’s much more _____________________. interesting than working in an office!’ he says. 4 you / ever / a competition (win) _________________________________________ ? Communication _____________________. 9 Choose the correct words. (10 marks) 5 it / this week (rain) A (1) __________ you OK, Liam? _________________________________________ ? B No, I’m (2) __________. _____________________ . A What’s (3) __________? B I’ve sprained my wrist. Reading A How did that (4) __________? 8 Read the text on the right. Then answer the B I fell while I was cycling. questions. Write full sentences. (10 marks) A Maybe you (5) _________ to see a nurse. 1 What is a stuntman? __________________________________________ Writing 2 What dangerous activity has Simon done with 10 Look at the information. Then write an email to a wild animals? friend describing an accident. Use the ideas to help you. Remember to use suitable opening __________________________________________ and closing expressions, and include at least 3 How does Simon usually feel when he’s doing a one example of so and because. Write about 80– stunt? 100 words. (10 marks) __________________________________________ driving home from work – saw dog in road – dad 4 What has Simon done twice? drove car into a tree! – hurt his hand –– a lorry __________________________________________ driver stopped – drove him to hospital 5 What does Simon think about office work? Now: dad home – hand better, but garage still haven’t repaired car – we’re walking lots! __________________________________________
Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40
Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Evonaj mat' ves' noс television karaulil - His mother watched TV all night long. On the loss of gender as a grammatical category in Alaskan Russian - Daly 1986